#sokka. ic / i’m just a guy with a boomerang
ahsterism · 2 years
tag drop pt. 10: misc cartoons
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
*puts on clown wig* here we go again
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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@fogclearer​ asked: “( for sokka ) ❖ + if you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?” // send me a ❖ + a question and my muse will be forced to tell the truth
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    “THAT DAY THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED OUR TRIBE...” Sokka begins, usual over-the-top excited demeanor surprisingly resolved, with a certain quiet touch to his words. “I know I was young, and...they wouldn’t have let me leave with the men after anyways, but maybe if I tried more, to be stronger, I could’ve fought more, and maybe my mother wouldn’t have died. I mean, I was still the oldest boy, I was already training to be a warrior! And then, maybe everything would’ve been easier on Katara, too.” 
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Love Conquers All
Part 2
Zuko x Male Reader
Word Count: 1643
The next morning Y/n followed Zuko back down to the kid's campsite. Y/n was half expecting them to have packed up and left, but he was happily proven wrong when they got down there.
The kids were sitting in a half circle, clearly waiting for the two of them to arrive. From the looks of things, they might actually be more open to talking to them today.
A look at the water tribe girl told Y/n that she still had a serious distrust for them that would be annoying to get past.
They approached the group. Y/n held back. He would be on guard for anything they might pull that could hurt Zuko.
"Um, so, you guys have something you want to say?"
Y/n guessed that if you couldn't count on the Avatar to break the ice then the world was doomed.
"Yes. I'm here because I know now that my destiny is to teach the Avatar firebending. I also wanted to say that I'm deeply sorry for all of my actions that have caused you pain or worry. I know that my apology doesn't fix everything, but I hope that it can help pave the way to better relations between us."
Y/n had missed this version of Zuko. He had been buried under so much pain and anguish, and had been desperately trying not to let anyone see it. It was good to have him acting more like himself again, but no amount of royal training was going to remove his awkward manner.
"Why should we believe anything you have to say? You've been chasing us around the world trying to capture Aang and kill us! We shouldn't even be sitting here listening to you!"
That girl was really sticking with her hard-done-by feelings. Y/n was going to have to keep a close eye on her around Zuko.
"Actually," the water tribe boy interjected, "I had a question about that."
He stared into the remains of their fire for a second before looking up at the still standing duo.
"Why didn't you just use your airbending to capture Aang? I mean, it looked like you were holding your own against Katara pretty well. When we first met you could have wiped the floor with us. So why?"
Y/n was surprised. The Water Tribe boy was more perceptive than he had given him credit for.
"It's a secret."
Bless Zuko for trying to take the question for him. Y/n sent a grateful smile his way.
"The Fire Lord has decreed that any airbenders are to be executed. If any are found, it's a death sentence."
Y/n looked around at the appalled faces of the kids. Finally it looked like they were starting to realise what they were involved in.
"How can you side with monsters like that?!"
Y/n turned furious eyes on the opinionated girl.
"I don't side with them! I side with Zuko."
"That isn't any better! So you're saying that if he decided to go back to the Fire Nation tomorrow you would just go with him?"
She was on her feet and flinging her words at him much the same way she had been with water the day before.
She turned back to her friends.
"This is why we can't trust them! I know you want to have someone else who's an airbender Aang, but he won't do the right thing if Zuko doesn't."
She spat Zuko's name like it was a bad word.
Aang turned big eyes on them.
"Would you really go back to them?"
"You just said----"
"I won't go back to them because Zuko won't. And I stand with him."
Y/n chanced a glance at Zuko only to find him already looking at him. He had that soft smile on his face that had been missing for years. Y/n was so glad that it was back. They reached for each other at the same time, fingers coming together and intertwining easily, familiarly.
There was a surprised intake of breath from the kids in front of them.
"Yeah, oh." Was Y/n's eloquent response.
"Well, that doesn't make it okay to do the wrong thing when you know it's wrong."
She was still lecturing them, but the wind had clearly gone out of her sails.
Y/n managed to pull his eyes away from Zuko and look back at the group.
"We really are on your side this time."
Y/n stilled. The air had shifted in the way that it did when it was trying to warn him of something, becoming electrified. He spun around, scanning their surroundings, trying to locate the problem. He spotted the man up on the cliff just in time to bring his sword up and deflect the wave of energy that he sent at them.
Y/n growled. His timing had been off, resulting in his returned wave being sent off in a different direction.
"You all need to get out of here! If he keeps this up, the whole temple is going to come down."
"Y/n, if you can keep him busy, we can try to find a way to get rid of him!"
The Water Tribe boy was apparently their leader, was Y/n's distracted thought as he stood waiting for the man's next barrage.
If they got out of this alive he was going to smack Zuko upside the head for ever hiring the assassin.
That was probably something that the group of kids didn't need to know about, Y/n thought absently.
He was almost too focused on the long distance fight between the two of them to notice Zuko attempting to distract the assassin from where he stood nearly beside him. When had he gotten over there?
Something whizzed by Y/n's ear and he was so distracted by the thought of Zuko doing something so monumentally stupid as to antagonise the most ruthless assassin in the Fire Nation from a matter of feet away, that he didn't even sense it until he felt the air move by him.
He watched as the boomerang flew true and struck the assassin in the center of his third eye. He felt the world slow down as he saw the man draw in a breath for another wave of energy, but instead of it being sent to where they were standing, it exploded in his face and in the air all around him.
Y/n's heart stopped when the whole side of the temple crumbled and fell. Zuko had still been up there.
His sword fell with a clatter that was muted in his ringing ears. He was over by the side of the temple before he even thought about it, scrambling to find Zuko. If he was gone then that was it.
Y/n felt a thought settle in the front of my mind. He felt a sickening sinking feeling in his stomach, but there was no denying it.
He turned empty eyes on the group who were all celebrating their lucky escape. It was their fault.
He stood at the edge of the temple, watching them, feeling the wind caress him. It was whispering something to him, but he still couldn't hear anything over the adrenaline still coursing through his body.
He took a step toward them, reaching for his sword but coming up empty. His gaze narrowed in on it, lying on the floor back where he had been standing.
He was shaking, he realised as he tried to take another step but found himself on his knees instead.
The wind was growing around him as he fell forward onto his hands. He could feel himself falling apart, but he couldn't seem to pull himself back together. He had always had Zuko for that, but the stupid self-sacrificing idiot had gone and gotten himself blown off the side of the temple.
There was a groan from the ledge Y/n was nearest to. The wind died suddenly.
Y/n turned his tear streaked face sharply in it's direction.
He recognised that voice.
Then he was scrambling once again for the ledge, and grabbing hold of Zuko's arm and pulling with everything he had until he had his idiot firmly in his arms and far enough away from the edge.
He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and held Zuko in his still shaking arms. Y/n hoped Zuko was comfortable because he was never letting him go again.
They had gathered around the fire that someone had restarted to sort out something for lunch.
Y/n had the feeling that his melt down hadn't gone unnoticed by at least one member of the group. When he had gone over to pick up his sword from where he had dropped it, the little blind girl had watched him with her unseeing eyes. He had just sheathed it and walked back over to Zuko's side, but she hadn't stopped watching him ever since.
Y/n was sitting by Zuko's side, too strung out from earlier to be properly on guard, but he was sure that since they had seen him in action they might be a little hesitant to attack so openly.
Once everyone had a bowl of food Sokka cleared his throat. He had an uncomfortable look on his face.
Y/n waited silently. This was Zuko's destiny, it was up to him to earn his place with the group.
"You know why we're here. Our reasons haven't changed. I think, it comes down to this. Can you trust us?"
"Look," Sokka started, "We don't fully trust you, but I think that's fair. I mean you chased us around the world, but we also saw what you did for us back there. You could have died trying to help. So we're willing to give you a chance. But just one."
Zuko's face lit up with his happiness. It was a sight that Y/n knew he would always enjoy.
"You won't regret this. I promise!"
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x reader) pt15
OH WOW okay so because i felt so bad about not updating this for...two weeks? this chapter is extra long. i’m talkin over 5,000 words long. it is also my apology for not updating in so long teehee!!! 
“Friends get excited to see each other,” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I don’t know about you, Aang, but my friends don’t normally kiss me on the cheek when they see me.” Aang laughed as he steered Appa, but Sokka’s expression was less than exuberant. (Y/N) knocked her shoulder against his. “I’m just teasing,” She said lowly, so only Sokka would hear. “I think you guys-“
(Y/N) scrunched her nose in distaste. “This is Lake Laogai?” The place that Joo Dee had mentioned numerous times and Jet had said he had been taken to be brainwashed seemed rather…underwhelming. It was just a lake, albeit an expansive one, with blue green water and a beach surrounding it.  Sokka nudged her side with his elbow. Although she knew he was standing right beside her, the feeling of his touch startled her. She could feel her heartbeat thundering against her chest.
“Come on, Princess. Not everywhere can be a brilliant ice palace.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“I get that, but if they’re going to say that a bunch of people go here for vacation all the time, the least they can do is make it look nice. Did they just think no one would come out here to visit?”
“I think it looks just fine,” Toph said as she strolled past the pair. (Y/N) and Sokka gave her a disapproving look that was completely lost on the young girl.
“All I’m saying is having a few beach chairs wouldn’t kill them. I mean, have you seen the Earth King’s palace! He could definitely spare a few coins.”
“I honestly doubt the Earth King knows this place exists,” Katara said.
“What a chump,” Toph said. She walked to the very edge of the lake and knelt down to the ground, her small hand hovering above the sand. “There’s a whole cave underneath the lake.” With one swift earthbending move, she exposed a platform with a large, round entryway at the end. She moved its cover to the side, and their large group hovered over it and stared into the dark cavern below. Jet went first, since he was leading the group, and Aang followed closely behind. The rest of the group followed one by one until eventually, they were all in the underground cave.
“There should be a cell large enough for Appa up ahead,” Jet whispered. “Follow me!” He led them down the hallway, but (Y/N) found herself breaking away from the group. She stopped in front of a room, peering inside to see countless women being brainwashed. It broke (Y/N’s) heart that she could not help them right now. To rescue those women would be to jeopardize their entire mission and risk captivity.
Katara appeared at her side then, grabbing her by the hand and squeezing her fingers. “We’ll help them,” She whispered, a reassuring Katara smile on her lips, and (Y/N) nodded in agreement. She just wished they didn’t have to pick and choose who they could save.
They reached the room where Appa would have been. (Y/N) could see large shackles on the ground in the dim light, where he probably once was, but then she heard the door being earthbended behind her. Instantly, she and her friends realized they were being surrounded. Dozens of Dai Lee agents dangled from the ceiling, and Long Feng stood at the center of the room with a look of harsh disapproval on his face. (Y/N) knew that the entire time she and her friends had been in Ba Sing Se, he had been trying to intimidate and manipulate them, but she still found herself unafraid of his presence. The agents hanging down from above certainly unsettled her, but Long Feng was like every other tribe elder that had told her what she had done throughout her entire life was wrong. If she had an opportunity, she’d like to toss an ice ball at his face.
“You’ve made yourselves enemies of the state,” Long Feng said, and just as (Y/N) slowly inched her fingers toward the cap of her water satchel on her hip, she was forced back, her wrists clamped against the wall by a Dai Lee agent’s rock glove. She cried out in pain, feeling an uncomfortable sensation in one of her wrists.
“(Y/N)!” She heard Sokka shout, just as Toph released her with one movement and knocked a Dai Lee agent into the wall with another. (Y/N) felt the anger rise within her and with a swift flick of her wrist she started to waterbend, but the crippling pain in her wrist nearly caused her to scream. “Are you okay?” Sokka asked, suddenly at her side. His boomerang was poised in his hands. He took her wrist in his hands, his long fingers wrapping around the already bruising skin. (Y/N) couldn’t find the words to answer him. He stared at her with furrowed brows and bounced on anxious feet, eager to join the fight but remaining with her for a reason (Y/N) couldn’t piece together.
She started to panic. She needed to help her friends, but fighting with waterbending was the sort of thing she had to do with two hands, and Katara didn’t have time to quickly heal her wrist. When she finally pulled her eyes away from Sokka’s, she caught a dark green figure running toward them. She pushed Sokka behind her with her good hand and swiftly lifted her leg up high into the air, her water following its direction, and kicked forward. The stream of water followed exactly what she had intended for it to do, hitting the Dai Lee agent harshly and sending him flying backward into the rock wall.
When (Y/N) turned back to Sokka, his eyes were wide. “That was amazing!” (Y/N) grinned at him. Sokka threw his boomerang at an agent coming from her blind spot and the two spent the remainder of the fight watching each other’s backs.  
The fight against the Dai Lee agents continued, but (Y/N) was quickly getting better at waterbending with her legs. It felt a bit unnatural. Waterbending was about moving the energy through your body, and this transference of energy usually took place within your arms and hands. Very little of the whole body was used in waterbending, but she was still able to help her friends with what she could do, and that was all that mattered to her.
Aang and Jet had followed Long Feng as he fled into another room. It took a while for the remainder of the group to subdue the Dai Lee agents, but by the time they had and reunited, they came upon a grave situation. Jet lay on the floor with Aang by his side. Katara rushed to him and immediately started the healing process, but (Y/N) recognized the scared look on her friend’s face that told her it wasn’t working. (Y/N) looked down at Jet, whose face was soft with acceptance, and felt a tug at her heart. This wasn’t fair. Nothing about this war was fair. Innocent people shouldn’t have to die simply because they want to make the world a better place.
She clenched her hands at her sides, feeling the pain in her wrist but ignoring it. Much to her surprise, Sokka placed his own hand over her fist. (Y/N) refused to look up at him, but she refused to pull away.
They resurfaced as their original group. Jet’s friends, Longshot and Smellerbee, had chosen to stay with him. Although she hadn’t known him long, (Y/N) still shed tears over the loss of Jet’s life. She and her friends had felt too much sorrow for a group of kids. It seemed like it would never end. And the Dai Lee agents standing on the beach nearly confirmed this fact.
“Do you think we can outrun them?” Sokka asked Aang as the agents surrounded them on all sides. There was nowhere for them to run to.
“I don’t think it’ll matter,” Aang said. As he finished his statement, Momo landed on his shoulder, chittering loudly in Aang’s ear. “What is it, Momo?” The lemur monkey soared back into the sky, where a large shadow blocked the light of the sun. Appa dropped to the beach, a hefty groan coming from his chest, as he began blowing the agents away with his own airbending. Toph and Aang used earthbending to send the other Dai Lee agents soaring through the air and into the lake.
“I’ll handle you myself,” Long Feng growled, but Appa was too quick for him. He took Long Feng in his mouth by the leg and flung him into Lake Laogai. (Y/N) and her friends cheered and rushed forward to hug the sky bison.
Their group had flown to a small piece of land within the lake to rest. (Y/N) sat on the ground with Katara kneeling beside her as she healed her wrist. Toph laid on the ground beside them, her arms tucked behind her head and her eyes closed, face tilted toward the warmth of the sun. Aang had stuck by Appa the entire time they had been there. (Y/N) figured she wouldn’t have wanted to let Appa out of her sight either, if she were in her shoes.
Katara smiled at (Y/N) as she finished healing her. “Should be good as new in an hour or so.” (Y/N) thanked her friend and rotated her wrist. It was sore more than anything now, but the pain had completely disappeared.
“Listen, Katara, I’m sorry about-“ The pained expression on Katara’s face cut her off. (Y/N) bit her bottom lip so hard until it bled. She was still learning how to comfort people who weren’t Yue.
“It’s okay,” Katara said quietly. “I’ll be okay.” (Y/N) smiled, because Katara was right, as she often tended to be. If there was anyone who could handle any challenge thrown at her, it was Katara.
A shadow stood in front of them, blocking the warmth of the sun from the girls. Toph groaned from her position on the ground. “You’re blocking my light!”
“Look, I think we need to head to the Earth King right away and tell him about our plan. We’re on a roll!” Sokka said.
