#sorry Jun took so long
minevn · 8 months
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JUNS HERE!! I was having a lot of issues with her ref at first and it made me super unmotivated to work on her, to be fair I still think she looks a little wonky, but she looks SO much better and I'm actually pretty proud of how her ref turned out! Jun's hair is pretty much the same, but I did make the gradient more noticeable, and then of course she has different hair styles with each of her outfits! I decided to have Jun lean more towards natural looking makeup rather then fun makeup, though I do think she'd do fun makeup as well, you guys can draw her in any makeup you guys want! Jun's outfit is pretty much the same but I did want to add more patterns to it, I think I may have gone a little extreme with the tiny bunnies on the pink side of her cardigan, I still think she's cute though! I'm really in love with her outfits! They're all stuff I would wear in real life, fun fact Jun's main outfit is inspired off of an outfit I do wear. Another thing that's changed with Jun is her pronouns. Yep, Jun only goes by she/her now, so I'll be heading through my posts at some point and be changing her pronouns. This was decided today! As for your relationship with Jun in the story, it's changed as well. You and Jun are a lot closer, but still Jun used to be shy when she was younger so you weren't as close to her or Kage as you were with Haruto and Aki who are your age and more sociable, however you and Jun have gotten a lot closer seeing as she's become a lot more outgoing! As for her yandere tendencies, she mainly stalks and isolates you, she does not like getting her hands dirty. Also this isn't specifically Jun related, it's for all the love interests, but as you can see you'll now be able to actually go out on dates with them! I was hesitant to add this in given the short time period of the game, but you know all of the characters anyways by the beginning of the game and even then I want there to be plenty of time and content to really get to know the characters! I do also want you to be able to choose their hair style and outfit for the date as well! So for example you're going on a date with Jun, you could have her wear her normal date outfit, but have her wear her hair in pigtails like in her casual 2 outfit.
Here's some more info on Jun!
Height: 5'6 or 167.6cm
Birthday: 12/25
Likes: You, her sister, fashion designing, socializing, shopping, makeup, spicy foods, making videos, anything cute, cafe's, bunnies(or really just animals), Kage and Haruto are cool too ig
Dislikes: stained and/or torn clothing, societies standards, herself, her parents, sitting still
Family: Mother, Father, Older sister(Aki)
Signature Color: Pink
Extra: As you might be able to see, she also has freckles under her makeup, and her signature moles!
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thirstywaffles · 6 months
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Guess who drew this instead of doing my thesis haha.....
Template by pompipurin !!
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elementalsgaming · 11 months
I promised this, like, at least two months ago, and here it is! Persona 2 Dancing, Innocent Sin Edition!
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I'm saving Maya for Eternal Punishment since that's pretty much her game.
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corduroyserpent · 9 months
tianxi first kiss or last kiss your choice 😁🫶
Su Xiyan does not mean to kiss him.
She normally has no trouble restraining her impulses. All brief ripples of desire are forced into stillness by a rational mind and the unswerving awareness that the true incentive for her meetings with Tianlang-jun is not her own amusement.
And yet here she is. 
His lips are softer than hers. He must not worry at them as she often does. Never before having kissed a person, Su Xiyan hasn’t had much occasion to think about what her lips might feel like against another’s. She hopes it isn’t unpleasant. And then she reminds herself that it doesn’t matter. This is nothing more than an assignment from her shizun. Her feelings are of no consequence. 
She can feel Tianlang-jun smile before he sucks her bottom lip between his teeth, deepening the kiss. There’s an enthusiasm to the way he moves against her—one hand cupping her waist, the other at the back of her neck. His fingers tangle in her hair. She doesn’t mind. It’s nice. 
No one has ever touched her like this, held her so close. It might be overwhelming. She will have to assess the matter once distance has been put between them. 
But for now, she allows her hands to wander and gives in to the cresting waves of the desire she is not supposed to have.
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aberooski · 3 months
The School Duel
So today the rewatch hit the school duel, which for me and for my fellow Chazz stans is a very loaded 2 parter. There's so much I have to say about these episodes not even really so much because of the Duel itself because as we all know, despite years and years of watching ygo religiously, I still don't understand fucking anything about this game somehow. But it's the character stuff surrounding and interwoven into it.
I'll try to keep it brief because I've talked extensively about this several times on this blog over the years. But anyways, the important part is that the School Duel is a pivotal moment and a turning point for his character in many ways. The effects of this run through episode 35 as well but we'll get into that when the time comes.
The School Duel is where the other characters are confronted by the fact that the Chazz they knew, wasn't the real one. It's the facade his had to put up in order to satisfy the insane requirements his brothers are pressuring him to fulfill. He doesn't get a say in what he does up until this point, it's already decided. He's going to win this duel and work even harder to prove himself to them and become the head of the dueling world.
He has to.
They've already decided this for him, which is why they literally televise the event. Because they've already decided that he's going to win and since they've decided that, there's no way it won't happen. So why not? Show the world that the Princeton's are the best at everything in every way. And the pressure of all of this is too much for him, because let's not forget that they are grown ass adults doing what they do and they're forcing all of this insane pressure and expectation on a child. And before the duel Jaden catches him having a breakdown and crying in the bathroom. Then he goes and tells Syrus and Chumley before the duel that he's starting to understand Chazz and why he is the way that he is, because Jaden now understands that Chazz isn't coming from "an easy place". Which no, he truly isn't. And up until this point the only ones who knew that, were the Princeton brothers, and the audience.
But now Jaden knows it too. At least to a certain extent based on what he overheard.
But this opens a door because Jaden throughout the duel is trying to coax the real Chazz out, he's trying to get him to forget about his brothers for a second and just enjoy the duel. But he can't. Throughout the duel Chazz keeps looking to them, and getting angry like they're literally breathing down his neck all the way from the stands.
Jaden reads him like a book, he calls him out for dueling for his brothers. Because he largely still is, but at the same time, he's already made the decision to take back his autonomy from them by choosing not to use the cards they gave him, and therefore, whether he knows it or not he is also dueling for himself. It's episode 35 where we see that little act of rebellion allow him to truly duel for himself again. That's a discussion for another time, but that's the thing about the school duel that gets me, it's seeing Chazz for kinda the first time be able to, in the face of his brothers, do something for himself. To make his own choice and stand up to them even by just not using the cards they gave him. Because for once he wasn't playing on their terms.
But the thing is that up until now, Chazz's entire demeanor has changed around them. He closes off, he shrinks down, he shuts up. He sits there and quietly listens and does what he's told and that's not the real Chazz, we all know that. But Chazz doesn't even know the real Chazz anymore at this point, but his little romp and North Academy showed him a glimpse of himself, his true authentic self. And that gives him that little push to find the strength he needs to defy his brothers and not use all the rare cards they tried to give him and stuck with his own cards and North Academy's cards that he was given to represent the school. That is a major step and it's his first step in breaking free and finding his true self again.
And I wanna bring in the idea of Chazz up until now having his choices dictated by others, specifically his brothers. Because this is where that begins to change. Chazz does still want to and plans on winning this duel (which sadly he doesn't) but the thing is, while he is still trying to please them, he's not doing it for his brothers completely anymore. He's not even doing it for North Academy, he's doing it for himself even though he doesn't recognize that yet because he can't yet.
And when he does lose the duel, I just wanna say it sucks that he lost for one, because it's so monumental of an occasion for him. It's everything. But it also gives us honestly another formative experience for Chazz due to that loss, because we see Jaden and the others actually stand up for him. He's never had that before in his life, I guarantee it. And certainly not because anybody actually cared enough about him and valued him enough as a person to do so out of any genuine concern and care for him. He's only ever had people hanging around him to be a status symbol, because of his wealth and high social status. The moment he loses any of it everyone turns on him. When Jagger grabs him practically by the neck and while his brothers are abusing him in front of TWO entire schools it worries me to think what goes on behind closed doors when we see what they'll do in front of that many people without giving a shit, Chazz is genuinely shocked to see Jaden defending him, much less the others backing him up. And that hurts my heart a lot, it kills me even.
This is where another shift in Chazz happens and the door is opened for him to actually become their friend. Because they are opening the door first, they are showing him that they care and again I say, that's something he's never had before. It's a beautiful moment in the midst of what for Chazz honestly must feel like is the world caving in on him. Yet another thing and another victory that he's been denied, another humiliation, another reason for his brothers to hate him and to treat him even worse and make his entire situation that much more unbearable. And yet, in the midst of it all, there it is.
The reason Luke Hemmings' Comedown is in my Chazz playlist.
