#sorry I just woke up and I’m unhinged over this today
runawaymun · 2 years
Celebrían being a soft fem who can also kick ass and hold her own is how it is in my brain. It’s my strong preference but I just had to share it here since you like the soft fem too. Obsessed with soft fem characters who can also kick ass & take names while still being soft and fem.
Exactly exactly exactly
Let female characters be soft and fem and have traditionally “feminine” hobbies!! I don’t have anything against butch/masc female characters or brash female characters or female characters who are DTF (down to fight), but I take issue with Strong Female Characters (y’know…)
The Strong Female Character(tm) is a trope rooted in the misogynistic view that things associated with femininity are therefore weak or boring. Things we associate with masculinity are admirable and cool and strong!! See the Sansa/Arya dichotomy in ASOIAF — I don’t mean the way GRRM writes them, but the fandom’s reaction to these characters as a whole speaks for itself. On a villain note, consider how nearly universally hated (not meow-meowified) female villains are coded, such as Cersei Lannister, Phyllis Schlafly (I know she’s a real person but I’m speaking to Mrs America), Alicent Hightower (especially when contrasted with Rhaenyra), Regina George, Nurse Ratched, and even Dolores Umbridge and Annie Wilkes. Think about what forms of power and control they turn to (usually sexual power, “feminine mystique”, deception, weaponization of the patriarchy and of beauty standards — and conversely coldness, aloofness, — traits which are fine for a man but not considered feminine). In fact, if you just look up a list of the most iconic female villains, nearly every single one is coded with traits and usage of power that we (in western cultures) attribute traditionally to femininity.
Idk I’m very Unhinged about this, but I am tired of seeing soft pink femininity being either demonized or patronized. Women can be soft and they can kick ass, and by kick ass I don’t mean pick up a sword, I mean they can be soft and kind and kick ass using traditionally feminine methods of wielding power and influence. That’s how Celebrían is in my brain. She’s great at quietly commanding a room, dressing to impress (or intimidate), using her Mom Voice(tm) if need be, but also mostly just gently pushing people to be the best versions of themselves through positive manipulation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a supportive person — and by that I mean there is nothing wrong with being the person on the sidelines quietly listening and cheering people on and encouraging them and letting them talk their issues out, and making them clothes to wear that they feel good in and stuffing them full of good food and making sure they’ve had their hug. That is badass. These are things we associate with motherhood and it is badass. It is badass. It is badass and it is worth it and it is a valuable use of one’s life. Not everybody needs to pick up a sword or Do Big Things, if you are a person who likes to support others, to be a helper, a nurturer — that is badass. In a world that says we must be Loud and Incite Change and Go Go Go, to Live Our Truth and Chase Our Big Dream— to live a quiet life full of kindness focused on supporting others is a radical act.
I guess what I am trying to say is that we need to Do Better towards quiet people — you know, the people that don’t create much but they reblog and share and encourage and listen! Or the people who may not Write Big Fics or Compose Music or Go Rock Climbing or whatever (all awesome) — those people are the absolute bedrock of society. The people who crochet and make little dioramas and who bake and just sing because they like to sometimes. The people who are thoughtful and nurturing and feel like they’re just sort of treading water, who don’t have Big Plans and feel smaller for it— you’re not!! You’re not!! You are valuable!!! You are so valuable!! I am clenching you in both my fists do you understand!??
What I am saying is that the world has great need of hugs, and reblogs, and “how are you’s”, and pressed flowers, and baked goods, and gardens, and lumpy crocheted dishcloths, and quiet conversations in the car in the driveway at midnight, and “can I get your groceries for you or just hang out while you run errands”, and “here’s a card Just Because”, and “have you eaten today?”
That’s why soft Celebrían is so important to me. That’s what I am trying to say, that’s why I write her that way. What I am saying is that people like my Celebrían are important. Just as important as the Elronds and Galadriels and Gandalfs and Aragorns and Fingons and Celebrimbors and Eowyns and Thorins, and Earendils.
And if characters like Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Faramir, and Nienna are any indication, Tolkien felt the same way.
I keep returning to what Tolkien wrote at the end of The Hobbit, which remains key to my understanding of his Legendarium and just…central to my life philosophy these days:
“There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
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Logan Howlett X Y/N - drabble - 407 WC
Warnings: teasing, hurt/comfort, sweet boi, fluff, cute, needy, kinda anxious Logan, a smidge of self loathing, slightly steamy like a sauna
You knew riling up Logan was a dangerous idea. You just couldn’t help yourself. You wanted the beast inside to come out. To take you in some primal way. You just never expected you’d get hurt in the process. As you straddled Logan, grinding on him while making out, you felt a sharp pain in your right side. You felt a warm trickle fall down your side before you looked down. Three gashes in your side and Logan’s claws stabbed into the bed underneath you.
His breathing was ragged as he spoke, “Fuck… I’m so sorry baby… I didn’t mean to…” he said, retracting his claws entirely. 
You hissed at the pain while your body tried to regulate its heavy breathing. “Oh honey, I know it was an accident. I’m ok really.” you cradled his cheek in your hand. “Darling honestly, I’m fine.” you said as you waved your hand slightly. The blood trickling down your side trickled in reverse before your wound closed. “I think you forget were both immortal.” you chuckled. 
Logan sighed, he knew you were. Your very mutation was the manipulation of organic matter, i.e. you kept yourself young and healed everyone around you when needed. It’s actually how you met Logan, he woke to you healing him in Charle’s lab. 
Logan leaned his head against your chest. You pulled his hand to yours, interlacing your fingers. “Come on baby, were human, it happens.” you kissed his cheek. You used your power to draw his claws out. His head snapped up watching you. Your fingers delicately traced over the metal claws. “Truth be told… I was trying to rile you up…” you said with a slight blush. 
Logan cocked his head slightly as if to ask ‘why’. 
“Kinda wanted to see you… unhinged.” you mumbled. 
“I don’t wanna hurt you bub.” he said, retracting his claws. 
“Logan, you could kill me and I’d beg you to do it again.” you kissed him. 
He was hesitant at first but at the first swipe of your tongue across his bottom lip he couldn’t hold back. He devoured your lips like a man starved, laying you down beneath him. He crawled on top of you, kissing over every patch of bare skin he could find. His claws pierced the pillows on either side of your head, you both paused. Logan looked worried. You chuckled before pulling him back down to you, getting lost in him.   
Naboo's Note:
Hello!!! A tiny little fic to dip my feet into the X-Man universe. Those buttery rolls Hugh Jackman calls abs forced my hand. Still recovering from surgery, a sneeze almost took me out today. You never think about how everything is connected until you are in pain - my stomach is so sore. I'll be writing more so send me requests for anything! XOXOXOXOXOX
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
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I’m pretty sure I’ll throw up, it’s not a matter of if, but when. I sit shivering and grey faced in the boys changing room at nine o’clock, Friday morning and wish I was dead. Actually, I’ve wished I was dead rather consistently for the duration of the morning, from the moment I woke up at seven after maybe two hours of sleep, while preparing my sister’s breakfast, while showering, dressing myself in my horrible uniform and for the whole seafront walk to the school gates, where I kept imagining cars swerving over the cycle path and mercifully mowing me down. 
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“Jude, man, what time you get home at last night?” Fitzy is in my ear, “I’m so hungover, man, my head is bloody pounding.”
“Dunno,” I reply, “Not long after you I’d say,” through the aura of my vicious migraine I peer at my phone screen where one new message notification blinks at me. 
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Jude, darling. Just thinking of you after our call. I hope you’re doing okay. I know I shouldn’t be worried but if you want to talk again tomorrow I am available. Lots of love & miss you every day. xoxox Maureen. 
Jesus Christ. Did I call Aunt Maureen last night? I check my call log to see that indeed, I made a long distance call to New Mexico at four in the morning. A seven minute call. A groan of despair escapes me. I have no recollection. What did I say to her? Something unhinged enough to warrant this anxious text message, whatever it was. I bet I was an incoherent, embarrassing mess. 
Sorry Maureen, it’s all good. I was just a bit homesick. We should catch up properly at the weekend if you’re free. No need to worry. X J
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It’s a cruel thing, P.E first thing on a Friday morning, but Mr. Doherty, a likely sadist, seems to love it. This is the same man who scheduled an African drumming workshop the day after our junior cert results came out, knowing full well what he would be inflicting upon a classroom full of hungover sixteen year olds. 
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He’s got a basketball in his hands today, bouncing it around the gym floor with his legs spread out about a metre apart. I don’t know why he stands like that, though I suspect perhaps it's a part of his lifelong quest to become the world's most intimidating man and take up the maximum amount of space possible. I made up a story about seeing him on a public bus seat with his legs at a 180 degree angle once, and I still hear it repeated sometimes as though it's fact.
He’s going on about teams, explaining something involving those smelly polyester bibs that nobody has washed since 1972, but I am distracted by the sunlight from the windows edging the ceiling and the way that is so unmanageably bright. Doherty pulls the first of the neon bibs out of the bucket and the sight of it, the colour, the sweat stains around the armpits, makes my stomach lurch. 
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“Bib, Turner,” he barks as he throws it at me and I catch it, along with a whiff of stale sweat and Jurassic era skin cells and I drop it right onto the floor, guts churning as I race to the toilets and retch and puke, fallen to my knees inside the filthy stall until there’s nothing left inside me. 
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“Classic Jude,” someone is saying when they all filter into the changing rooms afterwards while I still clutch the bowl. I must be here forty minutes now. “Always throwing up.” 
“Y’alright?” Someone else calls out, and I groan. “Well Doherty wants you when you’re done. He’s waiting in the gym.”
“Fuck sake,” I fist my hair in my hands and considering knocking myself out and getting the nurse to send me home.
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It’s another few minutes until I trust myself to exit the bathroom, and then, like a shell of a boy, I trudge out to the gym on rubber legs to where Doherty waits beneath a basketball hoop. 
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“I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while,” He begins, his voice echoing through the rafters.
“Uh huh,”
“It’s Friday. Jude. It’s a school day. How is it that you think you can show up to class in this state?”
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“Dunno, sir.”
“I know that you’re a smart boy, right? You know better than this. So when you’re at school, that means you come prepared, well rested, homework done, and in a decent, respectable state, do you understand? You can’t be off doing whatever you like with your evenings, especially if you’re going to show up to my class like this. I shouldn’t even have to explain this to you.”
“Yes sir.”
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“This is an insult to me, do you hear what I’m saying? You think because it’s P.E on Friday that you can rip the piss? That you don’t have to take it as seriously as other classes?”
“No, Sir.”
“You’re the same at my Rugby practises too these days, you’ve gone all soft and unfit on me. Is this why? Are you out galavanting every night of the week?”
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I hesitate, “Some.”
“Is the boom back already? Sex drugs and rock n roll and whatnot.”
“I dunno what any of those things are.”
“Oh, give me a bloody break. You think I was born yesterday? I could smell your type a mile away, and this is my last straw. I want to see you in detention today from four to five.”
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I leap to attention, “Wait, no, sir, I can’t do detention.”
“Seriously, Turner? Are you joking me right now?” “Yes, no, honestly sir. I have an agreement with the school. I don’t have to do detention on Fridays, ask the vice principal, I have-”
“Well that’s the biggest load of bollox I ever heard, do you know that? Special agreement,” he scoffs, “Yeah, pull the other one.”
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“I’ll do it Monday, I promise, I just can’t tonight.”
“You’re heading out again, is it? More partying? More drinking and acting the mick? I don’t think so. Detention at four.”
“But sir, I-”
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“Don’t talk to me. Decision is final, and if you’re not there, consider yourself suspended.” 
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I pace the yard at lunchtime waiting for a call to connect. 
“Oh, Trisha, hi, it’s Jude Turner, um, Ivy’s brother?”
“Oh Jude, sweetheart, how are you keeping?”
“Good, yeah, uh, just wondering, are you picking her up from school today?”
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“As usual… unless something has changed? She and Ella were planning to work on some sort of group project for school, but if you want to come and get her earlier…”
“No, this is about her piano lesson.”
“Yes, I expect I’ll drop her off at four as I always do…”
“Right, yes, is there any chance that maybe you could collect her too? Just for this week.”
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She hisses through her teeth, “Ahh, well you know that we have swimming lessons Fridays at five, we’ll have to be straight on the road… is there going to be a problem collecting her?”
“Um, no, just school stuff, there’s a chance I’ll be delayed.”
“What about your mum, sweetie?” 
“She works until six usually,” there’s dead air on the line and I quickly babble on to fill the silence, “But I’m sure if I tell her what’s happening she’ll leave early, never mind anyway Trisha, I just thought I’d ask.”
“Alright! Sorry about that, love, I’m sure your mum will get it sorted.”
“Yeah. Same. Bye,” I put my phone back into my trouser pocket. No point even trying mom’s phone. She never answers and if she did she wouldn’t help.
The bell rings for the end of lunch. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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amoscontorta · 7 days
hi. i read your recent fic “wine time with sylus” and had a lot of thoughts. i was typing them as comments in the tumblr post and decided the character limit is just not it. and then i tried to comment on your ao3 post of the fic but realized i’ll probably stain your other readers’ eyes from what i’m about to yap about. so here i am in your ask box im so sorry 😭
so anyway, WHAT A GOOD START TO MY DAY OMG. i actually read the fic earlier (right after i woke up) and was gonna start yapping away but then errands happened 😩 but now i can finally sit down and type!!
xavier’s appearance was such a lovely surprise!!! i love that he offered his support for mc in his own ways, which is so sweet eepy bunny of him 🫶🏼 BUT I AM A SYLUS RAT THROUGH AND THROUGH so i couldn’t help but mentally berate xavier for showing up the next morning and interrupting important relationship development time for crow man and mc 😤
i adore how sylus is such a wine nerd in this. and i can’t help but wonder if you, the wonderful author, are a wine nerd irl too? because the information i’ve gathered from this fic regarding wines and wine testing have been incredibly enlightening!!
and it’s amusing how mc’s thought flow and speed in this seem to be really jittery and all over the place — truly a reflection of how workaholic she’s been. and captain jenna’s “Go home, get your head on straight, and come back rested … and literate again, please.” made me ugly snort LOL
AND WHEN SYLUS HONED IN ON MC’S EXPOSED SHOULDER AND LEGS WHEN WEARING HIS CLOTHES. I SEE YOU BOI 🫵 and the way i cackled at “he is friend shaped, you will not ride the Sylus roller coaster, you will not ride the Sylus roller coaster—“
AND!!! “Yes, my heart’s delight?”!!! ARE U KIDDING ME. AHHHH!!!
and now please allow me to be unhinged for this segment but the last parts of the pic have effectively kickstarted my mind into overdrive. the POTENTIAL KINKS AND THEMES FOR THEIR, AHEM, SPICY ACTIVITIES ARE LIMITLESS. dry humping, sleepy morning sex, size training, thigh grinding, dom!sylus letting mc think she has the reigns and then he just takes over… i have more key words in mind but i shall keep them chained away for the sake of decorum 😭 AND THE LOVE BITE HE GAVE WHEN HE THOUGHT IT WAS A DREAM. WHAT WERE YOU DREAMING ABOUT SYLUS HUH 🤨
and if you ask me what my favorite paragraph is in this entire fic, it would be: “You lie like that for awhile, blissfully listening to his soft breathing, when suddenly you realize that pressed so close to him, you can feel every contour of his body, from your chest against his abdomen, his muscular, silk-covered thigh wedged between your legs, and his apparently very, very big dick pressing into your hip.”
no, i will not elaborate. to spare everyone from my disgraceful thoughts 🧍‍♀️
and it doesn’t help that the announcement on the upcoming multi-banner event came through right after i read the fic. i have a WHOLE NOTHER SET OF YAPPING ABOUT THAT but i shall spare you of this 😆
overall, i am the happiest sylus girlie today for that amazing fic and the new card 🫶🏼💕 WHAT A GREAT DAY, I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY TOO
i gotta say, when i woke up this morning i did not expect to be hit with such a horny treatise, but i'm so happy that the vibe of the fic came across in the way it was intended!! i had originally written something a little more explicit, but due to the context of sylus being asleep, i was running into issues regarding consent and the whole thing ended up not feeling as hot as i think this pixel man deserves if i ever get brave enough to write full on smut for him.
first, thank you SO much for reading and for sharing your thoughts on the fic. it's such a joy to know that other people like what i'm contributing to the fandom enough to actually comment and send me asks about it. it's mind-blowing, really. i'm gonna respond to your points with a novel under the cut, including NSFW discussion if people want to avoid it.
second, i fully believe that sylus is a wine snob. he has that dialogue in the destiny cafe that he likes to repeat at me over and over when i just want something sweet from him and keep poking him, where he's like "to forge a new path, one must be... something something brave about finding new flavors" and it's the most pedantic, pretentious shit i've ever heard and i love that for him. so i definitely think it's in character that he would hold court in front of mc and insist on educating mc about his thoughts on the matter of good wine. to answer your question, i'm not a huge wine connoisseur or anything. my partner likes to think that he is, so i've absorbed information through him and also through a few wine tastings and enduring vinophiles like sylus wanting to share their knowledge over the years, but i had to google while i was writing to ensure that i was remembering everything properly. i like a decent bottle that won't give me a headache the next day with just one glass, and that's about it.
i'm also glad you enjoyed mc being a dumpster fire in this one and that it made you laugh!! and xavier is so precious and sweet, i love him so much, and i love that it's consistently hinted that he is batshit insane jealous/horny under his cute exterior. i will never pass up an opportunity to try to honor him all these aspects of him in my stories.
As for the CORE of your ask, to be completely honest i've never written smut before. this is the first time that i'm actually feeling enough inspiration to consistently write, at length, a story that seems to have an actual structure?? but i'm really just flying by the seat of my pants without a fucking plan at all. but i HAVE read a shit-ton of smut, so i'm going to see where the story takes me, and i think you really did get the vibes i was going for in this one--i wanted to build the emotional and physical intimacy through the wine tasting, and also let my take on sylus's sexuality shine through a bit. i definitely see him as utterly animalistic (biting, grinding, scenting, unhinged physical expression of bottomless hunger) contrasted with unbearable tenderness (sleepy morning kisses and fucking). i think you and i are sharing the same braincell in this respect. but like i said, i've never actually written smut before, so i hope you don't get your hopes up too high if it takes a long time to write it, or i chicken out, or if i do write it and it's as sexy as ... well, about as sexy as mc imagines mc to be).
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!!
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coleskingdom · 7 months
Mine Pt 7
The Match
The final chapter, no smut just a Forbidden Door face off the final chapter
Jay White x reader
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The weeks leading up to forbidden door had been tense. The stipulations added to the match between Jay and Finlay were that there would be no ref stoppage and that if I threw in the towel Jay would lose Bullet Club Gold. I didn’t like the idea, I didn’t like any of it, it seemed too close to an organized shoot fight. Gabe and Adam decided on a Texas death match, and the Bucks put up their AEW titles against Drilla and Clark the event had been sold out for months.
Laying in bed with Jay the with match looming the next day, “it’s going to be fine, no matter how it goes it’s going to be fine.” I didn’t know if my words were for me or for him. “ I’m going to ask you to do one thing, and if you love me the way you say you’ll do this for me. Don’t throw in the towel, no matter what, you can’t throw it in.” His hands playing in my hair my head nestled into his chest I felt a tear come down my cheek. “Shhh… the boys will be down there with you, trust me, trust them. If I lose, it has to be an honorable loss. I have to have a way forward.” my single tear had turned into sobs, “Get it out sweetheart, get it out now. I need you to be strong tomorrow, we all do. I’m not going to lose bullet club, the only thing that means more to me than it is you. You’ve got to breathe and you’ve got to get some sleep.”He said gently, putting his arms around me.
The morning of the ppv came to early, I woke Jay up with a cup of coffee and a confident smile. “ Feeling better?” he asked eyeing me carefully, I could tell he was trying to assess how I was doing. “ I am, I’m sorry about last night. I guess it feels different now. I knew regardless I’d be emotional but not scared.” I said “ Hey now it’s okay, you don’t trust Finlay that’s what it is, just trust me. That’s all you’ve got to do today is trust me.” He squeezed my hand.
“ I don’t feel like doing glam today, give me an hour and I’ll be ready." heading into the bathroom. I emerged war ready, the heels had been traded for a pair of combat boots, the sexy tank in for a black t shirt, the over done make up gone and replaced with my traditional day to day make up and my hair slicked into a tight pony tail, and the diamonds changed to small gold studs. I took off my engagement ring and left just my wedding band and put the golden switchblade around my neck. “ There’s my girl” he said smiling, “You don’t miss the glammed up version.” I asked, “ Not one bit, she’s kind of a character that one, super kicking people, using a heel as a weapon.” He winked “Today I’m glad it’s you by my side. I love you.” Taking my hand . The car was already downstairs. The ride to the arena was quick, we walked into the Gold locker room, everyone had decided to share. I think it was for my benefit but they said it was what they wanted.
“ You okay?” Matt asked, “ Yeah I think so.” A half hearted smile crossing my face. “You switched up your look I like it. It’s more you anyway.” I smiled “Jay said the same thing to, I think he thought the other was a little unhinged.” That got a chuckle out of Matt. “ She was a monster that we designed and you executed. Don’t get me wrong we love her, but she could’ve over thrown Jay and we would’ve said yes ma’am .”
