#sorry Mor but you don’t scare me
moosesarecute · 3 months
He’s my mate
This is my chaotic mess of a first fanfic. Hope you enjoy.
Not proofread and English is not my first language, so please don’t be too harsh 🫣
When Rhysand send Feyre and his sister Y/N on a mission, the last thing he expected was for his dear little sister to be poisoned by something not even Madja had a cure for.
“She looks terrified” Feyre said looking worried.
“You still can’t get through her mental shields?” Madja asked.
Rhys only shook his head. He usually found it comforting that his sister had such a strong mental shield, he knew that no one, not even himself, could get through them unless she wanted them to.
However, now it only worsens his worst nightmare.
“I’m so sorry, Rhys” Feyre said. “I don’t know what happened”.
Before Rhys could answer, the doors to the room opened and Azriel and Cassian rushed in with Mor and Amren not far behind.
Azriel’s face got pale as he saw his mate, sitting on the floor, her violet eyes staring at nothing and breathing heavily. She looked so scared, it broke his heart.
“What happened?” He said. His shadows were already swirling around his mate, carefully stroking her hair.
“Poison” Rhys answered. “We don’t know what the cure is.”
The inner circle had never seen Azriel as worried. Sure, Y/N had been hurt before, way too many times if you asked Rhys, but they had previously always known how to help her.
Azriel moved slowly towards his mate and sat down beside her. His scared hands were shaking as he tried waving his hand in front of her face, but she was still staring far into nothing.
“Maybe if you hold her, Rhysand can get through her mental shields,” Madja suggested. “She would feel safer.”
Slowly, Azriel moved to sit with his mate in between his legs, his arm around her waist, his head resting on her shoulder and his wings covering their bodies.
Y/N breath instantly slowed, but she continued to shake.
“Try now,” Madja said, looking at Rhys.
Rhys took a deep breath, shifted his focus and tried to enter his sisters mind.
He spent some time seeking, but he eventually found a small gap in her shields.
He slipped in, through her wall of purple dust, and immediately found traces from the poison.
Rhys followed the trace and before he knew it, he got pulled into his sister’s worst memories.
“You are not to see him again” your father said. “You are to be married to the heir of Spring, can’t have you messing around with an Illyrian bastard! You disappoint me, Y/N”
You were burning with anger. All your life you wanted nothing more than to get your father’s attention. For him to look at you with pride for all you had accomplished.
You were powerful. You had daemati powers stronger than your brother, you had multiple times beaten Cassian in hand battle and you flew faster than Azriel.
Azriel, the male who had your heart. Your biggest supporter, your wisest mentor, your best friend…your mate.
The male your father was forbidding you to see.
“You can’t mean that!” You cried out. You were fighting tears. You couldn’t lose Azriel, but you knew that if you cried, your father would never take you seriously.
“Oh, but I do.” Your father replied, taunting you. “You’re a female, not only a daughter, but a high lords daughter. If you thought you could choose your own fate, you’re more pathetic than I thought.”
You realized that your father had made up his mind. You only had one more idea that might help you convince your father.
“He’s my mate” you whispered.
You whispered, not because you were afraid, but because you had only said it aloud two times before in the 20 years you had known.
Your father looking at you, staring deep into your soul. “What did you say?”
“Azriel is my mate.” You said louder. You lifted your head and straightened your back. You were proud of your mate and you were going to show it.
Your father started breathing heavily and before you could react, he grabbed you by your shoulders, and pushed you hard into the bookshelf behind you. He held you tightly and you hissed in both fear and pain.
“You are NOT to be mated to a bastard lesser fae. You are going through with this marriage and if you even think the thought about being with the shadowsinger, I will not hesitate in having him killed.”
You father let go of you and you sank to the floor, crying.
“Pathetic” your father said, before he left the room.
You were in the woods, fighting for your life.
The heir of Spring held you down into the ground, cutting your wings.
Your vision were blurry and your eyes heavy.
“Please, don’t harm her” your mother pleaded. “You can do anything you want with me, but please not my daughter.”
The torture had been going on for hours. They would cut, beat and whip your mother and then do the same to you.
You had stopped screaming. Your cries for help became fewer and far in between. It just hurt to much.
“Hold her still.” The heir of Spring told his youngest brother. “I want a souvenir.”
He started cutting your wings from your body. You threw up and then screamed before you threw up again. Your left wing were detached from your back.
“This is taking too long” his father said as his son were close to finishing cutting of your second wing.
The high lord reached for the sword and you have never felt more terror.
“No, please don’t” you pleaded, trying to crawl over to your mother.
The heir of Spring, your betrothed, held your head in place and forced open your eyes as the high lord beheaded your mother.
You emptied your stomach once more before your froze completely.
“We have to leave, finish her.”
The heir of spring grabbed what was left of your right wing and used his foot to keep you down as he ripped the wing from your body.
He then grabbed you and forced you over to your back.
“Let her bleed out.”
All of them winnowed away.
You laid on the ground, trying and failing to move over to your stomach. You were dying, you knew that.
As your eyes closed, you felt a tug in your chest and the last thing you did before you passed out was to tug back with all the force you had to give.
Rhys left his sister’s mind and immediately threw up. Feyre was at his side at once.
“What did you see?” Cassian asked.
Rhys only met Azriel’s eyes as he said “she’s reliving her worst memories.”
No one spoke for a while, but everyone could sense Azriel’s growing worry. He held his mate closer and whispered into her ear “you’re safe. You survived. You’re home. We’re mated.”
“I have only read about this in books.” Madja said. “I think the only way to stop the poison from spreading further is to make Y/N understand how happy she truly is. If not, she will die from terror.”
Madja walked over to Rhysand. “What did you see?”
“She wouldn’t want any of us to know that.” Azriel said.
“I know, it is invasive, but it might be the only way to save her.” Rhys said and after a while Azriel nodded in agreement. He would do anything to save his mate.
“I saw our father forbidding her to be with Azriel and…” Rhys stopped and took big breath. “And the attack where Spring…killed our mother.”
Everybody froze as they realized Rhys had just seen his own mother die. Feyre took his hand and squeezed it. A way of saying “I am here.”
Madja was the first to move. This time she walked over to Azriel. “You need to show Rhysand your happiest memories with Y/N so that he can enter her mind and show it to her.”
Even though Rhys was still filled with worry, he had an amusing smile on his face.
His sister and Azriel had been mated for over 450 years. They accepted the bond when she was 56 and he was 63 after two years of being together.
However, they usually kept every detail of their relationship secret. They didn’t even tell anyone that they were mates, they just disappeared for two weeks and showed up mated.
They always say they keep the details to themselves because of their occupations. Both being spies for the Night Court.
The inner circle knew that they wouldn’t share details, but they still always asked. Mor asked about their sex-life (Rhys always left the room when that was the topic), Cassian asked about when they would host family dinner at their house (Y/N would make one of their mother’s favorite recipes) and Rhys just wanted to make sure his sister was treated right.
“You don’t have to worry, Rhys,” you always answered. “Just because we don’t scream it from the House of Wind it doesn’t mean we aren’t happy.”
Azriel spent some time thinking about what memories he was going to show, but he eventually told Rhys he was ready.
“I am showing you,” he said. “You are not going to wander around in there.”
“Of course,” Rhys said and walked over to sit in front of his sister and Azriel.
Azriel’s mind shields were down. Rhys entered his mind and waited for the memories.
I am exhausted, but happy. We won the blood rite. It had been the hardest week of my life so far, but we had won.
My brothers and I were walking towards our home in Windhaven. Before we could reach the entrance, the door flew open and out Y/N came running.
Y/N was Rhys’ 16 year old sister and she looked extremely happy.
“Thank the cauldron you are alright!” She spoke and basically jumped at Rhys.
He just laughed and hugged her.
“She is not happy to see us,” Cassian said to me.
“Of course I am!” She said and moved to hug Cassian. “It is just that Rhysie was the closest.”
“Stop calling me that,” Rhys said.
She than moved over to me. And I felt time stop. Her arms embraced me and I hugged her back, but as she pulled back and looked me in my eyes, I felt it.
Y/N, my best friend’s younger sister, the daughter of the high lord of the Night Court, was my mate. My heart was filled with happiness.
Her eyes were as big as mine and I understood that it had snapped for her too.
“Ehm…” she said. “Dinner is ready inside.”
She then turned around and walked inside.
“I can’t believe he isn’t here,” Y/N cried into my chest. “It’s my 30th birthday and our father refuses me to see him! It’s not fair!”
I tightened my arms around her. It broke my heart to see her this upset.
Rhys and her had planed this entire day. They were going to fly around the mountains, have a picnic in the woods outside Velaris and then go to Rita’s with Cassian, Mor and I.
But the war was raging and Rhys nor Cassian were allowed to come home.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” I said, but I knew that it didn’t help much.
“I wish I had a normal father so that I could rebel and be awful towards him without it being treason,” she said.
“Well, it’s a good thing you don’t,” I said. “I don’t think his old heart could take it.”
She look at me with her big violet eyes and before I knew it we were both laughing. Probably because of the two empty wine bottles that stood beside us.
“You always know what to say to make me laugh,” she laughed. “That’s probably why we’re mates.”
I froze.
It was 14 years ago the bond snapped, but neither one of us had ever said it aloud…until now.
“Good night,” Y/N said quickly, before she jumped of the roof we sat on and flew away.
The smile that grew on my face lasted for multiple days.
“You only have a couple of hours, so spend it well.”
I nodded and left Rhys’ and Y/N’s mother.
I quickly walked over to Y/N bedroom and knocked on the door.
“Come in,” she sang and I opened the door. “Azriel…you know you can’t be here! If the high lord finds out you-“
“He won’t find out, I asked your mother for help,” I said.
She gaped at me and then smiled her big, beautiful and sweet smile.
“We have to go now though, we only have a few hours.”
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise,” I say as we start flying up to the mountains.
The flight didn’t take much time and we were soon at the picnic I had set up earlier.
“Wow,” Y/N said. “It’s beautiful.”
I really wasn’t. It was rushed. I had plucked a few flowers, brought a blanket to sit on and her mother had made us some food.
“I wanted us to at least have a day to pretend,” I said quietly.
“Let’s make it the best day ever,” she whispered back. “No arranged marriage to separate us.”
I took her hand and we sat down to eat.
We talked about what we wanted our life to be like. Life in Velaris, in a small house, at least two children (“No Y/N can grow up without a Rhysie,” you had said), a big garden, many flowers.
“I don’t want to marry the heir of Spring,” she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I want you.”
I took her hand. My shadows were playing with her hair and speaking to me “mate, upset, make mate happy”
“I want you too, princess,” I replied fighting back tears.
I looked deep into her eyes, took my other hand and tucked her hair behind her ears. “My beautiful mate. I am the luckiest male in all of Prythian even if I can’t have you in this lifetime.”
Now we were both crying.
She then let go of my hand and held up her pinky finger.
“All other lifetimes?” She asked me.
I immediately took her pinky in mine.
“All other lifetimes.”
Two small identical tattoos appeared round our pinky fingers.
I moved closer to her and she did the same. We both spend some time looking at each other, still crying, before we leaned into each other and our lips met.
It started soft and cute before it grew hungrier. We were both full on sobbing at the time I pulled away.
“Are you sure?” I asked, hoping she would say yes. I waited for her answer.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life,” she answered and kissed me.
“I can sleep on the floor,” I said.
We were on a mission on the continent undercover as mates. Pretending to be mates weren’t hard since we were mates, but Rhys didn’t know that.
“Ha, you’re funny,” Y/N said. “Either we share the bed or we both sleep on the floor.”
We were trying to find out if the rumors we heard about a war starting on the continent were true. To our relief, it seemed like it only was a rumor and nothing more.
Since we were undercover as newly mated we had gotten a room with only one bed.
“We’ll take the bed then,” I decided. “Can’t have you hurting your back.”
Y/N froze and looked at me. “How did you know about my back pain?”
She looked at me with wary eyes. “Have you been spying on me?”
“Of course not,” I said. “I just…feel it sometimes.”
She looked like she had seen a ghost. “I didn’t realize. I’m sorry, Azriel. I should have thought about that.”
She looked at me, but didn’t meet my eyes.
As mates, I sometimes felt the same emotions or feelings as she did. And I had realized that after the attack on her and her mother ten years ago, she had been dealing with back pain.
“It that why it always magically appears a bottle of pain relief outside my door on the bad days?” Y/N asked me, now looking directly into my eyes and soul.
“I might have had something to do with that, yes.”
She nodded as a reply.
That was the end of the conversation. We prepared for bed. After we both had gotten into the bed, her on the left side, me on the right with my wings hanging out in the side of the bed, she started crying.
“I’m sorry for shutting you out all these years,” she cried.
I didn’t know what to say or do. I just laid completely still and looked at her.
Slowly, my shadows moved towards her. One of them dried her tears while two others played with her hair. I tried to stop them and get them back to me, but they didn’t listen. “Mate, upset, have to make mate happy.” they said on repeat.
“I didn’t think you could even want me anymore,” she continued. “I would understand if you didn’t, of course. I’m not who I just to be, I’m not myself. But then Rhys forced me to start going on missions again last year and I realized how much I missed having my family around. I felt more alone than ever. And when I started going to family dinners and Rhys told me how happy you were, I realized I hadn’t thought about what you were feeling through all of this. I completely ignored you, left you and you probably felt and still feel so betrayed. I…I’m so sorry, Az.”
I was still frozen. How could she think that was how I felt? I never felt betrayed by her, thought she felt betrayed by me. I’m her mate for cauldrons sake! And I almost let her die. She lost her wings, she would never fly again. I was too late to save her wings.
“Say something, master. Make mate happy. You can make mate happy.” My shadows almost screamed in my ears.
“I…,” I started to speak but had to stop. I needed to get this right. “I never felt betrayed by you not being the same you as you were before the attack, Y/N. You needed time to heal. We could have helped you to get better, but we knew that if we forced ourselves into your life, you would shut us out and it would all become worse. You are way too stubborn for that.” We both chuckled. “You have grown. You’re not longer just a high lord’s daughter who had to do everything your father said, you’re Y/N. You’re Y/N, the female that always asks what’s for dessert even before we have started to eat dinner. You’re Y/N, who always do everything you can to annoy your brothers. You’re Y/N, you’re always brutally honest and we love you for it. I love you for it.
“If you hadn’t had time for yourself, you wouldn’t have time to figure out that you don’t like the color orange, or that you wanted to dye your hair purple streaks, or that you like training in the morning so that you can enjoy your book at night.
“As long as I’m allowed to be in your life now, I’m happy. Even if we’re just friends or family. I just need you to be yourself. It’s the Y/N you’re now that we love.”
Her mouth was wide open. Then it closed before she opened it again.
“I never think I’ve heard you say that much before.” She said with a small laugh.
“I don’t think I have ever said that much before.”
“I want you in my life,” she said. “I have loved pretending to be your mate. I…I don’t want to pretend that you’re mine, I want you to be mine.”
Before I even could react, my shadows were swirling around us, pushing us closer to one another until our lips were only millimeters apart.
“Can I kiss you?” she asked.
I kissed her as an answer. My heart had never felt so full of love.
It had been a long day with meetings in the court of nightmares. I had my usual place, standing against the wall and making sure no one was lurking around.
My mate had left her usual place, standing beside her brother, and was walking over to me.
“The high lord will soon be going home,” she told me, but she wasn’t looking at me. She was looking around the room, still very much playing the role as the scary night court princess.
I then felt her soft touch on my mental shields, asking for access. I let her in.
“I was planing on making an apple pie this weekend, at the cabin,” she told me. Her voice was shaky. She was nervous. “Or if you want something else I can make something else. Or if you don’t want nothing at all we can just-“
“Apple pie would be great,” I answer, my voice almost as shaky as hers.
“Good,” she said and left my mind.
She gave me I small smile before she walked back to her place beside her brother.
“I love my mate,” was all I was able to think about.
“And then he used his shadows to make me fall over!” Cassian explained. “Totally unfair.”
“It seems like you have had a rough day, Cass. Did you miss your midday nap?” Mor asked him.
She then looked at me and lifted her wine glass “cheers to that.”
I lifted my glass and held it up to my lips as I felt it.
It couldn’t be.
I wouldn’t believe it.
But then I felt it again. A tug.
I lowered my glass.
“Everything okey, brother?” Cassian looked concerned.
Another tug and then a soft touch to my mental shield had me gasping.
My heart was going crazy.
I lowered my mental shields.
“You could at least have cleaned the place,” my mate’s voice sang in my head.
I let the glass fall to the floor and before my brother could react I ran to the balcony and started flying towards my mate and I’s shared house.
I hadn’t been there in 50 years. Ever since my mate and Rhys had been under the mountain, I hadn’t been able to even look at our house. Our small cottage with just enough space for the two of us. And a spare room for Cassian, of course.
The flight only took 30 seconds, but it was the longest 30 seconds of my life. I tried not to get my hopes up. What if she wasn’t actually there?
I landed in your garden and ran towards an open front door.
I stopped, too scared to go inside. What if I only imagined it all.
My shadows went crazy around me, pulling both my hands and legs. “Mate, home, mate, home”.
Tears ran down my face as I walked through the door.
Standing in the middle of the room was my beautiful mate. She was way too thin, her hair was a mess and she started sobbing as she saw me.
Before I could reach her she fell to her knees. I fell to my knees in front of her and embraced her together with my shadows.
“You’re home,” I cried.
“I’m home,” she whispered into my chest.
“You’re staring,” Y/N said into my head.
We had just sat down to eat dinner. Our entire family was here and we had just met Feyre.
“I’m sorry that I like to look at my wife,” I answered. “You look beautiful.”
I took my her plate and filled it with food.
“It’s cute that you still feed me,” Y/N spoke. “I like it, husband.”
“Should we tell them?” I asked.
“Maybe not overwhelm Feyre. I think Mor and Cassian is going to freak out when they find out we didn’t invite them to our wedding.”
“But we didn’t invite anyone.”
The truth was that they on a whim had eloped, just over an hour ago.
“What are you talking about you two lovebirds?” Mor asked.
“Nothing,” both of us said.
Y/N quickly shifted the conversation by asking “Soooo, what’s for dessert.”
Everybody laughed.
Rhys left Azriel’s mind. Both males were crying.
“I had no clue you were that young.” Rhys said. “And that you fought so hard for it.”
Azriel just nodded and tightened his arms around his mate. Y/N was now shaking even worse than before. She looked extremely pale and exhausted. “Just get her back to me, I’ll tell our entire story from start to now, as long as you get her back to me.”
Rhys saw the desperate look on his brother’s face and hurried to enter his sister’s mind.
He was met with a wall of terror, not even one trace of his sister’s normal calm mind. He began working, pushing memory after memory towards the wall and slowly but surely watched it disappear.
Then he was forcefully pulled out of her mind.
“You’re okay, breathe, breathe, good girl,” Azriel spoke.
Y/N was now on her hands and knees, still panting and shaking, but she was moving. She had thrown up, but Rhys removed it with magic. Azriel held a hand on her back and held her hair.
He looked extremely relieved.
“Are you okey?” Rhys asked.
Y/N met his worried gaze and moved over to him.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, Rhysie.”
Rhys didn’t waste a second embracing his sister.
The rest of the inner circle slowly left the room, they understood that the siblings needed some time alone.
But, of course, all of Azriel’s shadows stayed to make sure their mate was alright.
Azriel was waiting outside the room. He knew Y/N was alright and that she would come get him when she’s ready, but he just wanted to hold her and never let go.
“Well, well brother,” Cassian said with a smug smile.
“What?” He asked.
“You said you’d tell the entire story of your relationship. So I figured you could start now.”
The doors to the room opened and out walked Y/N and Rhys.
“Why not start explaining that your bond snapped when Y/N was just a teen and that you have been married for multiple years, hmm?” Rhys said and you punched him in the arm.
“WHAT?” Cassian and Mor yelled.
A quick look was shared between Azriel and Y/N before both of them took off running and before the others could react, they had winnowed away.
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marvelsmylife · 6 months
Too late
Pairing: Azriel x reader, Eris Vanserra x reader
Plot: you were Azriel's friends with benefits for the past five hundred years. Throughout that time, you developed feelings for him. Unfortunately, his heart belonged to Mor and then Elain shortly after. Will you allow yourself to suffer as he pines for another, or will you cut off your arrangement?
A/n I know I was supposed to write the other Azriel story but this idea popped up in my head and had to write it. Btw I’m accepting Eris Vanserra requests.
Warning: Straight-up angst (Sorry, not sorry).
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Azriel has had dozens, if not hundreds, of lovers in the past five hundred years. Yet you were the one he loved to visit the most. It was mainly because you never begged him for anything more like his previous lovers. But just because you never asked him for anything more didn’t mean you didn’t want more than just sex.
You loved him so much, but you knew Azriel was in love with Mor. From whispers on the streets, they would say he would drop anything and anyone just so he could be with her. You often wondered if he would picture her while you two fucked. That, in turn, would cause your heart to break.
You thought for sure Mor would come around. Azriel was an attractive male, and any female would be a fool to reject him. You were proven when Azriel appeared at your door one night looking somber, saying he accepted the fact that he and Mor would be nothing more than friends. You were going to try and comfort him when he stocked over to you and pulled you into a passionate kiss. Every fiber of your body was telling you to pull away and turn him away. He was in a very vulnerable state, but as soon as his scared hands landed on your lower back, pulling you towards him, you gave in and let him have his way.
And he did, for six glorious months. Every night after finishing business for Rhysand, Azriel would appear at your door and stay until the early morning. You relished in the love and adoration Azriel would give you during sex that you thought he was starting to develop feelings for you.
Unfortunately, one night, he let it slip that he had been spending time with Elain for the past few months and hoped something might blossom between them. “Yes, I know she has a mate, but what if the cauldron was wrong. I mean, her two sisters were mated to my two brothers. I just feel like we’re meant to be together,” Azriel explained as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“You have a point,” you tried not to sound hurt at Azriel’s explanation, “You should go for it. Maybe she feels the same way.”
“I will, but first-” Azriel moved so he was on top of you again, “How about we continue what we started earlier.” You allowed yourself to enjoy this moment because you knew it was going to be the last time you would be together.
Since that night, you tried to avoid Azriel as much as possible. Always telling him you were busy or that you weren’t in the mood to do anything.
While he was hurt, Azriel understood and left you alone.
You didn’t see Azriel for three months. In that time, Azriel tried to get closer to Elain. He thought something might finally happen between them when she summoned him to her garden. 
Unfortunately, she called him to let him know she had accepted the mating bond with Lucien and was moving to the spring court. “I love him,” Elain explained, “I was scared about accepting the bond at first because I wanted to decide on my own who I wanted to love, but the more I spent time with him, the more I started genuinely falling in love with him. I’m telling you all of this because I know about your crush on me,” Azriel stiffened at Elain’s words, “I don’t feel the same way. I need you to know that I only ever seen you as a friend.”
