#so. some positives in all the utter crap of this situation.
orcelito · 7 months
Got my phone on my own account, so I am Officially independent of my father (in terms of stuff I pay every month)
Also now know what I'm gonna get from life insurance and. Well. It really is a life changing amount of money. Enough that I could potentially just... not work as I make my way through the rest of school.
I want to be careful with it, not grow too flippant about it, but with proper allocation, this could genuinely help me finally get my life on track.
I'm still kinda reeling over it. It's genuinely mind-boggling.
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qlossytbh · 6 months
𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐲 - 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐮!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 after a long day working on a specific murder case, all you want is to do was fall asleep, next to your boyfriend.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 fluff fluff and more fluff, established relationship, fem reader, brief mention of insecurity (spencer’s side), general cm content
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 2.4k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 started criminals minds and i fear this man is gonna push me down a rabbit hole. inspired on season 4 spence
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Longs days at work were usually your favorite— unless they induced an unhealthy amount of stress on you.
Unfortunately, today had been one of those days. To start off, Hotch called you in earlier, around six in the morning, due to an emergency statement issue he needed you to put together regarding your recent Unsub. You spent all day talking to witnesses, finally being able to establish a profile for the specific serial killer the BAU was hunting down.
You were utterly exhausted. You hadn't been sleeping entirely well, being kept up by nightmares regarding the current case and since it had been an eventful day, not only were you physically tired but mentally as well. Talking about woman getting raped and murdered and left in the middle of the streets wasn’t the most soul-fueling aspect of your job.
Your body begged for a nap— So did your brain.
The Unsub was attacking woman throughout the city of New York, so the BAU team opted on staying situated at some random hotel for the remaining of the week in order to get advances on the case. The end of your shift was intended to be around seven thirty, but Hotch once again asked you to stay behind and help Prentiss and Morgan with a few files. Being the person and colleague you were, you agreed without protest.
As another crack in your neck echoed throughout your head, you began questioning if your job was actually paying you enough.
Those extra two hours felt even longer with the never ending teasing of Morgan, whom to you resembled very close the figure of a brother. Irrevocably, excruciatingly annoying, but someone you cared for deeply.
Except for right now.
It was now ten. It was dark outside as you practically dragged yourself into the hotel lobby with Morgan and Prentiss tagging along much more actively, chatting endlessly about some irrelevant topic your head couldnt entirely latch onto. The heels of your feet were pulsating and you desperately needed to close your eyes. Your back felt terribly cramped due to being hunched over for so long at your desk so it came to no one’s surprise when you grimaced as you put a hand on your lower-back.
"Back problems?” Morgan dared, voice coming dangerously close to a tease. “At your age?"
You glared back at him, sending warning signs through your piercing gaze that he should be very careful with where he stepped.
"No,” Your voice was clenched. “These stupid hotel mattresses are utter crap and I was in some weird position last night."
“What kind of positions?” Emily eyed you from the side. You looked over at her, thinking you may of heard some suggestiveness laced in her tone. You caught a familiar evil glint in her eyes and realization dawned upon you, realizing what she had meant.
Your cheeks buzzed with heat as you jumped to your own defense. “Sleeping positions!”
You cringed internally, feeling mortified and annoyed and— tired. The two of them clearly had enough hours of sleep the night before to be in a cheery enough mood to tease you.
“I’m too tired to deal with the two of you,”
"Looks like someone's past their bedtime" Derek remarked while patting your head. You scowled, swatted his hand away urgently.
"I'm not gonna even fight you on that since all I want to do right now is sleep and not hear you guys make fun of me,” Emily checked her watch and elbowed Derek’s side.
"We should probably go get some rest too," She stated, finally putting you out of your misery. She jerked her chin in the opposite direction of the lobby, which was where her and Morgan’s rooms were.
There had been some sort of room distribution problem upon arrival, leaving half of the team on the left side of the building and the others on the right.
"You need me to walk you to your room?" Morgan asked without any teasing in sight, like he was genuinely concerned.
"I think I can make it to the second floor," You shrugged. "But thanks tough guy. Reid’s probably still up waiting for me."
Emily made a face before they nodded to themselves and with one final goodbye, headed off to their respective rooms in the other direction. You turned and made your way to the elevator, body heavy with sleep. Once inside, you closed your eyes and sighed heavily, leaning against the wall behind you with a thud. Your head was pounding and your legs desperately begged you to stop moving them.
The elevator came to a stop and you pushed yourself off the wall, waiting for it to open. Once it did, the eerie setting of the empty hallways settled in. You swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling fear trickling throughout your spine. It wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling. Your job was bound to leave you with an unsettling feeling of being alone, but you weren't going to ever live down letting Morgan walk you to your room.
You hastily made your way to the door of the hotel room you shared with Spencer, slipping the keycard out your back pocket and opening the door.
Once inside, you slid off the heavy coat that hung on your shoulders and slipped it on the rack near the door. You heard the sheets shuffling in the room with a bit of urgency.
"It’s me Spence," You reassured, walking into the hallway and leaning against the wall that led towards the room.
You took in the sight in front of you and smiled happily. Satisfaction tan deep within you, knowing only you had the pleasure of seeing Spencer like this. So casually relaxed
His back was propped up against the headboard, hairs flying across his forehead showing the contrast between his usual somewhat tamed hair. He had his glasses perched upon the bridge of his nose and a book he had decided to read in his hand. Your smile was tired when he looked over at you, setting his book down.
"Hey," He started, smiling amiably. There was a familiar glow in his gaze that usually lit up when he looked at you. You sucked in a breath through your nose.
“It’s late,” He said, almost as if coming to the realization of how late you had actually come back.
"Me, Prentiss and Morgan were at those files longer than expected— I'm exhausted." He patted the spot next to him.
"Then come sleep," You pushed yourself off the wall.
"I will, let me change and I'll be right with you,"
You turned grabbing your shorts and long sleeved shirt you usually slept in on the way to the bathroom. Some would debate the actual benefits of sleeping in shorts in New York winter were zero to none. Spencer had done so the first night you arrived, giving you all the reasons it wasn't beneficial and how likely you were to catch a cold. But long pants made you fidgety and caged. You hated how it felt to turn around in bed a few times and already feel the fabric getting twisted and stuck around your legs.
Besides, Spencers body temperature radiated enough heat to keep you warm, which was another beneficial reason of wearing shorts to sleep. Why avoid the cold when you had your very own personal human heater?
You looked at yourself in the mirror, failing to avoid the bags that were beginning to appear beneath your eyes. You promptly slipped off your turtleneck, sweater and jeans and put on your sleeping clothes. Once done, you left the bathroom, turning off the lights and closing the door behind you.
You reached up, pulling at the hair tie and freeing your hair from its low bun. Wordlessly, you made it to Spencers side of the bed and he innately threw the duvet cover backwards, allowing you enough space to climb in and rest yourself soundly between his legs, resting your head against his chest.
The silence that surrounded the two of you was enough to put you to sleep in that very moment. The comfortable surface of his solid chest was cozier than any mattress— even though you always unconsciously hoped you weren’t squishing him.
Spencer tossed his book onto the nightstand, slipping his glasses off his face as he quickly turned his attention to you. You placed your palms flat against his chest and rested your chin above them, allowing yourself to look up at him with a tired smile.
"Hi." You said. He reached over, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and smiling down at you with his familiar infamous dopey smile.
"Hi," He answered back, smile growing wider. "You look pretty,"
"Don't even," You groaned, not believing a single word that came from him. "You were so lucky Hotch didn't call you in after hours— or before.”
“I’m getting the sense that you’re angry with me,” There wasn’t an ounce of malice in his voice, facetiously regarding your angry look.
“I’m not angry, i’m jealous.” You explain, pouting your lips at him. “You have no idea how jealous I am of the fact that you've been lying in bed since eight,"
Although joking around, you didn’t fail to notice the traces of empathy lingering beneath his gaze. There wasn’t anything Spencer hated more than knowing you were exhausted. He let his hand linger around your face, tracing patterns on your jaw while you looked up at him with big tired eyes. "Jealous of me? Being able to lay in these mattresses?"
You let out a laugh. "How many of your muscles are cramped after last night?”
“Because of sleep or…?” He trailed, pursing his lips in thought. You groaned, placing your palm across his face to either smother him or prevent him from seeing how flustered you got. You were usually the one making vilgar jokes. It sat differently when Spencer did it, it made you more nervous.
“You’re so stupid,” He laughed underneath your palm and muttered out.
“Don’t ‘actually’ me,”
Spencer’s teasing, even in your state of utter exhaustion, didn’t leave you cranky or annoyed. It never did, It always did the opposite. You became all mushy and soft when it came to Spencer and every gesture was laced in nothing more than absolute adoration.
He grew quiet as he let his thumb linger across your cheek, realizing the joke had died down. He gazed your face so lovingly, it almost hurt. You closed your eyes and basked in the comfort of his gaze.
You and Spencer had been dating for over a year now. The two of you met when you became part of the BAU not long after he had started. Your proximity in age had been the initial reason for a friendship, but then it started shifting into something beyond that and before you knew it, you started seeing him outside of work, weekends… The majority of your time was spent beside him.
You still recalled with humor how it took a while for him to make a move. It didn't take long for him to become your friend, not at all. But the second the two of you realized things were moving beyond a friendship, he forgot any notion of how to operate like a normal human being. You had found it extremely endearing realizing how much of an effect you had on him— you still did.
Slowly falling in love with each other was probably one of the most cathartic events of one another’s lives because it distinguished such a firm before and after.
Working in the FBI had always felt so loud and caotic, but ever since Spencer, the world became a little more quiet and a little less stressful.
Spencer leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your lips, savoring any and every second he could with you. You sighed happily into the kiss, realizing how all your muscles began melting into his touch.
You pulled away, pecking his lips two more times just for desperate measures.
"I missed you." He hummed, placing a small peck to your forehead before allowing his hands to travel down the side of your ribcage and onto your back.
You crooned lowly, letting your eyes flutter close as you let him trace small patterns onto your back with his fingertips. Your body erupted in a string of goosebumps, feeling nothing but overwhelming pleasure seep into every muscle and joint in your body. The jolts of electricity seeped through your spine. It made your heart flutter and swell, feeling how light his fingers danced across your skin and how gentle he was with you.
It had taken a lot for Spencer to open up to physical touch, so that being said, all these small gestures from him were all the more special.
You knew there was a side of him that loved being connected to you through any sort of physical contact, wether it be holding his hands, a kiss on the cheek, linking your arms together, saying hi in the morning with a hug or a soft peck. His insecurities in the beginning of the relationship prevented him from letting that side show.
With time and patience, and lots of reassurance on your side, physical contact with you began nearly as necessary as breathing to Spencer.
Spencer always enjoyed giving you back scratches. He loved how your body immediately fell into his when he dragged his fingers along your back. Like he could physically see the knots of stress unfold. He sometimes grabbed your arm to himself and traced patterns across while you were watching movies or when you woke up.
There won’t be a day he forgets to greet you at your desk before heading to his own, despite always trying to avoid being seen by Morgan, who’d typically tease him endlessly.
Nevertheless, he’d still always bend over your slouched position at your desk chair in the morning and say hi. He’ll let his hand linger on your back and trace repetitive circles. Even if it was just thirty seconds, your body responded incredibly well to his soft touches.
Spencer was extremely good at reading you, and he responded to your needs in a way no one else had ever managed. Seeing just how close to collapsing you had been when you got to the room, he desperately wanted to draw circles onto your back until you fell asleep.
And god, were his back scratches just what you needed.
Right now, with his hands trailing around your tired body and aching back, you could practically hear yourself purring. His hand travelled along your shirt, reaching the hem and peeking his hand underneath it in order to feel the smoothness of your skin— that and knowing you loved it even more.
When he felt your body deflate he chuckled softly to himself. You mumbled quietly, sighing contently. “Hmm,”
"Did you know that when someone cratches your back, your brain releases Serotonin?" He started. You looked up at him with a sleep induced smile as his hand continued traveling along your back.
"No, I did not."
"It's a neurotransmitter that promotes positive feelings. Our skin is abundant with sensory receptors which are called mechanoreceptors. When stimulated, specifically by human touch, they send signals to the brain which triggers pleasurable sensations. It's kind of like a light therapeutic touch, some people even call it scratch therapy." His hands traveled mindlessly, along with his words down at you.
"Its primary purpose is to enhance one's mood for the better since it mainly releases endorphins and serotonin, hormones that tend to fight off cortisol. It's also said to relieve muscle tension, since the repetitive motion stimulates the natural release of these mood-boosting hormones. Your muscles respond and alleviate all the discomfort and stiffness on their own."
"Most importantly, it mimics gestures of affection and care. This specific type of touch motivates a sense of connection which can foster trust and bonding. Most people turn to this form of therapy because of how soothing the sensation can be both mentally and physically." He expounded as you watched him with nothing more than complete awe.
Spencer rambling about anything and every topic you could bring up was your favorite thing about him,— other than his smile.
Unlike many people who knew him, you actually listened and soaked up every single word he said. Hell, you learned more with him in the past year than the first five years of your adulthood.
"So thats why you always scratch my back, huh?" You pointed a finger at him and he smiled.
"That and because I love you,"
"I love you— And when you go all wikipedia on me," You kissed the corner of his jaw and positioned yourself sound against his chest. One of his arms held you against his chest while the other continued its repetitive patters. "Don't you dare stop with this scratch therapy stuff, I was just starting to feel sleepy,”
He kissed the crown of your head as you rested . "Wasn’t planning on it.”
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lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years
⚠️tw: dubcon-noncon, cockwarming
No problem I can wait💕, here is the request
Let's imagine aegon is tall lmao😭😭 so he has this girlfriend who is smaller than him and when they have sex she hurts and he most of the time goes crazy how his cock sticks out on her stomach so he doesn't really listen to her and always leaves marks or bruises all over her body however she likes it and really enjoys it and he loves the cock warming, but once they are done he always takes care of her<3
listen, I will die by the hill that TGC is a REASONABLE HEIGHT. he's taller than me so I'll take him <3 but this was very hot to think about and even hotter to write about!!! 🥵
apologies if this is crap nonnie, I always feel like my smut writing is literal shit !!!!
PAIRING: Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,422.
WARNINGS: nsfw, dubcon non-con, size kink, p in v sexual intercourse, cock-warming, mentions of bruises, swearing.
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It was a no brainer that the size difference between Aegon and yourself would have its 'consequences'. It was blatantly obvious. Aegon from a young age was considered a larger boy, much taller than the average boy, he was twice the size than his younger brothers, and it would always remain that way. Your petite self did not help the situation either...
Many ladies in the court wondered and worried that if you were to fall with child, by the grace of the Gods, it would be an unbearable experience for you, potentially even life-threatening. Aegon reassured you multiple times, that it was an over exaggeration.
"If my mother could do it at such a young age in her maiden days, I'm sure you'll be just fine, Y/N, I'll make sure of it."
Nonetheless, the sex itself, was unreal...
No matter how often Aegon would pathetically try to ease himself into you, it was no use. It would hurt regardless: his cock was quite thick, along with its just above average length, it was a pleasurable pain only he could provoke. This along with his eagerness to always fuck you senseless, went hand in hand. You often would have to repeatedly remind Aegon in the beginning to take it easy on you, pace himself, as his height and bulky mass would tower over you.
Whether it was in bed or up against a cold, sandstone pillar, Aegon would make it possible to fuck you anywhere. He was a strategist when it came to sex, making it work, no matter the environment or situation.
If he had to have you, he’d have you.
Most of the time, he’d impatiently sought you out in a some isolated corridor or hallway, if you were not already present in the confinement of your shared bedroom. Pinning your smaller frame between a solid wall and himself, his arms would cradle you from beneath your thighs, lifting you off the ground, tip toed, barely reaching the ground, as he positioned himself between your legs, spreading your thighs wide enough for him to get comfortable.
"Aegon, baby, be gentle with me-" You'd bashfully whimper in the beginning, as the tip of his cock would teasingly stroke your entrance, slowly working its way into your tender folds. He’d always have a sly smirk on his face, feeling his smile against the crook of your neck or on your lips as he kissed you longingly.
You were a broke record, often having to remind Aegon again during the act itself, only this time, with all the might and energy you could muster.
“A-Aegon- please ba-baby. Just give me a-a minute-” You’d breathlessly utter, small tears swelling in your eyes as they naturally fell down your flushed, red cheek. It was an uncontrollable response, and one that Aegon would not realise until the deed was done. Whether Aegon blissfully ignored your pleas or simply did not hear you in between his deep moans and groans, he was a man lost in the moment. Sometimes, you felt it even encouraged him to push your body further, testing exactly how far his limits with you could be…
The deeper he'd try to plunge himself into you, his fast-paced thrusts growing sloppier and slower, as Aegon attempted to shove himself deeper, each push sent an aching jolt to coarse through your body, it felt electrifying. The way your tight, dripping walls would try desperately to accomodate for his size, your hips gradually bucking forward, as your back gracefully arched against the wall. Your arms would be strapped over his broad shoulders tightly, clinging for support, as your nails dug deep into his soft, fair skin. Leaving a chaotic trail of red marks strewed across his back. Your entire body would work overtime for Aegon. Feeling his cock throbbing inside of you, pulsating against your folds, as his tip would stroke your cervix was invigorating.
At times as you intrigued yourself to take a peak down, your sweat beaded forehead resting against Aegon’s heaving, sweaty chest. You could’ve sworn a fair few times, you could see an actual bulge protruding in the low pit of your stomach, as his cock remained heavily buried inside of you. Although, it could have been the rush of adrenaline playing with your mind.
“Fuck Y/N, always struggling to take me princess. Look at you trying so hard to. Is my cock too much for you, baby?”
“Am I too big for you, baby?”
He knew how to shut you up, too. His plump, soft lips moist having licked them so often as he thought about all the things he’d do, on his way to find you.
“Fuck baby, you’re doing so well. You feel so fucking good.”
Even more so, although Aegon constantly made it known that he had no intention of hurting you, he’d often at times, lose himself. As he worked himself into a euphoric climax, he was oblivious to his own strength against you. His strong grip on the curves of your waist would grow firmer, feeling your walls clench even more to his fat cock. Your warm, hot breath forming a slight dew against his skin, as you’d shyly moan his name, crying for him sent him over the absolute edge. The man was feral seeing you so vulnerable and fragile against him. The way he could so easily devour your body, have you weakly tremble to stand after a round of mindless fucking, you’d struggle to walk like a proper lady for the hours or day to come…It was all his undoing. Nonetheless, just as you would mark him, he would mark you although without any awareness. His firm grip would leave fingerprint marks that would turn to small, purple-greenish bruises in the following days to come, all across your waist line, hips and occasionally even your ass cheeks. It made him feral how easily he could lift and cup each cheek in the palm of his hands, pressing your body deeper against his, as he felt your soft breasts pushing up against his bare chest.
And his mouth did wonders… He loved leaving hickeys all across the sensitive spots against the crook of your neck and your breasts. His lips and tongue sucking on the sweet, lavender scent of your natural aroma from the floral infused baths you’d plunge yourself in, mixed with the saltiness of the sweat freshly perfused on your skin from the sex. He loved it.
Nonetheless, the familiar, warm feeling of your sweet cum oozing all along his cock, dripping through whatever sheer gaps as Aegon moved and adjusted himself inside of you. The clear, white substance pooling down slowly from your entrance down your aching thighs and across Aegon’s balls pushed against you.
It made it just a tad easier for you to relax, the pain less evident, when the extra lubrication was there. And in no time, Aegon’s own load was triggered, a hot, liquid mass shooting through your cunt, before some of his own load would, too, spill past your entrance. If you were generally in bed, Aegon would keep himself buried inside of you, as you both composed yourselves. He’d adjust himself just the slightest, to release some of the tension inside of you, so that you’d be somewhat comfortable. He liked the idea of keeping his cum plugged inside of you, it was exhilarating for him to think you could be so full of him, a deep, primal part of Aegon even, hoping that you could take his fresh seed perhaps…
He would take his sweet time, only tending to you until he caught his own breath. Your breathing would become unison, as he’d gently stroke your dampened hair out of your face, holding your warm body against his own. You were always so weak after fucking, and Aegon undoubtedly felt responsible for that.
At the very least, he would help to care for you in the aftermath, always running a bath, carrying your delicate body from the bed or walking you from wherever, into the water. He’d even insist on cleaning you himself, gently wiping the wet cloth against your skin, being extra careful in between your thighs. He’d dry you himself, clothe you in something sheer and lightweight, and even feed you himself. He always ordered for some dessert, knowing it was your favourite, and in hopes of wanting you to regain even just an ounce of energy. Regardless, he was gentle with you always, and you were very thankful of that.
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butters-flower-mom · 9 months
It's my OC and comfort character and I'll be cringe with them if I want.
"Crap!" Butters cursed, thankful his parents were unable to hear his potty mouth from inside the kitchen. He scrambled up onto the couch, crossing his arms in anger. "Figures you'd be a girl!"
The girl in question frowned, turning her gaze to the floor as she fidgeted with the arm of her dinosaur plush. Unsure of how to respond to such a remark she simply uttered a soft "I'm sorry…"
Butters' parents had told him to be on his best behavior while their new neighbors were visiting. They'd informed him there was a kid his age he could play with and he'd gotten so excited as the prospect of making a new friend. What they neglected to tell him was the gender of this new kid. They couldn't honestly expect him to play with a girl! Girls are dumb and boring! All they ever wanna talk about is dating and makeup and shoes!
Butters looked at the little girl he was stuck in the living room with. She shifted on her feet, scanning the room as if she were also looking for some escape out of this. After a period of awkward silence, Butters hopped off the couch and stomped towards the stairs.
"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm goin' to my room to color. And no girls allowed!" He'd advanced halfway up the stairs when he paused and peeked through the bars of the railing. She was still standing there, not making a sound and clinging to her doll. She looked very small from this position… and very alone too. With an exasperated sigh, Butters continued into his room.
Pepper hugged her t-rex as tight as she could, wishing she could somehow teleport back to her house and her own room. She could hear her mom and Butters' parents laughing and chatting from the kitchen. It sounded like she wouldn't be going home any time soon. A noise at the coffee table behind her made her jump. She turned to find Butters had come back down the stairs and was now setting up a small arts and crafts space at the coffee table. He took a seat and began doodling on a sheet of construction paper with his crayons.
She watched him quietly, mesmerized with his drawing. When he caught her staring, Pepper looked away in a panic. She shifted her weight again.
"You can sit down, y'know." Butters had much less anger and annoyance in his tone. "Ya look uncomfortable standin' there."
Pepper hesitated before taking a seat on the floor in the same spot where she had been standing.
"Do you, uh... like colorin'?"
Pepper looked directly at him for the first time since she'd gotten there and gave a small nod. "Mm-hm."
"You can color if you wanna. Just don't break my crayons, ya hear? It's a brand new box." Butters moved the box of crayons so Pepper could have easier access and placed a small stack of construction paper on the other side of the table.
Pepper slowly crawled over to the table and situated herself across from Butters. Selecting a crayon from the box, she got to work on her own drawing. The two worked quietly until Butters eventually spoke up again.
"So, what'cha makin'?"
"Who the heck's Baxter?"
Pepper pointed to the stuffed dino she had been holding since she arrived, who was now seated on the table beside her drawing.
Butters smiled. "I was wonderin' about him. Kind of a cute lil' fella. Can I see him?" Butters moved for the doll but Pepper immediately snatched him up, holding him out of reach.
After hearing nothing but softly spoken responses from her, this sudden outburst took Butters a bit by surprise. That surprise gave way to offense. "Aw, c'mon! I'm lettin' ya use my stuff! The least you can do is let me look at yours!"
Pepper mulled it over before she reluctantly obliged. "Okay… b-but I gotta hold him so he doesn't get scared."
Butters joined Pepper on her side of the table. Still clutching Baxter tightly in her hands, she presented the stuffed tyrannosaurus to him. Butters gave him a few gentle pets on the head.
"He's soft!" he exclaimed. The young boy began speaking to the toy in a kind voice as he continued stroking its head. "Hiya, Baxter. I'm Butters. You're a good dinosaur, huh?"
Pepper watched as Butters sweetly interacted with her treasured stuffed animal. A small smile spread onto her face, which Butters couldn't help but notice.
"You got a nice smile."
A slight blush appeared on the girl's cheeks as she pulled Baxter back, hiding her shy smile behind him and letting her hair fall into her face. Butters giggled at her reaction before moving his drawing over to his new position. Pepper placed the box of crayons between them and they resumed coloring.
"I like Baxter," Butters stated, replacing his yellow crayon and taking a blue one.
"He likes you too," Pepper replied softly, grabbing the crayon Butters had just placed in the box.
Hearing this made Butters smile. He paused his coloring to look at Pepper. "You're not so bad either. Uh, for a girl, I mean." This made her hide her face with her hair again, but Butters could still make out the smile she had.
"Pepper, sweetie, about ready to get going?" The kids looked up to see their parents leaving the kitchen.
"Aw, aren't you two just precious?" Linda fawned over the sight of her son and the neighbor girl getting along. "You've been playing nice, right, Butters?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Atta boy," Steven lightly praised, reaching down to give Butters' hair an affection tousle.
Pepper glanced up at her mom, then to Butters. "Do we have to go right now?"
"'friad so, pumpkin. I gotta get home and start dinner, and I'm sure Butters and his parents are getting hungry too."
As the adults began to say their own goodbyes, Pepper sadly collected Baxter off the table. "Bye bye," she somberly muttered to Butters.