“I hardly think one good hour is a roll,” Katara said.
“I’d say it was a good forty-five minutes,” (Y/N) added. Sokka rolled his eyes at that.
“Whatever it is, we can build on it. We need the Earth King’s support if we want to invade the Fire Nation in time for the eclipse.” Katara shook her head.
“Sokka, Long Feng controls the city. His conspiracy with the Dai Lee is too powerful. I say we fly away and never turn back.”
“I’m with Sweetness,” Toph said. “I’ve been wanting to get out of here as soon as we step foot in this place.”
(Y/N) frowned. As much as it pained her to agree with Sokka, she said, “But we can’t just let those people suffer at the hands of Long Feng. The quicker we expose him, the quicker this whole Dai Lee business can be over. Those women down there can go back to their normal lives.”
“And since we have Appa back,” Aang said, “There’s nothing holding us back from telling the Earth King about everything. The conspiracy and the war.”
“See!” Sokka said, a bright smile on his face. “Aang and (Y/N) are on my side!”
“I guess if the Earth King knew the truth, things would change…” Katara muttered.
“I don’t like new positive Sokka,” Toph grumbled. As they decided what steps to take next, Sokka noticed ships floating across the lake.
“That’s probably the Dai Lee searching for us.” He turned to Katara. “So?” She narrowed her eyes in determination.
“Let’s fly.”
It was a horrifying flight on the way back to Ba Sing Se. With no saddle, everyone had to hold on to Appa’s fur for dear life. (Y/N’s) wrist was still weak, so her grip kept coming loose as she held on. Sokka reached for her, clasping her hand in his so she had an easier time staying on. (Y/N) felt her face grow warm. This was the second time Sokka had held her hand in a day. She hated that she was reading too much into it despite herself. He’s just trying to be a good friend, she thought. “A good friend,” She repeated quietly, because sometimes hearing the words out loud made them seem more real.
“There it is!” Sokka shouted as they flew over the Inner Ring of Ba Sing Se. “That whole thing’s the palace! The Earth King’s chambers must be in the center!”
“We have to be careful,” Katara said. “Long Feng’s probably already warned the Earth King that we’re coming.”
“What makes you say that?” Sokka asked. “I bet from now on it’s gonna be smooth-“ His sentence was interrupted with a shout as a giant boulder flew past them, narrowly missing him.
“What was that?” Toph asked.
“Rocks!” (Y/N) shouted back.
“More incoming!” Sokka called. A boulder came directly at Aang, but he broke it with one swift move of his hand. He rushed forward and sliced through another boulder with his staff, landing on the ground and creating a harsh seismic wave to knock the rest of the soldiers off of their feet. Appa landed behind him and the rest of their team immediately jumped to the ground.
(Y/N’s) wrist was still sore, but she felt reinvigorated from the break she had with her friends and the success of getting Appa back. She and Katara both formed waterwhips with their hands to knock soldiers out of their way. “Sorry!” Katara called to the guards. “We just need to get through to see the Earth King!”
“Katara!” (Y/N) groaned. “They’re attacking us! You don’t have to apologize to them!”
“I just want them to know I’m not trying to hurt them!” As she said this, (Y/N’s) waterwhip wrapped itself around a soldier, lifting him into the air and slamming him down into the ground. The other guards that had surrounded him scattered in fear. “(Y/N)! They’re on the same side as us!”
“If they’re not holding back, why should I?”
They ran to the stairs of the palace, which Toph and Aang turned into a ramp, causing the remainder of the Earth Kingdom guards to slide down the steps. Aang and Toph then earthbended their group up the ramp to the main entryway of the palace. After a few mishaps, they finally found where they were supposed to go. “Through there!” Sokka shouted, and their group ran through the large, ornately decorated double doors that led into the Earth King’s throne room.
Convincing the Earth King that there was a war happening outside of the walls of his city was no easy task. The Dai Lee had destroyed their cave under Lake Laogai, disrupting their plan of showing King Kuei that evidence. It was only when they finally showed him the Fire Nation drill, still sticking halfway through the outermost wall, that he had started to believe they were telling the truth. He had Long Feng arrested for conspiracy and his office searched and agreed to give his troops to help fight the Fire Nation.
As their group was celebrating this massive victory for their cause, one of the generals entered the king’s quarters. “Your majesty,” said General How. “We searched Long Feng’s office and found something that would be of interest to everybody.” He set a box down on the king’s desk, opening it to reveal dozens of scrolls. “Secret records about everyone in the city, including you kids.” He handed Toph her scroll first, who passed it to Katara to read.
“It’s a letter from your mom! She’s in the city and wants to see you!” And Toph smiled the brightest smile that (Y/N) had ever seen.
“Long Feng intercepted letters from home? That’s just sad.” The General then passed Aang a letter that had been tied to Appa’s horn when he first came to the city. It was from a guru at the Eastern Air Temple who offered help on learning how to control the Avatar State.
“Is there anything for me?” (Y/N) asked, peering into the box. General How pulled out a thinly rolled scroll with her name written on it in small letters. She unrolled it, with all of her friends except Toph looking over her shoulder to see what it said. (Y/N) rolled her eyes as she finished reading it, tearing the letter to shreds.
“What was it?” Toph asked.
“A marriage proposal,” (Y/N) grumbled, crossing her arms. It was another proposal from Hahn, the very same person that had been engaged to her sister and who (Y/N) had punched in the face. It seemed he was bent on gaining access to the throne of the Northern Water Tribe and would do whatever was necessary to obtain it. Even if it was pestering her with another lousy proposal.
“Are you…Are you gonna accept it?” Aang asked, and (Y/N) scoffed.
“Of course not!”
“Is there anything for us?” Katara asked the General, who solemnly shook his head.
“But there is an intelligence report.” He passed it to Katara, who unrolled the scroll and read it with her head pressed against Sokka’s.
“A small fleet of Water Tribe ships,” Katara read aloud, “Protecting the mouth of Chameleon Bay…Led by Hakoda—It is dad!” The siblings hugged each other in their excitement.
It was decided then, after finding out about the different paths they could each go on, that it would be best if the group split up. Toph would reunite with her mother, Aang would travel to the Eastern Air Temple, Sokka and Katara could go see their dad, and (Y/N) supposed she would remain with the Earth King. Someone had to, after all, and it wasn’t like she had received any urgent letters from her own family. The rumors about the state of her tribe that Jet had told her settled in an uncomfortable pit in her stomach, but she didn’t want to ruin the chance of Sokka and Katara reuniting with their father.
“If I’m going to the Eastern Air Temple,” Aang said, “I can drop you off at Chameleon Bay to see your dad.”
“Someone has to stay here and help the Earth King plan the invasion,” Sokka said with a sigh. “I guess that’s me.”
“No, Sokka, I know how much you wanna see Dad. I’ll stay,” Katara offered.
“I could stay,” (Y/N) countered. “I didn’t get any urgent messages or have any family members to see.”
“But didn’t you say things weren’t going well back in your tribe?” Toph asked.  
“Well, yes, but-“
“We could use the military help from the Northern Tribe,” Sokka said, stroking his chin. “And if the Princess goes back there, we could convince them to help!”
“Then it’s settled!” Katara clasped her hands together. “Aang will drop off Sokka and (Y/N) at Chameleon Bay. There, they can take a ship back to the North and work on gathering more volunteers!”
“Katara, I can really stay, I don’t mind!” Part of (Y/N) was eager to go back home and deal with these throne challengers, but another part of her dreaded the idea of going back. It had been so long, and she had wanted to escape from the Northern Water Tribe for so long.
“No, it’s a great plan!” Katara smiled at her friend, who sighed and glanced at Sokka. His own eyes were cast her way and a soft smile rested on his lips.
A few hours later, they were preparing to say their goodbyes to one another. (Y/N) gripped onto Katara tightly as she hugged her, feeling stupid tears welling at the backs of her eyes. The trip to the Northern Water Tribe would take weeks, so it would probably be months before they saw each other again. Katara pulled away from the hug, her own eyes shiny. “Take good care of my idiot brother, okay?” (Y/N) laughed as she wiped away a stray tear with the heel of her hand.
“Your majesty!” An Earth Kingdom soldier approached their group. “A group of female warriors are here to see you. They’re from Kyoshi.”
(Y/N) heard a thud and then Sokka was on the ground, when just a moment ago he had been on top of Appa’s back. “That’s Suki!”
“You know these warriors?” The king asked.
“Oh yeah. The Kyoshi Warriors are a skilled group of fighters. Trustworthy, too. They’re good friends of ours.” As Sokka finished his sentence, (Y/N) couldn’t help but remember just how good of friends he had been with Suki, that night on the Serpent’s Pass. She inhaled a deep breath and forced a smile to her face. Despite her jealousy, she really liked Suki, and was disappointed that they wouldn’t get to see each other.
“Then we will treat them as honored guests.” The Earth King gave a final bow before marching back into the palace.
“I’m really gonna miss you guys,” Toph said, rubbing the bottoms of her feet against the bare rock. (Y/N) wrapped her in a hug.
“It’s not going to be for long!” She reassured her, and before she knew it, Katara had joined their hug, then Aang, until finally Sokka wrapped his arms around all of them. Then (Y/N), Aang, and Sokka climbed into Appa’s saddle and took off into the sky. Their journey to Chameleon Bay wouldn’t be that long; less than a day at most.
“It’s a bummer we couldn’t see Suki,” Aang said. “You’re probably super disappointed, huh Sokka?” Aang smiled up at Sokka innocently, but both he and (Y/N) knew exactly what he was insinuating. (Y/N) looked at Sokka, curious to see what his answer would be.
“Yeah, you guys were pretty close when we were on the Serpent’s Pass.” She knew she was pressing his buttons, but annoying Sokka distracted her from the annoying jealousy she felt. He rolled his eyes.
“Friends get excited to see each other,” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I don’t know about you, Aang, but my friends don’t normally kiss me on the cheek when they see me.” Aang laughed as he steered Appa, but Sokka’s expression was less than exuberant. (Y/N) knocked her shoulder against his. “I’m just teasing,” She said lowly, so only Sokka would hear. “I think you guys-“
“Speaking of excited!” Aang cut her off, having not heard that she was talking. “You haven’t seen your dad in two years! You must be so excited!”
“I know I should be, but I just feel sick to my stomach,” Sokka said, pressing a hand to his stomach.
“I’m sure your dad will be excited enough for the both of you. What’s he like?” (Y/N) rested her chin on her kneecaps to listen to Sokka’s description of his father.
“Well he’s just like me, super intelligent and smart with ruggedly good looks-“
“Intelligent and smart are the same thing.”
“Stop interrupting! Anyway, he was chief back in the Southern Water Tribe, but he kind of passed that role onto Gran Gran when he had to fight the Fire Nation. The last time I saw him he could only stay home for a day, but he spent the whole day playing with Katara and I. He’s a great dad.”
“He sounds really nice.” Sokka smiled at her, resulting in her own smile.
They landed at Chameleon Bay under an hour later. Sokka and (Y/N) said their goodbyes to Aang before walking along the beach to where the men of the Southern Water Tribe were camped. (Y/N) couldn’t help her own nerves. Besides Sokka and Katara, she had never met anyone else from the Southern Water Tribe before. She worried that they would think less of her because she was from the North, where their practices were very backwards.
“Do you think they’ll help me?” She asked suddenly. Sokka raised an eyebrow. “Our two tribes haven’t exactly had the best communication over the years. Why should they help me if my tribe hasn’t helped you all? I mean, we’ve been completely complacent in this war besides what happened a few months ago.”
“That’s why we’re here,” Sokka said. “To convince your tribe that this is a cause worth fighting for! And by doing that, you’d singlehandedly be helping my tribe and the rest of the world.” (Y/N) gulped, not only from the circumstances but from the fact that Sokka had just laced his fingers through hers. “If you’re scared about them not liking you, that’s all you have to say.”
“I’m not scared of that!” (Y/N) snapped. “I don’t care what people think of me.” Sokka snorted.
“Whatever you say, Princess.” He tugged on her hand to lead her forward to camp, but was still holding it as they stepped foot inside.
“Sokka, good to see you,” one of the warriors said, and Sokka gave him a pleasant nod before heading to the war tent. (Y/N) pulled her hand from his as they approached the entrance.
“I’ll wait outside so you guys can have a proper reunion,” She stretched out her hand. Was it possible to still feel someone’s touch after they were done touching you? Sokka hesitated in front of the door flap and (Y/N) rolled her eyes, giving him a hard shove forward. “Go!”
She waited outside the tent for a few minutes, wringing her hands out of nervousness. So maybe Sokka had been just a bit right: she was scared of the people of this tribe not liking her. She was royalty of the Northern Water Tribe, after all. As far as (Y/N) knew, when Sokka and Katara’s tribe had been raided over the years, her tribe hadn’t offered any help. They had locked themselves behind their high ice walls and refused to come out. If (Y/N) ever returned to her tribe to lead it, she wouldn’t be that kind of chief. She had seen how much pain there was in the world and she wanted to do everything in her power to alleviate it.
Sokka left the tent first, with a tall, tanned man following closely behind him. (Y/N) could see the resemblance almost instantly. The man held the same striking blue eyes that Sokka and Katara had and his build was nearly identical to Sokka’s. He looked at her with a soft smile that reached his eyes. “You must be the friend Sokka was telling me about. I’m Hakoda.” (Y/N) bowed.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Sokka and Katara have told me so much about you.”
“(Y/N’s) from the Northern Water Tribe,” Sokka said, and she glared at him because she hadn’t exactly been ready to delve into that information just yet. He gave her a bright grin in return.
“Really! That must be a popular name up there, last I heard there was a princess in the North with the same name.”
“That, um, would be me.” (Y/N) smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. Hakoda’s eyes widened.
“Apologies, Princess (Y/N), my son neglected to tell me that you were royalty!” He let out a hefty laugh that all dads had in common.
“It’s really alright, I’m not much of a princess anymore.”
“Are you both hungry? Our camp was just about to eat lunch.” Sokka’s stomach grumbled, answering his father’s question. Hakoda led the both of them to the center of the camp, where logs surrounded the campfire. A pot of stew bubbled atop it as men stood in line to gather their bowls.
“I can get your stew for you,” Sokka said, taking (Y/N’s) bowl from her hands. “Can you find us a seat?” She took a seat at a log to the right of the campfire and placed her bag in the spot beside her to signify that someone would be sitting there. Sokka rejoined her just a few minutes later, speed-walking over to her as he wore a pained expression on his face. “These bowls get really hot!” He said with a hissing voice as he handed her one of the bowls. (Y/N) giggled.
Hakoda stood at the front of the beach, where all eyes could see him. “As many of you know, my son Sokka arrived at our camp today.” The men whooped and hollered for him and (Y/N) smiled at the light blush that dusted Sokka’s cheeks. “He brought along his friend and our sister from the Northern Water Tribe, Princess (Y/N).” There were more cheers, but also whispers and murmurs passing through the camp. Suddenly it felt like every eye was on her as Hakoda took his seat beside on the other side of Sokka. Was she supposed to say something? Yue was always the one that addressed the crowds at any gathering, since she was the oldest.
(Y/N) gave a panicked look to Sokka. He placed his hand on her shoulder and stood, his fingertips just barely grazing her and he spoke to the men of his tribe. “(Y/N) and I came here to not only reunite with you all, but to ask for your help. If we sail a few of your ships to the North, we think that (Y/N) can convince them to contribute members of their own military to the war effort.”
“Sokka,” Hakoda said, his voice low in warning. “The Northern tribe hasn’t fought in the war for almost as long as it’s been happening. Do you really think you kids can do this?”
