#someone get yuma therapy immediately
pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
A short sequel to my RainCode sickfic "Home is Where the Heart Is"
This takes place after Chapter 4, and this is my first time I've ever written an angst fic.
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In the Lab and after finding the truth, the Master Detectives all grieve for their lost Chief. But Yuma takes it so hard he collapses and develops yet another fever from the guilt and stress.
The master detectives take him back to the agency to rest, then they return to the hotel to turn in for the night. Except for one...who remains by his side the whole night.
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lazella · 5 years
Oooooo, what about a story about the avengers telling all their wacky adventures and the go characters tell theirs or a story about everyone doing trauma competitions. (Like don't is saying how he was captured and kidnapped and Yugi is like i lost a card game and my soul was trapped in a rock. Then they just keep going trying to out bet each other.)
So it probably turned out more angsty than you hope but I had a ton of  fun writing this one out!
Trauma Conga Line
Natasha wandered through the kitchen during a late night.She had a hard time sleeping, a rarity nowadays but they still happened, so shedid a quick workout then went for a snack. She was surprised to see Tonyalready in the kitchen seemingly having a staring contest with his drink.Natasha quickly put some facts together and asked,
“So what happened to the boys?”
“What makes you think something happened?” Tony replied notbreaking eye contact with his drink.
“You are having alcohol in the middle of the night and yourdad instincts have been in full force all evening.” Natasha explained, “So whathappened.”
Tony sighed, “You know that scouting mission that we didtoday?”
“That somehow ended up with you returning with cuts onYusei’s head, burns on Yugi’s hands, a black eye on Yusaku, Yuya constantlyflipping through his four personalities, Yuma with a nearly broken arm, andJudai looking like he foresaw his death? Yes that mission that you didn’t tellus what happened and sent each kid into his room then went for the alcohol.”Natasha frowned while holding back a lot of sass. “So yes…if you couldelaborate now please.”
“There were smugglers there like the report said…but theywere smuggling Vibrainium. And they wanted to go down with a fight. Things gotugly fast. We were trying to get Yuya and Yuma to safety but then a grenadewent off…Yuma was limp on the ground…” Tony went ash white, “Then……Judai…hejust...snapped.”
“Snapped?” Natasha raised an eyebrow, “How so?”
“He was in shock…then his went eerily calm…then his eyesturn gold.” Tony downed his drink, “His eyes turned a flat gold color then hesnapped a smuggler’s neck with barely any effort. I don’t think the Power Stoneactivated at all. But then he started stabbing the already dead body. Yugi andYusei tried to pull him off but I think Judai let off this black fire to blowthem off then went after the other smugglers. He only stopped when Yusaku usedthe Mind Stone to snap him out of it.”
“And what happened after that?” Natasha asked.
“They….They laughed!” Tony started laughing himself, “Theyjust talked talking to each other then they were making jokes and laughing!Like what had just happened was an everyday thing for them!”
Natasha frowned, that did seem rather odd. They were allrather young kids so the fact that being ambushed and nearly being killeddidn’t faze them was slightly concerning. Especially to the point that theywere laughing it off.
“Think something happened to them that near-deathexperiences don’t faze them anymore?” Natasha asked.
“Well…Yugi admitted to being put in life and deathsituations frequently.” Tony started listed off, “I also have Yuya frequentlyvisiting a therapist cause I think he, or one of the kids in his head, mighthave been a child soldier. And Yusaku has PTSD. But that’s only vaguebackstories for about half of them.” He pour another drink and downed it,“They’re kids Natasha…this shouldn’t be normal for them.”
“We’re not…exactly kids…”
Both Natasha and Tony jumped at hearing Judai’s voice. Theyoung man stood at the base of the stairs looking very nervous.
“Sorry if for the…scare today Tony…” He sheepishly rubbedhis head, “I haven’t gone Haou in some time.”
“Haou?” Natasha raised her eyebrow.
“It’s a remnant of my…past life…Yeah reincarnation was afactor here…” Judai explained at seeing the confused faces, “I think Ioriginally lived sometime in the Roman Empire. I was supposed to inherit akingdom and tremendous magical power but things…didn’t go exactly as planned.Even me getting my powers back in this life really wasn’t the best way to goabout it in hindsight.” Judai sat at the table joining them and continued,“Some maniacs wanted to reawaken me and one had the bright idea of sacrificingmy friends for that…” Judai sighed, “Let’s just say…he got his wish when my‘other side’ woke up and killed him.”
