#some of them still need names so like suggest some please i beg of you
yourlocalpickle · 6 months
Trying to give more attention to my (fully) human ocs!!!
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(for once.)
Quick lore overview for each below, if anyone's curious
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to all and any who know me irl, there's a specific reason zuzanna's named the way she is, and it's purely because it fit her
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the last 5 are actually related to each other! (all of these guys exist in the same world, BUT lore is tight with these ones)
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8 notes · View notes
doitforbangchan · 2 months
All Bark and No Bite - 20
Masterlist /Series masterlist
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
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Chapter Warnings: Afab/fem reader, violence (poorly written), character deaths, blood, weapons (knives, gun, shovel), choking, angst, cursing, crying, name calling, kissing, suggestive- I want to start with an apology to Atiny bc this is nooooot good for them tbh
WC: 12.7k
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“No, baby.” 
“I said no, omega.”
“But why?” 
“This is a serious deal, I don’t need my pretty omega to be a distraction.” 
Chan's words made you lip wobble and you cast your head down as you blinked back tears. You had asked -more like begged- to join him today. You heard him sigh and step away from where he was fixing his hair in the mirror and he turned to you. He tenderly held your face in his hands and lifted your gaze back up to his. 
“What I mean baby, is I don’t know what kind of people these potential buyers are. I would rather you be here with the pack where I know you're safe and sound. Okay?” The alpha was pumping out calming pheromones in an attempt to sooth you and make you more agreeable. You breathed in the dizzying scent and immediately felt better. You nodded and only had a mild pout remaining on your lips. He chuckled and gave you a gentle kiss to your head before turning back to looking in the mirror. 
He looked good. He was dressed in black dress pants that hugged his meaty thighs just right, and a white button down shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and the top two buttons were undone, giving a peak of his broad chest underneath. He paired the outfit with a pair of black Prada dress shoes and a gold chain around his neck that glimmered in the reflection. Overall his look screamed old money. 
You would have jumped his bones if you hadn’t been so anxious. Ever since you woke up this morning there has been this gnawing uneasiness that had been plaguing you that you couldn’t explain. Chan had to go a few towns over to show a big property for some potential buyers. Something in you didn’t want to see your alpha leave today. Or at the least you wanted him to bring you. You and chan had chalked it up to omega hormones but deep down you knew it was something else. Something more sinister. 
“I’ll miss you today.” You murmured, casting your gaze to his now pushed back hair then flickering over to his face where you caught his poorly contained grin. 
“Aww I’ll miss you more, Baby. I’ll be thinking of you the whole time I’m gone.” 
You rolled your eyes with a smile, “Yeah right. The only thing on your mind is how much money your company is going to make from this deal.” 
Chan gasped dramatically, acting hurt. “That’s not true! You are always the main thing on my mind. I’d say 80 percent of my thoughts are about how much I miss and love you.” 
You pouted again, “Oh yeah? What’s the other 20 percent?” 
“How much I can’t wait to spoil my baby and my pack with the huge payout.” He grinned at you cheekily and gave you a wink. 
You giggled, “You know the boys would be stoked to hear you say that. Still, you’ll be gone practically all day. Whatever shall I do with myself, hmm?” ” 
Suddenly he snapped his fingers as if he had a great idea. 
“I have a great idea!” Oh he was so cute. The alpha took out his phone and typed something quickly then he shoved it back in his pocket. “There, now you won’t be bored.” He seemed pleased with himself. 
“What did you do?” You asked, narrowing your eyes in inquiry and crossing your arms. Literally a second later there was a knock on the door of Chan's room. “Channieee what did you do?” 
He smirked at you and raised his hands in defense, “Nothing nothing! Come on in!” He called out. 
Slowly the door creaked open and the epitome of blue haired happiness peaked his head in, offering you a heart melting smile. “Good morning, sunshine.” 
No matter how many times you’ve seen those freckles they still managed to give you butterflies. “Morning Lixie. What are you up to?” 
A flash of confusion went over his face, then he looked to Chan quickly then back to you. “I’m here to pick you up? Aren’t we going to the farmers market this morning?” 
Your eyes lit up in excitement, “Really?!” 
Both men chuckled at how easily excitable you were- they found it endearing and it just made them love you even more (if that was even possible). It seems like Chan's little distraction method was already working.
“Yes Baby. I thought it would be fun for you and Lix to go out for a while.” Chan said, placing a kiss on your forehead. Then he looked down at his watch, seeing it was already ten am. “I gotta get going, I meet with the clients at noon and it takes about a little more than an hour or so if there's no traffic. Plus there's a coffee shop I like to stop by when I go.” he gave you a cheeky kiss on your lips then a hard smack to your ass as he passed. Earning him a loud ‘HEY!’. He laughed and sped out before he could face your wrath. “I love you! Have fun with Felix! That’s an order!” 
You rolled your eyes with a huff, then you sarcastically saluted him. “Sir yes sir.” 
“Save the ‘sir’ talk for Min.” Chan snickered leaving the room, giving Felix a pat on the back as he went.
Felix stepped fully into the room now. He was dressed casually in a pair of wide leg jeans and an oversized white baggy tank. It was a good look on him, especially with his hair tied back. “Are you ready to go, love?” 
You were already dressed and ready for the day, donning a long white sundress that had a pink floral design and a corseted top. You felt something was missing though. “Hmm.. gimme one second Lix - OH I KNOW!” You snapped your fingers then ran to the closet, quickly pulling out a floppy white sun hat. You put it on your head proudly and turned back to Felix. 
He held up two thumbs up and had a wide smile, “Perfect farmers market outfit!” 
You beamed back, “Thanks Lixie. I’m ready for our date now.” 
A deep blush appeared on his face and up to his ears and he couldn’t get rid of the giddiness in his expression. ‘Our date…’ Felix liked the sound of that. He looped arms with you and led you out of the house. 
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The market was surprisingly bustling. There were many different stalls set up with vendors selling all kinds of home grown fruits and veggies, along with some selling baked goods and garden starters.
The both of you were having a great time together. You had already drinken a fresh smoothie from a food truck near the beginning. Each of you had gotten a different flavor and had shared both. They were delicious and a great way to beat the ever growing heat. 
You were telling Felix about your plans for some of the produce when a little girl no older than three years old ran past you, being playfully chased by an older boy who looked to be about six. They ran past laughing and giggling and it brought a smile to your face. You knew they had to be siblings by the way they both had chunky cheeks and light brown hair. It made you wonder what your future kids will look like . ‘Will they have my eyes? Chans nose perhaps? Maybe little pouty lips?’ Subconsciously you brought a hand up to rest over your stomach. 
“Are you alright, love?” 
Felixs words brought you out of your head, and his gentle face appeared in front of you. He noticed your hand had moved to your midsection. 
“Yeah, m’ fine Lixie.” You offered a small smile and he raised a brow like he didn’t believe you. “It’s just..” You looked down nervously. “Do you think Channie would wanna start our family soon?” 
 Felix almost felt his heart break at your crestfallen face. But then all at once it was rebuilt again. ‘She wants a baby? She would be so adorable with a pregnant belly.’ 
“Oh omega..” He cooed and lifted your head with his free hand. You didn’t want to meet his eyes but you knew that’s what he was looking for so tearfully you did. “I know for a fact that Alpha will want to give you pups, he’s wanted to be a dad his whole life. Most of us have. It’s only a matter of time before he’s ready. I think maybe he wants you to be ready first.” 
You nodded, “I think you’ll all make wonderful fathers.” 
He nuzzled your nose with his own, “And you’ll make an amazing mother. Plus you’ll be extra cute when you're all round and waddling around.” He pressed a cheeky peck to your lips. “Even imagining it is driving me crazy. If Chan doesn’t hurry up I may have to do it myself.” 
You snorted and pulled back, “Yeah because defying him and taking things into your own hands worked out so well last time.” 
He grimaced remembering how terrible it was to not be able to touch you. “On second thought, maybe we’ll wait a while.” You laughed then returned to browsing. Almost immediately your attention was off the previous subject.
“OOO look at those! They’re huge!” You exclaimed and pointed at the massive watermelons in front of you . They had to be the biggest fruits you had ever seen in your life and you knew you had to have it. You looked at Felix with puppy dog eyes, asking for permission to get one of these giant melons. 
The beta looked down at all the things you had already gotten; his arms held bags full of squashes, berries, breads and goods galore (he had demanded he hold the bags for you no matter what you bought). He sighed, knowing he would never be able to tell you no but dreading having to carry that around. “Ok baby, anything for you. Pick whatever one you want.” 
You critically examined each melon, then pointed at the one that looked the best to you. “Ahh good pick young lady.” The old man at the stall rubbed his beard. “That one is about 40 pounds and should be one of the sweetest ones.” 
You clasped your hands together and handed him some money (that Felix was gracious enough to let you hold on to; to make you feel like you're contributing), “That’s so heavy!”
The beta dreaded having to carry this thing but he went to pick it up anyways.
“Lixie, it’s ok I can take it-” 
“Nah I got it”
“At least let me carry the bags-”
“Pfft, I got this Baby, I’m a man you know?” He flexed as if he were trying to make a point and you rolled your eyes and held your hands up in defeat. With a deep breath, he tried to lift the melon. He almost fell backwards with it in his arms, the weight being too much along with everything else. 
Thankfully the old man was there, as he had to hurriedly take the large fruit from Felix before he could drop it. “Careful there, son. That took me months to grow.” 
You giggled while Felix held in a pout at being scolded. “Aww Lix it’s ok, it’s just a melon I don’t need it.” 
He scowled lightly, “Now hold on a minute Baby, you’re getting this melon if it’s the last thing I do!”
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You did in fact get your melon… After the farmer man had to carry it to the car for you. Even though his ego was hurt Felix still thanked the man and handed him a twenty dollar bill for his trouble. 
Now you were both in the car on the way back home. You couldn’t stop your little chuckles at how cute his red cheeks were. You reached up and pinched the heated skin.
“Baby stoooopppp it’s not funny!” He whined and smacked your hand away while keeping one hand on the wheel. “What kind of man can’t even carry a watermelon?!” 
“Lix, anybody would have struggled with that thing. It doesn’t make you less of a man.” 
He grumbled under his breath, “the farmer could lift it just fine..” 
“Felix… are you jealous of the farmer?” You asked slowly, trying not to laugh again. 
“He was like seventy years old and could pick it up no problem! And he had a sick ass beard!” 
“You are so cute Lix oh my god.” This time there was no containing your cackling, you laughed so hard tears started to well in your eyes. Seeing you laughing next to him made Felix start to laugh too, now realizing how silly it is. 
The car drove down the forest road to the house, then a few moments later pulled up and parked in front of the house. Seeing Chan's car gone from the driveway reminded you of the dread that loomed within you, your sweet scent slightly souring. 
Felix turned off the car and turned to you with a crinkle in his brow. “What’s wrong baby?” 
“Something feels wrong Lix. Something has felt wrong all day.” You wrung your hands together anxiously. You looked at the time on the dashboard, seeing it ‘11:50’. Chan might not be with the clients yet. “Do you think we can maybe send a text to Channie just to make sure he’s alright?” 
The beta pulled out his phone, “absolutely.” He opens his phone and hands it to you. “Type whatever you want. We really should get you your own phone soon, it’s not practical in the long run that you don’t have one.” 
You took his phone and typed out a quick message to your alpha, wishing him luck and telling him you loved and missed him. You sent it with bated breath and waited. After about thirty seconds the message said ‘read’ and you felt like you could breathe again. A response came in a moment after. 
‘I miss you more baby. I’ll see you before you know it and you can tell me all about how much fun you had today. I love you, my gorgeous girl.’ 
“See? He’s alright.” Lix reassured and patted your knee. You nodded and handed your phone back to him. You felt better after seeing his reply but the dread didn’t dwindle by much. Felix patted your knee with a smile then opened his door and hopped out, running around to open yours but he wasn’t quick enough before you opened your door with a playful grin. “Baaabbyy I wanted to open it for you!” He whined with a huff. 
“Oh I’m sorry, I apologize. You are a man after all.” You teased him then shut the door again. He laughed and opened your car door with a bow. 
“After you mam.” 
“Thank you, good sir.” You giggled and accepted his outstretched hand. When you were out you gave him a little peck on his lips. He shut your door then opened the back to grab the goods you acquired today- glaring daggers at the offending melon. You rolled your eyes, “ oh don’t be petty, it’s just a fruit Lix!” 
“A fruit who disrespected me! And is about to do it again!” He protested, a frown now gracing his freckled face. “We both know I can’t carry that thing…So now I gotta do the most painful thing in the world.” 
“Aww what’s that, babe?” 
“I have to ask Changbin to help.” 
That once again made you laugh, “His ego is going to be through the roof. I’ll ask him, Lix. He won’t make fun of you if you have your hands full. Or you could let me help yo-” 
“Nope go ahead and get Bin.” He was already filling his arms with your bags and goods. 
“Hmph. Fine.” You pouted and walked into the house, calling for the alpha. “Ohh Binnnniiiie” You sung aloud, then waited. A second later a rumbling pair of feet came scrambling into the room, almost slipping on the rug. You hid your smile with your hand as Changbin was now in front of you pretending to act cool as if he hadn’t almost fallen. 
“Oh hey Baby. You called?” His ears were red and he leaned on the wall. 
“Hi handsome, do you mind helping me out please? There's a heavy melon I can’t lift.” You clasped your hands out in front of you and smiled at him sweetly, making his heart beat wildly in his chest. 
“Of course I’ll help you, but wasn’t Felix with you?” Bin asked. 
“Right here.” Felix came in behind you with his arms full. 
“Damn baby, how much did you get?” Changbin did a double take as the beta passed by him.
His comment made you feel sheepish, you bit your lip and slightly furrowed your brow. “Oh uh, ya know.. Just some stuff for the pack and the garden..” 
“In her defense, she’s an omega who was let loose in a farmers market with almost unlimited funds.” Felix called from further within the house now. 
“I’m kind of jealous you went without me.” The alpha admitted and followed you out to the car. 
“You do have to share me sometimes, Binnie.” You sing songed your words, then yelped when you felt a swift smack to your butt. “Ouch!” 
“Holy shit that thing is huge!” The back was still open in the car so he got a good look at the monstrosity. 
“I know right?! I’ve never seen one so big!” 
He snickered, “That’s what she said.” 
You snorted and smacked his butt in return. “You're damn right!” 
He balked at your response, face turning even redder and mumbling, “Who are you?” 
“I’m what you boys have turned me into.” You grinned at him with a wink. 
Changbin hauled the melon into his arms with ease, holding it with one arm and using the other hand to shut the door. You swooned at how easy it was for him, biting your lip at the flex of his muscles when he lifted the fruit. With his free hand he grabbed yours and led you back into the house. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?” 
“Hmm,” You hummed, pursing your lips in thought. You knew you should distract yourself and usually that would be with chores but you had all been good about keeping up with them that there was no need. “I’m not sure. What about you, Binnie?” 
“Whatever you're doing, I’m doin baby.” He brought the back of your hand up to his mouth and gave it a wet kiss.
His sweet answer made you let out a quiet purr. Your inner omega was over the moon to have happy Binnie back. The last few days had been a painful whirlwind of emotions for the both of you. 
You thought back to the saplings you got from the market. “How does some gardening sound?” 
“Only if we can have some lemonade while we do it!” 
You giggled and nodded, “Of course, if we still have some. Ji has been drinking a lot of it lately.” 
Going into the kitchen you saw Lix and Hyunjin, both going through the various things you brought home.
 “Good haul, Baby!” Hyunjin said when he spotted you entering the space. Then his eyes widened at the sight of the watermelon. “Woah, that is freakin gigantic! You weren’t lying Lix.”
“Why would I lie about the literal bane of my existence?” The younger beta grumbled. 
Hyunjin shrugged, “I don’t know, I thought you were exaggerating.” He came up to you and literally pushed Changbin away, then enveloped you in a hug. “Hi gorgeous! Did you have fun?” 
“Mmhmm,” You leaned up and gave him a kiss. “A ton of fun. They had so much to look at! I saw some produce I had never even heard of before!” 
Hyunjin went back to scavenging through the goods, “I want to go next time! It’s not fair that Felix had all the fun with you.” He pouted and glared at the other beta- who in protest stuck his tongue out childishly. 
“You had fun with her the other day! We never spend time together anymore!” 
“Well I’m not the one who misbehaves, so I think I’ve earned unlimited time.” Hyunjin snarked with a stomp. 
“Children settle down!” Changbin pointed at each of them, trying to calm down the gradually heating argument. He could sense your ever growing perturbation as the betas argued and -especially after the other day- he didn’t want anything to stress you out. “Everyone needs to get better at sharing in this damn house.” He tried to harden his tone like an alphas, wanting to get his authority across. 
Both betas scoffed at his attempt, Hyunjin giving him a dramatic side eye. “Since when do you go into high and mighty alpha mode?” 
“Since your weird territorial squabbling is stressing out the love of our lives, you asshole.” Changbin gestured to you, who had been silently biting your lip. 
Everyone's eyes softened, “Oh omega, we’re sorry, we weren’t trying to fight.” Lix said and wrapped you in a hug. 
“Yeah we were only joking around, baby.” Hyunjin added, trying to diffuse the tension. 
You nodded, “It’s alright, I know you boys like to bicker like old people.” ‘I just wish it wasn’t involving me.’
“Baby, I love you and all, but I think the one who acts like an old lady is you.” Hyunjin snickered and went to hug you again but you sidestepped him with a gasp. 
“How dare you!?” You poked his chest in jest. 
“What? Gardening, cooking and reading are your favorite activities! Those are hobbies for old ladies!” 
You huffed and laid a smack to his chest, making him laugh. “You’re not supposed to be the mean one Jinnie!” 
“M not mean I was just playin.” He protested with a whine and reached for you again but you held your hands out to stop him, laughing as he kept coming at you making kissy faces. 
A loud ringing interrupted the moment and all of your attention was brought to the device on the counter. Felix's phone was going off and Chan's picture lit up the screen. You looked to Felix in anticipation and he offered you a smile and a nod. You didn’t hesitate to snatch the phone up and press the answer button, bringing it to your ear. “Hello?” 
“Hi beautiful. What are you up to?” 
