#sorry but I think the acting is mostly mid!!!
pilferingapples · 7 months
I haven't made any secret of the fact that I don't think the 2000 LM miniseries is good like...at all...in any way....BUT I am extremely intrigued by their unaging Immortal Gavroche, which I'm pretty sure was unintentional and just another symptom of the really ruined timeline they have going BUT IT HAPPENS NONETHELESS
and ALSO intrigued by this bit where he walks into the barricade, sort of ambles around, and then absolutely zeroes in on Bahorel (yes, that's Bahorel! It's even verbally confirmed later! and he has a red waistcoat! One Actual Point to LM 2K from me XD) like that's who he was looking for in the first place
...the intrigue is not lessened by me being highly suspicious that Bahorel is also kinda immortal in this one (again: probably not on purpose, there's just. there's a lot of issues with the editing in this. Whoo boy this is not a good show.)
ANYWAY thanks for the 1.5 minutes of blorbo interaction , show, I'm taking this and the Immortal Gamin and nothing else
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paigebueckersmommy · 4 months
maybe not enemies pt.1 - p.b
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paige bueckers x fem!roomate! reader
warnings: enemies to lovers, drinking, mean paige kinda?, 1st person
a/n: i am well aware the team rooms togther but act like they don’t for this fic 🥰 also i hate this with every bone in my body.
you and paige had met briefly a few times. all you knew was you two weren’t into the same things.
it was the start of my senior year of college, and i had always taken my academics seriously, but i needed to take them more serious this year, and geting roomed with the schools biggest party animal, caused problems.
i began unpacking the suit case on my bed, waiting for my roomate to arrive. they sent an email with dorm assignments, which your roomate obviously hadn’t seen.
when i heard the door open, i snapped head. “fuck.” you heard a attractive voice say, which you didn’t wanna admit was attractive. “i’m not happy about this either.” you say making eye contact with the blonde.
“how’d you know?” paige says setting stuff down on her bed, “they sent an email.” i say looking back at my stuff.
“well, the best way to handle being roomed with the most boring person on earth, is if we agree to not talk unless it’s needed.” paige said, with an look of annoyance on her face. “agreeed, just please don’t be loud.” you say rolling your eyes, “k.”
time skip to a couple months later
you could tell paige was a little confused by your style when she mostly only ever saw you wearing hoodies, sweatpants and leggings, but tonight was diffrent.
you were standing infront of the mirror on a saturday night, putting lipgloss on. wearing a mini skirt and a mesh long sleeve, a black lacey bra underneath.
“where you going? shouldn’t you be studying or sum shit.” paige said looking you up and down from her bed. “why would it matter to you? but for your infortntion i’m going to a bar with my friends.” i say, looking back at her.
“oh my god!!! she has friends everyone!!” paige says acting suprised, not very good acting. “just because i care about my academics more than you doesn’t make me a nerd.”
“oh please, admit you’re just stating and don’t have any friends.” paige says cocking her head, when jsut then you heard a knock on your door. you opened it, your friends head peaking thru the door. “you almost rea- hey. wanna come?” your friend says, making eye contact with paige mid sentence.
“oh? inviting me? fuck it, yea lemme get dressed.”
you step out of your dorm room, shocked by the interaction. “damn. she barley talks to me i don’t know why she’d wanna come out with-“ you stopped mid sentence when paige walked out of your dorm. she was wearing white pants and a pink crop top, you had only ever seen her wear basketball gear so you were a little shocked at this.
“mm.. she knows how to dress everyone.” you say matching paige’s pace in the hallway as two of your friends were a little in front of you.
“oh i know your not talking. this is the 3rd time ive ever seen you not wear a hoodie. probobly why you don’t have a boyfriend yet.”
“b-boyfriend? i’m sorry, what makes you think i like men?” you say crooking your head words paige, curious. “o-oh i’m sorry, i just-“
“your good. i get a lot that i look straight.. but im lesbian.” you say with a soft smile making eye contact with paige, as you realize she’s also smiling.
“hm. good to know.” paige says, looking your outfit up and down, and that’s whe your mind began spinning.
did i like paige? was she trying to tell me something? were we, not enemies?
you put those thoughts to the side as you reached the doors of the bar. it was a saturday night, so it was crowded but not as crowded as it is on fridays. you, paige and your two friends found spots at the bar, paige sitting next to you as she ordered a round of shots for you two without even asking what you wanted.
“oh? thank you? your not being mean to me for once?” you say out of confusion before downing the shot. “mmm. you don’t look half as bad tonight.”
“could say the same about you.”
pt 2 soon!!!
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Hi! Big fan :) You're an environmental lecturer, right? I recently got into a debate with someone about rewilding in the UK, and the clash with farmers and agriculture. To me, this is a no-brainer - I absolutely do feel for farmers losing their livelihoods, and I think there needs to be a system to help them transition to something else, but also, the planet is dying. But you explain things well, so I wondered if you have thoughts? Particularly on the Welsh side of things. Thank you in advance!
Hah. I literally have a lecture on this. Or, well, a chunk of a lecture, anyway; so yes! I have thoughts. I'll use those notes, and stick a big reference at the end in case you want to read more
I'll talk about this specifically from the Welsh perspective, okay so:
The rewilding project in Wales is the Cambrian Wildwood, launched in 2004ish by a guy who bought an abandoned farm in the northern end of Mid Wales with the express intention of rewilding it. The aim is to convert some 7000 acres, and the initial mission statement said they'd reintroduce wolves and lynx. That's the project I'm going to talk about, because it's a great case study for how to spectacularly fuck something up (and eventually realise you've spectacularly fucked up, and do something about it.)
These are the Cambrian Mountains:
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When looking at that, there are two competing viewpoints that are relevant here:
The Cambrians are ecologically depleted. Their biodiversity has crashed since the Second World War, when modern farming methods were introduced. Environmentally, there is a perception of emptiness and degradation.
The landscape is a glorious one that has been shaped by the human actions taken on it for generations, as we are a shepherding culture – culture and land are inextricably intertwined.
That's a big fundamental difference! Two people can look at that same photo, and see something diametrically opposed. But there's more lying on it, so you also need to understand the socio-political background.
Socio-Political Background
(I know! Headings! So professional)
A lot of rewilding – Cambrian Wildwood included – is taking place in areas where farming is declining for various political/socio-economic reasons, so this can be ENTIRELY FAIRLY seen as yet another threat. This goes hand in hand with rural migration and community decline, too.
In Wales, we’re mostly rural, and characterised by extensive upland livestock farming (sheep in particular). Most farms are small to medium family-run setups. ON TOP OF THAT, the vast majority of Welsh farmers are Welsh-speaking, and the right to operate a farm the ‘traditional’ way without UK government oversight is seen by Welsh Nationalists as an important post-colonial act.
Many of them didn’t even like the National Parks being set up, as they were seen as an English outsider imposition that ignored the working nature and cultural history of the land. Remember: the farmed uplands are often seen as a heartland of Welsh identity, and those have historically been intentionally destroyed by UK central government land management decisions (e.g. Tryweryn, Elan, Claerwen, etc)
“Over the past half century we have witnessed the arrival of countless environmental fundamentalists… seemingly oblivious to the fact that their new-found paradise is already occupied by people whose connection with the land is deep rooted, dates back thousands of years, and is embedded in their language and culture.” (Nick Fenwick [Farmers’ Union of Wales] 2013)
(And in my opinion an incredibly stupid idea to go and give it a primarily English name with a Welsh translation as an afterthought but that is Elanor’s Opinion and not Scientific Fact)
(But fr fr if you ever have to get involved in these sorts of projects you will go a long way if you have the basic respect of learning the Welsh names and pronouncing them right rather than lazily expecting everything to be in English sorry sorry I digress)
From the Cambrian Wildwood’s Mission Statement on their website, their objective is:
“To rewild or restore land to a wilder state to create a functioning ecosystem where natural processes dominate by carrying out habitat restoration, removing domestic livestock, and introducing missing native species as far as feasible.”
Can you see the controversial bit of the statement
Can you see the bit where they directly say they want to remove domestic livestock
Jesus Christ
Cultural Differences
‘Culture’ in Welsh is diwylliant – literally, a ‘lack of wildness’. There is no direct translation into Welsh for the term ‘rewilding’ – the closest you can get is anialwch or diffeithwch, which mean ‘wilderness’ in the sense of ‘desert’ or ‘wasteland’. So right off the bat, if you tell a Welsh-speaking farmer that you want to rewild the place, what they hear is "We want to make it dangerous and empty and degraded."
A related concept is cynefin - knowing one’s ‘patch’ and the feeling of belonging associated. The term has its roots as a description of the way grazing animals know their area of mountain land, but it is also used to describe how people come to form an intimate experiential knowledge of place - and specifically, a Welsh farmer's cultural attitude.
Basically, Welsh literature and oral traditions speak of a relationship with the land, not a separation and longing for an untouched wilderness. Farmers feel this especially keenly. Culturally, this is a big part of why they do it – they’re rooted to the land, and therefore to their identities.
“Interviewees conveyed this by referring to areas proposed for rewilding as being comprised of “a quilt of cynefinoedd: interwoven stories, the layered and collective place-making of families and individuals over-generations, co-constituted with the physical landscape” (Wynne-Jones, Holmes and Strouts, 2018)
So, to them, rewilding is erasing and disregarding these stories. To them, this is not just a land-use change, but the latest colonial attack. They've known the family who lived on that farm for generations - every birth, marriage, death, joy, triumph, loss, everything. You are saying that you are going to strip that family, all those stories, all those people out of that land, to be forgotten.
However. There is a counterpoint to this.
Many farmers taking this view have therefore identified themselves as the only “truly Welsh” people in the debate, accusing environmentalists as being outsiders. The problem with this being, most of the environmentalists involved with the project are also Welsh; so who the fuck are they to say who is or is not Truly Welsh? It's what we on the internet would recognise as gatekeeping, with a big side order of No True Scotsman fallacy.
Also this quote sums it up well:
“Sheep farming in this country goes back a few hundred years. I think if you go deep enough into our culture and ancestry, we have a really deep native relationship with wild forest areas and with the wild animals that are native to this country…I just don’t agree that sheep farming is really part of our traditional culture.” (WWLF Interview [15] 2016) (Wynne-Jones, Holmes and Strouts, 2018)
This is also a fair point. It is true that upland sheep farming, the way we now practice it, is only a few hundred years old, and at the current intensity only a few decades (since WW2).
On top of which, there has been plenty of exploration over the years of farmers as being a government-subsidised landed gentry, which I won't go into here, but it also contains some fair points.
In truth, all of it and none of it is true. It’s far more complex and nuanced than either side might want to believe.
Solutions So Far
This is an ongoing project and they're still learning and changing new things and stuff, but a big thing they did was get someone in to basically be a mediator and listen to both sides, because Jesus, those sides were not listening to each other.
But to date:
They actually worked with a first-language Welsh speaker (WHY DID THEY NOT DO THIS FIRST I'm sorry I'm fine). Originally the Welsh translation of the project was Tir Gwyllt – wild land. But given that Welsh connotations with gwyllt are something out of control or dangerous, Coetir Anian has been chosen – anian refers to a sense of natural order and creation, a sense of health and vitality. Similarly, ‘rewilding’ is being translated as ‘di-ddofi’ – ‘de-taming’. This acknowledges the labour and culture taken to tame it, and just suggests an avenue for discussing some relaxation of farming practice in appropriate locations rather than, you know, releasing packs of wolves directly into sheep pens
In online materials and in community engagement events where traditional storytellers and musicians have performed to celebrate the Wildwood, the trustees have drawn heavily from Welsh myth in the form of the Mabinogion. Enormous amounts of the Mab lovingly and respectfully feature wild woods and wild animals. The emphasis is therefore on how wilderness is also part of Welsh identity – and arguably a much older part, going back to the Celts. (This is clever, in my view, but something to approach with care - it's rarely a good idea to play the game of "What's the most Welsh". But so far it's been done sensitively)
Land purchased for the project has so far been wholly limited to that available in the public domain. The main site, Bwlch Corog, was empty and unfarmed for six years before purchase, which has been stressed in all media interviews and releases; this is important, because farmers do have a sense of "Productive land is being stolen by environmentalists".
Large predator reintroductions have largely been abandoned. Lynx and wolves are no longer on the agenda. It’s possible they’ll be included in the future, but it is acknowledged as currently impractical (both from clashes with farmers and lack of habitat).
Instead, they’ve supported smaller species reintroductions, such as the Vincent Wildlife Trust’s pine marten translocations, and some proposed red squirrel ones.
Bwlch Corog is to be managed as an experimental plot that farmers are encouraged to engage with.
Assessing the potential for new income streams (from improved tourism and educational activities) rather than just the ecological benefits – this has become central to the project, and the emphasis is on how this might benefit farming communities and keep them together. This has been huge, and has also been successful in rewilding schemes in Europe.
Tensions are a lot lower now than they were ten years ago, but ultimately the problem was a bunch of outsiders came in and decided they knew best without listening to anyone else's point of view, and that meant both sides really dug their heels in. Much better now.
Ultimately... yes, I am in favour of rewilding, in a general sense. But I think it needs to go hand in hand with supplying farmers with the necessary subsidies to transition back to more traditional and sustainable farming methods, and the two elements run side by side. You can't do one without the other, not if you want them to succeed. The Pontbren Project is a great case study for how a farmer-led scheme can successfully aid them economically while also improving environmental outcomes, and we need to learn and incorporate more lessons from it when discussing this kind of landscape-level management.
Also, with land management in general, I think you're a fucking idiot and dangerously arrogant if you think you can get anything done without all stakeholders being on board. And potentially wandering down the ecofascism path, circumstances dependent.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Source:
Wynne-Jones, S, Holmes, G & Strouts, G (2018), 'Abandoning or Reimagining a Cultural Heartland? Understanding and Responding to Rewilding Conflicts in Wales - the case of the Cambrian Wildwood.' Environmental Values, vol. 27, no. 4.
