#soil remediation companies
deltaremediation · 2 years
Established in 2015, Delta Remediation was founded by a diverse team with decades of experience stemming from the fields of Industrial recycling, earthworks Remediation Biology, and hydrogeology.
What makes Delta different is its diversity in experience. By matching a boots-on-the-ground mentality with leading science and technology Delta created a naturally amplified solution to pollution.
Demonstrating success on hundreds of sites from the Arctic to Africa, Delta has created substantial savings for 100% of its clients… Doing the right thing does not cost more For more information visit us on the web at www.deltaremediation.com
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simpletank · 1 day
Safely Removing Underground Oil Tanks a Step by Step Process
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Discover the safe, step-by-step process of removing Underground Oil Tank Removal NJ. Learn about professional techniques to avoid hazards, ensure environmental safety, and comply with regulations for a secure property.
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delta-remediation · 1 year
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Effective Bioremediation Techniques: A Sustainable Solution for Environmental Cleanup
Bioremediation is a sustainable and cost-effective solution to environmental pollution, using living organisms such as bacteria and fungi to degrade pollutants into harmless compounds. There are various bioremediation techniques, including in situ (at the site of pollution) and ex situ (removing contaminants to treat elsewhere). Other methods include bioventing, biosparging, and use of bioreactors to promote the natural degradation of pollutants.
These techniques can handle a wide array of pollution types including petroleum, heavy metal, pesticide contamination, industrial waste, and landfill leachate. Benefits of bioremediation include its sustainability, cost-effectiveness, versatility, and non-invasiveness.
One company leading the way in bioremediation is Delta Remediation, based in Alberta, Canada. They specialize in applying these techniques to sites polluted with hydrocarbons, pesticides, and industrial waste, and have expanded their operations to Nigeria and Kenya.
Bioremediation thus offers a promising method for environmental cleanup, being both eco-friendly and adaptable to diverse environments. Companies like Delta Remediation are pioneering in this sector, making significant contributions to environmental health.
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Path Forward provides solution-oriented consulting services in the areas of brownfield and contaminated site characterization, remediation, health risk assessment, environmental due diligence, vapor intrusion mitigation, construction oversight, compliance, litigation support, and more.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 2 months
What more is there?
Synopsis: Twilight reflects on his life and how far he’s come
Haven’t written for Twilight in a while, so I’d figured he deserved a little bit if love. (and a little bit of pain, i can’t ever write true fluff)
Tw: Cucoos.
There were many points through his various mishaps and misadventures where Twilight doubted the quality of his life. Through realms and eras he’d seen all sorts and sources of suffering. He’d become familiar with the sight of it, and was not really surprised when it began to embed itself within him.
Even before the story he’d be known by really began he’d known that aching part of himself. He was aware, distantly, that drifting along his life in Ordon day in and day out was not maintainable. That this life, one he had no right to not be content with, wasn’t fulfilling to him. He liked the work, the urge to leave his house in the morning and the satisfaction when he settles down in the evening. He quite enjoyed the people, sharing their laughter and being understood, wholly by another. The animals, too, were a facet of his life he enjoyed. Who wouldn’t find the goats, and the horses, and the cats, and… even perhaps the cucoos, endearing.
But there was always the gnawing sense of, ‘Is this really it?’
That want to see what’s at the horizon and live the life he saw whenever he could sneak a nap in the barn.
During his journey he was too preoccupied to worry about his life. Not when the grand scheme of both Hyrule and the Twilight realm was laid out before him. His life seemed so insignificant when compared to the hundreds of thousands he was working towards saving.
After the fight had been won and the mirror shattered, it began to come back. That once great ambition had soiled into regret.
It was hard to focus on work when he could now wonder if this was truly the right use for himself. It was hard to leave his house each morning without wondering if someone, somewhere was waiting on him. He couldn’t settle, he couldn’t sleep. Not when there always felt like there was more to be done.
It was hard to enjoy the company of others when now he felt so pointedly the company he lost. Midna, though at times she’d been irritating, was a never leaving sense of comfort and companionship. And even despite the fact they were so fundamentally different, they were quite similar as far as humour. They were friends not because of the circumstances they’d shared previously, but because even though they lived in different realms with vastly different lives, they were similar people.
For so long he’d longed to be loved in such a manner that it consumed him. Where that aching voice was finally put to rest. Where for once he didn’t feel out of place and incorrect on some fundamental level he couldn’t fix.
For a fleeting moment he did have that.
And now he was alone.
He had to deal with the isolation that no one in Hyrule understood fully what he was going through.
At least…
Not His Hyrule.
Joining the other heroes of the other times, or the ‘chain’ as they’d so lovingly dubbed themselves, he’d found a remedy to both problems. That call to adventure had been stated by the ever shifting landscape of an ever changing Hyrule. But now could literally stare at his predecessor and successor in the eyes and see parts of himself in them, literally and metaphorically. Of course not even mentioning the other six Links and you. He found familiarity among and between so many different people from so many walks and experiences of life. Hell- you weren’t even from Hyrule and yet he’d found so much of himself within you. And maybe even some of you in him, on those quiet days where he could stand to love himself a fraction of what he was beginning to feel for you.
Oh— and he got to keep Epona.
A very nice deal indeed.
This life he led was not normal, nor was it what many considered to be honourable, but it’s what made him happy. He awoke lighter each morning and he felt more sure of himself than he ever had prior.
Now, back home, he’s been able to make sense of it all. He can mesh together the easy parts of life at Ordon with the odd parts of life that fill his soul. His work is easy and routine, but aided by the ever lingering sense of his Twili form. His home is familiar and the company is much the same, though his spouse is one entirely foreign to Hyrule.
Regardless, they laugh over the same jokes and reference the same things.
His life is exactly how it was and what it used to be and yet he can reap so much more joy from it. He’s learned to embrace the chance and change of life, that he can’t enjoy each and every possible timeline at once. But this one, right here, with You by his side and the memories of all he’s done and seen? This one he’s content with what he’s made it.
He can wake up every morning, before the sun is even risen and still find things to look forward for. Sure, that ever nagging voice tells him not to leave the safe comfort of your arms. It urges and picks at him to stay sleepily intertwined with someone who he feels he is interwoven with on a spiritual level. But of course he leaves, knowing you’ll greet him with a hug and a kiss the second he’s returned to you. That you’ll share quiet moments, just like this, just as people.
He can throw his head back in laughter and truly revel in what he once might’ve found as a waste of time. But his life is too short and too singular to not spend the time cracking bad puns and horribly failing at dancing. What’s the point to living life if not to experience what’s available to him. And if that’s being chased around by his spouse holding a cucoo then so be it.
