#song of the phoenix has been on my mind a lot lately
familyvideostevie · 2 years
let's get it on (someday)
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here's my fic for the delightful @roosterforme 's "Love is in the Air" Valentine's Day writing challenge! my story has the song "let's get it on" by marvin gaye in it, though it's only at the end a little. this was so fun! | meet-cute (light tw for being bothered by a random man), fluff, friends on the cusp of something more, 2k
It starts in the grocery store. It's kind of late and you're tired and don't have a lot of patience left and this man old enough to be your father won't leave you alone. He tries to talk to you by the lemons and again by the bread and it doesn't feel the wrong side of friendly but you don't like how he keeps running into you. So you look for someone to talk to in the store, but it's late and your options are limited.
Maybe you should just forego the rest of your list and head home and then you turn into the cereal aisle and see an absolutely massive guy in what you're pretty sure is a Navy uniform. He probably not going to be any worse than the clingy stranger you're avoiding, right? So you take a deep breath and go right up to him. He hears you coming and turns to look.
"Hi," you say softly. "I'm really sorry but can you pretend to know me for a second? Some dude won't leave me alone."
Navy man's eyebrows raise and his eyes narrow down the aisle behind you. "Are you okay? Should we get someone who works here?" he asks. His mustache twitches. "Is it the guy in the polo?"
"Yeah, that's him. And no, we don't need to. He just...won't stop talking to me." Your tight smile and firm dismissals had not been enough.
"Gotcha," he says. "I'm on it." You take a step closer to him and he turns back to the cereal, clearing his throat. "I don't know what you have against fruit loops," he says, much louder than before. "They're clearly the best cereal and I'm sure they'd make you a morning person for once."
You feel your mouth lift at one corner and you huff a laugh. He's studying the cereal boxes like it's his job, so you take the chance to quickly look him over. His basket has only a few things in it -- protein powder, bananas, and cookies. His uniform says BRADSHAW; he's not the first Navy guy you've seen, since the base is close, but he's the first one you've talked to.
You hear the cart wheels behind you slow and then speed up. "Well, they make me feel like I'm gargling sugar," you say. Bradshaw laughs, bright and loud, and the cart fades away.
Your shoulders drop. "I think he's gone. Are you okay?" he asks again, turning to face you. He doesn't move any closer, keeps his posture relaxed. He really is quite big, you realize. Broad shoulders and rather tall.
"Yeah," you tell him. "I was probably overreacting." Bradshaw shakes his head.
"No, trust your gut," he tells you. "I'm sure you know that. You gonna be okay? I could uh, walk with you, or something?"
"I'm about to check out, so I'll be fine." You smile at him and his brows unfurl. "Thank you so much, and I'm sorry again for bothering you."
"No need to apologize," he tells you and grabs Raisin Bran from the shelf. That makes your smile turn into a grin. Not a Fruit Loops guy after all, it seems.
You put the whole episode out of your mind as soon as you get home. Just another day in the life, right? The guy was cute but the whole thing was kind of mortifying so you forget about it.
The next week you go out with your friends to a bar near the base to meet some people they know. The Hard Deck is clearly a Navy bar, based on the sheer amount of uniforms around. You get introduced to a round of aviators with callsigns like Phoenix, Fanboy, Hangman, and Bob. And then --
"Rooster," says the last guy, turning towards you, hand outstretched. "Oh, it's you!" You let out a laugh of surprise as he pumps your hand once, his palm warm and callused. He's not in his uniform this time, instead in a tank and busy looking short-sleeve shirt.
"You guys know each other?" the blonde one, Hangman, asks.
"Kinda," says Rooster, just as you say, "Not really."
"Interesting," says Hangman, sounding very interested indeed.
"We ran into each other at the grocery store last week," you say. Rooster follows your lead and shrugs, not providing any more details. "Bradshaw, right? Or should I call you Rooster?"
"Bradley," he tells you. Everyone seems to lose interest in you two, including the blonde, though you notice he wiggles his eyebrows before going to get a beer. "You can call me Bradley, if you want."
You tell him your name and he smiles. "What are the odds, huh?" he says. "Glad that this time it's under better circumstances."
"You and me both." He sticks a hand in his pocket, running the other through his hair. He looks carefree here, relaxed, and the energy spreads to you.
"Can I get you a drink?" Bradley asks.
You get to chat a little over some beers before you're roped into a game of pool that pulls you from him. It continues to go like that for the next few weeks -- you see him here and there when you go out with your friends as your circles merge. It's enough to admit that you're nursing a small crush on him and his sun-kissed skin, his bright eyes, his warm tone. But you don't spend enough time alone for you to consider yourselves friends, not really.
When the time comes to finally hang out one-on-one, it's just like your first meeting. You're at a bar you haven't been to before waiting for your friends but they're late and unfortunately for you, you run into a guy you went on a few dates with while trying to order a drink.
"Do you want to come sit with me? I'll buy your drink," he says, and you look around desperately for an out.
And then.
Bradley walks through the door. He looks around before sliding up to the bar with his usual confidence, though it's not his usual haunt, on the other side of the room.
"Nice to see you," you tell the guy. Alec, or Aaron, or whatever. "But my boyfriend just got here." You walk off without another word and make a beeline for the only familiar face in the room, trying not to think about how glad you are to see him and the lie you just told.
"Bradley!" you call and he looks up immedietly, a slow grin spreading across his face at the sight of you. You squeeze close to him, closer than you've ever been. "Hi," you say, a little out of breath.
"Hi yourself," he replies, looking a little amused at how in his space you are.
"I just ran into a guy I went out with a few times and he wouldn't stop talking to me--" Bradley's brows furrow, so you rush on, "--not being inappropriate or anything but I told him you were my boyfriend so he'd lay off--"
"Hey, hey, hey," Bradley says. "Slow down." He looks across the bar, eyes narrowed, and it's just like the grocery store. You manage to contain your exasperated laugh. "Is he wearing a salmon shirt? Damn, ugly color."
You nod. "Is he looking?" Bradley nods.
"Well, let's scare him off. I'm going to touch you, okay?" His words make something tighten in your chest but you nod and his arm comes around your shoulders and pulls you even closer, your sides totally pressed together. His lips ghost your hairline and you instinctively wind your arm around his waist.
"What are you doing here?" you ask, your jaw moving against his shoulder.
"Waiting for the crew," he says. "Wait, did Natasha invite you, too?"
Sneaky, sneaky Natasha. She's almost certainly caught on to your crush on Bradley and you suspect she didn't tell you he was coming on purpose. "She did," you laugh a little. His arm squeezes you once.
"Looks like we're waiting for the same bunch." The bartender comes over and Bradley orders a beer. You ask for the same and he opens a tab.
"You don't have to do that," you tell him. He removes his arm from around you to grab his beer and presents his empty hand, palm up.
"Don't worry about it. I think salmon-shirt is gone, so do you want to find a table?" You answer him by lacing your fingers with his and he leads the way through the crowd, finding an empty booth in a corner that you slide into. Bradley lets go of your hand and you sigh at the loss before you know you're doing it.
"Thanks for the help," you tell him. "Again." He scoots a little closer to hear you better and your legs press together.
"You don't have to thank me," he says, shaking his head. "Shouldn't be happening to you in the first place."
"Well, I'm glad to have you around anyway." You lift your glass and Bradley clinks his with yours.
"Am I interrupting something?" A drawl causes you to start, sloshing a bit of your drink onto the table. You look up and see Hangman watching you both with raised eyebrows.
"Hi, Jake," you say. He's kind of a dick, sure, but you think he's funny and he riles Bradley up in a way that you find endlessly amusing. Hangman scoots in to the booth and Bradley's arm drapes a few inches above your shoulders.
It's a nice night out once the rest of your friends get there and you forget how the night had started -- and that Bradley pretended to be your boyfriend as a ruse. It felt good to be close to him at the bar, and still feels good here in the booth. His arm gets closer and closer to being across your shoulders all night, and your legs remain pressed together. He gets you another drink and then water when you both switch to it. It feels like every time he looks at you when he sits back down he's smiling just for you.
When the evening comes to a close, everyone drifting out to their respective rides home, Rooster leans close, his lips to your ear.
"Do you want a ride home?"
"Oh," you say, pulling back from him a little so you can look at his face. You look at the small nicks and scars that dot his skin, the glow he always has, the deepness of his eyes. Even though you've only been around him with other people, Bradley always looks at you full on when he's talking to you, when he's listening to you. "Sure. You okay to drive?"
"Yeah, been on water for at least two rounds." He stands and his hand hovers over your lower back the entire way to his Bronco.
He backs out of the lot, his hand on your headrest. "Did you have fun?" you ask him. He hums and turns the radio on low. The song playing is "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye. "Oh, I love this song."
Bradley grins. "Me too," he says. "It was a good night, I'd say. You think so?" He grimaces. "Well, good night after the guy went away, I mean."
You laugh a little. The streetlights bathe Bradley in their glow and your chest pangs at how lovely he looks. "We really need to stop hanging out because some guy is following me," you tease. "I mean, it's only happened twice, but..."
Bradley barks out a laugh as you trail off, startling you. "Sorry," he says, running a hand over his mustache. "I'm not laughing because it's happening to you, I swear." He looks over at you for just a second, seemingly coming to a decision. "It's just funny because I'll hang out, just us, anytime you want."
He's totally blushing. "Yeah?" you say.
He nods. "Yeah," he echoes. "I'd love to."
Marvin's voice fills the cab of the Bronco.
"Okay," you tell him. "Let's."
Let's get it on, let's get it on
Maybe someday, you think. You keep your eyes on Bradley and think about how nice it was to have his arm around you, how safe you feel with him, how his smile makes your stomach swoop. Someday soon.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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lunacornfan2k24 · 3 months
As I’ve been thinking about Zor’s Revenge, I’ve realized that there are songs from my playlist of the fic that I’ve started to see as “theme songs” for three major characters specifically for the upcoming fic. I just thought that I'd share them in case anyone is interested in a hint about how everything is going to go.
Minor spoilers ahead for the Celebrity Crush Series
John Juniper
In the beginning of Zor's Revenge, John Juniper only has one thing that he desperately wants: to get you out of Zor's grasp.
