#soil mixing compost
mellomadness · 3 months
I just fell down a rabbit hole about (legal) body disposal and part of me is so anxious wishing I could tell the FBI agent monitoring my internet searches that I’m just morbidly curious and I’m not planning on dying anytime soon (or planning anything ELSE, for that matter)
#I swear I’m innocent#I just didn’t know there were multiple types of cremation#and then I got curious about other legal burial/body disposal methods#and then I learned that you can have your ashes basically made into a starter reef in the ocean????#THERE HAVE BEEN SO MANY ADVANCEMENTS IN BODY DISPOSAL AND PREP GUYS ITS KINDA INSANE#YOU CAN MAKE YOUR BODY INTO SOIL!! which seems like it would be easy but apparently it’s a rather new advancement!!#and I mean like proper soil not just like. decomposed and mushed up remains I mean like Actual Human Compost#hi I’ve always been interested in morbid topics I swear#I’m not insane I just love the art of the funeral and the way we honor the dead#I always thought I wanted to donate my body to the army to have them drop my remains out of a plane#but uh… becoming part of the coral reef and helping sustain the reefs is definitely a more appealing option now#and like I always knew you could do the become a tree thing but there’s more options for that too!!#also there’s multiple ways to cremate and two of the three that I’ve researched don’t use an incinerator!!#they use a mix of water and highly alkaline chemicals?? which is so cool?? I thought the only way to get ashes from a body was to burn it#but apparently not!!#dude. science is so fucking cool#mortuary science is so fucking cool specifically#alright to the FBI agent assigned to me: sorry if I’m flagging shit with these searches I’m trying to keep the wording respectful#and non-incriminating lmaoooo#MelloMoans#mortuary science#morbid curiosity#funeral services#I guess??
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balkanradfem · 2 years
Prepairing the soil for the indoor seedlings!
Yesterday, I put many seeds to germinate in a wet paper towel, and I've already used up all of the soil I had stored for spring plants, so, I had to go to the forest on a nice sunny day, and dig out some soil from under a dead stump. I only take soil from already dead and rotting trees, and only take a little, because that soil is now made out of tree-decomposing matter, which is very fertile, rich in nutrients, and basically compost quality. It's also very light and airy and that makes it possible to use in containers, all soil that is used in containers needs to be very light so that the baby plants can stretch their roots thru it.
Other than the forest, I'd been able to find such soil in the areas where the river has flooded and dumped massive amounts of tree leaves, which then decomposed for months, and again, have created compost.
I've planted my seedlings directly into the forest soil before, and they were growing just fine, then for a while I was mixing new forest soil, with already-used-up forest soil, and that was fine too! I also ran some experiments mixing soil with fine sand, and planting half of my seedling in soil+sand mixture, and half in only-soil, and they've both grown equally well, no difference was noticed.
This time, I'm going to mix my forest soil with already-used soil, which I have on my balcony, and I have a bag of fine sand from the riverbank. I'm making this mix because it will increase the amount of soil I can use, since I have a neck injury, it's complicated for me to bring home large amounts of soil home, and re-using soil is effective and easy, and perfectly fine if you add fertilized and nutritious soil in it.
You don't need to go thru this entire process just to grow plants, you can use store-bought soil, or try any kind of soil you have around until something works, I'm doing this just to increase the amount of soil I have and make sure it's easy to grow in!
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So I have forest soil, already-used soil, sand, and a bucket to put it all in. Before it gets in the bucket, I want to be meticulous and clean it, because even the already-used soil will have some hard clumps or pieces of bark or something, that might bother the tiny seedlings when they grow. I want to make it the most airy and productive soil ever. This is how the already-used soil looks after it's been clean.
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And once it's nice and clean I dump it into the bucket! Now it's time to clean the equal amount of the forest soil, and this one is way more messy. There are leaves, roots, pieces of bark, rocks, seeds, sometimes there's even tiny little bugs I accidentally woke from hibernation, but they are fine and good for the soil, and they generally just keep living in the soil and don't go running around the apartment, so I don't mind them at all.
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This is how it looks before and after I cleaned it, I was just brushing my hands thru and taking out anything that felt clumpy and odd. If you had a big sieve you could do this within seconds, but I like having my hands in the soil, so I was having a good time spending 10 minutes picking stuff out.
Now, both of the soils are added into the bucket, and I'm also adding sand in. Sand isn't going to add any nutrition to it, but it is very airy, very light, and very easy for little plants to push seeds thru. It will make the soil lighter, and increase drainage, means the water will run down more easily and the soil will not keep water inside. I've tried to make it about 20% sand.
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And I'm loving the result after mixing! The soil is a tad more grey in color, but extremely light and airy, I think the plants are going to love it. It's a bit less filled with nutrients than the pure compost would be, but I will add nutrition when the plants become big enough to require it (when they have more than 1 set of true leaves).
All of the clumps, leaves, pieces of bark and clusters of roots I took out, can be composted, but, I'm going to actually use them for filling the big pots on my balcony. I usually add all of the clumpy soil at the bottom, because it adds more drainage at the bottom, and by the time the plants grow their roots all the way down, they won't be bothered by the clumps, it's only the most fragile tiny roots of baby seeds that are sensitive and need airy and non-clumpy soil.