“I understand,” Azriel muttered, “I hope you and your mate have a happy life together,” and left before Elain had a chance to respond.
Azriel needed to get away. He needed to go somewhere where he felt the safest, and that’s when he decided to go to your apartment. He knew there was a strong possibility that you might not be home, seeing as you weren't the last few times he tried to visit.
To his surprise, you opened the door after he knocked. “Azriel. What are you doing here?” you asked, placing your hand against your chest.
“I just needed to see you,” Azriel replied while he took in your appearance. Your hair was messy. Your cheeks were flush, and you were wearing a satin robe, “I-were you in the middle of something?”
“Yes, we were,” Azriel heard a familiar, irritating voice behind your door.
Azriel felt rage as he noticed the heir to the autumn court standing inside your apartment shirtless. “Why is he here? Why is he shirtless in your apartment?” Azriel needed to know even though he was dreading your response.
“You interrupted us in the middle of sex,” Eris stepped forward and placed his arm around your waist, “What do you want?”
Azriel tried to calm down as he tried to process what was happening, “How long has this been going on?”
“Two months,” you replied, “We met when I visited the autumn court for Rhysand, and we’ve been seeing each other ever since.”
“How come you haven’t said anything to anyone about you two,” Azriel asked as he grew angrier.
“We’ve kept it quiet because I don’t want my father finding out about her. As soon as he knows there’s going to be a target on her back and use her as leverage against me,” Eris answered for the both of you, “Do you wish for her to be used or harmed?”
Azriel found himself growing more and more frustrated with the scene that was in front of him. You and Eris? No. Anyone but him. “Can I speak to y/n in private?”
You looked over at Eris and gave a nod. Eris placed a gentle kiss on your lips before looking back at Azriel’s, “Don’t keep her too long.”
As soon as he was gone, Azriel reached out, and cupped your face, “Why him? Why Eris of all males? Why him?”
“Why not him?” you got out of his grasp, “He’s kind and caring and has made me his number one priority ever since we met.”
“Because of what he did to Mor,” Azriel argued.
You found yourself rolling your eyes at the sound of the female's name, “I’ve heard Eris’ point of view of the incident, and I’m more inclined to believe his version of events. Now, if we’re done talking-” 
“No, we’re not,” Azriel stopped you from closing your door, “Is he the reason you stopped seeing me? Has he isolated you from everyone? Tell me now so I can help you. I care about you too much-”
You let out a dry laugh at Azriel’s words, “You don’t care about me. You only cared about fucking me, and no, he isn’t isolating me from people. I still see my friends, and some have even met him. They approve of our relationship.”
“He doesn’t deserve you,” Azriel argued back, “You deserve someone who isn’t a snake, someone like-”
“Someone like you?” you now glared at the shadowsinger when you noticed his eyes soften at your words, “Unfortunately for you, I’m not in love with you anymore.”
Not anymore. Azriel froze at your words. You used to be in love with him, but not anymore. Azriel began to panic and tried to think of what to say to fix what he had unintentionally ruined.
Sadly, you just stared him down with nothing but hatred in your eyes, “Goodbye, Azriel,” With that, you slammed the door in Azriel’s face.
Azriel shuttered as he now felt a mating bond between the two of you. He cursed himself when he finally realized his mate was with him this entire time and realized he had damaged your relationship beyond repair.
@sleepylunarwolf @paankhaleyaar
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 months
Not Again - Part Nine
Summary: Y/n is desperate to try and get home, willing to face near death again to try if she must. Azriel is not willing to let her risk herself, and fortunately neither is the rest of his family.
Warnings: she’s a little angsty
Series Masterlist
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-Part Nine-
“You’re not trying it again,” Azriel snarls, arms crossed over his chest, “We don’t even know what went wrong in the first place, you could’ve died.”
Y/n sighs, rubbing her temples, they’d been at this for hours now, surrounded by the inner court. So far, no one seemed to be on her side, least of all Azriel. As soon as the words had left her mouth he’d been seething, that quiet calm mask replaced by burning rage.
“Give me the book of breathings and I’ll figure it out,” Y/n snaps back, bearing all of her teeth at him, “I must have misread something. Maybe the ancient busy body will have answers for me.”
“You’re not going anywhere near that book!”
“Az, chill out,” Cassian says, gripping his brother’s arm, “Let’s all calm down and think for a damn moment.”
Y/n slumps into her seat, glaring at Azriel as he paces on the other side of the table, the only thing keeping them from lunging at each other and tearing out each other’s throat. He glares right back, shadows whipping around him like they might grab her and strap her to the very seat she sits on to keep her from trying the spell again.
“Azriel’s right,” Feyre sighs, “That book was holding you hostage, and the book of breathings has done the same to me, I don’t want to risk you getting hurt again, or worse.”
“I’m not a child in need of your protection,” Y/n says, ice cold and guarded.
“No,” Amren says then, “But you are stranded and in need of our help. We will not risk ourselves because you want to foolishly run head first to your death.”
“Y/n, it’s in your best interest to take it slow, and let us help you,” Rhys chimes in, “I felt something when you opened that portal, something dark, powerful. There’s something out there, and whatever it is took an interest in out dear Y/n here.”
Y/n’s shoulder lock up, and Azriel’s glare turns to ice, “You already knew that didn’t you?”
“What was it?” Nesta leans on the table, steely eyes staring directly into Y/n’s soul.
“I don’t know,” she says, holding that piercing gaze, not backing down an inch, “I heard something, when I was trapped. Something cold and wicked.”
“What did it say?” Azriel demands, stepping closer to the table that separates them, multiple times in the last hour she’d been half tempted to leap across that table and fight it out with teeth, fists, and daggers, “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
“Oh please.” She rolls her eyes, and she can see the exact moment it crawls beneath his skin, he looks half tempted to strangle her, “It’s kind of hard to talk when you’re to busy shoving your tongue down my throat.”
“I’m sorry,” Mor says, looking at Az with wide eyes, “What?”
“Listen, princess.” Azriel leans on the table, ignoring Mor, ignoring the rest of his family who look between the two with varying degrees of alarm, “I don’t give a shit about this whole, I’m tougher than the world act, you’re scared and I know it, I can fucking see it, so go ahead and tell me what the fuck it said.”
She practically hisses at him, leaning forward in her seat, arm in casual reach of the blade at her thigh, “You don’t fucking know me, shadowsinger.”
“That’s enough,” Feyre snaps, “if you two can’t be civil together one of you can get out.”
Azriel looks ready to argue but one sharp glare from his high lady has him backing down. He turns on his heal, taking three long strides away from the table, putting distance between them like it would cool the raging flames in their eyes.
“What did you hear?” Feyre asks calmly, that air of dominance in her voice, High Lady, a queen in her own right.
Y/n holds her head high, meeting Feyre’s eyes, she may not be a queen but one day she would be, and she would bow to no one, “It told me to pay the price, gods killer’s kin.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Cassian asks, “Why can’t these things just say what they mean?”
“When my mother banished the gods to that hell realm to die,” Y/n says, “It would seem not all of them did. And whoever survived is demanding the price my mother was supposed to give.”
“And what price is that?” Azriel’s voice is deadly soft.
She could feel the anger radiating off of him, not necessarily at her, not necessarily not at her. He was angry that she’d nearly died, that she was willing to do it again if it meant going home. He was angry at her for being so damn stubborn that she wouldn’t listen, that she wouldn’t let him play protective fae male. She was angry to, so gods damned angry at the Wyrd for handing her this fate. For bringing her here in the first place, for putting her in their lives, in his, only to take her away again.
“My life.”
Azriel felt the words echo through him, bouncing around in his skull, each syllable cracking another piece of him until he was on the verge of shattering. My life, my life, my life, her life, her life, her life, her, her, her. Sharp stabbing pain in his chest like each word was a ash arrow through his sternum and directly into the heart beneath.
“You don’t-“
“No,” he growls again, gaze matching Y/n’s, fire and ice pushing and pushing against each other to create a storm.
“We don’t know what this thing is,” Rhys interjects, “If it’s an actual god like thing, one of Quinlann’s Asteri, or something else entirely. Amren will search that dreadful book for answers about the gate. You two, will sit and calm the fuck down, and the rest of us will get back to work.”
The High Lord’s voice held an air of finality, no room to argue, even Y/n slumped in her seat, letting some of the cold fire go out. Amren is up and out the door as soon as Rhys stands, grumbling something beneath her breath about ungrateful little girls that has Y/n glaring between her shoulders like she was imagining that dagger strapped to her thigh buried between them.
“It will be alright, Y/n” Feyre lays a gentle hand on the female’s shoulder, “We will get you home, and if this god wants a fight, we will give it one.”
Azriel notes the shattered and broken look in Y/n’s eyes as she nods at his High Lady. He is so busy examining each of her motions that he doesn’t notice his family file out, doesn’t notice the concerned eyes and subtle glances between him and the female before him. She won’t look at him, he can tell she is actively trying not to meet his gaze. Fine, if she wanted to play the silent game, he’d play it and he’d win. They were going to have this out one way or another.
He sits across from her, arms crossed over his chest, eyes searching her face for any motion, but she sits still, that absolute fae stillness that looks like she isn’t even breathing. If it wasn’t for the steady beat of her heart in his ears he would think she wasn’t.
They sat there in silence, neither willing to be the one to break first. She stares at the wall beyond him, he stares at her face.
The tension in the room is suffocating, Azriel’s shadows are the only movement, the only sound, whispering in his ears, she’s upset, help her, comfort her. He wants to scream, to tell them to mind their own business.
He knows she’s upset, he knows and there’s a part of him that wants to take her into his arms and hold her, to tell her it’s alright and that he’d help her figure it out, but there’s an even bigger part of him that wants to keep yelling, to grab her and shake her till she stops and actually listens to him. He wishes he was like Rhys, that he could go into her mind and show her what she had looked like, trapped in that spell, he wishes he could show her the terror in his heart. How could she be so gods damned stubborn that she would even think to try it again, to put herself through that again, to put him through it again. Because if she did it, he would be right there beside her, and he would burn all over again to keep her safe.
Both of them were to stubborn to break first, they sat there for nearly an hour before Azriel stood, that far away look in his eyes that meant Rhys was talking to him in his head. He didn’t say anything to Y/n, only sending her a warning look before stalking out the doors and jumping from the balcony. She was half tempted to follow, to take her talons directly into his back, to get the fight she’d been itching to have with him. Instead she sat there, staring at that same blank space on the wall, mind spiraling down and down into that dark portal that ate up the Walking Dead book.
She wishes she still had it, that she could figure out how it all went wrong. She was so sure she’d copied those marks perfectly, spelling out the name of her home meticulously. Orynth, Terrasen, she’d learned how to write out the name in the Wyrd marks as a child, she knew it like the back of her hand. It should’ve worked, the gate should’ve worked.
When it had opened, she swore she could feel home on the other side, lands of pine and snow, the smell of the kings flame blooming across the mountains. It was right there, just beyond her reach, and that was when she’d felt it, when there had been something else, something dark that took her mind and whispered those words. Which god had survived, which one now demanded her death, she wasn’t sure. Quite frankly she didn’t want to know.
Whoever it was, they were angry, angry at her mother for what she had done, for the deaths of the other gods, and for that, they would take the one thing her mother cherished beyond anything else, Y/n. They would take her, using the power in her blood to make the lock that would bring them home, squeezing every last drop of life from her till there was nothing left.
Azriel knew he was going to walk into the River house and be bombarded, the question was, who would get to him first.
“Who needs a babysitter now?”
He glares at his brother, “Shut up, Cassian.”
“No, no, I’m going to enjoy this,” Cass grins at him, “I’m surprised you actually came down here, with way you two were staring each other down I was sure there would be some rough-“
Azriel sends him a warning snarl, “Watch it.”
Cassian only grins wider, holding his hands up in mock surrender, “I’ve never seen someone get under you skin like that. I’m surprised it took this long for, how’d did she put it? For your tongue to end up down her throat.”
Azriel was seconds away from sending his fist into his brothers face when Rhys opens his office door, “I’m surprised you’re not in a bed right now.”
Cassian’s roaring laughter fills the hall way and Azriel doesn’t hold back the fist he sends straight into Cassian’s stomach. His brother breathlessly laughs, even as he doubles over. Rhys’s eyes sparkle in amusement and Azriel sends him a look that dares him to say anything else.
“Why did you call me down?”
The High Lords humor vanishes just like that, it’s enough to even sober up Cassian, “Amren found something.”
No, no, no, no, “What is it?”
“The book of breathings was very talkative, it kept telling her that the storyteller should have heeded its warnings,” Rhys sighs, leaning against the door way, “With enough snarling Amren was able to wring a solid answer out of it.”
Azriel felt like throwing up as he asked, “What did it say?”
Rhys gives him a look, one that seems pleading, “That the Wyrd brought her here for a reason, as a gift to her, and it was angry at her for not accepting it.”
Cassian sighs, “What does that mean. What gift?”
There’s a moment where Azriel thinks Rhys won’t answer. Whatever it was, Az isn’t completely sure he wants to know. Whatever that wretched book had to say, it couldn’t be good.
“Fate brought Y/n here as a gift to her,” Rhys says again, taking a deep steadying breath, “Brought her here as a gift to her and her mate.”
Everything went quiet, the air, the best of his heart, quiet. No sound, no breaths, nothing. Just that word, mate, her mate.
He didn’t know who said it, Rhys, Cassian, his shadows, he didn’t know, he couldn’t hear beyond the echo of the word, mate, mate, mate, mate.
“Who?” He chokes on it, drowns in it, mate, mate, mate, “Who is it?”
He could feel it, like a tendril of shadow that reaches far far above the city, to the red cliffs, to the house carved into it’s side.
Rhys gives him a pitying look, “Brother, who do you thi-“
A soft tug, on that shadow, so faint it feels like it slips between his fingers.
“Who?” He pleads, breaking beneath it, mate, mate, mate, “Please.”
He collapses beneath the weight, knees digging into the soft plush rug beneath him. His brothers don’t move, they let him get crushed beneath the word.
“The book said it was a gift,” his brother whispers, “a gift to the storyteller and the shadowsinger.”
Mate, mate, mate, mate. That tendril of shadow firmly in his grasp, and on the other side, sits a storm of ice and fire. His mate, sits on the other side, high above him in the House of Wind, mate, mate, mate, mate, mate.
She is his mate.
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sarawritestories · 5 months
Unwavering Presence Chapter 14 (Part 1)
Cassian X Archeron Sister (Reader)
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1000 Follower Celebration Post
Summary: Cassian opens up to Y/N about his mother, Y/N giving him a second chance. When the duo returned to Velaris a confrontation ensues that leads to flashbacks to the Spring.
Content Warning: mentions of death, conversations alluding to SA, Oral Sex, M receiving, Mor not keeping her hands to herself on more than one occasion.
A/N: I am so sorry this has taken longer than anticipated. I had to split this chapter into two parts strictly because it was getting extremely long! I hope you enjoy this part. Part 2 will be up quickly!
Word Count: 5.2K
Chapter 13 1000 Celebration Masterlist UP Masterlist
Reader POV
I opened and closed my mouth as Cassian knelt beside me leaning in and pressing his large hand to the Portrait. “Your mother?”
Cassian nodded, “We never knew where the Illyrian’s who killed her buried her…If they buried her. When I expressed to Az and Rhys that I wanted to build a home here, a place I could go to clear my head, I told them I wanted a place for her. So, she could be with me.”
A gust of wind whipped my skin raw causing a shiver to run down my spine, Cassian instinctively wrapped his wing around me to block the cold. “Why bring me here?”
Cassian’s gaze met mine, his hazel eyes full of guilt. “You know why.” I look down focusing on my hands. He gripped my chin and forced me to meet his eyes, glistening in the moonlight. “Princess, I have tried giving you all the gifts that money can buy. I have tried writing you a letter. Nothing seemed to get your attention.” I went to speak but he interrupted me, “I realized why. You’re scared. You trusted me with some of your deepest fears and I took advantage of that. I brought you here as my last attempt. If want to walk away after tonight. I won’t bother you anymore. But I figured there is one last gift I can give you.”
My heartbeat skyrocketed, “What’s that?”
Cassian grabbed my hand and pressed it to his chest where I could feel his heartbeat. “My heart, Princess. Let me be open with you. Let me give you mine, the way you gave me yours.”
Silence fell between us as snow began to trickle down, I kept opening and closing my mouth unsure what to say. I looked back at the image of his mother. “Tell me about her, Cass.”
“She was my favorite person in the whole world.” Cassian began and I inched closer to him, I told myself it was to use his body heat. I was a fucking liar. Cassian curled his wing tightly around me, “She taught me how to braid hair as I told you before. She was kind, she always put others before herself. All the village kids loved to be around her, she would make sure everyone was fed and had enough to drink. Everyone loved her.” His hazel eyes met mine, “You remind me of her.”
I blushed and looked back at the portrait and instinctively my hand reached out to his as he sniffled. He laced his hand through mine, cool bite of the leather around his hand biting into my skin. “So where was your father?” You looked back to the Illyrian, his smile not reaching his eyes.
“I don’t know. He abandoned my mom when she was pregnant with me.” I squeezed his hand, and he returned the gesture, “I have no idea who he is. At this point I have no interest in knowing. Any male who leaves a pregnant female alone, is not worth knowing.” We were silent for a moment, “I’m proud of where I come from. I’m proud of my heritage as an Illyrian. What I’m not proud of though is our ancient traditions. My mother had a bastard born child. The Illyrians are traditional and believe a woman should have a child within marriage.” I could feel the pit in my stomach growing, “She always wanted what was best and protected me. So, she made me flee. Where I had to fend for myself. Find my own shelter, my own food. Until one winter evening, Rhysand found me. The bastard made me come home with him, and his mom insisted I eat and get some rest. We have been together ever since.”
“What happened, to your mother? I know you said she died but…” I whispered; Cassian’s face morphed into sadness as he swiped the tears from my eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, Princess. I like that you display your emotions so openly.” He places his hand down from my face. “After the blood rite, I returned to my old village. She was nowhere to be seen. I searched for her in every place I could think of. I knew in my heart, she was dead.” Tears streamed down his cheeks, but he didn’t go to swipe them, “I wished I would have been able to tell her I loved her. I wish I could have told her so many things, Sweetheart.” He released my hand and placed his palms over her eyes, “I just wanted her to be proud of me.”
Not being able to contain myself I turned to face him fully and straddled his lap, gripping his wrist I pulled his hands away from his face. His eyes met mine I pressed my forehead to his, “Cassian, your mother would be so proud of you.”
The general shook my hands off and gripped my waist, “Not this past week and a half she wouldn’t. He closed his, “Baby, I’m-“
I cupped his face and pressed his lips to mine. He whimpered as he kissed me back, pulling me closer to him. We broke away and he swiped a strand of hair from my face, “I forgive you.”
“Really?” He whispered.
I cupped his face and he leaned into my touch, “We have a lot to discuss. Cassian, I don’t want to be hurt again.”
“I will make this up to you for as long as I live.”
“This was a good start.” Cassian began stroking my back.  “You did give me the best gift tonight.”
“What’s that?”
I pressed my hand on his chest. “Your heart.”
“My heart has been yours to take.”  He buries his face in my neck and inhaling deeply. We stayed like that for a few moments, the cold not bothering us as we simply hold each other. He lifted his head, gripped the back of his neck, “Listen to me, you are amazing, beautiful, and strong. I have never once thought of you as weak. I am so sorry for what I said. But you must know, you’re it for me. I want no one else, so I’m keeping you, so long as you’ll let me.”
I smiled, “Does this mean I get to keep you too?”
“You never lost me, Sweetheart.” He brushes his nose over mine, I do have a confession.” My face must have looked panicked because he laughed. “It’s nothing bad, I swear. When Mor had brought Feyre back from the Spring Court, I told you I was heading to Windhaven for a week. I didn’t go to Windhaven. I came here.”
I tilted my head, “Why lie about that? Seems a bit…”
“Ridiculous?” I nodded, “I didn’t want you to know that I was coming here to tell my mother about you. How I met this amazing human woman, who was kind and gentle, yet not afraid to put even a High Lord in his place. How she walks in a room and my day instantly improves. She smiles and it feels like my heart is going to combust.” I wasn’t sure I was breathing anymore.  “I just wanted to share that with her.”
A shiver trails down my spine and adjusting his grip under my thighs he hoists us up as he stands holding me as though I weigh nothing, “Come on I still have one more surprise for you.” He walked us toward the cabin, and I peeked over his shoulder looking back at the memorial. A butterfly in a climate too cold landed on the frame of the portrait. Before I could acknowledge the little creature, Cassian opened the door and set me down.
I turned and I pressed my hand to my chest, the dining and living room were right where you entered the cabin, the kitchen to the right. Everything was bright and warm, though the dining room table with wildflowers and candles at the center and two plates with silverware. One plate I assumed was mine had a leather-bound journal. “Cassian, I have so many journals.”
“That one isn’t empty though.” I furrowed my brow and looked at him. “Go read it, I’ll grab our dinner.”
“Who did all the set up?”
“Azriel, he left right before we arrived.” I walked over to where the journal was and sat down as Cassian took both of our plates to fill. I opened the journal and found the book complete full. Flipping to the first page my breath hitched.
My Dear Princess,
Nothing pained me more than sitting in this chair unable to move and watch you walk away. Knowing that my anger was the thing that caused it. To see the tears in your eyes and to know that I was the one that put the sadness in your eyes has sat with me for hours now. So, I went into the village and bought this journal. I figured writing to you is the next best thing I have right now. Since I know, you won’t talk to me for a while. Gods you’ve only been gone an hour and I miss you so much.
I flip through the pages; some are fresh letters pages long. “Cassian.”
“Three days left with my thoughts. I figured I would share them all with you.” Tears welled up in my eyes. As Cassian set the plate down the aromas of potatoes and seared meat caused my stomach to rumble. “Hey, look at me.” I met his warm hazel eyes as his callous fingers kissed the nape of my neck. “I never want you to feel the way you did with Nesta, or Xavier. I want to be better. Because you deserve better.” He tapped the journal, “Read these, whenever you need a reminder, that you’re worthy of the affection you receive, or that you need to take care of yourself, or we happen to be apart, and I can’t be there to comfort you when you need it. I am no poet or author, but with you I have always been good at sharing my feelings, you made it easier to open up. This is my last gift for you…tonight that is.”
I leapt out of my chair and into his arms, “I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I’m glad the universe led me to you, Cassie.”
