#sonic rumble spoilers
egg-emperor · 4 months
AAGHFHDHDKGHSJF he's so cute and mischievous with his Egg Toy Land 💜
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in the evilest way of course hehe that was obvious 🥰 DANGEROUSLY GORGEOUS lmfao I love it
Sonic Rumble - Intro Lore - YouTube
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a guy can dream
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Virtual Character Tourney - Bracket III - Round 5
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Nicole propaganda:
Started out as a handheld computer, became an adorable AI lynx who is a lesbian
Nicole is just such a fun story whichever continuity you're in! A helper AI that at first just mimics her surroundings and then uses that mimicry to grow into herself, or a 'replacement' for a deceased child who was at first too mechanical for her creator's liking but flourished into her own person when allowed to interact with others… she's fantastic and I love her.
She use to be just an AI in a computer, then she figured out how to project a hologram of herself (she chose her own look!). She lives in a computer, and sometimes other character enter virtual space to visit her.
Rumble McSkirmish propaganda:
He's really funny.
Dr. Karate killed his father again.
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The Contestants
1. Gwen Cooper and Gwyneth (Torchwood/Doctor Who)
2. Peppino and Fakino (Pizza Tower)
3. Darkwing and Negaduck (Darkwing Duck)
4. V1 and V2 (Ultrakill)
5. Dana Cardinal and Dana's double (Welcome to Nightvale)
6. Rory and Auton Rory (Doctor Who)
7. Pit and Dark Pit (Kid Icarus)
8. Frisk and Chara (Undertale)
9. Steve and Herobrine (Minecraft)
10. Madeline and Badeline (Celeste)
11. Yosuke and Shadow Yosuke (persona 4)
12. Doppel and Glass (Heartless)
13. live1967 and die1967 (tumblr)
14. Optimus Prime and Nemesis Prime (transformers)
15. Mario and Wario (Super Mario)
16. Luigi and Waluigi (Super Mario)
17. Sonic and Shadow and Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
18. Rumble and Frenzy (Transformers)
19. Meta Knight and Dark Meta Knight (Kirby)
20. Link and Dark Link (LoZ)
21. Four Swords Links (LoZ)
22. Nights and Reala (NiGHTS into dreams)
23. Tulip Olsen and Lake (Infinity Train)
24. Angela and Carmen (Lobotomy Corporation)
25. Kenjaku and Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen)
26. Yomiel and Sissel (Ghost Trick) (no spoilers!)
27. Nick Valentine and DiMA (Fallout Four)
28. MK and Ink MK (Lego Monkey Kid)
29. Sun and Moon (Fnaf)
30. Preston Garvey and Impersonator (Fallout Four)
31. Ghost and The Hollow Knight (and siblings)
32. Protagonists (Crawl)
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indigo-ghost-girl · 2 years
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Spoilers for parts of Sonic Frontiers...
Part 1
Part 4
Tails had been staring at Eggman for a few minutes now, mentally debating if he should tell Eggman anything. He had only just decided to open his mouth when a mighty rumble caught all of their attentions. They all turned their faces to the sky. Eggman’s posture relaxed immediately as he saw the white titan descending into the atmosphere, its massive shadow dwarfing the trees and grass below it.
The ground shook and leaves jostled about in their branches as the giant machine landed as gracefully as it could on the rocky ground. Not even a second after it had settled: out shot a bright blue spark of light, a trail of dimly glowing rocks floating behind her.
“Father-“ spoke the ai quickly, stopping beside the group. Knuckles narrowed his eyes at the comment. His eyes narrowed even more so when he saw the clearly almost drained emeralds.
“Sage what happened?” Eggman asked urgently, quickly reaching out a hand to the ai. She held out her own, pretending not to notice that bolt of sadness when her hand phased through his. Nevertheless, Eggman curled his fingers around her hand the best he could pretend to.
“What happened to Sonic?” Amy asked, her hands clamped together in worry.
Sage took a deep breath. She looked over all the eyes on her, a worry flickering behind her only visible bright blue eye. Eventually her gaze landed back on her father, “Father, I don’t know how long we have so you must listen- all of you.”
(In the uppermost layer of the atmosphere above, a few minutes earlier.)
“Yours.” Its voice spoke in a malicious calm, echoing from everywhere around him.
A tight grip engulphed the hedgehog’s heart, squeezing it tightly and ramping up his heartbeat. What did it mean? It didn’t mean! His red eyes shrunk to pinpricks in terror.
His head snapped around him, searching for any gaps in the roaring purple cloud, stress drilling deep into his bones. He needed to get out! Get out! It seemed time had slowed to a crawl around him his strained, panicked brain whirring in his skull. It felt like something heavy was pressing into his temples.
He was only just keeping himself together. That was, until the dust began to close the distance between them.
A sort of primal fear washed over Sonic. A cold, soggy tingling that crawled uncontrollably across his skin, complimented horribly with the sudden intense smell of the sweat that began to drip thickly from his forehead.
“Back off!” he shrieked tossing his arm out infront of him. A burst of chaos-based wind exploded from the motion, wafting the approaching dust back. Sonic wind, one of his best attacks, super charged by his current form. Yet it only fended the power off for a moment before it closed in again.
He waved has arm again and again, more blasts of golden wind pushing back the dust. His breaths devolving into short sharp gasps as he flung his arms out again and again and again. Desperation seized his heart tighter as the growing dread in his stomach told him his attacks seemed more and more useless.
Sonic grit his teeth hard, his spines instinctively sticking out sharply in defence, even more so than his super form usually made them.
As his anxiety grew, the hedgehog didn’t notice how his golden quills were flickering, eyes blurry with barely contained tears of sheer panic. His heightened emotions had been picked up by the emeralds, his golden quills and fur flickering indecisively from a silver accented by a pastel pink, green and cyan glow, to a deep midnight blue.
In his lungs panic to take in more air, he accidently took in a great cloud of the sparking red dust. Sonic shuddered, suddenly at the mercy of a desperate retching cough that yanked its way from his lungs. His frantic arm waving ceased as his gloved hands shot up to clutch his throat. His oesophagus tingled and stung. The hedgehog’s eyes burned, forcing him to squeeze them shut.
The dust leaped at him, seizing its chance. They clung to his body like kinetically charged polystyrene balls. Sonic felt them meld into his skin under his fur and spines like water soaking into his fur.
Sonic’s limbs folded in on themselves, spikes pointed outward in defence as he curled into a tight ball of flickering light. It hurt to stay curled up like this as his body jerked with every dry cough. However, now: he just wanted to hide and nothing in this world was going to pry him open. Everything hurt. A hard pressure behind his eyes. His heart pounded in his ears. The small lightshow shining through his eyelids was slowly obscured as his vision was overtaken by the bright red sparks crawling across his eyes.
Sonic’s limbs went deadly stiff.
His eyelids twitched weakly as he felt the telling feeling of the emeralds disconnecting from his body.
Sonic’s heart was still racing in his ears as he floated weightlessly in space, curled into possibly the tightest ball he had ever been in.
The sharp whooshing of the cloud of dust had stopped, the infinite silence of the starry cosmos now harassing his triangular ears instead.
The threat of unconsciousness approached him like a shark, its metaphorical teeth gleaming hungrily as its jaws closed in on him. He almost gave into it. Everything still ached: his spine throbbing and throat sore from his coughing fit. Sonic felt his mind slipping… until a jolt of harsh raw energy tore through him, kicking him hard from unconsciousness.
He heard a chuckle from somewhere. A small, almost polite chuckle.
His stomach lurched. The chuckle was coming from him.
What was going on!? What had it done to him?! Why couldn’t he move!
His chest rose as he drew in a deep breath, followed by a long, satisfied sigh. It was a breathy sigh, horse and heavy. And not his own.
Sonic felt his heartbeat decline rapidly, slowing down unnaturally quickly. The lack of the needed nutrients his quickly pumping blood had been providing him caused a numb blurriness to overtake him for a sickening moment.
His body took in a few more deep breaths for him, resupplying his brain enough to bring him back to himself. Sonic felt bile biting at the back of his throat. He felt so helpless. It made him feel incredibly sick.
“You fought admirably mortal,” said his mouth. It was his voice, at least… it was in there, among the discordant chorus of other voices that overlapped each other in spiralling layers. “Yet, it was all for naught.” His tongue moved in an odd way when he spoke, quick and sharp, forming each word- each syllable with the delicate accuracy of a pretentious rich snob who thought they were above consequences.
Sonic hung to that feeling of rage that thought gave him, trying not to let the bubbling panic in his chest overwhelm him again. This was for two reasons: reason one being if he did, he felt like he would throw up and reason two argued it would send him back into the same panic spiral from before. Which was the last thing he needed right now.
Against any will of his own, his body unfurled from the ball, shoulders limp and neck hanging his head before him. The cold void around him sank into the now exposed fur of his chest causing an uncomfortable lump to gather in his chest.
He shuddered horribly as what felt like tendrils of energy snaked around inside him, as if this thing was trying him on like someone would a suit at a clothes shop, stretching out into his arms and legs, reaching into his fingertips. His head tilted upwards a little, his eyes opening robotically. The view of the half-shadowed blue and green planet below him opened before him.
