#sometimes global chat is great
lavaburnsso · 10 months
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wearing our Christmas best 🎄
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catmarlowastrology · 3 months
Transit Jupiter in Gemini for all Rising signs
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🗣️ Aries Rising: Jupiter in Gemini is transiting your 3rd house of learning from your environment. Love a bit of gossip? You’re in luck. This transit will flood your life with juicy tidbits about everyone around you. Expect to bump into old acquaintances, or receive bizarre 3am DMs from friends spilling all sorts of tea. Invitations to go out and socialize will be pouring in, so get ready to play social butterfly. You’ll uncover all sorts of secrets about the people who share your daily grind. Have a crush on that cutie you pass every day on your commute? Now's the perfect time to strike up a conversation. In fact, you might want to chat up anyone you fancy building a relationship with, be it platonic or romantic. Networking is your best friend during this transit, and meeting new people on apps could lead to some exciting connections. Basically, this is your golden opportunity to dive headfirst into your social scene and make some memorable connections.
💸 Taurus Rising: Jupiter in Gemini is transiting your 2nd house of finances and possessions. This transit can be tricky sometimes. On the bright side, you might suddenly find people falling over themselves to offer you investment opportunities (assuming you roll in those circles). Your friends and family could also be all over you, urging you to turn your hobbies into cash cows. And it's actually a great time to do just that and rake in some extra dough. Perfect moment to start that Etsy store you've been daydreaming about. But make sure to gather all the info you need and politely ignore the unsolicited advice from people who couldn’t tell a stock from a sock. With Gemini’s influence, money can appear in your bank account quickly but vanish just as fast. Watch out for the shopaholic bug. The temptation to splurge will be strong, with endless cool experiences and shiny things calling your name. Keep a level head and focus on a few key purchases instead of buying everything that catches your eye.
🔍 Gemini Rising: Jupiter is transiting your 1st house. Expect countless opportunities to learn about yourself and grow wiser. If you've been feeling a bit adrift, now’s the time to dive into therapy sessions or binge on self-help books to boost your self-awareness and finally get comfy in your own skin. This transit is also the perfect excuse to play dress-up with your life, trying on different personas and styles to see what fits. You're in a self-discovery phase, and relationships will act like funhouse mirrors, reflecting who you are, who you aren't, and who you want to become (thanks to Jupiter opposing your 7th house). But don't worry, this isn't some grueling self-help marathon (we’re not dealing with a Saturn transit). It's a fun, enlightening chapter where you learn more about yourself and enjoy every minute of it.
🌜 Cancer Rising: Jupiter will be transiting your 12th house in Gemini. This house is introspective, personal, subjective, and takes place mostly in the hidden depths of your psyche. Expect a lot of overthinking, more than usual, to the point where your brain might just pack up and leave. If you have planets in the 12th house, external events might trigger this mental marathon. But if that house is empty, you’re left with your own thoughts. You'll reminisce, ponder, and lose sleep over things that probably don’t matter to anyone else but you. Now is the perfect time to start writing down your dreams and thoughts. Get them out of your head and onto paper, so you can analyze them and maybe even laugh at how absurd some of them are. Therapy is also a great idea during this transit. You'll learn a lot about your subconscious, but brace yourself: it’s going to be mentally exhausting.
🌍 Leo Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 11th house. Get ready, because your social circle is about to explode. Unlike Aries Rising, who are busy making friends at the local coffee shop, you’re going global. The world is your oyster, and it’s about to serve you a platter of new acquaintances from every corner of the globe. This is the perfect time to join groups and communities where you can share your interests. If you're into social media, now's the time to take it seriously. Get out there, mingle, and talk to as many people as you can. This is your moment to enjoy your time with strangers and make new friends from all walks of life.
🎭 Virgo Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 10th house. Buckle up Virgo Rising because your reputation and public accomplishments are about to get a serious boost. Jupiter in Gemini loves multitasking, so get ready to juggle new opportunities like a circus performer on caffeine. There's a fun twist here: you won't just be known for one thing, but for multiple things. Thinking about a new career path? Now’s the perfect time to dip your toe in, while still keeping one foot firmly planted in your old job. Who said you can’t have it all? Whatever happens, your reputation is set to expand. You'll be known as the multitasking marvel who can do it all. You might also become famous in your field for your expansive contact list and your knack for connecting people. Embrace the chaos and show off those multiple skills you've been hiding up your sleeve.
🎓 Libra Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 9th house. This house is all about stretching your horizons and either confirming or totally overhauling your belief system. Brace yourself because this could be the transit that crams your brain with so many new interests that your poor computer gives up and crashes under the weight of all those tabs you’ve got open. Maybe you'll even consider international travel, hopping from one far-flung place to another, just to soak up their vastly different lifestyles and beliefs. If Venus is in this house, people who think completely unlike you might just be the ones to trigger your personal growth and expansive worldview. This transit is the perfect excuse to sign up for every course under the sun, or maybe even drag yourself back to university if that was on your vision board. Let your heart run wild with as many academic endeavors as it pleases.
💥 Scorpio Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 8th house. This house is the realm of losing control. Maybe you're itching to explore your sexuality? Maybe you're thinking about juggling multiple partners? Whatever wild ride you're on, you'll come out wiser. Gemini loves options and spreading knowledge like confetti, so expect to learn some jaw-dropping truths about yourself and others, especially if Mercury is in this house. If you're the sharing type, brace yourself for a crash course in joint finances. You might discover that your partner has a secret stash of cash they’re funneling into some mysterious hobby. But don't worry, it's Jupiter delivering the news, so it's more of a "well, that's interesting" revelation rather than a life-shattering bombshell (we'll leave that to Uranus, Pluto, or Saturn). Expect to dive into topics that most people run away from. It's all about growth with Jupiter. You’ll emerge from this transit not emotionally wrecked, but definitely a whole lot wiser.
💑 Sagittarius Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 7th house. Your 7th house is the VIP lounge for getting to know people on a deep, meaningful level. It's not your usual gossip fest like in the 11th house where everyone’s spilling tea. No, this is more like spending a day meandering with someone and talking their ear off. But, since we're dealing with Gemini here, your attention isn't glued to just one special someone. Nope, you've got at least two people vying for your attention. And it's not all about romance, either. Platonic relationships get a spotlight too. Your closest friends live here. Business contracts too. If you work with clients and close deals, brace yourself for a flood of new business. If you're in a relationship, keep an eye out for someone new who might turn your head and tempt you into some extracurricular activities — especially if Venus is in this house. Being an angular house, this transit is a big deal.
📅 Capricorn Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 6th house. Capricorn, you love it when life is a neat little package. With Jupiter transiting your 6th house in Gemini, you're suddenly all about efficiency and streamlining every aspect of your existence. This transit has you scheduling your life down to the millisecond, convinced that you can overhaul everything at once. So, naturally, you decide it's the perfect time to dive into yoga, Pilates, and kickboxing — all at the same time. Not stopping there, you become a culinary genius, mastering healthy meals like a gourmet chef. And why not throw in some home improvement classes, despite having zero DIY skills? You’re superhuman. At work, you’ve set your sights on the “Employee of the Month” title and are ready to work yourself to the bone to get it. It’s a lot to juggle for one person. The upside of this transit is that you’ll learn a ton about self-improvement. But you're not a robot — don't push it too far.
🎉 Aquarius Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 5th house. Aquarius, this transit is all about fun! With Jupiter transiting your 5th house, you'll be knee-deep in what makes you happy. You'll discover new hobbies, attend countless cool parties, and go on so many hot dates you'll lose count. The universe is basically Santa Claus, throwing a bunch of exciting opportunities at your feet to make you fall in love with life all over again. If expanding your family is on the agenda, this is the golden moment, especially if your Moon or Sun is in this house. Enjoy!
🏡 Pisces Rising: Jupiter will transit your 4th house. This is the perfect time to connect (or reconnect) with your family and roots. Expect sudden DMs from relatives you haven’t seen since forever popping up in your inbox. You might get an itch to discover your origins and splurge on a DNA test. Learning about your family’s past and culture is the theme of this transit. Thinking about buying a home or moving out? Now’s your chance, as the universe will throw a bunch of cool offers your way. During this transit, you might also suddenly become obsessed with home decor, trying out different styles and buying furniture that either goes wonderfully together... or creates a total eyesore. But the beauty of this transit is that you’ll end up wiser and more knowledgeable. By the end of it, you might just become the local guru on home styling. Who knows? Maybe you'll even be able to tell a chaise from a chesterfield.
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cool-fancier · 3 months
Rhythm of Our Hearts
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Synopsis: you, a small-town choreographer, whose life changes when global K-pop star Lisa asks for collaboration, sparking a journey of dance, dreams, and unexpected romance.
Word count:1.9K
This was requested and I hope I did okay, so if any of you guys do have requests of the girls , please do let me know and I promise I will try my best.
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The world of dance was all you had ever known. From the time you could walk, your feet had found rhythm and movement as naturally as most children discover speech. Growing up in a small town, you never imagined that your passion for choreography would lead you to the heights of fame and success. Your journey had been a whirlwind of hard work, dedication, and a bit of luck. But it wasn't until the fateful day when Lisa Manoban, the global K-pop sensation, walked into your life that everything changed.
— — — — —
The crisp autumn morning in Los Angeles was beautiful. The sun had just begun to rise, casting a golden hue over the city. You had an early call at the studio, a place that had become your second home. Your name was renowned in the dance world, and you had worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. But today, you had no idea what was in store for you.
As you arrived at the studio, coffee in hand, and greeted your team, you were prepping for a new project when you received an unexpected phone call. It was Sean Bankhead, a fellow choreographer and one of your closest friends.
"Hey, I need you to come to Studio B. Now," Sean's voice had an urgency that piqued your curiosity.
You made your way to Studio B, wondering what could be so important. As you entered, you were greeted by the sight of Lisa Manoban, the superstar from BLACKPINK. She was even more stunning in person, her presence commanding the room effortlessly.
"Hey," Sean said, a wide grin on his face. "Meet Lisa. She has a special request."
Lisa turned towards you, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've been a huge fan of your work," she began, her voice as smooth as silk. "I'm working on a new solo project, and I was hoping you could choreograph the dance for my song 'Rockstar.'"
You were taken aback. Choreographing for Lisa was an opportunity of a lifetime. "Of course, I'd be honored," you replied, trying to keep your composure.
Lisa's smile widened. "Great! I'm so excited to work with you. Let's make something unforgettable."
As the days passed, you and Lisa spent countless hours in the studio, perfecting every move, every beat. She was incredibly talented and dedicated, and your sessions were a blend of hard work and creativity. You began to develop a rhythm, not just in your dance but in your interactions.
Between breaks, you'd sit and chat, sharing stories about your lives, your struggles, and your dreams. You learned about her journey from Thailand to becoming a global icon, and she listened intently as you recounted your path from a small-town dancer to a renowned choreographer.
— — — — —
Your late-night sessions became a routine. The studio, usually bustling with activity, would grow quiet as the night deepened. It was during these moments that your bond began to grow stronger.
One night, after a particularly grueling practice, you sat on the floor, exhausted but exhilarated.
"You know," Lisa said, looking thoughtful, "I've always felt like an outsider, even in the industry. It's hard to find people who understand."
You nodded, understanding the feeling all too well. "I get it. Sometimes, even in a room full of people, you can feel completely alone."
You talked about your dreams, both fulfilled and unfulfilled. Lisa spoke about her desire to explore different aspects of her artistry, beyond just music. You shared your aspirations of starting a dance academy for underprivileged kids, to give them the opportunities you never had.
"Maybe one day, we can combine our passions," Lisa suggested, her eyes lighting up with the idea. "Imagine a school that nurtures both dance and music."
You smiled at the thought. "That would be amazing. We could change so many lives."
Unbeknownst to you, Sean had been observing your growing closeness. One afternoon, as you took a break, he pulled you aside.
"You and Lisa seem to be getting along pretty well," he remarked, a teasing glint in his eye.
You shrugged, trying to play it cool. "She's great to work with. We have a lot in common."
Sean raised an eyebrow. "Just work, huh? Well, whatever it is, I'm happy for you. It's good to see you both so inspired."
— — — — —
One rainy afternoon, as you sat by the window watching the raindrops dance on the glass, Lisa opened up about her past. She spoke about her childhood in Thailand, the struggles her family faced, and the sacrifices they made for her to pursue her dreams.
"I was just a kid with big dreams," she said, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "Leaving home at such a young age was tough, but I knew I had to do it."
Her story resonated with you deeply. You admired her resilience and determination. "You're incredibly strong, Lisa. Your journey is truly inspiring."
Lisa turned the conversation towards you, curious about your own story. You recounted your early years, growing up in a small town where opportunities were scarce. Dance had always been your escape, your way of expressing emotions you couldn't put into words.
"My parents didn't understand my passion," you confessed. "They wanted me to follow a more traditional path. But I couldn't give up on my dreams."
