#sorry for the lack of turtle art
yumeyumeappleo · 2 years
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here’s what the leo’s saying because my handwriting sucks:
“hey don. I need to tell you something. uhh your music taste sucks. like it’s hot-dog garbage. like—“
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meeting timothy
part 2
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timothy has no sense of self preservation tbh 💀
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allmightyscroll-swag · 4 months
Okay so we won this comp poll so here is the recruit content I promised!
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Quick sketchbook comic; kinda confusing layout but fuck it we ball y'know
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Recruit being fashionable in the future :)
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And this funny thing I made while still figuring out the story at the beginning <3
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etheralisi · 7 months
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Had some spare clay 💙
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More pictures because he ✨
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summerturnip · 1 year
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It’s them, the teenagers who are turtles and also mutants!
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beansap · 2 years
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they tried to put him on the cover of vogue…… but his legs were tooooooo long
(click for better quality)
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yumikangelnet · 1 year
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anyways bye
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the-breloominati · 1 year
wrt that last reblog, that and tbh i don’t even know what to draw most of the time. and when I do it just never feels like it’s coming out right (and at that point I’m probably not feeling it anyway so I just. go do something else)
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yanteetle · 2 years
May I request platonic yandere ROTTMNT turtles kidnapping a scared reader they see as a sibling? Like, them all working together to kidnap the reader. Also, you make good art :)
Note: please turn up your device's brightness!
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It's Mikey's birthday and luckily for him, his beloved brothers have a special new surprise for him to bring home...
Sorry for the horrendously long wait! This took some time to cook up, so thank you for the patience :) Surprisingly, the coloring process for this piece was much more tolerable compared to my last illustration, despite being more taxing and complicated. Although, I can't say the same for the lineart. That was a whole nightmare that took me 4 whole days to complete. I played around with perspective, and although it's not all that accurate, I tried my best to make it look how I wanted it. I've included the versions of the illustration with and without the dialogue bubbles, since I wanted to show some of the details that was covered by the text! I had some fun trying to make the background look like a convincing space despite my lack of skill in that field. Sorry if my English doesn't make sense, I'm overstimulated from high dosages of caffeine so I apologize in advance :)
taglist: @dynabann
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lordfreg · 27 days
Hello all,
TW for p3d0ph!l!a, z00ph!l!a
Today, I have gotten some allegations against myself for being a pedo + zoophile. This is not true.
As many of you know who are in the TMNT fandom and enjoy the spicy side of these turtles, you often get accused of this. It is unfortunate but true. I knew this was coming, but I feel like I must explain myself further.
As you know, I have a patron. This was actually made prematurely, and is sort of bad, so that will be closing shortly (I apologize). And on this patron, is the option to see "sexy turtles", but nobody has signed up for this and I have no patron exclusive content (yet).
Apparently, this is pedophilia and zoophilia.
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(They have conveniently left out the "mutant" part)
This is not true. All the turtles are aged up, which I thought would be implied in the fact that I only (really) draw for the EPA au, and they are visibly, mentally and emotionally older than their cannon counterparts. I.e. wrinkles, more pronounced features, bulkier.
This may be my mistake for wording this poorly, or not taking the proper measures, but you would think the implication, and my two different art styles, would be a major difference.
Anyway, the zoophilia claim is also ridiculous because... seriously? My explanation for this is that they are not only canonically human, they also have been confirmed human DNA. Enough to make them stand on two legs, walk, talk, read, cry, enough human to make them, well.. human.
Another reason is that (rise) Donnie has autism; which is a brain malformation. This means his brain is big enough to not only be malformed, but still functioning. A real turtles brain isn't big enough to be deformed in that way, and if it was, the turtles would unfortunately die.
Continuing, I had the claim that I was "15" because I had put a 18+ only warning on my content. I am not.
AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT; I have put the 18+ warning not because of the sex, but because it contains extreme violence and triggering topics. Sex is NOT the main focus of this AU, or any of my works unless stated "this is for fun/this is because I wanted to/this is explicit" etc. My au is to delve into trauma, war, violence, sexual trauma (to both male and female), and generally bring awareness to things and help support people. It is NOT just smut.
This, again, could have been my sever lack of forethought and under-explaining my au, simply because I didn't actually know what my au would be about/contain. Again, I take responsibility for my poor wording and lack of (more) warnings.
Also, this person is actually just bullying me with my old self ship art (which i still love and adore), so... pity points?
