#something that should be cherished for them to the point its for their eyes only
azuries · 4 months
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take me where gods cant judge
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Office Space 5
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you’re an assistant to private and corporate investigator, Nick Fowler, and find yourself brought into the fold of his shady professional life. 
Characters: Nick Fowler, Jonathan Pine, this reader is known as Elfie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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The steakhouse is beyond your usual pay grade. You’re more the kind to order a burrito to enjoy in the privacy of your own home. As it were, you’re not in the habit of going out for business dinners. With your boss, the prospect has never arisen. You prefer that. The task of balancing tidy bites with conversation has always been tedious. 
You focus on the menu to keep your brain from going into overdrive. There are no prices. He did say he was paying, right? 
You stop your hand from completing its journey to your mouth. The urge to chew your nails makes you itchy. You think the ahi tuna might disappoint your boss. He did suggest some steak. Waggy? Wally? Waifu? You don’t know. 
“Mm, I would recommend this cabernet,” Pine says as he taps the smaller menu on the table, “unless of course we were opting for lager?” 
“I prefer the scotch,” Fowler returns, “but I’m open to suggestion.” 
Is he? Really? For as long as you’ve known Fowler, there is only his way. 
You look between them and smile, “I went drinking last night, I might just have water.” 
“Oh, I see you’ve worked for him far too long,” Pine chuckles. “It is the weekend, you should indulge.” 
“If she doesn’t want to drink, don’t make her,” Fowler girds. 
“I wonder why she should abstain with you around,” Pine retorts, “they’ve a cocktail menu. This blueberry mojito looks rather interesting.” 
Pine offers the menu and you look it over. You don’t want to step on either side of the tightrope but you feel yourself losing balance. You also don’t want to spit in the face of generosity. 
“Suppose I might try that,” you agree. “And uh, sir,” you look at Nick at your other elbow. It only occured to you then that you’re trapped between both of them on the curved bench of the booth, “what was the steak you mentioned?” 
“No sirs. Just Nick, Elf,” he corrects you. “The Wagyu,” he reaches over to point to the menu, angling towards you. “How do you like your meat? Medium?” 
“Ummm,” you twiddle your fingers on the table then stop them as you notice his eyes follow the nervous gesture. “Medium rare?” 
“Mm,” Nick nods, “I might’ve had to reconsider your employment if you said well done.” You stare at him and he grins. That’s unusual. “It’s a joke.” 
“I think I may opt for the tuna,” Jonathan intones, “I’m not in the mood for steak.” 
“British guts,” Nick chides. 
“A refined palette, rather,” Jonathan rebuffs with a cool laugh. He looks over as a server approaches, “let us get our drinks first, yes?” 
The waiter patiently takes your orders; the mojito for you, scotch for Nick, and wine for Jonathan, he insists on a bottle for the table. You resist the urge to slouch back and try to hide against the leather. You feel crowded with the bodies at your flanks. Did they get closer? 
You wait patiently for your cocktail. It’s not very big. You hoped to nurse it most of the night to keep from over indulging. You put in an order for the Wagyu, mispronouncing it horribly, and Nick orders the same. Pine keeps to his fish and you feel a spark of jealousy. It does sound better than red meat. 
“When did you start working for our mutual acquaintance?” Pine asks. 
“Um,” you glance at Nick, “about a year and a half.” 
“Something like that,” Nick agrees flatly.  
As you sit forward on the seat, keeping on the edge, you feel his hand behind you, lazily resting on the cushion. You shift and face Pine again as you try to ignore it. The other man seems to pen you in as he angles his shoulders towards you. You never thought you were claustrophobic but you’re starting to panic. You take a sip. 
“Ah, well, so long as I’ve known the man, he’s always been one to work alone,” Pine muses. 
“Oh,” you have no other answer. 
“Operations’ changed. Can’t do it all myself,” Nick sits forward and brushes his hand up your lower back before withdrawing. “She’s a valuable asset. Organized and reliable.” 
It’s as much praise as you’ve ever received from the man but it is not exactly reassuring. Something in his tone lacks the sentiment of his words. A harshness meant to rebuff the other man at the table. 
“What a glowing reference, she should be a hot commodity then. Any would be happy to have her on their team.” 
“She has a job,” Nick insists. 
“Yes, but certainly aspirations beyond assistant work,” Pine counters. 
You’re dizzy as the men argue your future in front of you, as if you asked, as if it’s up to them. You take another drink and nearly sigh as the waiter approaches with a tray. The food will be a good distraction. At least you hope it can fend of these prowling wolves. 
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yynumaki · 1 year
Happy Ever After
Sum: After you got horribly injured on a mission with a loose special grade curse, Geto reaches his breaking point
Tw: Angst
(idk if I should make a part 2 with the happy ending)
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He was doing so well. Everything was starting to turn back to what it was back then; that was before the incident.
After the whole vessel thing, Geto wasn't the same as he was before; and not long after that incident with Toji, Haibaras life was taken from a mission him and Nanami went on. Depression was clawing its way inside of him, slowly destroying his faith in humanity day after day.
Thankfully though, you were there for him trying to be bright enough to guide him out of the darkness that was slowly consuming his mind.
You were his anchor, the only thing left that he was holding onto, hoping to pull him up and out of the darkness of the abyss that he'd fallen into.
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"Its alright, its alright" you hushed, "I'm right here, just breath.."
He had another nightmare, another one where it wasn't only Haibara and Riko who passed, but everyone he holds dear to his heart. The image of a bloodied Gojo, Shoko, Nanami and Yaga was all running through his mind, though the worst part of it— was you.
A few moments before opening his eyes, his incubus was already right infront of him. Your eyes were lifeless as he stared through them, body covered in a sticky mess of your own blood, your skin slowly getting paler and paler as you lost more of it.
"I lost you" he whispered with a shaky breath, "Y— you were...."
His eyes were blood red from crying in his sleep, breathing heavy and body shaking.
"Im right here Suguru" you whispered trying to calm him as you cradled the broken man, "I'm right here next to you"
Feeling your warmth, he calmed. He closed his eyes and held you tighter, almost suffocating, but you didnt seem to care, knowing that he needed to know that you don't plan on going anywhere any time soon.
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Months after that, everything was shattered. Every progress, every effort, as well as every last bit of hope he had left in humanity slipped right through him.
For as long as it took for him to progress, you were there. You were picking up the broken pieces and putting them all together one by one; it didn't matter if it cut you one too many times, you still stayed, and you still kept on going, not giving up on the man you truly loved, and he couldn't be more thankful.
He cherishes the moments he had with you, he held onto them and considered them as treasure more valuable than any amount of gold or gems, he couldn't think of any other reality where he hadn't met you, he didn't even want to think of that.
Instead, you both have already pictured your life together. On a small but comfortable home in the province where there were only minimal curses, barely even any, raising a child or two, and having a peaceful and normal life away from the jujutsu world when the time was right.
You both even convinced yourselves that you would be able to drag Shoko and Satoru along with you, considering that Shoko could easily work as a doctor with her technique, and well, Geto was sure that he'd be able to bribe Satoru with a few sweets and praises.
Geto said that maybe he could work as a detective someday since it seemed pretty interesting to him, and honestly, imagining that, you couldn't think of anything else to better fit him.
But since you both were still so young, and still lacked a bit of financial support, you promised eachother to keep on going with your position of employment until the time was right, and Geto had no problem in waiting since he knew he already found the right person.
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When Shoko was suddenly called when the both of them had the day to themselves, something felt off with Geto. He had this deep feeling in his stomach that something was wrong, and he couldn't shake the fact that, that something could have involved you.
It was unusual since Shoko has Satoru's number muted except for the one for actual life or death emergencies which, surprisingly Gojo only uses for actual emergencies knowing the stakes in the jujutsu world, and Nanami only ever texts, preferring it to a call though barely even does so, so Yaga was the first one that came to mind when he saw Shoko answering the call with furrowed brows.
He knew you were about to come back from a mission today. He thought that it was something that he shouldn't have worried about since you've already requested Yaga to only put you through low grade curses, something you could handle with a blink of an eye to be able to ease Geto since he wasn't fully healed yet mentally.
He was the one who asked Shoko to accompany him to buy a gift for you; when asked what was the occasion by his short haired friend, he simply said that he didn't need a reason to treat you nothing less of a queen.
Upon paying for a bouquet of jasmines and tulips, as well as some spicy noodles you oh so loved, Shoko received the call.
With one look from Shoko, he knew.
He had never ran so fast in his life with one hand pulling his friend out the door of the shop. Geto quickly conjured up a curse to be able to get to the school as fast as possible.
When he entered the building where injured sorceres were usually brought to, he finally saw you; and when he did, he felt his worst nightmare come to a horrid reality.
Your uniform was much darker color, seeing that it was covered in your blood, eyes closed, and face scratched and bruised everywhere.
He hadn't even realised that he started screaming, calling for you. He didn't realise that Gojo already appeared behind him, and was told to pull him out of the room by Yaga for Shoko to be able to help you.
His ears started ringing, not understanding that Yaga was explaining to him how a special grade curse suddenly appeared there. He didn't care.
That was his breaking point.
Now he stood a few feet away from your crying and shaking form, you were on your knees, quietly begging for him to comeback to you knowing that he was still able to hear your words, the moon illuminating his form slowly walking away.
He informed you that he was leaving for good with a letter, which caused you to run to him before it was too late, without you knowing that it already was.
There was no point in begging anymore. It all fell out of his ears anyway, because in his mind, hes making this world safer for you, hes trying to secure the future you planned together, he was trying to protect you.
"One day my love" he said while walking away, "When we rid of these horrid monkeys, I'll come back to you, and we shall live the life we always dreamt about"
"You and I shall soon have our 'happy ever after'"
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bitethedustfools · 4 months
TWST Story Idea (16)
It happened in an instant.
Yuu woke up in a coffin, gasping in desperation and fear. The darkness swallowed him whole, rendering him unable to see.
Escaping that coffin when it was set ablaze by a cat-like monster marked the first adventure for Yuu.
Yuu's first reaction to this new world was like a child setting his gaze upon a brightly lit Christmas tree, eyes sparkling with bright lights and stars.
It was wonderful, colorful, and out of this world. It was like a dream.
His limbs trembled when he stepped into the new world, hands lifted before his eyes as though to question if everything was real.
And it was real. What Yuu felt and experienced was enough to tell that it's all real, and that was enough for him for wanting to stay even though it was just an abandoned ramshackle dorm, far from the luxury he had ever known.
He felt alive as magic burst like fireworks and danced to a rhythm his new friends orchestrated. Even if Yuu was magicless, he was happy all the same.
While it's true that his new life was sometimes faced with foes, obstacles, and antics caused by his friends, he didn't mind it at all. This is what he thought normal life should be like.
The pain that was inflicted on him, he cherished those as well. Perhaps it's strange to keep them as a reminder for most people, but for Yuu, it's not.
Maybe it's borderline crazy or just some weird coping mechanism.
Even if at some points he was asked by his friends about it, Yuu, whose being had been exposed as an anomaly for being magicless and from another world, could only smile.
Let it be his only secret.
Call him a weirdo, call him any other unusual names so hurtful and all Yuu could do is laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world.
And Grim, beloved Grim. Naughty and spoiled, he truly cherished his furry companion. The warmth he emitted and the annoying yet endearing personality.
It can be said that he made Yuu's life even better than before.
What Yuu experienced here was something that he yearned for but could never say out loud. It's not that he didn't have the freedom to do so. It was just the weight of his words was so burdensome.
