#someone pls give her a hug i think she needs one— hahah
cheemken · 1 year
what are your Cynthia angst headcanons? :00
This is fun, more angsty hcs hahaha
Anyways have hahah
•did not get to grieve properly over Cyrus even until this point and it fucks her up so much
-gets nightmares abt him really, and it didn't help the ones she usually sees in her dreams are of his younger self, when he was still a bright eyed child filled with hopes and dreams
-he'd look at her, calling out, "Cynthia..." In his soft and quiet voice, then it would shift to his older self, the one before he got trapped in the Distortion World, his glare piercing her soul, then he spoke, voice deep with sadness, "was I not worth it for you as well?"
-and before she could get to him, she's always too late, always too late to save him from Giratina's grasps, always too late to save him from that world
-she doesn't like to sleep anymore
•lowkey resents the Sinnohan people
-while yeah she should've expected the responsibilities of a Champion, she did not expect that she'd be placed on a pedestal so high up she couldn't see anyone anymore, and how they expected her to be perfect as well
-resents Palmer for not telling her, a child when she got that title from him, how grueling it really was, instead he just pat her on the shoulder, said she's gonna do great and left her alone in the Champion chambers
-she was a good Champion, but shit it broke her own mental health
-honestly doesn't want Dawn to be the next Champion, she wants Barry to be the Champion, as she thinks it's fitting for Palmer's kid, who was always so insistent he'd be a strong trainer, to be Champion and also feel the pain she felt without telling him how much the title would fuck someone up, the same way his father did to her
•reading abt history and mythology helps her cope, she loves reading abt them, loves how it shaped the culture of Sinnoh, loves learning about the past
-she knows about Volo, but doesn't like reading more about him, too many times she's been told by her family she was a spitting image of him
-and a few times she heard whispers that she might follow in his footsteps
•dissociates a lot
-like, especially during meetings, which then causes the arguements between her and Lance
-honestly has too many things that runs around her mind, all that untapped grief and sadness would get to her that she'd try so hard to surpress them even more during the times she's with the others
-when she's finally alone in her own home, she'd often just lie down on her bed and stare up at the ceiling, letting her own depressive episode consume her, but shedding no tears whatsoever
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elvencantation · 4 years
yin yang master liveblog
feat. @thursdayplaid​
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omg the magic is so pretty
also why is it always Chinese dramas will have someone, if they need blood, bite their finger?
also the gold spirit is very cute i like
i love a young countenance but an older soul
i also want them to take off their hats 😂
wait he ain’t dead he’s just sitting there?
or he’s dying i guess
This movie is pretty throughout, aesthetic on point 
Sharp teeth?
We simp gold spirit
Too true, amazing combo XD 
He's dying
Please don't let me disturb your liveblogging. It brings be much joy
oh hot demon boy!
love that he’s fighting with a fan
Who will win? Uptight fighting bro vs gentle fan uncle
gentle fan uncle is an amazing title
i love how he’s just like ‘bet u wouldnt stab a precious instrument’
XD I love how playful he is during the whole fight too
it’s adorable
dude rly loves his transportation talismans
He does. If it ain't broke, don't fix it I guess. And it's a good way to redirect violence without doing harm
Demon boy has had a Rough Time
i wanna give him a hug
i don’t think he’d appreciate that but still 😂
He's just sad and misses his girl friend
why his reincarnated shufu look evil tho
Who can say~~~
I love how Boya was just repeatedly defeated by Qingming and is like: you won't fight me because you're scared.
what’s a himbo but not nice 😂
hey! they put my boys hat on crooked. rude.
Give that boy a straight hat.
He's just such an Angy Boy
he rly is 😂
ah i love the lady master she’s so pretty
She's amazing and I love her.
awww boya defended him
He's so angry, but this fan man flirts with him
ofc they all spying on each other 😂
Saved by your opponent's gay discovery
omg yes
Spying required
aw he looks nice with his hair down!
drink tea with him angy boy!
He just wants you to chill out before you deviate. Sit and look at his amazing long hair. It'll be good for you
honey bug!!!! i love her!!!!!!!
Also the ability for the fan man's actor to go from calm to worried to angry to calm again
Honey bug is good and important and I love her
thank u for the recommendation yes
i love them
The intrinsic eroticism of a man who's having his racist beliefs totally shaken by a hot guy who's hotter and smarter than him while holding a sword to his throat and looking like he wants to cry while saying cool lines.
They are such a great pair
angy boy is angy like how dare fan man make him have feelings
How very dare he make a good point about morals and ethics!
Also with that hair drinking tea in the morning
Angy boy with clenched teeth: I'm Not Yearning. I'm Just Like This When I See A Fan.
Angy boy with clenched fists: Complex Feelings? Disgusting.
Clenched fist intensifies
maybe he just wants to hang out with cute people
i get that
He's just a friendly guy
if i could summon pretty spirit friends to hang with me i so would
ok so maybe he’s not evil. but i’m still suspicious
I do get the vibe off him he's not the sort of guy who would put his spirit friends in sexual situations. But also I get the vibe he's a very lonely guy at his core and he enjoys the feeling of physical and emotional closeness.
mood ™
Let's be honest, the hat is a bit cute, but that hair though. Respect for the makeup department
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Angy boy, you're just walking to being teased now. At this point its a hand written invitation with gold leaf.
oh i love this moment with the water
it’s so intense
“you’re too obedient” 😂
The priest is in the range of gentle or teasing and hovers there. Seeing an actual intense situation is great
ah that is exactly what i love
that situation
Me too! It's great when characters hover in a range and then swing over sharply
I really makes both extremes more dynamic
Go For It Angy Boy! He'll be gentle!
XD I mean he will continue to ruffle his feathers, but for fun, not for mean
Also, I really love the depiction of a fox demon that isn't sexed up.
Qingming is a trickster, a tease, a bit of a flirt, and enjoys the pleasures of life, but he isn't the stereotypical half naked sexpot fox demon that seem to pop up everywhere
The only person he had in the world but he didn't want him to suffer and be corrupted
also I hate that my two associations with someone being turned into ash is firstly the avengers and secondly that stupid fucking scene in the last harry potter movie
god this movie is so beautiful and lovely
That set is outstandingly gorgeous
Everything is so beautiful. I want to live in this world!
Sometimes I just see a kind and lonely character trying to live their best life and just vibe with them. Also the wigs on this movie 😭 So beautiful!
Run girl! Move!
She's so smart and brave!
oh the DRAMA
The Drama is right, I love this movie!
omg the drama of his hand slackening
That slackening hand though...
why it didn’t work until then tho???
For the drama mostly XD
is she giving birth to the serpent? 🤢
She is giving birth to the serpent
hey it’s better to be possessed by the literal incarnation of evil in snake form than be dead am I right?
I mean is we're making a choice...
It is ~spirit time~!
He is back and he is Fancy!
They're looking good they're doing poses
omg the painters face painting is so pretty
I love the painter ;-; so noble
the music when he summons spirits just makes me think of like pro wrestling intro music for some reason 😂
And now from the WWE, some hot chinese spirits
oh no ice boy!
Poor ice boy, he's just getting beat up
don’t u dare touch my other demon boy
He just signed up for this adventure and now a snake is beating him up
He Do!
Boya is just having a rough time right now, he's a good good boy
and now the painter???
I almost cried about the painter and he was only there for like five minutes
Demon Boy goes yeet
oh my god the drama of the dripping blood i can’t
This movie has so much drama It did
not my demon boy 😭
wait shit spirit boya is super hot
the tattoos??? the hair?!?!!! the messy goth skirt??!