The corners of his mouth twitched, then widened delicately. A soft confidence to the way it moved. His head moved, half tilting half turning, to peer down curiously at his gloved hand. His whole body twitched, a diet response to the wanted jolt of surprise. The fur on his arm was no longer the familiar peach fuzz he had been born with, it was now a deep and rich purple.
His fingers flexed, curling and uncurling curiously. “It seems I had further use for you after all, mortal,” it spoke, a gentle surprise lacing its many voices. “I ought to have realised it sooner, you are far too valuable to discard recklessly,”
His head slid around to peer at his right hand, bringing it up to his eyes. He winced as a hot fiery energy raced up his arm. It was as if his blood had been replaced with burning hot magma. Sonic wanted to hiss, to object loudly to the energy coursing through his arm, yet he didn’t. The only sign of his opinion on the situation being the slightest of flinches in the corner of his mouth. His body smiled wider. A fizzling sound met his ears and his nose quickly picked up the smell of burning fabric. His hand swivelled to reveal the source. The glove on his right hand had caught fire, fizzling and popping, practically melting. Sonic watched in mild horror as another part of his glove at his fingertip caught fire, shrivelling away the white fabric to reveal his now purple hands. The creature inhabiting his body seemed to enjoy observing the slow incineration of his gloves, following the small flecks of ash as they flew away, glowing a fading ember. Sonic could feel the grin widen, pleased at watching something Sonic considered his, falling apart before his eyes.
The heat in his arm flared again, encouraging another small flame to ignite on his glove. “It is fascinating how your precious chaos energy flows through your body so proficiently,” it commented sagely. His fist clenched gently, the fizzling fabric crunching at the movement.
“What an exemplary host for my immense power.”
It flung his arms wide. Its once calm voices building up in a fierce intensity, “You truly are the key!” it exclaimed.
“Now… mortal, how about we go and visit your friends?”
(Hope this tides y’all over until I get a proper handle on the rest of the story)
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inkedkoi · 4 months
Bingo Card: Part Six
Continuation of "Hold On To “What If”: Overanalyzing and Rewriting Sonic Prime" essay
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[Once Again, spoilers for Sonic Prime, all media here belong to their respective creators.]
And now, we’ve come along to the last row, the one most of you are waiting for:
My Ending Predictions!!!
As anyone has done, I was theorizing how the show would end. These endings may seem pretty vague because 1) I'm not a show writer, and 2) I wanted to get a bingo. I had plenty of interpretations but when I wanted to put them onto my bingo card, I decided to categorize them into one of the five general endings:
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The “Tech” Ending
Sonic had a huge impact on every one of the group's world, back once again to the "Shatterspaces could be what each character needs to be" in the Connections section. I think it would be great if he gave one of the four tech accessories to each important character since he no longer needs them. It could be a nod to Sonic's character in general that he kept the gifts given by the friends he made from his adventures, like Sonic Unleashed. It's literally the biggest aspect of his character, that he really cares about his friends. LIke I said, since he has four, he could get give one to every group from each world (that has living Mobians, of course).
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One to Kraken crew for the lesson of loyalty,
One to the Boscage Gang for the lesson of trust,
One to Nine for the lesson of hope and perseverance
and Sonic keeps the last one, to remember the journey they had together
Label: "N/A": nope, those pieces just went "poof" (I'm fine, I'm not crying I swear)
The “Chosen One” Ending
Time for different interpretations of this ending:
1) What if the Shatterverse already existed before the Shattering (refer back to Prism has been broken before cycle box if needed) and Sonic was chosen to solve the issues each world has? Which in turn, would that mean that Sonic was destined to cause the Shattering?
2) Sonic is the only one able to travel between worlds after he returns to Green Hill, so he's able to reunite with everyone.
Label "N/A": Not even close...
The “Baymax” Ending
We literally only had Chaos Sonic for like one episode, S2 EP6 (no, his appearance at the end of the previous episode doesn't count). Personally, I love Chaos Sonic, he's just a silly guy :)
listen i just enjoy silly little guys
I wanted to connect this to the Sonic look-alikes theory, that once Sonic makes it to Green Hill, his look-alikes would appear. Each one would have the "purpose" that is connected to the world. Since the Council did have Chaos Sonic's body and with the Rebellion winning over, I would like to think that Nine would find Chaos Sonic out of the rumble left behind. (I do hope Nine does go back to New Yoke.)
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Just like in the Big Hero 6 movie, Nine may be motivated by how much he missed Sonic and could try to reprogram Chaos Sonic to be more like the hedgehog he knows. A hero who gave everyone hope. Plus, if the Sonic look-alike theory is true, we don't need to come up with a New Yoke look-alike from scratch, the Prism already gave us one.
Label "N/A": Chaos Sonic, you shall be missed. RIP to you king 🕊️
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The “Canon” Ending
We got a sort of news that the show fits within the canon timeline of the Sonic franchise. From what I think, I really don't mind if the show is canon, the show is alright on its own. Plus, it could just be an alternate universe thing, kind of like Sonic Underground (triplets born, the throne awaits).
Label "X": This one is a bit iffy because it's kind of confirmed and it's kind of not. Not to mention the fans arguing about this. So in the end, I decided to interpret it as "possibility for multiverse shenanigans". Giant question mark there.
The “Forgotten” Ending
I had a few interpretations for this ending:
1) You know how in time travel movies they say "you can't meet your past/future self or all the universe will collapse" and when it did happen, they sometimes merge to become one. Yeah, that's what I imagined it to be. When there was the "each of the OG cast's personalities split up into the look-alikes for each world" theory, I think rebuilding the Prism would connect them all back to the OG cast. As much as I don't want it to be true, this is what I imagine would happen it was. Anyway, all the look-alikes would merge together to be the OG cast, and therefore the existence of the look-alikes would be forgotten. I really hope it isn't this one because it would be really depressing if it was.
2) When Sonic and Shadow return to Green Hill, none of the OG cast have any recollection of what happened after the Shattering.
3) Related to #2, it would be devasting if Sonic and Shadow didn't remember anything about it either. Then again, it could explain the legends thing I was talking about in my Prism has been broken before box, the fact that Sonic could be the one starting every cycle but when he ends it, no one can remember. But maybe, in between cycles, he or someone else has it recorded in some way for Rouge to find this information about the Prism.
4) Ok, technically this isn't an interpretation, it's more me not believing in the higher-ups. I'm not blaming everyone in the crew, but just like in any show, some don't care about the show or the fans. And unfortunately, they are the ones with the most control over the project. After I finished season two, I've been listening to review videos while I draw, getting second opinions over what the fans think. Not every project is perfect, that I understand. But a good project, at least what I think, is good because the crew acknowledges the fans and has such a passion for working on the project. From what I heard, the viewers wanted a satisfying ending, just as I do. But I don't trust a 100% that it will end the way we expect it to.
Label "X": I was right on #2 and 4, the OG cast even noticed a change in Sonic's behavior. And of course, the ending we got was very abrupt and it's likely a last-minute decision to go with it. I'm sure there are people in the crew who wished it ended better. That's why fans have the power to rewrite.
(Yeah, this is a short post compared to the rest but this will be very important later in the Rewrite)
To be continued...
Previous Part || Next Part || Masterpost
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chelseacatgirl · 1 year
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First Pic: Spirit Forms
Second Pic: Physical Forms
Since I have finished Brok the InvestiGator on my Nintendo Switch, I can set which of my crossover midquel stories in which of the points of the game:
First story: Brok the investigator in: The Search for Crash Bandicoot
*Set between after a fight against Dee Silver in the VR Arena and Brok's second nightmare from Chapter 2*
Second Story: Skylanders featuring Crash and Spyro: Tough Brok
*Set between Graff witnessing Brok taking down the Squealers and Brok and Graff's conflict that quickly got cooled down before the croc gave his stepson a gift set late in Chapter 4*
Note they follow the Canonical Ending of the game while I kept Brok and Graff's relationship between low and medium in the run, such as attending the science fair, not saying anything to Graff, cooking a good meal, taking a selfie, running away from Graff in Brok's nightmare, Graff buying a Toxout Pill from a Generic Squealer, Graff writing down "I'm Hungry", Brok lying to Graff about what happened between him and the Squealers, Brok giving Graff his mother's pendant, Graff being impressed with Ott's story about how Brok indicted Tidy to be a murderer of Dr. Hush, and lastly, Brok telling Wes AKA Prototype 26 he hates him, and nothing else, all the way to be low enough for the Canon Route.
So in the second midquel of mine, Brok and Graff's relationship is basically good throughout their adventures in Skylands finding the Quantum Spheres to restore their frozen universe and the other dimensions that suffered that fate with the help from the Skylanders aided by their allies as it was improving. Meanwhile the Squealers were with Kaos.
After defeating Kaos with the power of the Quantum Spheres, the two learned from Aku Aku, the Quantum Masks, Master Eon, and the Brain in order to free all the dimensions including their own now that they gathered all the spheres, they have to sacrifice their memories of being in Crash and Spyro's dimensions, and since they wanted to go home so badly, they accepted this as they went through the rift that takes them back to after Graff witnessed Brok's battle against the rats. The Chief, Kins, and Dart returned too, but also lack memories of being in Skylands as a result.
