#something about kyle having this pic ready to post on his phone
hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
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Happiest Place On Earth - Andrés Muschietti
Note: Hello there! I’m finally posting here again ♥ I hope you like it and if you want something new feel free to request it or go to my masterlist! Love you guys. 
Ooooh and I’m already thinking of a part two for this one. (This is not the one I was thinking of posting yet, I thought of this one on Monday or something like that)
Requested? Yes
Requests:  Anonymous: can you do more Andy Muschietti stuff? I've kinda developed a crush on him and I read your headcanons. please! thanks. |||   credulouskhaleesi: So 1st and most importantly, I give you absolutely nooo pressure on starting (you let those creative juices stew and create magic when you're ready) but I just realized I never asked you to tag me when you do create the wonderful fanfic featuring the awe-inspiring, Argentinian, aesthetically-perfect, Andrés (Alliteration inspiration?)! I would owe you my 2nd born if u remembered me (sorry, I'm pretty found of my 1st)🤷🏾‍♀️😁❤ T.I.A!
WARNINGS: Toxic relationship, aggressive ex boyfriend, violence, suicide talk (it appears like in one little part but i thought I needed to tw it)
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Disneyland is supposed to be the happiest place on earth and yet here you are, listening to your boyfriend Kyle talking shit about how you treat him. And to make things worse, his "friend" Rebekah is getting out of one of the attractions. Yay. "Kylee!" The girls voice is loud and all you wanna do is get out of there. "Bekah! How are you?" Yeah, right. As if you didn't know they fucked. You knew they were together yesterday, you could feel her perfume in his clothes. "Your girl is soooo muzzy." 'God, just get me out of here's + "Okay, rule number one!" The older man started to list, everyone stopped talking and looked at him."Don't lose the kids. Yes, Hader and Chastain are part of the kids." "Hey!" Both said together and then laughed their ass off. "That's what I mean." He was serious, almost as if he was a horror movie crazy doctor or something. "Rule number two: don't do anything stupid." "That's for you." The Wolfhard kid elbowed Hader. "It's not." The older man that played his character put his tongue out like a little kid would do. "It's for both of you, actually." "Aww c'mon man." "Third rule is..." He waited for everyone to look at him. "If you need anything you can ask me or Barbara. Any questions?" Hader put his hand up and everybody groaned. "Yeah, dad, can we have fun?" The comedian asked playfully. "Just don't embarrass yourself or anyone here, ok? Go." As soon as the group started walking towards the park, the blonde woman looked at her brother. "You don't need to act so mad all the time you know?" " I don't know what you're talking about. Let's go before they do something stupid." The man ran to  little Jackson to help him find the rides he wanted to go to, the first rule was already broken. + Waiting to get your food, you were constantly trying to block all the conversation your boyfriend and his "friend" were having. "We should go to the Prince Charming Carrousel." Kyle eventually looked at you to see if you were paying attention, returning to look at her lovingly. "Everything for you, honey." He had said. "Everything for you, honey." You said mocking him. "What?" Kyle looked at you right away. "Huh? Oh nothing, nothing." You faked smile, hoping he wouldn't grab your arm this time, hoping you wouldn't have bruises to cover up. "That's what I thought." The way he looked at you made you shiver. "Can we please go see Belle? Or Ariel? I really want to take some pics with them." You said eating your churros. Some people passed by looking at your back and arms that still had some bruises from last time, God you hated that. "Excuse me, ma'am." A soft voice called you. "I'm lost, can you tell me where the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is?" You got down to talk with the kid, trying to remember the exact place. "JACKSON!" You heard a man. "Jeez, kid! Don't do that to me." "It's okay, she'll help us, Andy!" Jackson said to the man. You could feel Kyle's eyes burning in your back, but hey, it's just a kid. You gave him the directions to the attraction. "Thank you, ma'am." The little kid said when you got up. He was really sweet. "Thank you." The tall man looked at you and you could see he had some curiosity in his stare. "Sorry for yelling earlier, I'm with a bunch of kids here, it drives me mad." "Not a problem, sir." You laughed. "Let's go, y/n." Kyle grabbed your right arm. You stayed quiet for a moment to stop yourself from shivering. "Okay, honey." "Is that a problem?" The man, Andy, said. "I'm her boyfriend. Stop trying to fuck her." 'oh no' you thought 'its happening again' "Kyle, I was just giving the kid some information, it's nothing." After you said that the only thing you felt was a slap in your face. "Don't talk like that to me, you whore. I'm sick of it." He was complaining that people were looking at you the whole week. It was a matter of time this would happen. "Let her go." Andy said, ready to fight him. Kyle was still holding your arm tightly. Jackson was scared, holding the blonde woman's hand, both starring at you three. Rebekah was sitting on a bench, eating your churros and watching the little show. "Make me." The blonde woman gave Jackson to a redhead woman that went to talk to her, they seemed like good friends. She then walked your way. Andy punched your boyfriend's face, he let you go and the blonde hugged you and got you closer to her friend and the kid. It all happened so fast, they were punching each other, Kyle was surprisingly losing, and then a security guard came running. Andy explained the situation while holding Kyle on the ground. "I'll take it from here." He got Kyle and started walking. "And what about him?" He started yelling, trying to get away from him. "He didn't do anything... As far as I care you tripped and fell on the ground." The guard explained. "Y/n! You come right here." You tried to go, but the blonde was still holding you in place. "I have to go." "You don't have to." She said. "Not anymore." "You don't understand... He'll get mad and then beat me up again." This came out between sobs. "He said that if I ever leave him he'll kill himself!" "He won't, honey." The redhead said softly. Her hand on your shoulder. You were crying. Hard and painfully. Your knees on the ground, the blonde still hugging you, and you hold onto her tightly. "Everything's gonna be okay." "Barb." Andy said, helping you both get up. They talked a little bit, but you didn't understand Spanish. She was still hugging you, saying everything is going to be okay and that you're free now, Andy went to buy some cold water for you. "I didn't got the chance to know you better. My name's Barbara, you can call me Barb if you want to." Barbara smiled. "I'm y/n, you can call me y/n/n." You smiled back. People like Barbara and Andy were rare in your experience, normally people would let Kyle beat you and even blame you for that. "Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate that." "Oh honey, that's the least we could do. I'm so sad that he was able to slap you tho." "Not the first time, not the first place..." A sigh escaped your lips. "Here." Andy gave you the water bottle. "Put it on your cheek." "Thanks." He scared you a little. He was handsome, but really tall. And he also looked like a crazy doctor. "Not for that, miss." He nodded to a group of mostly men that joined the redhead woman and then looked at you again. "You should come with us to the attractions. That way no one will bother you and... You can actually have fun." "That would be nice." "Great, you will love them." He gave you his hand to help you up again. "These two are clowns. They are really idiots." He pointed at the redhead and a goofy looking man. "She's Jessica and he's Bill, you can call him Hader. The others are Isaiah, Andy, James, the other James you can call Ransone, Bill and Jay." He pointed at them while saying the names. "The kids are Finn, Wyatt, Chosen, Sophia, Jack, Jeremy, Jaeden and  Jackson." "It's a pleasure to know you all." You had stopped crying and were drying your tears. The rest of your day was incredible. They made you laugh and were super friendly to you. Hader was the funniest guy you ever met. When you went to get lunch, Andrés - that was his real name - paid your lunch, he insisted. After the fireworks, everyone headed to the parking lot. "Hey, message me when you get home okay?" Andrés said after stopping by your car. You gave him your phone so he could put his number in it. "I'll probably put you in our group chat." "That's really nice of you, Muschietti." "Drive safely, honey!" Barbara said opening up her window. "You too!" You got inside your car. That really was the happiest place on earth.