"Aw, don't be sad," Butters assured. "We can play again tomorrow. I mean, if you wanna, that is."
Pepper immediately brightened up upon hearing this. Her mom took her hand and began leading her towards the exit. She and Butters waved goodbye to each other before his new friend disappear out the door.
"How's spaghetti sound for dinner?" Linda asked.
"Ooh, yum!" Steven voiced his approval.
"With garlic bread?" Butters inquired excitedly.
"Can't have spaghetti without garlic bread," his mom replied.
Steven plopped onto the couch, turning on the news. "Why don't you put your stuff away and give your mom a hand?"
"O-kay!" Butters was always happy to help out in the kitchen. As he returned his crayons to their box and began gathering up the papers from the table, he stopped to smile at the drawing Pepper had made. As she'd said, the drawing depicted Baxter though he was much bigger than the plushie actually was. And there, riding on the back of the t-rex, was Pepper and Butters.
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Strangers To Friends (2) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: September 25th, 2023
part one
A Change In The Weather (ao3) - krissyxlove
Summary: Nobody cares and the world has forgotten about me.
Those words were messily sketched and displayed in front of a young homeless man named Dan. Typically, for Dan, those words were true. What happens though when a chance of fate brings a young, successful, weatherman to him?
Nobody cares and the world has forgotten about me.
Typically, those words remained true. Today however, those words would be eaten.
A Shining Star (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Dan was a poor law student who loved drag queens and hoped to master the Art. Phil was having a hard time in life but wanted to help queers kids to get their life sorted and to be a good father.
A Tale of Life and Death (ao3) - croissantbleu (orphan_account)
Summary: "People always gave him way too much credit. Or they were scared of him, thinking he belonged to the “dark side of magic”. As if there was such a thing. He couldn’t remember how many times he’d explained that magic was neutral, it was merely a tool allowing to reach an end. By itself, it was neither good or bad. What truly mattered were the intentions of people who used it."
Or the one in which Phil is a necromancer, and Dan needs his help.
Chapter Two (ao3) - HandleWithCare
Summary: All Phil wanted was the newest Stephen King novel. What he found instead was even better and may have even changed his life. No matter how good or bad chapter one is, sometimes, you just have to be brave and turn to chapter two.
don't be afraid, just believe (ao3) - TsingaDark
Summary: There was a rumour on campus that someone had died in the East Wing and had been haunting it ever since. Dan, for his part, thought it was utter crap. Even if someone had died there - which he highly doubted - they would not be haunting that place because ghosts didn't even exist.
I'm Ashamed Of The Dark Places I Have Been (ao3) - ellehcorx
Summary: Phil has been punishing himself after a recent break up. He hadn’t slept in days, he’s drunk daily, and he finds himself in strangers’ beds. After stumbling into a church to take shelter from the rain, he meets Dan who helps him decrease his guilt.
It's So Meta Even This Acronym (ao3) - Dieupardonne, Mazabrei (Dieupardonne)
Summary: Dan Howell and Phil Lester lead anything but normal lives, but they were content with the direction they’d taken and happy with their current situation. But soon, they begin to realize that things aren’t right anymore; they’re not in the world they should be.
“That’s because you’re ruining our fucking lives, you sadist,” Dan said, scowling at the ceiling. He seemed to be ignoring the fact that his insolence would have consequences.
“What stupid trope are you putting us in next?” Phil asked wearily.
“It doesn’t even matter, does it?” Dan said, “They’re going to keep writing it as long as they want. They’ll find a trope.”
“But only if people read it,” Phil said.
“Then don’t read this stupid, overblown story!” Dan yelled at the ceiling, “You’re enabling this horrible author. You’re making us suffer.” While Dan was speaking, Phil had a realization.
“All of this…” Phil said in horror, “All of this dialogue we’re giving. We’re helping them shill this story.”
let chance take me to your shore (ao3) - basl
Summary: dan and phil are witches that somehow find each other.
Networking (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: Phil isn't expecting much out of the temporary job he gets at his local insurance company; a steady paycheck, a chance to make some business connections, maybe turning it into a full time position? Mostly just something to get his parents off his back for the next few months until he can figure out his next move. What he certainly isn't expecting is Dan Howell; the terribly cute guy who is definitely flirting with him and also in some sort of uncertain terms his boss. How will Phil navigate his blossoming feelings for someone who is most definitely off limits?
puppy love (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: it's just a routine day in the park for Phil and his new puppy Willow, when they get a surprise visit from a stranger named Dan and his dog Scully. the dogs become fast friends and Phil thinks that maybe he and Dan are on their way to becoming friends too.
Self-Conclusion (ao3) - ellehcorx
Summary: Fade in, start the scene. Enter Dan Howell - a 20 year old boy stood at the edge of a bridge, contemplating death. In the shadows appears Phil Lester, a stranger with a painful past who tries to talk Dan down.
She's Got the Look (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Diana would have never thought that being constantly late would lead to meeting the most beautiful girl she had ever seen and change her life forever.
Special Delivery (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: Dan Howell receives a package he definitely didn't order, but the man who did order it is... well, he's rather interesting. And the object he's ordered... well, it's odd, to say the least.
Surprise Phil-lings (ao3) - smilesaretoxic
Summary: Phil's birthday is coming up and he is in need of a cake. PJ decides to get him one with a special filling. Awkwardness, fluff, and some raunchy times ensue.
Thunder Only Happens When It's Raining (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Dan meets Phil at the lowest moment in his life and is immediately enchanted by him, but nobody is perfect - not even those with good intentions and a kind heart.
This is the story of two imperfect people trying to do their best, to find love and strive in life. They gravitate towards each other at every turn, sometimes dancing in harmony, other times colliding.
Under the trees and shooting stars (ao3) - croissantbleu (orphan_account)
Summary: Dan’s parents have insisted that he comes with them on a family holiday at a hiking camp in the middle of the woods, and he isn’t too happy about that for various reasons. Until he meets the son of the owners, who works there
What is the Name? (ao3) - linguisticswithlester
Summary: A curly headed barista becomes smitten with a new quiffed customer that comes into the coffee shop. Taking a chance, he makes a bold move that results in a battle of cute nicknames and feelings that could lead to a new adventure.
What Life Could Be (ao3) - Nocturnella
Summary: Dan’s life has not gone as planned. He’s trapped in a dead-end job with no formal education and no real life outside of losing himself in video games. Enter disaster in the form of Phil.
Meanwhile, the release of the new virtual reality game Half Moon Village gives Dan the escape he’s so desperately been looking for. In the game Dan can be whoever he wants, and as Cloud he meets the heroic and adorably awkward Fylgon who saves him at every turn and is always quick to share the spoils of his adventures. The only problem? Fylgon is in love with someone else. Oh, and Dan isn't even sure he's a real person.
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ljsstories · 2 years
Chapter Two: ScotRok Festival
For the past fortnight Jane had packed and unpacked her suitcase multiple times. She and Louise were only staying in a Glasgow hotel for a few days and it was only half an hour's drive back to Kilmarnock but Jane was still having second thoughts about going at all. She couldn't tell Louise, she wouldn't understand, for Jane's doubts never really went away. When Jane made a decision, it wasn't done and dusted and final, she would constantly reassess her decision and bring up the pros and cons almost every day. This was one of these decisions, one of these situations where Jane was overthinking it, she was doubting herself and fighting the desperate urge to back out. As she stood by her bed looking down at the suitcase, almost packed...again, she thought about seeing her favourite band live. Was she ready to escape her comfort zone just yet? It had been five months since she started seeing Doctor Fisher, surely she was ready by now. The only one against you...is you! Wasn't that what she had said the first time they met? All the odds were stacked in her favour; she had the week off, Louise had planned the whole week, they had tickets, Dexter Maloney was going to be there singing his heart out...the only thing standing in her way was indeed her. She tried to put the past few weeks behind her; Nancy giving her the cold shoulder on a daily basis, Eliza's constant torture of her winning tickets to see her idol, Jane's mother clucking away at her like a mother hen and lecturing her on the dangers of Glasgow the big bad city. It took a lot for Monica to move to Kilmarnock, to her Glasgow was exactly as it was portrayed in Taggart, murder city! Jane had to try and shut out her mother's omnipresent negativity. She also had to come to terms with the fact that along with the PCOS and the blue eyes, there was also Monica's anxiety in the all-inclusive package that Jane had been given at birth.
Downstairs Eliza was yammering away about Jensen Reed and the new film that just came out, how he was definitely a contender for the Oscars next year once again, how gorgeous he was even playing a patient in a psychiatric ward. If Jane had to hear his name uttered once more, she was going to scream, better yet she was going to tear down those stupid posters on Eliza's wall and burn them right in front of her. No she wasn't, Jane didn't do impulsive, she did cautious. Extracting revenge wasn't in her make-up. "It's amazing how he is still hot wearing a straitjacket and talking in tongues, or whatever, I still love him!" Eliza giggled and looked off into the distance with a dreamy look on her heavily caked face. Why she insisted on wearing so much make-up was beyond Jane's comprehension, because despite hating her little sister, she couldn't deny how naturally pretty she was. She didn't need all that crap on her face. Maybe Doctor Fisher was right, maybe Eliza was insecure and seeking validation, only not from Jane but from the world. Jane shuddered, she was getting way too deep for this Friday evening, it was fish and chips night from the café at the top of the road and then it was time to get some rest. The tickets Louise got for ScotRok were for Saturday and Sunday only, Sweet Cacophony were playing on both days and Jane could not wait...also Jane was terrified! Unexpectedly, she felt her heart speed up to a gallop as she struggled for air, no...no panic attack, not now! Her eyes blurred, she felt that all too familiar dizziness envelope her head and her limbs turned to jelly. She closed her eyes and took in a long breath, then out, it began to pass as she continued to breathe slowly in and out with her eyes firmly shut. As the moment passed, she sat on her bed in silence, still breathing in and out. For the past few months Jane had managed to stop a panic attack in its tracks before curling up into the foetal position and wanting to die, she was always proud of herself when she staved off an attack like this one and rather than deter her from going forward with her planned week with Louise, this only made her more determined to go and enjoy herself.
The festival was packed, everyone was being searched at the gate for anything suspect including food and drink, the organisers made a fortune selling their own stuff and discouraged festival goers to bring their own from outside the stage area. Louise had her trusty bag with her, she had hidden compartments everywhere in that thing, like the shoulder bag version of a Swiss army knife and was smuggling contraband in with her. Once again Jane was a bag of nerves, terrified that they would get caught with a naughty little bottle of water and a bag of flying saucers. Once they were safely in, and still in possession of their illegal goods, they watched a few lesser-known bands on various stages and some better known on the main stage. All in all Saturday was a good day, despite being unable to get into Sweet Cacophony's set, there was always tomorrow and this time they would get there good and early. Live and learn, as Jane's granny used to say.
Sunday was slightly quieter, which was just as well, as Louise led Jane by the arm to the front of the stage where Sweet Cacophony were playing. Within half an hour the place was full of bodies all chattering away excitedly. The huge screen at the back of the stage lit up making Jane jump, then want to gag as River Monster's logo appeared on it in enormous letters. "Fuck, Lou we're at the wrong stage!" she muttered as Louise looked up from her phone looking bemused.
"What are you on about?"
"LOOK!" Jane shouted over the ever-swelling crowd of people laughing and chanting, pointing her arm up towards the offending logo. Louise's face drained of colour at the sight of the big screen as they both looked around for a way out but being at the front made it virtually impossible to leave. Then the band started to arrive, one by one; guitarist and backing vocalist Kris Spencer, bass player and guitarist T.J. Chambers then keyboard player Bradley Jenkins, yes Jane knew all of their names and what instruments they played courtesy of Eliza who never shut up about them. Jane felt a cold sweat trickle down her back as the drummer and fourth member of the band, Jonah Reed, came running on waving his drumsticks in the air. Jonah was Jensen's younger brother and just as cocky. Only one band member left to appear, the pimple on Jane's backside, Jensen fucking Reed! He swaggered onstage with his guitar hanging from his shoulders waving his arms about and addressing the crowd through a microphone he was holding way too close to his mouth. He was wearing sunglasses, hiding those famous baby blues that made most women go weak at the knees, his ridiculously shiny brown hair was down to his shoulders and effortlessly bounced around and landed in flattering positions as he walked making him even more handsome. Well if you liked that sort of thing, Jane did not! He was wearing a black t-shirt that was very loose on his slender frame, it had the River Monster logo on it too, his skinny ripped jeans made his legs look even bonier than usual and his taste in footwear made Jane jealous, a pair of black converse high tops with red flames emblazoned on the sides. He approached the front of the stage and placed the microphone on its stand, that's when it all came rushing back, the immense hatred for him and the urge to gouge out his perfectly sparkling blue eyes.
"Is everyone havin' a good time?" He yelled over the microphone as the crowd reacted positively and noisily to him, "I can't fuckin' hear you, I said...IS EVERYONE HAVIN' A GOOD TIME???" The crowd cheered, shrieked, and whooped even louder as the band started up and Jensen Reed began to sing their first hit song, Broken Fireworks. Jane stood there, at the front, arms crossed and a face that would turn milk sour. Louise was still looking around the crowd for a gap to sneak out of and catch the rest of Sweet Cacophony's set. As time dragged on, Jensen was continually obnoxious, he persisted on lifting his shirt to reveal his toned midriff and shouted about taking a dozen of the lovely women in the crowd back to his hotel room, Jane felt sick. Louise gave her an apologetic shrug as they endured an entire two hours of the Jensen Reed show. In one particular monologue he talked about the size of his manhood and how he would show the crowd but he was told it wasn't appropriate for the middle of the day in the open air, he was exactly as Jane had imagined, a narcissistic potty mouth who talked constant trash! It was the worst two hours of her life, even though Jensen Reed was a phenomenal singer and his songs were actually tolerable. At one point he actually looked down in Jane's direction and winked at her, while she almost threw up. He got a few people up on stage for the final song, End of Everything, mostly females of course. Jane had never felt so mad, watching him jump around and be adored by the entire crowd was too much. Her heart thumped in her chest ferociously, almost as if it was going to burst out and projectile across the stage and land at his feet. Louise elbowed her just in time and shoved her towards a small gap in the crowd as they made their hasty exit, unfortunately it was too late for Sweet Cacophony and Jane wanted to cry. She had missed Dexter Maloney!
Rather than look for other bands to watch, Jane insisted on going back to the hotel. She was in an extremely bitter mood and didn't want to be within ten miles of Jensen bloody Reed. Louise tried to talk to her on the car ride back, but she couldn't even answer her she was so livid. How did they manage to go to the wrong stage? How could they have missed Sweet Cacophony? How did they survive two whole hours of Jensen Reed? Jane opened the car door before Louise had even stopped in the parking space and stomped into the hotel foyer. Stabbing at the buttons outside the elevator, she muttered to herself feeling her cheeks burn. "Janey?" Louise tapped her shoulder.
"WHAT?" Jane replied grumpily.
"Look we can go and see them somewhere else, it's no big deal!" No big deal? Five whole months of therapy destroyed in two hours! No, Louise was right, it was no big deal...it was a huge deal!
"I just want to take a long, hot shower and wash away all that Jensen muck off of me, alright?" Louise nodded in agreement as they entered the elevator and headed up to their room.
After standing in the shower for a good half an hour, Jane finally emerged from the hotel bathroom in her pyjamas and wet hair hanging carelessly down her back. Her suitcase was sitting on top of her bed, it was open and clothes were half in and half out. Without hesitation she began to shove everything inside, re-entering the bathroom and gathering up her toiletries she threw them inside the case also as Louise looked on in confusion as she sat on her own bed. "What are you doing Janey?"
"I'm going home!" Jane replied with a grunt.
"But we have another week left, I have plans for us..."
"Yeah well, I want to go home!" Louise looked more sad than anything else, usually she got angry with Jane's impulsive tantrums. This week, it had been planned for such a long time, okay they didn't get to see Sweet Cacophony, but there was so much more for them to do! It looked like Jane was having none of it though, as she zipped her bulging suitcase closed roughly.
"Jane, this is stupid! Let's just enjoy the rest of our week. Why don't you sleep on it?" Trying not to lose her temper, Louise attempted to reason with her visibly enraged best friend.
"I'm going home tomorrow Lou, don't need to sleep on it!" Louise lost control and snapped.
"Well you can take the fucking train because I'm not driving you home!!!" Louise stood up and stormed out of the hotel room, leaving Jane to stew all by herself. Jensen Reed took up way too much of her life, the whole thing was all Jane's own making, and Louise was sick of it.
Taking Louise's words to heart, Jane got up early the next morning and headed to Central Station. It was a ten-minute walk from the hotel and her suitcase had wheels, which was helpful due to the sheer weight of it, carrying was not an option unless she wanted to end up in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Sitting across from a coffee shop in the station waiting for her train, Jane wondered if she was cutting off her nose to spite her face. Should she have just stayed and tried to enjoy the rest of her week off with Louise? No, Jensen Reed destroyed all of her hopes and dreams once again with his stupid hair and annoying smile, grating voice that made you want to rip your own ears off...bastard! Sipping on the cappuccino she had bought was probably not a good idea, she was in a foul mood and caffeine only made Jane aggressive.
The train ride home was lonely and quiet. She felt bad for leaving Louise, but she couldn't stand to be in Glasgow for a minute longer, she just wanted to go home to her own bed and get on with her life. Then she remembered Eliza's competition win and the posters on her wall and the music blaring out of her room around the clock...and the rage boiled up again. I can't escape him, he's everywhere! Hot tears stung her cheeks as she glanced out of the window and saw sheep grazing in fields looking like they didn't have a care in the world, at that moment she wished she was a sheep, in the sheep world there was no Jensen Reed!
Monica was surprised to see her daughter appear at such an early time in the morning, dragging her suitcase mournfully across the back-room carpet and bumping it up the stairs in almost slow motion. "What are you doing here Jane? Aren't you supposed to be in Glasgow with Louise?"
"Please don't talk to me mum, I'm not in the mood!"
"Well tough!" Monica shouted back at her in a shrill tone, mug of tea in hand she followed her up the stairs with plenty of questions ready to fire in her direction. "Where's Louise?"
"Still in Glasgow!" Jane answered quietly as she elbowed her bedroom door open, hot on her heels her mother made several tutting sounds and slurped her tea noisily.
"Did you two have a falling out? I hope not, she's been a very good friend to you Jane, not many people would put up with your silly little...foibles!" Yes, Jane's silly little foibles, anxiety, and depression, two things that she inherited from her in the first place.
"Well they do say that being a nutter runs in the family!" The look of horror on Monica's face almost made Jane laugh, but she managed to compose herself.
"Jane you are not a nutter, you're just a very hard person to deal with. You're stubborn and you tend to shy away from anything remotely social, you're almost twenty seven and you still live here with me and your dad, you haven't brought a young man home in over ten years! I worry about you Janey, I really do."
"Well you always have Eliza to give you grandchildren!" Jane muttered irritably.
"That is not what worries me, I don't care about grandchildren Jane, I care about you! I just want you to be happy, if that means I don't get to be a grandmother then I don't mind, your happiness is all that matters!" Jane felt her eyes fill up as she turned her back on her mother, trying to sniff back any tears that attempted to fall.
"That's the thing though mum..." Time to be honest, even if it hurt her mother in the process, she needed to tell someone, "...I'm not happy! I'm so not happy, I'm miserable! I don't want to live anymore I really don't!" Jane's shoulders slumped and she turned to face her mother. Monica's face was ashen and her mug was tilting to the side in her hand. The expression on her face was one of astonishment, like someone had smacked her right across the cheek. There was a long silence before either of them spoke.
"I thought...I thought your appointments with Doctor Fisher were helping I...Jane I don't know what to do or say. Only that your dad and I both love you very much and we're always here for you." Monica placed her mug on top of Jane's desk and wrapped her in a warm, forceful hug. "Just tell me what I can do, what do you need?"
"I don't know mum!" Jane mumbled into her shoulder smelling her dressing gown, her mum's scent always calmed her but not this time, "I just feel so empty, and when I'm not feeling empty I feel so angry at everything and everyone! It's exhausting!" Monica rubbed her back affectionately and whispered in her ear.
"What is my darling?" Jane let out a heart wrenching sob and replied with just one, single word.
Jane hadn't heard from Louise in over three weeks, nor had Jane tried to contact Louise, there was a stalemate. They had argued before but it always blew over within minutes and it was forgotten, it had never gone on for this long. Jane was down about missing her favourite band, she was down about having to endure Jensen Reed's appalling antics for two whole hours, she was down about Eliza going on like a lunatic about her tickets, then there was Nancy. When Jane got back to work, Nancy had been unbearable, worse than ever, putting her in for shifts she didn't agree to and just being downright nasty in general. Jane had worked ten days in a row while Nancy was up in Lewis visiting her mother and relatives, she was exhausted and drained and needed a day off but had her own shifts to cover for the next four days. When Nancy returned on the Monday, Jane lost the will to live when she was put in for Ashley's Friday night shift along with her own which was going to result in her working fifteen days without a day off. "Nancy I can't do Friday!" Nancy turned a fetching shade of crimson and inhaled a sharp breath.
"Why not???" She blinked at her; her voice taking on an accusatorial tone, this was the last straw for Jane. It was none of her business why, Jane was entitled to refuse to work someone else's shift after racking up fourteen days in a row.
"Well if you must know, I need a day off! I'll be working an entire fortnight without a break as it is, I'm not doing her shift I'm sorry!" Nancy gave her the silent treatment after that, it was embarrassing in front of the customers, and any time that she did speak to her she bit her head off. Jane went home that night, sat down at her desk, and wrote her letter of resignation, she couldn't take any more!
The following morning, before Nancy arrived for her shift, Jane placed the resignation letter on top of the till behind the bar in plain sight. She also handed one into the chairman upstairs who tried very hard to change her mind, but she had already decided. Going into work that night was a combination of relief and dread, she still had to face Nancy. The old come into the toilets for a chat technique was attempted but Jane was having none of it, "No I won't!" She answered Nancy's request.
"Just for a minute, to talk?"
"No Nancy, I'm not going anywhere with you, not without a witness!" Nancy let out a small, stunned laugh and her eyes were as wide as saucers.
"That's a bit drastic, don't you think?" She replied to Jane breathily, her accent thicker than usual, obviously not understanding the seriousness of the situation, just Jane having one of her turns.
"No I don't think it's drastic when it comes to employment law!" Jane stood her ground, it had been a long time coming, almost a whole decade in fact. Nancy put her head down and gathered her things together.
"Well I'm very sorry you feel that way." Were her parting words, as she left without speaking to another soul. When the door shut behind her, Jane let out a breath she'd been holding in since she came in. By the end of the week she would never have to deal with that woman ever again. The only thing she regretted was leaving a job she loved. The fact that she was just handing in a week's notice and walking away should have been a reason for Nancy to thank her. Jane could have taken the club and the bar manager to an industrial tribunal for bullying in the workplace, but all she wanted was to get away from the whole toxic situation.
Over the course of Jane's final week, many of the members gave her good luck cards and bought her drinks, sad to see her go. There were some exceptions though, Nancy's clique, the President and Vice President of that clique being Molly and Dougie Egglesfield. They were Nancy's spies when she came off shift, they watched everything that Jane did and reported back, they were likely the ones who made complaints about her attitude. Jane looked at them sitting there, being uncharacteristically quiet, remembering one time when she arrived for a shift with a particularly painful headache. Jane was never one to be able to hide her feelings, pain was not something she could hide either. The first she knew of her feelings being painted all over her face was when Nancy ended her shift and sat at the bar with the Egglesfields, Dougie whispered to her "What's up with her face tonight?" nodding his head towards Jane as Nancy simply shrugged and sipped her vodka and coke. Later, when Nancy had gone home, Dougie had asked Jane "You okay pal?"
"Yes." Jane smiled as she poured a mixer from the gun into a glass, "Just have a really bad headache, but hopefully the painkillers will kick in soon." She saw the look of guilt on his face, miscalling her for something she couldn't control and meant no harm over, it had to be more than a coincidence that shortly after that particular exchange Nancy informed Jane of the complaints against her. Then again, Jane could have been wrong and the members could genuinely have hated her guts.
Her final shift was quiet, uneventful, and sad. Two of the regular ladies had given her flowers and a card and told her that they would really miss her. She closed up for the last time, turned off the lights, locked the door and walked away from something that had been a huge part of her life for nearly a decade. She got home where her parents were sitting in the front lounge watching late night television. Monica stood up and outstretched her arms, tilting her head to the side she mumbled, "Aww Janey, how was it?"
"Fine!" Jane sighed impatiently, she just wanted to go upstairs and wallow all by herself.
"Come here, I want a cuddle!" Her mother insisted, who was she to deny her? Obviously she needed it more than Jane did so she obliged. Wrapped in her mother's arms, she realised that she did need this, and the tears came. Her dad, not taking his eyes off of the television and sipping a can of beer chipped in.
"You will be missed Janey, who's going to decorate for Halloween and Christmas? Because I can tell you now, it won't be that lazy bitch!"
"Ricky!" Her mother scolded him, but secretly she agreed. Both her parents were members of the club, her dad being ex-army and on the committee. They may not have agreed with her leaving, but they stood by her regardless.
"I'm telling you! Davey is raging! He says he's lost his best barmaid!"
"Well of course he said that to you, you're my dad. What else is he going to say?" Jane muttered while trying to pry herself out of Monica's firm hold.
