#sorry coah i don’t really care
umhiimv · 1 year
sakusa, daichi, saeko, and miwa have all been told to spit out their gum during practice. did they do it? yes. will they chew gum again? absolutely.
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daisahi · 5 years
overtime | tadashi yamaguchi x reader
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Summary: y/n and tadashi are co-workers, but they barely know each other and they both have to work through the holidays.
Words: 2,109
a/n: first tadashi scenario so please keep in mind I’m not that familiar with his character yet I hope you enjoy it!
Working at the nearby ramen shop wasn’t bad, it was quite decent really. You enjoyed the quietness and how kind the people were, they often left more money than what the bill said. In japan, it would seem offensive to other people if they tipped you, yet you didn’t find anything bad in it. Of course, you declined telling them it was okay they shook their heads each time and instead paid for a meal for you to have. 
You didn’t work alone, there was another person here that has worked much longer than you have. His name is Tadashi Yamaguchi, he was kind and had a smile on his face when customers came in. They always told him hello and sparked up a conversation with him. He was truly a kind person, you both exchanged some hellos and respected each other but weren’t really close. For you, it was fine as long as he was kind that was all that mattered but you did wish you could treat him like a friend. 
“Good morning!” the owner exclaimed as he walked in through the door, “Morning sir.” you responded smiling softly. “It’s good to see you again sir.” Yamaguchi said. “You both are always on time that’s why I would like to ask you a favor.” his voice turned serious as well as his facial expression “Is everything alright?” your coworker asked as he went to the front of the counter, you then followed right after him. 
“Everything is fine don’t you worry!” he exclaimed chuckling as he folded his arms in front of his chest. “I actually wanted to ask you if you can work during new year’s eve assuming if you can.” 
You turned to look at him wondering what he might say, Yamaguchi, did the same thing seeing if you’d agree. “I-I don’t mind really...I can spend the next day with my family.” 
“Same, I don’t mind working we don’t have plans except just eating food so.” you responded chuckling lightly, he then clapped his hand together beaming with happiness. “Great! I promise you will get extra pay, I will need to leave this to you though. Do you think you’ll be able to handle it?” 
“Do you have somewhere urgent to go?” you asked, “My flight got changed earlier and I need to head back home to visit my family. I apologize for not asking earlier.” 
“Don’t you worry sir! We have everything under control.” he laughed noticing Yamaguchi’s enthusiasm. 
‘Maybe this might help for the two of us to get to know each other better.’ 
The day then came, your boss explained to you how to lock up and make sure everything was turned off. Once that was done Yamaguchi and you waved goodbye to him as he got in the taxi. 
“Well let’s get to work for today.” he said, you nodded following him inside. Your job was to wash the everyday knives and spoons along with the forks to make sure they were sanitized. Yamaguchi was sweeping and cleaning the tables, although it was cleaned from last night it was a routine for you to get everything ready. 
It was silent no customers have come in yet making you the only two people there. He turned around watching as you occupied yourself with your cleaning duties, all this time he had been wanting to get to know you more but he didn’t know how to begin a conversation. 
You turned your head feeling someone staring at you to your surprise it was him. Light pink dust began to cover cheeks, making you aware of how you moved. “I-Is there...something I-I um can help you with...Yamaguchi?...” 
His cheeks then turned red as he looked off to the side, his finger lightly scratched the spot near his lips. “N-No...I-I...um it’s just I was wondering if you probably had plans to go see the temple today...” 
You tucked a piece of hair that was covering your eyes, “Yeah...it’s a tradition for me and my family to go around midnight to see the fireworks display.” you began to wonder why he all of a sudden began to ask but it was nice that he decided to start the conversation. 
“What about you?...” you questioned placing the piece of cloth on the table, “Yeah I was supposed to go there with a couple of my friends from volleyball our coach even offered to take us too.” 
“That must be nice going there together with your friends. I didn’t know you played volleyball...what position do you play?...” his eyes looked down to the brown floors, “I...I don’t really have a position right now...I don’t suck at volleyball but I’m not that good at it either. I have been practicing though! My serves are getting better...I hope to play in a game soon...” 