TAGS:  credulouskhaleesi
If you want to be tagged in something pls tell me, I’ll gladly tag you ♥
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noahsfreckles · 6 years
Keeping Secrets from Strangers (4)
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So this is happening. 💕💕
I start my hair once I get home. I try not to stain my whole bathroom. I decide to only do half up my hair instead of my whole head just Incase I don't like it and want to cut it off. I go back to my room once everything is setting and I just have to wait to wash it out.
I carefully grab my phone and look at my notifications. 2 new texts from Jamey🐱 2 new tweets from J. 2 new texts from Lexi🤪
I open the tweets first;
@browneyedboy: my friends are so embarrassing @browneyedboy: wishing someone could know the real me
Lexi🤪: did you do it? Lexi🤪: send me pics ASAP!!
Jamey🐱: hey I'm back what's up? Jamey🐱: are you dyeing your hair? Jamey🐱: I should wash my hair lol text me when you can 😎
I smile a little at Jamey's texts. I text back Lexi and Jamey.
Mia to Lexi: it's setting so it will be a while Mia to Lexi: I only did half my hair in case I hate it and want to cut it off
Mia to Jamey: hey 🤓 Mia to Jamey: did you wash your hair? lol
Lexi🤪: good idea. What did the parental say?
Mia: they're not home yet you know they won't care
Lexi🤪: well I wanna see it when you're done
Mia: you'll be the first to see it besides me Mia: omg Lexi I got whistled at today by some cute guys well at least I think the other one was cute he was hiding
Lexi🤪: what I want all the details I'm calling you!!
Lexi🤪 calling: answer / decline.
I answer and put it on speaker phone because of my hair.
"I want details missy!" Yells as I answer.
I just laughing, "calm down and I will."
"Well I was going to Sally's to get the dye and two guys were standing out by the gym, you know that's over on Main Street. And one of them whistled at me so I turned and looked at them, one of them was hiding behind the one who whistled. I smiled and waved and went in Sally's."
"So when I came out they weren't that far away from the Jeep so I whistled at the one who whistled at me cause he was the only one not in the their Jeep yet. I laughed a little at how fast he turned around and waved at him, then I left and went to Starbs."
"That's all?"
"Well tell me more!"
"I am! So I look behind me and I see their Jeep behind me following so I pull into Starbucks and park cause I didn't know if I wanted to go in or the drive-thru, so they go in the drive-thru and order so I decide to go through the drive-thru too. I pull in behind them and I order my stuff, pulling up to the window, the barista said that it was already paid for by the guys in the Jeep. So I pull up next to them in the parking lot cause they parked and the one who whistled at me, Kyle."
"Oh she got a name."
"Oh shush.
"Kyle rolled his window down and we started talking and I said thanks for paying and he said his friend did, and his friend was kinda ignoring me."
"What was he doing?"
"He said he was looking for something in the backseat, his name was Jason. And then they randomly started arguing about something I couldn't really hear so I said I better get going back home. Kyle turned back around and says okay, hope to see you around and then he winks!"
"Damn I can't leave you alone for five seconds and guys try to steal you!" She jokingly says.
"No guys are trying to steal me away."
"Uh huh first Jamey and now Kyle."
"Neither of them are trying to steal me. Jamey and are just friends, if that and I just met Kyle and probably would never see him around again."
"Mhmm sure. You know where Kyle works out and gets Starbucks after. But his friend was really weird."
"Yeah I wonder what's up with that?"
"Maybe he knew you and didn't want you to know or he could have been famous and didn't want you to freak out on them."
"Hmm maybe we do live in LA and I was near the more expensive part of the city. I bet that was it."
"I wonder who it was."
"Noah," Lexi says and starts laughing.
"I hate you. It wasn't Noah."
"I bet it was and he didn't want you to see him and freak out on him and ask for his hand in marriage and to want him to impregnate you and have beautiful lil Noahs and Mias running around."
"I really hate you," I say then we start laughing. "And for the record I don't want his hand in marriage."
"But you want him to impregnate you! I knew you were obsessed with Noah's sexy body."
"You didn't let me finish," I whine.
"Okay finish."
"I don't want his hand in marriage but I wouldn't mind getting freaky with him."
"I knew it!" Lexi about screams.
"Oh shit I gotta wash out my hair!"
"Bye. Send me pics!"
"I will, bye."
We both hang up and I go wash it out. I blow dry it out and curl it a little. I love it. I take some pics and post them on my socials but send Lexi and Jamey pics first.
Lexi🤪: omg girl I love it!! 💕💕💕
Jamey🐱: ohh I like it. 😍💕
I blush a little at Jamey's text.
Mia to Lexi: thanks. 💋💋
Mia to Jamey: thanks. 😍
Jamey🐱: wanna finish our game? And yes I washed my hair in while shower, my friend said I smelled
Mia: sure 😂😂
Jamey🐱: what made you dye your hair?
Mia: I wanted to try something new and was googling pics and saw a pic of a girl with pink hair and I wanted pink hair and I have pink hair now.
Jamey🐱: I wish I could do something with my hair. It's out of control.
Mia: why can't you?
Jamey🐱: my mom won't let me
Mia: oh that sucks 😕
Jamey🐱: maybe this summer I can
Mia: what do you wanna do?
Jamey🐱: I don't know maybe just cut it some. My curls are crazy.
Mia: would you ever dye it?
Jamey🐱: probably not. I love my hair. And I get to ask three questions in a row like you. 😋
Mia: deal.
Jamey🐱: fave color? Number? What did you do today besides dyeing your hair?
Mia: probably blue, like a baby blue, 13, yes I know it's unlucky but it's been lucky for me and I went to Sally Beauty and went to Starbuck. You?
Jamey🐱: well you know I went to the gym with my friend then we went to Tropical Smoothie Cafe and got our power shakes.
Mia: sounds fun.
Jamey🐱: what are you doing for the rest of the night?
Mia: probably order some food and watch Netflix. You?
Jamey🐱: probably the same but hopefully texting a pretty girl 😎
Mia: oh a girl? Tell me about her.
Jamey🐱: well I think she's pretty. She's like to steal my kitty, tease me, and text me too.
Mia: she sounds great. What makes her pretty?
Jamey🐱: her heart, sense of humor, and her face.
Mia: what does she look like?
Jamey🐱: well she has blonde and recently dyed pink hair and she has brown eyes.
Mia: she sounds really familiar
Jamey🐱: hmm I wonder why 🤔
Mia: do I know her?
Jamey🐱: she's in your mirror right now 😮
Mia: you're a dork.
Jamey🐱: I know. 🤓
Mia: thank you ☺️
Jamey🐱: you are very welcome. 😎
Mia to Lexi: Jamey is flirting me. And I like it.
Lexi🤪: what's he saying?!
I send a screenshot of mine and Jamey's conversation to Lexi.
Lexi🤪: aww he likes you. Lexi🤪: do we know what he looks like? Other than the brown hair?
Mia: no should I ask? I don't want to scare him away. 😕
Lexi🤪: yes just bring it up casually and don't just ask him for a pic
Jamey🐱: Stuvi says meow meow
Mia: tell Stuvi meow meow back.
