#some dimisister fluff
muffinsin · 9 months
OMG OMG that bela and Cassandra fluff was SO CUTE🥲🥲🥲🥲 could we see the implied scenario of Cassandra and Daniela coming to Bela during a thunderstorm and Bela comforts them like the good big sister she is?
also I didn’t know I needed Cassandra with mommy issues but it was so cute tbh- do you think Bela would take care of her even if she knew she triggers her mommy issues and Cass therefore sees her as a bit of a mom?
Fun fact: I wrote this nearly to completion before tumblr decided to delete the draft :,)
Absolutely! Also- thank you so much for the feedback, it’s so appreciated! :) I’m very glad you liked it. Let’s get into it!
{For sure! I see Bela as a very maternal person, and therefore think she would absolutely take care of Cassandra, possibly even more so than she normally does, knowing her sister sees her as a maternal figure}
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Bela Dimitrescu gasps in surprise as her light wooden door is slammed open. In her shock she nearly drops the book from her hand. Ready to snarl at whatever maiden clumsily enough to disturb her like this, at this hour no less, she looks up angrily.
Instead, her features soften when she eyes her two younger sisters in the doorway, their heads lowered shyly as they seem to be very adamant on avoiding her golden eyes.
A loud, echoing boom from outside changes this. Their heads pipe up at the loud bang, eyes wide and fear written all over them for the blonde to see. Daniela whimpers quietly, her hand gripping Cassandra’s tightly.
Bela smiles softly at them. In her eagerness to finish her book, she didn’t notice a thunderstorm had started. And what a storm it is! Loud, harsh bangs ring out from the sky every few moments, startling the auburn and brown haired girl. Thick, heavy raindrops fall from the sky and drop heavily against the castle’s roofs. Harsh, cold wind bends the trees outside the blonde’s windows and slams loudly against them.
The pats the bed she is on, and spreads her arms wide. Immediately the door to her room slams shut and Bela feels two large bodies push against her, clinging tightly.
She hisses when their claw-like nails are dug into the skin of her waist and stomach, not yet deep enough to cause blood to drip from her, but certainly enough for the blonde to feel it.
The poor women are shaking on her, with occasional gasps being pulled from their lips. She feels their hectic breath on her, the dampness of her own skin when tears hit it.
Their distress lessens as she wraps her arms around the two frightened women and gently pulls the heavy blankets to their noses. She kisses their foreheads gently.
“It’s just a thunderstorm, it’s all going to be okay”, Bela coos softly. She feels her sisters shift closer to her, until they are practically clinging onto each side of her lap and body, their nails used to keep them attached to the blonde.
Another loud bang, more trembles.
When a particularly loud bang of thunder rings throughout the night, both sisters jump, their heads banging against one another and Bela’s. They whine pitifully, and Bela resists the urge to giggle at them. Instead, she presses a kiss to their foreheads and gently guides their heads back to her shoulders. “Be careful, you two”, she reminds them.
The eldest strokes brunette and auburn curls gently, untangling knots and stroking soft locks of hair. “Mother won’t let the storm take us. She will never let anything hurt you”, she assures the two. The tension slowly eases in their muscles. With another kiss pressed to their foreheads, Bela speaks yet again.
“I will never let anything hurt you”, she promises. And it’s a promise Bela knows she will keep. Never will she allow a thing or soul to hurt her precious sisters. Should anything or anybody dare to, she will make them pay bitterly. The two younger siblings relax again at her words, huddling closer to the eldest.
Daniela whimpers at another loud bang. She clings onto her sister’s left side tightly. Bela is so warm, it’s soothing. With her sister’s warm and protective arm around her, how could she possibly freeze to death. No, with Bela’s warm body and blankets surrounding her, Daniela is beginning to feel safe again.
Her face hidden away desperately in the blonde’s neck, hoping to avoid and flee from the loud noises. She smiles at the kiss that is pressed to her forehead and Bela’s hand rubbing her back gently.
Cassandra grits her teeth harshly as to stop herself from whimpering at every bang of the windows when wind slams against them. She stops this when an arm is wrapped around her and a gentle hand sets on top of her head.
Bela gasps when the middle sister’s nails dig in deeper at another loud bang from outside.
The brunette is pressed tightly against her sister’s right side, face aggressively bumping against the right side of Bela’s neck. She too searches for more shelter from the terrifying noise.
Then, as though the answer came to her, Cassandra hears the buzzing noise of her sister’s flies under her warm skin. Thousands of tiny wings flapping about and creating a sound not unlike a heartbeat. She closes her eyes, focusing entirely on this. Bela’s “heartbeat” is even and comforting, neither fast nor hectic, unlike her own. The more she listens to the comforting tune, the more she feels her eyes begin to grow heavy.