His hand cradled the back of my head, as he kissed the top of it. “So am I.” He held me tightly before pushing me away, “Shall we eat?”
I nodded and both of us sat down and began to eat, we spent all evening talking about what we had been up to since I left. His hand had a permanent spot on my thigh, he would gently rub his thumb along my thigh, and I would smile. Once dinner was done, I offered to do the dishes of which he politely told me no. Then brought out a slice of my favorite cake for us to share. When it was done I yawned.
“Want to go to bed? I had the guest bedroom prepped for you.” I blinked at him.
“I didn’t want to assume we were sharing a bed tonight. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable.”
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My mind went to Xavier and how if he were in this position, I would have had no choice of where I slept. I shivered, “Cassian, I want to stay with you tonight. Just sleeping.”
Cassian nodded. “Just sleeping.” He led me to his master room which was quite large and handed me a shirt to change into. “We’ll go back home in the morning.”
I yawned once more, “Okay.” I looked around, “Bathroom?”
He pointed to the door next to the one we entered. I smiled, reached up and kissed his cheek and headed to the other room to change. When I emerged, I pressed my back to the wall. Cassian’s shirt was off tattoos on full display. I bit my lip as I watched his muscles flex underneath the moonlight. I would have asked Feyre to paint this and call it, the General getting ready for bed. “Princess are you ok-ohh” Cassian stumbled as he turned and faced me, “Gods you’re beautiful.” My heart fluttered as his eyes raked down my body and my bare legs. One thing I knew was his eyes met mine once more.
I needed him.
Be Brave, Archeron.
I sunk to my knees. The general’s chest stopped moving, “Princess, what are you doing?” His voice was low and husky.
I began to crawl toward him, “I missed you, General.” He swallowed, the lump in his throat bobbed.  I stopped when I reached his feet. My hand sliding up his thick muscular thighs.  “I want to make you feel good.” I placed kisses along his pants his thighs twitch under my touch and when I reached the center of his thighs. His erection was pressing against his pants, and I licked over his clothed cock maintaining eye contact as his hand slides through my hair as he moaned.
“Princess, we don’t have to,” his eyes held seriousness, and something warmed my heart at his words.
“Cassian, I want to. Now take off your pants.”
The Illyrian didn’t argue as he pulled down his pants. I gripped his thighs as his cock springing free. He looked down at me as his pupils consumed the hazel in his eyes, barely visible. Sticking my tongue out I swiped up his shaft. “Fuck,” He groaned leaning his head back.
I paused my mind looming back to the conversation that we had regarding safe words, “We won’t need it…I don’t think, but Ruby. He met my gaze once more, “My safe word is Ruby.”
Cassian bent down kissing me, “Use it, everything stops immediately. If you can’t use that pretty little mouth of yours.”  He kissed my lips, once more. “One tap on my thigh tells me your getting close to your limit.” Another kiss, “Two taps and we’re done. Okay and I need you to be honest, Sweetheart. You need to tell me.”
“I promise,” I whispered and crashed his lips to mine.
He pulled away. “Good,” He was about to say something but that fell away as I closed my mouth at his tip, taking his length slowly. He moaned as he lightly tugged on my hair, “You really are trouble. We said just sleeping.”
I hummed in approval, taking him deeper my nails digging into his thighs as I flicked my eyes up to him. Pulling away to the tip I swiped my tongue over his slit. “Princess.” His nickname on his tongue caused my toes to curl.
Putting him out of his misery I began bobbing my head, his hand guiding me. He sunk deeper into my throat. “Sweetheart. I’m not going to last very long.” I picked up my paced, “Will you touch yourself for me, sweet girl.” I instinctively slid my hand down and massaged my clit, moaning as against him. 
Cassian began thrusting, his pace sporadic and the sensation began to feel too much as I slipped my fingers into my folds. I tapped his thigh once. He slowed his pace slightly, “You, okay? Tap once if you are.”
I tapped him once. “Good Girl,” the praise shot straight to my core. He groaned, his grip on my hair tightened. “Fuck.”
I moaned continuously as I chased my own high when Cassian held my head in place as he found his release, “That’s it baby take it all.” His cum shot to the back of my throat and I drank it, greedily. “Now, come for me, Princess.” Sliding out of my mouth a trail of spit connecting my mouth to his cock, as my stomach tightened close to an orgasm, “You look so pretty, touching yourself, Cassian moved behind me and pulled my hand away.  I whined as he huskily said, “Allow me.” And his mouth was on my clit and his fingers sliding into my core.
“Cassian,” I moaned out as his fingers began to curl hitting that sweet spot, making stars appear in my vision. Cassian’s tongue was relentless on my swollen bud, but it was only when he pulled away to lightly blow on the sensitive bundle of nerves that I came all over his fingers.
The general kept moving his fingers helping me ride out my orgasm. He slowly withdrew his fingers, and I felt empty. Cassian walked over to wipe his hand on his old shirt. He walked to the bathroom while I stood. When he walked back out there was a rag in his hand pants back over his hips, “Get on the bed for me will you?” I did , and Cassian gently moved my thigh.
“Cassian, I can’t take any more.” I whimpered and met his eyes. His hazel hue irises held pain in them.
“Princess, I’m cleaning you up, I’m not...” He couldn’t find the words. He sighed. “I would never force you to give more than what you are willing to offer. I just want to take care of you make you feel clean before I hold your gorgeous body to mine tonight.”
Tears welled up in my eyes. “Fuck.” I covered my face, “No one has ever done that before.”
Cassian rubbed my exposed thigh soothingly, “Get used to it, Sweetheart. Me taking care of you after is a non-negotiable for me.” calloused fingers pull my hands from my face, so I must look in his gorgeous face, “Never expect to be treated any less than the princess you are.” He wiped the tears from my face.  “Especially when you’re in my care.”
“Shhh, sweet girl.  I have you.” I nodded as he wipes the warm rag through my center cleaning me as tears silently fell from my face. Once Cassian was done, he tossed the rag, “Scoot.” He smiled as I moved to the opposite side of the bed. The general slid into the bed, and his arm snaked around my waist pulling me close. He pressed his forehead to mine and his thumb swiped against my hip bone. “Tell me what’s on your mind.” He whispered.
My eyes fluttered closed, “I missed being in your arms.” I yawned once more, “You make me feel safe.”
“I’m not letting you go anytime soon.” Cassian whispered, exhaustion coating his own voice.
“Please don’t.” And in a matter of moments sleep overpowered me.
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We walked into the town home together, hands clasped, smiles bright, the next evening and reached the dining room where the atmosphere shifted to something dark. “What’s going on?” Cassian queried.
No one answered his question. Looking over to Azriel his shadows were almost completely hidden his posture straight, Mor taking a sip of her wine next to him, her finger grazing his arm in languid strokes. Her hand slowly moving his hand around the nape of his neck twirling with his curls. Cassian led me to the two empty seats across from the blonde and the spymaster. Azriel’s face looked pain as Rhys spoke. “Glad to see you two made up.”
Cassian said something that I drowned out my gaze focusing on the two fae in front of me. I recognized the look on his face. It’s one that I had expressed too many times myself. Her touch was unwanted, unwelcome. I took a steadying breath trying to keep the rage I felt from spilling over. Azriel was kind and gentle and had always been kind. He won’t tell her to get off for those exact reasons. Memories washed over me at the sight of Mor, touching him.
I wished he would stop touching me. Xavier’s hand gripped my thigh, hiking my skirt. My orders were simple, sit and look pretty. What made that challenging is Xavier trying to expose me to everyone in Graysen’s armies as he did so. His mouth connected to my neck, and I closed my eyes and started to count. Something I had grown accustomed to when he would put me on display this way. Counting the seconds for his hands that were once loving, now grown cruel were off my body.
Voices bring me back to the present and my eyes locked with Azriel. Pain is there and Its as though I can see him counting himself until she got his hands off him. I took another breath.
Be Brave, Archeron. He needs you.
“Mind taking your hand off the Shadow Singer, Mor.” I quipped, and everyone froze the conversation long forgotten.
Mor quirked a brow, “Excuse me?”
“He’s uncomfortable with you touching him. Fix it.” I said with no room for argument in my tone.
“Or what?” Mor sneered gripping Azriel’s neck tighter. His face grimaced at her touch.
I grabbed the knife, grasping it by the tip I tossed it without thinking twice, the blade slicing her skin causing her to move her arm, just before it found purchase against the wall behind her. “Or next time I won’t miss. Read the room when someone is fucking uncomfortable with your hands on them. Azriel does not belong to you.” I snarled baring my teeth.
Mor rose to her feet, “Rhysand, Am I needed for you debriefing the love birds?”
“Go.” Rhysand said his voice even, but his eyes were distant as if he too was having haunting memories of a time when his body was not his to control. His eyes met mine, “We’ll talk about that stunt later.”
A cheshire grin appeared on my face, “Happily.” I looked at Azriel who was watching me in stunned silence. “I would do it again in a heartbeat.” I said maintaining eye contact with Az.
His shadows swarmed over him covering his face. I understood their need to protect their master and looked back at Rhys. Not ignoring the bump to my knee from Cassian as he kept his leg touching mine, a silent reminder here was there. “We go to the Hewn City in a week’s time.”
“Shit,” Cassian muttered.
I looked to my general and back at Rhysand, “What’s the Hewn City?”
Amren, who had been abnormally quiet this whole time, spoke, “A vile city where the Night Court Underbelly resides. Also lovingly referred to as Mor’s home.”
Rhys snorted at that sentiment, “Her father had thought He would be next in line. He was sorely disappointed to find out that wasn’t the case.”
“Why do we have to go there?” I asked.
Rhys looked at Cassian. “To get the Veritas Orb.”
Cassian groaned, “Shit. So, the meeting didn’t go well.”
As Rhys and Cassian started a discussion, I finally took a look at my sister. “Fey?” Her eyes met mine, her hues of blue swirled with emotion. “What happened?”
“We ran into Lucien on our way home.” I stilled. “He wanted me to come hom- to the Spring Court.” Her face paled and I gripped her hand. “Rhysand intervened at some point, but it caused me to write a letter to Tamlin.”
Feyre smiled, “I told him I was never coming back and sent that over this morning.”
I smiled and squeezed her hand, “I’m proud of you.”
Feyre smiled, “Me too. Lucien was relieved to hear you were alive though. I never told you this when I got here. He was crushed when he learned about what happened. Light came back into his eyes when he found out that wasn’t the case.”
My smile faltered slightly. “I’m sure.”
Sitting in front of the fireplace on the chill spring evening I watched the wood kindle the fire, the wood popping every so often.
“You are a hard person to find.” My head snapped to the doorway to find Lucien leaning against the door frame. He was in a white tunic and tight hunting pants. He had pulled his hair up into a Bun to keep out of his face. The firelight danced across his dark tan skin but highlighted the scar over his left eye.
“Did it ever occur to you that I didn’t want to be found?” I glanced back at the fire. His boots clicked against the tile indicating he was coming toward me. He opted to take the seat next to me leaning to the cart and pouring himself a glass of amber liquid. I glanced over to him to see him pouring a second one and holding it out for me. “You have been noticeably absent too.” I whispered taking the glass.
“I’m sorry, Sunshine.” Lucien pressed his lips in a tight line. “I have been busy.”
“Well aware.” I murmured while sipping my drink. Lucien and I were not fast friends by any means. The nickname he called me once grated on my nerves, which was his reason for doing it. Though as Tamlin and Feyre’s relationship grew into something more, our rivalry suddenly ceased, and a friendship bloomed in its place.
Our favorite pass time being making fun at Tamlin’s horrible attempts at courting Feyre. The four of us walking through the warm spring sun, the flowers in full bloom Lucien’s arms looped in mine as we watched on as Tamlin stumbled over talking with Feyre. Lucien in turn would dramatically reenact, making me burst into laughter causing the High Lord and my sister to turn and glare. We hadn’t been able to walk together on the grounds since our return from Under the Mountain. Lucien particularly made himself scarce around Ianthe and I longed for him to take me to avoid her insufferable presence.
Lucien’s voice was quiet as he spoke once more. “Tamlin told me, I couldn’t take you. I wanted to.”
“Lucien, you don’t have to explain.” I let the burn of the alcohol coat my throat. We sat for a moment; the sound of the fire whirring was the only sound in the sitting room. “I noticed.” I could feel Lucien’s attention toward me, but I continued to look at the fire. “The way you tense when she walks into a room,” He stilled knowing who I talked about without ever having to use her name. “If you want to talk about it, you know where to find me.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Lucien clipped finishing his drink and pouring himself another.
“Well, if you just want to sit and brood about it…we can do that together too.” I sighed downing the rest of my drink. “Survivors have to stick together, right?” I looked at the red-haired male.
Lucien slowly met my stare, his russet eyes filled with sorrow. “Sunshine...”
Then the words began to pour out of my mouth before I could stop them. “His name was Xavier…”
“He is the only good thing in the Spring Court.” I said straightening back in my chair.
“Barely, he never stands up to Tamlin.” Feyre murmured.
“Feyre, you don’t understand,” I countered picking at my food, Cassian pressing his leg deeper to mine. Reassurance.
“Understand what?”
I glanced back at her, “How hard it is to regain your voice, when someone has stolen it from you.”
Feyre’s throat bobbed, “You managed.”
I placed my fork on the table and stood from my seat, ignoring the two pairs of Hazel eyes and one violet set, staring at me with concern. “Did I?” I walked away.
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Walking toward my room, a delicate hand gripped my arm and slammed me into the wall. Nails dug into my cheeks squishing them tightly together. I blinked and brown eyes and silky blonde hair came into my vision. “I’m going to make this clear.” Mor’s voice was cold and distant as I gripped her wrist trying to pull her off me. “I’m not fond of being made a fool” I tried to move she pressed her body against mine to keep me in place. Her eyes raked my face, and she tucked a loose stand of hair behind my ear. “I mean it would be a shame if something happened to poor sweet Feyre, as a result of your reckless actions.” I sobbed, clawing at her wrist and Mor cooed, “Oh, not so tough now are you. You’re such a fragile little thing.” She leaned in her sweet perfume filling my nostrils, “If I wanted to, I could-
“What’s going on here?” Amren’s voice rang through the hall causing Mor to freeze. “I would suggest letting her go, girl. Before her general finds you.” Amren crossed her arms causing her silver shirt that matched her eyes to rise to reveal a small band of skin. “Now, Morrigan. I don’t enjoy repeating myself.” Her voice was lethal, at this moment, I understood why she was Rhys’ second in command.
Mor released my face, not before she broke skin in some places. Glaring at me, “Stay in line, Human. You’re a lot more fragile than the rest of us.”
“That’s Enough, Mor.” My chest tightened to the sound of Cassian’s voice. Mor immediately took two steps back. “You need to go to the Hewn City. Rhys’ orders.” Cassian came into view, his wings tucked in tight, his siphons ablaze.
“Rhys can give them to me himself.” Mor pouted crossing her arms like a child.
Amren rolled her silver swirled eyes, “Go to the Hewn City. Maybe going to spend some time with your father will do you good.” Mor’s straightened but not before shooting me one more glare. She left not before bumping into Cassian’s shoulder.
Amren’s silver eyes gleamed at me, assessing, a smirk on her red painted lips “You are a fierce one, girl. You are not afraid to put someone in their place and you’re quickly becoming my favorite human I have come in contact with.” Her face fell slightly, “But tread carefully with Mor. She is not an enemy you wish to have; you’ll learn why when you meet who sired her.” She nodded her head toward me a silent goodbye and left Cassian and I alone in the hallway.
Cassian was on me the instant the short female made it down the stairs. He assessed my face for injuries, and his nostrils flared at the scratch on my face, “Stop.” I whispered.
His response came quickly. “No.”
“Cassian, I’m-“
“Don’t you dare say your fine when you’re trembling like a leaf.” I looked down to see my hands violently shaking. His hands covered mine to his steady fingers forcing mine to still.  “I’m right here, Princess.” He whispered.
“She threatened to hurt Feyre because of me.” I met his hazel eyes.
His expression darkened, “We should tell Rhys.”
I shook my head, “Can we wait? Maybe this was a one-time thing.”
Cassian sighed kissing both of my knuckles wrapped in his warm grasp. “I don’t like it. If it happens again, we tell Rhys. Got it?”
I nodded my head and Cassian released my hands to carry me in his arms. “Come on. We’re going to bed.” I leaned my head against his shoulder and allowed him to carry me to his room.  The scent of Leather and Sandalwood comforting me, so my eyes drooped closed. Cassian murmuring something I couldn’t decipher as I fell asleep.
To Be Continued...
Story Tags: @hellodarling1357 @hnyclover @waytoomanyteenagefeels @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @esposadomd @sleepylunarwolf @stressed-reader @kylaisra @marvelouslovely-barnes @magicstrengthandcourage @spideytingley @awkardnerd @donttellthecats @tastydewdrops @vermillionwinter @asweetblueberry2 @bunnyredgirl @homeslices @azriels-mate2 @oksloan3 @wallacewillow0773638 @fandom-crashlanding @writingstreetspirit @hannzoaks @minnieloo @tuggboatfishin @judig92 @atrxidxs @dustyinkpages @secretlyhers @mxblobby @blogforficslol @historygeekqueen @turtleshavesoulmates @scooobies @anuttellaa @earth-to-lottie @slytherintaco @fxckmiup @tinystarfishgalaxy @cheesebookgirl @oucereeng @st0rmyt @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @misslunatic1655 @azrielsmate3 @nebarious @tele86 @chelsiemp @fightmedraco @fullmoon-94 @thehighlordishere @jenniferpendragon @ray4hotchner @phoenix666stuff @misskennygirl @whitewolfsbitch @highladyivy @tenaciousperfectionunknown @packsvlog @heyyhelloohii @parabatai-winchester @julesofvolterra @lilah-asteria @lyanna133 @mp-littlebit @nickishadow139 @milswrites @eve175 @blackgirlmagicforever
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goblinontour · 9 months
To The First Girl Who Lit Him A Flame (Part 2)
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alex returns the favour with your help
part 1 | part 3
warnings: smut, oral (f receiving), it gets sticky, nothing crazy there’s quite a lot of fluff too
word count: 4.2k
your head was pounding by the time you got home, who would’ve thought the night would end up with you sucking off alex turner in the bathroom? you were smiling to yourself thinking back to it as you threw yourself on the soft bed in your room. your eyes were closing and as you were about to fall asleep your phone chimed and all the tiredness dissipated when you saw it was alex texting you.
you two made sure to exchange phone numbers by the time you had to go home, and even though it was already late you ended up texting till the morning, both equally excited for later that day.
you said your ‘good nights’ somewhere around 6am and you immediately fell asleep.
things couldn’t be more different for alex on the other hand. he was lying in his bed with his arms crossed behind his head and he kept staring at the ceiling, overthinking and already panicking. why did he invite you over? well, because he liked you of course, but he didn’t know how any of this worked, didn’t know what he was supposed to do. he thought about telling one of the guys and asking for some advice but they weren’t any better, they were still virgins as well and didn’t have any experience with girls, as far as he knew.
he was about to embarrass himself in front of the girl he liked and ruin all of his chances of this going anywhere, he thought. at some point he rolled over and straight up screamed into his pillow. this was happening regardless, no way to back out now. it wasn’t like he didn’t want it, he was just stressing out. and so he forced himself to at least get a couple of hours of sleep so he wouldn’t be completely knackered by the time you came around.
when he woke up he popped out to the store to get some snacks and drinks or whatever. on his way back home though he passed a pharmacy and stopped in his way. should he buy condoms? would he need them? how far did you think tonight would go? was he ready for that? he decided to get some just in case, better prepared than not.
he started pacing around the house, stressing once more, but he busied himself by cleaning up and tidying his room so it would look nice. he was snapped out of his little bubble by one of your texts.
“you never gave me your address al”
“yeah sorry i forgot i guess, but don’t worry about it, i’m picking you up, you live near royal on columbia right?”
“yes xx see you there?”
“definitely, 5?
by picking you up he meant see you there and walk together to his house. he didn’t have a car yet, still shared it with his mum and his parents were away with it.
he just waited for the time to pass, had a shower and tried to make himself look as good as possible.
in the meantime, you were bursting with excitement. you didn’t think you’d ever end up going to his house and for that reason out of everything, but you liked him, he was really nice and sweet and you didn’t see how anything could go bad. you did your makeup and all that and decided to wear your matching black lingerie set for him, to make it all the more special. you popped on a little miniskirt and sweater number, it was still quite cold and you wanted to be comfy at the same time.
it was about 10 to 5 when you spotted him outside. he was pacing on the spot, hoping he was in the right place. so you didn’t leave him waiting for any longer, grabbed your bag and went to meet him.
you grabbed him by the shoulders from behind but he was wearing his earphones so he didn’t hear you coming up behind him and you scared the shit out of his already hyper self, making him jump.
“sorry alex didn’t mean to scare ya”
“it’s alright” he giggled while wrapping the wires around his phone and stuffing them in his pocket “you look really nice y/n. very pretty indeed” that last part wasn’t supposed to be said out loud, it was more him thinking to himself but the words came out anyway.
“thank you” you murmured, hugging his side and squeezing his waist a tiny bit as you two started walking to his.
it didn’t take that long, he lived just a few blocks away and you were too into the conversation to even notice how time slipped and you were already at his front door.
“make yourself at home” he told you, but he felt anxious again “what are we uhm…what do you wanna do?”
“why don’t we just watch a film for now?” you suggested, thinking it would be easier to just hang out and get him more relaxed first.
“yes please, thank youuu” getting louder towards the end for him to hear you as he was walking towards the kitchen behind you.
he stayed in there for quite a while, you were starting to get a bit worried honestly. you went in to check on him and he was just standing there, leaning over the edge of the counter holding it by the edge and staring at the drinks in front of him.
“you alright al?” he didn’t say anything so you messed with the hair at the back of his head “hey”
“yeah i’m fine just…popcorn?” he was panicking.
“yes” you agreed, kissing him on the cheek. he couldn’t help but smile and he got all blushy, but you let him do his thing, staying close by.
when he raised his arms to get the bowl and everything else from the cupboard his fitted long sleeve climbed up as well, exposing his waist and his hips where his jeans didn’t quite cover his underwear, leaving the waistband visible. you bit your lip thinking about how you’d get to touch that later.
the two of you settled on the sofa and fought over what movie to put on until you came to an agreement. he was sitting close to you, but not close enough, and he didn’t know how or when to initiate anything so you took the first step and cuddled up closer to him, which encouraged him to wrap his arm around your shoulder, followed by you resting your head in the crook of his neck. in his mind he was going crazy and he hoped you couldn’t feel his heart beating to the point he felt it was going to burst out from his chest. of course you did, but you weren’t going to mention it.
you just couldn’t wait any longer. feeling him so close, right there within your reach, you couldn’t help yourself. you pressed a kiss to his neck, immediately feeling him tense up as he straightened his back. but as you kept leaving little kisses to his soft skin he started to melt into you, and even though you could hardly hear it due to how quiet it was, you felt a moan vibrating in his throat against your lips. He turned slightly to face you better, and he looked at you for a few seconds before asking
“can i kiss you?”