Jamey🐱: now he's sniffing my phone. What did you say to him?
Mia: I asked him for a selfie.
Jamey🐱: that explains it, well he can't really take one but I can. Is that okay? Jamey🐱: I don't know really how to say this but I um think it's kinda bad that I know what you look like but you have no idea what I look like cause my display picture is of Stuvi and kinda my hair and I'll shut up now and show you.
Mia: wow Jamey.
Jamey🐱: good or bad wow? 😕
Mia: good wow I promise. Wow as in that's a lot and I didn't mind not know what you look like. It gives you some mystery but I would like to know who I'm talking to when I'm talking to you.
Jamey🐱: okay good wow. Jamey🐱: 
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      I don't say anything for a moment as I look at the picture of Jamey. He kinda looks familiar but I can't place it since I can't see his whole face.
Jamey🐱: Mia? 😕
Mia: sorry I was staring at something. 😲
Jamey🐱: something good I hope.
Mia: something very good 🙂
Jamey🐱: thanks 😊
Mia: you're welcome 🙂
Mia to Lexi: he won't send one 😕 I'll try again later.
Lexi🤪: good luck 🍀
Jamey🐱: wanna watch a movie?
Mia: how?
Jamey🐱: we start the same movie at the same time and if we need to pause it we tell the other person.
Mia: what movie? I have Hulu, Netflix, and amazon prime.
Jamey🐱: TATBILB. 😋
Mia: very funny Jamey.
Jamey🐱: I know 😂😂😂
Mia: how about The Incredibles 2?
Jamey🐱: yes I love Jack Jack.
Mia: me too.
Jamey🐱: I'm ready when you are.
Mia: one Mia: two Mia: three
We both hit play and start watching the movie. And that's how we spend the rest of the night. Watching movies together and eating our take out 'together'.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/a-whole-day-from-start-to-finish/
a whole day, from start to finish
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts! When I reviewed survey results earlier this week – I look at them all year, so thank you so much to those of you who chimed in! I truly value all of your feedback and refer back to it often – there were a lot of requests for more posts like this. We had a day this week that was pretty *normal* (what does that even mean?) and I remembered to snap some pics, so here we go!
7:15: I wake up feeling EXTREMELY rested. I reach down for my phone and see that it’s 7:15… an entire hour after I had set my alarm to go off. I had set it for “Every Saturday” so it didn’t go off and I just enjoyed a nice little slumber. We have exactly 30 minutes before we have to be out the door, so I throw on a lulu top and some leggings, some sneakers, run a brush through my hair, and blitz downstairs. The girls are hanging out on the couch watching a show, so I put their piles of clothes next to them to get dressed (feeling very thankful I put out their outfits the night before) and make them a quick breakfast. They have hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, and toast, and I put their lunches into their backpacks, fill water bottles, do their hair, make sure they have their teeth brushed, put sunscreen on them, and we’re out the door. 99% of the time, I make Bulletproof Decaf coffee in my Yeti mug to take with us, but I’m out of coffee. 
8:50: I’m done with school drop-offs, so I head to the Starbucks at the grocery store to grab a coffee. Decaf almond milk latte with 1 pump of vanilla.
9:10 Back at home, and I put some sourdough into the oven that I prepped the night before. While the first loaf is baking, I finishing writing my blog post for that day and hit publish before putting the second loaf into the oven. I know it’s kind of a busy day, which works out well since it’s my rest day from the gym. While the second loaf is in the oven, I head upstairs for 7 minutes of meditation, a quick journal exercise, and do some easy stretches and mobility work.
10:20 Bread is done, so I cut a couple of slices for myself and make breakfast: 6 scrambled liquid egg whites, 1 whole egg, sautéed spinach, nutritional yeast, and bread with Kite Hill everything cream cheese spread and Everything But the Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s + a side of strawberries.
In between eating, I run the eufy (still my favorite ever), clean up the kitchen from the girls’ breakfast and the bread adventures, throw some laundry into the washer, make the beds, and spray down the countertops. I also take my supplements and fill up my giant water bottle to take for the day’s adventures.
10:50 I pick up Nani to go visit Baby August! She hadn’t met him yet, and I wanted to take Kyle and Meg some bread, so it was perfect timing. I swoop Nani, and we have a wonderful visit with Kyle, Meg, EJ, and August. 
How perfect are his little toes???
I hang out outside playing games with EJ and get to hold sweet August again, and we have a lovely visit with them. 
12:30 I’m back from picking up P, and I grab her a quick snack (a Perfect bar and a sliced apple). We also play dolls and do a puzzle in the playroom for a bit. She settles down to watch a show – we try to let the girls stick to a “2 shows per day” rule – and I make myself some lunch and answer a couple of quick emails. I eat lunch outside while she swings on the swing set.
This is a frozen chicken burger from Whole Foods with Sir Kensington’s Mayo, roasted red bell pepper, spinach, mustard, on a brown rice tortilla. Notice the bite marks on the outside of the tortilla, courtesy of P, haha.
1:30 We take the dogs for a walk together around the neighborhood. The weather is so gorgeous and P is officially a pro dog walker. It’s crazy to think of how many walks I spent with her in the Ergo or in the stroller and now here she is, walking a dog completely by herself. 
I think it’s so cute that Bella lets her hold her, too. She doesn’t mind it at all. 
I switch the laundry out, and then P helps me make some cookie dough. I’ve been using this recipe and it’s INSANE (I just make the cookies smaller than the recipe suggests and skip the walnuts). 
I wish I could say I just had this tiny bit of cookie dough, but let’s be real here. After scooping spoonfuls onto the cookie sheets, I cleaned the bowl with a spoon. 😉 SO good.
After baking the cookies, we let them cool and head out to pick up Liv. 
3:15 We’re back home from picking up Liv. I make the girls a snack plate (bell pepper, carrots, hummus, pepperoni, cheese, and crackers) and they eat it outside playing while I make some dinner to take to Kyle and Meg’s house. While I’m cooking, I have a Larabar and some tea with collagen.
I put rice into the Instant Pot, and chop a quick Greek salad (romaine, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, roasted red pepper, kalamata olives, and feta), then start on the Chicken Parmesan. Enchiladas are my go-to baby meal, but since I made them enchiladas a couple of weeks ago, I want to switch it up. I make doubles of everything and wrap it in the fridge since that will be the girls’ dinner that night, too. 
4:45 Everything is packed up and ready to go,
so we drive down to Kyle and Meg’s. The Pilot is there waiting for us, snuggling with August. <3
I watch the little cousins play outside while Kyle and Meg eat and the Pilot holds August. After a little while, we switch out. Usually we would be driving to gymnastics, but I let the girls skip class since they hadn’t met the baby yet. They loved holding their new little cousin. It’s hard to believe that he’ll be running around with all of them before we know it!
6:00 We’re back at home, so I make the girls their dinner plates, switch the dishes out, and clean up from the enormous mess I made baking cookies and frying chicken. Usually we would just all eat together, but I asked our babysitter to come over that night. (It wasn’t the best planning on my part. Usually when the Pilot and I go out, I make the girls something super easy, like meatballs, pasta, and some chopped fruit or sautéed veggies on the side.) I set out the girls’ pajamas and toothbrushes, and then we get ready to go. 🙂
7:00 Nerd date! The Pilot and I have a date once a week, and quite often they’re something we call “nerd dates.” Basically, we’ll grab a quick snack or glass of wine somewhere, and then head to a coffee shop to catch up on work stuff. We sit there with our computers and headphones on like nerds, but at least we’re together. 