Since my experiment with mixing went so well, I repeated the process and added once more, a container of used soil, container of forest soil, and a bit of sand, to make a full bucket of soil. Now I have plenty of soil to work with! I'm going to keep this bucket inside of my room, because those baby seeds are used to warm temperatures, and will want to be planted in warm soil. I'm also closing the lid, so the soil remains damp and full of life.
If your soil dries out, then the bacteria and diversity inside of it starts dying off, and it can even become hydrophobic! In case it does get so dry it starts rejecting water, it can still be rehabilitated, by adding more organic soil in it and mixing it all together. I've also seen gardeners add soapy water, because bubbly water has less surface tension and is more easily absorbed by the dry soil. For this purpose, they'd add a few drops of dish detergent in the water.
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Here's my bucket of soil! This can fill many containers and cups, and when I run out, I have enough ingredients to make more. In a few weeks, I'll probably have to go to the forest to get some more, but I'll be all set until then.
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lactosegremlin · 9 months
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turned out MUCH better
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rozecrest · 1 year
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i’m going to keep this grafted tomato alive if it kills me
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The Thunbergia plants are prized by plant enthusiasts & gardeners for their lovely flowers & beautiful foliage. This thunbergia plant named after the Sweden Botanist Carl Peter Thunberg for his immense work in the documentation of Thunbergia plant species.
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Plant Growth Habit
This plants are excellent creepers & flowering plants belongs to the Acanthaceae family with vibrant color flowers. This plant commonly named as clock vine & sky flower.
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Sky Flower
The attractive sky flower plants contain 100+ plant varieties. Flower colors are blue, white, orange & yellow. This plant has a bushy & semi-climbing structure with a woody stem. Feathery flowers appear with yellow or center. In addition to this 
it is fast growing plant that reaches up to a height of 6ft from the ground.
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Clock Vine
 The clock vine plant's popular varieties are thunbergia grandiflora, thunbergia erecta, natalensis, alata & dwarf varities.
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Thunbergia grandiflora
The grandiflora plants are native to India with large leaf foliage with lavender color flowers. Long roots with deep tap root system. It comes under annual plants.
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Thunbergia natalensis
It is fast growing creeper plant with white & light blue colored flowers. And the plants are native to Africa. Thunbergia natalensis has trumpet-shaped flowers that are commonly called natal blue & natal white flowers.
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Thunbergia erecta
It is a twinning erect perennial shrub with ovate dark green leaves & velvety purple flowers. It is also rapidly growing creeper plants.
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The Bush clock vine plant loves to grow in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. These plants tolerate a wide range of soil but avoid growing in heavy clay soils.
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These bush clock vine thunbergia plants are great for foundations, borders, beds, hedges & other landscape values.
There are no serious pest, disease & nematode issues for this creeper plant.
The Thunbergia erecta plants used in the treatment of anxiety, depression & insomnia issues.
Bush clock vine has anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties.
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The creeper plants grow on walls, trellises, fences, and other plants. And they are popular in gardens as they add visual interest and provide good greenery look.
There is no alternate for Green so far!
#Thunbergia grandiflora#The grandiflora plants are native to India with large leaf foliage with lavender color flowers. Long roots with deep tap root system. It co#thunbergia grandiflora#Thunbergia natalensis#It is fast growing creeper plant with white & light blue colored flowers. And the plants are native to Africa. Thunbergia natalensis has tr#thunbergia natalensis#Thunbergia erecta#It is a twinning erect perennial shrub with ovate dark green leaves & velvety purple flowers. It is also rapidly growing creeper plants.#thunbergia erecta#Soil#The Bush clock vine plant loves to grow in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. These plants tolerate a wide range of soil but avoid g#thunbergia grandiflora soil#Potting Mix- Garden soil+30-40% compost +steamed bone meal +20% of cocopeat if needed alone.#steamed bone meal for clock vine#Water Requirement#Watering the plants regularly helps to grow healthy plants means keeping the soil moist. But the sky flower plants cannot tolerate waterlog#watering for sky flower#Sunlight#The bush clock vine plant thrives well in full direct sunlight with partial shade.#clock vine#Pot Size#This creeper plant requires a pot size of 6-8'' while planting. After one of planting change the pot size to 12'' with good drainage holes.#sky flower poting#Propagation#The thunbergia varieties are easily propagated through stem cuttings. Select the non-flowering#healthy stem and make a clean cut just below a node. Gently remove the lower leaves from the plants. And place the plant cuttings in a plan#thunbergia grandiflora propagation#Pruning#Regular pruning helps to keep the plants in a compact structure.#pruning of sky flower
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phildendron · 1 year
The Thunbergia plants are prized by plant enthusiasts & gardeners for their lovely flowers & beautiful foliage. This thunbergia plant named after the Sweden Botanist Carl Peter Thunberg for his immense work in the documentation of Thunbergia plant species.
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Plant Growth Habit
This plants are excellent creepers & flowering plants belongs to the Acanthaceae family with vibrant color flowers. This plant commonly named as clock vine & sky flower.
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Sky Flower
The attractive sky flower plants contain 100+ plant varieties. Flower colors are blue, white, orange & yellow. This plant has a bushy & semi-climbing structure with a woody stem. Feathery flowers appear with yellow or center. In addition to this 
it is fast growing plant that reaches up to a height of 6ft from the ground.
