#soka avatar
robstarsupremacy · 5 months
i love him sm
sokka my beloved
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brunoartist · 10 months
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Avatar Netflix version
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amisti · 2 years
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Happy Birthday @contrabbandiera-di-elia <3
A quick sketch of Firelord Zuko and Ambassador Sokka! Inspire by the shell scene ;) and adding some TS Lover Album
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floatyflowers · 7 months
First : Love your work Soo much! >⁠.⁠<
Second: Here me out. Older Sister of Soka and Katara who are platonic yandere, who is natural blood bender so she got banished from south by the elders and is now a part of Azulas gang which made here known by the rest of Fire Royals family who are romantic/platonic yandere for her. O⁠_⁠o
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You discovered that you are a natural blood bender when the fire nation attacked the south and tried to kill Katara after burning your mother to death.
Apparently, that displeased your tribe, and before you know it, you were forced to leave.
However, Sokka and Katara tried to plead for you to stay or take them with you.
"It's safer for you two to stay here, promise me that you will take care of Katara for me, Sokka"
With that you leave the tribe.
Only to be captured by the firebenders who got a sniff of you being a blood bender and was ordered to be brought to the fire nation.
That's where Ozai took the chance to manipulate you into believing that...
"My soldier might have murdered your mother, but your tribe didn't even think about her sacrifice and decided to cast you out for something you have no control of?"
Ozai even killed the man who murdered your mother to prove that he is just and kind, he also pressed on the 'daddy issues' you have and told you to call him 'father'
Unfortunately, you found comfort in his words
And before you knew it, you joined Azula and her gang.
Also you met prince Zuko who fell in love with you from first sight.
Azula looked up to you even if you were a waterbender, but you are a very powerful one, and determined.
You are the only one she respects.
On the other hand, Zuko was infatuated with you, he stole one of your shawls, just to imagine your appearance by his side while he sleeps at night.
After Zuko gets banished, you begin to start seeing Ozai's real face.
But while on the hunt for the Avatar, you meet your siblings.
At that moment, you realize that you were on the wrong side the whole time.
If your family is on the Avatar's side then he must be the right one.
So, you left Azula's gang after your siblings convinced you.
Even if Sokka guilt tripped you, but still you believe you made the right choice.
However, the royal family won't stop until they have you back with them.
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oneatlatime · 9 months
The Earth King
As always, commentary off.
No. Sokka. No. Stop. This is your stupidest idea yet. I want to LEAVE Ba Sing Se.
Sokka. Listen to your sister. And your other sister.
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Toph embodying my will manifested on screen.
What makes you think the Earth King is going to listen to four teens and their fluffy dog? When I put it that way, this is Scooby Doo. Scooby Doo plus Momo. Does that make Momo Scrappy Doo?
We're going back to Ba Sing Se. Great. Yay. I'm so excited.
It is rapidly becoming apparent that Sokka has lost his mind.
Surface to air rocks is funny. I'll give it to them, that's good.
This fight scene music is fantastic.
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Aang took a level in badass at some point without my noticing.
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I know these hats are inspired by real historical hats, and so I really shouldn't make fun, but these look like the lovechild of a toilet brush and a feather duster.
This fight is majority Toph and Katara. RIP the egos of these several hundred Earth Kingdom soldiers.
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Please ensure your fluffy little butt is securely stored in the overhead bins before takeoff.
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There's no way these guys are still alive. This is what was done to Jet, doubled. They dead.
The girl who doesn't even want to be here is doing all the work. Typical.
My congratulations to Toph, Katara, and Aang for demolishing an army without breaking a sweat. If only season 1 Katara could see you guys now.
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I said in my previous write up that Zuko doing something good always comes back to bite him. I didn't mean it this literally. Did he have to take the jug out with him, or was that for the drama?
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Good job guys!
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Soka steals my job and points out the fulfillment of the Beat Up Sokka quota.
His earthiness has an interesting set of priorities.
So... is this episode just going to be talking?
He brainwashed your friend? Did you miss that he killed him too?