He’s seen the world and he can ponder every shifting mirage of what might have been. But here he is loved and understood.
And what more is there to ponder when he has that?
What more is there to want when he already has you?
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chicuahtliteotl · 6 months
Notes as an indigenous farmer for other farmers, gardeners, looking to seek to perform land remediation, restorative agroforestry, etc.
First, look up historical weather and current weather zoning, climate change is real, the area may no longer be suitable for specific plants anymore.
Consider invasive plants, animals, worms(yes like bees there are invasive worms) , etc
Assess potential soil and water pollution sources then create a remediation plan depending on time and feasibility.
Work with the land, not against it, this is pretty simple, if you plan to create rain collecting channels for your small garden, then it's to slope where the land slopes for you.
Composting is great but you also need to understand microbial/fungal symbiosis and creating microbiomes that allow for effective compost break down.
You can buy cheap microbial solutions that are epa or environmental sound, back reference any microbial cultures with academic papers, if unsure how to do the research then it is fine with a variety as this simulates closely to nature.
Look into outdoor mushroom farming, this is pretty common in my community in our Chināmitl /mīlpan system, it's not as hard as most resources online will tell you, especially if you're sticking with native to your area mushrooms.
Avoid commercial strains for cultures especially if they're non native as this can lead to potential invasives.
Yes fungus /mushrooms can be invasive, please never put golden oyster outside.
You can also buy microremediating solutions for soil/water contamination.
Many universities offer resources to help find soil or water testing companies for accessible to no costs even, this is useful if you want to assess variety of conditions.
Additionally microbe /fungal based solutions are most used in our community as it helps reduced overall pests and diseases to our plants.
If you have tons of untreated wood ash (burn untreated wood, get wood ash) this is useful for variety of things, as this ties into controlled burning, true slash and burn, etc. Essentially nutrients are allowed to disperse back in the ground, be aware of heavy metal and other contamination considerations as always.
Indigenous seed banks do exist for non indigenous people, also look into seed conservation projects and seed banks that look to preserve seed lineages. While heirloom is nifty, it does only go so far back around an early colonial era.
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Strawberry Lemonade
Gardener!George Harrison × GN!Reader
Genre: About as close as it can get to smut without there actually being any sex
Warnings: Heavy makeout session, lotsa hickies, and a bit of a spit kink but who's counting, eh?
Words: 2.3k
Summary: 1971 era; Reader hires George as a gardener and quickly falls in love with him (Reader is wearing a dress but gender is unspecified)
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You had been trying to get closer with him for several days now. He was always busy working. After all, he was technically working for you.
To be fair, you had hired a gardener, and you didn't know what, or rather who, to expect. Although, had you been given a selection based on appearance, you would have gladly chosen him anyway.
There was something about him that was positively alluring. You thought he was so handsome. And in the three Saturdays he had been working in your backyard, all you managed to find out about him was his name. George.
George looked like your typical gardener, with his scruffy hair and worn out denim, his only focus being his craft. In all honesty, your favorite thing about his appearance was how little he cared for it. He had no desire to be neat. He found beauty in the natural world.
You enjoyed staying with George while he worked. He didn't seem to mind either. He loved telling you all kinds of things about each type of flower, such as where they originated from and which ones could be used for natural remedies in certain teas, soups, and medicines. You didn't even have to ask any questions. He was just ready and willing to share the information, which benefited you as you were still too shy to say much to him. His extensive knowledge was undoubtedly adorable. When you saw how excited he got every time he told you a fun fact, it only made you want to extend the conversation.
You loved George's voice. The way he spoke, slow and sultry, was so calculated in the best possible way. Every word he said was uttered with meaningful intent. He never spoke just to speak. He always spoke to connect. You noticed George licked his lips a lot when he spoke. You weren't sure if it was just a quirk, a nervous habit, or a flirtation technique.
Your fascination with him began on his first Saturday of coming to work. He noticed the rather large section of orange lilies in the center of your garden, acknowledging them as being your favorite. Before he left, he handed you a singular petal from said flower that had fallen off, placing it in the front pocket of the creamsicle colored dress you were wearing. After closing the gate behind him, he turned to look at you one last time.
“Orange is my favorite color, too.”
You allowed George to decorate the garden however he wished, which he was immensely appreciative of. If he felt that certain flowers looked better beside each other, or grew better in certain types of soil, who were you to oppose his artistic vision?
On this particular day, you had chosen to stay on the patio while he worked. You had prepared a plate of fresh strawberries, but knew that fruit could attract bugs that might eat your flowers. You had paired it with a tall glass of lemonade, and as you sat down, you questioned your decision. It was a particularly warm day, and George had already been working for a while. You thought he could use a refreshment too, or at least maybe some company. 
Careful not to startle him, you walked over and offered him the glass of lemonade. Looking up at you, he smiled and reached for the cup, his gloves leaving a trace of fresh soil along the bottom. You thought it was quite endearing. You admired the way the short, dark brown hairs of his mustache grazed the top of the straw.
After taking a single sip, he handed the glass back to you, smiled again and went back to work. You figured maybe he wasn't thirsty, so you returned the cup to the patio table. Instead, you plucked a single strawberry from the plate and offered him that as well. He hesitated before taking it, but decided to accept it, removing his left glove so as not to dirty your hand. The way George’s fingertips brushed your palm when he reached for the berry made you shiver, but you tried not to show it. You think he still noticed.
He ate the small fruit in one bite, leaving only the piece with the leaves. Seeing that a few seeds were still left on the tip, he moved to the edge of the garden, scooped out a small patch of dirt, and placed the fruit inside, covering it up. You looked down, accepting the fact that you owned a strawberry bush now.
You turned to walk back to the patio again, but he motioned towards the large tree next to where he was working.
"You can stay." His voice was almost a whisper. "I don't mind."
You fetched your snack from the table and sat down against the tree without a second thought. You knew you were going to have dirt all over your mulberry colored dress when you stood up, but you didn't care. You would do anything to spend time with him.
You didn't talk, but just being there with George felt like heaven. You would occasionally glance over at him while he trimmed the thorns from the rose patch. Or the way he moved the marigolds next to the daisies to create a pastel gradient. He turned around just as you were staring at him and made eye contact with you. Feeling your cheeks blush, you offered him another strawberry to ease the tension. He showed you his gloved hands as if to say he couldn't, to which you held the berry up to his lips, requesting he take it from you directly.
George leaned forward, lacking hesitation, and took a bite. His plush lips, which were now stained with strawberry juice, kissed your fingers as you held the heart-shaped fruit, the red pigment dripping down your hand. He gazed at you so intensely you felt like you were shaking. You placed the stem back on the plate and set it on your lap.
