#soon enough i'll be back to drawing. hope i haven't forgotten how. excited to get back to it but i'm really gonna miss summer playtime
reallyhardydraws · 2 years
i'm coming to the end of my summer work at the art gallery, with only 2 more sessions to go! but today i got this from one of the younger members of my volunteer team 🥺
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she made sure to include the sweetcorn earrings i was wearing today 😂 absolutely blessed i will be keeping and treasuring this FOREVER!!! 💖
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black-streak · 5 years
Saturday night's alright for fighting (but Sundays are meant for rest) - Curious New Hobbies
Part 11!
My god this took a while to write! Special thanks to @st0rmy-w1th1n and @mysnis (hope this is your correct Tumblr) for bouncing ideas with me and @kceedraws for giving permission to use her breakdancing au as inspiration for this!
Tagsss: @persephonebutkore @emjrabbitwolf @mystery-5-5 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @fandomkitty8 @dast218 @silvergold-swirl @shizukiryuu . @my-name-is-michell @kurogaya913 @elspethshadow @thecatnipmademedoit @shamefullove @ladylucina28 @crazylittlemunchkin @rayray384 @cassiejaydee @yuulxd @ladysblackcat @naclychilli @caffeinetheory
They had meant to go the arcade for their date tonight. In fact, they'd even walked in and started scoping out games to play, but alas it wasn't to be.
Within moments of arriving, who else but Damian would single Mari out and immediately tell them to leave.
And of course she protested. In response, Damian only pointed at Jon over at the pacman machine (how dare he, that's the game Marinette was searching for!) and mentioned his lack of ability to keep secrets and suddenly she turned and dragged Tim right back out the door.
Walking down the sidewalk, he side eyed her, considering the best way to start his interrogation.
"So. You trying to keep me secret then?"
"No! Of course not. Just might've forgotten to mention something like… over a month ago."
"And it involves not letting Jon know we were there?"
"Only because he's a nark who would've ruined the fun. And heaven knows Damian and I wouldn't be satisfied with a void bet."
"You made a bet about our relationship with Damian?"
"About your family," she partially corrected.
"Do I even want to know."
"Was supposed to tell you a bit ago so you wouldn't ruin the stakes, so probably not, but im telling you anyways."
Sighing with false exasperation, he gestured for her to continue.
"We have an ongoing bet over how long it'll take everyone to figure out that you and I are together and not Dami and me."
With that, she relayed all the details of their bet and his part in it, manic grin spread across her face as her gait gained a small skip to it. Tim couldn't help but shake his head at her antics, amused despite an itch in the back of his mind saying this wouldn't end well.
"Alright, I'll play along. Honestly, I think you'll both lose. Your predictions are too specific. Too many potential outlying factors."
"True, but we did give set time frames. So at least one part of the bet will absolutely be clear on who won. Plus, I find victory in the fact that Damian didn't think of that possibility. That we'd both be wrong."
"On another note, we need to find a plan b. Anything in mind?" He asked, reaching out and snagging her hand to draw her closer. 
Shrugging, she looked about them, seeing if anything caught the eye. Suddenly Tim stopped, accidentally yanking her back when she kept walking. She let out a sound of protest only to see his eyes locked on the building across the way with a considering look. 
The building was gray brick with no windows, however a neon purple sign to the right of the black wood door declared it "The Underground", a well known club amongst Gotham dancers and while neither were necessarily that, word had gotten around enough for both to have heard of the place before from word of mouth.
"How do you feel about checking it out?" Tim asked, a curious look about his eyes, studying her.
"I'm not opposed to the idea. Little surprised you're interested though," she commented, letting him lead the way inside.
A quick ID check and they were in, the room dark with neon tube lights flashing across different surfaces and strategic spotlights placed to bring attention to the various raised platforms. It was strange actually. The wall directly to the left of the hall they entered from held the bar on a raised level only to slide into a ground level dance floor which was normal enough, however in the opposite corner was a raised platform where different people would hop up to take advantage of the spacing to show off both freestyle and blatantly choreographed moves. Another few spotlight platforms raised up randomly in the floor, but the main focus was a rather large circular one in the center of the place, raised just enough to make it easy to see from anywhere in the place, but not so high as to block the view across the way. These places were the most lit up, allowing the anonymity to the dancers below while allotting the attention to those who choose to step up. Beyond that, there were many crevices and alcoves holding tables into the walls and a small hallway across the way presumably heading to the bathrooms. An upper balcony held only the DJ.
