#solo tri taichi
ashxketchum · 7 months
Lots of Digimon news today!!
But for me the most important bits are all the new merch content I can turn into graphics! (Poll at the bottom of the post)
We get new Paint War themed art (Previously had a similar theme for Tri)
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A bigger Taichi solo version.
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And a vertical version!
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A3 GraffArt style featuring the kids in party wear.
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And most importantly, we now have a decent quality of full sized version of the previously released Food Sharing art!
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Icons, lock screens, Tumblr headers, I’m about to go crazy on the weekend 🥰
Please vote for otp content you want to see (my own otps will be featured regardless, top voted will get featured based on the number of images i need to complete a set)
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emilycollins00 · 2 years
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He compartido 509 publicaciones este 2022
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#lovely congrats: 14 publicaciones
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#a3! sakuya: 13 publicaciones
#a3! act! addict! actors!: 13 publicaciones
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#azami is so sweet i wanna hug him and i can imagine the whole troupe trying to make sense of taichi's movies while he's overly excited aghs
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81 notas. Fecha de publicación: 31 de marzo de 2022
A3 fandom I'm holding hands with you all
114 notas. Fecha de publicación: 9 de marzo de 2022
A3! Troupes as parents
Please enjoy! 💕
🌸 Spring Troupe 🌸
Was definitely hesitant to have kids because of his past. What if he wasn’t up to the task?
However part of him also wanted to believe he’s not gonna be like his foster families.
The moment he carries his son for the first time -who in return wraps his tiny hand around his finger- Sakuya notices himself crying from the overwhelming amount of love he feels.
Tries to include himself in anything his son does whether it’s his interests or activities at school. He wants him to always feel supported and cared for.
Just, a soft and gentle dad. He’s so glad to have his son in his life.
Extremely protective, especially if he has a daughter??
Like, he’s incredibly attached to her and doesn’t let her know what personal space is because he’s always carrying her and giving her kisses.
Also keep him at bay because Masumi won’t blink twice before consenting his daughter absolutely everything she might want.
Not very good with words, but will try to remember how his grandma was with him and imitate her the best he can.
Forever his little girl. He might be listening to her rambling about something and suddenly pat her in the head murmuring something like “…don't grow up too fast.”
Low-key scared to mess it up -this event is for life what do you expect.
When his son is born though something in his heartstrings go boom. “Looking forward to loving you for a while” he jokes while holding him.
Talks to him like he would do to another adult, especially if he’s tired “Let’s make a deal, I give you your milk and you give me tops ten minutes to use my LP, then we can continue crying together.”
Gaming buddy since baby is able to handle a controller. Lets him appear on his streams and wears matching sets of headphones - the chat goes absolutely feral.
Has however absolutely NO mercy when playing video games with him.
Once he was thinking whether he should pull for a gacha his son moved him and pulled it making him get like 4 SRR and he and the baby stare at each other like???
Of course he calls his daughter princess.
She definitely takes after him. Both of them are the definition of chaotic. “Go higher, daddy! Higher!” she screams laughing as Citron flies with her over his shoulders around the room.
He goes to every single school event and you bet he’ll be the type to stand up and cheer like mad or give a standing ovation even when no one else is.
Loves to get on his knees and dance with her?? My heart???
It’s a special moment, with music in the background, feeling her cheek and arms smashed against him. When they separate he bows. She bows back giggling. And Citron’s heart grows ten times at the sound and wastes no time showering her with kisses.
180 notas. Fecha de publicación: 6 de enero de 2022
A3! Saying goodbye 🌸🔆🍁❄
This game has meant a lot to me. A lot to so many!
In honor of these two amazing years we have all spent together with our beloved actors, I hope this allows everyone to take a moment to say goodbye -though not really, they'll always be there- to each of them.
It is time...
Sakuya takes both of your hands, eyes softening with affection at the contact. He knows you will keep on looking for the brightest side of the world, finding your own happiness along with it.
Masumi kisses your hand. No one has to tell him you won’t stop being passionate about the things and people you love.
Tsuzuru gives you a clumsy hug. He's confident you will always give your all in order to follow your dreams.
Itaru nudges you. He hopes you keep in mind you don’t have to change so that others like you, but be yourself letting the right people know the real you.
Citron tickles you until you laugh. He believes you’ll remember making mistakes doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you’re learning in life.
Chikage gives you a tight squeeze on one of your shoulders. He wishes you never burden your soul with sorrows of the past, and always strive towards happiness.
Tenma squeezes your hand with a determined smile. He has faith you know you don’t need to always be perfect to be the best version of yourself.
Misumi picks you up and begins to swing you around laughing. He doesn’t have to worry whether you will be able to find sparks of happiness in any shape or form.
Kazunari cheers pulling you into a side hug. He’s sure you know the sky is the limit, and that you will do your best to live a life without regrets.
Muku gives you a pinky promise. He hopes you remember while it’s okay to have doubts about yourself, you are stronger than you imagine.
Yuki bumps his shoulder against yours. By now you better know self-love is born out of self-acceptance, and never forget it.
Kumon gives you a double high five. He’s thankful you know asking for help is not weakness, but rather a sign of strength.
Banri flicks your forehead and smirks. He takes pride you know that everything is possible, and that the impossible only takes a little more time.
Sakyo pats your head. He hopes you keep in mind you are never too old to set another goal or dream in your life.
Omi caresses the back of your hand with his thumb. He would like you to remember that no one, no matter what, will ever be too lost to be saved.
Juza gives you a firm nod. He’s grateful knowing you won’t judge anyone based on looks, and will do your best to try to understand their struggles.
Taichi picks up speed and throws himself into your arms. He just knows you’ll remember the value of your own worth, because you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.
Azami bumps his fist with yours. He has faith you will never stop fighting and following what your heart thinks is right.
Homare twirls you in circles. He wishes you remember you are never too broken, too scarred or too far-gone to create change in yourself.
Azuma caresses your cheek. He hopes you know by now family doesn’t have to end in blood to feel real.
Tasuku presses a hand on your back. He believes you will keep doing your best to surpass yourself and reach for the stars.
Hisoka leans on you. He’s sure you know by now that things change, jobs change, but memories stay with you forever, so you’ll make sure to create the best ones you can.
Guy bows solemnly and looks at you proud. He trusts your instincts, so that while your mind might sometimes be confused, your heart will always know the answer.
Tsumugi rests his forehead against yours. He hopes you don’t forget how important is to believe in yourself before anyone else does.
But most of all, they all want you to know that letting go doesn’t mean loving less.
202 notas. Fecha de publicación: 9 de marzo de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
A3! Reactions to the A3eng!news
Sakuya has been smiling even brighter since you all got the news. He has to, right? So he does his best. He works, and practices, and treasures the last shows you all put together -the pain becomes duller that way, somehow. Sakuya’s determined to see you off with a smile, even when he feels the first tears beginning to drop. Because if he has been able to find happiness, it’s because of you.
Masumi is silent scary, and barely acknowledges anything even remotely related to the subject. “I’m never saying goodbye” ,“I’m staying” he grumbles like a statement he will devote himself to. No one makes any comment about it, much less you. Instead, you smile. And Masumi won’t admit it, but while beautiful as always, for the first time, he doesn’t like that smile.
Tsuzuru tries to be there for the young ones. He’s also giving his all into writing the last scripts before everything happens. He thinks he’s got it together -that he can keep the sadness at bay by drowning into work- but from time to time he has to stop and exhale to not let emotions run over him. They all got to do their best for you. He’s gotta do his best for you.
Itaru leaves the console and leans back on his chair, eyes closed, tired from not thinking about it. It’s not the end of the world, he tells himself, you already know where they all will be. But then you knock on the door, calling for him to come out and have dinner -and it clicks. Because he has gotten used to your presence -not in a similar place- but here. And he doesn’t know what to make of that feeling.
Citron doesn’t mention anything. Not really, because he understands. He knows the empty feeling of leaving home against one’s will. That’s why he tries to light up the tension whenever the issue comes up, and why his grammar mistakes begin to get so silly that even you can’t help but laugh. And that’s when his eyes soften. Because the sound makes it a little easier to smile.
Chikage closes his computer and pinches the bridge of his nose letting out a sigh. For some reason, he can’t concentrate. He should be used to goodbyes by now, but knowing someone isn't coming back doesn't mean you ever stop waiting, he realizes as he stands up and leaves the room. Maybe you two can play some last tricks before you go.
Tenma tries to be collected in front of you, shrugging it off and insisting it’s just a small step. That you will still be able to see them, he will make sure of it. You thank him with a smile that makes his eyes burn. He scolds himself mentally. He’s Sumeragi Tenma. He’s the leader of the Summer Troupe. And he definitely, definitely can’t break before you do.
Kazunari does his best to ignore it, to pretend nothing has changed. That’s his intention at least. As soon as the news comes out not a single day passes without him taking a selfie with you. Recording all your jokes. Conversations. Laughs. How he wishes he would have tried everything on this earth with you before leaving.
Misumi doesn’t understand why they are leaving. You are all family, shouldn’t you come too then? When he learns you might have difficulties reaching where they are going he inevitably pouts. Because it’s always better when you are with them, but most of all, he doesn’t want to say goodbye to someone precious to him again.
Muku doesn’t want to be a bother, and does well to ignore the thought of them all moving without you to another place -except when he doesn’t. Because he’s still one of the youngest, and emotions tend to overflow more often than not. His vision gets blurry, so he stops in the middle of the hall and sniffs quietly. How he wishes he could princely take you away with them.
Yuki is realistic. It’s sad, sure, but it’s not like you are not going to see each other again. Still, there’s a lingering feeling on his chest -one he absolutely chooses to not pay attention to- because nothing good will come out of it. Maybe he should make you something. It’s been a while after all, nothing else. He can already imagine your excited face, yet for some reason his heartthrobs.
Kumon has been feeling anxious, even though he has put all his acting knowledge to do his best to not worry you -or anyone for that matter. Too soon. Everything was going too fast. You were supposed to help them grow in order to become better actors, right? You all were supposed to stay together, and there’s just so much he still wanted to experience with you.
Banri bites the inside of his cheek while walking on the streets at night, wishing to punch something -anything- just to destress. He’s annoyed, angry with the news, news he has made clear and sound his opinion about even when he got scolded on the way. What a load of crap. What, after helping him find his passion you leave? Just like that? No. No fucking way.
Sakyo repeats to himself that he has to be the stable one. The rational one. The one who grounds the rest amid the chaos. He’s used to giving things up after all, yet every time he makes eye contact with you, he’s not so sure he’ll ever get used to this one thing. Laughable, really. He takes off his glasses and rubs his face. Damn he wishes he could wake up.
Juza looks at the ceiling of his room in silence. The place they are gonna stay is practically the same, you have told them, more opportunities even. But you are the one who allowed him to enter into this world, and no matter how many times he hears it he won’t understand. You should be the first one to be there with them, not the last one saying goodbye.
Taichi becomes louder and more energetic than ever. He does his best to try and forget what’s about to happen, especially when the feeling in his chest becomes too much to bear. Because if he doesn’t his mind reels over him, and then he will have to explain to you the cause of his swollen eyes is the river of tears he let out in the middle of the night.
Omi cooks. He cooks and cooks every single thing you have ever mentioned liking. He wants to make you the happiest while you are here. To enjoy what little time you have together. Yet when he gazes upon your profile with the utmost affection, his jaw also tightens. Because there is no way he’s gonna be okay missing that smile of yours greeting him every day.
Azami tries to keep his mind off the news -there’s no dwelling on the fact that it will happen. However there are times when he’s in the courtyard, in the practice room, even in the hall, where he notices your familiar fragrance. Thing is, they are always out of the blue, and he has to stop for a few seconds to compose himself, leaving a few curses on the way.
Homare’s poems have been coming in millions, as if there’s a need to share as much as he can before the time comes. He knows things are not going to be the same, but you have helped him love himself more than he ever imagined and it just seems unfair to let you go this way.
