#someone give Kya a hug
the-air-nomad · 1 year
A wolf's love
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You've known Sokka since you were little. Your father was the chief of another southern tribe and also a close friend of Chief Hakoda. Also, your grandmothers were friends in their youth. 
You were a waterbender but you discovered this shortly after Kya's death so you decided to hide this ability. After the men left for war, your father left you in Kanna's care.
 You became very close to Sokka, and Katara often laughed at your childish love for her brother. Sokka, on the other hand, adores you and has dreamed of you two getting married since childhood. 
When Sokka and Katara brought Aang to the village you were skeptical but then you agreed with Katara hoping that you would be able to find a waterbending master. 
You convinced Sokka to come with you telling him that you need someone strong to protect you. 
When you arrived on Kyoshi Island, you and Sokka argued for the first time since you met. It was the first time you noticed how misogynistic Sokka really was. Sokka begged Suki to teach him to fight and even agreed to wear traditional Kyoshi clothes. You, Katara and Aang laughed but at least you weren't mad at him anymore. 
Then came the meeting with Jet. Sokka will never admit to you how good he felt when he noticed that you also thought there was something wrong with that boy.You helped Sokka save the village.
The visit to the North Pole was a nightmare for you. The brothers found out you were a waterbender and were upset that you didn't tell them sooner. Katara soon gave up her upset being happy that she is not the last waterbender from the South. Sokka was extremely upset, first you lied to him and then you gave up on him to spend time with his sister. He won't admit it, but the fact that he wasn't a bender hurt him a lot. He decided to try to make you jealous by approaching Yue. But things did not go in his favor. After his kiss with Yue from Spirit Oasis, you decided to give up on the idea of ​​a relationship with him.
 Katara could no longer bear the horrible condition her brother was in, so she told you about his plan from the North Pole. To give Sokka a taste of his own medicine, you started flirting with Zuko. Katara thought you were a perfect match for her brother due to your extremely great talent for making plans (notice the sarcasm, please). You and Toph found Sokka's silly jealousy hilarious. 
Sokka was absolutely crazy, what did that fiery head have that he didn't?!
 During the Siege of Ba Sing Se you and Sokka finally confessed your feelings for each other. Sokka was happier than ever but that didn't last because you were seriously injured and lost a lot of blood. You've been unconscious almost as long as Aang. In that time Sokka was completely destroyed. He felt like his life was over and he swore that when you woke up, he couldn't imagine you wouldn't, he would do anything to protect you.
 When you woke up Sokka exploded like fireworks. Even though you felt horrible, you struggled to give him a big smile. After that, things started to go downhill. Sokka had become inhumanly possessive and protective. You tried to talk to Katara and Hakoda but they told you that Sokka acts like this because he doesn't want to lose you like he lost his mother which made you feel like a terrible person.
 When you arrived in the Fire Nation, Sokka followed you like a shadow. At Hama's inn he slept in the same room as you. When you found out that Hama was from the Southern Water Tribe something clicked in your mind. You asked if she had known your paternal grandmother. Her eyes widened when she heard your father's name. It seems that Hama was your grandmother, Sokka's grandmother's friend. That didn't make Sokka calm down and he almost attacked Hama with his sword when she tried to hug you. After Hama was arrested Sokka consoled you saying that you don't need anyone else when you have him.
After Zuko's coronation you and Sokka returned to the South while Katara and Aang had to stay in the Fire Nation. Although Sokka's protectiveness still bothers you, you were extremely happy when Sokka asked you to marry him.
But as heroes never have a simple life, your story has only just begun.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. Please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! 💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want:  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
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jaggedhorseteeth · 30 days
Better in the Morning // Ch. 6
word count: 2300+
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Language, mentions of a strained parental relationship, anxiety
I’ll admit, I was shocked when Jake first told me he wanted me to meet his family. He proposed I tag along with them to Michigan for the holidays; he was beyond excited to show me his hometown, and to introduce me to his mom. I shouldn’t have been surprised- we’d been together for almost two years, and it wasn’t the first time he’d mentioned it. This was a perfectly normal thing for couples to do, so why was I so goddamn nervous? The way the guys talked about their family, it was safe to assume they had wonderful, caring, loving, and normal parents. I worried that I wouldn’t belong there. I played scenarios over in my head that someone would ask about my parents, and it would all be downhill from there; they’d think I wasn’t good enough for Jake, that I’d tarnish the bloodline. It sounds so ridiculous when I say it out loud. Looking back, I realize it was a stupid thing to worry about at all.
My knee was shaking, and Jake placed a hand on me to still it. I was never bothered by planes, but I let Jake believe I was just a nervous flier. It was easier than explaining why I was terrified to meet his parents.
He warned me that December in Michigan would be cold, but I wasn’t prepared for how cold. He chuckled at me, bundled up in all my layers, my teeth chattering as we waited for our ride outside the airport. “What, are you cold or something?” I shot a glare at him and the shit-eating grin on his face. “Doesn’t it get cold in West Virginia?”
“N-not like this. B-b-besides, I was born in T-Texas. I th-thrive in heat.”
He wrapped an arm around my waist and brought his lips to my ear. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to warm you up later, huh?”
The next shiver that ran through me probably wasn’t from the cold, and an involuntary gasp escaped my lips.
“Get a room!” Sam yelled overdramatically, in his exaggerated Midwest accent. Jake grinned and flipped him off just as the car pulled up.
The ride was easy, full of excited chatter from the boys, and it helped me to swallow my nerves for the time being. Danny was dropped off at his parents’ house first, with promises to come by the Kiszkas’ later. I didn’t tell anyone I saw him squeeze Sam’s thigh before departing. When we arrived at our destination, my heart started pounding again.
Jake grabbed my hand as everyone was unloading. “It’s going to be fine, babe. They’re going to love you.” I could only pray he was right.
I sucked in a deep breath as we entered the house, Josh leading the way. I was immediately aware how warm it was inside, a welcome shift from the freezing temperature outside. It smelled nice, like a mix of pine and peppermint. The initial excitement, everyone exchanging hugs and ‘I missed you’s had me backed into a corner. I felt like I was only going to be in the way. But when Karen, Jake’s mom, had greeted all her children, she turned her attention to me.
I’m sure it was obvious how nervous I was. She shooed the boys away to give us some space. “You must be Kya. I’ve heard so much about you. I’m so glad you could make it.” She extended her arms to pull me into a soft, welcoming hug. I hugged her back and returned the sentiment. “Let me look at you.” She pulled back to look me in the eyes, her hands on my shoulders. “I can see why you caught Jake’s eye, you’re so pretty.”
I felt the blush creep up my cheeks and did my best to mutter a thank you. I was introduced to their dad, Kelly, and received an equally sweet welcome from Ronnie, Jake’s younger sister.
Most of the evening was spent chatting, everyone getting caught up on what was going on in each other’s lives. Karen asked me questions about my job, how I liked living in Nashville, and some general small talk. No one ever raised any questions about my family, and I wondered if Jake had already said something to them. On one hand, I was grateful I wouldn’t have to force out any awkward explanations to people I barely knew, but I didn’t know how much Jake, or even Josh, would have told them.
They really were such nice people; I didn’t feel like I was being judged or looked down on. They made me feel welcome. We all sat at the dining room table and shared dinner, which was frankly quite delicious. I wasn’t surprised; Jake had to have gotten his culinary talent from somewhere. But as the night progressed, us all gathered in the living room sipping on wine, the nerves started to make a comeback. Jake stood in the corner by the record player, chatting with Kelly about some vinyl or another. Everyone was absorbed in their own conversations, and I was suddenly feeling entirely too hot. I grabbed my jacket and slipped out the back door, hoping no one would notice. Someone did.
I stood against the railing on the back porch, reveling in the quiet and focusing on getting my thoughts in order. It wasn’t that I wasn’t having a good time, and the Kiszkas had been nothing but nice to me. So why did I feel like crying? I pegged it on to the fact I was tired, or maybe I could blame it on some seasonal depression and told myself to get it together.
I jumped at the sound of the back door opening. I expected Jake and was caught off guard when I was met with Karen instead. “You alright, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. Just needed some air.” I forced a smile to show her I was fine.
What I didn’t know was how observant a mother of four could be, and I certainly wasn’t expecting her to pick up on what I was feeling so easily. “I know it can be a little overwhelming sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with needing to take a breather every once in a while.”
Sighing and rubbing my eye, willing myself not to cry, I fiddled with one of the rings on my finger. “I’m sorry. You guys have been wonderful. I’m just not used to… all this.” I waved my hand around, gesturing to the house and hoped she wouldn’t take it the wrong way.
“Oh, it’s okay. Like I said, things can get a little chaotic in this house when the boys are home. I know… I hope you won’t be upset with him… Jake told me a little about your parents. I won’t pester you for details, but I want you to know you have a family here. And if you ever need to talk, woman to woman, you can always reach out.”
At the time, I couldn’t understand why she was opening up and inviting me into her family so easily. Part of me expected her to be like Josh, distrusting and overprotective. She didn’t know me all that well. And I had a hard time fighting off the thought that I didn’t deserve this.
She must have noticed my confusion, although the few stray tears that escaped might have been a dead giveaway for how I was feeling. She grabbed a soft hold of my hand. “Jake speaks so highly of you. Josh and Sam, too.” I was a bit dumbfounded to hear that even Josh had talked about me to his mom, and that it was all good things. “I can’t thank you enough for taking care of my baby, Kya. I think you’ve been so good for him, and I can tell he loves you so much.”
And with that, any ounce of self-control I had went out the fucking window. The tears were flowing freely now, and this amazing woman who had brought the love of my life into this world hugged me, just comforting me like any good mother would.
I eventually calmed myself down and pulled away from her, wiping my eyes. “God, I’m so sorry. I’m a fucking mess.” I flinched at the curse that slipped out, but she didn’t seem fazed. I’m sure she’d heard worse raising the boys.