"All my life
I've been beatin' this horse
Breakin' these same old wishin' bones
Hopin' they'd bring me back to course
All my life
I've been passin' this blame
And once you get on, you won't ever get off
And won't be the same
Let it come down on me
Let me see all the things that I was supposed to see
Light up a darkness I was never meant to
Climb out of like a bursting sunrise from the deepest sleep
A change of heart and a silver linin' down on Camellia Street
Let it come down on me"
Because at the end of this duel, there's that light, that silver lining, another defining shift in Chazz's character and no doubt a core memory in his life and all it took was Jaden telling Jagger to let him go.
The School Duel is everything to me.
Anyway that's why Chazz should've won the School Duel, thank you, goodnight.
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strangledwires · 2 years
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shining-gem34 · 1 year
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair / From Bai Heng to Yinyue. <3
Nonverbal RP Starters || Accepted @memovia
Opening one eye, Yinyue Jun catches a pair Foxian ears twitching and the curved smile blooming on Bai Heng face. The twinkle in her white eyes reminds him of the shooting stars they witnessed together. She did something. The High Elder felt it when her fingers carefully touched his head just now.
He raises his hand to his head, surprised to feel the softness of flower petals. His fingertips traces the outlines of his friend mysterious gift; a peony. It has yet to fully bloom with it's shape still round.
Amused, the High Elder crosses his arms and meets her eyes, "Bai Heng, what mischief are you up to this time? Shall I take a guess?"
"Perhaps you relish the chaos that'll follow me? The entire Luofu staring at me, the High Elder with flower accessories? Or at the very least, give the Preceptors a heart attack?" He teases, pondering over the reactions of the people around him. It will certainly make his day better if one of the Elders actually end up passing out.
After all, Yinyue Jun stopped wearing his eyeliner and his accessories a couple centuries ago. This was done partially to spite the Preceptors who continously emphasized traditions of the High Elder.
"I jest, Bai Heng. I'm aware it is a small, impulsive yet sweet gift between friends." Yinyue Jun chuckles, reaching out to pluck a tiny branch of plum blossoms. He pulls out a comb from underneath his sleeves and gestures to her hair, "May I have the honor, my starlight?"
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When you’re sick
Warnings: none, one Monsters Inc. reference I hope won't confuse people
Please let me know which is your favourite!
☆ gender neutral reader
You'd tried everything, from warm baths to drinking god-awful concoctions people swore by on the internet. But you were still sick. You'd been holed up in your bedroom for almost a week, leaving poor Soobin to have to sleep on the couch. You missed him, but you couldn't let him catch what you had. The only contact you'd had with him all week was through texting, and the meals he'd leave outside the bedroom door for you.
Of course, you'd been apart longer than this before; being in a successful group, Soobin often went on tour for months at a time. But this almost seemed harder, maybe because you felt miserable physically and just wanted to be held and loved on.
"I just wanted to see you," came his muffled voice, a hint whiny. "I won't come any further than this, I promise."
Sighing, you retreated from hiding. You hadn't seen him with your own eyes for what felt like longer than it actually was. There was no helping how good it felt to look at him now. "I miss you."
His lopsided smile gave you a rush of warmth. "Please get better before I go crazy."
You felt guilty. "I'm sorry. You can go and stay at Taehyun's if you-"
Soobin's mouth quirked, his brow creased. "It's not that. I just want to see you, touch you, have a real conversation. I want to hold you until we fall asleep." You felt the longing for him increase. "You always take care of me when I'm sick, even if you might catch it. Please, let me do the same for you."
His eyes held a helpless look that tugged at your heart as much as his words did. You felt your resolve crack, and it must have shown in your face, Soobin crossing the threshold and shuffling towards the bed. Relief flooded through you as he crawled up next to you and tucked you into his arms. His warmth was everything you'd needed for the past week, and he sighed as you buried your face against his neck. You swear you started melting when you felt his fingers in your hair. This was home.
You weren't sure how long you'd felt like this. Time seems a blur when most of it is spent in bed, falling in and out of sleep and dreams. It took a monumental effort just to roll from one side to the other, so you couldn't remember the last time you'd eaten or showered. One small mercy was the fact that your ears were blocked, muffling the noise of the world outside the window; birds and neighbours dogs and traffic sounds couldn't disturb your sporadic naps.
Suddenly there was soft skin against your cheek, a warm palm and fingertips that you leaned into without question, and a deep sound somewhere close by. It took a few minutes for your mind to kick in and realise that these things were real and not a dream. Opening your eyes to the dim room, you found a face smiling down at you; your Yeonjun. But something was strange about this. Hadn't you been alone? Wasn't there a reason you were in the middle of the big bed, his pillow trapped between your arms?
"Junie?" You whinced as your voice seemed to reverberate through your head, your throat burning as the word tore through it.
"Hey, baby," he replied softly. You felt his fingers swipe the hair off your forehead before his nose was touching your own.
With what little strength you had, you tried to sink further into the mattress to put space between the two of you. "Jun, I'm- I'm sick."
"It's okay." You felt his arm slither under your back and peel you off the bed, pulling you into him. "I'm here."
You sniffled, swallowing against the dryness of your mouth that comes with not being able to breathe through your nose for so long. "Why?"
"'Why?'" He laughed. "Because the tour ended and I came home to you. Aren't you happy to see me?"
You nodded weakly against his chest. "Junie... I'm sick," you said again, half warning and half complaint.
His hand began to rub your back soothingly, and it felt so good to be in his arms again that you sighed heavily, raspily. "I know, babe, I'm sorry."
"You shouldn't..." Words were too hard. Instead, you brought your hand to his chest and tried to push him, rather feebly, away.
A large hand wrapped around your wrist, softly pulling your arm up over his shoulder. "I don't care. I missed you."
Not having it in yourself to argue, you surrendered, letting your body totally relax into his. You had pictured him coming home after tour very differently than this. You wanted to kiss him. You wanted to talk about his trip, but you couldn't fight your body. You heard the rumble of his voice again. "What?"
"I'll make you some chicken soup," he repeated. But as he tried to turn to leave the bed you grabbed a handful of his shirt. You heard him chuckle, and his arms were back around you again. "Maybe later, then."
One minute you were studying, the next you were being woken by your phone blasting the most annoying ringtone Beomgyu had set for himself. You scrambled to snatch the phone off the desk where you had evidently fallen asleep. "Gyu? What time is it?"
"Half past the time you were supposed to meet me at the cinema."
Your heart sank. How long had you been asleep? "Oh no. I'm so sorry, I fell asleep."
"Why do you sound like you're talking into a tin can?"
Now that you were more awake, you noticed the feeling in your throat, the pounding of your head. Sure, falling asleep with your head on a desk wasn't the best, but you'd never known it to make your head feel like this. Come to think of it, you couldn't breathe through your nose very well either. You thought back and vaguely remembered your roommate having had a cough before she left for the weekend. There was a knock at the door.
"Hang on," you said into the phone, crossing the small space to open the door and-
"You look terrible," Beomgyu said, to your face and in your ear before hanging up. His cheeks were flushed, telling you he'd walked all the way here, in the cold, probably to check on you.
"Wow, thanks," you deadpanned as you let him in. "When's the next showing? Maybe we can make that one."
Your boyfriend pulled his hood down and looked at you for a moment before pressing his palm to your forehead. Trying not to flinch at the coldness of his hand, you looked up at him, his eyes still studying you.
"You're hot," he told you.
You scoffed, but it came out as more of a cough. "That's not what you were saying a minute ago."
Without another word, Beomgyu's hands were on your shoulders, turning you around and steering you through the small dorm room and sitting you down on your bed. Then he disappeared into the bathroom, coming back with a towel that he pressed against your head.
"I'm fine," you sighed. "Let's go see the movie."
Beomgyu tisked, gesturing for you to hold the towel before dipping to his knees to pull off your slippers. "The only movie you're seeing tonight is the DVD I got you for Christmas." Standing up again, he shooed you up the bed and pulled the covers over you.
"But we've seen that a hundred times," you whined. You'd been looking forward to a night out with your boyfriend; the movie, popcorn, leaving the confines of your dorm room after so many days and nights of studying.
"But you love it," he retorted, mocking your whiny tone. He handed you the remote for the tiny TV at the foot of your bed. "I'm guessing you haven't had dinner?" You shook your head. "Got any cup ramen?" You nodded.
You opened your mouth again to complain, but the words never came as Beomgyu kissed you on the top of the head and walked over to boil the kettle. Instead you let yourself sink into the comfort of your bed, only now noticing how exhausted you actually were. So you weren't going to get your date, but how could you complain when you had a boyfriend like this?
You were up before Taehyun this morning - an unusual occurrence. You'd woken up with a funny feeling in your throat and quickly but quietly escaped his room to cough without waking him. Then you'd tiptoed to the kitchen to boil water, eyes meeting with Yeonjun's who was sitting at the table eating cereal. His smirk said it all.
You were sat on the couch when Taehyun emerged from his room, tired eyes searching for you. By now, Soobin and Beomgyu were also sitting at the table eating. Taehyun plodded over to you. "Morning."