I said in my last write up that Long Feng was Avatar's first competent villain, but the tone he takes with the Earth King is so unsubtle that I'm thinking of rescinding that claim. Unless the King is so dumb that subtlety isn't required?
Toothprints. Sokka the idea guy coming in clutch. Too bad his brain wasn't engaged at the start of the episode.
Appa is a herbivore. Confirmed. Although he should have fangs for aesthetic reasons. Fanged Appa would be metal.
This king is a confusing mixture of endearing and infuriating.
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No mere fever will prevent me from doing mundane actions in the most dramatic way possible!
Way back in the 90s there was a print ad for Chevy trucks that I remember seeing in magazines. It had a shirtless guy in jeans sitting on the bed of his truck in a field, pouring a bucket of water over himself. It was kind of at sunset and had a very late summer vibe. I had completely forgotten about it until I saw Zuko's bucket shenanigans in this scene, at which point I was abruptly -ABRUPTLY- reminded of how much time little me spent staring at that ad.
OH MY GOD. The King doesn't know about trains!!! BLASPHEMY.
Huh. So the King isn't stupid, he's just horrifically naive.
Positive attitude Sokka is kind of frightening. I do not like.
If I told this King that I had a bunch of puppies in my windowless van, he would totally fall for it. So much about the Earth Kingdom suddenly makes sense.
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That one guard is having a doozy of a day.
Did the King just show a smidge of self-awareness? Wasn't expecting that.
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Who is this? I have no idea who this is. I didn't realise how integral the scar was to the character's design. Give it back.
Yikes. A bunch of shmymbolism. I suck epically at decoding shmymbolism unless it's really spoon fed to me, so I'm not even going to try to understand this dream beyond 'poor guy has a really bad fever.'
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Has anyone seen the Spencer Tracy movie Father of the Bride? There's a bit where he has a dream that the floor on the way to the altar does pretty much exactly this. Hungry floors must be a common dream experience.
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If the King is really this completely ignorant of the war, who's been directing the army?
It's pretty neat that Sokka is the spokesperson of Team Avatar, and that no one disputes that.
Aang says "there's a comet coming this summer," but I heard "comic" and I know they made tie in comics for the show, so I was like "ooh a crossover episode!"
"You're already vulnerable. The Fire Nation won't stop until the Southern Water Tribe falls. You can either sit back and wait for that to happen, or take the offensive, and give yourself a fighting chance." -Sokka's dad speaking to the men of the Southern Water Tribe, while his son listens perhaps a bit too closely.
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If the King really was completely in the dark about the war, how does he even know who the General is? Did Long Feng have the power to keep the General from mentioning the war?
"Your majesty I'm General How, head of the Council of Five." "What's that?" "It's in charge of your army." "Right. And what's the army up to these days?" ... " ...I planted a lovely tomato garden this year."
I love that earthbenders don't wear shoes, and that it's culturally normal. Makes an intriguing visual contrast to their fancy duds.
I have GOT to know what Mushi the teamaker's secret file says.
Toph can't read guys.
Sokka, Katara, I get it. You miss home too. But how would anyone at all from your tribe know to send a message for you to Ba Sing Se? Last time you all touched base, you were headed to the Northern Water Tribe. And those guys sent you off to Omashu, not Ba Sing Se.
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Nitpick time! Katara starts reading the text of this letter out loud before she unrolls it.
Katara's voice acting while she's reading the letter is sweet. She's so excited.
Iroh. Priorities. Tea can wait.
"Huh? What's happening?" "You huffed a bit too much cave slime under Lake Laogai. Just ride it out."
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This vase is lit like a main character.
"You're going through a metamorphosis my nephew." Iroh, he's a bit too old for that talk. Hang on I just realised that Zuko went through puberty on that ship. I bet that was rough.
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I don't trust this. This news is all too good.
Aang referring to them all as "the family" hurts a little bit.