She tsk’d at my apology. “Oh, stop it.” I heard the back door open again; this time it was Jake that stepped out, a worried expression on his face. I quickly wiped my eyes, hoping he didn’t see me crying on his mother’s shoulder.
“Everything okay out here?”
Karen smiled. “Yeah, we’re good. Girl talk.”
Jake placed a hand on my back and looked at me, searching my own expression. “Your lips are blue, babe.”
I giggled. I was so distracted I hadn’t noticed how cold I was. “That’s because we’re in the damn arctic, Jacob.”
With a smug grin on his face, he planted a kiss on the tip of my nose. “You just need thicker skin.”
Back inside (and back in the comfortable warmth) and feeling like a weight had been lifted off my chest, I was able to enjoy the rest of the evening. After everyone retired for the night, I was laying with Jake on the small bed in his childhood bedroom. It still looked like a teenage boy’s room; old posters lined the walls, including what I guessed was the first Greta Van Fleet poster they made. The room still held remnants of when they were young, whispers of memories of much simpler times. Jake held me close and told me stories of their youth until I started to doze off.
“Thank you for coming with me,” he whispered into the crown of my head.
“Thank you for letting me into your life.”
The rest of the holiday went off without a hitch. Early Christmas morning we gathered around the tree in the living room, everyone excited for the gift exchange. The fire was lit, giving the house a nice, cozy feeling. I sipped on some coffee and sat cozied up to Jake on the couch, happily watching everyone excitedly opening their gifts. I’d even made it out with a handful of presents myself, which I didn’t really expect but it was sweet, and I was so appreciative. By the end, the floor was littered with shreds of wrapping paper and bows, haphazardly tossed to the ground. I helped clean up while Jake helped Karen start prepping for the huge dinner they would serve later. I also spent some time talking with Ronnie, getting to know the other Kiszka sibling.
I’d gotten a few ‘Merry Christmas’ messages from friends, and one from Richie asking if I was having a good time. I sent a few scattered responses, not wanting to appear to have my nose buried in my phone for too long.
We’d stuffed ourselves way too full at dinner and I was ready to crash. I found myself on the couch, snuggled up with Jake. We had swiped a fleece throw blanket and under the cover of it, his fingers traced along the skin under my shirt absentmindedly. Another buzz from my phone had me holding it up in front of my face.
Unknown number – 8:34 PM
Merry Christmas. Hope you’re well, mija.
I let out a sigh, debating if I wanted to respond. I glanced up at Jake to find him staring at my phone inquisitively. “My dad,” I explained.
“You don’t have his number saved?” I could tell he was only curious; there wasn’t anything judgmental in his voice.
“He changes his number frequently. Probably using a burner phone or something.”
“Is… is that normal?”
He sounded so confused; I couldn’t help but laugh. “For that nutjob? Yeah.” I shot back a quick text, just wishing him a Merry Christmas, not wanting to reveal too much information. He was the last person who needed to know I was in Michigan with my boyfriend.
When it was time to pack up and leave, it was bittersweet. Karen loved having her kids home for the holidays, but the time always came for them to return to their lives in Nashville. Plenty of hugs were exchanged and promises made that we would let her know when everyone was home safe.
Karen ensured I had her number and gave me another reminder to call if I ever needed anything. “Even if you just need me to keep Jake in line once in a while,” she joked. He’d rolled his eyes at that, bidding one last goodbye to his family and leading me out the door.
Jake promptly fell asleep on the plane ride home, giving me some time to think. That was when I realized that my previous worries were, in fact, stupid. His family had welcomed me with open arms, even when they didn’t know me. His mom treated me like I was one of her own, never once shying away, despite my emotional meltdown. She provided the kind of motherly love that I didn’t get to experience as a child, and it made me feel safe. On top of it all, Jake’s willingness and eagerness to invite me into his own family so easily warmed my heart.
He looked so peaceful while he slept. I was a little jealous at the ease with which he could fall asleep on an airplane, neck craned at what I knew had to be an uncomfortable position. I studied him then- his jawline, his lips, the shape of his nose, how his eyes fluttered behind his eyelids as he dreamt. He was beautiful, and I was so proud of him and everything he was, and he was all mine.
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hotpinkrathian · 9 months
I know that the holidays are *technically* over, and I'm late posting this. But if anyone has any cheer leftover here's a Hallmark movie Kyalin fic
Kya stepped off the train, the tempered air pinching her nose. 
She looked at the crisp snow as it landed on her belongings with a certain fondness. 
The snow in RC was different than the snow at the poles, or the lack of snow in Ba Sing Se. 
It had an aura to it, which she attributed to the density of airbenders in the area. 
She pulled on her mitts, setting her bag down for a moment. 
She would regret it though, as almost instantaneously someone came up behind her, looping the handles of her purse around their arm and sprinting into a run. 
“Hey!” She shouted, running after them. She pulled her suitcase behind her, inevitably slowing her down.
The perpetrator was far ahead of her, clearly a skilled thief as they expertly maneuvered through the crowded station. 
“Someone stop them!” She shouted, but people simply watched her futile chase. 
She was about to give up, when a woman stepping onto the platform stuck out her arm, stopping the thief with a self-inflicted blow to the throat. 
Kya gasped as she went up to the stranger and the fallen perpetrator. 
“Oh my, thank you so much,” she said, wrapping the woman in a hug. 
The woman stiffened, but accepted it. 
When they pulled apart she picked up the bag by the straps, the thief wheezing on the ground. 
“I believe, based on circumstances, this is yours,” the woman said, handing it to her.
“It is, thank you so much. No one else stopped them and I guess my yelling didn't quite warrant the attention of security.” She said sarcastically, doing a quick check of her bag to make sure everything was there. 
“Yeah the security here is pretty terrible.” The woman agreed. Upon closer inspection, Kya was able to make out a few distinct features. 
She had porcelain skin with jet black hair. Her eyes were a very distinct shade of green, undoubtedly speaking to her earth nation heritage. 
But most notably were a set of paired scars, running from her cheekbones to the base of her face. The tissue was slightly raised, speaking to a rushed patch job, but relatively neutral in color. 
“Tell me about it. What a warm welcome back to the city, robbed as soon as I step onto the platform.” Kya said, brushing herself off and strapping her purse onto herself.
Past the other woman she was able to see a couple of guards coming up to them, a definite lack of pep in their step. 
“We'll take it from here- chief?” 
“Surprise.” The other woman said. Kya watched, trying to make sense of the interaction.
“We were just-”
“I know what you were doing, and it nearly cost this lovely woman her purse, and you three weeks of desk duty.” The officers looked at each other, defeated as they picked up the thief and began to carry him away. 
“You're the security,” Kya said, facepalming.
“Mm, close. Lin Beifong, Chief of Police. Please excuse my lack of uniform, I've just arrived from Zaofu.” 
Kya accepted the hand shake, still feeling a little embarrassed. 
“I feel like an idiot,” she told Chief Beifong. 
“Don't. We appreciate the feedback. Helps me decide who's cut out for field work.” 
“Well, I'm glad I could help.”
“What's your name, you know, for the incident report?” 
“Oh, uh Kya. Kya Cloud.”  Kya watched the gears turn in the police Chief's head as her name registered. There was no way someone of so much status hadn't heard her name before. 
She was the only daughter of Avatar Aang, after all. 
“Well, I reckon it's about time we met, Miss Cloud”.
“Just Kya is fine.”
“Right. Well, is there anything else I can do for you, maybe something that will increase your rating?” 
Kya laughed, pulling her things close to her.
“I think this will suffice,” Kya told her, “you can expect at least three elements from me.”
“I'll take it.” Chief Beifong stated. “I'll see you around, ‘just Kya’.” 
Kya bade her farewell, watching the woman go down the platform. 
She took a deep breath, suppressing her smile, and the butterflies in her stomach as she started the walk home. 
“I can't believe you almost got robbed!” Her mother said, hugging Kya again for good measure. 
“Mom, relax, it ended up okay. You know I could've taken him. If I had been prepared.” 
“Your lucky Lin was there.”
“No kidding. She was very efficient.” 
“She's excellent at her job. The best Police Chief the City has ever seen. Including its first.” 
“Who was the first?”
“Kya, I know I've told you.”
“And you know I'm forgetful. I'm a busy woman, mom.”
“Lin's own mother, one of my best friends, Toph Beifong.”
Memories came back as Kya pieced history together. No wonder Lin had come off familiar, she had been an essential person in Kya's early childhood. Kya was about fourteen when the Beifong's stopped hanging around. It seemed like a lifetime ago despite it being only twenty years. 
“Right, I remember now.” Kya said. 
Her mother didn't seem assured, but carried on with her preparation anyway. Her and Kya were currently decorating the temple for the holidays, making everything either sparkle, or shine. It would be the first Christmas with a baby in the family, and Kya's first time meeting the little one. 
She felt terrible she hadn't seen Jinora, but her career often had her on the road, and she hadn't gotten a chance to stop at Republic City in nearly eight months. 
She took some solace in knowing Jinora was only a month old, so there was still plenty of time for her to become the career-wine aunt. 
“When will Tenzin be by?” She asked.
“He told me he and Pema should be back tomorrow. They decided to break the trip from the air temple into one more day, to give them some time to sufficiently rest.” 
“So just you and me tonight then mum?”
“Actually I have to make a City council meeting. The last one before the holidays.”
“So just me?”
“Sorry dear. You're welcome to come, or you could go out. Spend a night on the town? It's Saturday so it should be alive. Not Friday night alive, but alive nonetheless.”
“Alright. Know any good spots?”
“Hmm, I've heard some friends talk about Rafters. It might be old for you though.”
“Gotta start somewhere. Maybe I can bring a plus one to Christmas,” Kya smirked. 
Katara shot her a glare, so Kya just laughed.
She supposed she was going out tonight.
Her mother was right about the crowd of Rafters being older. Kya didn't mind, it meant more people willing to buy her a drink. At this rate, she'd be plastered before the tides even changed directions. 