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Clock Vine
 The clock vine plant's popular varieties are thunbergia grandiflora, thunbergia erecta, natalensis, alata & dwarf varities.
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Thunbergia grandiflora
The grandiflora plants are native to India with large leaf foliage with lavender color flowers. Long roots with deep tap root system. It comes under annual plants.
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Thunbergia natalensis
It is fast growing creeper plant with white & light blue colored flowers. And the plants are native to Africa. Thunbergia natalensis has trumpet-shaped flowers that are commonly called natal blue & natal white flowers.
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Thunbergia erecta
It is a twinning erect perennial shrub with ovate dark green leaves & velvety purple flowers. It is also rapidly growing creeper plants.
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The Bush clock vine plant loves to grow in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. These plants tolerate a wide range of soil but avoid growing in heavy clay soils.
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These bush clock vine thunbergia plants are great for foundations, borders, beds, hedges & other landscape values.
There are no serious pest, disease & nematode issues for this creeper plant.
The Thunbergia erecta plants used in the treatment of anxiety, depression & insomnia issues.
Bush clock vine has anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties
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The creeper plants grow on walls, trellises, fences, and other plants. And they are popular in gardens as they add visual interest and provide good greenery look.
There is no alternate for Green so far!
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Thunbergia creeper plants
Blog Created By: www.santhionlineplants.com
#thunbergia natalensis#Thunbergia erecta#It is a twinning erect perennial shrub with ovate dark green leaves & velvety purple flowers. It is also rapidly growing creeper plants.#thunbergia erecta#Soil#The Bush clock vine plant loves to grow in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. These plants tolerate a wide range of soil but avoid g#thunbergia grandiflora soil#Potting Mix- Garden soil+30-40% compost +steamed bone meal +20% of cocopeat if needed alone.#steamed bone meal for clock vine#Water Requirement#Watering the plants regularly helps to grow healthy plants means keeping the soil moist. But the sky flower plants cannot tolerate waterlog#watering for sky flower#Sunlight#The bush clock vine plant thrives well in full direct sunlight with partial shade.#clock vine#Pot Size#This creeper plant requires a pot size of 6-8'' while planting. After one of planting change the pot size to 12'' with good drainage holes.#sky flower poting#Propagation#The thunbergia varieties are easily propagated through stem cuttings. Select the non-flowering#healthy stem and make a clean cut just below a node. Gently remove the lower leaves from the plants. And place the plant cuttings in a plan#thunbergia grandiflora propagation#Pruning#Regular pruning helps to keep the plants in a compact structure.#pruning of sky flower#Fertilizer#Application of any organic compost monthly once or twice around the plants helps to grow bushy.#compost for thunbergia#Benefits#These bush clock vine thunbergia plants are great for foundations
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i had no idea so many county landfills offer free compost and mulch! that's so useful!
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ligayagardener · 2 years
Bokashi soil maker
I’ve been reading about ‘Bokashi soil makers’ of late, so thought I’d investigate a little. I suppose, thechnically, they’re not ‘soil makers’. Soil takes thousands of years to make and populate. It’s a natural process that we can only emulate. However, we gardeners have gotten very good at improving what is there and it seems that this process is something along those lines. Essentially, all…
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hellenhighwater · 2 months
So a while back, you showed Vice or Malice lounging on a truly impressive cat-sized bed of cat grass. I'm assuming you made it (though if you purchased it, I'd love to know that too.) What materials did you use?
Oh, that's super easy! It's just wheatgrass seed and a couple handfuls of potting soil, chucked into a large plastic tray. We're talking maaaybe an inch of dirt, and an even (but decently dense) layer of seed on top. I douse it in water to get it started, and then just keep it damp, and it grows very quickly. I often do a couple trays in rotation--I have some cheap LED grow lights from amazon on a little shelving unit, I just do it there--and when one mat of grass dies, I pull out the whole thing and put it in my compost.
Most of the seeds sold as "cat grass" are just a mix of wheatgrass seeds, which you can often get far more cheaply at a feed supply store. I plant in the large plastic base tray for starting seedlings, because I have a bunch of them, but you could easily use those disposable foil pans, or thrift a pyrex dish to use. If you're not going too crazy with watering, you don't need drainage holes.
But it's super easy! I just keep a gallon bag of wheatgrass seed and a little bin of soil, mix and let it go. It's a good short term houseplant--for those who forget to water in the long term, fear not, this is like a one-month operation--and it's fantastic enrichment for indoor cats.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I don't think it really hits for most people how much topsoil is an incredibly depleted resource that is virtually nonrenewable under current land management practices.
Topsoil you buy at a garden center most likely is not real topsoil, but rather simply compost mixed with sand. Many people have never touched topsoil. In vast swathes of inhabited land, topsoil simply does not exist anymore.
On the lawn care subreddit, people will occasionally be alarmed that their soil feels "mushy" and "soft" after the addition of lots of organic matter, or post something greatly alarmed about the area of "soft" soil in their yard.
These people would shit their pants in awe if they felt the soil in a forest. Their frame of reference for "soil" is so completely, sadly spoiled by compacted, concrete-like lawn dirt. This is a big reason I'm "anti-lawn." Lawns consistently have some of the worst, most devastated soil imaginable.
