#sometimes to improve you have to self indulge
marbestos · 1 year
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hello gays today i bring you, anderperry being middle-aged and vibing in the 2000s
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reinedeslys-central · 15 days
so like sometimes it's only been a couple hours after you've eaten and you're wondering if you're wondering if you're hungry - but maybe you're just, like, hungry in your head, right? Not actually hungry? So you don't need to eat because that would be overeating, like at a buffet where you stop eating when your stomach feels like it's going to burst? wrong your stomach has an early warning system
no yeah fast forward to two hours later when you're kinda lowkey starving and you go, oh. huh. bodies don't lie.
listen to your organs y'all 😅
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lunarianscorpio · 3 months
Courtship: Venus Signs (part 1)
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Earth signs Desire commitment and a lasting partnership.
♑︎ Capricorn Venus:
Loyal, protective, quietly romantic, reserved, thoughtful, and considerate in matters of love, romance, aesthetic, self-worth, and money.
Practical about themselves, understanding their worth in the material world and how others perceive them.
May appear aloof, but knows precisely what they want in a partner.
Will patiently wait for the right person who fulfills their needs and standards.
Prioritizes career or finances during single periods.
Potential imbalance if partnered with a water Mars sign, as they might yearn for love despite being comfortable alone.
Speaks highly of you, openly expressing affection and admiration.
Brings up your name in conversations, showcasing a deep pride and love.
Holds themselves to a standard of perfection, pushing for continuous improvement and sometimes feeling resentful for falling short.
Learns that self-worth is a gradual process, not a forced ascent.
Refined aesthetic taste with a strong inclination towards the arts, especially visual arts.
Enjoys concrete and physical expressions like sculpting, painting, and escaping into books.
Looks for love when it aligns with life plans and flows naturally.
Enjoys darker colors, earth tones, and may favor black without flashy appearances.
Dresses in a reserved, chic, professional, or vintage-inspired manner.
Appreciates rich earthy smells like coffee grounds, vetiver, and rainy woods, as well as clean spicy scents.
Loves food, particularly rich dishes with sentimental value.
Very good with money, enjoys it, and doesn't require much assistance.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to corporate types, mysterious, closed off, enigmatic, classy, and practical individuals.
May be drawn to businessmen, morticians, older people, architects, and mystics, venus in taurus, virgo, capricorn, scorpio & aquarius.
Romantic Behavior:
Takes love seriously with a guarded heart, feeling deeply in love.
Very romantic but often feels like gestures aren't sufficient, leading to inaction.
Shy and rarely flirts, but when they do it's straightforward and to the point.
Indicators of interest include trying to impress through achievements or appearance changes.
Finds dating challenging and tends to avoid it.
In relationships, seeks reassurance of worth, cherishment, and likes to be in charge but remains loyal for the long haul.
♉︎Taurus Venus:
Intense, sweet, amorous, dependable, highly romantic, and artistic in matters of money, self-worth, and relationships.
Struggle with self-worth, often comparing themselves to a mental aesthetic and others' looks; need to recognize and appreciate their internal and external beauty.
Enjoys various creative pursuits, particularly art in all its forms, including poetry and fashion; may also have a love for cooking and music.
Craves pampering and security for genuine romantic love.
Adores style and cultivates a unique, expressive fashion sense rather than following trends.
Good with colors, with a preference for all colors, avoiding overly loud or aggressive shades.
Prefers luxurious and flavorful foods, often indulging in sweets; enjoys rich and intoxicating smells like vetiver and Spanish moss.
Envisions an ideal partner but may find it challenging to meet someone worthy.
Values luxury and comfort in relationships.
Willing to test suitors to identify the one truly devoted to love.
Surprisingly, adept at managing money; understands when to save and when to spend, with purchases typically substantial.
Attraction Preferences:
Looks for well-dressed, classy, debonair, and sturdy individuals who are reliable and appealing; may also be drawn to the starving artist.
Finds bankers, farmers, businesspeople, artists, singers, and chefs interesting romantically, as well as venus in capricorn, taurus, virgo, pisces and cancer.
Romantic Approach:
Shy and reticent in matters of the heart due to intense and deep feelings of love.
Signs of a Venus in Taurus crush include becoming soft-spoken, gentle, touchy, or direct stares.
Prefers silent coaxing and seduction, often not outwardly showing intentions but putting extra effort into appearance.
Enjoys giving little gifts and favors to catch someone's attention.
Loves being pursued, feeling special, and indulging in classical romance with all senses involved.
Like Capricorn, can wait patiently for the right match.
Envisions a future with you and strives to bring joy into your life.
Unable and unwilling to imagine a moment without you, showcasing deep emotional attachment
Craves physicality, contact, and commitment for a stable relationship; highly responsive and respects differences to achieve a harmonious equilibrium
♍︎ Virgo Venus:
Analytical, helpful, idealistic, altruistic, and witty in dealing with aesthetic, self-worth, money, relationships, and romance.
Struggles with self-worth due to intense analysis of aesthetic and high expectations for perfection in artistic endeavors.
Needs to learn self-love by embracing flaws as part of the mortal experience.
May avoid Venusian activities out of fear of not being good enough, despite possessing skills in art, especially in sculpting, painting, gardening, and fitness.
Enjoys soft colors reminiscent of spring, woody browns, and greens.
Dresses in a conservative and professional style, conveying their identity concisely.
Prefers smells associated with comfort, cleanliness, citrus, vanilla, or fresh sheets.
Health-conscious and selective about food, considering taste and health reasons.
Analytical and good with money, excelling in facts, figures, and understanding the monetary value.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to practical, healing, intelligent, logical, and detail-oriented individuals.
Finds mechanics, scientists, doctors, researchers, and teachers attractive, venus in taurus, capricorn, virgo, cancer & scorpio.
Romantic Approach:
Shy and hesitant to initiate, prefers being pursued in romantic relationships.
Not inclined towards overt displays of affection or emotional expressions.
Tests partners subtly for devotion; silently contemplates moving on if betrayed.
Displays profound kindness, aiming to enhance your days with subtle yet impactful gestures.
May struggle with dating due to the ability to magnify minor flaws in others.
Indicates a crush by offering help with projects or problems, showing a genuine desire to assist.
Craves deep unconditional love and struggles with criticism due to self-critique.
Needs reassurance and to be cherished, emphasizing the existence of perfection through love.
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Fire Signs: Seek thrill and excitement, desire an intoxicating romance.
♐Sagittarius Venus:
Happy-go-lucky, adventurous, moralistic, and charitable in matters of self-worth, love, money, aesthetic, and romance.
Generally maintains a healthy self-worth with contagious perky confidence.
Enjoys flirting, playing the field, and has a childlike spirit, but must avoid becoming overly cocky.
Fondness for literature, poetry, spoken arts, and may engage in creative pursuits like music.
Views love as a game for entertainment.
Needs freedom; relationship flourishes with the right balance.
Prone to boredom and drawn to creative, unattainable partners.
Loves games, including sports or video games.
Looks for love randomly but avoids feeling tied down, keeping options open during the search.
Enjoys dramatic and vibrant colors that evoke a happy or jovial vibe.
Dresses in a comfortable and interesting sporty or hippy-esque manner.
Willing to compromise, recognizing the importance of give-and-take in maintaining the relationship.
Prioritizes the relationship over the desire for control.
Finds mentally stimulating and "foreign" foods delightful, especially spicy dishes.
Prefers earthy and floral smells, like fresh-cut flowers.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to different, free-thinking, scholarly, and jocular individuals.
May be drawn to professors, older people, athletes, large individuals, or sages, venus in sagittarius, leo, aries, aquarius and gemini.
Romantic Approach:
Doesn't take love too seriously and sees it as something to be enjoyed.
Expresses crush openly or tries to make the person laugh if attracted.
Enjoys dating, meeting new people, and tends to grow infatuated quickly.
Needs space and time to feel independent in romance.
Requires expansive and big gestures for true fulfillment.
Dislikes clichés, dense individuals, and clinginess.
Seeks a partner in crime and confidant for genuine engagement in a relationship.
♈︎Aries Venus:
Pioneering, vivacious, unapologetic, and feisty in matters of self-worth, style, money, and relationships.
Healthy self-worth, with Venus influencing interests and self-definition.
In the arts for making striking, edgy statements rather than adhering to traditional beauty standards.
Fond of debate and mental combat; values independence and security for genuine love.
Striking style, athletic/provocative appearance, or an appearance that appears indifferent.
Fondness for warm colors and simple, comfortable fabrics; may enjoy spicy food and earthy smells.
Not overly concerned with money, views it as a necessity; can spend on expensive hobbies and toys.
Attraction Preferences:
Looks for spontaneous, fun-loving, extroverted, and exciting lovers; may find quiet but in-control individuals appealing.
Attracted to athletes, soldiers, mechanics (technical thinking), rebels, lawyers, construction workers, and rough individuals romantically and physically, venus in aries, leo, sagittarius, aquarius and gemini.
Romantic Approach:
Driven, direct, and open in the arena of love; willing to try anything once.
Sign of a Venus in Aries crush is teasing in good fun; loves to show off and impress the object of affection.
Enjoys the chase and seduction, though may grow bored quickly; awkwardly romantic and wants to pamper loved ones.
Enjoys the chase but may get bored once the conquest is achieved.
Requires physical and mental stimulation to stay in love.
In relationships, desires independence and control; dislikes being told what to do or competing.
Needy romantically, vocal, and somewhat pushy in expressing desires; values feeling appreciated and being treated as number one.
Reveals their vulnerable sides to you, emphasizing transparency and reciprocity.
Demonstrates an all-encompassing love once they've truly embraced their feelings for you.
♌︎Leo Venus:
Bright, magnanimous, fun-loving, romantic, and superfluous in matters of self-worth, love, relationships, money, and aesthetic.
Self-worth can vary from low to overly high, often compensating and may appear arrogant.
Requires constant reassurance of self-value, sensitive to insults, and hides struggles behind a smile.
Enjoys the arts, excelling in activities where they can be in the spotlight, including sports and physical activities.
Seeks love when feeling unappreciated but waits for genuine needs.
Dresses in a sporty, casual, flashy, professional, or debonair style with a fondness for bright colors, gold, red, and occasionally black.
Enjoys giving attention and expects occasional reciprocity.
May become overwhelming when self-absorbed, needs grounding.
Loves spicy aromas, such as cinnamon, cardamom, and clove, as well as smooth scents like vanilla.
Enjoys indulging in various foods, especially childlike treats.
May spend generously, particularly for the enjoyment of others, requiring assistance in budgeting.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to showy, artistic, athletic, charismatic, and powerful individuals.
Loves glamour and grandiose declarations in relationships.
Seeks a loyal and committed partner who enhances their ego.
May find appeal in bosses, artists, actors, soldiers, royalty archetypes, and athletes.
Romantic Approach:
Goes all out in love, courting, pursuing, and wooing simultaneously.
Enjoys spectacular romance and is not shy about dating or the dating scene.
Expresses interest by going out of their way to impress and compliment, may straightforwardly communicate their feelings.
Desires to be treated like royalty, pampered, and made to feel special.
Expects reciprocity in passion, intensity, and drama to keep the relationship fresh.
Dislikes feeling unimportant and needs consistent expressions of love, yet maintains independence.
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Water Signs: Seek a fairy tale romance, searching for a Prince or Princess.
♓︎Pisces Venus:
Dreamy, romantic, loving, creative, and fantastical in matters of love, self-worth, money, relationships, and aesthetics.
May have a deluded sense of self, occasionally needing help to see themselves clearly.
Shy but enjoys occasional flirtation, especially in a playful context.
Attentively listens and remembers your words, valuing communication as a way to understand and love you better.
Enjoys hearing you talk, using it as an opportunity to deepen their understanding of you.
Enjoys art, particularly music, dance, and literature.
Often seeks love, viewing themselves as a part of a whole, searching for a profound connection.
Shy in pursuing but makes subtle gestures to be closer.
Needs to occasionally be more selfish in relationships.
Vulnerable to being taken advantage of due to an overly loving nature.
Loves colors reminiscent of the ocean and the sky, including dark to light blues, greens, purples, and black.
Fashion style can vary from free-flowing, ocean-breeze attire to trendy runway looks or understated appearances to avoid attention.
Enjoys aromas like the ocean, fruit, and candy.
Has a big appetite and loves seafood, sugary sweets, and food from different cultures.
Not overly materialistic but acquires money effortlessly, often spending it on loved ones.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to mystical, aloof, artistic, emotionally expressive, and structured individuals.
Compatibility with sailors, psychics, healers, artists, or therapists, venus in pisces, cancer, scorpio and maybe taurus.
Romantic Behavior:
Shy yet not afraid to initiate romantic gestures.
Signs of interest include leaving messages unread (a commitment test) and engaging in deep conversations beyond typical bedtime hours.
Prefers soulmate connections over casual dating.
Needs lots of love, affection, and care in a relationship.
Dislikes being perceived as overly dependent and can be disillusioned if their idealized image of a loved one shatters.
♋︎Cancer Venus:
Affectionate, sentimental, sweet, romantic, and receptive in matters of self-worth, money, style, aesthetic, partnership, and love.
Healthy self-worth usually influenced by family perceptions and upbringing.
Tendency to become engrossed in memories, potentially distorting them, leading to psychic disharmony.
Enjoys emotionally fulfilling hobbies such as reading, acting, cooking, baking, gardening, and finds stimulation in architecture or interior design.
Looks for settling-down material in love, avoiding games.
Assumes the role of the nurturing mother in relationships.
Magnetic and alluring, attracts partners effortlessly.
Analyzes and evaluates relationships; values security and harmony.
Style may not always be fashionable but holds value and meaning, either following family styles or changing frequently to keep up with trends.
Fondness for pastels, silver shades, especially purple and blue, preferring a dapper look without being overly flashy.
Delighted by scents from home, ocean breeze, or a forest after rain, with a preference for earthy and fruity smells.
Loves cooking and food, attached to traditional dishes, with a craving for sweets and creamy treats.
Excellent with money, skilled in investment and business ownership.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to emotional, trustworthy, familiar, and loving individuals.
May also be drawn to sailors, travelers, royalty archetypes, poets, bodybuilders, and comedians, venus in cancer, scorpio, pisces, taurus and virgo.
Romantic Approach:
Shy but can pursue if necessary, values traditional romance and believes in love traditions like meeting the spouse's family.
Takes relationships seriously, finds letting go challenging.
Signs of a crush include blushing, bashfulness, attempts to talk, and revealing something emotional
Will push back if being used, prioritizes home harmony.
Invests considerable time in your company, fostering comfort and mutual ease.
Their presence brings a soothing calmness, contributing to a deep sense of connection.
Desires a fairy tale experience, appreciates sentimental mementos, and values cherishing shared memories.
Craves emotionality and feels hurt if emotions are disregarded, but can become clingy and manipulative if not moderated.
Extremely loyal and willing to weather the storm, not easily bored.
♏︎Scorpio Venus:
Possessive, secretive, romantic, intense, loving, and creative in matters of self-worth, money, love, relationships, and mystique.
Tendency for relatively low self-worth, feeling unattractive, and presenting a facade to compensate, emphasizing the seriousness of love.
Craves cherishment and security for a safe and healthy self-worth.
Subconscious and energetically seductive, attracting both desired and unwanted things.
Displays creativity, viewing destruction as a form of creation, especially in music or activities involving breaking and destroying things.
Enjoys sports, video games, and may have various artistic talents.
Desires to merge and feel complete, often seeking love but may struggle when needing support.
Appreciates a variety of colors, with greens, purples, and blues drawing particular interest.
Dresses in a sporty, dark, artsy, or blending-in manner.
Prefers hypnotic and deep smells like dark chocolate, wine, and musky sea scents.
Enjoys spicy foods and exotic tastes that mentally and physically engage them.
Skilled with money and investing.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to intriguing, mysterious, closed-off, powerful, and emotionally intense individuals.
May find interest in surgeons, doctors, researchers, mystics, sailors, and chemists, venus scorpio, cancer, pisces, capricorn and virgo.
Romantic Approach:
Takes love seriously, aiming to make their significant other happy even if not overtly romantic.
Signs of a crush may include slight rudeness or playful power games, seeking attention harmlessly
Tests partners to determine worth, with potential psychological challenges.
Struggles to trust, but deepens emotionally when in love.
Sensitive to your emotions, quick to notice when you're feeling down.
Focuses on understanding and meeting your love language needs, especially during challenging times.
Serious about love, dating can be challenging.
Needs a partner who understands the intensity of their passions, values trust, and avoids deception.
Loyal and committed once invested in a relationship.
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Air Signs: Seek innovators and intellectual connection in romance.
♒Aquarius Venus:
Impersonal, creative, original, universal, and shocking in matters of relationships, love, aesthetic, self-worth, and money.
Usually has a healthy, if not detached, self-worth.
May distance themselves from the concept of "the self," which could be psychologically challenging.
Friendly and may unintentionally flirt; aesthetic taste is intriguing, embracing individuality and the arts.
Finds beauty in dreamy, surreal colors like pastels and neons.
Enjoys music, visual arts, poetry, and activities involving the mind like video games.
Looks for love when feeling a lack of a true community and seeks one-on-one connections.
Dress style may be striking, eclectic, modern, or fitting a group aesthetic with a hint of a hippy flair.
Enjoys scents like the ocean, clean, light, breezy, and sweet aromas like cotton candy.
Appreciates complex and unique flavors for mental stimulation.
Good with money but prone to sudden spending sprees.
Preferences in Others:
Likes individuals who are aloof, idiosyncratic, distant, unattainable, intelligent, and humanitarian.
Attracted to musicians, scientists, researchers, astrologers/mystics, and philanthropists, venus in aquarius, gemini, libra, aries and saggitarius.
Romantic Behavior:
Cerebral about love but values its importance.
Indicators of interest are sporadic and confusing, ranging from acting like you don't exist to wanting to hang out.
Struggles with the balance between independence and craving companionship
Craves stability and loyalty despite a logical façade.
Expresses feelings through late-night texts, sharing thoughts they might hesitate to say in person.
Fickle in courtship; captivates with eccentricities.
Values freedom, loyalty, and stability; may become depressed without them.
Not particularly fond of dating and may see it as a waste of time.
In a relationship, seeks reliability paired with excitement and random, unexpected events.
Once committed, tends to stay, being a fixed sign.
♊︎Gemini Venus:
Charming, poetic, sociable, witty, and cunning in matters of self-worth, love, aesthetic, finances, and relationships.
Self-worth tied to communication skills and fitting into the community, needing to learn that being liked doesn't equate to true beauty.
Enjoys various creative pursuits, including dance, music, poetry, and a genuine love for conversation; may also have a fondness for sports.
Requires stimulation in a relationship, finds love more fun than necessary.
Trendy in fashion, stylish, adaptable to changing trends; values fashion as a form of communication.
Likes bright colors, especially various shades of blues, and tends to shy away from dark colors.
Enjoys a variety of food, likes to be intellectually engaged with what they eat, with a fondness for sour and childlike sweet foods.
Attracted to citrusy, sharp, and clean smells, such as fresh sheets.
Doesn't overly focus on money, invests well, and can be impulsive with hobbies or travel urges
Thrives on communication; requires mental stimulation.
Loses interest if not intellectually engaged.
Easily uses people for temporary connections until captivated elsewhere.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to intellectual, well-informed, sporty, suave, and aesthetically pleasing individuals; may appreciate the "wholesome person next door" aesthetics.
Finds PR people, librarians, professors, bosses, writers, actors, athletes, or local individuals attractive, compatible with venus in aquarius, gemini, libra, sagittarius & aries.
Romantic Approach:
Flirty, fun-loving, and eager in romantic relationships.
Displays goofiness or attempts to make the other person laugh when they have a crush.
Enjoys intellectual play and wants a partner who can match their quickness.
Thrives on humor, eureka moments, and engagement of the mind.
Enjoys the thrill of the chase but may grow bored with monotony; long-distance relationships can work well.
Loves learning about their partner, so keeping them guessing and engaged is crucial.
♎Libra Venus:
Harmonious, diplomatic, balanced, romantic, and idealistic in self-worth, money, love, and relationships.
Self-worth is influenced by how others treat them, seeking approval and universal love, but can struggle with feeling not good enough.
Needs to learn self-love and not rely solely on others for integral well-being.
Enjoys flirting and charm, finding exhilaration in social interactions and fun with potential mates and friends.
Naturally gifted in the arts, excelling in fashion, architecture, and textiles.
Actively looks for love, deeming it important and feeling lonely without it.
Ruled by Venus; loves beauty, luxury, comfort, and diplomacy.
Attracts potential partners effortlessly due to appealing qualities.Has varied color preferences based on cultural definitions of balance, avoiding reactions in people.
Trendy and hip in dressing, adapting to current aesthetics without growing overly fond of styles.
Enjoys bright, sunny smells like orange and mango, along with fruity, gentle, and sugary scents.
Adores sweet foods, indulges the senses, and may overspend on luxuries, requiring help in budgeting.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to polite, intelligent, artistic, and politically savvy individuals.
May find interest in lawyers, decorators, doctors, venus in libra, gemini, aquarius, leo and sagittarius.
Romantic Approach:
Ruled by social convention, enjoys romantic gestures seen in movies and media.
Can be passive romantically but enjoys playing cat and mouse games, flirting, and having fun, even if shyly.
Signs of a crush include compliments, offers to help, and extending invitations to social events.
Needs a fun, light, and very romantic partner to feel complete.
Values trust in friends and lovers, seeking someone to share both joy and dark times
May withdraw if harmony is disrupted; values care and nurturing.
Can harbor deep rage if pushed to the limit in a toxic relationship.
Communicates emotions through their eyes, conveying the depth of their love without words.
Enjoys the dating scene, finding joy in getting to know potential partners.
Dislikes crass or unpleasant partners who embarrass them.
Lives in a realm of pure ideals, exhibiting prince/princess charming-like qualities.
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xthescarletbitch · 22 days
bg3 ladies helping with chronic pain (x reader)
sfw, but i still prefer no minors
cw: gn!reader, chronic pain mentions, fluff!!
word count: 1000+ (each is roughly 250-300)
author's note: no, i haven’t finished the game yet, but pain has been kicking my ass lately, and i was curious about how the ladies would react if their partner had chronic pain. self-indulgent? maybe. (and i realize everybody has different experiences; these are just based on my own.) enjoy. <3
it takes lae’zel some time to understand the concept of chronic pain, but she tries her best to comprehend it for you. at first, she struggles with the idea because she thrives on the pain she feels from battle, but she soon realizes that it is not the same as the pain you feel. with the realization comes a more gentle lae’zel, one who just wants to take some of the pain away from you, at least for a little bit. lae’zel considers many different ways to aid you when you’re having a particularly hard time, and she feels that the best approach is to get you moving, if you are able to. she has had good results in the past by working her body to help ease some of her pain, so she only hopes for the same results with you.  lae’zel happily and patiently guides you through some exercises geared to your most painful areas. she comes to understand your limits and grants you some breaks, should you need them. during your breaks, she’ll provide you with a drink to hydrate and some comments about what you are doing good and what you can improve on. she also makes it a habit of checking in on you throughout the workout routine to see where you’re at and if she needs to increase or decrease the intensity. lae’zel is also really good at yoga and will show you the ropes with that as well. she’ll demonstrate the pose for you and then help you in getting into position, being sure to spot you if you need it. 
minthara may not understand chronic physical pain, but she gets the concept after some time with you. in the beginning, she’d question your outward symptoms because she assumed somebody had wronged you, or even outright hurt you. her first question was always: “who do i need to kill?” she was always fully prepared to murder the person responsible for your pain, not knowing that it was just something that happened to you. as mentioned before, minthara does eventually come to understand how and why the pain presents for you. she notes how debilitating the pain can become for you and figures that the best way to help is to try to distract you from your pain. oftentimes, that includes doing things with you, like reading her various texts or simply telling you her own stories. when this happens, she has your head laid on her chest as she runs her fingers through your hair, trying to bring some more comfort with her touch. using more of her touch, minthara will offer to massage the areas hurting you the most. she gets the best oils from baldur’s gate to use on you, ensuring that you get the best treatment. she takes her time to work the stress from your body and finds moments like those to be so intimate.  it’s also important to note that minthara is extra protective of you when you are in pain. she just wants you to lay back and relax, taking no company besides her until you’re better. she’d also still keep the option of murder open for you if that would make you feel better.
shadowheart is probably the one who understands your pain the most. she is afflicted with her own form of chronic pain and knows just how difficult life can be when you’re juggling that and other things. for her, your company and affection are enough to make her symptoms feel manageable, so she wants to provide the same for you. she is more than willing to be there for all of your most painful moments and try to help you as much as she can. sometimes, this help can be in the form of healing spells that she caters to your affected areas. she’ll take the time to allow her hands to roam your body, touching the areas that are bothering you so that she may bring you a moment of relief. and during those moments, she’ll check in on you and make sure you’re doing alright.   once her spells have been cast, shadowheart wants nothing more than to just hold you tight in her arms. she really feels for you—she knows it hurts, and she wants you close to her so that she can heal you as best she can. you will receive a lot of kisses. maybe she’ll even cast another spell on you to get you to relax in her arms, aiming to further lull you to sleep with some of her affirmations and declarations of her affection for you.  shadowheart’s ultimate goal is to show you that she is there for you through it all, even the bad moments when you may lash out at her due to the amount of pain you’re in. she wants you to know that she understands, and she loves you regardless. you are her catharsis, and she wants to be yours. 
karlach gets it; pain can be such a harrowing experience. and, like shadowheart, she wants to be there with you through it all, whether she understands every bit of it or not. dedicated is one way to describe this tiefling who will do just about anything to help you out in your worst moments.  karlach’s first resort is to always become a living heating pad for you, available to provide heat for any area of your body. you could just lay right on top of her, and she’d be happy, using her hands to rub up and down your back, paying special attention to the areas that hurt you the most. it’s a form of cuddling that she cherishes deeply because she is able to take something malicious from you.  if you just wanted to lay on your back, that’s fine with karlach, too. she’ll use her warm hands to apply heat to the affected areas, staying as long as you need her to. should you want her to, she’s even willing to provide massages to your tense areas. that, with the combination of heat, makes for an excellent treatment.  and it’s good to note that as soon as karlach knows you’re in pain, she’s canceling all of your plans; you’re not going anywhere. she’ll have no arguments about it, either. she’ll convince you to stay in bed to soak up all the rest you can. she’ll take care of whatever needs to be done for you, and afterward, she’s all yours. she can also be like minthara and be protective of you; she doesn’t want you to lift a finger until you feel better. 
