#sorry for posting twice in a row I’m being Extremely Normal about this update
enteragoodnamehere · 1 year
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Look at this Thang!!!!
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Heal Me, Kill Me Ch.2
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x reader
Genre— Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire Hunter!reader, ANGST, mild smut +18, comedy (i tried), fluff in this chapter
Warnings— Oral (m receiving), good ol making out
Word Count— 7.5k
Summary— You’re one of the best vampire hunters in the world. That’s to be expected when your parents are the best of the best. Your life had solely revolved around ruthlessly killing vampires. You were essentially a cold blooded machine. However, things take a turn once you meet Kim Taehyung, your latest target.
A/N— Huge shoutout to @dee-ehn for this beautiful banner! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, please let me know what you think! Things are starting to get spicy~
You’ve never looked forward to a day of work more than today. Happily making your way to the shop, you found yourself daydreaming about Taehyung. He seemed to be slowly warming up to you throughout the course of yesterday. Maybe he’ll trust you enough to...to what?
Normally you’d automatically kill your targets as soon as you’d earn their trust (but maybe after indulging in some promiscuous activities). But this time around, your mind didn’t go there. You genuinely wanted him to trust you. Why? You had no clue.
You shook the question away. You’ll deal with that problem when you get there. For now, you’ll just take it one step at a time. The first step is officially gaining Taehyung’s trust. 
Humming as you unlocked the front door, you’re unaware of the clouds looming overhead. You prep the store for customers (which you rarely get). The stack of orders had been cut in half thanks to Taehyung’s help. Maybe you could get through all of them together by the end of the day.
Yoongi was right. This alibi was a lot easier and surprisingly, a lot more fun to use. It was more freeing. It gave you the illusion of a normal life. 
  The door chimed.
“Welcome in!” you greeted.
“Good morning, ___,” Taehyung returned your greeting.
“Taehyung! You came!” you beamed.
“I said I would. I always keep my word,” a small smile cracked onto Taehyung’s usually stoic face.
“You think we can finish all of these today?” you waved the orders in his face.
“If you don’t slow me down, definitely,” Taehyung nodded.
“Excuse me? How dare you!” you feigned being upset.
“Oh, I was trying to joke with you. Did I upset you?” Taehyung’s smile disappeared, his eyebrows furrowing with concern.
“Oh my gosh, I know! I was playing along with you, silly boy,” you laughed. 
“Ah, now I’m embarrassed. Truth be told, I don’t get out much. I’m sure you can tell,” Taehyung took the orders from you.
“Honestly, me too. I don’t have any friends,” you confessed.
Why was it so easy to talk to Taehyung? Never in a million years would you divulge any personal details, and yet here you were. 
“Really?” Taehyung seemed surprised, “You seem like the type of person to befriend anything that breathes.”
“Are you teasing me again?” you asked as you gathered the flowers for the first bouquet of the day.
“No, I meant it as a compliment. After all, you managed to get me out of my house. That’s an impressive feat,” Taehyung took the flowers from you. 
“Is it? I wouldn’t know. Because apparently I ‘don’t know you’. But thanks, I guess?” you watched him expertly arrange the flowers in a decadent vase.
“Let’s change that then. Let’s see how much we can learn about each other in one day,” Taehyung stopped what he’s doing to look at you. 
There it goes. Your heart skips a beat again. The kindness in his eyes did something to you that you couldn’t explain. You know you have to lie. Everything you tell him has to be a lie. You knew that. And yet.
“Sure, let’s do it. I’ll start. I’m a dog person. I love dogs!” you smiled. 
Ok, that’s not a lie, but it’s also not important. No harm done. 
“Me too! Ok, off to a good start. What’s your favorite breed?” Taehyung asked excitedly.
That was the start of a never ending conversation. You haven’t had a genuine conversation in ages. Granted, it was all surface level topics, but that didn’t make it any less special. Time flew by as each bouquet was completed. It was nightfall before you knew it.
“We did it!” you exclaimed.
All of the orders had been completed. Once again, vases were scattered all around the shop. You sank down and sat against the counter. It had been a long day. 
Taehyung followed suit, sinking down beside you. He was only a few inches away, yet part of you wished he had sat closer.
“Indeed. And we did it together,” Taehyung smiled at you. 
“Thanks, Taehyung,” you extend your hand towards him.
Taehyung formally shakes it. You sat in silence for a few moments.
“I guess you don’t need me to come by anymore, huh? Now that all of the orders have been completed?” Taehyung asked quietly.
“You’re always welcome here,” you paused for a brief moment, “Hey, how well do you think we know each other now?” you scoot closer to him.
“I’d say that you probably know me better than anyone else by now. No one else knows that I tried to play the saxophone. Thank god, I was terrible at it,” he chuckled, also scooting closer to you. 
