#sorry i didnt get notifications for these bun
Kitra and 4-7 (one putting their arm around the other's shoulders) maybe?
Sorry it took so long nonnie! Tungle tungled and I didnt get the notif for like a whole week, and then it took me another week to come up with an idea but here it is finally!!!
Nothing Less Than A Crime
(Title from Too Much Wine by The Fratellis)
Cherise (known better as Cyar'ika or Sweetheart) belongs to @cyarbika
Nocte belongs to @purgetrooperfox
Ashe belongs to @penguinkiwi
The word 'ahwey' as a word for nautolan's head tresses comes from @shadowmaat
Read below the cut or on AO3!!!
He leaves it a few hours before going to find her, because despite what Plo says he does have some self-preservation instinct still remaining. He follows her signature across Coruscant, down the levels, stopping only when he sees the bar she's chosen to drown her sorrows in.
She must be really angry with him, if she's here. She must really not want to see him.
He briefly considers respecting her wishes, but he can feel how she's aching, how deeply she's hurting. He can feel how it's curdling in her stomach and boiling her blood, even so many hours after the event. She might be angry with him, with the whole council right now, but she never does well on her own when she's upset.
He would have left her to it, but both Nocte and Ashe are working this evening, and he hates to think of her suffering alone. She might curse his name, she might even punch him, but she won't stagger home alone tonight and that's what matters.
Kit steels himself and walks into 79s.
The clones recognise him first, though it takes the civilians a few moments longer. Without the cloak and formal robes, it's much easier to pass as just a normal citizen. Unfortunately, his face is currently plastered all over the most recent Senate propaganda, all because he lost a coin toss with Obi-Wan. Currently, barring Master Yoda, Kit is just about the most recognisable Jedi out there.
It doesn't help any that there is an extremely large billboard with his face on right outside the entrance.
His own battalion nod and smile as he passes them, and he acknowledges them all as he winds his way towards the back of the bar where he can feel Dara's angry pulsating presence residing. The others are not nearly so at ease with him. Monnk is sitting at a large table with his fellow Commanders, and he waves at Kit as he passes. The other Commanders, barring Fox, all stare at him with frozen faces. Kit pretends not to notice as Bly stamps on Monnk’s foot beneath their table for drawing attention to them.
Kit waves back, smiling. Monnk knows he’s hardly one to mind a bit of carousing after a hard campaign. Fox too, unfortunately for the both of them. Still, he thinks he’s forgiven as Fox tips his drink in Kit’s direction. He grins and keeps moving.
One of the servers, a young togruta with dusty pink skin, almost drops her tray when she sees him. She scurries away, presumably to find the owner. He sighs internally.
He spots Dara quickly enough, sitting in a booth with her back to him. There is a woman sitting opposite her.
She has deep red skin; not quite as dark as wine and not quite as pink as ruby. Garnet, Kit muses. A suitably geological description, he thinks. Her hair is silver, tied back in a bun. A few loose curls hang forwards over her forehead like threads of moonlight. Her cheeks are dusted with pale white freckles.
She looks upset, frowning concernedly as she holds one of Dara’s hands over the table.
Kit is about to turn around and walk away, satisfied that Dara is not in fact alone, when the woman across from her looks up and sees him. Her eyes widen in alarm, and she snatches her hand away from Dara’s, standing so quickly she bangs her legs against the table.
“Master Jedi,” she stammers, wiping her palms nervously over what Kit quickly realises to be an apron. She must work here. “How- uh- how can I help you?”
“Don't worry Cherise,” Dara mutters, her voice soft and a little slurred. “He’s here for me.”
If anything the woman, Cherise, just looks more alarmed at Dara’s words.
She still doesn’t turn to look at him.
“Um, okay…” Cherise says, her eyes flicking rapidly between Kit and Dara, “can I, um, get you a drink?”
“Yes please,” Kit says, sliding into the booth beside Dara. She shifts up grumpily to let him, staring down morosely into her drink. He throws an arm over the back of the booth behind her, pulling his ahwey forwards with the other hand so he doesn’t end up leaning on them. It’s never a good idea to let your ahwey rest on something in a public space, especially not something in a somewhat seedy bar.
“A full bottle of whatever she is currently drinking, plus a second for that table over there,” he says, pointing towards Monnk and the other Commanders. “Please, keep the change.”
Dara blinks as he hands over a fistful of credits he doesn’t bother to count. It’s the most she’s reacted to anything he’s said or done since he arrived.
“That’s a lot of money,” she murmurs, watching as Cherise accepts the credits with both hands cupped together. “Where did you get it?”
“I stole it,” Kit says blithely.
Cherise’s eyes widen almost comically.
“Who from?” Dara asks curiously.
“Quinlan,” Kit says as he leans back in the booth, “He was irritating me.”
Dara snorts softly as Cherise stares at him in confusion. Eventually, she shakes her head and clears her throat.
“Two full bottles,” she says frowning, “I’m not sure...”
“I can assure you,” Kit interrupts, “the men on that table are perfectly well behaved.”
Cherise’s face twists as if she's tasted something sour. Dara laughs.
“It’s not them she’s concerned about, asshole,” she says. “It’s me.”
Cherise and Dara make eye contact, and Dara smiles somewhat sadly.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice you’ve been watering down my drinks for the past hour?” she murmurs.
Cherise snorts.
“Two, actually,” she says, and Dara laughs again.
“Clearly you needed it,” Kit says dryly, before turning back to Cherise. “And I can’t comment on my friend's future behaviour, but I can offer to look after her. And pay for any damages, of course.”
Cherise stares at him.
“He’s joking,” Dara says, finishing her drink and putting her empty glass on the table. “He can't afford that.”
Cherise looks between the two of them, then sighs.
“Fine,” she acquiesces, dropping the pile of credits into the front pocket of her apron before looking up at Dara once more.
“You sure you’re okay here?” she asks, her eyes flicking to Kit distrustfully.
“I’m fine, Cherry,” Dara says. “Don’t worry about it.”
Cherise frowns at her for a moment, then nods.
“Alright,” she says, lifting her chin. “You know where to find me if that changes.”
She glares at Kit, the threat clear in her eyes, before she sweeps back towards the bar. Kit watches her go, consideringly.
“I like her,” he says, turning back towards Dara. She’s scowling at him.
“I thought I made it clear that I don’t want to speak to you right now,” she says.
“I know,” he sighs, pulling his arm away from her and into his lap, “but I didn't want you to be alone.”
“I wasn't alone.”
“Well, I didn't know that.”
“Well why don't you leave?”
“Do you want me to?” he asks softly, looking at her carefully.
She turns away, fiddling with her empty glass and glaring at the table top. She swallows, blinking rapidly, the ends of her ahwey twitching slightly. He can't get any prevailing scent from her, the air in here is too dense with the hundred or so people enjoying their evening, and she’s likely been regulating herself as soon as he arrived.
He knows her though. He's known her almost as long as he can remember. He doesn’t know how to make this better though.
“Look, Dara,” he says, “I can't imagine what you must be feeling, but-”
Her bitter laugh stops him talking.
“No, no you really can’t,” she says, “so shut up, or go back to your quarters, take your saber, lube it up real nice, shove it up your ass, and press the fucking switch. You know what?” Her lip curls, exposing her canines. “Use mine. Even better.”
Kit turns to see Cherise standing a few feet away. She’s holding a bottle of brandy and another glass and looking incredibly shocked. She swallows as she takes the final few steps up to the table, placing the bottle and glass in front of Kit.
She and Dara stare at each other, one face shocked, the other stricken.
"So… you're a Jedi?" Cherise says.
"Unfortunately," Dara says. She clasps her hands anxiously in front of her. "I'm sorry Cherry, I should've told you years ago I just- I don't know. Fuck. I'm sorry."
Cherise nods slowly, still staring at Dara. She doesn't say anything, just nods slightly dazedly before she walks away.
"Fuck," Dara says. She sounds gutted.
"Sorry," Kit murmurs, "I should've been more careful."
"No," she sighs, pulling the bottle towards her, "much as I'd like to blame you, that was definitely my fault. I should've told her years ago."
He understands the urge; the desire to have just one conversation where you are normal, just like everyone else. Especially from Dara, who has always had one foot out of the Temple doors. Dara, who has a constantly evolving list of pros and cons in her head about staying in the Jedi Order.
Dara, who has just stood and betrayed everything she stands for in the name of the so-called greater good.
He watches as she uncorks the bottle and lifts it straight to her lips. After she's taken a long swig, throat bobbing as she swallows, she pours them both a glass.
Her eyes are dull as she slides his glass towards him.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kit asks quietly.
She's quiet for a long time before she responds, staring down at the amber coloured liquid in her glass.
"Do I want to talk about it?" she muses softly, still staring at her drink. Kit watches her.
"Do I want to talk about how I just stood and betrayed everything I stood for," she continues, voice barely audible above the throbbing base.
"About how I just watched everything I've worked for, my life's fucking work, get turned inside out and used against itself?"
She stares at her drink, blank faced and voice so, so empty.
"I genuinely don't know," she says slowly, her voice cracking in the middle.
"Dara-" he starts, but she isn't finished.
"I'm not even angry with you," she adds thoughtfully, "you're just the only council member I can scream at without repercussions. I really don't want to get sent on a meditative retreat right now."
"Oh, I don't know," Kit murmurs, "you had a good scream at all of us yesterday."
"That wasn't screaming, that was calmly outlining my points of concern."
"Yes," Kit agrees, "very loudly."
Dara snorts, almost a giggle, and her eyes flick to his face briefly.
"Thank you for doing it," he says. He doesn't know if anyone has thanked her yet. "I know how you feel but…"
"I swear to all that I hold dear, Kit, if you say anything about the greater good right now-" she chokes on her words, her head ducking forwards and a tear rolling down her cheek.
She blinks rapidly, and he waits for her to compose herself before he keeps talking.
"I was just going to say," he said softly, "it will keep my troops alive a little bit longer, and for that I can only thank you."
She nods slowly.
"Can we-" her voice cracks, and more tears spill down her cheeks. "Can we just not talk for a little bit?"
Kit nods, finally taking a sip of his drink as she hides her tears in hers.
Later, when the bar is almost empty, he will hold her upright while she slurs apologies to Cherise. He will carry her back to the Temple and carry her up the steps. He will wait, while the anger and alcohol fades and all she is left with is her grief. He will hold her while she falls apart, screaming and crying in his arms.
Later still, he will think of her in his final moments. He will think of her as he follows Mace, Saesee and Agen into the Chancellor's office, and how she was right all along. He will think of her on her meditative retreat, because it turns out you can't lose control in front of the Council and escape without consequences. He will think of her scrambling up a mountain and at peace, and be desperately glad that she is far, far away from Coruscant.
But for now, in this busy bar, all he can do is sling an arm around her shoulders and squeeze.
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
What would be your OCs ideal "meet-cute"? Like how did they plan to meet their darling in a way that would attract them to the boys? Or did it happen by pure coincidence?
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love the ask! Prepare for chaos cause I like seeing them struggle
Also omg you gave a request Im so happy I think you're so cool and i like seeing you on my notifications so please like and request more stuff if you want to ahhhh💖-
This story contains: talk of stalking, yandere behavior, talk of sex (sorry it's prince...sex is always on his mind)
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Oh he's smart
He knows exactly how he wants to set up
He first saw you in your favorite bakery and from then on it was a done deal
His five years of stalking you has paid off
He knows almost everything at this point
He wanted it to be romantic and something out of a romance movie
But- he's still a bit of a dummy at times and it didn't go exactly how he wanted it to
He's played this out in his head about 100 times, he has done everything he has to in order to get everything to work out in his favor, so why did this have to happen?
His plan was to walk in ten minutes before you did at the bakery, he would pretend to be unsure of what to get then once you walk in he waits exactly two minutes before asking what exactly you would get sounding as lost and clueless as possible
out of the kindness in your heart you will respond and he will charm his way to getting your number, even though he already has it. That was the plan but you never did show up to the bakery so he panicked and went to your house to look for you
Were you kidnapped? Sick? What was going on?! He has rushed to your place now right infront of the door only for it to swing open and for you to crash into him falling ontop of him, okay?
You were frazzled and flustered, you must have woken up late. He looked at you and felt his cheeks turning red as you scrambled up and he picked up his glasses
"i-im so sorry! I just crashed into you i didnt see you"
This wasn't exactly how he expected it but he can use this, sure it wasn't the same but it was alright he can work with this.
"ah, it's quite alright. Though I'm sorry to say but my ankle isn't doing so well"
"holy shit, I'm sorry! So you need help?!"
You helped him up and as theodore leaned on you slightly he shuddered at the scent of you, absolutely delicious.
"sorry, I'm so rude I'm theodore"
"I'm the rude one here, it's [y/n]. do you live around here or something? I feel responsible so let me help by getting you home"
Theodore smiled and adjusted his glasses as he faked the pain in his ankle, it was a little embarrassing having to pretend to be pathetic but his first plan flew out the window and this was all he had left
"live just down the road, thank you for such kindness"
He smiled and knew that he wormed his way into your life, sure it wasn't how he wanted but he was in no rush.
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He has to be careful
He's famous after all
He has an image to maintain so he can't be all creepy and stalk you
He pays people to do that
He first saw you at one of his photoshoot sites and he just couldn't help but fall
He really honestly just wants to walk up to you and say hi
But a crowd of people would be on him I minutes so maybe not
He decided to wear a hat and mask
He honestly is so self centered he just wanted to say hi and expected you to swoon
Hikaru adjusted the mask now walking into the book store where he saw you walk into just moments before, plan was to casually find you and bump into you before revealing himself and next thing you know you are jumping into his arms!
So he did just that, walked into the book store, saw you and "accidentally" bumped into you causing the book in your hand to fall
"oh I'm sorry, how clumsy of me"
"no no it's fine! Accidents happen y'know?"
Hikaru smirks before pulling down his mask while picking up the book, his eyes shining with a charming gaze as he looked at you
"how about I make it up to you with some yummy food"
"oh! You're that model from the magazines!"
Yeah baby now come jump into-
"that's sweet but I'm good it's truly fine"
Excuse me bitch?
Hikaru felt his body twitch now fighting the urge to turn his charming grin into a harsh scowl, what the actual hell!? Do you not see how hot he is?! God why the fuck did he fall in love with such a dumbass?!
"o-oh well, how about I pay for your book? I like this book as well so it's only fair"
"you like 'elmo goes to wonderland?'"