Silence hung over the table.
“Seeing Yuma on the ground like that…” Judai continuedwithout any prompting, “It looked too much like that day. I’m afraid about losinganyone else…so I went Haou. Dark evil king who slaughters all his enemies.”
“Does anyone else know?” Tony asked.
“Yugi and Yusei have an idea…” Judai answered, “I gave thema brief overview of my history and abilities when we first met. That’s how theyknew how to snap me out of it.” He started tugging on his hair in a nervousfashion, “It honestly scares me…knowing that I can snap like that if someone Icare about get hurts but today….they could of died….”
Tony put a hand on Judai’s shoulder before he could startspiraling down, “I thought you guy were going to get killed too…you’re honestlytoo young.”
“There’s no point in losing sleep over that Tony…” Judaisaid, “Destiny can call you at any age. It’s all about how you respond.”
“That sounds really profound for you.” Tony smirked.
“Don’t you start that….” Judai pouted, “I get that enoughfrom my friends from home!”
Natasha smiled as the two began to bicker. Seems like Tonyhas gotten over the trauma for tonight, but it seemed like there was moreheading their way when Thor came in the kitchen next with one hand on Yuma’sshoulder.
Yuma had his injured arm in a sling, a pillow under his goodarm, and his eyes looked red as if he had been crying. Not a good sign.
“What’s wrong Thor?” Natasha asked.
“Something I will admit is not my forte,” Thor seemed ratherexhausted himself, “I found young Yuma wondering the halls speaking ratheremotionally with his spirit friend. Apparently, they both seemed panicked aboutan event from the past repeating.”
“What event exactly Astral?” Judai asked confusing Natashafor a bit before remembering that Judai was one of the few people who could seethe spirit.
There was silence as Natasha assumed Astral was answer thequestion before Judai and Thor looked shock while Yuma looked ready to cryagain.
“Could someone explain what was just said?” Tony askedconfused.
“Astral said that Yuma had watched almost all of his friendsdie in front of him which was only fixed because they got a lucky break totweak reality.”
“You’re thirteen!” Tony yelled, “How do you have that kindof history!”
There was more silence but by judging by the way Judai,Thor, and Yuma were looking at the same space of empty air, it seemed likeAstral was talking again and Tony was getting a bit annoyed.
“Okay I can’t keep waiting for this game of telephone toplay out…JARVIS let’s test out that program.”
Of course sir…some whirring noise kicked in and alight flickered and Natasha gasped in shocked while Tony looked pleased withhimself.
Hovering in the air was a blue humanoid figure with greenmarkings and blue gems all over his body. He looked at them in shock, “You cansee me now?”
“And we’ve got audio yes!” Tony pumped his fist, “I toldYuma I wasn’t going to let something like being chosen by magical forcesprevent me from seeing spirits. It’s not perfect considering you look and soundlike a hologram but it’s better than nothing. So what were you saying?”
Astral took a minute to get over his shock before he repeatedhimself, “I was originally created as a weapon to settle a war between twoworlds before I lost my memories and encountered Yuma. He helped me regain themand his friends got involved with what was happening. But when things hit theirclimax Yuma nearly lost everyone…” He rubbed his chest, “Myself included.”
Tony was silent for a while, “JARVIS…wake everyone up.”
“Wait what?” Everyone else said at once.
“We are having an impromptu group therapy session. Get theblankets, pillows, and all sorts of drinks because we are not dancing aroundthis issue any longer.”
Sure enough that’s what ended up happening. People weredragged out of bed, forced on the couch under blankets, injured peoplesurrounded with pillows, and hot chocolate passed all around. Yugi and Yuseiseemed to be in a good mood about it while everyone else kept freaking out overthe now visible Astral. Yusaku’s reaction was the most memorable as he tried todo a 180 and leave the room immediately the moment he spotted the spirit, allwhile keeping a flat expression. He was dragged into the pile by Judai.
“Tony you know I have a flight to catch tomorrow…” Clintmuttered trying to stay awake, “Why’d you drag us out of bed.”
“Because some people…” Tony stole a glance at the sixcolorful haired boys, “Have been hiding a lot of trauma and it needs someserious airing out.”
“I’m sure it’s not that bad Mr. Stark,” Yugi said with asmile, “That worst that’s happen to me was my soul getting yanked out once ortwice.”