We have poke bowls and wine at Ra, and then go to Cartel for tea and nerd time. He’s studying like crazy for airline interviews, and I have a ton of blog stuff to catch up on, especially since I didn’t spend much time working during the day. (Usually when the girls are at school, I blitz on as much work stuff as possible!)
9:30 We’re back home! The Pilot packs Livi’s lunch for the next day – P only stays for lunch at preschool a couple of times each week – and I head upstairs to fold laundry. I used to go to bed super late – easily midnight or 1am – but ever since the girls have been going to sleep at a normal time and staying in their beds (!!!) I’ve felt like I can go to sleep much earlier. I’m tired now by about 10, and ready to wake up around 6 most days. It’s amazing to meditate a little, catch up on work, or even take a Peloton class before we start on the morning chaos. I set out the girls outfits for the next day, set out my clothes and fill up a water bottle for a morning Peloton class, and crawl into bed to read for a few minutes until my eyes start to droop. 
10:15 Bed.. and ready to do it all over again. 
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
a whole day, from start to finish
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts! When I reviewed survey results earlier this week – I look at them all year, so thank you so much to those of you who chimed in! I truly value all of your feedback and refer back to it often – there were a lot of requests for more posts like this. We had a day this week that was pretty *normal* (what does that even mean?) and I remembered to snap some pics, so here we go!
7:15: I wake up feeling EXTREMELY rested. I reach down for my phone and see that it’s 7:15… an entire hour after I had set my alarm to go off. I had set it for “Every Saturday” so it didn’t go off and I just enjoyed a nice little slumber. We have exactly 30 minutes before we have to be out the door, so I throw on a lulu top and some leggings, some sneakers, run a brush through my hair, and blitz downstairs. The girls are hanging out on the couch watching a show, so I put their piles of clothes next to them to get dressed (feeling very thankful I put out their outfits the night before) and make them a quick breakfast. They have hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, and toast, and I put their lunches into their backpacks, fill water bottles, do their hair, make sure they have their teeth brushed, put sunscreen on them, and we’re out the door. 99% of the time, I make Bulletproof Decaf coffee in my Yeti mug to take with us, but I’m out of coffee. 
8:50: I’m done with school drop-offs, so I head to the Starbucks at the grocery store to grab a coffee. Decaf almond milk latte with 1 pump of vanilla.
9:10 Back at home, and I put some sourdough into the oven that I prepped the night before. While the first loaf is baking, I finishing writing my blog post for that day and hit publish before putting the second loaf into the oven. I know it’s kind of a busy day, which works out well since it’s my rest day from the gym. While the second loaf is in the oven, I head upstairs for 7 minutes of meditation, a quick journal exercise, and do some easy stretches and mobility work.
10:20 Bread is done, so I cut a couple of slices for myself and make breakfast: 6 scrambled liquid egg whites, 1 whole egg, sautéed spinach, nutritional yeast, and bread with Kite Hill everything cream cheese spread and Everything But the Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s + a side of strawberries.
In between eating, I run the eufy (still my favorite ever), clean up the kitchen from the girls’ breakfast and the bread adventures, throw some laundry into the washer, make the beds, and spray down the countertops. I also take my supplements and fill up my giant water bottle to take for the day’s adventures.
10:50 I pick up Nani to go visit Baby August! She hadn’t met him yet, and I wanted to take Kyle and Meg some bread, so it was perfect timing. I swoop Nani, and we have a wonderful visit with Kyle, Meg, EJ, and August. 
How perfect are his little toes???
I hang out outside playing games with EJ and get to hold sweet August again, and we have a lovely visit with them. 
12:30 I’m back from picking up P, and I grab her a quick snack (a Perfect bar and a sliced apple). We also play dolls and do a puzzle in the playroom for a bit. She settles down to watch a show – we try to let the girls stick to a “2 shows per day” rule – and I make myself some lunch and answer a couple of quick emails. I eat lunch outside while she swings on the swing set.
This is a frozen chicken burger from Whole Foods with Sir Kensington’s Mayo, roasted red bell pepper, spinach, mustard, on a brown rice tortilla. Notice the bite marks on the outside of the tortilla, courtesy of P, haha.
1:30 We take the dogs for a walk together around the neighborhood. The weather is so gorgeous and P is officially a pro dog walker. It’s crazy to think of how many walks I spent with her in the Ergo or in the stroller and now here she is, walking a dog completely by herself. 
I think it’s so cute that Bella lets her hold her, too. She doesn’t mind it at all. 
I switch the laundry out, and then P helps me make some cookie dough. I’ve been using this recipe and it’s INSANE (I just make the cookies smaller than the recipe suggests and skip the walnuts). 
I wish I could say I just had this tiny bit of cookie dough, but let’s be real here. After scooping spoonfuls onto the cookie sheets, I cleaned the bowl with a spoon. SO good.
After baking the cookies, we let them cool and head out to pick up Liv. 
3:15 We’re back home from picking up Liv. I make the girls a snack plate (bell pepper, carrots, hummus, pepperoni, cheese, and crackers) and they eat it outside playing while I make some dinner to take to Kyle and Meg’s house. While I’m cooking, I have a Larabar and some tea with collagen.
I put rice into the Instant Pot, and chop a quick Greek salad (romaine, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, roasted red pepper, kalamata olives, and feta), then start on the Chicken Parmesan. Enchiladas are my go-to baby meal, but since I made them enchiladas a couple of weeks ago, I want to switch it up. I make doubles of everything and wrap it in the fridge since that will be the girls’ dinner that night, too. 
4:45 Everything is packed up and ready to go,
so we drive down to Kyle and Meg’s. The Pilot is there waiting for us, snuggling with August. <3
I watch the little cousins play outside while Kyle and Meg eat and the Pilot holds August. After a little while, we switch out. Usually we would be driving to gymnastics, but I let the girls skip class since they hadn’t met the baby yet. They loved holding their new little cousin. It’s hard to believe that he’ll be running around with all of them before we know it!
6:00 We’re back at home, so I make the girls their dinner plates, switch the dishes out, and clean up from the enormous mess I made baking cookies and frying chicken. Usually we would just all eat together, but I asked our babysitter to come over that night. (It wasn’t the best planning on my part. Usually when the Pilot and I go out, I make the girls something super easy, like meatballs, pasta, and some chopped fruit or sautéed veggies on the side.) I set out the girls’ pajamas and toothbrushes, and then we get ready to go.
7:00 Nerd date! The Pilot and I have a date once a week, and quite often they’re something we call “nerd dates.” Basically, we’ll grab a quick snack or glass of wine somewhere, and then head to a coffee shop to catch up on work stuff. We sit there with our computers and headphones on like nerds, but at least we’re together. 
We have poke bowls and wine at Ra, and then go to Cartel for tea and nerd time. He’s studying like crazy for airline interviews, and I have a ton of blog stuff to catch up on, especially since I didn’t spend much time working during the day. (Usually when the girls are at school, I blitz on as much work stuff as possible!)
