#sorry again to any actual hg wells fans
allieebobo · 1 year
Do you have any if recommendation?
Ooh! I have really, really bad memory(!!) but these are current faves that I have played/replayed recently that I can think of. A lot of the authors are also THE BEST HUMAN BEINGS EVER. So, double recommendation.
I probably missed a bunch out, so take this as a non-exhaustive list! In no particular order:
(Edit: Added some descriptions but yeah I got a little unhinged so I'm sorry nothing makes sense or if the quality of the write-up went down over time/did not actually give you any useful info)
WIPs with demos
Citadel, @bouncyballcitadel (I think of all the IFs on this list, this one makes me sweat the most. And I've said it once and I'll say it again: the dialogue is so snappy and well-written, and characters are SO DAMNED LOVEABLE.)
Infamous, @infamous-if (I've been manifesting Band/Musician IFs for the longest time, and then this popped up! I've even played Choice of a Rockstar, that's how desperate I was... Anyway, this is legions better than that. Angsty ex routes are my kryptonite, and Seven is just. Inevitable.)
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian, @defiledheartsblog (I went into this wanting something juicy and fun/historical—and it's all of those things, but I didn't expect it to be so damned funny, too. The ROs are all impeccable.)
Raiders of the Caravan and Apartment 3-3, @leftski-if (A'ight listen, fantasy slice-of-life is my fave genre, and these are IT. Like, everything I never knew I needed in my life, and SO cozy/wholesome, with a cast of characters that I want to befriend in real life.)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: An Affair of the Heart @doriana-gray-games (First off, the customization in this game is INSANE, and the branching too. I've replayed a couple of times and the little variations I discover each time just blows my mind. Secondly, it's so funny and written so well. Ngl I'm not a Sherlock fan but that's just testament to how amazing this IF is.)
When Life Gives You Lemons, @when-life-gives-you-lemonssss (Modern slice-of-life with an adorable kid, a bunch of hot ROs, CC. Hill's humor, what can I say?)
Golden @milaswriting (Really interesting world-building, one of the coolest fictional cities I've read in an IF, AND I'm obsessed with the ROs, in particular K de la Renta. Also Mila is such an awesome writer, I'm beyond excited for @beyondthegame.)
A Tale of Crowns @ataleofcrowns (This game is beautiful, polished, and SO exciting. Honestly, it looks like the kind of game created by a whole-ass game studio and would cost $50 to buy, it's that good. I really got swept up by this IF—probably played it all in one go.)
Rougi @rougi-if (Again, another game with scrumptious visuals/UI and also is just so well-crafted. I love the premise too, it's so original and fresh.)
Scout: An Apocalypse Story @anya-dev (Unfortunately this one might be on hiatus but I am/was really, really obsessed.)
Wayfarer @idrellegames (Love the game mechanics of this one, and the visuals. Probably controversial, but I like the D&D / random dice effect. And I also like the fact that it feels like an old-school RPG.)
Chop shop @losergames (The premise is all I needed to be sold, really—I'd always wanted to buy GTA as a kid but my parents were like NO WAY. Anyway, this IF did not disappoint, and let me live all my childhood dreams.)
Edit: AHH! How could I forget, one of my recent faves, Folksaga @folksaga-if (Lush atmospheric writing, super unique premise—norse mythology, plus I'm head over heels for Katla).
Completed IFs
Butterfly Soup 1 and 2 @brianna-lei (these are completed and I will never not promote them. Honestly the most adorable, wholesome, funny sports/coming-of-age IF I've read)
Elsinore: After Hamlet @lapinlunairegames (Insanely cool premise, insanely cool execution)
The Thick Table Tavern @manonamora-if (I love bar/tavern games, and this one actually lets you mix drinks! Instant fave.)
Other HGs/COGs I love: Slammed, Tin Star, Fallen Hero, If it pleases the court, A Player's Heart (these last two are so underrated, though I guess cause it's mainly wlw)
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Bering and Wells Reunion Panel Transcription (4/17/2021)
This is from the ClexaCon Virtual panel with Joanne Kelly and Jaime Murray, with Dana Piccoli as moderator and Mark as ASL interpreter. I spent around six hours on this and there were really only a couple of brief bits I couldn’t make out - I tried to make this as thorough as possible even though the audio quality was iffy at points and there was a lot of overlapping talking. I also included all of the ums and uhs in the interest of thoroughness so sorry if that gets annoying. Let me know if I’ve gotten any screen names wrong.
Content notes: brief discussion of on-set injury, allusions to homophobia from higher-ups, discussions of hostile workplace experiences due to gender, brief discussion of the ovarian cancer subplot, Jo misgenders Mark once and then corrects herself.
Dana: And I think we are live! Hey everyone, welcome, welcome, this is day 2 of ClexaCon Virtual. So glad to be here with you for our Warehouse 13 Bering and Wells panel. What a great video! I believe that was Mal that made that. Fantastic work! [They showed a fanvid prior to the panel on the stream.] Uh, I want to take a second to introduce Mark, our ASL interpreter. Thank you so much for being here, Mark. Well, I know that the Bering and Wells fandom is still going strong and, um, I’m so excited to be able to present this panel to you today, so without further ado, let’s get started. It’s been seven years since we last embarked on the wonderfully quirky world of Warehouse 13 and we’re thrilled to have not one, but two of the show’s stars here with us, Bering and Wells in the flesh, please welcome Joanne and Jaime!
Jo: [laughs] Hi!
Jaime: Hi guys!
Dana: Hi!
Jaime: Oh my goodness, I was tearing up watching that, that was just...
Dana: It’s so good, right?
Jaime: And Mal made it, of course, I mean just, the fandom is so amazing, that we have a fan who made that amazing movie, and I’m sitting here... were you tearing up, Jo?
Jo: Yeah... [laughs]
Dana: She’s like, I can’t talk right now!
Jaime: Aww.
Jo: Yeah, it’s, you know, it’s like, it’s like a, a wormhole, it’s like going in a wormhole, really, to see that put together in that way, and just, that somebody did that is, um, crazy, wonderful.
Jaime: Yeah.
Dana: When, when we are in person in, uh, in, in Las Vegas, I’m often backstage with the actors as they see these videos maybe f- for the first time, and your reaction is the reaction that everyone has. They all get teary, they all just like hold onto each other, it’s, it’s really sweet and wonderful.
Jaime: Oh my gosh, I, I wish I could go back in time and like, we film more of it and, and enjoy it more, because sometimes when you’re in it, you’re just going so fast and, you know, you don't even realize the meaning of, of, of what you’ve created until you see it through the eyes of the fans and what it meant to them, and then I, I wish I could lean into it more. [laughs]
Dana: Well, we’re certainly gonna get into that. [laughs]
Jaime: [laughs]
Dana: Alright, well, let’s kick things off! Uh, as of a we- a week ago, I was prepping to interview Jaime, and then suddenly the heavens opened up, and what was one became two. [they laugh] Joanne joined the party! How did this crazy kismet even happen?
Jo: I’m trying this new thing where I say yes. [laughs]
Jaime: [laughs] Well done!
Jo: Thanks. [laughs] Um, it’s a new thing I’m trying. Um, Jaime texted me and she’s like, I'm doing this thing, we had talked about it, I think the last panel we did at Dragon*Con maybe?
Jaime: Yeah.
Dana: 2018.
Jo: And she had told me about ClexaCon and I was like, that, because I really enjoyed that panel that we did, it felt, you know, I think one of the reasons, and I think that the work between us is, and I look at it now and I’m so touched because I, and I also just think the world of Jaime as an actor, I think she’s brilliant and her choices are so clean and-
Jaime: Ditto.
Jo: -full heart forward, like I, I’ve always been a fan of what she bought, and just personally on set I was in a, it was a very male environment, and Jaime came and I was like, oh my god, like, someone to talk to, someone who cared, and she took care of me, like she really - so I just, I don’t know, when she reached out I was like, of course, yes, yes.
Dana: Like it’s in two days, sure! Let’s, let’s go!
Jaime: We missed each other as well. It was also an opportunity to hang out, like, we missed each other!
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: We had this flurry of texts of like, checking in with each other, and what-
Jo: What have you been watching? what are you doing?
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: Where are you?
Jaime: Yeah, so.
Dana: Oh, that’s amazing! So you’ve maintained this really wonderful friendship since, since the end of the show.
Jo: Yeah, I mean, actors are nomads and we’re very sort of, I feel, Jaime, I don’t know if you feel the same way, but it’s like those friends that you have that you don’t see forever, but when you see them you fall back into a rhythm automatically, there’s never, it doesn’t feel push or pulled, it’s just, it’s just nice.
Jaime: I, I think also for us, um, I think there’s a sisterhood as well, you know, I think that, you know, Jo just touched on it. You know, often in a cast there’s, um, it’s changing and it’s evolving all the time, and this was seven years ago, and it was seven years before that, it started, so like fourteen years ago-
Jo: Oh my god. [laughs]
Jaime: But there’s, ninety nine point five percent of the people behind the camera are men, the majority of the parts are often men, or it’s, it’s male and women, but the men have the more heroic bits and the funnier lines and you’re kind of struggling with that and you’re glad to be working so you’re kind of making good and making it okay, but you’re kind of like, you know, getting feels, and, you know, as, as Joanne said, it, you know, you’re laughing at dick jokes when you don’t find them particularly funny- [all laugh]
Jo: Like wow! Oh! [sarcastic thumbs up]
Jaime: And so when I came in, I saw Jo - I had been on shows, like I was on a show called Hustle, I was the only girl in the cast, and then everybody, uh, behind the camera was, um, all men. Um, on Warehouse we had one female writer on some episodes, um, we never had a fe- uh, um, a female director on anything or a producer-
Jo: No we had, we had Tawn- [presumably about to mention Tawnia McKiernan] we had two fem- we had a few, but we were-
Jaime: No- no- not on my, not on my episodes.
Jo: Oh, on yours.
Jaime: But it was just like, I came in and I saw Jo and I understood, and I knew what her experience was, and so there was this kind of kinhood, this sisterhood, and I think it, it’s not a male-female thing, but it’s, it’s a minority and majority thing. When you’re in a minority and the majority is doing something, you either have to get down with the program and go with that flow, or you get kind of fe- you feel like you’re difficult or annoying to everybody. And I kind of came in and I just was like, oh like, I get it, it’s hard, and I’m gonna give this woman, like, my, my energy and my love and, so it was-
Dana: So you were like I- you looked at Joanne and you were like, that is someone I can smash the patriarchy with!
Jaime: [laughs] Yes.
Dana: Let’s do it!
Jo: No, I read a lot of books [laughs] when we weren’t filming. I would like get on my chair and just be like this. [mimes holding book in front of face]
Jaime: Yes!
Jo: [laughs] Like I’m doing this now, I’ll see you guys when we’re rolling again, you know, it was really- and, but also, you know, it’s so, and it is changing, it’s changing and evolving in a really, um, at a wonderful rate, but also I would get so excited to be in a scene with another woman that wasn’t about a man, you know, or that we weren’t- uh, it was just so nice to have girl-girl scenes. That never happens, it hardly ever happens. Like, the majority of scenes that you do are about love or acrimony with men, um, and it’s so nice to have a relationship with a woman that’s, um, sort of reflective of how relationships with women actually are. Um, I’ve been, I shifted into writing because of frustration with just not reading stories that I felt were reflective of our, my experience as a woman, you know, that sort of, um, and I think that Bering and Wells sort of in, I mean, that’s when that ship turned for me, as well.
Dana: Well ho- hold that thought, we are, we are going there!
Jaime: And, and also because it wasn’t, it actually wasn’t written. Um, there was, in a way we were able to steer that ship, and then we’d already kind of given a road map for the way this energy was, so it wasn’t written in the conventional way. Like, even like, when a, when a, when a, when a woman will have a love interest it’s, it’s often written by men and it’s o- often in a conventional kind of way, whereas our relationship, at a time before people were even kind of, uh, exploring this that much, um, now, now much more, thank god, it’s more, more inclusive. But it was more kind of, um, uh, complicated than, than maybe would’ve been written about, so it was given more nuance, yeah.
Jo: You mean like, do you mean like actual relationships? [laughs]
Jaime: You what? Say that again?
Jo: Like actual relationships! [laughs]
Jaime: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [laughs]
Jo: You know, that don’t come in and you have a “where they start and where they finish,” like that we, oh, we know where they’re gonna end up so we’ll just gonna-
Dana: Right, right.
Jo: -move them around like chess pieces. It was actually an energy that Jaime and I created, and the story sort of evolved from that energy as - it was inside out as opposed to outside in, which I think made it a real relationship.
Dana: Well, so my friend Dorthy Snarker, she once said that HG and Myka’s storyline has been main text pretending to be subtext, which feels really apt to me.
Jaime: Yeah!
Dana: So at what point-
Jo: Very smart.
