#sorry for typos i didnt catch this was written at 2am
kaigazing · 7 years
Kaisoo after Hogwarts (slytherin!soo/hufflepuff!nini)
(because im enslaved to this au right now and i will probs never write this as a fic since i know jack shit about harry potter)
the two secretly dated during their later years as students (only exo knew definitively that they were dating, the rest of the school just kinda assumed)
secretly because kyungsoo comes from a long line of purebloods, and not the nice kind. his parents are openly prejudiced against muggle-born wizards like jongin and just generally look down on muggles. also, very homophobic and just genuinely nasty people
you can see the issue here right?
so soo is also a year ahead of jongin, meaning there’s a gap in which kyungsoo is gone while jongin is finishing up his final year
before kyungsoo graduated, they soft broke up, mainly just because kyungsoo is practical and figured it would be stupid to expect jongin to stay loyal to him for an entire year with little contact other than letters
jongin agrees because he assumes it kyungsoo who wants to get away from him and in the end he values kyungsoos happiness above his
so kyungsoo plays the good son for another year while jongin is still in school. he gets an internship under his father in the ministry of magic and he absolutely hates it but he deals
kaisoo keeps a letter correspondence during this gap year, but the letters considerably dwindle toward the end
kyungsoo does send jongin a congratulatory message for his graduation though!! 
jongin immediately looks for internships in the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures (care of magical creatures had always been his favorite class at hogwarts) and gets in
the two meet up in the ministry. its awkward and cute and its like that gap year didnt exist
kyungsoo invites jongin out for coffee, and jongin agrees even though he hates coffee because he wants to hang out with soo now that theyre adults™ 
they settle into a  routine: the two meet up for coffee before the work day, catching each other up on their lives (yeah, kyungsoo’s parents are still prejudiced dicks and jongin’s mom’s cafe is doing well)
it takes no effort to achieve the same closeness they had at hogwarts; it becomes overwhelmingly obvious the two are still crazy about each other
jongin breaks routine and invites kyungsoo out for dinner one night, and the two realize its a date like half way into their entrees
jongin admits that he never dated anyone during his last year at hogwarts and threw himself into his studies, holding onto the hope that kyungsoo would be willing to take him back after graduating and getting a good job
surprise!! kyungsoo didnt date anyone either. he entertained his parents and their attempts to set him up with girls from ~respectable~ pureblood families but he never let it go further than the initial date
falling in love the second time is incredibly easy consider theyve been head over heels for each other for a few years now
however, theres still that looming obstacle: kyungsoo’s parents
jongin assures him that they dont need to tell them right now, and that jongin’s mother loves and supports their relationship and they could go to her for any parental support they needed
so kyungsoo lets it sit for a few months, happily visiting jongin’s family in muggle london
during these visits, kyungsoo shows of his innate talent for pastry decorating and cooking in general, further impressing jongin’s mom who already adored him (the kims love him okay)
however the pain of hiding himself and his love for jongin from his parents eventually catches up with him
kyungsoo resolves that even if he and jongin for some reason DONT last, at least he’ll finally be out to his parents and have this burden off his conscious
it goes as well as you’d expect. theres a lot of screaming and crying and in the end, kyungsoo gets burnt off the family tapestry a la sirius black
soo is understandably devastated. he prepared himself for this exact scenario but (whether foolishly or not can be debated) had a sliver of hope that his parents would put his mental wellbeing and happiness over their views and traditions
its a shitty and depressing time for him, but he has jongin and the kim family to comfort him
in the true slytherin way, kyungsoo gets fed up with his own lethargy and decides to create goals for himself and sets to achieve all of them
first on the list: quit that awful ministry job he never wanted
jongin’s mother immediately asks him to work at her cafe, mentioning that she’d been keeping an eye on him and waiting for an opportunity to snatch him up
slowly but surely kyungsoo grasps control of his life again
kaisoo move to an apartment in muggle london, quite close to jongin’s mother in fact. the two often commute to the cafe together
jongin keeps his job in the ministry (he really loves animals alright) and thats all the connects kyungsoo has to the wizarding world anymore (besides his own magic, of course)
flash forward a year or two, and we see kaisoo happily engaged. kyungsoo does take the kim surname as per western traditions. however, he also kinda wants to disconnect himself from the do name
they do eventually adopt! they have a son who is sorted into ravenclaw and is the same year as baekyeol’s twins (one slytherin one gryffindor). the three are two years behind baekyeol’s daughter (gryffindor)
ive got plotlines for their son but i wont write about it lol
ok this ended up being more kyungsoo after hogwarts im sorry i snubbed nini
i might eventually write a fic about this but dont hold your breath lmao
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