#soft fluffy teddybear of a man
nvmadic · 1 year
stealing schlatt’s hats
let your mind run wild
that’s it, send tweet [or x now ig???]
saint ily this just gave me a fluffy streamer!reader idea.
you were sat in front of your desktop, sipping from your water bottle as you were lazily replying to the messages slowly appearing in your chat. someone offhandedly made a comment saying that they thought that you would suit wearing hats, your brows contorted slightly not too sure whether they were right. "i don't think so. i don't have any hats-" you trailed off before the idea immediately hit you.
gracefully getting up from your setup and dipping from the room, soon reemerging with a cap in hand. sitting in frame and readjusting it to sit comfortably on your head, you admired yourself in your webcam preview. the new york yankees logo visible in the middle of the black cap.
half of the chat joking that you looked like you were cosplaying schlatt, unbeknownst to them that you were in fact dating, and that hat was, in fact, his that he had accidentally left at your place. the other remainder telling you that the original poster was right.
you were unaware that he had been watching your stream, a discord notification catching you off guard as you looked over to your other monitor. holy shit, you look adorable. keep it, you look better in it than i do.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 year
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Single dad!Carmen x reader
Carmen's daughter likes you and doesn't know the meaning of the word 'no'.
You stepped into the sandwich place, your laptop bag slung around your shoulder as something collided with your leg and clinging to it.
"Oh shit, sorry I- she slipped away from me." A man apologises for the little child around your leg, lowering himself to her level and tiredly begging her to let you go.
You took a better look at the toddler at your side. She had the man's curly hair and wore a fluffy teddybear onesie.
The man in front of you was tired. No question about it and his attire told you he worked here.
"Hey, you know what?" His focus moves from the child up to you. "How about I watch her for a bit? I'm planning on getting some work done here anyways and I'll probably be around when your shift ends." You shrugged at your own suggestion, placing a hand on the child's curls making her giggle at you.
"I uh- my shift ends a couple hours after we close." He wasn't declining your offer, he just didn't want you to waste your whole day here. He had gotten up again by now to talk to you at eye level. "I'm Carmen." He extends a hand to you to shake. "I own this place. And this here's Alex," he motions at the babbling todddler who was now casually hanging from your hand. "She's my kid. Daycare wouldn't take her cus she sneezed one too many times on drop off this morning." A tired hand runs over his face as he recalls why she's here.
"Hey, I'll watch her for you. Just come say hi a couple of times and we'll be good." You shoo'd him off and he went back to the kitchen. But not before making sure he got your food order and saying goodbye to his daughter.
Over the course of the day he swung by your table to watch you type away on your laptop while Alex was no doubt ruining your highlighters and scribbling on the back of your notepad. During food breaks she was in your lap and you'd watch some kids videos on Youtube with the sound low enough to not bother anyone.
Little Alex had been an absolute sweetheart the whole time, clinging to you and showing off her artworks that had rendered your notepad entirely useless.
Around dinnertime Carmen had come back again, insisting he'd be fine watching her himself now, but you assured him you were good and didn't mind staying the few extra hours. He accepted reluctantly and rought you two dinner on the house, dessert included.
When the placed closed down and Carmen was finished cleaning everything he came by one last time, to pick up his daughter and thank you again for watching her. You exchanged phone numbers in case he ever needed a babysitter.
Leaving was a lot more difficult than you had thought. Alex threw the biggest fit the second you turned to the door, running up to you and clamping herself around your leg, sniffling No's leaving her lips as she sat down on your foot with her arms around your calf. Tears staining your jeans.
Carmen stood there, a hand on his hip, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing deeply. "Come on, teddybear. She's tired too, we're all going to our homes and sleep, okay?" He tried bribing, any and all promises he could think of, even physically prying her off your leg resulted in the biggest drama he had ever seen her make.
You felt bad for Carmen. The permanent bags under his gorgeous blue eyes and the mess of curls you wanted to run you-- "what if I tag along and put her in bed?" The suggestion seemingly came out of nowhere amd it took Carmen a moment to register your words.
His place was an even bigger mess than he was and he'd be ashamed if she saw Alex's living situation. But then again, he was a single dad with an extremely demanding job, so the mess did explain itself that way..
"Yeah, okay." A simple, soft answer that had Alex screech with joy.
The three of you made your way over to his car. Since Alex wouldn't let go of you, you carried her while Carmen carried your bag for you as well as his own.
His place wasn't big. But it was big enough for him and Alex. On your way through the livingroom you had to watch your step and not trip over the large amount of toys on the floor. The coffeetable held day old mugs and coffee circles permanently staining the wood. The dinnertable was covered in paperwork but the kitchen looked decent enough, besides the dishes in the sink.
Carmen could feel you judging him, trying to speed up the whole going to bed ritual Alex had so you could stop being grossed out by the mess.
After watching Carmen struggle with the currently very difficult child you stepped in and offered assistence.
Carmen stepped aside and mimiced his steps but in your own way. Suddenly she was the sweetest child ever and did everything you told her to.
"Are you serious? Now you can listen?" The soft complaint didn't go unnoticed and made you giggle as you tucked her in and wished her sweet dreams. Besides you Carmen leaned over to give her kisses and said goodnight as well.
"Why does she listen so well to you?" The question wasn't meant in a bad way, even though it sounded like jealousy. "Guess she just wants a mom." You answered from across the kitchen island. Carmen insisted you stayed for a drink and talk about your day with her. "Neither you or her ever uttered anything mom-related so I guessed it's just you two." You sounded like a prying therapist right now, but you meant it in a kind way.
Clearly both of you sucked when it came to words.
"Her mom was a drunken mistake." He downs half of his drink and decided right there he was gonna talk about it. If you deleted his number and walked out afterwards, so be it.
"I didn't even know she had a kid until kne day she stopped by the restaurant. I barely recognised her but she still made a whole scene about some mistake, dropped the carrier with a crying baby at my feet and shoved a stack of paperwork in my hands." He downed the other half of his drink, not liking how recalling those memories felt. "I barely knew her, only saw her twice before moving back here from New York and found me all the way here to drop the baby and all her papers stating I was the one responsible for her on me and leave after screaming at me amd blaming me for leaving."
Carmen's story shocked you. You sat in silence after he finished, not sure how to respond to such a confession, so you offered your help once more.
After a while babysitting Alex at work and tucking her into bed turned into babysitting, tucking her into bed and moving into the next one together with Carmen. His early shifts really messed up Alex's sleep scedule so he suggested you staying the night and working from his apartment and do Alex's morning routine at a more acceptable hour than 6am, when he's kiss you goodmorning, wish you some good few more hours of sleep and went off to work.
Carmen was enjoying your time together so much, and Alex was almost permanently attached to you when you were around so his only thought was how he was going to ask you to move in with him. You already had a spare key so giving you one of those in a fancy little box wouldn't work.
Eventually he thoight of an idea that just had to work.
He wrote a note from Alex's point of view, rolled it up and tied a little bow around it and handed it to his daughter. "Can you go give this to her, please? It's a gift."
Alex immediately ran over to you, waving the paper roll at you and smacking it against your leg. She mumbled a quick "foyou" before waving it up at you again.
You accepted the gift with a grand display of thanks, with kisses and a hug, a whole scene amd read the note in silence. You recognised Carmen's handwriting immediately and smiled your way throigh the creatively written sentences.
"So, you want me to be mommy, huh?" You asked Alex, but not without moving your stare up to meet Carmen's, who looked away quickly to hide his blush.
A string of Yes and Please and happy giggles were all the convincing you needed before agreeing to move into Carmen's apartment officially.
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sol-consort · 1 month
Regarding the human kink thing when it comes to turians, some people actually do be nesting, omega-verse style. Imagine being a human assigned to a turian ship, and you just over here in your bunk, innocently arranging the pillows and stuffies, while these guys are just standing there, slack-jawed and harmonizing their subvocals lol
[updated post]
A/B/O is not for me, but I dig the concept of aliens being intrigued by plushies. They are weird when you think about it.
The weird part isn't the plushies–it makes sense for warm-blooded mammals who value skinship to enjoy cuddling soft things, hugs are fundamental for your health—No, The weird part is how the most popular plushies aren't human shaped.
You could argue dolls, but dolls aren't used as plushies. They're more hard and sturdy, something that can withstand being played with. they have joints and brushable hair. Dolls are puppets to tell a story with, a psychological form of play through creativity.
I want you for a moment to imagine an advanced civilisation of bears with me.
With metropolises and bustling economy, they haven't mastered space travel yet but they've been eyeing the planet closest to them, bringing back rocks from the moon, etc.
In one apartment complex, there lives a bear family. The furniture is more accommodating to their larger build, clothes are more of an accessory to them considering their luxurious fur coats keeping them warm.
It's nighttime, tomorrow's a Sunday and mom bear has to leave to work early, she's currently washing the dishes leftover from the wonderful dinner the family just had. Her wife, however, is putting their son to bed. it's his second week in elementary bear school! he's unhappy with his seating arrangement in class however, the teacher placed him too far from his best friend.
His mother promises to have a chat with the teacher about it when she drops him off tomorrow, the son bear is very delighted and roars happily. A big yawn escapes him as his eyelids get heavy.
In his arms, there lies a cotton friend. His most beloved treasure, the most precious inanimate object to his heart. His plushie!
He adores it. It makes him so happy. It helped make him feel safe when he first started sleeping alone after his moms got him his own bed.
Now, I need you to tell me what does the plushie look like?
For me, these are the options that instinctively came to my mind when attempting to imagine what sentient bear cubs living in a 21st century would gravitate towards in a plushie.
A) a teddybear, more fluffy, abstract, and cartoonish looking
B) a plushie in the shape of a honeyjar
C) a plushie in the shape of a fish–more specifically, salmon or trout
D) fuck idk man leave me alone
When compressed down to their core, in the most simplfied form, the choices are:
A) Identity
B) Food
C) Food
D) How did you get into my house?
With that long analogy out of the way, when you compare that limited selection to the actual things humans have already turned into plushies, it just doesn't make sense.
Food, yes we have plushies of food but also of animals we do not eat. rabbits, cats, dogs, dolphins, bugs. We have plushies of predetors even, things that once hunted us down, beings that still could very well kill us if we meet face to face, tigers, sharks, bears themselves even.
Animal cartoons are much more popular amongst kids. Fables about talking animals have been a stable genre ever since humans invented writing. Animal plushies are popular amongst adults too.
Plushies of inanimate objects, of plants, of fictional characters and fantasy creatures.
I'm willing to bet that humans already made plushies of verans since the first year they came into space, that they sold out on earth immediately. Hell, I'm sure there are plushies of reapers, of protheons and even of turians and other species.
Not even abstract ideas were spared from being into marketable plushies! isn't there a series designed to raise awareness for mental illness?
The whole meme of "turns your fav into a marketable plushie" spread so much because it is true. If there is one thing humans love, is making plushies of anything not human.