"Don't get contaminated," Yeonjun called, looking up from his phone. You narrowed your eyes at him.
Soobin, who looked like he could've still been half asleep, whipped his head up in confusion, chewing his toast with a new expression.
Taehyun's eyes swept from his friend to you, scanning your face for signs of anything amiss. "Are you not feeling well?"
"M'fine," you croaked, arms wrapped around yourself inside your hoodie as you tried to hold off a shiver.
"Tried to cough up a whole cat this morning," Yeonjun snitched. Soobin looked between Yeonjun and Beomgyu, still puzzled, his messy bed hair comedically flapping side to side.
You rolled your eyes, looking up at Taehyun with a small pout. "I just have a cough. It's probably the change in the weather."
"Or bronchitis."
Taehyun ignored the oldest boy's comment as he crouched down in front of you. "Do you want me to go to the pharmacy?"
"Really," you persisted. "I'm fine. I feel okay, just an itchy throat." As if on cue, you started to cough again, burying your face into the crook of your arm, then quickly tried to recover yourself. "I don't want you to worry."
"Sounds like a duck," Beomgyu said with a tone that gave away his amusement.
Taehyun sighed and rubbed up and down your arms comfortingly. "I just want to help you feel better, so anything you need, you just tell me, okay?"
You nodded. He stood up and went to the kitchen to start breakfast, giving you a kiss on the cheek first. Suddenly there was a commotion, as Beomgyu grabbed his breakfast bowl and ran from the kitchen yelling, "twenty-three nineteen!"
Huening Kai
The first thing that you noticed was a dull ache in your head. You'd taken some pain relief, thinking it was just a normal headache, and pushed on to get ready for your dinner plans. Kai's parents were always so happy to have you for dinner, and to see him catching up with them and his sisters made you happy, too.
You started to feel a little weak halfway through your meal, participating in conversation less and less, and after dinner you'd slipped away to a quiet room for what was supposed to be a few minutes. Your body felt heavy, more exhausted than what would be expected, and as you sat on an armchair in the dimly lit room, you became aware of the dull ache in your muscles. Eyes closing, the sound of distant chatter and laughter from the dining room lulled you quickly into unexpected sleep.
Kai had thought you were gone for the bathroom, and after ten minutes of your absence, his eyes flicking to the door every so often in anticipation of your reappearance, he thought he should check on you - maybe something you'd eaten wasn't agreeing with you. When he'd knocked on the bathroom door and there was no reply, he'd let himself in only to find it empty. He checked the kitchen, then the garden, then walked back to the dining room to see if you'd returned there while he'd been away. His mother joined him as he went to check the living room.
The two of them found you dozing and lowered their voices to a whisper, Mrs. Huening commenting that you hadn't seemed yourself earlier. Kai gently touched the back of his hand to your forehead and found it clammy. This, along with the headache you'd mentioned before the drive up and how quiet you'd been, probably meant you'd come down with something, and he decided to take you home.
That's how you woke up in Kai's arms, in the cold night air, on the way to the car. "There you are," he said when he noticed you awake. "Have a nice nap?"
You noticed a sore throat was beginning as you spoke, glancing around the street. "We're leaving?"
His soft brown eyes met yours as he continued to walk. His arms kept you steady against his chest, so you barely felt like you were on the move. "You're exhausted. You fell asleep."
You hated that you were the reason Kai's family time was being cut short and that you hadn't said goodbye to anyone. "I'm fine, Hyuka. Let's go back. Please?"
He came to a stop as he reached the car, looking down into your eyes again with a soft smile. "You need rest. We'll go home, I'll run a bath, and then we'll get into bed." Seeing you open your mouth to argue, he added, "Let me take care of you."
You couldn't argue with that.
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
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elllisaaa · 1 month
hii, how are u?? can i ask for a seventeen reaction of you watching caratland and teasing them or something like that, thank uu
teasing seventeen about caratland
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-> words count : 2.3k words
-> genre : fluff
-> sorry if I made any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> author's note : omgg you're so on point because the moment i saw mingyu dancing to sticky, i knew i wanted to write something like this lmaoo thank you so much for sending in an ask, hope you'll like it !
-> masterlist | svt masterlist
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You had often joked about the Smart challenge to your boyfriend by reading some of the comments the fans posted on social media, trying to get him to really do it. So when you realized that he was really going to actually dance to the choreo during Caratland, you broke down in a fit of laughter. When he came to see you in the morning, you welcomed him with a big smirk stretching out your face : “Hello Mister shaking-my-ass, how are you ?” - “Oh, shut up.” Seungcheol groaned as he bypassed you to flop down on your couch, arms crossed on his chest and pout on his face. “Don’t be like that, you big baby, it was cute.” - “But I don’t want to be cute !”, your boyfriend groaned, “I want to be manly. And handsome. I am right ?” You couldn’t really tease Seungcheol for long, he was too adorable for you to do so as you settled beside him, pecking his lips softly. “Yes, you are. But you’re also very cute.” - “Y/N !” You giggled as his pout returned. He was definitely cute. 
You were used to your boyfriend being an absolute babygirl, you were used to him being an absolute menace. However you did not plan how seeing him dancing to Tap would leave you speechless. Honestly, you wanted to tease him a little for taking it so seriously and giving it his whole. But the fact that Jeonghan walked in on you watching the clip over and over kinda wrecked your project. “Like what you see, darling ?” You jumped on your spot on the couch, pushing your phone under the cushion as if you didn’t do anything. “Not at all.” - “I feel like your lying sweetheart.” - “Am not. Not everything’s about you, Hannie.” But your boyfriend only chuckled as he launched forward to grab your phone and unlock it, watching the video of him dancing playing on repeat as your cheeks heated up. “You’re so obsessed with me !” - “Stop ! Give me my phone !” But Jeonghan didn’t and only kissed your temple as he scrolled through your last liked tiktoks, seeing that it was all him and being very satisfied with the outcome of this all. You could never tease Jeonghan. 
“Josh ?” Your boyfriend raised his head up from the book he’s been quietly reading by your side while you were scrolling on your phone beside him in bed. You haven’t been able to watch all the content from Caratland yet and you were only now catching up. “Yeah ?” - “You should rap more often.” You picked his curiosity enough for him to close his book and turn to you. “And why’s that angel ?” You simply shrugged, but he knew you well enough to notice the little smirk tugging at your lips as you pretended to be unbothered. “Just because. You’re good at it, that’s all.” It was Joshua’s turn to smirk as he nudged you with his elbow. “Mh, yeah, of course. And it’s not because you think I’m hot when I rap ?” - “You’re taking your dreams for reality I think.” You really tried to stay composed but the way he was tickling your sides to force you to admit the truth made it difficult. You should’ve known that teasing Joshua would be a bad idea.
Jun always took it very seriously when it came to dancing to girl’s groups songs, and that was because you do too, especially when you were both doing random dance challenges and it became sort of a competition. So when you saw that he gave his all to dancing on Sheesh by Babymonster, you giggled while looking at your phone. “You did really good, baby.” Jun groaned softly as he lifted his head from where it was resting against your chest, looking up at you seemingly lost. “What are you talking about ?” - “Sheesh. You danced very well to it ! I teached you well.” A smile took over his features, and a blush spreaded on his cheeks. Girl’s group choreos were your passion, your area and he always felt so proud when you complimented about it (despite him being a professional dancer, yes.) “Yeah, you’re the best, baby. I’m not at your level yet, though.” You giggled as you kissed his forehead, and Jun hid against your chest again to not let you see how red he was.
Your boyfriend was a good dancer, you knew it, everyone knew it, so you were not surprised to see Carats swooning over how good he danced to Siren. And even if you had grown used to watching him wreck the stage, you were always impressed at the energy he was able to put into his moves. But that didn’t mean that you will not tease him, because that was your job as his girlfriend. “You’re such a loser.” - “What !? I didn’t even do anything this time !”, Soonyoung cried out, seemingly offended by your comment. You rolled your eyes as you turned your phone around to show him the clip of him dancing during Caratland. “How does that make me a loser ?”, your boyfriend whined as you tried to hold back your grin. “You want to show off so bad, we know you can dance, no need to try that hard.” You were then left with a whiny Soonyoung for the rest of the day. But when he asked you if he did good with his cute pout, you couldn’t keep up your act longer and you showered him in praise because he was perfect and you loved him. 
