#some of the modern people even as important as they are— [cough] gen— do have a clear start point
caifanes · 4 months
like obviously because the series centers around young people, parents are either going to be completely irrelevant or a second thought but it’s important to note that several characters DO have parents and it’s more important that we look at what the characters lack. a significant portion have been ostracized in some way, kohaku willingly acts out because of how it pertains to her sisters role in the village and her illness, chrome literally lives outside of the village bc of his eclectic “sorcery,” kaseki is one of the older folks as is respected as one of the main craftspeople but as far as the audience knows he doesn’t have any direct family, suika feels that her poor eyesight makes her useless to the village and displays an immense sense of self sufficiency that’s odd for a child as young as her. as for the modern people, tsukasa explicitly isolates himself due to trauma and prioritizing his sister, nikki feels misunderstood by her peers and finds solace in music, taiju’s parents are deceased pre-petrification and has senku as his closest friend, who himself was adopted by his bio father’s friend. in so many ways, these kids founded a new sense of belonging amongst each other.
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hikari-writes · 4 years
『Dr. Stone』
Fluff Oneshot
❝ Only To You ❞
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Request: Hey! ^^ Can I ask for a scenario where Ryusui constantly flirts with the reader and it's clear that he likes her. But she doesen't like his greedy and capitalist personality but somehow still finds him charming and she's very conflicted and there's a lot of tension (somewhat like tsundere dinamics). So some angst but fluff at the end. Sorry if it's weird >
Pairing: Nanami Ryusui
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.9k
I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE i had trouble making this one ngl,,, I'm not the bezt at making a angst+fluff fanfic 😔 if it's angst, i gotta make it full on angst and if it's fluff i gotta make it full on fluff. So im sorry this has no crumbs of angst 😢 or,,, should i even be sorry??? Do u even wanna angst 😳😳😳 lmao but anyways! I finally finished my last request and I'm drained. Hope you like this,, lotsa love!
“You're looking beautiful as always, Y/N.”
You shot a glare at Ryusui before turning away from him.
"....What do you want?"
"I was just saying what's on my mind. No need to get so defensive," he said as he grins, showing his neatly aligned, pearly white teeth. 
You heaved a sigh in defeat. This man has been constantly flirting with you ever since he first saw you and you *don't* like the attention you're receiving. 
He may have been a popular rich kid back in the modern world with many beautiful women beside him, but in this stone age, you couldn't help but to see him in a bad vision. 
You're not one to mind flirty behaviours shown by others, but what made you truly detest Ryusui is because of his greedy and arrogant nature. It just somehow hit your nerve, and you don't like it. 
"Do you need help with that?" He asked as he pointed towards a pile of fabric you were carrying. They were meant to be sent to Yuzuriha, and you did not wish to waste any more time on Ryusui so you just shook your head in response and quickly left him. 
As you tried to leave, you accidentally tripped on a stick that was lying around and fell flat on your face. The pain from the fall hurts, but it was nothing serious. Rather, you were more concerned of Ryusui who just witnessed your embarrassing fall. 
You turned to face him but he wasn't at his previous spot. You wondered where he went off to when suddenly he appeared in front of your eyes with a concerned face.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked as he cupped both your cheeks in his hands, inspecting every single part of your beautiful face. The close distance between your faces and the warmth his hands were radiating made your face flushed. You completely froze in your spot, not knowing what to do. 
After a few more seconds had passed, you finally snapped back into reality and moved away from his touch.
"Don't touch me so casually, please," your voice came out louder and calmer than you had intended, and you internally praised yourselves for not stuttering at all even though your face beet red.
"I'm sorry about that, but are you really okay? You didn't hurt yourself from the fall or anything?"
The way he asked that in such a concerned and genuine manner made your heart skip a beat. You didn't know he was that concerned about your well-being. 
"I'm perfectly fine. Please excuse me."
You quickly left him alone, more careful this time as to not trip for the second time.
Ryusui watched as your back slowly left his vision before standing up from his crouching position. 
"You really like her, don't you?"
He turned back to see Gen leaning against a wall while looking at him with the eyes of all-knowing. 
"You can ompliment-cay all the women in this world, but in the end, she's the only one you'll ever look at with those eyes."
Ryusui gave a light scoff at his statement. 
"I hate to admit it to you, but yeah, you're absolutely right."
How could he not? You may act cold around him, but he always saw how sweet and kind you can be. How hardworking and stubborn you are sometimes made him smile to himself. How he wished he could hold you in his arms right now. 
You stopped in your tracks as you heard the familiar boisterous voice that belonged to no one other than Ryusui. He was talking with Senku and the others. Probably about something important but you noticed how his charming smile never left his face during the discussion.
You were so caught up in staring at him that you didn't realize the approaching Minami behind you. 
"Who are you staring at, hmm?"
You almost screamed at the sudden surprise but you managed to cover your mouth before then and when you turned around, your eyes narrowed at the grinning Minami.
"Stop scaring me like that, Minami," you said as you glared at her. She only grinned mischievously as a response and looked over you to see who you were staring at.
"I smelled a maiden in love so I just had to. But anyways, you were looking at Ryusui huh?"
Your face turned red at her guess, exposing the fact that you indeed were staring at him. Minami's grin widened as she saw your reaction. 
"I wasn't staring at anyone. Besides, I'm not a 'maiden in love' or anything. I DON'T like him," you turned away from her, covering your face to hide the blush that's forming on your face. 
"I doubt that~ You were totally staring at him. I know you like him, Y/N."
A vein popped on your forehead and you continued glaring at her who seemed to be too excited about someone else's love life.
"Oh, fancy seeing you two beauties here."
Ryusui's voice from behind you made you let out a squeal in surprise. You quickly hid behind Minami, using her as a shield from Ryusui. 
Ryusui blinked in confusion when he saw how defensive you got as soon as he came close to you. A little part of him was a bit hurt because of what you did, but he decided to not pay it any mind and continued smiling at you two. Gen who was near looked at you in amusement. He didn't expect you to get so embarrassed to the point of hiding behind Minami. 
"What were you two talking about?" 
At his question, you glared daggers at Minami, silently warning her to not spill the beans. She just sweatdropped as a response.
"Nothing much," she replied to him nonchalantly. He looked dissatisfied with the vague answer and was about to question more but before he could you had already tugged at Minami's arm, pulling her away from him.
"Sorry, but we're a bit busy. Excuse us."
And with that, you quickly left him all the while dragging Minami along with you. 
As soon as you and Minami were no longer on sight, Ryusui heaved a quiet sigh. He wanted to talk more with you, but with the way it is now, it didn't seem possible. 
"Well, if she hates me then, I'll just do everything I can to make her mine!"
Ryusui declared that loudly, showing his greedy nature to the world. Gen shook his head in disappointment. 
"The both of you are really idiots," he whispered that softly to himself.
"You know that Ryusui likes you, right?"
The sudden question by Kohaku that was aimed at you made you choke on your water. Yuzuriha who was beside you quickly rubbed circles behind your back, easing your coughing. 
"W-where did you even get that idea??"
Kohaku's lips formed into a cat-like smile, amused at your flustered reaction. 
"I mean, it's kinda obvious? He always flirts and compliments you most of the time. Sure, he is like that towards everyone but there's something special that he only shows to you, y'know?"
Your face flushed at her statement, but you never let yourself be indulged in the idea that Ryusui had some kind of special feelings towards you. 
"Don't be ridiculous. He's like that towards everyone. There's...no way he would like me. I keep acting like such a cold person towards him."
Everyone fell silent at your confession. They don't understand how you could be so dense of Ryusui's feelings towards you. And it's clear that you also felt the same towards him, even if you keep denying it. 
"Then, why don't you give him a confession chocolate next Valentine?"
Nikki suddenly suggested that, breaking the heavy silence. 
"That's right! I heard from Taiju that Senku's planning to make chocolate for Valentine's. I think that's perfect," Yuzuriha chimed in, nodding her head along.
"That's...a bit….uhm…."
You tried to find the right word to decline the suggestion but after seeing all the girl's pleading eyes, you just can't bring yourself to say no to them.
"Fine. But I'm just making him a chocolate! No more no less."
The girls all cheered in unison, succeeding in convincing you to make chocolate for Ryusui.
You held the box of chocolate you had decorated neatly close to your rapidly beating heart. You had helped Senku and the others in making the chocolate in hopes of understanding the process better before making it yourself. The taste was pretty good, if you'd say so yourself. 
That night, you searched for Ryusui everywhere. You hadn't seen him at all today. You asked several other people of his whereabouts but they all shrugged their shoulders, not knowing where the greedy blonde was either.
In the end, you decided to just search for him in his tent. Surprisingly, he was there. Although, he's not awake. You saw him peacefully sleeping with his captain hat on his laid body. 
Your heart raced at the rare sight of him without his hat. The peaceful face of him sleeping made him all the more charming and you could've sworn the sound of your heartbeat was loud enough for other people to hear.
You decided to leave the box of chocolate right beside him and leave it at that. However, as soon as you sat beside him, his eyes shot open and he grabbed your wrist with a lopsided grin adorning his face.
"Hmm~ What were you trying to do, Y/N?"
You tried to retreat back your wrist that he's holding but he didn't loosen the grip on it at all. Your face turned bright red once again and you looked down in embarrassment, unable to look him in the eyes.
"Nothing! I wasn't doing anything!"
"Then what's that box you have there?"
You tried to quickly hide the chocolate box after he pointed it out in hopes he'd forget about it but you yourself knew that it's pointless. 
He sat himself up while still holding onto your wrist. 
"Is that for me?" 
He asked, his voice was soft, unlike how loud he's always been. 
You slowly nod your head. There's no use in hiding that now. 
He reached behind you for the chocolate box. Your breath hitched at the closeness of his face with yours. You could feel his breath brushed your face gently. By the time he had already gotten the chocolate box, your face was already as red as tomato. 
He stared at your flushed face. You hadn't realized it since your eyes are spinning from the embarrassment. He softly cupped your cheeks in both of his hands and made you face him. 
"I like you," he softly whispered to you. It was just your gut feelings, but you *know* he meant every word he said. Your heart was filled to the brim and you couldn't be happier to hear those words come out of his mouth.
"I...like you too..."
He gave his signature smile before slowly bringing your face closer to his...when suddenly,
"Hey! Stop pushing!"
"It's not me! It's Kohaku-chan!"
"Lower your voice a bit!"
The obvious whisper-yelling voices of the people outside interrupted your kiss. You pulled your head away from him and turned to the front of the tent.
"All of you can't be more obvious!"
The voices went silent before they entered the tent with awkward grins on their faces. Your face went bright red but no longer than a second later, Ryusui burst into laughter. 
"Well, isn't this great? Everyone here can witness that you're mine."
Then, he swooped you into a loving kiss, surprising everyone with his action, including yourself. 
You felt like you would faint after he pulled away from the kiss and your face was so hot and red to the point there's even steam coming out of it. Ryusui just grinned nonchalantly after what he just did. You swear this man will be the death of you.
The End
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somuchnonsense · 4 years
October Drabbles 21-25
More drabbles
21. Late Night          (post-canon Wangxian fluff, mildly NSFW)
It’s past the time that Lan Wangji should be asleep—and he was, actually, until Wei Wuxian crawled into bed with him. Often, Wei Wuxian will just curl up beside him, or perhaps wrap his arms around Lan Wangji and tangle their legs together, and then go quietly to sleep. Tonight, though, he woke Lan Wangji up with kisses on his neck turning into soft nips to his collarbone, pulling his clothing aside to reach further down.
“Go to sleep,” Lan Wangji murmurs, half awake, a soft rumble under Wei Wuxian’s mouth on his chest.
“I will.” Wei Wuxian’s lips flutter against his skin and Lan Wangji shivers. “After.”
Wei Wuxian continues to move downward, kissing a meandering path across Lan Wangji’s stomach. Lan Wangji reaches down, half thinking about pushing him away or pulling him up to settle beside him, but in the end, he only rests his hand on Wei Wuxian’s head, fingers sliding into his hair. “Is that a yes?” Wei Wuxian smugly murmurs into Lan Wangji’s lower stomach, tongue venturing out to trace a line between his muscles while he waits for an answer.
Lan Wangji hesitates for only the briefest of moments before answering, “Yes.”
22. Blushing     (post-canon Wangxian fluff, more mildly NSFW)
It was so easy for Wei Wuxian to fluster Lan Wangji when they were young. All he had to do was make a nuisance of himself, say something blatantly flirty (despite not realizing himself that he was flirting), lean into Lan Wangji’s personal space, and he’d be rewarded with subtle hints of panic, yelling, red ears and, if he was really successful, a blush spreading pink and pretty across Lan Wangji’s cheeks.
Since his death and return, though, the tables have turned and it’s Wei Wuxian who finds himself flustered more often than not, all his shameless behavior backfiring on him. Even now, when he understands that flirting with Lan Wangji will never turn him off, Wei Wuxian can’t seem to find a way to tease that doesn’t end in him blushing, usually with Lan Wangji’s lips on his or in other more interesting places. Lan Wangji has become very good at shutting him up, sometimes making an absolute mess of him in the process and sometimes only making Wei Wuxian desperately wish he would, holding tight to his wrists or pinning him down so he can’t get what he wants until Lan Wangji says he can.
And worse still, sometimes when he flirts obnoxiously, Lan Wangji will turn and just give him this look, not quelling, not threatening, not even promising, but just so fond,  so openly, unabashedly in love that Wei Wuxian doesn’t know what to with it. He loves Lan Wangji just as much, but it’s still a shock sometimes that anyone could love him so deeply and unshakably. It brings heat to his cheeks, but more so a warmth to his heart, and a feeling that it doesn’t matter if he can’t tease Lan Wangji anymore; all that matters is this.
23. Poetry          (modern AU Wangxian fluff, feat. songwriter LWJ)
Lan Zhan writes a lot of songs for other people, working hard on the kind of poetic lyrics and dramatic orchestral music he loves, and which he’s managed to make a name for himself with. He’s only written one song for himself, though, and not so much for himself as for Wei Ying. It’s one of the first songs he ever wrote, when he was an idiot teenager in love wondering if he’d ever fulfill his dreams of being a songwriter, or of having Wei Ying by his side, not just as an annoying classmate and maybe friend, but as someone who knew how Lan Zhan felt and loved him back.
There’s a part of Lan Zhan that always cringes when he hears Wangxian, which (mercifully) exists only as a demo recording sung by him. What was he thinking with that title, or those painfully unsubtle lyrics? But mostly it makes him smile at how quickly and helplessly he fell in love with Wei Ying, even before he particularly liked him, and how he’s only fallen more in love with the passage of time. It also makes him smile because there’s so much hope, not explicitly in the lyrics, but in the feeling of the song, translated from how he felt when he wrote it—and he knows now that he was right to hope.
“I still can’t believe you wrote me a love song when I thought you hated me,” Wei Ying says once when he convinces Lan Zhan to play the demo again. “A sappy as fuck love song.”
“I never hated you,” Lan Zhan responds, a fond smile playing at his lips at the memory of when he tried to convince himself that he did. “And I know perfectly well that you love this song.”
Wei Ying grins and gives him a kiss. “I do love this song, and I love you.”
24. Spicy          (unspecified Wangxian fluff)
Wei Wuxian finds it impossibly cute when Lan Wangji tries to eat spicy things for him, especially dishes he cooked which no one in their right mind would try to eat. (He thinks they’re good, but he’s aware that other people are weak and wrong—uh, have different opinions.) It’s not that he wants Lan Wangji to suffer, but it’s sweet that he loves Wei Wuxian enough to try, and it’s simultaneously adorable and hilarious how he tries to hide the effects as his cheeks flush and he starts to sweat and he blinks furiously, his eyes watering and his lips pressed tightly together to hold back a cough.