He trusts that you'll be able to escape if you want to (and willing to act if you need an assist). He is certain in his feelings for you, there's no doubt in his mind about it. However, can the liar speak the truth about his feelings before it's too late?
Agent Phoenix
I don't think this song is new for a lot of people in the fandom. It's got the perfect Bond vibes, great lyrics for fic titles, and just perfect for any character with a name like "Agent Phoenix."
Zor's Revenge begins with you at the lowest point of your career (lower than any of the games imo) but it's far from the end of your story. But who is your flame?
Dr. Zor
Zor is very happy with the way that The Spy and The Liar: The Movie ended, even if it was unexpected, but they're not done yet.
You've surrendered to them and they'll take full advantage of that fact. They have complete control of an Agency that deals in secrets, and the unwitting loyalty of the agents who'll believe whatever Zor says is the truth. What more could they want? What more could they have planned?
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sluttyhenley · 2 months
Tag Game: First 10 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Tagged by @starrybouquet - thank you!! 💖
bluebirds singing a song masters of the air, buck/bucky/marge
Marge was puttering around in the kitchen; she felt like she’d been there all day. Avoiding John Egan, though she wouldn’t admit that unless pressed. Gale had to go into the office to put out a fire. He made it sound like a literal fire and now there was no buffer between her and John, no one to smooth out John’s increasingly obvious discomfort with her.
nothing but blue skies from now on masters of the air, buck/bucky/marge
Marge pulled back the curtains and looked out the window to see clouds piling up outside, dark and heavy with the promise of rain. A storm was brewing. She grimaced. John was supposed to arrive a couple of hours ago; instead, he had gotten stuck somewhere around Douglas when the storm hit, and now it was rolling their way. With the weather growing worse, they had no idea when he would arrive.
can't tell your best buddy (that you love him) top gun: maverick, rooster/phoenix
Phoenix is tipsy and her feet hurt. She’s been out all night, one of those mandatory fun, social events with the other officers in her squadron, but it had been fun. It had been fun and she had dressed up. She’s wearing one of the most impractical pairs of shoes she owns, and she’s definitely regretting that choice now.
come monday, it'll be alright top gun: maverick, gen
Missiles fire all around her. Bob is in her ear, watching her back, a second pair of eyes. Adrenaline floods her veins but still she doesn’t panic. They can all get home. Nothing about her training could have ever really prepared her for what it is to be in an actual firefight against enemy pilots.
you rattle my brain top gun: maverick, rooster/phoenix
The thing about Natasha Trace, callsign Phoenix, is that she’s really difficult to ignore. The first time he sees her walk into a room, Rooster can’t seem to stop the way his entire focus zeroes in on her.
been around a time or two top gun: maverick, maverick/phoenix
Phoenix was puttering around her apartment downtown, thinking about dinner. It was late and the sun had dropped below the horizon long ago. She couldn’t even get off the air station before sunset. She opened her refrigerator door and contemplated ordering in.
put a hold on my heart top gun: maverick, rooster/phoenix
Rooster didn’t call her when he got back stateside, and it shouldn’t even matter. It’s just that, she told him she was recalled back to TOPGUN. She thought maybe he’d say something. It hurts. She wishes it didn’t, wishes she was mad at him. And she is; the anger is there, too, but it’s mostly hurt.
made a lot of mistakes in my mind the bear, sydney/carmy
The restaurant is practically empty now. There’s only a handful of the staff left, and the streets are almost quiet in the aftermath of their soft opening. Sydney can’t stop the list running through her head. It’s a loop: things done, things in process, things still needing to get done.
my heart is working overtime 9-1-1, buck/eddie
Eddie has been going on dates. So many dates and not a single one of them has felt right. Hen and Chim are starting to tease him about being too picky. Bobby keeps reassuring him it just takes time. Buck doesn’t say much of anything at all.
tomorrow and tomorrow edge of tomorrow, bill/rita
“Yes? What do you want?” Rita Vrataski doesn’t remember him. Of course she doesn’t. This is his reset. Not hers.
first line, first paragraph, whatever
one thing about me is i will drop the reader in the middle of a scenario. but i'll establish pretty quickly what pov i'm working in too so i mean, i guess there's that? also. first paragraphs my absolute beloathed. every one of these was reworked over and over and over and over before posting
tagging (no pressure as always!): @redbelles, @ladywaffles, @reachingforaspark, @lannisterdaddyissues, @katetylers and uhh idk anyone else who sees this and wants to do it
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astroyongie · 2 years
Le Sserafim February Reading Edition
Note: Please enjoy the reading and take it with a grain of salt ! 
Love: complicated situation. She isn’t in a relationship but is indeed in a sort of affair with someone older. She knows very well this isn’t taking her anywhere and that she shouldn’t be with this person. Although I don’t see any harm going to her from this kinda of relationship, she also isn’t happy with the situation she is in
Career:  I don't have much info about her career other that things are advancing at their own pace and that she is on the good path
Physical: High blood pressure and chest pains are frequent too
Emotional: She doesn’t speak of her mental health but at the moment she is doing rather okay
Song: Pepas by Farruko
Love: She is currently single and actually she hadn’t been looking for any realtionship nor be with anyone lately. She misses having someone by her side but sh eis keeping herself away from people and running away from physical contact for the moment being
Career:  A lot happing in her career. I see Sakura gaining a lot of money lately and investing It smartly as well and she is also having her backs secured by the company. There’s a lot of benefice being made through her and Sakura is also trying to help her members when it comes to finances. Everything seem to be going well
Physical: I feel like she had been suffering something related with her relationship with food lately. Of course take it lightly,
Emotional: She is extremely sensitive and emotional at the moment
Song: My Understandings by Of Mice And Men
Love: She isn’t in an official relationship at the moment but she had been talking with someone lately and things have been going very well between them. It’s something to watch to see if it can envolve
Career:  Yunjin have been having a lot o fights and arguments with people inside the company (managers, staffs, possibly members as well). She isn’t happy with her situation at the moment, she wants more, but management is trying to balance it all. Yunjin is also working very hard to get to her ambitions 
Physical: Many headaches, toothaches as well and high blood pressure 
Emotional: okay 
Song: Wings by Birdy
Love: Just like the girls she isn’t in a relationship, but she has been a fatal woman lately. She has her own flings, see people she wants and she feels very feminine and powerful. However she needs to be careful with those desires she had because her actions also ended up making a couple breaking up
Career: Things are going well too, I see a lot of money between her hands and Kazuha is actually enjoying that life and allwioing herself to spend and be happy with what she earns  
Physical: She needs to be careful with her womb pains and stomach in general. Also get liver and lumbar area
Emotional: She feels quite agitated lately, also her mind likes to play tricks on her. In reality she is in a very vulnerable phase
Song: Bones by Imagine Dragons
Love: Since she is still a minor, Eunchae needs to be very careful. Because yes she had fun, with little crushes and stuff like that which are unharmful considering the nature of those things. However she shouldn’t be so naive when people approach her with contracts and beautiful phrases because Eunchae can easily fall into situation that will be not good for her. She needs to be careful about a man In particular
Career:  Things are going well too, she is working hard and getting the rightful gain for it. I see that she was one of whom Yunjin had arguments with. I also see something solo for Eunchae, something that she will be able to do and show her colors for
Physical: Her ankles are sore, but so is her throat. Also she needs to drink more water to avoid any kidney issues
Emotional: okay
Song: Phoenix by Molly Sanden
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cew644 · 1 year
My personal interpretation of the FF16 ending
Back on my FF16 BS again since I've been replaying NG+. I haven't changed my mind much about the ending, but I think there could be two possible routes.
Major spoilers for the ending below:
So, for the people who haven't done the late-game side quests, there are quite a few narrative elements that could point towards Clive's survival.
In Jill's quest, there is a bit where she wishes to Metia (the red star) that Clive come back to her. Since Clive is like her treasure and her dawn. In the ending credits, we see Metia fade away, and Jill begins crying. She runs away to mourn but looks up and sees the dawn rising once again, and she smiles. This, alongside the lyrics of "My Star", have people speculating that Clive lives. I can get behind the Metia symbolism, but not the lyrics. The song closes with the lyrics: "And though our night is over you shall always remain, forever, my treasure, my star." That just seems like accepting and mourning the loss of a loved one, but that's just me.
The next most clear one is in the Hypocrates quest with Dion. After reuniting the two, Hypocrates thanks Clive and gives him a quill to document his journey after the fight. The bonus after-credits scene then has a book written by Joshua Rosfield. This, along with Clive seemingly narrating the book's intro and conclusion, could mean he lives.
So this is where I start to differ in my opinion on the ending. I've seen a lot of people say that this is just Clive taking his brother's name to write the book since "the phoenix's power can't bring back the dead."
There is no ending in my mind where Joshua dies. Clive did everything he could to try and help his brother. Joshua surviving Pheonix Gate and coming back is almost like a second chance to protect his family once again. Joshua dying again would go against this sort of second chance that Clive now has. So, Joshua clearly dies from Ultima, but Clive also absorbs Ultima's power of creation. I think you can pretty safely say he can use both Ultima and the Pheonix to bring Joshua back.
So with all this preamble out of the way, here are my two possible endings:
Clive lives: So in this one, all 3 of them live. We take all the sidequests as narrative foreshadowing. Clive still succumbs to the Cystals curse but lives long enough on the beach for Jill to find him. Her wish to Metia once again, came true. His hands are no longer functional, so rather than write the novel himself, he has his brother write down his story. This is why Clive is narrating the game, and Joshua's name is on the book. And if the brothers get to live, so does Dion. I abide by the film-making rules where if you do not see a dead body, they are not dead. The man is a dragoon. He can fall from crazy heights. The medicine girl and Terence can find him or something idk. This, plus his promise to Hyprocates to go and retrieve the Wyvern's Tail, could also point to his survival. This would be the best possible ending for the trio.