“Hi Channie. I’m in the kitchen with Lixie, Jinnie and Binnie. Is everything ok?” 
You heard him sigh in frustration, “Yeah it’s alright. The buyer stood me up. I’ve been waiting here for over 20 minutes past the meet up time.” 
Your heart broke for him. You knew how important this deal would have been for him and the company. “Oh alpha, I’m so sorry.” You could feel that lump of anxiety in your stomach growing once more. 
“It’s ok baby, other buyers will come, it's not a big deal. Anyways, I wanted to let you know I’m going to head home now and I’ll see you soon.” 
That perked you right up, a bright smile finding its way across your face, looking over to the boys who gave you thumbs up. “Ok, I’m excited to have you home. I love you.” 
He chuckled, “I’m excited to be home. I love you more, baby. See you soon.” With that he hung up. You could feel your claiming bite tingle when he said he loved you, your fingers absentmindedly tracing over the marred flesh of your neck. You giddily handed the device back to Felix. 
“He’s on his way home.” You beamed. You grabbed some of the saplings from the counter and grabbed Binnies hand. “Come on! I wanna surprise him with the new additions when he comes home!”
“Oh can I come?” Jinnie asked with pleading eyes. 
“No!” You huffed, “You called my gardening an old person hobby, so no you may not!” 
Felix and Changbin cackled while the other beta jutted his plump lip out in an angry pout. 
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Chan could feel his patience wearing thin. He had waited at the entrance to the large vacant commercial building for far longer than he would have liked, only for the clients - who demanded to meet today- to be a no show. 
He looked at his emails once more just to be sure he hadn’t received anything from the client, then ran his hand through his hair. 
“Fuck this. I could have spent the day with my mate, instead I got this bullshit..” He angrily murmured, then let out a deep breath to steel himself. With a stedier mind, he pressed on Felix's contact. It rang once, twice, three times then it was picked up. 
It was his omega who answered the phone. Even hearing her voice calmed him down immensely. “Hi beautiful. What are you up to?” 
“Hi Channie. I’m in the kitchen with Lixie, Jinnie and Binnie. Is everything ok?” 
He sighed and kicked the dirt below him, trying to contain his anger.  “Yeah it’s alright. The buyer stood me up. I’ve been waiting here for over 20 minutes past the meet up time.” 
 “Oh alpha, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s ok baby, other buyers will come, it's not a big deal. Anyways, I wanted to let you know I’m going to head home now and I’ll see you soon.” He reassured you, knowing how you're probably feeling. ‘My girl is so empathetic.’ It’s one of the things he loves most about you. 
“Ok, I’m excited to have you home. I love you.”
“I’m excited to be home. I love you more, baby. See you soon.” He hung up the phone and shoved it in his pocket. Chan was beyond ready to be home. His thoughts were consumed with you and how he wanted to hold you when he got back. 
In fact, Chan was so distracted that he didn’t pick up on the scent that was drawing closer to him until it was only feet away. His whole body went rigid when he finally caught a whiff of something foul. 
‘There's another alpha next to me.’ 
Chan was suddenly caught in a chokehold, a muscly arm coming around him and trying to take him to the ground. Chan was able to maneuver himself out of the hold with a hard twist of his body, his hands coming up to pry the offending arm from him. He spun around to face his assailant. It was an alpha he had never seen before, but something about him felt familiar in a way Chan couldn’t explain. 
“What the fuck?! Who are you?!” 
The man swung on Chan, a deafening growl escaping the other alpha when Chan was able to dodge. Though Chan was not able to dodge the swift kick that was delivered to his legs, sending him down on his back. When Chan was down in a more vulnerable position the other alpha smirked down at him. 
“Don’t I smell familiar to you, Chan?” The way this man sneered his name made his blood boil. Chan was able to roll away from the next attack, his own legs kicking the knee of the offender and sending him down when he tried to stomp on Chan. “Fuck, I heard you were a strong son of a bitch. You must be, to have hurt my mate.”
Chan sprung to his feet and looked at the other man. It was then that he noticed the bite mark on his neck. The gears in his head finally started to click into place. “You’re Wooyoung's alpha, aren’t you? You’re San.” 
“Don’t say his fucking name, you piece of shit!” San got back up as well, then lunged for Chan, getting a hit in on his face and sending him back a few feet. Chan could feel his nose start to drip just lightly and he was growing even more pissed off. “First you piss off my pack leader, then you piss off me. Things aren’t going to end well for you.” 
‘His pack leader? Who the fuck is hi-’ 
Chan's thoughts were cut off when another hurdling fist came at him, but this time he was more prepared, his own fist smashing into San. His mind was racing. He didn’t know what the fuck was going on but he started to piece it together. 
Wooyoung- a beta- tried to nab you. He was asked to leave town a mere day later and go to an abandoned building. Now an alpha; albeit not a very bright one, was attacking him and mentioning his pack leader. Chan's heart sank in his chest and his eyes widened. This wasn’t just about revenge for what he did to Wooyoung. 
This was about his omega. About you. 
And this man's pack leader was Hongjoong. 
Chan could feel nothing but pure rage and fear as he realized what was happening. He needed to get home to you. Now. 
Chan rolled up his sleeves and hardened his gaze. San wiped the blood from his lip and could feel the intensity coming from Chan, making him gulp but continuing his attack. He pulled out a pocket knife from his pants. “No one messes with my pack. Not even a notorious little bitch like you.” San jeered. 
“Sorry, I don’t have time for this. My omega is waiting for me.” Chan caught the other alpha off guard when he swiftly grabbed Sans arm before he was able to strike, and literally tossed him to the ground. Chan stomped hard on Sans hand, crushing his fingers and making him release the knife with a pained howl. Chan could feel the crunch of bone beneath his nice prada shoes and he grinned down evilly. 
“I’ll kill you!” San screamed and tried to fight him, but Chan hopped on top of him and started throwing his fists into the other alpha over and over again. Chan could feel the blood starting to coat his hands but he didn’t stop. He kept hitting him until his face was unrecognizable. At some point the man under him flailed his legs up in an attempt to knock Chan away but Chan just changed up his tactics, grabbing into the man's head and starting to bash the back of his head into the ground.
“You can’t kill me when you can’t even move.” All either of them saw was red.
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Chan's heart was pounding so loudly in his ears. His whole body was splattered in blood, it coated his hands and dripped from his face. Some of it was his but most of it was Sans. The man laid still on the dirty ground, a pool of red surrounding him. Chan didn’t know or care if he was still breathing; and he wasn’t going to stick around to find out. 
He sprinted towards his car, throwing the door open and hopping in. His hands were nearly shaking as he tried to start the ignition. Just then his phone began to ring. He hastily dug it from his pocket, surprised the screen wasn’t cracked at the least. A number he didn’t recognize was calling him.  A sick feeling inside of him told him to answer. 
“Hello?” He put it to his ear and started his car. 
“I gotta tell you, Chris, you’re not as smart as people make you out to be.” 
Chan gripped the steering wheel tightly. “What do you want, Hongjoong? Wasn’t sicking your little pet on me enough?” 
The man on the line chuckled darkly and Chan knew there was a wicked smile on his stupid face. 
“Oh I think you know what I want. You stole something from me and I want it back.” 
Chan grit his teeth, understanding exactly what he was talking about. “I didn’t steal anything. She never belonged to you in the first place.” 
“Liar! You’re a filthy fucking thief. You took what was rightfully mine. I paid good money for that omega. Though I can’t say I’m not disappointed that it turns out she’s a dirty whore since she spreads her legs for you so easily. Still, she belongs to me and I don’t take kindly to thieves.” 
Chan let out the most menacing and guttural growl he had ever released in his life.”Don’t you ever fucking talk about her like that.” 
Hongjoong chuckled again. That little laugh made Chan want to gouge his eyes out of his head. “Don’t get your panties in a twist, Chris. I thought we could talk this out; alpha to alpha.”
“It seems we’re way past that, since you sent your bitch after me.” 
“Did you kill him?” 
That wasn’t the question Chan was expecting, it almost seemed like Hongjoong cared about his pack. “Why don’t you come over here and check for yourself?” 
The man on the phone hummed with disdain. “Nah, I think I’ll go check in on my omega instead. She is wearing the most delectable little sundress today, isn’t she? Mmm, absolutely scrumptious.” 
Chan sped faster down the interstate, feeling the rage intensify even more. “You listen to me you shit stain -” 
“No, you listen to me! I don’t accept a slight against me! I’ve killed people for less. Trust me when I say that little whore isn’t gonna be worth it when I slit your throat. And every single one of your weak little pack mates. Too bad their big strong alpha left town and left them there. Sure would be a shame if something happened.” 
With that the line went dead. 
“FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUUUCKKKK” Chan slammed his hands against the sterling wheel as he screamed. He knew this was no time to panic and that he had to get home as quickly as possible and he had to warn the pack. He had no idea who was home right now, but he had to try. With shaky fingers he dialed the number. 
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“You’re delusional.” 
“No! Everyone agrees Mark Ruffalo is the best ‘Hulk’!” You protested and threw a leaf at Changbin, who only cackled when it flew directly to the ground. You were sitting kneeling in the dirt, settling in the saplings while Changbin mostly kept you company and controlled the music. Right now ‘Genie in a bottle’ by Christina Agulara has just started playing. 
“Uh uh, you and I both know it’s Edward Norton.” 
You huffed, “And you call me delusional.” 
He patted your head as if soothing a feral dog, making you swat his hands away with a scowl.”You’re so cute when you’re all fired up, baby. Makes me wanna take you against that glass again like last time.” He smirked and laughed when you swatted him again. 
“Not right now, Binnie. I wanna get this done to show Channie when he gets home.” You had to pry off the alphas wandering fingers as they started to trail down your back. You crossed your arms when he began to kiss your neck. 
Changbin sighed wistfully and laid one more peck to your skin before pulling away, “Alright alright Baby, you win. I’ll let you finish your little project.” 
“Thank you Binnie.” You smiled and beckoned him down so you can give him a smooch. 
He kissed you again then stood up, adjusting his pants. “I think I’m gonna run in and grab a snack, since I can’t eat the delicious one right in front of me.” He side eyed you with a playful grin. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Do you need anything from inside?” 
You hummed in thought, “Maybe some more lemonade please?” 
“You got it.” He gave you a thumbs up and headed inside. 
Changbin made his way to the house. When he opened the back door and went inside he could tell something was up. The vibe inside felt off and he caught a whiff of something that he couldn’t place his finger on. He carefully walked towards the kitchen, still not seeing anyone but the scent was starting to get stronger. The alpha turned the corner to enter and was finally able to tell exactly where the scent was coming from.
Leaning against the fridge and eating an apple, was Wooyoung. Changbin froze at the sight of the beta. Changbin took notice of the state of the man. Wooyoung's nose was dark purple and he kept a bandage over it. He also had dark marks on his neck in the shape of fingertips. 
Wooyoung breathed deeply then snapped his head to face Changbin with a grin. This wasn’t his normal smile though, this time Changbin could see the villainous intentions behind it. 
“Hi Bin, I’ve been waiting for you.” He took another bite of the apple, the crunch making a shiver want to go down the alphas spine. 
“Wooyoung,” Changbin took a careful step towards him, eyes never leaving the man. “What are you doing here?” He kept his words low and said them slowly, trying to control the situation. 
The beta gave him a cheery shrug, obviously masking the pain the expression caused him due to his broken nose. “Thought I might come see my friend.  Aren’t you happy to see me?” 
“Wooyoung, what are you doing here?” Changbin had demanded, finding no amusement in the situation whatsoever. 
This time Wooyoung's face changed and his smile dropped. “ Let’s have a chat, like old times.” 
“We have nothing to talk about. I told you to leave me alone.” 
The beta took another bite from the fruit, “Come on Changbin, just hear me out. I have a proposition for ya.” That evil gleam sparkled in his eyes and he didn’t give Changbin a chance to respond before launching into it. “I -we- want you to join us. Be a part of our pack. I’ve told my head alpha all about you and he thinks you’d be a great addition.” 
“Your alpha?” Wooyoung nodded enthusiastically to his inquiry. “Who is your alpha?” 
“Hongjoong of course!” Changbin froze. His whole body was alight with trepidation and his eyes were wide. “He’s a great leader, you'll like him I promise. He said that since you're so strong you would do good in a strong pack- the others are mostly alphas so you’ll fit right in. Oh oh and you know the best part?!” He took another bite. Changbin could hear the manic exaggeration in his voice as he spoke, the man seemed to be unraveling mentally the more he droned on. “Joong said if you join us you can still fuck the omega whenever you want!” 
“No one is putting another finger on my girl.” The words came out before changbins brain could even catch up with all the things he had said, the only thing he registered was the mention of Baby. “You’re a fucking psycho if you think any of that is going to happen.”
Suddenly there was a loud scream from the floor above them, then a thundering pound as if something huge had fallen. Changbins eyes flickered to the ceiling then back to Wooyoung, who sighed in detest at the interruption. The beta glared at him and clicked his tongue. “Wrong answer.” 
The apple was forcefully thrown directly at Changbins face, the alpha yelling in pain when it made contact with his eye, the sweet juices splattering all over him. He wasn’t expecting the attack so his instincts made his hands shoot up to defend himself instead. Bin blindly reached his out to grasp at whatever he could and ended up cutting off Wooyoung's next attack by grabbing his arm that was flying at him. 
Wooyoung yelped when Changbin gripped his arm forcefully and yanked the beta to him. Changbin creaked his eyes open just in time to see another fist coming at him again, so he leaned forward quickly and managed to get a headbutt in on the beta man. 
The offender howled in pain when the crown of Changbins head smashed into his nose- the already broken appendage immediately starting to flow heavily. Wooyoung started to sway backwards but before he did he grabbed onto the alphas hair and forced him down to the ground with him. 
Another thudding crash was heard from upstairs then the sound of running feet spreading out around the second floor. All over the house a smell of blood spread around and it made Changbins own blood begin to boil. He needed to end this now. 
The alpha man threw his whole weight down on top of Wooyoung, knocking the air out of the beta. Wooyoung wheezed and was caught off guard; that's the moment Changbin took to wrap his thick bicep and forearm around Wooyoung's neck. Changbin did not let up for even a second on the pressure even as Wooyoung struggled and punched at him as he fought for air. 
“Just go to sleep!” He screamed at him and tightened the hold even more, efficiently choking the man below him. Soon enough his efforts paid off and Wooyoung's body fell limp in his hold. Changbin held position for another few seconds just to be sure it wasn’t a trick, then he rolled himself off of the beta with a groan. He could see that Wooyoung was not dead but he had passed out cold from the lack of oxygen.
Changbin breathed a brief sigh of relief as he scrambled to his feet and ran for the door. This was far from over. 
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Your back was turned to the door of the greenhouse and your hands were busy digging another small hole for a sapling. ‘Genie in a bottle’ was still blaring through the speaker and you were humming along with the words and lightly dancing in your seat. 
An alpha presence was approaching from behind and you could hear the light steps as they neared. Changbin had only been gone for about a minute so you assumed it was him.  Your lips curled in a teasing smile and you called over your shoulder, “Well that was quick, don’t tell me you forgot my-” 
Your words were cut off as a hand embedded itself in your hair roughly and your head was forced back. Your hands shot to your head as you yelled from the shock and the pain. Your eyes were filled with tears as your face was yanked up and around to face the attacker. 
A man you recognized from your google search those few weeks ago before your escape was staring back at you with an unholy wickedness you had never encountered before. You gasped when he laughed at your obvious fear- his canine teeth were sharp and menacing as he licked over them as if tasting your fright.  
“Hello there, little omega.” You hated the way he said your presentation. “I’ve been looking for you.” 
“H-hongjoong?” You whimpered as he craned your neck back further to look at him. You could feel the tension of his nails on your scalp as he yanked and it made you cry harder. 
“Ah,” He grinned down at you, “So you do know who I am. Perfect, that saves us some time.” He started to drag you out of the greenhouse by your hair, making you scream as you tried to pull back but it was no use and you were forced to be dragged along with him as you scrambled on your hands and knees. 
“How did you find me?” You cried, your legs scraping against the hard ground and creating bloody scratches along them. 
He tsked, amused by your question. “That fucking thief wasn’t as careful as he thought he was. He forgot I have connections everywhere, including the police. The second you confirmed as not missing I knew exactly where you were. Though I will say it took a little longer than I had thought it would to track you down to a point. Wooyoung is usually very good with his nose.” 
You felt your heart plummet in your chest and you couldn’t breathe. It all made sense now- the incident at the carnival was worse than you thought it was. He really did try to take you away. All for this alpha. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked with faux kindness, cooing condescendingly. “Aren’t you happy to see your true alpha?” 
“You are not my alpha!” You screamed, bringing your hands up to try to scratch at him. “Channie is!”
Hongjoong used the grip on your hair to toss you forward into the dirt, cutting up your skin even more and dirtying your dress. He still kept his brutal hold on your head as he dragged you. “ Show some respect. I paid good money for you, you dirty fucking whore. That sorry excuse for an alpha is going to pay with his life for trying to steal what’s mine. Just like your father did for letting you escape.” 
Dad is…
Your cries turned to sobs as you took in the severity of his words. Your father was dead- murdered by this man. It couldn’t be true.. It can’t be. 
“You’re lying!” 
He snickered at your devastation, finding enjoyment in watching you sob in both kinds of agony. He had finally gotten you through the threshold of the greenhouse. “I’m many things, dollface, but I'm no liar.” 
“What you’re going to be is dead if you don’t let her go right fucking now.” 
Your eyes were filled with so many tears you didn’t see who said it but you didn’t need to. You had heard the menacing threat in his voice before and it made you feel better- that you weren’t alone completely- even if the comfort was miniscule. 
Hongjoong scoffed from above you, “Big words for a pathetic little beta. You’ll get yours soon enough don’t you worry, so why don’t you scurry along, hm?” 
Minho's dark eyes were locked on Hongjoong, his body rigid and his fingers twitching. He was trying not to show his fear. No, he wasn't scared of Hongjoong necessarily; he was scared for you. And he was more angry than he had ever been in his life. 