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mellowsadistic · 6 months
Easter Bunnies - Part 1
Melony and her boyfriend meet up with their friends for a garden party, but the girls are acting more like toddlers getting ready for an Easter egg hunt, and Melony's boyfriend expects her to join them.
“Are you looking forward to playing with your friends, sweetie?”
Melony scowled at her boyfriend as they walked up the driveway. “Don’t say it in such a patronising way, Peter!” she snapped, tossing back her long black hair. “How many times do I have to tell you not to talk to me like a child?”
“Sorry, Mel,” said Peter, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, baby. I know you’re very sensitive about that sort of thing.”
Melony pressed her lips together. Even his apologies were infantilising! Mostly she liked having Peter as her boyfriend; he was tall and handsome, and decent enough in bed, but he could be infuriatingly condescending at times – even though they were the same age, he sometimes treated her more like a toddler than the twenty-four-year-old woman she actually was. But now wasn’t the time for an argument. She’d save her scoldings for when they got home.
Peter knocked on the front door, and a few moments later it swung open to reveal a smiling, sandy-haired young man. “About time, you two!” George said cheerfully, standing back to let them over the threshold. “Happy Easter! Come on in. Hazel and Oliver are already here.” He shook hands with Peter as he passed and, to Melony’s annoyance, placed his hand on her back to move her along down the corridor, as though she couldn’t do it by herself. “Hazel’s just upstairs with Oliver, being changed into something more comfortable,” he said, “and Jackie’s playing out in the garden.”
Melony clenched her teeth. There was that word again. Playing. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking he was talking about a trio of three-year-olds, and not three grown women in their mid-twenties. And there was something about his smile that Melony didn’t like. But then George often looked like he was laughing at some private joke. It was maddening! She didn’t know how Jackie could stand it.
They were led into the bright kitchen at the back of the house. Double doors opened out onto a wooden decking, and beyond that a large green lawn with patches of brightly coloured Spring flowers. But before Melony could head out into the sun, she heard running footsteps on the landing above them, and then the unmistakable sound of someone rushing down the stairs as fast as they could.
“Hazel!” she heard a man call. She recognised Oliver’s voice. There were more hurried footfalls above them. “Wait for Daddy, silly girl!”
A moment later, a young brunette woman ran, or rather toddled, through the hallway to join them in the kitchen. “Mewwie!” she squealed, coming to a stop in front of them.
“Hazel?!” Melony gasped. Her normally shy, reserved friend was standing in front of her wearing a pair of trainers on her feet, a set of bunny ears on her head, and absolutely nothing in between. Her bare pussy and perky breasts were on full display, though it didn’t seem to bother her one bit. There was a vacant, innocent look in her green-brown eyes, and she was grinning broadly.
“Hazel, what are you doing?!” Melony asked, blushing scarlet with second-hand embarrassment. “Why are you dressed like that?!”
Oliver chuckled as he entered the kitchen behind his girlfriend. “I’m not sure I’d call her dressed at all, Mellie,” he said, winking at her. “My little lady was more comfortable in her birthday suit, but I insisted on shoes.” He patted his girlfriend’s bare bottom. “And of course, she absolutely refused to go without her pretty bunny ears.” He kissed Hazel on the cheek. “Didn’t you, baby girl?” he cooed. “You wanted to be Daddy’s nakie little bunny rabbit!”
Hazel giggled delightedly. “Nakie bunny!” she echoed, bouncing on the spot and making her boobs jiggle about.
“But she has to tell Daddy when she needs her potty,” Oliver said, “because we don’t want to leave any puddles on George’s floor, do we, baby?”
Hazel nodded seriously at her boyfriend. “Tell Daddy,” she agreed. “Don’t need puw-ups!”
“Not during the day at least,” said Oliver, bending down to give his girlfriend another kiss, this time on the forehead. “You’re Daddy’s big girl, aren’t you?”
“What the fuck is going on here?!” Melony demanded in a shrill voice. She realised she was breathing very fast. A part of her was sure this had to be some bizarre joke, but the blank look in Hazel’s eyes was telling her otherwise. She looked around at Peter and George, but neither of the boys seemed to think there was anything wrong with the situation. In fact, George looked like he was trying to hold back laughter as he took in the sight of Hazel standing nearly nude in front of him, prattling like a toddler. Peter was looking at her, however. There was a smirk playing around his lips, and an almost hungry look in his eyes.
Melony suddenly remembered that George had said Jackie was out in the garden, and she rushed to the back doors. Her heart dropped into her stomach when she reached them. Jackie was indeed playing in the garden. She was prancing about awkwardly like the littlest of toddlers, giggling and trying to catch butterflies. She wasn’t naked like Hazel, but Melony almost wished she was. She wore a pale pink dress, all frills and lace, and so short that it did nothing whatsoever to hide the enormously thick nappy she wore beneath. Even as Melony watched, Jackie bent over to peer at something in the grass, and her diapered bottom was thrust high into the air. The padding was sagging and discoloured. She’d clearly wet herself. A moment later, she straightened up and turned around, smiling even more vacantly than Hazel. Her blonde hair had been tied into a pair of pigtails, and she too wore a set of bunny ears.
Melony felt sick to her stomach. Something was very, very wrong here. Hazel and Jackie needed the hospital, or a psychologist, or something! They couldn’t be allowed to just walk around humiliating themselves like this! They needed help! Before she could get over her shock, however, Peter had walked up behind her and slipped a pair of fluffy bunny ears onto her head.
“What? What are you…?” Melony spun around, confused and angry, to see her boyfriend grinning at her. She lifted her hands to her head, feeling the soft ears, ready to rip them off, but by then it was already too late to stop the warm, fuzzy contentment spreading through her body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes…
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dior-luxury · 2 years
I read that fic about reader telling some twst boys they're prettier than Vil and I'm living for it! Could I have the same concept but with ADeuce, Epel, Trey, and Malleus? Thnx!
𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏 .𝟎𝟐
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
Note: Of course! Anytime !!!ヽ(・∀・)ノ Also this might suck because I'm running out of ideas and when I'm out of ideas they are kind of short.. so... sorry :(((!
Characters: Ace, Deuce, Epel, Trey, and Malleus Dictionary: _ (not any that I remember)
Ace Trappola:
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Ace would be the same way when receiving compliments, except he mostly acts as if he knows already. He only does that to try to make him look cool in your eyes.
But when Ace uses that method, he says it in a way that could shatter your interest in him; or at least that could go one way.
The other version of how this whole idea would go is, You would randomly say it catching him by surprise.
"Could you repeat that?" He says with a slight tone of sarcasm.
He patiently waits for your response as he tries to hold in his laughter.
One of Ace´s basketball games ended with a rival school, who we´ll say is RSA. He lets out a huge sigh of relief as he makes his way to one of the benches, that´s right in front of where you sitting.
He opens his eyes wide open as he stops in front of the bench to see you sitting on the bottom column right in front of him. A wide grin spreading on his face, ¨Did you see me out there Y/N? I was cool right?¨
You nod as you pay your attention to his hair, ¨Y/N~ Why are you looking at my hair-¨
¨ I think I like this hairstyle way better. Makes you look hotter than Vil no?¨
An annoying grin comes up onto his face, as he leans closer to your face, leaving only inches apart. He crosses his arms locking his eyes with you.
¨ Y/N- I- You're suddenly in a flirty mood today huh?" A red hue covers his face as he realizes the closeness between you two.
Deuce Spade:
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Deuce generally has never really comprehended how to act after someone just complimented him. He only usually accepts them with an unsure smile on his face.
His heart nearly stops as you utter the most breathtaking compliment.
It was the end of the first period as you look at the clock. You’re so wrapped up in your thoughts that you’re surprised when you hear someone shout your name.
"Y/N are you coming?" Deuce says as he stops mid-way from getting up from his chair.
"Oh yeah- Sorry." The both of you walk out of the classroom and you stare at Deuce in awe.
"Have you gotten prettier? I swear... you're more pretty than Vil."
"I-I don't think so."
He looks to the side as a red hue spreads on his face, "But if you say it... I might believe it."
Epel Felmier:
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Epel probably handles compliments depending on his surroundings.
For Example: In the vicinity of the Pomefiore dorm he would try and be as masculine as possible because, a) vil could be near and he doesn't want to be seen as weak by him, or b) there are too many people starring at the two of you.
A pink hue of blushes covers his whole face, to the point where his skin tone turns into a light shade of pink. An uneasy smile puts together all his cute features.
Widened aqua-blue eyes look at you in shock as he blanks out, every single part of his body freezes in place. It took some words from your mouth to get Epel out of this state.
As he gets out of this embarrassing state he's in, he folds his hand in a tight fist alongside his chest area. Instead, a stern and serious face gathers on his features.
Blush still is formed around his face as he then scrunches his eyebrows, suddenly trying to look all tough-looking and masculine.
He can't let himself look all weak! What if Vil's around? He can't let himself be a scene in this state, he's trying to prove he's not weak to him y'know!
He's broken out of his wondering state of thinking as he's met with your confused eyes. Epel breaks out into a mini-state of panic as he realizes how wrong he came off.
"Th-Thank you for your compliment Y/N, it's my fault for expressing my emotions in a.. confusing way!" He exclaims as he quickly breathes in, bowing to you with a hand over his chest.
"I'm glad you think I'm more handsome than Vil!!" Epel's voice sounds like he's almost screaming from the amount of passion in his voice.
Trey Clover:
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Trey is taken back for sure, him? More handsome and prettier than Vil? Why he doesn't know if he could believe that if he tried!
You reassure him that what he just heard was correct, he's a shy-stuttering mess. Trey thinks of himself as a completely average guy with average looks, not anything close to the image of Vil Schoenheit.
He tries to choke out words from his mouth, but his racing heart says otherwise. Someone needs to make sure Trey doesn't have a heart attack from how fact his heart is going.
Trey chokes out a rushed 'thank you' as he tries to calm down his pulsating heart.
His hand clenches his chest as sweat drips down his rose-colored face.
"Y/N, you said that so suddenly, once again thank you, darling."
Malleus Draconia:
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Argue all you want with me but... Malleus can be cocky from any sort of affection you try and give him. (⌒▽⌒)♡
He finds it mostly amusing and endearing how you think of him in those ways.
Malleus can't help that he thinks you are the cutest when you come up to him and say it directly to his face. His light up in such curiosity, he's glad to inspect such an interesting person.
A smile appears on his lips as a warm atmosphere drifts around the air. More handsome than thee 'Vil Schoenheit' huh? It flatters him, to say the least.
His eyes gleam with such flirty intent, he then puts his finger under your chin and lifts your head.
"Y/N~ Child of man, you wanna repeat that?"
A cocky smile forms on his lips as he stares at you with narrow eyes, waiting for your answer.
"Just going to stay silent huh? Fair. Now come, I want you to show me how much you think of how pretty am I~"
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pastelspoon31 · 9 months
Chapter 6: What a nice neighbour! (Older!König x Younger!Reader) - NSFW
tw: age gap (early 20s reader, AT LEAST mid-40s König), manipulation, non-con, somnophilia, drugging, gullible reader :(, a little bit of pseudo-incest, pretty much dead dove, again.. SUPER ICKY
A/N: Starting off with a little insight from König’s perspective before somno-ing our reader again ^_^
Chapter 5.5 | Chapter 6 | Masterlist
König sometimes wonder if you were genuinely that naive, or if it was a façade to get him to continue with his games.
But that was none of his concern, of course.
…Well, sort of.
He enjoyed the current dynamic between the two of you more than he'd like to admit.
Besides, it’s not like it’s his fault that you kept coming back to his place after each encounter, is it? There must be at least one braincell in that pretty little head of yours that was blaring warning signs, and yet here you always find yourself in his place somehow with your innocent, clueless, dumb smile on your face.
…Or were you just acting dumb?
Oh, that would be an entirely different case, wouldn’t it?
But, whatever. He had his fun, and he would continue to have his fun, and it was only a matter of time before he'd have his next encounter with your pretty little cunt, whether you liked it or not.
He could only hope that you'll make the right choice, and keep coming back.
You did enjoy spending time with your father figure afterall, don’t you? 
Ah, his little hase.
What a good, stupid, clueless little girl.
"Would you... date an older woman?" You laid in König's lap giggling in an almost ditzy manner as you asked.
Spending dinner at his place again, you both somehow ended up on his couch playing a game of truth or dare- but it was mostly truths since the both of you were comfortable enough with each other at this point.
"I have, liebling." He chuckled. "Why, are you jealous?" He teased.
"You have?" You let out a little gasp, purposely ignoring the following question. “How old? I mean you're pretty old yourself so..-"
"Hey!" He playfully smacked your forehead as you giggled.
"Well, if you must know, she was a beautiful woman in her mid forties."
"So you have a type?" You tilted your head.
"Not exactly." He chuckled. "She was just.. someone I relied on for a bit while I was in the process of getting over my late wife," His tone was a bit somber as he talked about it, his hand stroking your hair.
"I see... Sorry, I didn't mean to bring back any memories."
"It's alright, liebling. You're too young to be worried about the past. It's not a burden for me anymore, so don't let it be for you." He continued caressing your hair.
"How about you? Would you.. date older men?" He tried not to smirk at the idea.
"I would," You answered almost immediately, "I mean, if they were attractive, then I wouldn't mind."
"So what you're saying is, if an old geezer asked you out, you'd go for it?" He teased as he looked down at your scrunched up face.
"Geezer? Who taught you that word?!" You chuckled as the wine in your glass sloshed around.
"You're not the only one who can use the internet, hase." He grinned, and you laughed.
"You're right. But, if the man is a geezer, I wouldn't. Maybe a gentleman who's a bit older, but not a geezer."
"Ah, so a gentleman who's a bit older." He hummed, pretending to not know who you were talking about.
"Yeah. Like, someone who knows a lot about the world, and is experienced." You continued, oblivious to the growing smirk on König’s lips.
"Someone like an old war veteran?" He asked, his hand now trailing down your back, rubbing it gently.
So comfy…
"Yes! Like an old war vet- I mean, yes, someone like that. I wouldn't mind. I mean, not really." You babbled, giggling as a strange fluffy feeling starts to cloud your mind.