And that's the weird part to aliens, the big boy of human anomalies. "Why do they want to cuddle literally everything in this universe? and how come plushies of other humans is the last thing on that list"
You try to explain it to a salarian once but they just look at you in confusion. What do you mean you sleeping with plushes resembling your species is "weird"?? Don't you humans like hugging each other so much? Yet cuddling the soft imitation of a reaper each night isn't weird to you????
That's not even mentioning how the bear society analogy is flawed because we are biased by nature. We projected the bear society onto our human agriculture and based it upon our own popculture.
When in reality they would hold very different values, a different emotional range. They'd be as diverse as the other alien species in mass effect, sharing more resemblance to them than to humans.
We see someone sad, and we have this need to touch them, pat their shoulder, rub their back, hold their hands, and give a hug. Bears let their children walk on their own while we carry our young more, much like aquatic birds in more ways than we'd think.
A/B/O nesting isn't my cup of tea, but with turians, it's easier to digest. Yeah, they are birds. It would be literal nesting. That's kinda cute.
We like caves, it's also cute. Would turians prefer the top bunkbed? Anyway.
Birds usually throw clutter away from their nests, anything that's not a straw or building material is disposed off to make space for their eggs.
While we like the opposite, clutter fucking rocks! at least for humans.
We have a mattress, then a mattress cover, then a sheet.
Then we have pillows, stuffing, then pillow covers, decorative pillows.
After it, multiple blankets! a soft one, a heavy one, an airy one. Sometimes, blankets come with blanket covers.
Finally, the plushies arrive. Multiple of course, some for decorations, others well worn with cuddles. Sometimes a gaint big one to fully wrap all of our limbs around.
Sometimes our beds have crumbs from food we eat in it, othertimes it has a stray sock we took off while in bed and forgot.
Most of the time it has our phone in it, a pet joins us there, book we're reading, laundry we were supposed to fold but forgot, a bag, or several outfits as we get ready to go out.
That's a cave, much like bears leave the skeletal remains of their prey, we have crumbs from the cookie we suddenly craved at 3am.
Nests are neat and clutter-free, at least the bird ones, always getting cleaned from waste. Eggshells are thrown out as they hatch, baby birds waste are immediately disposed of.
Lizard nests aren't that different.
Because the equivalent to a nest foundation isn't the blankets, plushies, or pillows. it's the house foundation itself!
The concrete walls and the sturdy floorboards. The whole bedroom is already a well-built nest. The bed is just an extra cushion. The fluffy material and loose feathers birds leave at the very top, so the twigs don't scratch the fragile eggs.
So, in conclusion. Turians and Salarians would get VERY overwhelmed in a human bedroom, let alone a human bed with plushies, stuffies, and blankets.
They're like, "Are you expecting a baby???" When they notice what their brain consider is extra protective fluffing for eggs.
Turians even more because of their lack of skin nerves, hard plating, and all. Their outershell makes it hard to appreciate soft things, let alone hugging them, when they can barely feel it.
Salarains? They're softer, more squishy, and they might enjoy the way it feels against their skin. Most reptiles do, and they're the closest thing for reference.
They're warm-blooded, but they do originate from a fully tropical planet + they're amphibians and might have used to be semi-aquatic? Meaning that while they still produce their own bodyheat, it wouldn't be that much to begin with. Space is definitely much colder to them than to a human.
That's why hugging a human is so nice to them! They can leech off of your body heat as their very own sun–or at least a substitute for a heatlamp.
But plushies and blankets are a different story. With blankets, they might make them cold or freeze since they blocked whatever light or heatlamp the salarians must need for sleep when they're not wearing their temperature adjustment suits.
And if you sleep next to them under the blanket, your trapped body heat will cause the temperature to rise above what's comfortable for them and risk overheating them. Same with the fluffy sheets, pillows or plushies.
there's the risk of overheating them with your body as the blanket traps in the heat. it will happen slowly, but that just makes it more dangerous. A slow simmer of rising body temperature as they realise what a death trap a human bed actually is.
Plus, salarians only need one hour of sleep per cycle, it seems very excessive to them that you'd build a whole room and make the biggest piece of furniture in it solely for the purpose of sleep. All of those plushies just to hug to sleep?
Drell, who breathe through their skin, would view blankets as a total nightmare. Their clothes already need a lot of adjustment to accommodate their conditions, only certain material is airy enough to allow them to get a lungfull, and you want to suffocate them with cotton or polyester?
They know you only breathe through your nose, but it still...makes them feel uneasy. Seeing you covered completely in stuffies and thick blankets, only your head poking out. Much like what it would feel for us to see someone go to sleep underwater with a flimsy mask connected to an oxygen tank. Now, this is truly a death trap–the salarians were right.
As long as you forgo the blanket and...allow them to fully strip down, they will give this whole human bed thing a try. Silk or satin sheets and pillow covers feel the best against their skin, smooth surfaces that seamlessly glide, air particles passing through it with little trouble.
Anything fluffy, feathery, or with fur will irritate their skin. It's like something brushing against your nose. They sacrifice a lot of comfort when it comes to indulging the human need to cuddle, but most drell rarely complain as they accommodate to your need, even if it meant you'd be slightly cutting off their air circulation.
Maybe their society is exceptionally polite? Maybe devotion and sacrifice for the ones you love are just ingrained in their biology? It would explain their endless royalty to the hanar despite how staying on that planet is literally killing them.
Oh yeah, owning a humidifier in your room will cause them a lot of pain and discomfort. Turn it off, or if you really want to woo a drell, get a dehumidifier.
Krogans would fucking love our beds tho. Might make fun of it at first, but they secretly also want a soft mattress and plushies to cuddle with.
Get close enough with a Krogan, and they'll start crashing in your room and taking naps on your own bed whenever the chance presents itself.
Don't the asari sleep in pods? I'm thinking of that sex scene in ME, she fucks you in a pod. That's something. At least...Liara gets used to human beds?
Anway! having established all of that definitely vital and necessary world building, I can finally talk smut about the turians! the original context of this request!
One look at a human's bed and their minds are definitely going south. First of all, human, you're in desperate need of a mate because your nest is a mess! Why do you have so many different fabrics? Aren't you worried you'll suffocate yourself with a plushie or too while sleeping?
Second of all...they didn't know humans were this soft. You mean, most humans sleep like this? In very comfortable beds? Even like...the army tough ones? Oh, that's why they get so excited for shore leave? so they can return to their actual comfortable nests–sorry yes "beds" and have some decent sleep?
And none of you are expecting children, correct? This is just how the average adult human goes to sleep?
Turians don't have the heart to tell you that they associate soft beds–ones like yours—to the human equivalent of a heart-shaped bed with rose petals scattered around, candles illuminating the room and a very deliberate lack of condoms.
They try not to...think about it whenever they come into the room. A bluish hue adorning their cheeks, trying to avoid eye-contact as they explain that uh...fuck, they accidentally glanced towards your bed and forgot what they came here to say.
I talked before how jarring it's to them that humans easily allow others on their bed, be it human or not. You just casually invite your friends to sit on it? The same sheets you sleep on each night? the one so heavy with your delicious scent they can practically smell it the second they stepped foot into this room?
And now you're telling them to take a seat, even handing them one of your plushies to keep in their lap. What's a friendly gesture and a show of trust is being very very badly misinterpreted by their brain chemistry, their biology going haywire at what they consider the declaration of "Get me pregnant" Whether you're actually capable of it or not.
Sidenote, the angara might be the only ones to share our bed preferences, not only that but show enthusiasm at the mention of plushies.
The only difference is that their society values plushies that resemble people more, angara like them. The dolls and plushie lineup are very intertwined.
Cuddling very intimately with someone isn't sexualised either, nor presented under a romantic light necessarily. Their society prides itself on love and affection; they're direct with expressing their emotions.
A single angara family can have many mothers and fathers, tens of sisters and brothers. Cuddling and sharing a bed is very normalised even far into adulthood.
They might be the ones giving humans the wrong idea by immediately inviting them back to cuddle on their bed after only the second meeting. Just because they decided they like you :) It's the equivalent of going out for coffee.
Protheoans, meanwhile, fall on the opposite spectrum. Javik doesn't have a bed, does he? He never asks for one either. They're a society of warriors, they value strength and abhor tenderness. Brutal honesty is their forte.
But...they also read each other's emotions through touch.
While beds are a foreign concept, plushies are not. Javik can sense the history of a room just by directly touching its floorboards. Plushies and other sentimental objects must be valued very greatly in their society, doesn't he hold onto the disk of memories from his time back before being frozen?
He understands why his own species came to value plushies, but why the hell does yours do it? You lack his abilities, all humans do.
You try to explain it to him, but it just sounds like you're describing vague and badly done emotion reading with extra steps.
He concludes that humans must hold traces of these abilities. It just translates into safety and the need to cuddle others. Also, it is clearly inferior to the protheon's advanced ability, so yeah.
Javik dislikes your bed but likes your plushies and actually welcomes cuddling. He remains stoic throughout it but you can feel him poking through your memories.
Same with your plushies, he asks that he may keep one as a relic. A piece of your soul, your history is encased in it like an artifact in amber.
Touching it almost feels exactly like travelling in time to meet your old self, getting to part the curtians of space itself and get a front row view on the person you used to be.
Plushies immortalise you to protheans, who would've thought.
I had so much fun with this an analysis it <333 I know it isn't exactly what you had in mind anon, I'm sorry, A/B/O is listed as a "no" in my requesting list. But the concept was so good I had to approach it in a different direction.
I hope you still enjoyed it!
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alwaysshallow · 1 year
You're more than welcome!! I'm glad I could make your day!! I'm impatiently waiting for the new chapter and trying to survive until Oct 7th 😭 The brainrot is real...