“I’ll carry that to my grave, I swear. No one else knows that I love kpop. And it better stay that way,” you playfully glared at him.
“I wouldn’t dare do anything to anger you. I don’t think I’d be able to handle your bad side,” Taehyung patted your head.
His soft gesture made you smile. He was so close to you, your knees were practically touching. You lean closer to him. He leans in ever so slowly. Instead of meeting you in the middle, he gently kisses your forehead. His cold lips left a lasting impression. 
“You’re too sweet, ___. I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered.
“Why would you hurt me?” you looked at him with doe eyes.
“I can’t really explain. I just...don’t want to see you get hurt,” he stroked your cheek. 
“I don’t think anyone can hurt me while you’re around,” you replied. 
That was a beautiful answer, one that would make any vampire fall prey to your fake innocence. Usually, you’d say anything to make them fall for your clutches. This time, you even had yourself falling for your own lie. You felt safe next to Taehyung, as if you were meant to be by his side.
“Well then, ___, if you’re so sure about that,” he said as he stood up, “Will you go on a date with me?” 
“I would be a fool to say no,” you answered as he helped you up.
You loaded up the cart with the last of the bouquet orders. It was a joyful walk to and from the post office. The night sky was speckled with stars. The air was fresh and crisp. You found yourself skipping alongside Taehyung as he effortlessly pulled the heavy cart.
“May I pick you up for our date tomorrow?” he asked, as you both stood in front of the flower shop. 
“Tomorrow? We’re moving pretty quickly,” you observed.
“I’m sorry, am I being too forward? I can wait, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Taehyung took your hand.
“No! You’re fine, Taehyung. You’re such a sweetheart. I’m joking, silly. Yes, tomorrow is perfect. It’s supposed to still be all rainy and gross right?” you laced your fingers between his.
“Yes, it’s like that practically year round here. That’s why I like this place. Can I have your address?” 
“Of course, I can text it to you.”
“I don’t have a phone.”
“Dude, what? It’s the 21st century.”
“I don’t like technology. I suppose you can call me old fashioned.”
“You must be. Old man,” you chuckled as you wrote down your address on a piece of paper. 
“I’m not that old,” Taehyung said defensively.
“Oh, c’mon. I guess a couple hundred years isn’t that old,” you say. 
“W-what?” Taehyung’s eyes widened.
“Joking! Taehyung, you’re too uptight,” you playfully nudged him. 
“Ah, aha ha yes. Good one,” Taehyung forced a nervous laugh. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, goodnight!” you say.
“Goodnight, ___. I’ll see you on the morrow,” Taehyung bowed. 
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You’re still ecstatic by the time you get back to the cottage. You’re going on a date! A real life date! I mean, sure, it’s with the person you’re supposed to assassinate, but that part can wait. You haven’t been on a date since...well never. You’d grown accustomed to charming but empty flirtations and one night stands. This time, it actually felt genuine. 
Part of you is beyond excited at the prospect of a real date, but a different part of you is begging you to stop. That part of you wants you to get this over with as soon as possible. Getting too connected with your target will only cause problems later on, you know that. 
‘I can let myself have a little fun. I deserve that much,’ you try to tell yourself. 
A phone call interrupted your thoughts. 
“Hello?” you answered.
“How’d it go? Did you kill him yet? Why haven’t you called?” Yoongi immediately bombarded you with questions. 
“Yoongi, slow down. Today was fine. No, I haven’t killed him yet. I just got back. Also, check in calls are to be made BY the hunter once or twice a week. I’ve talked to you two days in a row this week,” you say, audibly annoyed.
“This mission is different. Your target is extremely dangerous. Do you want me to send in reinforcements?”
“No, I can handle this on my own. I think it’ll take some time to gain Taehyung’s trust.”
“Taehyung. My target’s name.”
“You know that probably a fake name, right?”
“I know, I know. I’m just giving you a heads up that I may be here a while,” you sighed.
Honestly, you felt certain that his real name was Kim Taehyung. You felt certain that everything he’s told you so far is the truth. You’d acquired the useful skill of correctly sensing when someone was lying (many many years of training), but you saw no such signs with Taehyung.
“I appreciate that, I guess. Call me with every update. When are you seeing the target again? Why didn’t you kill him today?” Yoongi pressed more questions.
“I don’t know when I’m seeing him next. We finished all of the orders today, but I told him he’s always welcome in the shop. I’ll be waiting on him to pop by,” you lied, “I couldn’t kill him today because he still never let his guard down,” another lie.
“This guy sounds tricky as hell. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to seduce you yet. Or is there something you’re not telling me?” Yoongi’s voice raised with suspicion.
“No, this guy is incredibly aloof for a vampire. It’s gonna be a challenge to get him to trust me, but I can do it,” you reassured him.
