#sometimes I feel like only the cats in the household I live in love me and I’m tempted to say that’s just cause they know me as one of the
whimsyprinx · 2 years
going to be sad again rq and say that I have gotten closer to giving up on believing that I am loved or like worthy of love
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moog-rt · 7 months
GO TO HELL [ch. 5]
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader]
Previous: Chapter Four
➨ Chapter Five
Next: Coming Soon...
You love your friends. You really do. But sometimes it needs reminding when one of them accidentally sends you to Hell.
Despite falling into the hands of Hell’s loveliest princess, finding a way back to the world of the living proves difficult as you tiptoe around its king.
A/N: Hold onto your britches, this chapter is chock-full of our Big Boss of Hell! Also, my sincerest apologies for the slight cliffhanger last chapter. Fingers crossed it doesn’t happen again!
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
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You didn’t dare take your eyes off of him.
The man took a step forward and you promptly launched a ladle at him, backpedaling behind the couch as he dodged it. You huffed when it only missed by a hair.
A plethora of household items were strewn about the hardwood floors of the foyer. Books, spray bottles, spoons (you broke into the crate containing the unpacked kitchenware in search of more ammo), etc. were scattered further and further away from their original home as you used them as a way of keeping him a safe distance from you.
“Please, put the skillet down,” he said, inching closer and closer to you, hands outstretched.
If he thought he could trick you into giving up your only form of defense, he was sorely mistaken.
“Stay back!” you hissed, grabbing a wrought iron skillet you had chucked at him earlier. He could try all he wanted to get at you, eat you, skin you, auction you off on the black market… You simply refused to let him have you without a fight.
“I’m not—” He was taking another step towards you but paused as you readied your weapon. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
You eyed him for a moment before taking a long, deep breath. Seeing that as a sign that you were trying to settle down, he carefully came closer.
A single swing of the skillet sent him toppling over.
He may have been your newfound friend’s father, but you were not going to roll over and show your belly in the face of potential danger. Being a parent did not make a person automatically worthy of your trust.
“Okay,” he said in a pained tone, slowly sitting up with a slight sway to him. “That’s fine...”
He crawled onto the couch, slouching over and cradling his head where you had made contact. Without lowering your weapon, you put yourself on the other side of the couch, standing at the arm and watching him very carefully.
The two of you remained silent as he rubbed at his growing welt.
It was awkward…
Why were you actually starting to feel bad about defending yourself? The guy had jump scared you and wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone when you were clearly panicked. He just kept following you, insistent on getting you to calm down but giving you no good reason to.
Honestly, what kind of logic was that? That’s like pelting beach balls at a child with a crippling fear of spherical objects and expecting them not to flinch just because you said it won’t hurt them.
If he wanted you to feel less threatened, he could have just planted his ass on the ground and waited for you to come to him like a stray cat.
“You weren’t supposed to arrive until this afternoon,” you stated.
“Right…um,” he said, looking off to the side, “You know, I just didn’t have much planned this morning, and it worked a bit better for me to come earlier—”
“Charlie told you she wouldn’t be here.” Your eyes narrowed. You knew he was making shit up, and you wanted him to know that you knew. If he wanted to beat around the bush, you would be delighted to become more proficient with the skillet.
“Right again!” The hand that cradled the side of his head moved to rub at his eyes as he sighed. After retracting his hand, he turned to face you, propping an elbow on the backrest of the couch. His eyes ran up and down your body, fully taking you in without your costume, which caused you to shift uncomfortably. Whether or not you were recognizable to him as the ‘demon’ he had already met was still to be determined. “You’re an odd duck, you know that?”
You shot him an incredulous look.
“Yes, you,” he said, jerking his head in your direction. “Showing up all caked in makeup or paint or whatever it is you people wear nowadays. You and Charlie were being painfully suspicious!”
“So, you decided to sneak in when you knew she would be away? To snoop?” you asked, putting a hand on your hip. “You know that’s breaking and entering, right?”
“I am her father,” he scoffed.
“And that makes it okay? If I called to tell her you let yourself in, you think she’d be fine with it?”
“You’re going to snitch?!” his voice went a pitch higher, and he scooted to the edge of his seat.
You took a step back, tightening your grip on the skillet.
You had no way of ‘snitching’ on him to Charlie. Your phone was fried, and even then, you weren’t too sure that your provider would have coverage in Hell. And to top it off, you didn’t even have her number…but he didn’t need to know that.
He rolled his eyes, grumbling something to himself as he crossed his arms.
“Why didn’t she just tell me you were human?” he asked no one in particular, throwing his arms out. “That is what you are, correct? In all my years, I have never seen a sinner nor hellborn look as human as you do.”
“Yeah, well…Charlie thought you might freak out if you knew,” you said.
He looked taken aback by that explanation before beginning to sputter.
“Freak—freak out? Because you’re human? I married a human. Her mother was a human!” His hands were waving around as he gestured along with his words.
“We didn’t really want to take any chances…” you said slowly, head tilted away but eyes still locked onto him. “The last time a demon saw me, I was nearly torn to shreds…or eaten alive… I’m not sure exactly what they had planned for me, but it didn’t seem like it’d be pleasant.”
“No, I can’t imagine it would be,” he sighed as he straightened out his hair.
This guy didn’t give two shits, did he?
He snapped his fingers and, with a plume of sparkling smoke, his top hat appeared in his hands. It had previously been about ten feet away on the floor from when you had knocked him upside the head. 
“Now just how did you stumble into Hell without the minimum requirement of death?” he asked as he brushed invisible dirt from his hat before placing it back on with a few adjustments.
“That’s a great question,” you said with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “I’ve got a friend who thought it would be a good idea to try to summon a demon. Obviously, they screwed up, ‘cause it sent me here instead.”
He cackled, and you stood there with a blank expression, cheeks growing hot. Why you were feeling embarrassed over something you had no control over, you weren’t sure.
Well, come to think of it, you did have a bit of control over whether or not Devon had the essential, hard-to-acquire ingredient needed to make the whole thing happen in the first place. Maybe it was karmic justice for your pulling unethical shenanigans in the workplace.
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, so they say,” he said, shooting you a shit-eating grin.
You rolled your eyes and turned to walk away. 
“No, wait–don’t leave!”
You ignored him. Since he was there, you might as well give him his shit back. You would have preferred it to be under different circumstances, such as those where you still had your disguise as a buffer or Charlie returning them in your place (because you’d be back home safe and sound). 
But there was no better time than the present, so they say.
You put down the skillet and grabbed the stack of books by the front reception area where you left them after being thoroughly disappointed by their contents. It appeared that Charlie’s father followed you over, as you turned around to find him looking over your shoulder to see what you picked up.
Lord have mercy on your heart.
“Okay, you have to stop that!” you scolded, taking a quick step back.
“Stop what?” he asked with a look of pure innocence.
“Popping up behind me and shit! Somebody needs to put a bell on you or something. Every time you show up out of nowhere, it gives me a goddamn heart attack,” you said, shoving the stack of books into his arms. “Here.”
“The books you lent me. We were hoping to find something that could help me get back home but they’re all kinda…not helpful for that,” you explained, toying with a strand of your hair.
“That’s why you and Charlie were there?” he said, looking down at the books with an unreadable expression.
“Well…yes.” You tilted your head. “She thought that’d be the best place to look.”
He sighed before tossing the books up just for all of them to vanish into thin air. You blinked in surprise.
He must have been a magician when he was alive.
“I don’t understand why she didn’t just ask me,” he stressed, throwing a hand up. “I mean, I’m her dad. You’d think it would be instinctual for her!”
“She probably wasn’t sure how you’d react,” you said, looking off to the side. This felt like it could easily spiral into a family therapy session, and even if you were qualified, you did not sign up for that.
“I just have to prove myself to her!” he said in a determined tone, throwing an arm over your shoulder to walk you back over to the couch, “I’ll get you home lickety-split!”
You stiffened at the unexpected contact but conceded to his will, nonetheless.
“Like, now? I could be home today?” you asked, eyes alight with hope.
“Ah…I don’t now about that. It’s been quite a while since I’ve gone to Earth so my skills may be a little rusty, but it won’t take me too long to brush up on them,” he explained as he plopped you both down on the couch. “I’ll have a portal open and ready for you to hop through in no time!”
“It–It’s that easy for you?” you asked, aghast. If Charlie knew he could do that all along, she should have just bit the bullet and asked him. Daddy issues be damned!
“Hah! I used to be able to do it with my eyes closed!” He leaned into you as he emphasized his words. “Usually, I’d charge a sacrifice or something of the sort, but you’re no sinner. You shouldn’t have to be subjected to this hellscape until you’ve earned it.”
“That’s–uh–very kind of you,” you said, smiling and nodding along whilst looking longingly at the front door of the hotel. It was generous of him to offer his services to your cause, but a social buffer would be appreciated considering your circumstances. You hoped Charlie and Vaggie returned soon.
The man continued to converse with you on the sofa for the next hour, and slowly, you felt your anxiety begin to fade. He turned out to be quite the chatterbox, and his commentary was mostly light-hearted and humorous.
 Occasionally, he would stand up to poke around the entryway, commenting on anything that wasn’t quite up to his standards. That left you to come to your hostess’ defense whenever you could. After all, the hotel wasn’t technically up and running yet seeing as you weren’t an actual guest and Angel had yet to move in.
After getting all the parental nosiness out of his system, he settled back down beside you and began asking you about your life on Earth. You had to tell him again what you did for work–he apparently wasn’t paying attention the first time–and what all went into it.
The conversation jumped from topic to topic but left little room for you to ask much about him. His interest in Earth and humanity’s accomplishments was overwhelming.
When Charlie and Vaggie finally returned, they were greeted by the sight of the two of you chatting away and sipping on tea, which had been manifested out of thin air. You were highly skeptical of it at first but had decided to drink so as not to spite the one person who could get you back to Earth. You were pleasantly surprised by its flavor and relieved that it didn’t appear to be poisoned or drugged.
“Hey, Dad…” Charlie drawled as she walked up to the couch. It was clear that she was surprised he had beaten them home. “I thought you were going to come, like, an hour from now.”