Soft Johnny gives me life tbh, and I also think that he would give the best hugs tbh, he just looks so damn snuggable!! Give this man a fluffy sweater, and he basically turns into a giant teddybear, right?? 👀
ANON I'M IN LOVE W U give yourself an emoji bc im just gonna die without your future comments
glad to say that future chapters will involve soft johnny!! and jealous, cocky one because that's like. huuuge personality of his lmfao
GIANT TEDDYBEAR YOU JUST MIGHT. GIVE ME AN IDEA. like I have to reread my fic but I think it could be winter time 👀
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kwonhoshi0 · 4 years
𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚, 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢’𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐥𝐥 | h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 10th feb 2021
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pairing : midoriya, bakugou, todoroki x gn!reader [ separate ]
genre : fluffy cloud shit
warnings : being sick/vomit, food, eating, medicine
themes : overworking yourself, concerned friends, exhaustion,
request : hi hello i saw your requests are open as of feb 10. Can I request shouto, Midoria, Katsuki, and Sinshou’s reactions when seeing their s/o or crush come into class a day they are sick so they don’t miss a test and physical examination test? And as soon as their test is over their crush or s/o passes out from exhaustion but passes anyway—they got sick from preparing too hard and worrying about the exams to much? Thank you 💙
note : this got a little long and i got so’s sad and soft over bakugou HELP
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[ midoriya ]
> baby boy is IMMEDIATELY researching ways to make you feel better
> you’ve probably been together for a while
> whether you were together or not he would’ve done anything to make you feel better simp
> as soon as you walk in he’s writing down your symptoms and glances at you so he knows you’re okay
> he’s not mad he’s just worried :((
> ‘you shouldn’t have come in today puppy’ crying hes so soft
> he has a whole plan for as soon as your lesson ends
> the plan probably consists of making sure you have a warm shower giving you ice packs and tissues when you need them
> he’s 100% the kind of boyfriend to pat your back and tell you you’re okay holding your hair back (if you have hair) while you’re throwing up your fuckING LUNGS
-> scenario
> you walk into class as usual but with a flushed face and you look a little grey
> you’re wearing a mask so you don’t get others sick but everyone can still see you’re ill
> you sat down as your friends asked you if you’re feeling okay, lying you sat down feeling overwhelmingly tired
> midoriya pats your arm so you look at him and asks what happened since last night you were in his dorm as usual until you went back to your room and you were okay
> ‘i think i woke up with it, i’m not sure but i’m okay’ you smiled holding back a yawn
> you weren’t really sure how you got sick you just stayed up most of the night studying, and the whole week before that
> ‘pup just please be careful i’ll take care of you after okay?’ you nod at your sweet simp boyfriend
> during the test he noticed you holding your head up with your elbow, surprisingly 2 hours went by pretty fast end he kept checking up on you after he finished a page
> as soon as aizawa told the class to put down their pens midoriya looked at you and was surprised to see you laying on your arm/elbow eyes shut
> it wasn’t too shocking for others since denki and sero were asleep too
> but he got worried and immediately jumped up to check on you
> ‘hey, hey y/n wake up pup’ he shook you a little as aizawa watched like ?? ‘midoriya are they okay?’
> ‘i’m not sure, they’re sick but they shouldn’t have passed out like this’ he replies as you stir in your sleep groaning he sighed in relief
> ‘i’ve seen y/n in the common room at around 4am every night studying, i wake up at that time by accident and they’re always there’ todoroki answered simply
> ‘midoriya take y/n back to the dorms so they can get some sleep please’ aizawa answered before collecting everyone’s tests
> not letting you walk he carries you back, ‘baby please don’t overwork yourself like that, i’m sure you did great and you would’ve done great without all that studying, i’m proud of you but your health matters more’
> before you could whisper a mumbled reply all might walked out from the staff room as you were heading back to the dorms
> ‘oh ! young y/n, young midoriya, are they okay?’ he said quickly as he saw you holding you
> ‘oh all might ! they’re sick so i’m taking them back to the dorms’ all might let you go back soon after laughing about young love
> as soon as you got back he didn’t let you get in bed, he turned on a hot shower and told you to shower while he made food and a hot drink for you, you walked into the bathroom taking off your mask
> before you could get in the shower you felt your mouth watering and you knew you were about to be sick, midoriya walked up to put a hoodie on your bed for you when he heard you groaning
> he opened the door to you vomiting in the toilet and quickly ran forward and moved your hair back ‘let it all out baby, it’s okay you’re doing great’ HES SO FUCKING CUTe he’s just rubbing small circles on your back
> soon afterwards you thanked him for being there which he replied with ‘i’ll always be here silly, now go shower’ while flushing a little red bye the pain
> as soon as you got out you changed into his hoodie which he left out for you and some shorts
> he doesn’t care that you’re sick he still wants to cuddle so you snuggle up into the sheets while he feeds you whatever food he made you constantly kissing your forehead since you refused to let him kiss your lips
> ‘wait.. izuku aren’t you meant to be back in class’
> ‘uhhh..’
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[ bakugou ]
> angy blasty baby just got angrier
> if you’re ill he’d firstly scold you for not being careful
> as much as he cares about his health he doesn’t care when it come to you
> unlike midoriya when he helps you out with showers and food he does it subtly
> he checks on you a lot and makes you shower and eat, he makes you eat with him and makes you take medicine
> ‘dumbass you’ve gotta take your medicine’ he has an alarm on his phone for everytime you’ve got to take your medicine
> ‘take this’ *throws you bottle of water* he makes you finish at least 3-4 bottles a day because that’s the average
> he doesn’t do research because kinda knows how to handle this stuff
> the only thing he does research on is how to treat someone when they’re ill, as much as he acts like he doesn’t care he does a whole fucking lot
> hes a little less angy seeing you ill, you feel a little useless which he reassures you about
> midoriya is a carer wheres bakugou is a ‘get the fuck up’ kind of guy 😭😭😭 he makes you do things with him so you have something to keep you occupied
> unless you’re feeling and looking too ill to get up
> he brings you homework for when you aren’t in class and even does a couple questions writing notes around if you weren’t in class to see how it’s done bruh he’s so fucking cute:(
> for the days the class doesn’t order take out he’s usually cooking so he makes you help him out you wear a mask ofc, this kinds goes with the so you don’t feel useless thing
-> scenario
> you usually walk to class together but today you texted him telling him not to wait and you’ll be there soon because you thought he’d be less angry in the classroom
> boi u were wrong bless your soul says the atheist
> so you step in with your mask on fearing your life and you think for a second maybe you can just sit in your place and he won’t look
> lMAOO this man always notices you
> ‘what’s with the fuckin mask’ he walked in front of your desk while pinging the string of the mask
> ‘i’m ill’ you mumbled as he raised his eyebrow ‘you’re mumbling dumbass’
> before you could answer again aizawa walks in with the tests so he goes back to his seat with his eyebrow raised at you
> he keeps an eye on you, you don’t notice ofc bc he’s always discreet
> he has noticed you being very tired and a little out of it during the day but he didn’t think too much of it
> he watched you slump back in your chair
> you finished early so you decided to close your eyes for a second and as soon as he looks back your head is in your arms and he watches you as you slowly slump into your arms
> he could see you softly breathing, whenever you cuddled together he’d watch you until he fell asleep, moving your hair out of your face and smiling to himself
> his eyes softened seeing you so peaceful but also he got worried, your mask moved to the side a little as you slept and he could see how red your cheeks are and you look a little green
> he got a little surprised when you woke straight up your own eyes widening and you looked a little scared, you jumped up walking over to aizawa and asked him something which he couldn’t quite hear, he nodded before you ran outside
> bakugou had finished so he went to ask if he could check, ‘yes y/n is feeling sick so they went back to the dorms’
> he grabbed your bag and ran after you, he got a little worried seeing you with your hand over your mouth not knowing if you’re crying or not
> you walked into the dorms he got there a couple seconds later running up to your room
> as soon as he saw you in the bathroom hunched over the toilet he pulled back your hair (if you have hair), he massaged your head as you let everything out ‘dumbass you should’ve fuckin told me, i wouldn’t have let you do that stupid exam’
> as soon as you stopped throwing up you said ‘i know that’s why i didn’t say anything’ he only just saw you without your mask and noticed your exhausted expression
> ‘i know you’ve been studying more but how fucking much, teddybear you would’ve passed whether you studied that much or not for fuck sake’ he groaned as he turned on the shower for you grabbing you a towel throwing it to you
> ‘just to make you feel better i’ll sleep, okay mopey?’ you teased as he closed the bathroom door ‘shut up i’m not fuckin mopey!’ he yelled through the door
> as you showered he looked in your closet for clothes when he noticed some of his shirts and jumpers instead of being angry it made him a little proud seeing how much you liked his clothes
> he grabbed his skull shirt it was a little big on you which he loved
> as soon as you finished showering you changed into the clothes he left you and walked downstairs sitting on the counter and bakugou roamed around the kitchen
> he grabbed some medicine from the cupboard and if you hate the medicine he’d mix it with your tea coffee or hot chocolate, ‘alright the medicine is in this so drink it all’
> he noticed you pouting as he handed you the cup ‘why’re you fuckin looking at me like that’
> ‘you’re cute when you pretend not to care’ he groaned hearing this as you giggled and reached forward from the counter and grabbed his hands pulling him towards you, his arms landed around your waist as yours were around his neck, his head on your shoulder as you hunched down a little and you kissed his head
> ‘tch, fuckin drink it before it gets cold’ you couldn’t see this but he was red as fuck and he loved these moments even if he wouldn’t admit it
> he watched as you stared out the open windows drinking your medicine infused drink
> ‘katsuki?’ he quickly shook his head as he caught himself staring at you ‘what dumbass’
> ‘i love you’ you grinned holding your arms out again still sitting on the counter, he rolled his eyes walking forward pressing his head against your chest as you both sighed happily your legs around his torso your head resting on his head
> ‘i love you too teddybear’ he mumbled into your chest
> the moment was soon ruined by denki walking in yelling about how whipped bakugou is for you
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[ todoroki ]
> he has no clue what he’s doing CluELESS BABIE😭😭
> of course he gets sick but he doesn’t know how to handle others being sick so he 100% goes to midoriya and his sister for help
> fuyumi makes him soup and soba to eat with you
> like midoriya he researches a lot about what to do and how to help
> since he’s already quite comfortable with you he gets a little pouty when you refuse to kiss him ‘but y/n i won’t get sick, i’ll make sure i don’t’
> please give this boy forehead kisses at least
> he used his hand to cool you down when you need it
-> scenario
> you walked to class with him as usual and he asked about the mask noticing your scratchy voice
> ‘im a little sick but i need to do this exam’ you replied making him hum back
> ‘have you taken medicine?’ you shook your head ‘y/n theres medicine in the cabinet downstairs, we can go back and get some aizawa sensei will understand’ he took your hand before you shook your head guiding him back to school
> ‘shoto it’s okay, i promise i’ll be okay i’ll get some medicine after the exam baby’ he nodded giving you a small smile
> he made sure to keep an eye on you throughout the exam
> you both finished the exam early, since you studied together a lot he always made you go sleep when he caught you studying late which was a lot more often recently
> he sometimes wakes up randomly at 4-5am same and checks your room to check if you’re safe you don’t really realise until you stay up for a couple nights in a row and he opens your door to you studying
> ‘y/n? what are you doing awake’ he scared you a little, ‘shoto hi i’m studying’ you smiled
> your late night talk usually ends when he whines at you ‘baby it’s late go to sleep’ if you refused he’d grab your books and put them in your bag and tuck you into your bed kissing you softly before going back to sleep himself
> usually those nights would end up in cuddling but the last couple nights you’d both been studying a lot
> anyway you had your head tilted to the side in your hand as your elbow propped you up
> he smiled at your sleepy state until he realised you were genuinely sleeping and since he hadn’t checked on you the last couple nights he got a little worried
> he looked around to see the usual people sleeping as well and you slid down your arm into an even deeper sleep breathing softly moving up a down a little
> ‘aizawa sensai? can i take y/n back to the dorms they’re sick and hasn’t had their medicine’ he explained
> ‘yes todoroki make sure they get sleep as well they look exhausted’
> the boy took both of your test papers handing them to aizawa before he grabbed your bag and picked you up slumping you over his shoulder as everyone cooed at the sight
> he layed you in his bed ‘y/n, love wake up’
> as soon as you woke up he told you to shower and got everything ready for you
> since he didn’t have enough time to go ask fuyumi for help he asked her to send him a recipe and he cooked soup for you making sure to leave a note telling you to come downstairs
> he left the note on top of his shirt and your shorts
> you trudged downstairs and sat down on the island watching him cook, ‘are you feeling better love’ you nodded a little smiling
> he took out some medicine from the cabinet with a little spoon pouring the right amount as the soup cooked behind him
> walking over to you he put the little bottle down moving the spoon to your mouth and grabbed a water bottle to wash the taste out, ‘open up’ you grimaced at the smell scrunching your nose up a little but did as he said
> he moved the spoon into your mouth, you closed your lips around it the taste of the medicine filling your mouth
> you quickly grabbed the water chugging it down as todoroki laughed, before he could say more you slapped your hand over your mouth and ran over to the nearest bin
> his eyes widened as he ran over to you steadying you holding your waist and hair back (agAIN IF YOU HAVE HAIR) he rubbed your stomach up and down ‘it’s okay get it out, you’re doing great’
> as soon as you drank some water you sat back up on the island ‘i think we need different medicine’ todoroki smiled as you nodded at him
> his hands landed on your thighs pulling you closer to him his legs between yours, your legs hung off the counter as he nudged his nose with your own, ‘i’m not kissing you’ you laugh as he pouts at you ‘one, just one i promise that’s it’ you shook your head kissing his cheek
> he pulled away and took some soup with a little spoon blowing on it before bringing it up to your lips and letting you taste it
> your eyes widened as you smiled ‘it tastes exactly like fuyumi’s’ you smile as he beamed at you
> as you ate, todoroki opened the door to the campus postman, he came back in and gave you some flowers and medicine
> you checked the card ‘fuyumi told me you weren’t feeling great, so i thought i’d send some homemade medicine, feel better soon my love - rei’ you showed shoto the card
> his smile got 10x wider reading it
> ‘you make me so happy, even when you feel like a zombie’ he smiled as he fed you the medicine
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A/N :
BROOOOOO i got so fucking sad im so so so so so sad goodbye the pain i’m feeling today
jesus CHRIST
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tag list : @blazedbakugou @todoroki-shoto-is-life @luluwiie
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Could I request Aoi, Chihiro, Ibuki, and Rantaro with a chubby S/O?