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More on myself; I'm coming to the realization (after years of being hypersexual), that sex is not a priority to me, nor is it something that I feel a strong compulsion to make/indulge in. I am not a sexual deviant, meaning I do NOT support harmful sexual behaviors. Zoophilia is actively taking advantage of animals, which I am not, and will never do.
It is unfortunate that some people genuinely cannot control themselves, but I am not one of those people.
I honestly have no idea what I've done to this person to make them put me on blast, and whatever it is, I'm sorry. I will, again, be taking down my patron page to start over, and I apologize to my patrons already, but it's sucky.
Again, sorry about this and for everyone who goes through this. I am sorry, dear friend, that you're writhing with jealousy. And I am sorry, patrons, that I have to close my patron. I love all my followers, and I try my best to send the "Thanks for the follow" to show my appreciation.
Myself and @lexiechr will continue to work on the EPA au, and that will be posted when ready.
(Also, my Instagram is now private because I don't want harassment nor people thinking I'm a bad person. I am just being bullied and bring a socially awkward idiot about it.)
Again, much love, Jorjie :3
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trashlama · 1 year
Yan future mikey with a chubby reader beimg all cute and shit and then the crazy kicks in (I beg you for some future boys contest-hope you're oki bye)
Hmmmm fluffy and crazy? I think I can work with this~
Instead of the usual future Yan turtles where they're usually depicted in the apocalyptic future. This one will take place in the fixed timeline future. Sorry I suck at explaining things.
This is basically a mix between a one-shot/drabble/headcanon
Like I started with Headcanons became drabble/one shot.
Sorry for being so late on this! Last week was hectic between work and my personal life.
I could've probably proofread it some more but, I didn't.
Ahhhh I hope you guys like this!
Cause personally I feel like I could've done better/more but, I suck. Anyways—
Warning! This is pretty fluffy. Seek your dentist for any fluff related cavities.
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I do not own this meme just found it on Pinterest and thought it was funny.
Mikey is such a good boyfriend.
A spontaneous ball of dorky energy the box turtle was artistic both in and out of the kitchen. His kindness did not discriminate. Good or bad typically, if the youngest Hamato could help it he would rather make peace not war.
It was something you liked about the orange clad mutant. Especially since he didn't mind your self-proclaimed defects.
You love adult ninja turtle you really do. However regardless the little voice in the back of your mind continued to plant seeds of doubt.
Was Michaelangelo satisfied with you?
You hadn't tried to express it often— but you had your trepidations about sharing your insecurities with anyone, even your boyfriend. You didn't want to be annoying.
These fears were silly, you knew this. Mikey loves you. The mystic mutant recited all the time how beautiful you are. To him apparently despite your self criticism you were a devine work of art. Love handles, pouches, wings, fupas— he adored them all. You didn't need to wear a size nine to fit in his heart.
It didn't matter. For all the reasons that the box turtle gave you for why you were a perfect match for him. The insecurities still sat there. Like a sunken stone at the bottom of the lake. It sitting there always. Forever.
Regularly wondering if Michelangelo really did prefer a ugly pumpkin to a picture perfect apple. Had it been a ruse? Was he just playin' the role of a good partner? Sayin' and doin' what you're supposed to tell a person you want to be intimate with.
Lately these polluting thoughts began to resurface again. Reanimated by the recent onslaught of teasing from some dumb college kids that were enrolled at the same University as you. A group of well-known douche-bags that you avoided like the plague on campus; but unfortunately shared a physics class with. The dumbass brigade like vultures, waited for opportunities to feed their fragile masculinities. Receiving petty pleasure from belittling any flawed individuals that crossed their starving gazes. Ravishing in whatever responses they could elicite.
For the better part of the first semester of third-year physics you had somehow managed to go undetected by said frat squad. Camouflaged in fluffy sweaters and poofy joggers had aided you in being incognito for the first nine weeks but, now the weather was changing. Spring has finally come and has gifted you the middle finger. As temperatures fluctuated so did your wardrobe.
You hated the warmer months just for this reason.
The months of hiding your jiggling stretch marked shame behind winter attire has come to an end. Forcing your hand with high temps to make you wear thinner layers. Baggy jeans and big shirts were your new seasonal battle armor. Unlike your impenetrable winter suit, the spring set was far more vulnerable. The thinner layers and lack of long sleeves basically painted a bullseye on you that the frat group gladly shot at on a daily basis. In spite of your countless efforts to starve the scavengers; the group of boys still hurt you. Conceal don't feel, you certainly didn't let it show. Their poking fun at your voluptuous figure and big tits were nothing new. Nor the endless questioning of your innocence and intelligence. It was just another schoolyard taunt that you didn't bother with a response.