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quack-quack-snacks · 8 months
Flaming Hearts
My Navigation and Masterlist
Pairing(s): Void Stiles x Phoenix!Fem!Reader Summary: You were always treated like an outcast by the pack. When the nogitsune takes over Stiles's body, he shows you how good being the outcast can feel Warnings: smut, pwp, mean McCall pack, EXTREME OVERSTIMULATION, fingering, cunnilingus, praise kink (tehe), eye contact, vaginal penetration, masochistic Void (kinda for like half a scene), sweet Void, commentary during the deed which is lowkey cringe in some spots my bad y’all, cervix fucking, unprotected sex, reader is not on birth control, Void lowkey baby trapping reader, a lil manipulation but like not bad, updated to have no use of (y/n), I think that’s it lmk if there's more. MINORS CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU KNOW THE WARNINGS YOU’VE READ THEM A THOUSAND TIMES. Word Count: 10,086
This was a very self-indulgent fic and I’m not sorry.
Pt 2 will be linked here when done.
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(GIFs are by @scuddish thank you scuddish for your wonderful contribution)
Life was cruel, but it made up for it with gifts.
You were new in town, a transfer student, living in a single bedroom apartment that was provided for you by your mother as well as helped by the government of Beacon Hills. You’d felt a calling to be here for the longest time and you were relieved your mom let you go. All throughout the first two weeks of your time attending the new school, you were desperately searching for friends or somewhere to fit into with no luck. On one extremely anxious day, you escaped your class to go to the girl’s locker room and break down there.
Until you saw two boys in there. The shock of two boys being in the Female locker room was enough to shake you out of your panicked state and make you wipe the tears from your eyes. With your vision no longer blurred, you could see the claws on his hands and the intense sideburns and fangs.
When once brown eyes turned a bright glowing amber, your body decided that was too much.
And you fainted.
The pack took you in after that - almost as an apology for making you faint - and allowed you to join their group since you knew about the supernatural now. They let you sit with them, invited you to sleepovers - Allison and Lydia mostly but Scott and Isacc surprisingly asked once. You were so happy to finally find a place that you fit in.
Except they never really let you join completely. No trust other than friendly-non supernatural related matters trust was placed in you despite the continuous ways you proved yourself. Being human, you were outcasted in the group of outcasts. Stiles was human but he was the brains. He discovered things no one else could, he was the detective of the group.
You were more like an emotional support human that was only needed like 2% of the time.
Noah Stilinski, the sweetheart that he is and despite his son’s deepest complaints, took over your living situation and let you stay with them for the year while you attended school at Beacon Hills.
Perfect fucking precious Stiles. He was infinitely the worst one in the group. At first he just avoided you at all costs until his dad decided to room you in the same house as him. Ever since, he’d been sending you glares anytime you were in his visibility and would blame you for the simplest of things despite obviously being the cause of them. He was so hard to get along with. Seeing how he acted around everyone else besides you and how everyone else acted around each other made everything worse. You knew you couldn’t leave because of Noah’s insistence to stay here and your mother not paying for housing anymore since she knew of your improved situation.
You also didn’t want to leave. You didn’t want to leave these people. The only friends you can remember having. Those who, despite how they cast you out, have treated you decently well, at the very least sometimes, and took you in at your most vulnerable moment.
Stiles just seemed to hate you for whatever reason.
You sighed as you walked through the front door to the Stilinski household. A sigh escaped your mouth as the door closed behind you.
You called out into the house to let anyone home know of your presence. “I’m back!”
The house was eerily quiet and no response hit your ears. You shrugged it off with the thought of all occupants just being out and were a bit relieved you could have the house to yourself for a bit. They barely let you off on your own. Even now when you spent your time out of the house, you were accompanied by Lydia.
You shrugged your rain coat off your shoulders and took off your muddied boots, not wanting to track it into the house and have an excuse for Stiles to hate you even more. Your bones ached from the long day, having been running around all day trying to do whatever you could to help find Stiles. He had been missing for a while and the group barely filled you in on what was happening, just giving you the quick and vague summary about a nogitsune and a missing Stilinski.
With a sigh, you plopped down onto the living room couch and leaned your head on the back cushion. Your eyes closed and you took a moment to just listen to the quiet around you, the only sound the pitter patter of the pouring rain on the roof and windows. It was calm, peaceful even. You couldn’t remember a time where your life wasn’t a chaotic mess since meeting the pack. You sunk more into the cushions and pulled your knees to your chest while grabbing the TV remote and switching it to your favorite channel.
It was all so dark. So dark yet so comforting. Calloused fingertips caressed your forehead and brushed the hair out of your face. You could feel yourself being brought out of the heavenly ignorant bliss the darkness gave you and groaned in complaint. The fingertips stilled on your hairline, slowly retracting and you let out another sound of complaint.
A soft chuckle that sounded familiar but just out of reach for your sleep hazed brain echoed through the room. You felt yourself slipping back into the darkness when the familiar voice spoke.
“They don’t treat you very well do they, dove?”
Your eyes opened almost hesitantly and when you saw the voice’s face you gasped.
There he was. Stiles Stilinski in the flesh, and yet he seemed so different. His skin was paler, his eye bags sunken in and were a light purple. He looked… hot.
You shook that thought away the moment it popped into your head.
His hand, now resting on your cheek with a gentle grip, was feverish, almost to the point of uncomfort, but not quite.
And then you realized.
It was Stiles.
“Oh my god! Stiles what the hell?” You shot up to sit straight but his hand holding your cheek quickly traveled to your throat and he forced you back down, not holding enough to restrict air flow or hurt, but enough for you to get the message not to move. That and the glare he gave you. A sound of surprise sounded from your mouth unwillingly. “Um.” your eyes traveled from his unnaturally dark eyes to the wrist of the hand wrapped around your neck. “Okay, haha, you’re really funny but you can let go now.” You tried to laugh it off and deescalate the situation despite your growing weariness.
“Now why would I do that, when you look so pretty wearing my hand as a necklace?” He tilted his head and his eyes ran over your body slowly, seeing you shift under his gaze and his smirk growing with each movement.
“Wha- huh?” That was about all the words you could say, nothing coherent coming out of your mouth as you weren’t sure if you were flustered, annoyed, or turned on.
Maybe it was all three.
“Stiles, stop messing around. Everyone has been worried sick about you, they’ve spent the last 2 days searching for you nonstop. We need to call Scott and let him know you’re here and okay.” Although ‘okay’ doesn’t seem like the correct term. Sure, Stiles seemed unharmed, despite the obvious lack of sleep showing on his face - although that was relatively normal for him and his insomnia - but his tone, posture, and manners were way different. It almost seemed as if he had become a different person overnight.
He chuckled again, even his voice seemed deeper. Darker. “Oh I’m sure Scott knows exactly how I’m doing, considering I was at school earlier today. Oh… wait, they didn’t tell you, did they?” His face shifted into a mocking pout. “Poor little dove, outcast even in a place surrounded by people of supernatural abilities. The outcast of the outcasts. A fitting title don’t you think?” His words stung a little but it was nothing you yourself hadn’t already thought of. Him saying it just confirmed your thoughts.
“I mean, they don’t trust you at all. Despite everything you have put yourself through to prove yourself to them, they’ve just pushed it all to the side just because you’re different.” You were getting sick of him taunting you, just approving everything you’ve been telling yourself for the past two months. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and, fed up, you raised your hands to his wrist and tried to pry it off your neck. As soon as your fingers touched the skin of his hand - with a speed you barely saw - he removed his hand from your neck, using both hands to grab your wrists and pin them above your head to the couch’s armrest. He smirked at your dumbfounded expression and shocked stutters.
“You see, I’ve been watching it for a while now, the faltered smiles when one of them would make a comment to the group and cast you out. When they talked about their plans at lunch when you weren’t sitting with them yet and immediately shutting up when you got into ear shot. The way when even you don’t know, they are always following you, always watching. Making sure you were being a good girl.” He smirked once again and shifted your hands to be held by only one of his. The, now freed, hand forced your curled up legs to straighten and then he moved to straddle above you. You were pretty sure your eyes could just pop out of their sockets by how wide they were. His face dipped down and he pressed his nose to your jugular, his lips just barely touching your skin and lightly brushing against it when he talked again.
“But you’ve always been a good girl, haven’t you?” Your breath caught as his teeth lightly skimmed over your neck, canines feeling more elongated and sharper than normal. A shiver went down your spine as his tongue peeked out and slid up your neck until he was right next to your ear.
“Will you be a good girl for me now, dove?”
A whimper almost escaped your bite swollen lips at the pet name, your cheeks heating up and a warmth swirling in your core. “S-Stiles, what’s gotten into you?”
He growled and bit down on your neck harshly, making you release a yelp before it transformed into a muffled moan as he smoothed his tongue over it. “Don’t. Call me that.”
“Call you what? Your name?” You asked, so confused by everything that was happening. Confused on why Stiles was acting this way, confused by why he wouldn’t call Scott, confused on why now of all times your attraction to Stiles had to come out.
You’ve always thought Stiles was attractive. The muscles he hid underneath his baggy flannels, the short glimpse you would see whenever he took his lacrosse jersey off after practice or a game before heading to the locker rooms, and that pretty face that haunted your dreams. Now, it seemed the attraction was even worse because of this new arrogant, cocky, full of himself, and confident attitude. He wasn’t pretty anymore, he was bewitchingly hot.
It also didn’t help that something unmistakable was poking your lower stomach.
“That’s not my name.” He said before quickly positioning himself to be kneeling on the couch in front of you between your legs, your thighs wrapped around his waist and his clothed erection so close to your heat a soft whimper escaped your mouth against your will. He grabbed your neck again, forcing you to look him in the eyes as he smirked and jutted his hips forward.
A gasp that quickly turned into a moan left you and you struggled against his grip on your hands as your cheeks heated, embarrassed by the sounds you were making. You didn’t necessarily want him to stop, you just wanted to cover your mouth so no sound would come out.
As if he could read your thoughts, he spoke. “Oh no no. You’re not going to hide those pretty little noises from me. In fact,” he leaned his face in close, your noses touching and lips inches apart. “I’ve decided I’m going to make you unable to stop making them.” His lips met yours as he thrust his clothed sex against yours again, swallowing the moan that left your mouth. He grinded against you, teasingly slow and you could feel his lips turning into a grin as you tried to quiet your whimpers and moans.
Just as his hand managed to unbuckle your pants, your phone rang from the kitchen counter. Stiles broke the kiss and stared at you with an outraged and lust filled look. He let you get up to go answer the phone with an eye roll.
It was Scott.
“Hey Sco-”
His frantic voice panically calling your name cut you off. “Where are you?”
“Uh, I’m… at home? Or- shit, not my home, the Stilinski home.”
A short sigh of relief was heard through the phone. “Okay, good. Stay there. Lock the doors and windows, do not let anyone in. Absolutely no one, do you understand me? No one! Not until we tell you it’s safe.”
“Scott, it's a bit late for that. Stiles came home a while ago, I’m not sure when bu-”
“Stiles is with you?” Scott’s voice yelled through the phone and you winced before replying.
“Yeah we’ve been… in the living room for the past 20 minutes or so.”
“Get the hell out of there,” Scott said sternly with a bit of fear and anxiety mixed in.
“What? Why?”
His voice broke a little as he spoke your name with a fearful tone. “That’s not Stiles.”
A hand landed over your mouth just as you were about to say something else while another gently took the phone from your grasp. The shock and slight fear of the situation took over both your flight and fight senses, leaving freeze as the only option. Stiles, or not-Stiles, brought the phone up to his ear as Scott shouted through it, his every word stated clearly despite being heard through the phone when not on speaker.
“Sorry, Scottie. Why don’t you call back later? Your girl's a little busy right now.” With that, he hung up.
You turned around slowly only to have Stiles, or not-Stiles, standing inches away from you with a massive evil grin shaping his face. You took a step back only to realize you had no room because of the kitchen counter. Not-Stiles took a single step forward and then grabbed the counter on either side of your body, trapping you. He stuck his face into your neck again, breathing deeply before speaking.
“And here I was wanting to drag it out for a while longer.” He leaned back and looked you straight in the eye with the most genuine smile you had seen from him all night, if not ever. “But alas, not today.” He raised his hand and swiftly brought it down to a pressure point on your neck, knocking you out instantly and catching you with a soft grip as you fell. “Until next time, dove.”
A violent shake and iron tight grips on your biceps violently woke you up, Allison standing above your lying position on the Stilinski couch and looking at you with frantic panicked eyes that calmed when she saw you awaken.
“Oh thank god. You had me worried for a moment there.” She grabbed your hand and lifted you more harshly than you would have liked and you rubbed your wrist when she turned away. “Something’s going on. We need to go to Scott’s house, everyone is already there waiting for us.”
You knew better than to ask any questions. They would tell you what they would tell you and nothing more.
Looking around for your phone, you noticed it was nowhere to be seen and you remembered the events of last night.
Last night…
It had been a whole night since you had seen him. Since Scott had called.
Did they really take a whole night to come see you? To make sure you were okay?
The car ride there was silent and you could feel your anxiety rising the more the silence dragged on. A breath of relief left you as you saw Scott’s house pull up. Allison rushed straight into the house, leaving you behind without a second thought and you rolled your eyes to hide the pain it caused you.
When you entered the house, the chattering from the pack in the kitchen stopped abruptly and they all looked at you. Scott hesitated before he took a few steps toward you and brought you into an awkward hug.
“I’m glad you’re okay. We were all worried.”
You looked around once he let you go and almost scoffed. Oh yeah, they all look really worried. Didn’t have enough time to send someone over to make sue I was alive but they’re so worried.
Over time, they casted you out more and more and became more distant. You were completely left in the dust. Not even just for supernatural matter. Lydia and Allison stopped inviting you for sleepovers; Scott and Isaac stopped having lunch with you outside underneath the apple tree near the lacrosse field; Stiles, funnily enough, was the only one who stayed the same, if not lessened up on the glaring.
You heard a soft speaking from behind you and whipped around to see a sight that made you gasp.
There was Stiles. He was sitting on the couch with a piece of black tape covering his mouth with Melissa sitting next to him, her head in her hands. His eyes shone brightly when he caught sight of you and he tilted his head slightly to the side in a way that made you shift. It was like yesterday’s events were playing on repeat in his eyes and you couldn’t look away.
“I think it’s time we filled you in.” Scott said from behind you and it brought you out of the trance like state Stiles/Not-Stiles had you in.
“Yeah, you’re goddamn right it is.” You said and crossed your arms over your chest. Scott looked slightly shocked at your behavior and scratched the back of his neck. Just as he was about to open his mouth, you interrupted him. “Don’t even. I am getting so sick of how you all treat me. I have proven myself over and over again and you all just refuse to believe that I am on your side. What do I have to do for you to trust me? Do I need to sacrifice a lamb for you to trust me, oh my Lord Jesus Christ?” The last sentence was uttered with as much sarcasm as you could muster. Your outburst left everyone temporarily paralyzed in shock - as you had barely ever raised your voice at them - before a loud, albeit muffled, cackle interrupted the odd silence. You didn’t even have to turn around to know the Stiles imposter was looking at the show with mirth filled eyes.
“We- we never meant-” Scott started.
“Oh shut up, now is not the time for your excuses. Not to mention you practically left me for dead last night after you called, Scottie.” You spat his name out with a venom coated tongue as you interrupted him again and rolled your eyes. “Just fill me in on whatever the hell has happened to Stiles so we can all move on in our lives.”
He nodded and started to tell you everything about the nogitsune, how he had taken over Stiles, how he had stabbed Scott, how he almost killed Kira. By the end of the story you were surprisingly not even phased, whether that be because your mind was used to everything being crazy in your life while involved with the pack or how you just didn’t care. It’s not like they ever treated you that well, sure they were your friends but they were your friends by convenience and force, not choice.
And Void, that is what the nogitsune possessing Stiles’ body was called, well, he was just something else. The events yesterday may be shifting your bias but it was undeniable. You had felt an attraction like never before during those short and blissful moments. It didn’t even feel like Stiles. You know that even if Stiles had ever done something like that, he would never have had the confidence like Void did. And it was a feeling that made you squirm in your seat on the kitchen stool.
The hairs on the back of your neck prickled and you risked a glimpse behind to see Void already glaring into your eyes, his eyes darkened by a feeling you could only describe as complete and utter desire.
He wanted you. And if the chance were to come, who were you to deny him?
After 10 minutes of trying to figure out a plan and speaking in hushed tones to avoid Void hearing, Lydia had given in and called someone, you didn’t know who but it seemed everyone else did.
Once again they left you out. Even after you lectured them about how much they did that.
More waiting happened until the bang of the front door being slammed open interrupted your increasingly anxious thoughts. With a too gleeful expression for the situation on his face, the one and only Peter Hale stood in the doorway with his arms opened in a grand gesture.
You all gave him a deadpan stare.
He rolled his eyes and walked up to all of you, more specifically, to you. He tilted his head as he noticed your eyes. You turned your head to control yourself. When you were anxious, or just feeling any strong emotion, your eyes seemed as if the irises caught on fire. They were frighteningly beautiful.
And you hated them.
As your heart steadied and you raised your head back to the group again, Peter’s interested gaze had shifted away from you and to Lydia with a knowing look before walking to Stiles. As he crouched in front of him and inspected his state of being, he spoke. “He doesn’t look like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf.” You assumed Lydia already filled him in on what the situation was and what the plan was.
“You don’t think it would work?” Scott asked anxiously as he picked at the skin around his fingers.
“This is more a war of the mind than the body.” Peter stood back up to his full height. “There are better methods to winning this battle.” The mischievous glimpse in his eyes made you worried about what these ‘better methods’ were.
“What methods are you thinking of?” the veterinarian, Deaton, asked, his expression also showing concern.
Peter turned to face the rest of you. “We’re going to get in his head.”
As soon as he said that, he walked toward Lydia and roughly grabbed her by the elbow. With her being right next to me, you instinctively reached out and grabbed the wrist attached to the hand holding her. Peter’s loud unbridled yelp of pain made you rip your hand off him and he cradled his wrist as you caught a glimpse of it.
It was completely scorched.
Your face morphed into one of horror as your eyes flicker between the burn marks on his wrist that were, thankfully, already healing and the ashes on your palm.
“Oh my god! What did you do?” Lydia screamed at you and panicked as she grabbed Peter's arm, careful not to touch the wound.
“I- I didn’t- I don’t-” You kept trying to speak but your mind was panicking and your body was overwhelmed with shock and fear. Fear of yourself.
“It’s quite alright Lydia.” Peter said after a second when his hand had healed for the most part, it seemed the wound looked much worse than it actually was and all that remained was a red handprint and some ashes.
“I-I’m so sorry, I-I don’t know what happened.” You held the hand you used to your chest as if to protect everyone else from it. Deaton walked up from behind you and put his hand on your shoulder before flinching away.
“Your skin is burning. Scott, get her some ice.” Scott rushed to the fridge and brought out an ice pack. He practically shoved it into your hands before pulling his hand away quickly. He tried to hide it but his eyes showed fear.
It hurt, seeing them all looking at you like that. They tried to hide it but they looked at you the same way they looked at Void. They looked at you like you were a monster.
The ice pack in your hands was such a contrast to your burning skin that it forced your brain to focus on its contrasting temperature until you realized it was melting through your palms. You quickly hid your hands and the melted plastic of the ice pack in your pockets before anyone could see.
Anyone besides the boy sitting on the couch that is.
Peter reached for Lydia again, slowly this time and much gentler than before. You didn’t even look at them as they walked away, choosing instead to just stand there with your eyes focused on the hand you burned the man with.
After a while, they came back to the group and you all migrated to the couch where Stiles sat. You avoided his eyes like the plague, knowing they were zoned in on your every move and smiling in delight when he knew he’d gotten to you with just his mere presence.
Lydia was seated on one end of the couch, Void the other, with Scott standing behind the couch in the middle of them. Peter moved Scott’s fingers to align with the correct place to connect them all into Stiles’ mind palace.
“So what do we do if we do find him?” Scott asked.
“You’re going to have to guide him out somehow…” Peter replied vaguely which caused Scott and Lydia to both become increasingly annoyed and you rested your elbows on your knees before holding your head in your hands.
“Could you elaborate on ‘somehow?’ It’s not feeling very specific at the moment.” Lydia sighed with a slight roll of her eyes.
Peter shrugged, “Improvise.”
“Mm. Improvise he says.” you muttered under your breath but everyone ignored you.
Everyone except the murderous brown eyes burning a hole through your skull.
“What if this is just another trick?” Scott worried.
The grown wolf groaned in annoyance and exasperation. “When are you people going to start trusting me?”
You scoffed, thinking the exact same thing.
Scott’s eyes flickered between you and the hyena before he said, “I meant him.” And pointed to the possessed body on the couch. You finally raised your gaze to watch the scene unfold and felt your heart settle into your lower region when you saw Void. His head leaned against the back of the couch, tilted to the side as his eyes were focused on you, an enchanting and hungry look settling in his eyes as they gazed at you. He gave you a slow once over and everything around you tuned out as you felt your body heat up and pool in your panties. You could tell, if the black tape covering his lips was off, he would be sporting a very arrogant smirk.
A synchronized gasp from all three members near the couch broke your gaze with him as his eyes closed and his head fully fell against the back of the couch, face now facing the ceiling.
You almost stood up to go to him before a sigh from Peter faltered your movements and he spoke.
“Now we wait.”
And wait you did. It seemed like time was not in your favor when everything your life had become to know as normal was at stake. It couldn’t have been more than 30 minutes, but to you?
It felt like hours.
Blood dripped down Lydia’s nose and Peter ran up to her, shaking her as he screamed at her to concentrate and that she was stronger than this.
Personally, you couldn’t draw your eyes away from Void. His breathing was soft, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down when he swallowed and chest rising and falling with each inhale and outhale.
Meanwhile another Hale was pissing you off.
Just as you were about to call him out for being too loud, A collective gasp from the two non-possessed members near the couch once again interrupted you.
Melissa rushed toward Lydia to help her and Scott took a few deep breaths before focusing all his attention to the Stiles look-alike. “Did it work?” He asked frantically. You sighed and rested your head against your knees, arms wrapping around your shins to hug yourself in disappointment, the anticipation disintegrating into the thin air.
“What happened? Why didn’t it work?” Lydia stood up quickly and rushed to Peter, demanding answers he evidently couldn’t provide.
“Because it’s not science, Lydia, it’s supernatural.” Peter sighed before grabbing her arm and pulling her toward him menacingly and they spoke in hushed whispers before Void shot forward onto his knees to the floor.
Like a circus act, a seemingly unending length of fabric spit from Void’s mouth and he used both hands to pull it out. Unnerving moments went by as everyone watched before all the scarf-like material was out of his mouth and he scrambled back to sit on the couch again, panting with his head resting against the cushion and his eyes closed.
There was clattering and yells to the side but you just stood carefully and walked to where Stiles was sitting on the couch. You sighed in nervousness before touching his shoulder softly and attempting to comfort him since all the others of the pack were focused on the clump of fabric behind you.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay, everything will work out. Just calm down.” You went to pull your hand away as his breathing slowed but he reached up and grabbed it with a speed non-human. Your heartbeat started rising again as the realization dawned on you.
He opened his eyes and looked at you with a smirk and heavy lidded eyes. “You’re right dove.” He tugged on your hand and you fell forward into him, his free arm wrapping around your waist aggressively. Or was it possessively? “Everything will work out.”
You awoke in a cold concrete walled room, the only warmth over you being your clothes and a soft woven blanket that did a surprisingly good job at staving off the chill. A soft padded queen size mattress with no support laid underneath to separate you from the frigid floor. You couldn’t remember passing out but you knew exactly where you were.
Or rather, who you were with.
Getting a sense of deja vu, calloused fingertips traced over your forehead to your hairline before going back again in a figure 8 pattern.
Your heart beat rose and his fingers trailed from your forehead to your neck, right over your pulse. You opened your eyes and looked at him where he sat; he looked genuinely happy, in a sick, twisted way. Despite how comforting the smile was, it sent shivers down your back that you couldn’t tell were pleasant or not.
“Hi dove.”