Of course you can!!
Hehe chubby people so cute. All body types cute
enjoy your hcs!! ♡♡
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Aoi, Chihiro, Ibuki, and Rantaro with a chubby s/o
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【Aoi Asahina】
• She loves your body so much!! She finds it so cute, like a soft fluffy donut!
• Since Hina is very much into PDA, she is almost always holding your hand. Sometimes she'll even cuddle you in public because you are just so irresistibly soft n squishy
• There are times she'll even just cling onto you like a koala
• Would love it if you ever agree to go swimming with her. She thinks you would look adorable in a swimsuit and would basically parade you around saying how adorable you look
• Also she just loves to squish you (but only if you allow her / are comfortable with it). There's not much reason for her doing so, she just loves to squish you. Her favorite is just holding your face in her hands and squishing those soft, loveable cheeks of yours
• Plus this girl is all muscle, so if someone dares insults you in any way, she is absolutely ready to defend you
【Chihiro Fujisaki】
• Chihiro was never really one to judge a person based on looks. And why should he judge you purely based on looks? You accept him and so he accepts you
• Even before the two of you started dating he always thought you looked cute, but he would never say that directly to you
• He even would defend you if someone said something about your weight, but it happened rarely since you were on good terms with everyone (plus everyone has at least decent manners)
• He also just loves to hold your hand and sometimes even play with your fingers (if you let him that is)
• If you ever feel bad about yourself, Chihiro will shyly shower you with all sorts of cute compliments to make you feel better
• You are basically his source of inspiration, always have been and always will be
【Ibuki Mioda】
• Ibuki is the definition of a lover for all body types!!
• She loves everyone no matter what they look like, who they identify as, etc. If anything that just makes a relationship with her all the more interesting
• Ibuki is a huge sucker for PDA, so there are times where she will random wrap her arms around your waist, squish you, pepper kisses on your face, or even a mix between a few n more
• Your body is like peak perfection to her. Its so soft, squishy, and very easy to just go up to and hug! You are basically like her teddybear
• Oo and she would love it if you could ever dress up in cool punk outfits with her. She just has so many ideas and think you would absolutely rock them outfits
【Rantaro Amami】
• Rantaro can really care less about a person's body type or if his s/o is skinny, chubby, etc. He just sees it as, y'know, simply a body type. Honestly when the two of you started dating, he really paid no attention to it
• If anything, he finds your chubbiness rather cute
• He will absolutely fight anyone who dared to make a bad comment about you, doesn't really matter who they are, or despite him being a pretty chill dude
• Also he just loves to spoil you in compliments or just spoil you in general
• If you are ever feeling down about yourself, this man will shower you in ongoing compliments, wrap his arms around you and just simply hold you while doing so. He would do anything to help you see the beauty he sees in you
• Rantaro is just a extremely supportive and loveable guy who doesn't care for looks and loves all your imperfections no matter what they may be
I never wrote for Rantaro but I do hope I at least somewhat got his personality write
I hope you enjoyed your hcs!! I'm slowly but surely getting to everyones requests ♡
(also unrelated but I love how I can never stick between Hina or Aoi when titling these so I just stick to what the request says)
~ Mod Toko 💜
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It’s been 4 long yeays, and I’ve finally got my stuff together. Literally. Behold, the Masterlist. Everything I’ve ever written not including the stuff I have saved in drafts and queued for you while I’m not here (so I’ll be adding to this later). It’s been a journey, and I want to thank everyone for their requests, words of encouragement, and bearing with me. At long last, enjoy. 
Altair, The Original Baddie, The Original Bae
 Mod!Altair: Watching Scary Movies
Being Sick
It’s Not What It Looks Like
Crack A Smile
A Day With: Altair
The Plan
Altair Doesn’t Stand for Bullies
Mod!Altair and The Dead Bodies
Ow, I Got A Papercut...Kiss It?
I Love This Song! Want To Dance
Mod!Altair: I’m Not Overreacting! You Killed Someone!
You’re Eyes Should Be On The Target, Not My Backside
Mod!Altair: Normal People Don’t Have A Basement Stockpiled With Weapons
You Look So Beautiful Covered In Blood
Liquid Confidence
Happily Ever After
You’re An Assassin. Act Like It.
The Mentor
Where The Heart Is
That No Good Apple
Dating Altair Would Include:
When A Good Man Goes To War
Pictures With Santa
Altair’s Happy Ending
How It Should Have Happened (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Early Bird
 Malik and The Shirt
Malik and The Artist
Nurse Malik
Office Romance
Rainy Days
Dai Malik
(Disney AU) Once Upon A Dream
(Disney AU) Prince Malik
 Sorry, Was This Your Sweater?
 Did You Just Set The Kitchen On Fire?
(Disney AU) Claudia Won’t Say She’s in Love
Ezio de la la la
 Mod!Ezio: Coming To Your Rescue
I Think I’m in Love With You, and I’m Terrified.
Make It To The Bed
When You Bring Him Home
He Must Be Late, and She Must Be Beautiful
A Ezio HC
I’m So Tired
Mod!Ezio: A Date
The Man Who Has Everything
La Volpe and Cats
Mod!Ezio and The Passionate Kissing
Mod!Ezio: Study
Big Brother Ezio and The Skirt
Mod!Ezio: Traffic
Let’s Stay In
Here, Let Me Kiss It Better For You
You Only Know One Side of The Story.
Who Do I Have To Kill For Some Chocolate?
Helping Ezio Kick Butt
You’re An Assassin. Act Like It.
Do It. End This. Please.
I Trusted You!
This Is It. This Is How I Die.
What Could Have Been
The Love From Near and Afar 
Yusuf, The Teddybear of Istanbul
 Wake Up!
The Teddybear of Istanbul
Mod!Yusuf: I’ll Wake You Up When We’re There 
Yusuf is 75% Sure
I Don’t Remember What Life What Like Before Loving You
I Bet I’m A Better Cuddler
You Look Adorable When You’re Cold 
Would You Look At That.
At What Cost?
Dating Yusuf Would Include:
Yusuf and Claudia
 I’ll Wake You Up When We Get There
Claudia Meets Yusuf
Love Affair
Dating Yusuf Would Include:
Yusuf x Arno
Turkish Delight
Connor Kenbae 
The Hero You Need
Mod!Connor: Watching Scary Movies
Reacting to Your Pregnancy
Being Sick
Connor Doesn’t Stand for Bullies 
A Rainy Day
The Middle of a Thunderstorm
Please Don’t Do This.
Is There A Reason You’re Naked in My Bed?
Sweater Weather
Tell Me A Secret
A Massage
Wanna Dance?
Mod!Connor: Helping You Through A Bad Day
It’s A Big World, Connor Kenway
Connor and The Artist
The Death of Charles Lee
A Fight
Snow Day
What Were You Dreaming About? You Were Shouting.
Mod!Connor: A Date
Mod!Connor: Confessing
Faith, Trust, and Ratonhnhake:ton
Love At First Fight
Jealousy Brews Beasts
Connor vs The Bow
TOKW Connor
Connor and The Cereal
Connor and The Dream
Connor and Cats
Connor and The Arm
Connor and The Dead Bodies
Connor Punches First, Asks Questions Later
Puppy With The Puppy
What Would I Do Without You?
Here, I’ll Kiss It Better For You
You Look Adorable When You’re Cold
Do You Think You Could Just Talk To Me?
Happy Birthday Connor
Family Fun
Beautifully Flawed
Haytham Hits On You, And It Goes How You’d Expect
I’d Do It Again If I Have To
Half Blood (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8) (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10) (Chapter 11) (Chapter 12) 
Of Course There’s Blood. What Did You Expect?
This Is The Worst Time For It To Start Raining
The Man With The Silver Tongue
Braiding Connor’s Hair
Happily Ever After
You...You Fight Good
I...I...I Think I Love You
Must You Be So Dramatic?
Cat and Mouse
Fire Fire
The Flames
Spur of the Moment
Heart Health
 This Is Not Funny
Connor & Kanen’to:kon
Connor & Haytham
Kenways’ Happy Ending (Part 1) (Part 2)
 Kiss Me.
Just A Bad Dream
It’s Already, I’ll Manage On My Own
Baby Brother
Mod!Haytham & Teen!Connor: Haytham’s Lovelife
Mod!Haytham and The Name
Haytham and The Dream
Haytham and The Passionate Kissing
Ow, I Got A Papercut...Kiss It?
