#sora x cora
blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
Zeffsora!Siblings au, but where Sora is alive + Cora x Sora and Law&Sanji brothers!
Ok so, in this, everything thing is the same except Sora doesn't die but Judge makes Sanji believe she is dead and locks him in the dunsheon. Of course, this don't last even a month until Sora discovers and uses all her strenght to take her son and run away, sending a letter explaining the situation to Zeff right after. So Sanji just stay more or less a month in the dunsheon.
Sora fakes their deaths and steals a both, going away. During this, both meet a 11 yo Law who is sick with a Corazon who is looking for a cure for the kid. The four of them start to sail together after some time.
They sail during two years, until Cora finds the Ope Ope no Mi so Law isn't sick anymore. Doflamingo finds them but don't see Law, Sora or Sanji but still shots his brother, Corazon survives tough.
Some weeks after this, with Cora-san much better, Law using his powers from the Akuma no Mi to heal himself and Sora, they find Zeff. Both siblings are happy to see each other and Sora tells everything that happened during these two years. Her brother can notice she seems to... like the man a little too much.
Then, they stay with Zeff for a while, the man noticing the romance between Corazon and his sister. Is he protective? Of course, but the blonde seems to really love Sora so he thinks he can give Rosinate a chance. Sanji and Law already act like brothers so they pratically are a family.
The CoraSora start a relatonship some time after finding Zeff, definitely taking Law and Sanji as their kids. Sanji sees Cora-san as his father as much as the man sees him as a son. And Law sees Sora as a mother just like she sees him as a son. They all chose to take the last name Trafalgar since Donquixote or Vinsmoke are out of question.
After a year or so, with Law going to start his crew with Bepo, Shachi and Penguin, and Zeff oficially going to open the Baratie, Sanji asks his parents if he can go with uncle Zeff so he can be teached how to be a cook. They talk and ask Zeff if this is okay with him. At the end, eggplant goes with his uncle, Patty and Carne to open Baratie.
Both brothers talk with each other and his parents once a week, they all happy that they have such a health and good family. Then Garp showing and having the idea of bringing his grandsons. Zeff at least tells his sister what his boyfriend is planing.
Garp brings ASL and they get along with Sanji quick. Resulting in a very happy Sanji the news that he made friends to his brother and parents.
Then ASL start liking him more and more and falling in love with Sanji. And Sanji is also in love with these three feral boys, his parents find this amusing and later on they ask Zeff about the boys, he says ASL are good brats and they seems to genuinely and really love Sanji. This makes Corazon and Sora relieved, and they talk that if Sanji wants, then he can date these boys. And no, he did not tell Law this on a call, damnmit! His older brother is protective as hell! Sanji and his parents chose that it's easyer telling Law this when the brothers see each other in person again.
But then ASL just ask him to be their boyfriend and well, seems like the news that he's in love with three feral boys will be changed that he's in love and dating said three feral boys. When Law and Sanji have a call the next day, Sanji says he has news to his brother that he wants to say in person when they meet again. Law is confused but agrees.
A month and half later, Law needs to go to the East Blue remembers what his young brother said and calls saying "I will be in the East Blue in a week, I will go visit you and uncle Zeff". Sanji is happy but also, fuck, he has only a week to think about how tell this to his protective older brother.
Later the same day, when ASL arrive to see their boyfriend and eat lunch in the restaurant, they notice Sanji seems really happy with something, to which he reply "Law is coming here!", which... Don't aswer anything? Since they didn't knew who Law was?
This makes ASL more questions about who this guy was for Sanji be so happy to see, Sanji tells it's his older brother who is a pirate (this makes ASL surprised).
Next week, when Law arrives, both go talk in Law's bedroom on the Polar Tang, the older guy wanting to know what "news" his baby bro had. He creates a room so no one hears them talking, and Sanji tells the news that, yay! He's dating all the three feral boys he telled him about'
Law freaks out. Obviously. But then he talks with Sanji and yes, he is protective, but if their parents and uncle Zeff think these boys are good people, then he thinks he can give them a chance.
The brothers stay all day talking, Zeff saying to Law that him and the crew can stay near Baratie and eat there. Sanji goes to sleep with Law on the Polar Tang, both staying awake talking until it's late.
The next day, as if things can't get better, ASL arrive to see Sanji with Garp. And well, meeting their boyfriend older brother wasn't in the plans, but they're already there so they can't do anything.
And would be funny as hell, because if Sanji is, maybe, 13 there, then Law is 18. And he probaly already is tall (to a point where Sanji almost reaches his shoulders) and has the piercing and some tattos. So think about 14 yo Ace and Sabo and 11 yo Luffy meeting this boy who always has a threatening and serious face.
(Also, in the Law&Sanji!Brothers au, they have so much "sunshine" - Sanji - and "sunshine protector" - Law - vibes)
Absolutely those are the vibes they give off, betcha Law even calls Sanji 'Sunshine' and the parents started calling him that too. Zeff 100% does. The fucking asshole.
Okay so Sora is deathly ill from drinking the poison and is locked off in a medical wing and no one is allowed to visit for 'fear of making her worse' which is absolute shit and they all know it. Sanji is considered a failure and locked in the dungeon with the helmet shortly after and Sora is not having it. She escapes and gets Sanji and once they're off Germa, maybe an island or two away she sends a letter to Zeff.
They find Law and Corazon as they're going along. Law is staring at them as they introduce themselves and Corazon introduces himself back. Sanji and Law are staring at each other because what the fuck? Law is outnumbered by these blonds. He is trapped and surrounded. They start sailing together to look for a cure for Law and Corazon and Sora start growing closer over time. So do Law and Sanji because Law is a lot nicer than his siblings and Law sees a new little baby sibling in him. Law is the first one to start calling him 'sunshine' and Sanji takes to it very easily. As do their parents.
Eventually Corazon gets a lead on the Ope-Ope no Mi so they start hunting it down. When they do find it, it's a fight. Corazon hides the kids and Sora away from everyone. He tells them he loves them and puts them in silence and waits for Doflamingo. He gets shot as he stares his brother down and he passes out after he thinks they're safe, not thinking he'll wake up. So he's surprised when he does and Law and Sanji are standing over him, on their ship, with Sora chiding them from the doorway. They immediately start yelling that he's awake and he's okay! Law did great! 'Mom' and 'Sora' mixed in as she smiles at them and checks on her lover herself and helps him eat and drink as he breaks down crying that they're all okay, they made it away.
Then Zeff shows up a few days later. Law has mostly healed his Sora's ailments when he calls 'Pirates!' as loud as he can. Sora rushes on deck with Cora's gun at the ready until she sees the flag and calms down the boys and calls to Cora it's alright. She knows them as the boat pulls up alongside them and Sora yells to Zeff as loud as she can it's about time he shows up. Zeff yells back she hasn't been an easy woman to track down by any means. They lay the planks so the crew can come aboard and start carrying their supplies over and load the four of them onto the larger ship and once it's clear they sail away and sink the smaller ship so no one can track them. Sanji is excited about a real galley and Law is excited to see new medical journals. Rosinante and Sora are just happy they're all safe as she introduces them all to Zeff and Zeff introduces his crew. They start sailing together and Zeff notices pretty quickly how close Rosinante and Sora are, he doesn't like it, doesn't like there's another man after Sora. He fucking hated Judge and what's happened therefore another outrageously tall blond guy? Zeff asks Sora about everything and she tells him and Zeff is getting ready to sail to Germa as Sora is basically hanging off her oldest brother to stop him which is so funny because Sora is in her thirties and Zeff in his fifties as he's yelling orders to his crew and Sora is telling him not to. Zeff gives in because they simply can't take Germa and asks what she wants to do then. Sora says she just wants to find a place to live with the kids, relatively peaceful but it's the North Blue so she's not hoping for much. Zeff thumbs at Rosinante with his burning coat witch a quirked brow and she says him too. Zeff rubs his face and asks his navigator to find them something.
They sail for a while. Sora and Rosinante getting even closer and Law reading all the journals with the medic and getting more whenever they reach port. Sanji reads all the cookbooks and helps cook and learns with the crew. Law eventually sets off but still calls everyone once a week to let them know he's alive. Sora and Rosinante settle on an island and Sanji heads with Zeff to the East Blue to open Baratie so he can "retire". The family call is always hectic, especially as Law's crew grows and are introduced. When the Baratie opens the three of them can't make it and Sanji is so tired he is nodding off during the call - Zeff does take a picture and sends it to them. Law has it hanging up in quarters of the Polar Tang and Sora and Rosinante have it in the kitchen of their little house. Garp visits Baratie with his grandsons because Zeff is his boyfriend and Sanji could use more friends. Sanji meets them and stares at them as they're all introduced and Luffy rubber bands his arms around the two older boys and Zeff sighs long and loud until he Sanji introduces himself as "Trafalgar D. Sanji" which makes Zeff pinch the bridge of his nose as Garp laughs. The boys get along fine.
Then ASL start liking Sanji more than they used to. Over their hangouts they start noticing exactly how much they like him and start fighting to do things for him which makes Sanji confused. Sanji also keeps forgetting to mention his family outside of Baratie to they boys because they're all so talkative and boisterous. Sanji keeps track of the conversations he's having with each of them but it is definitely a trial because they're all over the place in terms of thinking and talking. It's just a matter of time really before Sanji starts liking them back and truly it's awful because three? Three? No way they like him.