His voice broke you out of the trance his hypnotizing eyes put you under every time. You sat up quickly and scooted away from him, falling off the bed - luckily not falling down far because of how low the mattress was to the ground - and looked at him with conflicted thoughts and emotions.
He looked faux surprised and hurt by your actions, standing up and walking toward you as you scrambled to your feet to get away from him. “What’s wrong? You were so enthusiastic about it earlier, what changed?” You gasped as your back hit the concrete of the wall and he cornered you, one hand going to rest against the wall next to your head and the other holding your waist under your shirt. His fingers against your skin felt incredibly hot compared to the cold seeping through your shirt from the wall. He leaned in to speak again and his breath hit your lips with every word. “I promise I won't bite.”
He leaned into your neck but didn’t touch you, only letting you feel the heat emanating from his body but not the skin. He took a deep breath in and you had to bite your lip and clench your eyes shut to stop yourself from falling to his feet.
It hadn’t gone away. The undeniable urge to just jump his bones and feel more of that pleasure he seemed so willing to offer.
“But of course, it's no fun if you don’t consent…” he leaned back and the hand that was previously on the wall next to your head traveled to your neck which he tilted upwards to lengthen your neck and looked at you with a smirk and hungry eyes ready to devour you. “So why don’t you be a good girl and tell me how much you want this,” he leaned in and his lips brushed against your ear as he spoke, “I can practically hear you throbbing.”
A soft whimper left you when his hand on your waist drifted to tug your pants down the slightest bit but never went farther without you answering. A few moments of silence passed, only interrupted by your soft pants, and he sighed in disappointment, his grip on your neck and waist slowly being removed.
Your eyes shot open from their closed state, you didn’t stop to think about when they had closed, and you grabbed his hands before they could leave your body. He looked at you expectantly and you opened and closed your mouth like a fish a few times before answering him with a soft and whispered: “I want it.”
His grip returned to your skin but his hand tugging your pants traveled back to your waist to draw little shapes there, tickling you just the slightest bit. “Oh dove, I’m proud of you for trying, but that’s not what I want.” His hand around your throat tightened pleasantly. “I want you to beg.”
Your eyes widened and you forced your cheeks to cool and swallowed your pride.
“Please?” You tried, weakly.
“Oh I know you can do better than that. Try again.” He didn’t say it as a suggestion.
With a deep breath and your hand, still around the wrist grabbing your neck, tightening, you did what he wanted.
You begged.
“Please, please I want it. I do, please, just… just do something, please! Anything! Please… P-please.”
He had a pleased smirk on his face as he leaned in so you were only a few inches apart. You could feel his breath on your neck with every exhale.
“How much do you want?” He taunted.
“Everything. Whatever you'll give me.” You told him with a tone of desperation.
He smirked and looked at you approvingly before crushing his lips against yours in a brutal kiss that sent you to cloud 9. Your hands traveled to his hair and you pulled on it roughly as you kissed back with just as much fervor. You felt him groan into the kiss and you grinned, but it soon faded as a moan formed when he pressed his fingertips to your core through your pants.
“My, my. All this just from kissing? You flatter me.” He spoke against your lips in a low tone. You knew exactly what he was talking about. You were absolutely soaked. The moment he started walking toward you, you felt the warmth in your core building and it hadn’t stopped since. Your head fell back against the wall and Void kissed down your neck to your collarbone, leaving bruises and hickeys in his wake. Applying more pressure, he dragged his hand up your core, pausing momentarily to draw tiny intense circles to your clit before using his hand to skillfully undo the buttons and pull your pants down. He broke the kiss to kneel down before you and look you straight in the eyes as he dragged the pants down your legs excruciatingly slowly. You hadn’t noticed previously but now realized your shoes were gone.
Who would’ve thought Void wouldn’t want dirty shoes on the mattress. Huh.
He stood back up to his full height and looked down at you as he rubbed your heat over your panties. He studied every expression you made and committed them to memory. His expression soon changed to one of annoyance, angry at the lack of skin to skin contact between the two of you. He ripped the undergarment into pieces before taking a step back to strip off his shirt. He paused just as he was about to step to you again.
You squirmed under his gaze as he gave you a long once over and his eyes stopped on yours. Another emotion in his eyes, one you couldn’t quite recognize, clouded over his lust temporarily. “What?” You asked self consciously and moved your hands to cover yourself, thinking he didn’t like your body.
Before your hands could even reach past your hips, he reached out and grabbed each wrist, ignoring your shocked gasp and pinned them against the wall beside your head. “Don’t ever fucking do that again. You’re insecure? You don’t think you’re attractive?” He taunted angrily. He pressed his lower body into yours, his rather large, clothed, erection pressing to your bare clit as he grinded it into you. You moaned and he leaned into your neck again, being much rougher than he was a minute ago. “Ya feel that? That is all you dove. You fucking did that to me. You do that to me wearing baggy clothes and no makeup. You do that to me fresh out of bed in the morning with your hair in knots. You’re doing that to me right now, trapped between me and the wall, a silly shirt covering your divine breasts and nothing else.” He bit down on your shoulder hard enough to draw blood and you let out a loud moan. “You’ll take responsibility for it soon enough.” He arranged your hands to touch and he grabbed them both with one hand, the other sliding down, spending time to caress your breasts and pinch your nipples through the thin shirt fabric. He moved lower and lower until he reached your heat and thrust two fingers in with no warning. Without even letting you adjust, not that you really needed to with how wet you were, he started pounding his fingers into you. You started moaning uncontrollably and struggled to get out of his grip to hold onto something. He humored you and released your hands. Immediately they fell to his shoulders and then wrapped around his neck to pull his face into your neck where he started to leave his love bites. He grabbed the back of your right thigh and lifted it, wrapping it around his waist which allowed him to hit deeper. With every thrust, he curled his fingers and they hit you right in your pleasure spot.
Soon enough you could feel a knot forming in your stomach. It built and built and you warned Void about what was incoming.
“Oh that’s right, cum on my fingers dove. Let me know who makes you feel this good. Stiles could never fuck you like this. He could never bring you to such pleasure. To the point where your every bone quakes and sings in an overwhelming amount of pleasure that I alone am giving you.” His grip on your waist tightened to the line bordering between pain and pleasure just as his thrusts sped up to a pace faster than you believed even possible.
And you did just that. Your bones really did quake and sing with pleasure. Your body writhed and you thrust yourself against Void’s fingers, grinding yourself through your orgasm despite him not slowing down and riding you through too.
Your orgasm slowed down to a stop and you took a deep breath before another loud and unrestricted moan released during your exhale and you noticed Void had yet to stop or even slow down.
“Ah, st-slow do-down-! It’s-ah-it’s too much!” You begged and yet he just smirked and increased his pace.
“Oh sweetheart, isn’t this what you wanted? You told me you wanted everything, you wanted all of it.” You swallowed in a lust filled fear as he smirked even wider. “So darling, you are going to take all of it.”
He led you on to another orgasm by his fingers alone. Your puffy clit was begging for attention after being neglected for so long. When you reached your high, he slowed down and pulled his fingers out. You bit the inside of your cheek to stop from whining at the emptiness. He brought his fingers to his lips and stared you straight in the eyes as he brought them into his mouth and moaned at the taste.
You blushed and tried to look away until his free hand came up to grab your jaw roughly and force you to face him as he licked and sucked at his fingers, prolonging your embarrassment.
When he was satisfied with how much embarrassment he could feel radiating off you, he pulled his fingers out of his mouth with a pop before he grinned. His hands gently placed themselves on each of your hips and he leaned in until your lips barely grazed each other’s.
“That little taste just makes me want to have more. Which reminds me, I haven’t had my dinner yet. Do you mind?” You tried to lean forward and kiss him but he just leaned his head back until you gave an answer. You nodded your head no and he grinned.
“There’s my good girl.”
He leaned in and kissed you softly, so softly it distracted you from the hands on your hips traveling to your butt and quickly lifting you to wrap your legs around his waist. Without moving his feet an inch, the wall behind you suddenly disappeared and he threw you down onto the queen bed mattress. You landed with a small bounce.
You looked at him in shock and confusion but he just grinned and winked.
Teleportation. Huh. Must be a nogitsune thing.
He kneeled down in front of the bed and ripped your shirt off before grabbing your thighs to bring you to the edge. You yelped and stared as he lifted your legs over his shoulders, the backs of your knees curving over them. He gave another little wink before diving in.
You moaned as his lips finally gave attention to your clit and a shock of pleasure swarmed through your veins. Your head fell against the mattress and your eyes clenched shut when the euphoria became too much to your, still sensitive, core.
A loud slap and the stinging on your outer thigh caused you to flick your eyes open and look at the man between your legs.
“The next time you look away from me I will edge you for three new moons.” He spoke right against your cunt and you could feel the vibrations surging through your clit. With a moan, you nodded and adjusted yourself to lean on your elbows and look at him. He brought his tongue out to lick a long stride up your cunt and collected your slick in his mouth before going straight back into his meal.
You had no doubt he would stay true to his word if you looked away, so you kept your eyes firmly on him, despite every protest in your veins to close your eyes when it became too much.
When the coil in your gut built up again, he could feel you approaching your orgasm and looked you right in the eyes. You blushed and were so tempted to look away but he tightened his grip on your thighs in a warning.
You came again for the third time. You tried your best to keep your eyes on him but they fluttered shut every few seconds as he kept licking and sucking at your overstimulated clit.
When he seemed satisfied two mind blowing orgasms later, he climbed up your body, one of your legs falling to surround his waist while the other he kept suspended over his shoulder.
“You did so well. You’re such a good girl, following orders with no questions.” He kissed you and you could taste yourself on his tongue. “They don’t deserve you, they never did.” He murmured against your lips before his head traveled to the curve of your neck and shoulder.
He took his pants and boxers off in no time, rubbing the head of his cock through your slick folds and over your clit.
Your mind was racing with too many conflicting emotions to comprehend: want, fear, lust, panic. You looked down and saw him.
He was big. Bigger than any guy you’ve ever seen, not that that was many considering you were a virgin.
“I am going to ruin you. No one else will ever be able to make you feel the way I do. Every time you cum from this point on will be from my body, no one else's.” He spoke menacingly while he watched in awe as your overstimulated clit twitched whenever he ran the head of his dick across it. The mushroom tip of his cock caught along your entrance through every glide up and down until he stopped and pushed it fully in.
“Wait, wai-ngh!” You tried but got interrupted by your own moan when he thrusted all the way in to the hilt, his tip pressed against your cervix in a mind blanking way. The sting of the stretch was there but was completely oversighted by the immense pleasure that came with it. You gasped at the feeling and wrapped your arms around his shoulder to scratch at his back. His back quickly covered in nail marks and marks of ash and burned skin.
You gasped in horror at the unwilled release of your fire until he moaned loudly - filled with both pleasure at the pain and entrance of your slick walls. Any sounds he had tried to hide completely spilled out. “Shit, keep doing that d-dove. Mark me all you want. Make me yours. F-feels so good; you’re so tight. Are you a virgin or something? You’re squeezing me to death, I don’t know how much longer I can take with you so tight around me.”
You froze at the accusation and turned your head the opposite of his, not answering his question.
A sigh escaped you when he started leaving kisses on your neck, slowly dragging out of your entrance before entering back just as slowly. An elongated moan left your mouth when he hit a certain spot on his way back in.
“Oh it’s alright my sweet girl. This just means I’m able to take another thing Stiles has been longing for. If only I was able to take your first kiss too.”
You almost missed what he said when he snapped his hips into yours harder and you sputtered unintelligible words at the movement.
“He-agh-he what?” You asked him as he left a soft bite on your clavicle.
“Oh yeah, I don’t think there was a corner of his mind that wasn’t filled with the idea of you. Poor little Stiles couldn’t stop imagining you like this.” He mocked. “He would’ve fucked you with your chest to the bed and you ass sticking up all nice and pretty but I don’t think you’d like that, would you sweet girl?”
Your heart skipped as he rose to look into your eyes. “No, I don't think you would.” He roughly snapped his hips to yours again before putting on a mock sympathetic look. “You want them to look at you as you’re getting pleasure you’ve never before received.” Another harsh thrust and you moaned loudly which he silenced by sticking two fingers in your mouth and pressing down on your tongue. Your lips immediately wrapped around his and you grazed your teeth along the sensitive skin. He tasted like salt and your cum along with a hint of blood. “You want that skin to skin contact as they bring you within an inch of your life and back.” Another thrust. “You want someone to make love to you, no fucking around.”
You moaned especially loud at that. You didn’t want to lose your virginity for something that wasn’t going to mean anything. You’ve known Void for less than two days and yet you feel more connected with him than all the McCall pack combined. It seems he feels the same way from how he’s talking.
“I'm the one who took your first time, and I will be the one to look into your eyes as you receive the pleasure I am giving you; I will be the skin you feel against your own as I move inside you;” He paused for a second as he leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth, biting softly on the nub, and smiling as you whimpered in return. “I will be the one to make love to you.”
You grabbed the hand thats fingers were in your mouth and pulled them out before grabbing his cheeks between and pulling him into an aggressive kiss. You whimpered and moaned as he sped up, reaching deeper and deeper with every thrust. The hand that was once in your mouth traveled down your body slowly, smearing your saliva across your nipples as he played with them before settling against your clit. Just the slightest graze from his fingers made your spine arch up into his chest in anticipation and pleasure. He started rubbing figure eights into the pleasure bud, matching them with the pace of his thrusts.
Your lips opened in a moan and Void took the opportunity to shove his tongue against yours. He took control of the kiss instantly and rubbed his tongue along every inch of the inside of your mouth, exploring it like looking for treasure marked on a treasure map.
You tried to speak and warn him about your upcoming orgasm but you couldn’t drive his mouth away from yours, needing to breathe in through your nose every minute or so so you didn’t pass out. He pressed the fingers against your clit down harder as if to encourage you to cum and and you came beautifully. It was the most intense orgasm you’ve experienced tonight if not ever. Your body was shaking in exhaustion after the multiple orgasm you’d received within the last 30 minutes, or was it closer to 2 hours? You weren’t sure but honestly didn’t care. You could feel by the way Void broke the kiss and pushed his head into the crook of your neck along with the tensing of his back muscles that he was nearing his orgasm as well.
Then it occured to you, this whole time he was using no protection.
And you weren’t on birth control.
“N-no-agh-you gotta pull o-out. ‘Might get pre-ngh-pregnant. I’m not on birth c-control.” You focused all your energy on speaking despite the overwhelming overstimulating feeling of him driving his dick into your cervix and his thumb making you lose every thought that came to your head with his torturous but amazing touches.
He suddenly came to a complete stop inside of you. His dick twitched as the only sounds heard were your heavy breath and whines of complaint despite your better judgment.
“You’re not on birth control?” He asked into your neck, skimming his lips along your carotid artery.
“No.” You whispered.
You felt him grin that same evil grin you’ve seen before against your neck before biting down hard on your neck and withdrawing his hips from yours. You cried out at the feelings of pain and emptiness overflowing your senses.
“You don’t wanna have my babies, is that it?” He whispered into your neck with a tone that sounded almost heartbroken. You knew it was fake yet something in you just wanted to comfort him.
“N-no that’s not-”
He sat up abruptly, his cock now only half an inch in your entrance. The leg that rested on his shoulder fell to surround his waist with the other one and he sat back on his heels while grabbing your hips. His face looked so sad as he gazed down at you and yet his eyes seemed to hold a completely different emotion.
“Why not, dove? I’d give you everything.” His grip on your hips tightened and he slowly pulled your hips into his using only the strength of his arms. He slid back into you easily and his tip settled against a spot that had your eyes rolling into the back of your head and mouth opening in a low moan. Void grinned as he saw your reaction before returning to the pitiful look as he drew his hips back out again. His lips quirked up the slightest bit as you whined out. Pulling your hips into his roughly, he kept you there as you moaned louder. “I mean, if you really want me to stop…” He slowly started retreating out of your warmth as he trailed off before your arms wrapped around his neck.
“No!” You yelled before whispering almost like an echo, “No.” You breathed heavily in his ear, sputtering as you tried to get the next sentence out with his tip prodding against your cervix ever so delightfully. “Please don’t stop, y-you just can’t c-cum inside.”
He thrusted roughly into you again and your arms lost all strength as the mind blowing pleasure took over your mind. He repeated that cycle. Slowly pull out, roughly snap back in. Over and over and over. It made you whimper and cry out every time, wishing he would just bring you to the ecstacy you’ve been nearing instead of leaving you teetering on the edge of relief.
“Oh you feel so good baby, gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna cum.” He repeated like a mantra as his hips fastened and he pushed into you even harder.
Your mind was fogging over as you finally got the pleasure you needed to reach your orgasm. You barely had the strength to move your tongue and speak out your protests that were weakening by the second, you actually wanted his cum. You want it to be spilling out as you stand up, soaking your underwear as you walk around. You just were so scared of being pregnant. Your sister got pregnant when she was around your age. Your mother completely freaked when she found out and banished - yes, banished - her from the house forever.
Would Void stay? You still weren’t exactly sure what his intentions with you were. Was he going to kill you after this? Was he going to make you pregnant and leave you alone to raise the child on your own?
Apparently, Void could sense the onslaught of fear and panic creeping into your mind because he shoved his face into your neck and dug the pads of his fingers into your hips even harder. There was surely going to be a bruise the next coming day.
“Oh you’re going to look so good pregnant with my kids. God it just makes me so hard thinking about it. I wonder what they’ll look like, will they have your eyes or mine? God I hope they have yours so I can stare into them all day no matter where I am. This is the one thing I need to do to make you mine. You gonna let me make you mine, Dove? You gonna let me cum inside?” His pace slowed to a comforting, intimate pace. It brought you even closer to the edge just thinking he liked you enough to stay, maybe even loved you from how he was thrusting into you now.
You took a few moments to think about it before your mouth outran your thoughts. “Yes! Yes, Void, please. Please fill me up.”
He kissed your neck softly as his pace fastened again but still kept the intimacy from before. He pushed back the hood of your clit and started rubbing harshly on the overstimulated puffy bud of pleasure, making you lose all coherent thoughts and abilities to do anything but moan out his name. With a stuttered thrust, he pushed in all the way and came inside you. The feeling was enough to make you fall over the edge right with him. You both laid there in each-others arms while you tried to catch your breathing.
Void caught his a lot faster.
With a chuckle, and his dick as hard as when you started, he grabbed both of your legs, raising them so they were resting on his shoulders and he had you in the mating press and pressed your thighs against your breasts as he thrust into you with no reprieve. He pulled out of you before pushing back in, a torturously slow pace that made your body writhing and squirming. You gasped at the feeling and squirmed in his hold from the overstimulation. This new position made it so he hit your g-spot on every thrust in with no effort. As he brought one hand down to your clit again and rubbed so deliciously hard and slow, just like the pace he had set for his thrusts into you, you couldn’t take it anymore and came yet again. He had brought you to another orgasm in less than 2 minutes.
“Oh, you didn’t think we were done yet, did you, Dove? We have to make sure it sticks, don’t we baby? Gotta get you nice and knocked up with my kids. We can’t just stop now.”
With each slow thrust and the overstimulation, it didn’t take long before you came again and Void had the biggest smirk on his face as he watched you.
“V-void! P-ple-I can-can’t take anymore. I can't, I can't, I can't!”
He just laughed at you and your protesting words, capturing your hands that were weakly trying to push him away and forcing them to stay above your head where they were restricted of all movement. He pressed down even harder on your clit and you let out a yelp of a moan as you could feel another knot forming. “Darling, you don’t get to decide what’s too much. I'm in charge here, Dove, and you’re done when I say you’re done. You’ll take as much as I give you.”
His words turned you on so much more which surprised you as you didn’t think you could be any more turned on. You came once more and could tell by how Void’s face scrunched up in pleasure that he was reaching his limit as well. His dick pulsed inside of you, each vein had a throbbing heartbeat that struck so painfully good against your walls.
“One more, just one more, Dove. Give me one more.” He groaned out as he held his own orgasm back and rubbed rigorously at your clit while his pace increased to an unfathomable level. Finally, as you came yet again, Void released inside of you again.
He collapsed on top of you, his head landing on your chest, pillowed by your breasts. He sucked one of your nipples into his mouth as his slick fingers resumed their torture of your extremely overstimmulated clit. They rubbed slowly but it felt so much more intense than all the previous times that he had brought you pleasure. It burned in the best way possible.
“One more, come on, I know you have one more in you.” He encouraged, again. It seemed like he would just never stop.
He was utterly insatiable.
You came once more for the final time of the night and Void rewarded you with kisses scattered all across your chest for all of your efforts.
With your eyes barely able to remain open. and your limbs drained of any energy, Void looked at you with a soft look and gathered you in his arms. He grabbed the blanket that had been kicked off during the time of your… activities, and covered the both of you with it.
With his cock still deep inside of you, keeping everything he spent trapped within you, he whispered, “Good night, Dove,” and pressed a kiss to your temple. That night, you fell asleep wrapped in his arms, feeling more safe and at home than you have ever been before.
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Comparing you to their Ex-Girlfriend
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Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem! Reader; Suna Rintaro x Fem! Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: Angst to Comfort, the boys are MAJOR DICKS, swearing, alcoholism in Kuroos’, Kenma and Osamu taking their shots 😌, in Suna’s reader falls asleep in her car and it obviously looks weird but she’s just sleeping!
A/N: just me, being self-indulgent again 💅 I’m working on trying to improve my descriptive skills and I figured I’d share my attempts
You and Tetsuro had a great relationship. You had both worked hard to establish trust after your previously failed attempts at love. No relationship was perfect and you definitely had your fair share of troubles, often finding yourself disagreeing with your boyfriend over random things. You both had strong opinions and that was ok, you respected each other and made your relationship work.
Both you and Tetsuro worked long hours at your jobs. He was the sports promoter for Japan’s men’s volleyball and you worked hard in your chosen profession. While you had worked hard to establish a distinction between your home and work life, sometimes your boyfriend found it difficult.
He was always working, always scheming up new ways to bring awareness to the sport. His newest venture had been centered on creating an All Stars match featuring some of Japan’s finest players from all around the world.
You loved Tetsuro with your entire heart but you couldn’t help but feel second in his world at times. You understood how important it was to him and how hard he worked but you still struggled with sharing your boyfriend especially when he was at home.
You had been excited for the weekend, having planned an extravagant date for your and Tetsuro’s two year anniversary. He was coming home at 5 pm to shower and get ready, your reservations were set for 7pm at the cities hottest new restaurant. Your mutual friend, Kenma, had helped hook you up with reservations that were extremely hard to come by.
Everything was planned out perfectly, your outfit, makeup and hair were flawless. You had even splurged on a special lingerie set just for tonight. When 5pm rolled around and Tetsuro hadn’t showed up, you messaged him. You figured his meeting had run a little late but you weren’t too concerned. However, when 5:30 then 6 followed by 6:30 and 7 came you became extremely concerned. You hard called him a dozen times, text him well over that, concerned something serious might have happened.
At 7:45pm, the door finally opened as you shot up from your seat on the couch. You watched as your boyfriend strolled in, tie lose and looking exhausted. He set his briefcase down, before taking his shoes off and looking at you.
“Hey baby, sorry I’m late today was ridiculous! What’s for dinner? I’m starving,” he said, removing his tie and walking into your shared bedroom. You stared at him, completely flabbergasted by how he was acting. Had he really forgotten? This had to be some sick joke.
“Tetsuro,” you said as he hummed a response and walked out into the living room.
“Wow babe you look incredible! Did you have a work meeting today?” He said making his way to the kitchen, “are we ordering our tonight? I hope it’s from that dumpling place we got last week!”
You continued to stare at him, your eyes practically drying out from not blinking, “Tetsuro did you forget we were going out tonight?”
He stopped, turning and sighing, “YN I’m so sorry- my boss came into town and he wanted to see how the developments were coming along, I completely spaced it.”
“And you completely spaced answering your phone or at least letting me know you’d be late? I was worried sick Tetsuro!” You shouted, angry not only because your plans were ruined but because he didn’t even think to let you know about what was going on.
“YN it’s not that big of a deal, we can go out to that place anytime. I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he responded as he came closer, extending his arms as you backed away.
“No Tetsuro, you always promise me and you never deliver. I’ve been flexible, I’ve been accommodating because I know you love your job but it seems that I need to be volleyball shaped in order to get any attention!” You shouted as he narrowed his gaze on you.
“YN don’t you think you’re overreacting? You said it yourself, you how important this is to me,” he said as you stood there, mouth agape.
“Tetsuro, I’m asking for you to be a boyfriend to me, to give me a little time and affection and you think I’m over exaggerating?” You yell. You were so mad and you had every right to be. You stood there, staring at him as he shook his head and began to mumble, “speak up Tetsuro! I know you have something you want to say!”
“I never had this problem when I was with Ally! She knew how important my work was and she never bothered me like you do!” He spat out as you reeled back. How could he bring her up? How could he stoop so low as to bring up the one person who had made you fell inferior.
Ally was Tetsuro’s ex girlfriend and his first love. She had broken up with him right after college when she decided to move abroad. When you met him, he was heartbroken and you slowly worked to help mend what she had wrecked and now he had the audacity to bring her up?
You turned, grabbing your keys and your phone and began walking towards the door. You slipped on your heels, opening the door and leaving Tetsuro standing in the kitchen, absolutely stunned at what he had said. He hadn’t thought about her in so long, why did her memory come flooding back in that moment?
