#something something about red being such an identifiable colour and the whole colour flipped vibe cause ice is very depicted with blue
atinyladybug-art · 7 months
I have a comic idea because i was looking at an Iceberg sketch and like
my headcanon was that Iceberg's scarf was given by Gears before Gears was promoted into O5. And its like this conversation between Ice and Gears where Gears is like giving Iceberg a parting gift for working together for years.
and its a red scarf and Ice is like "why red? it's not exactly my favourite colour nor does it fit me with my teal hair yknow"
and then Gears is like "You mentioned you miss what warmth and fire feels like so I thought a scarf being red might give you that sense anytime you wear it." and "its so i can see you in the crowd from afar"
and it makes me happy.
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Wherever the Winds Take You: Chapter 3
Author’s note:
Did I say two weeks? Whoops. Here’s the third chapter almost a week earlier. I just finished editing chapter 4 so I figured it was safe to upload this now. 
So here we start, actually starting on the actual original series! 
I’m going to put the translations to the French phrases at the bottom, in case you really want to know them. I’m not actually in any way fluent in Parisian French, but I’ve tried my best with my knowledge on Canadian French, and research. But if there’s any glaring mistakes language-wise at any point here on out, please let a girl know.
Love you all, hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC. Young Justice and it’s locations, stories, and characters belong to DC comics and the brilliant minds who created them.
Hall of Justice, Washington D.C.
July 4
14:00 EDT
It really couldn’t have been a more beautiful day outside. Warm, summer weather, not a cloud in the sky, the sun’s golden rays warming the Earth with a small, cool breeze to cool down its inhabitants. Perfect Washington summer weather.
Or at least, that’s what Lina thought as she hovered in the sky, basking in the sun’s rays.
The heat of the star seeped through the sturdy but comfortable fabric of the girl’s white and gold suit, spreading over her skin and melting into her like a warm hug from the universe. The winds that blew around Zephyr weren’t too strong, just enough to carry the girl and cause the tendrils of curly brown hair, that were usually tucked into her hood, sway in their dance.
“So warm today…” One of the small voices whispered into Zephyr’s ears, and the girl smiled in agreement. She certainly didn’t get this kind of sunny heat in Paris, and she had no intention of letting it go to waste.
“Those people sure do seem excited about something.” Another voice whispered, catching Lina’s attention.
“I wonder what they’re all waiting for.” Added another.
Opening her eyes and looking down, Lina was reminded of the crowds of excited people on the land below. She couldn’t make out a lot of them from her altitude, but she could just see the small flashes of cameras and the colourful specs of merchandise. Lina wasn’t that surprised to see that there appeared to be quite a few more people in the crowds than when she had first flown up to her current height.
“I suppose sunbathing time is over.” Lina murmured to herself, before waving her hand and signalling the winds around her to begin their descent. Being mindful of how fast she was being taken down, Lina tilted herself so she fell at an angle, allowing for more drag and more control over speed. As she got closer to the ground, she felt the air around her thicken and she let go of a few of the Winds, and pushed forward as to fly towards the tall, red, robotic man that stood on a short cliff overlooking the crowds of tourists in front of the white and gold arched building. Far away enough for the crowds not to identify them, but close enough for the robot to keep an eye on the visitors.
Once Zephyr had reached the cliff, the robot man turned to face her. Grinning, Zephyr pushed the Winds to spin her into a flip before she dismounted; landing perfectly on both feet with her hands raised above her head.
“Ta-da!” The young girl exclaimed, a large grin painted on her face. For a moment, the robot was silent but then he turned away from her, once again facing the crowds of people.
“You should bend your knees slightly more once you hit the ground, and raise your arms more once you steady yourself.” The man of red metal explained. “It both provides more balance, and adds more effect.”
The girl giggled slightly, floating over to beside her mentor. “The robot giving the circus-girl landing tips? Not something you see everyday, no offence Red.”
Red Tornado didn’t reply, as per usual. Zephyr had gotten used to the strong-and-silent type about him in the two years she’d been training under him. She actually prefered it, as it meant she had to pay attention to less. It was known that if he was saying something, it was important and shouldn’t be brushed off as simple small-talk. And although it made it harder for her to read him at first, she eventually got a grasp on it.
“I got up pretty high just then, did you see? Probably about 4,000 feet I think?” Zephyr noted as she began to tuck her hair into a clump and don her hood. “Oxygen was a little thinner, but not by much. It’s interesting, how the Winds don’t really get quieter the less there are of them.”
Once again, no reply. But Zephyr knew he had heard and listened to her.
Zephyr looked around, just realizing that they were the only two on the cliff. She had been up in the sky for probably 15 minutes, and even though she knew that their companions would be late; she thought they would have arrived by then. She voiced these thoughts to her mentor.