Tony’s expression went flat, “You said that way to calm formy tastes. You make it sound like an everyday occurrence.”
Yugi just shrugged not losing his smile, “Got used to it.”
“I’m with Tony, you sound way to calm.” Steve said.
“At least he doesn’t have to deal with turning into a greengiant any time he gets angry,” Bruce said with much salt in his voice clearlynot happy with being woken up in the middle of the night.
“But seriously Tony why did you feel that it was necessaryto wake us up?” Steve asked.
“Because I know for at least three of these kids now…” Tonypointed to Yuma, Yuya, and Judai, “Have fought in some sort of war watchingtheir friends die.”
“Oh…” A sense of familiarity and understanding washed overSteve, “I see. And the events of the day stuck a chord?”
A round of nods.
“It is hard getting out of that way of thinking…in the warwe just called it shelled shocked. The doctors just thought the men weren’tbeing ‘man’ enough to deal with the fighting. After waking up in this century Ifound out that wasn’t the case. PTSD is not a laughing matter and it reallydoesn’t go away. You can learn how to manage it and be able to distance thosetraumatic memories, but you lose that feel of safety and security. There is nogetting it back.”
All of the Avengers nodded in agreement.
“How do you cope with it?” Yusaku’s voice was quiet as allheads turned to him, his face looking rather…hopeful.
“Word to the wise…don’t use alcohol.” Tony said.
“Except for Yusei…we’re all underage Mr. Stark.” Yugipointed out.
“Still putting it out there.”
“But Tony is right, going into self-destructing tendenciesdoes make things worse.” Steve explained, “It was tempting for myself. There’sno way to explain the shock of getting knocked unconscious and waking upseveral decade later know that everything you knew and love was gone. The barswere tempting that day…but I quickly found my new support. I got to know peoplein the century…and got a new team.” Steve gestured to the other Avengers.
“My life prior to this wasn’t that good either. Being assassinfollowing orders and constantly on the run...I got tired of it.” Natashaexplained, “I eventually let myself get caught just so it could end…but itturns out Fury had a better idea of how to put my skills to use which lead tothe founding of the Avengers.”
“What about you?” Yuya asked Clint, “Was it the same foryou?”
“Actually no…” Clint said, “I was just an agent that gotrecruited into the Avenger’s initiative. My trauma didn’t start till after thefact with several rounds of brainwashing and mind control.”
Several people winced in sympathy.
Yusaku gripped his mug tighter, “What about kidnapping?” Heshrank a bit at the bewildered looks he got, “How do you recover from that?”
“Is…that what happened to you?” Bruce hesitantly asked.
Yusaku eventually nodded. “I was six…”
Immediately Yusei put an arm around the boy, as did Natasha.Thor started muttering about getting justice and puny mortals. Both Tony andSteve faces went hard with anger.
“Yusaku…I’m sorry…I had no idea…” Yugi began.
“None of you knew…no one else knew…the whole thing wascovered up…” Yusaku gripped his mug so tight that he was threatening to breakit, “I was only found because someone blew the whistle on the whole thing…”
“Breath…” Yusei warned gripping Yusaku’s shoulder tighter,“What did you do after that?”
“I tracked down those responsible…” Yusaku explained, “Itwasn’t all that I hoped…the doctor behind it had died right before I found him.I only got the full details from his son who turned out to be one who turnedhim into the authorities.”
“You wanted revenge?” Clint asked.
“I just wanted answers…” Yusaku took a deep breath, “I gotthem but now…I’m not sure what to do.”
Silence hung over the room as everyone struggled to come upwith something to say.
Yuya was eventually was the one who made the first move. Hegot up and hugged Yusaku…tightly. Yusaku looked unsure on how to react to thehug.
“You’re not the only one…” Yuya squeezed tighter, “I feellost too…but it’s okay.”
Yusaku still looked unsure but with some prompting fromYusei, eventually returned the hug.
“Thank you.”
Tony relaxed in his seat and smiled. Seemed like theimpromptu therapy session helped out a lot though the late evening was takingit’s toll. Yuma had already passed out on Thor’s lap who looked torn betweengetting up or staying in place so that he didn’t disturbed him. Astral justreassured him that Yuma would sleep through anything, but Thor elected to stayput. Clint had already gone to sleep as well enjoying the pile of pillows. Oneby one everyone nodded up in rather cute positions and you bet Tony took plentyof photos for later. But before he took fell asleep, maybe he would make aquick pillow fort.