Clive dies: In this one, Clive is consumed by the curse completely. Joshua lives, and Dion is probably dead. Joshua, Jill and all the people in the hideaway write down a chronicle of Clive's adventure. As discussed in the sidequests, Gav takes up Cid's name and works with all the hideaway members to try and help the people learn to live without magic. All the people that Clive helps can still work to try and live in this new magicless world that Clive died to make. A world that Clive chose how he would live and die for. It's very true to the "a world where people choose how they live and die" that Cid and he vowed to make together. And for that reason, even though it's much more sombre, I prefer this interpretation. It also makes more sense to me because it's very clear that they didn't want Jill in the final boss cause they couldn't kill her and Joshua and make the healing scene make any sense. The theme is also about brotherhood. It's just an eldest sibling thing to do lol. Edit: Grammar.
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sesshy380 · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thank you @late-to-the-fandom for the tag! This is so different from most WiP tags, which I love. It's definitely is a good way to step back and look at my WiP from its original iteration to where it's currently at. Going to be answering this about Tangled Web of Fate as a whole, seeing as it is my primary ongoing WiP.
No pressure tagging @resuri-art, @sowideasea, @crush3dmary, @bakawitch, and anyone else that wants to do this (easy copy/paste Questions list at the bottom)
1. What's the first part of your WIP that you created?
*nervously looks around* Uhhhh….the first chapter? Before that, it was just kinda all randomness in my head. I honestly had no idea where I was going with it aside from the basic setup of dynamics and getting Atem resurrected. TWoF was the 1st fic I had actually started writing and posting, and regrettably I did a lot of hot-off-the-press in the beginning. The chapters just kinda came to me, I wrote them, then posted. I did eventually start jotting down plot points, but there are several that are no longer applicable since either they were removed entirely or I went a completely different route.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Okay, so when it was all just a ‘show’ in my head, it was meant to be more action packed and more focused on battles between the 3 elementals versus the gods (think Inuyasha with YGO characters lol). The intro I have always had in mind with that version is State of My Head by Shinedown. This still applies as a main theme to describe Bakura, Malik, and Kat’s existence prior to the story’s start. Overall, though, with the direction the story ended up in, I think Lost by Linkin Park is more fitting, as it describes the struggles of pretty much everyone in the story.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
So, this might seem a bit surprising…but the answer would have to be Apep. I love writing Marik’s interactions with it and I love writing its dialogue.
(For those that haven’t read that far, or TWoF at all, Apep refers to itself as we/us, and others that know of its existence use it/its when referring to Apep, though I believe I may have accidentally used they/them once or twice and been too lazy to go back and correct it)
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Do the two backstories I wrote for this AU’s Bakura and Malik (Yamima) count? I know there is a small fan-following of my OC (which is still surprising to me), so I'm guessing anything she's included in lol
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Those uncomfortable hell chapters where the things in-story hit a little too close to home and feel too personal. Also getting over what the readers may/may not like and remembering that this is a self-indulgent fic that is meant for me, and that others reading and enjoying it is just a bonus.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
You already have the obvious with the elementals (Kat, Bakura, and Malik), not to mention their offspring (Imhotep/wolf, Ryou/lammergeier). There’s also Kat’s horse/ka, Akasa, as well as all the fae realm creatures in chapter 87 (capricorn, kelpie, cockatrice, what I have dubbed the ‘fae weasel’, unicorns, ceryneian hind, and of course the phoenix egg). There’s also the lamassu encountered in Sumar, and Remi the werewolf (I swear he was just having an off day due to seeing Marik and it being a full moon week).
7. How do your characters travel/get around?
The elementals tend to travel via their element a lot, but they aren’t opposed to traditional travel methods. Kat is a classic muscle car enthusiast, as well as sports cars and motorcycles. Malik loves the feeling of the wind in his mane when riding motorcycles (he prefers the ones with loud engines that ‘roar’), as well as open-top Jeeps and military vehicles. Bakura is the group’s resident pilot, being that his element is wind/air (Malik refuses to step foot in any aircraft that he is piloting after falling out because Bakura is literally no different than Murdock from the A-Team).
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Chapter 111
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Uhhhhh….no clue? Maybe genuine curiosity of the oc x canon ship and how I go about putting a character that fanon has declared to be extremely hardcore gay into a relationship with a woman? The 'enemies to lovers in later chapters' tag? (I'm sure that last one is the main reason people decide to take a peek in the first place lol)
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
To reach the end and post the Epilogue (The basic draft for the Epilogue has been written since just after Apep is introduced)
List of Questions:
What's the first part of your WIP that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters travel/get around?
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
What are your hopes for your WIP?
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smoothbydangelo · 11 months
injury reserve, drive it like it's stolen (2017)
i can't place where i first heard injury reserve. i remember that i found them through their self-titled album in the summer of 2019. knowing 14 y/o me, my guess is i heard of them through a fantano review. at that point in summer 2019 i was obsessed with clipping. they were the first experimental hip hop group i listened to and their sound blew my mind (shoutout my best friend cam, he showed me clipping. in eighth grade). i wanted to find more music like clipping. so when i first listened to injury reserve (the album) i was stoked. they had something about them that made me an instant fan. i still come back to that album every so often and fall back in love with it.
injury reserve dominated my summer 2019 and followed me into my freshman year of high school. i started delving into their back catalogue that year and loved floss, live from the dentist office, and drive it like it's stolen, though their self-titled remained my favorite. floss and live from the dentist office became staples in my rotation that year.
when i heard about groggs's passing in 2020 my heart was broken. over the past year they had quickly became one of my favorite active groups and to find out that someone as young and full of life as groggs was no longer with us hit me pretty hard. i stopped listening to their music until late 2020 because it just became too sad.
when they announced by the time i get to phoenix i didn't know how to feel. part of me was so happy to hear new music from a group who's entire discography had excited me. another part of me was unsure of if i would even want to hear new music and be reminded of grogg's passing. i listened to "superman that" and realized i wasn't going to be able to make it through this new album. even as i'm writing this, i haven't heard any other songs from it. i don't know if i ever will.
injury reserve has been on my mind a lot recently because i met this guy in college who loves music. his name is anthony. he's a nice dude. knows way more about music than i probably ever will. a week or so ago we had a conversation about injury reserve which took me down this exact memory lane. through that chat i realized that i hadn't heard drive it like it's stolen in forever. i listened to it a couple times when i first got into them in 2019, but i couldn't remember a single song off of it except "see you sweat," which i didn't remember being too fond of.
i listened to the album in full this morning while i was writing an essay. i got sidetracked pretty quickly because this album is incredible. it doesn't compare to my memory of it at all. i think the minimalist production made this album seem bland to me when i was expecting something as explosive as their self-titled when i first heard it. parker's production never fails to catch my ears. i'm listening to "boom (x3)" right now and the piano sample is gorgeous and perfectly juxtaposed to the bombastic drums and verses.
if i had to use one word to describe this album it would be "understated." the choruses are simple and far from eye-catching. more than any of their other albums, drive it like you stole it really just feels like two guys rapping. parker's production is great but it takes a backseat to ritchie's and groggs's verses.
nothing highlights this better than "north pole." this song is a million things. it's really sad. it's mature. it might be my favorite song on the album. it's probably the best beat on the album. ritchie's verse makes me cry. especially the last three lines where he talks about his loved ones who have passed watching over him write and perform his songs.
after "north pole" comes "colors," which also might be my favorite song on the album. now it's groggs's verse that makes me cry. especially when he says that life isn't supposed to be perfect, it's supposed to be lived. jesus man what a loss. i just know that guy had so much more to say.
this album places more focus on lyricism than any other project from injury reserve. i think that's really brave. parts of this album make me feel like i'm at an open mic hearing someone read their poetry to a room of a dozen people. i think part of that feeling can be attributed to its brevity. it's only seven songs at 20 minutes.
i don't think this is a perfect album. "see you sweat" still isn't one of my favorite injury reserve songs. it kinda feels out of place on this record. it's not awful or anything, just kinda feels like a floss leftover.
overall though, i think drive it like it's stolen is incredible. these guys have something to say on this album. i hope that putting so much of their pain into their music was cathartic for them. maybe this is wishful thinking but i found an underlying optimism in this album, like ritchie and groggs knew that their past fuck-ups didn't define them. that pain is temporary. that progress isn't linear and "perfect" is unattainable.
i hope that parker and ritchie are doing well. i know that they started something called "bye storm" recently but i haven't looked into it. i think i might though. rediscovering injury reserve has made me think about a lot. i wasn't in the right headspace to listen to by the time i get to phoenix when they released it. but a lot has changed since then. i'm doing a lot better. i live three hours away from where i grew up. i have a different area code and new friends and hobbies. maybe i should check by the time i get to phoenix out. i'll think about it.
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mothdruid · 1 year
Hi, babe 💌 You know what's been plaguing my mind for a while now?? rockstar AU tgm
Not necessarily rockstars, but like, what/how they would be as artists... ok hear me out KWJDKDKDK
I'm 100% sure rooster would be something like The Weeknd, bringing 80s tunes back and being super popular. He would know how to play a bunch of instruments and produce music, all thanks to his late rockstar father Goose, an absolute icon of the 80s that teached him everything he knows. (Goose would probably be part of a famous rock band with mav and ice hehe)
And hangman would be a country music star. There's no room for argument on this one lmao he'd have the most cocky annoying speeches on award shows and he'd constantly appear on those tacky gossip pages all over instagram/tiktok/twitter, showing up drunk to important events and allegedly hooking up with his fans but also being Texas' darling so he'd never flop or do any wrong on the eyes of his hardcore fans KSMSKSJDKS would definitely sneak the most foul double entendre spicy lyrics in his songs tbh...
I see bob as someone that would do music like Mac Demarco, Cults, TV Girl or Thee Sacred Souls. Something more romantic, calm and a bit of jazz influence maybe...? Songs you would listen to while reading a book or looking out a window while driving in the rain
I think payback would have some jazz influence too, like Nat King Cole or either something like New Order. Or even classic rock perhaps?? If not, I think he'd be a well-known producer like Jack Antonoff (taylor swift's producer) or Dr. Dre depending on his style
I can definitely see Phoenix as a rockstar girlie. Like Soho Dolls or Le Tigre typa beat. Or like Vic DeAngelis from Maneskin. OR OR she would sing the type of songs Mitski and Phoebe Bridges put out. She'd be so iconic plsss like when Hayley Kiyoko's fans call her lesbian jesus. Yes. Exactly.
