#soft tech drama
bad thing about the 1st years being useless dicks: theyre useless dicks
good thing about the 1st years being useless dicks: i get to yell at people and the teachers and other students thank me. and im a Cool Sempai now
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arminsumi · 1 year
💗 GOJO さとる
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warnings : angst, some fluff (?), satoru is such an asshole on the exterior 🥹, not proofread
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the strongest... falling in love with the weakest. he's bullied n teased u about being the weakest, a weakling; "how did they let someone like you into jujutsu tech?"
he's so mean and condescending. he trails alongside u on missions. he asks "hey, bet you missed me" when he intrudes on missions that you very nearly had under control. he watches you from the bleachers as you hopelessly practice martial arts with suguru. he steals your quiz papers when the teacher isn't looking.
but of course... he has ulterior motives. his exterior is just a big act, he's really just a teenager who belongs in the drama club.
he's sticking to ur side during missions to protect ur "stupid weak ass". he's always popping his face into a scene to make sure that curse doesn't escape, cuz otherwise he has to listen to you getting another reprimanding from yaga. satoru's the one who asked suguru to teach you martial arts every day, encouraging his best friend to grill the movements into your brain. and he steals your quiz papers to quickly rub out all the wrong answers you filled in, and correct them so that tomorrow you're met with a baffling A* grade.
he's doing everything he can to keep you from being expelled.
yet he stands in front of you, hands lazing in his pockets, taunting you about being a shorty who can't fight for shit. "you're one of those fucking weaklings i have to protect..." he says bitterly, through gritted teeth... but he doesn't mean it how you interpret it. he's so upset with the world, and how he has to work hard to protect someone who deserves to be born into an idyllic paradise.
when you're making that defeated frown, looking helpless on the floor after losing to a curse, he glares over and yells "what are you doing... get up." and he forces you to get on your feet.
he's confusing, isn't he? how he tells you in the school corridors on hot summer days, "you're too weak to fight for yourself." and then when you're unconscious after encountering a special-grade, he clutches your body protectively and sobs, "are you crazy? why wouldn't you call me... hey, keep your eyes open..." he's furrowing his brows at you, expression angry not because you're weak... but because this world treats frail people terribly and he hates it with all his soul. he doesn't want to see you fighting. he doesn't want to see you practicing jujutsu. he doesn't want you to ever see another curse's morbid face again.
he's determined to turn the world into a sanctuary for you. that's what he puts in his wedding vows to you, when the two of you reach the age of 25. and he doesn't break it, he doesn't falter, he always keeps good pace and drains and exhausts himself in order to mold the shape of the world to fit someone as soft as you.
"i can't believe something as soft as you was given to me from such a hard world."
i'm gonna make it better, baby. i'm gonna build a new world for you. one that doesn't try to hurt us. until i can achieve that goal, i hope my embrace can act as your sanctuary.
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hellotailor · 2 years
In IWTV, Lestat wears several pairs of trousers where the belt loops are below the waistband. I've never seen/noticed that in anything else before. Is that a historical style? What is it called? Google is giving me nothing and I'm dying over this detail.
these are known as "drop-loop" trousers! i love this detail - it's very distinctive, although i'd associate it a bit more with the 1940s/50s than the earlier decades of IWTV season 1.
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IWTV's costumes really embrace the high-waisted silhouettes of menswear in early/mid-20th century america, something that some historical dramas tone down to fit in with modern tastes. (21st century suit pants tend to be tighter and sit lower on the hips, aiming for a "swimmers build" aesthetic.)
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sam reid has the perfect figure for 1930s/40s fashion: a narrow waist and wide shoulders. pleated suit trousers have extra fabric around the hips/ass and are cinched in at the natural waist, which a) is comfortable and b) makes the waist look narrower, creating an almost hourglass shape depending on the cut. to modern eyes it can look more feminine than contemporary men's suits, which plays into lestat's Whole Deal.
one pair of lestat's drop-loop trousers (i wish i could find a better pic!) create even MORE emphasis on the waist by leaving a cummerbund-like waistband of fabric above the belt. it's the kind of finicky tailoring detail that makes it obvious that lestat is a real clotheshorse. he and louis clearly spend a ton of money on tailoring.
i also suspect that lestat's american wardrobe was influenced by the fact that he socialized with and lived alongside black people in the new orleans jazz scene. the most exaggerated styles of drop-loop trousers are something i'd associate with Zoot Suits, which were not a white/anglo style and would presumably have been worn by young black men in early 1940s new orleans. (in ep 1, louis is extremely fashionable and accessorized to the hilt, whereas lestat looks like he's wearing a historical costume.)
on a final note, i love that louis continues to wear high-waisted trousers in the present day. his modern outfits are quite soft, vulnerable and minimalist - close to the kind of simple-but-expensive clothes we'd expect to see on one of the cooler young tech billionaires, but with a silhouette that calls back to his youth.
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twilight-orchid · 9 months
You’re Going To Be A Grand….Bat
Part 2 to Shower Suprise Part 3
Jason Todd x gn pregnant reader
Word count 2,303
You bounced your foot impatiently as you and Jason sat in the gynecologist’s purposefully pastel waiting room. He watched you look anxiously around the space, your eyes never settling on any one thing and your head perking to every name called. You fiddled with your new engagement ring, a small smile curling into his lip upon seeing it. He held your right hand gently but firmly, his thumb rubbing circles along your soft skin. He slipped his grip up to your wrist, pressing just enough to feel your wild heartbeat racing.
“Hey, look at me doll.” He said lowly. You turned to look at him, your eyes possessing a frantic look and your pretty face twisted with worry. He let go of your hand to cup your cheek.
“It’ll be alright sweetheart. Either way it goes, it’ll be alright. You just gotta stay calm and breathe. Can you breathe for me?” You closed your eyes as you sucked in a shuddered breath, but you matched his in and exhales. You were both 99% sure you were pregnant, that’s not what you were nervous about.
After further deliberation, the two of you had decided to keep the baby. Jason felt nervous, excited, stressed, ecstatic, and terrified all at the same time. He’d spent the whole night reading about the first trimester of pregnancy and researched what you would learn at the first ultrasound. That was why you were nervous.
They’d go over basics: how far along you are, the baby’s measurements, listen to the heartbeat, etc. However, they’d also possibly hear some bad news: Ectopic pregnancy, developmental screenings, and genetic abnormality screenings are what had you stressing. Of course, chances were everything would be fine, but the couple was still understandably scared.
“Y/l/n?” A nurse called from the now open door. Jason squeezed your hand then stood, grabbing your bag and following you into the office. She confirmed your identity, took your height and weight, then led you into a small room. She had you sit on the cold blue exam table, the paper crinkling as Jason helped you up. He took his place at the chair by your side then once again grabbed your hand. You met his eyes and smiled nervously.
“Alright, I understand we’re doing an ultrasound today?” You nodded and she smiled warmly at you both. She took your basic intake info then had you lay down.
“Now I’m just an exam tech. The doctor will be in after to go over the results with you, okay? Pull your shirt up to your bust and relax. Oh, and sorry in advance, this will be cold.” Once you were settled, she squeezed a clear gel onto your bare belly making you shudder.
“Jesus fuck. That is cold.” Jason chuckled. Between the two of you his kid would be cursing like a sailor by 2.
You both watched the technicians face closely for any sign of what she was seeing as she waved the wand along your belly, but she had an impeccable poker face. And, as someone raised to analyze facial expressions, he couldn’t get a read of her at all. Impressive.
The exam thankfully only took a few minutes and the technician quickly departed to share the results with the doctor. Jason grabbed a couple of the cheap, rough paper towels and brought them over. You thanked him with a smile then moved the wipe the slick gel off. He tossed them for you as soon as you were done.
“You okay doll?” He asked. You still looked beyond anxious.
“I’m fine, just impatient.”
“Well that much I know.” He teased. You smiled and smacked his arm. He pretended to be hurt as if Superman himself had slugged him.
“Oh shut up, drama queen.” You laughed. There was a knock at the door before he could respond.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Hall and I’ll be going over your results with you today. I can see you’re both waiting anxiously, so I’ll cut to the chase: you’re 8 weeks pregnant.” The two now confirmed new parents looked at each other with excitement growing on their faces. He squeezed your hand tight.
“Wait, I didn’t finish.” The doctor interjected. The two froze and looked at her nervously. Oh no, was something wrong? She didn’t look like it was bad news though. A slight smile tugged at her lips.
“You’re pregnant with twins.” She said simply. If there were a window in the room, Jason would swear there’d be a bird suspended in air outside the way the world froze around him. You were the first to break the stunned silence.
“No, I’m not.” You denied, disbelief painting your tone. The doctor laughed.
“Yes, you are.” She grabbed a folder from the counter behind her and handed you a black and gray photo. Not just any photo, your ultrasound. The shock of twins dissipated when you saw the two little blobs that would be your babies.
“They’re not very visually developed at this stage, but you can see their little heads right here and this is their body. They’re about the size of raspberries right now. They’re both perfectly healthy so far as we can tell, but you’ll need to come in monthly for checkups.” Neither responded, their eyes glued to the paper. It suddenly felt very real for Jason. Pregnant wasn’t just a word and parenthood wasn’t just an idea; he already had two kids on the way. He had a whirlwind of emotions raging inside of him.
Twins. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me, he thought. He heard you sniffle then turned to you to see tears rolling down your cheeks. He was worried for a moment before you wiped them away with a small laugh.
“Sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying.” The doctor smiled and handed you a tissue.
“It’s alright! Totally normal reaction with your hormones. Congratulations!” Jason still hadn’t said anything. He heard the conversation going on around him, but he felt like he was in a trance.
Twins. Two cribs, two car seats, two beds, twice the diapers, twice the bottles, twice the spit up, and more than likely half their sleep for the next couple years.
“I take it you’re the father?” She asked. Something clicked in his mind, and he looked up to meet your eyes. His head was still spinning, but he knew with you at his side everything would be okay. His signature handsome smile began growing on his face.
“Yeah, I’m the dad.”
You left with a copy of the ultrasound and your 12-week checkup scheduled. Once in the car the two of you made your way home.
“Jay, can I address the elephant in the room?” You asked from the passenger side.
“I mean sure but, we’re in the car and I don’t see an elephant anywhere.” He remarked making you scoff.
“Don’t be a smartass.” You chided. He let out a sigh.
“I know we need to tell Bruce.”
“He’s gonna find out sooner or later, and if you hide it for too long, he’s gonna get his feelings hurt.” Jason barked a laugh.
“You know we’re talking about Batman, right?”
“He’s human, Jay. And he’s really making an effort with you. If you don’t tell him he’s going to think you don’t trust him, it’ll hurt his feelings, and he’ll express it in anger or coldness. Better?” He groaned.
“Fine.” He made the turn that takes you out of the city to the suburbs where the manor was located.
“Wait we’re going right now?”
“I know he’s home right now, and most of my siblings aren’t. It’s as good a time as any.” You didn’t say anything, just squeezed the hand he had resting on your thigh.
“Can you let Al know we’re on the way?”
Telling Bruce had been an issue dancing around his mind just as much as the pregnancy itself. He didn’t expect B to be mad, but he doubted he’d be happy about it. For someone who had a small army of kids himself, B had been very clear about how dangerous it is to bring kids into their world. Plus, Jason had always said Bruce should give criminals the safe sex talks he and his siblings had received. The awkwardness alone would probably set them on a better path.
The manor was only about 20 minutes away from the hospital, so you reached your destination quickly. Which was good, because Jason’s nerves were already shot by the time you arrived. Alfred had clearly been waiting for you as the door was open by the time they were on the stairs.
“Master Todd, y/n, it’s good to see you both.” Alfred greeted with a smile.
“Hey, Al. Where’s B?” Alfred scoffed.
“Where he always is.” The trio made their way through the manor, into the study, then descended into the cave. Being that it was only 11am, they found Bruce in his street clothes typing away at the Bat-computer, his back to the entrance.
“Hey, B.” Jason greeted as they got closer. Bruce looked up from his research and turned to them with his universe famous resting bitch face.
“Jason, y/n.” He acknowledged with a nod before going back to his case. The couple looked anxiously at each other before Jason cleared his throat.
“B, we uh… we actually need to talk to you.” Jason said tentatively. That got Bruce’s attention.
He fully turned away from the computer to face you. You stared at the floor, your hands fiddling anxiously with the hem of your shirt. Jason looked him in the eye, but his face was controlled, intentional. He gripped a folder in his hand with white knuckled strength.
You were both nervous as hell.
He noticed the new ring on your finger, but you weren’t here to announce your engagement. This was something else. Something important that affected you both, that clearly involved Bruce, and that you were anxious about.
“Excuse me.” Alfred said with a small bow, dismissing himself.
“Actually Al, you should stay.” Jason added. Bruce and Alfred both raised a brow to that. There were several potential options mulling around Bruce’s mind, but one stood out as a prominent possibility.
“Don’t tell me you’re pregnant.” He said, still painfully deadpan. You both froze, head snapping up like deer in headlights. Shit, you were pregnant.
“Are you serious?” He asked, his voice sterner than he meant it to be but he didn’t bother correcting himself. Jason approached and handed him the folder, then took a step back to your side, placing a reassuring hand on your hip. Bruce flipped it open with Alfred peering over his shoulder.
Bruce had never been there for the pregnancy of any of his kids and had never really been around pregnant people for any extended periods of time, but he knew what a sonogram looked like. And he also knew there weren’t typically two fetuses in the picture either.
“My god, you’re having twins?” Alfred exclaimed. The couple both nodded silently. Bruce sighed.
“After all the talks I had with you boys…” He muttered.
“We used a condom!” Jason defended.
“And birth control.” You added. Bruce groaned and ran a hand over his face.
He looked at Jason, his son. His son that had been through hell and seen the world at its worst. His son who died and was brought back angry and crazed. Bruce’s greatest failure. His son who went on a killing spree, following his own vengeful sense of justice. His son who, after everything, was trying to be a better man. He was a better man. A man who controlled his anger, who was denying vengeance for justice, who had settled in with a partner and really began building a life for himself. Bruce wasn’t the sort to load praise, he found words useless and pretty, so he preferred actions. However, he was proud of Jason in a way unique to his children. And now his son, whom he once thought lost, was having two kids of his own. Bruce sighed again.
“I’m not even 50 and you’re making me a grandpa?” He asked, the slightest quirk at the corner of his lip. The couple paused; a loading screen might as well have been floating above their heads.
“So you’re…” you began.
“Not pissed?” Jason finished. Bruce scoffed.
“No. You’re adults, you can make your own decisions.” He said plainly but paused.
“And, for the record, I think you’ll be great parents.” With that he turned back to the computer and set to work again.
“Oh, and congratulations on the engagement.” He yelled over his shoulder. You furrowed your brows.
“How did he- oh, right. World's greatest detective, I forgot.” Bruce snorted to himself at that last part.
“My congratulations to the both of you. How far along?” Alfred said as he approached the new parents to be.
“8 weeks.” You answered smiling brightly, your hand moving to your currently unchanged belly. Something warm lit in Jason’s chest.
“Well, I wish you luck informing the rest of the family, I’m rather thankful we don’t have neighbors. They’re sure to cause quite the ruckus in their excitement.”
“You think they’ll be excited?” You asked anxiously. Jason knew you were worried about your place in his massive and chaotic super family.
“Oh, babe, they’re gonna be through the roof. Two babies? You kidding? There’s gonna be a war from day 1 to be the favorite aunt or uncle.” You smiled, your nerves dying down.
“Everyone will be together for dinner tonight, perhaps you could join us then? I’m making tortellini.” Alfred tempted. Jason suddenly looked like a kid on Christmas.
“Oh, babe, we have to do it. You’ve never had Al’s homemade tortellini, absolutely killer.” You laughed.
“I guess we’ll see you for dinner tonight.”
Note: I know, I knoooow the twin trope is overdone but the image of Jason trying to juggle two toddlers is just too good. I have one more piece drafted then I may write the whole family reveal, but I’m anxious to write that many characters at once. Also I know I have a pretty nice Bruce, but I don't feel like Batman as a character needs to be an absuive ass to his kids to be himself. And again, I'm a new writer so I'm sorry if it's bad lol. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
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oepionie · 2 years
—"MY DUMBASS SOPPING WET CAT" leona kingscholar
🎸masterlist | 💬ao3 link
synopsis: "are you insane?! look at you! you're soaking wet!" "i don't care. i had to come see you." in the middle of a stormy night, you hear knocking at your door and find leona standing outside your dorm in the pouring rain. it seems that he has a question for you.
⊹ [ cw ] — passing mention of freezing◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFF.GN! READER | soft leona agenda, mutual pining, kissin◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 800+◞
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Thunder rattles the ground as a bright white flare lights up the dreary dark halls of Ramshackle. The rain pattered against the roof while you and Grim huddled in a blanket. Both of you were watching a soap opera on TV, waiting for the storm to pass.
Grim had long since dozed off to dreamland, snoring quietly, but you stayed up, far too engrossed in the family drama on TV.
As you grabbed the remote to play the next episode, the last thing you expected was to hear a knock on the door.
Now, cats were notorious for hating water, you were pretty sure of that. Those furry little balls of fluff loathed being hit by even a single drop of rain.
So, why in the Twisted Wonderland was Leona Kingscholar standing outside your dorm in the middle of a pouring storm?
Leona's hands were buried in the jacket he somehow had managed to grab in his haste. He kept his attention fixed to his feet as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Bout time you opened the door, herbivore."
"Are you insane?! Look at you! You're soaking wet!" Dumbfounded, you pulled Leona into your dorm and ran to fetch him a towel. The lion followed your retreating form with a paralyzed gaze, uncharacteristically silent.
Was running through the rain really worth it just to see you? He debated just making a run for it. The entire thing had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, anyway. However, before he could do anything, you returned and tossed a fluffy towel over his head. Leona took it into his hands, draping it over his shoulders.
"C'mon. You're making my doormat soggy." You grumbled, nose scrunching up as you pulled the lion into your dorm.
Leona slams the door shut behind him. He pulls you back by the collar of your shirt, dragging you to stagger back until your back was pressed up against the wall. He rests one hand beside your head and uses the other to lift your chin up towards him.
"What are we?" Leona mutters whilst staring at you, taking his merry time to take in every little feature on your face. His expression was contemplative, apprehension swimming in his eyes.
"I dont know-Rivals?" You snort, laying a head on his shoulder. Leona looks down at you with an annoyed expression. Chuckling, you peer up at him through your lashes. "What do you want us to be?"
He stays silent and stares at your lips, glancing back up at you for permission. You nod and he wraps a muscular arm around your waist. Your hands grip the fabric of his shirt, tugging on it slightly as you lean up to reach him. Leona cranes his neck and meets you halfway. He kisses you sensually, moving his hand down to rest around your neck and holding your hand with the other. You pull back and Leona chases after your lips. Giggling, you press the back of your hand against his mouth.
"Woah there, tiger. You're still cold and drenched. Let's go to the living room."
