#someone blocked your number on Android
changes · 8 months
Tuesday, January 30th, 2024
🌟 New
You can now add polls to reblogs!
When searching on a specific blog, using a # as a prefix will now only match tags. So if you search for #cats on a blog, we’ll only show posts using that tag. (This is also how searching across all of Tumblr works when using a # to prefix a search term.)
We’ve retired the Today tab in Explore on web, now Trending is the default experience again.
🛠 Fixed
Posting to Tumblr from IFTTT was being rate limited more than usual lately, causing some actions to fail, but we’ve fixed the issue.
We’re fixing lots of small visual issues with Tumblr Patio, for those who are helping us test it out.
On Android, a small number of users were unable to access their messages on app version 32.9. This issue is now fixed in 33.0.
We’ve rolled out the fix to issue in the iOS app that was preventing folks from editing draft posts.
🚧 Ongoing
We attempted to fix the pesky bug that could cause the asks/submissions inbox to show an unread count of 1 or more when nothing was actually in there. This is usually caused by someone sending an ask, and then being suspended for some reason, or blocking, which all prevent the actual ask from being seen. We accidentally made this worse for some people, showing an even higher unread count when nothing was there. While we fixed that botched attempt at a fix, we’re still working to make the situation better overall.
🌱 Upcoming
Nothing to report here today.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
Wanna support Tumblr directly with some money? Check out the new Supporter badge in TumblrMart!
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skinside · 1 year
okay so, a lot is being said about all the shitty changes on tumblr lately. i've avoided many of these changes by downgrading to older versions of the tumblr app on android. however, there's one drawback i've faced: if you go back too far, you lose polls, one of the only good new features. so i decided to experiment version-by-version to see when certain desirable or undesirable features were added to the apk. unfortunately there's no version with polls but without tumblr live. i've compiled the detailed results here, in order of most recent version number
NOTE: to get old versions of tumblr, use apkmirror.com, which is a trustworthy, reputable source for .apk files, android's package installers. to downgrade your app you need to uninstall it and install an older apk (not necessary for upgrading to a higher version). a list of available apks for tumblr can be found here
first version with new media viewer. any version before this should be okay in that department. (thanks @weeeeps for finding this!)
first version of tumblr apk with polls
still has old style media viewer
still has prev tags aka ability to navigate up reblog chain
unfortunately has tumblr live
first version with tumblr live (yuck), any version on apkmirror before this shouldn't have tumblr live
last easily installable version without tumblr live
it has the Halloween skeleton icon though
last version without tumblr live with a normal icon
no tumblr live, no polls, yes old media viewer
last version of app where the "open tumblr links in app" feature functions properly even if the tracker api2.branch.io is blocked by your content blocker
if you use a version later than this, to successfully open a tumblr link from anywhere else on your phone in the you app, you have to unblock api2.branch.io from the ad/content blocker you use, otherwise opening the link in the app will fail. this took me some trial and error to figure out the issue
note: if you don't have an ad/tracker blocker on your phone, I'd recommend Blokada 5 (not 6)
again, disappointingly there isn't a version with polls but without tumblr live. if you want to see a poll you'll either have to share a post containing a poll to a web browser, or just use (or slightly newer) and deal with snoozing tumblr live and having the live button on the navbar, but at least you get the old media viewer and can go up reblog chains again
sometime after the most recent version i tested, the new media player was also added. if anyone wants to test for the last version with the old media player, i can add that to the list as well added :)
if you want a version of the tumblr app with polls that doesn't have live, someone would probably have to mod the apk. i don't know how to do that, but there's modded versions of many popular apps out there, so maybe someone can try and see if that's possible for tumblr. otherwise just keep complaining about the shittiness and maybe staff will go back on the bad changes, though i wouldn't hold my breath on that
oh and if you're on iOS idk what to tell you, you probably have to jailbreak it to downgrade an app
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Toxic codependent coworkers (more like sentimentally attached. I really tried but it didn't turn out toxic, but rather everything but)
(AU where Hank and Connor work as partners for years(or at least months) prior to revolution, and not on deviancy cases)
Despite being an android Connor has apparent lack of respect to Hank's superiority status, and at first it drives Hank nuts. He thinks he must be broken and fills the form for condition tests, but they come back normal, and as Hank finds out he's pretty much the only one having problems in making his android partner listen to his commands. After that Connor becomes even more annoying, as if specifically messing with Hank.
Hank, spends month begging to be partnered with someone else. Finally gets his wish granted and for one case he gets partnered with someone who is actually listening to him with respect and doesn't do or say weird shit. And it feels so off and boring that the next week or even day all he does is quietly asks to get Connor back.
This change made him aware that although sometimes annoying, his work has become much more fun and bearable with the presence of this specific android in it. It actually helps him forget things and distracts him enough from his regular thoughts for him to almost feel like fully-functional human again. Despite how much he hates overtime work, he's now occasionally taking some, especially on some holidays that he couldn't bear the thought of spending alone. This change of character is a bit shocking for everyone to witness, but Connor pretends to not notice, sparing him sarcastic notions this time.
Connor, being an android basically never leaves his work place. He leaves sticky notes on Hank's desk to report to him everything minor that happened in his absence, like overnight. The observations he's sharing aren't exactly worthy of a report, it's just things like "Someone had broken the coffee machine again (can you guess who?)", "That guy who came to report his stolen bike had a living rat in his pocket 🐀", "I've counted 12 spiders in this room alone, do you think I should give them names?"
He does that just out of boredom. He used to message Hank before, but the other threatened to block Connor's number if he keeps messaging him about work in his spare time, so now he's just leaving him notes. Sometimes they're just "Your shirt is ugly today" and Hank goes "How did you know which one I'll be wearing?" to which comes the response "Hank, we both know that they're all ugly"
In Hank's phone Connor is named as "smartass", periodically being renamed into other names. What Hank doesn't know is that Connor is aware of every name change. One time he makes it clear by saying something like "I can't believe I finally got promoted to Connor in your contacts. Not plastic asshole or smartass. I'll miss robot emoji tho."
One time Connor mentions that he charges his battery in the morning before Hank arrives and this fact now consumes his thoughts. So much that one day he shows up an hour earlier just to see that. When he doesn't account for is that Connor is deeply moved by this his decision and is like
"You hate waking up early, but you came here today an hour before your shift starts just to see me? Oh..."
For a moment Hank is embarrassed and half-expects his snarky partner to make fun of it, but instead he's just...so glad to see him it almost makes him feel bad.
Android doesn't rest and Hank can't help but feel kinda bad for him, even though he knows he's just humanizing him and shouldn't bother. Sometimes he's almost certain that he looks tired, but can't really explain what gives him such an impression.
One time Connor fucks up bad. For a regular reason of deciding to do something without being given a command to do so (which in absolute most cases was resulting in their favour before). For all Hank knows, such cases should be reported and usually result in temporary detention. But Connor is an android. He apologies frantically and visibly panics thinking about what it could mean for him. Hank ends up taking all the blame – the report on the case doesn't mention Connor doing anything out of line.
After that Hank can't deny feeling a sense of responsibility for his partner. After deviancy cases started to spread out, every android at the station is required to be tested weekly. As his partner, Hank is required to run those tests on Connor. The really first time results show "deviant".
Hank looks at him for a long moment
"I knew it."
"You're a good detective."
He marks the results as negative in the record. From now on they both keep pretending that everything is as usual. Hank never missed the day of assessment to keep marking "negative" under Connor's deviancy status, but Detroit is becoming more and more unstable. They start to get assigned their first deviancy cases. They let everyone escape and wonder how long they can keep doing this before they're both replaced. One day Connor receives the key to Jericho. Hank encourages him to get the hell out from DPD the same day it happens.