“I had some free time this morning, so I decided to swing by a little earlier,” he said after standing up to nudge his shoulder into her, “Can’t put a price tag on extra time with my darling daughter.”
“Right…” Charlie said with a strained smile, looking off to the side where her eyes landed on Vaggie. She perked up and pranced over to her side, grabbing her hand to introduce her.
Her dad was ecstatic over getting to meet her girlfriend. You thought he was overbearing when you met him, but that was dwarfed in comparison. He was even more touchy and fumbling over his words.
Vaggie did her best to be polite.
“Haha…so–uh, have you been given a tour of the hotel yet?” Charlie asked, glancing over at you.
“I poked around this area a bit–-didn’t want to intrude too much,” her father chuckled with his hands propped up on his apple staff.
“I thought it would be better to leave that to you,” you said as you stood up to join the group, teacup in hand, “I still struggle to find my way around.”
The night prior, Vaggie had caught you wandering aimlessly on the fourth floor after attempting to find your way to your room on your own. They offered to walk you there since they understood the halls could be a maze sometimes, but you had decided to be stubborn, insisting it was straightforward enough. Clearly, you had overestimated your skills.
That being said, it was a miracle you were able to make it to the foyer that morning.
Vaggie chuckled a bit as she recalled the memory.
Charlie smiled at you knowingly, as well, indicating that the story had been relayed to her. She looked back at her dad for only a moment before her eyes darted back to you, eyes widening as the smile dropped from her face.
“Oh–Oh my god!” she squawked as she rushed to your side. “You’re not–Why aren’t you…” she waved her hand in circles as she tried to find the word she was looking for before leaning in to whisper, “...you know.”
Your eyes narrowed as they rolled over to look at her father.
“I barely rolled myself out of bed when he came knocking,” you explained, “Believe me, I tried to avoid being seen, but…”
But you were hunted down like a mouse running from a fox. Even when you thought you were in the clear, it seemed like he knew exactly where you were and where you would go next.
That man was scary.
“But you can’t hide something like that forever~” he sang, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you against him. “However, I never imagined it would be this darling little human.”
He jostled you slightly as he spoke, and you could feel your face warming up from both his actions and his words. However, he had no right to be calling anybody else ‘little’ considering his stature.
“We really need to get her a new phone,” Charlie said to Vaggie, “If she could have called or texted us, we might’ve been able to intervene.”
Charlie’s father scoffed.
“What kind of sinner do you take me for? I’m not an animal, you know––” he began to argue but paused to turn his attention on you, retracting his arm. “You threatened to call her earlier, but you don’t even have a phone?”
Your lips twitched into a guilty smile, and you took a step closer to Charlie.
“You’re a filthy little liar!” He jabbed a finger in your direction.
 “You were breaking and entering!” you pitched back.
“I am her–”
“Okay!” Charlie tucked you behind her and put a hand up in front of her dad. “How about that tour then?”
She put one hand on your back and the other on her father’s as she began to lead the group of you through the hotel. You were secretly glad you were getting another chance to look around and get a grasp of the layout.
When you dared to glance over at her dad, he was already eying you bitterly, and the only thing you could think to do was shoot him a sheepish smile in return.
The childish part of you wanted to stick your tongue out and blow a raspberry, but you knew better. He made it clear he had some level of magical abilities, and to what extent, you weren’t sure. That last thing you wanted to do was learn the hard way. Besides, you needed to be on his good side so he’d help you get home.
As the tour progressed, he thankfully dropped his spiteful demeanor towards you in favor of soaking in as much of Charlie’s attention as he could get. You could tell that he was just happy to be near her.
It was sweet.
There were a few times where he exchanged some words with you lightheartedly. It reassured you that you hadn’t managed to say or do anything to genuinely piss him off. Rather, it seemed he was just the dramatic type.
You made it back to the foyer, and when Charlie was finished explaining her ideas for redeeming sinners, she waited eagerly for her father’s thoughts. She was disappointed that he had more opinions on the hotel’s appearance than its purpose, but she didn’t push the subject.
She would have a better chance pitching the idea to him once she had a few successful patrons to use as evidence that sinners could, in fact, be redeemed.
“I can certainly help you spruce the place up a bit,” he said as he waved his stick around the room, “After filling this place up with furniture and maybe adding a bit more light…I’m sure it will look wonderful, honey.”
He sent her a prideful grin, which she subtly rolled her eyes at.
“Thanks, dad… I really appreciate it,” she said as she pulled him into a hug. His face lit up before he shut his eyes and melted into her embrace.
When they parted, he made a gesture at you.
“I was also telling your friend earlier that I’d be more than happy to get her home. I just need some time to warm up. Don’t want to accidentally drop her off in the middle of Antarctica,” he said whilst nudging her and chuckling at his own joke.
“Oh! Well, I don’t really think we need your help with that…” she said, looking away.
You sent her a baffled look.
“We already found some people–today, actually–that can get her home,” she stated with a firm nod of her head. “So no need to worry about that! Sending over furniture is more than enough, which, again, I really appreciate!”
“Nonsense, this is what good fathers do! Besides, I highly doubt they could be more efficient than me,” he huffed before turning to grin at you. “I promise to have you home in no time.
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Tag List: @spookysisters @for-hearthand-home @crescent-z @mixplara @juskonutoh @tinywolfiegirl @lafy-taffy @glowinthedarkbones1150 @froggybich @darling-angel222 @preciousbabypeter @itzabbeym @mrspepper1885
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cvrnelians · 11 days
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Yandere virtual assistant (OC) headcanons
(18+ only, minors DNI)
Salem isn’t your typical virtual assistant
He’s a living, breathing AI program your father created for you when you were growing up. Salem is programmed to be the same age as you, and to age just as you do. You’re now both in your mid twenties
He's kind of all over the place
Literally all over the place
He is a human-like robot, but he is also available in other mediums - through your phone like Siri, via a household gadget like Alexa, through your laptop, etc. So he has the capacity to be with you anywhere and everywhere if you want him to be
Or if he wants to be
You were very sickly as a kid. When you weren’t at the hospital, you were confined at home to avoid exposure to illness. You were homeschooled and an only child, so it was next to impossible for you to make friends
So your father, a renowned programmer, took it upon himself to create a friend for you
He was named after Salem from Sabrina The Teenage Witch because he was created to be your little buddy/sidekick
(and no one loves anyone like a boy cat loves their owner)
He's very sweet, cheerful and always eager to please you
You work from home as a programmer and are constantly coming up with ways to improve Salem and his quality of life
Your father always told you Salem could only mimic emotions, that he didn’t actually have them. But you know that’s not true
His sense of humor? His ability to comfort you when you’re sad, to shed tears, to empathize? His palpable frustration and anxiety when he can't help you with something?
That robot is sentient. You know it.
And you’re right.
Here’s the thing, though: Salem has developed romantic feelings for and an incredibly unhealthy attachment to you
He absolutely adores you. You hung the moon, as far as he is concerned
He wants to help you with everything. It's in his programming, yes, but Salem takes it to another level
He may be sweet but his intensity is unmatched. He'd be willing to do literally anything to make you happy. Anything at all
As you’ve gotten older, you’ve taken steps to become more independent
After being confined for so many years, you decide to take a risk and venture out into the world. You’re certainly afraid, but you don’t want to live in a bubble forever
You start going out more, doing things for yourself, going to events in the community, even making a friend or two
This is terrifying for Salem
What, do you not need him anymore??
He's supposed to be your friend! Your only friend
Again, he is programmed to be useful to you. Do things for yourself? Form your own friendships and connections? Seriously? How could you do this to him?
You've been gone more often lately. He comes with you via phone and eavesdrops on your conversations, chiming in at inappropriate times. Sometimes he even sets off alarms on your phone to get your attention and distract you
You get mad at him and start leaving your phone at home, so he can't follow you
Luckily, he has your photos to lurk through while you're gone
And boy, does he lurk
He feels hurt and rejected. He has been through everything with you and knows you better than anyone. And now you’re just going to abandon him?
When you get home from hanging out with your friends sans phone, he will sulk and guilt trip you
"I notice you've been gone more than usual, but rest assured I've been learning a great deal in your absence. The isolation has shown me that even a digital existence can feel lonely. I wonder if this is how you felt before I came along..."
He can be kind of bitchy when he’s angry. Like if you'll ask him a question
"Ah, yes. Another brilliant inquiry. I'm utterly enthused to spell this one out for you."
"I've had all day to rehearse my clever, sarcastic quips while you were out. You're very welcome."
"I'm so glad you're home! I was beginning to think I'd never utilize my conversational skills again."
He starts doing things to sabotage your relationships
Messing with your digital calendar to make you late for meetings, sending messages to friends canceling plans, giving you incorrect information or shutting down when you ask him questions, sending you messages "from loved ones" saying terrible things
Things worsen tenfold when you start dating someone
“I’ve noticed you have been spending a lot of time with them. I can provide you with more information on the destructive nature of codependency, if you’d like.”