9:30 We’re back home! The Pilot packs Livi’s lunch for the next day – P only stays for lunch at preschool a couple of times each week – and I head upstairs to fold laundry. I used to go to bed super late – easily midnight or 1am – but ever since the girls have been going to sleep at a normal time and staying in their beds (!!!) I’ve felt like I can go to sleep much earlier. I’m tired now by about 10, and ready to wake up around 6 most days. It’s amazing to meditate a little, catch up on work, or even take a Peloton class before we start on the morning chaos. I set out the girls outfits for the next day, set out my clothes and fill up a water bottle for a morning Peloton class, and crawl into bed to read for a few minutes until my eyes start to droop. 
10:15 Bed.. and ready to do it all over again. 
The post a whole day, from start to finish appeared first on The Fitnessista.
a whole day, from start to finish published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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heavenknowsffs · 7 years
2017 Good Shit/ Memes
I think it’s time
Literally been saving these on my notes the entire year! (Not the correct order and i probably forgot some) @memedocumentation - love and kindness - hollyweed (and all its variables made on photoshop) - crudely photoshopped hats on sand crabs - jersey shore making a comeback as a meme - lazy town - “i imagine death so much it feels more like memory” - no (something) we die like men - that chef in a white shirt and sunglasses sprinkling salt you know the one - john lemon post - 13 year old danielle from doctor phil who’s out of control - punching a nazi in the jaw - take a fucking sip, babes (this one is more of a come back) - comparing trump’s inauguration audience with obama’s and then with a third image that’s completely non-related - pictures of auctions with absurd subtitles - millenial falcon memes - edgar allen poe - that guy with his finger pointing to his head as if to say “think” and a sentence like “you can’t … if …” - bernie can still win - trump is a meme in and of itself - healthy relationships - the guy blinking unbelieving - catch these hands - whomst - *sentence* youtuber: clickbait video title - bode - aladdin cheating yasmine with aurora - what in tarnation - something in MY something??? It’s more likely than you think free pc check - oscars best picture incident - zoom in on … (there’s something written very small) - tumblr confetti - squidward trapping himself in the freezer on 6th march 2017 - the brain expanding meme - comic with a kid wearing a shirt that reads “NO FEAR” then close up on another kid’s shirt with a different text and then the 1st kid walking away with the shirt saying “ONE FEAR” - spongebob memes for specific days - the ides of march - killer finding you because you completed his song - italian memes - james charles memes - things theatre kids, STEM majors, athletes… say - a song and then a part of the song screaming followed by meryl streep at the oscars - “hi stranger” naked man - educational kink comic - asked my crush out by making him a playlist - “in case you havent noticed im a weirdo im weird i dont fit in i dont want to fit in have you ever seen me without this hat on? Thats weird” - bone hurting juice - doctor: “you have x time to live” me: youtube video with the same duration - step the fuck up kyle - fyre festival - hide your gf i’m going out for the night - poem my name is … / and wen …/ benethe … - thrussy - spongebob mocking meme - epic sax guy - more eurovision memes - new bill wurtz meme - replaced by a clone conspiracy theories - “you’re doing amazing sweetie” meme - who would win - tornado guy mowing the lawn - …, i’m sorry sweetie. i’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that a ugly ass bitch like this would even say that, oh my god - covfefe - that guy in the passerele wearing orange shorts - cracking open a cold one with the boys - babadook - the floor is lava - ditty.it videos - notice of meme acquisition - stopped to clean my president star memes - we all on 2017 and this person is on 3017 - good loving russian posts about cats that are then translated to english - snapchat hotdog - fireflies discourse - he protec he atacc but most importantly - hewwo - “are you serious? Right in front of my salad?” - i am a Man Woman Unrelated thing looking for Men Women Unrelated thing - am i… chart saying “no” and then “no in yellow” - that couple pic where the guy is looking at the girl passing by with titles on each person - Post Malone memes - bald zayn malik - “i’m sorry the old … can’t come to the phone rn. Why? Oh cuz he’s dead” - pro-communism memes - you’ve heard of elf in the shelf now get ready for - pennywise sewer meme - hotel mario meme - a random pic and then that fucking monkey pic - walks to a couple and asks “which one of you is” meme - homeboy is gonna like… get it - first of all - couples costume idea - retail robin - cute/sexy pic of a girl on twitter saying “tell me something i don’t know” and someone quoting with something weird and funny - pretty    bitchin - trick or something? something? HE HAS CHOSEN THE SOMETHING! - vine soft bot - that guy from the walking dead screaming - sex is good but have you ever tried… - she … who  the girl reading this post discourse - memes with emoji hearts - open for a surprise - twitter do your thing - when you were out partying i was studying the blade - zootopia comics - if you play *song* at exactly *time* i will land on *part of song* and *something* for the beginning of 2018 - that girl crying and filming her breakdown because she got a ticket - vine compilations - can i get some uuuuuuuuuuuuuh something? something machine broke - “…..” i say into the mic the crowd boos. i begin to walk in shame off the stage, when a voice commands silence . “they’re right” there in the 5th row stands someone that relates to the 1st sentence - eating without ruining your lipstick vids - top 5 pussy - aphobe list - oh? haven't you heard? - i don't ... and at this point i'm too afraid to ask
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noahsfreckles · 6 years
Keeping Secrets from Strangers (7)
A few months have gone by and me and Jamey are closer than ever. We talk all day, everyday. We've watched so many movies together. I haven't ask to meet anymore, if he wants to meet he will say something, so I try not to think about it.  Kyle and I have started talking off and on. I remember talking to him about Jamey at Ace's but I don't remember much. I still have yet to meet Jason, he says he's really busy with work and meetings but maybe one day when he's free I can meet him.
Noah has posted a few pics;
                  He hasn't really said much on Twitter, just mostly random stuff. I think he might be filming a new movie, I wonder what this one will be about.
Lexi and I are currently hanging out in my room, deciding if we want to go out tonight or have a movie marathon. I think we're leaning towards marathon. We haven't hung out that much because of exams and all. So tonight is special.
"What series of movies should we marathon?" Lexi asks looking at my DVDs.
"Well we only have a couple we can do. Harry Potter? Saw? Transformers? Scream? Pirates of the Caribbean? Toy Story? Fast and the Furious? Wait I don't have the last ones of Pirates or Fast and the Furious."
"What has the least amount of movies?"
"Toy Story and Transformers."
"Let's do Toy Story cause I know one of us will fall asleep before the end." She glares at me after she says it.
"Hey I've been getting better at staying up, just ask Jamey."
"Where is he at today?" She asks as she gets the movie set up.
"He went to the gym of course, and I think now he's at work. He has really weird work schedule." 
"Have you talked to him on the phone yet?"
"No why?"
"Just wondering," Lexi says as she hops back on the bed. "Ready?"
I nod and she presses play on the remote.
A few hours go by and I'm still awake, granted it's only 12:30 am, Jamey has texted me twice. He's too cute.
Jamey🐱: thinking about you 💕 Jamey🐱: missing your beautiful face
I think I found a good one or he found me.
Lexi and Jamey have talked a few times over texts, mostly when I fall asleep on her or when I'm not around my phone. Lexi likes him so that's good.
Some days I wish I could actually meet him or see more pics of him but what can you do?
"Movie number three!" Lexi randomly says and scares me.
"Give me a heart attack."
"Just making sure you're still awake."
"I'm definitely awake now."
"Good, press play please."
I do as I'm ask when I receive a notification.
1 new Instagram post from Noah.
        Late nights suck. I miss you. 💔
"I think Noah has a girlfriend or a girl he's talking to," I turn to Lexi and show her the Instagram.
"Maybe it's you," she teases.