"That really all you have? Crowley didn't have anythin' better to give you?" Plopping down on the couch, Leona scoffed as he watched you drag a bulky heater over. Sighing, you pat the rusty metal. "Deadbeat crow-dad, remember?"
While you fumbled with the old switches, he took a mental note to gift you a new one soon. Old-fashioned tech like that isn't reliable enough to keep you warm during the winter - you could end up freezing to death. It was a situation he wanted to avoid at all costs, especially now that you've wormed your way into his heart.
Finally, after some tinkering, the heater buzzed to life. You clapped your hands, the giddy grin on your face making Leona's lips curve into a small smile. Cute.
"Anyways. Look at you. How much of a dumbass do you have to be to run through a storm like that?" You huffed, hands on your hips as you looked down at him.
The creaky worn down couch was already starting to darken and soak up the rainwater on his clothes. Leona fumbled with his hands, gaze moving to his feet.
"I don't care. I just-" He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "I had to come see you." 
"Why's that?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. Leona blinked. Even he wasn't sure. 
He hadn't expected to feel as strongly about you as he did. These were the kinds of things he thought a person like him was too rough around the edges for. It drove him wild and caused him to daydream about mushy lovey-dovey things he'd never considered before. Despite that, he wasn't ready to fully admit it yet, and somehow, he thinks you knew.
"You always have to ask dumb questions. I just fucking wanted to." Leona scoffed, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your stomach. His eyes fluttered shut as you stroked your deft fingers over his damp hair, undoing the knots and tangles with care. Snorting at the lion, you poked his cheek and jeered at him.
"Your dumbass, at least."
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
Taglist: @keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisoniousheart @anonima-2 @kawaiipotatoghost ↳ want to be added?
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totothewolff · 11 months
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Season of Love (1/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: Hi, fam! I'm nervous since this is my very first fanfic. I have been following this tag for a while now, and I got so inspired by all the talent here that I went and wrote my own story. Please be kind to me. English is my second language. I will upload chapters regularly - using this hashtag and on #seasonoflovefic. I have been dealing with anxiety the entire year; writing this has been part of my healing process. I hope you like it. By the way, this story is fun and light-spirited.
< Masterlist | Next chapter >
Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 1: Engines on and hearts off!
It is a hot and sunny day in Bahrain. Golden hour is set, and every single person in the paddock seems to be in a rush. It is the usual chaos every pre-season brings.
Toto makes his way through the sea of people, cables, tire carts, and cameras at his regular pace - which means those toned and long legs going full speed - rocking this year's Mercedes kit and a new pair of designer sunglasses, phone in hand when it buzzes.
—Breaking news: After lengthy negotiations during the break, the De Vos Group acquired Williams Racing - as speculated. New female owner Y/N De Vos will be joining the paddock this season. The team's principal will soon be announced. Check our exclusive first look with her.
Toto reads on his iPhone after tapping the Sky Sports push notification, slowing his pace a second. He raises an eyebrow and gazes around, noticing many people in the packed pitlane doing the same, slowing the frenzy on the floor for a close bit. 
He reaches out for his pockets and puts on the Bose earbuds before hitting the play button. Curiosity is overpowering him - and, honestly, excitement, too - as he looks at the preview thumbnail. A stunning, tan-skinned woman with great, shiny hair and a beautiful smile appears in front of the microphone with a smug smirk.
—God, she's gorgeous —Toto lets out to himself. Continuing his way to the Mercedes garage. This year, it is located one spot before Williams and following Ferrari's.
Finally, something exciting, someone new. After years of dominating the game, trying not to sound too egomaniac, every season starts to feel like routine to him. Toto is hitting a personal low, avoiding calling it what it is: depression mixed with boredom, especially this season and at this moment in his life. Same old tracks, same old challenges, same old people, same old ways, same old Toto.
You answer the interviewer's questions with ease. You are very well-spoken in his eyes like you are used to doing press or public speaking, and you have a cheeky sense of humor. Toto gets captivated, to say the least. He puts his phone into his back pocket and continues walking while listening to your interview, muffling the paddock's noise.
You have a soft voice, a professional speech pattern, and excellent enunciation, reinforcing Toto's idea of you being trained at it. He detects some accent but can't figure out where it is from. He listens to the whole thing; it's impossible for him not to sigh at the stupid questions they ask you a couple of times. The more Toto listens, the more questions he has for you in his mind. He may get them answers later when he finally meets you.
So far, you seem like a breeze of fresh air, and Toto is desperate to breathe you.
And yeah, no question Williams looks different. Toto, as usual, ventures to inspect more than he should - and is allowed to - taking a good peek at your brand-new garage. Knowing quite well, he also is hoping to spot you in person.
The garage looks tech and minimalistic, matching your new modern W logo. Whites, blacks, and touches of grey colors predominated. The lighting, screens, and interior design look so futuristic, expensive, and dope; it's a whole vibe. It is a sexy garage! A phrase he never imagined using. What F1 has done to a man?
Toto can feel the desperate modernity Williams once needed and the resources. Of course, he knew firsthand the Williams family was looking to sell after years of struggling to win races and its economics. Toto remained neutral throughout the process, informed but not too involved. He had felt a little indifferent about the entire ordeal till now. 
He hopes not to sound insensitive. Of course, he has a special place in his heart for that team and its people, he first started there, but the businessman side of him knows it is the right call and best for them. Of course, it's sad, but that is the game: evolve or die.
He knows his investment is in good hands because last he had heard, and in Niki's words, it got acquired by a Belgian zillionaire, and Niki reassured him it was a perfect choice. He was respectable and trustworthy, and Toto didn't need to know more. But this sudden change - and announcement - took him a bit by surprise. Little did he know.
Gossip and theories fill the paddock. Supporters and haters - already - are all over social media, typing divided opinions as usual. It is the talk of the town, and you, you are the center of it at this point; there is more to come.
Toto greets his team on his way to his chair, already inside Merc's garage after doing his little on-site research. A couple of pats on the back and hugs later, he makes himself comfortable in his spot while catching up with Bono. 
Just as Toto is about to place the headphones on his head, the corner of his eyes caught Samanta, better known as "Sam" - a beautiful, thin, young, pale-skin, platinum blondie - Niki's assistant, hugging you goodbye and walking towards him. 
You wave Niki hello from afar and on your way to the W garage.
For the briefest moment, Toto's eyes and yours met. You are more petite than he expects. And you dress very classy and minimal but with a sexy touch. You match the new identity of Williams, or well, Williams matches your style. The Jacquemus "La robe saudade" dress you wear hugs your curves, accentuating your beautiful toned legs and great ass. He couldn't avoid staring you down as you walked past. Sometimes, he was just a simple man.
Toto suddenly feels the Arabic heat rushing through his body.
—Getting up close with the enemy, tearing down its walls, I like your style, evil as I would expect from you —he says to Sam, now next to him, as she takes off her access badge and picks up her tablet from a drawer.
—Bok, dumb. No bad blood! Just a friendly welcome to this testosterone hell, you know, girls being supportive of one another. I'm pretty sure you will like her, and judging by that look you just gave her, I guess you already.
—Začepi, dumber —Toto answers in his usual authoritarian and collected deep voice, but jokingly. He feels his cheeks turning red. —Spill how, when…
—We were roomies a long time ago. I adore her, she's great, strong, intelligent, kind, fun, and so damn hot. That's all you need to know for now, and that's all I'm telling you.
Sam is the youngest daughter of the Dobrev heirs, a very wealthy and old-money Croatian - almost royal - family who owns multiple fleets and half the country, like filthy rich. They are famous for being all platinum blondes, having many scandals, and investing in motor and water sports. They are one of the main Mercedes-AMG sponsors. 
As far as Toto knows, Sam doesn't have the best relationship with her family and dislikes talking about it, but he knows she cares a lot about her elder brother, to whom Toto hears her speak on the phone now and then.
After years and years of working and traveling the world together, Sam lets her walls down with Toto, becoming great friends and this sort of family away from family, although she remains pretty reserved on some subjects. He loves her like a little sister. She is pretty younger than him and sometimes reminds him of his own sister. Niki always describes them two as his annoying children, always teasing and bickering at each other when possible. The old man cares so much for them personally and at work, and they do, too.
Toto wonders if by "old roomie" she means ex-girlfriend? He has met some of Samanta's "roomies," and… Toto doesn't feel like pushing. He wonders if you may have someone... You know... As team principal, he has to learn about other teams' dynamics, right?
He tosses the thought off and gets in the zone. They have another title to win.
You hug Samanta goodbye and take a glance at the Merc garage. Sam is family to you, and you heard so much about them and F1 over the years, ever since she moved out of the Manor after having that massive fight with her parents and started working for Mercedes-AMG, swearing to make a living of her own and never needing them EVER again, a bit over dramatic reaction but that who Sam is and you love her that way. 
She is also your bestie; you two text each other daily. Thanks to her, you knew everything about everyone in the paddock: the good and bad, scandals, and more. Yet they knew nothing about you. For them, you are brand new and the perfect excuse to gossip about.
And there he is, Torger Christian Wolff, the guy Sam couldn't stop gushing you about. Damn, she is right, Toto is gorgeous. You would feel slightly jealous of their closeness if he wasn't Sam's cup of tea. But you can't get distracted; you have a purpose for being there, and nothing will get in the middle. Even if you are dying to meet him, even if you treasure every detail you know about Toto, even if you have been fantasizing about him for the longest time, not to mention being half in love with the man already or the idea of him. Sam made him sound like such a remarkable and caring human being. 
Niki waves hello to you from afar, and you wave back. You adore that old man. He is one of the reasons why the Williams family agreed to sell you the team. Without his support, it wouldn't have been possible.
You met Niki two winters ago; thanks to Sam, you explained to him your motives and why you wanted to buy a team, and he fully agreed to support you and mentor you throughout the whole process. He is a badass and one of the kindest people you have ever met. You immediately felt embraced by the Laudas. Along with Sam, they are among the very few people who know your entire story and genuinely know you, the real you. 
Back to the present day. You feel Toto's dark eyes set on you and can't resist ignoring them even if your life depends on it, so you look back at him. For the briefest moment, your eyes met. The desert is too hot, isn't it? Uff, what's going on with this heat? Damn you global warming! 
So you better hurry yourself away before it is too late and you dare to get closer to him. You reach your new team's garage at the speed of light, so it is fittable for the place you are at. It feels weird saying "your" so much. 
Everything is so different from the world you are used to, but you don't feel nervous. You are a woman on a mission, and after all you have gone through in life, you are not that kind of girl. You bear a challenge.
You greet your team. —He hasn't arrived yet? —you ask the aero performance engineer while he is placing green and yellow dots on the left side of the new car. You reached close to inspect the latest upgrades.
The car is beautiful, matte black with a powerful Lamborghini engine. They are your main sponsor and partner and the only one, which is insanely impressive. No million logos, no visual noise - it is something to see due to F1 budgets. 
Commotion and gasps come from the outside. While you ask the engineer that question, a frenzy starts in the front of the garages. You watch camerapersons and fans pass by, running crazy. Total mayhem.
Oh, there he is.
Toto's phone buzzes again - in the middle of that circus - "Breaking news; The legend is BACK. Michael Schumacher joins Williams as Team Principal, son Mick Schumacher, and the sensation of the moment, female driver Millie Dobrev joins him along as drivers."
The FIA, in its many attempts to be perceived as "forward" or "woke," has allowed for the first time mixed-gender racing, starting this season - about damn time! Millie is one of the top female drivers and the youngest, achieving a lot at a young age and becoming a serious threat to everyone on her way. 
—Dobrev… Dobrev?! —Toto looks from the photo on his phone screen to Sam and back; a very young petite girl - with sun-kissed skin, short platinum blonde hair with pink ends and clear blue eyes, a round face with delicate features - poses in a pastel color outfit doing a Korean heart gesture with her hands, fingers full of expensive jewelry. —Care to explain?
—Yes, did I mention she's my dear niece? —Sam answers, deadpan.
—The fuck —Toto says —Are all blond Croatians your family? —Toto teases.
—Hilariously accurate —she laughs it off.
—Your niece?! You are like twelve, how old is she, two!? Can't believe you are an aunt already. I don't know what to do with that fact..."
Samanta rolls her eyes. "Thank my gross old uncle with a young trophy wife?" she thinks.
—So you keep secrets from me, huh? I thought ours was special.
—You give yourself too much importance. And yes, that's why my hair grew bigger during the break. It's full of secrets! —Sam replies. Swinging her long, straight locks.
—What??? —Toto doesn't get her Mean Girls reference.
—Sometimes I forget you are prehistoric, almost fossil.
They both fulminate each other with gazes in a classic and frequent stare-down. Then Sam proceeds to cross tasks on her tablet, slowly stepping away.
—Don't you dare run away from me! You have things to explain, missy.
—Sorry, I'm so busy right now, unlike you.
—I'm busy.
—No, you are not; you are trying to gossip!
—I'm always busy. I'm this team's principal, to remind you, so yes, I'm important, and maybe… maybe… I'm trying to gossip… a little bit —Toto gestures with his hand.
—Could you two stop?! —Niki calls it quits, half annoyed, half laughing, struggling to hear clearly what the tactics team is trying to tell him, turning around on his barstool and waving his hand at them.
Toto and Sam laugh softly, and Toto makes a small O with his mouth while Sam pretends to adjust her invisible tie before returning to business and being professional people doing professional tasks.
Toto looks once more at his phone screen. —Impressive —it's all he lets out. Toto can't wait. He can't wait.
It's been a long time since Michael set foot on the paddock, after years of being retired and living almost exclusively to recover - after his infamous accident - and trying to enjoy being a father and a husband when possible. He became this mythical figure that existed in F1 and people's minds but is nowhere to be seen, making him feel like a ghost. Nowadays, he is doing way better but was getting bored of being a recluse at home waiting for the right moment, for that one sign that make it all start over for him. 
And there she is, in front of him, doing a fake courtesy.
—Welcome back, Kaiser —you joke with him.
—Hi, boss! —Michael greets you with a thick German accent and sweet voice. —Sorry about that! —He pushes you aside as a photographer flashes photos. The lens almost hits you in the face while two other cameramen bump into each other. —Better if we go inside. There's lots to talk about and to get ready to start testing. This is bonkers! —he finishes saying, looking at the circus surrounding you two.
—Okay. Let's go then, Schumi —you reply to him.
You feel ready.
The testing goes out smoothly for Mercedes. There are just a few sensor improvements and small details to fix, but only a little to worry about. Lewis and George seem happy with their car's performance, and the team feels optimistic.
As for Toto, his day was stressful; he felt exhausted after many meetings and people asking him questions all day, demanding his attention at all times. The hours went at an alarming speed. Somehow, the day is done, but the amount of work has just started. He blinks and is dark already, and the chauffeur is now driving him to his suite in a high-end hotel.
Tomorrow is a crucial day for the team, and his schedule is full of press, too. So he needs a good night of beauty sleep; at the moment, he looks like trash and feels like it. Toto likes to keep it real. He loves the attention of being under the reflectors and calling the shots but still isn't a massive fan of media day.
Speaking of the devil, he takes out his phone and opens his news app. Toto relaxes in the big luxury car seat. He has bookmarked several sites that cover F1, his long, unhealthy habit. He likes to stay current, even if he has "briefing" and a person in charge of doing that.
Even though he doesn't want to feel like a stalker, he pretty much is acting like it. Toto refreshes the app to read the latest news about Williams and you. He learns all he can of you from the newly released press articles; there is little about your background, past, or in general; all he keeps reading appears to be PR-approved since it is constantly reprised on different platforms, which feels weird.
Google doesn't offer him much either, just a couple of articles with photos in which you appear in various charity events related to children's foundations. It is like you don't exist online.
Toto reads your most recent interview and Michael's, and you both appear in good spirits about your car performance. He hates losing but loves a good challenge. A good old-fashioned on-track battle. For a change.
The bellboy opens the suite's double doors for him and carries Toto's things inside. It is a massive entrance and makes him feel tiny in comparison. Toto notices a small LV suitcase in front of the large door, next to a big antique wooden carved table, in the middle of the foyer under the soft dim coming from a stunning Tiffany's chandelier, which lits the room and reflects on the exquisite tile walls. The Arabic architecture and interior design of the place are breathtaking.
It means Susie has stopped by. Their relationship is in a weird spot, in one of those hiccups they face occasionally after dating forever and from a very young age. Their relationship at the moment feels monotonous, and love is lacking, which is slowly killing him. He still loves her very much but could sense he is losing her. Especially since they started seeing each other less and less - although he wouldn't blame anyone who has to bear with his crazy schedule - they almost stopped texting and talking to each other, too, and sex is nonexistent. So many red flags.
—Hi, schatzi —Toto greets her.
—Hi, Toto —she gives him a quick kiss. —You look tired.
—I am, but I'm happy you are here —he says, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his temple on hers. Soon after, he lifts Sussie from the ground into a tight hug. There is a clear height difference.
—I know. I'm happy to see you too, even if it's for a brief moment. I was hoping you got free sooner. Our jet has permission to take off in an hour exactly.
—I'm sorry, today was crazy —Toto apologizes.
—I can imagine. I tried to communicate with you earlier, but it was impossible to reach you; it was almost like you were avoiding me.
God, she knows him so well. Yes, he has been avoiding her - although not today, he honestly had a crazy day - but since they had that awkward and hurtful conversation at their New Year's Eve reception at their house in Oxford. Not because he is angry at her or scared, he misses her a lot. It's just he has been unable to decide and come up with an answer to the situation.
—I wanted to clear things out between us before the start of the season. I'm aware that from now on, you only get busier and more challenging to reach, and my schedule this year is also insane, Sussie says.
—Yes, love. Tell me what you need?
—Your thoughts.
—On what? —Toto pretends to be confused and not get what she is referring to. 
—Come on, Torger. Would you like me to remind you of our last conversation at New Year's?
The last time they saw each other in person was months ago. He panicked after that conversation and left for Austria, calling it a business trip and a visit to his sister to spend time with his nephews. She didn't follow him around. Because it was clear he was running away and needed time alone without her.
—So... as I mentioned to you that night... You wanted to try for children this year, and I let you know I didn't see that happening this year or any year. And that I have been feeling increasingly lonely since you spent most of your days away. Honestly, every day, we spend more time away from each other. My career keeps taking off, and I'm not raising children on my own amidst it! I can't even imagine the idea of being pregnant to start with! Plus, you said there's no way you are quitting your job, and I'm neither, so...
—I didn't say that. That's not how it went —Toto feels his head hurting now. He rubs his forehead, exasperated hearing Sussie's Director's Cut version of the events. "It went more like this: I don't get your full attention at all times like before, I'm not able to control you as I once did, and every time you ask me to spend time together, me traveling to you or you traveling to me, if it's not the way I want it I always come up with something to avoid it. Plus, I never mentioned to you before that I didn't want children, not once in the thousand times we discussed family and raising kids together, ah! And I always blame your job as the reason why things aren't working between us." That's how it happened, Toto thinks.
—The point is... —Sussie ignores him. Throwing him a look. —We didn't reach a middle ground but chose not to break things off immediately because none of us felt sure.
There is a pause and a big exhale from her. 