Dana: What point in the show did it really click with the two of you that this connection that HG and Myka shared was something much deeper?
Jo: Jaime just had, Jaime, you just explained this very coolly in, in, um-
Jaime: One of our chats.
Jo: Yeah, yeah. Why don’t you speak to this, why don’t you take this?
Jaime: Well, well, first of all like I said, there was like kind of this sisterhood when I came in and, um, Jo, uh, Jo wasn’t like, like it wasn’t like I came in and she was like hey let’s be friends. I came in and she was behind a book, and she wasn’t particularly accessible, and she wasn’t, like, she was a bit grumpy, you know. And so I was like, my personality type is like, how do I crack this nut? [laughs] How do I make this woman love me? [laughs] This is the most unaccessible woman-
Dana: That explai- Jaime that explains a lot! [laughs]
Jaime: This is the most unaccessible women on the set, the mo- the most unaccessible human to me. How do I make her fall in love with me? So it’s like partly my narcissism-
Jo: [laughs] Jaime Murray in a nutshell, everyone!
Jaime: -and my ego, um, so I was kind of winning her over off set, and then, you know, as she was opening up to me and, you know, she was kind of telling me about some of the challenges she was coming up against, I was like, yeah, that’s, that’s not fair, and yeah, I completely get that, you know. So we were kind of like having that kind of journey, I’m like, like, I’m like, oh no, you’re not crazy, everyone else is crazy! Like, let’s smash the patriarchy!
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: And then, and then unfortunately, um, Jo hurt herself really badly doing a stunt, and, um, you know, there’s no time to hurt yourself on a film set, and there’s no time to take time and, and kind of heal your back or anything like that. So she was taking some pretty strong painkillers and she was working through it, and I had spinal surgery, I, I know what back pain is like, it’s, it’s the worst. I mean, it’s literally everything, you know, you feel like an old person. And so I was, um, taking care of her as best as I could, and we had the scene, and it was the scene in the street where, I, I think it's the first scene that, where I get the grappler out-
Dana: Oh, the grappler.
Jaime: And I shoot it into the air and I put my arm around her and we shoot up-
Dana: We’re very familiar with this scene. [laughs]
Jo: [doing grappler motion] [laughs]
Jaime: Yeah, so, so it’s like, it had like, physicality, and also it was a really, um, we always laugh that Toronto has about five seasons in one day, so you’ll like start shooting the scene and then suddenly there’s a, like a snowstorm! Bright sunshine!
Jo: Then it’s sunny! Then rain!
Jaime: Torrential rain, wind - and it was one of those, and we had to move to a new location, we were really behind in the day, and she had this one pice of hair that kept on like blowing in her face-
Dana: Oh, I know where this is going, Jaime. [laughs]
Jaime: And she was, the thing was, she was like, also these painkillers-
Jo: I was like, I can’t even see with the hair, I was like, I was hopped up on so many painkillers...
Jaime: Yeah, she was hopped up, she was like, I can’t even get my hair out of the way!
Jo: I think I actually called that day, it was the only time where I was like, guys I can’t work anymore, like, I literally, the doctor was like, you need to rest and I’m like I can’t. And the first AD came over to me and he was like, you’re gonna have to say stop, because nobody is gonna stop the filming, and I didn't wanna do that because you don't want to be the person that, that loses the day.
Jaime: That’s part of it, isn’t it? You’re, you can’t be, you can’t have any vulnerability or be a woman in any way, any shape or form on a film set. [laughs]
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: So I knew in the morning, and so I’d been like trying to take care of her and had, had like this experience of having spinal surgery, so I was like caretaking as much, as best as I could. I’m a Cancerian as well, so it’s in my nature.
Dana: Sure.
Jaime: And, um, and we‘re in this scene and we’d had to kind of cut so many times, and this hair just kind of-
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: -came over her face like this, and I just lent forward and on my line I just moved the hair out of her, um, face and put it back, and there was this, this look of genuine-
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: -surprise and shock in her face because we hadn’t rehearsed it and, and, and you know, we rehearse everything, and then, and then Joanne, what did you say that you-
Jo: I said I had this feeling, you know, when she did that I was like, oooh, um, what’s happening? [laughs]
Dana: [laughs]
Jaime: What are these feelings I’m having?
Jo: I did not expect all these feelings.
Jaime: Someone is being nice to me in this hostile world!
Jo: I was like this is so, it was like, pink light came up and there was glitter all of a sudden, and a unicorn in the back and, um-
Dana: Yep.
Jaime: They were really good drugs, you can’t, they’re illegal now, you can’t get them now cause they’re illegal now, but-
Jo: [laughs] No, no! But that point I’d say that the storyline really developed from inside out, you know outside, it was actually something, she did something that made me respond in a certain way, and as an actor you have those openings and you can choose to go, you either close them, like if, if I don’t like an actor [laughs] and someone does something, I might go like, no, I don’t wanna gonna go with that- [laughs]
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: -and change the track, but because I love Jaime and, and that happened, I sort of just was like I’m gonna go with this energy and see where it leads. And so it was a very organic, and it took me completely, and I had not expected it, it took me completely- but I liked it, so I started, then that...
Dana: So you are the reason, you two are the captains of the Bering and Wells ship. You made that happen!
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: But also I felt like HG, you know, she came from an era when the suffragette movement was, um, happening, and she was active in that, however, she had to write under her brother’s name, um-
Dana: Yeah.
Jaime: And as a woman, you know, she couldn’t be even open about her brilliance and she had to let her dimwitted brother take credit for it, and then she was frozen. So she was an activist before her time and suddenly she’s waking up in a world where there’s this dynamic woman, gun-toating woman kind of using her wits and brainpower and like, god bless Pete [laughs] but he was a little bit, like, she was the brains and the brilliance, and often he would be kind of like, you know, taking the credit for it or like having the girls flirt with him, and I just felt like if I grow up, if I woke up from, you know, a dream of, of being a suffragette and I woke up and I saw Myka, surely I would be more fascinated-
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: -by this woman who is everything that I had ever wished to be, so I started playing off this fascina- I was fascinated by her. Pete was just as stupid as my brother. [laughs]
Jo: And I do have to say, I do have to give the showrunner Jack Kenny credit here too, because Jack really let us run with it and started to lean into it, and the writers were all very accepting, so it was, and, and Jack particularly, you know, we had a lot, we had our creative differences, but he was really generous in this storyline with us, like I think, he gave us a lot of rope to play with-
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: And it was interesting rope, because they never-
Dana: It was attached to a grappling hook is what it was!
Jo: Yeah, and they never, like what i really loved about it is the never like put it on the nose it was always very elliptical, we always had room to breathe, um-
Jaime: Well partly I don’t, I think that it was, it was, it’s funny to talk about it now because it doesn't seem that long a- long ago, but it-
Jo: But it was so long ago...
Jaime: -it was unusual-
Jo: For that.
Jaime: -for the genre and for the audience that we were going for to, to actually go there, um,
Dana: Yeah. Seven years ago, you’re absolutely right. Things have changed tremendously, and especially in the last five years.
Jo: Yeah, yeah.
Jaime: And, but I think that Jack and Drew, they were kind of excited about what we were doing, but actually, you know, we weren't sure what the network would say or what the advertisers might think, and so, um, you know, I’m really proud of the work that we were able to, to say-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: You know, being the first in some ways.
Jo: It’s interesting, you know, like Jaime texted me, she sent me this video and I was looking at it and I was just so proud-
Jaime: I sent you Mal’s video, I sent you one of Mal’s other videos.
Jo: She’s wonderful, so like shoutout to her!
Jaime: Yeah
Jo: That’s, yeah, it was gorgeous, and I was really proud of the work, you know, after, it’s, you create these things in a bubble and, I haven’t se- I haven’t seen Warehouse, I never watched it. [laughs] so I’m always very surprised to see these videos, it feels like I’m cracking open-
Jaime: And I want to say as well, you know, when we say we haven’t down and watched all the shows, or you know, in some peoples’ cases, many of the shows, you know, it’s, it’s not because we don’t love the show and we don't love the work that everyone else has done, done, it’s actually a lot of actors don't watch, um, their own work. It’s, if, if you’ve ever heard your own voice on an answer phone or something and you're like, who’s that? Oh my god, that’s me!
Dana: [laughs]
Jaime: Like, so when you see yourself on TV or screen it’s like that on crack, it’s absolutely terrifying, and, and you’re like oh my god, like behind a pillow, like-
Jo: Filled with self loathing and despair. [laughs]
Jaime: Yes.
Dana: That’s okay.
Jaime: Which is a work in progress, I’m trying to deal with that now.
Dana: Well, when, at what point did you realize that queer people were actually starting to flock to the show to support this direction with these characters?
Jaime: We, we didn't know, we didn’t know-
Dana: No?
Jaime: Well, we, um, I, um, Jo’s not on social media so I don’t know when she knew, other than maybe when I told her. I saw replies on twitter-
Jo: Comic Con.
Dana: Somebody didn’t like hire a plane and like, around the area with like, a Bering and Wells forever…?
Jo: I, I remember, I remember going to Comic Con, for me because that’s’ when I had the fan interaction, um, because I wasn’t on Twitter-
Jaime: Yeah, there were fans that told us.
Jo: And, and, uh, a lot of the women, I remember being asked some very specific questions during panels, and, you know, there's a lot of guys who like to talk at those panel so I didn’t get to talk a lot but I made it quite, I, I made it quite clear about how important that storyline was to me and it, it, I realized very quickly that it was important to a lot more women than me. I didn’t really realize, too, that storytelling wasn’t represented in that way, at that point, you know. I didn’t feel that. I didn’t feel like that was a groundbreaking choice, to choose to be attracted to a woman in a scene to me is life, it’s how I live my life, I, I’m you know, I don’t have those, I’m not in a box [laughs] and it so when I realized, it was a eye-opening moment. I’m like, I’m like, wait, wait, this is, this is something new that’s not being done?
Dana: You guys were kind of on, you were like right here [miming going up a hill or mountain] and then shortly after Warehouse, it started going like [woosh noise of going down the other side of the hill] and this wave of representation started happening.
Jaime: Well, ev- even in Warehouse, there was an openly gay character in, in Warehouse.
Dana: Right, yes!
Jo: Yeah, yeah, there was Aaron.
Jaime: But it’s been, it’s been incredibly, um, powerful for, for, for, for me, um, you know, I I, think that a lot of people, some people are like oh my god, you know, I wish I could go back to my childhood or my teenage years, I, you could not pay me anything for, I would not go back to my teenage years for love or money. It was, it was a incredibly painful time for me, um, and not a particularly happy time for me, and, um, you know, just awkwardness, you know, all the stuff that, you know, all the stuff people feel in their teens, all the bad stuff I felt in my teens, so when I’ve spoken to people at conventions, um, and they've’ spoken to me about, um, Warehouse having, and our relationship in Warehouse having a positive effect for them in their teen, in their painful teenage years, it’s, it, it, it can bring me to tears, because i- if I could have imagined having kind of that, some kind of impact when I’d been a teenager maybe I wouldn't have been so miserable, but, um, I’m really humbled by it. it’s really lovely.
Dana: Yeah, you, you most certainly have had a tremendous impact on a lot of peoples’ lives and I’m so glad that you are able to take that and keep it in your heart.
Jaime: Yeah.
Dana: Speaking of this kind of sea change of the last few years, do you think that if Warehouse had been airing now that things might have ended differently? Do you think that maybe that subtext really would have been pulled much more into main text?
Jaime: You’d know better, Jo.
Jo: I...don’t know the answer to that question, um, perhaps, actually, absolutely! It’s twenty twenty-
Jaime: If we were writing it, maybe.
Jo: I mean, that’s what I’m trying to do. [laughs] Um, yeah, I think so. Maybe we would have been able to lean more into that storyline, um-
Jaime: Maybe we would’ve had a, be a stronger voice in shaping the narrative there.
Jo: It, yeah, I mean, Jack was, Jack was great about it, but it, it was a different, it was a different era. I think now is, is really a beautiful time for storytelling in the sense that it is really becoming so much more inclusive and we have representation, which, I mean, seeing ourselves represented in stories is how we understand ourselves in the world, and that’s, it’s so important, you know, it’s so important where we’re going, um, and I wish there could have been more of that in Warehouse, but I’m glad there was what there was.
Dana: Yeah.
Jaime: I, I, I also think that, um, you know, it’s changed so much in just such a short space of time, but particularly in the last couple of years, like, women were always, um, portrayed like, like, women always had to be perfect and kind of cute, and, you know, there had to be kind of something attractive or charming about them at all times, you know, and so we always had to put a bow on a woman to make her acceptable. And one of the things that I’m really loving is, you know, that women can be flawed and they can still, you can still love them and, you know, one of the things that always stun- stunned me is that I’ve been so welcomed into a community of kind, inclusive, um, you know, powerful activist, um, women, uh, um, and I’m like, why do these amazing women even like my characters when I’ve played such, um, a bad character, and it’s like-
Dana: But, but we love that! Queer women love a villain!