Azuma wanders around the dorm in the middle of the night, taking everything in. He touches the walls, hears the crickets in the distance, and glances into the direction of your room, lips turning into a thin line. Just like everyone, your presence has become an essential part for him, and it will be difficult to get used to not finding you around.
Tasuku breathes heavily, closing the door of the entrances after his morning run. He’s about to go to his room when he hears you moving around the kitchen -because by now he knows it’s you- and he stops in his tracks. It’s going to be hard to get used to not talking as much to you as usual, and part of him wishes he could have made plays that gained more people for you to stay.
Hisoka feels numb, as if he can already feel the distance. It carries a weight that's heavier than anything. He opens his eyes as he hears your voice walking up to him to wake him up. He doesn’t want to say goodbye, he concurs. More fervently than anything, he wishes you didn’t have to let go.
Guy blinks. The feeling is straight-up heart-clenching, and the adults have had their fair share of comments regarding this. Inevitable. Unavoidable. His mouth twitches. He closes his eyes and tries to engrave you in his memory one more time. He has learned a lot thanks to you, and that in itself is a tremendous thing. He only wishes he could have kept walking this journey with you.
Tsumugi looks at the garden and crouches, biting his lip. He has done his best not to seem distressed, but it’s been difficult as the date gets closer and closer. He turns to the flower that has your name, and caresses each of its petals, leaving gently afterwards. How he wishes you could stay with them.
Because you helped them all bloom, and it was only fair that you did too.
Soft version here 🌸🔆🍁❄
215 notas. Fecha de publicación: 24 de febrero de 2022
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 - Volume 1
I'm doing things slightly out of order here, but I'd like to get to all the side stuff that came out prior to Tamers before I move on from Adventure. This is the first Digimon manga that came out (aside from C'mon Digimon which is contained within this release) so it'll be interesting to see those humble beginnings.
-So I guess this is some alternate universe version of season 1? (Or maybe like a beta version?) The plot feels a little similar to Digimon World where digimon are a battling v-pet IRL and the main character gets sucked into the digital world solo.
-In this version of the story, Taichi has a V-dramon. Unclear so far what level digivolution a V-dramon is or if it's related to Veemon. Zeromaru is a dumb name...
-Goggles AND a cape? That's a bit much Taichi...
-I like how doofy Gabumon looks in this. The digimon are way more cartoony and expressive so far.
-Full color and actual, red blood!? This manga looks fabulous on my tablet <3
Ch. 2
-More Digimon World vibes. The Holy Angel Castle looks a lot like the ice castle that you can only enter if you have a vaccine digimon in the PSX game...
-There's a "should digimon have human partners?" element here that we haven't really seen in the show yet. I feel like this question is inevitable for most mon series.
Ch. 3
-Okay, I'll admit, I didn't see the pun in "Zeromaru" (maru is another way to say zero) until this chapter. I hate the name slightly less now.
-A Tonosama Gekomon and a HolyAngemon are a pretty bizarre combo lol
-I really love the art style in this actually. Chibi-mode Taichi was adorable in this chapter and the colors are really nice as well. I wish we got more full-color manga releases like this one!
-So Demon is gonna be the big bad in this? That's kinda nice actually cuz he got majorly short shrifted in 02. Seems like his design is completely different here. Kinda looks like Ogremon...
Ch. 4
-I kinda like how the wild digimon get names in this. Since every digimon from the same species seems to be pretty much identical, giving them names allows me to become more attached to them.
-Only just realized that I don't really know why Etemon is called Etemon. I tried googling it and the Digimon wiki's explanation didn't really help...
-Pretty wild that Gabo said "God is gone" lol. Also, Digi-world creation myth confirmed.
-The manga's McGuffin was introduced: V-tags. I'm guessing the "V" is for "Virtual," but if you're going to call everything "digi" that seems to go against the branding a bit...
Ch. 5
-Okay Gabo's incessant "You guys need to act more concerned!!" gag is getting really annoying. He says it like every 3 pages!
-I had no memory of Deltamon so I thought he was new, but I guess he appeared in an 02 episode? He's really ugly. Also, how many samey dino digimon designs do we need!?
Ch. 6
-These chapters are super short and since a lot of them are battles, they take like 2 minutes to read. Perfect for young kids I guess!
-That triceratops with pecs was pretty cursed.
Ch. 7
-When the digimon are hurt their skin cracks like they're made of plastic or something. Kind of a weird choice...
-Another thing that differs between the manga and anime is that we see Taichi perform first-aid care after fights. The anime doesn't really show a lot of wounds in the first place and usually the digimon just rest to heal.
Ch. 8
-I was surprised to see MarineDevimon who doesn't appear in the anime until 02. I wish I knew more about which chapters of this came out when because it apparently came out over the course of 5 years (1998-2003) -- Edit: this info is thankfully on the wiki
-In this chapter Gomamon says that Triceramon being a data-type means he's a "good" digimon. In the anime they said that even virus-types can be good. So maybe that's more of a prejudice than a fact? (Or it's just different in the manga).
-Gomamon is so baby in this!
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Ch. 9
-This manga reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh! season 0 where everything is just slightly off.
-The digimon are more blatantly programs and apparently if you go inside them it's just a neon void? Also, I guess the 01 in the manga's title is a reference to binary.
-Let's see how much random stuff the digivice can do in the manga. So far it allows you to scan digimon for their HP and to communicate telepathically.
Ch. 10
-Already 2 out of 5 tags collected which means that this tag collecting thing is probably just one out of many arcs.
-For some reason the official release goes up to chapter 10 for volume 1 but the fan scans go beyond that? I'm going to stick to the official release because 10 is a nice clean end point.
This manga seems pretty typical for a game/anime-tie in for young boys. The chapters are very easily digestible and nothing too deep happens. The magazine it was serialized in, V-Jump was also home to things like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest, so the demographic is pretty clear. I'm really enjoying the artwork mostly. I wish there were more character moments but the reoccurring cast is pretty dinky at the moment. Let's see where this goes!
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shizukahaiji · 2 years
Thinking about A3 super quick before bed but Taichi Nanao… Thinking so hard about him tonight. His struggles with his self worth (to the point so much of the hobbies and things he’s into he only picked up because they were fads, and he thought they’d help him get popular), how he wants to be noticed and appreciated, how that both lead him into getting into Godza AND having Godza use him as a spy to attack Mankai from the inside… The guilt he was left with afterwards that still inseries eats at him… The actor Reni rejected and saw no worth in outside of being a spy to manipulate giving an emotional performance (along another actor Reni rejected but this ain’t about Tsumugi right now)… The fact that despite all the deep worries he has, he still cares for and loves Autumn Troupe so much and tries helping them (and all of Mankai!), how much he helped Omi. How he went from resenting Tenma for his fame to being playful rivals and close friends. How he’s normally comic relief but also gets some seriously emotional scenes as soon as the spotlight’s on him, pretty much from the moment he was introduced in Act 3? How he normally uses orecchi but in his solo he uses boku (and this is never really explained? Taichi???)? How he thought his first crush was a girl, but it ended up being Yuki and he was totally ok with that realization and doesn’t think badly of the situation or Yuki at all??? How he’s really, really good at art and super artistic yet I RARELY see that pointed out??? God Taichi one of the characters of all time I can’t even describe all my thoughts on him
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'I left in bits. Whilst billed as a romance between Andrew Scott’s Adam and Paul Mescal’s Harry, Andrew Haigh’s bittersweet drama is so much more. Themes of connection, loneliness, love, loss, grief, forgiveness, reconciliation, acceptance are all in there. Based on a Taichi Yamada story, it’s also a literally haunting ghost story of lonely Londoners and long-dead parents. Most of all, this is Jamie Bell’s film — he’s superb!
Adam lives in a smart urban flat in a contemporary block. Absence is the key here — there aren’t any visible neighbours, friends, family. He tries to write screenplays, fights writer’s block, binges on day-time TV and snacks, sleeps — and repeat. Until he is rudely awakened by a fire alarm — which only he goes outside for. Looking up, he sees another apartment dweller in a blue-lit flat.
Abruptly, the same man turns up at his door, drunk, and tries to invite himself in. Adam is having none of this. There is an awkward meeting by the lifts. How is it possible, the film asks, to be in such a busy city and be alone? Both Adam and Harry long for connection, to connect, to be seen, heard, loved, not alone. At the same time, Adam is thinking about the past — we see him rummaging through childhood possessions and photos. He makes a trip to his childhood home and the area where he grew up.
Equally abruptly as Harry turning up at his front door, Adam spots a man he recognises — and follows him. It’s his dad. They return to his family home, where his mum is there too. Only both his parents died when he was twelve in a car crash. Although his ghostly parents seem to know they’re deceased, everyone carries on as a normal. There is a warm welcome, a meal, love. Through connecting with his parents again, Adam is able to connect with Harry too.
There are painful conversations with his mum, and later his dad. (Sometimes his parents are encountered at the family home solo). Adam comes out to his mum who is shocked, and worried. His dad is much more understanding, and wants Adam to understand his mum too — she will come round, she just needs to change her narrative.
There are also good times too. Adult Adam (though in his childish behaviour) remembers happy family Christmases — and the terrible way one Christmas ended with the death of his dad, and later his mum. But he remembers the love and safety of being together. We see what an anxious, fearful child he was — and how his parents didn’t get that at the time. At the same time they love their sensitive, creative boy — and cherish him. They regret not being better parents.
His ghostly parents take Adam to his favourite American diner — and say farewell. They want their son to move on. It’s incredibly moving as they express their love for him, but also admit that they haven’t been perfect — and at times let him down. Adam doesn’t want them to go, but they go one by one, (as in the accident), leaving him grief-stricken, but also loved and whole. Connected.
Ending is a bit ambiguous. Adam seemingly isn’t done with ghosts from what is suggested. Or maybe it is just a happy ending.
Jamie Bell and Claire Foy as Andrew Scott’s parents are stellar. The characters are fully formed, imperfect, judgemental, failing, and yet loving, caring, tender. They want to understand and do better. It is very funny how they are stuck in the 1980’s — at the time of their demise. So much of this movie is about the love of parents for each other, the love of parents for their child, the love between father and son, and mother and son. Their performances are exceptional, and naturalistic.
Adam and Harry convince as a fragile couple connecting. Could have done without all the drug taking — but it’s through a bad experience at a club that Adam seems to explore his memories, really confront his past and open his heart. It also shows all the ways people try to connect — through drink, drugs, music, sex, home building — and yet don’t, feeling alone, isolated, lonely, othered.
Harry’s reconnection with his ghostly family, though painful and hurtful, allows him to love, to be with others again, to feel. To connect. It’s very, very E M Forster — with ghosts.'
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izzyizumi · 5 years
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Digimon Adventure Tri ~ Edit Featuring: Taichi Yagami
“Under the withering sun, The ‘ HEAT HAZE ’ Wavered”:
  “ ‘ Don’t forget , come on , let’s go FORWARD . ’ ”
Gifs by @izzyizumi, {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Reproduce my Works or (+Vid) Edits Without my Permission under Any Circumstances!}
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rosesandtoshi · 3 years
Take It ❃ Shirabu Kenjirō
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❃ Pairing Shirabu Kenjirō x female virgin!reader
❃ W/C: 1.3k
❃ Warnings: dark content, pseudocest (step siblings), non con, slapping, no prep, mating press, vanilla sex, creampie, reader is not on birth control,
❃ Part of my daddy's, I mean baby's collab @sinfulcries!! Thank you so much for letting join Dylan. I had fun writing this!! Masterlist for all the other wonderful work and creators can be found here!
❃ As always, I am very very grateful to all my betas. Without y'all, I would seriously be lost. So I am very thankful!!! @ovarysnake23 @mianavs
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Shirabu knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t have these feelings for you. Ever since his dad married your mom, he always claimed he hated you; never wanting an annoying little sister. Especially since you were both middle school aged when they married. But when you ended up at the same college, he couldn’t help but realize that all the years he spent hating you, wasn’t actually hate. No, it was him developing feelings for you. So when you showed up to campus and had a few classes with him, he knew he would finally be able to confess to you. With your parents out of the picture, there was nothing stopping him. That was until Terushima Yuuji came into the picture; the playboy of the campus who got any girl he wanted. And he had his sights set on you; you were so dumb and naive you fell right into his trap too. Knowing that he was just going to use you for sex and then dump you, Shirabu tried to stop you.
