#sorry for the vr salt as usual ayyyyy
managician · 5 years
for the ask game, yuzu and aoi for 3? ♡
Thank you for the ask mitzi!!
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!! She’s my fave female lead in all of YGO and she’s such a great character!! Her deck kicks ass, she has compelling relationships not only with Yuya but with most of the main cast, she stays plot relevant until the very end, her design is perfect... Literally what’s there not to love
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Sora, Yuya, Yuto, Masumi, Ruri, Rin, Serena-- *writes down 99% of arc v characters*
My non-romantic OTP for this character: As much as I like them romantically any platonic interactions with Sora + Yuzu or Yuya + Yuzu make my heart so warm... They’re such good friends I love them!! OH and Gongenzaka too! 
My unpopular opinion about this character: Um... I guess saying that she’s the best female lead so far in YGO is already an unpopular opinion, as most people like Aki or even Asuka more. But she’s really imho the best! I just can’t begin to understand how people can’t see how great she is... She’s an amazing character on her own and doesn’t suffer a blantant shaft in the second half of the show like all the others do (or never be relevant to begin with, let’s pour one big out for Anzu and Kotori).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: B R O ...... brainwashed yuzu vs yuya .. i would’ve fucking killed a man to see that
My OTP: hard choice between musicbox and fruits but prolly musicbox!! I love their teacher-student interactions so much they’re adorable and pure
My OT3: mysteryshipping... i rlly wanna explore yuzu and yuto’s relationship more, and i also like counterpart and fruit so it’s just my perfect ot3 tbh.
How I feel about this character: she’s... okay. I like her design and Trickstars (( i can’t begin to express how much i hate marincess monsters they were literally a downgrade lmao )) but her role in the plot is... Very... Um. Yeah. I know it’s YGO and she’s a girl character but wow. Way to literally waste all of what could be done with her.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I liked shipping her with Yusaku for like... The first six eps of VR maybe lmao. I only really ship her with Takeru now, and only kinda lowkey, but I think her ship with Spectre can also be interesting if done right.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Aoi + Emma, aka maybe one of the only goddamn relationships I cared about and liked in this show. Their mentorship attitude is adorable and I feel like Emma really brings out the best in her and helps her become a better person!
My unpopular opinion about this character: ...She’s easily one of the worst YGO girls in terms of writing... She loses all major duels she has, fucks off from the plot for 40+ episodes and it has no meaningful impact because that’s how little involved she is, and is just generally treated horribly. I actually don’t know if this is all that unpopular or not bc I see mixed opinions mostly, but yeah.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: For her to, I don’t know, be an actually great character and not die 37894 times for the sake of manpain and so called ‘character development’ that keeps going nowhere.
My OTP: def phoenixship!
My OT3: i guess takeru/yusaku/aoi would be.. kinda neat....
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