#something something Eris is the first one outside the night court to officially meet Azriel
somnas-writes · 4 months
Sharing my writing on this website feels weird but
Imagine an Azriel that doesn’t exist. He’s a ghost in the eyes of the world, he isn’t known publicly, by the courts or even by his closest friends.
His job is the night courts spy, his job is to be sneaky and unknown, so why would he be a public figure? Why would there be records of his existence?
There are rumors about a male made of shadow, it’s a horror story maids tell the children of lords, so they behave. It’s an urban legend among the higher fae, the night courts monster that has no problem going undetected through your wards.
The high lords have a suspicion that a shadow spymaster exists, but they’ve never seen him nor do they have any proof.
Azriel who makes appearances as often as the planets align, whose existence is only confirmed to the Inner Circle of the night court. Even then, they rarely meet face to face, only relying messages through letters and notes.
An azriel who doesn’t exist, but desperately wants to.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 6 months
Bad Idea, Right? - Part 8
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
If things go according to plan, Eris and Y/N’s first official date could end in hot, steamy sex. Or, it could end in complete and utter chaos - because when do things ever go according to plan? Azriel almost has a good time, until he doesn’t. We also FINALLY meet Tamlin’s daughter.
Part 7 Part 7.5 Headcanon
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Warnings: Alcohol, language, smutty content, assault with non-consensual kissing, breeding kink (kind of)
An evening breeze blew through Velaris sending a slight chill through the champagne golden silk dress I’d chosen for the evening. A caress of warmth rose up from the fingers I’d threaded through Eris’, heat continuing up my arm and throughout my body, counteracting the mild chill.
When he’d shown up to my door right on time, dressed in a deep forest green tailored suit with the top unbuttoned and a turtleneck that was - For one, so perfectly molded to his torso that I practically salivated as fantasies of licking his abs flashed through my mind. And two, conveniently matched my dress perfectly - I almost said “Fuck the date.” and jumped on him then and there.
He’d arrived carrying three things. A bouquet of hydrangeas for my mother, symbolizing gratitude for her grace with the current situation. Freesia bulbs for my little sister to add to her Sprite garden if she wished, a symbol of friendship. I realized the double meaning of it, to draw in sprites with wishes for friendship but also to symbolize their new budding friendship. My mother smiled softly as she realized it too.
For me, he’d brought a “Fire Poppy”, apparently native to his court. His hesitance to express the meaning of the flowers, told me enough. Fire. Passion. But the incredibly faint dust of pink on his freckled cheeks left me wondering if perhaps there was something more.
Father only appeared at the last moment to kiss my forehead and likely give a seething look toward Eris while doing so that warned, Just because I haven’t killed you yet doesn’t mean I won’t. Eris paid no mind.
And now here we were, walking through the streets of Velaris hand in hand. Eris’ focus remained intently upon me as I pointed out various shops that I would frequent. I pointed out one that I loved as a child and Azalea still adored. The window was decorated with paint splatters of primary colors that blended together into a rainbow mirroring the Sidra and inside floated hundreds of miniature fae lights imitating the skies of Night Court.
Eris paused as we stood before the shop. “Can we take a look inside?”
“Why?” I asked, genuinely perplexed by his interest in this shop of all the ones we’d wandered past.
“It’s a surprise.” He stated.
Because why would anything with Eris be anything but secretive?
Eris read my responding roll of the eyes for exactly what it was. “Surely you realize there is a difference between a surprise and a secret?”
I couldn’t help myself. “Many of your secrets have left me feeling quite surprised, Eris. Certainly you would realize that?”
He huffed a silent laugh leaving me on the street to go into the store. Set in my stubborn ways, I refused to let him win and stood outside waiting.
Eris was back by my side eight minutes later with a small canvas bag. I raised an eyebrow. “What’d you get?”
“Ah, if you wanted to know, you could have come in with me. Guess it’s my secret to keep.”
“Mother spare me. You are insufferable.” I muttered stepping ahead of him down the street. His long strides caught up with mine within a few steps.
He once again wound his fingers through mine. “You love it.”
And I hated that it was true.
“You’re not going to tell me what you got?”
“Just a gift for a friend.”
Eris had reserved a table at Sevenda’s where Sevenda herself eagerly greeted us. She ushered us to a private section of the restaurant, lit with candles and within earshot of a performing pianist. She’d kissed me on the cheek and given Eris a respectful bow of the head before bringing out a mouthwatering appetizer of some delectable cheese sauce she’d recently added to her menu.
The secluded setting of our table, incandescent glow flickering off the candles, and soft melody floating in from the piano, all flowed together into a very intimate setting. Strange that I had bared myself to this male so many times, and performed every sexual act imaginable with him, yet I’d never felt so exposed to him as I did in this very moment.
Eris checked his blazer, and gods… I only ever wanted to see him in fitted turtle necks or absolutely fucking nothing again. The male was delicious and his gaze…. He was greedily drinking me in as if he’d splay me out on the table itself and feast. There was no way he couldn’t smell the arousal pouring off of me. I sure as hell could smell his, and it was far more mouthwatering than any of the glorious spices wafting through the restaurant.
Before I could give in to my instincts, Eris’ low tone interrupted. “If you keep looking at me like that, Y/N, I’m not going to make it through this dinner.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to.”
He audibly groaned. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
Just as our mutual eye fucking grew so intense that I genuinely wondered if Eris really was about take me then and there, our waiter approached with a bottle of the Inner Circle’s favorite wine. “Compliments of the High Lord.” Making eye contact with Eris, the male suddenly seemed to remember who he was in the presence of as he uncomfortably cleared his throat, “of the Night Court.”
Eris paid no mind and thanked the waiter. Surprise crossed the males face as Eris took the bottle from him and poured our glasses himself.
When the waiter took our orders and returned to the kitchen, Eris’ gaze returned to me. His eyes again roving over my body but lingering on my face. He smirked when he realized I was flushing under his intense eyes. “Are you nervous, little Shadowsinger?” He asked. His tone predatory.
I took the opportunity to send a shadow to caress the shell of his ear, effectively shutting him up.
“Now that we’re alone,” I ran my foot up the length of his leg, stopping the journey just short of where I so desperately wanted to feel him. “How long have you had an an apartment here and why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Ahh yes, excellent talk for a first date.” Eris mused, raising the wine glass to his plush lips and taking a long, slow sip before continuing. “Perhaps, I wanted a place to see you without you having to travel through multiple courts to find me.”
“Do you not wish for me to come to the Autumn Keep any longer?”
Eris’ change in tone took me by surprise as it became stern, the voice of a High Lord and not the bedroom voice of my lover. “Don’t you dare think that for a second. There’s nothing mo-“
He stopped himself mid-sentence shifting uncomfortably. “I enjoy your presence in my keep, in my bed, Y/N. But I also like to have the opportunity to visit you in your home court.”
My heartbeat quickened at the power flowing off of him, the desire in his amber eyes.
“So, Rhys was totally fine with you having a place here, just to hook up with his niece?”
“Diplomacy, darling. It is far easier to have a place here for times that negotiations and other meetings run over. It also benefits him to be able to have eyes on a fellow High Lord, no? It was not a difficult matter to convince him.
And I was going to tell you, you just happened to pick up the hobby of drunkenly wandering the streets before I had the opportunity.”
“I was fine.”
I was not fine. He knew it. I knew it. I was borderline feral that night.