On the other hand, Wei Wuxian loves Lan Wangji and wants him to be happy always, and that’s why one night when he’s cooking for the two of them, he makes a sincere effort to make the most bland and inoffensive food he can manage. It looks so pale and dull and his hands itch to douse it in pepper, but he restrains himself, setting the dishes on the table as is and calling Lan Wangji in.
He can see the moment Lan Wangji notices, his brow furrowing ever-so-slightly as he scans the table and then looks up at Wei Wuxian, his expression midway between confused and affectionate. “Well, go on. Eat!” Wei Wuxian prods.
It’s the most boring meal Wei Wuxian has ever eaten in his life (when he had a choice, anyway), but it’s worth it for the way Lan Wangji actually seems to enjoy eating it instead of having to brace himself before each bite, and for the fond, appreciative looks he flashes Wei Wuxian in between. “It was very good,” he says at the end, entirely unprompted.
“I’m glad,” Wei Wuxian says, “but I’m not making any promises about it happening again soon.”
Lan Wangji smiles softly and shakes his head. “I would expect nothing less.”
25. Clothes          (pre-canon WWX gen, feat. Jiang sibs & JFM)
For the first few years in Lotus Pier, Wei Wuxian accepts whatever clothes are provided to him without complaint. He’s grateful to have a place to live and food to eat and clothes without any holes in them to wear. What those clothes look like isn’t important—and even if it was, he’s afraid to object to anything, afraid of being too greedy in case Jiang Fengmian decides it’s more trouble than it’s worth to keep him. Even when Uncle Jiang asks what he wants, he’s hesitant to really ask for it
Eventually, though, he starts to feel more comfortable, more secure in his place here. (If Madam Yu hasn’t managed to kick him out by now, he’s probably safe, right?) And one day, when a tailor comes to measure him and Jiang Cheng and Shijie for new clothes, Uncle Jiang asks, “What color robes would you like this time?”
“Black!” Wei Wuxian answers. He imagines he’ll look very grown up and manly in black, not to mention have an easier time sneaking around at night if the mood strikes him.
Belatedly, he worries that he’s being too demanding, but Uncle Jiang only smiles and says, “Black it is, then.”
“Only black?” Shijie asks. “You don’t think it’ll look nice with some color underneath?”
“I suppose.” Wei Wuxian considers, trying to picture himself in his new robes. “What color do you think, shijie?”
“Decide for yourself,” Jiang Cheng grumbles, but Shijie ignores him and says, “I think you’d look great in red.”
Wei Wuxian beams as though she’s given him high praise. “All right, then. Black and red for me.” He can’t wait to see how he looks in his new robes.
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effieduan · 3 years
GIVE RIO JOB 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 | Rio & Effie
TIMING: Present
LOCATION: Vulpine Voltage Repairs
PARTIES: @3starsquinn & @effieduan
SUMMARY: Rio’s ability to afford groceries is called into question.
CONTENT:  No Triggers!
Effie sat at the counter, tinkering with a giant black box. It was a monster, a dinosaur, and an absolute disgrace to modern computers. But Florence wanted it back in suitable working condition because it was “so simple”. Effie learned early on in this business that it was important to give the customer what they wanted -- even if she thought she could give them a better experience. Florence was elderly, and she could understand wanting things to stay the way they were. And truthfully, after Effie was done with this big old dinosaur, there wouldn’t be much to complain about other than its size and heavy weight -- that reminded her. She would have to schedule a drop off at Florence’s apartment. Watching the little old woman waddle in carrying that thing had almost given her a heart attack. She was working on replacing the cooling fan when she heard the door jingle as someone entered.
She would have preferred to be in the back sitting in her workshop, but that meant  she would have to constantly be getting up from her work to come out front whenever a customer came. Annoying. She poked her head up over the harddrive to get a look at her customer. “Just a second,” she said, swiftly hopping off the stool, placing her tools on the counter, and grabbing her lime-green gloves. She looked at the boy. College student, most likely. “Can I help you?” she asked. “Did something break?”
In a lot of ways, a shop like this should make Orion feel right at home. Ever since he was old enough, he practically lived on his computer if he wasn’t reading. Nowadays, he did a lot of his reading on the computer anyways, with the scribe archive coming along. It was slowly but surely growing, and Rio was starting to find it easier to find information through the database instead of skimming through the books like he always had to before. Of course, there were probably thousands of books still unaccounted for, but he had tried to prioritize to get some of the most common books translated first.
If his pastimes weren’t enough, then his old second major made a shop like this feel even more familiar. Computer science had always felt like more of a means to an end than an actual passion, but he had still picked up on a few things in the first two years before he had dropped it to focus on history and mythology. After all, the groundwork for the database had already been built thanks to Winston’s help. That was what Rio had wanted the degree for in the first place.
Now, Rio just needed work. Money wasn’t exactly tight. His parents had left behind a generous amount split between himself and Athena, and despite the size and grandeur of the home that he currently lived in, his living expenses were surprisingly cheap. Perks of only paying utilities he supposed. Still, a steady income wouldn’t hurt. And despite the change in majors, Rio still knew enough about technology that a place like this could be a potential job option. If they were hiring that was. “Hey there.” Rio gave a small wave when the woman behind the counter spoke to him and slid closer to the counter. His fingers began tapping against it rhythmically as he considered his words, “Nope. Nothing broken here. Not technology anyways” Rio rattled off, letting his words slowly fade as he realized this was not the best conversation starter, “I was actually just wondering if you knew if this place was hiring? I’m sort of looking for employment.”
Effie stared at Rio, mouth opening slightly in surprise. “... Employment…” Effie said slowly, as if she didn’t quite understand. Truth be told, she didn’t understand. She was quite clear that she was not looking for any other staff for her store, even if Eva told her she was being ridiculous because she would get so much more work done if she had someone watching the front counter while she sat and worked on orders in the back. And what did this boy mean by nothing broken - at least not technology. Was that a Gen Z thing? Was she so old that she was starting to call things gen z things? Was she going to rage war on middle parts and baggy jeans next? Effie had to shake herself out her head, reminding herself she was going to live long enough to see Gen Z 10.0, to stare at the boy. He was… Skinny. And polite enough. Effie’s snarky comment of why didn’t you check the website’s F.A.Q before coming in here died on her lips. “Uh -- “ Effie coughed. “I own this store,” she said. “My name is Effie Duan. And I’m not - I mean, I’m not really looking for employees.”
The woman, who turns out was the owner of the store, didn’t seem especially thrilled about the idea of Orion asking if she was hiring. Apparently, that wasn’t something she did a lot of. Or maybe at all. Rio had passed by the store on a few occasions, had only actually popped inside once or twice to check the place out, but he clearly remembered her face from each visit. Did she have any other employees, or was she running this place all by herself? “Oh! That’s awesome. Hi there. My name’s Rio. Technically it’s Orion, but nobody calls me that except my family.” Rio exclaimed, holding a hand out towards the woman as a means of introduction. He quickly backtracked to correct himself, “Er- well I guess my family used to call me that. Now nobody really does.” Well that was awkward. Definitely not the greatest first impression. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to bother you or anything.” Rio bit at his lip. Well there went another option. Was he cursed to live on his family’s money in that oversized home forever? Could that even be counted as a curse? “Do you uh- run this place all by yourself? Because that’s crazy impressive. How do you have time to do everything?”
Effie’s gaze shot down to the hand he outstretched to her as if it was going to bite her. She did not like contact, especially with humans. Well, especially with anyone. Still, that’s why she wore the gloves. They were the solution and the reason she could be around people. Effie quickly recovered and reached out to shake his hand, hoping he didn’t mind the feeling of rubber. “Orion,” she said. “Rio.” Only his family called him Orion -- had called him… Something flashed in Effie’s memory about the doctor and business owner that were brutally murdered, leaving behind their children. She didn’t remember the girl’s name, but she did remember Orion because it had been one of  Eva’s favorite constellations growing up. Then again, Eva’s favorite constellation changed every week - maybe she just remembered Orion because she would get poked in the side with a stick shrieking and giggling. Now that was a reason Effie never wanted to have kids. Her demeanor softened though, realizing that this kid was on his own now. She felt that familiar, heavy feeling in her chest -- like whenever she looked at a frustrated old woman who just wanted her dinosaur hard drive fixed or a man that just wanted a stupid gaming system repaired because it meant a lot to his father. Effie cursed under her breath, straightening slightly. How hard must it have been to have your parents murdered and now had to provide for himself?
“You’re not a bother, Rio,” she said shortly. “It’s just - I mean, I do run this place by myself. It’s my store - my business, I mean. I’m open Monday through Friday, from 9-5 and then on Saturday’s from 9-12.” Officially, at least. More often than not, she was here, open late or early because it wasn’t like she did much. “So … Well…” Effie looked at Rio. God, could he afford groceries? He was so skinny! “What - What experience do you have?” she asked, lamely.
Orion tilted his head curiously as Effie repeated his name, followed by his nickname to him. “That’s me.” Rio responded quietly, trying to figure out what Effie was thinking about. Clearly something was processing. She was still looking up towards him, but she wasn’t meeting his gaze, instead staring past it. She must have been lost in her thoughts, the same way Rio did. “That sounds busy.” Rio agreed, listening to her hectic schedule. While RIo tried to keep himself busy too, none of his hobbies were exactly time sensitive besides his classes. She was bound to this schedule to run a business. Owning a business in general was way more stress than Rio thought he could handle. Being the sole employee was another thing entirely. She surprised him when she asked about his experience. Hadn’t she just said that they weren’t hiring? “Oh well uh-” Rio considered her question. Technically, he didn’t have much. Not officially. “Well I used to be a double major with computer science as one of those. I’m still a double major, just not computer science anymore. But I learned quite a bit in the first couple of years. I’m pretty decent when it comes to like coding and stuff.” Rio scratched at his neck nervously. It wasn’t like he could exactly show off the database he and Winston had built. Not without looking completely insane. “And I also worked as an assistant in my old job, taking calls and talking to people that came in. It uh- burnt down last year.”
Gears were churning in Effie’s mind as she stared at Rio. He certainly had a series of unfortunate events happen to him. Parents murdered and his job burnt down. Other than making sure some poor college kid could afford groceries, she would get her sisters off her back. It wasn’t only Eva that thought she worked too much. Not to mention if this kid could code, he was likely smart enough to learn how to fix phone screens and the like so she didn't have to waste time with those while she worked on her larger products. Not to mention, if she didn’t have to answer the phone or talk to people… Temptation was something Effie learned not to engage with a long time ago because it only led to disappointment and more self loathing than she could handle. What would she do about this kid’s safety? Make him wear gloves? “A couple of years in computer science is certainly better than nothing,” Effie said finally. “What do you study now?” That seemed like a decent question to ask. She could put him in a full rubber suit, though she wondered if that would be considered cruel and unusual punishment. It wasn’t like the feds would believe it was just her version of wrapping him in bubblewrap.
But how many incidents did she have in her shop? She was comfortable here in her shop and her apartment. Other than making the lights flash when frustrated, she never had done anything dangerous. The danger happened when she inevitably had to go outside. “Look, Rio,” Effie started. “I think -- Why don’t we try it out?” The words fell out of her mouth, surprising herself that she was going through with it. “Obviously, you’re a college student, and I don’t expect you to work all the hours my store is open. We can adjust to your schedule so you can have a healthy class life and social life as well as adequate free time to decompress.” Now she sounded like Eva, who frequently lectured her about what it was like to actually live. Not an option for her. She looked at Rio, before remembering something. “Oh, and I should… Probably check your references.”
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senkusslut · 4 years
Hi, could I please get Senku finding out his s/o is sick? Like how would he take care of them and so on? Thank you.🥰
Hey there, lovely ~ While writing this I noticed I first started writing for Modern Senku & I added some headcanons for Stone World Senku as well~ I hope you like it! ♥ 
→ Senku cherishes the few people who are really close to him and even though he would never admit it, he would do everything to make them feel better. After finding out that his someone wasn‘t around due to them not feeling well, he would visit them instantly but not without visiting the pharmacy beforehand. Senku is all about creating some small care packages for his someone whenever they‘re sick, always handing them over with a snarky remark. „Got everything you need inside this package, hope I don‘t have to be your house doctor again in the future.“ He will still visit his someone on a daily base because he love just spending time with them.
→ Senku will stay until his someone falls asleep at night. He will stay in bed next to them and hold them close in his arms while talking about something he created in the lab that day or about the stupid stuff Taiju did to impress Yuzuriha. His only goal is to make his someone laugh and feel better.
→ His someone never has to worry about waking up because it‘s one of the best things ever when they‘re sick. Senku will wake up extra early in the morning to prepare a loving breakfast with all kinds of healthy fruits and snacks for his someone. Whatever his someone wishes for, he will get it for them. Of course, when his someone is healthy again he will be a slight ass about it. „But I always treat you so good when you‘re sick.. why do I never get breakfast in bed??“ He‘s not serious when he says stuff like that though, because in the end he loves his someone and he wants them to feel good all around.
Stone World
→ Senku would find out about his someone being sick just by looking at them, even their tired behavior and slow movements tell him that there‘s something off. Without a second thought he would tell them to go back to their hut and to lay down and wait for him. His someone can‘t hide being sick from him. He will feel their temperature and ask how they feel, whether it‘s hurting while coughing or just a small cold. Even though he has to run the village and get the group forward, he will look after his someone whenever he gets a free minute.
→ The others would have to accept that Senku‘s s/o would have first priority to him. He often says that it‘s important to think about the plan, yet everyone knows that Senku can‘t think everything through when he‘s worried about his someone. Senku will probably only sleep up to two hours a night, trying to create the fitting medicine for his someone‘s sickness and he won‘t think about anything else. The only person who can bring him back  to bed is actually his someone at those times.
→ Senku would be more affectionate than usual. He would spent more time with his someone alone, telling everyone else that he does not want them to get sick rather than his real intention. Senku actually enjoys taking long naps while holding his someone close to himself, once in a time pressing small kisses to their forehead and nose while whispering a sarcastic comment or anything. „Small girls should always take of themselves in a world with basically nothing. Ten billion percent sure that you would be done without me.“ He knows that his snarky comments always lead to a playful fight with his someone but he doesn‘t mind at all. Seeing them smile is totally worth it.
→ Even though Senku is not the best at cooking, he really tries to cook three meals a day for his someone when they‘re sick. The outcome of his cooking sessions is not usually the best, yet Gen and Kohaku never died while trying the food beforehand. Senku is not good with showing his affection through words, he will rather do it through actions.
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One Flew East, One Flew West
@roswellprompts for Crash Fest 2019.
@dummythiccie - Prompt Two: A high school class with all of the characters in it I was actually super excited to get this prompt! I love writing gen fics, and writing one set in the past was the perfect playground.  I hope you enjoy it!
One Flew East, One Flew West A Roswell New Mexico Fanfic
Liz paced as the clock snuck closer to the end of the lunch period.
"Liz, it isn't the end of the world." Maria tried to cheer her up.
"Maria, not only did I forget the book for American Literature, I left my notes in it.”  Liz glanced at her watch again.  Lunch was almost over.
“Rosa said she’d bring it, right?”  Alex was lounging against the wall and seemed about as concerned as Maria.  Which was not at all.
“Since when does that mean anything?”  Liz crossed her arms, and continued to pace.
Maria and Alex exchanged a glance.  “I’m sure she’ll be here.”  Maria reassured her.
Before Liz could go into a list of the reasons she might not be, Rosa’s car pulled into the school parking lot.  Liz relaxed somewhat, though she was still bouncing in place on the sidewalk waiting for the car to pull up next to her. She opened the door to lean inside.  “Gracias, Rosa, I-”  Liz cut off, coughing.  “Seriously? How can you breathe in here?”