“ Who’s overthrowing me? “ Jay asked from across the room. “ Your beautiful wife, when she shows up in spike heels and an attitude.” Jay laughed a deep real laugh, his eyes crinkling. “ I’ll step down gracefully, if she wants to be leader. I know when I’m beat, I don’t need a shoe mark on my cheek.” Now laughing myself “Stop, I wasn’t that bad” I said “ That’s the problem you were that good, too good.” Matt said. “You were that bad” Jay said with a wink, my face turning pink.
“Okay, okay with all of that having been said , I need the four of you out there with her for the main. I need you to make sure she doesn’t throw in the towel. Matt , I’m trusting you with her, Page you’re his back up. No disrespect to either of you Cole and Nick, she will just listen to the other two better.” he said “Matt I’m going to go over the planned finish with you. You know Finlay though, he doesn’t always stick with it, just so someone out there knows. Alright boys, this is it, it’s time to put the dogs down once and for all.”
Page went out for his match with Gabe. I’d never seen Page have to go the level of violence he went to. On the monitors it showed the live feed, the punches started stiff and only got stiffer as the match went on. Page clearly having taken a page from Calihan pouring lemon juice in Gabe’s open cuts. We all gasped there was no way around that pain, “Where the hell did he get lemon juice?” Jay asked, I told him I did an Instacart order, and I thought it was for water. Page got Gabe to tap with the chain around his neck, reviving his hangman move. He came back into the locker room. “Lemon juice really? “ Matt asked , “Tony said I couldn’t do the everclear, so I had to get creative, it was either that or Jalapeno juice, but milk stops that burn.” he shrugged, blood staining his upper body. “Are you okay?” I asked putting him in a chair going over his cuts, “ This was nothing compared to Swerve, Kidd just thought he was a tough guy. I’m gonna go shower I’ll be ready for the main. “
Matt and Nick went out against Maloney and Connor’s, the bucks new harder hitting style surprised the war dogs , but just as they adapted, they switched to the fast paced, style they’re known for. I popped for the superkick party, and the EVP trigger. The match ended in a DQ when Coughlin got involved, hitting Nick with a chair. Matt and Nick came back through , both swearing they were fine and took the least amount of damage.
The rest of the matches clicked off the card, “ How are you doing?” Page asked, “I’m okay, I think. You’d let me know if it gets too bad out there, right? I know he told me no matter what not to throw in the towel but you’d tell me right? “ my voice pleading with him. He looked around before answering “Yes , because it’s you, yes I would. He knows I would tell you, as a way to protect you. It’s the reason he went over the finish with Matt. I’m okay with that, Matt’s slightly stronger when it comes to you but Jay knows he’d crack to.” He smiled “ Then I’m good, I trust you and Matt only second to Jay..”I hugged him.
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“Ready?” Jay asked I nodded the most confident I’d felt in weeks. We all walked down together, I was so glad this was my last walk down, I got into the ring to take his jacket instead he slipped it on me. The ref handed me the white towel, and I stepped out of the ring. The war dogs were ringside as well, just jawing.
I stepped back beside Matt and Page. Jay slid out of the ring early his mind games messing with Finlay. He winked at me, Jay got back in and fell into his rhythm, his fluidity has always been a thing of beauty. The knife edge chops ringing through out the arena , out of the corner of my eye I saw Kidd start to move, “what’s Kidd up to?” I said , “On it “ Page said. Page went and pulled him off the apron, the others quickly backing him . Provided enough distraction for Finlay to get Jay in the corner, with chops of his own , switching to kicks has Jay slumped in the corner. Maloney grabbed Jays arm and cuffed it to the top rope. Kidd slid a chair into the ring. I’m looking at Matt “ Shit” he said, Finlay putting the chair in front of Jay saying something I couldn’t hear, but the pointing indicating it was about me. Jay spit on him, Finlay slapped him, Jay back on his feet landed a punch. “ Conners has the key around his neck” Page said, “ Fuck this shit” Cole said headed towards Conners, Nick followed Cole Matt chasing Nick,” Stay here “he barked I saw that Coughlin power slammed Cole, “Adam go help them I’m fine”. Once he was out of range I jumped up on the apron, making sure that the towel was out of grasp of Finlay. “ Finlay, You’re still a bitch.” That got his attention, “ Hi, Princess, how do you like my handy work?” he sneered, “ It’s a little uninspired kind of like your leadership.” My tone casual I saw Matt uncuff Jay , and I jumped down. Jay coming at Finlay with the chair. I saw the schlalee bent down and put it in the back of my pants covered by Jays Jacket.
“ He’s going to kill you” Matt said “ I’ll deal with it. I had to do something, besides I got the schlalee” I smiled. “ what are you going to do with that” he asked “ I’m going to give it to one of you to get it to him. He needs to beat the shit out of Finlay with it, it’s what started this whole fucking thing” I seethed “ Calm down, calm down” Page stepped in “they’re watching, act upset about the match.” The match had been going back and forth each man alternating having the upper hand. Just then Finlay hit a nasty version of the overkill. The dogs started to get in the ring and Finlay called them off, he went and put his foot on Jays back, and threw up the too sweet. The boos that rained down, Finlay picked Jay up and did the in to oblivion.
“ Is he out?” I asked page, “ hold on give him a minute. “ his eyes meeting Matt’s. “ Hey hey it’s okay, do you want to give me the towel, one of us can walk you to the back.” Matt said I shook my head no. Finlay started taking chair shots to Jays back. “ You’ve got to let him get back up, I know you want to yell, but I’m going to need you not to. You’re stronger than this , this is what Finlay wants you upset. It’s about you as much as it is the match. Now set your fucking jaw, and deal with it, bite your tongue, break my hand I don’t give a shit but don’t you fucking cry right now. You’re a damn member of this club and this family so man the fuck up.” Matt said I looked at him seeing red.
Matt left to go to the ring side , Jays hand moved and Matt nodded. Jay got up slowly, in a daze, but Finlay was in the corner and didn’t see Jay coming and drop kicked him from behind, Finlays face hit the turn buckle , and busted him open. He dragged David and got him into position for the blade runner, Jay pinned David 1-2-3 . It was over, Jay went to the corner and slumped down, his hands on his knees, “ Get him an ice pack and water.” Matt yelled at ring side, he threw both items at me.
“ Go on get in there. Ice on the back of his neck. “ I got into the ring and knelt down beside him, putting the ice on the back of his neck, reaching around for the damn schlaee that was poking me. I laid it in front of Jay, “ I’m not going to lie, you had the chance to make the biggest heel turn in history if you hit me with that thing.” he said a twinkle in his eye. “ How bad is it?” I asked watching him wince “ It’s not the worst that I’ve been but it’s not great. You’re gonna need that nurses outfit. Help me stand” he asked I helped him to his feet. The crowd waiting for his decision on what he was going to do.
“ By the order of the Bang Bang Gang, the War Dogs have been put to sleep. Your club is no more, House of Torture your Club is no more, G.O.D. You are reinstated, Owens, Kenta you are able to remain, the ABC you are recognized. Now what to do with these poor puppies, eyeing the remaining war dogs, do whatever the hell you want your just not Bullet Club material. Finlay I think I’ve got something you want.” Raising the Schlalee Jay threw the thing up the ramp, and Finlay knelt down to pick it up and from behind Ospreay hit Finlay with a hidden blade, Akira, Cobb TJP and Henare were on the rest of the dogs at ring side, once the dogs were down. The United Empire came in the ring and stood across from us, Will took the mic, “Pleasure Doing Business with you Bruv. However, as much fun as this was, I’ll be seeing you in AEW. Come on boys.” His music hit and they walked out of the ring. Then the Bullet Club Gold music hit, the guys all took their corners and hit the Gunns up.
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“ I’m proud of you” Jay said once we were in the back. “ I’m gonna kill Matt, when I see him.” I said. “ Why? What happened? He told me I couldn’t cry and to man the fuck up.” I said still furious. Jay started laughing, “ He pissed you off on purpose, I told him to. I told him if you started to get worried to either let you come back here or to piss you off. It’d change your focus and you’d be fine. Come on Sweetheart it’s time to celebrate.” Kissing me on the side of the head. “ What’s next and what’s the thing with Will?” I asked “ Will , that’s an interesting one , I like the guy, it works in Kayfabe we share a history, there’s guys for Colton and Austin to work with it made the most sense. Finlay and Gedo are going to work for your dad. You are going to settle into your new job and retire Queen Switch. I’ll miss her I think. Then I believe you owe me the honeymoon of my dreams if I remember correctly.” He smiled as he lead me into the rest of the party.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 8 months
noooo i havent seen that anime yettt i think i will sjnskms👀
SPEAKING OF BEOMGYU i was listening to coming back for more like two days ago and all i could think of was OMG THIS IS SOOOO JEONGHAN AND YN i think i need help rip
math is sooooo so hard it makes me vomit like,,
ive been ignoring it for the past few days rip and thats got my mom so worried i feel so guilty,,,,, but also😭 i love math i cannot live without math i literally ignore every other subject in favour of practicing math all day every day (which is also super harmful-) BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THIS
and no i was talking about a series called once upon a broken heart the mmc is so unhinged and such a sadist most of my annotations of that series look like, 'pathetic jeonghan?' 'pathetic jeonghan would totally do this' ' THIS IS SOO PATHETIC JEONGHAN??'
!!!if youre into angst you should def read it the second book is going to rip you soul to shreds and im not even kidding i love it soo much
IRRELEVANT BUT theres a book releasing in like two days omg and im sooo excited bec 1) its the last part 2) its like a cannon crossover w another series which i used to be obsessed w by the same author i love crossovers i just love dimension travel (?) man
ARE YOU WATCHING PERCY JACKSONNN I LOVE IT SOO MUCHHH CANT BELIEVE S1 WILL BE OVER THIS WEEK?? the eps end before they even start eng shows are soo short its so annoying like?? eight eps?? 30 mins per ep??? thats hardly a quarter of a regular kdrama girlie be fr😭😭
help i havent really thought about it i dont think im not anal much?? 👀 (maybe a lot of sickly sweet fluff too) LET ME THINK ABOUT IT WILL GET BACK TO YOU !!
tbh ive been trying to find good joshua x jeonghan smut + fic but i never seem to be able to TT ive given up atp,, like its mostly non idol au and ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP TROPE (LIKE THATS SUCH A HUGE TURN OFF FOR ME FOR SOME REASON) like give me yearning give me pining give me savagery give me tears sigh
i woke up so pissed today because isnt it just so annoying when you think youre finally over your highschool crush and then she invades your dreams looking ridiculously hot smh like i PHYSICALLY felt my heart pound in my sleep ive been able to think only about her all day long its driving me crazy and this is tmi i think💀
also im almost 20 hehe youre only like four years older than me 👀
Tell me if you dooo watch it i’m actually super into it right now
Learning very interesting things about you…. Math is hard… but loves math….
noted noted noted… prefer yearning…
THAT IS SO ANNOYING IM SO SORRY YOU WOKE UP TO THAT. Thinking that you moved on only to find out you DIDNT i would be so stressed… crushes are… stressful….
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vukovich · 3 years
peculiar prompts: fuck or die, but their dicks get bigger every second
A Mounting Problem
"Don't eat those." Ron came around the bend in the trail. Draco scoffed and picked several more scarlet berries, adding them to the pile in Harry's outstretched shirt.
"They're wild cherries," Harry said.
"This," Ron swept his arm out over the lush valley, "is an old wizarding land preserve." He pointed at the thorny bush. "And those are twiggenberries, not cherries."
Draco stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry. "Are, too."
"What would you know about foraging, Malfoy? You hadn't eaten a meal outdoors until this week."
Draco scrunched his face up and mimicked Ron.
"Fine." Ron adjusted his pack and side-stepped around them. "Don't be late to the top of the rise. And don't eat those berries til you're back home. Alone."
"Yes, Father," Draco said snidely to Ron's retreating back.
Harry pretended to gag.
"Heard that!" Came Ron's voice.
Harry swatted a mosquito against the inside of the tent and shot Draco a triumphant grin, but Draco's attention was on the bag of berries in his lap.
"Ron said not to eat those here."
"Ron says a lot of things. I'm hungry." He crossed his outstretched legs over his sleeping bag and Harry wondered if he shouldn't hand-feed Draco.
"Someone failed to guard the camp from raccoons." Draco popped a big, glossy berry in his mouth. "And someone cost us what smelled like a wonderful crockpot of chili."
"I said I was hanging back to take a nap, and I did. I didn't know none of you latched the crockpot." Harry rolled onto his side and clicked a small lantern on. "Give me one."
Harry opened his mouth and flicked his gaze back and forth between the berries and Draco's eyes. Draco let him look like a confused fish for a few moments before selecting a berry.
They were large, for wild berries. Almost like small plums, but a bit more pointed at one end, and deep red. Draco traced it over Harry's bottom lip before shoving it in, and then followed with his fingers for good measure.
Harry grunted in surprise, but sucked Draco's fingers clean before biting into the berry. It popped open in a rush of cloyingly-sweet bubblegum, and broke against the roof of his mouth like an overripe grape. He grabbed a bottle of water from the foot of his sleeping back to dilute the overwhelming taste.
Draco smirked and shoved what had to be his fourth or fifth one into his mouth.
"You can have the rest," Harry said, capping his water and laying down.
He clicked off the light, and Draco sealed the bag and laid down next to him. Harry started drifting off almost immediately, but Draco tossed and turned.
Harry cracked an eye and was met with Draco's eyes glinting in the filtered moonlight. "Do you think they're awake?"
"Ron and Hermione?"
"No, the wampus cats. Of course Ron and Hermione."
"Probably not. I think they hiked twelve miles today. Why?"
Draco walked fingers over their sleeping bags toward Harry's chest, and then diverted southward.
"No reason..."
"They're heavy sleepers."
"Mm hm..."
Draco tugged at the drawstring on Harry's pajama bottoms. Harry bit back a smile and let him pick at the knot until Draco started muttering swear words under his breath.
Harry rolled on his back and unceremoniously shucked his pants and pajamas off, and threw his t-shirt on the pile at the foot of his sleeping bag.
He couldn't read Draco's expression, so he clicked the lantern back on. Wonderment. Draco was staring at Harry's dick in absolute wonderment. Harry was flattered, then aroused, but then mildly alarmed, because Draco just kept staring.
Harry glanced down and didn't see anything more interesting than his own erection, and still Draco watched it, and Harry watched him. But... why would he be hard already?
Harry wrapped a hand around his semi-hard dick, but his fingers only just met around it. That wasn't right.
Draco tilted his head to one side. "I think those were psychedelic berries."
"Oh, shit," Harry whispered. He worked his fist over the head of his cock, just in case this turned out to be a really good trip. "Oh... shiiiiit. How many did you eat?"
"Five?" Draco licked his lips. "Your dick looks bigger."
Harry stopped stroking. "I think it is bigger."
Harry's thumb and middle finger couldn't touch, and felt like they were actively being pushed way. The skin of his cock grew achingly tight and over-sensitive.
"Shit. What do we do?"
Draco scooted closer. "I can think of several things to do."
Panic rose a cold sweat over Harry's chest. "What should we do?"
"Again, I can think of-"
"RON!" Harry shouted.
A rustle in the other tent, followed by a groan, and "Wassit?"
Draco leaned down slowly, eyes on Harry, sneaking his mouth closer to Harry's dick and fooling no one.
"What do those berries do?" Harry shouted, then swallowed a whimper as Draco's lips spread over the head of his cock.
"The fuck you think a twiggenberry does?" Ron grumbled. An owl hooted nearby. "You didn't eat one, did you?"
"Uhm." Draco's tongue against the tight-stretched skin was already too much. "Yes."
"Guess it could be worse. You gotta get somebody to help you blow your load before your dick drains your blood supply." The owl hooted again, and it sounded rather concerned. "Doesn't work if you do it on your own."
Draco slurped enthusiastically and winked.
"Sounds like you've got it under control. And I've got ear plugs. Good thing you only ate one. G'night."
"Ron! RON!" Harry tugged Draco up by the hair. "Shit. Now what?"
Draco held Harry's gaze while he slid his tongue out and prodded Harry's dick with the tip. "Mm?"
Harry nodded and tried to relax as Draco's mouth enveloped him. He blew out a long breath and forced himself to not think about anything but the wet heat sliding over his cock. Not about dying with an enormous dick hanging out. Merlin help him if Dumbledore met him on a platform in this condition.
Draco shifted, snuck a hand in his own pajamas, and moaned around Harry's cock.
"Fuck," Harry whispered. Draco's shoulder shook as he stroked himself in time to his mouth on Harry. He moaned again, and tension build at the base of Harry's cock. "Fuck, I'm gonna come."
Draco wrapped both hands around Harry's thick length, and the pressure in his hips broke, spilling into Draco's mouth. Harry's breath shuddered out as Draco slowed, swallowed, and grinned at him.
"I've got something for you." He rose up on his knees and Harry's dick gave a feeble throb at the size of the tent in Draco's pants. "Roll over, size queen."
It wasn't that Draco wasn't well-endowed. He was... fine. But Harry's tastes ran... larger. A lot larger. Like the bludger bat of a cock Draco was wrangling out of his shorts.
Draco reached into a bag, then tossed a tube of lube on Harry's pillow. That dick was so perfect Harry could have cried. And he did.
Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. Draco straddled Harry's thighs and plopped down, massive erection slapping against Harry's spent cock.
"Uhm... What's wrong?"
"I ate-" Harry sobbed. "-the chili."
"Okaayyyy..." Draco shook his head and waited for Harry to explain, but comprehension bloomed over Draco's face. "There were no raccoons?! Harry James Potter, you ate half a crockpot of chili and blamed raccoons?!"
Harry nodded and hid his face in the crook of his elbow.
Harry nodded again. "I'm sorry."
"Oh, I am not putting my dick in that."
"I'm really, really sorry."
"I'll bet you are." He felt Draco's breath against his ear. "Sorry you're not getting your greedy little hole stretched open by this."
Draco pressed his cock along Harry's abdomen for emphasis. He ran his chin down Harry's jawline and sighed. "Wanker."
Harry moved his arms, sniffled, and snuck a kiss on Draco's nose before he sat back up. "I guess wanking, it is. I don't think I can fit it in my mouth."
Draco walked his knees up to Harry's waist and sat on his flaccid dick. Hard.
"I always had a theory that Parseltongues could unhinge their jaws like snakes."
Harry only half-heard Draco, because the dick sitting on his chest was fucking amazing. It was still Draco's, but huge. He would have gladly impaled himself on this beast of a dong, but no. The chili had smelled too damn good.
Draco flipped the cap on the lube open and emptied it out on what was rapidly becoming a third leg. Harry wrapped both hands around it, and the overlap of his fingers shrank as he watched.
He stroked, slow and steady, trying to keep a familiar routine in a very new situation. Draco's head lolled to the side, and his lips pressed against his own shoulder. Harry smiled softly and tightened his grip. Even full of dick-enhancing berries, Draco couldn't come without his lips against bare skin, even if it was his own.
Draco tilted forward, but caught himself. He wavered above Harry.
"I'm dizzy."
Harry looked up and met glassy, vacant eyes. His fingers barely met around the dick in his hands.
"Oh, shit." His mind raced. "Lay down. Lay down on me right now."
Draco fell forward, chest on Harry's face. Harry grabbed Draco's hips and pushed him down until their lips met. "Shit. Draco, stay awake."
Draco hummed against Harry's lips, and Harry stroked dick like Draco's life depended on it. Up and over the swelling head, thumbs working the underside of Draco's cock until Draco's back stiffened.
Cool lips found Harry's, and Draco whimpered, hitched, and the dick in Harry's hands throbbed. Hot rivulets flowed through his fingers, and he absently thought a cock that big should put out a whole lot more come than this.
Draco sighed into Harry's neck. "That was good."
Harry slid his hands out from between them and wiped them on Draco's arse. "That was close, is what that was."
"Mm hm."
"Are you just going to fall asleep on top of me?"
"Mm hm."
Harry woke at dawn to a startled owl hoot, a scuffle outside his tent, and then the walls of the tent shaking violently. He popped up on his knees to look through the mesh window.
The sun was just peeking over the treetops, and Hermione stood outside, hands on their tent, hair in a tight braid, dressed for a hike already.
"Get up, losers! We're going berry-picking!"
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simpforsersi · 3 years
Deja Vu - Mobius x gn!Reader
Hey look I wrote a thing! Granted, I wrote this thing in between busy moments at work, so there’s little to no plotline. Just a tired Mobius and a supportive reader.
Summary: Pre-the fall of TVA. I’m really unoriginal so this is yet another “Mobius and the reader were a thing before they were brought into the TVA” because I can’t get over that idea. Mobius is tired and has been having weird dreams.
Warnings: I can’t think of any warnings except that I think I used the words “grin” and “smile” WAY too much. Also, this is unedited. 
Word Count: 1.5k
Anyway, I’m clearly very brain-dead and I’ve always been bad at summaries/talking about things I’ve written so just here. Have this.
"Where did you go?"
You glance up from the file you're poring over, concentration broken by the sound of Mobius' voice. He's resting his chin in one hand and muttering to himself, eyebrows furrowed.  
He looks up sharply, startled.
You can't help laughing. He's so discombobulated by being yanked out of his intense focus. Maybe pulling him back into reality was for the best, though. His tie is askew, his jacket was shed long ago, and there are dark circles under his eyes.
You could push, try to find out what he's so concerned about in this particular case, but you think it might be for the best to distract him for a bit.
