jemandthesingalongs · 5 months
you ever think about a tabris that does the ultimate sacrifice
how their family and fellow elves fighting so fiercely to defend their home (just as they did when they passed through only mere hours before) see the retreating darkspawn and cheer so loudly surely their elven savior could hear them all the way at the top of fort drakkon
how shianni soris and cyrion all break away from the celebrations and shouts go retrieve tabris because there's no possible way a shem party could even come close to the one they'll have in the alienage (they can bring their friends too if they want, they did help tabris after all)
how joy so quickly turns to despair when they see those doors slowly creak open at the bottom with an unmoving tabris held in the arms of another, perhaps a friend, or a lover, with unrestrained tears flowing down their face (maybe with one witch absent, long gone before this even took place)
how shianni and soris cannot begin to believe that the savior, their savior, their cousin, is no longer with them, they were so alive before, and now they are not (their hero is something they will make the shems remember, they are gone so they could live)
how this is now the last time their father has to hold a funeral for his child, and only this time does he have a body to weep over (it's not any better than the first one)
do you ever just think
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moghedien · 2 years
Soris: why does Leliana call you babygirl?
Tabris: how about we stop talking for a little while
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little-red-fool · 1 year
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Soris, my Ashen One.
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bumblerhizal-art · 2 years
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ok but apostate soris au?
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breninarthur · 2 years
six sentence sunday! something from a lil AU i may or may not do something with idk
She whirled around, wide-eyed at the sound.
"Nelaros!" she exclaimed, rushing over to her stock-still fiancé.
She checked him over, her hands awkwardly hovering over him just as Soris's had over her not ten minutes ago. He wasn't injured, just shaken. His blond hair was pressed to his forehead with sweat, and his pale eyes shone with unshed tears... but he was okay.
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icy-warden · 2 years
@heniareth I’m answering your old ask for Saskia! Doing it in parts 😘 Original ask here
16. a conversation between your OC and their best friend
The freshly washed sheets flutter in the wind. Saskia’s enjoying sitting in their shade, sorting dried laundry into baskets. She finds comfort in the scent of soap surrounding her and a small smile appears on her lips when she finds a piece of fabric mixed into her basket. 
She breaks into a grin when she flings the thing at Soris’ face and he first lets out a cute little squeak, then turns into a lovely shade of red when he recognizes what he holds in his hands. Saskia laughs at him when he doesn’t meet her eyes, flustered, mumbling something about Alarith while stuffing the skimpy, bright red smallclothes into his pocket.
He huffs at her, embarrassed but smiles at her nevertheless when he sees how amused she is by his misery. 
“Fine, laugh all you want. Thank the Maker Shianni isn’t here, she’d never let me live it down.”
Saskia’s brow goes up. “And you’re sure I won’t tell her?”
“You won’t.” Soris says but his glance is a bit unsure and after a moment of stony silence she takes pity on him.
“I won’t.”
Soris’ shoulders drop with a heavy exhale, his freckles standing out on his still pink cheeks.
“I know.” It’s quiet between them again, both of them working on separating laundry for three households. Saskia feels Soris’ eyes on her and she tilts her head at him in silent question.
“Are you sure this is how you want to spend your time here?” She blinks at him and he clears his throat. “I mean, you could do something else. Relax. Talk with Cyrion. Not, you know, laundry.”
She shrugs. “There’s time to talk with my father later.” 
After all, during her stay in Denerim it’s natural she’s sleeping in her family’s home. 
She saw he bought a few pieces of second hand furniture and that he’s got enough wood for keeping fire going in the kitchen. Saskia’s glad he uses the coin she sends him but she’s sure he keeps most of it hidden for later. Or helps others in need. 
They talked when she arrived yesterday and she enjoyed her father’s arms around her when he hugged her tight with misty eyes upon seeing her. He made her bread and they sat at the table, Saskia listening to his tales and answering his questions as best as she felt comfortable with. She saw he was happy to see her, but felt his eyes slipping onto her ring finger from time to time. She curled her hand into fist, then let it fall on her lap. 