He let his same wish go out with a puff to every birthday candle snuffed, watched as his hope grew and perished and began anew. The small piece of cake in his mouth tasted bland every year he forced himself to eat.
It was only now that his wish had been heard and granted and he wanted to stay here for eternity where he could live without being scared and weak.
He wanted to have fun every day. He wanted to laugh and eat food that had never been so delicious in his whole life before. He wanted to wake up in his home with Grim snuggling by his side and greet his friends with smiles without worry.
He wanted to do what he couldn't do, to try everything even if he failed miserably, to run and to dance, to explore and feel and wear the most luxurious clothes without the Swords of Damocles dropping over his head at any moment.
He wanted to cry but he had already cried enough, he wanted to smile twice as much without faking it.
He stayed and stayed… . . . …and stayed.
Until what happened during Idia's overblot and Malleus's shook his peaceful life. The seed that was left behind without any water and light burst open from its coat. The plants branched out at the tragedies unfolding before his eyes, poking deep inside his head and heart where he kept the darkness sealed.
It touched the parts Yuu wanted to hide. The dream he lived in wavered and the truth bared its fangs, glinting threateningly.
Yuu began to miss home.
He missed his family who was always by his side, through sorrow and pain, without fail. Even if he knew that they were also a bit unwilling to see him some days.
But Yuu understood. He had no choice but to do so.
Yuu knew his wish was very selfish. Maybe that's why the Blue Fairy didn't grant it at all because Yuu was hesitant in his heart. Because granting that wish meant he had to let go, never to see them again.
It's true that he wished to be happy, never to worry about a thing.
But he also wished that they could be happy too. Together or without…
For the first time in his new life, nothing felt the same anymore. Every adventure had Yuu thinking of his family.
It was not fun anymore.
And Yuu, who wished for things to stay like this forever, finally grew up. A person who used to fit with his peers like puzzles or like a Mad Hatter to Wonderland became Alice who wanted to go home.
He was out of place and out of time.
His heart kept yearning for unreachable things but the first wish was granted so what's wrong with keeping hope that another will be granted as well?
That's what Yuu did and he was back to square one.
Truly, he was a very pitiable person from the beginning.
He kept wishing and wished and wished–
–until Yuu woke up with a gasp, eyes blown wide open only to shut tightly when bright lights penetrated his vision.
A familiar scent of sterilization invaded his nose followed by a numb sensation in all limbs.
People in white coats surrounded his bed while holding certain devices that must have aided in bringing him back to life if the heart monitor that began to stabilize was any indication.
Although muddle-headed, his gaze managed to spot Grim, his beloved doll that was sewn terribly and barely resembled a cat. He was slumped next to the books filled with fairytales set on the desk next to his hospital bed.
Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, and so on…
Yuu knew long ago what it meant to wake up in that coffin.
He was well aware that Twisted Wonderland is just another name for Neverland and Neverland is just another word for the afterlife, where the lost boys go and never grow up until the end of time.
He was ready to accept it but in the end…
He had made another wish and whispered it to the wishing star for the Blue Fairy to hear. A wish similar to Geppetto's yearning for a child, and in respond, Pinocchio, who was made of wood, was brought to life.
And he was indeed back to life. Back to the reality that he was reluctant to face every morning. Back to being a burden, stuck in the bed with white walls and limbs that couldn't move and senses that dulled over time as he festered in that place.
And it's all because Yuu didn't want to see his family cry over his coffin.
Yuu wanted to live even if it was painful. At least, until he's the only one left.
It was closest to a Happy Ending that Yuu could think of for a story like his, one that was truly fitting for a very selfish person.
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mylovelies-docx · 11 months
Sorry, I Love You - Part 14 (END)
Thank you all so much for sticking around for this story! I'll admit I lost steam during my hiatus, but I'm glad I finally found the time to finish this for you guys.
This story took so many twists and turns that I was not expecting - I honestly had nothing after the first few chapters planned, I just let my brain run with whatever it came up with. And it FINALLY wormed its way to a in my opinion satisfactory conclusion.
Hope you all enjoy :)
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
Word Count: 2,470
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You wake to the feeling of Bucky’s hand gently shaking your shoulder.
“Do you still want a bath? You can always take one tomorrow,” he murmurs to you. 
You hum and nod your head, still determined to wash yourself before crawling under the covers of your bed that you’ve missed oh so much over the last year.
Woah, you think, it’s been a whole year since I left?
You look up into Bucky’s eyes as he hovers over you. There are dark shadows under his eyes now and his hair is shorter than it was this time last year, even if it has grown out in these last few months. His face is weary, tired from his lack of restful sleep, but his eyes are soft as he looks at you. You can see something in his gaze that wasn’t there in all your intimate moments prior to this: there’s something soft, tender, where there used to be only lust.
Your heart beats a staccato rhythm, excited and hopeful at what you think – what you believe – that look means. You reach up, placing one hand on his jaw and swiping your thumb across his cheek.
“Help me?” you ask tentatively.
Bucky’s eyes widen a fraction, and you see his throat bob as he swallows hard. His face crumbles slightly as he looks down at you. “I can get one of the nurses?” he proposes instead. “Or Wanda and Natasha if you’d like.”
You shake your head softly and continue to look into his eyes. “I want you.”
He sucks in a breath before taking you by the hands and gently pulling you to sit up. He slides down onto his knees in front of you and holds your hands tightly between his own, as if he’s afraid that you’ll take them away.
“I…” he starts. “I know there are still some things you don’t remember. People, and places, and events that are missin'. There’s… there’s somethin’ that happened between us – there’s somethin’ I did to us.” His eyes had been on you while saying this, but now he looks down at your clasped hands and starts fiddling with your fingers in nervousness. “I’ve said things to you that I never should have – hurt you in a way that you didn’t deserve. You don’t ever deserve to be hurt. ‘Specially not by me, not by things I say.”
Bucky blows out a breath and looks back up to your eyes. “We were… together. Last year. I asked you for somethin’ that I never should have because I was selfish. And you are so good, such a good person, and you agreed even when it was a bad idea.” 
At this point, you retract one of your hands from Bucky’s grasp, feeling him tighten his hold before letting you go. You place that hand back on Bucky’s cheek, cupping his jaw and feeling the movement as he speaks.
“Then you told me that you liked me,” he breathes. “You told me somethin’ so amazin’ and sweet and somethin’ I should have cherished, but I didn’t. I got mad and I pushed you away – pushed you so far away that you weren’t even on the same continent, doll.” Bucky’s breathing is ragged, but he still looks into your eyes, begging you to see the truth and feelings behind his words. 
“When you came back, I told you I was sorry. But I didn’t get to finish what I’d been plannin’ to say because then you-'' a breath, “then you told me you didn’t love me anymore - that you realized you had never liked me in that way, just got caught up in what we were doin’.” He reaches one hand up and holds onto your wrist. “I was gonna tell you that I felt the same way you did – that I liked you and wanted to try again. But after you said you didn’t have feelin’s for me, I realized I couldn’t do that to you – couldn’t put you through my shit again.”
“Bucky,” you whisper, but he doesn’t let you finish.
“So we went back to bein’ friends and I was just happy to have you back in my life again. Glad that we could talk and hang out like we used to. Then we met Petre on the mission and I – I got jealous.” Bucky bites his lip and shakes his head in agitation at himself, his actions. “I got jealous because you were always with him, because he got to be with you and talk to you. You kept laughin’ at everythin’ he said, smiled at ‘im. And I said more stupid shit, more hurtful things to you. And then…”
Bucky pauses for a moment before moving both his hands to your waist, gripping your hips with one thumb swiping over the part of your shirt that hides the scar on your stomach. “Then you got hurt and I wasn’t there. I wasn’t there to protect you and I almost lost you.” Tears well along his lower lashes, but don’t fall.
“You died,” he whispers. “I had to give you CPR ‘til the rest of the team showed up. Then I just watched you lay there in the jet on the way back. Then your surgeries. Then as you were in and out of a coma for two months. I couldn’t let you out of my sight,” he sighs out. 
Bucky’s arms slide from your waist and go around your back before lowering his head down until his forehead rests on your chest. He continues, words muffled by your body. “I was so afraid you’d disappear again. That you’d leave me and not come back and I could never tell you how sorry I was or how much I love you.”
You circle your arms around him and lean over his body where he’s wrapped around you, heart hurting at the pain you both have been dealing with.
“I know,” you whisper into his hair. “I remember.”
Bucky leans back, looking into your eyes once again. “And you’ve let me do this?” he questions. “Dealt with me not leavin’ you alone and smotherin’ you?”
“You’re not smothering me,” you console, pushing his hair away from his forehead and scratching his scalp. “I missed you so, so much. I just wanted you to hold me like you used to, even if you still didn’t feel the way I do.”
“What do you mean?” he wonders, eyes darting between your own, searching for an answer before you give it.
“I lied,” you say. “I lied when I came back. I just thought it’d be easier on the both of us if I told you what you wanted to hear – that I didn’t like you and that we could go back to being friends.” You smooth the lines that appear on Bucky’s brow as his eyebrows furrow. “I knew I loved you last year. And I still love you – I think I always will.”
You smile at the hope in Bucky’s eyes. “Yeah.”
“I love you too, darlin’ – always will,” Bucky mutters as he slowly closes the distance between your faces. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.”
You shake your head and continue to smile at him. “You’re worth the wait, Buck.”
Bucky’s lips connect with yours; tentative at first, trying to remember the rhythm the two of you used to have. It comes back quickly, muscle memory working and getting you both reacquainted with one another’s kiss.
You feel Bucky’s hands slide up from your back, caressing your arms, shoulders, neck, before holding onto your face, keeping you in place as he slides his tongue against your lips before slipping it inside your mouth.
You hum at the familiarity of the action. You spread your fingers against Bucky’s chest, feeling his heart beat hard against your touch.
Bucky rises, lips still on yours, and pushes you further onto the bed. He guides you backwards until you’re lying under him, one of his legs between your own. He snakes a hand under your shirt, massaging your breast. You gasp into his mouth when he gives a quick pinch of your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Needing to feel more of you, Bucky removes your shirt and bra so that he can lavish kisses onto your breasts, sucking your nipples into his mouth and tugging gently.
You slide your hands down, down, down his abdomen, hooking your fingers into the waistband of his jeans. You run your index finger against his skin behind the metal button before popping it open and pulling the zipper down. You tug Bucky’s pants until his cock springs free, already hard and hot. You grasp it in your hand, slowly stroking him.
Bucky groans into your mouth, kissing you harder. Without warning, he backs off of the bed. You start to protest at the loss of him, but he just grabs your hips and pulls your leggings and panties off your body in one motion. Cool air caresses your moist folds as Bucky pulls your legs apart. He settles himself between your thighs, mouth leaving a trail of kisses from your knee and down, down, down to your core. He breathes you in before licking a quick swipe up your crease.
You twitch at the sensation, not having been touched by anyone in so long. Your hands grasp Bucky’s hair, pulling him further into you. He uses his fingers to part your folds, delving his tongue into you. You pant helplessly as he works you quickly toward the edge. He remembers exactly how to make you come, and it seems he’s on a mission to make it happen as quickly as possible.
Wetness collects under Bucky’s tongue, dribbling down onto the sheets below you. Before you reach your peak, you try to push Bucky’s face away.
“Bucky - unh,” you cry. “I want you.”
“I’m right here, doll,” he mutters into your core, continuing to lick and thrust his tongue. “I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
“No,” you say. “No, I want you inside me. Please, Bucky.”