Wonwoo was maybe the only one in the group that tried to hold his idol image as much as possible - well, he sometimes slipped up but people often thought that he was the most normal and that said a lot. So seeing him dance to Queencard made you break in a fit of laughter, while your boyfriend was clearly not having it. “You’re done ?” You looked at him as you replayed the video once again, tears gathering in your eyes from smiling too much. “No ! You don’t understand how funny this is.” Wonwoo rolled his eyes at you, trying to focus again on his game rather than on you giggling nonstop at him. “I’m just dancing, you’re overreacting.” - “You’re dancing to Queencard, Nonu, that’s very different. I always knew you were a bad bitch deep down.” Wonwoo grabbed the plushie you had gifted him that was sitting on his desk in your direction, your cackles intensifying. He loved you, but sometimes he thought you should've been a part of Seventeen instead.
Jihoon was always adamant on the fact that he wasn’t cute. No matter how much you insisted on the fact that he was indeed adorable, he always refused to listen to you. so your teasing about how cute he was dancing on How Sweet by NewJeans was not an exception. “Come on ! You have to admit that you’re at least a little, tiny bit cute.” - “I am not.” - “Nah, I won’t accept it, you’re definitely cute.” Jihoon sighed and let you go on and on about how endearing he was one more time, as if he hadn’t been teased by his members about it enough. They really had to give him that type of song again, uh ? Last year, you had made a fuss about him dancing to Ditto too, when was this going to stop. But when you started to pepper his whole face with sweet kisses, Jihoon couldn’t hold back the smile stretching out his lips. And maybe, just maybe, that it wasn’t that bad in the end. 
It was a well known fact that Seokmin was born to be a comedian, and his sense of humor was one of the main reasons you fell in love with him. And it never failed to amaze you how he always found a way to make everyone laugh. So when he dropped by your apartment after Caratland and you opened the door already chuckling and giggling to yourself. “Why are you making fun of me now ?”, he pouted as you let him make himself comfortable while you couldn’t stop thinking back to the fake abs during Guilty. “Can’t I just appreciate how hilarious you are ? I must say the shirt under your sweater was kind of genius.” When it finally clicked in Seokmin’s mind what you were talking about, he laughed too. He had this idea last minute, because he wasn’t too fond of showing much skin on stage, and he was glad that the majority of their fans, including you, followed his antics. “Well, of course, I wouldn’t let anyone other than you see my abs baby.”  
Mingyu could argue with that as much as he wanted, you knew that deep down he was a baby girl. So you weren’t really surprised upon seeing videos of him dancing to Sticky by Kiss Of Life on every social media. And actually, it made you almost mad how he was better than you at shaking his ass. “Kim Mingyu !”, you called from the bedroom. Your boyfriend walked in mere seconds after, puppy-like eyes staring at you and a pout already forming on his face. “What’s going on, baby ?” - “Why didn’t you tell me about that ?” You turned your phone around to show him the clip of his dance, and his cheeks immediately reddened, as he grabbed your phone to turn it off. “Stooop… It’s embarrassing.” - “It’s not when you shake it that well, baby.” That only made him more shy and you giggled as he sulked about how mean you were. But as soon as you apologized with a little kiss, he was all smiley again.
You were actually in the audience, witnessing your boyfriend willingly dancing to Maniac, both amazed and ready to make fun of him for the next few years at least. When you joined him backstage, Minghao knew from the grin on your face that you were going to tease him. He rolled his eyes at you as soon as you got closer to him. “I didn’t even say anything.” - “But I know that you’re going to.” You pouted a little, but he was right. “Come on, did you see yourself on stage ? Of course I have to tease you. The one and only Xu Minghao shaking his ass for the whole world to see ? That’s going down in history !” As always, you couldn’t help going overboard, but Minghao would be lying if he said that he didn’t like it, so he simply waited for an occasion to shut you up with his lips on yours. You immediately stopped and you went to wrap your arms around him instead. “You did very well, Hao.” - “Thank you, princess.”
It was actually Seungkwan that brought it up himself, going on and on about how proud he was of his cover and how happy he was that Carats liked it. And it was true, he looked very good dancing to Boom Boom Bass, but you would never pass on an opportunity to tease your boyfriend. “It’s okay, baby, we all know you’re an amazing dancer, no need to brag like that.” - “And no need to be so uptight.”, scoffed Seungkwan as he gave you one of his infamous side eyes. You had to bite your lip to contain your smile as he started to rant about how you could never let him have his moment, until you weren’t able to hold back anymore and you broke out in laughter. That only left you with an even more sulky Seungkwan. “I was joking, baby ! You know I’m proud of you right ?” - “I don’t want your compliments now, they’re forced.” - “Don’t be like that.” You kissed his cheek and cuddled closer to him as you focused back on the show. And soon enough Seungkwan sighed and embraced you again. He loved you even if you drove him crazy sometimes. 
You were quite excited when Hansol told you that he would probably dance to Supernova by Aespa because you really liked the song. So when you watched the video with him by your side, you really had to hold back your laugh and smile as you witnessed your boyfriend slaying the choreo with a straight face, as always. “So, what do you think about it ?” You turned to face Hansol, trying to keep your composure, but a small grin had made his way onto your face. “What ? Was I that bad ?” - “No ! Stop saying that everytime I see you dance, you know you’re great. It’s just… Do you really have no emotion ?” He groaned at the neverending joke. When it was coming from you, he knew it was only to tease him at least. “That’s getting old, you know ?” - “But I’m not tired yet.”, you answered innocently. And Hansol shook his head at you despite a little smile stretching the corner of his lips. 
Chan always took dance challenges very seriously, no matter who it was and what the choreo was. So even if it was only supposed to be a silly cover, he gave his all into dancing to Fast Forward. Plus, he knew that you liked this song and he wanted to make you proud of him - it was his number one goal every time he was on stage. So when he came to see you, a few days after Caratland, he was expecting you to have already seen the video, just like every time. “Uh ? You dance to Fast Forward ? I didn’t even know… I’m sorry baby, I’ve been quite busy.” - “No, it’s okay, no big deal.” But you could clearly see the disappointment in his eyes and Chan was too adorable when he was like that. So you sighed and simply gave up on your plan, covering his whole face in kisses instead. “You don’t know me that well if you don’t think I’ve already liked every single video of you.” Chan giggled shily, but he liked your attention, liked how you always made sure to shower him in praises. It was impossible to tease him, not when he looked at you with his sad puppy eyes.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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svt taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@hann1bee @heevllog @lil-kpopstan @lichyuu @bewoyewo @foxinnie8 @jaderabbit-98
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minevn · 1 year
them with a mc who is a figure skater
Minato: He thinks your amazing. He goes into a trance whenever he sees you skating. He tries to watch you whenever you go skating, one because he just loves it, and two just in case anything goes wrong and you get hurt he wants to be there for you. Takes his grandparents to every single one of your shows. He feels a twinge of jealousy whenever you have to do duo shows with someone. He'll try figure skating with you but he's AWFUL at it.
Haruto: Knew that you wanted to become a figure skater and of course he supported you! You two probably went skating all the time when you were children, so he's also pretty good at skating. Hates when you have to have a partner. Might do anything to make sure you only do single shows. He goes to EVERY SINGLE SHOW! Nothing in the world would make him miss it. Practices with you sometimes :)
Jun: Jun and Yani are constantly fighting for your number one fan spot, no matter what you do. Goes to all of your shows and makes sure to cheer the loudest. Brings you gifts ALL the time. Surprisingly doesn't mind when you have partner shows, just make sure that you give her more attention then the other person later. Loves designing outfits for your figure skating shows. Tries skating with you and is purposefully bad that way you have to help her and hold her hand and if she just so happens to fall on you it's not her fault. Let her cling to you some more please?
Hoshi: Secretly hopes that you'll fall every time, he just thinks it'd be funny. Still, he loves watching you skate. Might try skating with you! He falls a lot at first but he quickly learns. He enjoys skating next to a lot more then he thought he would. DESPISES whatever partner you get, he hates that they get to touch you, he should be the only one allowed to touch you. You'll have to make up for the touches by touching him WAAAAY more!
Habiki: Loves watching you skate, already thought you were mesmerizing before but something about seeing you in your zone just makes you so appealing! He loves it! Sometimes he'll play the violin as background music for you to skate to. He won't ever skate though, not in front of you anyways. He would be way too embarrassed if he fell in front of you so he has to get good before he even thinks about skating with you. Doesn't mind you having partner shows, he's yours and you're his and that's all that matters to him :)
Kage: Seeing your shows is one of the few things that motivate him to go outside during the day. He always roots for you but it's silent cause his voice just won't work. Buys you something other then ramen for after your performance. Tells you how much he loved your performance afterwards to make up for the fact he couldn't cheer super loudly. Makes sure you get plenty of rest when you get home. Don't ever ask him to ice skate with you because if he falls, it's over for him. He'll die of embarrassment and because all the bones in his body will break.