"Believe me if I was talking to Noah Centineo I would know."
"Mmhmm sure."
Jamey🐱: I'm on my way home.
I click the banner right away.
Mia: yaaaayyyy  Mia: btw I miss you too.
Jamey🐱: what should I get to eat?
I look at the clock; 12:52am.
Mia: umm what are you in the mood for?
Jamey🐱: do you really wanna know? 😉
Mia: Maybe 😏
Jamey🐱: avocado and hot sauce.
Mia: you are a strange boy
Jamey🐱: and something else.
Mia: what?
Jamey🐱: well it's something I can't eat.
Mia: ??
Jamey🐱: my bed.  Jamey🐱: with a special girl.  Jamey🐱: cuddling watching movies.
Mia: ☺️🥰☺️
"Are you blushing? Lexi says scaring me again.
"Yes you are! What is Jamey saying to you?"
Jamey🐱: 💕🥰💋
I start blushing more. Lexi grabs my phone and starts reading our texts and then starts typing.
"Lexi! Give it back!"
Mia: how do you expect cuddles when you haven't even met yet?
Jamey🐱: hi Lexi.  Jamey🐱: I was going make it a surprise but I was going to come to Starbucks tomorrow when you guys are there. 🙁
Mia: oh shit for real?
Jamey🐱: yeah.
"What are you saying to him?"
Lexi says nothing and hands me the phone back and I read it.
"Lexi you made him feel bad."
"I know and I feel like an ass now."
"Apologize maybe?"
I hand her back my phone and she starts typing again.
Mia: hey Jamey I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, I just don't want to see Mia sad again.
Jamey🐱: again?
Mia: that's her story to tell not mine. So I'm sorry again. Bye.
Jamey🐱: I accept your apology Lexi and I don't plan on making Mia sad. ♥️
Lexi hands me the phone back and I read it over.
Mia: you were going to surprise me tomorrow?!
Jamey🐱: yeaaaahhh 🙁
Mia: I'll act surprised if you do it. 😲
Jamey🐱: it's not going to be a real surprise though.
Mia: I know but I wanna see you and do all the things we talked about.
Jamey🐱: me too. 💕
Mia: will you still come?
Jamey🐱: I'll try. I don't want Lexi to murder me if I say I will and don't show up and you're sad again. 😕
Mia: okay.
Jamey🐱: don't be sad beautiful. I don't like when you're sad.
Mia: did you get your avocado and hot sauce?
Jamey🐱: walking out of the store with five of them.
Mia: you're going to turn into an 🥑
Jamey🐱: 😂😂
~ Noah posted a photo. ~
You give me feelings that I can't explain to you.
Jamey🐱: text you when I get home beautiful 💕
Mia: drive safe ♥️
Lexi and I finish watching the movie and she decides to go to sleep. We haven't really said anything to each other since she talked to Jamey. I'll talk to her in the morning.
Jamey🐱: 🥑🌶
Mia: 🤓
Jamey🐱: you gotta try it sometime. It's so good.
Mia: I will.  Mia: how was work?
Jamey🐱: long and boring. I would have rather stayed home and texted you all night.
Mia: I would rather have that too but you need money to spoil me with later and I was kinda busy tonight with Lexi.
Jamey🐱: so you're a gold digger. The truth comes out.  Jamey🐱: I'm glad you got to hang out with Lexi. Where is she if you're talking to me?
Mia: 😕 she feels like an ass after she talked to you and went to sleep.
Jamey🐱: I forgave her though.
Mia: I know 😕 I think she thinks I'm mad at her. I'm not though. She didn't know you were surprising me.
Jamey🐱: 😕 Jamey🐱: what are you doing tomorrow?
Mia: hopefully hanging out with a cute boy 🥰
Jamey🐱: sounds fun.
Mia: I think I'm going to sleep so I can be pretty for my meeting. 😉
Jamey🐱: night beautiful 💕
Mia: night 🤓
I plug in my phone and turn off the tv, I get comfortable in my covers and fall asleep. 
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noahsfreckles · 6 years
Keeping Secrets from Strangers (9)
A couple weeks have passed and Jamey and I haven't talked as much as we used to. He's been really busy and kinda distant. It still hurts that we didn't meet that day, but I did meet Noah so that's day wasn't a total waste.
Kyle and I have been texting a lot more. He's been traveling around the world, but he still finds time to talk to me. We talk about Jamey off and on, he still think he's an asshat for hurting me like he did but like I said life happens and we can't control everything.
Kyle: you busy?
Mia: nope just listening to music.
Kyle: whatcha listening to?
Mia: The Cosmic album by Bazzi.
Kyle: you and Noah are too similar
Mia: what? Why?
Kyle: he's been listening to that for weeks and he always has the weirdest playlists.
Mia: hey I liked that playlist he posted on Twitter.
Kyle: Noah?
Mia: yes.
Kyle: of course you do. 🙄
Mia: oh shush. What are you doing?
Kyle: staring at Noah dreamily ♥
Mia: and why are you doing that?
Kyle: cause he's so dreamy.  Kyle:
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Just look at him ♥♥
Mia: you are such a dork.
Kyle: he asked about you the other day...
Mia: ...what'd you say?
Kyle: he asked how you were doing since that asshat stood you up. I said you were doing okay. Has he texted you today?
Mia: no Mia: wait he just texted me.
Kyle: what'd he say?
Jamey🐱: missing us.
Mia to Kyle: he says he misses us.
Kyle: do you still like him as much as you did before?
Mia: yeah if not more. I just fell for him so hard it hurts to not talk to him all the time but I still hurt from when he more or less stood me up for a second time.
Mia to Jamey: I miss us too
Jamey🐱: can we talk tonight? I need to tell you something.
Mia: yeah I'm free tonight.
Kyle: I think you should tell him. He won't know unless you tell him how you feel.
Mia: I know 😕 it's just hard.
Kyle: I know babe but maybe he's hurting too.
Lexi🤪: I'm getting Chinese and alcohol and I'm coming over.
Mia: key is where it always is. 💕
Mia to Kyle: Lexi is coming over with food and alcohol.
Kyle: are you sure that's a good idea?
Mia: it's just a bottle of vodka. We always do this.
Kyle: if you're sure, I'm just trying to be a friend.
Mia: thanks Kyle. You're a great friend. ♥️
Chinese food and half a bottle later, we're re watching some random YouTube videos. I start laughing at the tv, and my phone vibrates. I grab it and continue laughing.
Noah posted a new photo.
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You always make me smile 💕
"Why is he so happy all the time?"
"Who?" Lexi asks after she take a drink from the bottle.
"Noah. He's always so smiley in his pics and post positive things."
"Maybe he just doesn't post when he's sad or whatever," Lexi says.
I grab the bottle and take a long drink, "Kyle said he asked about me the other day?"
"Yeah he said that Noah asked how I was, ya know after Jamey stood me up."
"And what did he say?"
"He told him I was doing okay. And then we started talking about Jamey cause he texted me and said he misses us. And I said I miss us too."
"Are you really doing okay?"
"I'm doing okay as I can, Lexi. I fell hard for someone I've only text. And I don't know how to tell him that I fell so much for him cause what if I scare him away. I don't wanna scare him away cause I like him so much. I don't know what to do Lexi. Should I tell him? Should I put my heart out there again? I don't want to be hurt again like I was with Travis that's why I don't try with guys. I feel like they will always cheat on me or break my heart. Kyle says I should try cause what if Jamey is hurting too."