Bucky moans into you before leaving one last kiss and crawling up your body. He tugs his shirt over his head and kicks his pants completely off, pulling your legs so that the inside of your knees rest against his hips. He begins to lay down on you, his elbows resting beside your head and chest coming flush with yours, but you wince.
“Gentle, baby,” you plead. “My ribs are still a little sore.”
Bucky immediately rises up and places a soft kiss on your lips. “Of course. I’m sorry, Doll.”
You shake your head and pull his lips back to yours. “Don’t be sorry.” You circle your hands around his waist and tug his hips closer to yours. “Just go easy on me.”
Bucky lines himself up with your entrance and slowly pushes inside, watching your face as your body acclimates to his after so long apart. Your lips part and your breaths come in pants as you slowly open up around Bucky’s girth.
He caresses your face, smoothing your hair back so he can see your face clearly. You catch his eyes as he looks down at you and you give him a happy smile. “I’ve missed you,” you whisper, massaging the back of his neck. 
Bucky slots his lips against yours and kisses you deeply. “I’ve missed you more,” he replies. You both smile into the kiss while you adjust. After a few moments, Bucky pulls away to ask, “are you ready?”
You nod your head and plant your feet more firmly against the mattress, knees still resting against Bucky’s hips. He slowly pulls out inch by inch until the head of his cock is all that’s left. Then, he pushes back into you, the rigid head and veins sliding against your walls and sending pleasure through you. You sigh in content, relishing the feeling of having Bucky inside you again.
Bucky takes his metal arm and pulls one of your hands away from his neck to place it on the mattress, twining your fingers together as he continues to pump slowly in and out of you, making sure to angle himself just right so that he drags against your walls where you need. 
You make love slow and gentle, neither of you in a rush. You take your time touching each other’s bodies again, exploring the places your hands and mouths still remember. Bucky kisses your jaw and down the side of your neck, suckling on the tender spot just above your collarbone. 
You arch your neck backwards to give him more room, but he takes the opportunity to untwine your fingers and move his metal hand between your bodies, cool thumb making circles around your clit. You release a whine, your body stiffening up as the coil inside you tightens and then dissolves, sending waves of pleasure tingling along your nerves. Your walls flutter and pulse around Bucky’s shaft and he grunts softly at the pressure, the vibration of the noise tickling your neck where his lips still rest.
You grab his face in both hands and bring him back up to you. You pepper his face with languid kisses – his forehead, cheeks, nose, eyelids, and finally his lips. You lick the inside of his mouth, your tongues sliding against one another. 
Bucky gently bites your lower lip and sucks it into his mouth to soothe it. He continues to thrust into you, your body still tingling from your first orgasm and swiftly approaching the next. You start to quake in Bucky’s arm from the overstimulation, but you still yearn for him. You begin to gasp and whimper, the noise rising involuntarily from you. 
Bucky kisses you one more time and moves his hand to the small of your back, raising your hips up to meet his. You keen at the new angle, toes starting to curl.
“You got one more for me, doll?” Bucky gasps. “Come on, pretty girl. Come for me.”
Your body heeds Bucky’s command, shivering around his cock once more. Feeling your pussy gripping him so tight, Bucky comes with you, his warm seed coating your walls and seeping out of you.
You lie together for long moments, staring into each other’s eyes and breathing deeply, lips connecting every few seconds for more kisses. Bucky lifts you up, cock still buried inside you, and turns so that you’re lying on top of him. Your legs straddle his waist and your head rests on his chest, listening to the thud of his heart. 
You lay there until you’re almost asleep, but Bucky kisses your head and picks you up to carry you to the ensuite, where he re-runs the bath with hot water and another lavender bath bomb. He places you down into the steaming water and climbs in behind you, where he takes his time lathering you up and washing your hair. You lean into him and surrender to the affection.
After you’re clean, he dries you off and slips his t-shirt over your head. He carries you back to bed and pulls the blanket over your body before sliding in beside you and pulling you on top of him once again. He places one hand in your hair to massage your scalp while the other smoothes over your back. 
You both lay together in a contented, blissful quiet. You fall asleep with the knowledge that whatever comes your way, you and Bucky will work through it.
Tag list: @jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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dreamxthetic · 6 months
Louis de Pointe du Lac | Jacob Anderson | Interview with a vampire | Bygones
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Two hundred years and counting. That is how long Louis has been on this earth—decades upon decades of ill misfortunes and fleeting 15-minute episodes of contentment and peace. More than two hundred years on this god-forsaken planet, yet your face continues to stalk his thoughts like a drug.
He remembered evidently the way you smiled—how your dimples would quirk as your eyes sheepishly fluttered when he showered you in the dearest of compliments. They were the highlight of his days, and Louis remembered all of it, especially the first date.
It was night out, beyond dark, so much so that the two of you would frequently stumble while trekking to your hidden location beneath the glistening stars. He isn't proud of it now, but looking closer at things, he could have been less ashamed of you and met more frequently within the daytime, but the times were sacred back then, and he was young and cautious. He had to catch you four times that night before insisting on leading the way, and when you reached your goal destination, he covered your eyes.
You had asked him, "What," in return, but he merely chuckled hoarsely and gave you a kiss on your cheek.
Louis smiles…oh how soft your skin was…
It was the night of a many first of the two of you, but nothing could upstage it being the night he confessed to you. A mere six words, double that of the usual endearing three, and yet they changed your lives forever…especially yours. He still recalls how your voice cracked with disbelief and joy when he uttered them to you—how the crickets chirped with applause around you while the moon beamed a light of approval onto you…His most cherished memory. And of course, he could never forget the kiss you be-granted his lips after that, would never forget. It was slow and endearing, the most passionate he had ever been with anyone—most vulnerable: more than with Lestat. You're bodies had intermingled beyond that of just flesh. You had claimed his soul, his destiny, something Lestat only had the pleasure of holding onto temporarily.
He regretted deeply not holding onto you more dearly. He could have fought harder, should have! Sure, the times were cruel to people his kind, and it didn't make it any better that he never held the courage to visit you out of the ours of the damned, but still! You were more than just the love of his life; his actions should have replicated and been in tune with his words—his promises. Louis was young and dumb—but in love, and because of that, your veiled relationship only lasted 3 years. An ironic outcome for how high of a standard he held you.
If only he had gotten you out when he promised…had given you that happily ever after in that cottage. Maybe then…only then would Lestat not have gotten to you—would the world not have gotten the chance to degrade you: your very own family…
But he didn't. He didn't, and that was his greatest regret. Louis was 25 when it happened, cursed that way after that enchanting night with Lestat. You were pushing 30, and it was 6 years after the breakup. He knew that because he never did stop loving you. He stalked you like a personal guardian angel. Though it appears he was an ass at the job because despite seeing you once every week, he still had no clue about the internal war you were waging within yourself. If anything, it only gave his infatuation with you over to Lestat. That is what set things truly ablaze.
To this day, Louis doesn't know what Lestat did to you, nor did anyone he asks, but the morning after, he was there, just standing in front of him with the most brim smile in town, eerie in all its glory. He should have instantly known then that something was wrong, but having been with the unpredictable Lestat de Lioncourt for so long, he merely grew docile to the older's eccentric behavior, something he repented for the next day. It was 2:00AM on 8/5/179 when they discovered the body, a mere year from the new century. Of course, to Louis, this was no big deal, having already deducted that it was one of Lestat's many feeding victims, but when he heard of where the body was located and how they had passed, everything changed. There were only 2 people aside from him that he firmly believed to know that place: You and Lestat. And if Lestat was okay…then…
He had to see for himself. I mean, it could have been literally anybody. But fate wasn't so kind for him to be mistaken this time. It was you.
Your body looked bruised and drained, and at first sight, he instantly thought of Lestat, but your body showed no signs of struggle, and that was a big deal, considering it was hanging from a thin rope. It was damaging to swallow, but you had killed yourself, hanged from the tree you and him had carved your initials into, a wretched sight.
He would never forgive himself for that, even up to this day. You haunted his dreams, both the good and bad. That gleaming smile of yours…It brightened his day and made him mourn for the loss of what could have been if only he was brave enough…
Lestat had once again taken something precious from him, and like the lonely fool he was—is—he continued to remain by him…
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blossom-works · 11 months
Colliding Worlds
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Request (anon): Can you do one with yn being in love with Kylian but he just want to have fun and do not think about love right now and just want to sleep with yn but she doesn’t want that because she knows he is playing with her and then he falls in love with her but it was to late she already found someone who respects her and loves her.
Since you were a little girl, you have always wanted to find your prince charming. Watching the Disney princesses on the screen made you want to fall in love just like they did. You want to experience the unconditional love those princesses have, and you thought you found it. The unconditional love and your prince charming. You want a pure love that can grow and last without the sexual part of a relationship. Growing up, you were taught that sex should be something you do after you get married. A martial act.
You never really understood why until you started growing up. You saw how your high school friends would plan their weekends to get laid with whomever. You saw how in college, people still follow the same behavior. No strings attached. Just some fun for a night and then they are on their way. You did not and do not want to be like your friends. You want your first time and your all to be with the man who promises to cherish you for the rest of their life. You want it to be special with your special someone, whoever that may be.
You thought that your special someone would be Kylian. How you met is a blur, but everything that came after it might as well be a Disney love story on its own. Kylian was a complete gentleman. He would ask how your day is and ask about your weekly plans if he could. He opened doors and pushed out chairs for you. Kylian complimented you when you thought he did not need to or when you thought it was just for show. He pointed out your charismatic personality and your kind nature.
Kylian made you feel special and you thought you should do the same. You stopped talking to guys who tried to get you to go out with them. You wanted Kylian to know that your eyes are on him only. You would ask Kylian if he wanted you to cook something for him or do small tasks to make his life a little easier. You wanted Kylian to feel as if he found his Cinderella, his princess.
The dates you guys went on were a dream. Of course, Kylian would use those times to show off his status. You expected nothing less but told him that a trip to the grocery store or the park was more than enough for you. It was about three months into getting to know each other that you saw your relationship with Kylian declining.
When the two of you were alone Kylian would try to coerce you into bed. Not in a bad way but in an "I want you" way. As much as you wanted to listen to your needs, you made a promise to yourself. You would tell Kylian "Maybe some other time" and try to release the sexual tension through non-sexual means. You felt bad because you saw how frustrated and disappointed Kylian would get. When he eventually asked you why you kept rejecting him, you told him about your self-promise. After that, Kylian stopped trying to sleep with you. In fact, he kind of almost cuts you off.
Daily texts and calls went down to weekly texts and calls - if that. No more dates are planned. No "I want to see you again" is thrown your way. You thought that you did something wrong and even asked Kylian if you did. He told you that you did not and that he was just busy. You believed it because he is freaking Kylian Mbappe. The man's schedule is almost always booked in advance. You did not want to be a nuisance so you waited for Kylian to make the first move. That way you know for sure he has some downtime, no matter how little.
It was not until you saw a post written about Kylian and a woman on an apparent date. It breaks your heart when you see it. You want to stay rational and not jump to any conclusions so you think about it for a while. Maybe the woman is a family friend or even a family member and they are just hanging out...but he would have told you, right? No, what are you saying? The two of you are not even dating so he does not need you to know about his whereabouts and he does not need to know about yours.
But still, it would have been nice to receive a heads up. The day after you first saw the post, you sent a text to Kylian. You did not want to jump the gun so you ask if he has any free time for a date. You want to cry when you see the message, "Sorry, I'm taking Missy on a date that day. Maybe some other time."
Who the hell is this Missy chick? Trying to give Kylian the benefit of the doubt, you ask about her. Apparently, they met at a party and hit it off. Despite your cracking heart, you want to know more about their relationship. Then Kylian asks why you are asking so many questions about him and Missy.
