#sorry i never draw elise
megandoesart1 · 11 months
back to archiving my dan vs hyperfixation art
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i hc elise to be slightly muscular with scars from work and stuff. i love her
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mermay art trade
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touch starved dan
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wearing chris' clothes
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cerebralinvasion · 2 years
yandere february event day 15
“Love is patient. I, however, am not.”
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you stood stiffly at the doorway to mori’s office. how was it that you kept finding yourself here? despite how much you hated being around your boss, it had slowly become a near constant. you had always tried to draw as little attention as possible. do your very best on missions, stay careful not to cause any problems, follow all commands from superiors, and never speak unless spoken to. it was the perfect recipe for keeping your head down and laying low in the port mafia. and yet, day after day you found yourself being called to have visits with the leader himself.
the first time was the worst. having a direct request for a meeting from mori had scared you shitless. you had no idea what it meant for you. which executive had you managed to piss off that badly? you were, unsurprisingly, entirely confused when all that occurred was a casual conversation. the way he carried himself implied that something deeper than discussion of your day was at hand, but you’d never be able to read mori well enough to know what that possibly could have been.
the second time wasn’t nearly as bad, but it terrified you nonetheless. mori didn’t exactly have a habit of being predictable. you had no idea if this next meeting would run in a similar fashion as to the last or if something much worse would go down. it ended up being quite the same, elise was there this time. you were careful to give the girl some of your attention while there. nervously asking her about her drawings. it wasn’t until near the end of your visit that mori offhandedly mentioned something about being a single father to the girl. how it’d be nice to have another parent in her life. you thought it was a weird thing to say, not only because she was an ability and not a real living being, but also because even if she was an actual human, why would he be telling this to you of all people? you tried not to question it.
today was the seventeenth time you’d been called into his office. it wasn’t as scary as the first, but you were careful to keep your wits about you. as much as you wanted to grow comfortable in the space you’d been spending so much time in, you couldn’t help but feel it was a bad idea. this was still the leader of the port mafia that stood in front of you. and you still had no grasp of his true intentions. to allow yourself to grow too comfortable could prove a fatal mistake.
“ah, so glad you got my invitation. have a seat.” mori’s voice called out.
you did as asked, gently placing yourself in one of the two cushioned chairs around the coffee table. a beautiful view of the city stood before you.
“how can i help you, sir.” you still didn’t make eye contact, staring pensively at your hands in your lap.
“still as aloof as ever, and we’ve met how many times?”
“seventeen, sir.” even though the question was likely rhetorical, you answered promptly.
“right, and despite how many meetings we’ve held, you’re still as formal as the first. you can relax around me, you know. i don’t bite.” the grin on his face was almost wolf-like.
“you’re my boss, i just try to remain respectful.”
“hm. it’s been over a month since our first meeting, hasn’t it? and you haven’t warmed up to me at all. i guess it’s true that love is patient. i, however, am not. i've found myself growing weary of this drawn-out courting.”
“love?” your eyes widened slightly and you met the man’s eyes for the first time since you entered the room. your face read as nothing but entirely confused.
“that’s right. i’m surprised you hadn’t picked up on it sooner. i thought i’ve been making my preference for you quite clear. but that’s alright, some people just require a bit more candidity than others.”
“i- i’m sorry sir but i don’t know if i- um- this feels like a sort of-” you sputtered, stumbling over your words. this is not what you wanted. nothing about attracting the boss of the port mafia would help you continue to stay unnoticed and out of trouble. but considering your situation, flat out rejecting him couldn’t be a smart idea.
“i’m sure you’re aware that you don’t have much of a choice here, yes?” he cut off your pathetic attempts at forming a statement. “but don’t think of it as a negative thing. you’re quite capable, i’d hate for that talent to be wasted, and you’ll receive far more benefits within this organization than you did previously. the kind of benefits someone of your skill level deserves. i’ll make sure to take good care of you.”
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skkfujoshi · 4 months
Murder as meet cute
Chuuya flinched as the blood landed on his face.
He knew it was blood without even having to look,because he had felt it before.Though not in this amount.
Mori killing his patients didn’t happen often enough to be considered the norm,but simultaneously didn’t occur so rarely to be considered surprising.
However…His father usually had some standards,some rules for how he went about things like that.
For example,don’t go after people whose absence would be noticed.
Suffice to say,murdering the boss of the Port Mafia pretty much spat in the face of that idea.
Chuuya couldn’t see the scene very well from his stance behind the door.
“The boss perished due to his illness.He left word saying I’ll inherit his position.”Chuuya’s father said,swinging his head in the direction opposite Chuuya’s hiding spot”You’re my witness.Got it?”
There was a huff.
Chuuya’s eyes widened.A third party!?
“Seems I’m not the only one,Mori.”a boyish voice said
His father turned to look at him,eyes wide and face covered in blood.
“Chuuya,come in here.I wanna wipe your face off.” “I’ll do it myself,dad.” “And let someone see you?” “…” “Get in here.”
Chuuya obeyed,eyes still on the corpse,Until Mori grabbed his jaw.
“Don’t look at that,do you understand?”he gritted. “Yes.”
He didn’t look at Mori’s face either though,because it was only a reminder of what might happen.
If his father’s figured out…They’ll both be killed.If this witness talks…
Chuuya glanced at him.A skinny,scrawny thing with a mop of brown hair,an uncovered eye that bulged,seemingly glowing red under the light of the bloody moon.
If necessary,Chuuya could take him.And put him six feet under.
“He new?”Chuuya asked and turned towards his father ”Yeah,I only came here today.”the boy answered
Chuuya scowled.
“Did I ask you?” “No,but you did ask,so does the person answering really matter?” “Why you-“
Mori swiped the handkerchief across his cheek and mouth,muffling Chuuya’s insult.
“Dazai will stay quiet.And even if he doesn’t,him dying will be viewed as his fault.” “You hired a suicidal maniac as your witness,instead of me?Great job,dad.” “More bribed,really.”Dazai said
Mori shot him a glare and gave Chuuya one as well as he scrubbed off the last bits of blood of off his son’s face.
“Don’t worry about it.We’ll discuss it tomorrow.For now,all you have to do is wash up and go to bed.” “But-“ “Tomorrow.Bed,now.”
Chuuya obeyed,though he wrapped Mori’s hand extra firmly around the scalpel,giving Dazai a warning glare as he left.
As he walked down the hallway,he could only draw two conclusions.He’ll have a hard night,tossing and turning ahead and he didn’t like that suicidal maniac.Not one bit.
Dazai wouldn’t call himself an eavesdropper.He didn’t consider himself to have done it enough time to be considered a practitioner.
This was only his second time doing it,after all.
How could he not when the information was so fascinating.
“You want me to use corruption!?” “Yes.” “Dad,we never used it before!We don’t know if-“ “You could die?Get over yourself Chuuya.”Elise mocked “Shut up Elise!” “Or what?” “I’ll steal your bow again.”
Elise whined as Mori scolded his daughter.
“Chuuya,be nice to Elise.You know how sensitive she is.” “Sensitive my-“
Dazai kicked the door open.
“Sorry for being late.Dreadful manners,I know.”he said,walking in
All three stared.Mori was relieved,Chuuya was disgusted and most entertainingly,Elise was scared.Dazai smiled and waved at the blonde.
She hid behind Chuuya and despite their previous spat,the other girl put her arm in front of Elise in a protective gesture.
“You’re still here.”Chuuya said,sneering “Indeed I am.Don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”
She looked Dazai up and down,blue eyes narrowed in disdain.Dazai smiled,content that he was right.
She was just as pretty without the blood on her face.
Resigned,Chuuya extended her hand.
“Chuuya Nakahara.” “Osamu Dazai.he said cupping Chuuya’s single hand in both of his”Chuuya…Have you ever considered the idea of double suicide.” “Huh!?”
Chuuya looked at him in a mixture of confusion,offense,surprise and somewhere in there a question of”What the hell is this guy smoking!?”
So,the response girls usually gave to his offer.Which was odd,since last night she discussed being a planted murder witness with the same nonchalance most girls discussed buying accessories.
One would think death wouldn’t really phase her.
“My,my,Dazai…I didn’t know that you expanded your double suicide options to men as well.” “What!?” “I’m a boy,dipshit…”Chuuya gritted,face bright red
Dazai looked him up and down.
“Guess that explains the lack of chest.” “Hey!”
Not heeding the other’s objection,Dazai let go of Chuuya’s hand and patted his shoulder.
“Sure you’ll grow into the voice,though.Keep at it,pipsqueak”
A red aura appeared around the redhead,but disappeared as soon as he placed his hand on Chuuya’s shoulder again.
What the fuck!?
He whipped towards Mori,but his father’s only response was a smug smile.
“What the hell is this!?” “My ability…’No longer human’.”
Chuuya turned to Elise,looking for some solidarity…But she was gone.
He didn’t hear her leave,so…
She was an ability and he couldn’t use ‘Upon the Tainted Sorrow’ right now…
And Elise was touching him…
“An anti gifted?” “Yes.Osamu’s ability is to cancel the ability of those he touches.”
Dazai smiled,nodding,eyes flat and empty.
A harrowing thought came to Chuuya.What if he couldn’t get it back…What if it was for Dazai to hold onto now?What if Mori would take ‘Tainted Sorrow’ away from Chuuya via Dazai whenever Chuuya gave him lip?
“Don’t worry.”Dazai said,letting go of him”You can use it again now.”
Narrowing his eyes,Chuuya used his ability,floating a few inches above the ground,landing soon after,turning towards his father with a scoff on his lips.
“You think this will stop Ahrahabaki!?”
“The servant of the gods?”Dazai asked
Well…Mori had his attention but now he had his curiosity.
Chuuya looked rapidly between the two,furious.
“You didn’t tell him!?”
Shrugging,Mori putting on a black blazer.
“Figured you should do it.” “Why can’t you?”
He kissed the top of Chuuya’s head.
“Because I have a funeral to go to.”
Chuuya sighed,grabbing the coat of off Dazai
“Wait,I’m coming with.” “We’re not supposed to be there.” Dazai said
Chuuya glared at him.
“Why not!?” “Because you have a tendency towards emotional outbursts.It’s too risky.And I have no incentive not to spill Mori’s dirty little secret in front of everyone.It’d be dumb for me to come.” “Maybe punching you in the teeth would make you quiet?” “Not particularly.“ “You-“
Mori cleared his throat,turning towards him.
“That and only members are allowed on the previous boss’s funeral.Neither of you are officially inducted.”
Now Dazai was confused.Wasn’t just being taken in by the mafia enough to be considered a member?
“Chuuya will explain it to you.Right?” “Right.” “Wonderful.Behave you two,I’ll be back in an hour.”Mori said as he left
Dazai promptly plopped himself on Mori’s bed,much to Chuuya’s chagrin.
“Stop getting your germs on the bed,asshole!” “I got all of my necessary shots shortie,relax.”
Chuuya strode over to him,homocidal rage coming off him in waves.He sighed and gritted his teeth.
“At least take your shoes off!” “But my feet aren’t even on the-“ “It’s the principle!”
With an eye roll and as begrudgingly and slowly as possible Dazai took off his shoes.
“There.Happy?” “Not really.” ”Oh well,can’t please everyone.”
Chuuya sighed in exasperation,turning towards the closet and taking out a jacket.Hopefully,the universe will have heard his pleas and one of the Flags was ditching the funeral.Albatross,if he was extra lucky.