"Want a coffee?"
He drops his pen and leans back in his chair, rubbing his face.
"Coffee might be a good idea," he agrees, and you scrape your chair back and stand up. He pouts at you, and you raise an eyebrow. "I don't wanna get up," he sighs, resting his head against the back of his chair and closing his eyes. "I'm tired."
"I know," you say, trying not to dwell on the soft feelings that flutter to life in your chest at the fact that he trusts you enough to be so vulnerable. "I'll be right back."
"Oh, gosh," he says, bracing his hands on the table and getting ready to pull himself up. "I'm not an invalid. I can get my own coffee."
"I know," you say again. "I'll get it anyway, though."
He looks like he wants to argue, but he doesn't, which proves how tired he is. You offer him a smile and leave to fetch the coffee, electing to ignore the pleasant tingling incited by his answering grin.
Balancing two coffee cups and a plate of cinnamon rolls isn’t easy, but you’re talented.
"Extra strong, because I know you like it that way. Also, I brought -- ”
You look up from the two paper cups you’re holding and lose the ability of speech.
Mobius’s face is buried in his arms, and he’s snoozing on the desk. You set the coffees and the plate down and fight the soft, feathery thing that is fluttering around inside your chest.
You could wake him up, but the poor man is clearly exhausted, and also he’s very adorable like this and you aren’t about to willingly relinquish listening to his soft snores. You sip your coffee and re-immerse yourself in your paperwork, but you end up knocking your empty mug over while you’re reaching for a cinnamon roll and Mobius wakes up with a snort.
“Sorry,” you say, wincing, righting the mug. “Just a clutz over here.”
He smiles sleepily, running a hand over his face and shifting in his seat. his hair is flat on one side and sticking up on the other, and he looks like he’s feeling a little nap-disoriented.
“That’s okay,” he says, voice raspy, and clears his throat. “You brought treats?”
“Yeah,” you say, reeling from his “just woke up” voice. “There was a tray of them beside the carafe, so I thought I’d snag some before they were gone.”
“Good thinking,” he says, reaching for one. He bites into it and makes a pleased noise that has no right doing what it does to your insides. It’s your turn to shift around in your seat. “These are amazing.”
“They’re very good,” you agree. “We should track down whoever made them and get the recipe.”
“Agreed,” Mobius says. He reaches for his coffee and swallows several mouthfuls before rubbing his face again.
“You okay?” you ask. He’s still a little bit off. It’s a different kind of “off,” but he’s not feeling right and that’s bothering you.
“Yeah -- yeah,” he says. “It’s just...”
“What?” you ask, a little too eagerly. You just want to know what’s going on so that you can try to fix it. You’re Mobius’s partner, and you always help him solve his problems. You want to do that now.
“This dream,” he says, frowning. “I keep having it. It’s so... It’s just weird.”
“Oh,” you say, taken aback. He’s been knocked off-kilter by a dream? “What’s it about?”
“You,” he says, and then, blushing a little, “and me. On Earth. Doing... stuff.”
You choke on your bite of cinnamon roll. That brings a lot of thoughts to your mind that you aren’t entirely comfortable with having. Mobius is your partner, your fellow analyst, your not boyfriend or husband or anything. You’re not even supposed to want that. Boy, this is bad, but thankfully Mobius interrupts your internal panic.
“Not... not that kind of stuff,” he says, and his face is bright red. “Just... I don’t know. Cleaning the kitchen. Hanging out in cities. Riding Jet Skis.” He gives you a lopsided grin.
Your heart is beating really quickly. You were not ready for him to say anything along those lines. You could never be ready for him to say anything along those lines. This is...
“Weird,” you manage, trying not to focus on the many and very intense physical and emotional feelings that are happening right now. “What a weird dream.”
“Exactly,” Mobius says, and he has a wild look in his eyes. “None of it happened, obviously -- ”
“Obviously,” you say quickly, grabbing onto this little piece of fact in the middle of all your stormy emotions.
“ -- but it feels like it could. Or it did. Or -- ”
“Woah,” you say, growing more and more uncomfortable by the second. “None of that happened. None of it will happen. This is our life, Mobius,” you gesture at the table, strewn with paperwork and an empty plate and a couple of mugs, “and it’s all we’ve ever had and all we ever will.”
“Maybe not,” he says. “We could go to a city.”
“No, we couldn’t!” you say, panicking. You’ve never heard anyone talk like this. You work at the TVA and that’s... that’s it. That’s what you have. Mobius’s words are scaring you, not least because you can see yourself. You can see it in your head, and it feels familiar, like a movie that you’ve seen a hundred times.
“We could,” Mobius insists. “I’ll throw on some swim trunks, you grab a sunhat -- ”
"It's not like I have sunhats lying around," you interrupt him. “And do you even own a pair of swim trunks?”
“That’s not the point,” he says, sounding almost frustrated. He stands up from his seat and comes around to your side of the table. You can’t breathe, from either his proximity or the things he’s saying, you’re not sure which. “We could go,” he says. “We could just leave. Walk away from all of this and start a life of our own.”
“Mobius,” you say, shocked. You don’t know how to respond.
“What do you think?” he asks. He has a longing look in his eyes that he’s clearly trying to repress for your sake. You swallow hard.
“I think you need to go to bed,” you say, more sharply than you meant to. “I think I need to, too.”
Mobius’s face falls, and you feel the sharp sting of guilt for dashing his hopes like that. But what else can you do? Leave the TVA? That’s not happening.
“Yeah,” Mobius says with a sigh, “you’re probably right.”
You swallow again. You haven’t felt this rattled in a very long time -- probably since you and Mobius had to deal with that particularly unhinged Ultron variant -- and you just want to go to sleep and wake up with all of these strange feelings that are definitely disloyal to the TVA.
“I’m pretty sure I am,” you say.
“We just drank coffee, though,” Mobius points out, looking cautiously optimistic. “We should probably stay here and work until that wears off, right?”
You’re actually feeling very tired, and you’re willing to risk an hour of tossing and turning if it means that you can stretch out between crisp sheets and try to shake off the weirdness that has settled itself over you. But Mobius is wincing a little bit, bracing himself for rejection, and you’ve already shut him down once today.
“Okay,” you concede. “Fine. But as soon as you start snoring again, I’m gone.”
“Fair enough,” Mobius says, beaming at you.
You roll your eyes at him, trying very hard not to think about the many fluttery feelings you’re experiencing, and settle back in. He returns to his side of the table, and you shuffle your papers around until they look a bit more orderly.
“Hey,” Mobius says, and you look up at him. His eyes are tender, and your breath catches in your throat. “Thank you.”
“Anytime,” you return, and he smiles again, kicking your foot lightly under the table.
You force your mind back onto your case, which is hard. It wants to stay where it is: thinking about a kitchen in a city where Mobius rests his hand on the small of your back when he’s reaching for something in the cupboard. You shake your head to clear it of the image, which is vivid enough that you can almost feel Mobius’s hand warm against your skin.
But that’s not your life, and it never will be, and it never was.
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whumpzone · 3 years
Tomas and Rowe - Part 16
in which everyone has a bad time. except kasia. he's having fun
taglist: @sola-whumping @just-another-whumper @misspelledwitch @looptheloup @briars7 @black-polarf @zipadeedooda-drabbles @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @rosesareviolentlyread @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @jazz-0307 @kestrelsparverius @whumpsy-daisies @whumpersworld @memoriesneverforget @sky-or-something-idfk @cupcakes-and-pain @frankieswhump @ihaventwritteninsolong @mybrokenlittletoy @kiretto-laorentze @morelikepainsley @lavmars @tears-and-lilies @whump-me-all-night-long @newbornwhumperfly @itaina-anta @whump-it @haro-whumps @simplygrimly @alex-ember @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @mnmlover2002 @jordanstrophe @princessofonward @xmonster-under-the-bed @as-a-matter-of-whump @5boys1house @crystalrainwing @starnight-whump @chifechi @unicornscotty @penny-for-your-whump @getyourwhumphere @likeit-or-whumpit @jasm0307 @lightdrinker @hurting-fictional-people @captainseconds @glamrockgregory @justbreakonme @downrivergirl914 @cdragontogacotar @whumps-up @vaguelyhumanvoid @kim-poce @kween-pinescales
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, force feeding, stress positions, references to mouth whump and burns
Rowe took to repeating the affirmations every day, whispering them past the newly empty gaps in his gums. When he did them, he could forget for a little while that he was going to die in his cell. At least he could die as something. He wouldn’t let Kasia turn him into an empty husk.
I have worth.
I don’t deserve pain.
I’m a person.
He was careful, of course, to lock them away when Kasia visited. He tried not to associate them with pain; he said them every day when he woke up, not when he was freshly hurting. He didn’t want to ever, ever, say them in front of Kasia.
He knew if he did it would just get him another beating, but they were his. They were precious. They were a relic of Master that Kasia couldn’t corrupt.
He just had to keep his stupid mouth shut when it mattered.
For the first time since his arrival here, Rowe spent a whole day alone. The hours ticked by as he started to see shapes in the floor, and wondered if Kasia would ever return. Was this it? Had he got bored already? Would Rowe be left to die and rot after less than a week, his capture so recent he could still feel Master’s hands in his?
In reality it only meant that when Kasia did come back the next day, Rowe despised himself for the brief flash of relief. The man he was at the mercy of had returned to torture him another day.
Kasia had brought more chains, and restraints, always in his duffle bag, and Rowe had quickly learnt to shrink away at the mere sight of it. Rowe stayed curled up on the floor as he entered, eyeing him like a kicked dog.
“Did you miss me, pup?”
“Please,” he replied hoarsely. “Please give me f-food. Please.”
Rowe would never have dared beg with his first Master. But he had always known that he would be fed, eventually, once he had learnt his lesson. And of course, he’d never needed to beg Master Tomas. But here, there weren’t any rules. Nothing was guaranteed. So fuck it, he might as well try to prolong his life.
“Today’s your lucky day. I actually brought something. You’ll have to earn it, though. No getting on my fucking nerves, yeah?”
You’re the one who chooses to come here, Rowe thought despairingly.
“Okay, okay, just please-“
“Didn’t you just hear me?” Kasia kicked him in the stomach and Rowe moaned. He nodded, wincing as the burns on his neck pressed together.
“Arms up, come on.”
. . .
Tomas had made it from the shower to the downstairs sofa, and he was content with that. Not proud, no, proud would imply he was happy with himself in some way, but at least he wasn’t completely catatonic today. Luca had texted saying to answer the door if it rang, and a part of Tomas still wanted to impress him, despite it all. So he had showered and brushed the last of the blood from his hair. God, how many days had it been?
A small movement on the floor caught his eye. A spider, out of reach, too far to feasibly get him. He felt acutely aware of his own apathy then, as instead of shrieking or running away, he just stared.
The chance of the spider hurting him was practically zero. And yet he was still afraid. Afraid of it crawling over his skin, afraid that it might come near him in the night when he was asleep and vulnerable, and although he knew deep down that it wouldn’t, there was always the possibility of it deciding to run up his leg at any given moment. Even being near it made him afraid.
He thought of Rowe. He felt like he understood something. He sighed.
Luca arrived not half an hour later, banging on the door and shouting for Tomas as if nothing was wrong.
“Hey! It’s me- don’t leave me outside on this cold night. I’m only an orphan boy.”
Tomas pulled the door open. He couldn’t smile, but seeing Luca felt like the weight in his stomach was lifted slightly.
“It’s not cold. And you’re not an orphan.”
“I am happy to see you, though,” Luca said calmly. He was holding a basket, its contents hidden under a teatowel. “I brought you a pull-yourself-together hamper. Some ready meals, dry shampoo, fruit, and stuff. And the teatowel. ‘Cause why not.”
Already Tomas could feel Luca’s warmth seeping into him. He put a hand over his mouth and nodded. “Than- thanks, thank you, you know you don’t owe me anything-“
“I know, handsome lad. But the thought of Rowe being kidnapped is- god, it’s awful. Don’t worry, I’m here of my own free will. Sometimes you just need someone else in the house.”
Tomas let him inside, feeling guilty about the mess, then feeling guilty because he was the one who allowed it to accumulate.
“Let’s open a window,” Luca suggested, and Tomas sloped over. “Want me to get that spider?”
He shook his head, trying uselessly to hide his face. “It’s fine, it’s fine, you can let it stay, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m-“
His own voice cracking cut him off but he pressed on.
“I’m fine, I really am.”
“You’re not. It’s okay.”
“Just- how- how the fuck did I let this happen. How did I not, I mean, I trusted him this whole- whole time and now it’s all gone wrong and-“
He sat heavily on the floor, leaning his face into the side of the sofa, not blinking, not seeing. He breathed out and time seemed to slow.
Luca’s hand rested on his shoulder, a gentle pressure to his fingers.
“What’s done is done. You can’t help Rowe by falling apart, and you definitely can’t help yourself like that either. It’s, ah, it’s hard. It’s really hard. But you can collapse and cry and disintegrate when Rowe is back, I promise. Do you know where Kasia lives?”
Tomas nodded. “I haven’t even thought about that. I can’t believe myself.”
“Hey, no falling apart okay?” Luca’s tone was firm, and it made Tomas pull his head up, to look at him. His hair, braided in two chunky plaits, hung asymmetrically, one past his collarbone and one down his back. His eyeliner was winged like the letter V, drawn out in a point that came sharply back over his eyelid. Pretty. “That’s good to know, though. You could catch him on his way in or out, try to strike up a deal, I don’t know. I’ve not exactly had any experience with kidnappings either.”
“Yeah, it’s fucking stupid isn’t it. This whole situation is stupid. Fuck.”
Luca just looked at him, a sad smile ghosting over his face.
“I just can’t stop thinking about all the things that might be happening,” Tomas confessed. “He’s unhinged, he really is. He’s sick. And he’s got Rowe and the police don’t care, no one cares.”
“I care. You care.”
Tomas didn’t reply and the words hung over them. Two people caring wasn’t much. But, he supposed, it was better than nothing.
. . .
Rowe’s arms would dislocate, they would they absolutely would, Kasia was setting him up to dislocate both his god damn shoulders or arms or whatever. Rowe could hardly tell where the pain was located, it felt like it was everywhere, burning through his like a fire burns a taut string.
The food- dog food, but still edible, still something- sat before him, emptied on the floor, and from where Rowe knelt he should’ve been able to lean and eat easily. But Kasia had his arms bound and tied to the bars of the cage door, pulling them back and turning any movement into agony. Not only was he bent out of shape, but the burns along his shoulders were irritated awfully. He was sure his skin would burst open any second.
It had been twenty minutes at most, and already he was exhausted. Sweat rolled down him, dripping off his nose. He could hardly breathe.
Kasia’s heavy boot pressed down on the crown of his head, and his moan quickly became a scream of pain.
“No, no please!”
“I thought you were hungry. I’m helping.”
The pressure doubled, forcing Rowe’s face closer to the dog food, until he was close enough to open his mouth and take a bite. Disgust flooded him, and it only increased when he chewed. He swallowed past the collar, his throat pressing uncomfortably against it, and oh god, it felt so good, it was food in his belly, he was thankful for it despite everything. Kasia seemed satisfied and released his boot, sending Rowe’s head springing back to relieve the pressure on his shoulders. The skin near his burns had ripped and were bleeding, but nothing was dislocated.
“You’re definitely still hungry. How about another bite?”
Before Rowe could speak, Kasia had grabbed a fistful of hair, shoving him down, the sudden pull on his arms a thousand times worse than before, worse than anything, the pain was clouding his mind and he couldn’t think of anything but the barest, most built-in responses.
He screamed.
Spit flew from his mouth. Kasia kept pressing, his fingers curling tighter together, and the burning on Rowe’s scalp joined the rest of his body. His fingers were surely purple with how hard Kasia had tied them. Rowe had lost all feeling beyond his wrists.
Kasia ignored him.
“Please, st-stop, please M-M-Master Tomas help me-“
“He’s not fucking coming you stupid dog,” Kasia growled and pulled Rowe’s face all the way down, cracking his chin against the concrete, a deep shooting pain through his face and remaining teeth. He moaned. More skin tore along his shoulders. “No one’s coming to save you.”
A kick sent him lurching to the side, twisting his body until he was sprawled with his back to the floor, staring up at his bound hands, which were a mixture of blue and purple and were not moving at all.
He turned his head to see Kasia grabbing a fistful of the dog food from the floor and stepping over him.
“Mouth open.” Rowe complied and Kasia smiled mockingly. “Good boy.”
The dog food was shoved in, packing against the walls of his mouth, Kasia’s fingers prodding his gums, and it took everything not to vomit. His stomach heaved but nothing came. All he could do was be a good boy, and eat.
“Tomas isn’t your Master. He’s not coming.”
Present tense, thought Rowe as his eyes watered from the taste. He’s not dead.
. . .
Tomas couldn’t stop his legs from shaking as he stood on Kasia’s street, his hands tucked under his armpits for warmth. Yeah, the shaking was definitely just from the cold. Sure.
By the time Kasia appeared, it was night. He stalked down the street, stumbling slightly, and Tomas realised he was drunk. If he hadn’t had a reason to be there, he would have walked away right now, and fast.
When Kasia got close enough, Tomas stepped out of the shadows, forcing Kasia to stop and fix him with a glare.
“Give him back.”
“Or what?” he asked flatly, as if this meeting was no surprise. “Hah, you look like shit Tomas.”
“Give him fucking back, what do you want for him, money? You’re torturing a human being you sick fuck.”
“I’m having some fun with a Pet,” Kasia smiled. “And if you start whining like this I will just kill him.”
Tomas stiffened. “You wouldn’t.”
“You so sure about that?”
“Let him go.”
“No,” Kasia pushed him once and Tomas stumbled back, hitting a wall. He blinked and Kasia’s face was pressed up in front of his. He stank of booze and cigarettes. “Fuck off or I’ll kill him. I’ll hurt him worse to make up for this, too.”
“No, fuck no just leave him fucking alone-“
Kasia swung once, but mercifully something made him miss. Carelessness, the alcohol, perhaps just the assumption that Tomas was too pathetic to move out of the way. His fist cracked against the wall and as he shouted in pain Tomas considered kicking him between the legs, spitting on him, whatever. But Rowe’s life was at stake so, like the coward he was, he ran into the night, Kasia shouting taunts behind him.
Luca looked up when he pushed through the door, panting. He’d run the entire way. Luca stayed silent; the look on Tomas’s face was telling enough.
“I’m a fucking failure,” he whispered, and started to cry.
205 notes · View notes
jungshookz · 4 years
teeny tidbits: it’s valentine’s day and everyone’s in love 💕💫
i couldn’t let valentine’s day go by without showing you what some of your favourite couples are up to on this romantic day so i hope you enjoy these six teeny tidbits!! 
unfortunately i couldn’t do one for everY single character because i would literally die at my keyboard but i hope these ones still manage to give you all the fuzzy feelings :-) 
happy valentine’s day! 
                                       »»————- 💖 ————-««
➳ lveb!namjoon (feat. lveb!yoongi): it’s valentine’s day and namjoon & y/n won’t let yoongi forget it 
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“if these come out ugly, can i just eat them?” yoongi asks, his hands starting to tremble as he continues to squeeze the frosting out of the piping bag
he’s been doing this for the last half an hour and his hands are starting to go numb
you shut the oven door before tossing the kitchen towel over your shoulder and turning around to look at how much progress yoongi’s made
maybe you should put him on cleanup duty instead
luckily he’s only frosted four and a half so there’s no major loss here
you reach over to pluck the piping bag from yoongi’s hands and he immediately frowns
you don’t need to say anything for him to know what that means 
you never appreciate his hard work!! you’re breaking his heart here!!
“you know, the messiness just makes them more unique.” he points out, gesturing to his beautiful tray of heart-shaped cookies, “it gives your cookies character!”  
“mhm…” you roll your eyes playfully as you turn to grab a tupperware box from the cabinet so yoongi can pack up his cookies to bring home
“all i’m saying is that you never appreciate my artistic abilities.” yoongi murmurs, swiping a glob of frosting off the table and promptly sticking his finger into his mouth to suck it off
“abilities is a reach.”
yoongi gawks, about to respond with a retort about how he doesn’t have to help you but he chooses to because he’s a good friend but he doesn’t get the chance to before he gets distracted by the sound of the kitchen door creaking open
he swivels around on the stool, about to greet namjoon enthusiastically and to tell him all about how you’re refusing to sell his beautiful cookies because apparently they’re ‘ugly’ and ‘look like a two year old decorated it and then sat on it’
namjoon brings a finger up to his lips to tell yoongi to be quiet, yoongi opening his mouth to say something before closing it again
“did you ever return that round container?” you ask, yoongi looking back over at you to see you sorting through the cabinets
“the round container?” yoongi asks dumbly, watching as namjoon crouches down with a devious smile on his face, “uh, yeah! i’m pretty sure i did.”
“really? because i can’t find it anywhere-” you move to turn around, yoongi’s eyes widening as he suddenly gets up from his stool and points to the cabinet so that you don’t notice namjoon creeping up behind you
“there! i see it right there!”
“whe- oh!” you jump in surprise when suddenly an arm slinks around you from behind, a kiss being planted on your cheek a moment later, “you scared me!”