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It is unbearably sweet to let Sokka go see their dad while Katara helps the Earth Kingdom plan, but Katara sucks at planning. Then again, the Earth Kingdom sucks in general, so maybe having a sucky planner will be a net improvement?
Either way it's good little sister content.
But there are six Kyoshi warriors. I counted in Appa's Lost Days.
Oh they didn't
Attack hug!
Airbender Zuko is a very effective jumpscare. Don't blame him for freaking out.
You know it's bad when finding the scar intact comes as a relief.
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Nope. Don't trust it.
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Fuck this guy.
Long Feng even eats rocks maliciously.
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Fuck these guys.
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Oh they did. Fuck these guys.
Final Thoughts
And just like that, it all went to shit. Or it will.
I was braced to be annoyed by how conveniently quickly the Earth King got with the program, but it actually fits well into the rest of the episode. Instead of a thing that goes improbably well, it's the one thing that goes right in episode filled with set up for everything falling apart. That bothers me less.
This episode was actually fun. At least until the end. It was mostly talking and Zuko on a bad trip. But it was win after win for everyone but my Ba Sing Se hating self, and it's always good to see your favourites having a good day. But! I have a glimmer of hope! So long as Sokka and Aang aren't completely written out until they return to Ba Sing Se, at some point I'll get some episodes outside of the city. And I have Appa back, so things aren't too bad in the grand scheme of things. I wonder that Appa wasn't upset at having all his people back for five minutes then having them split up again.
I do not like positive thinking Sokka, and I especially don't like that I have no idea where he came from. That point wasn't set up at all. I want my baby cynic back.
If letting Appa go was enough to trigger Zuko's morality crisis to the point of physical illness, why didn't letting Aang go in The Blue Spirit, or choosing to chase after Iroh rather than the Gaang in The Winter Solstice Part 1, cause a similar illness? What is different about this time?
Toph was once again the voice of reason in this episode, or rather my personal audience insert. Although it did surprise me how excited she was to see her mom. I thought that sending bounty hunters after their own daughter was kind of unforgivable, but either Toph doesn't know, or she's a more forgiving person than I am.
I realise now that this should have occurred to me when I watched Appa's Lost Days, but what idiot didn't take the Danger Ladies into custody when the Drill was stopped? btw I keep calling them the PowerPuff Girls in my head.
This episode was simultaneously a finale to a lot of threads and an introduction to a lot more. It was a chance to breathe between crossing the finish line of the 'find Appa' quest and starting the 'season finale' quest. It was also structured backwards. The big fight was like six minutes in. The 'what are we doing this episode?' was one of the last scenes. But it still works. I'll be interested to see what I think of this one when I rewatch it. It was such an info dump that I wonder if my opinion of it will be different once I watch it with all of the relevant facts known to me already. Either I'll appreciate the episode's other parts like the comedy, or I'll be bored. We'll see.
Two episodes left this season! I don't think I'll be getting to those before next year. See you all in 2024! (time needs to slow way down)
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imthepunchlord · 11 hours
What's a show you liked that was really good, but the network it was on screwed it over and got it canceled? For me, it's Thundercats 2011 and The Secret Saturdays.
Oh man there's a good few.
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Turtles comes to mind. Thus far, it was my favorite adaptation of the concept. Animation was good, the brothers felt like actual brothers, and they made changes I genuinely liked. It was planned for 3 seasons, but unfortunately, we got a season and a half, as Nick canceled it mid s2 development, and they had to hurry to try and wrap up Rise with half a season.
You actually get to hear of some of the plans that we didn't get to see like Mikey taking care of his brothers turned into tots, Mikey and Raph crashing Ice Bear's wedding, and getting to discover who Big Mama's assistance was, who was potentially a lost sister; and we probably would've gotten expanded Draxum and Cassandra redemption, maybe an ep to show the backstory of how April met the turtles, probably more April-Cassandra eps as those two are usually paired together; and to see their take of the Rat King, who was set up to be worse than the Krangs and man, I don't know how they would've topped the Krangs. I am both scared and intrigued what they had in mind. But chances are good I'll never get to see.