Someone capable, ready to settle down- Maybe even already financially stable!
You were not against working together with your partner to achieve financial freedom but it's just easier if it's not an issue to think of anymore right?
But of course, that was not your main criteria! You were not a gold digger!
As long as that someone is nice, takes care of you, loves you..
Someone who is reliable, strong, and can teach you the ropes on things you don't learn in school.
Someone like König, perhaps.
Someone like König?
"Not you though, you're like.. my father-figure so you don't have to feel weird about asking." You quickly countered after a brief period of awkward silence.
"Oh, is that so, hase?" He smiled, "You're a very honest girl when you're drunk. And what makes you think I would have any interest in you that way?" He chuckled.
...You definitely read him wrong.
"I didn't say that! I mean- well, you're my dad. But like, not like a real dad, I mean.." You blushed and turned away, hiding your face in his thigh. "Ugh.. I hate it when you tease me like this.."
"Aww, but hase, it's cute." He chuckled.
"Only you think it's cute.."
"So if I asked you, you'd say no, hm?" He asked, his hand still stroking your hair.
"No to what? I mean- I'm sorry, I'm not making sense, am I?" You laughed.
"Do you want me to be blunt, liebling?"
"You always are.."
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He took your glass and set it on the coffee table before pulling you to sit up on his lap. The fuzzy feeling in your skull making your head almost too heavy to hold up by yourself, making you lean onto his shoulder as you looked up at the older man with a dazed expression.
“Hm..?" You blushed as you looked at him. "What do you mean..?"
"Don't play coy with me, liebling." He held you closer. "I'm asking if you'd be okay with being more than a daughter."
Well, that was unexpected.
"I.. I mean, I guess." You frowned lightly. König sure is being a bit weird right now.
Afterall, what does he mean more than a daughter? Like a real daughter? What a silly suggestion! He’s obviously German so there’s no way-
"You guess? Don't tell me you have no feelings for me, hase?" He faked a sad look.
This feels.. strange. He has feelings for you? That can’t be right..
"Of course not! It's not that, König, it's just.." You blushed, "I'm just not sure if I'm.. Ready."
"For what?" He stroked your hair.
"Well, everything.." You sighed, and looked down. "You're like a father to me and you've been helping me a lot and.. and-"
"And? There's more, hase. What's on your mind?" He rubbed your back soothingly, and you felt yourself relaxing under his touch.
"I feel guilty."
"Guilty? What for?" He frowned.
"Because I.. I.." You felt yourself blushing harder.
"I've been feeling weird about you." You admitted, your voice quiet.
"Weird? In a good way, I hope."
"I mean, yeah.. You're a really good guy. You're like, perfect. Too perfect." You sighed and leaned into him closer.
"And... Sometimes.." Your drunken mind struggled with your rational side, wondering if you should reveal something that had been plaguing you for a while.
"Sometimes what, hase?" He hummed.
"I've dreamt.." You contemplated telling him.
He wouldn’t judge you, right? He promised that he never would so technically.. It should be safe to tell him, especially with all the other things you have trusted him with!
"About what, liebling?" He cooed, rubbing his hands down your arms.
"At night.. Well, every night.. I have been dreaming about you.." Your voice was soft and meek as you spoke.
"I see.." König couldn't help the grin that was growing on his face.
"But, it's not.. It's not like a normal dream. Like... More intimate," You hid your blushing face in his shoulder, the alcohol finally loosening you up.
Or rather whatever the hell that König had added to your drink, again.
"More intimate, hm? Like what, hase?" He couldn't stop grinning.
"Like.. Like the dreams where it feels really real and you're touching me and it's.. I wake up and the um.. white sticky fluids I told you about.." You trailed off in embarrassment.
"Ah.. So you've been holding back details the other day when I was checking you.."
"I'm sorry.." The embarrassment and guilt was unmistaken in your tone as you looked away, eyes barely open.
"Oh, hase, don't be. It's only natural." He kissed your forehead, his hands stroking the back of your head.
"I'm sorry.." You apologized again, still trying to look at him in the eyes.
God, your head felt so heavy.
"Don't be.." He continued to hush you, "It's normal. And there's nothing to feel guilty about. It's only natural that you'd have sexual urges." He cooed, trying his best not to sound so excited.
"It's embarrassing, König.. M’not.. Not.. Hmm..” König felt his cock harden as you head tilted to the side, your consciousness slowly slipping away right before his eyes again.
"Oh, but why?" He chuckled, "I'm like your father. Of course, I wouldn't get angry. It's just another thing that happens. You can't control it.." He cooed as he
"Now, don't worry about a thing." His eyes glinted with excitement as he saw the crushed pill in your drink take effect once again as your eyes struggled to stay open.
"It's okay. Everything's fine, liebling. Just close your eyes and relax.."
You could barely nod and let your eyes close as König stroked your hair, humming softly.
"Just drift off to sleep, hase.." He continued his hypnotic strokes, his humming sending you to a dreamless state of bliss.
"That's a good girl.."
When he was certain you were out cold, König laid you on the couch and carried you upstairs to his bedroom.
"Let's see how wet that cunny of yours is tonight, hm?" He chuckled as he laid you down and carefully took off your clothes.
"Ah, and look at that.."
You were dripping already.
"How sweet.."
He spread your legs, and began lapping at your folds.
"Oh, sweet liebling.."
His tongue pushed past the barrier of your cunt, lapping at the slick walls, sucking on the soft skin.
"You taste so fucking good as always.." He groaned, his hands holding onto your hips.
"I bet you were thinking about me fucking your little brains out, weren't you? You've been such a needy little girl. Dreaming about your König fucking you all the time." He continued licking and sucking your sweet little cunny, his chin already wet with your slick.
"Such a needy little girl, hase.."
König pulled away from your dripping pussy, a string of saliva and your juices still connecting his mouth to your glistening pussy.
"Look at the mess you've made, liebling." He tutted, and grabbed a cloth.
"Soaking my bed and leaving a mess on the sheets.." He cleaned the slick up, and wiped his chin clean.
"And you didn't even realize it, did you? Dirty girl.."
"I wonder, would you be embarrassed if I showed you a pictures of this, hase? What if I woke you up and showed you how dirty you were, hm?"
"I wonder what you'd do, hase."
"Maybe, I should take a video and show it to you so you can see how much of a mess you've made.." He tapped his cockhead on your swollen clit. “I do have a big collection of just you,”
"It's quite the sight to behold, afterall," The older man chuckled to himself.
"But then again, I can't be too cruel. I don't want you to panic and run away from me." He smirked, his cock throbbing as he rubbed it between your folds.
"After all, I'm not a monster. I just.. get a little bit ahead of myself sometimes.”
He pushed past your tight entrance, feeling your wet walls fluttering around his massive throbbing cock as he bottomed out.
"A-ah, hase.." König let out a low groan as he buried his cock inside of your cunt, your pussy clenching tightly.
"My pretty girl.." He praised, his hands grabbing onto your hips.
"You're a natural born whore for me, aren't you?" He cooed.
"Tight and wet for your König.." He slowly began pulling out.
"A-ah!~" You were unconscious, and yet the sounds you were making were so lewd.
"My sweet, pretty girl.." He thrusted back in, letting out a moan.
"Fuck.. Fuck, hase..!" König groaned and thrusted his cock into your tight hole, feeling the slick walls of your pussy gripping him.
"I'll fill you up nice and full, liebling.." He grunted, his fingers digging into your skin.
"F-fuck.. Hase.. You feel so fucking good..!"
"I can't wait to have you begging for my cock.." He moaned.
Your face was scrunched up as you whined in your sleep.
"You'll be mine, won't you?" He grunted as he thrust harder.
"Won't you, liebling? You'll be my sweet, pretty whore and you'll come to me whenever you need to be fucked, hm?" König smirked as he heard you whine more in your sleep.
"You'd do that for me, hase? Let this old man take care of you? I'd give you everything you ever wanted, liebling.. All the gifts and treats.."
"You just have to be mine." He pulled your legs up and bent them towards your chest, fucking into you harder.
"Ngh, f-fuck.. Liebling..!" He groaned, his fingers digging deeper.
"You feel so good, hase.. I'm close.. You'll take my cum, won't you, hase? My pretty hase.." You let out a soft moan and clenched around him, and König groaned.
"F-fuck..! I'm coming.." He gasped, his cock throbbing.
"Take my cum, hase.. Take it all..!" He spilled inside of you, filling you up with his seed, his cock still pulsing.
"Mm.. Mein liebling.." He gently put your legs back down and pulled out.
"Oh, hase.. Such a sweet girl.." He murmured and rubbed his thumb over your cunt, the swollen lips glistening with slick and his cum.
"So dumb and trusting of your König.. Letting him fuck your brains out without knowing.." You remained unconscious as he pushed the cum back into your abused cunny and put your underwear back on, giving it a couple soft pats right above your abused clit for good measure.
"Don't worry, liebling. You won't remember a thing.." He chuckled as he pulled the rest of your clothes back on.
"And when the time is right, you'll know everything.." He gave you a sweet kiss before pulling you onto his chest, falling asleep himself.
"König?" You woke up feeling disoriented and confused, seeing yourself in König's room.
"Liebling." König smiled warmly at you, "I'm glad you're awake. I was a bit worried you'd pass out and miss your classes today," He was getting ready himself, pulling on his t-shirt.
"Uh.. What happened last night? I don't remember anything after dinner.." You tried to sit up but were met with a sharp pain in your lower body.
"Ouch.." You whined softly. König smirked to himself as he heard you complain but played oblivious as he sat down beside you.
"What's wrong, hase?" He feigned concern.
"Ugh.. My stomach hurts.. I think it's the wine.." You rubbed your tummy with a soft pout- A sight that made König’s cock twitch in his pants.
If only you know all the ways you drive him crazy…
"Ah, you must have drank too much. You fell asleep while we were playing, so I brought you up here." He lied smoothly.
"I see.." You winced in pain from the growing headache throbbing in your head.
"Would you like some medicine?" He offered.
"No, no, it's okay." You groaned lightly as you sat up- Immediately felt something gush out of your sore pussy, making you panic.
"Ahh! K-König!-”
"The.. T-The stuff.. It's there again-" You whimpered, feeling like you wanted to cry.
"The what, liebling?" König looked at you with a calm smile.
"T-The sticky fluid.." You felt embarrassed, but knew that if you didn't tell him, he'd probably scold you.
"Ah, hase.. Did you dream about me again?" He cooed and cupped your cheek, his thumb rubbing against it soothingly.
"Oh, liebling.." He hummed, and pulled you closer, "It's okay. It's normal, ja? There's nothing to be embarrassed about." He smiled.
"But, what, liebling?"
"I made a mess.."
"Oh, hase, it's okay. I'll take a closer inspection and we'll get that sorted out, okay?" He smiled sweetly.
"Now, spread your legs, hase. Let your König take care of you, ja?”
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yuttikkele · 3 months
i finished a new media so now it’s time for ATLA PRIDE HCs WOOOO!!!
so aang is unlabeled (and doesn’t identify as unlabeled either 💀💀) in all areas basically. he loves freely and doesn’t see gender or sex. he doesn’t see it in himself either. he mostly presents and refers to himself as a dude, but he found out he doesn’t mind being seen as a lady either. he’s crushed on katara and zuko during different points in his life, but he settled on katara. functionally, he’s pan and genderfluid.
katara is queer. she is the most unqueer queer ever though. she acts straight as a board I tell ya. she doesn’t really confine herself to labels much either, but she can tell you she was surprised at how much she enjoyed Lady Aang when that first became a thing.
sokka is bi. he probably thought men were supposed to marry women, but he quickly got over it when he got over his short lived misogyny. bi awakening wasn’t really a thing, he just sorta knew he always liked boys and girls. he’s had many crushes, but yue and suki are the ones that always stood out the most for him. obvi he dabbles in drag, that’s like sorta a canon thing. zuko’s autistic charms get to him and he ends up developing a crush on him.
toph is an aroace lesbian. she only dates the finest of women. she can tell she’ll read your heart with her feet.
zuko is gay like GAAAYYYY I don’t mean to bring accidental cheesy puns into this but he is a FLAMING homosexual, and I refuse to believe otherwise. at some point I said “I like zutara, but I just think atla is way funnier when in the back of your mind, zuko is gay.” anyways he’s gay and sex repulsed. zuko didn’t know he liked boys until he was 17, and he didn’t realize he was completely gay until a year later. he was very comphet and was always expected to produce a blood heir, and he didn’t think much of it. looking back, zuko noticed how he did find boys cute when he was younger and often avoided them because of it. he could sense that he and his sister were different, but he always thought that was because they were royalty. he only really started dating mai because they had so much in common, he thought that’s what was supposed to happen. when zuko, not long after becoming fire lord, realized he liked boys, he kept it to himself. a year later when he realized he only liked boys, he vented about it to mai, and she helped him through it. they broke up, but he still values her friendship. zuko finally gets with sokka in his 20s. yeah it took that long.
azula is a LESSSBIAAAAN that is a lesbian
I wanna say suki and ty lee are dating
smeller bee is definitely trans I don’t wanna hear it
uncle iroh doesn’t care. he loved his wife whatever happened to her, and he would also date a man.
EDIT: sorry just here to say that zukaang is endgame actually. they get together in aang’s mid to late 20s after pining for a long time. aang always had sorta an underlying unspoken crush on zuko, and zuko caught feelings when aang shot up taller than him and he realized aang got really handsome. and yknow. the fact that THEY’RE SOULMATES.
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mintsv · 1 year
cherry blossom - k. gyuvin
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pairing ➷ gyuvin x gn!reader
synopsis : you and gyuvin were in your last years of high school and lived beside each other. at school, he's captain of the basketball team, gyuvin is friendly and easygoing, not to mention he's extremely popular. on the other hand, you're the class president and have been for many years, you very studious, making you not have many friends. nevertheless, your fateful friendship bloomed under the cherry blossoms of april.
genre : romance . fluff . slight angst . high school au
word count : 3.5k
warnings : swearing (only once tho)
notes : hii i posted again finally!! sorry bcs english isnt my first language there might be some grammar errors 😅, it's also my first time writing a gn!reader so i'm sorry if i make some mistakes ;D
➷ the first encounter
it was the month of april, the start of spring, and your favorite month of the year mostly because you enjoy gazing at the cherry blossoms on your way back from school. you wore a mid-length puffer jacket since the weather was a bit chilly, holding your hands up to your face to see your fingertips have become slightly reddish. you sigh as you bury your hands back in the pockets of your puffer as you tried distracting yourself from the cold by talking to your classmate beside you.