Spirit Boya is Choice, I'm looking respectfully 👀
Goth spirit aesthetic is on point
where the other guardians tho?
yes this is a very touching little last reunion but where my boya at
omg yes give him a glowing sword
the avenging angel look is 💯 on him
The sword on fire look is Really Working For Him
tell me boya’s spirit form has no influence on his actual body. no he said he trusted qingming to protect his body it’s ok
It's back and it's shiny!
ok but u still have a hole in ur torso my dude
oh ok apparently that’s not a thing anymore but i can’t be mad cause boya’s outfit 😍
I guess he used his cultivation or his demon powers or something IDK, It would have been nice to have two extra minutes of Boya being worried about him
Boya wears some excellent clothes
love a good romantic flute moment 😭🥰
I have to say Boya's like let me play you this song about promising to fall in love in the next life for fun and me time
omg i thought he was gonna kiss the arrow
I mean emotionally did he not kiss the arrow?
omg i cant
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I know right? How many censors did they have to pay off
I Chose To Believe She's fine and is now living happily on a farm or something
yeah i do love being worried for each other
but i guess they didnt have enouhg time and they already had that moment at the beginning of the movie 😂
Two people? Respecting, worrying, and caring about each other? 👍 There's never enough caring for each other!
Also, this is one of the best examples of be careful how you word your spells that I've ever seen.
The old master was like care and protect her forever and his spirit guardian was just like: 👍👌💯
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sn0wblinded · 5 years
questions 1-98 ( go big or go home ;) )
ya killin me hollis );
1. Unfortunately, I am 5′1, pros to anybody who wants a nugget for a gf or friend
2.  Body type? uh I suppose slim and slender with an hourglass shape
3. Favorite part of my body would have to be...erh...uh...my eyes? I love the shape of them just wish I had blue or green eyes :(
4. HAH my hair color now is NOT my natural hair color loll I have naturally crazy dark brown hair where it’s almost black but I love blonde in the summer so catch me in the fall for my dark roots ;D
5. Um I’d say it depends where I am and who I’m with as to whether I’ll be shy or outgoing, typically I’m shy until I feel comfortable enough to be myself, or unless someone gets enough drinks in me hahah
6. Uh I’d say I’m probs more on the femme side, like I luvvv getting dressed up and looking super pretty if I’m not sitting on my ass being lazy af. 
7. Super duper smol bean
8. Hands down I’d be a wine mom
9. Hmmph weird habit? Uh I’ll mouth whatever someone is saying as they are talking, even sometimes before they say the next word and I don’t even know I’m doing it. I catch myself doing this watching shows or movies and I hateeee it. “How do you know what I’m saying??” is the usual response *rolls eyes* 
10. OOOHHH my fav meme would have to be the one with the baby orangutang and her crazy hair bc she’s a hot mess and I’m a hot mess ._.
11. who doesn’t sing in the shower???? the acoustics man, i’ll give my SO a full-blown concert w/ an encore. will it sound good tho?? who knows
12. um I’d love to go full Merida and learn how to use a bow and arrow tbh
13. I was never a theatre kid :( I wanted to be in HS 
14. I’ve never seen a broadway musical but def something on my bucketlist
15. Musicals are kinda cheesy but that’s what I love about them
16. I’ve never been a part of a protest or march, but will def be in the future when given the chance
17. My fav Cards Against Humanity Card would probs be “What is Batman’s guilty pleasure?” love having a good giggle at the responses
18. The last movie I watched...that I can think of was Final Destination 2 and was reminded why I can be paranoid af about some stuff LOL
19. Uhh preferably not behind or infront of the camera, not photogenic and my hands aren’t steady enough to take decent photos BUT I’d love to do photography if I had any skill in it
20. If you know me, like come on, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. 
21. just listen to Snowblinded by Kill Hannah nuff said
22. Uhh I joined tumblr back in 2011 my freshman year of HS bc I wanted to release my teenage angst, and then I left after a few years and came back this year:) Luckily my OG url was still available
23. Um you know 
24. Most people love chocolate and I hate it loll Fight me pls ;P
25. Narcotics? Nope sowwe
26. HAH expose me much?? hahah Def not a virgin lemme say that ^-^
27. Um my neighbors little brother caught her and I kissing underneath her sheets when I was a super duper smol bean, technically wasn’t bad but we couldn’t do it anymore:/
28. Oof idk what the funniest lie is that I told... omg 
29. Hmm... expression through words...take a guess what that passion is 
30. My best friend is one the most supportive and loving people I’ve ever met and I love her to death
31. Um lemme keep my secrets ;)
32. I’m super tired but also feeling really motivated so it’s kinda conflicting but oh well das my life
33. My biggest fear is probably ending up alone (amongst a few others)
34. I Like Me Better by Lauv
35. The best decision I’ve made in life thus far was deciding that I’m going to start love being myself regardless of societal expectations and internalizing everything because of the fear of others judgements etc. This is my life and I plan on living it up the best way possible.
36. Um who hasn’t? Failure always leads you one step closer to success
37. I fantasize about finding someone whose soul fits perfectly w/ mine
38. I cried the other night but happy tears bc I no longer have to hide who I am
39. A meme I was sent in a group chat
40. Mm...maybe..my lips are sealed 
41. A few of my closest friends
42. Uh every single day at the end of my last relationship
43. I’ve started to realize who my true friends are, and people’s true intentions
44. Submissive AF, but a lil control here and there isn’t bad
45. I’ll only date you if you’re okay w/ eating lots of pasta and long jam sesh’s
46. Preferably someone my age or a little bit older, but if I click with someone a year or two younger than me then whatevs :)
47. um I’d describe my crush but it’d be a dead giveaway LOL
48. any kinks? oh sweetie.. I’m not as innocent as this halo may make me appear ;P
49. First thing I notice in someone, physically would be their eyes, personality-wise would be their sense of humor.
50. Best way to win my heart is to bond over music
51. Uhh wow like allll the time LOL
52. Once again, like alllll the fucking time *rolls eyes*
53. Oh I plead the fifth on this one 
54. Trust is a big thing for me, but I usually know right off the bat now if I can trust somebody or not
55. Um no bc anybody I like lives miles and miles away >_>
56. Confidence is hot, not cute, hot. Make me swoon. 
57. My heart would probs ache 
58. If you can’t make me laugh we won’t even be close to dating loll
59. Uh no and I’m sure they will never have a clue bc I’m shy af about my feelings 
60. ...too many storytimes there
61. Hopefully one day I marry the love of my life
62. Pleading the fifth bc I’m stuck between a couple 
63. Turn ons: Whisper in my ear, light touches, and cute messages (keeping things on the cleaner side (; )
64. Hate is a strong word, so Trump 
65. Babygirl melts my heart but so does sweetheart and princess
66. Charlies Angels hands down...
67. Oof... intimidating in a sexy and intriguing way? Hell yes, but I love a kind soul
68. Somebody who truly loves me for me and is always up for adventure, and has an impeccable taste in music.
69. I tend to like whoever I like :P
70. HAH good one
71. The first person I came out to was my sister, a few years ago, and it went alright I guess until we had a heated argument and yeah...but I came out to her again recently and it’s helped us grow closer together.
72. I have a quite a few friend who are and luvvv them all
73. um....ya
74. Oof...I honestly can’t remember
75. Maybe later, this is already wayyyy too long.
76. I used to but I’d say it takes a lot more for me to fall IN love
77. Yeah so let’s not talk about it :3
78. Good at hiding my feelings? Uhhhhhh
79. Forgiving? I’ll forgive but I never forget who has hurt me.
80. Uh...I have quite a few, want the whole list? LOL
81. Whichever one would comfort both of us in the moment
82. I like a girl that’s taller, even if it’s just by a little bit. Honestly it doesn’t take much with how smol I am :[
83. Um can I have both? Hugs and kisses pls k thx
84. Be twirled :3
85. Um both mmmff
86. I love forehead kisses, but if you wanna make me melt into a puddle neck kisses are the way to go.
87. I’d do either or, kinda hard for me to choose which one more.
88. Depends on my mood, love me some soft kisses but bet your ass I’m always down to makeout
89. If I’m feeling the need to be cute hug around the neck, if I’m being a lil more touchy then hugs around the waist
90. I used to contemplate my sexuality constantly because of growing up in a religious family and internalizing everything, but without a doubt I’m 100% confident in my sexuality. This is me, take it or leave it baby ;)
91. Uh I blush and get a massive load of butterflies, feeling like I’m on cloud nine etc. I’ve liked people and just felt comfortable and never had butterflies and such but FUCK do I love feeling giddy and happy all over from just the mere thought of them. 