“Alright. I’ll believe you for now. Don’t hesitate to call. Bye,” Yoongi hung up.
He must really be worried. He never says ‘bye’. He usually just abruptly hangs up. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to tell Yoongi the truth. He would have admonished you for not finishing the job quickly. Suddenly, you began to second guess yourself. Should you go on a date with him? Maybe you should just surprise attack him as soon as he knocks on your door. 
You shook your head. This was stupid. Yoongi was stupid for making you worry. You have everything under control. You might as well enjoy the job while you can. The most important thing to remember is to NOT catch feelings, and you know that. You won’t. You can’t afford to.
You slept in the next morning. Since all the orders had been completed, there was no need to visit the shop. You naturally woke up when the sunlight shone through the blinds, slightly illuminating the room. 
Sitting at your breakfast table with a coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other, you realized that Taehyung never told you when he’d come pick you up. You’d normally assume that he’d pick you up in the evening, but you never know with Taehyung.
You hop into the shower after eating. Getting ready early never hurt anyone. You skim through your closet after you finish showering. You’ve never worn anything cute for a date before. Technically, you could call all your clubbing and partying outfits ‘cute’, but that’s more of a promiscuous cute, not a first date cute.
You try out a style that you’ve always wanted to wear, but never had the opportunity to. You pair an oversized sweater with a simple but flowy skirt. After applying some light makeup, you genuinely felt cute. You twirled in front of your mirror. 
It was early afternoon by the time you finished getting ready. As if by magic, there was a knock on the door as soon as you put on your last accessory. 
‘Hi Taehyung!” you greeted him.
“Good day, ___,” he politely greeted back.
The early morning sun retreated behind dark clouds by the time the afternoon came by. Taehyung held an umbrella over his head as he stood on your doorstep.
“Come in! I just finished getting ready. I actually had no idea what time you’d arrive,” you ushered him in.
“I realized I never told you by the time I got back to my house. I felt so foolish,” Taehyung blushed, “But it seems like I had the perfect timing.”
“Mhm, we must be connected by fate or something,” you giggled. 
“Do you believe in fate?” Taehyung asked, awkwardly standing just inside the threshold of your cottage. 
“Sure, I guess. Life is more fun when you believe in things like that,” you replied, taking his hand to lead him into the living room, “Make yourself at home.”
“Thank you. What do you mean by ‘things like that’?” Taehyung asked after sitting down. 
“Things like fate? Uh, I guess other supernatural things? Would that fall in the supernatural category?” you didn’t know how to answer.
“Most people think of demons or ghosts when they hear the word ‘supernatural’,” Taehyung answered.
“Ok, then maybe it’s some sort of omnipresent power. Who knows. Either way, life is easier if you believe in more things than the shit you can see,” you shrugged.
“Do you believe in supernatural things too?” he asked quietly.
“Like demons or ghosts?” you sat down beside him.
“Sure. Maybe even monsters too. Like werewolves or vampires,” he cast his gaze to the floor. 
“Werewolves or vampires? I don’t think those exist, silly. Or if they do, I’ve never met one,” you laugh.
What was he trying to do? Vampires never expose their true identities until their prey is on death’s doorstep. Is he about to attack?
Your body clenches up. You’re unarmed at the moment. The closest weapon to you is in your room, which is more than 15 feet away. If he attacks you right now, you’re dead. How could you be so stupid? You can’t believe that you let your guard down. 
“Hopefully you never meet one then, if they do exist. I’m sure they’re quite scary,” Taehyung nodded, interrupting your thoughts, “I wanted to take you on a picnic, but the storm outside says otherwise. I brought the food too. Would you like to eat it here?”
“A picnic? Aw, that would have been so cute. Sure, we can eat here. Do you wanna watch a movie while we eat?”
“We can watch a movie after we eat, if that’s okay with you. Again, I’m kind of old school, I guess. I apologize for not being able to take you on a proper date,” he frowned.
You set up your breakfast table as Taehyung retrieved the food. He came back with a stereotypical wicker basket. God, a picnic date would have put you over the moon.
“I made hamburgers. I brought the add ons since I don’t know what you like on them,” he brought out the food, “I also brought fruit and a bottle of wine. Do you drink?”
“I drink occasionally. This all looks incredible. You cook?” you gawked at all the food.
“Occasionally. I grew these fruits myself,” Taehyung looked rather proud of himself as he showed off his strawberries.
He picked one and brought it up to your face to let you examine it. It was a rather small strawberry, but it was as red as a cardinal. You reach forward to bite it, your lips grazing Taehyung’s fingers.
