#soft sas
livinglouderx3 · 2 years
Letting out a tired sigh Sasuke closed the door behind him, finally finding himself in the safety of his hallway, of his home. He absent-mindedly hung up his coat before taking his shoes off – neatly putting them away as he always did, right where they belonged. But it seemed like he was the only one here caring about any form of tidiness.
The Uchiha couldn't help but smile as he noticed the other pair of shoes – shoes that didn't belong to him, shoes that were slipped off in a hurry obviously (because why else would he leave them like this, right?) – now sprawled all over the floor. He could only shake his head at habits that would probably never die, no matter what. Not that he minded – not really.
Following the soft noise Sasuke promptly moved to the living room, noticing the running tv as he stepped through the door – displaying some sort of strange animal documentary series.
What a nerd.
“I'm home, Naru-” But his voice died down almost immediately, since now, after getting closer he was able to see him – to see the huddled figure of his boyfriend, hugging a pillow as he was dozing peacefully on the couch, using the tv as nothing but background noise. Almost immediately, he could feel his heart clench. Sasuke had yet to get used to being able to come home to such a sight, perfect in any way he could think of. Honestly, he really couldn't be happier that they had finally decided to move in together, taking their relationship to the next stage – a new milestone. A natural transition Naruto had proposed one day and who was Sasuke to deny him anything, really? Once again, Sasuke found himself unable to suppress the smile displaying on his lips, a situation he found himself in quite often lately. Thank god that Naruto was asleep so he wouldn't be able to tease him about it. He would definitely tease him about it. 
Slowly, Sasuke took a step forward, carefully taking the remote to shut the tv off – just before carefully sitting down onto the small spot he was somehow offered by Naruto's sleeping form.
The couch shifted a little, a motion barely noticeable – yet, Naruto seemed to have perceived it somehow (he always did when it comes to Sasuke), stirring slightly. Slowly, tiredly, the blonde opened one eye, peaking up at the other in confusion – taking in his sight for just a moment, processing, until eventually something seemed to click and a big smile spread across his lips. He beamed and Sasuke’s heart nearly bursted. 
“..welcome home.”
Sasuke leaned down slightly – leaving a kiss to Naruto's temple, hiding his face  in soft blonde hair. It was totally not so that he could once more hide his smile. Nope, it wasn't. 
“I'm home.”
SNS Month 22, Day 17: Opposites attract or Modern AU ☼ ☾
Aww, I'm a bit late but have some soft Sas ;_;
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thekidsfromyestergay · 11 months
Just saw a video like "um actually rocky horror isn't good queer representation because frank sexually assaults janet" girl he kills and eats people. It's called the rocky HORROR picture show not the rocky cute gay rep tw t-slur picture show
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lecialucille · 3 months
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cupcek · 6 months
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Fique comigo , eu não quero
Que você vá ᅠ ✟ ⋅.˳˳
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snailtrain · 4 months
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deszio scribbles ♥
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naffeclipse · 5 months
Okay hear me out.... Journey to west au. Sun being the monkey king from the book and Y/N a traveller. Y/N rescues him from under the mountain and he joins them in their travels. Moon is a demon that's terrorising a town until Y/N and Sun stop him. Moon then joins the two. Finally Eclipse is another demon that kidnaps Y/N in order to eat them but instead is so utterly charmed by them that he joins the party. Shenanigans ensue... Thoughts?
The great monkey king is indebted to a mortal but he has little qualms with escorting you on your travels as a way to give his thanks for rescuing him from underneath the mountain. His magic and strength are at your disposal. Strangely, you prefer traveling peacefully and quietly, avoiding trouble and helping those in need when the two of you come upon them. The monkey king thinks you are vulnerable and too trusting, and he decides to protect you at all costs.
The lunar demon does not take kindly to his mischievousness and destruction being wrought, but when you and the monkey king stop the mayhem he inflicts upon a small town, the lunar demon can't help but become amused and intrigued by a daring, bold mortal who is so calm in the face of dangerous, sharp teeth, red eye demon. He thinks you are naive and foolish, but he follows you and the monkey king because who else will watch over you at night? Who will keep you safe from the other toothy and red-eye demons?
It is not too long down the road of your seemingly endless travels that a problem arises. The monkey king and the lunar demon venture to the river to fetch you food and drink and while you toil, you feel the shadow of a great personage fall upon you before you are snatched away. You struggle and call for your dear, new friends, but the dark being smuggles you into his cave. He ties you up and leaves you on the floor of his home as he prepares to eat you. You, however, remain calm and speak with the great demon and learn he is the eclipse prince. The eclipse prince wants nothing more than to cook and devour you, but you convince him to allow you to serve him tea first. Pleased by the offer, the eclipse prince unties you. You serve him a tea you have used to comfort the monkey king and calm the lunar demon, and speak with the eclipse prince. The conversation continues until the pot of tea is gone and he tells you to prepare another, pot after pot until he is laughing and telling you that he has forgotten his hunger—your charm and allure have sated him. He will let you go and return you to your companions, but you invite him to join your company.
The eclipse prince is pleased to accept. He opens his cave and returns with you to the monkey king and the lunar demon. When you come upon them, they are furious and frantic. They act quickly to take you back and prepare to attack the one who carried you away before you calm them. The eclipse prince stands rather unapologetically as you explain that he is now joining the three of you. The lunar demon does not take kindly to this change and the monkey king hovers close to you, refusing to let you leave his sights while the eclipse prince seamlessly joins the camp and prepares a pot of tea for you to drink.
You continue your travels, glad to have such devoted company.
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belleszn · 6 months
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⠀     ☻  ⁺   🧵𖨂  ✹˳
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⠀     ❥   o  ⁺  ┄
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fawnbae21 · 1 month
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𝑀𝓎 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝟣𝟥
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mugloversonly · 12 days
I Don’t Need to be Fixed
This is for week two of @steddiesmuttyseptember Prompts: soft and slow | bruise | Rating: E | CW: rape/non con (not between main pair), use of the T slur, misgendering, misgendering of self, mentions of corrective sex. | All tags on AO3 there is a scene of the non con that can be skipped. It will be marked by !!!!! You can pick the story back up at the second !!!!!
AO3 link
Eddie’s been acting strange for the past few weeks. One Sunday when he came home from work, he seemed off. He usually slammed the door open when he came in to alert Steve to his presence, but recently he creaked it open slowly, sliding in, and into the bathroom. He took a shower like normal, but instead of coming out naked to flash Steve (something he’s done since his top surgery), he wrapped the towel around himself tightly under his arms and practically sprinted to the bedroom. When he came out, he was wearing a big hoodie with the hood pulled up and a pair of Steve’s baggy sweatpants.