She sat at the bar, absorbing the chatter of the crowd. Sipping on a peppermint Mojito- tis’ the season. The TV was set to a pro-bending tournament, which she hadn't paid attention to.
Her attention was drawn to a boisterous chatter at the door. A group of people came in, laughing, and dressed uniformly. 
At the tail end of the group was a woman, in her thirties, porcelain skin, black chopped hair and a pair of scars on her cheek. 
The woman saw Kya, too, excusing herself from the others and coming up to her.
“Are you stalking me?” Lin asked, setting an elbow on the bar and leaning in.
“I could ask you the same.”
“Hah, I always come here on Saturday. Like clockwork.” 
Kya had an inkling her mother may have had some ulterior motives sending Kya here.
It was frustrating, but Kya had to applaud her mother's nonchalance. 
“Well you got me. Take me away, officer,” Kya said, holding out her wrists. 
Lin smiled, looking at the table of her colleagues, then back to Kya.
“Why don't we pretend you weren't drinking alone, and you come join us?”
“Saving me twice today? Someone is looking out for me.”
“Seems to me you're still owed a proper Republic City welcome.”
“Your rating just went up, Beifong.” 
Lin smiled, ushering Kya to their table. 
“Everyone, this is Kya Cloud.” Lin introduced. Kya watched the same gears turn in their heads as she had with Lin earlier. 
“She'd like to join us tonight, if that's alright.”
No one protested, and Kya slid into the booth next to Lin. 
She absorbed their stories, shopping recommendations, restaurant recommendations and tourism tips for RC. By midnight she had a comprehensive list of everything Republic City had to offer.
She had also had another Peppermint Mojito, a Gingerbread Martini, and a shared pitcher of Apple Cranberry Sangria. 
“Have a good night everyone!” Lin said, watching her coworkers leave. The two of them were left in the booth. 
“You didn't want to go with them?” Kya asked.
“Why not? And don't say because I needed a walk home.”
“Hah, I'm wasted. As soon as I stand up I'm going to hit the floor. Didn't want them to see me like this.” 
Kya laughed, sliding out of the booth, offering her own dizzy hand to Lin, who took it. 
“You got cash?” Lin asked. 
“A bit, why?”
“Tip the bartender. I used all mine on the pitcher.” Kya pulled her cash out, leaving it on the table as the two of them headed outside for the sobering cold. They walked a ways, shivering slightly at the brisk air, before Lin pulled a cigarette from her pocket, using a lighter to ignite it. 
“You know those are terrible for you,” Kya told her.
“Yup,” Lin replied, handing it to her. Kya accepted  taking a puff before handing it back. 
“So, you're back for the holidays?” Lin asked her.
“Yeah, my brother had a baby. Figured it warranted a visit.”
“Really? Which brother?” 
“Tenzin, the younger one.” 
“Wow, I remember going to school with him. He always wanted a family, so that's good to hear.” 
“Yeah. A little girl, Jinora.” 
Lin nodded, taking another puff.
“And what about Bumi?”
“Still with the United Forces Navy. He's coming back in a couple days. His service will be over in… a couple years I think? Got a couple medals, and don't ask because I'm terrible at that stuff.”
Kya watched as Lin took another long, contemplative puff before handing the cig back to Kya. 
“And you?” Lin asked. 
Kya scoffed on her exhale, relishing the warmth of the smoke on her face.
“I move around a lot for work. I'm a doctor, wherever a patient needs me to be one. Just came from Ba Sing Se.”
“How's the patient?” 
“Jeez, I'm sorry.” 
“Don't be,” Kya said, handing what little was left of the cigarette back to Lin, “she was old, she knew it was coming. I was there easing the pain.”
Lin seemed satisfied with that, and her cigarette had run out, so they kept walking. They were making their way towards the ferry, and as the alcohol wore off, Kya was starting to feel the real effects of the cold. 
“Can I ask you something?” Kya asked as they walked.
“I got them on duty. Apprehending a getaway driver for a triad.”
“Oh, uh, I'm sorry.” 
“Don't be, I haven't even told you the worst part.”
“The driver was my sister.”
Sister. That was right, there were two Beifong children… Lin and…
“Suyin.” Kya stated. Lin seemed impressed, and nodded.
“She was young, dumb, and fell  in with the wrong crowd. We've… made up, sort of. I visit once a year, if just to see the kids.” 
“She has kids?
“Yup, four with one on the way.”
“Wow.” Kya said, unsure of what to make of that. She didn't even know what Suyin looked like anymore. It was hard to picture the toddler she once knew with five kids. 
They were coming up on the pier, and Kya was getting tired of seeing her frosty breath in front of her. 
“You don't have to come on the ferry,” Kya told her, “I get it's a hassle, really I'll be okay.”
“It won't affect the rating, will it?” Lin teased, sticking her hands in her coat. 
Kya laughed, shaking her head. 
“Of course not. Assuming I don't get mugged aboard.”
“Well, if you do, you know where to find me.”
Lin said. The Chief removed a single cold hand from her coat, offering Kya a handshake, which Kya accepted. 
They bade their farewells and Kya continued on to the ferry, opting to sit indoors and warm up. 
She had to wait ten minutes for the change of the hour before the boat departed, but the journey across was only twenty minutes. 
She used the time to reflect on her night, how it had immediately improved upon Lin’s arrival at the bar. She wished she had a better way to express her gratitude. 
When they docked she tipped the ferryman, and made for the warmth of the temple. 
As expected, her mom was already asleep. Kya went for the pitcher of water and poured herself a glass, hoping to curve the hangover she was going to have tomorrow. 
She made her way up the stairs, pausing at her mother's door, but moving on.
She laid in bed, her mind once again drifting to the events of the day, and how circumstances had guided her interactions with Chief Beifong twice. 
How many times before she could stop the coincidence excuse?
“Coming!” Kya said, walking to the door. The bell had gone off, and her mother's hands were full with bed sheets as she prepared for the prodigal son’s return. 
“hel- Lin?” 
“morning Kya,” the earthbender said, her arms crossed. 
“did I forget something or-” 
“Actually, I'm here for Katara. You don't mind if I borrow her for a moment, do you?”
Kya was caught off guard, and she was well aware of her processing delay crossing her slow response. 
“right, of course, come on in.”
“Chief Beifong in the flesh! You aren't fed up with me and Kya yet?”
“fed up with you? Me? Never. I brought those papers you inquired about last night. I know you won't have another order of business till after the holidays, and it seems you have your hands full here, or you're about to, so I figured I'd bring them over early. Take your time, I just need them back before the hearing on the second.” 
“Absolutely it's no problem Lin, and thank you so much. I'm surprised you didn't send one of your ‘henchmen’”
“my ‘henchmen’ are far and few right now. No one wants to work over the holidays.”
“and you shouldn't either,” 
“heh, I've had my fun. I went to Zaofu last week. I just got back yesterday- when I ran into Kya actually.” 
Kya allowed herself to drift into the conversation at the mention of her name. 
“good for you! How are Su and the kids?”
Kya could see Lin bite her tongue, and she wanted to ask for the tea, but refrained in fear of coming on too strong. 
“as good as they'll ever be.” Lin replied after a thoughtful pause.
“and you?” Katara asked, surprising Kya by placing her hands on either side of Lin’s face.
“good as I’ll ever be.” Katara didn't seem convinced, but she released the earthbender. Lin looked at Kya, a shameful look on her face. Like a guilty puppy. 
“Why don't you come for dinner tonight?” Katara asked. 
“I shouldn't. Kya tells me you're getting the other thirds this afternoon. You've got a full house.”
“Really it's fine,” Kya interjected. “I mean, there's plenty of food, and you've been such a help.” Lin looked torn. Like her heart said yes but her head said no. 
Kya told herself she would accept either verdict. 
“Alright, but just for dinner. I refuse to disrupt your family anymore.” 
“Of course, we will see you tonight then, Lin.” 
Katara said. 
“I'll walk you out,” Kya offered. The door was only a few meters behind them, but Kya walked anyway. 
“Thanks,” Lin said, placing her nimble fingers on the doorknob.
“It's no problem, really.” Kya assured her. “Holidays, right? No one should be alone.” 
Lin nodded, her hands turning the knob slightly. 
“Right. Um, last night… you had fun, right?” Lin asked nervously.”
Kya looked at her, not in an inspection way, but in the most honest way she knew how. 
“Of course. My mom can't stop teasing me about it.” 
“We should do it again sometime,” Lin suggested, and Kya felt her heart skip a beat.
“Yeah, totally.” 
Lin's hand finished turning the knob. 
“I'll see you tonight, Kya.”
“See you tonight,” Kya replied, watching her step out into the snow, closing the door behind her. 
“You are an evil woman mother,” she said, shaking her head. 
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” 
“Mhmm, so you just sent me to the random cop bar last night?”
“It's the only bar I know about.” 
“Right and it happens to be a cop bar?”
“Lin's the only person in the city that I know goes to bars.”
“And inviting her over?”
“She's a friend Kya, we see each other all the time. I helped her with her… accident a while back. You get close in a situation like that.” 
Kya eyed her mother suspiciously but decided to let it slide.
She was onto Katara, but truthfully, she didn't mind. 
In fact, she was hoping things went well tonight, even if it meant her mother had to do a little meddling. 
Things were just as exciting as Kya had anticipated when her brothers arrived. They were both coming from different directions, but their arrival times appeared to be coordinated with Tenzin and company arriving fifteen minutes after Bumi. 
“How was your trip?” Katara asked, embracing her youngest in a hug.
“It was fantastic, mother.” 
“Mm, so we can expect baby number two in nine months?” Kya teased, earning herself a swat from Katara. 
“I prepared the rooms for you guys, washed your sheets and everything. Little Jinora's nursery is all ready for her upstairs.”
“Perfect, I think this one could use a nap, inside a real house, with an actual crib.” Pema stated, taking Jinora inside.