But then they ask him to be their boyfriend and he agrees. When he and Law have their own phone call the next day he tells his older brother who has heard of them on their family calls like normal. The resounding thud on the other side of the call and then the immediate freak out afterwards is bad but so funny. Law yells Sanji is thirteen and shouldn't be dating and Sanji shoots back that at least he is since Law's not and Law threatens to drown him and Sanji throws back he'll take Law with him. Ya know, sibling stuff. Sanji points out everyone likes them and thinks they're good and Law sighs and says he still wants to meet them. He has to come to the East Blue for a few things any way and it's been a while since they've seen each other. Sanji is excited to see his brother and meet his crew in person and just so excited truthfully, so Law gives him the date of when they'll be at Baratie and Sanji is so excited. He's bouncing around the Baratie and when ASL and Garp are visiting they ask why and Sanji is just only saying Law is coming soon and he's excited because it's been a couple of years and he misses his brother deeply. ASL are confused because Sanji is dating them? Who the fuck is Law? Sanji? Sanji doesn't explain further other than bouncing around and Zeff doesn't explain anything to them or Garp. Just rolls his eyes and continues on like usual. Sanji is usually able to focus easily but since finding out he hasn't been able to focus at all.
When Law and the crew come to Baratie, Zeff demands to feed them because they're traveling in a damn submarine and fucking look at them, they're all so fucking pale. Law is trying to talk Zeff out of it but is quickly overrun by his crew and he mutters about mutiny as Zeff laughs. The crew ends up staying all day at the restaurant and getting to know Zeff and Sanji and the staff. Law is obviously protective and laughs when Zeff asks him about the tattoos on his hands and answers he got a nickname from saving those that couldn't be saved without his fruit. Sanji is laughing so hard and Law is constantly hauling him up and shambling him between meals. He of course checks Sanji over and deems him fine. Law shows Sanji around the Polar Tang and Bepo holds the small blond and Sanji is surprised at how soft the mink is. Law drags Sanji into his bed to sleep because it's getting late and they've spent the day running around and using Law's fruit and Sanji has been cooking for them and it's a big crew to cook for on top of normal business. If Law snuck up to Sanji's to pack him a bag and nodded at Zeff to keep his silence for the surprise no one else needs to know. It's just been a while and Law's bed is comfy and the photos snuck of them are bought and paid for by Zeff. Of course.
The Baratie is closed the next day and despite it being closed Garp shows up with ASL who immediately yell for Sanji as Garp tells them to calm down because it was supposed to be a surprise. ASL is met by Shachi and Penguin are standing in front of them asking what they want with their captain's little brother and their confused because Sanji doesn't have a brother? What? Law laughs and asks Sanji why he didn't tell them and Sanji says he needs to try holding all of the conversations they're having together and individually. Zeff comes out to join as the crew spreads out to let the families talk and when ASL find out Law is a pirate and Sanji's brother everyone can see the gears turning in their heads. Sanji is trying not to laugh because Law is scary looking, but he's incredibly sweet and nerdy but also he doesn't cause harm unless it's in self defense really. He's a doctor, a surgeon. ASL are scared shitless of him of, his power freaks them out and Garp keeps trying to convince him to become a marine. Law says he'll think about it in ten years as Sanji laughs and says their parents will love that and Law says about as much as his boyfriends being the grandsons of a Vice Admiral.
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throwmethroughawindow · 9 months
pls the way Law would probably fight a little kid for a Sora comic is absolutely SENDING me😭😭😭😭😭
Some limited edition one, selling out fast and there’s only one copy left on the shelf. Law was running behind and couldn’t get there as early as he wanted, so he damn near cried when he seen the last book on the shelf. Before he could snatch it off the shelf, a little kid had ran up and taken it before him.
The way Corázon would take over his spirit in that mommeeennttt😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m crying pls. He would be so PISSED and like “H-hey kid! That was mine!!” And the kids like “://// hmmm I don’t think so loser. Bye!!” And run off with Law shook to his bones that a kid got the comic he had been waiting on forever.
But before he could give chase to get the comic back (as if he had it first LMAO), you walk up to the kid and squat down; glancing back at Law and gesturing to another part of the book store (where the other Sora comics were).
Before he knew it, the little shit kid had ran off towards the comic book section with his hands empty and you had begun approaching him with the newest comic settled in your palms with a small smile on your face.
“I was wondering if you were going to come and pick this up, you’re always one of the first people here grabbing the latest editions. I’ll make you a trade, this comic for your number?”
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jestersjitters · 3 months
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Best Character Named X Poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM BST everyday.
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count. Official characters in canon only, please do not submit OCs.
Round 324: Daisy
Round 325: Quentin
Round 326: Flora
Round 327: Fox
Round 328: Rosemary
Round 329: Ralph
Round 330: Ada
Past Polls
Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Rebecca, Steve, Victoria, Katherine, George, Diana, Andy, Nora, Angel, Judy, Jo, Miranda, Pearl, Malcolm, Jamie, Tam, Klaus, Luna, Delilah, Claudia, Juliet, Jonas, Celia, Katya, Cynthia, Corey, Minerva, Ebony, Miriam, Percy, Bianca, Amara, Cleo, Cecil, Mabel, May, August, Francis, Matilda, Deborah, Jared, Kendra, Ophelia, Liesel, Fitz, Aurora, Ramona, Orion, Kala, Madeline, Anastasia, Kit, Marian, Lena, Polly, Cora, Leah, Jules, Irene, Laurie, Laurel, Hilda, Valentine, Joe, Monty, Skye, Walter, Marissa, Hope, Oberon, Lorna, Ace, Calvin, Bridget, Ulrich, Roger, Stella, Lenore, Wanda, Winona, Hannibal, Newt, Aiden, Oscar, Dorian, Dorothy, Una, Marnie, Mirabel, Dora, Olympia, Toby, Chip, Fearne, Axel, Gil, Bo, Rue, Leslie, Isabelle, Agnes, Luther, Sally, Delia, Richter, Scarlet, Bernard, Ray, Nigel, Selina, Harley, Blue, Missy, Perry, Paige, Duke, Tao, Gemma, Cornelius, Wendy, Apollo, Celeste, Clyde, Summer, Esther, Cole, Kieran, Melody, Vivian, Haley, Prudence, Azrael, Lauren, Molly, Pauline, Athena, Darcy, Stan, Dana, Lee, Red, Stuart, Cliff, Gabriel, Octavia, Tsukasa, Anita, Esme, Ella, Heather, Riley, Pyrrha, Rupert, Orlando, Blair, Parker, Ike, Yukari, Tanya, Briar, Amber, Akira, Irma, Marlene, Trixie, Harriet, Letitia, Koichi, Katrina, Echo, Annette, Nami, Dale, Rod, Nina, Carina, Wade, Alucard, Lance, Yuki, Elena, Donatello, Puck, Callie, Moe, Hunter, Poppy, Titania, Melinda, Terry, Jackson, Melanie, Sunny, Dee, Clive, Freya, Randall, Caeser, Marina, Sasha, Dawn, Zain, Ron, Edith, Candy, Carlos, Raiden, Tara
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Yasmin, Chase, Tina, Rudolf, Melvin, Melissa, Adele, Adeline, Jem, Dolores, Jude, Ginger, Bellamy, Jacob, Reese, Nemo, Addison, Adelaide, Candace, Abraham, Ragnar, Destiny, Hero, Drew, Raphael, Wallace, Jean (feminine), Cheryl, Shane, Tegan, Matthias, Liam, Ellis, Dennis, Josie, Mike, Bailey, Eden, Giselle, Suki, Keith, Wilfred, Blaine, Pam, Brianna, Sabine, Roman, Kalina, Mindy, Monet, Zara, Marcus, Elias, Mira, Glen, Farah, Faith, Enid, Ross, Antoinette, Elodie, Mallory, Kay, Renee, Willow, Albert, Howard, Oswald, Clem, Jace, Howell, Rowan, José, Christian, Ravi, Dev, Valerie, Norma, Tristan, Jolene, Yumi, Sakura, Carol, Carrie, Casper, Septimus, Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosie, Rosa, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerard, Ariel, Ariadne, Anya, Ida, Rocky, Mal, Solomon, Sol, Vera, Vincent, Nolan, Sage, Jojo, Calliope, Roxy, Roxanne, Silver, Noel, Noelle, Stacy, Lloyd, Alba, Virginia, Eva, Amos, Petra, Marla, Dante, Gretchen, Rhydian, Russ, Tate, Tatum, Morris, Ambrose, Doug, Grant, Graham, Aaron, Ivan, Paris, Doris, Rain, Sora, Wayne, Helga, Garth, Constantine, Sonny, Courtney, Jamal, Niall
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
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katia-anyway · 7 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @quackquackcey! Thanks for the tag Sweetie, so here goes! List from last posted to oldest.
Bullseye to the Heart!
One Piece | SanUso | Getting together | Usopp scamming people
“You’re sure you’ve never played darts before?” The man asked, frowning angrily.