Kei: Took up skating because of you. He wants to be good in case you two ever skate together. And when you two become friends or partners he'll be glad he practiced because he will skate with you. Safe to say he adores watching you skate. He would never miss one of your shows. Makes sure to always buy you a gift to give you after your shows and always sends a text before it's your turn, wishing you good luck and how he'll be rooting for you. Also doesn't mind you having partner shows as long as they don't try anything with you :)
Yani: Fist fighting Jun for the spot as your number one fan fr fr. Always cheers for you the loudest. All your partners go disappearing though so everyone is scared of being your partner so you only do solo shows :) Which is great for Yani cause they REALLY hated anyone that got to be partners with you! Skates with you sometimes but is pretty bad at it, so they just watch you skate instead <3333 although they'll skate and fall more if it makes you laugh, they adore your laugh and will do literally anything to hear it.
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intromortal · 6 months
hola~ just started following you today, and i really wanna know if you could write a lil smth for sub jungwon being desperate? (you can ignore this if it's too much)
a/n: first ever attampt at dom!reader (sorta kinda), annonie i hope this is good enough <3 tysm for submitting this
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virgin sub!y.jw x f!reader
cw: smut, no plot all filth, oral (f!receiving), overstimulation (m!receiving), no protection, creampie, cum eating... it's a sticky mess again guys im sorreyy
okay, but group project partner virgin!jungwon asking you to teach him how to pleasure someone since he’s sooo inexperienced but wants to impress the girl he’s seeing… except it’s you he ends up wanting aurrrr guys..
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He’s been lapping at your cunt for what feels like hours, and while he said that he has never eaten pussy before, you learn that Yang Jungwon is indeed a very fast learner. 
You almost feel bad truly, the way he’s trying to get himself off so badly, desperately humping the bed under him but still not uttering a single complaint as you roughly guide his movements with your hand in his hair. 
You already came once but he insisted it took too long for his liking, how is he supposed to impress the girl he’s talking to if he can’t get you off quickly? You insisted it was completely normal and even getting you off at all the first time was praise-worthy anyway, but he wouldn’t hear any of it and who were you to deny getting eaten out by one of the finest men you’ve ever met? You simply happen to enjoy the finer things in life.
So that’s how you end up with his fingers shoved knuckle deep in you curling to hit exactly where you need them to, just like you taught him, while his mouth sucks around your clit.
“Fuck, could stay here all day”, he moans, letting your clit out of his mouth with a pop before flattening his tongue against it, switching to kitten licks. You’re actually impressed when you feel your orgasm build up much, much faster than the one before.
You remove your hand from his hair and bring it next to you, gripping the pillow under your head as your other hand sneaks down to your breast and you start rolling one of your nipples between your fingers.
“Jun- fuck, baby I’m so close”, and you might be imagining things but from the way he’s now moaning in your cunt and his hips are stilled, you think he might’ve just come from hearing you say that and the thought alone brings you to your own high. 
Your mind is still hazy as he’s helping you ride it down with his fingers, you look down to find his head resting on your thigh and his eyes glued to yours. 
“Please, please let me put my dick inside you”, his voice breaks as he starts begging with his eyebrows furrowed, “just for a little bit, I’ll do anything, even just the tip”.
His eyes are teary now and you can’t help but coo at his state as you sit down and take his face in your hands, gently wiping the small tears that started spilling.
“Of course I’ll let you baby”, you whisper and place a kiss on his forehead, hands undoing his pants and finding a mess in his underwear. 
And his cock is hard again already.
Just how many times has he come from humping the sheets? 
“Sorry, it was too much to handle”, it’s so endearing how bashful he gets, cheeks reddening as he avoids your surprised eyes. 
His gaze is focused and he’s biting his lip as he positions his member to your entrance with your help, he enters you slowly and closes his eyes shut as little whines start to spill out of him.
Jungwon thinks he might become obsessed with the way you wrap around his already sensitive and overstimulated cock, and as he starts shallowly moving, he bites his lip hard enough to draw blood. He thinks about anything that can help him not cum in you just a few strokes in but you notice right away.
“Just let go baby, it’s alright”, you say after bringing his face close to yours. And he does exactly that, filling you up with a drawn-out moan of your name. He tries to move away but you wrap your legs around his torso, keeping him inside you. 
“Keep moving”, you order and he immediately starts thrusting into you again, little sobs leaving his lips, so compliant for you.
“Fuck fuck fuck, it hurts.” 
“I know baby, but I promise it’s gonna be worth it, wanna stop?”, you gently caress his hair with one of your hands, giving his neck small kisses. He ignores your question, too preoccupied with how overstimulated he is at that moment. You tighten your legs around him again, one foot pushing into the small of his back to keep him still.
“I’m gonna need an answer to my question, angel face.”
“No no no, wanna continue please I’m so close again”, he’s grinding into you as much as he can with the little space he has, and you think it's adorable.  
So you keep him exactly where he is, letting him hump into you desperately.
Soon he’s shooting his cum inside of you again, you loosen the grip your legs have on him and he’s tumbling back right away, cock still twitching as it spurts out whatever’s left on your mound and thighs.
You giggle at him as he flops back on your bed with his eyes closed, a sweaty and sobbing mess.
God, he’s so cute.
You’re surprised when instead of falling asleep right away he’s getting comfortable with his face between your legs again.
“I didn’t make you cum from that”, he replies before you can question him, sensing your surprise.
“You made me cum earlier, it’s okay. Plus, I already taught you how to make a girl cum with your mouth.”
He nuzzles his head on your thigh again, holding your gaze, “yes, now I wanna learn how to make you cum harder”, he whispers as he pushes his tongue into your hole, taking the mix of both of your juices in his mouth.
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mingtinys · 6 months
" not so fast, patient zero "
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pairing : wen junhui x gn!reader
a nauseating amount of fluff
warnings : jun is sick, but that's abt it
word count : 1.2 k
requested ? yes
a/n : i'm of the opinion that jun gets (at minimum) 93% cuter when he's sick.
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"Alright, where is he?" You sigh, scanning the brightly lit dance room for any sign of your boyfriend, frowning when you come up empty-handed. Seungcheol peels himself from the floor, sweaty and winded.
"He's down the hall, I'll show you." the leader says before calling back to the rest of his members. "Once I'm back, we'll start again from the second verse, so rest up and be ready." All he gets in return is a chorus of groans.
You say your goodbyes and quickly follow Seungcheol down the hall, just a few doors down. "Sorry to call you all the way over here," he whispers, stopping just before he opens the door. "We tried to get him to let staff take him home, but he insisted we call you."
You shrug, "S'okay, I wasn't doing much anyways."
Seungcheol nods and carefully peers inside before letting out a snort. "I think he's still passed out."
Sure enough, there's Jun, tucked into a corner on the floor, despite the perfectly good couch available, with his knees pulled all the way up to his chest. He sits beneath a mound of jackets, presumably belonging to the other members, eyes half-lidded and lips parted. You can not fathom how he could possibly be comfortable with how his head lolls to the side. If he weren't obviously sick, skin pale, and heavy bags under his eyes, you'd take a picture for future blackmail.
"You gonna need help getting him to your car?"
"If you could."
Seungcehol nods, "Yeah, not a problem, it'll give the guys a bit more of a break."
You quietly tiptoe over to the bundle that is your boyfriend and crouch down. "Jun, baby," you call. He mumbles something incoherent, shifting beneath his cocoon.
"Jun, come on baby, it's time to go home," you coo, reaching out to cup his jaw, his skin clammy and feverish. He lets out a pitiful hum, barely regaining consciousness as he tries to blink himself awake.
"Yeah, I'm here, sorry it took me so long."
"S'fine," he mumbles, making you smile. It's hard to be mad about your day off being interrupted when sick Jun is this adorable, red nose, puffy eyes, and all.
"You ready to go home?" Seungcheol's deep voice resonates behind you. He's already stepping around the mess of winter jackets and vests, hovering over the two of you with his hands on his hips.
"Yes, please." You think he tries to nod but just ends up bumping his head against the wall behind him. His face scrunches up at the contact, though you will say, he looks a lot more awake now.
"Alright, up you go," Seungcheol grabs Jun's wrists, pulling him to stand, albeit wobbly, on his feet. The jackets crumple to a sad pile on the floor, getting trampled as Seungcheol leads Jun to the door, arm hooked under his armpit to keep him upright. You're not sure you've ever seen Jun this sick, not even when he got the stomach bug and spent three days hunched over your toilet. It makes you worry, and not even the sweet smile Jun musters up as he thanks you for coming reassures you.
All in all, it takes about five minutes to walk Jun down to your car, and another fifteen for you to drive. Which should have only been ten, but you had to slow down tremendously when Jun started mumbling about feeling nauseous. Now, your only challenge was getting him up two flights of stairs to your apartment without the aid of Seungcheol.