“how could i say no silly?” you replied, forcing yourself to not just grab him already, leaving him to do it. and he did, he leaned down and your lips were together again, and it was just as perfect as it had been that first time. your hands quickly found their way into his hair, making a mess of it, again, pulling on some pieces to get him to make all those pretty sounds that were like music to your ears. he got some more confidence and nudged you to get on his lap, and you happily complied, moving to sit on him. you pulled his head back by his hair to expose that big neck with so much space, just ready to be adorned with marks. although it took all the strength he had in him, he pulled you away.
“i said i would return the favour, let me.”
he followed in your steps, doing just as you had been doing to him, kissing your neck, leaving little bites all the way from behind your ear, down to your collarbone, holding the neck of your sweater pulled down with one of his fingers, so he could have proper access. you were so turned on, like you’ve never ever been in your life. you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was exactly, he wasn’t giving you anything you haven’t received before. maybe it was just him.
“wanna take it to your room then?”
“yes…mhmmm” he trailed off, mumbling something else you couldn’t make out, his face was still buried between your sweater and your neck, getting covered by your hair falling over it. he picked you up as his lips connected back to yours and started walking backwards to the staircase. he wasn’t quite so shy anymore, his hands finding their place on your ass, grabbing at it and going under your skirt, touching you directly over your skin. you’d decided to not wear any tights, despite it being cool out, you knew they’d be painfully in the way of your activities.
the moment got cut off however when alex fell on his ass on the stairs, bringing you down with him, of course. you both burst out laughing and it was addicting, the way his whole face lit up and that little scrunch of his nose ugh.
it didn’t stop you for long. his lips found yours once more, picking you back up and getting you two, safely, to his room, where he laid you down on his bed and crawled over you, both adjusting more to the middle so you could sit comfortably. he kept kissing your neck, feeling your body carefully, stopping when his hand was almost touching your breast to ask “is this okay?”. you nodded, aching for him. you could feel the arousal pooling in between your legs already as he started kneading one of your breasts over your top, if you weren’t wearing black there’d for sure be a wet patch visible.
“please alex” you said in a breathy tone, the air feeling heavy around you from how worked up you got. “can i?” you asked, fingers hooking at the bottom of his shirt, pulling on it slightly to show him you wanted it off, now.
“yeah” with his approval, you didn’t waste anymore time, bringing the top over his head and taking a second to admire his bare torso. so delicate. “can i take yours off?”
“thought you would never ask” you joked “please.”
he took off your sweater, leaving you in just your bra and your skirt that’s been riding up, resting all bunched up at the top of your thighs. his eyes trailed over your body, flicking between both breasts, he couldn’t believe his luck, that this was happening and it was real. he started kissing you again, slowly going down your body, caressing the sides with his big hands, his fingers dragging across your skin making it break out in goosebumps and tingles.
“i need you, touch me, please” you were getting desperate, would start begging if he didn’t attend to you soon enough.
he didn’t stop in his way this time. he sneaked his hands under your waist to raise you up so he could pull down your skirt. he continued by placing kisses to the newly exposed skin, down the insides of your thighs, getting closer to where you needed him the most. he hovered over your clothed pussy for a second, his breaths hitting it, making your need for him grow, until he finally left a kiss over it, his nose accidentally nudging just the perfect spot.
“please alex”
“uh…okay, okay” he said nervously now that he would actually have to get on with it. he pulled down your panties and you pushed them off from where they bunched up at your ankles, landing somewhere on the floor but you paid no mind to it now, too focused on him. his breath hitched in his throat and his dick twitched in his pants when he laid his eyes on the sight in front of him. “just a second” he pleaded, getting up to take off his jeans that had his growing erection strained. he just couldn’t stand them anymore. you took that as your queue to also take off your bra, leaving you completely bare under his watch. he sat on his knees, in between your parted ones, inviting and begging him to touch you. he snaked his arm around one of your legs and rested his face against it. he was just stalling, not knowing how exactly to start, what he should do, and he didn’t want to embarrass himself.
“what should i, you know…could you guide me through it so it’s good for you?”
you brought your own hand in between your legs and started touching yourself, running your fingers through your lips, gathering some of the wetness and bringing it to your clit, stopping to give him some pointers.
“right here. see?” moaning quietly from how needy you felt, and to rile him up more.
“yeah” his response barely audible from how entranced he was while watching you touch yourself.
“alex” you called out, to get him to focus properly.
“your turn now.”
“oh. uhm…okay, alright”
he lowered his hand where yours just was and he used two of his fingers to spread your pussy lips apart, exploring all of this carefully, as it was his first time ever experiencing it. he started by playing around with your clit, just like you showed him, and he got the hang of it, applying the perfect amount of pressure, slowly getting you there, the tension of it all making you hornier and you knew it wouldn’t take that long, even with his inexperience. you tried not to watch him too intensely, so he could relax, but those little glances you’d catch of him all focused were delightful.
he pleasantly surprised you when you noticed him scooting down on the bed so his mouth could reach your pussy, attaching his lips to your clit, where he previously played with his fingers, and you gasped as you felt his tongue poking out to lick it. he went lower to lap at all the wetness that kept pooling down there.
“you taste so good. fucking delightful” you couldn’t help but get a bit amused by his dirty talk, not that it was bad, you just weren’t used to it. the guy that wouldn’t risk getting too close to you on the sofa earlier was now complimenting how your pussy tasted. you could get used to it though.
your thoughts were interrupted when a loud moan, almost a cry, escaped your lips as you felt one of his fingers enter you, while he kept teasing your clit with his tongue. god his fingers were so long. You could feel every ridge of his knuckles as he pumped it in and out of your dripping cunt, so wet, just for him.
“more” and he obliged, instantly adding another finger and you already felt full, full of him.
“does that feel good?” he was enjoying it as well, by now he started subconsciously rutting his hips into the mattress, dying for some friction, anything to fix the aching hard on he had.
“yes, oh my god, how are you this good” you asked, more to yourself, not really expecting an answer, but this was all too good. maybe you were just too horny, but you didn’t think so. he was doing a really good job. and that was because while he kept going at it, he watched out for how your body responded to each one of his moves, keeping in mind what seemed to make you feel the best, like when he curled his fingers and you tightened your grip on the sheets, or when he touched your clit just right with his tongue and he could feel your thighs closing around his head.
you were so close, just needed a little bit more, so you started playing with your nipples, pinching them lightly, but he quickly noticed and took over one of them with his free hand, rolling it between his fingers just like he would do to himself when he was wanking, he loved how the double stimulation felt, and it was particularly pleasurable for him, so he thought the same would work for you. and it did. he kept hitting that perfect spot inside you, and his mouth. god. he switched between sucking that little sensitive bud between his lips and licking it and he found a delicious rhythm and position that made you bring your legs over his shoulders, wrapping around him and trapping him in there so he wouldn’t dare move, your hand flying to his hair, getting all tangled up, pushing him deeper into your heat. he was also moaning and making little whimper sounds. although muffled by his face being all up in your pussy, doing god’s work, you could feel them against your skin, the vibrations giving you all the more pleasure.
everything was just too much, you came apart beneath alex, saying his name over and over, mumbling praises for how amazing he was and how fucking good he was making you feel. it was one of the best orgarms you’d ever had, not even joking. no one had been able to make you cum like that, that good, except yourself, but that was different. was he sure he didn’t do this before because goddamn. you came all over his face and fingers until you pulled him away, becoming way too much. he pulled his fingers out and before he could do anything else you leaned over and grabbed him by the wrist, taking them in your mouth, cleaning them up, humming in pleasure as you tasted yourself and his jaw was on the floor as he was watching you. you did taste good, he wasn’t wrong. you then grabbed his jaw and pulled him into a kiss, pulling his body back up over yours and you felt him hard against you, his erection rubbing over the inside of your thighs through his tight boxers. you brought your hand down to feel him and he bit his lip to suppress the moan he was about to let out as you squeezed his hard cock.
“do you wanna, you know…?” you asked him.
“fuck” he let out as you kept touching him, the pressure feeling delicious.
“yeah, that” you giggled, you knew that wasn’t what he was trying to say by ‘fuck’, but once you realised how it came out right after your question, you couldn’t help yourself.
“no i meant-” you cut him off before he would start overexplaining and getting all stressed again.
“i know baby”
‘baby’, he liked how that sounded from you.
“i don’t think uhmm…if you don’t mind, i just, i don’t think i’m quite ready for that yet, if that’s okay? ‘m sorry”
“don’t apologise al, it’s more than okay, do you wanna maybe try something else, so you can…so we can fix this” squeezing him a bit tighter as you said that.
“like what?”
you flipped the pair of you over so you were on top of him now, sitting on top of his thighs.
“can i take these off?” referring to his underwear, your fingers toying with the waistband.
“mhm…yeah, yes.”
you pushed them down, not bothering to pull them all the way off, they wouldn’t be in the way. his cock was painfully hard, resting on top of his lower tummy now. you went to sit a bit higher up, your pussy rubbing over his length for a split second, making you shiver, still sensitive, as you positioned yourself over him. he was getting nervous as to what you were planning on doing. you rested your body over his, your chests pressing together. his hips automatically bucked up as you left a wet kiss to his neck, and his cock rubbed in between your bodies. and it felt so good. it wasn’t that far from actually fucking, but to him it was different, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it right now, he was still a bit scared. but this was good. you could hear him grunting quietly as he kept moving to get that friction.
“i was thinking of finishing you with my hand.” you said before nipping his earlobe with your teeth, making him moan louder now.
“mmno, this is…good, so good…”
“keep going baby, make yourself feel good”
this was something new to you, and it was so fucking hot. you weren’t getting much stimulation from this, if any, but that didn’t mean it didn’t bring you pleasure, seeing him under you, his face all scrunched and his eyes squeezed shut as he was desperately working to get his release. and also you being the reason he’s this worked up in the first place, eating you out making him get this weak.
you pushed more of your weight down on him, and to help him get there you started rolling your hips slightly, in sync with his moves.
the added pressure, and everything else, from your rocking over him, to the lingering touches and breaths on his neck, and your praises and encouragements, did the trick.
he stalled his movements and you could feel his warm release as he came in between your bodies, coating his belly and yours.
you rolled off from him when he was done so he could get some space to breathe, watching his blissed expression as he was panting and his chest was rising up and down rapidly. as soon as he came down from that lovely high he pulled you back to his side and kissed your temple, grabbing your waist to pull you closer but he winced as you accidentally touched his now soft cock with your leg.
“‘s all good” he assured you. one of his hands went to rest on his stomach but he was reminded of the dirty mess he made when he felt his sticky cum on his palm.
“we should clean up, i’ll just be a sec”
he got up and pulled his boxers back on, going to grab some wipes for the both of you. he insisted on cleaning you up as well, saying it’s his mess to clean. adorable. he gave you one of his tshirts and once you were all done he disappeared into the bathroom for a moment. the truth was he just needed a moment alone to freak out now. was this real? did that just happen? he was the happiest boy in the world in his mind, except for one thing. he hoped you wouldn’t blow him off completely because you didn’t fuck.
that wasn’t even a concern for you, it wouldn’t make you change your mind about him at all.
when he got back he had a shirt on as well, and a new pair of boxers. he jumped over you on the bed and hugged you close to him, peppering your face in the kisses you were now accustomed to, and you could get used to then happening more often, you were weak for him, completely whipped at this point. even though you’d only known each other for basically two days, you couldn’t think of just forgetting about this and pretending none of it happened.
“thank you” he hummed, his face now buried in the crook of your neck as he stayed on top of you like a little fluffy bear. “and ‘m sorry we didn’t, you know…”
“you don’t have anything to apologise for alex” you reassured, your hands playing with his hair. “that was honestly so fucking hot” making him laugh against you.
you were happy that he agreed. and it wasn’t a lie just to get him to feel better. that was truly so hot to you and you didn’t mind it at all, he’d already given you a great orgasm. you guessed playing guitar does have its advantages, cause those fingers did a spectacular job for being his first time ever doing that to a girl.
you stayed like that for a while, cuddled up with him on top of you. he even fell asleep not short after you’d ended talking about that film you were watching earlier. the weight was comfortable. he was like a cat of some sorts, you could barely feel him but it was bringing you that comforting warm feel, his breathing like a kitten’s purring.
a/n: IT’S HEREEE, i really wasn’t expecting so many people to like the first one, i hope you’ll like this too, and i’m sorry they didn’t fuck for real but i had this in mind and i just needed to get it out there. it’s 5am as i’m posting, i tried to check it but the words started to look like a big blob from how long i’ve been staring at it, so i’m sorry if there are any mistakes. also i decided to keep the same title so it would be easier to find, in case i end up doing a part 3 if you really want it. AND if anyone cares, the title is a play off one of the lyrics from the song ‘From Me, the Moon’ by Lav (apple music / spotify)
tags: @4chaos @picturezonthewall @st7rnioioss @theonlyoneswhoknowsblog @whitepontiac
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hypnos333 · 8 months
Hi! How are you? Hopefully good! I saw that requests are open (for hazbin hotel/helluva at least) and I wanted to send one in if that’s cool with you! Here I go!
Could I request Alastor and Vox (separately) with a GN! Reader who’s like Jeongmin Choi from Dreaming Freedom? I don’t really wanna explain her entire personality so I just added a link so it’s easier that way!
Thank you so much if you do this! Have a good day (:
A/N- I’m sorry I tried my best to fit the description of her
Freedom Dreaming
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Charlie first met you when you were quite new to Hell and ever since she found you, you became her most loyal friend. You are a girl with quite only a few words and glare at anybody 6 feet under whoever talks or laughs at Charlie’s ideas.
That’s when you met Alaster, he found you delightful and Charming in your own way.
You can make anything happen just by a dream, A dream into reality and that makes you dangerous. A target at hell that’s why he has his shadow following you around. The last time you went all berserk is when someone was flirting with Alastor so you used your own powers to kill the bitch.
You didn’t think Alastor would noticed but nope he did notice and he found it hot. So he decided to play around with you for a bit.
“Hello my dear! I was wondering if you have seen the new resident? What was her name? Ah yes Bonnie” He asked you making your eye twitch in annoyence making you wonder why he’s asking about her
“Sadly I haven’t seen her Alastor maybe she just left feeling pressured for doing so much for just redemption” You stated without looking from your book. He raised an eyebrow at you at your smart excuse before seeing your frustration making him smile even more.
“Ah I see, You seemed to know a lot more than your saying my dear” Alastor commented making you huff putting your book down.
“What’s the need of needing her now, Alastor?” You questioned before walking away but before you can do that he grabbed your hand pulling you back towards him.
“My dear, it was all jokes but I must say jealousy does suit you” He smirk making you roll your eyes in disbelief. “I do wonder what happened to Miss. Bonnie?” He asked making you finally give in as you pulled him down to kiss you.
but before he could react you pulled away “Are you done talking about the bitch now? I think she knew what she was doing when she was flirting with you” You said making him hide his blush at your bold statement and action.
“My dear we’re far from talking about her now, it’s just us now”
“Just us alone?”
“Of course My Dear, just us alone” He replied leaning down for another kiss.
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You glare at Valentino as he hid behind your Fiancé, Vox raised his eyebrows at you two before seeing you genuinely angry. “My Darling What has you so angry” He asked you making you continue to glare at Valentino.
“I saw him hitting Angel dust making him bruised” You huffed before finally lunging at Valentino making Vox hold you back as Valentino screeched in shock. “IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU BITCH” You yelled at him eyes pure black before Vox carried you out the house.
“My Darling no offense but please calm the hell down, you gonna make all hell scared of you” Vox stated calmly.
This reminds him of himself when he has tantrums way too much now he sees how you feel during those. You continued to scream curses at Valentino making sure he hears you loud and clear.
He moved you to both yours bedroom moving you to your bed, “Vox-“Shh baby let us just lay here for a second” He interrupts you making you huff in frustration. You wrapped your arms around his neck anyway ms as he hugged your waist.
“I’m not gonna forget what he did, I’m actually gonna kill him” You stated making him chuckle.
“I’m sure he deserves it anyways baby” He stated with you. Putting his hands under your shirt before rubbing your back making you even more calm than usual.
“Your trying to distract me” You stated knowing he is because everytime your mad at Valentino or Velvette he would do more physical touch either in public or not. You loved his touch maybe that’s why it was easy for you to calm down usual you’ll use your lucid dreaming by now.
“It’s work isn’t it?” He smirked making you blush before sighing still thinking about your friend making Vox frown.
“I’ll tell Valentino to not hit his clients but I can’t guarantee it my darling” Vox mumbled making you smile again. He noticed it making him glad you’re happy again.
“Really? Thank you so much baby!” You said excitedly kissing him all over his face making him love the attention and affection.
“I’ll do anything for you absolutely anything” He said before kissing your lips before pulling you closer.
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Hello everything is fine?
I'd like to make a request to Rhysand, I imagine something, where the reader is having a girls' night out, and the girls start talking about how Rhys loves the reader and stuff, and whenever the reader needs him, even if it's a small thing , and he is busy, he will always help the reader, and the reader, even though she knows this is true, denies it to the point of death, so the girls force her to create a false scenario, where the reader is in danger or has been hurt and for her to call Rhys
So, do the girls tell you how long it takes for it to arrive? and the reader dying to apologize for scaring Rhys and him trying to reassure her?
Rhysand x f!Reader
Warnings; none I think.
Not a night out but a girls night nonetheless. If you would like me to write another one with a night out please tell me and I will try to make another one. I just had this idea and I thought it fitted your request!
The crackling noise of the fire soothed you and you watched your friends tease each other and laugh. You smiled and leaned back, a glass of wine in your hand as you watched them tease Nesta about her relationship with Cassian.Mor had suggested a girls’ night so that’s how you all ended up here; in the living room of the house of wind, sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace. Amusement filled your eyes as Nesta made a vulgar gesture to Feyre.
“Oh don’t look at us like that” Nesta said with a smirk “Rhysand is completely smitten with you”
“Yes” Mor exclaimed “and he babies you all the time”
“No he doesn’t” you gasped.
“Yeah right, Rhys I can’t reach the mug, he rushes in gives you the mug and the next day all the cabinets are removed and placed again lower” Nesta scoffed.
“And if I remember correctly when this happened he left a meeting with all the high lords to reach that mug” Feyre added.
“Oh come on it was an one time thing… it didn’t mean anything.” You groaned.
“Just admit that Rhys babies you and we will stop” Mor exclaimed.
“No because it’s not true.” You almost screamed.
“Okay then we will test it” Nesta announced.
You tried to protest but Mor cut you off
“Yeah and if you are right then we won’t tease you again about your relationship with Rhys… but if you are wrong you will have to give us some bottles of wine from his personal collection”
You gaped at them, you didn’t have a choice, if you backed off it would be the same as admitting they are right and you wouldn’t do that even if your life depended on it.
“Okay so what’s the plan?” You asked.
They all smirked. After a few suggestions you made your mind.
“Okay I will tell him that I got drunk and tried to go out to get some air and slipped and fell down a couple steps.” You said.
“Okay and you should lie on the couch so when he comes he won’t immediately realise that it’s a joke” Nesta spoke.
You nodded and approached the couch. After laying down you called Rhys in your mind
What is it sweetheart! His deep voice rang in your mind, so soft and caring that it filled you with guilt.
Please don’t get mad, I had quite a few drinks and went out to get some air… and I don’t know how it happened but I fell down the stairs.
Before you could even blink you heard the sound of feet touching the ground on the balcony. Rhysand rushed in, a panicked look on his face. His eyes wide as he searched for you and he was panting. The moment he spotted you laying on the sofa his face paled and he ran to you kneeling by your side. And then you noticed Madja standing there too…. In her nightgown. Your heart broke and you cursed.
“What happened sweetheart? Where does it hurt?” The worried look he gave you filled you with so much guilt that you teared up.
“Wow five seconds and he even got poor Madja on the way” Nesta said.
Rhysand furrowed his eyebrows.
“Baby I’m sorry” you cried out “they were teasing me about you babying me and we made a plan to test you. I didn’t think it would worry you that much”
You reached for him and he leaned closer, you hid your face in his neck and cried harder.
“So you’re not hurt?” He asked.
“No, ’m sorry.” you muttered.
He was stroking your hair.
“It’s okay sweetcheeks I’m just glad you’re okay” he kissed your head.
“‘M so sorry” you repeated and kept repeating it over and over again. It broke Rhys’ heart.
The girls tiptoed out and Rhys glared at them. He didn’t mind that you made him rush here but he was upset with them because you were now crying. He sent Madja an apologetic look as Mor guided her to the balcony to winnow her back home. Madja offered him a smile and waived her hand like she was saying It’s okay don’t worry about it.
He held you as you cried.
“Hey… hey it’s okay I promise” he whispered and cupped your jaw, he lifted your head so you were looking at him.
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart, you’re okay that’s all that matters and you should test me more often, five seconds? We need to make that; one”
You chuckled and he picked you up.
“Let’s get you home and we can find way more interesting ways for you to make it up to me” he winked.
And god did you make it up to him, multiple times and in multiple ways.
Requests are open!
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jeannineee · 1 year
Could you do one where Rhys gets injured on like a mission or something and reader goes after the people that hurt him and then comes back and just lectures him into being more careful.
I can imagine the healers especially Madja just listening to this lecture, laughing at Rhys getting scolded like a child but surprised someone is willing to talk to a high lord like that lol.
Rhysand x Reader
a/n: requests are open!!
warnings: mentions of injury, violence, canon-typical themes
“You absolute idiot,” you seethed at your mate as you stomped into the bedroom, shaking with anger, but even deeper than that, fear.
Madja stood at his side, bandaging his abdomen. She kept her mouth shut, though you saw her lips twitch upward. Cassian and Azriel were in the corner of the room, snickering. One glance from you, and they stopped.
“You smell like blood, darling,” Rhys drawled, casual as ever, despite the gaping wound on his torso.
You would’ve choked him for maintaining his playful demeanor, if not for his injury. Your lips curled into a snarl. “You took on four Hybern scouts. At the same time, knowing you haven’t recovered all of your power yet.”
“I didn’t realize two of them were daemati,” Rhys replied, hissing as Madja began closing his wound. “If I had known—
“If you had waited, for Azriel, or Cassian, or Mor, or me, or literally anyone else, this wouldn’t have happened,” you shouted, unable to hide the worry lacing your words.
“Darling, I am fine.”
