#somebird ask
lady-of-imladris · 1 year
5, 6, 17 for the Fic Writer Ask Game!
Hiii <3
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Well I don't know about never, but I have this little thought about older Aragorn and Arwen, that she might regret her choice (despite what Tolkien says). It was brought on by the song lyric "and when the seasons change, will you stand by me? Cause I'm a young man after all" and I just thought about them and I get it, they are cute, but Aragorn is a dick.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
There are a couple fics I read 2-3 times, but I don't think I have a constant "omg must read 1000 times" fic
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Elvish. I can say "Daddy I've been a bad girl". I am rethinking my life choices 😂😂
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WEIRD ASKS - 1, 3, 4, 22. Yep, we should both be writing. But here we are. Not writing.
We are United in our not writing 😂
1 - Caleb Widogast from Critical Role and Captain Pike from Strange New Worlds. Going back further, I’d probably add Daniel Jackson from Stargate to that list.
3 - No, I don’t leave the windows open. I don’t live on the ground floor but I have had tiny birds in the house before and squirrels trying to get into my student flat so I don’t fancy dealing with any of that again (also, I realise this kind of reads a little Disney princess-ish, the animals just like me!)
4 - Because I’ve been and looked into the water, I’m going to say that the cryptyd I believe in is the Loch Ness Monster (added strange fact, the day I went monster hunting ended up also being the day I first saw the fellowship of the ring and I still remember my initial reaction to that Galadriel transformation scene)
22 - What type of person am I? Weird, anxious, and a bit snarky at times :)
Thank you so much for these!!!! It was nice to remember the Loch Ness trip! :)
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jwowwsboobs · 1 year
it would be sick if u made an artery patch
u r so right ill get on that asap. why didnt i think of that THANK U <3
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somebirdortheother · 1 year
I must confess that I've never read any of Asimov's work myself. I know that it's smart, and perhaps I felt that it was not approchable to me. But your posting have made a strong case about convincing me to give it a try. That, and I love the title. I'm very partial to evocative titles. Foundation sounds heavy in the mind, it carries weight. I don't know that it makes any sense to anyone else but me but that's how it makes me feel!
To Smith seemed to me the most likely candidate due to all the absolute nerdiness that it contains. Re-reading wasn't wasted time by any means, but I must now focus all my efforts on Wine! One question, though: do you work in biochemistry?
It was what you would call pepperoni pizza I think? Pepperoni, onions, bell peppers, tomato sauce, cheese. Delicious.
What kind of guitar do you play?
‘Foundation’ does have a solid, evocative, feel to it, doesn’t it? I won’t wax poetic about Asimov’s work although I could. Just give it a try. If it doesn’t grip you, then it doesn’t grip you, simple as that!
I do not work in biochemistry :-)
A pepperoni pizza! Sounds lovely! Coincidentally, I ended up having pizza for dinner last night as well.
I have an acoustic and a classical guitar at home. My big wish is to get a saz and to learn how to play it 😍
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sauronxgaladriel · 2 years
Sauron x Galadriel Smut Fic Recs
Saurondriel/Haladriel fics with amaaaazing smut! Some are one-shots others are not. Though honestly, I haven’t read any fics for this pairing with smut that isn’t perfection.
A Stressed Tiding by FormerlyIR (Irony_Rocks), Irony_Rocks
Galadriel offers him an accord. 
One night and one day.
shining like a fiery beacon by The_Duchess_of_Fiction
Set after the Finale.Galadriel has left Eregion, has ran as far from the Southlands as the map allows.It was fitting that she wanders to where her search for her enemy (her almost) had last ended, on the opposite end of this Middle Earth in the northern wasteland.She doesn’t remain alone in her exile for long.
Mortal Laws by Helholden
He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath, recalling all the scents in the air at once. Separating them in his head was easy, from the daffodils to the Oak trees to the dwindling roses and the crisp, clean splash of fresh water trickling over smooth river rocks that held a brief tinge of salt upon their surface. Other beings took these things for granted for they could barely sense them at times, but he knew their scent with his eyes open or closed, and he could detect their direction in turn.