92. Yes, typically that’s how it starts out with me and it ends in either of two ways, mutual or I embarass tf outta myself 
93. I had my first kiss with a girl when I was 7, and man did I never want to stop. But, I knew for certain that I really liked girls when I was in sixth grade and wanted to watch any and everything that contained wlw content, hoping and wishing to have that one day.
94. Be myself? LOL
95. Ohmygosh... favorite lesbian ship... Laura/Carmilla, Alice/Robin (OUAT), Yorkie/Kelly (San Junipero)...these are only a few of a long list
96. The most aggravating thing that’s personally been said to me about my sexuality would be between being told this is all temptation and comparing it to acts of disgusting scum of human beings(pedos and adulterers), and also being told it’s only a phase... I can’t roll my eyes hard enough
97. Um like probably a few minutes ago :3
98. Love is being completely comfortable in being who you are around someone, and loving the good and bad parts of each other. 
If anyone actually reads up until this point I just gotta say...I’m sorry LOL 
and you’re a trooper
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(Ok, so I wrote out this super-long message but wifi died when I was submitting it. Tumblr told me I’d lost connection so I’m pretty sure it didn’t reach you.
If it somehow did, though…sorry for sending in another one OTL And sorry this keeps happening, my computer is being really weird ^^;;)
Tysm ;-; I’m glad I’m not annoying you or anything :D Queen Luna is honestly one of my favorite people to talk to as well, though. Thanks for being so amazing and supportive <3
Yep. Ishida’s Back.
I’m honestly not too sure how I feel about this pregnancy though. On one hand, since I never really cared too much about Touka I don’t think I’m going to have a hard time caring for this kid, even if they ARE also Kaneki’s child. I also think this wasn’t really necessary and I don’t want drama between Touken and other ghouls over the child- I want the plot to move forward and to get some questions answered…
However, it is really interesting how this parallels with other parents throughout TG’s story. Touken right now reflects the Yoshimura-Ukina-Eto dynamic, and I’m pretty sure the Touken child is meant to connect to Eto.
See, what I’m thinking about is that TG’s parents have a history of abandoning their children in favor of their ideals, even if they don’t always mean to do so. We have Mado, who was blinded by his black-and-white worldview and ended up dead, Arata, who sacrificed so much for his children that in the end he couldn’t even stay with them, Yoshimura, who left his daughter behind to create Anteiku (no matter if he meant well, it still affected Eto in a negative way and Yoshimura’s actions could be seen as partially selfish; he never considered how Eto would feel about this situation, after all), Kaneki’s mother, who was unable to choose between her child and her sister, and Kaneki himself could also count, having completely abandoned the Qs the moment Arima and Eto gave him the title of ‘One-eyed King’.
The only non-background-character who was actually a good parent is Shachi, I think.
So the question is: will Touken (Kaneki really, Touka seems to have made up her mind completely about this) be able to break this cycle? Will Kaneki choose his child like he wanted his mother to choose him over his aunt? Or will this child become motivation for him? (he’s never been the best candidate for the OEK after all, and he basically admitted to Amon and Seidou that he’s seriously depressed and just doesn’t care)
I’m also curious: pregnancies take a few months, y'know. I sincerely hope there won’t be a time skip. Or a miscarriage, because not only would that be too much for Kaneki and Touka, it would also be bad for the plot (why make Touka pregnant in the first place then?). Maybe the baby will be born in an epilogue or the last chapter. Maybe Kaneki and Touka will die, this kid will become the new OEK and Ishida will make a third TG series. Idk.
Wow, I didn’t intend to make such a long rant ^^;;
I think Thor’s new hairstyle looks cool (sorry Queen Luna) but yeah, it does also look a bit weird on him. Like, now I can’t look at him and think 'oh that’s the god of thunder’, I just think of Chris Hemsworth lol
That typo tho 'Nat and Clit’
Even after all that’s happened in canon, I still feel like Blackhawk have a deep bond and understand each other in a way the rest of the team can’t.
I feel like the fact that Sharon is Peggy’s niece alone makes it a 'NO’ ship XD the lack of development for both the relationship and Sharon as a character just added to that.
As for Loki…ah, well. If he wasn't such a jerk he wouldn’t be Loki.
Oh that sounds really cool :D And well, like I said above. It’s Loki. What can you do.
Haha, thanks ^^ I was obsessed with Bucky’s costume for a while after Winter Soldier. I literally had never heard of Captain America up until then so I didn’t even care about him (sorry Steve…do you still ship me with him? lol). I might actually have had a crush on Bucky at the time. Idk. I was nine(?).
I will drag you into Remember This Cold hell no matter what. It is my MISSION. I WILL make you have feels about Loki’s kitty (Steve got him a cat because he thought he might be lonely). I WILL make you sob over Loki’s redemption arc and his reaction when anyone dares to lay a finger on Steve (SPOILER: when he thinks Steve is dead he teams up with Bucky and absolutely destroys Hydra. When he and Steve are captured and tortured for information he threatens to cut open his own veins and summon a beast with the blood to destroy them all…he’s completely serious about that. One of the major things Steve has to help him with is how he gets desperate and suicidal whenever he thinks he might lose Steve).
Oh, so you won’t talk about Kanae, huh?
With my short existence, I can make a difference- I can be there for him, I can be his knight
Imagine this is Matsumae teaching Kanae about kagune usage and what it means to be a servant of the Tsukiyama family. For bonus angst, imagine that the slip-ups ('do it for her- that is to say, you do it for him’) are Matsumae talking about the late Mrs. Tsukiyama (HC that Matsumae was around when Shuu’s mom was alive, though I guess that’s unlikely considering her age…shush. Just ignore it for the angst.)
Kanae singing the 'I love you’ part from If I Could Tell Her as they fall off the building
Kanae singing 'But what you do when there’s this great divide? And what do you do when the distance is too wide?’ when Shuu is ill
 'I wondered how you learned to dance like all the rest of the world isn’t there’ and 'There’s nothing like your smile, sort of subtle and perfect and real. You never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel’ as they remember their memories with Shuu as a child.
'I love him, but every day I’m learning- all my life, I’ve only been pretending’ from On my Own when Eto is torturing Kanae
And then most of 'It’s Over, Isn’t It’ is from Kanae to Sasaki/Kaneki, of course, but then imagine that the chorus ('And she chose you, and she loved you, and she’s gone- it’s over, isn’t it? Why can’t I move on?’) is like a duet between Kanae and Shuu. Kanae’s pining over Shuu, of course, but Shuu’s POV is after Kanae’s death (referring to himself as 'you’).
Hope you liked this :)
But wait, if you knew all of Urie’s songs, that means you know Still Sane…does this mean you’re a Lorde fan? Because I thought Still Sane was one of her lesser-known songs. I’m obsessed with Lorde’s music, so…
And I’m also a fan of Fall out Boy and Marina and the Diamonds. It'd be cool if you listen to them as well :D
Seriously?! Because blue is my favorite color…wow!
I haven’t watched FMA but I know quite a bit about it (the Roy rain jokes are the best lol)…we actually talked on your FMA blog once ^^ And I’m excited to hear about any of Queen Luna’s OCs! I’m sure they’re all amazing :D (hahaha, I can relate about embarrassing old OCs. I can’t think of any right now but I know I have some). I’ll send you a little info about my OCs in a seperate submission, since this one seems to be getting a little long (though I can’t be sure) ^^;;
Oh, all four of those are lovely! I feel like the girl with the yellow hat (top row, left) has the most icon-ish look, if that makes sense? She also reminds of Queen Luna a little bit, idk why XD but that’s just my opinion, all four of those characters would make beautiful icons <3
Yep, your internet did die ^^;; This is the only thing I got from you... So no worries about spamming me ^^
Aww *hugs* I love talking to you a lot, a lot! So if you ever need anything, I’m here ^^ (I’d add gifs, but internet is slow).