Topsoil is a LIVING community of microbes, plant roots, decaying organic matter, and perhaps most importantly of all, fungal mycelium. You cannot buy it. You cannot synthesize it. No amount of fertilizer will turn compacted lawn dirt into topsoil. It takes a hundred years to build one inch of topsoil.
In the USA, prairie soil was plowed up to make fields, and we all learned about the Dust Bowl in school, but we don't talk enough about the fact that plowing up the prairies engulfed half the country in devastating dirt storms that turned the sky black and had people choking and coughing up dirt all the time and sweeping deep drifts of dirt out of their houses. Like that happened. Damn.
What we did was something utterly devastating, the near total destruction of hundreds and hundreds of years' worth of an irreplaceable natural resource. And it's happened all over the country. We will never comprehend how much we lost when we lost the topsoil.
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mytheoristavenue · 7 months
Dude I know you don't have any requests but if you ever feel up to it I would absolutely eat up a continuation of your creature x reader fic...perhaps they slowly fall for each other.
Hes just...he's so sweet and the way you write him makes me feral. I'm definitely going to check out your other works.
This is me letting you know that your target audience had been reached
Normally, I would politely decline or ignore requests, as I just don't enjoy doing them anymore for multiple reasons, but I wanted to address this one specifically. Hopefully this isn't too short!
For the sake of this story, let's pretend that the time between the events of the movie span over a longer period.
LF Creature x Reader - Compost
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Summary: Creature helps you out in your garden.
Warnings: mentions of rot, bugs, worms, and dung, creature x reader, bisexual reader, reader has a crush on Lisa, continuation of Mutual Comfort, plot holes, not proofread, spelling/gramatical errors, calling Creature Ein
"You look different today," you noticed allowed, squatted over the flower bed, carefully dropping a marigold from your trowel and covering the roots with soil. "Little more alive."
The man behind you grunted in response, prompting you to glance at him over your shoulder. He seemed to have more color in his face, and his hair seemed less stringy. He lifted a discolored hand, and waved it around as if it were an explaination. You simply shrugged, not understanding the meaning, and went back to what you were doing.
"Regaurdless, I appreciate you helping me." you smiled, standing up and admiring your newly replanted marigolds. Another grunt in responce. "Now I need to mix up the compost pile. Mind pushing that wheel barrow over there?" you aske pointing to the object and then to the destination. Nodding, Creature made his way over.
Once he got behind the wheel barrow, however, he scrunched his face in disgust. "What?" you laughed, slumping your shoulders. "Too good for hard labor? He shook his head, letting go of thehandles and covering his nose. Finally, it clicked for you.
"Oh, come on, you big baby. It doesn't stink tha bad." you rolled your eyes, walking over to simply wheel it over yourself. Seeing you prepared to take matters into your own hands, Creature finally pulled himself up by the bootstraps, taking hold of the handles again and pushing it forward. "Its cow dung, if you were curious," you giggled, following him. "My dad has a friend that owns a far and he hooks me up with free manure for the garden."
Once again, Creature grimaced, turning up his nose. "Hey, Zomboy," you scolded playfully. "Your half rotted flest doesn't smell all that much better." He flashed you a hurt expression coupled with a somber groan, making you back peddle. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
Finally in front of the compost pile, you grabbed a nearby shovel and began to heave the dung onto the top, the smell never once bothering you. When you were finished, you stuck the shovel in the ground and rested a foot on it, hiking your knee up, and glued your hands to your hips, tired from a hard day's work.
"I don't know about you, but I think today is a good day for some lemonade." You sighed, beginning to walk back toward the house, Creature trailing behind you. "You like lemonade?" He nodded when you glanced back, prompting you to smile. "Go ahead and take a seat," you said, motioning to the patio set to his right. "I'll go get us some."
After a few minutes, you returned, slipping out the back door and into the yard, a glass in each hand, but your eyes lit up before you couven step off the patio. You quickly scurried over to set the glasses down, gushing over what he had. It was a lovely little hand picked bouquet, mostly consisting of wildflowers and weeds. In the short time you were gone, Creature had taken it upon himself to currate you a gift. "Ein..." you breathed, taking it from him and examining it. "You did this for me...?" you asked, oblivious to how silly the question was. He nodded with a timid smile, inviting you to sit with him.
After a moment, your heart dropped, realizing what you'd called him by. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I called you that!" you fretted. "Lisa told me that was the last little bit of your name, I sholdv'e asked if you'd be kay with being called that."
He seemed to wave your worries off, shaking his head, signalling tha he wasn't bothered. He then bowed his head, something that confused you. "So you are okay with me calling you Ein?" He bowed again, and you were unable to keep the grin from spreading across your face. "Okay, Ein it is then. I suppose we couldn't have just called you 'Creature' forever, right?" He shrugged, as if he truly didn't care what his name ended up being. "Regardless, thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful."