Today it’s been nearly six weeks and he’s still acting strange, repeating that same behavior after every shift. Even on his days off, he was still wrapped up, and when Steve made a move he flinched back hard. When he asked, Eddie always said he was fine just tired. He was trying not to spiral, but it was like his boyfriend was hiding from him, what could it mean? Was it the upside down? Was he cheating? Steve shook his head, he knew Eddie would say if it was the upside down and he wouldn’t cheat.
“Babe? You doing okay?” Steve asked as Eddie got ready to leave for work.
He nodded once before he left throwing a quick, “bye, love you” over his shoulder. That couldn’t be good.
About an hour later, the phone rang but before Steve could answer it it went to voicemail. “This message is for Eddie Munson. This is the free health clinic, we have his test results in.” The message went on, but Steve didn’t hear anything else.
Eddie sighed as the current patron he was serving finally moved from the bar. He could feel his energy draining. He loved this job, he did, but he’d be lying if he said it was perfect. Things were wonderful until a few weeks ago.
As he was ruminating on it, the problem customer in his thoughts walked up. “Hey there, beautiful.” Eddie stepped back and without saying a word went over to the other bartender of the night.
“Jeff, can you take this one?” Eddie said pleadingly. He never asked Jeff to take his customers unless something was really wrong.
“I’ll be right with you sir.” Jeff called to the man whose eyes were trained on Eddie.
“Did I make you feel better girlie?” the man asked. Eddie swallowed his fear, turning away with disgust. Jeff’s eyes were huge as he looked at Eddie.
“I’m going to get the bouncer.” He quickly ducked out from behind the bar and practically sprinted to the bouncer.
“Hey Bear? That guy I told you about, he’s talking to Jeff.” Bear didn’t need him to say anything else, he simply walked behind the man and started dragging him out.
“Hey! I’m a paying customer!” The man screamed.
“Not anymore. Now you’re banned.” Bear said calmly.
“Because of that fucking Tranny?!” Bear stopped suddenly. He grabbed the man by the shoulders and threw him to the ground.
“Apologize. Now, or you walk out of here with a broken nose.” The man sneered and spit towards Eddie. “Okay.” Bear said before flipping the man onto his stomach. He slammed his face into the bar floor twice. He went to do it a third time when Eddie spoke up.
“That’s enough Bear. I just want him gone.” The bouncer stood the man up and frog marched him out all the while telling him he’d put up his picture to get him banned permanently.
Eddie took a deep breath and turned back to the bar. Chrissy the manager stopped him, “that was intense. Do you want to go home?” Eddie glanced around at the patrons and everyone was staring. He nodded, as he walked into the back to get his things. Chrissy promised he’d still get paid for the night and the police would be contacted. She took over the bar so Jeff could drive Eddie home since he walked and they didn’t know if the guy was hanging around.
Back at home, he sat in Jeff’s car outside the small house he and Steve shared. He stepped out and waved at Jeff once he got inside. He really needed to talk to Steve about what happened, but he was scared this would be it. His fears were nearly confirmed when he entered the house quietly to find Steve sitting on the couch with a bag packed. “Stevie?” He whispered.
“You got a message Eds.” He replied monotone. Eddie walked to the tape machine, hitting play with confusion.
“This message is for Eddie Munson. This is the free health clinic, we have his test results in. They have all came back negative, have a nice day.” The tape beeped. Eddie sunk to his knees, tears of relief streaming down his face. He moved until he was sitting with his knees against his chest and his arms were wrapped around them.
“Thank god.” He whispered over and over as he rocked back and forth. Steve’s voice cut through his small breakdown.
“When were you going to tell me?” His whispered. Eddie wiped his eyes, Steve’s tone confused him.
“Do you listen to my message?” Eddie asked angrily.
“Not on purpose. When were you going to tell me?” Steve repeated.
“When I got the results back.” He replied quietly. Steve stood and stalked over to him.
“Get up,” he snarled. Eddie just looked at him so Steve reached down and yanked him to his feet by his arm. “I said get up!”
“Ouch! You’re hurting me.” Eddie said yanking his arm out of the hold.
“Were you going to tell me if they were positive so I could get checked too?” Steve asked. Eddie shook his head.
“You wouldn’t have needed to, I’ve been keeping my distance, just in case.” Eddie said quietly. He isn’t sure how Steve figured it out, but he was even more unsure of his anger.
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me and shying away when I try to touch you?” Eddie nodded, the fear was clear in his eyes but Steve didn’t care right now. “I’m going to Robin’s” Steve huffed as he pushed Eddie away. Eddie felt himself crumble.
“You won’t even listen?” He cried. Steve stomped to the couch.
“I don’t want all the gory details no.” He said, his full mean girl coming out.
“Am I disgusting to you now?” He whispered, hugging himself.
“Kinda” Steve grabbed his bag and went to the front door. Eddie couldn’t take this. Why did Steve get to be angry about this when all Eddie felt was pain? Why was he angry at Eddie? Maybe it really was Eddie’s fault? He collapsed to the floor.
“Just a dumb Tranny, who got what he deserved right?” He sobbed out. Steve opened the door, but paused at that. “Something to fix him. But now, he’s damaged goods. Even the man who promised to love him no matter what hates him. But don’t worry, she’s fixed now.” Steve turned around to see Eddie staring at him, his eyes were blank, empty, and cold, even as the tears continued. “Back to her old self.”
“Eddie, what happened?” Steve asked softly, his blood frozen in his veins. “Why are you talking about yourself like that?”
“Don’t worry, Steve. I wouldn’t want to make you listen to the gory details. Have fun at Robin’s. I’ll be gone by morning” Eddie stood and sprinted to the bathroom, locking himself inside. Once there he climbed into the tub and turned on the freezing water, fully dressed. Once he was chilled all the way, he turned the water to scalding. He’d been doing this after work for the past few weeks to try to shock his system back to normal, it hasn’t really been working, but he didn’t know what else to do. The hot water burned his freezing skin but it gives him something to focus on, it’s then that there is a knock on the bathroom door.
“Eddie?” Steve called. Eddie rolled his eyes. After all the shit he just said, he has the gall to sound so concerned?
“Fuck off!” He shouted but Steve just knocked again.
“Please, baby. Let me in?” Eddie huffed, he could tell he wasn’t going to go away. He climbed out of the shower, not worrying about all the water he was getting all over the floor, and unlocked the door. He waited until he was safely back in the spray before giving the okay. The door opened slowly, cautiously, like Steve wasn’t sure what he’d see on the other side. Their eyes met and Eddie got the pleasure of watching Steve’s face frozen in shock as he took in the scene. “Can we get you out of the tub and into bed so we can talk?” Steve asked. Eddie hesitated before nodding. Steve grabbed a towel and turned off the water. He attempted to grab Eddie again but he flinched back hard enough to slam into the tile wall behind him. Steve raised his hand in surrender before handing the towel over and holding his hand out in offer.