The pregnancy is as out of place as that chapter (once again avoiding pervy words hahah). But... if Kaneki’s a ghoul (halfway) and Touka is a full ghoul, why does the baby need human food? I’m gonna assume Kaneki is the dad because I don’t want to think about the other options. 
I, too, think that the ghoul eating human food/human eating ghoul food for the baby to survive is a parallel for Eto, but we all know how that ended, so idk how i feel about it. Maybe the baby will be a cute and healthy kid who’ll live a nice childhood? Hopefully? Pls let me hope. 
Maybe Eto’ll adopt the baby since she knows the feeling of being abandoned and will give it a nice, happy childhood? HOPEFULLY???
Honestly, I don’t remember who Shachi is, so...
*gasp* you wound me... How could you like that hideousness that is the hair (or lack of it). Jk, you’re free to like what you want ^^ I mean, it’s not that bad I guess... I just liked the old version a bit more.  A lot more.
So much for avoiding risqué words.
I think their bond is mostly platonic? I mean, if Clint wasn’t married and didn’t have tons of babies, I’d assume there was more, but this way, I’d like to think it’s more of a brother-sister relationship. Why am I getting Love, Rosie flashbacks ;-;
Don’t tell me Sharon’s another Jane, this time with even less character -.-
I guess I’ll just avoid Civil War as long as possible :))
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That’s my feeling about everything.
Well, my music taste isn’t quite definable by ‘likes this artist’ or anything, because it’s mostly a ‘I’m browsing youtube and I like this song, so i’ll download it’ one. So Still Sane just happens to be there. As for Fallout Boy and Marina, I do have quite a lot of their songs there ^^ But, generally speaking, most of my songs that aren’t idol songs ?uncomfortable cough* tend to go in the rock direction. Sometimes remixes and sometimes songs no one ever heard about, like Texas by Magic Man or Change My Life from Ashes Remain. Also, Holy by Zolita, although I mostly like that song because it’s so different from most songs nowadays. It’s a bit weird, though.
I really, really want to see all your OCs, especially the TG one that suffers a lot :))
Oh god, here’s my most embarrassing one, the FMA one:
Kk, her name’s Arya, she’s an alchemist (of course) and depending on how I felt at the moment, she was either shipped with Roy or Ed. Most of the time, it was Roy, so the info I wrote down was based on that. Is the cliche ‘sarcastic, but actually a huge softie’ character with right about 0 character flaws, other than being stubborn (’But it also helps when she’s suspicious about the homonculi!’). Now, this isn’t so bad. But here’s the best part. She has a stepdad (bc no oc can have a normal, fully functioning family) that tried to ‘merge her with a wolf, giving her enhanced senses and strength and making her hair white + eyes purple’. I still cringe when I think about her. Literal nightmares.
Then we have a soul eater one, where the girl is both a meister and a weapon (which is, by the way, impossible by the laws of that universe, since the souls of the two types differ greatly) AND a witch to top it off.
Thankfully, I never went too far with the looks, the white hair + purple eyes was as far as I went, but I knew to change it to normal (or try to make an excuse *coughwolfcough* if the universe was one where the colours were mostly normal. And I never gave them DDD+ boobies. 
As for the newer ones, I don’t have many, but from the fandoms we share, I have 1 for YoI and 1 for MCU (this one was created yesterday :P )
The YoI one’s name is Nara and she’s a skater from Detroit, therefore Yuuri and Phichit’s rinkmate. Honestly, she’s not that talented at skating, but she does try to make up for it by practicing a lot.  However, she doesn’t magically get better and lands 1st place, she’s content doing her best and just participating in the competitions, since she has a secondary job.
The MCU one’s a bit more mary sueish, but that’s what makes it fun. Kya, her power is ‘manipulating’ animals (well, not manipulating, it’s more along the lines of ‘animals like her and listen to her) and in extreme cases (when she gets very emotional), human manipulation (technically, humans are animals). When she was small, she was experimented on, granting her the powers. However, the faculty was attacked, allowing her to escape. She tried to live a normal life and was actually succeeding, but then Loki attacked New York and lo and behold, she actually managed to do some hero work, so the avengers were like ‘we’re not recruiting you, but you could be useful in the future so we’ll keep an eye on you’. That’s as far as I got, but I do plan on expanding a bit.  Also, probably predictable, but Loki is her love interest ^^;;;;;;
Alrighty, seems like that’ll be my icon ^^ I’ll probably change the general colour scheme of the blog, so don’t be surprised if everything’s different the next time you visit :P  The name definitely stays the same, though.
As for the ‘she reminds you of me’, you couldn’t be more right ^^;;; In the whole Love Live series, she’s the most similar to me looks wise, but also personality wise. A quiet bookworm who’s fine staying in the library whole day hahah I always cry during her character arc, because I relate waaay too much ;-;
Also, completely random, but I’m listening to ‘Merry Go Round of Life’ from Howl’s Moving Castle as I write this and it would actually make a pretty nice waltz song...
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onlyjihoons · 8 years
Request:  @his-ghoulfriend: can i req a boyfriend renjun pls?? thanks i loved your other versions!
helLo thank you so much for requesting and i’m super sorry this took so so so long as well!?!?!?? i hope this is good and i hope you enjoy it ❤
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i got a feeling that renjun w climb up my bias list after this
ok lets start
so how ya’ll met:
renjun was your mom’s friend-friend-friend-friend's son
and during chinese new year he came to visit your house
and wOaH hold on honey
this boy
is super cute
yet gives off a super model like vibe???
and ok you took the initiative to talk to him like
“hi i’m y/n! nice to meet you :)))))))”
and he SMILES with HIS TEETH
so cute
“i’m renjun, nice to meet you, y/n!”
and like 
you were like
swallowed by his visuals like HOW cAN SOMEONE BE CUHOT
in case you don’t know what cuhot means,,
it means cute+hot
i invented it
you’re welcome
ok back to the meeting
you and renjun hit on instantly bc 
1. you guys were about the same age
2.bc there were zero to no teenagers in your house except you guys
3. you guys had a crush on each other(!!!!)
and ya’ll kept talking and talking for god knows how long
and it was dinner time
so your mom invited his mom to eat huoguo(hotpot)
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ngl renjun was super excited bc he LOVES hotpot
you loved it too but there was one drawback:
you don’t take spicy food
bc spicy food triggers the gastric juices in your stomach pretty badly
and every damn time you eat something spicy by accident
your tongue is on fire
so yeah:(
when you guys tuck in to the food, renjun notices that you were way quieter than b4
when you were trying to flirt w him cough
and he grew worried so he asked why you aren’t eating much
and you said you couldn’t take spicy food
and his face FELL
and was super sad on your behalf
explaining how much good food you’ve missed
and like he even offered his non-spicy portion of food to you
to ensure that you’re well fed despite the spicy yet appetising food on the table
and your mom saw that and was like
huang renjun is my son-in-law ya’ll *sniffs*
ok and at the end of the meal when they left your mom pulls you aside like
“what do you think about that renjun boy?”
and honestly every time your mom tries to match-make you w other boys theyre gross af
but renjun is an exception so
“uhm he’s pretty nice,why?”
and your mom sHrIeKs
i might have went a bit too far there but oh well
so earlier on ya’ll exchange numbers and when you’re about to go to bed renjun texts you
“are you sleeping?”
“i was about to though”
“omg im so sorry go sleep!”