“You’re not my dad.” You snapped at him one night.
He knew after that night he had to make a plan to confess to you. Terushima had planned this big year end party and invited everyone. Normally, Shirabu never went to parties. As an inspiring med student, his studies were his main focus, but knowing you were going to be there, he made an exception. The music was blaring through the house as Shirabu made his way towards the house with some old high school friends
“Hey man, lighten up!” Taichi Kawanishi, Shirabu’s best friend said, slapping his back and handing him a drink. Shirabu rolled his eyes and grabbed the cup out of his hand.
“Yeah yeah. Let’s have fun.”
As the night went on and people came in and out, Shirabu began to grow impatient. He hadn’t seen you all night and was starting to wonder if you had even showed up. As the two men sat in the corner, red solo cups in hand, Taichi nudged Shirabu out of his trance.
“Isn’t that your sis?”
Shirabu’s eyes follow to where he pointed. There you stood in a short tight dress, stumbling a bit while holding on to Terushima. He felt his blood boil as he watched you cling to him, tits pressed into his shoulders as you looked up at him with sultry eyes. Shirabu gripped his cup tighter as he glared. Taichi nudged him again.
“You just gonna stare at her or what?”
“Shut up.” Shirabu set his drink down and walked over to the group. Terushima smirked as he saw him walk over.
“Hey man. Glad you can make it.” Shirabu ignored him and looked at you, watching you cling tighter to Terushima.
“What do you want, Shirabu?” You slurred.
“We’re going home.” He roughly grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Terushima. You tried to fight him, but the look he gave you made you stop.
“Hey, if she doesn't want to go, she doesn’t have to go.” Terushima said, lifting his arms up. Shirabu pulled you away from the group and out the door.
“Where are you taking me?” You asked, tears lining your lashes as he pulled you in a different direction of his door.
“To teach you a lesson.”
The rest of the walk to his dorm was you stumbling and crying, trying to keep up with your step brother. You didn’t want to make him more angry than he already was so you just followed. Shirabu had always been protective of you; but you knew he hated you, always having an issue with your parents marrying. You were actually surprised he took you out of the party. You got to his dorm room and he shoved you into his room, locking the door behind him.
“Shirabu, why are you being so rough with me?” You asked, sitting on the bed. He didn’t answer you. Instead, he stalked over to you.
“What happened to that attitude you just had, hmm?” He asked, towering over your sitting form. With your brain fuzzy from the alcohol and drugs you had taken, your once normal demeanor faltered.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” You mumbled.
“Like what? Like you're a child? You are a child. A stupid one at that. Whoring yourself around to the biggest playboy around campus. Knowing that he’s just going to fuck you and move on. Is that what you want? To be used like a whore?” Your bottom lip trembled as he spilled those hateful things to you.
“Stop being so mean to me.” You felt the tears fall down your cheeks.
“Being mean to you? Really? You want me to be mean? Fine!!” He shoved you until you were on your back. You yelped when he slapped your thigh and spread your legs apart. He smirked when he saw the thong that barely covered your pussy. You tried to close your legs shut but he kept them open.
“Shirabu stop! This is wrong, you’re my brother.” You cried out to him. He ran his fingers up your calves to your thighs until they reached your core. You felt the goosebumps rise when his fingertips ghosted over your slit. Biting your lip to keep from moaning, you tried to move away from his touch, but the hand that was on your thigh kept you in place.
“We’re not really siblings. You’re just my dumb little step sister. Besides, I’ve wanted to destroy this pussy for years.”
His fingers gripped the top of your thong and pulled it off slowly, before throwing them on his dresser as a keepsake. He licked his lips as he moved down until his face was at your awaiting heat. His hot breath made you shiver as his tongue stuck out and licked a long strip from your dripping hole to your clit before latching his lips around the bud. You arched your back at the pleasure coursing through your body. You knew you shouldn’t have enjoyed this, you knew this wasn’t right. He’s your step brother.
“You’re a virgin aren’t you?” Shirabu asked, releasing your clit with a pop. You felt your face heat up at his question and nodded your head.
“We should stop. This isn’t right.”
“Oh, but you’ll fuck Terushima? You’ll let him take your virginity?” You felt yourself tense up at the change in Shirabu’s demeanor.
“I—” You felt a sting on your cheek as your head whipped to the side and realized he had slapped you. You started to cry as he took his clothes off. He grabbed your ankles and pushed your knees to your chest, caging you in. You tried to fight him, but his body weight trapped you as you felt the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance. Your eyes widened as he started to push in.
“God, you’re so fucking tight.” He hissed out as he continued to push into you. The tears just flowed down your eyes as you couldn't do anything but just take it. You felt like you were being ripped in two, having never experienced sex before. His hips snapped into yours over and over as you tried to block out what was happening.
“You filthy whore. I fucking hate you.” He spat as he pounded into you fast and hard. The tip of his cock hitting your cervix over and over again, making you cry out in pain. You squeezed your eyes tight as his hips finally stilled, cuming deep inside of you. He pulled out and released your legs as he started to pull his clothes back on. You curled into a ball and sobbed into the pillow, the pain settling between your thighs as the adrenaline started to wear off. You flinched when he ran his fingers up and down your wet slit as he shoved two fingers in you, forcing the cum back inside.
“You know this pussy is mine now, right? Such a good girl taking her step brother's cock. I love you so much my sweet little sister. Next time, I’ll try to treat you better okay.”
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kumo-pi · 3 years
A3! Characters and What K-pop Group/Soloist They Stan
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Spring Troupe
absolutely knows the choreo to mr.chu
and taught it to citron shortly after becoming roomies
doesnt own any merch
very proud pink panda!
casual listener (for now??)
definitely prefers more underground k-bands, but they piqued his interest
not so patiently waiting for a comeback (one song is not enough for a debut!!!)
admires that they're a self-producing group
his favorite album is al1
looks forward to going seventeen every week
tries to watch it while alone bc he laughs so much (and masumi glares at him while putting his headphone volume up)
his little bros definitely know all the members and have a favorite
his sister is an SM stan (she specifically loves super junior!)
found out about snsd from her
taeyeon biased
owns all their albums (solo & sub-unit albums too)
definitely has at least one signed album
it's on display on his side of the room
has some season's greetings and concert dvds too
his first exposure to k-pop was the catallena music video
"wow! so this is k-pop!"
immediately showed it to guy
the guys had to break it to him that most k-pop is nothing like orange caramel
randomly dances to the "파르르르르륵 파르르르르륵" part of catallena
definitely also loves oh my girl banhana & wjsn chocome
listens to new releases the second they come out
doesn't buy merch
definitely a bana since debut
showed them to the rest of gekkagumi
probably makes fun of itaru for being a girl group stan
Summer Troupe
tells everyone his favorite album is chase
it's actually dreamlike
has only been to one concert due to his schedule
absolutely went backstage after and took pics with them
got his dreamlike album signed too
reveluv since dumb dumb era
usually prefers their "red" concept over their "velvet" concept
loves their stage outfits
has definitely made some outfits inspired by them for himself
obsessed with the concept photos for their upcoming comeback
fineapple since debut
prefers their earlier albums with innocent & fairytale concepts
absolutely owns all their albums and collects his bias' photocards
can and will talk about them for forever
stayed in bed for like a week after their disbandment was announced
originally just liked their triangle logo
kazunari found some astro stuff in misumi's triangle collection and showed him their music!
very casual aroha
his favorite song is breathless
their title tracks have all been super trendy, so of course he stans them!
was constantly dancing to asap & stereotype when they were released
and everyone knows at least a move or two because of it
also keeps up with other debuts and comebacks like his life depends on it
owns albums from a lot of different groups (he only buys it if the design/concept is particularly interesting)
obsessed with their song home run, for obvious reasons
binge watched their drama dream knight with muku
they both cried at the end
more of a casual ahgase, although he definitely owns their lightstick
also really likes monsta x because of course he supports his big bro's favorite group!
Autumn Troupe
heard about them from his sister (she stans 2ne1!)
relatively casual stan
his favorite song is really really
obviously knows the choreography
monsta x anti (only to juza)
monbebe since debut!
shownu biased
the code is his favorite album
went to tower records cafe during the starship collab with muku and kumon!!
actually likes winner too, but won't tell banri
ddu-du ddu-du is his favorite song
definitely saw them live at the summer sonic festival
doesn't buy their merch
buys products they endorse though
"jennie said it's good, so we have to get it!"
definitely a guilty pleasure back when he was crazy wolf
doesn't care anymore though
usually listens to her music while studying, doing schoolwork, and relaxing!
actually looks up lyrics and likes to know what songs are about
classic choice; the kings of k-pop
was more into them when he was younger
owns only his favorite albums
a casual v.i.p now
particularly likes g-dragon's solo work
stan since debut
especially loves their lyrics
doesnt buy merch because how will he afford all the new makeup he wants to try out if he does??? priorities.
definitely blasts their title tracks
not a fan of the concept change with carnival & that's my jam (the sound just isnt for him)
was veryy upset when they disbanded
Winter Troupe
exo-l since growl era!
owns all their albums & their lightstick
their winter albums are his favorite
has seen them in concert a few times
showed them to tasuku!
kyungsoo biased!
doesnt usually buy merch, but he owns the iconic universe kyungsoo photocard & and kyungsoo's love shot love ver. photocard
has seen them in concert at least once
yes he went with tsumugi
couldnt figure out why he felt so connected to their music until chikage joined
prefers their softer songs
easy to sleep to
his favorite songs are in dreams and i'll find you
loves their experimental sound
had sticker on repeat when it came out (hisoka wasn't in their room for a while because of it...)
literally doesn't know any of the members
he's here for the music and the music only
especially enjoys their japanese releases
often has their music playing in the background
owns a few albums
he buys them for the cds
never really listened to music much
"androids don't need music"
he also just never really had much time for himself before joining mankai
grew to like 2pm thanks to azuma
never understood citron's interest in orange caramel
momo and sana biased!
owns their fancy you album
tried and failed to get azami to like them (he appreciates their makeup though)
also likes b.a.p, thanks to azami
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ginjithewanderer · 3 years
[Juza Hyodo] Brilliance of Blooming SR — Backstage — MANKAI Livestream! ~LIVE: Juza~ — Part 1
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Part 1 - Part 2
Translation under the cut
Izumi: Kazunari-kun will be joining us for today's leader meeting, too.
Kazunari: Yoropiko~!
Banri: You think of something new again?
Kazunari: Exactly, Setzer! There's something I kinda wanted to do.
Kazunari: Basically... I tried putting up a questionnaire to see what kinda things fans want us to do~!
Sakuya: A questionnaire?
Izumi: Yup. At Kazunari-kun's suggestion, we held one for all our fans.
Kazunari: Right now, thankfully, MANKAI Company's popularity has gone up by a ton!
Tenma: Right, so we have a lot of new fans.
Kazunari: Some of our long-time fans say we feel more distant lately, though, and that that makes them feel lonely.
Kazunari: But no matter how popular we get, we wanna keep that familiar feeling there for all our fans, right?
Banri: I get it. So that's what the questionnaire was for.
Tsumugi: What did you get out of it?
Kazunari: The most common answer was that people wanna see more Inste livestreams and selfies from all of us!
Tenma: Some of us do hold livestreams less often than others.
Tsumugi: The same goes for selfies. We basically just leave posting them to whoever's good with social media.
Kazunari: Yup, yup! So, I suggest we start a special project featuring 24 days of consecutive solo livestreams and selfie parties!
Banri: Selfie parties?
Kazunari: We'll take selfies live on stream, and then upload them to Inste right after! That'll get everyone even more hyped!
Izumi: I asked Sakyo-san about it, too, and he said it's okay to do it as long as I watch over things to make sure no trouble comes up.
Kazunari: So with that said, it comes down to whether you're all okay with it... What do you think?