The betas mind was racing and so was his heart as he tried to assess the best way to handle the situation. He had been at the garage a few yards from the main house when Chan called. After receiving the call from Chan he had wasted zero time in bolting for your location, seeking you out by scent when he heard your screams and cries. 
“M-min..” You cried harder, trying to crawl to him but getting yanked back forcefully by Hongjoong. 
“You’re not going anywhere, bitch.” The alpha growled. 
“You have three seconds to let her go.” Minho snarled, his face scrunching up as he bared his teeth in an attempt to threaten the alpha. “One..” 
“You can’t do shit to me, not when I have her in my hands.” Hongjoong sounded cocky as he shook your head. 
Minho's eyes flicked to you then Hongjoong for a split second and that was enough for you to understand. Distract him. You balled your fists and started to swing at your captor with as most force as you could muster. You small fists hit at him and you yelled through your tears and your fear. You swiped at his skin with your nails and drew blood from the alpha, making him curse. 
“Stop it you fucking bitch!” He delivered a hard kick directly to your ribs and it knocked the air from you. But you would take it gladly if it meant Minho could do what he has to do. And it seemed like your distraction worked. 
While Hongjoong was momentarily distracted Minho was able to close the distance and he managed to strike Hongjoong right in his head. The alpha let go of your head in his surprise and Minho immediately reached for you and pulled you to him. 
“Run!” He yelled at you, “Get as far away as you can! Go!”
 Minho shoved you away from the scene just in time to dodge Hongjoong who had regained his composure enough to try and grab at you again. Minho tried to tackle the alpha but the man did not go down, instead he delivered a strike to Minho's stomach and tried to throw him to the ground but the beta held on and did not let him advance towards you. 
You were frozen in fear; not knowing what to do or how to help. Your body hurt and your scalp burned and your mind was racing faster than it ever had before. Just when you thought your knees were about to give out, Minho met your eyes, his own pleading and begging. Begging for you to run away from Hongjoong. From him. 
You blinked through your tears and gave a small nod, then you turned and ran. Or it was more like limping away, as you clutched your side where you had been kicked. 
Minho would have breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you run if it weren’t for the threat he still faced. The beta felt a hard kick to his knee as the alpha tried to get him off of him. Minho held back his grunt of pain as his knee gave out and he lowered slightly. 
Minho saw opportunity at his lowered position and rammed his head into Hongjoongs sternum, his arms wrapping around the man and he used his weight to push him to the ground. 
Hongjoong yelled in fury and slammed both hands into the back of Minho's head as he went down, “You son of a bitch!” 
Min saw a few black spots dot his vision and his head spun, but still he remained on task. He needed to eradicate the threat. Failure was not an option- no matter how badly it hurt. 
He was growling and pounding his fists into Hongjoong but the alpha was inherently stronger than him so he only managed to land two or three hard slams before he was being flipped over and his back was crashing to the dirt below. 
Minho instinctually put his arms up to cover his face as Hongjoong beat down on him. Hongjoong was using his alpha pheromones to try to intimidate the beta into submission- his musk reminiscent of burnt out matches and kerosine. The beta man held his breath and flipped his elbows up to make an attack with the points of his bone. 
He managed to strike the meat of Hongjoongs side, hitting hard enough to draw a howl from the man above him. He went to hit higher when he thought the alpha was taken aback but the ever vigilant alpha intercepted it and managed to turn his head quick enough to grab a hold of Minho's arm with his teeth. 
Minho screamed when he felt his flesh tear as he jerked his arm back. The bite was deep and immediately began to leak warm blood all over himself. Hongjoong took this moment to spring back up to his feet. 
Hongjoong was breathing heavily as he spit out the skin and blood right at Minho who was still lying on the ground. His own face was bleeding and the crazed look in his eye would be enough to send a grown man to the grave. It sent a frightened shiver down Minho's spine as he clutched his gushing arm. 
The beta managed to shuffle back a few feet; trying to put distance between himself and this villainous man. He left a trail of blood in the dirt as he scrambled back. He bared his teeth at Hongjoong and it made the alpha smirk- the blood all over his face covering his lips and making him seem even scarier. Minho knew something deranged was running through the alphas mind given by the psychotic glaze that overcame his eyes. 
“As fun as that was, I think it’s time to end this little scuffle.” Hongjoong reached under his jacket and pulled out a black pistol, and aimed it right at Minho. 
Minho kept his expression hard and his snarl steady, not giving anything away even though his life was flashing before his eyes. From what he knew and had seen of Hongjoong, he knew the crazed man would end his life with no hesitation. 
“Big bad alpha needs a gun to fight his battles, huh?” Minho spat at him, “Only a pussy brings a gun to a fist fight.” 
Hongjoong scoffed, then showed that bloody grin. “I don’t need a gun to kill you, but it does make it easier when I’m in a time crunch. Sorry I can’t stick around a little longer, Minho, but I have an omega to catch.” 
The alpha cocked the gun and aimed it at Minho's head. Even in the face of imminent death Minho stayed as steady as ever. The only regret he has is that he didn’t get to spend more time with the woman he loves- that he was too stubborn in the beginning and had wasted precious time with you. He would never regret the decisions leading to this moment though. He would die for you over and over again if it meant you could get away from this monster. 
Just as Minho had accepted his fate, suddenly there was a scream and a deafening ‘ding’ and Hongjoongs body was sent flying towards the ground. Standing behind the alpha -that now lay in the dirt clutching his head- was you. Was his baby. His love. And you were holding a large shovel that you had used to assault Hongjoong. 
With another loud scream you lifted the head of the shovel above your head and brought it down on the alpha again, bashing him forcefully with the metal using all the might in your body. Your blood was pumping harder than it ever had in your whole life. The only thing in your mind was to defend Minho from this terrible man, whatever it takes. 
You kept screaming as you clobbered him from above over and over and over again. Your whole body hurt and you could barely see through your tears but you didn’t let up. You didn’t stop even as blood began to pool in the dirt and Hongjoong was no longer moving. 
In fact you didn’t stop until Minho had gotten up from the ground and limped over to you, his eyes wide from the shock. 
“Baby..” He grabbed the shovel before you could bring it down for a final time and pulled it from your grasp, throwing your weapon to the ground. “He’s gone, you can stop now.” 
Instantly you flung yourself into him, wailing loudly and trying to get as close to him as possible. “M-min.. Y-you.. I-i.. Oh my god.” 
“M’ here, baby. You’re safe, it’s ok.” He tried to sooth you and keep you from seeing the body that lay in the dirt, curling you into him despite the pain in his still bleeding arm. 
“D-did I.. Did I kill him?” You were both shaking from your question and Minho didn’t know how to respond right away. “Oh my god I did, didn’t I? He -he had that gun pointed at you and I just panicked. All I felt was terror and then… I killed him. Fuck I’m gonna be sick.” You started dry heaving  but Minho shook you out of your panic. 
“Omega, you did what your instincts told you to do. You saved me. Even after I told you to run as far away as you could, you came back. You saved me, Y/n.” Minho felt his own tears finally falling down his face, the shock wearing off as he took in the severity of what had transpired. “I was supposed to save you and it was you who came to my rescue.” 
“I couldn’t leave you here alone with him! I could feel it in my gut he would have done terrible things to you, Min. I couldn’t leave you.” Even with the blood on his face he grabbed your head and kissed you harder than ever, pushing all of his gratification and love into it. You kissed back just as fiercely and melted into him. 
“I love you.” He whispered when he pulled away, closing his eyes as he held you. 
“I love you Min.” You whispered back. 
A horrible reminder flitted into Minho's mind at that moment. If Hongjoong was here, then that means the rest of his evil packmates probably won’t be far behind.
The pack is in danger. 
He pulled back and grabbed your hand, “I have to go, the other boys might be in trouble. I need you to hide in the greenhouse. Arm yourself and try to stay hidden.” You shook your head in protest, not wanting him to leave you, but he hardened his voice, “Y/n listen to me now. This is not the time to disobey me again. Thank you for saving me, but right now I have to go save them and I can’t do that if I’m worrying about you behind my back. Please, I’m begging you, go hide and don’t come out for anyone who is not a part of our pack.” 
You trembled as he handed you the shovel, not wanting to but nodding anyway. “Be safe, please Minho.” 
He nodded and sent you off into the greenhouse, then he turned and hightailed it to the house. 
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Changbin had made his way through the house when the smell of the blood got thicker, and as he passed by the bottom of the staircase he was startled as a large body came careening down the steps, landing with a pained grunt at the bottom and his arm bent at an unnatural angle. 
Changbin yelled in fright at the sight of the unfamiliar alpha and without thinking delivered a hard kick into the man, who wheezed and rolled in pain. Changbin heard the scuffle of feet descend the stairs and was ready to fight again, but instead came face to face with Seungmin- who had his old baseball bat in his hand. Changbin could see the wood and Seungmin alike were splattered with blood. 
Seungmin had a borderline sadistic snarl on his lips as he greeted Changbins bewildered look, with one of his own. “What the fuck is going on?” 
Changbin smacked himself out of his shock, “I think we’re under attack by the Ateez pack.” 
Seungmin growled, “No shit, this is the second alpha I had to beat around. Though this one got off easier. His giant friend upstairs didn’t make it this far away from me.” 
“Two made it upstairs?” Changbin asked, peering around in panic. 
“No,” Seungmin smirked with an evil glint in his eyes, “It was three. The third one got his throat ripped out by Innie.” 
Changbin grimaced, “Fucking gross. Who screamed?” 
“Jisung screamed when he saw Jeongin tear that fuckers neck apart with his teeth.” 
“Yeah it was pretty metal. That kid is feral I swear. Though Ji is traumatized now.” Seungmin checked the man on the ground and saw he was passed out cold by now, and gave him another smack with the bat with a sneer. 
The matter at hand suddenly came to both of them as they looked at each other. They had the same thought and both sprinted to leave the house to find you. Both boys raced outside to come upon a different scene. 
They ran out the door just in time to see another unfamiliar man - a beta this time- take a flying kick straight to the face by none other than Felix, with an extremely frightened Hyunjin cowering behind him, holding out his car keys as if they were a weapon. Both boys winced at the force with which the beta man thudded head first onto the concrete of the driveway, instantly knocking him out. 
Felix was out of breath and his hands were still up as he was ready to continue to defend his elder pack mate, but he was able to put them down when he saw that it was Seungmin and Changbin who had excited the house. “I-I don’t know what’s going on. We left to get more lemonade since Ji drank it all and we came back to this dude trying to attack us.” 
“He’s a member of the Ateez, there's a few more of them in the house. How the hell did you manage to take him down?” Changbin asked, coming around to check for injuries on the two betas. Hyunjin clung to him as he shook, needing alpha comfort. The two remaining boys that were inside finally came out to join everyone else, Jeongins face and neck were covered in the red liquid. Jisung clung to him in fear as he trailed behind, big eyes wet with tears as they frantically searched the surroundings. 
Felix furrowed his brow, “Did you forget I did Taekwondo for twelve years?” 
Yes..Yes Changbin had forgotten. Before he could respond, they all heard another pounding of feet coming their way very quickly. They all readied themselves for another attack but instead of another enemy coming around it was Minho. He was breathing hard and his whole body was covered in blood. 
He halted his running when he saw most of his packmates gathered together and none of them seemed injured much (besides the few hits Changbin had taken). 
“Thank god.” He breathed in relief. Minho could feel his body begin to sag to the ground, the adrenaline wearing off knowing they were here and were ok. 
Seungmin had sprung forward to catch the elder beta just before he hit the ground, “Woah buddy, I got you.” He lowered him as gently as he could. As much as he didn’t want to trigger Minho he knew he needed to ask the hard questions. “Who did this to you Minho? Where is Y/n?” 
Minho tried to stand, staggering to his feet as Seungmin held him up. “Hongjoong.. The-the green house..” 
Every single one of them stiffened at the mention of the dangerous alpha, but none of them could fly into action as the screeching of blaring sirens rang through the surrounding woods. Seconds later a barrage of cop cars and emergency vehicles flew onto the main property, followed by the familiar sight of Chan's car. 
Everything would be ok now. Their alpha was home. 
Chan got out of his car faster than lightning and he sprinted over to the pack. His eyes were wild and he was drenched in that all too familiar red. He scanned each one of his members and his gaze softened only slightly when he recognized that they were all alive. Then his eyes widened again when he didn’t see his mate amongst the crowd. 
“Where is she?!” He demanded, trying to pick up her presence but only getting the stink of blood everywhere around him. Chan had called the police and explained the situation to them while he sped down the roads, making it home in record time, so the officers were already fanning out and looking for the offenders. 
“The greenhouse.” Minho coughed, staggering that way. “She’s hiding in the greenhouse.” Chan wanted to help his pack mate but the urge to go to you and make sure you were safe weighed on him. Minho could see it in his eyes, “Chan.. You should know what sight you're about to walk in on..” 
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The sirens in the distance spooked you, making you flinch and screw your eyes shut. Theoretically you knew that sirens meant police- meant help- but the irrational part of you couldn’t help but be fearful. Fearful of what had transpired right outside this greenhouse, what you had done to that man.  
You clutched your makeshift weapon tighter and you scooted back as far as you could under the table when you heard the thudding of footsteps drawing close to the greenhouse. The approaching person stopped outside where the body lay and you could hear the click of teeth. You held your breath and tried not to make a single sound as the person started walking slowly into the greenhouse. 
Your eyes flew open at the gentle sound of your alphas voice. 
“Ch-channie?” You called out weakly, slowly peering your head out from your hiding spot. You looked out to see your alpha, blood all over him and the most solemn look on his face. You crawled out of your spot and bolted for him, throwing your whole body at him and letting out the most devastating cry he had ever heard. “Alpha! Alpha m’ so sorry. M’ so sorry. I killed him. I killed him.” 
“My omega, you’re alright and that’s all that matters.” He buried his face into you and felt his own tears gather at the corner of his lash line. “My brave, strong girl. I got you, omega. Alphas got you.” 
“He-he hurt Min, I didn’t know what else to do. He said he killed my dad.” You kept repeating it through your cries. Chan could feel all your terror and agony through his claim and it made his heart split in two. The murder of your father was news to him and he kept his surprise hidden for your sake. He knew it would take you a long, long time to recover from this event. With a lump in his throat he scooped you up into his arms from off the ground, tucking you securely into him. 
He made sure to fold your head into his neck as he walked out of the greenhouse, making sure you didn’t see the body that remained on the ground- the police would come around soon enough and deal with the mess. Though he couldn’t help the vicious curl of his lips at the body of the alpha below. ‘That’s what you get for fucking with my pack.’ He thought cynically as he passed. 
He carried you all the way to the front patio of the house where the rest of the pack was getting questioned and wounds treated. Jisung was the first to see you both coming up and burst into tears, leaping off his seat and straight for you, wrapping you and Chan in his hug. 
“Baby, my baby.” He cried and he held you both. “I. was. So. scared.” He choked between sobs. 
You didn’t say anything as you stuck out an arm to pull him closer while being held still, not having it in you to respond right now. At the mention of you, each of the boys who weren’t being treated gathered around and you all held each other in a big group hug. The only one who couldn’t be included was Minho, for he was being patched up by an EMT by the ambulance. He bit his lip as he watched his pack together again, all safe. It made the pain he experienced worth it.
Chan lifted his head to spot the beta that was further away, both of them locking eyes as Chan got a good look at just how messed up his second in command really was. Carefully Chan handed your trembling body off to the member closest to you, which happened to be Jisung. The beta took you delicately and the rest of them continued to hold you and shower you with whispers of their love.
Each one of them could feel your sorrow and guilt as it seeped out of you in waves. Minho did his best to explain all that had transpired so they knew what you had gone through. They knew what you needed now was just for them to hold you and love you. And the hug pile allowed them to shield you from the various stretchers and body bags that were being taken from within the house. 
Chan walked over to Minho and eyed the large bandage that was being wrapped around his arm. He rested his hand on the betas shoulder, and crouched down to his level. He waited there for a moment while the EMT finished their work and gave Minho care instructions. The second the EMT walked away he grabbed the beta is an encompassing hug. 
Minho had seldom seen the alpha cry, but now as he held him he felt the drops of warm liquid fall into his shoulder and felt the shaking of the elders body. 
“Thank you, Minho. Thank you for keeping her safe.” Min clutched harder onto his pack leader and he himself began to wail at the sentiment. 
“When you called.. I ran faster than I ever had in my life.. And when I saw the hold he had on her and how she was crying…” They both growled at the thought of that fuckers dirty hands on you. “I didn’t know what to do..” 
Chan nodded and wiped the tears from his own face, “ Our omega got away from him because of you. I couldn’t have chosen a better second to run my pack.” The sheriff was sauntering up the pair with an exasperated look on his face. 
“Chan, the three of us need to have a conversation about what happened here today.” 
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You winced as the medical professional dabbed at your wounds with alcohol and disinfectant. The elder beta woman gave you looks of sympathy after each one, muttering apologies yet continuing to treat you. Hyunjin and Jisung hadn’t left your side once, they stood behind and beside you as both of them scoured the area as if expecting more impending threats. Each of the other boys were giving statements since they were the ones to directly defend themselves and the pack. 
“You’re doing so well, baby. We are so so proud of you.” Hyunjin praised you with kisses to your head from behind. 
Jisung nodded, “Yeah, you are the most badass woman alive. I can’t believe I get to call you ours.” He rubbed his thumb comfortingly along your knuckles. 
You felt so numb you barely registered what they were saying to you, only nodding to their words and leaning further into their touch. By now you were littered with bandages to cover your knicks and scratches. Soon enough the woman bid you farewell- the boys thanked her vehemently for helping you- and you were left with just the guys. 
One by one each of the pack joined you back on the porch and you all watched as the officers and emergency vehicles cleared off the property. The only remaining one was the sheriff who was still a few yards away talking with the top two in command. 
You could see the sheriff clap both boys on the back before they all walked back up to where you sat. The sheriff leaned down and took his hat off as he addressed you. “I want to offer my apologies and my condolences about what has transpired. Not just here today but with your family as well.” 
The tears threatened to return when what he said registered for you. “You mean.. My dad is..” 
He nodded heavily, “I am so sorry, Ms.L/n. I had heard about it only this morning and didn’t get a chance to contact Chan about it.” Felix was the one to grab onto you as the sobs returned. The sheriff grimaced and hung his head, “Any information I have about it will be sent over to you pronto.” He addressed Chan. 