Taehyung let out a small gasp of surprise at your intimate gesture. Whether you were flirting or just being adorable, he couldn’t decipher. He hasn’t felt anything for anyone in centuries. Of every human he has encountered, you were by far the most intriguing.
“This is the sweetest strawberry I’ve ever had!” you cheered as your face contorted when the sugariness set in.
Taehyung laughed at you as he ate one himself, “I’m happy you like them. Please, help yourself to as many as you’d like. Eating them all by myself has been quite lonely.”
The table was finally set, and the meal was laid out beautifully. Taehyung reached out for hamburger buns when you smacked his hand away.
“Did I forget something--” he started to question.
“Phone eats first,” you explained, whipping out your phone to take pictures.
Once you were satisfied with your food photoshoot, you gestured for Taehyung to take his food. He shook his head disapprovingly at you but silently began making his burger. 
The medium rare patty was juicy (just the way you like it), and the vegetables tasted as if they had just been picked that morning. Taehyung watched you as you ate, hoping his food was enough to please you.
“How is it? Is everything to your liking? Is the meat too raw?” he asked in a rapid fire succession when he could no longer contain himself.
“Taehyung, this is honestly the best meal I’ve ever had. Everything seems so fresh! And the meat???” you pantomimed a chef’s kiss.
“Thank goodness,” Taehyung let out a long exhale as a wave of relief washed over him, “Would you like a glass of wine?”
“Maybe later,” you replied as you made your second burger.
“Okay. Just know that this pairs exquisitely with the burgers,” Taehyung said, already making his fourth one.
“Wine and burgers? That’s an odd pairing,” you raise an eyebrow at him.
“How would you know? You haven’t even tried it yet,” Taehyung scoffed.
Was he teasing you? Joking around with him felt so natural. You could get used to every meal being like this.
‘Wait. No. Don’t be so naive’, you scolded yourself.
“Ok fine! Pour me a glass so I can see for myself,” you rolled your eyes.
“I really only asked because I wanted to open the bottle already,” Taehyung grinned. 
With a now empty bottle and full stomachs, the two of you happily conversed across the table. Your laughs were genuine whenever Taehyung said something outlandish (which he often did). His gaze on you was nothing but fond as he examined your delicate features. Everything about you was alluring, and he could not figure out why.
“Let’s watch a movie,” you suggested, already getting out of your seat.
“We can watch whatever you want,” Taehyung smiled as you took him by the hand to lead him to the couch.
“We can scroll through Netflix to see what they have. You cold?” you asked.
“Technically I’m always cold,” Taehyung answers quickly, but then rushes to add, “Because it’s always a little chilly here.”
“Sure, okay. Well, I’m cold so I’m gonna use this blanket,” you dropped down beside him.
Taehyung awkwardly shifted to give you more room. You scooted even closer to him. Again, he tried to scoot away to give you some space.
“Would you like to cuddle with me under the blanket? Body warmth goes a long way,” you offered bluntly.
“I...would that be okay with you?” Taehyung shyly glanced at you.
“I asked, so yes of course it would be okay, silly,” you threw the blanket over him.
You snuggled up beside him as you scrolled through Netflix. At first, Taehyung was extremely tense. Over time, you felt him begin to relax, and he even began to lean into you. Eventually, you got him to wrap his arm around you. You could feel the coolness of his skin even through his sweater, but that’s to be expected. In all honesty, you forgot what he was for a little bit. 
Now would be the perfect time to end it all. He has let his guard down, his eyes glued to the TV screen. You glanced at him, admiring his side profile. There was no way a mere human could look that handsome. His lips moved slightly as he read the movie titles to himself. He realized you were watching him, and returned your gaze.
“Can I help you, ___?” he asked quietly.
“Possibly, if you’d like,” you whispered back.
“I would help you with anything, my dear ___,” Taehyung replied.
“Kiss me?” you say just inches away from his lips.
Taehyung obliged, bringing his hand to your cheek to guide you to him. His icy thumb trailed along your cheek down to your lips. You hesitated, looking at him with doe eyes. Not once have you ever felt nervous about kissing someone. It never mattered. But here, with him, everything was different. 
Taehyung leaned in, pressing his plush lips against yours. You embraced the coolness of his lips as it somehow felt refreshing. You finally dove in headfirst, greeting his gentle kiss with your own. Soon, the gentleness became harsher as you kissed him deeper.
Now straddling his lap, the prospect of movie watching had been forgotten. The blanket was tossed aside as Taehyung’s hands began to roam across your back. 
Your tongues intertwined wherever they met, be it in his mouth or yours. You pulled back slightly so you could remove your shirt before Taehyung stopped you.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“There will be plenty of time for that later. For now, will you let me kiss those lips that I have foolishly been missing for all my life?” Taehyung softly requested, running his hand through your hair.