Jaime: Well, it’s like, flawed characters, and it’s like, and then recently I watched this show called, um, I hate Suzie Pickles [actual title of show: I Hate Suzie], um, there’s a show called, um, uh, I May Destroy You. They’re British shows, actually, both are.
Dana: Oh, yeah, it’s so good.
Jaime: And they, these are complex, um, women who make bad choices, and they self sabotage and they do things that are kind of frowned upon in society, and yet I love them, these women, and it’s like, if I can love these women for all their flaws, then maybe I'm okay too. And I think that we, we have to allow women to be flawed and lovable instead of just being cute little heroines that kind of support men at all times. I mean, it’s changed so much, that’s kind of, like the old, the old order of what it used to be, like, but yeah, it’s exciting.
Dana: That happe- That was what was written in my yearbook! Just, Dana Piccoli, flawed but lovable.
Jaime: Ah! [laughs]
Dana: So I totally, I totally can appreciate that.
Jaime: Was it that? Was it- that would be the best!
Dana: [laughs] I love that.
Jaime: Flawed and lovable, not but.
Dana: Oh yeah, yes, flawed and lovable, sorry, sorry. That’s, that’s what, that’s where I went wrong in the yearbook.
Jaime: Exactly.
Dana: Uh, J- Jaime. A lot has been made of this, the apples scene.
Jaime: Yes.
Dana: Do you think I smell apples is basically saying “I love you”? Were you, what do you think that Helena was trying to express at that time?
Jaime: I, I, I think that it was, um, a sense of, uh, acceptance, and, um, and, and, and, and, and love, I mean, uh, because Helena had always been such a, kind of a troubled character in so many ways and she had kind of, um, these struggles and this darkness and these mental health issues and I think that “I smell apples” was a, a, a wa- wa- was, she, she’d kind of come to the light, you know, she, she had, had kind of accepted herself, and it was such an altruistic act of love, she was sacrificing herself in order to save the others, that it was true love, like she’d overcome the darkness. So it was, uh, I, I, I, I, love that, uh, moment, yeah, that kind of-
Jo: I know we wanted, uh, one of the most beautiful definitions of love onscreen is recognition of your soul in someone else.
Dana: Mhmm.
Jo: That’s really what happens, and I thought that when Jaime did that, there was a very beautiful, I mean it’s sort of like Romeo and Juliet. You see this moment of, and we talked about it earlier, that energy, that to me is that. what that is-
Jaime: Yes.
Jo: -the scene is, “I smell apples.” It’s these two people who see each other in each other and are profoundly connected, whether, in whatever way that it is, it’s just a profound connection, you know, and so often we find boxes to put these connections in, you know, as humans, we want to make sense, we want to make logic of them, you know, which is, I think, um, why storytelling suffers in the representation, because you want to define what a thing is and kind of, um, the most beautiful things about some of the most special relationships is they, they're beyond what you can say they are, they’re beyond categorization, they are, you know...
Jaime: I, I, I definitely think that, although it wasn’t written in that way, I mean, if you actually go back and look at the footage, I’m saying “I love you” to, uh, uh, HG is saying “I love you” to Myka and Myka is is let-
Jo: I only think that’s what she was saying.
Jaime: -letting, letting it land.
Dana: Confirmation, folks! Confirmation, um, everyone!
Jo: In here. [points to head]
Dana: Write it in your vows, write it now in your vows!
Jo: Dana, you’re funny! [laughs]
Dana: Thank you!
Jaime: But wh- when, when did I come back and I was like, married to, what-
Dana: You, you weren't married, you were with a gentleman, and he had a, a young child and-
Jaime: And he was a bit of a drip as well!
Jo: And the house was very suburban, that’s all I remember was, I like walked into this house and I was like-
Jaime: That was, was that, I don’t really know the chronological, um, ordering, but like, I had like a ponytail, and I had a, possibly-
Jo: You were probably like driving a minivan.
Dana: You were teaching, you were teaching, weren’t you?
Jaime: Cause wasn’t I [indecipherable]
Jo: It’s okay, Jaime, I [indecipherable]
Dana: You were like in Phoenix or something.
Jaime: Yeah so, so what was that, after a bit I, so like “I smell apples” was the ending of my character, right? So like that, was that after a bit-
Dana: Right, and then you got rev- you were brought back-
Jaime: Right.
Dana: And then you kind of disappeared for a bit.
Jaime: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dana: Yes. Yeah, um-
Jaime: Yeah.
Dana: The, um, the, the, uh, the fans [laughs] were, um, confused by that, were like what?
Jaime: I d- I’m confused, I’m confused! [laughs]
Jo: Not just the fans, not just the fans.
Jaime: Well, I actually, um, I, I, I really want to go back and see that scene, um, I, I feel like you came to, I don’t, I was living in like suburbia-
Dana: Mhm.
Jaime: And, and didn’t you come to-
Jo: I don't remember.
Jaime: -the house and I, I think you came to-
Jo: I remember that horrible house though, because it was like, it… [makes disgusted face]
Jaime: It was so weird and I was like hello, I’m kind of like a completely different woman!
Jo: It was like very Stepford, I like, I walked in and, I don’t know why Myka was so accepting, I would’ve taken a baseball bat to the house, gonna be like, we’re leaving!
Jaime: So, so, so, so, I, so I, Jack, so Jack, Jack-
Jo: Get out of here, you drank the Kool Aid!
Jaime: I remember Jack was there and I was like, um, uh, oh, like this, like, like this doesn't work because of this and this doesn’t work because of that, and I was having a little, kind of like a creative difference with him, and, and he left for the day, he left for the day, and I really want to go back and see that s- that, that scene, because I remember I was asking him if I could, yeah, I know it’s, it says this but could I play it like this? And I do- I remember he didn’t want me to for the storyline, but I remember he left. [laughs] So I’d love to go back and see, I, I remember think- feeling like I was quite naughty, that I actually got away with it, but, uh-
Dana: Oh, I am loving all the subversive shit that was happening behind the scenes. [laughs]
Jaime: Yeah. [laughs]
Jo: Do you remember the park bench as well? Remember that scene, it was-
Jaime: Oh, yeah, a bench.
Jo: Wasn’t that a bench?
Jaime: Oh, that was a love scene, that was a love scene.
Jo: That was a, yeah, we really went for that one. [all laugh]
Jo: Everyone was like, what? And I’m like, well, we’re doing it. Might as well!
Jaime: [laughs] And we’re in like, Toronto, and everyone behind the camera, like, they’re very blokey, and it’s not in the script, and then they're like, “oh I didn’t, they’re, they’re, oh I didn’t see that coming!” [laughs]
Jo: They were like, what are you guys doing? We’re like, we’ll figure it out! [laughing]
Jaime: Exactly! We’re just doing our own thing. [laughs]
Dana: Oh, a little, a little mutiny, a little bit! [laughs] Well we, we, we’ve ha- we’ve had such incredible conversation so far, and I have so many fan questions for you, and if we were onstage everyone would get to come up to the mic-
Jaime: Aw.
Dana: -and ask you questions, but I do have a bunch of questions that were sent in, um, so I do want to get to your fans, because your fans are so integral to keeping this like-
Jo: That’s why we’re here.
Dana: -story alive. Uh, let’s see here. Let’s kick it off. Alright, so wellsbering wants to know, what personality traits do you share with your characters?
Jaime: Well I think, I think that, um, I, uh, definitely always get cast as the baddie for whatever reason, but then I think that, um, really the quirky mess that I, I, I morphed into is basically me. [all laugh]
Jo: I like that answer, that’s great. Um, I, uh, am very A-type when it comes to certain things, and Myka very much, I’m very like, flowy, Myka wa- didn’t flow, but there are certain parts of my life where I’m not flowy around. My work is one of them, writing is another one. Um, and I’m very afraid of letting people down. I think that’s why I've been, I was te- telling a lot of the people that I was talking to today that, you know, the reason I didn’t do this a lot when the show was on, I couldn’t understa- i was like, why do people wanna meet me? They're gonna meet me and be disappointed.
Dana: Ohhhh.
Jo: Yeah.
Dana: I think everyone thinks that though, I think that’s very common.
Jo: I think tha- yeah, I think that’s the human condition, right?
Dana: Yes.
Jo: Um, but, but I think Myka and I share that sort of reserve, you know, that thing where you’re like I don’t, no, don’t get too close. I’m like a Monet, stay back. [laughs]
Jaime: And I, I think that was part of the chemistry as well, it’s like, you have that kind of like, you know, protectio- protective-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: -kind of like, edge. And so it’s like, if, I think that i- in a way, the gift that we had by it not being written for us is, if had been written we would’ve, the characters would’ve made each other, um, accessible to each other far too quickly. It was like the slow burn of, Myka could be quite prickly, and my character was completely messed up so it was kind of like, this kind of like energy between them where they were kind of like, you know, like working each other out, feeling each other out-
Jo: Is there? Is there an energy there?
Jaime: And then the laughs were well earned, and the smiles, and the deciding to work together was well earned. There was a, a lot of suspicion around each other, and when they opened up or they kind of let their guard down, it was hard earned, and and it was like, you know, something you would wanna rejoice at.
Jo: Yeah, aw, I love that.
Dana: Um, okay, so this is from mayberrycosplay, uh, you may remember mayberrycosplay, I believe one of them dressed as HG at a con, uh-
Jaime: Oh!
Dana: -but they wondered-
Jaime: I’ve seen a few HGs.
Dana: You’ve seen a few HGs.
Jaime: [laughs]
Dana: This is for Jo about, uh, Myka’s experience with ovarian cancer and, uh, like, how the awareness of this silent killer of women, like how that storyline, what that storyline meant to you and how it felt to portray that?
Jo: I was really nervous about that storyline, you know, anything that has affected people and their families and, and it’s always, I, you know, difficult territory to walk as an actor, especially in a show like Warehouse where there's so much happening on such a grand level that I’m like, are they going to pay attention to this? Are they going to really honor a storyline like this? was my concern, you know, like very often things like that are added like, uh, it’s like putting a robot arm on a story, and you're like oh, and by the way, there’s ovarian cancer! And so I was really, you know, concerned about showing up for that and, and, and and serving it in a way that people understood and, and could identify with that, you know, it’s such a catharsis, that’s what I think it’s supposed to be. Um, so it was, uh, I, the fans told me I pulled it off, that’s the only way that I know.
Dana: Well it meant a tremendous amount to, to mayberrycosplay and so that’s why they, they sent that in because it, it really affected them because of their own personal-
Jo: Yeah.
Dana: -you know, family journeys and such.
Jo: Well I’m so, so, thank you, I mean, I’m still wondering, you know, I worked really hard to make sure that was in there. We’ve all lost somebody to cancer, we all know what that’s like, we all know- I mean, I mean, I certainly have, to feel a lump and be like [does the Home Alone face] you know. I have two friends right now who are going through it, so I try to honor it in the best way. I- it’s one of the things that makes me want to be an actor, uh, that I think is so special about it is that you get to tell stories that people, it’s a group catharsis, you know, so I’m glad that, glad they think I, the only thing that, if they think I sh- I showed up then... [laughs] yes, good, good, good.
Dana: Um, let’s see here, cloxy813 wants to know what was your favorite, favorite scene to film together?
Jo: Probably the heaving bosoms scene. I was excited for the heaving bosoms scene, which was all like [mimes placing gun to forehead] kill me!
Jaime: [laughs]
Dana: Hashtag heaving bosoms scene.
Jo: It was so hot that day, I remember my tank top-
Jaime: So hot, oh my god, it was like-
Jo: It was like, my tank top, I would like look down and find, I was like, my boobs are out, um. [laughs] I just saw him sign, them sign, um.
Jaime: We were by that lake, I just wanted to dive in there. It was-
Jo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I loved, I loved, I loved doing that scene, I have to say. And, and the chess scene, I remember that.
Jaime: Oh yeah.
Jo: I remember that very well. Um, I really enjoyed my work with Jaime because I, as I said, you know, there’s not a lot of scenes that are two women just being women. It was so, it was like a breath of fresh air and so I, I wasn't, I was, uh, you know, a lot of the times Myka was there to witness Pete-
Jaime: Or, or, or to laugh, or to kind of laugh and sigh at his super funny jokes.
Jo: The funny jokes... um, so, so it was so nice to not ha- be in a scene from that point of view. So often women are are written as accessories-
Jaime: Yeah.