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Owl House is another. It was also planned for 3 seasons, but Disney said no, let's do 3 specials for season 3. And of course, after they realized how popular Owl House was but too late. I will say, for what they had to work with, they did do a really good job.
Amphibia sorta feels like another, I'm not sure if it actually was, but the last season feels like two seasons combined into one.
Inside Job. It's one of the very few adult animated shows I did like, I usually don't click with them as they're focused on drugs and sex and a lot jokes don't click with me; but that one I did actually enjoy... It may be that it had some wholesomeness to it, as a lot adult animated shows, from what I've seen, are really mean spirited. But IJ did have some really wholesome, solid friendship moments, that made it very refreshing. So RIP IJ. You got screwed.
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Oh! Infinity Train is an easy stand out. That is one of the most intriguing, most mature, most complex, and most human cartoons I've ever seen. And it went super dark in it's concepts. And there were so many interesting ideas that the creator had, and at this time, those are ideas we won't see. It's a big shame that it got the most attention after it got removed from Max. This is probably next to Rise in seeing more seasons of, if we get the chance to get more.
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Um... maaaaybe AtLA? That show was an easy stand out to have 4 seasons, especially as the whole thing is tied to 4 elements and 4 nations. I don't know if Nick was like, you need to stop at s3, or if Bryke was the one who was like stop at s3. And I will say, for the latter half of s3, some of the writing and characterization just feels off, though I did hear there was a lot of conflict between Bryke and the head writers, and that Bryke got involved more often so maybe that was it?
I know one of the head writers wanted s4 and had plans for it. And I will say, there are things I do think about that I wish I got to see in the show, but it never came up. These potentially could have if we had gotten 4 seasons.
Zuko and Toph having their own adventure.
Zuko and Soka having the same teacher of the blade and having a match to test their capability.
Just, in general, more of Zuko working off the Gaang.
Katara working off Suki, her potential future sister-in-law.
A resolution on Toph with her parents or at least her mom.
Covering the origins of the Avatar (especially as I disliked Korra's answer of it, and I lean not counting it as LoK has a different idea of spirits vs AtLA; so I wonder what AtLA would've said about it).
I also would've loved to see more spirits in general, s3 was lacking of them.
There's Ursa and her whereabouts, what I hear comic wise I don't like; so I wonder what AtLA's take and plan was.
Zuko reuniting with his crew from s1 (did they even survive Zhao's invasion?).
Zuko ever coming across the 41st Division, which I think is another big emotional missed opportunity, as him standing up for them is what "costed" him his honor, but just imagine them bowing to him in thanks, validating his stance as honorable, that he was right; that could've been huge for Zuko emotionally. Which, this is something I'll give to the NAtLA, having Zuko's crew be the 41st I thought was a really good choice.
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I know the head writer had an idea for an Azula redemption, which I would've been open and intrigued to see, especially as he revealed it was going to be darker and harder than Zuko's, and Zuko would've taken what he learned from Iroh to help her, and supposedly end up an Azula who apologies often and over shares her feelings (which could end up being very funny).
I'm also bummed we never got to see Kuzon or Lu Ten (outside a drawing).
Oh! And seeing Aang and Ty Lee work off each other, especially as there's a possibility that Ty Lee is an AN descendant, given that she has gray eyes, moves quickly, and has an airy personality.
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Which, if she is, that is a missed opportunity for Aang's emotional healing, the realization that he's not as alone as he thought. That there's another who shares his heritage. That could've been huge, could've been a tear jerker.
This is about it. There's probably more, but these are the stand outs to me that I feel got screwed over (or potentially screwed over).
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usuallythebadguy · 3 months
Seeking RP or collaborative fanficing!
Looking for RP partners/new pals, SFW/NSFW/Evolving, Short/Long term, play by post or chat form. These are my favourite settings, and stared characters/settings are those I love playing best! Of course, I'm open to many other characters also. I have no hard limits, can play dominantly or submissively as any oc and am adaptable to any ideas, concepts or pairings.