“It would appear that they’re more caught up in their battles than initially thought.” Red Tornado said nonchalantly. Zephyr hummed for a moment, fiddling with a stand of hair that fell out from her hood.
“It’s strange, yes? Four ice villains attacking different Justice League members and their proteges, in differing states, at the same time? And on today for that matter?” Zephyr asked, looking up towards her mentor and then back out towards the sea of people. “I mean, today is the day.”
“It is an odd coincidence, yes.”
“A coincidence?” Zephyr asked. “Êtes-vous certain?”
“You think there’s something bigger at play?” The somewhat high-pitched voice came from right behind the air-manipulating duo, and Zephyr whipped around to see two familiar figures. A tall man shrouded in a dark cloak with built-in point-shaped ears, and a small boy in a red and black costume wearing a domino mask.
Robin, to Zephyr, didn't look much different from any other 14 year old boy she had met. Tallish for his age, skinny limbs, tousled hair and a mischievous smile. He carried himself with a sort of sly confidence, shoulders back and head up.
“Robin!” Zephyr exclaimed as she stepped forward to greet the young boy. Pulling the young boy into a quick hug, Zephyr wasn’t surprised to find that he had grown a couple inches since they had last seen each other. “About time you got here! I haven’t seen you in so long, the Riddler’s tornado-machine-thing incident last spring, non?”
“Sounds about right, good times.” Robin cracked an uneven smile as Zephyr stepped back. “But seriously Zeph’, do you think it was something else? Because I have a couple theories going and-””Why don’t we focus on one thing at a time.” Zephyr interrupted, knowing she could never keep up whenever the Boy Wonder rambled on about his ‘theories’. “Did you get Mr. Freeze squared away?”
“In holding, the Gotham Police and Arkham are just starting on the paperwork.” Batman explained, more to Red Tornado than Zephyr. Upon hearing the infamous Dark Knight, Zephyr tensed up and avoided eye contact with him, not that he would spare her a passing glance.
“Oh, that’s good then.” Zephyr said, more of a mutter than anything.
Thankfully, the slight tension was cut off by another duo dropping onto the cliff.
“Hey, sorry we’re late.” Green Arrow greeted, holstering his bow. “Junior put up a little bit of a fight while the cops took him away.”
“Roy!” Zephyr exclaimed, rushing over to the red-clad boy to hug him as well. The redhead smiled and returned the hug for a moment before she pulled away. “Oh, sorry, I mean...Speedy! You’re here!”
“Hello to you too Kiddo.” The boy said, the smile still on his lips as he delivered a small, friendly punch to Zephyr’s forearm. “I swear, if my secret identity ever gets leaked it’s going to be because of you.”
“I said sorry!” Zephyr smirked, placing her hands on her hips.
Speedy was tall, at least compared to Zephyr who was a whole head and a half shorter than him. Dark red hair peeked out under his Robin Hood-esk hat, which his red and yellow uniform matched with. Chiseled features and a face that made you think he was angry 24/7 (especially with his mask on), he had a general “stay away” vibe to him, despite the colourful costume.
“I’m glad he’s being nice to you at least, Kid.” Green Arrow cut in, a small smile on his face as he stepped over to stand with his adult colleague. Unlike his protege, Green Arrow's disposition was much sunnier, welcoming, and kind. Almost like that fun Uncle everyone likes at family gatherings. This, paired with his golden hair and green uniform made him a full contrast to his ward.
“The whole fight with Junior and the way here he wouldn’t stop complaining about the fight ‘interfering’ and us being late for ‘the day’.”
Speedy gave his mentor a quick glare, and Zephyr couldn't help but let out a small giggle. The two of them always acted like this, their whole goofy-father-rebellious-son shtick. But those who knew the Star City duo knew that Speedy cared more for his mentor than he made it look.
“Hey, all of us are late. No big.” Robin said, stepping towards Speedy and Zephyr. He motioned to the crowds of people, “They don't seem to mind.”
“Fair enough, Boy Wonder.” Speedy smirked down at the boy. “How you doing Rob´?”
The raven-haired boy shrugged, but returned the slight smile. “You know, same old. Kicking ass and taking names, the usual.”
“That's what I like to hear.” Speedy said, and the two boys fist-bumped.
“Dinah sends her love, as usual.” Green Arrow explained to Zephyr. “She wishes she could be here.”
Zephyr shrugged, but smiled at the blonde archer nonetheless. “C’est la vie, GA. Can’t have the public wondering why she’s here when she doesn’t have her own protege, Ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard.”
Green Arrow continued to smile, but looked mildly confused. “I’m...just going to pretend I know what that last part means.”
“Is there any news from anyone else?” Speedy asked the adults.
“Knowing Flash and Kid, they're going to be the last ones here.” Robin laughed. “You know how that superspeed affects punctuality.”
“Last we heard, Aquaman and Aqualad were still fighting Killer Frost in Pearl Harbor.” Green Arrow explained.