“nah its alright omg”
“did your mom say anything about me when we left?”
and you were like oUH 
and panicky
bc renjun could see if you had read his message on kakaotalk
and you kept thinking
“she said she wanted us to get married”
you rn:
but that was all in your head and praying renjun won’t judge u
ok irl renjun was bLUSHIING
bc he lowkey or highkey likes you 
and his mom complimented how pretty you were 
so he’s actually pleasantly surprised
“ahaha oh my your mom has wild aspirations”
and you heave a sigh of relief
“yeah she does”
fastforward 102947383 texts later
you guys are bestest friends
and surprise surprise ya’ll attend the same school as well??
its basically some bombass performing arts school
and you’re a dance major while renjun is a theatre major
idk which major singing was under so i put theatre
and there was one day your school had this project where dance majors and theatre majors would collaborate
like in pairs
you know where this is going right
you and renjun pair up ofc
and since renjun was decently good at dancing
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yes this move ya’ll dancing genius im chenle 10/10
ya’ll decided to do a dance x theatre combi
of romeo and juliet
oH ahem
and like at first its all those uhm
therefore arteu romeo thingy
i don’t take literature forgive me
then it changes in to uhm
idk what song is this but something upbeat alrite:
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smth like this
yoojung lee is my fave choreographer ok
yo and ya’ll blasted the showcase?!?!?!?!?
everyone was cheering
including teachers
and renjun hugged you(!!!!!)
and everyone went from
and like 
there were some sm scouting people there
and they saw renjun performing and singing
so they scouted him
and ngl you were so sad renjun was leaving china for his career and stuff
you contemplated wheter to audition for sm or smth
and he’s like
“i will visit you every month if there’s a break!!”
and at this point you were heavily infatuated w renjun
so you took the dive 
“i have been keeping this to myself for so long, and i like you”
renjun just stared at you like the world has fallen
and you panicked
“ah ah its alright uhm its just me, hahah, stupid feelings-”
that’s when renjun dragged you to a quieter area, like the store room of the school’s dance studio
and clumsy y/n lost her balance,,
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“in case you didn’t know already, i like you too y/n”
and then
uk what happens
the kiss of fate happens
not going into detail bc its just an innocent kiss ok
that was when ya’ll confessed to each other
renjun at first may come off as dense
but he’s actually super clingy and cute
but not too clingy most of the time 
most of the time
you’re studying in korea
while renjun focuses on practicing and his korean
ok can we just talk about his korean?!!? its so good and its almost on par w the korean members like it seemed like he has lived in korea for his whole life ok i shall stop
and you attend SOPA but its all good bc you are fluent in English too so language isn’t that much of a problem in school
but outside it’s a challenge cause not everyone speaks english or chinese
so you had to turn to the person closest to you
he would patiently explain to you what the sentences/phrases mean
and also encourage you when you make mistakes
and you improved your korean yay
and ya’ll go out on dates
i can prolly imagine those
ulzzang couple-ish vibe coming out
like renjun will sneak taeyong’s polariod camera in your bag
so ya’ll can take pictures of each other!!
bc like the memories are somewhat physical you know
like the actual picture
and when ya’ll go on dates renjun has a mask on
and you have a mask on too so he won’t feel lonely
but the challenge is 
if he wants to kiss you its virtually impossible
bc you have masks on
and he can’t let dispatch catch ya’ll
so one day ya’ll were at hangang park eating ramyeon
and you took of your mask
then renjun took off his as well
and when you ewre about to tuck in he kissed you
and you were shookt bc he wasnt the type to show affection so openly
“what are you doing?!?!?!?!”
“i’ve been wanting to do that for so long, baobei”
i m  w e a k
renjun doesn’t attend school in korea unfortunately(as far as i know)
but that doesn’t stop him from waiting outside school for you
ngl when he sees mark or jeno or jaemin or donghyuck
he gotta dashi run run run
bc they would suspect him
unless they arranged for an outing or smth after school
anyhow on one day they weren’t needed in school
but renjun said he had to go out to run some errands
but like mark left his textbook in school so he had to take it back for revision
so he was on his way to school like normal
and he sees renjun?!?
so he kind snoops at what renjun was doing
finds out that renjun is waiting outside SOPA
and agent mark 0208 whips out his phone, preparing to expose renjun when he goes back
but when he was about to press the capture button he sees you running towards renjun
and ya’ll:
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renjun was like 
“baobeiiiiiiiiii i missed you so much i can’t omg”
and you’re like
“huang renjun,, pls,, let,, go,, we’re,, in,, public,,,,”
agent mark 0208 was shookt
he clears his throat uncomfortably, making ya’ll push each other away
a little too forcefully
“renjun? you’re running an errand at my school?”
“no hyung, i just came to see my cousin.”
lies, renjun, lies
“oh really? i don’t know how close ya’ll are to call her baobei, and as far as i know, baobei means babe in chinese,, right??!?!1!11!!!”
in the end mark just sighs and said
“just don’t get caught, okay?”
he just smiles and walk away, probably shipping ya’ll so hard 
“who’s that?”
“its mark hyung, he’s the leader of our group.”
“are we gonna get caught?”
honestly you were super worried bc it could endanger renjun’s career and sour his ties with the company
and he cups your face like:
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“baobei, no matter what happens i will always be with you, and i know i’m being selfish but i love you so much, nothing can break us apart.”
that was enough to assure you for the rest of your life for the rest of the day
thank you for reading omg
i really hope ya’ll enjoy this:-)
sidenote i have 2 drabble requests sitting in my inbox for god knows how long
but after i complete those my inbox will be empty again:(
i apologise if i do your request late as i have homework and it takes time to plan and write out the request
but still
request bc i love writing hehe
ok i love ya’ll good day/night💘
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entelexcheia · 8 years
// ✏️ 8 years late per usual but if yr still open for those drabbles, idrc if yr not but sum jack n hora pls :3c
Send a ✏️ and I’ll write a drabble about our Muses. ( x )
“…Jack! Jack, hi!” It had been a while since Horizon had last seen Jack, so when the girl finally caught sight of him hiding away in the debris of a construction zone on her way back from a walk within the vicinity, she wanted to take the opportunity to say ‘hi’ even if the boy was probably minding his own business. The girl carefully crept over large pieces of rubble, taking care as to not get her dress caught on anything, and gave the masked boy a bright smile and a wave.
The boy barely moved from his slumped position against a large, unfinished wall, with only a subtle twitch in response to her voice. Giving her no more than a sideways glance from behind that mask, Jack then looked away, absolutely silent. His breathing was unsteady despite having a proper passage of air flowing through him… No, it wasn’t an issue regarding his respiration so much as a horrendous lurching feeling of anxiety and dread coursing through him. No matter how many times he tried to breathe in and out, there was no comfort in doing so.
Ordinarily, Horizon made him feel at ease. There was just something about her that made him feel, for lack of a better word, happy. Her smiling face, her sweet voice, her warm embrace…
And yet, for some reason, now, there was nothing but apprehension. He couldn’t bear to face her, listen to her or even touch her now… How could he? Not after what Wilhelm told him…
“…Uh, Jack? Is… Is something wrong? I’m sorry, I’m not bothering you, am I?” Horizon had finally reached Jack, only for him to coldly dismiss her. The girl clutched the edges of her dress, tensing up slightly at seeing the usually friendly, if not reserved (but not outright cold!) Jack behave so strangely. 
“…No. You’re not.” He finally managed to spit out in a low tone, though his voice sounded hoarse and strained, as if he were forcing himself to talk while physically unable to. 
“…T-Then, what happened? Are you okay?” Horizon crouched by his side, about to rest her hand on his shoulder before he jerked away, holding a hand up to stop her. “…Huh?! Uh… I-I’m sorry.” She bit her lip, hiding her hands away in her lap, scared that she did something that upset the boy. 
“…No. No, you… You shouldn’t be. Fuck, goddamn it. I should be the one who’s sorry.” Jack said, choking slightly on his words as if fighting back tears. 
“But… why? You didn’t do anything wrong…” Horizon protested in a meek voice.