He heard the door close as his breath hitched, realizing you had left. “Fuck- FUCK!” He shouted as he quickly grabbed his keys and ran after you, only to find your car gone. He paced in your parking spot, hand pulling at his hair as the words sank in.
Meanwhile, you drove, mascara running freely down your cheeks as you sobbed and pulled up to an apartment building. Getting out, you walked up the stairs and hit the buzzer.
“Hello?” A voice answered
“K-Kenma, it’s Yn! Can I come up please?!?” You cried as the door buzzed and you ran into the building, Kenma meeting you at his door. You fling yourself into his embrace as he rubbed your back.
“YN are you ok? Is Kuroo ok? What happened?!?” Kenma said, panicked as you pulled away.
“He-he was late coming home and we were suppose to go out for dinner for our anniversary. When he came home, he completely forgot about our plans, saying some bullshit about his boss coming or something,” you blubbered out, “and when I confronted him, he got defensive and then- then he said how Ally would have never bothered him about his work!”
You cried harder as Kenma sighed and hugged you close. Kenma knew all about Ally and how she had broken Kuroo. He knew how much he had loved her and how broken he was when she left. He had spent many late nights up with his friend, talking him down from flying across the world for a girl who didn’t want to be with him or picking his friend up, wasted at the bar and puking because of the pain he felt.
However, all of that changed when Kuroo met you. You made him happy again, you made him smile and laugh more than anyone else ever had. Kenma remembers how the memory of Kuroo’s former love faded, and how it was replaced with the love for you. He knew Kuroo loved you more than life itself, but he couldn’t deny how stupid his friend had been.
“Come on in Yn, let’s talk ok?” Kenma said as you nodded and the door behind you closed.
Kuroo sat in your apartment, eyes red with tears as he cried. How could he do something so awful, say something so unforgivable to you? He thought back to before he met you and how he knew his relationship with Ally was ending. He thought about how she pulled away, saying “I love you” less and less until she finally told him she was leaving and wanted to end the relationship. He was so broken, so pained from the experience of losing his first love.
He drank to numb the pain, sometimes staying late at his office and passing out with a whiskey in his hands. He thought he’d never be able to find someone again. Then, like an Angel, you appeared at his office door. You were so beautiful, so incredibly perfect. It was like God himself had placed you there. You helped him pull himself out from the drinking, from the self-loathing into loving himself again. It was because of you that he had become so successful at work, your support always spurring him on.
He rested his head on his hands, looking at his phone as his background lit up from a notification. The picture was of you two on the night he had confessed his love to you. You were both so happy, your smile filling the screen.
He stood up, grabbing his shoes and slipping them on, his keys and phone going to his pocket. He knew exactly where you went, where you always went, where he would go.
It was late when his car pulled up behind yours, relieved he had been right and that you were safe. He ran up the stairs, ringing the buzzer to his friends apartment.
“Come one come on- hello?!?” He said as the button beeped and he swung the door open. Kenma greeted him in the hallway, standing guard at the door with a scowl on his face.
“You’re an idiot,” he said
“I know-”
“Literally the scum of the earth!” Kenma growled
“I know-”
“I should call Bokuto to come kick your ass!” Kenma whisper shouted
“And I’d deserve it,” Kuroo said as he looked at his friend, “I fucked up- I royally fucked up dude and I hate myself. I hate myself for hurting her and I know I don’t deserve her but she deserves to know how sorry I am.”
“Be quiet when you go inside, she’s sleeping,” Kenma said, moving out of the way as Kuroo walked in. He saw you curled up, asleep on the couch as he quietly approached you. Your face was stained with tears, indicating how badly his words stung. He sat down, next to the couch and watched you as Kenma watched from the corner. He gently grazed you face, moving your hair from it.
“YN, baby,” he said as you gently woke up, your eyes softly meet his teary ones, “baby I fucked to so bad and I’m so sorry. I know I hurt you and I know I don’t deserve you. You’ve made my life worth living and I love you so much. I understand if you don’t want to talk to me and I’ll gladly leave the apartment for a while but please, just know how incredibly sorry I am. I’m not going to make any excuses for what I did or said. I shouldn’t have forgotten about your anniversary and I shouldn’t have said such awful things. I’m a terrible boyfriend and you are so fucking incredible. You’ve supported me in everything and I ruined it all.”
You laid there, your eyes tearing up as you listened to him. As much as his words stung, knowing how awful he felt for saying them and what he had done hurt worse. You sat up, reaching for his cheek as you caressed it.
“Tetsu, I love you more than anything and it really hurt me when you said those things. I really try to let you do your job because I know how important it is but I also miss you. I miss seeing you and spending time with you and I just wanted us to have a nice night,” you said, tears flowing as he looked at you.
“I know baby, and I’m so sorry for everything! I promise, no more working late. If I can’t get it done by 5pm, I’ll leave it for the next day. I want to be there for you YN,” he said as you smiled.
“That’s all I ask Tetsuro.”
You had known Rintarō a while before you started dating the middle blocker. You had always been attracted to him and when he finally asked you out, you were ecstatic.
Your relationship was good and solid. You had your fair share of ups and downs but what relationship didn’t? You and Rin argued occasionally about minor things, sometimes going to bed angry but then eventually sorting out your issue over the next few days. No fight had ever been serious enough to warrant more than the silent treatment for, at max, a day.
Being the girlfriend of a middle blocker for a professional volleyball team was not only exhausting but also time consuming. You always went to Rin’s games, traveling a few hours if you had to just to show your support and while he never explicitly told you, you knew he appreciated it.
Thankfully, his most recent game was at home against a revival team. Rin did exceptional, per the usual, with EJP beating the opposing team in straight sets. You cheered as the men all lined up to thank their fans, as you quickly hurried to the court.
The usual flood of fan girls overran the team as you tried to make your way to your boyfriend. “Hey YN! Thanks for coming out! Rin’s over there,” Washio, Rin’s fellow middle blocker, said as you hugged him and made your way over to your boyfriend.
You smiled and waved as he nodded at you, the girls surrounding him as he tried his best to calm them. “Ladies please,” he said as you stood back, waiting patiently. He would usually come over to you, giving you a kiss and hugging you in front of everyone. You had never been insecure about your relationship, especially knowing Rin was a superstar because he always made time for you.
However, as he continued to smile and sign autographs, you stood there waiting and waiting and waiting. Soon, twenty minutes had passed and Rin hadn’t come up to even acknowledge your existence. You figured he was just excited, this was a big game after all and he definitely deserved to celebrate but when he headed to the locker room, not even acknowledging your existence, that you deflated.
He had never ignored you for this long or failed to acknowledge your presence. You sighed, waiting for him to emerge from the locker room. When he finally did, you wait again as he talked with Komori, the teams Libero. In fact, it wasn’t until Komori waved at you, that Rin finally seemed to acknowledge you were waiting.
“Oh hey babe, I’ll meet you at home ok? Im going out with the guys for dinner!” He said before waving at you and rushing from the gym. You stood there, hands clasped as you nodded, trying hard not to let your emotions take over. Your turned on your heels, heading to your car and going home to your empty apartment.
When Rin finally came home, it was almost 11pm. You sat up, from on the couch as he entered and removed his shoes. “Man I’m beat! Im going to head to bed babe,” he said, kissing the top of your head as you stared at him. He had barely acknowledged you at all tonight and all you wanted to do was celebrate with him.
Since you and Rin had always had an open relationship, you decided that it was best to express your concerns to him. Maybe he just needed to be reminded that you were there to support him.
“Hey Rin, uhh you didn’t hug me or kiss me tonight after the game,” you said, standing in the doorway of the bedroom as he took his shirt off, throwing it beside the laundry basket.
“Yeah sorry I was busy. It was kind of a big night ya know?” he chuckled as he went to your en suite, grabbing his face wash and continuing about his routine.
“It- it just kind of hurt you know? You always kiss me after a game,” you said, playing with your fingers as you looked into the bathroom mirror. You saw him roll his eyes as he shook his hands, grabbing a towel to dry them.
“Geez Yn it was one time for fucks sakes, please tell me you aren’t going to make a big deal out of this and ruin what WAS a good night?” He said, walking out of the bathroom and past you to the bed.
“Rin, I’m not trying to ruin your night, it’s just that, well I’m feeling a little unappreciated I guess,” You said as he looked at you, confusion growing on his face.
“Seriously Yn? You really want to do this now? Im exhausted and I’m not in the mood,” he began to shout as you whinced, not wanting to start anything but knowing what you had to say was important.
“Rin I-”
“You know, Jenna never acted this way after I won a game. I’d come home and she’d let me be!” He spat as you stood frozen. You couldn’t be he had brought her up, of all the people, why her? You felt your body heat up, your emotions overtaking you as you watched Rin get into bed and turn the light off.
How could he have said that? How could he have possibly brought his past girlfriend up? You knew about Rin and Jenna, how they had mutually broken up a few months before you met him. He didn’t seem to hold any animosity towards her but he never talked much about her and certainly he’d never brought her up during a fight.
Slowly backing out of your shared room, you closed the door as your eyes filled with tears. Not only had he utterly tore you down but he brought up someone from his past, something he knew would hurt you.
You mindlessly walked to the kitchen, grabbing your keys and purse before turning off the lights and silently leaving your apartment. You headed to your car, sitting in the drivers seat as the emotions finally hit. You let it all out, whaling as the tears fell in waves. You couldn’t scream, you couldn’t make any noise, everything was caught in your throat as you tried but failed to let it out. Finally, managing a breath, your body shuttered as you screamed, your head resting on your steering wheel as you continued to cry.
Rin tossed and turned in bed, his body exhausted but he couldn’t sleep. He had instantly regretted what he said about his ex, mentally berating himself for ever saying anything. He thought about what you said, about how you felt. He hadn’t meant to ignore you, he had just gotten caught up in all the excitement of winning. He felt like a complete ass, letting you walk out after he had said such awful things.
He noticed the light in the living room was dim, figuring you had just fallen asleep on the couch. He’ll admit this wasn’t the first time you two had slept apart due to a fight but this time he knew it was all his fault. Truthfully, he hated being without you, he hated sleeping alone. He loved how cuddly and soft you were next to him. He loved the feeling of your body and how your love for him poured into everything you did.
He knew how lucky he was, you came to every game, even to the ones that were several hours away. Hell once your even flown to Europe to see him play in an international match. He knew what true love was and how he had failed to show you that.
Looking at the clock, he saw it was 3:00am. He sat up, throwing the covers off as he stood in just his shorts and walked to the door. His plan was to grab you from the couch, hold you and apologize. He would make it up to you tomorrow, taking you out on a fabulous date to show his appreciation for everything you did for him.
He flipped on the hall light, walking out to the living room. He looked to the couch, noticing it was empty. Confused, he turned and headed to the spare bedroom, knowing fully well you never slept in there because “it was only for guests.”
He threw the light on, his eyes widening when you weren’t in there. “YN!” He shouted as he ran back to your shared bedroom, turning the light on and running to the bathroom. There was no sigh of you as he ran to the living room, turning on every light he could.
His hands went to his hair as he frantically raked through it, worried about where you might be. He ran to the kitchen and the guest bathroom, noting no trace of you.
“YN- shit!” He shouted as he turned, noticing your purse and shoes were gone.
He raced back to the bedroom, grabbing his phone before hitting your number, “pick up, come on baby pick up!” He packed back and forth, your phone continuing to ring until it finally hit voicemail.
“Fuck!” he shouted, pulling up the only other person he could think as he sat on the edge of his bed and raked through his hair, his knee bouncing as he waited for an answer.
“Hello?” A groggy voice answered.
“Samu! It’s Rin, have you heard from YN?” He spat out
“What? What fucking time is it?” Osamu said as he groaned, “dude it’s 3am! Why the hell would I have heard from YN? She’s your girlfriend!”
“I fucked up Samu, I fucked so bad man and now she’s fucking gone! She’s never left before man, fuck what do I do?!?” Suna panicked as tears began to fill his eyes. You two had fought before but you had never left, in fact you’d never leave without telling him where you’d go.
“What happened?” Osamu said, sounding more awake than before, his voice carrying as he made his way to the kitchen.
“I- I shit man! She was upset because I didn’t kiss her after the game and when she brought it up to me, I brought up how Jenna would never act that way,” he sighed, his head hanging low at the words resurfacing. He thought of what he said making him sick. He never loved Jenna, in fact, his relationship with her was one of convenience. It wasn’t until he met you that he learned what being in a partnership was really like. How it felt to have someone supporting you and being there when you needed them.
“Damn Rin, what the fuck man? Dude that’s low!” Osamu said as Rin nodded his head
“I know I fucking know! She’s gone dude, and she’s not answering her phone! What if something happened to her? Fuck I’ll never be able to live with myself!” He cried as Osamu sighed.
“Ok listen, I’m sure YN is fine. She’s a smart girl. She’s really upset right now and I don’t blame her. You need to give her some breathing space man,” he said as Rin stood up, pacing once more.
“I can’t- I can’t I have to find her! Fuck man I can’t lose her she’s it for me, she’s the one!” He shouted, tears now overflowing.
“Ok, come over and we can regroup here. I’ll try calling her, maybe she’ll answer for me,” he said as Rin quickly threw on his shoes and grabbed his keys, locking the door before running to the elevator.
“I’ll be there in 5,” he said, hanging up as he raced to his car. In the parking garage he noticed your car was still parked next to his, making his heart drop. His worst fears were coming true. You’d never leave without your car, there was no way!
Approaching the spot, he noticed a figure slumped over the steering wheel. His eyes widened, adrenaline racing as he realized that it was you.
“Fuck FUCK!” He screamed as he ran to your door, throwing it open as you shot up, heart pounding as you met the eyes of your boyfriend.
“Rin what-”
No more words escaped as you were tackled in your seat by your giant boyfriend, his cries penetrating the vehicle as he hugged you tight.
“Fuck baby are you ok?? God I’m so fucking sorry! Im the biggest idiot ever to exist and I should have never said any of those things!” He cried as you embraced him, memories slowly coming back to you.
“Rin, where’s your shirt?” You asked as he looked at you, shaking his head and looking down at his shirtless form.
“I couldn’t sleep. I felt like the biggest ass ever and I went to apologize to you. I couldn’t find you and I panicked. I was so afraid you had left me for good Yn. I know I would have deserved it but I don’t think I’ve been so scared in all my life baby!” He said, pulling you close in the awkward space.
You rubbed his back, feeling bad for causing him so much worry. “I’m sorry for leaving but I had to get out, what you said really hurt me,” you said as he looked in your eyes, his heart crushed that he had caused all of this.
“Baby don’t apologize! This is all my fault! I should have never treated you like that. I love you so much and I took advantage of everything you do. I’m sorry for ever saying those things to you. You are the most important person in my entire life and I love you more than you’ll ever know. I know I don’t show you and I’m going to change that baby, I promise!” He said as you caressed his cheek.
“I forgive you Rin,” you said with a small smile as his lips collided with yours as he pulled you close.
“I love you so fucking much Yn!” He said, putting his forehead to yours.
“I love you too Rintaro.”
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majorbaby · 2 months
it takes a conscious effort to break your patterns of consumption and unlearn the notion beauty, interiority, diverse ways of existence aren't exclusive to whiteness or maleness. part of that isn't your fault. certain music is played on the radio, certain shows survive cancellation no matter what, certain people seem to be able to commit the worst possible acts against other human beings and are excused on account of their creative genius. others are selectively punished, with good reason sure, but still, selectively.
now more than ever it's easier to immerse yourself in art made by people outside of the mainstream. reading lists, free resources, playlists... all this stuff is more accessible than ever, but you've got to make an effort to give it a try. it's black history month, the recs are pouring in, go have a look. or take a chance on something absolutely no one has recommended anywhere and if you find something you like, rec it to someone else because the likelihood is they haven't heard of it.
tracy chapman's "fast car" is one of eleven songs that appears on her self-titled debut album. can you name the second hit single from it? if you're american and you fell anywhere left of center as of the 2016 election, it should be on the tip of your tongue if you were engaged in your country's politics at the time, regardless of your level of actual investment in the system. if not, the next time you're doing a task you need both hands with, washing the dishes, having dinner, doing your makeup, put that album on.
there's a post with over 100K notes on here that i see all the time of bruce springsteen and clarence clemons kissing. there's a part of that that is immediately meaningful to many if you're lgbtq, and a part that is harder for non-black lgbtq people to feel the weight of. but it is worth trying to do and was part of the reason why they kissed so often in the first place. clarence clemons was from norfolk, virginia. he released multiple albums outside of his work with the e street band. they may not be for you, but give them a try.
give enough music, or movies, or books that aren't a part of the approved canon a try, and there's no way you won't find something you don't feel as passionate about as you do about springsteen, siken, the beatles, what have you.
james baldwin was a prolific artist. see if you can't find something of his you like more than giovanni's room.
immerse yourself in ringo sheena, who mitski cites as one of her influences.
if you have difficulty paying attention to music you don't recognize, (i get it) make a playlist that alternates tracks you know and love with brand new tracks. start small. 5 faves of all time, 5 you're going to try out. you won't like everything, but you might find yourself looking forward to 6 songs instead of 5 eventually.
for movies, pick an actor whose performance you loved in something and explore their work. last year i picked whoopi goldberg, also a prolific artist, with a vast body of work that's pretty accessible as a result of her constant, intentional effort.
if you're an artist yourself, you can only stand to improve by getting to know your fellow artists better. so expand your notion of what art is. you can do it for free in lots of cases, and you're spending that time listening to music or reading or watching movies or series anyway, what have you got to lose?
anti-racism sometimes means engaging in real-world narratives of pain endured by brown and black people. that pain permeates much of our art, but we're just as three-dimensional as everybody else, and every aspect of our experiences come through in our work. you know that already, because what else is happening when you indulge in various genres. for everything you love or enjoy, there's a brown or black person who's doing something along those lines, in many cases, those genres wouldn't exist in their current form without the influence of our communities, some more than others, depending on where you're from. you can actually keep one foot inside your comfort zone and dip your toe into something else. that choice is both a joy and a luxury.
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sunfyresrider · 10 months
The Company Party
Aegon II Targaryen x Assistant!Fem!Reader
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Summary: You’ve worked for your boss since you graduated college, and to say he was the best superior you’ve had would be an understatement. After a heated argument at a company event, you both discover some things about each other. Tags: Aegon is a childish rich boy, mutual pining but you’re both oblivious, jealous boy, arguing to eventual smut, p in v, cunnilingus, cringe after talk (pls hes too funny.) Author’s Note: this is just self-indulgent, 5am ramblings of an insane woman (me).
You’ve worked as Aegon Targaryen’s assistant for one year, one excruciatingly long year. You’ve spent more than 75% of your time following his every order like a dog. Unfortunately, you didn’t hate it all that much. It wasn’t like you had a social life you were missing by working. You had sorta become friends in a way or like a partner in crime minus the crime.
He was the perfect boss in a lot of ways. Aegon truly cared about his customers, or well you. There wasn’t a day he forced you to work late, you did that by choice. He always paid you more than he should, gave you more time off than he should and treated you better than other superior you had worked for previously. He also massaged your shoulders once when you said they hurt…
You should be used to it by now, little gestures of appreciation. He always pats you on the back if you impress him enough. He’ll compliment your hard work, your outfit, and sometimes he’ll completely paused in his steps to gaze at you and tell you that you had beautiful eyes. He tells you he’s grateful for you, you’re funny, you’re one of the nicest people he’s met… but it’s all platonic. A very disheartening fact of the matter.
Yet, while knowing this, every single time Aegon does anything you’re immediately turned into a blushing mess. An instant mood improver, a very minor turn on. Maybe it was because you haven’t gotten laid in a century and could be considered a born again virgin. Or maybe you were secretly falling in love with him and refused to admit it to yourself.
At some point you would have to face your feelings, not right now though. You were at a huge event for the company, the goal being to seek out new investors. You didn’t have to come considering he always does the majority of the talking but he also rarely goes anywhere without you. Aegon always needs an eyewitness, just in case.
The rooftop bar is extravagant, more so than what you’re used to. Maybe you should have opted for something other than a black dress with heels… rich people seem to appreciate modesty. Odd, considering they are the ones to buy the most hookers and cheat more frequently. You took your seat at the bar, deciding to drink away your boredom.
“Hey stranger,” the voice from your right caught you by surprise, you whipped your head around to glance at them. “Oh my god, Jacaerys?!” your mouth gaped open in shock. His smile stretched ear to ear, “It’s me, alright! What the hell are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that! My boss has me tag along to all of these events.” You beamed, thinking of Aegon. It was good seeing a familiar face, you two used to date, briefly, in your second year of high school. Though, he had long since grown out of his awkward stage and was fully matured with a sharp jawline to prove it. “I work for the company running this event. It’s kinda my job to be here.”
He blushed, basking in all the attention he was receiving. “We should catch up! I haven’t seen you in years man!” Jacaerys scooted his seat closer, his cheeks lightly flushed. “I’d love that.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You were talking to him for what felt like hours, turns out it was only twenty minutes, when you felt someone step behind you, their body lightly pressing against yours. “You remember mrs-” Jacaerys words slowed to a stop as he looked above you.
You turned around, your frown quickly turning into a wide smile. “Mr. Targaryen, how can I help you?” He smiled lightly, nodding in your direction. His gaze turned to Jacaerys and his soft smile fell flat. “Who are you?”
The question came out with an icy tone, which made your eyebrows furrowed together. “Jacaerys Velaryon, marketing director for Driftmark Corporations and you are?” he inquired, his words slow as he kept his eyes locked with Aegon.
“Richer than you. Are you purposely distracting my assistant from doing her job?” Your eyes widened; he had never been this outwardly rude before. “Maybe. She would probably prefer working for someone who doesn’t have a stick up their ass.”
You gaped at the insult, “What the f-” Aegon chuckled, baring his teeth as if he were a wolf. “Little dogs always bark the loudest,” he spat. Your morals told you to defend your old friend, your hormones were telling you to keep watching your boss telling someone off.
Jacaerys was silent for a moment, his fists clenching and unclenching before he spoke, “I see you work for one of these guys… If you ever want to move to a company that treats their workers fairly, please don’t be afraid to reach out.” He slipped you a business card with his information on it.
Aegon scoffed, “We’re leaving… Now!” He snatched your arm and practically dragged you out the door and into the car. You were eerily silent, still trying to process whatever the fuck just happened. Once inside, he looked over at you, his eyes wide and bloodshot. You could see the anger bubbling under the surface.
He gripped the steering wheel tight, his knuckles turning white. You swallowed the lump in your throat, not knowing what to say to make this situation any less tense. You’ve never seen him angry, not even when his half-sister tried to take his spot as ceo.
The rest of the drive was silent, an awkward tension in the air since you had no idea what to say. You were also a little ticked off how quickly he chased Jace away, granted it was kinda hot. He pulled into your parking garage, parking his luxury car in the far back. You know, just in case anyone tried to break in.
Aegon hopped out of the car silently, opening your door for you. “You don’t need to walk me up to my apartment,” you spoke plainly. “Yes I do,” the tone of his voice was more serious than you’d ever heard it before. Once again, the silent treatment was back on as you walked to your floor.
He walked you all the way inside, even letting himself into your home without your permission. “I pay you too much to live in a rundown apartment.” You closed the door behind you, finally he had said something to make you snap, “What is your problem tonight?!”
“It’s not a problem, just an observation.” You scoffed, “you know exactly what I meant.” His jaw tightened, his nostrils flaring, he looked like he wanted to say something but not too much. “You’re my assistant and you’re meant to be by my side at all times, but you were too busy flirting it up with my competitors.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, “I wasn’t flirting with anyone! I was catching up with an old friend!” Aegon’s brows furrowed, he strode towards you, so he was barely a foot away from you. “Oh please! You were practically swooning. Also, you never call me Mr. Targaryen!”
“Are you serious right back!” You spat back, pushing his chest. Unfortunately, Aegon still had enough energy to argue back. “I just don’t want to lose my assistant to a lesser man!” You scoffed; "you've been a fucking douche all night because you’re jealous?!” His jaw fell slack, eyes widening in surprise. “I didn’t say-”
“Dude, are you genuinely blind?! I’ve been pining after you since you hired me, following you around like a fucking dog, doing everything you say and them some! I’ve even thought about having your babies!” The last statement took him off guard, he looked at you like you had two heads. His gaze flitted back and forth as if he were looking for any signs of joking.
Now you were embarrassed, “I didn’t mean that last part-” Aegon stepped closer grabbing you delicately by your arms, eyes still searching for any sign of disapproval. “You think about having my babies?” The question was quiet and desperate, his pupils dilated.
You felt your heart drop in your chest, you swallowed the lump in your throat. You nodded slowly, “maybe.” You stared back up at him, trying to telepathically make him kiss you. You’ve tried this manifestation method before, it did not work.
“I can do that.” His lips were on yours before you could register his words. The kiss was fiery and passionate, even better than what you expected. Your eyes fluttered shut as you relished in the moment. Aegon wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush against his.
You bit back a whimper, reaching up to intertwine your fingers in his silver hair. Aegon pulled away, his breaths coming out ragged as he gazed at your swollen lips. He wasted no time kissing you again, his tongue dancing across your bottom lip.
His hand moved to grip your ass, squeezing lightly as he picked you up off the ground. You let out a squeal of laughter, gripping onto his shoulders to prevent you from falling. Aegon dropped himself on the couch, keeping your leg straddled around him.
