#somehow still vampires simon and raphael
lurafita · 4 months
Challenge time!
I got a challenge. So I found this:
random generator thing. I typed in the different species we know from canon (tv-show canon for me), and that will randomly assign a species for a character. Like you press go for Magnus, write down result, then press go for Alec, write down result, and so on. Then, once the species have been assigned to the characters, you need to think up a prompt for them. My picks will be under the cut.
Magnus: Shadowhunter
Alec: Higher demon/prince of hell
Jace: Seelie
Izzy: Angel
Clary: Werewolf
Simon: Vampire (🤣)
Raphael: Vampire (Are you kidding me?!)
Catarina: Vampire (is this thing broken?)
Ragnor: Mundane
Maia: Mundane
Luke: Warlock (finally got a warlock in the mix)
okay, I will cap it here for now, other characters can be assigned later if need be.
uff. this is surprisingly hard.
Magnus is the only shadowhunter.
Alec as a higher demon has potential, not gonna lie.
Seelie Jace. hmmm.
and Izzy an angel. Then there could still be a sibling relationship between her and alec, actually. Alec is simply a fallen angel. Izzy didn't fall because she still follows the doctrine. though she might fall as the plot progresses.
Clary as a werewolf. Guess that is easy enough. She could be a mundane that had an encounter with a rogue werewolf, and Magnus found/saved her. Not knowing whether or not she will turn, he can't take her to a hospital. If she needed medical attention, he would probably take her to the institute, where they could also monitor if she changes, dies, or remains mundane. after the change, he can get her to the nearest wolf clan and inform them of the rogue that got her.
simon could also start out as a mundane, maybe he was even with clary when she was bitten and Magnus had to take him along as well. as both simon and clary then want to learn more about the shadow world, simon lands himself on the business end of a pair of vamp fangs. (could be Camille)
Raphael and Catarina could have history. Catarina could be leader of the clan! maybe she was the one who turned raphael in a bit to save his life.
Ragnor could be like a mundane university professor who is well versed in obscured knowledge and the history of mysterious stuff. Maybe Magnus is enrolled in one of his classes, because he has discovered that some of the mundane knowledge about all that goes bump in the dark can be surprinsgly helpful
Maia… I don't know yet.
Luke could be the high warlock of the territory.
okay, how to bring higher demon/prince of hell Alec into the mix.
obviously there would have to be some kind of summoning.
or alec himself decided to visit the mundane plain for a bit, because why not?
and maybe he just happens to witness the shadowhunter that is so uniquely dressed for his kind, fighting off demons, or that rogue werewolf, or whatever. and he takes a shine to him.
Or, Clary was supposed to be a shadowhunter (like her canon counterpart), and Luke was the high warlock who blocked her sight/erased her memories, and the werewolf thing just happened. So when the transformation seems to mess with Clary more than it should, because there is a magical block involved (which they don't know at this point), Magnus calls in the high warlock. Luke helps Clary through the transforamtion, but then in order to have the chaotic energies in Clary balance out, they need to get her her memories back. And just like Magnus in canon, Luke had given them to a demon for safekeeping. The demon in question happens to be Alec.
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Wednesday prompt with vampire Alec?
Oooh I hope you like this one! I had fun writing it
Magnus waits in the shadows, allowing Alexander to accept a last gift from his family.
His boy drinks greedily from bags and bags of unworthy blood before Fray and Alexander’s sister are using their strength runes to hold him down. And then they ensure that the twice divine blood in blondie’s veins will ensure Alexander is a daylighter and it’s the only reason Magnus is allowing Wayland the privilege of being drunk from.
Especially when Magnus is still waiting to hold his boy and keep him safe and sated and fed.
It started months ago, with the sudden betrayal of Dorothea, as she chose her feelings for shadowhunters over her allegiance to him.
Her betrayal is what convinces Magnus of the course he’ll need to take in order to acquire the prize he wants.
Because Magnus knows who he wants the moment he sees him.
And if Dorothea is willing to risk betraying him after the weight of her service and pact with Magnus… well, Magnus isn’t willing to risk the loss of his prize.
It’s easy enough to keep an eyes on events and to track his boy. Magnus knows exactly where Alexander Lightwood is every moment his boy steps past Institute wards and into the arrays Magnus has woven across New York.
Sometimes, in a sulk, Magnus will bemoan not lowering himself to place the magical wards around the Institute. If he had, he might have felt his boy sooner and at the very least, his magic would have already surrounded Alexander.
Now, Magnus has to watch in disgust as Alexander is dragged this way and that.
There’s almost a wedding, but Magnus ensures that several of the forsaken experiments he captured are released at the right time.
Such a pity that the bride died, but Alexander does seem more relieved than mournful.
It only encourages Magnus further, to see the relief in Alexander's eyes when he stares at his fiancés broken and empty body.
So he watches as Alexander is mistreated and bears the price of others actions and is demoted, his rank ignored by a pretentious hunter with half of Alexander’s talent.
Magnus almost acts until the the vampires begin to move and then he waits, because this is exactly the opening he wants.
Somehow, his darling boy gets entangled with protecting Raphael’s little pet and when the inevitable happens and Simon gets in the way, Alexander goes down.
It’s near torture, to feel Alexander’s agony across the the leylines and have to stand back and let it happen.
Magnus follows his boy until the last heartbeat and he means to ensures Alwxander will ingest blood. Except his shadowhunter companions are already forcing vampire blood down his blue, unbreathing lips.
Magnus blinks, shocked and delighted and muffling a dark laugh as he realizes this will be even easier than he thinks.
Magnus could wield the claves soul sword and swear that he had no hand in Alexander’s death. That he played no part in turning his boy into a vampire.
Perhaps Magnus knew it was happening, but he holds no true obligation to Alexander and it would not be expected of him.
Magnus interest alone is enough to be considered a blessing.
Alexander’s once parabatai is clutching his body and howling dramatically, as if all of a sudden remembering he cares of Magnus’ boy will make up for his neglect.
It’s tedious to listen to their mourning and Magnus chuckles darkly when he realizes they’re digging the womb of Alexander’s rebirth on hallowed ground.
“Guys I think this is a bad idea.” Simon says nervously.
“So we should just let him die? He died for you, vampire.”
“Yeah and you’re about to turn him into a vampire. You don’t even like vampires.”
“It’s Alec. It’s different.”
Simons groans, tugging at his own hair and pacing. “Yeah but, I wasn’t happy either! I didn’t want this I mean I’m happy now but it took time! Effort, a lot of support I didn’t really get at first and didn’t appreciate when I did!”
“Look, Alec can handle it, okay. And he’s got me and Iz. He’ll get over it. He’s got plenty of time to.”
Magnus scoffs quietly and settles in to wait. He sits on a throne of obsidian in the shade of a crypt and watches Alwxander’s grave with a devotion on par with saints.
The others have left for the day, leaving Alexander alone because they don’t know the kind of magic that can be done to an unborn fledgling.
Magnus walks over when the sun peaks and he treads a careful array over the loose gravedirt and then he spills his blood and his seed over it.
Alexander will never be tempted by any blood beyond Magnus’ from the first time he tastes it to his end.
It’s a cruel thing to do perhaps, if it weren’t for the fact that Magnus’ sheer magical reserves mean he can never be drained dry. If anything, the pleasure Magnus will derive from such a bond is enough to have Magnus’ magic purring in anticipation.
Magnus leaves Alexander only after he’s warded his grave to ensure no one else can take advantage of it. It’s but a snap of his fingers to portal to Raphael’s side and Magnus looks over the suddenly cowering group with disdain.
“Out.” He orders and but for Raphael they all flee. “When I agreed to let you handle Camille, as a sign of your loyalty, I expected results. When you delayed again and again, I made excuses for you, to Catarina, to Ragnor even.” And Magnus watches with satisfaction as his barbed words hook deeper than any actual punishment ever would.
“I can still—“
“Enough.” Magnus says quietly and Raphael goes still, not even pretending to breathe. “Your only job is to obey my commands. I will be handling Camille and you will be grateful for my leniency. For now, gather your vampires to reswear their vows to me and know that I will be culling whoever displeases me.”
Raphael hesitates at the door way, “Magnus, I didn’t mean to involve shadowhunters.”
“That, is the only correct thing you’ve done.” Magnus informs him, a dark chuckle leaving his lips. “That you managed to have Alexander cornered in such a way that leaves him easy to claim is why you still experience my generosity.”
Raphael looks terrified as he suddenly realizes the interest Magnus has in the nephilim his actions helped kill.
“Did you plan this? Did you know?”
“I’m an opportunist, Raphael. But remember your place. Don’t you ever insinuate I would ever harm my boy, do you understand? I have been more than patient and fate brought him to me, I’m no villain in his story.”
Magnus is going to rescue his boy from the madness he’s about to be subjected to.
“I’m sorry.” Raphael says, still wavering, the sweet child that he is.
“It was clever of you; not to let him taste and of your blood or to lay a hand on him.” Magnus praises Raphael with a cold smirk; “even my fondness for you would not have been enough to save you. Had you touched him.”
“Did you know that the soul gem of a fledgling vampire’s sire has a great many magical properties?”
Magnus smiles and he knows exactly when Raphael realizes what Camille’s fate will be.
Magnus gets back to the graveyard and sits back on his throne; the view unobstructed as he watches the group prepare for Alexander’s rebirth.
“Raphael won’t help us.” The youngest of Raphael’s clan whispers. “Camille is dead and the clans are in a rampage as order changes. The king of the East Coast is demanding new oaths be made. I didn’t even know we had a king!”
There’s a pause and a look of panic between the blonde and Alexander’s sister. They shuffle, fear in their eyes because neither of them want Alexander to come to Magnus’ attention.
Not when Alexander is newly a vampire and his oaths of fealty will need to be resworn.
It’s a pity, but Magnus won’t be letting them try to hide him away. Because Magnus wants Alexander and he’s not about to play a long game or fight the clave.
Magnus has been watching this particular group of shadowhunters since they first began to snoop around Magnus’ territory.
It’s completely their own fault that they left Magnus a scent of blood toward the prey he’s so meticulously lain in wait for.
And soon — after Alexander’s crawled from his grave and been reborn through the dirt— as Magnus watches Alexander rip through bag after bag of blood and then shake as clarity returns to him.
He’s still being held down when it happens. When Alexander comes back to himself and he shakes as he realizes he’s drinking blood.
Magnus bites his own lip and Alexander’s head turns to him from across the graveyard.
There’s a moment of confusion and then he rips himself from the blonde with a shocking amount of control.
The scent of Magnus’ blood after the ritual will magnify Alexander’s interest and it’s enough that he breaks away from blondie.
Alexander doesn’t come to Magnus, not yet but he’s already wavering even as he’s come to his senses.
“Jace, I didn’t want this.”
“It was my fault.” The blond admits, voice rough and hoarse. “I asked you to watch Simon, for Clary. I couldn’t handle it being why you died, Alec! Simon adapted, you can too!”
“Simon was a mundane!” Alexander yells, “you’ve taken everything from me!”
“we saved your life.”
As a newly turned downworlder, Alexander’s bonds of allegiance are aching, yearning to be connected and accepted. Magnus croons a dark lullaby as he cuts open his hand and lets it drip.
Alexander can smell it first.
It’s as if the sudden rush of Magnus’ blood trying to escape his veins is a siren song. He turns, a wild, ravenous gleam to his red eyes.
He’s a beautiful picture and Magnus can’t wait to have him painted, hungry and panting for Magnus’ blood.
“Come here darling,” Magnus calls out, low enough that without their runes active, the shadowhunters wont hear him.
Raphael’s little pet whimpers, the weight of Magnus’ power pressing down on him, forcing him to ignore Magnus.
Alexander lights up, his eyes glowing and his fangs poking out to pierce his bottom lip
“Oh darling, I have you now.” Magnus croons and he lets more blood fall. His magic will destroy all traces of himself as Alexander follows.
Alexander is like one of his arrows, a straight shot to Magnus and when he arrives, his arms come up around Magnus in a too-tight embrace.
Magnus laughs, tilting his head and offering his neck. Alexander bites deeply and groans as Magnus’ blood fills his mouth. The venom sinks into Magnus' veins like a feral ice storm and Magnus groans, delighted by how much Alexander needs him.
The divine blood of a fallen and defiled angel runs in Magnus’ veins and after this, Alexander will never crave the taste of another’s blood.
Magnus portals them both away, holding Alexander ever closer as pleasure courses through both of them.