The man couldn't help but stare as you admired the little nosegay, noting how eyes eyes lit up when you smiled and your nose scrunched when you laughed. He actually found himself so invested in observing you while sipping his lemonade that he choked a little when your eyes flitted back to him.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" you suddenly jumped up, patting his back as he coughed, hunched over. "Ein? Ein! Are you okay?" you panicked, patting a bit harder, and wondering if the heimlick would even work on a corpse. Luckily, that deemed to be unnessisary as he finally spat up whatever was clogging his airway.There on the table, squirmed a very long, slimy earthworm.
"I-Is...is that a worm?" you grimaced, entirely freaked out as you stared at it, eyes flickering back to his every few seconds. Creature was frozen in place, terrified he'd ruined a lovely moment between the two of you, and slapped his hand over the thing, shaking his head no. "You're telling me I didn't just watch you spit up a worm onto my dad's patio table? You're telling me if I move your hand, there's not gonna be a worm?"
Hesitantly, he shook his head with a nervous smile, resisting as hard as possible when you grabbed his hand to move it. Though you had no time to think about it then, you couldn't help but notice the way the stitches holding his hand on felt under your finger tips- definately an interesting sensation.
Finally, you managed to lift his hand up, still holding it, and proved yourself right, once again staring at the wiggly little thing on the table. With a sigh, and ignoring his protests, you reached down and lifted it into your palm. "Got anymore?"
Creature sheepishly shook his head and got up to follow you as you walked away. "Well, this little guy is going in my compost pile." you decided, pinching the worm out of your palm and setting it on top of the pile. "And if it has any buddies in there, they're welcome to the pile too." you smiled, grabbing his hand again.
"I like you," you confessed with a giggle. "A few little bugs aren't gonna scare me away."
I hope this was along the lines of what you were looking for! Sorry it was so rushed, it probably has a million errors, as my gramarly is suddenly not working!
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littlewigglers · 5 months
Okay I’ve never asked on tumblr but I just found your page and I’m OBSESSED!!! I want to get/make a Vivarium/bioterrarium for millipedes and isopods and I can’t WAIT!! Please please if you have any advice at all, I’d love to hear it! Where to get supplies, the buggies themselves, how to handle them, what do you do if they get sick, how much space to they need for how many there are, etc? Your buggy babies are so cute!!
First off thank you! I love all my little guys as well <3
I ramble kinda a lot so I'll put this under a read more.
For advice I'm still very much a novice when it comes to keeping but I'll tell you what I can!
For tanks I got my glass ones second hand or ones made my the store I buy used to buy my millipedes from, you'd be surprised how cheap you can get a nice big one! For Acrylic THESE are the ones I've had the best luck with not warping BUT they sometimes have kinda blurry parts on the plastic, but still I'd say good for the price if you can't afford glass. I tape up some of the ventilation holes to keep more moisture in.
For soil that ISN'T bought from a specialist stores(Sometimes I can't afford it) I use Peat free compost, paired with leaves and rot wood I buy off ebay stores that sell bug/reptile products, I mix them together with some water and leave them in a tub for 1 week to soften up the leaves. Some people go out and get their own leaves and wood but I'm not really in an area to do that so I can't give advice on that. It's important to keep it moist BUT NOT WET!
Heat mat! You want one to put on the SIDE of the tank and not under it, just one would be enough. I have a timer plug for mine so they're on a few hours a day on and off all day. If you REALLY wanna spoil them then I've seen a few people use reptile headlamps.
For moss and plants I again just buy it off ebay in sheets and give it a cheap over to make sure there are no hitchhikers on it before I put it in the tank. It needs watered and looked after for a while for it to take to the tank. Carpet moss is mostly for looks while sphagnum moss is used to keep moisture in areas and should be water/sprayed often. I have a little fern plant in my tank rn they seem to leave alone. I know a lot of people use fake plants as well for decor!
You should make a point to put a little temp and humidity monitor in your set-ups as well. The special reptile ones can be expensive so I just but the little ones you put in rooms and have had no issues with them.
Don't forget to give them hides! Cork wood/bark or coconut shells are nice and cheap. You can also use man made items just make sure they can handle the moisture and aren't made of anything toxic to your new friends. Also give them little sticks and things to climb up on. Just make sure the lid is secured so they can't escape.
For food I just use kitchen scraps like carrot peel, cucumber, apples and melon, give them a cuttlefish bone and some dried tiny shrimps in small amounts once a week or so, but you can also use fish flacks instead. But remember! Leaf litter and rot wood is meant to be their main diet for most species.
For the millipedes I would recommend Ivory millipedes as a good starter one, they're lovely in colour and are often up top, hardy as well, and usually you can get them captive bred which I've had much higher survival rates with vs wild caught. For each species you'll have to look up their needs yourself though, there isn't a 100% catch all set up for all species. Woodlice/isopods I'd suggest dairy cows as they're lovely and also very easy to get a hold of. I will say species of Armadillidium(roly poly/pill bugs) are my fave and I'm very biased and want 500 of them.
For handling just be gentle! I wear gloves in a lot of my videos but that because I've incredibly sensitive skin and can't stand soil under my nails. The worse they can do to you is them staining your skin(not all species), or give you a little nibble. Make sure if you're handling to wash your hands off BUT be careful what hand soaps you use! Wash hands after as well some can be toxic to bugs from what I've heard.
