#sometimes you’re laying in bed and instead of going to sleep you write some really raw shit about anger and hurt and betrayal
justallihere · 7 months
Xaden shrugged, and it only served to make her angrier. She wanted him to rise to her bait, to fight back, to prove that she wasn’t the only one affected by this. His perpetual indifference made her want to scream. She felt half-insane, like maybe it wasn’t the ordeal she was making it out to be, maybe it should’ve been easy for her to unravel these impossible secrets ages ago, maybe her emotions were fruitless and pointless and she was all alone here with her anger and her betrayal and her hurt. And she needed, for once, to not be alone.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 6 months
the beginning of your life with Azriel
Tw: bad mental health mentioned. Mentioned r*pe and murder of said r*pist 
buckle in friends, we got a long one ahead of us. (long for me to write okay)
tropes: friends to lovers, taking care of future S/O, fluff to angst then back to fluff
When Azriel had met you, he had no idea just how important you would become to him. 
You were Feyre’s beautiful friend from the mortal world, a friend that was taken with her sisters. A friend that fought against Hybern every step of the way. A friend that drew blood from the High Lord of the Spring because he hurt Feyre and you knew the truth. You had smacked the shit out of Tamlin. 
So when your High Lady and High Lord asked you to be the Night Court’s Justice, you readily agreed. 
It was…nice to get that anger out on people that had harmed your loved ones. 
So you began training, you originally were training with just Cassian and Azriel, then when Nesta needed some outlet, you extended the offer to her. 
Well, it wasn’t really an offer. 
She was bitter towards you for it for the longest time. But she eventually, apologized to both you and Feyre for her bitter words, but you both obviously forgave her. 
You knew how bad shit had gotten when you were first turned. Bitter, angry, resentful. But instead you went to different coping mechanisms. You poured everything into helping others, to the point where you were neglecting yourself. Rhysand had pulled you out of it, but that’s a story for another day. 
(read about that here) 
Azriel saw the shift in you then, the day you killed your rapist and brought peace to the survivors. He watched as the pathetic man pleaded for forgiveness. 
Since then, as stated earlier, you began training so you’d be able to fight. When you became the night courts justice, you and him developed a partnership. You were work partners. You two only trusted each other completely unconditionally. It was a hard relationship to build. But after a year of countless missions where every single one was successful, it became pretty easy. 
Late nights eating in a dingy inn room. If you stayed in an inn room that had only one bed, he’d say he was going to take the floor but you eventually persuaded him to just climb into bed with you. 
You two never split up unless it was vital to the mission. You two trusted each other to do things on your own, but sometimes two was better than one. 
You learned the most intimate things about each other. How he doesn’t like when beds are too soft because it feels weird (from ya know sleeping on a dingy floor his whole youth). You can’t sleep unless you bathe every single day. You snore and talk in your sleep while he sleeps perfectly still like he’s laying in a casket. 
When you go on separate missions, he can’t sleep because he doesn’t know if you’re safe or not. You can’t sleep because you miss the brooding bat. 
You helped train the valkyries, hell, you were even taken to the blood rite. 
He had never been so nervous in his life during that time. You were his partner and he couldn’t be there to help you. Frankly, he’d call you his best friend. Rhysand and Cassian knew him extremely well, but you were something else to him entirely. 
The second he saw the four of you walk out, he was so relieved he nearly fell to the ground and thanked the mother. 
You guys had been close before the Rite, and now you were even closer. 
A lot of times, you tried to face your nightmares alone. However sometimes it was difficult so you’d walk to his room to sleep there. His body and shadows were so attuned to your movements that he never jumped when you crawled into the bed. He knew the second you opened the door that it was you. 
He can’t explain it, it was just a sixth sense. Like, you guys would be out and about and he would just know you were about to do some stupid shit with Cassian. 
He started realizing what he truly felt for you after the Blood Rite. How his heart felt lighter when you were in his sight. How he always chose to sit next to you, or be by you.
Cassian finally had enough, so did Feyre apparently because the both of them ambushed him one night, “so when are you finally asking Y/N out?” Cassian demanded.
Azriel looked like he got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar. “What?” 
“Feyre and I-”
“No, you dragged me here.” Feyre corrected her beloved brother in law. 
“Because you’re her best friend!” 
“Which means I shouldn’t be hearing this because I am legally obligated-”
“Legally?” Azriel questioned. “By Girl Law-“ She cut a look at Azriel who held his hands up in an “I surrender” position. She pointed at him. “This is shit I have to tell her if I hear it. So la la la la.” She plugged her ears and walked away.
Cassian shook his head at her retreating figure. “Crazy woman.” He looked back at his brother and smacked him on the chest. “You need to make a move!”
“What.” Az simply stated. 
“You. Need. To. Make. A. Move!” After each word, Cassian hit Azriel in the chest. 
Azriel swung at him to get him to stop. “Ack!” 
“She’s head over heels for you, idiot!” 
Azriel hesitated. “I don't think so.” 
“Dude, she literally smiles the biggest when she sees you come in the room. She always stays by your side, she constantly shares her food with you.” Cassian explained.
“She does that with everyone.”
“No! No she does not! I tried to take a roll from her yesterday and her fork almost impaled my hand.”
“Bread and butter is one of her favorite things. You’re an idiot for that.” Azriel deadpanned.
“See! Another thing, you two know each other as intimately as lovers.”
Eventually, he got Cassian to stop, but that night he just could not stop thinking about you. Your smile lights him up from the inside. Especially your genuine smile. The one where your gums are showing, your teeth, your nose scrunches and your eyes squint. 
He loves your laugh, it is the song his shadows dance to. You have variations that he memorizes as if they’re the chords to his favorite music. 
He groaned into his pillow, his shadows silently laughing at him as they saw their master lovelorn. 
Although, even they knew you had feelings for the shadow singer. Their master, while one of the deadliest in Prythian, was a moron. 
The feelings for each other didn’t get exposed until later. Much later. 
You two were on a deadly mission, one that even Rhys was worried to send you on. You had completed the task, but the cost? 
Your health. 
One of the arrows was poisoned. You couldn’t move a single muscle below your neck. You were tired. You just wanted a warm bath and snuggles with Azriel.
“Y/N, please stay awake.” Azriel clutched your cheeks. “The healer is on her way. She’s running to you, baby. Please stay awake.” 
You felt water drop onto your face, you looked up at the sky wondering when it had begun to rain. 
It hadn’t. Your friend, your partner, was crying. 
“I love the stars.” You whispered. “My favorite one is right in front of me.”
“Yeah? Which constellation is that?” His voice was gravelly. He sniffed.  He looked up then back at you, as if the idea of letting you out of his sight would seal your fate.
“You. You are my constellation. You are my galaxy.” You whispered. “If I'm going to die, I want you to know that.” 
“You’re not going to die.” 
“We don’t know that.” You said. “I wish I could move my hand, so I could touch you.” 
“I’m right here.” His hands were on your face. 
“No, I want to hold your hand.” You whimpered. 
He looked taken aback but abided by his dying love's wish. He held your hand tightly. 
“If I am your galaxy, you are my moon.” He put your foreheads together. All you could see was the hazel of his eyes. “You ground me. You keep me in rhythm. You are my constant companion. And I vow, you will survive this and we will be together, okay? You are my strength, my salvation and you will live.”
Your eyes slipped closed right as the healer reached you. 
When you awoke, you felt a presence next to you. You looked to the side through your groggy eyes and saw Azriel laying next to you. His hand was still intertwined with yours.  His shadows dancing around your bodies. They got visibly excited when you awoke. 
One shot towards your face as if to cradle it and your hand that wasn’t holding Azriels, shot up in reflex. It twirled around your fingertips. 
You could move again. 
Azriel’s eyes shot open, they were incredibly bloodshot. “Oh love.” He said. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by all of Feyre’s abilities at once.” You groaned. “Throw Rhys in there too. And you and Cassian.” You sighed. “Frankly, it feels like everybody hit me with their full powers.”
“The Healer, Tatiana, said you’d feel that way.” He stroked your hand. “Completely normal for the dose of poison you received. She even threw in five bottles of the antidote and instructions for us to give to Madja, so our home healer has information.”
You sighed. “Anything for this pain?”
“No. Nothing will help. You just have to ride it out.” He looked depressed giving you that news.
But you couldn't hide how you felt. How much pain you were in. You were safe enough with Az to crumble your walls.
And that’s when your tears started. “It hurts so bad.” You whimpered. 
“I know.” He brushed them away. “Rhysand is sending a carriage to transport you back home. I was told not to risk winnowing or flying. It’ll be here tomorrow morning, I assumed that you’d want to go home as soon as possible.”
“What if I didn’t wake up now?”
“We still would’ve transported you. I want to keep you comfortable. Tatiana says there is little risk of your sutures opening from where you were shot. Plus, she says the effects of poison won’t flare up after 12 hours and we hit that about five hours ago. So you’re pretty much on track to recovery. We’re just taking a carriage to minimize the risk of you bleeding out or vomiting all over a city. Cause guess what? that’s a symptom too.”
“Fucking shit.” You said leaning against the pillow. “Where are we?”
“An Inn, Esther the inn owner found us in the woods and ran back to get a town healer. She won’t let me pay at all.” He seemed kind of pouty about that. “But I’m gonna try again tomorrow.”
He brushed your hair back. “Are you hungry?”
“Eh.” Was all you said, and then. “Bread and butter sounds nice right now.” 
He snorted and you cried indignantly. “Hey I am ill-“
“Oh relax. I’ve already prepared for this.” He squeezed your hand and got up. 
When he let go of your hand and you’d be damned if you showed how sad you were about that. 
You were pouting. 
He used a knife to slice open some rolls and put them by the lit fire. “I know you like warm bread and cold butter but you’ll have to settle for room temperature butter.” 
He brought you over a plate and glass of water. The bread was even spread with an unholy amount of butter. Just the way you like it. 
He got you set up against the headboard. You downed the glass of water and he quickly gave you a refill. After your belly was full and you felt a bit better, you looked over at him. 
“So you wanna talk about what I said when I was….” You trailed off. 
“Did you mean it?” He whispered. 
“Yes!” You whispered enthusiastically back. “Az, since the very first day I met you I have had a crush on you.” 
“Yes!” You cried, your head hitting the headboard. “Gods, Cassian and Feyre wouldn’t let me breathe about it. Same with Nesta.” 
“I didn’t know.” Azriel said. 
“I know.” You sighed. “I’m sorry if me saying that stuff on my deathbed pressured you into saying anything.” “It didn’t.” He took a deep breath. “I have been infatuated with you for far longer than I ever knew.” He clutched your hand again. “I found you beautiful as a mortal, endearing. But when you were turned, it amazed me that you somehow became ethereal. You were so angry that you smacked Tamlin with your nails. You made him bleed. When he snarled at you, I was ready to jump in. But Feyre beat me to it.” He smiled, a bit sadly. 
“When you went to the Rite, I knew you could do it. Yet, I felt fear that I haven’t felt in a long time. When I saw you, I almost lost it right then. Confessed everything.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I don't think I can handle your rejection.” He whispered. 
“I will never reject you, Az.” You clutched your joined hands. “You are everything I've ever wanted. Ever needed. I would be honored if you’d accept me-“
“I already have.” He whispered looking at you. 
You put your hand against his cheek and pulled him to you. Your lips met and it was everything you’d ever wanted. All your fears and love were put into that kiss. 
You knew you both would be okay, as long as you had each other. 
And right as you thought that, the mating bond snapped. 
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larcenywrites · 2 months
Now… how do you think Sabretooth will be as an S/O?
I worry about writing for him bc idk if I can capture him properly… but! We can try to dabble around with a few ideas!
Sabretooth x Reader
Warnings: some pretty mild NSFW | no pronouns given to reader | there might be some typos pls let me know if so!
🐈 Honestly who knows exactly how you even managed to become his plaything s/o in the first place….
🐈 Perhaps he even, uh, acquired you!