“No, no, no. No. You don’t… You don’t understand.” Jack stammered, bringing his hood further over his face in shame. “You wouldn’t say that if you really knew…”
“Knew what? Jack, please… You can tell me anything… and I promise, I promise I won’t think any differently of you… I-I…” Horizon was slowly beginning to tear up, her heart aching to see Jack like this. What happened to make him this… scared? Jack always seemed to be so brave, always putting himself in danger if it meant finishing his job or… protecting someone. So to see him like this was nothing short of unnerving.
The boy gritted his teeth, silently cursing at himself at the sight of Horizon crying. How could he? How could he do this to her? But she needed to know at least this much. If she knew what could possibly await them should they continue to see each other at this rate… would that even change her mind? 
He couldn’t let anything bad happen to her. She didn’t deserve to suffer any longer because of him, and knowing what dreadful fate could possibly await in the future outweighed any possible chance they had at happiness together now.
…That’s right. Maybe they never even had a chance.
Jack thought himself a fool for trying to believe otherwise.
And Wilhelm’s threatening words repeated in his head over and over and over again.
“You have been wasting too much time, of which you have a very limited amount. Remember that. Should you continue to waste it on such frivolity, there will be dire consequences not only for you, but for every party involved. That girl included. Surely, you must understand the attention you’re garnering from the others.”
After a long pause of hesitance, the boy finally spoke again.
“I can’t see you anymore.”
Horizon blinked, feeling as if her heart skipped a beat. It took a good while for his words to register in her mind but once they did, she felt them pierce her chest. 
“…Huh…? Wh-What? Wait, why…? That’s… That can’t be! We can still see each other… I-I know you’re busy a lot and… And…” Horizon was slowly losing her train of thought, her mind frantically spiraling in all sorts of directions. But the thought of not being able to see Jack again pervaded her mind and struck her down.  
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Jack apologized, finally taking his mask off so that his voice wouldn’t be muffled. Finally communicating with the girl more clearly, the boy shook his head and slowly started to get up, albeit with some unsteadiness in his step. “I can’t… There’s so many things… you need to know… but you can’t.” 
“Why not?!” Horizon pleaded, raising her voice in a desperate cry but not before she caught herself and covered her mouth with both hands, feeling bad for shouting at Jack. “I-I’m sorry… Jack… but please… Please don’t go… Please don’t…! I-I want to help! I want to do something to make you happy again! So please… just tell me… what could I do…?”
“…Forget about me. Go with ARMY and Giga. They’ll keep you safe and make you happy. Please just… Please… Make this easy for me.” 
“Jack… Y-You… promised…!” The girl’s tears began to cascade down her cheeks, pained hiccups interrupting her sobs and pleads. “You promised… we’d… we’d be together… and-”
“Horizon, I’m sorry. But I couldn’t promise anything. I said I’d try. Try. And I tried my hardest, okay? Please… understand. But we can’t… we can’t be together. We can’t see each other anymore. It’s not safe for you. It’s… not safe for me. It never was.”
“Jack… Jack…!” Horizon cried, reaching for him, practically crawling on the ground but the boy kept his distance, not allowing her to get within arm’s reach. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry… but please… don’t… don’t leave me…! L-Let me protect you…! I-I… I can… get help… I can do my best to help… so please… Please!”
“Horizon! Stop!” Jack snapped, clenching his fists at his sides. His tone was now harsh, his face contorted into anger… but the tears flowed down his face as well. “Just… stop. This can’t go on. I’m sorry. I can’t tell you how sorry I am… I should never have done this… if it meant that we’d have to be apart in the end.”
“Jack… I just… want to be with you… for however much longer…! You’re… You’re my friend… one of my best friends and I… I-I… I…” Horizon’s sobs were caught in her throat, the girl beginning to choke and splutter slightly from excessive crying. “Please… I don’t know… what I’d do if you left…”
“…Horizon… I just want you to be happy.” The boy finally mustered up the courage and turned back, grabbing hold of her shoulders and catching her by surprise after practically given the cold shoulder prior. “That’s all that matters, okay? There’s a lot that I haven’t told you… I haven’t been able to… but no matter what, regardless of any of that, I still lo- We… We’re… we’re still friends, okay? Even if we have to be apart, we’ll be friends, forever.” He brought his hand to her cheek, caressing her face and giving it gentle strokes. And through his tears, he managed even the tiniest of smiles.
Horizon nodded, sniffling all the while as she brought her own hand to his, resting it atop. The girl returned his smile with a giggle, his words of slight reassurance to her… but there was still that doubt in the back of her mind.
“But… what about you…? I want you to be happy too…”
“Every moment that I spent with you has already made me happy, Horizon. You’ve brought so much happiness, I don’t even know if you could fully understand… I feel it, right here.” The boy pointed to his chest. “It’s warm. Really warm. So don’t worry about me, okay?”
“But… I will… b-because I care about you… and… a-and… waaaah….” Horizon choked, collapsing into Jack’s arms for a hug while wailing into his chest. The boy jolted slightly but caught her regardless, squeezing her body into a tight embrace. 
“It’ll be okay… Horizon, you’ll have people to watch over you. Keep looking for the people you’re looking for and never give up, okay?”
“…And maybe some day, we might be able to meet again. But for now… I have to go.”
“…” Her arms coiled around even more tightly.
“…I’m sorry… but I will never, ever forget you.”
“I-I… I won’t either… I-I will… always, always remember you! A-And pray for you…” 
“Good. Then I have nothing else to worry about.”
“Jack… I’m going to miss you…”
“I’m going to miss you too, Horizon.”
“…Jack? Could I ask you a favor? Just this once before you have to… go.”
“What is it?”
“Can you hold me as I sleep? I-I’m sorry if this is… weird b-but… I just… I just want to be with you for however much longer… m-maybe even dream about you too- B-But that’s weird too… I-I’m sorry… Maybe not…”
“No, no it’s okay. I don’t think it’s weird. I actually… wouldn’t mind that. As long as it’s a happy dream.”
“If it’s with you, t-then it is! Oh! I-I’ve had a lot of dreams where everyone’s together and it’s bright and sunny out… You were there, ARMY and giga too! We were smiling and being happy together… You and ARMY weren’t fighting at all, hahah~” The girl snuggled up against him, closing her eyes to imagine such a scenario once more. The more she dreamed of it, the more she could look towards a happy future…
“Yeah?” Jack chuckled, playing with her hair. The boy held her tenderly, as if trying to take in as much of her warmth and radiance before he’d have to leave. “That sounds nice, honestly. Even I… get tired of fighting all the time.”
Horizon smiled, feeling a gradual yet comfortable weariness come over her. “But you’re still so strong and brave… even heroes… need a break…”
“…” Jack gulped. Hero? No, he couldn’t be. He was nothing of the sort, in his eyes.
But if he could be at least that much in hers, then he was satisfied.
“Jack…” She whispered, nestling closer. “Thank you… for everything.”
“I should be the one thanking you.” 
“Thank you, Horizon.”
— Indeterminate amount of time later… —
It was getting late. The last thing that Jack wanted was for Horizon to have to go back home by herself, though the girl was still fast asleep in his arms. Poor girl must’ve exhausted herself from her crying. The boy would’ve fallen asleep as well, had the gears in his mind stopped but they persisted. There were a lot of thoughts going through his mind but even for just that moment, Jack tried to relax, keeping his composure. 
He already made up his mind. Even if Wilhelm forbade him from seeing Horizon, even with the fear of the other denizens of Hell seeking to lay their hands her, Jack wasn’t going to just allow them their way without a struggle. If there was one thing that Jack was, it was being similarly as stubborn and tenacious until the bitter end.
And until then, the boy could live knowing that he fought and lived as himself, with all of his might.
With a bit of effort from his end, Jack carried the sleeping girl in his arms, proceeding to then bring her all the way back to where he remembered her home to be. The boy had to keep track of a lot of things if he was going to maneuver his way through the industrial nation without too much issue… and well, Horizon’s apartment was one particular location he definitely kept a distinct memory of.
