#soon mine will be the majority
“Yes.” | “Kneel.” | Best of Three | Correspondence | Appraisal | Collapse | Cupcake | Foggy | Cracking | Just Breathe | Urge | Trim | Stupid | Upkeep | Old Defeat
Stupid fucking blinds. They won’t pull down right. Major yanks on the cord, pulling sharply to the left. The small plastic piece above won’t lock, and the blinds just come straight down, too low, then not low enough. Sunlight peeks through the wide cracks and Major growls at it, jerking the cord again. The third time that they fall into place and then a few inches too far down again, he lets go entirely. The sound of the stupid mechanism creaking in complaint satisfies him enough to stroll away. If it’s gonna stay too damn bright in here, he’ll just go someplace else.
Out of his room, brushing grumpily past the door and into the hallway. With no shoes on, the carpet squishes softly beneath his socks. Pisses him off for some reason. Maybe the living room will be empty and quiet, and he can chill in there.
A detour into the kitchen and he scores a beer from the fridge. Cracks it open with the bottle opener left out on the counter for him. Just using the thing sets him checking over his shoulder, eyeing the window over the sink. Simon would be glad that he’s comfortable going into the fridge, that the bottle opener is being used. He wouldn’t make any kind of comment about it or get handsy, he’s not too creepy. It’s just… Major doesn’t want to be caught looking all domesticated.
Just thinking about Simon has him rethinking his living room plan. Sucks that he can’t go outside. Major taps a chewed-too-short nail against the glass. His room is stuffy from how much time he spends holed up in there. The window doesn’t open, so it kind of stinks.
The soft wisps of hair that are growing long enough to tickle his shoulders get an angry brush from his hand. God, he wants to sit on the floor and let his boyfriends bleach the fuck out of this hair, fry the fucking curls out of it.
The window gets another sidelong glare as Major props an elbow on the counter. The guys who first took him, they were freaky. Scary with the killing and all. But he hasn’t seen Simon kill, yet, has only heard about it. Hasn’t even been beaten in a fit of rage or anything. It’s been months, and he’s just been stressed about danger, he hasn’t seen it.
Realization dawns on him, sharp and hard, like a punch to the gut. He should’ve run by now. Should’ve tried to find a way to sneak out. Or just kicked Simon in the nuts and run like hell. Why couldn’t he make it? Why hasn’t he tried? What got pinged in him to keep him so fucking good and quiet, here?
The beer clinks heavily on the counter as he shoves it away. There’s a window in here, two or three of them in the living room, there’s the front door, the back door… Simon locks them, but Major can just unlock them. It won’t even be hard. Is he fucking stupid? Why hasn’t he done it yet? Simon doesn’t even carry a gun. How would the fucker stop him?
Pulse pounding in his ears, Major checks his pockets. Nothing useful. He should grab a… there’s no knifeblock, but he knows which drawer the silverware’s in. Yanks it open, finds a decently sharp knife. Small, easy to stab with.
The carpet in the hall is good. Keeps him quiet. Major’s head whips around but there’s no sign of Simon. Must be sleeping in, or out somewhere. The hall window, there, that’s good enough. The front and back doors feel too risky, Simon could be standing just outside of them, could have cameras on them or something. The windows, they’re sneakier.
The window unlatches and slides up easily enough. He has to dig his fingertips into the screen to push it up, without useful nails to get into the gap at the bottom, but that’s out of his way in under a minute. Major clambers up, one knee on the sill already, hands grasping around the dusty ledge. It’s the first floor, the ground is right out there, easy to step out onto. It’s the darker side of the house, more dirt than grass, half-hidden by the fence and some trees. He can make it. This is so easy, how did he never think it was safe enough?
One leg out, digging into the dirt, ready to shift his weight the rest of the way out. The fresh air is hitting his leg where his jeans have ridden up, and Major wants to drink it. It’s cool with the setting sun, smells like rain is coming. Fuck, he wants to run until his lungs feel full of razor blades, then flop down on some grass and drink from a fucking lake or something. No, he wants to steal a car and drive as fast as it goes with the windows down. He wants to kill someone, he wants to fuck, he wants to rob a store and feel cash in his hands. So much shit he hasn’t been able to do, shit he’s been scared to do.
A door opens somewhere inside the house. Major’s throat closes up, his stomach dropped so hard he thinks he might puke.
“Oh. Cupcake. We’re doing this today?” There’s a soft sound, like someone blowing a dart of air from their lips. Ice in his right calf, the one still inside the hallway - Major tenses, urging himself to climb out and just run. But something is wrong, he knows it. There is danger in how calm Simon sounds. There’s another air-soft sound, and an impact jolts him, this time, from the focal point of the back of his knee. That one hurts, unlike the odd numbness of the first to his calf.
His hesitation held him in place long enough that Simon’s reached him, and now he’s being pulled back inside, the window pulled closed. Major crumples onto the carpet, feeling distant from himself as he wraps hands around his leg. Hot, oozing blood slicks his fingers. In Simon’s hand hangs a gun, oddly long. That’s a silencer on it, Major registers, as it is pointed at him. He flinches, arms jerking to cover his head, as if that would do anything to protect it.
The impact of the third quiet shot hits him in the core, this time, at his stomach. It just feels like a punch, but already panicked from seeing his own blood, Major presses a hand to the fresh wound. Blood is rushing up against his hand, and the healing magic glows before he even decides consciously to use it. It only takes a second for the burning agony of mending to start, but by then, the muzzle is pressed to his sternum. Head thunking back against the floor, Major sucks down air in jagged stops and starts, blinking up at the man crouching down over him.
Simon doesn’t even look angry. His hair is down from its usual bun, his updo abandoned in his instinctive reach for his weapon. Apparently, Simon does carry a gun on him.
“No healing,” Simon instructs, watching for disobedience. Major gasps around the effort of stopping his instinctive magic, and the stomach wound starts bleeding again, barely contained by his sprawled fingers. “Not this time. This is a shame, Cupcake. Why today? What made you try to leave right now?”
He shakes his head, dizzy. Soft brown hair is in his eyes and Major doesn’t have the extra attention to bother brushing it away. He’s gotta look stupid, not even talking back. He’s got no angry, defensive speech ready. No cocky swearing that he’s fine dying, as long as he gets to be done with this place. “I… don’t, f-fuck, I don’t…” His lashes flutter with a flinch as the gun tilts up to point at his head, briefly, when profanity falls from his lips. “My bad. I - it was random.” His stomach feels hot, and numb, and the pain is so deep, he worries too much shit got torn up by that bullet. “Don’t gotta kill me, I don’t - I don’t, wait, wait!” The muzzle is trailing up his chest, all the way to his head. Major’s breaths come choppy and rapid as it settles between his eyes. “I don’t, I don’t know why, I don’t know why today. I got relaxed, and - won’t happen again. I fucked up, I - I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
The gun clicks, cocked now. Major’s eyes fly shut of their own accord. He’s had a gun on him before, been shot before. Been in worse pain than this. Never thought he’d go out begging, that’s for damn sure. Sucks that he can’t work up the nerve to say something bitchy right now, get the last word in.
“The place that sold you, they warned me not to give second chances,” Simon informs almost somberly. “Get a free replacement if you try to escape, or fight back too hard. You did well without second chances, there, you learned fast. I wonder where I went wrong.”
It was too easy, Major thinks. Too relaxed. He started to forget the danger. He can’t say that, if he wants things to stay relaxed. If there’s even a chance of surviving this. “‘m sorry,” He rasps again, trying and failing to keep pressure on his wound. “Simon. S-, fffh… ‘f you, if you call it in, t’ get another one… take a while.”
The gun to his head shifts a little as Simon adjusts to sit on his haunches. “Yeah, it could take a while.”
He’d nod if he could. As it is, Major just grunts. “Take a week, or… or more, and the - you need it.” This is more Quinn’s thing, trying to bargain, to make a good argument. But he’s gotta try, even if he’s shitty at it. “The sessions. Y’need… y’say no one’s been like me. So just, I dunno, just lock me up in there, or, or do ‘em more, more sessions, if - if you gotta. Just keep me. Please.” It’s nails in his skin, to say it. To beg. It’s ice on his teeth, it’s fire on his skin. But his brain could get splattered so easily right now. With a shaky breath, Major opens his eyes to find that Simon is staring right down at him, thinking. “You need it. You need it.”
