#son of a peach
smallpwbbles · 5 months
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Ended up wanting to do some Turning peach au refs for the disco light crew, SWK and Macaque
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heartorbit · 1 year
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a new world together
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lemonsweet · 1 year
lemon would you ever draw olimar with his family (stares at you) if you are taking requests
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His family is so important ok
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ne-cocoa · 1 year
When a playdate turns into an arranged marriage ( ᵒ̴̶̷̤̀ुωᵒ̴̶̷̤́ू ) heh
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nothisisntmyname · 2 years
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nionom-art · 8 months
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Lemme just draw the same couple of Lego people over and over again
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Uh oh, guess Peaches can kiss those plans to be a doctor goodbye. I doubt DBK is gonna leave him alone
He was gonna go to community college!!
Now he can't! He's suddenly some other dude!
Peaches, crying: "I don't wanna be a superhero!!" DBK, concerned: "Uh... you good bro?" Peaches, sobbing harder: "NO! Now my GED means nothing!!" Demon Bull Family: (*shares a look, forming a plan huddle*) Red Son: "I hate to suggest it, but I think Sun Wukong isn't in the best form for a rematch." PIF: "Agreed. Clearly something has happened to him in the years following your father's imprisonment." DBK: "I know my brother to be reckless, but to lose his own memory? It reeks of foul play." PIF: "I propose we postpone plans for world domination until after we find out what's happened to him." DBK: "Yes! Only once his memory is restored, can we battle on equal terms." Peaches: (*in a fetal-position, holding the Staff like a security blanket*) PIF: "We should call his... whoever's been taking care of him to pick him up." Red Son: "There's a business number on his jacket, I'll make a call."
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azuneekun · 1 year
hii!! love your art, question: if you have had any kids in sdv what have you named them??
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I got all 3 of my farmers married with kids 👍✨
(Ari belongs to @50der in our multiplayer game)
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absolute-fool-for-now · 5 months
Back at it again with Monkie angst!
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heyyy gys 🔥 happy new year
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jnece-maharlika · 10 days
Unfortunately, It wasn't.
Dear, @pittdpeaches when will it be one?
Another (i have a LOT now, you might be seeing me a lot )fan art for couch crasher. Love this fic❤️(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
A summary straight from what I remember: (I'll be putting an actual screenshot of the fic at the end.)
Two boys went to a jazz club.
Jazz music plays, they have a conversation. And then the usual shenanigans, like dining and running.
As they headed for the car, porty apologizes that red son had a bad time. Then red son says "I'm happy with tonight, you make me happy"
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Live porty reaction:
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I just realized I forgot red son's scar, my bad. It's too late to fix it so let's just say it was covered by makeup
Also, I have no skin tone markers
I have this thought where, the more Porty changes, like the more different he becomes from Mk his eyes slowly start to change color into something that suits him more. (For some reason I like the idea of a pink porty)
I think mk's eyes would be the same color as the monkey king, a bit orange with gold iris's . So as porty changes, or the more time he spends away from the original his eyes turn black (could connect to magic or something idk) and his Iris's to a color that suits his personality.
Just a thought.
Here's the fic :
"Couch Crasher" by pitted peaches on ao3.
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I love how red son went from "you irritate me" to "YOU make me happy"
He was struggling with emotions and his first instinct was to go find porty, it really says a lot about how much he trusts porty and how comfortable he is with him to the point that he would be fine being emotional around him.
I love this fic so much. I could make an essay. Thanks author for this amazing fic.
Next: the many trial and errors of trying to get red son's dress right. Also porty.
Also known as: "art block came at the worse time but I just read the newest chap and I'm inspired so I'm gonna brute force my way through it."
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Red son has red eyes and red orange iris
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Next up: sketch
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That's all for today. I Blame pitted peaches for my addiction to this rare ship.
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alias-main · 1 year
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Wips I’m not going to finish…
Also if macaque has a club for a weapon then bai he obvs should get a bat
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ochablooms · 2 years
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momo in a momo cardigan 🍑
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ne-cocoa · 2 years
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✨Daydreaming✨ ꒰◍ᐡᐤᐡ◍꒱ᐝ.∗̥✩⁺˚⑅
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
"The best way I can describe it is like...a rut, I guess?" Cranky Kong took a sip of his margarita, nodding. Luigi swirled his, continuing.
"It's like when you get stuck in a ditch, and you rev the engine, but all it does is create a rut in the road. Then, even when you fix the kart, driving over that spot will get you stuck again. Realistically, I know I'm in a completely different situation. I have a husband who has and will fight for my safety, Mario and I will never have to be in the run the way we were before, so it should be ok, right?"
"Then ya drive over the rut."
"Exactly. Something happens, or someone says something, and it's like you're right back in that moment. Mario tends to get stuck in his own head a lot more than I do, but I know I'm still guilty of it. Whenever I'm alone too often, I tend to fall into the rut of: 'Mario went off to find us something to eat, I'd better go hide until he gets back!' Next thing I know, the entire Capital is in an uproar because no one can find me, and I've been tucked into the bottom of a broom closet for hours." Cranky Kong snorted at this, chuckling at the mental image.
"The worst part is, I know Mario had it so much worse. He shielded me from so much as a kid, and I can only imagine what he deals with." The two looked out across the arena, where Mario and DK were going at it. Seeing the competitive grin on Mario's face made Luigi's eyes sparkle.
"Your son has done him so much good. He and Peach are a match made in heaven, but DK has a way of bringing out the little kid in Mario. He helps him focus on the moment, and gives comfort when the past is all he can think of." Cranky Kong gave a rare smile.
"Yeah, well that human has been good for him too. DK's really grown up since he started dating your brother. He's still a little shit, mind you, but he's more... balanced." It was Luigi's turn to chuckle, the noise drawing Polterpup from where he lay by his master's feet. The dog yipped, tongue lolling out as he panted happily. Luigi patted the spirit's head softly. He looked back up in time to see DK scoop Mario up and spin him around. Mario laughed, a warm smile resting easily on his face. The older brother rested his hands against DK's cheeks and softly kissed his forehead. The ape grinned, holding him closer. Mario shifted to rest on DK's back, and the couple left the arena to meet Peach in the doorway.
The princess hugged both of them with an elated smile, and Luigi sighed. Cranky Kong nudged his knee with his own.
"You're all doin' great, ok? For the hell you've seen, you and your brother are doing great." He assured. Luigi leaned back against the warm stone seat.
"Yeah." He said, gently playing with his earrings.
"We're doing great."
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peaches2217 · 29 days
How do y’all make binders work? I see so many people slap one on and bam! Passing. I just go from a D-cup to a C-cup. 😭
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But! Some good news! My voice has been going through its first major change here recently; I’ve been explaining away the cracking and scratchiness as a combination of allergies and a holdover from covid.
Today I had lunch at my favorite pizza buffet. There’s a woman there who’s known me since I was a baby because she’s a lifelong member of the cult I escaped. She’s very familiar with me, has known me literally from Day 1… and she said “Oh, baby girl, you sound like you’re feeling SO much better!” I was speaking as low as possible (pitch-wise) to avoid cracking, and it’s very clearly lower than I was capable of speaking pre-T, but this person who’s known me for 27 years and sees me at least once every week and a half or so thinks I sound perfectly fine.
Which means I may be able to pavlov people into thinking my voice has ALWAYS been this deep. 😆
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