There was nothing you could say to express what you felt in that moment. Never before has anyone wooed you like this. You granted his request by pulling him into you. Every act of intimacy felt so personal. Almost as if there was a real connection.
After more kissing, you sank back to lay beside Taehyung. This time, you sprawled out on the couch and rested your head on his lap. Taehyung smiled down at you as he stroked your hair. 
“On a scale of 1-10, how was this date?” he asked.
“Solid 9.”
“Why not a 10?”
“You didn’t want to see me with my shirt off.”
“What! It’s not like I don’t want to! Pardon my vulgarity, but I want to see you with everything off.”
“Then why didn’t you let me strip?” you were genuinely curious.
“I don’t want to rush you. I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do,” he started twirling your hair between his fingers. 
“I was obviously wanting to take my shirt off,” you giggled. He starts to open his mouth to reply but you cut him off, “But thank you. I really appreciate that, Taehyung. You really are such a gentleman.”
“I try to be, anyway,” he said.
“What do you want to do for our next date?” you inquire.
“Next date? Don’t you think we’re moving too fast?” Taehyung teased you, “Would you like to take a walk around my estate?”
“You’re taking me on a walk? Am I a dog to you?” you feign being offended, but now Taehyung understands when you’re being playful.
“If you were a dog you’d be a cute little pomeranian. Adorable and tiny. All bark and no bite,” Taehyung boops your nose.
“If you were a dog you’d be a chihuahua. Annoying,” you quickly retorted.
“Not true. I feel like I’m more dignified, like a Great Dane or a Doberman,” Taehyung shook his head.
“Sure thing, silly. A walk actually sounds relaxing. As long as you can promise me that it won’t be raining, I’d love to go on a walk with you,” you finally answered him. 
“The storm should clear up in three days. Can I come pick you up then?”
“I can drive myself.”
“But I want to pick you up.”
“To be chivalrous. But also so that I can see you sooner,” Taehyung looked away in embarrassment.
“Aw, are you gonna miss me?” you teased.
“Maybe, maybe not,” Taehyung teased back.
You repositioned yourself back to straddling his lap. You hugged him, wrapping your arms around him like a koala. He chuckled and hugged you back as he thought about how adorable you were.
This seemingly innocent gesture had not so innocent motives. You began to rub yourself against his groin. Your panties were beginning to soak under your skirt. Taehyung didn’t protest. Instead, you heard him breathing in deeply as you rubbed against him harder.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked in a tone you haven’t heard before.
“Giving you a reason to miss me,” you answered.
Your hand snaked between your thighs to tease his clothed erection. He sighed as you took hold of him. You felt him up through his pants, and you pleasantly figured out that he’s well endowed. Just the thought of him fucking you with his huge cock made your mouth water. 
“Can I make you feel good?” you seductively whispered into his ear.
“You can do whatever you want with me, I’m all yours,” he replied.
You get off, and kneel before him. You asked him to remove his pants and underwear as you tied up your hair. He obediently followed your request. 
Your eyes widened as his cock was revealed. Just like you thought, its impressive length was matched by its delectable girth. It even curved down slightly, which for some reason turned you on even more. 
You pumped him slowly as you admired his dick. Soon, you began to tease him by swirling your tongue around his tip. Taehyung groaned and clutched your ponytail. You looked up at him to see that his eyes were shut and his mouth was wide open.
You licked up his length while you fondled his balls. Taehyung tightened his grip on your ponytail, urging you to stop teasing him. Finally, you wrapped your lips around him as you began to suck him off. The wet sounds echoed around the room. You started your pace off slowly, but gradually picked up. Your hands followed your lips as you bounced up and down. You gagged every time he hit the back of your throat. Feeling the walls of your throat spasm around him caused Taehyung to moan even louder. Tears welled in your eyes as he held himself inside your mouth longer.
In an attempt to let yourself breathe, you went back to swirling around his tip. His dick was now covered in your saliva, so you firmly pumped him while you worked on his tip.
“K-keep going. Just like that. I’m gonna--” Taehyung didn’t finish his sentence before cumming in your mouth. 
His cum was surprisingly hot as it exploded into your mouth and dribbled down your chin. 
“How was that?” you asked as you wiped away his cum with the back of your hand.
Taehyung was slouching against the couch, still panting. He pulled you back onto his lap before answering, “I had a reason to miss you before, but now I’ll miss you even more.”
“Oh? What was your reasoning before?” you cooed.
“I believe I have formulated a crush on you,” he kissed the top of your head.
“Damn, that sucks,” you shrugged, “Sucks that I have a crush on you too.”
“___,” Taehyung said softly.
“Yes?” you gazed up at him.
“Will you be my girlfriend? I know we haven’t known each other long but--”
“Yes. I’d be honored to be your girlfriend,” you embraced him, “You still wanna watch a movie?”