Simon taps a finger thoughtfully against the side of the gun. Major flinches with each tiny movement of the barrel. “I shouldn’t give you a second chance,” He argues, sounding less convicted this time.
There are stupid fucking tears in Major’s eyes. It’s the pain, he tells himself. The pain in his gut, that’s all. “I was stupid,” He croaks, about trying to climb out the window. About trying to leave at all. He knew, he should’ve known. Simon doesn’t lock everything down because he doesn’t have to. “I won’t heal, I won’t - won’t heal these, and if I die, then - I deserve it.”
Something furrows Simon’s brow just slightly. He frowns, finally lifting the gun away and tucking it into the back of his pants. He pats Major’s shoulder, unbothered by how Major twitches in fear at the hand lifted above him. “You won’t die like that. Come on, get up, get back to your room. Maybe trying to crawl back will suck enough that you’ll remember not to try that again. And if you still manage to forget…”
Major is already trying to get onto his hands and knees, shivering with the effort it takes to tense any muscles that worsen the throbbing at his stomach. The gun taps pointedly on his spine, and he gets moving despite the insistent feeling in his muscles that he can’t do this. Somehow, he manages to start dragging himself forward. The dark droplets of blood staining the carpet below him are weirdly mesmerizing.
“If you forget, easy enough to put you down.”
taglist: @morning-star-whump , @lthrboy, @apokolyps, @paperprinxe , @vampiresprite, @wollemi-whump,
@watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees , @whumps-and-bumps , @defire
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falsehound · 8 months
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i like it when dogs are a little blonde like this who did your highlights little man
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dawnthefluffyduck · 2 months
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Last drawing of my summer class, we were only given an hour but I think I made good progress (this was a test of sorts)
This will be the last time I'm studying under this professor, so I'd like to share his art page (I think it's neat to see how his approach to art has influenced my own)
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
I fucking hate this discord change and surely they know everyone hates it. It’s so frustrating. Stop trying to be like other apps. We don’t want other apps!! Whats next, discord stories? STFU
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cyanocoraxx · 5 months
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major & jumpstart! 💥both are scolopendra morsitans, first is "dragon head" variant and second is "blood red" variant, these guys are from the same region of south africa.
major is named after my major fault on the driving test i had the day i got him and jumpstart is named after the new nailgun variant in ultrak1ll + how jumpy he is <3
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uygfiug · 28 days
ive been feeling very alive? these past few days
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pinemelon08 · 2 months
thinking about making my own Undertale AU :] Might post something regarding the Sans of that universe sooonnn
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confinesofmy · 3 months
woohoo! not only did my laptop come back to life one last time, i looked it up and i did buy a policy and it is still within that policy!! if i play my cards right this could be big. 🥳
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designernishiki · 1 year
nishiki 12, 29?? 👀 i want to create chaos -squishy
sorry this was so late aghsdhahdh I always write too much and then have to whittle things down a bit so my thoughts are comprehensible
12. sexuality hc?
wellll I can pretty easily accept either gay or bi, but the way I interpret some of his actions/history/behavior/etc makes my personal view of him lean more towards gay than anything.
he’s never really shown real interest/attraction to women beyond using them as status symbols, and the whole thing with yumi made no sense (for him and kiryu both- you know my opinion on that plotpoint by now) and if I had to explain it rather than ignore it I’d have to say it was a weird half-assed excuse he came up with to explain some of his actions instead of addressing his actual issues at first.
but yeah I mean come on. have you SEEN reina. she’s cool and ridiculously pretty and goes above and beyond to care for him and others in general and etc etc etc, she was interested for YEARS and he never reciprocated At All. to me the Easiest explanation for that, whether he was aware of it or not (probably not), is just. him not really being into women. and possibly (at least at first) respecting reina enough to not fake her out and treat her like the girls that he had hang around him at the bars to look good to his superiors. in fact I think if he were to open up about all this to anyone it would be her (drunk, crying).
idk, a lot about him just sort of makes sense when you consider him to be gay and very repressed. boy’s got identity issues off the SHITS already, so it ties into that quite naturally.
29. how do you think they would be as a parent?
I think it depends on where he is in his recovery (mentally and physically) and the circumstances leading to that parenthood. similar to kiryu, I think he’d connect with orphans well and empathize with them strongly for obvious reasons. if he were to spend time in okinawa, perhaps to help him recover after The Incident, he’d be pretty closed off and prickly with everyone, kids included, at first– but honestly I think they’d help alot to get him to open up, regain trust, and enjoy life again. I don’t think he’d want to do it alone, or trust himself to, but he could end up fitting in pretty naturally as a guardian to them, and on the flip side, he’d benefit from having genuine care and lack of judgment through a tough recovery.
(I think he’d become quickly attached to riona above all else due to them sharing some feelings about their burn scars and how they look, and survivors guilt surrounding their parents)
#nishiki#asks#rambling#this was my only ask from this ask game and I was still ridiculously late agdhdshshshdhd#sorry squishy it’s not u it’s me………..#I have a LOT of thoughts about that situation of nishiki at morning glory during recovery and all that….a lot of thoughts#I mean shit having to cope with the burns is one thing but getting used to an entire limb missing potentially??? that’s a MAJOR lifestyle#change that everyone would end up helping with at least a little I think#I can just imagine him going to help the kids play baseball on the beach and realizing as soon as he picks up a bat that he doesn’t have#two hands to swing with anymore and that just sorta. breaking him#it’s reminding me of an oc of mine who lost an arm in a train/car collision and afterwards when he was having to return to everyday life#(especially before getting a prosthetic) he goes and tries to cook for his fiancé before he gets home and his fiancé ends up coming home to#find him on the floor on his knees in the kitchen with some stuff knocked over on the ground that he presumably tried to pull from the#cabinet and hold with his arm that isn’t there or something along those lines and he’s just. sobbing.#his fiancé ends up helping him out and holding things for him and all that but yeah point is I feel like nishiki would have alot of these#kinds of moments but Worse and More Often and more regarding his appearance than anything else#cause we know this boy’s already got some major self image issues#it’s very sweet to think about how he’d bond with riona and how she’d help him open up a bit more and come to terms with his physical state#long post
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swordart0nline · 2 years
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bassia-bassensis · 2 years
Listen man
I believe that architecture is what's best for me, I have always had interest in design specifically Interior and the skills that are required in architecture are skills that have always enjoyed (except for public speaking but I accepted that this is something I will never escape from in any major)
But.... Damn....... My current hyperfixation surrounding mechanical engineering is making it look real hot real right now.
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sinestrosmind · 7 months
Ironverse - The Avengers
Summary: The events of The Avengers, but how they happened in Flame's Ironverse.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, Character death, All warnings applicable to The Avengers
Characters: Avengers 1 roster, Flame Copps
Wordcount: 9,183
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       Some weeks after Flame’s meeting with Director Fury, Flame and Tony had met again. She was happy to see him, and the two caught up pretty quick. One thing led to another and Flame ended up back at Tony’s house, and she was finally invited downstairs to the workshop. Seeing the forms of Iron Man shocked her- she was confused. Why was Iron Man seemingly lifeless? Is he okay? And Tony just laughed, and then promptly explained that he is Iron Man. Iron Man is a suit worn by Tony Stark. This still confused Flame, but at the same time she understood it.
       This was where the link between Tony Stark and Iron Man being the same person should’ve been made, but it wasn’t. There was, and will always be, a disconnect between the face of Tony Stark and the face of Iron Man.
       From there, Flame and Tony had grown close. Flame opened up a little about her past, answering Tony’s questions about the scars on her back and the white brandings on her hip. She greatly enjoyed his company, enjoyed speaking with him. Tony Stark became the first human in this universe that she trusted, especially with such personal information about her past. And when Tony decided to surprise Flame with an Iron Cat suit, a new set of literal wings, Flame then knew this human wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. And after the first time flying, she felt something different about him, but she didn’t know what it was yet.
       In the flight tests, the repulsors were hard to learn, but with Tony in his own suit by her side in the air, she enjoyed learning. She enjoyed flying, testing the suits as they evolved, even learning to work on them alongside Tony. After testing with Flame’s first suit, Airborne, Flame pointed out areas that need to be improved upon Tony’s request for feedback. Focus areas are flying just as well with wings alone as she flew with wings and repulsors, as well as quieting the sound a bit.
       Over time, as well, Flame found herself getting more confident, becoming more comfortable with her surroundings and the humans she now regularly interacted with. Especially with Tony guiding her through it. His charismatic and confident personality was pretty contagious.