“Thank you, we appreciate it.” The old man nodded and bid you all farewell. 
For what felt like hours you all sat there together and comforted each other. Most of you were still doused in the offensive red liquid that has since dried on your skin but all that mattered is that even though you were dirty and traumatized you were there together. Your new family was together and whole and nothing- not even a psychotic alpha on a power trip- could break your new found family apart. 
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You awoke with gasps for air and your body covered in sweat. You leaned forward and put your head in your hands, rubbing at your eyes in an attempt to rid your mind of the spine chilling images. Another night, another nightmare. It had been three weeks since the ‘incident’. Three weeks since you murdered- no not murdered- defended Minho against Hongjoong, and every night since then you have awoken from the terrifying dreams that plagued you at night. 
Chan felt you move and he stirred awake from beside you, yawning as he sat up and put his arm around you. “Bad dreams again?” He asked, his voice laced with sleep.
You nodded, and removed your hands from your face and grabbed his hand. “I can’t unsee it, Channie. No matter how hard I try I can’t get the image of Hongjoongs dead body out of my mind. And whenever I manage to let it go for a moment and go to sleep again it’s the same thing but then it’s my dads body. It’s never ending.” 
He sighed wistfully and kissed your head. He knew you needed sleep since you hadn’t gotten much lately and he could tell it was weighing down on you. So after searching his brain for a solution he came up with something that he thought would help you, at least for tonight. 
“I’ll be back in a second, baby. Go ahead and lay down.” You nodded again and laid back down in your spot. Chan got out of bed and quietly shuffled out of the room. After about five minutes he came back into the room, this time with another person trailing behind him. You squinted through the darkness to see who it was. “Min? What’re you doin?” 
Chan got back into his spot and Minho came around to your side and motioned for you to scoot over. “I’m coming to cuddle, what does it look like?” 
Ever since you and Minho had gone through that traumatic event together you had been finding comfort with him more often than you used to. It felt like now you were both more kindred spirits. Chan knew that having Min around would help you relax a little more. Tonight specifically you needed to rest; your fathers wake was tomorrow evening and you had to be up early so you could travel down to your hometown. Of course Chan would be accompanying you, along with Felix. 
A few days after the ‘incident’ Chan had reached out to your family on your behalf. Your mother sobbed when he told her you were alright and not with Hongjoong. It turns out your brother was taking over as head alpha of your old pack and he planned on changing a lot of things; starting with apologizing to you for your fathers attitude towards omegas and for not intervening when you had to be sheltered away. 
Your brother had invited you to your fathers memorial service and though you were apprehensive to accept the invitation Chan thought it would be good for you to reconnect with your family since he knew you had missed them so much. 
You scooted over and allowed the beta to slide into bed beside you. He got in and instantly you felt more relaxed at having him here. It wasn’t that you necessarily loved Minho more than the other boys, it was more like since he almost died at the hands of a psycho you needed to have him in sight so your omega brain knew he was safe- was alive. 
“Better?” The alpha asked once he was settled. You nodded and were overcome with a yawn. He chuckled and wrapped around you from the other side, sandwiching you between the two men. 
“I love you, Channie. I love you Min.” You mumbled before sleep found you again, this time with no nightmares. 
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Welp... this is it, the end of the series. BUT this is not the full end of the story! I will be taking questions and doing little drabbles about my darling pack so please send your thoughts and questions 💕
Thank you to every single person who has read or interacted with my story i appreciate and love every one of you 🥰
Beta read by my loves @ayejaii and @jehhskz <3
©doitforbangchan 2024
@chxnb97 / @butterflydemons / @zaggprincess2 / @stellasays45 / @uhhheather / @walnutspie /  @a-mistake-tbh / @meowmeeps @realrintaro / @ihrtlix / @raehawthorne / @juskz / @freckleboilix @marvelsmarauder / @0325tiny / @iyeeeverydee / @stars-garden / @boi-bi-ahaha / @gini143 / @queenmea604 /  @palindrome969 / @f9clementine / @theysaidhush / @kpophosblog / @usercaiskz @honeym0chi / @nobody3210 / @changbinswife10789  @5starluvr @neyangi / @jiminssluttyminx / @ayejaii / @iknowleeknow / @jeonginnieswifey y / @catlove83 / @upsidedownchaire / @emmxxsworld / @manuosorioh / @igetcarriedawaywithyou / @blondechannie / @woozixo / @ilovejeongin007/ @yaorzu-blog @theydy-madamonsieur / @jehhskz / @feybin / @rylea08 / @sebastianswhore13 / @kihyuns-military-wife / / @lilyuwon @xx3rachaslutxx / @hahhahahjakakla / @skzstaykatsy / @zerefdragn33l / @yuhhhhh-slay / @im-sinking-in-mud / @n0y4 / @writhingwrecked / @silentreadersthings / @softkisshyunjin @hannoahs-third-eyelash
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cloudyzeusy · 1 month
Hey, I recently wandered across your page and I had to indulge.
I was wondering if you could do a sukuna x Dom!(Obviously) Reader - where sukuna's been a bitch all day just to be alone with reader and gets his guts rearranged? It's okay if not, have a good day :pp <3
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I narrowed my eyes watching Sukuna walk past all confidently like nothing was wrong to our bedroom. "I'm so sorry Gojo for his behaviour he must be getting close to his heat. "I apologized smiling lightly though this was expected behavior from him. But ever since we mated he had been less and less bitchy.
"It's all good I was naive to believe his good attitude would last for long, and don't worry I'll give you guys some time off I expect you guys will be busy for a while." He laughed and I smiled I saw Gojo and Geto at the door and immediately made my way upstairs.
"What was all that attitude about downstairs." I glared at him but he didn't falter.
"I don't know what you mean." He shrugged looking away and I moved closer to where he sat on the bed smelling his scent spike.
"You don't ? what a shame I was just going to let you apologize and we can have some fun by guess not." I teased him watching his face fall. "I guess I'll have to call up Nanami."
" That's not fair ! You've been gone for two weeks and then as soon as you come back you invite stupid Gojo over." And that's when it clicked for me my omega had missed me a lot. I grinned and pulled him so he was sitting on my lap.
"I'm sorry 'Kuna I should have known not to invite Gojo and Geto over this close to your heat. "I apologize kissing him on the lips before moving down to his neck. I lifted his shirt up gripping his waist as he moaned on top of me I pulled away to let us undress.
I threw him on the bed and watch his eyes glaze over as I forced him into heat with my pheromones intertwining ours together. I moved my fingers down to his cunt and began to finger him his slick already coating my fingers as he panted.
I pulled them out and stared at him smiling wolfishly as I licked my fingers clean making him shudder. " Ugh [name] that's so gross."
"Gross? Anything that comes from you tastes amazing." I said. " Come on sit on my face." I offered but he shook his head vigorously.
"I'm too heavy though." He said looking nervous at my suggestion.
"Baby I could literally throw you around your the perfect size." I reassured him and he climbed on top he hovered for a bit over my mouth holding himself up nervous. Before I pulled him down to meet my tongue making him let out a squeal.
I began eating him out like I was starving - messily . Leaving now where untouched as he basically rode me. As he came on my tongue I licked him clean. He laid limp and I pulled him off me.
I pulled out my dick as he was already grabbing me ready for another orgasm. I teased him rubbing my head in his cunt. Before pushing it all in at once making him squeeze against me. "Fuck you feel so good around me." I groaned thrusting in and out getting accustomed to the tightness. No matter how much I fucked him he was he always so tight.
I kept fucking him fast hitting his prostate forcing moans out of him.
"You're squeezing me so tight baby. I can feel your walls rippling around me. You gonna cum on my cock again." I smirked down at him he couldn't even focus due to the pleasure.
"Y-yes please let me cum." He cried out as I slithered a hand to his throat choking him lightly.
"But I haven't heard cum yet." I said and he got the hint that I wasnt letting him cum till I did.
"A-alpha I can't I need to cum." He begged.
"Hm I would have thought I trained you better than that? Has your heat gotten to your head to think you 'need' anything that I'm not giving you." I said cruelly still drilling into him. He whimpered at my words.
"You feel that that's how deep I am." I said moving his hand to touch my bulge in him. I threw my head back as I felt myself get close to orgasming I began slowing down the pace. Slowly fucking him as I came in him pulling out before I could knot him.
"Alpha.. knot?" He whined begging me and I had to physically hold back. We had three more days to go I couldn't be tired by the first.
"We've got alot of time ahead of us don't worry." I smirked pulling Sukuna into another kiss .
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ellecdc · 5 months
(not a request, just some thoughts to ponder! godspeed regarding exams dear elle <3)
Thinking about ploy!marauders x reader who get together after Harry's been born? I would think that Remus and Sirius would have been together since school. But reader's always been stuck pining after her loves who were all already in relationships.
But once James and Lily separate the dynamic shifts and I can totally picture Sirius throwing it out there that they should all give being together a good go. James and Lily are still good friends, happily co-parenting.
Just stuck on the idea of what you think the reader and marauders role in raising Harry would be? would they be auntie and uncles? or function more like step-parents? And when James has Harry for the week how would that change their routine? Curious to hear your thoughts!
Lots of love :)
okay okay okay okay I don't have a fic for this but I have another request that I think needs this background for the head canon's I've been obsessed with based off of this suggestion (with @unstablereader's help)
so this isn't a fic but this is an inside look on how a lot of my fics are formulated 🤣😭
okay so I always hate the idea of Lily and James separating 😭 so either it was super amicable OR maybe Harry was the result of a drunken hook up between the two friends?? (before Jamie was with the other Marauders)
either way, I totally think the other's would have a parental/step-parent role. Like if the boys weren't called papa (Sirius) or da (Remus) etc, he'd certainly be like "at my house with my daddy and my moony and my pads!" and Pandora (I love me some good Pandalily) would be 'ma' and Lily was mummy.
So where @unstablereader and I went wild was maybe reader was our whimsical reader? And when Harry was quite young (toddler) and Siri & Jamie were aurors (so would be at work) and in a Voldemort free au we figured maybe Rem would start teaching earlier? That reader would watch Harry for them when it was Jamie's week with their son
And the boys were all obviously in love with her but none of them did anything about it yet. So we imagined this happening during one of Lily & James' exchanges or parent dates:
Lily: so, Y/N's been around a lot lately, yeah? James: oh yeah she's amazing; I mean, three of us and still our household would probably crash and burn if not for her Lily: *knowing smirk*, hm, so when are you guys going to make it official? James: I beg your pardon? Lily: please, Potter. I see the way you blokes look at her James: no no, it's not like that... *not convincing at all* Lily: James. Do you know what Harry calls her? James:........ Lily: he calls her "lovie". in fact, he calls her "his lovie". He thinks that's her name, James. James:...... Lily: he said, and I quote, "I was at home with my daddy, and my papa, and my da, and my lovie!" James:...... Lily: listen here; I have eyes, potter. and if she's as lovely as you're saying she is, you three better snatch her up before panda and I do.
then we imagined that maybe Sirius and Rem were close by
Sirius: *barges in out of no where* NO RED PLEASE YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US Remus: Sorry guys, I tried to tell him to leave you guys to it. But now that we're here: Lils, please have mercy. The three of us can compete with you and Pandora??? Lily: you guys have a week and then fair's fair.
so a week later when Lily comes by to pick Harry up and reader is there
Lily: *sultry* hello darling y/n: Hello Lily! You know, if you'd asked first I would've said yes Lily: well if they don't treat you right, you know where to find us *James & Sirius come racing over* James: lovie, step away from the door right now Sirius: no more talking to Evans unsupervised *Remus walks in with Harry on his hip* Harry [speaking toddlerese]: mummy! is my wuvie going to wive at bof of Harry's houses? Lily: I'm not sure Has; what does your lovie think? Sirius: *panicked squawking* I SAID YOU CAN'T HAVE HER RED *throws reader over shoulder and disappears further into the house*
the end :)
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bratzforchris · 6 months
OMG CAN U WRITE DAD CHRIS WITH TWIN BOY AND GIRL AROUND THE AGE OF LIKE 6-7? THEY WOULD HAVE HIS EXACT SAME PERSONALITYYYY. the girls name would be dream bc that’s such a chris thing to do is to name his daughter dream and one time he said he likes the name grayson for a boy on a stream so please i beg u write a scenario of ur own with the details i gave u and this will be my comfort fic
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Summary: In which you and your twins receive some valuable information from Uncle Nick and use it to play a prank on Chris
Pairing: Dad!Chris x mom!reader
Warnings: Tiny bit suggestive towards the end
Word Count: 793
A/N: Thank you for the request! This was literally so cute and silly to write :') Enjoy!
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“Mommy?” Your six-year-old son, Grayson, asked you, looking up from his dinosaur coloring book. 
“Yeah, baby?” You hummed, looking up from the stove to the kitchen table where he was sitting. 
“Did you know that Daddy screams like a girl?” he asked you with a little giggle. 
“Oh really?” You asked with a chuckle, well aware of these screams your son was describing. 
“Mhm!” Grayson’s twin, Dream, piped in. “Uncle Nick told us that.” she added, eyes still trained on her Hello Kitty coloring book.
Your children had spent the day with Nick since Chris had quite a bit of work to do for FreshLove and you had been helping out a friend who had recently had a baby. Knowing Nick, they’d been told god knows what, but this was one you couldn’t help but to find hilarious. A little known fact about Chris was that when he was startled, he would let out a yelp akin to that of a little girl who’d just received a puppy for Christmas. He had tried to hide it from you for as long as possible, knowing you would use it to your advantage and you definitely did.
“Do you guys wanna play a prank on Daddy?” You smirked, your eyes alighting with excitement. 
“YES!” the twins cheered in unison. 
Ever since you and Chris had started dating a little over nine years ago, you had always been a playful couple, constantly playing pranks on each other and telling dumb jokes. You hadn’t lost that nature after marriage or children, and the playful spirit of both of you had been passed to your twins. You quickly called your kids over to where you were standing, crouching down to their level and whispering in their ears. 
Grayson and Dream looked at each other and giggled after you told them the plan. The three of you had decided that you would scare Chris by having the twins hide in the pantry and you would ask Chris to retrieve the pasta. When he opened the doors, they would jump out at him. You giggled softly as you helped your children into the pantry and closed the door softly, whispering from them to be quiet or else the prank wouldn’t work. 
“Chris, honey?” You called throughout the house, as you stepped back towards the stove, stirring your pot. “Can you come here? I need your help.”
It wasn’t long until you heard Chris thudding down the stairs from his office. You were honestly surprised how quiet the twins were staying as Chris entered the kitchen, but then again, they took after you and their daddy. When they were committed to a joke, they were committed. 
“What’s up, ma?” Chris asked you, kissing your cheek as he hugged you from behind. “I missed you today.”
“I missed you,” You whispered back, kissing his cheek as you tried not to let your own excitement show. “Hey, I called you down here to ask if you could get the noodles for the soup? I don’t wanna leave the pot.”
“Anything for you.” Chris kissed your lips softly, caressing your sides. 
As he migrated over to the pantry, you pulled out your phone and began to record your husband. You wanted this moment immortalized forever, mostly for a fond, funny moment your children could look back on later in life. Chris pulled open the pantry, and just to plan, Grayson and Dream jumped out, wrapping themselves around his legs and yelling “RAHHH”.
Just as Nick had told them, Chris let out a squeal. “HOLY F…fishsticks,” he yelled, not wanting to curse in front of the twins despite his scare. You and your children doubled over laughing at Chris’s surprise as he slung them over his shoulders. “Did you help them with this, ma?” he asked you, now laughing as well. 
“Maybe…” You sing-songed, finally stopping the recording and putting your phone down.
“Uncle Nick told us you scream like a girl and he was right!” Dream giggled, her blue eyes that perfectly matched her daddy’s shining.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Chris mumbled under his breath, setting the twins in their chairs for dinner. 
“You do scream like a girl, Daddy.” Grayson said matter-of-factly, taking a sip of his juice. 
“I do not!” Chris protested, looking to you for help, only to see you chuckling as well. “Help me out here, babe.”
“You really do, Chris. You really, really do.” You giggled, covering your mouth. 
“I’m gonna get you for this later, ma.” Chris whispered in your ear, discreetly pinching your ass as you served up dinner. 
And sure enough, once the twins had been put to bed, Chris made good on his promise of getting you back for the prank. 
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @bunny-cotton @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @not-phone-guy @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @faygo-frog @oobleoob @runasvengence @aemrsy
note ♡: my taglist is closed for the time being, thank you so much for your support 💐🧸🎀
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Can you imagine the om! cast flirting with mc and thinking they're mc's only romantic interest when mc already has a booty call at RAD? There are no feelings involved, just intimacy, but still. I think the cast is too arrogant to ever think mc could be interested in anyone else.
(English is not my native language, so please excuse any possible mistakes)
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a/n: that’s fair! I mean, mc has needs too, right? maybe trying to hook up with one of the avatars is daunting, but a hot lower-ranking demon lord who promises a good time every once in a while? that could be fun.
➤ when they find out you have a fwb | the demon brothers
0.9k words | nsfw | suggestive | gn!reader
c/w: jealousy and implied dark themes/sketchy behaviour squints at beel and belphie
read more: the dateables | when solomon is your fwb
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Lucifer finds it hard to believe at first. Once he knows the demon’s name, he watches you two interact more closely. He picks up on the shared glances and flirtatious touches he somehow missed before. He’s been stewing in his own desires and feelings for you all this time because he wasn’t sure the best way to declare his intentions. He thought subtlety and patience would be best, but perhaps he can admit just this once that he was mistaken. Learning about your dalliances with someone else finally gives him the push to show you what a real demon lover can offer you. Once you have the Avatar of Pride to warm your bed, you'll be satisfied with no one else but him.
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Mammon is one part incredulous, one part jealous, and just a teensy bit turned on. He can’t stop staring at the blurry photo Asmo managed to take of you sneaking out of a utility closet at RAD. His cock twitches when he takes in the image of your rumpled clothes and the way your forehead glistens from a light sheen of sweat. He wants to make you look like that, not some random nobody that doesn't deserve you. His mind races when he imagines his own fingers tugging your clothes aside for better access to your naked body. What did you sound like when you tried to muffle your moans so no one would hear you? Mammon would give anything to take that demon’s place. Y’know, both of you have a spare period after lunch—would you follow him into one of the dark corners of RAD for a little fun if he offered? Maybe it’s time for him to find out.