Eddie looked at his hand as he wrapped the towel about himself, but he didn’t take it. Steve followed him into the room, sat on the bed, and stared expectantly at Eddie, who stood there in his wet clothes. “Can..can you uh turn around?” Eddie asked quietly. Steve’s heart broke but he did as he was asked. “Okay, you’re good.” He said a few minutes later. He’d pulled on his biggest hoodie and sweatpants that would hold him but also cloak his body, practically hiding it from view. He curled up on the bed as far away from Steve as he could, keeping his eyes on his knees to avoid Steve’s heartbroken face. The room was quiet for a long time before either of them spoke.
“I’m sorry I grabbed you like that earlier Eddie. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Steve broke the silence. Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Yes you did. You just thought you were hurting a cheater.” He mumbled the last part. The word cheater hung heavy. “You didn’t even let me explain. You just...decided that I wasn’t worth it.” Steve stared at Eddie. “You wanna know what happened Steve? You wanna know why the free clinic called?”
Steve looked at this broken man and felt a pang in his heart. He had huge bags under his eyes and his lips were still a little blue. Steve knew something had been going on, but now he was even more unsure about it. “If you want to share, Eddie.” Eddie scoffed. Steve could understand that, “I promise, I know you didn’t cheat, I won’t leave unless you want me to, tell me if you want, not because you think it’s the only way I’ll stay.” After what he just witnessed he’s willing to go on a little faith. After a brief moment of hesitation, Eddie finally spoke.
“I really was going to tell you once I got the results in.” Eddie promised. “You remember that guy at work a month and a half ago?” Eddie asked. Steve did remember, he was an older guy who made gross comments to the wait staff and hit on Eddie. He nodded. Eddie held out his hand for Steve to take, he did and Eddie continued. “He came back a week or so later.”
Eddie and Chrissy were working close that night. The bar was packed but the rude man from the week before stood out. He kept hitting on Eddie and Chrissy all night and he stayed until Bear kicked him out. When the two bartenders were ready, Bear offered to walk them to their cars. Since Eddie tended to walk to work, he let himself be escorted to the end of the block.
He didn’t live far, only a mile or two, but about half way there he felt like he was being watched. When he glanced over his shoulder he saw a few people milling around and assumed it was from them. He didn’t see the guy moving closer to him until it was too late. When he turned the corner, the guy pushed him into the alley and forced his chest into the bricks.
“Hey what the fuck?” Eddie yelled but the man shoved something into his mouth. Eddie froze for a moment when he recognized the man from the club. They thought he left, but he must have been hiding somewhere.
Eddie tried to struggle but the man was stronger and held his wrists behind his back with one hand. With the other he wrapped around Eddie’s waist and undid the button of his jeans before shoving his hand inside. “So the rumors were true huh?” The man whispered in his ear, it sent a shiver of fear and disgust up Eddie’s spine.
Eddie screamed against the gag, thrashed his body, but the man ignored him. He removed his hand for a moment to yank Eddie’s head back and slam it into the wall making his vision fuzzy. The man yanked down Eddie’s pants and boxers to his knees, shoved his own down, and forced Eddie’s legs apart.
He did his best to fight back, but with the blow to the head and his restricted airflow from the gag, he wasn’t able to do much. The man shoved his dick inside Eddie’s pussy but growled angrily when he found he wasn’t wet. “My dick not good enough for you tranny?” He snarled. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head girlie, I’ll show you what it’s like to be with a real man and you’ll be all fixed.”
He shoved against Eddie again who began silently crying. The tears dripped steadily down his face and off his chin, the man scoffed and licked at them. “Don’t cry, I’m just healing you.” Eddie didn’t know what to do. He tried thrashing again but that only seemed to make the man harder. He did the only thing he could and just shut down. Emptied his mind, hid in the same place he used to when his dad would hurt him.
It was finally over when the man’s hips sped up slamming his own into the brick wall no doubt leaving bruises. He had the decency to pull out before cuming on the alley floor. He pat Eddie once on the shoulder. “You’ll be all better soon girlie.” He said before he pulled his pants back up and walked out of the alley. Eddie stayed frozen against the wall for a minute before spitting out the fabric in his mouth and fixing his clothing. His hands shook, he felt his body draining of any energy but he knew he needed to get home.
When Eddie finished speaking, his face was wet as tears had been steadily streaming down his face. Steve lifted his free hand and reached toward Eddie but paused until he nodded his permission. He gently wiped the tears from his boyfriend’s face but it wasn’t until Eddie did the same that he realized he was crying too.
“Baby,” Steve whispered. “I wish you told me.” Eddie’s eyes closed and he hung his head.
“I know. I’m sorry.” He was quiet, if Steve wasn’t sitting so close he wouldn’t have heard him. “I’m sorry I let it happen.” Steve leaned back to look into Eddie’s eyes.
“It’s not your fault, my love.” Steve whispered.
“Yes it is! I tried to fight but I couldn’t. If I wasn’t… I’m sorry, Steve.” Steve’s heart broke for his boyfriend. He opened his arms in offering, nearly falling off the bed when Eddie launched himself into him, apologies pouring out of him. Steve couldn’t take him feeling like this.
“Hey, it’s not your fault baby boy.” Steve swore. “You didn’t ask for it, you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry I didn’t listen the first time.” He held tight to Eddie as his cries shook his body. “You’re not wrong, you don’t need to be fixed.”
Steve continued his reassurances as Eddie’s sobs quieted into soft sniffles. “You want to know the worst part of all of this?” Eddie asked wetly. Without waiting for Steve to respond he continued, “I feel like my body isn’t mine anymore.” Steve wanted to find that guy and punch his face in for hurting Eddie. He finally got to a point where he felt like himself, just for this guy to ruin it?
“What can I do? How can we make it feel like yours again?” Steve asked.
“I have an idea, it might seem a little out there” Eddie hesitated. “Can we...have sex?”
“Are you sure?” Steve asked.
“Yes.” Eddie confirmed. Steve nodded in thought for a moment.
“Okay, but if you start getting uncomfortable we stop, okay?” Eddie nodded.
“Can I ask? How will this help?” Steve asked as he stood.
Eddie stood too and took off his shirt. “This time it’s my choice. You know?” Steve agreed and went to take off his own shirt but Eddie stopped him. “Can I do it?” When Steve nodded, Eddie pulled him away from the bed and undressed him slowly.