🐈 Even so, I think Victor will surprise you! Despite the claws and fangs and being muscularly massive, he can be pretty gentle 💛
🐈 Loving? in his own way, sure! But traditionally? Not really 😅
🐈 He probably doesn’t smile much, he probably doesn’t say very much half the time…
🐈 But hopefully you can do all of that for him instead 😉
🐈 Okay, he does smile, but it’s probably more soft and neutral 😇
🐈 And even when he is trying to keep his one more soft and quiet, it’s probably still pretty neutral and gruff
🐈 You probably aren’t ever going to know where he picked up that trinket or ring or whatever the hell else you may find around your bed (and probably don’t want to know), but you can rest assured knowing that he thought of you when he saw it :) yet probably won’t even acknowledge it next time you see him… but if it’s something wearable, he’ll still definitely spy it on you 😌
🐈 I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s a cuddler, but more of a space invader 😼 Sitting on the couch? He’s directly pressed next to you with his arm around you but he’s just there. Not saying anything, not doing anything… really just- go on about your business reading or whatever, he’s just fine where he is!
🐈 In bed, it’s probably a similar situation. Honestly I hope you’re a stomach sleeper because it’ll probably make it easier for both of you when he suddenly decides to come lay on top of you 😅 He’ll hardly even acknowledge it or do anything else! Arms not really wrapped around you or anything. He’s just- there!
🐈 Though, he obviously has his sweeter moments! Sometimes he’ll simply lay his head on your stomach or chest or lap 🥰
🐈 Don’t be afraid to pet his head and play with his hair. He likes it 😘
🐈 Tbh if you roll over to spoon him (aka trying to just wrap yourself over him because he’s likely still bigger than you), he’ll probably growl a little 😔
🐈 Not in a mean way! It’s a soft growl! He’s probably just a light sleeper and maybe it’s supposed to be more like that little acknowledging burr sound cats make when you pet while they’re dozing off!
🐈 And let’s be real, it’s hot even if it is a warning growl 😏
🐈 This isn’t to say he isn’t a cuddler to an extent under the right circumstances! But those circumstances are typically related to him just getting jealous and possessive 🙄
🐈 He can smell whoever’s been hanging around you, and can even smell if they were happy, sad, or horny! He’s usually pretty unhappy about it 😒 and vocal about it 😒 especially if it’s someone he knows and doesn’t like (which is damn near everyone it seems)
🐈 But hey, at least this means that you’ll actually get cuddles in bed tonight! Arms wrapped around you and everything 😃 he’s probably also halfway on top of you buuuuut what are you gonna do? Push him off?
🐈 Obviously the bed isn’t just for sleeping 😏 But when it comes to sex, I don’t think loving and extensive foreplay is usually at the forefront of his mind 😅 besides he… can’t really do much with those claws 😬🫡
🐈 I mean… he technically could… but only once 🤧☝️
🐈 And when he’s in the mood, he’s probably not typically doing the whole handsy stuff…
🐈 He’s probably just going to bite you. Like some kind of overstimulated cat. Right on the shoulder too 🤕
🐈 And he’ll be very smug about it! You’ll swear he only smiles when he’s being a prick in some way!
🐈 You better hope you won the genetic lottery and got some of those regenerative genes or the like because otherwise, you’re definitely just going to have bites all over you 😮‍💨 fangs and all! He’s not shy about where he bites! Thigh? Sexy. On your forearm for no fucking reason? Fun! Neck? Sexy 😏 on your ankle while your legs are on his shoulders??? Now you’re just being annoying 😤
🐈 You’re asleep at 3am in bed? Doesn’t matter. If him crawling onto the mattress doesn’t wake you up, him biting your shoulder definitely will 😒
🐈 His sex drive probably is really high? Like sure, once you get him going, he’s an animal, but he probably isn’t initiating anything every day. Cut him some slack, the guy’s over 200 years old!
🐈 But that probably just depends on his partner as well 🤔 Not necessarily because he’s adaptable, but Victor can smell everything remember? Read something that made you even slightly horny?? He knows and he’s probably on it 😏 So he probably just responds to his partner’s needs!
🐈 You know, bath time is probably pretty great! Sure less stinky is a plus 🤧 but he definitely loves to be bathed 😘 beside it’s probably less hassle for him anyway considering the claws…
🐈 Which also means he probably won’t really be able to bathe you back 😔 you have enough claw marks as it is 🤭
🐈 But lowkey he likes to be taken care of 🥰 he won’t admit it, and he’ll probably play it as more of a I’m high and mighty sort of thing (which is also true!)
🐈 He’s not usually tense. A beast like him never has a reason to! But… he probably does get anxious about like, what he does… all the enemies he’s made… and how it’ll affect you ☹️
🐈 probably avoids bringing up any of that stuff around you, even though there’s, like, no way you don’t know… you just don’t know any specifics.
🐈 Can’t decide if he feels better having you at his mansion or at your own place :( He’d say both are dangerous, but that’s not really it— he’s dangerous 😔
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whiskersz · 7 months
Hello! I have an idea for our lovely Husk that I would like to request!
Could you write something where reader and Husk are laying in bed being lazy together, cuddling (and maybe a little petting and ear scritches) and just in general some fluffy comfort for both sides please?
If not or if it's to general totally fine! Have a good day/night!
Hi!! Of course, this is my favorite content to write, just pure fluff :D I hope you enjoy, the pet name 'doll' is used gender-neutrally here, reader can still be any gender you feel comfortable with.
And, have a lovely day/night yourself :)
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
You sigh, inhaling the scent of your lover, Husk, who’s currently laying on top of you; the only garment he’s wearing is a pair of checkered comfortable pants, so the fur on his chest tickles you at each slight movement he makes. Luckily he’s focused on reading a book you lent him, which means a very little number of movements after all. As soon as he hears you sigh though, his right ear twitches and his gaze falls upon you;
“Something the matter, doll?” he asks, putting the book aside. You shake your head softly, smiling at his concern.
“Mh? Not really, just relaxing is all.”
“Good then.”
Book long forgotten, Husk stretches a little, all these hours laying in the same exact position catching up on him. He then proceeds to bury his head in the crook your neck, slightly nudging you in the process. You don’t find this surprising at all; you have been dating for a while after all and, while a similar act would’ve surprised you at first, you’re quite used to it now.
Husk is, behind closed doors, a big snuggler. He likes cuddling you and being cuddled all the same, although you’re usually the one with your head buried in his chest; it’s so soft, you can’t help it.
“Would you like something to eat? I think Pentious made some cookies earlier.” You ask; the snake demon has recently discovered a new hobby, baking, and his things aren’t half bad. You’re hoping Husk agrees with the idea, but he’s the one shaking his head this time, choosing to trap you by spreading his wings across your bodies; “Got it, we’ll be extra lazy today.”
One of your hands makes its way up Husk’s back, until it’s reached the back of his head. Once it’s there, you start gently scratching behind his ears, one the cat demon’s soft spots.  Not much later, the purring commences. You decide not to tease him over this, as it’s the easiest way to make him stop cuddling with you, or so you’ve learned over the months.
Instead you quietly enjoy the moment, and the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, gentle circles being drawn on your shoulders by his usually rough fingers, but he knows to keep his claws away around you and to touch you with care.
You both can’t see the clock from where you’re positioned, but you assume it’s been a while once you start feeling your eyelids getting a little heavy. It’s a little late in the afternoon, and a nap doesn’t sound half bad to either of you.
Husk averts your scratches getting softer by the minute, so he carefully repositions so his head is on top of yours. He relaxes his wings behind him, but never lets you go, instead getting even closer to you by wrapping his tail around your waist.
Sometimes, you truly feel like cuddling with him isn’t enough: you wish you could get even closer, and closer and closer, and stay like that for hours on end. You try not to think about when you’ll have to separate – for dinner, how tragic – and instead focus on the warmth emanating from his body.
He nuzzles into your hair;
“You’re tired, sleep a little.” He whispers, and you hum, closing your eyes just as he does with his.
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just-dreaming-marvel · 7 months
Arc Reactor
Tony Stark x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 7,680ish
Summary: You love Tony's arc reactor. But what if it's the thing that can cause you the greatest pain?
Warnings: torture, unwanted touching, transplants, ptsd
Notes: Wow. I have not be able to write this much in a short amount of time in such a long time. It feels good. I hope people enjoy this one. It's a long one. Sorry if there's any errors, I really wanted to just get it out.
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Tony and you were laying in bed. It was one of the few occasions that you could convince Tony to come to bed and he could actually sleep. This time, you were the one not sleeping much, content to run your fingers around the edges of his arc reactor. The glow allowed you to see the outlines of his face in the darkness. The softness of his features when they were fully relaxed reminded you about how much you love his wrinkles when he smiles. 
“You’re staring,” Tony grumbled after a while.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’ll stop.” But you made no move to look away or to stop running your finger over the rim of his reactor.
Tony opened one eye to look at you. “You’re wide awake.” He moved slightly and opened both eyes to get a better look at you.
“Yes, we’ve seemed to switch positions tonight.”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing. Just couldn’t stop staring at you… you’re very pretty.”
Tony chuckled. “Pretty?”
“You heard what I said.”
“Well, my dear, you’re prettier.” Tony scooted closer to give a peck to the tip of your nose. He pulled away and studied your eyes. “Are you sure the only reason you’re awake is because I’m pretty?”
You shrugged. “Sometimes I like watching you sleep.”
“Hmm.” He glanced down at your fingers that were running over his arc reactor. “Is it the light? I can put a shirt on.”
“Don’t you dare.”
Tony chuckled a little before the two of you sat in silence for a moment. “I’ve been thinking about seeing if I can get rid of this thing.”
“What?” Your hand stopped its movements as his statement shocked you. “Is that even an option? The reactor is keeping you alive.”
“I’ve looked into some doctor’s that I believe could help me take the shrapnel out of me.”
“That’s… that’s…” 
Your eyes fell to the glowing reactor. This object was inside of your boyfriend’s chest, keeping him alive. It was an object that brought an odd sense of peace to you, especially when missions were hard and you didn’t think you or Tony were going to make it out. It was your personal night-light, connected to the most important person in your life. What would life be without Tony having a reactor in his chest? Would the suit’s work the same? Would Tony’s heart be okay? What if he didn’t survive the surgery? What if Tony—
“Honey,” Tony pulled you from your thoughts through his words and gently taking your face in his hands. He could tell that you were spiraling. You met his gaze. “I promise that I would do anything unless I’m a 100% sure it will work. I will consult every doctor, including Bruce, and I’ll have JARVIS run every possible scenario. Okay?”
“Okay,” you gave a slight nod.
Tony could tell that you still weren’t all in. “And I promise that, after collecting all the research, I won’t do anything that you don’t want me to.”
You sighed. “If it’s really what you want, I will support you.”
Tony gave you a tight-lipped smile before leaning in to give you a light kiss. “We can talk more about this in the morning.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. “We should sleep.”
You giggled. “Said Tony Stark. The Sleepless Wonder.”
“Well that’s a new one.” 
Sighing, you snuggled into Tony. “Goodnight, Tones.”
“Goodnight, my dear,” he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Love you.”
The talk of removing Tony’s arc reactor failed to me talked about more in the morning. Instead, the two of you continued your lives like the talk hadn’t happened. Well, except for the fact that Tony had started pulling together research on doctor’s and procedures. 
Weeks went by and you barely remembered the conversation anymore. Tony and you were just living your lives: trainings, meetings, lab time, date nights. Life was good.
“How big do you think this mission is?” You asked Natasha as the two of you walked to the conference room.
“Well, since everyone’s being called in for this, I’d say pretty big,” she responded.
“Great… Just what I want to deal with.”
Natasha laughed. “It’s been a while since we’ve all be called out together, it might be nice.”
“It’s only nice for you because your boyfriend isn’t as overprotective as mine.”
“I don’t know, the Hulk can be very protective.”
“Yes, but Bruce isn’t. Tony is overprotective all the time.”
Natasha opened the door to the conference room. “I guess you’re right, since your boyfriend saved you a seat and mine’s standing in the corner.”
You let out a laugh as the two of you entered and found your seats. Tony shot you a smile as you sat down behind him. “Thanks for saving me a seat,” you whispered.
Tony turned in his chair and reached over to take your hand, bringing your hand up to press a kiss to the back of it. “Anytime.”