“It wasn’t you I was concerned about. It was the poor citizens running the other way, screaming of a rabid, shadow-creature roaming Velaris in search of its next meal.”
I smiled. “For the second time this evening, Eris Vanserra, you are insufferable.”
“And again, little one, you love it.”
I rolled my eyes and took a swig of wine.
She was fucking captivating. Eris drunk in every detail of Y/N like she was the wine flowing from her glass.
She had to know she looked like a goddess. Had he told her? She could read him like a well-adored book at this point. She read every look he gave her without him needing to speak a word. I want you. You’re perfect. I need you. You’re more perfect than I ever dared dream. I would kiss the earth you walked on if you only asked.
Shit, could she read that all on his face? Should he tell her how damned gorgeous she was or would she give him that all-too-enticing look of “Spare me the compliments, High Lord, you can strip and ravish me once we’re alone.”
And gods, he was going to. He had plans for his little Shadowsinger tonight, plans involving carefully undressing her and pressing kisses to her silken skin, replacing each bit of fabric slipping off of her body with a press of his lips. Instead of burning that lovely little number that was hugging her mouth-watering curves, he would proudly display it in the Autumn Court’s archives. He was a romantic, after all.
Of course, before putting it behind glass for safe keeping, he’d be binding those pretty little wrists behind her back with said dress. He was also a deviant.
As for his plans after that? They were far too filthy to fantasize about at the table.
“Your aroma is rather fragrant.” Her teasing voice broke him from his thoughts.
“And you’re rather intoxicating. We make quite the pair, love.”
And there it was - the little blush she always tried so hard to hide from him.
If just the term “love” brought that to her face, what lovely shades of pink would her cheeks light up with if he laid it all out right now? If he told her how she’d fucking ruined him for anyone else? That to taste her was to taste the nectar of the gods? That he was so hopelessly in love with her that there was no crawling out of this pit of desire, and he’d sooner drown in his need for her than ever swim up for air.
The urge to do just that frightened him. Why did he think this date was a good idea? As far as his self control went, it was a terrible idea. And as far as he cared at this point, it was the best idea. He was here, in front of her, and nothing else mattered.
Eris had always thought himself better than the primitive beasts fae turned into when it came to their mates. But he truly realized how wrong he was when after dinner, Y/N had requested to walk very slowly along the river until her stomach wasn’t, as she so elegantly stated it, “bursting at the seams.”
Given that after the wonderful meal they’d devoured, he too was struggling, he obliged her, draping his suit’s jacket as well as his arm over her shoulders. She pressed a hand to her very, very, slightly bloated abdomen, in an effort of easing the discomfort. Such a simple gesture that should have meant absolutely nothing but….
An inferno blazed within him at the thought of her glowing with a round belly, the mating bond’s most primal instinct roaring at him to winnow her away immediately and fill her so utterly full of him that there would be no questioning of whose she was. His.
He prayed to the mother or whomever would listen that the breeze would blow the sickeningly strong scent of his arousal far away.
The gallery was packed. Unsurprisingly, anyone and everyone wanted to come out to brush elbows with the Inner Circle and who could blame them? Unlike the other courts of Prythian, Uncle Rhys and Aunt Feyre actually interacted with their people. Well, the people of Velaris at least. Feyre was respected as High Lady but she was revered as an artist. Proceeds from her own work went directly back into the arts district.
“Beautiful.” Eris mused approaching a work of art toward the back wall but keeping his eyes on me. I sipped the champagne an attendant handed me upon arrival, needing it to get through the rest of this evening.
Especially needing it to get through the work of art he was approaching.
“This.” Eris motioned toward the piece, “is stunning.”
“It’s not for sale. Just a work from one of Feyre’s students.”
The art, featuring darkness floating upward from the bottom and a blaze falling from the top, intertwining with licks and whirls of flame and shadow in the middle.
“Cost is of no concern to me, little one. I need it.”
A sing-song voice came from behind us. “It’s magnificent isn’t it?” Feyre asked.
“What can I do to acquire such a fine piece of art?”
“You’ll have to ask the artist.” She nodded toward me.
“Aww, come on my lovely niece. Think of all the supplies it could fund.”
“You’re a busybody.”
She only gave an airy laugh before disconnecting the mental bond and returning to the attendees.
“Wouldn’t it look lovely displayed for all of my court to see?”
My gut lurched and I wasn’t sure if it was from imposter syndrome or excitement.
“Fine.” I’ll make a deal with you, Eris Vanserra. He raised an eyebrow. “This art is very personal to me. And despite the fact that it is hanging in the gallery, I want it to be for your eyes only. Do you agree to hang it in your chambers?”
Eris gave a faux pout. “And not show my lovely lady’s art for all the world to admire?”
My heart raced as I quipped too quickly, not allowing the time to change my mind. “Perhaps I only want to be yours to admire.”
Eris visibly gaped at the statement and my heart sank. Had I read all of his adoration wrong? Was I going to humiliate myself just as I had two years ago when he’d left me on the dance floor and I swore I’d never let him have that power over me again?
He swallowed a lump in his throat. His voice breaking slightly. “And your payment terms?”
“Oh you’ll be paying out the ass for it.”
He grinned. “As one does for the finest things in life. I’ll take it.”
A beat of silence.
“And I’ll take you too, if you’ll have me.”
And with that he leaned in to kiss me, soft and hard, fervently and slowly, wanting more yet only needing this.
A throat cleared behind us as father interrupted. He looked to me and to the art behind me.
“I never realized….” He spoke softly as he took in the work.
I flushed, the work now feeling far too intimate under his gaze.
My father turned to Eris. “You’re purchasing this?”
Eris nodded. “A worthy investment, yes?”
My father remained tense but something in his eyes softened. “A very worthy investment.”
Father leaned in to kiss my forehead. “Enjoy your night sweetheart.”
It was at that moment Adish appeared, his Day Court friends Hem and Apollo in tow along with Nyx and a female I’d never seen before. Nyx looked in my direction with a wink as he saw the piece Eris and I stood before, before heading with the group for glasses of champagne.
Eris spoke, “I’m going to speak with Feyre regarding reservation of the piece before anyone else tries to snag it out from under me.”
“It’s not for sale, Eris. Nobody else would be able to purchase it.”
He pressed his warm lips into mine. “I won’t risk a good thing.”
I blushed, dismissing him.
Nursing my champagne, I perused the various pieces decorating the gallery walls when a female voice came from behind me. “If you wanted your father’s attention, there are better ways than whoring yourself to Autumn Court trash.”
I turned around to see the female Nyx had entered with. Her dark hair and blue eyes fooling nobody. Clever little shapeshifter.
“And I didn’t realize your father was in the habit of allowing females to leave his manor.”
She grinned. “Oh come on, he locked her in ONE time...or at least that’s what he tells me. He really can be an overbearing asshole sometimes.”
I laughed. “I missed you so much, you bitch. Nyx needs to stop hoarding you.”
“Please” she scoffed. “I don’t need Tamlin and Rhys’ melodrama to complicate things.”
“Ha, I’m sure Nyx filled you in on all of the drama in my world recently.”
She lifted an eyebrow. “Oh yes, I’ve been living vicariously through your escapades.”
She leaned in to hug me. “So” I took in the brown hair she’d chosen for the evening. “Does the carpet match the drapes?”
“Why don’t you find out?”
“Mmm, as enticing as that would be. I prefer your blonde hair and green eyes. It does something for me.”