A Dream Come True!
One Piece | LawSan | Explicit | Sora Warrior of the Sea AU
Law was having insomnia. After tossing and turning for maybe an hour, he decided to get up. May as well find a good book to read and a cup of coffee to drink.
By the Heart
One Piece | Collab with @tunatunatunas | Found Family with Cora and Law
Rosinante looked up at the white sky and puffed out a breath of air. His cheeks were icy cold but he paid it no mind as he watched the snow fall in soft flurries around his head. It was a beautiful sight—one that he hadn’t seen in far too long.
Sora Warrior of the Sea - Arc 1
One Piece | SanUso | Sora Warrior of the Sea AU | During the Time Skip
Usopp is woken up by the sound of something exploding near him. Immediately, dirt and smoke burn his eyes and throat. He coughs.
I'm glad Sanji has you
One Piece | ZoSan | Christmas Angst and Fluff | Ghosts
Zoro found Sanji still fuming by the railing, taking a long drag of his cigarette, his shoulders finally relaxing as he breathed out. Then, without transition, the sorrow was back in his stance and in his eyes.
A Legend about True Love
One Piece | LawLu | Fantasy AU | Prince Luffy x Witch Law
Once upon a time, there was a Prince who wanted to see what was beyond the walls of the Palace he’d been raised in. And so, ignoring the warnings of his grandfather, the King, he snuck out.
Who would have thought lawyers could give such horrible advice?
Ace Attorney | Klapollo | Bad Romantic Advice | Confession shenanigans
Klavier knew this was a bad idea.
A Kiss in Loguetown
One Piece Live Action | KobyLu | Matchmaker Garp
Vice-Admiral Garp is a simple man. He likes meat, strong men, and Justice. His goals in life are to make the world a better place and make good Marines out of his family. This second goal has, for now, flopped. But Garp hasn’t lost hope.
Duke's first Holiday with the Batfam was Halloween
DC comics | Batfam | Duke Thomas Centric | Halloween in Gotham
When Duke imagined his first holiday dinner with the Batfamily, he expected it to be Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or one of the Bats’ birthdays.
Nobara and Maki’s first date
Jujutsu Kaisen | NobaMaki | Day off | Romance | Fluff
There’s a bit of matcha left on Maki’s lips when she puts down her latte. And Nobara… Can not see anything else.
And done! I'm not seeing a specific pattern... Do you all see one?
Tagging: @xraiyax, @cosmicatta, @betsib, @purplehairedwonder, @tunatunatunas
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sorastar0 · 7 months
Name: Sora/Cora
Age: 20
Pronouns: She/Her
Hobby: Writing, Playing Games, Watching Movies/shows, collecting Manga's
Current Interest: Record Of Ragnarok, Lego Monkie Kid, Pokémon
Comfort Characters:
Susanoo (Record of Ragnarok)
Zerofuku (Record of Ragnarok)
Lucifer (Record Of Ragnarok)
Likes: OC/Self insert/ Sona x Canon, Gaming, hearing people ideas,
Dislikes: Seafood, seeing people hardwork fails, Toxic ships, Rough NSFW writing
Welcome to my account I hope you enjoy my writing plus my Sona into my favorite things as it brings me happiness, I write mostly headcanons and OC/Self insert/Sona x Canon as I can't write without a name.
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adcmans · 1 year
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Name: Corazón/ Cora (For short) / Sora
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Likes: Writing, Playing Games, listening to music, seeing people work, talking about My persona in my favorite things
Dislikes: seafood, abusive/ any r3pe writing, people that don’t pay attention to people hard work in GCs/Servers,
Anime I watch
One Piece
Life lessons of Uramichi Oniisan
Record Of Ragnarok
Black Clover
Gintama (currently watching)
Bungo stray dogs (currently watching)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Currently watching)
Happily Marriage (Currently watching)
Kemono Jihen
Games I Play
Obey Me
Obey Me nightbringer
Disney Twisted Wonderland
Arcana Twilight
Pokémon (Sword, Arceus, Violet, unite)
Writings I do
OC x Canon
Self Insert X Canon
Persona x Canon
I only do sweet and caring writing
Writings I won’t do
NSFW (Until I learn how to do it better)
Anything that is abusive or anything without consent
There is more but I can’t think
Comfort Characters
(Not in Order)
Julius (Black Clover)
Corazón (One Piece)
Katakuri (One Piece)
Lucifer (ROR)
Azale (ROR)
Samael (ROR)
Beelzebub (ROR)
Alpheratz (Arcana twilight)
Kalim Al Asim (TWST)
Sam (TWST)
Zerofuku (ROR)
Luke (ROR)
Buddha (ROR)
Fun Fact About Me
I have ADHD
I’m pretty good at knowing characters personality
My Gacha luck in games are pretty good
I have two dogs name Queenie (she has a lot Torta, Tortellini) And Nemo
I daydream a lot and remember all my ideas
Ending With Info
My request is open for any Headcanons,I mostly write for my persona I have and if your interested on me posting about them I would, I would also listen to people who wants to talk about there OC or Self insert with there favorite I am happy to hear about it.
Thanks for reading this and I hope your happy to hear me rant or doing random stuff.
Sona different media
Black Clover Sona
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gendervapor14 · 2 years
gen's work in progress list!
here's a little list of every story i have that's either posted but incomplete, a rough draft, or even just a little concept! it is loosely organized by priority. feel free to poke me about any of these. sometimes i need a kick to the pants to get them going. i'll try and keep it updated too!! 👍
also there are spicy themes in here so minors, DNI. thank you
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titles listed in large font, italicized, and underlined, are fics that are posted on ao3! titles that are just italicized are confirmed, working titles for a rough draft. titles that are neither italicized nor underlined are still in the conceptual/early development stage. it's likely the ratings, warnings, genres, etc may change as i continue to work on them. more than happy to talk about any of these tho, regardless of their status! 💕
last updated: 11/26/23
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two fights for freedom
rating: M warnings: graphic depictions of violence category: F/M, gen status: ~10 chapters posted, updates every week, ~35 chapters, ~70k-100k words tags: canon divergent, fix-it, everybody lives, pre-arlong park, angst with a happy ending, angst and feels, fluff and humor, hurt/comfort, suggestive themes, sexual tension, limes (yes i'm bringing limes back), eventual smut, romance, slow burn, arguing, financial issues, broken bones, references to depression, alcoholism, mental health issues, canon backstory, mentioned doflamingo, non-canon backstory (giving bell-mere a backstory), found family, medical inaccuracies, blood and injury, trafalgar d. water law is a little shit, developing friendships, past child abuse, nightmares, more tags to be added later (?) characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law, nami, nojiko, genzo, arlong relationships: rosinante x bell-mere summary: freedom for one means adventure. exploring all the world has to offer, while avoiding the occasional haunting. freedom for another almost costs an arm and two daughters. a home, a village. perhaps freedom is best sought back-to-back. {a cora and bell-mère lives au} wip notes: got like 80% of this mapped out so despite my busy schedule, i'm pulling this out of the woodworks! XD thank opla arlong park for giving me a kick in the pants
rating: E warnings: none category: M/M status: ~11k words, oneshot, complete, not posted genre/cw: modern au, romance, parties, awkward meetings, hidden scars, angst & feels, hurt/comfort, smut, gender dysphoria, trans croc, lgbt+ themes, first time characters: crocodile, rosinante, donquixote parents, doflamingo relationships: crocodile x rosinante, past rosinante x bell-mere conceptual summary: at a christmas party gone sour, crocodile decides to put an end to his hiding. wip notes: my desire for soft crocorosi led to this story. hopefully i'll have it ready for christmas!!
a lesson on co-parenting
rating: E warnings: none category: F/F status: drafts of 2/3 chapters written genre/cw: modern au, nanny au?, miscommunication, humor, drama, suggestive themes, smut, moral conflict characters: sora (oc), bell-mere, rosinante, law, nami, nojiko relationships: sora x bell-mere, background rosinante x crocodile conceptual summary: sora is hired as a nanny for a busy, catastrophic family. what she assumed to be an easy, generous gig turns into disaster when the matriarch openly flirts and coaxes her into bed. wip notes: i started writing this ages ago on a whim and i do intend to finish it, but i got stuck on the smut XD as soon as i finish that tho, the fic is done!