“mm, sorry, baby-” namjoon hums, pulling you closer and squishing another kiss to your face, “i was hoping i’d be back before you got up!”
namjoon left before you woke up but you didn’t have much time to think about it because you had to get straight to baking
for you, valentine’s day is one of the busiest days of the year which means you’re basically in the kitchen all day
you appreciate the business but you’re always so exhausted that you basically pass out covered in flour by the end of the day
yoongi came over to help because he usually helps out anyway (and also because you usually have extras that he likes to take home) but he said that he couldn’t stay for long because he had to prepare for his ‘plans’ tonight
(you know he’s going out on a date with that receptionist girl with the hershey kisses but you haven’t hounded him on the topic because the last thing you want is to freak him out and get him all sweaty before his night of romance)
“where’d you go?” you ask, turning your head and reaching up to turn namjoon’s face towards you so you can give him a proper kiss, a giggle bubbling from your lips when he leans in for another one after you pull away from the first one 
“to get you these-!” namjoon suddenly pulls a lush bouquet of forget-me-nots from behind his back and holds it in front of you, the sweet surprise automatically drawing a gasp of delight from you, “happy first valentine’s day!”
oh :’)
how romantic :’)
“i love them!” you take the bouquet from his hands with wide eyes before turning around so you can face namjoon, “you’re so sweet…”
namjoon purses his lips for another kiss and you immediately hear yoongi let out a groan
“all this kissing is going to make me hurl- also, are there no flowers for me, darling?” yoongi asks sarcastically, clasping his hands together before making obnoxious kissy noises at namjoon while fluttering his lashes, “and why didn’t you get roses instead? that way, i could’ve taken one.” he huffs, frowning in disappointment, “can’t give her stupid forget-me-nots…”
“her?” namjoon perks up, tilting his head in curiosity before looking back at you with a raised brow
he grins when you lean up to give him a sneaky little smooch while yoongi’s distracted
“yoongi has plans tonight.” you hint as you pull away from namjoon, slipping past him so you can grab a vase for the flowers
namjoon’s eyes widen for a second before he looks back over at yoongi with a knowing grin, “ah… plans! sounds fun.”
“uh, yeah, i guess you could call them plans. it’s just, like- we’re just having dinner at my place but honestly i’m probably going to order pizza or something.”
“you know, some places are making their pizzas heart-shaped since it’s valentine’s day. you should consider doing that!” namjoon points out, nodding enthusiastically, “ooh, or maybe you can ask them if they’d be willing to cut the pepperonis into little hearts-”
“that seems like it’s a little much for something casual-”
“casual-” you snort quietly to yourself as you fill the vase up with water, “we all know it’s not casual-”
“it is!” yoongi argues, straightening up a little, “it just so happens that today is valentine’s day, alright? whatever!”
“i still think you should consider the heart-shaped pizza. do you want me to order it for you? ah, what if i take care of dinner for you??” namjoon clasps his hands together, “i love planning romantic dinners-”
“i-it’s not a romantic dinner-!”
“it’s not romantic, but…” you trail off, carefully pulling a couple stems out of your bouquet before pulling one of the satin ribbons that are typically used for wrapping up the boxes off the table, “give this to her! just to be courteous.” you hum, carefully wrapping the ribbon around the stems before handing the mini bouquet to yoongi
yoongi blinks at the mini bouquet before taking it cautiously from your fingers, “courteous?”
“mhm. it is valentine’s day today, after all.” you nod, smiling lightly when you notice yoongi’s cheeks starting to get a little pink, “and if you’re feeling extra courteous, you can even do this-”
yoongi’s eyes pop open when you suddenly lean over and plant a big kiss on his cheek, his face instantly going bright red, “y/n!”
                                      »»————- 💖 ————-««
➳ ceo!yoongi; it’s valentine’s day and yoongi & y/n are still very much in love with each other 
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“i have to admit that this flavour isn’t actually half bad.” yoongi hums, scooping up a little spoon of ice cream before bringing it up to his mouth, “but the vanilla frozen yogurt is still the best choice here.”
“low-fat, low-fun, old man.” you remind him, reaching up to wipe the chocolate syrup off the corner of your mouth, “but i’m glad you mustered up enough courage to try something new this time!”
yoongi branched out and decided to try the strawberry-chocolate flavoured frozen yogurt because this is his version of spicing things up
in his eyes, he’s an unhinged man tonight!
“you’re just being a hater- you and your ridiculous red-velvet-cake and chocolate syrup nightmare-”
you watch fondly as yoongi continues to rattle off about your questionable choice in ice cream while he scrapes at the side of his cup
the man you love and whose child you birthed hates ice cream and somehow you’re still very much in love with him
“so what else do you have planned for tonight?” you ask, yoongi looking up at you from his cup
you don’t know if maybe it’s because you’re getting old and you like to go to sleep early now but you wouldn’t mind calling it a night after dessert
you had fish tacos for dinner - because of course you did - and now you’re having ice cream for dessert at your favourite parlour in the same booth where yoongi kissed you for the first time - because of course you are
everything about tonight has been perfect and now all you want to do is go home 
yoongi pauses, his eyes narrowing slightly
“well, i was thinking that maybe we could…” he drops the little plastic spoon into his cup before pushing it aside, folding his hands on the table and leaning forward
“we could…?” you ask innocently as you fold your arms up on the table and lean in as well, taking your bottom lip in between your teeth
“you know…” yoongi tilts his head, eyes flickering down to your lips for a brief moment before he looks back up at you “…buy a couple extra-large pints of ice cream to bring home?” he smiles knowingly, “they’re having a valentine’s day discount!”
“min yoongi... that is…” you reach across the table to squeeze yoongi’s wrist, “hands-down the sexiest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
                                     »»————- 💖 ————-««
➳ uni!yoongi: it’s valentine’s day and y/n knows the way to yoongi’s heart 
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“in my opinion, valentine’s day is silly. it’s an overly commercialized holiday where large corporations take advantage of lovey-dovey couples who are willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on each other just to show each other how much they care, you know?” yoongi sighs, watching as you continue to rummage through your backpack, “like, i don’t need one day out of the year to show you how much i care about you when i care about you literally everyda- OOH, a present!” his eyes immediately light up when you pull out a box with his name written on the tag and you can’t help but snort at how quickly he’s changed his tune
“i just want you to know that if you don’t like these, i can totally go back and return them…” you clear your throat, watching as yoongi enthusiastically tugs at the ribbon before tossing it over his shoulder like a madman, “okay, you know you have to pick that up later-”
you’re pretty sure he stopped listening to you like three seconds ago but whatever
“y/n, you could give me a chunk of dirt and i’d still like-” yoongi takes the lid off, a wide grin suddenly stretching over his face, “no way! this is way cooler than a chunk of dirt!”
they’re a new set of wheels!
for his skateboard!!!!
they’re see-through with little red hearts sprinkled throughout the resin which isn’t usually the style he goes for but nonetheless these are going to look so sick!!!
“they’re new wheels for your skateboard!” you smile, watching as yoongi brushes the shreds of tissue paper off of them, “i know that little red hearts aren’t your thing, but they’re my thing and i thought it’d be nice because you could match with my scrunchie…” you trail off shyly, reaching up to rub the back of your neck, “but, yeah… if you don’t like them, i can return them for something cooler! they had ones with flames painted on them-!”
you don’t get a chance to say anything else before yoongi’s reaching over to grab the leg of your chair so he can yank you towards him for a kiss
“i love them-” yoongi beams, nudging his nose against yours before pulling away, “plus, i needed a new set of wheels so this is great.”
he takes another second or two to admire his new wheels before suddenly looking up at you, “now i feel like my present is super lame compared to yours…”
“oh, don’t be like that.” you frown playfully before bouncing up and down a little in your chair, “what’d you get me??”
“do you remember that polaroid picture we took over christmas?” yoongi asks, twisting in his seat so he can grab his bag, “the one of us sitting by the christmas tree in your apartment?” he pulls a brown paper bag out and hands it to you and you take it with greedy little raccoon hands 
you’ve been looking forward to this all week
obviously you loved his present last year but you have a feeling you’re going to love this year’s present even more!
“mhm. i love that photo! i stuck it on the fridge, remember?” you ask, carefully peeling the tape off and folding the strip in half before setting it on the table
“well, i sent it to this person on etsy…” yoongi trails off, waiting for you to pull his gift out before making his announcment, “…and they turned it into a little keychain!”
you can’t help but coo at the miniature polaroid, smoothing your finger over the surface
“oh, yoongi…” you giggle softly, pinching at the little red heart charm attached to the chain before looking up at him, “i love it! this is such a thoughtful present…”
“ah, it’s nothing…” yoongi murmurs, averting his gaze before shrugging, “i just thought it’d look nice on your keys, that’s all.”
“it’s going to look very nice on my keys. thank you, yoongi.” you lean forward to give him a peck, yoongi humming happily as you do so 
“also, before i forget-” he perks up, “i found these and had to get them-” he turns and starts digging into his bag again before pulling out a pair of fuzzy handcuffs (it’s white with red hearts because that seems to be a recurring theme here), “you know, i’ve just been going through an etsy phase. there’s so much cool stuff on there!”
you zip your backpack up before turning back to face yoongi 
“yeah, there’s a lot of stuff you can find on et- yoongi-!” your eyes nearly roll out of your skull at the sight of him twirling a pair of handcuffs around his finger, “oh my god, put those away!“ you hiss, looking around frantically before reaching over to try to grab them from him only for yoongi to raise his arm up  
“what? you keep slipping out of the scrunches so i figured it was time to upgrade to something more secure.” the corner of yoongi’s mouth twitches in a smirk, “and the best part about these was the free shipping-”
“put them away-!”
                                    »»————- 💖 ————-««
➳ mechanic!yoongi: it’s valentine’s day and yoongi won’t pay attention to y/n
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“yoongi…” you sigh, placing your hands on your hips as you gently kick at yoongi’s feet, “c’mon, pay attention to me!”
you have a surprise for him and he was supposed to take a break like an hour ago!
“gimme one second, doll…” yoongi trails off, his voice muffled from where he is under the car, “i just have to do this-”
“you could be doing something else right now-” you grumble, reaching down to pick at a piece of lint off the jumpsuit you’re wearing
you bought a very pretty lingerie set a month ago in preparation for valentine’s day and you would really appreciate it if yoongi would spare you one second to notice that you’re wearing one of his jumpsuits (which already should’ve raised a red flag for him, but for some reason it didn’t) and underneath this grubby jumpsuit is a very pretty bra and an even prettier pair of panties!
it’s navy blue to match the jumpsuit and it even has little ribbons sewn onto the thigh garters which you know for sure he’s going to be a big fan of
“you said one second like ten minutes ago…” you whine quietly, hoping that yoongi can hear the pout in your voice so he’ll finally wheel out from under this damn car, “don’t you wanna know what your surprise is?”
“i do, baby, but i’m almost done…” yoongi’s hand shoots out from under the car to blindly reach for a wrench and you nudge it towards him with your foot, “thank you, pretty girl…”
“you can’t call me that if you’re not even looking at me.”
you know he’s beefing up the nicknames right now because he knows you love it when he calls you all sorts of terms of endearment and you’re trying noT to let that butter you up but there’s something about the way he says baby that just makes your tummy tingle
what were you doing again? 
you shake yourself out of your trance before crossing your arms stubbornly, “you know what? maybe i’ll go and show namjoon what’s under this jumpsuit since you’re obviously a little too busy for me right now- NAMJOON, i need you! can you come out here for a second?”
“mm, you can show namjoon first and then i swear i’ll be done after- wait, under the jumpsuit-?!”
you hear a thud and a low ‘ow, fuck-’ before yoongi suddenly rolls himself out from underneath the car, scrambling up from the ground frantically, “did you say under the jumpsuit?” he asks, reaching up to wipe his face with the back of his hand only to smear more grease across his cheek
“i did.” you nod, placing your hands on your hips again before taking a step back, “and i would let you find out what’s under it for yourself, but your hands are very dirty so you’re not coming anywhere near me- anyways, if you weren’t so busy doing whatever it is you’re doing to that car-” yoongi’s eyelids flutter rapidly when you yank the jumpsuit open in one swift move, his mouth immediately going dry at the sight of… holy shit- “you could’ve been busy doing me.”
“i could’ve-” yoongi chokes, his eyes unable to look away from your chest, “i could’ve been do- we could- yeah, i can definitely do something else right now-”
oh, wow
it matches the jumpsuit and everything 
...he wants to rip it off of you using his teeth.
“y/n! did you call for me?”
“joon! yeah, i was wondering what you thought about this-” you’re about to turn around to see if namjoon will appreciate your present more than your own boyfriend, yoongi lunging forward immediately to keep you from literally flashing namjoon, “yoongi-!” it’s only a second later that you feel yourself being lifted up and practically thrown over yoongi’s shoulder, your head spinning for a second at the sudden movement
“namjoon, there you are!” yoongi clears his throat before gesturing back to the car, “also, could you check on the- uh, the thing for me? the thing i was doing? to make sure it’s working?”
“yoongi, put me down, you lunatic-!”
“what? i don’t-” namjoon blinks owlishly when yoongi slaps a wrench down onto his palm, “i don’t know what you were doing, i’ve been in the office this whole ti-”
“great, thanks!” yoongi gives him a hearty slap on the shoulder before brushing past him, namjoon turning to look as he trots off towards the office with you still hanging over his shoulder
“do not get any grease on me, you brute-!”
why would he-
“yoongi-” namjoon clears his throat, “remember to hang a bandana on the doorknob this time!”
                                    »»————- 💖 ————-««
➳ balletteacher!jimin: it’s valentine’s day and jimin & y/n have to be more careful next year
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“okay, i know you told me not to get you anything for valentine’s day, but i couldn’t help myself.”
“jimin…” you turn to glance at him over your shoulder as you continue blindly rummaging through your duffle bag, “i told you i didn’t need anything!”
“but it’s valentine’s day!” jimin argues, shutting the closet door before spinning around on his heels with a cheeky grin, “and they’re just flowers!”
“yeah, but knowing you, they were probably really expensive flowers-” you tease, getting up from the ground before dusting your knees off, “and you didn’t have to get me a whole bouquet, i would’ve been perfectly fine with a single rose like last year-”
“i’m allowed to spend however much money i want on you-” the two of you walk towards each other until you’re standing in the centre of the room, jimin reaching into the bouquet to adjust the little note tucked into the centre of it, “now, i was going to go with roses, but i saw these red gardenias and thought they’d be the better option because i got you roses last year. plus, roses are a little cliché this time of year, don’t you think?”
to: y/n - there’s not enough space on this card to write a lot so happy vday i hope u know how much i care about u
“aw, jimin…” you giggle, unable to fight the grin off of your face after you read the endearing handwritten note, “happy valentine’s day to you too.”
jimin’s eyes widen in surprise when you suddenly pull a little heart-shaped box out from behind your back with a small giggle
“what? i thought you said you didn’t get anything for me?” jimin gasps, tilting his head before taking the box from you, “sneaky!”
“i know. i lied.” you crinkle your nose as you shake the box gently, “i customised it too and chose all your favourite flavours!”
“that’s very thoughtful of you, darling-” jimin smiles softly, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you towards him, “i can’t wait to-”
“mr. park, i think i left my-” you immediately spring away from jimin when the door suddenly swings open and smacks against the wall, “oh-!”
“seulgi!” jimin clears his throat, his grip tightening on the bouquet, “hello!”
“what’s… going on…?” seulgi trails off, eyes narrowing suspiciously at the bouquet of gardenias that both you and jimin are still holding onto, “are those flowers?”
“uh…” you look back over at jimin and the two of you exchange brief glances of pure panic, “yes! these flowers…” you trail off, your brain working overtime to come up with a believable reason as to why you and jimin look like you’re exchanging very romantic gifts, “are for everyone!” you chirp, grabbing the bouquet from jimin’s hands before spinning around to face seulgi with a smile, “mr. park wanted to give them out earlier but it slipped his mind so he asked me if i could hand them out to you guys!“
“oh my gosh, really?” seulgi gasps, bringing her fingers up to cover her mouth, “you know, i love gardenias-” she takes her bottom lip in between her teeth as she leans against the door frame, eyeing jimin dreamily,  “that’s so sweet of you, mr. park. we didn’t know you were planning on surprising us again! you really didn’t have to do this!”
“yes, i… really didn’t…” jimin forces a smile on his face, “but i did… because i just… care so much about all of you ladies on this special day…”
“what about the chocolates?” seulgi leans over a little, her eyes flickering down to the box in jimin’s hand
you twist around to look down at it
you knEW you should’ve saved it for later tonight!
now you don’t have flowers and jimin’s about to lose his chocolates!!
jimin pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he stares down at his precious box of chocolates given to him by his very lovely girlfriend that he was planning on sharing with his very lovely girlfriend later tonight
…god damnit.
“…the chocolates are also for you guys.” jimin looks back up at seulgi, trying his best not to look like he wants to strangle her for interrupting what would’ve been a sweet moment, “why don’t you call everyone back?”
“okay!” seulgi practically squeals, disappearing from the doorway in less than a second
a couple seconds of silence pass by before you slowly turn around to face jimin with a sheepish smile, jimin letting out a chuckle before shrugging at you 
“…happy valentine’s day?”
“happy valentine’s day.”
                                    »»————- 💖 ————-««
➳ roommate!taehyung: it’s valentine’s day and taehyung can be romantic if he wants to be 
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“dark chocolate… oh my god, is this lemon? ew!” taehyung frowns, swallowing the bite before shuddering and placing the other half of the chocolate back into the box, “who in their right mind wants to eat lemon gunk inside a piece of dark chocolate?”
“i got peanut butter chocolate, so i’m happy with my selection.” you hum, dusting your fingers off before peering into the box for another piece
“what?? i wanted peanut butter chocolate!” taehyung whines, picking up the pamphlet to look at the different flavours again, “damnit. there’s only one peanut butter chocolate!”
“hey, you ate the milk chocolate caramel and you know i like that one!”
“everyone likes milk chocolate caramel, y/n. you’re not special!”
“i know you’re just lashing out because you’ve been getting all the gross flavours, so i’m going to forgive you for saying that.”
“like, ten of these pieces look the same…” taehyung scowls and continues to flip through the pamphlet, “i want milk chocolate and almond but it looks exactly like this one that’s milk chocolate with some kind of whipped orange filling inside of it…”
long story short, the two of you have been sitting here for the last half an hour snacking on a big box of chocolates that you decided to splurge on instead of using up all of your money on an overly-expensive dinner
valentine’s day is nice and all but you and tae both agreed that you wouldn’t make a big deal of it
you had a discussion about valentine’s day and the conclusion of that conversation was that you’d go all out on your anniversary but just take it easy on valentine’s day
but then again… a lot of your friends who are also in relationships have been posting cute pictures all day long of them and their significant others
and you know that you literally said valentine’s day wasn’t a big deal but... but the giant teddy bears… and the beautiful bouquets of flowers… the shiny, twinkling jewellery… the fancy dinners at fancy restaurants… it all looks so nice! 
it’s not like you feel like you’re missing out on anything because the only thing that matters is that you and taehyung love each other blah blah blah anD you definitely don’t want to make it seem like you only care about materialistic things but it really makes you wonder if you and taehyung are just... bad at being a couple?
“are we bad at being romantic?” you ask out loud, turning to look at taehyung, “because we basically have no plans for the rest of the day besides gorging on chocolate and… well, gorging on more chocolate.”
“i don’t think we’re bad at being romantic. this is just… our version of romance!” taehyung shrugs, setting the pamphlet down before turning to face you as well, “everyone can celebrate today however they want to celebrate it, and we just so happen to be celebrating it like this!” he gestures to the two of you and the box of the chocolates
you’re wearing a grubby, stained sweatshirt and your fingers are sticky with chocolate and taehyung’s currently trying to fish a chunk of almond out from his molars 
you’re not sure what kind of romance this is but it’s definitely something
“yeah, i guess you’re right…” you trail off, picking at one of the empty paper wrappers in the box
“why do you ask?”
“ah, no reason. you’re right. i mean, i’m the one who said that valentine’s day was-” you clear your throat before dismissing him with a flick of your wrist, “yeah, nothing.”
taehyung’s shoulders droop slightly as he watches you pick at the chocolates with a slight frown on your face 
it’s not like he didn’t have anything planned for valentine’s day - as a matter of fact, he was going to get you one of those fancy buckets of roses that he sees all over instagram AND he was going to place a custom order for a whole bag of candy hearts with your guys’ initials on them - but then you mentioned one night that valentine’s day was kind of a goofy holiday and he immediately changed his mind 
“...okay, c’mon.” taehyung dusts his hands off before getting up off the couch, a couple paper wrappers fluttering onto the floor, “go and get changed.”
“what are you talking about?”
“you want romance? i can do romance! one time i folded a girl’s clothes the morning after, and if that doesn’t scream romance, i don’t know what-” taehyung pauses when he realises he probably shouldn’t be talking about his past girls in front of his current girl (also you’re giving him that look that screams i dare you to continue talking), “i… am going to change the subject now because i feel myself wandering into dangerous territory- the point is: why don’t you change into something a little less comfortable?”
“what- why?” you frown, taehyung reaching down to wrap his hand around your elbow and pull you up off the couch
“we’re going on an impromptu date night, that’s why!”