“I have the windows open.”  Rosa pointed out.  Her posture was loose, and her eyes slightly unfocused.
“Are you drunk or just high?”  Liz asked her, grabbing up the book from the front seat angrily.
“I’m not that high.  Chill, little miss perfect.”
“This isn’t funny, Rosa.  What if Valenti pulls you over?”
“Well, I mean his son his still drooling over my sister, maybe he’ll cut me some slack.”
“Rosa, seriously you-- just tell me Dad and Mom didn’t see you like this.”
“As if any of us have seen Mom for the last week.”  Rosa reminded her.
The bell rung.  Liz slammed the door shut and stormed inside without replying. Alex and Maria exchanged looks, and Alex followed Liz.
“You could not fight with her.”  Maria suggested, leaning on the driver’s side window.
“She’s so uptight.”  Rosa replied.  “Seriously.”
“You know how she gets when your mom does this.”
“She has her way of dealing and I have mine.  Don’t even care right now where she is. I feel great.”
Rosa’s words only made Maria’s expression more concerned.  “I’ve got to get to class. Drive safe, okay?”
“Pfft.  I think I obeyed every traffic law getting here. I didn’t even california roll that stupid stop sign on seventh.”  Rosa told her.  Maria looked like she wanted to say more, but Rosa waved her off.  “I’m good.  Don’t be late for class or Liz will blame me.”
“We can hang out later, okay?”  Maria promised, before heading inside.
“So you took notes?”  Alex kept his tone light as he fell into step beside her in the school hallway.
“I always take notes.”  Liz replied, still tense from the fight with Rosa.
“It’s literature, Liz.  Not chemistry.  I’m sure you can remember the plot just fine.”
“Last year, I heard Mr. Williams failed a student for not citing enough in book references for her report.  You know what he’s always saying.”
“You mean the whole, “If you think you can watch the movie version and fill out one of my quizzes, you’re wrong” schtick? Yah, I’m pretty sure that's an exaggeration.” Alex offered her a grin.
“What if it’s not?” Liz told him as they entered the classroom and took their seats.  “It could affect my whole GPA.”
“You do realise you have another whole year before graduation?”  Alex reminded her.
“You can’t slack off and make it up in one year.  They look at the whole record.”  Liz told him.
“Seriously?”  Isobel was seated on MIchael’s desk near the back.  “Please tell me we are not discussing colleges when Homecoming is less than two weeks away.”
“Some people take this stuff seriously, Iz.”  Michael lectured her. He had a notebook out, but whatever he was scribbling didn’t look like it was related to the American Literature class.
“I didn’t realize you were part of the conversation.”  Liz mentioned, keeping her smile intact though she sounded slightly annoyed.
“Iz thinks she’s part of every conversation.”  Max moved to diffuse the situation, taking his seat in front of Michael.
“Just the ones that are actually important.” As if to emphasize the point, Isobel got up and returned to her seat.  A few of the girls from the class quickly gathered around her. Liz rolled her eyes and took her own seat.
“I see you got your notes.”  Max pointed out.
“Yah, Rosa came through.”  Liz’s expression was still far from happy.
Max glanced at Alex, who gave a small shake of his head.  “We were discussing whether notes were necessary in literature class.”  He offered in way of moving the conversation forward.
“Well, yah, of course they are.” Max gestured to his own notebook.
“Puh-lease.  So unnecessary.”  Michael commented, despite still being engrossed in his own notebook.  Alex found himself trying to peer at the pages, but he was keeping it in his lap and the desk was blocking even though Isobel had moved away.
“You and that big brain of yours don’t count.”  Max told him.
“You can probably quote every book we’ve been assigned for this class.”  Michael glanced up at him. “You’ve read every one.”
“That’s cuz Evans is a loser who doesn’t know the meaning of the word fun.”  Kyle glanced back from his seat toward the front. Max’s mouth twisted, but he didn’t respond.  “Nothing to say, Evans?”
“Leave him alone, Kyle.”  Liz spoke up.
Kyle shrugged.  “I’m just giving advice. Not my fault if I think Evans needs to loosen up a little.”
“My brother is just an exception to the “Girls mature faster than boys rule” that you are so clearly demonstrating.”  Isobel spoke up from her desk.
“Or maybe all the Evans are just a little bit frigid.”  Kate Long put in from where she was standing with the group around Kyle’s desk.
“You want to start something with me, Kate?”  Isobel leaned forward.  “I mean your brand of fun seems to keep landing you in detention rather than on the homecoming board.  Which, oh right, you’re banned from going to, aren’t you?  Doesn’t sound like you’re much fun to me.”
“You little-!”
“Hey, hey.”  Maria had just entered, and quickly pulled Kate back from where she was heading toward Isobel.  “What is going on in here?”
“A badly cliched teen drama plot?”  Alex offered her.  Isobel and Kate both shot glares his way.
The bell rang again, and Maria let go of Kate to take her seat by Liz.  She offered a smile to her best friend, who returned it before focusing on her notes.  A glance back at Alex earned a shrug, and she nodded in return.
“Everyone who is not in their seats in the next thirty seconds just earned themselves a special assignment.”  Mr Williams walked into the classroom.  The students still milling around other desks quickly grabbed their seats. “I’m not even going to pretend half of you read the first five chapters of the book like instructed.  So let’s see if you even recall what book you’re on… Mr Valenti?”
Kyle turned back from where he’d been talking to the friend at the desk behind him.  “The one about the looney bin.”  He offered.  His friends laughed at the joke, as did a few other students.
“The one about the looney bin.  Well, I can’t say I recall that title being on my reading list this semester.”  Mr Williams crossed his arms.  “Care to try again or should I just assume you didn’t read anything besides the synopsis on the assignment papers?”
Kyle rolled his eyes, hesitating a moment before answering.  “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”
“Glad to see you actually managed to read the title on the front at least.”  Mr Williams circled the desk.  “Now did anyone get so far as who can tell me the main character? Ms Long?”
“McMurphy.”  Kate answered.
“I take it you and your friends watched part of the movie this weekend?”
“I-” She began to object, but Mr Williams spoke over her.
“Ms Ortecho?  Who’s the main character in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest?”
“Chief.” Liz offered.  “He’s the one the book’s narrative is told from.”
“But McMurphy is who everything is about.”  Kate disagreed.
“McMurphy is going to disrupt the ward, but that doesn’t make him the main character.”  Max jumped in.  “He’s the static character.  Chief is the one who will change.”
“Reading ahead of the class, Mr Evans?”  Mr Williams asked pointedly.
Max played with the edges of the notebook in front of him.. “I, um… I’ve actually read the book previously.”
“Shocking.”  Kyle whispered to the group near him.
“Something to say, Mr Valenti?”  Mr Williams turned to him.
“Just curious if there’s an assignment in this class Evans hasn’t read, honestly.”  Kyle offered.  When his friends snickered, Max only sat back with a sigh.
“Have something productive to add to the conversation about the actual assignment or do think my class is a waste of time for you?”
The classroom fell deathly silent.  “Just that I really didn’t find any of the characters very interesting, to be honest.”  Kyle offered.  “Or relative to modern society.”
“It’s about society.”  Michael broke in.  “It’s about how fucked up society is.”
A few snickers followed his words, and Mr Williams sighed.  “Mr Guerin, language.”
“I agree with him.”  Alex spoke up.  “That’s the whole point of the story.  How society is prejudice against anything that doesn’t fit its current viewpoint on normal.  That’s as relative today as when the book was written.”
“Call me surprised, Manes, that that’s your take.”  Kyle glowered at him.  “All things considered.”
“Alright, break it up.”  Mr Williams sat behind his desk.  “I’m hoping all of you remembered to actually bring the book to class, because if it’s not with you today I’ve got a great extra assignment for you.”
Liz sent Alex and Maria a look that plainly said, “I told you so.”
“We’re starting on chapter six.  And I suggest those of you who haven't read the first five chapters get them read before the quiz at the end of the week.  Who wants to start?”
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i-am-the-market · 5 years
King And Queen Of The Losers American Squalor Review
Hello! I usually don’t do this BUT I wanted to do a kind of review for the new King and Queen album because I fucking love this band and I’ve already listened to the album over 10 times since I came out this morning.  If you DO NOT want to see spoilers if you haven’t listen to the album, go listen to it and then read this really crappy review. (Honestly Nate’s review is probably better but I wanted to review it too) THIS IS COMPLETELY OBJECTIVE AND IN NO WAY AM I SAYING THAT MY OPINION IS THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS OK? Black Hole: This is the first song on the album and since Scooter is the main one singing, we can assume that he’s the one that wrote this (they mentioned before that they sing whichever song they wrote). Right away you can hear the synth sounds in the background and during the chorus mostly. Scooter already mentioned he wanted to work more with that before so, it’s nice to hear the first song of the album dive into it. The lyrics have a morbid type of undertone that is honestly pretty standard with their songs but, this feels different since it’s hidden mostly in the chorus with the line “Everything is ok” or some variation of that.  This song took me a bit to really get into so, 7/10 for me.  Swing State: This is probably the most political-esque song on the album but, even with that it mostly is about the millennial/Gen Z struggle of living in this modern day political hell. This song highlights very real struggles of dealing with the capitalist bullshit that we have to live through by having our congressmen spend money on useless shit and not wanting the patriarchal company that is Apple to take over the modern day bullshit that is America.  The lyrics, which were written by Kiwi, have this very anxious and nihilistic (Which is now called apathy) vibe that her songs from Crutch had too. This differs from Crutch though because it has a more anxious and having to deal with grown-up shit vibe instead of a “fuck everything life sucks” vibe that Crutch had (if that makes sense???) A solid 8/10  Hospitality: This song sound the most like a story than any other song. Much like Another Rehab song, Scooter talks about recovering from addiction and finding another wake-up call by landing in the hospital from a bad trip. They lyrics are very solemn and it crashes with the tempo and the key of the song in a tasteful way. This is a nice change of pace from Crutch since it shows a kind of growth that Scooter had from one album to another, with the last verse being hopeful in that he will get better.  Because I liked Another Rehab Song, this is a 9/10  Jean Luc Godard: This song very much has Kiwi’s signature “fuck the government” and nihilistic attitude about everything (not to mention she sings this song too). This song mostly talks about finding comfort in similarities and differences but most importantly, realizing that most people in this generation can relate and come together over the need to fuck over capitalism but, not finding enough energy to do so. The lyrics really show justice to the apathy that young adults hold now and how the system has done nothing but fuck them over in the last 20 years with Jeff Bezos existing (”We both want to kill Jeff Bezos”) and how gas prices are insanely high. Although, this song is not one of Kiwi’s most political songs (*Cough* see Swing State *Cough*), it is very much about accepting that even though politics deem this generation as “lazy” and “useless”, it’s ok to find comfort in things that you can relate to with friends and just being straight up lazy.  Overall, an 8/10  Electric Boy: When first listening to this song, It reminded me of Nine in the Afternoon by Panic since it like has that weird piano part (not entirely relevant but, I really like that song nonetheless).  Since this song was a pre-release, I had more time to listen to it than the other ones so, I may sound a little better when talking about it. This song is mostly about Scooter finding that he is very much a source of comfort for other people even though that in the back of his mind, he is very nervous and insecure about living and trying to make it through this fucked up world. I believe this song is him saying how at most times, he has to step up to the plate for making other people happy but, neglecting his own feelings at times. You can tell by the lyricism in this song that he is growing as a musician and a writer. Especially if you compare this to his (arguably) best written song, Detox Days, from Crutch. Also, the fact that he tastefully uses the synth and auto-tune in this song makes it even better musically.  This is a solid 10/10 for me.  Lackadaisical:  This song is very much the millennial/gen Z mood of the century with the work lackadaisical meaning “lacking enthusiasm”. Again, Scooter mostly talks about feeling a sort of way about life and living. Very much the apathy we are all extremely used to in KAQOTL fashion. The lyrics are a bit solemn but, as the rest of the album, hidden behind a curtain of major keys and high tempos. Not one of Scooter’s best lyrically written songs but, it’s still good. A solid 7/10.  Up On Yr Feet: This song sounds more like Kiwi’s “Fuck you” letter to her job. She is very tired of having to put on a brave smile for everyone else and most likely is warning everyone else to run away from the fucked up-ness that is working a regular 9-5 job.  The lyrics are a great warning for anyone else just settling to work a 9-5 job. They are very real and raw since Kiwi herself works a job like that but of course since she is in KAQOTL, she is looking towards just quitting her job and becoming someone who she WANTS to be instead of someone she HAS TO be.  Great song. 8/10  Burning Building: Again, you can hear another band’s influence in this song (since in the beginning it really reminds you of Good Riddance by Green Day). Plus, the fact that the “Burning Building” talked about in this song is supposed to reference how Kiwi felt trapped in a mind-fuck where everything around her feels like its all crumbling around her. The building representing Kiwi’s mind while the fire represents her state of mind and how she feels that her mental health is collapsing from this metaphorical fire. The fire could represent many different things but, overall it’s a story of her wanting to stop that fire and save herself even though she feels like she is unable to.  The lyrics are well-written by making this building come to life and manifest in a way where we, as the audience, can easily see what’s happening and how anxious and upset Kiwi is over all of this. This is easily her best written song by making her mental health come to life in this fire that seems to have a mind of its own. “I fought wild fires in prison but I didn’t qualify to be a firefighter when I got out” is easily my favorite line of lyrics in this whole album since it shows how even though she may have beat this “fire” before, that doesn’t mean that she is able to do it every time.  Favorite song of the album. 10/10. I need the chord sheet right away. Stargazer: A H H H THIS IS THE ONE THAT SCOOTER GOT THE ORCHESTRA ON!!!! Honestly this song sounds fucking awesome with the orchestra and because of that, it gives this song a nice whimsical vibe since this song is about stargazing and is another love song between both Kiwi and Scooter. This mostly talks about the feeling of dreaming about being with your significant over and being love struck over anything and everything they do. This is a nice change of pace from the rest of the album and Crutch since it feels more complete and finalized as opposed to Detox Days (which I still love).  The lyrics are amazing and beautiful since this song is another love song between them and in KAQOTL fashion, there are nihilistic undertones but, it still is very much a nice song between those two and I love how the orchestra in the background accompanies the guitar.  10/10. I’m a sucker for love songs.  Deep Dream: This song was one of the pre-releases and I gotta say it’s a bop. This song is mostly Scooter’s manifesto about being in a dream-like state of going through the motions of living in this capitalist society. Having to go through the motions of a job for material possessions and being deemed “greedy” by the rich who forced him into taking part in this vicious cycle.  The lyrics are very monotonous and this feels like an amazing artistic choice to really embody the hell that are capitalist jobs. These lyrics are amazing and do the song justice.  9/10  Apologies to the Hollow Men: Finally, we finish at this gem of a song sung (and presumably written) by Kiwi. This was one of the pre-releases and the first moment I listened to it I fell in love. I feel like this song is a sort of love song to the younger fans of KAQOTL who are caught up in societal standards that are detrimental to anyone’s mental health. Although Kiwi is saying that we don’t have to live up to the world’s standards of who we should be, she’s most importantly saying this to herself and I commend that.  The lyrics of this song are amazing and I love how most of them start with “You don’t owe it to...” and I think that’s insanely important. You never owed anyone anything and you never will and I love that this is the message that ends this clusterfuck of an album. Also, always be as honest as you can with your doctor because it is helpful!!!!  “This is how the world ends, with both a bang and a whimper”.  Amazing song. 10/10  Overall Review of Album: I feel this is an amazing second album. KAQOTL took all of the feedback they got from the first album and used it to better themselves when creating this album. The overall tone of this is just a big middle-finger to capitalism and I fucking love that.  Although this album tends to kind of repeat certain aspects, they did it in a way where it’s not super annoying so, every song feels like an entirely new experience and I love that. I definitely recommend listening to this album in it’s entirety cause it’s a roller coaster of a ride from start to finish. Most of the songs you’ll have to listen to more than once to really understand how great they are.  Sure, this album has a few kinks to work out and the band is still so new that they don’t necessarily have a strong footing in the music industry but, this is a strong second album and let’s hope it doesn’t take another 2 years for another album.  Overall score:  8.7/10 
@kingandqueenofthelosers (Idk if they’ll see this but I hope they do) 
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rosykims · 5 years
i was tagged by @nordxz thanks so much tash !! i'm gonna answer this for duncan, my babey and the next gen son of alistair and ella cousland 😊😚😘
i snappped while answering these and accidentally wrote 6 pages and almost 4k words so uh. loooooong infodump ahead.