However after the events of the Canon Ending of Brok the InvestiGator, a few phenomenons combined such as Sonic the Hedgehog accidentally destroying the Paradox Prism, Crash and Spyro slam dunked a Wumpa Gem into their team's bank in a game of Crash Team Rumble against Oxide's Team, and Brok going through the portal in the void to travel back 5 years ago being a week before the fire, have unleashed two Quantum Spheres that have their other dimension memories contained that ended up in two different dimensions separately, each of them are formed into spirits while also having those memories, Brok's spirit form ended up in Crash's dimension with his original timeline memories *Even after his adventures in Skylands to going through the gateway to the past that were copied over from his true self*, while Graff's spirit form ended up in the Dream Realm of Skylands with his original timeline memories but not the ones after his Skylands adventure.
Each of them think they're their true selves who got stuck in these dimensions in these ghostly forms while being unaware they're their other dimension memories taking on these spirit forms.
Brok's spirit form wandered around the Wumpa Islands trying to find help, but the inhabitants got freaked out by him, mistaking him for a regular ghost. When Coco, Irma, Pasadena, Yaya, and Nozomi were having a girls camp-out, they were hearing from the locals about the ghost that haunting the jungles, where they decided to investigate. Later Nozomi would later find a presence of the mysterious ghost and wants to stop it, but when she thought the ghost was going after her, Nozomi learned the ghost was Brok when she saw him, before her friends arrived and were surprised to see him like this.
Later, in the morning, the girls took Brok back to the Refuge Village for Mutants, and had a meeting with their friends being Team Bandicoot, the Cortex Commando Mutants, Hope, Vivi and Lewis. He explained what happened after his and Graff's adventures in Skylands, all the way up to his heated argument with Graff, to Shay's Garage, then into the time machine he went to, as he explained he's stuck in a spirit form and wanted to travel back five years ago to prevent his wife Lia's death to alter the timeline for the betterment, only to be told by Aku Aku and the Quantum Masks he's not the real Brok, but his memories that took place in Crash and Spyro's dimensions taking on a ghostly form while retaining his original timeline memories, much to his shock, which left him homesick and depressed.
Brok would then live with Nozomi Akiko and will be there for her since his relationship with Graff failed, later in one of his adventures involving the Treasure Haunt, he would gain a physical form in the end and would change to this form at will. Even though he lives in the village, he still misses Graff.
As for Graff, he thinks he's the true Graff who's stuck in spirit form and believes he's still stuck in Skylands while not having memories after his adventure in this universe. He endlessly wonders around the Dream Realm trying to find a way back to normal and a way back home too. He would later gain a physical form at some point.
Will Brok and Graff see each other again one day?
These forms are inspired by the hologram ghost forms of Tails, Knuckles, and Amy on Sonic Frontiers.
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🛑👇🛑Also this🛑👇🛑
Drawn on ibisPaint X on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A.
Crash Bandicoot series and Skylanders series (c) Activision
Brok and Graff (c) @cowcatgames​
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sarahlouiseghost · 6 years
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*sonic gets infected*
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Here’s something I’ve made for a character like sonic in danger!
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egg-emperor · 4 months
Riders Eggman in motion augisbkgksnfh I'm so fucking happy to see him again 🥰💜
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milkytheholy1 · 2 years
The Infection
A/N: Shadow x GNReader. Spoilers for the IDW comic.
Ultimate masterlist
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The mission was long and hard, you had spent multiple days just planning the damn thing. But now that it was here, you still felt unprepared. You were saddled with Team Dark, you've, of course, heard of them before; they're the talk of the town back at the base.
You've worked with them all individually on separate missions over the years, it was a surprise to everyone when they found out you and Shadow worked so well together. You'll always remember Rouge saying she'd never seen him so "Chatty", even if you only recall him speaking a total number of five times.
But that's not the point, you're getting off track. You had spent many days researching, prepping and training for this mission, the commander had called it "Intense" and so far, you were inclined to agree with him. 
G.U.N. was tracking this evil, mad scientist and not the egg-shaped kind; or so they thought. Doctor Starline was his name, he seemed to be a rooky, new to the long list of criminals that sought to keep a firm grip on Earth. 
From the little information you had on the guy, he was a Doctor Eggman fanboy and a good one at that. Not only had he found the doctor, or at the time Mr Tinker, but he'd also managed to kidnap the guy and bring back his more 'colourful' side. 
You had heard about the fight between Sonic and Shadow, something along the lines of forgive and forget. But if you knew Shadow, and you did, he wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. As mentioned before, you and Shadow were fairly close, well, as close as you could get to him. He considered you a friend and an ally, ranked with the likes of Rouge and Omega. 
You'd spar together and sometimes, on a rare occasion, he'd accompany you to get lunch. Sure, he'd just stare until you finished eating, maybe offering a small conversation here and there; but it's the thought that counts, right?
Anyway, back to the mission. It was meant to be intense, but nothing could have prepared you for this. You were only meant to infiltrate one of Eggman's old facilities to grab any information you could get on his next evil scheme. The world hadn't even begun the repairs after his first invasion. 
So far you were in the clear, finding the facility abandoned save for a few badniks traversing around the place. They were easy enough to conquer. When you had finally found the computer room, you sought to find anything you could, there had been rumblings of another big attack.
Just as you were snooping around the whole facility went dark, shutting off the computer with it. You growled, smashing a fist against the monitor "Damn you! Damn you to hell!" you cursed out. A wavering static flooded your hearing before a voice called out to you, "(Y/N), we're picking up some energy readings coming your way. Looks like you've been spotted, sweetheart." Rouge mused.
You sighed but complied. Hauling yourself out of the facility before any of Eggman's lackeys could find you. You crawled back to the rendezvous point where Team Dark were waiting. Each had their own mission, it was the same as yours: find information. 
"Sooooo, how'd it go?" Rouge asked, she was hovering in the air, somehow looking real cosy. You huffed, folding your arms over your chest, "The stupid computer shut off, I wasn't able to get anything."
"So, you were spotted then?" Shadow questioned, you hadn't noticed him leaning under the shade of the tree, hiding from the bright sunny rays. You nodded your head, eyes downcast, "After all the hard work I put into it too, Eggman can suck my-"
"Oh look! I've got a message from Amy!" Rouge shouted out, clearly trying to move the conversation along. You all leaned over her shoulder just to catch a peek at the message, "Why do we need to do that? We don't do rescue missions a lot." you huffed.
Shadow agreed with you, stepping away from the small crowd, "Still, it's work for the resistance and we should help any way we can."
"Affirmative, setting new mission credentials." Omega's voice echoed, you winced slightly, the guy really needed to install an inside voice and soon. You grabbed Rouge's wrist, choosing to ignore the squeal, "Zombots? What the hell are zombots?"
"Beats me, but if the resistance needs us, then it's gotta be important." Rouge shrugged. 
"I hate it here, I hate it here, I hate it here!" you kept repeating, using a stop sign to beat away the zombots. Rouge flew overhead, securing the civilians before joining you.
"Oh, c'mon, it's not all that bad. They've got lovely shops that I hope to one day steal from." she mused, using some fallen debris to kick a zombot in the head.
"Yeah, I'm glad that's what you're focusing on right now, not the horde of zombies!" you were freaking out, you weren't trained for this; you didn't think anyone was. The crowds were getting thicker, more and more people were mutating.
"Where's Shadow already, he's taking too long!" you yelled out, swatting away a fist with the sign. Rouge flew up into the air to get an overhead view, she sighed then landed, "No sign of him, but he'll be here."
You leapt back when another swing was coming at you, "Dude, that's so unfair you know I can't hit you back!" you growled out. Another swing and you were pushed up against the only defence the civilians had, "Woah!" you cried out. Rouge had wrapped an arm around you and pulled you up on the turned-over cars.
"That was a close one, you owe me." she batted her eyes at you. You pushed her aside, laughing, "Save it for the Knucklehead." she blushed at that. Just then, when all hope looked lost, a blue streak flew through the air.
"Hey, guys! Hope I'm not missing out on anything." Sonic smirked. kicking a zombot with his foot. You sighed, waving him over, "You're just in time, for once. We've got the civilians inside, but we can't hold this position forever."
"Where's the rest of your team?" he asked, concerned. Rouge cupped her eyes, scouting out over the crowd, "Omega's somewhere in there, and as for Shadow, he said he was bringing transport but that was over thirty minutes ago."
"You don't think something bad's happened to him, right?" You asked worried, maybe you had a little soft spot for the guy, so shoot me! You just wanted to know he was okay, you had no clue how you'd survive if he became one of those things.
"Picking up transport, really? I didn't know he cared." Sonic teased, spin dashing another zombot away. You understood why Shadow had to restrain himself when around Sonic, because at this point, you too wanted to slap him so hard his head would explode.
Shadow had been nothing but kind to you in all the years you knew him, he was but a gentlemen even during hard times. Sure, there were maybe one or two times where he snapped at you, but it's not like you weren't to blame. Shadow truly cares about you, and that meant when you did dumb shit he'd let you know about it. He'd baby you a lot, persuade you not to go on missions or at the very least allow him to tag along and ultimately save the day.