You rubbed your temples, grumbling. “Rhysand, I swear to the fucking Cauldron…the only reason I’m not kicking your ass into the next century is because you’re hurt.”
Rhysand shot you a feline grin. You scowled.
“This isn’t funny. Do you know how stupid this was?”
Madja made a squeaking noise, as though she was trying to stifle a laugh. She cleared her throat, speaking to you and Rhys. “Lots of rest. No strenuous activities for a few days. I’ll be back in the morning.”
You turned to Cassian and Azriel, who quickly hid their amusement. You didn’t have to say anything before they were muttering their farewells and leaving you and Rhys alone.
You sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the blanket over him, before taking his hands in yours. “I was terrified. I didn’t know where you were, what you were doing. All I felt was your pain through the bond. You scared the hell out of me.”
Rhys’s expression softened. “I’m sorry. I should’ve warned you.”
“You’re damn right you should’ve,” you replied, brushing your lips against his. “Don’t ever do that again.” You moved to lay beside him, resting your head on his shoulder.
Rhys nodded, kissing the top of your head. “Never.”
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prythianpages · 1 year
ACOSM | The Night her Powers Came
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azriel x rhy's sis (oc)
*disclaimer bc this takes place before Windhaven, therefore Azriel is not in this.
warnings: fluff/mild angst
A/N: this is an imagine among my collection of imagines that follow Rhysand's sister, Valeria. while I'm still working on it, you can find the masterlist for it here. Also, I don't remember when Cerridwen and Nuala first came into Rhys's life so for the sake of this imagine, let's pretend they've been with him for a long time. I think they were a gift to his mom by his dad? or maybe that was just something I read in another imagine.
Rhysand turned his head in alarm. He had left his door open but he hadn’t heard the footsteps approaching. He relaxed as he found his little sister peeking her head through the doorway, her favorite doll clutched in her free arm. Her eyes were tired and lips curved into a slight pout. She was never a fan of storms, always seeking comfort in her older brother during times like these so it was no surprise when she asked if she could stay with him.
“Come here.” Rhysand beckoned with a tired smile. He pushed his luggage aside and laid on his bed, patting the empty spot next to him. He had been packing for his move to Windhaven. He was now eight and it was time to begin his training to become an Illyrian warrior. Although he was the heir to the Night Court, his father had also agreed on this move. Both of his parents deemed that it was important to train so that he wouldn’t become reliant on his developing powers alone.
Valeria wasted no time in diving under the warmth of his covers, eliciting a chuckle from him. She made sure to tuck her doll in too, claiming that her doll–or Darla as she often corrected him– was also scared of storms and in need of cuddles. She turned her body to face her older brother. 
“I don’t want you to go.” She said quietly with a frown.
Rhysand’s heart dropped at her words. “I don’t want to leave you either.”
As there was no need for Valeria to train, the move to Windhaven had not included her. Of course, this didn’t mean her mother was going to abandon her. Her mother had reassured her that she would be constantly going back and forth between their house in Windhaven and the Moonstone palace as well as her father would remain to watch over her.
However, the latter did not bring her any comfort. She knew this meant she’d spend most of her time with Cerridwen and Nuala and there was also their cousin, Mor. So it wasn’t like she would be completely alone but it would not compare to the same comfort as her mother or Rhysand.
“Who else is going to keep me and Darla company during–” She flinched, cowering away under the blankets as the crashing thunder roared furiously. When the sound ended, she lifted her head and peered over his shoulder to look out the window with glossy eyes. “It’s so dark.”
Rhysand shifted in his bed so that he could be facing Valeria. He resisted the urge to tease the irony in his sister being afraid of the dark when she herself was a daughter of the Night. But he knew what Valeria meant. Tonight’s sky was full of clouds so dense that not even the glow of the moon or stars could cut through the darkness.
“The stars and moon are still here watching over us.” Rhysand assured her.
Valeria raised an eyebrow.
Rhysand smiled, extending his hand out as an idea popped into his head.
 “See, they’re right here,” he said as his hand began to glow, glittering stars rising from the palm of his hand and illuminating the room further. “They just needed a little break for the night. They’re sorry that their snoring scares you.”
“That sound is the stars snoring?” Valeria asked, her wide eyes tracking each and every star that rose from Rhysand’s palm as they found their place in the room.
Another crack of thunder sounded. This time, Valeria did not flinch. Her heart still couldn’t help but race at the sound but she found herself giggling this time. “They snore weird.”
“They do.” Rhysand agreed,joining her in her laughter and glad that his plan had worked. He gestured for her to also extend out her hand. “Here, you try it.” 
Rhysand had meant to transfer the floating stars above his hand over to hers but she did not reach for his hands. Instead, she lifted her own palm up, her eyebrows knitting together. He meant to correct his unclear instructions, opening his mouth to avoid the disappointment he feared coming.
As soon as he began sounding out his first syllable, his mouth shut. 
There, in the palm of her hand was the tiniest flicker of light. It took only a couple of seconds for the flicker of light to turn into a beam of star light coming straight from her palm and as she concentrated further on the light, Rhysand couldn’t help but snort to himself at the sight of her tongue sticking out.
“Look, Rhys!” Valeria cried out in excitement as the beam of light morphed into a sphere, swirls of silver rotating around it. “It’s the moon!”
The moon glowed brightly at the palm of her hand. Floating further and further up, both Valeria and Rhysand watched in awe as her moon joined his stars. 
“You have a gift,” Rhysand said with a smile.
“A gift?” Valeria gasped, turning to her brother. The moon she had conjured was quick to disappear as her attention diverted from it. “Where?”
Rhysand couldn’t help but laugh again.
Valeria hadn’t realized how dependent she was on her brother for company and entertainment or her mother for comfort and constant reassurance. It was no secret that Valeria was not her father’s favorite and it came as no surprise to her that his current work schedule allotted little time for her. It had been a week since Rhysand and her mother moved to Windhaven. They promised to visit once they were fully settled into their new home there, which would be a couple of days more and just in time for their monthly court meeting. 
Rhysand had just gotten fitted for his Illyrian leathers, per his notes of excitement. Before they had left, they gifted her an enchanted scroll and the three–or should she say four as she often sought out Mor’s help since she couldn’t read or write herself yet–exchanged notes every day.
On days Mor wasn’t there to help, Valeria would opt to scribble hearts and doodles of them. Her doodles consisted of her family as stick figures and she always drew Rhysand’s stick figure with the biggest head to which Rhysand would respond with his own stick figure version of their family with Valeria’s stick figure having a wild bird nest as hair. Their father was never included in their family’s stick figure drawings. However, sometimes Mor would make an appearance in them.
A hard smack sounded throughout the room as the sound of wood against wood met, causing Valeria to flinch. “A lady does not get distracted in her own thoughts while being spoken to!”
“Well a lady can’t help it if the topic is such a bore.” Mor huffed beside Valeria in her defense. She laid her head down on the table and blew her blonde bangs from her face.
“Morrigan!” Their instructor, Silvia, reprimanded as she struck her wooden stick against the table next to where Mor’s head rested. Mor did not flinch as Valeria did and instead glowered.
“Miss Silvia,” Valeria gasped with wide eyes, a devious glint flashing amongst her violet orbs. “A lady does not raise her voice.”
Valeria and Mor exchanged a look before bursting into giggles. She did not know how she would survive this etiquette class if it were not for her cousin. Mor was two years older than her so unfortunately, this was the only class they shared. But it had given Valeria something to look forward to every week day.
 Silvia slumped into a seat, across the table from the young girls with a sigh. She pinched the bridge of her nose. “You two ladies have yet to learn. Count your blessings on your high statuses as it ensures you will marry. As far as keeping your future husbands happy, who knows...”
“Can we go now?” Mor asked.
“Yes, you may go.” Silvia dismissed with a wave of her hand, muttering how the two girls would give her premature gray hairs with all the stress from their lack of progress in her etiquette class.
Mor and Val squealed in excitement at their dismissal, grabbing each other’s hands as they ran out of the room and headed for the gardens of the Moonstone Palace. They loved spending time in the gardens as the flowers were always in bloom and the soft splashing of the grand water fountain always brought comfort. Not to mention the light bugs that would appear as the sun began to set, twinkling around them as if they were tiny stars themselves. Mor and Val enjoyed chasing after them until the moon took the sun’s place and they were forced to part ways.
That’s how most of her weeknights ended. On days where they’d be bored of running around the gardens or the weather was not ideal for them to be out in, they’d find comfort in the palace’s library. Mor would pick a book, usually one related to Valkyries, and read outloud to her best ability. 
That’s where the two girls found themselves after their last lessons of the week.
“One valkyrie tek-neek was mind-stilling. They used it to calm their minds and emo-tions.” Mor read, struggling to enunciate some of the words. “It is the act of sitting and quiet-ing their mind. It is used to stay calm in the face of fears..Hmm, interesting should we give it a try?”
Val nodded her head eagerly.
Mor shifted so that she sat across Val, placing the book in between them so she can walk them through the steps. Val mirrored Mor, resting her hands over her knees. “Now, we take three deep breaths. In through our nose for a count of six and out through the mouth for a count of six. Don’t overthink it, just close your eyes and breath.”
“Now let your breathing steady and focus on the sounds around you. Acknowledge them, then let them fade away.”
Val continued to take deep breaths as she continued to follow Mor’s instructions. She focused on the sound of their breathing, the light crackling of the fireplace nearby and willed them to fade away. She surveyed her body next, starting from her head and slowly working down from her wings to her toes when she felt it.
A strange weightless, almost numbing feeling. The air around her grew cold and still. And before she knew it, she felt as if she were floating. It felt different from flying.
When she would fly, she’d feel the weight of her wings and while her wings were out–as she was unable to glamor them as Rhysand often did– she could no longer feel their comforting weight.
Let go, child. A chilling voice whispered. Come to us.
At Mor’s sharp cry, Val’s breathing faltered. She found herself all of a sudden feeling heavy and then, she felt like she was falling. The familiar weight of her wings came back to her and she willed them to spread wide and keep her from the horrifying feeling of falling.
She felt warm hands grasp hers, shaking them and it was only then that Val willed her eyes to open to find herself back in the palace’s library, a worried Mor right in front of her. Val blinked, feeling light headed and dizzy as the books that lined the shelves seemed to spin around them. That voice…
“Are you okay??”
“Yeah.” Val replied, eyebrows knitting in concern over the panic in Mor’s voice. “Did you hear that voice too?”
“Voice?” Mor repeated in a confused manner. She let go of Val’s hands, placing them against her forehead. Val grimaced at her warm touch. “Val, you’re freezing! Are you sure you’re okay? You were glowing!”
“So bright like the moon! I could feel it behind my closed eyes. I thought you were messing around but when I opened my eyes, you were hunched over and your breathing was all weird–”
Val drowned out the rest of Mor’s retelling as she tried to recollect herself. She hadn’t felt her breathing slow while meditating. She only felt as if she were floating and free, no longer confined to her body. And then the voice called out to her. It lured her and if it hadn’t been for Mor waking her, she feared she would’ve followed it to who knows where. 
The two promised not to speak of this to anyone and Val begrudgingly agreed not to try mind-stilling. At least not when alone. After assuring Mor that she was alright for the hundredth time, Mor said her goodbyes.
The next morning was a joyous one for Valeria. She could not contain her excitement at breakfast as she filled her mouth with eggs and ham, swinging her legs. The High Lord, her father, sat at the head of the table. Valeria sat at the seat to his right, choosing to take her mother’s seat as she found her seat to be too far from her father. Not that it mattered as he barely shared any words with her. However, she was just content for what little time he chose to spend with her.
“I learned what tek-nik means, father!”
“Technique.” The High Lord was quick to correct, shooting her a glare when one of her excited leg swings hit one of his own.
“Sorry!” Val apologized with a sheepish smile, the huge mouthful of food she had hastily shoved into her mouth daring to seep out.
The High Lord sighed deeply, as he always did when annoyed by his youngest. He set his fork down and rose from his seat. He didn’t bother to spare her another glance as he left the dining room.
 “Be good tonight and don’t cause trouble.”
Valeria’s eyes lit up at the invitation.
She was not allowed to join the previous Night Court’s monthly meetings. It was always attributed to her age–she was only six after all. However, she remembered hearing from the maids that Rhysand first attended when he was two. Of course, their attendance wasn’t of much importance as they were kids and they were not allowed to join in on the actual meeting between the High Lord and his overseers.
These meetings were in private and meant to update each other of their respective locations as well as any growing threats nearby. After these meetings was where the fun began. There was music by the Night Court’s finest orchestra that often led to dancing and not to mention the vast amount and variety of food prepared by the best cooks in the city. That is what Valeria looked forward to the most. As she finished up her breakfast, she couldn’t help but wonder if lemon cakes were among the dessert menu for tonight.
“Where is my little star?”
“Mama!” Valeria cried with joy as she ran to her mother. Her wings stretched wide open as she jumped and then soared into her mother’s awaiting arms.
“Oh my, how strong you’ve gotten!” Lady Yvaine laughed as she regained her balance from the impact. She held her daughter close and tight, rejoicing in her familiar scent as Val buried her head into her neck. She hated having to be apart from one of her children and the image of Valeria’s teary eyes and pout from when they had to part ways was all Yvaine thought about the past couple of days. While it brought her joy to see Rhysand taking part of their Illyrian culture, she worried over Valeria’s wellbeing too.
As Valeria pulled away to smile up at her mother, Yvaine promised to herself she would do her best to appeal to her husband to allow her to take Valeria back to Windhaven with her. “Mor taught me how to write some words, mama!”
“Yeah? Well, tell her she’s a terrible teacher.” Another voice joined them.
Val’s head whipped around to find her brother entering her room with a sly grin. He held up a piece of parchment paper in his hands and Val had to squint to identify the contents of it. She giggled as she recognized her own handwriting.
Val had learned about letters this week in her lessons and how they were used for many reasons. She had begged Mor to help her send one to Rhysand, claiming that the act of sending a letter was much more exciting than using the enchanted scroll.
“You got my letter!” Val exclaimed happily as her mother set her down, allowing her to run and hug her brother.
“To Rhys, the best big bruder.” Rhysand continued to laugh as he returned his little sister’s hug. Aside from his sister’s barely legible handwriting, the letter was filled with many different paint colors and pressed flowers she glued on to the page with the infamous stick figure drawing of Rhysand.
“I’m so glad you loved it.” Val said as she pulled away, her violet eyes twinkling in delight.
“I didn’t say I lov–” Rhysand’s mother shot him a sharp look. “What I mean to say is that I missed you too, Val.”
“Come on, you two. It’s time to get ready for tonight.”
“So handsome, my sweet boy.” Yvaine praised her oldest as she straightened his coat’s collar, admiring the intricate silver beading that ran along the front upper collar that she had done herself.
“And of course, my beautiful sweet girl.” She continued to praise as she then turned to her youngest, who was wearing a black dress with silver beading that matched Rhysand’s. The dress was long and tailored well so that Val would not trip over the hem. The sleeves were long and made of mesh with an overlay of silver stars running down the arms. There was a small slit among the arm sleeves to allow for a wispy ethereal look. To top off all of their looks, they all wore silver crowns adorned with stars and moonstone.
The Lady of the Night Court wanted to make sure that her children were dressed to part and shining as the stars they are for tonight’s event so she took it to herself to design and create their attire herself. She was dressed in a design of her own as well–a silver and black long gown that suited her curvy silhouette perfectly. Even her husband was dressed in all black and wearing a coat similar to Rhysand’s. The High Lord and his son had never looked more alike.
It was an important night as it would be the first meeting that the High Lord of the Night Court brought along his whole family. The last time they had made a family appearance was before Valeria’s birth. 
It had been planned to make an appearance shortly after Valeria’s birth to present her as the Daughter of the Night. But Valeria had fallen ill and was on the brink of death one month after birth while Lady Yvaine continued to struggle to heal from the strenuous birth. Rumors had immediately surfaced that the Night Court was on the verge of falling apart. If the High Lord couldn’t keep his newborn daughter alive and struggled to help his wife heal, then how could he keep the Night Court afloat? Even Rhysand had fallen victim to rumors as they began to question his legitimacy as heir as well as the powers the High Lord claimed he was developing.
But tonight was the night that all rumors would be disproved.
Valeria was a healthy six year old girl, despite her tendencies to fall to a mysterious sickness every month. The disease that had plagued her as a one month old never truly went away, choosing to linger and resurface in a milder form every new moon. The High Lord kept her isolated during those times to keep further rumors from surfacing, not wanting Valeria’s reputation to continue to taint his legacy as High Lord of the Night Court.
The Lady of the Night Court had returned to her duties shortly after her full recovery from giving birth. She radiated beauty and warmth, bringing back solace to the court. The people often wondered when there’d be another arrival of a child of the Night. It almost felt like a race of who would announce the coming of another child amongst the Spring, Autumn and Night court as they each had two children.
But only the Lady and High Lord and their most trusted healer, Madja, were aware that there would be no more children of the Night.
Madja feared that if Lady Yvaine became pregnant with child again, she would not survive it and the High Lord did not take this lightly. Meanwhile, the third son of the Spring Court was born a year after Valeria and the Autumn court now had four sons. This only fueled his frustration and distaste with his youngest further. She had already caused so much trouble within her six years of living. He suspected if his daughter was meant to be a curse–bestowed upon him by the Cauldron or Mother herself.
While the appearance of Valeria at the meeting would be the first, she was not the highlight of the night’s event. Rhysand was.
Tonight would be the night the High Lord of the Night Court would officially name Rhysand as his heir. Everyone could feel the strong power within the young boy. His powers had developed at a much faster and alarming rate than anticipated. With the announcement of Rhysand learning to train and fight as an Illyrian warrior, the High Lord hoped that this would quell all negative gossip of the Night Court being weak. Some even suspected that Rhysand would grow to become the most powerful High Lord of Prythian. The Night Court was strong and filled with great prospects and prosperity– a force to be reckoned with.
Lady Yvaine walked forward with her head high, a cool mask over her features as she walked behind her husband. Her High Lord. One hand held Rhysand’s hand and the other held Valeria’s as they walked into the Court of Nightmares. Together. As a family. For the first time in years.
Valeria found herself extremely overwhelmed. There were so many eyes on her and the majority did not appear friendly. She had wondered why they called her home the Court of Nightmares but now it all made sense. She found comfort in the lively and alluring music of the orchestra–Prythian’s finest, she had heard some call them.
She watched in awe as the orchestra played perfectly in tune, following along with the conductor.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Val’s gaze shifted to the person who had come to stand beside her. She was surprised to find an older blonde woman with rich brown eyes–Mor’s mother–but the surprise morphed into disappointment when she noticed that Mor was not in attendance. 
“Your grandmother used to play the violin, you know. She learned at a young age and when she was an adult, she traveled all over Prythian. They said she was among the best. She met your grandfather when performing here and well, the rest is history.”
“Did she continue to play?” Valeria asked, her curiosity piqued at the mention of her grandparents. Apart from the knowledge that they were dead, Val knew nothing else of them. She was never brave enough to ask her father either.
“For the Court of Nightmares only.” Mor’s mother replied as she nursed a glass of wine as dark as blood in her hands. “Allegedly, her music was the only thing that could bring your father–the High Lord–comfort when he was young.”
Val’s features contorted into a grimace at the thought. She could not imagine her father finding delight in anything. In fact, she couldn’t even recall a time where her father wasn’t scowling or frowning and she allowed her gaze to travel to the throne to confirm. But she couldn’t help but wonder when was the last time her father smiled–if he had even done so at all. Was it when he met her mother? Married her? Or Perhaps, the last time was when his mother last played the violin for him. She made a quick mental note to bring up the violin to her mother before bed.
The High Lord’s gaze shifted to find violet eyes that matched his own staring back at him. With a raise of his hand, he beckoned Val and Mor’s mother forward. They approached the High Lord, who still sat upon his throne. Lord Keir–Mor’s father–, Lady Yvaine, and two other Lords, ones Val had yet to meet, stood in front of the throne in conversation.
Val shifted toward her mother, her nerves unsettling as the men stared at her. Her fingers latched onto her mother’s gown and her violet eyes were wary of the uncomfortable and unwanted attention.
“This is my daughter. Valeria.” The High Lord announced.
“I was not aware you had such a lovely daughter, my Lord.” One of the older lords commented. “I have a son around her age. I would love to introduce him to you one day. Perhaps, they’d make good friends.”
Friends, Val’s eyes widened at the thought. She didn’t have many friends. Her only friends were her family, Rhys and Mor.
Lord Keir scoffed. “And what greater benefit could an alliance between your son and Daughter of the Night provide than one with my son? I could offer my Darkbringers at his High Lord’s disposal.”
Mor’s Mother turned to Val with a smile, always quick to back up her husband. “Wouldn’t you like to get to know my oldest better? Perhaps, if you and Mathis get along well, you could marry and live tog–”
“My daughter is much too young to understand, much less be involved in marriage politics. Especially to a cousin."
"Distant cousin." Mor's mother was quick to add.
Lady Yvaine placed a protective hand over Val’s shoulders. She forced a polite smile onto her face, her dark eyes tense. The whitening of Val’s knuckles as she clutched onto her mother’s dress did not go unnoticed by her.
Val was young but old enough to understand the implications of marriage. She had asked her mother about it one night, when she was braiding her hair. Her mother told her that marriage was something special, something beautiful as it was a union between two people who sometimes loved each other. But she also knew that marriage meant separating from your family to join another and it was usually the woman who had to leave her family.
And she refused to leave her family to be tied to Mor’s older brother, Mathis. She’d already met her cruel older brother multiple times before. His presence always brought her unease. He made a habit of pulling Mor’s long blonde hair and making her cry. Val wanted nothing to do with him.
“My wife is correct.” The High Lord finally chimed in. “The girl is only six. We’ll discuss potential alliances through marriage when the time is apropriate.”
The High Lord looked toward his daughter, who still clutched onto her mother. He motioned for her to leave with a nod of his head and with an encouraging push from her mother, Val hurried away from them in search of her brother with an uneasy feeling in her stomach.
 As the High Lord watched his daughter walk away, he realized that perhaps, Valeria was not entirely useless. She was the first daughter to be born to a High Lord in years–centuries even, perhaps. Pyrthian was full of sons at the moment and there were two unwed High Lords in Pyrthian. The prospects were many…
Valeria found Rhysand at the dessert table–the latter stuffing his face with chocolate cake. Much to her disappointment, there was no sight of lemon cakes anywhere. Her bottom lip quivered.
“What’s wrong with you?” Rhysand asked in between mouthfuls as he noticed Valeria was on the verge of tears. He swallowed and then frowned. “Are you feeling unwell? The next new moon is in two weeks–”
“I don’t want to marry Mathis.” She whispered, bile rising in her throat. Her hands were fists at her side and trembling.