Until you did. Maybe not vocally but the show of your shaky figure fleeing the classroom gave the gaggle of boys all the satisfaction they'd desired as their mocking laughter chasing you out as you retreated out into the university's hallway. Fleeing the campus without a second thought.
The crude harassment is why you were here traversing The Big Apple's sewers. Thanking whatever gods were present for the low water pressure in the channel that ran beneath the soles of your sneakers.
You hated being feeling weak like this but, instinctively your legs drove you to the Mad Dog's Lair. Not bothering to properly shove all your crap into your school bag when you fled the classroom. Doubting that your shit will still be there tomorrow knowing today's luck. But you didn't care. Couldn't be bothered to deal with any more of the relentless bullying nor your professors' chosen path of nativity to the problem. You needed a break.
Entering the base every inhabiting soul was asleep. Evident by the various snores that you passed as you b-lined to Mikey's chambers.
Surprising the mystic mutant with your unannounced visit as he awoke to your shadowy plump figure climbing into his hammock. To the twenty-five year old's shame due to the fact that he had initially missed the salty streaks that drenched your supple (skin tone) cheeks. Immediately noticing your state once you were laying in his bed. The suspended mat's natural physics pressed you into his colorfully decorated plastron.
" ......Hun? Aww sweet babie what's got my muse spillin' tears for? " Mikey cooed muscular moss green appendages like snakes slithered around your waist. Entrapping you in his tired but, strong embrace. Pressing your soft figure into his firm one. Embarrassment heated your tear drenched cheeks as you returned the squeeze. Shaking your head 'no' as you just laid it against his shoulder.
He understood you just needed a moment.
For a minute outside the occasional sob or gasp for air, no words were spoken between the two. The calmness of the dimly orange lite room and your boyfriend's secure embrace provided the elements to allow you to relax. Tip-toeing on the line of slumber, had it not been for Mikey's quiet humming that at some point filled in the background noise to kept you grounded.
Once he had you calmed down, Michaelangelo tried to approach the subject again. He didn't want to reignite your pain but, the thought of someone/something making you cry like this was unforgivable. Whoever did this was gonna pay dearly for the precious tears that beaded your pained (e/c) gaze.
The last two weeks he suspected something was up. You had been absent from your guys' weekly hangout sessions. Despite the obviously differing schedules you and Mikey typically tried to meet at least four times a week. Even if sometimes the encounter was brief. However lately you haven't been attending. Stating over texts how you needed space to work some things out. That had the orange clad Hamato pulling at his imaginary strands with worry. Head lost in a tizzy as he had pooled over what could've driven you away. At first he feared it was him. Something must've come to light.
Did you find his little makeshift shrine for you?
Perhaps you came across his favorite box of tokens he scrounged up from around your apartment?
Or did you finally capture footage of his unannounced nightly visits?
Maybe one of his brothers found or saw something and told you something they shouldn't have?
The never ending list had the moss green box turtle biting his nails. Waiting at the edge of his seat for anticipated ball to drop.
Although he didn't want to thank Gram Gram for his luck when you came sniffling into his quarters. It hurt the mutant when you cried. He wasn't gonna lie the breath of relief upon your arrival. His muse wasn't trying to leave him. For a moment there the mystic mutant had been worried he was going to have to help you remember how much you needed your devoted follower.
"...(Y/n)?....Sweetie, what's wrong?" Mikey began sitting up a little tugging you along with him as he maneuvered the two of you in a more comfortable position. With your face resting against his shoulder, legs thrown over his lap so you were sitting in it in a lounging manner. The moss green box turtle's hold not once loosening from around your full figure. "....You knooow...my ears are always open to listen." The orange coded ninja turtle hummed. Unmasked the warm grey eyes of Michaelangelo's lovingly bore into your soul. Traveling through glossy (e/c) gateways as they searched within you for answers that you wouldn't speak.
Your bottom lip trembled as a new spout of tears ran down your flushed (skin tone) cheeks at his words. Easily hiding your face in the crook of the mutant's jugular. Taking a moment before answering. " I'm sorry for being a bother... I just had a bad day. " You answered quietly. Not necessarily eager to delve into the issue.
Aww his poor babie. However it wasn't the answer he was looking for. It looks like he's gonna have to go through them again. At least this time he was just looking not altering any of your memories. He needed to know what was wrong. He needed his divinity happy and if she wasn't happy— well Mikey wasn't happy.
Sporting his signature gapped tooth grin Mikey began the process.