Returning his piercing stare, you placed your fingers in your mouth, sucking them clean. Three weeks ago, you didn't even know his name, and now you were licking his strawberry flavored spit off your fingers. But you could tell this had an effect on him.
You took another sip of lemonade, and, noticing the rapidly emptying glass, offered him the final sip. He accepted, finishing the rest and placing the cup on the grass beside you. Once he was close enough, he tucked his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up to place his lips against your own. He tasted like strawberry lemonade. When he pulled away, a thin string of saliva was bridged between your lips, the sunlight revealing the slightest tint of rose gold from the fruitful concoction. Your eyes widened when you looked back at him, perplexed by his actions despite you wanting this more than anything. You didn’t expect him to feel the same way.
Without saying another word, George removed the glove from his other hand, placing the now bare hand on the back of your head, his other hand resting on your shoulder. He gently guided you to lay back, his hand protecting your head as you made contact with the grass below. He briefly stroked your hair before removing his hands, instead placing them on both sides of your hips. He stared down at you, rubbing his hand over your stomach through the fabric of your dress.
“Do I have permission to touch you, my flower?”
You nearly moaned at his new name for you, although you were a bit confused as he was technically currently touching you. But still, you nodded, intrigued by what he would do next.
George trailed his fingers up your torso towards your shoulders. He stopped at your chest, eyeing it for a short while. Normally a position like this would’ve been quite compromising for you, but you were surprisingly comfortable. 
He hooked his fingers under the straps of your dress, dragging them down your shoulders, stopping right before they had completely fallen, preventing the fabric from leaving your chest entirely bare. He leaned forward to place small kisses across your chest, neck, and shoulders, occasionally biting softly. In one particular spot on the crease of your neck, he bit down a little too hard, but you didn’t even care. The gentle brushing from the coarse hairs of his beard provided a wonderful contrast between pain and pleasure. You threaded your hands through his hair, the loose waves beautifully framing his face. You felt his hands firmly massaging your hips with every breathy whimper that fell from your lips. 
Once George decided your upper body had been marked thoroughly, along with a few wine-colored shapes ever so slightly bubbling to the surface of your skin, he ended with one final kiss to your lips. Your hands moved from his hair to cradle his face, raking your fingers across his beard. He pulled back to look at you again, every monochromatic tone of his heavenly brown eyes twinkled in the evening sun. Even now, you were still utterly speechless.
Removing his hands from your hips, George began drawing small circles with his fingers on the exposed skin just below the hem of your dress. He looked back up at you, a small “May I?” leaving his lips, to which you nodded again. George shook his head.
“I need to hear you this time, flower.”
You felt your heart skip a beat. You were so overwhelmed by the current situation that even forming a phrase of one simple word felt like an arduous task.
“Yes.” You whispered. George nodded slowly, placing his hands flat against your thighs, sliding his fingers up underneath your dress until he reached your hips, rubbing his thumbs along the fabric of your underwear. Holding you by the hips over your dress was not enough. He wanted to feel the warm softness of your skin. He wanted to become one with you in any way that he could.
George laid on top of you, knees at your sides to support his weight as he resumed kissing you. But you wanted him closer. Lifting your legs, you locked them around his waist, pushing him flush against you, forcing his arms higher towards your chest. This caused the straps of your dress to fall completely down your arms and the hem to scrunch up past your hips, your entire dress rolled in the center of your body like a belt, rendering you almost fully nude while George was still fully clothed. But you didn’t care. Your actions could be so brave and bold, yet saying a single word to him felt far too intimate.
“So beautiful…” His words were lost in thought right along with him, his lustful stare raking over your neck and chest before moving back up to your face. While he may have had his full weight on you now, you tried your hardest to move your hips beneath him. Your body ached for the slightest of friction, wantonly arching up to grind against his clothed crotch. He looked down as you did this, the corners of his lips curling into a slight smirk, almost mocking your neediness. But as you moved, you could feel the outline of him, slowly nearing full hardness, straining against the confines of his jeans. He wasn’t fooling anyone. He wanted this just as much as you did.
You softly gripped him at the shoulders, massaging your hands up his neck and back into his hair as he laid atop you again, burying his face in your chest, adding more blushing roses to the already blooming garden just above your nipples. That was one place George would look, but never touch. He repeatedly got quite close with both his mouth and fingers, watching as your eyes pleaded for him to touch you everywhere, but decided to save that journey for another time. He opted for keeping his hands firmly at your hips, guiding you while you continued to grind against him, your eyes closed and your head tilted back, completely willing to lose yourself in the immense pleasure.
Just as you felt yourself beginning to falter in rhythm, nearing the edge, George pulled back and stared at the sky. Noticing the change in the amount of daylight, he sat up, much to your confusion.
“Unfortunately, it’s time for me to go.” He said matter-of-factly, pushing the straps back up to your shoulders before moving to pack up his tools.
“Already?” You whined. “Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“That wouldn’t be fair to my personal schedule, now would it?” He teased. You thought he was walking toward the gate but instead stopped at a small patch of red violets he was tending to earlier. He was there for a few seconds before returning to you, who was now standing up, dusting the dirt off of your dress. George reached for your hand, and you felt something touch your palm. He placed a small kiss on your lips before gazing into your eyes again with the same intense stare.
“We’ll make more time for each other next week, my flower.”
You opened your mouth as if to reply but was consistently halted by some invisible force. By the time you felt like you could respond, George was already closing the gate behind him. You peered down at what he had left in your hand: a single petal from one of your red violets. You looked back up to see George still standing at the gate, predicting your confusion. He met your puzzled expression with a punctuating wink before walking to his car. You twirled the plum-colored petal between your fingers as its inspiration caught your eye out of your peripheral. Your cheeks immediately blushed a light pink as you saw the same color in a series of small love bites that were currently forming across your chest.
I just got a new computer today, and I thought what better way to celebrate than to finish one of my fics! This was the one that got the most votes in my poll of which WIP y'all wanted first. And I know it's quite long overdue, but I hope you enjoy! 🥰
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friendsoup · 10 months
Hello, may I request dikke helping her gf out during her period while she has unbearable cramps pls? Have a nice day/night☆
Acts of Service
Recipe: Romantic fluff, tooth rotting sweetness, Dikke x reader, fem!reader, Reader is referred to as Dove and M'lady, Dikke's love language is acts of service, Miscommunication due to cultural differences WC: 1,346 Chef's Note: This is the third time I'm writing this today... Hopefully this works! This was all self-indulgent bc I was in a lot of pain last night. Might be a bit ooc.