       The two only made it to completing Airborne II, Flame’s second suit, and starting her third, NoSleep, before chaos struck.
       Flame had been out flying, testing Airborne II and relearning to fly when Agent Coulson had spoken with Tony and Pepper, only being alerted to something up when Jarvis told her to head to Stark Tower. There, Tony filled her in on what’s going on and his feelings about it, and Flame understood. …And then told him Director Fury had also invited her to the Avengers Initiative.
       It was only a little while later they were both on their way to Germany.
       "Agent Romanoff," Tony started, announcing their arrival to the aircraft hovering near by. "Y'miss me?" And then, in typical Tony Stark fashion, the man hijacked the aircraft's PA system to play Shoot to Thrill. Flame would only find this out years after the fact. Should would be upset about it, too. She had a right to know what song was playing while she and Tony beat up a literal god.
       Speaking of said literal god; Tony strikes first as he comes in for a landing, shooting two repulsor blasts at the same time at the new enemy. He stands and aims multiple missiles and one repulsor at the god, taunting him with a simple "Make your move, Reindeer Games."
       Flame follows close behind Tony, mechanical wings of her MK2 tucked close to her body as she dives, shoots a ball of plasma at the god as he stands to challenge Tony, and then promptly tackles him. This starts a fight between the three heroes and the god, though it's very short lived. When the god finally yields, slowly raising his hands and allowing his armor to disappear, the new ally finally greets Tony and Flame.
       On the aircraft, Flame sits silently, the faceplate of her helmet flipped up so she can get a little fresh air. Over the communicator, Flame hears Director Fury speak with Natasha.
       "He saying anything?" Director Fury asks.
       Natasha doesn't hesitate to reply with an honestly tired, in Flame's opinion, "Not a word."
       "Just get him here, we're low on time." Director Fury replies.
       A moment of silence passes after Director Fury had spoken, the new ally, Steve, breaking the silence as he speaks with Tony. "I don't like it," the man said. His voice is hushed, suspicion and unease clear in his tone.
       "What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony asks, his voice just as hushed.
       "I don't remember it being that easy," Steve continues. "This guy packs a wallop."
       "Eh, still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow." And Flame couldn't help but shake her head upon hearing Tony's words. She's come to find it kind of amusing how he finds a way to taunt, poke, and prod at everyone he meets. Flame had tuned Tony's conversation with Steve out, however, not paying attention. And not paying attention when Tony Stark is speaking is by far the worst thing to do.
       Flame had gotten whiplash when she tuned back into the conversation upon hearing the nickname "Cap-cicle" come out of Tony's mouth. She tried to keep from laughing, she honestly did, she swears. But she lost that fight. Flame doubled over, even though she was sitting, as she laughed.
       Tony crouched down next to Flame, an armored hand scratching at what fur he could reach with her faceplate up. "You alright, kittycat?" Tony asks. "Something funny?"
       "I'm sorry- I'm sorry-" Flame managed out, calming her laughter. "That just-" she takes a breath, a couple more soft laughs escaping her as she exhales. "That caught me so off guard."
       "What? Calling Rodgers here a cap-cicle?" and Flame wheezes again, ending up curled up roughly on her side on the floor of the aircraft. "See, that's why you have to pay attention to me when I'm talking!"
       "You two are making fun of me while I'm right here?" Steve asks Tony quietly, honestly offended.
       "Listen, she's been though a lot in her life. Had to be super serious for a long time, never got to freely experience emotions. Give her a break. Let her have a few laughs. Trust me, it's far better than her looking sad all the time." Tony whispers to Steve, and the man sighs.
       The ride from there was fairly calm once Flame had settled down from her little laughing fit. She had eventually closed her helmet and curled up the best she could in her suit. And, she remained like this for a while.
       She only was woken up by a loud crack of thunder, standing abruptly with a startled roar. As Tony walked past her, Flame overheard Loki speak.
       "It seems your cat isn't very fond of lightning either."
       Flame only offered a quiet "Terrified" in response to his statement, right before someone new came in to the aircraft. Flame was too shaken up to respond to the attack immediately, only startling again when Tony was knocked to the floor.
       Tony gave a heavy sigh as he stood up, muttering to himself "Now there's that guy."
       "Another Asgardian?!" Natasha called back, Steve talking after.
       "That guy's a friendly?" Steve asks as he stands and turns back to Tony.
       "Doesn't matter." Tony states firmly. "If he frees Loki or kills him, the tesseract's lost." He says before walking towards the open door.
       "Stark, we need a plan of attack!" Steve calls after Tony, Flame finally getting her bearings as the two talk.
       "I have a plan." Tony says as he pauses and looks back at Steve. "Attack." And with that, Tony leapt out of the aircraft. Flame gives a heavy sigh.
       "We're pressed for time," she reasons. "Not much time to sit and think." And then she, too, follows.
       "Hey, do you mind if I steal that trick of yours from earlier?" Tony asks as they race to catch up to the Asgardians.
       Confused, Flame asks "What trick?"
       And, instead of simply explaining, Tony instead just does. Alongside a simple "This one," and still leaving Flame absolutely confused, even as he body slams the newcomer at full speed.
       When Tony lands after sending the newcomer tumbling onto the ground, Flame lands beside him.
       "Do not touch me again." The stranger growled after he stood.
       "Then don't take my stuff." Tony replied simply as Flame took a more protective stance in front of him, her head low and her tail flicking.
       "You have no idea what you're dealing with." The other says after a moment's pause. And Tony decides to take a quick look around.
       "Uh," he starts. "Shakespear in the park?" Flame gives Tony a confused glance, her tail having stilled. His next words frustrated her to no end;
       "Doth mother know you wear-eth her drapes?"
       "Tony Stark I am going to strangle you." Flame muttered with a shake of her head while glaring at the man in question. Don't get her wrong- it was funny! It was a funny line! She liked it! But also there's a place and a time and this was neither.
       All Flame got in return to her mock threat was a hushed "Careful I might be into that." With a completely straight face, nonetheless.
       Thankfully their foe hadn't heard any of that, or maybe he disregards it, as he continues; "This is beyond you, metal man." The stranger starts. "Loki will face Asgardian justice."
       "He gives up the cube he's all yours." Tony says bluntly, back on topic. Flame's attention is also back on the new Asgardian. "Till then," Tony lowers the faceplate of his helmet, Flame following suit. "Stay out of the way."
       As Tony turned and walked away, he hissed out a quiet "Tourist." Which seemed to upset their foe. Flame was as quick to act as the other, moving to pull Tony’s feet out from under him to avoid him getting hit by the hammer the other just sent absolutely flying above them. She then reprimanded Tony, hissing a “Never turn your back on an enemy after insulting or taunting them!”
       Once their enemy had, shockingly, summoned his hammer back to him, Tony was the first to attack. He struck with a repulsor blast first, and then launched himself to land a solid kick to their foe’s chest. Flame was next to attack, using her wings and her own repulsors to launch herself into the air to gain momentum before diving down and striking their foe with a ball of plasma. She landed solidly on the ground right in front of Tony, wings slightly spread, head low, and stance wide.
       Still, the Asgardian, got up, angry, and summoned his hammer to him. A loud crack of thunder sounded before he raised his hammer to the sky, and Flame rocked back on her paws, crouched lower to the ground. Lightning immediately struck the hammer, and it lasted quite the moment, before the Asgardian lowered the hammer and thrust it towards Tony and Flame, sending a bolt of lightning out towards them.
       They had both been hit, Flame less than Tony, and the distortion in Jarvis’ voice worried her as he read her own power levels of her suit to her.
       "You supercharged too? Tony asked as he got his bearings after being stuck.
       "Yeah, yeah." Flame replied. "You alright?"
       "Yeah-" Tony's answer was quick before he changed the topic. "Hey, you wanna hit this guy with all we got?"
       Flame gave an amused huff as she stood. "Hit em hard, hit em fast." She told Tony. "Let’s make it count."
       "Alright, follow my lead." Tony told Flame, and she listened. They both struck the opposing Asgardian with the same move, a powerful strike with the extra power given to them by the lightning attack from both hand repulsors and the central arc reactor, sending their foe flying farther than he would’ve had Tony or Flame struck him alone.