“It does something for Nyx too.”
I pretended to vomit before Nyx stepped in. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to spend time with my lady before she decides to leave with you instead and I get stuck with the fireling.”
“He’s quite fun, Nyx. I’m sure you’d enjoy the ride.”
Nyx choked on his drink and whisked Layla away with him, leaving me to take in the art in peace.
A few more minutes passed and my shadows grew restless as if contemplating the same thing as me: Eris should be back by now.
Feyre had returned to the gallery with no Eris in sight. I searched, passing Adish and Apollo, my parents and Azalea, Rhys and Feyre, Cassian and Nesta, even Amren, but no Eris.
Had he left? Did I scare him away?
No, his response was sincere. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t, right?
I walked down a quiet hallway, stepping away from the crowd. “Eris?” I whispered into the quiet of the hall.
Two shadows returned with no information but another returned frantic. “Bad.” “Go.”
I hurried in the direction my shadows shot out, winding further and further down the hall.
My heart stopped. In front of me was the radiant, gorgeous Hemera, pressed up against my man. Lips crashing into his.
“Bad.” My shadow repeated. Whirling to show me something.
Eris saw me and his eyes blew wide, shaking his head.
Hemera turned, wicked grin contorting her gorgeous features into something cruel.
“Sorry, hon. He’s just so needy and so pretty. Can you blame me?”
Did this bitch really think I’d simper and turn away? Oh no. My shadows continued their whispers.
A sliver of silver caught the dim lights shining down upon them, a blade held to Eris’ neck.
Eris stared at me wide eyed as my shadows erupted into a frenzy around me in effort to distract the Day Court female.
She jolted and her blade knicked his neck and I felt a sudden spike of fear in my gut but the fear, it didn’t come from me. It was coming from…. Eris.
Holy shit.
Willing all of my power to the surface, my tone turned cold, dangerous. “I suggest you step away from my mate.”
The High Lord of the Autumn Court. Eris fucking Vanserra. My mate.
I gave a tug in return to his emotions. A gentle reminder that I had this under control and he instantly tugged back.
He knew. Holy shit, he had known.
I could be angry later, now I needed to save his ass.
A commotion came from behind me. Adish and Apollo rushing in. “What the-“ Adish started. “Sorry, friend.” Apollo spoke before the fucker cast a sedation spell on him.
Apollo towered over me. “You weren’t supposed to find them. For what it’s worth, you would have been a great friend.”
He moved, but I moved faster. Sending a blast of power knocking the male on his ass. My shadows binding him.
“You talk too much.” I spat.
Turning back to Hem and Eris she held him in front of her. “Don’t make me kill him.” She spoke. Now using him as a shield. With his front exposed, I could see the shackles around his wrists. “This could go much more easily if you let me leave here with him. Why do you want a cheating male? You deserve better than that.”
I needed time to assess. My shadows busy with Apollo. Fuck. This was bad.
I laughed. “I hardly call you forcing yourself upon him ‘cheating’, in fact most would call that ‘assault’. And I have no patience for those who force themselves upon others.”
Just then a flurry of shadows shot into the room, ripping Hem’s wrist and dagger from Eris’ throat. My father winnowed into the room. No, this wasn’t my father. This was the feared Shadowsinger, the infamous Spymaster of the Night Court. His tone promised death as he commanded Hem to step away from Eris. She fought his demand, shaking with fear as she remained in place. “Please, you don’t understand. My father is wrongfully imprisoned in HIS court.”
“And this is how you feel it best to approach?” Father stepped closer, a thick, violent air emanating from him. “I will ask you one final time to step away from the High Lord.”
Hemera knew she was no match as she dropped the knife stepping back away from Eris.
Eris ran to me, in an attempt to shield me from any fallout but there was no more danger as father’s shadows apprehended the female.
Rhys and Feyre raced into the room, Nesta and Cassian on their tail.
Rhys whispered to Feyre. “Let Elain know it’s handled.”
Feyre’s gaze went distant as she communicated to my mother.
Rhys commanded Apollo to remove the sedation spell from Adish as Cassian jerked the apprehended male off the ground.
Nesta’s eyes flared with silver as she stared down Hemera before apprehending her as well. My mother and sister rushed in as we followed Rhys down to the gallery basement toward an empty office where the two would be held until Helion arrived. Since they were denizens of his court, it was only right to determine the next steps with him.
As the group strode toward the office, Azalea began tugging at my sleeve. “Sissy.”
“Not now, Azzie.”
She gasped, her little legs trying to keep up. “Sissy, please.”
“Just a minute, Azzie”
I felt guilty for ignoring her but my mind was coming out of the adrenaline state it had been in and my heart racing with rage and shock as I processed the revelation that Eris was my mate. That he knew and didn’t tell me.
Ironic considering that I always found Aunt Feyre and Aunt Nesta to be overly dramatic for their reactions to finding out about their own mates.
They were good, loving males who had enough money to live in lavish comfort for all of their days, and were highly regarded among the people of Velaris. How terrible.
Yet here I was. Fuming. Humiliated. That this male, a gorgeous High Lord and a damn good one at that, with a far softer heart than he’d ever let the world see, courted me because I was his mate.
I thought he wanted me for me.
“Sissy-“ Azalea drew me from my thoughts once again. “What?” I finally asked, raising my voice. But it was too late as the door to the empty office was opened, only to unveil a half naked Nyx, trousers unlaced, his body pinning a no longer shifted Layla with the bottom of her dress hiked up, and breasts fully exposed.
Nyx gaped. Eyes wide and frantic. I sent my shadows out to shield them, my father’s following suit, my hand instantly covering Azalea’s eyes.
Layla only pulled her dress up over her tits as she let out a laugh. “Whoops, we thought this room was unused.”
“I tried to tell you.” Azalea’s little voice whispered.
Darkness erupted through the room as Rhys clenched his fists. “What the fuck?” He growled out to Nyx.
My father only grinned, not caring who saw the smug satisfaction on his face. Fully conveying the look of that’s how it feels, you pompous asshole. Get it now? How’s it feel to be humiliated in front of an audience by the unconventional partner your child has chosen to fuck.
Feyre only covered her mouth, stifling a giggle at the situation. Nesta and mother quietly giggling with her.
I used the distraction to remove the enchanted shackles that were still stifling Eris’ power and apparently his ability to speak.
Fury blazed within me, my restraint failing as I spat out my next words much louder than intended.
“How long, Eris?”
Guilt flooded his features, his head hanging low.
“How. Long? How long have you known that I’m your mate?”
My father choked. The shit-eating grin instantly fading from his face, jaw and fists clenching.
A pitiful sound escaped Eris. “Since the first night… in the alley.”
“Wow.” was all I could manage as the walls began closing in around me.
I stepped away but Eris grabbed my wrist. “Please, Y/N. Just hear me out.” his broken voice pleaded. I couldn’t think. I needed space. Needed to breathe.
“Mom.” I looked to my mother. “Can we go home?”
She gave an empathetic look to Eris. “Come on, Azalea.” She reached out a hand. “Sissy needs us.”
Azalea looked to Eris, letting out a “hmph” as she scrunched her nose and crossed her arms. “That was bad.” She scolded, little wings ruffling with each word.
His face crumpled further as his little friend glared at him with disdain, words failing as she stuck her tongue out and winnowed away with mother.
“I love you.” was the last thing I heard as I spirited away.