Lisa reached out, placing a comforting hand on yours. "And look where you are now. You're living your dream."
— — — — —
As your project progressed, so did your connection. There were moments when your hands would brush accidentally, sending a jolt of electricity through you. Your conversations grew more personal, your laughter more genuine.
One evening, after a particularly intense rehearsal, you found yourselves alone in the studio. The air was thick with unspoken words and unsaid emotions.
"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we hadn't followed our dreams?" Lisa asked, breaking the silence.
You nodded. "Sometimes. But then I realize that every choice we made led us to this moment. And I wouldn't trade it for anything."
Sean, ever the perceptive friend, noticed the subtle changes between you. One day, as you took a break outside the studio, he brought it up.
"You know, it's rare to find someone who truly understands you," he said, looking at you meaningfully. "Don't let that go."
You knew he was right. Lisa and you shared a bond that went beyond your professional relationship. It was something special, something worth exploring.
— — — — —
Your choreography for 'Rockstar' was finally coming together. It was a fusion of powerful moves and graceful transitions, a perfect reflection of Lisa's dynamic personality. You spent long hours perfecting every detail, ensuring it was flawless.
One evening, as you practiced a particularly challenging sequence, Lisa stumbled and fell into your arms. Your eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still.
"Are you okay?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Lisa nodded, her breath coming in short gasps. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... lost my balance."
As you sat on the floor, catching your breath, Lisa looked at you with a seriousness you hadn't seen before.
"There's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "These past few weeks, working with you... I've felt something I haven't felt in a long time."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you waited for her to continue.
"I don't know where this is going, but I know that I want to find out," she said, her eyes searching yours for a response.
You took a deep breath, your mind racing. "Lisa, I feel the same way. This connection between us... it's special. And I don't want to ignore it."
— — — — —
With your feelings out in the open, Lisa and you decided to take things slow. You continued working on the choreography, but now there was an added layer of excitement and anticipation in your interactions.
You started spending more time together outside of the studio, exploring the city, sharing meals, and enjoying each other's company. Your bond grew stronger with each passing day, and you knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful.
Sean, ever the supportive friend, was thrilled to see you both happy. "You two deserve this," he said one evening as you sat in his living room, discussing your progress. "It's rare to find a connection like this. Don't take it for granted."
His words resonated with you, and you vowed to cherish every moment with Lisa.
The day of the music video shoot finally arrived. The set was buzzing with energy as the crew prepared for the shoot. Lisa and you went over the choreography one last time, ensuring everything was perfect.
As the cameras rolled, you moved together seamlessly, your bodies in perfect harmony. The dance was a powerful expression of your journey, your struggles, and your triumphs.
— — — — —
The music video was a massive success, garnering millions of views within hours of its release. Fans and critics alike praised the choreography, and Lisa's performance was hailed as one of her best.
But beyond the accolades and the applause, what mattered most to you was the bond you had formed with Lisa. You had created something beautiful together, and your connection went far beyond the dance floor.
With the project behind you, Lisa and you began to explore new horizons. You started working on your dream of opening a dance and music academy, a place where young talents could nurture their skills and pursue their dreams.
Your journey was just beginning, and you knew that whatever the future held, you would face it together.
— — — — —
"We did it," Lisa said softly, her eyes shimmering with pride as she looked at you.
You smiled, squeezing her hand gently. "Yeah, we did. And it's just the beginning."
The air between you was charged with a mix of accomplishment and something more, something that had been growing between you with each passing day.
"I couldn't have asked for a better partner," Lisa admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Me neither," you replied, your gaze locked with hers. In that moment, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in the quiet embrace of the studio.
Lisa's hand reached up to brush a strand of hair from your face, her touch gentle yet electrifying. "Y/n..." she murmured, her breath mingling with yours.
You leaned in closer, feeling the warmth of her breath on your lips. "Lisa," you whispered back, your heart racing.
And then, without another word, your lips met in a kiss that spoke volumes of the unspoken feelings between you. It was a kiss filled with passion and tenderness, a culmination of the bond you had forged through sweat, laughter, and shared dreams.
Time seemed to stand still as you kissed, each moment etching itself into your memory. The studio around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the sensation of Lisa's lips against yours, the softness of her touch, and the overwhelming certainty that this was where you belonged.
When you finally pulled back, a soft smile played on Lisa's lips, her eyes shining with a depth of emotion that mirrored your own.
"That was..." she began, her voice barely a whisper.
"Perfect," you finished, your fingers intertwining with hers.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through the studio windows, you knew that this was just the beginning of your journey together. Whatever challenges lay ahead, you were ready to face them side by side.
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couldawouldashoulda50 · 9 months
A heart full of regret - William Nylander
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A/N - This fic still falls under William Nylander and the fem reader who is a global super-star.
Just a side note (for anyone that might be wondering), I have been honestly struggling to find my way back to The Distance and the Time between Us . Between my work and personal commitments, it’s been super challenging to get back in that headspace.  Admittedly, my perception changed a little of William since the Sweden trip so I have been reworking a few things in my head about him too.  
I tried to tie this side piece into the main Distance and Time series as well so hopefully I can get back to outlining some of the earlier years between William and the reader and have it all flow together.  I tried to make sure I’m well on my way with getting Part 2 completed of this piece before I posted Part One.  I apologize if I seem all over the place sometimes.
Thank you to everyone for giving this a shot 🙂
Word count 8k+
Warnings: 18+ content, general smut (p in v, oral m receiving, c*ck massage), swearing, angst, reflections of the end of a relationship, casual sex
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Late November, 2023
A familiar chime echoes once again through the condo, signalling a step closer to yet another tryst for William Nylander.  This time, it’s Trina; a lively and pretty young woman in her early twenties whom he crossed paths with recently while out for his daily walk with Pablo and Banksy.  
Prior to the trip to Sweden for the NHL Global Series, William wouldn’t go too many days without a casual encounter with an attractive female, which would lead to introductions and further chats, and often enough, to the bedroom of whomever's place was closest.  Ever since Williiam moved to this upscale part of the city, he noticed there was no shortage of beautiful and stylish women that lived within a short distance of his doorstep.  Now having returned from his beloved Stockholm, where he shone even brighter than the spotlights themselves, there had been a further surge of interested parties coming out of the woodwork.  
William had been in committed relationships for long periods of time prior to this season, but throughout the other periods of time when he was single, he felt there was no harm in having small feasts of women here and there to satisfy his sexual appetite.   
William had consistently been very low-key about divulging (m)any details about his personal life, whether it be in interviews or across all the social media apps.  He was no stranger to his name being thrown around in the news by reporters hungry to spawn a certain narrative about his game performance or even his personality; many times, he was not cast in a favorable light but somehow his laid back personality carried him through.  Regardless of what kind of attention he received, William never came across like any of it went to his head, to any great degree anyway.  
However, after his well-documented week in Sweden, and the internet exploding after his appearance on the “Bianca” show where he provided some very personal details of his own sex life, William was reaping the benefits of his re-energized superstardom.  As a result, he was getting more notoriety with being a handsome, talented, virile, and notably single, professional hockey player.
All of the resurgence of popularity does not come without a flipside - a downside to which the descent is much longer lasting that the ascent to stardom.  William knew this and he was fortunate that he had people in his life that would remind him to be careful of the traps and pitfalls tied to such celebrity.   The trouble is there was no one quite like that here in Toronto that he could just call and hang out with, that he could just “be” with; the people that cared for him most, and that he cared for, were all dispersed between the US and Sweden.  And as much as he loved his two beloved dogs, they weren’t great for a two-way conversation. 
William’s phone chimes again.
Be there in 5 😘
William acknowledges the text and heads into the washroom to do his traditional freshening up routine.  
“She's nice, boys - you met her on our walk”, William said to Pablo and Banksy as he returned to the living room; the dogs cock their heads to the side in response.  William gives them both a hearty and affectionate scratch behind their ears, and chuckles as their rumps move in unison showing their adoration for their dog dad.
William flopped down on the couch and continued to absent-mindedly scratch the dog's backs and scrolled through some more messages on his phone.  
After glancing at numerous DM's received as of late, something shifted in William’s mind; an empty feeling that he only just recognized at that moment.  He realized, rather suddenly, that he really wasn’t into Trina at all and the dread of her impending arrival started to build within him.  William had only invited her over for one purpose.  She was merely coming to scratch an itch, an itch that would still linger long after she’s long gone from his bed.  He didn’t have the heart to cancel on her with her just being literal seconds from his door, but he made up his mind right there that this would not be a long visit.  
Say you’ve got a migraine he thought to himself.   
William’s phone rang, a picture of his mom appeared on the screen.
“Hey, Mom…how’s it going?”  William smiled.
They exchange some light-hearted small talk for a few moments when William hears a soft knock at the door.  He takes his mom off speaker-phone and starts walking toward the door.  He thinks he should probably just tell his Mom he has company and end the call but he’s come to realize that he would much rather talk to her than the girl on the other side of the door.  Trina will just have to come in and wait.
“Mom, two seconds - just letting someone in”.
“I can let you go - there’s just something I need to discuss with you about Christmas so we’ll need some more time to talk.   I’ll talk to you later William, ok?”
“No - Mom, please…if it’s about you guys coming for Christmas, I’d like to get that sorted out, ok?  Just gimme a sec.”
He opens the door for Trina and mustering a smile, he invites her in.  She glides past him and gives him her best “come fuck me” eyes, ghosting her fingers along his covered abdomen.  William catches the scent of her perfume; between that and the deep blue bodycon dress she’s wearing under a sleek, belted wool coat (the dress he feels is a little over the top given he didn’t plan to leave the apartment), he momentarily forgets his migraine plan as he stares at the contour of her cleavage and her ass as she enters the living room.   
She approaches the couch where the two dogs are waiting anxiously, but politely, for some affection.  Trina looks at the dogs and tries to give a command for them to get down off of the furniture; looking back at William she said “sorry, I just don’t want the dogs slobbering all over me”.  
There’s a sinking feeling in William’s stomach; he really wants to get out of this now.  
Migraine plan is back on.  Say you’ve got a migraine right after a few sips of wine correcting his first thought to himself.
“Boys….off,” William commands.  He feels like shit watching his cherished companions skulk off the couch.
He motions to the phone, “It’s my Mom, she’s just got a quick question but I won’t be long, just going to take in here” nodding toward his bedroom.  “There’s a bottle of white wine in the fridge; help yourself.  I'll be right out”.  
William enters his room, closes the door and lets out a long sigh.
Switching to his native tongue, he resumes the call.  
“Ok, Mom…what’s up?” 
“You sure I’m not interrupting?  You have a guest, William”.
“It’s ok, she’s good…it’s fine, Mom”.
“So Dad and I have been figuring out what might make sense for all of us to get together for Christmas.  We’ve had an interesting offer if we come to Toronto, but we wanted to talk with you about it first.”
William senses that his mom seems tentative; her tone just seems off.
“...oh - okaaay?...”
Camilla hesitates and then begins.  “Well, we recently received a phone call from Y/N”.
William’s stomach is no longer sinking.  It’s plummeting.  His heart begins to race hearing your name.
“She reached out to ask if she could borrow back that guitar she gave your sister a few years ago.  There’s an exhibit that was running in London but has now moved on to Toronto showing the different guitars she’s collected over the years and the stories behind each one”.
William remains silent at the other end.  His face is drained; any colour he had initially has been swapped out with a dull, achy feeling.   
“She was very apologetic for calling but she explained that although it wasn’t part of the London exhibit, she would really love to have it included at the Toronto exhibit, given it’s in her hometown and she has a strong sentimental attachment to it”.  
Camilla was only met with further silence from William. She knew this would be difficult for him, given the history you and he shared.
“She ended up coming to Stockholm to pick it up herself.  We invited her to stay for a meal so we had a long visit, which was nice.”
William could barely think to form a sentence; a million thoughts ricocheted off of one another in his brain. 
“So, anyway, she asked if we were coming to visit you in Toronto this year for Christmas. I said we weren’t sure.  I told her that when we were there last year, it soaked up a lot of our time trying to get anywhere since we were split up between your place and the hotel.”  
Although William didn’t speak, he agreed silently  in his head that it was chaotic from time to time last year to line up the logistics with the various designated meeting places and transporting his family in the heavy downtown traffic.
“Are you still there darling?” Camilla asked.
“I’m here, Mom.” William quietly responded.
“Getting to the point, she said that if we wanted, and if you were comfortable with it, that we could use her house while she’s away visiting her family.  She said she would be happy to arrange anything we needed so we can just relax and spend time together.  Your Dad was impressed that she came up with the idea at all…then she just offered it up straight away.”
Turns out, when he tells Trina that he has a migraine, it may not be far from the truth.  