       Somehow, miraculously, even though the Asgardian was blown through a giant tree, he still stood and lunged. Flame gave a quick “Your move, I’ll follow,” to Tony, which he took, and lunged for their enemy. Tony took the blonde flying, ramming him into multiple trees and into the side of a cliff, before doubling around and blowing through more trees before tumbling to the ground. Flame had followed the best she could at first, but after seeing the path doubling back, she decided to gain momentum and strike from the air again.
       As the Asgardian had drawn his fist back to throw a punch at Tony, Flame had dove in, just barely clearing Tony’s head and full body slamming the Asgardian into the ground. She then reared her head back with her foe pinned under her paws as she spread her wings, opening her mouth to force the jaws of the suit open as she charged a ball of plasma. Though she missed her target, a shield bouncing harshly off the side of her helmet, only preceded immediately by a sharp “Hey!” and causing her to hit a tree instead.
       Flame shakes her head and snarls, lips drawn back to bare teeth that won’t be seen behind a mask as she looks to none other than Steve, an ally. "That’s enough!“ he had barked, making Flame lash her tail in anger and annoyance at the human.
       He leapt down from the broken tree he was perched upon, staring the Asgardian down as Flame backed off and he stood. Behind her, she heard the quiet, quick whirs of mechanics on Tony’s suit moving. She didn’t care what it was at the moment, her attention and anger currently directed at Steve.
       “Now I don’t know what you plan on doing here,” Steve had started, his tone dangerous. It put Flame on edge, unsure around this new human. She'd only just met him, and she knows nothing about him.
       The Asgardian quickly had replied, angered; “I’ve come here to put an end to Loki’s schemes!”
       “Then prove it,” Steve challenged. “Put that hammer down.”
       Flame and Tony both had the same immediate reaction; panic. They talked over each other as they tried to warn Steve that, no, this was a bad idea. Very bad idea. Very very bad idea. This guy loves his-
       Tony and Flame both were cut off with their warnings when the Asgardian struck Tony with the hammer. This restarted the fight, and Flame moved quick. She first went to stabilize Tony, leaping to catch him and using the wings of her suit as they tumbled to the ground. Tony had quickly rolled off Flame’s wing, allowing her to quickly get up and rush into battle.
       Though, maybe she should’ve stayed laying down on the ground, as just as she leapt at the Asgardian, his hammer struck Steve’s shield and a massive shockwave sent everyone flying backwards. Except, for the most part, Tony, as he was on the ground already.
       The four slowly stand one by one, dazed, one asking; “Are we done here?“
       It was actually peaceful, surprisingly, aboard the helicarrier. As was the trip to the aircraft. Out of comfort, Flame preferred to stick by Tony’s side, learning as he spoke with the members aboard, and sometimes speaking to them herself.
       She joined Tony and Agent Coulson, the strange human she’d seen before in Tony’s house, to meet with Natasha, Steve, the Asgardian Thor, and a new human, Bruce Banner.
       Upon entry of the room, Flame had overheard the human she assumed to be Bruce talking about Iridium.
       "Iridium; what do they need the iridium for?" The man asked.
       "It's a stabilizing agent." Tony tells the room, before turning to Agent Coulson beside him and continuing on a previous conversation about a vacation.
       When Tony and Agent Coulson parted, Flame decided to take a seat next to the table everyone was sitting at, eyes locked on Tony as he spoke.
       "Means; portal won't collapse on itself like it did at SHIELD." Tony explained, and as he passed by Thor he decided to, again, mess with the man. "No hard feelings Pointbreak," he started. "You got a mean swing."
       "Also; means the portal can open as wide, and stay as open as long, as Loki wants." Tony continued on explaining as he stood in the center of some computer screens. He then started mumbling commands, the meanings of which were lost upon Flame. It earned him some weird looks. In Flame's opinion, to distract, Tony pointed out someone immediately, playing something called "Galaga."
       "Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did."
       "What's Galaga?" Flame leaned and whispered to Natasha, curious.
       "It's just a game, don't worry about it." Natasha explained and then dismissed.
       Meanwhile, Tony was still sidetracked at the screens, covering one eye in confusion. "How does Fury even see these?" Tony then asks, turning to another SHIELD agent while pointing at some screens that would be in Director Fury's blind spot.
       "He turns." The woman responds, deadpan, without missing a beat.
       "Sounds exhausting." Tony says before beginning to mess with the monitors, back on topic.
       "The rest of the raw materials Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. The only major component he still needs is a power source of high-energy density." Tony continues to explain as he wanders around a little. "Something to kickstart the cube."
       "When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" The SHIELD agent asks.
       Tony's reply is simple and quick; "Last night." As if it were common place. But, he clarifies. "The packet, Selvig's notes, the extraction theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading?"
       "Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?" Steve cuts Tony off to ask.
       Bruce steps in and speaks next; "He'd have to heat the cube to 120-million kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier."
       "Unless Selvig figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect." Tony adds in.
       "Well, if he could do that, he could achieve heavy ion fusion at any reactor on the planet." Bruce points out.
       "Finally, someone who speaks English." Tony said as he held a hand out to gesture to Bruce.
       "Is that what just happened?" Steve asks, and Flame shrugs as Tony greets Bruce.
       "Doctor Banner is only here to track the cube." Director Fury says as he enters the room. "I was hoping you might join him."
       Flame stands up, weary, upon hearing what Director Fury says, ears tilted back. "I'm gonna go for a walk." She tells the humans in the room, before turning and heading towards the exit of the area. She doesn't hear the small conversation about her leaving.
       Flame next encountered Bruce when she was called in to the lab he and Tony were in, Director Fury already being present as she enters with Natasha and Thor.
       "The world hasn't changed a bit." Flame hears Steve say as she enters. Flame immediately heads to Tony's side, feeling that is the safest place in the room.
       "Why do I need to be here?" Flame asked Tony, still on edge from earlier.
       "Did you know about this?" Bruce asks Natasha, gesturing with his glasses to the screen beside Tony.
       "You want to think about removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?" Natasha asks Bruce in return. Flame shifts closer to Tony, eyes locked on Bruce.
       "I do." Flame whispers to Tony. "I don't want to be in this room with him here."
       "I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed." Bruce tells Natasha.
       "Don't worry, I poked him with a stick earlier, you're safe." Tony reassures Flame, and the feline gets frustrated.
       Natasha approaches Bruce, tone dangerous as she speaks. "Loki is manipulating you."
       "And you've been doing what, exactly?" Flame watches the two humans closely, though her eyes are locked on Bruce.
       Flame shifts closer to Tony again, slowly putting him between her and Bruce. "I don't feel safe."
       "You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you." Natasha pries.
       "Yes and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy." Bruce grabs the edge of a near by screen, pointing with his glasses as he shifts the topic. "I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction."
       "Flame, trust me, you're fine." Tony reassures Flame again in a hushed voice. "Banner's clear across the room and I'm right here, he's not gonna hurt you."
       There's a tense moment of silence before Director Fury speaks, raising a hand to point at Thor. "Because of him."
       Confused, hesitant, Thor asks; "Me?"
       "Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned.” Director Fury explained.
       "My people want nothing but peace with your planet." Thor defends.
       "But you're not the only people out there, are you?" Director Fury asks. "And, you're not the only threat."
       Flame lowered her head, of which Tony noticed. He brought attention to it in his own way, with a “Hey kitty, what’s up with you now? Why the averted gaze? Somethin’ you’re not tellin’ us?” And, Flame took a deep inhale at that, before she raised her head and sighed.
       “Director Fury is right,” she started, earning a nod from the mentioned human and confused and concerned looks from the others around. “There are others out there, not just beyond this world, and not just beyond Thor’s world.”
       Director Fury nods and gestures to Flame with a hand. "See?" he asks. "The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, that can't be controlled."
       "Like you controlled the cube?" Steve taunts.
       Thor steps forward towards Director Fury as he speaks, tone dangerous. "Your work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is a signal to all the realms that the Earth is ready for a higher form of war."
       "A higher form?" Steve questions curiously.
       "You forced our hand." Director Fury defends. "We had to come up with som-"
       "A nuclear deterrent." Tony interrupts, hands casually in his pockets. "Because that always calms everything right down."
       "Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?" Fury counters.
       "I'm sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck deep..." Steve sides with Director Fury as he approaches.
       "Waitwait hold on. How is this now about me?" Tony asks as he approaches Steve, his head tilted slightly.
       "I'm sorry, isn't everything?" Steve offered, taunting.
       "I thought humans were more evolved than this." Thor tells Director Fury, the man in question promptly walking forward to gain distance.