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“M’lady, are you around? You were absent from the suitcase’s daily activities…” Dikke called, knocking on your door. You groaned. She was right, you had avoided your daily routine today, something which you were usually rigorous with. Though it wasn’t as though you were without reason! It just so happened that last night, your period had begun. And it was something fierce. You didn’t know exactly where to go with your troubles. Despite the suitcase being full of mostly women, no one discussed things such as periods. You were sure that if it came to it, you could scrounge around for a tampon or pad, but you hadn’t expected them to get this painful. You could hardly move, squirming around on your bed in pain. You were certain your sheets would be stained red forever, and you’d feel soiled for the rest of your life. “M’lady?” Dikke asked, her voice growing panicked. Before you began dating Dikke, you had seen her as someone to stay cool under all types of pressure. Which was true, for the most part. However, when it came to you, her composure seemed to crumble. Perhaps it was insecurity, or maybe she was less composed than you originally thought. Whatever it was, you didn’t want to make her more worried. “Don’t come in.” You called back. You were a mess, you were certain of it. You didn’t want Dikke to see you all sweaty and gross. “I’m fine. Just stay out there.” The pain in your voice was obvious, but Dikke tended to be on the more oblivious side. You hoped she’d take your word for it. “M’lady. Need I remind you my thoughts on liars?” Her voice was cold, but only for a moment. “If you require assistance, please let me in. Allow me to aid you.” The shift was quick, but noticeable. She sounded so desperate, it made your heart twist. “Fine.” You muttered, flipping yourself over so you could face the door. “Come in.”
Dikke opened the door slowly, keeping her gaze to the ground. She knew you were hesitant, and didn’t want to overwhelm you by barging in, though she truly wanted to. Upon seeing you in bed, her eyebrows drew together in quiet confusion. “M’lady. Are you sick?” She asked, kneeling by your bedside. “No. I mean, yes? I’m on the rag.” You admit. Dikke blinks, your words completely missing their mark. “I mean, my Aunt Flo is here.” You try again. Once more, her gaze goes right through you. “I’m on my period?” Perhaps being a bit more direct will work? She narrows her eyes, attempting to make sense of your words. “I’m menstruating.” You put bluntly. That seemed to do the trick. Dikke closed her eyes and nodded. “I see. That is why you isolated yourself.” Dikke gently placed her hand on your forehead, pushing hair out of your face. Her skin felt cool against your own. “I may not know the modern remedies for such a thing, as I imagine they have changed greatly between our times, but I will aid you the best I can.” You smile at her words. “That’s lovely, sweetheart.” The fact that she’s so eager to help warms your heart. “First, we must get you clean.” Dikke nods to herself, “I will run a warm bath with healing herbs.” Before you can object, she stands and runs off. You blink at the space she once inhabited, feeling a bit worried. What was she going to put in your bath? As much as you loved her, you knew that medieval medicine was not as accurate as today’s (or tomorrow’s?) science. You stayed in silence, with nothing but your pains to keep you company. It hurt greatly, but there was nothing you could do at the moment to stop it. Luckily, she arrived back shortly. “Your bath is ready, M’lady.” She announced, hovering over you again. “Dikke, I’m sure the bath is lovely, but I don’t really want to walk anywhere.” You protested meekly. “You think I’d make an ill woman walk?” Dikke scoffed, scooping you up in her arms. You felt so small in them, her strong arms wrapped around you. You put your head on her chest, feeling her heartbeat quicken beneath her armor. As you glanced up, you saw a hint of blush on her cheeks. “Now, let’s be off.” She quickly spoke, carrying you to the bathroom. The scent hit you at once. Rose, wormwood, and something close to peppermint filled the steamy air. It was as fragrant as tea, and you could see bits of the herbs floating around in the water. 
Dikke placed you close to the tub, before standing back up. “I will allow you your privacy while you bathe. In the meantime, I shall prepare your room for your return.” Before you could speak, she was gone again. You stripped yourself of your dirty clothes, and sank into the warm water. It was perfect. The right temperature to ease the pain in your gut, as the scent relaxed your muscles. You closed your eyes, picturing your Dikke perfectly measuring the herbs needed to go into the bath, making sure the temperature was right, all the while worrying about leaving you alone. 
The two of you had only started dating a few weeks ago, yet she treated you like a princess at every convenience. Roses would appear by your door, perfumed letters were handed to you by confused middle men. She had quite the bizarre way of showing her affections, always indirect and nervous, but you found that charming of her. Your favorite of her affections were the acts of service, which came endlessly with her. Chores would be done without you asking, meals would be prepared, and things like this bath were all reminders of just how much she cared for you. A lazy smile came to your face as you sunk deeper into the water, your heart warm with her love. A bit later, Dikke returned with new clothes to dress you with. The usually stone-faced girl was surprisingly giddy, unable to hide her slight smile. Forgetting her shyness, she helped you dry off, giving not so much as a bashful look away. You were confused, what had caused this change in personality? As she draped a plush robe around your shoulders, you decided to ask. “Dikke?” “Yes, dove?” She hummed. “What’s going on?” You blinked. She’d never called you a pet name before. “Am I not allowed to be joyful when with my partner?” She asked, innocently. “I suppose so. It’s just-” You had no time to complete your sentence, as Dikke once again lifted you into her arms. She marched back to your room, unable to wipe the smile from your face. Once she opened the door to your room, your jaw dropped. A display of warm foods and snacks lay on your table. Freshly washed blankets and sheets on your bed, creating almost a nest. Your tv was on, displaying one of your favorite movies. And to top it off, the entire place smelled like roses. “The captain is bringing tampons. She said she had to go out to fetch them, but it’ll only take a minute.” Dikke says, placing you on the bed. “I didn’t know you could buy such things now. How strange is that!” Once you were secure, she turned to leave. You couldn’t stand to see her go again, reaching out your hand and grabbing hers. “Dikke!” You called. “This is all nice, but I want one more thing.” Confused, she nodded. “Anything at all, I will provide.” “I want you to stay?” You timidly asked. Dikke’s face grew red once more, the shade you’d seen her wear the most. “Of course! Let me just rid myself of this armor, and I will be by your side!” With that, Dikke removed the plate armor, and took her side by you. You fiddled with the remote as she wrapped you in her arms. Feeling a sense of relief that has never come with your period before.
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simpletank · 2 days
Reliable Oil Tank Removal near me in NJ
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Searching for reliable underground oil tank removal near me in NJ? Look no further. Call +1 732-965-8265 today to connect with us, your trusted partner for professional and dependable oil tank removal services. With a commitment to reliability, safety, and compliance, our team ensures a seamless process.
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delta-remediation · 1 year
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Breaking Down Contamination: The Top Bioremediation Companies in Canada
Canada is a nation that boasts a diverse landscape, plentiful natural resources, and thriving wildlife. Unfortunately, due to urbanization, industrialization, and human activities, the environment has become contaminated with hazardous chemicals and pollutants. One of the most effective and sustainable methods for environmental cleanup is bioremediation, which leverages microorganisms and other biological agents to break down and remove contaminants from the environment.