“Why would you have to marry that brute? He's our cousin.”
“I don’t know.” Val replied with a shrug of her shoulders. “But I don’t like him. He smells.”
A couple of tears escaped Valeria as her shoulders began to tremble. Her fists uncurled and Rhysand’s gaze fell down to her hands as he noticed a flicker of light. It was faint and small–like the lighting of a candle at first– and he watched at a loss for words as the light began to grow bigger and bigger. It trailed up her hands and then, to her arms, casting a silver glow to her skin. It was the same light he had witnessed a week earlier, the manifestation of Valeria’s developing powers and just as he had been when his powers first developed, Valeria was losing control.
Rhysand was quick to drop his chocolate cake onto the table and grab a hold of Valeria’s hands. He was still learning to control his own powers so he hoped he knew enough to help his sister. He called upon the darkness that lingered within him, urging it to engulf Valeria’s light and dampen her glow to avoid any unwanted attention.
“Listen to me, Val. You are not going to marry Mathis.”
“You promise?”
There was such desperation in Valeria’s eyes that it made Rhysand’s own violet eyes water. Her light began to flicker and dwindled.
“I promise.” Rhysand said as he squeezed both of her hands, relief flooded through him as her light diminished, dampened by his darkness as water dampens fire. “I promise that you will marry someone that makes you happy. Someone who makes you laugh. Someone who loves you just as much as you love them.”
“Someone who smells good?” Val questioned, her eyebrows knitted in concern.
 “Someone who smells good.” Rhysand added.
Valeria felt herself calm down, soothed by her brother’s words, as she stared down at their joined hands. She watched as a crescent moon in the form of black ink appeared on the fourth finger of her left hand. A dark fine line joined on either side of the moon as it wrapped completely around her finger. Two dotted lines appear, one on top and one on bottom to the fine line along with little stars. Her gaze drifted up Rhysand’s arm as she noticed a similar crescent moon form one his left hand with similar lines and stars wrapping around his wrist. 
They both looked at each other filled with astonishment as their bodies were now marked with a permanent reminder of the promise Rhysand had just made.
Rhysand hoped that no one had seen or noticed them. 
But someone did notice.
Their mother.
Lady Yvaine’s eyes widened, her heart racing with unease and anxiety as she clutched the side of her gown. The same area Valeria had been holding onto. The same area that now had a hole, revealing the black silk that had originally been covered by black glittery mesh–the mesh that now had rough edges and appeared as if it had been burned off.
Valeria was gifted. Just like Rhysand. And she feared what would happen to her daughter if anyone else found out. Unfortunately for Valeria, she was a girl and this world did not take kindly to females with power. The lords of the Night Court already had their hungry, vulture eyes on her. If they discovered she was gifted as well–
Lady Yvaine shuddered at the thought.
She had to keep Valeria close. She had to keep her away from the hungry eyes and vultures among the Court of Nightmares. There was no way she was returning to Windhaven without Valeria.
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starlightandsouls · 2 years
Hi, I had this idea and maybe you could write something around it… if you don't want to, that's fine!
Azriel and reader are in a relationship, reader already has a daughter who adores Az, maybe one night the little girl ask him to read her a bedtime story and she says something like "I love you daddy, goodnight" and that was the first time she said those to him and he goes tell reader
I love your writing!
My Angel
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Azriel POV...
He should have known better than to be roped into one of Morrigan's plans, but his family had the annoying habit of dragging him into whatever they were doing. Morrigan and Feyre had the idea that things were getting a bit too ‘boring’ so had consequently decided to throw a party at the River House. And that was all good enough. The problem was that they had recruited him to run all their errands.
So now, albeit unwillingly, he found himself with a list in hand, standing in the Rainbow centre, frowning at everything he had to get. Honestly he believed that as the Spymaster of his court, he had much more important things to do. And he had voiced as such to Rhysand, but in the end the High Lord had been unable to deny his mate. Sap.
He had just left a winery after purchasing Cassian and Mor’s long list of demands, face buried in the damn list, when he had stumbled into something. Or someone as it seemed. Grunting, he looked down and found a small girl staring up at him, scowling.
Now Azriel was not good with kids, had never known how to dealt with them. The closest had been his nephew, Nyx. And even with him, Azriel had been terrified at first, too scared that he would do something wrong, would somehow hurt the little boy. For some time, he had downright refused to hold Nyx, consumed by his fear and doubt. It wasn’t until that Rhysand had almost shoved the boy into his arms, slapping him across the head for his ‘stupidity’ as his brother put it, that he had started bonding with the boy more.
Now, however, he was pulled back reality as the girl before him snapped at him,
“Hey! You dropped my ice cream, mister.”
Azriel was taken aback. Usually kids, parents included, shied away from him. They were all too intimidated by him; by his title, his shadows... his scars. So Azriel stopped bothering about them altogether. So for this little girl to be so unabashedly reprimanding him for causing her to drop her ice cream, definitely took him by surprise.
“I’m sorry?” Azriel asked, still not grasping the situation at hand.
“You should really watch where you’re going. That was my favourite flavour and its gone because of you.”
Azriel looked around, trying to locate either of the child’s parents, not wanting to abandon her in the middle of the busy street. Just as he was about to ask her where they were, a woman exited one of the shops and frantically ran over to them. And Azriel’s heart stopped. Before him now was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The golden light of the Summer sun made you glow as you rushed over. And Azriel was once again speechless, this time by your breath-taking beauty.
“Aria! How many times have I told you to stay close to me. You know you’re not allowed to wander off,” you reprimanded, not even noticing him standing there, watching you, enamoured.
“Mama, I was just waiting for you outside. Its so stuffy in there. And I was just having my ice cream when this man pushed me!”
The blatantly untrue accusation broke him out of his reverie. Azriel made an incredulous sound and shot back,
“I did not! You were in my way.”
The woman then, finally, turned to take him in. Her eyes wide, obviously realising who he was. She started to apologise when her daughter interrupted her again,
“Well you should keep your eyes open while walking, mister. You have to buy me a new ice cream now.”
“Aria!” you started, horror etched across her face, then turning to him she continued, “I’m so sorry. She’s not usually like this, I don’t know what has gotten into her...”
“Please, no need to apologise. I mean, she’s not wrong. I was a bit preoccupied. I should have noticed her,” Azriel agreed all of a sudden, overcome by a need to appease you, wanting to ease the frown marring her beautiful face. Woah. Where did that come from? You had a daughter, so you must have a husband. Therefore he shouldn’t be finding you anything... let alone beautiful.
‘She’s alone, master.’
His shadows, ever the busy bodies, whispered to him. Well that certainly wasn’t any excuse. If she was alone right now, that didn’t mean she didn’t have someone waiting for her somewhere. Although, looking down he notices the stark absence of a ring on her left hand. Strange...
“Exactly. You were in the wrong. So now you have to buy me a new ice cream,” Aria stated, matter of fairly. Azriel laughed at her dedication to her ice cream before asking,
“Well I have to run right now. I was running some errands for my family. Can I get a rain check?”
“Mama what’s a rain check? It’s not going to rain today, the weather so hot, I’m boiling,” Aria inquired, her brow furrowed as she tried to make sense of the word.
“A rain check is when you postpone something and ask for a later date,” you explained.
“Oh. Then when will you buy me ice cream then, mister?” Aria rambled on, unfazed completely.
Both of you laughed at her dedication to her ice cream. Turning to each other you both exchanged names. After some back and forth, the two of you decided to meet at an ice cream parlour that had just opened in town. Azriel had heard nothing but praises of the place from Nesta and the Valkyries who frequented the place often in their book buying sprees.
Several years later, Azriel would remember to thank Morrigan for sending him out that day. As Azriel flew back home, smiling to himself at the ice cream date he now somehow had with the two of you, he was oblivious to the fact that he had just met the love of his life.
The ice cream date had been just the beginning of the beautiful journey the three of them would embark on together. The very first thing Azriel had learned about you was that you and Aria were all by yourselves. Aria’s dad, the fucking prick, had taken off just as you had gotten pregnant and had never looked back. The fact shouldn’t have made him as glad as it did. Yes, Azriel was enraged on your behalf and had half the mind of asking you his name just so he could hunt the bastard down. But he was happy because it meant you weren’t off limits. It meant he could maybe, just maybe, convince you to give him a chance.
Although as time passed, Azriel realised it wasn’t you who needed convincing; it was Aria. The eight year old girl was so much more smarter than he had given her credit for. She seemed protective of you in a way. Overtime she put Azriel through so many of, what he later realised, were tests to see if he would stay for the two of them, if he wasn’t just playing around. This continued for some time even after the two of you had officially started dating.
One day, he had been in the middle of going through reports for Rhys, when one his shadows who he always left with the two of you appeared by his side and frantically pulled him up. He had immediately winnowed to your house, knowing his shadow would only leave the two of you if it was an emergency. To say he had been scared would be an understatement. His heart had dropped as he arrived, mind instantly assuming the worst possible scenarios. Was Aria hurt? Were you? What if one of his enemies had gotten to the two of you? If anyone had hurt a single hair on your head, he would-
Storming into the kitchen, Azriel was met by a site of absolute chaos. He was relieved to find the two of you safe and sound. But his relief was short lived, and was replaced by confusion at the state of the usually meticulous kitchen.
Not a single inch of the counter top was empty. Dishes and flour and sugar (was that maple syrup?) were thrown around haphazardly.
You were wiping down the spilled flour when you noticed his presence. Looking up, you exclaimed,
“Oh, Az. When did you get here?”
“Just now. What... what happened here, love?” he inquired, slowly making his way over as he tried to navigate through the mess strewn on the floor.
“Well, I had thought since today was Saturday I could get some more sleep in. But this little miss decided to take it upon herself to make breakfast today,” you answered as you turned to Aria, levelling her with a glare. Azriel was glad he wasn’t on the receiving end. While you were usually the most kind hearted, amicable person he had ever met, he knew you could be firm when you wanted to. Whether that was with Aria whenever she wouldn’t cooperate or some stranger trying to mess with her.
Speaking of Aria, the shadow that had alerted him in the first place, was now playfully slinking around at her feet, like a goddamn pet dog. Ah, the power the two of you had. You, with your endless love and adoration, had reduced Azriel to a love sick puppy within a few months of being together. And little Aria had trained his shadows, the source of his power, the bringer of death and pain for many, to eager puppies. Ah, how love changes a person.
Aria turned to him with a cheeky grin and said,
“I just wanted to do something nice for Mama.”
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm. I don’t know how it got so messy. That’s why i called you here, Azzy. So you can help her clean up,” Aria answered. Another habit the little girl had was giving him the strangest of nicknames.
“Darling, I don’t think that’s why I left my shadows here. You scared me, you know. I thought something happened,” Azriel admonished. While he was always joking around with her, he felt it was important to teach her some responsibility from time to time.
“Aria!” you remarked as you overheard what your daughter had done.
“What? It’s just so much! And Azzy doesn’t mind. Do you, Azzy?”
“No, no I don’t,” Azriel said as he huffed a laugh. He would do anything for the two of you.
Azriel rolled up his sleeves and started gathering up all the dishes to move to the sink. You were dusting off the spilled flour while Aria observed from the corner. The two of you had forbidden her from entering the kitchen while they cleaned. The little devil would surely have created an even bigger mess.
With all the dishes piled up, Azriel was just about to start washing them when Aria slowly tip toed over to him. With her hands behind her back, an innocent smile on her face, she made it impossible for him to scold her anymore.
“Azzy. I have to tell you something,” Aria whispered. He gestured for her to continue but she shook her head,
“No, no. Come here. Its a secret.”
Azriel sighed and leaned down, knowing the little girl would not relent until she got her way. As Azriel leaned closer so she could say whatever she had to, he was met by her palm smacking across his right cheek. Erupting in giggles, Aria ran away before either of them could say anything.
Standing up, Azriel simply stared at you as your hand flew to your mouth to stop your own laughter. If only his brothers could see him now; standing in a kitchen, doing dishes in a house not his own, cheek covered in a hand print of flour. They would surely think he had been replaced by some clone.
Laughing, you walked over to him. You wiped off the flour covering his face, then wrapped your arms around his waist.
“I’m sorry darling. I hope she didn’t interrupt anything important,” you said as you leaned closer.
“Nonsense. Nothing’s more important to me than you. I’d do anything for my girls,” he replied firmly, hoping you understood how much the two of you meant to him.
“I love you Azriel.”
“I love you too,” Azriel replied, with his own smirk. Before you could have the chance to move away, he had grabbed some flour from a stray bowl and blown it all across your face.
Azriel erupted in laughter, at your expression, at your now completely white face.
“Oh you little shit,” you snapped as you reached over for some flour of your own.
The sight was truly comical; the two of you running around like maniacs, chucking flour at each other. The house filled with sounds of laughter and joy.
Several months later, Azriel was staying over at your place for the night. Having been gone to the Winter Court for some recon, Azriel had been away from his girls long enough that he had jumped at the offer.
You were already in bed, waiting for him. Knowing you had a long day at work, Azriel had offered to put away the dishes after dinner and put Aria to bed as well. You had refused at first, knowing he had just returned home and surely must be exhausted as well. But Azriel had heard none of it and had sent you off with your favourite novel and a warm cup of tea.
With everything else done, Azriel now lay in bed with Aria, reading her a story as she slowly dozed off. One thing about Aria was that whenever she was with Azriel, whether that was while he was reading her a bed time story, or sitting on his lap for dinner, or while she rambled about her school to him, she always took his hand. And that always took his breath away.
Just like right now, Aria had his right hand clutched in both of hers. Her soft hands rubbing shapes into his hand, smoothing over the rough scars. When the two of you had started getting closer, he had been hesitant in initiating any contact with Aria, had always kept his distance, since he thought his scars might scare her. You, however had interpreted it as not wanting anything to do with your daughter. And you had expressed this to him with tears in your eyes. Tears that had almost killed him, to think that he had been the cause of your distress. It was then that he had told you of his own insecurities, how he was afraid that his scars might bother the innocent little girl. You had immediately tried to ease his doubt, assuring him that they had never thought any different of him because of his scarred hands.
Looking down, he saw Aria had gone to sleep. He put away the book and slowly eased his hand from hers. He had pulled up the blanket around her, making sure she was properly tucked in. He was just about to get up and leave, when Aria roused. Internally cursing himself for waking her up, Azriel made to run his hands through her hair, knowing it always puts her straight to sleep.
Aria, however, sat up on the bed and threw her arms around his neck whispering,
“I love you, papa. Goodnight.”
And then just as quick got back in bed and went to sleep. Azriel was frozen in place. Tears rolled freely down his face. Aria had never called him that before. Always referring to him through her silly nicknames. And to think... she trusted him enough to consider him her father... it was more than anything Azriel could ever ask for in life.
Leaning down, he kissed the top of her head and slowly said,
“I love you too, my angel.”
Azriel tip toed his way to the door and closed it silently behind him, not wanting to wake the child again.
He moved away from the door quietly for a moment, before practically running down the hallway to tell you what had inspired.
Later that night, as he lay with you in his arms, Azriel couldn’t believe any of this was real. He had a girlfriend, who he loved more than the stars in the sky, who he would give and take a life for. He had a... daughter. He had a family of his own. Each night, he would say a silent prayer to the Mother. Thanking her for bestowing this gift upon him. Azriel knew an eternity would not be enough to express his gratitude, his devotion, to the two of you. His two angels.
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marvelsmylife · 3 months
That damn lingerie gift
Pairing: Cassian x reader
Plot: you bond with Nesta over the fact you don’t like that Cassian gifted Mor lingerie during solstice.
A/N I was in an angsty mood and decided to write this. Let me know if you would be interested in a part two and if Cassian should be given a second chance or if the reader should end up with someone else
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It was meant to be a gag gift, but knowing your mate gifted another female lingerie on solstice made your heartbreak, and he was too oblivious to notice. You knew of their past, and while you didn’t like it, you never prohibited him from talking to her. You wanted to be the fun mate who let her mate speak and hang out with his exes whenever he wanted. Unfortunately, because you didn’t set boundaries earlier on in your relationship, Mor thought she could ask for such risqué gifts.
Nesta sent you a sympathetic look, knowing she was in your shoes once before she found out the Eris was her mate. She expressed to Cassian how uncomfortable she was with the idea of her boyfriend gifting such an intimate item to another female. Because of that, she felt the need to ask if you were ok with what just happened. She motioned towards the front door, indicating if you wanted to go outside, and you nodded yes.
Once outside you broke down in Nesta’s arms. She let you cry it out until you couldn’t anymore before suggesting you take a walk to cool off. Throughout that walk, you vented to her how uncomfortable you were with how Cassian interacted with Mor. You told her how it sometimes felt like they were flirting, and every time you brought it up, he would deny it. He would say that she was the past and Mor was only interested in females now.
To your surprise, Nesta began to share stories of what went on during her relationship with Cassian. She told you she wasn’t surprised that Cassian responded to you that way because he did the same with her. “I guess I didn’t leave Cassian sooner because I was scared of being alone. I thought it would be better to tolerate being disrespected like that. Funny enough, the day I found the courage to break up with Cassian was the day I found out I was Eris’ mate. Eris witnessed the breakup and offered me refuge at the autumn court.”
You looked at Nesta with admiration, “I want to leave him, but I’m scared,” you admitted.
“Don’t be. If you wish to leave him, you should. I wish I listened to my instincts when they told me to leave. It would have saved me tears and sleepless nights. If you are worried about where to go Eris and I would be happy to have you in the autumn court. We can find you a job within the court. Just say the word,” Nesta replied right as you returned to the house.
“I’ll think about it. I might go back to the summer court for a bit just to see family, but moving to the autumn court does sound appealing,” you replied before opening the front door.
As soon as you and Nesta stepped foot inside the house Cassian was berating you about leaving without telling him. “I’m sorry, but you were too busy gifting another female lingerie to notice I left in the first place.”
The room fell silent at your words because they knew this was going to happen. Mor wanted to make light of the situation and replied, “Geez y/n, you need to chill. It’s just a gag gift Cassian gives me every year. It’s not like I put it on for him. Although I have offered in the past.”
You turned to Mor, “Shut the fuck up. I wasn’t talking to you.” Mor looked at you stunned, as you began to yell, “It’s bad enough you’ve fucked my mate. You asking him to buy you lingerie and passing it as a gag gift is so fucking tacky of you. I hope whatever poor soul that gets shackled to you gifts their friend lingerie in front of you so you know how it feels!”
Everyone’s eyes widened at your rant because you’ve never spoken to anyone like that before. You were so quiet and timid they didn’t think you would be capable of saying something like that. Cassian was going to reply, but you just pushed past him and went straight to your room.
As soon as you were gone, Amren began to clap and earned looks from her friends, “What? She’s right. It’s fucking weird that Cassian gets Mor lingerie every solstice. I honestly thought it would have stopped when he dated Nesta, but I was wrong.” Amren turned to Cassian and said, “Maybe this time you’ll listen to your significant other, seeing as she’s your mate.”
Cassian bolted towards your room at Amren’s words and was getting ready to grovel for your forgiveness. Unfortunately, you locked the door and refused to reply to his pleas. Growing annoyed, Cassian started banging on your door repeatedly. “Come on y/n, stop being a bitch and open this door so we can talk like actual adults,” Cassian regretted saying those words as soon as they slipped out of his mouth. He knew you weren’t being unreasonable, and he would be livid if he was in your position.
You swung open your bedroom door only to reveal you were holding two suitcases. “Where are you going?” Cassian asked in a panic tone.
“Back to the summer court. I will not stand by and be so fucking disrespected, especially by my mate,” you pushed past Cassian and started making your way to the front door. You turned towards everyone watching the scene unfold before them, “Azriel, can you please take me to the summer court? I can’t stand to be in the presence of that brute any long.”
To Cassian’s horror, Azriel nodded his head and started walking towards you, “You can’t go. You can’t leave me after one little mistake.”
You let out a dry laugh at Cassian’s response, “The thing is, this isn’t the first time you've done this. How many times have you gifted Mor lingerie while dating Nesta?” You waited for Cassian to respond, but he didn’t, so you continued, “She told me you did it all five years you were together. Five times! And the worst thing about it is that she voiced that she was uncomfortable with you doing that, and you ignored her.”
Everyone cringed as you verbally destroyed Cassian. “You were so insecure about the fact that I was involved with Tarquin before we got together that I stopped talking to him. He was my childhood friend, and I stopped talking to him to make YOU feel better.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t fucking thinking. I’ll stop talking to Mor too if you want, but don’t leave,” Cassian tried to reach out to you, but Azriel blocked him. “Azriel, get out of the way.”
“No,” Azriel replied coldly, “y/n is right, and if she wishes to leave, she will leave.”
Azriel was about to winnow you away when Cassian replied, “Of course, you would say that. You’re still bitter Mor came to me instead of you to help-”
Cassian doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence before Azriel punches him in the face. “Stay away from y/n,” Azriel growled at Cassian before he winnowed you out of the house.
@lilah-asteria @wxhxixtxexroses @melmo567 
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
What would you do if you were Azs mate and found out he gave you Elains necklace?
“That’s such a pretty necklace, where did you get it?” Feyre mused, her brows raising as she peered over the rim of her wine glass at you. It went a little quite in the room, your cheeks heating as the High Lady’s fingers brushed your skin where the small pendant sat.
Despite it having been almost two years since you’d met her know, far more since you’d found your mate in her family, it still surprised you sometimes to find yourself holding her attention.
“It is pretty!” Mor fawned, coming a little closer to admire it. “I must know the jeweller, I could spend a fortune on pieces like this!”
“You’ll have to ask Azriel, he gave it to me years ago.” You smiled at the memory, you’d barely been on three dates with him, before the bond had even clicked, and he’d gifted it to you to match your dress before taking you to dinner. You’d almost forgotten about it, hidden at the bottom of your jewellery box. Glancing around the room, pride shone within you toward your mate as everyone admired it. Everyone but one. Elain. A frown sat in her lips, brows pulled taut, and she seemed so deeply conflicted that a war was playing out on those delicate features. “Elain? Are you okay?”
“Yes.” She whispered, head snapping up, but her lips pressed together more tightly than usual, a frown tugging at the corners.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” She had less conviction this time, her voice weaker, and a ripple crossed over her features like she was cursing herself for it. The weight of everyone’s stare on her, now, seemed to make her snap. “It’s just— Azriel gave me that necklace, nearly half a decade ago.”
“He gave you one too?” You’d known about their dalliance, it had been a joke long ago that both you and Lucien had rolled your eyes good-naturedly at, but now it was confusing.
“No… he gave me that one.” She sighed, finally meeting your gaze, looking somewhere between scared and sorrowful. “He gave it to me on Solstice evening, and I gave it back to him the next day.”