Hikaru twitched once more as he glanced down at the book you had dropped and felt his eye twitch with annoyance, why were you buying this?!
"it's for my friend's sister if you were wondering, if you're still up for it let's have that food I want some red bean buns!"
Okay..so that worked?!
Hikaru didn't understand why him being a total idiot wooed you but okay?!
"names [y/n] by the way, I'll let my friend know that you love elmo I'm sure she has more books for you"
Your joke wasn't funny and hikaru now wanted to kiss and strangle you at the same damn time. He feels so embarrassed but at the same time happy.....but the real thing he's thinking is why the hell did I fall for this idiot?!
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Okay so he really just wanted to get into your pants
Like really wanted to get in there
Until he started to stalk you and saw how you acted
That's when he fell for you
He has no idea how to court anyone so he has no idea what the hell to do
This was a whole different game that he didn't know how to play
You were different than the strippers and party loving people he hangs with
You two met out of pure fate
Your friends were forcing you to go out for your birthday to a bar
The bar he worked at
His heart was about to burst
He wanted to say hi soooo bad but your friends were flirting with him hard
He figured if he got them drunk they will pass out
So he did exactly that while leaving you tipsy
He's been bartending for a while so he knows how to do this kinda stuff
Once he strikes up a conversation with you he's so happy
"so, you don't exactly look like one of my normal customers"
"what exactly does your normal customers look like?"
Prince grinned at you as he fixed you another drink before placing it infront of you, giving you a sly wink
"nothing like you doll face, you're too cute and I've never seen your face trust me I would remember a face like yours"
He prayed to God his flirting works cause that's the only trick he's got. He watched you laugh as you took a sip of your drink and he knew he wanted to marry you on the spot
"smooth, but you'll have to try a little harder than that"
"alright well, what's your name?"
"[y/n], why whose askin?"
Prince flashed a huge grin as he leaned down his arms rested against the bar as he eyed you up and down.
"prince is the name, so ever wanted to get behind a bar before?"
"won't you get into trouble for that?"
"I won't tell if you won't"
Sexual tension was HIGH
Prince was ready!
then..you fell asleep
Damn it he got you too drunk, with a long sigh he leaned back now feeling the biggest blue balls in his entire life, he decided it was time to take you home so he did exactly that.
Getting into your place was far too easy and he reminded himself that when you two stsrt dating he has to tighten security around here, he laid you in the bed before placing a soft kiss onto your cheek and leaving but not before writing his phone number and name on a napkin and placing it on your nightstand
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Okay so I've talked about how dumb axis is
But he is like...reallllyyyyy dumb
Poor boy was so excited when he first met you before falling in love
He met you at an art store
He needed help on picking the right color and you popped up
Your voice made him giggle and your smell made him drool
He was in LOVE!
He wanted to meet you again
So he showed up at that art shop every single day listening for your voice and hoping to smell that amazing scent
After six months of actively going he almost given up..until
"excuse me, where are the paint buckets?"
"oh! Right this way!"
Axis perked up as he heard footsteps and the soft scent filling his nose, you! It was you! It had to be you! You were here!
He slowly followed your scent hearing you talk to the worker before hearing the worker's footsteps vanish, he was panicked! Did he look okay?! Did his eyes look weird?! He made sure to wear his sunglasses but they weren't all too tinted..what if you see his weird fish eyes!
All this panicking made him start to shake and he soon heard a voice break him out of it
"excuse me, are you okay?"
He tensed up and snapped his attention onto that voice, that angel of a voice. That voice that could make him do anything it could ever want, you were infront of him and he loved it
"y-yeah! Sorry! I'm just panicking cause I don't know which paint to buy, being blind has its limits haha"
"oh, well I can help if you need?"
He gave an excited nod and you did exactly that just like you did six months ago, it was magical
"what do you need paint for?"
"oh I just moved into a new place"
You moved? He didn't know that, he doesn't know anything about you, he wants to know everything
"oh, well I'm an artist haha, weird yeah?"
"well I don't think it's that weird, it's actually really impressive"
Axis held in every tear he could as he decided to ask the age old question, the question he wanted to know for six months
"what's your name?"
"oh! Sorry! It's [y/n]"
What a pretty name, a name he wanted to now write over and over again, when you asked his name he of course gave it to you before throwing an opportunity out there hoping you take it
"if you ever need help painting your house, I can help out trust me I'm awesome with a brush!"
"I would actually like that, when are you free?"
That's how he ended up in your home, and into your life.
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He literally just walked up and said hi
That's it
He saw you and was like "oh okay let's do this now"
He has no grace he doesn't usually plan things out he just goes and see how it works out
As a person who is a mute 80% of the time talking with you was a little awkward.
He gave off a lost puppy type vibe
Yuki usually would never come to an arcade, but he wanted to win the giant stuffed cat that they had at the prize booth it was so big that they simply had a picture of it..it would make a wonderful place to sleep on
It costed so many tickets though so he had put his entire paycheck into that card to hopefully win as much tickets as he could. That's when he met you, you were absolutely killing it on one of the zombie games and honestly it looked super cool
He walked up to the machine before swiping his card and picking up the player two gun, without a single word he started to play as well. The silence was awkward for sure but it was you who broke it
"wow you are actually pretty good, you play a lot?"
His short one word answer made you think that he wasn't really wanting to talk so you were about to leave when he simply swiped his card in the player one slot before handing you the gun once more, with a grin you stepped back up and continued to play
You would ask him questions and get one word responses back or even just sounds filled with emotions, you quickly realized that he just was a man of few words
Yuki had been swiping his card for the both of you so when the time came that he was tapped out a look of shock filled him, he was about to go out more money in but it seemed like the store was closing
"well, I better g-"
You were cut off with him grabbing your hand and pulling you to the prize counter. You followed as he gave the worker the card and got exactly what he wanted...the softest, warmest, biggest plushie ever!
As he hugged it close he watched your eyes soften at the sight of it and you were in awe. He glanced at the plushie, then back at you, then back at the plushie
With that he handed the plushie to you watching your eyes grow big as you hesitantly reached out to it
"you're giving it to me?"
He nodded softly as he watched you hug it close
"are you sure?! This is the most expensive thing in the prize corner, I don't even think you can get another one! Are you re-"
"take. It."
You nodded and flashed him a huge grin before you watched him take out a pen and write on the plushie's tummy in big letters
'yuki: XXX-XX-XXXX'
"that's your name? Yuki..well yuki I'm [y/n]! I'll be sure to send lots of pictures of our new baby! Figured we can have joint custody hmm?"
Yuki have another nod as you both started to walk out, he didn't feel mentally exhausted when he was around you. You were definitely special and he wanted to know more.
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 2 — Talk To Me
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x y/n
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — kags being a meanie
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You woke up the next day to your slightly annoying alarm, groaning as you stretched. You reached for your phone to snooze your alarm, yawning loudly as you opened your phone to see notifications. You checked your text messages first, seeing two unknown numbers that sent you a text.
(Sent September 23rd at 11:24 pm)
xxx-xxx-xxxx: [Hey y/n! This is Shoyo!]
[From the volleyball club!]
(Sent September 23rd at 11:28 pm)
xxx-xxx-xxxx: [Yo, this is noya!]
You smiled and responded to both of their texts before climbing out of bed, stretching your arms and legs. You grabbed your uniform to slip it on before remembering something. You haven't sent Kageyama a goodmorning text!
(Sent September 24th at 6:34 am)
Y/N: [good morning Tobio! Do you want to eat lunch together today?]
[Ill bring your favorite snacks!]
Kageyama: [can't, im busy today]
Y/N: [how about tomorrow?]
Kageyama: [busy.]
You sighed and brushed it off, thinking for a bit. You smiled, Tobio was so cool! He must be busy with something important, you thought as you dressed into your uniform. Your mom let you decide if you wanted to be driven again or walk, it was only a 15 minute walk. You knew sooner or later you'd be forced to walk so you decided to walk today.
It was chilly out of course, so you slipped on a scarf and slipped out the front door. You decided to stop at the convenience store on the way to the school, grabbing three meatbuns and purchasing them. When you continued on your walk, you noticed a familiar face.
"Hey Kageyama!" You called, causing the male to jump and look around until his eyes landed on you. His calm expression turned slightly sour, and you giggled, jogging over to him. "Good morning Tobio!" You huffed out, handing him a meat bun.
"Morning, and no thank you," he declined the meat bun, making you shrug and take a bite. "Do you always walk to school?" You ask, kicking some rocks, humming a light tune. He lightly hummed and didnt bother to look at you, making you pout. "You could give me a real answer Kageyama."
You cross your arms and notice the males ears turn slightly red and he nods. "Sorry," he mumbles and you guys arrive at the school, entering the door. You sighed lightly of relief, smiling at the slight warmth the inside of the school offered.
"Where are you going to Tobio?" You asked, turning to the male, leaning over and slapping your knee lightly. He took a glance at you and turned away, "im going to class. Bye." He walked off without another word from either of you two, and you huffed lightly.
(Sent September 24th at 6:51 am)
Y/N: [Shoyo! What does Kageyama do during lunch?]
Shoyo: [What? He doesnt do anything, what do you mean?]
Y/N: [He said he's busy today but i didnt get to ask him what he was doing :'/]
Shoyo: [Ah! Uhm.. ill ask him!]
You bit your lip and thought for a bit. You guessed maybe Hinata and Kageyama weren't as close as you thought. You stuffed your phone into your pocket and headed to your class, taking your seat behind the blonde, Tsukishima. "Hey, Tsukki," you tapped him.
"Hmm?" He hummed turning to face you. Class hasnt started yet, so you placed your plastic bag on the desk, smiling. "Want a meat bun?" His eyebrows went up before he glared at you, then nodded. You beamed at him as you handed him a bun, watching him take a bite.
"Thanks," he says and turns back to his seat. "Oh yeah, and don't call me Tsukki." He went back to working on some work that he had left to complete. You ate the last meat bun before placing the plastic bag into your backpack.
During lunch you decided that you would stay in the classroom, you didn't bother to go find another spot to sit or anyone to sit with. You slipped on some headphones and shuffled your favorite playlist, smiling at the tune. You ate your food that you had prepared as you doodled on some homework that you had finished.
You were so into your doodles that you almost didn't notice the freckled boy trying to get your attention. "Hello?" You looked up at him, smiling instantly at the cute boy. "W-wow, hey!" You slipped off your head phones and paused your playlist. "Im Tadashi, Tsukki's friend."
"Ah, you're from the volleyball club huh?" You smiled and took a quick bite of your food before turning your attention back to the male. He smiled and nodded his head, "yeah, you're kageyamas friend uh.. y/n?"
"Yeah, it's nice to meet you," you said and he scooted close to you. "What are you drawing?" He took a peek at your sketches and then looked back up at you, smiling. "Ah, sorry this is unrelated but– your eyes are so pretty," you giggle, cupping the males face, making him giggle as well.
"You know, you're very open," Tsukishima adds, turning around in his desk to face both you and Tadashi. You took another bite of your food and then leaned back in your desk. "Well, what's wrong with that?" You ask, smirking, "it makes it easy to talk to people and make friends."
Yamaguchi giggles a bit at your comment, but you weren't sure why. "Maybe if you were more open Tsukki, you'd have more friends," yamaguchi laughed out, causing you to also burst out in laughter. Tsukishima tried hard to act offended, but couldn't help but crack a small grin at his friends comment.
After school you decided to go to the gym again with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You walked next to Yamaguchi and you two talked and laughed on the way there. "Volleyball is pretty fun! Have you ever played?" He asked and you smiled, nodding. "My old friends from Nekoma let me play with them sometimes," you blurted, bouncing with each step at the happy memory.
"N-nekoma?!" Yamaguchi gasped, jaw dropping. You nodded, furrowing your eyebrows. "Yeah, why?" You questioned, also noticing an intrigued glance from the taller male. "You moved from Tokyo? From Nekoma High?" He asked as you guys stepped into the gym.
"Yeah, I'm from Tokyo," you smiled, you and Tadashi following Tsukishima like puppy dogs, continuing the conversation. "Y/N!" A loud voice called and you turned to see Hinata running full speed at you. He stopped on his heels, infront of you with a big smile. "Hi!" He smiled widely and bounces.
You wave a small goodbye to Tadashi and Tsukishima as they go to set up and you turn back to the orange headed male. "Whats up Hinata?" Nishinoya and Tanaka trailed after Hinata, "you dont have friends here yet right?" Tanaka asked and you tilted your head.
"Ah, well its only my second day here. I only have Kageyama but hes so grumpy and busy all the time, but I think you guys are pretty cool," you giggled, swinging one of your legs to a random tune playing in that head of yours. "Do you want to walk home with us today? We're gonna stop by the coaches store after practice," Noya spoke up, hope in his eyes.
"Of course! As long as they have meatbuns," you closed your eyes, smiling at the thought of meatbuns. "Wow, you must really like meat buns. Kageyama said that you bought some this morning," Hinata jumped up and down in place to keep his legs warm.
"Yeah, theres a convenience store nearby my house on the way here, so I had to get meatbuns!" You heard Daichi calling the boys to huddle, so you took a seat near the side of the gym near where the managers were standing. You worked on some homework, once again letting your mind wander as you doodled on the page.
You decided to take a break and went on your phone. You were mindlessly scrolling through social media for the rest of the practice, not once noticing the time that passed by until you felt quick repeated taps on your shoulder. You jumped and saw Hinatas big goofy smile in your face.
"Lets go go go!" He jumped and rushed out the door, leaving you shocked and rushing to grab your stuff before running after him. You saw Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi waiting outside the door, watching you and hinata rush out the door. "Noya and Tanaka had to leave early so its just us!" Hinata informed you. You guys head to the store, kageyama standing on the opposite side of the group of you.
"Hey Kageyama look," you grabbed a bag of candy off one of the shelves and held it up for him to see. "You used to eat this all the time in first grade," you giggled and inspected the bag. You decided to purchase it and some meatbuns before you guys finished your walk home.
It was nice to talk to new people, new faces, but you really wanted to spend time with Kageyama.
"Kageyama, do you want my mom to give you a ride home, my house is right around the corner," you say, stuffing a meatbun in your mouth while shoulder bumping the male playfully. Hinatas expression was confused, but slightly worried. "Kageyama are you okay?"
Kageyama looks up at Hinata and nods his head "I'm fine." He said, completely ignoring what you had asked him. Thinking he was maybe being stubborn you poked his ankle with the toe of your shoe, "atleast give me an answer Tobio."