Sakuya: I wanna do it! As long as everyone's okay with it, of course, but...
Sakuya: Personally, I'm really glad I'll have the chance to talk to our fans from behind the screen!
Tsumugi: I want to do it, too. It'll also help me understand how streams work better.
Tenma: We can't just spend the whole time chatting, though, right?
Kazunari: That's right, which is why I thought it'd be nice if each of us had another survey for our streams asking what fans want to see from us.
Banri: It'd be easier to know what to do that way.
Izumi: It'll be interesting to see how different each livestream turns out that way.
Kazunari: It's decided, then! Leave the form-making and data-gathering to me!
Sakuya: Thank you so much, Kazunari-san!
Izumi: Okay, leaders, please tell the rest of your troupe members about the livestream and selfie project plans.
Leaders: Got it!
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Juza: ...
Taichi: Juza-san, we're over here~!
Juza: ...!
Tenma: So you got today's special, too.
Taichi: The crab cream croquette looks great!
Tsuzuru: Oh yeah, Juza, did you get the survey results for your solo livestream from Miyoshi-san?
Juza: I did.
Tenma: What kind of stuff is there?
Juza: How do I say this... There's a whole lotta different stuff.
Taichi: Yup, yup! I saw the results, too.
Taichi: Some people said they just wanna see Juza-san eating sweet stuff, and others wanna see him doing action scenes--
Taichi: There's a whole lot of answers, from things that made me go "Me too~!" to things that were like, "Why would you want this from Juza-san?"
Tsuzuru: That much action in a livestream would be something.
Tenma: And a solo stream at that.
Tsuzuru: So, have you decided what you're gonna do?
Juza: I'm still thinkin' about it.
Taichi: It must be tough choosing from so many different requests, huh~?
Juza: Yeah... Plus, honestly, I still don't even know what to talk about on stream.
Tenma: Yeah, you're not really the type who can easily hype an audience up with chatter.
Juza: Since I'll be streaming alone, I just wanna make the stream something all my viewers will enjoy...
Taichi: That's okay! Since it's a stream from someone who doesn't seem too used to doing it, all your fans are gonna love it!
Tsuzuru: You should just pick the requests that you think will be the easiest for you to do.
Tenma: Isn't there anything there that you really wanna do?
Juza: ... Wax.
Tsuzuru: Hm?
Juza: There was something about wanting me to show them the hair wax I use.
Taichi: Oh, yeah! There were some people saying they wanna know how Juza does his hair.
Tsuzuru: Those are some hardcore fans.
Tenma: How you do your hair, huh? That sounds fun.
Juza: It's something I do regularly, so I probably won't have trouble streaming it on my own.
Tsuzuru: That might actually be a good idea, since there are a lot of fans who want to see a side of Juza they don't usually get to.
Juza: That so?
Taichi: That's the stan mindset!
Tenma: Even so, doing your hair live is definitely new.
Tsuzuru: If they wanna know how Juza does his hair, could the requests be from male fans who want to do their hair the same way?
Taichi: Juza-san probably has a bunch of fans so dedicated they wanna be just like him!
Tenma: It's something the audience will enjoy, and even more importantly, that Juza thinks he can handle. That works out, doesn't it?
Juza: ...
Part 2
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sweetsforhikari · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Sakuya 🌸
Without you, there won’t be Mankai Company and our story together wouldn’t have begun. In honor of your birthday and the release of your second solo song, please read the letters that I wrote for you about how the troupe members think about you.
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I know the format might be weird, but I wrote this addressing Sakuya, so the ‘you’ here refers to Sakuya. I just thought of writing something for him to read so yes, do take note that you need to read everything below as if you’re Sakuya!
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Masumi Usui
Your days of taking care of him as a leader, as a friend, as a brother really made an impact to him. Although Masumi never explicitly reciprocated your love, he has grown to listen and respect you. Allowing you to be involved in his business, hugging him, choosing to depend on you, and taking the time to listen to your words are mere proofs of him considering you as part of his family.
Both you and Masumi never really knew what true family should be like, but I’m sure your time together made both of you understand what it meant to have a brother who would stick by your side no matter what.
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Tsuzuru Minagi
He has immense faith in you, Sakuya. All the scripts he had written for your role have definitely been adjusted to suit you and you alone. He would have never written a role where he knew you couldn’t perform in.
Without you as the leader, he would also have gone mad dealing with the antiques of the other members. As much as he acts as the mediator, the middle ground of the chaos ensuing in Spring Troupe from time to time, he appreciates your presence as the leader who has grown so much more dependable throughout the years. 
Dare I say, sometimes, he glances at you and smiles softly, proud you as one of his little brothers that he cherishes deeply.
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Itaru Chigasaki
Sure, he might view you as a token of gacha luck to bring that SSR home, but you’re definitely more than that. Him accepting his role as the father of Spring Troupe was his way of committing to the found family that he has now. The family that you have established.
Deep down, he’s eternally grateful for your ceaseless attempts to convince him to stay and perform with the troupe during Romeo and Julius. Without you, he wouldn’t have met this group of people with whom he could drop his mask and completely be his true self.
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He enjoys seeing your face light up with wonder and excitement not because he takes pleasure in teasing you, but I believe he wants to preserve that childlike innocence in you as much as possible.
Despite what others might think, I genuinely believe Citron only wants you to feel happy and ignore the negativity and evil that lie in this world. The greatest pleasure in his days has always been to see you smile right after you wake up and before you fall asleep at night. Don’t you think that’s why he enjoys telling you those magical, bombastic, wonderous stories?
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Chikage Utsuki
Admittedly, he still enjoys tricking you during your daily coin toss, but he will stop at nothing to ensure you do not need to worry about a thing in life.
After all, you were the first to not give up on him and still saw him favorably (or should I say objectively without any judgment) despite his actions towards Izumi and Mankai in general.
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Putting all the other troupe members under the cut so this won’t get too long! 
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Tenma Sumeragi
You do know this child actor genius took the audition for Mankai because of you, right? You, who thought your acting was sub-par, turned out to inspire a veteran to face his fears and took that step.
How could Tenma ever thank you properly for that? That’s why as a fellow troupe leader, he would make sure to practice often with you, giving you acting pointers whenever he could. Not to demean you, but to lift you up so both of you can bloom together on stage as equals.
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Yuki Rurikawa
He comments about your naivety, but I dare say he actually envies you for it. Being part of the minority and adopting a cynical approach to life proves to be tiring at times. The positive outlook in life despite your background is definitely something that he has considered to adopt at some point in time.
To him, you’re a reminder that being positive is an option. As much as he seems baffled by your innocence, he is part of the crew that does his best to preserve that side of you.
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Muku Sakisaka
You two are angels! I can only imagine both of you continue being the precious babies that you are. Muku adores you and definitely considers you one of his precious older brothers.
His enthusiasm is reciprocated with you around and your presence lifts up his spirit as well. You are each other’s healing spirit in a way. Always be there for each other, and just by being together, both of you remind all of us that staying pure is a choice and such sight heals us on a daily basis.
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Misumi Ikaruga
He’s off on scavenging triangles for your birthday! Apparently, he heard the cats sang praises about you the other day. As thanks for being his friend and for being kind to the kitties, he’s going to find a special triangle just for you.
Thank you for being so kind and understanding to him, and for becoming his faithful friend, one of his precious treasures in life.
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Kazunari Miyoshi
How many times have you appeared in Kazu’s Inste feed, I wonder. He always seem to find joy in sharing what he found that might be of interest to you.
Both of you are expressive so it’s no surprise either when Kazu wants to hear your opinion on anything. Hope you find those times to be exciting. It is after all, quite rare, to find someone to be candid with these days.
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Kumon Hyodo
Both of you are quite literally sunshine in human form. At times too bright for some, but that’s why both of you should continue being you.
Even Kumon admits watching you lifts his spirits, can you imagine the influence you have in improving the mood of those around you? Sakuya, as Kumon said, please stay true to yourself and keep being you. Your smile and positivity radiate and I honestly think we all need someone like you in our lives.
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Banri Settsu
Don’t feel bad if he lets you borrow his clothes, or if he buys you stuff! It’s his way of letting you know he cares deeply for you. Please don’t think that you’re not worthy of receiving such gifts or even having his company.
If anything, all he wants is to see you all happy with that beaming smile. Keep being the sunshine that you are because I’m sure that’s what Banri wants for you!
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Juza Hyodo
The passionate duo; both of you talk about acting a lot and I’m glad you have someone to share your thoughts and passion with.
Juza considers you as a companion of some sort, he seems to always asking you to practice or do etudes together. Just knowing that both of you can support one another in your endeavours is heartwarming. But, please don’t eat too much sweets if you can’t take it. I’m sure Juza would understand.
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Taichi Nanao
He likes to try out new things and he’s grateful that you are always open to his idea and agrees to accompany him whenever he tries them out.
Thank you for being a great friend for Taichi, but please make sure that you guys don’t go overboard and hurt yourselves. Wouldn’t want that to happen when you’re having fun, right?
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Omi Fushimi
How’s the Neapolitan that he cooked for you today? It must be delicious! All the love and affection he has for you has always been included in his cooking.
Thank you for being the best at helping him out in the kitchen and actually doing the chores. He appreciates it a lot, especially since the dishes don’t clean themselves and with more hands on deck, he is eternally grateful.
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Sakyo Furuichi
Both of you really have come along way, from him being doubtful about your potential until today. You did it, Sakuya! You proved him wrong, alright.
I believe you are his reminder to stay true to what your dreams are. In both of your cases, you both want to be an acknowledged actor. What a long way you two have come. Remember that you have the power to prove people wrong with your earnest determination and always remember that you manage to get Sakyo’s approval on your leadership and acting skills! 
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Azami Izumida
This kid needs to learn a lot from you and he knows that even though he doesn’t readily admit to it. Being a leader isn’t a walk in the park, he realises that as soon as he meets the other troupe members.
Although both of you come from an entirely different background, with him being rebellious and all, he is bound to understand that being earnest as Sakyo has said, will benefit him in the long run. You are a great example for him to follow, and don’t need to feel the pressure! You’re fine the way you are, and this kid will soon learn so both of you can bloom together!
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Tsumugi Tsukioka
I’m pretty sure the cherry blossoms in the courtyard are well taken care of by Tsumugi because it also reminds him of you.
He looks out for you in the smallest ways which you might not have noticed. I’m pretty sure you realise by now that you can talk to him whenever you’re troubled, right? He will listen and he will be grateful he could be an emotional support for you.
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Tasuku Takato
Have you been working out a lot with him? I could start seeing those muscle lines on your arms and legs. Keep up the good work!
He cheers you on by always thinking of training menus for you, knowing that your motivation to be stronger is to build your stamina for better endurance while acting. Tasuku might not say anything, but deep down he appreciates you depending on him for such matters. (Don’t tell him I said this, please. He’ll deny it anyway)
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Hisoka Mikage
Being in the Christmas play together must have made you guys closer. Hisoka even mentioned how he looks forward to acting with you again.
Your caring nature did not go unnoticed. I believe he even gave you some marshmallows to try? And if that’s not him accepting you as one of his own, I don’t know what is.
Thank you for always looking out for him. He has you to thank for all the times he slept and was protected by the cold weather. 
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Homare Arisugawa
I’m curious whether you actually understand Homare when he’s gushing about an inspiration for his poems. But, you always seem to listen intently and take the time to attempt at digesting the verses. 
Homare adores you for that; not everyone can appreciate his poems, he knows that very well, but those who put in the effort to understand his world will always be remembered. And you, Sakuya, are one of them.
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Azuma Yukishiro
Being one of the oldest members of the company also meant that witnessing youth in action is always something that he looks out for everyday. This might explain why he’s a bit sad you’re one year older and more mature now.
His wish for you is simply to let you have no worries in life as you experience youth and the splendour it brings. You’re still young, so many doors of opportunities left to open. With that in mind, feel free to embrace your passion and continue pushing forward to reach your dream, Sakuya. He has your back and nothing will ever get in your way anymore.