With all of them together the absence of their father was more noticeable. It had only been ten months since his passing, and the first holiday season without him. Kya could see the pained look in her mother's eye, but she knew that offering a hug would only make it worse.
At least they had a baby to help fill the void of Avatar Aang. 
Kya helped Bumi and Tenzin carry their belongings inside, like the good sister she was, while she thought about what it would mean for them to have a festive dinner without her dad.
Surely Bumi would take over the toast because he was the oldest? Or Tenzin because he was also an arrowhead? 
Either way she was off the hook, which meant she could focus on the chief. 
“Lin will be joining us tonight,” Katara told the boys.
“Lin? I haven't seen her in…well it has to be over a decade,” Bumi said. 
“How did you manage to convince Lin to join us?” Tenzin asked, looking up the stairs for his wife. 
“Oh you are too hard on her Tenzin. She was happy to come. Plus I owe her one for taking care of your sister.”
“You got arrested?” Bumi asked, directing his inquiry at Kya.
“Excuse me? I got robbed at the train station and she caught the guy. Why did you automatically assume I was the perpetrator?”
“It wouldn't be the first time,” Bumi stuck his tongue out and Kya wanted to slap him. 
“You got robbed? Kya are you okay?” Tenzin asked, and Kya nodded her head.
“Bumi, see how he was concerned for my well being? Yes Tenzin I am fine, I didn't even lose anything. The guy tried to make a run for it and Lin stuck her arm out and basically throat-punched the guy as he sprinted down the platform.”
“Badass,” Bumi commented, earning a glare from his brother and mother. 
“Anyway,” Katara interjected, “I invited her for dinner, it's bad enough she has to work this time of year. The least we can do is offer her a warm meal and some company.” 
“Didn't she make up with her sister?” Tenzin asked. 
“Yes, but she went last week to see them. As the Chief she's kind of expected to be here over the holidays.”
The others seemed convinced and Kya leaned into Bumi's ear.
“Plus, Lin is super hot now,” she said, earning a raised eyebrow from her older brother. 
She caught her mother's smirk, and Kya realized she may not have been as quiet as she'd thought. 
Dinner time came, and with it so did snow, and of course, Republic City Police Chief Lin Beifong. 
She came in, an impressive bottle of wine in her hand, and allowed Kya to take her coat. 
They exchanged small greetings before Kya led her to the dining room. In the better lighting Kya was able to make out more of her features and clothing. 
Her pants were gray Khaki's which she paired with a black turtleneck and a black and gold belt. 
Kya felt underdressed in her corduroys, but she took solace in knowing she was still more put together than either of her brothers. 
“Welcome Lin, please take a seat.” Katara greeted, gesturing to the chair next to her, in between Katara and Kya. 
“Thank you for having me everyone,” Lin said as she sat down.
“It's no problem dear. I owe you one for keeping Kya safe, and busy the other night.” 
Kya immediately blushed, sure of the insinuation her brother would read into. 
Sure enough Bumi smirked at her, and she forced herself to look away.
“Just doing my job, Katara. Tenzin, Pema, Katara tells me you just got back from the Eastern Air temple, how was it?”
“It was beautiful,” Tenzin told her.
“But no place for a newborn, the building is far too drafty. Trying to get Jinora to sleep when the wind is echoing throughout the entire place was a nightmare.” 
Kya chuckled a bit, satisfied with Pema's honesty. Tenzin had good intentions, but he was the kind of willfully naive type. 
He was optimistic, without the necessary caution. Something he'd learn as a father no doubt. 
“And Bumi, I've heard much word of you over the years, Rear Admiral.” 
Kya was aware of her brother's status in the Navy, but truthfully she had no idea what rankings meant. She remembered when he was made Lieutenant, and that was a good thing. “Rear” made it sound worse but “Admiral” sounded like a promotion. 
Lin was congratulating him, so Kya took it as an improvement. 
“You sure know how to make a guy feel special,” Bumi said, “I appreciate that Lin. Take notes, Kya.” 
Kya waved him off, plucking a piece of her meal onto a fork and stuffing her mouth. 
“Well Lin, we've heard the story from Kya, but we would love to hear your perception of what happened at the train station the other day.”
“Of course,” Lin said, placing her utensils gently on either side of her plate. 
“I'm getting off the train, I'd just come from a long, and I mean LONG week at Zaofu. I step into the republic city air, honestly I was looking forward to it. Then I hear this woman shouting, pulling a suitcase behind her, flailing her arms. And a man she's running behind and instinct kind of just kicked in. I stretched out my arm and he hit it. I will never forget the look on Kya's face though. Jaw agape, sweat coating her brow and her eyes shocked and relieved. Went through all of the emotions in a single moment.”
The table burst into laughter, and Kya did too. The whole thing seemed so silly and spontaneous now. 
“I owe you one, Lin,” Kya joked, “next time you need a bad guy apprehended and you're double booked let me know. Can't promise it'll be as clean as what you are used to, but it'll get done.”
“Mmm, it's very tempting Kya, don't make a promise you can't keep.” 
“I can keep it.”
“Wonderful to hear, you want to go to work for me tomorrow?” 
“Can't, holiday plans,” Kya grinned. The look on Lin's face was… confusing. 
Captivating, titillating, flirtatious. 
Uh oh. 
Kya was now well aware of the table watching their banter and she wanted to excuse herself but doing so would confirm what they were all thinking. 
She side eyed her brother's smirk and returned to her meal with a blush. 
Luckily her mother offered to get the dessert and the conversation continued to flow smoothly for the rest of the meal.
It was nearly 9:30 pm before they were wrapped up. After a glass of wine (or two) Lin was ready to leave so Kya offered to walk with her to the ferry. 
“You know,” Lin started, “you don't have to make excuses to come see me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, if you wanted to stop by the police station sometime you could say it's to follow up on the train station thief. Or you could say you wanted to see me.”
“And why would I say that?” Kya played along. 
“Because you wanted to ask me on a second date.” 
“Think you skipped a step there, Lin. The wine get to you? Or was it my gingersnaps?”
“On the contrary, Kya, I think it was you. My head hasn't been quite right since the day I saved your purse.” 
“Anything I can help with? I'm a healer after all.” 
“Probably. I have some free time Saturday at seven. We could go to  Zoryu's Palace at seven-thirty.”
“Why not seven?” Kya asked.
“I need time to pick you up.” Lin replied.
It was something about the nonchalance, yet the nervousness. All of the personality, but the withholding words that tempted Kya into saying yes.
One day, Lin would ask her why she agreed to get dinner with the Chief of Police and Kya would tell her it was because she wanted to say thanks, or that Lin's charismatic charm had won her over. 
But truthfully, Kya had known she met her match from the moment she saw her throat punch the thief at the train station. 
"It's a date."
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crybabylulu · 4 months
Favorite Girl
Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summary: just a normal day for you and Linny
I was bringing Linny her lunch today. As I walked into the building I looked around to see if I could find Mako or Bolin just to say hi but I didn’t see either of them. “Is there something that I can help you with?” Someone asked. “Oh no thank you.” I said. “You sure, you look a little lost sweetheart.” He said. “No, I'm ok.” I said and made my way to Lin’s office. I knocked and waited for her permission to enter. “Come in.” She said and I entered. When I walked in I noticed Korra and Kya. “Hey guys.” I said. “Hey sweetie, how are you?” Kya asked and gave me a hug. “I’m good, how are you?” I asked and hugged her back. “I’m good.” Kya said.
Korra and I hugged. “You brought your girlfriend some lunch?” Kya asked. “Yes I did.” I said. “Ooo what did you make?” Korra asked as she tried to look into the bag I brought. I playfully swatted her hands. “Get out, this isn’t for you.” I said. “Lin can share.” Korra said. “Korra let’s go. We don’t need to ruin these lovebirds lunch time.” Kya said and grabbed Korra. “Bye korra.” I said and waved goodbye as she got dragged out by Kya. “You ready to have lunch?” I asked Lin. Lin nodded and sat on the couch and pulled me into her lap.
“Why were Korra and Kya here?” I asked. “Kya was giving Korra and I an update about some officers that had to go into the hospital this morning.” Lin said. “What happened?” I asked. “Robbery gone wrong.” Lin said. “Are your offices ok?” I asked. “Yes they are, just simple flesh wounds.” Lin said. I nodded. As we started eating I thought about Mako and Bolin. “Are the boys ok?” I asked. “What?” Lin asked. “Your son and Bolin, are they ok? I didn’t see them when I came in.” I said. “They’re fine. They weren’t a part of the group that got hurt, they weren’t even there.” Lin said.
“Oh ok.” I said. “They are just fine. Don’t worry.” Lin said. “Good, I was worried.” I said. Lin nodded. Once we finished lunch we kissed goodbye and I made my way to the front where I saw Mako waiting for me. “Come on let’s get you home.” He told me. “Where were you earlier?” I asked. “Lots and lots of paperwork.” Mako sighed. “You poor thing.” I said as we walked back to the apartment. “Oh I have to show you something! I can’t believe I haven’t shown you this yet.” I said as I dragged Mako back into the apartment and went to go find Tofu. I grabbed the stuffed animal off the bed and showed it to him.
“This is me and your moms daughter. Her name is Detective Tofu Noodle and you are her big brother.” I said and let Mako hold the badger mole. “This is kinda cool but also I’m surprised mom let you do this.” Mako said. “Your mother doesn’t have a choice, she loves me.” I said. “She spoils you.” Mako said. We laughed and then he left. I skimmed the bookshelf and found the book that Lin was reading to me while I was in the bath. I decided to grab it then sit on the couch and read. As I read I could hear every word in Lin’s voice. I should get her to read to me again. I read until it was time for me to cook dinner.