Alignment: What would be their D&D alignment? How might it come into play?
duncan very easily falls into the lawful neutral category, like i dont rly need to give his alignment too much thought unlike with some of my other ocs. duncan is.....hmm. hes a very KIND person, generous and selfless, and tries his best to make people happy, but i wouldn’t necessarily say he's good, considering a lot his issues lie with his inability to act, or stand up to others. he’s guilty of very blindly following the law, or other people's ideas of what's right, and he doesn't really feel confident enough to rely on his own conscience for most things. so i'd say while he tries to do the right thing and act within the law, sometimes he goes against his own values out of fear or confusion or, simply out of ignorance, since he was born into a life of privilege and can't always distinguish what's right and what’s believed ykno
Beverage: What do they most like to drink, and why?
duncan shares a weird trait with both his brother and sister where they all just inexplicably ?? don't like alcohol at all. so stuff like wine and liquors is off the table. he absolutely LOVES tea though. u know that one scene in scott pilgrim where the gal is going thru her list of like 72 teas? thats him 100%. it's his lifeblood at this point, he has SO much of it and a perk of being the heir to a monarchy means he's got a lot of foreign merchant acquaintances, so he tends to order in different blends from all over. he's a chronic insomniac, and he uses it as a crutch to get through the days some times. modern!duncan still loves tea but obviously has a stronger love for coffee, since its far more effective!
Co-Habitat: Do they live with anyone? What’s “need to know” before moving in?
duncan currently lives in the residential dorms of the college of enchanters, while he's sort of aimlessly studying a bunch of subjects he's already mostly adept at. firstly, duncan is VERY sick lol, he was conceived while ella and alistair still hadn't found the cure for the joining, and essentially he inherited both of their darkspawn taint so 🙂🙂🙂 thats always a good time. so anyone who lives with him needs to prepare for 1) him being sick obviously,, throwing up, coughing up blood, looking like a corpse virtually 23 hours of the day lol. and obviously the fear that one day he might actually die. but also 2) he suffers from grey warden nightmares for the same reasons, hence the insomnia. he can go a concerning number of days without sleeping and usually only takes strategic cat naps when he needs to, but obviously he has his limits. it's very rare that he goes a full night without waking up in a cold sweat due to nightmares so. we stan one depressed king ! oh he also is Incapable of locking the door to his apartment. he always forgets and hes too tired to care about people stealing his stuff fkdkdjdjd he would probably make more of an effort if he had someone living with him, but old habits die hard so !!!!!!
Decor: What kind of home do they keep? Are there any defining details?
honestly , duncan's house is very devoid of clutter or personal items in general, which is sad. he definitely would have a lot of decor if he could, but since his current housing is only temporary while he's in orlais, he doesn't really want to get... comfortable ykno. other than that, duncan's home is always kept impeccably neat and clean, for two reasons. firstly, growing up in denerim's palace really engrained into his head the importance of keeping up appearances, so its sort of a subconscious ritual of his at this point. but i think more importantly its because of all the nights when he cant sleep, so during the night with nothing to keep him from dwelling on his thoughts or nightmares, he really needs the distraction, and cleaning gives him something to do. duncan really needs to feel like he's doing something, like he's managing, like he's able to achieve something so cleaning is just one little way of taking ownership of his life.
Escape: What do they do to de-stress? How successful is it?
nsfw warning but uhhh..... he has a LOT of sex basically dkdkdksk u wouldn’t know it by looking at him tho ! bc hes very polite and nervous and kinda shy?? but hes also charming and obviously attractive so he doesnt really lack for interested parties. mainly he just sticks to one night stands, with no strings attached, and it helps him take his mind off things when hes exhausted or its late at night and hes afraid to go to sleep. otherwise he also has had some friends with benefits but usually his personal life is too complicated for a serious relationship. aside from that, he also reads a LOT, writes too – when he has the time/energy – and obviously cuddling sessions with his cat, moira dkdkdk
Fluff: What hits their soft spot? Does anything turn them into emotional goo?
so ik above i said that duncan doesnt do serious relationships but thats,, not through any will of his own. he LOVES love and is a complete hopeless romantic , but unfortunately for a number of reasons he's just very unlucky at love ! 😔 so having an emotional, intimate connection with someone that isnt just sex is super healing for him, since he's not used to it at all. being with nadaia is such a positive thing for him, just knowing that his feelings are reciprocated and that he's valued and wanted.
Grudge: How bad does an insult go over? Do they hold a grudge long?
i think it depends on who its directed at !! duncan usually ignores any insults directed at him because he's grown up being so scrutinized by the public and for the most part, fereldens are very weary of him so he hears A LOT. most of criticisms about him he just.. automatically accepts as fact and really buys into them, bc he has such low self esteem. but as for other people, and ESPECIALLY loved ones thats a very different story!! he's not exactly the type to start throwing punches if anyone says a bad word against someone he cares about, but he WILL personally see to it in his own sneaky way that they get whats coming to them dkdkkdjd usually he'll either find a way to expose their dirty laundry, embarrass them in public, prevent a promotion, something like that lol. this goes double if the insult is directed at nadaia or his family.
Hobby: What’s something they do for fun that might be surprising?
ive already mentioned that he's an avid reader and he likes to write occasionally, but he's also a talented musician! He can play harp and lute, and has a beautiful singing voice ! tho he never EVER sings in public and u have to be like,, a ride or die for him to even consider singing in front of u.
Insomnia: What’s their sleeping schedule like? Snorer? Sound sleeper?
well like i said he's an insomniac so sleep rly is a vague, barely recognised concept to him at the point dksksksk he also experiences sleep paralysis during especially bad nightmares, honestly he rly hit the misery jackpot and i feel so bad like hes indisputably my most tormented oc 🙃🙃🙃 so yea hehe doesnt really thrash around during nightmares but he sweats A LOT and sometimes talks in his sleep. during sleep paraylsis obviouslyy he goes COMPLETELY rigid and still which is terrifying for everyone involved lol. on the rare occasion that he is able to sleep he is out like a light lol he would sleep for 17 hours if he could. in saying that because he is also a Strategic Napper he is usually comfortable falling asleep ANYWHERE, because hes so tired comfort really isnt a concern lol.
Jaded: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal? What’s their standard?
no he doesn't unfortunately 😔 or at least i should say he doesn't believe in it for himself - he's pretty convinced that he won't live til 30 and he's existing on borrowed time as it is, so he hasn't really put a lot of thought into his own happiness or the pursuit of his own goals because he doesn't believe he'll be around to see them realized
Kin: What’s their role among their relations? Do they consider others family?
duncan is the firstborn son of king!alistair and ella cousland, my canon warden. he's also the eldest brother to roslyn and bryce theirin. he's also, obviously , the half brother of keiran, tho none of the theirin kids are aware of that oof. his role, officially, is to become king when his parents eventually pass. its NOT something he wants, due to being so sick and unsure of himself. despite what his parents tell him, he doesnt believe he will make a good king and is really terrified of the notion in general, i guess a little like alistair was in dao. duncan kinda,,, avoids his duties, to the point where he literally LEAVES to live and study in orlais. he still does what he needs to do, keeps in correspondence with people he needs to, but its all bare minimum stuff because hes just. so afraid of it lol. he has a mostly good relationship with his family, despite that – theres some resentment between him and his sister, rose, but thats a whole entire story we dont have time for dkdkskdk
Law: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it?
like i said before he's pretty adherent to the rules and laws of society tho i do see that as more of a flaw than anything. he doesnt really feel comfortable stepping outside the norm and tends to accept that other people know best ! even if he disagrees he's usually too unsure of himself to speak up. that does change quite a bit once he and nadaia grow closer, since SHE is big on bending ridiculous or unjust rules, but he's always gonna be a bit of a follower i think 😒
Magic: In a magic series or not, are they accepting, or is each instance a shock?
he's accepting!! he's a mage so it would be wild of him if he didnt lmao. during his childhood/adolesence he was kinda harsh on himself and had a lot of internalized guilt for being a mage, bc this was obviously still fresh after the mage rebellions. he resented his own abilities and just wanted to be normal, but that was also him projecting a lot of his other problems as well. he had amazing teachers who helped him come to terms with his abilities, and the best of all was my inquisitor, ashara, who is kind of like a very distant, scary aunt who always had a soft spot for him. she helped him – and alistair and ella – RIGHT after they discovered he was a mage, and she was really the biggest role model in his life when it came to magic. duncan has always looked up to her skill and control and confidence, and tried very hard to match that.
Network: Are they connected to the people? How much do they reach out to others?
duncan has an ARMY of acquaintances and connections due to his family, but doesn't really have a lot of people he considers his close friends. he's super friendly and he gets along with most people, but like ive said before serious relationships including friendships are always a bit complicated for him bc of who he is as a person lol. as for reaching out, he's a very independent, introverted person and so he tends not to seek out other people unless he's close to them or has no other choice. he's very self conscious about being a burden on people or being to “needy" so he holds himself back and sometimes comes across as a little cold.
Offspring: What kind of parent would they be? Would they prefer one, or multiple?
he.... probably can't physically have kids unfortunately due to his condition, and as a result he's never really wanted to think too much about it, or imagine a scenario that he believes he cant have. but if it WERE a possibility, or if he felt stable in his own life enough to adopt, he'd probably be comfortable with just one child to completely spoil. he would be such a good father, albiet maybe not the coolest dad ddkdkdks i think nadaia would be the one who got up to the crazy shenanigans and let her child get away with everything, and duncan would be more of the nurturing, responsible one. he'd be a MASTER at telling bedtime stories, would kick ass at homework assistance, and would sing his kid to sleep every single night (until they got too old for it obviously). ooooo im so IMMENSELY emo abt this au now that i think about it
Pistol: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence?
duncan is a very non-violent person, but he does believe that sometimes violence is necessary and will BE violent if he needs to – only in self defence scenarios though. he's an adept mage, and very skilled with a staff, but he isn't a fighter, really – more of a defensive, protective figure.
Question: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about?
oh the doubt is constant with him 🙃🙃 he has a lot of deep routed dread about his own morality and whether or not he's a good person or if the maker will accept him when he dies. he's andrastian but TERRIFIED of the notion that its all actually real, bc then he doesnt know where that leaves him. he has this weird existential dichotomy where he doesnt know if hes closer resembling a grey warden or a darkspawn bc of his tainted blood. he also doubts his abilities and his magic bc he's afraid that the taint just,, makes him inherently a corrupted thing. he doubts himself on a more basic level with like, being a good brother, a good son, a good king when the time comes. he wants to be a good student and partner but sometimes his health makes him feel like he cant, and it weighs on him so heavily, almost all the time. basically he needs a hug so badly its not funny 😔😔😔
Reminder: How are they at remembering daily needs? What falls through the cracks?
uhh its very selective !!! for the most part he's very good at taking care of himself, mostly because he NEEDS to otherwise his health gets out of control, but sometimes he tends to prioritize one set of needs above another,, which usually means not sleeping (the most common), forgetting to eat, not letting his loved ones know when he's having a poor health day which usually results in him getting really sick and nobody is around to help him. he also forgets to do certain things like lock up his house, buy foodstuffs, reply to peoples letters n stuff like that.
Sing: Do they like music? Do they listen often/sing/hum/play songs in their head?
yes and yes !! duncan loves music altho its a very personal and private thing for him. he's pretty naturally gifted with music and gets it from ella, who taught him a lot of what he knows. he has a gorgeous singing voice (i kinda hc something similar to dan smith’s vocals from bastille!) that he rarely uses bc he only ever sings when he's alone or if he's forced to by a nosy loved one or something lol
Touch: How do they handle contact? Is their personal bubble big?
duncan doesn't mind being touched !!! in fact in most situations he welcomes it, as long as its like,,, appropriate and not some random stranger obviously. he grew up with ella and alistair who obviously are VERY affectionate people so he loves giving and receiving hugs from friends and he doesnt flinch or feel weird about just? random natural touches or anything. his ~love language~ is also physical touch so he LIVES for cuddling with nadaia and holding hands and anything like that. however !!! his little sister rose HATES being touched by virtually anybody and in any capacity, so he's very aware that not everybody is okay with touch, and is always careful and considerate of other peoples boundaries. he usually waits for the other person to make the first move, or simply asks them first !
Upcoming: How much do they think of the future? Do they make long-term plans?
he doesn't at all 😔 i mentioned this before but he doesn't see himself living very long, and its really impacted his outlook on life. he is afraid to commit to a lot of things, even if its something he really, truly wants, because he doesn't want to get his hopes up for things. it also keeps him from forging positive relationships. a lot of it has to do with him just being overly polite, but he refuses to make the first move with anything, or communicate what HE wants out of something. for example, his relationship with nadaia could have progressed so much faster if he had just,,, told her what he wanted. she had to make a lot of the first moves in the relationship because he just,, doesnt know how to take chances i guess !!! we love a Deeply Flawed king
Vice: What bad habits do they have? Is there something they would be ashamed of?
Some harmless ones are ; him talking to his cat constantly dkdskd also he has very poor time management skills so he's almost always a few minutes late, forgetting to lock his stuff up, and slouching, probably !!! some more serious ones would be like,, having sex with strangers as a coping mechanism lol, not speaking his mind and instead just letting himself be a doormat, also INTENSE avoidance of his problems (moving away to orlais for 9 years to avoid his fear of being king for example 🙃) tho i guess they fall under the same category oof.
Wardrobe: What’s their fashion style? Do they have any staple pieces?
duncan dresses nice, for the most part !!! again, it's mostly to do with growing up in court and having to keep up appearances, but also hes just. a nice bisexual boy who wants to take care of himself ykno, and that includes hygiene/clothing/grooming etc ! he's maybe a bit TOO reserved tho, he mostly wears dark colours like blacks, greys and brows, but hes been known to wears reds/blues/whites as well, and there’s a lot of subtle yet beautiful details on his more formal attire that might go unnoticed by a casual eye. a lot of his clothes are specifically tailored but he's also fond of big oversized sweaters for when hes just hanging out ! he's got a not great relationship with his body lol so he usually dresses very conservatively, with long sleeves and pants and usually more than one layer, but hes also a thot so !!! pants be TIGHT dksksksks
X-Ray: How’s their health? Any problem areas? Do they take care of themselves?