You were annoyed at first, not understanding why he wouldn't let you do something on your own. But then you compare it to how he treated everyone else, protecting was the only way Shadow knew how to care for people.
You shook your head when a loud revving sound was heard, the hordes of zombots were shoved aside as a large, black truck pulled up. Once the dust settled, the door swung open to reveal none other than Shadow The Hedgehog; and he looked pissed. 
But you couldn't lie and say you weren't happy to see him, you were over the moon.
"There you are, what's the matter? Couldn't find a bigger one?" Sonic joked, but Shadow wasn't having any of it. He held a finger out, close to prodding Sonic in the chest "Shut up."
"Easy, Shadow, he was kidding." you jumped down to the pair, knowing if you didn't intervene there would be a fight. Shadow pulled you towards him, he didn't want you anywhere near Sonic, "This is his fault. If I had destroyed Eggman in the Windmill Village, none of this would be happening." he seethed.
"Some creep named Starline made him evil again! Nobody could have seen that coming!" Sonic argued back, but the name rang familiar. Starline, as in Doctor Starline? The same Starline on G.U.N's wanted list, the very Starline you were tasked with hunting down. 
"Feh, excuses." Shadow huffed, hands tightening into fists. Sonic waved his arms around, "Yo, I'm dealing with it too! I'm infected, see!"
"It's what you deserve," Shadow growled, you slapped him on the arm, giving him a warning with your glare. He shook it off, still choosing to burn hatred over the blue hedgehog than get a grip and focus on the now.
"(Y/N), I need you over here!" Rouge shouted, you sighed but left, albeit reluctantly. You joined her side, helping her with the survivors. But you couldn't stop thinking about Shadow, he was going to do something stupid, you just knew it. No matter how smart he was, the moment he saw Sonic his brain went dumb.
It was just an excuse to one-up him and call it helping.
You saw Sonic leave, his body coated in silver. Shadow watched him for a moment before meeting with Omega and giving him new orders, you couldn't hear them from here, but soon you saw Omega grow closer to the truck.
"C'mon people, we haven't got all day! Move it or lose it!" You shouted, but your eyes never left the ebony hedgehog. Shadow launched into battle, flipping over massive groups of zombots without care. Once he landed, he began using his chaos powers left, right and centre.
Rouge stood by your side, watching along as sparks and flashes of green enveloped the crowds, "Damn it, Shadow...You're being reckless." you whispered out. A scream broke you out of your trance, a zombot had made it through to the survivors. You dashed down, grabbing your stop sign and whacking it as hard as you could, however, the sign had no effect.
You stepped back a little, swinging the sign once again, but nothing was working. 
"Errr, Rouge? We gotta leave, we gotta go right now! Load everyone on that truck and move it!" you yelled out, still trying to attack the single zombot. Even if one of these things gets through that could mean the end for you, Rouge and everyone on that truck. The bat complied, practically shoving everyone onto the small space, yelling at them when they whined.
She called out to you, telling you to hurry up and get on. But you knew you couldn't do that, they needed a clear path and you were too close to getting infected, who's to say you weren't already with all these close calls.
"I'm not leaving you!" she called back and sat behind the wheel. You ducked back from a very dangerous claw, "I'll catch a ride with Shadow, just get out of here!" Rouge was reluctant, but she knew nothing would change your mind, so she started up the engine.
Shadow had managed to bide some time, dodging another attack and kicking a zombot in the head, "Hmph, resilient." he seethed, watching as the thing got right back up.
"The Doctor's metal virus can't infect the ultimate lifeform!" he ploughed through the rest of the crowd, using the fire from his shoes to burn the zombots.
"SHADOW!" he heard you scream out, his ear flickered before he pinpointed your location. Why the hell weren't you on that truck already? He tried to move over to you, using Omega as cover. 
You were growing tired, swinging around a big sign for an hour would do that. Although, now instead of facing off against one zombot you were swamped with an entire crowd. And with the flimsy sign doing nothing, you were afraid you wouldn't make it out of here alive.
Just before a hand could reach out to you, black and red clouded your vision. Shadow performed a spindash, kicking away anything that came close to you. He kept his attention on the fight, but still spoke to you "Why aren't you with the others!"
"Zombots got through the barriers, I stayed behind so the truck could get away. It was the only way."
"Lies. You should have gotten on that truck, this place isn't safe anymore; there are too many of them."
"Even for the ultimate lifeform?" you teased, Shadow didn't respond straight away. He made sure he was always in front of you, nothing was going to get past him, "(Y/N), I've failed you."
"What do you mean?"
"We're not making it out of here, there's too many of them. Realistically, we never stood a chance. That's why I made sure Rouge got you on that truck, that damned bat." he grunted. You shook your head, tears starting to cloud your vision, "You never planned to get out of here, did you?"
He remained silent, you grabbed his shoulder from behind, "Shadow? Answer me, please?"
"I-I did what I thought was best. If you were out of here then that was good enough. I don't matter."
"W-what? Of course you matter, you matter to me! How'd you just expect me to go on knowing you're one of these metallic freaks? What if there's no cure, what if Tails can't do anything and you're stuck like this forever?"
As you were ranting, a zombot was in arms reach of touching you without you noticing. But Shadow did. He caught the thing by its neck, holding it into the air before throwing it at the crowd, knocking them down like bowling pins. You gasped, seeing the metallic residue on Shadow's glove. He was infected.
"You need to go, find Omega and he'll get you out of here." Shadow continued to fight, though now there was more of a gap between you both. You surged forward with the stop sign, swinging it with vengeance, "I'm not leaving you!"
He turned to you with a new emotion in his eyes, you've never seen him look so...vulnerable.
"Y-you'd prefer to stay with me? Become another one of Eggman's slaves?" the infection was spreading fast, his legs were already coated in the stuff. You shook your head, "I'm not going anywhere without you."
Shadow smiled, offering his hand out to you, "Then, will you be my forever?" You grasped his hand, watching as the infection moved from his palm onto yours. It felt cold, but you weren't scared. You were with Shadow, you could never be scared with him around.
You continued to fight, side by side, your hands still interlocked. But that all stopped when the viruses spread to your heads, nearly clouding your vision. With the last of his rational thought, Shadow surged forward to lock your lips. You pushed back just as hard, tears pouring down your cheeks.
That's the last thing you remember before the virus took over and Crisis City fell to the Eggman Empire.
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enaelyork · 2 years
Evil Grows with Love - Robotnik x Reader [Part 13]
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**** For all the story, follow my master list here ! ****
Author note : WARNING, some passionnate violence over there
See you soon ! With love ~
Chapter promps : Robotnik finds [Y/N] at the bikers' bar and their collision is devastating.
Words : 2.1 K
ROBOTNIK TAG LIST : @ysamans,@pinejayy,@a-frozen-bag-of-corn,@jasminerobotnik, @elisabethvanroseblood
-Are you missing a shoe, Cinderella?
Probably she was missing a lot more than that.
When she arrived there, she forgot about this unfortunate detail and headed, haggard, to the scene of the crime.
Chaos was not enough to define what she saw there.
The police were already there and were questioning witnesses here and there outside the bar. From the faces of his colleagues, [Y/N] could guess who they were mentioning and the suspicions of a collective bad trip it aroused among the police.
What the hell was this thing able of?
Without being noticed, and it was difficult when you saw her outfit, she slipped inside the bar where a desolate silence reigned. Everywhere the witnesses of the spectacle were recovering from their emotions. She saw a tearful waitress covered in chili chatting with a biker, while another helped his friend get rid of the toilet paper that covered him completely.
I'm too late. she thought. And her anger rumbled inside her like a storm. If she hadn't wasted so much time, if she hadn't just wanted to neutralize the drone... Maybe she would have arrived in time.
A deep voice pulled her out of her thoughts and turned to the one who had called her.
Did Cinderella wear a leather dress and jacket? Dumbass. she thought, considering the boor who had just asked her the question. She had lost what little patience she still had.
-You better shut up or tell me what happened here.
- Not sure you believe me, doll…
Doll ? The last one who had called her that had ended up in the emergency room with his jaw dislocated. However, she settled on the stool next to this man, giving him a falsely sympathetic smile.
-Honestly ? Did you take a good look at me? I'm ready to believe anything...
No doubt he looked at her properly, and several times. She could almost see his eyes going back and forth between his missing shoe, her legs half hidden by his dress, the v-neck of it and the rest of her body, including her makeup already somewhat ravaged. She ignored it, he could look at her all he wanted as long as he told her what she wanted to know. The muscle giant dressed in jeans and leather rubbed the back of his neck. Probably was good for a neck brace for a few weeks…
- Are you a cop or what?
She giggled, did she really look like a cop?
- Relax, the cops are out. She began, a bigger lie than the guy in front of her. I came here because my car was out of gas, and when I saw…this…[Y/N] took the opportunity to comb through the room. No one had been able to react. This animal was endowed with exceptional speed, impossible to follow for ordinary mortals. Was this the source of his power? What had caused the discharge and destruction of the satellite?
-Two guys walked into this bar. The man began, taking advantage of the mess to steal an unopened and intact bottle of cognac from the bar. He handed [Y/N] a glass and poured some into his as well. A tall guy with blue eyes and…This weird thing.
