#sorry but touchy subject!
otrtbs · 1 year
“you can just take guns to music concerts in the united states” some of these bitches need to never speak again and i’m so serious about that.
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bisclavret · 1 month
my 2 cents on the is merwaine toxic yaoi (which i may have started with that ask i got? oops?) topic is that [there is no ethical consumption under capitalism voice] there are no healthy relationships in bbc merlin bc the show's ideology and framework just fundamentally suck and it reads like it was written by a bunch of royalist monkeys on typewriters. every single character's personality deteriorates over time including merlin and gwaine's and as the long-suffering viewer you can honestly decide for yourself whether to lean into the sweet side of the characters or the fucked up shit lurking beneath due to their aforementioned ideology and deterioration. never has there been a show that's so easy to interpret in 500 different ways because it's so milquetoast and noncommittal with its themes, and on a given day we are free to decide for ourselves that merwaine are secretly/openly dating or that gwaine is pining one-sidedly for an unattainable merlin or that merlin is but a slight tonal/pov shift away from a sympathetic villain arc and gwaine fits the bill as his devoted henchman. basically the toxic yaoi is in the eye of the beholder on this one. in my opinion
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cosmic-ships · 9 days
Hey if you gloat about "stealing" f/o's from a person who doesn't like to share, I'm gonna need you to grow up and respect people's boundaries and also get the fuck away from me.
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uglypastels · 5 months
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Idk the dresses just look a bit similar
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mango-mya · 1 year
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You really think I'd post Hater slander without karma??
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the amount of DISDAIN I get from some ppl saying that blue flag is written for the straights.
girl I did not stay up til 6am reading this manga, tearing up and crying bc of how much I saw myself in characters like touma and masumi and how painfully relatable their pain/struggles were just for you to say that blue flag is for the straights
be so fr rn
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lottieurl · 1 year
here's what i think. there is nothing poetic about cancer HOWEVER it would be so so poetic if they murdered a bunch of people and it cured van
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capn-liz · 1 month
Are you and Ava still a thing
No. Yes. I'm not sure. Stuff got all muddled when I thought she died. Stop asking about my love life, it's getting fucking tiring. I'm not an object of your "shipping wars."
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mishkakagehishka · 1 month
hey bro are you like... aware that communism *is* democracy? Like... it's *more* democracy. It's about extending tge demkcracy that exists in the political sphere to the economic sphere and the workplace. Thats what "workers controlling the means of production" means. That the boss can't just decide to fire 50% of your coworkers to increase profits. That you and your coworkers get to decide that shit via voting. That it's not "shareholders" that own the factory or company, but the workers making shit.
That's communism babey! So this "I don't like communism I would prefer a democracy" shit is misinformed. It's based in the soviet model, which called itself "communist" bit was more like state capitalism. The state controlled all the factories and companies and shit and pretended to do it "for the workers" but actually did it for the new ruling class.
That's also what China has
Theory and practice are not the same and given i'm from an ex-yu country and know enough stories from family and friends that have a "and then i was given the subtle choice of joining the party or getting fired" i'm gonna disagree with the "in communism you can't just get fired for no reason"
You missed my point. I said there's no form of government that's good because all forms of government will create a privileged class and all forms of government will have society divided into those with power and those without. Ergo, i'd rather a form of government that gives me the right to vote people out (tho i'd prefer athenian ostracism too) and a free market that gives me a choice in which companies to support. I nearly blew up a grocery store when it only had nestle for cereal choices. I want choices. Not state-controlled everything.
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zerozeroren · 5 months
Do you do requests if they are vague and similar to “draw something that makes you happy”?
(Different anon being cheeky)
I know you're being cheeky but I'll be real with you, I don't appreciate these things because I have trouble saying no, and if you send these I'd feel obligated to fulfill these and feel guiltily if I won't do it. And I sometimes won't because I need to be in the right head space. Even saying no to duplicate requests feels super shitty, and requests are supposed to be fun. Fun for me. I'm opening them to feel re-inspired, not pressured
So yeah, not really, I guess
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insectwmn · 1 year
Since that one minute teaser single-handedly revived the deeply suppressed 11 year old Black Butler fan in me. I've been thinking about a version of Black Butler where Sebastian routinely takes part of Ciel in exchange for his service. I know the whole thing is that Sebastian wants Ciel's soul, but I wanna imagine human flesh as demon junk food. Is it proper sustenance? No, but it makes a damn tasty snack.
To tide Sebastian over while he waits for Ciel's soul, he gets to have a small part of him every year. An anniversary present, if you will. Nothing Ciel would miss too much—a finger here and a toe there. Sebastian would never take anything important; it's still Ciel's soul he's after. It would be a waste to overindulge and kill Ciel before his soul is ripe.