“Sounds like her - always going above and beyond for everyone”, William said.  His tone was indiscernible; it was hard for Camilla to tell whether her son was just emotionless or if he was really hurting.  
“You don’t need to answer right away, but it really would be such a great option for us. She told us a bit about the layout; it would almost be like being back at one of those villas in Saint Tropez….only in winter. I suppose you already know that.”
William knew what his Mom was saying was true.  He knew and loved your house, and not just for all the grandeur of the amenities; the indoor/outdoor pool, the games room and the theatre room to name a few.  He loved how it felt whenever he was there with you.  It didn’t matter if it was just the two of you, or if it was a get together with friends,  you always made it so warm, comfortable and inviting for anyone that came to visit.   
“Yeah, ok Mom, I’ll think about it and will call you back”.  William ends the call and remains in his room, trying to regroup.
Ugh. Trina’s out there waiting 
He walks out and sees Pablo and Banksy lying on the floor by the entrance door.  He had forgotten he had banished them from the couch so apologetically, he told them to hop up on his bed.  If they’re sad, they can at least be comfortable.
“Hey you,” Trina smiles warmly.  
“Sorry about that - with the time difference and all, it’s hard to sometimes get a chance for my Mom and I to talk”, William fibbed.
William sits beside Trina on his couch and sees she has poured a glass of wine for her and him.  
Take a drink, say you have a headache, get her out of here.
“Was it not a good call?  You don’t look well…” Trina said, her perfectly shaped brows furrow.
“Nah, it was fine - I just feel a headache coming on I think”.
“I’m sorry…can I do something?  I know this thing - like a massage for your neck that helps reduce pressure from your head.” Trina’s hopeful tone was apparent.  
William thought for a moment and then reluctantly agreed.  She positions him in the exact spot she needs and readjusts herself sitting on her knees behind him.  She instructs William to lower his chin to his chest and he obliges.  
 William closed his eyes and let Trina’s hands try and work out the pressure that has built in his head since the phone call.  You used to do the same; the strength and dexterity in your hands from years of masterfully playing guitar, piano and drums always succeeded in releasing pressure from one area or another.  It usually led to a thoroughly enjoyable activity after the fact as well.
His memory calls William back to a night, many years ago, with you in his bed and you sheepishly asked if you could give him a cock massage, while he is blindfolded.  You said you had seen a video  (he got you to admit you were actually watching porn while travelling back to Toronto after a performance) of a woman giving the most insane massage to her boyfriend’s member and you desperately wanted to try it with William upon your return.  
[December, 2016]
“Isn’t it just like a hand-job?” William chuckled, lying on his back, his muscular everything fully exposed.
“Maybe a little - but it was more sensual than her just pumping away on it until…” you made an exploding hand gesture with one of your hands.   
William watched you, grinning ear to ear.  He felt his cock twitch, not just at the thought of your hands working his member but from the purely awesome sight of your beauty.  You were standing lighting candles by the bed in a short, black silk negligee that you had bought in Florence that summer.  You had bought it for yourself - you loved how you felt in it and oftentimes when you were alone at home, you would pad around the house on a lazy day wearing only that…and it felt wonderful.  Your long curls laid loose down your back; your sandy blonde mane layered with dark brown lowlights was tousled at the crown of your head from the passionate make-out session that had just occurred.  This was one of those nights where every open mouthed kiss was more delicious than the last and neither you could bring yourselves to stop.
You grab your black sleeping mask and with a coy smile, you put the flexible band of the mask between your teeth so it’s dangling from your mouth, and you crawl slowly from the foot of the bed toward William.  Your eyes are fixed on his stunning blues that appear to be darkening with pure hunger for you.  
You straddle his midriff - fucking god, his hard abdominal muscles against your entrance has you clenching your walls, wishing he was inside you.  Your pussy is primed and wet already for his cock but you’re able to push those urges aside.  You carefully place the mask over his eyes and gently expand the band, fitting it around his head.  Now fully blindfolded, you lace your fingers through his and bring his hands up to your tits as you rock back and forth.  
Fuck, he feels good.  You fight with that ongoing urge for his cock to drive into you fast and hard; first, you want to make him writhe and squirm with ecstasy with just your touch.  With this, you push the thoughts of him fucking you into oblivion to the side and stay with what you planned initially.  
Willing yourself to NOT put his cock in your mouth as you descend down his body, was a chore unto itself.  ‘It's right there, Y/N - just a little taste…’, your thoughts taunt you as you shake your head, trying to stay focused.
Finally, you seat yourself in a comfortable position and you help Willam shift his bum down towards you a little further.  
You generously apply some warming oil around his (shaved) pubic area and begin the process of smoothing the oil around, somewhat teasingly avoiding his growing erection.  
Applying a little more, you strategically drip the oil around just above his balls.  The liquid slowly trickles down from the base of his member and across the sensitive skin of his sac, his cock continuing to twitch from the sensation; you smile as you hear a small moan from William as he bites his bottom lip.
You begin smoothing your hands up the length of his dick and down the shaft towards his balls.  You repeat various motions, concentrating on his body reactions to the touches and stroking that your hands are providing.  You're pleased to hear William start to moan; his hips begin to move to the rhythm of your strokes.  When a large, translucent bead of fluid appears from the tip of his penis, you let out a soft moan.  It takes everything in you to not lean over and run your tongue through his arousal.  Although you love sucking his cock, you abstain as it's not on the menu tonight, not just yet.  Instead, you smear the precum around the tip using your thumb and forefinger, over and over again.  
William’s head falls to the side as a long moan leaves his mouth, followed by a curse word or two.  You experiment a little by grabbing the thick base of his cock, balls included, firmly in one hand, and with the other, you stroke his shaft of his member and his balls masterfully with your hands, using his seeping fluid for extra slickness.  
As his breath quickens, William’s muscles in his abdomen flex and contract as you continue to alternate stroking the head of his cock and using his arousal to glide your hand up and down his shaft and over his balls.  Soon, his hips instinctively rise and fall with every stroke, while louder grunts echo when you smooth your hands over the now purple head of his throbbing dick at a faster pace.  Veins are protruding from his pelvis all the way to his shaft and you sense William is getting close, as he grits his teeth and grasps at the large towel that covers the comforter on his bed.
As breathy gasps escape from his mouth, you can see and feel the eruption bubbling up through his shaft as his balls flex and constrict.  You hold his impressive cock firmly in place and continue to work the head of his cock with your fingers and hand until finally thick streams of cum shoot out of his tip.  Instead of just finishing him off with a few more pumps of his cock, you follow your recollection of the video and keep using his seed to lubricate his shaft and tip to keep stroking his cock, looking to draw out a longer and more intense pleasure.  
As you stroke and manipulate his member after his first orgasm, William becomes even more vocal…only managing short sentences through his strained voice, blurting out his gratification which was mixed with a whole lot of profanity.  More and more, his thigh muscles are flexed leading to more contouring of his hips and accentuating that god damned “V” that literally makes you throb at the sight of it.  
A long, strained growl marks the next explosion followed by a forceful “Fuuuuuuck mee” from William, almost chuckling as the cum spills out in thick ribbons.   You smile at the sight of him panting through his naturally pouting lips;  this experience with William was even better than what you had hoped for and as it turns out, it was just as fulfilling for you too.  
As William laid there, sprawled out and spent, he slid the blindfold off his eyes, leaving it resting on his forehead.  He gazes at you sitting in front of him not understanding how he could have ever gotten so lucky to even be able to kiss you, let alone have you give him two of the most earth shattering orgasms, within minutes of each other, with just your hands.
He was certain that he would lose his mind as he watched you slowly lean over his cock and lick the last remnants of cum from around the head.  
William inhales sharply as you flatten your tongue against the rounded tip for a more substantial taste.  And just because you could not control the urge anymore (he tasted and felt that good in your mouth), you slid the length of his softening cock all the way in your mouth until it touched the back of your throat.  You withdraw him from your mouth and gently lay his cock in back on his midriff.  Yep, he's definitely done for now.
“C’mere…that was just fucking amazing.  Seriously….fucking amazing, Y/N” William said with a low, gravelly tone as gently pulled you on top of him.  
You’re not sure where it came from but a brand new need for William washed over you.  It was something beyond sex; you yearned for him to just bring you into his sculpted arms and have them fully envelop you.  Gently, you slide your one hand under William’s head and you nestle your face into the crook of his neck, pressing your lips against his skin.  Your legs flank William’s torso and your other arm has looped under his other underarm.  In turn, William slid his one hand up all the way up from your thigh, along your spine up to the nape of your neck, gently grasping a small handful of your gorgeous locks.  His other arm slid around your waist, the silk fabric of your neglige gathered in his hand.  Although your core had pressure building from being in the position you were in, the overwhelming sense of calm and safety had momentarily usurped the need for his cock to be buried deep inside you.
After a few moments, William gently rolled you both on your sides, never releasing you from his hold.  You remained intertwined as William kissed your forehead, temple…wherever he could rest his lips against.  
“Kap’s going to be here tomorrow night with his new girl - think you could make it to the game and we can sneak back to your place after? I might have some ideas to try out on you now…” 
“Mmm-hmm - would love that” you said drowsily, nuzzling into William even further.
William kisses your head again and breaks from the embrace for a moment; leaning over top of you, he proceeds to blow out all the candles.  As his body pressed against yours, you take the opportunity to run your hands over his muscular flank, marvelling at the look and feel of such a beautiful physique.
As sleep found you both, you each drifted off with the quiet thoughts in your heads, that there was something very unique and special developing  between you.  
William snapped back to reality.  He had to admit; Trina’s hands felt pretty good and with that, William let out a groan. With the memories of you consuming his mind, William began to get hard as Trina continued to work on loosening his tense muscles.  William’s burgeoning erection caught Trina’s attention, and she wasted no time in moving her hands from his neck to his shoulders, down along his broad back muscles to his hips. 
“You like that, Willy?” Trina said, her tone low and sultry.   
“What about this?”  Trina’s hands brazenly reach around to cup his balls while sucking on his earlobe, slightly north of his diamond earring.  She palms his still-clothed dick and rubs his erection in slight circular motion.
“Mmmm….good….” William responds, his voice slightly strained.
William’s mind slides back and forth with conflicting thoughts, like a car fish-tailing on ice.  Images of you, your face, your body, your mouth, your taste, your touch - his desire for you - had penetrated his brain.  But the voice.  It’s not your voice.  It’s some random girl’s voice in his ear and William’s gut twists at the thought. 
Meanwhile, Trina was determined to seize her moment with the hockey star.  She stands up from her position on the couch and gently nudges William to turn so he’s facing her as she stands in front of him.  
William's eyes are fixed on the hem of her dress which has ridden up to the top of her thighs.  Trina follows William’s gaze and looking down at William, she smiles sweetly and begins to pull her hem up even further.
“You make me so hot, Willy” Trina said, the ‘v’ of her scarcely covered cunt now on display.
She brings one of William’s hands up towards her need, opens her thighs slightly and positions the palm of his hand right against her drenched entrance.  
“Shit” William said gruffly; his sweatpants have done little to mask his rigid dick.  Figuring he might as well have some fun, William’s mind all but dismisses his previous thoughts concerning you and concentrates on the girl in front of him.
William runs his middle finger from the top of Trina’s folds and firmly inserts the same finger deep inside of her.  Trina gasps with pleasure and both of her hands encircle William’s wrist holding his hand in place, she begins to rotate her hips over his digit, encouraging his finger to move deeper and curl inside of her.
William obliges by inserting his ring finger alongside his middle.  As William gyrates his hand, Trina’s head snaps back when he connects with her sweet spot.  William continues to finger fuck Trina; she releases her grip around William’s wrist and begins to knead her breasts.  
“Oooooh - Willy….your thick fingers feel so fucking good inside of me” Trina whines as William continues move his fingers into her wet core.  
“Let me suck your cock…I want your dick in my mouth”.
William again obliges, removing his fingers from her centre.  Trina steps closer to William and lowers herself between his legs.  She closes the distance between them, leaning in for their first kiss.  Trina places a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss on William’s mouth.  Immediately he tastes a faint mint flavour mixed with something else, something stronger.  
Weed maybe, he thinks to himself.
Whatever it is, it's not doing much to improve his mood.
If there's anything William’s past sexual encounters have taught him, it was better in the long run to feign enjoyment than to show ambivalence or dissatisfaction toward the girl of the moment.  William is hopeful he won't have to fake anything at this point - fuck - he needs a distraction and goddammit, Trina’s just gonna have to be it.  
Thankfully, Trina moves on from William’s mouth and starts pulling his sweatpants and shorts off.
Moving right along…., William thinks to himself.
Trina licks a long strip up William’s shaft; she spits on the tip and begins to stroke his cock, trying to make him a little harder.  
The spit dries out without Trina even realizing it as she continues to pump his cock.  William flinches at the rough and dry sensation that her too firm of a grip left on his member. 