I placed a bookmark in the book then closed it and went off to the kitchen. Before I could start cooking I heard the front door open. “Linny?” I asked. “Yes hon it’s me.” Lin said. “I didn’t expect you to be home so early.” I said. “I wanted to come home and see my favorite girl.” Lin said. Oh there goes my heart. “I’m your favorite girl?” I asked. “Oh no I was talking about Tofu.” Lin said. I know she fucking didn’t just say that. “I’m not cooking anymore.” I said and walked out of the kitchen. “Oh honey come on. I was just joking.” Lin said. “No no you want Tofu right, well here she is,” I picked up Tofu off the couch and gave her to Lin.
“Baby.” Lin said. “No no no this is your baby right here.” I said and pointed at Tofu. “No you’re my baby.” Lin said and pulled me towards her. “No I'm not. I’m not your favorite girl nor your baby.” I said and pulled away. “You are my baby and my favorite girl.” Lin said. I turned to her then stuck out my tongue. “You’re such a brat.” Lin said. “I’m your brat.” I said. “Yes you are my brat.” Lin said then kissed my head. “Will you read to me?” I asked her. “Right now?” Lin asked. “After dinner and our shower.” I said. “Ok.” Lin said. I smiled then went back to the kitchen.
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hand-picked-star · 7 months
(These are the snippet I wanted to see in IPKKND. After every rewatch, I just close my eyes and these imaginary scenes flash through my mind like they are actual scene. I am trying to articulate them here for my future recap. so that I can read them later and also hoping that some day an AI app will come where I can input these scripts and a scene will produce from the app😁😁)
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Right After kidnapping
arnav: nani,bohot rat ho chuke hain, apko sou jana chahiye
Arnav: grandma, it's too late,you need to sleep.
(nani nodding her head and got up to go to her room. Arnav giving his attention to khushi reached out to hold her hand. arnav's mind went back to the terrace of akash-payal marriage night.'khushi ji main rani shaheba ko apni patni nehi mante' for the first time realizing there was a resistance from khushi's side to the hug)
arnav: khushi, mujhe sab khuch janna hain. tell me everything in details. SAB KUCH, do you understand? did he ever tried to hurt you or kya kuch esa....(unable to complete the sentence. khushi started fidgeting) khushi, batao mujhe(softly using the tone only he uses with her) I promise, I won't get angry.
Arnav:khushi,I need to know everything. tell me everything in details. EVERYTHING, do you understand? did he ever tried to hurt you or do anything.... (unable to complete the sentence. khushi started fidgeting) khyshi,pls tell me(softly using the tone only he uses with her) I promise, I won't get angry.
khushi: (fidgeting) ap toh jante hain sab khuch.hamne apko bataya tha na. lekin ap toh mujhe yekin (hi nahi ki. khushi couldn't finish the sentence seeing the anguish in arnav's eyes)
khushi:(fidgeting) you know everything. I told you before,remember? but you didn't believe... (she couldn't finish the sentence seeing the anguish in arnav's eyes)
arnav: ( getting himself together) usdin chad pe kaya hua tha batao mujhe?
Arnav:( getting himself together) tell me what happened that day on the roof.
khushi: (she became extremely nervous, not able to meet his eyes, she focused all her attention and looked down to their joined hand) woh usdin ap hamse kuch baat karne chaha rehe the na? toh mujhe (gulping, voice stated to tremble) woh main jis kamre me thi uha ayene pe kisine likha tha ke mujhe chaad pe jana hain. hum soche the ap mujhe bula rehe hain. par ap uha nehi the. uha toh woh admi......tab main uha se vag ke ana chaha rehi thi.... lekin....(both closed their eyes, reluctant to say or listen what comes next) unhone hamko jadardasti se....uske bad mujhe kuch bhi acchese yaad nehi hain.... ham bohot dar geye the. unhone kya kaha, hamne... kya...... (khushi openes her eyes meeting his eye first time after starting this conversation, upon meeting his eyes, her lips started trembling, unable to hold anymore he hugged her, now khushi started to sob clutching his t-shirt) hamne bohot yaad karne ke koshis ki.... apne kaha tha na, jo apne suna. lekin main thik se yaad hi nehi kar payi(khushi started to hicupp and arnav looks like he will start to sob with her too) mujhe sirf itna yaad hain ke hamne unse kaha thi ke agar woh di ko patni nehi manta toh di ko uss gatiya admi ke bagayar hi rehena chahiye. mujhe maf kar dijiye mujhe aur khuch yaad nehi hain.
khushi: (she became extremely nervous, not able to meet his eyes, she focused all her attention and looked down to their joined hand) you wanted to talk to me that day.so I (gulping, voice stated to tremble) the room I was using for changing, there's this mirror. someone wrote there for me to go to the roof. I thought it was you. but you weren't there..there was the man... then I wanted to escape from there but (both closed their eyes, reluctant to say or listen what comes next) he grabbed me by force... after that I didn't remember anything clearly. I was terrified....whatever he said... whatever I said...... (khushi openes her eyes meeting his eye first time after starting this conversation, upon meeting his eyes, her lips started trembling, unable to hold anymore he hugged her, now khushi started to sob clutching his t-shirt) I tried to recall them so hard....you told me what you heard...but I am unable to remember them (khushi started to hicupp and arnav looks like he will start to sob with her too) I just remember that if he can't accept Di as wife then she would be better off without a disgusting person like him. I am so sorry, I only remember this.
arnav: sshhh,khushi, tume mafi mangne ki koi jarurat nehi hain(closing his eyes realizing he is the one who should apologise and hugging khushi tightly)
Arnav: sshhhh,khushi,you don't have to say sorry((closing his eyes realizing he is the one who should apologise and hugging khushi tightly)
(the screen will fade to black,leaving two people hugging each other)
(then their is a scene in bed arnav and khushi lying together, khushi is soundly asleep, mentally and physically exhausted, arnav is wide awake, hand behind his head looking up in the ceiling)
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slate-skylar · 5 months
Slate had to go to Twelve for the Reaping, whereas Cress had of course gone to One. The decision of who would take Kya was easy; of course, Cress would bring her, as One was far safer than Twelve even on a good day, and this was not a good day. But separating from them had been difficult, and Slate had shaken with anxiety the whole journey to Twelve. He'd been calmed only a bit by arriving at Hestia's, where he was to stay overnight, and seeing his siblings. But the missing face was glaring, reflected in everyone's expressions, and the pain of the District could be felt all too clearly. He had tried to call Cress, but the cell phone signal was awful, and they were disconnected several times before giving up.
Hestia had made him tea and a good meal, and he'd slept fitfully, certain that he would be Reaped, certain that the nightmare would begin all over again. The only comfort was that if Cress were Reaped, someone would surely volunteer in her place. She was safe.
Now the Reapings were over, the sentences read, and he'd returned to the Capitol to his and Cress's apartment, intent on packing up some things to bring with them for Kya. They hadn't planned on staying in the Tower, but during the train ride it had been announced that the Tower would be on lockdown, and all team members and Games staff were to stay there for the duration of the Games. That meant bringing the portable crib to the Tower, and a ton of other stuff that Kya would need. When he arrived, Cress was of course already there, her journey being much shorter. He smiled with genuine relief when he walked through the door and saw her, and immediately moved to hug her, wanting to hold her and be sure that she was safe, that they were both safe, even if others hadn't been so lucky. Nano came to mind instantly, and he felt guilty right away for his relief when his friend was in danger.
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little-nightmare-gt · 7 months
You have your basic Zuko gets burned by dad and sent off on a fake journey to get rid of him. Welp he gets thrown overboard by one of Ozai's people before he could even wake up.
He's drowning and suddenly he's pulled onto an island that's partially in the spirit world. He doesn't know his quest and probably won't even do it now.
Tubbo is a jack rabbit hybrid, he's chasing Purpled around with a flint and steel and suddenly glitches out while Purpled, Ranboo and Tommy are all running to him.
He appears in a gloomy but lively place and drawn to a dimming light.
Tubbo will definitely give him TheraPAY in the form of theft, the blue spirit and little trickster is born.
Tubbo and Zuko are scar buddies
Definitely trauma dumped each other.
Tubbo can talk from his mind, but is mostly mute in this AU
Zuko teaches Tubbo how to fire bend (Tubbo is a fire Spirit)
Tubbo goes by spirit laws, he's a fire sprite.
Definitely taught the Prince how to survive on his own.
Get your basic Kya dies and all the men go off to war. Someone is stealing from the food stores but occasionally leaves fish or other meats outside the chief's hut.
A kid Younger than the bunch gets lost and suddenly they see their exchange person.
Tommy being the big man that he is got into the food with no help and watched as the humans react. He felt guilty when he realized that their was a single kid doing the hunting so he replaced what he eats with bigger and better gain. He only gets caught when a kid got too far away from her home and a blizzard was coming.
Tommy is a red panda hybrid and had just watched Tubbo disappear, he dropped his water as he also disappeared.
Beats up Sokka and makes him drink respect women juice.
Teaches everyone how to hunt
Waterbent snow on Katara as she complains about real benders not needing weapons. (I like Katara, I really do, but she irritated me as a child. Also, I would have been so mean to her in the most well meaning way, and I'm gonna do that through Tommy)
Let Katara know that until she gets a teacher, she isn't a real bender. Forces her to learn a weapon.
Gets along best with the babies and helps out around the homes.
Tommy follows Water Spirit laws, he's a water sprite.
He is selective mute, you know from trauma.
Toph didn't like her life, ran off to live with badger moles and found Purpled. She liked him immediately and saw him as a little brother, did I mention I made them younger when they isekaied into this world? Whoops. She doesn't bring him home with her, but he visits anyway.
Purpled being the wolf hybrid that he is, was extremely loyal to the server youngests. So he was distressed when his friends started disappearing one by one.
Then he disappears into an underground cavern to find a mini giant little girl. He adopted her immediately when she nearly flattened him and calmed him from his panic.
Purpled took a long time to trust Toph, but thinks of her as a sister.
Unintentionally taught her how to be gentle when dealing with him.
(did I mention that everyone is a mini Giant to them)
Toph felt guilty about nearly killing him and he forgave her, just not forgot.