"I thought that we were dating. Not dating-dating but on the way there." You text him, and what Kylian texts back is absolutley gutwrenching.
"I'm sorry but I don't do relationships right now. I'm too busy to commit. You're a lovely woman, really. I mean that from the bottom of my heart but I'm just looking for some fun. When you told me that you didn't want to have sex until marriage, I thought that I should move on. I was under the impression that you understood, I should've clarified. Sorry."
You did not shoot Kylian a text back. Plus, your teary eyes and shaking hands would not allow you to. Wanting to save the last ruminants of your dignity, you deleted all text exchanged between you and Kylian and his number. Laying on your bed, you let your tears fall onto your pillow and think of what could have been.
It takes you about two months to come to terms with Kylian. Granted, you were not in a relationship but you did really like him. Maybe even love, but you will never know for sure. It takes you about six months to find someone else. A man named Dereck who you met in the small city of Edinburgh. A charming Englishman he is. The both of you love to poke fun at each other and explore your surroundings.
For the nth time in the past months, Kylian has been relentlessly cutting off women and he has no idea why. Having a lot of things is something that is normal in Kylian's life. He knows that the women he surrounds himself with know that Kylian asks for the bare minimum. Like any man, Kylian wants to have a meal prepared for him before going to training or even coming back from. He wants a relatively clean home, and he deeply yearns for a woman he can connect with on a non-sexual, intimate level.
Then that is when it hits him, Kylian had that woman. You. You were the woman Kylian was looking for. A woman who was (is) not afraid to stick to traditional roles and whose beliefs surrounded it. You treated Kylian like a man, not a resource. Dammit, what the actual hell was Kylian thinking when he cut you off? He quickly scrolls through his seemingly endless list of contacts before he spots your name. Kylian anxiously thinks about what he should send. A "Hey, how are you?" should suffice? No, not when Kylian dropped that bomb on you. "I miss you"? No, too strong and out of nowhere. Between the two options, Kylian chooses the former. It is more neutral and it does not make him sound so desperate.
Lucky for him, you responded but with a "Who's this?" That means that you deleted Kylian's number. It hurts but he cannot blame you. Especially with how things ended between the two of you. After Kylian reintroduces himself via text, you two exchange a couple of messages. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that you are keeping your answers short and sweet. You do not go into any details and you keep your questions mundane.
After a couple of days of exchanging texts, Kylian asks you if you want to hang out together. There is a reason you kept your responses short and replied to Kylian no earlier than ten minutes. It is because you already have someone - Derek. The best man a woman can ever ask for. If you thought that Kylian treated you like a princess before, Derek treats you like the crown princess who is about to take her throne.
You formulate a carefully written and straight-to-the-point message: "I'm sorry Kylian, but I have a boyfriend. I'm happy with him and I dare say that I'm starting to love him. I thought my responses would give you a hint but it looks like I need to be straight with you. I'm not saying these things out of spite. In fact, I forgive you Kylian. I forgave you a while ago. Let's leave the past in the past and move on, okay?"
When you send that text, you put your phone on "Do Not Disturb" mode and just sit in the small restaurant, thinking about what just happened. The you from a couple of months ago would have jumped at the opportunity, but then what about Derek? Sure, compared to Kylian who is the prince charming, Derek is a viscount or even a baron. But you like - love him. You love that Derek is a prince charming in his own form, reading to sweep his princess off her feet.
You made the right choice. A characteristic of a princess is that she is loyal to the man who will provide for her and protect her. Speaking of, your prince charming comes in, shaking the snow off his head and coat.
In his English accent he says, "There's my pretty girl. Has the diner been keeping you warm? Do you need my coat?" Derek does not wait for your reply as he is already taking his outermost layer off and draping it over your shoulders, and pulls away after kissing your head. The cold air had reddened his nose and cheeks, adding more charm to the already charming man.
You take Derek's hand and hold it on the surface of the table. Compared to yours, his hands are ice cold but his presence gives you warmth. His coat smells like him, wood and spices. Derek is not Kylian Mbappe and that is alright with you. You found a man who will cherish you to bits and hopefully love you to the end of the earth. You only hope that Kylian can learn how to cherish a woman properly, and hope that she will cherish him properly.
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neonthewrite · 7 months
The Office Fae
The next prompt was Tangled, and I ended up with a brand new character for this one. He's fun so far. I'm enjoying his very gremlin energy. I hope you all like him too!
Life in an office building generally worked well for Simon, despite technically being a house fae. The rules could be fuzzy on that front, with so many humans coming and going every day. Sure, there wasn’t a singular family loving the place and cherishing their lives there, but a lot of humans from many families liked the building and their jobs there well enough to make the energy inviting. Something about flexible hours, good wages, and a solid benefits package made for a harmonious office with plenty of memories–some friendly, some dramatic, even some spicy memories.
Plus there was a vending machine. Simon came for the vibes originally, but he absolutely stayed for the vending machine. At a modest five and three quarter inches tall, he had easy access to a good variety of things in portions that lasted him days.
Another house fae rule he bent–it wasn’t precisely a bowl of cream left out for him specifically, but nobody could expect that these days. Keeping the vending machine stocked was close enough, and if the light bulbs and printer cartridges in the building all lasted longer than they should, well, Simon earned his keep. He probably saved them hundreds on the annual operations budget.
Work always slowed down around the end of winter, aside from some buzzing over in the accounting office. All the holiday parties were done and the potluck food all taken home from the break room fridges. Simon planned for it and handled it well, though things could get cold with the shorter hours and heat on less to make up for the emptier office.
To that end, Simon wintered in the ceiling of the server room. The servers, bulkier and taller than a human, stood clustered in a side room and were never turned off. Blinking lights of green and red and blue twinkled on each machine, colors filtering into the ceiling along with the ample warmth those hulking obelisks gave off.
With so much downtime, he found himself perched near an opening in the ceiling, a spot where the tile had broken off long ago, and watched the server lights flicker on the tangled mess of multicolored cables that ran between them. It was a game of his to trace each cable from end to end with his eyes, idly kicking his bare, grey-skinned feet (his skin had shifted to a tasteful, cool grey a few years ago after an office refresh had updated all the paint). Long, slender fingers absently braided silky hair the color of faded ballpoint ink while he scanned the cables with eyes reminiscent of the shocking, dreaded blue of a computer on its way out.
Most house fae took on colors in equal parts camouflage and defense. Simon would be tough to spot if he happened to be out in the open near a human, but if someone did see him, humans never liked seeing that blue. So his eyes would probably protect him.
Not that he ever intended to test that. As much as he liked his many many humans and their water cooler chatter, Simon was realistic. They wouldn’t like him much even if he shared their scale. All his features were a bit elongated, just enough to seem strange and other. He only wore flowing pants made of scrap fabric and he ate bugs sometimes. Humans would call him scary or freaky or any number of words they had for things they didn’t like, and if his eyes couldn’t scare them off he’d be in danger of a rolled up magazine or a dusty phone book.
He’d stayed hidden for a long time, and he anticipated many games of look-at-cables in his future, all without humans being a bother.
Of course, until they were a slight bother anyway. Simon paused his movements and tensed when the door opened abruptly. Light flooded in and he lost track of the cable he was tracing when he looked over, grateful for his higher vantage point and the human tendency to ignore background details.
Two figures stood there, one familiar and one not. One was Tom, a human whose limbs gangled a bit but whose middle had padded out after so many years in a desk job. His bald spot glowed with light from the hallway, and his rumpled t-shirt sported a band name Simon thought he recognized. From what Simon knew, Tom was every bit an IT master and a vital cog in keeping the office running smoothly. He didn’t have to dress any higher than casual.
The other human was a new face. A woman, probably younger than Tom by a couple decades. Her dark skin contrasted with his pale complexion. Her hair, coily and thick, grew longer atop her head though it was tapered close at the sides. She wore a smart blouse and slacks, which Simon immediately recognized as the sort of thing one wore to a job interview, or one’s first day at work.
Tom waved a hand at the servers whirring away in the room. “Servers in here. Probably not gonna need to be in here a ton, but y’know. If something needs a reset…”
The woman nodded and smiled faintly as she scanned the room. “What are the chances I can fix up some of those cables?”
She said it as a joke. Simon didn’t find it funny at all. Tom did. He laughed. “Now that I get someone to pass tasks like that along to, I imagine I can convince the bossman to let me schedule a maintenance day. Now, let’s get you some of your equipment…”
The door closed and the humans walked away, and Simon cared not at all for their conversation or the rest of the onboarding for this new IT interloper. She wanted to organize the cables, which simply would not do. Simon stalked back to his makeshift camp to get his pack.
This new hire was simply not a good fit, and he’d do what he could to stop her horrible plan.
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mybiasisexo · 1 month
can i request 27 & 53 for the drabble withhhhh baekhyun? idk if i’m able to ask if it can lean towards an enemy/frenemies to lovers type trope but if not, it’s alright it’s up to your creativity and writing! i’m grateful for you and this writing, hope everything goes well for you, and thank you so much!
Effort 🤛
Genre: angst | arranged marriage!au | ceo!bbh | nonidol!au Pairing: Baekhyun x f.Reader Length: 1.4k Warnings: language
a/n: bro.... im only like half way done with these drabbles yall 😭. a lot of them are written its just getting them out now so yay for that! this is why i dont do these things. next time i know forsure to only accept like 10. thank you for the request! Sorry for taking so long 😭 but by this point yall should know the drill lmfaoooo 💖
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You march into your condo in search for the other person that lives there.
You find him in the kitchen, sitting at the massive island, cradling a glass of whiskey.
On a mission, you make your way over to him and slam your hand on the marble top, demanding his attention.
Baekhyun jumps at the sound, turning to you with blurry eyes.
“Did you get into a fight?” You ask in annoyance.
Rolling his eyes, he huffs a laugh before taking a sip of his hard drink. “Hello to you too, Wife.”
Narrowing your eyes, you fight the warmth in your chest at the title. Wife. It’s been almost a year and you still haven’t fully come to terms with your newfound role.
“I heard what happened,” you inform him. You catch the stiffening of his shoulders and him muttering something about word traveling fast.
“If you already heard, why're you asking?”
“Because I need you to confirm it, and I need to know why.”
Baekhyun gulps, staring blankly ahead. “Mr. Lee. He was saying some very disgusting and vulgar things about you.”
That isn’t shocking. You are an heiress who spent majority of your youth causing chaos for your family. You were a wild child, spending most of your time partying for the tabloids to see. You had known the life you were going to be subjected to, so decided to live freely while you still could. Unfortunately, it earned you the reputation of being a drunk slut that followed you throughout the years. Despite getting your shit together, taking over your family business, and pushing it to bigger levels. Despite going as far as getting married, people still saw you as that reckless little girl. Many people within your company undermined your authority because of that, but it never swayed you. If anything, it only encouraged you more. You loved proving people wrong. Hearing someone as creepy as Mr. Lee was making lewd comments about you was unfortunately unsurprising.
What is surprising is your husband’s reaction.
In any other setting, a husband defending his wife’s honor is a normal act of love. That’s what they do, support and defend their spouse. But your marriage is a tad different due to the fact Baekhyun didn’t marry you out of love.
Actually, neither one of you had any say in this little arrangement. This union was only possible from the agreement of your parents.
You aren’t exactly happy about the situation, but you understand your position. That’s why you accepted the proposal without complaint. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was severely against the marriage and threatened everyone involved. Allegedly, he already had someone that he cherished around that time. You even had the pleasure of meeting her—at your own wedding, no less—and she was amazing. You totally understood why Baekhyun was angry. Still, he followed through with the arrangement, and here you are now, arguing in your shared apartment.