Even as he held her wrist, keeping the blade from striking him, he could pause long enough to absorb them before using them to his advantage, to slip into her head like a serpent and twist her thought to his own world. As long as he touched her, he could change her perception—and into a dream they fell, a dream much like her childhood in Valinor. For there was no one Galadriel trusted more than her brother, Finrod, and he knew he had to use that against her if he was ever to win over her influence. With calm perception, he took the form of her brother, white-cloaked and humble, one she would not question if she saw with her own eyes.
Takes places during Episode 8: Alloyed. Canon divergence.
A Moment of Wanting by Draconic_Grace
One-shot following episode 1x05.
"Come with me," he whispered, "and share with me a moment. A moment of quiet, if you will. Quiet your mind for the dawn that soon rises. Stay with me?"
The First Goodbye by SomeBird
Set immediately after Episode 8, Galadriel finds that her foe hasn't left. This is a response to the prompts for an angry reunion that I've received from the lovely readers of my last fic.
Buried in Bone by Invisible_Hand
Truly taking on a form was, in no small part, to lose himself in that vessel’s way of perceiving and thinking and feeling: blood and gut and brain were wily and pernicious masters. When he took the form of a bird, he longed for the wind beneath his wings. When he was a mighty wolf, he savored the blood of Elves on his lolling tongue.
How humbling it was to force every bit of his vast and ancient being down, down, until it was trapped inside the bones of a vulnerable human frame, and then expect it to stay there, confined. As if he hadn't already been humbled enough.
When he dove into the water after the Elf, he asked himself why, even as he slipped beneath the surface, as his lungs burned from lack of air, as he risked that last, paltry link to the corporal world for her.
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niennawept · 1 year
⭐⭐ PLEASE ⭐⭐
Ahh, SomeBird, my friend!
Regarding the Fanfic Director's Cut ask
When I tell you that I have be MIGHTILY debating what to tell you about this, please believe me. There are many things that I would like to tell you, some of which are plot threads I've been setting up, but have not yet come to fruition.
I have debated going into my work on evolving my own dialect of Black Speech (a temptation that I will resist, see JIRT, you can do it too), explaining my take on magic - specifically Sauron's necromancy, and simply waxing poetic about my cast of uruk supporting characters.
But I think the thing that I actually want to talk about is how my fic ties into mainline LotR canon. Because I think I've managed to sneak in a few things that will explain certain events in later years. For example, there's a blink and you miss it line from Palariel about making a "draught" that heals and gives stamina to those who drink it. She's teaching the uruks how to make it for themselves to carry with them when they must make large journeys. And that same draught is used on Merry and Pippin in The Two Towers. Very plausibly, my story could be construed as "lost history" by the time of the Third Age and there are some other things I have planned to that end which I cannot talk about now.
Thank you for asking!
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Just Let Us Be Three
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DbmyvVQ
by Coraleeveritas, SomeBird
Currently, Disa’s face was smushed somewhere in Elrond’s right armpit while her arm and leg were thrown over him. Durin’s whole head was on his chest, and he was still snoring lightly, his limbs similarly all over him. Who needs a blanket with these two?