Idk why but I think fanboy would probably be like a mixture of Steve Lacy and Kali Uchis. He'd slip spanish in his songs like kali and it would be a success I KNOW IT I feel in my bones. I bet he would serve LOOKS at the red carpet too and he'd be friends with so many artists
Coyote looks like he could pull off some mean R&B hits or even something like Tyler, The Creator. He'd have some incredible live performances and his fans would be so chill. He'd probably be the Mr. Worldwide of this generation and have a bunch of awesome collabs with a lot of artists, including his bff Jake hehe
And if they were a band??? I think bob would be a bassist and write their songs, rooster would be lead guitarist and vocalist, nat would sing too, javy would be the drummer and I haven't thought of other roles for the rest, I think I used all my brain juice on this one lmao
lmk your thoughts on this bc I can't stop thinking about it, it's such a cool concept 😩
ahhhh!!! i love love love this!! (i'm so sorry about getting to this so late)
i agree that Bradley's dad taught him everything he knows and also was famous in the 80s. i definitely know that he would make sadboy music, like the weeknd and joji. he would have some of the most beautiful music videos. i'm thinking of videos like Starboy by the weeknd and Tick Tock by joji.
and hangman? 100% correct. i think a lot of his music calls back to country music of the 90s though, a time he was nostalgic for and what influenced him to become an artist.
when i think of bob as an artist, rex orange county and mac demarco are definitely the first artists that come to mind. i think also someone like dayglow. but i also have thought that maybe he would be like marc rebilet. i could also see him as someone like tame impala.
i agree with payback being more of a producer who has made some music. i think it'd be music similar to what kendrick lamar has made. extremely impactful music. maybe something like denzel curry too. i just think his music would be very impactful. (ps. i love jack antonoff and have met him)
SZA is who comes to mind when i think of what artist natasha would be. so similar to the mitsuki and phoebe vibe. but the song Kill Bill by SZA screams nat to me. but also Silk Chiffon by MUNA also gives me nat vibes. (the versatility of woman)
i also 100% agree with your mickey analysis. i could also see him doing rap though. rich brian is who comes to mind if mickey rapped.
javy? i think javy would be closer to drake than tyler, sonically. maybe like pharrell (but his rap stuff)?? but if we are thinking out there bands, the flatbush zombies would be up that alley too. but i think that drake or maybe travis scott are the artists i think javy would be like.
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
this is beyond late but if you are willing to bite. for the character ask, maya & franziska?
my dear fellow it is NEVER too late to take me up on ask games.
Favourite Thing: i simply ADORE the burden of responsibility as a trope and maya pulls it off in SPECTACULAR fashion. you can feel the fear and uncertainty she feels about her role as the master of kurain through the screen when she finally opens up about it in bridge to the turnabout (and the little crumbs we get about it in reunion and turnabout) (and it's only augmented by the fact that it was suddenly thrust upon her by mia's departure)
Least Favourite Thing: a bit of a nitpick but there are some aspects of the mechanics of maya's channelling that give me a bit of an ick (channelling mia. go figure), but i do like the way the technique plays into the mystery during reunion and bridge
Favourite Line: either her little speech to nick before she leaves for kurain at the end of goodbyes or her so desperately trying to protect diego during the dying light of bridge, can't decide between the two
brOTP: PHOENIX!!!! they're such best friends. they mean so much to me. its like. everything that apollo and trucy did in aa4 (which i notoriously also love), only with way more time to develop and simmer, so it's like. perfect. i love maya and phoenix
OTP: i have two ships that completely consume my mind. one of them is not for this fandom. the other is franmaya. they're such unexplored narrative foils...
nOTP: i mean. phoenix. 'nough said
Random Headcanon: i think that, for all of her hyperactivity (at times), she embroiders in her free time, and got pearl into it as well during the seven-year gap. pearl quickly surpassed her.
Song: Soulgazing by Gregory and the Hawk (vibes alone, im bad at assigning songs to characters)
Favourite Picture: this redraw of her unused objection sprite by @/u3pxx, i love it so very much
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Favourite Thing: the sheer hurt and terror that sits at the corners of her character but never gets touched on outside of the airport scene because good GOD there's so much guilt and shame for her imperfection and terror about turning out like her father and CAN I TALK ABOUT THE BULLET. THAT DAMNED BULLET.
Least Favourite Thing: not enough screentime. i need more franziska content like i need air
Favourite Line: "You, you're running away from Von Karma… from me!?" "So… you're leaving me behind again!? I'll never… Never forgive you for this!" from The Forgotten Turnabout in aai2 because HELLO??? this is one of the most important pieces of franziska characterization we get EVER because a), she's still clearly still holding onto her father's memory, or at least the pedestal she had him on, b), it showcases how quickly she turns to wrath as soon as the chips are down, and c), MOST IMPORTANTLY. LISTEN TO HOW SCARED SHE IS. or dont listen i guess but like. still. she sounds TERRIFIED of losing her brother all over again.
brOTP: torn between either edgeworth because i love the vk sibs or kay because their friendship is adorably sweet and pretty underrated part of aai
OTP: once again franmaya cuz. god. theres so many emotions.
nOTP: cant think of any that i genuinely dislike besides the Nigh-Universally Hated One (her and edgeworth) so im gonna say that
Random Headcanon: she doesn't give phoenix the calling card during the hazakura temple investigation. she wants to. she has it on her and everything, but she couldn't work up the courage to do it. way down the line, deep into the 7yg, she shows up to the wright residence, has a long chat with phoenix, and finally gives it to him
Unpopular Opinion: i know its been said a lot that she probably does have some normal teenager aspects to her (the example ive seen the most is "owns a hello kitty tshirt and reads yuri fics"), but i think she's a little too repressed to have that until at least after aa3. maybe she gets a little more normal during the 7yg but im not sure yet
Song: Top of My School by Katherine Lynn-Rose because come ON. you've seen the animatic with the clip of that song over franziska stuff. if you haven't then you will soon cuz its linked here (full song first, then the animatic)
Favourite Picture: this wonderful number by the incredible and talented @/ind1c0lite because uh. i like fran angst.
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ariondevereux · 2 years
Okayy, I’m on my uni commute and by now I think we know that this is when my brain goes crazy over your ocs. Alsoo, my disclaimer of, if these ever get annoying do tell me!
Maya x Phoenix:
Soo, I was listening to ‘Darkside’ by Neoni and ‘Counting Losses’ by Chelan, and I was thinking that they fit Maya’s personality pretty well, Darkside because she’s very much aware of her personal demons and think she’s a bit unloveable because of it. And then Counting Losses because she’s falling for Phoenix, probably doesn’t want to imagine this amazing, beautiful future with him because of her own insecurities but also…being happy with him does seem like a dream, so she’s in a bit of a limbo.
Shiloh x Abby:
I’ve been fleshing out the BDSI characters, and I got to the angsty stage and began wondering what Shiloh would act like really stressed whilst in the deep crushing stage when it comes to Abby. Like, they’re on their quest to taking down the Order, they’ve gone through a whole load of brutal shit, all scared, but they’ve made it out alive so that’s the main thing?? And I imagined Mei picking up on Shiloh being all stressed and upset and literally bringing Shiloh’s phone to them to call Abby because she’s very much his safe place, & at this point, Shiloh’s spoken to themself about their crush on Abby enough and Mei’s realised that the best friend that visits all the time is a lot more than just special in a friend way.
Lorenz x Clary:
You have an L-mancer oc <3 (I did tell you I check your Pinterest like the news!) and they have the grumpy x sunshine trope, I’m screaming!! I found out that L very much has the personality they have because… tragic backstory & past trauma, so they mask it by being confident, making jokes, being flirty— that’s their coping mechanism; and flirting with Clary was definitely just a ‘let’s do something a little risky and fun, especially as I’m your initiate for the next week or so’ at first, and then it continued, and continued, until L fell into this rabbit hole of ‘oh shit, fuck, fuck, oh…’ when they realised flirting with Clary is a lot more than just ‘this is fun, I want to get a reaction out of her.’ And I feel like L is determined to keep it to themself and not say anything because if Clary’s the grumpy half of the grumpy x sunshine trope, then if she ever found out about this crush then L probably thinks it won’t end well, and if anything, they’d rather have Clary around as something if not a lover because they can’t ruin yet another thing and add it to their list of bad backstories. I was also listening to ‘overthinking’ by Bearcubs, narou and imagine L going on a really long car ride by themselves, and they’re literally overthinking and Clary comes to mind and it’s the only time in a long time that they’ve let themself be vulnerable.
okok pls your music taste is immaculate!! i listened to those songs a few times and they’re so good i loved them sm especially darkside omg it’s so accurate for maya!! tysm for sending them to me 🥹 literally every time you talk about her i can barely wrap my head around the fact that you legit think about her 😭😭
OK OMG SHILOH PLEASE HE’S BEEN IN MY HEAD A LOT LATELY like i always imagine him being a smooth flirt but when he actually catches Feelings he’s a whole mess 😩🫶🏼 and shiloh isn’t the only one who would be stressing over feelings 🤭 for abby, she would stress over shiloh’s flirty comments and in her head she’d be like “how much of it did he mean?” because she really likes him and she’s not gonna try to hide it when it gets to a point where it’s already so obvious that there’s something going on between them. but she wants to make sure that it isn’t all just empty flirting from shiloh because even though she knows better than anyone that her best friend is an amazing guy and would never play with her feelings like that, she’s scared it’s all one-sided and her heart would be broken. abby’s not judgmental i swear shiloh just means way too much to her 😔
AND MEI MY BEST GIRL SHE’S SO SMART <333 omgogmogmg imagine mei and abby hanging out and shiloh thinks to himself “my favorite girls” CRYINGGGGG ok but when shiloh calls abby but he’s not ready to confess he’d probably say some excuse like “you wanna come over? mei misses you” and abby just chuckles “tell her i miss her too” and then there’s that heavy silence because abby doesn’t wanna hang up because she likes hearing shiloh’s voice and shiloh really wants to see her but he’s scared that would give too much away even though it never scared him before to say it so he just clears his throat or whatever and softly asks “so… do you wanna come over?” unfghghhh THE PINING!!! my sustenance 😩
AND LISTEN you’re so powerful because i’m not actually big on the grumpy x sunshine trope but i just had to do it for lorenz and clary because it would be so fun to develop their relationship nddnejsk and it’s funny because clary’s face is the farthest thing from rbf so i imagine that’s the reason lorenz wasn’t intimidated at all to flirt with her at the start until she just gave him this unimpressed look like “has that ever worked for you?” and from that point on, lorenz tones it down a bit but he still flirts with her from time to time. then time passes and clary gradually develops a crush on him because she realizes “he’s not that bad…. 😳” and that he genuinely cares about her. and because of her feelings, she becomes hyperfixated on the difference of his flirting then and now and how he doesn’t flirt as boldly as he did at the start. like this bitch forgets that she literally acted hostile towards him during his early attempts at flirting but when she remembers, she realizes it’s probably the reason he may be acting cautious around her and like… lorenz doesn’t have to worry about ruining things with clary if he took it further and acted upon his feelings because it’s clary who’s gonna ask him out <333
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at-thestillpoint · 5 months
questions for fic writers: 8, 17, and 18 (for count my cards, watch them fall) !