"soo.. about the cherry blossom festival, i was thinking we could do something involving our basketball team since you know, the captain is in our class of course.." she giggled, acting giddyly similar to a child.
"well, I've had 5 people telling me the same thing and i'll repeat my answer one last time, I'll think about it okay? but there's a big chance it's not going to happen." you exasperatingly sigh as the girl beside you inevitably left after realizing you wouldn't agree to her request.
as the class president, your duty is to arrange class activities, one of them being the cherry blossom festival happening in a few weeks time. there wasn't a particular reason why you denied all the requests, you just weren't very fond of the boy. he was always late to class, sometimes even skipping entirely to play basketball. his behaviour took a toll on your status as class president, teachers who couldn't get through the boy would often scold you instead.
you thought this calming walk back home couldn't get any worse until you were met face to face with the devil himself.
he wasn't walking home with his friends like he normally would, he looked back when he felt someone's stare burning holes on his back, his eyes with yours almost immediately.
as if on cue, a 10 thousand won bill (around 7 usd) fell from one of the swaying cherry trees, landing perfectly in between you and him. both of your eyes followed the bill as it glides down to the concrete floor, your eyes going back and forth from the bill to the boy in front of you.
feeling a head collide with yours, you let out a painful hiss while holding your head with one arm. slowly you look up to see the boy in front of you mirroring your movements. you were both knelt down, one hand on the dollar bill with the other clutching your heads.
"Aha! my hand is under yours, that means the 10k is mine." his words woke you up from the trance you were in, widening your eyes when you realized your hands were on top of his own. you quickly pulled away but that didn't mean you were backing up.
"yeah but that's because you hit my hand!" you retorted back, showing him the red mark on the back of your hand.
"it was just an act of self defense i'm sorry, um.. what if we just split it, I'll buy you something from the cafeteria?" the boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously, stretching out his hand that held the dollar bill.
you thought to yourself for a moment before replying,
"fine, i'll forgive you under three conditions." you stood up with your arms crossed. the boy in front of you following as he nodded erratically.
"one, you can never be late nor skip classes from tomorrow onward and explain to mr lee why you've been late this entire time. two, your basketball team has to participate in this year's cherry blossom festival as the representative of our class. and three, you owe me a carton of strawberry milk." you smirk proudly, seeing the color drain from the boy's face.
"okay okay, what if we skip number one and two and i'll buy you TWO cartons of strawberry milk? how does that sound?" he pleaded.
"fine then, i'm telling the counselor you hurt a fellow student." you started to walk back to school but before you could take another step, a hand held your wrist to prevent you from walking further, just as you expected.
"okay, fine. jeez i didn't know the class president was this stern." he smirked almost flirtingly even though you didn't get the hint.
"i have a name you know, it's y/n." you turn to face him again, annoyed because in the school almost no one calls you by your real name and for some reason it made you think no one actually knew your name.
"alright y/n, i'm kim gyuvin and it's nice to meet you too." he grinned similar to a puppy, extending his hand waiting to be shook by yours.
you looked at his hand, back to his face, and to his hand again. after a few seconds of contemplation, you lightly extended your cold hand which was quickly greeted by the warmth of gyuvin's.
just for a moment there, you felt a foreign feeling of butterflies swarming your stomach.
➷ a few months later
"KIM GYUVIN!" you bang on his apartment door, looking at the time on your phone before stepping away from the door.
"I'M UP! I'M UP!" like usual, the door slammed open, revealing a disheveled gyuvin in his school uniform that was horribly crinkled. his eyes were barely open and his hair was stood up, obvious that he had just gotten up from bed.
"did you sleep in your school uniform?" you tilt your head, looking at him from head to toe with a concerned look. it was your daily task to wake up gyuvin every morning ever since you found out that the both of you lived beside each other, obviously neither of you ever noticed considering gyuvin's 'always late' agenda and your 'always early' one.
"no.." you roll your eyes as he sheepishly smiles.
"there's still 30 minutes, go take a shower, you stink." you forcefully push the boy back into his apartment, shutting the door behind him. you could make out a bunch of whines coming from the opposite side, meanwhile you couldn't help the small grin from forming on your face.
after 10 minutes, the door opened for the second time, unveiling a less disheveled gyuvin. his hair fluffed up giving him a boyish look, the tiredness in his eyes was now replaced with a glint of excitement, his clothes seemingly less crinkled and his puppy-like smile on full display.
god you thought you had just fallen in love for the millionth time.
gyuvin slung his arms around your shoulder almost putting you in a headlock, "I know i'm terribly handsome but we might be late if you can't stop staring." he gave you a smug look in which you returned with a disgusted one.
you both walked to school as usual, his arms weren't slung around you anymore since there were other students around and gyuvin didn't want them 'getting the wrong idea'.
arriving at school on time was something gyuvin wasn't used to but he didn't mind if it meant he could spend more time with his best friend, you (of course).
"you're coming to my match this afternoon right, class prez?"
'class prez' that was the nickname gyuvin gave you ever since you both met, he would rarely call you by your real name, only if things were serious which barely ever happens anyways.
"yeah, if i can." you respond nonchalantly.
"you always say that, but at the end of the day you always come." he gave you a small grin which made your cheeks turn a pinkish hue.
"whatever, whatever, whatever, do you ever say anything else?" as the both of you continued bickering, the boy's contagious smile made you break out into a grin as well. to other people, both of you looked like two kids madly in love with each other. as cliché as it sounds, it was painfully obvious to everyone except you and gyuvin.
school had just officially ended for the day. Your classmates bid you goodbye, everyone in a hurry to see the upcoming basketball match between your school and the neighboring school. of course, gyuvin had left earlier in order to fulfill his duties as team captain. currently, you were fulfilling your own duties as class president with your assistant, park gunwook.
"y/n why do we have to do this? can't we just do this tomorrow, pleaasee i really wanna see the match!" the boy beside you pleaded, having his head ontop of his folded arms, looking at the window where you could see students holding banners hurrying inside the school gym where the match was held.
"if you stop whining we might be able to sort these in time so we can see the match, gunwook." you reply sternly, quickly going over the files the teacher assigned you.
"don't lie y/n, i know you wanna skip and watch your loverboy too." gunwook looks to you with a teasing glint in his eyes that you didn't take notice of.
"my what? stop fooling around and help me sort these!" though your voice was a bit shaky, it seemed to convince gunwook enough for him to start helping you.
as time went by, you skimmed over the endless stack of files, eyes growing visibly tired and red. on the other hand, the 'assistant' beside you had already fallen deep into dreamland after helping you with one or two files. you couldn't help but listen to the ongoing match inside the gym and the faint sound of cheering, praying you'd finish these soon enough to join in the bleachers.
after a while, you finally finished sorting the needed files, rubbing your eyes tiredly. you dropped the files in front of gunwook with a loud thud.
"AHH YOU SCARED ME!" he woke up in a cold sweat, holding his hand to his heart.
"take these to mr choi, i'm leaving now." you quickly pack your bags, leaving the boy alone in the classroom still recovering from the shock you gave him.
inside the gym, it was break time for both teams and gyuvin's eyes couldn't help but scan through the crowd of people on the bleachers, not seeing the face he was looking for, he sighed in defeat as his mind went back to the conversation he had with you in the morning.
"i'm serious gyuvin, i might not be able to make it today, i have a lot of things to do, so i apologize beforehand."
"it's okay, don't apologize, it's not your fault. just..come by if you can."
his mood was somewhat down since the start of the match, leading his team to worry about the boy.
"hey man you ok? a little bit more and we can catch up, don't give up now!" his teammate, ricky spoke up while slinging his arms around the brunette's shoulder.
"no it's not that, ricky." gyuvin removed the arm around his shoulder, slumping down onto his seat, head hung low.
"ohhh i know, it's because his 'class prez' isn't here yet." his other teammate, yujin chirped in an attempt to ease the tension, earning a nudge from ricky.
"dude don't say that!"
"what? say what?!" yujin held his lower stomach where ricky had nudged him as they both continued to bicker.
gyuvin wasn't paying attention to the two boys in front of him, more focused on his phone which he unconciously keeps checking. he had hoped for a text message from you, confirming if you were coming by or not. but no matter how long he waited, the text never came. eventually, the horns had blasted, signalling the start of the final round to decide the winner of the match.
meanwhile, arriving at the basketball court, you ran to the bleachers, taking up the last remaining spot on the railing as your eyes scan the court in front of you. you were out of breath from all the running you did to get here, chest heaving up and down as your eyes frantically searched for the brunette.
as gyuvin was getting into position, his eyes trailed to the bleachers one last time. to his surprise, the first pair of eyes he had met was yours. the frown on his face was suddenly nowhere to be seen, his eyes lit up and he felt a warm feeling engulf in his heart.
hurriedly, you scribble down 'kim gyuvin!' on a page of your sketchbook, holding it up for the boy to see. gyuvin's smile got impossibly bigger upon seeing his written name, his eyes lit up as he shamelessly waved to you which made his teammates look at him, dumbfounded and also slightly relieved to know their captain was back.
"see, i told you if y/n comes he'll be back to normal." yujin smirked as he nudged ricky, who seems to be unbothered by the younger male, his focus mainly on the pair before he eventually drags gyuvin to his designated position as the referee signalled the start of the game.
throughout the final game, you were incredibly stressed out while your eyes moved back and forth from the score board and to the brown haired boy. both teams were already incredibly tired except for gyuvin who looked like he was playing in the first round.
"pass! pass!"
the brunette yelled from across the court, after obtaining the ball, he took a risky move which made you and a few others jump from their seats. the scores were exceptionally close and time was limited, meaning if he managed to score this 3-point, the team is guaranteed a victory.
for a split second, the crowd went silent as gyuvin shot the ball. just as the timer ticked zero, the crowd erupted with cheers and the alarm went off signalling the end of the match. gyuvin had succesfully scored a point, making his team the ultimate winner.
the boy felt like he was on cloud 9 with so many people calling on his name and his teammates hurdling around him with smiles on their faces. but most importantly, there you were on the bleachers, smiling at him and giving him a thumbs up which he found utterly adorable. after the cheers had slowed down, gyuvin excused himself from his teammates, running to the locker and changing his clothes as fast as he could.
when he got out, he was met by your presence almost immediately.
"congratulations! sorry i couldn't come earlier." your smile wasn't as big since you tried to keep your cool in front of hin.
gyuvin didn't respond for a while which worried you, but you were surprised to feel your feet up in the air as two arms lifted you up and spun you around. you held onto his shoulder for balance basically hugging him as you could smell his faint cologne making you blush provusely. the red on your cheeks didn't go unnoticed by the boy but he only shrugged it off thinking you were just excited for him.
after many complaints from you, gyuvin put you back down. he smiled ear to ear as he rubbed his nape nervously.
"sorry, i'm just happy you came." you couldnt bear the eye contact with him, your eyes searched for anything other than the boy.
"by the way you look really tired, was there a lot of work?" he continued, cupping your cheeks with both of his hands, forcing you to look at him. it was something he often did and it made you feel butterflies as his two hands felt warm on your cold cheeks.
"y-yeah i had to do everything by myself since gunwook fell asleep halfway, it's fine though i'm not that tired." you tried to reassure him, circling your hands around his wrists to pull him away but it only made him squish your face harder which made you let out a whine.
"but your eyes are so red! hurry, i'll take you home so you can get some rest." finally letting go of your face, he takes one of your wrists and lead you to the gym where all his friends are waiting for him.
"gyuvin i feel fine, i wanna stay here longer please?"
"why do you want to stay here-" his words were cut short by an unfamiliar voice.
"kim gyuvin!"
from behind the boy appeared a girl who looks to be one of your underclassmen. it's no doubt gyuvin is popular among seniors, but classes below you weren't an exception either.
gyuvin turned around to face the younger girl and you followed suit, leaning in a bit to listen to their conversation.
"can i help you?" gyuvin spoke in a polite manner.
"gyuvin oppa, can we talk outside i have something to tell you." the girl fiddled with the hem of her skirt nervously, you already knew where this was going and gyuvin did too.
"i'm sorry i-"
"please? it's really important it wont take long.." the girl pleaded, holding on to the hem of his shirt and the sight almost making you puke.
despite gyuvin's hesitation, he looked back to you and mouthed a 'sorry' before being rushed off by the girl.
after gyuvin left you let out the biggest sigh, having such a popular best friend was hard and not to mention your enormous crush on him made it even worse.
essentially you wanted to stay at school longer to spend time with the best friend who just left you, but since he's no longer here you find a spot to sit on the bleachers. you remember the two cans of soda in your backpack, now having no one to share them with.
as you pop open one of the cans, before you could take a sip, you felt a presence beside you.
"hey, can i sit here?" a familiar voice caught your attention, shen quanrui aka ricky who is your classmate and one of gyuvin's friends.
"oh, um sure." you took your backpack from the seat, putting it on your lap and taking a sip of your soda.
"soo.. y/n right? i heard a lot about you from gyuvin."
"haha yeah.. you're ricky right? i also hear about you from gyuvin."
an awkward silence flew in the air for a solid 10 seconds.
"do you know what he's doing right now? i've been looking all over and i can't find him." his question reminded you again why you were talking to him in the first place, he left cause some girl is gonna confess to him, should you really say that?
"well, a girl pulled him outside, said she has something important to tell him and you can guess the rest." you chuckle bitterly.
"it's hard to be friends with someone so popular isn't it?" somehow his statement brightened your mood a little.