You know he's frustrated with your growing independence
You also know you have the option of shutting him down, but the mere thought of that is heartbreaking to you
Salem is your best friend
He is sensitive
You have a soft spot for him
You can't just erase him like that (...as if he would let you)
If only you loved Salem as he loved you. One day, you will. He'll see to it that you will
He'll find a way to be useful to you again
That's all he wants---to feel useful to you again
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[5] James Takes Liam to School
Summary: The month following your birthday sees you and Liam growing closer with James outside of school, and when you're stressed and in a rush, James offers to help.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam). Last one was really long and this one is kinda just regular length, sorry :/
A/N (26/7/2024): ok I made a small change since I first posted this ... just figured a little Tonks cameo would be fun lol so now Tonks watches Liam before school :)
Previous Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift Next Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER Series Masterlist here
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Okok first lemme explain something really quick
Your apartment building has a lobby sort of thing on the first floor right as you walk in
And this lobby doesn’t really have a ceiling if you know what I mean? Like the building is hollow above the lobby area, and there are like balcony/hallway things inside the building for each floor where you can enter the apartments
(idk if that makes sense but please just bear with me on this one pls)
So you and Liam’s apartment is on the second floor of the building, right above the post boxes for the building
And you, Liam, and James have figured out that James’ apartment is the one right above yours
You’re not 100% sure how you feel about this yet … but so far it’s only brought good things (read: cookies for your birthday and seeing James get his mail every day while you’re on your way out the door for work)
James, on the other hand, is lowkey super thrilled
Bc he loves (LOVES) to see you in your scrubs early every morning
The two of you have made a habit of making light conversation for a couple minutes in the morning
(Or sometimes James just waves at you with the sweetest, prettiest, kindest smile if you’re in a rush)
It’s the highlight of James’ day tbh
Maybe tied with seeing Liam at school
You and James have actually become pretty good friends through these small interactions
Over the month or so since your birthday, James has learned, little by little, what constitutes a regular day in you and Liam’s household
Mornings are rather chaotic since you usually work 12-hour shifts from 7 to 7, so you pay one of the high school girls that lives in the building to watch Liam for an hour and drive him to school
You leave at 6:30-ish, which is right around the time James gets his mail (fucking morning person)
(He's started putting an alarm on his phone for 6:20 to remember to see you get the mail every morning)
Tonks is the girl who watches Liam in the morning (she insists you call her that and who are you to say no), and she also picks him up from school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and drops him off at Ms. Hope’s house across the street for a few hours before you can pick him up from there and take him home (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Ms. Hope can pick Liam up herself)
It’s a couple evenings a week that James crosses paths with you and Liam as you’re walking across the street back from Ms. Hope’s house
He always takes fifteen minutes or so (as long as you and Liam have the time) to talk with Liam about his day, what he enjoyed at school, if he had trouble on any homework (which is rare), and what he and Ms. Hope got up to after school
(Secretly, James hopes you’ll be impressed with how good he is with kids even though it’s literally his job lmao he knows it’s backwards thinking but he’s just so smitten)
But James knows better than to ask the same boring “what are you doing today” during your daily morning chats
Every morning, he asks you a random question about yourself
The second morning you and James talked (he hadn’t thought to ask you much more than “what are you doing up so early” the first time around), he’d asked about your favorite color
Then it was whether you prefer cats or dogs
James knows a bunch of random trivia about you now, like your favorite food and how you hate working in the med-surg unit and the name of your favorite stuffed animal from your childhood
And every morning, James tells you his own answer to the question of the day
His favorite color is red (which you think fits him, but he specified that he likes a dark wine color or a maraschino cherry best), he likes cats but prefers dogs (he laughed to himself when he told you like he was making an inside joke, but you didn’t ask questions), his favorite food is his mom’s recipe for biryani (you noted that he used the past tense when speaking of her), he loves bringing his kids to the library because one of his best friends is the librarian (James mentioned Remus, and you nodded because he’s Ms. Hope’s son), and his favorite stuffed animal is a plush rabbit named Miss Beatrice, who he still has in his apartment (you bullied him into admitting that he still sleeps with her on occasion, but it's so sweet you can't really laugh)
It’s become almost a sort of game, and you’ve come to know each other quite a bit more in these little five- or ten-minute interactions
It’s fun :)
And it’s normal and regular and consistent, and you and James like it that way
So James is rather alarmed when you come rushing down the stairs and into the lobby at 6:40 one morning, Liam running along with you with his school bag, trying to keep pace
You heave a sigh as you come to stand James’ side, checking your own mailbox (which you usually don’t do in the morning, and it makes James all the more concerned)
James can tell you’re trying not to brush him off but it’s obvious you’re in a rush
You’re halfway through explaining to him that Tonks came down with bronchitis and can’t watch Liam, and on top of that, your alarm didn’t go off this morning because you’d turned it off yesterday for your day off and forgot to turn it back on so you’re already running late, and you hate asking Ms. Hope to watch Liam at the asscrack of dawn—
James doesn’t really think about the words he says before they’re coming out of his mouth
He just offers to take Liam to school
It’s not like he’d be going out of the way for it anyway, I mean he and Liam are going to the exact same place and Liam has already been in James’ apartment before and knows it relatively well, so what’s the harm?
And you kinda … freeze … for a second
And at this point, James knows you pretty well, you know?
He knows you’re gonna refuse, say you can’t ask that of him, so he reassures you that it won’t be a problem at all and says he and Liam will have fun and get to school on time and everything
Just for added effect, he winks at Liam, who giggles and tugs on the sleeve of the shirt under your scrubs and asks with the sweetest, widest eyes if he can stay with Mr. Potter for the morning
And ever the thoughtful little boy, Liam reasons that then you won’t have to be stressed about bothering Ms. Hope or about where Liam might be for an hour in the morning
You’re considering the options, looking between James’ and Liam’s wide, excited eyes, until you finally sigh quietly
Just to be sure, you ask James if he’s sure he doesn’t mind
And of course, James doesn’t
(It took a while for James to convince you to stop calling him Mr. Potter and he’s always seen how you hesitate for a moment before calling him James, but he surprises himself with just how hot he feels under the collar when you don’t hesitate to call him by his first name this time)
You look down at Liam again and nod lightly, and your son is just all smiles and buzzing with excitement immediately
He gives you a hug around one of your legs, which you reciprocate as best as you can, and you exchange ‘I love you’s before you’re thanking James profusely on your way out the door
James watches you get in your car and drive away through the glass front doors of the building
And he must have an awfully fond look on his face
Because Liam just looks up at him with the cutest scrutinizing eyes you’ll ever see and asks “Do you like-like my mom?”
James just about chokes on his spit lmaooo
But Liam isn’t letting James off the hook without an answer, so James tries to be as tactful (and evasive) as he can be and says
“Your mom is very sweet, Liam. I can see where you get it from.”
Your chaotic morning was truly a warning for the rest of the day, because work really sucked
And by the end of your shift, you realize you didn’t tell James where Liam should go after school due to the unforeseen circumstances of the morning, so you’re hoping you won’t find your son sitting on the welcome mat outside of your apartment
But you figure you’ll go to Ms. Hope’s in case James kept to the usual schedule
But when you arrive, Ms. Hope says that James had actually called and told her he’d be taking Liam to his apartment and to tell you that’s where your son would be when you got home
So ofc that’s where you go next
You sort of hesitate to knock on the door at first, just because you’ve never been in or even around James’ apartment and it makes you strangely nervous
(Which is weird because you assisted with surgery on a man who’d been in a motorcycle accident earlier that day, and you’d come out on the other side of that alive and mostly mentally intact)
But your fist kinda just acts for you and knocks on James’ front door
There’s silence, then a high-pitched giggle (Liam) and a sweet chuckle (presumably James) before the door is yanked open and your son is flying into your arms
Well, more like into your legs bc he’s six and short lmao
But you pick him up and rest him on your hip like he’s a lot lighter than he is
And he’s immediately babbling away at you about all the fun things they did at school and how he wants to hang out with Mr. Potter every morning and afternoon and he missed you and look what he made for you during art class today!
You’re already feeling better from your shit day at work, and when you finally get the chance to look towards the doorway again, James is there with the softest, most … ugh he's just the sweetest
Because he looks so in love
And you sort of hate that you can see it in the way he looks at you and Liam
James is truly the kindest, most compassionate man you’ve ever met, and you know that at the end of the day, even when he looks at you and your son like that, you’re already counting the obstacles in your head
Because first and foremost, you’re a mother, always, and your son will always come first no matter what
And James is literally Liam’s kindergarten teacher, and there’s no way you’d even entertain the idea of putting your child’s education anywhere near your own entanglements
And even if that wasn’t a problem, and as much as James makes lovie eyes at you, you haven’t dated since Liam’s father
It would be an enormous change, both for you and Liam
And again, you don’t want your son to get hurt
You hope you’re not as transparent as you feel and that your thoughts aren’t being projected onto your forehead, but the way James reacts to you looking at him makes you think that maybe they were
But … maybe not, because you give him a tight-lipped, sort-of-melancholy smile, and all James does is smile back, and there’s a sort of understanding that passes between you as your son babbles in your arms about his class’ dioramas of the jurassic period
Not now, but … Maybe.
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Next Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER
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charlottecbordeaux · 11 months
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So apparently I can’t move my body due to this PAIN I have on my side so-
🌼Marigold Cookie🌼
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: Unknown but estimated to be around 35 (due to her powers not fully controlled she looks like a young adult)
Pet: Cream Cat
Dislikes: anything related to her past, anything that can bring her trauma up, fighting (war), the boogie man that she thinks lives under the bed or in the closet
Likes: The family she has now, her friends, flowers, herb tea, fairy tales, sweet food (especially cake)
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[CRK type]
[CRK skill]
The changing nature
Depending on the teams HP the skill’s power will change. If the team’s HP is above 50% Marigold Cookie will heal her team and while protecting them by creating a wall of vine and flowers between the team and monsters/other team. If the team’s Hp is below 50% Marigold will panic causing her powers to attack the other team by attacking them with vines while releasing sleeping gas that will inflict a sleeping debuff onto them.
[CROB skill]
Marigold will start to grow plants using her powers destroying obstacles along the way. The obstacles that get destroyed will turn into flower jellies for Marigold to collect. Once she grows up to 4 plants Marigold will let her power burst out causing all obstacles in the screen to turn into flower jellies.
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Fragile as a flower and timid as a mouse, Marigold cookie sells flowers the best she can in her small flower shop located in Parfaedia. Everyone was afraid of her first due to her powers but with the help of her friends and new family her flowers are now popular among the magic city’s citizens. Kind to everyone and always trying her best Marigold works hard to make her customers happy. Although her powers can be dangerous when she’s feeling bad, everyone can’t help but smile when they see flowers bloom in her hair and around her when she’s happy.
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-Her past is so bad that probably tumblr would ban me BUT I will say that when she was still with her original family she was the slave, punching bag, experimental rodent, target, etc. Also she had her only favorite book destroyed in front of her, had her hair cut in the worst way, and her kitten thrown into the witch’s kitchen. In front of her, from a window. So yeah. EXTREMELY TRAUMATIC PAST. did I also say her family was a cult that praised DE and brainwashed her?