For tank size hmm that's hard, usually you want soil as deep as their body but that can be hard, 10-15cm is what I aim for my BIG boys and 7-10cm for my others, deeper is better but sometimes you'll also just never see them again! You'll want a tank at least a few times longer than your pets body or at least big enough for them to filly stretch out in if you get really big millipedes like giants and a 120cm tank is just kinda unrealistic haha.
I do not have a lot of advice for if they get sick sadly, it's kinda of hard to tell honestly and usually when you can it's too late. I would just say don't beat yourself up too much if some pass away sometimes bugs just do that especially if you don't know their history.
Where to get them depends on where you're from and what you want. A ton of reptile/specialist stores will have wild caught which isn't great but they will have the largest range of species and usually also sell all the stuff you need to tank care of them. Ebay is where I've gotten most of my captive bred and I just message people if I've questions about their bugs there.
I think that's everything I can think of,
Again I'm a big novice when it comes to bugs, @onenicebugperday and @crevicedwelling likely know way more than me, though idk if they're open to questions but they likely already have a lot of info on their blogs.
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
The new 'compost obligatoire' rules came into force on 1 January 2024. Here's what they entail.
As of 1 January 2024, organic waste recycling is mandatory in France under new 'compost obligatoire' rules.
With support from the government’s Green Fund, municipalities must provide residents with ways to sort bio-waste, which includes food scraps, vegetable peels, expired food and garden waste.
Households and businesses are required to dispose of organic matter either in a dedicated small bin for home collection or at a municipal collection point. Previously, only those who generated over five tonnes of organic waste per year were required to separate it.
The waste will then be turned into biogas or compost to replace chemical fertilisers. Alternatively, it can be composted at home.
The obligation is currently on local authorities to provide an easy means for households to compost or separate organic waste.
While facilities are rolled out, there will not be fines imposed for non-compliance. It is yet to be seen whether stricter rules will be imposed in future. 
One-third of household waste is bio-waste
Organic waste from food and gardens accounts for almost one-third of household waste. When it is mixed with other rubbish, it typically ends up in landfills or incinerators, where it produces heat-trapping greenhouse gases like methane and CO2.
Food waste is responsible for about 16 per cent of the total emissions from the EU food system, according to the European Commission. Globally, food loss and waste generates around 8 per cent of all human-caused emissions annually, the UN says.
It can also contaminate packaging destined for recycling like paper, plastic and glass.
In 2018, only 34 per cent of the EU’s total bio-waste was collected, leaving 40 million tonnes of potential soil nutrients to be discarded, according to NGO Zero Waste Europe.
In France, an estimated 82 kg of compostable waste per person is thrown away each year.
Is bio-waste separation mandatory in other European countries?
Under the EU’s Waste Framework Directive, bio-waste collection is being encouraged this year, but it stops short of setting mandatory targets.
In many European countries, organic waste separation has already been implemented at the municipal level.
Milan in Italy has been running a residential food waste collection programme since 2014. Households were given dedicated bins and compostable bags to kick off the scheme.
Elsewhere, taxes or bans on incinerating bio-waste have encouraged similar schemes, with separate bins and home composting widespread in Austria, the Netherlands and Belgium.
The UK announced plans to roll out separate food waste collection in 2023. It remains voluntary for households in England, but is more strictly enforced in Wales and for business owners.
How to sort your bio-waste
Ideally, all waste - including organic matter - should be kept to a minimum.
This can be achieved through careful meal planning. Consuming, freezing or preserving food before it expires along with using every part of an ingredient also help to reduce waste. Some food waste can even be repurposed into animal feed.
Any food waste that cannot be saved or repurposed should be either composted or separated for collection. This includes uneaten food scraps, baked goods, dairy products, eggshells, fruit and vegetables and their peels, mouldy food, pet food, raw and cooked meat and fish, bones, tea and coffee grounds.
Liquids, non-food products and packaging should not be placed in bio-waste bins.
-via EuroNews.Green, January 2, 2024
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heavenly-fag · 6 months
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24-hour minizine (8 pages) about DIY propagation from leaf and stem cuttings (free to copy and distribute!! pls just take my name out if you change any content)
EDIT: thank you for all the love! check out @contentsunderpressurezine (instagram) for more of our stuff!
pdf download for print and read friendly versions on this ko-fi I just set up! pay what you wish, free to print and distribute
plaintext under the cut:
So You Want to Make Some Plants Into Even More Plants?
A Quick + Dirty Guide to Propagation from An Amateur Who Likes Watching Roots Grow. (by Fran Tirpak)
propagation - n.
"multiplication or increase, as by natural reproduction."
1. Prepare!
Important: Sterilize your shears w/ rubbing alcohol.
Wear gloves -- some plants can irritate your skin when cut.
Gather supplies: shears, gloves, soil medium, pot, glass jar.
Optional: plant food, rooting hormone, cinnamon, tealight.
^ we'll talk about these all more later on.
2. Take your cutting!
Succulents -- just pop off a leaf!
Vining plants (Pothos, Monstera), cut below one of the root nodes.
Woody stems (fiddle leaf, rubber plant) -- cut with 1-3 leaves at the top
3. Root your cutting!
(Optional) Dip the cut end in rooting hormone. For a homemade method, dip in cinnamon, then seal with melted wax from an unscented tea candle.
Place the cutting in a glass of warm water in indirect sunlight.