“Sure, my darling. Let’s do that,” Taehyung squeezed you, almost a little too tight, but you didn’t mind.
“Moana!” you exclaimed as you stumbled upon it.
“Isn’t this a children’s movie?” Taehyung said in protest.
“Yes. It’s also great. Judging by your reaction, you’ve never seen it before so we’re gonna change that,” you clicked on the movie and instantly threw away the remote.
The rest of the day was spent watching Moana. Taehyung was amused by how you knew each song and sang along with the movie. He wouldn’t admit it, but he enjoyed the movie. It was beautifully animated and he appreciated the deep meanings behind it.
You walked Taehyung to the door after the movie ended. He tenderly kissed your cheek as you hugged him goodbye.
“So, I’ll come pick you up in three days time?” Taehyung wanted to clarify.
“No, I’m driving myself over to your place,” you stood your ground.
“As you like,” Taehyung pouted. He’s never done that before. Seeing his cute little puppy eyes almost made you change your mind. You ushered him out before you could do so.
You watched him drive into the distance as the rain poured. It had been storming all day. You couldn’t contain how giddy Taehyung made you feel. You had a boyfriend! Your very first boyfriend, and he was practically a god.
Well, he was a vampire. That you were sent to exterminate. 
Your heart deflated at the thought. How could you be so stupid? You got so caught up in the act that you actually let yourself get carried away. 
However, this didn’t feel like an act anymore. If anything, Taehyung knows more about you than anyone else in the world. 
What if...you just never went back to the VEC? Maybe you could convince Taehyung to run away with you. 
No, that would be impossible. The VEC had eyes everywhere, and were capable of anything. For the first time in your life, you didn’t want to kill someone. Your perpetual anger at the world dispelled itself whenever you were with Taehyung. 
Instead of calling Yoongi, you decided to text him.
[7:36pm] Still alive. This job is gonna be a long one, but I got it handled. I won’t reach out again until the job is done.
[7:36pm from Yoongles] K
Perfect. That should keep Yoongi off of your ass for a while. At least a month. 
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The days that you didn’t see Taehyung felt like an eternity. You went to the shop to keep up appearances, but just watched anime on your laptop the whole time. 
The elderly couple from before showed up at the shop again. You contently watched them admire the flowers as they walked hand in hand. They brought up the same arrangement of flowers as last time. 
“You look different today, dear,” the woman observed.
“Oh yeah? How so, ma’am?” you smiled politely.
“Oh, you’re right dear! She seems happier somehow, the air about her is lighter,” the man nodded in agreement.
“Perhaps now she’s in love. At the very least, there’s someone she’s thinking about right now. Good for you dear! I hope it all works out,” the woman patted your hand as you handed the flowers back over to her. You simply laughed with them as they exited the shop, but your smile dropped as soon as they were out of sight. Their words resonated with you. You’re not in love. That’s absurd. However, you can't deny your fat crush on Taehyung. It’ll subside once you dispose of him. At least, that’s what you think to reassure yourself. 
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The day of your second date with Taehyung had arrived. It was weird not being able to text or call him. All your previous assignments that took more time loved sexting you. Taehyung was by far your most peculiar case.
The rainfall had finally subsided as you drove over to Taehyung’s estate. The jewelry you wore was crafted to hold small amounts of holy water, perfect for poisoning a vampire’s food. You dabbled in the art of poison in your free time, and managed to develop a toxin that would instantly immobilize even the strongest of vampires. You kept a vial of that on you at all times. You even equipped your best dagger, hiding it within your clothing.
You took a deep breath as you pulled up to the driveway. Today could be the day. If he gave you an opening, you had to take it. You couldn’t keep lying to yourself. 
‘He doesn’t care about you. He only wants to feed on you,’ You repeated those accusatory thoughts to yourself in the hopes of actually believing in them. 
Taehyung was waiting for you, sitting on the ledge of the rundown fountain. He happily waved at you as you walked up to greet him. 
“___! How are you? How was the drive?” Taehyung kissed your cheeks as soon as you were within reach.
“I’m doing well, how have you been? The drive was uneventful, but I’m sure you’re used to that driving around here,” you giggled at his friendliness.
Taehyung was as stoic as a statue when you first met him. Now, he was a sweet talkative guy with boyish charms. 
“It’s quiet around here. But that’s why I like it. Shall we begin our walk? There are so many things I want to show you!” Taehyung took your hand and tugged you along.
Weaving his icy fingers with yours, you struggled to keep up with his pace. 
“Taehyung! Slow down, we have all day,” you cried out.
“Sorry, my darling. I just haven’t been this excited in a very long time,” Taehyung apologized.
“How long?” you poked.
“Centuries,” he smiled. You knew he wasn’t lying. You giggled to play along with his joke. 