[questions for fic writers]
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I think Maggie Rogers's entire new album is perfect fic fodder! Don't Forget Me really grabbed me when it dropped, and I was noodling on a wedding one-shot for a while because of it, which I ended up folding into the politics!AU draft that won't stop growing.
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about "If now was then, I would get out of my head / I would touch your chest, I would break the bed" and what we'd do with new knowledge if we're faced with an opportunity to do it over again. (No, this is not a time travel/time loop fic. Yes, it is an exes fic that also happens to be the Olympics!AU that I promise is coming.)
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I think it's the politics!AU that I am currently writing. I may end up editing a lot of it out, but the current draft has a lot of minutiae about political communications that I'm not sure I even find interesting. We also should all agree not to examine why I made Phoenix and Hangman who I made them when I finally hit publish on this baby!
Other, not super highly specific AUs I've kicked around but probably won't write: a celebrities AU (feels too close to RPF), the Natasha is the one who gets shot down and Hangman goes down with her AU (needs too much exposition on flying/the escape), and the NFL owners AU (requires more knowledge of NFL logistics than I care to possess). But—and I realize this is rich after I've just rattled off three AU ideas—I don't really ideate in terms of AU situations. I'm more interested in the ways I can contort a relationship between two characters, and usually the AU is just a convenient vehicle for that.
18. If you wrote a sequel to count my cards, watch them fall, what would it involve?
Oh that is a deep cut! I think it would start with Natasha and Jake on a yacht somewhere fabulous (the Bahamas, perhaps?) sipping cocktails and letting their money make them money while they feed each other grilled shrimp. A helicopter with a back-from-the-dead Maverick lands on the lawn of their rented villa informing them that Rooster, Bob, and the rest of the team have gotten themselves into a bit of a pickle, and would they mind very much joining Mav on a jailbreak mission in Bulgaria? That, or Natasha opens her own bakery and gets into a battle of the croissants with the coffee shop down the street that ends with her buying out all the Irish butter in a fifty mile radius while Jake rallies the team to pilfer all of the other coffee shop's spoons or something.
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lilyharvord · 4 years
Song of the Pheonix Part 8
Hey guys, sorry this took so long to get out. It was super hard to find time to write this lately. Also I was having a hard time connecting plot points. I think I finally got this set up though. It's a little shorter than all the previous chapters, but it gets the important work done. The support for this fic is so uplifting! You can also find it on AO3, and any kudos and comments there are super helpful! 
AO3 Link
Find the rest of the parts here: 
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 
      It’s surprisingly cold when the sun begins to rise. Doria snores softly in her chair, while I sit huddled in my mass of blankets. For two nights I’ve sat like this, watching my jailor nod off in the early morning. If I wanted to escape, that would be the time to do it. To combat the cold I could take a blanket, and I’d slowly been stashing away little bits of food that was brought to me. I had enough for maybe two days if I rationed it. I can’t leave without Mare though. At least, I feel like I shouldn’t leave without her. Would we even make it out of the hundreds of miles of plains to return to Ascendant? I don’t even know which direction the city is in, let alone how we’ll climb a mountain to get to it. And if she’s in the same state I remembered, I would have to carry her. I know for a fact that I’m not strong enough to do that. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there though.
Doria snorts and then shakes awake, drawing me out of my thoughts. Her bleary eyes blink into focus as she searches the tent wildly for me. When she finally sees me, almost hiding underneath my pile of blankets, she rubs at her eye with her palm. “Need coffee.” She grumbles before rising from the chair. I watch her pull her hair into a messy tie before asking, “Can I have some?”
Her eyes narrow until she says, “Get up.”
I push the blankets off of me and stand. She looks me over, and her lips curl as she takes in the same robe I’ve worn for three days now. Tapping her point finger to her thumb, she says, “Stay here.” She pushes the flap aside, only to pause and look over her shoulder once more. “Try to leave, and you won’t make it passed the third row of tents.”
“Why would I try and run through hundreds of miles of plains dressed like this?” I grumble as I sit on the vanity stool. Doria’s brow raises at my tone, only for her lips to curl up in a smirk as she leaves the tent.
Outside of the tent, the sounds of the early risers preparing for the day begin. Guards grumble as they switch shifts, alerting each other to potential obstacles. I strain my ears, hoping to catch a hint of Mare’s location. No one discusses her though. Squeezing the loose fabric of my robe in my fists, I try to wait patiently. I doubt Doria will bring me anything back, but I can hope. Coffee does sound nice, regardless of where I’m getting it from.
The tent flap opens, startling me, and Doria enters before stepping aside to reveal Proteus. Raising my chin as he lets the flap close behind him, I say, “You are not coffee.”
He chuckles, completely in control of his expression now. He looks me over before saying, “They’re scouring the mountain for you and Barrow. I have half a mind to leave two animal carcasses for them to find.”
My blood runs cold, imagining what that could do. Blood would run down the mountain in waterfalls if he does that. Swallowing the bile in my throat, I whisper, “Don’t. You’ll have to send more men and women to die if you do that.”
His expression hardens, and he closes the space between us to say, “You don’t know the first thing about what my people would do for their goal.” “Show me, let me try to help you. My son—“
“Your son is a middle rung on a ladder. He forfeited his right to sway anyone’s decision when he abdicated.” Proteus waves my words away with his hand. “I can get more out of killing you and Barrow than I can from trading you.”
My stomach rolls, and I spot Doria finger the knife on her belt behind him. My fingers twitch in my lap and I breathe, “Please. You can achieve more than you think through negotiations.” I would sing if I could, but Proteus avoids my eyes contact expertly. I should have never told him how to prevent me from singing. Beating myself over that mistake won’t help me now though. Besides, if I sing him into a stupor, I’ll have to figure out some other way to handle Doria. I can’t sing to them both.
He keeps his eyes on the floor as he says, “There is no negotiating with Montfort.”
“They’ve been in negotiations with the Lakelands for years now… with Norta, with Piedmont. They can be negotiated with!” I shout as I rise to my feet. Doria takes a step forward and I glare at her, and the song comes before I even mean to release it. “Leave.”
She freezes, her expression going slack as her eyes glaze over. Raising my chin, I sing to her again. “Leave us, he can handle—“
Proteus’s hand closes over my mouth, while his arm wraps around my middle. His fist presses into my diaphragm until the air leaves my body is a pathetic wheeze. Doria stumbles backwards, reaching up to grab her temple as Proteus throws me into the corner of the tent. My head hits the ground so hard my teeth rattle. I try to rise to my hands a knees in a daze, certain that this is now the only chance I will have to escape.
A wave of water hits me though, and I choke as it surrounds my head in a cocoon. I reach up with desperate hands, and try to claw at it. It simply rushes past my fingers though. Through the swirling froth, I can make out Proteus, who sweeps his hand in small circles, controlling the orb of water.
       He’s a nymph.
My vision begins to tunnel as I drop my hands. My lungs burn for air, and through the wisps of my hair ripped from their braid by the force of the water, I can see Doria urging Proteus on. Her eyes are murderous and I don’t need to guess why. I made her weak for a moment, and if Proteus doesn’t finish me here, she will do it.
I open my mouth when I can’t take it anymore. Water rushes in and I fall forward, my vision going dark. The cocoon collapses and I swallow gulps of air, coughing on the remnants of the water as I do so. Doria’s muffled cries of surprise and fury echo on the edge of my vision. When I crane my neck from the ground, I spot Proteus leaving the tent, his expression pale and his hands shaking. Doria chases after him, leaving me alone in a puddle of mud.
The blankets do little to warm me after my near brush with death. But Doria and Proteus do not come back. I’m sure they left a new guard outside my tent. I’m willing to risk it though. Scrambling to gather my food in a little makeshift bag I made from the blankets, I try to make a plan. I was never a strategist, but Tibe used to try to tell me about his battle plans when we were first married. I try to channel him in this moment, thinking about what he would think about.
I edge toward the tent flap and curling a finger around it, I lift it just enough to look out. There are no guards, only a few children playing with a ball outside. They giggle and shout as they chase after it, kicking up dirt as they do so.
My heart pounds in my chest and I step out into the sunlight. Already I can feel my hair drying under the burning sun. I waste no time scurrying past the children and toward the center of camp. Maybe that will surprise them. After all, who would be dumb enough to escape through the center of camp? I hope that I’m thinking this through correctly. I doubt it, but if this is my one shot at escaping, so be it.
My next step is to find Mare. The fact that no one has tried to stop me makes me bold, and I pause for longer periods of time to try and locate the Shed where they took her.
I’m listening in on two women washing sheets when a cold hand grabs my arm from behind.
“You do have a death wish.”