“Keyword being 'were’.” The gruff voice of Aquaman was heard and everyone turned to see him and his protege, Aqualad, walking over to the cliff's edge. Aquaman carried himself with a strong dignity, which made sense since he was the literal King of Atlantis. Golden blonde hair and beard, a kind but strong aura, and the traditional orange and green uniform from his country that shined in the summer sun. His protege moved as confidently as his King, but with much more of a smile as he approached his comrades. Aqualad's dark skin and even darker uniform contrasted with his light blonde hair, but in a way that somehow managed to bring out his strong and sharp features.
“About time you got here.” Speedy smirked as Aqualad joined the gathering of teenagers. The two clasped each other's hands in a pseudo-handshake.
“Apologies.” The young Atlantean replied, nodding his head to the others. “We would have made it here sooner but the nearest Zeta-Tube was a ways away.”
“It's seriously fine. Red Tornado and I were the only ones that were here on time, and we're still waiting for the Flashes.” Zephyr explained. As Aqualad turning to look at her, the two of them made eye-contact and the Atlantean knowingly smiled and opened one of his arms. Smiling, Zephyr floated over and happily took the brief hug.
“Oh I see how it is.” Speedy said, causing is two friends to look over at him, slightly pulling apart to do so. “You have no problem yelling out my secret ID for the world to hear, but with Kaldur, nada! Fine, I see where the loyalties lie.”
“Oh calme-toi, Speedy!” Zephyr stuck out her tongue, fully pulling away from Aqualad to face her archer friend. Robin and Aqualad just chuckled, amused by the two’s teasing.
“Did Killer Frost give you any trouble?” Robin asked, changing the subject.
“Not at all. Although I am a little concerned over her...motivations.” Aqualad admitted. “It was said that four ice-powered villains made an attack today?”
Before any of the teens could respond, Batman cut in.
“Today’s attacks are a League priority.” The Gotham Knight growled.
“Don't worry about them, especially not now.” Green Arrow added, becoming the proteges over. As directed, the young heroes stepped forward and took their places by their respective mentors, looking out to the giant hall in front of them.
“Today is the day.” Batman said, in a tone that almost sounded nostalgic.
“Welcome to the Hall of Justice.” Green Arrow grinned.
“Headquarters of the Justice League.” Aquaman added.
“And where the future of your career awaits.” Red Tornado finished.
“I wonder if they rehearsed that…” A small voice whispered in Zephyr’s ear, causing her to hold back a small giggle.
“Aw man!” The voice of a speedster everyone knew suddenly exclaimed from behind the group, and the heroes turned to see a tall man in a red suit, and a much younger teen boy in a contrasting yellow suit screeching to a sliding halt as the encountered the group. “I knew we’d be the last one’s here!”
“Does super-tardiness just come with being a speedster? Cause I’m starting to think it’s a serious side-effect that should be looked into.” Robin smirked at the boy in yellow, causing the latter to glare at his domino-masked friend.
“You can blame Flash, he decided to take his time chatting with Cold.” The young speedster explained. The boy’s hair was in its usual wind-swept manner, a product of his super-speed, and his bright green eyes that could almost be seen from a mile away were full of annoyance and, as the other teens could easily read, a sense of embarrassment. “Even though I warned him…”
“Nearly all of us were late, Kid Flash.” Aqualad assured, offering a small smile in greeting.
“Yes, c’est la vie.” Zephyr added.
“Well, I guess that’s not as bad then.” The red-haired speedster sighed in relief before giving his fellow teens an uneven smile.
“It’s the ones that can disrupt us with just their bodies.” A stern voice muttered, catching Zephyr’s attention. “So impatient, the younger one lacks appreciation for his gifts.”
Rolling her eyes, Zephyr waved her hand to blow the Wind away.
“So...now that we’re all here..?” Speedy said, eyes darting to the building like a child on Christmas morning.
“We should get going.” Batman agreed, and without another word; he started making his way down the side of the cliff towards the sea of people.
Robin quickly turned to face his comrades, a huge toothy grin stretching his face, before running forward to join his mentor. The rest of the duos were quick to follow suit, making their way to the crowds of people waiting for a peek of the famous heroes.
This enthusiasm only seemed to grow to a roaring storm as the ten individuals walked into the reserved path marked by railing barricards. Flashes from cameras and loud, overwhelming levels of cheering encased the heroes like a tunnel of attention and Zephyr found herself tensing her muscles, despite forcing a smile on her face. Fortunately, the feeling of a familiar metal hand touching her shoulder divided her attention and the girl looked up at her robotic mentor.
“Remain calm Zephyr.” The monotone voice spoke quietly as to not be heard by anyone else. “You have earned this praise and attention, ease your breathing and embrace it for the short while.”