(Y/N) took a deep breath and stood. As she stared at the crowd of men, she thought of how Yue would act in situations like these. “A few months ago, the Fire Nation attacked the Northern Water Tribe. We were able to fight them off, but only because my older sister sacrificed her life to save all of us. I didn’t have much of a say in anything before I left home. I’m sure you’ve heard of some of our more backwards traditions. But I’ve seen what the war is like, what it has done to people and to our world. It is mine and Sokka’s belief that if we go back and tell them, whether it be through your stories or through mine, we can get my father and his troops to back us in this war.” She paused for a moment, her hands tightening in the fabric of her dress. “My people haven’t been good to yours, but I’m devoted to changing that. If you’ll let me.” She sat back down and took her bowl into her hands only to realize that they were shaking. Sokka took his seat once more.
“You did great!” He cheered. “You sounded so…so…princess-y! How did you do that?”
“Well I’m kind of a princess, if you haven’t noticed.” Sokka rolled his eyes.
“You sounded like a leader.” Hakoda leaned behind his son to smile at (Y/N).
A warrior approached them just a few moments later. “Hakoda, our scouts have spotted Fire Nation ships nearby!” All three of them stood as Hakoda began calling out orders.
“Bato! Get those mines loaded up! The rest of you men, prepare for battle!”
“What should I do, Dad?” Hakoda smiled down at his son.
“Aren’t you listening? I said, ‘The rest of you men, prepare for battle.’” He ran off to gather his armor and weapons. Sokka turned back to (Y/N).
“If I asked you to stay here, would you?”
“Absolutely not! There’s got to be some armor around here that will fit me.” He guided her through the camp to where the men were gathering their armor and weapons. (Y/N) had no training in anything other than waterbending, so she avoided the sharp objects and settled for pulling on the pieces of armor that looked like they would fit. Sokka helped her tie the straps and adjust her waterbending pouch on her hip. The armor was heavier than she expected, but (Y/N) hopefully wouldn’t be doing any physical fighting.
Once everything had been properly placed, she turned to look at Sokka. “Do I look ridiculous?” She asked, a light laugh following her question. Sokka looked her up and down, another blush rising to his cheeks as he shook his head and put on his wolf helmet. He and (Y/N) walked side-by-side onto the war ship where his father was waiting.
“I’m fighting too,” Was all (Y/N) said to Hakoda. He smiled.
“Happy to have you.” As they prepared to cast off from shore, (Y/N) filled her waterbending pouch with seawater as Sokka talked to his father. Then she heard a familiar groan coming from the skies and looked up to see Appa close to landing on the beach.
“Sokka…” (Y/N) said. He looked back and gripped his boomerang tightly.
“That can’t be good.”
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nancywheelxr · 4 years
For Sokka/Zuko prompt (2/?): Sokka saving Zuko after miscalculation how long he can hold his breath during the North Pole Siege
anon, like i said before, you are an angel and I hope you like this
Sokka is going to kill Aang.
No, seriously, he means it, the next time he sees the kid, he’s going to murder him because this is all his fault. It has to be, because there is no other explanation for this except Aang beginning to rub off on him. There really, really isn’t.
“Shit, shit, shit,” he murmurs, dragging Zuko out of the freezing water and away from the cracking ice. Honestly, the guy is heavier than he looks and Sokka bets it must be the crushing weight of all those issues. “Should’ve let you drown, asshole.”
And you know what? He stands by that. The little voice at the back of his head that sounds annoyingly like Aang be damned, Sokka should have taken one look at the jerk, incandescent hands slamming against the thick ice, too cold in the freezing water to properly melt the frozen floor, wide eyes blinking sluggishly, and, and– okay, fine. Maybe Sokka couldn’t look the other way and pretend he didn’t see him.
Still. He resents Aang for not being there to convince him to save the guy and let Sokka advocate for the drowning. You know, for argument’s sake, just ‘cause Zuko’s the freaking Fire Nation prince that’s been chasing them all the way since the South Pole and they should at least make an effort to look like they’re doing this under duress.
“Come on, we can’t stay here, wake up, jerk,” well. Sokka can’t stay here, he has a duty and also, the place will be crawling with soldiers soon, but if he leaves Zuko here, there’s no telling if he’ll make it. Do Firebenders get hypothermia? The guy looks hypothermic enough, at least.
Something explodes nearby.
Staying here any longer would be crazy. Sokka eyes Zuko consideringly. “I did my best,” he says, frowning because it sounds weak even to himself and he already knows what he’s going to do, “truly, it’s tragic. I dragged him out of the water, but there was nothing I could do. Too many Fire Nation soldiers around,” he grumbles, heaving one of Zuko’s arms around his shoulder and getting only a faint mumbling in response, “I had to leave him there.”
Just to be clear, though, Sokka is only doing this– he’s only dragging Zuko across the town in the middle of a Fire Nation invasion because he’s gone through all this trouble already to keep the asshole alive, it would be a waste to leave him for dead now. Hey, he didn’t spend five minutes slamming at the ice with his boomerang for nothing, okay?
“What were you thinking anyway?” He asks him, because the only thing worse than be dragging your nemesis around is to be dragging your nemesis around in silence. “Stupid firebender swimming around. At night! Were you trying to die?”
Another mumble. At least that’s better than the wheezing sound from when he first came out of the water, he figures.
“And I mean, it’s pretty clear this whole thing isn’t your doing,” he continues, ducking under a bridge to avoid the worst of the fight, “it’s way too organized, and honestly? Last time we checked, you didn’t have an entire fleet with you.”
And, not the Sokka would say it aloud, but it just doesn’t seem like something Zuko would do. From what they’ve seen of the guy so far, he’s less about conquering and invading, and more like capture the Avatar, restore my honor, blah, blah, blah. Which makes bringing him straight to Aang probably a very stupid thing. 
He groans. What’s he supposed to do now? Zuko’s a dead weight at his side and he has no idea where Yue and the others went, even though he’s supposed to be protecting Yue. And Katara. And Aang. 
Instead, here he is, shuffling into another alley. “This is all your fault,” he glares at the still unconscious moron prince. “Yours and Aang’s. There’s a blizzard outside, did you know?! What, you were just going to get Aang and walk out on the snowstorm?!”
Zuko still doesn’t answer him. He does begin to shiver, though, so that’s something? Better than hypothermia, that’s for sure. Still, Zuko’s shivering and looking sad in his wet clothes, and this is something, at least, that Sokka can help. He can take his own fur coat and drape across him.
“Yeah, you didn’t really think this one through, did you?” He sighs, letting his head thump lightly against the wall behind him. “Me neither, buddy. I’m supposed to be looking after the princess, but I’ve got no idea where they went. I guess I’m looking after you instead, huh? I’m not happy about it either, trust me.”
If only he had some sort of rope– Sokka groans. How does he keep getting in these situations? He levels Zuko with a resentful look. “Why is it always you?” Looking at Zuko now, though, it’s pretty hard to muster much anger. He doesn’t look very intimidating like this– his hair is falling out of his ponytail and his face is paler than usual, his scar stark against the white. Actually, he looks a lot younger like this. Aang had called him a teenager when they met him, but Sokka thinks this might be the first time he’s ever thought of him like that. It’s pretty messed up. Zuko can’t be much older than Sokka– a year? Maybe less? Oddly, it makes him wonder how did he end up here, like this, hunting Aang in a banged up warship and only his Uncle along. Shouldn’t a prince have like, more back up?
Not that Sokka is complaining, it could be a lot worse than Zuko, it could’ve been someone like freaking Zhao. He doesn’t think Zhao would have kept his promise not to destroy his village back in the South Pole. Actually, the guy would’ve probably started with the destroying and left the questions for later.
A hoarse shout shakes off that line of thinking pretty quick.
Zuko wakes up all at once– one second he’s lying motionless on the ice, chest rising and falling steadily faint, pale and pitiful wrapped in Sokka’s furs, and the next he’s fumbling with the cloth, tangling himself further with frantic movements. His eye zeroes in on Sokka, widening as far as they go for a split moment, and managing only a flickering flame with his trembling hands, probably too busy heating up to do any proper firebending.
“Oh, goody, you’re alive,” Sokka says, choosing to let the sarcasm bleed on his voice and quietly grip his boomerang a little tighter, just in case. 
“What,” Zuko coughs up, and the shivering is back, and Sokka doesn’t think he means to be furrowing further into the coat like that. “Where– you. What have you done to me?”
Yeah, Sokka should probably have seen that one coming. Still, “hey! I saved your life! You did all the drowning yourself, buddy!”
 Zuko frowns. Hysterically, Sokka kind of wants to smooth that out, go back to the young look from before. The frown is a very angsty one, though, and full of suspicion, which is fair, all things considered, but he still takes offense. They’re the good guys, after all, they’re not the ones doing the invading.
Spirits, the invasion. Sokka doesn’t have time for this, he needs to find Katara and Aang, he needs to find Yue, he needs– 
He blinks. “Why what?”
“You said you saved me,” Zuko is still sounding worse for wear, rough and cracking at the edges, but there’s some color returning to his cheeks, the shivering finally dying down.
And isn’t that the question? Well, not really. It’s what Aang would have done and that’s usually a pretty good moral compass. Sokka shrugs, “it was the right thing to do. You’re a jerk, but even you didn’t deserve to die like that.”
Zuko doesn’t seem to know what to do with that information, faint steam wafting off his now dry clothes, and Sokka has half a mind to ask for his coat back, a weird tightness on his chest the only thing holding him back– the same odd feeling that sort of made the Aang excuse taste a tiny bit like a lie.
No time to dwell on that, though. Before Zuko could brood some more or throw any other wild accusation, a shadow falls over the both of them, Zuko’s weird uncle pausing at the start of the alley and taking in the scene. His face kind of does a complicated thing where he looks like he wants to bundle Zuko on his arms in the tightest hug in the country but knows Zuko would probably like, throw a fit and then die of dramatic indignation, and Sokka feels like maybe he shouldn’t be witnessing this, especially because the angry jerk is looking like he maybe wouldn’t go so far as dying if hugs were to be involved.
“Nephew,” the old man says, and the relief is his voice is palpable, “you are alive– I feared–”
“I’m fine, Uncle,” Zuko cuts in, getting up in wobbly legs and giving Sokka a wide berth as he inches his way along the wall.
“I owe you a great debt, young man,” he continues, now turning to Sokka with such a grateful face, it’s really hard to remember he’d been doing some chasing the Avatar just weeks ago. He looks so normal. “You saved him when most would not and for that, I can never thank you enough.”
“Erm, you’re welcome?” Sokka clears his throat, loosening his rip on the boomerang, suddenly awkward.
“Have you thanked him yet, Prince Zuko?”
Iroh– well, Sokka thinks that his name, at least– doesn’t glare, but his eyebrows do a very disappointed move and Zuko seems to cave like a sullen teenager. It’s kind of great. And very surreal, honestly, Sokka is kinda just rolling with it at this point. “Thank you,” Zuko bows, making a very fire nation-y sign with his hands, adds softer, “Sokka.”
“Huh, you do know my name.”
A loud explosion interrupts whatever retort Zuko had been planning, and Iroh grimaces. “I’m afraid we are running out of time,” the grave expression seems foreign in his face and Sokka feels a terrible dread in the pit of his stomach, “Zhao plans on doing the unthinkable– he is going to kill the moon spirit.”
Well, it’s official, then. Zuko’s just been demoted from the worst to pass on the title to Zhao. “Is that even– I mean, how?”
“The Avatar,” Zuko says, but it’s a weak complaint, even he knows stopping the murder of an ancient spirit ranks a bit higher, like immediate catastrophe higher. “Fine,” he snaps, hands curling into fists, “but Zhao is mine.”
Okay, because that sounds like it’s not going to blow up on their faces at all. Not that it matters, because Sokka knows that it’s a done deal now. There’s something urgent in the air, pressing down on them, almost buzzing with the expectations of a tragedy. They’ll need all the help they can get if they mean to stop Zhao’s idiotic plan.
Sokka looks at Iroh, at Zuko. He’s still wearing the fur coat, stretched across his shoulders, sleeves too short at his wrists. 
“You guys,” he feels the need to say, “are the worst. But we should probably hurry up, then.”
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authorisnotdead · 4 years
@Bissexuallsokka wanted a Zukka version of Will and Elizabeth’s battle-wedding scene from Pirates of the Caribbean so I, uh, had to immediately write it? Woops. My pen slipped.
           While the war had ended, peace was far from a given. There were many groups for whom  Avatar Aang and Firelord Zuko’s vision of a United Republic did not sit well, and many more who still carried scars from the Fire Nation’s ruthlessness. Fire-benders in the former colonies in the Earth Kingdom as well as Northern Water Tribe groups who had been ruling independently for centuries, among others, did not take kindly to policy recommendations from a group of young adults with a limited world view.
           So while it wasn’t wholly unexpected, it was something of a nuisance that an opposition group had chosen to interrupt a meeting on how the Avatar’s new proposed city would be run. The group had chosen to meet at the South Pole, Sokka and Katara already being there running delicate relations work with the Southern Water Tribe. The sea and sky had opened up and blocked out the usual beautiful icy blue of the South Pole with a haze of grey.
They had decided to meet the approaching group at sea to limit the number of injuries to villagers onshore. After all, it wasn’t their fault that reconstruction was a messy business. The Fire Lord’s dragon, Druk, circled above the ship as met the large group waiting for them. They quickly realized this may have been a poor decision as they saw the numbers of the waiting group who boarded their ship at the first opportunity.
 Between the storm and the battle, it was difficult to tell one direction from another. The disorientation was strong as more bodies piled onto the ship. Sokka saw Zuko fighting within arm’s reach and grabbed his elbow to get his attention. “Zuko,” he asked, momentarily ignoring the fight around them, “Will you marry me?”
Zuko looked around at the ensuing chaos, raising his eyebrows. “I don’t think now’s the best time.”
A group of fighters made their way in between them, breaking the momentary trance the couple had been in. Sokka elbowed an approaching assailant, dodging a second already on their way. “Uh, dude, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but now may be the only time.” He was practically shouting to be heard above the combined noise of the storm and the fight.
           Zuko fought off another group of attackers, a wall of red and orange flames rising up against the grey of the storm. He ran back across the ship to where Sokka stood, wolf-tail falling undone and sticking to his face in the deluge.
“I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” Sokka said, shutting out everything other than the man in front of him. “And I’m not willing to lose anyone else I love. Id don’t think this all,” he gestured wildly around them, “is stopping any time soon, so what do you say?”
           “Aang!” Zuko shouted, keeping his eyes locked on Sokka rather than looking around for the Avatar.            “Huh?” Sokka asked, shooting a betrayed look toward the Fire Lord.
           “Marry us!” Zuko clarified, turning away to look where Aang was using his glider to maneuver around the battle, seemingly holding off three different groups without breaking a sweat. Sokka smiled, before taking one of Zuko’s blades to fend off a fighter who didn’t need to know that Sokka didn’t quite know how to use it.
           Aang nearly stumbled, dodging a shard of ice that had been sent his way which Katara quickly redirected from shore where she was holding off any attackers from reaching land.
“Whoa, really?” he asked, looking down at the couple but unable to land for the mass of bodies below. “I’d be honored to! I—" He redirected an attack with air bending, sweeping the fire out to sea. “Just a second guys, I need to talk to my friends,” he said to his attackers.
           He found an opening and swung down to a spot relatively close to the pair, grinning at them. “I just can’t believe you guys are getting married! I mean, Sokka, you and Katara were the ones who found me in the iceberg, and Zuko, you were trying to kill me for so long, but then you joined us and I—” he sent a flame towards several more shards of ice that were sent his way, leaving them to melt and fall back down as rain on the already soaked bodies below. “I mean, you taught me fire bending! I’m just so happy for you both and I—”  
           The Avatar was knocked over by a sheet of ice that was sent under his feet and quickly frozen. Zuko sighed, one hand covering his forehead while the other quickly shot a flame to divert attacks from close behind him.
“Wait, wait, I can totally do this!” Aang said, standing up and wiping away tears from his face as they combined with the rain.
Sokka rolled his eyes. “Toph!”
