vod-ika · 4 years
Order 66 Redress: Palpatine’s Hood Follows Normal Physics and Slips A Little Too Far Back
Order 66 Remedy: The Jedi Temple Offers Sociology101 With An Emphasis On Foreshadowing
Order 66 Amendment: The Temple Offers Therapy
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roxeechulo · 8 years
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I passed my Sociology 101 final. 195 out of 180. That's an A++ or 108% out of 100%. 🤗🤗🤗 #sociology101 #final #ipassed #morethanaperfectscore #a++ #108percent 💯 + 8 #ididthat (at Seattle, Washington)
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treyvon-fisher-blog · 6 years
The Human Family Tree
Treyvon Fisher
September 30th, 2018
The Human Tree
According to the film, the out of Africa theory suggests that all humans stem from a small band of anatomically modern humans who left Africa between 50,000–70,000 years ago. At first i thought that it may be possible for humans to all have some form of ancestors orginating in Africa. As i did further research i believe that that is not likely. One way i view the theory is instead of all humans being from Africa, ancient humans existed in multiple parts of the globe, as they do today, and evolved and adapted separately to their respective environments in which Wolpoff coined the term ‘multiregional evolution’. This theory is compacted in the fact that humans, Neanderthals included, are interfertile which means they can produce fertile offspring.
Based on the archaeological evidence found and genomes sequenced, Neanderthals never lived in Africa and existed long before evidence of humans in Africa. If Neanderthals are “human,” then this does not fall in line with the ‘Out of Africa’ theory. According to evidence, it takes about 1 million years for species to develop inter-fertility barriers  and Neanderthals and humans had not been diverged for 1 million years, which explains why we could interbreed. Overall these statements do not support the “Out of Africa’ theory. Personally i believe we have all evolved overtime, humans and animals which give us our unique but similar appearance and body structures.
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popculturefreaks · 7 years
Open Educational Resources for Intro Sociology
Credit and praise to Jessie Daniels for putting this together!
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roxeechulo · 8 years
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Just took my last quiz for Sociology and scored 30 out of 30. Perfect score! 💯% Yeah baby. I'm ready for the final. #sociology101 #quiz #perfectscore #perfectscore💯 #hardworkpaysoff #sofocused #lookatyoursonmom #discoveringmypotential (at Beacon Hill, Seattle)
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jnsampl · 12 years
what it means to me
The past few days have really driven me to reflect on my own reality at this moment.
What I’ve deduced from this reflection is.. that I haven’t lost faith in people. that I can forgive but I cannot forget. that I have so much love to give and will one day find someone to share this love with. that I care, sometimes too much. that it’s hard to walk away from someone you love. that I’m stronger than I give myself credit for. that all things pass. that I have a lot of love in life and the people in it. that community and love  and trust are such a strong cornerstone of human relation. that we have the capacity to show respect, love, commitment, forgiveness and acceptance to one another, and especially to those you say I love you to. that words are strong but actions are so much more meaningful. and, that I love my cat Melvin so crazy much. My one true pal and companion in life.
Let your inner beauty shine, and share your love with the world and those you love. Be open to forgiveness, but have the courage to walk away when you finally feel able to. Put goodness into the world, you’ll get it back. Don’t worry. Live in the moment. xo.
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kahicuppycakes · 12 years
Doing my sociology homework is triggering me...
I'm reading about " a normative theory of suicide" the only word I'm seeing is " commit suicide" "suicide" "SUICIDE" fuck... its like its screaming at me.
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roxeechulo · 8 years
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The last class of Sociology 101 with Professor Cook. Going over the final. Discussing the many things that reform movements have done. BTW.... Black Lives Matter is a Reform Movement! #sociology101 (at Seattle Central College)
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Once upon a time, marriage is established for the purpose of procreation and securing social standing. It was once for the union of two clans or tribes, to appease and share resources and to continue their bloodline. But don't you think it's about time that it should be just because two people are in love with each other?
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roxeechulo · 8 years
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The last class of Sociology 101 with Professor Cook. Going over the final. Going over the different types of Social Movements. #sociology101 #reformmovements #revolutionarymovements #reactionarymovements #religiousmovements #selfhelpmovements (at Seattle Central College)
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roxeechulo · 8 years
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The last class of Sociology 101 with Professor Cook. Going over the final. Going over the "second shift theory". Which basically breaks down how after women go to work for financial earnings they come home and work for free tending to the household and children. #sociology101 (at Seattle Central College)
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roxeechulo · 8 years
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The last class of Sociology 101 with Professor Cook. Going over the final. Going over the "second shift theory". Which basically breaks down how after women go to work for financial earnings they come home and work for free tending to the household and children. #sociology101 (at Seattle Central College)
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