“Chuu-ya!” “Don’t call me that.” “Isn’t that your name,Chuu-ya?” “You don’t say it like that!” “Whatever.”
The two stayed quiet for a moment and then…
“What’s corruption?”
Chuuya turned towards him,eyes wide.
“How do you know-“ “Eavesdropping.” “Disgusting,fucking disgusting.”
Chuuya crossed his arms and sighed,once more regarding Dazai with suspicion.
“How long have you known my father?” “Couple months.I was his patient and he said he’d give me a poison to kill myself with if I help out.” “My father would never do something like that.” “Keep telling that to yourself.Anyway,why did you ask?” “To see if I can…Trust you,I suppose.”
“Huge mistake there.” “No need to tell me that.Basically what corruption is…Theoretically,the strongest form of my ability but I…I wouldn’t be aware while I was using it.It’d use up my energy and I’d die.” “What does that have to do with gravity.” “It’s a long story,but…”
Chuuya swallowed.He hadn’t really spoken the words out loud until now.Of all the people to first say the truth of what he was to…
“I’m the host for Ahrahabaki.”
He expected Dazai to gasp,to be a bit taken aback,afraid.
But his eyes only widened a bit,before he said:”Hmm,you seem really tiny for a demigod.” “Hey!” “Just saying.”
In a way he was almost relieved.He supposed that this was better than Dazai screaming in horror.
“Was your mother the previous holder?” “My…My mother!?” “Yes,the unfortunate little girl your father impreg-“ “Eww!Eww!Disgusting!I’m adopted,jackass!And even if I wasn’t my mother would be a lady my father’s age!” “Sure she’d be.”
Dazai stood up,put his shoes back on and began to walk out only to be grabbed by Chuuya mere moments later.
“Where are you going?” “Well,since I don’t find you particularly mentally stimulating company,I’m off to do something more constructive,like going to the arcade.”
Chuuya blinked at him.
“What’s an arcade?”
Instantly Dazai felt sympathy pierce his heart.This poor boy to have never gotten beaten by Dazai in a video game.This has to be fixed at once.
He grabbed Chuuya by the hand and pulled him outside.
“Where the hell are you taking me,you maniac!?” “Out of the tower,Rapunzel.” “I told you earlier,dipshit!I’m a boy!A boy!” “Then stop whining like a girl.” “I will when you stop manhandling me!” Dazai did not in fact stop,dragging Chuuya outside.
Boss Chuuya AU Masterpost
Previous fic part <— Next fic part —> First overall AU info post
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fluffygiraffe · 10 months
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I'M SO HAPPY TO POST THIS!!!! I worked so hard!!! :,)
Now, time to tag them right to left!
Totino belongs to @keylimepizzapie
Lil TV Man / Gooberino belongs to @forgettable-dumbass
LS!Pep belongs to me ofc lmao
Macaroni belongs to @margarita-the-pizzeria-worker
Rei-Rei belongs to @rayredpanda
Pizzata belongs to @radiopixelctive
The two mentally unstable men talking to each other belong to @ask-brunos-prerotten-restaurant
Elise belongs to @alaskacoolkid1
THANK YOU ALL FOR PARTICIPATING!!!! Hopefully, I didn't forget anybody, and if I did, I am SO sorry! now i shall never draw anything like this ever again /hj
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lostiolite · 3 months
hii sorry for the bother but can i request general yandere hc of yandere!Eugene from df? thanks!
HI!! SO SORRY I DIDNT GET TO THIS SOONER!!!! This is my alt account, in which I don’t log into as often because people don’t interact as much as they do on my other. That being said- here are the headcannons!
- by no means was it a matter of love at first sight, it was only when he got to know you while out of patrol did he become infatuated with you.
- you two were no longer people in the same survival group, who slept under the same roof yet never understood eachother. you got to know him, he got to know you. You knew his love for music, how
- it was the mental turmoil of the situation that led to his yandere tendencies. He didn't get along with most of the people, he hated how stuck up scarlet was, and how much of a push over jay & hailey were. He had come to understand Lawrence point of view.
- you were basically the only good thing he had. Thats why he started becoming passive to lawrences actions. While he used to point out the bs of it, he now watches. He was going to play the waiting game of letting lawrence pick off the others. When lawrence left jay for dead he feigned ignorance.
- he started lingering around you, occasionally aaking questions to get to know you. He wanted to know about you and who you were. Unlike lawrence who seemed to have held on to some fantasy obsession with you. Like the dude probably doesn't even know your favorite color yet hes fucking ballistic over you? I mean for you- yeah he understands but like... Thats not very smart of him.
- he just left everyone else, right before fur elise started playing he grabbed you and took you into one of the classrooms to escape safely. He took you too the shelter and promised he would protect you. He would compose songs just for you. His favorite thing to do would probably be raiding abandoned music shops to get you stuff from your favorite artist, he hopes that when the world goes back to normal, he can be your favorite <3.
This is LITERAL ass cheeeks i might make a short comic / drawing about yandere Eugene aswell...
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sloshys · 1 year
I just think that Daan has this kinda like. Need to be towered over? I think thats why he interacts with the people who are kinda cold/uncaring/powerful most. I mean. He's found himself almost in every aspect of his life in a position where someone was constantly telling him what to do, and I feel like strong characters (like O'saa or karin) kinda fill that niche of "I need someone to boss me around and tell me what to do because I've lived my life at others whims and while I can hold my own for a good bit after a while I'm not sure what to do but asking for help would be too vulnerable so having someone be a higher up towards me gives me a sense of security but i will also kinda be a little shit about it so it doesnt seem so vulnerable" and with O'saa he's super blunt. Very much "I will do things my way wether you like it or not and you will follow my lead or get out my way." and I mean, hell he was a leader! He very much outwardly has control and leadership tendencies, even if inside he doesn't feel like he can ever truly fit the bill. Which is what Daan is looking for yknow? And O'saa, i just kinda think for O'saa its one of those things of he cant for the life of him figure out why he likes him so much, but then Daan starts talking to him about scholarly topics and they have discussions of religion, medicine, science, war, and other things and theres this draw of Daan's Intellegence paired with this strange need of "i want to see him happy, because his whole life hes been miserable and part of it reminds me of me and if i cant be happy then perhaps i can make someone else happy to fill the void" (touching on the whole joking between the two) but being as O'saa has an enlightened soul, i feel like he would be incredibly interested in what Daan has to say. If the two ever got the chance i feel theyd definitely debate between eachother. Imagine that one reaction meme image of the two scholars talking to eachother. Thats them i think. I feel like the two compliment eachother but in a way of like. They fill a niche the other is searching for. Neither are good with words, much less pda, but alone? I feel like if there ever was time alone in a different time in a different place their intimacy would be intense, passionate, and wordless. Nothing would really need to be said, just intimacy, a smoke on the balcony, and dinner in a perfect world. Other people may find their relationship seemingly loveless, but they just couldn't understand the wordless display of trust, of closeness, and of tenderness. How could they? The two have only ever really been truly vulnerable with the other, and I feel if conflict was to arise, they may argue, take a heated break, and then come back with a wordless apology and cook for eachother. Acts of service, cooking, and gift giving i feel would be something that again, if given the chance, the two would indulge in regularly. I feel if O'saa was being particularly sappy he'd maybe get Daan some expensive alcohol he'd been eyeing. As for Daan, I feel he'd get O'saa a nice clothing piece the other had been admiring. But that's in a life they'd never get, I suppose... sorry for rambling in your inbox, I care for them dearly PFT
Anon rn:
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I put my thoughts down there i hope i was able to cover everything
Im going to start off in a daan analysis tangent real quick
Daan has been neglected by his cultist parents ever since he was a baby. He probably never got the proper feeling of security or personal growth as a child because he was always living to survive. Which worsened even more after the death of his parents, and was doomed to child labour very young. Im sure he never got to properly play or express himself as a kid until he got closer to Elise. But The only thing about himself he found worth talking about were his insane cultist parents. His life at the Baron’s mansion was everything he had, as were his studies of modern medicine. That's why he feels attracted to powerful and determined people like O'saa and Karin (and Marcoh too, I believe), who seem to know exactly what their own goals are and think they still have control over what is happening. Despite trying to do things on his own, he still craves company. He also wants to protect the younger ones, like Levi and Marina, because his ass is projecting! But the sad thing is that Daan can't be too dependent on these people and doesn't want to share too much of his past with them because it's very traumatic for him.
If the discussion had taken place, I think O’saa would have been very interested in Daan and his upbringing. Daan never followed the religions and cults of Europa and is aware of their danger. He prays to Sylvian not as an act of worship but to help those who are sick. He also ran away from Pocketcat his whole life and never wanted to give himself to him until depression hit him harder than before. This makes Daan rational, smart, and inquisitive. Which seem to be attractive traits for someone who possesses an enlightened soul.
TOTALLY AGREE ALSO ABOUT THESE TWO HAVING BIG BRAINED DISCUSSIONS O'saa proves himself to be a good listener to others feelings in the booth; Daan can be a very open-minded person; and they both have similar views about the use of magic. I agree that the way they show affection is when they’re both very intimate with each other. O’saa does not trust people lightly because, in his case, his greatest fear is manipulation due to the fact that his country is being invaded and controlled by Europa's religions, wars, and cults. So he only ever relied on himself, which is why he chose to be a yellow mage. I imagine it might take a great deal of time and trust for him to share his vulnerability and feelings with Daan. But they seem to both crave social interaction since they're both lonely at heart, so there might be a chance (we’re winning, girlies!). Either way, I agree with sappy O'saa, that's such an adorable concept and somehow fitting since he finds his own jokes funny. I hc that he’s very genuine when he talks about his emotions, and no matter how embarrassing they are, he always says them with a straight face. But Daan is so sappy too. They would write each other love letters; you cannot tell me otherwise.
Also, I thought of an ending for these two surviving the festival: Daan confessing to O’saa that he doesn’t have anything that waits for him and O’saa noticing the true meaning of those words. He feels a tinge of sympathy because Daan has lost everything to war and religion, and he can't bear to see him give up after surviving the gruesome festival. So O’saa proposes to make a deal to be his personal doctor because he plans to travel dangerously, defy the authority in his country to establish his own teachings, and rise to the top. Since Daan doesn’t have anything to lose, he agrees to it. I think that it is during those travels that they will slowly fall for each other. They might also find some closure on their pasts during those trips.
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stesierra · 1 year
I am posting this again (my pride and joy) because now I know how to do that read more thing so all the people who hate long chunks of text don't want to kill me! Also, last time I didn't put up the full first chapter! So... Here it is again.
The Bone Queen
Chapter 1
When I fell in love with Aubrey, I never thought I'd dream of killing him one day. Why would I? He was already dead.
Now, two years after he’d won my heart with lies, we stood alone in my dimly lit parlor, between its lion-footed couches all in pine green and gold and blood red, Queen Idony’s colors. The golden tapestries that thickly coated the walls depicted Bandrum Palace as seen from the streets of Asteraxe: a many-floored edifice that sprawled across the top of a hill, half hidden behind a mighty wall.
The enormous skirts of my dress weighed me down like I was dragging my own casket around. The bodice hugged my ribs and the corset I didn't need, embellished with lace and embroidered birds, and the sleeves poofed around my skinny arms. It left my scrawny shoulders bare, and even with the fire that crackled in my fireplace, the winter air inside the palace chilled me.
The dress was ivory. The same ivory as my fiancé’s bones.