He tries, rather unceremoniously, to climb his way up the first flight. He's mostly successful, gripping the railing and hoisting himself up one by one even though his legs move as though they're made of lead. However, there are only a few more steps when his toe catches the lip of the next and he nearly face-plants onto the landing. You're lunging for him in a second, grabbing his shoulders and steadying him with cat-like reflexes.
"Sorry, dizzy," he mumbles, taking a moment to shut his eyes and regain his bearings.
"Wen Junhui, what am I going to do with you?" You mumble, guiding him to conquer the few remaining stairs so you can unlock your door. "You can go lay down in my room, I'll be there in a minute."
You wait until Jun trudges through your living room and out of view before you busy yourself in the kitchen. Brewing a special immunity-boosting tea Minghao once gifted you and grabbing a sleeve of salted crackers, then a bottle of cold and flu medicine.
When you return to your room, tea, medicine, and crackers in hand, you're met with a similar sight as to when you picked up your boyfriend from dance practice. Cuddled up with about three of your blankets and nested amongst your many pillows and stuffed animals.
"Make yourself at home there?" You tease.
Jun's face softens into something akin to a smile. "It's cold."
You answer by handing him the tea with the cold medicine, which he gladly takes after digging himself out from his burrow enough to sit up. He sips slowly, taking small nibbles of the crackers in between.
Jun, unlike most, is actually the picture-perfect patient when he's sick. Doesn't fuss or argue when you're shoving medicine down his throat, listens when you tell him to rest, rarely asks for much, and is adorably clingy. The worst thing he does is pout and occasionally complain through sniffles about his head hurting. Really, the only downside is that you usually end up bedridden a few days later. Because Jun has a bad habit of claiming, "I don't want to get you sick," while simultaneously clinging to you like a koala.
There's a slurping beside you, Jun's head tilted all the way back and the mug practically upside down. He hands it back to you with a large grin on his face, muttering out a thanks that's significantly less raspy than his voice has been. You make a mental note to thank Mingaho for the tea.
"Feeling any better?" You ask, taking a seat next to him and brushing his hair back to feel his temperature; still warm. "Do you need anything else? More blankets, water, soup, maybe?"
He shakes his head, looking up at you with that same dopey look he always weaponizes before trying to persuade you into joining his antics. "A kiss."
"Not so fast, patient zero." You turn your head when he leans in, only for him to pull back with a look of utter betrayal, because how dare you deny him kisses when he needs them most.
"Come on," he whines. "Just one? For me? Please? I promise I'll take care of you when you're sick."
"No, Junhui."
"But what if I die? Then what? Then you'll never be able to kiss me again, is that what you want?"
"Really?" You dead pan. "You're gonna make this as difficult as possible, aren't you?"
He just puckers his lips. You sigh, internally cursing yourself for being born with a spine that has the structural integrity of a Twizzler. You give him a quick peck, then a second when he inevitably chases after for another, which seems to please him greatly. And because you're but a victim to Jun's charm, you press an extra long kiss to the crown of his head, earning a pleased hum from the boy in question.
"Happy now?"
"Very, you take good care of me."
"Yeah, well, take notes. Cause I can already feel your germs infecting me."
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hannieehaee · 4 days
Hii! How would Seventeen react to knowing that his gf is insecure about the size of her breasts (small breasts)?
18+ / mdi
their s/o being insecure about their small breasts
content: mentions of sex, body worship, insecurities, etc.
wc: 608
a/n: thank u for requesting sorry i took so long</3
seungcheol -
as distracted as he becomes when he sees or hears anything about your boobs, he'd push those thoughts aside to comfort you about your insecurity. he'd be very vocal in letting you know how much he enjoys and loves your body exactly as it is!!
jeonghan -
giggles at you for some reason. he just finds it very silly, like how can you possibly not understand how pretty and perfect your body is? will coo at you and baby you and reassure you through all means necessary in order to make you see just how pretty he thinks you are.
joshua -
reassures you that as long as your boobs are involved, he's always having a good time. size is a worthless metric to him when it comes to boobs. a real boob man knows that size doesn't matter as long as a boob is present.
jun -
very confused. does not understand how why when who what. he's always been very enthusiastic about how much he enjoys your boobs, so it makes no sense to him that you could possibly feel insecure about it. literally will not understand the issue at hand.
soonyoung -
becomes a complete idiot the moment your boobs get brought up as a topic of conversation. any negative comment about your boobs goes in one ear out the other.
wonwoo -
so nice and sweet to you, basically babying you as he shows you just how pretty you are and how much he adores the size of your boobs. will get you on his lap and very meticulously demonstrate how much he likes you just as you are.
jihoon -
he'd really try to comfort you and reassure you over how beautiful and perfect and majestic he finds your body, but at the end of the day, he's just a man. any conversation about your boobs is just a lost battle when it comes to jihoon. he'll lose any bit of focus when you bring up your breasts.
seokmin -
he'll make you feel better through jokes, making himself the butt of any joke in order to make you realize that you're perfect and he loves everything about you even if you don't feel the same.
mingyu -
whines at you, fake annoyed that you'd insult or complain about one of his favorite things in this world. depending on your mood, he'd either coo at you and reassure you OR ease you out of your shirt to show you how much he likes them regardless of size.
minghao -
so sweet about it. would take your insecurity very seriously and do everything to make you see how its just a superficial thought and completely unfounded. will give you a whole speech about it but will still comfort and reassure you throughout.
seungkwan -
whines, huffs, cries, does everything to express his disagreement towards any negative feeling you have towards your body. cannot understand how you'd ever not be as obsessed with your boobs as he is (or your entire self for that matter). will tone it down and actually comfort you if you need it, but will mostly want to enthusiastically express his love for your boob size.
vernon -
his brain cannot really process a possible insecurity over the size of your boobs. you could bust them out at any moment and he'll forget how to speak either english or korean.
chan -
yet another member confused as hell as to what there is to be insecure about. as the number one fan of your boobs, he'd even be kinda offended at the insinuation that there's anything wrong with your boobs. will enthusiastically show you his love for them if you let him!!
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cherryredcheol · 2 months
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tldr: all the ways jun uses your nickname a/n: i love him so bad. i've been waiting to post this forever.
slobbers: around a mouthful of food
“dumpling,” he sprays it, more than says it, but you look at him nonetheless. your chopsticks paused midair, a clump of noodles hanging precariously over the rug; the rug you’d picked out together for your new living room. he liked this rug, but the one in your new bedroom was his favorite. 
“this is going to be fun. living with you, i mean. it’ll be a good time.” he stumbled over his words, overwhelmed with feeling but unable to express it. you seemed to get the point, smiling wide as you opened your mouth to slurp your noodles. he meant it too, this first night in your shared place together was just the start of, what he hoped would be, an amazing adventure. 
‘i love you, dumpling.” he smiled at you, confident you felt the same even if you hadn’t nodded in agreement enthusiastically at his words, cheeks still too full of lo mein to give a proper response to his soft words. as he watched you swallow your dinner, he leaned closer, bringing a gentle hand to your cheek, “you’ve got sauce on your face.”
taunts: when he’s winning a game
“dumpling” your head whips around, hearing his sing-songy voice from the darkness ahead. or was it behind? you can’t tell. this wing of the hybe building was dark at this time of night and it had been his wonderful idea to play hide and seek…in the dark. and now he was hiding somewhere in a building you aren’t that familiar with, tormenting you from the safety of said darkness. 
“i see you…” you whipped around again, aiming your phone flashlight at the dark corner of the conference room. were those footsteps you heard? how is he so quiet? maybe you should put a collar with a little bell on him, one to match your cat at home. lost in thought, you almost miss the movement against the wall. turning quickly, you brandish your flashlight. 
“ah! my eyes!” his hand goes up, protecting his pupils from the bright light in an entirely dark room. you hold the flashlight in place, pleased to see him struggle after he tormented you with this little chase around the dark halls of hybe. plus, you were scared if it was dark again, he’d slink off somewhere else and the game would start all over. he waved the hand not covering his eyes at you,  “put that thing down, and let's go home. i’ll give you your prize for winning…”
cackles: at your expense
“dumpling!” he barked out in a laugh. you grabbed quickly for a napkin to dab the steaming broth off your cheeks. you two were out on a hotpot date and you had slurped your noodles a little too hard causing hot, spicy soup to splash across your face. you were not hurt, just embarrassed, especially as he continued to laugh at your fumble. it even splattered onto your cute top.
“are you okay?” he giggled even as he asked this, passing you another napkin to get the sprinkle off your forehead. you took the napkin, but not without pouting at him, hoping to garner some sympathy. He laughed harder, making your pout into a full-blown frown, something he never wanted to see, especially if he caused it. 