While Mari took in her surroundings, she felt Tim lead her out into the crowds, before turning back to her with a questioning look. Leaning in she spoke into his ear, a spark gleaning her eyes, "You've been before, haven't you?"
"A few times. It's the perfect place to destress without the nonsense of keeping an image. As long as you stay in the crowd, no one cares who you are," he replied, spinning her around before stepping in so her back pressed to his chest.  His hands ghosted down her sides to grasp her hips, starting to guide her into the beat.
For a while, they stayed like that, separating slightly and coming back together to follow different dances as the music flowed and changed around them. Turns out Tim was a surprisingly good dancer. 
Cheers broke out as a new song turned over, the first beats of Bum Bum Tam Tam coming over the speakers drawing attention towards the main platform as a pair jumped up, starting to get into the beat, working around each other only to burst into perfectly synced choreography at the first breakdown, resulting in more cheers. The two dancers would break away after that into a more freestyle, only to flow back into more rehearsed moves once more.
"Wait is that," she trailed off to a groan pressed to her shoulder.
"Yeah. That's them. Didn't know they came here."
As the song came to an end and the two on the platform jumped down, they could only stare as none other than Dick and Kori unknowingly made their way towards them. Tim pulled back from Mari subconsciously, not quite comfortable being so fully on display in front of people who actually knew them. Which made exactly zero sense when considering how much they cuddled in the manor. 
Finally the two spotted them, their grins widening and a new energy emerging as they rushed over. 
"Timothy! Starshine! You guys are here!" Came Kori's exuberant greeting, grabbing them both up in a hug.
"Hey, Mar, Damian not like dancing enough? Had to drag Timmy out?" Dick teased.
"Dami's at the arcade with Jon. And actually, coming here was Tim's idea," she answered amicably, conforming to the rules of the bet and not correcting Dick's obvious assumptions. "That was amazing by the way. You two looked great up there!"
Tim smirked down at her, seeing through her antics, especially now that she'd let him in on the rules of her game. Doesn't mean he couldn't play into it himself, he thought as he wrapped an arm around her waist and placed his chin atop her head.
"She's a great dance partner," Tim mentioned after both Kori and Dick had thanked and waved off Mari's compliments. "Considering learning something more structured with her, myself. Maybe give you two a run for your money."
"You definitely should! I can help with figuring out a style for you two if you'd like!" Kori offered immediately as Marinette turned to look at him in excitement.
"She has to agree first. Who knows, maybe this was a fluke and Mari will never dance with me again," he sighed in defeat.
Marinette turned, practically bouncing in anticipation, "Are you kidding? I'd love to! I want to come here again too."
"Even if you don't take my help with the dancing, I can record you two so you can look back and see for any needed improvements? That's what Richard and I do," Kori further offered up, Dick jumping back in right after.
"Oh yeah, it helps immensely. Especially if you were wanting to perform it on the platforms here."
Tim and Mari met eyes, before coming to an agreement, "Yeah, we'd appreciate that actually."
"Great! We'll set up some time here soon. In the meantime, I could definitely use a drink," Dick stated, looking back towards where he'd originally been headed. Kori grabbed onto Marinette instead, leading her back into the fray of dancers.
"We should invite Stephanie next. She would make a most interesting dance partner," Kori rattled on, suggesting a girls night that Mari agreed to immediately before getting back into the music with her new dance partner of the moment, Tim and Dick rejoining them shortly after. 
The night continued on this way, the four trading off between them, two not aware that it'd become a double date by this point. Eventually parting ways from the two, Tim and Mari made their way back towards his apartment, breathless and happy despite the unexpected interruptions to their night.
"How come we never end up at your place?" He asked suddenly.
"Because my apartment has become workzone number 2. Seriously, the place has essentially become a studio for my work that just so happens to have a kitchen and bedroom. Among other secrets not meant to be divulged… yet."
"Is that pertaining to the mystery of your magic."
"Mmm, whenever you're ready, I'll be happy to keep them for you. Though I can't imagine anything bigger than holding two technical gods in your pockets at all times."
"Shhh, don't let them hear you say that!"
He only chuckled, leading her into the complex and up to his penthouse. Silence overtaking them until the door had clicked shut.
"You staying the night, sweetheart?" Tim asked, toeing off his shoes and walking towards his room to get changed.