You fingered the charm around your neck, lump swelling in your throat. “Do you… want it back?”
“Back? Gods, no, it’s yours! I didn’t—” Her eyes wondered further, that fear leaking into her voice now as she moved across the room to clasp your hands. “I don’t want that! It’s just, it reminded me of why I gave it up. I saw you. When he gave me that necklace it felt stolen. When I wore it I felt wrong, and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw your face. I saw you in my visions before I ever met you, and I knew I wasn’t the one for Azriel! It’s just… I’m so happy with Lucien now, I couldn’t be any happier, but thinking back on old heartbreaks hurts. It killed me to give him up before I knew Lucien was who would make me happy, when I thought that would be Az. Looking at the necklace just makes me sad, and I never imagined he’d give it to you. Never. I thought he’d get rid of it.”
You clutched her hands tightly, willing her to see your empathy and not your anger, an emotion that wasn’t aimed at her. “I’m sorry, Elain. I didn’t realise it would hurt you, I had no idea.”
Unclasping it from your neck, you held it out to Mor without another glance.
“It’s all yours, Mor. Use it to find the jeweller, and then trade it’s value for something pretty. Get new necklaces, matching ones for Elain and I. And a set of earrings for yourself, it should fetch a fine price, even years later.”
Nesta chuckled into her drink, and Feyre only laughed at the glee on Mor’s face as she securely tucked it inside her bra for safekeeping.
“You’re not mad?” Elain pressed, and you shook your head, smiling.
“Not at you.”
She only have a relived sigh, parting after a second to return to her seat, and allow the rest of girls night to run smoothly. Your fingers brushed your bare neck once, your eyes rolling, before letting it go for now, to enjoy your friends’ company.
And you did.
The night went on for hours more, until Cassian arrived to collect Nesta, slinging her over his shoulder and jumping violently when she smacked his ass with a cheer.
Rhys came next, helping a wobbling Feyre to her feet and bidding you all goodnight with a charming grin.
It was Mor who had winnowed you home, to outside the townhouse you shared with your mate, her forehead pressed to your own with a wicked smirk as she made you promise to give him hell.
Stumbling into the house, still a little tipsy, you made your way towards your bedroom, a shadow meeting you part way and wrapping eagerly around your wrist, tugging you excitedly to the bedroom.
When you arrived, Az was sitting in bed, surrounded by pillows, and marking his page as he put his book down. “Hello, my love. Did you have fun?”
“Hello, my mate.” His brows rose a little, and you kicked your heels off half-heartedly, leaving them by the door as you stepped in further. “I had a wonderful time.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” He grinned, patting the space beside him in bed. “I missed you, though.”
“I missed you too.” Across to your messy dresser you walked on shaky steps, opening the lid of your large jewellery box and beginning to take off the earrings you still wore. Another gift from Azriel. In fact, the box was teeming with them, and you hummed. “Az, come look at this.”
He was in bed one moment, and by your side the next, peering through shadows over your shoulder. “Your jewellery box?”
“What about it?” He mumbled, and you shrugged, feeling him press a kiss to your shoulder, his hands ghosting your waist, before you were wandering away.
“Keep looking.”
He chuckled, but obliged, and you took the time to step into your pyjamas as he did. “What is it that I’m looking for?”
“Any other regifted piece of jewellery from past lovers that you want to remove before I get caught short again.”
Your hands fell to your hips as his head snapped up. Tan skin drained of colour, all playfulness melting away from him. His gaze moved, to your bare neck, to the box in search, before back to your gaze. “Your necklace—”
“Elain’s necklace.” You muttered, and his throat bobbed, shadows swirling low to the ground like a puppy with its tail between its legs. “You’re such an asshole!”
“I’m sorry! You— I didn’t— I’m sorry!” His hands flexed by his sides, and you scoffed, rolling your eyes. He sent a desperate tug down the bond, floods of love and sorrow and shame, and you turned back to look at him.
“Oh, relax, I’m not that mad.” His shoulders sagged only a little, but he didn’t stop the onslaught of love he sent to you across that tether. There was a question nagging, though, through the slight hurt and embarrassment, and your voice was weak as you asked; “Is there any more in there, though?”
“No, baby. Gods, no.” That pain was reflected on his own eyes now, and you shrugged helplessly, hugging your arms to your chest.
“I liked that necklace. You’re such a jerk.”
“I know.” He whispered, scratching the back of his neck. “I’ll buy you a new one.”
“I don’t want a new one! I just wish you’d… I don’t know, not let me leave the house in it! Or just gotten me a new necklace that day! I loved that memory, nobody had ever bought me jewellery before.” Azriel bought you plenty of gifts now, from every court and continent he travelled to, it was how that one had become so lost to time in the first place, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
“Can you forgive me?”
“Of course I forgive you, Az! You might be a dumbass but you’re mine and I love you. Of course, I forgive you.” He relaxed fully then, stalking across the room toward you with his arms out, ready to embrace.
Before he could reach you, you slammed a pillow into his chest, blocking his body from your own.
“You’re still sleeping on the couch tonight, though.”
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spiderlandry · 1 year
Spider — ethan landry
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Description: You worry Ethan for a moment, until he realizes it’s not that serious.
Pairing: Spider-Man!Ethan Landry x GN!Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: mentions of spiders but no actual description, mentions of kidnapping but no actual kidnapping, ethan is just an overthinker, use of ‘babe’ as pet name like three times, not proofread
Word Count: 688
Author’s Note: this is for all spider haters i hate spiders so bad. yes it’s in my url yes i hate spiders
The events of the past week made Ethan giddy, practically bouncing on his feet every time he was around you. He asked you out last week, and the dating stage had been progressing nicely despite his Spider-Man duties. He no longer had to worry about bothering you whenever he landed on your fire escape bruised and wounded as your best friend, because on your third date (which was interrupted by a giant green lizard—not cool), you told him that no matter what happened, you will always fix him up. It was the closest thing he’d gotten to a declaration of love, even if it was just the third date.
Long story short: It was a great week.
And here he was, cooking both of you dinner with a recipe he practiced the day before as to make sure he wouldn’t fuck it up, and you were getting something from your bedroom when—
A shriek—your shriek—reached his ears.
He dropped the wooden spoon on the floor, unable to think about cleaning the mess up later because what if somehow, some way, one of his enemies found out his identity and tracked him to you? And—oh god—you left your bedroom window open to let in the breeze, what if you were taken?
The door almost broke from its hinges at his entrance, and his eyes fell on your figure in the center of the room. He ran over to you, checking for any injuries, hugging you as close to him as possible because his web-shooters were back in the other room and he was an idiot for not thinking to bring it.
“What—what is it?” He tightened his hold on you while he looked around the room, not seeing any threat but he’d be a liar if the thought of an invisible nemesis didn’t cross his mind. “Are you okay?”
You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck, letting out a too-quiet mumble, too quiet even for his spider senses to hear.
“You’re gonna have to say it louder, babe. I can’t hear you.” Where the hell did babe come from?
“There’s a spider—and—and it’s gone, and I don’t know where it went and—“
The biggest weight on his chest had just been lifted. “You scared me,” He breathed out, pulling back to see your worried face turn into bewilderment.
“Ethan!” You lightly slapped his chest. “This is serious, what if it crawls on me while I sleep?!”
He laughed, much to your distress. “Babe, it’s just a spider. It can’t do that much damage.”
“I’m scared.” You whispered, and he pulled you back into an embrace.
The rumble of his laughter did make you feel better, though.
“Okay, how about this,” he rubbed your back in comfort. “We’ll eat here, then go back to my place, and you can sleep there. Is that okay? I can take the couch.”
“But there’s gonna be another spider there.” You rebutted.
“What—I’ll make sure—“ He stammered, until he realized. “Oh, you’re real funny.”
You pulled back just a tad to see his grin, mirroring yours. “I can’t believe you forgot.”
“I thought you were in danger.”
“I’m sorry, babe.” You enunciated the ‘babe’ which wasn’t lost on him. “When did we call each other that?”
“I—I didn’t—It just came out, okay?” He shrugged, hands intertwined behind your back. “Do you not want me to?”
“Well,” you pretended to think about it. “Since you’re my spider, I guess it’s okay.”
His heart fluttered at the possessive word, my. He was yours.
“You don’t have to take the couch,” you whispered, inching closer to him.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the couch,” he shook his head.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what—oh,” He gaped like a fish out of water. He searched your eyes for any jokes, to find none. “Oh.”
You hummed, nodding. “Is that okay?”
“More than okay.”
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helionpegasus · 1 year
ceilings (part 4)
Azriel x Reader
summary: Reader always had vivid dreams due her Seer heritage. But things take a twist in her life when she starts dreaming with a male she never seen, and wake up in a world that is not hers.
warnings: a bit angst 
words count: 3273
author’s note: damnnn this the biggest one so far! as always, thank you for your patience <3 and i hope you like it! :)
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There was too much information to absorb. Azriel’s mind was spinning since he found the female yesterday, and now this? A chance of her being able to listen to his shadows? That’s definitely not how he expected to begin his week.
He was trying to understand how the shadows are so fond of her. Because once they announced she was awake, it takes all of his strength to control them. They were trying and trying to run directly to the female, and Azriel had no clue why. And if there’s one thing that makes the Shadowsinger upset, is not knowing what’s happening with something he used to have control of.
"I don't think my shadows have the power to travel between worlds." He states.
They were in the meeting room. Cassian, Nesta, Mor and Amren arrived right after the female told the story. She came with them, eyes wide with confusion, body slightly shaking, probably scared of all the situation and scared of them. 
He thought it was completely normal, given all she's been through the past day. They were a bunch of strangers to her, and she's also a stranger to them. That's why Azriel has been keeping his eye on her since they left the nursing room. She was clearly uncomfortable with the look he's giving her from the opposite side of the table, but didn't say a word of complaint.
"Maybe not traveling between worlds, but perhaps being able to connect with other shadows?" Feyre says to everyone but her stare was empty, like she's been trying to formulate a proper answer. "If she's able to hear them, like we think she is. Maybe she has such power in her world."
"I don't think that's possible." The girl says. Azriel was starting to think her accent is cute, but he'll never admit it. "I've never shown such power. I have a friend who has similar powers to that, I know how it is, but it just never happened to me. How can the first time it happens I end up in another world?
"Plus, how were you guys able to open a portal? I thought only the Horn were able to do that." Her facial features pulled in confusion.
"There's other objects that can open portals?" Nesta asked, straightening her back on the chair.
"In my world, there's the Luna Horn, a Fae relic that holds such power. My friend was trying to find it, her intentions was not to travel this much like me, but to Hel find help."
"She needs help with what?" Rhysand asks.
"Our world needs help."
Suddenly the atmosphere of the room was dense. They were still recovering from a War, now they were almost facing problems that weren’t even in their world.
Everyone got lost in their own thoughts.
Azriel didn’t waste time to call Rhysand in his mind.
“I think Nesta should play the Harp and we send this girl right where she came from.”  He said once he felt Rhys presence in his mind.
“Don’t be so intransigent. She’s not some dog that we can simply deliver back to the adoption care.”  His voice was firm. Making Azriel glance move to the High Lord for the first time since they arrived.
“Already so protective?”  
“Not protective, Azriel. I have values. This court as well.”
Azriel was angry, because (Y/N) clearly made him uncomfortable. He didn’t know why, but there was this strange feeling starting to rip in his chest, a feeling that was not welcoming.
He was even more scared of his friends realizing that something was wrong. And he freely gave Rhysand the first sample of it in their conversation.
Their full minds were interrupted by the loud sound of the travelers belly. The Inner Circle realizes that she hasn't eaten for a long time.
“I’m sorry. I got dragged here while I was making breakfast.” She said with eyes wide. Cheeks red with embarrassment.
“There is no reason to apologize!” Feyre turned herself to face the female at her left side. “You must be starving, come with me. I’ll get something for you.”
She got up signaling for the female to the door. Mor and Nesta followed them right after.
“I’m sure of one thing…” Amren says when the females exit the room. “Mother wouldn’t let the world portal open and let the girl slip in our court with no purpose.”
“The thing is if the purpose is good or not.” Cassian says.
“She came with your shadows, boy.” The gray eyes fixed themselves on Azriel. “They didn’t tell you anything?”
“No. Apparently they’re refusing to. All they told me was that they found her in a cavern and brought her here.”
“I thought you controlled them.”
“Yes, I do. But I can not control what they say to me.” 
The Shadowsinger’s voice was stiff. All he wanted was to have some free days to relax, and now it seemed like the Cauldron was throwing a bomb near to explode in his lap.
Rhysand and Cassian noticed their brother's change of mood since they saw him this morning at breakfast. Azriel was usually quiet, but now his silence was ice cutting.
You were walking in the hallways trying to remember all the turns you made on the big place those people called home, in case you needed to go back all by yourself.
At this point of the day, you were sure that in this world they were not near the advanced technology you had in Midgard. The lights were pure magic, not electricity; Their clothes were like the ones described in your favorite novels stuffed in your bookshelf and now while you were entering the kitchen you realize that they don’t even have a fridge.
“Do you want anything specific?” Feyre asked you. 
She has been nothing but lovely with you since you met her. Clearly not acting like most female rulers you know about.
“Anything is fine, really.” You answer her with a shy smile.
“A bit of everything then, I guess.” The High Lady gives you one of her own.
The counter in front of you was full of food in a blink. Your body stiffen in surprise. 
“How can you do that?”
“It’s the House.” The female that resembles Feyre says. Nesta, you remembered. “The House is conscient.”
“B-but how? It’s like a century spell or something like that?”
“Kinda like that.” Feyre says with a laugh. “There’s magic of a whole bloodline in this building, but I have to acknowledge that Nesta played an important part to make it more… alive.”
You read between the lines that they would not explain more than that to you, so you content yourself with only that.
Your belly was almost protesting again, which reminded you to make a move to eat something. The pies and cakes looked delicious, but eating something sweet being so long without eating anything didn’t sound really appealing, so you reach for a sandwich that was apparently with chicken and a salad. 
At your first bite you couldn’t control the growl of satisfaction leaving your lips. With everything happening all at once you didn’t even realize you were hungry. But now that you had so much in front of you, your stomach was anxious to be full of everything you lay your eyes on.
“So… (Y/N), what do you work with in your world? If you don’t mind me asking, of course.” The blonde female asked. Morrigan was a name that fitted her so well, you thought, both were extremely beautiful.
“I am in my last year of studies at Crescent City University.” You answer her once you swallow the food. The name coming out of your mouth is more familiar, saying in your accent and language. “I pretend to work with Social Sciences. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to say it in your language. But basically, I want to work with people. Understand different organizations and cultures, and also learn a lot of history. That’s how I learned a bit of this language.”
“That’s really cool. I don’t think we have anything like that!” Feyre says, eyes shining with curiosity.
“The Day Court must be doing something similar, but certainly not that deep.” Morrigan add.
“You must be really smart, then.” Nesta points, making you choke on the piece of pear you were eating.
“Don’t expect a lot.” You gave her a nervous laugh. “That’s how you are divided here? By courts?” You changed subjects, embarrassed by the statement.
“Yes, there are seven of them. Night Court, where you are right now, Day, Dawn, Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring.” The blonde answered. “We’re in Prythian. In the Continent there’s more places, but there are no Courts, just territories.”
You nod in agreement, processing all the information. Two continents, from what they said until now, but there’s probably more.
“You said you didn’t have powers with the shadows, what powers do you have then?” Nesta asked, plating a piece of the strawberry for you and the three of them as well.
“I don’t have any outstanding power. I can levitate and summon objects like most Fae. My grandmother was a Seer, but I don’t have practice with this power, since it was always very unsteady.” 
“What do you mean unsteady?” Feyre asked.
“I don’t have visions out of nowhere like other Seers. It happened like once or twice, and it was nothing big and world saving. Lately I’ve been having a lot of them in my dreams, but I still don’t know if they’re exactly visions.” You feel the edge of your ears burning when you remember about Azriel. Still not trusting them so much to say such a thing. And you feel relieved to have your hair down.
 “How come you hear the shadows?” Morrigan looks at you. Her brown eyes piercing yours, like daring you.
“I-I don’t know. I heard them in one of those dreams as well, before everything.”
The blonde gaze softens, surprise flashing fast on them. Not going unnoticed by you, but you decide to not comment on it. The air in the kitchen suddenly thick.
“Well…” Feyre deflected our attention. “There’s anything more you need, (Y/N)?”
“I would like to clean myself if it’s possible.” Your voice was shy. Your body contorting while feeling the stick material of the dried blood in your shirt.
“Yes, of course! I’m sorry, we should have given you the time to clean yourself before everything.” She says grabbing your hand. “Nesta will lead you to a bedroom. You can clean yourself, put some new clothes on and later someone will pick you up for dinner.”
“Alright. Thank you so much, really. You’re making this whole experience a bit less traumatic.” A nervous laugh goes out of your mouth, your eyes watering.
“Don’t need to thank me. We’re gonna figure this all out.” Her arms embraced you. 
And how you needed this. The comfort settles in your body to calm your heart at least a little bit.
But that’s not when you break down. It was after Nesta led you down the hall, to a bedroom she said was near hers in case you needed anything. When you took your clothes off and the movements seemed more heavy than normal. It was when you sat inside the bathtub, your body covered in the warm water, muscles sore from everything that you broke down.
Tears falling down your face nonstop. A million thoughts per second all at once. So many feelings at the same time, fear, tiredness, relief, sadness, and mostly, you were feeling lost. When you finally meet the person you swear to yourself would answer all your questions and lead you to find the right path. You were feeling lost.
You were trying to steady your breath, not handling the hurt in your chest, like it was almost ripping itself open. Once you are feeling more calm, you finally start cleaning yourself. Washing your hair that still has some leaves from the forest, your nails still with mud and face that you doubted that the tears already did the job for you. You trace your finger in the thin scar that took place in your ribcage, but stopped before you got caught in a loop of thoughts again.
A small presence made itself known caressing your forearm out of the bathtub. A shadow lacing itself on your arm like a bracelet.
“You’re here to give information to your master? On how pitiful I am?” You ask quietly to the dark smoke, not expecting an answer.
The shadow only hugs your arm tighter. 
“I’ll consider this a no. It would be really disrespectful to take information from me while I’m bathing, though.”
It makes no way to leave your arm. Circling your wrist and forearm continuously.
“I guess I’m supposed to be able to hear you. Do you have anything to say?”
“Nothing for now.” 
Your body shivers seeing the shadow move to your ear and back to your arm. So it was really it. The voice you heard before was the same as this one.
You got out of the bathtub with a sigh, deciding the time was done. Confused on how the water didn’t go cold. 
Once in the bedroom you went to the drawer Nesta mentioned to find something to wear. You put a black leggings and a dark blue sweater that seemed to be the clothes you’re more used to. Socks and a pair of boots to your cold feet.
You used a product that seemed to be a hair product and brushed your hair. Your guess must have been right, because your hair detangle really easily. You finish it up and let it down to dry faster.
Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you realized how your eyes were swollen from all the crying and your nose red. You’re only hope was to not be so noticeable when the dinner starts.
“There’s anything for me to do while waiting? Maybe there’s a book here somewhere.” You say to no one.
You hear a muffled thud in a table near the fireplace, an inviting armchair placed near it. A book was settled on the table, a cup of fuming tea beside it.
“So you’re really conscient.” You say looking at the ceiling, and get by surprise when you see the reflections of the windows making a whole constellation in there.
“A romance, you have good taste. I think I’m gonna spend a lot of time like this to improve my knowledge in the language. Any chance you keep doing this?”
The house answer was a pile of books next to the one it placed before.
“Thank you!” You smiled brightly.
You don’t know how much time you spend reading, but you were progressing very well considering that you haven't read in the language for quite a long time. The reading got interrupted by a knock on the door. Nesta welcomed you with a soft smile when you opened it, but it slowly disappeared.
“You’re okay?” She asked, a little worried.
“Y-Yes, my eyes are still swollen?” Your hand goes right to your eyes, patting it to feel the damage.
“A little bit.”
“You can eat here in the bedroom if you prefer.” The winged male behind Nesta suggested with a look of concern in his eyes as well. Cassian, her mate.
“Ugh, it looks really that bad?” You run your hands in your face not knowing if you cover it or accept your fate.
“No! Your face looks totally fine. You’re even cleaner now!” He says.
Nesta slaps her own forehead before slapping Cassian’s arm.
“What Cassian is trying to say is that if you are still uncomfortable and prefer to be by yourself tonight is completely alright. But we would appreciate your presence with us as well.” The female says calmly to you.
“Yes, I would like to go with you.” You said a bit shy.
“Perfect!” Nesta says and you close the door behind you to follow them to the dining room. 
Cassian eyes go strictly to your forearm, where the shadow is still resting. The small smile that shows in his face eases your heart.
Everyone else was in the dining room, the big table was already settled. But there was a presence of two people you haven't met yet. The first was the little baby sleeping in Feyre arms, that you supposed was called Nyx. The second was a brunette girl sitting on the opposite side of Azriel. 
The conversation eases when they notice you three arrived.
“(Y/N), let me present to you.” Rhysand starts. “This is Elain. Feyre and Nesta’s sister.” He pointed to the brunette, who gave you a small smile. “And the little one is Nyx, my son.” He caresses the little boy's head.
“Nice to meet you.” You say to Elain with a smile. The female just nods in your direction.
“Let’s eat, I’m starving!” Cassian says, making Nesta roll her eyes. 
She led you to the table, to sit beside her, Azriel on your right.
Then everyone enters in a conversation and serves their own plates. Nesta serves your plate before you could feel shy to do it by yourself, you say a quiet thank you to her. 
The dinner flowed fast. They shared stories and news, you stayed quiet most of the time, only answering when the question was asked directly at you. You just didn’t know exactly where to place yourself there when they seemed so complete.
“You almost didn’t eat. Didn’t like the food?” Morrigan asked you.
“Oh, no! The food is delicious, I’m just full from earlier.” You explain yourself and she makes an expression like reminding what happened in the kitchen.
“That little one seems really fond of you, (Y/N).” Cassian points at your right forearm with a smirk. “It was there the whole dinner.”
Everyone's gaze went right to you, making your cheeks burn. Azriel stiff himself in the chair when he sees the shadow. The little thing quickly went to its master, twirling itself along with the others on his shoulders.
“I’m sorry. They’re quite… Wild these days.” Azriel says to you.
“It’s okay, They are quite comforting.” You say with a small smile for him, already missing the light feeling in your arm.
Azriel only looks at you in a way you didn’t recognize, then he clears his throat, making everyone go back to what they were talking before.