It isn’t the first time, nor the last you’re sure. You want to at least try to make this relationship work, but Baekhyun makes it impossible. He takes all his frustrations of your predicament out on you with cruel words and cold shoulders. He’s constantly reminding you how much he loathes you, like it was your idea to get married. As hard as you try to brush it off, it hurts. You were forced into this marriage too! You wanted the fairytale ending just as badly as everyone else in the world, but that simply wasn’t your reality. So, you make the best out of a shitty situation. Still, it feels extremely unfair for him to treat you like desperate trash just because he can’t outwardly express his pain and fury to his parents.
“And?” You reply. “Wouldn’t be the first time? They said he got a black eye and a bloody nose. He’s threatening to press charges. The board is contemplating your suspension.”
His jaw clenches, but he doesn’t answer. Only takes another swig of his liquor.
“Baekhyun.” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “It’s unlike you to react like this. I’m sorry that being tied to me is tarnishing your reputation. I know my parents promised that it wouldn’t, but it appears it is.”
“I don’t give a fuck about that,” he seethes. “It had nothing to do with me and everything to do with the fact he was disrespecting my wife!”
He finally turns and gives you his attention. The fury he still feels over the situation radiates off of him in a heat so hot you’re surprised his clothes haven’t lit on fire. Your first instinct is to step away, not wanting to be his next victim. But, you stand firm, feigning courage.
“And I’d do it again,” he admits. “I’ll beat up anyone that talks about you like you’re some kind of whore they can pass around.”
“Why?” You ask in a whisper. “You hate me.”
He sighs. “I don’t hate you. I never have. I hate the situation we’re in. I hate that we didn’t mean it when we said ‘I do’.”
He lets go of his glass to take your hands in his. “But I don’t hate you. And I don’t blame you. I know I’ve been the worst husband ever, but these past few months I….”
He nibbles on his bottom lip and you blink back tears. “I’ve also said some hurtful things, and to your face. I’ll spend the rest of my life making up for that. You’ve been trying, and it’s been working. I’ve realized now how much of an idiot I’ve been. We can make an opportunity out of this. We’re married now, and it’s time that I started acting like it.”
You give him a smile full of relief. “What’s changed?”
“It’s been little things, but the biggest change was at the merger last month.”
Oh. You didn’t think he remembered.
It was your first real public appearance together, so you had to chum it up for the cameras. You were the new It Couple, both the children of two of the most successful businesses in the country. You were tech royalty, and the merging of your families was like two warring nations signing a peace treaty. That night showed you a tender side of Baekhyun you’d never been exposed to, and you couldn’t help but to fall for this person. You knew that none of it was real, but he was just so kind and flirty and when he kissed you it sparked something from deep within. Baekhyun must had felt it as well, because the moment you were back home, you were all over each other. The both of you had been drinking, so that may have played a role on your eagerness. You convinced yourself you weren’t that drunk, and that he was your husband. This was what married couples did. When you were in the bed, Baekhyun pulled away for just a couple seconds to grab a condom and came back to you passed out. It was a reality check for him, and he panicked as the realization of what you were about to do dawned on him. Once the panic dimmed, he was relieved, knowing that your dynamic was already messed up as it was, sex would just make things worse. You woke up the next morning in an empty bed, fully clothed, and Baekhyun never brought it up.
Now that you think of it, Baekhyun has changed since. He has been a lot less hostile, and has been coming come early enough to share dinner with you. During your meals, he made a point to have conversation with you, and you’ve felt like there has been progress between you.
“Truth is,” he says quietly. “Ever since that night, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I don’t deserve you, but I want you anyway.”
“You want me?” You ask.
“I do,” he admits. He pulls you closer to stand between his legs and lets go of your hands to hold you by your hips. “I want to make us work. I want to know everything about you. What makes you laugh, what makes you happy, what your favorite food is, what turns you on.” He smiles suggestively and you shove his shoulder playfully. “I want to know you. I want to protect you. I want to be your husband.”
You blink back the flood of tears that blur your vision so that you can see him. “I want that too, Baekhyun. I want us to try.”
He kisses the corner of your mouth before daring a kiss to your lips, which you reciprocate. When you pull away, he rests his forehead against yours.
“Then let’s try.”
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raainberry · 10 months
Rewind You
« To rewind is to make something go back to the beginning or to an earlier point. »
Sana x gn!reader
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synopsis - your ex’s concert is the last place you should be at after breaking up, yet here you are
⚠️this (very) short story is told backwards, so from end to the start. i wrote it so you can read it normally and from the end. both ways will make sense, but the chronology in which it’s told will change.
wordcount - 581
T/W - Food (One mention)
A/N - two crazy discoveries led to this: new sana pics and melanie martinez’s unreleased song You Love I from which the concept is inspired. enjoy! or not bc i actually dont know if this is good its too late for me to worry about that🥰
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Everything was better with her…
You’d ask yourself how you ended up here, but you knew the answer already.
You felt lost, overwhelmed as a pain you couldn’t seem to let go of persisted deep within your chest, looking around in search for a distraction.
How deluding…
The music was loud, but the tune was off. The lights were bright, but they lacked color. The people around you were happy, dancing and singing along to whatever song came out of those powerful speakers, but it wasn’t infectious.
Your eyes followed the spotlight as it highlighted the artist you hadn’t seen in months. All you could feel when you laid eyes on her was jealousy.
Something you loved and cherished, a place and a person, they’d been ripped away from you the moment you’d parted ways. Yet there she was, still enjoying it all as everyone’s focus and passionate admiration landed solely onto her for the next two minutes.
Minatozaki Sana.
You should have gone to a nightclub... It was the most popular, if not customary short-term remedy to a breakup. Why on Earth were you at a concert instead—her concert out of all?
Needless to say, your split was a fall from grace. Heartbreaking, as you’d expect from a relationship that lasted this long. You’d never broken up with anyone, but you’d seen it in the movies. You knew it would hurt no matter how long you’d seen it coming. You even bought the ice cream in advance, which you unsurprisingly downed in days while living in your memories.
Years. Months. Days. Hours. Every minute you spent together, you made sure to love each other, feeling your hearts swelling at every gesture. A kiss, a touch, or even a simple look was enough to send you to cloud nine. High enough to only see each other.
You’re not sure when everything and everyone else faded out, what mattered was her. You truly liked her. So did she. Perhaps from the moment you’d met. But it took a while to realise just how much you cared about the other.
A first date only came after her clumsy confession one drunken summer night on your balcony. You thought it had been a dream when you woke up the next day. It felt like it at least, when you laid eyes on her and saw her clinging to your shirt in her sleep. Even unconscious, she seemed to be aware of your presence. To want it.
Her conscience never let a second go by without a thought of you either. She made it her mission to satisfy this mindful desire of hers. Texting you at all hours, calling you just to hear the sound of your voice, asking if you could meet her in between two schedules like you would even think about saying no to her.
She was all you could think about. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh, down to her scent. It remained in a corner of your mind, recalling each of them in the late hours of the night as you struggled to fall asleep. The feeling was enchanting, to the point you wondered if she was real. If you’d really met her and she was not someone you’d made up in your dreams to make it all easier.
Life wasn’t that much of a party until you crossed paths with her. While she described her ‘before’ as chaotic, you liked to see yours as the opposite. Just plain boring.
Nothing seemed as colorful, vibrant, or lush without her.
Everything was better with her.
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eekshade · 10 months
Bucky Barnes x m!reader
Word Count: 3338
Warnings/Info: (Heavy) internalized homophobia, tried to make it sad, sexual comments in reader’s head, I don’t know much about the military much less the military in the 40s, I tried to make it as accurate as possible without putting too much time into it, first part of 3?, discontinued
Part Two
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Y/n and Bucky are preparing dinner while in an overall sad attempt to catch up; something the two men haven’t really been able to do in a long time, though there’s not much to talk about other than the war. Bucky is leaning against a nearby wall as y/n chops vegetables into small pieces, preparing them for a shepherd’s pie.
“I should find out where I get stationed in around a week or so, as long as nothing happens of course.” Bucky shares with a sigh, he looks rather strange, he looked sad but it was mixed with something else, something y/n couldn’t put his finger on.
Y/n hums in response before slowly adding, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“What do you mean?” Bucky wears an all too bright smile, anyone older than a day can tell he knows exactly what y/n meant, but he decides to let it go.
“Y’know, like, are you okay?” Y/n momentarily pauses the chopping, and instead turns his whole body toward Bucky.
“Oh,” he looks disappointed that y/n didn’t just wave him off, with a simple never mind. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay.” He mumbles a quick but insincere thank you.
Y/n nods softly, and turns back to what he was doing prior, as clear as it is that something is eating him up, y/n knows Bucky. He knows that Bucky (even if he wants to) won’t talk about his emotions in full depth, the only time he could see Bucky talking like that is if he’s moments away from death's door, but maybe even then he still would probably keep some things to himself.
“I just…” He quietly starts, dragging y/n out of his thoughts. He looks over to Bucky confused, Bucky already staring at y/n’s face as the two make eye contact, tears brim Bucky’s eyes, “I just don’t want to think about it right now, if that’s alright.” As quickly as he started, he stopped.
“Of course that’s fine.” Y/n tries to hide the disappointment in his voice, he honoring Bucky’s wish then waves him over and assigns him a few little tasks to try and keep him busy.
The two finish dinner in a comfortable, blue tinted silence. Y/n is setting up the small table in the corner of the kitchen and with one last glass set upon the table he gracefully (and dramatically) bows to show Bucky that he has finished his own tasks. Y/n’s head rises with a bright smile, the smile quickly disappears like a person in a chaotic crowd at the sight of Bucky, he is watching y/n, tears once again present in his eyes.
Y/n doesn’t know what to do, he knows that Bucky would want him to ignore it and move on like nothing happened, but he can’t in good conscience do that. So he slowly moves closer to Bucky, standing in front of him, he takes Bucky’s left hand into his own. Neither of them say or do anything for a few brief seconds, y/n watches as Bucky blinks causing the first tear to roll down his already red cheek, a few more follow suit and Bucky then, without meaning to, let out a pathetic whine. The sound causes y/n to move closer to Bucky, using their connected hands to pull him into a hug; this action is the breaking point for Bucky as he completely breaks down into y/n’s arms, Bucky’s head rests in the crook of y/n’s neck, tears wetting y/n’s skin and shirt.
The hug gets tighter as Bucky’s legs slightly give out, y/n holds him up as a few tears fall down his own face. Y/n can’t help but think about his own pain, his own stupid pain that finds its way to consume him whenever he’s just a little too close to Bucky. He tries to not think about it, as he finds that the more he thinks about it, the more comfortable he gets with the idea. The idea of loving Bucky, caring for him, cherishing him, holding him, kissing him, fucking him. God, he’s so fucked up, his best friend is about to be shipped off to who knows were and all he can think about his is own sick and selfish desires, he should be locked up where no one could find him. The worst part about it all is that he loves to think about it, he loves to daydream about it as he gets ready in the morning, when walks to work in the morning, when he’s working, when he walks home from work, when he eats, when he sleeps. He tries not to, he really does, it's just so hard when God’s most precious creation is always right there with him.
Y/n’s guilt forces him to at least acknowledge the sobbing Bucky in his arms, he runs his fingers through Bucky’s hair muttering soft words of comfort into Bucky’s ear. Bucky’s sobs slow to a stop after a few minutes of this, and he pulls away from y/n, only slightly so the two aren’t hugging anymore, but they’re still close enough for y/n to hear Bucky’s soft pants as he tries to stabilize his breathing.