Djdjdksksndjddjkekdidksjs OKAY WELL if u have read this far than obviously u kno the answer to this question. if ur just skimming tho first of all ur valid ! second of all duncan is VERY sick. he was conceived when ella and alistair where still searching for the joining cur, so basically he inherited the darkspawn taint x 2 and nearly died a bunch of times as a baby/young child. obviously idk how the cure storyline is gonna resolve but my hc is that bc the darkspawn taint is something he was BORN with, not just something that happened to him via ritual, his body is much more impacted by it so even if they are able to find a cure, it wouldnt work THAT well and his health would still suffer bc of the prolonged damage. so physically, he deals with a LOT – intense migraines, insomnia, nausea, fatigue, problems with breathing and fevers and stuff. obviously mentally hes.... not doing great either, tho he’s trying his best. sometimes his insomnia gets so bad he starts hallucinating visions from his darkspawn nightmares, and sometimes he just feel paranoid in general that he's actually an Evil Darkspawn and hes just somehow managed to convince everyone hes a normal person – sort of a weird blend of imposter syndrome and body dysmorphia its. complicated. anyway he has very low self esteem and tends to think hes a huge inconvenience to everybody, and when he was a teenager he went thru a period where he was very suicidal, and ANGRY and afraid 😔 he’s doing better though, now that he has learnt how to manage most of his symptoms and he's not suffering in denerim court. nadaia is also a huge help, though he tries not to become too heavily reliant on her, since he's had bad experiences with depending too much on other people.
Yack: What’s their favorite thing to talk about? What do they go on about?
skskdkdk im already crying hehe 🙂 duncan is so introverted and self conscious of being “Too Much" for other people so he tends to keep his thoughts/interests to himself and stick w just. boring small tall or non invasive questions relating to the other person. BUT if u show an interest and he trusts u then oh boy. hes an absolute dork. he loves talking about magic and having really intense conversations abt the technical sides of it (he and dorian would get along SO well) but he also loves history !!!! before he began studying at the college of enchanters he received multiple ??? qualifications?? (idk if thats the right term but u kno) from the university of orlais, one of them being orlesian and ferelden history. also anything to do with the grey wardens, the blights and darkspawn for personal reasons obviously. He's a VERY good storyteller so he somehow finds a way to make even the dryest topics seem very compelling and Cool – varric would be proud !! he finds the orlesian Great Game fascinating, and he enjoys sharing wild anecdotes about the things he's seen asshole nobles get up to. thats always thrilling skdksksk ALSO. He has a secret interest in necromancy and the mortalitasi (its only a secret bc hes the heir and that wouldnt look ... great lol ) but he only ever really talks about that with nadaia, who finds that stuff almost as interesting as he does. also, finally, he loves talking about nadaia 😊😊😊😊 hes the type of guy who will always namedrop “my girlfriend" into any conversation, loves telling people about her accomplishments and how Cool she is ..... he loves her a Lot is what im getting at sksksks
Zodiac: What’s their astro sign? Does it fit? What would you pick, if it’s unknown?
duncan is a pisces babey like his mother !!! tho he could also be a virgo but,,, i think for now pisces works better for him. he's very smart and introspective and creative, but he has some issues with critical thoughts, avoidance and melancholy like ive mentioned. also pisces is a water element so i guess that makes even more sense, since hes an ice mage 👌👌👌
okay !!! im done !!! i cant believe i wrote all that but i guess if u didnt know abt duncan before, u absolutely do now dksksks im so sorry to anyone who actually read thru all of this, u really are braver than the troops
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Principia – De Motu Corporum XI
CW:  politics, foul language, abuse, violence against children, death, murder, drinking, generational trauma, alcoholism
Moreover... we may discover the proportion of a centripetal force to any other known force, such as that of gravity. For if a body by means of its gravity revolves in a circle concentric to the earth, this gravity is the centripetal force of that body.
– Sir Isaac Newton, “Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”
The Southeast Corridor was a long tunnel 30 meters across.  Like with other examples of Lunar construction, it had been bored and excavated from an existing lava tube long ago, and was not covered from floor to ceiling in buildings, bridges, catwalks, and canopies, all punctuated and interwoven with pipes, ducts, and conduit placed wherever it would fit.  The lighting was warm and homely, the air rich is the strong, hearty smell of a dozen aromatic spices, and to Sara’s awe and perplexion, the tunnel walls rang with the sound of hundreds of people singing, accompanied by steady rhythmic clapping and the low drone of a didgeridoo.  All of this came together to create an atmosphere of primality and modernity, jubilation and solemnity, ritual and extemporanity, it was a hauntingly beautiful and profoundly…  human experience. “That’s amazing,” Sara half-whispered in awe, “What are they doing?”
“Havin’ a sing-songs,” Tahlia said contentedly as their coworkers began to join in, “Ahh, nothing like being back on colony after a hard day’s work, ay?” “I… wouldn’t know,” Sara said, somehow feeling a sense of loss at the richness of culture around her and the…  happiness, as if to spite the poverty present here, like in the other Selenite spaces she had seen here on the Moon, “Back home, everyone’s always so miserable and beaten.  You’d never have something like this in the Wards.” “Can you say that?” Tahlia asked, surprised, “Well, stay close to me, ay?  We’ll get you busted out laughing so we can scare those lows away, unna?”
Tahlia led Sara and, by extension, the rest of the group, left to the tunnel wall, up the stairs two floors, then a right, down past the large air vent with wind chimes hanging off the front, and another right across a bridge until they came to a triangular sign with 10 black circles connected by black lines to look like a shrugging cross, laid against a yellow background.  Sara had seen thee signs along their path, and that Tahlia had turned every time they encountered one, as if she were avoiding them. “Catchya inna bit, fullas,” Tahlia called out to the others, “The Earthfulla here needs some schooling.” The others let out a hearty laugh and continued ahead.  Tahlia directed Sara’s attention to the shrugging cross sign.  “That right there is a marker for the Mara-Tea Dreaming,” she began, “It’s important to my mob and to my colony, which is why it marks our custodial lands.  We fullas are the Chladni Community of Sinus Medii – our roots, customs, and culture came from the custodians of the lands of Australia way back in the way backs, but in the centuries since, we’ve welcomed Moonfullas from other backgrounds into our colony.” “And how does Sharqi fit in with all this?” Sara asked. “He’s one of us,” Tahlia replied, “Earthgubbahs put him in welfare during the moonquake of ‘49, so he never got reared up proper – he got sent to an Earthfulla family that were part of the Organisation.  He came back all growed up, and in a real blackfulla way, he uses his position to get us Moonfullas jobs so fewer of us have to be on the pension.” “You sound like you admire him,” Sara said. “For a Stolen Gen,” Tahlia replied, “he’s a fulla who’s strong in his culture.  Now, let’s get some grub, ay?”
The inside of the restaurant was lively and raucous, full of people talking, laughing, eating, drinking, even singing – and just generally enjoying each other’s company.  The air was alive with the smell of hearty food grilled in the open air – the aroma of onions and bell peppers, cooking oils and barbecue sauces, marinated meat and golden grains – Sara had never salivated like this before. The fry cook behind the counter was a giant Aboriginal man with both arms heavily scarred at the elbows, which was where flesh and bone abruptly gave way to the metal and silicone of his cybernetic replacements.  His apron had the words, “Black And Proud” printed in large, friendly letters across the chest. “Ay, there you are, sistagirl,” he said jovially, “I was wonderin’ what a fulla’d have to do to get his li’l darlen to come back to her dad’s!” He noticed Sara quietly following her, unsure of how to interact in this sort of setting.  “Tahlia,” he asked, “who’s that fulla?” “This fulla’s our new gunna be docker, Sara,” Tahlia replied, “She came up here from America.” “Shair, auntie girl,” he scolded, “Are you ignorant or what?  You know gubbahs don’t get us.” “This one ain’t a gubbah,” Tahlia explained, “Nan says she’s my sista from another mister, and I believe her.” “Shame job, Doris,” he sighed, and he gestured to the TV on the far end of the bar, which was airing an interview with the next prime minister of United Earth, a morbidly obese blowhard whose spray tan and toupee were in such appallingly bad taste that they had to be some kind of incomprehensible fashion statement, “Earthfullas are all like that one – they’ve got no respect.” “I’ll flog her myself if she doesn’t,” Tahlia said to Sara’s astonishment. “I’m still here, you know,” Sara commended, “and I’ve picked up enough Moonfulla talk today to know that you don’t like me very much, and I gotta know if we have a problem.” “Ay, little woman now,” the man answered, “don’t be a sookie.  I don’t bar fullas unless they’re violent or mission managers.  What’ll you have?” “Two of your finest,” Tahlia ordered, “and a flagon each.  Don’t skimp on the peppers this time, ay?” “Got it, Tahli,” he affirmed, “Ay, Christo!  Fill two gooms for these fullas ‘fore I bust you up!” “Ay, boss!” a younger Aboriginal man shouted in response before filling up two fist-sized glasses with some kind of clear liquor from a tap made from old copper pipes.  He slid the two glasses down to Tahlia as the older cyborg turned to his stovetop to grill up their orders. “I’d watch out, if I were you,” Tahlia cautioned as she handed Sara her drink, “This grog’s deadly solid, and it has but one redeeming quality.  Mooms up!” Sara joined her in knocking back the sterile, corrosive liquid, fighting the gag reflex its stench evoked as it went down her gullet.  Apart from the overpowering alcoholic sting, it had a distinct metallic tang, probably from the pipes and whatever it was stored or distilled in.  Even she, a seasoned moonshine drinker, found herself coughing and wheezing after choking it down. “Damn, that’s fucking good!” Sara winced. “It’s also too deadly a machine degreaser,” Tahlia concurred, just as impaired. “Literally,” Sara groaned as she struggled to find her equilibrium, “I might need a new liver after this.” “Dad’s right,” Tahlia said, “You are a sookie.” “Am not!” Sara protested. “Therem therem, sookie,” Tahlia teased, “Auntie Tahli’s gonna love you long time.  Two more, Christo!” “Ay, tidda!” Christo called out in response. “Maybe we should go slow on this next round,” Sara suggested, “You have any mixers back there?” “Got some cookin’ oil in the deep fryer!” Chrito replied loudly. “Ay, don’t try to be a blackman now, Christo!” Tahlia yelled, “You’ve got lemon juice and sugar back there, unna?  Mix us some hard lemonades, budj!” “Yeah, ay?” Christo answered, “Ay, she’s a big shot now, unna?” “True that, buddah!” half of the people in the room called out in response before going back to their business. “Shame,” Tahlia muttered to herself.
The headquarters office for the Life Support Utility company’s Grimaldi branch was a cylindrical prefabricated structure that jutted out from the water treatment plant like a barnacle, as if it were tacked on as an afterthought.  Finchley noted the enormous water main going up through the cavern ceiling to the space elevator.  It was the non-descript jugular vein that provided the water, air, and propellant that without which, Grimaldi Station and all aboard would die. He and Nguyen continued across the stark concrete bridge that spanned the trench housing the electrical conduits servicing the power needs of the entire Grimaldi Space Elevator complex, and approached the front gate, which wasn’t really much more than a steel barricade set inside a gap in the chain link fence surrounding the facility.  Finchley pressed the button on the intercom.  Nothing happened.  He pressed it again.  Still nothing.  Nguyen began restlessly looking around, and noticed that although the door’s security equipment was in place, the bolt holding it locked had been cut. No, burned. Nguyen thought that a laser cutter or acetylene torch had been used here. With one hand and a sideways motion, Nguyen slid the barricade aside with little difficulty, to Finchley’s surprise.  “Ewan,” she said as she pulled a bundle of wires out from behind the intercom, which had been cut with electrician’s pliers, “just how, exactly, did you become an inspector?” “My maths were too poor to be an accountant,” Finchley confessed dryly, “and I’m too much of an arsehole to be a project manager.” “So much for the excellence of United Earth’s Civil Service,” Nguyen snarked.  She and Finchley drew their sidearms and cautiously approached the office building. They crept up to the front door and flattened their backs against the wall, flanking the doorway.  They could hear muffled, indistinct voices on the other side.  Nguyen pressed the button to talk on her collar microphone.  “Nguyen to Stationhouse,” she whispered urgently, “I’m with an MOI inspector at the LSU Grimaldi Branch HQ.  Possible breaking and entering, requesting immediate backup.” She glanced at Finchley, and he returned her gaze.  Finchley stepped in front of the door and, after silently counting down from three, he kicked the door open violently and entered, with Nguyen following closely. “Ministry of Inquiry!” Finchley barked at the occupants, “Don’t move!” The six people inside, all wearing LSU uniforms, looked up from apparently mundane tasks with surprise and alarm.  Everyone waited in apprehension as detective and technician alike were unsure of how to proceed.  Finchley and Nguyen slowly lowered their guns. “Stationhouse, this is Nguyen,” she reported in annoyance, “disregard.  Situation is under control.” “Are we under arrest?” a supervisor-type asked obliviously. “No,” Finchley replied with greater annoyance than his partner, “No, you’re not fucking under arrest, you twit!”  He holstered his weapon, and Nguyen did the same. “Good,” the supervisor said, “Now, if you don’t have any business here other than harassing utilities technicians, please leave.  We are extremely busy!” “Obviously,” Finchley snarked, “You didn’t notice that someone had disabled your security system.  We thought someone had broken in!” “You didn’t notice it either,” Nguyen commented offhandedly. “A break-in?” the supervisor asked, “We’ve detected no break-in here.” “How could you?” Nguyen countered, “All the security devices at your front gate have been disabled!” “Besides, you didn’t detect us until after we kicked in the door,” Finchley added. “Fair point,” the supervisor conceded, “and I would send someone out to repair them if I could spare anyone, but I’ve been down to a skeleton crew here ever since all those algal blooms cropped up in Surveyor City.  Even with everyone working on that crisis, we’re still working double and triple shifts every day.  You can thank your wretched colonial government’s shortsightedness for that!” Nguyen put a hand on her hip.  “That’s a hell of an opinion,” she critiqued, “especially for an employee of that government.” “Is it?” the supervisor asked, “I guess I’ve been too busy making sure that half a million people don’t die to notice.” “Right…” Nguyen narked as she rolled her eyes. “That said,” the supervisor said, “I must insist:  What business do you have here?” “We’d like to talk to you about the technician you sent to service the CELSS unit at the Governor’s Residence the other day,” Finchley said. The supervisor paused.  “Kovac, take over here for a minute,” he ordered, “Officers, step into my office, if you please.  I think we may want to discuss this in private.” They followed him to a plexiglass cubicle with no door.  The supervisor plopped down in the swivel chair behind the desk and turned to face the detectives. “You wanted to know about a technician that LSU sent to the Governor’s Residence?” he asked as he tapped his desk with his finger, calling up a holographic display with graphs, charts, spreadsheets, and tables, all hovering like cyan specters, “Ah, here it is.  Konstantin Dibra, Journeyman Utility Technician Grade 1, assigned to perform the monthly diagnostic test on the Governor’s Residence CELSS unit for January 2293 on 22930112.” He poked the work order for more information.  “Huh,” he said in subdued curiosity, “It says here that he accepted the job and completed it within the time allotted, but never reported in for his next job.  In fact, he didn’t show up for work today.” “Is that unusual for him?” Finchley asked. “Most definitely,” the supervisor replied, “Konstantin started here as a Grade 4 Apprentice, and in the 12 years he’s worked for the company, the only time he’s ever taken off from work was during the labor strike of ‘87.  The man’s a workaholic – he’s always taking extra shifts whenever they become available – even the few times he’s been sick or injured, he insisted on working his full shift.” “The ‘87 labor strike?” Nguyen asked, “So he’s political?” “I don’t have that information,” the supervisor said, “but everyone in LSU was there protesting the pay cuts and having to pre-fund 100 years of retirement pension payments, thanks to your wretched colonial government again.  I don’t think he had the time to get involved in politics, he was just standing up for his livelihood like the rest of us.” “But he’s still a trade unionist,” Nguyen pressed, “Doesn’t that imply a political affiliation?” “Not necessarily,” the supervisor corrected, “Everyone – and I mean everyone, down to the secretaries – who work at LSU is a card-carrying member of the LLT.  They don’t have to agree with the League’s politics, they don’t even have to like it, period, as long as they pay their dues, they get to work here and receive all the benefits that League membership confers.  Konstantin’s paid his dues on time every quarter for 12 years now.” “Could we get a copy of his employee jacket?” Finchley asked. “Certainly,” the supervisor answered, and summoned the technician’s dossier, which he sent to the detectives’ handsets with a flick of his wrist, “Anything else I can do for you?” “No,” Finchley concluded, “but we’ll contact you if we have further questions.” “Well then,” the supervisor dismissed, “good day.”  He gestured for them to leave. As they exited the building, Nguyen spoke up.  “So, where to now?” she asked. “I’ll question Ms. Yousafzai again,” Finchley stated, “I want you to go follow up on the Dibra lead.  Go to his home, try to locate him.” “Understood,” Nguyen responded.