I have plenty of plot ideas, but I'm just as excited about catering to yours. Likewise, as much as I love canon pairings, I also love OCs and will happily romance or befriend your characters of any kind.
I love playing morally ambiguous bad guys and crazies but can be a perfect angel when needed. Will rp in inbox, discord, telegram, flist hell even email. Whatever your preference is. I'm nonbinary and in my thirties. While not necessary, would love to rp with people my age. Like mentioned, sfw and nsfw rps are fine, and I have a list of my nsfw interests here: https://www.f-list.net/c/universal%20kinks%20-/ Also really interested in doing fanfics with others! *Arcane: Silco*, Victor*, Sevika*, OC Brawler Jack, OC Scientist Jack *Deathnote: L*, Light*, Mastuda, Mikami, OC Light Mass Effect: Mordin*, Jack, Wrex, Jaal* *Skyrim: Cicero*, OC Listener 'Sin' *Dragon Age: Cole*, Varric, OC Qunari Jack, OC Elf Va’Lithra *Baldur’s Gate: Astarion*, Abdirak, That spider guy, OC Tiefling Jack Steven Universe: Jasper Detroit Become Human: Connor*, Hank, OC Android Jack Inside Job: Rand, Reagan* *Hannibal TV Series: Will*, Hannibal She Ra: Hordak, Entrapta Horizon Zero Dawn: Aloy, Erand, Kotallo, Nil* Encanto: *Bruno, Camilo Kipo: *Jamack, *Kipo Simpsons: Flanders, Smithers, Mr Burns *Rick & Morty: *Rick, Morty, Jerry MLP: *Discord, Queen Chrysalis Avatar: *Zuco, Lin Beifong, Soka Harry Potter: *Snape, Harry, Draco, Ron *Fallout: *Cooper Howard, Lucy *Farcry: *Joseph Seed, 
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kawaiipotatofri · 2 years
*sees the creators of dragon prince are also from avatar the last Airbender*
Me: Oh fun but it's nothing like Avatar so I bet there's not many references to it
*VA for Callum is Soka*
Me: oh lit that's amazing but there's not much else-
*makes the yip yip joke in s4*
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kizzyking · 7 months
I've been forcing myself to read a terrible book, with the help of a friend, because I spent to much on it not to read it. I've been reading it aloud to my friend and we've been discussing all of the things we hate about it, one of which is that the author named a group of people 'shamanfolk' and their magic users 'shaman' then made them violent extremist outsiders experiencing genocide. I need to share a conversation we just had about it. The conversation turned to Avatar the last Airbender because the book was advertised as "a fantasy book for people who like zuko/katara vibes, written in a brandonesque way"
Here is the Convo;
(me) I found good words for why the use of 'shaman' in this book upsets me, beyond the way it uses an existing word with cultural ties extremely inappropriately
(me) This part of a post is from Tumblr explains it; If you want to make a metaphor for racism, you have to remember that racism is literally based on nothing. Africans weren’t enslaved en masse because the Robo-Musa threatened to destroy the world, they were enslaved because it was economically rewarding and politically convenient. If at any point your allegory for racism includes “so <oppressed group> did this major catastrophe and” then you have not only missed the point but you are literally reinforcing the ideas that racism have let racism self-perpetuate (that e.g. black people are naturally dangerous and violent and must be contained or begrudgingly accepted by the Nice White People)
(Friend) But its not even used only as an insult Its literally the only word used for them
(me) I might have phrased poorly, I mean that I felt my issue with using shaman to label a group of people went beyond just the insensitivity of using a real word that isn't his and using it incorrectly. I've now realized that it made it hard for me to get distracted from the racist undertones through the book
(Friend) Ah yes I understand, Its the white "romanticism" of it
(me) Yeah exactly, leaning way to heavy on the perspective some people have of zuko being kataras oppressor
In my opinion
I don't think he has the skills to back up what he's planning, like having an engaging romance and working to improve the society
(Friend) Kataras "oppressors" is the entire watertribe as a whole. What do they mean its Zuko?