You took the liberty to start unbuttoning his dress shirt, ripping off his bowtie and revealing his toned torso and chest. Aegon was quicker, pulling your dress above your head and throwing it across the room.
His eyes widened when he realized you were braless, his fingers kneading your perky breasts. His lips molded with yours once more, you nipped at his lip, tugging it between your teeth and causing him to groan in approval. Aegon moved your panties to the side, groping your inner thigh and spreading your legs wider across his lap.
His cock was already straining against his pants, but Aegon didn't seem to want to rush. He gently kissed down your jawline and to your neck, licking and nibbling at your ear. Your breathing became shaky, your core growing wetter as he took a nipple in his mouth and began to suckle on it.
"Aegon," you whined. You reached down, wrapping your fingers around his hardness, causing Aegon to moan into your ear. He lifted you up, unzipping his pants and pushing them down along with his boxers.
His member sprang out, bouncing as he pushed you back onto the couch. His cock was definitely the biggest you’ve seen thus far. You gasped when he rubbed himself against your slick, he kissed you again, this time deeper as he slowly thrust his hips forward and entering you.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned loudly, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Fuuck you’re so tight,” Aegon thrusted forward, his top hitting the sweet spot inside you almost forgot existed. Your moans grew louder as he pounded into you, his grunts echoing through the living room.
You clawed at his back, pulling him closer as he thumb moved to do circles around your clit. “You’re such a good little assistant for me, hm? Taking my cock so fucking well.” Aegon gripped your ass with one hand, holding you still. He took the opportunity to slow his pace and roll his hips in circles, dragging his cock along your walls. “Mmm sgood,” you slurred.
You rolled your hips against his, earning you a pleased groan. His finger moved faster around your bud, “think you deserve a reward huh?” Your eyes began to roll into the back of your head as his movements quickened. “Yes, yes, yes,” you whimpered.
“Yes, who?” The coil in your stomach began to tighten as he moved his fingers away, “Yes Sir! Please!” Aegon growled into your ear, kissing you again as he sped up once more. The low noise sent shivers down your spine, causing your cunt to clench around him.
“That’s my girl,” he groaned before plunging deep inside you, making you cry out into the kiss. You threw your head back and moaned, your thighs beginning to shake as ecstasy washed over you. You completely tightened around him, your pussy fluttered around him as you rode your orgasm out.
Aegon’s movement stalled for a moment, letting you catch your breath before he flipped you onto your back. Aegon lifted your legs above his head, “you’re so perfect, I think you deserve more than that.” He licked a strip up your slick, pressing a kiss to your sensitive bud.
He used his fingers to spread you apart, greedily licking along your walls and lapping at your sweet juices. You let out a deep moan, your fingers tangling in his silver hair pulling him closer. Your mouth hung open, eyes half lidded as he devoured you.
His tongue skillfully circled around you, his lips sucking at your swollen bud. “Taste so sweet,” he mumbled, sending vibrations that sent tingles down your spine. You began to grind against him, desperate for release. Aegon took it as an invitation to move his hands to grip your hips and begin to fuck you with his tongue.
Your juices were dripping down your thighs, covering his face in a glossy sheen. You felt a new wave of heat wash over you as he pressed his tongue inside you, curling and twisting it. You rolled your hips, fucking yourself against his mouth as your second orgasm began to build.
He groaned against you when your legs began to clench around him, the vibrations sending you over the edge. Aegon continued to lap up your juices, causing you to jerk your thighs around him. His head finally lifted up, a strand of your slick connected from his bottom lip to his chin.
You pulled him towards you, crashing your lips together, he wasn’t wrong you did taste sweet. Aegon grinder against you, wetting his cock before he quickly plunged into you once more, filling you to the brim as he went. You let out a loud cry, gripping onto his back. “You still want more?” He spoke breathlessly.
His thumb returned to your sensitive bud, circling it slowly as he thrusted into you. You squirmed beneath him, his grunts echoed off the walls. “P-please please, sir.” You whimpered, the sound of skin slapping echoing in your living room.
His hips snapped forward, dragging his cock against your sweet spot. “Tell me how badly you want it.” Aegon's eyes flashed up at you, his hips slowed to a teasing pace. "I-I want it so bad," you gasped as he thrusted harder. “I- want to have your b- babies.” Aegon’s thrusts were quickening their pace, "please give it to me sir."
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. His rough thrusts become sloppy. You could feel your third orgasm beginning to rip through you as he circled around your bud. “P-please cum for me, sir.” Your words sent Aegon over the edge, his eyes rolling into the back of his head and his soft moans filling the room. You could feel his cock pulsating inside you, his warm cum filling you to the brim.
Your thighs quivered as your orgasm came crashing down on you, your breathing became labored. He leaned down, kissing you lovingly as his hand caressed your cheek. You could feel his cock slowly softening inside you as he slowly pulled himself out.
Aegon pulled away from your lips and trailed kisses down your jawline and neck. His voice mumbled, “I wish you’d told me sooner.” You couldn't help but giggle silently, petting his hair. “Hm, couldn’t let you fuck me for free could I?” He scoffed, propping himself up to gaze at you with his baby blues.
"This pussy is priceless," he murmured against your lips. “Oh god,” you groaned, how his cringe captivated you, you would never understand. Aegon rolled off you, cuddling close and wrapping his arm around your waist.
You stared at the ceiling, feeling a sense of calmness you haven't felt in forever. "So... does this mean you want to be more than my assistant?" His fingers ran through your hair, “and have my babies for real?” Aegon's voice sounded almost child-like, You giggled quietly, "is that our new contract?" He stared at you for a moment, his eyes lit up with something you hadn’t seen before. "It’s a deal," Aegon smiled brightly.
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ghostlychief · 1 year
Weighted Blanket
This is part 2 to Pockets of Peace
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
Wc: 3.8k+ (First half is in Simon’s POV, second is reader’s POV)
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of children being victims on a mission (nothing graphic), brief, BRIEF mentions of self harm (this part is italicized if you want to skip OR can read it as wounds from fights or missions; emotionally vulnerable reader and Simon; some fluff; some cuddling
Summary: After your last mission, things changed between you and Ghost. Although feelings shifted and emerged, your quiet routine with the Lieutenant stayed the same. He never failed to provide you with little pockets of peace throughout your tumultuous life, and you treasure these moments, holding them close to your heart. Except this time, it’s you who returns the favor, and offers him a warm embrace to grieve quietly.
A/N: HELLO! Part two to Pockets of Peace is finally here. I really can’t express my gratitude for all the love that fic received. I really appreciate all your likes, comments, and reblogs. Comments are always so fun to read and same goes for the reblog tags <3 This is another purely indulgent fic lmao and I found this part harder to write than the first, so I hope you enjoy it just as much. As mentioned, the first half is written from Simon’s POV, so that was fun to explore and write. Sorry for any typos/grammar mistakes </3
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Simon didn’t have much to be grateful for in his life. Sure, he was thankful for the camaraderie he found within task 141, and his friendship with Soap (although he will never admit that they’re true friends). Outside of those two things, there wasn’t much, and he was okay with that. Comes with the line of work, he supposed.
It’s hard to trust people when majority end up pointing their gun at you, even after years of working together, training together, living together. Hell, it took him years to feel somewhat comfortable around the task 141 members. When he first joined, he barely talked to anyone except when necessary either when preparing for a mission, or during a mission. Afterwards he would float off to his room and be alone. He ate alone, trained alone (unless sparing was required by Price), he went out alone. Not that he went out a lot, but if he had to leave the base, it was alone. He was somewhat of a recluse, a phantom hiding in the shadows that the team rarely ever saw.
The team member he first grew closest to, not without them trying, was Soap. The outgoing sergeant was able to make a friend out of the standoffish lieutenant, and even got Ghost to crack jokes during missions, a big deal for task force 141. This happened a little over a year and a half after Ghost joined the team. And now fast forward almost seven years later, and here he was, still on task force 141, but with a friend of sorts. That was one thing he was grateful for.
About two years in, he started to eat breakfast when the other team members did. Did he sit with them? No, of course not, but he was eating at the same time, just a few tables away. He started training with the other members more regularly, and on occasion, would coach them and give them tips here and there. And after a mission, he would sometimes tag along with the other men when they went out to a bar to wind down.
One night, shortly after you joined task 141, Ghost begrudgingly accepted Soap’s invite to go to a bar with the other male team members. Once they got there and had a few drinks, they were poking fun at him for having a “soft spot” for the new recruit.
He just rolled his eyes at their comments, and muttered “Fuck off,” up until they started talking about your skillset. Specifically, your lack of skills in sparing.
“Well, she certainly could improve her technique. We were sparing the other day, and I almost squashed her like a bug.”
“Yeah, she’s fast, but sure doesn’t know what to do with her speed and size. I pinned her down almost every time.”
“Yeah, last week, I had her in a headlock and almost made her pass out.”
“Hey Ghost, haven’t you been training with her? I’m sure you crush her each time you spar; she doesn’t have a chance against you.”
“Doubt she’s improved at all, even with Ghost’s help.”
Ghost couldn’t help but notice the frequent use of the word ‘almost,’ and at this point, he had enough. The comments the 141 members made weren’t even accurate. Sure, you had some improving to do, but by no means were you bad. He felt like they just felt threatened by you, a young woman with much more potential than them. He also had a feeling that they were jealous of your mastery at sniping. To put it simply, Ghost knew they were full of shit.
“She’s actually improved quite a lot.” His rough voice pierces through the air, silencing the banter surrounding him.
Embers burned at the pit of his stomach at the thoughtless comments his teammates said so flippantly about you. Embers that soon caught fire, and burned bright crimson flames. He stayed composed, but his eyes flickered, darkened by the shadows of the black paint surrounding them, and the tarnished skull that covered his nose and mouth. All the more imposing to those who looked at him.
“Plus, someone had to give her pointers for fighting a highly skilled, large, and imposing person; something you short fucks couldn’t do.”
Ghost was met with silence once again, and he smirked under his balaclava. Since then, the other men of task 141 have not commented on your sparing abilities, not wanting to be cursed out by Ghost.
And hey, it was all worth it when the next day you defeated Soap, match after match.
New recruits of 141 typically come and go, retention isn’t all that great. So, when you joined the team, he wasn’t expecting you to persevere, and stay. He was impressed by your skillset; snipers are always impressive in his mind. But your agility and speed that allowed you to take down opponents twice your size, is what mainly caught his eye. Sure, you needed some improvement, but you were promising.
When you first joined the team, you were so nice to everyone, even him. That’s not something he’s privy to in his line of work. Yet, you didn’t seem intimidated by him at all, not in the slightest. He didn’t have the slightest clue as to why. You just kept being so warm to him and he didn’t know what to do with that.
Of course, he wasn’t nervous to be around you, no that certainty wasn’t it; but he couldn’t help the warm feeling that would spread through his chest whenever you would talk to him. At first you only conversed with one another in meetings, debriefs, missions, etc. All work related, with no cross over into ‘personal life territory’. Simon was content with this, he rarely ever crossed that boundary with the other 141 teammates, so why would he with you? Incidentally, you and him started to get paired together mission after mission, and he couldn’t help but want more.
Ghost was immediately impressed at your abilities to smoothly get in and get out during missions, especially with what little experience you had. Not that you were any less competent than any of the other 141 team members, you just hadn’t been in the field for as long as some of them. You were smart as a whip though, and you got the job done quickly and quietly, and never got in his way. That was something he deeply respected about you. You understood the task at hand, asked questions if needed, but otherwise were highly independent. An admirable trait that takes some weight off of his shoulders as a Lieutenant. Something that he quickly added to his list of things he was grateful for.
You also had the curiosity to learn more, and to learn from the more experienced team members. Always ready with a question, and never embarrassed to ask. Sure, you were quiet like him, but when it came to job stuff, you didn’t hesitate to make your presence known.
He still remembers, one night after completing a mission, you and him were sitting in the helicopter. You turned to him and asked, “How is it that you’re never scared?” Your sweet voice traveled over to him through the coms and he felt confounded by your question. He felt his stomach warm at your tone in which you asked him this. Did you somehow look up to him?
“Who said I was never scared?” He glanced over at you and saw your eyes sparkle at his response.
To say that Ghost was concerned after you got shot in the leg was an understatement. Although he tried his best to stay composed, he was having a full-blown crisis inside his mind while trying to get you to safety, which, was a safe house miles from your current location. He couldn’t properly examine your wound, so he had no idea how bad of a state you were in, and he hated blind spots.
That was the first mission he ever felt real fear for you; distressed with thoughts that said you wouldn’t make it back. Thoughts that kept bouncing around, tormenting him the whole journey to the safe house. Luckily when you guys arrived, he was able to fully assess your wound and it didn’t look life threatening. No, all he had to do was clean, stich, and bandage it.
Simple enough, right? Wrong.
Of course, of course the best way to get the wound clean and ready for stitching was for your fucking pants to come off.
Things were never easy for Ghost.
His nerves didn’t stop him though and he somehow managed to get through everything without making a complete fool out of himself. Though, if you could somehow hear his heartbeat, at all, it would have been a dead giveaway, as it thumped erratically in his chest. There were moments when he was afraid it would burst.
Then, only to make this mission even worse, was him waking up to your blood curdling screams in the middle of the night. His first thought was that the enemy found you guys, and they got to you first. He thought that he failed to protect you, which was a silent promise he made to himself after the first night you guys drank beer in his room.
However, when he entered the living room, he saw that no one was in the room, it was just you on the couch where he left you. Your screams turned into cries, then sobs, then screams again. It was deafening and he couldn’t stand to hear it any longer. It took a few good shakes to wake you and he felt his heartstrings pinch in his chest when you apologized to him for waking him up, completely disregarding the trauma you were currently experiencing.
He decided right then and there that what you needed right now was not a work colleague, but a friend. He carried you to bed that night, hoping to provide you with some consolation, wanting to provide you with anything that would make you feel safe again. And before he even knew what he was doing, he found himself closing the distance between your lips, and he felt you kissing back. He may have added that to the list of things he felt grateful for.
It’s been a few weeks since then. Your leg is pretty much all healed, and you have full mobility. All thanks to Ghost’s handy work. Although you felt fine and ready to get back out there, Simon insisted that you continue to rest. He even managed to convince Price not to assign you to any missions for the next month, which thoroughly pissed you off.
Who was he to boss you around and tell you when you were ready or not to start working again? He was technically your direct supervisor, so he did have the power to boss you around, but still!
Even though you were slightly peeved at him, you knew that it came from a good place. He was just worried about you, and this was his way of showing it, well, in front of the team at least.
In private, he had other ways to show you how much he cared for you. After he learned about your nightmares, he insisted that you come to him whenever they occur. You were hesitant at first to take him up on his offer. What if he just said that to be nice and he just feels bad for me? You didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. Even though, you found yourself slowly start to cross more and more boundaries with him as the weeks went on.
So, the first night you experienced another nightmare, you found yourself in front of Simon’s door. You probably stood there for at least a minute, racking up the courage to knock. But before you could even do that, the door swung open to reveal a sleepy looking Simon decked out in black sweats and his signature balaclava.
Since he was so close to you, you had to crane your neck to look up at him and meet his eyes. Why he was still wearing his mask at this hour, you were unsure. He usually took it off to sleep, but you were too unmoored to ask.
“I heard your footsteps approach my door.” His gravelly voice fills the space in-between, and he casually leans on the door frame.
“Oh.” You looked down at your slippers and twiddle your thumbs.
“Why don’t you come in, yeah?” Simon’s voice lifts up a bit at the end of his question, and you look back up at him and offer him a small smile.
“I’d like that, thank you Simon.” It still felt weird on your tongue to call the Lieutenant by his first name, but your chest sparked each time you did so. He held out is hand and you fit your palm against his, and he leads you into his room, his thumb caressing your knuckles.
You and Simon talked for what felt like hours before you fell asleep, head on his shoulder and his hand rubbing your head.
It was a common occurrence after that, to visit Simon’s room at night whenever you woke up screaming in the dark of your own room. It felt like nothing could happen to you in your dreams, so as long as Simon’s arms were wrapped around you, almost like an anchor. Weighing you down, preventing you from drifting too far away.
But even with this new sense of security surrounding you, some nights when you fell asleep with Simon next to you, the nightmares would still creep into your mind. Though, Simon was right there to help bring you back.
If for some reason you both separated during the night and were sleeping apart, you’d reach out to him after waking, your hand patting the bed, searching for him.
“I’m right here.” He’d then swiftly pull you back into him.
He’d rub your back. Up down, up down.
Wrap his arms around you. Squeeze.
Kiss your forehead. Smooth back your hair.
Whisper affirming words that reminded you that it’s all in your head, you’re safe in this reality, he’s here. No one is trying to harm you.
Other nights, you found yourselves simply enjoying each other’s company. You love to outline his forearm tattoos with your fingers and trace your hand up his arm to his broad shoulders, to his chest. You like to trail your hand across his abs and just love to explore his whole body with your hands.
He does the same, and his touch always feels so heavenly. Though his hands were calloused and rough, they were always extra gentle in handling you.
His hand brushes over the top of your thigh and his fingertips graze over the slightly raised bumps that span across your tender skin. Your once smooth legs, now marked permanently with light lines. You feel his hand pause after it initially goes over this area of your leg. And you know, that he knows.
Before you can say anything, and push him away, his warm hand comes back up to rest at the top of your thigh, and his thumb gently traces circles over the scarred area. He doesn’t say a word, but his touches mean everything to you, and it’s all you need.
You feel him squeeze his arms that are already wrapped around your form, and feel a slight pressure against the top of your head, like a kiss was laid upon your hair.
You feel your breathing start to slow, and before you know it, you’re drifting off to sleep, the steady rhythm of Simon’s heart calling out to you like a siren with a lullaby.
You started to feel a deep sense of familiarity within the four walls of Simon’s room, and you knew that it would always be a place of condolement for your aching self. Little did you know, that you provided just as much relief, if not more, to Simon as well. Although more rare than yours, Simon had bad days too.
Tonight was no different than any other; you and Simon are lying in bed together and you’re semi-on top of him, leg thrown over his waist, head on his shoulder, fingers mapping out his entire being.
“If you want to talk about it, you know that you can, right?” You absentmindedly trace your pointer finger across the span of his chest as you ask him this. Drawing small circles into the fabric of his black t-shirt.
To Simon, it felt like there were small sparks leaving your fingertips every time you touched him, causing his heart to ignite.
“I’m always here to listen.” You remind him one more time.
Simon just came back from a particularly brutal mission, one that he has told you very little about. They were gone for almost two weeks and all you were able to find out from Soap was that children were involved- a sensitive subject for Simon. You can only imagine what he went through during the mission, and now, what he’s dealing with in the aftermath. You’re trying not to push too much, but you want him to talk to you.
“I can take care of myself.”
“I know that. But you shouldn’t have to.”
You pause your ministrations and crane your neck to look up at him with a slight pout on your lips. This was always a struggle with him, he didn’t like to talk to you, let alone anyone when he was going through something. He would just put up a wall and it broke your heart. Sometimes you would get bits and pieces, but never the whole picture; it was always fuzzy to you.
You wanted him to feel safe enough that he could confide in you, vent to you, about whatever was on his mind, but you knew it wasn’t that easy and that these things take time. You’re patient with him, as he is with you. It’s the least you can owe him for all he’s done for you. This is his time to lament, not yours to be nosey. So, you just let him be.
He lets out a sigh and then moves you so you’re laying completely on top of him. He tries not to be too rough as his hands grab onto your waist to situate you further, and he tucks your head under his chin.
One arm wraps around your middle and the other comes up to hold the back of your head.
“I just want you to be here with me right now, like this. That’s all I need.” His breath tickles your hair and you succumb to his wish, relaxing against him.
“Ok, I can do that.” Your hands come up to wrap around his neck, and you pull him impossibly closer to you, no inch of yourself is left untouched by Simon.
He likes to put you in this position whenever he can’t find the right words to explain. He instead craves the comfort of physicality, liking the weight of you on top of him.
Your hand comes up to play with his hair at the nape of his neck. You found that his hair tends to curl a little at the end, initially not expecting his hair to be this long. Silly, you know, but you’re honored that you’re one of the few people that get to see him like this.
You don’t know how long you and Simon lay like this; time always seemed to bend and disappear when you were with him. Since you guys had been lying in silence for so long, his voice startles you when he speaks for the first time in what felt like hours.
His hand that was resting on your lower back is now softly stroking your spine in a steady up and down motion.
“I felt scared for the first time in a while, on the last mission.”
His admission surprises you, but you wait a beat to see if he’s going to say anything else before you respond.
You’re glad that you do, because he continues to speak in a hushed voice.
“I- I didn’t know how to help them and they were looking towards us to be saved. And yet, we couldn’t save all of them. Some were left behind.”
You feel your heart start to crack again, the beginnings of the break started forming the moment you saw Simon step out of the plane when he returned back to the base.
And now it feels as though a chisel is working its way through your chest, chipping off piece by piece as you listen to Simon morn the loss of little lives. Lives he couldn’t rescue. You know it’s eating him up on the inside, with no respite in sight.
You personally have never been on a mission where the victims were children, and you’re thankful for that, so you can only empathize as much as your experience allows you to. You just have to remind him that he does the best he can, and not everyone can be saved, no matter how much you want to help.
You shift a little so your head is no longer tucked under his chin, and instead rests more on his shoulder. Since you’re so close to him, your lips touch is jaw.
You sigh, “I’m really sorry you went through that, Simon. I know that nothing I can say will change the outcome of what happened, and it doesn’t really matter what I say, but I do want you to know that you and the team did all you could. You did your best with what circumstances you were given.”
You feel him stir under you, and his arms warp tighter around your frame.
“You’re wrong.”
You feel you the pieces of your heart break into smaller and smaller pieces, losing hope that they will ever fit back together.
“You’re wrong to think that your words don’t matter.” Oh. “They actually mean the most to me.” Your chest doesn’t feel like it’s going to concave anymore.
“I really appreciate you; you know that right, Little Swan?” You feel him kiss your forehead and your chest warms at his term of endearment.
“Of course I do, Simon.”
“Ok, good.”
You bring him in for a kiss.
Simon found that he didn’t have much in his life, let alone much to be grateful for. Yet over the years, he realized that he grew quite the list.
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usedtobecooler · 1 year
Oh my fuck if you used your writerly powers for Billy Knight *chews on pillow*
How about making Billy come twice, he'd be so desperate to be good for you but overstimulated and a mess. Can be from riding him until he's hard again, sucking him off, idk my eyeballs are gonna explode if I think about it too much 😱
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Pairing | Billy Knight x fem!reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), handjobs (not really, it's over his pants lol), oral m receiving, piv sex, unprotected sex (wrap it kids), dubious content (possibly? it's very much wanted but billy doesn't voice his consent), premature ejaculation, overstimulation, mentions of poor mental health, mentions of medication, mention of physical ticks, health facility setting, fluff, angst, billy is incredibly touch starved.
Word Count | 3k
A/N | this was purely self-indulgent because i love billy so much, i've not proofread it so if you see any mistakes no you didn't
"Bill, how longs it been since a girl touched you?" You ask quietly, leaning out to rest your hand on his knee. You don't miss the way his leg jerks a little under the touch, like you'd burned him with a match.
"I don't - I don't know. Not since I was in school, a while ago." Billy's voice is thick, wet, accent shining through with every word he speaks. You can tell he's mortified by your question, the way his tick kicks up a little after being stagnant the whole of your visit so far, the constant swiping of his nose turning it red raw.
You wince a little at his confession, can't help but screw your face up - it's obvious that you look sad for him. He hadn't had it easy his whole adulthood, really, being constantly in and out of hospital for various mental health disorders meant that he was starved in the affection department, too busy trying to get better before he could focus on a girl.
He looks like he's getting better, that you can tell. He was finally allowed visitors in his room, not in the mess hall, which meant he was being trusted alone without constant supervision. He also just looked cleaner cut; the black Henley adorning his toned torso suited him so much better than the baggy grey hoodie he always wore. His hair was neat, combed back, though his stubbly beard still remained.
He looked nicer with it, you thought. Not so much like a scared schoolboy, it made him look older in a more masculine way. He'd told you the medication was helping, too, that he was sleep schedule was improving and he wasn't so anxiety ridden all the time, scared that somebody was coming to get him.
This private place had been better than anywhere the NHS had sent him, clearly having money was the big factor in whether mental health sufferers really ever got the help they needed. You didn't pry him on where the money came from to pay for the treatment, sometimes it was better to stay out of the Knights' business.
"Where were you, uh, going with this?" Billy's shaky voice snaps you out of your trance, and you realise you'd been staring back and forth between his face, chest and crotch unabashedly this entire time. Your cheeks heat up, and you glance away to look at the clock ticking behind his head, suddenly becoming so interesting.
"You'll think I'm being so silly," You sputter, subtly fanning your face with your hand that wasn't still slapped on Billy's knee, in a bid to cool down a little, embarrassment taking over your whole body, "I just thought that, maybe, it'd help you relax a little if you, or if I helped you... take the edge off."
Billy cocks his head to the side, confusion etching onto his features before it dawns on him exactly what you meant. He flushes a deep red, "Oh, um. The prescription pills they have me on s-sort of... stop me from being able to f-finish, uh, lot of the time."
You're the reason he's stuttering, you know that and it's making you want to lunge at him and wrap him up in a big hug to calm him down. You've clearly mortified him with your question, too forward and full on for somebody who may as well still have been a virgin with the amount of time that'd gone by since he'd last been in any sexual encounter that wasn't with his own right hand.