A/N: I have had so much fun writing this series! Part 9 will be the final chapter but I may eventually give our main character a name and add a few spin off chapters as well. If that would be of interested to you, let me know!
ACOTAR list: @lilah-asteria
Eris list: @angiedsv
Series list: @b0xerdancer-writes @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy @thelov3lybookworm @starryhiraeth @5moremin @azrielsmate3 @coolepowersthings @isa1b2h3 @inloveallthetime @julesofvolterra @deeshag @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @courtofbatboydreams @yourmumsdumptruck @nebarious @glitterypirateduck @mybestfriendmademe
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ellievickstar · 10 months
A/N: This took me way too long to write- I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is Part 2 of Deserving, but it can be read as a standalone. This was written as a more self-indulgent fic and I might write an alternative part 2 that is sadder if you guys really want. Love you all <3
Summary: After years, you are happy, you have moved on. But what about the other half that you have abandoned? What about tthe one who hurt you most when all you needed was his help?
Request: N/A
Pairing: Azriel x Reader (Past), Eris Vanserra x Reader (Current)
Warnings: Angst (as usual), being married to Eris (ig for some of y'all that's an ick), mentions of Beron (bleh), really nothing else tbh please tell me if there is anything i should add.
"How have you been?" The High Lady of the Night Court sat opposite to you as you sipped at the tea that your dearest husband had provided. It had been over five years since you had left the Nigh Court, over ten years that you decided to find new purpose here. In Autumn Court. After Beron had died and Eris Vanserra had been announced as the new High Lord, you had originally gone over as an ambassador with Lucien, but after a few interactions with the now Autumn High Lord you had decided to stay. And now you were married.
"I’ve been well Feyre. Eris still treats me like a queen and I am always taken care of, he insists I always rest even though I do want to contribute and work, though he does relent on letting me participate in political meetings and interacting with the larger part of the court. He thinks they like me more than they like him," You smiled warmly as you thought of your relationship with the High Lord of the Night Court. Although it hadn’t been officially announced yet, due to the fact that Eris had to get rid of a few corrupt lords in who had been loyal to only Beron, you had overheard Eris discussing something with Lucien that you had not meant to find out.
It was midnight and you had awoken to an empty bed, still warm, meaning that Eris had not left too long ago, but not warm enough without his presence next to you. You stumbled down the great halls of the Forest House, finally coming across a room where a dim light shined through a slightly opened door, but as you were about to enter, you stopped and strained your ears to listen to the conversation that was happening inside.
You picked up on Lucien’s voice first, ensuring that you remained perfectly still and held your breathe. "You are being ridiculous of course she would say yes. You’ve planned all this so that you can make this day special for her, why are you still fretting?" Your lovers panic was palpable in his tone, "What if she hates it? What if she hates everything and decides to leave me? Oh gosh what if she leaves me?"
A chuckle escaped from Lucien and you felt movement and what seemed like pacing footsteps.
"I really love her, brother. She is the love of my life and I feel like I’ve waited for her since the beginning of my existence, but what if she hates what I am planning to do? Or what if I end up overwhelming her and she decides to reject me?" Panic. Eris was in a complete state of panic. The usually calm, indifferent and cold heir was panicking. Curiosity piqued in you as you remained outside the door of the study. "I’m sure she will agree, in the years you have been together all she’s yearned for is a life with you. She will be more than happy to agree for you to make her High Lady."
And so you were giddily awaiting the day that Eris had planned. You were careful in hiding that you knew, ensuring that he would not suspect anything. Smiling as you recalled the memory fondly, your attention was stolen by the doors off the sitting room opened, flaming red hair peaking through the doorway as it revealed your grinning husband.
"Eris!" You greeted as you saw Feyre’s lips curve into a slight smile, one she hid behind her teacup as your lover approached you, lips brushing against your forehead as he nodded Feyre’s way, a polite acknowledgment of her presence. "Am I interrupting, Little Fox?" He murmured and as you shook your head he slipped you a small piece of paper before bidding his farewell. Strange, but perhaps he didn’t wish to share whatever information was on the paper to Feyre. Understandable, seeing as the night court still didn’t entirely trust Eris.
Peering at the paper, you smiled at the words.
Nothing important, Little Fox. Was just missing you. See you later at dinner with the rest of the Night Court and Lucian.
Though Eris would never admit it he was clingy at heart, and you found it ever so endearing. Truly, it was adorable seeing the High Lord of Autumn, someone who had been deemed cold and cruel by the entirety of Prythian, decide to sulk at the absence of his one and only lover.
Sighing, you folded the paper and used your magic to winnow it to your room, continuing your conversation with your best friend without a hitch, gossiping about court relations and other subjects that came to mind.
Laughter roared through the dining room as Cassian pounded his fist against the table. Among everyone in the inner circle, Cassian had been the quickest to get used to Eris, but that was not before Mor and Eris made up and Eris provided a real explanation of why he had left her in the woods all those years ago, even offering to provide his own memories and thoughts to Rhys to prove himself. It was all so you did not have to separate yourself from your family, and he had done it only for you. Not that you had asked him to. You would have never asked him to be so vulnerable with people he might be uncomfortable with.
A part of you couldn’t help but notice Azriel staring at you, but you chose to ignore him. He had made his choice about you a long time ago, it did not matter if he regretted it now.
But the ruckus died in the dining table as Eris cleared his throat.
Looking around, you saw Rhys’s eyes seemed to be alight in anticipation and Lucian seemed to sit straighter in his chair as Eris stood, addressing your family.
"I’m sure you understand why I’ve chosen our monthly gathering to finally announce this. But it’s not really an announcement, yet." His eyes travelled across the room before finally landing on you. "Throughout the past few months I’m sure some of you know that I have been agonising how to do this properly, and some of you have even personally had a hand in helping me to try and plan something that would fit the best into Y/N’s lovely taste, and that’s when i realised that I didn’t need anything big or extravagant, she would have just wanted you all here, to share this." He paused as he knelt before you, holding your hands to his.
"I know this is a big thing to ask, and I understand if you need time, heck some of your family members may even discourage you from saying yes." He grinned nervously. "But I wanted to ask you now. Y/N will you do me the honor of becoming my high lady and binding my life to yours for the rest of my life? Because if one day you decide to leave this land, I don’t want to be far behind."
Inhaling deeply, he continued, "I love you, I know for a fact I love you and that I have loved you since you decided to show up to my court with my brother, grinning and laughing like fools. I have loved you ever since you had the defiance to stand up to my cold mask and tell me I could "shove that fake cold demeanor up my ass or screw off". I have loved you shamelessly and endlessly ever since you first decided to call me your own. Please, be my High Lady, let me dedicate my life to yours, to whatever end."
Tears filled your eyes as you nodded repeatedly, blubbering out a soft ‘of course’ as you flung yourself into Eris’s arms. Your family members all burst into cheers, Cassian taking you from your husband to swing you around and Feyre, Nesta and Elain crowding around you in excitement to gush over the news. This was exactly what you would have wanted. Nothing big or fancy, just a moment to share together, as a family.
That’s when you felt a tendril sneak up your arm, causing you to look back into where the shadow singer was now tucked away into a corner, he beckoned you to follow him and as you cast a look to Eris, he smiled softly and mouthed ‘i trust you’ before winking and returning to his conversation with Lucian.
You followed Azriel to a balcony just outside the dining hall, and he paused for a few seconds facing away from you, before his low, raspy voice rang out.