—That's why I suggested exploring having an open relationship. We would establish rules and limits. I know you are more traditional and don't envision this for us, but I wanted you to think about it and give it a chance, not to run away and avoid me after suggesting it. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to be with someone else behind your back because I still love you, and I want us to work. I feel we both need someone who is present in our lives to touch us and hold us when we feel like it. 
Toto feels crushed. All he wants is to settle down, start a family, and become a good father - as his father was to him - he never expected Sussie to go in the opposite direction. His intention has never been to make her choose between a career or kids. This isn't the case. It is going to be a two-person job. Besides that, they have all the privileges, resources, and support to successfully achieve being both parents and having careers simultaneously. —This isn't the right moment for this conversation. I had an...
—It's never the right moment for you! Christ's sake, Toto! I..! —Sussie starts losing it and gets emotional. He can't avoid feeling miserable. Suddenly, Toto felt the day's weight on his shoulders and back, which was killing him now; he needed a soft mattress to lay down so desperately. He doesn't want to make the drama bigger.
—Okay, easy, love —he hugs her. —I will think about it and give you an answer this week.
—You promise? Won't you run away from it anymore?
—I promise. I won't.
—This week, Toto! —Sussie wipes her tears, hugs him once more, and kisses him goodbye. —Let me know.
—Yes, this week. I will.
She grabs her suitcase and exits through the doors. Toto drags himself to bed with the remains of his energy, tosses his phone on the wireless charger nightstand, and lets himself drop on the mattress, face down. As he drifts away, a new notification red dot appears in the news app.
Now, an open relationship looks like an acceptable idea.
He falls asleep.
The view from your suite is impressive. Bahrain's entire skyline of modern skyscrapers is lit under the night skies, and the desert surrounding it looks beautiful through the floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows. 
It isn't your first time in Western Asia, but your first time traveling so far from home on your own. This hotel is insanely expensive, and the suite is humongous for you by yourself. If you weren't so used to inhabiting a massive, almost empty Manor with you as your own company, you would have felt anxious in such an isolated, huge, and quiet space. 
It is already late at night to text Samanta and meet her to chat. You both have work tomorrow and need to rest. But you have so much to catch up on - since yesterday? - No, but seriously, a lot had happened during your first day at the paddock.
As you are relaxing in the bathtub - you chose a bath bomb made of sea salt soap and local herbs with delicious scents - you let your mind go through all the day's events. You can't stop thinking of that pair of dark eyes going all over your body. You wanted to do the same. You wanted to admire him all. 
You have created many scenarios of what it would be like to meet him. But it went so differently than what you pictured. He doesn't even know who you are or doesn't even care about you. You two could become friends in the future, but for now, your feelings for him are all over the place, and you don't wish to let your heart shatter, not again. Besides, he has Sussie - of course, you have no idea what those two are going through - and you, well, who would want to be with you and your whole "situation"? Your chances with him are zero minus a hundred.
You do your skincare routine before sending yourself to bed - for sure, you will be visiting the hotel's spa in the following days - already dreading tomorrow, a day full of meetings and interviews, you are slightly nervous about what the press is going to ask you, even if Michael does the heavy lifting for you in those matters, everyone seems so curious about you. 
You turn the lights off and pray for a good night of sleep, free of the frequent nightmares you experience.
The following day, the driver's parade happens inside walls, while all drivers gather together in a small meeting room - a very office-looking space with sad, white-empty walls, gray carpeting, and way too lit up. Cold lighting is the worst! No F1 glamor on sight - this is part of one of the new progressive and "brilliant" ideas from the FIA. 
Chaos is unleashed as everyone looks for a chair with their name tag.
—Did everyone see her? —Lando asks loudly to the entire room - filled at the moment just by drivers - He is sitting backward in his chair, on the front row, facing the rest. He is wearing his McLaren kit and cap, which is worn backward.
—Yes, we all did. Unless you live under a rock, you have missed that circus, but coming from you, it wouldn't surprise me —Checo answers, joking. 
Lando purposely ignores him and throws him a dirty look and a kiss. —Then, ladies… From 1 to 10, how hard would you bang her? Starting with you, Seb —he asks everyone.
—Seriously, mate? So… sexist… —Vettel answers.
—Come on, bee-guy. What? It's just friendly chit-chat among us drivers, as the FIA would love to remind us, "This meeting's purpose is to establish communications between all teams drivers, their principals, along with the FIA representatives to build relationships and sportsmanship among-"
—Stop reading from the sign, idiot —Carlos says, following Lando's gaze to the sad poster pin crooked on the open door.
—Fine, but let's be honest here: she's the most exciting thing to happen to us in a while, not to mention the most recent. It's not like we are going to admire new guy Yuki's hips. All here have excellent vision, and she looked so FINE like you pervs didn't notice.
—Speak for yourself —Pierre answers jokingly, coming through on his way to his chair, passing in front of Lando in that reduced space, trying not to step on someone. Everyone laughs.
—She is so out of your league anyway; why bother? —Max mentions from the corner, sitting stretched out, his back against the wall, legs on top of the chair beside him. —And I agree with Pierre, Yuki's hips are immaculate, by the way.
—If someone cares, I think my vision is starting to fail me. I will need glasses soon —Nando jokes.
—Don't you worry, abuelo! It's just you getting even more ancient —Pato adds.
—I thought this meeting was for drivers? I mean real ones —Alonso jokes back.
—Oh, mate, low punch! I saw some of her interviews on telly; she is cheeky —George adds, drinking from a Merc bottle and standing near the door.
—Couldn't sound more British if you tried —Bottas adds. 
—He is your Royal Highness, Prince George —Lewis jokes.
—More like your Royal Ass-ness —Leclerc adds amidst laughs.
—I saw her interviews too! It's like Ricciardo got female, but was actually funny and hot —Lando replies.
—Fuck you, mate —Daniel answers, laughing. —You know, she could breastfeed you.
—I wouldn't mind —Lando kids, hitting Dani - sat beside him - on the ribs with his elbow. Today, he is set to act like a naughty boy.
—Lando!! —four drivers say in unison, in shock.
—You're so gross, mate, I swear —Lewis adds simultaneously, palm on his face, half laughing, half wanting to rip his own ears off.
—I'm pretty sure that would be so illegal. I don't want to go to jail, Mr. Officer! —you say, entering through the door. Everyone turns to look at you. You overhear that part of the conversation; it doesn't feel mean-spirit. Then Lando's face matches the red color on Charles' shirt as he slowly turns around on his chair and sits - the proper way - quiet and still. It's a hilarious scene.
—I'm not into minors, but I could change your diaper and read you some bedtime stories to make you fall asleep. "The Little Orange Tin" you would love —you joke to break off the tension.
Michael follows you inside, laughing under his breath. You two take your seats and start chatting casually, two places away. You are seated next to Lewis - to your right - and to an empty chair with no tag to your left by the end of the row. 
You are already a fan of Lewis. And again, you know so much about him because of Sam. Now, he is her favorite person on earth. You feel slightly hurt by that fact, but he sounds lovely, so honestly, it doesn't bother you.
—Hi, I'm Lewis —he offers you a fist bump.
—Hi, Lewis. I'm Y/N 
—How is F1 treating you? All good? —Sebastian asks you, popping out from Lewis's right. Both their attention to you. Heavens, those are some beautiful eyes. You can't figure out if they are green or blue, but you don't want to stare too long.
Sebastian's actual chair is next to Charles, some rows at the front, but he sits next to Lewis because he feels like it. Messing the order. An anarchist at heart.
—All good, thank you —you answer. —It's been chaotic, but I'm enjoying it. And I'm eager for the first race.
—Me too. I always miss driving during breaks —Lewis tells you.
—I agree —Seb adds. —It is the best feeling in the world, so it's hard to let go.
Then Millie enters the room - pink cat-ears headphones on, rocking the new Williams kit: A minimalistic stretchy sports jersey, a white tee with black seams, and the W logo in black print at the center of the chest. It is a fully fitted silhouette with a high neckline and short sleeves, paired with some sleek black sports slacks. 
Michael and you point Millie to the chair next to Michael - with her name tag - she gets there fast and takes off one side of her headphones.
—What up! —Millie greets. —Hi, Sebs!, Hi Lew! —she says extra sweetly and high-pitched tone, waving a hand while facing them. That girl is like a walking cartoon. She looks extra petite and young among those guys.
—Hi, Millie!!! —both of them answer in unison, with the same sweet-pitched tone. It's a cute moment.
Then, the room starts to fill up. And the FIA representative enters, meaning the meeting is about to begin.
A very rushed Mick gets in, also wearing the team's kit. Millie raises a hand and waves it, catching his attention. He moves very fast to his seat. And behind him enters Mattia and Toto, chatting with each other.
Holy shit. The fact that Toto would be there didn't cross your silly mind. And since Seb swapped chairs. The one where he sat belonged to Toto. So the chair next to you is empty and available for the Austrian. You see Mattia sit on the last free spot at the front, and Toto glances around, confused, till he spots the space to your side. You see him walk towards you almost in slow motion. And you set your mind to "if I pretend to not notice him, it means he's not there."
You sense him sitting only inches from you, his arm skin almost touching yours. While you keep your eyes locked straight ahead, point to the FIA guy without daring to move. He stretches while trying to adjust himself to a comfortable position. He is tall and muscular, and these chairs are a joke. His knee moves dangerously close to yours. For a moment, you see the inevitable contact coming. And your heartbeat starts to rise. But it doesn't happen. Damn, he smells so good! How on earth are you to get focus? 
And then the meeting begins.
The whole thing is lame. You and Lewis laugh several times at Seb's under-his-breath comments and jokes about what is happening right at the moment. The German has excellent timing and good puns and one-liners. Those two seem like besties, Lewis being the "serious" of the pair; go figure!
The open mic section starts and the FIA guy offers the microphone around. Lewis instantly and discreetly crosses an arm over Seb's hands, and Vettel raises his eyebrows. —Freedom of speech, much? —Sebastian jokes. 
—What are you going to ask? Seriously? —Lewis tells him.
—I have a genuine question!
—Why I don't believe you.
—Like why? You don't trust me?
—Oh, I do, but...
—But then... let me grab the mic.
Lewis lets out a sigh. Seb raises a hand, now free from Lewis's grip. And the microphone goes to him.
—Check, check —The entire room pays him attention. —Ahm, I have a question for you all.
—Yes, please, go ahead —The poor FIA guy looks overly excited that someone cares enough to say something. Most of them, not to say all of them, look forced to be there, bored, and by that point, so done with this meeting.
—Gentlemen, a short view back to the past. Thirty years ago, Niki... —The more he talks, the louder everyone laughs. Michael loses it. Sebastian recites the whole thing by heart.
What an icon.
The FIA guy couldn't look more confused.
You hear Toto's laugh for the first time; he has been sitting there quietly this entire time. You briefly and occasionally feel his gaze set on you, but you don't dare to turn, look, or talk to him. You know very well that any moment of weakness from you means your doom. Back to Toto's laugh. What is that heaven-sent sound? You want more. How can you get more? Can someone get addicted to a sound?
—Blimey, I knew it! —Lewis lets out, shaking his head and also smiling.
With that question, it is clear the meeting has ended.
As everyone is getting on their feet, you feel Toto purposely caressing his arm against yours as he gets on his feet and then walks to the exit without looking back at you. Your eyes follow him around till you lose sight. Sweet baby Jesus, those toned arms.
Race day arrives. 
The Sahkir circuit is a whole party, and the atmosphere is to the roof. All drivers get in position after the entourages move quickly out of the way. The chaos on the track dissipates within seconds. 
Then, after the formation lap, the red lights turn off, and the violent roars from the engines fill your ears. Oh, what a sound, now you are addicted to it.
After a great start from your team and almost two hours later, Lewis and Millie face down in a back-to-back battle. Switching positions 3 times in the final ten laps. It is a monumental effort from the drivers, teams, and their strategies. Emotions are on edge at the pitlane and at the benches.
Millie crosses the line first, less than half a second ahead, and fireworks go up in the air. Fans roar, and you all go nuts! Your crew runs to the pit wall fence, climbing it up and waving as she passes by, lots of fist pumps onto the air. It's your first podium! Your? Like you did something, lol. Your team gets their first podium!! - better - it is a great start. And for the first time in forever, you feel alive and cheerful.
Amidst hugs and pats on the back from crew members and supporters, you make your way to the podium area, following Michael. He is dragging you along; you are in a blur with all that adrenaline rushing through your veins, the noise, the lights, and the crowds.
During the podium ceremony, when the Croatian anthem plays - you are now surrounded by all three teams' entourages, all watching the ceremony together and supporting their driver - you notice Millie getting emotional. It is a first for her, too. And when it finishes, everyone around you starts cheering and clapping like maniacs for her as she raises and kisses the trophy. 
Michael, right next to your side, takes off his white W cap before Millie, and she gestures a praying sign with her hands from high above the podium to thank him and thank you. You blow her a kiss just before rivers of champagne fill the place.
Millie is the sweetest. You felt a genuine connection from the first moment you met her - a couple of months ago at the new Williams headquarters - before she agreed to sign the deal. She trusts you, and you believe in her. So you are on this journey together and feel so happy for her.
You get so distracted by these thoughts and others, too, that you don't notice the place started to empty. When you return to reality, you turn around to leave, following Michael's steps, and almost crash into someone walking in the opposite direction. You are left facing a very nice-looking chest - mere inches away from your face - wearing a white Mercedes shirt. You raise your gaze from those fine pecs that belong to Toto and look at his handsome face.
—Hi... —He says, looking down at you, he is way taller than you.
—H-h...i —You feel weak on the knees.
—I... I'm.
You both say at the same time. You step to the left, and Toto steps to the left synchronously. 
You both keep talking over each other. So Toto moves aside, gesturing with his hand to let you go through first.
—Nice meeting you —you say calmly and quickly rush away.
—Same —he replies, following you with his gaze and watching you walk away. You feel he wants to say more, and you do, too, but it is better this way.
"What the fuck was that. Why on earth were you so nervous, girl? It was like you forgot how to speak!" You think.
"The fumes in the garage are starting to affect me," Toto thinks. "Is she running away from me? Yeah... The fumes are definitely affecting me. Damn, she walks fast."
Thanks to poor scheduling and the worst jet traffic, Michael and you aren't able to land on time. All tracks are being used at the moment, so you get sent to another terminal further away from the circuit. Qualy for the Australian GP is about to start, and obviously, you two are running late.
A Lamborghini Sian car is already waiting for you when you land. So you ask the chauffeur to toss the car keys to Michael. —We have like ten minutes to be there —you tell Schumi.
—Understood, boss.
You instantly regret phrasing it like that. Schumi is driving like a madman while getting directions from the chauffeur in the backseat. Michael pushes the engine to the limit, and the car goes full speed. You feel your body melting with the car seat as you hang for your dear life to the seatbelt. Ten minutes was a say, you didn't truly mean it, let's try another one: To get there alive if possible, this one you meant it.
Michael enters the staff parking lot at the Melbourne circuit by taking an extreme corner still at full force. The two security guys sprint to open the gates; it is that or get run over. 
Once you get in, you see him letting the wheel go a second, and the car starts spinning around - it twirls at an alarming speed. "Am I going to get projected out of this window?" you think. And in just one wild movement, he parallels parks, tires burning. The Fast and Furious stunts were a kid's play next to his. Everyone stares at the scene, astounded.
—9.48.00 minutes, boss —Schumi says. Turning off the engine while checking his Rolex Daytona.
He was insane for this.
—Well, I hope you are as fast on your feet as you were on this car —You joke, grabbing your purse and access badge while getting out of the vehicle, heels hitting the ground like nothing had happened. Because, above everything, you are a bad bitch.
—Are you? —he dares you. Walking past the front of the car, catching your step.
—Haven't you seen my legs?! —You joke. Toned they are.
—You make the 100-meter dash athletes jealous —He jokes back. 
You are going to get so many fines. So many.
You two make it to the W garage on time. You "fashion walk" there, according to the people who mock you. Since you don't feel like blending in with the mechanics - and because of your outfits and looks. The Williams garage is located dead last on the pitlane, so you have to walk in front of all other teams' garages to get there every time - expensive bag-swinging in the air, designer heels clacking on the floor, always wearing a chic something; dresses, shorts, skirts - as if they don't enjoy it! Of course, you expected toxic masculinity and sexism on your way, especially since your team is dominating! But not this early on.
—You are late! —Millie jumps at you.
—Let's not talk about it. I'm going to need therapy, thanks to that experience.
—What?! —She looks at you with a funny face.
—Nevermind. All ready?
—Do I look like ready? —She says, gesturing at herself. She is wearing an oversized lilac tee - at least twice her size - and a white tennis mini-skirt with matching white Jordans. 
She follows you to the dressing rooms right across from your remote office, where you quickly leave your purse and stuff inside. As you two get there, Millie tells you how excited she is that Sanrio offered to design her helmet for Suzuka before going to change.
—What do you think? Is it too much? —she asks you. Inviting you into her custom dressing room and pointing around. It looks like Minisio had puked that room out.
—Is very you! —you answer.
—I know, right!!! —she gives you a big dumb smile.
—Are your boobs out? —Mick asks while entering through her dressing room doors - eyes closed, arms extended in front, walking mummy-like - not seeing you there, obviously.
—What?! No! —Millie answers as Loretta (her trainer slash assistant) finishes suiting her up.
—Great! I can open my eyes then! —he says.
—I don't think there's much to see, Mick —Millie jokes while putting on a sad face and looking down at her chest. —Two lemons, barely.
—I don't think Marc from statistics thinks the same. I saw him trying to find them —He jokes. Mick gains a smack on the arm.
Millie's popularity has skyrocketed; she is already a paddock favorite. By this point, she had already rejected three engineers who asked her out - not because of ego, being rude, or wanting to break hearts - but because she is so clueless and a shy dork with zero social skills, in her own words: "I communicate better with cars and engines than with people, at least I know how to work them."
—Kids, kids! —you say, amused at the scene.
—Oh, hi, boss! I didn't notice you there —Mick looks at you, a bit embarrassed.
—No worries —You are glad those two are getting along well.
Mick drops himself on the fluffy pink oval puff in one of the corners. One leg up.
—Why are you here on my land? —Millie asks.
—Oh yeah. I came to say something —Mick adds like he is just remembering. —Yes! My father is waiting for you two to start the team's meeting. Everyone is there already. It's urgent. So hurry.
—Oh god, and you just let us know now.
The three of you get on your feet real fast.
After a good team catch-up and an impeccable motivational speech from Michael, all of you get to your positions inspired and ready to give it all.
As the Qualy starts, you turn to Michael. —You are a great leader, you know? We are lucky to have you —you tell him.
—I'm glad to be here, more than you imagine, boss.
Millie secures a pole position. Sparks flyed. Damn, that car was fast, and she, she was faster!
When the workday is done, you wait for Sam across from Merc's hospitality. It's getting dark.
You are sitting on a bench a few meters away, next to a tree with beautiful yellow flowers, looking at your phone and minding your business, avoiding looking like a threat near competitors' territory.