Steve quickly got started with the briefing and Tony didn’t let go of your hand through it all. It was a big mission, everyone was needed. The plan was to take down a major HYDRA facility located near the North Pole. You and Tony were tasked with entering the facility, wiping the drives and placing the needed explosives. The rest of the Team would be outside as the distraction since it was clear that the facility was not empty.
“Is everyone clear about their assignments?” Steve asked. He looked around the room to see the multitude of nods and ‘yes’s heard. “Alright. Pack up and rest up, we leave late tonight.”
Everyone stood up but Tony and yourself. Tony’s thumb was rubbing the back of your hand. You could tell that he was nervous, he always was when it came to you going on missions. Once everyone left, you rolled your chair closer to his.
“Are you alright?” You asked softly, trying to pull him from his anxious thoughts.
“Just… something doesn’t feel right about this mission,” Tony admitted. He wasn’t usually one to feel this way, it was usually you. 
“I’m sure that it’s just my normal nervousness getting to you.”
“No,” Tony shook his head. “That’s not it.” He turned his chair and looked you in the eyes. “This mission isn’t going to end well.”
“When does any mission?”
“I’m not joking, Y/N. I… I think we need to stay back.”
“We can’t, Tony. The whole Team is needed. I’m sure that we’re just switching roles again. You haven’t been this nervous about a mission in a while. It was about time.”
“I guess you could be right…” He sighed. “We should get ready.”
“Yeah.” You leaned in and gave him a kiss. You could tell that his anxiousness about the mission wasn’t going to go away until you were all back in the safety of the compound. “I love you.”
Tony pressed out a smile for you before kissing you. “I love you more.”
Tony was an anxious mess the whole flight. He choose to fly the quinjet to help ease his nerves but that caused the flight to not be as smooth as it should have been. Everyone kept eyeing you, trying to get you to do something but you knew that taking him away from the controls would be worse. 
“Is Stark okay enough to do this?” Steve whispered to you as you finished getting ready in the back of the quinjet. “I haven’t seen him this bad in… well, in ever.”
You sighed. “He has a bad feeling about this mission. I’m starting to as well.”
“It’s too late to back out now.”
“I know. I’ll keep a close eye out on him and let you know if we need back up in there.”
“Please. We don’t want to lose either of you just because Tony’s not fully focused.”
“I can handle him, Steve. Trust me.”
“Y/N! I need you to hurry, we have more company coming!”
“Well if you hadn’t lost the damn drive, I wouldn’t have to erase everything manually!”
You were frantically typing on the facility’s main frame, trying to erasing everything as fast as you could. Tony was just outside the room, shooting down any HYDRA agents that came your way.
“I told you this mission wasn’t going to end well!” Tony shouted.
“It’s not over yet, Stark! Focus!”
Suddenly, you heard a loud explosion come from the hall. It shook the place, causing you to fall to the ground.
“Tony!” You shouted, pushing yourself up to rush into the smoke filled hallway. “Tony!” You coughed as you tried to search for him through the thick, gray smoke. “Tony!” You pressed a finger to the comm in your ear. “Captain, can you hear me?” No response. “Anyone? I need backup. Now!” Again, nothing.
Hearing footsteps, you grabbed the guns from your thighs and held them up. You took a few careful steps, still unable to see much, before you tripped. You rolled over whatever you tripped over as gracefully as you could then turned to see if you could tell what you tripped over. You gasped as you saw the familiar gold and red appear through the smoke. You crawled closer to see that it was Tony. He was completely passed out with an EMP attached to the chest of his suit.
“Tony!” You exclaimed as your hands took hold of his face. “Tony! Wake— Up!” You began to cough more and your eyes grew tired. It was clear to you now that the smoke wasn’t just smoke. “JARVIS?” You called, trying to see if the AI would respond. You needed to get Tony out of here, even if his suit did all the work. “JAR—VIS… Any… one…”
Feet stopped right in front of you and Tony before you passed out on top of him.
���Has anyone heard from Stark or L/N?” Steve shouted as he threw his shield at a group of HYDRA agents.
“Not at all!” Natasha responded as she fought.
“They’re taking too long,” Clint noted from where he was shooting arrows from a tree.
“JARVIS,” Steve called, “I need information on Stark and L/N and I need it—“
Steve was cut off by the facility exploding. The Team members on the ground were thrown by the blast as were many of the HYDRA agents left.
“Tony! Y/N!” Clint yelled as he tried to get them to respond on the comms. “Damn it!”
“Captain,” JARVIS came through Steve’s earpiece, “I am unable to locate or connect to Mr. Stark or Miss L/N.”
“What?” Steve responded. “Since when?”
“Since about eight minutes ago.”
“Call Fury, tell him to send in SHIELD agents. All of them. Coulson, Hill, everyone needs to be on this. We need to find them.”
You didn’t immediately open your eyes when you finally came to. You wanted to get any information you could on what was going on before HYDRA knew that you were awake. You were strapped to a leather chair. Metal cuffs were keeping your ankles, wrists, and neck in place while large bands ran across your stomach and thighs. You had been stripped of your suit, leaving you in biker shorts and a sports bra. 
The room around you was a cooler temperature. You couldn’t tell yet if it was whatever the room was made out of or if they were purposefully keeping the temperature lower. The only other thing you could sense was that there was someone else in the room.
Finally, you opened your eyes. The room walls were cement and you were sure that whoever was keeping you here was keeping the room at a cooler temperature. As best you could with a metal cuff around your neck, you looked over to the side of you. You gasped when you saw Tony and the state he was in.
Tony had been stripped of his suit and clothes, leaving him in his boxers. He was strapped onto a matching chair in the same way you were. The thing that concerned you the most was the wires that started at his partially destroyed arc reactor and went down on either side of him, along the floor, and disappeared into the wall. You also noticed that Tony had medical equipment attached to him and a nearby monitor, allowing you to see that his heart was still beating.
“Tony,” you rasped, your voice not really there from lack of use. You cleared your throat the best you could before trying again. “Tony.” He groaned in response, slightly moving. “Tony, wake up.”
“Mhm?” He hummed. “Y/N?”
“It’s me, it’s me.”
His eyes blinked open, slowing taking in his surrounding. He glanced over to you before looking down at his chest. “I told you the mission was a bad idea.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “I’m sorry for not believing you. Are you alright?”
“For now. Are you?”
“I’m in better shape than you. Your arc reactor is damaged. You have wires running out of it to who knows where and you—“
“Woah, woah, woah, honey, breathe. I need you to breathe for me.”
“Tony, what if—“
“We are going to be okay, alright Y/N? We are going to get out of here.”
“Tony, I—“
You were cut off by the door opening. A smug, middle-aged man in a suit waltzed in with two armed guards behind him.
“Nice to see you both wake,” the man said. “And it’s nice to finally meet you both. Especially you, Tony Stark.”
“Am I supposed to know you?” Tony responded with his usual sarcasm. “College? A frat party? You know I was constantly drunk until recent years so—“
“You wouldn’t know me, Mr. Stark. But you sure knew my father, Obadiah Stane.” You noticed Tony’s jaw clench. “My name is Phillip Stane. My father had me in secret and didn’t want much to do with me until he realized that I was almost as smart was you. I went to MIT a few years after you, did everything my father wanted to make me like you. Then you killed him. HYDRA found me not too long later and offered me a deal. I’ve been working with them in secret.”
“What do you want with us?” You broke your silence.
Phillip chuckled as he walked between the two chairs. “You haven’t figured it out yet? My father raised me to be Tony. The only things that I’ve been missing is his suits and reactors… well, and his girl.” Phillip ran a finger along the side of your stomach.
“Don’t touch her!” Tony shouted.
“What are you going to do about it?” Phillip smirked. “You’re all tied up and so is she. Not to mention that the only thing keeping you alive is damaged.” He leaned over and looked at Tony’s reactor. “It is a beautiful piece of equipment. Too bad that it won’t keep you alive for much longer. Our facility here needs to run off the grid and your reactor is the perfect thing to do it. Before we make our own, we thought we’d test out the real thing. Just to see if it works.”
“That will kill him,” you sounded more scared than you would like.
“Oh? Will it? I guess that just a part of it. Call it revenge. Well,” he laughed to himself, “part of the revenge. Wire her up.”
The two armed guards moved around you. They grabbed wires that had clamps on the ends and placed them on your open skin and the cuffs and bands keeping you in place.
“I told you not to touch her!” Tony shouted again, trying to get free.
“You can’t stop me,” Phillip taunted. “And, if it makes you feel any better, I won’t be the one hurting her. You will.”
Tony’s blood ran cold. His eyes followed the wires that were attached to you and found that they lead to a small box of buttons near the wall. There were wires running out of the other side of the box and into his arc reactor.
“No. No. No!” Tony tried fighting harder, to at least get some of the cords loose.
Phillip cackled. “Your reactor will power this facility and torture your girlfriend.” He leaned down to Tony’s ear. “I can’t wait to see who gives up the ghost first.” He cackled some more as he leaned back and headed for the door.
“When I get out of here, I will kill you!”
“You won’t get out of here alive.” Phillip pressed one of the buttons on the box on the wall before leaving the room with the two guards.
Tony groaned as the power in his arc reactor began traveling through the wires. The power split up, some going to power the facility and some going to the wires connected you. You shouted out in pain as the electricity hit you. Quickly, you fisted your hands together and ground your teeth, trying to not worry Tony too much.
“Honey, honey,” Tony called, trying to remain as calm as he could. “You’re okay. We’re going to get out of here.” You groaned, clamping your eyes shut to focus more. Tony began growing emotional. He realized that this form of torture was meant to hurt, but not to last long for either of you. “Y/N… I love you and I’m so sorry… I’m going to get us out of here. I promise. You will not die in here. I will not let that happen…” 
You groaned again, this time louder as the pain was getting worse. Practically mirroring each other, tears ran down yours and Tony’s cheeks. 
“Ahh!” You couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Tony!” You cried out. “Ahh!”
“I’m right here, honey. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” Tony could feel himself growing weaker and could see the light of his reactor dimming. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Tony repeated through your screams and cries as the minutes went by agonizingly slow. “I’m with you. I’m here. I love you.” You suddenly grew silent, terrifying Tony. “Y/N? Sweetheart?” He glanced over to see that you were still breathing, but it was not well. You had clearly passed out due to everything. “I’m going to be right behind you, sweetheart… I can feel it.” The light in Tony’s reactor was dimming with each passing second. “I love you more than anything… I am so sorry about everything…” Tony was fighting to keep his eyes open as he began to felt pain in his heart. “Who knew? Tony Stark dies of a broken heart… Too bad it… won’t be a… headline… Y/N… sweetheart… I… love… you…”
Tony couldn’t fight it anymore. His eyes closed and the medical machine next to him let out a long and loud beep.
“Found them!” Natasha shouted as she burst into the room you and Tony were being kept in. She gasped when her eyes saw the damaged arc reactor. Her hands quickly went to his neck and wrist to check for a pulse. “Tony’s down! We need medical!” She rushed over to your side. She was revealed to find even the slightest of pulses with you. “We need medical for Y/N too! She’s hanging on by a thread.” Natasha quickly straddled Tony and began pumping his chest. “You are dying on me! Not today Stark!”
Steve and Clint rushed into the room with two SHIELD medical teams.
“Let me switch you,” Clint urged, as Steve pulled Natasha off of Tony. 
The medical team got machines hooked to you as they moved Tony onto a stretcher. Suddenly, the machines connected to you went haywire.
“She’s coding!” One of the SHIELD agents shouted. 
Steve was quick to come over and began compressions on you. “We can’t lose them! We need to get out of here, now! Coulson, how’s the situation out there?”
“We’ve caught the man who did this,” Coulson responded through the comms. “We’re on our way to the compound for interrogation.”
“I’ve got the quinjet ready for when you get here, Rogers,” Maria came over the comms.
“We’re on our way!”
The electricity had done some serious internal damage to you, while the shrapnel had entered Tony’s heart. That caused you both to be immediately taken to surgery when the Team landed at the nearest hospital. Everyone was terrified that neither of you were going to make it. But, deep down, they were even more terrified that one of you would and the other one wouldn’t. How would the one left react?