“all the restaurants in the city are probably fully booked already, though-” you shake your head, reaching down to pick your phone up, “i don’t know…”
“aw, c’mon. looking for a restaurant on one of the busiest nights of the year is all part of our valentine’s day fun!!” taehyung chirps, reaching up to pinch your cheek, “plus, if all else fails, we’ll come home and order takeout like we were originally going to - which will still be super fun and romantic, because everything we do is super fun and romantic. okay?”
a wide grin spreads on taehyung’s face when he notices the excited smile starting to twitch at the corner of your mouth
“…okay!” you giggle, taking tae’s hand as you bounce up and down on the balls of your feet, “okay, let’s go change-” you turn around, pulling tae along behind you, “i bought a new pair of boots and i’ve been dying to wear them out-”
“yay! also, i’m just letting you know now that after we come home i’m going to bone you so romantically that you won’t even know what hit you-”
“what?! you said you wanted romance!”
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here?
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read?
🌟or something even shorter?
350 notes · View notes
hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Bad Decisions (Just You)
Seungcheol x Female Reader
Word Count: 5436
Contents: reader is a bratty sub but cheol is fucking whipped, oral (male receiving) while sleeping, manhandling, slight body praise, choking, pet name (babygirl), sir kink, dom svt, hair pulling, face fucking, drooling, fingering, marking, living room sex, wall, sex, bed sex (all unprotected), multiple creampies, very slight breeding kink 
Note: So as if this is some pop song I’ve given it two titles cuz I couldn’t decide. Anyways okay this is so late and I am so sorry for that but a very happy belated birthday to @bootyful-seventeen !!!! You are so much fun to talk to and I know I can go to you with that weird shit and you’ll roll with it. You write fun stuff and I really love that you don’t take it too seriously, the lighthearted stories are wonderful and your soft dad!svt stuff makes my heart melt. You are genuinely such enjoyable company and I hope you know that I really love our friendship and I’m really happy to know you. 
Truly, the day had been a veritable orgy of dumb decisions.
You shouldn’t have gotten so worked up when you woke up, cuddling with your boyfriend and feeling something hard pressing into your lower stomach. You shouldn’t have looked at the clock to see that Seungcheol’s alarm would go off in approximately six minutes. You shouldn’t have shimmed below the covers and found a cozy spot between his legs.
You definitely shouldn’t have pulled down his sweats and started sucking him off to wake him up.
And yet you did, despite truly, honestly, definitely knowing better you couldn’t help yourself and you did it anyway because life really is too short to deny yourself the pleasure that is your boyfriend’s cock, even if you didn’t think through the timing at all.
And so you felt a hand in your hair as you moved your lips, taking his cock into your mouth. And you heard his low, gravely, early morning groans, the first sound out of his mouth that sent arousal careening through your body and had you pressing your thighs together. You sunk into the bliss, letting your hand slip between your legs to tease yourself, mind clouded with the enticing idea of morning sex, knowing it would set your day up just right.
Until Seungcheol’s alarm started blaring in your ears and he let out a much more annoyed groan. His hand pulled off the blankets easily and you gave him the sweetest look you could, still whining as he pulled you back off of his cock and rolled out of bed.
“Aw, come on we ca-”
“No,” he warned. “You know I don’t have time.” He eyed you, regarding you suspiciously as he pulled his sweats back up. “Now I have to shower and get ready and deal with this,” he motioned to the now very obvious boner in his sweats, “before I leave.”
“You had that before I started,” you whined. “And you know I could help y-” Your words fell off as he leaned closer to you suddenly, grabbing your jaw firmly with a slow burning intensity in his gaze.
“If I let you help me, I’ll be late. So now thanks to you, I won’t be able to get the thought of fucking your mouth out of my head. You’ve already managed to ruin me for the whole day.” You tried to bite back the grin tugging at your lips but you couldn’t and Seungcheol’s grip tightened. “Don’t get smug, babygirl.”
You didn’t wipe the look from your face, watching him as he let go of you and headed for the bathroom. “What are you gonna do about it?” You giggled. Seungcheol threw you a look over his shoulder as he left the room.
Unsurprisingly, the bad decisions did not end there.
You had things to do, it wasn’t like your day was empty but you did have some free time, and most of what you needed to do was from home today. And on any other day that wouldn’t mean much more than that you would start dinner since it was easier for you to get something ready.
Today, however, it meant you were going to tease him.
Once he was on his way you got yourself out of bed, taking you time washing up and picking pretty lingerie. You grabbed a pair of leggings and searched through his closet to find one of his shirts and felt only the slightest bit unhinged at how you couldn’t stop smiling and chuckling to yourself over your plan to mess with him all day.
And mess with him you did. The morning started off with innocent selfies when you had spare moments. The first few he reacted to sweetly but as you sent further back and then mirror selfies he got frustrated. It was far too easy to wind him up and so much fun teasing him about what was hidden under his big, comfy shirt.
The more frustrated his messages became the more it egged you on. The more it made you wanna act like a brat. In between his warnings not to distract him while he was working (and your instances that he didn’t have to open the pictures in the middle of his work day) you could sense his desperation. You knew that with every minute that passed he wanted you more and more and that feeling was just far too fun and far too powerful.
That’s what you told yourself as you had slipped your leggings off that afternoon and started teasing yourself over your panties, why you pulled your shirt up and caught it between your teeth, letting out muffled little moans and whines as your fingers worked and your hips rolled and bucked and followed the sensations.
As you started recording the video you were much more ready to say you were just messing with him further and not that all of your shenanigans had backfired only slightly and had you far too needy when he wouldn’t be home for another hour or so. You had to hope that when he got home he’d be too needy and wouldn’t try to punish you by taking away sex.
Then again, any time he’d tried that he gave in after a day or two. He really couldn’t resist you.
“When are you coming home?” you whined through the fabric between your teeth. “Please, I need you so badly.” Admittedly, you were hyping it up a little more for the camera just to get to him but the thought of how he would be when he got home was all the incentive you needed. 
“Please, please fuck-” You ended the video. You knew very well you were going to be in trouble for sending him a video and then not letting him see you cum, but today was a day for bad decisions and you were rolling with it now. A long moan left your lips and your back arched as you came, legs trembling and core squeezing around your measly fingers, reminding you of what you really wanted inside of you.
You felt a little dazed as you sent the video, though not nearly as fucked out as you wanted to feel. Either way you let yourself flop back on the bed, comfy and considering a nap while you waited for Seungcheol to come home. You could go start dinner though, not that you felt you would be eating when he walked in the door. Your sleepy mind thought about what you might make and if you needed to prepare anything ahead of time until your phone buzzed.
[You’re in so much trouble, babygirl]
You snickered as you read the message.
[Well you’re not here, looks like I can do what I want]
[Not for long]
[You’re such a little brat today, babygirl]
[Better hurry up and get home before I wear myself out] You couldn’t keep in your chuckles as you put down your phone, heading to the bathroom to freshen up just a bit. You could figure out food later but at the moment what you really wanted was to think about your boyfriend getting home. You took as much time as you could washing up, picking out his favourite perfume for you and fixing your lingerie and hair. You took the opportunity to turn on a sex playlist, hoping that you hadn’t added anything that would wreck the mood too much. You were preoccupied enough that you missed the soft click of the front door.
“You wanted to test me today.”
You spun around and gazed down the hall to where Seungcheol had just come through the door and was taking off his shoes. His gaze was dark and intense and it filled you with arousal as much as it did glee. As soon as they were off he was making his way towards you as you stepped out into the hallway. You bit down on your lip, trying not to smile too widely as he grabbed you by the waist and pushed you back until you hit the wall with a gasp that was quickly swallowed by his lips.
He kissed you with all the pent up passion and tension from a day of teasing, hand coming up to your throat as he pressed you into the wall with his body. You easily let his tongue past your lips, whining unabashedly against him as his free hand grabbed at your hip and he pressed one of his thighs between your legs.
Your hands couldn’t help themselves, pulling him closer by his hair at first, but it wasn’t long before they wandered. They seemed to have a mind of their own as they moved down his shoulders and you felt up his arms, feeling him smile into the messy kisses and urging your hips to move, grinding on his thigh subtly. Your hands moved further, slipping down his back before grabbing at his ass and drawing a light groan from him before he pulled away from the kiss, lips moving to your ear as the hand around your throat tightened.
“Do you know how much grief you caused me today?” He growled. “Do you know how much trouble you’re in babygirl?”
“Not enough,” you hummed, solely to get his hand just a little tighter and have him push you down on his thigh a little more roughly. He pressed his hips into you, rutting against you and you felt even more heat pooling between your legs, your mouth watering at the feeling of his hard length pressing into you from the movement.
“Do you feel that, babygirl?” His voice was rough and you could hear his own desperation just under the surface. “Do you feel what you do to me? Do you know how hard it was to get through the day with you acting up like that? Spending me pictures of your pretty body? Sending video?”
“H-H-” you tried to speak but the way he pressed his thigh up between your legs and rolled his hips against you drew a desperate moan from your lips instead, your hands grabbing at him and trying to pull him closer. Your legs trembled slightly as you ground your core down against his thigh, feeling the dull sparks igniting inside you and wanting more.
“You’re such a brat today,” he growled, easily adding to the arousal pooling between your legs and drawing a whimper from your lips. Your mind was quickly closing on in your goal, fueled by your need and wanting almost nothing more than for him to fuck, you brain searching for any words that would have that happening faster.
“Y-You-” You forced your words out despite your whines and hazy mind. “You sh-should punish me, sir.”
A gasp left your lungs as he pulled his thigh out from between your legs. His hand moved from your throat to your shoulder and he pushed you down roughly to your knees, his hand tangling into your hair easily. You gazed up at him with a pout and he smirked down at you as his other hand undid his belt.
“I know what you want, babygirl,” he murmured, unzipping his pants. “I know that you want me to fuck you against every piece of furniture in this apartment.”
“Please,” you whined, whimpering louder when he tugged roughly on your hair.
“You’ve been a brat. Getting off without me is one thing, but using it to taunt me while I can’t do anything? And now you think you deserve to get off again? To get just what you want?” He chuckled, shaking his head before giving you an intense gaze. “Open your mouth, babygirl.”
You kept your eyes on him, letting out a whine but doing as he said as he pushed his boxers down. You itched to look at his cock, hard in his hand as he pumped it slowly and groaned. You squirmed, letting your tongue hang out as you gave him a sweet look. Seungcheol brought his cock to your lips and you leaned forwards, earning another chuckle from his lips.
“Pretending to be eager now? Do you think that’s going to make it up to me, babygirl?”
“No, sir,” you mumbled as sweetly as you could. “I j-” you gasped again as he tugged at your hair roughly. Before any more words could make it out of your mouth he thrust his cock between your lips, letting out a groan.
“You’re too mouthy today, babygirl,” he groaned. “Let me use that pretty mouth for something more productive.”
Seungcheol held your head still as he started to fuck into your mouth. Groans fell off his lips as and his gaze grew darker and darker as his hips moved steadily into your mouth. Your hands dug into the skin of your thighs, breathing through your nose and trying not to touch yourself the way you desperately wanted to.
“God, your mouth feels so good,” he groaned. “Maybe I’ll just fuck your mouth all night, babygirl. You’ve been so bratty maybe I won’t even fuck you. I shouldn’t, you don’t deserve it.”
You let out a desperate moan around his cock. He was only saying that to get to you, he wanted it as badly as you did. But now, with his cock in your mouth and your thighs pressing together and getting no relief the only thought on your mind was to get more. You did your best to relax your throat, trying to lean forwards and take more of his cock.
Seungcheol cursed under his breath, his grip in your hair tightening as his cock breached your throat. You gagged around his length, drool dripping out from the covers of your mouth before he pulled his cock back to let you breathe.
“If you want me to fuck you properly,” his voice was growing rougher as his hips picked up their pace, fucking into your mouth faster. “Then you shouldn’t make your mouth any more enticing, babygirl.”
You moaned around him in response, keeping your gaze on him as best you could as his cock thrust into your throat again, a deeper growl leaving his lips at the feeling as you moaned around him and felt more drool coming from your mouth, getting more and more messy by the second as he started to chase his high.
“Fuck, you feel so good, babygirl,” he growled. “Your pretty mouth f-feels so good.” His hips started to snap into your mouth more quickly and you kept your jaw and throat as relaxed as you could, moaning around his cock and trying to grind or roll your hips on nothing, needing some relief desperately.
Seungcheol, let out a rough growl as he pushed into your throat and came, holding your head down on his cock as he released. His cum ran down your throat and pooled into your mouth. You gasped to catch your breath when he slowly pulled his cock away and tilted your head back, looking down at you hazily.
“God you look pretty like that, babygirl,” he groaned.
Your voice was breathy and had a desperation you could no longer hide. “I’d look better bent over the couch, right sir?”
He bit down on his lip to hold in the near growl that came from his chest but there was nothing hesitant about the way he pulled you to your feet roughly by your hair. Was your mind not already on the goal of being fucked you would be downright giddy at the way he handled you so roughly. His hands grabbed at you as you made it to your feet and he pushed you to the couch, bending you over it easily.
You bit down on your lip, gasping as he pulled at your panties, tearing them off and spreading your legs. One of his hands tangled into your now messy hair while the other dragged through your folds. You pressed your hips back into his hand and heard him chuckling, though his voice was much breathier.
“You’re just so enticing, babygirl,” he groaned, easily pushing two fingers into you as he leaned over you back. “God, even when I want to punish you I just can’t help myself. I shouldn’t be fucking you when you’ve been so bratty, but I really can’t resist your pretty pussy.” You let out small moans as you ground your hips back and he curled and thrust his fingers at a steady pace. “The way you get so desperate for me, the way you’re moaning for me,” he pressed his lips to your back, between your shoulder blades. “I know you know what you do to me.”
You lost yourself in the feeling, shamelessly rolling and grinding your hips back as much as he’d allow. His fingers moved more and more quickly, feverishly, into your cunt. His lips found the back of your neck and sucked marks into your skin, drawing shivers down your spine and moans from your lips at the feeling.
Your toes curled as he pressed a third finger inside easily. Your head fell forward as you pressed your hips back even more and moaned out for him, fingers grabbing at the fabric of the couch to steady yourself as the intense feeling in your core built stronger and stronger.
“God you’re so cute when you’re needy. You got yourself all worked today too, didn’t you babygirl?” You moaned, nodding your head and feeling your legs tremble as you clenched around his fingers at his words. Your hips kept moving, getting so close to your high as the coil in your core curled tightly.
Curses feel off your lips as Seungcheol nipped at your ear. “I really shouldn’t give you what you want,” his voice was rough as he pressed his hips against you, his hard cock pressing against your ass.
“Please,” you weren’t even sure what you were begging for as your mind spun. Did you want to cum right now or did you want his cock first? Both ideas sounded heavenly to your very clouded, very aroused, extremely needy brain. “Please, sir, please.”
You bit down on your lip to hold in your whine as he pulled his fingers from your core. A hand found your hair and you let out a gasp as he pulled you up roughly, bringing his wet fingers to your lips.
“Open up, babygirl.”
You let your lips fall open easily, eyes fluttering closed as you tasted yourself on his fingers, suck them clean messily. Your tongue ran over his digits as he let go of your hair, dropping his hand between your legs and nearly making your knees buckle as he suddenly started rubbing fast, rough circles into your clit.
You cursed around his fingers, legs shaking as you leaned your thighs against the back of the couch, trying to stay on your feet as the pleasure coursed through you. The coil in your core curled tighter and your moans climbed higher in your voice. Seungcheol’s lips sucked roughly at the side of your neck as he rutted against your ass and low growls rumbled from his chest.
He waited until you were right on your edge to pull his hand away. A whine welled up in your throat but it didn’t make it out as his hand found the middle of your back and pushed you forward, bending you over the couch again. He pulled your thighs a little wider and you felt your eyes roll back and flutter closed as you sunk his cock into your cunt.
“H-H-” No words made it off your lips as he grabbed your hips roughly and thrust into you. Moans fell off instead, one after another as every movement of his hips sent pleasure coursing through you, your legs trembling as you teetered on your edge. His thrusts were edging on rough and quick but deep enough that they made you dizzy, his low groans and growls only adding to the arousal curling tightly in your body.
“G-God you feel so f-fucking good, babygirl,” Seungcheol’s fingers dug even more deeply into your hips. The uneven roughness in his voice only serving to turn you on that much more. “God I r-really can’t resist you. Your pretty, tight pussy. F-Fuck the way you moan for me.”
Your voice was a mix of curses and moans and whines of “please, sir, don’t stop, sir.” Your hands scrambled for purchase in the fabric of the couch, on the edges of pillows as his cock sunk into your heat over and over and you started to clench around him. The sound of his hips hitting your ass mixed with the moans and groans falling from both of you as your toes tried to curl.
“Please, s-sir, I- fuck- I’m-” The words could barely make it off your tongue.
“Cum for me babygirl, cum on my cock.”
You cried out, body shaking as you came hard. Pleasure washed over your body in tidal waves, reaching to the tips of your fingers and toes as you moaned for him. What little strength your arms had gave out and you fully fell into the couch below. 
Seungcheol’s hips kept moving, fucking you through your orgasm and into sensitivity. Your legs didn’t stop trembling and your moans died to whimpers as his hips kept moving. Your face pressed into the cushion below and your arms were shaky as he let out breathy groans and growls and a few curses at the feeling. Pleasure started to build inside you again, much more easily but he didn’t bring you to your edge again, pulling out quickly.
His hand grabbed your hair and pulled you to your feet and he spun you to face him. His hands found your hips and you gazed up at him, desperate and nearly drooling as he smirked at you, sweat on his brow making his hair stick to his forehead as his chest heaved and he pulled you across the room.
You gasped as he pushed you into the wall, the hot skin of your back hitting the cool drywall as his lips found yours feverishly. The way he kissed you nearly made your legs give out all on it’s own and your hands scrambled to wrap around his neck until he tugged at his shirt, pulling it off of you and ridding you of your bra as well. He made quick work of his own shirt before grabbing both your wrists in one hand and pinning them to the wall above your head. Your legs trembled as he lifted one and wrapped it around his waist as he ground his cock through your folds.
“Are you too tired, babygirl?” he asked, a teasing edge to his voice.
“No, sir,” you whined breathlessly, giving him a sweet look and struggling to keep your eyes open as he pushed into you again, the new angle drawing a high pitched moan from your lips. He ground his hips into you, smirking as your head fell back to the wall and you tried to ground your hips down for more.
“Still needy?” He cooed.
“Please,” you let the words fall off your lips, any sense of shame long gone. “Please keep fucking me. Please I need your cock, I need your cum, I-” your words turned to moans as he thrust up into you roughly before settling on quick, shallow, movements making you tremble easily from the first thrust.
He moved his lips to your ear, voice rough and verging on a growl. “You need my cum, babygirl? Do you want me to cum deep inside you?”
“Please,” your voice was breathy and high as you curled your fingers in towards your palms and squeezed your leg around Seungcheol’s hip. You pulled weakly at his wrists but he easily held them still, hips snapping into you as low groans fell off his lips until his met yours in messy, desperate kisses.
Your legs trembled, the wall and Seungcheol’s body weight holding you up as a coil started to curl tightly in your sensitive core again. You could barely focus on the kisses, leaving messy moans against his lips as his thrusts grew a little rougher and uneven.
Seungcheol let out a moan against your lips as he released deep inside you. He ground his cock slowly into your cunt and you let out a broken whimper at the feeling of his cum filling you even more, flexing and curling your fingers out as your hips followed his movements greedily, still wanting more.
Seungcheol pulled you leg away from his hip and let go of your hands and you braced yourself against the wall. He let your leg down but was quick to push your thighs apart, dropping down and shooting you a warning look to keep your legs apart for him. You bit down on your lip as he drew his fingers up your inner thigh.
He let out a groan as you felt his cum starting to drip out of you. Your legs were shaky and weak but you did your best to hold yourself up as he brought his fingers to drag through your folds, gathering his cum before fucking it back into your sensitive core. Small whimpers slipped out and you struggled to stay on your feet as his fingers fucked you slowly, your core clenching around them, having a mind of its own.
Seungcheol chuckled as he pulled his hands away and stood in front of you. His clean hand came up around your neck, pressing down every slightly while he pressed his fingers to your lips and you took them into your mouth just the way he wanted. You gazed with heavily lidded eyes into his intense ones, subtly biting the inside of his lip as he watched you suck on his fingers.
“Do you need a little more, babygirl?” His voice was quieter but still had a roughness to it and made you needy cunt clench again as his cum dripped down your thighs. You nodded lazily, giving him a sweet expression and reaching for him to pull him closer to you.
He pulled his fingers from your mouth, pressing into your body with his and kissing you roughly, squeezing your throat just a little more. You kissed him greedily, his own kisses following suit. You grabbed at him weakly and moaned against his lips as he ground his cock against you. Even though your body was tired, your legs felt like they might give out if you stood on them for much longer, you couldn’t help yourself. You were all wrapped up in him and you wanted every little bit he could give you.
Seungcheol’s hands grabbed your waist and you gasped as he pulled you away from the wall and properly into the bedroom. His movements were even more forceful as he pushed you down onto the bed and you couldn't help the lazy smile that tugged at you lips as you gazed up at him, squealing as he pulled your hips roughly to the edge of the bed and lifted your legs, throwing them over his shoulders.
He leaned over you, grinding his cock through your folds and drawing a moan from your lips as his cock rubbed over your clit. “You can’t get enough of me, can you babygirl?” He teased.
“No sir,” your voice came out breathy as you gazed up at him, wanting nothing more than for him to sink his cock back into your core. “Please.”