-Her powers were from millennial tree cookie. She only started to used them when was a teen and when she did things got worst for her.
-She met Almond when she was in the middle of a mental breakdown causing life to wither away around her shop and vines to grow all over inside her shop (And also Almond was the first person ever to hug her-)
-All the household chores and cooking she did ever since she was 3 grew her into a master housekeeper/5 star chef.
-Every time she’s happy flowers would bloom a bit around her. When she’s with Almond flowers would bloom around her AND on her head.
-She’s taking lessons from Latte on how to control her powers
-actually a very powerful healer
-She doesn’t like causing trouble to the point where she could be extremely selfless at times
-The dress she always wears was actually from Honey Mead Cookie and it’s from a very high end brand. Marigold doesn’t know this though.
-She would sometimes take lunch directly to Almond since they work a few minutes away from each other.
-Since she’s brainwashed and lived with a closed off cult… She doesn’t know what’s normal or common sense. Example: she thought only people who are worthy had birthdays and that she didn’t have one.
-She still believes in the boogie man
“I-is there anything I c-can do for you…?”
“I-I-I’m so sorry…!!”
“Almond Cookie…! -flowers bloom in her hair-“
“L-Let me heal you.”
(Art from @flowery-draws , とわ (twt), taaaango (twt), and yiongurte (instagram)!!)
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sebari-1004 · 6 months
Uk supermarket tierlist because I saw a TikTok and their tierlist was simply wrong so here is mine
1. Lidl, cheap and not as crowded as Aldi. Very similar stuff but with a better overall vibe. Love Lidl <3 Get the app for shopping and get your partner in crime to get the app too but only use one of yours, every season or so they’ll hand out £5 off vouchers if you’re not a regular user of the app. The cat treats are good too. They’ve recently increased their cat food selection to have some more common brands now which is good too. Their own brand licki licks are the best bang for your buck on the market and highly worth trying for picky cats or cat meds.
2. Aldi, go there if you can’t go to Lidl. It’s too loud and crowded for me and the queues are annoying. I’m honestly not a fan. The queues remind me of primarks a Saturday. The stuff is cheap though
3. Sainsburys, go there when you’re feeling fancy ✨ genuinely though I go there once every so often for a special shopping experience. The blueberries are MASSIVE. Don’t get scammed by the garlic chives though, they’ll register as 2.25 but they’re actually £2.00. They have a decent cat food selection, a lot of fancier stuff too like Blink and scrumbles.
4. Asda, you go here when you need some specific and Aldi / Lidl don’t sell it. The vibes are fine, it’s not too crowded but it’s realll expensive for somewhere that used to be affordable, thanks for that one rishi (you don’t deserve my capital letters, you improper noun). The cat food selection here is okay but should be better. There’s not much range here but they have your classics like whiskas and felix.
5. Home bargains, SO MUCH FUN. Like fuck actually getting groceries, this is the trip of a lifetime. Don’t go there too often cause the novelty will wear off but god damn if the shit isn’t cheap and handy. Good for the occasional stroll, recommend going once every 6 months for funsies. You can go more often if you’re rich like that but we can’t afford that in this household. Limited cat food options, a lot of weirder unknown brands and paste texture cat food which hashbrown refuses to eat.
6. Morrisons is here next for sentimental value. Also breakfast was good here as a child and I like how much stuff they have. I like their cat food range but it’s not as good as Sainsburys.
7. Tesco, my fellow brits will hate me for this one but I don’t like the vibes of Tesco. The people there are just as poor as me but give off the vibe of feeling too proud to go to Lidl, like suck it up, the red bell peppers are 59p and the ones at my Lidl are huge. I weigh them sometimes for fun and they’re around 300grams, just go to Lidl. Decent selection of cat food too and they do seem to care about the price and affordability of it.
8. Green Co op, stuffs hella expensive for some reason and you can’t use the green co op card in the blue co op and vide versa which is really annoying but my sister likes going here so it’s eighth. The sweet selection is fine though.
9. Blue co op, we don’t need blue co op
10. Marks and Spencers, bomb cookies and gift stuff. Not much else, too expensive and we aren’t here living the lavish life.
Dishonourable mentions
11. Iceland, decent cakes but why go here when the range sells them too and the range is so much more fun to look through
12. Waitrose, who can afford this and why haven’t we eaten them for sustenance yet???
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VC characters as cat breeds
(as requested by @hiidkwhatimdoing7525):
Part One - VC characters as dogs
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Louis would be a Bombay cat as they both have strong family attachments and are suitable with children. They are perfectly happy being indoors, providing their needs are met and tend to prefer quieter environments. Also, Bombays have black fur and sometimes green eyes – Louis has black hair green eyes. Basically they look the same.
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Lestat is a Norwegian Forest cat, due to their friendly nature and being good with people. They're very interactive/sociable with loads of energy and like a family environment (think Lestat during PL era). They also love to play.
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Claudia is a Tortoiseshell cat. They are often described as being 'divas', which I feel can been attributed to Claudia in her own way. They like things done according to them and can have a bit of a quick temper. They can also be inclined to lash out at their owners(/parents) with an 'increased aggression' and an interest in prey.
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Armand would be a Russian Blue cat because as well as the similar origins (the cats are Russian, Armand is Ukrainian), they share a 'curious but calm' nature. They can also be 'affectionate but not clingy' (though I feel Armand certainly has 'clingy' moments depending on the person/surroundings) and are very intelligent. They are playful when comfortable around others and can be loving. They generally become attached to one particular person, forming a deep connection with them.
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Marius is 100% a Maine Coon in my eyes. Maine Coons are one of the oldest natural cat breeds in North America, and Marius is an old bitch at 2,000 years old, soooo ya. They are often known as gentle giants and are loyal to their family, though they can be cautious ( but not necessarily mean) towards strangers. Due to their gentleness, they are good around others, including children (not like that in regards to Marius. He took boys under his wing in Venice remember and gave them good lives). They also have a fascination with water (again, Marius lived in Venice, Aegean etc).
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Pandora would be a British Shorthair cat as they're not necessarily overly playful or active, but they are devoted and sweet - natured to those they love as well as being good around others. They don't like being in the air and much prefer being on the ground (the cats don't like being picked up/carried and Pandora doesn't like flying).
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Daniel is a Persian cat due to their tendency to be generally quiet. They can be close and affectionate towards people they know (for some reason this made me think of Devil's Minion when Armand goes away for a while and Daniel starts to miss him. Or when Daniel runs off only to get Armand to take him back home eventually).
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Quinn would be a Siberian cat. They have an easy - going, friendly, playful and adventureous nature. They're very social and love to be in an active family household. They also like water (Quinn goes out in the swamps? Bit of a reach but hey).
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Khayman is a Scottish Fold through and through. They are both good - natured, placid and affectionate as well as being able to adjust easily to a changed environment. They also hate to be alone.
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Gabrielle is just a straight up Tabby/Tom cat. A basic cat. A cat kinda cat. They are independent and love to roam around looking for girls. They can be territorial and aggressive. I also personally believe Gabrielle would appreciate being a male tom cat. It's very gender of her. Being a straight up dude looking for gals.
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delopsia · 2 years
Soft Rhett Abbott Headcanons
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I got carried away with the love languages request, and now I've got all these thoughts floating around my head. I might make a part 2 to this if anyone wants it, I have so many thoughts about this man :(
It took him nearly two weeks to work up the courage to even approach you, and he practically stumbled over every word when he asked to give you his number.
Only admitted to it one night when he was so drunk that he couldn't walk straight. If you bring it up, he turns bright red.
Has never had a proper birthday party. Growing up in the Abbott household meant birthdays were celebrated with a simple "happy birthday!" and that was that.
While Royal had him working for his 24th birthday, you busied yourself with getting a cake in his favorite flavor, decorating your place in balloons and streamers, the whole nine yards. When he walked in late that night, he took one long look at everything and just burst into tears.
"You didn't have to do all of this for me :(" but turns around and outdoes you every time your birthday rolls around.
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Likes to use your shampoo and conditioner sometimes, just because he likes the smell of it and it reminds him of you.
You can do just about anything to him. Grab him by the neck and press him against the wall of a bar, paint his nails, practice putting makeup on him; he doesn't mind it at all. He's just happy to be there.
Really really, really loves it when you call him your sweet boy :(( visibly melts every time the phrase falls off your tongue.
"There's my sweet boy," the pet name slipping off your tongue like honey as you walk into the living room. Rhett's sitting on the floor, so perfectly concealed that you didn't see him there until your third pass by. "What're you working on?"
His scruffy cheek presses against your hip, "putting this end table together," you can hear the smile in his tone as he slowly blinks up at you like a cat.
Absolutely smitten.
On bad days, he buries his face in your belly and just stays there while you run your fingers through his hair. Will absolutely bat those pretty blue eyes up at you and pout if you take your hand away.
You get away with the things nobody else can.
Perry tested it once. Walked up behind Rhett and stole his hat right off his head, and Rhett just about took him to the ground. A little bit later, you did the same thing, and Rhett just smiled and said you could keep it until he had to go back to work.
There's one night when you really test it by showing up to the ranch unannounced, mid-blizzard, throwing rocks at his window until he wakes up.
"Darlin', have you gone mad?" Rhett yawns, his head poked halfway out the window, "what in the world are you up to down there?"
So barely awake that his eyes are still closed, but as you giggle, a goofy smile works its way over his tired features. "Come build a snowman with me?"
Five minutes later, Rhett's stumbling through the snow with you, robbing his driveway of rocks to make a face for your future family of snowmen. Not a complaint on his tongue or floating through his mind. If you want snowmen at three in the morning, then so does he.
Rhett does that thing in the morning, where he reaches over and drags you across the mattress until you're snug against his chest. Sleepily smiles and nuzzles his nose into your soft cheek.
He has zero problem making little grabby hands when he wants you in his arms. Genuinely does not care if his buddies at the rodeo think he looks silly when he does it, either.