       "Excuse me," Director Fury starts. "Did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?"
       "You treat your champions with such mistrust." Thor counters. And here Flame enters the argument, agitated. Here, the argument picks up, everyone in the room talking over each other. Though, eventually the argument does gain some order.
       "You speak of control, yet you court chaos." Thor says, and Bruce voices his agreement.
       "That's his M.O. isn't it?" he asks in agreement to Thor. "I mean, what are we, a team?" The man then immediately answers for himself. "Nonono, we're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're a time bomb."
       Flame felt the shift in Director Fury's attitude as he then approached Bruce, a low growl rising in her chest in response to the shift and the very dangerous tone he spoke with. "You need to step away." He warned.
       "Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?" Tony asks with a hand out, before promptly putting that hand on Steve's shoulder. When Steve knocks Tony's hand off of him, Flame shifts targets.
       "You know damn well why, back off!" He snaps, and Flame gives a quiet growl as she slightly lifts her lips to bare her teeth while joining Tony's side.
       "Oh I'm startin' to want you to make me." Tony says with a small nod, his eyes locked on Steve.
       “Big man in a suit of armor,” Steve called him. “Take that off what are you?”
       Tony's reply was quick and smooth; "Billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist.” He told Steve. Beside Tony, Flame stood up on her hind legs and rolled a shoulder before she, too, spoke.
       "And a far more trustworthy human than you'll ever be." She told Steve, lashing her tail once in agitation.
       "Yeah?" Steve asks, taking a step forward towards Flame with a tilt of his head. "And what are you without your armor, huh?"
       Flame's ears tilt back as Steve approaches, her lips raising in a warning to back off, yet she steps forward as well. "Still able to kill a human like you if need-be."
       “I know guys with none of what he's got but worth ten of him. You’re the same.” Steve told Flame. “And I’ve seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself.” Flame’s tail lashes as she listens to Steve speak, accidentally hitting Tony’s legs but both remain unfazed. “Neither of you are the type to make the sacrifice play. To lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.”
       "I suggest you watch what you say, human." Flame threatens, while behind her Tony gives a small shrug.
       "I think I'd just cut the wire."
       Steve gives a tense smile and a glance to the other humans. "Always a way out." He says when his gaze returns to Tony. "And get control of your cat."
       Flame lunges at Steve with a snarl then, a clawed hand gripping his neck as she pins him to the wall near by. Tony raised his hands defensively when she made the move, offering a simple "Not my cat. I can't control her."
       Flame's lips are fully drawn back to bare her teeth as she stares Steve down. "You know nothing about me." She growls at the human. “We just met, and you dare to make such brazen accusations about who I am, how I fight.” Her voice is low, dangerous as she speaks. “I had risked my life countless times for the people of my old home. And they didn’t give a damn about me or the pain I was in. They only cared about my power and what I was.“ Flame backs off of Steve now, harshly pushing him away. “Now when I try to care for myself for once in my Nova-forsaken life, I’m seen as someone who wouldn’t sacrifice my life to ensure others live.”
       Flame turns and points to Director Fury. “You wanted information on my past. There you go.” She growls. But as Flame turns to leave the room, Steve doesn’t quit.
       “You know you two may not be threats but you better stop pretending to be heroes.” He taunts, and Flame stops in her tracks as Tony speaks.
       “A hero? Like you?” Tony asks, agitated. “You’re a laboratory experiment, Rodgers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle.” Flame remains silent as she raises a paw, just as she would in suit, and a ball of energy forms at her palm. Plasma, just the same as she charges in her mouth. She approaches, making Steve back away from Tony, getting distance as she takes a protective stance beside Tony, arm still outstretched and plasma still charged.
       “He’s nothing like me.” She whispers to Tony, not breaking eye contact with Steve. That, Tony made a mental note to himself, will be talked about later.
       "Put on the suits." Steve taunts. "Let's go a few rounds."
       Thor laughs at this, and while Flame found it amusing as well, that this human thought she needed a suit to stand a chance against him, she didn't let it show as Thor had.
       "You people are so petty," Thor spits. "And tiny."
       "Yeah, this is a team." Bruce scoffs.
       Tony raises a hand to wipe his forehead and Flame lets the ball of plasma she charged in her palm die down as Director Fury asks Natasha to escort Bruce somewhere- which Bruce had cut off the request with a sharp "Where? You rented my room."
       "The cell was just in case-" Fury started to explain, only to be cut off again.
       "In case you needed to kill me, but you can't, I know, I've tried." Silence falls upon the room as everyone stares at Banner and he gets his turn to vent.
       "I got low. I didn't see an end. So, I put a bullet in my mouth, and the other guy spit it out." The room listens in silence as Bruce continues to speak. "So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good. Until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk." Bruce looks at Natasha as he continues to speak, not missing a beat as he continues. "You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?"
       Flame hears a faint tck after Director Fury lowered his hand to his belt. And then Steve speaks; "Doctor Banner," he starts, voice calm. "Put down the scepter."
       If the computer hadn't started beeping when it did, Flame didn't know what would've happened. Though, Flame took a step to move behind Tony as Bruce passed through the room to exit, muttering a "Sorry kids, you don't get to see my party trick after all."
       "You located the tesseract?" Thor asks, attention turning to what the beeping could mean as his gaze follows Bruce.
       "Flame and I can get there fastest." Tony says, and Flame agrees with a nod.
       "The tesseract belongs on Asgard. No human is a match for it." Thor warns Tony.
       "You're not going alone!" Steve snaps as Tony turns to leave, grabbing his arm. Tony turns and smacks Steve's arm off of him, and Flame gives a growl and snaps her teeth at the man, taking a protective stance by Tony's side
       "You're gonna stop us?" Tony taunts.
       "Put on the suit, let's find out." Steve challenges, to which Flame steps forward to accept his challenge and issue her own, Tony following suit.
       "I don't need my suit to win a fight against you." She hisses.
       "And I'm not afraid to hit an old man." Tony threatens.
       "Put on the suit." Steve growls.
       As tensions rise between the three, an explosion rocks the helicarrier and fire bursts through the room. A hand grabs the scruff of Flame's neck and she gives an angered and startled yowl as she, Tony, and Steve hit the floor. When the three sat up, the shared a panicked look before Steve muttered a "Put on the suit."
       Flame and Tony hadn't hesitated in agreeing, rushing to get up, and bolting.
       Flame was quick to suit up, as was Tony, and immediately they’d gotten orders. They were to head outside and patch the damage engine. While Tony took care of the technical side of things, and Steve took care of information Tony needed to help him repair things, Flame was given orders to dislodge any debris she can.
       When Tony arrived, Flame had cleared a decent portion of the debris. Thankfully she was hooked up to the commlinks, so Tony didn’t have to repeat himself on the plan and what needs to be done. Though, he did order her to get out, her job was done, and her wings would be damaged if she got caught up in the engine. Her new job was to give areal support, guard the area.
       Flame remained close by, surveying the area, looking for anyone leaving or entering the helicarrier and watching the engines. One seemed off to her, and she immediately alerted Tony.
       "Another engine is stopping." Flame told him while doubling back and heading to return to Tony's side.
       Director Fury chimed in over the commlink then; "Stark, we're losing altitude." Flame was beside Tony in time to hear him to reply.
       "I told you to keep lookout." Tony's attention shifted to Flame upon her arrival as he pressed his hands against the blade of the engine. Flame mimicked his actions, moving to using only her suit's repulsors for flight as the wings retracted.
       "I was," she says as she placed her hands on the blade of the engine as well. "I didn't see anyone outside around the engine, the must've done something inside." Flame shifts her shoulders slightly before looking at Tony. "I don't need my wings for this anyway, I just need to follow your lead."
       Tony gives a nod and both begin to push the engine's blades along. "You know there's a chance we won't get out in time." Tony warned.
       Flame's reply was simple, dismissive. "Yep."
       "We could get hurt." He continued.
       Flame was again dismissive with her reply. "Part of life and part of fights."
       Tony shrugged then. "Alright, let's do it."
       The two began to push, and when they got up to speed Flame begun to become hesitant of her decision. "Cap, hit the lever." She heard Tony order, voice slightly strained.
       "I need a minute here!"
       "He's gonna kill us." Flame muttered to Tony. "He's gonna fuckin' kill us."
       "Lever." Tony ordered again. "Now!" Panic rising in his voice.