—Waiting for Sam? —Toto asks you from the other side - at the bottom of the stairs of their main cafeteria entrance - you raise your gaze at the sound of his voice.
—Yes! Hi! Will she be taking long? —You can't avoid smiling at him and sound slightly nervous.
—No, she is on her way, but I must warn you, she's been insufferable the entire day. She had one of those, what she calls it? A bad ha...
—A bad hair day —you both finish in unison. —Yikes! How bad it was? The hair? I mean.
—Oh, terrible! I had to look at it all day —he answers jokingly, putting an ew face. Toto walks towards you and sits on the bench by your side, stretching his legs and resting one on top of the other.
The truth is, Samanta doesn't have naturally straight locks; she has long, curly hair she straightens. And sometimes, some days, some weather gave her that wavy, frizzy, wild, non-combable hair.
—You are such an inspiration, a true survivor. Tell me all about your journey —You make him laugh, you love that. More, please.
The door interrupts you two as you both smile at each other like dumbs and lock eyes. Sam goes out, black Merc hoodie on, covering almost her entire face, overdramatic as usual.
—Rocking the Palpatine? —you tease her.
—Hilarious. Bad hair day. I look like Monica Geller on that trip to the beach beneath this —she says with sarcasm. Toto laughs. —Ah, now that reference you get —Sam rolls her eyes.
—Jezz, that mood, huh? A few drinks will get you through these dark times, my friend. Let's go! —you add.
—Oh no, I'm not going.
—What?! Why?! Why are you like this, Samanta?!
—No, why is humidity a thing? Who needs it?
—Aem, all of Australia's wildlife? —Toto adds.
—Shut up, smarty pants —Sam lets out.
—You look like Hagrid —he replies.
—Torger, don't test me, I swear —she warns him, fingers rubbing her forehead.
—So, when will you be available then? —you ask her, cutting off the bickering.
Sam opens her weather app to check the humidity levels. —Ahm, like next week? Not in Australia?
—Are you serious, dude?! I already booked! —You two were going to that Michelin star blindfolded dining and drinking experience. It was so on trend that booking a table there was Melbourne's most challenging and expensive thing at the moment.
—Sorry, I'm not going out looking like this! But for sure Toto could join you! He desperately needs to get some of that stress out of his system. He's getting meaner.
—What!? Me, the meaner one? —Toto lets out.
—What?! Sam! No, no. He is probably busy, and I don't want to bo... —you add, quickly, getting nervous while trying not to show it.
She interrupts you.
—Busy?! No, he is just in an antisocial mood swing. Toto barely left his office today! All grumpy, he was inside there. Besides, didn't you, my guy, tell me you were going straight to your hotel to lock yourself and binge-watch Love Island while eating ice cream straight from the bucket? —Sam teases him, well aware Toto is feeling low - more like heartbroken - Sam hates Sussie, but of course, she will never admit it publicly, and definitely not to him. This is her weird way of showing him her support by setting him up to go out and have fun with a great person instead of being miserable and all alone. Classic Sam.
—What? No. What's Love Island? I wasn't being antisocial; I had a ton of work today, unlike you —He answers deadpan. 
—Do you even own a TV? —Sam is seriously curious.
—Of course, I do! Several, in fact —It doesn't mean he watches them.
—You must be rich! —you joke. He smiles.
—Yeah, whatever. Come on! Get to know each other! Have a good time on me and my hair's behalf —Sam grabs you both, each by the arm, and walks you towards the exit.
—Is it me, or is she getting worse with age? —You address Toto.
—No question!
—Hey! You can't trash-talk me! —Sam complains.
—Oh, that's all we will be doing; we are going to talk so much trash about you, piles of it, that the garbage collector will plead to us no more —you mock her.
—I'm hating this already! —Sam crosses her arms.
Well, now you have a date with Toto. A date, yeah, in your dreams.
To be continued... < Masterlist | Next chapter >
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konigenblobbity · 1 year
Lion Tamer
Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader
Warnings: Fluffy Angsty Drama, jealous Miguel, animalistic Miguel, mention of drugging
—> [Bonus]
Summary: Being the assistant of Miguel for what feels like ages, you can’t help but develop feelings for him. Of course you’d never made it clear to him. But after Miguel returns from a mission drugged, his more savage side makes an appearance and you find yourself caged with an animal. A surprisingly gentle and protective animal…
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You’ve been Miguel’s assistant for a while now, even before they picked up Gwen. Not only that but you were a main part of the tech team there. Constantly working on new tech while developing the existing ones. It didn’t matter that you weren’t a spiderman, Miguel had a soft spot for you and there’s not a moment he regrets making you a part of the team.
Miguel had entered your universe due to a reported anomaly sighting. He crossed your path and was impressed when you’d managed to steal his watch off his wrist and immediately decipher how it worked, even pointing out a flaw in its inner workings. He was hesitant when you offered to fix it for him but was pleasantly surprised when you had managed to within minutes.
He made the risky decision to offer you an opportunity to work with him… an ominous stranger who didn’t look like your common friendly neighborhood spider-man. Of course you immediately said yes. From then on, you grew more attached to him.
There was something so intriguing about this spider-man who wasn’t like all the other spider-men you met at the HQ. Still to this day you cannot understand what Miguel saw in you that made him feel comfortable enough to reveal this whole new world to you. Every time you pondered it you only cared for him more.
In an odd way he found his way into your heart. Every time he’d praise you for your work or even just stick by you when he had the time, it’d have your stomach in a twist. However, you did seem oblivious to how you’d managed to tear your way into his heart as well.
Ever since the day he’d offered you the job, his liking only increased, he found you endlessly endearing and slowly became interested in learning more about you. He’d asked you to share your workings with him, calling you over to help him with things he could definitely manage to do on his own. Trying to spend as much time with you as he could.
The way he took on a more gentle tone and demeanor around you. Everyone else took a note of it, but to you it seemed like nothing. Not willing to indulge in the fantasy that Miguel viewed you as more than his faithful assistant, no matter how much you wanted him to.
What should’ve really caught your attention was how he acted when you were around Hobie, who’d become a good friend to you early on, having immediately been kind and not caring that you weren’t a spider. Overall he made your transition into this world much easier, and for some reason Miguel detested him for it.
Whenever Hobie would hover around your desk when he had time, Miguel would glare daggers into the back of his head. Watching at how Hobie would make you laugh and then nonchalantly throw his arm around your shoulder or mess with your hair. It got under Miguel’s skin like nothing else.
On multiple occasions he’d even speak up, “Don’t you have something better to do than bother her?” Hobie would spare him a quick glance before leaning closer to you, reveling in how Miguel’s jaw clenched. When he didn’t respond Miguel spoke again “She’s focusing on some very important work right now. You should leave.”
His command would’ve made most spiders think twice but Hobie just shrugged and threw him an almost condescending look. “C’mon Miguel. She’s practically chained to this desk, I’m just here to keep her from overworking” Hobie’s words were paired with a smirk, one that wasn’t just smug… there was something else.
Miguel’s eyes watch at how Hobie then placed his hands on your shoulders beginning to massage gently. He felt his heart tinge with envy as he heard your soft hum of satisfaction, seeing how your shoulders relax under Hobie’s touch. The bastard.
“See? All this work is causin’ her pain. I’m just helping her out” at his words Miguel clenches his fists, Hobie’s obnoxious tone of voice causing him pain. That tone where he feigns innocence but Miguel knows he’s anything but. The fact you enjoyed the feeling of Hobie massaging you transformed it into pure agony.
Hobie continues to piss off Miguel. Letting his hands move down your back, letting his thumbs dig into your muscles. No matter how oblivious you might be to Miguel’s affections, Hobie wasn’t. He’s quite observant, he’s seen Miguel’s glances, the way he favors you, and he loved being a reason to bring it to the surface.
When he begins to trace circles into the skin of your back you let out another soft hum and chuckle “Christ Hobie you should get paid for this” a smile on your lips. Hobie leans down next to your ear, but holding eye contact with Miguel. “I can think of a few ways you can pay me love” a smirk still plastered on his lips.
That was the final straw for Miguel, he walks over and pushes away Hobie’s hands. Grabbing your shoulders and pulling you up off the chair. “Come. I need your advice on something” he said and was already dragging you away before you could react, glaring over his shoulder at Hobie.
Hobie just smiled to himself. Waiting for the day that either you or Miguel finally find the courage to admit just how infatuated you were with each other. Lucky for him… that day might come sooner than he thought. Who knows what tomorrow brings.
Your concern was through the roof when you heard the radio a few minutes ago. Jess had called you over your watch and told you to come up to one of the storage rooms immediately, saying that Miguel had just returned from a mission but hadn’t come back himself.
Telling you that she suspects he was drugged by an anomaly because he was acting like an animal… a savage. She needed help containing him before he accidentally hurt anyone. She adds that also contacted Peter, Hobie, and Gwen knowing she would need the extra support.
You were already out of your chair and bolting down the halls the second she said Miguel’s name. Not fully listening to anything she said after that. When you burst through the door of the room, your eyes went wide at the sight in front of you. There stood the Miguel you know and adore, but Jess was right… he looked rabid.
His mask was off and his claws were out, his teeth barred, fangs glistening under the light of the room. His eyes were wide and red. He stood there panting, staring at the group of spiders in front of him. Jess, Peter, Hobie and Gwen were all standing in front of him, hands in the air trying to both calm and coerce him.
Behind Miguel, and in the center of the room, was a large cage. One which were for much larger anomalies, such as ones the size of the Green Goblin from Miles-1610 dimension. It had been kept in this room for storage as they hadn’t yet had to use a cage this size yet. That made it perfect for trapping Miguel.
The four spiders were attempting to back Miguel into the cage, stepping forward slowly to get him to step back. There was deep growl emanating from Miguel’s throat, and just when he got closer to the cage he lunged forward, swiping his claw through the air, causing all the spiders to jump back and lose their progress.
Having not yet been spotted by Miguel, you slowly sneak around the group, moving across the walls of the room in order to reach the open door of the cage. Just as you reach it, you look up at Miguel and accidentally hit the door of the cage with your foot, causing a soft creak to echo in the room. Your eyes narrow as you curse yourself for not being more careful.
In an instant Miguel’s head turns to look at you over his shoulder. His eyes burning into your sockets as you visibly see his shoulders tense and jaw twitch at the sight of you. You feel your heartbeat speed up, practically pumping out of your chest. Something about the way that Miguel’s eyes look at you makes you think he can hear just how it hit your ribcage.
Both at fear of Miguel attacking you, and at the fact that he was distracted, the others take this opportunity to spring into action. “Now Hobie!” Gwen’s voice breaks Miguel’s trance and his head turns to look at her. Before he can react Hobie shot a web at his face, blinding him temporarily. Miguel’s hands reach up to claw away the web.
You watch as Gwen runs back and launches herself off a nearby wall to get momentum as she flies towards Miguel. Just as he manages to tear off the web blocking his sight, Gwen’s feet collide with his chest and knock him backwards into the cage before she elegantly flips back onto the ground.
As Miguel was sent flying back his instincts kick in and he attempts to grab at the cage door to stop himself from getting trapped. Unfortunately he grabs you instead. With your hands still wrapped around the cage door, he drags you into the cage, causing you to pull the door shut behind you before you’re forced to let go.
The second it happened the others immediately rush to the cage, eyes wide and a collective reaction of shock and fear. “No! Miguel don’t hurt them!” Gwen cries out, filled with concern, hands gripping the cage bars. The others standing at the wall of the cage as well.
All their gazes were focused on Miguel’s back… his body crouched down in the center of the cage, breathing heavy and a growl could still be heard coming from him. They got more worried at the fact that they couldn’t see you, and it was made worse by how they couldn’t hear you either. Not even a cry of pain.
Very cautiously Jess begins to move along the wall of the cage to get a better view of what was happening in the middle of it. As she got a sight of Miguel’s face, and spotted your figure below him, she felt relief at the fact that you appeared unharmed. You were trembling and eyes wide with fear but you weren’t hurt.
You were sat still on the ground, resting back on your hands, not daring to move. Keeping your eyes locked with his gaze, heart racing at the sight of his burning eyes and their manic nature. Miguel was leaning over you, unmoving expect for the rise and fall of his shoulders from his heavy breathing.
“M-Miguel wait-“ your sentence was interrupted as Hobie shouted “You hurt them I gauge your eyes out!” it immediately got Miguel’s attention, his head snapping towards Hobie with eyes of pure bloodlust. Meanwhile, your eyes dart to how Miguel’s hands tense and he bares his claws again, the one on the ground digging into its surface.
Deciding to be brave, you reach your hand over and place it on top of his. “Miguel” keeping your voice soft as you spoke, trying to soothe him. When his head snapped back at you, you looked into them with an unwavering gaze. His gaze shifted to your hand on his and it appeared as if he jaw began to relax, his fangs slowly becoming hidden by his lips.
You let out a breath, thinking you managed to help him calm somehow, but then you feel your heart drop. Once he fully registered your action he pulled his hand away, blinking wildly before growling and grabbing at his hair frantically. He shuts his eyes and when they open they send a tremble through you, they looked crazed. You place your hand back behind you.
You watch as he raises a hand, before lunging forward and grabbing at your jaw. “MIGUEL!” One of the spiders shout from the sidelines, but you’re not quite sure who. Head foggy and spinning with fear. Not only for what might happen, but the fact that it was Miguel who was doing it.
Your breath catches in your throat and eyes clench shut, waiting for the inevitable pain to come. His grip wasn’t painful or firm, but it still managed to wrap around your entire jaw. He moved his thumb to sit right under your jaw bone, the claw of it digging slightly into the skin. Your eyes fly open, his face mere inches from yours, but his were no longer looking into yours.
His gaze was focused at your neck, his teeth gritted, a scowl on his lips, his eyes still appeared crazed. Using the thumb under your chin he tilts your head up slightly, you clench your teeth in fear and watch as he leans his head down, nearing the crevice of your neck.
Once again you feel your heart beat quicken, able to hear its incessant pounding in your head. “M-Miguel, please. I-it’s me” you attempt to reason with him again but he seems to ignore you.
His breathing on your neck was heavy and a sharp growl leaves his throat making you tense up. Was he going to bite me? Please don’t bite me. Shit he’s gonna bite me. Your thoughts echo in your skull. “Please don’t bite me” you plead softly, hoping he’ll hear you. To your surprise he reacts moments later.
Miguel pulls away from your neck, and his hand releases your chin from its grasp; your body relaxes instantly at the action. Outside the cage you can hear a collective sigh of relief. You watch as Miguel slowly moves his head down towards your chest. You look up and away, too anxious to watch.
You glance over at the spiders outside the cage, each one watching intently. Your gaze locked with Jess’ for some kind of help but she just whispers softly “don’t move”. You nod your head at her warning, not sure if you even could move right now. To afraid of Miguel ripping out your throat.
Your whole body freezes as you feel him gently press his head against your chest. After swallowing the lump in your throat you find the courage to look down at him. His ear was pressed against your chest and you felt his hand delicately brush against your lower back.
His eyes weren’t looking at you but their pupils were thin surrounded by a soft red… the eyes themselves weren’t as wide anymore, narrow and lost in thought. A deep continuous growl emanates from his throat and you feel your stomach churn. It sounded displeased, almost a sense of frustration, what could possibly have him so mad?
As you contemplate his furrowed brows and grimace he surprises you further. Your mind back on him as you felt him begin to trace soft circles into your back. You noticed how tender his touch was as he grazed your skin, ensuring that he uses the pad of his fingers rather than his pointed claws.
Your breathing was still shaky and your heart still racing… but as more time passed you felt it slow and you began to calm. It’s then that Miguel stops growling. He shifts and places his other hand on your back as well; those fingers now tracing circles into your skin as well.
The action enough to reassure and soothe you… Miguel wasn’t hurting you, not even in the slightest. He was barely even moving. He simply rested his head against your chest, continuing to trace soft shapes into the skin of your back. Even with his large figure you watched as he slowly slumped down onto the ground, almost shrinking himself.
When your heartbeat returned to a relatively normal pace, you though you were dreaming when you heard a soft purr leave Miguel’s throat. It’s vibration against your chest your only sign that it was real; it sent a slight shudder through you. It’s then that you realized just what he was doing… he was listening to your heartbeat.
The way he pulled out of your neck when it sped up and began tracing circles into your skin trying to calm it - I wonder where he learned that. How he had his ear pressed against your chest and his growl turned to purr once your heart had returned to a relaxed pace.
After a minute or so of you just sitting there, listening to his gentle purring, you slowly lifted a hand and placed it on the back of Miguel’s head. He didn’t move or pull away… but his purring stopped as well as his fingers. You find the strength to speak “Shh… relax. Its just me Miguel” You paused for a second before gently beginning to scratch at the back of his head.
Not even a second later you felt his hands flatten out to simply rest at the small of your back as he began purring again. You felt his whole body begin to relax too, only then realizing how heavy he was breathing and just how his heart was racing. You smile and mumble again softly “You’re okay”
You let out a long sigh of relief and look over at the others outside of the cage. They all held an expression of shock mixed with amusement. Hobie even chuckled “Well well… now I’ve seen everything” he remarked and you chuckled as well. Smiling at them before shrugging as if this wasn’t making your heart sing as if you’re on cloud nine.
Jess steps back from the cage and goes to speak “As interesting as it is… we should use this as our opportunity to find a way to get him back to normal” Gwen turns to her and nods. “Will you be alright? While we go to find an antidote?” You look at Gwen and smile, nodding your head. “I think I’ll be just fine”
You look back down at Miguel, his head lying gently against your chest. His eyes had closed and his breathing synced up with yours as he continued to listen to your heartbeat. “I’ll be just fine” you repeat.
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rahuratna · 3 months
The In-between
For all of us who need the silence. Someone understands. And they'll always wait for you, in the wings.
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Silence. Was it too much to ask for?
Megumi was aware of how tense his shoulders were, how they were raised slightly like a shield against the constant scratch of others' company at his door. There was a stiffness to the muscles there that was somehow bothersome, but welcome. He hoped he could wear that prickly aura well enough to discourage conversation, to let their gazes patter over him, like soft drizzle off a raincoat. 
After training, he'd immediately headed away from the tech grounds, one hand searching through his backpack for his trusty headphones.
His quick exit was foiled by none other than Yuuji.
"Hey, Fushiguro! Aren't you hungry?"
Megumi gave a snort as an affirmative.
"Then where are you going? Kugisaki and I are going to grab something from the canteen."
"Got my own lunch."
"But then -"
Megumi hadn't turned, but he heard someone intercept his lively classmate, the mutter of hushed conversation. He continued up the stairs, slightly thankful at the interruption. Yuuji, as kind and well-meaning as he was, didn't really understand when Megumi's mood shifted like this.
It wasn't as if he had much control over it. From the time he'd been thrown to the mercy of the world, Megumi had experienced these spells; an overpowering desire to be alone, truly alone, for periods of time. He didn't know what brought it on. Possibly stress, the demands of being a trainee sorcerer, the way the past would sometimes intrude with silent ferocity into his current thoughts.