"yeah, that's exactly what i was just thinking." you finally had the courage to lift your head and look at the blonde beside you.
ricky was also semi-popular, his looks are well known to everyone in the school and his personality wasn't so bad either.
"so he really left you alone here? what an asshole, maybe i should beat him later." he put his hands into fists and started punching the air like a boxer.
"oh please don't, i think the girl he's talking to right now has tortured him enough." ricky laughed and you followed suit, feeling more comfortable as time went by.
"do you like soda?"
"well it depends, i only like it when it's a 1+1 deal." you chuckle, handing him the can of soda in your backpack since yours was almost finished and you wanted to have a soda buddy to drink with.
"thanks, i like it even better when it's free."
"oh please, you owe me lunch tomorrow."
meanwhile outside of the gym,
"oppa, i really like you- no! i love you please go out with me!" the girl stretched out her hands, holding a thick envelope which could only mean one thing.
"i'm really sorry, but i'm not interested in relationships right now. and i don't want your money." the boy politely bowed, pushing the girl's hands back.
"please! i'll double the money if you want to, just go out with me once, i really like you please give me one chance!" gyuvin has had a series of confessions to him, but this was his first one that seemed a bit extreme.
"i can't, i'm sorry but i-"
"oppa, do you like someone already?"
"what?" the question made gyuvin stop in his tracks.
"you do don't you? is that why you don't want to accept my love? who is it just be honest!" the younger girl was now sobbing uncontrollably which fueled panic in gyuvin who didn't know how to properly comfort the girl, especially being the reason shes crying in the first place.
"no i don't like anyone, but i'm sorry i can't go out with you please stop crying.." he nervously patted her back in an attempt to soothe her but it had only made her cry louder, hence he stood and did nothing at all.
"oppa, you like y/n don't you?"
"what? no.." gyuvin felt a lump in his throat, his head suddenly flooded with thoughts of you, his best friend.
"so you do.. lucky them." the girl wiped the last of her tears before cowardly running away, leaving gyuvin dumbfounded with a new thought clouding his brain.
'do i like y/n?"
read chapter 2 here!
-> extra note : this is also gonna be two or three parts SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG but i hope you enjoy it because this was really cringe when i wrote it 😅 (fyi the opening was based on a recent film i watched on netflix called omg (oh my girl) its really good highly recommended!)
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nextstopparis · 1 year
i really just need good like mid to long length fix recs please i’m begging
hey bestie, i didnt know if you had any specific type of fic in mind or just length and what u consider mid so here are a few fics with 25k+ word counts and thats basically all they have in common🫶 also these are all more or less merthur im so sorry. i hope u find something new here!!!
Arthur, Sincerely by MerlinLikeTheBird (47.8k) (THE FLUFF IN THIS MADE ME CRY also its canon era)
To Begin Anew (need ao3 acc) by ohHeyThereBigBadWolf (27.7k) (ive read this like five times. i think about it constantly. canon divergence)
that lightning-strike feel by TheLurkingContessa (32.5k) (cmon merthur training with weapons together??? also canon era)
An Illusion of Sorts by lordvoldemortsnipple (133.7k) (ive also read this like 3 times which is sorta insane bc its 100k+ words omfg… modern au w magic)
Annum Inanis (The Empty Year) (need ao3 acc) by anonymintea (43.2k) (i DIED. canon era)
Charting Stars On A Stained Glass Ceiling by mornmeril (80k) (my note on ao3 under this is just OHMYGOD a bunch of times so. future au with magic)
a thimble of light for an acre of sky by celaenos (36.2k) (THIS IS NOT MERTHUR well theres like a hint of merthur at the very end but mostly its pendragon siblings and morgwen. I DIED. canon divergence)
Chasing Spring (ok TECHNICALLY this is a series but overall its 58.7k words so) by Gimli_s_Pickaxe (god merlin au do i really need to say anything else. canon era)
Keep the Magic Secret (73.5k) (i feel like i cant say I DIED again or else it’ll start losing its meaning to you but really i did. canon era)
M-RYS by mornmeril (123.2k) (ive also read this three times and was actually just craving a reread yesterday so. hmm. future au with magic)
We Pull These Jobs To Make A Little Money (No One Gets Hurt If They Don’t Act Funny) by leashy_bebes (48.9k) (this fic left me speechless all i could muster in my ao3 notes was “oh my god” not even capitalized like it shook me to my core. modern au)
You’ve Got My Heart, I’ve Got Your Hand by FervidAsAFlame (29.3k) (ive read this about five times it makrs me cry its so sweet i Love Them. modern au)
The Tournament of All Magicks by Cori Lannam (corilannam) (41.3k) (CMONNNN merlin fighting in a TOURNAMENT??? cmon. ohh craving a reread for this one too now… canon era)
The Future Soon by lady_ragnell (30.2k) (i loved this fic so so much. like theres just something about the vibe of it that im obsessed with. could also be the enemies to lovers thing. modern au with magic)
Sweeter Dreams by Tierfal (35.3k) (FREED VIVIAN OF MEN! i mean what more could i want. canon divergence)
Truth Is a Whisper by seperis (25k) (im being so serious go read everything by seperis. everything. GO. FIRST TINTAGEL bc that is my fav fic of all time probably but its 20k words so i couldnt put it here. GO!! theyre my fav author it took EVERYTHING not to rec all their fics. canon divergence)
Accidental Memory in the Case of Death by derryere (74.9k) (theres just something so. So. I DONT KNOW. overwhelming about them in this. its reincarnation au which might be why. one line made me cry)
The Ivy Crown by dayari (derryday) (252.2k) (ive read this three times. look at the word count. i will probably read it again. green knight au thing. theyre just. ohmygod)
Dower the Stars by RurouniHime (40.6k) (LISTEN. actually idek what i can say about this. except for the fact that its the PERFECT FIC. literally. its perfect. im especially in love with arthur and gwens friendship in this but anyway. canon divergence.)
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enviedear · 1 year
you're in the wind, i'm in the water ⟶ anakin skywalker
description ⌙ having to flee your home to be under the watch of the jedi knight anakin skywalker, you attempt to form some semblance of happiness, despite his cold demeanor. pairing ⌙ anakin x female princess!reader warnings ⌙ mentions of food and eating, but i think that's all. lmk if i missed anything. word count ⌙ 2.5k
canon means little to me lmao, so read as you wish, but i'm in my anakin renaissance so pls feel free to flood my inbox with any and all things him <3
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he was strange. that was the word you decided upon. this jedi knight sent from coruscant to protect you.
he watched you, so intently, and you tried to chalk it up to the protection order— but no guard under you before had been so keen on your every breath. so you sat, silent in the study of the safehouse, watching the small fire begin to ember out from its setting and trying to ignore his blue eyes cast down at you.
anakin, that's what jedi obi-wan had referred to him as. when you first heard it, you told him it was pretty. his simple thank you reply seemed fitting at the time, but now, you're almost sure that you must have offended him.
the room settled into a stillness that felt almost oppressive as anakin's eyes bore into you. you left your thoughts of him to refocus on the burning wood, only to stare down at a now lifeless fire. it was as if the flames had mirrored your own sense of isolation, flickering out, leaving you in the dark.
reaching out for more firewood, your hand is abruptly halted in mid-air. you look up to find anakin standing right in front of you, his eyes darkened by the dim light. his voice was low and laced with a hint of frustration. "it's nighttime, princess."
he releases his hold over you, fueled by the force, and you let out a sigh. "i'm sorry. time just slipped my mind. you must be tired."
he responds with a curt huff, his emotions hidden beneath the veneer of his jedi training. you gather your belongings from the study and follow him in silence to your room. this had become a ritual ever since the protection order had been enforced.
for months you have been walking on what seemed to be a very thin glass when around this strange man.
back on your home planet, you were surrounded by loving handmaidens who attended to your every need, engaging in heartfelt conversations, and showering you with affection. but on this mostly deserted planet in the far reaches of the outer rim, anakin was your sole companion. he didn't dote on you, he rarely engaged in conversation, and there was an undeniable absence of warmth in his demeanor.
you missed home desperately—your land, your people, your family. you harbored a deep resentment for the enemies who had invaded and devastated your world. they had stolen everything from you, and in this unfamiliar place, you felt anything but safe.
as the two of you approached your door, you hung back, allowing anakin to check the surroundings before you entered. "it's safe," he announced, still avoiding eye contact. "princess."
you settle onto your bed, now surrounded by your books from the study. anakin's gaze fixed on your collection. you ventured, your voice barely above a whisper, "would you like to borrow some?"
his eyebrows knit together slightly, prompting you to continue. "some of my books? i've noticed you looking at them often."
finally, his eyes met yours. "i'm okay," he replies, and then turns to leave. just as his hand found the doorknob, he adds, "i'll come to fetch you in the morning."
you didn't respond, simply watching him exit and swiftly locking the door behind him. anakin was a puzzle you couldn't decipher. none of your parents' guards had ever acted this way. formality, you were accustom, but this level of rigid apprehension was an entirely new experience.
when you'd first arrived, you had tried to establish some sort of friendship. you were adept at navigating social interactions, having been by your parents' side for political matters since the age of fifteen. you had dealt with all kinds of people—brash, rude, insincere, and kind. but this jedi, anakin, he was unlike anyone you'd ever encountered.
he never strayed far from your side, except for when he slept, yet he managed to disappear into the shadows of any room. even outside, during the few hours he allowed you to venture out, you could feel his presence, his watchful eyes bearing down on you. it was as though you were a gilded prisoner, trapped with a hungry beast waiting for you to falter.
as you drifted into sleep, uneasy thoughts flooded your mind, pushing you into a restless slumber.
the next morning, anakin knocks at your door. he has a signature four knock, with the last being far louder than the others. you assume it's for safety but he's never let you in on the security protocol.
you've been awake for a few minutes and have already dressed, but you take your time before opening your door for him. it was the small things, small rebellions, that you enacted in a diminutive display of mutiny.
"princess." his greeting feels icy cold, despite the adherence to common decorum.
"jedi," you reply, your voice unexpectedly fiery. you had yet to openly express your displeasure with him, but the way his lips twitch for a fraction of a second made you want to challenge him further.
you'd endure anything if it meant he'd stop being so inscrutable.
anakin motions for you to lead the way, and you do, heading toward the small dining room. the table is set with two bowls of porridge placed on opposite sides. it was the same every morning. initially, you had attempted to convince him to let you prepare the food, but he'd stubbornly resisted. perhaps he thought this was the way you were used to, or maybe it was a method of control in his mind. whatever it be, his enforcement of such behavior had grown tiresome.
you found your seat and tried to ignore the weight of his gaze as you ate. the food was plain, but you wouldn't dare complain. perhaps out of fear, maybe a lingering threat that he might lash out, although he never had. but you could feel it—your fear.
anakin was an enigma, unlike any jedi or man you had ever met. despite being only a year apart in age—you, freshly twenty, and he, a young man of twenty-one—he seemed worlds apart from anyone you'd encountered before.
you were nearly finished with your meal when he interrupted your thoughts. "we're running low on food and supplies. you'll accompany me to the market today."
his voice was soft, in stark contrast to his nature. "the market?" your question feels foolish as it escapes your lips, but you don't care. you have no knowledge of any nearby market, and the prospect of venturing out into a new environment excited you.
"have you never heard of it?" he asks, his eyes narrowing.
breaking eye contact, you reply, "i have. i was simply unaware there was one here. how far is the walk?"
he inhaled deeply before responding, "about an hour. wear comfortable footwear."
nodding, you decide not to push the conversation further, though curiosity gnawed at you. the prospect of escaping the confines of the safehouse, even for a short while, held a certain allure, and perhaps it was an opportunity to uncover more about your mysterious protector.
anakin leads the way to the bustling market, with a palpable silence the entire walk. the vibrant activity at the market is a stark contrast to the quiet routine of the safehouse. alien vendors peddle their wares, hawking exotic spices and colorful fabrics, and you can't help but feel a rush of excitement as you take in the vibrant scene.
as you navigate through the crowded market, anakin's eyes remain vigilant, scanning the surroundings for any potential threats. it's clear that he takes his role as your protector seriously. you, however, are drawn to the colorful array of stalls and the alien dialects that fill the air. the market feels alive, and for a brief moment, you forget about the weight of your circumstances.
approaching a stall adorned with an assortment of intricate jewelry, you spot a vendor, an older twi'lek woman, tending to her display. her vibrant head-tails sway gracefully as she arranges her wares.
without hesitation, you engage her in conversation, switching to her native language. "kassurra," you say, your voice laced with warmth.
the twi'lek woman looks up, her eyes widening in surprise as she meets your gaze. "kassurra, may ril help vashna," she responds, a smile tugging at her lips.
anakin, standing a few paces away, seems taken aback by your sudden change in demeanor and language. his eyes dart between you and the vendor, a mixture of confusion and curiosity in his expression.
you and the vendor continue to converse, discussing the intricacies of her jewelry and the stories behind each piece. anakin remains on alert, his protective instincts never wavering, but there's a shift in the way he watches you. for the first time, you think he may see a different side of the princess he's been tasked with safeguarding, one that isn't confined by the walls of the safehouse.
anakin watches you, silently observing this unexpected connection that has sparked between you and a stranger in a distant corner of the galaxy.
as your conversation ends, the woman offers you a small pendant with a colorful gemstone, its significance tied to a story of resilience. you're touched by her gesture and purchase the pendant, a tangible reminder of this unexpected encounter.
as you and anakin bid farewell to her and make your way through the market once more, the atmosphere feels different. the air is charged with a newfound sense of connection, and anakin's once rigid demeanor seems to have softened, if only slightly.
you continue to explore the market, and encounter a group of children playing a lively game in a nearby alley. their laughter infectious, and you couldn't resist joining in. anakin watched as you played a simple game of catch with them, your laughter echoing through the alleyways. it was a rare moment, being able to let your guard down and enjoy a moment of pure joy.
as the sun began to dip below the horizon, signaling the approaching end of your visit to the market, you and anakin head back to the safehouse. the journey back was less tense than the trip there, but there was a subtle change in the air. anakin's demeanor, though still guarded, had softened ever so slightly.
back at the safehouse, you settled in the dining room, some fruits you had purchased now adorning the table. anakin, still wearing his jedi stoicism, finally speaks, his voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.