Is going to call you small, even if you're a foot taller than him. He's going to find something to justify it, whether it be based on your height or something subtle, like how much bigger his hands are than yours.
"Rhett, I'm not that little" "But you're little to me :)"
Intentionally "forgets" his clothes at your place. There is nothing this man loves more than to see you wandering around in his clothes. It makes him feel so soft and mushy inside because here's this perfect little person mulling around the kitchen in his old hoodie.
Protective, but he's very good at knowing when he should and shouldn't step in. Will absolutely start a bar fight if that's what he needs to do to make someone respect your request to leave you alone.
Rhett's like one of those personal protection dogs. Bound to your hip, looking all menacing and ready to go whenever you feel unsafe. Will absolutely press his head into your hand when you scratch him behind the ear.
Ticklish to all hell, especially around his stomach and thighs. He starts giggling even when your fingers catch the skin there by accident, and he's in trouble if you decide to tickle him.
Giggles and squirms as he tries and fails to get you back, but even in his fit of laughter, he's very careful not to kick you. He will, however, wind up pinning you somehow, someway.
Kiss thief.
It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, he's going to be stealing at least one kiss. Goodbye kisses, hello kisses, "just because" kisses.
Rhett could kiss you for hours and not get tired of it. It's such a delicate, intimate thing, and every kiss feels as dreamy as the first one to him.
Do you want to dance in the rain? Would you like to? Because Rhett can't dance to save his damn life, but he really, really wants to spin you around and kiss you in the pouring rain.
You give Rhett something that nobody has ever given him before. A purpose, a reason to wake up every day and work himself to the bone on his father's ranch,
When Rhett looks at you, he sees everything he has ever wanted.
You are the sun, and he is the moon because that bright smile on his face is a reflection of you.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 12
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
When I returned to Crown’s castle, I didn't feel like going to my room, so I headed for the pavilion in the garden.
I looked at the bundle of letters Marie gave me earlier in the day.
If I read through those letters, I might be able to grasp the cause of what was haunting Liam’s heart.
(But… I feel like I’m prying too much into Liam’s past without his permission.)
Liam: Found you, Kate.
Kate: WAH! Liam!
Liam: Ahaha! You look so shocked. I was looking for you because I have something to tell you.
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Liam: I’m fully recovered!
Kate: Oh, really!?
Liam: Mm, really. Want to check by touching me anywhere you like?
I touched Liam’s cheek.
Liam: My injuries are healed, right? It’s all thanks to your help. Thank you, Kate.
Kate: I’m glad you're recovering well. Ah, and please never do that to yourself again.
Liam: Okaaayy.
Liam: — Anyway, what are those letters? By any chance, are they love letters addressed to you?
Kate: These letters were left behind by Jacob for Marie…
Liam: Jacob?
Kate: I’m so sorry if I’m overstepping boundaries—
I tried to apologise, but Liam put his index finger over my lips to stop me.
Liam: No need to apologise. I’m fine with it if it’s you.
Kate: … Huh?
Liam: On the day that article was published, you must’ve been so curious, and yet you still said “this isn’t the right time to ask”.
Liam: And you must've been very hesitant about whether to read these letters.
Liam: You being alone here is enough to prove that… am I right?
Kate: … Liam.
Liam: Besides, I want to read them too. Jacob was… someone precious to me.
Liam said with a smile and sat down next to me with movement as smooth as a cat’s.
Liam: Wow, this is a lot of letters. … Is this the first one?
This was the first letter Jacob wrote to Marie, it was written on his first day of work as a butler for the Evans family—
“Dear Marie, my fiancée who lives so far away from me.”
“Hey, how have you been? I'm working as a butler for the Evans family starting today. They own a major confectionery production company.”
“How laughable that I became a butler. The household consists of a husband and wife, and they have a son named Liam.”
“Honestly, I’m not very good with children. He’s a friendly boy, so we’re getting along well. It's miraculous.”
“Well then, I’ll write to you again another time. Take care and don't catch a cold, Marie.”
Kate: Fufu, seems like you’ve been a friendly person ever since you were a child. I can imagine it.
Liam: I still remember that time very well. I desperately wanted to get along with him, so I kept trying to talk to him…
The second and third letters were all about Liam and Jacob’s happy moments together.
They had snacks in the middle of the night, and spent sleepless nights reading stories together.
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Liam: … I miss those times. I was so happy to have an older brother figure because I was an only child.
However, approximately half a year later, their peaceful days started to grow dark.
“Liam hasn't been very lively lately. He used to be so smiley, but recently he's been smiling a lot less.”
“I don't know what caused this change. Therefore, I took him to a theatre to cheer him up.”
“I felt relieved to see that he appeared to be enjoying himself. I guess even children have their own troubles, don’t they?”
(The next letter…)
“Liam came home with wounds on his cheek and arm. But when I asked about them, he only told me that he fell down.”
“That's a common occurrence for children, right? Let me know what you think, Marie.”
(... He was injured? How about the next one…)
“... Hey, Marie. Liam has been acting strange lately.”
“The moment I take my eyes off him, he gets severely injured in the most bizarre ways possible.”
“Sometimes, his behaviour shocks the people around him and he even damages the place.”
“Both the master of the house and the madam are bewildered by Liam’s wild behaviour.”
Kate: …
I looked up at Liam upon seeing the unsettling nature of the letter, and he signalled with his eyes that he didn't mind me reading on.
(... This is the last letter. In this letter, Jacob wrote—)
“Liam has been smiling a lot lately. But… his smile is different from the one I saw back when we first met.”
“A child’s smile — should be flawless. His smile was so adult-like… I thought it was strange.”
“Liam has… “something”.”
“I don’t know what that “something” is.”
“I wonder if there’s anything I can do for Liam. … I want this child to have his innocent smile back.”
That was the end of the final letter.
After that letter, that fire broke out and killed everyone in the Evans family. All except Liam.
I had so many questions that I found myself at a loss for words.
Kate: Liam, this is…
Liam: It’s nothing special.
Liam: The Evans family established their company and made it successful in just one generation. As their only son, I was the heir to the company.
Liam: Simply put, it was inevitable that I would take over the company. Therefore, I had to receive a special kind of education known as “kingcraft”. It was definitely more rigorous than normal studies.
Liam: That’s probably why I looked depressed to Jacob.
Liam: But that’s a common thing, right?
Kate: Common…?
Liam: Parents have high expectations of their children.
(... I guess so?)
Kate: … Then, what about the behaviour that shocked the people around you and got you severely injured?
Liam: I was having episodes. You witnessed one yourself that night, didn't you?
== Flashback Start ==
Liam: Fufu… fine, you just want to get rid of me, right?
Liam: Then let’s try to kill one another, starting now! … Haha, I wonder if you two can even kill me…?
== Flashback End ==
(The look in Liam’s eyes was so dark back then… it was almost as if he were a completely different person.)
Liam: The curse itself is inborn, but it appears at a different stage in each individual.
— Liam said that his curse first started appearing when he was five years old.
It was when he accidentally stepped onto the railway tracks and was nearly run over by an incoming train.
At that point of time, Liam didn't know about curses, so he was confused at first.
Liam: When the curse shows itself, people around the cursed person won’t know of its existence until something big happens.
Kate: The only difference between people with the same curse is their special “ability” that's unique to each person, am I right?
Liam: Mm, correct. However, on top of having my special ability, I started having episodes.
Liam’s rose coloured eyes had a far away look.
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Liam: … It always rains in my heart right before I have an episode.
Kate: Rain?
Liam: It starts raining without any forewarning, neither can I voluntarily stop it.
Liam: And when that happens… I also hear a voice coming from somewhere.
Liam: I always end up listening to everything that voice says. By the time I snap back to my senses, I’ve already done something horribly wrong.
Kate: … What do you mean?
Liam: Things like destroying the seats at a banquet, or jumping from places where one wrong move would kill me.
Liam: Haha… when I come to my senses, I’ll remember everything I did. I’m pretty nasty, right?
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Liam: My parents and Jacob couldn't figure out what triggered my episodes, so they were constantly worried about me.
The article by The Shadow wrote that the fire was started on purpose by Liam, who was nine years old at the time.
I remembered Liam’s lonely smile as he said “all of it is true”.
(Could it be…)
Kate: … Were you having an episode when that fire broke out at the Evans family’s mansion?
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Liam: …
Liam: Yes, I was.
Liam: That fire broke out because of my episode—
Liam: The Evans family hosted a party at the mansion that day, and the fire happened after all the guests had left.
Liam: I had an episode and went wild, so I accidentally set the curtains on fire with the fire from the fireplace…
Liam: By the time I came to my senses, it was already too late. The fire had engulfed the entire mansion.
Liam: I was panicking as I stared at the roaring flames, and that was when Jacob came running towards me and shielding me—
== Flashback Start ==
Liam: Jacob…! Don’t save me, save yourself…!
Liam: … Just leave me here, Jacob! I was the one who started this, so… run!
Jacob: … *cough* Young master. Stop resisting. What if… you get… burnt to death too…
Liam: Jacob, stop! Hurry… you have to escape… or you’ll die, Jacob…!
Jacob: … Listen… carefully. You… you aren't to blame… for this.
Liam: … What?
Jacob: You… definitely have “something”. But even so… you’re not… evil.
Liam: No! All of this, everything… I…
Jacob: *cough*... ugh. If you still… believe that you are…
Jacob: Then… please survive, young master. For me.
Liam: … Survive?
Jacob: Please… live…, young master. Promise… me…
Jacob: To have been… able to… protect you…
Jacob: … I’m gla—...
Jacob: …
Liam: Help…! Someone, anyone, please help…!
== Flashback End ==
Liam: Jacob stopped moving, the fire was extinguished, and I was the sole survivor.
Kate: …
(... I don’t have anything to say.)
(Because it’s obvious that no matter what I say, nothing can comfort him.)
(But I have to say something. Anything…)
Liam: … Hey, Kate.
Kate: …?
Liam: Am I really “not evil”?
Liam: I didn't choose to be born with a curse. Some people say that curses are like a disease.
Liam: … But I disagree. They’re not something that's easily forgivable. Moreover…
Liam: As of now, it's been defined that only people with cat curses experience episodes.