She lowers herself down to lap at his balls, enveloping one in her mouth at a time, and withdrawing it with an audible ‘pop’.  
She’s trying too hard, William pondered. 
He watches her alternate from ball to ball, with a ‘pop’ each time she withdraws her mouth.  Trina licks another stripe up his shaft.  “You like that, right Willy?  You like it when I lick your balls?” 
William gives a faint smile and leans his head back on the couch; not because he was enjoying Trina’s attempts at pleasuring him but to try and think of his personal turn-ons so he can get through this.  
William thought of you.  He thought of the way you always made his toes fucking curl whenever you took him in your mouth.  Deep in your mouth as you’d innocently, almost bashfully, make eye contact with him for just a few seconds here and there. He loved watching you working your magic with your tongue, mouth and your hands, smoothing back your curls to view the best angles of your face.  You never just sucked his cock.  You took your time.  You savoured him.  You made love to his cock and balls with your mouth and God, the moans you made while you tasted him always left him reeling.  
As it turns out, William’s images of you in his head had the desired effect.  Now with his diminishing erection reversed, William made some small adjustments to Trina’s methods in order to keep the momentum going in the right direction.
After a few more moments, Trina stood up and she fully disrobed in front of William.“Do you want to move to the bedroom?”  
If she’s anything, she’s confident, William muses.
His dogs had already been displaced once and he’s not about to do it again.  
“Let’s stay out here - on the couch…just gotta go grab something”.  
William stands up, naked from the waist down, and saunters into the bathroom.
Trina eyes his chiselled body walk away, almost as though she’s stalking her prey.  She had been hoping to meet William ever since she spotted him one morning leaving his building to go for a walk with his dogs.  Though he was dressed down in baggy sweatpants, an oversized hoodie, and a backwards baseball cap,  William screamed affluence with the luxury designer labels scrawled across the articles of clothing.  He was wealthy, gorgeous, and seemingly single…three of Trina’s favourite qualities.  William being a popular professional athlete only further tempted Trina. 
Trina’s father, a wealthy executive of a real estate development firm headquartered in Toronto, had essentially gifted her a luxury condo unit in the same neighbourhood as William, once she had graduated from university (only graduating by the skin of her teeth [doing everything at university but apply herself to her studies]; regardless, it mattered not - she still had her degree).  
Both Trina’s parents had long realized, after the fact, the detrimental effects of doting on their only child’s every whim for so many years.  Privileged and spoiled were the two prevalent adjectives that described their daughter.  Therefore after graduation, as an ultimatum, Trina got a luxury condo (and all living expenses paid) as long as she came to work for her father as a junior executive in his firm.   Trina agreed, under the condition that her closest friend, Lara (really her only friend amongst a sea of party-goers and acquaintances), could come live and work with her too.
It worked well, or at least Trina’s father thought so.  If not for any other reason, Trina’s father could, at the very least, keep a watchful eye on his daughter and at the very most, attempt to infect her with a better work ethic.
While her friend Lara seemed to fit right in at the firm, Trina longed for an even easier life.  She wanted to be pampered, to be looked after - she did not want to get up every morning and head to an office just to do the bare minimum while she spent the majority of time shopping online.  
The one skill Trina had become quite adept at was pretending to be what she needed to be in order to get what she wants, in any given circumstance.
She had her sights on William now.  She could pretend to be a dog lover - that’s how she caught his eye to begin with.  She could pretend to be interested in his beloved Sweden, his family, his friends - hell, even the team…there was more than enough eye-candy to snack on with the Leafs.  She fit the bill of a trophy wife perfectly and whether she became one with William, or someone else, that was her ultimate goal.
Presently, Trina was pretending to be William’s personal pornstar.
Trina leaned back on the couch with her legs splayed, stroking her sensitive clit, awaiting William’s return.  When he finally emerged, his cock semi-erect already covered by a condom, he laid a towel on the couch and then sat down on the middle cushion.  He smiled at Trina who was now sitting in an upright position and motions for her to climb aboard.
Trina straddles William; her mouth devours him with more open-mouthed kisses. At this stage, William knew he was just going through the motions; there was zero chemistry, sexual or otherwise, between them.  
Struggling to keep his erection, he breaks from her kiss and rubs the tip of his cock back and forth through the slickness of her folds.  He positions the tip at Trina’s entrance.  Eventually (and gratefully), his cock is rigid enough to slide into her.     
Trina adjusted herself to William’s girth and began to slowly rock back and forth.  William was cautiously optimistic about how good this is actually starting to feel.  Trina had only succeeded in killing his hard-ons so far so he was hoping for a quick release; after she leaves he can just go to bed with his dogs and put this whole experience behind him.  
William grabbed onto Trina’s hips and drove his frustration into her.  She screamed in pleasure, calling his name as she bounced on top of him.  
Fuck - my neighbours are going to hate me.
Trina continued grinding, bouncing and rotating on Wiliiam’s cock at a furious pace; her chest  flushed with pink as she worked his cock and her tits bounced in William’s line of sight.  
“Uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, Willy…like that” Trina whined emphatically.  
It was clear to William at that moment she was exaggerating most of the sounds she was making.  Hell, he had made you wail and scream with the most mind bending orgasms that you never thought were possible.  William knew that with you, your cries and grasps were genuine and that he was witnessing the real thing, several times over.
William had been around the block with his cock enough to know Trina was overacting and it was getting on William’s last nerve.
Moan after moan, hitting a higher decibel each time, William had reached his limit.  His hands circle Trina’s waist lifting her off his cock.  With no verbal cues, he positioned Trina back on the couch so he could enter her from behind.  He’s frustrated and annoyed at himself more than anything, so he’s just going to fuck her and hopefully the pillow she’s holding onto will muffle her noise.
William closes his eyes and enters Trina.  It’s not long before she’s grasping the arm of the couch with the force of William’s dick buried deep inside of her.  William grips her hips holding them steady as he continuously bottoms out, his encased shaft is slick and shiny with Trina’s wetness from her core.
“Faster, Willy!  Faster….oh god, harder, Willy!” Trina pleads.
Jesus - she’s trying to kill me.
Miraculously, William’s close to release.  His hips ram against Trina’s ass as hard and as fast as he could manage while Trina feverishly rubs her clit.  A loud shriek signals Trina’s orgasm.  Her pussy walls clenching helped William reach his own climax and a few thick streams of cum collect in the reservoir tip of the condom. 
Thank Christ this is over.
Trina half collapses on the couch and rolls onto her back.  Her sleek figure shines from the thin layer of sweat from their late afternoon’s strenuous activities.  
“Oh my God Willy…that was so good, so fucking good…” Trina chuckles, still out of breath. A lazy grin adorns her pretty face.  William, having already gotten up to dispose of the condom, returns to the living room, still naked from the waist down.
“Ha, yeah…well, I try” William smiles, grabbing a pillow to place on his lap .  
William paused for a moment as he surveyed the situation and whether Trina planned on staying longer.  
“I’m sorry to say this but I feel a migraine coming on - could we call it a night?”
Trina sat up and moved closer to William on the couch.  
“Oh..I’m sorry, I was hoping that massage, and well, everything else I did would have helped”.  
“No, no, the massage was great but I think the headache was already too far gone to really stop it.  I just need to crawl into bed, not move and have no sounds around me, and hopefully I’ll sleep until tomorrow.
Trina offers to stay multiple times and William declines each offer.  Although William was ready to snap, he kept his composure, pulled his pants back on, helped gather her things and politely escorted her to the door.
Trina leans in and plants another open-mouthed kiss on William’s mouth.  
William’s lack of reciprocation went unnoticed by Trina.
“Feel better, Willy - maybe call me later…if you can,” Trina smiles and leans in, giving him a hug.
“Yeah, thanks - have a good night”.  William waves as she enters the elevator and he then gently closes the door.
William hangs his head and exhales; there’s so much going on in his mind.  He goes into the bedroom, kneels on the floor and brings his face close to each of the dogs.
“Sorry boys….fuck.  Never again with that one”.
The dogs are quick to smother William with kisses.
“I’ll take you guys out in a few minutes, ok?”
William climbs onto his bed and grabs his phone.  He pulls up his Mom's number and types a quick note:
Hey Mom… if you’re sure, let’s do the Xmas thing at Y/N’s.  I’ll reach out to her myself 
William’s stomach flips at the thought of contacting you.  Despite the time that had long passed since William effectively removed you from his life, his mind would still betray him time after time with the many memories of you in his mind's eye. William often longed to reach out to you and in his quietest moments, William always held a very private and guarded hope that one day, you would wind up together.  
These thoughts only intensified for William when, in late July this past summer, William spotted you at Mitch and Stephanie’s wedding.  You had third-wheeled it with Tessa and Morgan, who had also tied the knot that summer in a much more secretive manner.  With Tessa being one of your closest friends of the last 10 plus years, she knew you might need a crash helmet when you initially laid your eyes on him for the first time in forever, so she and Morgan invited you to come along with them.  
When the moment came that you and William first glanced at each other, no air bag or crash helmet was needed.  You and William shared a long and lingering look at each other amongst the guests that meandered around the dancefloor.  Neither of you could control the wide smiles that spanned your faces.  For not only did everything seem right in the world for a mere moment, your dress and William’s pants were the exact same shade of lilac.  Your chosen outfits looked obnoxiously pre-planned and the comedy of your attire wasn’t lost on those in attendance that knew of your shared history.  They laughed and gestured at you both, all of them getting a kick out of the sight of the two of you being all matchy-matchy.
It served as an icebreaker for you and William; you simply looked him up and down and commented, rather dryly, saying “well, I ain’t changing…I was here first” followed by a cheeky grin.  William approached you and extended his arms for a hug.  All the hurt from the past temporarily washed away in that moment, and you both felt genuinely happy to see each other.  
The small talk flowed easily and you both quickly fell back into light and vivacious exchanges. William began to wonder if he might be able to steal you away before the end of the night.  After all, being among the very few bachelors in attendance, it would be a fantasy-come-to-reality scenario to spend the night with you.  When William finally managed to ask what your plans after the reception were, he was crushed to find out you would be leaving early, right after your last performance at the reception (oftentimes at weddings, you were not only a guest but were part of the entertainment as well).  
Things never change, William thought.  It was this main reason why he ended your affair so many years ago.  
 William couldn’t hide his disappointment.  “Still not in one place for very long, eh?”
You were quick to react to his comment inside your head; a feeling somewhere between annoyance and hurt. You felt the sting of one of his last spoken sentiments to you all those years ago about always needing to leave where he was, yet again, for something else.
Quietly you respond.  “Well…unfortunately it’s a rehearsal for a musical tribute in Ireland for a dear friend and a mentor of mine who recently passed, rather unexpectedly.”  An intense urge to cry hit you without warning, and it took all your might, along with a hard swallow, to keep the tears from appearing.  
What you really wanted, and you were thoroughly ashamed to admit this to yourself, was to go to William and lose yourself completely in his arms.  After all these years, he still had an effect on you like no one you had ever known.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N…I didn’t mean to sound like an asshole”, William said quietly after seeing you struggle to hide the sorrow on your face.     
“William, no, I get it - it’s ok.  Honestly though, if I had it my way, she’d still be alive and I’d be having more fun tonight as opposed to belting out a few songs, nursing my Pink Whitney, and then having to catch a flight.”  
William pulled you in for a side hug and kept his arm draped around your shoulder as you walked together to rejoin Rasmus Sandin and his girlfriend Lisa.
As you enjoyed the lively banter between the Swedes in attendance, mixed with Jumbo Joe Thornton’s boisterous brand of humour, you were summoned away from William’s side.  You excused yourself from the group and as you walked away, you glanced at William’s face and smiled warmly.  He leaned in towards you and gently placed his hand on the exposed skin on your lower back.  With his voice lowered, just above a whisper, he said “Good luck up there.  Come find me after.”
But as fate, or rather too many prolonged drunken speeches and several other delays, once you had finished performing (at Stephanie’s request) Taylor Swift’s “22”, you were whisked away, with no opportunity for goodbyes, into the awaiting car in order to catch your flight to Dublin.
As the car speeds along the Queen Elizabeth Way towards Pearson Airport, you busy yourself with sending a series of texts, starting with Mitch and Stephanie, thanking them and wishing them well for their honeymoon.  A flurry of messages are exchanged between you and the other wedding go-ers until finally, you reach William’s contact information.  
Feelings had rapidly thawed between you and William but there still was a palpable distance, a recognizable gap in which that great span of time apart, with no communication, had created.  You wistfully type:
it was really great to see you…hope you’re having a blast.
Not long after you pressed send, your phone shows an image being received. After a few more seconds, a selfie appeared of Rasmus and William in sleeveless t-shirts with Zeus portrayed on the front.
You can’t help but laugh out loud. 
You two…fucking adorable 😄
A lone heart acknowledges your message.
Back at the wedding, William stares at the screen of his phone.  