Her muscles relaxing, Zephyr’s smile became much more genuine as she nodded. Looking back out to the fans, she waved her hand in greeting, scanning over the excited faces within the frenzy.
“Is that Batman?” A voice spoke over the excitement.
“I see Flash and Flash Jr!” Another spoke. Looking over to their ginger friend, the other teens were slightly amused to see Kid Flash looking mildly put out.
“His name’s Speedy, duh!” Another tourist corrected.
“No, Speedy’s Green Arrow’s sidekick.” Yet another shouted.
“Well that makes no sense.” The initial voice exclaimed.
Robin let out a somewhat loud snort in laughter, only to be elbowed by the speedster in yellow.
“Bite me, Boy Blunder.” Kid Flash hissed.
As Zephyr's eyes scanned the crowd, she quickly became aware of a recurring theme: the Justice League member paraphernalia. T-shirts with the logos of certain members, a few people with brightly coloured posters, children wearing small versions of heroes costumes. There was so much that Zephyr began to wonder where such things were made and sold.
However, one in particular caught her eye and she was quick to reach over and tap Aqualad's shoulder, nodding her head in the direction of a small toddler in their parents’ arms. The small boy was wearing a familiar-looking red shirt, black pants, a silver alpha-symbol-esk A belt, and dark details to complete the look of Atlantean armour. Just like Aqualad's uniform.
“You've got a fan.” Zephyr muttered, and Aqualad responded by grinning and waving to the boy. The parents smiled and gently waved the toddler's hand back.
Not a moment later, Aqualad made eye-contact with Zephyr and nodded in the opposite direction, whispering “Looks like I’m not the only one”.
Right near the front, a young girl-maybe 4 or 5-was standing, waving at Zephyr. What made Zephyr’s heart melt a little, however, was the fact that around her neck hung a gold chair with a encircled ‘Z’ as a charm. The same gold, encircled ‘Z’ that was attached to the left side of Zephyr’s short, hooded-caped, fleece. Upon seeing that Zephyr was looking at her, the young girl grinned and grabbed the necklace to show the young hero. Smiling with a warm heart, Zephyr blew a kiss to the young girl who proceeded to grin up at her mother beside her, the girl’s face so happy that it made Zephyr want to run up and hug the small child.
“Ready to see the inner sanctum?” Green Arrow asked, leaning over to speak to his protege.
“Born that way.” The younger archer replied, a small grin pulling at his lips.
“I am glad we’re all here.” Aqualad remarked, grabbing everyone’s attention away from the crowds.
“Have all five sidekicks ever been in the same place at the same time?” Kid Flash asked excitedly.
“Don’t call us sidekicks, not after today.”
Speedy’s angry interjection caught everyone in the small group by surprise, causing both the adults and the teens to look at him in a mix of concern and curiosity.
“Sorry,” Kid Flash replied after a quick moment, suddenly much more sheepish, “first time at the Hall, I’m a little overwhelmed.”
“You’re overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn’t anybody just whelmed?” Robin exclaimed as the group finally crossed the threshold of the white and gold building.
The arches reached high above them as they entered into a large, grand open lobby that felt like, to the teens, they had just stepped into a new, gigantic world. The room had a blue tint to it that made it seem like it was entirely made of metal and plain marble. The only pieces of decor or furnishing in the room visible from the front entrance were seven, enormous, bronze statues of the founding members; Aquaman, Flash, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter. The statues had to have stood at three stories tall at least, and the teenagers suddenly felt much smaller than before.
“Oh.” Robin said, almost under his breath as he stared, wide-eyed at the statues. “Maybe that’s why…”
The proteges’ gaping was cut short as double doors under the statues opened up to reveal a tall figure walking out from them. The individual’s green skin set him apart from the other present Justice League members, making it clear from the start that he wasn’t of this word. His chiseled features and serious looking appearance had a way of commanding respect, even if his black, blue, and red uniform wasn’t exactly the most intimidating.
“Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Zephyr, Kid Flash: welcome.” Martian Manhunter greeted in his deep-sounding voice.
“This is it,” Zephyr thought to herself as the butterflies started flapping in her stomach, “this is the big, crowning moment.”
As Martian Manhunter turned to head back through the doors he just entered from, everyone promptly followed behind. Robin and Kid Flash bumped fists before rushing on ahead, the older teens following on their ankles.
“You now have unlimited access to our gym, fully-stocked gallery, and of course…” As the group stepped into the next room, they found themselves in a large, carpeted area lined with bookshelves. There was a seating area on one side, and a handful of wooden tables with computers, work supplies, and the like on the other. On the opposite end of the room was a giant computer that looked down at the people below. There was also a heavy metal door beside it which stood out against the casual decor. “...our library.”