He gives him his gun and some money, they both dispose of his android uniform and Hank helps him to remove his LED. He says to throw it away, but actually saves the LED in his pocket in case it happened to be the only physical reminder he has left. They hug goodbye and part ways.
Hank fills the resign form the next day.
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year
Quick wins if you don't like your relationship with screens:
Get rid of recommendations and feeds - there's lots of extensions to block Facebook and Twitter feeds, as well as YouTube recommendations. Purge your YouTube Subscriptions and only select videos from your subscriptions or what you seek out in your search bar. Don't use these on mobile where taking the feed out is not natively available.
Adopt alternative messengers - Look for messengers that don't use your data to show you ads. Skip Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok messages. Signal is the classic but if that's not your style there are many others. Want a letter writing like experience without the postage? Try SLOWLY.
Create a social email account or organize your current email to show you more social emails - social emails are emails that were personally written to you specifically from people you know. I get it, you don't want to give your phone number out to people and if you quit social media what would you give them? Your email. Depending on what email you're using there's lots of tutorials on how to get social emails in their own box or tab so you can find them easily. Declutter your email (newsletters especially) so you can more easily use it as a tool.
Consider leaving or putting strict limits on apps with no user controls over your feeds - I'm talking TikTok and Instagram here. Don't want to leave, that's fine. But take a break. See how you feel. Still not wanting to leave. That's cool. Consider setting an app timer and giving someone else the password. Given that there's no way to build in a stopping point in these apps and they're primarily mobile which make user modification dicey - you need a hard limit some how. But seriously consider passing on it.
Consider a custom phone UI (Android Phones) - there a many apps out there that let you alter your phone to be visually less distracting. I use minimalist phone but there are others. Some cost up front but the customization is simple and effective.
None of this will ultimately fix the issue. To be clear. That's not the goal. The goal is to give you enough of a break that you start to see social media for what it is a little more, make it less appealing. So this is not one of those "just turn off notifications and turn your phone to greyscale" posts. It's more of a life raft to help you keep your head above water.
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cuprohastes · 1 year
Hills to die on
If it's a JPEG or PNG it's not HDR. It's just tone mapping.
JPEG needs taking out back and euthanising. There are better formats and have been for like 15 years.
In any situation where there is a clearly better option, someone will contrive a way to fuck the situation up so massively that everyone will just keep using the shitty scenario. That someone is usually Sony.
GIMP and people who promote GIMP to unsuspecting would-be artists has done more to harm digital art than the cost of buying all the hardware.
Discord sucks ass. It won't ever not suck.
It doesn't matter what Android can do or how customisable it is, if you e.g. get a Samsung it's going to be so larded down with crap and cruft that any benefits over iOS will be lost.
Windows is not better than MacOS.
MacOS is not better than Windows.
Both are better than any Linux install that isn't running on a tablet.
For drawing, sketching, painting and generally enjoying things, an iPad with a ludicrously overpriced stylus is way better than a full PC with a Wacom...
... and the tablet's a better way to enjoy media.
Customer service agents are not paid enough
Customer service agents should be allowed to say "Jesus fucking Christ I asked what the problem is, not 'Tell me about your day' Shut. The. Fuck . Up. Now what is the problem. 6 words or less, or I'm hanging up and blocking your number".
CSATs and NPS are astrology anti-vax conspiracy theories for middle management. They're deeply flawed, harmful to everyone involved, a huge pain in the ass, and nobody wants to deal with them... apart from some middle manager who firmly believes they can boil down a human being and their entire job to two numbers every month.
Billionaires and politicians should be tried every year and if found guilty of being utter shits, be wired up for life support and encased in amber, and displayed to the public along with a list of the bad shit they've done. I firmly believe that these dinguses will see their comerades frozen mid scream in a big block of resin, while a machine keeps them alive in permanent hellish torture and still do the stupid things they do.
Nobody likes soft mozarella as much as block mozarella.
UBI and free cheese would probably solve almost all problems.
Nestlé are now so evil they're just doing it to see how far they can push things before anyone actually does something other than tut-tutting.
Most politicians should be guillotined.
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marcusrobertobaq · 8 months
The Zen Garden resume control method ain't that difficult to understand.
It's established when Connors are in the meeting room talking with Amanda they remain in some sorta rest or idle mode outside of it. Meaning they can't move or do anything, it's like they're "outside" 'em bodies or "sleeping" - they can't talk in the meeting room and make bodies motor controls function at same time, they need disconnect from the room first. Hank even jokes about it.
Tumblr media
So, wtf is this whole Zen Garden thing?
My personal answer:
Zen Garden is like any other cyberspace/metaverse meeting room service, it got an AI that can also connects and disconnect from there and got admin powers over the room users. They're both using avatars in this "realm". And like any digital meeting room server all the info about your device is being tracked in there, meaning it's a way of tracking Connors model, serial number and location in real time. And to make the other side (Connor side) also work Connors got a bridge that connects to this room, similar to the idea of our browsers use (to be more simple to explain) but more sophisticated than that and likely native (something i don't think Connor got admin powers to manipulate).
That's how Connors can still be tracked after deviancy and even remote controlled. CyberLife still got his info and the connection didn't shutdown like usually happens with deviant androids. He's made for it and got all tools necessary to be tracked and remote controlled - after all he got a vast range of autonomy over his choices in missions, he basically gotta decide and deal with everything alone cuz his handler (the only person he interacts that can give him orders) is in this digital realm only and her orders are mostly vague.
So, following the logic i've explaind what is the whole "trap" deal in my understanding:
Amanda forces a call Connor can't refuse, bringing him to the room consequently leaving mf without control over his body;
Amanda closes the ability of disconnect Connor got meaning he's in the room and can't get out by normal means;
CyberLife or the AI itself take basic controls or even just set new orders to a factory Connor, something like the kernel or some shit;
The "Magic stone" is an emergency exit, a manual one. By using it Connor is able to close the Zen Garden connection, consequently having control back "over his body".
Questions i don't know the answer:
I don't know if the exit closes the Zen Garden connection and blocks the bridge that connects A to B;
I don't know if the exit gives Connor the admin control he needs to block all connections himself;
I don't know if the exit takes Zen Garden server down, even if temporarily;
I don't know if the exit not only takes Zen Garden down but also resets/deletes all info that can track Connors;
I don't know if the exit is a shift in Connor's system itself, blocking all bridges automatically when used - cuz this method is also used to avoid Connor's deviation in some endings. So this whole snow storm is equivalent to a red wall but actually happening;
I don't know if u can hear or take notice of outside events while in Zen Garden. I assume u can't.
I don't know what would happen if he's busy in Zen Garden while someone is trynna do something "bad" irl - i suppose he must have a danger alert;
I don't know if the seasons are some kinda message or "mood" shit or programmed stuff like in games. Could be Amanda changing things (she got admin powers in there) but why would she change the seasons? We'll never know.
Canon things that goes against this whole theory:
Connor can "freeze to death" in there. What is it really? Freezing his AI to avoid issues and just letting in there to be deleted? No idea.
Everything happening in Zen Garden is DIGITAL, they're using avatars like a video game - including the snow storm. How would something that happens to your avatar impact your device (in this case the device is Connor's body)? How is this thing in practice besides Connor not being able to be in Zen Garden and irl at the same time?