(me) Do you mean fire nation? And the men in their society in general perpetuating misogyny but the ones actually killing them are zukos people. But not zuko himself!(unlike migo) the main pushback I see against zutara online is from people of color who feel that katara would never fall for a fire kingdom prince of she respects herself and that anyone who thinks she would has drank too much white savior koolaid
(Friend) Did you forget how sexist Soka was in the beginning? He didn't think Katara could do anything or be a good bender because she was a girl. And did you forget how when they went to the Northern Watertribe, she was completely barred from learning fighting?
(me) You're right that there are many forms of oppression throughout the show, from all sides really. I just meant to clarify that 'opressor' is referring to the fire nation specifically within the specific complaints people make against zutara.
(me) Also I'd say personally, I believe that word refers to the ruling class subjugating a people, not every ism within intersectional bias
(Friend) I honestly don't have the energy to debate over a kids show
That's where the conversation ended but I am still very frustrated by it the next day and if anyone has an opinion I'd love to hear it. I felt like my friend riled me up and then cut it off when I didn't agree with them and left me with so many questions
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tiredmarketeer · 7 months
Thoughts on Netflix's Avatar adaptation Episode 1 and 2
2. Air Nomad Temple 10/10. That hurricane scene??? Fuck yes
3. Hey is that Kevin Tran from Supernatural
4. Firelord Sozin has strong Daddy vibes
5. Holy shit they nailed Azula
6. Why is Katara so...flat? We're talking about one of the most fiery feminist icons in fictional history. The lady kicked ass on a daily basis BECAUSE she was tired of being looked down upon. Not bashing on Show!Katara tho. She's adorable. I just wish she'd...do something. It's disorienting to watch her when you KNOW OG!Katara would've been howling in the same situation
7. Soka and Momo are definitely 10/10 (Although I was sad to see Soka not being a sexist baby. Really enjoyed watching Suki kick that shit out of him in OG Atla). They nailed his sass tho
(Side note: why did they have Suki reveal her face to Soka so early? I thought it was adorable that Soka had such a huge crush on a girl whose face he doesn't get to see until at least 2 seasons later, and was genuinely in love with her for her fighting skills and spirit. It did a lot for their chemistry too)
9. I see a lot of comments on Zuko being too soft but honestly...I think show Zuko is nailing it
11. Tbh it feels like the show is taking away some of the major character traits of OG Gaang (Katara's anger issues, Suko's stubbornness about being a "guy's guy, Aang's childish nature which had made him run away at first and later realise the consequences that followed etc. etc.)
12. Watching Kyoshi in action was genuinely so beautiful I think I wept a bit
13. *Stares at Zhao* this motherfucker
Well maybe they just aren't sure about getting a chance to make season 2 so want to shove as much as possible in S1 to get the most amount of popularity while they can to continue down the road. So far, not a bad adaption but y'all, at least stick to the character personalities even if you don't want the source material
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appolinyou · 8 months
Hermes. The way it was conceived, not the way it turned out in the ibis
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And why does he look like Soka from Aang's Avatar? Or so it seems to me🤔
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colourfulbookdragon · 7 months
You know what the live action avatar the last air bender is missing
Friendly siblings violence
Like the acorn the Katara handed to aang instead of throwing at aang and sokas head or how sokka never ends up socked from watter bending.
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space-blue · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
---- I was tagged by @ashcroft-writes as part of a series of very clean wips, all too tidy. Amateurs!