He kissed his lips softly before unbuttoning both of their jeans and shoving them down. When they both stood naked in front of each other, he paused. “Can we use the strap tonight?” Eddie asked shyly. They normally switched but he didn’t feel ready to bottom right now. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be ready again.
“Of course, whatever you need.” Steve promised. While Eddie made his way to the closet to get his harness on, Steve climbed on the bed, grabbing the lube and a condom. Eddie slid his little bullet inside the harness and tucked the controller into the waist band, right next to the lube plunger.
“Oh, gonna cum in me tonight baby?” Steve asked when he saw which dildo Eddie was wearing. It was average sized, something they used when they weren’t in a full scene. Eddie smiled softly as Steve threw the condom back in the drawer. Eddie climbed onto the bed, leaned over, and kissed Steve chastely. It quickly deepened as he licked into the other man’s mouth, softly stroking Steve’s with his own. “God you’re so handsome.” Steve groaned.
Eddie blushed and slid his hand down Steve’s chest, rubbed and twisted his left nipple until he moaned, then did the same to the right. Without separating their lips, he gripped Steve’s cock softly, stroking it to full hardness. Steve kept his hands on the bed until Eddie took his wrists and put them on his hips.
“Touch me Stevie.” He whispered against his lips. Steve slid his hands up Eddie’s sides then around to his chest.
“Can I jerk you off?” He asked quietly. Eddie nodded and he didn’t waste a second slipping his thumb and forefinger into the harness to grasp his cock. He stroked up and down before pausing with his middle finger hovering over the man’s cunt. “Can I touch you there?” Eddie hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded. He slid his finger through the wetness seeping from him but when he went to insert his finger inside, Eddie locked up.
“Stop!” Eddie yelled. His hands and lips stopped, and Steve pulled his hand back.
“Sorry.” Eddie whispered as his body shook. “I don’t know why I can’t…” he choked up. Steve gently stroked Eddie’s back.
“It’s okay baby, no apologies okay? If you want to stop we can” Eddie whimpered and shook his head. “If you want to keep going we can, I just won’t finger you okay?” Steve promised.
Eddie kissed him softly again. “Thank you. Can I get you ready?” He asked. Steve went to flip himself over but Eddie stopped him. “I need to be able to see you, is that okay?” Steve knew it would hurt a bit more than normal, but the trust Eddie placed in him over road that fear. He grabbed the bottle of lube and pressed it into Eddie’s hand.
Eddie felt almost shy when he poured lube on his hand, rubbing his fingers together to warm it up. They’ve done this hundreds of times by now, but every time felt like the first time. He kissed down Steve’s neck, sucking bruises into the skin as he slid a finger inside. When he didn’t meet any resistance, he moaned softly. He thrust his finger a few times before adding a second, quickly followed by a third.
“Eddie, baby. I’m ready, please.” Steve begged. Eddie smirked, twisted his fingers until Steve screamed.
“I found it, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, already knowing the answer, especially when he hit that spot again and again until Steve clenched around his fingers. Feeling mean, Eddie stopped moving, dangling Steve’s release in front of him like a carrot. He sat back on his heels, reveling in Steve’s betrayed glare. “What’s a matter baby?” He asked innocently.
“I need you Eds. Get in me before I explode!” Steve whined.
“Your wish,” Eddie began as he lined up, “is my command.” He thrust his hips forward sinking to the hilt in one motion. Steve shook as he tried to adjust, but Eddie wouldn’t let him. He thrust deeply and slowly, dragging his strap out inch by agonizing inch, making sure to hit Steve’s prostate on every inward push. He flipped the bullet vibrator on, moaning as it kicked into gear.
“Harder baby.” Steve begged, “please sir, give it to me.” The honorific always sent Eddie hurtling toward the edge. He bit harshly into Steve’s shoulder as he began pounding into him. The vibe pushed against his cock and the base of Steve’s making them both shudder.
“Feel good, doll?” Eddie asked, not waiting for Steve’s answer before his hand was back around his cock. Steve wailed as he was jerked quickly, the difference between Eddie’s hips and hand driving him insane.
“I’m close baby. I’m so fucking close.” Steve panted, wrapping his hand around Eddie’s neck and pulling him down for a kiss. He began lifting his hips to meet his boyfriend’s thrust for thrust, incidentally pinning the vibe against his cock. Eddie threw his head back and grabbed the plunger in his waist band.
“Cum for me, sweetheart. Together” Eddie growled into his ear. That’s all it took for Steve. He released hot ropes of cum all over the both of them at the same time Eddie pushed the plunger. The body temp lube filled his ass while Eddie shook as he came. He worked them through it before he collapsed onto his boyfriend.
After when they were all clean, the sheets were changed, and they were cuddling, Eddie kissed one of Steve’s bruises. “Thank you.” He whispered. Steve smiled, grabbed Eddie’s chin, tilted his head up, and kissed him gently.
“No need to thank me. You’re my boyfriend.” Eddie sighed happily. Steve’s gentle words and touches helped him feel like himself.
“And don’t you ever forget it.” Steve smiled cockily and pulled Eddie until he was on top of him.
“Wanna go again?” Eddie eagerly nodded and jumped off the bed to get his strap.
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lilflowerpot · 6 months
Hi flower!!! Great to have you back and I’m glad you are doing well!! Just letting you know that LB continues to rotate around in my head like a rotisserie chicken so I have some more art!
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I’ve had this as a wip for months, I hate backgrounds but I finally finished it! Loved the scenes of them in the forest! You can really tell how much they like being together!
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After I finished it the first time I reread the chapter and remembered that they were covered in mud lol so hereis that edited version! I love re-reading your story I wish I could read it for the first time again and I am forever great-full that you continue to work on this fanfic! I eat up anything you write!
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Lastly I was practicing not drawing same face syndrome so I practiced with the bunker group! I have some more silly drawings that I’ll share later but welcome back! I also have had some problems with art block but drawing the LB characters is always such fun!
ilysm GOD these are utterly wonderful once again, you truly do spoil me by dedicating your creative talents to my fic 🥰🥰🥰
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pokesanriostims · 1 month
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U*SA*HA*NA (ウサハナ)
x/x/x x/x/x x/x/x for @caterpillarinacave
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hannahbarberra162 · 3 months
Can't Fix Fix A Broken Heart Chapter 7
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Now on Ao3
18+ MDNI
Chapter 6 Chapter 8 All chapters
TW: dubcon, mentions of past SA (not described), emotional manipulation
Chapter 7 - No Time For Rest  
You spent the remainder of the party excitedly talking with Izou. It was such a wonderful feeling to speak to someone who appreciated what you could create, rather than what your fruit let you do. He was interesting, witty, and had a dry sense of humor  - all qualities that endeared you to him. The two of you bonded over your love of avant garde fashion - though you hadn’t kept up with any trends in several years. You were planning on re-creating his original vision, and were excited to work on it with him. Others tried to change the topic of conversation more than once, but the two of you were undeterred in your conversation about fabrics, thread counts, and textile opacity. Later into the night, Vista came over and draped his large arm over the smaller man’s shoulders. “Sweet, I am going to bed. Care to join? Y/N will be on board tomorrow as well, you can talk to her more then.”  Izou demurred but did decide to go to bed - everyone had work in the morning after all.  