He clenched my hand, his icy finger bones pinching my skin, and his touch revolted me. But I didn't draw away. I'd learned by now that there was no escape. What point was there in trying? Besides, I deserved this unhappiness. I'd brought it upon myself. Upon the entire kingdom of Sweelough.
When I'd met Aubrey, he'd been nothing but a handsome ghost on Lake Langlyn’s shores. But since I'd freed him—freed them all—he’d become something more. Not alive, even Queen Idony couldn't do that, but she'd given him back his skeleton with which to wield swords and write notes and touch my vulnerable skin. His ghost hadn't gone anywhere; it wrapped around his skeleton like transparent flesh around bones. Now, when I looked into his face, I saw both sharp gray eyes and yawning sockets, both a full, cleanshaven mouth and a skull’s grinning teeth. And the clothes his ghost wore echoed the very real doublet and hose he'd pulled over his bones. Green and red and gold, of course. He honored the queen in everything he did.
He bent close to me, brushing the top of my fashionable tower of hair with his jawbone. He stank of potpourri and dust. “Tell me you love me, Elise.”
I said nothing, just breathed and thought about hitting his bones over and over again with a hammer. In my mind, he crumbled into bits, nothing but ashes in a grave. Of course, it was a fantasy; no one could kill someone who was already dead. I knew because so many people had died trying. Because I had hit him with an axe down on the shore of Lake Langlyn, and it had only torn his clothes.
He said again, “We are to marry in a month. Tell me you love me. Smile at me and say my name, the way you used to.”
“Aubrey,” I said. I didn't love him, but what good would it do to tell him again, when he would only yell at me? It was pointless. Everything was pointless.
His ghostly eyes narrowed, and he crushed my hands in his. “Smile, Elise. Thank me for taking you to wife. For when we met, you were nothing but a serf too stupid to write her own name. Now look at you. Aren't you grateful?”
Tears stung my eyes. When I'd met him, at sixteen, I'd been happy. I'd had parents and four brothers who loved me, and it hadn't mattered that none of us knew how to read or write. What did farmers need letters for? Now, two years later, life was meaningless, and it didn't matter that the tutors he'd forced on me had taught me to scribble my name and read a handful of poems.
Aubrey sighed and leaned down to kiss the back of my hand. For a horrifying second, his lips passed through me, and his teeth brushed my skin. “I'm sorry, Elise. I know I push you too hard. You'll be a good wife. Docile and obedient. Quiet. A good mother to my children.”
If I was docile and quiet, it was only because I'd given up. But his last sentence made me whip my head up. “Children? What do you mean, children?”
He smiled up at me, his spectral mouth matching the grinning teeth of his skull. “Why, Elise, didn't you think I would want a heir?”
“Why would you?” I cried. “Lady Kinburg tells everyone how she had no choice but to hang her descendents when she came back, because they wouldn't return her lands. The dead don't want heirs. You're planning to rule forever. Aren't you?”
“Of course,” my fiancé agreed, straightening up. “But I would still want children. Offspring who will love and admire me, just as you do.”
Unless they inherited my ability to see and hear ghosts, all the children would see was a skeleton that couldn't even talk to them. They wouldn't admire him. They'd fear him, just like I did. Somehow, that didn't matter, not when there was a bigger issue. “Aubrey, you're dead. You can't sire children. It's impossible. Are you planning to have some living man bed me?”
He scoffed, reaching up to seize my chin. “I'll kill any man who lays a finger on you. You're mine. Forever.”
I ripped my face out of his grip. “If we adopt children, they won't be able to see you.” No other living person in Asteraxe, the capital of Sweelough, saw and heard the dead like I did. They just saw skeletons, awful and deadly. It was my gift and my curse to see more. A curse that had doomed me and all of Sweelough.
He let me retreat to sit upon one of the couches. “But children born of your body will, my love. And it's not impossible. Do you have so little faith in the queen? In one month, on the day of our wedding, she will cast spells upon me to give me the ability to lie with you. With her magic, she'll quicken my seed in your belly. And nine months later, you'll bear me a perfect son.”
Aubrey was going to have sex with me. He was going to force me to bear his child. My thoughts ran in terrified, anguished circles. My limbs grew weak, and I sank into my couch. I wanted to vomit all over his pointed shoes. If I could've, I'd have bolted out into the halls of the palace and straight out the front doors. Running for my life had never sounded more appealing.
But the queen's magic brand wrapped my ankle like a jagged red tattoo, and even now I felt it burning against my skin. She'd promised me, when she enchanted me two years ago, that if I ever tried to escape, it would punish me. And Aubrey had stood beside her, smiling because I could never leave him.
“You look faint, my love,” Aubrey said, stepping up close to me. “Come to dinner tonight. Sit at my side and display your beauty to all the court.”
“I'm not hungry,” I said, and it was true. I was never hungry, and after the horrible news he’d just dropped on me, I might never be hungry again. If I accompanied Aubrey to the Great Hall, where the nobility gathered over feasts of roast beef and fish and fresh fruit, I would only sit uneating in front of plenty, just like all the dead who wanted to pretend that they were still alive. Aubrey couldn't eat, being nothing but bones. I had a stomach and all the equipment needed, but I'd lost my appetite with my family, and now that he’d threatened to impregnate me, it was doubly gone.
He took my hand and kissed it again. “Very well. I will send your maids in to tend to you. But after dinner, I will come fetch you. Queen Idony wishes to speak with you.”
My stomach dropped, and I tore my hand out of his. “What? Why? I haven't done anything wrong.”
He patted my cheek, and his bones were so cold that surely they'd never belonged to a living man. “Fear not, Elise. She doesn't want to punish you. She merely wishes to tell you your new duties in the days ahead.”
“Duties? What duties?” Dread constricted my throat. Duties, whatever they were, would take me away from my rooms and safety. They'd put me in the eyes of the living nobles, and all of them hated me. Not because I was a peasant pretending to be one of them. Because it was my fault they had to bow to a dead queen. I didn't blame them. I hated me too.
Aubrey beamed at me. “Great events are on the horizon. Do you remember that the queen made overtures to our wealthy neighbor to the west?”
Only one county bordered Sweelough to the west. “Ahheleisa. But you said nothing would come of it. That the living were too superstitious to see a gift when the queen offered it.”
He waved a hand. “The living are cretins. But in this case, I was wrong.”
“I’m still alive, Aubrey,” I reminded him. For now. Every other night, I woke from nightmares that the queen had stripped me down to nothing but a ghost and dry old bones.
“Yes, yes. That doesn't matter. We have news now that an ambassador and his party are coming here to Asteraxe. In fact, they are nearly upon us. And so Queen Idony has plans for you. But she’ll tell you the details tonight, I am sure.” He patted my leg through my layers of skirts and petticoats. “Now, promise me you'll eat something.”
“I'll eat something,” I lied. But after he'd left and sent my maids in to check on me, I tilted my head back and closed my eyes and tried to think of nothing. Thoughts kept sneaking in of a dead man's touch and a dead man's children, and I had no peace at all.
My maids haunted the room for a while, waiting for me to make my will known. When I said nothing, Amphelisia asked tentatively, “Can we fetch you something from the kitchen, my lady?”
I opened my eyes and looked at them. To anyone else living, the three of them would look identical: three skeletons in humble black dresses that covered them from neck to ankle. They were lucky; they didn't have to wear enormous skirts that barely fit through a doorway, and since they were just maids, nobody required them to have towers of hair. The dead noblewomen wore wigs; my maids left their skulls bare except for tendrils of transparent hair.
To me, who could see ghosts, I couldn't possibly mistake one maid for another. Amphelisia’s face was round and as bright as her voice, Lettice’s face was angular and always vaguely worried, and Ysoria had a strong square jaw and a matter-of-fact tone that sometimes made me feel like a small child. Their names had been the height of fashion in Sweelough two hundred years ago, when Queen Idony had ruled for the first time, but no living woman had borne them in a hundred years.
When I didn't say anything, Ysoria said, “You got a present, my lady.” She held out a plain wooden box the size and thickness of my hand.
I stared at her. “From Aubrey?” No one else would send me anything, but he always gave me his presents in person. He'd presented me the necklace of gold and emeralds that currently weighed down my throat just last week, before worship. I took the box. It barely weighed a thing.
“The boy that delivered it didn’t say.”
“Then it’s not from Aubrey. He loves to put his name on things.” Things like me. I opened the box and peeked in.
A chain of silver skulls coiled inside, rubies where their eyes should be, just long enough for my wrist. I stared at it. No, this wasn’t from Aubrey. God knew Aubrey would never send me something to remind me he was already dead. This was a comment from somebody rich, but what sort of comment was it? A joke? An insult? A threat? It couldn’t just be from an admirer, not with those skulls.
“What should we do with it?” Lettice asked me.
I shrugged. “Put it with my other jewelry. I'll figure out where it came from later.”
“Later,” Ysoria agreed, snatching it out of my hands. “After you've had dinner. You can't skip anymore meals, Lady Cropper! You'll wither away to nothing.”
I sighed. “All right. Something green, though. I'm tired of eating twenty kinds of meat.”
Amphelisia wrung her hands. “But, my lady, that is how the nobility eats.”
“Well, I'm a peasant, and I miss vegetables.” I rubbed a hand across my eyes. “Please. Something green.”
“All right,” Ysoria said softly. “We'll be back with that in a jiffy. Why don't you work on your lessons? The Duke of Winworth will surely be pleased if you can read him a poem.”
I couldn't care less about whether Aubrey was pleased. But I picked up the poetry book that sat on the little table in between my couches and opened it to where a blue ribbon had preserved my place. Poetry was a woman's art in Sweelough, although everyone said that the poets who'd written the Book of Souls were men blessed by God. I'd never be holy enough to hold that book. Even if I hadn't been a peasant and nearly illiterate, I'd brought a war down on Sweelough, caused the death of thousands and gotten Queen Alma deposed. I never prayed to God or Othin anymore, even though I attended worship every Othiday. Why would either of them listen to me?
By the time Ysoria returned with a wooden trencher, I'd only read three lines of the poem and worked myself into an awful state. The juicy white pork on the trencher must have come from the royal cooks, but the winter cabbage and onions had probably been fixed for the servants. The nobles would never touch anything so pitiful. It was perfect, and I almost didn't mind that I wasn't hungry.
I shoved the book aside and took the trencher right there on the couch. The cabbage tasted a little bitter, but cabbage was like that sometimes.
My maids watched me eat as though it was the most fascinating thing in the world. I wished they'd say something. Anything to distract me from the awful process of swallowing.
On the last bite, my lips and tongue tingled and went numb. I could no longer tell if I still held the mouthful of cabbage. I spat it onto my trencher. The mush looked normal, but the numbness spread across my face, and my skin crawled all over my body as if it were about to rip free and drag itself away.
“Ysoria?” I slurred. “Something’s wrong.”