The earth-bender turned around from where she held a boulder over her head, presumably taken from the frozen sea-bed beneath them. “Kinda busy here, Snoozles!” Toph shouted back. She threw the boulder down at the approaching group, knocking out several but prompting more to stumble into the large hole left in the ship from where the boulder crashed through.
“Marry us, Toph! Aang’s incompetent!” Sokka threw his boomerang at a group to his right, catching it as it swiftly returned.
“Well duh, we all knew that!” Toph shouted.
The attackers closed in, attempting to back Zuko and Sokka against the mast of the ship. They aimed a water whip toward the pair’s feet which Zuko met with a burst of flame, the resulting steam mixing in with the grey sea air.
“Toph, now!” Sokka repeated, ducking under a close attacker who Aang swept away with a gust of air.
“Fine!” Toph shouted, bending the boards of the boat to avoid incoming attacks on either side of her. “I have to do all of the work around here…” she muttered. “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today,” she said in an exaggerated voice, cutting off abruptly. “You call yourselves rebels? You should be ashamed! What are you even rebelling against? I can’t even see you and I’m beating you up, you ugly sons of tigerdillos!” she manipulated the metal on the armor of four people approaching her to knock into one another, taking down several others as they fell to the floor.
“Where was I? Oh yeah…” She raised a finger as if to begin again before being occupied with several other incoming attacks. The sea heaved on around the ship, lapping freezing water against the side and rocking the ship slightly.
“Sokka, do you take me to be your husband?” Zuko asked, filling in the question for a diverted Toph.
Sokka grinned through the rain. “I do!”
Zuko smiled, somehow still taken aback by the words. “…Great!”
           Sokka threw his boomerang at an encroaching group, hitting each soundly in the knee before the boomerang returned to his hand. He swung the other, still holding Zuko’s borrowed sword, at more attackers.
“Zuko Sozin, do you take me,” he swung the sword erratically to his right, deterring an attacker “to be your husband,” he moved the boomerang into the same hand, so that he could take Zuko’s hand that wasn’t sending dancing flames at their assailants into his, “in sickness and in health,” Momo flew past Sokka to cover the face of someone who had gotten past his in-expert sword skills, “with health honestly kind of being the less likely?”
 Zuko swung around to face Sokka, releasing their joined hands to wrap an arm around his waist. “I do.” He sent a burst of fire toward someone approaching him on the left.
“Ok, well then by the power vested in me by, uh, being the inventor of metal-bending and the coolest earth-bender of all time, I now pronounce you���” Toph attempted to officiate but was cut off by a small rock sent her way. “Oh, you think you can earth-bend against me now? Seriously? I’ll show you, you—” her insult was cut off by the roaring of the ocean.
“You may kiss—” Toph tried again, sending another boulder toward the side of the ship as attacks continued to fly her way.
Sokka drew Zuko into him, leaning forward until a sharp spike of ice rose close to his face. They broke apart to stave off the continued attack.
“You may kiss—” Toph tried yet again, sounding exasperated.
They swung around, the two blades meeting each other mid-air above their heads, a temporary reprieve from the fighting.
“Just kiss!” Toph yelled.
The world was in the midst of a messy peace-building process, but it all faded away in that moment as the two leaned forward and kissed. Though the fighting went on around them, it seemed as though they were suspended in time, encased in their own bubble and soaked through from the storm.
Sokka’s cheek was met with a whack of water that was slight enough not to hurt too badly, but still insistent. “Katara said to tell you that’s for getting married without her,” Aang said, grinning apologetically.
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Avatar:TLA  (Part 19 of many)
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Request:  None
Requested By:  Nobody
Pairing:  Zuko x reader
Summary:  Bitter Work
Warnings:  Mild peril
Word Count:  1K+
Last Chapter  -  Next Chapter
 You were awoken but a weight suddenly landing atop you……again. Your eyes shot open, seeing Sokka on top of you, still in his sleeping bag.
“This keeps happening.”  You muttered, voice groggy.  Sokka leapt up, still in his sleeping bag, and hopped over to Aang, mumbling something about “running around”.  He hopped over to Toph, muttering something about “making noises”.  Frankly, it was incoherent.  Sokka hopped away, still muttering to himself.  Aang jumped, landing next to Toph.
“So, what move are you going to teach me first?”  He asked.  “Rockalance? The trembler?   Ooh!  Maybe I can learn to make a whirlpool out of land!”  Aang exclaimed, doing hand motions for each move.  Toph held an arm out, signaling for him to stop.
“Let’s start with……move a rock.”  She suggested.
The Avatar clapped.  “Sounds good.  Sounds good!”
Toph led him away, going somewhere where you presumed it would be easier to earthbend.  Katara followed, interested.  You on the other hand, were more interested in getting more sleep.  That whole instance with Azula a few nights ago was still taking its toll on you.  You were still exhausted.
You heard a shout and sat up, seeing Aang had crashed into Appa.  A small chuckle was heard moments later. You turned, seeing Sokka still in his sleeping bag, leaning up against the wall as the sleeping bag came over his head.
“Ha!  Rock beats airbender.”  He joked quietly.
“I don’t understand what went wrong.  He did it exactly like you did.”  Katara voiced.
“Maybe if I come at it from a different angle…”  Aang wondered, beginning to move around the boulder. Toph grabbed his sleeve.
“No.  That’s the problem.  You need to stop thinking like an airbender.”  She told him, hitting his forehead lightly.  “There’s no different angle, no clever solution, no trickity-trick that’s going to move that rock.”  She told him, pushing him over.  “You’ve got to face it head on.  And when I say head on, I mean like this!”
Toph jumped into the air, head-butting the boulder.  It smashed into pieces.  Your jaw dropped as your eyes widened in terror.
“Uh…..I don’t think I can do that.”  Aang admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You need to be blunt.  You have to show the rock that you’re the boss, and you’re not afraid.” Toph told him.  “And actually, that gives me an idea.  Wait here.”  She instructed.  You watched as Toph used earthbending to get up the side of the cliff.  She did a few hand and feet movements, creating a sort of slide in the mountain.  She created a boulder, sitting it at the top before sliding down.  She approached Aang.  “This time we’re going to try something a little different.”  Toph informed.  “Instead of moving a rock, you’re going to stop a rock.”  She spun around, facing him.  “Get in your horse stance!”  She demanded. Aang quickly widened his stance, getting lower.  “I’m going to roll that boulder down at you.”  She told him.  “If you have the attitude of an earthbender, you’ll stay in your stance and stop the rock.”
You could see the look of terror settling on Aang’s face as he looked up at the massive boulder.  “Oh boy.” You muttered, placing your head in your hands.
“Like, this.” Toph demonstrated.
“Sorry, Toph.  But are you sure this is really the best way to teach Aang earthbending?”  Katara asked, stepping forward.
“I’m glad you said something.  Actually, there is a better way.”  Toph grabbed Aang’s cloth around his waist, pulling it off and tying it around his eyes.  “This way you’ll really have to sense the vibrations of the boulder to stop it.”
The look of surprise and fear on Aang’s face showed you that he didn’t approve of this method.  Toph continued anyway.  “Thank you, Katara.”  She spoke.
“Yeah.  Thanks, Katara.”  Aang told her, a snappy tone to his voice.  Toph, using earth as a launch-pad, threw herself to the top of the cliff.  She pushed the boulder down.  You watched as the large rock rolled, getting closer and closer to Aang.  You chewed the inside of your cheek in stress.  When the boulder was close, Aang jumped over it, the rock flying into a nearby wall.  Toph came running down, no doubt about to scold him for not standing his ground.
“I don’t want to hear this.”  You told no one in particular, standing and leaving, trying to find Sokka. “I wonder where he could have gotten to.”  You muttered, wandering around a nearby forest.  It wasn’t really a forest, per-say, but there were enough trees that you could get lost in it.  You stopped walking when you heard a voice.
“-didn’t work out that way.  I admit it, you’re cute.”
Silence followed.  You recognized the voice as Sokka’s.  You crept forward, seeing a small, brown creature sitting on your friend’s head.
“Okay….you convinced me.  If I get out of this alive, it’s a comically correct, vegetarian existence for me. No meat.  Even though meat is so tasty.”
The creature hopped off of Sokka’s head, running away.  It was then you noticed that he was stuck in the ground, and couldn’t shoo away a fly that had landed on his head.  You walked forward.
“Wow, did I hear that right?”  You teased, emerging from the trees.  Sokka whipped his head around to face you.  “Sokka’s giving up meat?”  You taunted, crouching down to his level and brushing the fly off of his forehead. The creature came back before he had the chance to respond.
“Hey!  Looks like my karma’s already paying off!”  He exclaimed.  The creature dropped an apple a few feet in front of him.  “It’s okay, I got it.”  Sokka assured.  He tried to pull his arms out of the hole to reach it, only resulting in several pained grunts and his boomerang getting squeezed out of its sheath on Sokka’s back. Sokka pointed at the weapon. “Now, come back, boomerang.”
You chuckled, picking up the apple and wiping it off, holding it up so Sokka’s mouth.  He gratefully took a bite, chewing quickly before taking another bite.  He acted like he hadn’t been fed in weeks.  He finished the apple in record time, looking over at you as you tossed the core away.
“Do you think you could get me out of here?”  He asked.  You looked down at him, observing his predicament.
“I don’t think so.”  You admitted.
“Well, could you please try?”  He pleaded.  You brought water out of your canteen, pouring it into the hole.  “Not to question your methods, but what’s the plan here?”
“Will you wait?”  You asked, looking up at him.  You turned the water into ice.  “Hopefully this will make you more slippery, so you’ll slide out.”  You suggested.  You reached forward, grabbing his hands.  “On three.  One, two, three!”  You tugged, causing him to yelp in pain.
“Ow, ow!!  He complained.  You stopped, looking over at him.  “Wait! I think I budged!”  He exclaimed.  “Try again!”  He instructed.  You reached forward, but hesitated.
“You sure?”  You confirmed.  He nodded. You chewed on your lip, reaching forward and pulling him some more, sliding him further out only slightly. You pulled with all your might.
“It’s starting to get cold!”  He whined.  You opened your eyes, (they were squeezed shut from the strain), seeing that he was slightly blue.  You turned the ice back into water, bringing it back to your canteen.
“It’s getting dark.”  You noticed, looking up at the sky.  The creature, who you now know as Foofoocuddlypoops, was tugging on his ‘warriors wolf’s tail’.  Sokka was getting desperate.
“Okay, karma person, or thing, or whoever’s in charge of this stuff.  If I can just get out of this situation alive, I will give up meat, and sarcasm.”  He pleaded.  You cocked an eyebrow at his antics.  “Ow!” He exclaimed as Foofoo pulled out his hair tie, letting his hair go wild.  “That’s all I got!  That’s pretty much my whole identity.  Sokka: the meat and sarcasm guy.  But I’m willing to be Sokka: the veggies and straight-talk fellow.”
You rolled your eyes.  “That’ll be the day.”  You muttered.
“Aang!  Thank goodness!  Have you got any meat?”  You heard Sokka shout from beside you.  You turned, seeing Aang rush over.
“Sokka!  Are you okay?”  He asked, grabbing Sokka’s hands and pulling.
“Ow!  Stop! Stop!!  You’re gonna pull my fingers off, but I don’t think the rest of me is coming!”
“Hm.  I bet I could airbend you out of here.”  He placed his hands on the ground as air flew out of the crevice Sokka was in.  When the dust cleared, Sokka’s hair was straight up, until his weapons fell on his head, flattening his hair again.
“Seriously Aang, I know you’re new at it, but I could use a little earthbending here.  How about it?”
“I can’t.  I can’t do it.”  Aang admitted softly.
“Well, if you can’t earthbend me out of here, go get Toph.”
“I can’t do that, either.”
“You can’t?  Why not?”
You rolled your eyes, venturing back into the forest to see if you could go find Toph.  If Aang won’t, someone has to get Sokka out of there.  When you finally made your way back to camp, you found Katara.  “Where’s Toph?”  You asked, approaching her quickly.
“I’m not sure.”  Katara replied.  “She said she was going to find Aang.”
You rolled your eyes.  “Fantastic.”  You mumbled. Katara’s eyes lit up, prompting you to raise your eyebrows in confusion.
“You found him!”  Katara exclaimed, rushing forward and hugging Sokka.  You turned, seeing Aang and Toph with him.  You smiled, seeing your friend out of the hole.
“The whole time I was in that hole, not knowing if I would live or die, it makes a man think about what’s really important.”  Sokka began.  You cocked an eyebrow, placing your hands on your hips.  “I realized-”
“Hey, Katara!  Look what I can do!”  Aang interrupted.  He turned to the side, making some movements.  A chunk of rock flew off of a pillar.
“You did it!”  Katara exclaimed.  “I knew you would!”
Appa suddenly roared loudly.  Aang rushed over.  “Appa! I can earthbend now!  The key is to be completely immovable, both mentally and physically.”
The large bison licked Aang, knocking him over.  You chuckled, shaking your head.
“You’ll get the hang of it.”  You assured.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A/n:   Sorry it’s so short!
Tag List:  @pizzamelon7384, @rissa-doodles, @chewymoustachio, @exo-nova, @90skid018, @hitsugayarose, @samanthadegaro, @casedoina, @bri-brithebumblebeee, @beeposstuff, @lunashaw57, @aamcqueeny, @anactualvelociraptor, @dnarez, @theferretkids, @fancyapricotcalzonepersona, @hyuckcherie, @bitchtits15, @rintheemolion, @panbelle, @littlemsrantsalot, @lovelyfuckingcunt, @h3llbunni​
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the-realharleyquin · 4 years
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ATLA characters but my roomie (@tale-for-a-penny​) who has never seen it describes who they are.
A transcript of everything in the photos is written is under the keep reading 
Title: Avatar the Last Airbender characters described by my roomie who has never seen the show
Me: I will be in Orange They will be Purple (in the transcript i will be called Me and my roomie will be Ro)
[Slide 2: A photo of Toph in an earth bending stance]
Me: Thought i would start easy and yes she is the best the world’s strongest earth bender
Me: Fuck Yeah
[Slide 3: a photo of Suki in her warrior outfit]
Ro: I feel like she’s evil cause what good person would ever have that intense of a brow. Her name is ‘knock off jareth’
Me: This is Suki. She is one of the good guys she is the leader o this all woman/girl fighting team
Ro: Breaking stereotypes solid
Me: Yeah when The Aang Gang meet her for the first time she ends up kicking Sokka’s butt
[Slide 4: a picture of Katara her eyebrow raised and looking ready to sass someone not pictured]
Ro: OH HEY IT’S HER. she’s a water bender She’s one of Aang’s teachers I think? Her name doesn’t start w an s idk why ik that
Me: This is Katara she is one of Aang’s teacher also his crush/future wife
Ro: Yeah i got it right! She looks like she’s planning on punching someone in the dick in this pic
Me: Yeah the entire Aang Gang is just full of sass and butt kicking
[Slide 5: a photo of Princess Yue looking towards the camera]
Ro: So know how you mad me watch some She-ra? Yeah this is the perfume princess’s cousin. Her name has smth to do with ice
Me: Lol, this is Princess Yue of the Northern water tribe, she was Sokka’s girlfriend before she turned into the moon.
Me: Yep this is the moon
Ro: NICE. also she looks like a bitch who would yeet and become the moon
[Slide 6: a picture of Prince Zuko looking directly at the camera]
Ro: If I had watched this show when I was 14, I would’ve had a crush on him. He’s a fire lord and fuck his dad but not in a fun way and also he needs a hug. Also he deserved his redemption and he’s an abuse survivor. I fuck w him. Zuko i think? OH ALSO ‘THAT’S ROUGH BUDDY’
Me: That is completely fair, this is Zuko and he is the Redemption ark king
[Slide 7: a photo of Uncle Iroh looking off to the middle left with a smile]
Ro: UNCLE IHRO? Idk how to spell his name but i know tea. And i think he died the day after recording his last lines and RIP VA and I wanna hug him.