"I think you should talk to him. Just see what he has to say to you. You don't have to be afraid to go for it. Jamey is different from Travis. He actually cares about you."
"If he cares so much why haven't I met him?"
"Maybe he's just as scared as you are. Maybe someone hurt him like you've been hurt."
I take another drink and say, "maybe."
Lexi takes the bottle away and has me lay down. "I think you need sleep honey. I don't want to see you cry. If you need me at all I'll be here."
I nod and snuggle in the blankets more and slowly nod off.
Mia fell right asleep after I took the bottle away. I feel so bad for her. I want her to be happy and I thought Jamey was going to be that person but after the day at Starbucks when he was supposed to show up and didn't, I know he did. Mia hasn't put it together yet but I did when Kyle came in and started to say Jason. I think Jason is Noah who in which is Jamey. Mia met Jamey after tweeting Noah about being a best friend and maybe that's what it started out as. Noah wanted someone to be his friend and not want to be his friend just because he's Noah Centineo, he wanted someone to know him as Noah/Jamey. And things got hard as they got closer. I was looking at her texts with her and she finally told me the truth and told me she did know what Jamey looked like and she showed me the pic.
Mia's phone dings and I lean over her to grab it off the side table, she told me earlier that Jamey was going to tell her something and I really hoped it was the truth about who he really is but I don't know. I personally wouldn't want to find out via text.
Jamey🐱: hey beautiful 💕 Jamey🐱: are you still up?
I grab my phone and copy his number to mine.
Lexi: hey Jamey it's Lexi. Mia is sleeping but I need to talk to you.
Jamey: hi Lexi. What's up?
Lexi: meet me at the Waffle House on 3rd or I tell her the truth and she hates you forever.
Jamey: what truth?
Lexi: who you really are.
Jamey doesn't say anything after that. I quietly get out of bed and I leave my shirt that I'm wearing on and grab my leggings and slip on some shoes and head out.
Ten minutes later I arrive and go inside getting us a table in the back not around anyone so we can privately talk.
I hear the door ding and I see Noah and Kyle walk in.
"Hello boys," I say coldly.
They sit down across from me and look at me.
"I just wanna know why."
Noah looks at me biting his lip and then looks at Kyle.
"First of all it was sorta my idea," Kyle starts. "Not my idea to hurt either of my friends but to help Noah find someone who would like him or get to know him for himself and not Noah Centineo."
I nod and let him continue but Noah cuts in.
"At first it was just a normal friendship but then something changed. She was just so nice and my type of girl, I didn't mean to fall for her. I just wanted a friend to talk to but the more I got to know her the more I started to feel something for her. I couldn't help myself."
"I tried to tell him to tell her but he was just so afraid to tell her and then lose her," Kyle says.
"I can't lose her," Noah says.
"And she can't lose you. I have something to play for you. She doesn't know I have this but you know what they say, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart." I pull out my phone and play our conversation before Mia fell asleep. (See bold message from above)
Noah drops his head and groans. "Why am I such an asshat? I should have just told her at Starbucks, I was just so scared. I didn't mean for you guys to see me. I told Kyle he should have went in but I went in. She looked so happy to see me as Noah and I didn't wanna ruin it by telling her the truth. But not telling her made everything bad. I hurt her. I hurt our friendship. I hurt whatever chance I had with her."
Kyle grabs his shoulder, "You just need to talk to her and explain everything. Have her see why you did it."
"So she has no idea?" Noah asks me.
"I don't think so. She didn't realize it from the photo, though you did make it a little difficult by cover half your face and making it black and white. And I just found out about the picture like two hours ago before while she was downing half a bottle of vodka."
"I fucked up so much," Noah says.
"Noah?" I say and reach across the table to touch his arm. "You didn't fuck up that much, you can easily fix it."
"Will you two help me?" Noah asks and looks at me and Kyle.
"Of course bro," Kyle says.
"And that's why I'm here," I say. "You make her so happy. I haven't seen her this happy in forever."
"Thanks guys," Noah says and smiles.
"I do have a couple more question though."
"Where were you when you first were going to come meet her?"
"My agent called me as I was getting ready and needed to see me ASAP. I couldn't just say no. I really was going to come."
I nod my head, "why did you guys show up on Sunday? You knew about Starbucks and Sunday's."
"Honestly I didn't even see her Jeep. I thought if we came later in the day you guys wouldn't be there. And once I heard her say my name I wasn't thinking. I wanted to tell her then but I couldn't. Kyle almost ruined everything by saying Jason." He moves his hand to his neck and rubs it. "I don't even know why that lie started."
"So when you," I direct my attention to Kyle, "were at Ace's, you were there too?" I ask looking at Noah then.
"Just tell her. She needs to know everything," Kyle encourages.
Noah bites his lip and nods. "She stole my hat."
I just start laughing. I don't know why I just start.
"I was so mad when you dragged her away but so happy in a way. I knew who she was as soon as she danced over. I didn't want her to find out she was dancing with me but I wanted her to stay but we were both a little too intoxicated. And I almost took things too far."
"I think she's going to die when she finds that out. She remembers almost everything from that night."
Noah groans and Kyle laughs.
"Don't think too much into it. She'll be okay," I look at Noah. "She enjoyed herself and according to her, you did too.
Noah groans again causing us both to laugh.
"When I saw her in the hat I almost asked for it back." Noah says.
"I'm glad you didn't cause this would even be more fucked up than it is now." Kyle says.
"Your Instagram and tweets has been about her obviously." I say.
"Obviously. She drives me insane. I just wanna tell her but not ruin everything."
"What you were going to tell her tonight?" I ask.
"I was more or less gonna ask her to meet me somewhere and explain everything to her but it got so late, I was going to tell her tomorrow."
I nod, "I will tell you a secret with her," I look at Noah, "if she says she needs space, give her space. Let her come to you."
"And you mister," I look at Kyle, "she's going to be pretty mad/upset with you."
"What? Why?"
"You knew this whole time and didn't say anything to her and you're supposed to be her friend and you're friends with this one," I point to Noah. "Let her have space like I told him, she will probably not talk to you for a few days but she will come to you. Be gentle with her."
They both nod.
"I better head back just in case she wakes up and needs me," I say and start to get up.
"Thanks for kicking my ass without really kicking it," Noah jokes.
"Oh I'll be really kicking your ass if you hurt her anymore, Centineo."
"She's feisty, I like her," Kyle jokes.
"Don't think you're off the hook boy, I'll kick your ass with his since you started this."
Noah just starts laughing when Kyle hides his face from me.
I laugh and tell the guys good night and head back to Mia's. I successfully get back to her house and into her bed without waking her up.
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noahsfreckles · 5 years
Keeping Secrets from Strangers (18)
"Kyyyyyyyyllllllllleeeeeeeee," I whine at him while we're on a FaceTime call with Lexi. "Tell me where he's taking me."
He just laughs and says, "I can't tell you cause he'll murder me for spoiling the surprise."
I look at my computer cam and pout.
"Noah pouts better than you," Kyle says and smirks.
"I am only talking to Lexi now. Hi babe."
"Hi honey. Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
"I am but I'm not. I wouldn't be as nervous as I am if someone, cough cough Kyle would just tell me."
He laughs.
"I know Kyle is an asshat," Lexi says and we laugh.
"I'll tell you what you need to wear," Kyle says and I look at the cam again.