"Why him?"
You were taken aback. But you rolled your eyes, Azriel had pulled this same shit at your wedding.
"Don’t do this Azriel," You warned.
The shadow singer turned to you and under his gaze you froze at his rage.
"He doesn’t deserve you."
"And you think you do!" You scoffed, "I needed you, all those years ago I needed you. Not just your pathetic words that you would be there for me no matter what when it came to a time I needed you to choose me you did the exact opposite. For months I was broken. I believed that I didn’t deserve love if my own mate couldn’t bring himself to love me. You have no idea what it was like watching you love someone else. You have no right to tell me who deserves me and who doesn’t. You gave that up a long time ago so don’t even try."
Silence was all that followed and as you were about to return to the male who actually loved you, Azriel spoke. 
"I’m sorry," And now with your back away from him you were reminded of all those years ago when you walked away from a situation that made you feel undeserving of love. 
"I know," You said softly, your words almost unable to reach his ears, "But that’s not enough, Azriel. Being sorry has never been enough for me to stay with you. Let me go, please. You deserve love to. Please stop chasing after people you can’t have because that will be your undoing." 
But as you left and Azriel was alone on the balcony, he tipped his head and whispered to the stars. 
"It already is."
A/N: Sorry if the story isn't flowing that well haha. I am working on other stuff (planning and procrastinating is more accurate) but rn I am on school holidays so I will be writing a little more. Love you all see you next time <3
taglist for azriel: @positivewitch
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shadowsandlint · 3 months
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Fic Masterlist
Hello! I'm ShadowsAndLint, or SL if you will, and I write fanfiction on AO3. It's mostly Azris, but I have also dabbled in a couple others with Nesta and Gwyn. My venture into acotar fics began in November last year, and now I would like to formally introduce myself on Tumblr. So hi! I hope we can be friends, and that you'll check out my writing. :)
I have two works in progress, and instead of continuing them, I put this together. Ooops!
Your Scars on My Pulse
WIP from Azrisweek 2024. 7/8 chapters, 16,461 words. NSFW.
Eris feels like he's going crazy from his newfound obsession with the shadowsinger since the male wrapped his rough hands around his neck at the High Lord Meeting. After finding Azriel snooping around in the forests of Autumn, they strike a bargain that ensures an unsteady alliance between the two. While they grow friendlier by each encounter, and the shadowsinger's essence is getting increasingly harder to resist, Eris can't help but feel the male is hiding something. And he'll be damned if he can't figure out what.
Words We Use in the Shadows
This is my main work in progress, and a modern university AU. Also featuring the bat boys band Shadows, with Azriel as their singer. Lots of angst, eventual smut.
Azris dual POV, 22/30-ish chapters, 53,685 words.
Azriel is a quiet literature student, completely content with not standing out, until one day a poem about him is posted to the university bulletin board. In his hunt for the culprit, he enlists the help of classmates Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie, all the while keeping his bandmates Rhys and Cassian from finding out he is exchanging poems with a secret admirer. Who is this pompous ass that flirts by writing poetry?
Color Me Blue
Gwynriel oneshot, 1,343 words. TW: Mentions of rape.
Sorting through her hazy memories of the night Hybern sacked the temple, Gwyn lets herself freeze to keep from feeling the hurt. When she eventually thaws, she finds her mind occupied with the male that saved her. Meeting him again, her whole world changes.
Autumn Winds Across the Sea
Poetic Azris oneshot. 2,618 words. My favorite piece of writing.
Eris is spread out on the ground close to a precipice that falls into the Eastern Sea, his back a mess from one of his father's torture sessions. When the Night Court shadowsinger happens upon him, he is too exhausted to keep up the cruel heir mask. Being faced with a version of Eris he has never seen before, Azriel is forced to see the male in a new light.
O Holy Night! The Stars Are Brightly Shining
Part I of II in The Solstice Present. POV Azriel, 1,324 words.
It's the Winter Solstice, and the Inner Circle is celebrating in their usual style. Azriel feels like an outsider to his family's happiness, and is unable to share fully in their joy.
But when he comes home, a small surprise is able to lift his spirits.
O Night Devine!
Part II of The Solstice Present. POV Eris, 2,085 words.
Eris Vanserra is forced to play the part of obedient son when participating in the Autumn Court's official Solstice dinner. He hates the masks he must wear, remembering a time in the past year when he had been able to be more himself. Under the guise of commemorating Solstice, he decides to send a gift to someone he feels indebted to. But he is not so sure that is the only reason.
A Court of Self-Destructive Coping Mechanisms
Angsty Nesta-centric fic with one OC. 5 chapters, 8,263 words.
This is the part of Nesta's story that falls between book three and five, which is alluded to in both ACOFAS & ACOSF.
Nesta is struggling with depression and trauma from the war with Hybern. She is retracting further and further into herself, pushing everyone away and developing some self destructive coping mechanisms. The story begins when Nesta decides to invite that first male into her bed.
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dplusaring · 3 years
My Sneaky Brain’s AU
AU = alternative universe WHAT IF :
After Nesta & Cassian are married, they split up - you can say it was because they were put in an impossible position like Helion and the Lady of the Autumn Court OR Rhysand’s war plans with Koschei tear them apart OR something happens that makes Rhysand say F U to Nesta even though he owes her his and his family’s life and yeets her from the Night Court OR you decide
THEN Nesta is cast back to Prythian, but Rhysand isn’t HIGH KING, so he can only really keep her out of ALLIED lands, if that (cause our boy Helion still wants a slice).
SOMEHOW, Nesta and Eris find each other in Spring Court whilst Tamlin doesn’t have himself together and start chatting prior to Cassian or whoever decides to show up for their secret meetup.
The two chat it off and Eris convinces Nesta to head back to the Autumn Court with him, therefore missing his secret meeting (subtly telling the Night Court to piss off by doing this)
Lord Beron MEETS Nesta, and they end up playing MASSIVE court politics during her entire stay there, but she’s fed and clothed
In secret, Nesta and Eris are planning for his take-down BY THEMSELVES, aka without the Night Court and outsiders
Nesta being the “witch” she is, creates a potion to enhance Eris’ powers that can only be made once (obviously)
PLUS, Nesta is still in control of an ENTIRE Dead Trove and steals it from the Night Court's possession the moment Eris sits on the throne as High Lord.
They attack during a ball celebrating their coming union with Autumn Court officials/royals/nobility and SUCCEED
Eris is now High Lord of Autumn Court
High Lord Eris has the entire remaining court’s attention and states his future wife is Nesta Archeron
The marriage ceremony would take place the next day leaving little to no time for interference.
He marries Nesta and announces it to the world AFTER THEY HAVE WED even mentioning that Nesta currently possesses the Dead Trove (it’s politics, after all) - they kept it quiet since everyone in the Night Court thought Nesta was still in Prythian or managed to leave the continent or whatever
Maybe even Nesta becomes a High Lady herself
The two already have Lord Keir and the Court of Nightmares in their pocket
The Valkyries decide to stick with Nesta over the bargain they made or make. #girlpower #alwaysstickingtogether #newfamily
The alliances between the Night Court and other courts would now be vulnerable
Each court must decide which court to pledge allegiance to 
Autumn Court - Risk death by Nesta with the Dead Trove and Eris’ growing flames
Night Court - War from the Night Court
High Lord Eris & (High Lady) Nesta seeing each other as equals in power (you could say the two fell in love or hold equal blackmail on the other therefore never betraying one another), gather allies from across the world without the Night Court, until THEY become THE ultimate power.