Me: This is Uncle Iroh and i trust him with my life; and yes His VA did die, his last ep recorded was “Stories from Ba Sing Se” an already emotional episode (especially iroh’s story).
Me: Can he be my uncle plz
[Slide 8: Aang looks at the camera eybrows raised and a crooked smile on his face]
Ro: The mf avatar he’s a dork??? I think he’s shipped someone not good but he takes shit and kicks names
Me: this is the Avatar Aang and yea he is shipped with Katara! He is a huge dork
Ro: I said someone NOT good
Me: I would not know who that someone is i just know that he is shipped with Katara.
[Slide 9: Sokka looks off to the middle left a smile on his face]
Ro: He cant bend but he can fight like every nation. Uh. Boomerang? So much food. Didn’t he date the moon?
Me: Yep this is Sokka, he is an amazing tactician, huge dork, katara’s brother, and will fight anyone with his trusty boomerang
Me: I did not. But yeah that’s tough buddy.
[Slide 10: a photo of Ty Lee looking off camera with a smile]
Ro: THERE IS NO WAR IN BA SA BING [an image of and emoji with bloodshot eyes holding a handgun]
Me: Your thinking of Joo Dee, this is Ty Lee. She is one of Azula’s Friends she can poke you and then your arms don’t work also she baby of Azula’s group
[Slide 11: A photo of Princess Azula looking directly at the camera eyebrows furrowed and a smirk on her face]
Ro: Again, if i’d watch this when i was like 14, i’s have had another crush on her. I’m assuming fire nation.
Me: Again Valid This is Azula she is Zuko’s sister. her own mom was like “WTF is wrong with my kid” with her
Ro: Man fuck the fire nation
Me: Everything was different before the fire nation decided to be dicks
Ro: Petition for that to b the new intro
[Slide 12: Mai looks directly at the camera stone faced]
Ro: I think she’s evil. But you’s specifically trip me up. So I wanna say she’s super cool and she looks like a tribe traitor.
Me: This is Mai Zuko’s gf she is the other on in Azula’s group she ends up betraying Azula for Ty Lee her gf
Ro: Is that good or bad
Me: Good, she switched because she loves her gf and bf
Ro: POLY RIGHTS [the poly flag is shown]
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a deeper understanding (sokka x reader)
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You sat up from a rough nights sleep, rubbing your blurry eyes. You slowly stood, being cautious as to not disturb anyone else, and made your way towards Appa, staring at you with his big eyes, earning a soft chuckle from your lips. You gently pressed your hand to his furry cheek after feeding him and turned your head to the side, to where the others were still sleeping. Creeping over to where Sokka lay, you knelt down and searched for the bag of food, finding a few pieces of fruit within the bag. Picking out a peach, you turned back around to find Momo sat in front of you, his ears sticking up at the sight of what was in your hand. You smiled.
“Be careful of the stone in the middle.” Whispering, you passed him the peach and walked past his tiny frame.
Strolling through trees and bushes, you tried to find the body of water that you remembered was not too far. After a while, you found yourself at the beach, but also found that you were no longer alone on this island. As you peeked around a tree, you saw a ship, with a red flag flapping high in the air. Shoot. Who were they and why were they here? You decided it wasn’t as important as getting back to the others, so you ran right back to where you had previously came from.
“Guys! Quickly.” Pant. “We,” pant. “Have to leave.” You breathed heavily as you collapsed into Sokka’s embracing arms. What you said had earned many questions from the others as you looked back, catching your breath.
“Y/N, what do you mean we have to leave? What happened to you?” Katara asked in a motherly tone, while Toph, Aang and Sokka looked at you with worried looks.
“There’s fire nation soldiers here.” You gulped as Toph knelt and pressed her hand to the floor.
“And they’re close.” She stood back up as Sokka disappeared from your side, only for him to reappear a few moments later, with his boomerang on his back, like usual, his sword in one hand and your spear in the other. You gently took it away from him, squeezing his hand swiftly before a flame erupting from the bushes.
The person who came through was a boy, older and taller than all of us, who wore a uniform of various shades of red lines with gold, paired with a ponytail and a scowl. You winced at the distinctive blemish on his face; a scar covering the majority of the left side of his face. His eyes were angry and vengeful, and pained. The older boy lunged at your bald friend, which caused Aang to -using his staff- hit him backwards with a harsh wind. You, Sokka, Toph and Katara focused the other soldiers who had followed the scarred boy through the greenery. You looked behind you at your arrow-headed friend in concern, and ran to help him, along with Katara, as the fire boy roared, shooting orange-yellow flames in Aang’s direction. 
You stood opposite the boy as Katara checked on Aang, a few feet behind us. He fired at you numerous times, but you managed to dodge each big blast, obtaining a frustrated groan from your opponent. He shot many more times, with hardly any care at all, and it was easy for you to avoid all of his attacks. As fire left his fist, you ducked quickly and swiped his legs with your spear, him landing with a loud thud onto his back. 
Sokka high-fived the blind girl after defeating the other soldiers, just between the two of them. He glanced over to you, watching you move so swiftly in complete awe. He felt his cheeks burning up just watching you.
As non-benders, you had always had a deeper understanding of each other. You were both from the Southern Water Tribe and your family had always been close with Gran-Gran. You had always took a liking to Sokka and were afraid whenever he spoke to you whenever you were little. He was a couple of years older and had always found you adorable when you got nervous around him.
Six years ago
“Gran-Gran! I made you a fruit pie!” You expressed as you rushed into her house, holding a colorful pie in your outstretched arms. You stood, waiting for her in the lounge area. Suddenly a familiar, dark, pretty looking boy came out from around one of the corners. He seemed about two years older than you, but you couldn’t exactly tell.
“Hey!” A brilliant smile appeared on his face, and you backed away towards the door, pulling the pie in towards your chest. You didn’t know him, but you had seen him before. He’s the one who -tried to- train the little toddler boys. You had watched him a few times, and had always felt bad for him as he never actually got anywhere with any of the children. 
“It’s okay,” he proceeded. “Are you here to see Gran-Gran? Do you want me to go get her?” He had a cute smile and dark skin. His eyes were a light shade of blue, like the sky in the early morning and he wore his dark hair in a short ponytail. His frame was larger than yours and although he was quite skinny, his arms were quite muscly. 
You nodded once, slowly, in response to the boy and watched him disappear behind the very corner he came from. He came back a few minutes later with Gran-Gran, standing behind her.
“Y/N!” Gran-Gran spoke happily, smiling at you. You held the pie out to her, grinning widely in pride. “Sokka, put this somewhere safe.”
A small girl entered the room behind Gran-Gran and the boy she called Sokka. She was about your age and she looked similar to Sokka, only she had beautifully long, dark hair which she wore in a long plait down her back with loopies around her ears. She smiled at you warmly, and you smiled back politely.
“Y/N, these are my grandchildren, Sokka and Katara. Katara is eight, like you and Sokka is ten. Since your parents will be travelling for a few days, you will be staying here, with us. ” Gran-Gran explained as you nodded. The young girl, Katara, moved forward to speak to you.
“Hi, Y/N! I’m Katara and I’m very excited to have you here with us for a while. I hope we can be friends!” She immediately hugged you, to which you were skeptical of but accepted nevertheless. You saw Sokka stood opposite you and as he caught your eye, he pulled a funny face, making you laugh, to which he smiled in return.
Sokka watched you intently, weaving in between each of Zuko’s attacks. It was pathetic really, how effortlessly you moved, how hard Zuko was trying. He was so proud of you. And he was proud of himself, as he should be. After all, he did train you personally after you had nagged him none stop for about three months.
Two Years Ago
“Come on, Sokka!”
“No, Y/N.”
“Please! What will take?”
He turned around to face you. “No. It’s too dangerous out there, you could get seriously hurt!”
“I’m more likely to get hurt when I don’t know how to defend myself!”
He looked away and scowled, knowing you were right, groaning. “Fine.”
After a few months of training, you and Sokka had participated in sparring matches against each other, like most masters did with their students.
“Sokka!” You called, confused at why he had walked out of one of your many practices. “What is wrong with you?” Grabbing his shoulder, you turned him to face you.
“You threw me around like a rag doll! I should have never agreed to training you.” He sat on a near bench, putting his head in his hands. “I’m just a failure.”
“Hey, don’t you dare even say that!” You sat beside him, cupping his cheek in your hand, looking into his eyes. “Everything I learnt was from you. Everything I did, I learnt from you. You’re a great fighter Sokka, and you’re only fourteen. I only wish I could be as good as you. You are amazing, I promise.”
Your eyes widened as you felt soft lips press against yours. Quickly, you felt him pull away and stare at you, a pink hue to his cheeks. You smiled and pressed your lips back against his.
“I am so proud of you.” 
“And I, of you, Y/N.”
The scarred boy growled, spinning his legs around to create a blazing ring of fire. You jumped, but miscalculated and fell on your back, blinking to see the boy stood over you, fire erupting once again from his fist, aimed at you. You closed your eyes, whimpering in fear, sweat dripping down your forehead. You heard a shriek of your name, followed another loud thud intertwined with two groans of different pitches. Katara, Toph and Aang helped you up, you clutching to them for support, looking over to the boy in red only to see Sokka lay underneath him. You scrambled to grab your spear as the boy smirked at Sokka and pulled his arm back. You threw your spear at the boy, managed to rip through his clothes and pin him to a tree just behind him, letting Katara cover his body and the tree in ice, so he couldn’t move.
“Nice one, Katara.” You smiled, running to Sokka to help him up. You grabbed your spear, smiling sarcastically at the tree boy.
“Nice try, ponytail.” You walked away and climbed up the side of Appa, being helped onto the saddle by Sokka, Appa ascending immediately after. “Thank you, Katara, for keeping him against the tree.”
“Hey! What about me? I’m the one who saved your life from the dreaded Zuko.” Sokka pouted at you, a few centimetres from your face, earning a giggle from you.
“Oh, Sokka! My hero!” You grinned, planting a smooch on his cheek, making him blush fiercely. You giggled again, pulling him into a hug. “Thank you.” Your face turned stern. “But don’t you dare ever do that again. In saving my life you could’ve lost your own. I would never forgive myself.”
“No promises.” Sokka grinned cheekily, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You two are gross.” Toph laughed and stretched her body out, crossing her leg over the other. 
You and Sokka smiled at each other as he put his arm around your shoulders gently, before you left another soft kiss on his cheek.
“So who was that guy, anyway?”
my masterlist (requests open!)
A/N : sort of an au where toph is with gaang in book1 cus i imagined book1 zuko but idc dude my love for sokka is too much to not make an imagine about him so i hope u enjoy and thanks to any1 who reads this ur an angel xo p
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philthepegacornfics · 4 years
Karate Kids
Sokka x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k+
Warnings: None that I can think of?
A/N: So this is my first atla fic, so please be nice... As well as I didn’t edit it... so yeah. Enjoy!
The crackle of the fire is the only thing to be heard as Zuko finishes recalling the events that lead him and I here.
“Well?” Zuko said impatiently after a few more moments of silence.
“Your life reads like a Greek tragedy. You know that?” I told him.
“You knew this story already, (Y/n),” Zuko rubbed his hand over his face.
“Still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a Greek tragedy,” I shrugged.
Both Sokka and Aang look at me with their heads slightly tilted. “What’s a Greek tragedy?” they asked.
“It’s like that Oedipus story,” Katara explained.
Sokka nodded his head in understanding as Aang asked, “What’s an Oedipus?”
“How do you not know who Oedipus is?” Zuko asked.
“Have you been living under a rock?” I giggled.
“Ice, actually,” Aang stated.
It was my turn to be confused. “What do you mean?”
“Aang had been frozen in ice for 100 years, until Sokka and I found him,” Katara explained.
“Still doesn’t explain how he doesn’t know that story,” Toph chimed in. “It’s been around for thousands of years.”
“Maybe it was the culture?” Katara tried to defend.
“Hey, Zuko, if it makes you feel any better, my girlfriend turned into the moon,” Sokka offered.
Zuko just blinked at the boy with the wolf tail before saying, “That’s rough buddy.”
“See! We’re in a Greek tragedy! Are we sure that none of us are blood related besides you two?” I asked pointing at Katara and Sokka.
“Aren’t you and Zuko cousins?” Toph pointed out.
“Well, kinda?” I said scratching the back of my neck.
“My uncle adopted (Y/n) when we were little. So, not by blood,” Zuko explained. “That’s why they’re not a bender.”
“Zuko!” I screeched, reaching over to smack his arm.
“That’s what you get,” I stick my tongue out at him.
“Wait, (Y/n), you can’t bend?” Katara asked.
I shook my head as I looked down at the ground, completely embarrassed. 
“Yes!” Sokka cheered from my right, standing to his feet. “I’m not the only one!”
My head snapped up at his proclamation. “You too?”
“You didn’t know this?” Zuko asked, covering his face in second hand embarrassment.
“No, I didn’t know that! I thought all those times with us fighting, he just preferred his boomerang!” I defended, cheeks heating up.
“And how did you guys not know that they couldn’t bend?” Zuko looked at the rest of the group.
Sokka shrugged. 
Aang scratched the back of his head.
“Same reason they thought Sokka was a bender,” Katara said sheepishly.
“I can’t see,” Toph shrugged.
Zuko then muttered something to himself. The rest of us looked at each other in embarrassment. At this point the fire died down to just embers left.
“Let’s get some sleep,” Zuko sighed. “We have a big day of training tomorrow.”
I gave him a salute, “Yes sir!”
With that, we all headed to our beds, wishing each other a good night.
“I’m so bored!” I groaned, plopping down next to Sokka.
He was busy watching Zuko teach Aang firebending. They were going through the motions of basics without actually bending any fire.
“Yeah, I was too, but it’s been interesting watching these two,” Sokka motioned ahead of him.
After watching for a few moments, I couldn’t help but giggle, “It’s like they’re dancing.”
“Exactly!” Sokka exclaimed.
“Can’t you watch someone else?” Zuko yelled at us.
“Katara isn’t as fun to watch,” Sokka folded his arms.
“And Toph is sleeping,” I whined.
Zuko just scoffed and turned his attention back to Aang, watching him go through the motions.
After several more minutes of watching, I couldn’t help but let out a yawn. Sleepiness consumed me. I stretched my arms and back to get more comfortable. My head was bobbing up and down as I fought off sleep.
Sokka noticed my tiredness and put his arm around me. Pulling me into his shoulder to rest my head.
“I’ll wake you up when it gets good again,” he promised me before I could say anything. 
I nodded my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. A few minutes later, before I completely fell asleep, Sokka’s shoulders moved up and down with laughter.
“(Y/n), wake up,” he lightly shook me. “They’re starting to firebend. You missed Aang’s first attempt. Hardly any fire came out.”
I opened my eyes and looked out to see Zuko go through the motions himself. Right as punched, a small burst of flame came from his fist. Quickly, the fire turned to smoke.
Zuko stood up right and looked at his hands, confusion written all over his face. Next to me Sokka was busting a gut laughing. His laugh was contagious, causing me to let out a small giggle.
Trying again, Zuko went through the motions. Only for it to end up with the same result. He punched a couple of times, and still hardly any fire appeared. Sokka only laughed more, making me laugh. Aang looked nervously between us and Zuko.
“What the heck!” Zuko screamed.
“Maybe we just need to take a break?” Aang offered.
“This isn’t right, my bending hasn’t been this weak since I was first learning,” Zuko said.
Wiping a tear from my eye, I asked, “What normally drives you to firebend? What’s different now than what it was before?”
Zuko paused in thought for a moment, thinking it over. “I was chasing after Aang,” he finally said.
“While yes, that’s true. But you want to know what I think is different?” I asked.
“You’re not as angry any more.”
“You’re right,” Zuko mumbled. “I hated everyone. I was so angry at my father, at Aang, at myself. I was using my anger to power my firebending.”
“That’s what I think it was,” I smiled at him.
“That’s great and all, but I’m not exactly sure that I want angry Zuko back,” Sokka said.