First it began with focusing his energy. Preparing to start the spell.. It worked perfectly last time. It should be just as successful again. "Shhhh... It's okay babie..." The mutated Hamato hushed.
"..It's all good... I understand... you just need a little guidance...".
With your face hidden you neglected to notice his illuminated three digit grasp leaving your waist. "...let Dr. Delicate Touch help you~" the box turtle concluded as he pressed his glowing three digit right hand into the left side of your forehead. In an instant a bright shine of light blotched out your vision. Right before everything went black. Knocking you out before you could asset the situation.
To any onlooker what he was doing was wrong. An invasion of your privacy which he shouldn't be prying into. However the box turtle preferred to look at it from a more positive perspective.
He was helping you!
The mystic turtle knew you had a hard time expressing your feelings.
Although you didn't say it Michelangelo knew you had a hard time expressing feelings. A bad habit leftover from surviving your formative years. It's okay though. He'll help you.
To any onlooker would say what the youngest Hamato . What he was doing was wrong, inhumane but, Mikey preferred to look at it from a different less negative perspective. He was helping!
You just needed a little fixing. Then you'll be just like new again.
As he sorted through your most recent short term memories the orange color coded ninja turtle kept in mind he couldn't dabble with them too long. He was on a clock dictated by the amount of stamina he's able to input into a single spell. As of right now? Not too much. Especially if he wants to make quick work of whatever issue stood in between him and (y/n) time. The offense will not be tolerated by whomever the perpetrator.
Shifting through the chains that connected the linear timeline in your mind Michaelangelo found the issue. A group of fraternity brats who didn't have any manners. Bastards thought they had the right to defame his muse? His very own David?(That's a reference to one of the renaissance artist's works).
They had to be dealt with.
Like a candle in the wind the group was snuffed out in a single night.
Upon the arrival of the new day you awoke to find yourself back at home in your dingy apartment with no exact clue of how you got back there.
In the faded ripples of your mind you tried to fill in the blanks of the how's and when's. When did you leave the lair? How did you make it back to your apartment? Especially when the last thing you recalled was sniffling in your boyfriend's arms. You must've fallen asleep and gotten up at some point and just don't remember.
Probably was just too tired to re-call anything.
Getting up from the warm sanctuary of your bed sheets you ambled around the apartment to begin your morning routine. Throwing together a bowl of cereal and a coke before scuttling into the living room. Placing your meager feast down onto the coffee table momentarily as you shuffled through your pockets to find your phone.
A few months ago you lost the remote to your tv and unfortunately as a broke ass college student making minimum wage you didn't have the funds to purchase a new TV remote. Instead like every other millennial you download the app. Cheaper than trying to get a new remote. Quicker too.
Tapping awake your screen delivered a mountain of notifications.
Inside the group chat that you were a part of for your physics class was blowing up. Investigating further just left you in shock. Swiping through the populating messages, you discovered the bullies who had been preying on you and your classmates were missing. Somehow all five of them were gone within a night without a single trace.
With the disappearance not being a full twenty-four hours yet the police wasn't taking the matter seriously. Claiming probably just some fraternity shit. Meanwhile the university's faculty wasted no time on morning the frats possie's passing. Sending their cookie-cutter condolences and offering their typical therapy sessions for anyone close to the victims.
What a waste. Although they were assholes they were young assholes who hadn't yet got the chance to live their lives. Make mistakes and learn from them. How unfortunate.
Backing out of the chat your phone buzzed with a new message from Mikey. The afro mentioned adult box turtle was inquiring about how you were doing today and if you wanted to hangout later? Your mutated boyfriend even going as far as decorating the message in emoji hearts and puppy dog stickers.
As of late you haven't been up for hanging out with the twenty-five year old orange clad Hamato. Mucky feelings and overwhelming thoughts clouded your head. Upon seeing the previously mentioned messages about the vultures in your life being gone you felt oddly relieved about their disappearance. Although revolted with your passive reaction you somehow is still able to keep it down. Every time you thought of Michaelangelo the negative feelings and bad memories would keep fading farther and father away.
It was like all it took was a night's rest (and some brain spring cleaning) and everything was back to normal. With a small smile you replied with "I'm doin' good" and "yes" on his invitation.
Next thing you knew it you were spiraling down a rabbit hole of back to back texting like it was the beginning of your guys relationship.
Back then when your best friend had ghosted you. Mikey had been there for you like this then too. Always so supportive. He really was such a good person.
Aren't you lucky that you have such a good boyfriend like Mikey?