- That weird thing? she repeated. Couldn't it be his pet? She said casually, sarcasm and irony was part of her.
-Have you ever seen a blue animal my beauty? Believe me, I didn't like those guys at all. Not from our home, not from our culture, and…
He didn't finish his sentence. Something seemed to have caught her attention and her gaze was now past [Y/N]'s shoulders, behind her. The commissioner had no time to see the reflection of the shadow that advanced towards her with a brisk step. A violent grip on her forearm closed before she had time to turn around and she felt herself being dragged to the back of the room.
That's what she saw in the outfit of the one who had caught him, but it was by smelling his perfume that she knew.
That she realized it was him.
The force with which Robotnik had dragged her there was increased tenfold by something whose origin he did not know. She could have resisted more, hitting or even biting, but the surprise had robbed her of what remained of her vivacity.
Her back banged hard against the wall as she heard the door slam behind them. It was now that she had to react, push him away with a kick or throw her bag in his face, but he didn't give her time. His tall frame swooped down on her and slammed a forearm against her neck.
-What's your damn problem?!
He literally spat out his words in dark anger. His whole body twitched in a rage he could hardly contain. [Y/N] saw it in his eyes when she glared at him, he was drowning in that anger, but in something else too.
Something she couldn't define.
-My problem is that I am trying to do my job and I left a target go. If you had been so smart you could have had it before me.
- If I hadn't had to look for you and recover the drone that you neutralized, i would have had that target! His grip on her neck seemed to have softened, yet [Y/N] was gasping for air, suffocated by her emotions.
-You're trashing my work, [Y/N]…and everything else.
She blinked, her breathing was rapid and her heart was about to leave her chest.
What did he mean by "everything else"?
This man was unstable, almost as much as she could be sometimes. Anything could happen now, including dying of suffocation on the doctor's arm.
- Do not reverse roles. You're the one wreaking havoc wherever you go just to prove you're better than everyone else...
His pupils dilated, [Y/N] could almost guess the force of the slap she was about to take on the cheek. But there was nothing, not even an insult, just that panicked, enraged, helpless look.
The doctor was distraught.
- And now let me go. she called. I have things to do.
She thought she finally knocked him out. To have hurt him enough that he stood there thinking about the violence of the words she had spoken. Ready to push him in turn, she felt a resistance of rare violence pressing her against the wall again.
- So that you escape me again?
The Robotnik's hand had gripped her neck tightly, the mark would be embedded there
probably some time when he would have removed his grip. He was using his
body as a barrier and this proximity put her in a panic.
-Get your hand out of there, Robotnik… she said coldly, she had taken her gun out of
her bag and the barrel was now stuck under the doctor's chin. Not not even his mustache quivered and he continued to stare at her with his hazel eyes with intriguing bursts.
-Or what ?
A void suddenly formed around them. A disturbing silence during which they both probably realized that it was the second time that day that they had been in such a close situation.
And how considerably it had degenerated.
He didn't show it, but the doctor was overwhelmed, uncertain. He hid it behind his aggressiveness and his provocations, but something in him reacted to her. It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, but he hated it, he pushed it back every time he showed up and he always succeeded...
Until now.
He considered her for a moment, his eyes scanning her slender figure, the finesse of her neck and this dress which was in the colors of her own clothes. A certain bitterness burned in his throat when he thought back to what he had seen tonight through his drone.
-You changed to impress the idiot?
She blinked, giggling nervously. Damn, did he come back with that f*cking dinner thing again while she was pointing a gun at his chin? The remark made her smile nervously.
-I changed because the other dress reeked of your perfume.
-Ah yes?... So, if my perfume bothers you so much, why are you still here? You could back off.
He was right, [Y/N] knew she could easily push him away, that his grip on her face was strong, but not strong enough for her to escape. And yet, she stayed there.
Relatives. They were way too close and it was way too dangerous. [Y/N] felt her legs shaking but she had to make sure he didn't know.
-I'm threatening you with a gun. I can pull that trigger and blow your skull off.
-And me with my fingers… A simple little pressure on these gloves, and whoever is currently in contact with your cheek would send you a delicious electric shock before you even pull the trigger.
-An electric shock, you say?
His voice had become shaky. Her eyes fixed on his, she saw exactly what she wanted to see in the doctor's pupils. His awareness. The discharge, she was the one who had just sent it, blinking, keeping her face so close to his.
- Well then? I'm waiting for it, Thunderbolt at first sight...
She hadn't taken her eyes off him either, but something different was beginning to form between them as the space narrowed. Robotnik was still holding her face firmly between his fingers, but his other hand seemed to be slowly moving to her hips. Chills. Tremor. The thunderbolt had probably already struck a long time ago, when they had not expected it.
It seemed to him that she was breathing faster and harder. He too, something enveloped his body so that he only saw her, felt only her, down to the slightest of her reactions. His eyes fell on her lips, not a single second had passed that he hadn't thought about it since the last time.
Their fight was not about having a winner.
It consisted in knowing which of the two will yield first.
Only a few seconds between those words and the impact, that of his mouth against hers, pressed against each other with more violence than the detonation of her weapon, with more intensity than the electric shock that could come out of his glove.
The weapon was still frozen under Robotnik's chin, but he could feel that her grip was now uncertain. The weapon was no longer there because it threatened him but because it did not know where to go. [Y/N]'s mind was focused on something else, overwhelmed by his all-consuming kiss, overwhelmed by him, his presence and her body pressed fully against his. She bit his lower lip in an almost animal growl and felt Robotnik's grip tighten around her hips.
Last time
It felt like the last time
Even more devastating.
Her heart was no longer able to take the shock he was causing in her, her soul was not ready, her emotions, those she had always suppressed, were slowly rising in her.
Fear was what was mixed with the mad desire she felt for this man.
Fear is what made her pull away from him, gaze into his and read desire there.
He was deeply in the same state
Her legs were still struggling to hold her up.
"No…" she breathed. It was barely an audible sentence. We can not…
The doctor's gloved hand slid slowly down her cheek to reach her neck. With this man everything was possible including that he seizes the opportunity to electrocute him.
- We can't what?
Silence. They looked as if seeing each other for the first time. And it was probably the first time they had seen each other that way.
She saw him, the sparkle, the one that let her know he had answered the question himself. His features twisted in a kind of mild panic and for the first time, the doctor was helpless.
He knew, but he couldn't put it into words.
Words, [Y/N] could easily pronounce inside her, but she couldn't say.
To fall in love.
That was it.
Sadness, frustration and anger overwhelmed her then. But it was Robotnik's that was the most devastating. In the space of a second, his hand tightened on her jaw again and Y/N thought he was going to break her bones. Too surprised to pull the trigger on her gun, she pressed her foot against the doctor's abdomen and threw him against the wall. She had to run again because it couldn't happen. Not with him.
With nobody.
She rushed off without even looking behind her, without even seeing the panic in which she left the doctor. Robotnik was drowned, annihilated, paralyzed. His body was shaking violently and he channeled everything he felt into a dark anger.
Anger was the only thing he allowed himself to feel. The rest didn't matter.
But her, what she had awakened in him, it was insurmountable.
She opened the door, found Stone next to the bully she had been talking to. Had he noticed her ravaged face? Reddened neck, cheeks and lips? Had he seen the tears starting to roll down her cheeks as she stormed off? It didn't matter, what mattered was running away.
And never see that man again.
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r0-boat · 4 years
Obey me Httyd AU
The younger brothers
Part 2
Part 1 here
Part 3 here
These are just my headcanons you guys can do what you want with them😊
Asmo= Snaptrapper
These dragons are extremely deadly
Like a flower reproduce a sweet scent that draws their prey in for an ambush attack
Snaptrappers are beautiful peaceful and calm at first but they're actually Fierce and aggressive
With Asmo's charm ability and this dragons irresistible scent, I feel like these two would make a deadly combination.
The dragon has excellent camouflage
Now Snaptrappers may not be nimble flyers, their strengths are stealth, and flexibility.
They can also spit a strong acid that can melt through metal
Satan= Triple Stryke
Stopping at no cost to destroy their opponents. These dragons are beasts
They're very aerodynamic, extremely fast, incredible endurance and high intelligence. Hot Firepower and don't forget to tails.
Despite all of this you dragons are very grateful, they will stop at nothing to express their gratitude and respect for anyone. If shown mercy and kindness the dragons will respect I will protect you till the day you die.
Extremely difficult to train however any clicking on clanging noise to make it easier.
( Satan using a clicker)
Satan's Triple Stryke respects all the brothers however Satan always comes first.
Beelzebub= Rumblehorn
It's kind of obvious, Rumble horns are from the tracker class and then follow the faintest and sent anywhere for miles.
Now you might be saying okay if they can track food, it's kind of more than that. Beelzebub's dragon can also track his brothers.
Beel wants to protect his brothers and if one goes missing his dragon will be happy to help.
Rumblehorns are heavy-hitters They have missile like fire balls. They're extremely intelligent an incredibly fast on land and in the sky. Charging like a rhinoceros into their enemies.
They can be stubborn and don't enjoy being told what to do. However I see that Beel's Rumblehorn admirers the fact that Beel cares so much about his family.