Jo: You know, and, and this was a storyline where I felt like she was a whole person and I could be like a whole, real person, I didn't have to be like-
Jaime: I, I, I, I, I was on a show called Hustle and there was a character on it called Danny Blue, and he had all the funny lines, and one of the refrains that I had was “oh Danny. Oh Danny,” where every time he said something cheeky or naughty or a joke I’d go “oh Danny,” and I remember just being so excited to get the job, but then after awhile like me saying “oh Danny” really wore thin, especially as off camera I feel like I was more witty! [laughs] In that space I was much more funny, but all the funny was written for him, and I was going “oh Danny.” So when I came in I really, I kind of, um, you know, I knew the frustration of playing the, kind of, you, you know-
Jo: Straight man.
Dana: The “oh Danny.”
Jo: -if you were playing, right, right, the brainiac, uptight brainiac, and Pete had all the funny lines, so obviously we were in a lot of scenes with the rest of the cast and keeping the story going, but I felt as though all the character stuff that we had as, as women came from the scenes when we were on our own, and obviously that first scene with the grappler, um, you know, was, it was kind of the first scene where I’d been playing kind of like a little, kind of kind of like sneaky little looks and curiosity and fascination with this woman-
Dana: Yeah, we noticed.
Jaime: And, but, but, I, but, it wasn’t until the grappler scene that I thought that, that i was starting to get this, kind of, this chemistry going, and then there was a scene, do you remember the scene where I didn’t know how to work a computer or open it, it was like a, I was like a monkey-
Jo: Yeah [laughs] yeah.
Jaime: I was like a, it was like, I didn’t know what this is, we were-
Dana: Well, I mean in, in f- in fairness you had been in bronze for a long time.
Jaime: -we were in like a stu- a student room, a student's room, it was-
Jo: Yeah, we were at the college, we were at U of T.
Jaime: And, and. and we’d, it was the first time we’d deci- you’d, you’d kind of begrudgingly decided that we could work together, and HG was kind of a little thrilled, and you were a bit begrudging and-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: There was all, we, we still had to, ‘cause like, in sci-fi there’s a lot of storyline and exposition and kind of fantastical stuff, which is super fun, but actually as actors you really get excited about the character stuff and there was always just this great character stuff whenever we were on our own with a scene-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: -um, because we didn’t have to worry so much about servicing all the other characters, we just serviced each other.
Dana: Well, you know, there are only two kinds of queer women. It is thrilling or begrudging, it’s one or the other. [all laugh]
Dana: They fit perfectly in there.
Jaime: I mean maybe that’s why it resonated so well, and maybe it was the reason it was so great, that it wasn’t written, because you had these two kind of like, kind of sli- slightly spiky kind of like flawed women, kind of like o- one, you know, one not particularly into the other at all, you know, so-
Jo: It was interesting, I still remember, I still remember receiving that energy and receiving that stuff and realizing, sort of plotting, cause I’m like, how long would it take Myka to figure this out?
Jaime: [laughs]
Jo: Seriously, I was like, cause, Joanne is not her,, I’m, you know, I’m wasn’t in the box that she, I always thought, Jack’s like, you’re exactly like that character, I’m nothing, I’m not- [laughs] I mean there’s a part of me that’s uptight but there's a part of me that’s most definitely not, so I was like how, and I really wanted to do the discovery of it within her, the like, this, the, this feeling started, and then her sort of, and M-Myka to me as a character as a whole was always somebody who was afraid, this is somebody who was always very scared of everything and presented themselves in this very [mimes acting stuffy and uptight] way because there was so much going on here [gestures to heart] and it was slow in the five seasons, I really wanted her to like, you know, relax and start laughing and not be so, and I was like, there’s a certain amount of wonder that was like-
Jaime: Endless wonder.
Jo: -ohhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhh, like you kind of see her, one of the things about that journey is you start to see her discover sort of herself and her own feeling surrounding that, which I thought was really special.
Jaime: And also you, um, you, you kind of ended up, you, you know, HG was kind of like a tricky character and she was always one step ahead, um for, that first season, but then when she started to fall apart, you were the one that kind of put her together, and then I felt like there was also this humor introduced, this lightness introduced to your character through the humor el- elements-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: -and the surprise, which was, um, really lovely for your character.
Jo: Yeah, I, I think for m- for me, you know, it was a decision I made like in season two that I k- she had to evolve and grow and sort of, um, I couldn’t, I was, I was, I was like, I can’t keep coming to work and putting a giant stick up my ass [laughs] like we’re doing, like I need just to like expand her and go towards her relaxing and really finding, I think for her the big thing was always finding connection, you know, this-
Dana: Sure.
Jo: -we, we see in the beginning of the show is, it’s very cut off, very isolated, very like, and I, she lost her partner, that was, when I read that script, immediately I was like, this is someone who’s so scared of losing people again that she’s never gonna let anyone else in, and that was sort of like my understanding of her. And when Jaime came on, it was such a great way to explore that, Myka opening, you know, as feelings developed, her opening, you know-
Dana: Well, that, the growth, the character journey that both of your, your characters went on, I think that is what makes the show still so enduring to fans, like why they feel so connected to it, because we do, we saw that journey, you know, both of you had your own journeys to go on and you somehow managed to cross, cross paths, and it may not have ended the way fans had wanted it to, but we still go so much out of it.
Jo: I’m so glad.
Dana: I wish it was endgame, but what can I do?
Jaime: We, we, we need a spinoff show for Jo and I, we, we need a spinoff show.
Dana: Okay, yes, the spinoff, okay! You need to talk about that because-
Jaime: Who do we need to talk to to make that happen?
Dana: I got in a lot of trouble on Twitter yesterday for not asking a spinoff question, uh, what, like, what would a spinoff look like between between HG and Myka?
Jo: I think it would be have, to be now, which we-
Dana: Yeah.
Jo: And we’d have to get her, there’s no ponytails in this story, there’s no suburbs, there’s no fucking ponytails, um, no-
Jaime: I won- I won- I wonder if, um, it could be now, but, or, I wonder if I, I had to come in for a mission and then I actually pulled you back into my time, that might be an interesting way to turn it on its head.
Dana: Ooh, Jaime Murray, there we go!
Jaime: If we both had to go back-
Dana: I love me some period.
Jaime: -into my time or you know what made me think that [she does the Jaime Murray hair flip™] what I-
Jo: [laughs]
Jaime: I saw that, I saw that ne- The Nevers-
Jo: I miss that hair flip!
Jaime: -the, the, the a- the adverts for The Nevers on HBO, and I’m like that is the HG Wells spinoff right there, and I was like super fucked that I wasn’t in that, and then I read that Joss Whedon was a consultant and I was like [inaudible] really bad, so, but, anyway I think that that’s what we should do. I, I’m also obsessed with that time period.
Jo: I mean, yeah, and also like it was real, yeah-
Jaime: It was the beginning of ps-
Jo: Yeah.
Jaime: -psychology, of like Tesla, of of like different thoughts, there was like, they were like spiritual, um, kind of scientists and atheism and there was all it this opportunity for change, which actually wasn’t taken, but it was actually, it’s super interesting right at the time, there was suffragettes-
Jo: Also a fish out of water for me would be so wacky, because I’m a fish out of water too, alright.
Dana: I’m curious if yo all saw the Saturday Night Live sketch the other, uh, last week with, uh, lesbian period drama-
Jaime: Oh!
Dana: -and how, how every lesbian, like anything that features lesbians now has to be- [laughs]
Jaime: Well have you e- have you ever-
Dana: -it’s like the Edwardian or, like the Edwardian times.
Jaime: Have you guys read Sarah Waters, do you know this?
Dana: Oh, of course!
Jaime: Like, so, and maybe that is actually what helped me get to HG Wells, but I loved those books when-
Dana: Oh, they’re so amazing.
Jaime: -I was growing up and I feel like we should make those o- we should remake one of those b- Jo, you’ve got to read those books, and then-
Jo: I’m writing it down! I’m taking notes!
Jaime: Oh, it’s amazing.
Dana: You two would be amazing in her most recent one.
Jaime: She writes these amazing Edwardian, Edwardian kind of wanton lust and then there’s like, like the vervain or whatever, that kind of drug that they used to take back then-
Jo: Opium?
Jaime: -so it’s like slightly, kind of like psychedelic, oh, it’s amazing, yeah, she’s amazing.
Dana: [laughs] Well, we unfortunately are out of time, and it’s been so much fun to talk to the two of you, and I, I love the love that you have for your characters, for your friendship, for the fans, uh, it’s, it’s so lovely to see, and thank you so much for making this work in your schedules, I know you’re both super busy doing your own projects, um, and I want to think Mark. Mark, you’re amazing, thank you so much for, for interpreting.
Jaime: Thank you, Mark!
Jo: Thank you, Mark!
Dana: Um, do you have anything you want to end with, to say to the, to the Bering lesbians out there?
Jaime: Well, first of all, I want to say that, um, if anyone sends me messages to, you know, pictures or anything that that Jo needs to see, I’ll make sure that Jo, Jo gets it, ‘cause she’s not on social media, and I’ll, I’ll share stuff with her so that she can kind of know the love from the community.
Dana: Yeah, great.
Jo: I think, um, I’m actually gonna try to put together a newsletter because I’m trying to get my shows made and I could use this community, you know, to help-
Dana: Oh, we will support you to the end! We will march off that cliff with you.
Jaime: I could help you make a Twitter account, just for our community.
Jo: I don’t wanna do Twitter, I wanna do a newsletter. [laughs] I don’t wanna, I don’t know how many characters are in it, but it’s not enough. [laughs]
Jaime: But Jo, Jo, you have to actually read some of the fanfiction. The fanfiction is epic.
Jo: I have a book that I got, somebody wrote a book-
Jaime: Unbelievable, oh my god.
Jo: -like a novel.
Jaime: They’re brilliant, these people are brilliant, like best fans ever.
Dana: There is some really incredible work out there.
Jaime: Well, do you want to-
Jo: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, um, you know, I don’t do these very often, and just like, the outpouring of love, like just the connection, I really appreciate it, I’m so grateful, so thank you.
Jaime: Yeah, it’s such a beautiful community. I feel really proud to have been welcomed into it and, uh, very grateful.
Dana: Well, we’ll hope to see you another time, and thank you all who turned in to this panel. [Jaime blows kisses]
Jo: Thank you.
Jaime: Bye, guys.
Dana: Do you smell apples?
Jaime: Bye, Jo, I love you so much.
Jo: Do you smell apples? I love you too. [blows kiss] I’ll talk to you soon.
Jaime: Yes, I’ll see you later. Bye bye, darlings.
Jo: Bye.
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nettlestonenell · 4 years
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Armie Hammer wants a sequel to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.—shouldn’t you?
This post is a long time in coming, Gentle Readers and @jammeke​, but now, though it might be here, before your very eyes, to think it will be well-laid out would be a mistake. It’s set to be just about as messy as Ilya’s misplaced loyalties and murky motivations.
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How dare!
I probably first watched this film well over a year ago (courtesy @jammeke​ posting things about it). I used Sling OnDemand (I think on TNT). In the ensuing viewings I also watched it in that way, but as I was sitting down for a fourth(?) viewing, it kept coming to me that I was tired of watching it with commercials I couldn’t skip, and I had a sneaking suspicion that it had been edited for time and I was missing out on scenes. [pointless aside: I was also watching the film in chunks, and never as a whole]
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Where is she now? What’s the time stamp? How far along did she get? Are you shagging the hotel hostess yet?
So, I, uh, set out to buy it on DVD—without any luck! In the sense that copies I could find cost more (w/ shipping) than buying it to stream. So, I bought it to stream on Amazon. Do I regret my choice, Gentle Readers? No, no I don’t. I do regret burden of knowledge in learning that TNT was already playing the entirety of the film. That was a hard pill to swallow.
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Nope, I’ve looked. That’s absolutely everything. Nothing additional lurking around here...
So here it is, as it is, @jammeke, “My Notes on The Man from U.N.C.L.E.”
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Look, I don’t know what this film is. I probably can’t fully articulate its appeal. Or maybe I can--certainly after transcribing four page I’ve tried. Number One thing to know about me and fiction/films is that a top draw for me is seeing something out of the ordinary, such as beautiful locations, a historical era, delicious costumes. There are times, frankly, this can trump weak story and undefined character for me. (The best films, of course, combine all three) Certainly, The Man... delivers in the delight of the eyes. Additionally, I must confess that growing up as a person older than @reblogginhood​ but younger than Miss Fisher, so much of what was on TV was essentially reruns of this film’s iconic Look(tm). So, when I see women dressed like Gaby I am just another three-to-seven-year-old overcome with the drop dead glamour of it all.
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Darling, tell me how you really feel...
Some questions I have:
·         IS Armie Hammer a hulk of a man? Everyone in this film seems to think so, yet he always tracks to me as trim (rather than hulking)
·         Why translate via captions some Russian speaking, but not all?
·         IS Napoleon’s backstory directly cribbed from USA’s White Collar?
·         DOES Gaby have a German accent?