“Rhodey, Happy, and Pepper are on their way,” Bruce said as he reentered the private family waiting room the group was put in.
“Good,” Steve answered with a nod. “How long has it been since we’ve had an update?”
“Three hours,” Clint said. “It’s been seven since we’ve got here.”
“The will survive,” Thor stated. “They are both strong.”
Steve sighed as he ran a hand down his face. “Seven hours and they are both still back in surgery? Bruce, do you know any reason why it would be this long?”
Bruce shook his head. He had found a seat over in the corner, with Natasha resting her head on his lap, asleep. “It’s not good for either of them.”
A gentle knock sounded at the door before it opened, revealing a nurse and a doctor. The Team stood up, nervous to hear the update.
“Both Miss L/N and Mr. Stark are out of surgery,” the doctor stated. “But, they are both still in dangerous waters. We are looking into organ donors for both of them?”
“What for?” Clint questioned.
“Y/N needs a liver. Fortunately, we can take that from a live donor as we only need to take a partial lobe.”
“I’ll do it,” Steve stepped up. “I have the best recovery chance.”
“Thank you for your willingness, Captain, but we need to test you to see if you’re a match first.”
“Whatever, I’ll do it.”
“If any of you are willing to get tested, we can do that.”
“What about Tony?” Natasha asked.
The doctor sighed. “Mr. Stark’s story is different. Since the arc reactor was damaged, the shrapnel was able to enter his heart and tear it up so much that we aren’t able to fix it. He will need a heart transplant. We are recommending that he be taken back to the compound or a nearby hospital to it for a better chance of getting a heart.”
The Team was in shock. Both of their teammates needed a transplant, but two very different types.
“We are also recommending that we wait for Miss L/N’s transplant until she’s back at the compound as well. It will be easier for her to heal somewhere familiar.”
“I’m going to call Rhodey,” Bruce said, heading out of the room. He needed to leave the room because he could feel the Other Guy trying to push to the surface. 
“We won’t move them until they’re more stable, but are willing to work quickly to get them moved. Nurse Beck can take anyone who wants to to get tested for the liver transplant.”
“Thank you, doc,” Steve said. “We’ll start putting things together.”
Just as Steve had hoped, he was a match and fought Natasha on giving the liver needed for the transplant. Steve won as his super soldier serum had him at an advantage for healing. Clint and Thor worked with the doctor to get the quinjet prepped for transport. You were stabilized first and placed in the quinjet. Natasha held your hand tightly as she studied you, unable to take her eyes off of you. 
Tony was brought up next, about an hour later, in much worse condition than you. That got Natasha to burst into tears. Bruce came over and held her close as she cried while Clint got the quinjet into the air. Steve sat between the two beds, constantly checking on either of you. It was his duty as Captain to protect his Team and he was feeling like a failure.
“Y/N told me that Tony had a bad feeling about the mission,” Steve whispered. “I should have talked to him and canceled it.”
“It’s not your fault, Rogers,” Thor told him.
“I’m the Captain of the Team. Fury has entrusted me with it.”
“That doesn’t mean their lives are in your hands. Stark and Y/N knew what they were getting themselves into. It’s part of their jobs.” 
“What if Tony doesn’t survive this? A heart transplant is much more critical than a liver transplant. If Y/N survives and Tony doesn’t…”
“We can’t afford to think like that. They will both survive.”
“Are you trying to convince me or you?”
The compound was ready to receive you and Tony as soon as you landed. Due to not having a heart yet, Tony was taken straight to a room where Happy, Rhodey and Pepper went to watch him. Steve and yourself were taken straight to the operating rooms. The surgery took six hours. You and Steve were taken to the same room, simple curtains splitting up each of the beds. 
Steve had been awake for a few hours by the time the doctor’s decided to try and wake you. The curtain between you and Steve’s bed was pulled back so that he could watch as the Team gathered around. They kept the curtain closed between Tony and your’s beds so that you wouldn’t immediately freak out. The Team waited with bated breath to see you breathe on your own. Slowly, your eyes began to blink open. 
The light bothered your eyes as they tried to focus on anything. You began to panic slightly when you couldn’t recognize where you were. Natasha’s red hair came into few and focus first, when her face slowly following.
“It’s okay,” she cooed, standing above you to try to calm you. “You’re safe now. You’re okay.”
“T—T—Ton—Tony…” you stuttered. “T—Tony…”
You noticed Natasha glance at someone across from her. You looked over to see Clint standing there. The look they were sharing did not bring you any comfort. You tried to swallow the roughness in your throat.
“W—Wh—Where’s… Tony?” You tried.
“Here,” Bruce handed Natasha a cup of water with a straw.
Natasha took it and held the straw to your lips. “Drink,” she told you.
You didn’t argue, knowing that you needed fluid. You took a few sips before clumsily waving the cup away.
“Where’s Tony?” You repeated.
“We’re so glad that you’re okay,” Clint said, clearly trying to change the subject.
“You’ve been through a lot,” Natasha said. “You had a liver transplant. Steve gave you part of his.” She motioned with her head over to Steve, who was laying in the bed beside yours. 
“What?” You questioned. “Steve… you didn’t have to.”
“Yes, I did,” he responded.
“Thanks… for saving my life… all of you… But… No one has answered my original question… where is Tony?” The Team shared another bunch of unsettling looks. “What are you not telling me? What happened?”
“Y/N,” Natasha began gently, “what do you remember?”
“I remember being in the HYRDA facility and some explosion going off. I went out into the hallway and found Tony passed out on the floor due to an EMP. I was out not long later. When I came to… Tony and I were cuffed to chairs, stripped of most of our clothes. They had damaged his arc reactor and hooked up wires from it to the building and to the wires they added onto me. They used the power of his arc reactor to torture me and to run some power to the building… the pain… it was too much.”
“Do you remember who did this to you?”
“Yes,” you swallowed. “Phillip Stane.” You looked over at Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy. “Obadiah Stane’s secret son.”
“That matches with the information Coulson is sending in from interrogation,” Thor confirmed. 
You realized that Happy, Pepper, and Rhodey were awkwardly standing near the curtain divider. Listening carefully, you could hear more medical machines on the other side. Your heart rate began to pick up.
“Where’s Tony?” You repeated.
“Y/N, we need you to—“
“WHERE’S TONY?!” You screamed, not caring that you interrupted Bruce.
“Pull the curtain,” Steve ordered.
Rhodey nodded, taking the divider and pulled it across the room. You gasped as Tony came into view, looking worse than the last time you had seen him. Tears began cascading down your cheeks.
“Oh gosh!” You exclaimed. “Tony!”
“The damage to his arc reactor caused the shrapnel to tear up his heart,” Bruce carefully stated. “Due to that, Tony is in need of a heart transplant. We don’t know when—or if—he’ll get a donor.”
“What happens if he doesn’t get one?” Everyone remained silent. It was an obvious question but you couldn’t help but ask it. “He—I—He can’t—“ The machines you were connected to began freaking out. “I—“
Natasha quickly grabbed the oxygen masked and held it to your face. “You need to breathe, Y/N,” she coaxed. “In and out. Slow and deep.”
“I’ve been on the phone with all the local hospitals,” Pepper said. “Due to the state he is in, Tony is at the top of the list. The next available match will be his.”
“The doctor’s are prepared to do anything they can to help him stay alive long enough to get a heart,” Bruce added. 
“I—I can’t lose him,” you cried through the oxygen mask. “I… I can’t do it…” Your stats began to skyrocket.
“I’m going to give you something to calm you and help you sleep.” Bruce went to the cart by your bed.
“No,” you shook your head. “No. Please, I can’t—“
Bruce was quick to inject a liquid into your IV. You feel asleep almost immediately. “We have to keep her calm, especially as she heals.”
“She’s not going to remain calm while Tony’s in this state,” Natasha said.
“Then we may have to keep her sedated.”
“We must hope and pray that Tony gets a heart,” Steve said.
“Tony wouldn’t want someone else to die for him,” Rhodey said.
“He doesn’t have an option,” said Clint.
You were in and out of sedation for a few days due to the fact that you couldn’t remain calm. Every time you saw Tony and thought about the state he was in and that he may not survive, you panicked. You simply couldn’t handle the possibility of life without him. The Team was always coming and going from your room, someone always in there with you and Tony. Especially after Steve had been released just a day after your surgery.
Phillip Stane was still in lock up in the compound, but Coulson and Fury had made plans to move him to a high security unit. You had only learned that because you had pretended to still be asleep while Fury and Clint were watching over you and Tony. 
So far, there hadn’t been any matching hearts in the area for Tony. You could tell that the Team and staff were trying to remain positive, but every day you could see them lose that positivity more and more. You even knew that they were being more positive around you than they actually felt due to your continued reactions.
After about a week of you being in and out, you had finally calmed yourself to be released from the doctor’s care. That didn’t mean you were leaving the room any time soon though. You found yourself in a chair next to Tony, holding his hand. You barely spoke, even in the brief moments that you were alone with him. You didn’t have anything to say. All you wanted was your Tony back. You wanted his sarcasm and his wit. You wanted his romantic side and his soft, nervous side. You especially missed his arc reactor that you knew was no longer there under the bandages that were wrapped around his chest. His arc reactor meant that he was alive.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” Steve shouted as he bounded down the med-bay halls, toward the room you were in. You turned to see him as he slid into the room. “They have one! There’s a heart on the way!”
“What?” You breathed out. “Are you serious?”
“Serious! The nurses are on their ways now to take him back to surgery.”
“He’s getting a heart?”
“He’s getting a heart.”
You turned to Tony, tears slipping from your eyes. “You’re getting a heart.” You stood up and kissed his forehead before resting yours on top of his. “You’re going to make it through… you have to… I love you… I love you… I love you…” You repeated it, like a prayer, remembering how he kept doing the same when the two of you had been captured. “I love you…”
“We’re here to take Mr. Stark,” a nurse said as they entered with three others.
“I’ll see you on the other side.” You kissed his forehead again as the tears came harder. Steve walked over and pulled you away, turning you so that he could hold you against him. You watched as they pushed Tony away until you couldn’t see him anymore. “He has to make it, Steve… I don’t think I could live if he doesn’t.”
Twelve hours. You paced the waiting room for twelve hours. No one was able to convince you to sit and rest. Thankfully, you did take food and drink. No one came out for updates, making you even more on edge. By the time the doctor’s did come out, you were shaking but wouldn’t let anyone help you.
“The surgery was successful,” the doctor said. You felt like you could breathe some. “We will have to see if the transplant takes, but we are hopeful.”
“He’ll make it?” You questioned.
“We’re hopeful.”
“Thank you, doc,” Steve said.
“We’ll let you know when Mr. Stark is available for visitors.”
As soon as the doctor left, your body gave out. Luckily, Steve was there to catch you. He hoisted you up and took you up to your room. He tucked you in and left, leaving JARVIS to watch you while you slept.
You groaned as you slowly began to wake. It took you a minute to realize where you were and where you believed you should be. You jumped out of bed and rushed down to the med-bay. Thankfully, no one questioned where you were going and that they had placed Tony in the same room as before. You were grateful to see that Tony wasn’t alone and that Natasha and Clint were with him.
“Hey there sleepy head,” Clint commented.
“How is he?” You asked as you went to sit beside him.
“So far there’s been no scares,” Natasha said. “The doctor’s are hopeful that they may be able to wake him later today.”
It was about eight pm when the doctor’s decided to try and wake Tony. You sat back, holding your breath as they pulled tubes and cleaned him up a little more. The moment Tony’s hand twitched and a groaned escaped his mouth, your heart leaped for joy.
“Y/N…” He groaned again. “Y/N…”
“I’m right here, Tones,” you said, standing up to be beside him. You took his hand and made sure that you could be seen by him when he finally opened his eyes.
“Y/N…” His eyes slowly opened, immediately locking onto you.
“You’re alive,” you cried. 
“You’re… alive,” he repeated.
You pressed a kiss to his forehead, allowing your tears to fall onto his skin. “I was so worried.”
You let out a watery laugh before starting to ramble. “I’m sorry for not supporting you immediately when you said you didn’t want your arc reactor. It’s my fault. It shouldn’t have been—“
“Hey, hey, hey.” Tony shakily reached up and cupped your face. “It’s alright… I’m right here… None of it was your fault.”