“We just have to learn a way to firebend without using anger,” Aang offered.
“I don’t know how to do that,” Zuko said, sounding defeated.
“Remember the stories that my father used to tell us about the Sun Warriors?” I asked Zuko.
He nodded his head.
“Maybe you can go find some ruins? See if you can learn anything from them?” I offered to him.
“That’s a good idea.”
With that, Zuko and Aang took off on Appa in hopes to learn how to firebend. Leaving Sokka and I bored, yet again. Katara quickly got fed up with us groaning, she snapped and told us that we should be training ourselves.
“That’s a good idea!” I sat up from where I was lying on the ground.
“It is?” Sokka asked, not moving from his position.
“Yeah, we can spar with each other, and become even better warriors!” I said while fully standing up.
My words caught Sokka’s attention and he stood up too. “Yeah, we’ll be great!”
Sokka and I spared for a while. We even went and got sticks to imitate weapons. But quickly the sticks were forgotten as we fought hand to hand.
“You’re pretty good,” I commented as Sokka jumped over my leg I kicked out to try and knock his legs out from under him.
“You’re pretty good yourself,” he huffed as I dodged one of his punches.
“Wanna make things interesting?” I asked backing away from him.
Sokka put his arms down, “Interesting how?”
“We can play a game of Ninja!” I cheered, clapping my hands together.
“What’s that?”
“It’s a game where we take turns trying to hit the other person. You can only move to attack and to dodge. If the attacker doesn’t move, you can’t move to dodge. If one of your limbs gets hit, you can’t use it anymore. When you have three limbs that you can’t move, that other person wins!”
“Oh man, that sounds like fun!”
“Let’s do it!” I took a few steps toward Sokka before stepping my right leg back and putting my hands up. 
Sokka copied my motions. The game began.
“You go first,” I told him.
With a loud, “Hi-yah!” Sokka tried karate chopping my arm, which I moved out of the way effortlessly. 
I couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of my chest. Mimicking his noises, I tried smacking his arm that was still out. He was able to dodge my movements too.
We continued making the noises with every move we made. For several minutes this went back and forth. Neither one of us was able to make contact with the other person’s body. 
“What are you doing?” Katara asked, walking up to us. Her hands were on her hips.
Dropping my defenses, I turned around and smiled at her, “We’re playing Ninja!”
As Katara opened her mouth to replay, I felt my left arm get smacked. Sokka sounded from behind me, “Ha!”
“No fair! You cheated!” I whined, turning around to face him.
“I did not cheat,” he folded his arms. “It was my turn to attack.”
“But I was talking with Katara!”
“Not my fault you weren’t paying attention.”
“Oh, that’s it!” I cried before wrapping my arms around Sokka and tackling him to the ground.
“Hey, who’s the one cheating now?” he grunted, as we rolled on the floor, trying to be the one on top.
“Still you,” I grunted back.
Seeing this, Katara covered her face with one of her hands before walking away. Looking completely disappointed.
“Will you two get a room already!” Toph called out from across the temple. 
Hearing this I froze as my cheeks heated up. Because of my moment of hesitation, Sokka was able to get on top of me and effectively pinned me down.
“I win,” he smirked, looking down at me.
“Did you, um, did you hear Toph?”
“No… what did she say?”
“Nothing!” I lied, my voice an octave higher. 
“Not nothing, what did she say?”
It didn’t go unnoticed to me how his breath fanned across my face. We were in a very close and compromising position. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but nothing seemed to work.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he laughed.
The heat from my cheeks quickly spread to the tips of my ears. Trying to come up with a plan of how to get out of this, my mind came up blank until Sokka leaned down.
With his face inches away from mine, he whispered, “Now accept defeat.”
“Never,” I whisper back, slamming my lips against his.
He let out a noise of surprise and became off balanced. Using this to my advantage, I pushed him over, successfully pinning him down instead. Slowly, I pulled my lips away from his. Sokka’s eyes were shut before fluttering open a moment later.
“I won,” I smirked at him.
“I think we’re both winners here,” he replied, lifting his head off the ground to capture my lips with his again.
Taglist: @galcalirwin @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @aneclecticwriter
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radishaur · 4 years
If the zuko requests are still open, may I request hcs or a short story (whatever you prefer) of zuko x artist reader where he first joins the gang and the reader wants to show support to him but they’re way too shy and awkward so they just secretly give him drawings to cheer him up or offer advice?? Maybe he has a crush on them but thinks they too don’t trust him yet? I just had this general idea. You could totally change stuff up if you’d like :)
“Sorry! I was the person who just asked the artist reader! I didn’t put a gender but maybe female? The reader could be a nonbender if that’s fine? Sorry about that :)”
Absolutely! I love the artist trope so much. Some of my favorite Zuko fics have had the reader as an artist. I hope I meet your expectations! I may have gotten carried away but oops. I just love this trope.
- Zoe
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Drawings (Zuko x Reader)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Part: 1/1
Summary: See Request
“Hello, Zuko here.”
As soon as we heard his voice, everybody sprung into action. Well, everybody except me. Toph, Katara, and Aang got into bending positions and Sokka prepared to throw his boomerang. I stood slightly off to the side in shock.
He looked different than the last time I had seen him. It seemed to be a pattern. Each time I saw him after a while, he always had a new hairstyle and seemed more....himself. He seemed like a completely different person than the angry ponytail adorning teenager that had invaded the Northern Water Tribe.
That was the first time I had seen him. I unknowingly helped him by saving him from drowning. I had pulled him out from under the ice in a drain pipe on the day of the siege. He wasn’t wearing Fire Nation clothing then, so I didn’t know better until I saw him fighting Katara and capturing Aang. I felt so bad about almost dooming the world to eternal hell that I left the tribe to join them on their adventures.
The next time I saw him was when his Uncle was hit and then later in Ba Sing Se. I was shocked to see him serving tea in the lower ring of an Earth Kingdom town, but I didn’t rat him out. Instead, I took to sketching him. I would sit outside the shop and look in through the windows. His hair was longer now and I couldn’t deny how handsome he was. Without the ponytail I had a hard time denying it.
And now, as he stood here in the temple, I saw the next version of him. The Zuko with longer hair and a deeply rooted regret. He was shy and awkward, much like he had been in Ba Sing Se, but this time he wasn’t confused. He didn’t look like he was fighting any inner battles anymore. He just looked hopeful. Hopeful that he could change the path he chose for himself.
It wasn’t until I heard him say my name that I realized I hadn’t been listening.
“You saved my life in the Northern Water Tribe. And you didn’t rat me out in Ba Sing Se when you found out I was there. You had to have seen something good in me,” he pleaded.
“You knew he was there?! And you didn’t say anything?!” Katara yelled angrily, sending a glare in my direction.
I hung my head in guilt before looking back up at Zuko. My heart ached seeing the expression he wore, but I knew I was already in hot water.
“I’m sorry Zuko. If they don’t trust you then neither do I,” I said before turning and walking away.
I didn’t want to stay. I knew exactly what would happen if I did. I wouldn’t be able to watch him walk away without insisting they were wrong about him. My mother used to say my unwavering trust in people was both a blessing and a curse. I see now that she was right.
Katara stayed angry at me for the rest of the day. I didn’t blame her. Even I still felt guilty that I had kept it a secret after he betrayed us. Although I guess you can’t really betray a side you were never on. Nevertheless it still stung.
Just as I had come to terms with the fact that Zuko would never be a part of the team, he managed to save us from Combustion Man. Aang agreed to have Zuko as his teacher after the group agreed he could stay. Secretly, I was glad they had changed their minds. I knew that it would take a long time for them to get used to him being around though, so I decided to try and do something small to make him feel less alone.
After everybody went to sleep, I decided to draw him a picture of his Uncle. I had seen him frequently when I was outside the tea shop. My memory was a little bit rough on the details but I hoped that he would look similar enough. I ripped the paper out of my sketchbook and slipped it under his door.
The next morning, he seemed to be a little bit brighter which made me smile. After that it ended up becoming routine. Everybody would go to sleep and I would slip him another drawing. Sometimes I would shove them under his door, sometimes I would stuff it into his bag of stuff, and sometimes I would leave it somewhere I knew he would find it. Each time, he would always look a little happier afterwards.
It wasn’t until we were on Ember Island that my little secret became not so secret.
I had never told any of the gang that I could draw. I mean it seemed like such a useless talent compared to their bending. Even Sokka knew how to fight with a sword. When it came to fighting I was a complete waste. I couldn’t bend and I had never learned how to defend myself. The Northern Water Tribe had a strict rule about women learning how to fight: they didn’t.
It wasn’t until we were sitting out around a campfire that the fact I could draw was even discussed. Everybody had been going around the circle and sharing a secret. When it got to me, I shrugged it off.
“I don’t really have any secrets. I’m pretty boring,” I said.
“That’s such a lie! I know you have at least one secret,” Sokka said, a cheeky grin on his face.
“W-What?” I asked, my heart racing slightly.
“I’ve seen your sketchbook. You’re an amazing artist,” he continued, acting all casual.
“Sokka!” I exclaimed, a blush now breaking out across my face.
“You can draw?” Zuko asked in shock.
He seemed to be connecting the dots in his head and I wanted nothing more than to dig myself into the ground and disappear. I just hoped they didn’t-
“I wanna see it!” Aang said gleefully.
I just hoped they didn’t ask to see it.
“I really don’t want to-“ I began to reply before Katara cut me off.
“I bet it’s in her stuff!” she called out before shooting up and going to grab my stuff off of Appa.
I felt my heart drop into my stomach.
“No!” I yelled out, running after her.
If they looked at it I would die on the spot. Not only would Zuko realize that I was the one giving him drawings, but they would all see the million sketches I had of him as well. Oh boy, there were a lot. Technically I had sketched all of them, but Zuko took up about half the sketchbook. It would be mortifying for them to figure out I had a massive crush on him.
“I found it!” Katara said as she held the sketchbook in her hands.
“Give me that,” I said, snatching the book out of her hands before holding it tightly to my chest.
“Oh, come onnnnn,” Sokka begged, coming closer to try and grab it from me.
I hastily avoided him and continued clutching the sketchbook for dear life.
“Guys, maybe we should leave it,” Zuko said, clearly not wanting to escalate the situation.
Little did he know why I was actually protecting this sketchbook so heavily. He probably thought it was just because I didn’t want them to see my art. Which, technically I didn’t, but not because I thought it was bad. I gulped as Sokka began cornering me.
“Y/N please,” Aang pleaded, standing next to Sokka, “We promise not to judge! We just wanna see!”
“I really don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I responded, shifting the book behind me.
I gasped when I felt the book get ripped from my grasp. I turned around to see Katara, smiling victoriously as she brought the book out by the campfire. Sokka and Aang ran over to her.
I dragged my hands down my face. I’m sure it was about as red as a tomato at this point. Is this what it felt like to die? I watched them from my position a few feet away, too scared to move.
“Hey, these are amazing!” Aang said.
I couldn’t help but catch Zuko’s gaze. The recognition in his eyes made it clear he knew I was the one slipping him drawings. I felt my face burn in embarrassment. And this wasn’t even the worst part.
I stayed rooted to the ground as the gang flipped through the pages. The beginning of the sketchbook was just drawings of the Northern Water Tribe. Then, it morphed into drawings of all of the gang minus Toph. Not that she could even see. She was still sitting on the log bench, not invested in the situation at all.
The next pages had some sketches of Zuko with his ponytail, mixed with some sketches of the oasis. They were still just complimenting the drawings, oblivious to the horror the next few pages would cause me. Eventually, it moved into drawings of our travels across the Earth Kingdom and Toph began to appear.
After that was the pages I was dreading. The first few drawings were of Ba Sing Se. Innocent drawings of beautiful buildings and random citizens. But then it turned into Zuko. Pages upon pages of Zuko and his Uncle in the tea shop. They all got quiet as they continued flipping. Mixed in with Zuko and his Uncle were some few other sketches, but it was clear that Zuko had become the focus of the sketches.
I couldn’t bear to look at them. I could only imagine their expressions. If they hadn’t figured out by now why Zuko was the center of my drawings, they would as they kept going.
The next sketches were of some of the Fire Nation villages we had stayed in. But after that, there Zuko was again. And this time they would definitely know. Some of my sketches were accompanied by scrawled notes on the side. A random look how cute he is or he looked so hot training with Aang today scribbled next to the sketches. The silence was so thick it could be cut with a knife.
“Y/N, I-“ Sokka started, clearly feeling guilty for bringing up my secret talent now.
“Don’t” I hissed, finally sending a glare his way.
I hadn’t even realized I was crying until I felt the taste of salt brush my lips. I wiped my tears angrily as they all sat there silently.
“Y/N-“ he tried again.
“I said don’t!” I screamed before storming off to my room.
I slammed the door behind me and made sure to lock it before I slide to the floor. I held a hand to my mouth to muffle the sobs that were now escaping me. This was my worst nightmare. How had everything gone to shit so fast.
Y/N had run off and I was stuck to my seat. I couldn’t stop looking at her sketches. They way she drew me felt like I was looking in the mirror. It was like watching my transformation as a person with my own two eyes.
“Guys, we really messed up,” Sokka said, still feeling guilty for instigating the situation.
“I had no idea....I just thought she was self conscious of her talent,” Katara said quietly.
“What do we do?” Aang asked.
“You’re the Avatar! You’re supposed to know how to solve this,” Sokka exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
I wasn’t listening. I wasn’t even sure I could hear them. I flipped the next few pages and my thoughts were confirmed when I saw that there were a few pages ripped out of the back. I pulled one of her drawings out of my pocket and unfolded it, placed the ripped edge into the book. It was a perfect match.
“Zuko, what are you doing? You shouldn’t rip pages out of her book,” Katara scolded, reaching down to snatch the book away from me.
“I didn’t. She’s been giving me drawings. Look,” I explained, pulling out another of her drawings from my pocket, “Ever since I joined you guys at the temple I’ve been getting drawings. I didn’t know who it was, but....”
I handed the drawings over to them. One of them was of my Uncle. Another one was of my duel swords. Another of a tiny dragon. They ranged from simple tiny sketches to full blown detailed drawings.
As they looked them over, I couldn’t help but let my fingers trace a drawing of me in her book. I was smiling and looking off into the distance at something. Under it, in her neat scribbled handwriting was written: the first time he’s smiled :).
“I can’t believe she likes me,” I whispered.
I didn’t expect them to hear me, but they all stopped. I blushed slightly when I noticed them all looking at me. Katara looked furious.
“Listen here. You don’t have to like her back, but don’t you dare say anything to her that will break her heart,” she threatened, her eyes glaring into me.
“N-No! I......like her back.....actually,” I admitted, looking back at the sketches in her book.
I saw the three of them look at Toph, who had been sitting silently on the log the entire time.
“He’s not lying,” she said.
It was after a few moments of silence that I finally spoke again.
“I think I should go talk to her,” I suggested, standing up with her sketchbook in hand.
“Good luck,” Aang said, giving me an assuring smile as I walked inside.
I didn’t know what I was going to say. I didn’t know where to even start. There were a millions things I could say to her and none of them would be good enough. Instead, I found myself standing outside of her door in silence.
I took a deep breath and knocked. I could hear shuffling inside the room. I got no response.
“Y/N it’s me. Please let me in,” I begged, placing my palm against the door.
I was about to turn and walk away when I finally heard footsteps inside. I let my hand fall back down to my side as the door creaked open. Y/N stood to the side of the door without looking at me and motioned for me to come in. I did and she closed the door behind me.
“I’m sorry.” “Thank you.”
“Oh, ummmm. You first,” she mumbled.
“I wanted to say thank you. For the drawings. They made my day every time I got one,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck as I blushed.
“O-Oh. Uh....yea. You just looked so....sad, I guess. I thought maybe it would make you feel more comfortable around us,” she mumbled, still refusing to look at me.
I chuckled slightly and crossed my arms, looking down at my feet.