"I can... well I can try?" You say it like it's a question, eyes flitting back to look at him once more, the heat on his face making him look even more endearing, his long dark lashes fanning across the tips of his cheeks as he closes his eyes and sucks in a sharp breath.
Your hand had inched further up his thigh without you even realizing, and you gasp when the back of your hand brushes against his obvious erection through his dark jogging bottoms. You question now if it's not actually embarrassment that's making him flush so dark - but arousal instead.
"You'll tell me if I'm reading this wrong, yeah?" You ask him gently, voice barely above a whisper as you slide your palm over his cock through the thick material of his pants, clear outline making it obvious he had no underwear on underneath. Your breath hitches as you go to curl your hand around his length, so thick that your fingers can't wrap around it fully.
You're watching in awe as a wet patch starts to form on the soft cotton, dampening it until it's stained darker, whilst you go between ghosting your hand up and down gently and squeezing softly. Billy can't rip his eyes away from you, drifting back and forth between your shocked face and your hand grasping at him.
"I'm gonna cum, darlin'. Sorry, shit," Billy's hand claws onto the leather arm of his chair and he's hunching in on himself, coming with a low, gruff moan, painting the inside of his sweatpants with his release.
Your eyes widen in shock, a gasp escaping your lips as you sit back and take in what just happened. Your thighs clench, a wave of heat overcoming your body at the thought of him coming undone so easily under your touch.
"M'sorry, this is so embarrassing." Billy's whiny little voice breaks the silence, he throws his head back and rubs at his face with his hands. They're big enough that they completely engulf his features, making his head seem small in comparison. In that split second, you decide you want - no, need to have his hands all over you. You needed to show him what it was like to touch a girl, feel her go pliant under his touch.
"It's not." You say it all too quick, hand tearing away from his crotch to grab at his arm and pull his hands away from his face so he could look at you properly. His eyes are watering, big brown orbs clearly showing his distress and it makes your heart ache, "It's not embarrassing, Bill. It's normal, you've not been touched by another person in, what, seven years? Maybe longer? Don't feel like you should be better at this."
You slip out of your own chair across from Billy, sliding onto your knees in front of him with a dull thud, shuffling between his spread legs, "Can I touch you again? Proper this time?" Your voice is barely above a whisper, batting your lashes at him prettily, "I promise I'll make it good for you."
Billy shakes out a stuttered sigh, cock already kicking up again in interest at the thought of your bare flesh connecting with his own. You're so gorgeous, he's thought about you in this way for so long, but he always thought you'd do better than him. That you could do better than him.
He thought you were only still friendly with him out of pity, at the end of the day you had been Jimmy's friend first. You hadn't had any dealings with Jimmy in years, yet you always still checked in with Billy, visited often. Maybe it was because you knew he didn't really have any other friends, nobody to look out for him but you.
Billy hazards a glance down at you when he feels your fingers brush over the waistband of his soiled sweats, helps you by lifting his hips up when you tug at them to pull them down. You leave them to pool at his ankles, no patience to take them off completely.
He's fully hard again just at the sight of you on your knees in front of him, leaky tip slapping against his belly, his previous load still glistening down his shaft, perfect for using to lube him up.
"Can I put my mouth on you?" You ask tentatively, fingers ghosting over his balls, up his shaft to wrap deftly around the tip. You pull his foreskin down a little to reveal the mushroom shaped head, another blurt of precum shooting out of his slit and coating your thumb.
Billy never does reply to you, too entranced with the look of your hand on his bare skin, your own flesh feeling so hot it almost burns, searing through his sensitive spots.
You shuffle forward a bit more, mouth hovering over the head of his cock so you can spit a glob of saliva onto it for extra lubricant. Billy hisses, big doe eyes staring at you, unblinking, in awe of you and what you're doing for him.
When your lips finally wrap around the tip, you can't help the moan that leaves you. He tastes salty but clean as you suck and lick at him, heady in such a delicious way it intoxicates you, clouds your senses. You move your hand a bit lower so you can take more of him in, having to bring up your other hand to wrap with it so you can cover his shaft properly.
He's so thick, stretching your mouth wide and cracking your lips. You sink down a bit further, taking more of his cock in until you're gagging, throat closing up around him.
You can hear Billy's fingernails scratching at the leather of the chair, his hips stuttering up into your mouth in a telltale sign that he's close to coming already. His belly is shaking, moans escaping him in quick presession like he can't contain them.
You can't let him come like this; you had to have his cock in you before your visit was over, your core ached for it, your panties feeling damp just from touching him. Billy consumed your entire being, had you feeling needy and desperate.
When you release his dick with a 'pop' he sputters out a little whine, a clear sign that he was so close to the edge before you finished what you were doing.
You look up at him through wet lashes, his face burning a deep purple and the veins on his neck popping from the strain of him struggling not to come. You get up off your knees, pulling your tights down your legs along with your panties so that you're bare from the bottom down, sliding your shirt up over your head to just leave you in a bra on top.
"What're you, shit," Billy struggles to get his words out, ticking and wiping his nose with the backs of his fingers, "what're you doing?"
"Can I ride you?" You ask gently, edging closer to him and kicking his feet until his legs are a bit closer together. Billy nods, and you take that as permission to mount him, spread legs bracketing his hairy thighs.
You flip your skirt up a little, reaching behind you to grab at the base of Billy's cock. You rub the tip in between your folds, all whilst watching him and you don't miss the way his eyes roll back, head tipping so his stubbly neck is bared to you.
You take it slowly, sliding down inch by inch until your cunt is nestled against his groin, thatch of dark pubes tickling your delicate skin. You feel so full it's delicious, his thick cock feeling like it was made to be nestled deep in you.
Billy instinctively reaches out to grab at your hips, stilling you from moving until he got used to the feeling of your soaking wet cunt enveloping him. He breathes in and out deeply, not even baring to look at you, worried he'd blow his load immediately if he did.
You bring your hands out to gently brush over his cheeks, silently forcing him to look at you, which he does eventually. He's just so pretty, his big brown orbs watery and bloodshot, his plump red lips bitten, his cute nose darkened from the constant rubbing as he ticked.
He was so perfect you couldn't fucking stand it. You let your knees do some work for you, finally lifting up a few inches and sinking back down to the hilt. Billy's eyes flutter shut, a high-pitched moan leaving him, the feeling of your sopping, gummy cunt tightening around him feeling fucking heavenly.
You pick up a steady pace quickly, letting yourself be consumed by Billy completely. His big hands running up and down from your waist to your hips and back again, his moans and whimpers clouding your head, his thick cock nudging at your insides so deliciously it made you ache.
You remove your hands from his face, reaching to unclasp your bra and let it fall, baring your tits to him. You shake him gently to make him open his eyes, so he can get a good eyeful. What you don't expect is for him to lean forward immediately and latch onto your left nipple, suckling gently.
"Oh, Billy," You're a moaning mess above him, your cunt feeling so full, whole body on fire with the feeling of his body hard pressed against yours. He's mouthing at your breasts, sucking on your nipples as if his life depended on it.
He's whining, hips stuttering up against yours to meet your bounces. There's no real rhythm to it, his inexperience clear as day, but you're struggling to care with how good he's making you feel. The catch and drag of the head of his cock brushing your spongey spot, making your pussy slicker than before.
"God, darling, I'm so sorry," Billy groans, letting go of your nipple and kissing along the swell of your tit instead, whining out as you speed up a little, helping him chase his orgasm, "I'm gonna cum, fuck."
"Do it, babe, s'okay," You moan, tugging at his hair a little to get him to crane his neck up, to finally press a kiss to his lips. That's what does it for him, has his hips stuttering against yours as he comes deep inside of you.
He opens his mouth to moan, and you take that as your opportunity to deepen the kiss, slipping your tongue into his mouth to lap lazily against his own. He shudders through his orgasm, your hips slowing down to a stop when he starts to shake with overstimulation.
He's not very good at kissing, but his plump lips and wide tongue make up for it. You find your cunt fluttering at the feeling, clamping down around his cock to milk the final bit of come out of him. You try not to be disappointed that you haven't been able to chase your own release, too focused on making Billy feel good.
You're not sure when you stop kissing, but when you do and you open your eyes again, you notice Billy's eyes are wet and his cheeks are stained with tear marks. You wipe his tears away with your thumb, smiling at him until he's forced to smile back.
"Good?" You ask gently, hips rocking subtly, his soft cock still nudging slightly against your soft spot. You try not to be pushy, knowing he'd be sensitive, but you can't help but want to do it again, the coil in your gut still wound tight with need.
Billy nods, huffing out a little, "I can - I can feel that, you know?" He says, nodding towards your soft hips moving, "It's - it's really sensitive, God."
You continue moving your hips in silence, squeezing your cunt around him, feeling his dick throbbing inside of you like it's trying to pique interest again. You really hope it does, you need to do this for a little longer, just a little.
"You can come again though, right? Let me try, please?" You're basically begging him, forehead to forehead and circling your hips back and forth on his already half hard cock and he's crying again, overcome with pleasure and sensitivity, struggling to think straight through the feeling of you on top of him.
Billy nods anyway, a silent yes and you use the leverage of your knees on the hard material of the chair to rise back up again, sinking back down softly. You do it like this until he's fully hard again, up down, up down, up down, your nails digging into the skin of his neck to keep yourself stable.
His hot hands on your waist make your skin feel like it's on fire, has your tummy coiling even tighter, the telltale sign of your own orgasm beginning to wash over you with every drag of his cock head against your gummy walls.
"That's it, Bill, God, your cock feels so good." You cry out, chasing your high until your cunt spasms around him and you feel the white-hot waves of pleasure crashing around you. A gush of slick comes from you, making your pussy impossibly wetter, so wet you feel it drip down your inner thighs onto Billy's own.
You feel like you black out for a second, only coming to when you feel Billy's hands grip onto your hips impossibly tighter so he can fuck up into you from below, his wet moans telling you he's close to coming again, too.
"Fuck, I love you, darling, shit. Love you, always have, m'so sorry, fuckfuck," Billy's hands slide up your back, tugging you until you're impaled on his cock impossibly deeper, chest pressed flush to his own as he comes for the third time, face buried into your neck tightly.
Your heart swells at his words, face flushing dark at the confession. Your insides bloom warmly, consumed with the sheer love you have for him, "I love you too, Bill. Loved you forever, was it not obvious?"
Billy's crying against your chest, hot tears spilling onto your bare chest, "No, I didn't, God, why didn't you tell me?"
"You needed to get better first, Bill." Your voice is soft, hand deftly running over his hair soothingly, "You're getting better now, though. It was time. I'm here forever, I'm not going anywhere."
You whisper encouraging words into his skin until his cries come to a stop, his shuddering body finally stilling. He'd finish his treatment, get the fuck out of here and you could start your life together.
It was the only thing keeping him focused on getting better - he needed to, to go out and see the world with you by his side.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing! :D Ive never made a request before so i hope i am in the right place haha. I'm being completely self-indulgent here... but could I get Kaeya, Wanderer, Tighnari, or Diluc ( or anyone else you may want to write for) fluff with a reader who is sweet and kind? Like they dont have a mean bone in their body, constantly compliment their s/o, cook them cute breakfast pancakes in the shape of a heart, bunny or with a smiley face,,, wear clothes that match theirs/clothes in their favorite color. Just super pure wholesome relationship shenanigans. :3 Thank you!! I hope this all made sense. And if you'd rather not write this then that's totally okay!!
First of, thank you so much for saying that. It really means a lot to me<3
Second, you're fine, it made perfect sense. I don't usually write a lot of fluff, even though I adore it, so I don't know if I'm any good at it.
But I gave it my all, so I hope something good did come out of it.
Characters Included: Diluc, Tighnari, Wanderer, Kaeya
Content: just pure fluff, nothing to worry about
Word count: 2,1k words
Thank you so much for your request. Hope you enjoy<3
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Your sweet and caring personality is a stark contrast to Diluc's own rough and closed of one, so I feel like at first, it would be a bit too much for him
He definitely has to get used to it first
He can't remember the last time he was showered in compliments that didn't regard his strength or wealth
simply just you existing, complimenting his choice of clothes, his hair or anything else, has this man speechless and sometimes, even blushing
and if you ever were to give him a... riskier compliment.. hope you enjoy watching a malfunctioning Diluc right in front of you
his face would explode in all shades of red, stuttering like crazy, trying to process what you just said
Diluc can take a bit of teasing, but don't take it too far with him or he will combust on the spot
the relationship with you also greatly improved his communication skill. He is still rather reserved and quiet, but he is a good listener and great at remembering stuff
over time, it gets easier for him to communicate about his wants and needs, what he likes and doesn't like
he can now openly talk about it with you, without fearing to upset you of feeling guilty about it, because he felt like that would be too selfish of him
everyone around you can see what a great influence you are to Diluc's everyday life
He feels much more at peace and doesn't look like he's constantly on edge, like he's about to murder the next person that comes into his line of vision
I feel like Diluc's love language would be quality time. He likes to spend time together, just the two of you. And he doesn't really care how the time is spend
It could be on a long walk, baking or cooking together in his kitchen, cuddling on the couch or the bed, he really doesn't care as long as he gets to be alone with you, no one and nothing to distract you around
invites you to permanently live with him in his mansion after only a few months of dating. Would be understanding if you told him that this would be too fast for you, but if you agree? He's over the moon, because that means he can spend every single second of the day with you when he's also at home
really grew to enjoy cuddling over the course of the relationship. Didn't see the appeal of it at the start, but now he knows why everyone is such a big fan of it
Cuddling is a must when you lay in bed together at night, he can't really sleep right anymore without you hugged close to him. He needs you right by his side
Diluc becomes more vocal a bit later on, starting to also give you compliments
overall, he needs a lot of time to settle in and feel comfortable in a relationship, but if you are willing to give him the time he needs, the rewards you'll get will be so worth it
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Now, I may be a bit biased with him, because I love Tighnari, but I don't care
Tighnari would be a very attentive lover
he dates only with the intention of settling down and having a forever with you, so if you're not up for that, please tell him upfront so he doesn't waste his time
would take great pride if he is the sole provider for the both of you, since his instincts play a big part in that
he would take his time in a relationship, trying to ascertain if it works out between you two
feels very sure and secure in the relationship, but that doesn't mean that he never gets jealous
funnily enough, I headcanon Tighnari as one of the most jealous men ever. He knows you would never do anything to him behind his back, but he can't help his instincts. And when every little thought in his head just yells "MINE" he can't help but act on them. Don't blame him for it.
once he is sure that you are the right one for him and that he wants to spend his life with you, he would sit you down and talk to you about mating
he told you a few things about it and how he and his instincts work (because he is a hybrid and all), but he never went into too much detail
if you were to agree to becoming his life partner and mate, he would be so happy that he starts crying a bit
hugs you close to him and doesn't let you go for the entire night
He never thought that love and romance would be for him, nevertehless thought that he would ever find a mate in the first place. So excuse him for feeling overjoyed at the way his live is playing out right now
Tighnari's love language I think would be both physical touch and acts of service
he loves to pamper you and one of the best ways to do that would be to help you with household chores
every once in a while, when you decide to sleep in a bit, don't be too surprised when you wake up to the dishes from the night before being done and properly stored already.
The laundry that you washed and folded but didn't put away yet? Suddenly gone and neatly stocked in the closet.
When asking him about it, he just looks at you and goes "What? Am I not allowed to help my mate around the house a bit?"
Doesn't really expect a reward from you, but also won't complain if you give him kisses and cuddles for his help.
He really, REALLY, enjoys your cooking. Even when sometimes you make stuff he's not really into, he still eats it and every time finds something he does enjoy about the meal. But maybe that's just the effect you have on him as a whole..
Also, physical touch.. Tighnari can't go a day without touching you. It starts every morning, instisting to stay in bed for five more minutes for morning cuddles.
You're still cooking when he comes home from a long day? Hugs you from behind, kisses your neck and either helps you with the cooking, or just stays there and basks in your presence
He has to touch you in some way, shape or form every time he sees you, even if you just walk by him. He can't help it, just let him induldge, please
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Now this man..
Hope you brought some patience with you, because you're going to need it
Before even thinking of getting into a relationship with him, you first have to earn his trust. And that's not something easily achievable
But, if you manage to do it and make him fall in love with you while doing it? Congratulations, he will be your forever loyal and loving partner from now on
He's still very bad at communicating, so maybe learn to read between the lines with him
He always acts like he doesn't like stuff that you do, but if you look closely, you can see the way he turns his head so you don't notice his red cheeks or how his tone gets a bit softer when he's embarrassed about something
In reality, he loves and appreciates everything you do for him
Even though he never fails to tell you how ridiculous you are for making his breakfast pancake into a heart-shaped form, he still quietly sits down and eats it, head turned to escape your gaze. He just hopes you'll never see how red his face gets every time
He once saw a stall on a market he was walking through that sold necklaces. On a whim, he bought one that had a single, indigo coloured crystal dangling from the string
When he noticed you wearing it almost every day, he felt like he suddenly gained a heart, and it leaped and wanted to jump out of his chest again. He didn't say anything but just hugged you from behind, holding you a bit tighter than he usually did
I think Wanderer would appreciate you even more if your love language happened to be words of affirmation
He can't even begin to tell you how much it means to him to get that constant, verbal reassurance that you love him and want to be with him
It's something he still struggles a lot with, not thinking that he's worthy of all the time and effort you put into him. But your words really help him, it starts to sink in that you're with him because you want to, not because he manipulated you or anything
As for the Wanderer himself, I feel physical touch would most likely be his love language
Not only because he gets the physical reassurance that you're actually here with him and this whole thing is not just a delusion or dream his mind came up with. It's also because it reminds him that you're alive and well in his arms, and you're not planing on going anywhere
one of his favourite moments is when you two cuddle, either in bed or on the couch, with his head laid on your chest. He can clearly hear your heartbeat like that. He feels safe listening to it and it is a safe method for him to enter the dreamworld without much problem.
A very devoted lover, although difficult at first, but again, the pay-off is more than worth the effort
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There is one, very important rule in a relationship with Kaeya. One he will never, under no circumstances, ever break
Once a week, there will be a couple's night
During that time, the both of you stay at home together. No outings, no work, no going out with friends or family, nothing
Just the two of you, dressing up in cute little matching onesies, making dinner together (maybe have a little food war in the kitchen), cuddle up on the couch afterwards
Sometimes you play games together, other times it's a full on spa night with face masks, where you give each other massages and just pamper the other.
But the both of you are so grateful that you decided to implement this rule into your relationship
Kaeya's job as a knight can get rather busy from time to time, it happened on more than one occaison that he stayed at the headquarters for a few days uninterrupted. During that time period, you rarely got to see him.
Still, when it was time for date night, neither of you made exeptions. No matter how much work was waiting for him, Kaeya would put it on hold for this night. Because that's what you both agreed on and also, he really needs the break. He missed your presence and touch
Kaeya is another one who I think expresses his love for you through physical touch and quality time.
Precisely because he doesn't always have much time to spend with you, every second counts for him. To him, it does not matter how that time is spent, so long as it's with you
There could be thousands of other people around you, it could be on a night out with friends. As long as he gets to touch you, feel you close to him and have you there with him, he is happy.
Kaeya also trust you deeply. You're one of the only people he feels comfortable enough around to take his eye patch off.
Once you learned that his right eye is fine under that patch - except for a not so nice looking vertikal scar - and saw it for the first time, Kaeya also told you the story behind how he got that scar
Of course he is scared about your reaction to it, but when you lean close to him and softly kiss the scar, he realized that he never, not even for a second, had to worry about it. Because it's you. You are here with him, you make him feel loved and cared for. Of course there was no reason for him to ever doubt you
Wants to put a ring on your hand as soon as he can, but with how hectict his life can get, he would rather wait for it to calm down
But he knows, deep down, that you will be the only person he will ever love like that. And for nothing in this world would he ever let go of you..
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legendofmorons · 4 months
hiya! i really like your writing! can i request reactions [from whomever you want] with a reader [platonic or romantic idc lol] who is like spiderman! like, has the sense and webs, and the workload of "who knows how they manage shit". i just think its a fun idea, cause they'd also be a "hero"
Of course you can! This is such a cool Idea! (Is there a hyrule where a spider person is the hero of courage? Maybe.)
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Take a nap
No, really, he tries to get you to sleep as often as possible
He'll try to enhance any weapons you may have
IF you have mechanical web shooters he will be very interested
If you have biological web shooters in your wrist from the mutation he's still curious
Can amd will try to improve your suit so you are safer
Is HORRIFIED by your workload
Don't you know about burn out??
Do you just not care?
Overall he's curious and a little overbearing
But he also understands that you're a hero, and as a hero, sometimes it doesn't matter if you're exhausted.
He'll insist you let him make you metal braces, so some of the work your joints face isn't so bad. (ESPECIALLY if your joints already hurt)
He is excited to learn about it!
He's also not like other people. He just has healing magic, you're a spider person
Assuming you have the boosted healing factor that lost spider people seem to have he's relieved
He will always heal you, but it's nice that you don't need it as often
Also very worried about your work load
Always trying to get you to drink more water
If he were aware of more modern culture he'd yell 'hydrate or die-drate!'
Die-drate is not an option as far as he's concerned
Asks about the ability to stick to things. He's very interested in this
It depends on when he finds out.
He's definitely concerned no matter when you tell them though
If he's not warmed up to you yet he's kind of standoffish about it. If you share he listens bit he won't ask
If you Are close to him though he has SO many questions
How does it work?
What happened to give you these powers?
How much weight can you handle?
Have you always been so flexible?
No matter what your relationship is, if you tell him about the Spiderman upside down kiss thing, he goes RED
He also asks if you catch and eat bugs.
(What? He just knows that's what spiders do!)
He encourages ypu to take some things off your plate.
Probably the least phased?
He's curious of course
But his life has been so weird. He's met plant penguins, gopher people, and his best friend was a goddess
Asks if you're descended from a spider god
Also asks if you can turn into a spider
He also encourages you to take breaks and indulge in things that make you happy
He's happy to make anything that might help you, but with his skills, mostly in whittling, he's not sure it's that helpful.
He is excited to see you swing around, it's the closest most anyone can get to flying (aside from Sky and Wild)
Immediately concerned
Insane workload?
He gets it, mostly
Not entirely his life isn't like your's but he understands the weight power and workload hold
He is curious about your powers
Also very interested in the way your webs are made. Dosen’t matter if it's mechanical or biological
Will have you take to the tree tops when you guys ambush monsters
If you make a hamock/swing out of webs he'll be happy to keep you company
He's not sure how to feel actually
He's curious about how you became a spider person
If he feels close to you he'll ask about it
He's glad you have enhanced healing though. He feels a little less worried
He's still worried you guys are hunting down a shadow
Will be easy to convince to race, you with your webs and him on Epona
He is very sympathetic to your workload
He offers tips to help woth burnout
He helps you strategies to battle plans off your abilities
Wars is willing to spar with you so you can improve too
Please let him help with the self care of after the battle.
Probably asks about the effectiveness of webs as emergency bandages
He's not that phased either. He's met a semi-vengeful horse god
At least you aren't only worried about the safety of the horses
(Don't worry he takes excellent care of Epona and his own horses)
He'll ask about your adventures
He would be excited to have someone else capable of climbing!
He'll happily climb up steep cliffs with you (it can be a race he likes a challenge)
He also has a million questions
He wants to see what you can do!
He's happy to watch you swing around but he wants to come with!
Swing around with him and he's just thrilled!
He asks about ypur webs and if they could capture a monster if you strung them up like a real spider web
He also probably asks for stories about your adventures.
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sonamytrash · 2 months
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Warnings: smut in later chapters, fem reader, swearing, suggestive themes. Not beta read. Reader is a vet/vet medic
Thank you for over 100 followers. Honestly, I only started writing fics for my own self-indulgence. I decided to share them with my fellow degenerates, and it seems that some of you like them, so here's the first small chapter to my new one. ❤️
Levi opens the door abruptly, making you jump. You pout at him playfully. "You scared me!" He narrows his eyes at you, "It's late," he says sternly. "What do you want?" He asks. You roll your eyes and walk into his office as he closes the door behind you both. Placing a pile of reports on his desk, you reply to his question, "The shitty reports you asked for that took me all evening." You complain. "And I know you never sleep, but shouldn't you be trying to get your three hours in?" You tease.
Levi smirks at your response. "Ah, yes. I did ask for those reports. Thank you." Taking a seat at his desk and giving a quick glance at the reports before looking back at you.
"And not right now." He places the reports aside and crosses his arms. "I have things to take care of that require my attention." His eyes then shift to you, "Speaking of attention, what else do you want?" His tone softening just a bit with a playful edge.
He respects your work. You are always efficient in what you do, which is why he often lets your tone and lack of respect towards him slide. Although you're not one of his direct subordinates, he still entertains more of your playful personality than he would tolerate from anyone else.
Truthfully, hiring a veterinary medic was one of Hanges more practical ideas. Having someone at the headquarters to provide and teach appropriate health care for the horses had saved a lot of money while costing very little to hire you. The overall survival rate of horses was much improved now that the soldiers knew better basic first aid, and the horses could return to headquarters for more appropriate treatment if they survived. Many of their losses weren't necessarily due to being directly crushed or eaten by Titans, but many surviving horses would die of injuries and infections upon the journey or arriving home. Your knowledge and skill had meant more horses were surviving out on the front lines and being able to recover when they returned. The cost of constantly replacing horses was drastically reduced. So even if he hadn't been on instructions to be on his best behaviour, what you brought to the regiment had genuinely earned his respect. Not only were you an intelligent woman, but you were downright infuriating. That sassy attitude, the playful humour you brought wherever you went and yet when necessary, you were stern, professional, and eloquent. It had made you popular amongst the regiment. And Levi wasn't immune. He really couldn't resist your charms. But God did he want to fuck that smart mouth of yours quiet sometimes.