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dirtanddistance · 4 months
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West Coast Running Odyssey - Alternate Title, How to RunMaxx a Three Day Weekend/Bay to Breakers Race Recap and More
Some weekends were made for running, and for this BC runner, Victoria Day Weekend was without doubt that weekend for me. Saturday morning started with an early alarm drawing me groggily downstairs to make a cup of tea and grab a bagel. I could hear the ominous beating of the rain outside. Checking my messages, it quickly became apparent that the group planning a run up to Tunnel Bluffs would not be convening. I texted Elise to check if she wanted to bail, and thankfully, she was prepared to get out there still. We enjoyed the meandering drive up Sea to Sky and got to trekking. Calling this a run may have been a slight exaggeration, seeing as we were hoofing it uphill a good amount of the way up. However, the trek paid off as we reached the bluffs to a view out across the sound. Perhaps not as majestic as a truly clear day, but braving the rain on the sparsely traveled trail up was worth the extra care scrambling up the final rocky sections. We logged our names on the little message station and beheld a soggy plush dog stationed in a stump overlooking the water, pondering his role and how he reached this place. Is he meant to tell us something? On the way back, much faster and with higher spirits, we gleefully ignored the building fatigue in our quads as we pulled into the parking lot with jelly legs, feeling incredibly fortunate to have not gone back to bed. And, because I have no chill when it comes to maximizing my run opportunities, I hopped on a plane to San Francisco shortly after.
Bay to Breakers is an event without comparison in North America. I'd participated around ten years ago, and would describe the event as a 12k long party rather than a 'race'. Between the costumes, the absurd spectators, the flying tortillas in the staring gate, the adult full frontal nudity, and the centipede category, you are guaranteed to see something you've never seen before. This year was no exception. We rocked up to the starting line as a party of three; two of us dressed in a rather obscure pop culture reference duo costume as Taylor and Matty for our best Tortured Poets Department impression. We'd ordered our race packets to be mailed to us, but when there was no hint of them the day before the race, I frantically emailed the help desk and was told I could pick our numbers up morning of. This went quite smoothly, if it was slightly disappointing to not have had the pre-event mailing work out. The starting corrals were well organized, but within moments the trademark ridiculousness took root with fajita size tortillas flying through the air. After being buffeted by a number of the delicious discs, I flung one back into the void, promptly striking someone in the face (sorry!) and earning a high five from my compatriots. As they released us into the streets through the starting gate, the real adventure began. I can confidently say that the sequined shorts were perfectly fine to run in with their protective nylons guarding them from my skin, which was possibly the largest surprise of the day. The first entertaining stop was a reverse piñata station, in which two rows of people dressed up like piñatas with inflatable sticks wallop runners passing through. After that, we encountered an entire crew dressed as crabs. This would turn out to be the most resilient and entertaining group of the day. The swarm of crabs would later be seen partying long into the afternoon in the park, absolutely in sync and on some kind of divine crab wavelength that the rest of us could only imagine existing within. As all three of us were originally from Florida, Hayes Hill was the most fretted portion of the event, and where we began walking. The amount of concentrated hype attached to this portion of the course is understandable given the mild elevation profile of the rest of the course. I quickly discovered as I forced us back to running on the downhill that my legs were not particularly pleased to be doing another downhill run after yesterday's blitz back from Tunnel Bluffs, but I ignored this inconvenient fact in favor of pressing onwards. We passed a Pit Stop in which a crew of spectators dressed in race car pit crew outfits slammed runners into camp chairs, poured some beer down their throats, and then shoved them back onto the course in a brutally efficient demonstration of debauchery. We walk/ran the remainder of the trek out to the Pacific, and even had someone recognize our costume along the way. Finally, the finish line and the breaking waves beckoned, and we collected our pretty sick finisher medals and oodles of snacks. 10/10 event, did 0/10 serious racing.
Why stop at two back to back days of iconic running destinations when you can stack up three? Only someone without a searing ambition to add a trail run to their San Francisco weekend would leave their Monday bereft of more miles. That, and I really didn't want to do another long run on my usual home route. Desperation leads to curious destinations, and that curious destination for me was the top of Hawk Hill via foot from Haight Ashbury. Like any sensible person who never drinks coffee, I decided that morning was the perfect one for my caffeine sensitive self to slam a soy latte before taking the 7 bus with my husband into town proper. After he picked up a bike and we picked out some waypoints, I was off and running. I have to say, I was running up inclines I would never even consider runnable during the first hour of this journey. I bounded up the stairs to Inspiration Point before bobbing down again to the start of the Golden Gate bridge. In my caffeinated stupor, I thought to myself that I might not be so pleased on the return route going back up, but decided that was a problem for mile 17 me and instead tackled the puzzle that was 'how to get onto the sidewalk that would take me across the bridge to the sweet sweet dirt and plants on the other side of it'. Now, I would understand if you were expecting me to have some kind of awe inspiring account of what it's like to run across this iconic piece of American engineering. This instantly recognizable more-orange-than-red bridge is the default bridge emoji. It links a storied American city with a massive national recreation area. Running across it, therefore, must be a religious experience. Perhaps it is, given that most of what I hear of religious experiences in America are filled with rage, inefficiency, and lack of consideration of anyone other than oneself. It was an infuriating experience. First of all, it's loud. Many cars and big water means much sound. Second, it's packed. This was a non-holiday Monday and it was packed. That's enough of a challenge, but I've been to Tokyo and seen that humans are capable of being very concentrated and also very orderly. This bridge traffic did not get this memo. Not a soul on this sidewalk had ever conceived of a single file line. The existence of pull-off areas for photos and pausing was completely ignored in favor of random stopping in the most congested sections. As someone who very minimally experiences what one might consider 'road rage,' I was shocked at the internal frustration building within me. Thankfully I refrained from externalizing that experience and made it to the other side, where I again had to go full Dora The Explorer to find the way to the other side of the bridge and finally get to the promised land - TRAILS.
The trails did not disappoint. As a friend pointed out to me later, Marin was the location of the North Face Endurance 50k years back, and understandable why they chose this location. Although most of my journey out was uphill, it was gradual enough to be fully runnable, leaving my cycle-bound husband in my dust. At the top of Hawk Hill, I enjoyed a fresh jam sandwich I'd bought with my coffee and ferried all the way up with me, in true trail run fashion. The trek back down became a bit more interesting as I took a different trail back along the ridge instead of along the road. I spotted a couple ahead of me, and then promptly tripped on almost nothing and ate dirt, in front of the only other humans I would end up seeing on the trail that day. I quickly waved them off in my embarrassment so I could cry quietly about it for a few minutes, and then hobbled along with the sad acknowledgement that I would not be flinging myself back down the hill with the ache in my knee now gnawing away. Each time I stopped it got a bit stiff, so I quit doing that and dragged my dusty, bleeding carcass back into town to meet my husband back at the Whole Foods, which seems like the only appropriate post-run meet point in San Francisco, for a post run kombucha (I kinda would have done anything for a classic Red Dye 40 packed Gatorade, but I was also not willing to expend any more effort than necessary seeking one out in my condition). While I felt bad for myself in my sticky and bloody state, I have to say I've been pretty fortunate to have made it about a year since my last dirt-eating debacle. I can't even mitigate it by saying it was super technical, or a dicey downhill. I was going uphill. There was probably some tiny rock. I'm going to take it as a good omen that I completed my mandatory knee scrape early in the season and that it will again bless the remainder of hot trail runner summer.
Looking back on the absurd trifecta of runs I was lucky enough to get to do, I was reminded of just how awe inspiring running can be - from the bonds we form with those we run with and friends we make along the way, to the absurdity one can witness from the vantage point of the street, to the majesty of the places our feet can take us. No matter the place, no matter the pace, going for a run is always a good idea.
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I posted 3,072 times in 2022
381 posts created (12%)
2,691 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,920 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#friends - 339 posts
#nemo sketches - 260 posts
#my oc - 240 posts
#assassin's creed - 232 posts
#my art - 194 posts
#dorothea starrick - 183 posts
#jacob frye - 174 posts
#references - 146 posts
#assassin's creed syndicate - 136 posts
#dorothea vibes - 123 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#“grumpy emotionally constipated feral kitten will never admit that she loves the way her archnemesis is in love with and devoted to her”
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ubisoft really went for the heart, with that freaking papyrus and the Library of Alexandria, eh?
Swear to the Gods, if I wanted to keep Alexios and Kassandra safe and sound before, now Imma hid them away, snug in a blanket, where nothing will ever hurt them.
Not even the passing of time.
Because dear Gods, all I can imagine now is Alexios taking care of Barnabas in his final years, because Barnabas is just SO FREAKING STUBBORN and would follow him on the Adrestia even if he is too weak and weary to actually travel.
Or I can imagine Kassandra coming back to Greece, years after wandering around, and not recognizing the places she lived the majority of her mortal life. Like, the place is familiar, yet not the same. As if she were a tree whose roots had been cut off, and no matter how much she tries to reconnect to the places of her birth, they are not the same any longer.
They are just landscapes where only the ghosts of her memories live on.
And oh my heart, that made me so incredibly sad.
I am sorry, I will be busy crying my eyes out for the next few hours or so.
If you will excuse me.
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63 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My Gods, the Unity Cinematic Trailers is still SO FREAKING AWESOME after all these years.
Like, the choice of the song along with how the whole scene develop, the choice of having the Baguette Bois, in the end, standing over the parapet and overlooking Paris.
I cannot even start to say HOW MUCH this trailer fires me up, both in the good sense and in the worst sense.
Like, I get all excited by this story they are telling me in this trailer, about the characters and whatnot.
Like, I know I will probably be lynched for this, but I will say it anyway, because it's just an opinion, and have the right to express it.
I would have preferred LESS Arno/Elise content and MORE Baguette Bois content, because I do believe, in my heart of hearts, that we would have been able to see Arno for how Arno was, and not for how Arno was with Elise. (Much like we got to see more of his personality for how it was in the DLC, but again, this is still my opinion, take it as you want it).
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79 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Almost Kiss
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So with the fire still burning bright I wanna gaze into your light If I could see my fortune there You know how flames can hypnotize Do I even dare to speak out your name for fear It sounds like Like a lover
"Cradled in Love" - Poets of the Fall
I was so enamoured with the ask I got this morning by @miss--river, I was literally held hostage by my own brain all day, I HAD TO draw something sweet with Jacob and Dottie being, well...UTTERLY in love with each other (plus, I recently got new brushes for CSP that I was DYING to try, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone).
So here you have the results of me sketching on this warm-up sketch like a maniac. It took me only an hour, so please, be lenient with me in regards to the whole chaotic essence of it all. I went following my emotions and the love for them, rather than focusing on the details and the cleanliness of it all (because if I did, it would have taken me at least a whole day, and I don't have the time for that).
Let me tell you, these two have me in a chokehold, and they don't have any intention of letting me go!!
I just love them and their love, and it makes me SO IMMENSELY happy to portray them being so utterly in love with one another.
Also, I realized, this is the first time I drew an almost kiss for them, and it was ABOUT TIME (I need to draw them kissing fully tho. That needs to be done).
Well, I hope you will like this! <3
95 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
I Don't know if this has been done already, but after playing with AC Origins in the last few days, and after rewatching The Mummy, I FIRMLY believe that Ardeth Bay descends from Bayek of Siwa.
It's a fact.