Alexander is new fledgling with no sire and no clan that will take him — Magnus has made sure of it — he’ll greedily latch on to the bonds offered by his new king.
And Magnus will hungrily accept.
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noncanonimagines · 4 years
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Raphael Santiago x Gender neutral reader
Warnings: Mild blood, Eating disorder mention
Requested: N/A
Prompt: N/A
Summary: After your friend Simon gets turned into a vampire, your boyfriend Raphael forbids you from seeing him. However, worried about Simon, you go against your boyfriend’s wishes.
Additional Notes: First Shadowhunters imagine! Hope you like it! 
Requests are open 
“You can’t see him,” your boyfriend, Raphael, informed you with a sigh.
You looked at him incredulously, raising an eyebrow.
“What do you mean I️ can’t see him?” you inquired defiantly.
Gently, Raphael placed a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to calm you down as he could already tell that you were growing angry.  
“I️ mean it isn’t safe, mi amour. Simon’s not in control and I️ need to protect you,” he explained.
You shook your head, your boyfriend’s attempts to sweet-talk you entirely futile.  
“Simon wouldn’t hurt me,” you countered, your voice low and fierce with determination.
Raphael spoke after a long drawn out exhale.
“Look, the whole situation is a bit complicated-“ he began before you interrupted him.
“Complicated? What do you mean complicated? Is Simon alright?” you asked, the volume and pitch of your voice both rising as a clear indication of your panicked state.
Raphael immediately regretted his choice of words, feeling a twinge of guilt for being the one to make you worry.  
“He’ll be fine,” the clan leader assured, but the care that he used in choosing his words made it easy for you to read in between the lines.  
You shook your head slowly.
“…Meaning he’s not fine now. Raph, what are you not telling me?” you asked impatiently, folding your arms across your chest.
“I️ promise you it’s nothing to worry about-“ he began to assure you, but you interrupted him as his words were beginning to feel more and more hollow. 
Something was wrong with your friend and you intended to find out exactly what was going on.
“Raphael!” you bit impatiently, giving him an icy death glare.
Raphael gave a resigned sigh. “He’s not…feeding properly,” he admitted, bracing himself for your reaction.
Immediately you went forward in an attempt to get past your boyfriend.
“I️ need to go see him,” you stated.
Raphael took you by the shoulders, holding you back and looked you directly in the eyes.
“You can’t. Your blood would be too much temptation for him,” he explained.
“But maybe I️ can talk some sense into him? Look, I’ll be fine, I️ just need to-“
“No. The answer is no and that is final.”
Plan B was to ask for forgiveness instead of permission.  
You were pretty familiar with the ins and outs of the Hotel DuMort from all of the times sneaking in and out to see Raphael. Finding and getting into Simon’s room, while not the simplest of tasks, was not outside of the realm of possibilities for you.
“[Y/N], how did you get in here?” Simon asked, immediately shooting up.
You didn’t answer, stunned and mouth agape as you took in the sight of your friend before you. He was pale. Of course he was pale; all vampires were pale. 
And yet, it was somehow different, making Simon appear beyond undead and giving him an unearthly and sickly complexion. His pupils were also overly dilated as he looked at you and his hands were trembling at his sides.
“Simon,” was all you could manage to say at first as you stood there in shock.
Your first instinct was to comfort him, so you immediately took a step forward. 
Simon reacted by flinched and putting his shaky hands up in front of him.
“Don’t,” he warned, his voice broken.  
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes as you looked at him. You wanted to make sure that he was okay, but clearly he wasn’t. In that moment all you wanted to do was to take all of his suffering away.
“Simon, it’s okay. I’m here. I️ wanna help you,” you said. You weren’t entirely sure what else to say.
Simon continued to stare at you intensely in a manner that sent a shiver down your spine. His pupils were still dilated and you could feel his gaze on your throat. Suddenly, you became increasingly aware of your heartbeat in all of the pulse points on your body.
“You-“ he breathed, his stare unwavering, but stopped as if he couldn’t manage to say anymore. The one word, however, was enough for you to see that his fangs were out.
Slowly, you took a cautious step back, afraid to make any sudden movements. However, neither the wariness of your movement nor Simon’s weak state prevented his new predatory instincts from taking over.
He was a blur as he rushed over to you, trapped you in his grasp before you could even so much as blink. With a hissing sound, he sunk his sharp teeth into your neck, causing you to gasp at the sharp pain. It didn’t last for long though, the vampire venom quickly masking the pain.
His grip tightened around your waist as he drank his fill, and he pulled your head farther back to gain better leverage. He sucked on your skin hard, gulping down your blood hungrily in a frenzy.
It didn’t last for much longer though. Soon enough Simon was detached from your neck. Raphael had pulled him away from you, throwing the other vampire hard enough to hit the back wall.  
Your boyfriend hissed menacingly at the fledging, fuming with anger.
Simon got up slowly, looking at both of you with complete and utter horror.
“[Y/N], I’m so sorry,” he started, taking a step forward.
In a flash, Raphael was in front of you.
“Stay back before I️ kill you,” he said. Even you could feel he weight of his words as you could tell that he meant them wholeheartedly.
You grabbed your boyfriend’s arm.
“Raph, don’t blame Simon. This is my fault, okay? If anything, you should be angry with me,” you explained.
He whirled around to face you, his expression maintaining the same threatening intensity.
“Don’t worry, I’m furious with you too!” he exclaimed, causing you to swallow hard.
“Raphael-“ you began.
“Let’s get you patched up and then we’ll talk about this,” he grumbled, gesturing to the wound on your neck before shooting Simon another death glare. “And we’re not finished." 
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bytheangell · 4 years
Dead Dove, Do Not Eat!
(Read on AO3) During the first couple of months they’re dating, if Jace didn’t know any better, he could’ve been convinced that his boyfriend wasn’t a vampire at all.
Simon can go out in the daylight, after all, so there are plenty of early morning coffee dates and trips to the park on nice days. And Simon doesn’t have to eat, but he does anyway because he enjoys taking Jace out on occasion and knows it’d look strange if he didn’t eat anything. His fridge, due to the fact that more of the people who come by are not vampires than are vampires, is always stocked full of normal human alcohol and drinks and food, with the chilled blood kept in opaque containers in the vegetable chiller drawers so they’re extra out of sight.
“You know you don’t have to hide that, you know,” he tells Simon on more than on occasion - actually, on more occasions than he can keep track of at this point - whenever he catches Simon stealing a sip when he thinks Jace is distracted doing something else or when Simon tries to subtly sneak out of bed in the middle of the night to drink it while Jace sleeps, except Jace is a light sleeper and wakes up every single time.
“I know,” Simon always replies, and then proceeds to hide it anyway.
It’s been four months now and Simon seems to be relaxing his ���out of sight, out of mind’ policy a little bit, but not by much. Jace is trying his best to help, pouring Simon a glass of blood when he gets himself a beer and bringing them both back over to the sofa only to roll his eyes as Simon looks down at the thick red liquid in a mixture of surprise and horror.
“You do know that I know you drink blood, right?” Jace asks, his tone light and teasing. “You don’t think you’re actually keeping some sort of secret do you?”
Simon glares at him, but there’s no true anger behind the action. “I know,” he mumbles, taking the glass without saying thank you.
Jace waits until Simon brings the glass up to his lips and begins to drink from it before adding, “So I’m guessing it’s still too early to ask about biting in the bedroom, then?” and watches as Simon promptly spits all of the blood out onto the table in front of them, sputtering.
Jace has never looked more pleased with himself.
“Really?!” Simon exclaims, eyes wide and tone exasperated.
“The offer stands,” Jace confirms with a wink.
“I didn’t mean about--- that-- you’re impossible!” Simon sighs before going to the kitchen for towels to clean up with.
Six months into dating Simon and Jace is pretty sure he lives at Simon’s apartment now. He never actually asked to, and Simon never officially offered, but Jace spends more nights there than he does his room at the Institute and neither of them seems to mind.
The fridge isn’t just full of human foods and drinks, it’s full of food and drinks that Jace specifically loves. Half of his clothing, from gear to workout sweats to pajamas, fill some of the space in Simon’s drawers. Jace made an off-handed comment about liking one of the pillows on Simon’s sofa in particular and the next time he came over the assortment of various pillows around the apartment were replaced to match that one.
Jace also has a key, which he uses now when Simon sends him a ‘sorry, running late, let yourself in’ text after there’s no response to his knocking. Jace does so without hesitation, not sure when he got so comfortable with his place here but grateful for it just the same.
It’s fine that Simon’s running late because Jace is starving after patrol, and immediately beelines for the fridge to grab the takeout bag with the leftovers from the day before… except there are two bags now, one placed very conspicuously in the far back corner of the bottom shelf that definitely wasn’t there before. That brown paper bag, Jace discovers as his curiosity gets the better of him and he shifts some things around to reach it, has a white index card with writing taped to it, which he scrunches his brows at as he reads:
Do Not Eat!
Jace pauses, re-reads the note, and then glances around quickly before unfurling the rolled-down opening of the bag and peeking inside.
There is, in fact, a dead dove inside of the bag, and despite the fact that it seems freshly dead and doesn’t smell he still scrunches his nose and holds the bag away from him in surprise at the discovery, just as the front door swings open with Simon already mid-sentence.
“Hey, sorry I was late, Raphael totally lied about just needing a quick meeting and--” but Simon’s explanation cuts off abruptly when he sees Jace holding the dead dove bag. “Oh my g--” The word chokes off in Simon’s throat. “I was only two minutes late how did you get that so fast?!”
Using his vampire speed Simon was by his side, snatching the bag out of his hands with a look of total mortification.
“Why did you even open it?” Simon adds, closing it again and placing it back into the fridge.
Jace shrugs. “I… have no idea, really. I somehow didn’t actually expect it to be a dead dove. Do I get to ask why you have a dead dove in a bag in the fridge?” It isn’t judgemental but Simon still shifts awkwardly and looks away.
“Lily gave it to me. I’m trying to, uh, cut back on human blood, when I can.She has a few places that ‘donate’ recently dead animals for… reserve blood supplies, I guess? And I was already running late so I didn’t have time to do anything else with it,” Simon explains.
Simon hasn’t said much to him about it, but he remembers a passing comment a little while back about the idea.
“That’s cool,” Jace says casually, very clearly reading that Simon didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, so he wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it. “Let me know if you need any help. I know a guy who’s ridiculously into grilling, he has a butcher shop hook-up I could send your way. You know, if you want options other than dead birds in paper bags.”
“Yeah?” Simon asks, hopeful.
“Yeah. You know this stuff doesn’t weird me out, right? I wouldn’t be dating you if it did. You can talk to me about it. Any of it. Okay?” Alright, so Jace wasn’t planning on making a big deal out of it, but this feels important enough to not just drop. He’s determined to remind Simon every time it happens until he finally believes him.
“I know,” Simon says, which is what Simon always says, so Jace expects that to be the end of it until Simon opens his mouth, pausing only briefly before speaking again.
“Raphael says a lot of vampires go through this…” Simon continues, slowly at first, admitting that he still feels weird craving human blood all the time even if it’s from bags and not from the source, and he wants to see if giving animal blood a go would make him feel better about things. Jace has his suspicions, of course, but it feels good to know that Simon trusts him enough to confide in him about it, no matter what he’s feeling.
“Thanks for telling me,” Jace says when Simon’s done.
“Thanks for listening,” Simon replies, looking more relaxed than Jace has seen him in weeks. It’s nice. So, of course, he needs to be, well, him, and ruin the serious moment before it gets too serious.
“...so does cutting back on human blood mean the bedroom biting is definitely a no-go, then?” Jace asks after a long silence.
“You’re the worst. Why am I even dating you?” Simon sighs dramatically.
“Because you love me?” Jace jokes instinctively, tensing a bit when he realizes what he said because he hadn’t meant to say that word. So much for avoiding anything serious.
All of his worries fade when Simon turns to face him with a look that’s surprised, yes, but also full of soft adoration.
“You know,” Simon says, smiling. “I think I just might.”
Jace realizes that a little bit of something serious, even if it comes from finding a dead dove in the fridge, might not be so bad.