Levi is taken from his thoughts when you reply, pouting. "You made such a big fucking deal about these reports that I've spent all evening making sure they were done, I would like to have had a hot bath and maybe read a book."
Levi rolls his eyes at your playful pout. "Well, since you are already here, you might as well stay and assist me with some paperwork," he says with a soft chuckle. He then proceeds to tidy his desk, placing the reports you brought in the correct pile and placing a smaller pile opposite him for you to work on.
"It shouldn't take too long and then you can go and have your well-deserved hot bath, princess." he adds with a smirk.
You bring your hand to your hips. "Either you're trying to torture me or just want an excuse to spend more time with me." You tease, taking a seat across from him. This kind of banter was the norm between the both of you, but he was much more receptive when it was behind closed doors.
A small smirk forms on Levi's lips, "You caught me," he replies sarcastically before he continues reading and signing paperwork.
You too glance over some of the papers and organise them into appropriate piles for him, "Busy day?" You ask, trying to spark some conversation.
"Just the usual," Levi says, his voice monotone as he signs the paperwork. "Paperwork, training, and keeping the brats in check." He pauses for a moment before looking back up at you. "Speaking of training, we'll have to arrange for another session soon." You grimace at his words. He insisted on the occasional sparring session to keep your self-defence up to scratch. "I'm not a fighter, levi. You beat the shit out of me every time, and even then, I know you're going soft on me." You groan playfully, "Literally everyone comes to watch me get beaten up." While you felt like he was trying to make your life difficult with these training sessions, it actually came from a place of care. He wanted you to be able to defend yourself.
Levi leans back in his seat, "You know I only do it to make you stronger," he says with a small grin. "And as for the spectators, what can I do? You're quite popular among the ranks." He then pauses for a moment before adding, "But I can always arrange for a more private session if that's what you prefer." His gaze lingers on you for a moment longer than necessary, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. A flirtatious exchange wasn't uncommon for the two of you, but how you fucking wished he would make good on the things he said.
You were instantly drawn to his suggestion and change in demeanour. "Oh yeah? And do you often give people private training sessions?" You say raising an eyebrow.
Levi chuckles softly, "You know I don't," he replies, his expression softening just a bit. "But for you, I can make an exception." He then shifts his gaze to the paperwork in front of him, pushing aside the distracting thoughts. "Anyway, you're distracting me," he says, beginning to sift through the papers again. But it's too late, your interest has been piqued, "Maybe that's not such a bad idea. What would we be working on during those sessions?" You ask, wanting to keep pressing the new suggestion.
Levi gives you a small, subtle smirk. "Hmm, we could work on whatever you feel you need improvement on," he says. "Maybe your form or your speed," he suggests. Almost throwing you into thinking you had misinterpreted his earlier tone. Before he follows up with a hint of mischief, "But whatever we work on, you can be sure that I'll push you to your limits."
You smirk in response, "Who knows, captain, maybe I'll push you to yours."
Levi smirks at your flirtatious comment and arches an eyebrow in amusement, "Is that so?" he replies in a teasing tone, his smirk widening. "I highly doubt that." He then leans forward, resting his elbows on the desk. "But I won't deny that I would enjoy the challenge." You mimic his movements, leaning forward in response, and meeting his gaze, "Oh I'm sure you would."
Levi's eyes linger on yours for a moment, studying your playful expression. "You're trouble," he says in a low voice before leaning back in his seat. "But I have to admit, I rather enjoy it." He then picks up a pen and begins scribbling on the papers in front of him, his mind wandering as he tries to suppress the arousal between his legs, relieved there's a desk inbetween the two of you.
"So I've been told," you reply playfully, finishing up the last of the papers he gave you to organise, giving you both a few moments of silence before you speak up again. "Do you think your private training session with a troublesome girl like me would whip me into shape?" You ask him seductively, being determined to see how far you can push him, having taken note of the tensing of his shoulders and how he occasionally bites his lip.
Levi finishes his scribbling, taking a deep breath as he places the pen he's gripping down before looking up at you. "Not a chance," he replies, his tone firm but playful. "But perhaps it would tire you out enough to be a good girl for at least a little while," he adds with a smirk of his own.
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2cutie · 4 months
Midnight Challenge
Raiden x Female virgin!Reader
summary: 18 + content! Raiden requests you to join him to dinner after relinquishing in the victory of battle together. You both delved into each other's flirtations and push to see just how far the other is willing to go...
a/n: elder god Raiden(no specific game/media). light master/sub. i like my older men & Raiden supplies. def self indulgent huehuehue
You watched him with a soft expression as he took off his hat and breathed in the calm air. You both had teleported back to the Shaolin temple after completing a mission together, the tranquil and gentle atmosphere much more serene than the energy of the battle. The silence was a welcome contrast and he sighed, content.
Raiden turned to look at you when he felt the stare, his electric eyes shimmering gently. His expression was of calmness and peace, basking in the simplicity of the moment. You smiled gently when your gaze met. The sense of completion washed over him, the battle of the outside world forgotten.
" That was quite the battle. You faired pretty well, old man," you joked in kind, scanning him quickly for any prevalent injuries. You were pleased to find none.
"Yes, I've managed to hold my own." He chuckled softly. "I must commend you for your prowess in battle as well. You fought with remarkable skill and determination."
The praise caused your chest to flutter with pride, and you bowed in generosity. "Thank you, Lord Raiden."
"Enough with formalities. We've fought together on many occasions now, and I consider you a friend. I believe we've earned the right to address each other more casually." Raiden placed a warn hand on your shoulder to righten you.
"As you insist. The feeling runs mutual." You straightened to a stance again, sighing happily. "I feel every time I have the fate to fight alongside of you, it is never less than thrilling. The joy of accompanying a god to battle, I suppose. Thank you for being my unwilling inspiration to improve."
He offered a rare genuine smile. "You are an excellent warrior in your own right. I am happy to serve as your ally."
Your eyes twinkled in delight as a soft blush decorated your cheeks. You fought the urge to bow again, but instead took the initiative to walk beside of him through the temple, seemingly with out a destination. Your footfall echoed softly in the quiet surroundings, paired with the sound of distant monks training.
"There is something refreshing about this place," the god remarked after a break, taking in the aura. "It's still and peaceful, almost as if time has stopped moving." He paused, considering his next words. "Do you ever find the simplicity of this place to be… dull?"
You tilted your head, considering his words. You gazed to the scenery, watching as some leaves blew gently across the air, the grass shifting gracefully. "I suppose… I do. It can be rejuvenating when I need it to be., but perhaps I'm too used to the way of training so now I like things to be a bit more unexpected" Your stare found him again. "Pretty to look at, maybe not to spend continuous time in. Do you find it to be dull?"
Raiden's expression seemed to grow contemplative. "Alike you, it depends. Sometimes I find the tranquility of the temple to be a much needed respite, a chance to reflect and decompress. But other times, I feel that this place can be too peaceful, that I still crave the challenge of battle outside the walls of this place." He nodded toward some of the monk's practicing in the courtyard. "I admire the tenacity and commitment of the monks to the pursuit of peaceful meditation, but battle and conflict remain a central part of my life."
You hummed. "It seems we are not so different. It's a bit amusing to think about."
"I consider you a kindred spirit of sorts."
You willed your blush to go away as he spoke, hoping it wasn't as obvious as it had felt. If he noticed, he did not saying anything. "Knowing you on a personal level, it does seems our souls align in some way." Your voice trickled off for a moment, debating your wording. "I believe you know some of my past, but that isn't something I can say for many people. Our companionship is of high virtue to me."
"I know some of your past, but I would not dare to claim to know all of it. From what I do know, I see someone who's strong and resilient, someone with a good head on her shoulders. Your words and demeanor speak volumes of the type of person you are."
A sigh released from your lips, soaking in the warmth of his words. Perhaps, and you would never admit it, you stumbled just a bit. "I don't know if I would believe that years ago. Thank you. Sincerely."
Raiden noticed a vulnerability in you that you rarely showed. His electric eyes twinkled in the sunlight, pleased to know you trusted him enough to reveal it. "It is my pleasure, truly. I believe that you are the type of person who deserves to hear words of encouragement and appreciation."
He was thrumming strings along in your chest so easily, and he did't even know it. Your body buzzed, as if you had his power coursing through you instead.
You continued walking beside him, wanting to speak more but unsure of what. As you passed a fountain, you spoke. "I should probably shower some of the battle off me. Thank you for another successful battle, and putting up with my company afterwards."
"It was my pleasure to fight alongside of you as well." The god slowed to a stop, nearing the courtyard. He paused for a moment, gazing into your eyes with a certain look you couldn't quite place. "If you will indulge me, may I ask if you have any plans tonight? Perhaps you could join me for dinner?"
"Oh!" You were truly a master of words. "I don't have plans, actually. None. None at all!" Oh gods, just stop talking. "I'd love to join you."
"Wonderful." His expression lit with genuine delight, amusement hidden just below. "I expect you are eager to rid yourself of the battle grime, as well as to get some well earned downtime. I will await your return. Until then, please rest and recuperate."
"Until then," you confirmed. You waved to him as you departed to your bedroom, under the promise of later. As you rounded the corner, you couldn't help but let out a delighted giggle. Your heart pulsed, shy yet thrilled, and continued to your room.
Your well-anticipated shower proved to be more than needed as the warm water laxed your sore muscles. You did small chores around your room to distract your racing mind.
You weren't expecting much for how the dinner may go, uncertain if Raiden even felt any emotion that you did. But even if it was just to be platonic, you were delighted to have the opportunity.
The anticipation made the time go slow, but you were ecstatic when the time came to get ready. You decided not to go over the top to look nice, deciding on a more naturalistic approach. While your heart could fool itself, your mind wasn't set to believe that it was truly a date.
When finished, you returned down the familiar path to the fountain. Unsurprisingly, Raiden was there, his back to you. He turned when you heard you approach.
"Fancy seeing a thunder god here," you teased, stopping in front of him.
"How quickly the tide changes. I recall just a few hours ago, I was the one who asked you to dinner." His eyes glinted in humour as he observed you. You exuded a certain charm and allure that was almost captivating. "You certainly look stunning in this attire."
That caught you a bit off-guard. "Ah, well, thank you. It really isn't anything divine." But you appreciated the sincerity. "You look just as wonderful, as always."
He hadn't changed from his normal clothes unsurprisingly, but was without his hat. His headcap had remained on, and you were a bit disappointed at that.
Raiden smiled at the compliment. "You're too kind. Would you mind following me to the dining hall? I've prepared dinner for us tonight, and it would be a pleasure to share it with you."
"Of course. After you." You stood tall and followed after him, intrigued. As far as you knew, he didn't know your taste palette and that was making you a bit nervous.
Raiden led the way to the dining hall below the temple so you two could dine alone, the heavenly scent of food wafting in the air as you got close. Perhaps you were afraid for nothing. He opened the door for you, and followed inside. He directed you to a decorated table that was laid out with a multidude of delicious dishes, ranging from elegant desserts to spicy foods, and even meat dishes.
You were taken back by just how extravagant it all was, mouth watering from just looking at the savory foods. "Somehow, I had a feeling you wouldn't disappoint, Raiden." You chuckled as you sat across from him, eager as ever. He didn't need to know that wasn't all the truth, and his proud smile made you feel better about your white lie.
The dinner consisted of several savory courses, from a delectable soup to tender and flavorful appetizers, all in impeccable quality. The conversation was friendly and light, compensated around the time you savored the sweet spices. It was little conversation where it was more so talking about nothing, yet it was enticing. But more so, you were thrilled to discover that his ability to be a chef rivaled that of his to battle.
"I fear that no food is ever going to compare to this again."
Raiden smiled at the admiration and leaned back in his seat, pleased. "I'm glad to hear. I am always eager to experiment with new flavours."
"God of lightning, god of cooking on the side. It's almost unearthly how good it all is." Wait… The question posed in your head. You had to ask. "Wait - is it actually unearthly? Do you seriously use your lightning to cook?"
An amused huff of air puffed from his nose, seeming quite amused at how you seemed to believe your hypothesis before even his answer. "I did not, though that is an interesting thought. I was still once very much mortal and have learned to cook the same way any other mortal does."
You hummed, impressed. "I'm now enamored for your cooking. Please, if you ever feel like cooking, be sure to invite me again. I don't know if I'll be able to enjoy normal food again after this," you jested, taking another bite of food in proof. The flavour erupted over your tongue instantly.
"The offer goes both ways, you know," Raiden replied, his tone hinting and cheerful. "I would love to share my culinary with you whenever you want to join me for dinner. I would be interested in tasting your creations as well."
You met his eyes again, a twinge of hope tickling inside you. "I can't calim I'm the best cook, but I'm not so bad that I would kill you." You laughed and finished off the last bite of your food.
"I suppose I can overlook the occasional meal that fails to kill me." He softly laughed with you, a deep and uncommon thing. He continued to gaze over you as you finished the meal. He noticed that the shared gazes would linger a little bit too long. He did nothing to regulate it.
You enjoyed the mutual silence for a moment, but you were getting a bit too curious for your own good as you eyed his headwear. Your expression clearly showed your thought process, face scrunched as you considered asking.
"You seem to be debating on something." He watched closely, awaiting with a curious yet eager expression. "Do you wish to know something?"
"It's dumb." You answered slowly, but eventually laughed. "It's so dumb…. Buut, I was just curious what you keep hidden underneath that headcap, if you'll entertain me. I just thought about how long I've known you and have yet to see what you're hiding." You hoped that didn't sound rude. "Of course, it's completely fine if not. I didn't mean to sound forthright."
Raiden couldn't help but smile, eyes filled with amusement. It was an unexpected yet a charming enough request that his smiled enough for his teeth to show. You added that to a list of accomplishments. "You've piqued my curiosity. I'm always up for a bit of fun." You leaned forward in interest. "Perhaps I will entertain your request, perhaps not. You will have to wait and see."
Your mouth fell open. He did not. "You-" You barked a laugh in shock, but it soon bubbled into guffawing. You dipped your head back, truly amused. "You suck! So bad! I never expected you to be such a tease."
He laughed along with you, his amusement growing at the sight of your mirth. "What, a god isn't allowed to tease?" He voice was playful.
"Now I didn't say that; I just wasn't expecting it. You're always so serious." You leaned back into the chair, crossing your arms over your chests and gave him a once-over. "I'm starting to like discovering these hidden sides of you. You're actually quite entertaining."
Who knew, the god of thunder had a playful side. How unseen it must be.
"I find that there is a time and place for everything. I am not opposed to letting my guard down and having some casual fun from time to time."
"It's honestly fun to see. I consider you a good friend, so it's delightful to know you aren't always so stoic."
Raiden felt something move in his chest. What, he wasn't entirely sure but chose not to dwell on it. "The same goes for me. It is comforting to know that you enjoy my company once you got past my intimidating exterior."
"I figured it came with being a protector of Earthrealm. Can't have the enemies knowing you're a divine cook," you joked and you saw his lips quirk. "Though, it's funny; your brother is such a stark contrast to you."
His eyebrow quirked at the mention. "Fujin and I are similar in some ways, yet so much more different in others. The contrast is certainly engaging, to say the least."
"He says much of the same thing." You chuckled. "I talk to him quite often, when the time permits. He shares stories about the two of you when you were younger, it's endearing how he speaks of it. Also sickening. Though, he did tell me you were one to pull his hair just to spite him when you fought."
"I see he likes revealing some of our more childish habits. I assume he failed to mention any of his," Raiden wore a high-spiried smile, chortling at the memory. "But yes, I've got my tricks."
"Dully noted. Would that be the reason for your headcap? To stop Fujin from getting revenge?" You were being instegative now, knowing that is was simply meant to keep his hair from his face.
It was a playful dig, one Raiden found himself liking. There was an air of teasing between you both, and he was very much enjoying it. "Perhaps I simply wanted to add some flair to my usual attire. I do believe it provides a certain air of authority, if I do say so myself."
You hummed, leaning on the table to get a good luck at it, as if you hadn't seen it so many times before. "You're right. I do believe you are the only one I've seen wearing it."
Passive aggressiveness suited you nicely even if he did catch onto it. "I think it does add a nice bit of distinction, does it not?"
You snorted. "Distinction is certainly one way to describe it. It looks a bit odd in a normal setting, I must admit. However, you do make it look good so at least you can get away with it."
"I'll take that as a compliment then."
The atmosphere drifted back to light conversation as time filtered between the both of you. Dusk turned to nightfall swiftly, the room slowly casting shadows as the late hours creeped in. You were completely enraptured by him the entire night, captivated by the moment. His eyes mesmerized, especially as they seemed even more alight when he spoke. You were too entranced to notice the time filtering by.
But when his eyes flicked to the windows, yours followed. It was completely pitch. "Oh, wow, It's late." You felt panic rise in your chest, trying to decide what hour exactly it was. "I'm so sorry for holding you up. I didn't realize just how late it's gotten."
"No need to apologize," he responded in a gentle tone. ""I myself didn't realize much time passed as well. What's more, I was enjoying our conversation, so I don't mind one bit."
"That's relieving, at least." You rose from your chair. "I enjoyed this as well. You have a bit of a… thrilling aura to you. You are very intriquing."
"Thrilling aura?" He repeated, amusement clear by the choice of words. He stood as well and gathered the dishes.
"Yes, like…. How should I say it." You hummed in thought and helped collect the plates as well, following and returning them to the sink. "I guess because of your status as an elder god, that spending time with someone so high above me feels like it could be 'forbidden'. I know it's not, but I just find it so out of the ordinary to share you downtime. I know I can be boring."
When the plates were placed where they needed to be, you both wandered back to the entrance. "We may be words away in terms of divinity," he began, "However it it is a privilege and pleasure to have spent the night with you. As for being boring, I don't believe that to be the case. You have shared many interesting stories with me, and I have been enthralled by each one of them."
Your cheeks flushed as he spoke, pulse a bit quicker. You shyly tucked some hair behind your ear. "I can say the same… even despite your vendetta to keep hiding what's under your headcap," you quipped. "I suppose I can let that little detail go."
Your curiosity about his appearance was cute. But for now, he liked the air of mystery to it, perhaps if just to ease you more. "Curiosity will only encourage you to continue wondering, will it not?"
You rolled your eyes when you realized he meant to still keep it a secret, but you smiled anyways. Despite the crushing interest, you felt it rather charming that he would play a bit. "Yes, yes, it will. And I'll remained bothered about it until the day." You flicked your eyes back to him, a small glaze of adoration in them. "You have many layers of mystery to you, Raiden. I find great interest in trying to solve them, and that is just one of the many."
"And what if I told you that beneath this was nothing but disappointment?"
You tilted your head. "What it is, premature balding? Or no wait - fully bald. No, no, it couldn't possibly be the secrets of the universe, right?"
Raiden hummed, shaking his head. Each of your possibilities were more ridiculous and humorous than the last. "Perhaps. Any of those could be correct. I could be bald, and not want to bring attention to it so I hide it." He spoke in a fake-slighted tone.
"Somehow, I think you would be able to pull it off. But, perhaps I'm so used to seeing the monks here. Most of them are bald."
"Perhaps indeed. Being on this planet for much of a longer time than you has introduced me to many styles. I realize that you may be correct of me pulling off such an appearance."
"Wha-" You barked out laughing at such a absurd sentence. "That was such an overdramatic and humble way of saying you agree with me! What was that?" You had to double over and grab your stomach, the words replaying in your head. It took a moment, but when you finally were able to straighten yourself, the smirk was still evident. "Perhaps I'm too delirious because it's so late, but that may have been the most hilarious thing I've heard you say."
You reactions to his foolish answer that was more playful than serious was indulging, far beyond amusing. "The night may leave your judgement compromised. But I can't help feel that it has also been truly refreshing, and I believe that the late hour is not the cause of this."
"It has been quite the wonder. I am sad that it is coming to a closure, but if I stay any longer, I fear you'll make me laugh too hard and it'll wake up Kung Lao…. He is truly someone you do not want to anger when he is sleeping."
"We wouldn't want that." He said that as if he had any idea of how hard you learned that lesson. Lucky him. "Your attempts at laughter would prove to be ill-advised."
Your eyes narrowed at him as you walked out of the dining hall, him back by your side. "Whose fault would that be then? Don't make me laugh and it won't happen." You elbowed his side gently.
"I shall endeavor not to elicit any jokes. And if I fail to do so, I shall endure Kung Lao's wrath willingly instead of laughing at you, of course." He leaned in just a bit, barely noticeable. But you caught it.
"What a generous man you are." You leaned against him as well, copying his mannerisms.
Raiden was delighted in the response to his gesture. Every moment was becoming an exchange of teasing between you two, and he found himself enjoying the rapport ever so much. The air seemed to flow easy at each exchange of witty banter.
You found yourself unable to stop smiling as you continued the way to your bedrooms. Your body again buzzed, chest alight. This was a progressive night between you both, even if it was just a friendly thing. "It's so late - dare I even say early at this point - and yet I have absolutely no interest in sleeping. I feel so energized."
"I'm quite awake myself." His body felt invigorated by your presence, admittedly.
"I blame you. I'm typically asleep at this time, so can only assume you have caused this."
"Despite that, I do find it to be quite fulfilling to have you in my company for such a late evening."
You tried to hide your laugh as you looked the other way, over your shoulder. It didn't work. "Careful with your wording there, Raiden. You're starting to sound a bit sultry."
"And is a bit of sultriness bad, if I may ask?" He watched you from the corner of his eye, feigning innocence.
"No, no, I quite welcome it. Just hoping you don't dish what you can't serve." Raiden didn't miss the look of flirtation in your eyes. Nor how you stepped just a bit closer. The night was bringing forth new things and you were starting to see a side you didn't expect from him, and it was making you swell with confidence.
Likewise, Raiden leaned back to you. Your elbows brushed against one another. The clear flirtation was quite obvious, and you both were receptive to it. "I believe I'm quite able to dish it as well as take it. Shall I raise it up a level to make up for that?"
"Will I be wooed by the Thunder God himself? I'm interested of what the next level entails. Please, entice me. I'm curious."
Your bedroom was just up ahead, leaving limited time to explore this bit of flirtation. You didn't want it to end, feared that the moment may be abolished come morning.
Yet he bit at the offer and gave a suggestive reply. "Why should I be the one to entice you? That wouldn't be entirely fair, would it? Perhaps you ought to tempt me in your own way, and then I shall do the same. For balance sake."
His sentence caught you a bit off-guard, but it was a welcome allure. "Smooth, Raiden. Very smooth." Your eyes traced over him, slowly drifting up his body, absorbing all details, and ensuring he could feel wherever your flaming stare landed. Ever so slowly, you up past his broad shoulders before settling to land on his lips, holding the gaze.
You looked away.
You had made the first move into the teasing challenge.
"Isn't there some kind of old saying to not temp a god? And here you are daring me. Regardless, I think I'd do a few sins for you."
His body buzzed. To think his flirtation had set a precedent for how you actually planned to challenge him was enticing. "That would be correct. Though, it would take much more than that to tempt a god such as myself. If anything, it is quite generous to allow you to even attempt to entice me."
"Allow me? Frankly, it sounds like you are wanting me to, since you'd be permitting it." You were putting up a false sense of bravado. Inside, your heart hammered against your chest and threatened to burst from how bad your nerves crept. But this was enthralling, and you were in way too deep. You felt your pulse skip several beats as you saw your door, wondering what exactly this was about to become.
"I suppose you may have me there. The question yet remains whether I would like you to actually tempt me, or if this is merely a game that I'm allowing you to play."
Of course he wouldn't specify which. That was for you to decide.. or to play it out and see. "I don't know if I'd consider myself much of a temptress, though your challenge seems inveigling."
"We shall have to see how the night turns out. Perhaps you have hidden talents that you are waiting to unveil? If so, I would be quite surprised if you are truly not the temptress you so believe you aren't."
He apparently had more faith in you than you did yourself. How curious.
You stopped in front of your room, considered your next plan to action. Opening the door, you turned around to face him. "I hope I can live up to at least some of those beliefs you hold in me. Half of the battle will be finding what you even crave and playing into them." Your eyes locked with his chest again, heat building in you as you traced along the details of his broad muscles. You wonder how they would feel... You pushed the tantalizing thought away for now. You gave a crooked smile, backing into the room, teasingly, cajoling. "I'd be honored to accept the challenge, Lord Raiden… Or would you perhaps prefer 'master' in this setting?" You titled your head. "If you also wish to proceed with this game... lock the door."
Raiden remained in cool disposition as he considered your proposal. He decided he was excited with the turn of events.
The challenge was set now, and the night would either be a fun game or something completely exhilarating.
"It seems that this night will be a time for experimentation between the two of us." He followed you inside, locking the door behind him as instructed. Your core flared in response.
You studied his every movement as he came into your room, watching to see what he did, how he responded. In reality, you had never attempted to seduce before and this was more nerve-wracking than you wanted to admit. You were frightened that you may embarrass yourself, or worse - shun him away.