"I'll walk home by myself," he muttered and sped up his pace, leaving you behind. You slowed down until you were next to Tsukishima and continued to eat your meatbuns. "Why do you let him treat you like that?" Tsukishima asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"Like what?" You asked, staring at the blonde with a look of utter confusion, making him nod. "He just ignores you or brushes you off half the time." He states before waving at Tadashi and Hinata that turned down different roads. "He's always been like that, even since we were children, hes just stubborn."
Tsukishima scoffs lightly. "Stubborn," he repeats softly, then turns to face you. "Ill see you tomorrow shorty," he says before slipping on his headphones and taking a right, leaving you to go left. You thought about what Tsukishima said, what did he mean? Kageyamas just like that, right?
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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honeypirate · 4 years
I found you again
Daichi x y/n post time skip.
This is really long bc I didn’t want to do a second part. I could have split it up but that takes so long.
You were jogging in place, waiting for the crosswalk to tell you it was time.
It was early in the morning, your first day back in your hometown after college. You were on a run, re-familiarizing yourself with your old town before you were going to see if you could join the womens volleyball club in the community.
The light turned with the familiar beep you heard every morning walking to high school and you started to jog again, being back in town brought up many memories about volleyball and a certain boy you used to in love with.
After the last few years you wondered what happened to him. Back then you were too scared to confess your feelings so you didnt and you remained just close friends with him, after graduation you didn’t keep in contact, you went abroad to try and rid yourself of your feelings and, as much as you know, it worked.
You round a corner and smack face first into the back of a big man, and has you grunt and hit the ground on your butt you only realize that it’s a police officer “Sorry sir, I didn’t see you there” he turns around all concerned and you cock your head is it really him? It’s like your thoughts had summoned him.
“Sawamura?” His concern and confusion turns into a look of recognition “Y/n?!” He helps you to your feet “you’re back in town! are you okay?” You smile “yeah I’m fine! I’m sorry again for running into you. I was a little distracted.” You still were hella distracted seeing him now, all grown up and a police officer! you almost couldn’t believe your eyes. He was still as handsome as ever but you did prefer to see him in volleyball shorts, he had meaty thighs that you checked out many times in school.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m kind of glad you did, it’s really nice to see you.” And then he said the words you hoped he would “Hey do you wanna get together tonight for dinner and catch up?” (I guess I didn’t get over shit) you think to yourself as you smile and nod “I would love to.” You pull out your phone “what’s your number? I’ll send you a text so you have mine and you can call me later” he tells you his number and you send him your contact “I should get going soon, I’m meeting with the community women’s volleyball club to see if I can join.” He beams at you “I play with the men’s team sometimes when I’m not working” you laugh “that makes me so glad. I loved watching you play in high school. It was mesmerizing. I played on the women’s team in college so, I could probably beat you now” you wink and he laughs making you remember how much you love that sound “well we should see about that sometime” his partner gets his attention from the parked car on the street and he nods at him “I’ll call you when I get off okay?” You nod and he gets in his car with a wave. After all this time he still adores you. After all this time you still love his meaty thighs. You continue your run and mentally put together the outfit you’ll wear tonight.
Daichi gets off work and drives home, he takes off his belt and uniform, setting his stuff on his dresser. He’s nervous to make a phone call, nervous to see the girl he used to love because she’s an adult now and even more beautiful than he remembers. He’s nervous because he can feel his love for her coming back. He takes a deep breath and presses call before he chickens out.
You’re dancing to Girl on Fire in your bathroom, doing your makeup in your cutest pair of black matching lingerie. You didn’t intend to sleep with him, you knew he was a gentleman. You wore this for you, so you felt more confident.
As you belt out the chorus your phone cuts out the song to vibrate signaling a call and you start to laugh at your crappy singing voice as you pick up your phone. Your palms immediately start to sweat when you read his name on the screen. “Finally” you say and press the green button “Sawamura!” Your voice is excited and he laughs softly “Y/n. How are you?” He didn’t know why he was nervous to begin with, hearing you say his name washed away all of his nerves. “I’m good. Better now actually. How are you?” You’re smiling looking at yourself in the mirror “I’m better too. I was thinking we could get some dinner and I could meet at your place and we could walk together?” You hold in a laugh of glee “that sounds perfect. I’ll text you my address. When will you be here?” You’re swaying side to side in excitement “in an hour? If that works for you” you can hear the smile in his voice “yea that’s perfect. I can’t wait to see you again” you laugh shyly “I feel the same Y/n. I can’t wait.” Your smile hurts your cheeks a little “okay I’ll see you then” you say goodbye and hang up the phone and shout in excitement doing a little dance as you text him your address with a heart emoji.
You wear a pair of black skinny jeans and white v neck flowy blouse that shows just enough of your lace bra to be tasteful and sexy. You hope it doesn’t get too cold tonight bc a jacket would take from the look. You wear simple jewelry and a pair of black ankle boots with a heel.
Your phone in your hand and when it goes off you read the notification “knock knock” it says and then your eyes flash to the door when you hear him knock. You smile and shake out your limbs, you’re so excited and nervous. You open the door and look him up and down, black shoes, straight blue jeans, and a black button up shirt tucked in with rolled sleeve. He looks good. It’s simple and handsome. You can’t help but throw your arms around his neck “right on time” you say and he laughs and returns your hug “you smell amazing” he says when you pull away and you see he is blushing just a little “thank you! My favorite perfume, I’m glad you like it. You obviously check him out again “you look really handsome” he lets out a shy laugh “thank you y/n.” He looks into your eyes when he says “You look beautiful.” It’s your turn to blush and you shove your phone in your pocket and grab your keys as a way to pretend you weren’t as flustered as you were. “thank you” your voice is shy and you clear your throat before looking back at him and asking “Are you ready?” He nods and you exit your apartment and lock the door before putting your keys in your pocket.
When you get to the street he takes your hand in his and you smile and give his hand a squeeze. “So where we going Daichi?” You ask and he grins “I thought we’d get some meat buns from the old shop and then walk around all the places we used to go as teenagers.” Your smile widens “that is perfect!” He looks relieved “I’m glad you think so. I was worried for a second.” He laughs and clears his throat “so what are you doing now y/n? How long are you back for?” You’re absentmindedly rubbing soft circles on his hand with your thumb as you respond “I’m back for good. I’m actually a teacher at Karasuno and the new girls volleyball coach!” You exclaim, eager to talk about it because of how excited you were. It seems like his body relaxes a little at your words “that’s amazing y/n! I’m so happy for you! And to be honest I’m glad you’re gonna be back now, I really missed you.” You bump your shoulder into his lightly “I missed you too Daichi ” you say and you notice the blush on his cheeks. “So you’re a police officer now!” He laughs “yeah I am. I just want to protect people you know?” You nod “I understand that. You were always a good guy, I wouldn’t expect anything less.” You reach the shop and start to bounce on your toes “I’m happy to see you’re still the same in some ways” you quirk your eyebrow at him “when you’re excited you bounce and dance around. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen” he gets you both a few buns and gestures to the drink selection “do you want anything else?” You grab a drink “thank you, and I never really noticed that I do that” you nervous laugh as you both head to the counter, Ukai wasn’t there and you were unsure what he was up to now, you didn’t ask the cashier.
When you left the store you thank Daichi for paying and then say “do you wanna go eat this in the school? It’s not trespassing because I happen to have a key. And I could show you my classroom!!” you smile mischievously and get excited and he laughs, how could he say no to you? “that sounds perfect” he carries the bag on one hand and takes yours in his other again as you walk up the hill to the school.
You unlock the school door that the staff can use, and make sure it locks behind you guys before leading him down the familiar halls. “I am going to be the first year home room teacher” you say as you unlock your classroom door and he walks in. When you turn on the lights it’s looks exactly like it did when you were in it. “It’s nothing to brag about because it looks exactly like it did when we were here” you laugh and he turns around smiling “i would have paid more attention in class if you were my teacher. I was too distracted by a certain girl who sat next to me” he blushes and it takes you a second to realize that he means he was distracted by you. You blush “oh hush Daichi we both know you were always top of the class, couldn’t worry about school if you wanted to focus on volleyball” he laughs at you calling him out and he comes over to you and tucks your hair behind your ear “that may be true but only because we only had like one class together a year.” You smile up at him “whatever you say” you dramatically roll your eyes and he laughs “bun time?” You ask and bounce on your toes again “bun time” he says and sets the bag down on your desk and handing you one.
You end up sitting on your desk with your ankles crossed, kicking them softly, as he sits in your teacher chair facing you. “So how was college? I heard you went abroad” you smile and nod “it was amazing. I met a lot of really cool people and my volleyball team was amazing. How was police academy? I’ve heard it’s tough” he nods and finishes chewing “it wasn’t too bad. A little hard at times but you know me. Top of my class” he smirks and you laugh.
“Daichi?” “Hmm?” He says with a mouth full “whatever happened to you and Yui? My mom said you two were gonna get married” he took a long drink before he sighed and said “it’s what everyone expected. It was the easy route in my life. But it wasn’t what I wanted. It didn’t make me happy. Hurting her sucked but it would have been worse farther down the road. My mom said you were going to get engaged too” the last sentence was quiet but he didn’t break eye contact.
You ran your shoe up his calf to his knee before you said “there was one I thought could be something, but he cheated on me with my best friend right before graduation. When I dumped him and it didn’t hurt I realized I didn’t even love him anyway. I was just trying to convince myself I was happy with him when I wasn’t. And honestly Daichi, I’m surprised you never asked me out in high school. I heard your team members tell you that you should once.” You took a bite of your bun and he almost choked on his, you smirked at his reaction as you chewed.
You raise your eyebrows and rub softly up his knee when he won’t look at you. He took a drink of his water and then stood, coming to stand in front of your knees. Your eyes widen in shock and you set your bun down on your desk beside you as he softly took your face in his hands, tilting it up, “y/n” his voice is soft and he smiles down at you and he’s gazing into your eyes with such care “y/n I should have. I should have that day they told me to. But I chickened out and I regret it, I went for the easiest route and it didn’t make me happy.” He let his hands drop from your face and in the same moment you grabbed them in your own, looking down at them when you speak “I want you to be happy most of all. When my mom called me to tell me you were dating Yui, I thought that maybe that was fate, that if anything, I could be happy because you were happy” you laugh a little sadly and rub you fingers across his but pause when he speaks “please, look at me” his voice was quiet and you immediately looked up into his eyes “there you are, I missed out on seeing your beautiful eyes for years now, don’t make me any longer” he smiles as he continues “I didn’t think I would get another chance, I thought for sure my mom would call to tell me you were engaged soon.” He reaches up and runs his fingers through your hair “never did I think you’d come crashing into me again” you laugh, feeling like you were dreaming. He leaves his hands where your neck meets your jaw and rubs his thumbs softly across your skin giving you goosebumps.
You caught him off guard when you opened your knees and smirked at his look of shock when he fell forward a little into you, just close enough where you could softly connect your lips with his for a second. His eyes widened before they softened, a smile on his lips as you slowly and softly ran your hands up his chest to his shoulders then landed on the back of his neck playing with his short hair, your thighs squeezing him closer to you.
“Are you going to let me get away again, Sawamura?” You smirk up at him as his hands reach down and run slowly up your thighs before stopping and squeezing your hips and you continue, “so many things we could have done in the past, but the past made us who we are now. What are you going to do now?” Your arms move down to wrap around his middle as you press your chests together grinning mischievously up at him, watching his cheeks blush as he smiles down at you. “Now that I’ve found you again I’m never letting you go” he kisses you hard and you melt into him. His tongue brushes the bottom of you lip and you let him in, your tongues circling each other and you can’t help it when you moan into his mouth.
“Troublemakers. Even as adults” Daichi flys backwards and you both look to see who entered the room. “Sorry Mrs. J.” You say at the same time. Your old teacher just “tchs” and walks off with her box of something.
You look back to him and after a few seconds you bust up laughing and he comes back and hugs you. “I didn’t know anyone one else was in the building!” You say and he says “I didn’t know she was still alive!” Which makes you laugh even harder. He was right though. She was like eighty when you guys were in school and now she’s still working here. “She’s gonna give me so much crap for this... I’m gonna be in trouble in the first day! Daichi you’re always getting me into trouble!” you laugh together, until you’re just gazing up at each other smiling softly.
He kisses your forehead and you sigh happily and let your eyes flutter as he hugs you close into his chest. “I’m sorry sweetheart” he says with a chuckle “for getting you into trouble” you laugh softly “it’s okay. I always love the trouble we get into. I’ll choose it over everything” you say quietly and he pulls back, tucking your hair behind your ears and kisses you softly again.
Suddenly you get an idea “Hey! How about we go play a little volleyball?” He laughs at the cute sparkle in your eye “Let’s go” he says and gives you a small peck before gathering things and throwing away trash.
You get outside and then you pull him into a heated kiss before taking off running towards the volleyball courts laughing, his foot steps and laughter following you. You reach the courts and he pushed you up against the door kissing you again. You pull away laughing, out of breath, feeling like a teenager again.
In the empty girls court you flip on the lights to find the net still up, you make a mental note to talk to the team about that.
You kick your shoes off and run off to get a ball from the closet “Okay, we’ll start easy so I can get a sense at where you’re at now” you say in your best “Captain Daichi” voice with a laugh as you bounce the ball up in the air on one side of the net. He’s on the other side of the net with smirk on his lips “bring it on” he looks so determined and he winks at you, for half a second you could have sworn you were eighteen again.
There was no way to really play one on one, so you decided that you’d bring the boundaries in so you’d have less space to cover and made it so you could hit the ball twice.
You had to admit, he played amazing even in jeans, you loved when his shirt would ride up when he’d jump and you got a glimpse of his stomach and the trimmed hair under his belly button.
He had to admit you looked amazing playing, you were so skilled and talented he loved to watch you. He also loved the lacy bra that would be exposed more when you’d receive.