Y'all keep on top of your work, I see. Let me show you what an unhinged WIP folder looks like. Go ahead, sweetings, send me asks about any of those that pick your fancy :
-Final chapter/epilogue
Server AUs
-Bodyguard vanco -Daycare AU -Mermen -Red Rising Hood Vanco
-Regency -vanco chapter 3 -centaur 2 -more centaur notes -Zine story -Darkin 3 -Swain 2 -Bloopers 1&2
-Aitya -Crumbs 3 -Vampire Q -Elias fic -Eyre wake up
Elden Ring
-Double pubber AU -Godfrey -Tarnished Baker 2
Star Wars
-Aau -Cafe AU -Hardeen x Dooku 2 -Mirial Lore -Moran -Neyo & Reidi -Rey stuff - Soka & Cad prison escape -The Nexu Files -JFO notes (future in the stars fic) -Seeker
-Kino lives -Melshian -Nemik -Luthen finds shipmind
-Anakin POV -Dreams -Dual TT 2 -Kenobi & Meeyan -Show rewrite -Thrawnobi
-Che'ri notes -Thalias chapter -Maiya notes
Dad Bane
-BoBF fix it -Jedi AU -Worth yw next
Tarkin Soka
-1 -ideas -Tarkin POV
-MA -TMA -Elias Notes
Sparing you from the OG stories in progress or rewriting by including images of all the wip nestings:
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Tagging @scalefeathers @spaceprincessleia @zkyfall @skierunner
But low pressure and anyone is welcome to jump on board. I obviously can't tag that many people!!
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Altura: 105 metros (con vela dorsal incluida)
Longitud: 200 metros
Peso: 16,000 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Alto Catumbela [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Guarida: Alto Catumbela [Tierra: Teratoverso] Bahía Camaleón [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Makucha + Gorgonops + Machairodus + Basilisco Verde + Noren (Avatar)
Controles: Energia Control [Ojos Prismaticos] Fuego Control [Zarpazo incendiario]
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko
Kaijus y otras bestias: Godzilla, Anguirus, King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, Baragon y Gorosaurus
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko (Inicialmente) Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: King Ghidorah (recurrente), King Kong, Manda y Godzilla (anteriormente)
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acewoodxz · 14 days
Let's talk about Avatar The last Airbender for a second and how sokas last girlfriend turned into the f****** Moon therefore she's always f****** naked therefore every lunar cycle she's giving sucka a little striptease every lunar cycle
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Avatar: The Last Airbender is NOT anime
"Avatar: The Last Airbender" is a cartoon that aired on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008. It was created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. The story revolves around Aang, the last Airbender, and the Avatar, along with his friends Katara, a water bender, Soka, a warrior, and Toph, a blind earth bender. The show follows their journey as they travel the world, preparing to take down the fire nation while also being chased by Zuko. The characters learn and grow from the people and the world around them. The show stars Zach Tyler Eisen as Aang, Mae Whitman as Katara, Jack De Sena as Soka, Michaela Jill Murphy as Toph, and Dante Basco as Zuko. In the last season, Zuko joins Aang and his friends to help Aang learn fire bending.
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Avatar has been in the news a lot recently due to the subpar, live-action series. With all of the buzz around Avatar recently, many people have been calling it an anime, which not only is incorrect but shows a bigger problem in the animation fandom as a whole. Anime is great, it's a fun medium created in Japan many things fall under it as an animation genre things such as Sailor Moon or Death Note are anime and they are both beautifully animated and enjoyable to watch. Anime is so enjoyable in fact many western animators take a lot of inspiration from it, which can be seen in 2003’s Teen Titans and of course Avatar: The Last Airbender. This, however, does not mean these works are anime or are even close, they are Western cartoons, and about time as a community people start to recognize that.
Western animation is pushed to the side far too often, which is odd because it is everywhere, Not only in Avatar: The Last Airbender but in shows such as Adventure Time, She-Ra, and Invader Zim, all shows with significantly different art styles that have good and compelling stories so why is Avatar subjugated to being called anime something that it's not. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a Western animation and good at that and it's time people started calling it what it is to respect the people who made it and to respect the art form of Western animation. 
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Work Cited
admin. “Cultural Impact of Animation across the Globe.” Arena Animation - Park Street - Kolkata, 26 Feb. 2024, www.arenaparkstreet.com/blog/cultural-impact-of-animation-across-the-globe/.
Kong, Charon. “The Overlooked Art of Western Animation.” The Lowell, thelowell.org/13187/uncategorized/the-overlooked-art-of-western-animation/.
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