       The blade of the engine was very quickly moving too fast for the pair, the two sharing a panicked look when their backs hit the blade behind them.
       "Uh oh." Flame heard Tony's quiet mutter.
       "I'm gonna kill Rodgers." Flame had muttered herself.
       The two then were sucked down, ending up between the blades and the casing, being beaten up for a couple rather traumatizing moments before Steve pulled the lever he was supposed to. Tony had dropped out of the engine first, Flame following right after, though she didn’t use her repulsors like Tony had. She instead freefell as her wings unfolded from where they were hidden upon her suit, returning her her hybrid flight style of both repulsors and wings.
       While Tony went to Steve, flying through an opening, Flame opted to check the parameter of the area, eyes scanning for threats. She'd spotted an aircraft taking off shortly after beginning to glide, giving a low growl. She knew who was on that aircraft, and she very much wanted to give chase. But, Tony was down for now, and she knew she was outmatched. That was a god, after all.
       Flame decided to return to Tony's side, and just as she landed Director Fury came onto the commlinks.
       "Agent Coulson is down." He sounded somber, and Flame knew something terrible has happened just by that tone. She'd heard it before.
       "A medical team is on the way to your location." A male voice had replied quickly over the commlinks.
       "They're here." Fury pauses for a moment, before following up with; "They called it."
       A pack member down. Gone. One of many to come, Flame will soon learn. While she wasn't necessarily attached to Agent Coulson, hadn't known him as well as Director Fury, she still felt terrible for the loss. If she had just been there, if she had perhaps been sitting watch instead of outside the Helicarrier, maybe she could've taken the blow or prevented Coulson's death. 
       In the wake of the news, the team was separated. Natasha and Barton in another room, Steve and Tony meeting with Fury. Thor and Banner are MIA. Flame, she took to patrol around the Helicarrier. Something to keep her busy. That was, until she'd gotten a call to suit up. Then she was rushing to the workshop to meet Tony and the rest of the team, suiting up and heading out.
       Tony's repulsors were unstable, it worried Flame on their trip to Stark Tower, but she remained close to him to catch him if he fell. Her wings were stable thankfully, protected from their time in one of the engines of the Helicarrier. Thankfully he didn't fall, and the pair hovered over Dr. Selvig as the man worked on Loki's portal machine.
       "Sir, I've turned off the arc reactor, but the device is already self-sustaining." JARVIS informed as Tony and Flame came to a quick halt hovering over Dr. Selvig and the machine.
       "Shut it down, Dr. Selvig." Tony ordered, looking down upon the man. Repulsors still unsteady, he struggled to maintain a perfect hover, having to move and re-adjust as Dr. Selvig turned to look at the cube.
       "It's too late!" Selvig called up to Tony, before turning his attention to the cube. "She can't stop now. She wants to show us something!" He turns back to look up at Tony again, a broad smile on his face. "A new universe."
       Flame sighed and shook her head as Tony tired of the man's rambling, uttering a simple "Okay." before powering up his repulsors with a tck-hreeee and taking aim at the device. Flame was confident one strike would take the device out, but when Tony shot it and a barrier appeared and sent Tony's attack back at him double, knocking all three away, that's when Flame realized it wouldn't be so easy.
       "The barrier is pure energy," JARVIS informed calmly. "It's unbreachable." 
       "Yeah I got that." Tony's reply is quick and sharp. He gives Flame a glance as she returns to hovering beside him, using her repulsors instead of her wings. There was clear scorching on the back of the suit, right where the wings are usually hidden away. Oh wonderful, that blast had nicked one of her wings. "Plan B."
       "Sir, the MK7 and MK2 are not ready for deployment." The AI warns calmly, though there's an urgency in his voice. Tony, of course, dismisses the warning.
       "Then skip the spinning rims, we're on the clock!" He tells JARVIS, and then his attention is on Flame. "There's another landing pad. Go there, get the suit off, and come back up here."
       Flame follows her orders without hesitation, watching as Tony lands on the pad above Loki and begins to walk inside. She goes to the other side, giving Loki a quick glance before she disappears out of his line of sight. When she returns, Tony is nowhere to be seen and Loki was on the floor in front of a broken window. Oh, and the portal had been opened. While Tony takes off to deal with that, Flame takes a moment to have her own little chat with the Trickster God.
       "Do me a favor," Flame tells Loki as she approaches him, watching as he picked himself up off the floor. She was fidgeting with some silver bracelets around her wrist as she looked down at the god. And then up, as he stood taller than her.
       "Oh, are you going to threaten me the same as Stark had as well?" Loki asks with a tilt of his head and slight raise of his scepter.
       Flame didn't find his quip funny, not even a smirk or an amused huff. "No." Came her dry response. "I want to give you a little food for thought." She tells him, continuing her approach. Just a single clawed finger on the scepter pushed it low, kept the pointed tip away from her chest.  "Look me in the eyes, god, and tell me; do I look like I was happy when I was a leader?" Flame stares unblinking, exhausted, up into Loki's eyes as she spoke. "And if I were happy, tell me; why would I have moved to a completely different universe?" 
       Only one other person knew of Flame's origins from another universe, and that was Tony. Now Loki, God of Mischief, knew as well that Flame was not of this universe.
       It kept Loki quiet for a moment, thinking, eyes darting from place to place in the room. Soon, hesitantly, Loki shook his head, disagreeing. "No. No, you don't look happy. You surely would have stayed there if you were." He replies quietly, a confused look in his eyes. Two questions were on his mind. What did this have to do with anything, really, and- "But I do have to ask, before either I or my army, when they come, kill you; why did you leave?"
       “The simple, short answer is, I wasn’t happy.” Flame replies simply. “The long answer is; my pack didn’t care for me. They only cared for my power and what I was. I was appointed an alpha before I was ready, bent over backwards to ensure my pack was protected, well cared for, healthy, and happy. I didn’t care about myself.” Flame explained.
       “When you’re a leader, when you’re an alpha, when you’re a king- your pack, your people, they look up to you. They look to you for guidance. For security. For safety." Flame explained as she slowly walked around Loki, keeping eye contact with him and a close eye on that scepter of his. "They look to you to ensure they’re fed, that their homes won’t be destroyed by enemies, that the territory you live in is safe. It’s not a peaceful, glamorous life like you seem to think. It’s painful, it’s exhausting, it’s stressful. You have to hide your emotions to ensure your enemies, or even your own people, don’t think you’re weak. You can’t cry, you can’t have off-days, you can’t get sick.” Flame pauses then, and takes a deep breath.
       “That’s why I left my home universe. I needed a better life, in a place where those around me truly, completely care for me. Not because of what I am, or what my rank is, or the power I hold, but because of the bonds I’ve created with those around me.” With that, Flame made a motion, and another door near the bar had opened. “Now, I get the feeling we should get back to fighting. Keep what I’ve told you in mind, will you?” The feline is holding out hope that maybe, just maybe, what she said made Loki change his mind about things. But, she doubts it at the same time, given his track record so far.
       Flame hadn't stuck around after that, leaping out the broken window as an armored pod followed after. Just the same as Tony had, Flame's MK2 locked onto the silver bracelets around her wrists and quickly formed up around her, allowing her to take off and join Tony in battle. She had joined Tony in the middle of a fight with Loki’s army, greeting him with a “Hey, nice suit.” as she flung herself into battle.
       "Thanks," Tony offered, before promptly shifting to the more pressing topic. "Where've you been? Had a date or something?"
       Flame had given a soft laugh at that. "You can say that." She downs another chitauri soldier and then is forced to break away from Tony, some following her and others following him. "Had a nice little chat with Loki." She continues. "Tried to knock a little sense into him."
       "Oh, he threw you out the window too?" He joked.
       "No, I did that myself." She sounded amused when she replied. "Told him being a leader isn't all it's cracked up to be. Little food for thought for him."
       "Ah, well, let's hope you got through to him."
       From there, the battle to save New York was harsh. They were completely outnumbered and outgunned. Flame offered support wherever she could, whenever she could, and took down as many of Loki’s army as she could manage. Helping Tony deal with one of those big things until Banner joined the party. She'd even locked on to Loki himself, chasing after him through the streets. Though she gave up her chase quickly to help Tony.
       The seven stand in the middle of the streets of New York, staring up at the skies, ready for battle. For a moment, feeling like things were in their favor, like the battle had been won. The people cheered for them, but Flame was still uneasy.