It’s Not Just You That I Love
 Cupid’s Chokehold
Haytham and Ziio:
(Disney AU) Colors of the Wind
Thomas Hickey
 Hickey and The Proposal 
Hickey Asks For A Date
Edward Kenway
 Time Alone
Hey! I Was Gonna Eat That!
I Wish I Could Hate You
A Massage
Marry Me?
Is There A Reason You’re Naked in My Bed?
This Is Not Funny
Look At Those Muscles
You Can Sit On My Lap, If You Want
Mod!Edward: Hot Chocolate
A Little Trip
Edward is 75% Sure
Edward and The Arm
Mod!Edward and The Skirt
Drunk In Love
I Love This Song! Want To Dance?
That’s Not Exactly What An Apology Sounds Like
Mary Had A Little... (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) 
Righting Wrongs (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Mod!Edward: Leather Jackets, Hot Chocolate, Edward Kenway
Goodnight, and Joy Be With You All
Dating Edward Would Include:
(Disney AU) Golly, What a Day!
Charles Vane
 Why Didn’t You Just Ask?
What Would I Do Without You?
It’s Not Just You That I Love
Failing Vane
 Arno Victor Dorian
 Strange Weather
Is There A Reason You’re Naked in My Bed?
Hey! I Was Gonna Eat That! 
 Mod!Arno: Urges
The Weird Dream
A Fight
The Fight
You Can Cook?
This Is Not Funny
Arno and The Ankle
Arno and The Arm
Mod!Arno and The Passionate Kissing
Arno and The Cat
Arno and The Cats
It’s Not Just You That I Love
Happy Birthday, Mr. Dorian
You’re An Assassin. Act Like It.
Arno’s Escape
Dating Arno Would Include:
One Dance
Beginner’s Unluck
Being Arno’s Sister
A Friend In Need
First Kiss
A Cafe in Paris
(NSFW) Happy Birthday, Mr. Dorian
Arno & The Frenchmen Four
 To Save The Savior
We Have A Dog
Mod!Frenchmen: This Is Not Funny
The Thing
I Bet I’m A Better Cuddler Than You
When I Said Start A Small Fire, This Was Not What I Was Talking About
I Got Stabbed...So You Bought Me Cake
If We’re Arrested, It’s Entirely Your Fault
Be Our Guest
Arno, A Man of No Words
Something Blue, Something Borrowed (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
The Frenchmen Four
 A Walk In The Park
A Background (My Personal HC)
A Typical Day
Dating HC
Older Siblings HC
To The Rescue
Mod!Gerard: Did You Just Set The Kitchen On Fire?
Did I Mention How Cute You Look After A Run?
So, Basically, You’re In A Cult
Green Coat, Red Cheeks
Green Eggs and Ham
  A Ghost Story
 Hot Chocolate and Smores?
Shay Patrick Cormac
 Hey, I’m With You, Always
Have You Seen The...? Oh.
Don’t Panic, Love
A Fight
Riven (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7)
Look At Those Muscles
I’ll Wake You Up When We’re There
With Child
Mod!Shay and The Arm
Shay in Jail
Shay is 75% Sure
I Don’t Remember What Life Was Like Before Loving You
Cold? Here, Let Me Hold You
You Look Adorable When You’re Cold
Here, I’ll Kiss It Better For You
I Don’t Need Luck, I Have Hope
Someone’s Trying To Kill Us, And You’re Flirting With Me?
Must You Be So Dramatic?
I Make My Own Luck (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8) (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10) (Chapter 11) (Chapter 12) (Chapter 13) (Chapter 14) (Chapter 15) (Chapter 16)
Happy Holidays from The Cormac Family
Soft Shay
Dating Shay Would Include:
(Disney AU) Into the Unknown
Liam O’Brien
 Liam’s Happy Ending
Happy Holidays With Liam
Dating Liam Would Include:
 Did You Do That For Me? Aw, Come Here
Jacob Being Sweet
Jacob and The Skirt
Mod!Jacob and The Car
Mod!Jacob and The Underwear
Jacob Punches First, Asks Questions Later
A Use of The Rooks
Cold? Here, Let Me Hold You
Mod!Jacob: Hot Chocolate and Smores?
It’s Not Just You That I Love
I Can’t Imagine Being Alone Anymore
Name One Time, I Dare You
Mod!Jacob: Father Frye
You Only Know One Side of The Story.
Happily Ever After
Must You Be So Dramatic?
You’re An Assassin. Act Like it.
I...I Think I Love You
Do It. End This. Please.
You’re The Source of All My Problems
 A Night With Evie
Evie and The Cereal
 A Sweet Story
Desmond, Definately Alive, Miles
Did You Just Set The Kitchen on Fire?
Fluffy Desmond
Desmond’s Song
Desmond and The Chloroform
Desmond and The Underwear
Desmond is 75% Sure
Can’t Imagine Being Alone Anymore
I Love This Song! Want To Dance?
Hot Chocolate and Smores?
Sorry, Was That Your Sweater?
Roof Talks
I Trusted You!
Desmond’s Happy Ending
 Shaun and The Demon
Shaun and The Underwear
It’s Not Just You That I Love
I Don’t Remember What Life Was Like Before Loving You
I Bet I’m A Better Cuddler Than You
Grab My Hand. We’re Gonna Make A Jump For It
We’re Not Dating
A Happy Ending With Shaun and Clay
Have We Met? (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
(Disney AU) Zero to Hero
(NSFW) Baesidas
Assassin Prefernces: 
 When You’re Sick
When They’re Sick
Secret Truths: Talents
Secret Truths: Fears
Secret Truths: Sleeping
Secret Truths: (Axeman, Yusuf, Malik) 
Secret Truths: Sex
Secret Truths: Sex (Evie, Yusuf, Malik)
Secret Truths: Fears (Evie, Jacob, Henry)
How They’d Confess / Ask You Out On Your First Date
Reacting To Your Tattoo
Reacting To Their S/O’s Pregnancy (Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward, Yusuf, Jacob, Connor, Shay, 
Training Styles (Altair, Ezio, Connor, Shay, Evie, Jacob)
Reacting To Their S/O Speaking Their Language (Altair, Edward, Ezio, 
Secret Truths: Dogs (Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward, Haytham, Shay, Evie, Jacob)
Secret Truths: Dancing (Connor, Edward, Haytham, Shay, Aveline, Elise, Evie, Altair, Ezio, Jacob, Malik) Bayek (not my addition), Kassandra, Alexios, 
Coffee / Tea Preferences (Everyone)
How They Say “My Wife”
Combo Assassins:
 Connor and Arno: Friends and The Tub 
Falling For Jacob
Gang Gang
Edward Punches First, Asks Questions Later
Aveline, Evie, and The Dead Bodies
Connor, Shay, and The Sprained Ankle
Ezio, Arno, and The Arm
Let Them Eat Cake
Assassins To The Dentist
Sons and Daughters: Backyard Fun
A Modern Shakespeare
Shay: I’m Surrounded By Idiots
Connor: Do It. End This. Please.
Jacob: You’re An Assassin. Act Like It.
Edward: Must You Be So Dramatic?
Edward: I Hate Myself
The Other Side of the War
The Assassins As Roommates:
 The Original
Girls’ Nights
Part 2
Nicknames With Jacob
Friendsgiving 2015
British Bromance
Girl’s Night
Break In
Scary Movie
Date Night: Altair and Maria
Christmas 2016
Fight Club (Evie vs Connor) (Desmond vs Jacob) (Malik vs Alexios) (Altair vs Bayek)
Moving Out
Tall Tales
Altair’s Birthday
Altair’s Happy Ending
Canon Crimes
Halloween 2019
Thanksgiving 2019
Meeting The Spartan Siblings
Christmas 2019
The Christmas Miracle of 2019
(Disney AU) I’ll Make a Man Out of You
199 notes · View notes
Can we have a little scene with Nora sitting on Qrow's lap and twerking?
“Shiiiiitt..” Qrow leaned back into his soft, comfortable recliner with a stretch and a groan, his joints popping for just a moment before every muscle in his body relaxed and he leaned back deeper into his spot.
It was a long day, of walking students around the Everfall with Glynda, and they were as annoying as they were tiring. Sure, he got to see his nieces more by excepting Ozpin’s offer to finally work full time, but he couldn’t deny that dealing with these brats was a headache all on it’s own.
Well, there was one more reason he decided to start working full time, and it was something even he couldn’t deny might have been the biggest factor on why he decided to stay.
Qrow sipped from his glass of whisky as the door to his bathroom swung open, steam pouring out from the occupants hot shower as said guest walked out, arms up above her head as she dried her orange locks with a towel. Qrow may have been watching something, but he wasn’t about to watch that over his lovers lewdly dressed, curvy, freshly washed body.
Nora hummed cheerfully to herself while she dried her hair, smiling and giggling playfully as she thought about finally ending the day with cuddling her Daddy like a giant teddybear. Dressed in only two pieces of clothing, Nora was comfy and ready for any fun plans Qrow had for them~ On her back was a long, fluffy, extra large sweater that went passed her hands and hung halfway down her bubble butt like a mini-skirt, that perfectly raised above said plump ass when she raised her arms~ The only thing covering her absolutely round and jiggly ass was a pair of high-waisted fishnet stockings~
That’s it~ Nora didn’t even try and hide her perfectly plump and pretty little pussy with a pair of panties, nor did she mind that those skin tight fishnets conformed to her extra wide hips and squishy bubble booty~ She knew her Daddy had a thing for fishnets, and she wasn’t afraid to tempt him with a little eye candy after a long day of having to act like they weren’t in a relationship in public~ Even if they were almost caught when he couldn’t resist smacking her ass when she passed by~
“Mmm, Daddy, I’m hungry~!” Nora threw her towel into a clothes hamper and rushed her way over to the sat man once she saw him already relaxing without her, knowing he was already eyeing up her little outfit like he wanted to pounce~ She wouldn’t stop him if he wanted to, obviously~ “Can we order pizza~?”
“Hm, yeah, sure.” Qrow realized that he was actually pretty hungry too, but not for pizza. As Nora slowly walked her way over in front of his chair, her wide hips swaying side to side, Qrow couldn’t get his mind off of grabbing them and shoving his face between those thighs to have dinner right there.
“Hehehe~” Nora didn’t mind her Daddy staring, she loved that she had that effect on him, actually~ Looking down, he was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and a pair of thin pajama bottoms, perfectly thin enough to outline his long, thick, delicious looking bulge that snaked down his leg~ “Well, what kind do you want~?” Nora was quick to turn around, pushing her bubble butt out and lifting her sweater before plopping her fat ass down in his lap, making sure her meaty, juicy cheeks sandwiched his cock between them in a warm hotdogging while wiggling her hips side to side to get comfy.
“Fuuuck, Nora.” Having that fat ass in his lap after a long day felt damn good, there really was no way around it. Even his drink took a back seat as the bubbly redhead dropped that weighty, jiggly cake against his cock, putting the half full glass on the table next to them and pushing his hair up back out of his eyes while hissing through his grit teeth. This girl would be the end of him, he swears.