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Levi is seething. Mostly he’s angry and jealous and he wants to tear the building to pieces. He’s also ashamed because the fantasy of you dragging him into an empty room at RAD for a midday fuck is hot as hell. He doesn’t think he deserves you, but he knows that the demon you’re fucking doesn’t either. What do they have that he doesn’t? He’s burning with curiosity about your little affair, but he’s incensed by the idea that he might not be good enough for you. Envy can make him a little desperate. He's tempted to beg you for even a morsel of your love and affection. If he's pathetic enough, maybe you'll even take pity on him and oblige.
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Satan is furious because he should’ve realized something was going on. The signs are all there and he missed them somehow. It takes all his willpower not to hunt down your little demon friend for daring to touch you that way. Satan is well-versed in human world literature—maybe declaring his intentions with a romantic gesture would convince you to give him a chance instead? Or maybe sweet and romantic love isn’t what you crave. If fast and rough is more to your tastes, all you need to do is mention your friend’s name—you’ll be too fucked out of your mind to remember it by the time he’s finished with you.
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Asmo’s reactions are all over the place: he’s giddy that you’re so daring (fucking at RAD of all places!); he’s devastated that you turned to someone else instead of coming to him; and he’s frustrated that he didn’t realize sooner this was even happening. He pays more attention after he catches you the first time, and it seems so obvious when the current of lust between you and your friend flickers with interest throughout the school day. He finds reasons to keep you two from sneaking off together and pretends he’s not jealous every time he interferes. Perhaps when you’re frustrated enough, he can finally entice you to join him for a little pampering session in his room. You seem so frustrated today! But don’t worry—he knows exactly what you need to loosen up.
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Beel is one of the few demons that understands what hunger and starvation feels like. Sometimes you need to do whatever it takes to satisfy those cravings, even on a temporary basis. You’re important to him, and he cherishes your friendship. He’s hidden his true desires from you because he doesn’t want to risk losing control if he’s too hasty, too rough, or too demanding before you're ready to embrace being with someone like him. His love is all-consuming and you're a constant strain on his self-control. If you weren’t turning to someone else for affection, maybe he could be patient and satisfy his urges for you elsewhere. Now that he knows someone else has had a taste of you, he wants you even more. When he finally confesses his desire to be with you, he hopes for both your sakes that you feel the same.
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Belphie lashes out with barbed insults and backhanded compliments to hide his own hurt and jealousy. You’re not that bad looking for a human, I guess it was only a matter of time before someone wanted to fuck you. Once he learns the truth about that demon you’ve been fooling around with, he’s suddenly glued to your hip like he can’t stand to be parted from you. He’s selfish with your time and clings to you in his bed during naps. He sneaks his way into your dreams because he wants to make sure you’re not dreaming of anyone else. He might even have a private chat with your little friend, but he doesn’t tell you since it’s nothing for you to worry about. It’s a shame that your fuck buddy suddenly decides to call things off between you after that. At least you still have Belphie to comfort you and wipe away your tears. He appreciates you, even if that random asshole doesn’t—the only demon you ever needed has been here for you all along.
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chaepink · 1 year
K so imagine this:
Tutoring Hinata or Kageyama, (either one works cause they're both in desperate need of kicking up their grades) fucking them in a serpent's embrace-type position while they complete a study guide you prepared but edging them until they get 100% accuracy. Them breathily sighing out answers and occasional whines. Drilling the content into their heads while drilling them with the strap
Studying session | sub!kageyama tobio
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wc: 1.4+ words | masterlist
dom!reader, begging, edging, pegging, reader is mentioned to be able to lift him up, slight spanking, degrading
note : i feel like i wrote this weird...
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When you suggested that you would help tutor Kageyama for his upcoming test, he thought it was all going to be flashcards, tests, and strict tutoring. Although you did bring a study guide that you made for him to use, he didn't think you would propose an idea that made the whole situation a lot more interesting.
"Is the answer-" He cuts himself off with a whine as you continue fucking him with your strap. Every bounce of his body sends shocks throughout him.
"C-C?" He lets out another breathy whine as you smile. "That's right," you say, speeding up your movements.
The next question is harder, a question about information that Kageyama had trouble memorizing. It doesn't help that he's rather close to cumming either, with his hips jerking up and down, trying to match the pace you're setting.
"Is it C?"
"Sorry babe, but that's incorrect." You slow down your thrusts to an almost complete stop as Kageyama sobs at the lack of pleasure.
"N-No! I was so c-close, please!" He turns to you with tear-brimmed eyes, begging you to continue with your movements. You quietly shush him as you wipe away the tears that are about to fall.
"Shh, it's okay. There are still a few more questions left and you've done so well so far. How about you get these last ones correct and you'll get a reward?" He nods hesitantly at you, turning back at the study guide.
You begin your previous actions again and start slowly fucking in and out of him again. While it's enough to make him feel a bit of pleasure, it's still not enough for him. He needs more!
Though he was hesitant at first to agree to your... unique method of tutoring that includes some pegging, once he got into it, he began enjoying the idea a lot more. Of course, he's not going to verbally tell you that but you can already tell by his begging and actions.
With his back to your chest and him sitting on your lap, you're able to slip your hand under his shirt and play with his nipples every once in a while as he tries to answer the questions correctly. This also means that even a slight movement of your legs sends a bolt of pleasure up his body due to the strap in him moving as well.
"T-The correct answer is ngh! i-is B."
"That's correct." He whines as you speed up your actions. He can tell that you're purposely increasing the pace less than you would usually, knowing that it would drive him crazy.
As you ask him every remaining question that's left, he gets it right. All that's left is a particularly hard one that you may or may not have put there as the last question on purpose, knowing that you would have made him agree to your idea.
Kageyama takes some time thinking (although he can't do it very well, not when you're still inside him) before telling you his answer to the final question.
"Correct! That's awesome, baby." You give him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so proud of you for finishing all this." A grin makes its way onto your face.
"You know what you get now, right?"
He twists his head to look at you, a blush adorning his cheeks as he stutters out an answer.
"A r-reward?" You smile at him.
"That's right." Grabbing him by the hips, you gently lift him up enough so you can slip the strap out of him, eliciting a whine out of him.
"[Name] w-what are you-"
"Don't worry, you'll get your reward. Just lay flat on the table."
Obediently, he does what you tell him to and lays his body on the table in front of him, making sure to remove the papers on it first. Due to how low the piece of furniture is, his knees lay nicely on the floor. He's in a near-dog position with his elbows on the table and you swear you can almost see a doggy tail waving side to side behind him.
You can't help but lick your lips at the view. Kageyama, your oh so adorable boyfriend, presenting his ass to you as he turns around and looks at you with innocent, pleading eyes. His current state hugely contrasts his usual stoic and serious demeanor. 
You can just ravish him then and there, but you have to take it slow first. It's his reward after all. Grabbing him by the hips, you position your strap to his hole.
"Ready for your reward?" Instead of a verbal answer, Kageyama teasingly shakes his ass at you and you tsk, giving it a small slap. Kageyama whimpers at the delicious pain.
"Such a tease, aren't you? I need a verbal answer."
"Fuck y-yes."
In one smooth motion, you enter the strap inside him and begin fucking him with slow yet deep thrusts. Each and everyone one of them elicits a moan out of him.
It's not long until you eventually speed up and begin fucking him at a faster pace than before, one that has his knees weak, eyes about to roll back, and breathless. God, it feels so good, he thinks. The strong grip you have on his hips hurts but the slight pain only adds to the pleasure he's feeling.
You lean forward, your chest almost touching his back. Although he's lowering his face toward the table, you can still see how red his face is. With this new position, you're able to fuck him from a whole new angle as you talk into his flushed ear.
"I'm fucking you so good, isn't that right? I can tell by the way you're crying and moaning like a bitch in heat."
You teasingly blow cool air onto his ear, enjoying the way his body shivers.
"y-yes you're ah! f-fucking me so good!" He lets out another whimper and as you take a peek at his dick, you grin as you see how hard and red it is, pre dripping onto the floor.
"Answer this question, baby." You grab the study guide you made for him off the floor and put it in front of him, showing him a random question.
"f-fuck is the answer-" He cuts himself off with a choked moan as you hit a particular spot in him that has his toes curling and head thrown back, eyes rolling.
"What's that? Repeat it for me."
"i-is the a-answer D?" You shake your head, however, you don't stop your movements this time.
"That's incorrect. You got this right just minutes ago too." You feign a pout even though you know he can't see you. "Such a shame. Is it because I'm fucking you so well that you've turned stupid? Is that it? You've been fucked dumb, hm?" Kageyama nods, too fucked out to even process what you're saying or doing to him. All that he feels is the pleasure you're giving him.
"Before I was drilling all that information in your head now I'm drilling this strap in you, isn't that right? And you're enjoying it so much too."
Your thrusts continue to turn rough and the pace increases, making Kageyama let out of near scream as you hit all the right spots in him. His arms give up under him and he's laying flat on the table now. His knees are about to give up as well but the only reason they aren't is because you're holding onto his hips.
He's close, you know it.
"[Name] p-please!"
"Please what?" He lets out a choked sob at your feigning innocence. Another thrust from you steals the breath right out of his chest.
"i-im close! ah! pleaseplease-"
You pretend to think. "Hm... i don't know. You have been doing good when i was tutoring you though..." Kageyama immediately peeks up at you, face flushed even more and he looks like he's about to cry. How cute.
"i did good, i s-swear!"
"Alright, go ahead then and cum."
And he does. He lets out a moan loud enough that you have to cover his mouth, making sure the neighbors don't hear how much a slut Kageyama is.
He makes a mess all over the floor as his arms fall out from under him. Pulling out of him, you hear him whine as he clenches around nothing.
Oh, you just know he'll come running towards you every single time he needs tutoring from now on.
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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daisynik7 · 11 months
“freak-a-leek” by petey pablo for a jean and eren threesome if that’s okay plz
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x f!reader x Jean Kirstein
Word Count: ~1.9k
cw: modern setting au, explicit language, p*rn w/no plot, smut – threesome, PIV sex (missionary), cunnilingus, blowjob, sex toy use, masturbation, cum-eating, dirty talk, sex without a condom, pet names (baby, sweetheart), reader has multiple orgasms, creampies, just some overall smutty silliness
Summary: You’re on a business trip with the two cockiest salesmen in your department: Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirstein. After a long day of dealing with them clashing over the silliest things, you decide to unwind in your hotel room the best way you know how. 
Author’s Note: This is the last song on the y2k karaoke party playlist! Thank you so much for the request anon! I had fun with this! It’s all horny and just plain silly, so I hope you like it. Thank you so much for reading! MDNI divider by @/cafekitsune. 
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It’s almost 10 PM when you finally make it back to your hotel room, completely spent from today’s activities. It’s the first day of the conference here in Marley and being stuck in the middle of Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirstein has proven to be much more exhausting than you anticipated. 
You’re not completely convinced you needed to come on this business trip with them. After all, they’re the top two salesmen in your department, and this conference is solely for selling your product to new customers. Your boss, Hangë, encouraged you, the lead design engineer, to tag along in case they needed any technical support while demonstrating the ODM equipment. You were reluctant at first, but when they emphasized the fact that this trip would be completely paid for, including the lodging and food, how could you refuse? 
Unfortunately for you, because of the two clashing personalities between Jean and Eren, you ended up playing mediator throughout the day rather than engineer. The two bickered as usual, from where to eat, to what side of the table they wanted to stand on. In front of the customers, they were professional and charismatic, no hint of animosity lingering around them. As soon as it was the three of you alone, it was nonstop arguing and snide remarks, with you doing your best to either ignore it or alleviate it until the next fight arose. 
Luckily for you, Hangë set you up with your own room at the hotel while the other two shared the one right beside you. There’s an adjoining door for easy access into each other’s space and Jean begs you to open it when you first check in, not wanting a single moment alone with his temporary roommate. But after today’s festivities, you’re desperate for some private time by yourself.
Jean steps into your room, leaning against the doorframe. “So, should we watch a movie?” he suggests, still in his dress shirt, tie loosened around his collar.
Eren appears behind him, on his tip-toes to get your attention. “Why don’t we play video games instead?”
You yawn, shooing them away. “I’m exhausted, so I’m going to sleep.” 
You try to shut the door on them, but Jean pushes back, persistent. “You’re not seriously going to leave me alone with him, are you?” He points his thumb to the man behind him. 
Eren scoffs. “I don’t want to be alone with you either!”
“Dude, you are breathing down my neck! Give me some space.”
“Then move so I can talk to her!”
“It’s not your turn to talk!”
“Guys!” you yell, losing your patience. “I am tired. Try to get along so we can all get some sleep. Please?”
They grumble to themselves, shoving elbows at each other before they finally leave you alone, closing the door to give you your peace. You don’t bother locking in, certain they won’t be bothering you the rest of the night. 
After a nice, hot shower, you get comfortable in your pajamas, rummaging through one of your pouches until you find what you’re looking for. After a long day with those two goofballs, the best way for you to relieve stress is to have a little playtime. You carry your vibrator with you to bed, one ear bud in, and your favorite naughty audio ready to play on your phone. Only five minutes in, with the fluttering tip pressed to your clit, it doesn’t take long for you to orgasm. Ready for another, you get distracted by the muffled voices of your neighbors, bickering once again. You pop your ear bud out, trying to hear whatever dumb topic they’re arguing about now. The toy is still vibrating in your hands, the tip wet with your arousal. You let your imagination wander, thinking of Jean and Eren just on the other side of the wall. Hot, heated, raring to go. Fantasizing about the nasty, filthy things they could do to you if they knew just how horny you are, pent up with sexual frustration from all the testosterone you were surrounded with today. 
Suddenly, the door swings open and Eren stomps into the room, shouting your name. “Who do you find more annoying, me or him?!” Jean follows right on his tail, trying to grab him by the collar of his undershirt, hissing, “She’s sleeping, you dumbass!” They stop in their tracks, staring wide-eyed at you with your legs spread open on the bed, blanket shrugged off, vibrator buzzing in your hand. Completely exposed.
You quickly pull the covers over you, hiding the toy beneath your pillow, mortified. “What the fuck?!” you yell out to them. 
Both of them gape at you, blushing all the way down to their necks, speechless for the first time all day. Their silence is louder than any squabbling they’ve done today, and you have no idea what to say to make this any less awkward than it already is. 
Before you can think of another response, Eren clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. “Hey Jean. Bet I can make her come harder than you can.”
Jean glances at him, hesitant at first, then relaxes into a smirk. “Oh yeah? You’re on.”
Eren steps towards the bed, grinning at you. “What do you say? Will you help us?” 
You stare at them, befuddled and also extremely intrigued by this offer. Deciding quickly, you nod at them, releasing the grip on the blanket. They both smile at you, putting a flutter in your belly. Eren laughs, tugging on the covers slowly. “Come on. You can’t hide from us now.”
Jean joins in, dragging it down your body until you’re on display again, pussy glistening from your first orgasm. They both swear under their breaths, Eren licking his lips while Jean bites his. “Fuck, did you already come?”
“Yeah, I did,” you answer, pussy aching to be touched by either one of them. Both of them.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Eren says, inching towards you. “You’re extra juicy for me, huh?”
“Why do you get to go first?” Jean butts in, scowling. 
Eren positions himself at your arousal, his breath hot on your pussy as he replies, “I don’t want to lick your spit.”
“Well, I don’t want to lick yours either! Let me goes first.”
“Fuck you, I’m already here.”
“Then move!” 
“Guys!” you cry out, bucking your hips, desperate for anything at this point. “Just hurry up and touch me. Please.”
Eren sticks his tongue out. “You heard her,” he muffles, licking circles around your clit. “Let’s make our girl feel good.”
Jean swallows hard, positioning himself beside you, puckering his lips around your nipples and sucking. You moan, arching your back off the bed, running your fingers through his hair. “Feels so good,” you whine, feeding your other breast to him. He latches on immediately, pulling your teat between his lips while Eren laps at your puffy clit. With your free hand, you grab hold of his hair, gripping it to pull him deeper into your cunt. Soon, you’re gushing on his face, rutting your hips against him while he swallows every drop of you. 
“Fuck, you taste good,” Eren says, tongue prodding into your slit. 
“I want a taste too,” Jean mutters, giving your nipple one last hard suck before he releases you with a wet pop. 
“Not yet,” Eren murmurs, kissing the soft plush of your thighs. 
Jean crawls to where he is, shoving him slightly to stick his face into your pussy. “It’s my turn, jackass.” He laps at your clit, determined to be better than his rival. 
Eren laughs, collecting your slick slathered on his chin and lips with his fingers, licking it off. “Be honest, baby. Is he doing better than me?” He strips out of his bottoms, lying beside you, stroking his hard cock. 
You squeeze your thighs around Jean’s head, bucking into his mouth, already close to your third climax. Your eyes go from Eren’s fist jerking himself off to Jean’s face shaking between your legs, eating you out feverishly. He teases a finger inside you and when you flutter around it, he slides in all the way, adding a second.
“No fair,” Eren breathes out, stroking himself faster.
Jean chuckles against your skin, sucking on your clit while he pumps his fingers in and out of you. You turn your head to face Eren, leaning towards him to kiss him sloppily. He cradles your cheek with his free hand, pulling you in deeper, tongue swirling around yours, slurping up your spit. Once again, you’re pushed over the edge, coming on Jean’s face this time, his nose pressed to your sensitive bud as he drinks up all the slick leaking out of you. 
“Fuck me,” you beg, not directing it to anyone in particular.
Eren smiles against your mouth, licking your drool off the corners of your lips. “Go ahead, Jean. You can go first.”
Jean shoves his pants down, releasing his stiff cock, palming it. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he says, kneeling next to your head, tracing your lips with the tip of his cock. “We’re having way too much fun right here, aren’t we sweetheart?” You nod in response, moaning around his dick as you sink your mouth on it, swallowing it until it’s to the back of your throat. “Fuck, you take it so good. You wanted to get fucked like this tonight, huh? Wanted to show us what a freak you are.”