“Make yourselves at home.” Flash explained as the older heroes made their way over to the far side of the room, by the large computer and the metal doors. Kid Flash and Robin wasted no time running over to claim some of the leather chairs for themselves, and Aqualad and Zephyr quickly followed suit. As there was only one seat left, the Atlantean turned to offer it to Zephyr, but she quickly declined in order to sit on the arm of the seat, letting him take the seat itself.
“Is this okay?” Zephyr asked, offering a small smile as she pulled her hood off. Aqualad smiled back, chuckling softly as he took the now-shared seat.
“Of course.”
Zephyr looked over to Speedy, who was left standing. But he didn’t seem interested in his lack of seating areas, as he simply glared at the Justice League members with tense shoulders and a slight frown.
“Roy?” Zephyr muttered, reaching out to touch his arm and get his attention. But before she could, the sound of Batman’s voice sounded through the room.
“Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day.” The man in black explained. “We shouldn’t be long.”
As a computerized voice began to read off the Leaguer’s names and designations, Zephyr couldn’t help but let a thought cloud her mind.
So Batman doesn’t think it was a coincidence either?
“That’s it?”
Speedy’s angry voice rung through the library, once again catching everybody off-guard. As everyone whirled around to look at the angry red-head, they could see that his tense and stern body language was even more pronounced, more so than nearly anyone present in the room had ever seen from him.
“You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass!” Speedy continued.
“It’s a first step.” Aquaman explained calmly. “You’ve been granted access few others get.”
“Oh really?” The archer seemed to only be spurred on by the Atlantean king’s calm as he gestured up to a large window the other teens hadn’t noticed when they came in. More members of the public were watching from behind the clear glass, like the heroes were animals at a zoo. “Who cares what side of the glass we’re on?”
“Roy, you just need to be patient.” Green Arrow tried to calm his protege, but it was obvious to everyone that Speedy’s anger was making him nervous.
“What I ‘need’ is respect!” Speedy said, taking a couple strides towards the adults before waiting a beat and whipping around to address the teens. At the angry gaze suddenly being turned onto them, the four younger youths tensed up, all mentally preparing to be faced with the fury that was Roy Harper.
“They’re treating us like kids! Worse; like sidekicks.” Speedy growled like an angry cat, spitting out the last word like it was sour. “We deserve better than this.”
Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Zephyr all glanced at each other, non-verbally confirming that they had no personal qualms with the way today had played out leading up to this point. They looked back at their comrade, all with a certain feeling of anxiety and confusion in their gaze.
“You’re kidding, right?” Speedy asked in a monotone voice, dumbfounded at his peers lack of infuriation. “You’re playing their game? Why? Today was supposed to be the day. Step one to becoming full-fledged members of the League!”
“Well, sure.” Kid Flash said hesitantly. “But I thought step one was a tour of the HQ.”
“Except the Hall isn’t the League’s real HQ!”
The room went still as every Justice League members’ expressions turned to one of panic and shock. The four seated adolescents all straightened up, brows furrowed as their eyes now became fixated on their rebelling friend. Kid Flash’s jaw even dropped, eyes widened in pure and unfiltered surprise.
“I bet they never even told you. It’s just a false front for tourists, and a pit-stop for catching Zeta beam tubes to the real thing; an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower.”
Batman’s icy cold glare could be felt throughout the library, contrasted only by the burning gazes of the confused teenagers. Green Arrow turned around to look back at the cloaked leader of the Justice League, a sheepish smile on his lips.
“I know, I know. But I thought maybe we could make an exception?” As the white slits of Batman’s eyes narrowed, the archer received his silent answer. “Or not…”
Meanwhile, Aquaman decided to step in as the only adult willing to try and tame in the hot-headed redhead, stepping towards Speedy with a slight frown between his brows. “You are not helping your case here son. Stand down or-””Or what? You’ll send me to my room?”
Speedy’s voice was growing more and more venomous as the discussion unfolded, and Zephyr stored away some of her confusion just long enough to move and try calming down her friend, but she was stopped by a webbed hand grasping her arm gently, but firmly. Looking down at Aqualad, he shook his head slightly at Zephyr who understood, and promptly sat back down.
“And I’m not your son, I’m not even his!” Speedy continued, practically spitting at his mentor who he now glared at. “I thought I was his partner…”
“Oh no…”
“But not anymore.”
As if in slow motion, the yellow Robin Hood hat was ripped off it’s perch by its owner and thrown onto the ground at the adult’s feet. Without even waiting a moment to stop and bask in his actions, Speedy turned on his heel and began walking away, straight through the seating area where his colleagues now stood at attention, towards the door the group had entered through.
“Guess they’re right about you four.” Speedy hissed at the shocked teenagers. “You’re not ready.”