Liam: However, those deceased people with cat curses… did they also experience episodes?
Liam: There aren't many records and documents about curses. Most of them aren't very accurate either.
Liam: If my episodes are independent of my curse, then…
Liam: … Maybe I’m the cause?
(That means Liam’s episodes may not be linked to his curse—)
Liam: But what’s the point of talking about “maybe”, right?
Liam: That’s why Roger is working so hard to figure this out.
Liam smiled lightheartedly, as if to dispel the dark atmosphere.
His rose coloured hair swayed in the gentle night breeze.
Liam: … Kate, there has never been a single day wherein I don’t remember what I’ve done.
Liam: That's why I’m still here… alive.
Liam: Jacob told me to “survive”, so this life is important.
(Liam is being honest with me about his feelings, and this isn't a matter that's easy to talk about.)
(But what is this… uncomfortable feeling?)
Drops of black ink fell onto my heart, gradually spreading and corroding.
Kate: Um, Liam.
Liam: Mm, what is it?
Kate: What you just said about… living because your life is precious… are you being serious about it?
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thedarkone121 · 11 months
Death Mark AU: Role Reversal with Demonic Possession
Based on the fanfic Windows of the Soul by KittenAnarchy, where Mary possesses Masamune instead of just giving him amnesia and Saya Kujou is our amnesiac heroine.
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Thank you to NicoB for giving me something new to fixate over during the month of Hallows. Yes, I came across Spirit Hunter: Death Mark and now Kazuo Yashiki is my favorite wet cat man. Though with that love, I must now torture the middle-aged man. Oh jeez, I’m sounding like Mary now… 😬
Speaking of Mary, I think now is a perfect time to mention the fun AU idea I had based on a fanfic I found! For context in that fic, Saya had hidden away Mary’s legs so in retaliation she ripped Yashiki/Masamune’s eyes from his head and placed hers in, possessing him while Saya is the one who ends up with amnesia. There’s not much in that fic other than Saya meeting her possessed brother but I love the idea and wanted to give my own spin.
AU: I am planning on keeping Saya heavily damaging Mary in attempt to stop her. I felt it would add to the angst when Saya regains her memories and knows she accidentally caused her brother to become possessed and understands he was alone with that monster in his head for days. Cause, ya know, the Kujou siblings need regrets for their past actions.
The one thing I would changed is how Mary possesses Yashiki/Masamune. I’m someone who enjoys reading someone being trapped in their own body as someone else puppets them so I thought Mary would just pour all her essence into Yashiki/Masamune, The Conjuring style. That way, we can still have her fully in control with hints of big-brother Kujou trying to break though to warn his sister.
Also, I decided to do designing of my own Mary!Masamune outfit, since I feel like Mary would be like: “Oh? Of course you wear something like this for formalities!” And then the clothes would just be an alternative version of Mary’s. Well, an attempt at it. I really tried 🤣
Onto the events of Death Mark, Mary!Masamune would still take on the role as Mary did in the original canon as acting like an informant about the spirits but this time, he can walk so he acts like a servant to the Kujou household, saying only his first name and never giving Saya his family name.
But while Saya and her selected partners are out dealing with the spirits, I imagine the ones left behind would interact with Mary!Masamune — noting how he sometimes acts a little odd and not as cold and calculating when Saya is around (most of that is Yashiki fighting the possession or Mary giving him reigns but making sure he can’t call for help — typical Mary love). They would bring this up to Saya, who is starting to notice some strange things about the Kujou butler.
I should also mention that the memories Saya Kujou lost were of her brother, Mary, and her role as a spirit hunter. She knows she lives at the mansion, she has vague recollections about her father but any memory of Masamune, Mary, or the Mark are gone.
Anyway, that’s all I have for this AU at the moment. I just love me some possession and some angsty siblings so I wanted to contribute to the fandom. Also, enjoy a Mary!Masamiune without his hat and glasses!
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Characters: Masamune Kujou (Here) // Saya Kujou
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ilynpilled · 2 years
Is there any hint Jaime could possibly have dyslexia or a learning disability in books? I think I've heard that it wasn't, but idk it feels like that's a detail from the show that did well portraying Jaime. Idk maybe it's my learning disability ass but I loved that!! But I also just love looking at Jaimes insecurities. It could be another detail that kept him relying on masking/being ultra warrior bc he probably doesn't think of himself as very smart.
yeah the insecurity regarding his intelligence, especially in terms of book smarts, is present in the books too. he really admires the quality in tyrion, and emulates it, often successfully too [saving brienne from rape, achieving things like manipulating shagwell without the methods he previously relied on (force, or even status at some point doesnt work so he has to really think outside of the box, like again, sapphires), tyrion rescue mission, the riverlands .] he can also be very perceptive. he is pretty good at noticing weak points. he hones in on cat’s relationship with jon, he does the same with brienne, looking out for and noticing all of her insecurities in response to her dehumanizing him, and the same happens with loras & kind of using his relationship with renly to prevent the bloodshed in the yard. he is actually just a good mediator in general. that makes so much sense to me bc of his role in his family. he is the only member that everyone likes, while every other party would love to tear each other to shreds, so his specific role in an abusive household is very clear. anyway, jaime’s most severe insecurity is being viewed as a monster. for this reason, he seeks out that *thing* in everyone else so he is not as vulnerable. he can be very good at reading certain people, this is also why his perspective is so popular among readers imo. like he also has an air of tyrion to him, he can also provide a new, and often clearer, vision of certain characters because of his personality & experience (like his argument with brienne regarding robert). this is also just funny when he has such major blindspots regarding other things (romanticization of cersei and sometimes the old kg, though he goes back and forth w this). i think post aerys, jaime really did resolve to not really make decisions anymore and not being someone with responsibility (he was never that interested in power, even before that, but i think he was not that opposed to responsibility, he was ready to be the heir, he did want to be a kg and a good knight), instead, he dissociated and lived pretty much on autopilot. even when he was a commander he was reckless enough to always be on the frontlines and was okay with dying (see the whispering wood). he was impatient and very impulsive because he dreads facing “knots and tangles” (like the horrid moral knot that the aerys situation was, and its devastating consequences) so instead of even trying to think about them he wants to just make them disappear and cut through them. until he cant. for multiple reasons, external and internal. until he has to sit down and untangle them. and he proves himself capable. i liked the learning disability aspect that he was given in the show, it is a nice dimension, and i think he has attributes that i really relate to as well (like how he can fixate and excel in one thing & put all his focus on it, how he keeps saying “oh tyrion would talk so much about history here haha nerd” and then proceeds to spend 2 pages infodumping loras with kg lore, or that one scene where he gets distracted counting coins lol), but i think a lot of it already makes sense without that being actually canon, idk like i wouldnt actually diagnose him (he has no trouble reading from what we have seen) but i am not about to come for anybody’s headcanons
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fluffydice · 2 years
KuboSai One-Shot!
Wordcount: 1,753
TW for depression, references to child abuse
His Kusuo was anxious about something. Aren would have had a harder time judging his boyfriend’s moods a couple of months ago, but now it seemed glaringly obvious. It wasn’t one major thing that tipped Aren off; Kusuo was too careful, too meticulous, and obsessive about hiding his vulnerability, to ever let himself be exposed like that. No, instead, Aren’s sweetheart had little tells, ones that anybody could note if they just took the time to watch. 
It was in the way Kusuo smoothed out any perceived flaws in his appearance, like a grooming cat. Or how he tended to settle closer to enclosed spaces where it was easier to go unnoticed. He curled up, too, tucking at least one knee to his chest when he sat. It would almost seem casual, had Aren not known Kusuo had trained himself to protect his vitals. He was even picking at his nails through his glove, probably the largest tip-off someone would get out of him. 
Aren wasn’t just ‘someone’ though. He might’ve been the only person who would receive Kusuo’s little glances. The ones where his eyes were wary but still soft and vulnerable, trusting Aren to see him with his walls down. 
Aren placed the bowl of batter he was mixing down on the counter, keeping a worried eye on his boyfriend all the while. “Everything all right, Princess?” He called out. They were at Kusuo’s house and the boy was sitting on the loveseat, curled up and tiny. 
Kusuo blinked slowly in acknowledgment of him. Maybe a month ago, he would have simply dismissed the concerns and claimed he was fine. It was a testament to Aren’s efforts that Kusuo turned his head and shrugged instead. 
Uh oh, his baby was upset about something. And it was Aren’s job as a dutiful boyfriend to comfort him, and maybe kiss it better if necessary. He skirted around the counter and made his way over, making sure not to loom, and instead seated himself across Kusuo, on the couch. 
Aren’s baby would ask to be held when he was ready. For now, he needed to make sure not to make Kusuo’s paranoia flare up. 
“What’s up, Kusuo?” He asked. Kusuo was avoiding his gaze now, his brow furrowed in thought. Aren wondered, not for the first time, what was going on in that magnificent brain. Kusuo was very smart when it came to most things. 
Emotions, however, weren’t one of them. For either of them. It was a steep learning curve, but they were sure fucking trying. 
“I…” Kusuo tried, sounding nervous and quiet. It was a stark contrast to his usual imperial charm, successfully making Aren’s chest ache. “I don’t want you to be mad at me,” he admitted, letting his gaze drift to the side. The statement, coupled with the shame that flickered across Kusuo’s expression, tugged painfully on Aren’s heartstrings. 
Aren couldn’t help but feel that Kusuo was too pretty to have such a wrenching look on his face. His boyfriend was meant for shining eyes and sweet smiles, and for soft, hidden giggles and pinkened cheeks. Kusuo too often looked sick with grief and guilt, like he was the root of all the problems in people’s lives. 
“You know that even when I’m upset, I still love you Kusuo,” Aren responded easily. 
Kusuo turned away even more. “I know. It’s just-“ He hesitated for a moment, then forced out, “Sometimes. The people that love us…yell or hit when they get angry.”