Definitely follows her to her fighting matches.
Learned Earth bending from her and joined. Stage name is the Lone Wolf.
You got it, Earth Spirit rules! Is an Earth Sprite
Can talk and shit talks the competition.
Aang awoke in the arms of a water tribe girl, her brother and a small spirit. He wasn't aware of another passenger on his bison until the little spirit ran passed him and ponced on an unconscious....cat?
Ranboo lost his friends and soon found himself on something going through a storm. He soon wakes up to Tommy jumping on his stomach and seeing a bunch of giants looking at him. He is rightfully scared and tries to explain what he does know and asking about his other to friends.
Was immediately bombarded with questions as Tommy hugged him crying.
Accidentally Airbends Aang away from him when he wanted to pet him.
Refused to believe Fire Nation is evil and teaches politics to the kids who don't really want to hear it but understood some of it.
He can't explain genocide, but nobody knows about the start of the war.
Helps where he can.
Air Spirit logic but is a sprite.
Also does translation for Tommy
For Shroud, Dogchamp and Michael, they are safe and off the DMSP. DSMP closed down after Doomsday and everyone went separate ways, but Purpled joined the Benchtrio. They only let Puffy in for Therapy and sometimes hanging out.
It's a peaceful world so no real dangers and infinite lives and keep inventory.
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lokixcroki · 2 years
New Year’s Eve on Air temple island
Walking up the stairs from the docks holding Lin’s hand I can already hear Tenzin yelling at his brother.
“Bumi do you know how dangerous these things are?! And with the kids what if something goes wrong?! You know how they are!”
“Oh come on Tenzin don’t be such a party pooper! Me and Meelo have everything under control.”
I can’t help but laugh at their interaction. I look up at Lin and she’s chuckling too.
“Oh come on Tenzin ease up I’m sure Bumi will make sure that Meelo is completely safe.”
Tenzin seems to relax at his wife’s words and strokes his beard.
“Listen to your wife Tenzin i would never put Meelo in danger. Come on Meelo we have a lot to do.”
And with that he picks up a giant box of fireworks and wanders off with Meelo in tow who’s carrying another smaller box.
I look over and see Opal run in our direction before we can react we are embraced in a tight hug by the Airbender. I feel Lin tense next to me and I squeeze her hand for reassurance. I return Opals hug with my free hand and rub her back. Just as she is about to release us someone hugs us from behind.
Lin tenses again.
“Lin, Y/n it’s so good to see you two.”
Su says from behind us and gives us both a kiss on our cheeks.
“It’s good to see you too Su.”
“Yes, it’s good to see you too, but let me go now.” and with that Lin wiggles her way out of the warm embrace.
Before she’s out of reach I grab her armoured arm and shoot her a glance that I hope she interprets as a ‘HELP ME PLEASE’.
She smirks and rips her arm away walking towards Kya, Tenzin, Pema, Batarr Sr., Team Avatar and the rest of Su’s kids leaving me stuck in between Opal and Su.
When Opal and Su finally let go of me I take a much needed deep breath.
“Aunt Y/n, I bought a new dress that looks like your sage green one I have to show it to you.”
Opal grabs my hand and begins to drag me in the direction of the women’s dormitory.
“Oh definitely, but I still have some unfinished business with your Aunt.”
I take a small pebble and bend it with force at the back of Lin’s head. As soon as it hits her head Lin lets out a yelp and rubs the back of her head while turning around to scowl at me. I just smile at her innocently and let the laughing Opal drag me away towards her room.
When Opal and I return the courtyard is almost empty except Bumi, Meelo and Korra setting up the fireworks.
“Do you want to help us Beifongs or are you going to stare at us hardworking people?”
Bumi asks while grabbing Another box of fireworks.
“Uhhh… no I think I’m going to look for Bolin.”
“And you Mrs. Beifong are you going to help us?”
I shrug “Why not?” I walk over to them.
“What can I do?”
I turn around at Tenzin’s shrill voice.
“Are you helping them?! You out of all people?! I expected this from Bumi sure, Meelo yes, Korra maybe, but you?!”
“Why not?” I ask a little confused by his second outburst.
“Because you are the most reasonable out of us all!”
“Let her help us Dad! Otherwise your a party pooper!”
I can hear Bumi snicker behind me I look over at Korra and she has her hand clamped tightly over her mouth to stifle a laugh.
As Tenzin yells at his brother I can feel wind from his robes hit my face in waves. I see my chance to slip away into the temple with Korra and leave the still snickering Bumi and yelling Tenzin behind.
I walk into the private dining room of Tenzin’s family and let myself drop on a cushion next to Lin and let out a sigh.
“Are you alright?” Lin asks smiling at me.
I let my head drop onto her shoulder.
“Bumi asked if I wanted to help with the fireworks and you know how much I love fireworks so I said yes. Next thing I know Tenzin is in the process of blowing his arrow of while yelling at me for helping them because I’m usually the most reasonable out of us all.”
Lin chuckles at my choice of words.
At the thought of what occurred after that I let out a laugh.
“Then Meelo called Tenzin a party pooper.”
This causes Lin and I to laugh catching Su’s attention.
“What are you two laughing at?”
“Well Meelo just called Tenzin a party pooper.” I say still laughing at the thought. Su starts to laugh too. After a few minutes we are able to contain our laughter, but then Tenzin comes into the room visibly fuming.
“What’s wrong Honey?”
“Meelo…” he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. “… just called me a party pooper! A PARTY POOPER!”
Then the whole dining room breaks out into laughter and Kya manages to say between wheezes “Well you are.” Tenzin drops on a cushion in between Pema and Kya and pouts like a toddler.
Then Bumi and Meelo come in.
“The fireworks are all set for later. Wait… what did we miss?”
“Meelo did you call your Father a party pooper?” Pema tries to ask seriously.
“I did.” Meelo looks proud at his Mother causing us all to laugh again.
“But Moooommmm.”
“Apologise or no dessert.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Apology excepted.” Tenzin responds with a sigh.
“Good. Well I’ll check on dinner otherwise we will all starve.” She makes her way out of the dining room and into the kitchen. Asami and I follow her to help.
I cut fruits for dessert while Asami cuts vegetables for Pema’s famous Dumplings while Pema stirs a really good smelling soup.
Then the Kids come in to bug Pema:
“Moooommmmm we are Hungryyyyyyy!”
“Dinner is almost ready.”
“But we’re hungry now!”
I grab three small bowls and fill them with the freshly cut fruit and hand them to the Airkids.
“Here and now out of the kitchen you three.”
And usher the three laughing kids out of the kitchen.
“Asami, Y/n would you two set the table I’ll think I have the rest under control.”
Asami grabs the plates and bowls whilst I grab the cutlery and napkins and we make our way back into the dining room were Bumi is telling one of his stories animatedly.
Lin seems to have zoned out so when I bow down to set her chopsticks next to her plate I give her a kiss on her scarred cheek. When she turns her head in surprise to look at me I give her a short peck on her soft lips and continue to set the table.
When the table is all set I return to the Kitchen to help Pema to carry the plates and bowls filled with food to the dining room.
I try to carry two plates and a bowl and when Meelo runs into my leg almost causing me to trip and drop the bowl Mako jumps up to catch me and the bowl.
“Thanks Mako.”
“No problem.”
“Meelo! You have to be careful when running around!” Pema scolds her son.
“Sorry Y/n.”
“It’s fine.”
When the plates and the bowl are safely set in the table I sit on the cushion next to Lin and Su.
During dinner Lin taps my hand and I turn to look at her and she holdes a gyoza in my face.
I take a bite and make sure to only bite of half of the gyoza then Lin eats the other half.
When I turn back to my plate I see Bolin staring at us confused. And I hear Lin ask “You alright Bolin?”
“Uhh… yeah just confused. Why did you share a gyoza there are plenty on that plate over there.” He says pointing at a big plate of gyoza.
“It’s our new year’s tradition. The first New Year’s Eve we spent together there was only one left so we shared and now we have been doing that for the past years.”
I say smiling at him.
“Oh okay, okay makes sense.”
I chuckle at his reaction and resume eating.
After dinner we all help and clear the table and head out to the courtyard where a beaming Bumi and a giddy Meelo are waiting. Bumi is holding a remote so he can set of the fireworks when it turns midnight.
I look at my small gold wristwatch; it’s almost midnight only ten minutes left.
I take Lin’s hand in mine and give it a squeeze. She squeeze’s back a few seconds later smiling down at me.
“Bumi are you sure these are safe?” I hear Tenzin ask.
“Yes I’m sure you wimp.” Bumi says teasingly laying an arm around Tenzins shoulder and leaning on him.
I look at my watch one minute left.
“Uncle Bumi can I press the button please?”
Meelo looks at Bumi with puppy eyes.
“Sure.” He picks Meelo up and sets him on his shoulders handing him the remote.
“Only fifteen seconds left.” Korra shouts somewhere to my right.
I look at my watch then team avatar shouts:
Me and the others join them.
Meelo slams his little finger on the button and the fireworks start to go of.
Lin cups my face and leans down capturing my lips in a soft kiss. I snake my arms around her waist and pull her closer.
I break the kiss and whisper against her lips:“Happy new year my Love.”
Lin whispers back: “Happy new year Darling.”
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vagmis-blog · 2 months
Aaj mai shivrinarayan ja rahi hu, mai subah 4 baje se jagi huyi hu. 5 baje ki train thi, aur ab mai safar per hu, train ki khidki se bahar dekhti huyi, ye train smoothly chal rahi hai, bahar barish ho rahi hai aur khet, nadi aur pahaad ke nazaare, maja aa raha hai.
Main do dino se online nahi ayi kisi ke msgs nahi padh payi, per aaj jab mai prakriti ke saundarya ko dekhne ke sivaay kuch nahi kar rahi hu, to maine ek dost ke msgs padhe, uske msg padhkar 100 saal pahle jab log ek dusre ko khat likha karte the waisi hi vibe aati hai.
