#sorry I got nothing for Maeve on this question! He loves all his red flags!
heinous-desiree · 1 year
for all your pcs but especially Meave (boy has a choke hold on me rn) who are their pitty LI? like people they hang around or even date out of pitty even though its kinda obvious they don't love em
Jas the Wildcard
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Jas sat with her palm squished against her mouth. The fact she immediately knew who her answer was made her feel bad for the name she was about to drop.
She made a muffled noise of a name, then sighed when she knew no one caught it.
"...Whitney... LISTEN, NO, LISTEN, I didn't ask for his attention, okay?! I was happily slapping the bastard out of him on the daily, and one day, he just grabbed and kissed me!" Jas spoke indignantly, she sounds as frustrated as she is baffled. "I beat him up! For fun! And he catches feelings! ...It's so pathetic that it comes back around looking almost cute... So I just let him stick around and get a kiss or two."
Jas pulled her hair back with a huff. She wished Whitney didn't look so charming when she wrecks him and he stares at her all endeared. It makes it impossible for her to hate him like that! Disgusting! She has her beloved, and she doesn't need this!
"I'm shoving him into the water fountain again next chance I get..."
Hunter the Allrounder
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Hunter gave a long suffering sigh. His face suddenly looked so tired that he gave off the impression he aged ten years.
"He isn't around out of pity anymore..." Hunter said, staring off into nothing. "Little rat bastard jumped onto my dick so hard that it knocked the brain cells out of me and I kind of, fucking, really love him now."
Hunter bared his teeth, angry that he wasn't more angry about the tiny bitch that sedated him, kidnapped him, punched the shit out of him multiple time while he was tied up, and had him have to turn to Bailey for help to escape. The fact the tiny bastard would look up at him so utterly in worshiping awe that Hunter wanted to pick him up and keep him tucked in the corner of his room. Fuck.
"For the record, I resent the shit out of Kylar, but that's MY terrible little bitch boy."
Celeste the Righteous
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"No on-" Celeste bit down on her own tongue and froze with daunting horror. As much as she wants to say there's no one she would date out of pity or give time to for something ridiculous like that...
She actually has an answer and she doesn't like it at all.
"I," Celeste grimaced and hated that she would feel guilty to lie. She promised herself to Sydney. These feelings shouldn't exist in her at all.
"As much as it pains me to say," she forced out, "the... I came to care for the Great Hawk. Despite her rudeness in kidnapping me... She was nothing but hospitable to me as she kept me in her care. She treated me... Well and kind. I pity her circumstances and wish her well..."
Maeve the Trap
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"Pity date...?" Maeve repeated uncomprehensively, he tilted his head with knited brows.
"Why... Why would I pity any of them? They choose to be with me... To give me their time a-and affection... I'm so grateful to all of them. I-I, I love all of them! I know... I know my love isn't worth a lot, but I really... Really really like all my people... It's not... Like many people want to date me anyway."
Maeve has Whitney, Kylar, and Avery as his love interests, and he does appreciate all of them. While he might have a favorite, he is glad any of them give him time of day.
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