Ciel knows this, but he watches Sebastian grow impatient as the years go by. Sebastian is good at holding his tongue, but that isn't enough to fool Ciel. They've spent every day at each other's side, after all. It's all in the way Sebastian looks at him. At their contract's inception, Ciel accepted his eventual death at Sebastian's hands. Ciel has always been Sebastian's prey, but he comes to recognise Sebastian as a predator. Sebastian wouldn't kill him, he can't kill him, but logic doesn't change how Ciel tenses when Sebastian stands too close. He can't shake the fear that today will be the day Sebastian can't hold himself back. That Sebastian will lunge at him and sink his teeth into one of his vitals. All before Ciel has accomplished anything. While he's still nothing—nothing but cheap meat for a ravenous dog.
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countlessrealities · 7 months
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@amischiefofmuses sent: "Things are going to stay the same forever if you won't talk about it." [Fizz to Blitz]
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Blitzo grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, shooting a halfhearted glare at his childhood. He knew that the jester was just trying to help, but the thing was that he had his own method to deal with his problems. Namely ignoring them for as long as possible and drinking them away.
...So what if he got poor results out of it most of the time? On the very short term it worked like a charm.
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"Yeah? So, what, oh wise one? Are you sayin' that they'll miraculously fix themselves, if I talk about them?" He deadpanned, making a show of rolling his eyes. "'Cause I don't fuckin' think so."
He looked away, frowning down at his glass for a moment before letting out a sigh. He was in a bad mood, just a little more than he usually was, but he shouldn't be taking it out on Fizzarolli. No wonder nobody stuck around when that was how he always ended up treating them.
"Seriously, Fizz, I'm fine." Not by most people's definition, but he was for his messed up standards. "I have only complicated, shitty relationships and basically no friends...at least before you and I made up. But it's no big deal, really. I'm used to it. Plus, I get paid to kill motherfuckers and that does fuckin' wonders for any pent-up frustration, y'know?"
If there was one thing he had gotten right, that was his current line of work.
"Look, I appreciate the concern, but seriously...there's no need, alright? You already have your shit to deal with, no need to bother with mine when it's not a problem."
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Continues from [x] with @yuriko-tsukino-rp
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“Oh, you were not rude, Yuriko-chan. It was not your fault at all…” – ( "It is not your fault that I am "what" I am and that I am not related by blood to Karlheinz-sama.") Nunnally could not blame her friend for being…curious? How could she know that was something Nunnally was never comfortable talking about – “You are all good, Yuriko-chan. There is no need to feel bad about that. Everyone…everyone knows I am not a vampire. It’s not a secret that…” – it was not a secret; everyone knew it so why it was still something so hard to talk about? Perhaps she should be proud about it? And Nunnally was in a way, but there was still that pain deep inside that her biological parents didn't want her – “It’s not a secret that my father adopted me when I was a little girl. He found me and rescued me. He made me his.” – she was saying everything in a gentle voice; she did not want to make Yuriko feel bad. Nunnally truly thought she overreacted back then, although, indeed, it would have been better if Yuriko had never asked.
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The last sentence, however, was said in a different voice. It was firmer, perhaps louder, as if Nunnally wanted to make it clear. To make it a statement. Yes, she was not Karlheinz-sama biological child, but she was the one he had chosen to be his. His daughter. And although, Nunnally would prefer things to be otherwise, she also found proud (and strength) that he had chosen her. He wanted her. He never neglected her. As he did with his sons.
“Please, Yuriko-chan, please stop apologizing…it’s okay…we can talk about it…one day…Back then your question came as a surprise. But now we should focus on all you and the special day.” – Nunnally smiled to Yuriko trying to convince her friend that everything was in order. Although Yuriko’s last words made Nunnally uncertain again and her bright smile dropped. The blond girl stuttered: --
“W-what do you mean by that?” – that she did not care that where Nunnally came from? Did it mean that she did not think Nunnally is who she is? Karlheinz-sama’s daughter? – “What do you mean by this…Yuriko-chan…? 