Only thing i know this emergency exit exists cuz this resume control function is likely an old one and it's always good having one, doesn't matter the real intention, if u know what i mean xD
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anonymusbosch · 1 year
good things recently from @staff that I appreciate:
- reverting the double-tap action in lightbox mode on the Android app from "like" back to "zoom in"
- fixing the bug on Android where opening a post with filtered content opens it in a browser tab instead of the app (I made a support ticket for this!)
- (Android) being able to move the time slider on videos by dragging anywhere on the screen
- (Android) making the time slider on videos work, like, functionally
- (Desktop browser) Making the Help/Support page easier to find (I made a support ticket for this too!)
- (Desktop browser) Having tabs for the Following/For You/Your faves/Stuff you missed. I've used all of these! I've been here for ten years and yes, I explore the For You tab. I like finding new blogs to look at, and I'm glad it's one of the options I can switch between
- (Android) It seems like the glitch is fixed where the app would spontaneously scroll you to the top of someone's blog and lose your place in the scroll. Hasn't happened in weeks, and that's great!
- Porn bot levels are currently extremely low. Cheers!
- (Desktop) I actually like the sidebar layout. I don't use twitter and I don't have a kneejerk OH TWITTER CLONE reaction. it just looks like any website to me. And I think it's a better use of space.
Stuff I think it would be cool to see:
- The ability to do something like upvote/downvote a community label, or mark a community label as incorrectly applied, or something like that. I've seen a good number of posts that have community labels so wrong they seem malicious and it seems imbalanced if it only takes one person to add a community label but a moderator's review to remove. Hm I'm gonna go make a support ticket about this actually
- On Android, in the text editor, I nevvvvvver want to drag a whole block of text around randomly. I'd rather have the ability to select text across multiple paragraphs for copying and pasting. you know I will also make this a ticket
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yayroos · 1 year
Fediverse for tumblr users
Ok so I said the other night I'd do a write up of how to fediverse for tumblr. Because tumblr is, as ever, in danger of screwing us all over to a similar degree to what twitter and reddit have been through recently.
First, some definitions
Fediverse (fedi) - a whole bunch of different websites running compatible platforms that can talk to eachother
mastodon - one of the larger kinds of platforms that make up the fediverse, there are others, but mastodon is the common twitter/tumblr ish one in terms of functionality
lemmy and kbin - two other kinds of fediverse platform, which you might have heard of recently as a number of reddit communities have moved there. Lemmy and kbin can talk to mastodon and you can see posts between them, it's just a different layout.
federation - the link between two different sites running fediverse platofrms, that lets users see content from all different sites
de-federation - breaking the link, basically blocking a whole website, so if someone sets up a nasty website for spreading spam or something, your admins can block it completely
Great, so what's this mastodon thing anyway?
You might have heard about mastodon while twitter was doing its major implosion under elon. From your perspective, it's a collection of microblogging sites that can all talk to each other, so if you set up an account on one of them, you can follow and be followed from other ones, without being beholden to their moderators. If you don't like the admins on your particular site, you can switch to another site running a similar platform and take your followers and following lists with you. The important bit is that it pretty much Just Works. Log in, make posts, like, boost, reply, follow people you like, look through tags, see what's out there.
If you want to make an account, I recommend taking a look at https://fedi.garden/ as a place to find sites that are likely to have people with shared interests. Personally I'm on tech.lgbt, a community of queer people interested in computing, and it's a really nice place. Signups are currently manually moderated, so you can be fairly sure there aren't spammers or bots there.
There are lots of large fediverse sites out there, which you can also join, and lots of country or language specific ones. Pick one, or let me know a couple of things you'd be looking for in that community and I'll do some searching and find one you might like.
If you're super techy you can even host one yourself, but that's well beyond the scope of this post and if you're into that then I'm sure you can figure out how.
If you're interested in looking for replacements for other socials, the fediverse has most of them covered
twitter and tumblr -> mastodon
reddit -> lemmy or kbin
instagram -> pixelfed
youtube -> peertube
twitch -> owncast
they all work a little differently, but they all talk to each other, so I can see pixelfed or peertube posts from my account on tech.lgbt, and people on those sites can see my posts.
it's also worth noting that mastodon isn't the only kind of fediverse site that behaves like twitter or tumblr, you might see things like calckey, GoToSocial, akkoma and others. They're all broadly the same for you as a user, and your admins will tell you if you need to do anything if they change from one to another. tech.lgbt just changed from mastodon to GoToSocial and it was seamless for me, same account, same app.
Speaking of apps, there's heaps of different apps you can use to view your feed and use your account, including the web interfaces, which are fairly polished on their own. iOS and android have different apps available, and many of them are open source. Several makers of now defunct reddit third party apps are working on lemmy or kbin apps, so if you were a fan of Apollo then there may be a lemmy app for you soon.
I use Ice Cubes for iOS, but I'm looking into switching because I'm not totally happy with some of the stances of the creator on things like AI integration, and there are other apps out there I can just switch to. If you don't know where to start, there's nothing wrong with the default mastodon app, and a lot of people use it.
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reddus-sideblog · 2 years
M.E.R.C.s - Headhunting
12-08-890 AR
EXV accessed the deceased architect android’s hard drive as he prepared his tools of the trade. The schematics of the Florison sector that were kept deep in the hard drive hadn’t been accessed for over a century now. The sector had changed in that time, to be sure, but the basic layout was still the same, and a good number of the buildings that Mason had designed had stood the test of time. Even after a few corporate wars and labor syndicate riots running through the streets it had all still remained the same. Those conflicts had no doubt adapted to the steel and concrete that he had imagined and designed all those decades ago.
    Mono-wire tool. Hack knife, loaded with a drive to open doors with electronic locks. Thunder shotgun, cut down, with only three shells. If EXV needed more than that he had already failed in his mission. Since awakening he had always focused on proficiency and efficacy. He supposed that his creator had made him with that in mind, but there was certainly no way to know that now. 
    The slender, almost skeletal android slinked around the shadows of the sector, sticking to back roads and alleys as he approached the Cedar Estate apartment building. His target was on the fourth floor, but entering through the front door and being recorded by any security systems there simply wouldn’t do. The Sable Foundation expected a lot more out of its killers, and the less clean up operators that were needed, the better ones standing tended to be.
    EXV looked over the building from a nearby alley, comparing it to the schematics in his mind. The building had had some minor changes, sure, but the layout looked like it was mostly the same. Killing Mason the other week had been child’s play, and this job wasn’t likely to be much harder. Surprisingly, the architect android’s parts were already proving to be valuable.
    The android’s radio implant buzzed.
    “You could just climb up from the outside if you wanted to, I’m sure the balcony railings would support your weight,” said the human on the other end. 
    The android assassin would have scowled if his face allowed for it. The blonde woman was a novice at best, and their handler sticking them together for this mission must have been some sort of punishment. EXV couldn’t possibly perceive how he had offended the masked man’s organic sensibilities, but he was discovering how little he understood organics every day.
    “True,” he said, attempting to dissuade the human’s impertinent contribution. “But if someone sees me climbing that could be problematic.”
    “Sure, but I can just kill ‘em,” said his partner. 
    The nonchalance was grating heavily on EXV, but his programmed sense of professionalism prevented him from yelling at the human like he truly wanted to.
    “Cash. The less of a trail we leave, the better,” EXV said evenly. 
    His partner sighed into her mic before replying, “alright, I’ll wait until you come up with a better way to get in.”
    The worst part of working with a sniper was that EXV couldn’t glare at them when they said something asinine. Still, EXV was coming up with few other options. Cash probably had a better view of the sector from the the radio tower she was stationed in, and while his architectural data was supremely useful in many situations it was not returning any answers to his conundrum. He wanted to curse his idiocy for not bringing any climbing gear.