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mutant-munchies · 5 months
god I'm honestly starting to wonder what it would be like if Mintee visited your turts (;¬_¬)
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whaddyu think?? I went to 2 nearby McDonalds spots and none of the frozen machines (for frozen fanta drinks and stuff) were working and i was on the verge of losing my shit and destroying my dad's Toyota car because I was craving a drink and then THAT happened and now all I'll ever have is homemade green tea
Sorry I'm you sent this a while ago. I wanted to draw out the interactions but I couldn't get my mental images out if that makes sense smh
Hopefully me drawing her as like an in universe character makes up for that, she's Pastel Goth tho I doubt there's any other bright colored main character or just characters in general I chose that for her to keep her recognizable. I tried to change her colors as least as possible hope this makes up for lack of art :33(maybe I'll try again later)
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Each of the turtles have their own igs "capabilities" with socializing with other or new people in general
Leo- She would try to be friendly but a bit awkward. Leo feels most comfortable talking to girls, makes her feel included if that makes sense. But she's also cautious for past problems of trusting too much, shed probably ask her what she's into and try to convert her into watching her favorite show or an anime (nobody else really watches what she does except for Donnie on occasions). If Mintee turned her down Leo would be a little upset but understand, then ask what she'd want to do and take it from there
Raph- Raphs not a "people person" he has a small click of people he talks to(excluding his siblings and boyfriend..)it's about like 2 others. If she tried to talk to him he'd probably just give dry and snappy responses, wouldn't be anything against her that's just how he is. If she got him to talk about animals tho he'd put more effort(he's into them just hates admitting it)
Donnnie- they're not the best at like "physical"/face to face socializing but(i think i saw that you mentioned that Mintees a mutant)they'd be really interested into that and ask a bunch of questions about that. Other then that they'd be awkward and have short responses(maybe text them instead lol/hj)
Mikey- Mikey's the most social out of all the turtles, he has a super fascination with hair. He like braiding Angel taught him how)combing/brushing it, playing with it, running his fingers through it, and just likes looking at it. He's show her all his toys and stuffed animals, ask to color with him and talk about his siblings and Leatherhead(his bff)he'd ask her stuff about herself and what she likes and what her favorite character from a show he watches is and if she doesn't watch the show hell just go "Oh well you remind me of___" . He'd probably talk her ear off to the point she just prays his ass falls asleep
If I think of more I'll add it^^sorry for the late answer
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half-deadmagicperson · 10 months
HDBHFSP Chapter 2!
This is chapter two for my @ecto-implosion fic, 'How Danny Broke His Favorite Star Projector', based on art by the amazing @midnightectosnack (WHO HAS AMAZING ARTWORK THAT YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT!)
Rating: Teen (To Be Safe)
Crossover: Danny Phantom, Hades (Videogame)
Warnings: Non-graphic Temporary Death, Death Mentioned
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Link to The Amazing Artwork
       Danny awkwardly held his hand out to his opponent, half expecting him to not take it. The Greek lowered his weapon and grasped Danny’s arm in greeting.
   “Zagreus, Son of Hades and Persephone, Prince of the Underworld.”
   “It’s nice to meet you, Your Highness, and sorry about this whole mess.”
   “You said your mentor sent you. Who exactly is that?”
   “Oh right! In the Infinite Realms we call him Clockwork. He’s the Keeper of Time. He said that you would know him as Chronos, but he’s neither evil, nor child-consuming. He’s more like an aspect of him that’s just purely Time. I don’t really understand it.”
   The two continued talking for a while until Danny casually mentioned his home on Earth, or the surface as Zagreus knew it. 
   “So wait, do you know what a bird looks like, then?” Zagreus asked, rather enthusiastically. Danny raised a brow.
  “Um…yeah? Do you, like, not get birds down here?”
  “No, only spirits. Is it true that they fly?”
  “Yeah, they fly all over the place. They’re pretty common on the ‘surface’.”
   Zagreus looked at the boy awestruck before asking more questions. Danny told him about squirrels, turtles, and various other creatures. Zagreus listened intently, occasionally offering input from his brief time on the surface.
   “But my favorite thing about the surface is the stars!” Danny mentioned after wrapping up his conversation about flamingos. Zagreus lit up.
  “I always loved the stars! I would admire them every time I visited my mother! Although, it sounds like it has been quite a while since I’ve seen them.”
   “I should totally take you to see them! In fact,” Danny looks at a bracelet on his wrist, “They should be out by now!”