His hand found your throat again, pressing down lightly. “I give into you too easily,” he said, gazing at you heatedly. “You’re lucky you’re so addicting babygirl. So lucky I’ll never get enough of you.” Both of you let out moans as he pushed into you, your legs trembling from the feeling alone.
“You’re so lucky I need you so badly,” he groaned as he pulled back and thrust into you roughly. “And that having you like this is one of my favourite things, o-otherwise you’d be in so much trouble for being such a needy brat all day.” His voice wavered just a bit as he gave you strong, deep thrusts between pulling out slowly, each one making you cry out in pleasure and struggle to keep looking at you.
“Fuck, watching your tits bounce every time,” his grip on your hips got tighter and his thrusts faster, picking up a steady pace even tough they stayed just as rough. “Feeling your legs shaking in my hands. The way you c-clench around me.” You took in his rough, low voice as he spoke, building back up to his next orgasm.
Your own release built too, the coil in your core curling tighter and tighter with every movement. Your fingers sunk into the soft sheets and gripped them as your head spun and moans poured off your lips. Your mind could barely find the words and make up sentences anymore, so wrapped up in the pleasure he was giving you as his hips snapped into you.
“C-Cu- F-F-F- C-” The words were so hard to get out of your foggy brain but you heard Seungcheol’s breathy chuckle.
“Are you going to cum again, babygirl?”
You let out a whine, trying to find the words in your muddy, hormone addled brain. “Y-Y- Yo- c-c-c-”
Seungcheol leaned over you, his hips driving into you much faster and only his hands on your hips keeping you from being pushed up the bed with the force of his thrusts. “Do you want more of my cum, babygirl?”
“P-Pl-” you managed to nod between moans and struggling with words.
“I’ll give you j-just that, babygirl.” he growled. “You t-take my cum so well how could I resist f-filling you until you can’t take anymore. I know how b-badly you want it. G-God I could fuck you senseless like this every day, f-fucking you full of my cum until you’re carrying my child. Is that what you want, babygirl?”
You cried out, back arching off the bed as you came hard. Your eyes squeezed shut and stars burst behind your eyelids as your body shook. Pleasure crashed over you in a tidal wave, reaching every bit of your body as Seungcheol’s cock kept pounding into you.
Curses fell off his lips as your body kept shaking and whimpers started to fall off your lips. Your whole body felt sensitive and your sounds were high in your voice as your mouth hung open, gaze hazy and eyes barely open and he chased his high, fucking you hard until his hips started to stutter.
He released deep inside you with a loud, low, rough groans. You tried to catch your breath as you felt his cum filling you more and more in thick ropes, his grip on your hips holding you in place as he ground slightly into your heat.
As he started to catch his breath he pulled out of your slowly, wrapping a hand around his cock and watching as his cum started to leak out of your cunt. You felt him bring his cock back to your core and let out a whine, squirming under him as he pushed his cock back in slowly with a breathy groan.
“Fuck you just feel so good,” he said. “I can’t help myself.” He pulled back and let more cum drip out before pushing it back in slowly again. You squeezed your eyes shut, whimpering and pressing the side of your face into the bed and he pulled out, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek before letting your legs down.
Despite how tired he’d gotten he went to get a washcloth. You listened to his footstep leave and come back moments later, whimpering as he brought the warm cloth between your legs. He hushed you gently, rubbing your hip soothingly as he cleaned you up, taking another cloth to wipe the sweat off your brow and you smiled slightly at how refreshed it made you feel.
As he climbed into bed with you you looked at him blearily and he gave you a soft smile. He helped you move up the bed and pulled you to lay on his chest, rubbing your back gently and pressing kisses to your forehead.
“Do you need anything to eat?” He hummed.
You shook your head, nuzzling into his chest. 
“Anything to drink? Or do you want a bath?”
“Nothing,” you mumbled. “Just you. I just want you.”
“Perfect,” he said softly. “Because I just want you, too.”
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assemble-revengers · 3 years
Nexus Split
**Contains spoilers for Loki**
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2203
Prompt: “Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?”
Author’s Note: I woke up and chose violence today.
Time was hard to grasp before this whole mess began, but it at least had some structure regardless of how ethereal it seemed. There was structure and a time and place and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time so it seemed when you also made a move to snatch up the Tesseract the second you saw Loki move in New York. That’s how you got into this mess and honestly there were many things you had regretted initially. For instance, why couldn’t you have minded your own business?
Well, if you had you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet Loki, and at the moment? That felt worth more than anything. It hadn’t started that way -- the two of you were practically at each other’s throats and when you weren’t bickering between each other you were being confused by the politics of the TVA and time in general.
In a wild turn of events you became an unpaid intern all over again. You supposed it was better than dying or “being pruned”. You still were confused as ever by the lingo and even though you had tried your best to pay attention to the onboarding process, but frankly you were still wrapping your head around the prospect of the TVA in general. How had no one even considered this being a possibility? Where did these people come from? It seemed that it just...was? But if that was the case, why was there an onboarding process?
Miss Minutes was terrifying -- she was just so...eerie and popped up randomly and honestly you just wanted a nap. Or to wake up from this bizarre dream.
The worst part was the notion of running into other variants, namely the fact that a variant that had been targeting members of the TVA happened to be a Loki-variant.
“Wonderful,” you retorted, interrupting Mobius with disdain, “There’s another one of him.”
The aforementioned god was sitting across a table from you and you weren’t entirely sure how he was taking the whole thing. According to him, the tesseract was useless here. A paper weight. Another beyond weird thing that the TVA brought.
“We should team up,” a voice interrupted your spacing out and it took you a moment to realize that the voice belonged to Loki. And he was talking to you.
You blinked a few times incredulously, “You have been nothing but cruel to me since we met. Why would I ever help you?” Honestly, the audacity of men.
“I am sorry about that, by the way,” he answered, “I was going through something.”
You couldn’t help the laugh you let out, covering your mouth immediately to try to mute the sound and avoid any more attention. “Aw, that makes it all better.”
There was no reason to hide your sarcasm, and he knew that. You could tell from the way he blanched for a moment before resuming his composure, obviously trying to turn on some godly charm or something onto you, “I was. I truly am sorry.”
“Loki, you stole the Tesseract, tried to take over the world and brought a bunch of crazy alien things into New York City,” you listed, counting off the things on your fingers, “And now because you went after the stupid Tesseract again, with a room full of Avengers I might add, I cannot return to my life which wasn’t that impressive, but at this moment? I kind of miss it. So, no, I don’t accept your apology.” He was silent after that and you went back to your mind palace spiraling about the logistics of what was happening to you.
It was not a great day for you. Week? Hour? Time was weird. It was even more weird when you were suddenly having to do research into the Loki-variant-assassin. Going through files and files of different instances in time was tedious. It was interesting in that some of the things had already happened, were going to happen, and were happening in places you had never even heard of. It was during this that you and Loki had begun to work more collaboratively.
In fact, the moment you guys had made the connection that it was apocalypses? You taught the god of mischief the importance of a high five. Or rather, never leaving someone hanging because you chased him down, yelling at him until he returned the high five before you even allowed him to present your findings to Mobius. The bond continued when you both were treated like unhinged criminals or starved, ravenous animals by pretty much everyone other than Mobius who was...friendly as ever.
You did not have a lot of options in terms of trust. While Mobius seemed genuine, there was no way you could possibly know. The issue was that the only thing that was any level of normal in your eyes was Loki which was...laughable, but he was from your timeline. The two of you were in this together sort of because at this point you wanted to go home and it seemed he did too after the whole semantics of this whole thing. Or maybe he wanted to take over the TVA. Regardless, it gave you some hope that he might be kind and put you into your timeline where you belong.
The feelings came out of nowhere. In fact, you hadn’t even realized it happened until there was a chance for you both to chase after the Loki-variant (or Sylvie as you would learn later) and before Loki went through the portal, he reached a hand out for you, Mobius yelling and you found your feet moving on their own accord, turning to mouth ‘Sorry’ to Mobius before grabbing Loki’s hand and rushing through the portal.
Sylvie was interesting and endearing and was someone you instantly found yourself drawn to. You felt sympathetic to her story, and maybe that was dangerous. Dangerous, but gave you another sliver of hope despite the fact things were bleak. Very bleak. Being on Lamentis-1 about to explode and everyone die bleak. Despite this, the two of you sat and chatted in your booth at the bar while Loki got absolutely hammered and even began to softly serenade you in what you assumed was Asgardian (this was after he sung to the whole room) and you found yourself pulling him back down to the chairs and pulling him into a hug while you laughed.
“Loki, I have no idea what you’re saying,” you giggled, pulling away from him, “But I think you’ve had enough.”
“Darling, I think I’m just getting started,” he answered with the smoothness of butter on a hot pancake. You couldn’t help the burning of your ears and the rest of the blush that began to dance across your features. Sylvie coughed. Moment interrupted (Thankfully? You don’t know). Back to the business of the world ending and no way out. Maybe that’s what let all of you decide to unload tales of the past. Yours was boring and...uneventful comparatively which led you to remain relatively quiet as both Loki and Sylvie talked.
Hearing all of Sylvie’s plight and what brought her to that moment had both you and Loki feeling empathetic. You felt anger that this whole this was allowed and deemed ‘okay’ by the TVA. An entity that really had no checks and balances as far as you could see. You pretended to ignore Sylvie and Loki bonding. You felt your stomach tighten. Envy was ugly and green really was never your color.
But that triggered the TVA rolling up and taking the three of you back. You weren’t sure what you were expecting. You weren’t expecting yourself to start fighting. Your restraints, the situation, the fact you were separated from Sylvie and more importantly Loki. You were utterly alone in your cell, screaming for them to let you out. The person interrogating you entered, tried asking you questions that you just couldn’t hear. Your head was swimming and it was almost as if you were hearing things like you were underwater. Fight or flight and apparently your entire being chose to fight.
Per someone’s orders you were moved, you lit up the moment you saw Loki and soon you were joined by Sylvie. Your restraints were removed and your eyes began watering as you rushed to Loki’s side, grabbing his hand as he gave yours a reassuring squeeze, moving so that he was shielding you from the front. The next thing you knew and before you had a moment to process, Mobius was pruned in front of you and Loki moved to shield you further.
Surprisingly, you were not entirely useless in the fight that ensued, but couldn’t help but feel entirely out of your element. The closest you had ever been to being in a fight in the past was when you were five and some girl stole your crayons and had the nerve to try to eat them.
Your adrenaline was pumping when you turned to Loki a feeling like being shocked by a plug while also being burned by a pan that had been on the stove. You were confused, Loki was yelling something. You couldn’t hear. You reach for him, desperate to calm him down or maybe it was because you subconsciously knew what was happening and you were terrified. The hot, electric feeling spread across your body before what felt like you were dropped in ice cold water and suddenly...your eyes blinked awake. You weren’t at the TVA.
Instead, you found yourself on the run (you hated yourself for missing out on all that gym time because your cardio could use some work) from a cloud that ate things. You would learn that you were in The Void, the evil vacuum of the cloud was called Alioth, and that there were even more Loki variants. One was an alligator. He was your favorite.
Your Loki also turned up and you practically threw yourself into his arms in relief, “I thought I lost you, you idiot.”
“I could say the same to you, pet,” he responded, murmuring into the crook of your shoulder. Reunions had to be cut short after you introduced the other variants, (“And this Loki is an alligator! How cool is that! He’s my favorite of all of you, no offense.”) and now you were seeking shelter to hide from Alioth and...well survive you supposed.
President Loki and the other Lokis were...a lot. In fact, there were so many Lokis that you were beginning to get a tension headache trying to keep up with everything that was going on. Some of them seemed to recognize you, including President Loki that informed you that you were late and with the wrong people (“No? I don’t even know who you are?” “You will.”)
Reuniting with Sylvie and Mobius brought even more relief. Sylvie seemed to think she could enchant the Alioth. You protested quite a bit before she was able to convince you otherwise. There was a way out. You had a chance to go back to the TVA and sort things with Mobius. Maybe go back to where you belong. Maybe stay. You weren’t sure, but it seemed Loki, your-Loki was hesitating.
Mobius was opening the portal behind you to the TVA. You stood with your hand firmly within Loki’s, fingers interlaced as you bid Sylvie a small, quiet ‘good luck, you’ve got this’. You and Loki were right by the portal, a sliver from stepping in before Loki stops, pulling you so that you two were facing each other, your back to the portal.
“What’s wrong?” you ask concerned.
“I’m staying,” Loki affirms, “To help Sylvie, to...do this.”
“Okay,” you lament. You were staying too. You tried to move to leave the portal Loki gave Mobius a heartfelt hug, which ended up being a group hug since Loki wouldn’t let go of you. In fact, as soon as Mobius was released from the hug, you were engulfed into Loki’s arms where you practically melted. The hug ended far too soon, but Loki didn’t release you, holding your face in his hands as he pressed his forehead to yours. It made your heart warm and peace washed over you.
“Loki…” you sigh, feeling an entire lifetime of emotions flooding your system, “I…”
“Shh,” he cuts you off, “I know. I feel the same...but I can’t bear to hear it.”
“Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?” You inquire, voice cracking. You felt frozen in place as panic began to bubble up under your skin.
“Because you’re not staying with me,” he murmurs weakly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “I love you, Y/N. Remember that, please.”
Before you could respond, you were shoved by a great force. You couldn’t even react as your grip was easily broken, your sense of balance knocked out from under you. Mobius had already stepped through the portal...surely it wasn’t still up? You landed on the ground, having been knocked off your feet, but you were no longer in the void.
You felt your heart shattering. You couldn’t even cry. He was gone.
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 3 years
 Part 3 of the Reba au. Pat one and part two.
Summary: The weekend comes and Janus deals with paperwork, one-night stands, and meeting his ex-husband's new boyfriend. 
A/N: So I went on a vacation to see @forever-forgotten-angel and took a break from writing. But I'm back and writing! Special thanks as always to @amazon-me-bitches and my qpp @forever-forgotten-angel for beta reading this fic! And now, without further ado, my fic.
When Janus woke up on Friday things seemed almost normal. He dropped Emile and Remy off at school, Patton agreed to pick them up. Virgil had ridden with Thomas, which meant that Janus didn’t have to worry about any pickups today. That was good, considering he was working late. He had a trial coming up in two weeks, a factory worker who’d been injured on the job due to company negligence of machinery. Janus had been happy to take the case. 
 Of course, it meant that he wasn’t leaving the office until 8 PM. Janus yawned as he left the office, ready to get home and sleep. It would be lovely. A full night’s worth of sleep and then the weekend. Not that he wouldn’t be working of course. But his home office was far superior to the one he had at work. Maybe he’d take the boys out for a picnic if he had time. That would be nice. Emile had been wanting to go to the park and see the ducks before it got too cold. They could feed the ducks.
Janus was interrupted from his thoughts by a loud clang. He reached for his pepper spray, better safe than sorry. There were clangs, seeming to come from a dumpster next to the parking lot. It was most likely a raccoon but Janus wasn’t taking any chances. He began quickly walking to his car, eyes trained on the dumpster the whole time. He was halfway to his car when the source of the noises showed itself.
 Janus prided himself on his eloquent speech but all he could find it in himself to say was, “What?”. Brilliant Janus, just brilliant. 
 It was a person, taller than Janus. They had dark curly hair from what Janus could see, and a mustache as well. They held a possum in their arms. Janus blinked, “What did I tell you about running off Tallulah? You’re not going to find any tasty treats in a law office’s dumpster. We have to go to taco bell for that. The only thing you’ll find in there is paper, office supplies, and-”, they looked up and made eye contact with Janus, “And the sexiest man alive.”
They’d ran up to Janus before he had a chance to react, “Hello sexy. Are you a lawyer? Because it’s illegal for someone to be as sexy as you are.”
 “Sorry about that. I tend to get over-excited.”, they offered a hand out to shake, “I’m Remus. He/him pronouns.”
“Janus.”, he found himself saying, “He/him pronouns. What exactly were you doing in the dumpster?”
“How dare you insinuate that Tallulah is merely a pet. She is my baby.” 
 “Oh! Tallulah here thought she could get snacks in that dumpster over there so I had to get her out.”, he held up the possum in his arms.
“Right. And Tallulah is your pet?”
 “Well, it appears your baby wants to eat office supplies.”, Janus reached out to pet the possum in question,  scritching her ears. He smiled as she leaned into the touch. He smiled at the sight.
 “Believe me she doesn’t want that. I’ll take her to taco bell. She enjoys their burritos. You’re more than welcome to join if you want?”, it was a stupid idea. They’d just met, Remus was a total stranger. He could be a serial killer for all Jan knew.
 Message sent to Patton at 8:23 PM.
 “Hey Pat, don’t wait up for me. I’m gonna get take out on the way home. Make sure Remy’s homework is done before he plays on the Switch.”
Taco Bell, Janus thought, was best enjoyed at night. They’d gotten fast food and now sat out in the parking lot, a feast of fast food laid out before them. He watched as Tallulah happily ate her promised bean burrito. It was nice, relaxing even. Janus smiled as he watched, “So how does one end up with a pet possum?”
Remus grinned, “I birthed her from my womb.”, seeing Janus’ unamused expression he turned serious, “I rescue animals. She was rescued from an exotic pet dealer. She can’t be rehabilitated into the wild, unfortunately.”
“I see. She’s very sweet.”, Janus continued petting the possum in question, “So what do you do with your time? Besides rescue possums and climb into dumpsters of course." 
 “I’m a midwife actually.”, Remus grinned. Janus looked over to where he had unhinged his jaw to deepthroat his burrito like a snake. He waited for Remus to finish before speaking. 
 “A midwife?”
 Remus nodded, “Yeah. I make bank. Which is nice cause it means I can foster lots of animals.”, he continued deepthroating the burrito.
 Well, that was unexpected. Janus stared at the man in front of him delivering babies and truthfully he couldn’t picture it. Remus seemed more like the type of person to go into a job that didn’t involve babies. He seemed more likely to own a demolition derby, “You don’t seem like the type. Can I ask a dumb question?”
 “Well, it’s not a question. I just didn’t know men could be midwives.”
 “It shocks a lot of people actually. Most people don’t think women would be comfortable working with me.”
“I’m guessing that’s not true.”
 “I work with trans men mostly. Having a trans midwife is reassuring. I know what they’re going through. And sometimes cis midwives can be judgy.”
“You’re trans?”
 “Is he?”
“Well then.”, Janus took a bite of his food, chewing thoughtfully, “My son’s pregnant.”
 “Yeah. It’s been super stressful because he’s 17.”, Janus sighed, “How much would it cost for you to work with us? Any resources would be helpful.”
 “For you? I’ll do it for free. I know all too well what it’s like to be a pregnant teen. And I think you’re cute.”, he winked and Janus felt his face warm in a way he hadn’t felt in years. 
 “You- you got pregnant as a teen?”, he forced himself to get out. Remus nodded and for a brief second Janus thought he saw a tear in his eye. 
 “Yeah but I miscarried. Lack of resources and all. So now I make sure that no one else has to go through what I went through.”
 Message sent to Patton at 11 PM
 “That’s amazing. You have to let me pay you though.”
“I told you, helping a cutie like you out is payment enough.”, he leaned forward, “I wouldn’t mind a kiss though. That is, if you’re agreeable?”, Remus leaned forward and Janus could smell his cologne. The warm, spicy, citrus scent drove him wild. It was like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, staring at the abyss below. And Janus was happy to fall.
 Don’t wait up for me. I’ll be back late.
Patton Picani-Hart had never been a morning person. Sure, he wanted to be; but late nights at the restaurant and his sleep schedule meant that he had trouble pulling himself out of bed in the morning. It also meant he could barely function without at least three cups of coffee. He was currently standing in front of the coffee maker, staring at it as if he could will the coffee to brew faster. 
 It had been a long night. Janus had to work late, which meant it was up to Patton to pick up Emile and Remy from school and drive them home. Luckily Virgil and Thomas had agreed to watch them because then he had to rush back to the restaurant for the dinner shift. He got back by 11 to all of the kids asleep and leftover greek food waiting for him. He’d been so tired that he’d eaten the food and fallen asleep immediately, never seeing the message he had from Janus.
 He hadn’t seen it until the morning when he awoke to Emile sitting on his chest asking for food. A quick check of his phone revealed it was 9 am and Janus had stayed out all night. So Patton did the only thing he could do; he got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast.  Six breakfast burritos later, and he was beginning to wonder where Janus was. Clearly, he’d had a good night if he was gone for this long. At least he hoped it was good. Regardless, it was good for Janus to start exploring romance again if he was ready. Hopefully, the relationship would be good for him. He couldn’t wait to hear the details. 
 Patton was considering calling him when there was a jingle of keys at the front door. Janus walked through the door. His hair stuck out in multiple directions, his suit was unkempt, and Patton could see multiple hickeys on his chest. It had been a good night after all. He handed him a cup of coffee, “Good morning. Looks like you had a good night.”
 Janus blushed and Patton knew exactly how good of a night he’d had. He grinned as he watched the man in question try to come up with an excuse, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”, his ex may have had a silver tongue, but that all went away when he was flustered. 
 “I’m not mad. You seem to forget that we’re separated, soon to be divorced. Going out is healthy.”, Patton handed him a plate of food with a smile, “So who is he?”
 “His name is Remus and we met last night. He’s nice. I invited him over for dinner Tuesday night.”, Patton frowned. Having a one-night stand was one thing, heck dating was fine. But bringing this guy around the kids after one date didn’t seem like the best idea. 
