atdamnbraina · 4 years
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and you deserve better than that.   |   @softsurvivor
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muhlti · 4 years
i am literally in love with ur clarke fc, thank u for coming to my ted talk
honestly? same. 
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azhefa · 4 years
@softsurvivor wrote:   “ i believe you. ”   ||  meme
            her voice is quiet and small in a way,  but it commands his attention as if it were the loudest sound in the whole city.  head lifts from where he stands at the war table and his gaze relocates from the maps to the woman standing on the other side in front of him.  there’s a subtle softening of his features when his eyes meet ryan’s.  he’s been arguing with his counselors all morning,  debating with ambassadors and feeling like he might just like to throw one of them out off the window at any moment.  but,  his temper calms and settles with her there.  “  if only the entire kingdom were so easy to inspire faith in.  ”
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klarsynt-arc · 4 years
emil in that first gif of that gifset is 🥵
pretty boi with a gun uwu //  @softsurvivor
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blindhim · 4 years
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    “    just  .  .  .  stop !    ”    the order came out harsher than he had intended. his voice rough and his grip on her arms even rougher and not for the first time since his arrival back in ice nation did he curse the warlord tybe. cosmo was a warrior, not a slaver. he was no prison warden or hunter of people who had never even picked up a weapon before. tybe may have been a chieftain, but he was not cosmo’s chieftain. it was the only loophole that cosmo could find to disobey the old man’s orders, though the girl was making it difficult.    cosmo made a disgruntled sound in the back of his throat, shaking the girl impatiently,    “    i’m  not  going  to  hurt  you.    ”  //  @softsurvivor  ♡‘d  for  a  starter
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isabellamaries · 3 years
this blog is HOT
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xgened · 4 years
did you know that i love u
did you know that i love you more???? no??? well now you do. MUAH! 
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azhefa-archived · 4 years
@softsurvivor​ said:  “  i need you.  ”
          every time she speaks to him, the rest of the world stands still. it melts to the background and it is if she is his center of gravity. she commands his attention so easily. especially when she says words like that. ryan has always asked so little of him, never demanded a single thing, never assumed. it makes him all the more ready to grant her desires and needs when they are voiced. it makes him abandon everything else which was occupying his attention, instead turning his gaze upon the young woman with nothing but attentive concern. 
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roan steps away from his desk and towards her. hands lift to cup her features with furrowed brows and softened eyes.  “  i’m here,  ”  he murmurs gruffly. his gaze flickers over her features, taking in every detail, reading her. she looks as if something is haunting her  (  he knows there is much which could weigh upon her soul  ) and all he desires is to sooth whatever storms are raging inside her. a thumb gently runs over the scar along her cheek.  “  you have me, my love,  ”  he promises as he draws her into his arms, holding her close against him. craning his neck he places a kiss to the top of her head. 
the king would do anything to make her feel safe, to even just simply bring a smile to her features. she brought his soul peace and all he desires is to do the same for her. after a few moments, roan shifts and smoothly lifts her into his arms. her delicate form is light as he carries her to their bed. she needs him. and that is all he requires to hear to give her his attention. to give her whatever it is that will help calm her spirit. 
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liftedrelics-a · 4 years
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@softsurvivor​​​​​ asked: ​ we’ll survive. we’ll just wish we didn’t. @ murph ➜  Always accepting // Meme prompts.
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     𝐖𝐇𝐘? 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐄? 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆? “We lived. They didn’t. It’s how it works now, it’s us or them, it’s all or nothing. Why do WE have to feel bad about surviving?” He does, feel bad about it but he’s not going to admit that to her. At least not yet. Of course, he was never one of the people who had to make those big decisions, only ever fighting for himself and never anyone else. Always making sure HE survived the nukes like the cockroach he was. At least that’s how he saw himself, the way everyone else did.
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archive-assassin681 · 5 years
is selene having a good day
actual picture of selene today:
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klarsynt-arc · 4 years
@softsurvivor​  ||  s.c.