As the doors closed behind him, the room was plunged into a thick and heavy silence. Not a single person spoke, both due to the fact that there simply wasn’t anything anyone could say after a bombshell like that, and because nobody wanted to even try. The mentors, save for Green Arrow who stared at the door his ward had just walked out of, were silently watching the other proteges, alert as if preparing for any one of them to throw in their chips with the sudden revolution. The teenagers however, did no such thing as they stayed perfectly still. Aqualad and Zephyr joining Green Arrow by staring at the door, as if waiting for their friend to walk back in; Kid Flash staring down at his feet in thought, his mind racing at a speed so fast his feet would be envious; and Robin, staring right back at his mentor with an expression that couldn’t be read through his mask.
Thankfully for everyone, the silence was broken after a couple moments by the giant monitor beside them coming to life. The initial beeping sound from the machine caught everyone's attention, only to be followed by the image of Superman coming up on the screen. The hero in blue could only be seen from the chest-up but he looked the same as any of the young heroes had always seen him: strong, cheery features, and not a hair out of place.
“Superman to Justice League. There’s been a small explosion at Project Cadmus, it’s on fire.” America’s favorite ‘Blue Boy Scout’ explained.
“The famous and all-powerful Justice League being called in for a mere fire?” A voice whispered into Zephyr’s ear. “Please, we could take care of something like that ourselves. Fire is a weak element, so temperamental and childlike.”
Zephyr rolled her eyes at the voice, but didn’t bother waving it away.
“I’ve had my suspicions about Cadmus.” Batman spoke, turning to speak to the other leaguers. “This could present the perfect opportunity to-””Zatara to Justice League.”
Batman was cut off by another man’s image coming up onto the screen, the aged and mustached face of Zatara the master magician: top hat and all. He looked slightly unnerved, his voice giving an air of panic as his image grew to take over the screen, sliding Superman to the bottom corner.
“The sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet if Atan to blot out the sun. Requesting full League response.” The magician explained.
“Superman?” Batman asked, looking to his co-leader for confirmation.
“It’s a small fire; local authorities have it under control.”
“See what I mean? Fire is so weak, even a group of weak humans can control it! Pathetic, truely. Why even bother such noble heroes with such a simple task?” The same voice whispered, and although she was amused by the judgement of elements, Zephyr waved the Wind away to focus on the matter at hand.
“Then Cadmus can wait. All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara’s coordinates. Batman out.” Batman clicked the screen off as the young heroes stepped forward, ready for action
“Stay put.” The cloaked man said quickly before any of the teenagers could say or do anything.
“What? Why?” Robin exclaimed as he and his comrades grew a look of annoyance and betrayal.
“This is a League mission.” Aquaman explained sternly. After the sudden outburst, none of the adults were going to risk anything with leaving room for debate.
“You’re not trained.” Flash added.
“Since when?” The speedster protege barked back.
“I meant you’re not trained to work as a part of this team.” Flash expanded, gesturing to Batman, Aquaman, and himself.
Zephyr turned her gaze to look at her mentor, only to see him entering the zeta-tube; not even looking back at his supposed partner.
“Je n’y crois pas.” The girl muttered under her breath, tearing her angry gaze back to the three men in front of her.
“There will be other missions, when you’re ready.” Aquaman explained.
Each of the teens frowned at this, reminded of Speedy’s final message.
“Guess they’re right about you four. You’re not ready.”
“But for now, stay put.” Batman narrowed his eyes at the teenagers, casting an extra look to his own protege.
And with that, they were gone. Leaving through the zeta-beam tubes and leaving their young counterparts alone in the library.
It only took a moment for one of them to crack.
“When we're ready? How are we ever going to be ready when they treat us like…like…like sidekicks!” Kid Flash faltered, anger building in his muscles as he began to whip around aimlessly.
Aqualad looked down at the ground below him, eyebrows furrowed and a stern look across his features. “My mentor, my King...I thought he trusted me.” Zephyr, who still stood next to him, placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Trust?” Kid Flash spat. “They don't even trust us with the basics! They've got a secret HQ! In space!”
“It makes one wonder…” Zephyr hummed, frowned slightly and dropping her hand as her thoughts unfolded, “if there's more they are not telling us.”
“I've got a better question.” Robin interjected, rolling his shoulders as he looked up. “Why didn't we leave with Speedy?”
A heavy silence fell over the group and each of the young heroes felt their bodies close into themselves as thoughts and tension ran rampant within all of them.
The weight connected to the back of Zephyr’s suit, formed perfectly to her body as to make the hidden compartment nearly invisible, suddenly felt much heavier as she was reminded of the steel blade that lay within it. The silver blade that Roy had specifically made for her after they befriended each other, made up of old refurbished arrowheads.
And what of Red Tornado’s apparent lies? Sure, having a robot for a mentor meant that certain things were lost in translation and communication, it was something Zephyr and he both had to deal with in their own ways. But this was different, he deliberately hid something from her. Not only that, but he lead her to believe that this, today, was special when there was much bigger things at play. He didn’t just leave something out that he believed not to be important, he lied. Plain and simple. And what about Dinah? She was just as guilty here, and she wasn’t even present to see the byproduct.