I try to throw a punch, but Proteus catches it easily. Spinning me so my back is to his chest, he pins my arms to my sides and says, “But you do have the makings of a decent spy.”
“Let me go!” I spit at him, trying to stamp my heel on his foot. He simply turns it out to side, avoiding easily. I throw my head back to catch his nose in response, but he tilts his head to the side, and ends up with his nose buried in my neck. I tense at the feeling as he breathes against my skin.
       “Not a chance. You and I have things to discuss.”
He drags me out of the camp then, passed the tents until we’re standing under the shade of a dying tree. He finally releases me so that I can spin away. Panting for breath, I stalk around him in a circle, trying to look imposing. He raises a brow at my posturing and then chuckles at it.
That makes me pause, and choke, “are you laughing at me?”

       “You’re worse than a child. Did no one teach you how to fight?” He laughs when my face falls slack, and steps forward to grab my wrist again. Pressing his thumb into the tiny bones of my wrist he drags me close to him so he can whisper to me. “You’re going to help me end this war with Montfort. Whether you like it or not.”
I struggle against his hold, fury boiling in my stomach. It’s iced over by fear though when he says, “Do as I say, or I’ll find a nice hole to bury Mare Barrow in.”
“Why not bury me and use her?” I spit. His brows draw together then, and his eyes look me over for a moment.
“The Premier of Montfort wants all the Living Dead she can get her hands on. Barrow may be important to a number of people, but she’s not important to that snake of a woman. You are.”
I strain against his hold, desperate to put some distance between the two of us. I had underestimated how handsome he was the first time I saw him. My traitorous eyes want to observe him, compare him to other men I remember. It doesn’t help that he smells like lavender and something else, something earthy and clean.
“Where is she?” I manage to get out when I stop pulling against him. He drops my wrist and I stumble backwards and land on my back in the dirt. He stands over me, blocking the sun for the most part. I glare until he huffs.
        “Will you stop struggling if I take you to her?”
I squint, wondering if I should even trust him. He did cut my bonds, and instead of killing me like Doria obviously wanted him to, he dragged me out here. I definitely don’t trust him as far as I can throw him, not that that would be very far. But do I have any other choice?
“Show me her.”
The shed truly is a shed. It’s made of a few beaten up pieces of tin, and stands alone in a field. It’s a lonely, horrible place. And Mare is locked up inside. The heat is enough out here to make me sweat walking the few steps from the transport. I can’t imagine the temperatures inside that metal box.
    The guards standing outside it, straighten from their slumped positions as Proteus approaches. He waves away their respectful salutes. They share worried glances before one of them reports, “she’s been quiet all day. Not a peep from her.”
     “Good.” He says before steps up to the lock. The guard closest to the door waves a hand over it. It clicks and falls open with a rusted creak that I can feel in my bones. I wouldn’t have been able to get her out if even if I had escaped from the village. I didn’t have the strength to deal with the guards, and I would have needed a magnetron to open the door. I would have done all the work to get here, just to hit a road block at the finish line.
     As the door swings open, a wave of sweltering air washes over my face. It’s hot enough in there to cook an egg in the dirt. Ignoring it, I hurry past Proteus to do a quick sweep of the room. Are they giving her water? Has she already died of heat exhaustion? It's shadowy in here, but I can feel the heat pressing in on me from all sides. I imagine when the door closes it's very similar to suffocating.
     Mare’s huddled form in the corner draws me like a beacon. I drop to her side, cringing at the silent stone net before throwing it off. Proteus doesn’t bother to stop me as I roll Mare onto her back and whisper to her. “Mare? Mare are you awake?” She doesn't respond, and my heart beats faster in response. "Wake up Mare, show me you're alive."  
     Her skin is flushed like she has a horrible sun burn, and she’s soaked in sweat. A low groan escapes her, and I glare at Proteus over my shoulder even though relief washes over me. “Get her some water.”
    He shrugs at my demand. “Promise to help me end Montfort.”
     “Get her some water.” I grind the words out through my teeth. I’ve never been so furious in my life. Even in Norta we had never treated political prisoners like this. This was barbaric and inhuman. “Get her water and cool towel.”
Proteus doesn’t move. It’s a stalemate then. Hissing under my breath, I turn back to Mare. Gently pulling her hair back from her face, I start to tame it into a ponytail of sorts to get it off her neck. “It’s alright,” I coo to her as she groans again. Her skin boils under my hands. Not good. I know a dangerous fever when I see it.
     My robe is much thinner than the heavy duty clothes she is still wearing. I make up my mind quickly. Stripping her of her shirt I wring it out as best I can. Even though my entire body recoils at what I’m doing, I carefully exchange it for the top of my robe. The shirt immediately sticks to my skin, and I want to be sick.
     I swallow the bile, before going for her pants. We’re roughly the same size, but I’ll need a belt to keep the pants on. “Relax,” I whisper to her as I put myself between her and Proteus, trying to give her a sense of privacy. She probably couldn’t care less about it right now, but I won’t let that happen. Underneath my hands her skin feels slick like butter. I can barely get her clothes off. They stick to her like a second skin. She was in here for days. How is she not dead yet? I can't imagine being put through this.
    Once I’m wearing her clothes, and I’ve adjusted enough to the feeling of them on my skin, I slide my robe on her. “Everything’s going to be okay.” My words a pathetic and they probably dont come close to comforting. Does she know that I might have to leave her in here again?
     She groans again, and grabs my wrist in a grip that is so weak my stomach flutters. I shush her softly before looking at Proteus again. “Get her water and I’ll do what you need.”
     “Swear your loyalty to my cause.”
     “Are you really going to split hairs right now? She’s dying.”
     He shrugs. “It’s nothing she doesn’t deserve. She’s killed more of mine than her life could repay a hundred times over.”
“<em>Get her water now</em>.” I sing it this time. His eyes glaze over, and he snaps to attention to complete the order. But the song wears off quickly. I’m too close to the silent stone, and its effects are washing over me as they radiate out.
       He stumbles back and grabs at his temple. With a glower in my direction, he says, “Stop doing that.”         “<em>Get her water.</em>” I sing it again, determined to push beyond the nauseating effects of the silent stone. He turns his eyes away from me though and my words are just a pretty melody that bounces off him. The guards arrive at the entrance after hearing the commotion I'm causing.
      I throw myself to my feet and rush him, repeating the song over and over again. He catches me and pins me to the wall by my throat, making the tin rattle. I wheeze and claw at his wrist in response. I feel like a feral cat that has been caught. I'll gouge his eyes out if have to if it means I can get Mare out of this place.
    Grimacing at the headache I’ve probably given him by trying to hammer my will home over and over again, he catches my wrist with his other hand. “I’ll take her back to the camp if you swear your loyalty to me, right here, right now. Does that appease you?” He pants in my face. I can’t get a breath of air passed his fingers to reply with words. Can I agree to this? If I do, will I be betraying the people who took me in initially?
     But Mare is going to die in this horrid place if I leave her here. I won’t put her blood on my hands.
       Nodding, I crane my neck to gasp for air. “Get her out.”
       He drops me to the floor and turns to the guards with an order to bring Mare to the transport. They blanch at him, and try to argue but his next words are sharp and biting. They leap to action, rushing for Mare who has fallen silent again.
       On the ground, I massage my throat and try to get air to my aching lungs. I watch them pick Mare up though. Her eyes, which are finally open, fall to me. I can’t even muster a smile for her, or another reassuring word. I have a horrible feeling I’ve just tied myself to a group that will use me as a shield against the people I actually trust. Have I doomed her and me? Probably. But she's alive, and she's out of here. Maybe we can come up with a plan together now. Relief washes over me as they carry her out into the sunlight. Proteus looks down at me with a condescending eye as I glower up at him.
      "There may be a soldier in you yet." He breathes before grabbing my arm and dragging me to my feet. I have no idea what he's talking about, but I'm exhausted from using my ability so much in such a short time and I willingly let him drag me out to the transport too.
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ninlilwinds · 2 years
Reader who Doesn't know how to react to gifts
Character doesn't know whether they overreact or underreacts to gifts, so they are pretty awkward receiving them.
Characters: Monstadt: Diluc, Venti, Kaeya. Liyue: Zhongli, Xiao. Other: Childe
On one of your dates, he got you a nice ring. It was like a phoenix wrapping its feathers around your finger
You stood there a little surprised for a little longer than normal and then quickly reached out to accept the gift
He noticed you grabbed the gift a little awkwardly and your smile seemed forced, so he asked what was wrong
When you apologized, his expression hinted at confusion
He found the fact that you overthought accepting gifts was a bit charming to him
Grabbing your hand gently, he pleaced the ring on one of your fingers
"No reason to worry about that, my love."
He brought you a bouquet of Cecelia's one day from Starsnatch Cliff and offered it to you when he first saw you
You stood there with the flowers facing you and then laughed nervously. Thanking him, you went to grab the flowers but then retracted your hand.
Venti looked at you confused them brought the flowers down, asking if you didnt like it
Shaking your head you grab the flowers again, expressing how much you loved them in the best way you could
It kinda just clicked there for Venti. It made all the other times he gave you smaller gifts such as songs where u somply stood there smiling awakrdly make much more sense
"Ah, never fear, windblume, as long as your honest about liking the gift, I'll be happy!"