You didn’t play very long, you won one and he won one and after that he couldn’t take it anymore and had to come around and kiss you. When you pull back breathless you stare into his eyes “what are you doing tomorrow?” You ask quietly and he brushes his thumbs across your cheeks “I have to work but I get off around six” he says and you nod “do you wanna have dinner? I’ll cook for you like old times” he laughs “you’re planning a second date when we’re not even finished with the first. I’d love to have dinner with you” you smile bright “good! Let’s stop by the shop again if they’re still open and I’ll get some ingredients on the way home.” He loves you so much he’s so happy to be with you finally
You clean up and close up the gym, taking his hand as you walk back down the hill to the shop. You talked about your plans for the girls volleyball team, implementing things you learned from college teams. At the shop you get the ingredients to make his favorite meal, shoyu ramen. He helps you carry the bags back to your apartment and helps you put stuff away. You walk him to the door and he pulls you into his arms again and kisses you, his hand on your cheek. When he pulls away you smile warmly “text me when you get home. Be safe baby” he blushes at your pet name and gives you another peck before saying “I will. Goodnight y/n” you close your door and lean up against it smiling. This was the last thing you expected when coming home but it was also the best thing that could have happened.
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anxietysroomsupport · 3 years
I have an ed and ik that maybe I'm not being fair to myself bc I know that eating disorders are competitive but I keep thinking about that one time my friend posted on xaer story about eating nothing but orange juice for two days and all I did was get triggered. It triggered me so bad but I didnt even get worried for my friend. That's such a shit thing. I barely checked up on xaem and was just stuck in a pity party even tho xae probably posted it to get attention bc xae werent doing good, I wish I wasnt so self centered bc literally all I thought about was myself. And then my other friend who also triggered me bad posted on her story a conversation she had with a friend and it was like
"You ever get hungry but the hunger feels good so you just ignore it"
"Not in an unhealthy way but yeah all the time"
That also triggered me a lot for god knows why and theyre normalizing disordered behavior which is so fucked up. I did end up checking on them bc that's something that my disordered brain tells me is "good" a lot and she already knew I had an ed so it wouldnt seem suspicious or anything (they were fine btw, as far as I know) but I hate that I get triggered by things that arent about me at all. And even right now I'm venting about something as if it's about me but it's not and god it's just so frustrating
Sorry thank you for letting me vent for a sec <3
Hi Anon,
No worries, Anon, vent away.  
It’s good that you have friends who can understand what you’re struggling with, but it would also be a good to turn off notifications or unfollow them if they’re going to be randomly posting content that triggers you like this.  It’s not that you don’t like them, but that you need to protect yourself.  This is absolutely about you and your needs.  
You’re dealing with a lot, so maybe you should be a little more selfish.  Prioritize your own health, so that later when you are with others, you can give them your attention and be more fully present.  
Venting is normal, and your friends’ posts are like that.  But posting out into the void cannot replace a good therapy session, or serve as an actual request for help.  You should not feel obligated to read or monitor all their posts for potential signs of trouble, and then reach out to them without being asked.  So I would suggest that you let them both know you’re available to help them, but that if they want that help, they just need to contact you directly.  You’re not going to be checking up on them because they happened to make a concerning post.  That’s just too much responsibility to put on someone.
You can definitely still just check in on them randomly to see how they are, if they’re doing well or not, to talk about anything that they’re dealing with.  But you can do that without exposing yourself to content that will hurt you.  Best of luck to you.
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starrystarrybabe · 5 years
Oh, How the Mighty Fall [In Love] CHAPTER SIX (Ben Hardy x OC)
Lily Anne Mercury is brought in to help with Bohemian Rhapsody at the request of her Uncle Bri and Uncle Rog, and along the way, she might meet someone to share her life with. The only problem with this is that while their friends and the world can see that they’re perfect for each other, they’re going to be fully blind to this for a while.
DISCLAIMER: I’m fully aware that it would’ve been physically impossible for Jim and Freddie to have a child even with this method during the time they were alive, but the idea of Freddie as a dad and the idea of how his child would turn out to be was just too sweet for me to not write.
Hello, everyone! I’m currently writing this to make sure I don’t have a panic attack thinking about all the schoolwork I have to do. It’s finals season and a bitch is stressed. My brain needs a break from all the work I’ve been doing. I hope y’all enjoy this chapter and plz send me messages about the fic or feel free to submit content you want to make regarding the fic and the characters in it!
-- casey
TRIGGERS: implied sex, familial judgment, relapsing, cursing
Kelly Gale as Lily Anne Mercury
Sira P. Kante as Ezichi Adebayo
Erika Linder as Bronwyn Ryan-Hughes
Bree Kish as Madigan Ryan-Hughes
Lily Anne is a very work-oriented woman. She’s always bound and determined not to waste a single minute, and tries to do as much as she can in one day as humanly possible.
For this reason, she made a recording studio both underneath Garden Lodge and learned how to sound mix and use music making technology for herself, because she does not want to depend on someone else to create the songs for herself and her band.
It is a tradition for everyone in Room 301 to basically move in during the recording time. They’ve done it for years now, and it maximizes efficiency and the amount of content they can produce.
Ezichi is an early riser and often wakes up before the rest of the band, cooking them breakfast and making them tea. She even takes requests from the rest of the band as to what they want to eat and will take out Reykja for a walk before she goes out to pick up the ingredients.
Naturally, Lily Anne is confused by Reykja’s insistent paws pushing her cheek at the crack of dawn instead of Ezichi’s. She even leaves the bedroom door open so that the puppy can jump up on the bed and wake her. When Lily Anne walks out of her room with her tiny dog, she’s confused by the closed door, but figures that maybe Ezichi was worn out and just needed her sleep. It’s understandable that she would get tired of waking up so early.
When Bron and Madi come downstairs two hours later expecting breakfast made by their favorite guitarist and find that the food has been prepared by their frontwoman instead, something is clearly not right.
Lily Anne knocks on Ezichi’s door. “Ezichi? Are you alright?”
She hears the rustling of sheets and a grumble in response.
Lily frowns. “Do you need Advil or something?”
She then hears quieted voices and leans in to try and hear what is being said, and raises a brow when she catches fragments of cursing.
Ezichi clears her throat and speaks up. “N-no, but I could use a cup of tea. My voice feels a little raw.”
Lily presses her lips together before looking down at the cup in her hand. She takes her tea the same way as Ezichi, with soy milk and one sugar packet, and figures that Ezichi could use the cup more than her. “I have a cup right here, I’ll just bring it inside.”
She turns the handle and before Ezichi can protest, enters the room.
A bra falls on her head from the doorway above her, and she takes it off, looking over to see Ezichi with the rumpled covers held up to her chest and her braids out of their usual bonnet, in a mussed up bun. Her underwear is in front of Lily Anne’s slippered feet, and next to her is Gwil, looking away with a beet red face.
He looks at Lily Anne and nods, acknowledging her presence.
Lily Anne nods, back, face neutral. “Hey, Gwil.”
“Hi, Lily,” he replies quietly.
Lily purses her lips and puts the teacup on Ezichi’s bedside table, looking at her friend and giving her a tight-lipped smile.
“Sorry, Lily. I should’ve told you, but you were beyond angry at one of Bron’s song ideas, and I figured--” she begins apologetically, before getting cut off by Lily Anne’s dismissive wave.
“It’s alright, darling. We’re all adults here.” She turns to leave the room and pauses in the doorway. “Anything you two want? Tea? Food? Plan B?”
Gwil speaks up, smiling bashfully at Lily Anne. “Earl Grey tea with one packet of sugar would be just fine.”
Lily Anne nods, leaning against the doorway. “Anything else?”
Ezichi looks down, rubbing the back of her neck with the hand not holding up her covers. “Scrambled eggs and a Plan B, please.”
Lily nods, turning to go downstairs. “Got it. It’ll all be downstairs when you’re ready. I’ll just… close this.” She closes the door and heads downstairs to the kitchen, sitting down and resting her chin in her hand.
Madigan looks over at Lily. “Is she alright?”
Lily nods. “Her and Gwil should be down shortly.”
Bron snorts into her cup of tea, grinning. “I told you that we weren’t the only ones shagging, Mads.”
Lily makes herself another cup of tea to distract herself from the sudden urge to light a cigarette. “You’re washing the sheets, not me, alright?”
Bron smirks at her wife. “They could handle a little more liquid before they need to go in the wash.”
Madigan winks at her wife, and Lily Anne’s face squints up in disgust. “Jesus, Bron! I know it’s happening but I don’t need that much detail.”
The pair giggles and Lily Anne shakes her head. She’d kill for a cigarette right now.
Lily Anne throws down her headphones, rubbing her temples as she listens to the track of her singing. She’s tried to make this line sound perfect twenty times already, but it just isn’t coming out right, and she’s at the end of her rope.
“It sounds great, Lily! Can we just move on?” Bron asks from her reclined position on the couch, her head in her wife’s lap.
Lily shakes her head, turning around to face her. “No! It sounds like garbage, Bron. It’s not right yet. How do you not notice it?”
Ezichi and Madi look at each other, and Ezichi speaks up. “It’s good, Lily. I don’t see why you’re so upset about it.”
Lily Anne wrings her hands, groaning and covering her face.
Madigan stands up, placing a hand on Lily’s shoulder. “Why don’t we move on to another song, Lily? What about that one you just wrote?”
Lily looks up at her friend. “Which one?”
Madi smiles. “The one you named Waiting Room.”
Lily groans. “I can’t do that right now, or I swear to god I might cry.”
Ezichi shrugs. “That track could be really good, though! You’re in the right mood to sing it.”
Bron sits up. “Who knows? You could have a voice crack like in Gimme Shelter!”
Lily sighs, rubbing her eyes. “I guess… I’m just in a mood today. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with me like this, darlings.”
Ezichi hugs her friend from behind, resting her chin on the shorter woman’s shoulder. “It’s no problem, Lily. We put up with it because we love you unconditionally.”
Just then, Lily gets a text, and pulls out her phone.
Jamal (#1 cousin): are you coming to the reunion today? a bunch of cousins from Zanzibar are coming over to visit.
Jamal is her cousin, and one of her favorite members of her biological family. Lily frowns at the text. She didn’t get any notification that her family was getting together today before now.
Lily Anne: i didnt know this was happening. your mom didn’t say anything about it to me when we spoke last.
Jamal (#1 cousin): they made plans for this literally a week ago. she probably got stressed and forgot to tell you.
Lily Anne: got it. what time is this happening? i should probably do it just to get a break from recording. it’s been a rough day in the studio and nothing good is coming out from me.
Lily Anne looks to her bandmates. “Apparently there’s a family reunion today of my Indian relatives. I should probably go, I haven’t seen them in a while.”
Ezichi removes herself from Lily Anne and raises a brow. “Are you sure? The last time you saw all those people was at your grandmother’s funeral, and that went less than well.”
Lily Anne nods, closing her eyes. “I know, I know… but I’m not doing myself any good wasting time here, and maybe they’ve chosen to be a little less judgemental since Auntie Kash told them off then.”
Madigan sighs, looking over at Lily. “I don’t think going will do you any good, but I’m sure Kashmira and Jamal will appreciate you being there. I know Jer would appreciate it as well.”
Lily nods, smiling. “She always did like seeing me at family events.”
Her phone buzzes again.
Jamal (#1 cousin): it’s in three hours. If you’d like to come early, im sure mom would be happy to help you with your sari and catch up with you. i know i’d love to have some time with you as well before all hell breaks loose.
Lily Anne: got it. I’ll pack up my stuff and be over in a little bit.
Jamal (#1 cousin): great! i’ll tell my mom.
Lily stands up, sighing. “I’m going to the reunion. If you guys want to make music, feel free to record whatever you want, but I am going to take a shower and head on over to my Auntie Kash’s house as soon as possible.”
Ezichi, Bron, and Madi nod, smiling at their friend.
“We’ll record some of the backing tracks and drum lines today. Have fun!” Madi says, smiling.
Lily smiles back at her and leaves the room, pausing at the top of the stairs as she hears her bandmates talking.
“She’s in a mood because she didn’t come last night like the rest of us,” Bronwyn says.
Lily Anne frowns and shouts downstairs. “You’re an absolute wanker, Bron!”
“At least I’m not a sexually frustrated one!” Bron shouts back up at her.
Lily Anne stomps away, slamming the door with a huff.
She really wants a cigarette.
When she gets to Kashmira’s house, she knocks on the door, holding a bag with her sari inside of it. Her cousin Jamal opens the door and grins, hugging her. She gladly hugs him back.
“You’ve been a stranger as of late,” Jamal says when they pull apart. He points to her arm. “Is that a new tattoo?”
Lily Anne nods, smiling. “It is! I got it in New York after performing at Madison Square Garden, in memory of Jim and Freddie. It’s a tree-mallow and a zinnia.”
Jamal smiles, admiring the tattoo. “I like it. Were those their favorite flowers?”
Lily Anne nods, smiling. “Yep. Tree-mallow was Jim’s, and zinnias were Freddie’s.”
Lily Anne sits in the dirt with a large sunhat on, making a small hole in the ground as her father coaches her through how to do it.
“Now what we do is we-- no, we don’t put a worm in the pocket of our overalls, put him back in the hole-- we put in the seeds,” Jim says, placing five zinnia seeds into Lily’s open palm as he takes the squirming creature and puts it in the dirt. “Drop them in, love.”
Lily Anne does as she’s told, and looks up at her father with big brown eyes. “What next, Daddy?”
Jim smiles and points to the pile of dirt next to the hole. “Take the dirt and cover the seeds, and pat it all in.”
Lily Anne nods and takes handfuls of dirt in her tiny hands, putting it back in the hole and using one hand to pat in the dirt gently. Then, Jim leans down and waters the dirt, and Lily Anne giggles, putting her hands out to turn the dirt on her fingers into mud. She does this and laughs, rubbing her hands together and clapping, splattering her face and overalls with specks of mud. She then looks up at her father, eyes wide.
“Whoops,” she says, lisping on the ‘s’. “Sorry, Daddy. I ruined my overalls.”
Jim smiles, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, flower. Gardening is all about getting messy. We can wash the overalls.”
Jim would call his daughter flower, since she was not only named after one, but Freddie loved watching Jim plant different kinds of flowers and take care of them. They named her Lily because that was the first flower Jim ever planted at Garden Lodge. It seemed only fitting to call this lovely little girl flower.
Lily Anne smiles wide, and puts some dirt on her cheeks, giggling. She loves getting messy, and this is one activity where she won’t get scolded for getting her clothes dirty. She’ll take advantage of the opportunity to go wild in the dirt if her dad allows it.
Jim laughs, holding her wrists. “Not that messy, flower! Let’s get you cleaned up, alright?”
Lily Anne giggles, and hugs her father as he picks her up, bringing her inside.