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polycule dancing headcanons: raphael
raphael can dance. it's almost a secret but he absolutely can, and it brings him great memories too, especially because as a kid he used to dance all the time. you know that scene with pedro dancing as he vacuums the floor? he was totally that kid. of course there were no vacuums at the time (at least i don't think so. and if there were they were definitely not popularized/affordable in méxico especially since at the time technological development took many many years to start being exported to latin america) but you get the idea. sweeping the house and shaking his butt, doing a few shakes as he waits for the food in the oven to be ready, or just when he gets bored, you get the idea. especially because it was a socially acceptable way to stim, and also, rosa loved dancing with him
over time he lost the whole "dancing whenever his body is bored" thing, especially because once he became a vampire that was not really... acceptable as he was expected to be all poised and still all the time. but also, him and magnus totally had fun dancing together in his loft, both during and after raphael's time living with him. throwing stuff at each other, jumping around, twirling, doing stupid little robot dances.... there were more than a few accidents when he was still a fledgeling and couldn't control his strength/speed well, but it made him feel human, and it did him good
and maybe he's even hesitant to go back to dancing when someone suggests it because you know... it's been a while, and maybe he's unlearnt how to do it, and it feels almost weird to let go again after so long of playing the always still, always poised, always in control vampire with pretty much everyone but magnus. so he's.... nervous
but it's almost inevitable when him and meliorn have a date, still in the early days of their relationship, in the seelie realm, and meliorn puts on some soft music and asks him if he likes dancing and he could lie, but he's bad at it, so he says, yes. and meliorn extends her hand to him and he stops, going "but it's been a while". and meliorn goes, "good. it'll be easier to show you how seelies dance if you don't have that mundane nonsense in your head". and raphael goes
and it's just... soft and slow and meliorn quickly realizes that he's nervous so she takes a bit more control than usual, holding him steady and swaying and twirling. the first time she twirls him, he almost freezes because he wasn't expecting it, but in a good way, you know? he's just not used to feel like he's being... courted. and when he lands back in meliorn's arms he has the hugest grin on his face, eyes shining with happiness, and it's just the best thing? aaaa 
and while slow dances are soft and all, i'd love to see meliorn teaching him their folk dances as well! that would probably be later but still, i bet they would have a lot of fun with that. especially because raphael is used to folk dances as méxico has quite a lot of them (and guadalajara in particular) and god it feels so good to go to seelie parties and have everyone spinning and hand in hand and clapping and stomping their feet?? 
he feels a little out of place as magic is of course a part of seelie dances as it is a part of their bodies and ingrained in their culture, plus they dance not only with other seelies but also with the trees, the wind and stuff like that, and he can't quite do that. but they're also used to having visitors so it's still fun and besides, meliorn can help :) it really makes raphael feel at home and think of his sister and his family and it's just... incredible
i also like to imagine raphael with simon and maia pre-relationship, and he's watching them do some silly dances from the musicals they like, which he doesn't recognize, and he's kind of sitting and watching, feeling a little out of place, and they're like "come on, raphael, dance with us! i bet you can" and simon is like "i already look stupid anyway, so why would you care about that?" and raphael goes "you don't look stupid" so sincerely... but simon doesn't miss a beat and he's all "well, then neither won't you. come on" and he almost goes but he's still hesitant, you know, it's been so long... he's pretty much only danced with meliorn and magnus ever since he became a vampire, and this is... improvising and it's with simon and maia and it's different, somehow
so they don't pressure him and just do their thing but raphael soon starts shaking his head to the tune of the song and Yearning to dance you know lmao and eventually maia all but drops on his side and gives him that pursed lip smile, all teasing and happy and she's like "come on. i can see you wanna dance. come with us" and extends her hand and this time he takes it. and he dances with them and soon he's really letting go and simon is like "dude, i thought you hadn't danced in a while? that's really good!" and raphael flashes him a smile so... happy and carefree that simon almost stops for a second
and for the rest of the night they have fun dancing together and falling in each other's arms. and then eventually when raphael leaves simon looks at maia and he's like... "i can see what meliorn meant when they said that his smile is like sunshine". and maia looks at him knowingly, but with the same softness in her eyes, and is like "i know"
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maiaphaelsource · 4 years
TWI maiaphael where maia is a marine biologist and raphael is working with Magnus (poor him Magnus is a dumbass) and raphael's happy place is when maia rants about marine life and they are basking in the sun on a beach FBGBFB I don't know this is silly rbffhdv
never too silly! we do deserve twi maiaphael 🥺
and yes! maybe maia never turned into a werewolf in twi since there is a considerably smaller amount of downworlders (and i figure werewolves specifically wouldn't last very long as they're not immortal and eventually would die out, you know? i mean sure they could turn new people but most wouldn't want to, so) and rapha is a vampire (daylighter somehow?) and since the downworlders are trying to live covertly... maybe he lives with magnus, instead of the clan, or they just keep close and rapha works for him. as his secretary or something? jdhdj
anyway yes she's a marine biologist and she's great at it and is living all her dreams and just generally being so happy? she loves what she does and she's well on her way to graduating and already has a job at an NGO maybe? to save wildlife? that does sound right up her alley
she probably meets raphael through becoming friends with simon, then magnus, then raphael. (or maybe simon and raphael become friends once they meet in twi? i mean it's a matter of time once alec and magnus start dating and there's no politics drama so they can skip that and go straight to the part where they get along lmao)
maybe she's waiting for magnus to finish up with his last client and raphael is bored with not a lot to do, really, but he gets to help his best friend/father figure and earn some money, so he's not complaining. and they are just chatting while maia waits - she mentions that she never believed in magic really but magnus is scaringly good and raphael immediately smiles in pride and is like "yeah, he has that effect on people"
and obviously there's all that pride and affection in his eyes and she... asks about it and raphael just shrugs like "magnus is family", maybe even looks down a little bit, twisting with his ace? ring and murmuring something like "even after i didnt think id have one again" and somehow maia is opening up about how her parents didn't accept her once she came out, either, but she has found a family in Simon and Bat and her other friends, so she gets it
she mentions having been a bartender and they talk working with the public and what hell it is, sometimes even finding themselves saying the same thing at the same time about some particularly wack story about a customer. raphael is like "god, i dont know how you do it, i don't know if i could handle drunk customers" and she says that the trick is to get yourself some tequila too and he laughs and damn, it's been a while
it's lonely, being a downworlder in twi. there are no communities left. he has his little family of warlocks, but... it's still lonely. especially when magnus hadn't really been at his best, lately
at some point magnus walks out and sees them talking and laughing and he just sort of. retreats again because his boy is smiling and he certainly doesn't want to disrupt the moment. he knows he needs some new friends, especially ones who aren't centuries old. raphael is still young, after all
anyway! they become friends, and soon raphael is hanging out with her and simon and bat, and it's really nice? and they hit it off so well and maia is so passionate about her work and rapha had forgotten what that was like, that passion, and she's just... so bright and knows so much and explains marine ecology to him in vivid detail and he gets it even though he doesn't have any previous knowledge? you know? she's just That Good. and more often than not they find themselves talking, maia excitedly rambling about animals and the marine ecosystem and her work to help keep oceanic preservation, and he's just listening and smiling and telling her how admirable she is, and she smiles a little privately and thanks the gods that her light little blush doesn't show
anyway she inspires rapha to go out there and he goes back to doing volunteer work too? so he finds a soup kitchen as cooking is still his passion, and it's nice and he's happy and making friends and feeling a little less detached from the outside/mundane world. and it's so good. and he supports maia so much and makes sure that she always eats and rests and manages to keep her scholarship, and aaaaaa i just love them
anyway eventually raphael tells her that he's in love with her, YES basking in the sun (im picturing in a pier rather than a beach? idk why) and she smiles and he kisses her cheek all slowly and softly 🥺
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ladyhindsight · 4 years
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Even after all efforts to write a sympathetic character who truly feels to weight of their actions and decisions by wallowing in their obscure guilt, there’s still many ways to overshoot the mark. By writing senseless narrative that makes even the irrationality of emotions seem irrational, for example. 
I wanted to go back to this post which was about Clary’s disingenuous guilt. I felt I needed to expand on this idea and wanted to scrutinize the shortly mentioned conversation between Luke and Clary a bit more, especially because it even initially did not sit right with me. Essentially Clary is being a conscientious main character and blaming herself for everything that happened to Simon. Here’s the part from City of Ashes where Luke tries to reason with her and absolve her from that guilt:
          "What happened to Simon wasn't your fault."           She heard the words, but they seemed to bounce off her as if there was an invisible wall surrounding her. Like the wall Hodge had built around her when he'd betrayed her to Valentine, but this time she couldn't hear anything through it either. She was as numb as if she'd been encased in ice.           "Did you hear me, Clary?"           "It's a nice thing to say, but of course it was my fault. Everything that happened to Simon was my fault."           "Because he was angry at you when he went back to the hotel? He didn't go back to the hotel because he was angry at you, Clary. I've heard of situations like this before. They call themselves 'darklings,' those who are half-turned. He would have felt drawn back to the hotel by a compulsion he couldn't control."           "Because he had Raphael's blood in him. But that would never have happened either if it weren't for me. If I hadn't brought him to that party—"           "You thought it would be safe there. You weren't putting him in any danger you hadn't put yourself in. You can't torture yourself like this," said Luke, [...] "There's no point to it." 
(City of Ashes, “Smoke and Steel”, pages 210-211.)
I don’t doubt there is sense in Clary’s guilt because Simon is her best friend, and his security would seemingly be one of her priorities in the dangerous hidden world she just entered. However blaming herself for all of it comes across just obnoxious, considering that there is no reflection on Clary’s part at all. What exactly does she think she did that makes everything her fault? 
As far as the narrative reveals, one is bringing Simon to Magnus’ party and the other is Simon turning into a vampire after series of events that had nothing to do with Clary. As Luke says, Simon didn’t go back to Hotel Dumort because he was angry at Clary for smushing faces with Jace at the Seelie; he would’ve gone back anyway because of the compulsion.
There’s a lot of causal explanations to our actions and eventual outcomes of those actions. One thing starts a chain of events, outcome of which there is no way to predict. While we could argue that Simon being brought to Magnus’ party started this particular number of actions—which it did—and thus somehow making Clary responsible and “guilty”, the premise to Clary’s guilt is entirely false, a point I’ll get to in a minute.
In this scene from City of Ashes cited above, Luke tries to absolve Clary’s guilt and, in a sense, manipulate the narrative so the readers would also give Clary that absolution and sympathy for being so self-conscious, which is rich especially when she is not the one suffering from the result. What is a true stretch here is Luke’s reasoning: Clary thought Simon would be safer at the party with her. Another point I’ll get to in a minute.
“You weren't putting him in any danger you hadn't put yourself in.” As if this is any reason at all to bring Simon along in the first place. As if is alright to subject Simon to the same dangers just because Clary herself has to get involved with them? What kind of logic is this? Luke then speaks how anywhere Simon has ever wanted to be, it was always with Clary. 
          "Clary, I'm telling you he made his own decisions. What you're blaming yourself for is being what you are. And that's no one's fault and nothing you can change. You told him the truth and he made up his own mind what he wanted to do about that. Everyone has choices to make; no one has the right to take those choices away from us. Not even out of love." 
(City of Ashes, "Smoke and Steel", page 211.)
Luke is right. Simon chose and is responsible for his own decisions. Clary can’t take Simon’s freedom to choose away from him. But the problem here isn’t and never was Clary being a Shadowhunter. It was never something anyone faulted her for or demanded an apology for—least of all Simon—for which Luke’s reasoning makes no sense at all. Clary being a Shadowhunter and having Simon involved in the dangers of Shadow World, whether he chose or not, are not a package deal. It is not as if you can’t have one without the other, especially when a momentary situation demands them to be kept separate. Clary demonstrated that well enough in City of Bones when she didn’t contact Simon in days after the ravener attack. Simon merely had enough time for himself to stalk in a bush and then swoop in, and nobody really tried to reason otherwise. Third point I’ll get to in a minute.
Simon’s safety being brought up as an argument point, though not being present in City of Bones in the most crucial scenes as to Clary’s guilt, it must be pointed out that it isn’t as if Clary hasn’t ever been concerned about Simon’s safety during their Crazy Adventures. We can see that from the scene before they confront Madam Dorothea/Abbadon:
          The last Clary saw of Simon as she turned to wave from the front porch was his long legs propped up on the dashboard as he sorted through Eric's CD collection. She breathed a sigh of relief. At least Simon was safe.
(City of Bones, "The Mortal Cup", pages 342-343.)
And in the scene where Clary calls to Simon about information she needs about Renwick’s.