 “I support you dating Jan, but don’t think you should date a little bit longer before bringing him home. Virgil won’t mind but it might confuse Emile and Remy.”, it was the truth. The boys would be confused if Janus introduced them to a new boyfriend and then it didn’t work out. Best to wait until it was serious. That was what Patton had done.
 Janus blinked as if it was a new idea to him. “Pat, I’m not introducing him as my boyfriend. He’s a midwife. I invited him over to meet Virge. I thought it might be a good idea to have a midwife as well as an OBGYN.” 
 Patton sighed in relief; he didn’t want to sound like a jealous ex, especially when he’d been the one to ask for the divorce. This Remus coming over as a midwife was different though. And it meant that he wouldn’t have to worry if the kids would be confused. Speaking of the kids, Emile ran in at that moment, practically bouncing in his shoes, “Is breakfast ready yet?”
 Janus smiled at their youngest, picking him up and balancing him on his hip, “Yep. How about you go get your brothers and then we can eat.”, Emile nodded and ran off as fast as he could. Janus nodded and went to leave the kitchen, “I should go change.”
Pat nodded, a thought coming to him, “Virgil wanted to come to help me prep for lunch rush today at the restaurant. Could you pick him up before the dinner rush? I don’t want to stress him.”, Janus nodded before leaving, leaving Patton alone to wonder what this Remus was like.
Janus hummed as he drove to Pat’s. He’d spent most of the day in the office today, getting caught up on his paperwork. He’d promised to take the boys to the park tomorrow for a picnic, which meant he had to get it all done today. Thomas had luckily agreed to watch Remy and Emile once Pat and Virgil left to prep for the day, giving Janus ample time to work. 
 Soon 5 o’clock came around and Janus was leaving to go pick up Virgil. He was sure that Virgil would be ready to go home. Janus had seen just how busy the restaurant could get during the dinner rush. Virgil may have wanted to be a chef, but he wasn’t ready for that. Especially right now.
 He pulled up behind the restaurant, parking in the employee parking lot. Inside he could see the kitchen was a flurry of work, prepping as much as possible before it got truly busy. Waving to the kitchen staff, Janus headed to the back office where he knew Patton would be finishing paperwork before he went to go work in the kitchen. Virgil would most likely be in there with him. Only he didn’t see Virgil when he entered the office. 
 Patton stood in front of his desk, kissing an unfamiliar man as if his life depended on it. Janus blinked before realizing this must be the Logan he’d heard about. He quickly realized he was staring and, unsure of what to do, coughed to announce his presence. Patton jumped and turned around, Logan blushing and looking down. 
 “Janus, hey, what are you doing here?”, Patton looked flustered, like they weren’t divorced, “This is Logan, I told you about him.”, behind him, Logan nodded, still blushing too much to properly speak.
 “Nice to meet you, I’m here to pick up Virgil. I said I’d be here at 5, remember?”
 Pat’s eyes went wide, “Is it 5 already? I need to go get started in the kitchen.”, he moved away from Logan and ran to put on his chef’s coat, “Virgil was taking inventory in the fridge. Janus nodded and left the office, hearing Logan saying he should get going as he left.
 He did in fact find Virgil in the freezer, stocking ingredients and taking note of what was low. Upon seeing his dad he handed the list to a cook before standing up to leave. They got to the car, Virgil getting in, and Janus was about to when he heard someone call his name.
 Logan stood in front of him, looking made together and not at all how he looked when Janus had seen him earlier, “Yes?” 
 Logan took a deep breath before speaking, “I just wanted to apologize that we had to meet like that. I wanted to meet you and the kids properly, not having you walk in on me kissing Patton goodbye.”, Janus nodded in understanding.
 “It’s fine. Patton and I were separated before you two started dating. Just treat him right. We may not be together anymore, but I still care about him. He has a good heart and I don’t want to see that heart broken.”
 “I never want to hurt him.”
 “Then we’ll have no issue. Goodbye then.”, Janus got in the car, giving the man a wave before driving off. He turned to Virgil, who was listening to music next to him, giving him a tap on the shoulder.
 Virgil looked up at him, taking off his headphones before speaking, “What’s up?”
 “How does Indian sound for dinner?”, Virgil nodded and Janus set off to get take out. There was a few moments of silence before he spoke again, “Virgil, you don’t mind if your father and I date again, right? I mean date people that aren’t each other.”
 Virgil shrugged, “It doesn’t bother me. You two are getting a divorce, dating seems to make sense. And I know you’ll both always be here for me and Remy and Emile.”, Janus nodded, comfortable in the fact that he knew at least one of his kids was ok with him dating.
A/N: We finally meet Remus and Logan. All that's left is Roman, who will be in the next part.
 Disclaimer: Possums are not pets, they are wild animals. Furthermore, I do not know their diet but I'm taco bell isn't part of it. Tallulah is a magical possum and real-life rules do not apply to her. Do not inbox me saying possums don't eat bean burritos. 
Besides that, I'm taking prompts for this verse, so if you have prompts send them in! I'd love to see your hcs for this au. And as always, if you like this fic, leave a comment. Thank you for reading!
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If you died instead of Cedric (Draco x reader)
I am so sorry for the angst but I cannot get this out of my mind.
Warnings: This gets so fucking sad. Death is mentioned obviously, crying, swearing
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You were a champion instead of Cedric, making you automatically feel guilty
Cedric though, was basically training you, walking you through what to do
Draco hated seeing you so drained as you trained
But the look on your face when you got your first victory was amazing
You held that damn egg so high almost to say "LOOK AT WHAT I JUST DID!"
Draco was proud, being like "Guys, that's my girlfriend."
You trained even harder, working as best as you could to make it to the end
Course you were pissed when you discovered that your second trial was Draco basically chained to a lake
He assured you afterwards he was fine but you still were pissed.
Draco kissed your head, telling you that he was glad you helped him
You helped Harry along the way if you had information he didn't
After all, he wasn't supposed to be in that competition but he was.
You and Harry were friends for years but this brought you closer
The Yule ball was weird, certain adults congratulating you on your triumphs saying that you'd probably win
You absolutely hated Rita Skeeter
She would always try to catch you and Draco off guard but usually fail
She's the epitome of that one meme: "YOU TWO ARE HAVING SEX" "Damn Draco why didn't you say anything I would've put my book down"
The final trial came and you had this bad feeling.
You wanted to drop out the second you saw that maze.
"Draco, something is wrong, I can feel it." You murmured.
He frowned. "If you don't want to do this, it's okay." He assured.
You looked at him and then the maze.
You didn't realize this would be a fatal mistake.
You got to the end, discovering with Harry that the cup was a portkey.
You landed on your stomach and you grunted.
"What the fuck?" You mumbled.
Harry frowned looking at something.
It all happened so quickly, the flashes of light and then this feeling of electricity pulsing through you.
You were knocked to the ground and you just... You died
Harry couldn't believe it. Not you... No please not you.
He was crying the entire duel and carried you back with him when he got out of there
He was crying so hard as everyone was cheering, unaware of the situation
It wasn't until Draco sprinted down there that they realized something was wrong.
He let out this broken scream after seeing you and Cedric just stood there in shock
Fred and George both stood there shocked to see their best friend just... Gone.
Harry had to be pulled away from you and when Draco finally saw that face...
Oh God it was bad
Snape even had to turn away
Yes, you could be bothersome but damn it you were a kid.
You made those around you laugh and never left anyone truly alone.
Draco spent most of his time now in the hufflepuff common room
Cedric couldn't look at the common room the same, he always expected to see you sitting on the couch with a book saying hello
Fred and George towards the end of the year told Draco that he was welcome to come to their home for summer so he didn't have to deal with everything at home
To their surprise he actually came
Molly hated seeing everyone so drained
Fred and George would make people smile yes, but damn it it wasn't the same.
But Molly will never forget seeing Draco drinking a glass of water at the table in the middle of the night
She sat down with him and he just...
He could see Molly really wear off on you and the traits just... It matched up to a point he was crying.
She hugged him and told him that even though you're gone he still had family who loved him and would be there for him
But he just... He started talking to Molly about why it hurt him so much
"She told me Molly. She looked me in the eyes and told me that something felt wrong." He sobbed.
She hugged him tighter.
"If I just would've stopped her."
Fred and George the next year absolutely dreaded this bitch Umbridge
Draco hated her the most.
She even pretended to know what he was going through
"I understand you lost your friend last year but--"
"She was the love of my life. Do not dare bring her into this." Draco snapped.
Harry hated her even more, hearing her say things like "Look, your friend is just gone okay, she's not coming back"
Mcgonagall was not having that shit though and basically told her to shut the fuck up.
Hermione never thought that libraries could be so sad
But damn it every time she sat down she expected to see you next to her doodling or doing origami
Instead it was empty.
Arthur and Molly felt like they lost a child
Draco flat out refused to return home after discovering the alliance killed his GIRLFRIEND.
He joined the order and Sirius assured him that the rest of the order was taking your death hard
Remus was shocked and really upset. He never expected to lose a student like this.
Sirius remembered you, always trying to keep Harry from getting into trouble.
Tonks remembered you, you seemed so bubbly and cool
She also bonded with you for sharing the same house.
Everyone fought twice as hard because they lost their friend
Draco was more of a healer though, helping the crew after the battle.
When Sirius died he was there helping Harry because he felt like if he didn't you'd be pissed
Draco wore a ring of yours on a chain, never taking it off
As more deaths began to happen Draco just converted that pain into absolute anger
That was unleashed in the battle.
When Ginny wad nearly attacked he defended her, killing Bellatrix himself.
But it was what he said that caught everyone off guard.
Draco also ended up saving Fred too.
The amount of power and pain that Draco inflicted during the battle was so concerning.
He actually almost died.
He took a hit and passed out.
He could see you.
My God it was you. He missed you.
"Draco? No no. Hell no, it's way too soon for you." You said.
"Love... I just want to see you again." He said.
"... Draco I'm always with you. But this is not your time." You said softly.
He remembered your hand on his cheek and kissing it.
He woke up with Fred sighing in relief. "He's alive!" George said.
He swore as he looked towards the great hall's doors he could see you walking away.
When Harry died he was so angry. How many more people were they going to lose!?
Draco became absolutely unhinged and uhm
Killed Nagini.
And basically said "FUCK ALL OF THIS" when Harry came back as he punched a death eater, took back the wand and booked it.
The battle ended and the amount of lives saved by Draco was through the roof
He somehow saved remus and tonks dude.
This man really said "NOT TODAY MOTHER FUCKERS!"
He would come over every holiday to the Weasley's.
Draco would have a couple of moments where he could almost hear you laughing at a joke that Fred or George would make.
He was apart of this little family and they loved him
He would stand outside sometimes and just listen to the breeze.
Sometimes he could hear you if he listened hard enough
He had hard days where he just didn't want to function.
But his family had his back if anything went wrong.
Draco would work (willingly!) With Fred and George sometimes in the shop
But in the end he became a healer.
Mcgonagall would never forget the dent you left.
But something made draco's days a bit more bearable
You see: in the dungeon near the Hufflepuff common room there was a portrait of a kind girl who would talk to students.
It was you.
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charincharge · 4 years
I Don’t Want To Wait, four
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rowaelin high school bff au  masterlist
The night Rowan spent snoring next to Aelin was the best night of sleep she’d ever had. After they woke in a tangle of arms and legs, sandwiched together, Aelin wrote an entire page in her journal about the amount of touching they did. She was incredibly upset that she was unconscious for most of it.
She was grateful for their all-nighter though, because in the week that followed, she’d barely seen him. He’d been at the mercy of Lacrosse practices, every morning and evening, doing drills and scrimmages until he could barely walk. She was especially annoyed because with morning practices, it cut into her special Rowan driving her to school time. Because there was no way she was waking up in time to drive him to the field in the morning.
However, today was finally the Lacrosse championship game, which meant that tonight, Aelin would get her best friend back.
She couldn’t wait.
Aelin had spent all last night making a Rowan’s Pump Up Playlist, to help him get into the zone today. He’d briefly mentioned that the cheerleaders were each assigned a varsity player to bake treats for, and Aelin refused to be outshined by some random cheerleader.
Aelin flipped through the playlist one last time. It was good. 47 songs in honor of the number on his, each one an empowering anthem or a self-assured ego boost. Plus, Aelin may have sneakily included songs that insinuated how she felt about him. She only hoped he would read between the lines.
She took her time dressing in green and gold, the school’s colors, and Aelin felt ready for game day. But she suddenly did not feel like waiting around for Rowan to come pick her up today. She wanted to see his face now.
So, in a last minute decision, Aelin rushed out to get them both coffees and headed to the small condo Rowan lived in with his Aunt Maeve. Black, no sugar or milk for Rowan. Hazelnut syrup and extra creamer for Aelin. She placed the hot beverage holder into her bike basket and took off.
Aunt Maeve was just heading out as Aelin pulled the coffees from her basket. Maeve greeted her with a large hug and a wide smile.
“You’re up early, hon,” she laughed, but Aelin smiled through her self-consciousness. She wasn’t really a morning person, but today was important to Rowan. And she wanted to be the best best friend she could be.
“Is he still out on his run?” Aelin asked, and Maeve shook her head, biting her lip conspiratorially.
“He actually didn’t run this morning.”
Aelin gasped an overexaggerated intake of air. She couldn’t fathom Rowan not running every single morning of his life. “No run?!”
Maeve laughed again. “Nope. He wanted to rest up before the big game. Poor thing looked exhausted last night. In fact, last I checked he was still sleeping.”
Aelin looked at her watch. 7:15. Most mornings Rowan was up at 5. If he was actually still asleep, Aelin would never stop mocking him for it. Plus, as she rediscovered the other morning, she really enjoyed a sleepy Rowan.
“Go ahead and wake him,” Meave said, but Aelin hadn’t waited to her approval to make her way into the condo. She made her way up the narrow stairs, coffee in each hand, and headed down the hall to the bedroom she knew so well.
Aelin fiddled with the old handle and pushed it open. The heavy door cracked open slowly, falling against Aelin’s body, so she had to slowly shove it with her hip.
One foot, one shoulder and half her face into Rowan’s bedroom, Aelin completely froze. Deer in headlights. Struck down where she stood.
Because Rowan was not asleep, as his Aunt had thought. Rowan was very much awake. Though his eyes remained closed, Aelin’s gaze fell to about halfway down the covers, where there was a lot of movement going on. She watched for a solid second, jaw unhinged, as Rowan’s hand moved up and down beneath his dark sheets, making a peaked shape with each vigorous movement.
Aelin gasped and blinked rapidly, realizing that she should exit the room immediately, but her gasp was too loud.
Rowan’s eyes flew open and landed on her, standing in his doorway, staring, and she watched as Rowan’s cheeks flooded with red.
“AELIN!” he squawked. “WHAT THE FUCK?” Flustered, she watched as Rowan grasped at his comforter, halting his movements to pull up the dark sheets to his chin, so nothing but this face was peeking out. “CLOSE THE DOOR!” Despite the volume, his voice was breathy and strangled, as if he’d just come from his run.
“Oh my gods,” Aelin mumbled, and she knew her cheeks would be redder than Rowan’s if she were to glance in a mirror. “Oh my gods,” she repeated, taking a step back and letting the door slam in her face.
Through the thick wood, she could hear Rowan groan loudly, but it was muffled by sheets. Gods. Aelin knew that Rowan was probably doing that. But to actually see it….? She thought her face might be permanently stained red with how hot she suddenly felt.
Aelin bit her lip, toeing at the beige carpet beneath her sneaker, wondering what the hell she should do now.
“I’m sorry!” she squeaked out.
“AELIN, GO DOWNSTAIRS!” Rowan bellowed loudly from behind the door, and Aelin nodded, despite him being unable to see her face. “I’ll be down… soon,” he said softer.
“Kay,” Aelin replied quickly. “You don’t have to rush, or anything. I can… uh, wait. For you to… finish.”
“Aelin, please…” Rowan sounded pained, and she wondered if it was because of his embarrassment or other things. Nope. She was not going to think about that.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Aelin repeated over and over as she stumbled her way downstairs to the small kitchen table. She slumped over the cheery yellow table and placed her head in her hands, willing her face to cool down. But every time she managed to calm herself, she’d remember the movement beneath Rowan’s sheets and become warm again.
When she heard the shower turn on overhead, Aelin placed her head in her hands and squeezed her eyes shut and willed the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She sat like that, even after she heard the heavy footfall of Rowan’s shoes coming down the stairs and tread across the kitchen floor.
She heard the sound of a chair scraping across the tile, but Aelin kept her hands over her face, unable to look at him.
Rowan sighed loudly and took a long sip of his coffee.
“Let’s talk it out,” he said, and Aelin finally peeked through her fingers. Rowan was freshly showered, hair still wet, and he was looking up at the ceiling, also unable to look at her.
“No way,” Aelin mumbled.
Rowan tugged at his hair. “Well, if we don’t I’m going to tank this championship game, and it’ll be your fault.”
Aelin groaned as he pulled her hands away from her face. Hands that were definitely just touching… elsewhere. He held her hands in his for a second on the table before pulling away.
“Fine,” Aelin conceded.
“You didn’t actually see anything, right?” he asked, and Aelin shook her head quickly. Rowan released a steady breath, a nervous smile appearing on his face.
“Great,” Rowan continued. “Then, it’s not a big deal at all, and we are totally fine and nothing is weird. I mean, it was weird that you walked in on it, but everyone does it, right?” He brought his coffee to his mouth and took a long sip, clearly needing to do something to stop his rambling.
“Uh, I’ve never but… yeah, I guess.”
Rowan stopped mid-sip and stared at her, looking as if she’d just told him the most insane fact ever. “You haven’t?”
Aelin shrugged, feeling her cheeks heat again. “I don’t think I know how?”
Rowan inhaled sharply, choking on his coffee, coughing loudly. Aelin buried her face into her hands again. Could this morning get any more awkward?
“You know, there’s definitely, uh, videos on the internet that could help with that.” He paused, his nervous smile expanding as he laughed at his best friend’s horrified face. “I could send you a few if you want.”
“Rowan Whitethorn, you are not allowed to send me porn,” Aelin hissed. Rowan burst out laughing as he poked her cheek.
“I didn’t know your face could get this red, Ace.”
“Yeah, well, we’re learning a lot about each other this morning I guess...”
Rowan snorted loudly  as Aelin grabbed her coffee and stalked toward the front door, away from his mocking. She’d walked in on him but somehow, she was the one who was too embarrassed to function today?
“You know, I stayed up all last night making you a Game Day Playlist, but if you’re going to be mean, I’m not sharing it with you,” she said, and Rowan immediately backtracked, his face lighting up with excitement as he slung his arm over her shoulders.
“You did?”
Aelin nodded, pulling out her phone to show him the playlist. “I was just about to hit share, but maybe I won’t….”
He pouted, his green eyes widening. “I promise I’ll be nice.” He paused. “But also, you should ask Lysandra to teach you. I can’t imagine functioning without doing it every morning.”
Aelin had to bite her tongue from squeaking out EVERY MORNING?! But she just didn’t want to continue having this conversation, despite how badly she wanted to ask Rowan what he thought about every morning while touching himself. There were some questions she just couldn’t ask him, despite how close they were or how curious she suddenly was.
Instead, she hopped into his jeep and sent him the playlist. He connected his phone to his car with a grin and turned up the mix.
“47 songs?” His crooked smile made her stomach flutter, and he laughed as he pressed play and cranked the volume up. “Taylor Swift?”  Rowan scoffed.  “Really?”
“She’s the greatest songwriter of our time,” Aelin replied, sticking her tongue out.
“Maybe, but this fake rap shit is not it,” he laughed, scrolling to the next song. “Ah, much better.”
The first chords of Kanye’s “Power” filled the car, and Rowan took off.
By the time the pair made it to school, their morning awkwardness had completely melted away. And Rowan was in the zone for his game.
He was immediately bombarded by his assigned cheerleader, who, as Aelin had predicted, had baked him cookies. Aelin didn’t recognize the girl – a brown-eyed brunette, who looked every bit the male fantasy in her skin baring cheerleading uniform, her hair pulled up into a curled ponytail and her face displaying the number 47 on each cheek, batting her her curled lashes at her best friend. Aelin wondered for a brief moment what kind of porn Rowan had delved into, if this girl was actually one of his fantasies, but she immediately pushed that aside.
Aelin watched as Rowan smiled, thanking the girl kindly for his baked goods. And she pretended not to notice his eyes linger slightly at the green and gold ORYNTH printed across her chest. Or the way they fell to the short hem of her skirt as she walked away, throwing him one last smile over her bared shoulder.
Aelin looked at her own game day outfit – jeans and a t-shirt, and suddenly felt self-conscious, which she hated. Aelin never felt like this before. She’d never been the type of girl who suddenly compared herself to other girls, but … other girls had never smiled at Rowan like that, either. She suddenly felt a level of possessiveness rush through her. She linked her arm through Rowan’s, who looked surprised, but didn’t object to her closeness.
“Do you want my cookies?” Rowan asked, offering the plastic covered plate to Aelin, and Aelin accepted it greedily. “I think sugar might make me ill today,” he laughed.
“You’re going to be great,” Aelin assured him, knocking her hip against him.