·         Does Ilya get preternaturally attached to all the people he’s ordered to look after? Also, what is his bonding rate with kittens?
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Sorry, wrong iteration. 
 ·         If Lady Villain knows the lens is wrong—if her technical understanding is that in-depth--does she really need Gaby’s dad to make the bomb?
·         How old was Gaby during the war?
·         What happens when Ilya gets a NEW puppy assigned to him? (please let this be addressed in film #2)
Hooray for:
·         That bathroom fight! *all the Burn Notice feels!
·         Gaby is her own lady, and chooses sides as necessary—not always unilateral in her support for either male character. Case in point: she sides with Ilya over the clothes, and Napoleon over the incident of the wallet.
·         That delicious (speaking as Rusty, here) Ocean’s 11-stylized action. It’s pretty, so I’m not bored with it. Sometimes a sandwiched montage gets shown, so I’m REALLY not bored. I’ve got 18 tiny moving boxes of things to look at!
·         Pinkie rings. There, you’ve told me everything I need to know about that character.
·         Solo in a beret. English has not yet found a word for the feeling it evoked in this viewer. Somewhere between ‘precious’ and ‘oh, no’.
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See, there? Now you’ve felt it too.
·         Goggles! All the accessories! Dune Buggies! (I mean, that’s what I’m calling Napoleon’s chase-scene ride)
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Things I adore:
·         It seems (after some research) that more than a few folks view Gaby as a third wheel, and though she’s not exactly a Princess Leia commandeering her own rescue and exuding competence and a deserved take-charge-attitude at every corner, she IS a foci for both male characters (though romantically it would seem only for one), just as Ilya is a foci for both her and Napoleon [no one seems to worry about Napoleon, though they should--film #2, anyone?]
·         Mechanic Gaby not needing a beauty makeover, or being dragged into one. She gets some nice clothes, but it’s never suggested that she’s not attractive or acceptable before putting them on, and I respect, nay, embrace it.
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Oh, my heart. She’s still not as tall as them!
·         Ilya, drab pigeon Ilya, knowing fashion
·         Oh man, don’t even get me started on the power of the statement, “it doesn’t have to match”
·         You knew it was coming on this sublist: the wrestle-fight. I mean, c’mon. Poor little Gaby, locked behind the Iron Curtain, living a life of always being watched. She’s in the swankest hotel (I mean, Napoleon chose it, so we can be sure it’s swank with an E). She’s trying to celebrate her freedom, her liberation. She’s playing verboten music, she’s drinking to excess. Girl wants—and deserves—a party. And Ilya is…not built for that (that he knows of). For some fun, just imagine if she had been given Napoleon to room with instead.
                            o   I will say that this scene, and some of their other interactions have what I would call early (non-sibling) Luke and Leia energy. Ilya seems to have moments of being struck by Gaby in a way Luke is struck by Leia in the early part of the trilogy. When Leia takes charge, and Luke accepts it. When Leia does something incredible, and Luke is left open-mouthed. *no, I don’t see OT Star Wars in everything. Shut up.
·         “He fixed the glitch.”
·         Again, shout-out to the non-action action.
·         “I left my jacket in there.”
·         The whole race to rescue Gaby I am in love with beyond words. [I have noted it as “Crazy Jeep Drive with Warhead!”] Probably b/c it comes across as totally egalitarian. Both men want her rescued. They’re no longer in competition. It’s just as important to Napoleon as it is to Ilya to catch up to her. Also, it is bonkers, like some sort of X-games version of a commercial for the vehicles they’re driving. And screaming Willie Scott does not make an appearance.
         Someone says “winkle” out.
·         Look! Another note about the screen divisions and how I love it, shout-outs to the original Steve McQueen The Thomas Crown Affair (a contemporary of when this movie is meant to be set), and TV’s 24.
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Things that get a great, big NOPE:
·         Jerrod Harris: you’ve been in so much streamable content in the last decade I can’t hate you, but frankly, you’re terrible here—unless you’re supposed to be giving a mannered, not-campy-enough-to-be-enjoyable performance here. Your American English puts me in the mind of Alex Hawaii 5-0′Loughlin where it feels you’re concentrating so hard on your accent that you fail to convince anyone that you’re a harried, over-worked and exasperated spy handler. Your performance is at odds with every bit of dialogue you’re given to say.
·         That awful, mishandled title that doesn’t even connect to the film until the final moments (a sequel set-up, for sure)
·         Look, you don’t introduce Hugh Grant casually mid-way through your film in a throwaway appearance. I mean, he’s HUGH GRANT we all know something’s up now.
·         This is not exactly a great big NOPE, b/c I love a flat cap, Tommy Shelby—but I feel like a less tall man with a far rounder face in a flat cap would track more as Russian to me that AH does. To me, he just looks like he’s about to go golfing.
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Over par? Unacceptable!
·         Is Victoria a British-accented Italian? A British woman who married—what? Gaby’s uncle isn’t Italian!? An Italian who went to school in Britain? My head hurts. Also, is her hair meant to be unconvincingly bleached?
Other commentary:
·         Napoleon’s adult ne’er-do-well backstory is so far from being emotionally equivalent to Ilya’s childhood trauma [and his enslavement to the USSR] it seems bestial when he calls it out on multiple occasions. Badly done, Solo.
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·         Gaby is the film’s key (sorry, Buffy fans). Everyone is connected to her. Yes, she could have been given a bit more on the character front, but I don’t see her as as much of a flaw in the film as some others/reviewers seem to.
·         Look, essentially (and not very nuanced-ly), Ilya is a stalker. I think the film goes a certain distance in establishing that his early behavior toward Gaby is not normal, but concurrently it does not truly call him out on it. He’s essentially viewed as an odd-duck, sure, but not a true threat to her (should she not reciprocate or tolerate his intensity toward her). I think I might be able to cite his behavior when Gaby comes on to him (that he doesn’t jump at a chance with her) that maybe he’s given a little more nuance than a straight-on stalker, and it helps that he and Napoleon never get into a pissing match over Gaby’s person, only over her new clothes. But overall the film has to walk a fine line (and the jury is still out on how successful it is, I’d say) between playing Ilya’s laser-like attention to Gaby for its humor, and calling it out for the unsettling, threatening behavior it is.
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·         Honestly, it wasn’t until I engaged the Closed Captioning that I understood Napoleon was calling Ilya the ‘Red Peril’. So, that was nearly three viewings in.
·         I give the screen credits A+, on both ends. Not to mention the end credits are actually INTERESTING with lots to see and learn! (Certainly we learn more about HG in them than we do at any time during the film)
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Things I would have liked:
·         More of fish-out-of-the-Iron-Curtain Gaby moments
·         A better dichotomy shown of East vs. West Berlin/Germany. There’s nothing easy either visually or otherwise to distinguish the two.
·         HC being given a more specific American accent (from an actual locality). This, for an American viewer, works better than the flat, unlocated American accent many a British actor will bust out. *Mind you, HC does a generally good job, but he fails utterly on both “Immediate” which he pronounces at least twice as “immeedeejt” [rather than imm-E-deeot] and “Nazi” as “NAHT-zee” [rather than “NOT-zee”]. And let’s not get started on that late in the film use of ‘earnt’, a word that—well, it’s just not in the American English twentieth century lexicon.
·         C’mon. You gotta tease the Hugh Grant more.
·         Solo is a blank before the war. I’ve read thoughts on the film calling out Gaby as the blank character, but they’re wrong. Solo is the blank. He’s the ‘made’ man, his identity seemingly assembled during the war and after. For example, he doesn’t go into the war a thief, nor (it would seem) a particularly educated or urbane individual. Now THAT’s a juicy backstory I’d love to learn about, perhaps in film #2--or #3? What creates a Napoleon Solo? What would he be doing if he weren’t on the government’s leash/incarcerated? Is anyone left caring about him back wherever he calls home? I mean, who doesn’t love a gender-flipped 60s-era Holly Golightly backstory? [And yes, I would love there to be an ex-wife or even a current wife mixed up in his origins as well—Guy Ritchie, call me!]
Notes I have that I’m not sure if they still make sense to me:
·         Only mom calls me Napoleon (do he say it ‘mum’?) Is he a secret Canadian?
·         Solo’s torture, 1st view recall Napoleon’s childhood? *I think this means that after watching the first time I somehow erroneously believed that during the torture Napoleon’s childhood was a topic gone over. This was wrong. HOWEVER, this would have made far more story-sense than the backstory we’re given on an easily disposeable villain.
·         “Even the average Russian agent. You’re special.” ?
·         Uncle is Baddie (*so glad I made this note to myself)
·         Ilya’s dad IS an embarrassment. I’m not sure what genius commentary I had in my mind, here. Perhaps that Ilya himself is embarrassed of him? Not just Ilya’s handler’s? [Also, aside: Napoleon totally slut-shames Ilya’s mom, which is the doublest of double standards from ‘I got myself the biggest and most ornate suite b/c I-wanted-plenty-of-space-for-my-random-seductions’ and I really wish Ilya had thrown that back in his face] *yes, of course I know that Ilya and Napoleon would not likely equate a wife/mother’s sexual exploits with that of Solo’s, but let’s be honest, this film tweaks the nose of (I won’t say reverses, it doesn’t go that far) plenty of tropes and gender expectations, and this certainly seems like a missed opportunity to call Solo on the carpet (which I hope film #2 does far more)
Things I wrote down so long ago I don’t recall what they mean:
·         CC-save
In conclusion:
What does film #2 look like? What title does it get? Will the Peter/Neil White Collar dynamic continue to grow? *note that I have no confidence a second film will ever come to pass...
In the end, all I know is, “It didn't help when American Tom Cruise, who was slated to play U.S. spy Napoleon Solo, dropped out, prompting the casting of Cavill (who had previously read for the Russian role).“ I would not have watched that film.
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evestedic · 4 years
Prompt: Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference. *Janhoo or Everlark
Vampiress Prompt - HG (Part II) 
(Go here for Part I)
Peeta was nervous. 
He hadn’t come off as a creep, right? But he was sure she was going to catch something worse than a cold if she stayed in those damp clothes, and the fire could only do so much. 
A throat-clearing woke him up from his thoughts, and there she was. Katniss. She had on one of his shirts and warm flannel pants; her hair was loose but dryer than when he first had seen her. 
“Oh, awesome, you look...uh...warmer.” Smooth, Peeta.
Katniss simply nodded awkwardly, and he quickly went to offer her a blanket. “Just, sit near the fire; I left you a cup of hot chocolate and some cheese buns. I’ll go put your clothes in the dryer.” She nodded again and Peeta practically bolted out of the room. 
The vampiress sighed and looked around her. This was the second floor of the bakery, and it seemed this man, Peeta, lived here. It was a very warm living room: with the fireplace, a very comfortable couch, and a center table with some books and sketchbooks. He had insisted on getting her clothes dry, which really, she didn’t mind, but she knew how weird non-entirely-human reactions could make others feel uncomfortable. Only, when she realized what this might look like, she was uncertain. Would this man expect her to sleep with him? Here she was, a drenched woman seeking refuge in his bakery, who had accepted to go into his home and take off her clothes. Well, even if he did expect it, Katniss would first break his arm, or tear it off. It wasn’t the first time she had encountered a situation like this. 
“That’s done.” Peeta claimed as he came back and sat on a single sofa opposite hers. “Was it too hot?” Katniss then noticed she hadn’t touched the cup with the warm beverage Peeta had made for her. She took it, blew a bit on it for show and drank. 
What was happening?  She was sure she hadn’t tasted anything as good as this in all of her second life. Sure, there had been times, like 373 years ago, when she tasted real honey for the first time, or that other, 286 years ago, the mango & cardamom syllabub... But this was just hot chocolate–it wasn’t her first time having it, and surely, the first time it tasted this good. 
“This is delicious. Thank you,” she told Peeta, who in turn, looked shy at the compliment and scratched the back of his hair. 
“I’m sorry I don’t have a TV here. I usually just watch things on my laptop or phone, and I don’t know if you would like that…” 
“It’s okay, I’m not that much of a TV fan, anyway.”
“Ditto. My brothers think I’m crazy because of it.” He chuckled and stirred the fire a bit. “So...do you live close? I can give you a ride home if it’s not that far, or call you a cab when the rain stops.”
“I’m okay. I like walking, and I’m not that far away.” 
After that, silence fell between them. Katniss sipped on her chocolate and Peeta drew in his sketchbook. 
A chiming sound came to her ears, and she told Peeta. 
“Oh, that must be the dryer. Give me a second.” He quickly stood up and left through the door. 
Katniss quickly grabbed the sketchbook and gasped when she saw that his latest drawing-drawings-were of her. Her hands holding the chocolate cup, her eyes lit up by the fire, her face framed by her damp hair when she came into the bakery, and finally her just as she was now, sitting cozily bundled with a blanket and looking at the fire. 