    “Fine,” he eventually replied. EXV’s need to complete the job far outweighed his want to spurn Cash’s impertinence.
    He could practically hear Cash smiling, “I’ll keep watch for you, looks like a few of the rooms on the left side have no one in them, so I’d start climbing there. Also I peeped in and it looks like our target is home.”
    EXV’s lithe form was already ascending the side of the apartment block. His inordinate height helped greatly as he ascended the balconies, crawling up the railings and floors with a fluid ease. Cash instructed the android which windows to avoid climbing by and which balconies to avoid entirely. The habitation sector was highly populated for such an exclusive area, and EXV was finding out just how many homes were occupied as he climbed higher. Cash’s vantage point on the radio tower to the East of the sector was an enormous boon, and he was begrudgingly glad that he had a second person on the mission.
    Finally nearing the twelfth floor EXV shimmied around the partition to a neighbor’s balcony before freezing as Cash hissed at him.
    “Wait. Zavier’s in the room there. He’s on the phone though, I’ll tell you when he’s looking away.”
    The android waited, frozen in place for a few moments. EXV was still unhappy about this method of ingress. But given the current circumstances he supposed it would have to do. Cash’s sniper rifle was useful for numerous things, but collecting his target’s head in one piece was not one of them. Plus if the shot went awry it could give Zavier time to call for aid. Yes, his preferred method of decapitation with monowire was certainly the most effective by far. It left the victims relatively intact, completely dead, and left their more valuable components behind. The Foundation didn’t care too much about their murderer’s eccentricities, so long as their targets were dead at the end of the day.
    The jaggedly-shaped, painfully thin android still had much to learn about life, but his method of extricating his android victim’s hard drives and integrating them into himself far exceeded heuristic methods in efficiency. EXV knew that many thought his practices were ghoulish at best, but between the lack of scruples held by his employers and the intrinsic knowledge of mechannibalization programmed into him he saw few better ways to improve his database. With other androids having a few centuries and decades on him, it seemed the perfect way to catch up, and make some currency in the meantime.
    While the android’s programmer had made him with a mind for killing and acquiring knowledge he had never been given anything to know about more urbane topics, or social graces. What little EXV knew about his creators at this point sounded more like a random jumble of mildly associated terms. The Department of Cabinet Intelligence was involved, he was sure about that, but it seemed like a number of his subsystems and parts were made custom by Intelligent Industries’ “Electronic Evolution” department. He had scanned and dedicated to memory the paper file, titled “Project Exovore”, that had been with him in the locked cabinet he had first awoken in. After awakening he soon escaped and had been on this path ever since. The android wondered idly if humans had such difficulty determining their past when they were constructed.
    Cash gave EXV the signal to move and he swept onto the balcony of the target’s apartment silently. Slowly he slid the balcony door open before creeping towards the unsuspecting android. The target, Zavier-089, was a Divinist through and through, and looked like every part of him was covered in one holy symbol or another. EXV grabbed either end of the monowire case and pulled it apart, letting loose a thin, practically invisible strand held between the two handles. Zavier was turned around, emphatically voicing a difference of opinion with an associate of his, and he never heard the assassin coming. 
    EXV closed the monowire tool’s handles together, before grabbing his newest acquisition with one hand, and the phone Zavier had held in hand with the other. He hung up the phone and threw it aside, preparing a plastic bag for the other android’s head. The long, thin fingers of the assassin android wrapped around the smooth cranial compartment of the Divinist, and he separated the head from the torso with a wet schlup. The head was bagged before Zavier could register that he was dead.
    The body of Zavier fell to the floor with a heavy thump, leaking white coolant from the severed joint.
    “Mission accomplished. Exfiltrating.”
    There was a bang outside of the door of the sparsely furnitured apartment. The door flew open, and a squad of armed thugs rushed into the room, and EXV scrambled for the balcony door.
    “He already killed Zavier!”     “Is that a fucking demon?”
    “Where’s his head?”
    “GET HIS ASS!”
    A barrage of gunfire lit up the apartment as the android attempted to escape. As he swept his legs over balcony’s railing a multitude of shots hit EXV’s back, sending him tumbling off the balcony, off into the twilight urban canyon below.
Cash watched in disbelief as her android partner was blown away. She hadn’t seen a single other person in Zavier’s apartment, and she had looked away for just a moment to make sure that the adjacent apartment to their target wasn’t aware of the murder happening next door. Now they would be very aware after the thugs had unloaded their guns on EXV, of course. Still, she needed to clean up this mess as much as she could.
    The cyborg focus in her enhanced sight on the room of their target. Cash’s bionic eye was a cluster of optics mounted in the middle of her forehead, which were usually covered by a golden cover, engraved with a bullion symbol on it. When she activated the optics her mere human eyes were covered by blinders, letting her focus on the augmented vision. With a digital zoom of up to fifty times, a thermal filter, and a motion stabilizer system it gave her a very clear view into the target’s apartment from her position in a neighboring sector, about five hundred meters away.
    The goons that had blasted their way in were gawking in disbelief at the android they’d shot, and at Zavier’s beheaded corpse. One of them was using a cell phone, no doubt to relay the situation to their allies. Cash inhaled slowly as she readied her long-barreled rifle and steadied herself on the radio tower’s railing. They'd be easy prey, if she landed all of her shots on the four of them.
    The shot went through the already open balcony door and past the heads of the other thugs, until it hit its target square in the forehead. The round sliced through the head of the goon who was leaning against the door to Zavier’s apartment, no doubt splattering the hall on the other side of the door with viscous brain fluid, blood, and soft bits of gray matter.
    The thugs, who Cash suspected were Souther cartel members by their tacky style of dress, had turned, thinking that a knock had come from the door. This assumption proved to be very false as their friend on the balcony fell backwards, the remains of his head spraying the window next to his headless body while bloody rhythmically squirted across the deck from a carotid artery that no longer had a brain to pump to. His phone fell all the way down to the street below, doubtlessly being dashed to pieces.
    The remaining thugs, one skinny and more well-built, began to realize what was happening. The larger one had run for the door, but Cash had figured that would be the case. As he tried to open the door and shove his dead friend aside he suddenly slumped over, joining his ally as another shot slipped through the open balcony door to drill a small hole right into his one temple and leave a massive, bloody crater out the other one.
    The last cartel member, the scrawny looking one in a shirt with a tropical print, threw himself behind the front room’s only couch. Cash smiled. The apartment had one exit, and she had full vision of it. The gangster would have to go across the very open hallway and living room to get to the door that was blocked by the carcasses of two of his friends. Cash sincerely doubted that the cartel thug was faster than a .338 round, even at this range. 
    The thug made the mistake of sticking his head up from his cover in a vain attempt to find out who was shooting at him. If he was lucky he might have seen the suppressed flash of Cash’s Hoolihan rifle amongst the late evening lights, but it would be impossible for anyone to know, as a round messily chopped the top part of his cranium off, leaving a lower jaw and a messy stump behind.
    Cash closed her third eye and let out a satisfied sigh. That wasn’t half bad shooting, but with EXV dead she might as well start packing up. Getting rid of his wreck was a job for Sable’s cleaners, and the mission was done. She hoped that the four extra stiffs wouldn’t look too sloppy to her handler, it would be a shame to get bumped back down a rank after her first mission as a B Rank assassin.
    Still, the Foundation’s rankings were individual, and the woman felt little dedication to freaky, snobbish android. If he was alive, though, she would have rubbed her excellent shooting in his faceplate, it was one of the small perks of having to work with EXV.
    “I still function,” came the synthetic hiss of her partner’s voice over her radio headset.