Meanwhile, Cassian is fuming about Nesta being with Eris especially after he called the man a coward for not already killing his abusive father (like okay Cas, not everyone can/will do that)
Mor & Cassian get into multiple fights about what he sees in her other than being his mate to the point the entire IC gets involved.
Amren is saying stuff like, “how typical of Nesta to only think about power and herself” but you’d mix in Nesta being poorly treated by the Night Court a month after her mating ceremony - Why? You decide
Elain as a Seer already knows which way this will end, but keeps her mouth closed
Feyre tries sending letters to her sister, Nesta, but after the first few, all letters from the Night Court are burned without regard to their contents (this could be a Lord Beron order or simply out of safety or whatever).
Rhysand is having to plan a hostile take over as his enemies start popping up from all sides of the globe, enemies Nesta & Eris will have to face as well.
Azriel is working himself ill to keep the Night Court as up to date on foreign and domestic issues
THEY BATTLE Koschei or whatever other evil comes up and take him or them DOWN together
End of the war, Nesta ends up PREGNANT! with Eris’s baby (no affairs shall be had here)
Slowly, but surely, the Night Court loses power and crumbles itself from within as the new leaders of Prythian arise (this can be before or after the final battle). 
Epilogue - X years later, Eris & Nesta are a formidable force with a massive kingdom and talented offspring that inherited their gifts (you decide which ones)
I think this would be very cool to read.
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thespianbooks · 4 years
A Court of Nightmares and Starlight //Chapter Seventeen//
(tags: @thron3ofbooks, @df3ndyr, @courtofjurdan, @art-e-mis, @herondamnn, @the-third-me, @im-still-trying-here, @emikadreams, @paytin77, @mis-lil-red, @sleeping-and-books, @lucieisabooknerd, @amandaraey-sunshine, @easy-p-lemon, @azymondias05, @dagypsygirl, @makeshift-utopia) *bold tags don’t work ;-;
...I’m sorry ^^;
Something wasn't right.
"It doesn't make sense," Cassian said; all of us gathered around the map laid out on the large table in the library. "I've rotated my most trusted legion across every single Illyrian camp since the summit, including the ones we know haven't sided with Kallon—just in case, and nothing."
Azriel shook his head, as equally astonished as Cassian was at the lack of intel they had been working tirelessly to achieve in the last couple of weeks.
"My spies haven't found anything either, on any front." He said, hazel eyes growing hard as they scanned over the maps and reports spread out before us.
Two months had officially passed since our summit meeting and our tenure of peace was now plagued by stress. In the months that passed, Cassian and Azriel worked together to keep a watchful eye on the traitors in our court—the latter keeping his network of spies focused on Keir and his Darkbringer army, while the former kept a strict watch on the rebellious Illyrian camp lords. As our second and third in command, Mor and Amren not only attended to their duties in Velaris, but also visited the Hewn City on mine and Rhys's behalf—a show of force and distraction while Azriel's spies lurked in the shadows. In the last few weeks, Rhys and I corresponded with the other High Lords and Eris, updating them on whatever intel we managed to gather, and them offering us any information they might have regarding the Autumn Court and promising to keep alert on their end.
But as of late, there was nothing. No movement whatsoever from Keir, Kallon, or Beron.
We initially received a report a couple of weeks following the summit that our steward had called for a stall in his plans, and because of that we assumed the trio were biding their time in order to regroup and organize new plans to strike before my due date—now a short twenty-odd weeks away, but it was taking them too long.
No, something definitely wasn't right, and we all knew it.
"Is it possible they're folding back on the coup?" Elain asked, amid the tense silence that had befallen us.
Nesta placed a hand on the back of her chair, standing just to her side with Cassian on the other. "Keir wouldn't just give up on killing Feyre, the High Lord, or their child," she said, as blunt as ever.
I grimaced and Mor threw her a disapproving stare, but Amren loosed a long-held breath through her nose.
"The girl is right. They aren't pulling back on their plans now, but they are plotting something." she said, turning her silver gaze to Rhys and me.
I sighed, an idle hand running along the line of my belly—a considerable size now that I was nearing the end of the second stage of pregnancy. The baby inside was mercifully calm in light of the topics we discussed, which I was thankful for since my other symptoms weren't; a dull headache creeping in at my temples since I awoke this morning, and my lower back muscles sore with my new weight.
I drummed my fingers on the tabletop, readjusting myself in the chair I sat in for the hundredth time since the start of our meeting. "Could Keir be plotting something on his own?" I asked as Rhys offered me a hand up, wanting to help mitigate some of the ache in my back and hips temporarily.
"It's possible," he answered as I took his hand, standing with a heavy sigh.
I kneaded a sore spot on my back as I turned to look at Cassian and Azriel—who were watching me with equal concern and glancing at my swollen stomach. "Your reports say that Kallon hasn't corresponded much lately with Keir?" I asked, addressing Azriel.
The shadowsinger cast a wary glance at my mate, something they had all begun doing recently anytime they had bad news to share—as if they were afraid the information would harm me or the baby. The only ones who didn't tip-toe around me were Amren and Nesta, and I was grateful for it. As increasingly uncomfortable as I was becoming the more my belly grew, my mood swings now tended to lean more and more towards irritation. The last thing I needed was everyone trying to handle me as if I were made of porcelain.
I sighed in frustration. "You don't need to coddle me, Az. None of you do. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't handle reading reports or operating during the threat of a coup." I snapped, harsher than I meant to.
I felt Rhys rest a hand on the small of my back; knowing he gave the spymaster a curt nod of approval, and Azriel, Mother bless him, dipped his head in apology. "You're right. Most of the messengers sent between them with letters or verbal messages have come from Kallon but have gone ignored in the last few weeks."
"From what I've seen, the stupid sot has been feeling slighted by that bastard and he's called off sending those imploring letters to the camp lords who haven't yet sided with him." Cassian added, "He's waiting for Keir."
"Because he knows he needs them," Mor scoffed.
"The steward is definitely concocting something," Amren said coolly and motioned to my sisters.
"Tell them what you saw, girl," she said to Elain.
We all turned to her, Nesta going rigid at her side—nails digging into the wood of Elain's chair.
"You saw something?" I asked her.
She frowned as she nodded, scanning the other faces in the room. "I had a vision the other night, of Vassa. She's our ally so I didn't think much of it at first, but last night the vision came to me again and it was...different," she explained, her eyes beginning to go vacant as she recalled the details.
"What happened in the vision?" Azriel asked, trying to gently coax her back in the conversation.
Her eyes were still distant as she turned her attention to him, as if he grounded her during these moments. "I saw just her face at first, she looked distraught as she gave some kind of warning. I couldn't make out the exact words," she said, shame quivering her voice as she looked at her lap.
"That's okay, Elain." Azriel said, stepping closer to her side and to my surprise, Nesta didn't flinch. "What else?" he asked again.
Elain sighed shakily. "Then, last night...I saw her face again, giving the same warning, and then...a weeping firebird sweeping over land before setting fire to it."
My eyes went wide, turning to look at Rhys as we both recalled the connection her new vision had with the previous one from months ago. A great-winged animal sweeping over a grassy knoll. Only now we knew that animal was a firebird, one that Elain also warned us of during the war. We all must've had the same realization, because within seconds we exchanged worried glances. Silent conversations passing mind-to-mind between my mate and his brothers, as well as Mor and Amren.