"you seemed… different at the market," he says, his eyes fixed on you.
you glance at him, a faint smile playing on your lips. "it's easy to forget the weight of my title when i'm surrounded by such vibrant life. i felt like a person, not just a princess."
anakin nods slowly, as if processing your words. "you should be cautious, though. we can't afford to let our guard down."
you understand his concern, but the brief respite had given you a glimpse of the world outside the safehouse, and you yearned for more. "i know, anakin. but there's more to life than just surviving. sometimes, we have to remember what we're fighting for, and whom."
anakin's gaze holds your own for a moment, and then he nods, a hint of understanding in his eyes. it was a small, almost imperceptible step, but it was a step toward bridging the gap.
the days that followed your visit to the market saw a small transformation in your interactions with anakin. the connection that had sparked between you and the vendor, and the brief moment of joy shared with the children, had left an indelible mark on you. you couldn't help but yearn for more moments like those, moments that reminded you of the vibrant world beyond the safehouse's walls.
anakin, too, seemed affected by the outing. while he remained vigilant in his duty to protect you, there was a new delicacy in his gaze, a flicker of warmth that occasionally surfaced. it was as though the walls he had built around himself were starting to crumble, revealing a person beneath the jedi facade.
one evening, as you both sit in the study, he suprises you by reaching for one of the books on the shelf, a collection of poems from your homeworld. he flips through its pages, his fingers tracing the elegant script.
"these are from your planet, aren't they?" he asks, voice gentle.
you nod, a smile tugging at your lips. "yes, they're poems from my people. would you like me to read one for you?"
anakin hesitates for a moment before nodding. "i'd like that."
as you begin to read one of the poems, the words flow from your lips with ease, carrying the essence of something you miss so dearly. anakin listens intently, his eyes fixed on you, and when you finish, he speaks softly, "it's beautiful, the way your people express themselves."
"thank you anakin, i... miss them very much." and encouraged by his interest, you continue to share more.
he listens, and for that you thank him silently. being able to share a part of you feels freeing, and you wonder at how easily the dynamic had shifted.
but after hours of reading, sharing stories, and talking, openly for once, you can't help but to yawn. anakin notices, "you're tired, we should head to bed, princess."
you want to oppose but the sleep settling into you prohibits the response, "i guess so, but i enjoyed this. i," you try to search for the right words, "i like being able to talk to you like this. i was scared you had grown a resentment for me."
he gives you a curious look, so you continue, "i thought that you may not like me, or rather, this arrangement."
he sighs, "no, it's not that. i just, was scared to say or do the wrong thing. i'm not often left alone with beautiful princesses."
your heart skips a beat at his words. anakin's admission catches you off guard, and you can't help but feel a rush of warmth spreading through you.
with a shy smile, you respond, "i appreciate your honesty, anakin. and for the record, you've never said anything that made me resent this arrangement. in fact, i find our conversations… quite refreshing."
anakin's blue eyes meet yours, and you see a softness in them that you hadn't witnessed before. as though the walls that had separated you were crumbling further.
as you both walk to your rooms to retire for the night, there's a newfound sense of closeness between you. he escorts and checks your room, as he always does, but this time, there's a different energy in the air. his protectiveness is still there, but it's accompanied by a tenderness that wasn't evident before.
entering your room, you face him. "thank you, anakin, for today. for everything."
he nods, a small smile gracing his lips. "you're welcome, princess. sleep well."
"you as well." and you do truly mean it.
as you lay in bed, you can't help but reflect on how much has changed between you and the knight. what started as so tense, transformed into something more genuine.
as sleep gradually overtakes you, you can't help but wonder where this journey will lead. the future is uncertain and frightening, but one thing is clear— you're no longer alone in the safehouse, no longer silently watched. you have something sweet to hold onto, and that, for now, is more than enough.
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almayver · 3 months
Alma dear, you’ve said that you’ve been on the jealous peem train for a long time. How do you think he’d act? What are the most juicy scenarios you can conjure with jealous peem?
Hey Cole! So yep, i’ve been in the Jealous Peem train for months now, but the funniest thing is I actually have no concrete idea?
Because the thing is, I don’t think Peek would know how to act either. He has probably only ever felt like mild envy towards Qs talent and things like that, but this? This has this weird tint of possessiveness to it that I don’t think he would know how to handle. And I think that’s what would make it interesting. Because you know our boy loves open communication, but it's hard to communicate when you don’t fully understand your feelings and when you feel like you shouldn’t be having them, right?
Ok this turned into a full-blown rant and doesn't make total sense but, putting it under the read more so I don't put a wall of text in the tag
So exploring that, I also believe it would be very specific. Like someone says that Phum is handsome and/or compliments him? Yeah, Peem at most rolls his eyes because yeah his boyfriend is the most beautiful person on earth, and he is great, those are just facts, actually more people should be saying it. Someone flirts with Phum? Well that’s just funny to him, they would probably make Phum flustered and Peem loves to tease his boyfriend. Also, he is just so secure on his boyfriend’s feelings that the fear would never be that Phum is going to leave him or find someone better. So what would make Peem jealous?
Well, jealousy at its core is about insecurities, right? So possible scenarios here that would make Peem feel weird (jealous Peem, you feel jealous)
The first one is a soft, fluffy friendship one! Peem is very much someone that is very good at comforting people, and with the comment of “You made me feel I couldn't be your comfort zone” we know how important that is to him, specially with Phum. But maybe down the line Phum feeling like shit for whatever reason and Q is the one to comfort him for some reason, maybe Peem is busy (I'm never leaving the Q-Phum besties agenda, I live there actually). And the fun element here would be the warring emotions of being so fucking happy that not only two very important people in his life are so close and comfortable with each other, but also the fact that this means Phum is not lonely and has so many people in his corner and that is the best thing he could hope for.
But. But there is this weird thing in his head that feels weird, this pure want of being the one that comforts Phum, the one that knows exactly what to say to make him feel better. And I think he would have that spiral of “what if I'm not good enough support for him, what if I'm a bad boyfriend, am I a bad friend and boyfriend for even thinking like this”. And he is maybe a little bitter, but he hates feeling like that. Eventually of course both Phum and Q would notice and be like “dummy, come on”, Q would probably actually call him dumb, while Phum would just go full puppy eyes and reassure him and also say something like “Honestly Q mostly calms me by talking about you.”
Ok got sidetracked by friendship feelings there sorry not even sure if that counts as jealousy, but I had to get that scenario out there
The others would be a bit more classic silly jealousy, I think.
So the second one that came to mid would come from how different their fields of study are. Imagine Phum working on a project being very excited talking about it (I was going to give an example, but I did 5 years of engineering and I still have no clue what civil engineers do so idk vague project it is) and it all sounds like Greek to Peem and Phum is scared that he is boring him so he stops rambling about it. But then Peem sees Phum talking with other engineering students, and it's just *sad kitten noises* because he doesn't know enough to talk like that with his boyfriend, and he is jealous of everyone that gets his attention in this very specific way that he can't get. (He later realizes that Phum feels the same way when he talks with Q about art and throughout their relationship they both just learn to listen to the other talk even when they don't fully understand and accept that the other just likes to hear them talk about things that they are passionate about)
The final one, tho? That's the one i crave. Because you know what I think would make Peem weirdly possessive and go all “MY puppy”? Someone making Phum laugh.
Phum, mister “casual small smirk 90% of the time but when I fully smile it looks like the sun came out”. They are maybe out in a bar or a party or whatever, and Phum goes for drinks or something and Peem is talking with the group about something when he hears Phum's laughter. And he stops and perks up like a meerkat because I'm sorry what. That sound normally only occurs when Phum is near him what is happening, something isn't right in the universe. And he looks towards the direction of the sound a Phum is cracking up because of some stranger and Peem is SEETHING, and he doesn't understand why, but he is angry and bitter and petty (everyone in the group is completely amused, they have never seen him like this)
But how would he react to that weird bitter feeling? Because i feel like even with the jealousy, he would never be mean or rude to someone that isn't doing something wrong. And also he wouldn't accuse Phum of anything because he knows that he would only feel sad. So I think he would go the other direction and basically do the equivalent of marking his territory. Like he suddenly ups the devoted attentive boyfriend thing to 200%, and he turns into a clingy koala. And he just keeps trying to make Phum smile and laugh because dammit, that pretty smile is his thanks. That is his personal sunlight, thank you very much. (Phum is delighted and just keeps smiling like the sun which just makes Peem want to make him smile even more, its a very fun cycle) But idk, that's a possibility.
(There's another more elaborate scenario that keeps bouncing around in my head that maybe ill turn into a fic but if it stays a half formed idea ill throw it in your inbox dear)
...that was A LOT. Thanks for sending this ask Cole that turned into a fun thought experiment.
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kumezyzo · 1 year
streamer!gf is also a good idea i’d love to read
again, with this one, its mostly just for me [and this amazingly supportive anonymous] but i still felt like writing it. (although it took me three hours to come up with ideas that made sense lol) i also think this ones kinda ass in comparison to the others.... sorry.
but yea, this is streamer!gf that i tried to make gender neutral until the very end really.... enjoy! or dont.... :) m.list
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bf!sapnap who most likely knew you from the SMP before you started dating. and only recently when he realized how much he liked you, did he start trying to pursue the relationship (which was maybe over a year and a half ago)
bf!sapnap who agreed with you to not say anything about the relationship for a few months just to let it sit and see where you guys lead
when you do finally announce it, its because you guys notice a genuince shift in the relationship where you can tell its getting more serious.
bf!sapnap who shyly brings up the idea of doing a relationship q&a on your channel after the announcement (that was also on your channel)
during the video, hes very clearly all over you, hugging you and leaning against you. your fans think its absolutely adorable how much of a simp he is.
in the middle of that video theres a moment when you two look at eachother after answering a question and it cuts to you two giggling and looking away from eachother. sapnap with a very clear blush and wide grin on his face mostly because you guys took a break to just kiss eachother which accidentally went on longer than expected
bf!sapnap who didnt realize how many people were already shipping you two when he called you the honourary dream team member once a few years ago
bf!sapnap that gets edits of you (sometimes you and him) during TNTL streams and just on his timelines and tries his hardest to not act flustered although he clearly has that glint in his eye
bf!sapnap who manages to come into your room during the most inconvenient times during your streams. ie. when youre actively and/or loudly simping over an actor in your fav movie or show.
you just freeze mid sentence, mid gesture, and stare at him as he steps into the room. he stares back and peeks his head into the frame and your chat proceeds to spam 'LMAOOOOO's
"can i help you....?"
".....so who were you yelling about-"
"Oh my- GET OUT😭!"
bf!sapnap who will very openly brag about dating you and just talk about dating you (he just wants people to know youre taken🤭)
"well im dating y/n"
"how does that have anything to do with vidcon-"
bf!sapnap who gets teased for not being as good of a gamer as you. and not having as many followers (because youre def. very popular) (i also imagine this next convo with george and dream laughing the entire time)
"sapnap, how does it feel having a girlfriend thats better at minecraft than you?"
"george, shut up."
"sapnap, hes not wrong. and doesnt she have more subscribers?"
"im literally never doing a manhunt again then."
"good, then we'll just have your girlfriend replace you"
bf!sapnap who jokingly suggests yout two starting an onlyfans where he posts videos of you two fucking (but he secretly really wants to). cause he has a whole album of pictures and videos of you two that he would be willing to post (if people pay for it obvi)
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again, gimme suggestions and stuff. and show support for my sanity lol -Nony
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i-magines · 2 years
Wildest Dreams: Chapter 3
Pedro Pascal x fem!Reader
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synopsis: You’re an assistant director in an indie movie set and fate makes sure you keep crossing paths with a certain Chilean actor.  
disclaimer: This is my first Pedro Pascal’s fictional work + the first fanfic I write in English, as it isn’t my first language. Unfortunately, I do not own Pedro and this is all a product of my imagination.
rating: M (keep scrolling if your under 18 please)
warnings: age gap, mature content, fem!reader, eventual drinking and drugs, a little smut but nothing crazy (yet), a bit slow burn but not really.  
word count: 1,509
Over the first month, your friendship with Pedro only grew stronger. You were afraid once the production set was moved to the country, he was going to just disappear, as you were no longer roommates. You’d be lying to yourself if you said he didn’t make you feel anything, especially with how charming and flirting he was. You both had shared a lot of personal stuff over smoking joints and you were already used to hanging out together after a day of filming. But today things were going to be different, because the producers had organized a little happy hour for the crew.
Speaking of them, you had asked Pedro to keep your friendship on the low, at least during the job. You knew what everyone would say and think, mostly about you alone, so you were looking after yourself. He understood that and apparently didn’t care to be sneaking out like a teenager to spend some time with you.
“There you are”, Pedro happily greeted you on the corner of the happy hour room, about two hours into the event. “I almost didn’t get the chance to see you today. How’s everything going?”
At this point, you were certain the director hated you, but thank God he was the only one. Everyone else seemed to really like you and your work, which helped a lot with your anxiety.
“He spent the day trying to drive me crazy… Again”, you told Pedro. “You?”
“I would definitely rather be directed by you, if I’m being honest” he said in sympathy. “But yeah, it won’t take long for me to tell him to fuck off. Super nicely, of course.”
You both laughed. You could see he had been drinking and so did everybody in the room. Somebody turned up the music and Pedro dragged you to the improvised dance floor. You danced for about half an hour, until you saw him going to talk to Donna, one of the producers. They seemed friendly— too friendly, if somebody asked your opinion. You noticed it before, how close they acted sometimes, but at the end of the day, it was none of your business. Flo, the make-up artist that got you the job, got your attention and you walked to her.
“What’s up with that face?” She shot you the question. Flo was in her mid 40s and you got to know her in your first gig, since then she was always trying to connect you with people. You really liked her and, most importantly, trusted her. “You looked like you were about to commit murder on the dance floor. I know Dave is giving you a hard time, but honestly he is doing this to every single soul.”