His estate had vast grounds. At first glance, it seemed like the property was overgrown, but you realized you were wrong the further away you ventured. 
Taehyung was following a small trail that looked like it had been worn out through the years. The treeline got thicker as you guys walked along, progressively turning into a forest. Taehyung was talking the whole time. He was spouting facts and stories about the various plants you stumbled across.
‘So it’s not just flowers. He just really loves nature,’ you thought to yourself. 
“Am I boring you? You haven’t said a thing,” Taehyung looked back at you.
“Not at all! I’m learning a lot. I’m intently listening to you, I promise,” you hold out a pinky to him. Taehyung wraps his pinky around yours and continues to lead you down the trail.
“Oh! This is my lake. Do you like to fish?” Taehyung asked as you entered a small clearing.
A dock jutted off of the shoreline of an expansive lake. The lake went on as far as the eye can see. You could barely make out the treeline on the other side. 
“This is your lake? You own the entire thing?” you asked in amazement. 
“It’s all within my property lines, so yes,” Taehyung nodded, “Do you like fishing, dear?”
“Fishing is okay I guess. I prefer to eat the fish,” you answered, “Maybe we could kayak or something here?”
“Noted. I have a small rowboat we can take out to the middle sometime. You can take a nap while I fish,” Taehyung jokes. 
“Sounds like a fine date to me,” you replied.
“Okay! Moving on,” Taehyung (with your pinky still intertwined with his) spun you around and led you back to the trail. 
Next, he led you to his garden. He pointed out his strawberry patch, letting you pick the ripest one. He proudly showed you his vegetables too, ranging from lettuce to cucumbers.
“You have such a great green thumb! Every plant I try to raise dies instantly. Even cacti,” you sighed glumly.
“Aw, it’s okay dear. Perhaps you can help me tend to my garden sometime,” Taehyung pecked your cheek.
“Sounds like another fine date,” you returned his kiss with one of your own.
Taehyung explained that the trail goes around his property in a small loop. He had much more land, however he didn't use it for anything. He explained that he values his privacy, but didn’t expound on it. You already knew the reason why anyway. 
The treeline began to thin out. Soon, you were traversing through a field of tall ferns. Silently walking through the field, you noticed a patch of ferns that had been crushed, almost as if someone sat on them.
Your heart sank. You stopped in your tracks. Your observant eyes saw subtle dark brown spots that littered the patch of squished ferns. This must have been where your parents were found. 
You’d been denying the truth this entire trip. Taehyung really had murdered your parents. The proof was right there. He was nothing more than a vampire. A cold blooded killer with only one motive. It was suddenly getting hard to breathe.
“___? ___?” Taehyung shook your shoulder, snapping you back to reality, “Are you okay? You suddenly stopped walking and spaced out.”
“I’m good! Sorry, I thought I saw something,” you reassured him.
“What did you see?” he asked.
“I thought I saw a rabbit. Then my thoughts wandered to rabbits and I guess I got caught up in it,” you lied. 
“Ah, I understand. I do that all the time,” Taehyung patted your head.
All the warm feelings you had towards him were gone. They were replaced by anger and hatred, the feelings you should have had the whole time. You were going to kill him today. He just needed to put himself in a vulnerable position.
“We’re almost back to the house. Would you like some tea?” Taehyung offered.
“That would be perfect,” you smiled. Perfect indeed. All you had to do was slip in some holy water. His mouth will burn upon impact, giving you the perfect opportunity to swoop in for the kill. 
He led you into his house through the back door. The interior was surprisingly modern with a sleek minimalist style. Despite the exterior looking like it was from the Victorian era, the inside was furnished with simple black furniture to compliment the light grey walls.
“It’s not much,” Taehyung said when he noticed you looking around, “I live alone so there’s no need to make this place feel inviting. Well, at least there was no need.” 
You faked a smile at his comment. 
“Make yourself at home, dear. The dining table is over there. I'll bring the tea when it’s ready,” Taehyung planted a soft kiss against your forehead.
A shiver ran down your spine. The once sweet gesture now felt like a threat. Your leg bounced uncontrollably as you waited for Taehyung to join you. Now is the time. It’s now or never.
He placed an ornate teacup atop a fancy saucer in front of you. You graciously accepted it. 
“This is my favorite flavor, I hope you like it,” Taehyung said as he lifted his cup to you.
You mimicked his action, clinking your cups. Bringing the cup to your lips, you take your first sip. It was sweeter than expected, but the flavor was pleasant overall. 
“Can you guess what flavor it is?” Taehyung asked.
“Something fruity...blackberry?” you answered.
“Close! It’s raspberry. Raspberries tend to be less tart than blackberries,” he explained, “Oh! I have the perfect cake to pair with this too! I’m a bit of a foodie if you hadn’t noticed.”