Rasmus can clearly see his friend’s disappointment; he knew William well, and he was aware of the torch he had always carried for you.  Rasmus could also see the sadness in your eyes whenever you looked at William.  Rasmus knew how fortunate he was to have found his love in Lisa, and he felt strongly it truly existed between you and William as well. If only you could get on the same fucking page at the same time.
Rasmus puts his arm around William’s shoulders.  “Sorry she left, bro.  But at least you got a chance to talk to her again”. Rasmus paused before ending with “You never know.” 
Rasmus, one of William’s closest friends and forever the optimist, smiles and motions for him to put his phone away.  “Let’s just fucking enjoy the rest of the night”.  
William stuffs his phone in his pocket and the two friends venture off toward the dancefloor where the sound of whoops and hollers co-mingle with the guests screaming out the lyrics to Rasputin by Boney M.  
William quickly distracted himself enough to diminish the thoughts that had been circling his mind about you, and concentrated on having a night with his many friends and former teammates.  
By the next day, with William’s eventual departure back to Stockholm and you deep in the throes of rehearsals in Dublin, any feeling that may have arisen during the brief encounter between you and William seemed to dissipate.  It seemed apparent, at that moment at least, too much time had passed for either of you to feel secure in contacting the other.  
William resumed his off-season activities and on the surface, his brush with you had no real impact on his current life. He saw whomever he wanted to, slept with whomever he wanted to and detached from whomever he wanted to.  Even after your name made it into the headlines across Europe and North America regaling your poignant and stunning tribute to the late, great Sinead O’Connor, William simply scrolled past the article on his phone.  It was better for him to have you remain out of sight and therefore out of mind.  
You had mixed feelings, however.  You couldn’t never quite grasp, never quite understand why William’s mere presence affected you so profoundly.  You surmised that’s what made you you, and what made your musical career so successful was the depths in which your feelings ran, and how it was converted to song.  On the other side of the coin was, once again, the realization - that slap across the face, that William did not feel the same about you.  You had allowed what transpired between you and William to completely derail you for years.  You simply hadn’t been interested in meeting anyone. Love had shown it’s occasional cruelty in the past but unrequited love was pure unmitigated torture and you enabled it enough to shut down the myriad of advances from men.  But It was enough now; you just needed to let go.
And the fog you had been in did eventually lift.  You had come to terms that you were ready to find that person; a partner to build a life and a family with.  You were approaching 31 years of age and you had deep desires for an exciting future with someone by your side.  William’s life seemed to be on a completely different trajectory than yours; his recent admissions during his stint in Stockholm during the Leafs visit had people buzzing that William might be more of a fuck-boy than they had originally thought. And all judgements aside - he’s allowed to blow off steam and decompress however he wants - that version of William that the media was salivating over now was of little interest to you. 
[back to the present moment]
William remains on his bed, continuously starting and deleting a text addressed to you.  He repeats this 5, 6, 8 times before his frustration with himself boils over. He tosses his phone away from him as if it suddenly had turned into a hot potato.
William rubs his eyes with a bit too much force, almost in an attempt to diminish the gnawing feeling he has in his stomach.   
Letting out a long sigh, William turns to Pablo and Banksy who had started to play fight on the bed.  “Alright boys, let’s make this quick - it’d be my luck that girl is still hanging out somewhere around the building” William said as he picked up each dog for a quick nuzzle and then set them down on the floor to get ready.
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jokeroutsubs · 11 months
[ENG SUB] Bojan Cvjetićanin: I know that we will cry our eyes out. And I'm really looking forward to those tears
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Original article from Slovenske Novice Si
Translation credit: @moonlvster
Bojan Cvjetićanin: I know that we will cry our eyes out. And I'm really looking forward to those tears
Just before the highly anticipated concert in Ljubljana's Stožice Arena, we talked to Joker Out's singer, who told us about the band's plans for the future. First, they're going on vacation, and they're even all going together.
At the time of our chat, there are two days separating you from the concert in Stožice, how are you feeling?
We announced the Stožice concert quite a while ago, everyone was asking us if we were a little crazy, even we sometimes asked ourselves if we were completely sane in the meantime. But after a year, we are now in the final stretch, and we can't wait, because we don't have the nerves to wait anymore. If it dragged on for another week or so, one of us would explode. We can't wait to get on stage, we really need it by now.
What do you expect to feel after such a big concert? It can probably kind of drain a person?
When the concert was announced, we didn't imagine that in one year we'd be at the point where we are today. A lot of things happened in this year, and for us, this concert marks the end of one era and the official start of a new, even more important one. Based on the experience from Cvetličarna and Križanke, I know that we will cry our eyes out as soon as we get to the changing room. I really look forward to these tears because I haven't cried in a while. The crying will probably last a while and we'll let a lot of things out. I wouldn't say that we'll feel empty. Two days after the concert, we're going on holiday together, and that's where we'll be able to talk and air out everything that has happened to us. After our holiday, we're immediately going on tour again, there won't be a lot of time to think.
It's interesting that you're going on holiday together, do you not need time to have a break from each other?
Everyone we tell reacts the same way you did, they ask us if we're normal. But we have a good time together, we enjoy it, we get on well. Going on holiday togather is natural. We're constantly building a relationship that gets deeper every day, even though it seems like it couldn't be any deeper.
How do you resolve any conflicts that might happen in the band?
Luckily we haven't had any big conflicts so far. We have daily friction, which tends to happen in a group of five creative people, but it probably happens in all teams. Our rule is to speak honestly about all feelings, to prevent any grudges from developing. That way, we resolve everything quickly.
On your website, I looked up the concerts you've announced until the end of the year, a lot of them are abroad. How did you pick the places where you'll play? I understand that venues in the capital cities of former Yugoslavian countries are a natural choice, but how to choose the right venue in, for example, Barcelona?
After the Eurovision Song Contest, we had to really quickly draw up a tour. When we started doing that in June, it was already really late, generally you book venues for the year at the end of the previous year or the start of that year. We responded to invites from all foreign promoters who invited us to have a gig in their cities. Venue availability dictated where we went, we grabbed everything they offered us.
I know that the audience response abroad has been excellent so far, did that surprise you?
We have two tours behind us, UK and Nordic, we were in Great Britain and Scotland, in Norway, Sweden and Finland. We weren't surprised by the good response, but we were surprised by how many people sang in Slovenian. That's pretty hard to get used to.
When we talk about Slovenian musicians breaking out internationally, we quickly come up against language barriers - well, now you're saying that you don't feel that. But still, global success isn't just a question of talent, there's only one Rihanna, but there are plenty of girls who are like her at the start of her career. So what is the key? Luck? Connecting with the right people?
Any kind of success is an accumulation of many links that have to connect into a chain. Hard work, knowledge, talent, a huge amount of luck, being in the right place. I'm not really someone who believes in coincidences, but we can say that, as well. And connecting with the right people. From the start of our journey, we've tried to connect with people who wanted to be with us from the beginning because they liked this story, and not because they thought they could get money from it. Well, at the beginning, it was clear to them that there wouldn't be any money for a while. Love within the team and hard work are the key things.
How much of an influence did performing at the Eurovision Song Contest have on your international success? Some might say that young people don't watch the contest, but your performances prove otherwise…
It's true, the Eurovision Song Contest was our catapult. Just the final night was watched live by 62 million people. We're very glad that before the Eurovision Song Contest, we had built a strong enough base in Slovenia and made enough music that a certain percentage of those 62 million who looked up our music online could actually find it there.
I think that it was in 2020 when the songs Vem da greš and Gola were being played. Back then, I said that Joker Out would definitely be the next biggest band here, and I like to brag about that now. Would you say that there was a certain moment when you looked at each other and said: this is it, we've made it?
Right from the beginning, we've considered what we do to be the best thing. Success is a completely subjective thing, but we've truly believed in what we do. We trusted that if the five of us, our producer, and the people closest to us liked something, that meant it worked. We didn't let any outsiders challenge that. As for a specific moment... for me personally, it was our two concerts in Cvetličarna when we released our first album, that was when I saw how big everything that was happening around us was, when you put it all together in one place.
But it's probably not easy if so many people want a piece of you? You've spoken about panic attacks before…
We have a specific profession, the working hours, workplace and working relationships aren't defined. Us performers also constantly feel like we have to be available 24 hours per day. It's important, when the time comes, to learn how to say no as well, and to understand that nothing is more important than your health and well-being. If you don't have that, you can't create either. All professions have their dark sides, that is ours.
Earlier you spoke about entering a new era for Joker Out, what's coming up for you?
I can talk about short-term plans, about next year. We will spend the first half of the year in London, in March we will also have a European tour, we'll spend the summer at festivals, we already know that we will perform at festivals we've been dreaming about all our lives, and we will finish the year with two more tours around countries that we won't have visited in March. So, our new era will be marked by conquering new territories, as well as moving our brains there.
Siddharta is currently celebrating 20 years since the concert at the Bežigrad stadium, where do you think you will celebrate the Stožice concert anniversary in 20 years?
I have no idea, but I certainly hope that we will be as close then as we are now.
I know that most of the Joker Out boys are from Bežigrad, but twenty years ago you were still far from going to concerts, but perhaps you were kicking a ball somewhere around there on the day of the concert?
I was four years old, I know the other guys also weren't old enough to remember that concert. But we have watched it many times on CD.
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Once upon a Saturday midnight atop the Eiffel Tower...
Chat (looking sad, feeding cats and singing): Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady...
LB (yoyos her way down): Chat? You rang, Kitty? What's going on? Is there an akuma?
Chat: (mumbles)
LB (pauses): Are you kidding me!!? Kitty, you are the most loved cat in Paris!
Chat (sighs): I know m'lady. Sometimes, I find it easier to be cat than human.
LB: What?
Chat (shrugs): It's just that real life is different, you know? I know maybe it's just my life that's weird, but I find that people give me more time and attention as Chat. As Ad- (*coughs*), I mean, when I'm the person outside the mask, my father rarely gives me his time. He just piles me schedule up with chores and showers me with gifts but--
LB: (just stares)
LB: What about friends, kitty? Don't you have friends to hang out with?
Chat: I do! And they're great, but they all see the glamour and think my life is awesome. Like, just last month, my father arranged a global tour and so I was absent from school. My friends were so excited and I couldn't crash their illusion, you know?
LB: (starts to frown, realizing the story feels familiar)
LB: All of them?
Chat: (smiles sadly)
Chat: Except one. There is one girl... I swear she's just like you that if I didn't know any better, I'd believe she's you outside the mask. I even call her our Everyday Ladybug just because she's that great. She's always helping, and when she does, you can tell she isn't doing it for show. She goes out of her way for friends and even strangers... even for me... but... I don't want to keep burdening her with my life. I know she's busy and has a life and I--
LB: What's her name?
Chat: (freezes)
Chat (starts panicking): What? My lady, you know I can't- my identity- I mean, you said I shouldn't hint-
LB: Chat Noir.
Chat: (looks up, surprised to see his lady tearing up)
LB: (lifts a hand to hold her partner's cheek)
Chat: Bug? Why are you-
LB: (drags Chat to a hug, he squeaks)
LB: You stupid cat! Bold of you to assume I wouldn't drop anything and everything if you need me.
Chat: My lady?
LB: Chat Noir... or should I call you...Adrien?
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187days · 23 days
Day Five
It's the first day of school!!!!!
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It was a really good one, too.
I had a feeling it would be because I was excited last night- like, can't sleep because Santa is coming excited- and I hadn't felt that way since before Covid. I never stopped loving teaching, but it's been really hard these past couple years. It still is, in some ways (like the teacher shortage), but a lot of the pandemic trauma has faded. And I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. A lot of my colleagues said it, too, and so did The Principal. There's a real upbeat vibe.
This is what my schedule looks like:
Prep, 80 minutes
Advisory/Flex, 10 students, 45 minutes
Global Studies, 19 students, 54 minutes
Global Studies, 17 students, 54 minutes
Global Studies, 16 students, 54 minutes
Lunch, 25 minutes
APGOV, 18 students, 80 minutes
Because it was the first day, we swapped Advisory and Block One so it functioned as a homeroom. My advisees are sophomores now- it's the same students I had last year, plus one who moved here from out of state- so we didn't have a ton of stuff to go over. I gave them the basic back-to-school paperwork, their schedules, and their chromebooks. Then we played a little trivia game (questions about the school) for the remainder of the time. The teams ended up tying, so everyone got a little prize, which was fun.
After that, I had time to do seating charts for my Global Studies sections, make photocopies for the students who were added to my APGOV roster, chat with The Principal, exchange "good luck" emails with Mrs. T, and take a walk through the halls.
Then it was rapid-fire Global Studies time! I always start by asking my students to introduce themselves and tell me something they're interested in so that I can have a quick conversation. Like, if they say they like music, I'll ask who their favorite band or singer is, or if they mention playing a sport I'll ask what position they play. Then I say "nice to meet you," and sometimes they say it back. It's a positive way to begin.