A savory, meaty, bready aroma heralded the arrival of Sara’s salivatory entreé – a breaded steak, buttered mashed potatoes and gravy, collared greens, and a pair of southern-style biscuits.  Never before in Sara’s life had she seen such a feast, let alone had one prepared for her.  She found herself unsure of how to attack it. Tahlia saw the apprehension in Sara’s eyes.  “Somethin’ wrong with it, darlen?” she asked. “No, it looks great,” Sara said, “I just can’t believe that all this is for me.” “Well, eat hearty,” Tahlia advised, “A docker’s gotta keep up her strength, unna?”  She took her own advice and began cutting into her steak. Sara stuck her fork into her cutlet and carved off a lice.  She put it in her mouth and began to chew, and the flavor – the tang of the salt, the cream of the buttermilk, the sinus-clearing power of the peppers and the garlic – it was more than merely delicious. It was painfully, profoundly beautiful. As she swallowed, she could feel her eyes moisten.  The moisture turned to wetness, the wetness to tears that rolled slowly down her cheek in the 1/6th gravity.  Before she knew it, she was sobbing uncontrollably, grieving for…  something.  The girl she was never allowed to be; who could have eaten like this sooner, perhaps.  Her grief turned to regret and self-hatred.  She wished she had never tasted such a morsel – that way, she wouldn’t have ever known that such a delightful thing could possibly exist, or that she could ever sample such a glorious delicacy.  She felt as if she had taken her knife and fork and cut out a piece of herself instead.  It hurt her more deeply than any wound she had ever suffered in her life, and it was agonizing. Good things didn’t happen to her.  She couldn’t accept that they might. Tahlia was surprised at Sara’s reaction.  Her dad’s cooking was good, but she had never heard of anyone being reduced to tears after only one bite.  “What’s wrong?” she asked. Sara continued to bawl inconsolably.  Tahlia didn’t know what to do – she had never seen a grown woman have a sook like this before.  Her tears weren’t born of pain or petulance, or of grief or gladlessness, or of heartbreak or hopelessness.  Hers were complex, conflicting tears which tugged at the tapestry of her soul in every direction until the threads frayed and it began to come apart at the seams. Tahlia couldn’t comfort Sara because Sara didn’t know what she was feeling herself. “Mad deadly, ay?” Tahlia asked Sara tenderly, “Gorn den, the second bite’s better’n the first.” Sara wiped her tears away on her sleeve, almost stabbing Tahlia with her steak knife on accident.  She regained just enough composure to take Tahlia’s advice and eat another bite of her impossibly heavenly steak dinner. “Why now?” Sara wept wretchedly, “Why not sooner?” “My dad cooked it as quickly as possible,” Tahlia replied, trying to raise Sara’s spirits by comically missing the point. “Not that,” Sara continued, “I just…  never ate like this before.  Nothin’ like this where I’m from.  I’m not sure I deserve this.” “Can you say that, auntie girl?” Tahlia asked, “You deserve to eat hearty and be happy like any fulla.  Now eat up.  Auntie Tahli’s gonna treat you right, ay?” Sara kept eating, still weeping as she did so.  Tahlia turned to face her dad behind the counter. “Ay, dad!” she called out, “Is he ignorant or what?” “Who?” he asked back. “That gubbah,” Tahlia clarified as she nodded in the direction of the screen, which was still showing the interview with the overflowingly gelatinous Prime-Minister-In-Waiting from the United States, George Paramount, “He’s got so much shit packed in his head, it’s spillin’ out his mouth!” “Ayy, no respect that one,” Dad replied, “They had him on earlier, busted for behaviour his nan shoulda flogged him for when he was a little fulla.  He’s got no shame.” “What sort of behaviour, dad?” “Oh, he was yarnin’ up big time about grabbin’ mootchas and other shameful shit on an Earth chat show last month,” Dad explained, “and get this – the host let rip on him for that talk, and the dish licker called her a liar, even when she showed him the fucking video of him sayin’ his exact words!  Then he stood over her and lapped her up over mobbin’ him up with slander and fake news!” “You’re gammon!” Tahlia dismissed, “Good go, dad, but not even!” “I’m bein’ straight out, baby girl, I’d swear he was grog sick there,” Dad contested, “The loon’s an even bigger sookie than this one, here!  If that’s the flashest the Earthgubbahs can pick, we Moonfullas might be best off lettin’ rip on those mission managers in the Colonial Government and stand up for our land rights.” “Nahhh, Earthgubbas have got all of the guns and none of the respect,” Tahlia countered, “If we rise up against them, they’ll turn the city’s tunnels into one great massacre site, and then we’ll all be in for some sorry business, unna?” “Shair, auntie girl,” Dad articulated, “There hasn’t been a massacre on Luna in a hundred years.  Gubbahs haven’t got the boobles for more than the occasional bust up.” “Dad,” Tahlia protested, “Mum and Nan were killed in the last ‘bust up.’  I don’t want any more in my mob to die.” “Is it better for us Moonfullas to die slowly as the Earthfullas replace us?” Christo chimed in. “Fuck off, Christo!” Tahlia snapped, “I swear to God I”m gonna bust you if you don’t!” “Then let’s get busted!” Sara shouted, “Christo, two more!” “That’s ‘hammered,’ sista from another mista,” Tahlia corrected.
Amsha was rudely awakened by percussive, metallic banging on the door of her cell before the bolt slid open and the door swung open, blinding her bleary eyes with the light from the corridor outside.  A short, stocky, night-black silhouette blotted out the light and set foot in the room.  Amsha quickly wrapped herself up in her bedsheets to preserve her modesty, but she wasn’t quite able to cover one of her ankles in the confusion. “Tell me about the LSU technician,” Fichley asked without breaking stride, “Every detail, you can remember, every impression you had of him, everything!” “What is going on!?” Amsha asked in a shocked manner. “The technician!” Finchley repeated, “Tell me now!” Amsha had to take a moment to organize her thoughts and recall what had been a routine and thoroughly forgettable encounter. “The technician was courteous, efficient, professional,” she replied nervously, “The job was completed within half an hour – at the time, I thought it was satisfactory – there weren’t any problems with security, no apparent difficulties or delays–” “Describe the technician,” Finchley ordered, “How tall was he?  Was he an Earther?  Spaceborn?  Selenite?  Did he have any identifying features, like scars, birthmarks, prostheses, tattoos?” “Th-the technician was 170-odd centimeters tall,” Amsha anxiously answered, “I think she might have been an Earther, but it was hard to tell with her baggy coverall–” “Wait a minute,” Finchley interrupted, “‘She?’” “Yes,” Amsha affirmed. “The LSU technician was a woman?” “Surely that’s not unusual.” “It isn’t,” Finchley interrogated, “but in this case, it’s impossible.  The technician that LSU dispatched to the Residence was male.” “What?” was all that Amsha could manage in her astonishment. “The technician, Konstantin Dirba, was a man,” Finchley clarified. “Your information must be wrong,” Amsha denied, “The technician who came to the Residence was definitely female.” “Ms. Yousafzai,” Finchley said sternly, “why are you lying to me?” “I’m not,” Amsha countered, “I was there.  I spoke with her for five minutes.  I am certain that she was as much a woman as I am now.” “Indulging in this ridiculous fiction will not derail this investigation,” Finchley accused, “Who is it that you are protecting?” “I’m not protecting anyone!” Amsha protested, “With merciful God a witness, the technician was a woman!  Why won’t you believe me!?” “Because your story is unbelievable,” Finchley conjectured, “Now, let’s try this one:  Your sister died from anatoxin poisoning due to contamination in the water supply, which the terrorist organisation he belonged to attributed to deliberate incompetence on the part of the Earth-appointed colonial government.  Grief-stricken and grasping for meaning, you joined up with the Selenite Liberation Front to carry on your sister’s work.” “This can’t be happening,” Amsha whispered with a quivering voice, “I’ve never committed a crime in my life, I’ve never harmed anyone–” “After being radicalised by Selenite nationalists, the Front exploited your exemplary criminal record to infiltrate you – a sleeper agent – into the Governor’s staff,” Finchley raised his voice as he speculated, “When the time was right, all you needed to do was look the other way while a Front operative sabotaged the Residence’s life support system, and avoid drinking the water while you stood by and watched the maladroit magistrate got his just desserts – death by anatoxin poisoning, just like your sister and thousands of other Selenites.” “–How many times must I tell you that I’m innocent?” Amsha continued, “Why do you keep accusing me of a crime I didn’t commit?” “Of course, your role in this sinister plot could be easily dismissed a negligent, for want of conclusive evidence or culpability,” Finchley pressed, “but under section 132 of the United Earth Code of Laws, lying to an Inspector of the Homeworld is considered perjury, which is a felony offence punishable by up to 120 months’ hard labour, a fine of more than 20,000 Global Exchange Option credits but not exceeding 25 million, or both.” Amha was aghast.  20,000 GEOs was more than she made in a month, and the Lunar Civil Service paid her for her work in the Residence much better than most jobs her fellow Selenites languished in.  She wasn’t even sure that she had 20,000 GEOs saved. A perjury conviction would ruin her, but she knew that she was not wrong about the sex of the LSU technician.  She had no choice but to persist. “I’m not lying, Inspector,” she answered with renewed determination, “the technician was a woman, and I had no knowledge of a plot to sabotage the Residence or assassinate the Governor-General.  You can check the security logs, they’ll prove that I’m telling the truth!” “We’ll see,” Finchley said coldly, “Get dressed.  We’ll start again in five minutes.”
It wasn’t until she knocked back her fifth “flagon” of “grog” that Sara loosened up, stopped crying, and felt that warm, contented feeling she remembered from the hard-drinking days of her squandered youth. The booze was her happy chemical. “Auntie Tahli?” she drawled at her drinking companion, “I think I’ve found the grog’s one redeeming quality.” “Yeah, deadly ay?” Tahlia slurred back, “I’ll admit, you smashed those flagons like a killer, sistagirl!” “I can thank my dad for that,” Sara uttered, “It’s because of that motherfucker that I can hold my booze like I do.” “Was he a drunkard?” “Yeah,” Sara miserated, “Hardly had any money for food, but somehow he could always afford a bottle of moonshine for himself.  Whenever he got drunk, he’d hit me ‘til I was blue all over.  He wouldn’t stop until he passed out, and I learned to cherish those moments when he was too drunk to hurt me.  I’d bandage myself up as best I could, get a couple hours of quality shuteye, and pretend that he hit me because he loved me.” “Aww, poor darlen,” Tahlia commiserated, “How’dja get out?” “I was 8 when I got the idea that it was the booze that made him violent,” Sara yarned, “So one day, after I got thrashed so hard that three of my teeth broke, li’l Sara waited until he passed out, then stole his booze and ran away to throw it out somewhere.” Sara gulped nothing before continuing.  “Of course,” she confessed, “it wasn’t until I was halfway to the river that I realized that my dad would hit me for takin’ his rocket fuel away, so I decided not to go back home, which turned out to be the best decision I ever made.  I knew that alcohol made for a good disinfectant, and because I was still bleeding from my dad’s ham-fisted dental work, I took a swig from the bottle, endured the burning and the pain, and after a few more self-medication sessions throughout the day, I developed a taste for white liquor.” “Your mob’s river people?” Tahlia asked, apparently only catching the middle part of Sara’s tale. “Yeah, that’s us,” Sara sighed drunkenly, “Minneapolis – the Megacity of Lakes.  Straddling both banks of the mighty Missississ…  Mithithipp…  some big-ass river south of Canada, anyway, like a hooker fucking a storm drain.” “That’s a big fucking hooker,” Tahlia mused disjointedly. “Chonky,” Sara concurred. They sat there for about a minute, basking in the sophisticated poetry they had just crafted collaboratively.  They expected to win the 2293 Rhysling Award for their creative genius. “Mississippi!” Sara shouted out victoriously, “That’s the name of that goddamn river!  Fuck, I’m wasted!” “Glad we got that sorted,” Tahlia declared as she stood up, “I’m gonna go ring my flannel.”  She lurched over to a door marked, “Djillawa,” and stumbled inside. The George Paramount interview was interrupted by a news flash.  “Breaking news at this hour,” an impossibly comely news anchor announced, “Farouk Al-Amir Najjar, Governor-General of the Lunar Colonies, was found dead earlier today in the Governor’s Residence from anatoxin poisoning.” “Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving gubbah,” Dad grumbled as he wiped the counter down with a microfiber towel. “What’d he do?” Sara asked with inebriated curiosity. “That dish-licking mission manager’s been bleeding us Moonfullas dry for over 30 years,” he replied bitterly, “His ‘work programmes’ created thousands of jobs for Earthfullas while millions of Moonfullas are starving in the tunnels.  His government have prioritised tourism over life support, pouring money into expensive hotels overlooking the Apollo sites while children suffocate in their homes and algae blooms kill their parents.  He and his predecessors have been perpetrating a genocide so they can replace us with Earthfullas who will do as they are told, and every time we hoola to be heard, they make us drink contaminated water, breathe unrecycled air, and starve on crumbs thrown to us by ignorant visitors who care nothing for the hardship we Moonfullas suffer at their own hands.  That is what that Douligha fucker has done!” Sara paused for a moment.  “I’m one of those ignorant Earthfullas sent to replace you, you know,” she countered. “Tahlia says you’re a goodfulla,” Dad replied, “That’s good enough for me.” Sara thought about that for a moment, and she decided that she liked that.