This gorgeous, brave, kind man,
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descends from this gorgeous, brave, kind man
See the full post
99 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Word Counts: 5036
Warnings: None
SFW, Fluff
Pairing: JacobxDottie
See the full post
117 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sunsfade · 5 months
LAST SUN. I EXPLODE. I AM THE FIRE. I AM THE SEA. pinterest link. the witcher iii : wild hunt. general fantasy universe.
summary: ishtar is a sorceress with a difficult past, involving magic-hating nuns, prophetic dreams, elves, and a dragon egg. however the general public of the continent doesn't really start hearing from her at that time : she is barely more than a kid with big dreams, big eyes, and the weight of a curse on her back. it is later, after the dragon egg has hatched in the manmade wildfire that wiped out her forest and her elven tribe that ishtar makes herself known. they call her dhufeainnewedd. the child of the black sun : the one that niya promised. daughter of lilit & maker of nightmares, the harbinger of death. the deadly rampage she goes on inscribes her name in the big tapestry of the world. even after she settles down, wishing to be nothing more than a sorceress with strange dreams & even stranger habits, people come to find her. yes, they fear her, but they also know her to be intelligent. and so a business is created : they take magical and cursed objects to her, and she "fixes" them. her price? a story, a memory, a future favor. find her cottage near the forest & near the sea, in a swamp where nothing is what it seems.
name: ishtar atta isil (name given by malborn, of the eryri forest) of house siltiama (house she created in order to infiltrate and destroy malbaude's kingdom), born elise le bescond.
titles: child of the black sun (as prophesized) translated to dhufeainnewedd in elder speech.
moral alignment: chaotic neutral, meaning she only follows her whims. she is an individualist, valuing her own liberty without striving to protect others' freedom. she avoids authority, resents restrictions and challenges traditions. a chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy, since she is neither motivated by good (a desire to liberate others) nor evil (a desire to make others suffer). she appears unpredictable, but her behaviour is not totally random. chaotic neutrality represents true freedom from both the urge to do abolute good and from society's restrictions. however, it can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony and order in society.
elise le bescond is born the day the radiant moon swallows the sun, engulfing the earth in darkness / she grows up fated to be a seamstress, like her mother, hands endlessly bloody from the needle that she never quite manages to master / she is five years old the first time anything happens ; light imagined into existence to reassure a sister afraid of the dark / she is six when the first nightmare happens : screams stuck inside of her throat, as she watches skeletal hands grab blonde hair & pull the body behind them, as if it were nothing. elise does not know the woman, but still :  she screams / she is seven the first time she kills something. girl wanders in the forest & forgets about danger. girl climbs the trees and talks to the birds and pretends she has friends, because all the people are scared of her now (the dream left her with scars that mean something, even if no one has been willing to tell her what.  that is what they are afraid of, mama says. mama does not like talking about it) girl tries to go home but looses her way, and it's a wolf that finds her. a thousand times bigger than her. it's going to eat her, she knows it, she can almost feel it ; so it's instinct that takes over, extended hands that dance in the air without any idea of what exactly it is that they draw. she saw it in a dream the night before and so she executes herself, perfect puppet. darts find the wolf ; it falls & dies. ishtar stays there for hours afterward, crying, saying sorry over & over again, as if the bloodthirsty creature would not have taken the chance to sink its teeth into her.
word of the wolf massacre travels fast, as it often does / the girl is deemed monstrous, a demon in the making ; and so mother, who had been loving, and father, who had been protective, decide that their child will be safer away / given to a noble woman who assured them she would get the child to aretuza, elise's goodbyes are muffled by silent cries / the rest is a mess of a dream that comes to life : lifeless body of a women taken away by skeletal hands. awaken in sweat every night, obsessed with the idea that they will never reach their destination. one night, a blind priestess with pointy eyes assuring her that what is found must be lost in order to grow. elise awakes knowing that the end is nigh / and when, later, the dead rise from their graves, and when later, the emaciated fingers tears the noble lady from the small child, elise knows that there is no point in firing shards of light or in praying for gods that have long abandoned her / she runs away / she runs and hides and steals and bites into things that aren't hers but she never lets herself dream of something better / she is ten, at the time, barely old enough to be called alive, still losing her baby teeth, still unsure of her place in the world / and so when she dreams of men under black hoods, hands reaching for lightning, she knows / it takes them more time that they thought, she can feel it in the annoyed tone of their voices, in the slowing of their limbs. they expected her to be an easy catch / but the girl is quick, the girl is smart, the girl has been on her own for most of a year now / still, as the dream prophesized, she is caught : lightning in a bottle, demeritium on her wrists. all that made her her, lost / they keep her in the convent of saint agathe, waiting for stregobor to get words of what they caught / elise, chained, farmished, alone / they want her to talk but all she does is weave terrible fates for them to be burdened with, and so in retaliation they throw fists, keep her awake beyond what is reasonable, cut her hair close to the scalp / by the time they are done with her, no words escape her mouth. she bares her teeth, and awaits for death / she is ten / the priestess' gentle murmur, in a dream : all that is lost can be found and it can grow / the next week, the convent is attacked : men too tall to be human, speaking a language she has never heard before, ears pointy and eyes a strange color / they plan on leaving her behind, she knows, and so she surges forward, shackles still around her wrist. growl deep in her throat, scars on her cheek only proof of what she is when unrestrained.
the giant man with pointy ears says something in a language she does not understand and keeps his sharp weapon against her throat : a threat / she understands it all too well. it is, after all, not the first one thrown at her ; being horrid was sister moguerre's favourite game, and if elise ever got out of a meeting with only a slap on her face, then she was incridibly lucky. after a year, she has learned her lesson :  she says nothing / the older one, all white hair & calm demeanor, introduces himself in rusty common speech as malborne, and demands, who are you? / she replies, no one / they stole everything from her : magic, dignity, she barely remembers who she was before all this. no past, and certainly no future. life before the convent was already terrible ; friends were no friends and she can still feel the bite of the knife in her back. there's nothing for her out there / he asks again, pointing at her cheeks, at the marks marring her skin. what are you? / she says, cursed / he calls it blessing, and with a gesture of his hand, another man with pointy ears open the dimeritium handcuffs / the world is loud, loud, loud, alive again.
the thirteen-year-old human girl enters the mystical forest & never escapes it. (what gets out, years later, isn't human) / the elfs' welcome is not warm but it is less cold than the humans' : she gets a bed, food, and lessons to harness her magic / the little human girl is powerful beyond measue & soon, the forest vibrates with qhaysh ; azyr obscures the sun & she is birthed a second time  (sorceress !) / when her hair grows back, it is white / she learns the language, refusing to use common speech. just like she would call the forest her home land, elder speech feels like a mother tongue discovered late / she never gave them her name, and so they decide to name her ; ishtar atta isil, the sorceress of the heavens. wind picks up when she gets excited & thunderbolts fly over their heads when she is frustrated. the sky is her kingdom & they accept it as such, for the land is theirs / she has been there for almost ten years when the first nightmare happens : fire lapping at her feet like water. she awakes with burns on her ankles & blood running down her nose / when she tells malborne, he gets this sad, resigned look in his eyes / the dreaming only gets worse, even if it does not happen often : the burn marks on her skin are ephemeral, and the blood down her nose is wiped away, but the terror remains / malborne knows what is going to happen and refuses to explain it to her. he does nothing. when she demands an explanation, he tells her that fate runs its course ; they each have a role to play and hers will be to survive the fire. what about theirs!, she screams, and he says nothing / dhufeainnewedd, the blind priestess whispers one day, loneliness is all that fate can weave for you / ishtar makes friends. rielfinter sits behind her every morning & braids her growing hair ; ishtar has never had unbrushed hair in years / dhufeainnewedd, the kind priestess murmurs one day, grief would make a monster of us all / ten years after the first dream, ten years of fearing fire & hearing screams, the sorceress comes back from her day to a burning forest.
she runs through the flames and gets hurt ; ankles burnt. she sees malborne and pleads for him to leave. but it is late, too late, and soon arrows fly from behind the fire. one hits him in the chest / she looks at his body long enough for the men to approach. long enough for them to draw their swords / they kill every elf they can find. when they find the sorceress, a second of hesitation is all it takes : thunder falls from the sky, finding them as surely as would the rain / one of them gets his sword through her flank ; he dies quickly afterward but the deed is done / she remembers pain. she remembers falling on the warm ground, the ashes falling on her face / she remembers crying for the ones who died before her. still, relief washes over her : she will not have to face the aftermath / flames everywhere, blood coating her fingers. heavy lids : the void calls and her answer is a single, shaky breath / she wakes up. she wakes up in another forest. she wakes up somewhere far away. somewhere else.  she wakes up / there are fingers combing through her hair and a gentle voice telling her that everything will be okay. she doesn't want to listen. she doesn't want a tomorrow / she has to wake up eventually. she has to eat & drink & pretend she is alive. the deadly wound becomes a small scar. the deadly wound healed too well / she doesn't remember making a portal to save herself. she is sure she did not / time passes, she heals, but the anger stays, the anger grows.  soon, the anger is all she is. (and what is anger but grief?)
they are dead / malborne, rielfinter, kids & elders, the animals, the trees / burned to the groun / the men came with armors made of metal & destroyed everything to get to the mines. all of this destructions for rocks. diamonds. those ishtar collected & kept safe. those she easily gave away, as a gift and a thank you and a hello / they took everything from her for rocks / and all she remembers : the flames, the burn of it. familiar. expected. her fate was to survive it / ashes & fire around her eyes as she takes her blade and her wand. the dark sun rose in the morning & refuses to set at night : they will have to endure the burn, and they will not know another dawn / the men die quietly, their screams like the crackling of a camp fire. she finds them all, even if it takes days, weeks, months. names given in exchange for a merciful treatment that never comes. she is cruel & they only have themselves to blame. still, they hope. stupid men.
the black sun terrorizes the continent for two decades. hunting men, evil men. taking trinkets & promises as payment / when the sun finally sets, the girl is exhausted. barely more than a ghost. the trees haunt her so she goes to the ocean. the small cottage she does all of her living in is a pityful house.  she refuses to call it home.  hasn't had a home in so long she has forgotten why one would try so desperately to hold on to it. being stuck in one place, once again, feels like imprisonment / noblemen ask impossible questions and she provides enigmatic replies. magic binding against a solution : they all abide by the rules despite them being terribly unfair. no one understands the weight of fate / when she offers free warnings, the people laugh. in another world, we would have called her cassandra, cursed by the sun / she dreams of black wings slitting open the endless sky.  amil, he roars, and she hears mother / she follows the dreams. they are the only ones which do not cause headaches or nosebleeds. she longs for the freedom of flight and the carelessness of this child.
a boat attacked by too many sirens. ishtar offers them a thunderstom : death by electrocution is the worst that could happen to a fish. she watches them fall back into the dark waters / artemisia, captain, offers her the law of surprise ; in her voice, none of the usual fear humans feel upon talking about fate.  what she already has but does not know / in the rest of the boats they were sacking when the sirens attacked, they find a trunk. inside, a dragon egg. as the law demands it, it is now ishtar's / the quest for khairos' birth lasts more than a year : from the ritual to the ingredients to the right day, hour, second. everything demands precision and she is not willing to make compromises / she is hired by artemisia as a mercenary & accompanies them when their quests demand it : there are areas, she explains, that they could not access because of the sirens. but with ishtar around, the obstacles are no longer insurmountable / the ritual happens on an eclipse day. however, the sun does not disappear, pure magic made of qhaysh keeping the sky from being swallowed by darkness. under the light of an impossible sun, the dragon is born. immediately the creature finds its way to his mother & for the first time, she truly hears him murmur amil / as he is no ordinary dragon, he grows up fast : in a few years only, he is taller than a tower and bigger than a fleet of ships. a fire-breathing black dragon, an unique specimen / ishtar hopes to find the opportunity to repay artemisia :  a fulfilled destiny in exchange for this invaluable gift.
eredin's fate is perceived in a dream ; she pays it no mind, for the affairs of elfs & men are no longer her concern. however, it seems that she cannot completely escape destiny : no less than a few weeks later, she has the displeasure of meeting one of his advisors after escaping a village they were raiding. quite fascinated by the magic used, she convinces him (or annoys him into, depending on who you ask) to take her to tir na lia, where she strikes a deal with eredin : she will advise him, her visions surer than any prevision, if in exchange, caranthir teaches her his magic. eredin, having very clearly nothing to lose in the exchange, agrees - but not before she proves to him what she was capable of.  weeks of dreams are uttered, from one failure to the next, a hunt for a girl they always seem to miss. she tells him of his rise to power, a smirk on her lips, for she knows what made him access the throne. with the promise of a kept secret in exchange of knowledge, ishtar begins a new life in tir na lia.
what happens next?:
ishtar works closely with caranthir ar-feiniel, with whom she falls in love. he is doomed & it is a truth she refuses at every turn. in the end, fate takes him where he was meant to go (worse, perhaps, is the truth: he goes willingly. makes the choice for himself, despite ishtar's warnings)
after his death, the state of the world interests her no more. there is no point in avenging a man who chose to die. perhaps if she were to meet face to face with cirilla, anger would flare.
she rejoins the continent, and hides away from prying eyes in the place where she hid first, all those years ago. some are brave enough to contact her. they are cursed, or know of a magical object. they need help and are willing to pay. ishtar cares very little for coin. she asks for stories, memories. takes them from their mind, prevents them from perusing them again. she also accepts secrets, only if they are valuable. she is a collection of moments; convinced she will never have any of her own again, she takes from others. covets what it is that fate will never give her.
time passes. she remains.