After introductions, I had them look around the room and find the useful stuff- trash can, spare pencils, art supplies- and went over the course guide. Once I outlined my expectations for them, I had them write me a note or an email (that I responded to after classes ended this afternoon) to tell me about their expectations for me as their teacher. And we wrapped up class with a little brainstorm about aspects of culture to get them ready for the first unit.
In APGOV, we chatted about why they chose to take the course, the benefits and challenges of an AP course, what my goals in teaching this specific course are, and so on. Then I had them take Pew's Political Typology Quiz and email me their results- tells me what my class looks like, ideologically- and I shared mine, as well. We discussed the various things that shaped our views (for them: the pandemic, inflation, social media, parents and peers, NHPR, rapid changes in this part of the state, the 2016 and 2020 elections...). It's a good way to start, and longtime readers will know it's one I use year after year.
We had enough time afterwards to start talking about history, and about the things that shaped our founders' views. They did a great job recalling what they learned in APUSH and American Studies, so that was cool. That's good prep for next class when we'll dive into the Declaration of Independence.
After the bell, I got a bunch of stuff set for tomorrow, answered emails, and went down to see how Ms. B's first day had gone (I saw Mr. X throughout the day since he's right across the hall). We chatted for a bit, I gave her some advice on a lesson she's planning in the future, and then I headed home. Actually, I headed to the grocery store because teaching is hungry work, but you get the idea.
That's my twentieth first day with students, all done!
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dzthenerd490 · 24 days
File: .Flow
This File contains mentions of Su1c1d3, readers digression is advised.
Code Name: Sabitsuki, The Dead Goddess of Dreams
Object Class: Neutralized Masvae
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AIP is within the subconscious realm acting as a guardian for the Global Occult Coalition for the sake of the only allies she has ever known. Because she is associated with the Global Occult Coalition, no containment procedures will be made by the Foundation.
Description: SCP-AIP was originally a young japanese woman named Sabitsuki, her exact age is unknown. Like SCP-AFI, she possesses the ability to alter the area around her when she sleeps, summon strange and sometimes hostile entities, and even be able to activate powers in the real world. However unlike SCP-AFI, the only way for SCP-AIP to summon her powers in the real world is to have them placed within her computer which is labeled as SCP-AIP-1. SCP-AIP-1 is on all aspects a normal desktop computer of unknown brand, however within SCP-AIP-1 is a folder that holds all of SCP-AIP’s abilities. 
Should SCP-AIP use the computer to select her abilities she will be able to manifest them in the real world while she is awake. However, once she does this she will only be able to manifest them in the real world, never the dream world again. Thankfully SCP-AIP has made up for this by creating a number of abilities that revolve around weapons and defending herself. Most notably of these abilities is her Pipe form, Gun form, and Robot form.
Pipe form is a form similar to SCP-AFI’s knife form, the only difference from her normal self is that she is holding a pipe. The pipe cannot be taken from her grasp and is seemingly a broken pipe but is strong enough to badly dent a tungsten ingot even if SCP-AIP hits it with minimal effort. SCP-AIP’s gun form is a form where she is holding a common pistol that only holds six bullets, she only needs a second to reload and has unlimited ammo. Finally, there is the Robot form which gives her great strength and makes her durable form physical attacks, projectile attacks, and even energy-based attacks. There are many other abilities SCP-AFI possesses but these are only the few she uses in the real world to defend herself. 
Unfortunately, SCP-AFI was not only suffering from depression and by result became a Hikikomori, but she was hunted by the Group of Interest: The Black Queen’s Insurgency as well. It is believed that they hunted her because of her abilities and it’s also because of the GoI that the Foundation was unable to find SCP-AIP until it was too late. 
SCP-AIP was discovered in 2009 by the Foundation though apparently she was discovered by the Global Occult Coalition in 2007. It’s unknown how, but the Global Occult Coalition managed to have a few agents meet her in an online chat room where they talked. She explained her abilities and how there were men and women in black and white as well as monsters that kept hunting her in her dreams. The agents tried to encourage her to tell them where she was but every time, she either refused out of fear or the information was corrupted. 
Since trying to find her proved fruitless they instead asked for more information leading to them helping SCP-AIP learn the full extent of her anomalous abilities. Because of this she was able to fight against the monsters and agents of the Black Queen’s Insurgency thanks to their guidance. However, this also caused the BQI to strike harder and stronger with overwhelming numbers. Eventually they started hunting her down in the real world as well. SCP-AIP panicked and told the GOC as much information as she could about her apartment building while trying to evade the BQI forces who were infiltrating her building and slaughtering everyone who got in the way. Unfortunately, by the time the GOC arrived SCP-AIP had already jumped off the roof to escape the BQI forces. GOC forces stormed the building but found nothing and could retrieve nothing as SCP-AIP-1 was destroyed. 
SCP-AIP came to the agent who messaged her in his dreams and started talking to him. It eventually led to them becoming true friends even more so than when they were in that online chat room. He eventually explained to his superiors that SCP-AIP was alive, and she revealed herself by invading the dreams of more agents, scientists, and representatives of the organization. Since she was on friendly terms with a majority of them and had no desire to harm any humans she was declared an Allied Threat Entity by the Global Occult Coalition.
For those that don’t know, an Allied Threat Entity, or ATE for short, are Anomalies identified by the GOC as still a possible risk but one that can benefit humanity if they prove to be on the side of the GOC. They are essentially the equivalent to the Foundation’s Thaumiel Class Anomalies. SCP-AIP is considered an ally, a friend, and sometimes even family by the GOC. It should be noted that despite the GOC recklessly destroying anomalies, especially those they don’t fully understand, they tend to share a camaraderie among one another that makes their teamwork and overall work efficiency stronger, sometimes even stronger than the Foundation. The Ethics Committee has pointed this out many times to the O5 Council’s annoyance. 
SCP-AIP, though known to the Global Occult Coalition as ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess, is their protector against overwhelming threats. As of 2009 she has not only regained her abilities that she lost to her real world along with SCP-AIP-1 but has gained numerous others including a newfound confidence and ability to appear semi-transparent to those who are awake. She acts as a defender of the GOC against spectral and subconscious threats that would otherwise be able to breach even the most heavily defended GOC bases and secret locations. SCP-AIP feels she owes the GOC a great debt as its agents were the only ones who reached out to her during her time of depression and tried to rescue her when the Black Queen’s Insurgency, even if they failed. As such not only does she protect such high-ranking locations and even VIP’s she has vowed to never expose any secret information she is aware of. 
Because she is a conscious anomaly that feels indebted to the GOC, Protocol “United Hands” will not be implemented by order of the Ethics Committee. Though the GOC has allowed the Foundation a Threat Assessment Report regarding SCP-AIP to help the Foundation understand her better. Please see Addendum X-65 for details.
Addendum X-65
The following is the Threat Assessment Report created by the Global Occult Coalition in regard to SCP-AIP.
Threat ID: ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess "Guardian of the Subconscious"
Authorized Response Level: 5 (Irreplaceable Asset)
ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is a Type Green Humanoid Anomaly who has the ability to manipulate herself and her surroundings when she sleeps and when she is awake. She seems to be able to collect and manifest abilities to make herself stronger by unlocking new skills with each one. Originally while she was alive, she possessed a computer where she could store these powers. However, she has recently died, and her computer was destroyed by the Severe Threat Organization, the Black Queen’s Interagency. though in reality, she has not died but instead become trapped within the dream plane of our reality.
She found us, more specifically, agent [data expunged] who made first contact with her and has been trying to get our organization to meet with her through online chat rooms. There she met with more and more, a majority of which ended up meeting her with kindness. Though it is our mission to protect humanity from the anomalous threats of the unknown by exterminating them, we do make expectations for those anomalies that are willing to save humanity if given the chance, ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is one such anomaly. 
ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess guards Coalition VIP’s and locations from entities that reside in the dream scape or any other Type Cyan entities. In order for this to continue all members of the GOC are to show their appreciation for ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess and occasionally have talks with her about what she likes or even do little games with her. Any agent or even higher ranking operative that dares to show her hostility or disgust will be reprimanded with a demotion and possibly complete expulsion from Coalition employment forever. ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is one of our only weapons against Unknown Threat Organization the Oneiroi Collective, to lose her or worse have her lose her faith in us will allow a crack in the Coalitions armor and possibly be the first step in our downfall. 
The Foundation has requested to have SCP-AIP and SCP-AFI meet one another in hopes of lifting the spirits of both girls. Especially since SCP-AFI still suffers from depression and night terrors, though notably not as much since her containment. The GOC is considering this as they see the benefit but fear the Foundation might try to use it as a long plan to eventually convince SCP-AIP to join the Foundation instead. Though this would be favorable, some of the Administrative Staff and the Ethics Committee have reminded Foundation staff that to remain on friendly terms with the GOC even at the cost of obtaining more valuable SCP’s, should always be prioritized. Though regardless the request is still pending.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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pikapeppa · 1 year
Hi pikapeppa ! 👋😊
I'm a huge fan of your work, so I wanted to ask you something, if it's okay, of course...! ❤️
I know that most people, when they're writing, often have a global idea of what they are going to do but ...
Before you write, do you imagine a scene completely unfold in your head first, then write it down ( with, I guess, a few modifications, of course )
Or you just go with the flow and write with only a vague idea of where you're going, the moment you sit down behind your desk ?
I ask this because, I do the latter and it really is killing my focus. I keep going back and forth between being in the zone and being distracted when I do that. But I'm also afraid that doing the former will kill my creativity in the long-term, I don't know why ...😐😢
It's very abstract, so I hope I managed to express myself clearly ...!😅
Take care ! 😘
You're a great writer ❤️❤️❤️
Hiiiii sweet friend!! 🥰 I’m so sorry it took so long to reply to this!! The reply is a bit long, so I'll put it behind a cut!
This is a great question — and my answer is that it depends! Sometimes there will be a very specific scene that I’ve imagined in detail, e.g. how a first kiss/first sex scene happens, or sometimes I have a very specific dialogue in mind that I want the scene to revolve around. When this is the case, the writing does involve fleshing out that imagined scene/dialogue and turning it into words. For example, I recently wrote a scene of Aloy and Kotallo slow-dancing, and I had a very specific mood in mind: this scene from Love Actually (but more horny LOL). So for the writing of that moment, I had that movie scene in my head, and I was trying to translate it from visuals and into words. To be honest, this is some of the writing that I find most challenging — how to turn something that’s so visually effective into something that’s just as effective in words!
But there are other times when I do sit down with only a vague idea of how I’m going to get to a certain point in the fic. For example, for Chapter 2 of Coming In On A Western Wind (Aloy/Avad), this is literally what I had in my outline for the second half of the chapter:
The night she leaves Varl behind, Aloy sneaks into Avad’s room and they have sex. He wants her to stay the night; she says she can’t, but she’ll stay until he falls asleep. He make a gentle joke that he’ll stay up all night, then. But inevitably, he falls asleep, and when he wakes up, she’s gone.
That’s really not much detail, which means I had to fill this in a lot without anything clear in mind. I had to figure out how Avad gets back to his room after dinner with the fam, then what he’s doing at the time that she sneaks in, then how they transition from her sneaking in to actually having sex — e.g. are they going to chat first? Would they just jump right in? And then the actual sex scene: I didn’t have anything specific in mind for what positions or sex acts they would engage in, so that was more flying by the seat of my pants. So for this chapter, I was kind of just going with the flow and going with the mood of the characters while letting them lead the conversation, rather than trying to transform a specific scene in my head into words. This kind of writing can be challenging, too, especially figuring out how to deal with transition moments, e.g. what Avad would be doing in his room before Aloy came. When I’m having trouble figuring out how to make those transitions happen, what I usually do is get up from my desk and go clean something in my apartment BAHAHA. For some reason, the getting-up and moving-around helps me find the solution more easily than when I’m staring at my screen! 😂
Most of my chapters involve both of these kinds of writing. There’s usually a specific significant moment/scene/dialogue that I want to hit in each chapter, but I don’t always (or even often!) have it clearly fleshed out how I’m going to get there. I’m more of a plotter than a pantser, though, so the way I deal with this is by point-form plotting out how I think I might get to that scene — nothing special, nothing fancy, just basically scribbling down ideas. Then, once I have those ideas written down, they form more of a “skeleton” for the flesh of the chapter that I can build up on. Each chapter often involves many cycles of jotting down point-form messy ideas, then fleshing them out, then repeating the cycle as the chapter progresses. 
In terms of worrying that visualizing-then-writing will kill your creativity: hmm, it’s hard for me to comment on this, because everyone has different styles of writing, and what works for one person won’t work for someone else. Both styles of writing work for me, as I mentioned above, and I’m also admittedly a very “plotty” writer.  But I have some friends who just know that if they were to plan too much, they’ll get overwhelmed or lose interest in the project, so flying by the seat of their pants or jumping around between scenes in their fic is what keeps their creative juices and motivation going. 