Words: 2130, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The Nossë-Verse
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Elrond Peredhel, Durin IV (Tolkien), Disa (The Rings of Power)
Relationships: Disa (The Rings of Power)/Durin IV (Tolkien), Durin IV/Elrond Peredhel, Disa (The Rings of Power)/Elrond Peredhel, Disa (The Rings of Power)/Durin IV (Tolkien)/Elrond Peredhel, Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power) (mentioned)
Additional Tags: love is love, ethical non-monogamy, Consensual Non-Monogamy, Polyamory, Cuddling & Snuggling, Don’t ask Gal for tips on how to be quiet, Elrond doesn’t need a blanket when he’s got Durin and Disa, Introversion, Cute Kids, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Once A Lawyer Always A Lawyer, Valentine’s Day, Tumblr TROP Valentine’s 2023, Day 1 - OT3
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DbmyvVQ
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SomeBird Theorizing About Ghosts and Magic in the Crossover (ft. some D&D logic) (In a submission instead of an ask because character limit): So, ghosts can’t really be hurt by conventional means, so some people, like the Fentons, have to use whatever kind of paratech to get rid of them. The resident magic users have only a slightly easier time. Ghosts, like most undead, are probably vulnerable to holy magic, if that exists. But being usually incorporeal, they are difficult to target with anything other than the equivalent of force damage, aka pure magical energy. So magic users have to resort to brute force overpowering ghosts. Which is very difficult, not to mention impractical, because it is one for one, and ghosts are usually very powerful. Haven’t watched DP, so I am not really sure how accurate this is, but I like speculating.
I mean yeah basically!
So like. Sure you can hit a Ghost with any old object. But the problem comes from 1.) General durability and 2.) They can go intangible and dodge your attack. Magic has an easier time, but not the best.
So it kinda works on Pokemon Rules. Ghost is effective against Ghost. The Fentons use Ectoplasm and Ecto-Energy to make their tech, putting them back on equal ground with the Ghosts.
Holy Stuff is..... Complicated.
Holy Items/Magic are only as effective as both parties believe they are.
So an Athiest can't pull out a crucifix and have any effect on the Ghost unless the Ghost is a devout Christian. Same with the reverse of a Christian using the Crucifix and the Ghost/Vampire/whatever going "ha bitch I'm Jewish!".
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ze-german-sergal · 8 years
Tagged by @kawasakidragonno Thanks! 
[A]ge: 16
[B]iggest fear: Losing my friends
[C]urrent time: 2:26pm
[D]rink you last had: Apple Raspberry fizz
[E]veryday starts with: Getting up, turning off all the light my mum just turned on, roll up in my blanket and wait for 7:20am to leave the house.
[F]avorite song: Eyes on Fire, Blue fountain 
[G]hosts, are they real: Probably not
[H]ometown: Somewhere around Stuttgard
[I]n love with: Nobody
[J]ealous of: Fursuits
[K]illed someone: I killed bugs last night
[L]ast time you cried: Family problems
[M]iddle name:  No but my dad has 3
[N]umber of siblings: 1, a brother
[O]ne wish: Meeting my friends from all around 
[P]erson I last called/texted: A friend called Riley
[Q]uestion you’re always asked: Why can you speak english so well in your age? I just had time and less friends when i was little. And a Computer.
[R]eason to smile: Watching cute stuff on Tumblr
[T]ime you woke up: 7:35 am (today). 12.45 AM (usually) x-x
[U]nderwear color: Grey?
[V]acation destination: Heading to Turkey this month. I dont want to...No other than that, America!
[W]orst habit: Being strongly rude to people i dont like in my school.
[X]-rays you’ve had: Teeth, Back, Stomach, Leg
[Y]our favorite food: My super delicious and complex waffles. Somebird is calling me waffles for that.
[Z]odiac: Twin
I have no other to tag than:
I have no friends.
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birds-of-london · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Smoke-Talon’s Flock
The Flock
Indefinitely being the largest of the flocks, Abbey Smoke-Talon’s Flock lives in the slightly over-crowded Golden Market (reference here). The flock itself is made up of a diverse population of different birds, most of which being fighters. However, that does not make them as aggressive as other fighter pigeons are known to be. The Smoke Flock tend to be very territorial as well as cunning and most value honesty over everything else. This makes them very forgiving, which has lead to certain agreements with Rook’s Spies. Though, so far, not many of the other flocks are aware of this weak hatchling of an alliance yet.