“I was so scared.”
“I was too.” He groaned as he tried to move slightly. “Let me guess… new heart?”
“Where’s Pepper? I need her to send a note and check to the person’s family.”
“I’m sure she’s already on it.”
Tony nodded. His eyes scanned what he could see of you. “Are you alright?”
“I’m okay…” You nodded. “Steve had to give me a part of his liver, but other than that, I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?” He didn’t believe you one bit. 
“I am. Especially now that you’re awake… I missed you… I love you so much Tony.”
“I love you more.” 
Tony pulled you down to kiss you. He savored the flavor of your tears that flowed down your cheeks and mixed into the kiss. He understood that this all was hard for you and would only continue to be. Tony didn’t even know how he was going to sit mentally since he had been awake for mere minutes. What he did know, is that he’d do anything to make sure that you’re going to get out of this alright.
It took two weeks for Tony to be released from the med-bay. He could have been released after one week, but everyone had agreed that Tony wouldn’t rest if he wasn’t under the careful watch of the medical personal. You rarely left Tony’s side. This allowed you both to see how the other was truly doing. 
Tony could tell that you were going back there every time you closed your eyes. Almost every night, you would end up curled in a ball at the end of his bed whimpering and crying out for Tony. Pulling you out of the nightmares wasn’t the easiest thing to do. When he finally was able to, you would close yourself off and say that you need a drink, leaving the room. Unfortunately, Tony couldn’t follow you but he had JARVIS track you. You often didn’t make it too far and would end up in a ball on the floor crying.
You, on the other hand, could tell that Tony wasn’t sleeping at all. Thankfully, you persuaded his doctor to help with that problem but he could only do it for a few days. Besides the lack of sleep, Tony was also barely touching you. It was like he was scared to. You didn’t blame him for anything but you knew that he blamed himself for everything. It’s what he did. Tony’s guilt always ran deep, especially if he dealt with someone he cared about.
Everyone on the Team could see that both of you were struggling. None of them wanted to impose until Tony was released, wanting to see if some would fix itself.
Waking hand-in-hand, Tony and you made your way to the common room where the Team had thrown together a small party for the two of you. It was a nice and easy party, letting you truly relax more than you had in a long time. You were sitting off to the side with Natasha. She was talking but you weren’t listening, just watching Tony across the room with the guys.
“Okay,” Natasha pulled you from your thoughts by tugging your arm lightly. “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you shook your head. “Just tired.”
“Mhm… then why don’t you get Tony and head to your room?”
“Because, we’ll get there and neither of us will sleep and I will try to jump his bones because it’s been so long and I’m so glad he’s alive.”
“I don’t see the problem with that. The doctor cleared both of you.”
“He won’t touch me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hand-holding is really all we’ve done since he woke up. And I’ve initiated all those times.”
“But you’ve kissed, right?”
“The day he woke up… I know what’s going on, he’s blaming himself for what happened. Especially since it was the energy from his arc reactor that caused my injuries.” A few tears escaped your eyes and you quickly wiped them. “I’m just going to go to bed.” You stood up.
“Tell Tony that I went to bed, please.” You walked off.
Natasha sighed. She got up and moved toward where the men were gathered. “Stark,” she called.
“Sounds like someone’s in trouble,” Clint mumbled.
“What’s up, Red?” Tony responded. He glanced around. “Where’s Y/N? I thought that she was with you.”
“She went up to bed.”
Tony knew that you heading out without telling him wasn’t good. “Do you know why?”
“I think that you two need to talk, sooner than later.”
Tony nodded. “Thanks for the party. I’ve got to go.”
Tony rushed out of there, not caring what anyone was going to say. He needed to talk to you, especially if you left without telling him. When he reached your shared room, he carefully walked in and looked around. You weren’t in the main bedroom, so Tony looked to see light peaking out from under the bathroom doors. He walked over and leaned his ear near one of the doors. His heart broke as he heard your sobs.
“Honey?” He called. “Can I come in?”
Hearing Tony’s voice caused you to stand up straight and quickly wipe your face off. “In a second!” Your voice cracked as you responded.
“I know that you’re crying in there.”
You sighed as you went to the door and unlocked it. You twisted the door knob and pulled it slightly open, leaving Tony to do the rest. Tony pushed the door open and you suddenly launched yourself at him. You tightly gripped at his jacket as you bury your head in his neck and let the sobs loose.
“Sweetheart,” Tony whispered as his arms came around to hold you close to him. “I’m right here… I’m right here…”
Tony held you as you sobbed. His hands ran up and down your back as he tried his best to comfort you. After a few minutes, your sobs began to die down to painful hiccups. Without a word or letting go of you, Tony moved the two of you over to the bed, guiding you to sit down next to him.
“Talk to me, honey,” Tony urged.
“I can’t close my eyes… every time I do, we’re back in that room. And I—I can’t breathe and I watch you die and I… I…”
“I’m feeling a similar way. Every time I close my eyes or look at you… it’s all my fault. All the pain you went through… I caused that.”
“No,” you shook your head as you pulled away from his neck to look at him. “You did not cause me pain.”
Tony pressed his lips into a line. “But I did. It was my arc reactor that gave them the power to torture you.”
“But you didn’t hook me up to the wires. You didn’t do that. You tried to fight for me. You kept me going with your words as they tortured me… You didn’t hurt me, you kept me alive, Tony.”
A tear slipped out of one of Tony’s eyes. He looked up to try and control his emotions. “I was so helpless… They were hurting you and I couldn’t do anything to stop them… I never want to feel that way again.” He looked at you. “You are my everything… I promise that I will never let anyone hurt you like that again… I will never hurt you like that again…”
“Oh, Tony,” one of your hands went up to his cheek to wipe some of the trailing tears. “I promise that I will never let anyone hurt you like that again… I hated seeing you like that.”
He leaned in and kissed you. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more.”
Slowly, the two of you began to work on putting yourselves (and each other) back together. Tony found you both a therapist, deciding it’s what you both needed. The two of you talked more openly with each other and worked on sleeping in your bed instead of staying up in Tony’s lab working (which had become a big problem for both of you). Tony had began to keep a hand on you anytime he was near you, which you didn’t mind. You knew that it was how he was coping with everything now. 
Two months since Tony woke, you and him were laying in your bed, trying to fall asleep. Your fingers were lightly trailing Tony’s scars on his chest. You sighed as your fingers found his arc reactor scar and began trailing it.
“What is it?” Tony quietly asked upon hearing your sigh.
“I miss it,” you admitted.
“Miss what?”
“Your reactor. Especially on nights like this. Its faint glow would help me sleep.”
Tony stated quiet, clearly thinking about something. After a moment, he kissed your head and pulled himself away, getting out of bed.
“Where are you going?” You sat up.
“Just stay right there. I’ll be back.”
Then Tony disappeared out of the room. You sighed as you threw yourself back on the bed. What could he possibly be getting? It wasn’t long before Tony returned with a familiar glass box.
“What are you doing with your original arc reactor?” You asked as he came over to your side of the bed.
“It still glows,” he answered. He sat on the edge of the bed and placed the box down on your bedside table. “I’ve added a switch.” He reached around to the back and flipped the switch. You smiled as the old reactor glowed. “What do you think?”
“It’s perfect.” You pulled Tony in for a kiss. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, my dear.” He kissed you again. “Think you can sleep now?”
“Maybe,” you smirked, “after I thank you properly.”
A cheeky grin grew on his face. “I think I can get behind that.”
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gatorlovebot · 1 year
read more of my king!simon blurbs here
you had accompanied simon far, far outside of the kingdom for a long stretch of days for a reconciliation hearing with another kingdom.
it was you’re first time ever taking a train and during the whole ride there you marveled at the beautiful scenery you drove past. the train car was also very comfortable. plush seats that allowed you to relax on the way there.
the way home on the other hand, was a different story. there was a delay in your travel for some reason or another that set back your return to the castle by hours. the sun already setting by the time the train started moving. the delay put everyone in a sour mood. except, of course, for simon’s secretary.
you’re roused from your sleep when a big presence seemingly throws all of its body weight into the seat, pressed close to you. you know it’s simon before he even talks. “fucking twat won’t shut up about the goddamn treaty.” he grumbled.
you settled back into your seat, shoulders bumping against simon’s. “what did you expect, your highness?”
“i expect to get some fucking peace and quiet.” he griped, tugging on the blanket you had draped over your legs, instead of just asking to share. once you had settled the blanket over the two of you he let out a heavy sigh, “sometimes it seems like you’re the only one that gets it.”
you hum in agreement, “i spend the most time with you out of anyone.” you sink back into the plush seat, cheeks smushing into simon’s shoulder. “i also have common sense.” you giggle to yourself.
“that you do.” he agrees.
you all finally arrive at the castle in the dead of night, simon ordering everyone to go back to their quarters for the night for rest. he turns up the steps to his chambers without a word, signaling to everyone to leave him alone for the rest of the night. you still followed, knowing your day was not done until the king was in bed.
he opts out of a shave with the promise he’ll let you do it in the morning. his bath is hot but mostly out of necessity. after a long day of travel he stinks but is too tired to really soak in the tub like he would prefer, knowing that he'd rather sink back into bed instead of dragging the task out.
you lay out his sleeping garments and once he’s out of the tub you sit down at his writing desk, back turned a little bit to give him some privacy. before you know it your heavy eyelids are drooping shut and you’re slumped over the desk.
simon turns to you, now dressed in the sleep garments you picked out for him. your head is tilted down and he can hear your soft little snores. he’s crossing the distance to you in seconds without even thinking, reaching underneath your legs to hoist you up into his arms.
you startle awake and jerk in his grip, having been much more asleep than you realized. “simon?” you question as he sets you down on the edge of his bed.
you watch as he walks to the other side of the bed, pulling back the blankets. “you should just stay here tonight, no use in you walking all the way down to your quarters in the middle of the night. can’t have you falling on your face if you shut your eyes for too long.”
“simon, i can’t just do that.” you protested. “i can have one of your guards walk me down if you’re so worried.”
he groaned, “no, just,” he huffs and makes his way back over to his closet, the one that holds his everyday clothes. he pulls out a shirt, soft and long, something he’d wear to sleep in the hotter months.
“here,” he tosses it towards you, “just wear this.”
you look at the soft fabric in your hands, contemplating what to do. simon seemed to be in no mood to argue, but you know he would let you leave if you really wanted to. your sleeping quarters were all the way on the other side of the castle, you could cry just thinking about the trek. and his bed was so much more comfortable than your’s. but how would that look? his little handmaiden not coming back to her own bed? the rumors would be something awful in the morning.
“love,” his voice breaks you out of your thoughts. “just put it on.”
his soft plea makes up your mind for you. you reach down to unclasp your shoes as you try to ignore the smug little look on his face. you twist your arm to reach back to undo the buttons of your dress but as you struggle to reach the ones up by your neck you feel the bed dip behind you, simon’s fingers working the buttons undone easily, “let me.” he whispers.
you take a deep breath as more and more of your back is exposed to him, his hand trailing down to the last button. he shifts again, “i won’t look.”
with his promise you stand and let the dress pool at your legs, pulling the sleep shirt over your head. you walk back over to his desk, carefully placing your dress over the back of the chair so it doesn’t look too wrinkled in the morning when you inevitably have to go back to your quarters to start your day again.
when you turn back to the bed simon has properly sprawled himself out on one side, underneath the blankets, head cradled by silk lined pillows. you almost feel giddy, as you approach the bed, about to experience a piece of luxury you never thought you ever would.
his soft mattress seems to mold to your body as you sink into it and you can’t suppress the satisfied sigh that leaves your lips as your head finally meets the pillows. simon keeps a respectable distance and before you can even worry about what tomorrow will bring, the world has gone dark again.
you awake to sunlight streaming through the thick curtains that you forgot to close the night before. there’s a warm weight across your back. simon.
you don’t know what time it is, but the deep snores emanating from behind you tells you that he won’t be up anytime soon. you selfishly curl yourself deeper into his embrace and your stomach dips when he in turn squeezes you tighter to his chest.