          "Not everyone lives in the Slope, princess," said Simon, with a fair degree of mock sarcasm. "Anyway, do you need me to give you a ride again or something?"           "No! I'm fine, I don't need anything. I just wanted the information." "All right." He sounded a little hurt, Clary thought, but told herself it didn't matter. He was safe at home, and that was what was important. 
(City of Bones, "Renwick's Ruin", page 441.)
It’s just that these parts weren’t in question. They are way past the point of the events which led to Simon becoming a vampire for which Clary is feeling guilty.  One of these two instances where Simon’s safety is an actual point states that “he was safe at home, and that was what was important”. Why was this never an option before? Why no one told Simon to just go home and stay there? (Though fortunately for them, he ended up saving their asses. But I’m sure narrative could have handled that any other way too.)
To get to my main points, let’s do some backtracking. Simon is first introduced in the beginning of City of Bones and present all the way to Jace appearing again. Once Clary spots Jace who's been basically stalking her, she leaves Simon in Java Jones and gets the call from Jocelyn to not come home. Next time Simon is seen, he's sitting in the bushes near Luke's house. Simon then learns about the Shadow World after Clary has ignored him for days even though has thought of him during that time. They eavesdrop on Luke and couple baddies having a talk after which Simon tags along to the Institute.
          "You don't have to stay with me," she said, though she'd fought Jace on the train for the right to keep Simon with her, pointing out that after his three days of watching Luke, he might well know something that would be useful to them once they had a chance to break it down in detail.           "Yes," Simon said, "I do." 
(City of Bones, "The Circle and The Brotherhood", page 135.)
We never, of course, get to read the train scene because it happened between the scenes. This is the first—and now come to think of it, only—instance in the book where Clary argues the importance and rationality of Simon staying with her, but her argument has nothing to do with Simon’s safety to the best of our knowledge since the only visible point Clary is told to have made is that Simon’s information gathered while stalking in the bushes might prove to be valuable to their investigation. This is also a scene where Simon makes the choice to stay with her, which is what Luke pointed out. Simon of course would.
In the Institute, Clary is annoyed by Simon’s infatuation with Isabelle and leaves with Jace to see Hodge. Simon is left with Isabelle in the kitchen. Once they return, Clary is still very annoyed by Simon and Isabelle. She tries not to look at him. Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Alec, Hodge, and Simon then have a conversation about Jocelyn, Valentine, and the Silent Brothers. When it is suggested that Clary let the Silent Brothers have a go at her locked mind, Simon defends her by telling the others to leave her alone. Alec then just realizes that Simon is present and questions this:
          Jace glanced over at him, a slow, sweetly poisonous glance. "Alec is right," he said. "The Institute is sworn to shelter Shadowhunters, not their mundane friends. Especially when they've worn out their welcome."           Isabelle got up and took Simon's arm. "I'll show him out." For a moment it looked like he might resist her, but he caught Clary's eye across the table as she shook her head slightly. He subsided. Head up, he let Isabelle lead him from the room.           Clary stood up. "I'm tired," she said. "I want to go to sleep.           [...]           It was cooler in the hallway than it had been in the kitchen. Clary leaned against the wall, pulling at her shirt, which was sticking to the cold sweat on her chest. Far down the hall she could see Isabelle's and Simon's retreating figures, swallowed up by shadows. She watched them go silently, a shivery odd feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. When had Simon become Isabelle's responsibility, instead of hers? If there was one thing she was learning from all this, it was how easy it was to lose everything you had always thought you'd have forever. 
(City of Bones, “City of Bones", pages 159-160.)
Up to this point, Clary has not made much effort to have Simon with her whereas Simon has been insistent on remaining with Clary. Clary has been rather halfhearted about Simon and his safety has not been brought up at all. Clary rather laments how everything (like Simon) is so easy to lose while making no effort to keep him there. She also wonders when Simon had become Isabelle’s responsibility instead of hers. Funny. Sounds like responsibility of a person you might feel guilty about has exchanged hands here and being admitted to by said guilty person.
Jace and Clary then venture into the Bone City and later meet the others in Taki's.
          "Izzy's on her way," he said. "She's bringing the mundane."           "Simon? Where did he come from?" Jace asked.           "He showed up first thing this morning. Couldn't stay away from Izzy, I guess. Pathetic." Alec sounded amused. Clary wanted to kick him. 
(City of Bones, “Magnus Bane”, pages 190-191.)
Isabelle arrives with Simon, and Clary keeps being annoyed at them. They find out about Magnus Bane and his party. Simon disappears somewhere between the scenes to spend time with Isabelle (though Simon did invite Clary to hang out but Clary being still salty and all refused). Jace tells his Tragic Falcon Story. Clary sleeps. Isabelle wakes Clary and dolls her up for the party.
No one tells Simon to go home, and Simon’s presence is constantly attributed to Isabelle, not Clary. There is a clear rift in Clary and Simon’s friendship here, though I don’t know how intentional by the author it is. Once they're ready to leave for the party, Simon is of course there and for no reason. No one questions his presence nor is his presence justified or needed. Clary keeps on being salty on the way about Simon's interest in gadgets and Isabelle, of course.
In the party, Simon and Clary have an exchange reminiscent from the beginning of the book that is then ruined by Isabelle (by Clary’s standards):
          "You think he goes to St. Xavier's?"           "Very funny." She looked at him sourly.           "You're right. He's too old to be a student. I think I had him for chem last year."           Clary laughed out loud. Immediately Isabelle was beside her, breathing down her neck. "Am I missing something funny? Simon?"           Simon had the grace to look embarrassed, but said nothing. Clary muttered, "You're not missing anything," and dropped behind them. 
[City of Bones, "Dead Man's Party", page 220.]
Clary immediately drops out when Isabelle arrives. She then keeps being salty about Simon and Isabelle dancing Sexily. Simon gets turned into a rat, and Clary gets angry at Isabelle. I am still wondering why Simon was brought along. Then, Clary gets to work through her first round of guilt:
      "If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have been here at all," Clary said in a small voice.         "Don't flatter yourself. He came because of Isabelle."
(City of Bones, "The Memory of Whiteness", page 241.)
Again, Simon’s presence is attributed to Isabelle. Also to note, it’s strange to say that it’s “flattering” herself for Clary to think that Simon, her best friend, who Jace laughed at for having unrequited feelings for Clary, would be there also for her. Though this has not been made evident in the writing at all. Simon’s initial choice to remain with Clary has been buried under
Clary’s reluctance/refusal to connect and be with Simon
Clary letting Isabelle’s presence dictate whether she spends time with Simon
Isabelle being constantly thrown in as the reason why Simon sticks around
Clary being more interested in narrating Jace’s character
Clary’s constant unfounded hate and mean attitude against Isabelle
which is why it doesn’t carry over to this scene, making Simon seem like an excess character with no purpose or basis to be there. Additionally, Simon has left several times. No one still told him to stay home and that Clary will surely be in contact with him. For instance.
Clary’s guilt is obnoxious because it is centered around broad developments in the story. Her guilt has nothing to do with how she treated Simon, forgot about him, avoided him, abandoned or left him because she disliked Isabelle and him liking Isabelle. Sure, Clary is feeling guilty and wallowing in it, punishing herself by abstaining from Jace (because that’s just the worst punishment?), but she isn’t feeling guilty because she recognizes those faults in her own behavior. She feels guilty because she did something she, according to the narrative, didn’t actually even do or express any opinion about at all.
Simon wanting to stick around was based also on his fear of losing Clary, that Clary would leave him behind because now her world was all new and interesting and magical. As to that, the writing of Simon’s character has been very consistent in City of Bones, it’s just that the motivation was left incredibly unclear occasionally.
“If I hadn't brought him to that party—” Which to conclude, Clary didn’t. Isabelle did. No one just questioned why Simon was coming or brought up any complaints. He had no reason to be there at that point. The narrative didn’t present any discernible reason whatsoever other than other characters presenting Isabelle as one.
“You thought it would be safe there.” Simon’s safety was a nonissue. No one did their all to keep Simon, a mundane, safe or away. There were no hard facts put on the table, no “you don’t know how to defend yourself, you’re safer away”, rather than constant demeaning and mean attitude towards him (from everyone except Isabelle, funnily enough).
Luke’s speech tries to explain away the faults in Clary’s character that are left unrecognized by throwing in some disingenuous reasons as to why Clary didn’t do anything wrong and shouldn’t feel guilty because of it. Clary’s guilt masks away those faults even further because the guilt is used as what seems like a guise to make Clary appear better and self-conscious, to paint over what she actually was wrong about. Simon becoming a vampire did not happen because Clary is a Shadowhunter. That’s a fallacy, and Luke’s reasoning holds no water at all.
The whole thing is interesting because it is similar in technique to how the narrative represents Isabelle, and how her character is actually executed, in the first book especially. We are constantly told different than what we are shown. At the end of City of Bones, Clary tells Isabelle this:
          “You don’t have to pretend to be nice. I like it better when you act like yourself.”           “Bitchy, you mean?” Isabelle said, and laughed. ((Also there shouldn’t be a comma???))
(City of Bones, “Epilogue”, page 477.)
Which is just, wow, because there had not been any occasion, any scene where Isabelle’s sincerity or candor should’ve been brought to question. There wasn’t an instance where Isabelle acted as what would constitute as being “bitchy” whereas there were plenty from Clary.
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tobythewise · 5 years
Saphael + Snowball Fight
(Read on AO3)
Simon crouches down behind the snow bank. Checking his phone, he lets out a sigh, preparing to wait. As he hides, he packs snow between his palms, making a pile of snowballs. This might be the first moment Simon is glad to be a vampire; the snow and chill not bothering him like it once did. 
After making a small pile, Simon pops his head over the snow bank, trying to catch sight of a certain Shadowhunter. He’s careful to stay quiet and still. That lasts right until a voice behind him asks, “don’t you think this war has gone far enough?”
“Holy shit,” Simon yelps, jolting in shock and fumbling with a snowball, watching helplessly as it flies over the snow bank. He clutches a hand on his chest. If he was still human, his heart would be racing right now. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that.”
Then Simon looks both ways before pulling Raphael down into his hiding spot. Raphael comes along despite being strong enough to shove Simon away. They crouch down, side by side. “And to answer your question, no, I am not taking this too far.”
Jace and Simon have spent all winter catching each other in inconvenient places, pelting each other with snowballs. A week ago, Jace had somehow climbed up the fire escape at the hotel, snuck into Simon’s room, and dumped an entire bucket of snow on him while he was sleeping. The only thing Raphael said after that incident was to lecture Simon about locking his door. Except he freaking did! It’s not his fault Jace can use an unlock rune!
So now Simon is here, poised to attack once Jace comes back to the Institute from a mission. Did he bribe Izzy into tell him Jace’s schedule? Hell yes. Was it worth it? Well, they’re about to find out. 
When Simon finally looks back up, he sucks in a sharp breath that he doesn’t need, only just now realizing how close he and Raphael have become in their little hiding spot. His eyes fall to Raphael’s lips and Simon heats up all over. 
Simon licks his own lips and to his delight, Raphael mirrors the action. Simon thinks this moment has been building between them since he was turned, but neither of them have crossed that line. He’s not sure if they’re both afraid or just waiting for the other to move first but Simon’s tired of holding himself back. Between one blink and another, Simon is laying between Raphael’s thighs, Raphael flat on his back in the snow. He leans down and kisses him. 
Raphael’s hands come up, grabbing Simon’s face, keeping him still as they trade gentle, barely there kisses. It’s perfect. Simon wishes they could stay here for hours, enjoying the newness of them, but the sound of a certain someone’s boots draw his attention away. 
“Not to ruin this moment but--”
Raphael smirks, sitting up and picking up a snowball. “Who says it’s ruined?”
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Clary’s letter
Since we never saw Clary’s letter as a whole, I wanted to write my own version of it. The one where she said something to all of her closest ones. A few parts are the same as in the episode. English is not my first language, so there might be some grammatic or spelling errors. I have no idea why some parts turned into italicized, sorry.  I hope you like it. 
I am so sorry for leaving you all so suddenly, but I don't have any other choice. By the time you read this letter, my memories of you and the Shadow World will be gone. It was the price the Angels made me pay for the runes I've created. I know that it is hard to accept, but destroying Jonathan was my own choice and I hope that, one day, you are able to honor it.
All of this started by my urgent will to find my mother. Little did I know, that I would find my birth right, my heritage, a real family. You all sacrificed everything to make it happen and I can never thank you enough. Now it's my turn to return the favor.