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saewokhrisz · 3 years
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my brain is rotting for them.............
i made these a month or two ago so i thought id post them sob
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kxisuke · 3 years
Mori x female reader
Soulmate au
Reader has an ability that lets her inflict pain on someone, either mental, physical or emotional pain.
Reader is also trained in every type of combat and medical knowledge. Fluff to smut plz
Reader is also a mother figure to Elise and her Mori make perfect power couple.
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forever yours
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pairings: mori ougai x fem!reader
summary: life in the port mafia isn't easy, but he'll be by your side forever
warnings: NSFW/smut content ahead! 18+ only, some fluff, strong/vulgar language, blood, gore, death, breeding kink, name calling? creampie, aftercare
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i'm back y'all :D @ravenina14 hope you enjoy this <33 ty for the request!
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Pacing the small space, you watch as the man in front of you collapses on the ground, coughing up blood on the stained concrete. He looks up at you with pleading eyes, pressing his hands together in prayer.
“Please, I’m sorry! I’ll do anything just please stop!” Your jaw hardens in anger at his statement, and he cries out in pain as your ability courses through every part of his body, eventually causing him to fall to the ground again.
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before selling us out.” With one last burst of anger, you hear the crunch of bones as his eyes roll into the back of his head and his lifeless body slumps over. You crouch down and wipe a drop of blood of your boot, smearing it on the dead man’s face.
“Gross.” You mutter under your breath. A knock on the heavy metal door causes you to turn and pull it open. Mori glances between you and the dead man with a proud nod.
“I take it he’s been dealt with?” You nod in reply and the two of you make your way down the dark hallway in the basement.
“Yes. Just as you requested.” Stopping at the top of the stairs, he turns back to you with an innocent smile.
“Then do you want to do something together?” You chuckle and take his hand in yours as you walk towards his office.
“Of course, I was thinking we could take Elise-chan to the market that’s happening at the park. I’ve heard that there’s a bunch of food, little gifts, and even games.” Mori’s face lights up at the mention of your little girl. You’re not Elise’s biological mother, but since you’ve been together with Mori, she’s been like a daughter to you.
“That would be so much fun!! I think she’ll love it!” You can see the visible excitement radiating off him in waves, and can’t help smiling at his enthusiasm.
Opening the large doors and entering his office, your eyes immediately find Elise, who’s lying on the ground with papers and crayons spread around her, quietly drawing. The sound of the doors makes her look up, and her eyes light up when she sees the both of you. Jumping up and running over, she wraps her tiny arms around your waist, burying her head into your coat.
“Hey Elise-chan! Do you want to go to the market with us today? There’ll be lots of games and food.” Elise nearly falls over with excitement, jumping up and down while grabbing your hand.
“Yes, yes, yes! Please, Rintarou, can I go?” He nods with a smile.
“Of course, I’m coming too!” Elise lets out a squeal of happiness and grabs your hand, already dragging you out the door and down to your car.
Arms full of stuffed animals and various snacks, your positive that if any of the other mafia members saw you right now, they would never take you seriously again. Elise is on Mori’s back, head resting on his shoulder, fast asleep. It’s already late—Elise wanted to try every single game and she probably ate more than enough food to feed three people. Loading everything into the car, you drive home, Mori’s hand resting on your thigh as you navigate the streets back to headquarters. You’re as quiet as possible when you take the spoils of the day as well as a passed out Elise to her room, changing her out of her dress and into some pajamas, then tucking her into bed. You kiss her forehead gently and she sighs in her sleep, a small smile appearing on her lips.
“You’re a good mother, y’know.” You turn at the sound of Mori’s voice, a little startled. You both leave the room, shutting the door quietly behind you.
“Thank you, I just want the best for her.” Mori takes your hand and leads you to his bedroom, and you can’t help the cheeky smile that grows on your face with each step.
“I know you do, and that’s why I’m going to show you how much I appreciate it.” The heavy door to his bedroom shuts and locks, and he leads you to his bed before gently pushing you down onto the soft mattress. His lips capture yours in a sweet kiss, and he can’t help his hands that travel over your body, unbuttoning your shirt with ease and removing it, the rest of your clothes as well as his being discarded on the floor. His hands caress every part of your body with love and you let out little gasps when his fingers run across your sensitive spots.
“I love you, y/n.” He kisses each of your cheeks before pushing into you slowly, and you arch your back into the mattress. “So much.”
“M-mori!” Every touch, every movement of his hips, every kiss—is filled with tender passion that seems to erupt fireworks in your heart. You tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging ever so slightly as the pleasure continues to build in your core.
“Mmm, you’re so pretty, you know that?” Mori hums and presses his lips on your skin, leaving small marks across your collarbone. Pecking you once on the lips, he grabs hold of your ankles and switches you into a mating press, his breath quickening and core aching for more, more, MORE of you.
This new position has your mind spinning in circles, every thought leading back to here, to now, and what Mori’s doing to you. The gasps and moans spilling out of your mouth are uncontrollable, he’s hitting every single spot that you love and it’s driving you insane. Mori immediately notices the way your eyebrows draw together and your walls tighten around his cock, and kisses your legs.
“Close, darling? Come on, let it out for me.” His words are enough to tip you over the edge, and he follows seconds after. Letting out a cry that’s quickly silenced by Mori’s lips, you feel his hot load shoot into your womb.
“Ah… you’re going to be such a good mommy, aren’t you?” Your legs tremble slightly at his title, but you nod your spinning head nonetheless.
Cleaning you both up quickly, Mori changes you lovingly into one of his spare t-shirts and a pair of sweats, tucking the large comforter around your form. He presses a loving kiss to your temple as your eyes drift shut into a light sleep.
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Shooting up in bed, realization hits you like a bullet train. The sheets shift next to you, and Mori sits up.
“What’s wrong? Is everything alright?” His voice is still tired, and he rubs his eyes.
“Mori,” your voice drops and you lean closer to him, “what if I’m pregnant?” Worries start to spiral in your mind, every worse possible situation arising.
“What about the mafia? Both of us are fully certified as doctors, but it’s not easy to find a job we can balance…” Mori interrupts your disastrous train of thought by wrapping his arms around you, cradling you close to his chest.
“It’s okay, don’t stress about it, y/n.” Kissing the top of your forehead, he smiles when he feels your body relax. “We already have Elise, and you’re doing an amazing job looking after her like she’s your own daughter. You’ll do awesome, I know for a fact.” He pulls you back down on the bed and you snuggle into his chest.
“Thanks, Mori. That makes me feel a lot better.” Your heart swells at his remarks, and you can’t help but smile.
“Now, can we go back to bed? It’s 2 in the morning and we have lots to do tomorrow.”
“Yes, yes. Of course. But move over a bit, I can’t breathe you’re squeezing me too hard.”
“Oh, my bad. Sorry.”
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years
~Mori x reader~
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(your outfit)
It was a really beautiful morning my mafia boyfriend was sitting in living room sipping his first coffee for today. He looked amazing like always in his mafia boss uniform. I came downstairs looking like a zombie. I was in his t shirt without any shorts or something. Elise was drawing something and i think my lover wouldn't notice me if Elise didn't say "MOMMY GOOD MORNING". I looked at her and hugged. "Good morning sweetheart how was your sleep??" I asked, "It was amazing". "Im glad to hear that baby" after i said that my lover looked at me with smile but after 1 second his smile was gone. "Damn honey you look like zombie" i smiled sarcastic and went to grab some coffee for me, i sat beside him and enjoying my coffee but that was soon gone. "Today port mafia has meeting with ADA..." with that I spited my coffee and ran to room to dress myself, Mori ran with me to room clearly shocked. "What happened!?" I didn't answer just grabed my motobike key, apartment key and my bag, "Love you honey but im in hurry BYEEE!! BYE SWEETHEART SEE YOU LATER!" I said and just heard Elise "BYE MOMMYYY". I drow to Dazai's and my apartment. I ran into my room and started looking for something to wear for meeting. Dazai csme into my room clearly scared. "What happened little one??" I looked at him, "Oh heyy brother i forgot about meeting and slept over Eva's house" He smiled and went to his room to prepare for meeting. We dressed up and he went to meeting spot with his car and i went with motorbike. I was late like always bc idk to be honest. I tried to sneak into meeting but right in the middle of his sentence Fukuzawa talked about me. "Y/n-chan this is important meeting and you are late like always i dont understand how your brother and you came in the same time". All eyes were on me Mori was smiling with Black lizard squad but on the other side Ada was mad. "Im sorry sir it wont happen again" i said but i heard him said to himself "like always". Meeting was over and Gin-chan asked me if i will be today at Mori's office, i panicked Ada was looking at me in shock and i knew Mori did this on purpose. "Mori's office? Y/n what is she talking about!?" Dazai said with anger. "Im dating Mori-san for a couple of months now I wanted to tell you but..." "But you didn't have time bc you were with him all the time, he is that new friend Eva ha!?" Dazai was angry i saw that. "You can't date him Y/n", "WHAT YOU CAN'T TELL WHO I WILL DATE!" I said with anger."Him and port mafia or never talking to me again Y/n" Dazai said and my heart was broken. "You want me to choose??" I said with tears in my eyes, i saw he was serious. I walked to Mori's side "Then i choose them" with that ada were shocked. I walked away and never came backto apartment or ada or ever talked with Dazai. I knew he was protecting me but his reaction was too much, i was mad at Mori for a few days but after that i forgot about everything and right now im sitting in living room and looking at my wedding invitation for Dazai. Mori came to me and sat next to me. "Elise is sleeping so we have our time now" he said that and then looked at me i saw i was looking at invitation "Honey i am pretty sure he is sorry and he was just angry give him that invite ada as well its our day they need to be people you wanted to be" he said that and after little conversation we had our time, next morning i send Dazai and ada invitation for my wedding.
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sweetleaf-cafe · 3 years
Thank you for your request!