Belphegor= Sentinel
Vague spoiler for chapter 16?
These dragons are blind however they're overly developed senses makes up for the loss of sight.
They're very good guard dragons their Instinct guard is so strong that they will send it to guard and protect that area
These dragons are extremely intelligent
These dragons are capable of remaining Motionless like statues for days maybe even weeks.
The Firepower is normal but they have other tricks up their sleeve. They have downdraft Wind blasts that are strong enough to knock dragons out of the air.
And they have sonic screeches that can disorient dragons and put out fire their fires.
They have tough skin they can resist powerful attacks and show no injury to teeth or spikes even when launched at high speeds.
You know all those statues around the house of lamentation. One of them is probably Belphie's Sentinel lol.
The brother is probably knew that belphegor's Dragon would say to player as a threat so his Dragon so I could see Lucifer enchanting the Dragon into a long hibernation I can only activate when Belphegor is unlocked out of the attic.
Bonus: Mc = any dragon/Lightfury
This one is purely based on headcanons and scenarios but of course y'all can replace the Lightfury with any dragon you want🤚🏼😌
I can see Mc's Dragon can be just as reckless and wild as their Rider.
And to Lucifer's dislike, out maneuvering his Stormcutter
And in the Lightfury's case turning invisible to boot.
I can imagine your rider outfit has the shedded scales of your dragon of choice
Let's be honest the MC can be friends with anything at this point if they can control 7 murder demons at once 🤣
The brothers' dragons seems to like MC and their dragon
However Mc's dragon seems to be cautious of them
Especially the ones that tried to kill them
If you want more of this Au you feel free to ask I have a lot of headcanons!
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 1002 - Initial Thoughts
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As expected, the wait took forever Long weeks in this pandemic... But we’re back with One Piece as the Yonko/Supernova rumble gets started It’s another compacted chapter in all that so buckle up
Spoilers obviously will follow, Support the Official Release as well
As for the cover page: the betrayal is real
Kaido whipping out the Kiku Disarming Winds, and it does disarm Kid’s mecha, but as he said it’s junk so it doesn’t really do him any harm
Zoro though, not playing, swatted that shit away even when they’re called ‘invisible wind scythes’ by the scabbards
if you ever wondered how to piledrive a dragon, learn from Kid’s Gibson Slam
Law does expose how he might struggle with Kaido given that he has no idea how a dragon’s (or mega fish) internal organs are laid out. The Gamma Knife will still sting though
What in the world was Sonic Scythe!? I’m guessing he amplified his blades with sound? But it looked like he got him good
You gotta weave that though, roasted by an Indra from Big Mom
Zeus you are a bad cloud and a bad slave to Nami, remember yourself before Brook comes slicing
Was, was Kaido gonna eat Killer before Luffy gave him the feet?
Law you are allowed to help others at their request and not complain about it, especially since it’s Zoro protecting his captain
For the second time in this battle Big Mom is shook but this time it’s from Zoro about to use Enma on Kaido
He’s also doing the attack he used against Ryuma
Took the horn of the entire dome but alas, did not hit Kaido, but even he’s raised a brow
Then BM Indra’s Zoro right in front of Luffy. I can forgive this one more than Killer because Zoro was weakened and falling in the air so it’s harder for him to sense and dodge, but also Luffy is right behind him he needs to keep an eye out
Big Mom now going to town though, lightning everywhere and it seems that Prometheus is part of it, pulling a sneaky on Kid there
Enelface incoming though, even Big Mom doesn’t recall how rubber works!
Kaido though hits the blast breath, but Luffy’s in anger mode: you hurt Zoro, so he’s gonna hit you: accept your fate.
And no break next week, huzzah! Of course if there were a break I do accept that Oda needs rest but also the hype within me is relieved that it doesn’t have to wait twice as long for this
so this chapter was of course very good, although once I finished it I did not feel like I had just gone through 13 pages that chapter went really quick! The chapter did highlight the concern with last chapter when Kaido said he would fight the Supernova alone. Big Mom’s blindsiding has caused what looks to actually be an increased probability in winning into a mountain to climb again. I’m glad Killer and Zoro got shine, before being wasted a little...they’ll be back though I think, especially Zoro they can’t have him miss his shot and that be it. That being said I also don’t think the five will defeat them as they are now. It’s almost like an RPG fight right now, but the party is only attacking one of the two bosses. I think Luffy may be able to stun Kaido for a bit but in the end when the Yonko continue to fight seriously they’ll gain the upper hand, that’s when we need to move back to the lower floors with the Sanji vs Maria, Jimbei vs Who’s Who, Franky vs Sasaki, the Queen and King stuff with Marco and Chopper, Carrot and Wanda vs Perospero, Brook and Robin’s tower climb, Yamato getting involved again, Tama’s 3 minutes, the fact that the island is slowly being carried over to be dropped on the Flower Capital etc.
The battle is far from done, but the Supernova are getting their licks in, just gotta keep an eye on both enemies. Also to quote Piccolo ‘DODGE!’
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cas-kingdom · 4 years
Curiouser and Curiouser
A/N: Based on the fact that NASA said the Curiosity Rover sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to itself on its first ‘birthday’. I pictured Eleven, here, especially considering the years of Matt’s seasons fit in with when Curiosity landed on Mars, but any work, as well as any companion. Please enjoy.
Don’t argue specifics of this story. Specifics are boring.
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Title: Curiouser and Curiouser
Summary: The Doctor doesn’t believe anyone deserves to spend their birthday alone. Including Rovers on Mars.
Words: 1649
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A coincidence, really.
Was anything ever a coincidence?
Mars was an interesting place. The red planet. Yes, it was a desert, practically nothing, but all planets had been practically nothing at some point. It was quiet, though. He liked those planets. Quiet planets where he could walk among the dust and think to himself. His thoughts were loud enough as it was. Add the whirring and buzzing of the TARDIS and he often found himself overwhelmed. Which was frustrating, because it was only him there.
But Mars… Mars was quiet. The kind of quiet that puts you at ease for a while and makes you forget anything troubling on your mind. Maybe it was only quiet because he wanted it to be. Maybe the red reminded him of home. He didn’t know. But what did it matter?
There was a day in particular that he liked to go to Mars. Pretend he was walking along a vast crimson beach toward an ocean he couldn’t see, hands in his pockets, footprints behind him that would soon be wiped away by the dust storms. A shame. His footprints were still on the moon and would remain there long after he was gone. Why couldn’t Mars be the same?
The crimson beach. He’d gone to plenty of beaches. All golden, grains winking in the rays like a billion tiny gems. He’d gone once with… someone. Or maybe he hadn’t. It was a long time ago.
As he’d said – or thought, rather – Mars was quiet. If ever there was a sound, it was the rumbling of a distant storm or the occasional whispering of a light breeze. But… in all his years… in all his life… he had never heard, nor heard of, a humming on Mars.
He’d stopped, lifted his head, and knitted his eyebrows together in a flurry of confusion. His hands were out of his pockets in an instant, fumbling for his sonic in another of his pockets, because noise on Mars isn’t normal.
He expected the humming to stop, but maybe that was just a wish, because he definitely didn’t feel like spending the day fighting Martians.
It continued, though. A strange… buzzy – was that a word? – humming. He narrowed his eyes, squinting into the distance – it was times like these he wished he had his glasses, but who thinks of bringing their glasses with them to Mars? – and pointing his sonic just an inch ahead, holding it out in a conflicted manner.
The humming was getting louder, but he wasn’t moving, staying in one spot, pointing his screwdriver. God, his screwdriver. He really did depend on it for everything, didn’t he? May as well switch titles. The Screwdriver and Sonic Doctor.
Narrowing his eyes even further he began to make out the image of… something… in the distance ahead, and it was getting bigger. And bigger. And he stayed in one spot and one position, trying to work out what it was, as it continued to get bigger and bigger.
He couldn’t deny his confusion, yet also intrigue as he soon realised it to be a car of some sort. He’d had half a mind to race back to the TARDIS and check he’d input the right date, just to ensure he hadn’t yet reached the point in time in which humans colonised Mars… which was, of course, spoilers.
Nevertheless, something ticked in his brain as he got a closer look at the strange thing, and his eyes widened in delight. “Oh!” he blurted out, “oh, I heard about you! Curiosity Rover… wondered why I’d never seen you before, but then Mars is a big planet, isn’t it, and you only landed… hm, what, a year ago? A year ago exactly, if my calculations are correct.” He smiled widely as the Rover halted, supposedly to pick up some of the dust. “What’ve you been up to, then, eh? Roving about?”
It was then he realised the humming hadn’t yet stopped. Strange he hadn’t paid more attention to it instead of rambling on about the Rover’s daily activities, considering the humming was what had caused him to pull out his sonic in the first place.
He listened intently as the humming drew to a close, the last few ‘notes’ playing out, and his eyes fell, deflated, utterly, completely. A sadness glinted in them. “You sad little thing,” he whispered to himself, before speaking louder, as if the car needed to hear. “It’s your birthday, Curiosity, isn’t it? It’s your birthday today. You’re singing Happy Birthday to yourself.”