You felt a little bad for monopolizing the Commander’s attention, but it had been so long since you met anyone who shared your passions. Even on your original island there hadn’t been anyone with the same interests. Izou blew you a kiss over his shoulder as he went down to his cabin. You laughed and returned the gesture.
You decided to find some place to sleep for yourself. Though Tate and the other nurses had done nothing wrong, you couldn’t let your guard down enough to sleep around other people. You liked having a wall to your back and always always always needed a source of light and never never never a fully closed door. You walked in the direction of the women’s dorms but took a short detour. If anyone stopped you, you’d just say you were looking for the bathroom. You found a narrow supply closet near the dorms. This was a good enough place until you understood the layout of the ship better. 
No one was in the hall, so you slid open the pocket door, pushed some of the brooms and mops aside, and sat down in the back. You slid the pocket door mostly closed, but still had a beam of moonlight from a window. You curled up into a little ball in the corner, back touching two walls, and rearranged the brooms and mops so they looked undisturbed. You closed your eyes. You couldn’t believe it was just this morning that you found Ace in the bar. Things were changing quickly and you wanted some alone time to think. But rather than thinking, you found yourself drifting off to a fitful sleep.
The next week or so was hectic, but overall enjoyable. The weather was pleasant, with sunny skies and no storms. You were in high demand all over the ship - mostly to fix things but also because a new sibling was always a source of interest. Everyone wanted to talk about your devil fruit power - something that you didn’t understand because you saw one of the Commanders literally turn himself into diamond. Surely that was better than fixing some floorboards.
Overall, you were impressed at the condition the Moby was in. It was no small feat to keep such a large ship running smoothly. But, of course, there was a lot that needed fixing as well. You did end up fixing Oyaji’s chair, and he inclined his head towards you and thanked you. You blushed so hard you thought you’d never return to a normal color.
It seemed every hour another Commander or Captain would come along and ask you to fix something that they needed. You felt like you were being pulled in multiple directions at every turn because so many people needed so much from you. You had already repaired two of the sails, so very many weapons, the exercise equipment, bunk beds, hammocks, endless mugs, sentimental trinkets, log poses, maps, masts..the list went on and on. And as Ace had mentioned, you did spend a lot of time in crawl spaces fixing leaky or broken pipes. It would have been easier if they hadn’t lost half the schematics to the plumbing system, but you could make due.
All the use of your devil fruit power was making you exhausted and tired to the bone. Even though Thatch had you on a special diet to regain strength, you still weren’t at your best. You needed frequent breaks and naps to recharge yourself, but it never felt like enough. You quickly learned where all the closets and storage areas on the ship were. If you were fixing the pipes, sometimes you’d just fall asleep in the crawlspaces.You just tucked yourself away when you needed a snooze and woke up later with no one the wiser. 
When you weren’t fixing things, you were either working on your project with Izou or washing dishes in the kitchens. With over 1,000 people on board, there were always dishes in the sink that needed scrubbing. It was difficult for you to be idle, so you tried to fill all your time with productive tasks. You didn’t mind pitching in, especially since it allowed you to talk in a quieter environment with some of the crew. You had learned a lot about crew dynamics, culture, and lore that way.
You learned even more from Izou. You enjoyed his company greatly and the two of you became fast friends. You did start designing a new kimono for him based loosely on his design from the last. It was mutually beneficial - he was in seventh heaven working with you, and you got to have a new muse. You enjoyed draping fabrics over him as a live model, and he enjoyed being fawned over by a famous designer. The crew expressed their gratitude to you - Izou’s mood had been buoyant for days.
When not designing, pinning, cutting or sewing, you drank tea together as he told you interesting stories. You learned about the crew, their adventures, Whitebeard, and sometimes himself. He did ask you questions about yourself, which you tried to answer truthfully. You weren’t used to people asking direct questions about your life before your island was attacked or what had happened to you on the seas. You dodged some of the questions that were too personal but did divulge some parts of your past. When you didn’t answer, Izou never pressed you and simply moved the conversation along.
As time progressed, you weren’t seeing as much of Ace, Marco, or Thatch. They were busy doing their own work and leading their respective divisions. If you were honest with yourself, you were trying to avoid them a little for two very different reasons.
You saw Thatch the most regularly, as he would always come out of the kitchen to give you all your meals personally. He’d sit with you and chat about your day and what you were working on while you slowly ate until you were full. He’d try to get you to eat a few more bites, even when you were sure you were going to pop. He would also find a way to hold your hand or have an arm around you while you ate. Once he even asked if he could feed you on his lap, but you turned bright red at the suggestion alone. 
When you fixed things in the kitchen, he would come up behind you and take ingredients or spices off shelves above you, lightly pressing his front to your back. Or he would “steady you” and hold you upright as he passed through the narrow galley. A few times, when he was behind you, he caged you in with his arms and leaned down to tell you something mundane. You didn’t know what he said with all the blood rushing to your ears from the intimate contact.
It wasn’t just a problem with Thatch, either. It was a growing issue you had with all three of them. They always seemed to want to have a hand on you, get close behind you, or (worst of all) pick you up. You couldn’t count the times that Ace had grabbed you while you were engaged in conversation with someone and hauled you over his shoulder. It always alarmed you and caused you to panic. You tried to talk to him about it a few times, but he would just say that he missed you and that wanted to make sure you were doing OK. He said he was so busy he didn't have time to wait for you to be free. You couldn’t stay mad at his cute face dotted with freckles, could you?
In exchange for being hauled around, he had started showing you how log poses worked after you’d fixed several that his subordinates had broken. He offered to take you out on Striker with him, once you felt comfortable. You wanted to take him up on the offer, since the tiny boat did look fun to ride. 