"I'm sorry," Elain whispered, staring at her lap again. "For not saying anything sooner, I just assumed her warning was about the coup. I didn't get any other details until I saw it in my dreams."
"You didn't do anything wrong Elain," I said reassuringly. "We're all working with the information we have."
Rhys nodded. "Cassian and Azriel will go to the Mortal Lands and check in with Vassa, Jurian and Lucien. I'll send a letter ahead of them, and we can hope we get there before Keir does."
"You think Keir will move against the Mortal Lands?" Nesta asked, silent horror hidden behind those blue-grey eyes.
"He knows of the ties Lucien has with them. If he can take them down and sever whatever bond Lucien has with the Queen before they can ally with us against him, that's an advantage for him with the Autumn Court," Cassian explained.
"We need to monitor them as well," I added quickly. "In case Beron decides to work on Keir's behalf to sweeten the pot in whatever deal they've struck."
"I'll send my spies," Azriel said, nodding at me in acknowledgement.
"You'll both leave tomorrow," Rhys ordered them. His violet eyes were hardened, wings flaring slightly as they began detailing out new plans.
Go with them. I urged through the bond.
The hand that held my waist only tightened slightly. I can't leave you behind, Feyre, not with something like this brewing
I'll be safe with Mor and Amren here in Velaris.
I'm going to take you and your sisters to the Cabin until we get word back from Cassian and Azriel. Mor and Amren can guard Velaris
Or you can leave me and my sisters at the Cabin and meet up with Azriel and Cassian.
He gave me a weary look, but I squeezed his hand. The three of us will be safe there. No one outside our family knows of its location, and no one can winnow inside. We'll be taken care of until you three return, and you can keep me updated.
I saw the contemplation swirl in his violet eyes, knew that behind his adamant shields he saw the sense in my words but was still reluctant. His hand came to rest on my stomach carefully, earning a delightful kick from our son—who seemed to have awoken during our silent exchange.
I can't leave you. And even through the bond I could hear the strain in his voice.
I sighed, but before I could argue further, Cassian cleared his throat. "We'd be better suited if we had the High Lord at our side, since the High Lady is incapacitated at the moment."
Azriel nodded in agreement, "If there is a threat to the Mortal Lands, we'll need a more competent diplomat present to warn and ready them for the strike."
Rhys's gaze hardened again as he met his brothers urging stares. They knew as well as I did that my mate was on edge, his nerves only growing more unsettled in recent weeks, making him more protective of me and our child. He hardly left my side at all these past few months, so the opportunity to go out and perform his duties as High Lord would help alleviate the tension growing through our bond once again.
I squeezed his hand reassuringly, those hardened violet eyes growing softer as they met with mine. We'll be waiting here, safe, until you come back. Go warn our friends in the Mortal Lands, and then we can finally take care of Keir.
His eyes landed on my stomach once again before he loosed a breath through his nostrils and nodded in acknowledgement at his brothers.
"Do you think she's alright?" Elain asked.
Her quiet inquiry interrupted my stormy thoughts as I stared out the window of the sitting room. Only a couple of hours had passed since the Illyrian brothers carried us up to the safety of the cabin; Cassian holding Nesta, Azriel taking a flushed Elain, and Rhys hauling me and my swollen belly. I had made a sly comment about the burden of my new weight to Rhys in the hopes to ease his apprehensiveness and was glad when he smugly reassured me of his otherworldly strength with his trademark feline grin, before depositing me on the steps leading to the Cabin. My heart tugged at the memory of the two of us having escaped here only weeks before, but we all knew this was the safest place for me and my sisters at the moment. Mor and Amren remained in Velaris, as we had all agreed on, and moved to monitor the city from the House of Wind as an extra precautionary step.
I turned away from the window, having stared at the mountains surrounding us since Rhys kissed me and my belly goodbye. "Vassa is fierce, and well-guarded thanks to Lucien and Jurian," I reassured her.
"She's still got that curse," Nesta scoffed from her place on the loveseat across from where Elain sat.
Elain frowned and I glared at my eldest sister. "Yes, but thanks to the bargain father made for her temporary release, we've been able to extend it and she hasn't been forced into her firebird form in over a decade," I explained.
"But my visions haven't been wrong yet. What if she is forced into it?" Elain pressed.
I sighed and crossed over to where she sat, using the arm of the chair to help lower myself onto the plush seat—noting how cautiously Nesta eyed my movements. "We still don't know what your vision meant. Perhaps Vassa shifts into her firebird form in order to aid us in the coup?"
"She was weeping as she set the fire," Nesta interjected.
I sighed and pressed a hand against my temple, messaging it lightly in an attempt to relieve the stress beginning to build up. Elain leaned over to rest her hand over mine gently, "Let's talk about something else. You were right, Vassa is strong and we won't know anything until Rhysand, and the others return."
I nodded in agreement with a faint smile, moving my hand to rest on my stomach. "How have you been feeling? You've been so busy serving as High Lady that Nesta and I haven't seen you much lately," she asked.
Nesta interrupted before I had a chance to reassure her. "You need to allow yourself more time to rest. You're nearing the end stages of your pregnancy, and the strain of all of this isn't good for your youngling. Let that High Lord and assistant of yours take care of matters from now on," she scolded.
Elain and I balked at her, equally shocked that she was being so stern with me again. I had noticed fairly early in my pregnancy that Nesta was growing increasingly vigilant of me—concerning herself more with the welfare of the child I carried, and after what Cassian revealed to me weeks ago, I now understood why. Despite her brute facade, she cared about me and worried about the fate of my child; perhaps as any older sister would.
I swallowed the irrational tears and sob that built up in my throat, a reaction I now involuntarily had every so often, and sat up a little straighter. "It's not that simple," I reasoned. "I'm still High Lady and given the concerning reports and lack of intel we've obtained in the last couple weeks, I've had to work together with Rhys to reach out to the other courts and meet with the rest of the inner circle."
"They're all thinking the same thing, except maybe Amren. They want you to rest more and let them handle this situation," Nesta went on. "They're just too scared to hurt your feelings or upset you, or whatever idiotic reason it is, not to tell you."
"Oh, but you aren't afraid to do any of that, are you?" I asked a bit bitterly—beginning to second guess my earlier sentiments.
"I'm not, because I see the toll this pregnancy is having on you and unlike the others, I'm not afraid to bring it up and say what needs to be said." She argued, hands placed on her lap with striking elegance—even though her words were anything but.
I hardened my stare at her, our identical blue-grey eyes cold with contempt; hers out of unyielding concern, and mine out of...reluctant understanding. It was no secret that my pregnancy was difficult, increasingly so since the early stages. There were periods of time when I felt fine, energetic and able to accomplish multiple tasks in a day, but there were still days where the lingering nausea and fatigue left me in bed for hours at a time. That, accompanied by the new onslaught of pelvic pains, back aches, and my rush of hormones caused me to be frequently disgruntled. Rhys, being the overbearing mother-hen he always tended to be whenever I felt the least bit poorly, did his best to console me. The others did as well, to the point where I believed they were coddling me. It wasn't until now that I realized they only wanted me to remain at ease; knowing the risk of any stress on me or the baby could be dangerous. Madja had warned us of what complications could arise from that burden, and I knew now that they were all just trying to prevent it.