“Talent doesn’t happen overnight.” you said, “If you are dedicated as to how you are sounding to be then you’ll be an excellent volleyball player...it’s not easy having to improve ahead of everyone because someone will always be better...but giving up is not an option either.” 
He didn’t know what to say, he was afraid to reveal what his position was. His skills didn’t compare to his captain’s or the two dominant players, Kageyama and Hinata, not even Tsukishima. Yamaguchi was about to respond when two customers came in. 
“Welcome to ramenlicious! Happy New Year’s Eve!” you exclaimed bowing at them in a respectful manner, they smiled responding with “hello happy new year’s eve to you too” he stood by watching as you smiled happily to them. From a different point of view, you were a mystery as so was he but he wanted to know more at least to become friends rather than just coworkers. 
As the day went by more people kept rushing in, it wasn't only because of the famous noodles your boss created but you were pretty much the only restaurant open during New Year's Eve. Music was playing in the background, Yamaguchi wanted to make the atmosphere more enjoyable. You couldn't help but look at him from time to time, he was kind with the customers and those around him. Often making you wonder why you hadn't approached him before, sometimes being shy was such a curse.
"Can I get some more beer please?" a customer asked, "Right away!" you yelled as you finished getting the customers order. "I'll get it don't worry." Yamaguchi said as he held the tray with food, "Thank you!" you smiled softly sighing in relief. The shop was packed with foreigners and local people making it a busy night for both of you.
Since then you haven't been able to speak to him only smiled softly at him when you passed by. The shop was bound to close soon, he hoped you both would have time to sit and talk after such a busy day. A sound was then heard coming from the door, you both turned around to greet a group of boys dressed in sports uniform. "Welcome to ramenlicious! Happy New Year's Eve!"
"Tadashi? I didn't know you work here." a man with a bandana and blonde spikey hair spoke, "C-Coah Ukai! What are you guys doing here?" Yamaguchi asked, "We heard from Tsukishima that you were working today so we decided to visit you!" a short red-headed guy exclaimed as he smiled widely at him. "O-Oh! You guys didn't have to come." said feeling embarrassed, "It's New Year's Eve we made a plan and we're not going to leave you alone." someone else said, "Thanks Tsuki."
"Is this your co-worker Tadashi?!" you jumped a bit back feeling shy that they were talking about you now. "You're scaring her a bit Nishinoya!" Yamaguchi exclaimed you shook your head "N-No! It's okay I'm okay Yamaguchi." you smiled softly at how caring he was. "The names Tanaka you're so pretty!" he suddenly said, "I-I uh thank you."
"Calm down Tanaka you're going to freak her out." a silver-headed said, "Sorry about him he's a lot kinder, I'm Koshi Sugawara." he said bowing and in result making everyone from the team bow down with him as well. "I'm (y/n) (l/n) it's very nice to finally meet Yamaguchi's teammates."
"Can I please have shio ramen without seaweed please?!" the red-headed exclaimed making you laugh, "Of course! Choose where you'd like to sit and I'll take your order."
"I'll get the order don't worry." Yamaguchi said, "Are you sure?" you asked and he nodded following the group. Another customer then called you over grabbing your attention. You went over and kept attending the rest of the customers.
The night was growing colder by the minute, most of the customers were already gone. Since it was New Year's Eve you both decided to leave the shop open in case customers decided to come in. Yamaguchi's teammates stayed for the rest of the night, laughing and talking about their future games. He had insisted that he'd help, you denied his offer and let him enjoy his time with them. From time to time you went over and they sparked up a conversation asking different questions about you. Yamaguchi was kind enough to make you feel comfortable about answering them.
Once the last customers left you began cleaning up the tables. "Hey have you gotten something to eat?" you turned your head to see Sawamura the captain of the team. "I haven't yet but I will once I finish-" he shook his head and took the tray from you, "Get something to eat first, we can help with whatever you both need to do. You deserve a break (l/n)." Yamaguchi then looked over at the both of you, he nodded at Daichi and he stood up. "I can make something for you what would you like?"