“All that walking made me hungry so that sounds great,” you replied.
“Wait here, I’ll be right back,” he smiled before departing. 
His drink was left unattended, giving you the opportunity to tamper with it. You debated whether you should put in holy water or your special poison. You decide to go with the holy water, that way you can still talk to him after you restrain him. With a quick push of a hidden button on your ring, a few droplets of holy water fell into Taehyung’s tea. 
Taehyung returned with a small lemon cake, placing it between the saucers. He cut you a slice before serving himself. Eagerly waiting for you to take the first bite, he looked pleased when a smile crept on your face. 
“This is delicious! Where’d you buy it?” you asked.
“I made it myself! I finally perfected it after a bunch of trial and error,” he beamed as he began to eat his slice.
“Let’s toast to this occasion, to celebrate the beginning of a new relationship,” you held out your cup. You’re ready to pounce as soon as he takes a sip. The concealed weapon hidden in your sleeve was prepped and ready to spring out as soon as you attacked.
“A toast to this momentous occasion,” Taehyung held his cup out. It’s nearly time. He paused for a second.
“Can I say something first?” Taehyung lowered his cup.
“Of course, is something wrong?” you tried to conceal the panic in your voice. Had he finally caught on? Your body tensed up as you prepared for a fight.
“Nothing is wrong, dear. I just...I want to get something off my chest,” he took a deep breath, “I had been extremely bored with life for God knows how long. I value my security and seclusion for personal reasons, however I never craved for interactions with anyone. I’ve preferred to be alone for the longest time. Mostly because I don’t want to cause problems for anyone anymore. The last time I interacted with people it ended rather poorly.”
You set your cup down to listen to him, fully engaged in his speech while still being on high alert.
“Everything changed when I met you. I can’t explain it. Normally I would have shooed you away, but something about you made me want to help you. Maybe my interest in flowers got the better of me, who knows? Then, I had the pleasure of getting to know you more when I made the bouquets with you. I can’t tell you the last time I had a genuine conversation with someone. Everything feels so natural with you. I want you to know that I will never hurt you. I will never lie to you. I despise lies above all else. Lastly, I wanted to thank you. Thank you for taking the wrong turn and stumbling into my life. I’m excited to start a new chapter with you, ___.”
You were speechless. Not one word of his was laced with magic. His speech was pure and genuine. How can someone this thoughtful be capable of murdering your parents?
“What happened to the people you last interacted with?” you questioned.
Taehyung flinched at your response. Out of all the things he said, that’s what you chose to respond to? Taehyung shook his apprehension away and chalked it up to your curiosity.
“Many years ago I lost someone I was very fond of. I suppose I never wanted to go through that pain ever again,” he answered solemnly. That’s not what you meant to ask. You were intrigued but needed answers to more pressing matters first.
“So you’ve never interacted with anyone since then?” you pressed the issue.
“Well I had some nuisances bothering me somewhat recently but I don’t think that is important,” Taehyung averted his gaze from you.
“Nuisances? How so?” you expertly concealed your growing rage. 
“They wouldn’t leave me alone after I politely asked them to vacate my property,” he curtly answered.
“Why were they here?” you prodded.
“Does that matter?” Taehyung’s voice rose, causing you to shrink into your chair.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. That doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is that we’re together now. We can take on the world together, you and me. I want to give you the world, darling,” Taehyung quickly apologized after seeing that he startled you.
“Thank you, Taehyung. You really are the best gentleman I have ever met. Thanks for loving flowers so much that you ended up talking to me, I guess,” you smiled politely as you lifted your cup.
Now you were conflicted. Surely there was more to the story between him and your parents. You needed answers. Taehyung doesn’t seem to be violent at all. His kindhearted nature made it hard to believe that he was capable of such atrocities. 
“Cheers, darling,” Taehyung clinked your cup.
You watched intently as he brought his cup to his lips. His movements seemed to be happening in slow motion, torturing you. 
“Wait!” you cried out, “Let’s switch cups. For good luck.”
“Huh?” Taehyung lowered his cup in confusion.
“I used to do that with my parents. We’d switch cups at the last minute for good luck,” you lied. Hopefully Taehyung would buy into it.
“Sure. What an interesting notion,” Taehyung observed as he switched cups with you.
“The key is doing it last minute, that way luck won’t escape you,” you admonished yourself for such a shitty explanation. 
“That makes sense,” Taehyung nodded thoughtfully. Thank god he’s a bit odd. 
You drank the cup containing the holy water. You could have easily killed Taehyung today, but you needed to know more about your parent’s death. The VEC wasn’t going to tell you jack shit. Perhaps it was time to go a little rogue. 
Published October 9th, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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