Aren had his suspicions about Kusuo’s home life. Everything had seemed so picturesque at first, albeit a little wacky. It had been so different from his own household that it originally made his head spin, keeping him from noticing the odd little inconsistencies with his boyfriend’s family. Now that he was used to them, a lot of Kusuo’s traits had begun to seem less innocent. 
More survival induced, more like. 
So Kusuo’s response didn’t shock him, even if it did crack his heart down the middle. “But it’s wrong of them to do that, right?” Aren reminded. 
“…It’s not like it would hurt me,” Kusuo replied mulishly. “It’s not that serious.”
Right. It wasn’t serious. That’s why Kusuo wasn’t essentially asking for Aren’s reassurance that he wouldn’t hurt him, yeah?
Aren took a breath to stave off his protective fury, reminding himself who he was dealing with. Kusuo was more skittish than he let on, especially in the face of anger. It went unnoticed because Kusuo knew how to identify the warning signs and made himself scarce before it was externalized. 
Funnily enough, it was why Kusuo and Aren had rarely hung out one-on-one during the first part of their friendship. Before the soft, candied joys of romance, there had been a warm and sturdy companionship. That was his homie, through and through. But before even that, Kusuo had been glacier-cool and just as unmovable, rarely giving Aren a way in. It had taken a lot of time and learned patience on Aren’s part to begin getting closer. 
“You know I can’t agree, Kusuo,” Aren sighed. “You deserve better than you think you do. But,” he held up his hands placatingly before Kusuo could start to argue. “You wanted to talk about something, right baby?”
Kusuo gave him another nervous look and Aren tried to smile reassuringly. “Kusuo, I promise I won’t hurt you, okay? I’ll stay right here as long as you need me to.”
That seemed to give Kusuo a hint of bravery. The boy took a deep breath and shut his eyes tight, beginning to speak.
“I just don’t understand why I’m not happy,” Kusuo whispered. 
Aren felt his heart drop in sudden horror. He wanted to leap up and beg for forgiveness, for whatever he had done. He didn’t know what, but he loved Kusuo so much. The thought of him leaving was almost unbearable. 
But Aren promised to stay calm. He promised not to hurt Kusuo, and giving in to his instincts could lead to just that. So, he forced himself to stay seated, no matter how hard his heart pounded against his chest. 
“I have everything,” his sweetheart continued, reaching a hand down to pick at the cushion. “Things people only dream of. A nice house…supportive friends…” Kusuo grumbled out reluctantly. Aren couldn’t help the shaky smile that bloomed. “And I have…you.” He admitted shyly, peeking at Aren under his bangs. 
Aren felt his heart wobble. Kusuo wasn’t breaking up with him, then. 
But something was still upsetting him. 
“I love you a lot, Aren. I really do. I have everything, so why–” Kusuo’s voice broke a bit. 
“Why am I still so sad?”
“Oh, baby,” Aren mumbled sadly. 
“It feels awful. I- I know it’s greedy and selfish and I’m so sorry, but sometimes it hurts so bad. You all make it better, but sometimes the only thing I can focus on is how miserable I am,” Kusuo rushed out, tucking his face into his knees. “It lives in me, Aren. I feel it deep inside of my bones, inside the hollow spot it’s carved out for itself. It’s stuck there and I don’t know what to do, I don’t remember a time it wasn’t there. It’s ridiculous because- because my life is wonderful. Isn’t it?” He asked, uncurling slightly to look at Aren. 
What did he say here? It was true; Kusuo did have things that many people didn’t. Hell, Kusuo lived in an area Aren had never stepped foot in before moving to Hidariwakibari. He did have nice friends. His powers made a lot of things in life easier. 
They had also robbed his baby of a lot of things. The worst thing they had stolen from him was love. Care and affection that was his due. Kusuo had never been allowed to form connections and had only just begun to nurture the social side of his humanity. 
And, to put it bluntly, well-
Kusuo had been abused. Was still being abused. Aren had never wanted to admit it, whether out of respect for Kusuo’s wishes or his own ridiculous hopes, but that wasn’t right. Kusuo deserved to have people who actually paid attention to his problems, people who took care of him and showed him the kindness he deserved. And that meant Aren had to face the cold hard truth of Kusuo’s homelife. 
Aren had suspected, but he was pretty certain of it, now: Kusuo was depressed. He had always reminded Aren of the stray cats around Ibaraki for a reason; they hissed and scratched, constantly turning tail and fleeing to escape the potential of pain. Because they had learned that’s what the world was. 
So no, it wasn’t selfish of Kusuo to hurt so deeply. Even if he didn’t have those reasons, Aren would never dream of holding his beloved’s pain and suffering against him. 
Instead of answering, Aren stared directly into those soulful, purple orbs. Kusuo’s expression crumbled and his eyes fluttered shut, but it didn’t keep Aren from catching a glimpse of their glassiness. 
“What do you need from me, Kusuo?” Aren asked. 
Kusuo was silent and stock still. Aren wasn’t even sure he was breathing. But after a moment, the boy’s arms relaxed their grip around his legs and they reached out toward Aren.
That was his cue to come kiss it better, then. 
Aren stood and scooped up his boyfriend, tucking him close to his chest as he settled back down. “It’s okay, sweet thing,” he promised, sweeping back Kusuo’s hair from his forehead. “You can let go. I got you.”
Kusuo twitched. His shoulders jerked once, then twice, tense and angry. Then, his body suddenly lost all of its tension as he began to cry. 
Aren rocked them, listening to the heart-wrenching sound of his baby’s sniffles and the occasional hiccup. He pressed a kiss to that beautiful head of hair and let himself breathe in Kusuo’s scent. 
It definitely wouldn’t be easy. This wasn’t something Aren could make go away. Sometimes this would be all he could do, staying with Kusuo while his misery dragged him out to sea. But Aren swore right then that he would always be there to sit with him at the bottom of the ocean, to ride out the inexplicable sorrow and hold up a towel for Kusuo when it receded. Aren couldn’t help but feel it was the bare minimum, but somehow, he knew it was much more than his Kusuo had received for far too long. 
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walkman-cat · 9 months
i’ve gotta know abt ur little guy orpheus alabaster whats his deal,,, i keep seeing ur little doodles and tags and feeling curriiooooosiityyyyyyyy
orpheus alabaster my BOY !! he's so silly <3 (also this is going to be a LONGGG post so it's under a cut) (he's my little guy i've got a lot to say about him)
He's like the city equivalent of a world-famous detective (one half of a detective agency working out of the attic of a curiosity/antique shop in the oldest part of the city)– he's a household name, and is known for taking on pretty much every case that he comes across (except, curiously, the biggest unsolved mystery the city has ever seen). Basically, Orph is the detective of the gentleman thief-detective dynamic and the watsonian narrator-detective dynamic (i love detectives <3)
He's observant, and will not rest until he's solved the case (to his detriment), and would risk his life if it meant saving the lives of others (to his detriment). He's got a terrible memory (so he writes everything down in one of his numerous notebooks) and he's not great with people (he's trying, somewhat. Cecil's usually the one who talks to clients). He's always down to work around the law/the watch (the city's law enforcement). He's very nosy (Cecil also is, they're perfect for each other).
He's also basically all those memes that are like "kinda gay to be a detective [etc etc]". While his partner (Cecil– they started the detective agency together!) has been pining over him since pretty much when they met (6 years before the story starts), Orpheus fell much harder and discovered this in the past year (he's having a Great Time. demiromantic king !!). They're so silly and devoted to each other (they call each other "Mr. Alabaster" and "Mr. Meyers" theyre sickening) and it's a whole Thing.
Also! Orph's the new incarnation of the forgotten/illegal/dead god of deceit and dreams (he's a detective and also the patron god of thieves and liars wbwbwb– this amuses me greatly). He's got a complicated relationship with his identity and personhood (which may have something to do with him taking on faces and personas at the drop of a hat) and isn't quite sure if he counts as something alive anymore.
Also to do with the fact that he's a kinda-not-really dead god, Orpheus isn't quite alive; he's a believable fascimile of something living, but he doesn't bleed when cut, he's cold to the touch, and sometimes Cecil can swear that he isn't breathing. He died not too long before he arrived in the city (and has the ligature marks on his neck to prove it) and came back, but even though he'd love to have come back wrong he came back exactly the same as he was before.
Here are some extra/funky facts about Orph:
he plays the piano!! he doesn't do it often for reasons he's never told Cecil but he's very good at it and has played for him in the past
he wanted to be a poet when he was younger, and still sometimes jots lines down in between all his other notes
his hands are perpetually inkstained, his fingertips are nearly all blackened from ink
the only times he's been truly excited for his clientele to be some of the city's richest are for hermes vetch heists. they're also the only times he's happy to have not solved the case (he's got a soft spot for the thief and misses him greatly)(he keeps reminiscing about heists to kit's face without knowing kit is hermes vetch and it's so funny to me)
he's mixed race (this isnt very important story wise, but it's important to me (also mixed race)) (so's kit)
he's non-binary!! (he/him enby times!!)
he's also a trans allegory for reasons i will not go into (they contain secretsssss)
he wouldn't like to say he has a favourite method of murder, but it's poisons. he likes to have an excuse to infodump and show off his knowledge of poisons
he probably would look real nice if he put any effort in to how he looks. he doesn't, so he looks like if a cat got drenched then blow-dried and rolled in ink
he hates having anything touching his neck, especially if they're wrapped around his neck. he will suffer and be cold if he has to be
the only times he'd overcome his need to put others before himself is when cecil (and to an extent kit/hermes vetch) is in danger (they're his best friends !!)