“Well it worked,” I said, smiling at the floor.
She shuffled across from me. I forced myself to look up at her and caught her gaze. She had tears brimming over her eyes and her face was red from embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry. I know I probably seem like a total creep right now. I know this can never happen. I just.....I don’t know. I tried so hard not to like you but I -“ she started rambling and I couldn’t stop myself anymore.
I pulled her face up to look at me and smashed my lips onto hers. It took her a moment of shock to register what was happening, but as soon as she did she was kissing me back immediately. I finally pulled apart and wrapped my arms around her in a hug.
“You’re amazing. You’re so special and so talented and too good for me. But I like you too. I like you so so much. I never said anything because I thought you hated me,” I admitted, laughing through the tears that started falling down my face.
“You thought I hated you? How could I ever hate you?” she asked, stepping back to look at me.
“Because I went home with Azula and I tried capturing the Avatar for months and I chased you across the world and I’ve made your lives miserable for so long,” I exclaimed, still in disbelief that she actually liked me back.
“Well, I don’t hate you. At all. You’ve proven that you’ve changed and that’s all that matters to me. Besides, you never actually physically hurt any of us, unlike Azula,” she joked, laughing slightly.
I pulled her into a hug once more and buried my head into her neck. I had never been happier than right now in this moment. I promised myself at that very moment that I would do everything I could to become the man she saw me as. To become the man she deserved.
To be the man in her drawings.
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
this website fucking HATES ME
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
✧・゚ tag drop: animated muses (pt 1)
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stupouid · 4 years
Unity (ATLA boys x reader) Chapter 2
Chapter 1| Chapter 2
A/N: this one has lots of cute sokka moments for Y/N!!!!! you go girl!!
I kind of edited this so yeah<3
Warning: like 3 curse words
Word count: over 3k words lelele
ask any questions in my askbox!
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Chapter 2
The Swamp Meeting Sokka and Katara, formally, was… interesting, for Y/N. When Katara saw Aang walking towards the two siblings with Y/N, her first instinct was to freeze her, not even acknowledging the way Aang wasn’t even troubled by Y/N’s presence.
“Katara!” Aang shouted, as he unfreezed the ice that entrapped Y/N. “This is Y/N. She’s King Bumi’s granddaughter, and more importantly, she’s a friend. She defied Princess Azula, Zuko’s sister, to save me. If it wasn’t for her King Bumi and I would probably be fried.”
“I don’t believe you.” Sokka stated. “If you were really King Bumi’s granddaughter, we would have met you weeks ago, the last time we were here.”
“It’s a long story, but I can assure you I’m no threat. I’m not a fire bender or an earth bender, I’m already considered a traitor to the fire nation, and I left my sword and my throwing knives back home. The only way I could possibly hurt you is by chi-blocking, and I’m not even as good as Ty Lee!”
“Hold on. Why’d you say earth or fire bender? And why do we have matching necklaces?” Sokka questioned.
“She’ll tell us while we’re on Appa. Now come on, I have an earthbending teacher to find. Y/N, you wouldn’t happen to know any great earthbending teachers, right?”
“No, I don’t, but I’m tired. And your sky bison is so cute!”
Y/N told Sokka, Katara, and Aang the whole story. How her mother was the princess of Omashu and how she traveled the whole world and had many suitors from different nations (Y/N's mother had multiple water tribe suitors and her favorite had given her a necklace similar to Sokka’s, hence as to why they match), how Y/N's mother had Y/N with a fire nation noblemen which led to Y/M/N being disowned by her family, how Y/N grew up in the fire nation and how Y/N moved to Omashu after her mother’s death, and how Y/N was too scared to set foot anywhere near the royal palace. 
It was a lot for the watertribe siblings to take in, but they sympathized with her as they both lost a mother as well. Ultimately, they decided she wasn’t a threat to them and would help them out when navigating the fire nation and Ba Sing Se, as the girl traveled to many places due to her father and mother’s high status.Katara may have trusted Y/N right away, but Sokka was still suspicious of the girl, and most likely jealous too. 
Sokka certainly didn’t appreciate the fact that Y/N was a better warrior than him even though he was older than her, and he was jealous because of the way she had with a sword. 
Days passed and the four teens were flying over a large forested area, covered with a blanket of fog. Aang was in some sort of trance and Y/N was eyeing the swamp suspiciously, while Sokka sharpened his machete and Katara studied some scroll.
“Hey, you taking us down for a reason?” Sokka questioned. There was no reply from Aang, and Y/N didn’t bother to answer Sokka. The swamp was too… ominous. 
“Aang, why are we going down?”Aang must have snapped out of his trance because he then said, “What? I didn’t even notice.”
“Are you noticing now?” The watertribe boy retorted. Noticing Sokka’s harsh attitude, Katara moved up to the front of the saddle, and said, “Is something wrong?”
“This is going to sound really weird,” Aang started, “but I think the swamp is calling to me.”
Y/N interjected with, “I feel it too. I can hear some sort of… ringing, I guess. It’s weird and I don’t like it.”
Sokka ignored what Y/N said and targeted his next question to Aang. “Well, is it telling you where we can get something to eat? I’m starving!” At this, Y/N rolled her eyes. In the short time that she knew Sokka, she had pinned down three of his personality traits to be talking about food, girls, and his boomerang. Disgusting. 
Y/N tuned out the rest of the conversation until she heard Sokka scream, “You better throw in an extra yip! We gotta move!” And that was when Y/N saw the tornado.
Y/N had never liked tornadoes. She also wasn’t fond of lightning. As Y/N was panicking, she saw Sokka fly off Appa’s saddle. She instinctively reached out for his hand and he grabbed on to it. Y/N saw the look of panic on his face, since Y/N was the person who would decide if he would live or die. She could either let him go here and risk Katara freezing her to death, or bring Sokka back onto the saddle and have him owe his entire life to her. The princess went with the latter. 
As Y/N helped Sokka onto the saddle, Aang created an air shield around Appa. However, Aang was struggling with keeping it intact, and eventually the shield broke and Appa and the rest of the team fell into the swamp. Fortunately, Y/N fell right next to Aang, so he bended the air to give them a soft landing. 
Aang stood straight up and looked around, asking, “Where’s Appa and Momo?” When he didn’t find them right away, he shouted, “APPA! MOMO!” Y/N was laying on a tree root and had no intention of moving until Sokka appeared right before her with a huge-ass grin on his face.
“What? Did ya’ get too tired Princess?” Sokka teased. Y/N's face turned red, totally not from Sokka calling her princess. Her face turned red because he was teasing. Yup.
Fuming, Y/N replied with, “Funny, because I was the one who saved you. Now you owe me your life.” Y/N stood up and brushed off the dirt from her clothes. Sokka was left speechless by the girl, because everything she said was factual. 
Soon the four of them were united and Sokka suggested they start a fire. Aang and Sokka argued while Katara noticed that Y/N was just in the background. Walking over to Y/N, Katara said, “Hey. Are you, uh, okay?”
“What?” Y/N replied, “Oh no, I’m fine. Really. I’m just not a big fan of this place.”
“Oh, okay. Just… let me know if you need anything, yeah?” Y/N simply just nodded in response to Katara. The four kids had dinner and then went to sleep, huddled against each other for warmth. Or more like Katara and Aang were huddled together in the middle, and Sokka and Y/N were on the outside. Suddenly, Sokka screamed, and the rest of the three teens woke up, only to be dragged away by some vines. Y/N tried her best to get out of the vines, but with no weapon (it was with Sokka) or no bending, she was stuck. 
“Guys? GUYS!” she screamed, but no luck. Y/N kept wiggling inside of the vines until they randomly let go.Stepping out of the cage of vines, Y/N was met with a figure. Y/N could tell that the figure was most likely female, so she called out, “Hey lady! Could you uhh… help me find my friends?”The lady didn’t respond, so Y/N started walking towards the woman. Y/N was just about 5 feet away from the mysterious woman until she turned around, and Y/N was met with the face of...her mother.  
“Mom?” Y/N asked, with tears coming to her eyes.“Mom, is that really you?” The mysterious woman just nodded, and Y/N ran over to her, tears streaming down her s/c skin. “Mom!”
“Y/N,” the lady started, “I want you to know that… that the heart wants what it wants. The person you end up with may not be the person you expected. The person you may end up with may have crossed you many times before. But just know that they’re with you for a good reason, and that they love you for you. The person you end up with is an amazing warrior with an intelligent mind.” Y/N didn’t know what else to say. She wasn’t even thinking about love yet, she was only fourteen for spirit’s sake! Nonetheless, Y/N accepted her mother’s advice with a thank you. The young girl was about to embrace her mother when her image started shimmering.
“Mom? Mom!” Y/N called out. 
“Y/N! I love you so, so much! Don’t forget what I said!” Screamed Y/N’s mother, and then she disappeared into the night. Y/N stood there, processing what her mother had told her. Why was it important that she know who she would end up with? She had expected her mother to apologize for not telling her the whole truth, or some information on a powerful earthbender so she could help Aang with his search. 
Y/N shook her head and her h/c hair framed her face. The girl started walking, not sure of where she was going, until she came upon a large clearing. (in reality some vines pushed her until she reached said clearing.) She found a tree root and sat on it, thinking about whatever the hell her mother had just said, until Sokka appeared, along with Katara and Aang.
“What do you guys think you’re doing!?” Sokka shouted, as he put away his machete. “I’ve been looking all over for you!” 
Katara, obviously agitated, replied with, “Well, I’ve been wandering around looking for you! And you, Y/N, where were you?”
Y/N was about to speak, but Aang cut her off with, “I was chasing some girl.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“What girl?” Katara asked. Y/N couldn’t tell if she was jealous or just plain confused.
“I don’t know. I heard some girl laughing and I saw a girl in a fancy dress.” Aang replied.
“Well there must be a tea party here and we didn’t get our invitations!” Sokka screamed sarcastically. Y/N giggled. Who knew Sokka could actually be funny? “What are you laughing at, Y/N?” said the watertribe boy.
“Nothing!” the h/c haired girl replied. “Nope, nothing at all.”
“I thought I saw mom.” Katara stated. 
“Oh. I thought I saw my mother too.” Y/N uttered. Sokka frowned as he noticed Y/N didn’t seem too happy about it. 
“Really? Did your mother say anything to you? I tried to reach out to my mom but she disappeared before she could tell me anything!” Katara blurted.
“She talked to me about the person I be with in the future. She said they were a skilled warrior who was very intelligent. I don’t know anyone like that though. Except some people in the fire nation, but based on how things are going, that’s a no. But she also said that the person I end up with is not someone I would expect.” Sokka mulled over her words.
“You don’t know anyone like that? What about me? I’m intelligent! And I’m the best warrior in the Southern Water Tribe!” Sokka exclaimed. Hearing Sokka’s words made Y/N blush, but also made her laugh.
“Well, I’m sorry that you were so offended by my mother. I’ll admit, you’re smart, but you could work on your skills with a sword.” Y/N breathed. 
The two kept bickering until Sokka said, “Look, we were all just scared and hungry and our minds were playing tricks on us. That's why we all saw things out here.” 
Katara looked surprised. “You saw something too?” 
Sokka looked away, obviously thinking about what he was going to say next.“I saw… I saw Yue. But that doesn’t prove anything! Look, I think about her all the time, and you and Y/N saw your moms, who you guys probably miss a lot.” 
Y/N knew who Yue was. Despite constantly bickering, there were some times where Sokka and Y/N had deep conversations, conversations Sokka was too scared to have with Katara. They talked about Y/N's past, and how Yue’s death deeply affected Sokka. 
“What about me? I didn't know the girl I saw. And all our visions led us right here.” Aang started walking around, thinking deeply, trying to connect the dots.
“Okay ... so where's here? The middle of the swamp?” Katara questioned.
Y/n cut in. “I think… I think this is the heart of the swamp. It has to be the center. I think it was calling us.”
“It's just a tree. It can't call anyone. For the last time, there's nothing after us and there's nothing magical happening here.” As soon as Sokka said that, a huge seaweed monster appeared before them. 
Sokka screamed and ran straight to Y/N, wrapping his arms around her, while Y/N just stood there trying to understand what the hell had just appeared right in front of them. The monster started attacking the four friends, so they all split up. 
The monster got to Sokka first, picking him up and swinging him around like an infant would with a toy. Aang bended the air to chop off one the arm that was holding Sokka, only to become the next target for the seaweed creature. 
After Sokka was free from the creature’s grasp, Y/N helped the tan boy tear up some of the vines, as he gave her back her sword just seconds ago. Things were going smoothly until Sokka was swiped from the ground, (yes, again) but Y/N chopped off the arm that was holding him. 
Katara was using her water to slice another arm of the creature but the holes the water bender created kept on growing back. Aang was running around trying to lose the vines that were reaching out towards him. Sokka was randomly sucked into the chest of the creature while Y/N was trying her best to reach for his hand. 
Katara froze and then unfroze Sokka, allowing him to get out of the seaweed monster's chest. 
“There’s someone in there!” Sokka shouted to Katara. “He’s bending the vines!” Katara looked over to Y/N and the both nodded, signalling they were about to do something badass.
Katara ran to the left of the monsters body and sliced the monster’s head on using her water bending while Y/N hacked away at the right side of the monster’s body using her sword. The seaweed head of the creature slid off the body, and the man inside the seaweed was exposed. 
Aang shouted, “Why did you call me here if you wanted to kill us!?”
The man inside the monster said, “Wait! I didn’t call you here.” The man was wearing nothing but a loincloth covering his, you know, and a leaf hat on top of his head. 
Almost instinctively Sokka covered Y/N's eyes. Annoyed, she put his hand down and said, “I’m only a year younger than you. I don’t need your protection. I’m mature and I can defend myself just fine. I don’t need you.”
“Whatever. How am I gonna be a warrior if I have no one to protect?” Sokka started. 
“You can protect your sister-”
“The last time I tried to do that, she found the Avatar. Plus, she’s a bender. And the last princess I had to save turned into the moon. You may not be a princess yet, but I’m going to protect you. Think of it as my... redemption.”
At this point Y/N’s face was extremely red. 
“Well I think your redemption is a whole lot of bull. I’m not just some replacement for Yue, Sokka.” Y/N scoffed and started walking towards where the water benders were.Sokka reached for Y/N’s wrist tugged on it, pulling the s/c girl to him. Y/N couldn’t help but think of what happened with Zuko before she left. 
“I didn’t mean it that way, you idiot. You aren’t a replacement of Yue for me. We may fight a lot, but I care about you, Y/N.” 
Y/N thought about his words. She gave him a smile and said, “I guess,” then started walking towards Katara and Aang, who were following the weird swamp man. 
“So, who are you then?” She heard Katara say. The strange man started bending vines out of the way to create a path. 
“I protect the swamp from folks that want to hurt it, like this fella with his big knife.” 
Embarrassed, Sokka put away his weapon, but then said, “See, completely reasonable. Not a monster, just a regular guy defending his home. Nothing mystical about it.”
The strange man, who’s name turned out to be Huu, laughed. “Oh the swamp is a mystical place all right. It's sacred. I reached enlightenment right here under the banyan-grove tree. I heard it calling me, just like you did.” He sat down on the said tree. 
Sokka elbowed Y/N in the stomach and said, “Sure you did. It seems real chatty.” Y/N couldn’t help but giggle and Sokka looked over to the younger girl with a look of confidence on his face. 
“See, this whole swamp is actually just one tree spread out over miles,” Huu started. “Branches spread and sink, take root, and spread some more. One big, living organism. Just like the entire world.” Y/N was amazed. She looked around, her face filled with awe of the place. 
The princess didn’t bother to listen to the rest of their conversation, and rejoined the group when she saw they were all sitting down. 
“In the swamp, we see visions of people we've lost, people we loved, folks we think are gone. But the swamp tells us they're not. We're still connected to them. Time is an illusion and so is death.” Confusion washed over Y/N’s face. Was death really an illusion? Sokka noticed Y/N’s troubled looks and placed an arm on her shoulder, feeling pride in the way she relaxed against his touch. 