Marco requested your services more than anyone else. Understandably, he got bumped to the top of the list when he needed you since medical needs were top priority. Sometimes you two worked in tandem, healing lacerations, wounds, and resetting many broken bones. You were happy you got to work expanding your fruit powers, and Marco encouraged you to try increasingly difficult cases. Marco really was an excellent teacher and knowledgeable doctor, you were learning a lot from him. But when he was explaining medical issues to you, he’d often cradle your face in one hand and hold you in place, ensuring you were paying attention to what he was saying. It made you feel uneasy, but the conversations were purely academic or instructional so you didn't say anything.
You were feeling over-touched by them, so you were trying to avoid them, that was clear. But you had another reason you didn't want to see them - you had started to have some romantic feelings for all of them. They were all caring and thoughtful in their own ways. You found them all unbearably attractive - you weren’t immune to their looks and charms. But your growing feelings of sexual  attraction to them stirred mixed and complicated emotions within you.
You hadn’t willingly engaged with anyone romantically in so long that the thought of opening up to new experiences made you want to run and hide. You hadn’t pleasured yourself in years either, due to some…unpleasant experiences you’d had a difficult time getting over. So, even though you felt your sexual desires starting to stir, you didn’t want to confront any of those feelings just yet. 
Marco POV
Things were progressing well with you, he thought. You were quickly being accepted by the crew, who found you equal parts adorable and helpful. You were a pretty little thing bouncing around the ship, brightening everyone’s day. He already had to break quite a few arms (that you so helpfully fixed) to stop others from touching you. You weren’t some sea slag that anyone could have - you were just for him and his two brothers. They had found you and they would keep you, that was the pirate way. If some crew mates needed help remembering that, he would be happy to oblige. 
You still flinched with unexpected contact, but you’d stopped shying away when you saw him leaning in to capture your face in his hands. You had accepted that he would be holding you when he saw fit - at least in the infirmary. He knew Thatch and Ace were making headway as well, getting you used to them being around you and manhandling you. They could take as long as they needed, the main ship wouldn’t be near any islands for at least another few weeks. Not that you’d be getting off board. 
It was around 3 AM that Marco began his day working in his office. He didn’t need as much sleep as everyone else thanks to the Phoenix, which was beneficial given the amount of work he had. It was time to check you out to see if Thatch’s diet was working and you’d gained weight, he mused. You were looking marginally better, but still worn out. He wanted to get to the bottom of your issues - he really did want you to feel your best. He’d make you come in today to see him, not Tate this time. Lost in thoughts of your upcoming visit, he started to prepare everything the infirmary would need that day. As part of the process, he turned the autoclave’s dial on so he could sterilize the scopes, tools, and needles the staff would be using that day.
Instead of the quiet hum he expected, no sound came out. He opened the machine and tried to determine what the issue was, but there was no obvious solution. This was an actual problem. He didn’t just need the tools for your check up and whatever happened with the crew, he needed some of the supplies for Oyaji, too. He could douse them in Phoenix fire, but he wasn’t sure that would work for sterilization. Looks like you were coming into the infirmary earlier than anticipated. 
He walked to the door of the women’s quarters and knocked softly. He didn’t want to wake up everyone, he just needed you. Tate answered the door sleepily in her robe and waited for him to start talking.
“Hi, sorry to bother you. Can you go get Y/N for me? I need her help to fix the autoclave,” Marco said in a hushed tone.
Tate yawned and replied, “she isn’t here.”
Marco was taken aback and responded “what do you mean? Isn’t this her bunk? Where does she sleep then?” 
“I don’t know, I honestly thought she was sleeping with you,” Tate said with a smug smile. “She’s never slept here. She comes in sometimes to get a change of clothes or grab some of her tools, but no one’s ever seen her sleep in her bunk. Tough luck, Marco.” Tate gave him a sarcastic salute and closed the door.
Marco was fuming. If you were in another man’s bed, there would be bloodshed before the sunrise, Marco thought furiously. Where would you be, other than in the women’s dorms? He knew you weren’t sleeping in Thatch’s or Ace’s bed - they would have been crowing for days if you had even stepped foot in one of their rooms. Thatch was still glowing after having been the first to pick you up your first night on the ship. You weren’t sleeping with Izou, Vista wouldn’t have liked sharing any of his private time with his husband. There were no secrets on the ship - no one had claimed to be sleeping with you, he would have heard about it. So where were you?
Marco started searching the ship for you, but kept coming up empty. Marco cringed as he realized he would have to do a dreaded task - waking the Yuda. He would be the only one with enough gathered information to find you, so it was an unfortunate necessity. With that, he knocked on the door to Vista and Izou’s room.
Almost instantly Vista cracked open the door and glared at Marco. For such a large man, Vista could be quick when he needed to be. “What on earth are you doing?” Vista whisper-yelled at Marco. “Do you want to get us all killed?”
Marco grimaced and said “I need to talk to Izou.”
“At this time of the night? No. Leave immediately. If you wake him now he’ll be angry for at least 12 hours, if not longer. And an angry Izou is the most dangerous Izou.”
“I can’t find Y/N, and he’s the only one who can help me. I really need to find her.”
“This is on you, Marco. I won’t take responsibility if he shoots you.” Vista tiptoed back into the room and started quietly speaking to Izou in pleading tones. Marco heard rustling as Vista continued to talk to his husband. The Yuda had stirred.
Izou appeared at the door. If looks could kill, Marco would be dead, Phoenix or not. 
“I can’t find Y/N. I need her to fix the autoclave for Oyaji’s medical treatment. She’s not in the women’s quarters. I’ve searched the ship but need your help finding her.” Marco hoped adding in the bit about Oyaji would temper Izou’s attitude. 
Izou glared at Marco at length. “Of course she’s not in the women’s quarters, you twit. She doesn’t sleep there.”
“Please, where does she sleep?”
Izou snorted and said derisively “You really don’t know? Fine, I’ll tell you, but only for Oyaji and Y/N’s sake. Y/N keeps erratic sleep patterns. She does not have a set sleeping schedule. She sleeps in short bursts, usually ranging from 45 minutes to 3 hours. She tires easily from her work and often requires rest. She will then try to find a hiding place to sleep before she passes out. The sleep does not seem to aid her stamina. I have never seen her sleep longer than 5 hours at any one time. She wakes extremely easily and is sensitive to noise. She often awakes with a panicked start, I believe from nightmares. She always sleeps sitting up with her back touching at least one wall. She favors sleeping in closets with pocket doors, her most used being the one closest to the second division bunks on the port side. Do not bother me again.” Izou slammed the door in Marco’s face.
Marco was stunned. The information Izou had shared left him reeling. Marco was mentally kicking himself for not keeping a closer eye on your sleeping habits. You were sleeping in closets? With daily nightmares? You were passing out? When was the last time you had a full night of sleep? Why weren’t you taking breaks from working? Why hadn’t you said anything? No wonder you always looked so tired. He could have helped you! Well, since you couldn’t be trusted to tell them the truth, he’d have to force it out of you. No more hiding the truth.