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             “  do you trust me?  ”  the question is asked with a small smile,  head tilting as he holds out his hand.  the streets around them are busy but in a way it’s quiet.  the sidewalks are nearly empty and with it nearly midnight there is a stillness to the city despite the cars gliding by behind them.  the building they stand in front of is one of the tallest in the area.  it stretches up towards the sky and often,  during the day,  the top levels are hidden above the clouds.  it’s typically restricted to the public and security is just paces away from them.  but luckily,  he has a few strings he can pull and he intends to give her the night of luxury she deserves. 
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geneticempath · 5 years
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        “  i’m  sorry  .  .  .  for  my  part  in  what  happened  to  you.  ”  //  @softsurvivor​  ♡‘d  for  a  starter
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xgened · 5 years
i hope jamie and hal are having a good day.
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jamie’s girlfriend is his receptionist so every day is a good day.
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azhefa-archived · 4 years
@softsurvivor​ wrote: [ hike ] for my muse to take yours hand and lead them somewhere
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          he has learned not to question it when she approaches him like this. her hand is gentle and soft in his, so much smaller than his own as her fingers curl around his hand. roan lets her pull him away from the doorway to the courtyard, curiousity laced in his icy hues. melting snow crunches beneath their boots when they walk towards the garden. it looks bare, save for the evergreens. the cold winds are broken by the bushes when she step between them. this is a favorite spot of hers, but he figures with the look in her eyes when she glances back at him that it is more than just wanting to steal him away for a moment. 
he finally understands when she stops in front of a tree, pushing back the greenery with one hand and releasing his to gesture towards one of the branches. roan steps closer to peer into it, spotting a nest shrouded among the pine needles. the king tilts his head to the side as his gaze flickers over the eggs. only now realizing there’s a crack in one of them. his eyes glance back towards ryan who is watching with nothing but pure wonder and delight. she is amazing but so much in this world. but he finds himself more amazed by her, by watching her see so many things for the first time. 
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fierceheartsa · 4 years
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@softsurvivor​ asked: „ [ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . “ // non-sexual acts of dominance.
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                       this was it. this was the moment his survival skills wouldn’t help , that his survival on the earth would end, because some princess thought she needed to blame him for someones dead. he didn’t kill anyone. he wasn’t innocent , sure , but he never touched anyone , yet no one seemed to believe , not even those he followed. he furrowed his eyebrows , as ryan stepped up for him , raised her voice , as he got pushed in the dirt.
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damntender · 4 years
planned    starter    ,    ryan    monroe    /    @softsurvivor​    .
𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬    𝐰𝐚𝐬    𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠    𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬    𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐧    𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥    ,               she    prided    herself    on    remaining    who    she    was    ------               even    despite    the    situations    she’d    been    put    through    .               it    had    and    would    always    be    her    downfall    ,               wanting    to    see    the    good    .               even    when    the    world    seemed    tainted    .               maybe    that    was    her    reasoning    in    approaching    the    girl    ,               hoping    to    spark    some    kind    of    proof    that    they    weren’t    all    bad    .               though    she    was    probably    out    of    her    depth    .               she    knew    how    brutal    azgeda    could    be    ,               especially    to    skaikru    .               she    stops    for    a    moment    ,               hovering    ----               unsure    of    what    to    say    ,                and    instead    offers    the    cup    of    water    she    brought    for    her    .               softest    of    smiles    lifting    at    the    corners    of    her    lips    ,               welcoming    .               she    doesn’t    mean    for    it    to    be    or    come    across    awkward    ,               having    all    the    big    plans    to    help    ,                in    theory    it    sounded    easier    than    it    actually    was    .               ‘       sorry    uh    ------               i    just    wondered    if    maybe    you’d    like    some    company    .               if    not    i    can    go    ,               i    just    wanted    to    check    if    you    were    okay    .       ’    
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