Abbey Smoke-Talon
Abbey herself believes that honesty can solve any problem. She tends to take the suffering of others to heart (which can make her seem pessimistic at times) and tries whenever she can to forgive somebird as long as they’re truly being honest about the crimes they’ve committed. This has led to a lot of pigeons coming to her flock for a new start, or a reconciliation of sorts. Abbey speaks very little and believes strongly that actions speak louder than words, as you can ask for forgiveness as many times as you wish, but it won’t mean a thing unless you go out and try and fix whatever damage you may have caused. She tries to lend an ear to all of her fellow flock mates, but often her unwavering stare and her dead silence makes others shy away from confiding in her. One mustn’t confuse her silence for stupidity, however. Abbey is a force to be reckoned with when it comes down to it, being one of the largest pigeon breeds in London. It sure does intimidate some folks, but all she wants to do is tuck in and comfort you in whatever  situation you may be in.
Applications: TBA
Credit for Initial Ideas, Flocks, and Characters goes to @c-rowteeth
Credit for Current Character and Flock goes to myself
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Books ask! 30 and 48!
30. is there a book that changed your life?
Probably not in the way that you would expect, but I would say that The Selection Series by Kiera Cass changed my life because it was the first thing I read in English! I was maybe 12? 13? I can't remember but I was incredibly proud!
48. what book would you give someone if they wanted a glimpse into your psyche?
Maybe a self-made book that just has ripped out pages of other book, like a scrapbook of tiny moments because I am definitely a chaotic person!
The Silmarillion works too, it's made of little stories and it's confusing and frustrating to read sometimes and the part where Tolkien just trails off and talks about Geography for 20 pages really resonates with me😂
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Soft asks! Golden, freckles, velvet!
Hiii <3
golden - favorite stationary product?
The pilot G2-07 gel pen, and also my pastel textmarkers because I organize my classes by colour, so I don't go "ah shit, my math homework", I go "ah shit. ORANGE" 😂😂
freckles - most-worn article of clothing?
Black Tanktops! When it's warmer than 22°C outside, that's what I'll be wearing
velvet - who was your first crush?
I can't really remember but I think probably my childhood best friend, we spent a lot of time together because our moms are friends, but we kinda just grew apart. I still find him very attractive (and he was also kinda my first kiss)
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Have you ever: gone in for an exam completely without studying for it?
Hiii <3
There was one class I took this semester where you could retake the test and view the correct answers so obviously I did not study for that, but personally, I don't like to count that class
The least I ever studied was for open book multiple choice tests, I'd just look over the slides the night before
(usually I study for about 3 days per exam)
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Could you tell me more about Red? :-)
Of course!
Red is my Witcher/Red Riding Hood AU that is slowly becoming something more than vibes and a few images that I wish I could draw!!! Thank you for asking! 😊
She had trained for this fight and a hundred like it for as long as she could remember, just four or five years old when one of the men she now considered Uncles found her shivering and singing to herself outside the gates of Kaer Morhen. Even with all his traps and magics, though, Gandalf never had figured out which faction left her for the wolves, as many elves as there were men in the vicinity of the Witcher stronghold. And as she grew faster and stronger than the other recruits, her starlight coloured hair gave away links to both lineages when she wanted neither. 
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Fan Fic Writer Asks! 20 and 21!
Hiii <3
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
My favourite is from something that has nwot been published yet, one of the later chapters of the great war will be titled "somewhere in the haze"
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
I deleted a whole chunk of my first ever fanfic (the Krennic smut), it would have been longer, but I didn't feel so comfortable writing smut yet
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💛🔮🎨 right back at ya with them fic writer questions!
Thanks for these!!! Okay, let’s go!
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
That it’s okay to be happy when something I’ve created does well or is enjoyed. I don’t have to immediately throw in a self deprecating joke or play it down, I can be proud when I’ve worked hard.
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
It will pass. It can take days, weeks or even months but there will be something that sparks your interest again. And it’s okay to feel burnout, you’re not a machine.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oooooh, this is honestly something that would have me confessing my undying love to whoever was sweet enough to draw a piece of art for a story! At the minute it would be Roman Galadriel and her Barbarian up on Hadrian’s Wall but seriously any scene or fic would have me 😍😍😍😍😍😍
thank you for asking these!!!!!!
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