   Zagreus glanced down to think. A night out, although short, would be fun. He looked back up at Danny and smiled. Time to see the surface again.
   Danny was ecstatic when the prince agreed to go with him. To make things easier on themselves, they decided to take the route through the Ghost Zone. Zagreus was a bit startled by the lack of gravity at first, but eventually got the hang of it. Danny led his new friend through as the ancient prince took in the sights of the floating islands and staircases. Occasionally, Danny would point out important spots, like the Far Frozen or Dora’s Kingdom.
   “Oh and over here is Pandora’s domain! I don’t know if you met her at all, but she’s nice.” Danny said, pointing over to a large Greek-like structure. It was probably the most normal sight for Zagreus, compared to the rest of the Zone.
   Finally, the duo reach a ripple in the green atmosphere. Danny stopped in front of it to explain some things to Zagreus before they went in.
   “Here we are, the Portal. Now, before we go through, I should probably prepare you for what’s on the other side. The ‘Surface’ has changed a lot since you’ve been there. Heck, it’s changed a lot since I was alive! Humans have made lots of advancements and machines throughout the ages. There’s gonna be some things that might look strange and different to you.”
    Zagreus nodded in acknowledgement, and the two walked through the ripple.
    After stepping through, a dismal sight greeted Zagreus. The room was dark, much like his home, but this was more dingy. Sheets of cloth coated in dust covered many objects in the room. Boxes littered the room, but they were not a material the prince was familiar with. Danny sighed and dusted off one of the boxes.
   “Welcome to Fentonworks, or what’s left of it. The building is owned by my nephew. My, uh, my sister, Jazz, after we found out I couldn’t age set it up so that I could have a place to hide out in. Plus, someone needed to watch the portal.” Danny awkwardly scratched behind his neck before signaling to go upstairs.
   The upstairs looked in a lot better shape than the dungeon they crawled out of. There was a small table to eat at, but no furnace. Danny noticed his confusion and showed him the ‘stove’ and ‘microwave.’ Zagreus took in the different sights of the house. Tiny portraits littered the shelves and walls. All of the ceilings had dim, weirdly shaped stars glowing on them. Another staircase and two ladders later, and they finally made it to their destination.
   The stars were absolutely beautiful. An infinite expanse of glowing, white dots stretched down into the horizon. A gentle breeze brushed against Zagreus’s face as he took in the sight of the town. The buildings were taller than most houses he’s seen, but they were in shambles. He stood up from the cold metal of what Danny called ‘The Ops Center’ to get a better look at the town. Other than the moon and  stars, there was no source of light. The structures were cracked, and plants claimed them as their own. Zagreus scanned the area for any signs of life. Surely there must be someone out here right? There’s no way Danny would be living in a town alone? Danny noticed the concern on Zagreus’s face.
   “The town used to be more lively when I was growing up. It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t huge either. Things were pretty great, going to the mall, getting some Nasty Burger, or even just sitting around playing DOOMED,” he started to explain, “After I died, the portal in my basement opened up which led to frequent visitors. They liked to stir up trouble with the living, so I usually had to stop them. Eventually, things became more peaceful, but the portal being open left some side effects on Amity. The ectoplasm from the portal contaminated the environment. People who lived here regularly didn’t notice a thing, but when relatives came to visit, they’d often get sick. The Guys in White, a government ghost hunting organization, decided to seal off the town from the rest of society. Nobody new ever came, but people were allowed to leave. I watched as the town slowly became smaller over time. After I got my job with Clockwork, I started guiding the town’s souls into the afterlife. I helped strangers, my friends’ grandparents, or a neighbor down the street. None of the deaths really affected me until they got closer to home. First, it was my father, then my mother, then Tucker, then Sam, then…Valerie, and…and…Jazz. They were all gone.”
    Tears glinted in Danny’s eyes as the once cheerful expression was replaced with a far more sober one. Zagreus didn’t really know what to do about that, so he just patted the boy’s shoulder. Danny wiped his face and smiled. It was at this point Zagreus noticed that despite how young Danny appeared, his expression was filled with age. Danny rubbed the back of his neck.
  “I’m sorry for ruining the mood. I guess I just haven’t had someone to talk to in a while.”
  “That is alright…I don’t really have many friends either. Most of the time I’m just in my father’s palace or trying to break out,” Zagreus let out a snicker, “but I don’t really spend much time with the people down there.”
   Danny nodded before replying, “Well, if you get bored doing whatever the Prince of the Underworld does, you’re more than welcome to come visit. I’ll even clean the house!”