Once there (still hoping in the back of his mind that this was the right place), the boy carefully fished through the girl’s belongings to try to find her keys. As embarrassing as it was, Jack finally did get them and tried them on the door… with success. The boy let out a tiny sigh of relief as he entered, walking slowly and quietly through the girl’s home. Horizon stirred every now and then, but it seemed that she was fast asleep.
Admittedly, it was awkward to just… walk right into her own apartment like this without her permission. But the boy wanted to ensure that she was safely back home nonetheless. Finding her room, the boy then gently set her down, arranging her pillow and assorted stuffed animals so that they were all snuggled up against her. 
‘…God, she looked so cute.’
Very carefully, about as cautious as Wilhelm was in handling his flowers, Jack then arranged the blankets so as to tuck Horizon in safely. Making sure that everything else was in its proper place, the boy then sat beside her, leaning over to brush some of her hair out of the way of her face.
“…I’m really… going to miss you.” Jack whispered, lowering his head whilst fighting back the tears once more. “Horizon… I… I will do everything I can… to come back… I promise.”
“Until then… wait for me.”
But before he would have to return to Hell, Jack wanted to do one last thing… One very last thing.
He brought his face up to hers, just barely allowing some distance between the tips of their noses. Trying to keep himself from getting too nervous, Jack steadied his breathing, swallowing hard while silently yelling at himself to just do it already… 
…But this was creepy, wasn’t it? She was sleeping, for fuck’s sake… and he’d never done this before, what if he messed this up?
She wasn’t even awake for this.
Jack shook his head. This wasn’t the time for any of that.
Looking back down at the girl, Jack held his breath, slowly leaning back in for another attempt… but before his lips could reach hers, he stopped.
Just enough to graze her lips, but not enough for a kiss, he stopped.
And he cried.
“…I’m so… stupid.” He laughed quietly, roughly wiping at his face before the droplets would fall onto her face. Some tears did end up falling, however, slowly trickling down her cheeks… making it look as if she was crying in her sleep.
“…That’s not fair of me… I can’t do that.” Jack whispered, allowing his head to rest beside hers on the pillow. “Stupid… Stupid, stupid.” He chuckled under his breath, unable to stop his tears.
“…I’m sorry, Horizon. I… I’m sorry. Please, forgive me.”
“…I don’t want to go either.”
Horizon’s eyes fluttered open to what appeared to be the light of day, or the closest it could be to the light of day with the perpetual smog that blanketed the skies of the industrial nation. She stared at the ceiling for a while, before realizing that she was laying in her own bed, in her room, in her home. The girl slowly got up, assessing her surroundings…
How did she get here? She didn’t remember ever returning home… She remembered falling asleep in Jack’s arms…
Horizon glanced at her desk, noticing a small pile of flowers that wasn’t there before. The girl then got out of bed, picking up the flowers that had been left there. They were freshly picked and all of her favorites kinds of colors.
With a tearful smile, Horizon held them against her chest.
“…Come back to me soon, okay…?”
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inhalareexhalare · 6 years
Dire Need of a Hug
Dammit I woke up at 0800. Even though I slept at around 0300. The sun is too fucking bright hahaha
But it's not an unpleasant feeling. After warming up, I think I'll work on the story~
Oh yeah, since I forgot to respond to Isla last night:
Yea >___< according to stories Pa used to be very careful with relationships before. He claims he didn't even have sex with Ma until they got married. The problem was after. He started entertaining flirtations, cheating on Ma, hiring prostitutes/escorts, etc... From Ma's perspective, it was simply unstoppable. She was so helpless that she even cried in front of us, her kids, and asked us if she should divorce with Pa. But she couldn't. She was far too concerned with her children, and she truly still loved Pa.
What she did instead was she tried to enlarge her heart and re-focus it on something she really believed in for a long time. She became leader in dental association and started making dental projects that she thought could help the poor and made many friends and explored the world and had puppies (that she so badly wanted to have before) and hung out with us, her kids, and not once failed to give Pa love.
She broke down every other day from Pa's impulses, but she tried her best to fix her focus again on her beliefs. She understood that she wouldn't be able to control Pa.
Many nights she was sad and would sneak into our room (parents' room is separate) and drink herself dead while crying quietly. She would open the TV but bring the volume so low so you couldn't even hear a thing. She didn't want to wake us up.
She would cry over the phone talking to her best friends. But she knew life was more than Pa.
You know, when Ma died, her friends claimed that in her last moments she did her best to make everyone in the room happy. She would laugh the hardest and smile the widest. In her wake, the room was literally flooded with flowers from so many friends. Pa is the most charismatic person I know, but Ma, she's subtle but more generous and more sincere.
I've never been so moved in the death of someone. Her death was only sad because we would miss her. But we were all so proud of her. All of us, whose lives she touched. My mother is the most awesome person I know
The place was so full of people, you'd think it was a mini concert haha. People coming in and out, waiting for their turn to go forward and see Ma's face one last time. Sending us their best wishes, and sharing their most heartfelt stories with her... It was strangely encouraging.
(My economics professor at the university raised an eyebrow at me and wondered why my grades shot up AFTER Ma died. I thought it was a pretty insensitive question, but I guess it was too strange for him. XD)
2019-03-02 08:18 Philippines Saturday
I'm feeling glum right now. Not angry, but glum. Karu's ran off again.
And now they need me to proxy for him. I don't feel like it at all, but I know this needs to happen. For our goals.
I'm doing my breathing. I don't like thinking that my time is wasted. It's backwards thinking. Keep changing.
2019-03-02 15:03 Philippines Saturday
To Karu:
I don't know what to do
But I guess you don't feel like tlking. I'll just shut up. Sorry
Please at least eat. I miss you terribly.
From Karu:
I love you. Thank you for everything
To Karu:
Oh you ain't seen nothing yet. Look forward to it. I'm still learning. I'll be waiting for you.
I love you
PS I genuinely am excited to hang with these guys though. I feel so socially thirsty hahaha
From Karu:
You're best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't deserve you at all. Please take care of yourself. I love you so much
You'll be an awesome writer; I know it. Keep being awesome!
To Karu:
I feel honored, but justice is bullshit. None of us get to decide what we deserve.
Who knows. I'm sure to keep loving writing.
Keep moving forward. If you think I'm bringing you down, it's completely okay to leave me.
Rather than justice, I'd rather think of what we can do to make things better. Move forward, yeah?
From Karu:
You're not bringing me down. Pls don't think that
I'll always love you
To Karu:
Remember the last thing we talked about before the last straw with [Ira]?
Humans try to justify suffering by rewards, real or imagined. We have so much trouble making sense of loss. Of pain.
So this is good. Redefine yourself. Challenge yourself. Face your fears. I know you'll find more than what you're looking for.
Thank goodness. But know that I think the same of you. Your strengths and flaws both have only enhanced my personal and artistic development. So don't think too lowly of yourself either.
- (PS that last straw with Ira was the last thing, although not the full thing, that pushed him this time to run away. He's so tired and pressured, I think.
Anyway, the last time we talked was a fun evening! We ate at Chowking for once and for kicks and it was fucking awesome haha. Then he had gig nights where I didn't interact with them, yeah? And then this not going home thing followed.
On the topic though. I notice that the only way to be financially successful in this game that we built as a society is to sacrifice other important aspects of life
Inevitably, that means the successful people suffer. A lot.
But it is exactly their suffering that makes them want more. They feel like they deserve so much because they suffer so much
We justify our suffering by rewards, real or imagined.
As a species, we have such a hard time making sense of loss and pain.
Whether it be about going to a cancelled meeting after travelling for hours for it, or having to shut down a failed business after working day and night for 10 years. It's like having a dead loved one. Even in the face of loss, we try to be in control, when most of the time, we can't.)
2019-03-02 15:42 Philippines Saturday
I'm a bit scared, but technically, there's nothing to be afraid of. In all the times we've been together, there was always a possibility of any of us dying or leaving or whatever.
At any moment, anything can happen. So really, there's nothing to worry about. Our concern should always be, to not take everything for granted.