“I was just wondering, is Donna taken?”, you asked as if you had no intention behind it.
“Yeah, I think so”, she told you. “Why? You gay too?”
“Someti— wait, what?” You stared at each other for a few seconds. “Is she?”
“As far as I know”, she said simply. “And by that I mean I’ve known her for about 10 years now. Sorry to disappoint you.”
“No, you didn’t. I mean, good for her, right.”
You decided you need to put your shit together now on. You excused yourself and went to get another drink — you can be a new woman tomorrow. You took some shots and got a drink to hold while you watched everyone dancing and having a good time. You tried to force yourself to stop thinking about your crush on Pedro.
“I need professional help”, you whispered to yourself.
“And why is that?”
“Shit, Pedro!” You jumped, realizing he was right by your side. “You scared the shit out of me, you shithead.”
“Wow, language, sweetheart”, he laughed at your reaction, putting his arm over your shoulder. “What are you up to?”
“Not much, just enjoying the free drinks”, you replied, also enjoying the proximity of his body. “I can see you’re enjoying them yourself.”
“Nah, I’m thinking about getting out of here, people are starting to get too drunk and God forbid I witness anything I can’t unsee”, he was being playful and seemed happy when he got a smile out of you. “Care to join me? Or you already have plans for tonight?”
“Yeah, you know me, Miss Popularity herself”, you both laughed. “Seriously, though. I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Is it okay if we leave together? Considering your privacy policy”, he whispered in your ear. Only if he knew how weak that makes you. You just nodded. “After you, mi princesa.”
Fuck you, Pedro Pascal, you thought as you made the effort to move your shaking legs. Two options: first, he had no idea of his effects on you, or second, he did know that and he just liked to torture you. However it is, you were not willing to make a move to figure it out. 
The location of the shooting was a huge farm, so you walked together through the open field, towards his cabin. You got inside and took your shoes off.
“Hey, mister ‘I’m just a common worker as everybody else’, tell me again why exactly you are the only one with a private hot tube”, you teased him. He laughed. “Is it because you’re such good friends with Donna?”.
“So that’s what it was about back in the happy hour?” Pedro looked deeply into your eyes. “Such a jealous little girl, uh?”
You looked away, embarrassed. You can’t deny your brain formulated that sentence, but the alcohol spilled it out your mouth.
“Answering your question, I’m not really friends with Donna, but her partner is one of my closest colleagues in the industry”, he said in a patient tone. “And you’re welcome to use the hot tube whenever you feel like it.”
You could feel your cheeks burning. Fuck.
“I didn’t mean to— to be honest, I don’t even know what I meant, so don’t mind drunk Y/N”, you breathed out strongly.
“Why don’t we forget about it and instead go chill in the hot tube?” He offered you a smile. Pedro was so easy to deal with, always trying to make you comfortable. “I have more of that nice whisky you like.”
You quickly put on your bikini in your room and head back to Pedro’s cabin. You could hear the happy hour turning into a party on the back, as you joined him inside the tub. You did your best to not stare at his toned, tanned body. He was smoking a cigar and handed you a glass.
“You know what’s funny”, he started, you already knew you wouldn’t find it funny at all. “This is the second time I see you in a tub.”
“Well, fuck you very much sir”, you held a serious face before letting a smile scape. “That was traumatic.”
“Why is that? I would say you made quite an impression”, he laughed, something different sparkling in his eyes. “Would it bother you if I said I still think about it?”
You felt your body hot, as if the water was on boiling point.
“God”, you whispered. He never took his eyes off yours. “I don’t know what to say, Pedro.”
“It’s a simple question, sweetheart”, he replied, coming a little closer. You got chills all over your body. “Honestly, I don’t know if you only see me as this friendly, older, disgusting man—”
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” you cut him before he could finish. “Feel free to think about whatever you like.”
“Good”, he said quietly, his body even closer, but still not touching yours. “Tell me what you were doing on the tub that day, sweetheart.”
“I-I was, uh,” you felt like you were about to explode, your brain trying to process if this was really happening. “I was touching myself.”
“Finally, princesa”, he let out a deep breath against your neck. “You don’t know how many times I wanted to hear you say this, to be sure my memory wasn’t fucking with me.”
He touched your waist with his hand, putting the cigar away with the other one. You felt delirious.
“What are you going to do now that you know?” The question popped out of your mouth.
He grabbed your arm to move your body, making you sit on his lap. Face to face. He was hard as fuck.
“I will take you back to your cabin, give you a goodnight kiss…” He made a pause. His stare was deep down your soul. “Come back to mine and think ‘bout you while I mind my own business.”
He was dead serious.
“I’m too horny to go to sleep”, you cried to him, all your blood concentrated between your legs. You moved on his lap, rubbing against his cook.
“Trust me”, he said as his hands firmly held your hips down, making you stop and yet feel him ever harder. “I feel the same way.”
He gave you a little forehead kiss.
“C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
TAGLIST: @kyuupidwrites @omg-its-typical-aesthetics-fan @vivibabiez @ivyohmy @sebastianstansimp @tubble-wubble @28cnn @3zae-zae3 @technicallysassyfox @bellatrixyoass @mandolover86​ (edit: i’m not sure why i wasn’t able to tag everybody i’m trying my best here)
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v0iddarl1ng · 26 days
My opinion on New Helluva boss short "Mission:Weeaboo-boo"
Attention: There will be a lot of spoilers and my subjective opinion, so you can agree or disagree with me.
TW: S*xual harassment
So my first thing I didn't understood is...Why Emeberlynn still lives with her parents even she is canonically 20?
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Okay, let's think that's she is a lazy one and still didn't went through a separation process.
But there's another thing:
More though, Ember said that is official merch so it's supposed to be more of these, so how??
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And then my most hated part started...
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And Emberlynn's behaviour shown and supposed to be "funny",Oh yeah! S*xual h*rassment and cognitive distortion of said/done things is DEFINITELY THINGS THAT YOU CAN JOKE ABOUT!
It reminds me of something...
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Damn it,I hate this bird prick so much.
Also, Emberlynn calls Blitz "Blitzy-kun" just like Stolas calls Blitz "Blitzy"
But more is...That Ember hits Blitz for doing LITERALLY NOTHING!
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It's very weird, especially for 20 year old person to do so. By the way, At first watch I skipped scene with files, I looked at her behaviour and thought that she is 16 or 17. Kinda reminds me of Vivzipop, who can't take criticism and acts like child even when she is grown ass adult.
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Maybe it's another little thing but Blitzø talks here about someone didn't liked Lynn's 1ncest art and didn't liked it so that's why they hired Blitz, but isn't that IMP corp help already KILLED or DEAD person to kill their hatred ones?
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I KNOW, Pilot is not canon anymore but still, how someone, who is probably still alive, get an IMP's phone number? And I don't think that's hell's media can be used in humans's world like "Sinstagram" or "Envee".
Conclusion: This episode(like any of HB other episodes) was pretty mid for me. I even cringed a bit an Ember's child-like behaviour. I think that writers and mostly Vivzipop tried to make an episode that mocks Vivzie's haters (In sneak peak Emeberlynn have the same setup and similar looking hair) but made it very poorly.
And the most problem is in the short it self! Most of missions and assassinations mostly moved to shorts and main show is slowly becoming a cheesy,bad written, rom com with not funny jokes, mostly about themes that supposed to be spoken about respectively but taken as another joke(Moxxie getting SA by succubi in episode "Spring break" and whole Stolitz drama)
But,what I Liked in new shorts ?
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Maybe Emberlynn's sinner design, but she still says that she's found his billboard and screams, swears that she will be on his side. That's kinda stalkerish, don't you think?
I'll repeat that: It's only my opinion, you can disagree with it!!
EDIT: I read some comments, and you're right, maybe Emberlynn still living with parents because rent is expensive. My mistake, I apologise. I think it's me being with imposes thoughts that personally I must live on my own when I'll become an adult
And also comment about cringe comedy: I understand that it's a thin,but not for everyone, honestly I didn't liked it.
Sorry for making myself looking stupid
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detectivebambam · 25 days
it's 11pm i had 6 hour nap my meds just kidcked in we are getting some fun lil sub andrew stuff if you don't want it go away
letsb e ging. begin.
hm. praise kink. very extreme. neil likes to tease him about it like calling him a "good boy" for putting his dishes in the sink. you know how it is
i love, sub andrew? so much i think he's neat
also we need to get more comfortable writung bottom Andrew porn like i understand not wanting to or feeling iffy about it but i promise it's fine and also it's just neil. he likes neil
likes to bite a lot if neil pulls his hair? he will bite him
feel like he's one of those people that likes fighting as foreplay but idk I'm high rn
like deadpool and wolverine type shi
neil is iffy about it but he finds play wrestling very fun 😊
very srotng. thighs. he can ride like nobody's business im sayin
he whines idc
one of his fav parts is aftercare when neil acts like Andrew can't use his hands
neil acts like andrew can't move so he feeds him and gives him water very good stuff
andrew also makes sure neil is chillin because bein a dom is hard sometimes and neil really isn't i don't think he does it because andrew likes it, he enjoys it, but also it can be scary yk
especially like neil doesn't want to hurt andrew so they have to talk ab unch about what the boundaries are
once they're in their mid to late thirties they've got it down for sure
also def just a bedtime thing like i cannot see andrew being any type of submissive unless neil can get him there
cockwarmibh.. mmmm. andrew likes it. i have a fic on. ao 3 if u want and I'm prob gonna upsate it soon
he maybe cries??? which can def be unnerving for Neil at first but they talk a lot abt it and it's mostly chill after that
but if andrew does cry he has to make sure to talk to neil after make sure he's oka
maybe like a puppy a little bit?? not enough to explore it just likes being petted and called a good boy the basics yk
def no collars or anything bondage related he does not like it at all and does not want to try it
(see proust + jesse) 😔✋
sorry bout that one
he can sub from the top but it's a lot more difficult to get there so he has to be in the righ headpace.. very rare
im a virgin idk how i knwo this stuff
idk if this is irvn legibel but yeah i hope u have enjoyse my thougts about my boy and happy fanficcing
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starskq · 24 days
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pairing: bf!xikers x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: kissing in hunter's, reader is older than the members
a/n: i know junghoon's one suck im so sorry 😭
hyung line here!
The sun was setting, casting a soft orange glow over the quiet park where you and your boyfriend, Junghoon, were walking. The air was crisp, the kind of early evening that promised the perfect blend of relaxation and coziness.
As you strolled along the path, you were dressed in an outfit you’d carefully chosen to look a bit more fierce—dark jeans, a leather jacket, and boots that clicked softly against the pavement. You wanted to project confidence, maturity, and maybe even a little bit of mystery. But no matter what you wore or how you tried to act, your natural cuteness always seemed to bubble to the surface, much to your frustration. And somehow, Junghoon always managed to notice it, even if he didn’t always react the way others might.
He was walking beside you, his hands tucked into the pockets of his coat. His face, as usual, was mostly unreadable, his eyes gazing out at the trees swaying gently in the breeze. He was calm, composed, almost as if he was lost in thought, though you knew him well enough to know he was very much present.
As you walked, you couldn’t help but start talking about your day, your voice animated as you recounted a funny incident that had happened in class. You didn’t notice at first how your natural excitement caused your voice to rise slightly, or how your eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. But Junghoon noticed. He always did.
“And then, just as the professor was about to turn around, the projector—” you were saying, your hands gesturing as you spoke, but you stopped mid-sentence when you realized Junghoon was looking at you with a slight curve at the corner of his lips. Was that a smile? It was hard to tell, given how subtle it was, but you could swear he was amused.
You blinked, suddenly self-conscious. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Junghoon seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if he wasn’t entirely sure what had caught his attention either. He opened his mouth to speak, then paused, his expression as unreadable as ever. But then, before he could stop himself, he said it. “You’re cute.”
The words hung in the air between you, and both of you froze. It wasn’t like Junghoon to hand out compliments, especially ones that seemed so spontaneous. His usual calm demeanor seemed to falter as he realized what he had just said, his eyes widening slightly, the only hint of his own surprise.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt your cheeks start to warm. “I’m… what?” you stammered, not quite sure if you’d heard him correctly.
Junghoon blinked, his face still not giving much away, but you could tell he was flustered. His eyes darted away from yours, focusing on some random point in the distance as he tried to compose himself. “Uh… I mean, you’re always cute. But, um… I didn’t mean to say it out loud.”
You stared at him, equally flustered by the unexpected compliment. Junghoon was always so composed, so in control of his emotions, that hearing something like this from him felt like a major event. “You think I’m cute?” you asked, your voice softening, the earlier fierceness in your demeanor melting away.
He cleared his throat, still not meeting your gaze. “Well… yeah,” he admitted, his voice quieter than usual. “You’re always trying to be fierce and stuff, but… you’re just naturally cute.”
You couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions—embarrassment, warmth, and a tiny bit of pride. It wasn’t often that Junghoon showed this side of himself, and knowing that he found you cute despite his usual stoicism made your heart swell.
“Hoonie,” you began, trying to gather your thoughts, “I didn’t think you noticed things like that.”
He finally looked back at you, his expression softening just a fraction. “I notice a lot of things,” he said, his voice low and steady. “I just don’t always know how to say them.”
You felt a smile tugging at your lips, the earlier flustered feeling gradually turning into something warmer, more intimate. “Well, thank you,” you said softly, reaching out to take his hand. “It means a lot to me, coming from you.”
Junghoon’s fingers curled around yours, his grip gentle but reassuring. “I didn’t mean to make you embarrassed,” he said, his tone sincere, even if his face was still mostly expressionless.
“I’m not embarrassed,” you replied, your smile growing. “Just… surprised. But in a good way.”
He nodded, his thumb brushing lightly over the back of your hand. “Good,” he murmured, his voice soft, almost as if he was relieved.
You and Seeun were out shopping, as usual. He loved shopping and you liked to tag along most of the time. Your boyfriend was the epitome of arrogance and confidence. He was the kind of guy who always seemed to have everything under control, who could charm anyone with just a smirk. But behind that confident facade, you knew there was another side to him—a side that was completely whipped for you, even if he tried to hide it.