The moment I met you, a part of me knew that we were meant to be. Because of you I found myself the way that I didn't ever think to be possible. You and I both know that we are capable of great darkness, such as Downworlders are able to do good. Our family has been our biggest source of misery and Jonathan just wasn't able to escape it. I meant everything I said to you at the wedding. At the end of the day, you are a lonely soul, but if I was able to make the change even slightly, the way you told me I was, don't push people away. Don't cling on that perfection you were so desperate to achieve. I am counting on you to lean on to others, whenever you need that. I love you so much. Please forgive me.
Simon - we never had time to actually watch "The Fault In Our Stars", but I guess you could say this is some kind alternate universe of it. I always imagined that as old people, we would take some competitions in  wheelchairs, bicker watch some of our favorite movies and talk about our graphic novel in a nursery home. It wasn't meant to be, but we got to experience some hell of the adventures of our own. From the moment I took you to the nurse after your allergy attack, I knew you would always be my best friend. I know that things got bit messy between us, but I am so grateful for your presence through it all - your support, jokes that would always make me feel better. You've been through so much and even though you used to find vampirism repulsive, I am so happy that you seem to have accepted your essence. You told me you wanted to honor your Mom by choosing to study accounting, but the best way to do that is to live your life, enjoy your music and share it with people. Since I knew you before the Shadow World, I am not sure what will become of our memories, but I will hold on to them as long as I can. Tell Rebecca my best regards, will you.
Iz -  you're one of the most beautiful and strongest women I've ever had  an honor to meet. You once told me that in me, you saw the sister you never had. The moment you agreed to become my parabatai was one of the happiest experiences of my life, and I am sorry that we didn't get the chance to cherish those bonds longer. But no matter how hopeless things might seem right now, I won't give up hope. Perhaps, it will come true someday. You were there for me right from the start, even during your addiction and recovery, and turned the casual tomboy into a feminine, but still badass woman - and that's really not an easy thing to do. Momentarily relapse is okay, but don't let it consume you. The worst battles are within our own minds, but I know you will conquer them one day. I am so happy for you and Simon - two of my best friends together, what more could I hope for? I know that you can love him like no other. Take care of each other. I hope you can thank Raphael and Meliorn for me as well. I am sure they both will be a great guidance for many souls - both spiritually and mythically.
Alec.. We have gone through quite a journey together, huh? If you were here now, you would probably call it quite an understatement. Even if we got on each other's nerves big time - I mean, let's face it, I was quite pain in the ass - and my actions might have seemed like a disrespect on you and the Clave, you should know that I always admired your resilience, loyalty and honesty. I have no idea how you managed to do that, but you always seemed to see right through me. Please remember that I would never blame you on anything. In the end, we understood each other and wanted the best for our family. During the process, without even noticing it, you somehow became some sort of unbiological brother for me. That's why I know that you will understand my decision. I am sorry for all the lies and secrecy I put you through, you did not deserve it. Even if you and Magnus live together now, I count on you to take care of Jace. We both know that he is able to be a stubborn jackass sometimes, but he cares about you very much. He couldn't ask for the better parabatai as far as I am concerned. I once told you that leader must do some hard decisions. And you did, multiple times, even at the expense of your own happiness. You have truly turned from that shielded boy into this caring and protective leader we always knew you could be. That's truly inspiring and I honor you deeply for that. I don't know if the angels are ever willing to forgive me, but I swear, if I ever come back and see that you have forgotten that, this little girl will kick your ass.
Magnus. I didn't get the chance to ask my Mom if she ever officially named you as my Godfather, but that's what you've always felt like to me. It's a pity that so many of our paths together were forgotten, but we got many new ones instead. In every realm, you sacrificed your happiness and safety for me, for us, probably more often than I will ever know - and I don't know how to thank you enough.  I know you have tendency to carry the world on your shoulders, but I sincerely hope you won't put this on yourself. It's not your fault in any way. Your guidance through all of those ordeals has been irreplaceable. I should've been there for you more during your difficulties, please forgive me. I guess we both had to fight against our own demons. You had to crawl through hell, literally - but you came back stronger than ever and I couldn't be prouder.  I will always be your Biscuit, even if I won't remember that.
You two would have deserved better goodbye,  but even though I never fully understood the whole "emotions being a distraction"-thing, in that situation, that would've been quite accurate. I told Jace I couldn't imagine more beautiful and fitting couple than you, and being at your wedding was an ultimate privilege. Therefore, as my wedding gift for you, it would've been my greatest pleasure to try the immortality rune - if that's what you wanted. Sadly, that's not the case now. But there's no doubt in my mind, that you will find the way. You always do. Your love has been and will be an inspiration for many souls. Cherish it for as long as you both shall live. It's your time to be happy and at peace. Give Madzie a hug for me. Perhaps I get the privilege to meet your children someday.
Luke...blood or not, you are my father in every way. You remember how many stories you had to read for me to get me to sleep at night? My Mom wanted me to learn some historical and romantic sagas, but I was always more into fantasy and mystery. And sometimes, when she didn't notice, you sneaked me some of your favorites of that area. Once, when that freaking marshmallow got stuck into my hair when we and Simon where camping, my Mom had to cut it. I didn't want to go to school, but you had already got used to bullies that disliked my art and told me that whoever had some negative to say, had to deal with you. Whether we were on boat trip or you helped me with my homework, I always felt so safe and true. You always put me  and my Mom as your first priority, no matter the consequences. You two would've deserved a happy life in Idris, but that was not written in the stars. Raziel sent her to my room, exactly where she passed away, to warn me about my runes. She was so beautiful and seemed to be in peace.  She and I are blessed and happy to know that you and Maryse have a chance for the new beginning together. I just wish you didn't have to keep it as a secret, at least from me. She basically became a mother figure for us all. I hope you would tell her my thanks for her support.  Give Maia my best regards, too. She will rock her position as the wolfie-leader, there's no doubt in my mind about that. I am sorry I didn't have time to tell you all this, but I am so proud of getting the chance to see you as a true Shadowhunter once more. I love you, Dad.
Thank you for everything. Whatever it's worth, I want you to know that I have no regrets. Even if I won't remember you, you will always be in my heart.
With all my love and respect,
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Fiona ‘Fi’ Marz → Lesley-Ann Brandt → Vampire
→ Basic Information
Age: 862
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: October 28
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Religion: Satanism
→ Her Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Guardian
Scars: None
Tattoos: Multiple - All easily hidden underneath clothing
Two Likes: Dating Warlocks and Swearing
Two Dislikes: Drinking Alone and White
Two Fears: Being Horribly Scarred/Mutilated and Angels
Two Hobbies: People Watching and Rockhounding
Three Positive Traits: Free-Spirited, Promiscuous, Extremely Loyal
Three Negative Traits: Sadistic, Persistent, Overly Confident
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Unknown Biological Parents
Scorpius Getta (Father Figure): Getta does not like sharing the story of how he found her but Fi has been with him since she was a 6 years old human. He never fed or allowed anyone else to feed off of her while she was human since Getta held out on changing her into a vampire until she was mature enough. After living and dealing with Getta for centuries, nearly a millennium, he has turned from an overbearing father to a cool understanding brother and to a friend; which he is all three at times. Fi likes their relationship and the fact that he can switch to whichever role she needs from him at the time without making it awkward.
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Averill Sookram (Ex Boyfriend): Their relationship started and ended quickly. Fi was not looking for anything long term and Averill was willing to satisfy.
Simon L Weyden (Interested): Fi is interested in him and she is sure Simon is interested in her. She is waiting for him to ask her out and thinks he may be the one.
Platonic Connections:
Raphael Caron (Family): Raphael was one of the last humans that Getta changed and Fi considers him to be her everything. He is perfect! The perfect brother. The perfect son. The perfect friend. Raphael calls himself her platonic soulmate and Fi would have to agree. She loves him in a non-romantic and unsexual way.
Aleksander Mazur (Family): Fi was once Aleksander’s keeper before becoming a guardian. She felt a lot like an older bossy sister than anything else when it came to dealing with Aleksander. Their personality is very much the same causing a lot of good times and even worse bad times. Fi doesn’t see the world without her vampiric siblings, especially Aleksander, who stares across the hall from her.
Richard Fili (Family): Fi and Fili have what many would call a strange relationship. They have both been around for a long time and agreed that being in each other’s presence for more than a certain amount of time is destructive for the both of them. Whenever Fi needs a wild night or to get away and out of Chicago, Fili is her usual travel companion. She loves that they can be attached at the hip for weeks then the following smile at each other from across the hallway and keep it moving. These times dependency of each other varies from days, weeks, months and years.
Dan Prior (Family): Fiona and Dan did not talk much before Winona, Fiona’s vampire sister’s death. Dan, Getta and Fili are now one of her last connections to Winona besides her other vampire siblings. Lately she has been trying to get him out of his funk and covering for him whenever he sneaks out.
Petra Chak (Good Friend): Petra was the main model of a female vampire that Fiona saw growing up. She was strong and fierce, and once Fi was changed, Petra took over much of her teaching and pushed her to be as fierce and strong as she was.
Sadie McCoy (Unlikely Friendship): Fiona has gotten Sadie to let her hair down and relax. Their personalities crashed when Sadie was first introduced to the seethe and eventually became Getta’s secretary. After getting Sadie out and away. Fiona saw a different side of her away from work and being damn near perfect.
Farrokh Alvi (Friend): Farrokh is entertaining to speak with and hang out with. There is never a dull moment with him in the room. Fi likes to flirt with him aimlessly, Farrokh is always willing and ready to respond. Their own personal game to try and see who will back down first.
Briar Larson (Friend): Aleksander introduced Fi to Briar; mostly because Aleksander thought Fi needed to chill and Briar is into meditation. Fi has tried to learn meditation from Briar but it is seeming hopeless. Fi is currently trying to get Briar to join her for late night yoga.
Lestat Marcoux (Friendly): Fi still cannot believe Lestat somehow tied a woman like Morana down. When they were first introduced, Fi thought it was a joke, but it turned out the two are actually sickly sweet to each other and sicken to watch. Fi has recently started to talk to Lestat more.
Amy Colt (Friendly): During a really bad tornado, it was whispered that Amy was the one to place orders with for animal shifter and human shifter blood. They continued to deal like this for bad thunderstorms and tornadoes.
Hostile Connections:
Sven (Tension): Sven is a big mystery! At first it was intriguing and Fiona ate it up but centuries later, she still doesn’t get the man. Every time she tries to have any sort of conversation with him sober ends up feeling like she is pulling teeth.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Lesley-Ann Brandt  [1][2][3][4]
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bytedykes · 4 years
anyway. thoughts on a carry on / tmi crossover (we talked abt this awhile ago i think? do it again 👀)
YES ok ok ok so like carry on right the carry on bitches are okay this is either post-ws or an alt carry on ending (i havent read ws tho so take ur pick sdkjfk) everyone is fine nothing hurts ANYWAY magic is fucky lmao so SOMEHOW they (simon and baz) (and maybe penny just bc) (agatha too) (yk what lets make this a wholeass Watford Gang Adventure) portal to a diff reality aKA THE SHADOWVERSE (shadow world?? idc)
so like right and like?? i started writing this but gave up kinda skjfhdk so the gang appears in magnus’ loft obvs (alt to the whole canon shebang valentine is dead lilith is defeated clary never lost any memories everything is FINE and nothing HURTS) (jk theres always smth that hurts but no pressing issues okay?? okay) and magnus and alec are there like. wack
baz and raphael meet they HAVE to meet they are the 2 queer vampires in suits they are sfskdjhdsk THEM and theyre both dating a simon (saphael time yo) and like !!!!! BITCH !!!!!
baz’s vampirism still works the same as in his canon tho lmaoo so raphael is like in the shadows and baz is vibing in the sun wish simon lewis and theyre all like “??? how is HE a daylighter i thought u said there’s no nephilim in ur world??” and baz is like what the fuck do you mean alskdjf vampires are just like this ??? being burned in the sun is bollocks and all the vamps are like HEY FIGHT ME U PRIVILEGED FUCK except for simon he just tries to do a complicated fistbump with baz lmaoooo
the carryon verse ppl see magnus do magic and theyre like omg ur so powerful u can do wordless and wandless magic??? w o a h and magnus is like im sorry but wtf how does magic work for u??
they’re like “omg a mage” and magnus is like I AM A WARLOCK and they’re like WHAT IS THAT and hes like AAAAA anyway penny and magnus nerding abt magickal theory bls thank you
agatha meets izzy and they trade makeup tips. agatha meets magnus and they trade makeup tips. agatha meets magnus and they trade makeup tips. everyone loves agatha (bc i love agatha)
*sips my cocoa* baz and raphael talk abt suits they’re both emotionally exhausted and into suits it’s like the perfect friendship literally ok dkjfhsdkfmnc
uHHHh simon snow meets clary + jace bc they’re the overpowered bitches just like he is/was and they bitch abt being Destined
magnus seeing simon’s wings: ??? what do you mean you’re not a warlock your mark is RIGHT THERE simon: uHHHHHHHHHH what
all the shadowverse peeps are jealous bc demons dont exist for the carryon people skjfhdskk
someone is like “nice tattoos” and clary is like thanks theyre burned into my skin and the carryon-ers are like WELL WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT
jesus i cant remember anything else we talked about so im gonna go find the convo and drop my bits here bc like THE WORLD NEEDS TO SEE
baz: this is my bf simon raphael: what a coincidence
simon s: eyyy simon how does it feel to have a vampire bf simon l: well i am one too so simon s: whOt
simon: hello british me simon: hey american me
simon l: dude baz hey wanna go chill in the sun baz lathering on sunscreen: yes
WAIT this one’s from u jam i hope its ok im sharing it but i cackled aasdfks
baz: the sun stereotype is so outdated other vampires who disintegrate in the sun: ?????? no it’s not ????? are you ok ??????