   “I may take you up on that offer,” Zagreus smiled, until he felt a wave of exhaustion come over him. Danny’s voice started to fade into the background.
  “It’ll be nice to have a friend over for company!”
   Zagreus let out a weak smile before the pain consumed him and Death reclaimed his form.
  Danny watched his new friend dissolve into a puddle, much like one of his clones would, and started to panic. His friend just died??? Was this normal? He should see Clockwork. Can Greek gods even die? Is Zagreus considered a god? He really needs to go find Clockwork.
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turtlesreborntmnt · 7 months
News… And Then Even More News
So... a lot happened when I was gone.
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First, the relaunch. I love that they're getting a lot of fresh faces on the book. I'm not familiar with a lot of their work (Besides Chiang, I love Paper Girls), but I heard a lot of good shit about Aaron, and I'm loving what I see Infront of my eyeballs with the artists. I love the direction that Sophie took, and I'm very excited for this new direction.
Although, there is one big thing I'm worried about. Jennika. I know that the Alpha one shot is gonna be about her, but it still worries me a bit. She is the fifth turtle, man. Like she should be up there you know? I pray she isn't written off the main book.
Also, personally I'm pretty indifferent on resetting to #1. It can be seen as a pretty desperate move, but also slapping a #1 on a book fucking works. Hopefully this gets more people talking about the book at least. Hopefully this lasts another 150 issues.
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Fuck. Yes.
We knew that this was happening for a bit, but I still wanted to show off how coooool this is. Also, apparently it's on ongoing and not a mini series. Again, Fuck. Yeah. I really love street level TMNT stuff, and this seems to be the ultimate version of that. It's also written by Juni-Ba, who did some incredible work for the series already so I already know this is gonna be fire.
I got some hypotheses on who the hell Nightwatcher is. Obviously, the original is Raph, and it still might be. It also might be Jennika, since they are very clearly turtle shaped and with the seemingly lack of appearance in the main title. It also could be Metalhead? And like he got a new smaller body and turned into a vigilante for some reason. It could also be future Raph from the 2023 annual. The Nightwatchers' left arm doesn't match his right, maybe implying that it's completely robotic thus replacing his lack of arm? Idk. I'm excited none the less.
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Mateus Santolouco is back on art. That's it. That's all I need. I'm hype.
On top of that it's gonna be written by Erik Burnham, and the story seems super interesting too lore wise. Sorry I don't have much to say other than SANTOLOUCOSANTOLOUCOSANTOLOUCOSANTO-
Also some cool side characters getting more screen time.
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Holy shit. OMG.
I need to fucking calm down, Jesus. Anyway. Tom and Sophie are returning with a new ongoing. Very very little is known about this but I assume it's gotta do with Hob and Mutant Island, along with the general Mutant issue now that the wall is broken. I can't wait man. I also assume the second half of Alpha is gonna directly tie into this ongoing. Also, Maligna? Or something. Fuck, maybe that's Linsey...
Poor bastard.
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That's all the news for the main continuity, I'll briefly go over some other stuff. Saturday Morning Adventures is still going strong WITH TURTLES FOREVER 2 AND USAGI CROSSOVER????!!!!???!?!?!
Also anthology series. I bet that's gonna be really fun.
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alvivaarts · 5 months
oi i’m like two weeks late but 6 from the artist ask game??????
Ay no worries you're the first person who's asked anything from it! (insert confetti here).
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
Tbh I focus on a lot of theoretical biology for my mer stuff, for those I'd have to say either the 'ology' books and/or the Spiderwick Chronicles. I just love to break down the creatures in a practical or scientific way, but add into it like. More based in reality biology and anatomy and stuff.
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Above are some of my favorite 'ology' books, and below are some of my favorite Spiderwick monsters! (Not to mention, the entirety of the SCP wiki. I live there some nights)
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Oh yeah, and not to mention I also loved the How to Train Your Dragon and Neverland Fairies books as a kid.
Otherwise, I really enjoy werewolf movies. Like super really enjoy werewolf movies, my personal fav being An American Werewolf in London. I've found myself writing a lot of essays about the psychoanalysis of lycanthropy and werewolf transformation in film, as well as trying to subvert traditional lycanthropic themes in my academic art. But! I will always love werewolves. Here's a link to my favorite part of the movie, the transformation! (Warning for nudity (David Naughton's butt) and a lot of screaming and agony and some AWESOME practical effects. No CGI here!)