The Rover didn’t reply. It was quiet again, now, save for the little squeak of its wheels and the mechanical noises as it moved its arms with the pot of red dust and sent it to analyse. He wondered if he liked it better when it hadn’t been so quiet.
After a few moments, Curiosity roved on, and the Doctor followed. He followed for a long time. He talked to it, stopped and sat on red rocks when it had to take samples. He spoke about a lot of things, because he could, and because Curiosity could neither complain nor tell anyone else. And then he said good bye, walked the few miles back to the TARDIS, and flew away.
The next year, he came back. And he walked with Curiosity, until the humming started again, and he sang the words while the Rover played the tune. Then they – he – talked again, for hours, and walked back to his TARDIS, and flew away, and returned the year after.
And the year after, and the year after, and the year after.
And then, a year and a day after.
“Curiosity! Curiosity, friendo, I’m so sorry, I’m late!” He came racing out of the TARDIS, following after the Rover when he didn’t stop, stumbling over rocks and his own feet. “You see, I was with someone, a friend, another friend! And- and we spent yesterday together, and it was really nice, we had chips, you’d like chips, and sat by the sea, and it was- it was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. But, you see, I forgot about coming here, and I couldn’t use the TARDIS to go back because then it wouldn’t really be your birthday, not properly, anyway, would it? So, I didn’t. But I came today! I’m here, now, and that’s alright, isn’t it?”
Curiosity stopped, its mechanical arm leaning down to scoop up a pile of dust. The Doctor apparently took that as a sign that he’d been forgiven. He stepped forward and knelt down. “Oh, Curiosity,” he said after a short while, “I am sorry. I’m so terribly sorry. Because, you see… I don’t think I’m alone anymore.” He reached an arm out and placed his hands on the dusty wheels. “Her name… well, it doesn’t really matter what her name is, does it? The point is… I have someone, so I don’t think I need to come back here anymore...” He sighed. “But I wanted to thank you, Curiosity, for helping me not feel alone on my birthday. Our birthday. It is the one day of the year I look forward to with all of my hearts, old friend, it really is.”
He stood to his feet and twisted on his heel, staring up at the midnight sky, eyes catching sight of the bright light he knew was Earth. “The thing about curiosity,” he said, whether to himself or the Rover, he didn’t know, “is that if you always have it, then you’re never disappointed. You know there’s something – something good, something you’ve waited for – at the end. You could all do with a little more of it. Life’s too short to just sit there and accept what you’re given.” Perhaps that was why… perhaps that was why. He wasn’t so curious anymore. He’d seen a lot. Almost all.
Curiosity was a Rover. A space car. An inanimate object. And here he was, talking to it. Was it surprising? No, not really. How could it be? He was the Doctor. He spoke to himself more times than he cared to admit.
Maybe he felt drawn to it somehow. This little Rover… roaming around an isolated planet, alone, never stopping, never giving itself time, spending its birthday alone. What good was two people – or objects, it didn’t matter – spending their birthdays alone when they could spend it together?
But, he wasn’t alone anymore.
He didn’t have to spend his birthday alone.
He had her.
And Curiosity…
It started up again, driving off, and the Doctor twisted back around. But he didn’t follow it. Instead, he called out, “hey, Curi! I’m leaving you a present to apologise for yesterday! You look after it, now, alright?” He lowered his voice. “Look after yourself… lonely traveller.”
He never visited Curiosity again. At least not on his birthday. They weren’t two people - or objects - celebrating their birthdays alone. Not anymore. 
But he’d still hover his TARDIS over the little thing, following it as it drove along the same old scarlet paths, testing and sampling and doing its job, but happier, clearly happier. And he’d smile, his long legs hanging over the edge of his spaceship, his companion prattling about and burning toast in his kitchen, and wonder at the joy of curiosity. 
“You go, old friend,” he said to himself, and he really wasn’t that old of a friend. Or a friend. “Don’t stop. Never stop. Keep being curious. The world’d be boring without it.”
And he’d get up and take a final glance down before shutting the door, as the red sun set over Mars and the Rovers – two of them, because The mad Doctor was the alien who built another Rover so Curiosity never had to spend its birthday alone again – left their tracks in the dust.
They remained there much longer than any footprint, side by side, curiouser and curiouser.
Doctor Who Masterpost
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that-shamrock-vibe · 5 years
Movie Review: Sonic the Hedgehog (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review the day the movie is first released in the U.K, so if you haven’t yet seen the movie do not read on until you have.
General Reaction:
It's difficult with today's movie going audience to predict how movies like Sonic are going to perform and be received. Especially when the ad campaign did absolutely no favours for this movie other than convince Paramount that Sonic needed a more truthful redesign than what they originally put out.
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Here's the thing. Sonic the Hedgehog to me is trying to be 2020's Detective Pikachu capitalising on that nostalgia of a beloved classic franchise.
However, I do feel that the haters and internet trolls out there are not going to be able to get past the comparisons this movie draws to 2011's Hop, which was a live-action/CGI-hybrid movie starring James Marsden who becomes the companion of a somewhat overbearing CG creature.
But, I encourage all movie goers, including the haters, to go into this with an open mind...particularly if you have any history with Sonic because you will get some enjoyment and walk away afterwards feeling happy overall.
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My personal history with Sonic is slightly less-so than I would like. I played the original 2 SEGA games countless times and did watch some episodes of the earlier animated shows.
Having said that, my main Sonic fandom actually comes from the mid-noughties series Sonic X, which I feel this movie could have adapted but alas. Also I played the Shadow the Hedgehog spinoff game and more recently Smash Bros where I actually won as Sonic recently.
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Now this movie reminds me of those shows and games practically in no way. I mean there is that opening sequence where you see Sonic running around and looping like he does in the SEGA games, I do also feel like James Marsden's character could easily be an older version of Chris, the boy from Sonic X, but aside from that, the gold rings and Robotnik...there's not a lot for the Sonic fans to spot.
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I can't say this is a perfect movie, because it really is not. There are a lot of super speed gags and some of them do stick but some just fall flat and at times feel repetitive.
The worst crime this movie commits in my opinion is stealing Quicksilver's gimmick of speed scenes. By which I mean there are not one but two occasions when time is slowed down to almost a halt and we see Sonic running around still. They even have songs specific for these scenes.
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Also, because I'm not fully aware of every Sonic incarnation, I did not understand why Sonic is effectively The Flash with being able to generate lightning. I mean I understand the laws of physics of generating enough friction can create static but I have never known Sonic to have any electric attacks.
I did like how the static electricity was preserved in his quills when they fell off though. In animation and the games you don’t think about Sonic’s realistic hedgehog qualities such as having quills so it was a nice touch.
I am also aware that Sonic has turned Super Saigen before with the help of the Chaos Emeralds I believe, so the fact we see a similar transformation here is quite good to see for that reason.
In terms of story I do think this is a simple plot that has been done numerous times, Hop is definitely one example that comes to mind, but I feel it’s also a very accessible story for non-Sonic fans.
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I don’t know if Longclaw the Owl is an original character or one from Sonic mythology but I did not really vest much interest in her. Baby Sonic I thought was cute, but I refuse to accept anyone saying he is cuter than Baby Yoda as no one is cuter than Baby Yoda.
On the subject of age, it was good to see them acknowledging Sonic’s age for a change as opposed to just presuming because up until now I did always think he was some sort of teenager but this confirms it. If Baby Sonic is around 5-9 years old then Sonic in present day is late teens which makes sense with his temperament.
The gold rings being used as teleportation devices, I don’t know if they’re meant to be in the games but loved their use here.
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I enjoyed the use of technology in this movie and particularly Robotnik’s commentary on how technology is more reliable than people which ties into his ultimate fate of being stranded alone without another soul on the planet he is sent to which forces him further into insanity.
The fact Sonic’s story is about fitting into society while James Marsden’s character is about figuring out what’s right in front of him are great parallels and do balance each other out rather well.
Also where he ends up with effectively being part of a family as well as a town hero was a nice way to wrap things up.
However, that mid-credits scene showing the arrival of Sonic’s faithful protege Tails to the real world looking for his friend screams for a sequel, especially if this means that more of Sonic’s companions could be introduced in the future like Knuckles, Shadow or even Rouge the Bat.
Dr. Robotnik:
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I don’t want to say he is the best character because I feel all four of the main cast members do a great job, but my favourite definitely is Jim Carrey as Robotnik. This is Carrey back on form and there were so many great shades of back when he was at the top of his game in the 90s with work such as Ace Ventura, The Mask and The Grinch.
From his first scene he stole every scene he was in. You could tell that he was taking the role seriously while also having the time of his life with it and this is why, back in the day, he was on such high form.
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He may not have been the overweight bald megalomaniac, at least with the latter two not until the end of the movie, but he was the evil genius and mad scientist and almost every line he delivered he nailed.
I think “rockonnaissance” is going to be the new “joygasm” for him but it worked for The Riddler and it works for Robotnik.
I’m also happy he was nicknamed Eggman in the movie by Sonic because of the shape of his drones, I thought it was fitting. I can’t wait for Sonic to see the new bald version.
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Yes Sonic is second but I said it before, there were times when he was overbearing.