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Honestly, please convince him that you enjoy Citron’s company. I’m confident that you never once considered Citron to be a nuisance or burden of any sort.
Just know that Guy is at your service for all the trouble that Citron has caused you. And in times of need, he will always be ready to assist you.
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shitsumon-abound · 3 years
Eternal Moment spoilers
You know what the most amazing (mostly funny) parts of epi12? (up to ch25 that i’ve read, in no chronological order)
How quickly the plot thickens. it’s really that meme of someone getting pizza only to find the house on fire. Except the theatre is on fire. And the dorm is getting repossessed. 
Citron’s exclamation of ‘I can deploy the military!’
Seriously, Amadate is implied to have background checked everyone and still seem oblivious that he just made enemy of yakuza, gangster, Chikage and also middle eastern royals.
Zen’s restaurant being the secret hideout for first gen
How Kabuto tries to be discreet and even using voice changer but got found out after first talk with Shu.
Banri : *comes to the restaurant* Zen : Are you applying for part time? Banri : Heck noooo (said with the most deadpan voice imaginable) I dunno why this is hilarious for me
Kabuto : Haa? Banri : It’s Settsu Kabuto : Just in time. There’s this show i want you to act in. It’s in 6 months time. Banri : IM NOT JOINING YOU
Yuzo offering Juza a role in a show in six months time. Now im imagining Juza and Banri will ending up in one show and be like that spiderman meme
Citron : (regarding the threat to disband) maybe we can fool them by being Manzai Company Tsuzuru : Yeah, that won’t work... Hisoka : Marshmallow Company... Chikage : The name isn’t the problem here
Reni and Shu providing intel due to them being higher up in theatre world. Zen providing their hideout. Kasumi and Hiro providing support as celeb/reporters. Yuzo freaking out what he can do, and Kasumi suggested he can babysit his triplets.
Hinamori triplets : You’re going to stay here for dinner right?? Kasumi : You can stay forever!
Kasumi’s love for Sakuya and him probably willing to fight Itaru to the race for his adoption papers is adorable
 How everyone spends time after they scatter (Winter and Autumn only since Summer and Spring’s chapters are after break on 25th)
Guy : bartending
Azuma : chilling with sugar mom
Homare : tea party with grandma
Hisoka : channeling the dead (and probably driving Chikage crazy)
Tasuku : solo acting
Tsumugi : tutoring
Azami : boy time with Shifuto
Sakyo : plotting revenge with Azami’s dad
Omi : raising ex-gangster army (again, in Zen’s restaurant)
Taichi : stress relief with kungfu
Juza : working in Yuzo’s troupe
Banri : workshop and being mule to sis
No seriously, Hisoka did channel the dead. He (like everyone else tbh) thought ‘I wanna meet everyone again’ and August appears in his dreams claiming to be his family’s representative and encouraging him to use his December skills for good
We’ll get yelled at together then! August said, even though he’s dead
Cut to Hisoka donning his black hoodie determined to most likely commit felony
I really can’t wait to Chikage’s reaction to this ngl 
Chikage getting a page of Itaru’s book by giving Hisoka terms and condition for staying with him
Kamekichi as Zen’s waiter
Homare being told by grandma to think of good things as they wait for the tea to be brewed (3min) and then grandma says for Homare 2.5min is enough because more and the bad things will also pop up
Homare admitting that he’s terrible in haikus when grandma said his poem was shit. I dunno, the contrast was nice compared to when he’s insisting that everyone just doesn't understand his genius. Then again, grandma also said that Homare makes better poem when he’s with company, so at least they’re in a wavelength regarding that.
The whole sugar relationship vibe Azuma has with Asajo
Kasumi whole fanboying of Sakuya 
Kasumi : How about Tenma-kun? You’re his fan, right? Hiro : Why does it get to that?? I’m not... (proceed to say how Tenma has potential and stuffs)
Spotlight viewers : he’s a fan. def a fan Hiro : IM FUCKING NOT
Baby Sakuya visual!! 
He dreams of his parents and cry in his sleep and Citron says if he gets nightmare again it’d be sleepover party in 101.
Before they part, everyone offers to house Sakuya, including Chikage. Makes it even funnier because Sakuya refused him and instead Hisoka asked to stay with him.
In Hisoka’s own words, Chikage’s look of shock and horror was unforgettable. 
Sakuya’s whole journey to find himself. How many hc got broken here? 
He’s not scholarship student, his aunt paid for his fees in Hana high. He chose not to go to college because to him, he can get experience and everything college can provide from everyone else in MANKAI, and he wanted to work quickly to repay his aunt for the expensive private school fees. 
If you didn’t cry when he introduced himself and asks to be considered family only to be turned down, you’re either a liar or a heartless person
Sakuya’s whole story. He’s tough as nail, but that makes it even more painful to read his parts. He idolized Amadate so much and turns out he destroyed his home
Amadate, to Sakuya : That fire was a good thing. Hyakka troupe’s name soared after the event got to the news. And thanks to it, someone promising ended up interested in theatre Amadate : proceeds to burn the theatre
Banri’s sis : you seem better these days Banri’s sis : it’s disgusting Banri : Why?!
Everyone’s imagination as to what they’d be if they hadn’t joined MANKAI
Guy : still think he’s android
Azuma : still a cuddler with separation anxiety
Homare : still thinks grandma hates him (remember in Mystery he thought grandma thinks he’s useless like his watch)
Hisoka : found and might or might not be killed by Chikage
Tasuku : in God troupe and hating every second of it
Tsumugi : working office job with inferiority complex towards Tasuku
Azami : still a runaway
Sakyo : would be the one destroying the theatre and the guilt towards Yukio will haunt him for life
Omi : depressed and be alone due to his guilt towards Nachi
Taichi : quitting God troupe and theatre entirely because the guilt from his betrayal makes him unable to enjoy acting
Juza : depressed and maybe be a hikkikomori
Banri : still with no motivation towards anything whatsoever
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watayaaratamblr · 3 years
Arata is an unfortunate character.
No, he is NOT!
But if we wish to make him one, then we don't need one fifth of the effort put into making Taichi the "sad" character that most fans keep labeling as "Poor Taichi", and Arata would have been then the most unfortunate character in Chihayafuru. All we need is a good mangaka (Suetsugu is!) & the intention to make him draw sympathy (the whole point), simply because Arata’s story is well packed with good material serving the purpose.
Starting with the fact that he was an almost blind child … Like “looking through a magnifying glass”, hearing voices outside but being unable to see anything~ A child who had to wear glasses from the age of 3, any writer can make this a touching story if so they wished -But Suetsugu sensei did not want to.
Growing up as a weak boy who is a letdown in everything most boys do, crying alone when he fails to fit in, disappointing his father who kept pushing him to go outside and be “normal” like all the other children all while letting go of Karuta that he was confirmed to have liked since he was very young. Writing a bit of his struggles to find a place for himself within the norms could have made readers cry a lot.
His grandfather thankfully extended his hand to him, offered him a place where he can be himself; But that too, created a situation where he maybe had to take a side & deal somehow with the other side because his grandfather & his father had a fight and he can only be torn between them. I’m no writer myself, but I can make this sentimental.
Then his father took him away to Tokyo where he had to be a part of a poor family, and not only to cancel his needs & desires (like for example having different outfits for school instead of the few he will be noticed to wear frequently) but to also work sometimes to support his parents, to wake up before school time in the early mornings when other children are probably sound asleep in their warm beds, to go outside in the cold, to earn some cash and to give it to his parents … I read some real sad stories with this idea. So yeah, Arata could have been one of the saddest characters if Suetsugu wanted him to be.
And not to mention being bullied and laughed at for not only his impoverishment (which he can hope to change) but for his identity (as a boy from Fukui speaking a “weird” dialect). He received all this with lot of patience, and tried to comfort himself by himself with his grandfather’s “gift”, how it was a refugee for him.
Any writer can make a sob story out of Arata’s unspoken loneliness & yearning for home, his grandpa & for playing his beloved Karuta properly.
Or out the fact that he couldn’t make any friends in his new school either (he was confirmed to never have real friends since his childhood through the fact that he struggled to fit in + he stayed like that even after he grew up (like Murao said), and he is not someone who doesn’t care about having friends because he was confirmed to almost worship his bond with Taichi & Chihaya, Taichi specifically even though their friendship isn’t really a comforting one; he longed for friendship however it is!)
He enjoyed that friendship nonetheless, he might even have felt like he was compensated for everything he wished for through it but he was soon robbed of all of it as he was separated from these friends & while he could still enjoy a bit of it through correspondence (at least Chihaya kept in touch), he wasn't as untroubled as needed for that because he was about to lose his precious grandfather.
And the process of losing him wasn’t something to take lightly either. Having busy (or rather negligent?) parents made him (a boy not even 14 years old) a caregiver for an old man who suffered from paralysis on the right side of his body and later dementia, not as simple as that, he had to watch what his most beloved & respected person turn into day & night, when he worked “really hard” (as stated in the manga) with his rehabilitation exercises, when he helped him with his baths, he massaged his limbs, he fed him, constantly talked to him & showed him Karuta cards to “keep him” in this world. And when it's too much for him, he goes outside the room and cries bitter tears silently, all alone! There was this person who suffered from (PTSD) for years because their sick aunt didn’t recognize them (they were her favorite nephew before & they were 17 yo at the time), this person couldn’t visit her since & couldn’t see her before she died & they developed a fear of “getting too close” & of seeing sick people, they had to seek long & serious therapeutic help. And Arata actually suffered from PTSD for over a year & half, any psychologist can easily recognize that from the fact that he quit Karuta, refused to touch & hated to see the cards (I stress on this), how he answered Chihaya when she called him, how the calm & patient him (that we knew from his childhood) was agitated & treated her rudely when she insisted on playing a match. And it was all confirmed in Arata’s last words in the same chapter: “I wanted to see you, I always had, but I didn’t want you to see me like this” (in the official tr), he knew that he wasn’t himself (contrary to what Taichi thought, his friend who decided to abandon him instead of trying to help. Chihaya still had faith in him but Taichi was louder -ch10)
Still, thanks to Chihaya, Arata was back to his beloved Karuta, though we all questioned how much fun he really felt while playing again, how much of him was involved with the game now. And eventually, he himself expressed the pressure (not the fun) he felt while playing. What took his passion away, what turned the feelings of a Karuta baka into mere obligation, this also is good content for an emotionally charged story, it only needs the intention of the writer.
And he shone in the world of Karuta. YET he was never “proud” of it, that was never received as anything special. When he comes back home, none really cares (or at least, none shows any enthusiasm), he goes to the western-challenger qualifiers and his parents won’t even go watch, won’t even prepare some food for him, he comes back home late & finds none, and prepares everything by himself (apart from Yu’s help). His parents pray for his defeat, meaning that his DREAM to become Meijin/be strongest in Karuta doesn’t mean much to them, and he knows it, and he was never shown telling them the news like when you want to share a happy one. Arata’s mother -before giving up after acknowledging Arata’s dedication- wanted his defeat even though there was enough money to support him, the lack of money being the excuse she & her husband claimed to be the reason of their lack of support.
The support system Arata lacks isn’t only in his family. Since the death of his grandfather he seems to stand alone in Karuta too. Murao was the only one who spared some time for him but only after he realized how “alone” he was and took pity on him. Murao's realization implies that the training Arata was doing at the Nagumo society didn’t really count for what he really needed. Kuriyama sensei (being expected by fans to be the “Harada” in Arata’s side) was almost useless & he himself expressed his confusion about what to do with him & how to help him. We never saw him particularly guide him in any way either. "Experiences" & "taking chances" were two factors that helped Mizusawa members for example to grow a lot, but these chances are doors without knobs & we know that they were opened for them by adults who were taking care of them in a way or another + being friends ensured that they encouraged each other then proceeded with every idea they got to learn & experience more. Arata lacks both these sources (adults around him rather burdened him with their expectations) so he kept training on his own mostly & we saw how it felt frustrating to him to be relying only on his solo training & an "image" encouraged by a long-dead teacher, he realized the toll of lacking real opponents in practice with whom he can measure his abilities & correct his mistakes to grow stronger. Support can also be emotional. Did Arata ever receive particular emotional support? I can only remember panels where the people worried for him kept watching him from afar while he dealt with it on his own.