Since you're finding that the "vague idea" route is killing your focus, I wonder if you might try the idea I mentioned earlier, about point-forming your ideas to flesh them out a little more before jumping in? It’s something of a compromise between plotting too much and being too vague, so it might give you just enough structure to help stay focused! 
I’ve elaborated more on my process of writing a longfic here, though I think you might have already read that 😂🧡 but it explains in more detail about how I use outlines as a memory aid and to guide myself, and how I keep myself motivated while writing a really long project!
I hope this is helpful, lovely friend!! Happy writing!! 😘
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xo
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russicnroses · 3 months
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Below are the page summaries for the first thirty pages of chapter one. These pages were summarized by Chat-GPT in the rule of three method. Spoilers ahead, reader's discretion advised.
# PAGES: 7,8,9
Joel, a man set to inherit a massive fortune and a foundation capable of influencing global economics, directed his interest towards studying flora and fauna. Using the foundation's resources, he gathered rare species from around the world, aiming to create a new form of life. Joel devoted many years to realizing this dream, sometimes crossing ethical boundaries.
In the first chapter, Saya sighs as she looks out at Petrogard from a carriage. The city, built by architects from Germany and Italy during Peter the Great's era, is filled with colorful buildings and churches. Originally a marshland, Petrogard's numerous canals divide it into 19 islands, making it a notable water city in Russia.
Saya, feeling the cold wave known as "Maroz," unconsciously shrinks her neck. Her short black hair and finely tailored crimson velvet dress highlight her delicate features. Despite her fragile appearance, her firm eyebrows and deep eyes suggest inner strength. As she observes the city center, adorned with Romanov family crests, she feels watched. A young man sitting next to her gently asks if she is tired, noting her sigh.
# PAGES: 10,11,12
A young man with long, loosely wavy black hair tied carelessly with a thin ribbon, and summer-night blue eyes peering from under his bangs, stands out. His deep lashes create shadows that give his exotic eyes a melancholic look. He wears a wing-collar shirt with a dark navy ribbon tie, a silver-gray silk vest, and a long dark navy jacket. Despite the lack of ornate decorations, his attire appears elegant due to its high quality and his demeanor. The only notable detail is that his shirt cuffs have rose engravings similar to Saya's.
Saya, feeling awkward about facing him, pretends to look out the window. When he asks if she’s tired, she admits she's a bit hungry. Haji, smiling gently, reassures her that he's fine. They both look outside at a large building dominating the square—a soft green palace with white pillars and window frames, adorned with gold and statues, making Saya feel uneasy. Haji identifies it as the Winter Palace, also known as the Hermitage.
Later, Haji wakes Saya, who realizes she fell asleep in the carriage after passing the Hermitage. They have arrived at their destination. Haji, without reproach, smiles and informs her. Saya quickly gets ready, deciding to handle her luggage herself despite Haji's offer. He then helps her out of the carriage, joking that she slept so soundly he couldn’t wake her, and teases her about drooling, which she denies.
# PAGES: 13,14,15
Haji helps Saya safely out of the carriage. The coachman, having seen them off, leaves without a word. They find themselves in front of a moderately sized, white-walled mansion. Haji fixes Saya's cape and they prepare to enter. Suddenly, a boy appears, startling Saya. Haji immediately positions himself protectively between them. Despite Haji's intimidating presence, the boy remains unfazed and stares at Saya with curiosity.
The boy, around sixteen or seventeen years old, has hazel and gold eyes and short, wild brown hair. His shirt is asymmetrically buttoned with a red shoulder strap, suggesting a uniform, though he wears it casually. Saya, sensing no threat, relaxes and touches Haji's arm, signaling him to stand down.
The boy offhandedly comments that Saya looks weak, then abruptly loses interest and turns away. As he walks inside, he tells an elderly man at the entrance that they’ve arrived. Saya, initially taken aback, regains her composure when Haji reassures her. They proceed inside, knowing they’ve reached the right place as the boy knew Saya's name.
# PAGES: 16,17,18
Saya clutches her bag and walks briskly to the entrance porch, where a butler silently bows deeply and opens the door. Inside, they find a semi-circular entrance hall with a white marble floor and a black stone radial pattern. The interior is predominantly white, with polished oak railings and wainscoting, giving it a noble impression. A large urn with red roses sits on the landing of a staircase, despite the harsh winter outside.
Saya, guided by Haji, follows the butler down a corridor to a semi-basement room. The butler instructs them to wait there until everyone has arrived. The room has a white marble fireplace with a fire burning, and the decor includes acanthus leaf patterns in gold on a maroon background, and red chairs with gold embroidery.
As they wait, four boys in black uniforms with red and gold accents enter. The shortest boy, who has deep wine-red hair and brown eyes, sits at the head of the table, engrossed in paperwork. Another boy, who stood by the fireplace earlier, is restless and refuses to sit. The boy at the head of the table, Valery, scolds the restless boy, Rodion, for his behavior. Rodion nonchalantly dismisses the reprimand, expressing his eagerness to meet Saya.
Valery apologizes for the lack of a proper greeting and explains that their group of five will be supporting Saya in her activities in Russia.
# PAGES: 19,20,21
The group introduces themselves to Saya. Rodion, impatiently, introduces himself and another boy, Kirill, without waiting for Valery. Kirill has an aloof demeanor, resting his cheek on his hand and avoiding eye contact, but Saya is struck by his appearance, particularly his wavy ice-blonde hair and delicate features reminiscent of a bisque doll. Despite his delicate appearance, his amethyst eyes convey a bold spirit.
Next, they introduce Eduard, who stands silently and acknowledges Saya with a bow. He is the tallest among the boys, with neatly trimmed black hair that appears blue under certain light, and thoughtful dark blue eyes. His disciplined and well-trained physique gives Saya an impression of an Eastern swordsman.
Valery attempts to maintain order, scolding Rodion for not sitting properly and for his earlier solo return. Rodion reluctantly complies, buttoning his collar and sleeves, though with clear reluctance.
Valery and Kirill express concern over another member, Maxim, who has been acting independently recently. Valery insists on focusing on their mission: supporting Saya in tracking down the creature "Diva," who escaped from a place called "Zoo" in Bordeaux thirty years ago. This task is crucial as "Diva" is often accompanied by "Chiropterans," posing significant danger.
Saya listens attentively, understanding the gravity of their mission and the dynamics within the group. The boys, while keeping a respectful distance, scrutinize her, making Saya feel as if she is under an interrogation.
# PAGES: 22,23,24
Saya speaks about the nature of Diva and the chiropterans, emphasizing that they attack humans and drink their blood, which causes a slight tension in the room. Valery explains that recent investigations revealed strange deaths in Russia, attributed to chiropterans, but details were initially suppressed due to their occurrence in areas associated with the aristocracy. Kirill clarifies the delay in obtaining this information, highlighting the class divide in Russia.
Valery informs Saya and Haji that they need to gather information in social circles, which Saya accepts, recognizing the decision of their organization, Red Shield. Valery relaxes and provides instructions for their stay, including using a specific part of the estate and handling their needs with minimal staff, as they will be posing as aristocrats or wealthy merchants' children attending a military academy.
Saya insists on minimal staff and handling their own needs, including preparing their own meals, which surprises Valery. Haji also supports this, noting his long-standing role in caring for Saya. Valery agrees, offering additional help if needed.
As Saya and Haji prepare to leave, Rodion remarks on Saya's role as the sole weapon against chiropterans, a fact that weighs heavily on her. Kirill, playing with his ice-blonde hair, comments on the legacy left by Joel, acknowledging the burden they all share in this fight.
# PAGES: 25,26,27
Saya defends Joel when Kiril calls him mad, enduring the critical stares of the group. Kiril taunts Saya, calling her "well-trained," which stings. Haji steps forward to protect Saya, his usually calm demeanor replaced with a cold, suppressed anger that fills the room. Rodion, intrigued by Haji, tests his strength by launching a kick, which Eduardo silently intercepts with his arm, diffusing Rodion's killing intent.
Rodion apologizes awkwardly, and Valeri reprimands him for acting on his own. As Saya and Haji prepare to leave, Kiril coldly comments on the importance of their performance.
In their suite, Saya reflects on the exhausting encounter, feeling ashamed of her earlier naivety. She resolves to face the challenges ahead, and begins organizing her belongings, noticing her reflection in the large window.
# PAGES: 28,29,30
Saya, noticing something, casually moved to the window and pinched her short hair, recalling it used to be long. She gasped, feeling dizzy and sensing as if a girl in the reflection moved on her own. At that moment, Haji knocked on the door, asking if she was asleep. Saya composed herself and answered. Haji brought in tea, surprising Saya with a tea trolley, including a samovar. Haji adeptly prepared the tea, impressing Saya.
They talked about their current location, Petrogard, and Saya remarked on how far they've come. Haji noted that Petrogard was once called the "Window to the West" and mentioned its nickname, the "Venice of the North." Saya, trying to distract herself from her fatigue, decided to look at a map the next day. Haji described their route, suggesting they were in a noble district, a suitable place for hiding under the guise of distant relatives.
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slowdancingtorock · 1 year
Ireland - Day 39
Today was incredibly unremarkable. Barely anything interesting happened. Because the student were once again not interested in any early activities I could come in late to work. I "fixed" our printers because they suddenly decided to refuse to work (relatable sentiment but still). Wr handled the coffee breaks, chatted with the teachers a little about globalization and the gender pay gap (that was exhausting because some of them are too dense to understand that people sometimes break laws).
After work I devoured my dinner and watched the rebroadcast of the Chess World Cup. I am very happy for Magnus to have now won every single tournament there is at least once but I'd hate for him to retire from classical chess. Classical chess without Magnus Carlsen is like my analogies - just not that exciting. Overall I am really happy with the World Cup overall. Pragg getting the silver medal and a guaranteed spot in the candidates is amazing for the new generation of chess players and India of course. Also Fabi getting the bronze medal is just a testament to all these bombshells of preparation that he tends to drop on his opponents. I hope he doesn't choke during the candidates again.
After I finished watching the rebroadcast I met with my German folks at yet another pub. Wr didn't drink much and opted to check out the harbour. It was great, we had a good time but the evening concluded rather quickly as we all had at least 45 minutes of commute back to our respective accommodations. Dublin at night is fucking weird. So many strange characters roaming about and talking all kinds of nonsense. I also learned why all the streets smell like weed and... other things in the morning.
My song of the day is Ain't No Rest for the Wicked. Lord knows I barely got any rest in the past few days. But also the first two verses resonate very well with my way back from Malahide. God that was uncomfortable.
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here4theheartbreak · 1 year
Ohhhh, I'm so jealous you could go to a cup sleeve event! The closest one to me is almost 4 hours away. 😂 It's amazing that there was so many people! Ahhh, our Ateez are famous~! ✨
The lack of Korean fans blows my mind every single time I think about it. They have been so beloved globally from day one (and even before day one) but they still don't have that in their own country. It's insane! I'm glad they've embraced the 'global idol' title though. Everytime i hear it in an interview intro I'm like 'at least Korea knows they're truly loved elsewhere'. But the way they do sooooo much for K-tiny and still can't get the traction. It's crazy. No one is doing more.
Guerilla is such a good MV! What a great introduction! And it sounds so cool~ I really love that their songs span genres. I feel like there must be four or five different styles in Halazia alone. (Also, I agree. I'm typically not into summery, softer songs or slower ballads. But I actively listen to all of Ateez's songs. In fact, some of my consistent faves fit right into this category!)
Their story/lore is incredible. Sometimes I feel like I understand everything less than most of the members (😂) but I'm alllll about it! It's so cool that they have this one arc. That it's been the same story this whole time. Truly amazing. Concept kings. I'm gonna need a film one day. It's all so cinematic and intriguing.
Ateez, Stray Kids, and Taemin is an AMAZING (and very tempting) line up. But you should definitely hold out. Because then you get to see Ateez for 3 hours and that's 🥰🥺. And you know they actually know what a 'world tours' is. So, it's just a waiting game!
I saw them in London. It's always London for me!
Yessss, I did see the stats! They're grown so much, even in six months. And the first day sales looked amazing! I've been streaming on Spotify and having a great old time. Really, Atiny have done so well. Especially with buying passes for Korean platforms. It was so cute when Wave was number one because everyone was practicing. 🥺
I hope voting goes well and they win most of the music show awards they'll be up for. I want them to see that their efforts pay off at home!