Ben Schwartz by the way does a fantastic job voicing the character, I know he voices Dewey in the new Ducktales series and also for some reason voices BB-8 in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, but this is my favourite role of his voice is so realistic for a wide-eyed and somewhat innocent “alien” hedgehog.
I enjoyed how when he first came to Earth he was this urban legend around Green Hills who spent those 10 years people watching and either making up nicknames for the citizens while also longing to fit in with them but knowing not to.
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Also the movie’s comedy was never as vulgar as Ryan Reynolds or immature as Russell Brand. I think they had one fart joke in the movie but the rest was generic comedy movie material which was hit and miss in comedy.
It was quite touching also that he was so protective of Green Hills and the status quo so much so that when Tom said he was planning on leaving to move to San Francisco, he was so offended and I thought it was going to be that trope of “Oh now they’re going to separate only to discover they need each other later” but instead it was a few digs and then they got over it.
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I am so happy they did redesign the character because the movie’s original look for him was horrendous and did make Cats look reasonable whereas this is more like the Sonic everyone knows and I did not realise he didn’t have his traditional running shoes until Jojo, the niece of Tika Sumpter’s character, replaced them for him.
I will keep saying I want a sequel just because I am interested to see where Sonic’s story takes him next, especially with Tails now on Earth and the potentiality that others could join.
The Wachowskis
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Again I thought James Marsden and Tika Sumpter did very pleasant jobs. This is my favourite James Marsden performance to date. Up until now his roles have been either corny or simply bland for me but here, yes there were a couple of dodgy jokes and moments but overall I thought Tom was a very likeable character and at the very least a driven character.
His wife Maddie, first of all props to the movie writers for having a mixed-race couple front and centre in the movie. But also, Maddie, who is also an accomplished career woman alongside her accomplished career husband, did not weigh Tom down or the story down as simply being “just the wife”.
I also enjoyed Maddie’s sister and niece, Jojo is quite cute and for the little screentime that she has does well with it for a child her age. While Natasha Rothwell continues to grow in my estimations after her fabulous turn in Love, Simon as the very sassy teacher.
As for the rest of the cast, this was a great who’s who for spotting the great jobbing actors as Lee Majdoub, Neal McDonough, Michael Hogan and Adam Pally all have minor supporting roles that do not go unnoticed.
Meanwhile Colleen Villard (née O'Shaughnessey), who voices Tails in the video games as well as voicing Wasp in The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes series and Sora in the Digimon franchise, reprises her role as the anthropomorphic fox in an uncredited mid-credits scene. I am hoping she returns for the sequel because it is good to hear her acting again.
I do see a future for this movie in terms of a franchise. I do not quite see it crossing over with Detective Pikachu as I know there were rumblings of some sort of Super Smash Bros. movie cinematic universe.
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However, if the movie does warrant a sequel, and with a current Rotten Tomatoes score of 64%, considering this seems to be a deciding factor for some cinema goers, I don’t see why not. I am hoping the future of this franchise does see the introductions of Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge and even Amy.
Potentially also spinning off from this franchise, there could be Donkey Kong, Mega Man and maybe even Mario to create that Super Smash Bros. universe.
Overall I rate the movie 8/10, it’s a great movie and definitely has some rewatchability to it.
Having said that I can see where some cinema snobs or even haters may come from as they inevitably target the movie but I encourage everyone not to be taken in by other people’s opinions, not even mine, make up your own minds and see it for yourself.
So that’s my review of Sonic the Hedgehog, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Movie Reviews as well as other posts.
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bandcampsnoop · 4 years
Finally...a band I to which I often refer, buick, has reissued their only release in all of its glory.  Originally released in 1992, this band was certainly a product of it’s time, but ahead as well.  Yes, there are obvious (as the band concedes) nods to Sonic Youth.  But there is so much more here.  This was recorded well before the “formation of Mogwai, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Explosions in the Sky”.   To me, this sounds as vital today as it was back in the early 1990s.  In fact,  Scott’s mentioned that his “favorite reference to possible influence[s] came from Thin White Rope's Guy Kyser when he stated after one of our shows, "You sound like Dick Dale with his brains knocked out." This is made all the more funny since I didn't know who Dick Dale was at the time.”
buick was Scott Lawrimore (guitar) and Jeff Clark (drums).  While a drum-guitar duo isn’t weird today (Japandroids or No Age come to mind), in 1992 there wasn’t a band like them (maybe Spinanes...but not really).
Generally speaking, the band wasn’t entirely happy with the original mix - both felt it missed their quiet/loud arrangements.  So, Scott enlisted John McEntire (Tortoise, The Sea and Cake) to remix.
But, only a guitar, and drums?  How do you get this much out of two instruments.  I asked Scott Lawrimore to comment:
How did you get the sound you did (on guitar)?Most cuts only have one guitar —like in our live performances—recorded in one take on two tracks. One mic was on a Fender Twin Reverb (made in the same year I was, 1970) in a large gym-sized room, and one mic was simultaneously capturing a 4x12 speaker cabinet in a small tiled bathroom. The bass and mids were turned waaaaay up, and the treble ratcheted down on the Twin to counter the jagged, jangling highs produced by the humbucker pickups on the Rickenbackers I used for most songs. Since we were just guitar and drums, all songs use open tunings and those bass-heavy amplifier settings to flesh out a ringing wall of sound behind the main guitar phrasing. I'm sure the tunings have official musical nomenclature, but I discovered them on my own through trial and error.  As a self-taught, unconventional guitarist, open tunings helped me to 'find my sound' while also cutting me slack for not being anywhere near a virtuoso. There were four different guitars used for the album: a 1990 solid-body Rickenbacker 610 (for Lucy Conrad, Excellent Liar); a 1980 hollow-body Rickenbacker 330 (for Homage to Lucien Freud, Badhead, The Moon is Not a Yellow Sow, and Immortality); a 1970 Fender Jaguar (for Phrenology, and Brown Blackstars); and my first guitar, a sweet $100 pawn shop Les Paul copy (for Graves). The hollow-body Ric was my preferred guitar because it produced the most controllable 'voiced' feedback (a ridiculous amount, actually). Typically this would not be sought after, or embraced, but everytime you hear feedback on the album, it's intentional and coming from that 330. I always loved showing up to gigs with that guitar and the audience assuming we were going to whip out some Byrds or R.E.M. jangle, and then SCREEEEEEEEEECH!!!!—that first ear-piercing feedback driving half the audience out of the room...
Did Jeff just get to create his own sound?  
Origin Story:[Scene opens on the crunchy, tabouli-stained Coffee House of UC Davis just before the summer break of 1990; Scott is behind a cash register wearing a t-shirt he recently spray-painted with the word "Hectic" under a smelly thrift store suit jacket three sizes too big; Jeff approaches wearing an On-The-Waterfront-leather-jacket over a 10,000 Maniacs t-shirt, his grease-slick-black hair partially hidden by a Stanford baseball cap.] Jeff [apropos of nothing in particular]: Wanna start a band? Scott [thrown off by 10,000 Maniacs shirt]: What do you play?J [confidently]: Nothing yet, but I'm going to teach myself to play the drums this summer.S [skeptically and expecting to maybe never see Jeff again]: Ok. Let's try to get together when you get back... Not-such-a-spoiler Alert: Jeff taught himself to play the drums that summer. Apparently he holed himself up in an unused bedroom of a house he was taking care of in southern California and tried to play along with the first two Throwing Muses albums that he had on constant repeat. Funny in hindsight that that is the band he chose considering what we ended up sounding like, but if you listen carefully to their songs like Call Me or Juno, you hear a lot of what was to become Jeff's rumbling tom work and syncopated fill sensibilities. In terms of whether I had a hand in Jeff's sound for our songs, the short answer is "no." When we played together for the first time, I had figured out all the parts for precisely one song—we called it First Song for a long time before naming it Homage to Lucien Freud for the original CD. For the opening chord progression, and just to get us started, I asked Jeff if he could play the drums of Sonic Youth's Tunic (Song for Karen) from the Goo album that had been released that summer. Of course he could. Perfectly. We played that six-chord progression three or four times through like we had been playing together forever when someone banged on the door yelling for us to "turn it fucking down." That was the abrupt end of our first session, but set the tone for everything that was to come... The fact that Homage to Lucien Freud now begins with Jeff's rumbling toms and bears little resemblance to Tunic is a testament to how all of our songs tended to evolve collaboratively. I would have a number of 'parts' or quiet/loud 'moments' or remedial-math-rock 'transitions' that I would play for Jeff and then he would figure out all the drum details for those sections. I had an ear and desire for song dynamics, but it was Jeff that perfectly filled and requited them. Learning those transitions and moments was key, but many songs had sections that we never played the same way twice—the call-and-response section starting at the 1:38 mark of Graves, for example, or the harmonics-to-mayhem-chord section starting at 1:54 mark of Badhead. When we played live, I would simply indicate to Jeff that a change was coming and he would be there with something amazing.
Scott Lawrimore is currently in London, UK (and has had a full career in art/curating/teaching), and Jeff Clark is in Ypsilanti, Michigan (and has had a full career as a graphic designer).  This album was originally released on Lather Records (Sacramento, CA).  The reissue is self-released.
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