It was Aqualad who finally broke the silence, his melancholy twisting into curiosity. “What is...Project Cadmus?”
“Don’t know,” Robin muttered, the same curiosity filling him, “but I can find out.”
The Boy Wonder sauntered over to the huge computer and his comrades could only watch as his fingers began to move over the keys.
“Access denied.” The computer spoke.
“Wanna bet?” Robin laughed, embracing the challenge as he began to pick up his pace. His gloved fingers began dancing on the keyboard at what only appeared as inhuman speed, strings of code and other things most of the other teenagers couldn’t understand or decipher popped up and danced along the screen.
“Woah.” Zephyr muttered in awe.
“Woah’s right.” Kid Flash gawked, stepping closer to his best friend. “How are you doing that?”
“Same system as the Batcave.” Robin explained slyly, as if that explained everything.
“Access granted.”
“Alright, Project Cadmus…” Robin began as he scanned through the newly available computer files. “A genetics lab here in D.C., that’s all there is. But if Batman’s suspicious….” his face contorted into one of pure mischief “maybe we should investigate.”
“Oh, I see where this is going…” Zephyr thought.
“Solve their case before they do.” Aqualad smiled, mulling the thought over and over in his head. “It would be poetic justice.”
“Hey,” Robin chuckled, “they’re all about justice.”
“Finally, a mission without that...unfeeling, unnatural thing holding us back!” One voice said, slimy-sounding in nature.
“But is it safe?” Another asked.
“Why should we even go, or even consider going?” Added one more.
“Who’s making me go on a Zephyr mission if not my mentor? What is my motivation here?” Zephyr mentally added for herself. “And would we even be able to do the mission successfully on our own? Would we just end up making things worse?”
Aqualad sighed, his smile faltering. “But they said stay put.”
“For the blotting out the sun mission, not this.” Robin rebutted.
Kid Flash snapped to attention, gazing excitedly at Robin. “Wait, are you going? Cause if you’re going, I’m going.”
The two younger boys turned, grinning up at Zephyr and Aqualad as if they were children begging their parents to buy them a treat. Aqualad and Zephyr looked over at each other, meeting eyes. In that moment, both of them wished they could read each other’s mind and discuss the turn of events privately and calmly. After a moment however, Zephyr sighed in self-defeat and pulled her hood back on.
“Oh putain.”
“I agree if you do Kal.”
And with that, the initial look of piqued interest and excitement filled the Atlantean’s grey-green eyes. Although sparks of uncertainty still pooled in the same depths.
“So just like that? We’re a team on a mission?” The Atlantean asked.
“We didn’t come for a play-date.” Robin smirked.
That was all the convincing he needed.
Êtes-vous certain: Are you sure?
C’est la vie: Such is life
Ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard: Direct: It doesn’t break three legs to a duck.  Meaning: It’s nothing special
(I know, that one’s a little weird, but such is the way of idioms)
Calme-toi: Calm down 
Je n’y crois pas: I can’t believe this
Putain: kind of the equivalent of an f-bomb, in this case intended to mean ‘fuck it’
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japvnesedenim-blog · 5 years
Examine This Report on nailart
colour in between the strains using this type of destructive Room nail art layout featuring two-toned blue shades. This is an excellent seek out black Gentlemen who are Fed up with lower leading fades. It's a good way to showcase your curly hair, even though still sporting a fade haircut. The better part is that you can convert this look into a Mohawk by letting your hair develop out a little bit much more. Position a dab of nail glue or nail gel on your own nail. Set it substantial over the nail, toward the tip, or within a reduced corner. Think about in which it's going to search very best. Probably the most famed amongst stripes are not surprisingly the zebra prints, so wait no a lot more and get this manicure in colours within your choice. Classically passionate and easy to care for, check out a medium duration design with a blown back prime section. This may add height to the frame and give your Girl a little something to operate her fingers via. Since beautyholo.com , much more neat and sophisticated cousin of your quiff, the pompadour has continued to be a favorite men’s fashion conclusion. The pompadour haircut by itself is remarkably much like the quiff, with quick sides and very long hair on leading being The 2 major features on the design. Limited haircuts for guys don’t have to be basic. As an alternative, try some thing somewhat far more classy—such as this asymmetrical Slash with sharp bangs. Pay attention for the back perspective of this cut. The hair is still left a little bit lengthier. Also, many of the lines must be Tremendous precise. A pixie haircut is an easy way to generate your appears to be sharper and brighter. Small hair draws extra consideration to the experience, so you must Assume beforehand what features you’d wish to accentuate together with your quick haircut. Create a watercolor impact. In such a case you'll need two or more colors: white, and A different coloration or two of the preference. Apply the white polish as The bottom coat. Eliminate outdated nail polish. Be sure you're commencing that has a thoroughly clean slate by removing any outdated polish even now lingering on your nails. Experienced Guys have it straightforward: even though younger guys are dyeing their hair for getting that rugged black-and-white male hairstyle, yours occurs Normally. • Furnishings: Be sure to have a lot of relaxed seating selections in Each individual place. Outfit your living room which has a sectional, accent chair and many surface area Place. Bed room furnishings really should exude a way of ease and comfort and calm with the correct mattress and headboard. Before the metrosexual pattern, the punk subculture also used the black nail polish inside a “filthy” way to show how rebel they were versus social guidelines, also the nail polish in a job of showing their disdain to any guidelines and intended to shock the Culture. Media[edit] Make peach or red triangles on the white base and line it that has a eco-friendly to produce a watermelon style and design search. Utilize a dotting Software or maybe a toothpick to generate the seeds. https://tasty.co/article/melissaharrison/easy-dinner-recipes may possibly do that on all of your nails or just one finger or two.