    Cash didn’t know whether she felt more dumbfounded or exhausted.
    “That’s… incredible, really,” she said at length, “Didn’t you hit the pavement? From twelve stories up?”
    “Incorrect, I only fell seven stories, I landed on the roof of the building across the street,” EXV explained.
    “Incredible,” Cash repeated, “But it’s about time we got out of here, I hope you can move.”
    There was a pause before the android answered, “I am still mobile, but one leg is heavily damaged. I will attempt to escape the sector via the planned route, cover me.”
    And with that the line went silent.
    The absolute gall of this freak, she thought as she reloaded her rifle and took up her sniping position once more. I’m gonna wring him for every single bully he has if he gets out of this alive somehow.
The internal diagnostic EXV ran wasn’t encouraging. His left leg was not responding in a number places, and the crushing force and gunshots it had suffered weren’t something he could fix in the field. The android’s fall had been broken by a number of radio antennas and the hard gravel of the neighboring Regan Processing building across the street from the Cedar Estates building. The landing, of course, hadn’t been soft, but he was still able to limp his way through the roof access door, after opening it with his hack knife.
    Shotgun in hand he made his way, slowly, down the stairs. If he could make it onto the East-facing 12A Street then Cash could cover his retreat and the edge of the sector would be optimally close. The stairwell was not surveilled by any security systems, and EXV was mildly perturbed by the lack of care it showed.
    He finally burst out the fire exit onto the Florison sector’s street after descending the five flights of stairs. The hard drive of Mason had been miraculously undamaged by the fall, and its guidance was particularly useful to EXV as he limped his way towards the sector’s limits. 
    A car was speeding down the street next to the sidewalk EXV was moving on, swerving through traffic as it approached.
    “Trouble,” intoned EXV, “I don’t like that approaching vehicle’s haste.”
    “Well I’m not shooting until he tries something, EX,” returned Cash with little enthusiasm.
    EXV was relieved at first as the vehicle approached and drove past him, until the distinct screech of tires on pavement came from behind him. The speeding car had slammed on the breaks, and while the android tried to nonchalantly continue walking he knew the charade couldn’t last for long. Two car doors slammed, and a pair of voices began yelling.
    “Ey, bot!”
    “Yeah, skinny, over here!”
    The assassin didn’t even wait for the two men to say anything further, he simply turned around and unloaded his cut-down shotgun on them. All three of the shells were expended in rapid succession as the shot flew at the men. They were dressed similarly to the ones who had interrupted the android’s assassination, with thick shades, gold chains, and summer clothing with floral prints shirts under heavy winter coats. None of EXV’s shots connected fatally, and he only succeeded in breaking the windows of the gangster’s car. 
    The two men, recovering from EXV’s burst of fire, readied their ordnance. Each one was carrying an SMG they’d held in their hands as they had left the car. As the one on the passenger racked the slide of his weapon he also fell down, limp, before he could fire. The pavement behind him was sprayed with organ meat and blood as he hit the ground with a solid thump, his torso torn apart by deadly force.
    The man on the driver’s side stared at his comrade for a few moments, mouth agape. He never got to close his mouth or say something in response, as another shot sprayed the asphalt with his gray matter and skull fragments.
    Before EXV could respond Cash was already calling him.
    “Alright, well dump the bodies and take the car I guess, just ditch it somewhere it won’t be found.”
    EXV lugged the bodies onto the sidewalk and sat in the driver’s seat. He didn’t enjoy driving, but he was perfunctory at it. As long as what passed for the sector’s security didn’t show up he would be able to disappear into the oncoming night without a trace.
    “And how about that shooting?” asked Cash, the self-assured smug tone creeping into her tone once more, “Pretty deadeye, huh?”
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socialki · 18 hours
How to Disable an Unknown Notification in Twitter ?
If you’ve ever wondered how to disable an unknown notification on Twitter, you can easily do so. This feature is available on the web interface. Just click on the gear icon on the top right of the screen to open the Account Settings.
The Notifications tab will be displayed. Here you can choose to filter tweets by name, group or category, or to block all notifications altogether. Here’s how.
If you’re having trouble getting rid of an unknown buy twitter video views, you might want to try muting certain words or your entire profile name. By doing this, you’ll avoid being alerted by others’ tweets and will only see notifications if you’re logged into Twitter. This way, you’ll receive the notifications from people you follow, but you’ll still have the ability to see the tweets and reply to them. Unknown Notification in Twitter
Another solution is to disable notification from the people you follow. If you don’t want to receive a notification from someone who’s just started a Space, you can use the Mute Words feature. By muting the person’s name, you can block notifications from them. This method is available on both Android and iOS. Make sure you read the instructions carefully and choose the right one for your device.
The other alternative to blocking notifications is to block the accounts you follow. Twitter will let you know when an unknown account has unfollowed you, if you do, so you can block them. If you have a lot of people you follow, you can select the option to block the notifications. Similarly, you can also check your advanced filters to see if you’re blocking notifications from those people.How to Disable an Unknown Notification in Twitter ? 3
Regardless of the platform that you’re using, you can manage your notifications with the help of advanced filters. You can choose to receive notifications related to certain words or categories. You can even turn off the notification for specific users or groups. However, this feature is not available on all platforms. But there are ways to block all notifications on Twitter. The process is easy to follow. All you need to do is follow the steps below.
Must Read – Can Your Instagram Account Be Banned From Purchasing Followers?
You can also opt for the mute button in the twitter views buy. This allows you to block only the notifications from certain people. This setting is useful if you want to limit the number of notifications you receive from Twitter. You can even set your phone to turn off the notification sound if you want to block it from being sent to your contacts. You can also use the bell icon to enable this feature. Moreover, you can opt to disable unknown notification on any platform.
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andreanagandini · 3 months
What to do if your phone gets stolen
If your phone falls into the hands of criminals, do not panic. Here is how to protect your data.
June 2, 2021
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If you can’t find your phone, don’t panic. Exhaust your good options — maybe you misplaced it or lent it to someone, or buried it under some papers — and then, unfortunately, assume it was stolen. If you read our post on how to theft-proof your smartphone and data and followed the tips, then you’ve safeguarded your information and can restore it on a new phone. But even if you didn’t prepare in advance, you can reduce the damage.
Table of Contents:
Best-case scenario
Worst-case scenario
Have your SIM card blocked
Warn your relatives and friends
Block stolen smartphone
Unlink bank cards
Block the smartphone’s IMEI number
What’s next?
Contact the police
Change your passwords
Restore your data
Cheer up
Best-case scenario
Your phone’s screen was locked when it went missing, the data on it is encrypted, and the SIM card is PIN-protected. In that case:
Use the Find My Device (Android) or Find My (iOS) feature to mark the phone as lost and have the device display an on-screen message with the number of a friend or relative who can contact you in case someone honest finds the device;
After waiting as long as you’re comfortable on the first step, remotely delete all data on the device and contact your operator to block the SIM card;
Buy a new smartphone and restore your data from a backup copy.
We also recommend staying vigilant after the theft. Thieves often take advantage of that contact information, especially with more expensive devices, and use social engineering to trick the owner of the stolen device into revealing the password for their Google or Apple ID account. If successful, they can unlink the device from the account and make more money by selling the phone whole than by disassembling it and selling the parts.
In short, treat all texts and calls related to a stolen phone with the utmost suspicion, and do not enter or reveal your Google account or Apple ID credentials.
Worst-case scenario
If the smartphone landed in the wrong hands and it is not protected, possibly not even by a screen lock, then time is of the essence. The first thing you need is another phone from which to make several calls. Ask store or restaurant staff to use their phone, or flag down a cab and borrow the driver’s phone.