"How about I help you?" you said, "It would be rude to not help you." he shook his head "It's the least I can do I enjoyed my time with my friends thanks to you." you finally gave in he then went into the kitchen and began to prepare your dish.
"Is he a good co-worker?" Asahi asked, "He's very kind, we work well together." you said, "But are you guys friends?" Hinata asked as he ate his leftover ramen, making you chuckle. "Eat Hinata or else you're going to choke." Sugawara said sighing. "We do talk but I don't know if we are friends...I'm a bit shy so it's kinda hard for me to spark up a conversation."
"I see, he doesn't bite though he is shy too." Tsukishima said, "Overall if you want to talk to him just do it even a hello is enough."
"Yeah...but he's just so kind and I want the conversation to keep going. I would like to get to know him better." you mumbled, "W-Well...that's how i-uh I uh feel the same way...I know I can be awkward but I'd like to get to know you better." your cheeks flushed a light pink hearing his response, he placed your food down. Daichi moved to the side and sat down next to Kageyama so Yamaguchi could sit next to you.
"Well since there aren't any other customers why don't we clean up boys?" Ukai said, everybody then got up leaving you both alone. You took a deep breath and smiled softly at him, "Thank you for the food." he gave you a nod making him smile softly.
The food was delicious, it melted in your mouth so well. All the flavors from the chicken and seaweed made it even better, "This is really good Yamaguchi."
"I-...ah thanks." he chuckled rubbing the back of his head, "Is ramen your favorite food?" you nodded smiling, "Ever since I was a little girl it's been my favorite dish my dad used to give it to me when my mom was off working it would be our own secret. I have many memories and believe it or not it was the first food I tried when I was little...well uncooked."
"You didn't get food poisoning?!" he exclaimed you chuckled lightly "Unfortunately I haven't had a stomachache since then."
"Well that's something you don't hear every day." he commented, "Yeah weeellll..."
He then chuckled at your reaction, you couldn't help but giggle along with him. Never did you think this day would come. After working for a year here progress was finally made maybe it was your new year's eve wish coming true. You hoped that this newfound friendship would be cherished. You for sure would thank the guys with free food next time, if it weren't for them this wouldn't have happened.
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thecameronowens · 7 years
The Bet [Cameron & Noah]
Noah looked at Cameron making sure the siren was watching as he slowly took his clothes off. Getting completely naked he walked over to where he kept his toys and took out of one of the bigger remaining ones out. He looked back at Cameron as he licked the dildo slowly before taking it in his mouth and putting on a show for Cameron. Getting on the bed he opens his legs so Cameron could see everything and when the toy was nice and wet, Noah slowly pushed it inside, moaning loudly at the intrusion. He didn't give himself much time to adjust as he turned the toy on and rammed it inside of him.
Cameron watches Noah play with the toys as he starts to think of Noah’s punishment. He already knew that the toys were going to have to go after he saw Noah start to play with them before his very eyes but if Noah wanted to play with the toys inside of Cameron’s cock, then Cameron wouldn’t allow Noah to have that pleasure until he deserved it. As Noah started to thrust the toy in and out of himself Cameron went over and took all the toys out of the room, effectively hiding them where not even Noah would know where they went before returning to the bedroom.
Noah clenched tightly around the toy as he moved the toy faster, making sure it abused his sweet spot. The siren had never been this horny before, he knew it was mostly due to his pregnancy, but with Liam it was never like this. He just wanted Cameron to fuck him constantly. One round was never enough and he knew Cam could smell his arousal, but the other chose to tease him and keep waiting. And his patience was also something that had greatly changed due to his pregnancy. He didn't bother moaning out Cam's name as he felt his orgasm quickly approaching.
The siren just watches as Noah used the toy to orgasm and was extremely unhappy with Noah at the moment. Cameron goes over and takes the toy away from Noah before marching out of the room and hiding it with the rest before returning back to the room before Noah could even get off the bed. “No sex for you. You used your toys when I told you no, so now this is your punishment.” He replies before going to Liam’s room to tend to Liam.