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altschmerzes · 1 year
Hey there. I am so sorry I triggered you with my response. I had nooo Idea you had abusive parents, I would habe never written that message. I just saw this today (I am not even following you) because of a wonderfull fic of your's I read and I looked you up on tumblr and the post (without the background knowledge I have now) just seemed like a "how annoying are my parents" situation post. Very sorry and I will be sure not to write you again. Just a question- did you ever consider that a new follower or someone how is just in addoration of your fics might stumble across a comment of yours and not have the whole background story and be so insensitive? Not that this is suppossed to make it better, I was astonished though that you thougt someone would write this with knowing the background story (I even wrote i think that I have no Idea how your realtionship is). I will make sure now, to never comment on something I have no clear insight in, that was a big mistake and incosiderated. If it helps, I feel super bad now and at the same time sad for you (for having such a bad moment because of me) and for me (that somone would actually think so low of me, though it does not compare to your problem at all, mine is more a mood, not a problem). have a better day and I am very sorry again. (And my englisch is not so good I am a native spanisch speaker, hope I get across what I meant)
oh i absolutely never assumed you knew anything about my or my situation. it's even in the tags of my original answer. i have repeatedly made it clear that whether or not you know anything about me or my parents is irrelevant. that is the problem. you do not get to lecture strangers about how they talk about their parents. it is just as egregious a massive overstep and insensitively cruel decision to lecture me about it not knowing fuckall about me or my situation as it would be to do it with full knowledge. not knowing anything about me or my parents or the way they abused me is a very clear indication that anything i have to say about them or how 'annoying' i might seem to be finding them is absolutely none of your fucking business.
did you ever consider that it might be extremely insensitive and inappropriate to shame a stranger for how they feel about their parents when you do not know anything about their situation or their life experiences? just a question.
also, people say that stuff to abuse victims all the time knowing full well what's happened to us. it's not a stretch at all. i have had people say directly to me that i should be glad it wasn't worse and my parents are obviously trying, and i can't possibly understand since i'm not a parent yet myself how hard it is to raise a kid. i've had people say all of what you said and much worse while knowing extensive details of what my parents did to me. i've had this come from friends. i envy whatever world you live in where nobody would think to say those things to an abuse victim with the full knowledge they're an abuse victim.
it happens all the time. usually because society has conditioned people to hear stories about conflict of any kind between a parent and child, including adult children, real or fictional or anything, and automatically put themselves in the parent's shoes. it's instinct for so many people to take a parent's side when they do not know, i'll repeat again, fuckall about the situation. it's part of how abuse victims are marginalized and retraumatized and disrespected on a systemic level. children are property, and whiny property at that, and parents are full, complex, rounded people. things like this make it perfectly obvious that this is the case in the minds of way too many.
do some reflecting on your behaviour and your choices. don't do this shit again. do better.
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erabundus · 2 years
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never  let  yourself  love  anything!  (  never  let  yourself  be  loved!  )  violently  repress  the  inevitable  demise  of  what  slips  stubbornly  through  the  cracks!  who  said  coping  needed  to  be  HARD?
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
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Has Tweek ever struck someone in anger?
Yes -- sorry, Craig... haha!
Before they were together, Tweek and Craig beat the shit out of each other severely enough to put each other in the hospital. Then, when they were in the hospital, Tweek got out of bed and instigated another fight with Craig, enraged over something the main boys claimed Craig said about him. This was not the last fight the two of them got into in elementary school, either.
When the two of them got together, they mellowed out a little bit. However, the resentment over their situation resulted in rising tensions between each other, and in middle school, things escalated to violence between them again.
Tweek was the first one to lash out, not fully lucid at the time, scratching Craig's face while in the middle of a breakdown. Craig was quick to forgive Tweek for this, saying he didn't realize what he was doing and, therefore, could not be blamed.
However, while it started that way, Tweek soon figured out that violence felt good. It was a language people would actually listen to, after he spent years trying less severe ways of making his voice heard. He was frustrated, and he wanted to tear things apart, and the only things in arm's reach were himself and Craig.
Craig feels awful about his eventual retaliation, and he will defend Tweek's violence, saying he didn't know better. He has an excuse, unlike Craig. But if you ask Tweek, he will be remarkably candid about how intentional his abuse toward Craig was, and he will laugh and say that Craig "got him back good."
They put each other in the hospital again at 15, which is what led to their breakup.
In elementary school, Tweek was one of the least violent kids in school, often avoiding confrontation entirely. It scared him, and when he did get into scraps, he was rarely ever the instigator, usually just defending himself against the other children.
As he ages, Tweek becomes more prone to lashing out violently, or at least threatening people when they provoke him. He is no longer terrified of confrontation and, in fact, becomes very strong-willed as an adult -- at what cost to everyone else, though? Ha!
His teen and early adult verses see him much more willing to start fights with the people who anger him, and he doesn't fight clean, either. In his later adult verse, he mellows out a little bit into a "do no harm but take no shit" kind of person. He learns to assert himself more without the use of violence, but he's still not against it in more extreme cases.
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