#sorry for the long response lol the Art Student™ came out of me
piratedllama-art · 1 year
Your process videos really ruined your art for me. I like your concepts but you're just painting over photographs and it's... weird. You don't seem to change anything to be uniquely 'yours'... just painting over photomanips which doesn't come across as genuine, especially considering the contrast between your photomanip illustrations and freehand work. Have you thought about working more on references and actual studies?
been thinking about how to answer this for a couple minutes now so here we go
What I do is a variation of photobashing-- really just painting over photos to achieve realism. After everything is rendered to how I want it (I usually take out a lot of extraneous details from backgrounds), I stop using the reference photos to do my own lighting, effects, etc. Small details to create the ambience that the base photos don't have.
I definitely get what you're saying here because I've seen other realism artists get variations of this same ask. My particular paintings rely on this uncanny realism that I can't reproduce as effectively when I eyeball things (especially perspective). The "weird" is part of it. I could just do a photomanip but instead I meticulously painted over every detail instead--what does this add? What does it take away? Do my hours of effort mean anything when I'm just "painting over photographs"?
Anyways, when I do traditional art, everything is drawn by eyeballing. I do lots of studies digitally and traditionally.
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