Once she got upstairs, after holding her breath as she passed Eliza's room blaring out River Monster, she dropped her bag on the floor and fell onto her bed and wept. She really was going to miss her job, she had nothing else lined up, it was just a spur of the moment thing she had decided to do. She had been at the end of her rope, no matter what Nancy would have said in the toilets had Jane gone with her, nothing would have changed her mind. She looked up at the night sky through the Velux window wishing she was on Mars, anywhere but here. Still hearing the thumping drums of Jonah Reed coming from Eliza, she wanted to close her eyes and never wake up. She had contemplated taking her own life many times over the past ten years, but this was different, she saw no end to her sadness. There was nothing for her in this world, what was the point of even being here. "I'm fat, ugly and jobless! Probably barren, have a terrible attitude, I'm rude...yeah a real catch!" Jane laughed bitterly to herself, not even having Louise to talk to during this whole ordeal was pushing her over the edge.
Jane didn't know when she fell asleep, fully clothed, on top of her bed but as she awoke the next morning she could hear the voices of her family downstairs in the kitchen. The television was blaring too, what time was it? She patted all over her bed for her phone, when she finally grasped a hold of it screwing her eyes to focus on the screen, it read 8:09am. Why was Eliza gibbering away like a budgie down there at this time on a Saturday morning?
Jane padded downstairs, still in her work clothes from the night before to see her sister sitting crossed legged on the floor with her nose practically pressed to the screen of the television, giggling away like a teenager. Over her head, Jane could see Jensen Reed sitting on the couch on Good Morning UK with that dazzling smile of his, wearing sunglasses in a studio?
Interviewer: So Jensen, the new film, Method of Madness. It's only July and there is already talk of an Oscar nod, were you expecting such a reaction to your performance?
Jensen: No, um, not at all! I was just so honoured to be working alongside such amazing actors that it was a dream for me to be in this movie. Anything else is...is just a bonus for me!
Gag! What a suck up, Jane thought to herself as she plopped down onto one of the seats behind Eliza who was bouncing up and down with excitement. Why was Jane even watching this? She hated the guy. Curiosity had a lot to answer for.
Interviewer: Is it true you watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest over a hundred times to prepare yourself for the role of Randy Burgess?
Jensen: Well, you know, I'm amazed at where people get these so-called facts from I really am. Yes I researched the role of Randy by watching several films similar to this one, it's something that most actors do, or watch documentaries about the subject matter. I wanted my portrayal of him to be genuine and authentic, so you do what you gotta do I suppose.
Interviewer: Now, onto your band, River Monster. Do you find it difficult touring with them and also promoting the film? I can imagine your work schedule is practically bursting at the seams.
Jensen: Well I'm a workaholic, so...yeah it's hard work juggling both careers but I love them equally and always find the time to do what I love. Oh and the tour starts here in the UK at the end of this month, O2 Arena! We've got the new album coming out tomorrow, Read the Room, our fifth album I should say...it's very personal to me...
Wow he was so full of his own importance, always talking about himself and never even mentioning the other members of the band, it was all me me me! Eliza was still giggling and bouncing as he talked, talked, and talked even more. "He's so hot!"
"Yeah sure, why does he wear sunglasses all the time these days? I mean he's indoors for fucks sake!" Jane mumbled behind her; this was met with Eliza's scowling face as she turned from the television.
"He's shy. You of all people should appreciate that he gets nervous when he does interviews!"
"He never used to wear sunglasses all the time Eliza, if you ask me since he won that Oscar he's climbed so far up his own arse no wonder he talks so much shite!" Eliza let out a tiny squeal and her face turned red. She didn't answer her sister, merely stood up and stomped off into her room. Jane watched the clip of his new film play after his interview ended, there was no denying that he was also a very good actor. It was just such a shame that despite all of that talent he was a really shitty person in real life.
Over the course of the next week, he was everywhere, spouting the same shit in every interview. It was taking its toll on Jane's already fragile mental health. Doctor Fisher had insisted on extending her sessions from eight to twelve as she had fallen slightly backwards in her progress. Louise had sent a text saying she was sorry to hear that Jane had left the club and that she was here if she needed to talk, but Jane merely replied with a thanks and left it at that. The problem was that Jane didn't want to talk, however much she needed to.
Jane retreated upstairs and barely left, no job to go to, no best friend to have a laugh with. Things were awkward between her and Louise despite the olive branch in the form of a text, she knew Louise would still be upset with her. Jane avoided everyone, barely went downstairs except for eating and collecting mail, while Eliza was psyching herself up for her big date with Jensen Reed in a few weeks' time. She was currently spending the entire summer break from college with her two henchwomen while Jane withered away up in her attic. Eliza was doing a beauty course at Ayrshire College just down the road from their home, she was thoroughly enjoying it and constantly pestered their mother to do her nails for practice. Monica had lovely nails and she could grow them without any bother, unlike Jane, if she wasn't biting them as a child then they were just breaking off over the slightest thing as an adult. Eliza wouldn't practice on her anyway, they weren't close enough for that.
Jane couldn't stand to listen to her sister talk about that man, it made her want to scream. There was no escaping him, he was on the radio, the television, in magazines, on social media...he was literally everywhere! Jane was even starting to dream about him and it was driving her round the bend. During her most recent session with Doctor Fisher, she felt she needed to discuss this particular thorn in her side no matter how ridiculous it sounded. "He's just everywhere right now and I hate it!"
"Hmm, yes I can understand why he would bother you Jane. You associate him with unpleasant experiences but I tend to agree with your friend, these incidents, and the fact that this individual happens to be on the radio or television at the time of each event is just a coincidence. What we need to do is focus your energy on a project, something to bring you out of your comfort zone again."
"Pfft, yeah because it worked so well last time!" Jane retorted as Doctor Fisher frowned.
"Yes well that was just down to poor navigation and timing Jane, not this man out to get you." Jane wished she could believe that but she wasn't in the right frame of mind to think logically. "Let's try again, why don't you go out to a bar or a café and have a couple of drinks with your friend, that's nothing too strenuous or stressful. Just two friends out for a chat?" Jane huffed and crossed her arms, sinking deeper into the comfy chair opposite Doctor Fisher who at that moment had a strained smile on her face. Obviously Jane was the client from hell. "It will only work for you if you are willing to work Jane, effort and patience go a long way!"
"I'll give it a go." Was Jane's half-hearted reply.
"Good, because I am concerned about the amount of time you are spending hidden away since you left your job, it's not at all healthy. Perhaps looking for another one might give you a new purpose?" It was worth a try, but Jane didn't have the energy nor the inclination to look for another job.
A few days crept by and Jane's mood still hadn't lifted, not even the tiniest bit. She still kept herself hidden away in her room upstairs, listening to Sweet Cacophony and weeping into her pillows. A harsh knock on the door made her jump but when it followed the voice of her best friend, it soothed her. "Janey I'm coming in, I don't give a rat's ass if you're decent or not, this has gone on long enough!" The door opened and Louise stood in the hallway, seeing the little bundle under Jane's duvet, she tilted her head to the side with a frown. "Right, stop feeling sorry for yourself and get up! It's the middle of the day and the sun is shining; we're going out into the garden so get dressed if you're not already!" With that she slammed the door shut, Jane could hear her stomping down the stairs as she lay still in her bed, knowing she had no choice but to get up and get dressed, but struggling to find the energy to do it.
Louise was sitting in the garden crocheting yet another sanity blanket as she called it, sunglasses on and a look of complete concentration. "Finally! I was beginning to think I'd have to drag you down the stairs wrapped in that duvet!" Jane let out a small laugh, she could just imagine her doing that, bumping her down the stairs and not caring if it hurt. Louise did tough love very well. "You didn't text or phone, I was worried about you Janey!"
"Yeah well...I've not really been in the talking or texting mood."
"I understand that it was a tough decision to give up your job, but you should have at least fought the bitch! Taken her to an industrial tribunal! She got off lightly!" Louise didn't look up from her blanket as she lectured her, she always thought that Jane was far too lenient with people.
"Do we have to talk about this? Can't you just tell me what you've been up to instead?" Jane stomped her foot lazily and whined like a child.
"No, because I'm not the one holed up in my room like Miss Havisham! Look Jane, you're still young, you have your whole life ahead of you. Live it!" Jane knew that Louise was right, but she just couldn't find the get-up-and-go. "On that note..." Louise bundled her project under her arm and rose from the garden chair, "...we're going down to the pound shops for a browse, get you out of the house before I strangle you with this blanket!" There was no point in arguing with her when she was like this, so Jane reluctantly agreed to dip her toe in the land of the living.
Jane had to admit that she had enjoyed her afternoon out with her best friend, Louise had told her that this past couple of months hadn't exactly been a picnic for her either as she had missed Jane a great deal. She told her that Jane's tantrum and subsequent walk-out had hurt her a lot, in turn this hurt Jane, to know that she was responsible for making Louise miserable for weeks and not even getting in touch with her. In fact it had been Louise that had made the first move a couple of weeks ago, Jane had a lot to make up for. Louise stayed for dinner then headed back to Glasgow and Jane was alone once again, apart from her parents and sister, she was completely alone.
Eliza was not only blasting River Monster from her room, but she was also singing at the top of her lungs, out of tune, to their latest album. Jane had listened to bits of it on Spotify and was surprised over how melancholy and depressing it was. Read the Room was darker and broodier than their last four albums, whoever wrote these songs was in a very bad place at the time. Remembering Eliza telling her that Jensen Reed wrote all of their songs, she wondered why his tone was so depressing all of a sudden, yes there were usually angry or heartbroken tracks on most of the albums, but there was always an equal mix of happy and not so happy emotions, this one was just bleak right through. Jane hated to admit that a lot of the lyrics resonated with her at that moment in time, it disturbed and comforted her all at once. The titles of the songs alone were enough to make you want to jump out the window in despair; Save Me from Myself, Apathetic, I Hate Your Voice, Fuck You Very Much, Lie After Lie and Jane's particular favourite, Just A Thing. That was about how people just saw an object rather than a human being, took that person for granted and thought it was okay to do or say whatever they wanted to that person and damn the consequences. They were pretty deep songs, something that Jane noticed her sister hadn't grasped or in fact read the room. She wrapped herself in a little cocoon and tried to get some sleep over the din of River Monster downstairs. She didn't have the energy to do anything anymore.
Showered and dressed the next morning, Jane thought she would try and live normally again, but her good intentions were destroyed at the sight of her sister and her cronies sitting around the television watching yet another Jensen Reed interview, this time he was going on about being a vegan and how the goats of the world could sleep soundly now that he was no longer sacrificing them, then he had to mention virgins too. He saved the best for last when he said that sacrificing virgins was all in his past, he was now dedicated to curing them of their virginity. Any kind of empathy Jane was feeling towards him had evaporated at the sight of that interview. Her sister on the other hand lapped it up with Stacy and Laura at her side, squeaking away like Alvin and the Chipmunks. What an abhorrent little man that Jensen Reed was, how did a creep like that get to live and Will was snuffed out in moments out of the blue? It made Jane so mad, so mad in fact that she stormed past her totally oblivious sister and her vacuous pals and into her room where Jensen towered over her bed, shirtless and smouldering with those glistening baby blue eyes and those tasteful tattoos on his arms, what a total and utter poser! I want you dead, I want you dead, Jane could hear the voice in her head screaming up at his smug face. I want you gone, I don't ever want to see you again, if I have to get rid of you myself then I will!!!
Jane had no idea how she got upstairs, how she ended up in her own room rocking back and forth on her bed hugging her knees up to her chest, clutching Eliza's two VIP tickets that she had won. All she knew was that she had to get rid of that abomination Jensen Reed! Her entire body was shaking, her head felt like cotton wool and there was a searing rage burning in the pit of her stomach, she had to be free of him! She couldn't take any more! She was going to destroy him, just like he had destroyed her...
0 notes
m-joys · 2 years
Bayverse Turtles with a S/O who has a scar
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@baby-turtlefan :could you do a tmnt14/16 headcanon where the turtle crush has a big scar that they try to hide, but the turtle saw it and ask why they are hiding it? (Like a big scar on there arm, on there head or other places due to an accident or something like that) Sorry if my English is bad, it isn’t my mother language.
A/n_:This took way too long and its crap. English isn't my first language either, so excuse me for that. Not proof read or edited, Ive been struggling a lot lately lmao
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Realizes something's wrong when he gets to know you a bit better. He's very observant whether he's aware of it or not. Notices those small things like checking yourself out on your phone screen or fixing your makeup even if you're at home.(If its on your face)
He sees it all. When you pull your sleeve down just enough to cover your palms,avoiding to wear shorts or anything showing your legs and changing immediately once they arrive at your place (if its on your body)
Puts off comforting you about it for a while. He has feelings for you and wouldnt risk putting you in an uncomfortable situation by asking something that he thinks isnt his bussines.
Over time that worrying builds up in his mind,which isn't suprising since his thoughts about it consider only the worse.What if somethings going on but you don't want to tell them because youre scared how they'll react?What if another person inflicted that scar on you?What if its more?
Once he decides to confront you about it he does it in privacy of your apartment or his room.He wont specifically ask you to come to his room or ask to meet up alone just so he could ask you,but if you're already in that position he might as well go for it.
Depending on the way you got the scar and what you choose to tell him,his reaction might differ a bit in a sense od what his thoughts are on the whole situation.
Carries a gentle approach before you even start talking about it. Makes sure you know that you can tell him everything and that he wont judge you the slightest.You his crush afterall,he loves you deeply and is trying his utter best to make you feel loved without revealing that he loves you back(at least not too much,hes bad at keeping this kind of thing a secret)
That reassurance goes far beyong just that moment.If he ever notices you starting to cover it up or checking if other people can see it he just takes in your hand and shoots you that comforfing look in his eyes(you know what I mean) that could make the worst pain feel so much better.
After that, he realizes that it doesnt matter if you return his feelings(how could you not tho?).He loves you and his first priority as that youre feeling safe being yourself around him and seeing him as someone you can trust,just like how he trusts you.
Takes a bit more to notice whats actually going on.Its not that he doesn't care about you,it's just that to him its far much more important how you two get along and interact whit each other than what you might consider "imperfection" in your appearance.
Brushes off you hiding it a couple of times until it builds up over time that he can't help but not notice.That repeated action of pulling your sleeves downward/checking yourself in a tiny mirror started annoying the hell out of him.
It's not the act itself that's getting on his nerves but rather the feeling like you don't think of him like someone who can understand you and what you're feeling.Sure,he can act like a big brute sometimes,but he still likes to think that you're close enough to share stuff with each other.
Asks you in a middle of a conversation what's going on with you hiding your scar. Sure,to you it may seem like he asked you out of the blue, but really hes been planing about asking you a week prior but has never gotten the chance.
You were talking about anything and everything, making jokes, confessing some of the embarassing shit you've done before meeting, laughing at the previously mentioned jokes. The atmosphere was good so he thought it would be a good idea to ask you while you're still in a good mood.
Regrets his decision when you go awfully quiet. Wasnt prepared for it to go this way and doesnt know what to do at the moment. Starts tripping over his words as to break the silence,but somehow makes it more uncomfortable.
After a good minute of kinda stuttering and getting frustrated, he just gives up and says whats on his mind in the most simple way he can. That includes something in the lines of "Look, I really care about you and I wish you could trust me to accept you as who you are just like you accept me."
If you were unsure if he likes you up to that point,now you know for sure what he thinks about you(all the nice stuff ofc). This leads you to becoming more aloof about covering it up and possibly being less insecure about it.
Noticed it casually,took a note of it in his mind and forgot it later. Think like "Oh they have a scar, alright nice". He remebers it and acknowledges it but doesn't mention it since he doesnt see it as a deal-breaker.
Starts thinking about it more when he remembers it during one of his brain storms where he just gets a rush of a thousand diffrent things at once.Has a one sided 10 minute conversation with himself about how he should go about this.
He's not sure what approach he should go with so he starts noting down your behavior as to decide the proper action he should take. Do you seem to hate it or just dislike it? Are you actively hiding it or just covering it up? Depending on the answers it might go two ways:
If you seem to really dislike it and are very insecure about it he will take a slower approach,waiting for you two to get close before he does anything drastic. He wants for you to feel comfortable sharing a sensitive topic with him and openly discussing it together.
Waits for the perfect situation which is most likely when you're both alone, most likely in his room, and slowely eases into a casual conversation with you talking about usual topics or just how has your day been.
He takes the moment after a good laugh when your both relaxed to simply spit it out. Regrets it the moment he notices your eyes get glassy after theyve lost their spark and you no longer seem to be in as happy mood.
Speed-talks about he didn't mean to make you uncomfortable and just wants you to trust him enough to discuss it with him and how you still dont have to if you don't want to. Stops and realizes his distress is putting you in a worse space then it was before.
Sits you on his bed and tells you that you can open up if you want but that he's not gonna force you. In the end you decide to talk to him because you can see his genuine concern.Reassures you the whole time that you're beautiful both inside and out.
That night can end in two ways: a) Both of you hugging it out and parting your ways or(the nicer option) b) accidentally falling asleep(since the tots have a messed up schedule) on his bed while he admires you and later goes out to finish some project being very proud of himself.
Notices within the first month of knowing you and asks right away. Chances are, you two hang out a lot once he realises you're his crush (which is like a moment after he met you) and because of that same reason he becomes very observant.
There isnt much thought behind his question, just curiosity. He would gladly answer all your questions (unless godly uncomfortable, but chances are low) and wants you to answer his. Hes not going to force you if you're uncomfortable and will regret asking it later when his alone.
Doesn't like the fact that he made you not feel comfortable and just a second after will assure you that you dont have to answer and that he just thought it was cool. Secretly hopes that you will choose to answer 'cause you're his crush and he wants you to be able to trust him.
Listens carefully while sitting across from you with a hand on your shoulder, all while nodding his head. He understand everything and is glad you choose to trust him with something you didnt like about yourself.
As of what he thinks about your scar, he finds it very intresting. He has a lot of his own, some that he doesnt think flatter his looks, but will proudly show them to you and run his mouth about how he got it and where he got it.
Loves listening to your stories too! Not just about that one certain scar, but any other scars you might posses. Sees it as some very intresting bonding time and will initiate it after the whole situation
Considers that youve gotten closer after that inciddent. The thing that matters the most to him is you and the friendship and possible relationship that could bloom within you two. Boys head over heals, and youll be abble to see it by the way he acts around you.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. xxxi - countryside orgy
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??? × reader, ateez × reader
tw : smut, (I don't wanna say this but) orgy, unprotected sex, a bunch of sexual activities that I can't even describe because what the fuck am I doing
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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a/n : buckle up, it's gon' be a long one like 5.7k-ish
After lunch, you all spent the afternoon at the beach together. Mostly running around like children and taking pictures.
When the sun sets, you all returned to the villa, tired from the activities done when the sun was still up in the sky but still wanting to do something fun.
For some reason, all nine of you ended up sitting around in a circle in the living room playing truth or dare like a bunch of high school children at a party. Not only that but whichever one of you managed to sneakily incorporate alcohol into the game should be questioned on their intention.
"Okay, okay, okay," Yunho cut off the laughter, trying to get everyone's attention to him, "I got a good one," he smirked. He took a swig from his beer before snapping his head to you, "(Y/N)," he started in a faux menacing tone, "truth or dare?" he asked.
The alcohol in your system rendered you incapable of feeling anxious on the oncoming question or dare. Without thinking twice, you made your choice, "DARE!" you exclaimed, rather too loudly which made Seonghwa, who was seated next to you, chuckle at how cute you're being.
"I dare you to tell us what in the actual fuckity fuck did that crap weasel Jung Wooyoung used to blackmail you? Like damn, you're one of the nicest girls on campus, I honestly can't think of anything bad that he'd be able to use to force you into being his fake girlfriend," he asked.
You scrunched your nose at the dare, not really expecting his intoxicated mind to be able to remember about Wooyoung blackmailing you. But then again, a dare's a dare and you don't really have anything against letting all of them in on the secret you and Wooyoung had had for a while.
"Okay," you took a swig of encouragement from your glass of beer before putting it down and preparing yourself to tell them. "The blackmail material was about someone that Wooyoung knows and it has something to do with arts and crafts," you slyly said.
All of them, except the ones who know which are you, Wooyoung, San, Mingi, and Jongho, had a look of utter confusion and dumbfoundedness that you actually burst out giggling at how they looked.
"Hey, no fair! That's cheating!" Yunho whined, throwing a cushion from the couch at you, to which you barely dodged as it bounced off of you onto the floor. Soon the others followed in on protesting at how unfair you're being.
You held your hands up in mock surrender, "okay, okay! sorry! I'll tell you," you giggled out, "Wooyoung found my binder the day I went to building F because Mingi had somehow managed to get himself lost there," "guilty," Mingi cut you off, grinning innocently. "Anywho, he snooped and San told him it's mine because he knows me from this freshman year class we took together, long story short Wooyoung told me that he'll release the content of the binder if I don't agree to help him out," you shrugged.
Seonghwa reached across to smack Wooyoung square upside the head, making the latter groan in pain at the sudden impact. "Okay, but what's the content of the binder?" Yunho whined out again, still curious. You sighed in defeat, knowing that he's not gonna drop the matter anytime soon, "It was... A collage, of some sort," "a pretty artsy one at that, might I add," San cut off, raising his beer at you in respect, "a collage of...?" Jongho urged with a smug smirk, making you shot a glare at him, "of Yeosang, okay? I used the pictures of him that I took back from the campus life photo shoot to make a pretty, emo skater-boy aesthetic collage," you grumbled.
Yeosang's eyes widened as big as they could get at your revelation. Yunho and Hongjoong were laughing while clapping their hands in pure amusement, meanwhile, Seonghwa was biting his lips tightly, trying to hold in his laughter at your expense. Wooyoung, Mingi, and Jongho on the other hand were snickering at how shocked the others were, especially Yeosang since he couldn't seem to avert his bulging eyes from you.
The whole thing made you whine in protest. San, who was seated next to you, pulled you into a comforting hug, patting your head and cooing in your ears
After a while, all nine of you were starting to feel the buzz of the alcohol in your bloodstream. It would appear that all of your inhibitions are lowered and the game had taken a dirty turn.
Jongho was stripped down to his boxers, Yeosang had somehow been dared into putting on one of your panties, Seonghwa was still regretting telling his most recent sex dream which involved you and three tubes of whipped cream and ending with the boys cleaning after his mess, Mingi was still recovering from prank calling his asshole former RA with fake sex sounds made together with Wooyoung, and Yunho is currently swaying his hips in an effort to write out his name with his butt, the sight was hilarious and Wooyoung leaving a loud and hard spank to his ass was the perfect way to end his dare. The only one seemingly unbothered was Hongjoong, he had no issue telling how he ended up being a camgirl's extra.
Now it's back to your turn. Out of randomness, you picked truth and almost immediately after you blurt the word out, Yeosang threw you a question with a smirk on his face, "How many of us have you slept with?"
As soon as he asked it, everyone snaps their heads to you, almost as if cornering you. With the help of alcohol, you simply shrugged and answer him, "literally everyone except San and Yunho," the two boys mentioned had their jaws dropped, "Wait, so out of everyone here, we are the only ones left???" San asked in disbelief.
You smirked at him, leaning your face close to his, "yeah, jealous?" it was obvious that the alcohol had made you slightly braver, and it's affecting San. His attention drops to your lips and his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip. "Depends, what are you gonna do about it?"
It would appear that the alcohol had not only affected you but also the other boys as well. Because as soon as you taunt him, San pulled you to his lap and began kissing you hungrily. You couldn't help but wind your arms around his neck to pull him closer, wanting to feel him against you whilst you both made out in front of everyone. Whilst you busied yourself with San, the others were watching you two with a look of shock, amusement, and flustered.
You detach yourself momentarily from San, making him whine as he tried chasing your lips with his. But it was futile as you grip the back of his hair and pull his head back, emitting a low groan that almost sounds like a growl from him.
"Whose turn is it?" you asked to the room, eyes not leaving San's lust-filled expression. Someone cleared their throat behind you, piping up to answer your question, "I-I think it's Jongho's turn," the voice said. You later identified the voice to be Seonghwa's.
"Okay, Jongho," you called out, breaking said man's trance to focus on you. Your hands began cupping San's face, your thumbs tugging at his bottom lip as you feel his hips starting to grind on you.
"I dare you to dare me to make San and Yunho cum," you smirked, eyes flitting towards Yunho who is two people away from you. Initially, he looked surprised, but when his eyes met yours, he smirked before beginning to crawl to where you and San are.
Sensing your plan, Jongho chuckled and obliged, "of course, (Y/N), I accept your dare of daring me to dare you to make San and Yunho cum," he said.
It was all it took before you began grinding on San back with more ferocity, hips flush against his that he was able to feel the heat from your pussy even through your underwear and shorts.
Yunho situated himself next to you, his hands pulling you towards him to connect your lips together in a messy kiss. You were trying to balance giving both boys the same attention, so as your hips work on San, your hand reach down to firmly cup Yunho through his pants.
The others were enjoying the show you put on. They too started to feel aroused, some were even thinking about if they were in either Yunho or San's positions.
You suddenly halted your movements on them to stand up. Your crotch is now in direct eye level with San, making him gulp while Yunho stared at your ass in pure fascination.
Without saying much, you unbuttoned your pants and let them drop to the floor as you throw your shirt off. You could've sworn one of the boys watching (most likely Wooyoung) gasped loudly at the sight of your body only covered in a flimsy two-piece bikini that you had put in case the boys wanted to play in the water.