Yu was an exception but even her support was written in a way suggesting that Arata was prepared to go on without it. Because with time, Arata learnt to "not expect much" which is also a very interesting trope for a sad story.
And he was described as “a lonely player on top” but this was never elaborated to show how it felt like to be one for Arata himself. This idea is also brilliant for melancholy if the author wanted fans to sympathize with Arata but she didn't go beyond praising Chihaya who could somehow reach him & Shinobu chan.
And while playing on his own (or working part time to support himself), taking care of himself, he met his two precious friends again (they were the only selfish desire Arata has openly expressed throughout the series). But what he felt is that he was left behind & that he was the only one so far away. And he was. They got to experience so many things he didn’t, they made new friends & new bonds & he didn’t, they got closer to each other & he didn’t… At the end he went back to be the outsider & them the two old childhood friends. If the author wrote just a little bit more about these, if she highlighted these facts they could have made a good drama.
Love is the main reason Taichi is "felt for" (because he progressed in karuta but not in Love ..not yet at least). Arata is also a part of the love triangle in Chihayafuru, and if we try to summarize it with the intention of making it sad, then let's go, there is enough to say for that, we just need a good writer (which I'm not sadly). Still in short: Arata seems to have started to develop feelings for Chihaya a long time ago but he had to keep that in check because he thought she was dating Taichi & he kept his distance out of respect for that assumed relationship even though he craved at least connecting with his old friends. When he came closer, Chihaya was interested in him but he never knew, the enthusiasm she showed him was not different from how she is with everyone, no, Taichi received special treatment, while for him, every time he tries to say something to her he is cut off somehow. Everything seemed to be against them getting close. Later Chihaya seemed to have ultimate fun with Taichi too, maybe that was the only thing he thought he could give her, now she didn't need it. Maybe he had that thought again when she praised his game against Harada sensei that's why he confessed but soon, She is once again so far away, she seemed to need Taichi to function properly, he understood that & he used that to cheer her up in her most important tournament. He wanted badly to play with her again to only be totally iced, he couldn't even be seen by her, he was so far away, she belonged to where he wasn't part of (& even her friend kana found a way to express her disapproval of him) Can we not make a drama out of this? Or out of his stuttering, awkwardness & introversion? Or maybe the fact that his parents don't understand him? And did anyone alse feel that in most of Taichi's mother's appearances, we got this feeling that Taichi is a son who should be cared for while when Arata's parents appeared, many times, we can feel how Arata was used to highlight their feelings as individuals & he was drawn there as the member of the family who had to pay attention to that? Anyway, every single one of these points alone is very good material for a "tearjerker" so what about all of them combined? because they are all facts from Arata's reality.
Again, all we need is a good writer (we have it) & the intention to make it that way which isn't there. Suetsugu decided instead to put double the effort to make Taichi the "sorrowful/anguished" one because Arata is not a character written to feel sorry for or to commiserate. He is rather written for the most part of the manga as an inspiring one, an aspiration, to be a drive & a goal. So despite having all the above circumstances, he is instead written as a character who keeps to himself, doesn't complain, hides his hardships, makes it seem that he fine when he notices that someone is watching, tries to focus on what he has & be happy with it however little or simple. That's why it's easy for him to forget & forgive, easy for him to recover & stand up again because there are other characters who need him there as an example, who think that he is perfectly fine so they should only focus on themselves and thus, Bildungsroman can be used for them. And finally- wait, what were Taichi's problems again?
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curedigiqueen · 3 years
So while I was working on my… analysis I suppose, on why Digimon Adventure: does not work as a show, it occurred to me that despite claims that Taichi in Adventure: is inspired by V-Tamer Taichi, his partner is an Agumon whose final evolution is Omegamon, and why that doesn’t work. But I realized that it is a point that I could expand on, and so I have separated it out here. Consider it a preview.
The protagonists of Digimon V-Tamer are Yagami Taichi and his partner Zero, a Veedramon. The story is carried by these two alone. While others help and hinder them on their way, their mission is theirs, and the responsibility of defeating Daemon belongs to no one else. It is with that power that they reach their highest form, UlforceVeedramon Future Mode While Taichi is the main protagonist, Zero is just as much a protagonist. Their names, even reference binary. While there are other characters who impact the plot, the role of protagonist belongs to these two. 
This is echoed in the themes of Digimon Adventure:, the digivice in the title supposedly representing the bonds between human and digimon. And, while I don’t think it particularly succeeds, I can see clear attempts to be made to make the digimon partners their own characters, equals to their human partners. 
But yet, Digimon Adventure: uses Omegamon as Taichi and Agumon’s final evolution. And that is a bit of a problem. Digimon Partners are not interchangeable. Well, okay, the species are a bit arbitrary, all things considered, (after all, Zero’s rookie form is also Agumon) but the problem is what UlforceVeedramon represents vs. Omegamon. 
In Digimon Adventure, Omegamon is not Taichi’s power alone. Not by a long shot. Taichi is not the solo human protagonist of Digimon Adventure. Even in the first film, before Hikari was even meant to play a key role in the series, she shared the series debut. Regardless, the burden of defeating Apocalymon is not his alone to bear. And Agumon’s evolutions reflect that. WarGreymon is reached through borrowing Hikari’s power. Omegamon is literally formed by WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon (who was formed by borrowing Takeru’s power), but in reality is born from the power of hundreds of people reaching out from across the world. And perhaps even Taichi’s crest of Courage is not something that belongs to him alone. As Yamato puts it, “It’s everyone's Friendship”. Though Taichi best embodies courage, the courage he wields is not his alone. Even tri. which I usually avoid using as an example, has Omegamon Merciful Mode, which very explicitly draws from the other children’s partners. Adventure’s Taichi’s not strong because he himself is powerful. Really compared to Hikari he seems rather unimpressive on his own. He’s strong because he is able to easily act as a receiver to others powers, a trait that is fitting for a leader. Because that’s what sets Adventure Taichi apart from his peers, he’s a leader.
Note, that I didn’t really bring up the partners in regards to the discussion of Adventure, not that they aren’t important, but that they aren’t a driving factor. Digimon partners are something vastly different in Digimon Adventure. They are reflections of the children’s inner selves. For straightforward characters, like Taichi, his partner Agumon is very much like him, and for characters like Sora, Piyomon seems very different. This isn’t to say that the digimon are simply their partners, Tailmon went through quite a bit on her own. But nevertheless, Tailmon is the way she is, because Hikari is the way she is. 
Digimon Partners and their evolutions are not things that are just assigned, and given. They are things that arise from the circumstances. Omegamon is there because the themes and circumstances make Omegamon the most appropriate "Ultra”. This is true both in and out of universe, who can forget SkullGreymon? SkullGreymon isn’t wrong. It’s just not the evolution that fits Taichi and Agumon’s situation.
And here’s the thing. Digimon has done the whole focus on “Bonds with Partner’s” before. That’s Tamers. And in Tamers, the final evolution was born from a human and a digimon literally coming together as one. The final episodes all appear somewhat humanoid as a result, particularly notable from WarGrowmon to Gallentmon. Because that was what evolutions were needed narratively and thematically. Otherwise, we have Megidramon. And guess what, the Adventure timeline also has a movie in which the focus is on the bonds between human and friendship, and lo and behold. In Digimon Adventure Kizuna, Agumon (Bond of Courage) and Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) were born. Born from the bond between human and digimon. They even use the “looking like humans” idea from Tamers.
Interestingly, Kizuna came right before Digimon Adventure: started. 
Now, I am really advocating for the Bond forms to be used in Adventure:, those forms were something special to that timeline. But that’s just the thing. Many evolutions, whether unique digimon or not, are brought about by circumstances unique to that timeline. Look at 02’s usage of Armor levels, Frontier's Hybrids, and Xros Wars' Xros mechanic. It’s not new for later seasons to take these Digimon that have existed in these specific circumstances and use them generically later. It would, after all, be a shame to put all those good designs to waste. But at the very least, the evolutions of the main cast are carefully chosen, created if need be, to fit the show.
And that creates a problem for Adventure: as a reboot. It is pulling from the evolutionary lines of its predecessor, despite aiming for different themes and using an entirely different world and characters, and in the process the meaning behind the evolutions has been stripped out. While it has been able to throw in additional evolutions, most of those are well within the confines of precedent: Armors and Ultimate’s that are already related to these evolutionary lines. Adventure: is trying to be a show that, as a reboot of Adventure, it cannot be. Adventure: spends so much of its time screaming that it is not the original Adventure, while simultaneously dragging in call backs that it loses any sense of identity.
The enemies they fight are not Taichi’s responsibility alone. These kids have to have crests. Agumon must evolve into Omegamon.  Angemon still has to die, HolyAngemon and Angemon have to mean something. Tailmon has to be Adult, and has to have been evil. Hikari and Takeru have to give their brother’s power. Omegamon still has to appear. . They still go to summer camp, and Taichi still fights Parrotmon. 
Note, that this is far from Adventure:’s only problem, however I do think it illustrates a large problem that affects the way certain elements and characters are used in this show. Taichi is a solo protagonist, but his “Ultra” is still Omegamon born of Yamato, Takeru and HIkari’s influence. Mimi is now a bossy rich girl, but her crest is still Purity. Yamato is a loner who doesn’t overly concern himself with others, but he’s still Friendship, and still Takeru’s semi-estranged younger brother. 
When Adventure: manages to work a new angle into the old mold, it works well. Yamato’s focus on his friendship with Gabumon works well, and various side characters work alright. Resolving the conflict over Tailmon’s Ultimates by using both for separate things and bringing in Goddramon is a great idea. But more often than not, it doesn’t. Properly contextualizing what a holy digimon is is great, but Angemon’s death is awkward, and Pegususmon’s presence smooths over the issues of Tailmon being champion and keeping Angemon special in an awkward way, refusing to address what an Armor is. Because they are trying to write a story around a set of evolutions they are required to have while absolutely refusing to be Adventure where it matters. Leading to the awkward mesh of Adventure elements and characters, with themes and stories that they were never meant for. 
If Adventure: was meant to be about the bond between Taichi and Agumon, Omegamon was never going to work, including the concepts of crests, was going to muddle things at the very least, and including 7 whole other partner pairs who are going to require at least a few episodes of focus a piece was not going to work out. It’s not that we couldn’t have had more focus on Taichi and Agumon within a reboot and their bond, or that the idea of Taichi and Agumon (or any other pair), activating an evolution because they are in agreement on a concept isn’t a good idea. Just an understanding that this primary focus wasn’t going to work because Adventure in its very concept has a lot of characters that need some degree of focus. Savers with its heavier Masaru focus and use of shonen tropes, dials back the number of “main” characters to half that of Adventure, because it is built around its premise. That unless they were going to be bumped down to secondary, recurring characters, this was never going to work, because that’s not how Adventure’s concept was intended. To tell a new story, it needed to have dropped a few more of Adventure’s elements. But to do that would be to essentially admit that this isn’t Adventure at all. Adventure: needed to have evaluated what story it could tell with what elements it was required to include.
Anything goes in Digimon, and Adventure: seems to want to make the most of this, using armors, Hybrids and Xros Wars digimon with regularity. But you can’t build a cohesive narrative simply by plucking your favorite ingredients and sticking it in a pot. Some things just don’t go together. You can’t take the ingredients to make bread and make a salad. But in short, V-Tamer Taichi and Adventure Taichi aren’t interchangeable. They are two different characters because they are designed for two different stories, and their partners reflect this. Adventure: was doomed from the start if it didn’t realize this. 
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glitchh3d · 4 years
Halloween Party (Terushima x Reader) [HTF]
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So, I didn’t proof read this. My apologies. 
Also, it’s not the best because I’m not the best at writing and i’m very tired and sad because my halloween went to crap but y’know. whatever. 