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If you do not choose to Enjoy with many shades, Do this with just one color or select a colour in the exact family to match the theme. It is an very masculine glance, and Should you be hoping to join the military services, this could be your typical ‘do for the next couple of years. A butch Lower is completed with clippers and touched up with scissors. Nail polish, or nail varnish, is really a lacquer placed on human fingernails or toenails to decorate and/or guard the nail. Nowadays’s nail polishes tend to be nitrocellulose in the solvent which include butyl acetate or ethyl acetate. The clever style of this personalized haircut feels as contemporary as it looks. That’s because the hair will have only more time lengths on leading, whilst the sides Have got a combination of shorter cuts. You could Pick from hanging wall mirrors, Finding out wall mirrors, or freestanding mirrors in all variations, colours, and supplies. Home decorations are an easy way to increase new daily life to an area and brighten it up devoid of finishing a whole home renovation. The best part about home decor is that it's unique to you personally! At Wayfair, you’ll locate the clock that speaks to you, the pillow that perfectly matches your living room set, or maybe the cutest elephant statue that can showcase your persona and unique sense of fashion. The chances are countless with our wide variety of home extras! Increase ease and comfort to some home with At Home pillows and throws, and benefit from the large assortment of choices, from oversized and rectangular pillows to All those developed with typical solids and artistic prints. Renovate your home’s bedrooms and residing rooms with easy however innovative window treatment options, and reap the benefits of unused space by incorporating decorative and versatile wall décor things. " Considering that many these equipment could be super glam, she implies dealing with your all-natural hair texture and introducing pins to develop a statement by stacking them or forming an ‘X’ at the rear of the ear, on the facet, or behind The pinnacle. Marjan a short while ago created a group of hair add-ons with Kitsch, which she utilized to finish off Leona Lewis's very low ponytail. In addition to common bobby pins, there's also kinds with terms to be able to really be within your inner thoughts using your hairstyle. Shelf holds approximately 25 lbs. when adequately installed. Hardware provided.The 8 in. x 24 in. Decorative Glass Shelf Package from Knape & Vogt functions easy strains and a thin white outlining bracket for a up to date appear. The tempered glass provides energy and provides fashion to any area. Shelf retains nearly twenty five lbs. when effectively put in. Hardware provided. While you can find sharp-on the lookout blazers with coordinating pants and button-down blouses During this area, you can expect to also uncover more info rmal appears to be for laid-again offices so you can experience relaxed and properly dressed it doesn't matter what you need to do. Lecturers, warehouse workers, corporate executives and business people alike can select Expert apparel variations that suit their desires inside our Work Outfits part. This variation on the undercut attributes marginally extended sides along with a wealthy fringe in the center. It will be less difficult to describe it as a combination of Mohawk and undercut, since the top progressively gets to be shorter in the direction of the back which is styled to be a Mohawk. This particular haircut for boys appears good only on men with thick hair. These are generally like the 2nd-day bed-head waves you wake up with — just much better. "This fashion is fantastic simply because you look polished, but not like you attempted way too tricky. It’s the ultimate L.A. girl vibe," explains Marjan. "The hair isn’t rigid, so that you can conveniently flip the hair from side-to-aspect, and it can certainly go along with jeans in addition to a T-shirt or an elegant cocktail dress." The easiest way to get this seem is always to twist tiny pieces of hair that has a one-inch curling iron, and after that spray the waves with a light-weight texturizing hairspray, similar to this 1 by TRESemmé. A tapered Afro is additionally a preferred hair reality for African American Adult men by having an enviable purely natural curl. An edgier and less identifiably feminine try to find the singer, we enjoy the severe Minimize and the texture. Class it up using this type of polka design and style. Use a matte finish nail paint plus a toothpick to nail this seem.
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