Kaeya looked for you all over Monstadt, just to give you the map he made for your next date
It wasn't the first time he had done this, so you knew where it would end. The last few times you didn't know whether how you reacted was good or bad, so when you saw Kaeya asking around for you, you panicked a little
You had already planned what your reaction was going to be when Kaeya approached you. He handed you the treasure map and winked saying how he'd see you tonight
A little forced smile that you usually used when dealing with others escaped to your lips and Kaeya raised an eyebrow
You shook your head apologizing but he quickly waved you off. Kaeya knows you well, even before you had met in person he knew you from things he'd heard and asked around
"Well maybe tonight you can show me how you truly feel about my gifts~"
Zhongli doesn't bring around money a lot, but he has enough to buy you nice things. His gifts are more practical though. He bought you a book on a topic you had been interested in lately as well as supplies if it was a craft or a hobby you wanted to pick up
You held the book and supplies and laughed nervously, saying how he really didn't have to. He noticed your nervousness and how awkward you looked and decided to not pay much mind to it
He had met many people in his lifetime, and he knew some people were different than others
He kissed the top of your head, knowing you liked it deep down by the small blush tinting your cheeks
"I'm glad you like it, my treasure"
Xiao isn't one to give or accept gifts. But on a special occasion, he brought you one. He consulted Verr Goldet on what you would like. She suggested buying you a piece of jewelry you had been mentioning to her for the past week
He went down to Liyue Harbor, something he doesn't do often, and bought it for you
Just as awkward as you are receiving, he is in giving (and receiving). He handed you the box with the gift in it, without a word. His hand was extended, and he didn't look at you. To the outside eyes, he would look angry
You accepted the gift muttering a thank you. After that he quickly disappeared, leaving you in silence
You stood there for a second and then headed to your room
But he did say something you almost didn't catch before he disappeared
"I hope you like it."
Childe has money. A lot of it. Which means he buys you many many gifts. You appreciate it, but every interaction is so awkward
He notices them and hasn't asked about it so far, but every time he becomes more and more curious
One day, when he presented you with a new outfit, he decided to ask. You blushed a little looking down and explained how you didn't know whether you were reacting how he wanted you to.
Was that why you always looked so uncomfortable?
As you changed into the oufit, he thought about what you had explained. His brother Teucer had never had problems accepting gifts, in fact he would frequently ask for them.
But you had never really asked for anything back. It was at that moment when Childe felt al little happy he knew you a bit better than he did before
"You look beautiful, haha, I might need to spoil you even more now!"
This was harder to write than what I thought it would be. I tried staying true to the characters and keeping the lenght a little even. I hope you like it! Any requests or ideas are welcomed. Thank you for reading!
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polikszena · 2 years
For a little bit of sunshine - Chapter 6
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Summary: He is one of the country’s best naval aviators, she is a dance instructor and a writer. He has been called back to Top Gun for an extremely dangerous mission, she is battling her insecurities. They meet at a bar. This is their story.
Relationships: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female OC
Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5
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Chapter summary: Rooster playing Elton John's Tiny Dancer in The Hard Deck strikes a chord with Hangman, and when Maggie joins them sometime later, he decides to do a little experiment.
Songs: Tiny Dancer by Elton John, A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action by Toby Keith
Word count: 2276
A/N: This chapter was written because I wanted one that focuses a little more on Rooster and because I wanted him to sing Tiny Dancer. Also, there is a Dagger Squad moment as well, related to the song. The Toby Keith song is the one Hangman puts on when he dances with Maggie. Oh, and never write scenes that set in the men’s room, they are a nightmare.
Chapter 6 - Hold me closer, tiny dancer
The young aviators were the first guests in The Hard Deck that afternoon. They came in chatting, laughing together. They were a team now, Penny Benjamin stated in mind as she watched them approaching the bar to order. While she was preparing their drinks, she kept throwing glances at the door, hoping that Maverick would join them, but he didn’t come.
The sound of the piano snapped her out her thoughts and she saw Rooster sitting there, playing the first chords of Elton John’s Tiny Dancer. The others gathered around him; even Hangman put down the pool cue and started listening as Rooster began to sing:
“Blue-jean baby,
LA lady
A seamstress for the band…”
The song was playing on repeat in his head in the last couple of days. Back then he had learned to play it because her mother liked it a lot; it always made her smile. Nowadays, however, it made him think about someone else as well. She wasn’t that tiny and nor was she a dancer per se, but lately, whenever this song came up in his mind, he saw Maggie smile, laugh, or run a hand through her blonde waves during a turn on the dance floor. Rooster knew he should have been thinking about the upcoming mission and he did, more than enough, but besides that, Maggie “Letdown” Miller slowly began to take up more and more space in his mind.
They kept seeing each other and texting which soon made him realize she didn’t think he was a clumsy idiot for messing up that dip. Although he hadn’t tried to do that step again ever since, just stuck to the ones he knew. Sometimes he asked Fanboy to teach him a few things (as the Weapon Systems Officer was a skilled salsero, too) in order to impress her. He loved to see her face lighting up when he led her something new. Well, new for him as she, being an instructor, probably knew most of the steps already.
“Now she's in me
Always with me
Tiny dancer in my hand…”
When he got to the chorus, the people around him joined in as well. Started by Payback, Rooster could see his teammates putting their arms around each other’s shoulders while singing. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight. By that time, Hangman and Coyote had left the pool table behind and were standing in the small crowd around the piano. Noticing them, Fanboy waved at the two aviators to join, too. However, Hangman only had a space next to Phoenix. He shot her a questioning glance, and she just rolled her eyes and lifted her arm, indicating that he could join.
“Oh, how it feels so real
Lying here, with no one near
Only you, and you can hear me
When I say softly, slowly…”
The voices of the singing pilots filled the bar, warming Penny’s heart as she watched them belting out the chorus together. If only Maverick could be here to see this, she thought to herself, although she didn’t mind that he couldn’t join the singing as it wasn’t his forte. When the young aviator finished the song, the few guests that were already there started to clap and cheer for him. It was always a spectacle when someone played the bar’s piano and Bradley “Rooster” Bardshaw never disappointed the audience.
“Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today.”
When Maggie Rose Miller arrived at the Hard Deck about an hour later, the aviators were still there, gathering around the pool table, chatting, laughing. Hangman was the first one to spot the blonde girl with a gym bag hanging from her shoulder, and he headed to greet her, when Rooster appeared out of nowhere and escorted her to the bar. The aviator raised a brow, surprised by his rival’s sudden appearance then he headed to the bar as well.
“Hello, Maggie,” he greeted the dance instructor with a wide grin. “Nice to see you again.”
“Hi, Jake,” she smiled up at him. “How are you?”
“Good. Very good,” he said. “Has anyone got you a drink yet?”
“Oh yes,” Maggie nodded. “I did.”
“You gotta love an independent woman,” he grinned at her then gently patted her back as he walked by her to order.
Later on, while playing pool, he found himself throwing glances at Rooster and Maggie. He  could not notice how he changed after seeing Maggie around. A few minutes before he wasn’t particularly happy as he had lost a table soccer match with Payback against Harvard and Yale, but now, chatting with her, he was grinning like an idiot. A thought began forming in Hagman’s head.
"Your turn," he said, handing the pool cue to Harvard then he stepped away from the table.
"I don't like that look," Coyote said.
"That's the only one I've got," Hangman shrugged his shoulders with a smile.
"Where are you going?"
"Doing an experiment," he replied, heading to the jukebox.
He put on a country song then walked to Maggie with his trademark grin.
"May I?" He asked, holding out his hand for her. "Let's see what you remember."
"I've just arrived and I'm already challenged," she stated. "But I accept it," she said, then after taking a sip of her beer, she let Hangman lead her to the dance floor where some people were already dancing to the upbeat music, including Bob, Payback and Fanboy from their group.
Even though Rooster knew that Maggie and Hangman had met at the country club, he felt a growing discomfort as he watched them dancing together. Which he found disturbing as normally he didn't care about Maggie dancing with other people. He shouldn't anyway - they weren't  even dating, but if they were, it still would be her own business. Yet seeing Hangman's smug smile when he led her a turn felt like a punch in the stomach. And then he gave him, Rooster, a challenging look, being well-aware that he was watching them. His grip strengthened around the beer bottle when he realized that Hangman was dancing with Maggie just to antagonize him. His mocking remarks were one thing, but using Maggie for their rivalry was below the belt. It pissed Rooster off. And what pissed him off even more was that it worked. He was furious and humiliated as he watched Hangman dipping Maggie, as if he knew he couldn’t do it the other day. He couldn’t know it as he wasn’t there at La Cubanita to see him messing up the dip. His knuckles turned white as his fingers clenched around the beer bottle even more, and his body moved faster than his brain: he threateningly got up from his chair. Phoenix had noticed what was going on, perhaps earlier than he did, and now she was looking at him, concerned.
"Don't," she said. "This is just what he wants."
"I know," Rooster nodded; his voice was shaky with anger.
Still, what he wanted the most was to walk to Hangman and punch him in the face. Even though he knew it wouldn't help with his chances to fly on the mission. No, he couldn't do that. He could also go to the jukebox, change the song and ask Maggie for a dance, but then he wouldn't be any better than Hangman, plus, he still wanted to keep her as far away from their rivalry as he could. Maggie had nothing to do with what was going on between the two pilots and Rooster wanted it to stay that way. Right now she didn’t seem to suspect anything, she was just following Hangman’s lead without noticing the other aviator’s fury.
Letting out a sigh, Rooster decided to leave the room to calm down and pull himself together, preferably before Maggie could notice that something was going on. Heading to the men’s room, he didn’t see Hangman’s smirk as he saw him walk away. The experiment was successful.
“Thank you,” Maggie said when the song ended and they high-fived.
“My pleasure, as always,” the pilot nodded with a disarming smile then he led Maggie back to the dancing pilots and left the room, followed by Phoenix’s gaze.
Rooster needed all his self-discipline in order not to launch himself at Hangman when he entered the restroom. Taking a deep breath, he pressed his lips together. Water was dripping from his chin as he washed his face to calm himself down a little. It didn’t really help.
“Hello, Rooster,” Hangman greeted him in a cheerful, patronizing tone then he stepped into a cubicle, counting down the seconds until the other aviator would snap at him. He could tell he was boiling inside. “I was surprised how well Maggie could remember the steps,” he remarked nonchalantly. “But then again, she is not a dance instructor for nothing.”
“Leave her out of this,” Rooster hissed. There we go.
“Of what?” Hangman asked, knowing very well what he was talking about.
“Don’t use her to antagonize me,” the other man said, stepping closer with his hands clenched into fists.
Hangman let out a small laugh as he left the cubicle, finally facing Rooster.
“And I thought you’d be mad at me for dancing with her,” he said with a smile.
“You took advantage of her. She didn’t deserve it.”
“And do you think you deserve her?” Hangman wondered with his smile growing wider.
The sudden change of topic took Rooster by surprise.
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
“Does she even know you like her?” Hangman continued.