Noah was so close before he felt his toy being rudely ripped away from him. "Cameron what the fuck?" He asked watching the other march back into the room. Rolling his eyes after listening to Cam he quickly got off the bed stopping Cameron from leaving. "Stop being childish and give me my toy back." He said. "You're punishment is stupid. Even with all of my toys gone I can still orgasm."
“No toy. You might think it is stupid but I did warn you of what would happen if you didn’t listen. You might still be able to orgasm but you know that it won’t feel as good as my cock pounding into you.” He smirks before moving the other away from the door. “If you excuse me, Liam is upset so I should go and comfort him. I am sure he wants Coah to be put in his crib so I will be right back.”
"You're joking right? You have to be. You are going to punish your pregnant fiancé who is having mood swings like crazy and just wants to fuck you? I get it you're trying to work in saying no and staying true to that and that's cute but you're going to take sex away completely?" Noah just shook his head, before taking a deep breath. "You take away sex I take away talking to you. So go help Liam, I have something I need to take care of."
“You had the choice of me or the toys and you choose the toys, don’t get mad at me for what you had decided even when I told you what the consequences were going to be. No sex until you earned it back and the longer you don’t talk to me and ignore me and try to use anything you can is just longer you don’t get your ass pounded like you want me to do.” Cameron replies. “You thought I couldn’t keep to my word and I am proving to you that I can.”
Noah just ignored Cameron and turned away from him as he could feel himself getting angry. His low patience showing as he stuck by his word and stayed silent. Heading to the bathroom he closed the door and turned on the shower.
Cameron had to take everything in him not to go back and kiss the other until they were smiling again. He was to teach himself to say no and this was one of the ways that he was going to do it.
Noah took a really cold shower before getting dressed, making it a point to it not wear one of Cam's shirts to bed. Continuing to ignore Cam, he discard the boy walking back into the room after taking care of Liam and sat on the bed grabbing one of the books off the shelve and starting to read.
The male watches as Noah ignores him and just waits for Noah to cave in eventually. Cameron had patience when it came to Noah and he knew that in due time Noah would eventually come around.
Noah didn't really read his book as he couldn't help the whole situation  between the two was stupid, but knowing he was to stubborn to go back on his word now. Setting the book on the nightstand, he got situated in bed before turning to face away from Cam.
The older male pouted when Noah faced away from him. Still Cameron, wiggled closer so that he was cuddling Noah even though the other wasn’t facing him. Just because he banned the sex didn’t mean that he should ban cuddles either.
Noah didn't move away from Cameron as the other cuddled against him because he loved Cameron's cuddles but he still wasn't talking to him. Letting a few minutes past, Noah could feel his need growing again and he couldn't stop himself from grinding against Cameron even though he knew the siren said he wasn't going to help him.
Cameron’s eyes widened as he felt Noah grinding back against him. “Nope, it’s time for bed baby remember? No sex until you apologize for using your toys.” He replies while looking at the other as he kisses down Noah’s neck. “So are you sorry baby?”
Noah bit his lip as he tried to stay quiet when he felt Cameron kiss down his neck. Continuing to grind back against the other he shook his head indicating no. The siren wanted the other so bad but he was not going to be the one to break first.
The siren let his hands wander down the front of Noah’s body before starting to slowly stroke the other. “Are you sure about that baby? Because the quicker you apologize and the quicker you tell me that you don’t need those toys….the sooner that you can have my cock in your ass just the way you like it. Constantly hitting your sweet spot making you see stars.” He smirks as he talks in a deep seductive voice that he knew Noah would have a hard time refusing.
Noah moaned softly as he heard the other's words and felt Cam's hand around his cock. Cameron always knew what to say to get him turned on especially when he talked in that voice. He knew Noah couldn't resist when he talked like that. Cussing softly he caved, "Daddy please....I'm sorry okay? Please I need you so bad. I'm so sorry I used the toys it was stupid. They aren't as good as you. I never cum as hard as I do with you, please show me how I should be fucked. Punish me daddy, so you're the only thing I feel for weeks."