Bucky has a look of regret when he locks eyes with y/n, this makes y/n feel as though he was being stabbed with a dull blade, but it got caught on something so it couldn’t go all the way through, now it just sits inside him.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky whispered as he looked to his feet and then back up at y/n, “I shouldn’t have dumped that all on you.” Bucky laughed to try and make it sound like a joke but he couldn’t bring himself to add any warmth to it.
“It’s fine Buck.” Y/n offered him a smile, it was more than fine he thought, but decided against actually saying it.
“No, I’m over here crying like a baby, when I should be, god, I don’t know, doing anything else.” He attempts to smile but it doesn’t quite make it all the way there, so it ends up looking more like a wince.
“Buck seriously it’s okay, it’s good to get it out every once in a while.” Y/n unconsciously takes a small step forward. Bucky hums, but y/n can tell he still doesn’t agree.
“So, you still don’t wanna talk about it?” Y/n asks but before Bucky can say anything adds, “I know it’s not really your style, and I respect that, but I think it’ll help.”
Bucky seems to think about it for a second before responding, “I can, if it’ll make you feel better.” Y/n knows he's just trying to deflect, but why not let him have it?
“Yeah, it would make me feel so much better.” Y/n laughs quietly.
Bucky takes a few steps back and leans against a wall, he starts to think for a moment on what to say, and his eyes gloss over once again, this makes him feel vulnerable and weak, he has to keep reminding himself that it’s just y/n but that only seems to make it worse. He crosses his arms as a way to close himself off from y/n, as a way to protect himself against the very possible ridicule that comes with what he's about to say. “I don’t wanna die.” His voice is quiet and trembling, half way through the sentence his voice broke. Y/n moves to take him back into his arms but he rejects the offer, hugging himself tighter.
“I don’t wanna die,” he repeats, slightly more confident than before, but still weak.
“I know Buck, but it’ll be okay. Everything will be f-,” Y/n attempts to comfort him but he cuts him off firmly, “Y/n.”
“Yeah Buck?” The way y/n’s eyes looked so concerned, so glossy, so perfect, it gave Bucky the extra push.
“I don’t want to die, because then I won't be able to come home to you, I won’t be able to cook with you, or rather you cook and I pretend to be helpful,” he laughs, a real heartfelt laugh, “I won’t be able to go on stupid little adventures to nowhere, I won't be able to, hell, cry into your neck like I’ve never had anything bad happen to me before.”
“I won’t have you, and that’s not okay.” He finishes his short, bittersweet rant.
Y/n’s eyes widen and his heart rate speeds up to a concerning amount, it takes him a little bit to process and once he does he’s smiling ear to ear. The smile falters slightly at the sight of Bucky looking at anything but him, tears running down his face.
“Buck…” Y/n softly calls out to him. Seeing how y/n hasn’t hit him or ran out the door yet, he against his better judgment, looks up at y/n.
“Bucky, I’ll be here. You just have to come back.” Y/n whispers.
“I know that y/n,” Bucky looks at him worried, “I don’t think you’re understanding me.”
“Then help me understand James.” Y/n responds exasperated, tears threatening to fall, Bucky flinched slightly at the use of his first name. “I need you to say it.” Y/n’s heart felt like it was going to give out.
“I love you y/n.” Bucky cried out softly, “God, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“I love you too.” Bucky doesn’t believe what he's heard, did he really mean it or was he just saying that?
Y/n closes in on him, arms open, this time Bucky accepts the offer. The hug was brief as y/n pulled away to look at Bucky’s face, “Stop apologizing for having emotions, okay?” Bucky nods slightly in return, but the expression on his face seems to be elsewhere, y/n compulsively brings his hands up to Bucky’s face, using his thumbs to wipe away the wet drops still present. Bucky gently grabs y/n’s wrists, which now rest on his jaw, and he uses them to lull y/n in closer to him.
The kiss takes y/n by surprise, he knows he shouldn’t, he knows it’s wrong, but hell it feels too good to stop. It started out slow and sweet, a way to test the waters, but the ever present dread that Bucky will be gone soon makes it hard to keep it that way. Y/n’s hands found their way into Bucky’s hair, teeth clashing together as the salty taste from the dried tears from the pair's lips filled their mouths. Both men seemed to forget their problems as they somehow drew closer together, Bucky’s hands ended up on y/n’s waist under his shirt trailing up and down the soft skin.
The blissful warmth lasted for a few minutes at the very least, before they heard the noise of what seemed to be very drunk men loudly laughing and yelling at each other on the street below. Y/n pulled away from Bucky at the sound looking quite fearful, he calmed fast when he realized that they couldn’t be seen from the windows, Bucky realizing the same thing, walked over to each of the windows in the kitchen and closed the curtains.
Y/n watched as Bucky did so, his mind filling with thoughts of regret and disgust. He felt like he needed to take a shower, like he needed to shred his skin off, like he needed to be thrown into a dumpster. His thoughts were bad enough all on their own, now he had to deal with his actions. He wanted to run away but he had enough sense to not do that to Bucky, it's not his fault, he was just corrupted. On the other hand he told Bucky to not apologize for his emotions, so why should he? He's been dealing with this long enough to know that it's not going to go away, and if Bucky’s fine with it, why not just give in?
Y/n’s internal fight could go on for days, but was cut short when Bucky turned back toward him, Bucky was smiling nervously. “The food is probably cold now.” Bucky laughed as he motioned for y/n to come sit with him. The two stayed together for the rest of the night, letting the thoughts of the outside world completely drift away.
Over the next week they found out that Bucky was being stationed with the 107th regiment, on Bucky’s last day the little group, composed of Bucky, Steve, and y/n all went to the World Exposition of Tomorrow (Bucky’s choice). The night was over faster than anyone would have liked, and with that Bucky was gone. It didn’t really help y/n that Steve, otherwise known as y/n’s only current support, somehow found a way to weasel his way into enlistment and was now also going off to fight. Of course y/n also had his responsibilities, he enlisted for the coast guard, he mostly worked in the security operations center, so he never really got deployed.
It has been around two maybe two and a half years since Bucky and Steve went off, y/n has sent them both letters every once in a while and vise versa, but not as much as they probably should have. Y/n was able to keep up with them in a way, with Steve’s whole new Captain America thing. Y/n was at work, filling out a file on a recent operation when a young, brunette woman appeared at the side of his desk. It had been a long time since he’d seen her last, and the times he had interacted with her were usually less than a minute or two, so it had taken him a second to figure out who it was.
“Becca?” He asked with a head tilt, “Is everything okay?” Y/n didn’t have to ask, he knew there was only one reason why she’d be here, and based on her sorrowful demeanor, he knew he was right.
“How about we talk in a more private area.” She offered, a sad smile wavered across her lips.
“Yeah, I got somewhere we could go.” Y/n stood and led her towards a storage closet, before they went in he could hear a few of his colleagues whistle behind him, this made Becca look uncomfortable and he wanted to shield her in some way.
He opened the closet door, “After you.” The smile was supposed to be playful but the dread of knowing what comes next stopped it from doing so.
“I’m sorry y/n.” Becca sniffled once the door was closed behind them, “James told me about the two of you before he left, so I thought I should at the very least tell you in person.” Her voice was quiet as she spoke.
“He told you?” Y/n asked, trying to keep the conversation from going away from the point, he isn’t ready.
“Yeah, came to me ‘round three or so days before he left. He didn’t say it was you but a girl has eyes.” She panicked slightly, “Not to say you’re being obvious or anything, I just know my brother.” She sniffles again.
“There’s no easy way to tell you-,”
“Then don’t.” His tone was standoffish and almost cruel, y/n knew this but the tears that were now forming in his eyes seemed to soften it a little.
She sighed, “I get it. I mean I know it’s different but I get it.” Y/n wanted to thank her but he didn’t think he could say anything without whimpering, so he opted for a weak smile.
After a few moments of trying to breathe he finally choked out, “How? Do you know?”
“No, do you want to know what they told us?” She questioned, looking rather angry now, “Killed in combat, like that helps us at all.” She laughed bitterly.
“It just hurts so much. My brother died and they can’t even tell me how or why.”
Y/n opens his arms to her and they both embrace, crying together.
It had only been a few days since Becca had come to visit, y/n was sitting at his desk, reading a file for his next assignment when the phone started to loudly ring, already cursed with a headache from how frequently he’d be crying, he groans, his clear disinterest made one of his colleagues to look up and softly laugh at the man’s pain. Y/n gathers up all of his courage before picking up the phone and placing it on his ear.
“Hello, l/n speaking.” He slowly slid down the back of his chair, staring at the ceiling.
“Hi y/n, long time.” The person on the other end stated in a neutral tone.
Y/n’s posture straightened out immediately, “Steve?” He asked excitedly.
“No, this is Constance Bennett.” Steve joked.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry Connie I wasn’t expecting you to call ‘till later.” Y/n was trying to hide the smile that was now eating up his entire face, his coworker was now looking at him rather funny.
“Seriously though man, it’s good to hear from you.” Y/n added on.
“Yeah I know, I’m sorry for not writing more often. Just have had a lot goin’ on.”
“Yeah I’m sure,” y/n laughs, “so…do you always wear the suit or is it a camera only thing?”
“That’s confidential.” Steve says in a deadpan tone, before they both start laughing. It takes them around a minute to calm down, once they do neither talk for a while, stuck in a very uncomfortable silence.
Deciding that someone has to take the initiative Steve starts to talk, ”Y/n, do you…know?” It’s sad and it hurts Steve to ask, but he needs it to get out of the way.
“Yeah I do, well I don’t know the details of it, but Becca swung by a few days ago to tell me.” He says slowly, trying to keep his voice leveled.
“That’s good, that’s good you know.” Steve would never say it, but he’s relieved that he didn’t have to be the one to tell him.
“So is that why you called? To tell me?”
“No, well yes, but no.” Steve stuttered out, “God just give me a second.” He was breathing softly into the phone for a few moments, deciding how he should word this.
“I need your help y/n.” He finally stated.
“Alright with what?”
“This is going to be a lot to ask, so I understand if you can’t or don’t want to.” Steve says trying everything he can to make this sound reasonable.
“Okay? Just tell me, I won’t hang up, I swear it.” Y/n softly pries.
“Come with me.”
“Put in for a transfer. It’ll go through, I’ll make sure it does. I’m almost done with my current mission, but with Buck,” he stops for a moment, “with Buck gone, I don’t think I can do this.” Even though y/n couldn’t see him, he knew Steve was crying.
“I’m sorry for springing this on you out of nowhere, I just didn’t know where else to go. You’re all I have.” Steve’s voice cracks slightly.
“Okay, I’ll do it.” Y/n responds with a concerning lack of hesitation.
“Of course Steve, I got you, you know that right?”
“Thank you.” His voice is soft, but y/n can feel the warmth off of it, even an ocean away.
The smile that crosses y/n’s face is bittersweet, he knows why he really agreed. While yes, a part of it was for his close friend, in all reality he truly was just ready to see Bucky again.
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aceofsages · 1 year
Prompt: Jealous Wednesday
written for @hotmesslovesickcrackhead : I'm sure this wasn't what you had in mind when you gave me this prompt, lol, but this is where my mind went
find on ao3
cw: angst, ambiguous ending, fantasizing of torture, references to cannibalism
Something festers inside Wednesday—a gaping chasm of roiling emotions that Wednesday, for all means and purposes, should like, but doesn’t. Something green that makes her breath fast, her hands twitch, and it seems to happen every time she sees Enid with Ajax. A rage overcomes her, a boiling wrath, and Wednesday often fears that if she had less control than she does, she would behead all of Ajax’s snakes and feed them to him.