“How did you get a job on the docks, anyway?” Dad asked, “The LLT aren’t in the business of giving jobs to Earthfullas.” “Sharqi pulled some strings,” Sara answered. Dad’s expression was one of understanding.  “A jambi job, unna?” he wondered, “That fulla’s a cheeky one, ay?  Must be because he’s a Stolen Gen.” “Why does a crime boss have so much pull over the Moonfulla community?” Sara asked. “He’s got no more ‘pull’ than anyone else, at the end of the day, we’re all just blackfullas anyway,” Dad answered, “but there’s no denying he’s a respected person in our mob – he’s done more for the Moonfulla community in five years than the Earthgubbahs have in fifty.  The Organisation give the LLT the moolah and the muscle they need to stand up to the ration dolers in the colonial government.  LLT protect legit jobs for Moonfullas, while the Organisation look out for our little buddahs and sistas who have to act shameful to keep from cadjing in the tunnels.  Since Sharqi took over the Organisation, fewer blackfullas have gone missing, especially the sistas.” “So they throw you a bone every now and then, and in return criminals get your undying loyalty?” Sara asked, “Sounds like a bad deal for you fullas.” “Don’t be a mission manager like those fullas,” Dad scolded, “We’d rather not be associated with criminals, but the Earthgubbahs have left us no choice.  When the rules are made to keep you under some other fulla’s heel, no one should be surprised when you don’t follow the rules.” “Naw, I get it,” Sara replied, “I really do.  Where I’m from, following the rules means a race between overwork and starvation, and see which kills you first.” “For more, we go live to our correspondent on the scene at the Governor’s Residence, Guiseppina Conti,” the anchor reported, “Peppi?” “Grazie,” an Italian reporter said as the screen switched over to her, “The Governor died while eating dinner, when he was served drinking water contaminated with anatoxin-a, a neurotoxin created by the bacteria that live inside toxic algae blooms.  He was dead within minutes.” “Does the investigation have any suspects?” the anchor asked. “They have the murderer in custody,” Peppi answered, “and there’s a manhunt for a co-conspirator going on as well.  While official sources refuse to comment on whether this was an isolated incident, reliable sources close to the investigation have indicated that the Selenite Liberation Front, a terrorist group operating in the Lunar colonies, may have ordered the Governor’s assassination–” The bar erupted in an uproar. “Ay, look out!” Christo shouted, “There’s gonna be blood on the walls now, buddahs!  True!?” “True that, buddah!” the patrons of the bar shouted in response. “Listen up now, young ones!” Dad roared, “Now I don’t wanna hear no more talk of risin’ up or of revolutions or of havin’ a crack at the Earthgubbah, at least not when they might be within cooee, unna!?” The uproar died down abruptly.  “That’s him,” Dad said with satisfaction, “Now, they’re just trying to flush us out, ay?  They’re out to irritate us – pull our beards, flick our faces – to make us fight on their terms.  Now, when the time is right, we and the other communities will sing out, and we will be heard.  Until then, we just oughta take a deep breath and cool our jets.  No sense in getting violent when it would do no good, ay?” “True that, Elder,” the bar murmured.  Dad turned the screen off. “Now clear off,” he said, “Go home and get some rack time.  Another hard yakka await you in the morning.” The bar began to empty out, and Dad clapped a synthetic hand onto Sara’s shoulder.  “You too, sistagirl,” he said, “Bar’s closed.” Sara got up and stumbled out the door.
“Ay, Sara!” Tahlia called out from behind her, “Where you goin’?” “Home,” Sara muttered distantly, “wherever that is…” She continued to follow Sara for a bit, until Sara stopped at the mouth of the tunnel. “Ay, I’m such a boofhead!” Tahlia declared, “Your salary won’t come ‘til sundown, so you’ve got nowhere to go!  Cooee, you can camp with me ‘til then, unna?” “Only one day?” Sara asked despondently, “Where will I stay tomorrow?” “Nah, auntie girl,” Tahlia said reassuringly, “sundown’s not for 18 days.  Sunup-to-sunup here on Luna is about a month long.” “All right,” Sara consented, “let’s go.  Lead the way, Auntie Tahli.” Tahlia turned Sara around and led her back into the tunnel.
Finchley exited the interrogation room and answered his handset.  “Inspector Finchley,” he said. “Ewan, it’s Anh Lihn,” Nguyen replied, “I’ve given Dibra’s hole a once-over.  He hasn’t been home since Wednesday morning, when he left for his first LSU job.” “He’s been gone for nearly two days?” Finchley asked, “Did any of his jobs require that he stay overnight elsewhere?” “No, they were all within two hours’ travel on the metro,” Nguyen answered, “The last job he accepted before he disappeared was the routine diagnostic of the Residence’s life support system.  How’s the interrogation proceeding?” “It’s been three hours, and she still professes her innocence,” Finchley answered, “She insists that the LSU technician she met was a woman.” “A we saw, the security footage was inconclusive,” Nguyen acknowledged, “but I came across an entry in his diary which describes a recent romance with a woman.  Apparently his work schedule required that they postpone a romantic getaway several times, and they were about to finally go when Dibra was called away to work on his last job.” “Did he call for a replacement?” Finchley asked, “Did LSU send someone in his place?” “No,” Nguyen replied, “he accepted the job, and later submitted a completion report.  As far as we know, that’s the last anyone heard from him.” “Try retracing his steps,” Finchley ordered, “I’ll follow up on the girlfriend.” “Got it,” Nguyen affirmed, and hung up. “Have Ms. Yousafzai moved back to her cell,” Finchley ordered one of the guards, “we’ll hold her for further questioning.”
“...Reliable sources close to the investigation have indicated that the Selenite Liberation Front, a terrorist group operating in the Lunar colonies, may have ordered the Governor’s assassination…” the screen in Sharqi’s champagne room played.  The room was dark, and Sharqi was brooding.  Esteri and Rosita had been showering him with affection, and he them, until his consigliere told him to watch the news.  Now, they were torn between trying to cheer him up and their own terrible awe at what their ears were telling them.  Sharqi tapped the tabletop exactly thus, calling his consigliere.
“Forbes,” he said between gritted teeth, “get me Rong She immediately.  I want to know what that serpentine fucker and her psychopathic sister were thinking when they had the Governor murdered.”
0 notes
digitalsaline-blog · 6 years
Self Diagnosis via Internet - A dangerous game
From traditional home remedies to searching the net for modern medicine, there has been a major lateral shift in the self-diagnosis and self-cure adopted by patients. Abundant healthcare marketing and Medical Marketing on the Internet has also spurred the rise of self-medication amongst people.
In addition, every healthcare digital marketing agency handling digital marketing for doctors and digital marketing for hospitals aims for better ranking on Google search, thereby making medical information easier to seek on Google search engines.
The digital media is looked upon as a tool by the millennial and gen-z’s who wants immediate material on their medical condition before visiting a physician/medical expert. Approximately, 49 percent of the Internet users using the digital media platform, self diagnose the medical condition as a minor ailment reading up treatment options and medicines to treat the ailment themselves.
Also, the increasing costs of medicines, high doctor fees, unavailability of health insurance, long waiting periods at clinics and hospitals and failing public health systems are veering people towards the internet for a search to find a quick cure on their medical condition. This being detrimental in most cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) insists on patient awareness for responsible self-medication as a part of self-care, which is being acknowledged as an integral part of primary healthcare. In India, further aggravating this situation, is the fact that Over-The-Counter (OTC) drugs are easily available to the Internet self-proclaimed doctors without a proper prescription from a healthcare specialist. OTC guidelines still miss strict norms and are found to have loopholes.
 What has urged the Indians in recent times to resort to this dangerous self-diagnosis and self-medication?
1. Easy accessibility to the internet: After the launch of Reliance Jio in September 2016, offering free/low-cost data packages, mobile usage has grown exponentially in the urban areas. Even in rural areas, Internet penetration is over 30%. So surfing the net for a cure is easier than ever before.
2. The high cost of medication: The Supreme Court has held healthcare to be a fundamental right under Article 21 of the Constitution. However, allocation of funds to primary healthcare centers is grossly inadequate and unavailable to 70% of the population in rural India. Also, doctor fees in urban areas are on the higher side.
3. Limited government healthcare facilities: Preventive, primary and some secondary free treatment provided by the government is not sufficient for the growing population of India. Public spending on health, 0.94% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is amongst the lowest in the world.
4. Doctor-patient ratio: The doctor-patient ratio in India is less than the WHO prescribed limit of 1:1000. It is currently around 1:11,082 which is the reason for long waiting periods to receive timely medical attention.
5. Easy accessibility to Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs: Self-medication in India has doubled from 23 percent in 2006 to around 48% in 2018, with easily available Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs mostly as a cure for acidity, constipation, headaches, cold, cough, and fevers. Even vitamins are widely purchased over-the-counter.
6. Poor coverage of health insurance: Healthcare insurance in most cases does not take into account outpatient treatment. As a result, private expenditure on health in India is close to 78%. Health insurance is also not able to penetrate the 90% of the workforce in the unorganized sector like agricultural laborers, unskilled labor, construction laborers, artisans etc who do not have a regular and assured source of income.
7. Not taking the illness seriously: A lot of patients do not take their illness/medical condition seriously. They think it is easily curable with a little help from the Internet not knowing the gravity of the medical condition until it is too late.
8. Stigma to the medical condition: In rural areas mainly people prefer to live with medical conditions or approach witch doctors or now even surf the internet for medical conditions like vitiligo, TB, cancerous lumps, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) to avoid the stigma.
9. Less trust in the medical system: Often an educated person believes visits to a doctor are prolonged by numerous tests. Thereby, seeking a quick cure, off the Internet to avoid frequent visits to the doctor.
10. Lack of time to visit the doctor: In nuclear families with both husband and wife working, if one of them falls ill he/or she or even the partner will first try to self medicate. Pressures at work leave little time for doctor visits. At times like this people turn to the Internet for assistance.
 Recent statistics indicate, more than one-third did a web search specifically to self-diagnose their own or someone else’s medical condition. Of these, 35% didn’t follow up with a medical professional for an opinion on the matter. Self-medication backed by Internet medical searches is accomplished as a first-line option in most types of illness, which has led to the widespread concern over the irrationality of drug use. The prevalence of such practices is alarmingly high in developing countries like India, where doctors and medicines are not easily available to the masses.
Unchecked medication can adversely affect patient medical condition even aggravating it further. There also arises the problem of drug-interactions and antibiotic resistance due to lack of guidance from a qualified practitioner who could have mitigated and prevented such instances with his clinical expertise. Many studies have concluded that people, who tend to self-medicate to save money, may land up paying much more as a result of the delay in proper diagnosis and therapy. In the light of these incidences, WHO has emphasized the need to regulate such practices and need to educate the public on the aspects of self-medication.
On the bright side, the doctor-patient relationship can benefit from Internet health searches because the patient is more informed and therefore better able to communicate with the doctor. Also search engine results have a significant effect on people’s ability to make good treatment choices finding the best doctor/hospital/health care facility available close to their homes or even best medical aid overseas.
One only needs to remember, finding incorrect or insufficient medical information on the Internet can be more harmful leading to medical complications. Thereby, people shouldn’t expect a website to replace their physician.
Healthcare digital marketing comes with morals and ethics. Thereby, it is important for healthcare advertising agencies to pay heed to what they include on their or their client’s healthcare websites while promoting medical marketing or pharmaceutical marketing. The media agency should be well aware of the medical fraternity. If they have a Medical practitioner /Doctor onboard, it will be an added advantage. A responsible advertising agency/ top digital agencies will not design a social media campaign which restricts to selling a medicine/medical product alone but will also include symptoms, side effects, feedback, comments, risks of self-medication etc to alert the user and help him make an informed choice.
For more detail please click below mentioned link:
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doctorajoy · 8 years
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The Mind is a powerful thing. When a Person "gives up" in their mind they will probably die; even though they may not have died if they would have continued to make an effort.
When I was growing up one of the things I wanted to learn was to cut a flip off the diving board. I tried and tried, and ended up hitting the water on my back or full in my face time after time. One day, just before I tried the flip again, I began to picture just how I would look doing the flip. I could see myself on the end of the board, then I could see myself turning in the air, and, finally, I could see myself slicing thru the water in a perfect dive.
When I tried it that day it worked just like I had thought about it. From then on I would simply picture the dive in my mind first and it was easy to accomplish.
Let's apply this principle in our relationship with God. I believe that if we can get God's mind into our mind then we can accomplish all the tasks that seemed too hard for us before. The "Catch" is the fact that God's thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isa 55:8-9). This means we have to learn to think like God.
There are many things in life that God uses to affect our Minds and our attitudes. These things can change us and change those around us.
(1) GRIEF- Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah. (Gen 26:35). Esau married wrong. It effects him and it Grieved (Worried) his parents. It brought about the result [that God wanted!] of sending Jacob back to the home country to get a wife. (During our Praise Service Wednesday Night several people told how Grief in their life had brought about change in their relationship with God).
(2) ENTHUSIASM- So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work (Neh 4:6). When you enjoy a job it's not a job, it's a joy!! Your attitude about your work for the Lord (and everything else) will go a long way toward determining how successful you are.
(3) CONFIDENCE- One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind (Rom 14:5). Doubts bring discouragement and drudgery. Faith is really Confidence in God's Ability and Word. When you're confident in God's purpose for your life you can withstand the "low" places that come your way.
Just a Note-- There is coming a time that God will completely change our mind- For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind (Isa 65:17). In the mean time, it's important to see WHY He changed men's minds in the Past and HOW He went about changing them. Then we must determine to allow Him to direct us in the way He would have us go.
1. Abraham about to slay Isaac- (Gen 22:) Just as Abraham was about to plunge the knife into his son the Lord called to him and told him to stop. Hebrews 11: 17-19 says that Abraham believe God would resurrect Isaac; instead God delivered him. God did this to prove something to Abraham and to Himself.
Sometimes God puts us into some very difficult positions to see if we'll follow His instructions. From these tests come some of the sweetest victories you can imagine.
2. Joseph Marrying Mary. When Joseph found Mary was pregnant he wanted to divorce her and avoid the public shame but God had other plans. Joseph had to suffer in silence to accomplish God's will for his life (Joseph died before Jesus became famous!).
Sometimes God changes our mind from the easy way to the Better way!
3. Nathan told David to Build Temple (2 Sam 7:1-7) but later had to go back and say that God had another plan. There was no Prayer before he spoke and he mis-spoke. When "every man does that that is right in his own eyes" it is usually not right in God's eyes. It made sense but it wasn't God's will.
4. Paul about to go to Asia to open it as a Mission Field- Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia, After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not. And they passing by Mysia came down to Troas. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us (Acts 16:6-9). God wanted the Gospel in Europe, not Asia! Remember, you don't understand God's Ways sometimes; But you must learn to accept whichever direction He sends you.
First- We must change our mind toward God and His way. That's called REPENTANCE. We turn from Sin to the Saviour and from Self control to Spirit Control. We don't just believe IN a God, we accept Him as OUR God to Save us from our Sin debt and direct our lives.
Second- We listen to God speak IN HIS WORD. Bible reading becomes a part of our life. Prayer allows us to talk to God and Bible reading allows God to speak to us. We don't just see ink on a page, we allow the Holy Spirit to speak to our heart about things we should do; or not do.
Third- We learn to HEAR THE SPIRIT'S VOICE as God directs us in life's situations. I have lived with my wife long enough until I can almost tell what she's thinking. I have listened to God long enough until I can distinguish His promptings and proddings. I try to be like the Psalmist says (123:2) Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us. When God's eyes move I try to know what that means for me to do.
Has you been "banging your head against a wall" trying to understand life apart from God? You need to change your mind about Sin and look at it's Penalty instead of it's Pleasure. Then you need to allow God to change your mind about your priorities.
Are you minding the Lord ?