Block your SIM card
Your first call is to your carrier. Tell the support rep that you lost your SIM card and ask them to block it. Once the SIM card is blocked, the thief will no longer be able to impersonate you (call from your number or receive a text message with a verification code for changing a password or confirming a transaction, for example).
Warn relatives and friends
Your second call should be to a friend or relative. Explain that your phone was stolen, and ask them to warn mutual contacts that they might get calls or messages from your number with requests for money or maybe some questions, all of which they should ignore. You might want to ask them to post a warning on social media if you share many friends there.
Block smartphone
You will need access to the Internet to block your stolen smartphone. If at all possible, do so on a secure device; you will be entering your password.
First, log in to your Google or Apple ID account. If you are logging in from someone else’s device, and you have two-factor authentication set up, that may be difficult. Obviously, you can’t get a verification text or open a mobile authenticator app; your phone is gone. Android users can change the password without text message verification. If that applies to you, you will need to enter one of the backup codes you received when setting up two-factor authentication. iPhone users can recover account access by having a verification code sent to a trusted phone number or device.
Once you have logged in to your Google or Apple ID account, here’s what to do:
Find your missing smartphone in the device list under Security (for Android phones) or the Find My iPhone app (for iPhones) and find the missing smartphone in the list of devices;
Note the location of the smartphone on the map. If the phone is on and geolocation is active, its location icon should appear. However, even if the thief’s path is clear, do not try to chase them. Rather, ask the police for help;
Select Lost Mode. The system will offer to enter a message for the lock screen and a backup number to contact you. Your smartphone will now display that message, and nothing else. If the phone was simply misplaced, not stolen, the finder will be able to call you. Watch out for phishing messages and calls; criminals may pose as support reps and contact you to try to get the account password;
If your device contains important and sensitive information, consider the drastic measure of erasing it remotely. However, keep in mind that option is irrevocable — and also means giving up the ability to locate the phone remotely.
Unlink bank cards
When you block your smartphone with Find My or Find My Device, respectively, Apple or Google may suggest unlinking any associated cards, but in case it doesn’t, unlink bank cards from your device manually in the account settings. Unless they were stolen along with the phone, you don’t need to block the cards.
For Android devices:
Sign in to your Google account;
In the Payments & subscriptions section, select Payment settings;
Remove your cards.
For iPhone:
Sign in to your Apple ID account;
In the Devices section, find the missing iPhone and select Remove all cards.
Block the smartphone’s IMEI number
In some countries, in addition to having the SIM card blocked, you can add a stolen phone’s identification number (IMEI) to the carrier’s blocklist. To do that, you need to give the carrier this number. If you have the box in which the phone came, you can find the number on it.
Android lets you use the Find your phone feature to find the IMEI: Click on the encircled “i” next to the image of your phone and the IMEI code will pop up.
iPhone users can find theirs at appleid.apple.com by signing in with the Apple ID used on the stolen device, scrolling down to Devices, and selecting the iPhone to see its IMEI.
In theory, once the carrier adds the IMEI to the blocklist, the smartphone will not be able to connect to the mobile network even with a different SIM card. This feature works in the United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Latvia and certain Latin American countries.
What’s next?
Once you’ve taken prudent steps to protect yourself and your data, it’s time to get down to mitigating other potential consequences.
Contact the police
Report the theft, giving police details such as carrier and phone number. However slim, there is still a chance to get your smartphone back. Sometimes phones get returned even after being missing for years.
Change your passwords
Change as many passwords as you can in your apps and mobile browser. Once you’ve replaced the passwords, set up two-factor authentication.
Restore your data
If you enabled backup on the device while you still had it, then you will be able to recover all information, down to text messages, on your new smartphone.
Here are the steps to do this on Android and iPhone.
Cheer up
The loss of a smartphone certainly carries serious stress and is a threat to your data. However, if you follow the steps above and back up your data in advance, you can cut your losses. Do not despair because your gadget was lost or stolen — your personal safety is the top priority.
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jejechat · 4 months
let’s take a moment to understand why your WhatsApp account is blocked. Uncovering the reasons behind this setback, you will be better equipped to tackle the issue head-on and regain access to your favorite messaging platform. So, let’s begin the journey to unblocking your WhatsApp account! Below are the 8 reasons why your WhatsApp Account is blocked. #1: Reported and blocked by too many users It is common to be blocked by other contacts on WhatsApp, and you must have tried adding someone to the blocked list. However, if many users block your WhatsApp account, it may arouse official suspicion at any time, resulting in your phone number being banned from using WhatsApp. #2: Mass messaging to people who don’t have you listed as a contact To maintain user experience, WhatsApp is committed to blocking spam messages to prevent users from being harassed by unknown messages. If you send many messages to strangers, WhatsApp officials will first remind the recipient to report the message and block the sender. If the situation continues not to improve, your WhatsApp account may be officially blocked. #3: Sending suspected malicious files or viruses WhatsApp strictly prohibits users from sending any malware or viruses. When a user sends a file, WhatsApp officials will automatically check it to determine whether it is suspicious. If the file is suspicious, the system may block the sender’s WhatsApp account to strengthen community Safety. #4: Joining a lot of groups within a short period Participating in WhatsApp groups may seem ordinary, but joining too many groups quickly may cause WhatsApp to mistake you for a bot, blocking your WhatsApp account. #5: Impersonating another user or using a fake account WhatsApp does not allow users to create accounts using other people’s information. If your account is reported to be impersonating, such as impersonating a celebrity or political figure, WhatsApp may decide to block the relevant account for safety reasons. #6: Using a cracked Version of the WhatsApp App Many Android users download modified versions of WhatsApp, such as “WhatsApp Plus” or “GB WhatsApp”. Although these cracked versions of WhatsApp have more advanced functions, including but not limited to downloading original resolution images, sending large files, and changing the appearance and color of dialog boxes. However, these modified versions have yet to be officially approved by WhatsApp. In other words, once a user is detected using a plug-in program developed by a third party, there is a chance that WhatsApp will be blocked. #7: Obtaining personal data from others without their consent WhatsApp attaches great importance to the privacy and information security of each user. Therefore, no matter what your intention is, as long as WhatsApp discovers that you have extracted specific or large amounts of information from WhatsApp, such as contact phone numbers, avatars, updates, etc., your account will always have a chance of getting blocked. #8: Violation of WhatsApp Terms of Service In addition to sending nuisance, illegal, threatening, hateful, discriminatory and other messages, users who violate WhatsApp’s terms of service will also have their WhatsApp account blocked. For this reason, it is recommended that you read the WhatsApp terms and conditions carefully before using WhatsApp to ensure that you will not violate community policies. For Tips on how to stay safe on WhatsApp and Unblock your Blocked WhatsApp Account, Please see links below Ways to Unblock a WhatsApp account How to Avoid your WhatsApp Account Getting blocked? How to use WhatsApp responsibly How to Stay Safe on WhatsApp
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aponhutcom · 5 months
What should I do after buying a second-hand phone?
What should I do after buying a second-hand phone?
While buying any second-hand mobile, check the hard copy or soft copy of the original bill for that mobile and keep it with you. Keep an eye on the IMEI number of the mobile phone. The IMEI number, which is written in the original cash memo (bill) of the mobile, should be on the mobile.
Things to do after buying a second-hand phone
Almost everyone knows what to do before buying a second-hand phone. If you don't already know about this, you can visit Banglatech's dedicated post. If you bought a used phone or a second-hand phone, what should you do next? Learn about what to do after buying a second-hand phone in this post. Let's begin.
to clean It is normal for a used phone not to look like a brand new phone. It is normal for most used phones to not be clean or have dust scratches. So after buying a second-hand phone, you must clean it.