LMAO then we started debating simon’s hair color adsjfhskhfkk good times good times
Also how fucking funny would it be if he was more ginger than clary tho Hot take i refuse that, hes ginger now akancngndnds
lmao RIGHT i talked abt having a humdrum uhhh “ Oh my god simon is gonna be like ‘wheres your humdrum?? If youre a powerhouse like i used to be you have to have a humdrum’ and magnus is like hahaa what” so like skjfhsk !!!! THE PEAK QUALITY CONTENT THAT IS DIFFERENT KINDS OF MAGIC FROM DIFFERENT WORLDS MIXING OK I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE SO IM DONE BUT I MIGHT RB AND ADD ON WITH MORE SHIT LATER SKFSDK
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maiaisbia · 5 years
no new friends (some new friends)
Simon introduces Raphael to video games, or so he thinks...
Gen | words: 1653 | ao3
“Okay, you’re going to love this,” Simon was talking excitedly, fiddling with the TV in the central of the clan common areas.
Raphael was keeping an eye on him, making sure he didn’t break anything. Since taking over as clan leader, Raphael had worked to find ways to bring them all closer together. Having clean, comfortable places for them all to hang out during the day was one part of this. He had spent good money on the TV Simon was now behind.
“Watch out!” Raphael used his vampire speed to catch the TV as it tipped.
“Sorry!” Simon said. Raphael held the TV until Simon reappeared. “Okay, I have attached the Switch.”
“Excuse me?”
“The Nintendo Switch!” Simon pointed at the little device, now in a stand and hooked up. “You told me everyone gets to add something to make the Dumort feel like home.”
“You don’t even live here,” Raphael pointed out. “Did you take some money to pay for this?”
“Yes, from the community savings-”
“You know what, that’s fine,” Raphael pinched the bridge of his nose and mentally moved Simon up on his list of problem clan members. “Why do you think I’ll love this?”
“I’m going to show you the wonders of modern technology,” Simon said, sitting on the couch, controller in hand.
Raphael settled a few cushions over. “Lewis, do you think I haven’t played video games before?”
Simon turned, looking surprised. “You have?!”
Raphael hid his amusement with a scoff. “Magnus has been buying consoles since they first started being made. He’s always loved to see advances in technology, even if he isn’t always very good at using them.” Raphael picked up the second controller resting on the couch between them. “Who do you think helped set them up?”
Instead of being annoyed he wasn’t teaching Raphael something new, Simon’s face lit up. “That’s so cool! I never thought of that part of...” Simon gestured to himself.
“Being a nerd?” Raphael asked, knowing it was a meaningless dig.
As expected, it made Simon laugh, his fangs flashing. “Being immortal! Wow, you really have watched all these huge leaps in technology.” Simon then frowned. “Actually, I don’t know how old you are.”
Raphael glanced at the screen, hoping to draw Simon’s attention back to it. It didn’t work. “That’s a rather rude question.”
“Oh, sorry.” Simon didn’t sound sorry and was still looking at him expectantly.
Sighing, Raphael said, “I was born in the 1930s. I’m considered rather young, and you are practically a baby.” He glanced at Simon and decided to impart some wisdom, something Magnus had told him. “When dealing with mortals, especially shadowhunters, you should always lie about your age. The older they think you are, the more intimidating and formidable they also assume you are.”
“Oh, huh,” Simon said, looking thoughtful as he turned back to the TV. He flipped through a few screens that Raphael attempted to follow along. “So how old is Magnus really?”
“Depends,” Raphael smiled. “He might tell you the truth one day if he trusts you.”
“So mysterious,” Simon said, still in good humor. Nothing really phased him, and Raphael was a little jealous of that. He had not been in a good place after he had been turned, and Magnus was the only one who had been able to get him through. “Is that another requirement of immortality?”
“Yes,” Raphael said, as the music began to play on the TV.
“I wish there was a guide book,” Simon mused, flicking through what seemed to be the newest iteration of Smash Brothers.
“No guide book, but hopefully everyone finds someone who has been through it to guide them,” Raphael said and selected Pikachu. Simon stared at him for that, mouth hanging over. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing.” Simon chose Link. As the screen loaded, he continued, “Thank you for what you’ve done to help me. I know I haven’t made it easy at times.”
“No, you haven’t,” Raphael said, quickly testing all the controls. Pikachu and the controller were almost able to keep up with his speed. “But no fledgling is easy to deal with. Add to that your baffling friendships with shadowhunters...”
“Rude,” Simon said, as Link sent Pikachu flying. Raphael growled. “But I can understand. They are kinda cops...”
“No kind of about it,” Raphael muttered, and got revenge as Link tumbled off the battlefield. He was getting the hang of the new controller shape. “But you’re welcome. You fall under my responsibility in a lot of ways.”
“I am an adult,” Simon said, and blew up both Link and Pikachu.
“You were barely an adult human, and now you are a baby vampire,” Raphael explained, Pikachu grabbing a sword that fell from the sky.
“Maybe so,” Simon laughed again. The round ended with Link winning, and Raphael huffed in frustration. “Damn that was a close match. You weren’t lying about knowing how to play.”
“Why would I lie about that?”
“I bet you haven’t played Skyrim.”
“No...” Raphael said and had a sinking feeling he was going to regret this.
A week later, Raphael found himself texting Magnus, [Can I come over?]
[Of course! Anything the matter?] Magnus responded only a few minutes later.
[No, I just have something to show you.] Raphael slipped into the community room. Some of his clan were doing their yearly binge watch of Friends. Raphael rolled his eyes at what was happening on the screen, and set about detaching the Switch.
[Certainly! Come whenever you’re ready.] Magnus texted. [I can send the hubby away.]
[Please never refer to Lightwood as that again.] Raphael quickly sent back. Magnus teased that using vampire speed for texting was cheating and that vampires should have to struggle with the rest of the immortals.
Instead, he sent at the same time Magnus did. [*Lightwood-Bane.]
Finishing packing the Switch, putting it in a bag so that no one would know what it was, he left the Dumort, tossing over his shoulder, “Be good!”
“Okay, mom!” One of the vampires, who was older than Raphael by nearly a hundred years, called back. And as teasing as the tone was, Raphael knew they would probably listen to him. They usually did. Shaking his head with a smile, he headed into the growing evening.
It didn’t take long to get to the loft. Raphael could use his speed, and climb over buildings if he wanted. Normally he would take his time, but he was rather excited to show Magnus the games. He lifted his hand to knock on the door just as it opened.
Alec smiled down at him while shrugging on a coat. “Hey, Raphael.”
“Hello,” Raphael greeted, stepping around him.
“I’m meeting my family for dinner,” Alec offered.
“I didn’t ask,” Raphael informed him, slipping off his shoes and hanging up his own coat.
“Wonderful to see you too, have fun!” Alec said, chuckling. He then shouted past Raphael. “Bye Magnus, I love you!”
“Love you too,” Magnus said, appearing and giving Alec a quick kiss. Raphael was not above making a face at them, so he did. When the door was closed behind Alec, Magnus turned his attention to Raphael and pulled him into a hug. Raphael relaxed, hugging him back.
When Magnus let go, Raphael picked the bag off the floor, holding it up to him. “I brought something I think you’ll like.”
“And I’m intrigued.” Magnus followed Raphael into the living room.
“We need your TV,” Raphael set about taking out the gaming system and some of the games from the little library Simon had somehow amassed in a week. If Raphael had looked away from the additional money taken from the community pool... well no one would know but him.
Magnus snapped his fingers and the living room rearranged itself so the couches and chairs faced a large TV. Raphael was unsure where Magnus kept it the rest of the time but understood it didn’t work with the aesthetic he was going with. Raphael then set about attaching the Switch to the TV.
“Look at this little thing,” Raphael handed the tablet of the Switch for Magnus to look over. “It can play so many more games than its bigger ancestors.”
Magnus turned it over in his hands. “Mundanes really are onto something with their computing systems. Do you think I can magically enhance this?”
“I don’t think you need to.” Raphael took the tablet back and slid it into the dock to connect it to the TV. He turned to find Magnus had settled on the couch, additional pillows and blankets now summoned around him, and some snacks on the coffee table. Some were altered so Raphael could enjoy them. Magnus was good at meeting dietary needs without having to be asked.
It was one of the many reasons that the comfort and feeling of home settled over Raphael whenever he was with Magnus. If there was anyone who Raphael was completely at ease with, it was Magnus. Magnus had taken care of Raphael in his darkest times, and Raphael had tried to return that care whenever he could. Moments like this, when there wasn’t anything dire happening, were his favorite. It was nice to spend time with someone who he could be totally relaxed around.
Climbing onto the couch and into the nest of pillows, Raphael handed Magnus a controller. Magnus accepted it, adjusting to tuck his feet under himself and lean slightly against Raphael’s shoulder. The last of the tension left Raphael’s body, and he tugged a blanket over his and Magnus’ shoulders.
“Ready to lose?” Raphael asked, selecting Smash Brothers as Simon had. Skyrim blinked tauntingly and Raphael didn’t want to think of the hours he had already sunk into it.
“To you my boy? Always.” Raphael felt Magnus’ laughter and smiled. “Let’s see what has changed.”
“I call Pikachu.”
Magnus laughed harder. “Well, apparently some things stay the same.”
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The 30 Day Fandom Challenge
So I have come to realize lately that I am a part of so many fandoms that I want to show them all some love somehow. So I am making up this little challenge and tagging someone to join me. What you do is you just answer the questions (and provide photos/gifs/etc if you want) for a different fandom every day.
Before I start....I challenge you @domsberto
Since Tumblr only lets you use 10 gifs/photos a post I will be using them sparingly.
Day One-
Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments
(Show & Books)
1) Favorite character: Simon Lewis
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Reason: Simon is adorable dork with a heart of gold who will do anything for the people he cares about, literally going to Hell and back one time. He can be a spazz and ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time half the time but he is a beautiful soul and hopeless romantic who loves with his whole heart. He is also a good friend to have by your side. Simon is precious and I love him. 😍
2) Most relatable character: Tied between Simon Lewis and Raphael Santiago
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Reason: I can relate to Simon because I too am a hopeless romantic, I ramble too much sometimes and I am full of useless pop culture trivia like my adorable little dork. Raphael, I can relate to, because he holds those he cares about close to the chest (especially Magnus and Ragnor) and would do anything for them (as proven in the books when he refused to kill Magnus and.....we will get to that later). He doesn't put up with bullshit and drama (which I also can't stand) and is not afraid to put someone in their place when they need it.
3) Most underrated character: Raphael Santiago
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Reason: Raphael may have his faults but as far as characters go he is one of the best. He does so much for so many people and is often overlooked because of the happenings of the "main" characters in the series. Even his sacrifice in the books show just how loyal he is to certain people. He deserves more recognition and I'm here to give it to him.