You were walking an incredibly thin line, but the anixety of the situation churned different at the thought of what may also become, even if only for a night. "Expiermentation often is how people find their delights in life. Hobbies, crafts… Kinks, even."
"I believe we could benefit from a lot of it then. While life is a constant cycle of learning, changing, it is good to explore what we crave."
"And what exactly is it that you crave… Master?" You advanced to him slowly. You had to raise your head up as you got closer, his impressive height looming over you. You were still playing into the 'master', trying to decipher any body language to see if it any any affect.
He daringly leaned in. "If you're going to call me 'Master', you must truly be venturesome to do anything at my orders. Are you willing to prove just how submissive you can truly be?"
"Is that what you desire? My submissiveness?" You whispered the words to him since he was so close, your expression going half-lidded. You gracefully slid yourself down to kneel on your knees, and he watched you the entire way down. In this position, you had to crane your neck further. "If you are curious about that, I can prove to be very dutiful."
Raiden's lips quirked at your response. Your will to submit yourself made his mind turn to all kinds of possibilities. "How voluntary… May I give you an order then?"
You only nodded, remaining in perfect posture as you awaited.
He looked over you in almost a predatory light. But it didn't scare you. Instead, it turned you on. "I find you hair quite enticing." He looked away from your eyes to look to your hair. "I would like for you to let me have free reign over it."
"My hair is yours, master."
A simple enough order. You could do that.
The approval sparked an instant trigger within the god. The fact that you seemed so willing to do whatever he pleased to you was an irresistible thing to fathom. "Good girl."
The praise burned inside you, almost insatiably hot. He strode forward, a hand gliding into your hair. You closed your eyes and gave him the access to do as he pleased, patient and still for him.
His fingers caressed your smooth hair, running his thumb over the texture. It was clear he had you completely enraptured, and the dominant position and control over you stirred deviously inside of him. As he stroked your hair, he spoke: "Have you ever allowed a man to touch you this way before?"
Your eyes opened to only flick away, embarrassed. A light blush painted your face. "No," you admitted.
The shy and embarrassed behavior were exciting to elicit from you. It only made him want to tease your further as his other hand moved to massage your neck. "Then, I feel truly honored that I am the first to be able to touch you in such a way. Do you know what this moment makes you to me?"
Your eyes met his, curious. You shook your head, not daring to speak.
A low chuckle vibrated through his throat. It felt like it reverbrated through you. "This moment makes you vulnerable. And you allowed me to make you so. Do you know how much that says you trust me on some level, that you want to submit to me in such a state?"
You swallowed thickly. You nodded this time.
Raiden's lips curled up in an almost sinister way. To see the desire and lust begin build in you set his mind alight. It was pleasurable, for how easy it was to move you hair in any way he desired. "Good girl. I think you are understanding the game quite well. Now, do you wish for me to stop? Or will you allow me to continue playing with your hair?"
"Continue, please."
"Good answer. Do you know what this makes me want to do?" Another shake of your head. "This game is making me want to lean down and kiss your neck. Is that something you would allow to happen? Would you be able to keep yourself calm while I do this? Or are you already on the verge of breaking down?"
His words were sinful for how much of a tease they were. They made you shudder. "I can remain calm for you."
"Then I shall proceed." He wasted no time to lean down and press firm kisses to your jaw, a slow advancement downward to your neck. His lips were soft, the kisses kind yet lingering and it allowed you to keep composure to start. He felt your pulse and body's reactions under his lips to read your unspoken emotions.
You barely resisted the urge to shiver. Your eyebrows furrowed at the sensation, yet you remained still and pliant for him as you savored the feeling into memory,
Raiden's kisses deepened to being seductive, tongue swirling over your heated pulse points with his fingers twirling in your hair the entire duration. "Have you ever been kissed on your neck like this before? Is this something you are accustomed to?"
"No… This will be my first."
The god hummed in the nook of your shoulder, pleased at the answer. He pressed his body against yours where he could, lips along your throat, your jugular. "Is this something you find pleasurable, or do you find it ticklish perhaps?"
Your mind short-circuted as he pressed against you. You had daydreams about this, but actually feeling his seven foot frame was another thing. You felt small and you were willing to break under him. "P-pleasurable…"
The faltering in your speech made him growl quietly, but you felt it. Your mind was clearly losing the ability to keep itself in check, yet he would not allow you the time to recover as he continued his travel down and moved his lips to cover your collar bone, pulling at your shirt collar. "You're stuttering quite a bit." Raiden shifted his lips to land beside your ear. He mumbled softly, voice just loud enough for you to hear. "Allow me to show you how absolutely irresistible you are in this state of submission. How this is turning me on so much."
You let out a shaky whine at his hot breath spilling against your ear. You hands twitched to touch him, but you would stay patient under his orders. You nodded quickly, eyes shutting.
"It almost feels like you have given yourself up; That I am the one calling all the shots here. You are at my mercy in every sense of the word. I am the one in control now, and you shall allow yourself to be completely submissive to me. Your body and mind belong to me now. Does this excite you?"
His husky voice vibrating through your mind was starting to make your thighs tremble. You nodded again. "Yes, master. My being is at your will."
You fully subjected yourself to him and his heart thrummed. "Excellent, just the way I like you. Keep your eyes closed." He softly placed a kiss on your head, tugging lightly on your hair.
But then he moved away.
You remained where you were, still tremebling softly. His loss of body heat made a shiver work its way up your spine. You worried a bit - worried he may be leaving - but then you heard the telltale sound of clothes shifting. He was undressing.
You wanted to give in to your creeping lust and watch him undress, but you kept your mind set to his command. It caused you to vibrate in anticipation. Your thighs were starting to feel slick as the heat pooled between them.
After a few seconds, you could hear his footfall approach you again. You straighted your position a little taller.
Raiden kneeled down to match your height a bit better. His hands came to land on your shoulders. "Open your eyes," he uttered softly.
Your eyes opened sluggish, trying to hold onto at least some control. Your body flamed as you were greeted with his bare chest displayed right in front of you, old scars and freckles prominent against his skin. You forced your eyes to continue onward and not get distracted. They trailed up his neck - how nice it looked and how you craved to give it the same attention, if not more, than he did to you. His shoulders moved slowly with his deep breaths, and there was a slight flush to pigmentation. You continued to eye up his body, noticed his lips again.
Then, your breath hitched. Your vision dialed to his exposed hair. It was a striking and pure white colour, rather long and healthy as it brushed against his sun kissed shoulders. It draped across him beautifully, some strands framing his defined face in a perfect compliment. He looked like poetry, and you weren't even a poet.
You were still for quite awhile, silently detailing it all to memory. You craved to touch him.
Raiden released a soft sigh as the look in your eyes glistened. He felt flattered under your gaze. "Do you want to touch me? If you so wish, I will allow it. I think you've earned it."
"May I please?" Your question was so quiet you weren't sure if he had even heard it.
"Yes, you may."
Relief washed over you. You shifted, softly bringing your hands to him. Gently, you expiermentally ran your fingers through just the ends of his pure white hair. The plush feel was almost ethereal, so gentle and calming to touch. You ran a thumb against the texture, as if to check it was true, before moving up to his scalp, running your fingers through the white strands. It was perfect, there were no knots; just smooth and elegant, beautiful hair. He clearly cared for his hair despite keeping it hidden. You pushed back hair from his face, tucked it behind his ear ever so lightly as if it were delicate and not a deity. He remained perfectly still for you.
"You're so spellbinding, Raiden," you whispered in complete honesty, forgetting the submissive title to just compliment him earnestly. You trailed your hands up his chest and stopped at his cheeks. You swiped over his lips. He had kissed your neck, your skin, but his lips against yours were still foreign.
Perhaps your mind was getting ahead of yourself. Perhaps you were entranced by his beauty.
Raiden kept silent as he watched your thoughts and admiration pass over your features. It was clear to tell you were becoming enraptured, but he preffered you in this state of mind.
Your desire finally caught up to you. You had been haunted by the thoughts of his hair and his lips for so long, and they had presented themselves before you. How could you not give in?
You gingerly brought yourself closer, kissing him in a featherlight embrace. It was ever soft, sweet and innocent, an experimental touch. You fingerpads ghosted at his jawline.
He didn't resist you, but didn't move. His lips remained still as you kissed him, allowing himself to bask in the feeling you gave him, and for you to take what you wanted.
You broke away after just a moment, eyes still closed. You allowed him a second - if he wanted to pull away, to tell you to stop. He did not. So you kissed him again.
The next time you pulled away, you remained a small distance away. Your sigh landed against his lips as you entertwined breaths. Your eyes opened and took him all in once again, his true beauty stark. You could feel yourself slowly losing the battle of falling completely and helplessly in love. "Sorry," you muttered, hands crossing behind his neck. You chuckled. "I guess that wasn't very submissive of me."
"I rather like it. It allows me to see how far I can push you into becoming infatuated with me."
"If that is what you want, you're a bit late. I've been infatuated with you for quite some time."
The admission striked a chord within him. "And have you had fantasies about me for this long too?"
Your hands froze. You shot him a glare, cheeks flaring. Guilty. "Perhaps.."
Of course he had to turn the serene moment into something filthy.
He could not surpress his grin. "Just perhaps?" The god waited for your expression intently.
"More than perhaps… I have fantasied this and… more than this on multiple occasions."
What an inviting revelation. "And what would this 'more' entail exactly? I would love for you to tell me."
You thickly swallowed. "I've had quite a few… thoughts and visions. M-most of them, um, though.." You hated how you stuttered, but his predatory watch was doing nothing to alievate your lust. "I've imagined y-your head between my thighs."
You weren't sure if there was a greater sin that telling a god straight to their face that you envisioned sex with them. Yet, it didn't make you feel dirty.
Raiden's eyes were locked onto you to watch you flush red. He openly smirked. "Continue, please."
You didn't think you could blush any harder, yet you did. The heat between your legs burned deliciously as you recalled the vision. You were leaking. "You were.. Er, your tongue. And mouth. You had me on my back as you ate me out. S-sometimes, I was on top and you let me ride your face. I fantasized about that the most."
He thoroughly enjoyed that more than he thought he would, and a low growling moan of approval slipped from his mouth. It was satisfying to know how aroused and hot you were becoming for him, and how you had been imagining him before. "Your dreams are quite vivid. And now, I'm starting to get some visions to add into these fantasies of our own. Would you like to know what I'm envisioning now?"
You were too flustered to answer with words, so you nodded, rubbing your legs together.
His hands ran up your thighs. You weren't as sly as you thought. His face inched closer to your ear again, voice filled with eroticism. "I'm now envisioning you on your back, with myself between your legs as they're strung over my shoulders, your breasts moving in time with each thrust I pound into you. Your nails cut into my back to ground yourself."
You breath turned ragged as he listed the sinful details. Your body flared, pulse thumping harshly against your ribcage. Your blood felt scolding, and it all coursed to your core. Your body twitched without your notice. "Yeah? Anything else you'd like?" You licked your lips, suddenly dry. "Any other fantasies?"
Something with how his voice was more of a growl was turning you into putty. His voice, so close to your ear, reverberated through your body, the illusion of you both being one. So close, so bound together. His voice felt like it was fucking you in itself.
Raiden devoured the site before him, your utterly breathless and trembling body made a hunger within him grow. It felt primal, and he resisted urges to take you for himself then and there. His lips ghosted over yours, breath touching yours as he spoke to stir you even further. "That one in itself is quite the vision alone. But I do have another… Would you like to hear it?"
"Yes… please."
His hand came to cup your chin. "Close your eyes." The hand slowly shifted down to the back of your neck.
You shuddered lightly and obeyed, your vision darkening once more.
He slowly leaned you back, where he was leaning over you yet still elevating you by your back. His voice was becoming deeper and rougher as he began to speak in a more seductive tone. "You're on top, and your hands are on either side of me as you gyrate your hips back and forth, pleasuring yourself and using me to your own benefit. Your head is thrown back and your eyes are tightly closed, enjoying the pleasurable sensations that I am giving you."
"Fuck!" Your body shuddered against your will, and the friction of your movement made you moan. You imagined his vision quite clearly in your mind with your eyes closed. You felt as if his words spoke of reality, your body reacting in kind, leaking as if you could truly feel yourself atop of him, riding.
You were making Raiden become breathless as well, seeing the image of you playing before him. He knew what was happening, he wasn't a fool. You were causing the same affect on him, pleasure building within him without even having touch him. You were a deviant. "Your body is trembling, your breathing is heavy and your moans are echoing off the room. Your legs are tightly gripped around my waist, shaking, and you're holding yourself as tight to me as you can. Your eyes are squeezed shut as you're close to your peak, and you're letting yourself go completely."
Your head dips back, the words washing over you. Your mind was running rampant with the visage of his words. Your body followed along with the story, and you whimpered pathetically in his hands. You felt a rush start to rise quickly inside of you.
"You're reaching your climax, your breath becoming more rough and raspy. You're grabbing onto me taught as if a lifeline as your body begins to shake uncontrollably and your legs begin to tremble even more. You release on top of me, you squeeze around me."
You moan, absolutely wretched, and your body follows exactly what he instructed in his story. Your hips gyrate as you feel yourself climax from his voice alone. He pushed you so far over the edge that you didn't care how pitiful you seemed as your hips moved to their own motion. You clutched his shoulder and moaned into his neck, riding your high.
Raiden panted as he felt your moan again his throat, eliciting a shiver up his back. He loved the sight of your body letting itself go as your moan grew louder to the visions of pleasure he delivered to you. Hips lips came to meet yours once more in the midst of your release, from the fantasy of your shared creation.
You kissed him hastily in return, moaning against the taste of his lips. Suddenly, you tugged him over top of you as you pulled your back to the floor, seeking his friction. In the new pose, his mouth began to nibble on your neck. You wrapped your legs, locking them over his hips, pressing him down to your mound. You ground against him so he could ride out his own release with you.
That was a feeling he was enjoying to its full extent, one he barely felt in his lifetime. Feeling the heat of your body against his, the feeling of your soft body rubbing him this way, the damp wetness through your clothes. He growled low as he began to rock himself against you, back and forth. His lips trailed up your neck with small bites to mark before landing on your lips one final time, and he rode out his own release.
The feeling of it all made you gasp, pushing his head further to deepen the kiss and milking him for all his glory. He was big and the feel of him rubbing against you made you feel carnal. Your legs tightened in the daze of your ecstasy when you felt his body release against you.
As he broke, he groaned against your lips and you drank it down, thirsty for it. When the kiss broke with a trail of saliva connecting, he resigned his head back to the junction of your shoulder.
His body relaxed within yours as he willed himself to regain composure. Your hand in his hair slowly released its grip to a soft pet and he sighed at the feeling, combined with your body heat. He allowed himself to relax in the afterglow, waiting for his breathing to regulate.
You freely panted, and when he felt his mind was stable enough, he looked back to you. Your palm caressed his face, as if confirming he was truly still there and that had happened. "Fuck, Raiden… You're fucking good."
You were too strung out to even care that you were cursing to a god.
His eyes shut as you left soft little kisses up his cheekbones, grabbing your hand with his own. He was still in his own dazed stupor, breathing slowly. "I could say the same for you, goddess."
"Mm." You dropped your legs off his hips, glowing at the petname. "If that's how it is with only just talking about our fantasies, I can only imagine how it will be when we actually do them."
Raiden's body started to relax with yours, the heat of the aftermath a soothing warmth. He felt a tiredness start to creep, but your words kept him awake. "I completely agree." He pressed a kiss to your collarbone.
You rested with each other in a comforting silence. His body temperature was almost unnatural, basking you in a serene state as you lightly played with his hair. He leaned into the touch. "How.. how did I do for my first time seducing?"
You just had to know.
"This being your first time still remains a complete shock to me; you had completely overtaken me. I'd say you earned the title of a temptress."
That was a relief. A delight, even, to know you fell a god's resolve. "Seeing as you were my first, I'm glad it know it was enjoyable to the both of us." You felt him smirk in your skin. He would be very much inclined to be more of your 'firsts'. "Am I right to assume that this isn't a game? That you wanted me to tempt you? Truly?" You knew he could feel your pulse quicken in your chest as the anxieties phrased your questions. You wanted to know what this meant, exactly.
Raiden pulled himself from your arms and you felt your stomach drop. But he his head draped to yours, pressing your foreheads together. "Correct."
You kissed him, needing to express your gratitude. This time he kissed back, stroking your arms. How you'd love to suffocate yourself in his kiss… "I'd like to make those fantasies you spoke of come to life, Raiden. I imagine you'd look quite beautiful below me. Now that I know what your hair looks like, this completely adds a new layer to my visions. You'll look so delicious from above, your hair draped over the pillows…"
He huffed in merit as you trailed off, your thoughts clearly displayed in the glint of your eyes. "Oh? Your thoughts still run rampant even after what we've just done? You're quite naughty indeed."
You chuckled and pushed yourself to sit up a bit, wincing a bit of the feeling of your wetness inside your clothes. "Don't worry, I won't ask you for a second round, old man." Besides, you really wanted a change of clothes.
"Another quip to my age?" He helped you stand. "I'd say I can keep up just fine."
You took his hand as he led you to the bathroom. You leaned on his side and pressed a kiss to his chin, really the only place you could reach on tip-toes with him standing straight. "No worries, I'm into older guys." You gifted another kiss. "And you did extremely well." Another one. "We'll ensure you don't break a hip in the future."
"Is that so? Well, if you truly believe that and want to treat me like your personal toy, at least give me a few weeks to recover first before you ride me."
"Mm, we'll see." He sets you down on your bathtub rim and you run your hands over his chest. You gaze was nothing less than affectionate and his responded in kind. "Truly though, Raiden, I did want to thank you. I know I was persistent to know what your hair looked like. I find you mesmerizing; I hope to see you like this more often."
"I'm pleased I could sedate your curiosity in some way." His voice was soft, sweet and it dared to lull you before you could both clean yourselves.
"I think you actually managed to tire me out, admittedly. I think I'm just going to clean a bit, change and sleep. You're… welcome to join me and stay the night, if you'd like."
The smile he gave you was so charming, so handsome on him, you considered taking him again. You supposed you could wait. "I would be pleased to wake up beside you in the morning. Are you sure that's alright?"
"More than alright. I just know the morning sun looks so wonderful on you. I will be anticipating it."
The words made his heart melt with each passing moment. Your words, your praise, and just yourself, truly captivated him. "I will as well. Sleep well tonight. I am certain I will be in your dreams throughout the night."
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lup-ines · 1 month
The Saturnian Guide
the do’s and don’t of saturn transits
by lup-ines
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as an aquarius (capricorn in sidereal) stellium, I am no stranger to the difficulties that comes with Saturn.
but what if I told you it didn’t have to be hard?
it may not seem like it, but like all the other planets in astrology, saturn transits can be beneficial if you know how to maneuver them properly!
as a gift to all my lovely readers, I will be letting you know how you can make the most out of saturn transits and where you should tread lightly.
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- practice self-love affirmations
- get into exercise routine or any physical activity that encourages bodily discipline
- make peace with your past
- find ways to take responsibility for your actions without making excuse and take a calculated approach to them
- take the time to get to know yourself and discover new things about your being
- practice patience surrounding adapting a new identity
- make impulsive changes to your appearance
- seek validation from outside sources
- feed into superficial delusions about yourself
- indulge in toxic ways of avoiding your insecurities
- neglect your health and physical appearance
- compare your own journey to the journey of others
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- find new ways to stabilize your finances
- make thorough plans for big purchases and new financial moves
- learn new skills
- explore jobs/careers that will help you expand into a new stage in life
- build foundations around your self worth
- make impulsive/unplanned purchases
- indulge in frivolous money spending habits
- be discouraged by slow financial gains
- gamble
- adapt new beauty routines without doing research
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- read and find ways to gain more knowledge!
- find new ways to communicate more efficiently
- write, journal
- observe the flaws in your communication style and find healthy ways to improve it
- understand that everything is not worth an argument sometimes
- speak before thinking clearly about how your words could affect others
- allow negative thoughts to ruminate
- engage in immature arguments with siblings/neighbours
- buy a car/go on a short distance trip without planning
like and reblog! let me know if you want a part two!
love always,
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★⋆ ┊ . ˚
- clémence
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morallyinept · 7 months
It's the end of another week, so you know what that means, right?
Self-Care with Dieter and Jett! 
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Hang on, wait-wait a minute. Frankie?? What are you doing here, where's Dieter? 
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Ah. Don't tell me; he's in rehab again. Yes? Well good for him. So you're here to what? I see. You're filling in for him this week. My, what a chivalrous man you are. And so handsome too.
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Stop blushing. You know you're hot.
Well, I suppose we'd better get on with it, hadn't we?
It's the end of another week, so you know what that means, right?
Feel Good Friday with Dieter Frankie and Jett! 
Happy Frankie Friday, everyone! 💚
So, it's Friday. You made it through another week. You're doing amazing! Look at you go! Now's the time to kick back, relax and enjoy that Friday feeling, eh Frankie? 
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That's the spirit. Wait, how many of those have you had?
As we enter the weekend, what are you doing to recharge your batteries? And, if you happen to be working because you don't get weekends off, that's okay. You can always save this for your day(s) off. When it comes to feeling good, there are no set days. No set routine. No rules. 
Frankie, do you have some ideas to share about what you do to feel good? 
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Come on, don't be shy...
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Great! Let's hear them, bud. 
Get out & go for a walk. 
Getting out in nature is a great way to unwind and destress from a hard week of labour, both physical and mental. Surround yourself in the beauty of nature. Visit your local beauty spot; this could be a lake, a park, the beach. Go for a hike in the woods.
Sweat it out stalking through the Colombian jungle… 
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Either way, get out and inhale that fresh air deep into your lungs. Be brave and travel somewhere you've never been to before, especially if you have the means to. You might just find something wonderful.
☝🏻And can I just plant the seed for some solo travel? You don't need to go far, especially if you're anxious about being on your own, but it's definitely something I recommend, and often do myself. The feeling of being self-reliant and discovering somewhere new by yourself, is incredible. 
Catch up with friends.
Grab a beer (or several) with your buddies at the bar. Have a movie night together. Cook a meal for your chums; homemade tacos anyone? Have a go at making some fun, themed cocktails at home. Go dancing. Grab a speedboat and traverse the choppy waters after a high speed beach chase...
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When you surround yourself with the people you love most and who have your back, you always feel good. And you can always count on them to make sure you make it down the Andes mountains in one piece. 
Unless your name is Tom... Then, you know, you won't. 😬
Engage in a hobby you love - or try a new one.
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Woah! Is that a… oh right, sorry. You were in the forces. Silly me.
My, that's a pretty big gun you're packing there, Frankie. Mind if I, uh, hold it…? Wow, it's so big. So heavy. So... hard. Damn. 
Can I watch you, uh, shoot it? 
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No? Ooookay, moving on. (I'm missing Dieter already. Sheesh. 🙄)
Your time off is a great time to indulge in your hobbies. Practise your craft. Or try a new one out. You might find a new passion in something you least expected. And that's always so fun. 
Helicopter lessons anyone? 
Uh, Frankie? Is it always supposed to shake like this? Oh shit, I'm gonna puke! 🤢
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Laugh. Yes, even snort laughing counts.
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Laughter releases feel good endorphins, and after a hard week, sometimes it's hard to find a reason to giggle, right? But did you know that laughter is actually really good for your health?
No? Well Frankie, take a look at this, my good man:
Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease and illness.
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
Laughter burns calories. Okay, so it's no replacement for going to the gym, but one study has found that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn approximately 40 calories - which could be enough to lose three or four pounds over the course of a year.
Laughter lightens anger's heavy load. Nothing diffuses anger and conflict faster than a shared laugh. Looking at the funny side can put problems into perspective and enable you to move on from confrontations without holding onto bitterness or resentment.
Laughter may even help you to live longer. A study in Norway found that people with a strong sense of humour outlived those who don't laugh as much.
So, find something to laugh about today. Just like Frankie here. 
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Hug it out.
When people hug for 20 seconds or more, the feel-good hormone oxytocin is released which creates a stronger bond and connection between the huggers. Oxytocin has been shown to boost the immune system and reduce stress.
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Aww… Frankie. That's so cute of you.
Oof, you're kinda squeezing me a little tight there. No, I didn't say stop! Ooh, you smell good. Mmm…
Hug it out with your besties. Your significant other. Your family. Your pet. Even yourself.
Yes! Hug yourself. A self-hug is a beautiful way to show yourself some compassion and kindness. As you wrap your arms around yourself, you send a powerful message of love and support to your inner self. Feel that zen!
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Phew! Are you all hugged out now Frankie? No? Okay. We can do it some more… We'll just stay like this for a bit. Nice.
What's that pressing into my thigh? Oh. Oh.
So, there we have it, lovelies. Frankie's Feel Good Friday. I hope Frankie and I were able to put a smile on your face and make you feel good today. Friday's are all about feeling good, but no matter the day of the week, I hope nothing but good vibes surround you.
☝🏻Don't worry, Dieter isn't going anywhere. He'll be back next time - as soon as his sixteenth stint in rehab is over... 😐
Hold strong, D. We love you.
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Do you. Then do Dieter. Frankie.
More Dieter & Jett here
GIFS of Frankie used by @palioom @bruhlpng @perotovar Also found via Google/Pinterest. If I've used one of yours & not credited you, it's because they've been saved to my phone & I've forgotten since who created it. Let me know so I can add the appropriate credit. 🖤
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