Jean slides his cock inside you, stretching you out until he bottoms out. He spreads your legs apart, holding you open so he can pound straight into you. Eren’s focus goes from his own pleasure to his friend thrusting. “Fuck her harder, Jean.”
He obeys, picking up the pace, shoving himself deeper. You choke on your own moans, pulling off Eren to catch your breath. He cradles your face in his hands, massaging your cheeks tenderly. “You’re okay, sweetheart. Take a break. Just enjoy getting fucked by this fat cock.”
“Fuck,” Jean growls, closing his eyes. “I’m so close.”
Eren licks his lips, watching. “Don’t pull out. Fill her up.”
At that, Jean loses it, spurting his hot load inside you, your pussy fluttering around him. He pulls out, switching spots with Eren, snuggling up next to you to kiss you softly. You smile at him, whispering, “Thank you.”
He plants a smooch on your nose. “Thank you, baby.”
“Hey, don’t forget about me,” Eren says, guiding his hard cock inside you. “I’m going to fuck all this cum right back inside this cunt.”
You and Jean both moan, watching him fuck you with a devilish grin on his face. Jean reaches under the pillow, retrieving the toy you used earlier. “Can I use this on you?”
Incoherent and fucked out, you nod, desperate for whatever it is they want to offer to you. He presses the button, making the vibrator buzz in his grip, pressing the fluttering tip to your clit while Eren continues to ravish you. His eyes widen when he sees what Jean’s doing. “Oh shit. She’s squeezing me so fucking tight.” 
You’re in a drunken daze, trembling all over your body from the pleasure, whimpering uncontrollably with Jean toying with your clit as Eren fucks your brains out. When you reach your final climax, Eren comes with you, burying his cum deep inside your womb. You’re stuffed to the brim with both their loads, feeling exhausted and euphoric. 
Eren pulls out, cuddling up to your other side, kissing your forehead. Jean sets the vibrator aside, spooning you from the back. You relax in their arms, actually happy to be stuck in the middle of them for once.
After a moment of comfortable silence, Eren asks jokingly, “So…who won?”
“Obviously me,” Jean grins, kissing your neck.
You laugh, snuggling closer to the both of them. “I think I’m the real winner here.”
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azul-marie · 1 year
flirtatious character intros. (various/goddess reader.) (3)
note: fem. reader. suggestive. 3rd person pov. feat. raiden (+ dark) fujin, nightwolf, scorpion
i’m so happy to finally share the newest installment of this series! all the exciting news about mk1 definitely gave me some much needed motivation to finish these. once mk1 drops later this month, i’m considering adding its brand new roster to this series as well — let’s hope future me does so. thank you all for the love and patience you’ve shown; please enjoy your reading.
part 1 ; part 2.
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raiden: i am glad to see you look so well, name.
name: you act as if we haven’t seen each other in years, old friend.
raiden: no matter our time apart, i will always be glad to see you. 
raiden: do you still accept my friendship, twisted as i am?
name: so long as we serve the realms together,  never will i stray from you.
raiden: your kindness is undeserving, name.
name: raiden, there are rumors whispering about us. 
raiden: do they speak falsehoods, name?
name: for my heart’s sake, i hope them true.
name: raiden, there are rumors whispering about us.
raiden: are they a nuisance to you, name?
name: i’d merely like to know how to make them fact, is all.
raiden: you never fail to surprise me, name.
name: how so, my lord?
raiden: despite our years together, my affection for you grows ever stronger each time we meet.
name: i visited the sky temple some time ago, but you weren’t there.
raiden: is that so? what were you in need of, name?
name: what else? you, of course.
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dark raiden
name: my lord, i beg of you — do not test my resolve this way.
dark!raiden: haven’t i proved myself worthy of your devotion?
name: how could i, knowing what you’ll become?
dark!raiden: devote yourself unto me, goddess.
name: my lord would have me succumb to darkness?
dark!raiden: he would have you as his rightful bride.
name: what is happening to you, my lord?
dark!raiden: do you fear me, name?
name: i fear i am losing my dearest friend.
name: what is happening to you, friend?
dark!raiden: i’ve sought this power to protect us, name.
name: in doing so, you would sacrifice the raiden i cherish?
dark!raiden: tell me whose presence offends you most, name, and i will bring you their head.
name: my lord, surely you jest?
dark!raiden: i’ve told you, haven’t i? anything for your sake is worth doing.
dark!raiden: i will allow no harm to befall you again, goddess.
name: what have you done, raiden?
dark!raiden: whatever necessary to have you remain by my side.
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fujin: the winds have blown the most loveliest of breezes my way.
name: (laughing) i am sure i’ve heard those words countless times before.
fujin: yet still they flatter, should your smile show for it.
name: fujin, there are rumors up in the air about us.
fujin: no need to mind them. let the others speak all they want.
name: are they correct, is all i wonder . . .
name: my lord, there are rumors up in the air about us.
fujin: you need only ask, and i shall speak my heart, name. 
name: fujin . . . will you accept mine in return?
fujin: my lady, would there ever come a day you’d reconsider my offer?
name: earthrealm has its brothers thunder for protection. is it necessary for me to join you?
fujin: it would certainly put my mind at ease, gazing upon your beauty each day.
name: dearest fujin? you’re still alive?
fujin: of course. i couldn’t bear another moment without your company.
name: i am glad your spirit remains ever breezy.
name: dearest fujin! everyone told me you’d been lost to time.
fujin: time itself could never keep me from you, lady name.
name: thank the four winds that guided you back to me.
fujin: tell me, has bi-han troubled you in any way?
name: the dark one has no hold over me, my lord.
fujin: should that ever change, allow me to be the first you turn to.
fujin: you’re quite popular among our mortal friends, name.
name: (laughs) worry not, he of wind. my eyes are still set on you alone.
fujin: i . . . ahem. it’s not like you to tease, my lady.
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name: your wisdom surpasses that of many mortals.
nightwolf: it is by the great spirit’s guidance, not my own. 
name: humble and handsome . . . she’s chosen her champion well. 
nightwolf: the great spirit wasn’t lying about you.
name: pray tell, were they kind words?
nightwolf: kind as you are lovely.
name: i admire your resilience, nightwolf.
nightwolf: all i am, all i have become, is for the matoka’s sake.
name: blest be the matoka to have you, dear one.
nightwolf: haokah is especially fond of you, name. he a close friend?
name: indeed. we’ve known one another for eons now.
nightwolf: (scoffs) if i were him, i would’ve asked for your hand the moment i laid eyes on you.
name: i’ve never met a nightwolf in person before.
nightwolf: thoughts on your first, name?
name: if you’re willing, allow me the pleasure of knowing you further.
nightwolf: the great spirit’s keen on our meeting together, name.
name: she wishes to boast the power of her latest champion?
nightwolf: she wishes for us to be . . . compatible. take that as you will.
name: have you any sage words for me, nightwolf?
nightwolf: none whatsoever.
name: the way your eyes wander tell me otherwise, young pup.
nightwolf: i have heard that countless suitors vie for your hand, name.
name: such is the life of a goddess, i’m afraid.
nightwolf: allow me to put a stop to them for you, here and now.
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name: the thralls of hellfire no longer consume your heart?
scorpion: my suffering can only be quelled for so long.
name: if i may, allow me to ease it for as long as i can. 
scorpion: shinnok was infatuated with you.
name: he, like many others. does it trouble you, hanzo?
scorpion: so long as i am the only one in your company, no. 
scorpion: for all we’ve suffered, will you bless the shirai ryu?
name: grace me with honorable kombat, and blessings you shall receive.
scorpion: your kindness will not be forsaken, name.
scorpion: should you ever desire it, the fire gardens are welcome for you to visit.
name: a kind invitation, grandmaster. i’d hope it would come with a tour.
scorpion: it would be an honor, name.
scorpion: sub-zero has mentioned you time and time again, goddess.
name: is that envy i hear, hanzo?
scorpion: there will be no need for envy once i’ve proven my superiority for your hand.
name: i admire such ardent loyalty for your comrades, grandmaster.
scorpion: the ones i cherish fan the flames of my devotion.
name: i hope that i, too, am among such ones.
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hxt1b · 8 months
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"i knew the day i met you you'd be the one"
choso x reader 
These tiktoks and the amazing art had some hand in the inspo of this one. Choso / Sukuna. oh and maybe a little bit of this one too. i’m just gonna go ahead and add this link too. because it fits.
-> WC: 2.7k
-> CW: Motocross AU, older brother Sukuna, Sukuna and Choso do not get along, Sukuna is overprotective of you and Choso is possessive kinda, Yuji and Sukuna are separate-bodied individuals for this, and Sukuna is not in true form I mean this is a motocross au so… pwp, well some plot. smut warning [teasing, fingering, name calling {you: slut}, hair pulling, spanking, finger sucking, minor ass play, manhandling, penetration, choking. Idk if missed anything] 
-> A/N: oh my, I fucking hope this isn't shit, its kinda deprived and cracked but I hope you guys like it. Idk I feel like the ending could have been better, but still I don't think its completely terrible. Lastly please excuse any messed up grammar I tried my best. 
prompt list for requests.
 -> request: "hi bestie
Could I have a piece on Choso and Sukuna with Prompts: #2 “Take it off” and #4”Move away from the door and let me have at him”?? Suggestive, fluff or even smut!! 
Thank you for taking the time to get to my request hehe I’m looking forward to it" @bts-sierra &lt;here you go babe>. 
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Choso's hands were in your hair, under your shirt, sliding up your skirt. Rough fingers digging into soft skin, heated kisses pressed into oversensitive flesh that he'd just sucked on. Marks were already littering your upper chest, he had you half undressed with all your clothes still on. His thigh was in between your legs, your hips moving against him uninhibited. His body was pushing you into the wall, your hands pulling at his hair. 
Chose was everywhere, and you loved it. 
He moaned your name at the base of your throat, his hot breath lighting your skin on fire. You breathed a whimper in response as his left hand trailed down your stomach to your core. 
He didn't touch you, at least not where you wanted him to. He dragged deft fingers along your panties and over the apex of your thighs. You groaned bucking your hips at him. In response Choso sank his teeth into your collarbone, gently gathering the skin with his teeth and sucking, before licking at it with his tongue. You shivered your body arching into him. 
"You want my fingers?" He asked. 
You nodded. 
"Say it." He demanded. 
"I want your fingers, Choso." 
He hummed. Finally pushed your panties to the side and dragging this middle finger up your slit. "What do you want these fingers to do?"
His tone was light, mocking. His face drawn back taking in your features. Your head was tilted back leaning into the wall and you breathed heavily, your entire being worked up from the heated kisses and almost there touches. 
"Choso." You whined. 
"I need direction, darling." He breathed, his right hand settling on the wall beside your head. His head cocking to the side, his lips curled up into a smirk that had your cunt flexing about nothing. 
"Uh, please," you mumbled, "Fuck me with them."  
He hummed again, moving his middle finger in a slow circle around your clit. Before slowly sinking it into your heat. 
"Like this?" 
"So greedy." But he added another finger. You moaned at his slow ministrations. 
"Fuck," you cursed as you curled your hands into the front of his shirt. He added a third finger, but his rhythm was still the same. Slow and agonizing. "Harder." You begged. 
Choso leaned his head closer to yours his lips brushing over yours. 
"What would your brother say if knew how much of a slut you are for me?" 
You narrowed your eyes at him, hoping your glare was registering. 
"Why would you-" 
Your words were cut off by a loud moan as he picked up his pace, his fingers curling into your sweet spot. It was mind-numbing, his thumb worked at your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you. The wet sound filled the air around you mixing with your panting and his soft breathing. 
You moved your hand to the back of his head and tilted your face up to kiss him. He let you, his tongue instantly thrusting into your mouth. His hand left the wall and moved to the back of your head pulling you further into his kiss. His lips moved against your lips at a bruising rate. 
"You're fucking mine." He muttered. His fingers pulled your head back by pulling on your hair. 
You were close, Choso knew your body like the back of his hand, the two of you had been sneaking around behind Sukuna's back for almost half a year now. 
"Am I?" You taunted. 
Your body was coiled tight, Choso's fingers pumped in and out of you brutally now. He growled your name as you finally came apart on his fingers. He stayed with you for a couple more seconds working your over for your high before taking a step back from you, letting your body slump against the wall. His eyes narrowed at you as he licked his fingers clean. Your walls clenched at the action, and you let out an involuntary whimper. 
"Take it off." Chose commended lowly. "Take it all off." You quickly ripped your clothes off and moved to the bed. Chose pushed you down onto your stomach. You looked over your shoulder at him, your body shuddering as you took in his gaze, amused and full of lust. 
"So obedient for someone questioning if they're actually mine." 
You moved onto your hands and knees leaning your hips back so that you pressed into his hips. Moving against his still-clothed erection. You were fixed under his stare, coming apart for him slowly one day at a time while he pulled at your strings. 
You were his. You just never said it. 
He gripped your hips roughing, pushing you off his body. A rough smack landed against your ass causing you to cry out in shock. 
"You gonna question it again darling?" He asked his hand rubbing against the sting. 
You looked over your shoulder again, your lip caught between your teeth. 
"Last I checked I was nobodies." You taunted again. Choso narrowed his eyes again his nose flaring at your words as he breathed in deeply. You loved taunting him, it always, always, worked out in your favour. 
"Oh baby," He murmured, his fingers digging into your hips harder. "Start counting." With that he smacked you again, your body jolting forward as he did. 
You moaned and whimpered. "One."  
He soothed the sting again by rubbing your quickly heating skin before smacking your ass again, and again and again harder as he went switching hands until you were shaking and barely able to get your words out. 
"What was that he asked," After what you hoped was the last one. 
"T-ten" You tried again.
"Good girl." He finally praised, and you keened under the praise. 
He let go of you, "head on the pillow." He said and you dropped down, letting your ass hang in the air as you curled your arms around the pillow, your breath barely caught before Choso was on you again, his cock gliding through your folds and his hands gripping your ass cheeks pulling at them so he could watch his cock glide through your slick nudging your clit with each pass. 
"So wet for me." He groaned, and you moaned in response. Your brain was fogged, words probably wouldn't come for a while, not any that could make much sense anyway. 
Your whines were needy as he lined his cock up with your entrance, the pressure causing you to writhe against him. 
"Stay still." His fingers dug into you to keep you still as he slowly pushed in, pumping his cock slowly to get deeper into you. When his hips were seated against your ass, he let out a deep groan, letting his head fall back as he let himself take in the feel of your cunt clutching at his cock. 
"So perfect," he mumbled. "So fucking mine." He pulled back slowly before pumping back into you. Your hands clenched at the pillow case pulling at it. 
You were starting to feel like you couldn't handle it, you felt like you were gonna burst and he'd only just started. Moans and whimpers spilled from your lips, only stuttered by nonsense words and his name. 
Choso snickered at you as he set a rhythm, his hips gradually gaining momentum, his hand gripped at your hair and pulled your body up to his. Your back flush against his chest, one hand wrapped around your throat, as the other kept a grip on your hair. 
His hips met yours halfway as you thrust back into him. Your hands gripped his arm as your entire body was enveloped in a searing heat that pushed at your lungs as he tightened his grip on your throat. 
"You're doing fucking amazing, darling." Choso praised his lips brushing your ear. "My fucking slut. Taking my cock like you were made for me. Only me."  
He took your ear lobe into his mouth, sucking. Finally, he let up on your throat, letting you breathe easier. His hand left your hair, rounding your body and bringing two fingers to your mouth. 
"Suck." You instantly opened for him, taking his fingers into your mouth and sucking, swirling your tongue around the two digits. He pulled his fingers from your mouth without warning before pushing you back into the bed roughly. His thrusts faltered for a second as he gripped at your ass again. His fingers circled your other hole dragging louder moans out of you as he did so.
He laughed at your reaction. "Yeah, baby I know you love this." He said and slowly sank a spit-soaked finger into you. The stretch stung but you couldn't come up with anything but whined moans. Your hips still pushing back against him. You were becoming desperate for release your body was prickling with desire and overwhelmed by Choso. 
He pumped his finger once, twice before leaving it still and picking pace with his hips. Your hips stilled at his actions his free hand holding you in place as he rutted against you. The tight knot in your stomach finally snapped spreading pins prickling all over you. Your ears rang, your eyes shut tight, your hands ripping at the sheets as you convulsed around his cock. 
He was moaning loudly, his hips still snapped into you as he chased his high. You could tell he was close from how frantic he was becoming, your orgasm was still seething through you when he came inside you. His cum coating your walls. 
He removed his hands from you, falling over you on the bed, his arms bracketing your head. 
"Fuck me." He muttered, his lips pressing soft kisses on your shoulder and then the side of your face, urging you to turn into him so he could kiss you on the lips. You obliged and he softly kissed your mouth drawing your tongue against his. 
"Say it." He muttered, his voice low. Your brain wasn't working, his cock was still inside you and you were still squirming against him despite how spent you felt. 
Choso groaned lowly and pushed his hips into you to keep you still. 
"Fuck, darling. Say it." He was almost whining. "Say you're mine." 
He bit at your jaw, nipping at your skin over and over again. Your head was still spinning, and maybe that's why you said it because, in a regular state of mine, you wouldn't have or at this point maybe you would have you couldn't say. 
"I'm yours." And you were. He kissed you again, his mouth hot against yours as he kissed you deeply, almost like he was sucking your being into him. Molding you both into one. 
Slowly he pulled out of you and went into his bathroom bringing back a wet town to clean you up. When he was done he slipped back into the bed next to you pulling you into him. 
"Aren't you racing in an hour?" You asked. Fucking you was a part of his pre-race ritual. Choso nodded, raking a hand through his hair 
"Yeah, but I have time for this." He said pulling you impossibly tight against his body. You sighed and snuggled in, because why not? It was a soft moment and those were rare, although not as rare as a couple of months ago but still you wouldn't call them frequent. 
Your name being hollered loudly startled you. Choso tightened his grip on you. Loud banging followed the yelling and you let out a deep breath. 