“Ooh~! Let’s get stuffed crust~!” Nora could only giggle at her Daddy’s reaction, loving the way his hands wrapped around her wide hips and pulled her extra fat, round, jiggly ass firmly into his crotch and slowly ground his hips against her.
“Yeah, mhmm, sounds good.” Qrow wasn’t listening, they both knew it, he finally lost the patience that was eroding since their field trip, and the last thing on his mind was pizza. Instead he was focused on thrusting his hips up against the fat ass jiggling in his lap, his rough hand snaking up the bubbly redhead’s soft side, firmly grabbing and groping one of her perky tits while he continued to dry hump her.
“Mmmm~! Daddy~!” Nora knew she had to hurry and order the pizza, since she was losing focus, and losing it fast~ She just hit pepperoni when she started grinding her bubble but back against Qrow’s long, hard, thick bulge, matching his thrusts and pressing her own sensitive, bare, needy little holes down against his clothes covered cock. “A-Ahhh~!”
Qrow sank his sharp canines into the smaller girl’s slim neck, the small of freshly baked cake filling his senses from whatever soap she used, her pretty voice egging him on to bite harder while thrusting his hips against her ass harder still.
Nora hit the order button and practically threw her scroll down, pulling away from the man’s teeth and chest to lean forward and begin really throwing her ass up and down the way she knew how~ Biting her lip excitedly and looking over her shoulder at her hungry Daddy, Nora started twerking her absolutely plump, jiggly ass up and down against the man’s covered cock, both smooth, creamy cheeks wobbling like jello with every twerk of her hips.
“D-Daddy, food’s coming~” Nora whined, stuttering from the lingering pleasure of his roaming hands and harsh bite. “W-We gotta h-aaahh~!”
“Then you better hurry.” The man growled behind her, giving her ass a harsh smack that echoed throughout the room, yanking his own veiny, throbbing hard cock free and slapping it down between her jiggling cheeks, growling with pleasure as those two round globes slipped, ground, and wobbled around his dick with every bounce of her hips. He even made sure his cock slid between the holes of her fishnets, slapping that precum dripping dick right ip against her needy little pucker and giving her cheek another loud spank.
“Y-Yes Daddy~!” Nora made sure her twerking turned to clapping, her cheeks just barely clapping together around her Daddy’s dick while she got ready to ride him until the pizza got there~
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popcornaddict500 · 5 years
M6 x mc headcanons but, EVERYONE is a demon
(i thought of this. What if everyone had become a demon after the devil’s plans, and were living normal lives? See it as a wholesome twist on the reversed endings! The world is ovbiously not as fucked up, it’s just that all people are demons or monsters or creatures, or even hybrids. It’s fun, you’ll see. I’ll be putting my own designs as the m6′s demon forms, they’re gonna be different than in the reversed endings (in Julian’s and Nadia’s case). You can look however you want to, just imagine a demon form you like. I’ll keep that neutral.)
-He’s become a fox person, sporting a large, white, bushy tail and fox ears on his head. He has soft, white fur covering his neck and his lower arms and legs. His feet and hands are fox-like and he’s got claws. His eyes lack a white sclera, instead they’re entirely purple (like cat or dog eyes). Also, he’s got fangs. He’s become taller and bigger in stature, but to be fair, everyone has.
-Still travels with you a lot, meeting other people from far away, and seeing new demon species and creatures.
-Once, the two of you helped a person with the lower body of a spider to escape a pool of quicksand
-They thanked the two of you by giving you a shimmering gem
-Asra still loves to cuddle you, and you love it too. He’s so soft and fluffy.
-A lot of naps
-He tends to fall asleep anywhere
-Faust has become a smol dragon
-Asra loves it when you pet his ears and brush the fur on his tail
-He just melts
-Despite everything, despite everyone becoming a monster or demon they are still living normal lives, and he’s content with it. As long as he’s with you.
-His tongue also got a lot longer 😏
-If he gets excited or he has to laugh, he makes yowling noises and it’s so cute
-Still loves water, find him swimming in a lake with a waterfall in the forest. He’ll ask you to join him, definitely 😏
-He’s become a dragon-man sort of creature. He’s got large, black, leathery wings on his back, and a long tail. His arms and legs are a scaly black, with clawed feet. He’s got black, pointed ears and some small, smooth scales on his throat. He can breathe fire but doesn’t really do it often. His teeth got sharper too, though he’d never use them on you. (he still has his hair, not like his reversed ending)
-He’s known as the ‘dragon doctor’ and has a clinic next to your shop.
-He’s still as goofy and likes trouble as much as he used to, and with his new form he can find it much easier.
-Takes flights with you on his back quite often, travelling through the forest or just in the sky.
-He loves visiting other towns to find ‘the rowdiest places’
-These visits end with him being injured 95% of the time
-But it’s hella fun anyway. He’s a demon so he heals a lot quicker.
-He can be self concious at times, imagine being on a date with him like
-’’Don’t you think we stand out too much?’’ 
-’’Julian. Look around the restaurant. That lady has 18 arms, that man has eyes all over his body and that person has a squid for a head and tentacles for arms. I really don’t think we’re the strangest people here.’’
-Despite having clawed hands, he’s remarkably gentle with you. But, when needed, he can scare someone shitless.
-Not only his body is monster sized now if you know what i mean 😏 he has a knot-
-His sense of smell is a lot stronger, he loves your scent and will often spend a lot of time kissing and cuddling you with you enveloped in his wings.
-She’s become a beautiful creature, (she already was tho) with massive, butterfly wings resting down her back. The wings are a mixture of a shiny black and a deep purple, as well as magenta. She has two long antennea on her head and a long, thin tongue. She has 4 arms, with a bug-like structure to it. (kinda like doll arms, with segments yknow) She’s incredibly lightweight and very fast.
-Sometimes goes on flights with you, Chandra joins her. Chandra’s become a griffon, though a small one. 
-She can get to one side of the city to the other in less than 2 minutes
-Her different tongue is a guilty pleasure of hers, she loves kissing you like this
-She’s gained a weird love for flowers and often spends a lot of time in the garden
-Though she had to get used to her new arms, she’s discovered how useful 4 arms can be.
-She can walk on the walls and the ceiling for some reason
-Her servants are all demons and creatures too btw
-If you give her a bouquet of flowers she’ll love you so much
-Her wings are rather sensitive and it’s considered EXTREMELY rude for people to touch them without permission
-But of course she’s totally fine with it if you’re doing it 😏
-Gives great hugs 
-You can pick her up with one hand, she’s just so lightweight look out for stormy weather though
-He’s become a werewolf-like creature, though he doesn’t really change much on a full moon. He has two wolf ears on his head. He’s got fur covering his neck and upper collarbone, as well as his lower arms and legs. He’s got a bushy tail and fangs, he can see in the dark. Like Asra, his eyes lack a sclera and are cat or dog like.
-He is quieter, because his voice has roughened somewhat. 
-He enjoys being in your presence, though. You put him at ease.
-He’s always worried that you dislike him because of what he’s become, but you convince him that you still love him. After all, we’re all monsters.
-He’s even bigger than he used to be and can just carry you with no effort in the slightest
-Inanna is a GIGANTIC doggo
-Can be used as a horse (Inanna, not Muriel xd)
-Somehow, when you pet his hair, he just purrs. 
-Gets super embarassed about it despite liking your touch
-Takes you with him when he goes exploring
-She’s become a saber-tooth tiger creature. Her fangs are rather small (in saber standards) but visible, she’s got two fluffy ears on her head and a loooong fluffy tiger tail. Retractable claws on her hands and her feet. Feet look like cat paws but bigger.
-She loves cuddling, being a cat
-Honestly cuddling with her is heaven bc she SOFT
-She tends to get frisky after cuddling for a long while, sneaking her tail under your clothing 😏
-Pepi has become a winged cat with a detachable head
-Sleeps a LOT
-Can jump really damn high
-She can climb up walls like a pro
-If you kiss her she’ll want more, nuzzling into you and purring to get your attention
-’’Rawr!’’ ‘’Portia! You scared me!’’
-Dates are always so fun, she can always make you laugh even if it’s just from her tickling you with her tail
-Has a habit of falling asleep on top of you
-He’s become a satyr. He has horns as well as a goat tail and hooves. His ears are goat ears. Also his hair is long. His legs are covered with blonde fur.
-He likes vegetables a lot more than he did before
-If you pull on his tail he’ll shriek in surprise
-Bleats when angry
-He is horny af 24/7 (it’s in a satyr’s nature)
-He’s curious to see what grass tastes like
-Please stop him from doing this
-Will sometimes carry you on his back and just take you on a journey
-He won’t mind if you ride him differently either 😏
-Loves to kiss and snuggle
(if y’all want more of a specific character, by all means, ask away.)
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erenaeoth · 5 years
Hey there! I'm back with a new prompt. Jun and Kazuya, teddybear. I was actually going for another word but it's angst 😄 so I figured we could have something softer this time.
Seemed appropriate to go for a Valentine’s theme!
-> Also available to read on Ao3
Jun shook her hair out then collected it up with a white band. She tugged her gi straight and tightened her belt. She pushed away the hubbub and dull noise of the arena above by imagining it was the sea, with its distant murmur that ebbed and flowed. She thought of azure tides on shale beaches and the sound of water as it sucked back through the small stones then rushed forward with cream waves. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
When she opened her eyes, a small stuffed bear was right in front of her nose. It was fluffy and grey and clutching a small red heart. She stared at the bear, then wheeled on the man holding it.“Kazuya? What are you doing here!”
“Visiting you. Isn’t it obvious?”
“In the ladies changing room, I mean?!”“Hi,” Kazuya waved at the unamused faces of the other competitors that had turned his way. “Mishima Kazuya here. I’m running this tournament. So turn around and get on with whatever you were doing unless you want to be disqualified.”Sour faces abruptly turned away from him. Jun fixed him with an unamused look.
“Take your bear,” he told her, “it’s inappropriate for the CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu to be seen holding it.” He dropped the toy into Jun’s hand.
“And… why do I have a bear?”
“Valentine’s Day.”
“Sorry, what?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day. And in the West, I heard even the ladies get presents on Valentine’s Day. Since I’m cultured and thoughtful, I got you a gift.”
“Right.” Jun turned the bear over in her hands. It was soft and velvety and pleasing to hold. “So, Chaolan put you up to this.”
Kazuya scowled at her.
“I can do nice things without being told to by my brother.”
“Did he buy the bear too?”
Kazuya let out a huff of air. “I told him you’d know he bought it.” He folded his arms and leaned against the wall. His thick eyebrows sloped into a frown. “I also came to tell you not to participate in the tournament.”
“We’ve had this conversation before and I’m not changing my mind.”
“Even though I brought you a bear?”
“Even though you brought me a bear.”
“Stupid,” he muttered.
“What was that?” Jun said sharply.
“It was… uh, stupid to think a teddybear would change your mind.”