Later that night, you twisted and turned but couldn’t get yourself to sleep. Mostly scared of what could happen while you sleep. You were on the verge of tears of frustration when you felt a familiar feeling in your arm. There was the shadow again, making you smile to yourself.
“You sense when I’m needing help?” You whisper to the shadow twirling in your wrist. “Thank you.”
With a comfortable presence and the warm bed the House made, it wasn’t a long time for you to fall asleep.
When you looked around you couldn’t place where you were. It was dark, really dark, and cold. It got you bracing yourself even with  the thick sweater on.
You hear whispers, coming from behind you.
When you turn around you have to force your vision to see clearly. There was a kid embracing themself in the corner of the place.
“Hello?” You call in a low voice.
The kid looks at you. Eyes big with fear.
You know those eyes. The wings in his back were just a confirmation.
In front of you was Azriel as a kid.
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taglist (overlined users i couldn’t tag):
@humanpersonlasttimeichecked @valeridarkness @his-sweet-nightmare @leeknows-wife @mich0731 @kristalhi @marina568 @brekkershadowsinger @cafe-inaaa @lovierhys @kenmaisacinnamonroll @alt-ghost @marigold-morelli @thelightnddarkness @amysangel @thecraziestcrayon @fall-myriad @a-court-of-milkandhoney @hungryforbatboys @elizarikaallen @allison-rosewood-maximoff​ @gamarancianne @weirdo-fun​
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꧁ Angels Don’t Cry - Part 4 | Mor ꧂
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Pairings: Mor x reader
Warnings: Mentions of torture, injuries, blood, kidnapping, vomiting and explicit language
Summary: After Hybern’s defeat, the Inner Circle makes a grave discovery in the late King’s dungeons. . .
Incessant knocking on my door makes me jolt out of bed. My wings drag over the floor as I rush to pull on some clothes because I went straight to bed last night after stripping down to my underwear.
I glance at the clock on my nightstand to see it’s still early, which makes me wonder who could possibly be at the door right now.
“One second!” I shout, almost tripping over my own feet when I try to pull on a pair of sweatpants.
The knocking stops and after making sure my hair isn’t a complete mess I unlock the door and open it.
The blonde is still dressed in her clothes from last night but she’s put on a jacket on over her dress and taken her hair out of its ponytail. I rub my eyes to make sure I’m not hallucinating.
“What are you—?”
“You’re my mate,” she blurts out.
My mouth snaps shut and my eyes widen. “I— What?”
“You’re my mate,” she repeats herself quietly and looks up to meet my eyes. She’s on the brink of crying and her chin wobbles as she tries to hold back a sob. “I tried to tell you last night, but you wouldn’t listen and then I saw you and Elain in the garden and I got so jealous and I regret all those awful things I said to you. . . I was just so scared because the moment I saw you in your cell the bond snapped into place for me and-and you were on the brink of dying, and I couldn’t bear losing someone else again, especially not my mate, so I kept my distance, but then you started to heal and I was still so scared and. . . I pushed you away and hurt you because I hoped it would stop the bond from forming completely, but then time went by and this hole inside my chest got even worse and—“
“Stop.” I raise a hand and blink rapidly, completely overwhelmed by that tidal wave of information. “Slow down.”
Mor wipes at a tear that managed to roll down her cheek. “Sorry. . .”
“No, it’s. . .” I sigh, still processing everything before stepping aside and gesturing for her to come in. “You know what, why don’t you come in and we talk about this properly over some breakfast. Have you had breakfast yet?”
She shakes her head and steps into the apartment with wide eyes.
“Okay then, make yourself comfortable on the couch,” I instruct softly, after taking her coat from her and hanging it up. “I’ll just freshen up real quick and get some food.”
She nods wordlessly and I vanish into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face before going to the kitchen and grabbing some of yesterday’s pastries. I also cut up some fruit and make two cups of coffee before taking everything into the living room where Mor is sitting on the couch with her legs folded underneath her.
I hand her a plate and one of the coffees before settling down on the other end of the small couch.
“So. . .” I pop a piece of fruit into my mouth. “You’re my mate?”
She sighs softly and takes a sip of coffee, nodding.
“And you’ve known how long, exactly?” I ask, still not able to wrap my head around this new piece of information.
Mor is my mate. She’s my mate and she was thinking about me when I was gift shopping with Feyre and Elain.
Why was she thinking about me then? What was she thinking?
Clearing her throat softly, Mor puts her cup down on the coffee table. “I’ve always known I had a mate, but until we found you, I had no idea who you were. . .” Her brown eyes flicker over my face as she takes in my reaction to all of this. “I had dreams, well not really dreams but nightmares about this dark little cell for as long as I can remember, but then something in my head clicked and I realized they weren’t dreams. . .”
I shudder when she says that because all those times I was in my cell, bleeding and broken, ready to give up, there was this warm feeling in the pit of my stomach that kept me going. It was her, unknowingly being by my side and giving me hope and the strength to hold on. . .
“That was you,” I gasp. “Sometimes when I had a nightmare, it would suddenly stop and all I’d see after would be a starry night sky. You sent me that vision, didn’t you?”
She smiles sadly and nods. “Even though I didn’t know you, I couldn’t bear the thought of you suffering.”
I exhale shakily and take a bite of my pastry to distract myself as Mor goes on explaining.
“The day we found you, the bond snapped into place for me. It was like a punch to my stomach and seeing you so bruised and broken, it- it did something to me. I’ve loved before and I lost that love, so seeing you so hurt and on the brink of death. . . I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you, too.
“I knew what it was like to lose a love, but I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose a mate, my mate, so I kept my distance and hurt you with all the things I said in hopes of driving you away before the bond snapped into place for you too. . . That way you’d never know about it and I wouldn’t risk losing anyone else, but-“ she buries her face in her hands and sobs- “but then I did lose you, after all. . . The way you looked at me the night I accused you of sleeping with Elain. . . It broke my heart. I managed to drive you away for good and even though that’s what I originally wanted, I realized in that moment that I couldn’t live without you in my life. If not as my mate, then even just as my friend.”
I take a sip of my own coffee to wash down the pastry I just ate. Then, it’s silent for a moment as I take in what Mor just said.
She said some pretty messed up stuff, but I get why she did it. It still hurts, thinking about what she insinuated and accused me of, but I get it.
It doesn’t change the fact that I can’t forgive her for it just yet though. Neither does the fact that she’s my mate.
Mate’s might be a complementary match power-wise, but they don’t always work on a deeper level, a spiritual level.
“When Cassian threw you off the roof,” Mor whispers when I continue to stay silent, “something inside of me died. The look on your face when you went over the edge. . . It still haunts me and I jumped after you without thinking. All I felt was this urge to protect you, and then when I wrapped my arms around you and winnowed us to the ground. . . I’ve never felt relief like that before. You were okay. . . You were okay, but then you flinched when I touched you and my heart shattered.”
I squeeze my eyes shut and press the heels of my hands against my eyes. “You jumped after me?”
A simple answer to a simple question, really, but it reveals just how deep the bond runs for her.
I drop my hands back into my lap and open my eyes again to see that she still hasn’t touched her food. “Do you not like strawberries?”
“Wha—? Oh, no. . . I do, but. . .” she trails off quietly as if to hint at something, but I just raise a questioning eyebrow and gesture for her to go on. “Eating this. . . I mean, you offered me this food and if I were to eat it-it would mean you accept the bond.”
My eyes widen. I’d forgotten about that. . . I don’t know how to feel about the bond (which has yet to snap into place for me), but I’m definitely not ready to accept or reject it yet.
“I-“ I reach forward to take the food from her before thinking better of it- “didn’t know. . . Well, I did, but I forgot and—“
“It’s okay.” Mor smiles sadly and places the plate on the coffee table. “I kind of figured you weren’t aware of what you were doing.”
I dip my chin in thanks and take a sip of coffee to hide my grimace. Then, we go back to sitting in silence.
I know I don’t love her, that’s for sure, but the connection between us is undeniable, especially right now. The bond might still only be one-sided, but it doesn’t mean I can’t feel deep, underlying desperation and regret tugging on my insides that is definitely not my own.
“I should go.
My eyes snap up as she gets to her feet with a thin-lipped smile. She has dark circles underneath her eyes which I am only now noticing and her hair is in disarray.
“Yeah, okay.” I get to my feet as well and watch her make her way to the door where she puts on her coat.
“Y/N?” Her hand is on the doorknob.
I clear my throat. “Yes?”
“I know I said it before, but. . . I’m sorry. For everything,” she says quietly and then she’s gone.
Gone, just like that, without waiting for me to accept, or reject her apology. She’s not expecting anything from me and she’s not trying to pressure me into anything.
Later that morning when I return to the Town House to open the presents with the others, Mor isn’t there, but my gift for her is missing.
A little over a week later, as I’m making my way home from work, I come across Rhysand and Feyre who seem to be in a hurry as they make their way out of a restaurant.
“Woah, hey, Y/N!” Feyre exclaims after bumping into me.
“Hi, you good?” I ask with a breathless laugh which makes her nod frantically.
“Yes, yes, I’m okay, but we just got an urgent message from Azriel about the Cour of Nightmares,” she explains without letting go of Rhysand’s hand.
It’s Friday night, which means it’s date night for them and I kind of feel bad knowing that this is definitely not the first time their time together has been interrupted.
I raise my eyebrows. “Oh?”
Rhysand nods as well, although he does it a lot more composed than his mate. “Keir and his men are on their way to Velaris. It was agreed that they get to visit the city after the war because the Darkbringers fought alongside our troops, but they weren’t supposed to get here until next week in time for Starfall.”
“Well, shit. . .” I mumble which makes Feyre snort.
“Yeah, you can say that again,” she says. “We’re going to meet them at the border right now to remind them of our deal.”
“Wow, okay then. Good luck with that, I guess,” I say, not knowing what else to say.
Rhysand smirks at that. “Thank you, but we don’t need luck to put Keir in his place.”
I laugh at that and step aside to let them pass. “Still, a little luck never hurt anybody.”
Feyre squeezes my shoulder with a tight smile and then they’re gone.
I tuck my wings in tightly to somewhat shield them from the cold before continuing my walk home. I’ve had a long day and I can’t wait to take a shower and then sink into bed with a good book.
As fate would have it though, those plans fly out the window the moment I find a familiar blonde sat outside my apartment door.
“Mor? What are you doing here?” I approach slowly so as to not startle her.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” she says, looking up and when her eyes meet mine my heart sinks at the way hers are bloodshot and filled with tears.
I’m quick to kneel next to her, but I don’t touch her, not knowing if she wants that right now. “Are you okay?”
She shakes her head and bites the inside of her cheek to suppress a sob. Tears stream down her bare face and the hurt that claws at my insides is written all over her face.
“Okay, okay, why don’t you come inside then? I’ll make us some hot chocolate. . .” I offer and when she nods, I get back to my feet. She takes my offered hand and lets me pull her up before I unlock the door and usher her inside.
She takes off her coat to revealing the long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants she’s wearing underneath before making her way to the couch where she wordlessly takes a seat and pulls a blanket over her feet.
Something in my chest stirs at the sight of her like this, but I’m quick to ignore it as I get to work on making the hot chocolate I promised.
I fill two mugs with it once it’s done and take them to the couch where I hand one to Mor and put the other down on the coffee table.
“You cold?” I ask and when Mor simply shrugs I kneel down by the fireplace get started on lighting a fire.
It started snowing on my way home and even though the apartment is heated by magic, I still like the warmth the fire provides. It also gives me something to do while Mor calms down and gathers her thoughts.
“My father. . .” she says after a few moments as we both watch the logs in the fireplace catch fire, “He’s on his way here.”
I sigh and get to my feet to join her on the couch. “I know.”
She doesn’t seem surprised when I take a seat next to her, our knees brushing as I pull my legs beneath me to mirror her position. “He’s coming here, to my home, to the place I love most in this world.”
I grab my hot chocolate and take a sip, watching her over the rim of my mug.
“I hate him,” she says, clutching her own mug in her lap, “but I’m also scared of him. He’s tormented me my entire life, and even though he has no say in it anymore, I still can’t shake the hold he has over me.”
Judging by the way she whispers those last few words, I’m guessing she’s never admitted that to anyone before, so I tentatively place a hand on her knee.
I don’t know why I did it, but it seemed like the right thing to do, so I don’t pull it back when her eyes snap up to look at me.
A few strands of her blonde hair have escaped the bun at the back of her neck and I have to force myself not to act on the sudden urge to tug them behind her ears.
What is happening to me? A little over two weeks ago I was ready to never speak to her again, and now she’s here in my apartment, drinking my hot chocolate, and confiding in me. . .
“Mor,” I start carefully, making sure to keep my voice low, “I may not know exactly what you’re going through, but what I do know is that you’re stronger, smarter, and kinder than your father will ever be. . . He’s an asshole with an ego that rivals Cassian’s in size and he’s pathetic if he thinks he can actually break the deal he made with Rhys and Feyre.”
“I know that, but—“
“No, I don’t think you do,” I insist, moving a little closer. “You have a family now that is willing to protect you and the things you love with everything they’ve got. They are not going to let Keir hurt you any more than he already has and they won’t let him ruin Velaris for you.”
A singular tear rolls down Mor’s cheek and before I know it I have a pair of arms flung around my neck. I freeze for a split second, but then the unexplainable urge to comfort her overcomes me and I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer until she’s almost in my lap.
She sobs against my neck, shaking in my arms and I make sure both our hot chocolates are out of the way before folding my wings over her and cocooning us in place.
“I’m sorry,” she sobs, her arms around me tightening.
I run my hands up and down her back and shake my head. “Hey, don’t do that. Don’t apologize for feeling like this.“
“No,” she chokes out, “I’m sorry for how I treated you. For everything I said and did and—You should hate me. Why don’t you hate me?”
I sigh and close my eyes. “You already apologized for that,” I remind her. “And I honestly don’t think I could ever hate you.”
It’s true. . . I physically can’t hate her. I was prepared to never see her or speak to her again, but I just can’t hate her. My heart won’t let me. . .
“No.” I shush her and squeeze her in my arms. “I don’t hate you, okay? End of discussion.”
That makes her chuckle softly which in turn makes me smile against her temple.
“Thank you,” she mumbles against my chest and before long, she’s fallen asleep against me.
It feels right having her in my arms like this, but the part of me that was hurt by her makes me push those feelings down and pull back from our hug-turned-cuddle.
I lay her down on the couch gently before moving to pull the blanket up to her chest, only to freeze when my eyes land on the golden necklace peeking out from under her shirt.
It’s the one I got her for Winter Solstice and the sight of her actually wearing it makes my heart flutter. The tear-shaped ruby attached to it is hidden beneath her shirt, but it’s definitely the necklace I got her and the fact that she’s wearing it means she must like it.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” I whisper before finally covering her with the blanket and retreating to my bedroom.
The next morning when I go back into the living room, Mor is gone. The blanket is folded and draped over the back of the couch and our hot chocolate mugs are in the kitchen sink.
For a moment my heart sinks at the prospect of her just leaving without saying goodbye, but then my eyes land on a small handwritten note on the coffee table.
Thank you.
- M
I stare at it for a moment, studying the simple message written on it in sloping letters before folding it up and shoving it in my pocket with a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.
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Shadows and tears
So this is a series about Azriel and reader. English is not my first language so please excuse any mistakes. I hope you like it!
Summary: Reader is a tortured soul who barely escaped the brutality of the Illyrian camps finding shelter in the Day Court. Her identity was well hidden until she caught the attention of the Night Court’s Shadowsinger. Will the mating bond be enough for their love to settle in?
Warnings: angst, mentions of abuse and trauma
Prologue , Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Chapter 8
With a flick of Rhysand’s hand food was served on the table and you stood at your place contemplating if you should sit next to Azriel. You decided against it and took your usual spot between Nesta and Mor. Elain was missing from the table so the seat next to Azriel was empty. You thought about where she could be, was she scared of him after what happened? Laughter filled the table as everyone started chatting. It felt normal again, like everything was just a bad dream, yet the feeling of the bond between you and Azriel reminded you that this was not the case. Will it always be like this? The bond that should make you feel love and happiness will always remind you the pain you felt? You shook your head and met the worried face of the shadowsinger. You gave him a smile and continued listening your friends laugh and curse at each other. “So, y/n now that you are back… are you going to train with the Valkyries?” it was Cassian who spoke.
“I don’t see why not” you shrugged.
“Perfect, I want to see what you’re capable of” he said with a smirk.
“I will blow your mind” you replied earning a proud look from Nesta. Conversation went on and after a while Rhysand left the house with a sleeping Feyre in his arms, while the others went to their rooms, Nesta and Mor each giving you a kiss before leaving. That left you and Azriel. He looked at you and for the first time you saw him look nervous.
“What is it?” you asked, and he tensed. “Would you- would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?” he stared at you.
“Okay” you replied and left muttering a soft goodnight.
You entered your room and a shaky breath left your lips. Everything is going to be fine. You didn’t know why you had a bad feeling about all of this. Azriel promised to try and he seemed honest. He said he has feelings for you. But it still feels like something is wrong. You don’t know how to react when you’ll see him with Elain again, you know you will, she is the High Lady’s sister, she will be around you. You shook that thought and got ready for bed. Every thought could wait until tomorrow, now you needed to rest. Sleep came quickly, so did the sunrise and now well rested you got ready for training. After eating breakfast with Nesta you went on the roof where Cassian and two other females were waiting. Both beautiful, and from the way they are standing you could feel their power. “This is Emerie and Gwyn” Nesta introduced them. “This is y/n”.
Emerie gave you a smile while Gwyn stared at you, a scowl on her face. Maybe she is wary of me because she doesn’t know me. You followed them and started stretching as Cassian ordered. After that the other girls entered the ring in the middle and started fighting each other. Cassian gave them an approving nod and approached you.
“Let’s get started with a few moves, I have a feeling that you will be next to them in that ring soon.” Cassian said and started showing you moves.
Your shadows went frantic, whispering in your ear he is here. You lost your balance almost landing on your face, but Cassian quickly caught you. You glanced to the door seeing Azriel standing there, his face cold as he approached the ring correcting the girls as they were fighting.
“Okay we have to work on your focus too.” Cassian noted as he let go of you.
“Sorry my shadows surprised me” You replied, your face burning with embarrassment. “It’s okay, you will be able to fight and listen to them in no time, maybe you need to train with Azriel instead of me, this seems like his department” Cassian smiled at you.
“Not yet, I don’t think I’m ready to spend so much time with him” You replied and Cassian nodded gesturing for you to continue. The rest of the time Cassian showed you many moves and as you practiced he would surprise you by whispering in your ear, by the time you finished the whispering didn’t bother you, though you were expecting it so you didn’t know how you would react if it was in fact your shadows.
“Great job” Cassian boomed “Keep it up” and with that he went back to Nesta who was gathering her stuff. You smiled and turned to leave almost bumping into Azriel. “So our date still stands right?” he asked. “Yes, I will go get ready” you replied offering him a smile. He took a step to the side and you hurried off to your room, not missing Gwyn’s scoff. You furrowed your eyebrows but continued walking making a mental note to ask Nesta about it.
After taking a bath, you stood in front of your closet thinking about what to wear. You didn’t know where he was taking you. Your clothes pushed to the sides of your closet leaving one dress in the middle. You thanked the house and examined the dress. It was a midnight blue silky dress that reached just above your knees, with thin straps on the shoulders. You braided your hair and got dressed. You left your room and headed for the balcony knowing that Azriel was probably waiting for you there. When you saw him, your jaw almost dropped. He was wearing a black shirt the top unbuttoned showing his golden torso and black pants. He was holding a bouquet of blue flowers the same shade of his siphons. His gaze lowered and then came back to your face, a stunned look on his face. “You look magnificent” he breathed and continued staring at you. “Thank you” you blushed, he stood frozen.
“Oh come on give her the flowers already”
“Cassian shut up” Nesta shouted and approached you two taking the flowers “I will take care of those have fun” she purred and left. The sound of a slap and Cassian’s “ow” were the last thing you heard as Azriel took your arm and lead you to the edge both of you shooting to the sky.
“They are unbearable” Azriel grunted. You giggled and followed him landing just where the main street of the city started. You walked together enjoying the view of people working, shopping, hanging out. The city full of life and joy. It made your heart ache as you thought about the Illyrian camps. So dull and dirty, filled with tortured and miserable women. Rhys seemed to only care about Velaris and this made your heart full of anger. “What’s wrong?” Azriel questioned noticing your glare towards the city. You took a deep breath as he led you in a restaurant. After taking your seat and ordering your food you decided to tell him what has been bothering you.
“I grew up in an Illyrian camp, my father was the second in command of the lord there.” Once again you took a deep breath “I have an older brother, when we were young everything was okay for us, our mother though was beaten almost every day, her wings were clipped and the only reason our father didn’t kill her was us and taking care of our house.” You paused. Azriel nodded for you to continue. “My brother had freedom, he could do anything he wanted. I was meant to stay in my room in order to stay pure and unharmed in case anyone wanted to wed me. During the night I would sneak out with my brother and we would fly around for hours, some days we would only go back to the house when we saw the first rays of the sun. That was until my father found out. I was ten, he accused me of leaving the house to find males, he said I was a whore and a disgrace.”
“You were ten.” Azriel exclaimed interrupting you. “I know. He threw me in a dark cell and left me there. My brother would sneak some food in when he could. My only company were these shadows, the only thing that kept me from going mad. After 70 years around the time that Rhysand came back from under the mountain, my father decided to take me out of the cell just in case someone told the high lord. In order to control me he decided to clip my wings. As the guards were preparing me for the clipping my mother offered them some tea. The greedy assholes gulped it without noticing the distinct smell of faebane. They went out cold in a few seconds and my mother pushed me out begging me to run and never go back. The last thing I saw before I took off was a guard grabbing my mother and my brother trying to push him off. I don’t know what happened after…” Azriel took a deep breath, his eyes watering. “So now that I know what Velaris is like I feel anger. Rhysand keeps his people here safe and happy and doesn’t give a damn about the rest of us.” You almost growled.
“Rhysand is trying to change things but Illyrian’s… you know how they are; they don’t accept him. It’s hard to keep a tight leash on all of them. Trust me he is trying.” Azriel replied an apologetic look on his face. You only nodded and stared at the food that had appeared on the table. Azriel stared at you and started talking, he told you about his past, how he was raised, how he met Rhys and Cass, how Rhys’ mother took care of them and so much more until the present day. “So you see Rhys is against all of this, we all are. We just need to find a way to stop it.” He concluded. And you believed him.
That night you fell asleep with a smile on your face.
Azriel's story is already explained in the books. I didn't want to rewrite it or copy it since it's not my story to tell. @cleverzonkwombatsludge (if you wish to not be tagged anymore you can ask anytime I won't be offended)
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