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tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Yuma Chapter 3 Translation
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Several days passed after I began
spending time in Yuma-kun's room.
I don't know if it was sadness or fear,
but I stopped talking to Yuma-kun
about his real memories.
There were some times where I would
be the prey of Yuma-kun's fangs even
if I kept quiet.
At those times, I clenched my teeth as
my heart suffered more than my body.
But the situation didn't change
even if I endured it.
As time went by, there was a greater
possibility that everyone will fight.
And one day, when such enthusiasm
raised, I was called by Reiji-san--
Place : Scarlet mansion – Living room and Dining room
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Yui : (Every members are gathered. I'm the only one sitting on a chair... I feel uncomfortable when they look down at me)
(What is about to start from now on ?)
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Reiji : Eve. As you may know, we are fighting for the supreme ruler throne
And it is said that you are the key to become the supreme ruler
Yui : Y-Yes...
Reiji : It's been a while since you woke up. Have you remembered anything ?
Yui : I'm sorry, I don't--
*Reiji whips her
Yui : Ugh... !
(A-A whip... !? Since when did he...!?)
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Reiji : Will you keep acting ignorant no matter what ?
Yui : B-But I really...
*Reiji whips her
Yui : Hya... !
Kino : Isn't it better for you to talk ? Because there's no doubt that you know something
Yui : W-Why !?
Kino : Eve is the key to become the supreme ruler. If the person themselves doesn't hold the information, where else can we find it ?
Yui : I'm asking you why are you doing this !?
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Kino : If you just woke up and don't recover your memories, a shock therapy is necessary, right ?
Shu : … You're also the one who thought of that bothersome thing
Yui : (K-Kino-san suggested it...? But I really don't know anything !)
Yuma : It's something like hurting her so she can remember ?
Reiji : It's better than doing nothing. If I can make you remember with little discipline, I will spare no effort
Yui : That's... ! I really don't know !
Reiji : … Then, let's change the question. Do you remember anything from before you woke up in the church ?
Yui : Before I... woke up... ?
(In that case, I can tell them... But will they believe me--?)
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Reiji : It seems you remembered something. Tell us everything
Yui : B-But...
Kino : We won't get angry no matter the story. So come on, spill it
Yui : …
I was in a place called Kaminashi Town... I went to school
Kino : Heeh, and then ?
Yui : I met Yuma-kun there...
Reiji : … Yuma ?
Yuma : She's saying bullshit again...
Yui : Not just Yuma-kun. I also met Reiji-san, Shu-san, Ruki-kun... everyone
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Reiji : My my... Is this some kind of fairy tale reference ?
Yui : It's the truth ! But none of you remembers... So I'm confused as well !
Your brotherhood relalionship, your memories, everything has been altered...
Something bad must have happened ! Please, believe me !
Kino : Hmm... Everything has been altered, huh
Reiji : This is not worth considering. Do you have anything else to say ?
Yui : It can't be...
(I knew they wouldn't believe me...)
(But it becomes painful when they actually deny it...)
Yuma : Hey, sow. Repent for your falsehood before you drive us nuts
Kino : What's that nickname ? It's not logical...
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Yuma : What are you saying ? It fits her perfectly
Yui : (Yuma-kun...)
(If at least Yuma-kun could remember...)
Shu : – Quiet
Yui : (…!)
Yuma : Ah ? What's up ?
Shu : There's someone outside
Reiji : What ?
Yuma : Shit ! We're spied on !?
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Kou : Oops ! Let's run !
Azusa : Y... Yeah...
*Kou and Azusa leave
Yui : (Kou-kun ! Azusa-kun !)
Reiji : They're from the Violets... So they started making moves. Kino, Yuma !
Yuma : Leave it to me ! I won't let them escape !
*Yuma leave with Kino
Yui : Ah, wait !
*someone grabs her
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Shu : Hey, you don't leave
Yui : But Kou-kun and Azusa-kun will... !
(… get caught by Yuma-kun and Kino-san)
(Yuma-kun... It's not the same happy feeling from when his brothers messed with him at home. It's different from when they quarreled)
(These glistening eyes... are not like Yuma-kun...)
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Exterior
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Yuma : For spies, you really suck
*Yuma draws his sword
Azusa : … Ugh...
Kou : Aah-ahh... Looks like we weren't suited for that
Azusa : Sorry, I got us caught... If I wasn't here, you could have escaped
Kou : Don't apologize. It's not your fault
Yuma : Stop making excuses. You wanna get killed ? Aah ?