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trans corabelle fic
rating: M warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings category: F/M, M/M, gen status: 75% of the first chapter drafted, will probably be ~12 chapters genres/cw: modern au, childhood friends, class struggles, angst, gender/sexuality, bullying, suicidal thoughts/actions, toxic relationships, hospitalizations, infidelity, child custody mayhem, ftm rosinante, mtf bell-mere, drama & romance, implied sexual content characters: rosinante, doflamingo, donquixote parents, bell-mere, crocodile, law relationships: rosinante x crocodile, rosinante x bell-mere endgame conceptual summary: sometimes you have to crawl through hell to reach your happy ending. wip notes: this has become the recent brainworm. i chip away at it when i have the energy. it's gonna be fucked up, hopefully.
lost in walmart
rating: gen warnings: none category: gen, F/M status: purely conceptual genres/cw: modern au, humor, fluff, domestic bliss characters: rosinante, law, nami, nojiko, bell-mere relationships: background rosinante x bell-mere conceptual summary: bell-mere drops off rosinante and the kids at a walmart while she runs some errands elsewhere. rosinante ends up losing all the kids and struggles to relocate them before bell-mere gets back. wip notes: this idea came to me from the heavens. i'll work on it once the nanny fic is finished 👍
all that glitters
rating: M warnings: graphic depictions of violence category: gen, F/M...? status: purely conceptual genres/cw: canon divergent, donquixotes never left mariejois, angst & feels, moral dilemmas, slavery, humor? but more of a dark humor, not sure about romance/smut yet characters: bell-mere, rosinante, doflamingo, donquixote parents relationships: either none, or bell-mere x rosinante conceptual summary: what if instead of accepting death on cocoyashi, arlong sells bell-mere into slavery for a taste of irony? bell-mere would accept - she can easily escape and get back to her kids while still complying with arlong's demands. meanwhile, the donquixotes granted their youngest son his own manor. doflamingo decides the best kind of housewarming gift for his beloved brother is a pretty young slave who can keep the place tidy and prepare some meals for him. if only that gift was a bit more cooperative. wip notes: YEAH so this idea rotted my brain pretty fast once i thought of it. and i pitched the idea to a few friends, expecting to have it get shot down, but they encouraged it so, i will be writing it at some point. it'll likely be multiple chapters, and there are a lot of story holes, so i'll have to iron those out first.
sublime > perish
rating: M warnings: graphic depictions of violence, major character death category: gen status: rough draft of chapter one finished? chapter two almost finished genres/cw: canon-plausible, backstory, steampunk, angst characters: gladius, oc parents, doflamingo (at the very end) conceptual summary: “Life on this island guarantees a fatality rate of one-hundred percent. You’ve defied those odds so far. Are you willing to keep risking your life for this measly place? Or would you rather have this entire world in the palm of your hands?” This was not a difficult choice to make. If only it was. wip notes: backstory fic for gladius! put this down for a while to tackle the rarepair event in feburary, and i really need to get back to it!! 😅
the heart of art
rating: gen warnings: none category: gen status: a few little paragraphs 😔 genres/cw: modern AU, fluff, humor, slice of life, artist cora AU characters: rosinante, law conceptual summary: maybe he had no gross motor control, but if there was one thing rosinante was a master with, it was art. wip notes: i promised @flashily i would write this story ages ago and i have absolutely no excuse as to why it isn't finished yet. i am so sorry. it is up here on my list!! see!! i will get to it, i swear!! 😭😭
all bark and no bite - part II
rating: E warnings: none category: M/M, gen status: purely conceptual genres/cw: modern AU, humor, suspicions, fluff, romance, smut? characters: rosinante, crocodile, bell-mere, potentially law, nami and nojiko, but idk yet relationships: rosinante x crocodile conceptual summary: crocodile invites rosinante on one of his trips overseas. rosinante sees it as the perfect oppertunity to get his second wind and dive into his dark secrets. wip notes: received overwhelming positive feedback on the first part of this, so i've started planning a second part. but idk when i'll get around to it! i need to do a lot more plotting.
sticky fingers
rating: E warnings: none category: multi, gen status: purely conceptual genres/cw: modern au, humor, smutty but nothing you can bite your teeth into, sex toys, heists, scheming, financial issues characters: bell-mere, rosinante, various background characters relationships: bell-mere x various background characters conceptual summary: bell-mere is hankering for a reliable, human-free source of fun, but the price of sex toys is far too exorbitant for her wallet. her solution? hook up with as many rich people as she can to pocket their best toys on the way out. wip notes: i was researching sex toys for ANOTHER fic and i couldn't help but notice the prices?? i was like "christ, bell-mere could never afford these" and then i got me thinking of her sitting on a thrown of stolen sex toys with a dildo crown. and i thought. i should write that.
donut miss your chance!
rating: T warnings: none! category: M/M, gen status: one chapter posted on ao3, 5300 words genres/cw: modern AU, fluff, humor, slice of life, blind date, awkward date, anxiety, reference to selective mutism characters: rosinante, bell-mère, katakuri relationships: rosinante x katakuri summary: bell-mère sets rosinante up with "a cute baker." a 7'2" punk-goth behemoth is not exactly what rosinante had in mind. wip notes: planning at least one more chapter for this! (but probably more) i'll get around to it after i find the time to watch WCI 👍
nami sewing
rating: gen warnings: none category: gen status: purely conceptual genres/cw: canon compliant, flashbacks, nostalgia, character study, canon-typical violence, blood and injury, angst & feels characters: nami, bell-mere, arlong, strawhats pirates conceptual summary: nami remembers her mother teaching her how to sew. wip notes: sometimes when i look at my hands, i see my grandmother's hands when she would teach me how to sew as a child. i wonder if, even though they weren't related by blood, nami sees her mother's hands in her own when she sews.
rating: E warnings: major character death...? category: F/M, gen status: a few ficlets half-completed genres/cw: angst, romance, canon compliant, smut, humor, tension characters: rosinante, sora (oc), possibly sengoku & tsuru relationships: rosinante x sora conceptual summary: a ficlet collection for sorazon. wip notes: basically a dumping pile of scenes i scrapped or wrote in a sad, sappy stupor.
physical therapy au?
rating: M warnings: none category: F/M status: purely conceptual genres/cw: modern au, physical hurt/comfort, rehabilitation, injury, humor, awkward sexual situations, awkward flirting, mutual pining, dating, romance, secret relationship characters: rosinante, sora (oc) relationships: rosinante x sora conceptual summary: sora gets assigned a "highly-temperamental" case of a very injured marine vet. after expecting an irritable, violent older person, sora is thrown off when her patient turns out to be a kind-hearted young man. wip notes: this story is like a little bug nibbling at the back of my brain. i might bump it up after i grab lunch with a friend who is an occupational therapist. miiiight just annoy her with 100+ questions XD
rating: T warnings: none! category: gen status: one chapter posted on ao3, 2,737 words genres/cw: humor, domestic fluff? as domestic as the donquixote family gets at least, canon-compliant, dark humor characters: gladius, dellinger, doflamingo summary: “What’s the matter, Gladius, are you afraid of little Dellinger?” “Horrified, sir.” wip notes: i posted this ages ago and got a few comments kindly requesting the second chapter so. yes. it is coming. i have a loose plan. gladius is going to end up taking dellinger to that grocery store. the grocery store will not remain standing by the end of the story 👍
corazón de oro
rating: gen warnings: none! category: gen status: complete, oneshot, 2,785 words genres/cw: hurt/comfort, grief/mourning, nightmares, canon-compliant characters: rosinante, law summary: “Love, it’s…kind of like a leap of faith. You take your dive, you give them your heart. And you can only hope they’ll catch it when you land.” worth clarifying, not a ship wip notes: adding another chapter soon! i have this idea in mind revolving around this idea of rosi and law discussing religion 👀 (outside of my field of expertise tho, so i may take a bit with this one)
dofladile story
rating: M warnings: none category: M/M status: one and a half chapters of rough draft written, but idk where i'm going with it genres/cw: canon-plausible, humor, angst, maybe light smut? idk characters: doflamingo, crocodile relationships: doflamingo x crocodile conceptual summary: somehow, doflamingo convinced crocodile to take a visit over to dressrosa. his lovely guest is not as lovely as he was anticipating. wip notes: i'll go through phases of working on this and adding like, 1000 or so words at a time, and then i'll take a huge break. they're both very difficult for me to write in a canon-plausible setting. so much thinking.
band au?
rating: ??? warnings: none category: ??? status: purely conceptual genres/cw: modern au, band au, uhhh. sex and drugs i dunno characters: rosinante, bell-mere, smoker, hina, others. probably relationships: ??? conceptual summary: ??? wip notes: SORRY i have nothing for this other than a band (the four listed characters) and a few lyrics in a little notes document on my phone. might turn this into more of an art project than a story. yet to be determined.
01746 sequel
rating: M warnings: graphic depictions of violence category: gen, M/M, F/M status: fragment of the first chapter written, mostly conceptual genres/cw: canon plausible, angst, mental health issues, alcoholism, pirates are evil, especially doflamingo, dark themes, unhealthy relationships characters: doflamingo, donquixote family, crocodile, sora? (oc) viola conceptual summary: the death of the heart left a gap for many. some filled that hole with shovels and dirt. others used lead. wip notes: uh, yeah, pretty much the label on the can. picks up directly where 01746 left off. doflamingo is making his way towards dressrosa, trying to pick up the pieces. idk if sora's going to be in this. if she is, i think she might join baroque works. we'll see. this one's going to require a boatload of planning, so i'll get around to it next century.
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make sure you check out my #gensbthb tag too, for details on upcoming projects for the bad things happens bingo event. i write those very randomly so there's no saying when another will pop up.
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kingdom hearts kingdom era missing link
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Kingdom hearts kingdom era add the new prequel story missing link, now play as sora's grandfather & vora's grandfather & nora's grandfather & cora's grandfather & the custom player who wield the keyblade after the keyblade wars in cross x chi union, new improved gameplay: lock on, scan, multilock. new feature: transformation keyblade/weapon, transform between the keyblade weapon & the keyblade vehicle.
"Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Era: Missing Link" takes players on a captivating prequel story, featuring Sora's grandfather, Vora's grandfather, Nora's grandfather, Cora's grandfather, and the custom player who wields the Keyblade after the Keyblade Wars in Cross x Chi Union. This installment introduces several improved gameplay mechanics and new features:
New Improved Gameplay:
Lock On
New Feature:
Transformation Keyblade/Weapon: Unlock the ability to transform the Keyblade or weapon into various forms during combat.
Transforming Keyblade Vehicle: Seamlessly switch between the Keyblade weapon and a Keyblade vehicle for versatile exploration and transportation.
"Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Era: Missing Link" offers an enriching prequel experience, allowing players to step into the shoes of the previous generation of Keyblade wielders and witness the events that connect the past to the present in the Kingdom Hearts universe.
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simizzy-writes · 2 years
there, at the edge of the world, he stood
𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓸𝓪𝓭 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝔂
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader Warnings: fluff. little tiny bit of angst. Sequel to 'the silence of waiting'. dedicated to endursent 💕
There, at the edge of the world, he stood. Out there on the horizon, he stared and wondered. 
The setting sun cast the sky ablaze into gold and rubies, but Law was not tempted by those riches. The sea below glittered, shimmering and shivering, beckoning to taste of its diamonds. Still, he was not tempted. 
No, his mind stayed adrift, too unfocused for temptation. Images upon images played in his mind like acts to a play where he was the audience. Pearlescent buildings, trees and earth - once white, now red and ashen. A mountain of corpses, eyes forever wide with fear. In his youth, he had once felt guilty for using them to make his escape. But now, as a grown man, the only guilt he felt was not being able to go backwards in time and save them. Foolish, impossible - both were true, and yet he couldn’t help it. The world wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair, but they still deserved to be in it. And as the sun dipped lower and lower behind the horizon, he wondered how gray his father’s hair would have been by now. Would his mother still be as elegant as he remembered her? And Lami…how many festivals would she have begged him to go with her? Would she still read their favorite comics together, or would she have outgrown that and teased him for liking Sora, Warrior of the Sea still?
His thoughts continued. Deeper and deeper down into the depths of his mind they went. In that chasm, Law found another image. A smile too big, too good, for this world. 
Sometimes he could still smell Corazon’s cigarettes. He wondered if he would chastise him for smoking, reminding the fool that they’re bad for his health. Corazon would have just smiled, he thought, and told him that he turned out to be a good doctor. He would have looked at Law with such pride. Undeserving of it, Law dismissed. But the thought of hearing Corazon again, telling him how proud he was of him, made Law’s heart rise in his throat. What a fool Corazon was to love such a wretch like him. 
Oh, how he missed him.
And there, as the flood came to his eyes, he felt it. Warm, delicate, and more comforting than he could ever hope for. Was it peace? Love? He didn’t know for sure, but it was there. Rising within him, filling his lungs, blossoming into something beautiful. The stage play changed now, showing scenes from more fruitful parts of his life. The joyous ones, and like constellations they fell to him like tender pearls. He counted them, one after another, and he found himself smiling. Cora-san would have been happy, he thought, to see him smile - to know that yes, Law had been living free.
There, at the edge of the world, he stood. 
It sounded soft, so soft that he wasn’t quite sure that he even heard his name being called. Gently, he was coaxed from his dream. But in defiance, he kept his eyes closed, pressing the memory of such a dream upon his mind as best that he could. That gold horizon drifted away, and Law slowly, reluctantly, thanked it for its stay. 
God, his back ached. In his post-dream fog, he made a mental note to consider replacing these hospital chairs with something better. With one hand, he rubbed at his temple. The other, still to his comfort, was holding on to yours. He squeezed it gently, and he nuzzled his head against your arm. Law was prepared to fall back asleep just like that, when again he heard it - 
Still soft, but followed by a gentle grip of the hand. 
Gray eyes snapped open, alert and eager. He lifted his head, and deep in his heart, Law felt that warmth from his dream. There, as he looked upon your sweet face, he understood that it wasn’t just peace or love - but both.
Days passed, and your recovery was just about complete. You were thankful for many reasons, first and foremost being that you were still alive and able to recover. The second was that the Heart Pirates - especially your captain - were becoming less and less mother hen-like. You adored them all for their care and compassion, and were truly sorry to have caused them such grief. But you were eager to be doted on less, to say the least. You would have missed having so many bouquets of your favorite flowers, though, but Law promised to buy you as many as you wished for.
“Starting tomorrow, you won’t need these bandages anymore.”
“Thank you, doctor.”
A gentle nip of your ear, a sweet laugh from your lips.
Law wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back against his chest. He leaned further back against the headboard of his bed, wiggling himself and you down into the blankets a bit more. He held you, cradled you. God, he was so in love with you. Lowering his head as if bowing to your splendor - and perhaps he was - he pressed soft kisses to your neck. One here, another there. He breathed in the scent of your skin, and he knew that he was home.
That evening, days ago when you were still asleep, he had whispered a promise to you. To tell you so many things, and he had kept his word. Part of it, at least. To him, he found it boyish how quickly he told you that he loved you. In private, Law chastised himself for only telling you after faced with the possibility of losing you. Fear was a good motivator, he supposed. But still, he poured out his heart to you like water from a fountain. Like clear water over polished stones, he washed over you with every loving thought, every passionate feeling. 
You had told him that you loved him, too, of course. You even teased him and asked him what took him so long to say it. Playfully, he told you to not ruin the moment. But, oh, did you make him happy. From each hair on his head to the tips of his toes, Law loved you. Every part of him filled with joy, and he counted himself lucky to have you by his side. He would have been without a side had it not been for Cora-san - he knew this. Corazon, who had long since been gone from this earth, still blessed Law with his love. If Law was a man who prayed, he would have given thanks to Cora-san, and prayed for his everlasting peace. And perhaps that he trips a little less.
Long had his kissing since stopped, and he had become still. His breathing was deep and measured. Curious, you gently nudged him.
“Law,” you called. “Are you asleep?”
The greatest chime of all was the way you said his name. Every melody in the world belonged to you, of this he was sure. 
“No,” he replied. “Only thinking.”
“And what is the great doctor thinking of?” you asked.
Stirring, taking another deep breath of your savor, Law answered. 
“About a promise I made. [Name]-ya, I want to tell you about someone. His name was Corazon. I think that you would have liked him.”
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sabo-has-my-heart · 3 years
To make up for accidentally posting a sad fic early Valentine’s day morning, here’s a cute, platonic Law x Corazon Valentine’s day fic
Cora-san had taken him from hospital to hospital for almost a year now, looking for somebody to cure him and while it hadn’t been pleasant, Law knew that Cora’s intentions were pure. The young boy sighed to himself as he carried a bouquet of roses nearly as big as he was with a card that said ‘To Cora-san’ attached to it. With a deep breath, the young, dark haired boy approached Corazon who looked at Law excitedly.
“These are for you.” Law mumbled, thrusting the roses at Corazon who eagerly took the bouquet, “H-happy Valentine’s day, Cora-san.” Law added, Corazon trying not to cry at the gesture. He knew that the moment he did, Law would immediately return to his usual sarcastic, cold, detached self and criticize him for crying over some flowers. Instead, the blond smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, slightly singed, pink and red card before handing it to Law.
“Happy Valentine’s day, Law.” he said with a smile, handing the card to the boy. Law held the decorative paper in his hands, staring at it, almost in disbelief that somebody had gotten something for him.
“It’s singed…” Law stated, still holding the paper and staring at it. Corazon smiled and laughed slightly, rubbing the back of his head.
“I uh, was smoking and it, I managed to put the fire out quickly!” Corazon said with a slightly nervous laugh, smiling slightly at the small smile that graced Law’s young lips. The boy probably didn’t even realize he was smiling. Almost as quickly as Corazon noticed Law’s smile, the boy’s face returned to its usual dour look as he stuffed the card in a pocket.
“I-it’s not bad, for a stupid card.” the boy stuttered, looking away from the man. It was too late though, Corazon had seen a softer side of Law and now he wanted to see more.
Law looked at the old piece of singed paper held in a plastic envelope similar to the ones some of his older ‘Sora, Warrior of the Sea’ comics came in. It was a little crumpled, fold marks ran along the paper, and it was slightly discolored, but it was still in one piece. Law allowed a small, fond smile to grace his lips as he stared down at the card, quite possibly the second best gift Cora-san could have given him. Some days the Op-Op fruit and his life didn’t seem like a gift, some days they seemed like a curse, like he shouldn’t still be alive, but looking at this silly, singed, old Valentine’s day card, it was the best gift Cora-san could have given him. 
“Happy Valentine’s day, Cora-san.” Law whispered into the silence of his empty room, still smiling slightly.
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
Could you imagine if Cora x Sora went the same way as Trafalgar!Sanji. Like Law and Sanji get separated and Law has to explain sobbing over a denden he lost Sanji at sea to his adopted parents while they deal with their grief and not being able to reach their eldest son. Then a couple years later getting a call that Sanji is alive and is in the East Blue. Like they're trying to figure out how to reach their children.