"This was a long time coming," Choso muttered reluctantly letting go of you. You panicked internally moving out of the bed quickly. Sukuna was unstable at best and psychotic at worst, you grabbed a shirt and pulled it over your head. Choso pulled on sweats and you rushed through his apartment to the door before he could get there. 
They did not need to get into a fistfight before a race. 
You hesitated at the door and glanced behind you to see Choso leaning against the wall across his front door. He nodded at you to open the door. Your brother was still banging on it like a mad man screaming your name probably scaring everyone in the building. 
He growled your name taking a step into the apartment, but you pushed him back into the hall. He glared down at you taking in your attire. His eyes flared, his anger on full display. 
"What the fuck are you wearing? Look at you, What the fuck. I have been looking for you for two hours." 
"Sukuna -" You tried again.
"No, Move away from the door and let me have at him.” He demanded shoving you out of the way. You gripped at his shirt and pushed him back again, he growled over your head at Choso who was at your back. They were both a head taller than you, Choso just an inch taller than your brother. 
"What the fuck are you doing with my baby sister you fucking freak?" Your brother growled. You opened your mouth to reply but Choso cut you off. His hand resting on your hip as he leaned over you towards your brother. 
"What do you think?"
Your head snapped up at Choso, the smug look on his face sending a shock of anger through you. 
Sukuna's breathing deepened before he turned an angry look at you, his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist pulling you towards him, but Choso was still holding you, his arm now wrapped around your entire waist.
"You motherfucker. This is your revenge, right? For the fight with Yuji." Sukuna's grip on your wrist tightened as you struggled against them both. 
"Maybe," Choso replied. You fumed. Why was he acting like this, like you were just an object of play for the both of them? Your brother and Yuji got into a fight a week ago, your brother had broken the boy's nose. But you'd been with Choso far longer than that so his act was grating on you. 
"I'm going to rip you to shreds," Sukuna growled. Choso just laughed. 
"I'd like to see you try." 
"Step out from behind my sister you bitch." 
"Gladly," Choso said and moved you to the side. 
"Stop." You cried out as Sukuna swung at Choso. Choso ducked and grabbed the front of Sukuna's shirt ramming his fist into his nose all in the same breath. 
Your brother swore loudly as the bone cracked under Choso's knuckles. You cursed before stepping into the mess and pulling your brother away from Choso. 
"That was for Yuji you dumb bitch. Your sister and I have nothing to do with you." Choso grumbled and turned away from the both of you. His words warmed inside you, and you wanted to laugh at how fickle your emotions could be. A couple of words from this man and you went from seething to swooning. 
Sukuna lunged for Choso's back but you stepped in the way. 
"Okay okay," You said in a calm voice. "Lets get you a towel." 
"No fuck you." He grumbled and shoved you away from him. His hand cradled his broken nose. "You know I fucking hate him so what the fuck are you doing?" 
He was glaring down at you, his amber eyes shifting from your face to Choso's back. 
Choso cut you off, his body slanting back towards you and your brother. "Like I said Sukuna, she and I have nothing to do with you. Get that through your big-ass fucking ego. I hate you. But her-" 
He cut himself off, and you were thankful. Whatever he was gonna say was going to be the first time it was going to be said and hearing it in front of your brother was not the way you wanted to hear it. 
Sukuna grumbled and looked down at you still pissed. 
"Get fucking dressed. We're leaving." 
"No, I'm not going with you." You replied sternly. 
"Yes, you are. I'm not fucking asking." 
"You don't own me Sukuna." 
"Just go," Choso said, his eyes gliding over you, "I'll see you after the race." You blinked at him, his eyes shining at you, his lips curved into a smile. As if to say, you were his anyway, going with your brother right now didn't change that. It just pacified Sukuna's tantrum. 
~ hxt1b feb 9, 2024
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nightwngz · 7 months
dbf! hal jordan needed!!!💖
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hal jordan x fem!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬… porn with plot. smut. age gap. dbf! hal. fingering, blowjob, dirty talk, pet names “doll”, p in v.
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞… as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞… This is definitely my favorite request ever. I NEED MORE REQUESTS ABOUT HAL 🙏🏻🙏🏻. I hope you like this <3
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For as long as you can remember, Hal Jordan has been your father’s best friend. The friend who occasionally ate lunch at your house, and the friend you were never supposed to be attracted to.
And in the darkness of his apartment, when the two of you were alone in his room, you realized it was a complete mistake to get involved with him. But as bad as it was, you couldn't stop looking for him.
He was in front of you, but you weren't watching him because your mouth was busy doing other things. Specifically, your tongue surrounded every inch of his erect cock, staining your mouth with his wet essence.
At the same time, he held your hair to guide your movements. But when his size started to suffocate you, that was the moment when you started to cry because you couldn't stand it.
— Come on, doll. I thought you could handle it.
He smirked as he pulled your mouth away from his cock to admire your smeared face. He even reached out to wipe some of his cum off your chin with his thumb, only to put it back in your mouth later and have you lick it all off.
— Did you swallow it all like I taught you?
Tears soaked your cheeks, but you nodded as best you could.
You were then roughly thrown onto the bedspread. He positioned himself against you, pressing your body against the mattress. His mouth threatened to touch somewhere on your naked body, but the touch of his lips was the least you could feel, so you began to feel more anxious than usual.
— You want this, don't you, doll? Look at you, crying like a slut just for a few caresses. — He whispered in your ear.
— Please…
— That's all you can say? What's wrong with you? Has sucking my dick made you stupid?
You began to breathe heavily as you felt him begin to move down your body. With one hand, he outlined your bare thighs with the suggestive intention of opening them until he could reveal what was hidden between them.
— Shh, stop crying. I'll give you what you want.
His warm hand traced the wet outline of your pussy, the simple touch it was enough to make you feel more and more sensitive. Then you felt his long fingers sloshing through the wetness of your pussy, moving up and down until they finally met the all-important main thing. His fingers had the eagerness to close by squeezing your swollen clit between them. And so the terribly pleasurable sensation was not long in coming, nor were your moans.
— Hal…
That was the name you moaned over and over again. And as bad as what you were doing was, it felt incredibly good.
— I know, I know. — He comforted you. — Do you know how easy it is to make you beg for just two of my fingers? I'll do this as many times as I want.
One of his fingers slipped inside your hole. It was wet and tight, but still, it began to swallow Hal's fingers completely. He was able to stretch them until he found the key spot inside you and began to touch it, causing your back to arch and soon, the mixture of stimulation brought you closer to cumming.
You couldn't even think clearly when you reached the point where his hand would end up stained all over your orgasm, but as soon as you regained consciousness, you looked into the man's eyes and witnessed an obscene act as he enticed you to suck his fingers.
— Clean up your mess, doll. — He commanded and then proceeded to stick his fingers in your mouth and finally be completely cleaned of your essence thanks to your tongue. — That's right, good girl. Your daddy would be so proud, look how obedient you are.
Not long after, you found yourself face down, with your head buried in the pillow and your ass in a position that would make it easy for Hal to fuck you comfortably as he pleased. The sound of sighs, moans and your skins colliding was all that could be heard in every corner of the room.
You could feel it. You could feel it stretching you and taking every bit of you. The pleasurable sensation that filled your body was impossible to define or explain. The movements were precise, hitting the same sensitive spot where he had touched you before. You could feel the satisfaction so deep in your belly that deep down you were begging for it to never end.
— Believe me… when I met you, from the first day, I wished I had you like this. It's funny, really, your daddy can't even imagine how slutty you are and how well you take me every night.
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tarjapearce · 1 year
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Warning: ANGST. Mild smudge of fluff at the end. Mentions of a character death, strained relationships.
Inspired in THIS ask. Thanks anon! ❤️✨
Pairings: Miguel O'Hara x GN! Reader
Summary: Your husband died in your arms, a canon event that instantly grants you a ticket to the Spider Society. But of course, anomalies can be quite dirty players and take hold of what you adored the most.
Being a spider hero wasn't an easy feat. Balancing hero life with married life had surely taken a toll on you and your husband. As much as you wanted to be there, there was always something that needed to be done.
Of course, you were always trying to find a common ground to prevent your marriage to keep slipping away from your hands. But soon enough, you finally had digested that, despite a hero you were still a person. And as a person, you could only do so much.
And the day you feared, to lose him, your beloved husband Miguel, had arrived, like an unannounced hurricane, destroying everything in it's wake. The only victim of such destruction: your heart.
The commotion was heard from the upper roof, a shot rang through your ears, hammering it's echo on the walls. Spider senses roared alive, as every hair on your body stood, letting dread seeping in your bones.
Descending down the walls you saw a very familiar figure on the ground. Your heart beat, a tight knot constricting  your throat as a passing by car illuminated the crime scene, only to reveal Miguel's face on the ground.
Some of his curls had fallen off on his face. Your feet rushed to him, shaky hands turned him around, gently. A slow and almost imperceptible sigh escaping his paling lips.
Don't go...
You had begged him through the mask. The light in his eyes was escaping faster than you had anticipated, warm blood staining your clothed fingers. Your mask was removed. His eyes drifted to you and you swore he was trying to smile. As if finally understanding the reason of your ongoing absence in your marriage.
Im so sorry, I should've...
Miguel closed his eyes, and your cries were only drowned by the bustling of the living city.
If you were sure of something is the fact that you could never see this Miguel straight in the eye without tears blurring your sight. Despite two years going by, and you had joined this sort of Spider Society, the once forgotten grieving only resurfaced whenever the splitting image of your deceased husband walked around, barking orders at everyone to keep the Arachnohumanoid-polymultiverse together.
Even though you both, had discussed this matter directly, you still preferred to keep yourself from him at arms lenght. Interacting only when it was necessary. It was a dynamic that although crumbly, worked for the both.
The man wasn't blind to your evident distress whenever he lingered too much around you. You did your part, and so did he. Both working in silent harmony. Together but not scrambled.
The anomaly alarm flared up, alerting Miguel right away. Jessica and Ben following in.
"What is it now? Vulture with a new explosive device?" Jess mumbled as she approached the screen area. She stopped upon seeing Miguel's muscles tensing as he exhaled, dreadfully.
"The reality is glitching on (Name)'s universe"
"Glitching? I thought that only happened when someone who isn't supposed to be there-"
"Exactly the problem." Miguel grumbled as Jessica beckoned herself closer to the screen Miguel was looking at.
The video image showed another version of him. A civilian one wandering the streets, with a confused and distressed look in his face.
"Isn't that-?"
"(Name)'s husband."
"Another version of you is married to them?"
"He is supposed to be dead. Why isn't he dead?"
"The anomaly suggest unusual behavior. As if the code model have been rewritten." Lyla spoke as she materialized next to Miguel's shoulder.
"Is that possible?" Jessica looked at the screen again as steps approached from afar.
"Apparently, it is. It has to-"
"Heard the alarm. What is it?" You stopped upon seeing everyone looking your way, solemnity on their faces.
"What is it?"
"There is... a glitch."
Frowning, you approached the screen, Miguel however stood in your way. Unsure if allowing you to see what the alarm was about.
Your fist clenched as tears welled up in your eyes.
"Miguel" you tried and he sighed, stepping aside. The clip was revealed to you, your Miguel stared at his surroundings, as if looking for something. Or rather someone.
"W-Why... How is this possible?" Your throat cleared up, trying to subdue the tightness in it.
"That's what we are trying to find out."
"It's just an anomaly, right?"
"I'll handle it."
Miguel followed you as his hands reached to you, holding you gently by the shoulders, his eyes locking on yours.
"It's my mess. I have to... I need to go, Miguel."
"We can find a better approach to this, (Name)"
"He is not supposed to live!" you snapped and Miguel's jaw clenched.
"That's why I will send someone-"
"No. I... I need this."
"I need closure." your voice a faint whisper, "I owe myself that, so don't take this chance away from me."
"The anomaly is starting to interfere with the universe, Miguel!"
Seizing the little distraction, you ran off through a portal, ignoring the angry callings from Miguel.
You landed on a nearby building, and begun your search. You dodged towers, cars and trains as you swung through them, your senses tingled upon approaching an abandoned building. How the structure was still standing was a mystery to you.
You crawled up the wall and got inside through a hole on one of it's walls. You could see the anomaly. looking around, when his eyes settled on you. Your heart thumped hard as a cold sweat ran down your spine.
"(Name)!" He called in that ever loving voice you loved to hear. Landing before him you removed your mask.
"It's you..." He rushed to you and cupped your face. Your Miguel held you tightly in his arms and you couldn't help but sob.
"¿Qué pasa mi amor?" (What's wrong, my love?)
"I'm so sorry... for..."
"Shh... It's okay. I now understand why you... always ran."
"I could've been better. For us. I could've told you the truth..."
"We can start all over, again. Like a family."
Your heart broke a little more with every word that came out of his mouth.
"Aren't you excited?" His voice echoed through the building, but then he glitched.
"You are not my Miguel."
"What are you talking about? I'm right here! I am alive!"
"That's precisely the problem!" tears rolled down your cheeks as your husband, or at least whatever that had stolen his appearance, clung to you. Kissed you, and held you so lovingly you fell for it for a second.
His touch, his scent, his warmth, everything that made him your beloved partner in crime, was right before you. Offering you a new start.
"I don't want to leave you. There is so much I wanna do better, with you. Just listen to me-"
"You are supposed to be dead."
"No, I'm right here." His voice desperate, trying to convince you with his truth.
Your hands removed his from your frame and he looked at you, both fearing and pleading. The building glitched.
"You are interfering with this reality."
"I'm... Im not understanding. All I wanted to do was to see you again." He muttered gently, "And I now have that chance again!"
"Don't talk... please. "
Your husband went silent as you cried while your webs tumbled one of the pillars that held the structure.
"W-What are you doing?" Panic surged through your husband's face as another column was brought down. Dust showering his clothes
"You are not supposed to be alive." Despite your grief, you had seen what anomalies could do, and if not dealt with it soon, the whole universe could collapse. The other Miguel, your boss had shown you.
"Is it because we didn't get to celebrate our anniversary? Tell me!"
The lump on his throat rivaled with yours as you got another column down. The building shook as it's base crumbled down.
"It's because you died! In my arms! I saw you dying. I had your blood in my hands! You... You think I want to do this? If I could... I would damn this whole universe just to be once more with you."
The anomaly approached you and cupped your face. Even though his skin and touch felt warm, it felt void. Almost rehearsed.
" But I can't. I can't damn a whole universe for my selfishness." His eyes widened upon your words, you shook your head, resolution in mind.
"My husband died years ago."
"Wait" His large hands held tightly on you but he glitched once more, allowing you to escape and crawl onto a wall. Ignoring the tugs at your heart as your Miguel pleaded you to stop.
"He was shot in an alley." you shoot your web and pulled the last column down.
The building itself started to collapse within. The anomaly ran, seeking refuge as it pleaded for you to help it.
"And died in my arms." you whispered as the anomaly looked around, frantically for refuge from the crumbling structure. His feet however were webbed to the ground.
"(Name)!!" his voice called you, but you just turned on your back and left. Blue and red suit followed you, as the structure collapsed completely.
"The anomaly was contained, Miguel" Lyla announced before going quiet again.
"I need to be alone."
He just watched you, as the rest of the team arrived at the scene.
Miguel approached and leaned on the table with a coffee mug on hand. He offered and you took it. The warmth heating up your fingers.
"Good job."
"Hm." You just nodded and stared at your fingers.
"Thanks." you spoke after a while, "I... I needed this."
"You did what was right."
"Just did what it needed to be done. Learned that from you."
There was a weak smile on your face as he stared at you.
"You're a good leader."
"You're a good hero." He mumbled, and nodded.
"Still, I'd like to keep this... dynamic we have settled between us. After everything that has happened I still need time to adjust to... all of this."
He chuckled and nodded
"When you're ready, we'll talk."
"About what exactly?"
He shrugged and pointed at your ripped and damaged suit
"A new suit, perhaps"
"Or a new watch prototype. This one is a bit too heavy for me. Makes me slow when throwing punches"
"Might do" He gave a small reassuring smile and it made your aching heart to hurt a bit less.
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the-moon-files · 8 months
The Chain being Down Bad🐕‍🦺™️ for Your Voice lol (Masc!Reader)
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(Content under ✄----- )
@peepthatbish once again, our lovely muse peep (name twins!!) Has come to bless me, and hopefully i did that gorgeous idea justice, and dw im not done writing them all out yet :)
Sun: Masculine Reader (he/him)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: a dash of everybody <3
(except rare ones like Fierce/Koridai/Courage/Sage/etc.)
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: fluff & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if i missed any. /gen
Ok but like
Ur voice is absolutely iconic to them
(Like the fairy fountain theme or the appearance of the Master sword, its unimaginable to them for your to not sound like that)
And its not only the heroes of Hyrule, but anyone else who could hear you
Well it helps that it used to be ur only sort of external sign of presence to outsiders
(the Links could also somewhat "feel" you in their own chests sometimes, like when u were stressed over a boss, or sad over a cutscene)
The only others who usually hear you are mostly things like the Great Fairies, the Deku Tree, other weird ass beings that know way too much (Fierce Deity)
So needless to say, when u first crash landed thru a portal into Wild's Hyrule (ur latest Zelda game you've played u guess thats why)
And the Chain had seen u in the distance, met up with you to try and help what they thought was some poor guy who accidentally fell thru Hylia's portals
But as they heard u stutter thru an introduction, instead they knew immediately it was you
Sky and Twi seriously teared up, Hyrule/Wild/Four/Wind all attacked you with a hug and excited shrieking, Legend and Wars were just gaping in shock, and Time was just staring at you
It took you a minute to pinpoint who was from what game, but as soon as you figured it out u literally jaw dropped at Time/Wild/Twi/etc.
(The ones that look different from their in game model or way better irl than graphics could ever capture)
U also may have screamed. A very manly scream. Not high pitched at all. You didnt make Legend cover his ears or the four that tackled u scramble off in fear, what- haha
(U cant blame urself, u were in literal shock, bc that's ALL the LINKS??!! Like u needed a shock blanket like rescue/ambulances gives ppl)
After calming down, it wasnt even an outright discussion or decision u could rlly choose,
They were basically kidnapping u along for the ride, also u were there for them (in pretty voice alone but still) for all their adventures,
So u even suggesting leaving u behind bc u couldnt keep up as well as them had them looking at you like they never even considered it
(And also making them individually go thru the 5 stages of grief: 😨😟😡😭🥺🙏🙏 they were all outright begging u, in their own ways, deadass by the end of it)
So as u travel, you get to understand the full impact of Your Voice, or the Guide's Voice™️.