Succulent owners: simply place your leaves flat on damp potting soil.
4. Plant the cutting
(the scariest part)
Once the cutting has roots (~3-4 weeks later) time to put it in soil.
Depending on your plant, your soil needs will change.
When in doubt: good drainage, airy & loose, added nutrients.
For tropicals: 1/2 peat moss or coco coir, 1/4 perlite or pumice, 15% orchid bark, 10% compost/organics (i.e. worm husks).
(For succulents, just watch 'em sprout!)
* Potting Tips
Experiment with lighting and humidity levels.
Try out LECA or a mix to slowly introduce your plant to solid ground.
LECA: Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. Balls of clay used in hydroponic gardening - popular with Monsteras
Some tropical plants also have no prob being in water full-time!
5. Now you have a friend!
Pro tips: You can take props from anywhere (as long as you're responsible -- and sneaky).
There's no one way to care for a plant. Do your research, go with your gut, & have fun!
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esamastation · 11 months
Part thirty-four of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three
Sephiroth feels a little better after an evening of meditation and a full night of sleep. Things look a little better in the light of day, and though the question of what the fuck he'd going to do about the war is still there, it has been put off. In favour of monster hunting!
"You seem… excited?" Angeal comments as they prepare to go.
He is! "Mn," Sephiroth answers, and carefully doesn't bounce with eagerness.
Even if the monsters of Final Fantasy can't hold a candle to the convoluted, messy and lazily put together nature of the monsters in PIDW, they're still interesting! Especially since he isn't sure what they actually are and how they work. Advent Children and Crisis Core really make it so unclear, because, like, everything turned into energy sparkles when it died? And he thinks in the movie one of the Sephiroth copies - weird to think about them now - summoned some monsters with magic? And then there was Zack in Crisis Core. Who turned into sparkles when he died!
Not everything can just disappear into energy, right, you need living things dying and rotting and composting to make up soil and stuff! If plants just disappear when they die, what do people eat, what were all these buildings made from? Plus he distinctly remembers coal being a thing in this setting, there was a whole town that got shafted because of it and everything, so fossil fuels exist, therefore stuff must leave behind physical remains! Except when it doesn't?
So! Is death like instant ascending here? Or like it descending, since all energy returns to the Planet? Sephiroth is pretty sure that Aerith left behind a body, and there were definitely corpses in the original game - but again, in the prequel it was really unclear. Enemies in combat disappeared, but cutscene death left a body. Except when it didn't!
Ah, the limitations of technology.
Still, he's interested in seeing how the creatures would look and feel and compare them to those he knows from PIDW. Final Fantasy VII had some really weird monsters, and he has a bet going with himself about how much they resemble awakened beasts or yaoguai. 
Angeal looks at him and then smiles, hoisting the Buster Sword to his back. "Ready to go, then?"
"Ready," Sephiroth agrees.
"We're going to have to talk to the Colonel first, but don't worry - I'll handle the talking," Angeal says. "He's an… old-fashioned soldier." 
Sephiroth arches a brow. It sounds like a warning. "Which means…?"
"He doesn't like SOLDIER, he thinks we're stuck up and get our abilities handed to us, we don't deserve our reputation, the usual stuff," Angeal shrugs. "Just ignore it and let me handle it."
"... If you say so."
They head outside together, and Sephiroth takes a moment to look around and try to be an objective observer. This place isn't really anything like the towns back home, in PIDW - the aesthetics are mixed, and though they're more like home than Midgar was, it's as if the place was squeezed through a funhouse mirror. It's just a little off.
And of course, there are no locals anywhere to be seen for a full comparison - just Shinra troops, infantry men and SOLDIERs. Who, the moment they notice him and Angeal, stop to stare and point and whisper.
Has the… incident in Midgar already spread this far, or is this really what it's like being Sephiroth all the time?
"Here," Angeal says and leads him to another house, apparently being used by the Colonel. "Remember, let me do the talking. You just stand there and look imposing, okay?"
Sephiroth snorts. "I think I can manage that."
The Colonel didn't look happy to see them, but then, he doesn't look like a man that's ever really happy. He sizes Sephiroth up and then scoffs. "It's about time. I don't know what kind of discipline you SOLDIER Firsts enjoy in Midgar, but this is a war front, sir, there are rules here."
Does that mean Sephiroth isn't a General then? 
"Right, you're right, of course, sir," Angeal says placatingly. "Well, we're here now, and we already have missions lined up, so -"
The Colonel ignores him and comes around his desk and to Sephiroth's face. "You've been in and out of Wutai for most of this war, isn't that correct, SOLDIER?"
Sephiroth blinks at the man, slowly. "I suppose so." Behind the Colonel Angeal looks panicked.
"What was that?" The Colonel asks dangerously, narrowing his eyes. "You suppose so?"
Sephiroth narrows his eyes back.
The Colonel continues. "When talking to an officer of superior rank, you answer yes sir, or no sir. You do not suppose! Now, do you have experience in the war or not, SOLDIER?!"
Oh, someone is feeling very insecure in their boots, aren't they?
Now, Sephiroth could handle this with all the tact and delicacy of Shen Qingqiu… but even Shen Qingqiu wouldn't have swallowed that kind of spiel without biting. The original definitely wouldn't have! And Sephiroth is supposed to be a villain… well.