It is best if the screen protector already on the phone is replaced, as it is normal to have no idea about its durability. Besides, you can buy a cover for the phone to reduce the loss of the phone for any reason. It is good to say that after buying a second-hand phone, if there is any type of SIM card or memory card in the phone, it is better to remove it and hand it over to the owner of the phone.
to reset Before buying a used phone from someone, he must ask them to remove all his accounts, such as his Google account, Apple ID, Facebook ID, etc., from the said phone. Although, for some reason, these old IDs remain on the phone, remove them first. Then you can reset your Android and iPhone normally.
It is good to say that if you reset the phone without logging out of the Google account or Apple ID that is already logged in to the second-hand phone, then after the reset, you have to log in to those accounts again. And if there is no login information for the account, then after the reset, you will have trouble logging into the account, and the phone will be locked and unusable. Therefore, remember to log out of your Google account, Apple ID, and iCloud before resetting the second-hand phone. Remember, if iCloud is locked by someone else's account on the iPhone, you cannot use that phone; it will be locked at any time.
Visit to buy and sell used phones.
Purchase of necessary accessories A phone needs important accessories such as chargers, headphones, etc. for proper use. Most of the time, when you buy a second-hand phone, you don't get a charger, headphones, etc. In that case, after buying a second-hand phone, do not forget to buy a charger compatible with the device. Many people use earphones or headphones to listen to audio or talk on the phone. They can buy headphones according to their needs.
Setting up accounts After buying a second-hand Android phone, reset the phone, and then the first thing to do is to login to your Google account on the phone. After logging into the Google account, do not forget to activate the Google Find My Device service; in this case, it will help to find the phone if it is lost.
On the other hand, after buying a used iPhone, reset the phone and login to your own Apple ID. Logging in with someone else's Apple ID can block your phone at any time. So always use your Apple ID on your iPhone. After the account setup, turn on the Find My iPhone service so that it is easy to find the phone if it is lost.
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charcherry-weekly · 8 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 182
This is Mage of Light Nick Card and somehow we're all alive still. Let's get to this.
Appearances and Altercations in Desertia
For an extended period of time this week, the dungeon crashers have been receiving threats from a figure of this title: "BEARER OF THE WORD 'KILL', WEAPON FROM BEYOND THE EDGE, REAPER OF POSSIBILITY, OBSERVER OF BIRDS". Many have come to call this figure "poob", but considering the very real threat that they posed, I believe it's appropriate to refer to them as "The Weapon". It was determined that the attack would take place on January 25th, 2024.
The day before that, a certain someone appeared in the ceiling crawlspace of the Desertia robotics lab. It turned out to be yet another version of Skye/Skitis, with a number of memories missing. She seems nice enough though.
The day of the attack, an ominous feeling permeated the air. A number of dungeon crashers waited in Desertia town, watching and waiting for the one who had hoped to destroy them. As the sun began to set, a shot rang out, and then many others. Holes in the very fabric of reality punctured through, until a mechanical creature six stories tall was able to emerge from it. The Weapon approached the domed Desertia town from the distance. Being alerted by this, those with courage to fight arrived on the scene. Warlock of Time Coleman arrived with Heir of Time Rise and Pokemon Champion Brae Emit. The Skye squad (Train operator, new visitor, and Skitis) stood on standby. Heir of Breath June Egbert was handed a fenestrated plane from which to summon decommissioned trains with. Witch of Time President Katyleen Kitten, with her impressive firepower, called in a prospitian battleship armed to the nines. Rogue of Heart Charles gazed upon The Weapon, and realized the true nature of the opponent pit against them, left transfixed in horror for an amount of time. The dome was put on lockdown and civilian visitors were evacuated. Your dear newsletter writer and their sibling, Mage of Light Nick Card and Prince of Time Aeons Edgeworth, respectively, stood by the transportalizer pad from Unity to make sure it wouldn't be blocked off by an enemy.
The Weapon launched off a series of warning shots to those that stood against them, which somehow bypassed the D.A.D.S. dome security system?? Fortunately, there was only limb damage reported from this. At this point, the party got serious. Brae let out Bahamut the Eternatus, allowing Desertia to become a temporary Power Spot. She then let out Palkia in Gigantamax forme. Rise also let out Dialga in Gigantamax forme (as well as Charles with Levanny). At some point after she took a turn launching a train or two, Maid of Void Skitis was attacked by missiles, and was gravely injured. She had to be healed extensively for the duration of the altercation. In response, Charles digivolved V-mon to Skull Mammon in grief, assuming she was killed. Katie continuously applied More Dakka to The Weapon, while the Emit Twins did their timespace combo with Dialga and Palkia. June launched a number of trains as well. The D.A.D.S. managed to get knocked down past the barriers to the glass level, but held fast. While it was in operation, it also fired its own weapons at The Weapon.
The fight ended in an epic clash that left The Weapon gone where it stood. Reportedly, that was only the amount of it that was sent, as a message from the same overly long handle was sent on the memo soon after, with a confirmation that "the contract was fulfilled", whatever that meant. The moon was prepared to be used against The Weapon, but ultimately was not needed, and was put back into its rightful place without incident. After the threat was confirmed to be over, the medical team, comprised of Sylph of Life Nurse Eden, Edwin, Amaia, and Meika, went into action to retrieve and heal those that required medical attention. As expected, the stands in desertia square stayed closed for the rest of the day.
The next day, an android by the name of Positive appeared on the roof of Gene's Garden, apparently via magical teleportation. She was taken in by Heir of Hope Hazel Careon and Vriskers Serket, until Katyleen Kitten recovers enough from her own injuries to drive her home. In the meantime, she will be staying around town.
Classified ads
Experts on childhood trauma counseling, rehabilitation, and/or Alternian ecology needed! Contact artificedAttendant for details if you have any of the individual credentials listed, or something of a similar nature.
Do you need a job? Do you want to work at the hottest snack stand in desertia? Shinyjiggly snacks is hiring for full-time and part-time positions, with potential for assignment to a second location if enough applicants are accepted. Please contact shinyJiggly on Pestercord for details on the job offer.
A reminder to anyone planning on attending the collage in Grand Junctionia on Korous, classes start in Feburary! Late enrollment will be possible, but it is preferred that paperwork is sent in before the opening date of Feburary 1st.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don't write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however, ran by CaFAI)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (Aeons filling in for Rufus this week)
"I survived The Weapon attack and all I got was this T-shirt" stand (all proceeds will go towards repairing any damages caused during the incident)
Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams - Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
"Traditional Shop" - Bell (1 gp) - Whistle, signal (8 sp) - Bedroll (1 sp) - Camouflaged canvas (1 gp)
I think that covers pretty much everything. Recently I managed to finally restart efforts on HyacinthHeld, now using None Pizza With Left Beef Chapter 2 for VX Ace as a base. Already I'm beginning to get some actual inspiration for gameplay, using a much more manageable art style and no longer needing to spend a thousand years searching for plugins, since most of the scripts are already configured as needed. I just need to remember to actually work on the game more soon. Also, after all the stuff that went down recently, I now know why those running the trains were so afraid of us that they sent train fiend Skye to handle negotiations with us when the DTA was being formed. The Dungeon crashers are definitely a force to be reckoned with, and I'm supposed to be one of them too! https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/417/charcherry-weekly-issue-182
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anwhatsapp · 10 months
AN WhatsApp APK v34 Download (Official) Latest Version 2023 | AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp APK v35 Download (Official) Latest Version 2024 | AN WhatsApp
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ANWhatsApp Download
The ANWhatsApp application version by Ammar Al-Awadi is one of the very distinctive versions that has been developed from the original WhatsApp application. It is an updated version that contains many great features. The application has an attractive look and a unique design that combines both old and modern designs at the same time. It is easy to use for everyone and completely free from any problems or restrictions that hinder its usage. Additionally, it has many special additions. There are ten different variations of this unique application that offer many important services to the users. When downloading the application, you will have a wonderful user experience. This application is very easy to use, can be downloaded quickly, and is completely safe. Furthermore, it can work on various types of smartphones.