Marco  angrily stalked to your favorite closet. Before sliding open the door, he took a moment to gain a measure of composure over himself. He needed to be calm, collected, and in control for his plans to work.
Based on what Izou said, you were likely already awake after hearing his footsteps. Listening for a moment, he said in a cold and stern tone “Y/N, come out. I know you’re awake yoi.” A moment later, he heard shuffling of things being moved around in the closet, and the door slid open a little more. You climbed out of the closet jerkily and looked up at Marco with a panicked look. Even though to you he looked furious, inside he was excited for what was shortly to come.
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demi-pixellated · 6 months
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a [not so] nice young lady
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lisbetadair · 2 years
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I have questions. Mascara related questions.
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If you're new, this all starts with Touch Starved - Echo! You can read this little chunk as a standalone, or head back to the beginning for the full experience!
Sequel to Flinching.
Is this the softest Echo fic I've ever written? Yes. Did I cry while writing it? There is no video evidence. @actuallybarb thanks for requesting a second chapter!
Febuwhump Day 2 Ch 2
Flinching – Med OC&Echo
Warnings: Reference to attempted SA, reference to physical assault, some cursing, wound care, energy crash from excessive bacta use, non-intimate undressing, some self-deprecating thoughts
WC: 2,583
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The painful control mediating his intentionally even breaths did little to hide the violent tension pulsing through Echo’s taut body with each thrumming beat of his heart. I could feel it in the rush of blood surging through the pulse point of his inner arm, watched it in the ball of muscle locking around his jaw, and I loathed the knowledge that I was the cause of it. Numb to the ache shooting through the abused lip caught between my teeth, I found myself straining for silence in my every tentative movement, struck beneath the weight of fearing my very existence in that moment was enough to further fuel his anger, and I loathed my own timidness just as violently as I loathed the cause of that rage.
“We’re not going to let something like this happen again.” The deep quiet in his whispered promise was so displaced against that frightful anger that I couldn’t help but look up to see the perfect stillness in those amber eyes; the conviction burning through his every word as the man I’d come to treasure for his gentleness suddenly embodied the powerful visage of the GAR’s most elite soldiers. It was easy to forget the simple fact that he’d earned his title of arc trooper; that the exceptional strength of his towering form was merely a small part in what made him such a dangerous force, but, in that moment, I could see a determination in those eyes that only a fool would doubt, and, for the first time in days, I felt safe.
My gaze fell away at the hiss of the medbay door sliding open. Stepping away from him, I ambled numbly about the room to gather my supplies, dreading the crash I knew would hit me mercilessly after smearing that blue gel over my wounds. At the first hitch of breath from abused muscles balking beneath the weight of a tube of bacta, Echo quickly stepped forward to take it from me, hand only just whispering against mine to ease the thick container from my grasp.
“Just tell me what else you need.” He said softly. Maker, I hated this… I’d sprinted through waves of enemy fire carrying over half my body weight in gear to reach wounded soldiers, but, in that moment, I couldn’t manage even retrieving my own damn bacta… Motioning vaguely toward the handful of supplies I’d already gathered, I managed a small shrug.
“That’s probably it, I think.” The words felt so small, and I found myself cringing at the mere sound of them. Tomorrow… Tomorrow I would force that bouncing smile back in place. Tomorrow I would remember every horror I’d faced and conquered. Tomorrow I would remember that I was strong, and I’d find a way to draw back my shoulders and plant my feet beneath me so I could stand tall beside these amazing soldiers – these amazing men… but, as I felt his hand settle gently against my back, I had to grant myself permission to be weak, if only for that night, and, amidst the quiet concern and utter lack of judgement from the man beside me, I found some way to forgive myself for it.
“I’m guessing most of the bruises aren’t just on your face.” He started tentatively, and a small huff left me at the quiet apology in his hinted words, head just shifting in a brief nod. “Are you okay with me helping you? I could get you a blanket – something to help keep you covered.” There was that gentleness I so loved him for; somehow finding a way to draw a small smile to my lips even through the haze of emotion that had robbed me of my strength and left me so deathly tired.
“It’s fine, Echo.” I breathed, shooting him a ragged shadow of a smirk. “Not like I don’t have a breastband on. Plus, medic school has a way of stripping people of that kind of shame.” He let out a knowing chuckle, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he had similar experiences from his arc training. Still, when I reached up to undo the clasp at my neck, he turned away in some instinctual offer for privacy.
My fond smile lasted just until I’d begun rolling the skin-tight material up my chest, muscles seizing at the movement. Gritting my teeth against the unavoidable hurt, my hand tightened around the black fabric, scowling with the effort to push through the sharp pain tearing through my back and shoulder as I strained to silence the tiny hitches in my breath, the whimper I only just managed to choke back until finally caving, body trembling against the exhaustion and pain and blinding frustration.
“Echo,” his name left my lips in a quiet plea, “um… could you… I seem to be struggling a bit with this damn skinsuit.” He hesitated only a moment before turning back to me, brows just tensing above the darkness that filled those gorgeous eyes.
“Yeah,” he sighed softly, “turn around.” With a slow breath, I turned my back to him, absently reaching out to steady myself against the ledge of the counter. Still, I couldn’t fight back the way my body tensed at the first brush of his hand over the strip of exposed skin at my waist. “Sorry – hand’s probably cold.” He murmured, pausing only briefly in a silent offer for me to pull away.
“Actually, cold sounds pretty nice right now.” I whispered despite the way my body already shook, but the thought of that cold touch against the swollen and bruised skin just hidden by the thin layer of cloth promised a comfort I couldn’t help but crave; a balm to sooth the heat collected in mistreated flesh. Reassured I hadn’t changed my mind, Echo carefully slipped his thumb between the sensitive skin and the bottom hem of my shirt, movements impossibly gentle as he wedged the fabric up an inch at a time, shifting smoothly from side to side.
I knew exactly what he saw that made him suddenly freeze, heard the screaming absence of breath as the air staled in his lungs; felt the way his eyes burred into the mass of dark purple just beneath my rib. Without a word, his touch dragged across my back to push the shirt up just that much more, and he released a tense, shaking exhale. Movements softening into something that threatened to break me, he continued so slowly, I barely felt him until his fingers only just whispered against my neck to grip the bundle as he stepped quietly around me. I fought to hide the grimace twisting over my lips as I tried to move my arms enough to help him slip the garment over my head, but his quiet words quickly stilled that futile effort.