4) Most overrated character: Clary Fray
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Reason: Ok before all the Clary lovers come at me, please note that I don't hate Clary I just dislike some of her actions. While in the books she got better, she has still rubbed me the wrong way from the beginning. On the show she is very self centered and tends to get in the way more than she helps in fighting situations. She pushed boundaries and stuck her nose in things she had no business getting involved in. When Simon needed her, she ignored him (when he was turning) because she was so focused on her own agenda and don't even get me started on her romantic relationships with both Simon and Jace that bordered on toxic at times. She is one of the main characters but is overrated because she is so hyped up for being Little Miss Perfect when there are better characters in the series. I don't hate her, I actually like her....sometimes....but that's my opinion.
5) Least favorite character: Jordan Kyle
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Reason: He is all kinds of shady and I didn't like the way he treated Maia and Simon at times.
6) Favorite canon pairing: Malec (Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood)
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Reason: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Magnus and Alec are the most beautiful couple to grace the fandom because they share a love so pure and so passionate that it surpasses what many people think of when they think about love. They have been through hell and back (literally) but still managed to come out stronger than before. They have an everlasting love that will never die and I stan them forever. They make each other better people, they support and defend each other, they hold each other up and it's beautiful.
7) Favorite non-canon pairing: Jimon (Jace Herondale & Simon Lewis)
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Reason: First of all, this pairing should be canon and in my heart of hearts it is! Simon and Jace spent most of the series (books and TV) subtly flirting but never giving in like they should have. Simon and Jace went from fighting over the same girl to genuinely caring about one another and looking out for each other. They constantly touch and no matter how much Simon rambles, Jace always gives him the same fond heart eyed expression every time. I firmly believe that if these two ever just gave into the undeniable connection between the two of them that they would have a love for the ages that ranks up there with Malec. And in my heart, they are already there just too stubborn and blinded by other people to see the truth staring them in the face. I could go on forever about Jimon but I will end with they are my OTP (other than Malec) and I love them.
8) Least favorite pairing: Tied Climon (Simon & Clary) & Clace (Clary & Jace)
Reason: Both couples are better off as friends and are pretty toxic as far as romantic relationships go. Let's start with Climon. The entire time Clary and Simon were dating, Clary was still in love with Jace and didn't treat Simon right unless it was convenient for her. She basically lead him on, making him believe that she was all in and loved him the way that he loved her but that was never the case. It was the strength of their friendship that allowed them to move on after their heartbreaking breakup but things were never really ever the same between them. It took time before they could get back to the way things were before that horrible attempt at dating. As for Clace, they had an obsessive love. When they were together it was as if nothing or no one else mattered to either of them. Clary was constantly ignoring Simon and others in favor of spending time with Jace and Jace constantly broke rules for Clary and even acted questionably toward his own Parabatai to go along with whatever hairbrained scheme she came up with. Personally, they were better as friends than lovers and after the whole "You might be my sibling" fiasco, I can't look at them the same way anymore. They are not right for each other even though they are technically an endgame ship.
9) Favorite part/moment: Jace saves Simon from Valentine
Reason: When Jace glamoured himself to look like Clary in order to save Simon's life when he was being held captive by Valentine, he didn't have to go to the lengths he did to save someone he supposedly hated. Allowing Simon to drink from him changed the relationship between the two of them exponentially because it showed Simon just how much he actually cared about him. Even to the point that he was willing to die for him as seen in the aftermath scene where he admitted he would have let Simon kill him if it meant he could live. Tell me this isn't love for him to do what he did.
(Later in the book series when Simon lost his memories, one of the first things he remembered was this scene and Jace admitted actually liked it when Simon bit him.)
10) Least favorite part/moment: Sebastian kills Raphael (The Bane Chronicles)
Reason: Raphael dies! While his death was an honorable death by sacrificing himself to save the life of the man he had considered like a father to him since he was turned into vampire, I dislike this part the most because he shouldn't have had to die at all. It was a senseless and sad ending for one of my favorite characters and he deserved so much better. (Though his sacrifice was also sweet, it still hurts my soul he is gone. I sobbed like a baby)
There you have it folks! Day 1....stay tuned for Day 2...coming soon since I finished this after midnight and it's already day 2 lol
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finditagain24 · 4 years
Chump by FinditAgain
Shadowhunters fic; Lily Chen & Simon Lewis
Her lips were painted a deep bloody red and it looked a lot more intimidating than the bags of literal blood scattered about the tabletop.
(Read on AO3)
A thick crimson liquid poured out of the bottle and slowly down into the six shot glasses perched on the table.
“All right, hot shot.” Lily Chen, Simon’s designated death mentor for the week (his words not Raphael’s) was the one doing the pouring. She smirked at him from across his seat in the Dumort’s bar, deserted except for the two of them. “Are you ready to do this?”
“All signs point to no .”
Her lips were painted a deep bloody red and it looked a lot more intimidating than the bags of literal blood scattered about the tabletop. What was Simon’s life?
For a vampire who was at least a hundred years old, Lily was pretty cool. Sure, she had that homicidal glint in her eye that most of Raphael’s clan had somehow inherited. But she was also really funny, one of the few people in the Shadow world who understood his cultural references, and a total badass. 
Lily was lively in a way no one else could be around the gloomy hotel, and out of all of the characters roaming about the Dumort, she was probably his second favorite.
Maybe Raphael was the first, when he wasn’t being a dick.
She fiddled with the straw in the transparent reusable bottle of blood she carried around everywhere, delivering an exasperated sigh and shaking her dark hair. When she moved her head the bright pink strips in her hair shone against the low lights of the bar.
“Don’t be such a wuss.”
“What I am is a lightweight, okay? I know what I’m about.“ He tapped his fingers on the table, trying to focus on the amused glint in her eyes and not the tantalizing smell of fresh blood.
“Last time one drink knocked me out for the whole night, and I promised I’d be at the Institute early tomorrow.”
“Oh no, are the angels going to get mad at the little baby waby?” she mocked, twisting her fists in the quintessential hand gesture for a cry baby .  
  “Shut up.”
 “Come on Simon, we’re the only ones on home base duty tonight and I'm bored ,” she said. “One good old fashioned game of Quarters to bond with your favorite dazzling beauty. What could it hurt?”
His eyes drifted from her exaggerated pout down to the bags she’d used to fill up the bottle and back, considering.
“Loser refills the blood bank?”
She graced him with a wide grin that incuded a dangerous showing of teeth. “Good choice.”
There were coins already waiting in her hand. She took one and flung it against the table, managing to bounce it off the hard surface and into an empty shot glass sitting almost at the edge.
Of course she won on the first try, flipping back her hair as she nudged the drink towards him. Taking the glass in hand, he tipped his head back and swallowed. The blood reached Simon’s throat and went down in one smooth gulp.
“Shit that’s good,” he chased the tangy taste of the blood by licking his lips. This was clearly the quality stuff the hid from the fledgelings.
Lily laughed with mirth before slurping blood straight from her bottle. She wasn’t even phased by pre-gaming her drinks, knowing she would beat Simon every time until she had finished having her fun. He knew it too, but sometimes it was fun to play along with her teasing. It was one of the things that made him feel like he was finally part of the Clan.
“Isn’t that better than going to some boring Institute?” she fiddled with her metal straw again. “Shadowhunters are the worst. Do they even know how to get plasma?”
“I don’t think they have any blood in the Institute.”
“ What ?” she managed to convey disgust with her tone of voice while slinging both legs on top the table, her intimidating platform boots swinging out on to the edge.
“The audacity of those wannabe Neo’s! Why even go there when they’re so inconsiderate?”
Simon couldn’t help the onslaught of tenderness at the sight of her indignant face. The New York vampires thought the shadowhunters were entitled and had not so subtly let him know they didn’t appreciate how the nephlim treated Simon most days. 
“They’re my friends,” he shrugged, and yet he was maybe starting to see the Clan’s point on some things. Like meeting the shadowhunters at the Institute so much, for one, seeing as how unwelcoming of a place it was for Downworlders.
It was true, but still he felt kind of odd just thinking about it. Simon wasn’t usually one to rock the boat when it came to Clary and their friends. And he really wasn’t one to listen to the vampires.
Well, not to Raphael anyway.
It was just that Raphael made everything so formal, all about the Clan and honor. But Lily got right to the human side of it. 
“Is this about Jason?”
“Ja- Do you mean Jace ?”
“Yeah, the leathery one.” Which Simon thought was kind of hypocritical of her, considering the black leather jacket she herself sported on a daily basis. 
“Why would it be about Jace?”
“No reason,” she eyed him coyly, then bounced a quarter and somehow landed it straight into the cup without ever looking away from his face. 
“You know, back in the twenty’s we would call someone like you a chump,” she grinned and did the trick again, making that two more shots for him and none for her. 
“Yeah well we still say that today,” he knocked back one shot after the other, only three more to go, “we also still say things like swindle and conman .”
Lily grinned, showing the tips of her razor sharp fangs. “That’s low baby, least you can do is call me a con artist .”  
Oh man, he was going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning. 
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A clear path
Read it on Ao3
Rating: T
Relationships: Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Meliorn/Raphael Santiago, Izzy/Meliorn (background), Izzy/Clary/Maia (background), Maia/Simon (background)
Tags: polyamori, open relationships, pre-relationship saphael, non-binary Meliorn, set in the future
Summary: It's Raphael's first time going to what Meliorn has dubbed "polycule game night". Just him, his partner, his partner's girlfriend, her girlfriends, and one of her girlfriend's boyfriend.One of these may have some things to say to him.
(Can be read as a standalone)
Part 2
It doesn’t feel weird.
It feels supremely weird.
Not their whole - thing. He doesn’t even mind seeing Meliorn flirt with Isabelle, or blink an eye when he sees Maia give Clary a kiss on the cheek and immediately give Simon another. He’s a vampire hanging out with faeries, werewolves and demon-hunters, what’s six people who are all in relationships with each other?
He is the one who's weird.
He hasn’t been surrounded by this many people in - ever. Even in his clan, he mostly kept to the sidelines, focused on his plans, the war, making sure everyone was safe and okay. He hasn’t allowed himself to indulge in “hanging out” with anyone, let alone such a mixed group, with a lot of people he doesn’t know.
He’s on the couch, watching everyone, taking a sip of his bloody Mary - minus the Mary - and soaking in their dynamics. He doesn’t feel like an invader, but he doesn’t feel like an insider, either.
Maybe it’s just because it’s his first time.
“You okay in there?”
He looks up at Simon, a little shocked. He wasn’t expecting to be - for the lack of a better word, noticed. Usually, when he sticks to the sidelines, people let him, and forget him in there.
Then again, Lewis has never been known for following protocol.
“What?” he asks, when Raphael’s stunned silence stretches for too long.
(Well, too long for him, anyway. Simon doesn’t exactly have a good silence tolerance)
(Then again, maybe Raphael has too much)
“Nothing, I’m just shocked to hear you say such a short sentence,” he deadpans, taking another sip of his drink. It’s an instinctive kind of reaction, to try to get people to leave. He’s been cultivating walls between him and the world for a long time now.
Not that they ever work with Simon. “Oh, I’m just warming up. You made the mistake of answering me, so the rant can start at any minute. I even have a few options for you to pick out,” he says as he sits down besides Raphael, stretching his legs and draping his arm over the backrest. He’s not in Raphael’s space in any way, though, and he knows that’s deliberate. Simon overthinks even when he’s not paying attention to it.
Raphael takes another sip of his drink, this time to hide his smile. “I see,” he says.
Simon smiles back at him, big and careless. “No, but really, are you okay? You’ve just been sitting here all night - I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with that, you do you. If you’re happy with it that’s fine. I’m just not too sure you’re happy with it - you have that sour face going on - then again that’s just your usual face. Not in a bad way! It’s just that, well, you always look a little grumpy. Anyway. I guess what I’m trying to ask is, are you sitting here because you want to, or because you feel like you have to? If you just want to, I’ll totally leave, promise.”
Raphael’s glass hovers midair, his hand stuck in a non-motion. This is the thing about Simon - if he had just asked if Raphael is okay, it would be easy to say yes. He is okay. But then he feels the need to elaborate, and suddenly the question becomes much more complicated. Refined, even. And then the answer is not that simple anymore, because it’s not that easy to bypass.
It’s really annoying.
Then again, it’s not like he needs to keep finding loopholes. He’s not a Seelie. He can lie.
He doesn’t. “I’m just getting used to it,” he says. “Too many people. I don’t know- how things work yet.” Then, because he can see the way Simon perks up, clearly about to tell him to get drunk so he can unwind or something equally crazy and stupid, “and I guess it’s weird to be here with my ex,” he adds.
That’s not a lie either. It wasn’t the most important thing on his mind, but seeing Isabelle does kind of struck a nerve.