Saskia felt the question in the air, but breathed easier when he didn’t ask it out loud. She’s aware he knows that kind of grief that never leaves - he also is still wearing his own wedding ring.
And even if he didn’t ask, she saw sadness in his eyes. And she needed to go out, using the opportunity of visiting her cousins as an excuse.
“I like doing laundry.”
Soris snorts. “This your way of relaxing? Wardens must be really exciting. Or dull.”
“Can be both.”
“Really?” Soris shifts closer, bumping her knee with his. “Have any stories to tell?”
His eyes shine and Saskia knows he’s eager for any exciting story of her adventures. “Maybe I do.”
“Don’t keep me waiting then. Tell something. It’s really him? You know, your Commander.”
Saskia keeps looking at Soris until the tips of his ears start to blush. “You still having that crush? What will Alarith say?”
“Oh shush, it’s not like that.” Soris mumbles under his breath, squirming under her gaze and she smirks. “It’s just hard to believe it’s him. I thought he’s gone and now he’s Commander. And mage. Did you know he was one?”
Saskia hums, “When we were kids? Who knew.” 
“It’s just. I don’t know… cool?” His fingers play with the hem of a shirt. “He’s from here and we played together. Does he remember us?”
“We never talked much about it.” Soris’ face falls a little. “But I think he does. I know he nudged right people to do something more for Alienage.”
He perks at that. “Yeah? Well, I mean, there are some things that changed, but I thought it’s Shianni’s doing. She’s loud. I worry about her sometimes.” 
Saskia sighs. “I do too. Politics. It’s dangerous.” It gets people killed, she doesn’t add.
“Ah, well, but it’s Shianni! She never lets anything hold her down. She’ll first scold you then smack you if it’s not working.” 
Saskia nods at Soris’ attempt at brightening up the mood. 
“Sooo… where’s he now?”
“Who?” She asks innocently.
“Your Commander. He let you come to Denerim. Don’t you Wardens need, I don’t know, warden all time?”
She shakes her head at him, getting up with a basket hauled on her hip. “Kirkwall. And you can say his name, you know. It doesn't summon him, so don’t be shy.”
Soris stands up as well, his voice a bit higher. “I’m not shy.”
Saskia just smiles at him and turns to go down on rickety ladder.
[OC Codex Prompts]
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The Denerim Alienage
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Viera Tabris
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Cyrion Tabris
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briarruler · 3 months
Kallian Tabris Part 1 - The Alienage
Kallian was... not enthused about her upcoming wedding but it she'd always been aware that one day she would grow up and marry. She trusted that her father would try his best to find her a good husband and that she would not be the one marrying out, so she tolerated the whole affair.
Nelaros was a pleasant surprise. They never truly got the chance to know each other, but in their brief acquaintance Kallian could see the seeds of something that could have worked. She grieved his death: for the injustice of it, for the person she had liked, had thought she might one day learn to love, and for the death of potential it represented.
Her love for her family and her community has always run deep. She wanted nothing more then to be like her mother as a child and holds her memory in high esteem. She loves her father and has never doubted his love for her, even when she feels stifled by him she understands his concern. Shianni she loves like a little sister, is proud of her and worries for her and is on occasion annoyed by her. Soris she loves like a brother, complains with him and fools around with him and trusts him to be there for her.
There is a keen aware in Kallian of the position of elves in society. She knows that humans are people and as individuals can be as varied as elves but that does not change this fundamental fact of her existence: humans are a threat to individuals elves and to the Alienage as a whole. She keeps an eye out out for trouble, trying when she can to protecting her fellow elves, with her words, or if necessary, with force. But she does have a strong preference for trying to talk her way out of trouble - she knows that it is dangerous for elves to fight humans.
So Kallian chose her death with open eyes and open heart before she became a Grey Warden. She made that choice the moment Soris appeared with a sword. When she picked up that sword and cut the guards down she chose Soris and she chose Shianni and she chose to drawn a line in the sand and say 'you cannot do this without consequences.'