*Yuma attacks Kou
Kou : Guh... !
Yui : … ! Yuma-kun !!
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Living room and Dining room
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Yui : (I didn't want to see such a situation...)
(They're really against each other now... But this isn't right...)
Reiji : These two will be sent to jail. We will interrogate them there
Yui : (… ! At this rate, Kou-kun and Azusa-kun will...!)
(I may not be able to do anything. But still--)
Please, let me go with you !
Reiji : Why is that ?
Yui : Eh... ? W-Well...
(I must think ! Think of a convincing reason...!)
… I have the feeling I'll remember about the supreme ruler
So please, bring me with you to the dungeon
Reiji : …
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Yui : (Please... say yes, Reiji-san !)
Reiji : … I see. Alright, then. You come with us
Yui : (Ah, he believed me... ? No, he must be doubtful)
(But it doesn't matter now. I must meet Kou-kun and Azusa-kun. So I can listen to what they say--)
Scene change : Dungeon
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Reiji : Now... Let's have you confess. Did Carla instruct you to come here ?
Kou : No. We came here on our own
Reiji : I see. So in other words, Carla doesn't know you're being held captive right now ?
Kou : I wondeeer. Which one do you think it is ?
Reiji : Is Carla thinking of something ? What kind of trick does he intend to use ? What is his plan ? Tell me
Azusa : … We can't tell you
Kou : We're enemies, duh
Reiji : … I see. Fools like you will need discipline
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Yui : P-Please, wait ! Stop using violence !
Reiji : Did I give you the right to speak ? Unless you remembered something ?
Yui : W-Well, that's...
Reiji : This is not worth considering
Yui : (I can't help Kou-kun and Azusa-kun in this situation after all ?)
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Kino : Hey, big brother Reiji. Let me do it. Because I do that job well
Yui : (Eh ? Kino-san ?)
Shu : It’s rare that you ask that. What's the point ?
Kino : Nothing particular. But it seems making them confess will take time so I just wanted to help
Reiji : … Alright. I will leave this to you, Kino. Shu, Yuma, we're going back
Shu : Sigh... It was useless to just accompany you
*Reiji and Shu leave
Yuma : Hey, you're coming too
Yui : B-But...
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Kino : Now, let's make you two confess... Yaah !
*Kino hits Kou
Kou : Uwaaah... !
Kino : Oh, you won't talk. Then how about this ?
*Kino hits Azusa
Azusa : … Ugh... !
Kino : Quit just moaning... I'm asking you to spit information !
*Kino continues to hit them
Yui : (How horrible... ! And they can't fight back because they're chained !)
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Choice 1 : Stop Kino (White roses)
Yui : Kino-san, stop already !
Kino : Shut up, don't get in my way. Or you want to get hurt as well ?
Yui : I-I don't want to, but...
Kino : Then stay silent. You're annoying when you scream. Right, Yuma ?
Choice 2 : Ask Yuma (Black roses)
Yui : Yuma-kun, stop Kino-san ! At this rate, these two will... !
… ? Yuma-kun... ?
– End of choices
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Yuma : …
Yui : (He's staring at them and doesn't move an inch...?)
What's wrong... ? Hey, Yuma-kun ?
Yuma : Those two...
Yui : Eh ?
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Kino : You're deprived of freedom. Come on now, say something. While you keep your sanity
Azusa : … Don't... hit Kou
Kino : Ha ?
Azusa : Hit... only me...
Kou : Azusa-kun...
Kino : Ha... What's that ? Brother's love ? That kind of complicity irritates me
Alright, I'll squish you as you wish !
Yui : Ah, stop !!
*Yuma grabs Kino
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Yui : (Eh...?)
Azusa : Ah...
Kino : … Yuma, what are you doing ?
Yuma : … Ah... No, that's...
Yui : (Yuma-kun stopped Kino-san...?)
Kino : They're enemies, you know ? Don't tell me you became attached to them
Yuma : … Those guys really don't know anything. You're wasting your time
Kino : Hmm... Well, whatever. I'm losing interest so I'll leave it to you
I'm going ahead. So be careful about the key to the cell. Okay ?
*Kino leaves
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Yui : (Thank godness... They're saved)
Yuma-kun, thank you--
Yuma : Uh... Guh...
Yui : Yuma-kun !?