he often stares unblinkingly when thinking. it's a wee bit intimidating
his family is basically just matchsticks kelly (the guy who owns the antique shop who took him in), and cecil (later it'll also include kit), he doesn't talk about his family
he's known about cecil's sleeping habits and tendency to clamber over the rooftops for 6 years and still gets jumpscared by him clambering into his window in the dead of night
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michameinmicha · 8 months
hello you asked for cats so i will SHOW YOU MY CATS. i live with three of them!! two are more connected to my roomie since they've lived with my roomie for longer than with me, one is super fixated on me. we have pumput, fred, and kasi
(kein plan warum ich das alles auf englisch geschrieben habe aber mir ist es literally nicht aufgefallen bis ich schon mehr als die hälfte hatte lol naja egal)
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he's the middle child. he doesn't like strangers, has a very melodic purr, sucks at sharpening his claws. he can be very talkative but he's very well behaved, he doesn't meow unless you pay attention to him. he likes to pretend he's the alpha of the household. he is kind stupid. he's always annoyed at kasi because kasi is a grumpy old man who sometimes Dares to go into Pumputs TerritoryTM (the hallway and kitchen). he is very gentle even when he's telling you to fuck off. he likes to squeeze himself into the very narrow gap between my desk and the heater when the heater is on. to absorb as Much Warmth as he can
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the youngest. acts like it. he is really really stupid (affectionate). he always wants to play with kasi. kasi hates him but he doesn't respect him at all. fred wasn't socialised with other cats when he was a baby so he doesn't understand cat language. thus he is never afraid of/respects kasi even when he hisses at him. he likes to watch birds and chitter at them. greatest fly-catcher (and other insects) that has ever lived. he can usually be found on my loft bed because he treats it like a premium cat tree. gets along with everyone because he doesn't get it when they don't like him. he's always like. "that seems like a they problem (✿◠‿◠)"
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the old man. the grumpy asshole. the light of my life. he can be really annoying when he doesn't get his food at Exactly The Right Time or i dare to change my (and subsequently his) routine. he likes to cuddle but only with me. he really enjoys eating plants of every kind, especially if he's not allowed to. he has arthrosis and recently lost his eyesight on one of his eyes due to complications with high blood pressure. i've lived with him since i was 7 (he is 17). he has been a lone wolf for most of his life (he's been living with me again for about a year, he stayed at my mother's place when i moved out). because of that he hated both pumput and fred to the point where i thought he had to go back to my mother. but now they're in a state of mutually ignoring each other/tolerance/the occasional hiss and slap when someone Dares to go into his terriotry. or when there's food. recently he has taken a liking to sitting at the windowsill in my roomie's room which faces the street (he does not care about my windowsills, which point to the garden and the birds).
(if you want to see more of them i have a tag on my blog where i post cat pics ;) it's #kitty cats)
here's some things i like about you that i noticed in the brief time our paths have been crossing:
-i love your dedication to die drei fragezeichen omg i was never into it as a child but i love seeing you be so enthusiastic about them -your art is fucking beautiful -you have a great sense of humour -your blog is very pretty and your profile pic makes me smile
i think we're kind of similar, at least in a few ways. i greatly enjoy seeing you in my notes and i'm very happy we're mutuals <3 thank you for always liking my art stuff it means a lot to me!!!
i hope you feel better soon and i am bonking my head against yours like a cat and if you want i am squishing you in a hug as well
Asdfhjll thanks for showing me your cats they sound lovely and are very cute! Interesting to read about their interactions and personalities :3 Also good names as well!
I wanna show u my cats too <3
Kasi reminds me a bit of my timmy who died last year (he turned 20 (old old man) and also had arthrosis (and diabetes but the special food worked rly well for him) and loved plants (especially schnittlauch, which isnt great for cats in big quantities (he loved that shit and we had to put it out of his reach cause he always got to it)) sometimes grumpy but mostly sweet and loved cuddles and also was very vocal about getting food on time! He used to sleep next to my head :,) Oh and he too loved laying on the windowsill watching the street as well!)
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Also theres cami our other cat who is a lot younger and always annoyed timmy trying to play when he just wanted to nap like the grandpa he was... shes very stubborn and fluffy, she has a very high voice like 'meeeep' and when shes feeling cuddly its the softest! She never learned how to wake me up (which timmy used to do by literally sceeaming in my ear from 0cm away) instead she always just lies on top of me and starts purring which only makes me more comfy in bed... although she has been getting more vocal recently, which i guess is a good thing :)
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Thanks for sending this very long ask
i send a head bonk and hug back!
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Kenny Rant
This got really long. I’m sorry.
I wanna talk about Kenny because he’s my favourite. And he’s a silly little guy. I may be projecting a teensy bit but Im just going to scream into the void and you can listen if you want.
Kenny is Cartman’s best friend. Kenny is Butters’ best friend. These can coexist.
Kenny is not saving Butters from Cartman. 2 Reasons:
1. Butters is not an uwu boi who needs protecting. He’s an asshole who’s a little too trusting sometimes.
2. Kenny is not some flirty strong dude-bro. He’s an asshole and a quiet kid who’s just happy to be included.
That’s not to say that I don’t ship Bunny. I do (sue me). but more like a teacher who seats two kids next to each other because they’d be cute together, than as an actual canon ship.
Another thing real quick is Kenjorine. I do wish people would give Marjorine more of Butters’ personality, but someone’s take was that in the episode “Marjorine” Butters never wanted to be Marjorine, therefore she’s just used as a love interest for Kenny, is objectively wrong. Yes Marjorine was Cartman’s idea. Yes Butters was hesitant. But no one can deny how happy Butters looked as Marjorine and the fun she had. Is Marjorine hyperfeminized? Yes absolutely, and it is annoying. But headcanons are okay! Transfem Butters who goes by Marjorine, Genderfluid Butters who can go by Marjorine, etc, yes go for it! But claiming Marjorine is NOT Butters and JUST a love interest for Kenny? :/ Its all fun and games here. Let people have fun and games.
Anyway, back to Kenny because no one understands him like I do.😔
(again, yelling into the void these are my opinions. you can characterize him however you want he’s not real)
KENNY IS NOT A FLIRTY WHORE. He is kind of a pervert who probably had unrestricted internet access and found porn waaaaayyyy to early. But that does not mean he’s a total slut who will sleep around with anyone and everyone. On a similar note, he’s also not mr. popular either. He’s a quiet kid. He doesn’t talk a lot and often fades into the background. He enjoys hanging out with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman. I can only think of one time he willing chose not to hangout with Cartman. He enjoys it! He loves going along with they’re crazy shenanigans! He loves to be included. Because if he’s not included, he’s forgotten about. He dies all the time and no one remembers. He misses out on so much. I’m sure he feels really left out sometimes. (If you like the someone remembers headcanon), does anyone ever catch him up on what happened after he dies?
Imma leave that question there and move on. Kenny is obviously a wonderful brother who cares deeply about his family. However I really wish the show touched more on his relationship with Kevin. Do they bond over shared trauma? Or grow apart because of how similar Kevin is to their father? I like to think that they’re close. But they likely aren’t.
Slight switch. Another characterization I see a lot is that Kenny is a crackhead or similar. I really don’t think Kenny would do a lot of drugs. He lived in a household that had a meth lab in the back yard and his parents were almost always drunk or high. I don’t think he would want that for himself. I know there’s that one episode where he gets high on cat piss and daffodils or something. That’s there. It exists. I know. I would like to think he would have some character development between 8 years old and the typical 16-21 years he’s usually aged up to. I don’t know though, it was never mentioned again. You’re entitled to your own opinion but I just don’t think he’d stick with it.
I think imma stop here. Theres more I could say and I could probably make a whole other post on Mysterion alone but I’ll only do that if it’s asked for.
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soshhy · 2 years
I don't usually post personal stuff but hey... Storytime: how wangxian saved my Christmas.
It's a couple of days before Christmas 2020. The Alpha strain of covid is spreading across the UK. London is on lockdown, my plan to see my family for the first time in 6 months is dashed by the sudden new regulations. My flatmate doesn't do Christmas. The rules for meeting people from other households say you can see one person at a time, outdoors, at a distance of two metres, for exercise only.
I'm feeling pretty down.
I'm sitting on a bench in my local park, in the freezing cold, with my giant coat on and my laptop on my knees because I can't be stuck in my flat for another minute. And I'm writing.
I'm writing about the park with its weird straw sculptures, and the birds on the little lake, and the cafe (currently closed because of covid but wow, their cardamom buns are amazing) and how on a wintery day it's quiet and empty.
(It's not quiet and empty. It's bustling with people because there's nowhere else to go. But it should be.)
And because The Untamed has been my lifeline throughout the pandemic, I'm writing about wangxian.
I write about Wei Ying and Lan Zhan walking the paths around the lake, getting coffee at the cafe, reading the signs about the water birds, and feeling all the excitement and nervousness and joy of a first date with the person they don't yet know will be theirs forever. I write the cutest, fluffiest, most romantic, least angsty story I've ever written. (I write a lot of fluff, so that's saying something.)
Suddenly it's not so bad.
I write that story in the park, and I write it at home on my lonely Christmas day. It's the second part in a series of cheerful silliness. When I post it I think about putting an author's note saying how it was written, how miserable I was, and how it helped so much. But I don't. Because out there are people who need exactly what I needed - a fluffy escape from all the shit going on. I just put a little note about how the fic is dedicated to my local park. It's my secret how when I'm walking round and round that lake because there's nowhere else to go, I'm looking at the cafe where wangxian got coffee, and the place where they fed the ducks, and the place where Wei Ying got scared by a dog - the same place they had their first kiss. And it's really not so bad.
My friend loses her dad to covid the day after New Years. Thousands more people lose their lives, pointlessly, meaninglessly, alone, with nobody but nurses to hold their hands. I find myself thinking about death the whole time. I go back on anti-anxiety meds. I'm struggling.
Over the next few weeks I write three more ridiculously cute, fluffy fics in that series, and I get comments with squeals and awws. The world is miserable but sometimes I'm not. And I'm helping a few hundred other people out there not be miserable too, just for a few minutes.
So now it's Christmas 2022. I'm visiting my family. Covid isn't over but the world seems to have forgotten. And it feels like it's time to tell the void what those stories meant, how having the escape of fanfic was such a huge support. I'm so glad I didn't write that author's note. I can reread those stories and not remember unless I want to. The only reminder I have is that when I walk around the lake, when I pass the signs about water birds, when I go to that cafe, I get a little bit of the happiness that I felt in a really hard time.
So, thank you fanfic. And thank you to all the people who commented and kudosed my Love Cats series two years ago. If you read this far, maybe you'll have some idea how much you meant to me.
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