"Shit that's dangerous," Jongho moaned from behind you. You felt that single comment boosted your ego through the roof. You eyed both Yunho and San momentarily, tilting your head to the side as if you were thinking. Your pointer fingers circled in the air in their direction, "take 'em off please, boys," you demanded.
Not even needing a second, both Yunho and San immediately stood up to strip nude. Both showcasing different yet equally pretty cocks, and you just know what you want with them.
Your hands found their way to push San back down to a sitting position. As he lowered himself down, you situated yourself back onto his lap, dropping your crotch directly on his bare cock, only having a thin barrier between you both. Once situated comfortably on San's lap, you began grinding on him hard again while motioning for Yunho to come closer to you. As San moaned at the feeling of your hot pussy rubbing itself on his bare cock, you grip Yunho's cock and began licking at his tip.
"Damn, she's greedy," Yeosang moaned from behind you. You couldn't see the other six boys, but from the sounds you heard, you're pretty sure they're touching themselves.
Yunho moaned loudly when you began taking him in slowly inch by inch until you can feel him at the back of your throat. But even then, there's some of him left that you couldn't fit in your mouth. As you began sucking Yunho off while simultaneously swivelling your crotch on San's, San sneakily managed to untie the knot of your bikini top and latched his lips to your chest. You gasped softly on Yunho's cock when you felt San's tongue running along your chest and around one nipple before grazing his teeth on it, making you squeal. The vibration of your voice shot straight to Yunho's dick, making him groan.
The sight of you on top of San whilst still focused on sucking him off made Yunho unconsciously buck into your mouth. You had one hand on San's shoulder for balance as the other was anchored on Yunho's hip, your fingers would ever so often graze against the underside of his cock and on his balls.
It didn't take long for both of them to feel like they're on the edge, and you knew it too. How could you not? San had tightened his grip around you with his face still buried in your chest and his hips thrusting onto you hard, the feeling of his cock brushing against your clit was amazing. Yunho had gripped onto your head as he began thrusting into your mouth, using it to chase himself over the edge.
Out of the two of them, San was the first to cum. He shuddered and bit on the skin of your boob as his cock let out streams of white cum, painting both your stomachs. You could feel San's hot cum trickling down your stomach. You detach your mouth from Yunho's cock for a bit, using your hand to pump him instead as the hand that was on San's shoulder reached down to your stomach to scoop some of the cum into your mouth before pressing your mouth to San so you both could taste him.
The visual drove Yunho over the edge as his hips stuttered and he came on the side of your neck and onto your chest. The sudden impact made you gasp and push San slightly away to see what had just happened.
Your eyes widened at Yunho's cum that's now prettily decorating your chest, along with San's cum that's starting to drop to the floor beneath.
Luckily, Yunho was quick to take the box of tissue nearby and he and San began cleaning you up from their cum.
Once cleaned up, you stood yourself up from your previous position and turn to look at the other boys. You smirked at the sight of them palming themselves whereas Wooyoung and Mingi just blatantly whip their cocks out to touch themselves.
Seeing that you're already too far in anyways, you pull your bikini top off and pouted at them, "I didn't get to cum, can someone please help me?" you said in a faux defeated tone.
Honjoong was the first to spoke up, "are you sure you can continue, baby? You had just taken two men," he said. You rolled your eyes playfully at him, "of course I can! I can take three of you at the same time," you answered.
Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Yeosang, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho began eyeing each other. You could see the wheels in their heads turning as if devising a plan on how to take you.
The first one to move forward was Jongho. He stood up and walk towards you. His hands moved to palm your breasts and began massaging them slowly, "prove it then, take me, Seonghwa hyung, and Joong hyung at the same time," he smirked cockily. He momentarily looked back towards the two eldest and nodded his head to the side, motioning them to come and help him take care of you.
In a blink of an eye, the one pair of hands turned to three before you could realize anything. Hongjoong pulled your bikini bottoms off before throwing them on Wooyoung's lap, "go help yourself," he ordered to which Wooyoung obliged by wrapping the item around his cock before resuming to pump himself. Seonghwa carefully manoeuvred you into a kneeling position on the floor before situating himself in front of you, he cupped your face gently and peck your lips softly before positioning himself at your entrance, "you ready?" he asked sweetly.
You hadn't even realized that Jongho had situated himself behind you and Hongjoong standing at your side. Jongho sweep your hair to the side, uncovering one of your ears so he could speak directly next to it, "we don't have lube with us, so this might hurt a little, but you can always tap out, okay?" he said, leaving a peck on your cheek as he presses the head of his cock on your rim.
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the impact from two out of three of them. Hongjoong knelt down next to you to connect both of your lips together. When you were distracted with Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Jongho began pushing themselves into you. You groaned at the sudden intrusion. It wasn't uncomfortable, but you weren't used to being filled like that. You grip onto Seonghwa's shoulders tightly while he caresses your hips, trying to coax you into relaxing more. Hongjoong's lips moved down to suck spots around your collarbone and chest, trying to distract you.
"Baby, damn, you're so tight here," Jongho groaned when he's fully sheathed in you from behind, his hands massaging your ass in an effort to make it feel better.
"Well gee, Ho, I don't usually do anal with any of you," you muttered, starting to get used to the feeling of having two cocks inside you. You tap on Seonghwa's cheek with your pointer finger, signalling for him to move first.
Seonghwa started to thrust up into you slowly. His cock sliding in and out of you combined with the fullness in your ass from Jongho's cock and Hongjoong's lips sucking marks along your collarbone made you sigh shakily and drop your head back onto Jongho's shoulder.
When he felt like you're relaxed enough and distracted with Seonghwa's thrusts, Jongho experimentally pulls slightly out before pushing back in once. When his hips slammed onto your ass, you felt your breath got knocked out of your lungs, but you didn't feel uncomfortable at all.
Taking your lack of protest as a good sign, Jongho began building up his own rhythm. He matched his thrusts with Seonghwa's. So when Seonghwa pulled out, he was thrusting in, making sure you're never left empty.
Both Seonghwa and Jongho were preoccupying you too much that Hongjoong had felt slightly neglected. He got onto his feet and grab his cock, poking it to your cheek with a pout on his face.
His expression made you giggle because who would've thought drunken, horny Hongjoong is whiny and needy?
Nevertheless, you open your mouth so he could slide his cock in. His cock isn't as big as Yunho and it fits rather nicely in your mouth. It didn't take long for you to start deepthroating him, occasionally letting your teeth graze against his cock that caused a low rumble from his throat.
Seeing your newfound attention, Seonghwa decided to be a little shit and tease you.
"Look at you, so pretty like this," he mockingly said. His hands that were situated on your waist moved to your chest, he caressed the underside of your boobs initially, but his fingers slowly started tweaking at your nipples, "you like having your holes filled, don't you? Having us use you however we like," he growled, fingers pinching at your nipples harshly.
The pain from your nipples shot through to your core, both Seonghwa and Jongho felt you clench at it. Your mouth hung open as a gasp escape you, Hongjoong's cock slipping out of your mouth momentarily.
The man was not pleased when your lips lost contact with his dick. He glared at Seonghwa and reach to yank at his hair, forcing Seonghwa to look at him.
"You better stop that or else you'd be the one sucking my dick," he threatened. In return, Seonghwa only chuckled mockingly, darting his tongue out to lick at his lips mockingly, "you'd like that, wouldn't you? You freak," the older teased.
Jongho leaned forward and hook his arms around yours securely, assuring that you wouldn't be able to move, "you think they'd realize if I slip you off of Hwa hyung and just fuck you myself?" he asked, making you giggle.
But your giggle was cut off when Seonghwa and Hongjoong averted their gaze towards the youngest male. They both promptly return to their tasks. After promptly shoving his dick back in your mouth, Hongjoong and Seonghwa started a new pace, much faster and much harsher than before.
You nearly toppled back onto Jongho, but thankfully he had a firm grip on you. As if not wanting to lose to the two eldest, Jongho began thrusting faster into you, making sure your ass smack against his hip bones repeatedly.
The only sounds that could be heard were words of encouragement from the boys watching, skin slapping, three moans, and one muffled one.
As the three thrust into you carelessly, using use as a mere item for them to chase their orgasm, you suddenly felt overwhelmed. With Seonghwa brushing his tip against your g spot, Jongho rubbing his sweaty skin on you and letting his thick cock fill you up beyond your imagination, and the lack of air that was caused by the blockage Hongjoong caused in your mouth, you toppled over the edge.
Your body tensed up, fingers curling on Seonghwa's shoulder to grip him tightly and your mouth gape out as a choked moan escapes you.
Instead of letting your orgasm ebb, neither one of the three stopped what they were previously doing. Moreover, they seem to be at it more than before. The rhythm of their thrusts became sloppy and uncoordinated. Your fucked out expression only egged them to cum even further, wanting to feel the ecstasy you're currently feeling. You could swear Hongjoong could see his dick bulging out from your throat and that Seonghwa and Jongho could feel each other's dicks rubbing inside you.
Jongho pulled out and came first, opting to shoot his load on your back and your ass than inside you. You groaned when feeling his hot cum on your ass and the man behind you made it his mission to make things messy as he spread his cum down to your ass and to your pussy hole so that his and Seonghwa's cum would mix together. You could actually hear Jongho snickering at the back, amused with himself.
Next thing you know, Hongjoong's hips stuttered and he came down your throat. Though still going through your own high, you swallow Hongjoong's load and keep sucking him to prolong his climax.
Seonghwa's eyes darkened even more at the sight of you so greedily swallowing Hongjoong's cum so easily.
"You're a greedy cumslut, aren't you? Made for nothing other than good dicking and taking cum, if that's what you want, then take it," he said before letting one, two, three, four more harsh thrusts before letting his head drop to your shoulder, lips pressing on his skin as he unloads inside you.
Never have you felt dirtier yet satisfied beyond anything after sex. Sure you've taken two brutes at the same time before (re : Mingi and Jongho), but apparently, three is your new limit.
Whilst the four of you were taking your breath, Jongho was smacked to the side by Mingi using the tissue box.
"You just had to make a mess, don't you?" he grumbled as he drops to his knees behind you and letting his hands carefully cleaned you off. However, you couldn't help but shudder when his hand reached between your legs to wipe the dripping cum off. Mingi smirked smugly at your reaction, "tingly down there, baby?" he teased, pressing a kiss down at the back of your neck.
"Don't tease," you whined, letting your body fell slightly backwards on Mingi's body. As the man behind you wraps his arms around your waist, you could see Wooyoung standing up from his position on the floor to walk towards you. He was stopped merely a couple steps in by Yunho who nudged his head towards Yeosang's direction, "might wanna let Yeosang go first, man looked like a ticking time bomb," he snickered. "You mean a ticking cum bomb," San retorted from the couch, hand stroking his erect cock even after cumming previously. "Damn it, it was right there," Yunho grumbled.
You flit your gaze Yeosang and true to what Yunho said, he had forgotten about his initial shyness. His cock was out in the open air, exposed by the pants that he had pushed carelessly down just enough, tip angry red and it looked so hard you think it must hurt.
Without wasting another second, you stood up and skip over to Yeosang. You drop yourself between his legs, adorning a goofy grin on your face, "can I help you with that?" you asked, eyes dropping to the problem between his legs.
Normally, he'd blush so hard if someone said that to him. But for some reason, he just found you adorable. He chuckled at you, lifting two fingers in a come-hither motion, "gimme a kiss first," he said. You squealed at his confidence but jump upwards to crash your lips with his in a playful kiss.
Lips busy, you sneakily drop your hand down to take Yeosang fully in your hand. Once your hand made contact with his cock and squeezing it softly, he gasped into your mouth.
You detached your lips so you'd be able to look down. You couldn't help but giggle at the sight before you.
"Red lace looks great on you, Sangie," you teased. Yeosang looked down and groan when he realized what you meant. He was so horny that he forgot he was wearing your panties for the dare.
"Jung fucking Yunho," he grumbled, dropping his head back onto the couch in embarrassment.
Still giggling, you lower yourself to press your chest against his hard dick. When Yeosang felt his cock pressed onto something soft, he whipped his head back up and nearly bulged his eyes out at the sight of you rubbing your chest on his dick.
"Do you think you can cum with my boobs, Sangie?" you titled your head at him. The stark difference between the innocent expression on your face and the lewd action you're doing made his dick twitch.
"Try me," he challenged.
Raising an eyebrow at him, you began squeezing your boobs around his dick and move your chest up and down on him. The skin of your chest was colder compared to his hot dick, it felt kind of nice.
Considering how hard and worked up he was, you think it wouldn't take him long to cum. So you work yourself so that Yeosang could reach his peak soon. Poor guy must've been wanting to cum so bad.
As you're preoccupied with Yeosang, Mingi took the opportunity of your ass jutting out to slip himself into your pussy in one swift thrust. Thank god you're still wet from previous ministrations.
The sudden impact halted your tit-fucking on Yeosang. You whimpered slightly when Mingi decided to stay still after waiting for him to move.
"No, no, princess, you're gonna make Yeosangie there cum with my dick in you," he said. You could hear the smugness dripping from his voice. He leaned forward to lick a stripe from the middle of your back to your neck, "so you better not move much if you don't want daddy to punish you," he growled next to your ear.
"Oh shit, Mingi's straight-up cruel, isn't he?" Wooyoung muttered to Seonghwa, who was equally shocked at the sight in front of him. Jongho piped in from the side, "nah, he just love taming (Y/N),"
Initially, you thought tit-fucking Yeosang would be an easy thing. But with the additional interruption inside you, you can't seem to focus. On one hand, you want to make Yeosang cum on your chest. But on the other hand, you think having Mingi fuck you would be amazing.
But you're determined. You tried not thinking about how Mingi's dick is filling you up nicely and to just focus on letting Yeosang's dick thrust in between your tits, having your tongue graze against his tip every time it came to view.
Slowly, Yeosang started to thrust himself onto you. You adjusted your rhythm to his, making sure that when he thrust himself up, you're pushing your boobs down on him. Soon enough you started to get used to Mingi's cock filling you and just focus on making Yeosang cum.
With increasing speed, you encouraged Yeosang to cum. Egging him to the edge. At one point, you even spat down onto his cock to make him move better as if your boobs hadn't already been covered in his precum.
Yeosang is different from the others. Whilst the others have telltale signs of them cumming through their faltering movements, Yeosang kept a steady pace. He'd increase his speed from time to time and his face would scrunch in concentration.
"Come on Sangie, I want your cum," you whimpered at him. His eyes met yours, focusing on the way you're looking at him. Eyes batted and lips pouted, proving that you're really begging for him to cum on you.
"Yeosangie, please," you moaned out. He inhaled sharply at your voice, knowing that he's just about to cum.
"F-fuck, (Y/N), w-where do you want me?" he uttered out in pants.
"Cum on my chest, Sangie, please," you begged.
As soon as his brain processed your begs, he spurted out ropes of milky white cum to your chest, some of it even splattered on your chin and neck.
You were about to compliment him when all of a sudden, Mingi pulled you flush into his lap and turned you both around so his back is rested on the couch behind him.
Wooyoung appeared before your eyes out of nowhere, hand still on his cock that's wrapped in your bikini bottom. He had a teasing smirk on his face as he pumps slowly, "our turn," he sing-songed.
Without even waiting for you to react, Mingi's arms wrapped around your waist and began thrusting himself.
"Ah!" you yelped, surprised at the suddenness. But Mingi didn't care as he only presses his forehead onto your shoulder and thrust at an animalistic speed. Your eyes focused on Wooyoung and how he's staring directly at your pussy while his hands move on his dick quickly to match Mingi's thrusting pace.
You licked your lips at how needy Wooyoung is. So who are you to deprive the man of what he needs?
Carefully, so that you wouldn't disturb Mingi, you hook both of your legs around his longer one's, making sure that Wooyoung could get a better view of how Mingi's moving into you.
Wooyoung's eyes bulged out at the new visual. Your glistening pussy practically sucking all of Mingi so greedily, pulsing with need, pink bordering on red from the way it's been used, and still slightly leaking the cum that Seonghwa had left inside you, not to mention your chest still has what Yeosang left on you. His hands initially faltered in surprise, but when his eyes met your encouraging ones, he scooted closer to you and began pumping harder and faster. How did he not get hand cramps yet is a mystery.
Mingi seemed to notice Wooyoung moving closer to the both of you. It was then when he noticed your legs had spread wider for Wooyoung to see and you're now enjoying how he's fucking into you.
He chuckled in amusement, feeling somewhat proud. "You're a considerate little princess, aren't you?" his voice rumbled deeply next to your ear, making you blush. You hadn't even realized one of his hands snaked to between your legs until it suddenly smacks your pussy loudly.
The others who were watching jumped slightly at the sound. One of them definitely whimpered either from the sound or from how your pussy is now a shade darker.
Mingi is now determined to make you lose control. Something deep in him convinced himself that even though the others had had their way with you, HE'S the only one who knows your body best and how to control it, bend it to his will.
With the determination set, his hips set to a steady pace and his hand rub at your clit in harsh circles, the lubrication of your juice and his precum (along with Seonghwa's leftover cum that he wouldn't admit) made it easier for him to pleasure you.
You let out a loud squeal at the newfound pleasure. Your chest arching high from Mingi's and your eyes scrunching close. If it weren't for Mingi's arms anchoring you, you'd surely topple forward and smack yourself onto Wooyoung's dick, face first. Although, that wouldn't be the worst way to fall over.
Wooyoung licks his lips when he saw the outline of Mingi's cock through your stomach, thinking how you must be so tight and small for Mingi's cock to be able to do that. Not that he think it's a competition, but he's pretty confident in his own size and girth.
Currently you're a moaning mess. Hands groping onto your chest for anchor and toes curling. The pleasure had become overwhelming. You don't know if it's the buildup of multiple sexual activities or the fact that you had only cum once whereas you had managed to make six out of eight men cum in and on you.
Mid-thought, you felt something inside you snap and you let out the most pornographic moan you can muster as you squirted on the floor, Mingi's legs, and onto Wooyoung.
Other than Mingi and Wooyoung, the room felt like it had been frozen in time. Six pairs of eyes watched with disbelief at what had just happened in front of them.
"Shit, she never squirted before," Jongho choked out, making the other five pairs of eyes divert to him.
"Oh fuck, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen," Wooyoung grunted. He promptly moves himself to be directly in front of you. He let your bikini bottom drop to the floor so that his bare hand would pump himself instead.
The way you're currently being overstimulated by Mingi's ever-thrusting dick sets him off immediately.
As if synced, when Wooyoung's cum hit your stomach, Mingi also released himself in you, mixing your essence and him together whilst still thrusting to ride his orgasm off.
When Mingi finally stopped thrusting, you could feel fatigue wash over you and your legs lost all its strength. All you could do is slump against Mingi as he caresses your thighs lovingly, whispering "good job"s into your ear.
Silence washed over the room as everyone calms themselves down from the event that had just unfold. No one was regretting anything, it's more like wonder. How one second you were all playing truth or dare and suddenly they're all fucking the girl who's supposed to be Wooyoung's fake girlfriend.
You were bordering on falling asleep when you suddenly felt your body being lifted up into familiar arms.
"I'll take her up and clean her, mind cleaning up?" Mingi asked towards the rest of them as he stood up to get you to your shared room.
The last thing you heard before closing your eyes were the other seven agreeing to clean up. The smell of sex was still thick in the air, while it would've been disgusting to your normal self, right now it just set your brain to immediately sleep.
"Rest up, princess, we'll take care of you," Mingi chuckled, pulling you closer into his chest as he walked up the stairs.
You didn't know why Mingi said 'we' instead of 'I'. But it felt nice.
It felt right.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @rae-baby @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13@aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @sweetlikeh0n3y @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream
okay, @rae-baby , where are you?? Why can't I tag you anymore ??
a/n : I called this chapter countryside orgy too much to the point that I changed it to countryside orgy from the original life's a beach. y'all fucking ruined me.
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
Lucky Catch
Pairing: Dream / Clay x gn!reader
Summary: Being lucky has never been your forte, but a chance encounter with a stranger starts making you think otherwise.
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: mentions of being followed/creep behaviour (stay safe!)
A/N: inspired by a scary incident i had a while back (but i’m a-okay) that i thought i could spin into something happier!! i hope you guys like this little tid-bit :)
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I must be the unluckiest person in the world, you thought to yourself as you turned another corner on the block.
Above you, the sky had only just begun to turn a pale shade of pretty pink, lavender seeping into the shadows of the clouds. The sun was slowly dipping closer and closer toward the horizon, and with each passing second, the footsteps following you grew a fraction louder—drew a fraction closer. Your heart tightened uncomfortably in your chest, your blood rushing through your ears.
Of all the people who could have been followed by some inevitable creep, you just had to be one of them.
The city was still as loud as ever around you, the streets full of bustling cars driven by tired people making their way home after rush hour just like you. At first, you didn’t believe someone was following you—after all, it wasn’t like you were the only person walking down the street. But the farther you walked, the closer the steps drew, and each time you snuck a glance over your shoulder, you caught the same face peeking back at you through the crowd.
You felt sick.
Your head spun with a million hazy thoughts, your brain just barely managing to piece together a plan with your pounding chest. Should I run home? You chewed on your lip. No, I don’t want them finding out where I live. What would my roommate do? I have my keys on me, but I don’t know if I could throw someone off me. I can try to disappear into the crowd.
You could feel a bead of sweat form on the back of your neck as you picked up the pace, the footsteps behind you following suit. Anxiety lapped at the pit of your stomach, fear crawling up the hollow of your throat and squeezing like a vice.
What do I do?
Up ahead of you, you could see the people filling the sidewalk start to die down a little, and your heart sank. Well, there went that plan.
But just then, a tall figure stepped out into the path a few feet ahead of you, and you felt a pair of eyes lock onto yours. Emerald green bore straight into you, and you blinked.
The man standing in front of you was tall, almost overwhelmingly so, his dirty blond hair gently tousled by the warm, summer breeze. Donning a simple lime hoodie, you watched with rapt attention as his gaze darted behind you, his eyes flashing before meeting yours once more. Although he didn’t utter a single word, it almost felt like he read your mind.
Do you need help?
Swallowing thickly, you nodded your head as subtly as you could, praying that the desperation was clear enough on your face for him to read.
In an instant, his pursed lips melted into an easygoing smile, and he opened his arms up in front of you. Recognition clicked in your head, and you suddenly began sprinting towards him. Sucking in a deep breath, you felt your heart do a nervous flip as you leapt toward him, your arms outstretched.
In one fell swoop, his arms were wrapped around your torso, catching you in a swift hold before pressing you close to his chest. You sank into his warmth, letting your shoulders go slack. The soft smell of pine filled your senses as you felt him spin your around once, a chuckle rumbling through his chest.
“Hey, there,” he said, and you were shocked by just how kind his voice sounded, “did you miss me?”
Leaning back, you gazed up at him with a look of wonder. God, he really was pretty up close, and you did your best to plaster a smile to your face and nod. “Did I keep you waiting for long?” you managed to warble, playing along the best you could.
The stranger shook his head at you, ducking down to press his lips to your forehead. Heat flooded your chest at the feeling, and your heart swelled.
“Not at all,” he murmured against your skin.
When he pulled back, you watched as his eyes flickered over your shoulder, his fingers still protectively curled around your waist. A moment passed with his hands still pressed against you, and then he let out a breath, his grip loosening.
“They’re gone,” he said simply, and you let yourself practically crumple with relief.
“Oh, thank god,” you breathed, stepping back with a grateful grin. You already felt the weight lifted off your shoulders, but an apologetic smile danced on your lips. “I am so sorry about this. I don’t know when they started following me, and I just didn’t know what to do—“
He sent you a crooked grin, and you felt your stomach churn with butterflies. “Don’t worry about it, really.” His eyes narrowed almost dangerously. “I saw them trailing after you, and I couldn’t just let them follow you home like that.”
Your entire front felt like it was on fire. Even though you were just a stranger to him, he was so kind, and the very thought made your gut erupt with butterflies.
“Thank you so much. You really saved me there…”
You trailed off when you realized you didn’t even know his name. How could it feel so natural to be in the arms of someone whose name you didn’t even know?
“Clay,” he suddenly said, his eyes snapping back to yours. Your soul burned with want. “The name’s Clay.”
You nodded your head, half-feeling like a broken bobblehead. “Thank you, Clay.” You reached your hand out toward him with a lopsided smile. “I definitely did this in the wrong order, but I’m [Y/N].”
The laugh that tumbled from Clay’s lips sounded like straight music to your ears. I could listen to him laugh forever, you thought distantly. Reaching over, he gripped your hand in his, shaking it warmly with a smile. Your fingers wanted to stay wrapped around his forever.
“It’s nice to meet you, [Y/N], and I’m glad I was able to help you out.” His eyes darted down to the watch on his wrist, and he raised a brow at you. “Did you possibly have somewhere you needed to be, by the way? I’d hate to keep you here.”
Your eyes shot wide open. “Oh gosh, my roommate is probably worried sick about me. I promised them I’d be back by now.”
His fingers twitched around yours for a moment, almost like he didn’t want to let go. But then, his hand was dropping away from yours as he sent you a fond, melancholic look. “Try to stay safe on your way back, yeah?”
You nodded, giving him another appreciative look. “I’ll do my best.” Rushing ahead of him, you waved over your shoulder. “Thanks so much, again!”