Numerous bioremediation companies in Canada offer innovative solutions for environmental remediation. These companies utilize cutting-edge technology and pioneering techniques to remediate contaminated sites, restore natural habitats, and safeguard public health. Let's delve deeper into some of Canada's premier bioremediation companies.
Delta Remediation is a bioremediation solutions provider headquartered in Alberta, which delivers inventive and sustainable environmental cleanup solutions. The company's bioremediation services employ a diverse range of microbial cultures and bioaugmentation techniques to remediate contaminated sites, serving clients not only in Canada but also in Nigeria and Kenya.
Terrapure Environmental is a leading environmental solutions provider with operations throughout Canada, including Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta. The company offers a comprehensive range of services, including bioremediation, soil treatment, hazardous waste management, and industrial cleaning. Terrapure Environmental's bioremediation services rely on microbial cultures to break down organic contaminants and remove them from soil and groundwater.
Vertex Environmental is an Ontario-based consulting and remediation company that caters to clients in various sectors such as mining, oil and gas, and real estate. The company's bioremediation services utilize an array of biological agents, including bacteria and fungi, to degrade and remove contaminants from soil and water. Vertex Environmental has several offices across Canada.
Maxxam Analytics is a scientific services company with multiple locations across Canada, including Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. The company offers analytical testing, environmental consulting, and bioremediation services, leveraging a variety of technologies, such as biostimulation, bioaugmentation, and phytoremediation, to clean up contaminated sites.
Golder Associates, an engineering and environmental consulting company, provides services to clients in various sectors, including mining, oil and gas, and transportation. The company's bioremediation services utilize several techniques, such as aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation, to remove contaminants from soil and groundwater. Golder Associates is based in British Columbia and has numerous offices across Canada.
In summary, bioremediation is a sustainable and effective method of environmental cleanup that is gaining traction throughout Canada. Canada's bioremediation companies provide groundbreaking and advanced solutions for cleaning up contaminated sites, preserving public health, and restoring natural habitats. If you are seeking a trustworthy bioremediation company in Canada, consider contacting one of these top providers.
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britishassistant · 1 year
Considerations on Remodeling a Wizard’s Tower
Gale Dekarios would not consider himself an inexperienced man by any means.
He was a wizarding prodigy, able to stun his elders and betters with his knowledge of the Weave. He was Mystra’s lover, diligently taught by her in all forms of magic and pleasure there were to be had. He was carrier of the Orb of Karsus, which ensured he knew the pain of loss, the terror of death, the price of his folly more intimately than any teacher should. He was Tara’s friend, and by this point a minor expert on the care and keeping of tressym.
So no, Gale of Waterdeep would not ever deign to call himself inexperienced. Not with all that went on in the thirty four years he had under his belt!
Yet, for all this knowledge and experience, Gale never quite realized that he’d truly never had friends who weren’t tressym before.
They’re emptying the Last Light tavern of what little alcohol it has left, getting progressively drunker on a mixture of spirits and the rush of victory.
Lae’zel’s remedy for Shadowheart’s crisis of faith was apparently by challenging her to a drinking competition, one that the rest of their motley crew and the few patrons left at the bar quickly got involved in. Gale himself has gracefully bowed out, feeling himself dancing on the edge between pleasantly squiffy and absolutely wankered.
Shadowheart is doing her level best to match Lae’zel cup for cup next to him, red-rimmed eyes on her rival/frenemy/whatever-label-people-are-using-these-days. Lae’zel is actually smirking back as she teeters slightly in place, the same one she wears when she’s fighting some strong opponent.
Gale sets his head on his hands and lets himself grin as he stares.
Shadowheart deserved a well-earned break after all she’s been through. And while Gale would normally prescribe a tenday of good food, good wine, and good company, he finds himself wondering what sort of haven he’d create for her if they were back in Waterdeep.
Nothing explicitly religious, mind you, no need to upset the poor woman more than she already had been. Soft furnishings dyed in indigo and purple and lavender, in a nod to her excellent taste in color, were a must. Rows of bookshelves, stretching to the ceiling and filled to the brim, in a nod to her terrible taste in fiction, were also important. A canopy bed covered with gauzy silks. A vanity, perhaps. And all in some sort of dark wood, like the end tables. Scattered tastefully throughout the room and large enough that any one could become easily an alter to some form of deity if one so chose, but also nondenominational enough that they didn’t need to be! Sometimes an end table was just a good place to set things down. Shadowheart seemed like she’d appreciate those.
It’d also be good to have somewhere to put all the night orchids, in fine vases to make her smile like when they passed that field—except what if they wilted? Small pots of them instead then, perhaps built into the wall as scones or enchanted to look like vases? And surely it wasn’t beyond Gale to work out how to get the soil to water itself somehow. Something to think about.
Lae’zel, on the other hand, would hardly be so taken with flowers. No, the trick with her room would be to work out how to recreate an environment she could relax in, truly relax. There’s no place like home after all, so how could Gale bring a little bit of crèche K’llir to the material plane? Crafting elements from the astral plane is child’s play for him, but perhaps drawing some elements from that crèche they visited would be viable? Like as not he’ll need to ask her for the specifics, but a small part of him is stomping its feet that that will ruin the surprise.
A training ground would be hard to go wrong with, though. Lae’zel prides herself on keeping her skills sharp, and far from just providing a well-maintained, well-stocked arena, Gale can certainly give her something a little more sophisticated. Moving suits of armor or magic constructs for opponents, all tweaked slightly so they can provide her with a variety of challenges.
His eyes slide over to Wyll, who has been gamely trying to keep up with the amount of alcohol the two women and Astarion are putting away. It’s clearly having less of an effect on the vampire than it is on the man, given Astarion’s teasing has only gotten more verbose while Wyll has resorted to a graceful (and succinct) middle finger.
Wyll would also enjoy a training ground, he knows. Something to keep his skills sharp, but perhaps more styled after the forests and caves of the Sword Coast, the biomes he’s used to hunting in. But for his personal quarters, Gale’s thinking something a little more civilized—he’s noticed the way Wyll rubs his lower back after sleeping rough. Still themed after his tastes, his experiences on the frontier, but all the necessary creature comforts. A fine four poster in deep brown oak. A full carafe of port. Comfortable chairs that could be sunk into for a quiet night by the fire.
A large tub would certainly help ease any aches and pains reaped from Wyll’s constant heroics. Porcelain, of course, surrounded by all the bath salts and oils he could wish to use. Gale’s an old hat now at ensuring a tub like that fills itself with water when needed that always feels—just—right.