“i’m sorry, dumpling. are you alright?” he reached for your hand across the table, offering some comfort to you, easing the embarrassment you felt. feeling your hand wrapped up in his did make you feel better. and the broth wasn’t that hot. maybe the pouting wasn’t necessary. his caring demeanor broke as he let out another giggle, “you’re just so cute, dumpling!”
calls out: while dead asleep 
“dumpling~” you’re only half awake when you hear it. his back was pressed to yours and you had assumed he was asleep. he’d had a long day and had basically passed out as soon as you two had gone to bed. you’d stayed up and played on your phone for a little while before settling down yourself. 
“dumpling~” you heard it again, clearer this time and more whiny. this time you rolled over, your front now pressed to his back. you debated waking him up, knowing he had to be up early for his schedule, but when he called out a third time, your debate ended. shaking him lightly you woke him up. 
“what’s going on? are you okay?” he was confused as to why you had woken him up, assuming something must be wrong. he was still half-asleep so he only half understood when you explained to him he’s been calling out to you in his sleep. you were just about to ask if he was having a bad dream when you were cut off by his stomach rumbling, “i think i’m just hungry, dumpling.”
whoops: when he’s proud of you
“dumpling!” he shot up from the couch as soon as he saw ‘winner’ flash across your half of the screen. you’d been in an intense mario kart tournament with wonwoo and you had just won the final race, winning the whole thing in a completely unexpected upset. the rest of the boys stared at the screen, a little shocked at the result.
“i knew you could do it!” he folded you into a bone-crushing hug, celebrating like you’d just won gold at the olympics instead of some silly video game. but he was proud of you and wanted you to know it. he pulled back to look at your face, a smile stretching across his entire face. he pulled you back into his arms, relishing in your victory. 
“i’m so proud of you,” he whispered in your ear, causing your cheeks to heat up, bashful about his confession in the room full of people, despite that it was said for only you to hear. he pulled you out of the hug for real this time, and planted a soft kiss on your cheek, deepening your blush. “wonwoo, since you lost, you have to fund our next date.” 
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paintingwhiteceilings · 8 months
❃ Seventeen and Playfully Flirting with Them ❃
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A/N: So sorry this took me so embarrassingly long!! I have been so incredibly busy with uni that there was little time to write anything, but essays. Hopefully, I will have a bit more time on my hands to occasionally post a reaction now and then. Thank you for your patience, hopefully, the wait was still worth it :')
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❀ The members had dared you to act flirty with him during their dance practice, and who are you to deny a bored Jeonghan and Joshua the fun of a struggling to keep composed Coups? He is trying his hardest to remain serious, attempting to scold some of the members who have started to goof off during their tiny break but is having a rather difficult time doing so as you push his hair back, whispering that he had looked so incredibly handsome during his part.
❀ Honestly, his mind kind of blanks, and he is all soft and puddy in your hands. Wait, what was he doing? He gets so incredibly shy as you keep doting on him, complimenting his dancing skills whilst playing with his hair. He gets ever shyer when he remembers that the members are watching you two. He will be all like, “Noooo, stopppp”, but he is lowkey loving it.
❀ The moment he realises you are being flirty solely because the members dared you to, he will get so incredibly pouty. How dare you use his love for your compliments against him? How is he to ever trust your compliments again? He demands a lot of cuddles and even more compliments in return.
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❀ I can see him as someone who is rarely phased by playful teasing and instead really enjoys it, treating it almost like a game. He takes it as a challenge, trying to one-up every flirt you throw his way. Oh, you told him his eyes are beautiful? Well, guess what? Your eyes reflect all the stars in the universe. If you lightly touch his arm, his fingers will start to linger around your waist.
❀ Mind you, that is only when this man is flirting innocently. Most of the time, his flirting is on a whole different level and slightly inappropriate. Honestly, he has you flustered within seconds because his compliments are so out of pocket you feel like you need a dose of holy water to cleanse yourself from it. He has no shame either; he will do it in front of other people without blushing.
❀ At some point, he starts initiating it on his own. You will be talking to some of the other members when he enters the conversation, with his compliment being so cheeky it has you hitting his chest in embarrassment. Needless to say, afterwards, some of the members feel like they need therapy.
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❀ This man is a king of accidentally flirty gestures to everyone he encounters. You have had enough; you feel like you should charge him for endangering your health by making your heart skip so many beats. Most of the time, he is fully unaware that he has done something romantic. After seeing your tomato-red face, he slowly comes to the realisation that his actions made your heart soar.
❀ Thus, you have decided to flirt back. Full-force. No mercy. You lay it on so incredibly thick that a part of your brain is constantly cringing. You beat him to opening the door for you, rushing forward to open it for him instead. Not a moment passes where you are not gushing over his handsome looks. Heck, you even got him flowers.
❀ He is all smiley during your love attack, loving every single minute of it. He thinks you are slightly ridiculous, albeit incredibly adorable. The reason he is flustered isn’t even the gestures; it is your determination to continuously sweep him off his feet that has him blushing. He finds it hilarious when he accidentally does something romantic before you can, and you get frustrated with yourself for not beating him to it.
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❀ Jun.exe has stopped working. Try rebooting him. If altF4 does not work, return to the manufacturer. He is not used to you being flirty and touching him more than usual. It isn’t that he minds it, but Jun doesn’t know what to do and instead freezes in place, staring at you in shock. Did you just really pinch his cheeks, calling him adorable? Jun feels like he is experiencing some type of fever dream. Upon you throwing your head back at the worst joke he has ever made, he gets seriously worried about your sanity.
❀ He is so incredibly close to getting you admitted to a hospital; he is convinced you might have hit your head too harshly when he wasn’t looking. When you assure him that you did not, in fact, hit your head, he whips his head around, trying to find the hidden camera that surely is the reason behind your weird behaviour.
❀ It takes some convincing that you are just being playfully flirty and that there is no prank being played on him. Once assured, he will let it happen, albeit shyly. Man’s still confused and can’t help but continuously blush, but who is he to spoil your fun?
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❀ It can go two ways with him. Hoshi will either get incredibly soft and shy or take it as a challenge. The moment you get his attention by poking his cheek and telling him he is adorable, he will scrunch up his lil face in the brightest shyest smile ever, blushing like a madman. He will try to throw himself at the nearest object or person, hiding his face away from you.
❀ However, if he is comfortable with your flirting, it is honestly over for everyone around you two. It doesn’t matter whether it is a public space or whether you are in the middle of a serious conversation. Hoshi is always ready to grab your cheeks, turning your playful flirting into a disgusting “no, you are cute” battle.
❀ Everyone around the two of you wants to clean their eyes out with bleach because once you two get started, there is no ending to it. You two can go on for hours, telling the other why exactly you find them so amazing. Nobody will be left by the time you’re done hyping each other up and professing your undying love for one another. They have all fled. 
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❀ Wonwoo is all smiles and blushing. Nothing more, nothing less. You had discovered his adorable way of reacting to your playful flirting after you two had gone to karaoke, and you had continued to sincerely compliment his singing, calling his voice the hottest thing to have ever existed. He suddenly got very aware of his body in space and froze in place before giving you the tiniest, shyest smile ever, his face slightly red.
❀ He loves it when you take his face in your palms, gushing over how his glasses frame his face so well. However, he doesn’t quite know what to do with it, freezing up at all the attention and love he is receiving. Out of all the members, he gets the shyest about it, muttering a small “you too” whenever you throw a flirty compliment his way.
❀ He will 10000% accidentally drop whatever he is holding the moment the compliment reaches his ears or when you happen to kiss his cheek. His face is red, and he can’t seem to stop smiling to himself for the rest of the day. He is incredibly torn between feeling embarrassed and wanting to hear you say it again.
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❀ He immediately knows that you are trying to tease him, and he is having absolutely none of it. In your defence, your boyfriend had insisted on finishing up a song before getting dinner with you and had been at it for the past thirty minutes. Thus, you decided to turn your boredom into frustrating your boyfriend by plopping down in his lap, flirtingly complimenting every change he made to the song. Damn, the way he played that chord? So sexy.
❀ The only indication that he is affected by it is the increasingly reddening of his face and the occasionally wrong-pressed button. He tries to crank up the volume of his speakers the longer you go on, but it is no use. You simply lean in, getting closer to his ear.
❀ He will either give up and leave with a heavy sigh because he can’t concentrate anymore, or he will ‘accidentally’ lock you in the recording room and ‘forget’ about it, opening it when he finally finishes the song. He doesn't even apologize for it; you called it on yourself. You are lucky that you inspire most of his songs, as he otherwise would save himself future trouble and ban you from the studio.
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❀ Initially, he thinks you are joking and will joke with you, pretending that he, too, thinks he is the most handsome person on the planet. However, the moment he realizes that you are serious about finding him show-stopping handsome, he starts to malfunction. DK is not quiet often, but your compliments never fail to make him tongue-tied.