Clay waved back at you as you darted down the street toward your apartment, but as you tore you eyes away from him, you couldn’t help but feel your heart sink. You had only just opened the front door to your apartment when another realization struck you.
Crap—I should have asked for his number.
Even as your roommate shook you by the shoulders back and forth, concern etched onto her features as she began to interrogate you, all you could think about was the warmth of Clay’s arms circled around you and the tinkling sound of his laughter.
You really were the unluckiest person in the world.
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“[Y/N], don’t lose me!”
You can only barely make out the sound of your roommate’s voice as you squeeze your way through the crowd. Why you agreed to come with her to such a busy event, you still don’t know. You hardly even knew what it was the event was about. Something about meeting a popular YouTuber? You could hardly remember, now.
“This is, like, the biggest event in the history of YouTube, ever!” she had yelled at you. “You have to come with me.”
And like the good roommate you were, you had agreed, but mostly just because she told you that there would be free food.
But now, a day and a half later, and there was no food to be seen—especially not the free kind. Instead, all you could see was an ocean of people, and you were absolutely positive you were drowning in them.
I’m hungry, you internally whined. Your stomach growled, and you rubbed your hand over your frontside with a muffled moan. This was a mistake.
Even as your stomach growled, you tried to focus your attention on the situation at hand. Biting back a groan, your fingers squeezed at your stomach—being hungry wasn’t the important part, now. What was important was that you had somehow managed to get pushed ahead of your roommate from within the throng of people packed into the massive atrium.
“At least try to stay with me, will you?” you grunted over the horde of people around you. You narrowly dodged an elbow being pressed into your face, blindly reaching your hand behind you toward where your roommate had been just a moment prior. “I don’t want to have to go looking for you later.”
As soon as your fingertips brushed against warm skin, you quickly latched your hand into the one you had just brushed up against, holding on as tightly as you could manage before tugging. “Follow me—I’m getting us out of here.”
There was no resistance behind you as you began walking forward, pushing your way through the crowd toward what you could only hope was the edge of the room. Why was everybody pushing towards the stage, anyways? Was there supposed to be someone important up there?
With a few more tugs forward and the occasional apology spilling from your lips, you found yourself bursting out from the crowd and into an open space, your shoulders sinking with relief at the lack of people pressing in against you. You grinned as you straightened, squeezing your roommate’s hand in yours. Was her hand always this big and warm?
“We made it,” you breathed, turning. “Can we get something to eat, no—”
The words died in your mouth as you looked up into the emerald green eyes gazing back at you.
Oh no. This wasn’t your roommate.
“Um, hi,” he said, offering you a lopsided smile. “Fancy meeting you here, [Y/N].”
Your eyes felt like they were about to bulge out of your head.
“Clay?” you blurted.
His grin only grew wider. “That’s me.”
Your gaze darted down to your connected hands, his fingers wrapped around yours warmly. Immediately, you stumbled back, looking and feeling like an absolute blubbering mess.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry. I was here with my roommate, and I thought you were her.” You sheepishly peeled your eyes away from him, your face growing hot with embarrassment. “I swear I don’t do this kind of thing on the regular.”
He barked out a laugh, and your insides felt fuzzy. You didn’t want to admit how much you missed hearing that laugh.
“I was gonna say,” he said, cocking a teasing brow at you, “both of our meetings have been pretty forward of you.”
You buried your face in your hands, letting out an embarrassed whine. “Do not remind me. I can’t believe I got you roped into my shenanigans, again.”
You felt a hand gently pat your shoulder, and you peeked out from between your fingers to see him smiling kindly at you. “It’s no biggie, really. I wouldn’t mind meeting you like this more often, or just in general.”
Your jaw dropped. “Really?”
He nodded. “Really.” Slipping his hand into his pocket, you watched in awe as he fished out his phone and held it out to you. “Here, give me your number. I’d love to take you out sometime.” He glanced up at you, looking almost shy. “Maybe we can even grab a bite to eat after this?”
Your heart skipped a beat. Was he for real? Was someone this handsome and this sweet really asking you out?
It looked like your luck had turned around, for once.
Gingerly taking his phone from his hands, you nodded. “That sounds nice.”
As you began entering your contact information, you felt Clay fidget next to you. “You said you came here with your roommate?” he prompted after a moment.
Your lips quirked. “Yeah—she begged me to come with her today. I kind of forgot who she wanted to see, though.” Your brows knitted together. “I think she said something about a face reveal?”
Next to you, Clay had gone oddly still for a moment, but as soon as you were handing his phone back to him, he brightened, a smile tugging on his lips. “Ah, so she’s a fan and you’re here to accompany her?”
You nodded. “Yep! But I don’t regret coming, since I…” You gulped, your face growing warm once more. “Since I got to see you.”
You could have sworn you caught a dust of pink colouring Clay’s cheeks when all of a sudden, a familiar face popped out from the crowd.
“[Y/N]! There you are!”
Before you could even blink, your roommate was barrelling into your side, her arms clutching tightly onto you. “Where did you go?” she whined into your hair. “I thought I had lost you.”
In front of you, you watched as Clay tried to stifle a laugh, and you gently pried her off your arm as you let out an awkward laugh. “This is what you get for bringing me to such a busy place and not even trying to stick with me.”
She sent you an apologetic look. “Sorry. I just got so caught up in the rush.” Glancing over to her side, she blinked in surprise. “Oh, was I interrupting something?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but Clay spoke first. “Ah, no. I actually have to get going in a second.”
Your face wilted. He had to go?
His eyes met yours once more, and he must have sensed your sadness, because not even a second later, he was gently smiling at you.
“But I promise I’ll text you right after.”
Just like that, and you had brightened again. Waving at you, he slipped toward the side of the stage, opening a door that presumably led somewhere backstage. Oh, you thought, maybe he’s working here for the event.
You were pulled away from your staring by your roommate’s tugging at your arm. “[Y/N], who was that? He‘s cute.”
You felt your stomach twist again, but this time, not out of hunger. “You remember the guy I told you saved me from that creep?”
Her eyes widened. “That was him? You didn’t tell me he was so good-looking!” You laughed at the way her grip on your arm tightened. “Did you give him your number? What’s his name?”
“Yes, actually,” you hummed, puffing your chest up in pride, “and his name’s Clay.” Your head spun with dizzy, pink affection. “He’s really sweet.”
Your roommate fell quiet beside you, her fingers suddenly going slack against you. At her silence, you turned to shoot her a confused look. “Did I say something wrong?”
Her face was pale, her eyes as wide as saucers as she blinked blankly. “Y-You said his name was Clay?” she croaked, sounding like she was forcing the words out.
You raised a brow at her. “Uh, yes? Are you oka—”
You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence when the lights in the atrium suddenly grew dim and the room erupted into screams. A single spotlight shone on the front stage, and you watched a brunet man stepped out from behind the crimson red curtains.
“Thank you for your patience, everyone!” he called into his mic, his British accent echoing loudly through the speakers scattered across the room. “It’s been years in the making, but are you all finally ready to meet the world’s most popular Minecraft content creator face-to-face—to finally see the one and only Dream in the flesh?”
The crowd’s screams grew even louder, and you furrowed your brows. Dream? You felt like you recognized that name, but from where, you didn’t have a clue.
You peeked over at your roommate, who was still as pale as a sheet. You were surprised that she wasn’t screaming her own head off. “Aren’t you excited?” you whispered. “Isn’t this the guy you wanted to see?”
She stood stock still, her eyes still trained on the stage with frozen, unwavering attention.
“I already have,” she whispered, sounding absolutely star-struck.
The man on stage smiled at just how loud the audience had grown, and he stepped to the side. “You all certainly sound excited.” Gesturing to the curtains, he dipped into a dramatic bow. “Then, without further ado, here he is!”
In a flash, the spotlight almost seemed to glow even brighter, and the curtains flew to the side. Out stepped a tall, blond man with the most dazzling grin you’d ever seen.
A grin you’d seen twice, now.
All of a sudden, all the pieces suddenly fell into place as Clay took a step forward, waving at the masses. The screams of the crowd had grown to become absolutely deafening, and despite their overwhelming volume, it felt almost like you could hardly hear them at all.
Oh, you thought, the realization sinking deep into your bones. Oh.
So that was why your roommate was absolutely losing her mind, gaping at the stage with nothing short of pure amazement. That was why Clay had seemed so surprised when you told him you didn’t know who this event was even about.
On the stage, Clay’s emerald eyes swept across the audience before landing on you. He must have caught the surprised look on your face, because a split second later, he was sending you a knowing wink from across the room. Someone in the audience screamed at the sight, and you couldn’t stop yourself from winking back, your heart doing a somersault between your lungs.
Maybe you really were luckier than you thought.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Twin Snowflakes pt40: Growing Pains
TSF pt 39<-
Silent rides were never fun. This time last year, the Valkyrie car was full of laughter and praise at a job well done. Not tonight. Nora drove in silence all the way home, refusing to even turn on the radio. Occasionally she’d stare in the rearview mirror to see Valerie sitting quietly with her head down. What went through her head was beyond Nora. After all, she never believed her own daughter would do something so…underhanded. She still couldn’t believe it.
Ren chose to reassure his wife, rubbing her thigh for comfort the entire ride home. When they finally made it home, Ren was the first to exit the car. When they chose to be together and start a family, Ren and Nora swore their home would be a place of understanding where everyone would be heard and encouraged to speak their feelings honestly. That sentiment will never be abandoned, but the car was not their home.
“I am so disappointed in you.” Nora finally spoke, turning around. “What were you thinking pulling a stunt like that! Valerie, look at me.” She ordered.
Valerie raised her head to see the frustration in her mother’s eyes. It nearly made her cry again. “I…I wasn’t.”
“Do not give me that crap! Not only did you cheat, but you did so knowing it hurts everyone around you in more ways than one! You’re telling me you didn’t think about that!?” Valerie had nothing to say to that, which only made things worse. “You’re grounded indefinitely. Don’t ask to go anywhere fun, or to leave the house without expressed permission. Just school and home, without sports.”
That last part stopped Valerie’s heart. “What?” Nora had already left the car and headed inside. Valerie stumbled out her door and ran inside. “You’re taking me off sports!? I’m key in many positions; I’m captain in some!”
“So what? Cheaters shouldn’t play.”
“Y…You can’t do that!!!” Valerie yelled. Her mother stopped, turning around slowly.
“Excuse me?”
“I have given 110% for years to get where I’m at. Day in and day out, I made any sport I was good at into my life. You’re not just punishing me, but my teammates!”
“We’re your teammates Valerie!!! This family is first and foremost but you’re not playing by the rules. You won’t even actually talk to me!”
“She talked to me.” Ren said, walking in from the kitchen with a water bottle he tossed to Valerie. “As a matter of fact, I warned you not to do something you’d regret. So, did you?”
“Dad, I know you’ve been sensing my emotions so-”
“Did you, or not?” He said firmly. “I won’t ask twice.”
Veronica looked at the bottle. Her puffy eyes stared back at her as her mind looped the last couple hours again and again, burning into her the memory of not just Summer’s anger, but Nick’s look of utter disbelief. Nora was about to say her name again,when the water bottle bursted in her hand as she gripped it tightly.
“Of course I regret it…” she murmured, feeling the water flow down her hands faster than the tears on her face. She looked up at Nora, practically begging. “I know you hate me right now, but please don’t make me quit sports. It’s all I’ve ever been good at. That’s…that’s why I..” Valerie crouched down, holding her head and letting out a stress induced sigh.
“What the hell is wrong with me? I just couldn’t bear the thought that losing to him…means I’m worthless. That nobody is gonna call me when they need help; that he will never need my help. It’s not an excuse. I know that, but…I..I was scared of everything changing, but now they have and it’s my fault!” Her breath hitched violently. “I’m so sorry.”
Nora walked to her crying child and crouched low to meet her. “Let’s get one thing clear. I could never hate you, okay?” She started crying too. “Don’t ever think otherwise. I just…this situation is…” it was Nora’s turn to groan. It would be easier if Valerie didn’t feel terrible.
Ren could tell Nora needed help and sat down on the floor next to them. “Valerie, you messed up, clear as day. No matter what, you have to take responsibility for that.”
“I know…”
He put his hand under her chin and raised her head. “This won’t be easy and people have a right to be upset with you. However, don’t go thinking this bad thing you did makes you a bad person. As far as adults go, you know they still care about you and frankly, have done way worse at your age; me included. As for your friends though, Nick, he’s the one you need to be apologizing to the most. Not us, and you’re going to have to deal with that even if you say sorry, they may not forgive.”
Her face got cold. That was the reality, wasn’t it? Valerie may have just burned two bridges to people near and dear to her. “I…I understand.” She said with a heavy heart. It didn’t matter how kind Nick was in the past. Things were never this bad.
Ren got her to stand again. He wiped her tears for what felt like the hundredth. “Tomorrow is a new day, so we’ll pick this backup then. For now, hit the showers and get some rest.”
“Yes sir.” Ren leaned down and kissed her forehead. She couldn’t tell if that helped or not, but she was glad he did it. Valerie watched her mother stand up. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
Nora pulled her unruly child into her arms. “I love you.”
“….I love you too.” Valerie hugged her tightly. She almost didn’t want to let go but eventually did, heading upstairs.
Nora immediately went to Ren, who knew to hug her. “I’m so glad you weren’t on a mission or anything crazy when this happened. I don’t think I handled that well.”
“I think you did. Both of you are a bit…abrasive. I can’t imagine a situation where you two weren’t going to cry.” He rubbed her head, playing with her hair. “Don’t make her quit sports. Val isn’t gonna do herself much good being in her room for endless hours with nothing but frustration and her thoughts.”
“I said it in the moment. I’ll tell her later.” Nora leaned more into Ren’s chest. “I hope this isn’t the end for them. No one ever really forgets their first crush. Let it at least end peacefully.”
“We might be beyond that.”
“Who knows?” Nora looked up at him. “Maybe not now. Perhaps after a bit more growing, but when two people want things to work, they’ll make it work. We’re proof of that.”
Ren smiled. “Yeah. Guess we are.” He kissed her gently. “Let’s hope time is kind then.
With the moon finally high in the sky and the crowds of watchers becoming tourists, Summer’s duties to the people were over, along with her family. Veronica, who was the least tired, went straight through the door and opened it for everyone else.
“We’re back! Surprisingly.” Veronica echoed. Blake came walking out of the living room with messy hair and rubbing her eyes. Veronica squinted, “At least one of us got sleep.”
“Two.” Blake pointed upstairs. “I had to convince him to shower before he locked himself up in his room. Sometimes he’s awake, other times…” “Cries himself back to sleep.” Weiss frowned. She took off her heels and rolled her shoulders, heading towards the kitchen.
“You don’t want to say anything to him?”
“The best thing I can do for him right now is make dinner. No one is a fan of airing out all their feelings multiple times, and it isn’t like any of us can’t imagine how this is for him.”
She had a point. Making this home feel warm and comforting is the way to go. Jaune followed her. “I’ll help out. We’ll have the entire house smell like his favorites if we have to.”
Yang smiled, looking at Winter. “Wanna join them?” The older woman said nothing, staring at her scroll. “Winter?”
“Your uncle hasn’t called all day. Neither has Sparrow.” She put her scroll away. “Penny?”
“Not a word from Oscar.” She said, “I expected at least one by now too.”
Winter didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but she couldn’t shake the feeling something was amiss. “I hate to leave given the situation, but I think I’ll head to headquarters and see if I can pinpoint Sparrow’s ship.”
“Need my help?”
“No, I think you’re better off here Penny. I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone here let the stress make them sick. Make sure nobody goes overboard. Especially Weiss and Nicholas. Those two would work to death if they could.”
“I do believe that’s hereditary.” Penny winked at Winter, earning a smirk before she left.
With her gone, all that were left was Yang, Blake, and the kids. Ruby and Whitley stayed with Ruth and the other kids all the way to the orphanage until eventually going home. Penny was sure that had to be taxing for them in their own right. She looked at Veronica, well, scanned her to be more precise. Nothing more than fatigue was affecting the young faunus. As for Summer, she seemed normal, as far as normal goes for her unique situation.
“Alrighty then!” Penny clapped, gaining everyone’s attention. “I think our two youngest and brightest deserve a nice long bath before dinner.”
A hot shower sounded heavenly to Summer. “Nothing would make me happier.
Part of Veronica didn’t want to take off the cheerleader uniform but alas, all dreams end eventually. “Sure. I guess you should go first.”
“That your way of saying I smell?”
“I was being considerate.” Veronica deadpanned. “And you do smell. You’ve done nothing but fight and perform all day. Anyone would smell!”
“Now I know you’re tired and if you can’t hear sarcasm. Also, did you forget where we are? There’s showers and baths galore. As a matter of fact, use mine. It’s the hottest.”
“Is that even a good idea for you?”
“Relax. I know my body. Plus it’s not like everyone else in this house takes cold showers. Just let me get my towel out first.” Summer went upstairs.
Veronica walked over the stairs and sat on the bottom steps. “Who wants to bet she’ll use Nick’s, considering it’s right by his room?”
Blake nodded. “Pretty safe bet. She could’ve just said she’s worried.”
“Siblings don’t simply show concern.” Yang said with a chuckle. “Especially the younger one. Ruby is the same way. What about you though, Vee? Still not going to say anything?”
Blake watched Veronica’s face scrunch up before letting out a quiet, drawn out sigh. “Did I miss something? You don’t want to talk to Nick?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just…it would be…wrong. Everyone knows my feelings about him, including Nick himself. Anything I say might feel disingenuous or like I’m trying to get ahead.”
“Well that’s ridiculous.” Penny called out, surprising everyone. “What? Nicholas is sad right now, not oblivious or any less smart. He wouldn’t assume you’re trying to take advantage of his misfortune. Nicholas knows you better than that.”
“I’m sure he thought he knew Valerie well too.”
“Veronica!” Blake crossed her arms.
“What? Am I wrong!? Even me, someone who can’t stand her, didn’t think she’d pull a stunt like this. I wouldn’t blame Nick if he started giving a little less trust.”
“Be that as it may, do not start going around saying whatever you want about Valerie. Despite how you feel, remember that’s Nora’s daughter. You get in trouble at school but Yang and I don’t let people say whatever-” she stopped herself, seeing Veronica’s ears fall down and eyes narrow.
“So now it’s my fault I get in trouble at school is it? Like I’m trying to get you called nonstop?”
“That’s not what I meant. I’m sorry.” Blake said softly. Veronica rolled her eyes, getting up and going upstairs. “Veronica!”
“I’m going to take a shower.”
Blake bit her lip, “Shit. I wasn’t trying to-”
Yang rubbed Blake’s back. “She knows. Everyone is tired and needs a minute.”
“That’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have brought school up at all.”
Penny was a bit confused. “Wait…” she looked at her friends, tilting her head. “Veronica has problems at school? I heard she gets into a few fights but is that really that bad?”
Blake held her tongue a little. There wasn’t a place where Veronica wouldn’t be in earshot. “It’s…not great. Never has been, and to be honest, I can’t even be sure of everything that goes on or her complete thoughts on the matter. Just that she hates school as much as Summer.”
“Huh…” Penny looked up the stairs where the girl had run off to. She couldn’t help but frown. “That’s a shame.”
Upstairs, Summer carries her night clothes to the shower past Nick’s room. Her legs gradually take shorter strides as she gets further into the hall; until they completely stop in front of his door. Summer puts her ear up against it. Doesn’t sound like he’s crying. Maybe he’s gone back to sleep? Her hand gently twists the knob, pushing the door open enough to peek in. Nick laid on his bed with his back towards the door.
Summer took a slow, even breath. “I’m gonna take a quick shower and come in here, so please don’t try and shut me out.” She spoke softly, closing the door silently.
Nick rolled over to look at the door. Leave it to Summer to know what actual sleep looks like. He sat up in his bed and waited. Nick honestly didn’t want to talk to anyone but it felt wrong turning her away; especially after Blake told him that Summer had supposedly gone off on Valerie. He still couldn’t believe it. About eight minutes went by before his door opened again. Summer walked in with fuzzy yellow pj pants and one of dad’s old black hoodies. The girl sat on the floor near the bed, leaning her head against the mattress.
“Summer, can we please make this quick? I don’t feel like talking.”
“That’s okay. If you only want to listen, then listen.” She uttered meekly. “Today…it didn’t go the way either of us wanted, and though there’s parts of it that were beyond our control, it wouldn’t have been as daunting if I…if I didn’t lie.” There. She admitted it.
Nick’s eyes widened slowly. He looked from over his bed to see Summer, but she put her hood up.
“I lied to you. Then had the gall to yell at you about it when you called me out. I’m sorry for what I said, honestly.” Her voice trembled.
“Why couldn’t you have been honest from the start?”
“I don’t know…” Summer wiped her eyes. “I was scared? Upset that it came to it. You got out because of my mistake. I just wanted to do right by you, everyone! It was all I could think of and when I felt good about it…you just looked so fearful, disappointed. I got mad…then you had to lie to everyone for me. M..Maybe if you had gone into King of the Hill without dealing with all my crap then you wouldn’t be so hurt. And…and….”
Nick hopped off his bed and sat by Summer, removing her hood to see her red face and running tears.
“I’m sorry.” She whimpered, “I ruined all your hard work.”
Nick pulled her into a gentle hug, rubbing her head. “You didn’t ruin anything, Summer. You saved this entire tournament; rolled with the unexpected like the extra performances and me putting you on the spot. Yeah, I hated that you lied, but it’s because I am scared. I’m scared for you. Losing you…it terrifies me.” His throat started to dry. “And don’t blame yourself for what happened in singles. No one expected that.”
Summer pulled away, seeing Nick start to cry again.
He tried keeping it in but couldn’t. “I really wasn’t expecting that. I…it’s…too much. I mean if you both go to such extremes, then it has to be me, right? I’m the problem? Did I push you all away?”
“It’s just I can’t think of anything else! I thought we were fine, or getting better! I never know what I’m doing! I gave space and it was wrong. I push only to get pushed back. I tried focusing on myself and she…Val…” he could feel his chest tighten. “What was I supposed to do!?”
“Stop it!” Summer yelled, grabbing his shoulders. “Stop making it sound like you’re to blame; like she calls all the shots! Valerie took your feelings and used them! That is not your fault and I refuse to hear otherwise! If she says otherwise then send her my way!”
Nick watched his sister get angrier on his behalf, her grip on him harder than he thought she was capable of.
“You’re always there. Always watching. I know what I said earlier…but that’s not always a bad thing! We’re lucky to know you.” Why was it so difficult? When did being open become so hard? Nick was everything to Summer. She didn’t believe she could move without him; and that’s what precisely made her so angry within. “I need you. We’re a team. I’m scared too. Scared of dragging everyone down with me. I can’t speak for Valerie and I don’t want to either. I just want you to know you don’t have to put up with us like this. Don’t force yourself to keep trying. I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”
To be forgotten and left behind, it wasn’t a dream of hers. However, Summer could see the beauty in it. The peace of mind it could bring. Nick brought his hands up to her arms to remove her grasp, yet he still held on to them.
“I’m not forcing myself. Not when it’s you. And as for hurting me…you could start by not squeezing so tightly.” He smiled softly.
Summer’s lip quivered, wavering between smiling or bursting into tears. In the end, tears won like they always did. “We’re okay?”
“Yeah, we’re okay.” He hugged her again. “How’d I become the one cheering you up?”
“I’m sorry.” She groaned.
“Relax, I’m teasing.” He let her go. Nick took her Hood and put it back over her head, tugging it forward to wipe his own face.
“What’s a few more tear stains?” Nick freed her for real this time. “I hate today.”
Summer nodded. He had every reason to. “This isn’t new advice but stop trying to play the nice guy. Seriously, I can handle you being upset with me. It can be like the old days when…” Summer faulterd for a moment. “When we didn’t like each other.” She held her head. “I’m shocked I remember that. It was before the lake.”
“A lot has changed since we were five. I don’t think going back that far is really an option, but I promise to hold back less. Not like I’m doing it on purpose. Most times I don’t see the point in yelling at you to solve a problem. Then again, you’ve gotten a bit more productive since Veronica showed up.”
“I hate everything about the sentence.” Summer said bluntly. There was a tiny bit of truth in that but in no way did she ever want that kind of attitude thrown at her. “I might actually think you hate me if you were that cold.”
“You’re being dramatic.”
“She literally told me she hated me.” Granted the girl pedal back a bit, but Summer clearly knew she stood in a deep gray area with Veronica and the same was true in reverse.
“Riiiight. Forgot about that.” Nick got up to fall back on his bed. “I’d like to go an hour without crying.”
“They’re making your favorite food downstairs.”
“Not hungry really. I also know seeing mom and dad right now will break me down more. I think I’ll just lay here awhile.”
Summer stood up. “Well I’m starving. Odds are you are too and don’t feel it, so I’ll make a plate for you to swipe later.” She started to walk away but then looked back. “Nick?”
“I know you said it isn’t work when it’s me, but is it for Valerie?” He didn’t say anything, worrying her. “I can’t tell you how to feel, but I’m not getting over this easily. Still, I won’t do anything that contradicts how you want things to go.”
Nick rolled over to his nightstand and grabbed his wallet. 50 lien was taken out and pointed to Summer for the usual bribe of silence. “Rain check.”
It hurt but she understood. “Keep it this time. In exchange, I’d like to ask if it’s okay I tell Eliza what went down? She was pretty worried about you leaving so suddenly and has been asking. I’m not a very good liar, as you know.”