To usne likha tha -
"im really sorry for my rude behavior, oh wait if i rant now, I will not waste ur time and u will read it in a while. I was really confused and i am right now, Why i cried and why i was kinda upset. I cried whole evening. And then i cried in night for sometime then i stopped. I thought i again lost someone special from my life. And whatever i might feel, in the end we just met online, Aur ab mai soch raha hu mujhe kya haq hai itni bakbak karne ka. Good morning wake up now and my mood swings are over now, I am overall glad that i got to talk to you again. Just give me a hug and we are even 😤.."
Mai waise hi muskura rahi hu jaise koi apni ankhon me anshu lekar muskurata ho.
Mujhe nahi pata ki main use kya kahu
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nyamadermont · 2 years
Setting the Stage
#FFF184 Set the Stage
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
901 words
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[Image ID: A rectangle with vertical red stripes like a stage curtain, with the text “#FFF184 Set the Stage” centered in white.]
Today’s the day.
Kya’s mind was already racing before her eyes opened. She took stock of the sunlight and shadows outside, and gave herself about six hours.
The hospital was aware that calling her in had best be for a very short list of very serious reasons, at least three of which were not physically possible (to her knowledge). She knew Opal and Jinora were serious about their boyfriends, but none of them were becoming parents any time soon. Lin was out of town, so should not be in any danger whatsoever of winding up on a surgical table. And her mother was safely at the South Pole, under Senna’s watchful eye.
She wriggled under the sheets, greedily stretching out in all directions. She contracted her stomach to sit upright and stretch with a playful groan.
The cool breeze from the window thrilled her skin, and spread a smile across her face.
Time to get busy!
With unaccustomed speed, she cleaned up, got dressed, and ate a decent breakfast.
The whole time, she was nearly dancing with excitement.
Her list was ready. Her money was ready. Her (ok, Lin’s) sato was ready. Now, for everything else.
The pickup at the dress shop? Too much fun to rush. Done.
Swinging in at the tailor’s? Can’t turn down the offer of tea. That would be rude. But soon enough, done.
A stop by the florist? Done in minutes.
A last pass through the grocery store? Took about ten minutes too long, but done.
Everything collected, Kya struck out for the park.
She pulled into the lot and parked. The cart she brought wasn’t quite big enough for everything, so suddenly, she had a bit of a problem. One hand on her hip, she glared at her car, thinking hard.
“Hey, Kya!”
The voice carried from far across the parking area. She turned to see Korra and Asami, hand in hand, walking over in her direction. She watched them, clearly happy to see her, but still quite focused on each other. She felt about four different smiles cross her face before the pair made it close enough for hugs.
Asami took a step back, and gave her predicament a professional appraisal. “Could you use a couple of hands carrying a few things?” Kya could see the narrowed eyes, the tightly restrained smirk.
I think she’s on to me.
“Hands? Who needs hands? You have the Avatar at your service!”
With that, Korra swirled her hands, and lifted the cart on a tightly spun wheel of air. Kya and Asami laughed, but pulled out the final few items. They wandered through the park until they came up to a small pavilion with a low stone table.
In just a moment, the girls had set up a small tent, hanging the two garment bags inside. Korra’s airbending came in handy as she strung lights and a few red curtains in strategic locations around the pavilion's eaves.
Asami took charge of the food and flowers, laying out a luscious display on the table and setting the cushions just as Kya would have. When she stepped back, she noticed Korra was settling back to the ground. Kya’s back was turned and Asami waved to attract Korra’s attention. With some vigorous eyebrow wiggles and wide-eyed encouragement, she finally got through Korra’s obliviousness.
Korra gasped.
Kya snapped up straight. “Korra? What’s wrong?”
Korra’s face lit up. “You’re just setting the stage, aren’t you?” She clasped her hands close to her chest. “Can we watch from over,” she whirled around and saw a far too-small bush just below the foot of the bridge. “There! That’s the same bush I hid in my first day in Republic City!”
She turned her eager face back to Kya, whose bemused grin gave Asami all the clue she needed to get the Avatar as far away as possible.
“Korra, dear, you promised Meelo.”
Korra looked confused. “Promised him what?”
Asami rolled her eyes dramatically before giving Kya a sideways glance. “Someone has to look out for them, right?”
Kya just laughed and hugged them both. “Thank you. I have a lot more time because of your help. I think we’ll see you later tonight.”
Asami was still laughing when Kya couldn’t see them anymore.
She picked up the basket of peonies and walked back to the car. Retracing her steps one more time, she laid them in an obvious path to the pavilion, leading right up to the tent. She ducked inside, and a few minutes later, emerged from the other side.
She settled onto her cushion to wait.
Lin said the two words she was asked to, then nothing again for several minutes.
Kya stood in her fitted blue suit, the setting sun lighting her from behind.
Lin emerged from the tent in the long-sleeved, deep-cut, high-slit emerald dress, her feet bare on the grass.
Kya stepped forward with a cup of tea.
Lin stared at her as Kya placed the cup in her hands and gently pushed her to drink. Lin held her gaze and drank.
She blinked and lowered the cup. She blinked rapidly several times before waving her hand above it.
A small gold ring floated up into her hand. She looked at Kya.
“You want me?”
Kya just nodded, her eyes bright.
Lin clenched the ring in her hand and leaned forward for a kiss.
“Yes,” they said in unison.
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softxsuki · 1 year
Congratulationson 1000 followers !!! You deserve them all and what to come in the future !! Always wishing you the best !! ♡♡
Here's for the event pls ^^ <3
1. She/her !
2. Obey Me! Haikyuu! And Demon Slayer pls !! ^^
3. Male ^^
4. Romantic Lovers ^^
5. Idk :<
6. Aries >:D
7. Quality time, physical affection, gift giving/receiving
8. Idk uh don't really think I have one ?
9 I have a personality like, well, ok I am VERY introverted, I have low self-esteem and I have horrible anger issues, but I'm also really sensitive(when it comes to arguements, once someone starts yelling or being more aggressive it'll lead me to crying, and I hate crying.). I tend to not be around a lot of people and I stay in my own space, a lot of people irl would describe me as mean and/or cold but I just have a hard time really showing a lot of emotion besides anger :^
10. 1-I like art, it's been something ive enjoyed since- 3? I just always adored it and still pull out some paper and pencils often ^^
2-gaming, I do enjoy playing games, my types of games honestly could be more like, Call Of Duty, Fortnite, Apex Legends etc but I also really enjoy minecraft and sometimes roblo and the sims ^^ !
3‐I could spend a little while watching animes :p I don't really binge as much as I'd want too but I do really enjoy animes ehe
4-I also like listening to music. I don't sing or dance or really do much besides a little lip-syncing when it's playing but I, well, just like it? I have a horrible time explaining and describing tbh...
11. Well, I'm a minor I'm school, I absolutely LOVE plushies, and hugs. <3 I can't live without my family and I love scary stories <3 I love hearing other people's stories and interests (especially if it's similar to mine) I find collections very interesting and I spend a lot of time looking at things to shop for online ^^; I love chocolate but I'm allergic to it >:^ I love overside shirts and hoodies so I WILL steal clothes. I am always/usually cold so I better get my match-ups jacket >:^ I also could get really clingy tbh :°
12. Can it be a walk in the park as friends and then a confession that leads to a café date ? ^^
I'm sorry I'm not the best at describing or anything so idk how good/bad this was ^^; ♡ ty in advance ^^"
1000 Follower Event Matchup #23
This is event is CLOSED. You can view the masterlist here.
Note: Hi Kya <3 thank youuuuu. so sorry it's taken me this long to get to your matchup, but it's finally done :D. Hope you like who I matched you with :)
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I match you with: MAMMON, KUROO, TANJIRO
Runner-ups were: Beel, Akaashi, (no one else from ds, tanjiro is perfect heh)
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I think Mammon would be a great match for you because he’d make you feel really special
He pays extra close attention to how you react to certain things and makes a mental note of it; such as how easily you cry when someone raises their voice at you, how you don’t show emotions very easily aside from being angry, and how you tend to stick to yourself when in a room with many people
Mammon goes out of his way to adjust himself to fit your own needs (he’d never admit it though)
Whenever you’re at a crowded event with him, he’ll take you to a quiet table and just spend time with you, entertaining you and helping you feel comfortable so you can have a good time!
If you randomly get upset at him, he’d be a little taken aback because he hates that he was the one behind your anger, but he quickly gets over it; he has Satan as a brother after all, and than man is literally the embodiment of anger, so it’s all good
Get all your anger out, Mammon would give you your space and wait for you to reach out to him again when you’re ready
Of course he won’t say that, but you’d randomly find one of his shirts or sweaters in your room and you’d just casually slip into it
When you come into the dining room for a meal and Mammon sees you in his clothes, he’d probably die on the spot, but have a proud little smirk on his face as his brothers watch with jealousy
How does Mammon confess to you if you were his friend at first?
It takes a lot to get him to confess
You know he likes you…it’s pretty obvious by how blushy he gets whenever you compliment him
So you might have to step up and be the first one to confess here
Once your initial confessions are out of the way though, Mammon naturally becomes a great boyfriend by spoiling you with beautiful things and getting you things on his way home from RAD
Would try and play it of like it’s no big deal, saying he happened to come across something that made him think of you…Yeah no he definitely scoured many stores to find the perfect gift for you 
His favorite type of date with you is just spending quality time together in his room, playing some video games, and ordering food until you eventually fall asleep 
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I find Kuroo very carefree, so your initial impression of being cold, doesn’t affect him at all, in fact he thinks it’s adorable
He teases you about it sometimes, but he just likes getting a reaction out of you, anything to see some emotion behind those eyes
He truly does help you express yourself a bit more since he’s super expressive himself as an extrovert lol
Your love of gaming is a bit exhausting for him, since he already has Kenma to scold about staying up all night playing games, BUT he’d find himself wanting to play some games with you to see what all the hype is about (he does end up enjoying playing with you)
Kuroo is very observant, he picks up on whenever you’re in a particularly bad mood, or going through a rough time and instantly smothers you in affection
He’d throw one of his hoodies over you (whichever you claimed as your favorite) then cuddle up to you, pressing tons of kisses to your face in hopes that he can kiss away your troubles
One of his favorite things about you aside from your wonderful personality and beauty, is your love for art; if he’s ever around while your drawing, he’d watch you quietly, and perhaps would want to join in on the fun and draw with you
How does Kuroo confess to you, his friend?