“Daddy?” Lily Anne asks, abandoning her rubber ducky to face her father.
“What is it, flower?” Jim asks, putting shampoo in his hands to wash her hair. He gestures for her to turn around, and she does.
“What kinda flower did we plant today?” she asks, facing the mirrored wall. She can see her father’s face become soft, and a smile graces his lips.
“We planted a zinnia flower, love,” he tells her as he begins lathering up her hair.
“Is that the yellow one you always grow?” she asks, smiling.
Jim nods, and uses cups of water to wash out the suds in her hair. “Yes, it is. You’re very smart, flower.”
Lily Anne grins, revealing a smile with teeth that are beginning to grow in every direction.
Jim looks at the photo of Freddie he has on the toilet seat beside him before looking down at his daughter. “Do you know why we plant zinnia flowers, Lily?”
Lily purses her lips, her little face scrunching up in concentration. After a few moments, she shakes her head. “No, Daddy. Did you tell me why already?”
Jim thinks for a moment before shaking his own head. “No, I don’t think I have, flower.” He washes his hands in the bath water before grabbing her conditioner. “We plant zinnias because they were your Papa’s favorite flower.”
Lily Anne turns, grinning. “Really?”
Jim smiles and nods, beginning to lather up her hair again. “Yes, Lily.”
Lily smiles, and becomes quiet after a moment, resting her chin on her knees. Her facial expression changes to one of deep thought, and she blinks, looking down. Jim becomes concerned and once he’s done washing out the conditioner in her hair, gently takes one of her cheeks in his hand and turns her to face him.
“What is it, flower? You’re thinking very loudly,” he asks, sitting cross-legged on the fuzzy bath mat to be eye level with her.
“Did Papa see me plant that flower?” she asks.
Jim takes a moment to think and smiles gently at his daughter. “I think he did.”
Her eyes light up, and she moves quickly, splashing Jim in the process. Her chin rests on the edge of the tub. “Did I make him happy?”
Jim nods, holding out a towel for his daughter. “You always make him happy, flower.”
She climbs out of the tub and lets her father wrap the warm towel around her, giggling when he begins to dry her hair. “No matter how old and wrinkly I get, I’ll still make him happy?”
Jim nods, wrapping a towel around her hair. “You will always make him happy, Lily Anne.”
Lily looks up at her father. “Will I always make you happy, Daddy?”
Jim kisses her cheek. “Of course, flower. You could never disappoint me.”
Lily smiles as her Aunt Kashmira helps her with her sari, pleating the black fabric around her waist. She’s been catching up with her aunt and holds back a giggle as the older woman’s hands touch her sensitive waist.
Kashmira smiles, looking at her niece fondly. “You’re almost thirty years old and you’re still as ticklish as you were when you were a child.”
Lily Anne grins and allows her aunt to place the fabric over her shoulder, smoothing it out. “I’m almost thirty years old and I still can’t put on my own bloody sari.”
Kashmira shrugs and hands Lily Anne some heavy gold bracelets to put on her wrists. “Saris can be difficult. Especially this one. Your grandmother always did like the more delicate garments.”
Lily Anne nods, and looks in the mirror, admiring herself in Jer’s sari. “Didn’t my Papa help her pick out this one?”
Kashmira nods, smiling fondly. “That he did. She thought that the black with the gold and red would be too much, but Freddie told her that it would help her fit in at his concerts.”
Lily puts on some of Jer’s old earrings, and the gold ornaments dangle heavily on her lowest piercings, causing her to wince. “I always forget how bloody heavy these damn earrings are.”
Kashmira passes a large nose ring to Lily and smiles. “Here’s the final touch to your outfit, dear.”
Lily groans, but puts in the nose ring anyways, looking at herself in the mirror. “Auntie Kash, you’ve made me look like a proper Indian woman.”
Kashmira nods. “I may have gone overboard, but with the whole family coming….” She looks down, concerned. “They’ll still judge you, but at least you’re dressed like you just got off the plane from Zanzibar.”
Lily sighs, looking over at her aunt and holding her hands. “I appreciate you making me look the part, but between the two fathers, my unorthodox career choice, and the fact that I’m only half Indian, one outfit won’t make me any less of the family disappointment. But your efforts are appreciated.”
Kashmira looks tiredly at Lily, squeezing her hands. “I just want a calm family reunion without any drama.”
Lily squeezes her aunt’s hands back and smiles apologetically. “It won’t go down that way and we all know it, Auntie Kash.”
Kashmira nods before groaning, shaking her head. “Oh, shit.”
Lily frowns. “What is it?”
Kash sighs, rubbing her temples. “They have a new reason to throw a fit.”
Lily looks down, pursing her lips before her eyes widen in fear. “Oh, no. Is Jamal dating a non-Indian girl?”
Kashmira shakes her head. “No. But the tabloids have caught wind that you’re dating a non-Indian boy.”
Lily rolls her eyes, groaning. “First of all, the tabloids are full of bollocks. I’m not dating anyone at the moment.”
Kash raises a brow and crosses her arms. “Then what is your relationship with that Hardy boy? Because it looks pretty romantically charged to me.”
Lily sits on her aunt’s bed. “We’re just friends, Auntie Kash. No more, no less.”
Kashmira looks at her niece skeptically. “I heard that you two are trying to quit smoking together from Brian.”
Lily nods, looking up at the older woman. “That’s true! We are. So far, we haven’t broken, and it’s been a few months.”
Kash is quiet for a moment and sits down next to her niece. “I’ve also heard from Roger that when you weren’t on set, he was very much upset about it.”
Lily Anne scoffs. “Roger is full of bollocks and we all know it.”
Kashmira looks over at Lily. “The account was confirmed by Brian.”
Lily puts her head in her hands, groaning. “We’re just friends! That’s all! Friends who try to quit smoking together and spend hours in my garden talking about our issues, and walk our dogs together once or twice a week when we’re both around! That’s all we’ll ever be!” She looks up at Kashmira, hunched over.
Kashmira takes a moment before rubbing Lily Anne’s back. “That song you wrote--”
“Was about him. Yes. I wasn’t exactly subtle, and he still hasn’t made a move. Joe told me that he’s in love with me, but until I hear it from him, I will not get my hopes up.” Lily Anne huffs, shaking her head.
“Have you ever considered making the first move?” Kash asks gently.
Lily Anne looks at her aunt like she’s crazy. “And risk getting my heart broken? Hell fucking no! I’ve been there, done that, and I hated it. I give it a zero out of ten.”
Kash sighs, looking down at her niece. “Listen. I don’t know this boy, but he seems very nice, and different from the other men you’ve dated before. I think he’s just scared.”
Lily Anne stands up, gesturing to herself. “I am an average twenty-nine-year-old, racially ambiguous woman with a meager height of five foot two. I sage my bloody house and garden daily like an old woman. I go to an animal shelter once a week to pet all the animals. What’s so scary about me?”
Kashmira looks up at her niece. “You are a stunning young woman with a voice gifted to you from the gods and a stage presence that is one of the most powerful of any artists in this time. You’ve been through hell and back and haven’t given up when most would. You project confidence and do things that most people only dream of. Yes, you garden and go to animal shelters and aren’t physically imposing, but that makes everything else you do even more impressive. You’re special, Lily.”
Lily rolls her eyes, “No--”
“Yes. You are. Most everyone can see it. He sees it, and he’s afraid that he makes a move, he might lose it. Think about this, Lily: if he asks you and you say yes, he gains the world. If he asks you and you reject him, he loses the world. Would you so easily gamble the world?” Kashmira puts her hands on Lily’s shoulders, forcing her to look at her.
“...no,” Lily replies quietly. “Aunt Kash, I would buy the whole bloody world for him. He deserves it. But I thought the same thing about Frank, and look how that ended.”
Kashmira sighs, smiling gently. “Ben is different. You know it in your heart that he is.”
Lily rests her head on her aunt’s shoulder and lets the woman hug her before she hears the doorbell ring. Kashmira pulls away and fixes Lily’s hair.
“At least consider making a move, alright?”
“Alright, Auntie Kash.”
Lily Anne greets her cousins, a fake smile plastered on her face. It’s hurting her cheeks to keep this up. She’s ignored two comments about her weight, three comments about a gray hair, and five comments about her tattoos so far. The key is to take the compliments about the sari and block out the backhanded aspects of them. The family is sat around a coffee table, and cups of tea are being handed out by Jamal and Kash.
“Lily Anne, how are you? I heard that your band is nominated for some awards this year?” one of Lily’s older family members asks, smiling at her.
“I’m good. Everything is going pretty well, and yes, we are probably going to be nominated for some awards. The album did very well,” she responds, smiling.
“I also heard that the album is about your upbringing. I certainly hope you mentioned your Zanzibarian roots in some of the music,” a cousin named Kira asks.
This one is particularly bothersome and has always rubbed it in Lily Anne’s face that she is the better Indian girl, and the family is more proud of her than Lily.
“Yes, Kira. It is. I have a whole song in our mother tongue, and if you listened to my album, you’d know that,” Lily says, eyes flashing in anger.
Kira lifts her nose, sipping her tea. “I don’t listen to rock and roll. No offense to you, Lily, but a genre of music that glorifies crude behavior and encourages… questionable life choices are not what I want to expose myself or my children to.”
Lily Anne is about to respond but feels Kash squeeze her shoulder. She sips her tea instead, quieting down as the conversation continues.
“Lily, do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you chose a less risky profession?” Kira’s mother asks, looking at Lily with concern.
“Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you hadn’t married someone twice your age just to please your family?” Lily snaps back, sipping her tea.
One of her male cousins groans, rubbing his forehead. “Lily, we say this because we love you--”
“Bullshit!” Lily exclaims, putting down her cup. “The only ones in this family who truly love me are Kashmira, Jamal, and Jer.”
“Don’t curse in front of my children, Lily!” Kira exclaims, wrapping an arm around her little girl. “Don’t listen to her, my love. She’s just overreacting.”
Lily looks at the girl and puts down her teacup. “Darling, let me ask you a question.”
The little girl looks over and nods in approval. “What is it, Lily?”
“Answer me honestly, love. Do you want to grow up and be a housewife like your mother?”
The girl bites her lip before shaking her head. “No. I want to be a scientist, Lily.”
Lily nods. “Alright. If you get married, do you want to choose your husband or wife?”
The girl nods, and smiles. Her eyes light up. “Yes!”
“Alright! One more question, baby girl: do you want to express yourself with cool clothes and art?”
The girl bounces on the couch, grinning. “Yes! I want to have lots of overalls and sweaters and wear sparkly nail polish!”
Kira squeezes her daughter and the girl’s face falls. She leans back against the couch, quieting down. The tension is thick, and Kashmira clears her throat.
“There are some toys in the other room if you kids want to play with them. Go have fun, kids!” She says, watching as the children run off to play.
When the kids leave the room, one of Lily’s older cousins looks at her with a harsh glare. “That was ridiculous, Lily. You’re acting like a child.”
Lily scoffs, standing up. “At least I’m not acting like a wanker. Children are open-minded, and they love openly and have all these wonderful dreams, and wankers try to shut them down. So yes, I may be acting like a child, but children don’t reject people who need love and support just because of their sexuality or profession. Wankers, however, do just that.”
She moves to be in front of everyone, and spreads out her arms, gesturing to herself. “I am a person who despite all her flaws deserves support and love from a good family, and I have found a wonderful family in Roger and Brian, and my wonderful band members. So was Freddie. But because he wasn’t a perfect Indian boy, you left him out in the dust.”
“We care about tradition—“ Kira begins, glaring at her cousin.
“Fuck tradition!” Lily Anne exclaims with a barking laugh. “When has tradition ever been better than compassion and unconditional love? Jer, Bomi, and Kash bucked tradition, and they ended up being close with my Papa, who blessed them with his talents and generously provided for them if they needed it. All you greedy bastards expect me to help you out because I have money, and to do it because we’re related, but I am in no way obligated to help a group of wankers who have never done the same for me. So take your tradition and your judgment and shove it up your asses, because I won’t tolerate it anymore.” Lily Anne turns to Kash and Jamal, sighing. “I’m sorry. But I need to get away from these people before I give in to my desire to drink a gallon of bleach. I’m glad you thought of me, but I’m clearly not a valued member of this family.”
Kashmira nods, hugging her niece. “Thank you for giving it another go, at least.”
Lily smiles at her aunt. “I’ll meet up with you another time.”
Jamal hugs her and she grins, kissing his cheek. “Feel free to call me whenever, alright?”
Jamal nods, smiling. “Of course. I’ll let you know when I’m free to meet up.”
Lily nods, and as she leaves the room, she looks at the stunned Indians and hisses at them. “You make me proud to have the last name Mercury. I’d rather die than live as a Bulsara because of you all.”
The door slams behind her and she huffs, getting into her G-Wagon and letting out an anguished scream.
She wants a cigarette so fucking badly. She can’t take this anymore.
She then remembers that there’s a spare pack of Marlboros in her glove compartment and before the rational side of herself can act, she opens her glove compartment and takes out the pack and a lighter, fumbling with a cigarette and placing it between her lips.
As she lights it, she feels a wave of guilt and disappointment wash over her. She’s failed herself, and most of all, she’s failed Ben. She could throw up from guilt right now, but something about meeting with her family just put her over the edge.
She puffs on her cigarette and quickly inhales the entire thing before chucking the butt of the vile thing out the window and following that up with chucking out the whole box before speeding away.
She has to call Ben and face him, and she has to tell this to him to his face because she has fucked up so badly and he deserves nothing less than that. Parked in front of a random house in a suburb, she calls Ben with shaking hands, blinking back tears. He answers within five rings, and she’s faced with him on the phone screen, reclining on his couch with Frankie in his arms.
“Hi, Lil. How are you?” He asks, smiling. “I like the nose ring and the sari.”
She bites her lip, looking down and running a hand through her hair. “Th-Thanks. I wore it to a family event today.” Her voice cracks.
Ben frowns, and sits up, examining Lily Anne’s face. “I’m guessing that it didn’t go well?”
Lily Anne looks up, wiping her eyes. “Worse than it usually does.”
“Can you tell me what happened?”
Lily Anne sniffles, leaning back in the driver’s seat. “My nasty cousin Kira— she’s a real bitch, always has been-- and the rest of my extended family chose to openly judge me about my life choices and then claim that it’s only because they love me and are concerned for me, but that’s horseshit and I fucking know it.”