“You know that daddy is going to make you so sore that you will need to be carried around everywhere because of how sore that tight ass of yours is going to be pounded since you need to be punished.” Cameron purrs before flipping Noah and pushing the other’s legs apart as he didn’t hesitate to slam into the other. He made sure to push himself all the way into Noah so that Noah could feel every inch of him as he abused and constantly pounded against Noah’s prostate not allowing Noah to adjust at all.
A surge of excitement followed through Noah as he heard Cameron's words before he gasped as he was flipped over. The younger siren couldn't stop himself from moaning loudly as Cam slammed into him giving him no time to adjust. "Oh shit daddy!" The sting of intrusion quickly turned into indescribable pleasure as Cam abused his prostate causing Noah to claw at the other's back as he moved his hips to meet the other's thrusts. "Right there daddy don't stop! Fuck you feel so fucking good! Harder daddy. Please..."
Cameron lets his hand come up as his fingers wrap around Noah’s neck and give it a slight squeeze. “You are daddy’s little slut aren’t you baby? Those toys will never feel as good as daddy’s cock isn’t that right? Who do you prefer better baby? Tell daddy.” He purrs while quickening the pace slightly as he pinned Noah’s hips in place while doing so with his free hand.
Noah could tell he would have bruises for a while after this but he couldn't have been more turned on and okay with whatever Cam was doing. He loved seeing Cam like this. "Yes I'm such a huge slut for daddy's cock. I only want you." Feeling the knot growing in the pit of his stomach he arched his back as he clenched around Cam. "You daddy! I prefer you! Please let me cum. Let me show daddy what a huge slut I am for his cock. Shit...let me cum daddy."
The boy could feel his own orgasm approaching as he started to move his hips even faster as he felt himself starting to peak. “Fuck baby boy, cum for daddy. Squeeze that tight ass around daddy’s cock, milk daddy of all his cum just like the little cum slut you are.” He groans while tightening the grip slightly knowing that the sensation would make Noah feel even better.
Cam's words were more than enough to push Noah over the edge. Clenching around Cameron tightly he came hard across his chest with a mix of loud moans and his fiancé's name. The orgasm knocking the wind out of him and causing the boy to see stars as he moaned at Cameron still fucking him. "Cum daddy. I need it. Treat me like the cum slut I am daddy, I want to feel your cum dripping out of my ass so I beg you to lick it up for me."
Cameron doesn’t hold back as he thrusts deep in Noah as he came. He rode out his orgasm and could already see the cum starting to drip out of Noah causing him to bite his lip at the sight. He made his way between the male’s legs as he started to eat out Noah’s ass and cleaning up every last drop from inside of Noah making sure he was very thorough, his eyes never leaving Noah’s as he did so.
Noah moaned softly as he felt the other's cum painting his walls, he could tell the other came hard as he saw Cameron watching his ass and biting his lip. Watching Cameron move down his body he bit his lip as he knew what was coming. His hand immediately came down to tug on the sirens hair as Cam ate him out. The eye contact making the whole thing ten times sexier and making it impossible to not get hard again. "Don't stop daddy, your tongue feels so good." He whimpered bucking his hips as he threw his head back.
Cameron continued to eat Noah out as he watched the boy wiggle under his touch. His hands pin the boy’s hips down as he licks up every last drop before pulling back and licking his lips. He then makes his way up to Noah’s chest where he started to clean the other off of their cum while making sure that Noah saw how good it tasted. “Mhm you taste so sweet baby.” He purrs.
Noah couldn't control his hips as Cameron continued to eat him out and the moans that flooded out of his mouth only increased as the other held down his hips. Watching Cam he bit his lip as the other licked his stomach clean of the cum. "I'm hard again daddy. That was so fucking hot." He moaned pulling the boy in for a heated kiss, moaning at the taste of himself on Cam's tongue.
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