Very boldly–as soon as he realizes his feelings for you, he makes it well known, physically by always having an arm around your shoulder or teasing you so he can see you get flustered and upset (not seriously upset, he’d never do that)
I don’t think he’d ever officially ask you out, it kinda just happens one day when he excitedly kisses you after winning a game and it was all smooth sailing after that
His favorite place to take you on a date is a cafe and maybe even a museum; some place he can relax with you and see you happy
Idk I just think you’d be a cute pair
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Now onto the one I ship you with the most, TANJIRO
Your love for your family is so beautiful to him; we all know he cherishes his family as well, so he loves that you’re very close to yours :D 
It helps that you were friends first before dating, it gave Tanjiro an opportunity to truly know you (all the small things that he could have possibly never noticed had he fallen for you as a stranger)
Do you see how cuddly he gets with Nezuko, patting her head and everything? Yeah, he does the same with you, but it’s even better :3 he loves when you cling to him–being close with you like that gives him the chance to show you how much he loves you
Got anger issues? No problem. Tanjiro is friends with one of the most spontaneously angry guys out there, Inosuke, he can definitely handle any anger you have to throw at him
Ever going through a hard time? He can smell the sadness on you before even getting a chance to notice something is wrong, and he’s already running over to you to try and comfort you
HAVE YOU SEEN HIS HEART? HE’S SO KIND AND PURE HEARTED I just know a Tanjiro hug could melt all your problems away as he whispers beautiful things in your ear in an attempt to cheer you up
How did he confess to you, his friend?
He didn’t realize his feelings for you were romantic until one night when he almost lost you to a demon
He could feel the pain in his chest and how abnormal is was to feel that way for someone who was just a friend (of course having anyone in danger was terrible and would worry him, but this was different…)
That whole night and for many days to come, Tanjiro never left your side and eventually confessed to you
Get a little blushy after his confession, and is so overjoyed when you tell him you feel the same way
His favorite place to take you on a date is probably a busy village with many stores so the two of you could enjoy shopping for whatever catches your eye or browsing the many treasures each store has to offer
He loves how excited you look while shopping, one of the rare times he sees your open emotions and he’d never pass up an opportunity to see you happy
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Posted: 7/24/2023
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lifeisapitch15 · 2 years
Gara aga, Ugbu a, N'ọdịnihu.(Past, Present, Future.)
Pairing: M’Baku x OC
Word Count: 802
Warnings: None but next chapter
Summary: Kya finds her self at the wrong place at the wrong time. Fortunately, M’Baku finds her before the avengers do
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As I woke up, again, I felt my body healing more than just me. The third healer cut on her cheek slowly healed and disappeared. They haven’t noticed. I’m surprised. They may think it's their magic. I couldn’t move. I was…..sinking? As I sat up, sand fell from my face. Was I buried? Wait! Was I dead? Purple, blue, and black brushed the sky like an unfinished painting. A large tree with its branches spread out. It looks like a life tree. As I studied it, eyes appeared, they studied me. Panthers “Oh blast. I’m dead.” I was exasperated. My clothes changed. A white mid length halter dress with a golden necklace, like my mothers. Gold bangles danced around my ankles as I walked.
“You’re here early” a voice called out from a distance. My grandmother. How? She died when my mother was 5. I’ve never seen her, not even pictures. She was skinny and tall. She wore the same thing I did. Mother told me she was a princess in Africa. It may be traditional clothing. Her hair was black with dark brown eyes which threw me off since my mother and I have white curly hair with blue/grey eyes.
“What? What are you doing here” I questioned.
“Guidance. This is the ancestral plane. With your connection to the earth you would know this.” She circled me. “You are strong, yes? I see you’re taking care of yourself.” She chuckled, poking my side. I flinched, forgetting pain wasn’t a thing that existed here.
“I’m fine. Am I dead?” I questioned quickly.
“Nope, ill send you back.” She surely. “I’ve been watching. Walk me through what happened.” We walked over and sat under the tree on a branch.
“Well, we tried to time travel. We were about to take off but someone had attacked Maigk and I landed bast knows where and when.” As I told her my journey she looked at me with caring eyes.
“What if You are right where and when you need to be.” She tenderly caressed my check. “You are just like your mother. Lost.” She hugged me tightly.” But you will find your way. I love you my granddaughter” she faded away as I felt the warmth of her hug stayed.
“Finally, you are up” M’Baku said softly. “Drink this.” He rushed as he gave me no warning. I choked on it but drank it down, giving him a stare that could cut paper. It warmed me up til I couldn’t feel the cold anymore. Now I see why he gave it to me. The cold would’ve put me into a shock. It’s cold as hell.
“How do you feel?” He asked, and helped me sit up.
“Better now. Thank you.” As I sat up, my curly, white bangs fell in my face and my hair brushed my shoulders and back. It hasn’t been this long since childhood. My torn up clothes were changed into an over-the-shoulders white and orange wrap dress. The black wrap went down my shoulders down to my waist and the orange wrap went over my feet. My shoes were soft slippers. I got up, testing the waters to see if any soreness was present. My shoulders suddenly felt heavy as M’Baku dropped his fuzzy pelt on my shoulders. I didn't know I was shivering but he noticed. His face is soft. His smooth hands grazed my collarbone to fasten in place.
“There. Let me take you to my room. It’s warmer there.” He picked me up bridal style, slightly skimming my butt. He's not slick. His hold was strong but cautious. He’s clearly attracted now more than ever. As he walked through the hallways different looks were thrown my way. Some are proud. Some are jealous. Others are judgmental.
“Is this how you treat all prisoners?” poking fun.
“Not someone as alluring as you.” He smirked, showing his cute ass smile.
The room was large, dark since he lived in the Stone Ages. He placed me in his bed. His bed was in the middle of the room. A deep hole was dug out and furry and fuzzy blankets and pelts were placed inside it to keep the King warm. When he placed me I sunk in it was so warm. I wanted to lay down and spread out but I'm still anxious so I watched him. He lit the candles meticulously, looking back every so often. He finished up, taking off his armor piece by piece. He’s nearly naked, teasing me. He poured something that look like champagne in two champagne glasses.
“So, now that you are awake after three weeks,Who hurt you?” He asked Sitting at the edge of the bed, handing me the other glass. I needed it. It's going to be a looooooong night.
Previous chapter / next chapter
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flukeanalgesics · 5 months
I feel so anxious Sari bakchodi isi waqt honi thi kya my parents fighting, there's a potential world war going on out there and there's a world war going on inside me. 15 din se bhi less days untill neet and I m not even scoring half of what I thought I should be scoring maybe atp I should just start doing 12th and get done with it get my seat at some DU or whatever then get parents divorced I don't understand these older ppl like omg idk which one of you is lyring which one is overreacting I m literally going insane lately this neet thing is going nowhere upr se I feel like I have gotten unhealthier, mera attention span bhi bilkul khatam hogya hai 😝, I feel dumb out of practice rusted sleep too much, my periods are gon be around that time of exam as well, upar se there's shit about my very own friends that I can't digest. I have oy got reeed atp and kuch bate reed ko batane main bhi I hesitate, upar se been eventually thinking about what's wrong with my love life like oh fuck yar all of it my fault I also sometimes miss her eventually, let's not talk about it. I m going to sleep now I was giving a mock test beech main se hi over krna padha kyoki I feel so so so anxious and overwhelmed I want to cry and hug someone so bad I want everything to end I want to get better and yk just godd. I need to stop zooming out, procrastinating , scrolling through internet, escaping things sub kuch.
where do I even begin. Everything is so much lately. Eid got over i got back my senses and it feels too late.
I know a very bad timing to type it all negatively at this point before sleeping but ohhhhhhhh my goddd I genuinely feel very restless it's one of those feelings I get that I hate so much so so so much. I have felt this before and I felt the exact same Idk if it's ovulation or mood swings monthly or everything is just actually too much? I was having the best time of my life prso tk and I m watching my entire life shatter in front of me rn.
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floofsnoot · 1 year
See someone we (bodily and mentally) were safe with as either Kya or Ellie.
They give us a hug and remind us we're loved.
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shippersark · 9 months
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Why do you think Arnav and Khushi ended up happily ever after?
Because of this.
It’s not that they had sex. No, I’m forever grateful that it was tied with healing. This scene shows everything I desperately wanted to see in them. Arnav is genuinely soft, he respects her wishes and is finally able to see what Khushi treasures. Khushi, ever so secretive about her own feelings despite being expressive, indulges Arnav with what she feels about him and their relationship and their love. It’s such major character growth for both of them. They are their truest, rawest selves. Not a hint of fear on being vulnerable, in fact they’re caressing each other, holding so close so they can whisper little secrets and beliefs to each other.
This was the perfect culmination of Arnav and Khushi. It’s not infatuation or anticipation. No. It’s not hope and dreams. It’s that delicate zone that confirms what we haven’t seen in the show. He’s been forgiven. She’s been loved. They’re finally the people they wanted to be ever since. It brought a finality to their relationship - a happy one.
Their sex scene is probably one of the most beautiful scenes in the show because it’s their peak chemistry - comfort, consent, passion, anticipation, slow burn, love, lust, intimacy, vulnerability and so much more. The fact that it’s preceded by one of the most beautiful conversations in the show fills my heart with love.
I can’t say enough about this moment, but it’s the one that put my heart at rest and let me know these two are going to end up well.
😭 😭 😭
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