At times like this, Megumi knew he could come across as disagreeable, fractious, easily angered. At times, he'd upset people who didn't know that they weren't to blame for these mood changes he experienced. Solitude was not just a cure, it was a means for him to protect the feelings of the people around him, the ones he truly cared for.
His rapid pace had carried him towards a more deserted area of the school, and he made his way to a shaded courtyard he knew was around the corner. Finding a comfortable spot on the grass, he let out a heavy breath he had been holding, feeling some of the tension in his shoulders dissipate. Fingers stilling on the smooth plastic of the headphones, he paused and looked around him.
It was quiet.
It was the quiet you'd only experience up here, in the mountains. There was a stillness that the air wore like a thick shawl, uninterrupted by the sounds of traffic, the muted chatter of crowds or the sharp-edged squeal of electronics. Here, the rustle of the wind through the branches was a distinct voice.
Megumi sometimes wished he could make his own voice heard better. He did not have the cheery charisma of Yuuji, the headstrong confidence of Nobara, the deadly, but whimsical charm of Gojo. People did not gravitate to him, or take note of his serious, direct opinions on things.
When he was little, he'd sometimes imagine grabbing Gojo by the legs and swinging him upside down, shaking him until something fell like a shiny trinket from his pockets, some secret to bearing the brunt of the pressure that fell on his shoulders.
His thoughts were interrupted by voices, ones he recognized. Yuuji and Nobara were approaching the courtyard, but would probably not see him, sheltered as he was behind a high stone wall. He made out the distinctive, upbeat voice of his pink-haired friend almost immediately.
"Where's he hiding? He just up and left after training."
Nobara's exasperated voice sounded from over the wall.
"He's not hiding, he just wants to eat alone."
"But I found those limited edition potato chips in the vending machine. The salted egg ones." Yuuji sounded downright pouty now. "I wanted to share with him."
"You can keep them for him to eat later, dumbass. Why does everything have to be drama with you?"
"That is a false allegation, Kugisaki! I am not dramatic."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Shut up. Also, I like those salted egg chips too, so - "
"I shared with you last time!"
"Last time was when I was in hospital and could barely taste them!"
"Well ... no! These are for Fushiguro."
Megumi rolled his eyes.
These two.
"Fine! Be like that! I'm gonna tell Nanami you're a selfish guy."
"What? No! He already lectured me about not introducing myself properly the other day."
Nobara's laugh was taunting, the one that made it sound like she had pulled away your favourite possession and was holding it just out of your reach.
"Looks like you'll be getting another talking to, young man."
"Kugisakiiiiii ... "
"Oi, let's go get lunch before all the katsudon runs out."
"But didn't Fushiguro come this way?"
Megumi's shoulders sagged. Did Yuuji have to be so persistent? As much as he appreciated the salted egg chips -
"If he is, he doesn't want to be found!"
Nobara sounded more exasperated, a sure sign that the hunger pangs were making her irritable.
Yuuji was standing his ground, however.
"How can you be so sure?"
"That's just how he is, okay? Listen. Fushiguro doesn't want us to know, but he doesn't like snapping at people when he's in a bad mood. He avoids everyone and doesn't talk as much. You've noticed that, right?"
She was met with silence. In spite of himself, Megumi felt his curiosity grow. Finally, Yuuji spoke, and when he did, his voice contained that sober, serious note that was reserved for the rare reflective occasions.
"So that's it, huh. Always wondered. Well, my grandpa was the grumpiest old man ever. I got used to him. I can get used to Fushiguro too."
There was a rustle, as if Nobara had changed position.
"That's his choice, though. If he doesn't want you to -"
"I get it, I get it!"
"Then -"
"But I'm just saying. That's what happens when you get to know someone, right? You get the good and the bad. And sometimes, you get the parts they don't show anyone else. The in-between. It can't just be good all the time, because that'd be creepy."
"Ha. Yeah. Imagine if Fushiguro smiled all the time."
"Ohhh, scary."
"Ew. So gross."
Megumi felt a vein pop on his forehead as these two clowns fell over laughing while slandering his character.
"Oh damn, imagine if he could hear us, Kugisaki?"
"He'd do that thing with his eyes."
"Ohh, yeah, that thing!"
What thing?
"He's so dumb, that dork. He thinks making his eyes narrower means we can't see his expression clearly."
That set them off again. Megumi waited with the patience of someone about to commit a well-planned double homicide. Before long, Yuuji gasped himself to coherent speech again, taking deep breaths.
"Oh man. But yeah. I mean, him worrying about being mean is kinda funny, you know."
"Funny how?"
"Well, think about how I first met him. He saved my life and fought off cursed spirits attacking my friends. And that was all before we'd even had a proper convo, ya know? Like, I knew nothing about this guy, and here he was, risking his life for me."
There was now a strange and unwelcome tightness in Megumi's throat. Yuuji had forgotten two important facts; that Megumi's life had also been saved that day. Not to mention, Yuuji had been threatened with death by none other than himself if Sukuna took over permanently.
"That's how it went. He was just there, shoving me out of the way, telling me to go someplace safe. I mean, I totally get that he needs to be alone sometimes. I guess, I just want to make sure that he's actually okay first. Whether he wants it or not, we're his friends for life, right?"
"Well, heck yeah. He's stuck with us. But ..."
Nobara paused, as if mulling something over.
"You've also gotta learn, Itadori. About him and what he needs. Friendship is a two way street. Get it?"
"Hmm. Yeah, sure I can." There was a crackling sound and the metallic schink of a zipper. "I'll keep these salted egg chips for when I see him, then."
"Now will you cut the friendship talk? I feel like I've tuned into an episode of Yugioh. My stomach's about to digest itself."
"Fiiiiine. Let's go get ... what was on the menu today?"
"Katsudon! I just said - "
"I wasn't paying attention!"
"Clearly, buttface!"
Their voices faded a little as they moved away towards the main building, footsteps shuffling across the stone walkway. Megumi looked down at the headphones that were now in his hand. The headband had three small stickers on it, grey, pink and orange, now creased and faded with the time it had spent jostling around in his backpack. He hadn't put them there, but he saw them every time he reached for his trusty shield against the noise of the day.
The in-between, huh?
He'd always loved silence. It tempered his fractured thoughts, sealing the harsh, cracked edges, replacing them with a soothing void.
Quiet, true quiet, was a gift, but one that came with a heavy price. He thought of the laughter and chatter that must have filled his own house once, long ago. He couldn't remember. It must have been warm.
He'd stay a little longer. Then, maybe he'd take his carefully prepared bento to the canteen. He really did want those salted egg chips.
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wangxianficfinder · 11 months
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In the mood for...
1. Hello (^▽^) I would really like to read some good WWX focused fics! so please can you share any that you think are underappreciated?
when the sun goes out by travelingneuritis (E, 176k, WangXian, Modern Cultivation, tech cultivation, Necromancy, Angst with a Happy Ending, insecurity around adoption, Dad!WWX, dad!lwj, Grief/Mourning, Mistaken Identity, Mood Whiplash, Body Swap, sex tears!, Falling In Love, Consensual Somnophilia, apocalypse (localized), Smut, unrealistic sexual stamina, Flashbacks, Time Skips, Illustrations) Kindof a modern-au retelling, flavors of cyberpunk?? Like, reminds me a lot of William Gibson. But incredible story & gorgeous illustrations.
The Tiger has Destroyed his Cage by updatebug (G, 54k, WangXian, Shapeshifters, Fix-it fic, Animal Pelts, Tiger WWX, Found Family, adopted family, Yungmeng Siblings, Canon appropriate angst and violence, Gratuitous OCs)
The Best I Can by Zephyr (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 26k, LJY & WWX, wangxian, WWX talking to his donkey, Canon Divergence, Light Angst, Drama, Recovery, Coming of Age, Secret Identity Fail, Friendship, Rogue Cultivator LWJ, Road Trips, POV Multiple, Happy Ending)
Something Yet to Learn by Glitterbombshell (T, 16k, WangXian, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff)
Say More by lettered (E, 95k, WangXian, WangYu, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, non-graphic drug use, non-graphic withdrawal, Drug Addiction, one suicidal thought, negative thought, wwx struggles with Mandarin and feeling connected to Chinese culture, Compulsory Heterosexuality, wwx kisses a girl, Sexuality Crisis, Gay Panic, incorrect definition of omnisexuality, Open Relationships, Masochistic Fantasies, non-graphic sadomascochistic realities, humiliation fantasies, Submission Fantasies, some D/s realities, one condomless blowjob, suggestions of some unhealthy co-dependence, Possessive Behavior, Slight Consensual Non-Consent, Frottage, the open relationship is not wangxian, since people keep asking)
2. I’m in the mood for some good omega!xian fics with LWJ being protective of him 😻
The early bird gets the worm, the early fox gets the bird. But the dragon wakes the earliest of them all by sekhmetpaws (E, 52k, WangXian, Foxxian, Dragonji, A/B/O Dynamics, Royalty, Prince LWJ, dragon LWJ, fox WWX, Arranged Marriage, but not really, Mistaken Identity, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ)
Coincidence is Another Man's Fate by TriviasFolly (M, 164k, wangxian, rape/non-con, modern, ABO, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Sexual Harassment, Implied/Referenced Sexual Harassment, WangXian play the long game, UNTIL THEY DON'T, Getting Together, fated pairs, Eventual Attempted Sexual Assult and Recovery, Office au, Mpreg)
Disruptions 🔒 by mondengel (M, 3k, wangxian, ABO, Mating Cycles/In Heat)
kiss it better by azuresummer (E, 16k, wangxian, modern, ABO, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones, Dominant LWJ, Submissive WWX, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Hurt/Comfort, First Time, Getting Together, Crossdressing, Virginity Kink, Size Kink, Size Difference, Light Bondage, Knotting, Creampie, Breeding Kink, wangxian Have a Breeding Kink, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Mating, Mating Bites, Possessive LWJ, Protective LWJ)
Instincts by Dixielis (M, 5k, wangxian, ABO, underage, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Hurt/Comfort, WWX Whump, not YZY friendly, LWJ is So Whipped, First Time, Marriage, Nesting, Supportive LXC, Good Parent LQR, Soft wangxian, Implied/Referenced Abuse)
Insert Coin Now for Extra Life by TriviasFolly (E, 201k, wangxian, modern, ABO, Intersex Omegas, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Marriage contract au, Twitch Streamer WWX, fluff and smut, caring for other while sick, Possessive LWJ, Rare Male Omegas, Pack Dynamics, Sugar Baby vibes, Eventual Smut, Brief mention of lwj/others)
3. do you know some stories where Wei Wuxian is either adopted before the Jiang found him, either is the object of a custody battle because a lot of sects see how badly he's treated by the lady jiang? (Not the Wen because except the siblings that we love, not a lot would give Wei Xuxian the love that he deserves and he would be even more used by the chief)
Become Tomorrow by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 39k, wangxian, BSSR/LY, Alternate Universe, a story full of tragic pining gays, and one chaotic gremlin, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, WWX is BSSR's disciple) WWX is adopted by BSSR
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 70 k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX) WWX is adopted before the Jiang find him, but mind the tags as LWJ has time-travelled so is technically an adult
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 712k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) The Lans push for a betrothal between WWX & LWJ after seeing WWX's talent with talismans & the betrothal negotiations are absolutely a custody battle
Different Sect Wei Wuxian AUs 🔒 series by Reverie (cl410) (M/T, 105k, LXC/NMJ, wangxian, JYL/JZX, MM/WQ, SL/XXC, Canon Divergence)
there is a comp for wwx being adopted by other
every world, every universe by glitteringmoonlight (T, 4k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, WWX is in Tingshan He, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Fix-It of Sorts, Genius WWX)
4. itmf some sssvs and mdzs crossovers. even though they were completely different from one another, i really enjoyed "if wishes were donkeys" and "death comes first" and i have read all the ones you linked on your mxtx crossover masterlist. i just think there is so much potential between the characters from both novels + if it could be wwx-centric i would prefer, wangxian too, obviously.
- @yillings
5. Itmf fics where wwx initially rejects lwj, thinks he's too boring, etc... main thing is, lwj is in love with him initially, wwx isn't and cruel, slightly callous abt it etc. As time passes, lwj comes to accept this and stops trying, but then wwx starts falling for him and the tables- flip! Cue wwx realising his mistake and doing everything to make it right. Arranged marriage aus are natural fits for this, but not necessary. Would love lwj not taking wwx's advances seriously and being slightly oblivious abt it. If nsfw, bottom!lwj preferred. Thanks 😊 @jawla-mukhi
6. Hiii! I'll make it quick and short. I'm in the mood for a fic where lwj is wwx's disciple(preferably not modern). Thanks! @dizzydandelionsandhyperhydrillas
7. Hello Mod L/K/C (I hope I have that right!) Do you have any recs for just fluffy WangXian? Thanks in advance if possible @nebuluscharlie
The Art of Communication by mrcformoso (G, 4k, wangxian, modern, College/University, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Meet-Cute, Engineering Student WWX, Music Student LWJ, Swimmer WWX, Martial Artist LWJ, POV Outsider, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, When your individual communication issues complement each other, Communication Issues, But Wanxian Makes it Work, LWJ has limited words, WWX has too many words, Falling In Love, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Love Languages, Requited Love, Podfic Available)
Dazzle Like a Diamond by Tsukimiko_san (T, 4k, wangxian, Dragon LWJ, Crow WWX, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, No Angst, ok maybe a tiny sprinkle of angst but like, usual LWJ thinking WWX is just teasing him, it doesn't last long, Getting Together, they are both so whipped, Boys Kissing, Courting Rituals)
Honesty is the Best Policy (But it Scares the Living Hell Out of Me) by Elpie (Horribibble) (T, 2k, wangxian, Soulmates, Truth, Fluff, Humor, Comfort No Hurt, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels)
Wei Wuxian’s Home for Lost Creatures by Stratisphyre (G, 22k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX & LWJ, modern w magic, Fusion, Fluff, Single Dad LWJ, Near Drowning, injured animals, First Meetings, Falling In Love)
A Study in Fluff by WeaverOfTheNight (T, 29k, wangxian, Modern with Magic, Everyone Lives AU, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, literal plot bunnies, Getting Together, A-Yuan is the best boy, POV Alternating)
i know who i want to take me home by ScarlettStorm (E, 16k, wangxian, modern, bartender WWX, drunk LWJ, caretaking, meet-cute, fluff, comedy, smut, minor angst, major shenanigans)
Love Cats series by so_shhy (T, 14k, wangxian, modern, Meet-Cute, Fluff, WWX is wet and adorable in a tree, With a Cat, LWJ had no chance, Don't Try This At Home, First Dates, Falling in Love)
Step right up! by failedcharismacheck (T, 7k, wangxian, Modern, High School, Teen Romance, Fluff, First Kiss, Getting Together, Awkward Flirting, new friends to boyfriends, LWJ plays animal crossing, Spanish Translation Available)
Bunny Tales series by sunnific (T, 7k, wangxian, modern, Meet-Cute, Rabbits, wangxian meet in a pet supply store, Fluff, Falling In Love, light humour, First Kiss)
8. ITMF wwx being in an abusive relationship and someone notices. Preferably jiang Cheng or lan Wangji, but anyone else does too!
9. Hi beautiful people 💜
I’m in a mood for some wangxian on the beach ‘cause where I live it’s already snow ❄️
Can be just wangxian or WX+ juniors or everyone, also can be any AU
Thank you for your work 💜💜💜 @shirikitsunenice
ocean swell by daltoneering (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Established Relationship, lifestyle kink, 24/7 D/s, dom lwj, Sub wwx, Holidays, Beach Sex, BDSM, Blowjobs, Prostate Milking, Brat WWX) wangxian are on a beach holiday
down by the water by astrolesbian (E, 60k, WangXian, Modern AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Surfer LWJ, Surfer WWX, complicated family relationships, mention of drowning, but no actual drowning is described, fluff and smut and angst, Reconciliation) I love this fic to bits!
10. Hello! 💓💓 For the next ITMF, do you know any fics A) where there's a connection between Wen and Lan? Like for example, Madam Lan being Wen, WRH and LQR pairing, or them having a child, and the like.
B) Modern setting without power, healthy relationship with everyone: no jiang bashing, no lan bashing, no bad parents etc.
The Art of Communication by mrcformoso (G, 4k, wangxian, modern, College/University, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Meet-Cute, Engineering Student WWX, Music Student LWJ, Swimmer WWX, Martial Artist LWJ, POV Outsider, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, When your individual communication issues complement each other, Communication Issues, But Wanxian Makes it Work, LWJ has limited words, WWX has too many words, Falling In Love, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Love Languages, Requited Love, Podfic Available) link in #7
Just Ask Me To Stay by mrcformoso (M, 30k, wangxian, modern, Former JZN/WWX, Dancer WWX, Musician LWJ, Roommates, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Recovery, Family, Realizing Your Best Friend is the Love of Your Life, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, And LWJ is not having it, Sex as Self Worth Reaffirmation, Fluff, Light Angst, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Size Queen WWX, Belly Bulge, Porn With Plot, WWX Has Friends, LWJ Has Friends, Hurt/Comfort, Romantic Comedy, Cute, Feel-good)
🧡 Faire thee well by Scrippio (T, 77k, WangXian, ChengQing, XuanLi, 3Zun, Modern AU, Renaissance Faire, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Slow Burn)
11. Hello! 'I'm in the Mood For' character watch/react fanfics and can you guys recommend some that doesn't exclude Wei Ying? Like he is in there reacting too and not outside? Other than that, I don't mind! Thanks in advance :]
Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not Rated, 134k, wangxian, hualian, WIP, TGCF, Angst, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, characters watching their series, Time Travel Fix-it)
The Characters of MDZS Watching the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by emma_screams (M, 153k, WIP, WangXian, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Drama, Characters watching their series)
12. For itmf, does anyone have any recs for JGY-friendly time travel fic? It doesn't have to focus on him, just, something that doesn't make him an irredeemable villain before he even has a chance to do anything (because time travel). Thanks!
Here Again (Spirits Rise, Unbroken) by TheDefenestrator (T, 74k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Slow Burn, Happy Ending) Unfinished & possibly abandoned fic but a really interesting one. WWX travels back in time from right after his resurrection, with LXC's help -- and LXC requests that WWX fix things for JGY too. It's mostly focused on Lotus Pier but how WWX address the request and how WWX-JGY relationship develops is IMO one of the highlights of the fic
Shards of Hope by Dreaming_Days (T, 80k, JGY/LXC, wangxian, Time Travel Fix-It, Redemption, Character Study, WIP) This one is jgy time travel, and it IS jgy centric. Highly recommend!
13. Are there any fics where Hanguang jun feels guilty over not being there for wei Ying in his first life while he is married to wei Ying or other characters blaming him for it while he is married to wei Ying
Smoke and Mirrors by mrcformoso (T, 5k, wangxian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post-Canon, WWX Has Chronic Pain, WWX Has Issues, WWX has Phantom Pain, WWX was Malnourished, Sad LWJ, POV WWX, WWX is always cold, Chronic Pain, Phantom pain, migraines, Malounirshment, Suicidal WWX, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, mirror therapy, Minor Original Character(s), Good Friend NHS, Protective LWJ, Regretful LWJ, Crying, Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending, WWX's body is normal but he still feels as if it isnt, Made up Nie Clan lore)
14. Good day!!! Is there any fic where wwx turned his back on the cultivation world? like he doesnt give a fck about them, any similarities will do. Thank youuu!