Haha I don't know what questions you'd even ask me really. Best livestream where they were all decending into madness? The best Seonghwa third wheeling Woosan vlive? The closest Hongjoong came to just being DONE with looking after the 99s? 😂😂 Yessss, I'm always ready to chat Ateez tbh. They're the only group I've kept up with the whole time. 🧡
Have you watched their Treasure Film series/show on YouTube yet? I was rewatching it the other day and I forgot how much I love it! So gooood! And funny! 😂
Ah this took ages to answer lol - sorry; I was rearranging my room this weekend 🙃 and my app never notifies me of asks.
Anyways, yeah the cupsleeve was so nice. I'm lucky to live on one side of a pair of decently sized cities with a diverse population here, so we get a handful of nice events (one of the local gay bars hosts a kpop night monthly, for example).
I've been to a cupsleeve for Taemin, Stray Kids, and then I helped my friend host one for OnlyOneOf - they were all really fun but did not even begin to prepare me for the intensity of the Ateez one. I was baffled; the Skz one was held at the same location and it was a graveyard by comparison. I didn't take many pictures bc I was caught up chatting and there was no way to take them without a ton of people in the photo lol - but these are the few from the event;
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I agree with you, regarding the global idol title; I think it's really well deserved and is serving them well. They really deserve more notice in KR though; it sucks that they get overlooked just bc of not being a Big 4; if anything people should pay more attention since those are the hidden gems, you know?
Bouncy has a kpop sort of vibe to it though, moreso than some of the other title tracks of theirs I've heard, so hopefully folks pay a little more attention this time around. I heard they got their first win for Bouncy this morning though! So that's something positive.
Halazia was unbelievable; I was impressed when I heard it and even moreso when I saw the m/v. I finally sat down and listened to their entire discography this weekend while doing cleaning and realized I genuinely can't find a skip song with them for the most part. 😭
Also yes!! 100% on a movie - this would make an amazing full length film or hell, even a miniseries; it's such a complex and well written storyline. I'm mad I didn't pick up the diary version of Outlaw bc I need to know what happens next. (I have all 3 versions coming but they won't be here for a while bc they're being sent with my albums from SHINee's comeback at the end of June; I could only afford one of their albums from the store here bc they were so much more expensive than they are in the KR shop I use. >.<)
Seeing the way atiny treat the group and each other and work together is so heartwarming. It's interesting, to have it be largely on the international fans' shoulders to push them to the spotlight in both the wider world and KR; but the teamwork is super fun to see. I haven't been this actively involved in a kpop fandom since I quit doing it for my og group (just stuck mostly to the sidelines, reblogging pretty pictures, etc for my other groups) - but I'm enjoying it so much more so far; I don't feel the same kind of guilty pressure that I've felt elsewhere.
They have so much content too holy - I've been trying to catch up and I feel like I haven't even scraped the surface yet lol - Every time I think I've managed to finish one section I realize there's x or y other things I missed lol. I did not even know the Treasure Film series existed until you mentioned it 😂 - but it looks like M2 did it; I love the games/variety type shows that company has done, so I'm eager to watch it! Thank you for mentioning it!
Rn I'm working my way through Wanteez between the new stuff for these promotions; these guys have done so many variety series jfc lol.
Also Woosan. Bless those two. They are so dumb. I love them so much. I would like to point out, that I did not want them. I specifically pointed out San to my friend when we watched Guerrilla and said "anyone but that one". (He startled me by resembling someone in an unsettling way when I first glanced at him and I didn't like it lol - he doesn't resemble said person now that I recognize them all tho thankfully).
But I apparently had no say in him, since he was the one that kept sticking out in everything and his personality is exactly what I gravitate to in a bias (the big oaf with a loud mouth and a heart of gold, always a little confused but he's got the spirit, scary duality) -- normally I do find a second bias within a few months that vibes with my first, but I didn't even get a say in that since not only did San tell me 'no, I'm right here and you're going to pay attention to me', he did it while dragging that scrappy little devil along by the hand V_V I couldn't just adopt him without Woo. (I was quite disgruntled about that one too - I don't bias visuals or dancers dammit - I have avoided them in most of my groups so far.
Plus! Where's my rapper bias??? I thought I'd add HJ as my second but nope, instead I get the 'friends as far as the altar' Tom and Jerry pair and 6 bias wreckers since none of them can stay in their damn lane for more than a few minutes at a time. 😂 (My friend said that'd happen tho so I can't say I wasn't warned).
(Do you have a bias btw? A favorite mv or performance I (likely) may have missed?)
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cosleia · 2 years
I think sometimes about the fact that I am not a “fandom old” even though I am physically old, and what that means.
My online life started in the ’90s with chat rooms and learning to build websites. In the early 2000s I was part of a play-by-post role playing game (kind of a fandom, in that it was based on an anime…it was like writing fic) as well as a single regular fandom for a TV show.
We didn’t call it a fandom, though we may have referred to places as “fan sites”. Our activities mostly took place on individual people’s websites and forums.
I wasn’t familiar with fandoms and found a lot of the community norms and behaviors extremely offputting. There were some pretty gatekeepery people who seemed to be “in charge” of the fandom. I think I only participated in that community for a year.
I was also a member of IRC chat rooms about Star Wars and Robotech for many years. Those weren’t really fandoms; we discussed the media, but we also were just friends who chatted about life and other topics. Once I left the RPG and the TV show fandom, I wasn’t part of anything like fandom again for over a decade.
I spent the interim years in blogging communities and then on Twitter. I maintained my own website and read dozens of webcomics and spent a lot of time reading the news and other things of interest via RSS feeds.
In 2012 some guys decided they hated the idea of women existing on the internet, and so they started doxxing them and driving them out. My Twitter usage dropped considerably because I didn’t want to catch their attention. It was a really uncomfortable, unhappy time for me online. Eventually I remembered my Tumblr account, and I came over here more and more.
Then, in 2014, I became part of a fandom again: the Night Vale fandom.
Other than a few bad actors (kids who I have forgiven, as they were kids), this fandom was pretty great. There were lots of fics and art and headcanoning, and it was a lot of fun. I met some amazing people who are now lifelong friends, including someone I ended up dating for six years. It really just felt like a safe, fun place where I could be myself.
I’d loved Star Wars since I was a teenager, around the same time as the original Thrawn trilogy came out but not caused by that I don’t think. So when The Force Awakens came out I was tentatively excited. I didn’t expect much and I didn’t learn any spoilers, except that I got the impression Han died in it. I didn’t see it until after Christmas, so it had been in the theater for a bit.
It meant more to me than I ever imagined it would to see that lightsaber go to Rey, and from then on I was back in a galaxy far, far away. I ended up joining the kylux fandom in January of 2016, and I’ve been there ever since.
So I really haven’t had the storied fandom past others have. While I had a LiveJournal, I didn’t understand it and rarely used it. I read a few fics on FFN here and there, but I wasn’t a regular to the site.
The move off Tumblr to Twitter was DEVASTATING to me because I’d never gone through something like that before. I didn’t, and still don’t, like the idea of performing fandom for a global audience, which is how Twitter makes me feel. I like little communities of friends sharing things, which is probably why I tend to feel like a fandom old while not actually being one.
Now it looks like Twitter might radically change or just stop working entirely. And there really isn’t a place to go from there. Lots of people hate Tumblr, and the various new social media sites and services that have popped up all have problems. There’s no clear solution, and I hate it. I’m in the interesting position of being very emotionally affected by this, unlike fandom olds who seem to just be very “oh, this again” about it. But I am much older than the other people who are upset. I kind of feel alone.
But! I will just wait and see what happens. I’ll use Tumblr more, continue to use Twitter, and see if something else comes along that actually works for us. Fingers crossed. Hopefully the tired assuredness of the fandom olds will turn out to be correct.
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Blog Post #4: My Favorite Pieces So Far
When I was little, I never really took films like The Terminator, too seriously. However, with the increasing advance of technology’s AI sector with inventions like that of chat GPT and humanoid robot Bina48, I think my mind is changed. I can’t help but feel like a takeover by robots isn’t too unlikely. Seeing two AI communicate with one another, demonstrating self-awarness and anger, did not add to my comfortability. I mean sure there are a lot of opportunities for positive advancement like speedy language translation, the quick exchange of information. However, I can’t help but feel like the more I learn about science, its making, and the technology that has come with it, it feels like our not-so-metaphorical-anymore doom. Because it isn’t just AI. Tananarive Due’s “Like Daughter” shows the dangers that we can ponder with our ability to clone. Some of us would try to live through a realized, younger version of ourselves, as some of us already do with our kids, in the hopes that we could create the life we wish we had inherited. We use scientific discovery as bandaids and sometimes it’s out of laziness or a search for “efficiency”- Ozempic ourselves to thinness- and/or a refusal to accept or appreciate things as they are- convincing ourselves that we would be happier if we looked younger or bustier, or more extremely- clone ourselves and have a do-over of sorts.
Another work of Due’s, interestingly written in 2014, told a story of a pandemic survivor traveling and finding another person. The main character seemed understandably desperate for companionship and so grateful to finally not be alone. And yet, they took such a risk with whom they found. It was a violation, really, to give that person a kiss in their sleep not knowing their status as immune or not. And thereafter, she was so indifferent as she watched him die for a bit before she walked away, with little regret to be discerned. She was death personified. Being that it is 2024 and we experienced the pandemic in 2020, the themes of this seem incredibly relevant. We have to ask in the case of global health pandemics, or in the making of technology, what we are willing to sacrifice- ourselves, our luxuries, and/or each other?
I think a guiding principle as we form technology and traverse different issues is love, as Lion’s Blood author Steven Barnes emphasizes. Love is the necessary framework for true technological success in the sense that it more improves our lives and our planet than destroys us. Yet, even with this we must ask ourselves who and what we love, and know that we take great risks when we expect technology, made by us, to do what we cannot do ourselves.
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187days · 10 months
Day Sixty-Five
Our first snow day of the year was yesterday, so today the ninth graders learned how we roll after one of those in high school: what gets rescheduled, what doesn't, that kind of thing.
I adjusted all my upcoming Global Studies due dates by one day, and proceeded with the lesson I'd have done yesterday: essay outlining for the Religion/Philosophy Essay. I decided to give the outline in the style of one of my citation practice assignments- a series of questions for them to research, broken into parts (intro, body, and conclusion)- and I think that's working out really well. The vibe in all four sections was good: a clarifying question here, a break to chat about basketball there... I was pleased with the work students did.
The middle of my day was a lot more somber. First, during advisory, we had to go over the ALICE protocols for an active shooter situation, so we showed the police department's video, discussed barricading classrooms and locations of exits to evacuate from, and then all of us teachers explained what our drills for these situations are like. We'll have one sometime before Christmas.
Then, in APGOV, Tom White took over as our guest lecturer and explained how the eugenics movement influenced US policy in the 1900s-1930s, but also the policies of Nazi Germany. It's shocking, sobering, important history- and, I think, it makes what I have to teach about the Civil Rights Movement all the more dramatic. My students were grateful to learn from Tom, who is an excellent presenter, and they had some great questions and comments throughout the block. Plus, we were joined by the APUSH students, and I think they got a lot of out. it, as well.
So.... It was a lot in the day after a snow day, but it was good.
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coolandgoodvibes · 4 months
YouTube: Transforming the Digital Landscape Through Video Content
YouTube, which was launched in 2005, has changed the way video content is consumed and created. It has become a cornerstone for the digital age. With over two billion logged-in users per month, the platform offers an unparalleled reach and a vast repository of videos on virtually every topic imaginable. YouTube, which has revolutionized the way content is created, allows anyone with an internet connection and a camera to reach a global audience. This inclusivity has made YouTube a vital platform for both creators and viewers. abonnees kopen
One of YouTube's most significant impacts has been on the entertainment industry. As more people use online video to entertain themselves, traditional media like television and film are experiencing a drastic shift. YouTube stars such as PewDiePie and MrBeast, who have millions of subscribers and often rival the fame and influence of mainstream celebrities, are a great example of this. YouTube's various monetization options - including channel memberships, Super Chats and ad revenue - provide creators with multiple revenue streams. They can build their careers solely on the basis of their YouTube presence.
YouTube also has a significant impact in the education sector. Education channels such as Khan Academy, CrashCourse and TED Ed provide free access to educational content of high quality, removing barriers to learning. The platform serves as a valuable resource for students, teachers, and lifelong learners, providing tutorials, lectures, and how-to videos on an array of subjects. This has made learning more accessible and engaging, supporting both formal education and informal self-directed learning.
Despite its many benefits, YouTube also faces several challenges. Content moderation remains a significant issue, with the platform constantly grappling with the need to balance free expression with the removal of harmful or inappropriate content. youtube subs kopen Additionally, the algorithm that recommends videos to users has been criticized for sometimes promoting sensationalist or misleading content. YouTube has taken a number of measures to address this concern, including enhancing community guidelines and promoting transparency. As YouTube continues to evolve, it remains a powerful tool for communication, entertainment, and education, profoundly influencing the digital landscape and shaping how we consume and create content in the 21st century.
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