The blonde smiles as she feels her sisters’s nails move back out of her skin, instead hooking into her dress to keep them close to her.
“Read”, Cassandra says muffled against Bela’s neck.
“Village”, the youngest pipes in. Her cheek is smudged against Bela’s collarbone, her eyes closed.
The blonde nods with a small smile, although with her sisters’s eyes closed, it makes no difference.
Daniela whines displeased when her sister’s arm is lifted off her back as she reaches for the storybook. A small smile replaces her unhappy frown when the woman resumes her position a mere moment later.
“Long ago-…”, Bela resists the urge to giggle as her sisters squirm the moment she begins to read, turning and fidgeting until they lean comfortably against her. They want to look at the images in the book, she knows.
And so golden eyes set on the pages when Bela keeps reading:
“Long ago, a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father, who was hard at work. But the forest greeted them with a cold silence, the bushes empty.”, Bela reads gently.
She smiles at her sister’s fingertips tapping on the page as she reads, tracing the branches of trees and the picture of a girl with her mother.
“Yet determined to find the berries, the rascal broke free from Mother’s grasp and vanished into the trees. Mother’s worried cries faded fast as the girl went on, over vine and under branch, and into the forest deep.”
“Idiot”, Cassandra pipes in.
Daniela shushes her harshly, whining and flashing her infamous golden puppy eyes for Bela to keep reading.
The blonde smiles, her arms wrapping tighter around the two. She pulls them closer and presses another kiss to their forehead, smiling as she feels them sink closer to her. Cassandra’s head lays rested on her neck, Daniela’s cheek is smudged lazily against Bela’s collarbone.
“The girl recalled Mother’s scary bedtime tales and her throat became bony dry.”
“Then the Bat Lord appeared. He greeted her warmly and bit his own wing.”
“That’s Heisenberg”, Cassandra states with a laugh. Bela and Daniela giggle at this. The image of the Bat Lord in the old storybook is a rather silly looking one. “No, it’s Moreau!”, Daniela counters. “It’d have to be way bigger for that!”, Cassandra disagrees.
More giggles of the three women ring out in the quiet chamber. Even as thunder and the wind goes on, their laughter prevails.
Bela keeps reading as they calm down, her voice unwavering. Steady and calm, gentle yet strong.
“Across waters deep and ominous she went, hoping a boat she found would carry her home. But hunger’s grip tightened and her heart grew heavy”, she reads.
Thunder and lightning has long lessened, even the rain no longer paints windows in its transparent glow.
Upon looking down, Bela discovers the youngest fast asleep and snoring quietly. She smiles gently at her as she presses a last kiss for the day against her forehead and adjusts the blankets again, pulling them high enough to ensure her sister’s warmth.
When she looks down to her right, she is met with tired, dark golden eyes staring up at her. “More”, Cassandra whispers, yawning. Bela smiles fondly at the stubborn woman, so eager to hear the end of the story as though it’s the first time she’s heard it.
She pulls the middle sister closer to her and readjusts her blanket too as she keeps reading.
“Then the Fish Lord appeared, and offered one of his many fins. ‘Come child, eat your fill.’, so the girl ate and smiled with joy once more.”
“Moreau”, Cassandra whispers, a tired giggle falling from her lips. Bela giggles at this.
She watches her younger sister’s eyes get heavier and heavier as she brushes her fingertip alongside Cassandra’s nose, from her tip to her forehead. The brunette purrs quietly, smiling tiredly as she rests her head back on her sister’s shoulder.
Bela keeps up the comforting work of her fingertip, tracing Cassandra’s features and smiling softly as it causes the woman to yawn and shift closer to her, golden eyes falling shut even as she insists she isn’t tired and wants to keep listening to Bela read.
“Continuing on she soon entered the forest’s dark heart. Then an iron steed appeared, bearing a beautiful, golden gear”
A quiet, tired giggle is heard when at this, Bela playfully taps the yellow gemstone embedded into Cassandra’s necklace.
Wind hits the window and makes the brunette jump, golden eyes small and tired, but alert. Bela coos gently, her hand cupping Cassandra’s cheek. “I won’t let anything hurt you, Cass. I promise”
Her sister studies her for a moment, then rests her head back on Bela’s shoulder, eyes falling shut as the eldest resumes reading and tracing the woman’s soft face.
“To this day, any child who stares too long into the charred wasteland will be haunted by nightmares of getting lost while picking berries…”
Bela sighs as she closes the book, gently taking Cassandra’s finger from the cover and placing it on the blanket instead.
The woman too snores softly, just as the youngest sister on Bela’s left.
The blonde gently combs the hair out of Cassandra’s face, smiling as she too presses the last kiss for that night against her sister’s forehead. Then, she too closes her eyes, her arms tightening around the two younger women one more time.
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