Nick had forgotten Eliza’s involvement. It was the furthest thing from his mind. “Okay, might as well. I owe after all.” He said, acknowledging the fact she chose to remain in third. “You can tell her tomorrow at the meeting. I’m not going to school tomorrow.”
Again, not surprising. Yet hearing it was still odd. “I’ll take notes for you.” Summer left quietly. She returned to the entrance, crossing paths with Veronica at the stairs. Much like Yang, Veronica’s sleeping clothes were a tank top and shorts that were knee length. Summer had a sneaking suspicion this was modest for the sake of being at another person’s house.
“Where’s the outfit?” Veronica asked, noticing its absence.
“Oh. Uhhhmmmm-”
“You left it in the bathroom, didn’t you?”
One fumble after the other! “It’s on a hanger at least, and definitely not wet! Hehe…” Veronica didn’t seem to find that funny. “Cut me some slack okay!?”
“Okay.” Veronica walked down the stairs.
“Wait, that’s it?”
“That’s it.” She looked up, “I mean you forgot about it because you were busy trying to talk to Nick, right? Can’t be mad at that.” She kept walking.
“Were you eavesdropping?”
“Why does everyone- no! It’s the easiest guess in the world! All these bathrooms and you go to his! Now start moving. I can smell dinner's nearly ready.”
It was weird seeing Veronica show more restraint than usual. Despite her personality, Summer knew Veronica wasn’t a person to senselessly add fuel to a fire. All she wanted out of this were people seeing her clothes. Today’s layered drama probably had her regretting her choice in models. Then again…
“Aren’t you going to talk to Nick?” The speed in which Veronica’s head whipped back around made Summer nearly jump. “What? It’s the easiest guess in the world that you want to. It’s you.”
Her cheeks turned red. “Don’t get cute with me.” Veronica huffed, continuing her walk. “No need for me to say anything. He’s got you to worry about him.”
Add that to the weird compliments jar. Summer jumped from the railing down to the first floor. “Not sure how to take that, but if you want to see him then by all means, go then. I’m sure he’d appreciate it.” Gods know that nobody else sees Vee’s gentle side like Nick does.
Veronica kept on walking past Summer and into the dining room . “Like I said, don’t need to.”
Stubborn as usual. Summer wasn’t sure why she tried talking to Veronica to begin with. No matter. Summer went through the door and was welcomed with the scent of fresh beef stew. Her stomach growled like a grimm, making her rush over to the table where everyone else sat. “No way you didn’t have this prepped before we left. It takes forever to cook.”
Weiss smiled, “This might’ve been planned. In victory or defeat, stew makes things better. How’s Nick?”
“How’d you know I talked to him?”
Weiss gestured to Summer’s face. “Puffy eyes, red face, the fact that you love your brother dearly and we’re scarier than me.”
“I don’t know why you keep asking the obvious.” Veronica said, trying not to inhale her food. If she were in private then she’d already be on the second bowl. Blake tapped her shoulder then stuffed a roll in her mouth the moment she turned around.
“Fill up a little on bread.” She didn’t want Veronica to eat more without others getting the chance to. “You can also have half my stew.”
Yang also took her own bowl and gave Veronica half. “There ya go!”
Veronica blushed, embarrassed by her appetite. “Thank you…”
Penny looked at the exchange, intrigued. “Yang, Blake, while I’m flattered, I think you might’ve miscounted how many mouths at this table are actually going to eat the stew.” Penny spun her empty bowl on her finger. “Both of you split my portion.”
How could they possibly forget about that!? Both girls laughed, “haha, whoops! Thank you Penny.”
“I liked the inclusion, but I’m only at the table to enjoy the company. Anyways, Summer, is Nick coming? He really should eat.”
“I know, but he said he wasn’t hungry. Can’t say I’m much of an eater when I’m feeling down. I’ll make him a bowl to grab later.”
Jaune went through his bowl slowly. “Nick was something else today. We’ve all been so fixated on the low notes that we haven’t discussed that.”
Now that he said it, Jaune was right. Weiss nearly forgot the spectacle except for its end. “He’s gotten stronger.” She smiled warmly, “Truly strong. Now that he’s grasping the basics of traditional glyph use, there’s no telling how far he’ll go.”
Yang nodded. “I don’t think I’ve seen so many people get excited about a fireball. Is it that big of a deal?”
Summer explained, “For him it is. He’s always been putting off how mom and I use glyphs. Then there’s time dilation, which was even more impressive.”
“I guess, but the real show stopper was the armor trick he did! I saw the video that Veronica watched but man it was different seeing it in person!”
Summer thought back to it, seeing the armor glow around her brother as he stood tall with his sword. It should’ve been inspiring, yet she couldn’t help but frown. “Yeah, he’s getting stronger every day.”
Jaune noticed the lack of enthusiasm, or rather the frustration Summer must’ve felt. “You are too.” He reassured her. “Just because you didn’t learn a new ability doesn’t mean you’re the same person you’ve been. Take it from me, progress is steady, even if it doesn’t always look like it.”
“Thanks dad.” Summer smiled. He always knew what to say. Though now that she was brought up, the obvious next topic of course had to be…
“So Shiva…” Penny said on que. “I haven’t had the chance yet to go over your recordings, but can you explain your experience? Specifically today’s.
The table noticeably got a little more tense. Figures. Summer thought back to her match. The sensation, it’s confusing duality and clearity.
“It felt…a bit like an out of body experience and yet it wasn’t. Normally I feel lost inside my own head, forced to watch with my own eyes what’s happening without control. This however, felt like I still was involved. As if I controlled the gas and brakes but didn’t do all the steering.” Summer could tell that gave everyone concern. “But I definitely was able to stop anything crazy from happening.”
“I noticed that. A few times it looked like there was resistance.”
“That was me making sure Shiva didn’t go overboard. I have to admit it was surreal. I didn’t move like myself, but I can’t say I’ve seen Shiva move with that much poise either. It’s as if we fell in the middle.”
“All this because of constant mental training, engaging her in combat for control in varying temperatures. Maybe it’s a clue?”
“I’m not sure, but I do know that things wouldn’t have gone as smoothly without my dust clothes and the flames Max created.” She looked at her parents, more so at Weiss. “I took a risk without warning. I’m sorry.” As much as she wanted to confess to also stealing Diamond Dust, Summer couldn’t bring herself too. It was gone now anyways.
Weiss still wasn’t sure where to stand on all of it. “Let it be known that I’m not thrilled at what’s been going on, but I do understand. I’m just glad you’re okay. There’s so much we still can’t solve. It’s hard to know what’s a real risk and what isn’t. From now on, tell us when you’re doing it. One things for sure is-”
“A mistake could cost everything. Believe me mom, I know.” Summer spoke softly, fearful of losing one day. She will get stronger. She has to for everyone’s sake. “One more thing bothered me. It was the look on Shiva’s face whenever we did certain things. She looked as confused as I was. I don’t think it’s a lie when she says she doesn’t have all the pieces either.”
Veronica finished her secret third bowl. “Well that’s annoying. If nobody knows everything and what you do know isn’t proven, then how can anything be reliable?”
“That’s literal scientific discovery.” Penny giggled, “We simply keep learning more.”
“Sounds miserable. I’ll stick to creating things limited to imagination and not specifically a breakthrough in science. I still haven’t gotten good inspiration for my fire and ice theme.”
Summer spoke, “Oh yeah. Tournament is over so you’ll be going soon. I bet you’re happy to go back to warm sandy beaches, vibrant areas and not a single sign telling you to stay out.”
“You could say that.” Veronica grabbed her glass and took a drink, saying nothing more about it.
Deeper into the night, people eventually started to go to sleep. Summer had immediately gone to bed after dinner, while Yang and Blake were kind enough to clean dishes so Jaune and Weiss could take it easy. They also found themselves wanting sleep, leaving Penny awake. Not that she needed much rest in the first place.
The scientist made sure to keep an eye on the manor and thought it wise to take Nick’s prepared bowl out of the fridge to heat up. She figured she should at least try to get him to eat. Penny grabbed the bowl and headed out the kitchen where she unexpectedly stumbled upon Veronica. The girl obviously wasn’t expecting to be seen, flinching violently before trying to act cool by folding her arms.
“H-Hey! You’re still up.” Veronica stuttered.
“I think that should be my line.” Penny smiled at Veronica. “What brings you down from your room? Hungry again?”
“N-No. I just thought…maybe…” her ears fell and face tinted pinkish.
Penny noticed the subtle glances at the bowl. “Oh! Hehe.” She extended it to her. “I would like to go over a little more of Summer’s training videos. Could you maybe give this to Nick for me, see if he’s okay?”
“I…” there really was use denying it. Penny was kind enough to act like she didn’t know Veronica’s ploy, handing her the very thing she was aiming for. “Okay.” She took the bowl and headed upstairs.
“Thank you!”
The girl grumbled, embarrassed. She was off her game if Penny caught her off guard. Veronica made it to Nick’s room with the steaming bowl. She was so nervous she was surprised the food was still intact. Veronica knocked on the door gently.
“Ummm Nicholas? I have your dinner, if you want it that is.” No response. He could’ve been asleep, but Veronica’s ears didn’t hear the breathing of a sleeper. No, he was definitely trying not to make a sound on purpose. “Nick, it’s stew beef. There’s a roll and some rice in here too. Honestly it’s not the most balanced but…”
“Hardy is never balanced.” He countered.
“Ah, so you are awake. Can…May I come in, please? I’ll be in and out in an instant.”
Veronica walked straight through the door into the dark room. “Umm, light please?” She cursed having normal eyes. This would be no problem for Blake.
“Sorry.” Nick said, forgetting the girl’s limitations. He turned on his nightstand lamp. “Better?”
Not the word she would’ve used, seeing his tear stained face and red eyes. Earlier it would’ve made her angry, but now it was only depressing. Veronica snapped out of her trance and walked across the floor of scattered clothes until the nightstand was within reach, and Nick for that matter. She went to set the bowl down but he surprisingly reached out to take it off her hands.
“Thanks, Vee.”
“No worries. Do you…need a drink? I can get one.”
“It’s alright. I probably won’t even finish this.” He bit into the fluffy bread.
His voice sounded so unmotivated. Veronica stood before him awkwardly. It has been more than an instant, yet he didn’t seem too bothered by her presence. Well, she’s come this far. Saying nothing would be a shame.
Her right hand played with her left while she tried gathering her thoughts. “Umm Nicholas?” She held her head up, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m here for you. I’ll listen if you ever want to talk about your feelings, because you’d do the same for me. I know you would.”
Nick looked at the girl who couldn’t seem to meet his gaze head on, shifting her eyes. “Are you leaving tomorrow?”
An unexpected question, but Veronica could see why he’d ask. “No. Mom still has business with your uncle, but I’m sure my time being a student here is over with. Now there's no reason to go.”
“Fine by me. I’m not going tomorrow, so… wanna keep me company?”
“Oh! Ummm, I don’t see why not. Sure, we could…hangout.” Why was it so hard to act normal!? It’s normal for a person to want the company of a friend.
“Your face is red.”
“It was bound to happen. Sorry. I don’t mean to be weird about this; especially this. I-”
“It’s okay.” He said calmly, giving her a soft smile. “Believe me, I get it. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Veronica nodded, still playing with her hands as she turned around to leave. Above all, being friends takes priority. The other feelings in her stomach would have to stay there for a while. It’s the right thing to do.
“Hey.” Nick said before she left. “Thank you for seeing me tonight. I mean that.”
Veronica didn’t turn around. She barely trusted her lips to avoid ruining the moment. “You're welcome.” The safest thing she could say before finally leaving him be.
Nick continued eating slowly, letting the stew warm him and grant a momentary peace.
At last, a day of many battles, of many conflicts, was over. Except for one. While young fighters found rest, another found nightmares. Ones that brought cold sweat running down their body until
Their body shot up from bed, numbing pain spreading from their left shoulder and aches for their palms. A small headache began pulsing while eyes hurt and mind clouded.
“I’m…not weak!” They grunted a little dazed.
“Prove… it…”
A gut feeling made them look out the window of their room, eyes staring off below in the direction of the forest. They didn’t know why, but something unknown to them, like an instinct, was calling for them.
“That brat. I’m gonna make her pay!”
“Only the weak chatter. Move. Move, Darren.”
The boy laughed to himself, gripping the sheets and staring angrily at a silver medal as it laughed back.
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peonyneko · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing so far, and I hope you don’t mind if I send you a request :) I was wondering if you could write something with Tenya Iida x the reader? I was thinking a situation where they’re on a class trip to the beach and he sees mineta bugging the reader with flirts because she’s wearing a bikini. I would love to see how Iida would react. Thanks in advance!
Buzz Off, Pop Off | Tenya Iida x Reader
I am making the class’ ages slightly ambiguous because I know a wide age range of people read fanfics. However, the story makes more sense in a high school or university setting. If you are older, you can make UA a hero university and 1-A one of the hero classes there. Also I apologize over how long this took to do. Hopefully, if you're reading it you like it.
Words: 1791 words | Fluff
Warning: Inappropriate comments, uncomfortable comments
“Say cheese!” Mina exclaimed as she attempted to capture pictures of everyone in the class. A scream emits from my throat as she tackles me into the water. Somehow, we managed to stay up. I hold up a hand covering part of face and body to avoid a full capture.
“Come on! You look absolutely amazing. It’s for the memories,” she pouted while crossing her arm.
“Hm... Try beating me in game of volleyball. We’ll see then,” I challenged her.
“Game on!”
“Pick your team. May all the luck be with you,” I bowed towards her, making her laugh at my response.
“Hey, everyone! We both are playing volleyball. Does anyone want to join?!” Mina shouts while pointing at the both of us. I instantly hear a series of ‘yes’ and ‘me’ throughout the beach.
Looking around, I made sure everyone was in their position. Iida is on my team... Wow. Okay, calm down. Don’t panic. Luckily (and obviously), this portion of the beach was reserved for the class only. The teachers were all still visible talking amongst themselves. As soon as the whistle blew, my focus turned towards the ball.
“____, you look quite hot with your bikini!” And there he goes.
“Wow. I wish you jumped towards me like that.” Dude, let me concentrate. Crap, the block was good.
“How about you and I go somewhere after this?” No thank you. Crap, I need to be careful with my spikes. It almost went out.
“Hehe. I know you’re interested, ____. You keep look at me.” No. I am looking at you with disgust. And I’m focusing on Iida, who is BEHIND you.
Before I can say anything Iida blows the whistle, indicating that we take a break. I try to catch my breath as the group rests. In the corner of my eye, a figure walking towards another captures my eye. I listen into their conversation.
“Mineta, I suggest you stop that disgusting behavior of yours. Can’t you see you are ruining her day?” Iida began. His confrontation immediately warms my heart. He didn’t have to do that but he did.
“Nah, you’ve got it wrong. She’s just chilling. Plus, she keeps looking at me. She’s interested.” Mineta responds while waving his hand up and down to dismiss Iida.
“I’m not.” I instantly blurt out with clear distaste.
“Your comments are still detestable. Her behavior shows discomfort not attraction. You need to stop.”
“Iida, calm down. Things won’t always go your way.” Mineta rolls his eyes.
“Then, I guess you leave me no choice.”
“Both teams, please listen up!” Iida drew the attention to himself.
When both teams gathered near him, Iida laid out a suggestion.
“How about we switch players? Mineta can switch with... Ojiro.” Both teams instantly went into consulting amongst themselves. Despite a few disagreements, the suggestion was not hard to accept. Since my team is aware of his behavior, they had no problem with agreeing with Iida.
The next thing I know, break ends and the games starts once again. We played three sets total. My team won the first set, Mina’s team won the second set, and now we were on the last set. Despite being on the other side of the net, Mineta continued to make suggestive face gestures. He also made some comments towards Mina. However, in response, she shot her acid at him, making him instantly regret his words.
Now, my team was one point away from winning.
“_____, are you okay? Are you able to concentrate?” Iida was focused on the game. Still, he made the time to ensure my state of mind. I reply with a quick ‘yes’. Right then, I see the ball rushing towards me.
“I got it!” I push my arms out to receive the ball, which I managed to do.
“Nice receive, ___!” Iida complimented while setting the ball towards Izuku.
Midoriya was there within a second, harshly slamming down the ball right besides Mineta’s position. The wind that emitted from it was otherworldly. My eyes widen in surprise. My eyes only grew when I saw Iida smiling to himself, then making a happy expression towards Midoriya. Did they plan- No. It’s probably because it’s our winning point.
“Ah! No! Mineta, it was right there!” Mina complains.
“Well, I could’ve died!” Mineta stood there in fear with his legs trembling.
I only chuckle to myself. My team cheers over our win. Soon enough, everyone begins to disperse.
“Aw, I really wanted a picture of you,” Mina whines, trying to convince me with her eyes. I just shake my head and whisper in her ear.
“Peer pressure but fine. Only after you know who leaves.”
Mina vigorously and happily shakes her head up and down.
After the exhausting sets, I decided to go in the water to cool off. I close my eyes, feeling the water against my legs. Suddenly, I heard voice.
“Just one date. What about it?” Mineta was, yet again, near me. Before I can respond, a blast of wind hits my fast. I look up and Iida was towering over me with Mineta in his grasp.
“Now, what did I tell you back there?” he sounded angrier than earlier.
“Uh. That she was not liking what I uh said,” Mineta was visibly panicking against his grasp.
“Do you think this is a joke?” Iida eyes darken and he tightens his hold on Mineta’s arms.
“Then, I am sure you know what to do. Please, do not make me repeat myself,” he lowered Mineta back on the ground. Mineta quickly rushes towards the beach house. I also see others going back inside. It is starting to get a bit dark. Cold too.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” Iida looked worried. He kept his distance from me as if he wanted to make sure I am comfortable.
“Oh, yeah. Don’t worry. You were able to keep him away from me. I was about to say something but you flew in.”
“Oh, I do apologize. I did not mean to enter your situation. You just looked uncomfortable with his presence,” he fixed his glasses. My heart was beating rather quickly. The cool breeze against my skin was not helping the heat on my cheeks and neck.
“No! You’re alright. Thank you!” I quickly responded.
“Since it is getting cold,” Iida reached for his bag and pulled out a blue shirt.
“Here you go,” he hands me his shirt.
I take it into my hand and unfold it to put it on. A slight blush builds on his face after seeing me put it on. We continued to simply gaze at each other until I looked at the water.
“You look- Well, you see- I- For a while now,” I was confused with Iida’s tense composure. I closed his eyes and breathes in, then breathes out.
“I do not want you for feel pressured. Please tell me to stop when you begin to feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable. I simply need to get this off my chest,” he began. What?
“I’ve liked you for a while now. I can’t help but feel the need to take care of you. Though, I am full aware that you’re completely capable taking care of yourself. When Mineta made those crude comments, my irritation only tripled. I want to be able to fully stop that without making you feel surprised with my sudden interference. I have never wanted to be with someone as much as I have wanted to be with you. We still have a long way to go in life but I can tell that my feelings are serious. Will you be my girlfriend? Will you make me your boyfriend?” he looked calm but his red ears hinted otherwise.
My mouth was slightly open in surprise. My mind was trying to process all the information. I looked at the water, once again. What are you doing?! This is your chance. You’ve like him for a long time too. Do not ruin this for yourself.
“I won’t rush you so take your ti-”
“I like you too!” I interrupted him. He steps back at my sudden confession.
“I have liked you for a while too. I just didn’t know what to do. So yes, I’d love to be partners,” I smiled at him.
His eyes widen and glimmer with light. His face grows a big smiles and his chest swells. He puts out his hands but does not lean forwards.
“Can I hug you?”
“I don’t see why not”
As soon as those words left my mouth, I felt his warmth around my body.
*click* Huh? I internally shrug off the sound that I heard.
Upon entering the beach house, I heard the class talking amongst themselves.
“I told you so! You owe me a hamburger,” Denki told Jirou.
“Hm. Seems like you were right after all, Midoriya,” Todoroki says. Bakugou ‘tsk’ed at both of them.
I was in utter confusion until I noticed the image in Mina’s hand. It was a polaroid of Iida and I hugging.
“And here you were lecturing me about my actions,” Mineta looks at Iida.
In return, Iida only crosses him arms and glare at him.
“Mr. Aizawa wants to have a word with you. I suggest you do not lie. He already saw your actions and I did not leave out any details,” he replies. There were a few giggles from the students.
“Also,” the classroom is completely silent.
“I’m her boyfriend so buzz off, pop off.”
Not even a second after Iida’s confession, the classroom began screaming and laughing. The reaction towards the his changed relationship status and use of vocabulary was undeniably loud. Mineta’s mouth opens with shock at Iida’s words.
Iida gently takes my hands and pulls me towards the main room’s couch.
“Now, tell us everything!” Mina exclaims flopping the polaroid around as she walks near us. The rest of the class, except for Mineta, also gathers around to hear the story.
“Ah! That’s so cute. I didn’t know that’s when you started liking ____.” Me neither.
“Why did it take you so long to realize, huh?!”
“You shouldn’t be talking, Bakubro. You denied their attraction first.” Oh, no.
“Dude, you’re right but I don’t think you should have- Hey, wait! I didn’t mean it like that.” I hope he is okay.
“With the way he looked at her when he and I walked together, I was sure of it.” Always the observant one.
“I love you” I whispered at Iida, underneath all the noise.
“I love you just as much” Iida whispers back into in my ear.
Please leave any suggestions or requests. Not beta read we upload with the 5% of confidence (not even) we have.
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skampi835 · 3 years
Let’s never speak of this again! (Motonari x reader)
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Let’s celebrate Motonari’s upcoming route with an oneshot! 🥳 Since I hopefully avoided most of the spoilers I didn’t come up with any good idea, but then I found this:
you and your enemy hug each other, it's completely accidental, and neither of you know why it happened, and it's like,,, you glare at each other, with an expression of ''let's never speak of this again'´
Thanks for putting this idea in my mind @screnwriter​!
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Language: english
Starring: Motonari x reader (female)
Genre: Comedy
Warning: besides Motonari’s slanguage surprisingly none... ahaha who am I kidding? It's Motonari 😂
real Warnings: angst, bad language, violence (fighting scene!)
Word Count: 1.810
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“Get her!”
Shoot! How do I always end in situations like this?!
With this thought you’re bolting straight into the next alleyway. You’ve left the busy trading streets of Azuchi a long time ago and unfortunately lost track of your current position due the rising panic inside of you. Honestly, you’ve no idea where the heck you are right now! Though obviously still in Azuchi you’re running hopefully into the right direction towards the fuller marketplace!
Desperate, you’re squeezing your way through a very small gap between two buildings and dash on. Maybe your pursuers can’t follow you through this and it'll buy you some extra time! The shouts from traders and the sounds of frisky chatters are getting louder with every step you’re taking, which means you have to be on the right track!
Determined you’re keeping up the fast pace, praying you’re able to shake off your pursuers completely in the crowds of the busy market, as you round the next corner. But all of a sudden you’re awfully crashing into a wall.
The heavy impact is stealing your air, though obviously not only from you, but also from said wall, which in the hustle and bustle you’re literally falling into his arms eagerly not to fall. Together you’re even staggering sideways for a split second. Stressed and tense you’re spinning your head up with surprise, staring into the startled, wide ruby red eyes of the man. "Wah-…?"
“… You?!”
You didn't even realize how tight you were clutching Motonari when you crashed into him, until he’s violently yanking your arms away. "The hell yer doing? Got a bloody death wish?" He hisses and is glaring at you furiously.
As shocked as Motonari's reaction was, so are you aghast to face him right now. "What, of all people, are you doing here?!" You snap, still completely out of breath.
Quick steps are pulling you back to the current situation you are still in. You were supposed to keep running from your pursuers but simultaneously you’re facing an enemy of the Oda forces. Your situation is definetly growing somewhat hopeless. Nevertheless the sight of Motonari’s anger makes it a lot easier for your decision, to pass him and run away, than to stand rooted on the spot.
Unfortunately Motonari suddenly grabs your wrist roughly when you've just turned away and is pulling you back. "Ack-…! Let me go!" you plead.
"I won't do shit," Motonari growls venomously. "Now that yer recognized me, princess, I’ve gotta improvise something."
The hectic steps from the side street are getting louder with every passing moment, before they’re coming to a sudden stop right next to you. “There’s this witch!” One of the pursuers is shouting. He’s considerably tall with broad shoulders and a massive body. Shortly afterwards another two coarse figures appears behind him. They’re building themselves up with stern grimaces in the narrow alleyway.
Your eyes anxiously widen and your body starts to tremble ever so slightly. But there is no running away again for you, for Motonari’s adamant grip is chaining you.
"Huh, didn't even know yer know so many grim-looking acquaintances, princess." Motonari’s saying coolly, scanning the three men with his steely gaze. Still he doesn't loosen his grip on your wrist instead he’s tightening it.
"I haven't!" You snort, trying to yank your hand free to get away from him - without avail. You don’t know if it's better, getting caught by Motonari or these guys. But you know for shure both scenarios are pretty bad.
"Hey, you there! Plat-head!” One of the scoundrels growls and is glaring at Motonari grimly, whose dryly raising an eyebrow at this denomination. "Give us the little girl. We have business with her."
“That stupid hussy broke my nose!” Another of them shouts indignantly. You’re noticing his swollen red nose and you can't suppress a brief, yet inappropriate, flash of pride in your face.