❀ Thus, as some of the members are over at your place and DK is his usual loud self, you decide to set up a small competition about who can make him shut up the fastest. Naturally, they fail miserably and expect you to do the same. Whatever the members had been expecting you to do, kissing him on the cheek and telling him that he is the best thing to ever happen to you, was not it. Still, it works like a charm; DK’s eyes widen as he touches the spot where you kissed him in wonder, completely awe-struck by your laugh at his adorable reaction.
❀ After discovering it was a competition, he will pull on your sleeve to quietly ask whether you had meant what you said. When you tell him yes, congrats, you have successfully put him on cloud nine. It kind of backfires on you all, though. DK is so incredibly happy that he gets twice as loud.
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❀ Where DK gets quieter upon hearing a compliment, this man gets progressively louder. He is whining and squealing at your flirtatiousness. His body spasms and knocks something (or someone) over. His legs give out, making him fall to the ground as he is clutching his racing heart. He gets so giggly about it, too, asking you to tell him he is handsome again and again. The way he reacts has you momentarily wonder whether he has never heard a single compliment in his life; when you compliment the way his shirt shows off his chest, he gets all bashful, covering up his chest with his arms.
❀ He lives for this and keeps asking you to compliment him more and more. It makes you slightly shy as he is hanging off every word that leaves your lips, zeroing all his attention in on you. The moment you do as much as slightly graze his arm, he scoops you up in his, wrapping his arms around your waist. The world could be ending around him, and it wouldn’t matter as Mingyu feels like he has already gone to heaven hearing you tell him that he is your entire universe.
❀ He would shamelessly try to get you to flirt with him and compliment him more, wearing his tightest shirt and casually stretching in front of you. The moment you hold any jar that needs opening, he appears right next to you, flexing his arms unnecessarily as he dramatically opens it. He doesn’t even care that the members tease him to no end about it, as one compliment and touch from you is worth ten years of endless teasing.
❀ Let’s just say it never ends innocently, either.
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❀ He gets so soft when you run your fingers through his newly cut hair, telling him that you didn’t think he could become even more handsome, yet here you are. All he can get out is a “thank you” gazing at you like you hung the moon. He basks in the feeling of you playing with his hair, his smile only growing broader as you continue to compliment him. Minghao knows that he is fashionable, but nothing beats you telling him, whether playfully or seriously.
❀ When you get very playful with it, kissing every inch of his face whilst calling him the prettiest piece of art, he will get so red, giggling as he tries to get you to stop. In the end, he will hug you close, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Not only will it prevent you from kissing his face continuously, but it will also refrain you from seeing how much he is blushing and adoring your actions. 
❀ Once he feels like he has received enough compliments, he will turn the tables. He will softly tug you by the hand, getting you to sit across from him on the couch. Taking your face in his hands, he will return your compliments in full force. Minghao will be so sincere about it, too, regardless of whether you had only been playfully teasing him, poetically describing how you make his life more complete. He will take his time, savouring the way you blush at each word that leaves his lips.
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❀ Listen up, BOO SEUNGKWAN DESERVES MORE COMPLIMENTS. We should give him more compliments as he deserves ALL the compliments because he is THE Boo Seungkwan. After hearing him complain once more that he needs to go on a diet in order to, in his opinion, look his best in the music video, you decide to wage war on his critical inner voice. So often, you have heard Seungkwan bring his own looks down, and you finally decide to do something about it.
❀ When you first barge into your shared living room, your expression full of determination, he initially thinks you are about to scold him. When, instead, you start to relentlessly flirt with him, calling him handsome and reminding him of all his best qualities, you catch him completely off guard. It takes a while for your compliments to reach him, after which he gets so painfully shy that he physically tries to leave your presence, running away to whatever corner of the room you are not in. One compliment would have already been enough to make Seungkwan bashful. But upon hearing the tenth compliment leave your mouth, he wishes to turn permanently invisible.
❀ He ends up locking himself in the bathroom, screaming at you to stop flirting with him as he can’t take it anymore. He is one of those people who would rather have someone lovingly call them stupid than receive a genuine, heartfelt compliment. He only chooses to leave the bathroom after you promise to stop, not daring to meet your eyes, fearing it might trigger another wave of compliments.
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❀ Out of all the members, he is the most unphased and unimpressed by normal, playful flirting. Listen, this dude hears at least seven times a day that he has godly looks and resembles a young, handsome Leonardo di Caprio. Touching him, at most, will get you a questioning glance from him. Similarly to Jun, he would be concerned about your well-being, asking you whether everything is okay and if you need to talk about it.
❀ However, what he would love is stupid flirting. Let me explain what I, a fellow stupid flirter, mean. You would point at a fridge and tell him he is just as cool or compliment his ears for being perfectly round. Cue his wonderful chair-squeaking-over-floor laugh. The two of you live for coming up with the weirdest ways to flirt/compliment one another. To anyone else, some of your so-called flirtatious remarks come off more as insults than compliments. Who in their right mind would feel moved by being told that if they were a trashcan, you would only use them for paper?
❀ All in all, playful flirting with Vernon is equivalent to speaking his alien meme language. It is all about having fun for him, making the person he adores laugh and laughing at whatever they tell him in return. Vernon knows he is hot; instead he wants to know whether he is hotter than that beautifully shaped rock you found the other day.
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❀ He. Is. So. Shy. It gets worse if his members are around. You adore it when he gets bashful when you kiss him, smiling at you all dreamily before dropping his eyes, too embarrassed to meet yours. Usually, he recovers after a few minutes, whining that you gave him a heart attack and should make up for it by kissing him again, to which you all too happily oblige. Dino still freezes when he feels your fingers intertwine with his or go through his hair, afraid that a single movement might scare you off.
❀ Sometimes, he seems to slowly get used to it. On one occasion, he had returned so incredibly late from his dance practice that you decided to make up for lost time, latching yourself onto your sweaty boyfriend. To try and convince him to let you keep hugging him, you kept kissing him, telling him how much you had missed him. He mirthfully laughed at your adorable behaviour, kissing the top of your head, promising not to let go.
❀ Yet, today, you think you have officially broken your boyfriend. All you had done was take his face in your hands out of the blue, kissing him deeply before telling him in full detail how beautiful he is to you and how much you adore him. It, however, is enough for his brain to shortcut. All he gets out is a stupid “Thanks, you too.”
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cxffecoupx · 2 months
love languages: moon junhui
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moon junhui × gn reader fluff warnings: reader is clumsy, mentions of food wc: 526 author's notes: took me a long while to write this ;-; tried to write some drabbles when i realised that i had no dialogues in my mind, just narratives. so i thought, why not complete this series?? and even that took me so much time. sorry for the wait, but i hope you like it❤️
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acts of protection:–
you're clumsy. you're careless. which is exactly what worries him when he sees you bump into corners of tables or stub your toe on the chair or pretty much trip over air and fall face first. luckily for you, he's adapted. he magically appears right when you're about to reach a table and gently holds his hand out so that the hit is softer; he plasters the legs of the furniture with tape so that it doesnt hurt as much; and he's always there to hold you when you're flying onto the floor. you've prayed to all gods while you wait for the impact, but his hands on your hips never leave until you're standing sure again.
"junie? did you see my keys-" the next thing seungkwan (who was over at your house so you two could grab lunch together) sees, is the said junhui spawn out of nowhere just as you were about to bump into a table. he places one hand at the edge of the table and offers you the keys with his other hand. "there you go, baby."
words of admiration:–
and in the most subtle way. he loves you very dearly. and that shows the way he compliments you in the most random times. what makes it even special is that he speaks in chinese. it's not something he does consciously. you could be wearing a beautiful dress and he'd mutter under his breath in chinese about how elegant you look. or you could be doing the most trivial, questionable thing that he finds especially adorable, and he'd just giggle and whisper "how cute" under his breath.
jun and you were out with the boys for an outing, and currently he's sitting with myungho and seungcheol, watching you run around popping bubbles that chan was blowing. he has the faintest smile on his face as he mutters "adorable" so silently that seungcheol doesnt even catch it. but myungho hears it, and he's happy to see his hyung in love.
one thing junhui loves to do is cook food for the people he loves. he doesnt even need a reason for it. what makes cooking extra special for him is the reaction you give him. you could be sleeping late on a sunday morning and he's entering the bedroom with a tray in his hands, holding all sorts of delicious, sweet smelling food that wakes you up right away. or on special days when you prefer a quiet celebration, jun is happy to pour some extra love into the dinner he's preparing for the both of you to have together. you melt every time you taste his preparations, and just seeing you satisfied eating his food is enough to make him happy.
the moment you enter the house, you are carried to the kitchen by the most delicious of smells. in the kitchen, you find junhui deeply focused in stirring a pot of boiled broth. he smiles when he sees you and pulls you into a hug. "here, i made you some special seaweed soup for your birthday." “special?” “yeah, cause i put some extra love in it.”
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