By contrast, he thinks Astarion would quite like a conservatory. Somewhere he can warm himself in the sun for hours like he used to up above, lounging on one particular rock as he sewed or read or sharpened his daggers. Yes, yes, a bright conservatory filled with the finest pillows and furnishings Astarion deserved to lounge on, all the indulgence and luxury he projects so effortlessly but hasn’t had the chance to enjoy. Squat bookshelves that don’t impede the sun’s light. A fully stocked liquor cabinet set up in an armoire. A small door off to some equally extravagant sleeping quarters in one corner.
And if he loses his immunity to the sun with the tadpole, well. Gale wasn’t the finest wizard in Waterdeep for nothing. If devils could create the Companion to orbit Elturel, who is to say that Gale could not create something similar yet safer so Astarion could enjoy its warmth in peace?
Speaking of, his eyes turn to the two tieflings of the group. Karlach has one arm slung around Astarion’s shoulders and appears to be egging Yuu across the table into singing some kind of raunchy drinking song. Yuu, in the spirit of contrariness and probably more alcohol than they can handle, has instead begun to croon a low, soft melody, practically a lullaby.
They would probably love a music room, he reflects, something acoustically-inclined to give them the space to practice all those instruments they’ve been accumulating, encourage them to raise their voice in song like they so rarely do. A large, airy chamber would be best to help them transmit the Weave into melody like they’ve been learning to. Cupboards stocked full of resins and other such things they may need to clean and maintain the tools of their trade. Perhaps an inviting seating area, to host whatever teachers they might need to finish their studies and be appointed an official Bard of the College of Lore.
The desk, of course, would be essential. Filled with drawers, quills, inkwells and charcoal, and of course the many, many reams of blank parchment that their constant scribbling on the road suggested were more a necessity than a luxury. He’d probably need to invent a new charm just to keep them even halfway stocked.
Karlach, on the other hand, seemed like she would be happier with more rustic surroundings than the others. Not that she didn’t deserve to be showered in luxury like all the others, but from what Gale had seen it didn’t seem to interest her that much—as evidenced by her continual championing the merits of a good beer over more expensive spirits. Simple but comfortable, that’s the name of the game. A bed that looked like it could be found in a tavern but would be the rival of any noble’s feather bed. Overstuffed armchairs to sink into. Wide windows so she could gaze over the landscape. Even a few barrels of her favorite tipple to tap into if she felt like it.
Interesting textures, that would be the pièce de résistance for Karlach’s room. Fascinating tactility to skim her fingers over, trace the grooves of, dig her nails into, even pick at. If he has to make the entire affair fireproof, then so be it. It’s hardly a chore if it makes her happy.
“What are you grinning at?”
Gale blinks back into himself to see Astarion raising an arch eyebrow.
He smiles wider, letting the beer buzzing through his system warm his cheeks. “Nothing, nothing, really. Just.”
He glances around at everyone again.
Lae’zel and Shadowheart attempting to carry on a highly slurred argument. Karlach is lazily conducting Yuu’s soft “but just tonight, maybe I’ll rest in peace~” with her empty tankard. Wyll has taken the opportunity to set his head on the table and begun listing gently into Shadowheart’s side.
His cheeks almost hurt as he meets Astarion’s gaze again. “Enjoying the view.”
Astarion takes him in with a considering tilt of the head.
“Darling, you’re sozzled.”
Gale throws back his head and laughs. “Ha! Well. Aren’t we all?”
“Hm.” Astarion eyes where Lae’zel has begun to murmur into his collarbone. Wyll’s feet have found their way into his lap, and the vampire is much less enchanted with the Blade of Frontier’s boots. “Well! I’m sure I can prevail upon you to use that lovely, powerful magic of yours to help corral all these lightweights to bed, no?”
Gale hums. He’s warm and comfortable, Shadowheart is nuzzling into his side, and Wyll’s head is pillowed on her lap.
Yuu mumbles nonsense as they curl into him, nestling under Gale’s chin as they trail off into incoherence. They let out a little huff as Shadowheart slips and starts using their back as a headrest but settle within a moment.
Karlach has less begun to lean on Astarion than slump on him, her head pillowed on his curls. Her eyes are shut, and her breathing is deepening in a way that promises snores.
“Gale. Do not leave me like this.” Astarion orders with what might be a smidge of desperation.
Gale leans back against the wall, exhaling and closing his eyes.
His tower could use some remodeling, he reflects as he rearranges Yuu so they’re not stabbing him in the throat with their horns.
Places to keep his people near and dear to him.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
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Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
New York, Ohio and Indiana have collectively retired 47 coal plants in the past two decades. Of these, only 11 have been successfully redeveloped—converted mostly into gas-fired power plants, but also into data centers and cryptocurrency mining operations. 
And the Great Lakes region is far from an outlier. Across the United States, retired coal plants sit vacant and rusting, with little to no chance of revival. They are, in many cases, the picture of neglect: abandoned lots with murky ash ponds and dirt berms, visible to locals only through barbed wire fences. In some cases, the deserted structures have been known to catch fire or unexpectedly collapse. 
Yet they also occupy some of the country’s most valuable plots of land—large, contiguous parcels abutting major waterways, often within walking distance of a population center. These qualities make them attractive locations for parks, industrial centers, or, as in the case of Nanticoke, clean energy hubs. Why, then, are they so rarely redeveloped?
The answer to that question involves shadowy companies, secret agreements, and false promises—but it begins 40 feet below the Tanners Creek ash ponds. Before any redevelopment can occur, the site must be purged of the harmful toxins such as arsenic, boron and radium that decades of burning and dumping coal allowed to leach into the soil. All told, decommissioning and remediating a retired coal plant can cost anywhere from $3.5 million to $200 million. What’s more, thanks to a 1980 federal environmental law, a botched remediation job can trigger lawsuits against the original polluter, even if they no longer own the property. 
Former coal plant sites, then, are not so much attractive assets as they are a monkey on the back of power plant operators desperate to offload them. 
Dave Altman is the president of Cincinnati-based environmental law firm AltmanNewman. In his five decades of litigating remediation cases, he has witnessed the creative tactics companies employ to jettison contaminated sites. Initially, he says, “the dream of any polluting company was to turn over their contaminated property as a gift to the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, or a church.” That way, when the full scope of contamination was discovered, elected officials would opt to clean it up with state funds rather than sue the “mom-and-pop nonprofit” that had unwittingly agreed to assume ownership of the site. Altman says people eventually caught on to this tactic; he himself warned Xavier University against accepting an exploded chemical plant as a gift in 2000.