Sephiroth smiles - the Colonel recoils.
Last night he'd reread everything there was on his phone about Wutai, going through all his missions again, trying to get as much intelligence as he could. Funny, the things the tutorial left out. 
"I'm sorry," Sephiroth says sweetly. "Who are you?"
The Colonel goes a little red. "Excuse me, SOLDIER?"
"You're barking at me as though at a private, expecting me to go yes sir and no sir," Sephiroth says mockingly. "And yet I have no clue as to who you even are."
Behind the Colonel Angeal gapes and then lifts a pleading look to the ceiling.
The Colonel sputters. "You, you - How dare -"
Ah, you gotta love zero IQ bullies.
"I was given a whole slew of missions and orders," Sephiroth says softly. "All are very vital and high priority. I'm to slay monsters that have killed your men, I'm to hunt down spies you've clearly failed to find, I'm to clear a guard station you haven't been able to get near, I'm to weaken a fortress you cannot even touch, and ten other things besides. All my mission files are very clear. And you know what they all have in common?"
He leans a little closer to the Colonel - right in his purple face. "Not a single one of them mentions you."
Then, before the Colonel can recover, Sephiroth turns on his heel with an imaginary mike drop and saunters out, feeling a whole lot better about everything. The sun is shining, the troopers are scattering at the mere sight of him, and the air is fresh and sweet with natural Qi.
Already this day is looking up.
Angeal, clearly deciding that evasion was the better part of valour, hurries after him. "We're going to pay for that later, you know," he says, sounding defeated.
Of that Sephiroth doesn't have any doubts. What good is a one-time bully? There'd either be a horrifying scene of comeuppance to bring home the realities of war, or a heartfelt discovery and understanding about how they're not so different after all, or whatever else. 
"We'll burn that bridge when we get to it," Sephiroth says cheerfully. "Now. I was promised monsters."
Angeal sighs, glancing back at the house commandeered by the Colonel. "... I guess we better clear out anyway. Alright," he motions. "Right this way to the monsters."
Sephiroth grins at his bitchy tone, and together they head out.
SY can have a petty bully scene, as a treat.
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phildendron · 1 year
The Thunbergia plants are prized by plant enthusiasts & gardeners for their lovely flowers & beautiful foliage. This thunbergia plant named after the Sweden Botanist Carl Peter Thunberg for his immense work in the documentation of Thunbergia plant species.
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Plant Growth Habit
This plants are excellent creepers & flowering plants belongs to the Acanthaceae family with vibrant color flowers. This plant commonly named as clock vine & sky flower.
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Sky Flower
The attractive sky flower plants contain 100+ plant varieties. Flower colors are blue, white, orange & yellow. This plant has a bushy & semi-climbing structure with a woody stem. Feathery flowers appear with yellow or center. In addition to this 
it is fast growing plant that reaches up to a height of 6ft from the ground.
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Clock Vine
 The clock vine plant's popular varieties are thunbergia grandiflora, thunbergia erecta, natalensis, alata & dwarf varities.
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Thunbergia grandiflora
The grandiflora plants are native to India with large leaf foliage with lavender color flowers. Long roots with deep tap root system. It comes under annual plants.
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Thunbergia natalensis
It is fast growing creeper plant with white & light blue colored flowers. And the plants are native to Africa. Thunbergia natalensis has trumpet-shaped flowers that are commonly called natal blue & natal white flowers.
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Thunbergia erecta
It is a twinning erect perennial shrub with ovate dark green leaves & velvety purple flowers. It is also rapidly growing creeper plants.
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The Bush clock vine plant loves to grow in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. These plants tolerate a wide range of soil but avoid growing in heavy clay soils.
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There is no alternate for Green so far!
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Thunbergia creeper plants
Blog Created By: www.santhionlineplants.com
#Thunbergia erecta#It is a twinning erect perennial shrub with ovate dark green leaves & velvety purple flowers. It is also rapidly growing creeper plants.#thunbergia erecta#Soil#The Bush clock vine plant loves to grow in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. These plants tolerate a wide range of soil but avoid g#thunbergia grandiflora soil#Potting Mix- Garden soil+30-40% compost +steamed bone meal +20% of cocopeat if needed alone.#steamed bone meal for clock vine#Water Requirement#Watering the plants regularly helps to grow healthy plants means keeping the soil moist. But the sky flower plants cannot tolerate waterlog#watering for sky flower#Sunlight#The bush clock vine plant thrives well in full direct sunlight with partial shade.#clock vine#Pot Size#This creeper plant requires a pot size of 6-8'' while planting. After one of planting change the pot size to 12'' with good drainage holes.#sky flower poting#Propagation#The thunbergia varieties are easily propagated through stem cuttings. Select the non-flowering#healthy stem and make a clean cut just below a node. Gently remove the lower leaves from the plants. And place the plant cuttings in a plan#thunbergia grandiflora propagation#Pruning#Regular pruning helps to keep the plants in a compact structure.#pruning of sky flower#Fertilizer#Application of any organic compost monthly once or twice around the plants helps to grow bushy.#compost for thunbergia#Benefits#These bush clock vine thunbergia plants are great for foundations#borders
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