If anyone has a nightmare, what would normally take another hero poking them with a stick and dodging the reflex punch, or them waking up unable to go back to sleep after having the nightmare, etc.
U quickly realized only took you talking to comfort them, with no reflex punch when they woke up, if they woke up, sometimes u were so good at it the nightmare just cleared ended according to their face
In your first battle against the shadow, along with lots of black-blooded monsters, u realized how much more confidently every Link fought as soon as you were speaking from behind them
They got even better and less stressed abt fighting when u managed to crack a few jokes or go toe to toe verbally with the Shadow lol
Legend outright guffawed when you pulled a dumb "sigh... well i guess... maybe... ur mom." joke in response to his villain monologue, like wiping a tear and everything, saying "u used to say that all the time after dumb long evil speeches, its a fucking classic" 💀
Literally will have them asking you to make more jokes bc it makes them feel better in tense situations/battles (most to least frequently: Sky, Wild, Hyrule, Wind, Twi, Time, Wars, Legend, Four) but they love it equally
Okay but,
U have Definitely. Sent chills down their spines when u get into lower ranges lol
U dont understand why everyone needs to talk to you so bad first thing in the morning,
or alternatively why they keep wanting you to go on a rant abt ur fav book/tv show/thing either???
U are always the last for story time at the campfire every night, and unlike the others, they refuse to let you take a night off, u have to say smth every night??
It amazes u they like ur voice so much, huh, Wild/Twi/Wars/Four/Hyrule must all be getting a little too close to the fire, theyre faces are looking a little red/pink
(Legend and Time just look rlly pleased/happy to be here, they only ever look a little overheated when u specifically look at them while ur talking/or tell a story abt them, and they usually are always the ones asking u another question to prompt u to keep going forever)
Wars may or may not have a life changing moment he told u abt ur voice on his adventures where Cia was like, "Ah Link... let me get a good look at you..."
Link: 😰🤢🥲
You: "... and girl, I am only looking at your tiddies right now."
If Wars had smth to drink right then he wouldve spit-taked.
It was like the one time he was caught so genuinely off-guard, and u just made him suddenly feel 10x more comfortable facing her, he literally couldnt keep his knight trained composure together, he had to lean on his knees he was crying with laughter
That was the first Cia heard of you too and she literally audibly gasped lmao
It was like all of a sudden Wars and Cia had been in on a joke no one else could hear around them (Shiek/Zelda is confused to this day by that)
And there are countless moments like this from each of their adventures where u did this, u cant help but feel mildly embarassed when u hear it at first
But then seeing how much ur voice and comments meant to them and how happy it made them u can help but want to talk more and more and more
Youve never felt more comfortable talking to this many people in ur entire life,
Bc u can literally see their elf ears twitching cutely when they pick up ur voice
u arent getting out of singing to them.
Yeah, sorry, theyve heard u sing ur fav songs while gaming too many times, they need to hear u sing irl, Now.
Most of them ignore or sort of passively enjoy bards/musicians on their journeys, but as soon as u so much as hum-
Its like they're all clambering to get closer to hear u, but also not make u aware thats what theyre doing, so they end up just:
Four/Legend/Hyrule trying to hide behind various (upside down) books, behind plants that're not that bushy, or one memorable time, when u sang "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" quietly to urself, a bard's tune got close and reminded u of it,
and Four fully threw his hammer on his toes bc he was so shocked/lovestruck, he completely missed the anvil and just threw it at the ground/his feet LMAO
Time and Wars, cheeky strategists they are, immediately fall back behind u wherever u are, so u cant see them, but they can still hear u lol
(Theyre the only ones youve not caught actively listening/straining to come closer to hear u... bc theyre behind u lol)
Wild/Sky/Twi all fully whip their heads around fast enough to crack it, then clumsily try to recover so u wont stop
Wild/Sky just fully accidentally like fall into lakes/ponds trying to stay just out of range or even (they both tried it once, and never again after u got onto them) got on a rooftop
And fell. When u got quieter they tried to get closer and- yep.
(Idiots were fine and smiling when u came to check on them)
Twilight's the worst ngl.
Just fully stares in awe at you until u stop out of embarassment, and has had the audacity multiple times to pop up as Wolfie and just happily listen like you havent also been thru the adventure that literally made him a werewolf
Wind is a cutie, he always joins in, esp when he recognizes the song, and since they can somehow remember the songs u sang while gaming, it will never not be a core memory for you to sing "Drunken Sailor" back to back with "I LOVE YOU HOE" by ODETARI (ft.9lives)
with Wind Waker Link.
You nearly died when you heard him singing the chorus, like literally right after drunken sailor 💀
(Its catchy u got it stuck in ur head from tiktok audios)
(Wind absolutely makes fun of the others for being in love with ur voice, like he'll trick u into ranting abt smth late at night when ur voice is husky or ur just low energy atm, and then from behind you just mouth at the rest of them, sitting looking up at you like ur an angel,
G A Y Y Y Y 🫵🫵🫵 )
Sorry to anyone whose sent in stuff to my mailbox! I promise ill answer u tomorrow!!
Im acc running another blog for a diff fandom and i got busy today :/
Like, i would write a fic for u tysm for showing me ur interest bc it feels like tumbleweeds are blowing thru LU fandom when i check the tags 💀
Which isnt awful! I just like hearing feedback from ppl or just talking abt LU and stuff :)
Peace out,
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0strawberrysorbet0 · 5 months
𝑂𝑢𝑟 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐼𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑑.
𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒!𝑉𝑜𝑥 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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Please do not use/steal my work on this site or any other! Reblogs and likes are appreciated greatly!!
This is based of the song from Heathers! Enjoy!
PLS PLS PLS send some suggestions I'm out of ideas and wanna start writing more!
Summary: Vox finds out you've been a victim of two perverts from Valentino's dungeon, and he has a little.. Fun with the demons who did it.
Warnings: Talk of death, murder, mention of suicide, yandere, vox is a little mad, hitting, stabbing, blood, violence, pervert shit, groping, undressing
Vox wiped the tears off your face, examining the bruise, you had been helping with Valentino, even though he had been forced to release you from the contract you still had a few odd jobs to do in his so-called 'sex dungeon'.
While you were helping on set two perverts came up to you, groping and running their hands on your flesh, squeezing you till your skin had bruised. They had dragged you to a separate room but you had managed to escape before they could do anything.
It had been a few days but some of the marks were persistent, at first Vox had called you a cheater once he spotted them. Screaming and babbling nonsense.
"You.. Yøū cHëætîñg lītTlë SlûT!" He had screamed, voice glitching wildly as he grabbed your arm, however things had changed as soon as a tear slid out your eye and onto your cheek.
"No. Darling, I'm sorry... Shhh shhh it'll be fine" he said, pulling you close as if he wasn't about to hit you two minutes ago
"Now.. Who did this?" He asked, voice stern as he held you tighter.
After you had given the names he told you to go get yourself dolled up, after finishing you went to him. He led you to a large grassy area outside of the tower, the sky was filled with stars.
"Are we.. Having a picnic?" You asked him, head tilted as he pulled something from his pocket.
"Oh? Oh dear no.. It's far too late for that" he smiled a toothy grin, he pulled the object in his palm to his face, a gun..
"What are you doing with that?"
"Hunting Filth."
Filth? That wasn't really an answer, he pulled his watch out and called Valentino and asked him to send the perverts outside.
Holy shit.
The demons could be seen walking out of the building, disgusting smirks across their faces.
"Wonder where the bitch is waiting" one said before laughing "Can't believe that whore wants us both at the same time.. Score!" The other one fist-pumped the other.
Vox hid himself in a bush as they approached you.
"Hey hot shit~ so.. How are we doing this?" He said, already unbuttoning his jeans.
"Well... I was thinking you could.. Strip?" You said awkwardly, trying to okay along with whatever he was doing.
A few minutes passed and now both demons were in their boxers gripping your waist when suddenly..
The bullet fired straight through the first demon's head, blood splattering across your skin.
"Bro?.. Holy shit! (Demon 1 Name)! FUCK!" The second one screamed, pulling away from you as he looked around, spotting Vox behind him,
He began to run, through the field and to the street, this demon was fast but luckily Vox could bounce through each screen he passed until he had him cornered, he was back right next to the field, he had led the demon in a circle,
Like his prey almost.
You had spotted them as they came back, walking and peaking through the corner of the wall to watch.
Vox had a sadistic smile on his face as the demon begged for mercy.
He wasn't given it.
Vox pulled out a knife and ripped the demon the fine pieces of meat, making him unidentifiable.
"Darling? You don't need to hide in the corner! You can watch if you'd like" he smiled sweetly at you.
"Okay" you said as he pulled you to in front of the sliced-up demon.
"He should've just let me shoot him" Vox muttered
You didn't respond, instead letting him engulf you in a tight hug, both demon's blood mixing onto eachother.
"You didn't have to do that" you whispered, wiping blood off his screen around his eyes.
"But I did. Our love is god after all, isn't it dearest?" He smiled.
You simply nodded, accepting they you'd be stuck with him for all eternity.
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reminiscences2 · 8 months
𐙚 -DRAFT #1
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ lazy miles1610 x reader fluff, slightly suggestive
idk bro i'm bored and there's no more miles1610 x reader fics ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
miles had been staring at his blank paper for the last ten minutes. he was supposed to have been starting his english essay due monday, but he only managed the title and his name. "damn, i'm bored." miles muttered to himself, spinning around in his swivel chair. he threw his head back, sighing as he tried to find some interest in the dorm ceiling above him.
meanwhile, i was actually on the way to his room. i had just finished up all my due work, and i was in a cheery mood. i knocked gently at his door, waiting for a response. i didn't have to wait for anything past half of a second for miles to appear at the door. "hey, [ y/n ]!" he blurted out quickly, opening the door with superhuman speed. he wasn't even trying to hide how much he had been wanting you to visit. "hey babyyy," i greet him, leaning in for a short kiss as i held his face. he seemed to shiver at my touch, his ears heating up at the nickname i gave him. "s-so wassup? how you been?" he asked awkwardly, closing the door as i walked in. his arms looked as if he didn't know where to place them, and he was acting as if we hadn't been dating for the last seven months now. i chuckle gently at his attempt of being smooth. "nothin', i finished my work for the weekend and i wanted to see your stupid face." i quip, tilting my head teasingly while intertwining his hands with mine. his face lit up into a giant smile as soon as you started holding his hands. "aww, really? even though you see it literally every single day? that's nice," he said, jokingly trying to pretend he didn't love hearing those things from me. i could obviously tell he'd already gotten back to his sassy demeanor. "i'm sorry, for me that just translated to 'leave', so i guess i'll get goin'" i remark with the same unit of sassiness, letting go of his hands and turning towards the door with a smirk. that made him scoff, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him. "stoppp, i was kidding. please don't go," he pleaded, rolling his eyes as he found himself once again begging me for something. "i'm dying of boredom, mami." he groaned, tugging me closer.
"maybe watch the tone then?" i tease, raising an eyebrow. "maybe stay and not act like a jerk?" he retorts mockingly, tilting his head down towards me. "cmonnn, i need attention," he whispered, squeezing my hands as if he would die if i didn't listen. he groaned in response, covering his face with his hands in defeat. "pleaseeeeeee, just five minutes," he whined, his words sounding more like a baby than anything, which made him cringe even more. "mmm... okay, i'm convinced," i announce, my smirk still plastered on my place. there was something so satisfying about seeing him like that. "c'mon, sit here." i mutter, crawling onto his bed and settling onto my knees to pat the space between me, and the pillow for him to sit at. i was glad i'd come over in just a tank top and sweatpants, so i didn't have to worry about anything else. miles grinned, quickly clambering onto the bed and settling into the spot i'd left for him. he seemed to greatly enjoy this position, loving how i felt on top of him. "damn, you're fine," he muttered under her breath, hesitantly settling his hands around my hips. he was quickly snapping back into his normal self. it sort of surprised me how fast he went from shy to turned on in a few minutes. "it seems like you are asking for a different kind of attention here, baby." i tease, shuffling closer as i laugh. "well, when you look so good, you have to expect it," he replied, a smirk plastered on his face as his eyes looked me up and down. he was back in his cocky little persona now, which was honestly what i wanted. "oh?" i hummed, trying not the laugh at the sudden switch in personality. i could clearly tell the way his face heated up at my change in tone, along with that same dorky smile. "where'd this come from? i thought you wanted to cuddle? now it's sounding like something else?" i tease, giggling.
"shut up, this is still cuddling. see?" he replied quietly, lifting his head up again to look into my eyes, "is this not a nice, peaceful cuddle?" he teased back with a smirk, his hands still wrapped around my hips. i could just feel the sarcasm in his tone.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ i might return to this later, i quit for now, lemme know if yall want more
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evermourning · 11 months
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞. ˚。୨୧˚
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pairing: Lee Felix x GN!reader
genre: drabble, non!idol au, established relationship, fluff(?)
wc: 1k
warnings: lots and lots of kisses, suggestive, making out, language, pet names (honey, sweetheart, babe, lix)
summary: you have an amazing idea. the idea in question being a romantic tiktok trend that your boyfriend is over the moon about trying.
a/n: so...i was listening to cigarettes after sex and i remembered that one tiktok trend to k., and ik it's dead now but IT WON'T BE DEAD UNTIL I DO IT RAHHHH so here's me feeding you guys while the last two lovertober entries are being worked on
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Felix knew something was up the second he stepped through your door.
You had texted him randomly, a cryptic message he'd stared at for an actual eternity (five minutes) attempting to decipher but ultimately giving up.
"come over. as soon as possible."
Were you in trouble? Did you want to fuck him? Was it both? He decided he should just go over to your apartment to see if you were okay. He slipped on his coat and left hurriedly.
You were on the couch, dozing off to some early 2000's movie you couldn't bother watching. When the door opening, you jolted out of the state you were in and turned to stare at Felix, a look of utmost delight upon your features.
"Hi, honey." You cooed, getting up from under the comfy blanket to snake your arms around his neck and press a loving peck to his plush lips. "You look lovely tonight."
Blood rushed to Felix's cheeks, turning them the color of blossoming pink roses. You were wearing his shirt and a pair of simple, black sleep shorts. Felix gulped, trying to fight the urge to pin you to the wall and kiss you until your lips were raw.
"What do you need? I saw you wanted me to come over quickly so I rushed here." Holy shit, he was a blabbering mess. You grinned.
"You know that one Cigarettes After Sex song, right?" you asked, plopping back down onto the couch and pulling out your phone.
"Very specific." Felix teased, hanging up his coat before awkwardly sitting down beside you. However, he relaxed once you leaned into him, your head resting on his shoulder.
"Hey! But it's called K., and it's that one where it goes like 'Stay with me, I don't want you to leave'..." you tried to explain, and Felix giggled.
"Yes, I know it. Did you call me all the way here for a song recommendation?" You shook your head, before zeroing in on the black, form-fitting turtleneck he'd been wearing beneath his heavy coat.
"Not really, no. There was this trend that was going around...I don't remember when, but every time I hear the song I think about it." You mused, gasping softly when one of Felix's arms made its way to wrap around your waist. Good god. "You look really hot in that turtleneck, by the way."
"Thank you, sweetheart." he laughed softly, pressing a kiss to your exposed neck. "Now, what was this trend about? I feel like I know what you're talking about..."
He knew exactly what you were talking about. To be honest, he was overjoyed you were even bringing up the idea to him. Being kissed all over by his partner sounded like the perfect Saturday night.
"I hope this jogs your memory, then!" You pulled up a video you had saved on TikTok, moving your phone over a little so that he could see it better. It showed some girl putting on lipstick, and messing it up. Then, a hand reached into the frame to wipe it away, and the camera panned to show her boyfriend, covered in lipstick marks and staring at her affectionately. "So...what do you think?"
Felix was staring in awe. Which pretty much answered your question.
"Please use that one burgundy lipstick you have. I'm begging you." He murmured quietly, still staring at the video on loop. You laughed out loud with glee, dashing off to go grab it.
Felix was waiting patiently, staring at the empty doorway as the distant sounds of you rummaging through your drawers excited him to no end. He just hoped he wouldn't get too excited...
When you finally came back, holding the tube of lipstick he loved so, he swore the butterflies flitting around inside his stomach began migrating. He changed the position he was sitting in so he could lay his back comfortably against the armrest of the sofa. Unfortunately, every one of his emotions were on full display as you climbed on top of him, straddling him.
"Wow, you're pretty red, Lix. I'm a little worried that the lipstick might not show up!" You slyly teased him, only adding more color to his adorable cheeks. He reached up to caress the soft skin on your cheek, his lips curled upwards into an endearing smile.
"Babe, I love you and your teasing but put on that makeup and fucking kiss me already." Felix grumbled playfully. You had no hesitation as you applied the dark lipstick, leaning down to press kiss after kiss onto his freckled face until his skin was stained red inside and out.
Felix felt like you were edging him.
You'd kissed everywhere except his lips, and it was making him feel embarrassingly needy. You noticed this, and with an airy giggle, you moved towards his lips. However, at the last second your head swiveled and you left a mark on the corner of his lips. That was his final straw. With a groan, he reached up and pulled you down so he could kiss you passionately, his hands going to your waist to steady you.
His kisses were dripping with love and adoration, fiery with desire. They slowly became more and more intimate, tongues dancing with each other. Your hands went to his blonde hair, holding them tightly. When you pulled away, a string of saliva connecting you to him like some otherworldly string of fate, your lips were swollen and his were the color of spilt red wine.
"You can't jus' leave me hanging like that, sweetheart. C'mon, get my neck too." He said, panting. His chest was heaving. You liked it.
"But you're wearing a turtleneck." You pointed out, blinking once, twice.
He grinned.
"Exactly. Go ahead, take it off of me." With his help, his expanse of tanned, bare skin was exposed to you. A perfect canvas to create art upon with your lovely lips.
Needless to say, you never finished filming.
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@evermourning, ©2023. all rights reserved.
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