Ily guys!! Here you go! 🥰
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Cheating but not really. Language. Talk about sex. Talk about drugs. Alcohol and other college party stuff. 
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(Y/n), Terushima, Futakuchi, Atsumu and Taichi walked into Kuroo and Bokuto’s house later than expected, but there was a round of cheers for them as soon as they were noticed. Kuroo bounced over excitedly, his drink spilling over the edge of his red solo-cup as he pulled (Y/n) away to lead her toward Matsukawa and Hanamaki who were waiting for her in the backyard with Oikawa and Iwaizumi. 
She giggled upon seeing them in their costumes. Hanamaki had darkened his hair somehow so it was red but Matsukawa had left his, instead styling it slightly. 
“Oh my god, you two-” She fell into a fit of laughter as they strutted around and showed off their legs that were covered in thin white tights. She pulled them into a tight hug, thanking them for doing the group costume with her. “I love you guys, thank you so much!” 
Hanamaki and Matsukawa both laughed and shrugged it off. 
“Anything for you, (Y/n). You’re our girl.” Matsukawa said, slinging his arm around her shoulder. Makki wrapped his around her waist and Oikawa flailed his arms around excitedly. 
“Let me get pictures!” He shouted, his halo nearly falling off as he jumped excitedly and rushed towards them. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes but smiled at his friends. 
(Y/n) giggled at his annoyed look, curious on how Oikawa managed to convince him to do a couple costumes with him. They were an angel and a devil. Iwaizumi looked like he didn’t really care though, only wearing a red tight fitting t-shirt and black skinny jeans with a little devil tail clipped to his belt loop and a devil horn headband on his head. 
Oikawa on the other hand, was wearing a pure white robe that had gold accents. His cheeks were dusted with gold and he had a halo headband on. Gold bracelets went up his arms and he had big angel wings on. 
“He looks ridiculous, huh?” Iwaizumi asked as he caught (Y/n) eyeing his boyfriend's costume. She smiled and shrugged. 
“It’s cute. Yours though, mister. Holy shit. Who gave you the right to be that hot.” She asked, making him blush. Oikawa snapped a couple of pictures of the trio in their costume and then turned to admire Iwaizumi with (Y/n). 
“Iwa-chan is hot, isn’t he? But stop ogling my boyfriend! Go ogle your own!” Oikawa said, shoving his cell phone into Iwaizumi’s pocket. 
“Oh shush. You’re my pockets for the night, deal with it.” Oikawa demanded. (Y/n) smiled at them and then saw Terushima, Taichi, and Atsumu walk into the backyard. Terushima smiled at her lovingly before approaching. 
His costume, Boomer from the Rowdyruff boys, looked good. They went for more of an e-boy route so he was wearing a black and white striped long sleeve shirt under a blue t-shirt that had the iconic black stripe across the chest. He was also wearing black fishnets under his ripped skinny jeans. He stuck his tongue out and winked at her as he approached. 
“Hey baby girl,” He said, pulling her away from Hanamaki and Matsukawa who raised their eyebrows at him. 
“Look at this tool,” Matsukawa said as Terushima wrapped his arms around (Y/n)’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. He cocked his head to the side and winked at them. 
Taichi and Atsumu approached on either side of them. Taichi looked bored, but Atsumu was grinning. 
“Wow, lookin’ hot Matsukawa.” He teased. He’d gone with Butch from the Rowdyruff boys but instead of wearing a long sleeve striped shirt, he was wearing a black hoodie under his green t-shirt. And he had dyed his hair back to black just for the night.
(Y/n) had tried suggesting to just use some wash out spray to do his hair but she was a few minutes too late. 
Flashback to the night before
(Y/n) walked into her apartment after a busy day at work, Taichi trailing after her tiredly. They had been on the closing shift for the night. 
“Teru! Atsumu! Ken? You guys here?” She called into the apartment. She heard a loud crash in the bathroom and hurried towards it, dropping her bag on the floor in her rush. “Holy shit, what happened? Are you oka….y?” 
In the bathroom, Atsumu was sitting on the toilet with a towel wrapped around his neck and shoulders. Terushima was holding a bottle of hair dye and Futakuchi was laying in the bathtub, watching. 
“Why the hell didn’t you just use the halloween hair dye spray that washes out?” She asked as Taichi peeked in over her shoulder. He groaned and turned and walked away. 
“...I didn’t think of that.” 
END of flashback
“Fuck, I know.” Matsukawa said back, a grin rising to his face. They fist bumped. 
Hanamaki grinned at Taichi who shook his head. 
“Don’t.” Taichi said. He was Brick and he absolutely hated it, even though he didn’t wear anything out of ordinary. He was in a red jumper with singular black stripes on the upper arms. He had a lock and chain necklace on and a single dangly cross earring on.  He also was wearing a black beanie and he looked cute in (Y/n)’s opinion. 
“But Taichi, bro! You look good. We’d make a picture perfect couple, don’t you think?” Hanamaki asked, batting his eyelashes at him. 
“I’m going to find Semi.” Taichi disappeared after that. Hanamaki pouted but turned and grinned at (Y/n) again a second later. 
“I’m gonna go harass him,” Hanamaki said, making everyone laugh as he sprinted off. Atsumu and Matsukawa followed after him, leaving Iwaizumi, Oikawa, (Y/n) and Terushima alone. Oikawa smiled at Terushima but it was a bit forced. 
“You two look good. Don’t they, Iwa-chan?” Iwaizumi stared at the couple then he shrugged. 
“(Y/n) looks good. I dunno about Terushima though,” Terushima gasped and pulled away from (Y/n), glaring at the two older men. 
“You two are fucking rude.” He said making (Y/n) snort. “I’m going to grab a drink, alright babe? I’ll be back in a few, yeah?” (Y/n) nodded. He kissed her cheek goodbye and then walked towards the glass sliding door that was wide open. (Y/n) smiled after him and then turned back to her friends who were watching her with fond looks. 
“What?” She asked defensively. They shrugged. 
“You just look really happy is all,” Iwaizumi said, crossing his arms. Oikawa nodded in agreement. 
“You do seem happy. I’m glad. You deserve it, (Y/n)-chan!” She smiled at them and pulled them into a hug. 
“Aw, you guys…” She said as they both hugged her back. Iwaizumi was the first to squirm away, claiming he also needed a drink. Oikawa and (Y/n) let him go with little pouts but when they curled up on chairs next to the fire pit and chatted to themselves.
“So (Y/n)-chan. You and Teru have been together for a few weeks now, yeah?” 
“And he treats you right?” Oikawa asked, eyes narrowing. She nodded. 
“Of course he does. He gets a simp of the year award.” She said with a smile. Oikawa nodded and fist bumped her. 
“Iwa-chan does too. He’s very sweet behind closed door,” Oikawa winked and she snorted. “Speaking of behind closed doors. Have you two-” 
“No.” She replied quickly making Oikawa freeze with wide eyes. Then he smirked. 
“My my, (Y/n)-chan. That was a hard no, wasn’t it?” He asked and she rolled her eyes, pulling her legs to her chest as she stared at the flickering flames of the fire. “Why’s that? You’ve had sex before haven’t you?” She shrugged. 
“I- I guess I’m scared?” (Y/n) said, not looking up. 
“Why?” Oikawa frowned. 
“Because Yuuji has this image, right? He’s popular. Nice. Funny… I’m scared that once he gets all of me then he’ll leave because he’s had better and-”
“Sorry, I’m gonna stop you there.” Oikawa grabbed (Y/n)’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I don’t know Terushima too well, but from what you tell me, he seems like a great guy. One who respects you and cares about you a lot. I don’t think you need to rush to have sex or anything but I don’t think you should be scared to have sex either.” 
She nodded and smiled back at him. 
“Yeah… You’re right. I just-” (Y/n) was cut off by the back glass door getting slammed open. Iwaizumi was fuming and his hair was dripping with water as he walked towards them. “Oh shit, what happened Iwa?” 
“I swear to god I’m going to kill your boyfriend (Y/n).” 
“What? Why?” Her heart was racing.
“He fucking- that bastard just almost drowned me in that stupid apple bobbing bullshit!” (Y/n) and Oikawa laughed as Iwaizumi ran his hands through his hair. He flicked droplets of water at them and then sat in the small gap of the chair next to Oikawa before pulling his boyfriend onto his lap. 
Oikawa whispered something into Iwaizumi’s ear and the ex ace began to turn red. (Y/n) smiled and looked away from them as they started having their own little private conversation. She didn’t want to intrude so she stood up, saying she was going to grab a drink. 
“Hey hey hey! What’s up, (Y/n)!” Bokuto asked as (Y/n) entered the house. She smiled at him and patted his arm as he pulled her into a side hug. 
“Hey Bokuto! I like your costume!” He looked down at her confused. “I LIKE YOUR COSTUME!” She shouted over the music. He laughed and nodded. He was a sexy firefighter, wearing only the pants of the costume with suspenders and the helmet. 
“I like yours too!” (Y/n) smiled at him and then eyed Akaashi who was standing next to him, wearing a lifeguard costume (aka just a shite t-shirt with a red cross on it and red swim shorts). He had sunscreen smeared on his nose and a cheap flimsy whistle around his neck. He smiled at her as she got done looking him up and down and then also pulled her into a small hug. 
“Hello, (Y/n)-san.” 
“Hi Akaa-chii! He smiled at the nickname and patted her head before he was dragged away towards a beer pong table by Bokuto who was screaming at Kuroo and Daichi for a re-match. 
She chuckled fondly and kept maneuvering her way through the crowd of unfamiliar faces and costumes. She dodged angel and devil wings and even a long dragon tail. She also had to avoid the ass end of a donkey costume that was dancing wildly on the dance floor. 
She sighed as she got to the kitchen, reaching into a random cooler to grab a drink. She popped the cap off the bottle and took a long swig, her face contorting in disgust at the taste of whatever she grabbed. 
“Hey, (Y/n).” Futakuchi said as he entered the kitchen. She smiled at him. 
“Hi Ken,” She smiled at him. “Where are the others?” 
“Ah, Terushima is dancing in the living room I think and Taichi and Atsumu are doing keg stands in the game room.” She nodded and thanked him, heading towards the livingroom to try and track down her boyfriend. 
Upon entering the living room, she immediately spotted him. There in all his glory he was dancing with their newfound friends. Suga and a bunch of people she’d never seen before were hyping him up, dancing and jumping around with him. He was in his element. 
“Do it! Do it! Do it!” A chant started and Terushima laughed along, rolling his eyes. There was a girl with blonde hair standing next to him that grabbed him by the back of the neck, yanking him down and into a kiss. 
At first (Y/n) didn’t realize what was going on. And then it clicked. 
Terushima had just kissed someone. 
Her boyfriend just kissed someone that wasn’t her. 
Her boyfriend willingly just kissed someone that wasn’t her, in front of her. 
“What the fuck.” (Y/n) said, her hand that was holding her beverage falling limp against her side. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. 
Everything aside from Terushima was blurred as he laughed and joked with the girl he’d just kissed. Like he didn’t do anything wrong. 
(Y/n) realized that the only reason everything was blurry was because of the tears gathering in her eyes. But if Terushima was going to act like nothing was wrong, then so was she. So she left. She set her bottle down on the counter as she walked towards the door. Kuroo and Semi both tried calling out to her but she ignored them, exiting the house quietly. She wrapped her arms around her bare arms as she walked down the sidewalk and towards the unfamiliar city of Tokyo. 
She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew Kait was somewhere within the giant city. She just hoped that Kait had her phone on her.
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(Y/n) walked a little further to a little empty park, sitting down on the empty swings. By now all the trick or treaters were gone and the streets were empty aside from a few small groups of teens who were laughing and teasing each other. 
“What the fuck,” (Y/n) repeated to herself as the image of her boyfriend kissing another girl replayed in her head. She didn’t want to believe that it was true, but she’d seen it with her own eyes as Terushima pressed his lips to some blonde girls. 
She didn’t realize that the tears were falling until they dripped down onto her lap and through her thin dress. She was shaking from the cold but she didn’t care. She only had to wait 15 minutes and then she’d be with Kait and they could figure things out together from there. 