TW: Death of Main Character
Dazai walked down the hallways of the Port Mafia base, staring coldly ahead of him he walked away from the torture chamber.
"Hey Dazai~" Called out a familiar voice, Dazai turned to find (y/n) peeking her head around the corner, " What are you doing?" She asked, Dazai put a friendly smile on his face.
"Why, just talking to a friend of ours, that's all," He said brightly. She nodded, walking up to him and swinging an arm around his shoulder rubbed her knuckles on his head.
"Thata boy, getting the job done," She said winking. Dazai smiled childishly and poked her in the side,
"What are you doing?" He asked, she sighed and let her arm drop.
"Well, the boss wanted me to fetch you but since I don't feel like going all the way back up to the top of the building how about rewarding you for your good work, and let's go out somewhere?" She asked.
"Mori-san isn't going to like that," Dazai said
"I know, but since I am Elise-chan's favorite it will be fine. Besides it's not anything suuuuuuper important, let's go." And with that (y/n) dragged him to the front door. Dazai reluctantly went along,
"If Mori-san gets mad it's not my fault, I am blaming you~," He said.
"Fine, whatever, treat your best friend like that then," She said back,
"We are best friends?" Dazai asked
"Dazai! I am offended! Of course, you are like a little brother to me after all" She said messing up his hair. Dazai smirked
"Well, I better play the part then." And with that, he held up (y/n)'s favorite necklace that was on her neck moments before,
"Hey! Why you-" She began and tried to grab the necklace but Dazai dodged her,
"I will only give it back if you pay for the meal," He said dangling the necklace right in front of her, she grumbled and nodded. Dazai laughed evilly, and gave her back the necklace,
"But I get to pick the place to eat then," She said and walked ahead of Dazai. He sighed and wondered how someone so nice and friendly could make it into the mafia.
A couple of months later
Dazai glanced at the paperwork that sat on his desk, he didn't feel like doing anything though. Instead, he thought of ways to prank (y/n), it was hilarious and cute to see her reaction. His phone rang throughout the office, sighing he picked it up,
" Hello?... You want me to see you right now? ...Fine," Dazai sighed again and shut the phone, Mori had called him up to talk to him. As Dazai sat in the elevator he thought about the one conversation he had with you
"So Dazai, do you like anyone~" (y/n) asked him
"Nope, do you~" He asked back, she smiled sadly and shook her head
"I have had my share of bad relationships, I doubt anyone could really love me. You know who we are." She said staring out into the distance, Dazai stared at her. It was the first time she had truly opened up to him, he patted her on the head
"Well I am sure there is someone," He said, (y/n) smiled and gave him a hug.
"Thanks for the comfort."
End of flashback
Now he thought about it, he thought about love. He had seen plenty of couples and such in Yokohama but had never had a desire to be in one. He was still curious about what it was like, and the feeling that he felt inside of him when he was with you. At first, he dismissed it as nothing but over time it happened whenever he was around (y/n). The elevator stopped and Dazai got out, walking into Mori's study, he saw Mori complimenting Elise's drawing. Mori looked up and saw Dazai, clearing his throat he straightened himself up,
"So Dazai-kun, there is something I want to talk to you about."
"Yes, boss?"
"It's about (y/n.)"
Dazai froze and stared right into Mori's eyes.
"What about her," He said, demanding an answer.
"Well, you two have gotten awfully close, and I am sorry to say this, but, in a recent mission she got shot."
"Where is she." It wasn't even a question.
"In a better place, I am sorry. She had in her room, and it was addressed to you,"
Dazai robotically grabbed the letter that was in Mori's hand and turned to walk away.
" I expect you will grieve for a long time, but that doesn't mean you can stop working, Dazai-kun," Mori said and Dazai shut the door, once he got to the roof he opened the letter.
Dear Dazai,
This is a just in case I die thing, so if you find this in my drawer while snooping then PUT IT BACK. If you read on then, I guess I am gone, well, that's weird to think about. There is a lot I want to say to you person to person but that's a smidge bit difficult now that I am in the clouds, so, even though I have had trouble in the past with love and family. I just want to let you know, well, you deserve to know that I saw you more than like a little brother or a friend. I kinda have fallen for you. Before I thought you were just another friend or a companion of darkness I could relate to, but over time I have started to begin to love you. I began to love your jokes, your smiles even if they were fake. And I also loved your dark side, no matter how sad or afraid you were. But I couldn't man up in time I guess to tell you how I felt, I am sorry for leaving you behind. And I am sorry that you will have more paperwork to do, but I just wanted to thank you for letting me be friends with someone who is hilarious and can be caring. My hand is starting to cramp up, so I will end it around here, I am sorry I couldn't tell you how I felt in person. Goodbye, and make sure to stop by my stone sometimes.
(y/n) (l/n)
The paper was splotched with water that fell from Dazai's eyes, he wiped them so he wouldn't ruin the beautiful handwriting. Kissing the paper Dazai mumbled, "I love you too."
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insane-control-room · 3 years
No Right
Doug's heart stops and restarts all in the same instant when he sees her.
warnings: none, mention of desire to murder
themes: hurt/comfort, angst, apologies
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37916191
Doug was not sure what he was expecting.
He was pretty sure his heart stopped beating as he took in the woman, her hair frizzy and wild, like a lion’s mane, and his lips parted to softly say her name.
She looked at him, eyes wide and pupils narrow to take in all the information she could, just like him as he knew the laws of this place; be aware of your surroundings or be killed.
He whispered her name again, his eyes watering and shoulders falling, hands reaching forwards, but legs unmoving at all.
Her gaze was conflicted as she returned the notepad and pen to her pocket. She always carried those, as she never knew when a story could break out that the news station would have wanted. Her eyes darted across his face.
Doug’s voice broke as he said; “Elise.”
Elise finally moved towards him, cautious and slow. Doug dared not do the same. She was a storm; beautiful, powerful, full of rage and somber. Doug inhaled sharply as a tear trickled down his face.
“I’m so sorry,” he choked out. “I was such a horrible person. A worse dad. And an even worse husband.”
Elise was still silent, now only a foot and a half away. Doug wished he could draw her up into his arms and hold, to whisper apologies and beg to know how to repair what he had done. Elise took in a soft breath and closed her eyes, rolling back her shoulders.
“Elise,” Doug murmured, her name like that of an angel’s, forever on his lips. “I’m sorry. For all I’ve done.”
Doug’s head knocked to the side with the force of the slap, his cheek hot and stinging, hurting all the more where they had clashed against his teeth. His eyes watered from the pain, but emotionally; he felt somewhat relieved, because to be ignored or spat upon by Elise would have broken him. Here, he could understand her anger and hurt, and they could work through it.
“You two faced bastard,” Elise hissed. Doug winced. “You smarmy, slimy, son of a bitch.”
“No arguments there,” Doug agreed with her, smiling apologetically, sadly. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying sorry,” Elise snapped. “I know you don’t mean it.”
“I’m here for you and Tammy,” Doug whispered. Elise froze, staring at him. “I regret how I’ve treated you, like you were expendable, like you only wanted me for my money, like you were broken. You weren’t. She wasn’t. I couldn’t appreciate what I had, a fun loving, sweet wife and a sensitive, adoring daughter. I missed you so much. Every day you weren’t by my side has been hell.”
“You don’t get to say that to me,” Elise snarled, grabbing him by his collar and yanking him down to be eye level with her. “You don’t have a right to say that to me.”
“I know,” Doug sadly agreed. “I’m sorry.”
“I told you to stop saying that!” Elise barked. “You don’t mean it!”
“I’m s- I do, I mean it with my whole soul,” Doug promised. Elise glared at him, furious. “I can’t help but say what I wanted to say to you for years.”
Elise’s other hand grasped the back of his head and slammed him down, clashing their mouths together, rough and painful. Doug’s eyes widened before falling shut, a soft moan of pent up emotion slipping from his lips, a word that sounded like Elise. She was not gentle or kind with his mouth, biting his lips and being as rough as possible, the hand in his hair fisting and tugging, and Doug could weep- Elise was here, in his arms, which had wrapped around her without even thinking, and he was kissing her as kindly and lovingly as he could, every inch of her lips worshiped by his own. She could feel the moisture of his tears on her cheeks.
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His hands were unmoving on her back from their general locations, as much as he wanted to grope every bit of her body and claim her as his again, he let her have complete and total control over him. He was groaning her name incessantly, all sorts of emotion clinging to his voice, the pain of hurting her, the love of who she was and what she meant to him, the hope he held for her, the sadness of not expecting any of that to happen ever, neither forgiven nor loved again.
Elise made a frustrated noise and shoved him away as hard as she could. Doug gasped and missed her warmth immediately, but accepted the push, keeping his distance, wishing he could hold her again as she turned her back to him.
“You don’t have the right to make me feel this way,” Elise struggled for air, making Doug regret even this action by her hands. “You can’t. You can’t make me want to forgive you. I should hate you. I should want to kill you. That was the whole point. To have killed you and never met you, so your stupid, handsome face wouldn’t be able to make me forgive you. I should hate you.”
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“I know,” Doug quietly accorded. “But does it make it any better if I say that I’m glad you don’t…?”
She turned to face him, tears lining her own cheeks, and Doug’s heart ached with regret and sympathy, and he slowly, cautiously made his way to her once more, gently cupping her cheeks and brushing away those drops of saline water.
“You’re perfect,” Doug told her, wholehearted and vehement. “You’re not broken. You’re beautiful. You’re incredible. I’m so sorry. I missed you, so much.”
Elise stared at him, cheeks blotchy with anger, mistrust, pain. Doug still wept, as he had been since she had turned to him, and he had seen his wife’s face for the first time in thirty years.
“I missed you, too,” she answered, eyes closed as if she were betraying herself.
Doug could not help but hug her.
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misslilli · 3 years
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. E. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 5 - Happy Birthday, Dana!
[ Felix ]
“Tell me the story again!”
“Suzie, I’ve told you this story a gazillion times already!” The second the recess bell rang, Suzie's all up in my face, begging to be entertained.
“I knowww but inside recess is really boring and this is one of your good stories!” Is she implying that I also have bad stories? No, that can’t be! “Pleeease I wanna hear it again, just one more time!” With nothing better to do, I give in with a sigh, she did say please.
“Alright fine, settle in.” I clear my throat and slip into storytelling mode. “This is the story of February 23rd, we were celebrating the specialest of special women's birthday. It is also the fateful day when I met The Captain for the very first time.”
As you can imagine, I was terribly nervous for a whole week knowing that at the end of it, I’d come face-to-face with the man I’ve heard so many stories about already. Dead set on making a good impression, I’ve spent the majority of our time at Sam’s reading up on ships and sailing and the Navy, anything I could get my hands on.
I wasn’t the only one who was terribly nervous though, I could see it on Dad’s face and overhear it in the conversations with Auntie Sam. A lot of “What if they don’t like me?”s, “What if they think I’m not good enough?”s and “What if I say something stupid?”s. I thought the first two questions are absolutely ridiculous, who in their right mind wouldn’t like my dad, he’s awesome! But I was a little concerned that he might say something stupid, he does that when he’s nervous.