Lay my body down by tawaen (M, 48k, WWX & WQ, WWX & WN, wangxian, WWX & JYL, canon divergence, time travel, rogue cultivator WWX, no golden core transfer, not cultivation world friendly, not JC friendly, OCs) WWX lets the cultivation world think he's dead after the fall of LP
Home isn’t Where the Heart is. by Hauntcats (Not Rated, 7k, WangXian) WWX nopes tf out after being resurrected
15. Hello!! Any fanfic with assumed cheating? (No actual cheating happens, and wangxian doesn't break up)
The Guests of Cloud Recesses by cafecliche (T, 10k, wangxian, Post-Canon, brief horror imagery, Grief/Mourning, parsing out your trauma and also your in-laws: now with ghosts, Fluff, Light Angst, Case Fic, Podfic Available) How about one where someone else assumes LWJ is cheating on WWX b/c they don't recognize him in MXY's body?
16. Hellooo! I’ve been reading a lot of modern au fanfics, that I can barely read anything else, but I can’t find any good long Moder AUs anymore. I really don’t care what it’s about, but happy ending and something like “A garden to call ours” or “How Wei Ying went from Oblivious to…” These kind of fanfics hold my heart. I don’t really care if it’s too short or long, just something with plot and fluff :))
Just Ask Me To Stay by mrcformoso (M, 30k, wangxian, modern, Former JZN/WWX, Dancer WWX, Musician LWJ, Roommates, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Recovery, Family, Realizing Your Best Friend is the Love of Your Life, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, And LWJ is not having it, Sex as Self Worth Reaffirmation, Fluff, Light Angst, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Size Queen WWX, Belly Bulge, Porn With Plot, WWX Has Friends, LWJ Has Friends, Hurt/Comfort, Romantic Comedy, Cute, Feel-good) link in #10B
In the Arms of an Angel by Wrenwolf (M, 120k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Time Travel, Soulmates, Stripper/Exotic Dancer, Exotic Dancer WWX, Exotic Dancer NHS, Time Traveler LWJ, Angst, Humour, Brotherly Bonds, Soulmates through many lives, Only Lan Zhan remembers, Past Life Regression, Explicit Sex, WY and NHS are Found Family, Eventual HEA, Bisexual WWX, Non-Binary NHS, Reincarnation, Transmigration) WIP updates are irregular but damn that's a good story
Beneath Your Skin by Wrenwolf (E, 147k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Tattoos, Small Town, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Humor, Angst and Humor, Sexual Humor, Bad Humor, Slapstick, Brotherly Love, explicit sex eventually, Two POVs, A touch of kink, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Disorder, Found Family, Rabbit-babies) same author, complete work, literaly owns my heart
Say More by lettered (E, 95k, WangXian, WangYu, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, non-graphic drug use, non-graphic withdrawal, Drug Addiction, one suicidal thought, negative thought, wwx struggles with Mandarin and feeling connected to Chinese culture, Compulsory Heterosexuality, wwx kisses a girl, Sexuality Crisis, Gay Panic, incorrect definition of omnisexuality, Open Relationships, Masochistic Fantasies, non-graphic sadomascochistic realities, humiliation fantasies, Submission Fantasies, some D/s realities, one condomless blowjob, suggestions of some unhealthy co-dependence, Possessive Behavior, Slight Consensual Non-Consent, Frottage, the open relationship is not wangxian, since people keep asking)(link in #1) good long modern fanfic
Keep You Safe by airinshaw (E, 26k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Rule 63, Kissing Cunnilingus, sgwy, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Pregnancy)
Like a Game of Chess by countingcr0ws (T, 36k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern: No Powers, Strangers to Lovers, Travel, Mutual Pining, Flirting, Romance, Love Poems, Social Media, Sexual Humor, Banter, Red String of Fate, Footnotes)
some things go forward by everythingispoetry (T, 73k, WangXian, Modern AU, Hospitals, Teenage Drama, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Happy Ending)
together, we’re just enough by lulu_kitty (E, 134k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bartender LWJ, single dad wwx, Kid fic (sort of), Excessive Fluff, Yearning, barely there plot, neurodivergent wangxian, canonical parental issues, lwj in jewelry, accidental sugar gege wwx, fluff and eventual smut, Bottom LWJ, Service Top WWX, Bisexual WWX, Rich WWX, a-yuan is a wei but still also a wen, wwx is a-yuan’s biological baba, Older WWX, Younger LWJ, Slow-ish burn, Light Dom/sub)
Come Around and Stay by trippednfell (M, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, Found Family, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, PTSD, Blood and Injury, Dissociation, So much trauma, Angst with a Happy Ending, Musicals, POV Alternating, Baking, Yunmeng reconciliation (eventually), Friend Zoning, Literal Sleeping Together, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks)
Once Upon a Place by zeldasayre (E, 80k, WangXian, House restoration, Falling In Love, Misunderstandings, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bisexual WWX, Trans Male WWX, Gay LWJ, JYL & LWJ Friendship, Modern AU, Set somewhere in America, Tattoo Artist WWX, Librarian LWJ, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Domestic)
got your way with me by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 51k, wangxian, modern, Friends With Benefits, Fuckbuddies, in which brain cells are barely used, WWX is always the last to know, wangxian/others very briefly, otherwise it's OTP all the way, LWJ FUCKS)
Falling to the Rhythm by Selenay (E, 128k, WangXian, Modern: No Powers, Dance, Strictly Come Dancing Fusion, Ballroom Dancing, Dancer!WWX, Violinist LWJ, Pining While Dancing, Oblivious WWX, Gratuitous Costume Descriptions, Gratuitous dancing descriptions, Slow Burn)
you’ve ruined my life (by not being mine) 🔒 by cicer (E, 132k, WangXian, Modern AU, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love, Awkward Flirting, teenage romance, Shameless WWX, slowburn, Demisexuality, references to lqr’s a+ parenting, references to jfm’s a+ parenting, but we’re gonna get a happy ending ANYWAY, references to yzy’s a+ parenting, Background NMJ/LXC, hints of nmj/lxc/jgy, bottom LWJ in chapter 15)
17. Hello! Are there any fics where Wang Lingjiao is an actual person and not a cliché? She has one chapter in Meyari 's excellent Moments of Revelation, but that made me wonder about her more @chalinokat
Unfridging MDZS Women Bingo 2023 Chapter 2 by liverbiver9 (T, 13k, JGY/QS, Canon Divergence, YZY neutral/complicated, Sunshot Campaign, Found Family, hyperspecific worldbuilding, Rogue Cultivator WWX, WLJ Redemption, Genderqueer Character, Nonbinary Character, Xuánwǔ of Slaughter Cave, WC Being an Asshole, QS Deserves Better, QS Lives, Alternative forms of cultivation, Grief, Revenge) one of the chapters centers around wlj, and there are more recs in the comments of the fic!
Ad Oblivione by Baph, HikariNoHimeWriter (M, 70k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Identity Reveal, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation World Critical, Not JC Friendly, Abusive YZY, Angst with a Happy Ending) Not sure this counts as it's a small part of the fic & WLJ herself is barely in it, but WWX is accompanied by a ghost who is revealed to be WLJ's mother & gives hints at the character's backstory.
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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sinister-things · 1 year
Hi! Could you do the rise turtles with a Singer reader who is kinda like melanie martinez, like the readers songs are metaphorical and talk about serious topics and has sick as hell fashion! (Tho their probably not as pastel pink as melanie)
Turtles × Singer!GF
Credit to morilicious . Their headcanons really helped me write this post
Note: I LOVE Melanie!!
Reblogs > Likes
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• I see Raph as someone who listens to "jam music"
• Like, something that isn't to loud, but also not to soft so he can still enjoy it
• He finds something he likes and sticks to it, but isn't to afraid to explore
• So when he met you, he immediately took a liking to your voice
• It was just so smooth and relaxing!
• He loves sitting in the studio and listening to you recording your songs
• Sometimes wonders how you manage your day-to-day life in the outfits you wear(but he still thinks your pretty)
• He also loves your passion for music and the rich story/meaning they have
• Is to afraid to tell you how pretty you are, so he just sits and admires from afar
• Loves cuddling in the studio
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• Before you two met he was actually a big fan of your music!
• This is the kind of guy who openly lip-sync's to Lady Gaga
• He's your biggest fan! He worships you
• He loves how you sing about such important issues and educate others through your music!
• LOVES your style
• Please do his makeup please do his makeup–
• He's walking around the lair all day flexing your makeup skills
• "Oh, this? My girlfriend did it. Isn't she the best?"
• Sneaks into your meet-and-greets
• If your songs have choreography, he's learning it or already has it memorized
• His favorite word is girlfriend
• Overall, he loves you and your never getting rid of him
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• Donnie isn't really the kind of person to listen to another genre. He sticks to what he likes and rarely changes it
• But one day, April brought one of her other friends to the lair: You
• While the others(mainly Leo) really liked your music upon first listen, it took Donnie a little while for it to stick
• But once it did, he would analyze all your songs and music videos for hidden meanings
• And he loves your sense of fashion
• He's over the moon!
• You have a pretty singing voice and listen to him ramble about his tech? You're literally perfect!
• He found out all he could about the music industry as a whole just so you guy's can have something to talk about
• He definitely helps you write/record your songs
• You can bet all my internal organs that he and plays your music when he's working in his lab
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• Unlike Raph, he will tell you how pretty you are
• No matter what you're doing
• "Has anyone seen Y/N? I need to tell her she's pretty."
• Literally has your entire discography memorized
• He's literally taking notes so he can be as fashionable as you
• You two are literally models whenever you go out
• Has an entire Spotify playlist dedicated to you
• Goes to all of your concerts
• And gives you all the kisses and praise afterwards
• Lord this boy loves you so much it's INSANE–
• If anyone DARES catcall you they will be dealing with Dr. Delicate Touch
• "This looks like a job for Dr. Delicate Touch!"
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
You know? This has been on my mind for a while now.
Every time I see a post or drawing about the brothers interacting with Donnie (muh babies 💜), there's always this underlying feeling of 'protectiveness'. It feels like the brothers always need to take care of Dee for him, making sure he takes breaks, that he doesn't hurt himself, that he eats and sleeps enough...
Does he end up noticing this? I'm curious about if he thinks his brothers believe he's not capable.
I’m sure he notices! And I think they think he’s capable, he just needs little reminders sometimes that he needs to take care of himself. Even though Mikey is the baby of the family, he’s still pretty mature and is great at the whole self-care—both mentally and physically. Mikey always seems like he’s got his shit together. Donnie though, has that big brain of his and (I think this applies to all Donnie’s pretty consistently) the downside to that, is that his character can very often get lost in his genius. I’m sure there’s plenty of times he’s irritated. When their caring sounds more like nagging and it prevents him from overworking when he’d really want to lol. But on the other hand I’m sure once they’ve made him rest and eat something, so his body doesn’t feel like it’s about to crumble apart—that’s when I’m sure he appreciates it.
For them being over-protective thanks to his soft-shell, I kind of flip back and forth between which I like more. The idea of Donnie being the one most easily hurt because of his soft shell—to the exact opposite where he’s had to become much more competent and brilliantly uses his own tech to balance the ‘disadvantage’ out. I so I can enjoy seeing the drama of him being resentful to his brothers for thinking he needs protection, but I can also enjoy the hurt/comfort that comes from seeing him depending on their help when he needs it.
The only thing I know is, this fandom is great at providing a million different takes that are all pretty enjoyable, even when they are all so different. (With…ya know some…exceptions of course lol)
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strangegutz · 6 months
Hey what’s up, it’s just about midnight, here’s some information on CompanDroids and Eddie under the cut.
HEADS UP! Some mature/NSFW subject matter
Broad scope:
-CompanDroids were manufactured by Ramirez Robotics 83 years ago.
-They were created to be companions and caretakers, making them strong, soft, reliable, and people pleasers.
-There is a model for each letter of the alphabet, 13 male models and 13 females, alternating. For example, Eddie is a model E, his female counterpart would be the model F. Each pair “matches”
-Each model is based on a different celebrity, from actors, to models, to TV show hosts. For example, Eddie’s face-sake was a Mexican heartthrob actor, Navarro Riviera, and model F was a Mexican Miss Universe contestant.
-There were different cosmetic changes available for a handful of models in the form of hair colors or styles, particularly for those based on actors, styled after their various roles.
-ComDro’s were available in “Standard” and “Deluxe,” Deluxe packages allowed for more functionality, like eating, drinking, smoking, and for a few select models, sex.
-The contracts for these celebrities were murky, and many didn’t realize the full scope of how the androids would function or be used.
-Ramirez Robotics went under 20 years after the release of the CompanDroids (63 years before current)
-CompanDroids are extremely rare, as they were already very expensive, and now vintage.
-CompanDroids, as they are now, are more or less integrated into society as independent people, and mostly seen as an unusual novelty, though the greater public tends to only remember more salacious details about their functionality.
-They remain one of the most high tech inventions of all time.
Looking in:
-ComDro’s have their power bank located at the top of their spine. They run on electricity, and need to charge themselves via a port located on the back of their neck. Eddie has had himself outfitted with a nuclear battery, and has spares.
-They can get drunk or high, internal sensors detect the chemical composition of various substances and adjust function accordingly.
-They have a simulated heartbeat in the form of a faint vibration in the chest.
-A diagnostic panel is located in the left forearm, which has a screen, small keyboard, a few ports, and their serial number.
-The visible seam lines on their bodies are cosmetic, there are many more seams for access that are flush and hard to see.
-Standard models can upgrade to Deluxe models with a kit.
-Certain “involuntary” bodily functions, like becoming intoxicated, sweating, blushing, or arousal, can be manually controlled, or turned off all together by the android themself.
Eddie himself:
-Eddie was a pre-order, specifically picked to look like Navarro Riviera’s character, Sheriff DeLeon, in a romantic drama western.
-Eddie was originally a standard CompanDroid, but worked for and paid for his own upgrade kit as a free bot.
-Eddie’s serial number is E-013, he named himself after how his number would have read as a deluxe edition, ED-013
-He painted his eyes black the night he was “let go,” but didn’t swap to LED light eyes until later
-CompanDroids have feeling in their internal mechanics, Eddie finds the sensation pleasurable and erotic, though is very selective about who can touch his internals in any context.
-To avoid any uncomfortable situations, he toggles his “arousal” routines off during repairs or maintenance, but prefers to feel all sensations naturally otherwise.
-Being an old computer, Eddie is a bit “off” in the software, he is twitchy and violent, but is loyal and can be a great caregiver and people pleaser to his friends.
-Eddie’s CPU being overloaded will cause his voice to hitch and stutter like a computer’s audio would, as well as his eye LEDs flickering slightly. This would happen in an extreme stress situation, downloading large files of information, but most often when he climaxes in bed.
-Eddie has a very skewed sense of age, as he doesn’t age at all. He tends to always think of people having the same age and capabilities as when he met them, like continuing to see Zeki as a naive 23 year old.
I did not include every single one of my thoughts here but this is good enough for now I think! And if you have any explicit questions take them over to @strangeorganz !
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whimsywandererech · 7 months
Total Drama Headcanons!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello there Tumblr reader ! Well I'm quite new to Tumblr so please try respecting me first before I say please follow me later on because I have huge ideas on these headcanons because it would help A LOT ! Thanks :3
Alejandro Headcanons
1.Alejandro possesses a unique talent for beatboxing, delivering impressive beats even when no one is present.
2.He enjoys cheesy romantic comedies and sheds tears at happy endings.
3.Alejandro enjoys experimenting with gourmet cooking and creating culinary masterpieces in his free time.
4.Despite his tough exterior, he's a softie for cute puppies and frequently volunteers at animal shelters.
5.Alejandro and Heather perform karaoke duets, transforming mundane nights into unforgettable performances with their powerful vocals and dynamic harmony, leaving the crowd in awe.
Beth Headcanons
1.Beth is adept at executing elaborate pranks using her chameleon-like abilities.
2.She is a shady science enthusiast who enjoys experimenting with gadgets and conducting unconventional experiments in her leisure time.
3.Beth, despite her shy demeanor, is a fierce competitor in gaming tournaments, dominating with her strategic mind.
4.She is a discerning snack enthusiast, always seeking out unique and delectable treats to surprise her friends.
5.Beth's ultimate goal is to become a passionate wildlife conservationist, dedicated to protecting endangered species worldwide, she wished she could do that but sadly she didnt have the chance to participate world tour.
Blaineley Headcanons
1.Blaineley is a renowned social media personality known for her glamorous lifestyle and controversial opinions.
2.She is a dedicated camping enthusiast who finds solace in the wilderness away from the spotlight.
3.Blaineley's secret talent is her opera singing, which leaves audiences in awe with her powerful vocals.
4.She is a confident vintage fashion collector, showcasing a wardrobe filled with rare pieces from various eras.
5.Blaineley aims to host a talk show, captivating viewers with her wit and charm, bringing drama and entertainment wherever she goes.
Bridgette Headcanons
1.Bridgette is a dedicated marine biology enthusiast who spends her time exploring the depths of the ocean and studying its diverse creatures.
2.She is a talented musician who uses her ukulele to create soothing melodies that captivate the waves.
3.Bridgette is a reliable friend who provides genuine advice and support to those in need.
4.She excels in beach volleyball tournaments, despite her laid-back demeanor, showcasing precision and skill on the sand courts.
5.Her dream is to establish an ocean conservation center, educating others about the significance of marine life protection and ocean preservation for future generations.
Coutney Headcanons
1.Courtney is a confident and strategic leader who effortlessly takes charge in any situation.Even though most people thinks that she sucks at it but she still believes that shes good at it.
2.She is a secret adrenaline enthusiast, enamored with extreme sports like skydiving and bungee jumping to satisfy her adventurous spirit.
3.Courtney, despite her tough exterior, has a soft spot for DIY crafts, dedicating hours to creating handmade gifts for her friends and family.
4.She is a dedicated fitness enthusiast, consistently working out at the gym to maintain her physical fitness.
5.Courtney aspires to become a successful lawyer, harnessing her passion for justice to advocate for her beliefs and make a positive impact on the world. She might get out of control because deep inside she wants to sue all of her enemies.
Cody Headcanons
1.Cody is a tech genius, adept at hacking complex codes and creating revolutionary programs, showcasing his bright geeky side.
2.The individual is a passionate film enthusiast, a knowledgeable movie trivia expert, and hosts epic movie marathons for his friends.
3.Cody, despite his nerdy background, is a breakdancing enthusiast who skillfully performs moves that challenge his stereotype.
4.He volunteers at animal shelters, demonstrating his compassionate side by loving and caring for their furry companions.
5.Cody's ultimate fantasy involves traveling the world as a tech travel blogger, sharing his unique experiences and spreading geeky positivity globally.