“But what about my vision? It was someone I had never met.” Aang questioned. 
“You're the Avatar. You tell me.” replied Huu. Aang mumbled something about how time was an illusion but Y/N didn’t pay attention. 
She was daydreaming about who-knows-what until she heard Aang shout “Come on! We’ve got to hurry!” 
The rest of the teens followed him through the swamp until he led them to Appa and Momo. There was a fight about the creatures, but eventually, Aang had his precious animals back.
Time passed quickly, and suddenly it was night time, and the GAang and the swamp benders were huddled around a fire. Y/N had complained about being too cold despite the swamp being normally warm and Sokka had wrapped his coat around Y/N’s shoulders. 
“How you like that possum chicken?” A swamp bender named Due asked. 
Sokka responded with,“Tastes just like arctic hen.” He shoveled another spoonful of soup into his mouth, then swallowed. “So why were you guys so interested in eating Appa? You've got plenty of those big things wandering around.” 
Sokka pointed at the catgator right next to the swamp benders. Due looked shocked. 
“You want me to eat old Slim? He's like a member of the family!” Due then grabbed a fish from wherever and tossed it towards the catgator. The catgator catched it and Sokka laughed. Y/N couldn’t help but smile when she heard him chuckle, it was like music to her ears. 
“Nice Slim!” Sokka cheered. He then threw a bug at Slim, but the catgator just growled. Y/N giggled.
“Catgators don’t eat bugs, Sokka.” The girl said. Sokka turned his head towards Y/N.
“And how do I know that you’re right, Princess?” Sokka inquired as he poked Y/N’s sides. By now Y/N was giggling like crazy and Sokka looked at the girl like she was the only person on Earth. 
“The girl is right! Bugs are people food!” Due laughed. 
“Where'd you say you was from?” another swamp bender named Tho, asked. 
Katara responded with, “My brother and I are from the South Pole. Y/N was born in the Earth Kingdom Omashu, but lived in the Fire Nation Capital for most of her life. And Aang is from the Southern Air Temple!” 
“Didn't know there was waterbenders anywhere but here.” Tho breathed. “They got a nice swamp there, do they?” Y/N giggled at his statement. According to her mother, Sokka, and Katara, there were zero swamps in the northern or southern water tribes.  
“No, it's all ice and snow.” Katara corrected. 
“Hmm. No wonder you left.” Y/N found this strangely funny for some reason, and she placed her face onto Sokka’s shoulder to stifle her laughs. The watertribe boy’s face turned crimson red, as he had never experienced something like this, not even with Suki or Yue. 
Sokka cleared his throat, and to Katara, he said, “Well, I hope you realize now that nothing strange was going on here. Just a bunch of greasy people living in a swamp.” This made Y/N laugh even harder and Sokka felt extremely confident. 
“What about the visions?” Katara countered.
“I told you, we were hungry. I'm eating a giant bug!” Tears were coming out of Y/N’s eyes, Sokka was acting incredibly stupid. And the way he ate the bug’s abdomen was disturbing and hilarious at the same time. Sokka placed his arm around Y/N in an attempt to be smooth. Y/N, just thinking it was a friendly gesture, allowed it. 
“But what about when the tree showed me where Appa and Momo were?” Aang added. 
Y/N had calmed down a few moments before and was currently sitting straight up, no longer leaning on Sokka, much to his dismay.
“That’s Avatar stuff,” Y/N started. “That doesn’t count.” Y/N fixed her h/c, h/l, and then asked Huu, “How did you make that tornado that sucked us down? It was pretty freaking awesome.”
Huu looked confused. “I can't do anything like that. I just bend the water in the plants.” 
Sokka stood up, then announced, “Well, no accounting for weather. Still, there's absolutely nothing mysterious about the swamp. I’m also tired, so I’m gonna go set up our sleeping bags. Y/N? Care to assist this handsome young fellow?” He held out an arm for Y/N to grab onto. With nothing else to do, Y/N took his arm and stood up. 
“I’m not sure that the term ‘handsome young fellow’ is suitable for you, but I’m tired, so why not?” The two started walking towards Appa, on their way to get their supplies. 
taglist: @emberislandplayers​ @eridanuswave​ @fandomobsessedlife​ @hopefuloperaangelnerd​
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x f!reader) pt13
hi hi :) i hope you guys are doing well!! thank u for your patience ily all!!
“Wow, Azula, you were right!” Exclaimed Ty Lee. “It is the Avatar!” She looked down at Sokka, a flirtatious smirk appearing on her lips. “And friends.”
Sokka waved back up at her and said hello, which only frustrated (Y/N) more. She took the water that she, Aang, and Katara had been bending with and sent ice daggers flying toward the three girls.
(Y/N) had always thought that the Northern Water Tribe was an impressive architectural feat. The intricate designs and layout of the city had always impressed her when she had the time to admire them. And as Princess of the North, she had had a lot of time. As much as she hated being trapped within its walls, she learned to appreciate it. But as she stood at the top of the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se, she realized just how tiny her tribe was in comparison to the largest city in the Earth Kingdom. 
She leaned just over the edge, watching as the Fire Nation drill pounded into the stone wall. Toph groaned, slumping herself against (Y/N). “It’s kind of hard to see with all this drilling. I can feel every little thing they do!” 
“I’m sorry,” (Y/N) muttered, but her mind was elsewhere. Just a few steps away from her, Sokka, Katara, and Aang were trying to formulate a plan on how to take down the drill. (Y/N) had stepped away from the conversation. Ever since the night on the Serpent’s Pass, she had become hyperaware of Sokka’s presence near her. Every step closer, every friendly smile, had her heart practically beating out of her chest. 
She had realized it the next morning, after she had dreamt of Sokka. The sadness she had felt when she had walked out of her tent and saw Sokka smiling at Suki the way he had smiled at (Y/N) in her dream was a confirmation. (Y/N) liked Sokka, in a more than friends way, and she was jealous of Suki. Both feelings made her feel sick to her stomach, so she had resolved to shove them down as far into herself as possible and try her best never to acknowledge them again. If she thought too much about it, she’d realize how horrible she was for liking the same boy her very own sister was in love with. 
(Y/N) clenched her hands so tightly against the wall that the stone dug rivets into her skin. Had been in love with. Sokka had been Yue’s. Now he was Suki’s. And (Y/N) would respect that and keep herself as far away from him as possible. 
Members of the Terra Team that had attempted to attack the drill were being brought back up the Outer Wall by the dozens, each one moaning and groaning on stretchers and as their comrades carried them. (Y/N) cast a glance at Katara, who gave her a nod, and the both of them went to work to heal the men. (Y/N) liked the relationship that she and Katara had developed over the last few months. Very few words needed to be exchanged between them in order to understand how the other was feeling. It was similar to the relationship she had had with Yue, and it made her heart swell and ache at the same time.
Where Katara was gentle and kind as she healed, (Y/N) preferred to remain silent. It allowed her to focus all of her energy on healing their bodies. She left each man that she healed with a tight-lipped smile before moving onto the next. 
“You’re really a Master Healer, huh?” Sokka asked, kneeling down beside her. Despite herself, (Y/N) jumped, becoming increasingly aware of just how close the two of them were. She felt like she could feel the heat radiating off of his body. 
“I’ve done it all my life.” She tried to inflect her tone in a way that signaled that she didn’t want to talk, but Sokka was not very good at taking hints. 
“I remember Katara mentioning that, when we were back at your tribe. She said you taught her some of what she knows.” (Y/N) ignored him and stood, moving on to the next man. He groaned in protest as she began healing, but eventually relaxed into slumber. “Yue used to say that you were the most talented healer in your tribe.” 
At the mention of her sister’s name, she flinched. Yue was someone she rarely talked about anymore. She resided in (Y/N’s) mind constantly, sitting beside her thoughts of Sokka. “Yue wasn’t a bender, she didn’t know what she was talking about.” (Y/N) moved again and was grateful to find that Sokka didn’t follow her. 
Their team reconvened when Katara called them over to a soldier. “His chi was blocked,” She said, her eyebrow raised. She turned back to the soldier. “The girl who did this to you, her name is Ty Lee. She doesn’t look very dangerous, but she knows the human body and its weak points. It’s like she takes you down from the inside.” 
“That’s it!” Sokka exclaimed. “That’s how we’re going to take down the drill.” 
“By hitting its pressure points!” The excited smile on Toph’s face spread to (Y/N). Finally, they had a means of attack. They traveled down to the base of the wall, where Toph earthbended a hole. One by one, they dropped down, until they were completely encased in darkness. (Y/N) felt her heartbeat race, both from the adrenaline coursing through her body and the nervousness of being trapped in such a confined space. She felt Katara’s hand reach back and give hers a tight squeeze, and for a moment, (Y/N) felt calm. 
Light opened up around them and Sokka noticed an opening in the underbelly of the drill. “There!” He shouted, and Aang airbended his way into the hole before grabbing Katara, (Y/N), and Sokka. “Toph, come on!”
“No way, I can’t see in that thing!” Toph shouted back. “I’ll try to stop it from out here.” Satisfied with her answer, the group of four stood to formulate their plan. 
“I need to see the schematics of this machine,” Sokka said. “That way we’ll know what areas we need to target first.” 
“Where will we get those? I doubt they just have a huge map lying around with circles drawn around the pressure points,” (Y/N) said. Sokka shook his head. 
“You’re right, but...” He moved to the wall and knocked one of the pipes loose with his boomerang. The other three stared at him in shock as mist started to fill the room. 
“What are you doing! You’re gonna get us caught!” 
“Exactly! When something breaks on the machine--” Sokka started. 
“Then someone who knows what to do will come to fix it!” His sister finished. 
Taking down the mechanic was easy work. Katara froze him, while Sokka stole his plans and then they all ran. They reached the part of the drill where the inner and outer shell met. It was held together by thick, metal beams. “I really wish metal could be bent,” (Y/N) said sadly as they stared up at the towering braces. 
“It’s going to take us a while to cut through these.” Sokka stared at the plans once more. 
“Who’s ‘us’?” Katara asked. “We’re going to have to do all the work.” She gestured to herself, Aang, and (Y/N). 
“You three are the waterbending guys, I’m the making plans guy,” Sokka said, turning his nose up into the air. 
Despite having three waterbenders, cutting through the metal was proving to be more difficult than they expected. Eventually, they decided to only weaken the beams and Aang would go outside to deliver the final blow. Everything was going to plan until Katara was narrowly stabbed by a small dagger. 
Exasperated, (Y/N) looked above to find the culprits. The team of three girls that had chased them through the night and had driven them all nearly insane balanced on the supports above them. Fire Nation Princess Azula looked menacing as she stared down at their group, but her partner Mai looked apathetic and Ty Lee looked genuinely excited to see them. 
“Wow, Azula, you were right!” Exclaimed Ty Lee. “It is the Avatar!” She looked down at Sokka, a flirtatious smirk appearing on her lips. “And friends.” 
Sokka waved back up at her and said hello, which only frustrated (Y/N) more. She took the water that she, Aang, and Katara had been bending with and sent ice daggers flying toward the three girls. Ty Lee jumped to the side just in time, and used her acrobatic skills to launch herself at Aang. He blew her away with a gust of air, giving him and his friends enough time to escape. 
They ran down the halls, not entirely sure which way they were going but knowing they needed to put as much distance between them and their enemies  as quickly as possible. They stopped at an intersection. “You guys get out of here,” Aang instructed. “I know what I need to do!” 
“Wait, you’ll need this more than I do!” Katara tossed Aang her satchel of water. (Y/N) thought for a split second of giving her own water supply to Aang, but decided against it. Their group parted ways, and the three Water Tribe children searched for an exit. 
As (Y/N) rounded the corner, the sleeve of her dress caught on the wall. Confused, she turned around and found that one of Mai’s daggers had planted her sleeve deep into the wall. Prying it out would take too much time and the fabric was far too thick for it to tear away easily, but she could hear the increasing footsteps of the two Fire Nation girls and the decreasing footsteps of her friends.  
She gripped the dagger and yanked hard on it. Since her dominant hand was caught, she struggled immensely to loosen it. She could see Mai and Ty Lee at the end of the hallway now, running toward her. (Y/N) had to think and she had to think quickly. 
Looking up, she saw the exposed pipes that ran throughout the ship. She wasn’t sure if she could do it, but for only a moment, she closed her eyes and focused. With one hand, she opened her palm up to the ceiling, then curled her fingers into a fist. 
The pipes exploded with a sharp hiss! and filled the hall with hot steam. (Y/N) felt the water droplets burn her skin, but she bit her lip to keep herself quiet. Mai and Ty Lee were Fire Nation, they should be able to handle the heat, but there was no way they would be able to see until the steam dissipated. (Y/N) finally freed herself from Mai’s dagger and threw it back at the two girls before shielding her face with her arms and running headfirst into the dark steam. 
Sokka and Katara had completely disappeared, most likely not noticing she wasn’t at their side. (Y/N) stopped for a moment and looked down at the vast halls of the drill to see if she found any familiarity at all. She couldn’t recognize anything, but she did see a ladder leading up to a hatch. With no other options other than getting caught, she climbed up and found herself standing on top of the drill. 
Dust kicked up around the drill, interrupting her sight once again. She wasn’t quite sure which end was the right one, but she took a chance and ran ahead of herself. When she reached the end of the drill farthest from the Outer Wall and saw the mixture of water and earth pouring out onto the ground underneath them. For her own sake, she hoped it was something she could bend. 
She ran off the edge and plummeted down into the sludge. She was able to waterbend it just enough to slide down it and jump safely to the ground. Her landing was less than satisfactory, as she skidded directly into a giant puddle of sludge. 
“(Y/N)!” Katara exclaimed, wiping her own sludge off of her body. “Thank goodness you’re okay! We didn’t know where you went!” 
“One of Mai’s daggers caught my clothes,” She explained, rising to her feet. Sokka stared at her, concern apparent on his tanned face. (Y/N) felt her face flush and she turned away. 
“I need your help waterbending this slime back into the drill. If we build up enough pressure, it’ll blow.” (Y/N) nodded. She and Katara took the exact same stance, and their bodies moved as one as they waterbended. Toph joined them later to aid on the earth front, and eventually the team successfully disabled the drill. 
After the retreat of the Fire Nation, (Y/N) and her friends returned to the wall, all in desperate need of a long bath. “The Earth King is making arrangements for your stay,” one of the soldiers informed them. “It should be ready before nightfall.” 
“Thank goodness,” (Y/N) breathed. “I feel like a walking pile of dirt.” 
“That’s how I feel all the time!” Toph said, nudging her with her elbow. “Doesn’t it feel nice?” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and took a seat on the cool stone as they waited for their amenities to be taken care of. 
Sokka sat beside her, his own body caked with a layer of mud. It stuck to his clothes and arms, traveling up his neck and onto his face. (Y/N) resisted the urge to wipe the mud from his cheek. “I’m sorry we left you,” Sokka said. “We didn’t notice until Mai and Ty Lee were gaining on us.” 
“It’s alright,” (Y/N) said. What she wanted to say was that it wasn’t alright. She hated being forgotten about, even during life-threatening circumstances. She felt like she had back in the Northern Water Tribe. Like no one cared about her as much as she did about them. 
Sokka grabbed her hand in hers, causing (Y/N’s) eyes to flutter to his accusingly. “I really am sorry,” He said with such gentleness that she worried that she had said everything she was thinking out loud. “You’re a member of this team and our friend. It’s not like us to leave friends behind. I’m sorry we got separated.” 
(Y/N) stared at him for a moment, at the blue eyes that were burned into the backs of her eyelids every time she tried to sleep. She snatched her hand away from his, the skin he touched buzzing intensely. “It’s fine,” She insisted, before walking away to join Katara and Aang in their conversation. She knew she wasn’t being fair to Sokka, but life had never been fair.
Tag List!
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