       "There's always waves." She reminded the team, knowing this battleplan far too well. She's used it herself many a time in her universe of origin. And, true to her word, the second wave of chitari entered Earth.
       "Guys." Natasha alerted, worried but firm, staring up at the portal. 
       "Call it, Captain." Tony offered, and Flame took her spot at Tony's side as Steve started laying out a battleplan.
       Steve hadn't hesitated, speaking with a confidence Flame herself recognized and used many times in the past. "Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment." He told the team, eyes locked on the portal and coming enemies. "Barton, I want you on that roof." He told Clint. "Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays." His attention next was on Tony and Flame. 
       "Stark, Copps, you got the perimeter." The two in question moved their heads with a quiet whirr, cold glowing eyes locked on Steve. "Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash." Flame had given an eager growl at that, tail flicking and paws shifting.
       "Can you give me a lift?" Clint asks, and Tony nods with a quick "Right. Better clench up, Legolas." before grabbing Clint and immediately taking off to the ordered perch. Flame follows, not sticking around for any more orders. She has hers, she knows how to keep a perimeter, and she's eager for battle.
       All things considered, Flame and Tony both did pretty good with their assigned roles. Tony was struggling more than Flame with the strays, and Clint called it out and had given Flame a heads up as well.
       "Well, they can't bank worth a damn." Barton says through the comms. "So find a tight corner."
       While Flame gave a simple, sharp, "Understood," Tony had given a touch unsure "I will roger that." Unknown to Flame, after that transmission, Tony had continued to struggle. Flame, unable to find a tight enough corner, made one. Where she turns, they will follow, and she used that to her advantage.
       "Nice call," Tony's voice soon came over the commlinks. "What else you got?"
       Clint was quick to respond. "Well, Thor's taking on a squadron down on Sixth." 
       "And he didn't invite me." Tony mused to himself, almost disappointed. And then he was on comms again, getting Flame's attention. "Hey Firecracker, party on Sixth, be there."
       Flame had arrived as told, getting on the ground and fighting together with the other three members of the team at the location. They worked without issue, sometimes combining attacks to strike with more strength. Tony bouncing his repulsors off Steve's shield, allowing him to redirect the beam to hit multiple enemies. Flame giving Steve a boost with her wings, or shielding Tony from a strike. But just as quickly had the pair landed, did they take off at Tony's lead.
       While he knocked chitauri soldiers off of a building as he rose, Flame shot them as they fell to ensure they didn't get up. 
       The fight was drawing on too long for Flame's comfort. Too many getting hurt, the team's energy wearing down. 
       "Huh, so this is what it's like to be on the receiving end of one of my battleplans." Flame didn't sound too amused when she'd spoken to Tony of the privet commlink through their suits.
       "You didn't give him this idea did you." Came Tony's quick reply with his standard joking tone to it.
       "Oh, no, absolutely not!" Flame defends quickly, though there is a touch of amusement in her tone now. "It's a common idea, not surprised it's showing up elsewhere in the multiverse."
       They had split after that, Tony going to aid Thor at one point, only alerted to him being cornered when JARVIS had told her Stark was grounded and surrounded. She'd come in quick, harsh, a vicious metallic roar as she landed and struck down the chitauri surrounding Tony. But even with a strong entrance and the two of them fighting off the chitauri, they couldn't quite get back in the air.
       "Stark! Do you hear me?" Director Fury's voice came over the commlinks, urgent and worried. "You have a missle headed straight for the city."
       Tony and Flame weren't fairing well, both separated from each other and laid out flat against the ground. "How long?!" Came Tony's reply just before he was hit on the head.
       "Three minutes, max." Fury informed. "The payload will wipe out Midtown."
       Flame was struggling to stand, hearing the conversation and quickly getting panicked and, in turn, aggressive. "Fuck- Tony!" She felt cornered. She didn't like feeling cornered. She was in battle, feeling cornered, and she was trying to conserve what little energy she had left. But this made her lash out. There was a click from her helmet, and the jaw opened to allow Flame to shoot plasma at her foes. Armor on one forepaw opened, allowing her usage of plasma from there as well. She lashed out, bit, fought to stand while Tony fought to fly.
       "JARVIS, put everything we got into the thrusters." He ordered, and JARVIS' response was quick and firm. A simple "I just did."
       Tony attempted to take off, but a chitauri soldier was clinging to him. Flame took care of that, digging claws into the chitauri's armor to get a good grip as she stood on its back and then promptly shot plasma into its face. And then Tony was gone.
       While Tony went to deal with the nuke, Flame tried her best to continue to take down the chitar with the other Avengers, though energy on all fronts were dwindling.  
       "I can close it!" Natasha's voice rang over the commlinks. "Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down."
       "Do it!" Steve sounded panicked and exhausted, but Tony was quick to counter.
       "No, wait." He ordered. 
       Looking to the sky, Steve countered quickly. "Stark, these things are still coming." 
       "I got a nuke coming in. It's gonna blow in less than a minute." Tony explained, voice serious and words quick.
       She knew what his plan was. She hated it, it should be her going up. The creation made by humans to serve humans- she's right here and a human is going up through that portal to fuck knows where with a nuke. Flame had watched, the best she could while still locked in battle, as Tony flew the nuke up into the portal.
       JARVIS fell silent. Powered down.
       And then all the chitauri started dropping.
       The team waited a few moments, staring up at the portal, waiting for Tony to return, but Steve was the one to call it. A somber "Close it." And despite Flame's cry of protest, Natasha had closed the portal. Flame knew her suit wasn't fast enough, she couldn't push the tech any further without JARVIS' aid and he was currently offline. She couldn't beat the portal closing. But to her relief, a final figure had passed through the portal just as it had closed, falling limply through the air.
       Flame had caught Tony first, quickly having to shift directions when he'd blazed past her. As soon as her paws were on him, metal claws piercing the outer layer of his suit to ensure a grip that could not be broken, she'd spread her wings and kicked out her hind legs in front of her as she held Tony close to her, engaging the repulsors on her hind paws to aid in slowing down.
       Apparently, though, Hulk had other ideas in mind as he bodyslammed Flame and Tony both, breaking Flame's wings and damaging a building as he brought both down to ground level. Hulk had tossed the pair aside, standing with gruff huffs as Thor and Steve quickly rushed over. Thor was there first as Flame removed her claws and turned Tony over, Steve close behind. Thor had ripped the faceplate off of Tony's helmet, Flame flipping her own faceplate up to get a better look.
       Flame sat frozen, not knowing what to do. She doesn't work with humans, she doesn't know how to revive one. And apparently Steve and Thor didn't know how either, as they both sat to the side after Steve had tried to check for breathing.
       Hulk, however, had the absolutely brilliant idea to just. Roar. And it had startled Flame terribly.
       And Tony.
       "What the hell?" Tony asked, shocked and confused as Hulk gave voice to a triumphant roar. Flame simply sat down, resting an arm on her knee and bracing herself with her other hand as she stared down at Tony. "What just happened?" He asked, followed by silence from the four around him. "Please tell me nobody kissed me." That one- that got Flame to laugh.
       Steve didn't seem to find any humor in that, or maybe he was to exhausted to, because he simply focused on the mission. "We won." It was exhausted, soft, breathless. Yeah, they won. And Flame was (lovingly) upset with Tony.
       "You ever pull a stunt like that again and I swear to all you hold holy, Tony Stark, I will kill you myself." It was an empty threat, but her message had gotten across to him clearly, as he just nodded with a soft "Yeah." And then he was promptly back to his joking self.
       "Alright, yay! Hurray. Good job, guys." Weak and tired. "Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day." he suggested, and Flame couldn't help but smile and shake her head as Tony rambled on. "Have you ever tried shawarma?" Now she was quietly laughing, an armored forepaw on Tony's shoulder as he continued. "There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it."
       Killjoy he is, Thor had to come in with the "We're not finished yet."
       Everybody looked at him in varying degrees of offended and disbelief, the silence deafening.
       "And then shawarma after."
       Flame wheezed.
       She helped Tony stand after that, helped him get his helmet off and helped him walk to Stark Tower. Following closely behind was Hulk, Steve, and Thor, and meeting them up top was Clint and Natasha. The seven closed in on Loki as he pulled himself up off the floor, Clint even drawing an arrow in a threat as they all stared the trickster god down.
       "If it's all the same to you," Loki started hesitantly. "I'll have that drink now."