“Yes,” she replied, “it was pretty stupid to think that.” She turned to him and looped her arms around his neck. She saw his eyes dart self-consciously about the room to check who might be watching. “But it was pretty sweet to bring me a teddybear.”
The hardness in his dark, intense eyes melted. He unfolded his arms and set his hands on her waist. The hulk of his shoulders crowded close and the shadows in his face softened. As he leaned in towards her, he could smell jasmine and count her eyelashes and hear the quickened pace of his own breathing in rhythm with the gallop of his heart.
“So tell Chaolan I appreciate the gesture.” She pushed him away and ducked out of his reach. He cursed under his breath. “They’re announcing the next fight, better hurry up if you want to watch it from your royal box, Mr Mishima.” Her bright eyes were tipped with a smile that simultaneously made him furious and longing.
Kazuya glared at Jun, then stamped out of the changing rooms and back up the Iron Fist Tournament.
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something fluffy with brook , sanji and shanks! :)
well, ‘something fluffy’ isn’t veryspecific but I hope you like what I came up with haha xD!
Some fluff(?) headcanon
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thatskeleton is a very fluffy-duffy guy, and I’m not just talking about his afro haha
whenever he has the chance to, Brookloves to bend down or pat your head as a sign of his love andaffection. He can’t really offer you skin to skin contact, but it’sstill important to let you know about his feelings
it’s super easy to get this manflustered, for real now. You make a joke? He’ll go awww. You smile?He’ll go awww. You sneeze? He’ll go awww- that’s my girlfriend.
he’s a bit oldschool when it comes toromance and courting, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing!
just think about all the long walks onthe beach he’ll take you on! Or when he asks you if he may have thisdance… Or when he sings you a song he wrote just for you… see?Just because he’s old doesn’t mean he isn’t aware of how to fill yourheart with joy!
if he still had skin, Brook would be abig cuddler. But instead, he often uses belts to wrap and secure pillows around his bodyso he can get cuddly with you. It may look weird, but his intentionsare definitely pure.
at first he often wears gloves when it comes todancing with you or holding you close, because he felt a bituncomfortable to touch your warm and tender skin with his dead andcold fingers. But if you don’t mind and assure him that it’s finewith you, he might stop with the gloves. Eventually.
there are a ton of cutesy nicknames hehas for you, in fact, there is an entire notebook filled with hisideas!
after you two started to date, Brookactually began to document events from every day in his diary. Thereisn’t a single moment with you that he wants to forget about, and bywriting it down he can always revisit it.
„Ah, if it isn’t (Y/N), my lovelymelody! Just yesterday I came up with a good idea for a new song, butI feel that it needs your lovely voice in order to be perfect! Wouldyou happen to have some time for me~?“
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SNOOJ is like a trained professional onthe subject of FLOFF
honestly this man won’t be able to getany rest until he sweetened up your day, especially when you’refeeling down or something happened
of course one of his first thoughts tosuprise you is by cooking your favorite meal for you, since cookingis the one thing Sanji takes great pride in after all. Luffy tried tosnatch a bite as Sanji went out to bring it to you, and the only thingyou’ll hear is a loud splash as your boyfriend kicks the alwayshungry captain overboard. But don’t worry about him, that stupidMarimo will save Luffy for sure.
he doesn’t call himself a ‘slave foryour love’ for nothing, so naturally Sanji will always do whateveryou desire. Sounds boring? Well don’t worry, he also has many ideasup his sleeve too if you’re interested!
most of them focus on over the top andtotally clichéd date ideas but hey, if you’re in a sappy mood thismight be just the thing you need.
whenever you’re away from him, Sanjiwon’t be able to stop thinking about you. It’s almost as if he isscared that he might forget your face if he doesn’t think about it orlook at a picture of you every few seconds…
and there will be gifts upon gifts fromhim once you’re in his arms again. Besides the usual flowers andsweets, he’ll also make sure to add in something personal
one time he gave you a little teddybearwith his curly eyebrows (he asked Franky to sow them onto the plushie) so you wouldalso have something to remember him by whenever you’re lonely. Plus,this teddy is extra soft and cuddly so you can shower it with all thelove you want! (just remember to save some for the real Sanji as welllol)
many times he hugs you it’s from behindand comes as a bit of a suprise, mainly because he simply can’t move in fora hug while facing you, because seeing your cute face and body mightjust instantly turn this guy to stone
„Oh, I’m so happy to see you, (Y/N)!While you were gone, I decided to spice up my recipe for yourfavorite food a bit, and all that’s missing is for you to try it now,my love!“
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he gets fluffy and cuddly in thestrangest moments, and it’s impossible to predict this man’s nextmove when he’s feeling needy for your attention…
heaven knows that Shanks isn’t the mostcreative or romantic type when it comes to taking you out on dates… tohim, those partying nights with his crew already count as proper'dates’ as long as you’re there with him
he’s a proud boyfriend, and loves tolet everyone know. Whenever you set foot on a new island where no oneknows you, this man will immediately start to walk around and telleveryone of his amazing girlfriend before immediately pointing at you
also, you’re the only one that’s allowedto touch his secret stash of rare and expensive booze…
and whenever you’re gone, the crewsuffers from Shanks sudden decrease in mood, and the chances offinding him in his quarters with a drink while crying your name as ifyou just died are pretty high
he might even still be a bit drunk when youcome back to him- and upon seeing your face his eyes will light up asif it was an angel who suddenly manifested infront of him
the H in Shanks is the H in Hug. Didyou know that? Well, you probably do since you have to deal with hisconstant cuddle attacks…
it all started pretty small when hepulled you against him from behind once, and now it’s kind of a sportfor him to suprise you with random displays of physical affections when you least expect it
he also has no problem with PDA, and as long as you’re okay with it Shanks will wrap his arm around your waist or hold hands whenever he sees the chance to
„Haha, (Y/N), you gotta sit down withme and the boys tonight! We caught this huge sea king and bought alot of good booze, so let’s have a barbecue! If you want, I’ll even make sure to save the best parts for you~!“
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darastrixethe · 4 years
▼+ reverse
Pale orange silk gripped smooth skin, lace lined the hem of the small nightdress that she walked out to the living room in. A soft yawn coming from the woman while wearing the fluffy robe open over top of the outfit, her small form moving into his vision as she crawled up to sit on the male's lap as he watched whatever show.
Hands moving to softly press against his torso as she let out a soft hum of happiness, cuddling up to Taishiro lovingly despite now straddling the man the best she could.
❝ Teddybear how much longer are you going to stay out here and watch TV, it's getting so late~ ❞
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Hi hi!! I’ve recently started dating a lovely, chubby lil twink of a man, but I don’t think twink quite fits. He’s small and chubby and kinda hairy, but not quite a bear, you know? Then I had the realization; he’s a Teddybear. Not quite a cub, not quite a twink, not quite a bear. He’s the cute, curly, fluffy boy that I love and I think we should coin men like that as Teddybears. And since your gay blog is so rad I thought you might Discuss lmao. LOVE UR STUFF BTW ❤️❤️❤️🐻🍯🐻
teddy bear!! he's a teddy bear! warm loving and soft oh my gosh you've got yourself a teddy bear
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emmysastrology · 6 years
BTS as boyfriends - Hyung line
Based on their birth charts*
fun and classic boyfriend
v open and straightforward about his feelings
but more in a physical way like
cliche romantic gestures that still make your heart full
loves adventure
he’ll take you somewhere new every date
loud and fun in public
quiet and sweet in private
but will still make witty comments that make you smile
lots of laughs
very honest and open
no secrets or misunderstandings
a constant in your life, makes you feel safe
you make him feel secure and relaxed
wants to travel the world with you
walks on the beach and hiking together
wine and dine dates
but also loves to stay home
and have home cooked dinner dates
works hard for your attention and gives you anything you want that he can offer
such a gentleman
treats you like a queen
big romantic gestures and gifts
giant teddybears, sends you bouquets of roses
big boxes of your fav chocolates with a bottle of your fav wine
lots of little pecks, on your shoulder, nose, and forehead
going on midnight strolls
long, philosophical talks
emotional talks
complete trust in each other
he likes his independence, but he’ll never have you doubting his love
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sassy and soft boyfriend
lots of teasing
joking arguments
turned on by sarcasm, wit, intelligence, and quick-thinking
probably loves when you play with his fluffy hair and massage his head
also back scratches/massages
unpredictable and likes to catch you off guard
like you’ll be arguing and he pecks your lips with his real sweetly
or you’ll come over to an unplanned candlelit dinner ready and made
small acts of romance
like bringing you coffee and cooking for you
l o y a l
you are your own person but you are his and vice versa
takes you on adventures, challenges you
but also spends the day lazily lounging about with you
listens and tries his best to give advice and comfort
shows you off, protects you
you’ll be the first to hear his new songs and lyrics
you’ll also become a favored topic for his music
flirts and plays around you
v affectionate
nose booms and forehead kisses
holding hands and softly caressing his fingers against your skin
always strives to keep things exciting
while at the same time he feels like home
tries to impress you and seeks your attention and recognition
actually has a tendency to be clingy and needy, in a cute way
will text you constantly
naps together, spooning
you wearing his shirts and boxers
lazy make outs that build with passion
hot showers together, or baths for those lazy days
he’s a passionate lover who is soft only towards you
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the best friend boyfriend
very chill yet spontaneous
fun unconventional dates
encourages and appreciates you
your relationship would be established on friendship
innocent romance
cheek kisses
massages and bubble baths
long cuddles, soft kisses, sappy romantic shit
then video games or dancing together until the late hours
is more empathetic and sensitive with you
won’t admit it tho
he is both a sweet charmer and a wild lover
gives you sentimental and romantic gifts
will give you his jacket when you’re cold
cooking together
going on walks through the town or park
writing each other notes
spontaneous road trips and traveling together
sometimes crying together
then make-up sex
then lots more sex
ngl this man would be horny 25/8
but he’ll love teasing you to get you riled up too
along with candles and rose petals to set the mood
you are his all in one: best friend, girlfriend, partner in crime, lover
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deep and devoted boyfriend
an intense, passionate lover
he is introspective, dedicated and serious
loves discussing ideas with you
will ask your opinion on his music
will often reflect on your relationship, appreciating you constantly
offering himself to you as someone you can always rely on
committed and protective
expresses his passion physically, intimately, attentively
does what you ask of him and takes care of you
he wants to provide everything you could need
trust each other with your deepest secrets
flirts through seduction
has a strong sex drive
wants complete trust
will blow your mind in and out of bed
gives you obsessive amounts of attention so you never feel alone in the world
thigh kisses and sensual massages
drinking, dancing, watching the city on the roof
fancy dinner dates to drive in dives
he is all for a classy cocktail party where you both can dress up
but the thought of him ripping your dress off you later will occupy his mind the whole time
can’t keep his eyes off you
or his hands
makes playlists of songs that remind him of you
will be committed to you now and forever
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*birth charts used are my interpretation + rumored birth times that I believe fit each member bests
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irrfahrer · 2 years
😴 - to fall asleep on your muse { from smuggler!ben }
Misc Action Memes !