My gaze cracked as tears sprang back into my eyes and turned away as they burned. I took a few steadying breaths, Elain's hand coming to my shoulder to help soothe me as she slid closer to me on our shared seat. "I didn't try insisting I go with them to the Mortal Lands or anything. I'm letting them handle the situation, but as High Lady I need to oversee the operations."
"Yes, but you're burdening yourself with worry." Elain offered softly. "You've been taking on work that you could leave to your mate or the others."
"Like that meeting with Tamlin." Nesta reminded me and I frowned, remembering the toll that trip had taken on me at the time.
"Or insisting you attend all the meetings on the reports Cassian and Azriel have gathered. Rhys can attend to those and fill you in later," Elain added.
"The point is that you need to delegate more. You were off to a good start after the summit meeting, coming here with your mate and spending time with the others, but you've overloaded yourself far too much over the last couple of weeks." Nesta concluded.
I sighed, leaning back to rest against the plush seat and ran my hands over my protruding stomach, feeling my son beginning to stir from the occasional nap he took in the warmth and protection my womb offered. Every point they brought up was right; while we all had allowed ourselves a moment of peace following the summit, I had taken the anxiety of the recent reports Cassian and Azriel gathered and threw myself back into working to find a solution. Rhys had as well, but I knew there were times he wished I would retire to our room or at least sit when my aches and pains reared its ugly head.
"I know you two are right, it's just...difficult, at times. I am High Lady; my duty is to my court—alongside Rhys." I explained.
"But he isn't pregnant. You are, and your first duty is to the child you carry," Nesta insisted.
"The child who will be the heir to the Night Court," Elain said.
I nodded in understanding, but before I could agree with them, there was a frantic pounding at the door, followed by Mor's panicked voice behind it.
"Feyre, it's us. Let us in," she said.
Nesta was the first to stand and rather than take the hand I stuck out to help me up, she strode over to the cabin door, checked to make sure it was really Mor the voice belonged to and opened it. Elain helped me to my feet as Mor and Amren strode into the room with equal grim expressions. I noted both of their clothes were dirty, some scrapes and fresh cuts healing on their own that decorated their face and arms—my heart squeezed.
"What's wrong, what happened?" I asked, my voice sounding strangled.
Mor's brown eyes were broken as they met mine and she swallowed, "Vassa showed up on the front steps of the house, beaten and bruised, and crying...as she warned us to leave."
My heart nearly stopped, and I felt Elain go rigid beside me; her hand coming to cover her mouth in horror. "We tried to ask her what was wrong, and what happened back in the Mortal Lands to have brought her here now, but-" Mor began but stopped, her throat bobbing.
"She kept warning us to leave before anyone got hurt, before you got hurt, and her face went blank. She turned and transitioned to her firebird form, leaping to the skies...and began setting Velaris aflame," Amren finished bitterly.
I couldn't hold steady on my feet and I stumbled back into Elain's arms as my head began to spin—speechless. Velaris was on fire. Velaris, my home, was under attack again.
"Did you...is she...what…?" I couldn't even manage my thoughts as Elain held me upright.
Mor stepped forward and took hold of my arms, steadying me. "She disappeared after a few minutes, but not before setting many of the buildings along the Sidra on fire."
The Rainbow. Vassa had set the Rainbow of Velaris aflame.
"We sent word to Rhysand and the others but haven't heard anything back yet. I also sent word to Varian, perhaps Tarquin can help put out the flames," Amren said.
"W-What?" I asked breathlessly, my chest heaving. "The fires haven't been put out yet?!"
"It's spread quickly, we're doing our best, but without Cassian and Azriel to gather the Illyrian force…" Mor explained and our eyes met in mutual understanding.
I was the one they could turn to—rely on.
"Take me back," I ordered, still reeling. "I'll put out the flames myself. We can't wait for Tarquin or anyone else."
"Feyre, you can't use-" Nesta began but I snapped at her with a feral growl I hardly believed came from my own throat.
"This is my court. My home. I am High Lady and I demand you take me back now." I said, addressing them all.
Mor and Amren exchanged hesitant glances before the former spoke up. "I'd have to winnow you there Feyre, and you know the effect it has on you. You could faint and have to recuperate, there isn't enough time for that. Even if you could use your powers," she tried to reason.
"So we wait here and do nothing?!" I exclaimed, turning away from her hold on me and striding to the window.
I could see nothing from here, but as I closed my eyes the memories of the last attack flashed behind my lids. The screams of agony and despair as my people were attacked—ripped to shreds by the army of the Attor from Hybern. Nausea roiled in my gut as I reached down the bond.
Rhys. Where are you?
I was met with silence, and I could only guess what horrors my mate and his brothers were facing in the Mortal realm—for him to block me out. If Vassa had been here, who knew what threat had been made and who had orchestrated it all. My heart pounded as my power awakened inside of me, boiling in my veins and I tried not to tap into them as I felt the slight twinge of pain in my abdomen—until thoughts of Velaris kept invading my thoughts. The screams echoing in my head, trying to imagine those beautiful buildings now on fire. Thoughts of Ressina and our studio, of the children she was teaching, those innocents.
Everyone in Velaris was innocent, and they were on fire. I had to do something.
I couldn't hear whatever conversation was happening between my sisters, Mor, and Amren as I lingered by the window. All I could do was turn back to them, briefly meeting Mor's gaze before those brown eyes widened in realization. She opened her mouth to protest, but she was too late. In the blink of an eye, I became darkness—tapping into my power that had gone untouched for months, I winnowed onto the front courtyard of the estate that sat along the Sidra's edge. I stumbled forward on my hands and knees as my head spun, my ears roaring with the blood rushing to my head and it took every effort within me not to faint—to seize the darkness that threatened to overcome me and push it back.
My heart pounded, the pain thundering throughout my entire body, resounding excruciatingly in my head as I forced myself to stay conscious and I was finally able to raise my eyes to the nightmare before me. I saw the orange and red of the flames reflected in the river first, barely able to hear the screaming as I saw each and every building lining the Sidra ablaze. From my position in the courtyard, I could see the figures of citizens scrambling to put out the flames; could see the number of buildings extending backwards that were already lit. I sobbed as another painful twinge ripped through my abdomen, causing me to turn my head and vomit in the grass.
Sobbing again, I closed my eyes and felt my power simmering rather than boiling. Just enough to breathe it into my core as I raised a single hand in the air and slammed it back onto the ground with a lethal smack. Once again, as it had so many years ago, the Sidra rose in response and I summoned just enough strength to lean back onto my knees—raising both of my hands in the air above my head as I became the river. Shaking, I slowly stood, keeping my arms raised as a wall of water rose with me; expanding deep and wide before I walked forward.
Suddenly, it felt as if my abdomen was being ripped to shreds and I screamed, doubling over and sending that wall of water forward and over those buildings. I didn't have time to pray to the Mother, the Cauldron, anything in hopes that it had been enough to snuff out the flames before I was seized again with the pain that tore through my core. I gasped in breaths as I gripped my stomach with one hand and fell onto my knees—catching myself with the other.
No, no, no. Please…
I felt a trickle of liquid that quickly began to spread at the apex of my thighs and sobbed as I reached a hand under the band of my pants and touched my thigh. I screamed again as the agony ripped through my abdomen again and fell onto my side. I felt the darkness beginning to ebb around my vision, the pain going with it as I raised that shaky hand to my face. The last thing I saw before my world went entirely dark was bright red blood coating my fingers.
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