       Then they'd gotten cleaned up and sent Thor and Loki off with the tesseract. And after everything was said and done, they'd all immediately gone out for shawarma before going on their separate ways. Flame remained by Tony's side, recovering from the battle while Tony and Pepper worked on the new Avengers Tower plans. Relaxation was far more than earned after saving the world as they had.
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aroaceofthesea · 10 months
Ah feels so good to have the bono cultural 😊😊
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bunnys-kisses · 4 months
"ex" husband
simon "ghost" riley
cw: pwp/smut, ex husband!simon, possessive!simon, dark themes, mirror sex & other smut, major red flags, proceed with caution, bad husband!simon, manipulation
bunny says: once you fuck crazy, you never not fuck crazy
simon didn't believe in divorce. he made a vow to be with you till death, he wasn't going to skimp out on the years you could spend together. he wouldn't accept that you wanted to be without him.
he had you on the floor of your shared bedroom, you were holding onto him behind yourself while his hands were on your hips. he was rubbing his cock up against your slick entrance.
"have you had any other guys over? fuckin' them in my bed, in my home that i paid for?" he held it over your head as he watched your face contort with pleasure. he continued to rub his tip up against your slit.
"no, simon." you panted. your heart raced with every moment that passed. your body was hot all over. "i haven't had anyone else, not since you." your pussy clenched around nothing in anticipation for what was to come. you were almost certain that your cunt was formed to the size of his cock.
"good, good. i don't want some fuckin' prick comin' to my home and fuckin' my girl." his voice was low as he got a hand between your legs and touched your clit with his rough fingers.
you arched your back and moaned out loud. you could be as loud as you needed to be. he kept his wife in a home far enough from everything that you could whimper and whine to your heart's content. your eyes fluttered closed as you felt the thrill of pleasure through your body.
"nothin' can have ya. no stupid asshole who thinks he can have what is mine. you made a promise, love. to be loyal to your husband." he growled as he gripped your jaw with his other hand and made you look into the mirror, "i don't think someone who wants to leave her husband would be lettin' him fuck her in their bedroom."
"simon, please." you whimper.
"nah, nah, love.' he said, accent heavier due to the immense lust in his body, "i was a good man to you. lovin', carin', did everythin' for ya. and you turn around like an ungrateful brat and try to leave me." his voice was getting deadly. his hand still held your jaw and his other played with your clit. you were stuck to him, "fuckin' slag. surprised you haven't fucked your way through the neighborhood to find a new man. because you'd never find one like me. or you're scared. scared i'd find him, and make him go missin'."
you swallowed, fear struck through you, "simon. i didn't sleep with anyone."
he buried his nose into your hair and groaned as his cock still prodded your pussy lips, "i know, i know. you don't actually want to leave me. your girlfriends got these thoughts into your head that i don't think are true. better without me? love, i made you."
you panted heavily, it was hard to look into the mirror with his hot words into your mouth. maybe he was right, maybe you didn't want to leave him. he had given you everything throughout your entire marriage. why would you sacrifice it?
he pulled his hand away from your pussy and guided his cock into your pussy. the stretch had you gripping onto him. the angle was awkward but he had you contorted to fit his pleasure.
"my good wife." he purred, "i'll always love you. even when you're not usin' that head of yours right. but don't worry." he kissed your cheek, "i'll always take care of my girl."
you held onto him as he thrusted into your from behind. you felt the air leave your lungs whenever he pushed into you. it was an intense feeling on your behalf. you had never imagined that fucking your soon-to-be ex-husband would feel so good.
"like that, love?"
you nodded meekly, "it feels good."
"that's a good girl." he groaned, "made perfectly for me. you are such a good girl for me, love. why would you want to go anywhere? stay with me, keep your vow."
your thighs quivered from the intense feeling of pleasure. your breathing was heavy and your head felt full. your heart leapt every time his cock nudged against a sensitive spot.
"please, simon. i can't be your wife."
"you can. and you will." he took you by the face and tilted your head back so he could kiss you passionately.
you melted into the kiss, as did the last of your resolve. your core throbbed with a need for him. he melted away all your problems. the more he fucked you, the more you wanted to stay with him.
he was your husband after all.
the sex between you two was hot and messy. it made you core soaked as he continued to bully his cock into your sweet cunt with every hard thrust.
"say you love me."
"i love you." you replied, your eyes hooded.
"good girl." he groaned, "i want to hear that every day until you can no longer speak." he licked across your bottom lip, "my good girl."
you whined as your body shook with each thrust of his hips. your pussy clenched around his cock. you felt your mouth to be dry and you voice strained.
simon loved taking you apart, only to put you back together. he continued to fuck you with abandon. he gazed at you with his nose in your hair as he thrusted up into you.
your noises were so cute, you really just were so small compared to him. you needed him! what were you thinking leaving him? you needed your big strong military husband to make sure that you were safe. don't be silly now!
he kissed your neck as he felt the surge of pleasure in his gut. his heart hammered with each every thrust. you were made for him. as he kissed the tip of your ear, he felt the blush that spread across your skin.
"please, simon."
"i got ya, love." he said, "i got ya." with a few more thrusts that hit in just the right place. you saw stars as you climaxed around his cock. his was soon to follow as his cum hit the back of your womb.
where it belonged.
as you rested your face on the carpet of the bedroom in an effort to cool down, simon grabbed your hips and started to thrust into you once more. his cock still painfully hard.
"you've done enough damage, love. so just sit there and let your husband take care of you." his voice was low and deadly. your best option would to just let simon do what he wanted.
"so mrs. riley. you've decided against the divorce. any particular reason why?"
you relaxed a little bit in the sleek office chair across the desk from your lawyer. your hand was on your middle as you smiled, "well, we're having a son soon, and he needs his father in his life. so i reconsidered."
"the case against your husband is fairly strong. broken locks on the door, his overly possessive behaviour, the text messages and voice mails, all of it. you could be granted a divorce quite easily."
you shook your head, "no need. we've worked it out." you smiled at the lawyer. you knew your simon was waiting for you in the car. his words echoed in your mind as you assured your lawyer that her services weren't needed.
you and simon were properly a family now. you didn't need to tear it apart. after all, how else were you going to end up with many little rileys running around?
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doberbutts · 3 months
And speaking of being black in majority-white spaces, here's something else I've learned first from my black family and then from direct experience:
I absolutely understand if you don't have the energy or ability to put yourself at risk and open yourself up to being the first [marginalized delographic] to do something or the only one to exist in a [empowered demopraphic] space, but also.
Sometimes that person does have to be you. Sometimes you have to do it for those who come after you. Sometimes you have to do it if you want that space to change.
A friend of mine has a husband who attends a country club. Formerly mostly populated by truly ancient racist ass white men as a Good Ol Boys Club, except... my friend's husband is not racist and does not like this behavior, but does like the perks of the country club. So he got his friends of color into the club, and is slowly taking over the club dynamic and politics with his significantly more diverse friend group. And the guys he brought in are A: very pleasant people and B: becoming official members and then bringing *their* friends in, and slowly they're pushing out the racist assholes that dominated the club not even a few years ago. Soon it will be a country club where the average color is mine and not that of milk.
Dobermans are an incredibly white, right-wing, racist- and nazi-dominated breed. It is a serious problem and a major reason that I am very incredibly choosey about my doberman contacts. I joke all the time that Fenris' breeder is amassing a black doberman owner army to chase out all of the white racists, and a queer doberman army to chase away the homophobes and transphobes, and it's only like. Half of a joke. Because the more of us that she collects and are making waves on the breed, the more others behind us will know that if nothing else we'll keep them safe from Those Jerks. There was a woman in a hijab at the last UDC event I went to- 10 years ago I genuinely don't think she would have lasted more than an hour or two without someone making it very clear that she was not welcome. I certainly had people open their mouths to say something and then my more experienced, more accomplished friends would stare and wait and the offender in question would shut their mouth and walk away.
If you're unhappy with the social or political climate of a community space you want to occupy, sometimes you do have to occupy it anyway and collect people who are like minded until you have a collective to start changing minds. And it sucks but like. Those are your options. Occupy the space anyway and make waves by refusing to budge, make your own space, or avoid it forever and miss out on something you wanted to do.
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hollisofficial · 1 year
literally just using delusions as a carrot on a stick treat for myself like . im sitting here like "when claire gets out of school we can go to the enterpriiiiseeeeee 🤤🤤 im so exciteeeedddd ~~!!" wholefully believing for a second that when schools over i will be magically transported to the real life starship enterprise
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