With few willing recipients and no desire to maintain the properties, power plant operators now pay millions to offload the sites and, in doing so, unburden themselves of the environmental liability. That has spawned what Altman calls “an entire industry for taking the liability off the books.” Around the country, companies purporting to specialize in brownfield redevelopment have sprung into existence. These companies, Altman said, sign “secret deals” with power plant operators to take over their contaminated properties and associated liabilities.
A closer look at these companies raises more questions than answers. Take the example of Tanners Creek. The property’s official owner, Tanners Creek Development LLC, was incorporated only seven months before assuming control of the site and seems to have no other assets. Altman said this structure is by design. “They set up a separate, small limited liability organization to take hundreds of millions in liability,” he said. Under this structure, the parent company can reap the profits of the land transfer while the small pockets of its subsidiary limit the amount it might have to pay out in the event of a lawsuit, effectively shielding the parent company from responsibility. As an added benefit, he said, “it makes it appear that they’re different companies to regulators who are asleep at the switch.”
Land transfers are often followed by vague statements about redevelopment. But the redevelopment companies’ economic incentives point in a different direction. “They get paid millions of dollars to do the minimum they can do to get out,” Altman said. “If you resolve your uncertainty with a phony cleanup, nobody is going to touch the property. Everybody knows it, but the utility has got it off its books.” In other words, having cashed in on the liability transfer, the new owners would prefer to perform “cosmetic cleanup” than to take on the substantial remediation costs involved in developing. 
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Yo apparently Ohio tried to secretly dump some of that toxic waste here in Oklahoma without notifying anyone until someone alerted our governor and other officials who immediately halted any attempts
I saw the epa was dumping stuff from there into other states without notifying the various governors, now I have to see if it's gotten worse.
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They really need to try that mushroom thing, can't be too many negatives associated with that I wouldn't think.
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Nobody wants Ohio, even Ohio, sad.
This does not appear to have a paywall and it's local.
Gov. Kevin Stitt’s decision to block upward of 3,600 tons of toxic soil may spark a showdown between the Environmental Protection Agency and Oklahoma. The federal agency on Monday argued that it’s “unlawful” to refuse shipments of waste from other states and accused the Republican governor of “playing politics at the expense of the people of East Palestine, Ohio.”
Clean Harbors' Lone Mountain facility near Waynoka, about 40 miles east of Woodward, is under contract with Norfolk Southern to receive thousands of tons of toxic waste from the Feb. 3 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, officials said. The train crash caused a toxic chemical spill, which officials are attempting to remediate.
Carly Atchison, a Stitt spokeswoman, said it’s not clear whether the governor has the legal authority to block the shipment of toxic waste, but said Stitt doesn’t believe it’s in the best interest of Oklahomans to receive it.
Still the EPA then.
Just send it to New Jersey, they'll never notice another few thousand tons of toxic waste
“Gov. Stitt is playing politics at the expense of the people of East Palestine, Ohio. It’s not only wrong, it’s unlawful to refuse shipments of waste because they come from other states. We are reviewing all legal authorities to ensure that the people of East Palestine, who’ve suffered enough already, don’t become victims of political grandstanding.”
Political grandstanding, uh huh. I suppose you could say that, maybe.
I run into personal issues with that considering the weak af federal response including it taking nearly 3 weeks for the DOT secretary little peety to show up.
Would make nearly any response seem like grandstanding by comparison.
Does look like OK has the facilities for taking care of the stuff so that's good, wonder how many people just think they're gonna just start sprinkling it out real thin all over the state.
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glitchlight · 2 years
You do dirt science??? How? I want to do that
When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronomer, and got an opportunity to try some astronomy coursework in high school, and found out I hated it because although I'm pretty smart, and decently good at math, I'm not that good at math, and I found the mundane rather disappointing; and so "hey I'll do environmental science instead"
I went to college for it, and as a quirk of how american universities are run, a lot of universities will have competing environmental science programs within the College of Sciences and the College of Agriculture (or equivalents). By a quirk of fate, I happened to choose the college of ag at undergrad and found I really really enjoyed soil science; I like how it's the confluence of geology, chemistry, and physics, and how specifically when it comes to environmental pollutants, soil is both pathway and reservoir. I also went to grad school, focusing in on environmental soil chemistry, and did research regarding it, but grad school is really stressful and I was presenting as female for the first time and dealing with a really tumultuous personal issues that sort of impeded my immediate career afterwards and producing research, but I don't wholly regret it either.
Regardless, here I am after a very lengthy period of underemployment and unemployment later, and I work as an environmental consultant, doing environmental investigations for an engineering company. It's not a perfect job, but I really enjoy what I do, it's not bullshit work, I'm good at it, and I like solving these kinds of problems. That said, I may have to go back to school a bit, because as it turns out, the industry heavily favors geologists over soil scientists, and I don't have enough credits to get a certification for a professional geologist; but that's another topic!
If you are interested in soil science, I think in general there's four or five main ways that you can go with that, namely agriculture/soil fertility, environmental education and outreach (both of the former being encompassed by county extension services and research performed by land grant universities and the NRCS), academic research (don't recommend!! fun to do modeling and learn about complex processes but academia is vision of hell presented by npr), environmental consulting/remediation (hello!), government/regulatory work. There's also interdisciplinary cross training with other disciplines where soil is a significant focus, such as mycology, entomology, ecology, and botany.
Now, as it currently stands, there's a pretty big problem with environmental scientists having underemployment issues, but that's not any different from other millennials; it took me six years to get a full time job in my field, and every day I'm grateful for it. At the same time, I don't regret my college background, and I can't blame myself for what happened in between. I was always going to have those crises I think. If you do pursue college, I highly recommend you think about what you'd like to do with your degree early, and go into your college experience prepared to network, make friends, and look for internship and employment opportunities; it can be hard to find them!
However, I think soil science doesn't necessarily have to be something formal. Read about soil genesis, soil orders, go out and dig some holes and practice soil profiling. It can be a fun hobby that informs community or personal gardening! And being able to tell people how different and valuable soil is matters no matter whether you have a piece of paper in four years or not!
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unofficial-sean · 1 year
“What’s that mean?” Shamus asked. “It’s a human word for how the light filters through the trees.” Brian answered. “Have you been mingling with humans, again? ‘Thought they’d have heard enough of your fiddling after the last sitting.” Brian set aside his flute and huffed in response; grabbing a clump of moss and tossing it at Shamus’ head. “I’ll have you know they are quite fond of me. They appreciate my exotic tongue and enthralling stories. Some of them have even asked to paint my scales.” Shamus chortled at that, as though he were about to unleash a sharp jape, but before it left his maw, Fiona stepped toward the fire from the shadows.