Checking the previous ones, she saw there were other people: men, women, children, although also some sunrises. His fingers were definitely talented; he had managed to sketch four drawings in such a small amount of time. 
Hearing his steps, she quickly put everything back as it was and returned to her previous position. 
“I put your clothes in my room, if you wish to change.” Katniss went to stand up when she saw Peeta holding something up. “Do you want to play?” he asked with a smirk. 
“Cards? Really?”
“I don’t have anything here to entertain a lady, but I remembered my brother left a deck of cards last time he attempted to play poker. So, are you game?” 
She was. 
They played different games, some she knew, some she didn’t, and Katniss also taught Peeta some of her own, those she had played so long ago. 
The smile came easily to her lips, and her laughter fell effortlessly amidst his attempts at being clever. And it wasn’t that he wasn’t a good player, but Katniss could detect even the slightest change in his heartbeat, so she won a lot. 
She was stacking the cards again when a clock sounded loudly in the background. 
“What time is it?” she asked. 
“It’s midnight.” 
“Are you serious?” Katniss hadn’t noticed how long they had been playing. She had spent almost five hours with this stranger, just like that. 
“I better go.” She went to stand up, but Peeta beat her to it. 
“You can stay if you want to.” She must have given him some kind of glare because he quickly put his hands up. “I didn’t mean it like that! I mean, it’s late, and you know how the city is not safe. My room has a lock and you can sleep in there; I can just crash here, wouldn’t be the first time.” 
“I...appreciate the offer, but I need to go.” Katniss quickly followed the scent of her clothes and found a room. 
Locking the door, she went to quickly change while her eyes roamed around. 
There were some frames, Peeta’s art, no doubt, some wrestling trophies, a desk with a laptop and picture frames, some clothes strewn around. It had been a while since Katniss had been in someone else’s room...it felt too intimate, so she always avoided these types of connections. 
Shaking her head, she folded the clothes she had just been borrowing and left them on top of the pillow. When she stepped out, she noticed, by her nose, that Peeta was still in the living room. 
“I’m glad nothing shrank. I should’ve asked you if anything you were wearing was heat-sensitive,” was the first thing he said while putting away his sketchbook once again. It made Katniss curious. Could he have possibly done a new sketch in the few minutes she took changing?
“No, everything is okay. I’ll call myself a cab.” He nodded with a small smile and gathered the cups and plates they’d used, making Katniss feel ungrateful. “I can wash that.”
“No way. My house, my rules. My guests don’t do dishes.” 
Katniss nodded, listening as he went down to put everything in the sink. 
Her taxi app pinged, notifying her that the driver would be there in 3 minutes. 
“I found a cab.” Her voice was at a normal volume, as she heard Peeta was behind her by the door. 
“Good, then please,” he gestured with his hand, “I’ll escort you to the door.” 
“There’s no need to, really. You’ve done more than enough.” 
“My dad would kill me if I weren’t anything but a gentleman. Please.” His smile was something difficult to say no to, she realized, so she agreed. After this, she wasn’t going to see him again, either way. 
Heading down the stairs, she realized they were both going at a turtle’s pace, slowly putting one foot in front of the other. Why was she stalling? Katniss had said ‘thank you’ tonight more times than in the past decade, probably, and she had managed to keep her usual rudeness at bay; there was nothing left to say. 
Taking a deep breath, she turned around to say goodbye one final time before leaving, but when she whipped her head around to look behind her, Katniss found those piercing blue eyes so close it almost made her gasp. 
“S-Sorry, I...was just going to warn you about the next step; the wood is a bit loose there.” Why was Peeta whispering? Why hadn’t he moved?
Why hadn’t she moved?
He was a step higher than her, making him seem even taller, and the stairs weren’t illuminated by any light above. 
She wondered if there was some magnetic force that suddenly brought them together, because she was sure they had crashed their lips against the other’s at the same time. Katniss quickly found herself pinned against the wall, but she didn’t let go, only pulled at Peeta’s face with both hands, pouring need into the kiss. 
The last time she did this had been centuries ago. She didn't need sex; she'd had sex for decades, and it had long since worked its way out of her system. Lust was something common to her race, but the fever dimmed throughout the immortal years, eventually only happening if you wanted it to. Right this second, she wanted to. And Peeta must have noticed. 
The way he held her waist, tight against his own body told her that. She knew she was stronger than him, but the pure male scent that came from him at that moment made her pliant in his hands. Big, strong, those were the only adjectives her mind could come up with while he sucked the air out of her lungs. 
When their lips parted, she simply dropped her head back, baring her neck to him, a gesture he fully took advantage of, biting where her pulse point should’ve been. 
A shiver ran down her spine, almost making her weak in the knees. Peeta returned to her mouth, and just as his tongue ran across her lower lip, a loud honking noise made them jump apart. 
“That was-” she began to say.
“I, um...I just…” he tried to say.
They stared at each other for a second before Katniss sprinted down the stairs, almost flying through them, not actually touching the steps. 
She opened the door and turned around one last time. 
“Goodbye, Peeta.” 
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lastnightatrfa · 6 years
Hi I'm not quite sure what this is. I found your account on accident but, whatever it is it's fricking awesome. I'm assuming from the format it's some sort of game??? If it is could you please tell me what it's called, if not then I'm sorry for bothering you lol thank you 💕
Message here!
Hello new friend! =D First of all, welcome to our little corner of internet! Second of all, please take a huuuuuge chunk of the stuff you see here with a grain of salt. (as technically, none of this is canon and uh, my apologies as there are spoilers all over the place;; )
This blog combines two things- the otome game Mystic Messenger (heads up, this game is Big so have room!) and Texts From Last Night. We use the shaorankun chatroom generator to make the texts look like they’re actually from the game but they’re not actual, real, in-game content!
Now that we’ve established that, here’s a fast newbie’s guide to Mystic Messenger (aka, Mysme for short):The basic plot for the game is pretty simple to understand. Due to some wacky hijinx, you’ve become the party coordinator for Rika’s Fundraising Association: a group of people who host really fancy parties for charity! And you have this neato messenger app to talk to everyone! Everyone here being several handsome guys and the sweet, perfect angel that is Jaehee Kang. Your job is to get to know the RFA and get guests to come to the party. Easy, right? The story’s a tiiiiny bit different in another story, but we’ll get to that later. Depending on who you showed the most favor to and what “story” you’re in, on day 5 you’ll lock into a route and away you go on the fun part~
So that’s the basics. Here’s some other need-to-know info.
1. Mysme plays in real time. Yep, like Animal Crossing, events in the game can and will happen without you! Don’t worry, though, if you miss a chat you REALLY wanted to take part in you can pay Hourglasses to reopen it. And you will miss chats. (a common meme in the fandom is cursing the 3am chats in particular;;)2. There are two psuedocurrencies in this game- Hourglasses and Hearts. Hearts are obtained by making the right choices in chats. Say things characters approve of and they’ll become more close to you! That gets you hearts. The only real use of hearts is to buy hourglasses. Hourglasses are used for replaying chats and getting into the Deep Story/Another story, and you can also buy them with real money if you like!3. You can only do certain routes in certain stories. Casual Story has Jaehee, Zen and Yoosung. Deep Story has Seven and Jumin. Another Story has V and Ray. You cannot do a route outside of its story- ie you can’t get Jumin in Casual Story and you can’t get Zen in Deep Story. 4. The Deep Story (which has Jumin and Seven’s routes) and Another Story (which has Ray and V) aren’t immediately available. You need to pay 80 hourglasses to open the Deep Story and 550 to fully unlock Another Story (300 HG for V’s Route and 250 for Ray’s). Keep in mind, Another Story is sort of the unofficial “hard mode” of the game imho and EVERYTHING costs more. If you miss chats, it will cost you! Make sure you have time for things!5. Bring tissues. This game aims for your heart and then punches you in the feelings. It will hurt.6. You want to aim for 60% of a day’s chats at minimum on average. In Ray route it’s better to go for 80%, but any lower and you’re risking a bad end.
And lastly, here’s some extra tips!
If you need hourglasses, Zen’s route gives the most and is the easiest route to grind for them on. If you really wanna go completely free to play, Zen’s route will be your bread and butter.
Save yourself the trouble and just pay for Another Story. You can probably get it easily if you do a run solely consisting of the bad ends and don’t spend any hourglasses (fan favorite is Jumin’s Bad Story End 2) but that’s a lot of time investment! If you want to get into the AS and don’t want to do the bad ends (ie. you are me) you may as well just buy the routes from the get-go.
YOOSUNG IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED IF YOU WANT JAEHEE OR ZEN DURING CASUAL STORY. That boy is so starved for affection that getting hearts with him is super, super easy so if you’re going for LITERALLY anyone else in Casual mode make sure to miss a few of his chats or he’s almost guaranteed to relationship ninja you.
If you see the chat “Do Not Drink Coffee” MAKE A POINT OF PARTICIPATING. It’s probably the best chat in the casual route and hands down worth it. It’s hilarious.
You can get the Normal and Good ends in the same run. Once you have answered all 3 emails from a guest, don’t open their confirmation until the last day. After you open and confirm 10 guests are coming, save and go to the party to get the normal end. Then, load your save and open the rest of your emails to confirm the other 20 guests you need for the good end.
Speaking of the emails, here’s a guide that tells you all the correct answers. You’re welcome!
Ray’s route, day 8/9, can be triggering for abuse survivors. I won’t be able to say why without spoilers but keep that in mind if you are one. I will say otherwise it’s a very good route, though!
I said bring tissues up there but I’m saying it again.
Jaehee Kang is an angel and if you disrespect her I’ll come to your house and flood your basement with gatorade. :T
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adamarinayu · 6 years
Hello me reacting to Jaw$ thx
Donald patting Dewey’s head was so soft, I love it. Also the entire first scene was golden, I loved it. Also, “Roxanne.” I have hyperfixated on that.
“Scrooge hates magic.” “Don’t trust them, Lena. They’d turn on you in an instant if they knew what you really are.”
So I was right, in the case of a Magic!Donald, Donald would have 100% hidden it because Scrooge openly hates magic. Also, it almost sounds like Magica does care about Lena, even though I’m preeeetty sure she’s just using her...
“...our centuries old blood feud.” Magica, are you talking about the McDucks or Scrooge specifically..? Because that context would change... a lot of things.
(Also Magica with that evil laugh thing is starting to seem like a huge dork and I love her for it, but she’s also pretty scary despite that...)
“You know what I care about.” WELL I DON’T AND I WANT TO KNOW. Your dad???
Webby.... Webby, I love you, but why do you even have that? “Heh heh, noo...” Oh Lena... I love you.
BEAKLEY SPRAYING SCROOGE WITH A WATER BOTTLE. Perfect. But oh man, the voice she puts on- it’s putting me through the wringer like my god. Beakley, go become a voice actress with that. (Wait....)
LOUIE’S NARRATING THEM O HG MY GOD THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS but also geez Louie you sure know how to change your voice. HUEY BABY, SING. SIIIING!
That “.............” moment before they run screaming. Perfect.
Okay but Donald being a single parent of three rambunctious children must have taught him to sleep through anything because he just slept through the displacement of water and the sound of a freakin’ helicopter, mate.
The sound of the helicopter crashing after LP gets on the boat... I love this show omg.
So wait- did they just... grab money out of the bin, or out of the mansion, or did Donald have freakin’ gold and gems just sitting in his boat?! .... The kids had to have brought it with them. They couldn’t have reached it in the bin while staying safe on the boat, yeah?
Oh- so... okay. The houseboat’s living quarters are below deck. I mean it makes sense when you think about it but for some reason it hadn’t occurred to me that the front door led to stairs. Also the amount of pictures of the triplets on the wall is so dang soft.
Lena playing with the friendship bracelet, clearly she’s torn up by this... MAGICA STOP IT. ..... TIFFANY. Magica stop, don’t think for a moment Lena’s being dumb for having something you never did. STOP. My love for Lena grows, y’all. The way she says, “I’m sorry of I don’t want to be killed by a money shark!” I really like it. The voice actors in this show are just so perfect.
“I DOUBT THE SINCERITY OF YOUR APOLOGY.” Okay. “Just don’t get eaten until then.” UNTIL THEN?! The funny thing is, the dime isn’t even in the bin. Magica, what made you think Scrooge would put his #1 dime among all the other money in his bin?!
LOOK HOW WORRIED LOUIE LOOKS WHILE HUEY RATTLES OFF FACTS ABOUT SHARKS. Louie is a soft sensitive boi and he’s worried about his brother. HUG THIS DUCKLING. NOW.
CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT DONALD HAS A FREAKIN’ HARPOON GUN ON HIS BOAT?!?!?! Is that actually on Donald’s boat or is it something else they brought with them?! This episode is giving me so many questions about what Donald keeps in his house like geez.