रोगों की सूची (Disease Name List)
·        दमा (Asthma)
·        मधुमेह (Diabetes)
·        वायरल बुखार (Viral Fever)
·        खसरा (Measles)
·        बदहज़मी (Gastric Problem)
·        गठिया (Gout)
·        पीला बुखार (Yellow Fever)
·        फाइलेरिया (Elephantiasis)
·        अपच (Indigestion)
·        घुटनों का दर्द (Knee Pain)
·        कुष्ठरोग (Leprosy)
·        अग्नाशयशोथ (Pancreatitis)
·        जापानी इन्सेफेलाइटिस (Japanese Encephalitis)
·        माइग्रेन (Migraine)
·        निमोनिया (Pneumonia)
·        एनोरेक्सिया (Anorexia)
·        दर्द (Pain)
·        अनिद्रा (Insomnia)
·        हर्निया (Hernia)
·        स्पोंडिलोसिस (Spondylosis)
·        लीवर कैंसर (Liver Cancer)
·        कमर दर्द (Back Pain)
·        सीने में दर्द (Chest Pain)
·        फेफड़ों का कैंसर (Lung Cancer)
·        थकान (Fatigue)
·        खून का थक्का (Blood Clotting)
·        मांसपेशियों में दर्द (Muscle Pain)
·        प्रोस्टेट कैंसर (Prostate Cancer)
·        हैपेटाइटिस (Hepatitis)
·        पीले दाँत (Yellow Teeth)
·        टी. बी. (Tuberculosis)
·        फ्रोज़न शोल्डर (Frozen Shoulder)
·        सरवाइकल स्पॉन्डिलाइटिस (Cervical Sypondolysis)
·        वाकविकार (Dyslexia)
·        पित्ताशय की पथरी (Gallstones)
·        रेबीज (Rabies)
·        जुकाम (Common Cold)
·        बुखार (Fever)
·        गले में खराश (Sore Throat)
·        उबकाई (Nausea)
·        अफारा (Flatulence)
·        चिकनगुनिया (Chikungunya)
·        आत्मविमोह (Autism)
·        खून की कमी (Anemia)
·        डिमेंशिया (Dementia)
·        टाइफाइड (Typhoid)
·        जूँ (Lice)
·        कब्ज (Constipation)
·        उच्च रक्तचाप (High Blood Pressure)
·        दांत का दर्द (Toothache)
·        डेंगू (Dengue)
·        मलेरिया (Malaria)
·        छींकना (Sneezing)
·        हाइपोथाइराइड (Hypothyroid)
·        ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (Osteoporosis)
·        ब्रेस्ट कैंसर (Breast Cancer)
·        सिरदर्द (Headache)
·        ब्रोंकाइटिस (Bronchitis)
·        इबोला विषाणु रोग (EVD) (Ebola)
·        लू लगना (Heat Stroke)
·        छोटे स्तन (Small Breast)
·        बालों का झड़ना (Hair Fall)
·        मिरगी (Epilepsy)
·        कद बढ़ाना (Height Gain)
·        गुर्दे की पथरी (Kidney Stone)
·        पेनिस का साइज (Size Of Normal Penis)
·        रूसी (Dandruff)
·        हार्ट अटैक (Heart Attack)
·        सोरायसिस (Psoriasis)
·        स्वाइन फ्लू (Swine Flu)
·        स्किन कैंसर (Skin Cancer)
·        मुंहासे (Pimples)
·        गंजापन (Baldness)
·        डीहाइड्रेशन (Dehydration)
·        घमौरियां (Prickly Heat)
·        स्कर्वी (Scurvy)
·        बेरीबेरी (Beriberi)
·        इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन (Erectile Dysfunctions)
·        शीघ्रपतन या प्रीमेच्‍योर इजैकुलेशन (Premature Ejaculation)
·        पिलाग्रा (Pellagra)
·        रिकेट्स (Rickets)
·        घेंघा (Goiter)
·        मोटापा (Obesity)
·        डार्क सर्कल - आखों के नीचे के काले घेरे (Dark Circle)
·        इचिंग या खुजली (Itching)
·        गले में दर्द (Throat Ache)
·        ज्वाइंट पेन- जोड़ों में दर्द (Joint Pain)
·        लूज मोशन- दस्त (Loose Motion)
·        पेट दर्द (Stomach Ache)
·        तनाव- स्ट्रैस (Stress)
·        दुबलापन (Leanness Or Weight Gain)
·        एसिडिटी या अम्लपित्त (Acidity)
·        एलर्जी (Allergy)
·        मोतियाबिंद- केटेरेक्ट (Cataract)
·        सर्दी और कफ (Cough And Cold)
·        टिटनस (Tetanus)
·        मोच (Sprains)
·        निम्न रक्तचाप या लो ब्लडप्रेशर (Low Blood Pressure)
·        सफेद बाल- ग्रे हेयर (Grey Hair)
·        हड्डी फ्रैक्चर या हड्डी का खिसकना (Bone Fracture Or Dislocation)
·        चिकन पॉक्स- चेचक (Chickenpox)
·        हैजा (Cholera)
·        जर्मन मीजल्स या रूबेला (German Measles)
·        इन्फ्लूएंजा (Influenza)
·        मेनिनजाइटिस (Meningitis)
·        हार्ट ब्लॉकेज (Heart Blockage)
·        कान में संक्रमण (Ear Infection)
·        डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी (Diabetic Retinopathy)
·        ग्लूकोमा (Glaucoma)
·        बवासीर (Piles)
·        आंखों का इंफेक्शन (Eye Infection)
·        पीलिया (Jaundice)
·        दूरदर्शिता या दूरदृष्टि दोष (Hyper Myopia)
·        Infertility     banjhpan
·        मुंह के छाले (Mouth Ulcer)
·        अल्सर (Ulcer)
·        डायरिया (Diarrhea)
·        सुस्ती (Lethargy)
·        मस्तिष्क का दौरा (Cerebral Stroke)
·        मायोपिया (Myopia)
·        खर्राटे लेना (Snoring)
·        सनबर्न (Sunburn)
·        गलसुआ (Mumps)
·        काली खांसी (Whooping Cough)
·        प्रोस्टेट डिस्ऑर्डर (Prostate Disorder)
·        एड्स (AIDS)
·        जीका वायरस (Zika Virus)
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12 Healthy Healing Foods From the Bible
Why does our society seem to seek every way to overcome sickness and disease other than looking in the best Instruction Manual that’s been around for thousands of years? Why do we avoid the simplicity of the basics when it comes to our health? The “basics” I refer to are eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise and adequate sleep.
Of course, the best instruction manual I am referring to is the Bible and there must be hundreds of books out there educating us on the importance of adequate exercise and sleep. Yes, there are scads of books on what to eat, too, but if they tell you to eat something that seems to contradict what the Bible says is OK, you probably should do some serious research before incorporating it into a regular eating plan. 
There are actually some diet/eating plans being promoted that in the long run, may not be very healthy. What a shame if you lose weight, for example, and then have a heart attack because you were eating way too much meat or didn’t get adequate nutrition.
Do I even need to mention some things you should obviously avoid if you want to experience optimum health? Folks, as much as I hate to list anything, this is what I see around me in abundance: fried foods, sugar in just about everything it seems, artificial sweeteners, meals heavy in meats with few vegetables and fruits, almost all cooked, (very little raw foods), and diet drinks.   
The foods listed in this report are by no means all the “healthy” foods mentioned in the Bible. They should, however, provide you with some guidance in your food choices.
1. Apples. Song of Solomon. Apples are considered to be the “all around health food.” They are high in flavonoids, fiber and Vitamin C. Some of the apple’s healing powers include: A.      They lower both bad cholesterol and high blood pressure
B.      The juices in apples are highly effective virus fighters
C.      They help stabilize blood sugar, an important factor in controlling diabetes
D.      They suppress the appetite without robbing the body of necessary nutrients
E.       Depending on the need, they prevent constipation or help treat diarrhea
One caution: conventionally grown apples may be highly sprayed with pesticides and coated with wax. Purchase organically grown apples when possible.
2. Barley. Deuteronomy 8:8, Ezekiel 4:9. Barley’s high fiber content can help keep us regular, relieve constipation and ward off a wide variety of digestive problems. It also may help block cancer. Barley is full of beta glucans, a type of fiber that can lower the risk of heart disease by reducing the levels of artery-clogging LDL.
3. Coriander (Cilantro). When the children of Israel wandered in the desert and received manna from the sky, they described it as looking like coriander seed. Since then coriander has been called “the healer from heaven.” Coriander is recommended for indigestion, flatulence (excessive gas) and diarrhea. Externally, it’s used to ease muscle and joint pain. Recently, scientists began looking at coriander as an anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis. Other research has demonstrated that it reduces blood sugar levels, an indication that it may prove to be a useful sugar management tool for diabetics.
4. Fish. Luke 24:42-43. Fish is low in cholesterol and contains healthy polyunsaturated fats. Fish is a rich source of protein, potassium, vitamins and minerals with only a moderate amount of sodium. Eating fish: * Thins the blood
* Protects arteries from damage
* Inhibits blood clots (anti-thrombotic)
* Reduces blood triglycerides
* Lowers LDL blood cholesterol
* Lowers blood pressure
* Reduces risk of heart attack and stroke
* Eases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
* Reduces risk of lupus
* Relieves migraine headaches
* Fights inflammation
* Helps regulate the immune system
* Inhibits cancer in animals and possibly humans
* Soothes bronchial asthma
* Combats early kidney disease
The key to the healing powers of fish lies in the omega-3 fatty acids. These are particularly concentrated in cold-water fish such as anchovies, bluefish, herring, lake trout, mackerel, sable fish, whitefish, flue fin tuna, salmon and sardines. Note: in deciding between “healthy” and “unhealthy” fish, you can get specific instruction from Lev. 11:9. Eat only fish which have both fins and scales.
5. Garlic. One of the world’s oldest healing foods. By the time of Moses, garlic was already being used as an anticoagulant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor agent, as well as a relief for flatulence, a diuretic, a sedative, a poultice and as a cure for internal parasites. Research suggests that garlic may help protect against heart disease and stroke by lowering blood pressure. It contains allylic sulfides, which may neutralize carcinogens. In fact, garlic has been linked to lower rates of stomach cancer, too. It is heart-friendly, with scores of studies showing its astonishing ability to fight hypertension, prevent blood clots and lower cholesterol.
6. Fruits, Berries, Grapes. Numbers 13:23, II Samuel 16:1-2. Grapes were the first thing Noah planted after the flood. Grapes were eaten fresh, dried and eaten as raisins just as we do today, and pressed into cakes. However, most of the crop of the vineyards was made into juice, wine and vinegar. A cup of raw grapes contains only 58 calories, 0.3 grams of fat, zero cholesterol and vitamins A, B and C. Grapes also contain important minerals such as boron, calcium, potassium and zinc. 
Grapes may be helpful in preventing osteoporosis, fighting tooth decay, heading off cancer and fighting off viruses. Other health-giving fruits include figs, melons, and pomegranates.
7. Legumes. 2 Samuel 17:28-29, Genesis 25:34. As reported in the book of Samuel, beans were among the highly nutritious foods sent to feed King David’s hungry army and restore their strength for the hard times ahead. Beans have a lot of soluble fiber, which helps lower LDL and reduce blood pressure. The fiber also helps keep blood sugar levels stable, stave off hunger, and even reduce the insulin requirements of people suffering from diabetes.
Beans are a great source of protein as well as being packed full of vitamin C, iron and dietary fiber. Beans help lower blood pressure and reduce the “bad” cholesterol that today’s research has shown to be the cause of so much devastating heart trouble — a rarity centuries ago. Beans contain chemicals that inhibit the growth of cancer. They help prevent constipation, can stop hemorrhoids and other bowel-related problems from developing, and help cure them if they do.
8. Nuts, including almonds, pistachio nuts and walnuts. Song of Solomon 6:11, Gen. 43:11. Botanists today believe that Solomon’s “garden of nuts” referred to in Scripture was a rich grove of walnut trees. At the time, walnuts were prized for the oil they produced, which was regarded as only slightly inferior to olive oil. The fact that walnuts were a delicious treat and highly nutritious was an added bonus. Nuts contain the right mixtures of natural ingredients whose benefits include cancer prevention, a lower risk of heart disease and help for diabetics. The oil found in walnuts is considered helpful because it is one of the “good guy” polyunsaturated fats and tends to lower blood cholesterol levels. Note: it’s best to avoid roasted nuts since they have been found to carry carcinogens, which could lead to cancer growth, so buy your nuts raw.
9. Olives. The olive was one of the most valuable and versatile trees of biblical times. It is mentioned frequently throughout the Bible. Probably the most famous reference to olive oil and its healing powers is in the parable of the good Samaritan, in which the Samaritan cares for a beaten and robbed traveler, treating his wounds with oil and wine. Olive oil, mixed with wine, was even used to soften and soothe bruises and wounds. Known benefits of olive oil include:
* Lowers blood cholesterol            
* Reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol levels
* Retards cancer growth
* Reduces the wear and tear of aging on the tissues and organs of the body and brain
* Reduces gastric acidity
* Protects against ulcers and aids the passage of food through the intestines, helping to prevent constipation
* Reduces the risk of gallstones
* Aids normal bone growth
One CAUTION: olive oil has a slight laxative effect, so add it to your diet gradually.  One TIP: the more pure the olive oil, the better, so spend a little extra and get Virgin Olive Oil.
10. Onions. Numbers 11:5. Like its cousin, garlic, the onion is noted as a cure-all. And the folk healers hold it in high regard as far back as 6000 years or more. At least 3000 years before the birth of Christ, onions were treasured both as food and for their therapeutic value — particularly in the treatment of kidney and bladder problems. Some facts about onions:   
* Taken internally as a tonic to soothe intestinal gas pains
* Taken internally to alleviate the symptoms of hypertension, high blood sugar and elevated cholesterol
* Some people attribute their long life to a diet that includes high concentrations of onions and yogurt
* The juice of an onion and a syrup made from honey has been used to treat coughs, colds, and asthma attacks
* A tonic of onions soaked in gin has been prescribed for kidney stones and to eliminate excessive fluids
* Modern herbalists recommend onion syrup as an expectorant (it helps eliminate mucus from the respiratory tract)
* Onions can raise the good and lower the bad cholesterol
* Onions can slow blood clotting, regulate blood sugar, break up bronchial congestion and possibly prevent cancer
* Onions possess a strong antibiotic that kills a variety of bacteria
* Have been used externally as an antiseptic and a pain reliever
11. Wheat. Jeremiah 41:8, Ezekiel 4:9. Wheat was the “staff of life.” Biblical people ate their grain boiled and parched, soaked and roasted, and even ate it green from the stalk. It was pounded, dried or crushed to be baked into casseroles, porridges, soups, parched grain salads and desserts. Ezekiel’s bread was intended to be a survival food during the dark days of the Babylonion conquest because it contained wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt. Wheat bran is high in insoluble fiber. The fiber protects us against constipation. It helps prevent intestinal infections, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It also improves bowel function and guards us against colon cancer.
12. Wine. I Timothy 5:23. John 4:46. Making wine from grapes is one of the most ancient arts and the beverage of choice in the Bible. According to Genesis, one of the first things Noah did after the flood was plant a vineyard so he could make wine. Researchers are now rediscovering what the physicians of the Bible knew centuries ago. In moderation, wine has a profound impact on our health and healing. Just a single glass of wine a day may be enough to raise the good cholesterol by 7% and help the body put up a barrier to a variety of cancers.
Wine appears to help stop heart disease and cancer. A study at the University of Ottawa in Canada concluded that there is a clear link between wine consumption and lower rates of heart disease. Countries where more than 90% of alcohol is consumed in the form of wine have the lowest rate of heart disease deaths.
A British study of 100 men and women discovered that a single glass of wine or sherry everyday increased the HDL or good cholesterol. When the group abstained from drinking wine, the HDL level decreased.
Red wine also seems to increase the body’s defenses against cancer. White wine may carry some of the same therapeutic benefits, but research so far seems to indicate that red wine is the most effective cancer blocker. Note: be sure to drink only in moderation. Ephesians 5:18.
As you can see, the Bible lists a lot of foods, foods that are actually available to us today, that we could be consuming to prevent illness, serious diseases and many trips to the doctor. Good health is not that difficult, but you do have to work at it a bit. It’s a balance of what you eat, exercise, sleep, avoiding stress, taking vitamin supplements. And strange as it may seem, the Bible is actually a complete instruction Manual for all of this.
In conclusion, the 12 healing foods listed here are only a partial list of healing foods found in the Bible. However, this report provides abundant evidence that God has placed on this earth, many health-giving foods for our consumption. A person who makes a serious effort to daily eat some of these health-giving foods, while avoiding health-destroying foods, certainly can expect to reap the benefits of a healthier body.
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