“I hope so,” he mumbled quietly. She knew that Rowan was nervous about the game, but she hadn’t realized how much. As one of two sophomores on the Varsity team, she assumed he’d be seeing mostly bench time, but apparently that didn’t stop his nerves from taking over.
“You’ve worked so hard this season,” Aelin told her best friend and watched as his chest puffed out, swelling with pride. “No matter what happens, you’re gonna crush it. I know.”
“Thanks,” he replied softly.
“See you on the field,” Aelin said, as he dropped her off at her first class of the day. Double period algebra, ugh.
“I’ll be the one with the big stick in my hand,” Rowan replied with a smile, and Aelin snickered loudly.
“Been there, seen that,” she laughed, and Rowan’s jaw dropped.
“You said you didn’t see anything!” he hissed, and Aelin cackled and winked, and she watched as he realized what she was doing.
“You’re trying to distract me,” he laughed.
“Is it working?” she asked, and he smirked back.
He flicked her off as he shoved his earbuds into his ears, walking away to the rhythm of one of the songs on her playlist.
If you want to listen to Rowan’s Game Day playlist, check it out HERE
If you want to be added to be general TOG taglist, message me HERE
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lastxviolet · 3 years
In Neglected Fields, the Fern Grows -Ch. 2
Fred Weasley x OC
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Ch. 2 / 10
Warnings: NSFW!! Slight Dom!Fred, touching, grinding, cursing, begging, dirty talk, slight degradation
Fern woke the next morning to her roommate's frantic reminders about class. She groaned, peeling herself from the warm navy sheets, and joined Daisy, getting ready for the full day of arbitrary, seemingly endless classes.
It wasn't that she was bad at school as far as grades and accomplishments went, but rather, she felt like she'd never really caught her stride. Even now, in her last year of school, there was no rhythm. She was always running around like a chicken with its head cut off, finishing papers, apologizing to professors, and begging her peers for answers. Her brand of schoolwork had paid off, seeing as she'd got a majority of Outstanding grades on her O.W.L's and felt relatively prepared for the N.E.W.T exam in a few months. But now that she was nearing the end of her time in school, she wondered if it would've been less of an effort and time commitment to just do the work as assigned in a timely fashion.
It was noon before she had time to catch her breath and think of something other than school. Lunch was a welcome sight as she walked into the Great Hall but before she could enjoy the moment, she caught sight of her younger brother sitting alone, and her frustration and curiosity from last night were reignited.
"Nev," she announced, sitting down across from him.
"Fern," he muttered in a tempered tone.
She exhaled and rolled her eyes at his mood.
"I'm not cross at you," she noted, eyeing him the best she could from over the book he was buried in.
"That's good. You've no reason to be."
She stared down at the food between them. Every year the quiet, timid kid she'd had to bribe to try and make friends at school became more and more outgoing, outspoken, bold….more of a Gryffindor.
"You're not going to tell me about last night, are you?"
"I…I already have and it's your fault if you don't believe me."
"Bloody hell," she hissed under her breath. "Fine, I believe you, are you happy now?"
He brought his book down an inch and finally made eye contact. She knew he wasn't perceptive enough to realize she was lying, and still incredibly suspicious of him and his whereabouts but decided that it would be better to actually have some evidence before she started accusing him of anything.
"You do?"
"Yes, yes," she reassured him. "I'm sorry, I was just tired and annoyed that I had to do rounds."
"Oh," he mused, dropping his book fully. "Are you sleeping alright? I could give you some Valerian root to chew on before bed it's…usually…Fern?"
His voice tapered off but she wasn't even listening. Neville's right hand, splayed out on the cover of his book, was cracked with a deep vernacular wound, still pink from a recent infliction. She stared in horror at his bloodied hand and reached across the table to seize his wrist.
"Neville," she hissed, harshly.
He tried to pull away but she was faster and stronger.
"When did this happen?"
"It's…it's nothing. Only one detention," he stuttered, eyeing the rest of the table in embarrassment. "Just got unlucky s'all."
Her angrily pounding heartbeat drowned out the rest of the noise from the lunch rush. He was lying to her, again. Her mind raced with all the things that he could be doing out and about with the twins but seriously doubted that any of them would improve his chances at staying unharmed at the hands of Umbridge.
"I'll give you one chance to tell me who you were with."
Neville opened and closed his mouth as if he was trying to think of a lie or an argument before finally pressing his lips into a reserved line.
"Fern, please, they're my friends," he pleaded. "I know you don't like them but—"
"Friends don't get friends into this kind of trouble, Nev!"
"They don't get me into anything…I'm as much a part of the trouble as they are," he insisted, shaking off her grip and standing up to leave.
"You can't expect me to just let you get hurt like this if Gran knew —"
"Don't…don't use that against me…like you always do," he whispered with a harsh glare. "I know what I'm doing."
She craned her neck to stare at him in disbelief, acutely aware of how tall he'd gotten.
"I just don't want to see you get hurt," she pleaded, taking extra care to sound less accusatory, in the hopes that he would see her as less of a threat. "I'm only trying to help."
"No, you're not," he countered as harshly as he could, even though it was still relatively tame. "You hate that I am doing something without getting your permission first. I don't need help, Fern. Just leave it alone…please."
She squinted her eyes but remained silent, letting the not so timid boy trudge off without her ripping him to shreds.
In all her years of knowing him, he'd never dismissed her like this. He was a sweet, shy boy who put his family above everything else. There was no way that he would hold some prank or hi-jinx to such high regard…without some kind of influence. She glanced down at the Gryffindor table and caught sight of Harry Potter leaning down to whisper something to one of the twins, who in turn, leaned across the table to repeat it to Pavarti Patil and Lavender Brown. She rolled her eyes at their obviousness. If Padma was involved, of course, her sister would be too. And if Harry was involved, then it was certainly no good at all.
The weather for the rest of the afternoon and evening mimicked her mood. The rain of late fall was neither refreshing nor relaxing. It smelled of winter, and brought with it, frozen winds and only a taste of what was to come in the winter months.
Fern pressed her forehead to one of the tall windows in the Ravenclaw common room and contemplated how much the near-freezing droplets would hurt her bare skin. It was coming down pretty hard so there was a good chance it'd leave her burning, but no doubt, she'd catch a nasty cold. She glanced away from the moonlit grounds down below and failed at taking interest in the abandoned book in her lap. Despite trying, she hadn't been able to tear her thoughts from the interaction with Neville from earlier in the day. He'd never really been a serious boy, even when they were little, but today, he'd been uncharacteristically stern. It'd been enough to make her at least consider that the right thing to do would be to accept his wishes and leave him alone but the image of his bloodied hand was making her sick to her stomach. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was in over his head. He had a habit of being blind to the obviousness of his circumstance and acting without plan or consideration of pros and cons. Some called it bravery, and his house prided themselves on being collectively blind, but she knew what it was - stupidity. She'd never understood the appreciation that others had for the first person willing to risk their neck despite the risk.
She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against the glass again. It was sharp, cold, and just enough to bring her sense to life for a few seconds. The minimal chatter around her in the darkened common room disappeared beneath the roaring storm outside. She wanted to go and stake out the seventh-floor hallway. Admittedly, it was overbearing, and would probably instigate more problems between her and Neville than answers but she couldn't fight off the feeling. Before she could find her common sense, her feet were moving towards the tower exit.
The castle thundered underneath the storm and drowned out her footsteps on the moving staircase. She held her breath as she entered the seventh floor and walked swiftly against the stone wall to stay hidden. For a touch more secrecy, and perhaps a flair for the dramatics, she extinguished the fireplace, and torches with a flick of her hand and waited in the shadows.
It was nearly half an hour later when she sunk to the floor and sat on the cold, dark floor and an hour after that when she nearly gave up.
There was no sign of anyone, until, she heard the faintest sound of a door closing somewhere behind the stone pillar to her right. She held her breath and listened to the lumbering steps as they came around the corner, again, from the direction of the astronomy towner. She smirked as the thunder reminded her that Astronomy was an impossible excuse tonight.
What happened next was the convergence of three terrible things at once.
She revealed herself from the shadows and came face to face with Fred Weasley, who looked surprised by her presence for a mere second before looking decidedly more put out by something over her head.
She turned to see what was more important than her obvious gotcha moment but her excitement turned to despair as a pink figure stood at the top of the steps. Umbridge waved her hand, igniting the hallway to reveal her standing a little too close to the troublesome twin. She knew how it looked before Umbridge even opened her mouth.
"Boys and girls are to be more than eight inches apart," she giggled. "Ms. Longbottom…Mr. Weasley, I am sure that you're aware of this rule."
She frantically glanced at Fred in hopes that he would tell the truth but he took a step closer and snaked his arm around her waist.
"Eight inches, professor," he cooed, pulling her tight. "How'd you know?"
Fern's eyes went wide at his obvious attempt to anger the already unhinged woman.
"No, professor," she hissed, pushing him off of her. "It isn't like that —"
The woman clicked her tongue and held up a hand to silence her.
"Detention for the both of you," she warned, oozing with pep.
She turned her head frantically to Fred again who was looking quite content with a wicked smile on his face.
"Professor, please," she pleaded, trying to make it sound like less of a beg.
"Enough," the woman shrieked. "Detention tomorrow evening. Now, off you go."
Without another word, the woman disappeared back down the stairs. She stared at the doorway in shock before wheeling around to confront Fred.
"Godric that woman…Ah well, what's another one, right, Longbottom?"
Her eyes widened in disbelief. "Another one? I've never had a detention before, you prick. Let alone, one of Umbridge's."
"Oh, well it's not so bad," he assured her, bringing a hand out of his pocket. "There's a bit of scarring but it doesn't hurt for too long."
She looked down at his hand and let the air be sucked out of her lungs. It was the same writing as Nevilles.
"I'm not upset about the pain you imbecile, I'm upset because I have to go in the first place and it's your fault!"
He leaned against the pillar next to them and stared down at her with a curious look on his face.
"My fault?"
"Yes, your fault," she hissed. "Like always." Of course, he would deny it, she thought.
Her accusatory words seemed to have the smallest effect on him as he rolled his eyes and scoffed at her.
"Who else's fault could it possibly be, Weasley?"
"Oh, marvelous question, here's a thought, and it is just a first draft theory so do be gentle, but yourself? You were out frolicking, just like me, and therefore, bound to get caught with or without me," he explained through gritted teeth.
She shook her head and gave him a look of disbelief. They might have gotten off if he hadn't felt the urge to be such a smart ass, how could he not see that?
"I was not frolicking," she huffed. "The only reason I'm even up here is that I have to make sure that you, don't corrupt my brother. Thusly, your fault."
"I'm corrupting your brother," he repeated in disbelief.
"This might shock you but he is perfectly capable of getting into trouble all on his own."
"Only because he's been hanging around the likes of you for far too long!"
He squinted his eyes at her and leaned forward. She wouldn't let him use his size to intimidate her so she stayed put and furrowed her brow back.
"The likes of me? What is wrong with you?"
"You think there's something wrong with me?"
Fred scoffed and tipped his head back, closing his eyes in the process. "I think there are a whole lot of things wrong with you, love."
"Don't fucking call me that. I'm not one of your dumb fucking groupies, waiting patiently to be reduced to a pet name for your pleasure," she hissed, plunging a finger into his muscular chest. "Refer to me by my fucking name or don't refer to me at all, asshole."
"Bloody hell," he grumbled, returning the look of anger to his face. "Alright, I'm terribly sorry. Let me rephrase that. I think there are too many things wrong with you to count, let alone fix, Fern."
"That's big talk for a self-absorbed sociopath with pyromaniac tendencies and a severe maturity deficit!"
He looked caught off guard and brought his face down close to hers again. She stared back defiantly and let him search her eyes.
"Wow," he breathed after a moment of silence.
"Wow, what? Too many big words for you? Was poor little Freddie too focused on his tricks to pick up any comprehension skills at school? Do you need me to dumb it down?"
"If you insist, since dumb seems to come so easy for you," he retorted.
She let out a groan of frustration and dug her finger in deeper.
"You are maddening! At least I've got two brain cells to rub together. Your head is probably filled with fuck-all!"
Her voice bounced around the hallway as she stared at a wide-eyed Fred. She thought for a moment that'd she'd made a dent in his ego but his lips pulled up into an amused smirk. Her temper was usually a little more dependable than this but it was too late to go back now.
"My head," he repeated with a smile. "Hm…I'm more curious about your head."
"You're a bastard," she hissed, ignoring the heat radiating off of her face. He always reverted to perversion to throw her off guard, and unfortunately, it always worked.
"Normally you'd be right but this time, I dare say that you started it."
She glared at him and shook her head. He wasn't meant to be enjoying this. She'd hurled her best at him and it hadn't even hurt him in the slightest. Her brain told her to walk away but she stayed planted in place.
"Well, now I'm ending it. Yelling at you isn't worth the strain on my throat," she exclaimed.
His eyes flickered with even more amusement as the words left her tongue. She could've screamed with frustration when she realized what she'd said.
"Fern, darling," he cooed, leaning down further into her bubble. "I'd be more than happy to provide some strain on your throat. Just say the word."
"Fuck you."
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," he sighed, shaking his head. "A high-strung, good girl like you shouldn't have such a colorful vocabulary."
"My choice of words is no concern of yours," she blurted, internally cringing as she sounded like a child having a tantrum. It was difficult to admit to herself, but it seemed as though he had the upper hand.
"Well I didn't hear a single curse in that," he cooed, smirking devilishly. "Go on, don't be shy now, please continue your onslaught of obscenities. I'm a big boy, so I can take it, not like the posh blokes of Ravenclaw."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You don't get to talk down on anyone and you don't get to tell me what to do."
"I'm not, Fern, if you were as perceptive as you pretend to be, you'd have realized that I'm asking nicely. Can you do that for me, love?"
"Don't fucking call me that," she hissed, pressing her whole hand against his chest to keep him at a distance.
"There it is. Anything else, darling?"
"You're a prick."
He threw his head back in a laugh. "You sure I'm not a fucking prick?"
His tone made her blood boil. How had getting detention come to this? How had she let him weasel his way underneath her skin? She momentarily thought of the wand in her pocket but knew that he'd be falser than that.
"So now you're making fun of me?"
"No, I've just always found you very curious," he said, leaning into her hand. "Tell me something, Fern. Are curse words the only improper thing you do? Is everything else pressed skirts and studies? Do nasty words fill the void that a life without excitement has left you with?"
She looked at him like he'd slapped her straight across the face. This conversation was going to get her no closer to figuring out the Neville mystery, but now it didn't matter. She was going to finish her feud with the intolerable twin, showing him once and for all, she was not a woman to be reckoned with.
"For fucks sake, how do you stand yourself? The melodramatic attitude must be exhausting. A life without excitement? That's really what you want to go with?"
"I call it as I see it," he barked confidently with a smile.
She couldn't believe that he was actually lecturing her about the philosophy of life when he had next to nothing figured out.
"So, what, to lead a life worth living I'm supposed to torture my peers without a care in the world? I'd hardly call being a nuisance to everyone I come in contact with, exciting."
A flicker of anger crossed his face. She tried not to make it intimidate her but he caught her wrist and yanked her hand away, pinning it to her shoulder.
"At least it's something," he growled.
"Yeah, a thorn in everyone's side!"
His damn of self-control broke and he shook her arm violently.
"Then you're a fucking raincloud! Godric, how do you not see that you suck the life out of every room you're in? At least I break even with smiles but you? You're basically a Umbridge in training with your prim and proper attitude and delusions of order! It's fucking boring! YOU are fucking boring and I — "
Without another thought, she closed her eyes, brought her other hand back, balled in into a fist, and swung.
She felt her knuckles make contact with his ridiculously shaped nose and opened her eyes in time to see his eyes ablaze with anger.
"Fucking, shit," he bellowed. "Ow!"
"How's that for boring?" She yelled at his scrunched face.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
The words tipped her over the edge and she slung her fist at him again, this time catching his arm. It barely seemed enough to catch his attention so she let it all out. Every frustration, fear, anger; came out in punches, kicks, and slaps, all aimed at the very tall redhead who had his back up against the pillar.
"You're fucking mental," he roared, seizing both of her wrists and turning them around so that she had her back to the stone.
"Fuck you," she yelled.
"Stop kicking me you wretch of a woman, bloody hell!"
"You can't hurt my feelings, dumb fuck," she bellowed back, as he yanked her wrists above her head so that she couldn't break free and used his weight to stop her from moving. "There's nothing you can say to me that I haven't already said to myself a million times."
The words registered in her mind the same moment they escaped her mouth. It was the truth, but she'd never said it out loud or even acknowledged it herself. She did in fact sling evil sentiments at the abyss in her self but for some odd reason, they'd never made a dent. Fred's words, however, didn't hurt in the slightest. On the contrary really; they ignited her.
He snarled at her words and held her still. Her heart beat so fast she thought she might pass out. She met his eyes finally and watched him digest what she'd said. He looked surprised. She couldn't blame him of course, she hadn't ever meant to say it out loud, let alone to someone she hated. She expected him to drop her, and leave because of the suddenly serious, uncomfortable topic of conversation but his face did something she didn't expect. He moved closer with a look of curiosity.
"Go on, try," she whispered, daring him despite her nerves. "I know you want to. I give you detentions, I confiscate your products, I target the rest of your family too because you're all fucking annoying —"
"Fuck you," he hissed.
"Fuck you too."
He glanced down at her lips as she spoke and held her tighter.
"You're a fucking bitch," he whispered, eyeing her with wary.
She threw her head back into a sharp cackle. "Is that all you've got?"
He snarled at her flippant attitude and brought one hand down to hold her throat while the other kept her hands above her head, scraping her knuckles against the stone in glorious agony.
"Shut the fuck up you insufferable, uptight swot," he purred angrily.
Her eyes went wide and she saw a flash of regret cross his face.
"Bloody hell…I…" he stammered, easing up on her restraints.
"What else," she croaked from beneath his grip. The words, his seething presence, and the painful embrace pumped adrenaline into her veins and an inexplicable hunger into her throat. The thought of him fighting off hatred to be close to her set her chest ablaze.
His eyes snapped back to hers. She was daring him, goading him, perhaps even begging him to continue. It was dramatic but she thought that she might die if he stopped now.
"I've always thought that you were an evil bitch, you know that?"
"I know," she whispered. His chest rose and fell rapidly making his breath heating her face with every puff.
"But now," he murmured low and slow, increasing the pressure against her throat. "I think you're desperate."
Her eyes went wide and he inched closer.
"A needy, desperate, good girl…with a dirty fucking mouth."
"Yes," she moaned.
His eyes went wide again, clearly surprised by her sensual reaction but he didn't move away.
"Bloody hell," he whispered. "You like this, don't you?"
He didn't give her a chance to answer and pressed himself up against her with a force that made her spread her legs to make room for his extended knee. It brushed against her gloriously, fanning the flames that were already ablaze. She could see the same soft unexpected look in him that she felt herself. He hadn't known that he would like it either. Just as she wondered if he was feeling an ounce of what she was, she felt growth in his pants.
"You like it….so you're a fucking whore, too. Aren't you?"
She whimpered and slid down the wall a little until she could press harder against the rough material of his pants.
"Aren't you," he whispered again, bringing his thumb up from her neck, and teasing her bottom lip. "A fucking whore."
She opened her mouth in response and let him slide his finger up her tongue and back out, smearing her lips with spit.
"Yes, yes…fuck," she whispered.
"Shut the fuck up," he grunted, gripping her chin so that she had to tilt her head further back to look up at him. "I don't want to hear that word from your mouth ever again."
She swallowed hard. He looked down at her with a serious look but his eyes were on fire. She glanced down at his neck, practically panting from the sight of his veins bulging from anger.
"Good girls don't curse. Do they," he asked forcefully. "Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you."
She snapped her eyes back up to his and slowly shook her head.
"No," she sighed.
"Stop. Talking," he hissed. "Let me rephrase that since you're such a fucking now it all.
My good girl doesn't curse. Does she…Fern?"
All she could do was whimper and shake her head as he slowly released her chin. It was incredible. The words seemed to pour out of him as if he'd been planning them and scratched each itch that she'd ever had.
"Good answer," he moaned, reaching over to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. "She's mine. So I get to tell her what to do with her pretty little mouth…pretty little throat…and pretty little cunt."
Ferns eyes blew wide open at the last bit of the sentence and she realized that she'd been grinding against him with helpless desperation. The realization felt like a shot to the head and the fantasy was broken.
The hallway appeared behind him; they were still very much in public. Fred came into view as himself again, and not a domineering figure to fuck all of her troubles away. She bristled, acutely aware of his forceful grip. She pulled away from his grip with all her might, causing him to stumble backward. His eyebrows shot up at the movement and he released her not a second later, backing away equally as shocked that they were still in the school.
She leaned against the stone trying to catch her breath, and find her footing again as they stared at each other. Fred Weasley had called her many things in the past, and she guessed that maybe they'd always stoked the fire in her chest but this was…something else. She could tell that if she didn't leave now, it'd become an incurable hunger, which she could not afford, especially with him.
"Fuck…Fern….I'm sorry I —"
"Stop," she whispered, talking a step around him, towards the moving staircase. "Just…stop."
"Fern," he said, matching her stride, trying to catch up. "I'm sorry —I didn't mean —I thought that —"
"Just stop," she bellowed, halting him with her voice. "I…I have to go."
He looked at her, stunned, and disheveled but didn't move another inch as she made it to the door and took one last look at him before sprinting down the stairs.
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