The train had left the starport a hour ago, with the world past the thick transperisteel of the trainwagon turning from the dark grey of durasteel walls into the pale numbness of the icedesert stretching white and lifeless like a shroud between the cities of the planet. In the trainwagon towers of cargoboxes rose like skyscrapers and at the places where no boxes had been stored, the travlers- Hangarworkers, small criminals and hirelings- had sat down wrapped in thick blankets to keep the coldness away. They had sat down between two towers of cargoboxes with their backs against the trains walls and thick blankets against the coldness pulled up to their chins like in a nest, although the blankets were more for Ben since as a Tynnan Ziv was very much comfortable with the temperature and the iceflowers blooming like adornments on the inside of the trainwagons walls. In fact with the Holobook on her knees and the icy coldness creeping into the train to stroke up limbs like frozen fingers until the passangers breaths left whie clouds inthe air, Ziv felt suprisingly cozy even.
Since the very moment Ziv had learned that letters meant certaine sounds and letters set in a row could be read as words, she had always been reading.  In the Temple she had in the Archives every evening build herself a ford of holobooks like a wall around herself where especially Master Bowspritz researchs on Fauna had been her favorite, in the AgriCorps she had broiled herself a can of Caf and read through the nights to coninue her work in the morning without one second closing her eyes more than just blinking, and years later she cherished ever Holobook she got her paws on like a treasure.
Accordingly the moment she had found the Holobook “Naboos Flora, its usage and its Meaning in Art” she had started reading. Hours ticked by like minutes while Ziv was lost in the world of Naboo-Lavender that was used as a natural tranquilizer in medicine and whichs soft blue colour was used in art as a symbole of sleep which lead to its useage in burials to symbolise eternal sleep, or yellow Willow-root whichs juice was full of vitamines and cooked to a syrup drank as a tea to pushup the immune-system, so in art the long yellow willowroots were painted interwined on buildings to bring health to a household and especially in nurserys the colour yellow and gold was especially often found because of the roots symbolism...
The man sunk against her like a wet sack of earth and Ziv almost jumped up startled: "What the Kri-" Pale ears flicked upwards Ziv turnd to the side when Bens head sank to the side, his cheek resting on her head and pressed against her soft fur, his quiet breath tickling down over her forehead to her snout. The young woman pinned her ears back, piercings clinking: "Ah, of course, the kriffing magic of beeing a soft, fluffy ball of kriffing manically firing metabolism, yeh I see, why did I ever even still wonder when that is happening." Ziv had learned early that she was just the perfect size to be someones living teddybear, be that people who did not understood that she was a sentient beeing with very sharp teeth or the infants she had just delivered and had to take care of as long as the parent was sleeping and recovering from the birth. Accordingly irritated but also very much used to it, Ziv just adjustd the blankets around herself and the man that hadfell off when he had sunken to the side, to make sure he would not freeze. Then she settled back intothe nest of blankets to continue reading with Bens head now resting peacefully on her shoulder and her arm around his back as much as it was possible. A smile as soft as a baring of teeth played aroudn the Tynnans muzzle and she nuzzled her snout intoBens hair, smirking slyly: "Which means that you are now  my kriffing prisoner for as long as you are sleeping and I can be a evil little kriffing asshole and plant all those amazing flora-knowledge into your dreams that will be kriffing confusing for you to remember because you are not conciously listening but will still save it in your memory for the most stupidest situations. Dreammanipulation works and you are now going to kriffing learn stuff, pup. Yes, your brain works in kriffing wonders and I am just a kriffing evil plant-person, so listen- " Past the trains walls the icedesert was white and lifeless. "Growing wild in isolated valleys on Naboo, the millaflower is a ground flower that comes in several bright colors, with red and blue beeing the most common." Inside the trains walls breaths left white clouds in the air, Bens head lay on her shoulder and he had started to snore quietly and Ziv continued reading, the mans calm breather tickling her cheek like a soft finger. "Popular with the native Naboo and Gungans, the flower is commonly cultivated in flower-boxes and gardens, and when gifted it is culturally considered to honor the recipient by signifying respect-" And the train continued moving forward.
[ @kylo-wrecked ]
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stareiiez · 7 years
Songs For The Souls
Soulmate AU 
15. Real Life Disney Singing 
Pairing: Nork
First soulmate fic and it’s so fluffy that I might actually cry? God bless this ship, cause seriously York’s ass is so bi for North.
It all started off with a weird night ritual. Songs of love or other worlds, that meant to be explored with the one by your side, spilled from the blonde’s lips to lull a sleepy eye purple and pink A.I to sleep. A soft deep voice had rung out every night with one song per night, or two if Theta really wanted an encore, in the confines of his room. It had been like this ever since he had just gotten Theta, and nothing could keep the kid at bay from running rampant in his mind. It was only when the lightbulb going off in his head did the man remember the one thing that could put someone. as much as a handful of his own sister South was, to sleep. That was singing old and new Disney songs. True it wasn’t the same thing as reading bedtime stories but the singing had worked. Miraculously the two entities that were different on so many levels shared the same bedtime ritual. While North was in his own little world dealing with his precious ‘child’ Theta, York had been suffering. North never knew about the songs that were being belted out from York at the exact same moment he decided to open his mouth. 
The classic Disney songs were nice even in the most random of times. He could be in the shower, or in some training spar with Wyoming when he would magically break out in an  off-tune rendition of ‘Some Day My Prince Will Come.’ Oh easily princesses had it, they were never in dire situations like space marines. Especially right now, York had kept no more like forced his mouth under his golden helmet when he felt that familiar urge to sing. At all times he had the audacity to break out in song while staying hidden away in cover with Washington. Although try as he might, York had ripped his mouth open and stood up dramatically while he sang the first opening lines of ‘Can You Paint With All The Colors Of The Wind’ it had cost his whole team their mission, and his ass had resulted in one good kicking from Carolina in the back of the pelican during their ride back home.
Not only that but he had been scorned, more like reprimanded, for such a random thing that was very unbecoming from the Project’s top hacker. York hissed before he flung his golden helmet at the wall in his bedroom. The low thud could be heard in North’s dorm which was conveniently right next to his teammates. Of course, the purple freelancer had heard about the failed mission from earlier that day, but why York was the root of the problem never became of his knowledge. 
North frowned while he stood up from his bed, now the time for asking questions was good as ever. Just as he reached for the keypad to unlock his door, a flash of pink and purple caught his peripheral vision. Theta.
“North, time for another Disney song! It’s going to be passed my ‘bedtime’ “ Yes the man gave the little A.I a bedtime, since he acted like a small child and the agent treated him like it as well. Why not.
“Alright, buddy one song and then I have to check on York. Somethings up for him and I want to see if he’s okay.” North grinned before he took his seat back on the bed. Clearing his throat the male turned to his A.I that seemed to hold a small holographic teddybear in his arms. 
The first lyrics of “Once Upon A Time” echoed in his room, Theta had drifted over to rest on North’s shoulder.Surely he could picture sleepy eyes gazing at his profile while the male sang the old childhood song. The image made him smile while he continued to sing. Although what made him cut off his words was not the ‘yawn’ that Theta muttered sleepily but his exact words were being repeated in a different tone and were surely muffled through the wall where York’s room was. When North’s mouth closed and the lyrics ceased so did the other’s singing. It was silent. Blond thin brows rose in curiosity, North stood gently so he would not disturb the semi-awake A.I who clung to the fabric of his shirt.With a hum, he opened his mouth to sing the lyrics of the song once again more quietly. Soon enough York’s voice sang way louder his words cracked and fizzed at notes that pulled a smile to North’s lips. 
The concept of soulmates had never become a thing to think about in this position that his life was in. Sure soulmates were great to think about when he was younger, and especially if every single person got together on different fantastical terms that ended with starstruck lovers being side by side forever.Of course, that old soulmate niche had died the day he was sent packing up in space once the male joined the military. All wonder and soulmates thoughts were replaced with strategies of how to kill someone before they kill you. Now the old terms had flooded his mind while his smile grew more from York’s ‘singing’, soulmates could find each other if one was singing a Disney song then the other would join in for some offbeat ballad. As it crazy as it was, friends of his that were in their young teenage years had gotten together with their soulmates by singing their childhood Disney songs in front of their soulmate to be.Fate was as funny as it was back then. 
York’s door was always unlocked, an eager invitation for attention from anyone who managed to stroll past his dorm. He was like some adorable puppy that whined for attention, and North would give that loving puppy his own brand of attention. He yanked open the door just in time for the chorus to begin all over again. With a bright pink blush on pale cheeks, the taller male grabbed a shell-shocked York into his embrace and continued to sing which forced the other to echo the song. At the once continuing ballad of voice, Theta had stirred and sat up on North’s shoulder. His helmet tilted up in wonderment from the two males singing with blushes of embarrassment and joy mixed into one. At the end of the song, North had found to have his arms wrapped tightly around York his ocean blue eyes gazed softly into Yorks muddy brown eye and clear white one. The stark contrast of red zig-zagging scars on tanned skin caught his gaze once again. 
“Where did that come from?” York tilted his head a look of curiosity had painted his features tight but not once did he move.
A deep chuckle erupted from North’s mouth before one arm swung around so he could squeeze the back of his neck in shyness.Before his mouth could open, Theta shot forward and jumped up and down in mid-air between the two.
“Oh oh! This means that you two are soulmates! Right North? That’s what you told me after all in your stories.” The small A.I practically beamed with glee as he turned to face his ‘brother/father figure’
“Yes Theta, that would make us soulmates, good job.” His voice cracked from the sudden bluntness of his kid like enthusiasm. His ears burned from a bright shade of red while York’s face had let go of red and pulled a smirk instead.
“Soulmates?” His eye gave North a once over look before he felt his smirk tug up even wider.”You know what, I couldn’t ask for a better partner to be soulmates with. Destiny can’t laugh his ass off about this now.” How open and quickly accepting he was. That was because York was always a little bent in the other direction for North anyway. 
One tanned smooth hand grasped a pale hand and slowly intertwined their fingers together. Theta early vibrated from happiness that pink and purple fireworks had been set off over the male’s heads. It accented the growing blush of North’s while York gazed up at his newly found soulmate.
“Well soulmate, why don’t we seal this deal with a kiss.” York leaned in so close that the tip of their noses bumped against each other softly. The action sent another wave of red to crash upon the blonde’s features. 
A small nod and a mutter of ‘sure why not’ came rushed in a breath of air. It was all the green light York needed to capture North’s lips in a slow tender kiss. Time seemed to drag until the need for air had caused the two to part, especially Theta’s complaint of ‘Ewww that’s so gross.’ It didn’t crush the matching pair of smiles that both males wore. What did ruin the moment was York.
“Carolina is going to be so jealous.”
“Shut the hell up York.
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