Huey....... That was a very Donald thing to do. “DEWEY’S BROTHERS!” Launchpad, really?
How dare they name her Roxanne. (I’m just joking, don’t worry lol) OH MY GOD THE WAY THIS INTERVIEW STARTED, this entire thing was a set up by Beakley wasn’t it? ........... Yes, Beakley and Roxanne definitely set this up.
“Ugh, I hate magic.” “Hold your tongue! Magic is the family business.” “And the more we use it the more likely I am to get caught!” Welp.
The fact that Donald’s boat can move through gold like it’s water concerns me.
SCROOGE WENT ON A RANT ABOUT SCOTLAND I LOVE IT. Of course it was Glomgold haha. SCROOGE WHAT THE HECK okay maybe it’s not a set up after all.
“That’s not how magic works.” Welp, magic of friendship burned- WAIT IT’S ACTUALLY WORKING LENA TURNED BLUE INSTEAD OF PINK. Okay Lena stopped it. Welp.
Scrooge’s words immediately disproven. “I’m being told it now has legs.” “Oooof course it does.” I love it.
Scrooge mad about having to drive himself lol. Didn’t even think to wake Donald for it, but then again he has no time to obey the law huh...
LENA DO WHAT’S RIGHT BABY GIRL I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. Just saying this episode is a lot darker than I was expecting from an episode about a shark made of money. Disappointed there’s not more Donald but eh...
“You beautiful idiot” Webby’s starting to get the hang of this best friends thing lol
I’m not a big fan of “the magic of friendship is the most powerful magic of all” but LENA MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE so I’m chill.
Scrooge freaking out over his gold not knowing where to start lol
Scrooge is so hurting but as long as he has his #1 he’s all good lol
“You would have probably survived” Magica, you need to learn to care about your family. Sheesh.
“The dime does neither of us any good if I’m dead.” So Magica does need Lena for whatever she’s plotting... *side-eyes those upcoming episodes* Something’s gonna happen......
“YOUR FREEDOM” HOLY SMOKES NO. Okay Magica is a dork but she’s a dangerous dork who doesn’t give a darn about her own family. Ah geez, man... this is intense.
WOAH WAIT WHEN DID LAUNCHPAD START CALLING DONALD “DONALD”?! Also Donald is not a happy duck I’m sure- isn’t he spending his time FIXING THE BOAT so he and the boys can move back to the bay? This has set him back further than when he first started. How’s he supposed to live in the wreckage of his boat, anyway? (I mean he was already sleeping in the water so there’s that...)
Anyway, I loved this episode, it was super intense, so much more than I was expecting, and we got to see more of Magica’s personality and her dynamic with Lena. I think this Magica is a more serious and intense version of the character (which we already figured, from Terra-firmians when she basically said leave Beakley for dead), while still holding her eccentric personality- a hilarious character who actually feels like a threat. I like that. She’s a good villain and I love her, but a good person she is not. 
Disappointed in the lack of Donald, but at least he was here at all. *side-eyes other episodes* So overall 9/10. That missing point is Donald.
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masquev2 · 7 years
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7 Fandoms in 7 Days Day 5 - Warehouse 13
Ship name and characters Myka Bering and HG Wells although not a portmanteau the ship for these two is Bering and Wells (Wells and Bering if you ask Helena).
The moments you watch again and again Any time HG gets the naughty flirtatious look around Myka, or any time that Myka gets complete heart eyes around HG. Stand - When they are going to destroy the Janus Coin which holds HG’s conscience and the two share a tearful and heartfelt goodbye, expressing how much the other one means to them.
The moments you wish didn’t exist Stand - when HG sacrifices herself to save the others from the bomb that is about explode and destroy everything, like the tearful goodbye it is beautiful but still sad. Instinct - HG Wells has a boyfriend! Who I refer to as ‘the meatsack’ because I couldn’t be bothered to learn the name of the guy she has absolutely no chemistry with. Even if you look at it from the point of view that she is only there for the child it doesn’t make it any better because that kid was damn annoying.
A song that reminds you of them So I have several songs that make me think of these two but none that I have made into a fan video and as I hijacked this challenge in order to post a video I give you this: ’Especially For You’ by Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan Under the name of ‘Regent C’ along with some friends who also concealed their true identities we decided that we wanted to make the cheesiest and badly put together video we could. We chose this song but then couldnt bring ourselves to actually follow through with the bad editing. (Apologies to those in the United States and Canada, because I think the video is blocked due to content. Sorry)
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avajunewrites · 5 years
Welcome back!! Excited for Tom and Hermione again!! I,ve always loved your fic recs! I remember you recommend Ellory to another anon and I read all her fics. You should do a fic rec blog if you get the time! Have you got anymore Tomione stories to rec while we’re waiting? Also I wonder if you have any other fic ideas in your head for us to look forward to? Sorry lots of questions. I’ll go back into my silent existence now haha -👻
Good afternoon, Anon!
I’m so glad you also enjoy Ellory; her world-building is top-notch and so much fun to read. There is no way I'd ever have time to run a fic rec blog, but I’m super flattered that you think I could! lol
I actually am not a huge Tomione fan, primarily because I think it’s very hard to do it in a believable way, but the following are some Tomiones that I thoroughly enjoyed that I haven’t already recommended. 
1. Nightmare by @provocative-envy
COMPLETE: A broken time turner shouldn't have sent me back so far. It was unprecedented. Stepping on it-smashing it-nothing should have happened. At most, I should have lost a week. At worst, I should have disappeared altogether. I shouldn't have traveled back fifty-two years; half a bloody century. This should not have happened. HG/TR.
2.  Pygmalion by @colubrina
When Tom Riddle walked through a doorway one fall afternoon everything changed and he found himself in a world wholly unprepared for him. "Something about you makes my brain itch," Hermione Granger said. "As if an earthquake had shifted everything sharply two feet to the left and then back again and it didn't all fit back quite right." Tomione. AU. COMPLETE.
3. A Big Ball of Wibbly-Wobbly by @colubrina
The war is over, the good guys have won, and Hermione Granger goes to sleep in her lovely flat only to wake up in 1953 in the bed of someone she'd really much rather were dead. "I'm working on the 'kill Lord Voldemort now, work out the temporal paradox issues later' plan," she tells him. He laughs. Tomione. COMPLETE
4. Fostering a Nightmare by NinjaFairy86 (WIP)
A ten-year-old foster child named Tom Riddle showed up on the Granger's front doorstep with his social worker in the summer of 1990. Hermione spent the following years adjusting to life with her new foster brother; so, she never realized how often he kept an eye on her. "I've always watched you, Hermione; and you've always been mine." [Magical AU]
I would still recommend @meowmerson, @provocative-envy, and @colubrina for some shorter, really awesome Tomiones as well. 
I am forcing myself to focus almost entirely on PotM, but I do have a bare-bones outline for a Hermione/James Potter that explores more deeply all of the time travel theories and attempts to sort through them. It’s all about what happens with magical cores when two versions of a person exist at once, if people would disappear or never be born, etc, and the ethical implications of that. 
Thanks for the ask!
Ava June
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thatginchygal · 7 years
Call the Midwife: I am Obsessed
I have fallen head-long in love with Call the Midwife.  In fact, I’m not even in love, I’m obsessed.  I’m so obsessed that I watched the series available on Netflix and then bought series 6 on Amazon because it’s not on Netflix. Sometime after that I realized that the episodes were cut from their original length (I guess by PBS?) so I went to the library and checked out the two available series they had (series 1 and 4). After seeing how much was left out I purchased series 2, 3, 5, and 6. I have watched all of those and am starting another re-watch.  I AM OBSESSED.  I love how female-centric the show is. I love the bonds of mothers/friends/sisters. I even love the narration.  
But I have no one to talk to about it!!  So I am sending out a Tumblr SOS hoping it’ll be seen. Help a poor gal out. I need people to discuss my many, many feelings with!!!!  Below you will find my thoughts on the show/characters, many exclamation marks, and unnecessary capitalizations. 
Favorite characters and stories:
 I actually like every single character on CtM, with the exception of Sister Ursula, but she was meant to be disliked.  I do wonder if she might come back at some point, just to see if she has grown any.   Here’s my master list of characters:
 Shelagh Turner:  I LOVE HER. Her story, her style, her romance/marriage, her children, her entire life. I just want to read a book about what she does every minute of every day.  My love for her reminds me of my days in X-Files fandom (I’m an old fangirl) back in the late 90’s.  She’s my new Scully.  Smart, capable, amazing, great hair—what more can I ask for???  
 Patrick Turner:  I love him almost as much as I love his wife. He’s got amazing hair, and I love the way he looks in a vest or with his sleeves turned up.  He’s so compassionate and I love how he’s so dedicated to Poplar and the women he treats.  I love his relationship with his children and his romance/marriage—MY HEART.
 In fandom I see that they’re called Turnadette.  I LOVE THEM. My gosh, season 2 is so full of longing and stares and me sitting on the edge of my computer seat wanting them to be together forever and have babies and save Poplar, one birth or vaccine at a time.  That foggy road scene?  OH MY GOD. What I love so much about them is how in love they are and how we get to SEE it. I hate romance stories that end with people getting together.  I want to know what happens AFTER they get together.
 Timothy/Angela/Teddy: I LOVE THEM ALL.  Tim is the cutest boy ever and I love how he’s grown into a teenager that Patrick and Shelagh can laugh at.  That bassoon!!  Hahaha!  Angela is adorable. Her little nurse outfit??  And the baby. THE BABY.  That reminds me of the singing during labor where I felt my heart just burst out of my chest with the emotion.  My God.
But! I love more than just the Turners. I love them all!!
 SISTER MONICA JOAN   I love her. I adore her. I want to sit and watch television and eat cake with her.  I love her and all of her rambling thoughts.  
 Sister Evangelina:  I adored her. She was amazing. She reminds me of a friend of mine, actually. I love how she was ready for any battle. Her death made me weep.
 Sister Julienne:  The best there ever was.  I love her compassion and strength.  
 Sister Mary Cynthia: The sweetest voice.  I hated that she was so brutalized.  I hope Northfield helps her to the right track like it did Dr. Turner.
 Sister Winnifred:  I want to know more about her!  I loved her dancing in South Africa.  The actress and I have the exact same hair!!!
 Chummy:  I love Chummy!!!  She was my original favorite until the Turners bowled me over.  I love her romance and Peter and their baby.  I wish she’d come back!!
 Trixie:  She’s such a sweetheart.  So smart and bold.  I love her manner with patients.  
 Patsy:  I adore her. She’s so capable and smart, and with nerves of steel. I loved her romance with Delia and am sorry they won’t be back!  I was hoping they would get their little apartment together again.
 Barbara:  I love her introduction with Sister Monica Joan and the superfluous bananas.  She’s sweet and kind, and I think she and Tom work well together as a couple.  
 Nurse Crane:  Love her to bits, with that rolodex.  
 Jenny Lee:  I have checked the memoir out from the library to read.  I know it’s different from the show, but think it’ll be fascinating.  I loved the character and miss her.  The actress was just gorgeous.  
 Nurse Dyer:  I am excited to learn more about her. I liked the scene with Sister Monica Joan about Valerie’s birth, which showed the bonds of Nonnatus House.  
 Fred: I find him very funny and I like him and Violet.
Jane: I miss her!! She was so sweet.  I liked how her goldfish was named. LOL
 Favorite characters/stories of the week:
 Thalidomide. I really like the character of Rhoda and the story is heart-breaking but also has hope. I would like to check-in with this family more often in future series.  I think they handled the real-life story well by treating it with respect and nuance.  
 Hyperemesis Gravidarum: This sort of kicked off Thalidomide, but since we never saw that mother again I assume she started taking it post 9 weeks and had no troubles. As I suffered HG in my pregnancy I liked seeing it on screen. I am always reminded how much worse I could have had things if my pregnancy had been at any other point in history.
 Christmas Specials: I really like all of them so far. I love how Christmas feels familiar in some of the songs they play, but also set in another time.  Timothy’s polio and Shelagh and Patrick’s wedding being a particular favorite.
 Irish Travelers: I just really liked the dynamic of women, who sort of mirrored our nuns.
 I am enamored with this show. I want to write fanfic, but fear I need a Britpicker.  If anyone would like to send me a message to chat—please do!!  I need someone to talk with!!  Back in the day I would have found a message board to talk with fellow fans. Now I don’t know how to find friends in a new fandom.  I am in deep!!
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ariadnedionysia · 7 years
fandom meme : hit me up !