You, on the other hand, were naturally cute. It was something you’d never been entirely comfortable with, especially since you wanted to be seen as fierce and strong, not just adorable. You tried to dress the part today, wearing a sleek black outfit that you hoped would give you a more mature vibe. But no matter how hard you tried, your natural sweetness always seemed to shine through, much to Seeun’s amusement.
As you walked into a trendy clothing store, Seeun was right by your side, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. He watched as you started browsing through the racks of clothes, his eyes following your every move with a mixture of affection and something else he would never admit—utter adoration.
“So,” he said, leaning casually against a display table, “what are you looking for today? Something cute, I’m guessing?”
You shot him a glare over your shoulder, though it was more playful than serious. “I’m trying to find something fierce, thank you very much,” you replied, emphasizing the word.
Seeun smirked, clearly enjoying this. “Fierce, huh? Are you sure? Because you’re pretty much the definition of cute.”
You groaned softly, rolling your eyes as you flipped through the hangers. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“Maybe,” he admitted, that smug smile never leaving his face. “But you make it so easy. Every time you try to be fierce, you just end up being even cuter.”
You huffed in frustration, though you couldn’t deny the warmth creeping up your neck. “Seeun-a, I'm not cute. I’m older than you, remember? I’m supposed to be the mature one.”
He chuckled, pushing off the table and walking up behind you. He leaned in close, his breath warm against your ear. “Older, yes. But still cute,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing.
You shivered slightly at the closeness, trying to maintain your composure. “You’re impossible,” you muttered, though your voice lacked the usual bite.
“And you’re adorable,” he shot back, his tone filled with that same smug confidence that always drove you crazy—in both good and bad ways.
You turned around to face him, crossing your arms over your chest. “You know, for someone who’s always so collected, you seem to enjoy teasing me a little too much,” you pointed out, narrowing your eyes at him.
Seeun just shrugged, his expression infuriatingly calm. “What can I say? It’s fun watching you get all flustered.”
You were about to retort when a sales associate approached, offering help. You politely declined, deciding to continue browsing on your own. But as you reached for a particularly sleek jacket, Seeun grabbed it first, holding it up as if examining it.
“Hmm,” he said, his tone casual, though you could see the mischief in his eyes. “This could work. But I think you’d look great in something like this instead.” He reached over to a nearby rack and pulled out a soft, pastel-colored sweater, holding it up with a raised eyebrow.
You groaned, feeling your patience wearing thin. “Seeun, I’m trying to be fierce, not cute!”
He chuckled, clearly enjoying your reaction. “Yeah, but this is more you. Admit it.”
You snatched the sweater from his hands, feeling a mix of frustration and warmth. “You’re doing this on purpose,” you grumbled, though you couldn’t help but notice how soft the fabric was.
“Of course I am,” he said, his smirk growing wider. “Because no matter what you wear, you’re going to be cute. It’s just who you are.”
You huffed, feeling the blush rising to your cheeks. “And you’re just going to keep calling me cute, aren’t you?”
“You know i live to annoy you,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at you with that same infuriatingly confident smile
You were sitting on your boyfriend's bed, Yujun's, legs crossed, surrounded by a sea of pillows. Yujun was next to you, leaning back against the headboard, one arm casually slung over a pillow as he told some ridiculous story from earlier in the day. His room had always felt cozy, a little haven where the two of you could just relax and be yourselves.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. He had this way of making everything sound funny, even the most mundane things. You were laughing so hard that your cheeks hurt, your natural cuteness shining through no matter how much you tried to suppress it.
He was leaning back against the headboard, watching you with that familiar playful smirk on his face. He loved making you laugh, not just because it was fun, but because he found your laughter completely irresistible. There was something about the way your eyes sparkled and the way your face lit up when you laughed that made his heart skip a beat every time.
As your laughter started to die down, Yujun looked at you, his smirk turning into a soft smile. “You know, you’re really cute when you laugh like that,” he said, his voice full of teasing affection.
You immediately stopped laughing, your smile faltering as you shot him a glare. “Yujun, I’m not cute,” you protested, swatting his arm lightly. “I’m supposed to be fierce, remember?”
He chuckled, clearly not taking your protest seriously. “Sure, sure, you’re fierce and all that,” he said, leaning closer with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “But you’re also really, really cute. Especially when you’re trying not to be.”
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you tried to look serious. “I’m not cute,” you insisted, though the pout forming on your lips was doing nothing to help your case. “And you need to stop calling me that.”
“But it’s true!” Yujun teased, poking your side lightly just to annoy you. “You’re the cutest girlfriend ever, and you can’t even deny it.”
You rolled your eyes, but the smile tugging at your lips betrayed your attempt to stay annoyed. You were trying to swat his hand away as he continued to poke your side until he grabbed your wrist mid-swat, pulling you closer. “Come on, admit it.”
“No way,” you said, shaking your head as you tried to pull your hand free. “I’m not admitting anything.”
Yujun just laughed, clearly enjoying this little game. He suddenly shifted, pinning you down on the bed with a playful grin. “Fine, if you won’t admit it, I’ll just have to make you,” he declared, his voice full of mock seriousness.
You squealed in surprise as he tickled your sides, squirming beneath him as you tried to get away. “Yujun, stop!” you laughed, your voice breathless as you tried to push him off. “That’s not fair!”
“I don't play by the rules, you know that,” he quipped, his fingers still dancing along your sides as he grinned down at you. “Come on, just say it. Say you’re cute.”
You shook your head stubbornly, though your laughter made it hard to maintain your defiance. “Never!” you declared, trying to wriggle out of his grip.
But Yujun was persistent, his hands still lightly tickling you as he leaned in closer, his face just inches from yours. “You’re gonna give in eventually,” he teased, his voice dropping to a soft murmur.
You glared up at him, but the twinkle in his eyes and the warmth of his smile made it impossible to stay mad. “Fine,” you finally relented, your voice still breathless from laughing. “Maybe I’m a little cute. But tiny, tiny bit!”
Yujun’s grin turned triumphant as he stopped tickling you, his hands resting on either side of your head as he looked down at you with that same affectionate smile. “I knew you’d admit it,” he said softly, his voice full of warmth.
You pouted up at him, still trying to hold on to the last remnants of your defiance. “You’re so annoying, you know that?”
“And you’re the cutest girlfriend ever,” he replied, his voice dropping to a whisper as he leaned down, his lips brushing lightly against yours. “But that’s why I love you.”
The late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden glow over the park near campus, where you and Hunter had decided to spend the afternoon. Hunter, your boyfriend, was walking beside you, his hand loosely holding yours. He had this air of maturity about him that often made people assume he was older than you. With his tall frame, confident posture, and that deep, calm voice, he exuded a kind of steadiness that you found incredibly reassuring. But despite his older appearance, he was actually younger than you—a fact he liked to tease you about, especially given your naturally cute appearance.
No matter how hard you tried to appear older or more sophisticated, your baby face and the natural cuteness that came with it always shone through. Hunter found this endlessly amusing, and he loved to playfully flirt with you, knowing just how to make you flustered.
As you walked together, chatting about your day, you suddenly noticed a little dog—a fluffy, white ball of fur—trotting along the path ahead of you. Your eyes immediately widened in delight, and before you could stop yourself, you let out a soft gasp. “Oh my gosh, look at that dog!” you exclaimed, your voice filled with excitement.
Hunter couldn’t help but chuckle at your reaction. He turned to see the little dog, which was indeed adorable, but what caught his attention more was the expression on your face. “You’re really into dogs, huh?” Hunter said, his tone light and teasing.
You nodded enthusiastically, not taking your eyes off the dog as it playfully rolled around in the grass. “I love dogs! They’re just so cute and fluffy and—”
“And just like you,” Hunter interrupted, his voice dropping to a soft, flirtatious murmur.
You blinked, finally tearing your gaze away from the dog to look up at him. “What do you mean, ‘just like me’?” you asked, narrowing your eyes slightly.
Hunter grinned, clearly enjoying this. “You’re just as cute,” he said, his voice full of playful affection.
You huffed, feeling your cheeks warm at his words. “I’m not cute,” you protested, though your voice lacked conviction. “I’m supposed to be mature. I’m older than you, remember?”
He laughed softly, pulling you a little closer as you continued walking. “Maybe, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re adorable. Especially when you get excited over something like a little dog.”
You rolled your eyes, though the smile tugging at your lips betrayed you. “Hunter, I’m serious. I’m not cute. I’m supposed to be the older, more mature one in this relationship.”
Hunter tilted his head, pretending to consider your words. “You can be both, you know. Mature and cute. But right now, you’re definitely leaning more towards cute.”
You groaned softly, feeling the familiar warmth of embarrassment creeping up your neck. “You’re impossible,” you muttered, though there was no real bite to your words.
“And you’re irresistible,” he shot back, his grin widening as he gently tugged you to a stop. He turned to face you fully, his eyes meeting yours with that mischievous sparkle that always made your heart skip a beat. “Come on, admit it. You know you’re cute.”
You shook your head stubbornly, though your resolve was already wavering under his intense gaze. “I’m not admitting anything,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest in a futile attempt to look serious.
Hunter just laughed, his hand reaching out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “You can deny it all you want,” he said, his voice dropping to a low, affectionate murmur, “but I can see it in your eyes. You’re absolutely adorable, and it’s one of the things I love most about you.”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress a smile. “You’re just saying that to make me blush,” you accused, though you could already feel the heat rising to your cheeks.
“Is it working?” he asked, his grin turning slightly smug.
“Maybe,” you admitted, finally giving in as you looked down at your feet, trying to hide your flustered expression.
Hunter’s smile softened, and he reached out to tilt your chin up, forcing you to meet his gaze again. “You know,” he said softly, his voice filled with warmth, “I love when you get like this. All flustered and shy. It’s one of the reasons I fell for you.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you felt your resolve completely crumble. “You’re really good at this, you know that?” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
He chuckled, leaning in closer until his lips were just inches from yours. “I’ve had a lot of practice,” he whispered back, his breath warm against your skin.
Before you could respond, he closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a soft, lingering kiss. It was sweet and gentle, yet filled with a depth of emotion that made your heart race. You kissed him back, your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as you melted into the moment.
When he finally pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed as he smiled. “See? Cute and irresistible,” he murmured, his voice filled with affection.
You were sitting across from your boyfriend Yechan, still in your casual class outfit—a fitted leather jacket over a dark tee, paired with jeans and ankle boots. You’d gone for a look that you hoped was a little more fierce, something that matched the image you wanted to project. But as usual, your natural cuteness kept sneaking through, no matter how hard you tried to suppress it.
Yechan was leaning back in his chair, watching you with that easygoing smile that always made your heart skip a beat. He had a relaxed, almost boyish charm, but with a playful edge. The two of you had always been playful with each other, and today was no different. You’d spent most of the meal laughing over inside jokes and sharing stories about your day.
As the waiter set down your plates, Yechan’s eyes lit up at the sight of the food. “This looks amazing,” he said, picking up his chopsticks. He took a bite of his dish and his eyes closed in delight. “Oh, you’ve got to try this,” he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm.
You smiled, already enjoying your own meal but curious about what he was having. “What is it?”
“It’s some kind of spicy stir-fried beef,” he explained, holding out a piece with his chopsticks. “Here, try it.”
You leaned forward, accepting the bite he offered. Without even thinking, you let out a small, delighted sound, your eyes widening as you chewed. “Oh my gosh, that’s so good!” you exclaimed, the pure joy of the taste evident on your face.
Yechan just stared at you for a moment, his chopsticks frozen mid-air as he watched your reaction. There was something about the way your eyes sparkled with delight, the way you wrinkled your nose slightly as you savored the food, that left him completely captivated. It was a look he’d seen a hundred times before, but it never failed to make his heart skip a beat.
You noticed the way he was looking at you, and your brows furrowed in confusion. “What? Why are you staring at me like that?”
Yechan blinked, as if snapping out of a trance, and his lips curled into a soft smile. “Nothing,” he said, shaking his head lightly.
You weren’t having it. “No, seriously, channie. Why are you looking at me like that?” You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes slightly, though the effect was more cute than intimidating.
He hesitated for a moment, his smile widening as he realized there was no way out of this. “It’s just…you’re really cute, you know that?”
The word “cute” immediately made you frown. You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’m not cute! I’m fierce, okay? I’m supposed to be badass or something.”
Yechan chuckled, leaning forward slightly as he rested his chin in his hand. “You can be fierce and cute at the same time, you know. But right now, you’re definitely more on the cute side.”
You pouted, feeling your cheeks warm under his gaze. “I don’t want to be cute,” you insisted. “You’re younger than me—you’re supposed to be the cute one, not me.”
“But you are,” he said simply, his tone soft but filled with affection. “And it’s one of the things I love most about you.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to maintain your irritation, but it was hard when he was looking at you like that, his expression so full of warmth and fondness. “I hate you,” you muttered, though the corner of your lips betrayed you by twitching upwards.
“And I love you,” Yechan shot back, his playful grin returning as he reached across the table to gently poke your cheek. “Come on, admit it. You know you’re cute.”
“No way,” you said, leaning back and crossing your arms more firmly over your chest. But the way you said it was more playful than serious, and Yechan could see that you were starting to give in.
He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper. “Admit it, or I’ll keep calling you cute for the rest of the night.”
You stared at him, trying to hold your ground, but the look on his face—those sparkling eyes, that mischievous smile—was too much. You sighed dramatically, finally letting a small smile break through. “Fine, maybe I’m a little cute,” you admitted, though your tone was still filled with mock reluctance. “But just a little.”
Yechan’s smile turned triumphant, and he reached over to take your hand in his. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You shook your head, laughing softly. “You’re such a dork, you know that?”
“Maybe,” he replied with a grin, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles gently. “But I’m your dork.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that, feeling your heart swell with affection for him. “Yeah,” you said softly, squeezing his hand. “You are.”
He leaned across the table, his face inches from yours, and his voice dropped to a soft murmur. “And for the record, I think you’re the most beautiful, cute person I've ever met.”
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