Ben nods, biting his lip. “So… I will admit that I don’t know much about your culture, but I can guess that it’s not very supportive of queer people, tattooed people, or entertainers.”
Lily Anne nods. “I got judged for all of the above. Throw in some more guilt tripping and you’ve got the whole picture of why I’m seen as a family disappointment.”
Ben sighs. “Jesus, Lily. I’m so sorry.”
Lily Anne begins to tear up, shaking her head. “I-I don’t know why I thought it would be different, but I just wanted to see if my family would finally accept me, but—“ she shakes her head, tears beginning to fall. “Nothing changed. It just got worse.”
Ben looks at her sympathetically and wants nothing more than to wrap her up in a hug and let her cry it out. “I’m so sorry, Lily. You deserve a better family than that, and you have so many people supporting you other than them. Their opinion doesn’t matter.”
Lily nods, her hands shaking. “I know. But something in me snapped, and-- and…” she begins sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Ben. I fucked up so badly. I broke my promise to you.”
Ben looks at Lily Anne through the screen with nothing but empathy in his eyes. She wipes tears from her own eyes, sniffling. “It’s alright, Lily. You’re only human.”
Lily wipes her eyes, shaking her head. “But I made a promise to you--”
“We both knew it was possible for one of us to break. Or for both of us to break. Addiction is hard, and sometimes we relapse. It’s alright, Lily. I’m not mad at you. I get why you did it.”
Lily Anne looks at Ben and sniffles, wiping her nose. “I just… I’m so upset. I cussed up a storm, caused a scene, relapsed, and to top it all off, I didn’t even get to eat everything I wanted to!”
Ben takes a hand through his hair and lets out a little laugh. “Today really hasn’t been your day, has it?”
Lily Anne laughs as well, wiping her eyes. “Yeah, it hasn’t.” She begins laughing after a moment, covering her mouth.
Ben smiles. “What’s so funny?”
Lily grins. “I’m so beyond sad and angry that I just have to laugh, and I can’t believe that I’m still so bloody upset about not having any food!”
Ben laughs as well, leaning back on his couch. “What food do you like?”
Lily smiles, wiping mascara from under her eyes. “There’s a place in London that I love called Indian Palace, and it has the best tikki masala, chicken korma, biryani, roti, and samosas that I can get without going to Kash’s house. At this point, they know my order by heart, and all I need to do is call and they know what to make.”
Ben nods, smiling. “I’ve never had most of those dishes before. I’d like to try them.”
Lily grins at him, snickering. “Most of it would be too spicy for your tastebuds, darling. Even mild would hurt you.”
Ben scoffs. “Listen, Mercury. I can handle some spice in my food.”
Lily shakes her head. “Not like Indian spices.”
They both take some time to compose themselves, and Lily Anne takes a deep breath.
“Do you feel better now?” Ben asks gently.
Lily nods, smiling. “Yes. Thank you for being so understanding and cheering me up, Ben. I appreciate it.”
Ben shrugs. “I know you’d do the same for me. If I can help you out in any way, I always will.”
Lily smiles, nodding. “The same goes for me. If you ever need anything, you know what number to call.”
Ben nods before frowning as Frankie barks. “Frankie, what’s going on? I’ll walk you in five minutes, girl.” He turns back to the camera apologetically. “I’m so sorry, Lily. Frankie is being impatient.”
Lily shrugs, smiling. “It’s alright. Go walk her and give her a treat for me. Thanks for talking with me, Ben.”
Ben smiles. “It’s no problem. I’ll see you soon, alright?”
Lily Anne nods and ends the call, sighing and leaning back in her car.
She listens to Leather and Lace on repeat until she gets home.
Ben walks into the little Indian restaurant the next day, and a hostess comes up to him, smiling.
“Welcome to Indian Palace! Are you waiting on anyone or would you like a table for one?” She asks, preparing to pick up a menu.
“Actually, I’d like to order something to go,” he says.
The hostess pulls out a notepad, smiling. “Of course! What would you like?”
He looks down at the notes on his phone. “I tried to remember everything she said she liked from here, but I can’t. She’s a regular customer here, though.”
The hostess nods. “What’s her name? I’m sure we know her usual order.”
“Lily Anne Mercury. She’s a friend of mine,” Ben says.
The hostess grins. “We love Lily! I know exactly what to get her, don’t you worry.” She begins writing down an order. “She’s the best, isn’t she?”
Ben nods. “She is. Also, she had a really bad day yesterday and didn’t get to eat any of her aunt’s Indian food, so if you could add what you feel she’d enjoy, I’d appreciate that greatly. I don’t care how much it is, as long as it makes her happy I’ll pay for it.”
The hostess nods and adds a few more items to the order. “Alright. Sit down and it should be ready in twenty minutes. It’s really nice that you’re doing this for her, and we’ll make her our top priority.”
Ben nods and sits in a booth, waiting for the food. The order is large and he doesn’t know what most of it is, but he doesn’t care. He trusts that the restaurant will take good care of Lily. All he has to do is be the deliverer of the food.
Twenty minutes later, the food is prepared and he carries the bags out to his car, driving off to pick up Frankie and go to Garden Lodge.
Lily Anne is penning the lyrics to a new song when her doorbell rings, and she gets up to look at the security footage. She sees a beagle and a tall blonde at the gate, and bags of what looks like take out. She opens the gate from inside, and opens her front door, leaning against the doorway in her sweats. She smiles as Frankie runs up to her and picks up the dog.
“What is all this, Ben?” She asks, scratching Frankie behind the ears.
Ben carries the bags inside the house with him and places them on the large kitchen island. “You said you wanted Indian food. I got you Indian food.”
Lily blinks, looking at the bags of food. “This is enough to feed a small village, Ben. What am I going to do with this much food?”
Ben smiles at her as she puts down Frankie. “I asked the hostess at Indian Palace what your usual order was, and told her that you had a bad day, so she should add whatever she felt would make you feel better. I don’t know what most of this stuff is, but it all smells great.”
Lily bites her lip, shaking her head. “All this must have cost you a small fortune, Ben! You didn’t have to do this for me.”
Ben shrugs. “I wanted to do it for you. Don’t worry about the money. It’s worth it if it makes you feel better.”
She smiles, and throws her arms around Ben, hugging him tightly. “I could cry right now I’m so happy.”
He hugs her back, grinning. “As long as you’re not crying from sadness I’m okay with tears.”
She looks up at him and grins, eyes bright. “You’re literally the best. You even brought Frankie to make me feel better.”
He shrugs again. “She always makes me feel better. I figured she would make you feel better too.”
After a moment Lily pulls away from the warm hug and begins to unpack the food. She squeals in delight when she takes out the tikki masala, jumping up and down. Reykja scratches at her pant leg and she looks down, shaking her head.
“We’ve discussed this before, darling. No spicy human food for you,” Lily says, looking down at the puppy.
Reykja whimpers and the woman sighs, ripping off a small piece of fresh roti and holding it down to the dog, who happily snatches it from her fingers.
“You’re a spoiled thing, aren’t you?” Lily looks up at Ben. “Can I give Frankie a small piece of roti? It won’t hurt her.”
Ben nods. “Sure thing. I’m sure she won’t mind.”
Lily gives the beagle a piece of the bread and the dog takes it before running off to play with her friend. Lily watches as the two bolt to the corner of her living room filled with toys. The dogs get along so well, and it makes Lily happy to see the two fur babies playing together.
Ben looks over the large spread of food, and raises a brow when Lily laughs at the sight of an orange drink.
“What’s so funny?”
Lily smiles at the drink. “This is mango lassi. It’s like a mango smoothie, but less thick. People who can’t handle spice need it to soothe their tongues.”
Ben rolls his eyes. “Very funny. I think I can handle eating some of this food without needing it.”
Lily raises her brows before snorting. “Sure thing, Ben. We’ll see what dish breaks you.”
“Holy shit. Lily, pass me the lassi,” Ben begs, his face flushed beet red. “My mouth is on fucking fire right now.” Lily laughs and passes Ben the drink. He got through at least five different kinds of chicken before he tapped out, which is actually pretty impressive. The curry can be quite spicy, and it certainly isn’t mild.
“You did pretty well for a white boy, Hardy. I expected the tikki masala to get you,” she comments, passing him the drink.
He drinks it desperately, and when he’s done panting, he wipes sweat from his forehead. 
“Fucking hell… that’s delicious, but holy shit-- dear God!” He takes another slurp as the spice comes back for a second round. “It fights back! What kind of food fights back?”
Lily Anne leans back, grinning. “Indian food. At least for more sensitive tastebuds. I’ve been eating this since I was a baby. I’m well-acquainted with spice.”
Ben leans back, catching his breath. “I see why you like this so much. It feels comforting when it’s not setting your mouth on fire.”
Lily laughs. “Yeah, it does. My Nanni Jer made the best curry, and this is pretty much exactly what it tasted like. Her’s was spicier, though.” Ben’s eyes widen and he shakes his head, causing Lily Anne to laugh. “You wouldn’t survive dinner at my Aunt Kash’s house, but it sure would be entertaining to see you try.”
Ben rolls his eyes, and looks over the different dishes that have been laid out over the coffee table. “I’m so glad you enjoy watching me suffer.”
Lily shrugs. “You gave a valiant effort, and that’s enough for me. I’m proud of you for trying everything. The rest of the food would definitely be too spicy for you, but I’ll be fed for a good long while.”
Ben gestures to the vast array of food. “Good. That’s less grocery shopping you have to do.”
Lily looks over the containers of takeout and shakes her head in disbelief. “I still can’t believe you did all this for me. What did I do to deserve this? I fucked up big time and this feels like a reward.”
Ben looks over at her seriously. “Progress isn’t strictly uphill. It can fluctuate. But it doesn’t matter how many times you relapse as long as you continue trying to quit. You need to be easier on yourself, Lil. Sometimes we need a little comfort in order to get back on our feet again.”
She looks at him tiredly and sighs. “I’m trying to be better to myself.”
Ben nods. “I know. But you’re struggling with that, and that’s why I’m here.” He reaches out and squeezes her hand.
She smiles, squeezing his hand back and closing her eyes. “Thank you, Ben.”
They fall into a comfortable silence, and both contemplate just how far they would go for one another to be happy.
TAGLIST: @andtheytoldustotellyouhello @plethora-of-things @borhap-socials @everybodyplaythegame @i-the-fangirl @deakydeakydeaky @shisterfackisback @samanthadegaro @lv7867 @fatbottomedcurls @redspecialty @haisimsim @peterparkeroos @teenwolflover28 @ixchel-9275 @alessandra-elle @onexlittlespark @queenficarchive @leah-halliwell92 @rrrogah-tayluhh @maddistudiess @queen-fam @evrsncnewyork @reddiefreddieee 
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jkmutual-remade · 7 years
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HEY GUYS so! its almost 2018 and i thought id do a little mutual appreciate post bc its cute and i love yall so much! if this messes up notifs im so sorry alkdsjf
first of all… @1bunkook bun! my angel ❤️ my sweet baby bun ❤️ my love ❤️ wow where do i even BEGIN ksbdj i… cant even put into words how happy n lucky n so blessed i am to have u in my life. ur the most amazing person ever and i love you SO MUCH ! ur so beautiful and funny and kind and smart and loving and supportive i cant believe someone like u even exists?? and that i get to love u? its? BAFFLING jshsj honestly falling in love with u was truly the greatest way to end 2017 and i cant wait to spend 2018 + many more years loving u with my whole entire heart 😪
SECOND of all if i didnt write u a message it doesnt mean i love u any less 😰 id be here for 93738373 days writing about how much i love all of u JSBSJBSND but pls dont feel bad im STRESSED thinking ppl will be sad if they dont see a message for them 😤 i love yall so much n i hope yall have a gr8 new year!!