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Hey, I only really need some short headcanons for this (but of course make it whatever length you want), but miles with a s/o who loves to cuddle and physical affection🥹 whenever going to bed, laying on his chest or opposite, holding hands, hugs, sleeping with ur head on his lap or opposite and hair playing and sorry im getting carried away ☹️
Thank you tho! always love whatever u write, I also do see that you’re not super touchy so if you don’t feel this one then that’s ok :)
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Warnings: yandere behavior
A/N: Hi :)! You're not getting carried away and you've made me realize something. I don't usually write touchy readers due to my own experiences. I don't like being touched. I only like receiving gifts or words of affirmation.
But I know that touch is a huge part of relationships to some people so I hope you enjoy this. Ty for the request darling <3
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In the beginning, Miles would slightly freeze up whenever you touched him. He wouldn’t know what to do other than touch your back but with awkward hands. Sweat and goosebumps appeared on his skin.
But the more you were touchy, the more Miles gradually began to acknowledge and swing around to your boundaries with touch.
He loves how affectionate you are. It makes him feel loved and appreciated. Sometimes being a hero is draining, and sometimes he just needs to be held, someone that can let him cry and tell him everything is okay.
He’s the definition of clingy. This boy cannot live without touching you in some way. He has to be kissing or hugging you, and at times, he may be overwhelming. When you least expect it, Miles comes behind you and kisses you, holding you as his hands fiddle with your shirt. If he could, he’d want to Koala hug you 24/7.
Whenever the both of you walk around Brooklyn, he always holds hands with you; his hands swinging back and forth with yours as he rambles on what to do. Occasionally, he’ll hold pinkies if he feels that his sweaty hands will gross you out.
Cuddles are really important to him. Never in his life would he deny your requests when you ask for them. The second he gets to your/or his apartment, you can bet that he’s scooping you up and making you lay on him on a bundle of blankets, wanting to know about your day.
With him on your lap, he doesn’t mind it. He’s more than happy to lay on your lap and let your fingers playfully boop his nose as he talks about things. However, Miles does like it when you’re on his lap, especially after a hard day of socializing.
Being able to run his fingers over your face, tracing your face, and watching you read a book, or be on your phone makes him realize how lucky he has it. By the time his mom comes in to tell him about dinner, both of you are passed out on each other.
When in his room, he loves drawing you whenever he has the chance to; although, he tries not to do it when you are in sight. In his sketchbook, he has a bunch of colored pages and thick pencil drawings of you in different areas and poses. Most things he draws of you are sleeping, smiling, and doing something funny on the same day with him.
If you by chance forget to hug him or kiss him before you leave, that entire day he’s thinking he did something wrong — Miles is chewing at his fingernails, gets snappy and grumpy at anyone, and sadly overthinks.
By the time he sees you again, he asks you straight up. And if you reassure him that you’re not? He’s so relieved that he’s on the verge of crying. He makes sure to hug you tightly, whispering in your ear how you scared him, and don’t do that again. He relies on your touch as comfort.
Gives you a bunch of piggyback rides. No matter what time or how many people are around, Miles is instinctively grabbing you and putting you on his back.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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bloodyinkandquill · 22 days
Ban Hammer x Reader
it is two am, istg do not write on this until the morning me, i will hate you i have to be up in five hours let’s go to bed
ok i didn’t write this but i did stay up another hour and a half listening to a true crime podcast so…
- You’d think dating a 6’11 demigod who owns the most secure prison in Inpherno would not be on someone’s to-do list, but for you it was different, you knew him more than just the fearsome warden, to you he was your lover and honestly, a bit of a big softy
- Ban Hammer was big, he knew that, really strong too, so he was more than just a little afraid of hurting you, especially if he had his big and sharp armor on, he liked being physically affectionate, but he did worry about hurting you, so he’d wait until he’d taken off his armor you hug you, which did sort of feel like being swallowed whole since he’s such a large man, but it felt safe and warm so you never minded it
- He was gruff and tough but after a long day he enjoyed just laying face down the couch as you stroked his head pulling it to rest on your lap, he’d just lie there as you tried to convince him to get up, take off his armor, get some water, etc, he’d grumble about it but eventually get up
- Hope you like golf, he loves taking you to go golf, he’d never admit this but it’s mostly because when he does good you tell him how great of a shot he was and other junk like that and he enjoyed the praise, if you didn’t like golf he wouldn’t mind you sitting back as long as you were there together, and you were paying attention to him, he may be your boyfriend but he’s very clingy like a puppy, he also loved receiving praise from you, he already thinks very highly of himself but hearing you say those things feels even better to him
- He’d probably take you on very fancy dinner dates, to those really nice restaurants, though you have to make the reservations because he can be a little high strung and will demand certain things like a good seat, or a discount, so to avoid him getting mad at some poor waitress you make them for the both of you
- Like mentioned he’s super cuddly and snuggly, he loves just holding you as he sleeps, or sitting very close to you to the point he’s practically on top of you, you sometimes have to tell him that’s he’s crushing you, he moves immediately and feels bad, you tell him it’s fine but how about you sit on him instead
- Unironically uses sorta cheesy pet names, you’d expect him to be more creative with it but I feel like he’d use ‘baby, babe, sweetheart, etc’ though something funny he does is he has his voice and then his warden voice, loud and commanding to demand respect and fear, sometimes he forgets to turn it off when he gets home so he gets home and says in a gruff unamused voice ‘babe i’m home!’ to the point it sounds sorta angry, you crack up and he clears his throat before saying it snot that funny, as you’re doubling over in laughter
- The first time you met Windforce was terrifying, he loved you but he loved his mom more, if she said she didn’t like you that would be it, and if you pissed her off you feared her wrath, luckily she thought you were fine, obviously she has a distaste for mortals but you make her boy happy so she puts up with you, maybe not fully liking you but she doesn’t mind you, as long as you don’t annoy her she doesn’t care
- Thought meeting Windforce was scary? One time Ban Hammer said his whole family was having a dinner party, Firebrand organized it trying to keep the family all together and connected, and Ban Hammer wanted to bring you to meet all his uncles and few cousins, you didn’t wanna say no but holy shit you were terrified, you were about to meet literally the entirety of the SFotH, which was definitely intimidating, luckily they all at the very least didn’t dislike you, and you got to meet Flipside which was cool, but holy shit when you go home you let out the biggest breath ever since you were so on edge the whole time
hope you enjoyed! had fun writing it and thinking of all this junk, anyways до свидания!
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lace-coffin · 9 months
Hello! Could you please write something about The Collector (Asa Emory) who falls madly in love with fem!reader who lives a very lonely life? At first the man begins to stalk the reader, but one day he still decides to kidnap her and brings her to his den in order to give her a happy life that she truly deserves. Thank you so much!🦋🌺💖
Asa Emory x lonely!fem!reader
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Requests are open!
I really hope you like this! Thank you a bunch for the request I love writing for this silly little guy !
You could try convince yourself that your life wasn’t mundane but…let’s be honest. It’s the same in and out, wake up, drag yourself to uni running on a cup of shitty instant coffee, try keep your eyes open and focus on said lecture, grab something quick to eat on the way home and then rot in bed until it’s time to sleep and start the cycle all over again.
It wasn’t like you didn’t have any friends, well not many but that’s beyond the point. You just don’t see each other much, always busy with university or work, god knows you don’t have the energy to meet up on your free days anyway. Keeping up relationships was always a struggle for you and it felt easier to just quietly drift.
Despite this you still get lonely, it can be an isolating existence when the only people you interact with daily are your lecturer and maybe the shop staff. Unfortunately narrating to yourself at home doesn’t count as company.
Little did you know that your lecturer had taken interest in you, he didn’t really have reason to in your mind, but to Asa you were different, reclusive and usually quiet, didn’t answer many questions but usually knew the answers when asked.
You stood out to him despite your best efforts to blend into the background noise of the class. Asa loves to dissect people like you, he finds there’s often more under the surface than you expect, maybe a reason for their timidness, or an unexpected shady social life. This is why Asa is currently keeping a good distance between you as you go about your day, lurking just far enough as not to raise suspicion but close enough to study you like a bug under a lens.
This was not the case for you. Asa couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, instead of some shady back alley business or home drama he just witnessed a depressingly mundane day. Maybe you would meet a friend after uni? Maybe you would come home to a lover? Maybe you would have a fun hobby? None of those things.
Asa watched through the blinds as you sling a microwave meal in and slouch at the table, resting your head on the cheap wooden surface and groaning in defeat. To be honest Asa was bored out of his mind, having been trailing you for the entire evening and witnessing nothing of interest. After you lay in bed and start having some kind of breakdown, Asa thinks he’s seen enough, deciding to leave.
Later in the evening Asa can’t stop wondering about you, surely you can’t be content living like that, a young women like you should be in your prime years, eating at cute cafe’s with your friends and partying on the weekends, right? At least that’s what Asa thinks the 20 somethings are doing these days, he’s to old for this.
This won’t do, it’s not like you’re an unpleasant person, always an angel in his lectures but keeping to yourself, the way you move to put your hand up to answer questions but pull it back in shyness is endearing to Asa. Sometimes he asks you anyway because he feels you deserve to be heard.
After a few weeks and a couple more days of watching you, you wake up contorted into a box. Fantastic. You go through the motions as all captives do, the hysterics, crying, pleading, fighting and bolting. Usually this part is the most inconvenient for Asa. He’s never threatened by it, knowing well that he’s the one in control. With you he can’t help but want to coo and tell you everything will be ok if you’re good for him. Maybe he’s getting soft. Or maybe you just have that effect on him.
Time passes, a few months maybe, and things are better. Your body has softened out a little from your masters insistence on you eating good balanced food, a healthy glow in your cheeks and a little extra fat on your curves. You still attend lectures at the uni only now you’re arriving with Asa and parting ways until class starts, not wanting to raise any suspicion. It turns out it’s a lot more helpful to just have your tutor at home if you get stuck with work, Asa loves teaching you anyway, getting to talk about his special interest to his favourite pet? Beautiful.
On your free days you visit restaurants and events together, the way your face lights up when you try a new yummy food or find a cute trinket tugs at your owner’s heart. Sometimes you think about how you could just run now and not look back, easily lost in the sea of people at the market, however the idea no longer appeals like it did months ago. Given the choice you wouldn’t want to leave anyway, tied to your master so deeply by now. Call it love or Stockholm syndrome, you don’t care anymore, your days finally feel more like a new opportunity and not a burden. You look forward to weekends again, Asa jokes an old man like him isn’t the best company but you wouldn’t want to spend the time with anyone else.
This is how it should be, how it should’ve always been. Asa thinks, as he unclasps your collar for the night. enjoying the pleasant hum you let out as he massages your neckline, rubbing his coarse hands over it gently, tracing the faint red lines the display of his ownership left behind. “Let’s get you to bed cricket” Asa says softly, scooping you up and depositing you onto your shared king bed. You waste no time in snuggling into his soft fuzzy tummy once he’s stripped off his day clothes and settled into bed. With one last chaste kiss to the forehead Asa leans over and turns off the lamp, draping his arms over you. “Goodnight cricket, I love you” “night sir, love u” you mumble back, already half asleep.
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mossmotif · 10 months
omg hi bestie :3 if ur doing requests i was wondering if we could get more stuff abt stablehand!reader x prince!gojo 🩷 only if you want to ofc! btw i love ur writing so much!
hello hello! and yes ofc!! it was very fun tapping back into this little au again :oo and thank you bestie that means so much ! i hope you enjoy
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sheets in hands (prince!gojo/stablehand!reader)
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Satoru’s bed is comfortable and large; capacious even, some people might simply say too big. He thinks you would say so, with a look on your face that says he grew up with too much. 
Though, he might never find out. Satoru still hasn't found a way to sneak you up into his room. 
This late afternoon is quiet, slow in chatter and bickering. Satoru came to unwind from his new frivolous duties to find you already wrapped into your chores.
“There’s hay on your back,” he says, breaking the silence. He’s been staring at it for at least five minutes now. Your shirt is thin, practically transparent, so much so that the sun is shining through the fabric, blessing Satoru with glimpses of your imperfect skin. You might be trying to kill him. “When’s the last time you bathed?” he questions cruelly. All he gets in return is a soft chuckle. 