(He's crouching...!?)
*Yui gets close to Yuma
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Yui : Is there something wrong ? You look pale... !
Yuma : … I can see it, now
Yui : You can see it ? What can you see ?
Yuma : I dunno... But some guys told me it'll be troublesome if we have nothing to eat...
So I was taught how to grow vegetables. That's why I began farming as a hobby--
Ugh... Shit... !
Yui : (Are these perhaps his memories with the Mukami family... ? No, rather before that ?)
Did you remember Kou-kun and Azusa-kun... !?
Yuma : … Guh... I dunno. What the bloody hell is that... !?
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Yui : (It seems not... But he recovered a little part of his memories)
(His original memories haven't disappeared... They're still sleeping inside him...!!)
(He may remember. If there's a chance, then surely--)
Yuma : Haa... Haa... It finally cools down...
Yui : Yuma-kun, it would be best to lie down today... Okay ?
Yuma : Y-Yeah...
Yui : (Kou-kun, Azusa-kun... I would like to save them immediately, but even if they escape now, they'll surelly get caught again)
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Azusa : Eve... Go. You have to make... Yuma-san rest
Yui : Azusa-kun... Okay... Thank you
(Even with his memories rewritten, Azusa-kun's kind...)
(I will definitely save them. And Yuma-kun, of course--)
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Living room and Dining room
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Reiji : So no one was able to get any information from these two, in the end
Kino : They're unexpectedly tenacious. Right, Yuma ?
Yuma : Y-Yeah...
Yui : (Yuma-kun still doesn't feel well. I would like him to take a rest quick...)
(I wonder if Reiji-san will give up on getting Kou-kun and Azusa-kun to talk...)
Reiji : I see... This isn't much helpful
Kino : Say, we don't need those guys anymore, right ?
Yui : Eh... !?
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Reiji : Indeed. Shu, please kill them both
Yuma : … !
Shu : Me ? Too lazy...
Yui : P-Please, wait ! Reiji-san, why... !?
Reiji : We can't leave those who are a treat to our family alone no matter what. If we do, we will be at risk
If we can't get any informations from them, there's no need to keep them alive
Yuma : Wait !
Yui : (Yuma-kun...!)
Yuma : There's no reason to kill them. They're stuck in jail so there should be no danger !
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Reiji : It's better to completely uproot sprouts that can become disturbing elements. Am I wrong ?
Yuma : No, but...
Yui : (If we can't counter them right here, Kou-kun and Azusa-kun will... I-If they can be useful for anything--)
… Hostages
We should use them as hostages. We can also use them as shields to fight Carla-san
Yuma : You...
Yui : We should take time to ascertain whether they're necessary or not
If we really don't need them... Then at that time, we should discard them
Kino : Heeh...
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Yui : (That's right, any method is fine. If they live, I'll surely have a chance to save them !)
(There must be something that will shaken Yuma-kun's memories. I won't give up)
(I will absolutely restore Yuma-kun's... No, everyone's memories)
Reiji : Hostages... I see
You have a valid point. It wouldn't be bad to check the situation a little more and think about their use
Yuma : Then... !
Reiji : We'll keep them alive for a moment. Let's think about how we use them and determine an appropriate time
Yui : … !
(Thank godness...!)
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Reiji : Well then, our policies have been decided. Let us dissolve for tonight. Please take a good rest
Kino : Okay okay, I'll take a rest
Shu : …
*Shu and Kino leave
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Yuma : Phew...
Reiji : … Yuma
Yuma : What ?
Reiji : You must be glad to have a good excuse this time. However... There won't be a second time
Yuma : … !
*Reiji leaves
Yuma : Tch... That Reiji guy... He knows and gave me a warning
Shit... Why... ? Why I'm defending these two... ?
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Yui : Yuma-kun... It would be best to rest now. Let's go to your room ?
Yuma : Shaddup ! Don't talk to me now !
Yui : … ! Yes...
Yuma : No... Sorry... It's a mess in my head and I shouted
… You're smart. I didn't think about that hostage stuff
But I dunno if that will save those guys... Why am I helping them... ?
Yui : Well...
… For now, you should go to sleep all night without thinking about it, so you'll feel better
Yuma : Yeah... You're right
*Yuma leaves
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Yui : (Even if I say they’re his brothers, it surely won't reach Yuma-kun)
(But there must be something. I'll absolutely find a way to restore his memories--)
Chapter 3 : End
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