Would she break up with Terushima? 
Did he not love her? 
Was he just using her? Did he get bored that fast? Maybe if she’d done more he wouldn’t feel the need to go off and kiss someone else. 
She tried to be enough, she really did. 
School and work filled a lot of her schedule but she always tried to make as much time for him as she possibly could. 
Why was this happening? 
“(Y/n)?” A voice called out. Was that Kait? Had it been 15 minutes already?
 (Y/n) looked up as she heard Kait’s voice call out to her.
“Oh (Y/n),” Kait rushed forward, followed by three other figures. (Y/n)’s lip quivered as she stood up from the swing. As she met Kait halfway the tears she’d been holding back broke free and she let out a choked sob as Kait enveloped her in a hug. “Oh, honey, no…” 
Terushima laughed as he tossed back another shot of something clear. He knew it definitely wasn’t water as it made the back of his throat burn but he was okay with that. 
It was halloween night and he was at a party, the point of this entire night was to get drunk and have fun and that’s exactly what he was doing. 
“Yo, Suga! You were holding out of us with this guy! You knew he existed and didn’t tell us?” Tanaka laughed as he danced next to Terushima. Noya was jumping around excitedly next to them, screaming the lyrics to whatever song was playing on the speaker. 
Tanaka was wearing a blonde wig, an entirely pink outfit, imitating Regina George from Mean Girls. His girlfriend, Kiyoko was Aaron Samuels, wearing a simple blue mens polo shirt and some baggy jeans with her hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Noya was Gretchen Weiners but his brunette wig had ended up falling off when he did a keg stand earlier and he was just too lazy to put it back on. They had convinced their friend Kinnoshita to be Karen Smith but he was currently puking his guts out in the bathroom upstairs accompanied by Ennoshita and Narita who were Cady Heron and Janis Ian. 
“Yo I could kiss this man right now,” Terushima said as Tanaka poured him another shot. Noya smirked. 
“Do it!” Suga rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. 
“Do it! Do it!” 
And soon enough the entire room was cheering for the two to kiss. Tanaka rolled his eyes but reached and grabbed Terushima by the back of his neck, pulling him down into a quick kiss. When they separated, they laughed and fist bumped, taking another shot. 
After a few more minutes of dancing, Terushima made his way towards the kitchen where Semi and Kuroo looked concerned. 
“What’s going on guys?” He asked as he pulled a beer can from a cooler. He popped the tab and took a sip as they exchanged looks of concern. “Hey, either of you two seen (Y/n)? I left her in the back with Oikawa and Iwaizumi but I haven’t been back there and-”
“Terushima, (Y/n) left.” Semi said, making Terushima freeze. 
“We both just saw (Y/n) take off out the door a few minutes ago. She looked like she was about to cry,” Kuroo said, making Terushima enter panic mode. 
“And neither of you tried to stop her?” 
“I- we called out to her. We thought she was just getting some fresh air or something, calm down. I’m sure she’s fine.” Semi said, making Terushima shake his head. 
“No, I gotta go find her. She doesn’t know her way around Tokyo. None of us do, what if she gets kidnapped?” 
“What’s going on in here?” Matsukawa asked as Terushima slammed his beer can on the counter. He pulled out his phone and started texting (Y/n). 
“Did you see (Y/n) leave?” 
“(Y/n) left?” Oikawa asked as he and Iwaizumi entered the kitchen. Terushima shook his head as he got no response. 
“She’s not answering me. Oikawa, text her.” 
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“What? What the fuck is going on?” Iwaizumi asked as Oikawa pulled out his phone and began texting their friend. 
“(Y/n) took off a few minutes ago and now she’s not answering her phone.” 
“Okay so check all the rooms and stuff. And check outside. Try and find her around the house before we go out looking, yeah?” Kuroo said, making everyone in the kitchen nod and split up. Terushima and Semi went out the front door, calling (Y/n), hoping to either get her to answer or to hear her ringtone but there was nothing. 
“Fuck!” Terushima shouted. “I lost my fucking girlfriend and she’s probably scared and upset and-” 
“Do you think someone drugged her?” Terushima’s head turned at lightning speed and he glared at Semi. 
“Why would you even say that?” 
“I- what! It happens!” 
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Well. That happened. 
Another post tomorrow <3 
Love you guys! I hope you had a Happy Halloween! Goodnight! 
Taglist: @kaitycole, @cosmicmermaid25, @sempiternal-amour, @99astrid, @hidden-otaku-stuff, @vicassa, @elianetsantana, @ankl3s, @newfriendjen, @oikawa-simp, @dakotacecily, @axolotleyeliner, @heyyourecute, @tchalameme, @toobsessedsstuff, @marinovakovich, @disaster-rose, @tacosforexo, @sleep3deprived, @prettyinblack231 (Open)
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
Haikyuu characters in Marchingband
+ w/ headcanons
warnings: mentions of underage smoking + drinking
a/n: i made this w my friend (@bigger-simp-than-kazuichi) and added ourselves bc idk, i miss marching band
even if ur not in mb or know alot of the terms it'd be helpful if you could read this and reblog, its rlly appreciated
also sorry for the long ass headcanons
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Drum majors
semi, shirabu
terushima ! section leader, all of johzenji (i got lazy lol)
sugawara ! section leader, kageyama ! gets a solo, konoha, ginjima, hoshiumi
reon ! section leader, ennoshita, fukunaga, shibayama, washio
Alto sax
kinoshita, komi, onaga, yukie
Tenor sax
frobi (i couldn't help it i love mb), narita, kyotani
Bari sax
matsukawa ! section leader, tsukishima
oikawa ! section leader, bokuto ! gets a solo, kuroo, akaashi, akagi, sachiro
hanamaki ! section leader, kunimi, sarukui, kita, tendou
aran ! section leader, yahaba, kindaichi, watari, inuoka
omimi ! section leader, yamaguchi, lev, futakuchi
iwaizumi ! section leader, asahi, aone
ushijima ! section leader, tanaka, kai, suna
taketora ! section leader, koganegawa, hyakuzawa
atsumu ! section leader, kenma, moniwa, levy (@bigger-simp-than-kazuichi), taichi
daisho ! section leader, yachi, kaori
kiyoko ! section leader, hinata, daichi ! gets a solo, nishinoya, yaku, sakunami, osamu, komori, kuguri, hiroo, hayato, goshiki
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levy dating iwa and me dating kyotani qkchsjxjx im not sorry <3
barisax players would start beef and talk shit (to mainly guard)
hinata hits kageyama with a flag during kageyama’s solo
hinata also hits tsukishima (intentional)
hinata gets scolded by Ukai and has to run laps around the field
suna has all the goods 🥴🥴
suna and daisho are the potheads of the battery
ushijima tried weed once but thought it didn’t suit him
aone is new to sousaphone so iwaizumi teaches him outside of practice
tanaka and kiyoko are the "percussion/colorguard couple” 🤢
i love tanaka and kiyoko but percussion/colorguard couples are so 🤢🤢
shirabu was mad that he wasn’t the main drum major but let it go knowing that it was semi’s last year
daisho probably tells yachi terrible marchingband stories to scare her
kaoris cymbal fell off during a performance
terushima flirts with girls from other bands, so does mattsun.. and makki
kunimi hit kindaichi with his bell once during practice
kogane always steps off his with his right foot
kunimi, yahaba, and hyakuzawa always march out of time
daichi is on rifle and thats so sexy
shibayama and inuoka would help the pit after practices
osamu hits atsumu with his flag purposely
makki always tells kindaichi, lev, and yamaguchi that their plume is on backwards
so does mattsun >:))
goshiki grabbed the wrong flag one time
ushijima doing six-tuplets 🥵🥵
asahi wanted to play clarinet but got switched to sousa because hes big
kunimi, kyotani, and tsukishima hate the battery
kageyama tries to correct sugawara
mb rule number 1: rookies never correct vets, no matter how right the rookie is
sugawara lowkey hates kageyama and wishes he got a solo
one time kyotanis shako slipped in front of his eyes and he hit matsukawa
lev and bokuto almost always miss their dots
lev marches w bent legs, ew </3
kuroo drives his car on the football field
aran is the fastest runner
ushi, akaashi, and makki are the best marchers
iwa treats his section to mcdonalds
the drumline always brings panda express to pep-band games
oikawa and konoha skipped pep-band days and had to write a 10 page essay
lev always snuck his friends into the pep-band section
me and tendou would always forget to bring water
kyotani shared water w me tho <3
yukie and mattsun would always chip their reed
levy, tanaka, and yachi would damage their instrument before an important comp
colorguard as section hangouts all the time
i will say it again, daichi on rifle I WILL BUST A NUT
battery boys flirt with colorguard bc battery are a bunch of fuckboys, dont date battery !!
ushijima probably knows drummers from other top schools
futakuchi probably smokes w/ suna and daishou
suna, daishou, kai and atsumu teach the first years how to roll a blunt
yukie always trips over the prop
senior-less run was a mess
me crying over bestie bo graduating
senior letters aochzk <//3
band camp the next year, the seniors comeback to watch our cookout performance with jazz camp
goshiki would write a two page senior letter to kiyoko and ushijima
goshiki, inuoka, hinata, yamaguchi, kogane, and kindaichi would cry the hardest when the seniors leave
kenma and asahi probably threw up on the field once
kyotani got placed on bus two (battery/colorguard bus 🤢🤢) bc he didnt turn in his letters on time
i made fun of him but then forgot to turn in next months letter and got placed next to him
atsumu and suna blast music on their speaker and battery drums on their drumpads
not fun </3
colorguard spraying setting spray and getting concealer on the seats <///3
overall, we're all one big family minus battery lmao fuck yall /j
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uniarycode · 4 years
Digimon Adventure Reboot, Episode 36
thoughts/reactions beneath the cut.
-        Original reference or just galaxy brain Koushro?
-        This is Moscow, asking Houston what’s going on, in Japanese for some reason
-        Well Koushiro and Taichi’s group meeting was pretty abridged
-        Patahat
-        We all turn into data when we die, except the big uns.
-        Heaven piercing dimension altering powers doesn’t really narrow down who they could be.
-        Scientifically speaking: it’s magic
-        If the ISS falls into the ocean, what’s the chances on it making a small tsunami?  
-        There’s 20 minutes left, but the episode only has 15, they’ll have 5 to spare
-        (oh god, a countdown, angels, we all know where this is going)
-        The evolution sequence burned 5 minutes in the show lol.
-        Ngl I’ve been skipping evo sequences lately and I didn’t recognize Metalgreymon’s.
-        They had Hikari ride with Takeru instead of her brother just to target me, specifically, didn’t they.
-        We got rid of the lighting by creating a void of space and shooting stars out of it.
-        Cathug
-        If only we had a Digimon with lightning attributes…
-        Oh, good the other perfects are here.
-        Sonar holy ring is at least consistent for 2 episodes.
-        “I’m counting on you, Takeru” Taichi your sister is right there no need to burn her like that.
-        Whats up with these Bladekuwagamon rings?
-        For all the heroic sacrifices to get people out of the way…. No one is bothering to solo Metallifekuwagamon.  He’s just a perfect.
-        I was a little dreading this moment and… yeah, feels superfluous.  At least there’s both some questioning and answering going on.
-        You still can’t convince me that Wargreymon couldn’t have done the job, had he tried.
-        Bladeuwagamon are immune to electricity, except Blitzgreymon’s lightning, it’s different.
-        The character moment for Koushiro feels pretty good honestly, could have been fleshed out more.
-        Also it took Blitzgreymon 2 seconds to deal with 100 Bladekuwagamon, he probably could have kept going.
-        Herculeashornbuster.
-        Kou just hacked the worlds space systems.
-        “the cause is unclear” Uh, clearly it was the laser.
-        It’ll be your turn someday Tentomon, maybe between alter -s and alter-b
My tldr is that this episode was much better than I was expecting even with the unnecessary and thus confusing Blitzgreymon introduction, now I’m going to listen to Ballroom Blitz for no reason in particular.
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