So nervous, in fact, that he cut himself shaving three times and desperately needed Dana’s help with tying his tie. Thankfully, I only had a clip-on and only pretend-shave, to be more like Dad and to not miss out on their conversations in the bathroom. I was proud to say that I managed to dress myself in my bestest suit without incident. Also, I was proud that I didn’t forget to grab Dana’s birthday present before we had to leave for the Beach House, one I’ve picked out and paid for with my own money,
I wasn't nervous at all, okay maybe a tiny bit, until I've counted 18 place settings on the table the three friends have dragged out of the kitchen and into the living room, they've also had to add the table from the deck to make room for 18 people. Eighteen. That's a lot of people to impress and a lot of names to remember.
The first guests to arrive, to my relief, is Missy and her family, who I felt are good to meet right away as they are the least scary people. It went effortlessly well, she gave us all a big hug, the men shook hands and then the girls, Sofia and Elise, dragged me off into Dana's office to play.
"You any good at Uno?," Elise squinted at me and I put on my most innocent expression, I'm not only 'any good', I always win against Dad but I didn't want to brag.
We played Uno for a bit and I let them win a couple of times, so they’ll like me, I’m smart like that.
“Your mom looks really nice!,” I told them, pretending to grumble when I have to draw 4.
“Missy? Yeah she’s great, but she’s not our real mom. Our real mom, she … died when we were very little.” Oh dear, that’s terrible, I never know what to say when people tell me stuff like that, except an awkward “I’m sorry to hear that!”
“It’s okay, she’s in heaven now and watches over us so no bad things happen to us!,” Sofia shrugged and I was impressed, a guardian angel, that’s kind of cool. But I still made a mental note to hug my mom a little extra tight next time I see her.
“Guys, you better come say hello, Grandma and Grandpa are here!”
Uno cards flying, the girls scrambled to their feet, smoothed out their dresses and hairdo and I followed their obediently slow walk out into the living room.
Suddenly terribly nervous again, I hid behind Dad’s legs and peeked around them just a bit to watch the girls shake their Grandpa’s hand with a “Hello, Sir!” - weird - and receive their warm hugs from their Grandma.
“Fox Mulder, nice to meet you, Sir!,” Dad’s voice was unnaturally high and I swear I felt him wince at the handshake the Captain gave him. “Nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Scully!”
Definitely not as stiff and stern as her husband, Mrs. Scully also gave Dad a hug he awkwardly returns and uh-oh, it was my turn now.
“I heard there’s a smart little boy around here somewhere, I’d very much like to meet! Where did you hide him?” She’s just like her daughter, kind, warm voice and everything.
“Oh no, I think we forgot him at home!” Dad made such a show of looking around for me, I couldn’t help but giggle and give up my hiding spot.
"Dad you're so silly, I'm right here! Hi Mrs. Scully, I'm Felix!" Beaming up at her, I wasn't sure what to do with myself, do I shake her hand? Hug her? Maybe a little early for a hug.
"Oh my, aren't you handsome, in your suit and matching tie! Please, call me Maggie!" I noticed right away that she doesn't look too much like Dana, except for her eyes that wrinkled a little more when she smiled down at me and her hand on my cheek was so grandmotherly and sweet, I'm instantly in love with her.
After a deep breath and Dad's hands on my shoulder for extra courage and to calm my hammering heart, I turned to face the Captain, back straight, head held high like I've practiced countless times at home.
"Good evening, Captain!" Heels together, hand raised in a salute, I solemnly recited the greeting I've carefully crafted in my head beforehand. "Seaman Recruit Felix reporting to duty, Sir!"
The raised eyebrow and the sharp nose down which he looked at me are so familiar, I almost break my salute with giggles. Nope, don't laugh now, Felix!
He cleared his throat, straightens up a bit himself and reached out a hand to readjust my salute that he apparently deemed too sloppy.
"Look at that, a Seaman Recruit. Alright, hand flat, thumb not tucked in, fingertips at your eyebrows, don't show me your palm. There you go, that's a proper salute." I could only stare at him wide-eyed and open-mouthed, oh crap on a stick, have I blown it already? "At ease, Seaman Recruit! That means you can relax and sit down, Felix!," he added the explanation for me with a little wink that gave me the courage to ask about something else I've noticed on our way to the table.
"Can I ask you something, Sir?" Head tilted, I peer up at his balding head curiously. "Did you forget your Captain's hat?"
I could tell he doesn't break into a smile often and it was really really tiny, but it was definitely there for a split second before the stern look appeared again.
"I don't wear my Captain's hat or my uniform to an informal dinner, Felix - that's for special occasions only!" I snort in my head, I can't imagine a more special occasion than celebrating Dana's birthday, but okay.
"Mhkay…Maybe you can show me one day?," I asked him hopefully, adding a "Sir?" to my question I knew he'd appreciate.
All of a sudden, we were just about ready to sit down, the front door burst open so loudly, it all startled us and made us turn our heads towards the commotion. Mouth hanging open, I slid into my seat slowly to see what was going to happen next.
"Hold onto your hats family and friends, the favorite, coolest Scully is here!" Arms thrown out wide, the entrance the youngest brother made is impressive even to me, who knows a thing or to about making an appearance. He strode over to Dana and Dad, swooped up his surprised sister in a crushing hug and planted a sound, wet smack on her cheek. "Happy birthday, sis!"
He also grabbed and shook Dad's hand so violently, I was a bit scared for Dad's arm. "Good to meet you man, I've heard so much about you!"
His friend Pete's introduction was a lot quieter and gentler on the arm and Charlie only gives a wide wave to the rest of the family instead of a proper greeting.
"Hello everyone, are we ready to eat, I'm starving! Hey new kid, this seat taken?" Before I could answer, he had already flopped down onto the chair next to me, so now I was wedged between Mrs. Please-call-me-Maggie Scully and Cool Charlie.
"I'm not 'new kid', my name's Felix!," I told him with an air of importance, trying to mimic his cool nonchalance.
"Well, New-Kid-Felix, do you know what one has to do to get some dinner around here?" He threw a pointed look at his sister down the table, who rolled her eyes at him and deferred him to Holly, Sarah and Alex. Instead of a birthday present, the friends play waitresses for each other at birthday parties so the birthday girl can enjoy her evening.
During dinner, I entertained Cool Charlie and his friend Pete with the skills I've acquired over the past week, they give me the toughest words they can find to spell out with the phonetic alphabet.
"So Mr. Mulder, Dana tells me you work for the FBI?" Mrs. Maggie leaned forward during dinner, to address Dad across the table, who quickly swallows his steak bite with a nod. This was a good move, Dad loves talking about his job and it's really interesting too, what he has to say! By now, he had everyone's attention.
"Yes Mrs. Scully, I'm a profiler, I work closely with the guys up at the Boston Field Office."
"You're some sort of fancy head shrinker for the Feds then?" Mean-Brother-Bill joined the conversation and I turned my attention to them fully now, fists balled under the table thinking 'I swear, if he's mean to Dad, I'm going to… no idea what, something!'
"No, I'm not a therapist, if that's what you mean. I try to put myself into an offender's mind to get an idea of who they are and to help the Agents predict their next move." Dad was surprisingly calm and explained it to Mean-Brother-Bill as if he's five years old. You go Dad!
"Oh, so you're a psychic, too?" I gritted my teeth at Mean-Brother-Bill's sneering condescension, I think he's adopted, he absolutely can not be related to Dana, who only placed her hand over Dad's, to calm him down or to keep herself from stabbing her brother with a fork, I wasn't sure.
"Finding human behavior patterns and predicting their next move has nothing to do with being psychic, Sir.," Dad replied cooly but there's a twitch in his jaw I'm very familiar with, he always gets it when he's mad at me but doesn't want to show it. "But it is hard work and quite emotionally draining to put oneself into the mind of a psychopath."
"I bet it is hard work, sitting at your desk thinking yourself into the head of the scum at the bottom of the earth's shoe in your little office while we're out there fighting for our country!"
"That's enough, William Junior!" My anger was burning a hole through my stomach, I was just about to open my mouth when the Captain's palm-down slap onto the table made the glasses clink. His booming voice sent a startle through everyone, we all froze, forks and glasses mid-way to our mouths, including Mean-Brother-Bill. Who bristled at being scolded by his father at his age but shut his mouth into a thin line.
"Yeah, William Junior, stop being a giant asshat, we're trying to have a nice dinner here!," Cool Charlie piped up from next to me to diffuse the situation. "Felix here can spell Federal Bureau of Investigation perfectly, show them little man!" This is my moment to shine and to impress the Captain all at the same time, awesome!
"Uh huh! Foxtrot, Echo, Delta, Echo…" Wriggled to full height in my chair, I'm never one to pass up an opportunity to be the center of attention and show off my skills.
Emboldened by the praise I've received when I end with November and a flourish, I slid out of my chair and sidled up to the Captain slowly.
"Excuse me while I… ooh careful of the glass…lemme just.." Careful not to tip over any glasses on my climb onto the surprised Captain's lap, I was absolutely ready to tell the story I've been rehearsing. "Sir, do you know the story of the Carpatia? I just read about it this week and I have to tell you about it! It's an awesome story!"
"Oh dear God, Felix…," Dad groaned quietly into the hand passing over his face but I was on a roll and I had the Captain's full attention. The story of the Carpatia, the ship that went out of its way to rush to save the sinking Titanic's survivors, is actually just as interesting as the Titanic's and not many people know what happened back then.
"… and did you know that they went so far above the speed the ship was built for, the Chief Engineer hung his hat over the main pressure gauge so no-one - including himself - could see how far its needle was into the red! Isn't that so interesting?"
The Captain nodded all through my story, he doesn't smile but I could tell he was listening very closely and I got a little rush of excitement when he sincerely thanked me for the story - he'll tell it to his Navy buddies at their next get-together - before he sent me back to my place.
The rest of the evening was just a blur of "Happy Birthday, dear Dana!" and birthday cake and games and then it was finally time for presents. Lightning fast and unable to wait any longer, I raced out into the foyer to dig my carefully wrapped present out underneath my pajamas in my overnight bag and placed it into Dana's outstretched hands.
"I know it's really small but I picked it out myself and I paid for it with my own money!," I told her proudly, leaned into her side to watch closely as she unwrapped it far too slowly for my liking.
My heart was beating so fast in my puffed out chest as I watched her pull out the bag tag that has Mickey's hands forming a heart on it with a rainbow inside. When I saw it, I knew it was the perfect gift and I just had to get it. I hoped it shows how special she is to me, I don't spend my hard-earned pocket-money on just anyone!
"Ooh… thank you Felix, it's very beautiful! You know how I love Mickey and Rainbows!"
"It's for when you come with us next time! Happy Birthday, Dana!" My birthday wishes came out a little mumbled, cheek squished together from the kiss I get as a reward for my present.
She also absolutely loved the goofy gift Dad got for her, laughing at the T-Shirt that says "Hogwarts wasn't hiring so I'm teaching Muggles instead!" so she doesn't always have to steal his shirts to sleep.
"Two minutes left, kids!," Miss Anderson's voice drifts into the story but I shake it off, I'm not done yet and turn back to Suzie to tell the rest of my tale.
"Personally, I think he could've gone for something more romantic but eh, we can't all be good gift givers, right? Why he didn't get her the matching pajama set for all of us that I suggested, to show that we belong together, I'll never know… Next time we're at Disney, I'll talk them into buying it, that's for sure!
I was dead on my feet by the time the guests said their goodbyes, exhausted from meeting all these new people, some nice, some awesome, some cool and some very mean and-" The recess bell brings my story to an abrupt end and I quickly finish it with "And this was the story of how I met The Captain, thank you for your attention!"
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