@jungkookswngs ALICIA 😭❤️ my bffletubm (best friend for life even tho u bully me) JSHJS ur so so sweet n funny n easy to talk to i truly love u with my entire heart 🙆‍♀️ im so happy we’re friends i wouldnt trade u for the world 😤 id give u the world tho… maybe id trade u for the world so i could give the world to u 🤔🙂 idk JSHSJ I LOVE U ❤️
@babygukk ALEX! HEY ! i love u so much ur SO FUNNY n one of the loveliest ppl ive ever talked to 😭 i hope 2018 brings u happiness n love n all the good things bc u only deserve good things to happen to u!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@celestial-jeon paška! my beautiful bangin (ha.. get it… …….. bangs……………… anyway) pal! im so happy we started talking 😭 ur so smart n sweet n funny n wow! u always speak ur mind n ur rly well spoken like all ur posts are iconic 😪 i love u lots i hope 2018 is kind to u n ur beautiful soul 🤧❤️
@liegf ARI jwbsjs i love u n miss u so much i feel like u havent been in the gc in 387484749373838293 years 🤧 but.. ur one of the funniest ppl n ur so sweet n ! im so lucky i get to call u a friend 😭 i hope ur always doing well n feeling loved ❤️
@kibumkims shay! we dont talk That Often but jsbdjs i rly love u so much 😭 ur so beautiful inside n out n ! ur so funny n sweet n just… one of the Best People JSBSS i hope ur always happy n 2018 better b good to u or i’ll fight 😤 kshdjs ily ❤️❤️
@zhujieqiong !!! hey kel akdjjs ok so we’ve been mutuals since 1476 JSHSJ n i ! love u so much ur blog has always been one of my favorites 😭 n ur so sweet n lovely n funny n wow i!!!! have so much love for u 😭 ur so beautiful n i hope ur always feeling loved ❤️
@honeychai jia!! i never see u on tumblr anymore but whenever i think of ppl that i love on tumblr i always think of u so i had to include u 😤 i hope uve been well n happy n ! i love u lots ❤️❤️
@flowerboyjjk hi faith! i love u so so much n ur honestly probably the sweetest person on tumblr dot com skdbsj ur blog is so lovely n ur so beautiful inside n out! i hope ur 2018 is a happy one ❤️
and now MY LOVELY MUTUALS that i love so so much 😭 i remade my blog in april n so many of u have been with me since then or even before i remade!! i cant believe yall are still here i love each n every one of u SO SO MUCH i hope 2018 is the best for all of u 😭❤️❤️
@01bun @02jhs @02jjk @06rain @1bread @1dogs @1headass @1honeybf @1honeyoongi @1hyg @1kth @1ly @1onlyangel @1oveisnotover @1ovemoni @1ovmx @1palette @1stlove @1taehyungs @1taesgf @1vrs @1willow @2awake @2sooyoung @2sunbuns @3cyphr @4firstluv @4hyyh @4jiimin @4jisoo @4taegis @4thyung @4uyu @5aby @5hw @5mojito @5taegi @7iwi @7syub @12jeon @13egin @17dad @18nth @21sgirl @9yoong @93guk @95her @98msc @190c @2013s @a1ys @agustdior @alyoongi @amphimakros @artificialjeons @awakcs @babylab @bangsihyuks @bbykth @bibwi @blossombias @blushguk @blushyparkjimin @boyinlub @bratzlipgloss @busans97 
@cafehoseok @cherryblossomkook @cherryearrinqs @chimchims @clizastamusic @cloudjeon @cookieyoongi @cosymin @cristalgucci @cuddlyguk @cyepher @devilsgf @dn-a @droopi @dunkshot @exloving @forhyyh @frstlv @fuckofftae @g0thbug @gashinagf @gaykth @gayoongi @gayrapline @girlsheart @gjungkook @glossykth @glossylisp @goldseokjin @gothkid @gukhao @gukiee @h2hoe @handsomejin @heartsforknj @hermosavida @hhobs @highlghter @hnoseok @hobguk @hobsbf @hobscheeks @honeygraved @honeymatcha @hoseok @hoseok1e @hoseoksconfetti @hungkooks @ibegin @ijins @ilovemybffalice @iloveseokjin @ilovtaehyung @ilyguk @ilyjimn @ilyksj @itschims 
@jeonbia @jeonbye @jeonin @jeonnings @jeons @jewelist @jexnkook @jhoe @jikooksgirl @jiminkirk @jiminsangeleyes @jiminsbigheart @jiminshugs @jiminspisces @jiminstoesies @jinsasleep @jinsluvr @jisooyoongis @jjkboo @jjkslove @jksangel @jksdimple @jkspendeja @jnqkook @joonfriend @juhnhee @juicedbox @jung4ook @jungkookio @kayonennka @kihyoongs @kimtae95s @kimyerimsgirl @kingkookies @kiss1jin @kisskook @kkulnamja @kookieluvr @kyunque @leisce @ljhsbf @loonachild @loonaist @lovehobs @loversjoon @loveskimseokjin @lovguk @lovhobe @lovjk @lovjks @lovkth @lovuten @lubydubylexi @luvsjim @lyerim @micdrcpbts @milklattaes @mnet-anti @mntyoongi @moonguks @mygz 
@namkwan @nightsoft @nnct @noona @nyke @officialexo @ohosoek @okimtae @okjb @onews @orangesky @pa1ette @padtthai @pjmlm @pjmtae @poutymyg @protectaetae @r-xxxy @raplinesbf @raplinesgf @rapmonstor @ricesuga @rocketcheol @romantical @rose-scented @rosejjk @rosykimtae @rosysuga @sftae @shelovs @shuaclaus @silvertae @snmi @sofglows @softguk @springdvy @springksj @staryeyedjk @stigmz @sugaisbi @sunkyungs @suransgf @taequila @taesdick @taesflower @taesoft @taeyoongis @taezs @thighkink @ttaettaes @typolesbian @ultjimin @voguelatina @wainbits @whaliiens @wingjk @winngs @wiseok @witchywonhui @wngs @wybh1 @y0ungforever @yerisus @yoong7 @yoongied @yoongsv @yugy
181 notes · View notes
shytiff · 3 years
July 2021
1 - the toners i bought from sociolla arrived yay. loll i got into portal’s hall of fame somehow. usual day at magang. slowww progress of that sympo 1 ppt hhh. went back home and its raininggg yall. this week my hygiene habits and isya prayer was screwed. i cant bring myself to DOOOO things. i basically only get stuff done outside.
2 - started 2nd ppt (i know!!! super slow aaaaa). bought dough lab OG cookies and cookie monster since it was discounted at grab’s PI outlet. bought matcha mcflurry w juan when going back to AR. ate roti canai, the whole mcflurry, and tried the cookies. the sugar, bruh. all this time, im not lacking energy. im lacking sugar lol. watched two set and played marapets lol
3 - binged twoset violin. cant bring myself to do ppt. Finally managed at night.
4 - dayslept. Not sleepy but cant bring myself to do anything. Supernova technical meeting at 1 pm and some gmeet with iship wa group and suddenly its maghrib,,, did like 2 slides of ppt
5 - went to post office to get str and arrived 8 sharp. No one was there. Anjeng. They said wait until 9. went to tax office. Closed. Off to rscm. Ugh the traffic!? Surprise of kiara "internship" that on the very same day was cancelled
6 - its a struggle to reach rscm ugh. tried to go through sudirman but the toll exit was closed. so we went through tebet. gajah 2 was also sealed. while waiting for juan i bought snacks in indomaret. lol, got no cash. liqo with kak kartika and fell asleep halfway through lol,,,
7 - this time we’re going through kemayoran lmao and exited the toll at rawamangun. bought saladstop caesar salad just bcss they have this collapsible bowl bundling, together 140k (after added grab promo) lool. 
8 - today i didnot went to gastro since its off day due to a gastro staff getting covid. went to RSF for operan with dr dedes. took pictures with dr vera and we made heart using hand lmaooooo my koas soul felt scared doing that. tried the sushi mom bought at lotte mart. she also bought milk buns and it was good! like a marriage between bread and mochi. my stomach felt super bloated to a point where it hurts so i ate paldo wet ramyeon except i put too much water and the seasoning was diluted. 
9 - im supposed to do ppt but i cant bring myself to do it. i lazed in my bed literally all day. bingeing two set. reading webtoon. playing marapets. felt like utter shit. thought that id start my day after maghrib but nah. ended up sleeping
10 - still feel like shit and cant bring myself to start my day. And didnt do anything lmaoo
11 - cant bring myself to start my day~ ended up starting work like after maghrib. Its more difficult with things where u actually have to think bcs u need a certain headspace. Got sbux matcha and that shit rly helps me feel "normal".
12 - intern as usual. The 4 ppts are "finished" and i contacted the prof after mustering some strength. Zoom call with prof to check on the ppt. Bought a delicious es jeruk somewhere along the way to AR. Talked to mom abt picking wahana. The list was finally out and it was jakarta fair. Ara called, her grandpa passed away and shes afraid to go back and potentially harming her familys health. Showered but slept right after without doing anything meaningful 😔
13 - today is the 2nd "special batch" of internship idi. Followed along the war as a practice time. Theres a lot of vacant spots. And that scared us wanting to go national lol. I hope everything will be fine. Another zoom call with Prof, ughh theres so much to reviseeeeeee and i havent made any word material
14 - its only nessa and me today at dept. Picked rs krakatau medika together w nessa. Clara told me abt how her mother is sometimes toxic. Cant rly focus on work today bcs of internship stuff. Had headache ec lack of sleep that lasted from 2-6 pm. Immediately slept like a log after isya
15 - turns out nessa also want to pick rskm loll that makes 7 ui peeps in rskm. Did some good progress by alienating myself in Prof's cubicle. Moral message: whatever time you think youd make the ppt, it will be more. Bought martabak tipker orins yum. Its like lekker on steroids. I still prefer martabak pizza more.
16 - did 1 word for the ppt. Bought jco donuts w nessa bcs my mouth was lonely. Sent 1 completed topic to Prof and pamit.
17 - cant bring myself to do anything~ felt like shit~ played marapets and watched tiktok and youtube
18 - pembekalan iship today
19 - more pembekalan iship. Medical checkup today at labkesda. Met nessa mendel adita regen clara agung. Ate kfc together at nessas place. Went to dinkes jakbar for sppd. No ppt progress aaaaaa
20 - packed my stuff. Originally planned ti leave at 2 pm but theres a lot of uncertainty so i decided to leave tomorrow. The real certainty came at like 9 pm.
21 - off to cilegon 05:30 ish. Filled the gas. Arrived 07:15. Moved my stuff. Went to pkm with mom et al and ness mendel. Swab. Back to palm wates. I felt sad when mom had to leave. She must be tired, but she keeps supporting me with everything that she has. I know its always been like that but sometimes distance makes you see things (?) maybe its bcs im outside ar right now. Bought food. Printed stuff at a place 600m away. Did ppt work accompanied by mocca goodday (that i just knew was good lmao)
22 - zoom orientation today. Still managed to laze out and not do my work -___- tri was out so i was alone. Ate gold chick for brunch. That stuff is oil mixed with food. Finally did some work. The night orientation with dr Selfie was pretty shocking, but it was rly informative and i think she did it out of love.
23 - puskes 1st day. Orientation and turns iut we headed straight to poli lol. Had my very first poli umum with the kind dr arief. My first patient had bee sting :) the second was breast lump :) its rly a slap in my face to go study. Stayed in nessa's for a bit to do some work, except i felt rly tired and gave up at like 4 pm. Bought kebab around the corner (15k). Unremarkable. Kanayam for dinner, w some for breakfast 2mrw
24 - slept early so i woke up early. Tri also. We did some working at like 3 am til subuh. Poli was not too crowded since it was saturday. Helped mendel irrigate his ear in the puskes ER. Waited out the 2 pm standby. We ended up driving to merak except for esa lol. Bought kanayam again lol. Ended up sleeping early again
25 - nasi uduk 88 for breakfast. Some ppt work. my family came bringing motor hehe. Moved to mess. Met dr Ine. Learned how to use washing maching. More ppt work. Bought nasgor just in front of the mess
26 - vaccine post today. Zoom with IDI cilegon. Nessa cooked macaroni and meat. Talked a bit and then suddenly its half past 10. No significant ppt progress today. Im rly sorry Prof 😭😭😭
27 - MTBS poli today. Bu ningrum gave me cimol and jantung pisang and sayur and salad buah hehee. Some orientation. Did the last ppt for Prof. Can finally rest (??) nah the words still not finished. Overall mood today: ☺️
28 - poli usila today in bp with mendel. Injected mendel with his 3rd sinovac. Went to dinkes for SPPD.
29 - vaksin with mendel. lots of patients. porridge for bfast. talked about love life lmaoo. tried sate bebek h. syafei. quite good but sate klathak still holds the first place in my heart. finished the 3rd word doc and sent it. just as i was about to sleep, i saw the notif of jk going live. hes basically dancing around in his pjs at 1 am lmaoo <3
30 - paldo jajangmen for bfast. BP. shoot a video for e-promkesline. soto for lunch. bought kopi soe goela merah and croffle. the croffle was not as hard and crunchy and thick as social affair’s. the choco-nut topping was so so. the coffee was bitter like tuku, but not as smooth and creamy (?), not too acidic. did ppt of ecmocard data an hour before the zoom sesh.
31 - vaccine with dr anggi. went back early. bought some stuff in indomaret. lunch was abon, rice and leftover veggies. finished the last word manuscript for Prof along with kopi soe and sent it. vcalled w mom. had simba pillow mixed with sport muesli for dinner. 
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
Well, only the first episode for now but yeah!!! I can’t wait for my favs to show up aaahhhhhh!!!!!! 
Anon said:Omg, Kirishima, please teach me how to put on eyeliner, your eyeliner game is on point! (Seriously, tho, I love how you draw their eyes and how you draw Kiri in general. He seems so soft. Damn, Bakugou, I'm jealous that you can cuddle him)
THANK YOU!!!! And Kiri has really really pretty lashes in the manga too, doesn’t he? Bakugou too! They have seriously pretty eyes I spend a lot of time trying to get that right when drawing haha still not as good at Horikoshi tho after all, but what can we do~
Anon said:Every time I get a notification you posted something I get extremely happy! That's what your drawings did to me. How can one be so talented.
SOB thank you so much!! You being happy makes me happy so it’s happiness all around!!! What a good!!!
Anon said:Heey!! So I've been wondering... if Aizawa used his quirk on Hagakure would she become visible?? (Btw love your art)
Oh my what a question, I was actually talking about this not too long ago with a friend! And the conclusion ended up being that if her invisibility is a permanent mutation he can’t, but if she can turn it off at will then probably he can too! Right now we still don’t know how exactly Tooru’s quirk tho, so we can’t be sure which is the truth! (I like to think she can turn visible if she wants, but that’s just an headcanon with very little basis haha)
Anon said:Your erasermic art has blessed me 4ever thank u
NAH thank you for liking it and letting me know, man!!!
Anon said:I DIDNT KNOW YOU SHIP ERASERMIC OH MY GOD but seriously you're one of my favourite artists and the fact you like pretty much all the same things as I do is so amazing to me and it makes me so happy because I know that you may draw more of it in the future and I'll get to see more beautiful art if that makes sense lmao thanks for creating stuff 👌👌
Hahahaha yeah it’s one of my top ships in the fandom! Also the only one I read fics for aside from krbk I love them A LOT (and it’s all thanks to my sister who directed my attention towards them a long time ago now, thank you sis) so yeah I’ll definitely draw more of them in the future!!!! And thank you so much for liking my stuff!!!!!
Anon said:Hi! I just want to say I love your headcanon of Aizawa becoming a mentor/role model to Bakugou! Thank you for introducing me to that idea!
YOU’RE MOST WELCOME I’m just a huge huge huge fan of the Aizawa&Bakugou interactions and how much Aizawa cares for him and how much Bakugou respects and trusts him in return, so!!! I’m mostly just pushing on that canon stuff hahaha
Anon said:i came to love erasermic thru kiribaku tbh. like i saw erasermic fic in the kiribaku tag on ao3 and i read it for the bg kiribaku (kirishima was such a good boi in that fic ngl) and i was like hey erasermic isnt bad. then i saw your art of them comparing them and i was like hey this is good shit 😁👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 keep it up pal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll t r y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
Anon said:Do you think Kyoka and Katsuki could get along? Over their like for punkrock maybe, and their gayness. Kinda like Todoroki and Momo's talks about their tiny crushes.