"Mm, think I might," she replied, following him in and stealing a shirt before wandering into the bathroom to get first dibs on a shower. She still found it lucky that while he might be the shortest of his brothers, she was still small enough to be buried in his clothes. Made it easier for night like these.
Finishing up, she plopped herself on his bad as he went to shower as well. 
Eventually, the door reopened, Tim entering in only pajama bottoms, hair still damp and in his face. She hummed her appreciation, enjoying the view and reaching out to tug him closer.
"Is it weird how comfortable we've become in so little time?" 
"Only if you're uncomfortable with it."
"I'm not."
With the affirmation, he picked her up only to lay her out further up the bed. Stretching out at her side, he pressed kisses to her cheek and down her neck, hand trailing against exposed skin, clearly enjoying having her in his home, in his bed, in his shirt.
'Hmm, what were two raging insomniacs to do with the rest of their night?'
Not a week later, after a long discussion with Damian to ensure that Kori was not included in the bet and swearing the alien to secrecy, they asked her to film something for them. A dance they had come with that was just for them. Not anything that could be performed in a club or for anyone to see. Maybe one day they'd post it somewhere or show Dick, but for now, it was theirs alone.
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
I've been on Tumblr ten months now, and this blog has existed for nine of them. During that time I have noticed something.
The majority of the posts I've come across have been by and for the S&M scene, as is to be expected.
The second-most frequent are Indigo League, which I don't think is bad going considering it was broadcast before most Tumblerries were born.
Third-most popular I would say is Sinnoh, probably for being the introduction for many here.
After that I've seen bits on Johto, a smattering of Orange League (unsurprising given it's briefness) and maybe a single item on Hoenn.
No one likes that then? Is it Max? Go on, it is.
What I find odd is that, in all that period, I haven't seen anything on Unova or Kalos. No fan art, no screen shots, nothing.
I'm sure someone can point to a bounty of pieces I've overlooked, all done within the last year, but if so, they're well-hidden, as none of the people I follow have shown any interest in re-blogging them.
If you have done any, you must admit the amount has depleted considerably.
Why is this? Is it of no interest anymore?
This in itself validates my own opinion. Had I been here when Unova and Kalos were broadcast, I presume over half of the posts I'd see would've been devoted to them. If I then spoke harshly of either, that would not have been well-received.
However, if dropped, both by the audience and writers as soon as the latest generation arrives, wasn't I right to not be impressed?
If cast aside by those who claimed to worship them, were they really of any worth at all?
Well the same fate has now befallen Alola. I make no secret of how much I despise it, and can not grasp its appeal for anyone.
I don't know how Pokémon even has a fanbase anymore, given that it's ugly, boring and repetitive.
Prior to the arrival of the S.S., I suspected that Alola material would drop, vanishing altogether once a year's worth came to a close, and so it has proved to be.
It's gone from making up roughly 60% - 70% of dashboard posts to about 10% - 20%, in only a few months. Is it that bad then?
It can't be explained as excitement for the new, not with the amount of coverage Kanto gets, and even that isn't motivated by reminiscence, given the average age of the current viewer.
Why are you still posting about something that old? It reminds me of my wasted youth, but what's your excuse?
Why, when the writers want to wallow in nostalgia, do they hark back to Kanto, which no modern fan can remember?
Is no one looking with misty-eyed fondness at Iris and Cilan? Why not?
Or is that an admission that it was so appallingly bad even the writers recognised it, that's why it's been so hastily forgotten?
You could watch Pokémon from the beginning to the close Sinnoh, skip the next two eras, starting again with Alola, and you would never know there'd been a between.
Unova is described as a 'soft reset', with regards to its inverted nature. The arrogance of those writers is staggering:
• Trying to erase all that'd gone before, supplanted by their half-arsed efforts.
• Redesigning everyone with Fish Eye and flat profiles.
• Resetting Ash as not even knowing the basics.
• Warping Team Rocket's established personalities into disgusting, soulless lizard people robbed of all charm and charisma.
• Only new Pokémon existing.
• Catches kept with Juniper not Professor Oak etc.
The irony is that Unova Pokémon are copies of the first 151, so whilst deliberately ignoring the past, they can't resist imitating it, thanks to their own woeful inadequacy. I suppose they hoped if they didn't notice, we wouldn't either.