But doing so would mean losing Enid worse than she ever had her.
“Someone’s jealous,” says Barclay as she takes her seat next to Wednesday on the quad fountain.
Wednesday takes her eyes off of where Enid sits on that insipid boy’s lap, giggling with Yoko and Divina, to glare at her. The siren just smirks infuriatingly, lazily weaving water between her fingers.
“Just saying, I know that look. Hell, I used to wear it when you spent time with Xavier.”
Wednesday doesn’t do something as mundane as roll her eyes, but it’s a near thing. “That was your own insecurity, Barclay. There was nothing going on between Xavier and I.”
“Maybe,” she says, shrugging. “But there is something going on between Ajax and Enid.”
Wednesday’s hands clench without her consent and Barclay raises a brow. “Oh, you’ve got it bad.”
“Shut up Barclay.”
The thing is, Barclay still had a right to be jealous, however irrational. But Wednesday doesn’t, because there was never anything between her and Enid, there will never be anything, because Enid deserves everything Wednesday can’t give her. She deserves colorful dates and soft kisses, hand holding and public displays of affection. She deserves to be cherished, but with Wednesday she will only have cuts disguised as caresses.
None of this reasoning soothes what she now knows is jealousy.
It gets worse. It gets to a point where Wednesday can’t be trusted to stay in the same room as Enid when she’s with Ajax, can’t be trusted not to gaze at her and wish to break Ajax’s arms and put hers around her instead, can’t be trusted to even open her mouth without spewing something that would undoubtedly be vicious and cutting and absolutely nothing that Enid deserves. The feeling makes Wednesday breathless, makes her worse than she thought she could be and the worse part is she knows she needs to mitigate it before it gets out of her control.
(Addamses love only once, and they love fierce, unyielding. A person can break themselves against its tide, and drown the object of their affections too, and Wednesday will kill herself before she lets that happen to Enid.)
“What is this? I knew you and Bianca were getting close, but not changing your room close!”
“We’re not.”
“Then why?!” Enid steps towards her, crossing the line that Wednesday’s viscerally aware remains no more.
There is no rational why, Wednesday thinks, only you who I can’t have. Only you who I can’t hurt just because I’m jealous.
She’s aware of how much her recent behavior has been hurting Enid—thinks that a clean break is what they need from each other before Wednesday snaps and strips the hide from Ajax’s snakes and proceeds to skin him while electrocuting him. She’d leave Nevermore altogether, but that would mean admitting to her parents, to her Mother, that she has fallen for the same foley every Addams before her has.
“It’s temporary,” she says instead, steadfastly not looking at the only color in her life. “Only until my manuscript is done.”
“What? Is the noise still bothering you? I’ve been putting on my headphones and trying not to giggle when I text!”
That’s the problem.
Look what I’m doing to you, my love, in my green-eyed rage, she doesn’t say. I'm smothering you.
“It’s only temporary, Enid,” she says again, as if doing that would make it reality. She hopes it will, but she knows this curse—has seen mightier Addamses than her fall prey to it. Richie Addams had been the worst of them all. A depraved Addams that fell prey to the curse in the 1800s, he had brutalized his love’s husband with his own bare hands in front of her; done the same to his love, twisted her into something beyond recognition and then eaten her—rumor has it while she was still alive and coherent, that he’d kept her alive to watch him eat her. He had killed himself shortly after.
(It features all too often in her dreams.)
She will not unleash her brutality upon Enid, would turn the knife against herself before she would.
“Oh come on! Just tell me what’s wrong, Wednesday. I thought we were past this!”
Wednesday doesn’t reply; folds the last of her clothes into her trunk and snaps it shut. She goes to move it from her bed but Enid snags her wrist and makes her face her. Wednesday can’t help it—it’s instinct to flick the knife out and press it to her assailant’s wrist. Blood wells up and Enid winces.
(isn’t this a metaphor—isn’t this a forewarning?
enid touches wednesday and gets hurt, seconds after wednesday vows to turn her knife against her own self before it touches enid’s skin.
there’s a lesson here, a horror story in the making.
there’s a lesson here, a love story in the making.)
“Sorry! I shouldn’t have touched you.”
The warmth of Enid’s palm still lingers on Wednesday’s wrist even after she removes it, a handprint printed on Wednesday’s bones. Wednesday stares at Enid’s wrist, at the blood that stains it, at the cut she put there and wonders what it would be like to put her lips to it, to taste her beloved’s essence on her tongue, to deepen the cut till she reaches bone and can leave her own mark on her.
(she has to leave, she has to leave, she has to leave—
it’s getting worse, it’s already gotten worse and it hurts.)
“I have to go,” she says and leaves without a backward glance. If Enid calls after her, Wednesday pretends not to hear.
(Wednesday’s name goes down in history.
Enid’s is written next to her.)
(was it a horror story, they ask.
perhaps, others say. perhaps it was a love story gone wrong; a twisted romeo and juliet, an orpheus and eurydice.
idiots, it was always supposed to be both.)
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iamnotoriginalphil · 2 years
Big compliments - you're so gifted in writing stories! <3
Prompt idea for Larissa Weems x teacher!reader / friends with benefits. You both have no time to get to know new people and just want to blow of some steam. You are important to each other and trust each other so why not?
After one more night of love making rather than sex it just slips out of your mouth "I love you"
The next morning Larissa wants to end it but you will fight for your relationship
Thank you 💜
You gasped, her fingers curling within you. Red lips were smirking at you, blue eyes twinkling as your fingers twisted in the sheets beneath you. No one had ever been able to play your body as well as Larissa could.
Her lips pressed to your pulse point, tongue soothing over the mark she sucked into it. You moaned her name as her palm brushed against your clit, her pace slow, making your head spin. It was nothing like the usual rough fucking you engaged in. This was making you feel more cherished, more special.
“That’s it, love,” she murmured, lips brushing against the shell of your ear, “you’re doing so good for me.”
“Fuck, Rissa,” you moaned.
Her thumb began to circle your bundle of nerves until you were a writhing mess below her. With soft kisses, you were beginning to feel your internal walls flutter around her fingers. She kept murmuring praise into your skin as your legs began to tremble.
“Oh god, I love you,” slipped from between your lips.
Her palm ground against you until you were crying out, pleasure coursing through your body. She worked you through your orgasm until you felt spent, bonelessly sinking into the mattress. Lying there, she cleaned you up, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“You did so well,” she murmured into your mouth as you pulled her in for a soft kiss.
“Your turn tomorrow,” you promised, eyes slipping closed.
It wasn’t until you woke up feeling deliciously rested that you realised something had gone wrong. Usually you’d wake up in the same bed as Larissa after a night spent revelling in one another’s bodies. That day, you woke up alone.
Then the memory hit you in the face.
Showering and dressing, you went looking for her. She clearly wasn’t hiding, sitting in her office, fingers tapping away at lightning speed on her keyboard. She didn’t even look up at you entered, the door closing softly behind you.
“I think we should talk,” you said.
“Hm?” She looked up from the lit screen of her laptop.
“About last night…”
She held up a hand, silencing you before you could say anything. Your mouth closed with a snap. She didn’t even bother standing, just staring at you across the large wooden expanse.
“I think perhaps it’s time to end our arrangement,” she said, “it’s been nice but it’s served its purpose now.”
“Is this because I told you I love you?” you asked before she could say anything else.
“Of course not,” she replied, sounding offended at your accusation.
“You’re a shit liar,” you said, “and I won’t let you do this.”
“Please, love, we both knew this was only temporary,” she said, turning her attention back to the laptop.
“No, we didn’t.”
You slammed the laptop shut, her fingers only just moving out of the way in time. She stared up at you, shock on her face but you couldn’t care when you felt so angry. You were almost shaking.
“I think you’re scared, Rissa,” you hissed, leaning towards her, “I think you’re scared of the feelings you have for me because they make you vulnerable so you’d rather run from them.”
“There weren’t meant to be any feelings,” she roared.
“Too bad,” you shouted back.
She stood, towering over you, pressing you back against the edge of her desk. Your breath caught, much as it did any time she did that move. She sneered, looking over you.
“This was nothing but sex, okay?” she said, “sex and friendship and now I think it’s time for the sex to end if you’re experiencing feelings for me.”
“I’m not the only one,” you said, “I know I’m not.”
“And how do you know that, love?” she asked, drawing closer until her breath ghosted over your face.
“Because I know you,” you replied, “and no one responds like this if they’re not feeling something.”
“What do you know about it?” she hissed.
“I know I’m not giving up on you. Or on us,” you said.
You reached up, pulling her into a kiss. It was rough, more an extension of the fight you were having. Teeth tugging, fingers grasping, the sharp edge of the desk digging in. She wasn’t stopping, refusing to back down as you kissed her with all the emotion you’d been repressing. She made a strangled noise in the back of her throat, tearing herself away from you.
“Fuck you,” she spat, “fuck.”
She sunk back into her chair, burying her face in her hands. You waited a moment, catching your breath. She reached out a shaking hand towards you, tugging you until you were settled on her lap.
“Fuck you for making me fall in love with you,” she ground out before kissing you again.
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
hiii its the anon from yesterday who yapped abt alastor being softer to the other hazbins during/after the tickle war, and ive come to provide you with some lee AND ler al content :)
so, after briefly reading thru this blog, i can tell that everyone loves al being SO obvious when hes in a lee mood (me included tbf). so, on top of his shadow being a menace n' him being 10x more touchy/twitchy than usual when he wants to be tickled, id like to give him another tell (that i HOPE?? someone hasn't brought up yet???): his good ole ears/tail!!!