It was just a few minutes ago, when they stalked you after you’ve exited your favorite shop. Unfortunately this shop is located in the outskirts of the village so there weren’t many people when they confronted you. The guys wanted to ‘talk to you nicely’ and after a few seconds you’ve ‘nicely declined'. Thank goodness you know some techniques of self-defense!
However, even more inappropriate is Motonari's spiteful laughter that he’s suddenly uttering. It’s giving you the creeps! "Seriously?" With a quick sideways glance in your direction with his ruby red orbs, he’s grinning at the fellow with extreme smug. "Tell me, how’d she did it, putz? Did she climb onto yer?"
Good gracious! Wouldn’t you please make him madder than he already is? Pretty please?!
"What did you just call me?" The broad shouldered man’s roaring furiously. Shortening the distance to Motonari, he’s threateningly waving with his massive fist.
Without wanting to, you’re quickly seeking cover behind Motonari, who has finally let go of your wrist. Now with his hands free he’s facing the attacker. With quick reflexes Motonari’s skillfully dodging the scoundrel's punch and draws his sword with a metal 'shink' that’s humming in the air. You’re holding your breath when Motonari’s holding the blade right against the throat of the ruffian, who is instantly not moving a muscle anymore. "Are you out of yer damn mind? You fucking want to take me on unarmed?!"
Motonari’s sounding incredibly unimpressed, for it was him against three rapscallions, but also incredibly pissed. No matter how this will end, you're sure you won't be of any use. So you’re looking around for an escape route. But you are cornered. The only side you could rush to is a dead end.
"The lil’ one’s mine, get it? So piss off, aye? ” Motonari’s growling with a frown and kicks the man roughly in his side. Gruntling the man hits the ground hard.
"You sunova-!" Furiously about the defeat of his crony, another ruffian - not quite as stupid as his predecessor - is trying his luck with a rusty dagger, when he’s running towards Motonari. But after a few seconds it lands on the ground, followed by the guy.
The last of the crew charges in, just to earn a brutal smack with the back of Motonari’s sword in the side of his neck. "Tch! How the hell did ya morons think yer can take me on when a lil’ girly beat you up? Ya wanna make me really mad?”
You’re recognizing the change in the air around Motonari. It’s tense, shifting from the beginning amusement to bloodlust. Motonari’s wielding his sword, but apparently used it just to disarm his opponent. But now it seems that he won’t restrain himself any longer.
"Crap, let's get out of here!" The guy with the lost dagger is yelling towards his pals. Frantically they’re getting up and quickly disappear into the alleys.
You sigh, relieved as the men finally disappear. But just one moment later your heart’s sinking completely into your boots when Motonari turns back to you, though this time with a sword in his hand. "Back to ya, princess."
“I haven't seen or heard anything!” You shout, throwing your arms up in air and backing from him. Now pressed against a real wall on the side of the house, your heart is pounding up to your throat, when you meet Motonari’s sharp gaze. Luckily the bloodlust you’ve seen before has gone, too.
Motonari’s raising an eyebrow, probably irritated by your strange reaction and is fixing you. Then the corner of his mouth curves up to an amusing smirk while he’s withdrawing his sword back to his belt. “Heh, ain’t that a start?” He snickers.
Abruptly he shortens the distance to you, placing one of his white gloved hands right next to your head against the wall behind you. Superior and smugly, Motonari’s looking straight into your eyes, straight into you. The tension’s getting tangible again and your heart’s pounding hard in your chest. "You owe me. I bet you saw nothing, understood?"
Something you least of all wanted, is to owe to some madman like Motunari! His stern expression is sending a shiver through your spine. "I- ... uhm ... thank you?"
"What should I do with yer thanks? Can’t buy anything with ‘em.” Motonari snarls dissatisfied and is slightly narrowing his eyes. "Either you damn shut yer mouth about everything ya saw - hell, just forget I’m even here! Or I'll cut out yer pretty tongue. Ain’t that a deal?"
Automatically you’re pressing your lips together sealing your mouth - and especially your tongue. You’re staring at him in horror with wide eyes. "Let's never talk about this again, aye?"
What joice do you have? Of course you could just agree with Motonari and then tell the warlords about his whereabouts. But you’ve always been a woman which sticks to her word, no matter how bitter this one is. Not entirely sure whether he'll still carry out his threat to cut off your tongue, you're just nodding, while glancing determined up to him.
"Splendid." Motonari’s pushing himself off the wall with a mask of satisfaction on his face, giving you the way free. "Then rush back to yer patrons, ‘lil princess.”
Uncertain you’re blinking towards him. Motonari makes no move to stop you, he’s just waving with his hand in your direction. He really leaves you with just that! Without further thinking, you’re taking to your heels and bolt away. Not that he'll change his mind after all!
After two more alleys, you’re finally reaching the busy and crowded market and try to calm your panicked pounding heart. That was definitely too much excitement for one day! Still, you're grateful for Motonari getting those ruffians off your back. But why does it haf to be Motonari of all people?!
A deal is a deal, you’re thinking to yourself taking one last, deep, nessecary breath. Certainly it won’t mean anything good that Motonari’s currently in Azuchi. You just hope, you won’t regret this deal someday.
With quick steps you’re heading purposefully back to the castle. Even if this idiot surely won’t appreciate it, your silence about that accident was certain to him.
And you are going to take to grave, that you’ve embraced Motonari by that accident, when running into him. Yes, better never even think about this again!
Motonari’s running his white gloved fingers through his hair and grunts in annoyance, after you left. That you’ve recognized him is a great nuisance to him. It’s time to rethink his plans. That would slow things down a lot.
As if he’d actually trust a little princess like you to keep her mouth shut. What stupidity!
Casually he drives his hands on his sides to get rid of the strange feeling from your delicate arms embracing him.
Let's never talk about this again. - Yeah, better let's not.
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wtfjd95 · 3 years
Together As One; Part 3
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If you wanna be tagged Inbox Me
@xxxtwilightaxelxxx @imnotasuperhero @rooskaya-yelena @swords-are-cool @drpepperobsessed @natasha-danvers @coollemonsaresour @moonlagh @the-camilucha @hello-mtf @darkangelxoxo @ledollarbean-em @username23345 @marvels-writings​ 
Part One | Masterlist | Part Two
Sorry if it seems so crap towards the end. I was trying to get it as close to a decent end as possible for this part but with work consuming my time now that the lockdown in England is easing, I have less time to write and writers block is slowly appearing once more. I’m not too sure if i’ll have a part 4 & if I do, it probably won’t be for a long while.
I hope you all enjoy this either way. 
2 months. 2 long months you had been unconscious and Wanda was terrified. She’d spent several months looking for you, never giving up hope that she’d see you again and once she had, she vowed that she’d never leave your side only to have you blackout on the ride back with yet to wake. So here she sat by your bedside, day in and day out as she waited for you to wake.
“Someone should talk to her,” Steve said. He, Natasha & Clint stood outside your hospital room.
Through the small glass window of the door, the three could see the dried tear tracks on Wanda’s face. The young woman had barely left your side, only leaving at the start to shower and change her clothes before she returned to your side, your hand clasped tightly in both of hers, pressing a kiss there every so often as she hummed a quiet tune. Whether it was to keep herself calm or hoping to rouse you from your slumber, no one knew.
“Yeah,” Clint agreed. “Someone should.” Both men turned to face Natasha, who just sighed and ran a hand over her face.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” Natasha grunted moving towards the door. “Men,” she mumbled as she walked in. 
“Hey, any news?”
“None since yesterday.” Wanda answered, her voice huskier than normal from lack of use.
“Wanda, why don’t you go and get changed?” Natasha suggested, looking over the well-worn sweatpants and hoodie the younger woman wore. “Or maybe check in on Silver? I’m sure he misses you.”
“I’m not leaving Y/N alone,” Wanda mumbled against the skin of your hand. “I promised her I’m not leaving her side again once I found her and I won’t break that promise.” ‘Not now, not ever.’ She thought to herself.
“Wanda, I’ll stay and watch over her while you go and clean up.” The Russian suggested. “I promise to call you if anything changes.”
Looking up at your peaceful face, Wanda exhaled shakily, green eyes shining with tears before laying your hand back at your side and standing from her seat, knowing there was no chance in fighting the redhead. Quietly, she shuffled towards the head of the bed and leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“I will be back soon, my love.” She uttered lovingly. “I promise you.” She pressed one final kiss to your lips before turning to Natasha. “You call me if she wakes up.”
“I promise.” Natasha vowed, looking at you before moving back to Wanda with a firm nod.
Stepping out of the elevator and onto her- your shared floor of the compound, Wanda was greeted by a soft meow and the light patter of feet. 
“Hello, Silver.” She smiled, moving forward and picking the small animal up. “I’m sorry for leaving you with the team for a while,” the kitten revelled in the affection that Wanda gave him, purring softly as she ran her hand over his head. 
Once she’d felt that she gave the cat enough attention, she allowed him to settle on her shoulder as she made her way toward the bedroom.
Entering your room, Wanda sighed. She hasn’t been inside since your disappearance, opting to sleep in her old room or even on the couch at times when she was too in her thoughts. 
The thought of sleeping alone in your shared bed was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Something she’d found out within the first week of you missing. She wasn’t able to sleep without you beside her for her nightmares returned full force with a few new ones featuring you. 
She cast a glance over the framed pictures that lined the top of your dresser, a small smile appearing on her face as she recalled the memories that came with them.
Various team photos played in a slideshow on a fancy digital frame that Tony gifted you a while back; another held a pic of you, Nat & Clint, you had Clint in a headlock while Nat just stood off to the side with her head in her hands.
The last picture, however, Wanda adored. It was at the engagement party that Tony had ‘offered’ to throw you. It had been a fairly fancy party, she might point out.
You had dressed in a pair of your nicest slacks, a button-up white shirt with a charcoal grey waistcoat while she wore a figure-hugging deep red dress. Her fingers delicately tangled in the baby hairs at the base of your neck while yours rested on her waist, foreheads pressed against one another as you swayed softly to the music. Neither of you cared about the world around you as you did.
With a shuddering breath, she set Silver on the bed and wiped the tears from her face, before stepping into the bathroom.
30 minutes later, Wanda was back at your bedside, freshly showered and changed with Silver curled up on her lap, a book levitating in red mist allowing her to run one hand along the kitten’s back, while the other held your hand, thumb running gentle circles on your knuckles. Besides the situation & beeping of the monitors attached to you, it was an almost peaceful silence.
“Y’know pets aren’t allowed in the medical wing, right?” Tony’s voice pulled Wanda from her thoughts, the young woman jumping slightly in response.
“He keeps me calm, you know that.” She told the billionaire, running a hand over Silver’s head, the kitten purring in content.
Tony was about to respond when the heart rate monitor you were connected to began to beep incessantly, Wanda’s grip on your hand tightening in fright. She listened to the rapidly increasing beep of your heart monitor with watery eyes. As Tony headed to the door calling for a doctor, when you suddenly shot up into a seated position, eyes snapping open and gasped for air.
“Y/N?” “Hey, kid?” Tony and Wanda chorused, trying to catch your attention.
Your eyes darted around the overly bright white room as your vision cleared, eventually landing on the two blurry figures at your bedside.
“Tony?” You wondered, lifting a hand to wipe at your face. “Wanda?” You blinked a few more times to make sure you weren’t seeing things.
“Detka? (baby?)” Wanda squeezed your hand cautiously, trying to get your attention.
“Wanda,” You mused. “Hi love. Is that my jumper?” She shrugged in response, tears falling from her eyes. “And who’s cat is that?”
An hour later, the doctor in charge of your care had filled you in on all you needed to know medically. Tony had left to inform the team and Wanda had stayed to inform you on what had happened while you were unconscious.
“And this is Silver,” she told you. The small siamese purred contentedly as he lay curled in your lap, your hand running along his back. “He was a gift from Tony. Not long after…” As she trailed off, you knew that she was referring to your initial disappearance.
“Silver, huh?” You pondered, a soft smile on your face as your fingers scratched Silver’s chin. “Does that have any reference toward a certain blue-eyed, silver-haired speedster we know?” You questioned trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. “I mean, I can definitely see the resemblance.”
The pair of you continued catching up until the door to your private room (courtesy of Tony) opened and Nat, Steve, Clint & Sam all filed in. Natasha being the first to approach, pressing a kiss to your head before each of the guys gave you a careful side hug. 
You were catching up with Steve when you spotted the bag slung over Clint’s shoulder.
“We pull you in from the school run there, Clint?” You joked, the archer scoffing in response. “What’s with the backpack?”
Clint just scoffed in return and threw the backpack into your lap. “Very funny,” He said. “I stopped off with Nat and we grabbed your backup bag you keep ready for this kinda situation.”
“Thanks you guys” you nodded as you reached for the bag, pulling out a fresh shirt.
You moved to stand from the bed, only for you to fall into Wanda when you collapsed. A surprised gasp coming from Wanda as you ended up in her lap.
“I mean you already knew I fell for you but it doesn’t hurt to tell you again” You smirked, arms snaking around her neck, hers around your waist. The both of you leaned in, lips barely touching when the sound of someone clearing their throat caused you to pull away.
“Almost forgot we had company” Wanda mumbled hiding her face in your neck, colour creeping up her own from embarrassment.
“Right, out you guys please.” You waved your arm at them. “I need to get dressed and would like some time alone with my fiance.”
“Oh that reminds me,” Wanda said, removing her hands from your waist and up to the back of her neck.
You watched as she pulled a chain from under the neckline of the jumper, a brief sparkle catching your eyes as the fluorescent lights overhead caused the gem on your ring to sparkle.
“I thought I lost it” You mumbled. “How?” Wanda just smiled as you held your hand out for her to place the ring back on your finger, where the both of you wanted it to stay.
“Let’s just say Fury has his ways” The young redhead told you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
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frankthesnek · 3 years
12 or 18 for McShep for the prompt list, pretty please!
Thank you for the prompt ☺ Already did 12: Things you said when you thought I was asleep so that just means...
18: Things you said when you were scared
Darkness. That's all there was surrounding them. Darkness and damp stone walls. 
Getting captured had been stupid. John still couldn't believe he'd let his guard down long enough to let it happen, but here they were. Captured and thrown into a jail cell so small a broom closet would feel like an open floor plan house.
Squeezed in behind him was Rodney. He could feel the other man's back moving, his chest rising and falling in quick rattling breaths.
"This is--this is it," Rodney muttered, voice tight with panic. "This is where I'm going to die. I'm going to suffocate in here, do you have any idea how little air is in a room this size?"
"We are not going to die here," John reassured firmly. "The others are still out there somewhere. They'll get us out."
"But not fast enough! We'll be out of air before then."
"I doubt this cell is air tight McKay," John said calmly. 
"But what if it is? The stone work looked really sound. And did you see how many doors we passed on the way here! There are hundreds of these god forsaken boxes--they won't find us, they won't! This is it, we're going to die here."
The other man was trembling violently, John could feel it against his back. "McKay, you have to calm down."
"Do you have any idea how pointless it is to tell someone facing a phobia to calm down! It's an irrational fear Colonel, if I could calm down it wouldn't be a phobia!" Rodney screamed, voice high pitched and echoing against the confines of the cell.
"I get that McKay, but you need to--"
"No, no you don't get it," Rodney interrupted, and there was the sound of scratching as he palmed and clawed at the wall he was crammed up against. 
"What are you doing?" John asked and listened for a moment longer, feeling the shift of Rodney's body along with the sound he put it together and frowned. "Stop that you're going to hurt yourself."
"I have to do something!" Rodney squeaked desperately. "Oh God there are so many things I haven't gotten to do. Like, like…"
There was a pause and utter quiet for a few beats. John was relieved thinking Rodney had somehow come across a train of thought that had calmed him down. 
"Sheppard--John," the other man finally spoke again.
John hummed and shifted to glance over his shoulder, not that he could see anything in the dark.
"I think--I think I'm in love with you. I think I have been for a while."
"McKay stop," John huffed, rolling his eyes.
"I'm a dying man! And if I want to confess my love before I die then I get to do that, because what if by some miracle you feel the same way, and I never said anything, and we both just went on thinking we could never have anything--not that it matters now. We're both going to die and you don't love me and none of this matters...oh God does the air seem thin to you?"
The horrible scratchy sound of Rodney pawing the wall was back and John grit his teeth. He was pissed for two reasons now. 
One, because they were in this situation and Rodney couldn't calm down. And two, of all the times he picked now to say something?
John grunted and started shifting. He had no space to work with and it wasn't easy, but he managed to turn around so his front was pressed to Rodney's back.
"Rodney," he said, trying to be as gentle as he could. He didn't have much space to move but he managed to get his hands up enough to grab Rodney's sides, gripping the solidness of his ribs. 
"I love you," Rodney sobbed.
"Stop it," John demanded.
"No I do, I'm sure now. You see, you realize things when you're dying and probably oxygen deprived and I--"
"Stop!" John hissed, squeezing his hands against Rodney's ribs. "I don't want to hear another word about this 'I love you' crap. Not here, not like this. When we get out of here--because we will get out--then you can tell me. That's when I want to hear it, when it's you talking, not the claustrophobia."
"You mean that?" Rodney asked, voice small and weak.
"Yes, Rodney I mean it. And that means I can't die here and neither can you. So just, calm down." John stroked his fingers over Rodney's sides in small circles, the most comforting gesture he could manage in their current position.
John felt the other man take a few deep breaths and slowly, slowly he started to relax.
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Head canon: Romanced companions and their first kiss with f!sole? How’d it happened? When did it happen? Where'd it happen? Who initiated?
Crushing companions with their first kiss with f!sole ! 😍
i mixed up the crushes and the already romanced so it’s a variety. this took me forever to finish because my brain farted at least 5 times in the making so it didn’t turn out the way i wanted.
(deacons part could be seen as the aftermath of that one prompt of sole confessing their love to him before leaving to the institute!)
everything would happen post blind betrayal, when danse is on the road to recovery and is doing much better, his life finally getting back on track. though he does slowly regain his confidence back, it doesn’t stop the sudden mood drops that tend to hit him like a train from time to time.
sole would know when it happens; danse becomes quieter than usual and looks drained upon first glance. she knows that familiar fidget and the way his head hangs low from time to time that somethings on his mind. no matter where they are, sole will always drop everything and kindly excuse them both to pull him away to the nearest private area.
their first kiss would happen in the privacy of their own room. they’d both be preparing for a short mission, casually packing their stuff in silence. she’d turn around to talk to danse but pause, watching as he stared at the photo of sole and her family that laid on the counter with a sad expression.
sole would drop whatever she’s holding and make her way to him, placing an a hand on his bicep. “hey.” she whispered as she looked up at him with a small smile. he didn’t smile back, much to her distress, and instead continued looking at the picture displayed in front of him.
her thumb brushed his bicep softly as she tried to speak in a soothing voice. “what’s wrong?” danse would close his eyes, shaking his head. “it’s nothing.” of course, sole wouldn’t believe it one bit. “you know i’m here for you.”
after a long period of silence, he’d let out a breath, still unable to lock eyes with her. “it pains me knowing that i can’t provide you with the life you desire. i can’t give you what a real man would be able to.” sole would wince at the sadness lurking in his voice and she’d move closer to him, “i’m not real, sole. i’m a synth. someone who can’t give you a family, someone who can’t give you something real.”
sole would move her hand to his shoulder and gently push him away from the counter to face her before he could let out another word. her hand would sprawl against his chest as she tiptoed to place a kiss on the former paladins lips, sending him to a state of utter shock.
he wouldn’t know what to do at first and would simply stare down at sole who continued to kiss him despite his lack of reaction. once sole pressed into the kiss more, he finally kissed back just as hard, closing his eyes in bliss. his hands found her waist and he pulled her in closely as if he couldn’t get enough of her.
his mouth followed hers in desperation to continue the kiss as she pulled back, slowly opening her eyes. she’d grab his hand and placed it on his chest, allowing danse to feel his own heart beat tremendously from the kiss.
“you are real. this-,” she whispered quietly, pressing his hand down more, “- heartbeat is proof that you are. you may be a synth but it doesn’t make you less of a human. i will still love you just as much no matter what or who you are.” he would still be dazed from the kiss, his fingers twitching at the feeling of his heart beating through his chest.
with her other hand, she’d caress his cheek lovingly, “what we have? it’s real, danse. you are the realest thing i have in my life and i’m so grateful you’re here with me. trust me when i say that this is the life that i want.” danse would stare down at her with a soft expression as she continued, “now a life without you is something i don’t want.”
there wouldn’t be words that could explain the amount of relief and joy that filled his chest so he pulled her into a tight embrace instead, burying his face into her hair in an attempt to hide his blush. “thank you.” he’d mutter against her hair and she’d smile, returning the hug. “anytime.”
deacon would take his feelings for sole seriously when he’s placed in a position where there’s a chance of losing her. that being said, her being transported to the institute with no idea if she’d make it back hit him harder than it shouldve.
he’d spend endless nights praying, crying that sole was still in one piece somewhere and that she was at least safe. deacon beats himself up over the fact that he took advantage of soles kindness she offered him and regretted every moment he wasted by being distant.
him praying in the north church wasn’t a common sight, but god, it was the only thing he could resort to at this point. he closed his eyes as he hunched over in his seat, listening to the sounds of the now silent building.
everything they’ve done, all the memories they’ve shared replay in his mind like a broken record and he begins to breathe heavily, his chest bubbling up with that bitter feeling that surrounded him for days.
it would be silent for a few minutes and he’d hear a few footsteps echo behind him. he took a deep breath, collecting himself so he wouldn’t appear troubled to whoever needed him at the moment, “i’ll be there in a moment.”
“and here i was thinking you missed me.” a familiar voice rang out and he jolted up, looking over his shoulder to find the one person he’s been waiting for staring at him with a tired smile. “sole!” he jumped from his seat and pulled her into a tight embrace, lifting her off the ground.
she’d let out a surprised, “woah!”, before returning his embrace with just as much force. once he placed her back on the ground, he hid his face in her neck, unable to loosen his grip around her torso. “guess you really missed me..” sole laughed into his ‘hair’, lightly caressing the back of his head.
deacon would pull back, moving both his hands on either side of her face as he spoke in a voice filled with disbelief. “missed you? you had me fucking terrified you weren’t gonna come back!” he brushed his thumb against her cheeks, resting his forehead on hers as he spoke in a shaky whisper, “i was scared. when they crossed your name off the board, i just- i didn’t know what to do. sole, i-“
sole would cut his words short as she pulled him down onto her lips, pulling him close. deacon would freeze in shock at first but would close his eyes, his grip on her torso growing more firm the more he melted into the kiss. this felt right. no matter how many times he tried to avoid it, this was what he’s always yearned for. now that it was happening? there was just no way he could run away any longer.
she would pull back, leaning her forehead on his once more, locking eyes with him, “i’ll always come back for you.” she smiled warmly, making his heart swell. he let out a soft sigh and pulled her closer against his body, a playful smile dancing on his face. “guess this is the part where i say i love you, huh?”
sole let out a small, genuine laugh in response and they both leaned in for another kiss under the light of the church, the silence and tranquility of the moment surrounding them.
mac would have to be in love with sole for quite a while for him to truly initiate a kiss. the first time they kiss is when mac informs sole about medtek and the situation with his son. of course, sole being a mother and whatnot, she immediately sympathizes with maccready and gets to work as soon as she can.
even if mac had told her it was alright to finish some of her duties before they could head down, she denied without another word and refused to hear anything else come from his mouth.
he’d feel bad at first for pestering sole about it and pulling her away from her responsibilities but would immediately feel a sense of loyalty and happiness knowing that she was more than willing to go out of her way for his needs.
sole would make a stop at diamond city to stock up on items before heading there and smile at maccready who blushed, “we’ll get that cure. i promise.”
once they’d reach medtek, sole would take every challenge head on without a complaint and a determined look on her face as she cleared the area. once they had reached the lab and cleared it out, she would immediately jump in to search for the so said cure.
after scavenging through drawers and cabinets, sole finally let out a squeal and called out mac within seconds of finding it, “mac! i found it! i found the cure!” and he would immediately run over to her, eyes falling to the serum locked in her hand.
he’d gently take it from her, a big grin growing on his face as he bounced excitedly. “we did it..” mac would beam, staring at the serum with disbelief, “holy crap, we actually did it! we just gave duncan a fighting chance to live!”
he’d instantly envelope her in a tight hug out of pure joy, nearly knocking her down in the process. sole would hug him back, letting out a warm laugh at his happiness.
mac would pull back, tears glistening in his eyes as he kept his hands on soles shoulders, sending her a huge smile. “god i’m so happy i could frickin’ kiss you!” and upon realizing the words leaving his mouth and the shocked expression forming on soles face, he’d immediately hold both his hands up in surrender.
a look of horror would cross his face, realizing he outright confessed to her without control and a huge blush would form as he stuttered out excuses. “i mean, i would never kiss you!” he panicked, realizing how bad that sounded and tried to pull anything out of his ass to save him, “n-not saying that i’d never kiss you! a-anyone would if they were given the chance. i mean i totally would but it’s not like you’d ever kiss me!”
sole would cover her mouth and giggle at his embarrassed babbling as he tried to recover from his mistake as quick as possible. she knew he meant well so she took no offense to his comment and took his hand in hers, staring up at him with a smile. “shut up and kiss me already, mac.”
a small ‘o’ with form on his mouth and he’d shut up as she patiently waited for his next move. “wait, r-really?!” she’d roll her eyes and grabbed his collar, pulling him down so his lips would meet hers.
he wouldn’t know what to do at first as he stared down at sole with a surprised expression and a heavy blush but would soon send her a needy kiss in return, his hand finding her waist while the other held the serum tightly.
it’s been a while since he kissed anyone and god did he miss it. he missed having someone by his side to call his and spend his days with. someone he could call home and love forever. he wasn’t gonna let this moment slip and he’d be dammed if he didn’t treasure every moment of it.
sole would release his collar, retreating from the kiss and smile up at him with a blush. he’d look at her dreamily, his eyes following her as she moved back. “i don’t know how i’ll ever be able to pay you back for this,” he said softly, trying to steady himself, “i owe you big time.”