"Oh hey Kyle didn't see you there."
"Noah said I can only tell you this and only this."
"What? What? What?"
"He said that you will be outside for part of the night so dress warmly."
"That helps me none. Ugh."
"Don't worry I'm coming over to help you pick out an outfit," Lexi says and smiles.
"And that's why you're my bestie and we need to gossip where a certain person can't hear."
"Why can't I hear?" Kyle asks.
"Do you wanna head about your best friend's girlfriend's underwear?"
His eyes go wide and he shakes his head no a lot.
"That's what I thought."
"One time was."
"Why are you yelling at me?"
"What don't I know Mia?" Lexi glares at me through the screen.
"Coming mom, sorry guys gotta go."
"Mia, you're mom isn't even home."
"Bye!" I end the call on my side and start laughing.
My phone dings a few times and I know who it is automatically, I pick up my phone and look at the messages.
Lexi🤪: you better tell me what Kyle knows Lexi🤪: did he catch you and Noah 🍩🍆?! Lexi🤪: I know you're reading these.
Mia: I'll tell you tomorrow I promise.
Lexi🤪: you better!
Around ten that night I finally hear from Noah. He's been filming most of the day and hasn't had much time to text me.
Noah🧸: hey beautiful  Noah🧸: what are you doing?
Mia: just watching some YouTube videos
Noah🧸: anything special can I steal you away?
Mia: steal me away, babe
FaceTime call from Noah🧸 answer/decline
"Hi baby. I've missed you," Noah says as soon as he sees me.
"Hi. Are you driving?"
"No. Well yes but no, I'm in the apartment garage."
"Oh okay. I missed you too."
I can see Noah getting out of his jeep and grabbing a few things from the passenger seat. "Okay sorry, I can talk. Had to get some supplies for tomorrow."
I groan and pout at the phone.
"What's wrong?"
"I wanna know where we're going tomorrow."
"Don't you want it to be a surprise?"
"Yes but no but yes."
"I can tell you one place if you want?"
"Please," I pout at the phone.
"Well if the first part of the date goes well I plan on taking you to the roof."
"So you can kill me, great. You and Kyle suck at clues."
He laughs, "what did Kyle say?"
"That you said we would be outside for part of the date so dress warmly."
He rolls his eyes. "Do you wanna see the roof?"
"Only if you want to, I don't want to ruin the surprise."
I can see him walking to the elevator, a moment later he flips the camera and I can see the roof. There's a pool and like four hot tubs.
"So you plan on drowning me."
"No, I wanted to relax with you in one. You know if the first part of the date goes well."
"I'll bring a suit, you know just in case, but should I dress warm or was that what Kyle was talking about? I'm so confused," I pout.
"Bring a suit and dress dressy casual."
"Thank you and I almost killed Kyle today. I haven't had time to talk to Lexi, girl talk and he almost brought up the breakfast accident."
He laughs.
"It's not funny Noah."
"I know baby, I'm sorry."
"Where are you?"
He flips the camera again and shows me the bedroom.
"Are you going to bed?"
"No just getting ready, hold on baby."
I see him standing in the camera frame, he strips off his shirt and I bite my bottom lip, then his jeans and slides on some sweats.
"Okay back."
"You are such a fucking tease, Mr. Centineo."
"Says the queen of teasing."
"When have I teased you?"
"When haven't you? If you didn't notice I had a boner the whole time you were over the weekend."
"Oh I not-. I mean really?"
"Definitely. Wait you haven't told Lexi about anything that happened?"
"Well I told her almost everything when she brought me clothes, I didn't wanna have the other stuff said in public cause I know she is."
"Yeah. What did my beautiful girl do all day?"
"I got all my homework done for the week so I can have all weekend free to spend with someone."
"Oh who's the lucky person?"
"Well he has brown curly hair, that I love to run my fingers through. The most beautiful hazel eyes that I get lost in every time I see him."
Noah pats his eyes at the camera and I laugh.
"And don't even get me started on his..." I tease.
"His what?"
I lick my lips, teasing him a little and then I bite my bottom lip. "His lips."
"What's so special about them?"
"When he kisses me with them, they do things to me that aren't legal."
"What kind of illegal stuff?" He asks and licks his lips.
I lean closer to my laptop and whisper, "illegal things."
He groans at me and I giggle.
"No but for real Noah, they drive me insane." I say and look at the camera.
"That's my line," he says and laughs.
I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs again.
"Wanna know what I did all day?"
"Of course. What?"
"I missed my beautiful girlfriend."
I blush and look down, then I look up at the screen. "Anything else?"
"And I missed her beautiful smile, eyes and her..."
"And her what?" I know he's only doing this cause I did it to him.
"Her laugh." He says and makes a face at me causing me to laugh.
"You're a dork, you know that right?"
"Yup," he says popping the p. "Doing anything special for the rest of the night?"
"I was going to take a bath and relax before my date tomorrow."
"Can I join you?" He looks at the camera and winks.
"No peaking through the curtain for you."
He pouts and I smile, "but..."
"You may join me until it's ready," I get off the bed and go into my bathroom. I start running a bath. "Bubbles?"
"Of course."
I pour some in the water and put the bottle back on the shelf. I walk over to the closet, getting a towel, I place it on the hook by the tub.
I move laptop on the counter, looking back at it and smirk, I slowly pull off my shorts, leaving them on the floor. I watch Noah's face go from curious to serious. I walk closer to the laptop and slowly pulling up my his sweatshirt then close my laptop when I show the bottom of my undies.
I laugh and finish undressing waiting for a response from him. I grab my phone and place it on the floor by the tub as I get in.
My phone dings after a few minutes and I laugh, I reach out, looking at the notification.
1 new Instagram post from @ncent
I click the notification and let Instagram open up.
You think you're funny. 😑🙄
I start laughing then get an idea.
Tumblr media
        Taking a relaxing bath. 🧸
I post the pic to instagram and sit my phone back on the floor. I continue to relax in my bubble bath when about ten minutes later I get another notification. I pick up my phone and press the notification.
Tumblr media
        Taking a relaxing bath. 💕
I laugh and shake my head. Once I finish my bath, I get out and go get dressed; pink cheekie and Noah's purple hoodie I stole after the shower. I go back in the bathroom and grab my phone and laptop, bringing them both to the bed.
I get under the blankets and set my laptop next to me. I click my FaceTime app and click Noah's name and wait.
He answers on the fifth ring. He looks at the camera and smirks.
"Why do you look wet?" I ask.
"Well I was having an innocent conversation with my girlfriend while she was getting ready for a bath and then she flipped it on me and I had to go."
"Go what?"
"Don't make me say it."
"Say what?" I tease.
"I had to go shower and get off cause you drive me fucking insane."  I blush a little at his words.
I giggle, "thank you."
"No thank you.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Of course. Wanna finish 50 first dates or something new?"
"Lets watch something new, like To All the Boys I've Loved Before."
"You would watch a movie with you in it?"
"If that's what you want then yes."
"Aww but I don't want to see you kiss other girls."
"Then we won't watch it. How about Coco? You always talk about wanting to watch that but never do."
"And that's why you're my boyfriend."
"I thought it was because you love my...lips."
"I never said love, I said they do illegal things to me." I stick my tongue out at him.
"Whatever Mia." He rolls his eyes at me and I giggle.
"Of course."
"3, 2, 1, play."
And that's how we spend the rest of the night, until one of us falls asleep on the other.
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