Law will visit as long as he's in the North Blue but getting to the East is a lot more difficult. The Tang might be able to do it but still, the Calm Belt eats a lot of fuel. They decide fuck it and join the crew in hopes of seeing Sanji again so they join before heading to the Grand Line. Everyone just accepts that the captain's parents are on board. Obviously they find out about Sanji joining the Strawhat crew and his awful bounty. Then at Sabaody Cora is holding Sora back by just lightly holding her as the auction house fiasco goes down. Then the Pacifistas happen. The Heart Pirates watch the small family cling to each other and cry as they head for the execution and then watch it one more time after they save Luffy.
Punk Hazard just has Law giving Sanji the most disappointed look which no one but him understands so Sanji glares back. When Sanji leaves Dressrosa and fires on Big Mom's ship he's actually fairly excited to see his mom and dad but obviously Germa happens before he can see them. So like when the rescue team shows up to Wano with Sanji Wano and all have just a minute to breathe. The parents and Law start interrogating Sanji about the last like eight years for him because what the fuck? How the FUCK did he end up in the East Blue? They knew letting him set off at like nine was a bad idea but they didn't want them separated and what the fuck are these morals Zeff put into him? What the fuck is going on with his crew?
Sanji is just sitting there letting this happen and Luffy just climbs onto Sanji who holds him and asks what's happening.
"Well that's my mom, Sora. That's the man I consider my dad, Rosinante or Corazon-" Sanji starts.
"The bird's brother?" Zoro interrupts.
"Yeah, don't worry he's not -" Sanji continues as the Strawhats move to fight and Cora is just looking down at them.
"He shot me when I was protecting them, I married her, he knows I'm not part of the family anymore." Cora tells them as he gestures to his kids and Sora.
"Anyway, Law is my brother-" Sanji tries to press on.
"Well you're not going back to them, you're mine." Luffy interrupts.
"Right, I'm not leaving the crew-" Sanji tries.
"Good." Luffy nods as he kisses Sanji's cheek.
"The fuck is this?" Law demands as he sets up a room.
"They've been dating since Sanji joined the crew." Nami shrugs as Bepo grabs Law and their parents assess Luffy and deem him good enough.
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Roomie dinner (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N: Hi guys! How are you? I hope you’re all doing fine (this already sounds like a generic English task of ‘write to your friend in England’ so we are already in an *awesome* place, right? :D). I’ve been busy this last couple of days, my internship has just started and I’ve been learning a lot :D it’s in those moments that my brain decides to throw ideas at me, and this fic is not exception to the rule. 
Summary: One week after the incident at the hospital, Claire’s friends discuss what exactly is going on between her and Ethan.
Tag list: @paleweasels, @kittykatchoices, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian, @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @awhmilkywey @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie, @choicesobsessedd, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @justanotherrookie @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @akshara16 @maurine07
Enjoy! <3
Jackie fell into her seat by the table, stretching out a bit. She’s spent the whole day running around the hospital, doing her best to avoid nosy interns that decided that it was their right to know everything that happened in there. Throughout the day, she would have to fight with herself to not berate them the way she’d like to, a tiny voice that sounded suspiciously like Claire ringing in her ear.
Don’t be rude
The blonde doctor has spent the last three days slowly getting back to her routine of being a doctor, after her recovery was over. During that time, Jackie hasn’t seen her very often, both with her work and with Claire staying at the hospital for the night. Dr. Hirata insisted on keeping her there for that additional time, just to be sure that all the residual effects would subside, and the threat was gone for good. No one could fault that logic, so no one, not even Claire, the most stubborn one of them all, argued about it.
This night, Sienna insisted on them all having what she’s insisted on calling ‘roomie dinner’, inviting Rafael and Bryce to tag along. They lost so much over the span of last week, and for a moment, it felt like they could lose so much more. At the end of the day, no one was invincible. Thankfully, though, they didn’t have to find out what the world would look like without Claire and Raf, because the latter was already sitting by Jackie’s side, and the former was said to arrive in the next ten minutes.
All her friends were talking among themselves when she asked the question that has been on her mind since the moment she saw the interview on TV.
“So, when was somebody going to tell me that Ramsey and Claire have a thing going on?”
The table fell silent in an instant. Elijah raised an eyebrow, asking her to elaborate silently, Sienna’s eyes widened in what she could describe as alarm, Raf nodded in understanding and Bryce grinned, leaning towards her and putting his hand on her shoulder.
“Believe me, if I knew, I would have told you. Ramsey is my gym bro, but he doesn’t talk much. Well, much about his private affairs, anyway.” He managed to lean away right before she could smack his hand with hers, laughing at her serious expression.
“I’m not sure there’s anything going on.” Sienna worded her answer slowly, thinking through every part of it so she wouldn’t slip up. To tell the truth, she didn’t know the details. All she knew was that both Claire and Ethan had feelings for each other, but she was unaware of any development in the situation.
“You’re lying.” Jackie leaned towards her. “Your lower lip twitches when you lie. But okay, I’ll get it out of you eventually. Raf? Have you noticed anything?”
He took a moment to dig through the heavy fog that surrounded the events of the day they got poisoned, trying to remember anything about Ethan’s behavior towards Claire for that day. Slowly but surely, he managed to fish out a couple of moments. How utterly terrified he was when he saw her in the room. How gentle his touch seemed to be every time he examined her or simply held her hand.
“He was… soft? For the lack of better word?” he answered hesitantly. “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen him do, and I’ve known him for some time now. It was the first time I’ve seen him panic.”
“I knew there was something there.” she mused, catching Sienna’s gaze. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. As though you haven’t seen his behavior for the past week. He barely left her side. I’m pretty sure he used up his vacation days just so he could sit by her bed all day and night.”
“Maybe he’s just worried. Or maybe my hunch is right.” Bryce chimed in, rushing to explain when all his friends turned to look at him. “You should have seen his face when we were all working out with Claire back in the day and she mentioned that she wanted to look good naked. He was so taken by surprise that he tripped.
“If I remember correctly, we all stumbled.” Raf noted, not buying the idea.
“That’s true, but you and I didn’t get a look of longing in our eyes and our necks didn’t get red from blushing.” Jackie laughed triumphally, patting him on the back. “I’m telling you, Ramsey has it bad for her.”
“I, for one, believe it.” Aurora shrugged, drumming her fingers against the rim of the glass. “They were kinda close even back when we were interns. Something was off after that, but now they seem to be back at it.”
“He said it himself, he’s not single. Claire almost suffocated while trying not to laugh, and you could almost see the effort he put into not looking at her.” taking a sip of water, she leaned back against her chair as she continued. “Not only that, but the past few days have made it evident that something is brewing. Not only is he worried, like us, being her friends, or like June and Baz, being her coworkers. He’s affectionate. He has that look in his eyes whenever I see them together. He doesn’t even bother hiding their joined hands.”
As they were all discussing, Sienna tried to think of something to say. She didn’t want to reveal what she knew, as she felt that it wasn’t her place to do so. Claire would tell them herself if and when she wanted to. Elijah looked at her, nodding towards the other three people by the table. She shrugged, turning her head towards the entrance of the restaurant.
“Happy couple is here. We might get some answers.” Bryce grinned, pointing everyone’s attention to two people that just walked in. Claire waved at them shyly, her smile bright, and took a step towards them before she was stopped by a hand pulling her back. She gracefully waltzed into Ethan’s waiting arms, her face lighting up even more, mirroring his entirely. They talked quietly about something, his fingers skimming the rim of the lapel of the jacket she had thrown over her shoulder. Only then did Sienna notice that it was in fact Ethan’s coat she was wearing, not her own, hence why it was so big on her.
He leaned down to whisper something, his lips brushing against her cheek before squeezing her hand and letting her go. She walked towards her friends as Ethan turned to leave when Bryce called out. “Hey, Ramsey! Don’t go! We’re about to order booze and eat ridiculous amounts of food.”
Claire bit down a smirk, looking over her shoulder at him, nuzzling her chin against the soft material of his coat teasingly. His eyes darkened, feeling a challenge in the way she looked at him. Nodding so gently that no one could really tell his head even moved, he made his way over to the table, pulling the chair out for Claire before taking a seat next to her. He could feel stares of people sitting around him, to which his only reaction was a roll of his eyes along with a heavy sigh.
“I’m going to need something strong…” he cursed under his breath, causing Claire to giggle, her hand flying towards her face to conceal it. She couldn’t, however, fool Ethan, who’s hand has already slipped into hers, their fingers tangling.
As the evening progressed, the conversation moved fluently from subject to subject. They all studiously avoided mentioning the horrific situation they found themselves in a few days ago. Bryce talked them through the procedure of Kyra’s surgery, ending just before their food arrived. No one asked about Sora, for which Rafael was quite grateful, instead talking about all the things he wanted to do next.
Claire laughed at Bryce when he tried to steal some fries from Jackie’s plate, and she caught him in the act. She mouthed ‘watch and learn’, then waited until Ethan turned away and successfully stole a piece of meat, straight from his fork. Aurora, who for most of the evening remained silent, slowly clapped at her, earning her the attention of the attending. That, in turn, caused him to investigate and come up to the correct conclusion.