DJ Headcanons
1.DJ is a culinary genius who creates delicious dishes that tantalize the taste buds, blending each bite with a symphony of flavors.
2.The individual is a talented pianist who delivers soulful melodies that captivate audiences and transport them to a different world.
3.DJ, despite his size, is a skilled dancer who moves gracefully and fluidly, captivating audiences with his rhythm.
4.He is a nature enthusiast who finds peace and serenity in the outdoors, connecting with the earth and its beauty.
5.DJ envisions establishing a community center to mentor and inspire young people through his culinary skills, music, and passion for nature.
Duncan Headcanons
1.Duncan, a renowned graffiti artist, creates intricate street art that narrates tales of rebellion and freedom in the city.
2.The individual is a skilled skateboarder known for performing daring tricks and stunts that showcase his fearless attitude on the streets.
3.Duncan, despite his stern exterior, possesses a remarkable talent for poetry, composing raw and emotional pieces that reveal his underlying emotions.
4.He is a skilled craftsman who creates custom motorcycles, showcasing his unique style and mechanical prowess in each ride.
5.Duncan aims to establish a youth center, providing a creative outlet and sense of belonging for troubled teens, utilizing his rebellious spirit for positive change.
Eva Headcanons
1.Eva, a fitness expert, consistently exceeds her limits through rigorous workouts and training sessions, leaving others in awe of her strength.
2.She is a renowned rock climber known for her unwavering determination and fearless attitude, showcasing her exceptional skills in challenging peaks.
3.Eva aspires to establish a self-defense academy for women, empowering them to defend themselves and thrive in a world valuing strength and courage.
Ezeikel Headcanons
1.Ezekiel is a skilled woodworker known for his intricate pieces that showcase his skill and connection to nature.
2.The individual is an exceptional organic gardener, renowned for his vibrant fruit and vegetable cultivation, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainable living and farming practices.
3.Ezekiel, despite his rural background, impresses with his unique poetry style, capturing the beauty of the countryside and the simplicity of farm life.
The more likes the more i can do !!
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iris0gardens · 2 months
〣"Run Baby, Run"〣 - Wrench x FEM!Reader
_"you think you ever left my mind? I WAS CRAZY ABOUT YOU."_
TW/TAGS: Romance implied, Violence, Blood, Wrench being Wrench, DEPRESION AAA-
Description: Wrench left San Fran to leave his dedsec Days behind after some drama had happened, going to london to seek revenge for a busted deal. However one particular person didnt seem to stay behind as Wrench has hoped.
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Footsteps echoed across the hallway as laughter was heard from the direction Wrench ran from. His Heist of receiving blueprints a bust, someone managed to hack into the system he thought was under his control. Displays all around him displaying a laughing Hare mask, the laughter resembling a female as guards ran across the hallway.
Wrench cursed under his breath as he kept running, attempting to navigate the maze of a building in a hurry as laughter was heard from every place a monitor stood. He wasn't aware he was being tracked or followed as he prepared for the heist and neither did he know the hare mask displayed on the various screens he came across. The male went through every single scenario as to how this heist could've been a bust until he heard an explosion from one of the directions he came from along with a female voice coming from a mega phone "SUP BITCHES, THIS IS HARE TERRITORY NOWW HAHA". The familiar feeling of knowing that voice popped up in his head but due to the circumstances had no time to think about it as he ran out of the building.
Wrench looked around in panic for a car as his LED googles displayed exclamation marks, as soon as he saw a car close by , he sprinted towards it as he heard guards yell for him and shots being fired before another explosion went off. His heart beating heavily as he took out his phone, hacked the cars security system, jumping in and driving off. As soon as he got further from the wreckage, Jackson came onto his com channel. "Dude, what happened?!" Wrench asked hastily as he sped around corners.
"Seems like the Hare really wanted the servers for herself. She wasn't active for years before you came around.." Jackson explained, his voice at the end turning into a mere mutter as he thought of possible explanations. "Did you make any enemies here in London, Wrench?" He asked as Wrench nervously chuckled in response. "Not that I can think off, I piss off people here and there BUT NOT A MAFIA BOSS LIKE THE HARE." he responded annoyed. Jackson laughed into the coms "alright alright, don't get your panties in a knot, Wrench. I will figure out why The Hare wants those servers and you think of ideas as to why she knew you were there."
Wrench signed off the coms and proceeded to make his way back to his safehouse, running through every possible solution as to why the Hare knew but non seemed plausible. Once he came across the thought of the Hare sounding similar to an old friend, he shook his head in disbelief. +It cant be anyone from san fran. Marcus told me everyone was around and safe..+ he thought as he pulled up to the complex, jumping out the car and hurrying up the stairs.
As he got into his safehouse, he closed the door and put his back against the door, sliding to the floor and letting go of a deep sigh he didnt feel before. He barely got out but somehow managed to with the help of The Hare distracting the guards. However he wasnt sure if they shared the same side.
"You know. For a tech Master, you suck at hiding your traces to the fullest extend" A soft female voice rang out and Wrench shot up in shock. He pulled out a gun which happened to be Princess ratarat as looked around frantically, trying to figure out the source of the voice and its owner. "Dont worry Wrench, im not here to hurt you." The female called out as she took notice of Wrenchs panic "I just wish to talk to you..old friend." from behind another wall, a female silhouette walked around with her hands on her waist and a firm stance.
"The hare?! wha- I dont fucking know you and how you got into my home but I highly suggest getting the fuck out" Wrench threated as anger began to boil into his body. How dare this masked stranger think they could just walk into his home without any consequences and especially how they managed to.
"Such a shame. I thought we could share a beer and laugh about it. Like good ol times." The female laughed as she proceeded to slip off the hare mask, revealing it to be Y/N, Wrenchs good old friend.
"I- no..noo. I must be fucking dreaming."Wrench said in disbelief, seeing his old friend and partner in crime right in front of him. "you..I must be high, Marcus said you all were in san fran and you forgot about me.."He explained as he put his gun down slowly, not believing the reality he was currently in.
"forgot about you? Oh darling, I never did. After you left, I was in deep pain because of the hole you left in my heart. YOU were the one who forgot about his friends and me. After everything we went through....you just turned your back on me and left." Y/N hissed out in anger as their E/C darkened. Her body language tensing up and hands clenched into tight fists to the point you can barely see them turning white. "YOU CONFESSEED TO ME AND IN THE NEXT MINUTE LEFT SAN FRAN. NOT CONSIDERING HOW I FELT. IT WAS ALL A ROUGE WAS IT? FOR YOU TO ESCAPE AND GIVE ME A LAST BIG FUCK YOU, Y/N?! I BET I LEFT YOUR MIND AS SOON AS YOU SAW AN ESCAPE"
"you think you ever left my mind? I WAS CRAZY ABOUT YOU." Wrench yelled back. "I WANTED TO TAKE YOU WITH ME SO BADILY BUT I WAS IN A HURRY, I WANTED TO TELL YOU-" His mask turning into red as he proceeded to lift his mask up, throwing in to the side as he looked at her with hurt and anger. "I literally couldn't as I knew you would get hurt trying to follow me. You have no fucking idea how many times I wanted to reach out to you." As he explained his true intentions, his expression turned into sadness as he realised how much he hurt her. Y/N on the other hand approached him, starred deep into his eyes before slapping him. "you..fucker." she laughed out as tears began rolling down her face.
"you have no idea..how much you hurt me and how much I ached to see you again."The female laughed out with sadness as she looked down to hide her tears. Wrench sighed and proceeded to take her into his arms, putting his head ontop of hers as he muttered "I deserved that slap...but holy cow you got stronger"a small smirk creeping onto his face as he thought about the last time he saw her, so excited and happy to know he felt the same love she felt. That memory soon got interrupted by Y/Ns sobs and her holding onto Wrench trembling. They stood there for a couple minutes before the female quieted down, seeming to have calmed down.
"you..fucker."She whispered out before letting go of him, looking up to him with a smirk of confidence. "You believe I would be that stupid as to not follow you?..you are wrong, Reggie."Y/N said before grabbing his shoulders, pushing him down towards her level and crashing her lips on his. Before Wrench could react, she quickly pulled apart and went to grab her mask as he stood there dumbfounded . "As much as I would like to "catch up" about our feelings for each other. Unfortunately we have found ourselves on two different sides, making us enemies. So lets hope you can catch the Hare, sweetheart" she winked at him before putting on her mask and running out of his safehouse with her laughter following behind.
Wrench stood there for a moment before he looked towards the door his past love ran out of and breathed out a frustrated sigh. "fuck..She's gotten more confident."
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-AYY as you can tell, I was a bit more inspired with the Wrench one as it was definitely fun to write. Let me know if you want more!-
-not keen on constructive critism as I do this as a way to enjoy myself and share it, so PLEASE NO COMMENT ON MY WRITING STYLE UNLESS ITS A GRAMMER ERROR. THAMK YOUU-
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dragonfairy19 · 2 months
Dating a Ninja Turtle: A Hypothetical Adventure
Disclaimer: This is purely for fun and imaginative purposes. Ninja Turtles are fictional characters.
Dating a Ninja Turtle would undoubtedly be an unconventional experience. Let's break it down by turtle personality:
Leonardo: The Leader
* Pros: Strong, intelligent, and dedicated. You'd have a partner who is always there to protect you and guide you.
* Cons: His intense focus on training and leadership could mean less quality time. You might also find yourself caught in the middle of his brotherly squabbles.
Donatello: The Tech Whiz
* Pros: Incredibly smart, creative, and always has something interesting to teach you. You'd never run out of conversation topics.
* Cons: His mind is often in the clouds, which might lead to forgetful moments. Also, his lair might be a bit too cluttered for some.
Michelangelo: The Party Dude
* Pros: Fun-loving, optimistic, and always up for an adventure. You'd never be bored in his company.
* Cons: His carefree attitude might sometimes lack seriousness. Plus, his love for pizza could lead to some messy dates.
Raphael: The Bad Boy
* Pros: Protective, loyal, and has a surprisingly soft side. He would be fiercely devoted to you.
* Cons: His short temper could be challenging. You'd also have to be prepared for a lot of drama and intensity.
General Challenges:
* Secret Identity: You'd have to keep your relationship a secret from the world, which could be stressful.
* Different Worlds: You'd be from two completely different worlds, which might lead to misunderstandings and challenges.
* Physical Differences: You know, the whole turtle thing.
Potential Perks:
* Unique Adventures: You'd get to experience the thrill of fighting crime alongside your turtle boyfriend.
* Amazing Food: Pizza, anyone?
* Unconditional Love: They're known for their loyalty and friendship.
Ultimately, dating a Ninja Turtle would be a wild ride filled with both challenges and rewards. It would definitely be a unique experience that you'd never forget!
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 7 months
rare matchup trade with @mysteriawrites
for one of my very cute friends. i was in a major writing slump over the summer but she encouraged me to get out of my slump by offering a matchup trade! this is my first matchup for someone and very overdue on my part so i'm excited wehe
☆ and even though it’s a matchup i tried to write a full fic with her in mind, but applicable to anyone. especially because this is a whole entire fic with 5,905 words.
mysteria sent me a super detailed description in our dms so here's a summary of it:
mysteria is 5'2, african american, a capricorn and an infj! she's kind, responsible, moody, soft-spoken, and introverted. she also describes herself as a social chameleon that can match the energy of a room, from quiet and clumsy to sassy and teasing if she's comfortable enough. she likes animals, books, reading and writing, personality quizzes, rpg/mmo/rhythm games, and sweets. however, she dislikes loud sounds, math, trypophobia, spiders, and inconsiderate people. she also dislikes when people she cares about don't properly take care of themselves, but tends to forget her own needs. she's really a caring person at heart!
your matchup is under the cut for the drama! i match you with...!
Mischievous but observant, the Phantom Thief Alban Knox!
tags: gender neutral reader, getting together, hurt/comfort, reader is an overworker, bad work environment, happy ending, breaking and entering (and other thief-typical crimes lol)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
There's this little convenience store right in your neighborhood that happens to be on your daily commute to work.
The first time you visit, you realize it's about five minutes away from your home and open 24/7, perfect for late-night snack runs.
The staff is so small, the same guy works the graveyard shift whenever you visit: tousled mocha-brown hair, a lanky body too thin for his uniform shirt, and two differently colored eyes. One is dark, while the other is so vividly green it makes him look intelligent.
It doesn't take long before he starts to memorize your usual order, and for you to memorize the Hi, my name is Alban! name tag over his apron.
With time the friendly customer service starts to become just actual friend behavior. You begin to learn more about one another. He asks you about your day, and when you mention some of your coworkers at your dime-a-dozen tech job he's able to remember who's who.
Meanwhile you've seen the two bowls outside the sliding doors, one full of water and the other kibble. Alban leaves them out for the neighborhood cats, and you've been lucky enough to meet a few of them before they scamper away.
Alban is like a brother to the strays, however, and the konbini tends to be empty whenever you visit, so there's no one to stop him when the cats paw at his leg, begging him to pick them up as you rant about your latest project. They even let you pet them once or twice before they climb over Alban's shoulders, watching you with nighttime pupils. Apparently that's rare. The first time a stray nuzzles your palm, Alban secretly slides you an extra pack of the snack cakes you wanted.
"If she trusts you, then you can keep a secret," he says. The cat's tail curls around his wrist before he nonchalantly drop the cake into your bag. "Our secret, right?"
Over time it becomes a part of your routine. Work during the day, visit the konbini, relax after a good conversation with Alban. Once your company picks up a new security project, your schedule slowly folds over. With Alban's late-night shifts and you working longer hours after getting a lead position, he becomes one of the few consistencies in a hectic career.
You really do treasure the time you spend with him. Now that so much is going on at work it's like his store is the only place you can unwind before you get back to programming at home.
Not to mention he's one of the few night owls you know, and the only one that was there for you when you felt like you were falling apart.
It's not like you wanted to let your defenses down, though. You'd been working tirelessly for weeks on this security system, but today your clients blew a fuse over things out of your control. All this effort, and the way they reacted made you feel like it was for nothing.
"Welcome!" Alban's standard customer service voice disappears once he recognizes your face. "Hey, it's my favorite—woah, wait. Are you okay?"
It stuns you how quickly he picked up on your mood. The second you left work, you spent ten minutes trying to wipe the ‘on the verge of tears’ look off your face.
"Don't worry, Alban, I'm fine." You try to smile. "Just a busy day at work. What're the daily specials today?"
"Oh! Uh..."
It's pretty obvious that wasn't a convincing excuse, but he lists off the menu anyways. You appreciate that he knows how to give you space.
You decide halfway through that you'd rather get your usual, though, too exhausted to think of trying anything new. "And a donut," you add, longing for a comfort food.
While Alban gets started on your food, the aisles of bright, prepackaged snacks feels like staring at a headache. Itching for relief, you stare outside the windows instead. A grayed tail swishes along the glass outside while two nighttime pupils stare right back at you.
The air prods at your skin as the sliding doors open, and you approach the cat. You recognize her as one of the first to warm up to you when you started to visit. She continues to watch you, even as you reach a hand out. Her tail rises like smoke.
The stray's eyes squint up into crescents as you scratch under her chin. "A meal and affection for free," you muse. You're trying to not be bitter, especially since this one is skittish, but you can’t help but feel envious. "Must be nice being a cat instead of a human."
The brisk nighttime air stills. This calm makes everything feel like it’s falling out of your grasp, but you don’t have a choice in the matter. You're a resigned observer to your own life.
"I just don't know what to do," you say. Your job pays well, but you’re so sick of being treated like this, especially after such a bad meeting with your client.
The stray nestles up closer to your hand, nudging the touch closer to her body so you can stroke her back. Not a moment later, she backs away. With powerful legs and silent breaths, she pounces down from the ledge, while the smoke trails into the shadowy brush on the other side of the parking lot.
So you lean back against the wall. Cold brick outlines your back. Damn. Not even the strays are cooperating with your shitty day.
By the time you return to the inside of the konbini, your nose is reddened from the chill. The overhead lights wash the color out of your face, so bright that the night outside seems jarring.
At least you can smell your food. Alban returns to the counter with a paper bag that feels warm to the touch, and a to-go box full of donuts.
You cock your head. “I only ordered one donut, didn’t I?”
“Yep.” He seals the box with a sticker. It’s a cute cat with the same mismatched eyes as him and ‘Freshness Guaranteed!’ underneath its paw.
“So why…?”
“Because I want to give you some. It’s nice to get freebies, especially when it’s for a friend that could use ‘em,” he says. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t ask, but you’re not doing so hot, are you? If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know. I’d be happy to. Help you, I mean.”
He slides the bag of food and the donut box to your side of the counter. “But for now, you just keep those and take a moment to yourself.”
A steady aroma follows the bag while the donut box is warm under your fingers, freshly baked and at no extra charge, simply just because. One green eye and one dark stares up at you from the sticker, blending into the white fur as your vision blurs.
"Yeah, what's—?"
Alban’s question falters. Instead you speak, with one hand up at your eyes, glossy and turning wetter by the second. “Thanks.”
It seems the mask has fallen now. You hunch over as you sniffle. Hot shame seeps down your back like burning oil, the tears feeling more and more like they’re boiling. It only makes you more embarrassed and frustrated, which causes even more heat behind your eyes, and the cycle continues. Now here you are, crying in the cold light of a konbini while the poor cashier has no way out. You don’t even have the heart to look up at Alban’s face.
“Sorry,” you say. Your voice sticks together. “I-I shouldn’t be like this.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m acting like a big baby, and I’m fine, I’m just—just making it weird, a-and you don’t even want to know.”
“But I do!”
Even though you don’t have the strength to raise your head, you can see Alban’s hands through mottled vision; namely, how they clutch at the counter—right before he sets them both over yours. You’ve never seen him without a pair of food-safe gloves, and these are no different, a solid black that sticks to your skin while fingers rest on your knuckles.
At his outburst, you dare to look up. His eyes are closed, mouth set in a crinkled frown, barely pursed as if he wants to say something. Alban reconsiders just as he opens it. Hesitation crawls into lowered brows, and your heart pangs even harder when he looks down at the hands. Either you’re seeing things, or there’s a bittersweet look in one eye and concern in the other. “If you trust me, then I want to know.
“Because you’re not ‘fine’. If you really were then you wouldn’t be crying at someone doing one tiny nice thing,” he blurts. “Did someone hurt you? Because if they did, I’ll give them a piece of my mind, no questions asked.”
“It’s… not a someone.”
That gets him to squeeze your palm. A wave of understanding bleeds through and travels up your veins. “I’m all ears.”
You squeeze back, eyelids smashing together as another fat tear rolls down your cheek. “It’s my jobbb.”
You aren’t exactly proud of how you weep, but the way Alban listens to you erases the regret. You spill your guts about the client, the meeting, the mismanagement, and that stupid security system you’ve been working on. Halfway through, Alban flips the ‘OPEN’ sign to ‘CLOSED’, thumbs off his gloves, and sits next to you properly.