She knew there would be consequences for this choice. She hoped that she alone could suffer them - although she didn't truly believe that the Alienage wouldn't suffer them too. Still she makes her first kill and commits to it fully and utterly. She kills every guard she encounters as she searches for Lord Vaughn and the other stolen woman. This is the culmination of the rage boiling under her skin - they were all complicit in this - and a cold calculation - they cannot afford to encounter the guards on their way out so they must kill them all while they are in small unprepared groups - even if it slows them down.
Lord Vaughan makes his offer and she hates, hates, hates him, wants him dead with every ounce of her soul. Lord Vaughan makes his offer and she desperately doesn't want to kill him, doesn't want the consequences an elf killing a noble will bring. Lord Vaughan makes his offer, and if she thought he'd keep his word she might have accepted it.
She does not think he'd keep his word. She think's he'd send every guard he could muster after her and Soris the moment they left his estate. She thinks he'd kill every woman he'd taken but only after brutalizing them first and that Shianni would suffer worst for her defiance. She thinks he'd call loudly and gleefully for the purging of the Alienage and that as a noble people would listen to him.
She thinks that if she kills him there will be no witnesses that will dispute her when she claims sole responsibility for this slaughter. She thinks that if she kills him she can save Shianni and Soris. She thinks that there will be a retaliation for this, but that maybe if there's an arl's son dead by her blades, it might mean something; that just maybe in the future some human men will hesitate before they steal an elven woman from the Alienage to rape.
So she kills him and she comforts Shianni as Soris goes to fetch the other women. She takes back the weapons from Soris and cleans him up and asks him to check ahead of the group as they leave the quietened estate. So when they arrive back at the Alienage it is her alone who is blood splattered and armed, who is so obviously responsible. When the guards come she steps forward and tells them that she did it, and she doesn't look back at anyone else, because this was always how it was going to end.
Then she is yanked away from the yawning maw of her execution. Duncan conscripts her. She's going to be a Grey Warden.
She says her goodbyes, knowing she may never return. Grey Wardens are for life, just because she will not be killed for what she has done doesn't mean her life isn't over all the same. Then she follows a human man she met only this morning away from the only home she has ever known.
Masterpost. Part 2.
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mugplants · 3 months
More Duncan you say? More Valendrian? More Shianni? More Soris and Cyrion and Nelaros and Valora and city elves in general? More ADAIA?? Say no more fam, here it is!!
This is a City Elf origin retelling with a female Tabris!! (It is a WIP, pls be patient w me)
Warden-Commander Duncan has tried to forget the Night Elf he once loved, but with a Blight on the horizon and the Calling beginning to whisper in his veins, Duncan decides he must see her face one last time—even if that's only through meeting the daughter who's outlived her.
Kallian Tabris has spent her adolescence trying to honor her mother's memory, eventually becoming an agent of the People called Shembane. She's known as a smuggler, a brawler, and a good tumble with a sharp knife. Duty has overtaken any dream of her own making, but a strange shem will soon shatter a fundamental belief she has held all her life.
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seagiri · 6 months
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drawpile with the gang
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i think the three of them should kiss
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jemandthesingalongs · 3 months
when tabris makes up a story about an elf to tell children and answers soris's question with "all children need heroes" to which soris later affirms "you were always my hero growing up cousin, now it's just official" then shianni likens you to "something out of a storybook" and then tabris becomes the hero of ferelden and its all full circle and and and
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jgjuniper · 6 months
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when does a man become a monsterrrr
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epochinspace · 1 year
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little-red-fool · 1 year
My Ashen One, Soris.
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ba1laur · 16 days
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old triguns. those drawings are like. ten millionyears old to me sorry
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wishfulsketching · 3 months
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Date night inside the submarine
Ed doing a thousand piece puzzle of a clear sky while Oswald gets wine drunk out of boredom. Romantic!
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