“Are you okay, Claire? You’re looking a bit flushed.” He leaned closer when she shook her head, denying that there was anything wrong. “You look guilty. Is it because, perhaps, you stole food right off my fork?”
“Busted!” Bryce exclaimed, mocking her when she smiled, cutting a piece of her steak and passing it to Ethan.
“At least I got caught after the fact, not in the middle of it. Your laughter gave you away.” she pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest. “You never announce your attack. Amateur move, Lahela.”
Ethan looked incredulously at the woman sitting next to him. Guarding himself and his heart from her for most of the time they knew each other made him unaware of just how much he was missing. Now, sitting there, among her friends, seeing how comfortable she was around him, even though no one knew what was going on between them, made him hope for what could be his to have every day. Lightness in his step, easiness of his smile and the woman he wanted for so long, finally in his arms. When she looked back at him and their eyes met, he felt his every rational thought flying out the window.
Sienna pulled their attention towards her when she cleared her throat.
“I’d like to say something.”
When everyone fell silent, she breathed shakily, gathering her thoughts. “I love you all so much. Well…” she hesitated, looking at Ethan, who’s eyebrow shot up in surprise, before laughing. “How about respect for now?” they nodded in agreement, after which he let her continue. “I don’t know how I would survive it all without you all. I’m never going to take you for granted because nothing is forever.”
She made the point to look at Claire and Ethan, very obviously trying to impress upon them the message she was trying to push through. “Life’s too short to question yourself. It’s too short to not say what you feel. It’s too short to not love people.” Her voice cracked at the end, catching Claire’s hand when she offered it to her. “Life’s too short to wait.”
They raised their glasses, reminiscing about all that they’ve lost and all that they’ve gained. After a long moment, Ethan smiled, gripping Claire’s hand tightly as he looked at her. His words were a mere whisper, directed right at her.
“I’m not wasting any more time.”
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randomontheinternet · 4 years
Our Life Voiced Names A-Z
I heard some people wanted a list of the voiced names so far, so I took the time to copy down all of the names from A to Z. The names are under the cut to not clutter.
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where you belong
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Cora Chase),  platonic Ethan Ramsey and MC
Word Count: 2839
Listening Suggestion: Make You Feel My Love - Adele
Synopsis: AU. There is no attack on the hospital, and Rafael leaves Edenbrook for the last time. Cora realises that she has one chance before the man she loves is gone for good.
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Rafael was gone. That was fact one.
It was a simple thing when put like that; Rafael had quit his job and was going to Brazil.
Fact number two was a little harder to comprehend. He had broken up with her for another woman.
That fact stung more than the first. She tried not to dwell on their breakup, but it still hurt, having to see him with someone else. Not that that would be much of a problem anymore.
The third fact was the worst of all. She was completely and undeniably in love with him.
She necked another shot at the bar, having come to drink alone after finishing her shift as early as possible. She had said her goodbyes to Rafael at the hospital and all she could think of now were the things she didn’t say.
I’ll miss you.
I love you.
Please don’t go.
But she hadn’t. She had seen the determination in his eyes and she knew that he wanted to leave. There was a time when she believed that she could have made him stay, that she was a reason to stay. But their relationship was over. He had chosen someone else, and if Sora couldn’t make him stay, what hope did she have?
Besides, what point would there be to begging for him not to leave? To ask him to break up with his first love, to come back to her? If he didn’t care enough to reach that conclusion on his own, she wasn’t going to beg for it. Her heart was broken, but at least she had her pride.
“So, are you planning on moping here all night?”
She glanced up to see Ethan taking a seat on the stool beside her, waving for a drink of his own.
“I’m not moping,” she said.
“I’ve known you long enough, Chase, I know when you’re upset,” he pointed out, “So talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“So the fact that Rafael is leaving has nothing to do with your mood, or the fact that you’re drinking alone and not scouring the hospital for good cases like a usual Friday night?”
She shook her head to herself as she took another shot, “Now why should I be upset? Rafael’s moving on with his life. He’s dropping everything he’s ever known and going to sofa surf with family until he finds himself, or until his girlfriend goes out there to join them and they create a perfect fucking life together, and he never comes back, and I’m stuck here wondering about what could have been.”
He raised an eyebrow at her, which melted into an expression of gentler concern as he realised that her ranting had caused tears to sprout behind her green eyes.
“Does that sound like something I should be upset about?” she challenged, but the fight was gone out of her, voice softened by her tears.
“You know I’m not good at the emotional talk, but it’s clear that whatever happened between you and Rafael is unresolved in your eyes. He left you for someone else whilst you thought you were happy, so you were left with a lot of affection and nowhere to direct it. It’s reasonable to be upset, you haven’t had a chance to work through those emotions,” he said, his voice calm, tone methodical like he was working through a diagnosis, “It’ll be hard, but now that he’s gone you can start letting some of this go, and-”
She pushed her next shot away from her, face clouded in thought, “You’re right.”
He blinked a few times, “I think that’s the first time you’ve ever said that to me, Chase.”
“I mean it,” she said, turning to face him properly, “This whole thing is unresolved. He doesn’t know how I feel about him, not truly. He deserves to know, and if he wants to go to Brazil, then fine, but I can’t let him go without him having all the facts.”
“That is… not what I saying,” he frowned at her as she threw some money on the bar for her drink then slid off of her stool, heading for the door, “Where the hell are you going?”
“Ethan, I’m trying to do a big romance movie airport chase thing here, now are you driving me or are you seriously going to make me take a cab?” she raised her eyebrows at him from the doorway, nodding towards the street.
He watched her for a moment before he let out a groan of, “Fine,” and followed her swiftly out of the bar.
The drive to the airport was tense. Ethan tried to focus on driving, but all Cora was doing was rabbiting incessantly about what she was going to say, noting how fast Ethan was going, calling her friends to fill them in, pointing out how much faster Ethan could be driving, her plan to get through the airport, telling Ethan was driving like a student during their driving exam, before he had enough and put his foot down.
Once they arrived, they raced through the airport together, Bryce texting Cora the details he knew about Rafael’s flight. They checked the board for departing flights and Ethan bought Cora a ticket for a flight at the same gate so that she could get to him. She left him in the lobby with a thank you and a kiss to the cheek.
She made it through security as quickly as possible then took off running, hearing the calls for final boarding for Rafael’s flight. Her heart pounded in her chest as she kept going, weaving in and out of crowds, sprinting along the long hallways towards the gate.
Through the glass windows she could see the plane boarding across the tarmac, and she knew she was running out of time.
There was a call of final warning for boarding the flight, but she ignored it and kept running. She had to get to Rafael. If she could get to him, she could tell him everything, that she loved him, that she had loved him for so long and she was sorry that she never said it before.
She skidded around the corner, throwing open the door to the departure lounge, lungs burning for air, but she found it empty.
“No,” she whispered to herself, “I’m too late.”
Out of the window, the plane was already taxying down the runway, taking Rafael with it, her plans and dreams crushed.
Tears slid down her cheeks as she turned away, ready to head back out, wondering how she could have been so foolish, but she was met face to face with a familiar figure.
“Raf?” she asked softly.
He held his phone in his hand, looking between it and her, “I just got called by possibly every single one of our friends, and Ethan Ramsey, telling me not to get on the flight.”
She choked back a soft sob, thinking of her wonderful friends before she took a breath and looked at him.
“I’m sorry that I left this until now to do,” she said, “I should have said this earlier at the hospital, but I couldn’t. And now… Now I can’t stand the thought of you leaving without first hearing what I have to say.”
“Cora, what’s going on?”
“Let me start this by saying that I know you love Sora. She’s your first love, and she came back into your life, and that was amazing for you. And I know that she makes you happy. But I made you happy once. I was the one that you met after your shifts and went to your grandma’s for dinner, and danced in the street with you, and held your life in my hands on the surgical table, and sat by your bedside for days because I couldn’t stand to leave you. You found someone else, but I didn’t,” she looked up at him, into those beautiful, warm, kind eyes that she adored, “I fell hopelessly in love with you Raf, and even now, after everything, I still love you. I’m sorry I never told you before. And maybe this doesn’t change anything for you, but I couldn’t let you go without telling you how I feel, without letting you know that if there’s the slightest chance that you feel the same way, that I want you to stay.”
He was silent for a long moment, watching her, “Cora… You… You came all the way to the airport, our friends stopped me getting on my flight, and you want me to… what? Break up with my girlfriend? Admit I was wrong and that I never should have left you? Stay in a city where I’ve been stuck in a rut for months, not go on a trip I’d planned so that I could think about my life?”
She looked at him in shock, “Raf, I…”
“What did you think I was going to say?” he asked, a desperation to his voice, “I’m sorry that I broke your heart, I truly am, it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. And you did make me happy, you still do. I’ll always care about you Cora, but-”
“But you don’t love me,” she summarised, “You never did.” He opened his mouth to say something else but she shook her head, “Forget it. I was an idiot. I’m sorry I ruined your plans. If you have any trouble getting another flight, I’ll pay for the ticket. Just… drop me a text when you get there so I know you’re safe.”
She turned without another word, knowing she couldn’t say goodbye to him again and left.
“You can stay at mine tonight, if you want.”