I think this is the most I've spoken to Banks hahaha Although it's about Peak and then about Karu. :) Still, I think it's progress!
I also got to chat about irrelevant stuff over lunch with Theodore since Karu ran off XD
2019-03-02 16:07 Philippines Saturday
Ira and Job here!
To Karu:
Oh, and don't be lost too long. The music is thin as fuck without your bass. Your bass knows what to do. Don't make it wait too long! :)))
2019-03-02 16:50 Philippines Saturday
Okay, that's enough. I'm full of interacting with Karu hahaha
Just like a good dance, I feel this is the perfect place for a rest to be in. I feel happy and excited being apart at this point.
The music really is a lot thinner without him though HAHAH I like how they practice their craft.
2019-03-02 17:08 Philippines Saturday
Ahhhhh I am shutting down hahahhaha I'm so intimidated. Banks's elder relatives invited us to have dinner with them, and it felt like the typical family reunion I had before. The talk is okay. It is superficial, as most introductory encounters are made. But I couldn't contribute and my mind shut down multiple times. I even got clumsy with my tableware.
I have no idea how to act around them.
I'm back to that Virg meeting incident.
Ugh. Alright okay okay.
Must grow some balls! I think I could open up a bit more if (1) I just decide to push myself on the spot. (2) train and use my voice in private to be prepared
I'm... Tired.
In dire need of a hug.
It's time for rest, finally. It's overdue.
I've returned to the house alone and took a quick shower and am chilling around now, preparing myself for some patient rest.
The walk home felt heavy. The silence wasn't like the usual. I felt a low buzz of loneliness.
It makes me want to cry, but here I am now, preparing to rest. It feels nice.
I miss Karu's hug. It's been days. Don't worry though, it's not the usual obsessive kind of missing.
It just feels like it would be so much better. This is good.
2019-03-02 22:16 Philippines Saturday
0 notes
ayayayayouch · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20
tagged by: the lovely @callhimyoungk
im tagging:  
YOU! lmao jk i tag anyone who wants to do this
last 1. drink: water 
2. phone call: from my manager lol  
3. text message:from my sister lmao 4. song you listened to: everything you are by ed sheeran 5. last time you cried: i can’t remember tbh 6. dated someone twice: none 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: none 8. been cheated on: nah 9. lost someone special: yes :( 10. been depressed: not diagnosed but sometimes i feel depressed 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nah, i rarely drink...
3 favorite colors 12. green 13. pastel colors 
14. prussian blue
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yep
 16. fallen out of love: nah 
17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you:
 lmao my parents.. they trashtalk behind my back :\ 19. met someone who changed you: not really 20. found out who your friends are: idk, i don’t think i can really know who my friends are.. but we’re solid  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nah
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like a hundred of them lol (ok there’s no number twenty-three) 24. do you want to change your name: funny thing is, i hated my name back in hs i thought that ‘joanna’ is kinda posh... but now that i know what it means.. and now that i’m all grown up, i love it now.. it sounds so fierce and elegant. so no. i don’t want to change my name. :D 25. what did you do for your last birthday: worked lmao i just don’t really feel like celebrating my birthday anymore tbh
26. what time did you wake up: around 8am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: lmao washing the frickin dishes fml 28. name something you can’t wait for: having a career and living my life to the fullest 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: today 
30. what are you listening to right now: the clicking sound or is it tapping sound of my keyboard lol 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope
32. something that is getting on your nerves: so my job requires me to have a great customer service skill and damn lemme tell you about the types of people you’d frickin encounter... and this is basically the things that gets on my nerves: rude people, those frickin people who frickin complain a lot about trivial things, racists, judgmental people, those people who frickin gets angry in an instant like damn pls don’t throw a fit be calm... omfg i could go on and on but imma stop here.. basically, those people who can’t be a decent human being get on my nerves.
33. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, facebook lol 
34. hair color: black (just like my soul lol jk) 35. long or short hair: mid-length hair haha 36. do you have a crush on someone: you betcha! and his name is brian kang lol 
37. what do you like about yourself? ooh this caught me off guard.. i guess i like that i’m stubborn lol i don’t give up easily bc of that, and i like that i am aware of the people around me like i can tell what they’re feeling so i can adjust myself when i’m with them and give them an extra push if they need it.. physical-wise tho, i love my eyes and a lot of people do say i have a nice smile :) (there’s no number thirty-eight ??) 39. blood type: idrk lol
40. nickname: jojo  41. relationship status: happily single lmao  42. zodiac: taurus (ya know jae and i would prob get along as he is also an earth sign plus tauruses are compatible with virgos so jae hi lmao also my frickin crush is a virgo.. i also have a virgo best friend...and i frickin read somewhere that sag and taruses are least compatible hahaha brian is a sagittarius and yeah they’re really adventuruous.. i also have a frickin sag crush haha he’s too much for me lol sorry about the zodiac ramblings and before y’all label me as crazy, i do know that the zodiac signs are just guides in our lives and should not only be the one to consider when doing something; i’m just fascinated and interested okay) 43. pronouns: she and her 
44. favorite tv show: hmm fav tv show?? maybe csi:miami  45. tattoos: i don’t have one 
46. right or left handed: left 
47. surgery: nope
48. sport: badminton lol and i’m interested in ultimate frisbee  
49. vacation: i really want to visit south korea, england and australia  
 50. pair of shoes: i have comfortable ones idk if this is the right answer to this question hahah
more general 
 51. eating: nah 52. drinking: nah 53. i’m about to: write a draft for a story i’m working on 54. waiting for: the president to end his term lmao if y’all know who i’m referring to  55. want: a frickin career and stable job 
56. get married: maybe someday, if i am destined to be a wife lmao bc brah srsly i’ve been single my whole life 
57. career: i want to work in either a laboratory or something graphic design related
which is better
 58. hugs or kisses: both but it depends who the hug or kiss is from lmao
59. lips or eyes: the first thing that catches my attention is the eyes ngl 60. shorter or taller: taller
 61. older or younger: older or we have the same age lol 
62. nice arms or nice stomach: idk as long as the person is healthy
63. hook up or relationship: brah i’ve been serious since the day that i had an idea about such things so definitely relationship 
64. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker? idk my logical explanation is... if someone’s a troublemaker that means he or she is acting his or her goals and being hesitant means thinking too much that sometimes results in not doing anything at all.. 
65. kissed a stranger: nah 66. drank hard liquor: nah  
67. lost glasses/contact lenses: no
68. turned someone down: yes 69. sex on the first date: no
70. broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so
71. had your heart broken: yes T-T 72. been arrested: nope 73. cried when someone died: yes T-T my grandpa and one of my closest friend died on the same year, just a few months apart and lemme tell you that it frickin sucks :( it still feels like it was yesterday i miss them so much 74. fallen for a friend: i really don’t know the answer but there’s this guy friend... sometimes i feel jealous if he’s with other girls.. but idk if that’s bc i like him or bc i just want to hangout with him like the old times back in hs so idk
do you believe in 75. yourself: i try my hardest to 76. miracles: yes 
77. love at first sight: nah 78. santa claus: no, i’m sorry!! :( 79. kiss on the first date: idk 80. angels: yes
other 81. eye color: black (just like my soul lmao i’m joking again) 82. favorite movie: matilda, harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, the edge of seventeen 
83. lust or love: love 84. favorite item of clothing: my style is vintage but anything very aesthetically pleasing to me 85. favorite song: bruh i have a lot but since this is a kpop blog imma answer with kpop songs: congratulations, dance dance, be lazy, i’m serious, what can i do and bad boy (their cover) by DAY6.. silver spoon, 21st century girl, spring day, boys in luv, blood, sweat and tears by bts.. growl and kokobop by exo.. knock, angel heart and u by knk.. breathless, hide and seek, polaris and baby by astro.. hey girl by b.i.g. (I AM MAD THAT I CAN’T FIND AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THIS SONG!!!! IT HAS BEEN A YEAR!)
and that’s about it heheh
0 notes