“I’ve got it.” Even that brief attempt to force such a simple movement left me struggling beneath gritted teeth and too-quick breaths, but that didn’t matter when I saw the ice in Echo’s carefully blank expression, eyes studying each mark of that man’s fury marring my chest, the vivid outlines of his hands clearly defined in nearly black shades of purple along my arms and across my throat just beneath where the neckline of my shirt had been, before finally settling on the ruin of my face.
The horrified rage that kept fighting to wrench his expression into a scowl left me frozen, guilt twisting through my chest. I should have just done this myself – should have taken care of it days ago so they never found out to begin with. The tiny tremor in his hand as he reached for me broke my heart, and I couldn’t bring myself to even breathe as his fingers fluttered across my ruined cheek almost too softly for me to feel before carefully slipping around the back of my neck. With such painstaking care, he lowered his forehead to just settle against mine, and I felt the way he shook beneath each purposefully regulated breath, eyes clenching shut against some fleeting struggle for control, and I couldn’t stay silent in the wake of his hurt.
“Hey… I’m okay.” I don’t think I believed those words until I found myself needing to breathe them into the shuddering air trapped between us. “I’m okay, Echo.” My hands moved on their own to whisper softly over the trembling muscle straining against his jaw. “I’m okay.” Only after several more strained breaths did he finally pull back, hand lingering on my neck for just a moment longer as his eyes locked onto mine with a sorrow and guilt that sent tears clawing up my throat. With a final, sharp sigh, he tore his gaze away, stepping back to reach for the tube of bacta.
He couldn’t seem to bring himself to meet my eyes again as he began meticulously covering each discolored patch of skin with that cool gel, touch such a gentle caress, I couldn’t help but find myself leaning into it. The few areas struck hard enough to split the skin, he carefully bandaged with textbook precision. After he tended to my back, I could have thanked him, relieved him of any obligation driving him to address each exposed patch of dark bruises in turn, but I knew that look in those haunted eyes. There was nothing he could do about what had happened, but, this, working to lessen the damage already done, this was with within his power, and it offered as much comfort to him as it did to me. So I stayed quiet, eyes watching the tender movements of his hand as he worked to remove even the memory of that man’s touch.
When he finally turned his ministrations to my face, that tension stole threw him anew. Lips just twitching into something that wanted to be a smile, I let my fingers brush over his wrist.
“It’s alright, Echo,” I promised gently, “you don’t have to-” but before I could finish, he silently raised his hand to the hard lump on the side of my jaw, guiding the clear blue gel carefully along the bruised skin of my cheek, over the painful gash on my lower lip, fingertips just tracing the swollen bridge of my nose. I let my eyes close as he circled the dark flesh surrounding my left eye, and didn’t notice the way my head began to sink forward until my name whispered gently over his lips.
Chest swelling with a nearly forgotten breath, I belated pushed myself back up, eyes reluctantly opening just enough to search for him. The worry pulling his pale face into the beginnings of a frown sent a flush of heat up my neck.
“I’m fine.” I assured him, though even I could hear the slight mumble in my words. “Side effect of using so much bacta.” A hum caught in my throat as I tried to blink away the haze of exhaustion. “And I haven’t… hmm… been a few days since I’ve been able to get much sleep.” His hand slipped carefully around my arm to steady me against the way my body had begun to sway, and I just noticed that tension steal back over him. Forcing some bit of alertness back into my faltering mind, I looked up at him; saw the way his attention had locked onto my hip, and I didn’t need to look to know he could see the outline of a thumb, that he knew the rest of the handprint wrapped around my waist just beneath the fabric.
“Unless you’re terribly eager to get me out of my pants, I think I can take care of the rest.” I whispered, pleased to hear that teasing lilt playing once more with my voice, and even the weak huff of a chuckle it drew from him was a balm to the terrible weight lingering between us. He glanced away from me a moment, jaw working over words he hadn’t yet managed to form before letting his gaze shift tentatively back to mine.
“Why don’t you take Hunter’s cot tonight?” He asked quietly, and I couldn’t hide my surprise at the offer. “He’s on watch for a while and…” The way his words stumbled over his tongue left me frozen, “I’d honestly just feel better if we can keep an eye on you.” A flush of color crept up his neck, silent plea screaming through those eyes. I didn’t answer for a moment, trying to come to terms with the idea, but I was too tired to grasp the thought for long. I just wanted to sleep; to be free of the wretched memory of that night. I didn’t realize how much I truly didn’t want to be alone until hearing the simple need in his words.
“If he doesn’t mind…” I replied hesitantly, failing to fully stifle the whisper of hope in my voice. A relieved smile flashed across his lips, shoulders straightening as he drew in a deep breath.
“I’ll talk to him to make sure. Finish up, and I’ll be back in a minute, okay?” I gave a small nod, hands already reaching for the waistline of my pants as he turned to leave.
I barely remembered the automated motions of lathering those last few bruises hidden around my hips in bacta before stumbling to my personal locker, the way my hands fumbled with the far more forgiving fabric of my sleepwear; the moment my body tried to collapse, falling heavily against the wall as my balance failed me in a strained attempt to step into my shorts.
The distant call of my name sounded more like a memory than a voice, and it wasn’t until hearing the tap at the door that a hum caught in my throat in some useless attempt at a response, only catching a brief glimpse of Echo as the door hissed open before that merciless weight dragged against my eyelids, body slumping sideways. I didn’t hear the quick flurry of words as Echo darted across the room, but the flush of recognition was all I needed to melt into his touch as he quickly pulled me against him.
“Hey-hey; you still with me, Doc?” The warmth of his breath tickled across my scalp, mind begrudgingly working to find some meaning in his voice.
“Mhmm.” The grumble barely made it past my lips, feet belatedly shifting to find purchase beneath me.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed, huh?” The warmth that touched his quiet murmur only further robbed me of any will to move, eagerly pressing further into him. “I know; that stuff can really take it out of you… Come on – just hold onto me, okay?” The world seemed to dance for a moment, wrenching some fleeting whisper of awareness back just enough to find the gentle concern in Echo’s eyes, and then nothing else mattered because I realized he was holding me.
“Echo.” His name stumbled over my lips, head wilting to rest thoughtlessly against his shoulder. “’m so tired.” I could feel his thumb brush softly over my arm as he started slowly through the ship.
“I know,” he breathed. “That’s good. You need to rest. We’ll keep watch.”
Body already rocking beneath the leisurely ebb and flow of exhaustion-dulled breaths, I managed a final hum in some fleeting recognition of his words and readily let the steady rhythm of his strides lull me into a blissfully empty sleep.
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oblako · 7 months
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finally after 2768 years the long-awaited ressa flashback...... and they're fighting 💔 quimchee why r u like this 💀
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