They then undermined their own decision by stuffing everything available into the third run, as a blatant effort to win back the crowd, including:
• Reverting to Team Rocket's actual motto, not that embarrassingly pretentious codswallop.
Too bloody lazy to make it rhyme now!
Notice they opted not for the Sinnoh one, although more recent. It was straight back to the beginning.
• Look at these hundreds of Pokémon we suddenly remembered!
Just before Giovanni's mid-life crisis, Ash spotted a Rattata, but it having been so isolated from the outside world, his brain fell to mush at the concept, and pronounced it 'retarda'.
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Idiots are so easy to please!
• Charizard! Genwunners love Charizard! Give 'em Charizard and they'll forget everything else we've done! Let's condense his entire story arc into one episode of meaningless retelling!
So, Charizard was there to bait the first wave, and yet we had the plot we know repeated to us anyway?
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Don't refer to the past and everyone will think it's brand-new!
It makes no sense. How could this be done with the hope of drawing in old fans, and yet filling up an episode with it as plotline isn't an issue, when the intended targets know it's been done before?
• Butterfree! Genwunners loved Butterfree leaving! Let's condense his entire story arc into one episode of meaningless rehash!
Why would they remain when finding the same thing again, absent of feeling and subtlety, not to mention upon discovering the damage done elsewhere?
Recent incomers, who might assume it's a fresh idea, have no emotional connection with Butterfree, so who is it meant to please?
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Why is Mewtwo a woman?
• Mewtwo! Genwunners love Mewtwo! Let's copy its background for Genesect rather than be creative! Look, it's Mewtwo! Watch it!!!
Erm... It's not the same Mewtwo...
It's not the same Mewtwo?
You believe the way to an original fan's heart is to lie to them, and in the process smash a fundamental principle of canon that there can only be one Mewtwo?
The writers get a deserved excoriation round these parts, because someone has to, as what part of that film suggested the current crop give the tiniest toss about what matters to you and me?
I'm glad Unova is labelled 'the Dork Age' as every series since its dawn has been atrocious.
Hoenn and Sinnoh held massive flaws, but they're masterpieces compared to what followed. At least they felt like Pokémon, albeit a watery interpretation.
Unova has to be truly lowly for the dunces responsible to recognise it, and neither Kalos or Alola have been as cut off from their predecessors.
I don't believe that's a sign of contrition, more a matter of necessity. Thanks to the same personal limitations there just weren't enough new Pokémon in either era to make such insularity possible. Even between the two it'd be a scrape.
Except whilst previously invented Pokémon designs may be involved, there's no sign of actual familiar characters.
Ash took his original team to Johto, and even in Hoenn and Sinnoh, where local catches took precedent, older Pokémon were still referenced and came back for the League, but that stopped with Unova.
It's evil influence strikes again!
Despite flimsy nods to the past, which can't be avoided, each generation is now a world unto itself, to the point that individual episodes live by their own canon, a feeble web of strands unrelated to anything else.
Why is it considered 'retro' enough to say, have Forms of Kanto Pokémon, for which we're expected to be so grateful, when there's no mention of Ash's earlier squad?
Remember Tauros? And Kingler? And Muk?
Remember Bayleef? And Noctowl? And Heracross?
Remember Corphish? And Torkoal? And Swellow?
Remember Buizel? And Gible? And Torterra?
They don't. As far as I can tell none of them exist anymore, and maybe aren't meant to ever have done.
Same as Gary, Cassidy and Butch, Jessibelle, Tracey, and so on. Until they do, and don't again. Whatever is convenient to today's storyline.
My typical attitude is that the first series is the best thing ever, and it's all been downhill from there, with Unova and all that came after reaching incredible depths of tedium. I don't suppose you like that, but the ephemeral tendencies displayed on Tumblr hardly help change my opinion.
At some low ebb I'll get round to watching Galar, which I'm confident I'll hate as much as the last few generations, based on what I've already seen and heard.
There's little point doing otherwise. Why bother getting involved with the 'plot' or characters if, when it's over, they'll never be spoken of again?
What incentive is there for me to even force myself to like Galar when, once the ninth generation (Pokémon Keenan and Kel) emerges on the distant horizon, those who've sung its praises for three or four years and scoffed at criticism, will drop it without a backwards glance?
Yet talk about the Indigo League is ever present, somewhat proving its superiority. Attachment to it is a subconscious acknowledgement of the dearth of quality in the modern mentality, but which no one can bring themselves to admit.
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