“all i care about is curing your son and besides,” she ruffled his hair, earning a pleased sigh from him, “that kiss was more than enough to pay me back.”
“i hope that wasn’t the last time.” he inwardly begged that she reciprocated the feelings he held, biting his lips as he waited for an answer. luckily for him, she did. “not like i’d let it be.” and he let out a relieved grin, pulling her into a hug once more.
it would happen upon confession between the two. it wouldn’t happen in a city, settlement, or in any crowded place, but in a temporary shelter they decided to bunker down in for the night.
“i’m gonna change.” she’d mutter, grabbing her bag and heading towards the vacant room of the house. hancock would let out a hum, acknowledging her words before rolling out the sleeping bags on the floor.
while changing, sole realizes that this might’ve been the perfect opportunity for her to admit her feelings. there was no one; only him and her in this very house and it wasn’t very often they found themselves in privacy, often being pulled left and right. and if hancock didn’t feel the same way, well.. well she’d just have to deal with it. at least in some way, it’ll give her closure.
after putting the last of her clothes on, she’d shyly call out for the ghoul, tapping on the door to attract his attention. “hey hancock.” she wouldn’t hear the sounds of his feet shuffling towards the room due to the loud pounding of her heart. she’d only realize how close he was to the door when she had heard his voice across it. “sunshine?”
she’d see the door knob wobbling and panic would immediately wash over her, causing her to grab the handle. “don’t open the door, please.” the desperation in her voice was embarrassing but there was no other way she could truly confront him about it other than this. “are you alright? is there something wrong?”
she’d take a deep breath- it was now or never. through stutters and a shaky voice, she’d respond. “y-yes, i’m fine. i just, uh, i just wanted to talk to you, hancock..” her voice would die for a mere second before speaking again, “.. about something important.”
“i’m listening.” he responded, voice muffled through door but still comprehensible. “hancock, i just-“ she composed herself, “-i didn’t know how to tell you this and- and i was just so afraid you were gonna hate me if i did.”
a lengthy silence filled the air for the moment before hancock decided to break it, “you know i’d never hate you, sunshine.” soles hands would begin to shake, wanting to get the confession done and over with so she could finally be at peace.
“i know you wouldn’t hate me, i just- i like you hancock, okay?” she admitted, feeling herself choke on her own words, “you make me feel so safe and happy and- and i- fuck. i know you don’t feel the same way.” silence followed after and she closed her eyes, feeling the tears beginning to build up.
she expected a rejection, so why did it hurt so much now that it was happening? despite her tears, she tried to say anything to end the subject and send him away, but nothing came out except a strangled sob.
her eyes shot open upon hearing the doorknob turn and before she could rush up to lock the door, hancock was already bursting through it with a soft expression. she froze, unsure of what to do as her face reddened, tears falling out of her eyes.
“hanc-“ he’d move forward before another word could leave her mouth and he’d crash his lips with hers, wrapping an arm around her waist as he pulled her in closer. she squeaked in surprise at first, slowly processing the moment for a mere second but immediately kissed back, placing both hands on his chest.
she’d try to catch her breath as he withdrew, keeping his face close to hers. “what are you talking about? i’ve had it bad for ya for ages now.” he whispered against her lips, “was kinda getting tired of waiting, thought of doing the job myself.” sole gripped on his shirt desperately as he brought his hand to her face, brushing a thumb over her lips, “i want you just as bad, trust me.”
“don’t stop.” she entreated and he chuckled huskily. “wasn’t planning to, sunshine.” and just like that, he’d kick the door shut behind him, locking his lips against hers once more, but much more passionately this time around.
Nick Valentine:
nick is a man of class and had planned this for a few weeks, the idea dwelling in his mind for a good period. he wants the moment to be absolutely special and memorable for him and sole. this is the first time he’s ever showed such interest for an individual after all.
he’ll plan this romantic ass date for sole and go out of his way to make sure it turns out perfect and exceeds post war standards. a romantic dinner date, a walk around the city or at a peaceful area, and perhaps a long talk while doing so.
you can also expect he does stuff like flowers when he greets you, a nice outfit to post war expectations, and all the ins and outs of being a prewar gentleman. holding doors open, compliments galore, and so much more.
as they’d take the long way home to sanctuary, they’d chat about their life before the war and life during it, wanting to get to know each other better as individuals and not as people trying to survive. he’d hold her hand gently, lighting brushing his thumb over her knuckles.
he’d drop her in front of her home and hold both her hands in his with a stare full of happiness and love. “i had a great time,” he’d grin at her, “i hope the feelings mutual. i’d be honored to be given another chance to take you out.”
sole would shyly smile at nick. “of course. id love that.” he’d lean forward and take one of his hands to place on her shoulder as he kissed her on the cheek softly as a way of saying thank you. she would smile at him teasingly as he pulled away, standing up straight. “is that all, mr. valentine? i was expecting just a little bit more.”
nick would find himself shocked at her boldness at first, but then he realized that this is sole- of course she’d pull some crazy move like that. quietly, he’d let out a chuckle and put a strand of her hair behind her ear. “daring tonight, aren’t we?”
sole would let out a playful pout, rolling her eyes at his comment. “very much so.” he would move in closer, holding her chin gently and tilting her head up as he closed the distance between them. though his lips were cold and tasted of metal and ciggerates, she found comfort in the way his lips moved with hers as she gripped onto his sleeve loosely.
he pulled away, sending her a small grin, his eyes illuminating in the darkness of the night. “ain’t that a way to end the night.” nick would comment, “couldn’t have imagined anything better.” sole would flush, looking up at him with a timid smile and he’d ruffle her hair affectionally, “get some sleep, alright? after all, a beautiful girl like you needs her beauty sleep though youd still be stunning either way.”
she would playfully swat his arm, letting out a giggle before heading to her door. “you’re so cheesy.” nick would tip his hat, “only for the best. goodnight, sweetheart.”
“goodnight nick.” she’d return his words, sending him one final grin before rushing inside her home with a happy heart. quickly, she got ready for bed with a jump in her step, wanting tomorrow to come by as soon as possible.
itll be a long while before a first kiss happens between the two. they’d have to be already dating for it to happen and it would probably occur post institute when everything’s a little more settled down.
in fact, it’d happen on a peaceful night where both of him and sole would be in bed, resting from all their responsibilities. sole would be fast asleep as preston watched her with a loving expression, a smile plastered on his face as he observed her.
he didn’t know how he got here or what he did to deserve a life like this. one moment, he was stuck in concord, debating whether he’d make it out alive with a heavy weight on his shoulders and now, he was laying next to his other half he’d never thought he’d find, happier than he had ever been his whole life.
he dwelled on how innocent and pure this moment was as he gently moved a strand of hair out of her face to get a better view. the way her chest rose with every breath, the soft pink that stained her cheeks, the quiet snores, and how relaxed she look while she sleeping only made him fall in love with her more.
as he continued to stare at her features, his eyes fell on her lips and he flushed, wondering how it felt upon touch, whether that was on his fingers, skin, or his lips.. or that was what he thought. what he really wanted was to kiss her right then and there. he wanted to feel the softness of her lips against his more than ever.
he would be so focused on her mouth and lost in his thoughts that he wouldn’t notice sole, who had woken up, staring at him with a blush. it didn’t take a blind man to know what preston was thinking and he made it very visible and obvious for sole to figure out exactly what he wanted.
“if you wanted to kiss me, you could just ask.” she teased with a whisper, softly chuckling at the sight of his eyes going wide as he pulled back in shock and embarrassment. she reached over to caress his cheek, sending him a reassuring smile. “im okay with you doing it, preston. you know that already.”
“i-i, um-“ he stammered, trying to catch his words, “- are you sure you’re o-okay with it? we could always wait till you’re ready.” sole scooted closer to him, “you’re my boyfriend, of course i’m okay with it.” she shushed him before he could continue worrying, “and yes, i’m ready. i always have been, i was just worried you weren’t.”
he swallowed nervously, knowing that was all he needed to know before he could truly initiate the kiss. “i could say the same.”
sole noticed his tenseness and moved her hand to his arm, squeezing it softly. “relax. it’ll be easier once you do.” and he did. he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in and stared at her soft expression, feeling himself calm down. yeah, it was much easier to think now that he was.
he closed his eyes as he leaned forward, his hands shakily moving to her waist. sole did the same and met him halfway, softly brushing over his lips at first only to be met with a much more deeper kiss. although the kiss seemed a little awkward and tense at first, they both eventually melted into it.
sole sighed in pleasure, snaking her arms around his shoulders as preston rolled over so he was above her. this went on for a few more seconds until they both lost breath, eventually pulling back with a pant. sole would slowly open her eyes to find preston on top of her with a reddened face and shy smile.
she returned his smile with a soft laugh, bantering, “someone got a little carried away.” preston looked down at her and ruffled her hair gently. “can’t help it if i have someone as beautiful as you as my partner.”
“corny.” she muttered with a grin, pulling him back down slowly so they could lock lips once more.
even though sturges is horribly inexperienced and hesitant of things that are foreign to him- such as love, in this case - he’s willing to let that go just to be with sole for the rest of his life. he’d be a fucking fool to let someone as amazing as her slip through his fingers.
there are many days where sole protects his ass from dangers and he feels guilt, knowing it should be the other way around. yet, he can’t help but avoid violence, knowing that it isn’t something he’s used to.
but on many days, he protects her too. it may not always be with weapons and violence like sole does, but instead with moments where he cares for her health and takes care of her on her bad days. whether emotionally or physically.
the moment with their first kiss happens, however, is when sole falls ill with a fever and isn’t healthy enough to function properly. “i told ya to slow it down a little, sweetheart.” he mutters, sitting by her bedside as he moves the hair out of her face, “some days, ya gotta know when to take breaks.”
“i k-know but i have.. things to do..” she whispered hoarsely with half lidded eyes. the way her face flushed due to the heat of her skin made him worry only more and he sighed softly, moving his hand to cup her cheek. “the world can wait a little, sweetheart. understand?”
sole looked at him for a moment before nodding obediently, leaning into his touch. “good.” he smiled gently, continuing to caress her face. soon enough, his smile faltered into a worried expression, feeling her temperature rise immensely after a short period of time. he’d carefully pull his hand away, not wanting to wake up sole and rise from his seat to go to fetch some supplies.
before he could completely retreat his hand, he’d feel a small one captured his wrist weakly and sturges would look over his shoulder to find sole staring at him. “don’t leave, please.” she’d plead, her voice quivering in what seemed like fear. “i... don’t you to.. go.”
itd take him a moment to process the scene but once sole let out another, “please”, he’d break out of his trance, immediately taking action to resolve the issue. he’d turn to face her and loosened the hand wrapped around his wrist, interlocking fingers with her. he’d lean forward, bending down to place a soft kiss on her lips as a message of reassurance that he had absolutely no intentions to leave her in this condition.
sturges would let it linger for a moment before pulling back, chuckling softly at the dazed expression planted on her face. “i ain’t goin’ no where. i just need to grab your medicine and some water, ‘lright?” he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, his free hand cupping her face before standing up straight, “i’ll be back before you know it.”
she brushed her thumb over his hand, another murmur escaping her lips, “i’ll be waiting then.” he nodded, squeezing her hand before retrieving it. sturges headed towards the the exit of the room, stealing one last glance of her still figure before leaving. he’d be sure to give her a thousand more kisses once she recovered.
it’s a moment of hesitation and vulnerability. sole would be tipsy from a get together, but still sober enough to operate and gage would take care of her. she’d be on her bed at fizztop, cuddled in her sheets.
quietly, he’d be complaining about having to go through the trouble of taking care of the overboss but secretly kows that he’s more than willing to do so above anything else. “lay the hell down, boss. don’t make it harder than it ‘lready is.” she’s pout and let out a small, “fine”, following his orders.
“you’re lucky you’re my boyfrien’ or i woulda thrown you off this floor.” she slurred, glaring at him from across the room as he began placing their stuff down at a desk nearby. “and yer lucky i’m protectin’ yer sorry ass from gettin’ killed out there.” he shot back, sending her a glare in return. he turned away from her, wanting to hide the blush on his face upon hearing the word, ‘boyfriend’, escape her mouth.
sole let out a small ‘hmph’ and crossed her arms, laying back down on the bed. gage grabbed a bottle of water from the counter before heading to her bed, placing it on the desk nearby and turned around to leave her at peace.
“i never said you could leave.” she’d complain, almost childishly. he’d look over his shoulder, giving her the side eye for a moment before pulling a chair nearby and placing it near her bed. he sat down with a huff and leaned back, trying to ignore the stares sole sent him. even if he wanted to say no, he couldn’t. she had his hand wrapped around her finger and there was just no goddamn way he could deny her wishes.
“come here.” she’d order, stretching both her hands out as a signal to move closer. he wanted to make an excuse not to, say a denial even, but instead moved forward to her curious hands, silently wondering what she’d do if he’d give her the chance. he didn’t trust himself to speak, not when he was placed in such a vulnerable position.
sole cupped his face, tracing every scar that littered his skin with a dreamy gaze. his throat tightened at the sight of her looking so innocent; something that she refused to show outside of the walls of fizztop. he didn’t know what to say or do in this situation, only secretly admiring as the moon shone on her face through the darkness of the night and god was she beautiful.
her hands would slowly move down his face and fall on his lips, her fingers soon brushing over the soft skin. the way she gently ran her hands on his skin felt so foreign to him, but it didn’t feel wrong. for once, gage wasn’t afraid of such contact and he didn’t want to pull away, even if his mind was telling him to. perhaps he was so used to his usual rough routine to the point where he didn’t realize how much he yearned for this.
“i’ve always wanted to kiss you,” sole admitted, her cheeks dusting red as she observed his lips with wonder, “i’ve always dreamt about doing it.” and he’d stiffen at her touch upon realization. gage wanted the same thing just as much and there was absolutely no denying that.
maybe for once, he could be vulnerable; show his soft side and allow himself to indulge in the moment instead of pushing it away. “if you wanted to, you could,” he said, trying to keep his tough exterior up, “yer the overboss after all. nothin’s stoppin’ ya.”
sole continued brushing over his lips, “it’s not the fact that i want to. it’s if you want to do it also, gage.” he’d try to swallow down his pride for once, but nothing came out and he couldn’t find the words to say. he’s fucked a ton of girls beforehand so why’s it so difficult to admit that he wanted to kiss her.
“do you want to?” she’d ask hesitantly, her eyes flickering up to meet his. ‘fuck it.’ he thought with a skip in his heart, giving her a hard stare. “yes.” and that was all she needed to hear. she pulled him closer to her, connecting her lips to his slowly. gage would close his eyes and allow the kiss to happen, keeping his hands to himself to avoid any desires taking over.
he’s kissed a ton of girls before, but this? this was different. it sent an electrifying feeling within his body and his heart had began beating in way it had never done before. for once, this was something he did not want to let go.
he felt sole grab his hand, sliding it under her shirt and he immediately withdrew, pulling back. he wanted this so bad but fuck, he needed to know if she truly wanted it and it wasn’t the heat of the moment nor the alcohol. sole looked at him with wide eyes, “gage?”
“boss, you sure you want this?” he’d ask her without missing a beat. “cause once ya give me the go, yer in for a long night.” sole would laugh at his indirect consideration and take his hand in hers once more, placing it back under her shirt. gage felt himself grow rigid at the sight of her batting her eyelashes, “im sober enough to make decisions like these, now shut up and come here.”
he’d immediately throw off any weapons slung over his shoulder and remove his armor, rising from his seat. he pushed her down until her back was on the bed and climbed on top with the hungriest eyes ever. oh it was gonna be a long night, alright.
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lovemybluebully · 3 years
Danger Room Level 1
Posted this at the beginning of the year on my DA account. Thought I’d throw it up on here. This was my first Wolverine tickle pic in 4 years! O_O
Wrote a little story to go along with it.
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Story is below the ‘Keep Reading’ line.
*/M Tickle Fic (Obviously lol) "Any other surprise challenges for me today, bub? Or is that all ya got?" Wolverine smirked confidently up at the team leader of the X-men, glancing over his shoulder at the pile of rubble consisting of destroyed weaponry and dismembered sentinels and robots of all sizes. Cyclops only sighed as he shook his head and looked down at the Canadian brawler from the control room of their training facility, having exhausted almost every combination of attacks that he could think to throw at him.
These scenarios of Wolverine slicing and dicing up every obstacle and foe were quite predictable and honestly getting a tad boring to watch over and over. Scott decided it was time to try something a little different. "No, this just isn't working. These upper level programs are just all foreseeable for you. Lets try something new. I say we scrap everything and start over from scratch. How about we start you at level 1?"
Logan's smirk disappeared as he frowned up at the other man. "Level 1? Yer kiddin' me, right? That's the program the Professor uses to train the kiddies."
"Trust me Logan it'll be perfect for you. Since you've always skipped over the bottom levels you'll have no idea what they contain so you won't be able to predict them so easily. Hell I don't even know myself exactly what is on each level, but lets give it a shot! Maybe we'll both learn something." Scott actually wasn't lying since he himself had been too competent for those beginner programs when he had joined the X-men. It was likely that Logan would just blow right through them, but he was curious and quite frankly desperate for a change of pace. "Fine. But this is gonna be just a waste o' time," Logan grumbled as he lazily stretched out his arms and cracked his neck. "Don't underestimate the Danger Room and dismiss this program so easily. It may be aimed towards the less experienced, but should still provide its own formidable experience. Remember to stay alert and don't let your guard down." Wolverine just scoffed and blew off his advice like he normally did. "Yeah whatever Slim. Lets get on with it."
"Ok great. Now just a moment here. I'm initiating level 1....," Scott uttered with some fast typing on the control board before pressing one final button, "Now." They waited for a few quiet moments, but nothing happened. Logan was about to quip some sarcastic remark when finally the Danger Room began to show some activity. A compartment on the wall opened and two gloved robotic hands being controlled by metal tentacles began to slowly make their way over to him. Logan snorted in disbelief and shook his head as he looked over the two appendages and noted that they were not holding any kinds of weapons; basically looking completely harmless.
"That's it? This is ridiculous. What's next, a pillow fight? Not that I expected this crap to be any kinda challenge whatsoever," Logan rolled his eyes as he raised his hands into the air and released his deadly claws; ready to dispatch the advancing robot hands with a quick swipe once they closed in. Not even a second later he quickly found his arms ensnared as two metal tentacles had crept in from behind to successfully restrain him much to Logan's shock. He growled as he tried to slice at the tentacles with his sharp claws, but they firmly held his arms away from each other just above his head. The distraction had been just enough that he barely had time to notice that the gloved hands had now reached him as one of them wasted not a moment to grab hold of the hem of his uniform's shirt and roughly jerk it upwards, exposing his bare stomach.
"Hey! What is...?!" He shouted in confusion; his words cut off as the other hand immediately shot forward and buried it's furiously wriggling digits right into his muscular belly.
Logan hadn't listened to Scott. He had let his guard down completely when he had seen this "threat" first enter the room. His overconfidence was now going to be his downfall for mocking the capabilities of the robot hand; the hand that was now ruthlessly tickling him. This tactic was a complete shock to him, and having not put up any of his mental defenses in preparation the laughter exploded out of him as soon as contact was made. "Ahahahaahaa! Wha-Whahahat's goin' ohohohon?! Stahahap thaaat!" He howled out at the mindless hand that relentlessly continued tickling all over his sensitive abdomen; the other hand holding his shirt securely out of the way. Scott too was in complete awe by just what method the program had decided to use, though he couldn't help but grin as he saw the situation that his normally cantankerous teammate was now in. It was already a known fact by the mansion's inhabitants that Logan was surprisingly ticklish as his female team members found it quite endearing and took great delight in ganging up on the burly mutant at times. Heightened senses did have their drawbacks. Still nothing that Scott himself would partake in, knowing that while Logan might put up with it from the ladies he was pretty sure he'd be skewered on the spot if he even made a hint at attempting such a thing. In a way he now felt that he had a sense of power in having Logan in this position. "See? That's what happens when you underestimate the situation, now get to work Logan. Tickling probably isn't a real world offensive that you're going to run into, but no harm in being extra prepared." Wolverine's claws remained out, but he couldn't move his arms enough to free himself. Unable to think straight he continued to fail in his efforts to come up with a strategy to get out of this aside from yelling up at the amused operator in the control room. "Cyyyykehehehee! Tuhuhurn thihis shihihihiiit ohahahahoff!!" Arms bulging he thrashed uselessly in the grip of the tentacles, trying to block the torturous hand from his body by lifting his knee to no avail. He'd been tickled worse than this before, but never had he been this helpless to defend himself. Meanwhile Scott mused over the scene before him. It in fact was a little stupid to be messing with one of the world's deadliest mutant's like this, and he was pretty sure there would be Hell to pay later. His hand hovered momentarily over the button to shut down the Danger Room, but then he pulled back. "No, I think you just need a little more time to figure this out. I have faith in you. I mean, this program is only used to train the 'kiddies', right?" Yup. He was pretty sure Logan was going to kill him after this. "Fuhuhuhuck yooooouuuu!!" Logan cackled as he desperately tried to regain some kind of focus though was only barely able to retract his claws back into his hands, knowing that they were of no use. "Aw c'mon Logan. You're not that ticklish, are you? Can't resist just one little hand tickling you?" Scott couldn't help but tease a bit, having on more than one occasion seen Logan nearly lose his mind from just having his stomach tickled by his teenage sidekick, Jubilee. No sooner had he said that when a third hand began to move in from out of Logan's sight before grabbing the squirming mutant right below his ribs as the fingers playfully dug in over and over again.
"Bwahahahahahahahahaa!! Noooo!! Gehehet 'em offa meeheeheehee!!" Roaring with laughter from the added torture Logan was regretting not taking the lowest level of the Danger Room more seriously. With his arms being held out of the way he couldn't even use them to help guard his body no matter how hard he pulled to free them. It wasn't much longer before his legs began to weaken as he attempted to sink to the floor to hopefully get him a split second of reprieve.
He was allowed to move to the ground, but the hands were unrelenting. With a firm tug the restraining tentacles around his forearms pulled him down onto his back as a few more hands now appeared seemingly out of nowhere to join in tickling under his arms and the other side of his ribcage.
"No!! No!! Stahahahap ihihihihit!! Lemme outtahahaha heeheeheeeere!!" The Wolverine howled as he kicked and squirmed like crazy; his armpits being one of his worst spots. Two other metal tentacles quickly slithered over and grabbed onto each leg to stretch him out and prevent him from curling up in defense. Tears crept out of the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard as so far he had made no progress in getting loose. "Very disappointing Logan. I thought for sure you'd have passed all these lower levels with ease. Well it seems we've uncovered your true weakness. Something that your healing factor won't protect you from. We'll probably have to repeat this level over and over until you get it right," Scott grinned wider, only half serious as he liked to push Logan's buttons at any given opportunity. He was hardly listening though; too focused on the incessant tickle torture. Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse two additional hands made their way over and quickly tugged off his boots, revealing his twitching bare feet as Logan's eyes bulged in panic. "HEY!! Hey hey waahaahaait a m...minute!! No don't!! Not the-AAAHAHAHHAHAHA!!" Fingers wildly scratched at his tender soles, tickling from his wide heels to up under his curled up toes with not a thing he could do to stop them. He was laughing harder than he'd ever had as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. He absolutely could not handle having his feet tickled and once had accidentally kicked Rogue for trying. Luckily she is a tough woman though she used it as an excuse to really punish him with his ankles trapped in the crook of her super strong arm while Logan hysterically cried 'Uncle'. This was more than he could stand. Being spread out and tickled in all his most sensitive spots at once with no way to guard himself was where he drew the line. He loathed the thought of what he was about to do, but he couldn't hold back the frantic pleas that came pouring out. "NAAAHAHAHAHAHOOOO!! N-NO MORE!! STOPSTOP!! PLEEHEEHEEEEASE!! I CAN'T..HAHAHAHAHAA..CAAHAAHAAN'T T-TAKE THIHIHIIS SHIIIIIT!!" Scott was just enjoying the show as he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "Wow. Who knew? All one has to do to defeat Wolverine is to tickle him and he'll be begging for mercy. Better hope none of your enemies ever find out about this one."
And with that he finally pushed the button to shut down the currently running program in the Danger Room. He'd have been more than happy to let it keep going, but even he could feel some sympathy for his frenemy and knew once he started begging that he had had enough. Logan instantly panted in relief as the hands all stopped tickling him while he was gently released from the restraints, everything then retracting back into the chambers that they had emerged from. A giggle escaped him here and there as he still had a phantom feeling of the fingers all over on his body.
Scott slowly clapped his hands in jest from the control room as he grinned down at the seemingly lifeless body. "Not bad, Logan! I think you almost had it there, but I'm sure you'll do better next time! So what do you think? Ready for level 2?"
The middle claw that immediately popped out of Logan's fist crudely gave him his answer.
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