methinks that whenever he's in a lee mood, his ears pin down/to the side whenever someone approaches him, even if they arent planning on tickling him!! yk, a common sign of submission in animals. as for his tail, you couldn't rlly tell unless he had it uncovered, but it'd be face down and 'tucked between his legs', (not ACTUALLY/FULLY bc if he ever caught himself doing that he'd make himself stop immediately out of sheer embarrassment gfajafakags, but he does the closest thing to it)!!! both things he doesnt realize he's doing unless pointed out, and i imagine it as the final push a ler would need to wreck him. like.. imagine someone from the hotel who's been seeing al run around all day, just out the corner of their eye, but theyre able to pick up on him being more twitchy and clingy than usual. plus, his shadow acting up.. and then the pieces all slot into place once they approach him to ask abt it and they see his ears fold back :) they then continue to make those ears flap and that tail wag :)))
AND like i promised, some ler content, still concerning al's ears/tail bc not only am i obsessed with them, methinks they'd also be good tools for him to use as a ler!!! for the cherished moments where al uses direct physical touch instead of magic to tickle his lee, i think it'd be adorable if he brushed his ears/tail against their sensitive spots, especially if he often does so '''accidentally''' after learning about it :) these are the first two scenarios that came to mind that fit what im talking abt, but feel free to imagine your own/smthn different:
ler al and lee husk, with husk having a really sensitive chin/neck!! al keeps pulling him close, making husks attempts at pawing (ha) him off futile by al scrabbling at his ribs and stomach, which eventually leads to al leaning his head forward n' makin' his ears accidentally flap against husks neck/chin, which makes the poor kitty *squeal*. theres like that brief moment of 'oh no' from husk before al leans back in and purposefully wiggles his ears back and forth against husk until hes laughing so hard he cant breathe 🥺🥺🥺 al is teasing him the entire time, much to his chagrin
and, for the tail!! ler al and lee angel dust!!! ive always imagined angel with a sensitive stomach, so al would either have to be holding him down/or against something in this scenario, but just think abt how cute it'd be for the two to be play-fighting but then angel lets out a *yelp* whenever al's tail brushes along his stomach!! angel'd get his own 'oh no' moment where al's suddenly pinning him down, using his hands to tickle angels armpits and ribs while his tail absolutely wrecks his stomach. angel would be making witty comebacks to al's teasing if he had time to breathe :)))
okokok that should be all its past midnight here i need to sleep!!! anyways ajagsfaggaha ty for reading hope you liked ittt :)))))
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And the scenarios too omggg, I freaking LOVED the unintencional thing of the ears going down, animal features doing silly things when someone is in a lee mood or being tickled is my weak point (Alastor's tail totally wags when he's tickled tho I am SO SURE)
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maraiheroine · 2 months
from   all   around   continues the   voice   , this faceless visitor of dream , ❛   𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹   𝘁𝗵𝗲   𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲   𝗳𝗶𝘀𝗵   𝗻𝗼𝘁   𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿   𝗵𝗲𝗿   𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁   ?   :   𝘁𝗵𝗲   𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁   𝘆𝗼𝘂   𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗻𝗱   𝗶𝘀   𝗳𝗹𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴   .   𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿   𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀   𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹   𝗱𝗶𝗲   ,   𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿   𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘀   𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹   𝗱𝗿𝘆   ,   𝗮𝗻𝗱   𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿   𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗲𝘀   𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹   𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗻   .   𝗱𝗼   𝗻𝗼𝘁   𝘄𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲   𝘁𝗵𝗲   𝗲𝗳𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁   .   𝗶𝗻   𝘁𝗵𝗲   𝗲𝗻𝗱   ,   𝗮𝗹𝗹   𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁   𝘆𝗼𝘂   𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲   𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹   𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻   𝘁𝗼   𝘁𝗵𝗲   𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗱   …   𝘀𝗼   𝘄𝗵𝘆   𝗻𝗼𝘁   𝗵𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻   𝘁𝗵𝗲   𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲   ?   — 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸   𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲   𝗶𝗻   𝘁𝗵𝗲   𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀   𝗻𝗼𝘄   .   ❜
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𓆩✧𓆪 - Nami feels herself being pulled down before anything else. Eyes blink at the cold water rushing past her, desperately searching for a point of light beyond her own glowing source to be her guide in the deep black encompassing her. Although she knew she wasn't moving, not of her own volition anyway, the waters made the mermaid sink. Looking up, that's when she sees it; three shining lights far above her, fighting back against the darkness together. All the while she was being dragged further and further away in this rip current. Even as she desperately tries to fight back as fins kick, hand reaching up, reaching for her friends to join them, knowing deep down that every action was in vain acts like an anchor.
The voice of a melancholy tone fills the emptiness, then. Nami's attention turns in search for it's source. Worried for the words spoken, and - with her clouded senses unable to realise this was a terrible dream - that someone else was down in these depths too. They sound so far and too near all at once. if Nami reached out, would she be able to catch them? But then again, was that something she should do? The words alone were beautiful. Their finality and acceptance of the end of all. The loneliness struck her heart. Hands embrace one another before her, and she realises there is not even water, anymore. It was only this endless expanse, and the voice calling out to her. Urging her to see the pointlessness in her struggle.
But even with this immense pressure, Nami's light grows stronger.
"All my life, we hid in the depths from the dangers that threatened our world from above. The only light that ever shone strong enough to reach us were the Star Guardians that defended us and our home." Her voice feels small in the vast open, and Nami can only hope her reply is heard in turn. "I always dreamed of being able to save my people, to join such a wonderful cause. And I won't let the end happen before it's time while I'm still a Guardian."
If there was no sorrow here, then there was no joy, either. No celebrations of overcoming a difficult goal. No relief after anxiety. No love to continue harbouring, long after its source is gone.
"When I first breached the surface and saw the Sun rising over the horizon for the very first time… I want everyone to experience that, too." Even if peace in life was only achieved in small bursts from immense effort, it only made the reward sweeter. If existence was fated to return to nothingness one day, then Nami would cherish every moment she had. "You're right, in that eventually there is an end to everything… But that doesn't mean the present matters any less! What I love and care for now, I will forever! I will protect my home until there is no longer an ocean. I will look up at the sky with wonder, until there is nothing left to see!"
She is hurtling down, now. A sense of all of this ending approaches rapidly. But she needed to do one last thing. A hand reaches out past her light and into the darkness as the drag fights this extension. Struggling to keep it held out, sparkling tears of effort form at the corners of her eyes, and Nami calls out one last time, to whoever was all alone in the dark,
"So please, join me! I want to show you the horizon while it's still shining, too!"
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simpfr · 1 year
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Part three
Its only been a few days since the occurrence with Spiderman and each day you were starting to pick up on how weird the interaction was and how they had similar traits to someone you cherished yet deceived, pavitr.
Especially, when they started to ask somewhat personal questions and act in silly ways how pavitr would.
“Pssh, I’m sure he’s just collecting his thoughts! He’s definitely head over heels over for you too! I mean your hair is almost as luxurious as mine?” He sounded almost confused at the end, like he was trying to defend himself but didn’t want say he was talking about himself so he said something random…about himself.
To his luck, you were too caught up in your own feelings to even pay mind to how terrible he was at lying but what you didn’t let slide was that familiar scent of coconut vanilla and peach with a topping of his sweet caramel voice that was way too similar to his.
“You know, you really remind me of him. When we used to hang out that is at-least. Was i not good enough for him?” There was no meaning behind your words, you were just blabbering nonsense at this point but to him it was like being stabbed in the back by a knife being held by himself. Was he that much of a dick to you? He was so focused on getting closer and trying to figure out his feelings for gayriti that he didn’t realize he was affecting you and your friendships on the other end.
“i never told you my name–”
“Please don’t jump to conclusions, I’m sure he loves you,he really does. He’ll come around and explain everything at some point just give it a while, okay? Not saying you should or have to accept his apology right away but please, when it happens listen to each other and talk about it. I’ve made a mistake like he did in the past and i ended up losing them.. now look at me, Im miserable!” The end of his statement made you snicker rising your mood a little as you began to take his words to heart does he really feel the same? Will he explain himself? You soon felt the warm feeling of his hands cupping your face and it made you feel the way pavitr would make you feel, something unexplainable.
“Let your heart feel emotions, breathe and convey itself not shrivel up in despair because of the negative thoughts in your mind. Let your love show and his will too, I love you.”
With that he left to probably stop another crime.
Wait, did he say ‘ i love you’ ?
Is pavitr really..?…lets not jump to conclusions right now.
You had better things to pay matter to! Like the fact pavitr had asked to meet you on the rooftop of his apartment. He has been texting you more often after the spider-ent ( get it? no? Ok) which you found ironic but this was the first time he had asked to hangout in a while and although it was shameful, you were overjoyed.
Genuinely, a little way too much and went to his place way earlier than the time he said to meet up to talk with aunt maya, who you loved dearly, but she had to leave to buy some greens for dinner so were you now left alone for hours with nothing to do, locking yourself away in pavitrs room for comfort, somewhat.
the sudden noise from the window came along with a few groans which caused you to look in the direction.
"coulda land a lil betta wid dat one."
There you saw not one, not two but four Spidermen and gal cosplayers in your blasted sight. They were all in different suits for some reason, but the one who you noticed almost immediately was your spiderman, who so happened to be pavitr as well.
How do you know he wasn't cosplaying as well? Because he had the same hair as him, same built and the suit actually fit him, unlike some people.
"Y/n, I can explain, as long as you don't freak out." his voice shook as he tried to reassure you, hands raised in the air to show his innocence, "ye we mean no we harm, in some scenarios at least."
pavitr was quick to give the spikey British one a stank eye to which he shrugged but stayed quiet to allow him to speak anyway.
"Right, ehm.. How do i start this."
After a lifetime of an explanation and going through everyone's comical stories, you were amazed and still a little bit shocked. I mean, who wouldn't be after finding out your life long best friend and crush was the big famous vigilante everyone loved?? And finding out there were more of them and actually getting to meet them??
Sick! Not in the bad way, just cool.
Sadly, you were kicked out for them to be able to discuss something important.
But they've already told you everything so what exactly could've been so important that you couldn't be in there? Didn't matter, you respected their decision. I mean it's their business after all.
You finally heard the door open and out came a well dressed, sweet looking pavitr.
You wanted to compliment him on his looks but he gave you no time as he immediately went to grab your arm.
Was he nervous? Why would he be nervous....
"Are we heading to the roof now?" you asked, testing the water to know if he was upset or just you know...nervous.
He nodded, "Yea, Also sorry about grabbing you like that out of the sudden." you smiled, "it's fine."
The walk wasn't that bad since he tried to have small talks here and there but majority of them were awkward and kinda forced,not that you cared. you were just glad things would finally be going back to normal.
You finally reached your destination and your eyes were immediately blessed. You realized how the rooftop was transformed into this relaxing paradise, something you would see straight out of a movie.
the sunset that painted the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple. The twinkling lights and candles casting a warm and inviting glow over everything, adding a touch of romance to the scene. You could feel the soft breeze blowing past you , and you could smell the sweet scent of flowers and candles as the projector casts a soft and gentle light, illuminating a movie projected onto the board that was yet to be played as there was a mini bear fridge next to it.You could feel the love and passion emanating from every corner of the rooftop, and that alone made your heart beat faster.
Pavitr had to release your hand in order to grab the drinkks which saddened you a little but he didn't take long.
He immediately came back and the first words that escaped his lips were, "Let's catch up"
Something you’ve been waiting forever to hear.
The two of you spent hours on end talking to one another, sharing crazy stories, bringing up past memories as well as him apologizing to you.
Everything was genuinely going well, until he suddenly stopped talking. He was fidgeting, rubbing over his other hand with his thumb, which is something he would usually do whenever he was on the edge.
“Is there something wrong, pavitr?” He didn’t want to look you in the eye, or anywhere near you for that matter. his fear was consuming every single part of brain, fear of what? Rejection. Despite his nerves, he knew he had to confess. It was the perfect place and time, I mean he did do all of this decorations just for you, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“I need to tell you something.”
This heightened your concern, did something happen?
“Go ahead.”
"Look, y/n. You're one of the most important people in my life, and I feel so lucky to have you as my friend. I love the way you always make me smile, and the way you're always there for me when I need you. I know we've been through a lot together, but I can't help the way I feel. I hope you feel the same way, and that you can forgive me for being a shitty friend.” as you heard the words you’ve been waiting for, your eyes widened and your lips curved into a smile that could lit up the entire universe. You couldn't believe this was finally happening- the moment you’ve been dreaming of for so long.
Although you were happy and squealing in your head, you haven’t responded or said any back for a good two minutes which made the male think that you didn't feel the same.
“Im sorry, i didn’t want this to affect our friendship bu–” The sudden feeling of your lips on his made time itself stop as he began to savor the warmth and softness of the kiss. He could feel his heart beating out of his chest and he's sure you could too.
“I wish you knew how long I’ve wanted you to say that.”
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Part 1 part 2
Tag list: @dunghirse @pulling-out-my-eyes @rjsmiley @reporteduser546 @memospacexx @bro-let-me-sleep @theleftkittycollection @alex110370000 @nightshxdex @heartsforseo @finestflora @aesolane @dunghirse
I'm sorry for taking so long tumblr isn't and wasn't cooperating with me at all. 😭
and idk why but i can't tag some of you guys sorry (◞‸◟. )"
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