WHY YES ANON I think they could be the bestest of pals, I’ve actually drawn them together now and again cause I like the idea of them being friends so much - a list of some of the things Bakugou and Jirou do together:
make fun of Kaminari (Kaminari feels attacked and liked it better when Jirou was convinced she didn’t like Bakugou)
share music recs and go to concerts together (when it’s big ones they particularly care for they stand in line The Whole Day and at first it used to be sorta awkward but now being together makes the hours fly)
mutter sass and snark under their breaths to themselves in class and without meaning make the other snort or have to hide an actual laugh (they sit next to each other in class did you know that that’s my fav thing tbh)
say “god, I’m so fucking gay” and answer “mood” whenever Kirishima and Momo, like, exist or do anything equally outrageous
sit next to each other with their phones in hand in silence and at the same time look up with an intense/bored/obviously-judging-sero-come-on-look-at-them expression whenever anyone walks past them (they’re actually playing bullshit app games)
play bullshit app games in co-op or having each other as friends to earn more rewards cause they have a No-Judging policy going on between them that makes sharing this sort of otherwise embarrassing stuff with each other okay
Anon said:Hi!!! I love your art and I just wanted to ask....what band were you referring to when you said Mic named him after the band "eraserhead"? Could you possibly be talking about the filipino band "Eraserheads"?
Yeah!!!!! Tho I’m sorry to let you down anon, but I haven’t actually ever heard much from them (justttt one song two days ago cause I got curious) - I found out about them while looking up the movie!
Anon said:I love how you draw mic with his hair in a bun. It's super cute
THANK YOU!!!! But I can’t really take the merit for that, since that’s how he actually wears his hair (more or less) when he doesn’t gel it up for his hero costume!
Anon said:What is your favorite kiribaku au? :D
Oh boy, I sort of love everything and anything I’ve ever seen/read tbh, I’m a HUGE AU lover!! At the moment to anything with the fantasy AU (and dragon!Kiri is always a super welcome plus) is gonna make me go :O !!!!!!!! hahaha so maybe that, who knows! It’s for sure the one I think about the most!
Anon said:Hellooooo i love your art so much? Especially the bakushimas oh my god (also do you plan on drawing more soul eater *coughs*-deathstar-*coughs* in the future?) Have a good day!!
THANK YOU! And I dunno, maybe! If inspiration strikes, why not!
Anon said:hey guess what i just did... went through your ENTIRE art tag (all the way back to the knb and one piece), i found it really cool to see how your art has developed and see what your fav ship is at a certain time (and how you always come back to bokuroo)
Ah man thank you for spending all that time on my blog hahaha I wouldn’t say I always go back to bokuro though? It’s more like... whenever the manga brings the bokuros back I’m ready to start hyping all over them again hahaha my bokuro periods always happened while they were doing things in the manga, after all~
Anon said:u said u couldnt draw iida, lie of the century. i lvoe u
AHHHHH I’m glad you liked him!!!! I spent lotsa time on him in the past month or so trying to get a grasp on him, so I’m really seriously happy it seems to have paid off!! to quote Todoroki
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Anon said:where’s ur faq i’m on mobile
SORRY maybe you already noticed but I added the link in the description! 
Anon said:have you ever thought about if eri-chan can... erase her own quirk?? and would how they might handle it
Actually that’s the first thing I thought when Mirio got his own erased... well, it still depends on what exactly Eri’s quirk does? We sorta assumed she had the same quirk as Chisaki, but they aren’t actually related so who knows? I sure hope she can fix the damage done on Mirio, tho!
Anon said:Usjeiwiwj oh man, i love cats, my cat relates to urs big time ajsjehej
Cats are such a mess and I love them with all of my heart to be honest hahaha
Anon said:Do u have any, idk idea about traitor!Kaminari? I just imagine how would others react? I think it's hella sad, and still Denki never wanted this, something just go wrong in his life and it's breakin my heart... ARGH, sorry for interrupt you with something like that...
It’s okay, don’t worry about that haha but I can’t say I find the theory possible in the least, so I haven’t really spent time thinking about it at all? I mean, I can imagine it would be full of angst and regrets and a lot of tears and anger mostly from his close friends, but since I just can’t believe this theory I can’t say I have anything specific I can give you on this orz sorry!
Anon said:Who's get jealous and possessive between bakugou and kirishima?
Actually I dunno man, are they possessive and jealous? I feel like they both would like it when the other told them stuff like “I’m yours” or “you’re mine”, but being there complete and utter trust between them they wouldn’t actually be jealous or act in a possessive way... does that make sense? At most I think they’d be insecure in the beginning of their relationship, but once they managed to make it clear that yes, you’re the one I want, no one else, just you then they would have little to no problems in that sense haha
Anon said:So many people seem to misunderstand bakugou and I just really like how you portray him. Good characterization and good art! 💖✨
SOB THANK YOU !!!!! this means the universe to me oh g o d s!!!!
Anon said:Wait!! This isn't your main blog? Omg how did I not know this. What is your main blog (if you're willing to let people from this blog follow it haha)?
AHHHH yeah I have a main one this one is just for my doods!!! the main is @franeridan, if you wanna follow it! I’m mostly just crying over bakugou and kirishima and complaining a whole damn lot about... everything, tho hahaha
Anon said:I'm not the anon but u know the concept that kiri n Baku would meet when they were younger and when Baku was more... violent? (i know that's not the right word, I'm not a native speaker sorry!) Like I think kiri could actually make Baku less of a bully? Considering how much positive impact he had on his personality AFTER it already developed (like idk if this ask makes sense? What do u think?) ◇ (btw putting smth like ◇ was a genious idea ty, idk if u remember that ask tho?)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!!! Actually I’ve been thinking about this A LOT in the past couple of days and my conclusion ended up being that the key would be either for Kirishima to know Bakugou since they were really young OR for him to not attend Bakugou’s same middle school? Like, if they developed their personalities together, having someone like Kirishima around since they were kids could have made Bakugou develop differently, but if we go with the “they met in middle school” scenario then I think Kirishima would have had the same sort of...soothing? Effect on Bakugou only if Bakugou didn’t see him as a threat to his dream of being the only kid from that middle school to enter UA. Well, a scenario in which they had known each other since they were small young babies and Bakugou reached middle school going “the only one from this middle school to enter UA is gonna be me and Eijirou”, that would have been hella cute wouldn’t it hahaha growing up with a notion of us instead of just me would have changed Bakugou a lot, I’m pretty sure :D
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shawmilafanalizae · 5 years
Lost and Found (Halloween)
WARNINGS: smut content, mature language.
Part one
"Goddamnit!" Sorry. You're probably wondering why I'm screaming. Well, I'm writing a 10 page essay that is due on monday. And what day is it? Friday. And to make everything even better, its Halloween. I should be dressed in a skanky costume, drinking wine, and dancing. But clearly I'm not doing that. I shove my hands in my hair in frustration. I've been so busy with work and school, I've been completely cutting off the world. It's a terrible habit.
My thoughts get cut off from the doorbell ringing twice. Shit, I forgot that there's probably gonna be kids trick or treating around here. I get up from the kitchen table and shut my laptop. I reach the door and unlock it. But before I get to open it, a figure pushes the door open themselves and slides through. Oh, it's just Taylor, my best friend. She's dressed as a sexy cat and is obviously drunk.
" Where the hell were you?" She slurs her words and almost tips over. I motion towards the kitchen table and say " Studying, duh." I grab her hand and place her on the couch. I walk to the kitchen and pour her a glass of water to sober her up. I also grab some grapes from the fridge and place them onto a plate. With the dishes in hand, I walk back into the living room and set the items down and rub her back. " Why haven't you been answering my calls?" Right as she said that I whipped out my phone and checked the notifications. I had 3 missed calls from her. I emidiatly drop the phone and hug her tightly. " I'm sorry Tay, how did you get here?" I felt terrible for not being able to pick up the phone. " Stop worrying about me, you need to get ready!" Taylor shoes me up the stairs of my lonely condo. Obviously taking the beverage and snack along with us.
" What about this one?" I say holding up a red, sexy, revealing dress. " Yes! That one will look perfect on you!" Taylor said popping another grape into her mouth. I leap over the pile of dresses me and Tay just went through to get to the closet to change.
Once I'm in the dress I plop myself onto my vanity chair. I quickly do my makeup; a red and gold cut crease, concealer, highlighter, matte red lipstick, I complete the look with devil horns in the middle of my forehead. I pull my hair into an elegant bun with a few curly pieces hanging out to frame my face. I slip on some deep maroon and gold heels. Taylor hands me a gold necklace and bracelet. I spray a bit of perfume and toss my keys to Tay. We both walk down the stairs. Tay tripping every step. We slip out of the condo, slam the door and lock it. Tay has already unlocked the car. I get in and we start our adventure to this party that Tay apparently has already visited.
We arrive at the address of the Halloween party. I glance at the massive house that had at least 600 people in it. Damn I regret this. As I was getting out of the car, Tay was already half up the driveway. In the front yard was people playing games on the lawn, and drinking bottles of beer. Ugh gross.
Tay and I reach the door and walk in. We are instantly greeted with sweaty bodies, blasting music, and kissing couples. We manage to weave our way through the dancing crowd toward the bar. Once I take a seat on a bar stool, I realize Tay is nowhere in sight. Eh whatever. I take 2 shots of tequila. Then I make my way to the dance floor. After I'm grinding up on this tall stranger, I forget about everything. All I could think about was how my hips swayed and how tightly the man was gripping my hips. The man takes my hand and leads me towards the wine area. He grabs two glasses and pours some sort of raspberry wine into them and hands one to me. I take a quick sip. " What's you're name darling?" He steps into the light and my god. He is a literal God. He has a perfectly chiseled jaw, plump pink lips, and dark curly hair. " Take a picture it'll last longer." He says in a joking manner when he realized I was staring. I quickly snapped out of my sinful thoughts. " Y/N, what's yours?" I asked trying to hide my blushing face by taking a long sip of my wine. " The names Shawn, my sweet." Shawn, what a perfect name for a perfect guy like him. " Do you wanna go somewhere more private so we can talk and get to know each other?" I nodded and he interlocked his fingers with mine and started to pull me to the backyard. I held my wineglass in one hand and Shawn's hand in the other. He quickly pulled us both into a greenhouse. He shut the door and flipped on the light. Shawn took my wine glass out of my hands and set it on the ground next to us. All of a sudden, he pushed me up against the wall. " Can I kiss you?" Holy fuck. He is so hot I'm like melting. " Please do" As soon as I relaxed Shawn's lips latched onto mine and it was like sparks throughout my whole body. I deepened the kiss and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. He reached up and slightly tugged on my hair. I moaned and this obviously made him want more because he lifted up my long dress and pulled it off of my body. Once the air hit my back and stomach I shivered waiting to see what he would do next. He looked into my eyes and I dropped down to my knees. I slid his black skinny Jean's off of his long, muscular legs. I came back up and kissed him some more. This time I tugged on his hair and he growled so low it made my panties pool. Shawn's hand glided down my body to the band of my panties and his magical fingers found my sensitive, wet clit. I bucked my hips and whimpered wanting more of his touch. " Hold on darling, you need to be patient for me okay?" Ugh he's such a tease. " Uh huh, oh fuck Shawn!" He put his large hand over my mouth to protect me from making loud noises. Shawn stepped put of his boxers while I took off my panties. He swiftly took the underwear out of my hand and threw them towards his pants. " These are mine now, honey." Shawn said afterwards. All I had left was my bra and I was hoping that he would take it off with his hands. And he did just so.
Now that both of you were naked, shawn had somehow gotten a condom. " Lemme do it for you, papi." I said seductively while taking the condom by the tip of my fingers. Shawn growled at the nickname I had given him. I bent down to be faced with his hard on, dripping with precum. " Fuck darling, hurry." Shawn whimpered and begged. I'm not gonna give it to him just yet.
I took his pretty cock into my hands and pumped him. I ripped the foil off the rubber and slid it on his big cock. I came back up to him and leaned against the door waiting for him to fill me up. " Darling, you have me so hard for your sweet pussy." A shot of pleasure went through your body listening to his dirty mouth.
" Are you sure you want to do this baby?" Shawn asked with his eyebrows furrowed. " Yes I want your cock so bad Shawn, please fuck me." I say getting impatient.
" Your wish is my command, honey." And with that he thrust into you at full speed. " Oh my god, Shawn!" He was the best I have ever had already. And I've fucked a few people. Damn he already had you close. " Damnit princess, you're so tight, I love how you feel wrapped around my cock." God you loved his dirty talk. " Oh, papi ugh- I'm close." I didnt want this to end. " Come on princess, cum around my thick cock, be a good girl." There he had it he hit your g-spot and you came undone. " Oh fuck! Shawn!" I moaned loud and tried to ride out my high. " Good girl, honey. Oh shit I'm gonna cum, fuck." You felt hot ribbons of cum fill the condom.
You both just stood there catching your breath until you finally started to put your dress on and fixed your hair. After grabbing your wine, you and Shawn walked out of the greenhouse and back into the party.
Shawn introduced you to his friends after that. You talked and laughed. At the end of the night, Shawn went with you to find Taylor. Once you found her, you introduced Taylor to Shawn. " Taylor, this is Shawn, Shawn this is Taylor." You smiled at Taylor and Shawn as the shook hands. " Hi nice to meet you Shawn!" You guys had pointless, drunk conversations and then you said your goodbyes.
" Bye Shawn!" You went to hig him and whispered into his ear. " Bye,bye papi. Oh and by the way, I'm not wearing any panties." You said to him. " Bye honey. I'm gonna miss you wrapped around me." Me and Shawn swapped numbers and walked away from each other. As I turned around you winked at him. " Hurry, Y/N!" Taylor yelled at you. You ran after Taylor to get into the car.
Once Taylor and I were on the road, we were having conversations that didn't matter. " I can tell you fucked him Y/N."
Oh shit.
" Why the hell would you think that?!" I new my acting was terrible because I were blushing so hard. Who cares she can see right through me.
Once I reached home, I kicked off my heels. I walked to the kitchen and started the coffee machine,and walked upstairs. Taylor was already crashed in my guest bedroom. I started to get undressed and realized that I forgot my bra in the greenhouse. Shit.
I washed my makeup off, shampooed my hair, conditioned it to, and washed my body. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my figure. I slipped some gray sweats on and a pink t-shirt.
I went back downstairs to pour myself some coffee. I left my phone here so I checked through instagram and snapchat. Nothing important. I started to sip on my coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. I opened my laptop and went back to work. This being difficult because of Shawn fucking me less than 3 hours ago. Damn I need to see him again. I guess I just felt lost without someone. He's the one who found me. I'm lost and found.
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scoupsy-remade · 4 years
im sorry i didnt get the notif for this one :c
😇 You’re a sweet cinnamon bun
👻 I admire you from afar you probably don’t know I exist
😊 Your blog makes me smile
anon this is so sweet of you!! feel free to come be my friend tho I’d love to know you exist lmao 
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