“There’s always hay on my back, Satoru.” You don’t turn as you speak, still working on whatever it was you were doing before he walked in. The lack of obvious attention from you isn’t meant to be conveyed as dismissal. Your interest is hooked into his veiled words, trying hard to coax what he really wants to ask you out of him. When you speak that way, the hands you work with so frequently feel like they’re inside of him somehow, continuously pulling and weaving. He likes it; loves making it more difficult for you. 
“Do you sleep here?” he reiterates. 
You shift your shoulders before finally turning, wiping the sweat off your palms by dragging them across your pants. “Sometimes. When I’m too exhausted to walk back home,” you explain. 
He looks at you pointedly, “The palace is closer,” he suggests. 
That earns him more than a chuckle. “The palace is guarded. Last I heard they’re meant to be protecting someone very important there.” 
“Wouldn’t sharing the same bed be nice, though?” Satoru asks. You don’t blush at his words yet, letting them hang in the air. There’s an expression on your face that says you’re actually considering his thoughts. But you lack the time to humor him so obviously; the sun is setting and your shoulders are beginning to sag heavily. You’re missing the glow of your healthier exhaustion, instead shrouded in a paled and lethargic dullness. 
You distract, moving towards him and hesitantly nudging at the leg of the bar stool he’s sitting on. There is a strange displacement behind the action; it’s like you replaced the thought of another movement with a half baked one. Your mouth moves around the air before finally pushing something out. “I’m nearly done here."
He frowns at your words, a disgustingly dramatic expression. “You’re kicking me out.”
“I’m asking you to go rest.” You cast a fond grimace at the look on his face, placing your hands on your hips before deciding to lay them to rest on the empty sides of the stool. The space between the two of you shrinks in the span of a cruel second. Satoru’s knees are subtly pushed together as they slot between your legs; he can smell the scent of the old wood that’s permanently cemented itself into your skin, the smell of the animals you take care of, the feed you pour out for them, hay and dust are subtle but noticeable notes. 
The aroma used to be too overwhelming for him, completely ruined and punched out by the odor of manure that he used to performatively complain about, but now everything has turned warm and pleasant. It’s a complex thing, like earth during spring, like something deemed ugly taking its first beautiful breath. No one else could carry that as elegantly. 
He can never bring it back with him properly; the scent fades and erodes itself into something only slightly recognizable. It isn’t strong enough to seep into the fabric of sheets, never strong enough to wrap around him tightly as he tosses and turns. It's like a rejection of transference.
“Hypocrite,” he accuses, finally finding the sense to move his hands, ghosting them across the shadows underneath your eyes. You hold your breath when he does, suddenly tense and serious. It’s a funny thing, the way you react to him touching you won’t ever not make him preen. Your roles are reversed. He’s the only one meant to think that he’s untouchable. 
You send him away after that, hay still stuck to your back, hands curved back into your hips. He watches you head back inside without any plan, eyes empty and tired, never cast toward what could be your home. 
Satoru doesn’t sleep that night and he hopes you don’t either. Maybe the both of you will learn more quickly that way.
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luvrodite · 10 months
passing ships (507)
sleepytime blurbs my beloved. domestic fluff, established relationship, gn! reader, dual pov
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you’re asleep when jason comes in. the sun has only just begun it’s descent in the sky, light outside still pouring in through the cracks of your blinds, but you remain curled up under the sheets.
he opens the door and lightens his step when he sees the bundle on his shared bed, treading over quietly to run a hand over your shoulder. mascara smudges in the hollow beneath your eyes, and your face is slackened, quiet breaths whistling through your nose with the rise and fall of your chest.
you’d texted him a couple of hours ago when you’d gotten home, the text accompanied by a litany of emojis that had made him grin down at his phone. he doesn’t think you’ve been asleep for very long, and leaves you be with a kiss on your temple. he’s still got a few things that need his attention, and he assumes you’ll no doubt join him in a few hours, trudging out from the bedroom in a blanket and disgruntled expression when you find him in the living room instead of with you.
he’s spoiled you a little, he thinks, giving in to these whims of yours. but he never really manages to say no, for all his teasing about it. he feels rather like a cat that’s suddenly found itself domesticated - it feels foreign to give in to these things. the impulse to recoil from it rears up every so often, but he finds himself mollified when you don’t seem to fight him on it, finds himself leaning into your touches, looking to you in every room he enters.
to his surprise, as the sunset bleeds through the sky and darkness returns to gotham, there is no sight of you. he goes over a few files for dick, thick packages overflowing with information about some perp that eats up a good few hours of his time, and the apartment remains silent. the tea gets drunk, he gets up to make dinner, and still you sleep.
when you wake, it’s dark outside and your neck feels a little stiff. you blink groggily, eyelids still heavy - sleep is reluctant to let you go, her fingers coaxing you back to her. it’s cold above the blankets, and your arms are littered in goosebumps, but the pillow beneath your chest feels something like a radiator, and you curl back into it. only when your cheek presses against flesh do you realise jason had come to bed sometime in the evening.
he lays on his back, an arm holding you to his chest. your limbs remain tucked closely by his, legs slotted between his own and arms strewn across his frame. he must have manoeuvred you in your sleep, you think, and the thought sparks muddled affection in you, this giant of a man wanting to hold you close.
it's the last thought in your mind before you return to unconsciousness, eyelids slipping closed once more as dreams overtake you. jason's hand remains on your shoulder blade – right behind your heart.
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wrote this last week when i slept for twelve hours after my shift and woke up wishing it was in someone's arms. me + writing bedtime fics = 4 ever
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clu-ven · 2 years
Hey there, I've been really enjoying your writing. I saw your "Sleeping with Hunter HC's", and I was wondering if I may request HCs involving sleeping with Wrecker. It's my hottake that he'd be S tier at cuddles. Anyway, take care
apologies for taking so long with this, I couldn't catch a break with college lol😅
550 words, SFW
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First things first, sleeping next to Wrecker is like sleeping next to a hot water bottle. This man radiates heat yet will complain he’s cold just so you’ll cuddle him.
If there’s one thing Wrecker adores, it’s cuddles. He needs them to sleep. If you’re not around then he’ll revert back to cuddling Lula, holding the tooka doll snug in his arms.
But if you’re there too then he’ll use one arm to keep you close and hold Lula in the other.
When Wrecker’s asleep, he’s dead to the world, staying in whatever position he fell asleep in and only making small movements throughout the night. You could listen to something on your holopad at full volume and Wrecker will stay in a deep sleep, completely unaware of what’s going on around him.
... but if you accidentally roll out of his grasp during the night? Oh yeah, that’ll make him stir in his sleep, incoherently mumbling as his arm searches for you. The second he finds you and pulls you back towards him, Wrecker settles back into his deep sleep again.
While Wrecker is easy to deal with when he’s asleep, getting him to sleep is a whole other story. 
Thankfully, after a long mission or rotation spent fixing up the ship, Wrecker is usually exhausted and is asleep within minutes. But if he still has a little bit of adrenaline left or if he has something playing on his mind, Wrecker is like a ball of energy, finding it utterly impossible to get to sleep.
He doesn’t stop tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable no matter what position he’s in. 
Some nights as he tosses and turns, Wrecker will snake his arm around your waist and move you around with him as he tries to find a comfortable position. Sometimes that’s simply picking you up and placing you on his chest or other nights, he’ll do a full 180 as he rolls to face the other way, you locked securely in his arms as he does.
He talks a lot too when he’s trying to get to sleep, though his ramblings often have the opposite effect, keeping him wide awake as he tells you all about growing up on Kamino or the time he accidentally sat on Crosshair’s sniper and snapped it in half.
When Wrecker gets like this, he needs you there to steady his mind and help him drift off to sleep, either by rhythmically running your hand along his back or telling him a story of your own.
If the roles are reversed and you’re the one finding it hard to sleep, the last thing Wrecker does is actually help you sleep. If there’s something on your mind, worrying you so much that you can’t relax, the last thing Wrecker wants is for you to be laying in darkness and dwelling on it.
Instead he’ll get up with you and find a quiet part of the ship where you can vent about your worries or simply sit with him as he fills the silence with a mixture of jokes and sincere compliments.
In conclusion, Wrecker is a warm teddy bear who absolutely adores sleeping beside you. Seriously, he would lay in bed all day if it meant having you next to him.
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llvmos · 1 year
Hi! I have a request. Would you be alright writing some realtionship headcanons for Dalton [like “dating him would include..”]
HI! Thank you so much for the request, I had a lot of fun writing these!
Warnings: slight jealous!Dalton, NSFW content, mentions of blood and knives for NSFW section
a/n: im working on another one shot so here is thing until i finish it! i added a NSFW section under the cut for the people who are interested in that. i do write NSFW content for headcannons and maybe blurbs but not for oneshots. if you have anymore headcannons or requests you can request on my blog!
Not proofread!!
Word count: 669
!!NSFW warning under the cut!!
Dalton Lambert Headcannons
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⭑ I think we had established this in the last oneshot but mans is so clingy. If you are gone for any more than 1 day, he will spam you with texts, calls, facetime, anything to talk to you.
⭑When you would first start dating, he wouldnt really be the biggest fan of physical touch until about a month or 2 into the relationship. After that, his hands will never leave your body.
⭑He is not a PDA person, but if he sees a guy looking at you in any way he doesnt deem as respectful, he will pull you closer to him and hold your hand.
⭑I feel he would be jealous if you were assigned a male partner in class, but he doesnt say or do anything because he doesnt want to be THAT type of boyfriend.
⭑He would draw quick sketches of you in his sketch book when hes bored. Of course he wouldnt realize he was drawing you at first but once he looks at the finished sketch, he realizes.
⭑If you guys are watching a movie or hes drawing or something, he will sit in between your legs in front of you on the floor while you sit on the bed and let you braid his hair :,)
⭑OK, so backtrack to before yall are dating, he would be so clueless.
⭑You could literally kiss him and he would say something stupid because hes just THAT clueless.
“What…You…Was that in a…friendly way?”
⭑If you wear shorts when youre at his dorm, he will grab a pen or a marker, and draw on your legs.
⭑You will walk back to your dorm with drawings going from the top of your thighs alllll the way down to your shins.
⭑He is quite literally an insomniac when hes by himself at night, but when you’re around, all he wants to do is sleep.
⭑He literally just gets so slumped and will fall asleep on your shoulder within the first 5 minutes of you being there.
⭑Even though he doesnt project frequently anymore, he still has nightmares quite a bit. When he does have these nightmares, he instantly facetimes you so he can fall back asleep.
⭑Hes a cat person. His reasoning being:
“They are just there, you know? They dont jump on you and slobber on you.”
⭑Ok, to get it out of the way, hes a munch.
⭑Now, when he does go down on you, his hair stays down.
⭑But if he decides to put it up, it’s half up half down like in the movie. (AHHH)
⭑He absolutely LOVES when you play with his hair when he does so.
⭑He also loves leaving hickeys but only in secret spots such as collarbones, chest, stomach, etc.,
⭑Hes definitely a switch.
⭑He cant always be in control. Sometimes he just wants to BE controlled.
⭑ This man will praise you like youre something of a higher power. (ofc you are to him, he thinks you are the most beautiful. loveliest thing hes ever seen)
⭑Sometimes he will hold your hand while you guys make love. (omg i hate that term)
⭑Then other times, his hand would be around your throat instead :)
⭑Ass or tits? Nah. THIGHS!!
⭑ Dude, i cant even express how in love this man is with your thighs. He will constantly being grabbing, touching, kissing, holding, or laying on your thighs.
⭑ He also loves finishing on them.
⭑ I dont think he would be a sadist because he wouldnt EVER want to hurt you in anyway.
⭑He is 100% a masochist.
⭑He wants to see scratch marks, bite marks, hickeys, red marks, blood, cuts, ANYTHING on his skin when you guys are done.
⭑Now stooping into the blood and cuts topic….
⭑He wouldnt want to cut you unless you guys talked about what your comfortable with before hand.