Ethan broke the near deafening silence in the car on the drive back towards the city. Cora had been staring out the window the whole way, watching the rain pattering on the glass as tears streaked down her cheeks.
She glanced at him, frowning, but said nothing.
“I figured your roommates would have a million questions that you don’t want to answer right now. You’re welcome to stay with me if you just want to get some rest and deal with everything else tomorrow,” he said.
She sniffed softly, “Thank you, Ethan.”
“You do enough for me, Chase. I can do this for you,” he said, giving her arm a squeeze before putting his hand back on the wheel.
Back at his apartment, he her a chamomile tea and let her sit in peace for a while whilst he sorted sleeping arrangements and some spare pyjamas to wear. He came back out to the living room to find her cuddling with Jenner.
“The bed’s ready, whenever you are,” he told her.
She glanced up at him, a frown crossing her face, “I can’t take your bed. The couch is just fine, I’m don’t want to be an imposition.”
“Take the bed,” he insisted, “You’ve been through enough today and I’ve slept on this couch more times than I can admit. Get some proper sleep, Cora. You need it.”
She nodded and thanked him, heading into his room with Jenner following close behind, no doubt knowing that he would be allowed to sleep on the bed with Cora, Ethan rolling his eyes a little. That dog knew a pushover and someone in need of a friend when he saw one.
Cora changed into one of Ethan’s t shirts and sweatpants, feeling more at ease just from the comfort of the clothes. The pain and embarrassment of what happened at the airport hadn’t gone away, but she knew was somewhere safe to let herself rest before she dealt with the fallout of her emotions in the morning.
Jenner leapt up onto the bed and cuddled into her side, and she allowed herself a smile.
“Now I know Ethan doesn’t let you do this,” she said softly, running her hand over his fur, “But we both know he’s a pushover when it comes to me, so I think we can get away with it.”
Jenner let out a soft whuff and leaned into her touch. She snuggled in closer and closed her eyes, praying that sleep would come easily despite the turmoil in her heart and mind, the sound of the rain bouncing off the windows lulling her to rest.
The sound of the front door buzzer going off was what woke Ethan three hours later. He shot awake in the dark, confused for a moment as to why he was on the couch and what was going on. But as his thoughts clarified he remembered what had happened that evening. And yet, someone was buzzing for entry to the building.
He turned the lamp on and headed towards the speaker, glancing back towards the bedroom to make sure Cora hadn’t been woken up.
He pressed on the button, “Who in the sweet hell is buzzing at 3 in the morning?”
The reply “Dr Ramsey, it’s Rafael… Is Cora there?”
“Rafael?” he frowned, “What are you-?”
“Please, Ethan, I’ve been all over town looking for her, tell me she’s with you,” Raf’s begging tone cut him off.
He let out a sigh, “She’s here. She’s safe.”
“Thank god,” came the relieved sigh in reply, “I need to talk to her.”
“From the look on her face, you said everything you needed to at the airport,” Ethan pointed out gruffly.
“Please just let me speak to her.”
“I don’t think that’s-” he started to turn him away, but he felt the presence of someone behind him.
“Is that Raf?” Cora asked quietly, tucking her sleep mussed blonde hair out of her face, “He… he’s here?”
“He’s downstairs,” Ethan told her, “He wants to talk to you.”
She stepped up and replaced him at the speaker, “Raf… it’s me.”
“Cora,” he said her name with a reverence and relief she had never heard from him before, “I’m sorry for how I acted back at the airport. You caught me off guard, and you were saying all of those amazing things, and I couldn’t stand how right you were. I broke up with you because I thought what I wanted was something I could have with Sora. But it wasn’t. I was wrong, about all of it. I was going to Brazil to find myself, to find my purpose, but you are what I was looking for, I was too blind to see it.”
She brought her hand away from the buzzer, not knowing what to say, but as her mind was running through a million things, her legs carried her without thought, past Ethan, out the door, down the flights of stairs and to the front door.
Through the glass panes, she could see Rafael, soaked from the rain, desperately looking from the buzzer up to the windows of the apartment building. She stepped closer, heart pounding in her chest as she opened the front door, looking at him.
He looked down at her as she stepped out into the rain to join him.
“I meant every word I just said,” he reached to cup her cheek, “I was so confused about what I wanted and what made me happy. But it was you, Cora, it was always you.”
He leaned in closer to her but she put a hand on his chest, “What about Sora…?”
“She’s known for a while that I wasn’t over my feelings for you. She ended it before I could even tell her what happened at the airport,” he said, “I did love her once. When we were younger and I didn’t understand what true love was really like. But what I feel for you… there’s no feeling like it. I am hopelessly in love with you, Cora Chase. And if I’m not too late, if I haven’t been too much of an ass, I hope-”
His next words were cut off by her leaning up to kiss him. He kissed her back hungrily, pressing her against the wall, his strong body shielding her from the downpour that had soaked them both. Tears of gratitude and happiness slipped down her cheeks.
“Will you two get your asses in out of the rain? You’ve still got work tomorrow, Chase,” Ethan’s voice came from the buzzer, and they both just laughed, stealing another kiss before they headed back to the reality that awaited them inside.
Rafael was staying. That was fact one.
It was a simple thing when put like that; Rafael wasn’t leaving, he was staying, and they had a chance to work things out.
Fact number two was a little harder to comprehend. They would need to work at whatever came next. They had been together before, and he had just ended another relationship.
It wouldn’t be easy, but they would be okay. Of that she was almost certain.
The third fact was the best of all. She was completely and undeniably in love with him, and he with her.
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openheartfanfics · 4 years
Rafael x F!MC: Angst
One Shot
All I Think About - @tiz-rex  Raf breaks up with Sora when he realizes he’s still in love with MC and he talks to her about it
Brave - @loriwritesfanfic  Still shaken after dinner with her boss, Evelyn goes home to spend the night with Rafael. But it won't be easy to pretend that nothing happened. TW: workplace harassment and survivor’s guilt
Could’ve Been -  @heauxplesslydevoted   Casey realizes that letting go of a relationship is harder than she thought
Dancing With My Eyes Closed - @rafasgirl23415 🎭🛸 Casey faces the biggest loss of her life. TW: major character death
Part 1 | Part 2
Does He Really Want Me? - @rafasgirl23415  Casey feels insecurity in her new relationship.
Flight - @montjoy Casey lets go by taking Raf to the airport. 
Friends - @skywaklers Rafael stupidly asks Ivy to hang out with him and Sora, a heart to heart ensues, and true feelings are let out. Feat. Sora and Ethan
Gone With The Wind - @drethanramslay
Good Enough - @lorirwritesfanfic Evelyn isn’t dealing well with so many losses
Grief - @lovella-lah  if Sora and Rafael stayed together but PB still killed him.
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all - @indescribablechoices Months after their breakup, Cora and Rafael spend one more night together.
Heart Attack - @coltkaneko They breakup. 
I’m Not Going Anywhere - @altairadtaz
“If I cross your mind, just know I’m yours” - @altairadtaz
Last Words - @thundergom A re-imagine and more in-depth look of what happened during their night of isolation and past regrets coming back in 2.11.  
“Leave My Lonely” - @altairadtaz He tells her he’s leaving town. 
Like A Friend - @browneyedmissy Feelings run high after Rafael saved the boy on the bridge. 2.5 expansion
“Look up the sun it’s just a cloud away” - @zigtheeortega 2.2 Rewrite
Love You Goodbye - @nazario-sayeed He explains why he’s back with Sora. 
Lover of Mine - @robintora  Just a rewrite of chapter 11 and 12 but with more rafael moments!
My Person - @maehara-san  After their breakup, it becomes harder for both Karla and Rafael to see each other at work until one of them finally breaks.
New Level - @thundergom
Save Your Tears - @browneyedmissy Sora and Rafael have an overdue talk about Casey and their relationship.
Scars and Teddy Bears - @rookie-ramsey  She would never get used to seeing her own scars.
Side Effects - @drethanramslay Addy gathers all the liquor courage to curse and give the paramedic who broke her heart a piece of her mind.
Station - @oofchoices
Stolen Dances - @coltkaneko Rewrite of the dancing scene in Book 2. 
The Hope of It All - @inacrowdofchoices  MC learns Rafael and Sora got back together before OHSY.
The Way I Loved You - @browneyedmissy The moments where Casey and Rafael realized they loved each other: they just never said it out loud until it was too late.
There She Goes - @browneyedmissy They lived in two different worlds but Rafael still had hope- until he didn’t.
“Unpacking All of That” - @alwaysmychoices  After helping Raf move into his new apartment, he and Darcy end up at a bar where he overhears her say they’re “just friends.” But do either of them really want to be just friends?
Untitled Prompt (Better on you) - @omgjasminesimone
Untitled Prompt (Going to regret) - @omgjasminesimone
Untitled Prompt (Mistake) - @omgjasminesimone
Untitled Prompt (Tell Me) - @omgjasminesimone
When You’re Ready - @lahamseiroshoe
Where You Belong - @indescribablechoices There is no attack on the hospital and Rafael leaves Edenbrook. Cora realises that she has one chance before the man she loves is gone for good.
Your Love I’m Lost - @raleighcarrera
Why Not Both - @jamesashtonisbae Feat. Bryce x MC
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