Now Rooster wasn’t just angry and surprised; he felt exposed as well. How could he figure that out when he hadn’t told it to anyone? He hadn’t tried to hide it either, but it couldn’t be that obvious. Especially not for someone like Hangman. 
“How do you know?” he asked.
“‘Hold me closer, tiny dancer?’ Come on, Bradshaw, you’re as subtle as a spiked baseball bat,” Hangman said with a mocking smile.
Rooster shook his head in disbelief. He wasn’t expecting anybody to put the picture together - except for Phoenix, who was probably well-aware of his feelings towards Maggie, but only because she knew both of them quite well. And then along came Hangman, finding it out from a four-minute long song. What if others had noticed it, too? What if Maggie had found it out? Thoughts began racing in his head, searching for anything that proved that she knew it. Or maybe she did know it, but didn’t feel the same way and she wouldn’t say anything because of that.
“I guess that’s a no,” the other aviator’s voice pulled him back to reality. “The good old Rooster,” he sighed. “So, today’s serenade was just the rehearsal and now you’re waiting for the right moment, aren’t you?”
For a moment Rooster wondered what Maggie would have said if she had heard him play Tiny Dancer, but he quickly brushed that thought off, because he purposefully played the song way before her arrival so she wouldn’t get to the same conclusion as Hangman.
“You don’t understand,” he said with his muscles going tense again.
“You’re right: I don’t,” Hangman admitted. “But to give you some advice, son, don’t wait around too much, because if you don’t ask her out, someone else will.”
“No, not me, but there are others, so if you don’t want to lose her, get off your perch and do something.”
And with that he walked out of the men’s room, leaving Rooster alone with his thoughts. As much as he wanted to tell Maggie how he felt, he just couldn’t do it. Not because he was afraid of rejection, but because of the mission, even though he still didn’t know whether he could fly on it. What he knew was how it felt losing someone to flying. Despite being very young when his father died, he could still remember his mother’s face when she told him the news. He knew that it was a different situation as his parents were married and with Maggie they would only be in the dating phase if they got together, but he still didn’t want to put her in that place in case he wouldn’t return. It wouldn’t be fair, even if they both knew this was part of the job.
Leaving the restroom, he spotted Maggie chatting with Phoenix, Bob, and Hangman, laughing at something. Rooster’s heart wrenched as he thought of her hearing about his death. Imagining her with someone else was killing him, but the thought of her having to mourn him felt even worse than that. The only thing he could do was to wait until the mission ends to say anything to her. And hoping that she would wait for him, too, no matter how hard it would be.
Later that night when he got into his car to go home and turned on the radio, he wasn’t surprised when he heard the familiar chords:
Jesus freaks
Out in the street
Handing tickets out for God
Turning back
She just laughs
The boulevard is not that bad
Piano man
He makes his stand
In the auditorium
Looking on
She sings the songs
The words she knows
The tune she hums
But oh, how it feels so real
Lying here, with no one near
Only you and you can hear me
When I say softly, slowly
Chapter 7
Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today.
Tagging: @lj13oct, @discojohndeacy, @luckyladycreator2, @moechen86, @katieshook02, @the-untamed-soul, @literary-lesbian, @a-littlebit-ofeverything, @jascasandra, @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth, @angelinagabriel, @alanadetigy, @multiple-fandoms-girl, @heaven-bvck, @agentlyddon, @carlaangel86, @yuewengao, @justahopelessssromantic, @lais06 
If you would like to be added to the list or removed, please let me know!
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mrslandgraab · 2 years
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In theory a small update like this one does not need it’s whole wordpress post. I will admit that it has been almost exactly half a year since I played the Trepes do to taking a job, finishing my bachelor’s and also starting my master’s. As such this summary, while done with love, is a bit smaller and quicker and less “wittier” than my usual style. Most of all, you are to be up to date when it comes to us making our journey back to the Trepe’s.
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Like any good update, this one starts with death. I reloaded the lot and found out that Erik Swain had died about one day before college would have ended. It seems like he did not want to participate in this legacy any longer.
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I did do my best to at least get him back but as you can see neither the Grim Reaper nor any of the roomies were very much into saving him. Poor Erik. May your spirit rest in this dorm.
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Honey: I cannot believe how Ginger will feel about this. I always felt there was this light connection between them :(
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Ginger: Well, Jimmy, I know you are feeding off an audience but I feel you are the only one for me. Nobody else will understand that my one true love is science.
Jimmy Phoenix: Well, my one true love is Ty Bubbler...and err...you I guess
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Ginger: You know, I’m pretty okay with this.
Nevermind then. Ginger did not cry a single tear for her supposed one true love and went right back to the guy who only used her as an occaisional third. Seems like Knowledge Sims really are a bit more open minded.
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Jane Stacks: Oh, what a coincidence - us two family sims meeting here after a tragical death that might play with your emotional judgement.
Basil: I’m so glad you are here, Jane. And may I say this white dress looks amazing on you?
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Jane: I just so happenned to hear the news and simply had to check on you by myself. Are you feeling okay, Basil? Do you want some company?
Basil: Well if you are asking so kindly...
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Basil: I’d honestly not know what to do without you.
It was a little bit odd how Jane had been the last person Erik hung out with before his tragical accident - but that meant she and Basil could share each other’s pain even better - the loss of a Sim one did not really care about.
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For Honey and Tolliver things became a little shaken during the night. She always loved his charming endavours but lately, as adorable as he was, she felt like he was just a little too depedent on her.
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Maybe it was good that they were graduating soon. She’d have to move back with her parents anyway and she needed all of her wits to survive there.
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And well, spending time with behind the greenhouse somewhat always ended the same wonderful way. She still had so much time - Erik hadn’t seized the moment, so there was a lot more reason for her to keep doing so.
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Erik: Surprise! Did you really T H I N K that was it? Just because I might be challenged when it comes to takign the trash out that doesn’t mean I am that easily to be removed from the narrative. Oh H E L L no. And I should know. I’ve been there.
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Erik: You’ve lost the heirpol, Ginger. And so did your brother. You think that means escaping your household? You poor dumb thing.
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Erik: Mark my words, Ginger Trepe. Post-graduation means you twop stop being relevant for your family’s line. And I should know what that means...let’s see if you do.
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Things were quiet at college. Erik’s warning felt like a hollow song. They all graduated one way or another and decided to move their seperate ways.
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Jane and Basil would move in together. The two of them were entirely inseperable since Erik had passed away.
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Though it sometimes seemed like Basil was still figuring some things out.
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Honey seemed a bit distracted and to Ginger’s surprise did not bring anyone home. She saw herself responsible for moving back in with Mom and Dad - and quietly called it “revenge” here and there for the time she spent on the sidelines during her childhood.
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Still, she seemed ready to take charge - like a true wolf would.
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For Ginger the warning was soon only a distant memory. She most of all wanted to become a doctor and there was no residency for her in the tiny town of Sesame Beach.
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Lucky for her, Ginger had a fairy godmother.
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
🏷⚠️💭 for 4,5 & 6 💛💛💛
Hello, lovely anon! Thank you for the ask! 🧡
🏷️ Does it have a title yet? If so, where did it come from?
4 - This Shadowed Land
The title of This Shadowed Land comes from the song ‘Shadowland’ from the musical The Lion King. The full lyric is: “Shadowland, the leaves have fallen/This shadowed land, this was our home.” The song is about a young woman (well, lioness) faced with the reality that the place she once called home has been turned into a desolate land at the hands of a dictator and is needing to take drastic measures to stop it. It fits the story well, and is just a gorgeous piece of music. I’d recommend giving it a listen.
5 - The Lights That Never Go Out
This is another musical title, this time based on the song “There is a Light That Never Goes Out” by The Smiths, which features in the very first chapter (which is already written!)
6 - ??? (The Hinny WIP)
The Hinny Wedding WIP has no title. I need one. If anyone has any suggestions, send them to me, I’m all ears. Really. Potentially the title will be something along the lines of “On This Wild Night”, as the story is accompanied by a poem taken from a book written by a very dear friend of mine: The Wild Night’s Bloom by E.M.G. Somerwill.
⚠️ If you had to select five tags for it, right now, what would they be?
This Shadowed Land:
#artemis hexley - she’s back!
#harry potter golden era - yasssss we are into the canon days!
#kingsley shacklebolt - I love him, honestly.
#the phoenix resistance - some chapters from this story were included in the @phoenixresistance project
#angst - it’s full of it
The Lights That Never Go Out:
#artemis hexley - a given by this point
#charlie weasley - he’s hardly in TSL, we’re making up for this here. Mainly because I have withdrawal symptoms just thinking about it.
#bill weasley - yessss the dream team is back together
#hurt comfort - I hope you like hurt-comfort, because there’s a lot of it.
#more hurt comfort - no, but really. I mean it.
Hinny Wedding WIP:
#artemis hexley - we done knew it.
#charlie weasley - aww yeah.
#weasley family - they’re all here!
#hinny wedding - who doesn’t love a wedding?
#farce - it’s a comedy! Sort of. A drama-comedy. There’s sad bits too, but mainly it’s funny. I think so, anyway.
💭 Is there a line or scene you can see clearly already?
This Shadowed Land
So, there are several chapters already written and published as part of TPR, but of the chapters I haven’t written yet, there are 4 that occupy my dreams:
Artemis hanging out at Bill’s wedding. (I love a wedding, okay?!)
Molly and Artemis have a quiet moment together washing dishes at the start of the war.
Bill finds out about Artemis’ disappearance.
Artemis’ final showdown at the BoH. I won’t tell you more.
The Lights That Never Go Out
I’m taking a different approach with the Lights series - I have a very vague outline, but as only writing chapters/scenes when they become clear in my mind, and am doing so as that happens rather than waiting for them to occur in chronological order. This means that the only scenes that I’ve imagined clearly I’ve already written! There are 4 or 5 of them so far, with a planned total of 20.
Hinny Wedding WIP
The first draft is fully written, but it needs A LOT of editing. If you want a preview, the first draft of the first scene was published as part of the Valentine’s Day Prompts Challenge (Day 5: Late).
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