⭑ He probably wouldnt leave lots of cuts. He probably just use the knife to ‘scare’ you. Just because the way you look at him when he puts the cold knife against your face turns him on <3
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meanlesbean · 8 months
Here, have 1,400 words of Majora's Mask angst. inspired by a conversation with @gintrinsic-writing about Link having to pick and choose who to help on the final cycle. I'll put this on my ao3 in a few days when I think of a title. (Edit: better ao3 version up now)
On the afternoon of the final day, the Milk Bar is empty.
Madame Aroma won’t arrive for another few hours. In twenty minutes, one of the members of the town guard will show up, but he won’t stay long. He’ll order one of the special drinks that Mister Barten won’t let Link try, chug it all in one big gulp, and then lay his head down on the counter to weep quietly for four and a half minutes. When he’s finished crying, he’ll ask for a shot of something off the top shelf—surprise him, just this once. Then, after his last drink, he’ll shake Mister Barten’s hand, put his helmet back on, and leave.
Unlike some of the other guards, he won’t abandon his post. When the moon falls and swallows the world, he’ll bear witness to the end from his station at the town entrance. 
Right now, it’s just Link and Tatl at the counter. Mister Barten is sweeping up on the stage, and he’s got the phonograph playing some soft piano music instead of the usual Indigo-Go’s songs, which Link is grateful for. Mister Barten isn’t as talkative as he usually is, but Link hasn’t been able to figure out if it’s because it’s the final day or if it’s because Link won’t talk himself. Either way, it’s quiet. The nice kind of quiet too, unlike the Stock Pot Inn, which gets creepy after Anju and her family evacuate. Even with everyone gone, the floorboards don’t stop creaking. 
It’s a good place for thinking and planning. That’s the most important thing left for him to do.
Or at least, that’s what Link thinks. Tatl has other ideas. 
“Are you going to squeeze in an afternoon nap or what?” She buzzes around him like an insect. Link’s adrenaline from the battle against Twinmold had worn off by the time they got back to Clock Town, but Tatl always takes longer to settle after a fight. She lands on the counter to take a small sip of her Chateau Romani, kindly poured into the smallest shot glass in the bar by Mister Barten, and then flies a few more laps around his head. “If you don’t go to bed soon, you won’t be rested before the reset, and I know you’ll stay up with Romani instead of sleeping the next night. I don’t want to be rescuing my brother while you’re in one of your moods.”
Link waves a hand out to get her to stop circling. He gives her a pointed look and then taps the end of his pencil against his open bomber's notebook twice. It’s a portion of his records of the first day, near illegible now with how much information he’s crammed onto the pages. That’s why he’s got a few clean sheets of paper ripped out and put to the side. If this is really the final reset, he can’t afford to waste time with indecision. 
“Huh?” Tatl says. She floats over the notebook to examine it, washing out the pages in her golden light. She flutters and makes an annoyed chiming noise. “What are you getting at now? There can’t be anything else to add on here. You’ve stalked everyone in Termina long enough already.” 
Link shakes his head and holds out his hand. Tatl lands on his palm, her magic tickling at his skin like the sparks from a light arrow, and he lifts her up to his shoulder. His posture relaxes as soon as she sits, the warm buzz of her magic trickling down through his chest and back. An ache he hadn’t noticed in his upper back disappears. It still feels a little weird sometimes, having her nestled in the crook of his neck. The first time her wing had brushed against his neck, he’d almost hit her on reflex, and she didn’t talk to him for the whole day after. Navi had always preferred to perch on top of his head. 
On one of the clean pages, Link lists out all the hours, from six o’clock to five o’clock the next morning. He repeats this for the next page. For the last one, he adds an extra hour at the end and draws the moon and its hungry maw.  Next, he circles Romani’s name in his notebook. On his new timetable, he writes her name between the hours of two and five in the morning. 
He knows that Tatl understands because he feels her go still, then huddle closer to him. Still, he flips through the notes he’s taken, over two dozen pages, for emphasis. Some of his notes are about the temples—he hadn’t made it through the Snowhead or Great Bay temples on his first attempts—but even excluding those, there’s too much. 
Tatl doesn’t speak. In his notebook, Link sees Pamela’s name, and he circles it like he’d done for Romani. When he looks at his timetable though, he pauses. He and Tatl have restored the flow of the Ikana creek and healed Pamela’s father three times: once very late into the night of the second day, once in the morning of the first day, and once more in the evening of the first day. From what Link can tell, Pamela doesn’t sleep well when her father is cursed, and that means Link can free her father at any time.
Pamela needs her father. He knows that, even if he doesn’t fully understand it. She’s young and scared and alone, and Link shouldn’t make her wait. When he looks at the blank time slots of the first day though, all he can see is dozens of other things he needs to do. If he’s going to reunite Anju and Kafei, he needs to spend the afternoon in Clock Town so can talk to Anju. And while he’s in town, it only makes sense for him to help the Great Fairy and go solve the argument in the mayor’s office. He should free at least one of the Giants on that first day too—he can make his way through the temples pretty quickly now, but he couldn’t rush the battles against the beasts holding the Giants captive. Potions and fairies don't work as well when he doesn't sleep. He’d learned the hard way that one little mistake in those battles could take him hours to recuperate from. 
His hand holding the pencil is frozen above the paper. Link stares at the blank pages. 
He feels Tatl release a tiny, quivering breath. Her wings flicker against him a few times as she leans forward. “Okay. We’re not going back to the Stone Tower on the first day. I need a break from that horrible place, and you need to get at least some sleep before going there again. You can take a nap in Romani’s bed, or in Epona’s stall since you’re a little freak, after we defend the ranch. We’ll go to Ikana and free Pamela’s dad and the Giant afterwards. Got it?”
Link nods and picks up the pencil. He gives himself two hours to sleep, then blocks off the rest of the morning for fixing Ikana. Tatl lets out a little ringing noise in approval, then says, “So, we’re going through the whole ordeal of getting Anju and Kafei back together, right?” He nods again. “Okay, then write Anju’s name in the two and eleven thirty times slots.” He does. “We need to go to the ranch and talk to Romani at some point during the day. Let’s do that at five so we can stay for dinner. We can go to the cucoo shack before eating too. Helping Grog always makes you smile.”
Link puts down the pencil. Before Tatl can scold him, he brings his hand up to where she's perched, and he closes his eyes and presses her closer against him. Tatl shifts a bit, and then she wraps both her small arms around his hand. He trembles, and she doesn’t say anything. 
She lets him hold her like that for a minute before she starts pushing him away. “Move your hand, would ya? I can’t read anything like this.”
Link pulls away from her and picks up the pencil again. Tatl pats his shoulder. It feels like raindrops. “Okay, let’s finish filling in the first day. You ready?”
When Link nods, it's the truth. 
“Good. We’ve got this.”
Link believes her.
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zoromuse · 2 years
hi! for the valentines day event, could i maybe request angel devil with prompt 5 ?
Angel Devil + “Keep going, I want to see how you do it”
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cw. f!reader, masturbating, angel walks in on you, mutual masturbation
wc. 0.5k
a/n. first time writing for angel devil and i really liked it, thank you for requesing, hope u like it, and happy valentines day<33
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Sex was not something that came to mind when you were with Angel, or at least not yet. You knew the conversation was due sometime soon, but you could already imagine how it would play out, considering the whole “no touching” ordeal.
Still, that didn’t make you immune to the filthy thoughts that drove you to slip a hand between your panties as you were laying in your bed, rubbing hard circles on your clit and imagining it’s him instead of your own hand.
Unbeknownst to you, he’d come over to your apartment after work, a little tired from the mission he’d been assigned. He expected to see you doing some work on your computer, maybe even taking a nap on your bed, he didn’t expect to walk into your room and find your teasing fingers on your weeping pussy, a teary eyed expression on your face before you cover yourself up with a blanket and shout apology after apology, even if he was the one to invade your space.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean- I didn’t k-know you were coming, I’m-”
“Please…” he pleads, and you watch as he desperately throws off his clothes and joins you in bed, kneeled between your legs with his hard cock in his hand, using the last bit of self control left in him to be careful not to touch you. “Keep going, I want to see how you do it”
Fuck, he was so… attractive. Everything about him makes you want to give up on your future and touch him, stroke him, coax all the pretty noises you know he’s bound to make when he cums, but you hold back, resuming the circles you were tracing and giving him a show to enjoy, so much more sensitive now that you knew he was watching you.
“Like that, just like that” he said, stroking his cock to the rhythm of your digits. “Put one of your fingers in”
You were plenty happy to follow his instructions, slipping one of your fingers into your walls and curling your knuckle to prod at the right spots, throwing your head back at the pleasure.
He curses under his breath, bucking his hips into his own fists, imagining it was your hand, your mouth, your cunt, anything other than his own hand.
It’s not long before you’re almost there, your orgasm so close your thighs are trembling and toes curling in ecstasy.
“Cum with me,” he says, not sure if he’s begging or demanding. “P-please, please cum with me”
You nod your head frantically, your free hand squeezing the sheets beneath you when the tight knot in your tummy snaps and you cry out his name, your legs shaking as you let go of the pent up tension inside of you and cum while listening to his pretty cries.
He’s cumming so much, the liquid white shooting far enough for a few drops to reach your folds and your inner thighs, it’s a shame that’s as close as he can be with you, because as soon as he finishes, he wants to embrace you, hold you in his arms until the warmth of your bodies lull you both to sleep.
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©️ zoromuse 2023 | all content belongs to zoromuse, do not modify or repost
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callsigncrash · 1 year
Siiiince I need sum comfort after having a nightmare and I love ur writing, could I have Yamori, Naki and the crew from The boys when they're just chilling one day, maybe they woke up before their gn s/o one morning and were laying on bed to relax, and suddenly the s/o wakes up completely still with a schmol gasp, starts shaking and their heartbeat is goin crazy bcz they had a nightmare and they don't want to talk about it with the Cc bcz they think the Cc would find the nightmare dumb but for them the situation and Being there made it actually scary?
Anygays, have a great cycle of 24 hours ^^
You got it! I tend to have a lot of nightmares so hopefully this is good. Enjoy! ❤️
Note: Trying a new thing instead of HCs for this one. I also decided to do a little quote thing for them. Lmk what you think!
He couldn’t get back to sleep. A common place thing when your nights are full of quiet nightmares so he elected to just lay there and hope for sleep to take him again anyways.
Sometime later in the night he heard you gasp and then the whimpering started. You were tossing and turning, seemingly having a nightmare yourself. He watched you for a moment before turning and resting a hand on your shoulder, squeezing slightly.
You shot up with a sharp gasp, your hands trembling as you brought them to your face. He sighed and sat up, pulling you into his body before running a hand down your back.
After a while he asked you if you were alright and what happened. He reassured you and got you to lay back down. He made sure you know that you were safe, he was here, and that there’s a really good chance that if anything or anyone did try to get you, they wouldn’t last very long.
And so, as you drifted back off to sleep, his words repeated in your head, finally silencing your thoughts.
“The only waking nightmare you have to worry about is me.” Well, he’s not wrong and you’re happy that that’s the case.
He always wondered what you dreamed about. Sometimes he’d lay awake just watching you, thinking, waiting for his own dreams to take over. That is, until you bolted up and almost fell out of bed.
He grabbed you before you could fall completely off and frantically asked if you were ok as he brushed your hair out of your face. He listened intently to everything you told him, nodding off and on. When you were done he hugged you tightly and comforted you as much as he could. His quick and muddled words made you laugh which in turn caused him to smile.
He eventually got you to lay back down with him, the two of you cocooned in blankets. He made small talk to comfort you more as you went back to sleep, asking questions like what your day was like that day, what you like to dream about, even why you like the kind of bread that you like. Even when you finally did get back to sleep, he didn’t let go.
“If you found a monster living under your bed would you charge it rent?“ A weird question but one that calmed you down and confused you.
He woke up quickly once he heard your sporadic heartbeat. When you panic, he panics, so he was waking you up immediately to see what was wrong.
You expected him to scoff when you told him that it was a nightmare but instead his eyes softened and he held you close to him. He wasn’t used to being comforting but he tried to remember what Stilwell and some of the people who “worked” with him as a child used to say. It was comforting in it’s own way and eventually you fell asleep.
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Of course it was a patriotic quote.
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