She has apologized for- everything that happened. A long time ago, too.
It’s not that he holds a grudge, because he doesn’t. He knows he has his share of guilt for letting her drag him into it. He knows he has his own sins to look at before he can judge others.
You’re a good man, he remembers Meliorn saying to him all that time ago, when they were still acquaintances starting to cross the line to friends. Way better than you think you are. These sacrifices, these battles you fight to prove your worth, they’re pointless. You will never atone to these sins, because you did not commit them.
It was so honest, so simple, that it took Raphael a while to even remember that Meliorn can’t physically lie. For one magical, miraculous moment, Raphael believed them fully, without a single reason other than that it felt right.
After that moment, it was all but obvious where they were going. The path to it had been long - taken years to complete, in fact - but it was strolled through, not fought. Somehow, Raphael didn’t even notice it happening until he had arrived here.
At game night with his partner, his partner’s girlfriend, her other girlfriends, and one of her girlfriend’s boyfriend.
Maybe it is a little weird.
“You and Izzy have seen each other before,” Simon points out.
Raphael hums, lost in thought. “Yes. Many times. But not when she’s not a shadowhunter representative, or the head of the New York Institute, or a weapons master, or our ally. It’s been years since I’ve been in a room with just Isabelle,” he says, “and we share a partner, of all things.” He lets out a little laugh, although with years of practice it sounds more like a snicker.
“You’re telling me? I have two exes here, and they’re both dating my partner,” Simon says dramatically, and still somehow not sounding serious in the least.
Raphael blinks. “You know, I hadn’t thought of that,” because he hadn’t. He always forgets about Simon’s - whatever it was - with Clary. Imagining her with any man is weird, but then again, he pretty much only got to know her after she came out. And Simon’s time with Isabelle was short-lived, even shorter than Raphael’s.
“Well, now that you know it, I bet you can’t unsee,” Simon laughs. “Two entire partners other than me, and they’re my only two exes. Our dating pool is seriously limited.”
Raphael’s lips are twitching. “Well, Maia did have other options. I guess you were just unlucky,” he reasons.
“Me? Unlucky? Impossible,” Simon deadpans. “God has always worked in my favor, this is a well known fact.”
Raphael tips his head a little bit, humoring him. “Then I suppose we’re just drawn to people with similar tastes.”
“Good line,” Meliorn says, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. They were right in front of Raphael the whole time, of course, but they have this way of making others feel like they made a dramatic entrance every time they speak. “Very smooth. Your courtship abilities have improved tremendously,” they finish.
Raphael chokes on himself. “What? I’m not courting him,” he objects, as Simon himself has a similar immortal heart attack beside him.
“Yeah, no, definitely not courting,” he continues, “I don’t even think Raphael can court anyone! I mean, not that he can’t, but I don’t think he’d try to. Well, but you two are dating, so there’s that, but I just kind of always assumed you were the one doing the courting - not that I’ve been thinking about you guy’s personal lives or anything! Really, I don’t want to know- well, not that you can’t talk about it, of course, I just-”
“I see. My mistake,” Meliorn replies, doing a little bow and leaving Simon mid-rant.
They both look stunned for a second, and then Raphael erupts into laughter. Meliorn is truly something, he thinks.
By the time he’s quieted down, there are a few tears on the corners of his eyes, and he wipes them with abandon. When his eyes focus again, Simon is looking at him like he just witnessed the birth of a star.
“What?” Raphael asks, instantly guarded.
Simon shakes his head as if getting rid of a hallucination. “Nothing,” he answers. Then, because he knows that’s way too short not to get Raphael suspicious, “I can see why you two are attracted to each other.”
A part of Raphael wants to ask him what he means by that. Instead, he looks at his drink and smiles. “Yeah,” he says, knowing the way his eyes are glinting.
For once, Simon isn’t the one to break the silence. He watches quietly as Raphael allows himself that moment of vulnerability, of truth. Something he’d deem unthinkable just a few years ago, before he started to actually see a family in his clan, but there he is.
Slowly, he comes to, turning to Simon. "I’m sorry, you know,” he says.
“For what?”
“For everything- about how things were when we first met. For being an accomplice in Turning you. For the fights.”
“That wasn’t your fault,” Simon answers easily, waving it away like that moment didn’t singlehandedly ruin his life. “You were the one who let me go. I know you had been working to gain Camille’s trust way too hard to let your whole plan be ruined by some random mundane. You risked enough by freeing me.”
“I was trapped by the sunlight,” Raphael argues.
“They were leaving. You let me go and lied to Camille.”
Raphael just huffs.
Simon sighs. “Why is it so hard for you to admit that you’re a nice guy, deep down?” he asks. Then, before Raphael can think of something to say to that, “Besides, I’m the one who’s sorry. You were trying to protect your people and I almost ruined that,” Simon muses, “I put you all at risk because I was too blinded by Clary. And then myself.”
There’s a beat of silence. Then, “I wouldn’t have actually hurt your sister, you know.”
Raphael closes his eyes and lets the now familiar wave of- feelings - guilt and hatred and anger and despair and love and grief - wash over him. It hasn’t become less strong, not really. It’s Raphael who’s become stronger to deal with it. Rosa is the one topic he’ll always be sensitive over, the one grudge he’ll hold with the world. He promised he’d be there for his sister. He promised he wouldn’t let her suffer like he did. And then he never got to see her again.
He remembers how, when Simon sent him the picture, the first thing he felt was jealousy. Before fear, before anger, before sadness, all he could do was hate Simon because he got to be there, with her, under the sunlight, and hear her voice.
But… “I know,” he says. Because that is also the truth.
“I know that doesn’t make it right,” Simon is quick to amend, “I should have never- It was fucked up,” he lets out a high pitched, awkward laugh. Then, after taking a deep breath, “I guess I didn’t- I didn’t understand all that was at stake for you, at the time.”
Raphael’s laugh is humourless this time. “Well, you knew shadowhunters before you even knew other downworlders. Doesn’t surprise me that you didn’t understand,” he says, knowing that he’s being bitter, knowing that he’s not being completely fair.
But Simon just smiles sadly at him. “Yeah,” he says. “I guess it was a complicated time.”
When isn’t it?. Raphael thinks of living in Mexico, poor and hungry, of him mom trying to sell enchiladas to get some food home after the death of his father. He thinks of moving to the United States, of not knowing a word of english, of shutting down and stopping to speak when he didn’t know how to say things anymore. Of people hating his language, and also the way he spoke their language. Of people hating his skin color. His accent. Of not understanding why he couldn’t greet people with a kiss on the cheek anymore. Of eating weird food. Of being made fun of for his food. Of being Turned. Of wandering the streets, crying and gripping a crucifix. Of being found. Of being thrown into a war. Of joining the clan of someone he didn’t like or trust. Of another war. Of getting his clan back after finally, finally getting rid of her. Of meeting Meliorn. Of being here.
“Yeah,” he ends up saying, “but it’s a better time now.”
Simon smiles, looking ahead where Clary, Izzy and Maia are fighting over a game of MeliUno - regular Uno, except Meliorn gets to see everyone’s cards and gives the most cryptic possible clues of what they are, and they have to figure it out. “It is,” Simon finally agrees.
There’s silence between them. Companiable, nice. Shared, not fought.
It doesn’t last long, of course. Simon stretches out his hand. “Nice to meet you,” he says, “the version of you in nicer times.”
Raphael takes his hand, and doesn’t hide his smile. He wonders if that, too, is opening a path he can stroll into.
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thelightofthebane · 5 years
The magic we create
Summary: It has been one year since Magnus lost his magic. 
But Alec has a magical surprise for him.
Pairing: Magnus Bane/Alexander Lightwood
Tags: Magnus without magic, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Good Boyfriend Alec Lightwood, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Alec Lightwood Loves Magnus Bane, Magnus Bane Loves Alec Lightwood, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
You can also read here: ao3
It has been one year since Magnus lost his magic.
The whole ordeal with Lilith and Jonathan wrapped up after some months, and everything went back to normal.
Well, the most normal that it was possible. There were still demons, there were still problems everywhere, and life continued for everyone.
In the beginning, Magnus felt his life was the only that really stopped. Alec, Izzy, Clary, and Jace went on missions, fought demons, and did all the messy Shadowhunter things they were already used to. Raphael was happy with his new Mundane life and studying to become a Priest. Simon became a good ambassador for New York’s vampires, and Maia was one of the best Alphas to ever lead the main Werewolf pack of the city. Lorenzo was still the High Warlock of Brooklin. Catarina still worked at the hospital and Mazdie was becoming a wonderful and strong Warlock with a talent for healing magic just like her mother.
But Magnus… Magnus felt empty. Useless. Just a burden for everyone.
It took a lot of time and effort to feel otherwise. He didn’t want anybody to feel pity for him, and that scared and angered him more than anything, but they never treated him differently. He still could make some potions – the ones that didn’t require spells to finish them. People still called him for advice. They still entered his home without knocking first.
Home. He built a new one with Alec. They moved in together to a much smaller apartment than his previous loft, but it still was a cozy place. Their place. And Alec never once stopped showering him with love and patience and understanding. Once, after being a bit tipsy, his boyfriend confessed a plan he had considered to put in action. To make a deal with Asmodeus and bring Magnus’ magic back. Magnus was furious for him even thinking about that. They had a very long and heartfelt discussion about communication and self-sacrificing deeds without the other’s consent. They’ve already dealt with too much shit to persist in such mistakes.
Time passed by, and even if it wasn’t much better, he didn’t feel so lost anymore. Even though he had already accepted his fate without magic and immortality, he never stopped looking for a way to get it back. Neither Alec. With hope, maybe someday things would be different.
It was almost Spring again, but it never snowed that year. Winter was just… cold, gray. The beautiful white didn’t come, as if even the sky was tired of crying.
The sun was setting, giving its last rays of warmth before the chilly night took over. Magnus was at their balcony, absently looking at the city while waiting for his boyfriend to come home. He missed the snow. Once, he conjured some for Alec to humor him and was awarded a big and boyish smile that made Alec's hazel eyes even brighter. And now… He couldn’t even warm them, and they had to rely on blankets and hot coffee.
“Hey, Magnus!” Alec called from their front door, and Magnus promptly walked back to the living room, welcoming his boyfriend with a kiss.
“I’m happy that you got the night off today, but didn’t you say this week would be hellish due to some Clave’s business?” He tried to take out Alexander’s sweater, but his Shadowhunter wouldn’t stop giving him small pecks all over his face.
“Yes, but I’ve already finished some things and let Izzy deal with the rest. Tonight I’m all yours and…” His voice trailed off for a moment before gaining strength again. He grinned. “I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” Magnus furrowed his brows, a bit taken aback. He still didn’t like surprises, but he learned a long time ago that it was okay to trust Alec with them.
Alec nodded and took a blindfold from his pants’ pocket. “Do you trust me?”
“Always.” Magnus smiled, and it was enough for Alec. He kissed him one more time and then blindfolded him.
“I will take you to our garden. You’re going to hear a loud noise, but don’t worry, okay?” Alec dragged Magnus to the middle of their little garden on the rooftop of the building, and then let go of him. For some time, Magnus only heard Alec’s footsteps from a place to another until a really loud roar startled him. It was some kind of machine, a rusty motor trying to work with some difficulty.
“Alexander?” Magnus called but didn’t receive an answer. He was beginning to feel anxious, and when he decided to take off the blindfold, he felt something cold on his right cheek. Then, his left ear. His hair. Like… Ice.
Like snow.
It was snowing?
He tried to take off the blindfold, but a hand caught his wrist.
“Don’t take it. Just feel it. Or else, the…” Alec trailed off again, uncertain. He knew his Shadowhunter well enough to recognize the nuances of his voice. And he was almost certain that, besides being nervous, Alec would also be blushing. “The magic won’t fully work.”
Magnus was taken aback with that statement but didn’t push. Trusting Alec, he spread his arms and tilted his head back. The consistency was a bit off, but he could feel like it was really snowing. The cold tingling his nerves like butterfly kisses, the nature embracing him as his magic did once.
He didn’t know how Alec was doing that, and later would ask, but for now, he was grateful for it.
It wasn’t true magic, but somehow it was still magical.
And though Magnus wasn’t whole – and perhaps would never be again without the magic he was born with, he realized something very special that day.
His life still had some kind of magic.
One that didn’t come from blood or heritage or transfusion.
But one that was born from Alexander Gideon Lightwood’s love for Magnus Bane.
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