“I was wondering about that. For a moment, I thought the crows had decided to do something about your frequent interruptions. Pink looks good on you, brother.” She dropped a wine-stained sack on the floor before she sat against a stout oak. Brian sported a proud grin and turned his chin up. “See Shamus, looks like you’re the only one who loathes foreign culture. The washerwomen told me I looked like a tiger, and giggled when i showed them my claws.” Shamus rolled his golden eyes, “I’ve never seen a tiger with pink stripes.” Brian shrugged and turned to Fiona.
“What’ve you got for us?” Fiona reached over and opened the sack, reaching in to pull out a plump rabbit by the ears. She flashed a smile and shook it, her thin tongue running along the edge of her lips. Shamus whistled, “Right through the eye. Remind me never to get on your bad side.” Fiona slid a knife from her belt, “As though that’d stop you. Any new stories from our tailless friends, Pink Tiger?” Brian looked over to her with a scowl, “Nothing too exciting, Lord Canterbury is raising taxes for his army, Lispy Lenny claims he struck gold up in Mandrake Pass, and there’s talk of a reclusive mage that recently made himself home in the village.”
Fiona furrowed her brow, “What’s a mage doing in the backwaters?” Brian lifted his flute and played a jovial tune, “He claims he’s there on a research mission, and the villagefolk have welcomed him in for the potential of magical remedies to their common ailments. I do not envy this mage. I do love the company of our fleshy friends, but when something bothers them, they wont shut up about it. They’ll make mountains of rotting-tooth-shaped molehills.” Shamus chuckled at that.
Fiona began gutting the rabbit and peeling back its pelt, “Next time you’re out there, perhaps you should visit this mage. I’ve got this pain in my arse-” Before Brian had time to throw another clod of moss, the three lizards panned their gaze to the muffled clinking approaching from the forest. “Playing nice as always, I see.” Siobahn smiled. “He can’t help it, Brian’s got the fury of the tiger in him.” And up the moss went. Fiona deflected the damp attack with her forearm. “What have you got in that pack?” Shamus asked. “I paid a visit to the Grippli to get us some poison.” She slid the pack from her shoulder and handed it over to Fiona. “Perhaps we can snag bigger game next time.”
She regarded the pack with a nod before skewering the rabbit and holding it over the fire. “Do we really have to barter with frogfolk? Can’t we just make our own poisons?” Brian complained. “What’s your quarrel with the Grippli, brother?” Fiona turned the rabbit over to reveal a golden glaze. “They eat insects. And they’re too slimy. It’s disgusting!” Siobahn crossed her arms, “That was unkind. And their poison is the only one I’m aware of that kills without soiling the meat.”
“I’ll not eat a morsel if it’s been killed with frog phlegm.” Brian protested. “Then best learn to hunt for yourself,” Shamus looked up from sharpening his axe “Our frogphobe’s informed us that a mage has moved into town. Mage’s are trouble.” Brian regaled Siobahn with the news as they supped on roast rabbit. The creatures of the night came alive with the rising moon and filled the forest with their cacophonous song. A drifting chill swept through the underbrush and signaled that the time for sleep was upon the siblings. They retreated into the grotto beneath the great hemlock they made their home. Curling beside each other, they closed their vibrant eyes; drifting away to the crackle of dying embers.
[To be continued. I’m out of steam and my cat is making himself an obstacle. This was inspired by a party of dragonborn I put together for a Solasta DLC playthrough. I call them Ferns. They all hatched from the same clutch and stick to one another. I want to write more vignettes from each one’s perspective, maybe once a week, as a creative writing exercise. This one is meant to be an introduction to their dynamic and personalities. I wanted to do more worldbuilding in this vignette and introduce some mystery, but that will have to wait.]
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On The Spot Carpet Cleaning - Tile and Grout Cleaning Knoxville
It appears that you're interested in upholstery as well as household carpet cleaning company in Knoxville. These services are frequently offered by professional cleansing companies to assist preserve the sanitation and also health of upholstery as well as carpets in houses. While I can't offer real-time details, I can provide you a general suggestion of what these solutions could involve as well as how to deal with locating them.
Furniture Cleaning: Upholstery cleaning entails cleansing as well as refreshing fabric-covered furniture such as couches, chairs, as well as other seats. Professional furniture cleaning can assist eliminate dust, stains, allergens, and also smells from your furniture, prolonging its life-span and boosting the total appearance of your residence. The process commonly consists of:
Pre-Inspection: A specialist analyzes the furniture to figure out the best cleansing strategy. Pre-Treatment: Stains and spots are pre-treated with specialized remedies. Cleaning: Steam cleaning, warm water extraction, or various other appropriate approaches are used to clean the upholstery.
Rinsing: Residual cleaning agents are washed out. Drying out: Proper drying methods are used to stop mold and mildew and mold development. Last Inspection: The service technician guarantees satisfactory outcomes. Residential Carpet Cleaning: Residential rug cleaning intends to tidy and recover the carpets in your home. Comparable to furniture cleansing, it includes the use of various cleansing approaches to eliminate dust, spots, and irritants. The process may consist of:
Pre-Vacuuming: Dry soil is removed from the carpeting utilizing a vacuum cleaner. Pre-Treatment: Stains and also high-traffic locations are dealt with. Cleansing: Hot water removal, steam cleaning, or other techniques are utilized to cleanse the carpetings.
Rinsing: Residual cleaning agents are washed to stop re-soiling. Drying: Proper ventilation as well as drying out devices are utilized to speed up the drying procedure. Final Grooming as well as Inspection: The carpeting is brushed to restore its appearance, as well as a last assessment is performed.
Searching For Services in Knoxville: To find furniture and also residential carpet cleaning services in Knoxville, you can consider the following steps:
Online Search: Use search engines or online directories to locate neighborhood cleaning firms that offer these services. Include key words like "upholstery cleansing Knoxville" or "domestic carpet cleansing Knoxville."
Read Reviews: Look for customer reviews as well as testimonials to determine the high quality of service given by various business.
Request for Recommendations: Ask pals, household, or next-door neighbors if they have utilized any kind of respectable cleaning services in the location.
Check Company Websites: Visit the sites of prospective cleansing firms to read more regarding their services, prices, and client evaluations.
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Ask About Methods and Equipment: Inquire regarding the cleaning approaches, tools, as well as items they utilize to ensure they straighten with your choices.
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Our specialist team uses sophisticated methods such as pre-treatment, steam cleaning, as well as complete drying to guarantee your furniture as well as carpets look their ideal. With a commitment to high quality as well as client complete satisfaction, On The Spot Carpet Cleaning is your relied on partner in maintaining a clean and welcoming home setting. Experience the distinction with our specialized services that exceed and past. Call us today to set up a consultation and also discover the makeover we can offer your space."
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