Second to last, I super love tarot symbolism such as seen in Dragon Age Inquisition. I used to run an Etsy (before I realized Etsy was stealing 2k a month from me) where I made custom handpainted tarot decks, my pride and joy being my Attack on Titan deck, though I had plans to expand to other fandoms including Critical Role, my own take on the Dragon Age tarot, SCP, etc. And a lot of others people requested.
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Finally, I grew up non-denominational (and still am), so I find religious symbolism to be really prevalent, especially in my more recent works. Such as but not limited to sacrifice, lambs, the innocent, community, undeath, etc etc. Probably because of the severe lack of genuinely beautiful places to worship in my home country. Tbh, that's probably why I always end up playing an aasimar bard or monk in D&D.
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I think those would be my subconscious inspirations, at least those that I could think of after sitting here for a bit. Other than that, I love dark fantasy and medieval style fantasy games like D&D, Dragon Age, and so forth. And media like the X-Men, Stranger Things, Lord of the Rings, Ghibli films, and a handful of anime that I find really fun! (FALIN ART INCOMING hOLY SHI-) Other than that I really aspire to reach the lever of artwork of Alphonse Mucha and traditional early renaissance artists like the classic greats. Aka the namesakes of the Ninja Turtles. I know I won't ever get there, but it's still very fun to try and emulate!
(Funnily enough I was never allowed to watch stuff like H2O, Winx Club, or much else along those veins) Sorry for the long ass answer, but this's been a fun exercise to figure out some stuff and to share!
Here's the Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game for anyone else who wants to join the fun!
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haruki-neo · 4 months
added a keep reading so you don’t have to scroll-
Leo       He/they
Aro-Ace   15
Midland painted Turtle
claimed oldest. actually second youngest. hates that fact he is leader also doesn’t like being put on the spot. he loves green tea or matcha things
.isn’t too big of a fan of sweets, always cold for some unknown reason (hence the pants and sometimes scarf). haphephobia. has a sticker collection.👍 not picky will eat any kind of pizza!!🤍 weirdly aggressive 
Likes: foggy weather 
Donnie He/They
gay            15
Razor-backed musk turtle
Claimed second oldest. is actually the oldest oldest. tired boy who yaps way too much and drinks A LOT of coffee. he loves sweets especially dark chocolate. doesn’t like fizzy drinks. His glasses turn into goggles:D. has mysophobia and just likes wearing clothes. eats healthy most of the time. Veggie pizza!!🤍cares about his looks a bit too much-
likes: sunny weather 
Raph   He/Him
straight. 14
Red eared slider
Claimed second youngest. is actually the second oldest. loves rock and metal music. Entomophobia. always hot for some unknown reason (hence the lack of clothes). loves to annoy donnie especially when he’s working and goes easy and nice on Mikey. he loves confetti and bubblegum ice cream and or mints. Meat lovers pizza!!🤍 Absolutely loves soda
likes:windy weather 
Mikey He/Him
???        11
cagle's map turtle
Claimed youngest. Is the youngest. Headphones 24/7!! silly lil guy :D Nyctophobia. mini artist and has pet cat named klunk, will die for klunk. neapolitan ice cream! Very interesting little fella . cracks really bad jokes at the most inappropriate and offensive times. Doesn’t like vegetables and HATES cherry tomatoes. really picky eater. cheese pizza🤍sneaks out of the lair with Aprils help a lot of the time
likes: rain.
Splinter. he’s/him
???             idfk 
More silly than the other versions of splinter and a lot more laid back, chill. king of April fools!! would do anything for his silly goofy sons! cheese everything!!!! EXTRA cheesy pizza!🤍 Not too much on him. sorry
likes: cool sunny weather.
April  She/They
bi.           19
in college. what’s to be popular streamer and or you-tuber. Athazagoraphobia. has a roommate named irma and loves to stay up late. like homework and is lazy as hell. will do a lot. A LOT. of things for views. has glasses but wears contacts. Neapolitan Pizza. 🤍
Likes: Warm sunny weather 
Casey. He/They
Pan.    18-20
uh.. uh.. human?
In college, chill dude. has roommate named Haruki. buff!! happy go lucky people person. will die for a complete stranger. wants to be a police officer or someone who helps people. Super athletic and is quite equal in terms of stamina and speed with the turtles. has cool vigilante uniform!! California or Chicago style pizza🤍! 
Likes: rain
Klunk.  klunk/klunk
klunk.         ♾️
snow highland lynx
ice cream backpack. klunk. chubby fat cat klunk. 
sorry there’s no art. but thank you if you did i read it! hopefully all the info is correct cuz i wrote this half asleep. 😰
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