By now his touch returns, resting fingertips on your knuckles and rubbing up your wrist. Without the gloves, he’s warmer than ever, and softer. He passes you a box of tissues from the office, too, and doesn’t even flinch when you honk into the tissues in-between sobs.
You explain everything, even the tiny stresses in your career. “I’m lost. It pays so much but I’m so exhausted,” you say. “I don’t want to leave but sometimes I just wish I could, I don’t know, transfer to a different location, or give the client to someone else, or hell, some kind of payback.
“But I’d not that kind of person. And even if I was…” Your eyes cast downward. The tears have slowed but they’re still so wet with misery. “I’m so tired.”
Your heart aches just at saying it. The realization has set in now. You’re tired.
That’s putting it mildly. You never noticed until now, but there’s an indescribable weight in your neck and shoulders, just about ready to snap you in two under the pressure. You used to love this job, and you still love what you do, but only now are you realizing you’ve put far more into it than your superiors deserve.
“That’s fucked,” Alban finally says, and you almost snort at how plainly he says it. Instead it comes out as a weak chuckle.
“Can’t your boss put two and two together and realize you’re already giving one hundred percent—no, two hundred into the project?” He asks, even though you both know the answer. “That’s stupid. There’s a whole staff of people, so they need to get their head out of their ass and give you a break.”
“I wish.” You sniffle. “I’m just a generic worker, but I’m the only one that knows exactly how everything operates. Makes me feel like I can't even rest.”
“Do you have any time off?”
“Well, yeah.”
“So take it. You need it,” Alban says. Then he playfully nudges you. “You know you deserve to treat yourself.”
That gets another chuckle out of you, louder than the last. He smiles softly and points out, “You’re laughing more.”
“You say things so simply that, I dunno, it makes things feel less difficult. Like when I think about it, it’s like this swirling black hole.” You exhale. “I was thinking about taking time off, earlier, but I told myself to tough it out instead of giving up. But now it doesn’t feel as extreme.”
“It’s not giving up. It’s resting. That’s a requirement.”
“Yeah. It just… doesn’t feel like it when I’m talking about me.”
“Then let me be the first to remind you that you’re allowed to relax just like the rest of us.”
You wipe your eyes again, this time with a tissue while Alban rubs your back. You’ve known that for as long as you can remember, but hearing Alban say it out loud is the beginnings of understanding. Internalizing that need.
You sniff, but rather than with hopelessness, a different feeling swells in your throat. Something like recognition, warm and loose rather than tight.
“Thanks,” you say. “For the food. And, you know, all this…”
The words get lost along the way, so you settle with a gentle tilt of your head to gesture.
Alban seems to get it without much trouble, though, and pats your back reassuringly. “It’s nothing.”
“I’d argue otherwise. I must have been a nuisance—“
“It's nothing,” he repeats. “No problem at all. If you ever walk in here crying again I’d do anything to make you feel better, you know.”
“Oh.” That makes you look away, almost scared of the fact. This type of caring is unfamiliar, and now that you’re all cried out, you can’t make heads or tails of the feeling. “That’s really sweet, I think.”
Alban lifts his hand off your body. The absence picks you up and out of your thoughts, so you raise your head. You watch as it rests back on his neck, right underneath his tousled brown hair. “Don’t mention it. Uh, how do you get home?”
“I usually walk.”
“Not that I don’t trust you, but you’re not about to walk home by yourself after crying your eyes out. I’ll drive you.”
Your eyes widen. “No, you don’t have to! I don’t want to be a bother!”
“Hey, I’m offering. No one visits at this time of night anyway, except for you.”
“Yeah, but it feels like I’m being a burden or something, and I don't want to cause more trouble for you than I already have, and—oh, forget it.” You bury your face in your hands. Your cheeks are still tempered from crying earlier, but now you can feel the unmistakable heat of embarrassment as well. “You’re not going to let this up, are you?”
He says, “Only if you’re sure you’ll get home safe. It’s late.”
“Fine, you can drive.” You pat at your face with the tissue. Your tears have long since dried, but maybe this will hide the blush. “I can’t say thank you enough.”
Alban shrugs that praise off as well, so intent on refusing your gratitude that it comes across as either sheepish or blasé. He busies himself with locking up the store while you clean yourself up (again) in the bathroom. He opens the car door for you before you can open it yourself.
The stick shift is a few years behind, but the console is rigged up to connect to Alban's phone. Before he starts driving, he hands it to you. "You can choose the music."
You thumb through a streaming service before finding a title your recognize from one of your own playlists, and at the first few notes of the song, the car enters motion. It's a quiet, comfortable silence filled up by the song and your directions to your home.
The walk to the konbini is fast, but driving is even faster, and the song barely ends as he pulls up to your home. "You got everything?" He asks.
You nod. "I do. Thanks, Alban."
"It's noth—"
"Oh, quit playing yourself down already." Before you can slip out of your seat, you lay a hand over Alban's as it rests on the stick shift, just like how he comforted you earlier. "No one at work took time out of their day to hear me out, not even my friends. You did. That means something."
"Still!" Alban says. "I wouldn't just ignore you."
"A lot of people would, and did. You're a lot better than you give yourself credit for." You poke his cheek. "Now repeat after me: you're welcome."
The poke makes his face squish up, cheek smushing into the corner of his lips while one eye closes. He blinks, uncertain, as if he entered uncharted territory. He likely has. If it wasn't apparent before, it certainly was by how long it took him to avert his eyes and say the words. “…You’re welcome.”
You squish his cheeks a little more as friendly affection. Barely visible under the overhead light, his face tints pink under the pressure of your hands. “Glad to hear it. I’ll see you later, Alban.”
“Right. Rest well?”
“I will.”
The door shuts and the headlights shine long shadows behind you as you walk away. Alban watches as you pull out your keys. You notice the shining lights only dim out after you’ve stepped inside your humble abode, and the warm feeling rises up again. He made sure you were inside safe and sound before he drove away.
It’s with that warm feeling that you speed through your nighttime routine and fall asleep in your bed.
It returns each time you visit the konbini after that night, too. Alban, in all his selflessness, still insists on giving you even more freebies than you know what to do with.
“Damn, Reader, if you visit even more often, I’ll have to order extra shipments of candies,” he quips as he scans your items—then snatches a king-size snack and slips it into your bag without charging you a cent more.
You snicker. “It’s not like I ask. You’re the one that won’t quit giving me things for free.”
“I’ve got more than enough to go around.”
“But you just said you’d have to order more.”
“How’s work? Still doing the security thing?” He asks.
You roll your eyes to the ceiling and huff not a second later. “Yep, same old, same old. One of my coworkers used the wrong parts on something, so I had to spend my entire shift today disassembling and reassembling it myself.”
"You know what I'm going to say—"
"That it's unfair and stupid?"
"—Among other things, but you're just going to say the pay is too good to leave, aren't you," he finishes.
You focus on the counter rather than Alban's movements. It's been a while since that night he drove you home and the wound has healed, but there's no mistaking the beginnings of a scar at the memory, all puffy-pink as it tries to recover to what once was.
You hate to admit it, but he's right. He quoted something you said word-for-word last week.
"I'm not just predictable, I'm mad," you say. "And tired of being mad."
"Not at anything new, is it?"
You sigh. "Nope. It's more like a lot of little things building up and just whittling me down. Same ol' soul-crushing machine as always."
The cash register dings as Alban places all your items into the bag, and you pay for half of what you should. "There isn't anything keeping you happy or loyal, is there?"
"Not really. It's all miserable, even the other departments." You even laugh bitterly. "I guess the employees get paid so much because there's no budget going into decent HR."
"You know what I'm going to say."
"Don't waste your breath."
"I can't tell you what to do."
"Gotta pay my bills somehow." The receipt inches out. Alban tears it off and slips it into the bag. "I'm looking, but I can't just quit yet. At this point, I don't care what happens to the place, as long as I get paid. Need to finish the security system before moving onto another job."
"I hope someone gives you a better offer soon. Workplace culture included."
"Me too." He offers the bag to you. You take the handles from Alban with crinkles and a skim along his fingertips. "At least I've got nothing planned tonight but binging a TV show over snacks." You jostle the bag, and the many candies inside. "In no small part because of you."
He beams at that, just before wiring his mouth into a thin smile to cover up his happiness. "We're always open! And I'm always here."
"I'm counting on it." That happiness spreads to you like watercolor on paper. "I'll come back soon, Alban."
He sees you off with the good cheer and well-wishes you've come to expect from Alban, and a request to keep out of trouble. Once the crisp white of the konbini's lights fade away into the night as you walk home, the dismal feeling returns.
Maybe you should take his advice and quit while you're ahead. It's no secret this job will kill you one day.
You bite back the thought as soon as it comes to mind. You need the cash. Quitting is tempting, but if you leave now, you won't have enough savings to fall back on.
"Until this commission is over," you mutter under your breath. You'll put in the two-week notice then, once the security project is complete, and that stuck-up client coughs up the high price for all your effort.
Until then, until then, until then. Your mind echoes as you go down the familiar path home, staving off the urge to think any more on it. All that's left for you to do today is watch some shows, relax, and hopefully, get a good night's rest before doing the same thing again tomorrow.
Even though the night in serves as a good distraction, you remember the grind ahead as you tuck yourself into bed, and with it, Alban's wishes for your happiness pushes the harsh thoughts away as you drift off.
As you'd expect, the days ahead are predictably mundane, save for the awful work environment you've become so used to over time. Some days it feels like you're the only competent person in the building. Other days you know it's true.
Which brings you to now. The coworker that sits closest to you left to go file some papers in another office—or take a personal call for the next twenty minutes, it's always a toss up with them—leaving you to your own devices as you work on something that should've been completed earlier this week. Again.
The office you're currently in is built for three at most, though it rarely fits that many. Usually you're by yourself or with another coworker, and now that you're alone, you have the freedom to sigh. You know how these things work, but having to pick up so much slack is just plain exhausting.
The lights go out.
The first thing you think is if the latest updates were saved. Your brain reminds you that the program was on autosave every minute, and you haven't typed in five. It'll be fine.
The next thing is that considering your industry, there's more than a few backup generators. There's no way it would take this long for one of them to kick in and get power back to the building.
Something's wrong. You don't have a clue, but outside your office windows, you can catch glimpses of other workers evacuating. There's no way it could be a natural disaster, and you doubt a fire would cut the lights, but considering how fast the other workers clear out, you aren't staying to find out.
You're one of the last people to leave a personal office, and you presume the last to start moving. The halls twist in the darkness, but you've memorized the layout, and your phone's flashlight guides the way.
The sound of keys on keys jingle behind you. You pivot with a start "Who's there?"
No one responds. Your light reaches a few feet ahead before being swallowed by the darkness. The ceiling boasts some LEDs for detectors, cameras, and the far-off 'EXIT' sign but not much else, and none of them are helpful at the moment.
Something else whooshes ahead, and you turn again, now starting to feel like a fish being circled by a shark.
"This isn't funny," you call out. That was stupid of you. Maybe the job is rotting your brain, and it'll be the reason behind your death, trapped in your shitty office while everyone else evacuates.
With steeled nerves you keep walking, twisting your phone around to get a piece-by-piece view of the hallways. The light bounces off the waxy leaves of a houseplant by a door. The water cooler where you refill your water bottle. Two pointed strikes of orange that shine one-at-a-time as the light flashes.
Cloth covers your mouth before you can scream.
They wire around as the orange comes into focus, now identifiable as two pins in a head full of shaggy hair. The intruder rests a finger on his lips as he shushes you, one green eye and one dark reflecting the light from your phone.
You manage to shake off his grip and hiss. "Alban?"
He blinks before widening his mismatched eyes. "Wh-what are you talking about? I don't know anyone named Alban."
"Oh, cut the crap, you—" You start, but remember the LED lights up on the ceiling. The cameras! You tug on his jacket sleeve as you dive into a corridor hidden from the security cameras, and luckily, he's shocked enough to stumble along. He slips out of your grasp in a matter of seconds, but instead climbs along the walls and hops between structures to obscure himself like a superhero out of a movie.
You push yourself flat against a wall as if it would hide you any further, while Alban clings onto the ceiling and inches down, dangling in midair. A strap is attached to the roof and around his body not unlike climbing gear.
"I'd recognize you anywhere," you say, "and if I didn't before then I definitely did the second you started talking."
Alban looks away. "Oh. Right. I should've expected that."
"Never mind that, what are you doing here? I work here!" You push him lightly, and he sways in air from the force. "Don't tell me you're behind the power outage."
He scratches the back of his head and gives you a coy smile, only half-apologetic, until you push him more. He flails before steadying himself by holding onto your shoulders. "Wait, I had a reason!"
"Uh-huh, and you're going to tell me it right now before I call the cops!"
"Psh, they couldn't catch me even if they tried—" Shove. Alban swivels around aimlessly. "Okay, okay, fine! I'm a phantom thief."
You grab him and glare. "So you decided to target my workplace after hearing me complain about it for eons. Give me one good reason not to twist you so hard we test if motion sickness can result in death."
"I mean, not entirely off?" He says with a sigh. "Okay, hear me out. The konbini isn't exactly a moneymaker. So I steal things here and there, but only from people who don't deserve it. You know, the types that steal their assets, treat everyone like dirt, exploit hard-working, good people... You see where I'm going with this, right?"
"Go on."
"I like to take only a little bit of it for myself, then forward whatever else I find to the original owners, or community projects that would use the cash way better than some hoarder. Which is why I decided to come here. It has an awful rep despite its net worth, and I dunno, it just seems like it sucks more and more of your soul out the longer you work here." Alban frowns. Even upside-down in the air, his concern is heartfelt, as genuine as that day you confided in him.
You can't even say he's wrong, not entirely. He really did listen to all your woes.
"So... I did some research. Didn't like what I saw. I don't think it's news to you, either."
"It's not great, no." You cross your arms. "So you decided to steal from them."
Alban pats down his pockets. Each of them has a hidden zipper, you realize, which must explain how he hasn't dropped any of his loot until he produces it and shows it to you. One by one, he hands you small boxes covered in secure foam. Your eyes widen as you open them. Each is a different minuscule computer part. "You recognize these."
"How could I not? These are upcoming designs. Not entirely complete, but once they are, they'll be gold standard. Maybe even more."
"Exactly. I did some rifling around in the offices, too. They'll be sold at an insane markup from the true estimated value once they're released to the public." Alban bites the inside of his cheek. "Most of the information and programming has been ripped off from programmers that either didn't consent or were severely underpaid."
"You're telling me. And the employees here will be earning pennies once it goes public."
He nods, serious as the grave. You've never seen him this dead-set on something but you recognize the blazing ambition in his eyes, and the curve over his mouth that forms when he's dedicated. He set his hand over the boxes you hold. "If you really want to return them, I won't stop you. I just want to do the right thing."
The packages aren't much bigger than jewelry boxes, and just as light, but holding them feels like handling priceless masterpieces. After all, they are.
"Why?" You ask.
"Because I trust you."
"Even after I spun you around like a piñata."
"It takes more than that to knock me out," Alban says. "Besides, even if you did, I wouldn't regret it. I think I'd endure a lifetime's worth of it if that's what it took for you to know how much I care."
You readjust your grip on the parts as Alban turns his head away again. "That sounded wrong. I mean, you work for them, not me. If this feels wrong, then you can call it off and I'll leave without anything."
He cares for me. You squeeze your lips together in deep thought. "You think so highly of me, even though I'm just a wreck that has a shitty 9 to 5 and mooches off your konbini food."
"Not a wreck," he corrects, voice tilted high in protest. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"You're such a handful." You present the boxes out and away from you. "Put them back in your pockets. There's the camera outside that I pulled you away from, and a few others in each corner of this floor."
Dumbfounded, Alban gingerly takes them just as you start doodling on a piece of paper. "You're just giving them back to me?"
"What does it look like I'm doing? There's only so much time before any authorities show up." You wait until Alban secures the parts away before pressing the paper flush against his upside-down chest while you stand at eye-level with him. "Not my best blueprint, but you can figure out the best route to sneak out from with that map I just drew up."
Alban stays still in the air, but you let go of the map as it rests under the collar of his jacket. He fumbles for the paper, narrowly avoiding any stray hits to your body due to the proximity.
While he's occupied, your eyes have finally adjusted to the darkness as well as how close you are to him. He doesn't notice you staring at all, nor how his cheeks are a rosier tone than the rest of his skin.
He manages to nab the paper and holds it back over his heart, where you pressed it. When he makes eye contact with you, you see to his core; both the smarmy phantom thief that infiltrated your office, and the understanding, generous dork that works nights at the konbini.
Your hand brushes with his as you take the cloth of his jacket collar. "It didn't sound wrong at all." In the dark, he tenses, gloved hands clutching the paper tighter while that blush grows into a muted red.
You drum up the courage he's shown you time and time again as you lean in. The momentum fuels you as he reciprocates, paper forgotten as it flutters to the floor in favor of holding you tighter as his lips brush along yours.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You let go of Alban's collar, all lightheaded and woozy after a long-awaited kiss. It breaks off, but his arms are still tangled around your back in a loose hug. The dopey grin on his face is full of emotion; surprise, adoration, and a shred of greed like that wasn't enough for him.
"You need to get back to business," you say, breathless.
"And I should go before people think I went missing."
"Oh, duh. Yeah. Yeah, you should." Alban shakes his head to jostle him out of his stupor. He raises one limb after another as the cord retracts. "I'll be—ack!"
He flops face-down to the ground with a yelp. Then a groan.
You flinch. "Alban! Are you okay?"
Expecting the worst, you crouch down and hold his arm as he rises. "Ow, that hurt... No damage done, though."
"If you say so." You dust off his shoulders as he recovers. Sure enough, there aren't any scratches nor bruises immediately forming, and the concern turns into amusement as he presses his lips together. "Alban, your face is so red."
"Wh—no, it's not."
You pinch his cheeks. His brows are drawn together, all shy and flustered. "Oh, I can't wait to see what this looks like in daylight."
"It's just because I was hanging upside-down! Blood rushes to your head!"
"Yup, right after falling flat on your face."
He wiggles out of your grasp and up on his feet in no time. "You're teasing me and I won't stand for it. Bye!"
And with that, he bolts out of the room, grappling off the walls like a parkour artist until he becomes one with the darkness.
You watch him until he disappears, but you've got places to be, too. You rifle into your pocket where your phone and wallet rest.
That is, until you realize your wallet is nowhere to be found.
You frantically search your pockets until you realize the first one you checked, the one your wallet rested in, had a card inside that wasn't there before.
It's one of the generic business cards your company provides, likely lifted from another worker's office, but along the blank white cardstock, someone had drawn a cat paw alongside a note.
"You just got mugged by the robber! (But visit tonight to get it back.)"
There's a scrawl in the corner, scratched out to the point you can't tell what it was, but a few lines against the scribble makes you think the writer doodled something.
You'll have to ask him later.
"Tonight," you say out loud. It's been a long day, and like you said, you need to get back to the rest of the employees.
But after that, the workday is sure to be cut short as the higher-ups manage the police, and now you have plans.
And you could do without a 9 to 5 looming over you for a while.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊mysteriawrites
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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