What is ANWhatsApp, the mobile application by Ammar Al-Awadi
ANWhatsApp is a WhatsApp update by Ammar Al Awadhi that comes with great features, an attractive design, and is free of problems. It also includes new and unique additions. There are ten versions available, allowing you to activate ten numbers on ten different ANWhatsApp accounts for mobile phones easily and securely. It is compatible with all phone versions, including older and lighter devices.
Download ANWhatsApp to avoid being banned on Android. The newest version is a professionally modified version of WhatsApp that is even more useful for all users. It can be used on any Android phone, including Samsung and Huawei. The best part about AN WhatsApp is that it will never be blocked, allowing you to communicate with your friends without interruption. Simply install the application on your smartphone and enjoy chatting.
There are a total of 10 versions of ANWhatsApp available, each with a different name such as WhatsApp Ammar, the gold version, AN WhatsApp, the pink version, ANWhatsApp, the blue version and the green version. All of these versions are designed to be resistant to bans and viruses.
This paragraph describes a WhatsApp application that is similar to other modified versions found on Android app download sites. It offers useful features for communication, such as the ability to send messages to unregistered contacts and the option to hide the conversation partner's name. It also provides various other unique services that set it apart from other modified WhatsApp versions.
ANWhatsApp Download
Download and update Ammar Al-Awadi's AN WhatsApp latest version to bypass the ten-number limit and easily activate ten numbers on your Android phone without any issues or bans. This quick and secure version works on all Android smartphone versions through Ammar Al-Awadi's WhatsApp. Enjoy the new amazing features and additions with ten WhatsApp applications on one phone. Additionally, you can directly download the latest version of ANWhatsApp by Ammar Al-Awadi to bypass the ban from multiple websites.
ANWhatsApp features
A few characteristics of ANWhatsApp by Ammar Al-Awadi are outlined below
To stop others from including you in groups, access the Settings menu, click on Account, select Privacy, and then choose the Group option.
You can show statuses above chats.
In WhatsApp, it is possible to change between 10 different number accounts.
Including 1024 individuals to the roster of recipients in the group message.
Adding 1024 members to groups.
You have the ability to modify the conversation and status background or color.
You can hide the appearance.
You can hide conversations.
You can send messages automatically.
You can change the font to 30 lines.
Get notified whenever someone deletes a message.
Only disconnect the internet connection from WhatsApp.
Extend the duration of the status to 7 minutes.
You can send scheduled messages.
After sending and deleting the message from the recipient's device, you have the ability to retrieve it.
It is possible to transmit messages to a phone number that is not in your possession.
You have the ability to differentiate regular messages from group messages.
You have the ability to view the individuals who have viewed your profile as well as those currently active online.
Instead of sending a 16MB video, you have the option to send a video that is 30MB in size.
Instead of sending a 16 MB audio clip, you have the option to send one that is 100 MB in size.
When you copy two or more messages, you have the option to conceal the date and name.
You can copy the status.
You have the ability to modify the application's visuals, such as altering the icon and notifications.
You will receive a notification when someone updates their profile picture.
And there are countless other features that were not specifically discussed.
ANWhatsapp is an extension or add-on created by Ammar Al-Awadi for the messaging platform WhatsApp
You will receive notifications when people check your status or when you update your profile picture. To enable these notifications, enter Ammar Al-Awadi's modifications and select the notifications option.
The benefit of presenting the initial message in an appealing manner.
Each member can view messages sent to the group individually, as well as see the messages they personally sent within the group.
If someone tags you or responds to your message in a group that is displayed on the main screen, you will see a notification.
Auto reply feature.
Scheduled messages feature.
Night mode and transparent mode feature.
Everyone, regardless of the time, has the ability to delete the message, even if it has been 360 centuries since its creation.
This feature allows you to select the status that you want the other person to be aware that you have viewed.
One special attribute includes the ability to modify the background color of the status, alter the font color of the status, incorporate new fonts into the status, and use pre-designed styles for the status.
Well done on acquiring the program. Sign up right away and gain access to over 700 games for downloading.
Auto-explosion text feature.
The option to send unique and different emojis and modify the fonts of messages.
The Holy Quran and Islamic matters.
For certain individuals, extend the duration of the condition to a complete hour.
A fast chatting option that allows users to message anyone within a conversation.
Highlighted: Swipe right on the message to delete it or swipe left to make an audio or video call.
Chat scrolling effects up and down.
Download AN WhatsAppAN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
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AN WhatsApp
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AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
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AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp
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AN WhatsApp
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AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp AN WhatsApp AN WhatsApp AN WhatsApp AN WhatsApp
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Caller Id apps are nowadays a must to have apps in the smartphone. Be it any hour of the day, you can expect telemarketing calls or any of the unwanted calls. These days, it is really hard to share numbers online, as the complaint about unwanted calls is in a rise of pitch and Android is one of the most used platforms. It still lacks a good caller id. The one which comes with pre-installed is not just trustful as it should be. It will only show the name of the caller only if it is saved else it will show only the reign from where the number merely belongs to. So, here are the 5 best caller ID apps which are available in the market as of now. 5 Best Caller ID Apps for Android in 2018 Below are the list of 5 best caller Id apps for android in 2018 are as follows. 1- TrueCaller: TrueCaller True Caller is the most popular and used call blocker & Caller ID app which is as of now available on the play store. This app comes up with some of the smart search features which work for all parts of the world.  Having the high base of users it has gathered a big database of numbers and their Owners. Along with that it also asks for user feedback on a day to day which enables them to maintain trustworthy detail from the users. 2- Caller ID By App CallerID apps are also one of the best CallerID apps are also one of the best caller ID app. Caller ID by CallApp not only identifies the caller but only accurately predict if the call is promotional or Spammy with the help of their AI. This app has around 100 million users across the globe, so as it claims it has a database of over 1 billion Contact numbers around the world. It also alerts a user if all the international Calls are coming as a promotional or Spammy. 3- ShowCaller: ShowCaller This app is much like similar to the TrueCaller in Play Store. Showcaller is one of the most powerful apps which helps in identify caller info while someone calls you. You can gather info against an unknown number with the help of this app. It also comes up with the latest Smart SMS filter which can filter your required messages out of unwanted messages. As of now just like the TrueCaller and other apps it also maintains a huge database of contact numbers around 1 billion from all across the globe. 4- Calls blacklist Calls blacklist Calls Blacklist is one of the lightest apps all the apps in the list. Apart from just being a lightweight, it also drains a very less amount of battery as compared with other apps in this list. This app has no database but it can help you fight fishing calls or any other type of the promotional calls. It also offers SMS filter for better efficiency and prevents spam. 5- Mr. Number Mr. Number Mr.Number is another growing popular Alternative to TrueCaller. It truly deserves the title of Detective of Detecting all the Unknown callers and SMS Filters. With the help of this application, blocking number or filtering SMS is a Cherry job. Apart from just all the amazing features, it offers nice Ad-free Front End interface for productivity and user-friendliness.
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