I was tagged by @flintvane​ and am genuinely embarrassed that i didn’t see this before now omg i’m so sorry babe
I’m tagging @sherlock-and-other-things​ , @girlwhowasntthere​ , @deinonychus-1​ , @frodobagginsess​ , and @sherlokiofpigfarts​ ! and anyone else who would like to do this meme!!
putting it under the read more bc it’s hilariously long sO
oh gosh i have a bunch so i’m going to try and limit myself but pythacarus ( always ), gwen / leon and gwaine / percival from merlin, foggy / matt from daredevil ( i don’t watch daredevil anymore but i just watched the defenders so they’re on my mind ), jane / michael from jane the virgin, tom / sybil from downton abbey will always be a fave, dean / seamus, lavender / parvati, harry / ginny, and remus / sirius from the harry potter series, and then caleb / ben and robert / abe from TURN are my final two
i’d never considered korinna / heptarian until @girlwhowasntthere​ mentioned them and now i actually really love the ship i’d never thought about it before
oh god. um. you know i used to watch reign and i was a really big fan of mary and francis, whom i still love don’t get me wrong, but they took mary on a really uncomfortable plotline for me in i think the second season that was unnecessary and clearly purely for //drama// and i just couldn’t quite get over them doing that and what it did to the ship it just made me uncomfortable with them and with watching the show altogether
i don’t know if this counts but i did the emily watches atlantis series? i don’t know if that counts but i think they’re funny so i’m putting it on the list?
harry potter. i’m super proud to be a part of that fandom and i’ve been in it since the first book came out so that’s definitely the fandom i’ve been in the longest.
i’m trying to think and it might’ve been richard / kahlan from legend of the seeker ( the show, not the books, i never actually read the books oops ), though i’m not sure. 
copying @flintvane​ ‘s answer and saying black sails !
oh god. there are a bunch i have things to say about and i can’t decide bUT i’m gonna go with petra from jane the virgin. i used to really hate her at the beginning of the series, i thought she was horrible and i just couldn’t stand her, but as the series has continued she’s really become this amazing and realistically flawed woman that i just want to see happy. i wouldn’t say she’s my fave, but i do want to see her happy. 
i’m gonna say atlantis for this one sO
1. another season. i mean come on, guys. come on.
2. more pythacarus, we just got the one kiss ( which was amazing a+++ ) but that was pretty much it, i know they’re not the main focus of the show, but i do love them dearly and would’ve loved to have seen more
3. where the hell are the rest of the argonauts and why did jason not go back for them i need that reunion like. two years ago. pls.
i just put my itunes on shuffle and “oceans” by seafret was the first song to come on, and it reminds me of ariadne / jason
gwen / leon from merlin. i know merthur is the Big Ship of merlin, i don’t really see many other ships there except that one. but i think a lot about gwen being pretty much abandoned by everyone she loves / loved after arthur dies, since gwaine and arthur and elyan and morgana are all dead and merlin just decided to peace tf out, but the last shot we have of her is with leon and her being a queen on her own and bringing peace to albion, etc etc, and i just think. i mean. they said they were childhood friends somewhere back in i think season two, and they were really the two people besides gaius that knew arthur the longest, and i just think that after arthur died, they would’ve been each other’s main supports, and eventually, they could’ve ended up together. this is unnecessarily long but i just have a lot of feelings about them okay and i don’t know anyone else that ships them so they’re my ship for this wOO
i don’t think i really have any scandalous headcanons?? i’m very boring with my ships haha sorry, all my headcanons are angst or fluff
pretty much any poc harry potter hcs i will defend to the death, bisexual remus lupin, myka and hg wells in warehouse 13 dated at some point, bisexual harry potter, remus / tonks was unnecessary. i liked them and everything, but i didn’t really see the point of downgrading such an amazing woman like tonks to the Love Interest. she deserved better. even remus lupin knew that. danny in the defenders needs to say “i’m the immortal iron fist” less pls and thank. putting caleb and ben ( show: TURN ) with women ( that we never actually got to see ) at the end of the show was weird. bisexual musketeers. there aren’t enough lesbians in any shows m/m ships are easier to ship since there actually are some, but f/f ships are too rare and that’s a Problem. more women friendships, i’m super tired of the women being nasty to each other bc they like the same guy or whatever. peter pettigrew had a snape/lily -esque love for sirius, which is why he turned in the potters, so sirius would think remus was the secret keeper and have no one to turn to except peter. james potter grew up and evolved, pls don’t compare him to snape. neville longbottom is pure and must be protected. luna’s family can just be whimsical!! you don’t need a Dark and Edgy reason behind it, they can just be wonky and happy and weird!! every single nickname in the harry potter series is fckin hiLARIOUS. ginny weasley deserved better than she got in the movies, they did her a massive injustice. 
1. ariadne ( i adore pythagoras but i’m gonna go with ariadne bc reasons ), atlantis
2. constance, the musketeers
3. cosima, orphan black
4. ginny, harry potter series ( /quietly pushes movie!ginny into a corner book!ginny for life )
5. ben talmidge, TURN
i’m gonna put ones that i didn’t put in the first question : 
1. nomi / amanita ( sense8 )
2. korinna / ariadne ( atlantis )
3. luna / ginny ( harry potter series )
THESE ARE SUCH HARD QUESTIONS OH MY GOD i’m going to try and put ones i haven’t mentioned before all of my ships that i’ve mentioned are favorites though okay
1. captain james / molly ( our girl )
2. fleur / tonks ( harry potter )
3. hernando / lito ( sense8 )
4. athelstan / ragnar ( vikings )
5. sirius / peter ( harry potter )
i came late into the atlantis fandom, so i didn’t get much of a chance to be there before the series was over, but i remember seeing it all over my dash before season two came out, it was like the day before the second season started, and i was like. i gotta check this series out. so i watched the first episode of the first season, and proceeded to marathon the entire first season so i could start the second season with you lovely people in the atlantis fandom, and honestly, i’ve never been part of a better, happier, drama-free fandom. i love it so much and i love all of you so much and this is slightly cheesy but i just think everyone in the fandom is amazing. 
other things. um. okay well this is sort of fan-related, but i’ve met the most amazing group of people through my group, @orderfromchaos-rp. it’s such a talented and fantastic group of incredible writers, and i just love all of them to pieces, i’ve never had such an amazing rp experience. 
i’m hardcore worried about johnny depp and jude law playing against each other in fbawtft. i’m not a fan of jude law for this role and i actively, adamantly hate johnny depp, so i’m honestly worried that’s going to ruin that ship for me. 
i’m super excited about being a part of all the fandoms i’m in, honestly, i don’t totally know what to do for this part of this meme so i’m just ranting but i’m seriously hoping i can be in a fandom that doesn’t have its show cancelled soon after i enter it, because being longterm fandom buddies with new material sounds amazing and i would love to be a part of something like that again, i’m not really active in many fandoms rn and i wanna change that, so hmu with any suggestions for things i should watch!!!!
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Warehouse 13 (August 2010)
"13.1" is the seventeenth episode overall and the fifth episode of the second season of Warehouse 13, airing on the Syfy Channel on 3 August 2010. It is the first part of a crossover event with Syfy's other hit show, Eureka. The second part was a Eureka episode, entitled Crossing Over, aired three days later on 6 August 2010.
Synopsis Douglas Fargo, a member of Global Dynamics, travels from Eureka to Warehouse 13 to assist them with a computer system update. However, when a sentient computer virus is unleashed, the team is trapped when the Warehouse goes into lockdown.
Source: Warehouse 13 Wiki
So, now we’ve seen what the first crossover between Syfy shows that aren’t called Stargate looks like, and it has to be said, I kind of liked it. Maybe it’s because I’m a comic fan and therefore shared universes and crossovers and cameos and everything like that is like catnip to me, but watching characters from Eureka and Warehouse 13 wander into each other’s worlds with last week’s episodes of their respective series made me want to see more of this Syfy-verse, and sooner rather than later, if possible. But here’re 13 (late, sorry) thoughts about “13.1” and “Crossing Over.”
1. When In Doubt, Do Shows About Your Show. Both episodes were oddly insular, in one way or another. If I had to compare them, I’d say that I preferred Eureka‘s insularity, where the episode was used to continue plot threads from the season so far, as opposed to Warehouse 13‘s more obvious episode, which seemed much more about the show’s uber-mythology.
2. That’s A Kinda Terrible Retirement Package, Right There. I have to wonder if pointing out the unfortunate fates of former Warehouse agents is intentional foreshadowing for something down the line, or just a generic “Things are unlikely to turn out well for our heroes” thing, if one somewhat mitigated by Hugo ending the episode apparently intact and headed off to Eureka (And, yes, it was sad that he didn’t appear at all in the Eureka ep that followed, even as a cameo). Are Pete and Myka going to snap/die/head to the dark side? Myka is kind of high-strung, I could see her losing it…
3. Which Show Showed Off Better? The point of the crossover, of course, was in part to get new viewers into both shows, which means creating episodes that introduced the series and made sure people would come back for more. For my money, Eureka‘s episode was a better showcase for the series as a whole, but the character work in Warehouse 13 seemed stronger, at least when it came to Pete (Who seemed especially funny this week, or was it just me?), Artie and Claudia. Poor Myka, again, seemed to get left behind. I think she’s got cause for turning evil, really.
4. Which Show Handled The Guest Better? This time, it’s Warehouse 13. Don’t get me wrong; Claudia seemed like a good fit in Eureka, but she also didn’t really seem entirely like Claudia, for some reason – In part because she seemed like a generic guest-star whose purpose was to walk on, give exposition and then be led off by Henry for a lot of the show, and in part because she just seemed too confident and self-assured, especially around Fargo (Remember the Claudia of two weeks ago who freaked out over liking Todd?) – whereas W13‘s Fargo seemed spot-on, personalitywise. Which leads me to…
5. Continuity Is A Bitch (1). Am I the only person who thought that it was weird that Fargo, who’s now the head of Global Dynamics, was the person who went to Warehouse 13 to install a new computer system? Shouldn’t he have… you know, someone to do that for him? I wondered if there’d already been a draft of the script done before the new Eureka status quo had been finalized.
6. Continuity Is A Bitch (2). When Claudia saw Fargo’s life thanks to the zoetrope in W13, why didn’t she seem surprised that he’d actually come from what’s essentially an alternate timeline? Which reminds me…
7. Does This Mean That Warehouse 13‘s Continuity Might Be Changed Now, Too? Or has it always existed in Eureka‘s new timeline? This is where shared universes get confusing.
8. Which Show Pandered The Most? Well, that one is obvious; Warehouse 13. Lightsabers, you guys? Really? Lightsabers? I thought we were the ones doing the Star Wars thing right now. (Okay, I admit it: I loved the lightsabers. Eureka is plenty geeky – especially with their choice of guest-stars, which almost always brings a smile to my face – but W13 has taken to really reveling in its geek this season, and I kind of love that about the show. My only real complaint about the lightsabers is that, come on: You know that Pete would be really upset when he heard about that later. I wish we could’ve seen that.)
9. It’s The Little Things That Matter. I might not have thought Eureka‘s Claudia was exactly the same Claudia as Warehouse 13‘s, but I did appreciate that she spent her guest-spot calling Fargo “Doug,” thereby showing that she had a different/more respectful relationship with him than everyone else on the show; it was a tiny little thing, but I really loved it. Not so much her calling him “the Fargonator,” but kudos for the shoutout to the season premiere, if nothing else.
10. Science In Eureka Can Be Really Dangerous. Now, maybe I missed something, but was there any testing of the advanced Warehouse goo before they started pumping into James Callis’ bloodstream? Isn’t the goo supposed to be at least kind of toxic in Warehouse terms?I mean, I guess it tied the episode to W13 slightly more, but that scene seemed kind of odd; as much as I’m glad that Callis’ time-tossed scientist Charles Grant is sticking around, even with that accent, I’d have rather it was all a nanobot save in the end. Too picky?
11. Seriously, How Old Is Claudia? Hey! Missy making out with Fargo! Didn’t the show just establish that you were a teenager, like, a week or so ago? Isn’t Fargo somewhere in his early-to-mid twenties? I’m no prude, but I’m surprised this hook-up seemed to happen without commentary, considering how much was made of Claudia and Todd just a week earlier. Also:
12. What The Hell, Todd? Seriously, dude, if your dumping of Claudia wasn’t set up for something later, then that was really bad writing that doesn’t make a hell of a lot of sense – especially considering how quickly Claudia had seemed to bounce back by Eureka‘s episode. I’m holding out hopes that Todd will turn out to be HG Wells’ grandson or something, and it’ll all make sense down the road.
13. Match-Ups I Want To See In The Future I’d be very happy if this ended up being an annual thing, a la DC’s Justice League/Justice Society crossovers. Maybe next year, it could be a true crossover, with a story beginning in one and concluding in the other, and with more characters jumping between shows? If nothing else, I’d love to see Myka deal with Deputy Andy – and who wouldn’t be into watching CCH Pounder be charmed by Vincent’s culinary skills? Only, next year? Bring Haven to the party, please; Emily Rose deserves better than weirdly-paced episodes that always seem to need dubbed exposition at the end to tie up loose ends.
Source: Time
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